forked from metin2/client

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/* Copyright (C) John W. Ratcliff, 2001.
* All rights reserved worldwide.
* This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
* warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into
* applications you distribute provided that the copyright text
* below is included in the resulting source code, for example:
* "Portions Copyright (C) John W. Ratcliff, 2001"
#pragma once
/** SPHEREPACK.H: Contains all of the support code for Sphere Trees. */
/** */
/** Written by John W. Ratcliff jratcliff@att.net */
#include <assert.h>
#include "vector.h" // need 3d vector support.
#include "pool.h" // need memory pool template class.
#include "sphere.h" // Need sphere base class.
#include "frustum.h" // Need to know what a frustum is.
#define DEMO 0// true if running in windows test app
enum SpherePackFlag
SPF_SUPERSPHERE =(1<<0), // this is a supersphere, allocated and deleted by us
SPF_ROOT_TREE =(1<<1), // member of the root tree
SPF_LEAF_TREE =(1<<2), // member of the leaf node tree
SPF_ROOTNODE =(1<<3), // this is the root node
SPF_RECOMPUTE =(1<<4), // needs recomputed bounding sphere
SPF_INTEGRATE =(1<<5), // needs to be reintegrated into tree
// Frame-to-frame view frustum status. Only does callbacks when a
// state change occurs.
SPF_HIDDEN =(1<<6), // outside of view frustum
SPF_PARTIAL =(1<<7), // partially inside view frustum
SPF_INSIDE =(1<<8) // completely inside view frustum
class SpherePackFactory; // forward reference the factory.
class SpherePack; // forward reference the sphere package
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
// Virtual base class, used to implement callbacks for RayTracing,
// range testing, and frustum culling.
class SpherePackCallback
SpherePackCallback() {}
virtual ~SpherePackCallback() {}
virtual void VisibilityCallback(const Frustum &f, // frustum clipped against
SpherePack *sphere, // leaf node sphere in question
ViewState state) // new state it is in.
virtual void RayTraceCallback(const Vector3d &p1, // source pos of ray
const Vector3d &dir, // direction of ray
float distance, // distance of ray
const Vector3d &sect, // intersection location
SpherePack *sphere) // sphere ray hit
virtual void RangeTestCallback(const Vector3d &searchpos, // position we are performing range test against.
float distance, // squared distance we are range searching against.
SpherePack *sphere,
ViewState state) // sphere within range, VS_PARTIAL if sphere straddles range test
virtual void PointTest2dCallback(const Vector3d &searchpos, // position we are performing range test against.
SpherePack *sphere,
ViewState state) // sphere within range, VS_PARTIAL if sphere straddles range test
#pragma warning(pop)
class SpherePack : public Sphere
mUserData = 0; // default user data is null
mFactory = 0; // factory we are a member of
mNext = 0; // linked list pointers
mPrevious = 0;
mParent = 0;
mNextSibling = 0; // our brothers and sisters at this level.
mPrevSibling = 0;
mChildren = 0; // our children.
mChildCount = 0; // number of children we have.
mFifo1 = 0; // our FIFO1 location if we have one.
mFifo2 = 0; // our FIFO2 location if we have one.
SetRadius(0); // default radius
mCenter.Set(0,0,0); // default center position.
IS_SPHERE = false;
virtual ~SpherePack()
void Init(SpherePackFactory *factory, // factory we belong to
const Vector3d &pos, // center of sphere
float radius, // radius of sphere
void *userdata, bool isSphere) // user data
IS_SPHERE = isSphere;
mUserData = userdata;
mParent = 0;
mNextSibling = 0;
mPrevSibling = 0;
mFlags = 0;
mFifo1 = 0;
mFifo2 = 0;
mFactory = factory;
mCenter = pos;
// Access to SpherePack bit flags.
void SetSpherePackFlag(SpherePackFlag flag) { mFlags|=flag; };
void ClearSpherePackFlag(SpherePackFlag flag) { mFlags&=~flag; };
bool HasSpherePackFlag(SpherePackFlag flag) const
if ( mFlags & flag ) return true;
return false;
void SetParent(SpherePack *pack) { mParent = pack; };
SpherePack * GetParent(void) const { return mParent; };
// Sphere has a new position.
