diff --git a/bin_original/20110915_ymir_item_proto b/bin_original/20110915_ymir_item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 0ddbaf57..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/20110915_ymir_item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/936SkillDesc.log b/bin_original/936SkillDesc.log deleted file mode 100644 index 3a1fef82..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/936SkillDesc.log and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/936SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/936SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index bf0f4bb6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/936SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 三连斩 快风斩 虎啸风声 以闪电般的速度连续攻击多次,对前方敌人造成巨大伤害 前方范围攻击三次 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 4 34 64 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.3*MinATK + 0.5*STR + MinWEP)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.3*MaxATK + 0.5*STR + MaxWEP)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 火焰旋 真炎斩 龙吟裂天 将力量贯注在剑身上,以旋转的方式攻击周围的敌人,产生伤害 前进范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 16 46 76 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MinWEP) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MaxWEP) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 战魂 金刚怒 破釜沉舟 做为勇士将以牺牲防御为代价来提升可怕的攻击力 提高攻击速度 增加移动速度 受攻击伤害 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 12 42 72 攻击速度 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 移动速度 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint 受攻击伤害 %.0f%% 80 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 剑气 藏心剑 身剑合一 将真气灌注于武器之上发挥极致威力,产生可怕的伤害 只适用于近身攻击 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 7 37 67 攻击力 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 猛杀 岩碎 石破天惊 使用坚实的身体,快速靠近敌人并猛击对方,产生巨大伤害 突击范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CHARGE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 11 41 71 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR 飘叶斩 断月波 八风夜雨 飘曳一般快速划出一道弧光,将敌人撕裂 前方范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 5 35 65 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + STR + 3*MinWEP + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + STR + 3*MaxWEP + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 跳斩 虎跃 龙翔九天 集全身之量于兵刃上,高高跃起,劈向前方,使敌人受到猛烈的攻击 直线范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 3 33 63 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*MinWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*MaxWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 震撼 狮吼 盘古镇天 运起周身真气,产生巨大气流,对周围敌人造成伤害的同时将他们震飞 原地范围攻击 一定概率产生击晕的效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 1 31 61 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint 晕击概率 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 千斤坠 铁布衫 固若金汤 瞬间提升防御力,到达一定等级后将稳如泰山,任何猛烈的攻击都无法被打倒。 提升防御力 降低移动速度 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 10 40 70 防御力 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.5*con)*k 移动速度 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 剑风 斩气诀 剑气冲霄 快速挥动手中武器产生强大的气流,以迅雷不及掩耳之势打击敌人 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击晕效果 击飞敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 17 47 77 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + 3*(dex + str + MinWEP))*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + 3*(dex + str + MaxWEP))*k 晕击概率 %.0f (100+k*1000/6)/10 -31 ASSASSIN 暗袭 隐击 流光诛仙 隐藏自己的行踪,靠近敌人背后,给予致命一击,产生伤害 后方偷袭时提升攻击力 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 2 32 62 攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (minatk + 500 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k maxatk + (maxatk + 700 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k -32 ASSASSIN 魅影 无影剑 乱影降魔 凭借灵敏的身手,快速接近敌人并给对方以致命一击,防不胜防 瞬间移动攻击 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 0 30 60 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6*minatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k) (maxatk + (1.6*maxatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k) -33 ASSASSIN 乾坤旋 舞轮斩 覆雨翻云 倒转身形,以快速旋转的攻击方式攻击敌人,同时得以逃脱。 逃脱时范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 6 36 66 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MinWEP*3)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MaxWEP*3)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 隐身 千变术 遮天避日 隐藏自己的身形,令敌人无法察觉,更加发挥背后攻击的威力 攻击时解除 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 8 38 68 追加伤害值 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 毒雾 碧磷烟 含沙射影 在自己周围制造一片浓密的毒雾,任何靠近它的敌人都难免受到毒的侵袭 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 13 43 73 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(2*minatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k lv*2+(2*maxatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 40*k 中毒时间 %.0f秒 5+25*k -46 ASSASSIN 连射 贯日箭 气贯长虹 聚集自身的力量,对同一个敌人连续发出多支威力巨大的弩箭,持续造成伤害 远程攻击 多次攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 1 31 61 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+(dex*4 + MinWEP)*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+(dex*4 + MaxWEP)*ar) *k 射%.0f支箭 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 乱箭 雨针箭 千蜂锐刺 一次射出多支弩箭,对前方敌人产生多处伤害,令敌人无法躲避 远程攻击 同时攻击多个对象 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 5 35 65 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 攻击力 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (minatk + dex + str + 0.5*MinWEP)*k maxatk + (maxatk + dex + str + 0.5*MaxWEP)*k 最大可以攻击%.0f名 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 怒箭 武力箭 神武镇天 箭矢上带有火焰,并贯以强大的力量,灼烧敌人的同时给予伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 10 40 70 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.3*minatk)*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.3*maxatk + 100)*k -49 ASSASSIN 轻功 神行 踏雪无痕 身轻如燕,可快速的行走,远离敌人的攻击。 提高移动速度 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gyeonggong 3 33 63 移动速度 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 毒箭 蚀骨箭 追魂夺命 箭矢上涂有剧毒,无人能解,使敌人中箭的同时受到毒的侵蚀 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击飞敌人 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 15 45 75 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + dex*2 + str + MinWEP)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 100 + dex*2 + str + MaxWEP)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 80*k 中毒时间 %.0f秒 15+30*k -61 SURA 碎灵指 裂仙爪 天崩地裂 发挥魔指的强大力量,有碎岩切山之力,引起强烈的爆炸,攻击敌人 前方范围攻击 无视对方防御效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 11 41 71 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MinWEP) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MaxWEP) * k 忽视对方防御概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 龙卷波 旋风阵 狂神诛仙 借助魔王的力量,召唤猛烈的龙卷风,给周围造成巨大伤害 原地范围攻击 无视对方闪避效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 16 46 76 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.1*minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + 3*MinWEP + iq*6) * k 1.1*maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + 3*MaxWEP + iq*6) * k 忽视对方闪避概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 剑魔 斩灵剑 屠龙在天 将黑暗的力量贯注于武器中,使它发挥灵气,以增强伤害 近身物理攻击发挥作用 随智力增加伤害 吸血攻击 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 5 35 65 攻击力 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13) * k 把 %.0f%% 伤害值转换成吸收生命力 10*k -64 SURA 恐惧 血祭 叱炼狂魔 让敌人感到极度的恐惧,丧失各项能力,变得更加脆弱 降低对方攻击力 对方攻击失败概率增加 受伤害的时候适用 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gongpo 3 33 63 相对攻击力 -%.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint 使对方攻击失败概率 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 噬体 魂盾 天魔附体 呼唤魔王的黑暗盔甲,围绕周身保护自己不受侵害 受到伤害时反射一部分伤害 提高防御力 随智力增加伤害 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE jumagap 6 36 66 防御力 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 物理攻击反射概率 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 驱散 散元术 腐骨销魂 用邪恶的咒语来诅咒敌人,驱散敌人身上的辅助性魔法 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 驱除对方辅助法术 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 10 40 70 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 消除辅助效果概率 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 魔灵 鬼怨 夺魂摄魄 从地狱中吸取怨气,集结成黑暗力量给对方造成伤害 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 1 31 61 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k -77 SURA 黑龙咒 狱龙魄 魔龙噬天 从邪恶守护者黑龙体内爆发强烈的火焰,焚烧周围的敌人 原地范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 47 77 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180)*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200)*k -78 SURA 魂灵 魔焰 狱火焚烧 忠诚而邪恶的魔灵,守护着主人,将攻击所有靠近主人的敌人 远程攻击 任意选择攻击对象 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 15 45 75 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 黑魔咒 御魂术 天哭地泣 瞬间爆发黑暗力量,产生阻挡一切的气流,在消耗大量精力的同时保护自己 精力值代替生命值受到的伤害 提高防御力 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 2 32 62 伤害值衰减率 %.0f%% (15 + iq*0.5)*k 防御力 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 束缚 困身 寸步难行 运用恶魔的力量控制丛生的荆棘,对敌人造成影响,降低对方的移动速度 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 移动速度减慢 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 9 39 69 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 缓慢概率 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 缓慢时间 : %.0f 10 + (10 * SkillPoint) -81 SURA 旋魔 血玲珑 乾坤黯然 凌空跃起,将手中的邪恶力量聚集成一道黑色漩涡丢出,攻击远处的敌人 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 7 37 67 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 灵光 归元波 五彩云霞 聚集天地间的灵气形成五彩光球,给周围的敌人造成巨大的冲击 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 0 30 60 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*minmtk+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*maxmtk+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 龙影 龙吟 潜龙傲天 祈祷神龙的保护,在身边浮现出多只龙神的影子,保护自己的同时攻击敌人 直线范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 5 35 65 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*minmtk + 120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*maxmtk + 120)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 持续火焰攻击力 %.0f lv+5*iq *k -93 SHAMAN 龙咒 龙啸 千龙摆尾 听到召唤的神龙,借助元神的强大力量,吞噬所有敌人 原地范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 6 36 66 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*minmtk