inline void NewPos(const Vector3d &pos);
// Sphere has a new position and radius
inline void NewPosRadius(const Vector3d &pos,float radius);
void Unlink(void)
if ( mFifo1 ) // if we belong to fifo1, null us out
*mFifo1 = 0;
mFifo1 = 0;
if ( mFifo2 ) // if we belong to fifo2, null us out
*mFifo2 = 0;
mFifo2 = 0;
if ( mParent ) mParent->LostChild(this);
assert( !mChildren ); // can't unlink guys with children!
mParent = 0; // got no father anymore
void AddChild(SpherePack *pack)
SpherePack *my_child = mChildren;
mChildren = pack; // new head of list
pack->SetNextSibling(my_child); // his next is my old next
pack->SetPrevSibling(0); // at head of list, no previous
if ( my_child ) my_child->SetPrevSibling(pack); // previous now this..
#if defined(_DEBUG)
float dist = DistanceSquared(pack);
float radius = sqrtf(dist) + pack->GetRadius();
assert( radius <= GetRadius()+0.0001f );
void SetNextSibling(SpherePack *child) { mNextSibling = child; }
void SetPrevSibling(SpherePack *child) { mPrevSibling = child; }
SpherePack * _GetNextSibling(void) const
return mNextSibling;
SpherePack * _GetPrevSibling(void) const
return mPrevSibling;
SpherePack * GetChildren(void) const { return mChildren; }
SpherePack * GetNext(void) const { return mNext; };
SpherePack * GetPrevious(void) const { return mPrevious; };
void SetNext(SpherePack *pack) { mNext = pack; };
void SetPrevious(SpherePack *pack) { mPrevious = pack; };
void * GetUserData(void) const { return mUserData; };
void SetUserData(void *data, bool isSphere) { mUserData = data; IS_SPHERE=isSphere;};
float DistanceSquared(const SpherePack *pack) const { return mCenter.DistanceSq( pack->mCenter ); };
inline void LostChild(SpherePack *pack);
const Vector3d& GetPos(void) const { return mCenter; };
inline void Render(unsigned int color);
inline bool Recompute(float gravy);
int GetChildCount(void) const { return mChildCount; };
#if DEMO
void SetColor(unsigned int color) { mColor = color; };
unsigned int GetColor(void) const { return mColor; };
void SetFifo1(SpherePack **fifo)
mFifo1 = fifo;
void SetFifo2(SpherePack **fifo)
mFifo2 = fifo;
void ComputeBindingDistance(SpherePack *parent)
mBindingDistance = parent->GetRadius() - GetRadius();
if ( mBindingDistance <= 0 )
mBindingDistance = 0;
void VisibilityTest(const Frustum &f,
SpherePackCallback *callback,
ViewState state);
void RayTrace(const Vector3d &p1, // origin of Ray
const Vector3d &dir, // direction of Ray
float distance, // length of ray.
SpherePackCallback *callback);
void RangeTest(const Vector3d &p,
float distance,
SpherePackCallback *callback,
ViewState state);
void PointTest2d(const Vector3d &p,
SpherePackCallback *callback,
ViewState state);
void Reset(void);
SpherePack *mNext;
SpherePack *mPrevious; // used by pool memory management linked list code
SpherePack *mParent;
SpherePack *mChildren; // *my* children
SpherePack *mNextSibling; // doubly linked list of my brothers
SpherePack *mPrevSibling; // and sisters
SpherePack **mFifo1; // address of location inside of fifo1
SpherePack **mFifo2; // address of location inside of fifo2
long mFlags; // my bit flags.
long mChildCount; // number of children
float mBindingDistance;
void *mUserData;
SpherePackFactory *mFactory; // the factory we are a member of.
#if DEMO
unsigned long mColor;
class SpherePackFifo
SpherePackFifo(int fifosize)
mCount = 0;
mSP = 0;
mBottom = 0;
mFifoSize = fifosize;
mFifo = new SpherePack *[mFifoSize];
virtual ~SpherePackFifo(void)
delete [] mFifo;
SpherePack ** Push(SpherePack *sphere)
SpherePack **ret = &mFifo[mSP];
mFifo[mSP] = sphere;
if ( mSP == mFifoSize ) mSP = 0;
return ret;
SpherePack * Pop(void)
while ( mSP != mBottom )
SpherePack *ret = mFifo[mBottom];
if ( mBottom == mFifoSize ) mBottom = 0;
if ( ret ) return ret;
return 0;
bool Flush(SpherePack *pack)
if ( mSP == mBottom ) return false;
int i = mBottom;
while ( i != mSP )
if ( mFifo[i] == pack )
mFifo[i] = 0;
return true;
if ( i == mFifoSize ) i = 0;
return false;
int GetCount(void) const { return mCount; };
int mCount;
int mSP; // stack pointer
int mBottom;
int mFifoSize;
SpherePack **mFifo;
class SpherePackFactory : public SpherePackCallback
SpherePackFactory(int maxspheres,
float rootsize,
float leafsize,
float gravy);
virtual ~SpherePackFactory(void);
void Process(void);
SpherePack *AddSphere_(const Vector3d &pos,
float radius,
void *userdata,
bool isSphere,
int flags=SPF_LEAF_TREE);
void AddIntegrate(SpherePack *pack); // add to the integration FIFO
void AddRecompute(SpherePack *recompute); // add to the recomputation (balancing) FIFO.
void Integrate(SpherePack *pack,SpherePack *supersphere,float node_size);
void Render(void);
void Remove(SpherePack *pack);
// see if any other spheres are contained within this one, if so
// collapse them and inherit their children.
#if DEMO
unsigned int GetColor(void);
void FrustumTest(const Frustum &f,SpherePackCallback *callback);
void RayTrace(const Vector3d &p1, // source
const Vector3d &p2, // dest
SpherePackCallback *callback);
void RangeTest(const Vector3d &center,float radius,SpherePackCallback *callback);
void PointTest2d(const Vector3d &center, SpherePackCallback *callback);
virtual void RayTraceCallback(const Vector3d &p1, // source pos of ray
const Vector3d &dir, // direction of ray
float distance, // distance of ray
const Vector3d &sect, // intersection location
SpherePack *sphere);
virtual void RangeTestCallback(const Vector3d &p,float distance,SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state);
virtual void PointTest2dCallback(const Vector3d &p, SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state);
virtual void VisibilityCallback(const Frustum &f,SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state);
void Reset(void);
SpherePack *mRoot; // 1024x1024 root node of all active spheres.
SpherePack *mLeaf; // 1024x1024 root node of all active spheres.
SpherePackCallback *mCallback;
Pool< SpherePack > mSpheres; // all spheres possibly represented.
SpherePackFifo *mIntegrate; // integration fifo
SpherePackFifo *mRecompute; // recomputation fifo
#if DEMO
#define MAXCOLORS 12
int mColorCount;
unsigned int mColors[MAXCOLORS];
float mMaxRootSize; // maximum size of a root node supersphere
float mMaxLeafSize; // maximum size of the leaf node supersphere
float mSuperSphereGravy; // binding distance gravy.
//*** Source code placed in header file so that it will be inlined!
void SpherePack::NewPos(const Vector3d &pos)
mCenter = pos; // set our new center position.
// is we have a parent (meaning we are a valid leaf node) and we have not already been flagged for re-integration, then.....
if (mParent && !HasSpherePackFlag(SPF_INTEGRATE))
float dist = DistanceSquared(mParent); // compute squared distance to our parent.
if (dist >= mBindingDistance) // if that exceeds our binding distance...
// If our parent, is not already marked to be recomputed (rebalance the sphere), then add him to the recomputation fifo.
// Unlink ourselves from the parent sphere and place ourselves into the root node.
mFactory->AddIntegrate(this); // add ourselves to the re-integration fifo.
void SpherePack::NewPosRadius(const Vector3d &pos,float radius)
// New position and, possibly, a new radius.
mCenter = pos;
if (mParent && !HasSpherePackFlag(SPF_INTEGRATE))
if (radius != GetRadius())
float dist = DistanceSquared(mParent);
if (dist >= mBindingDistance)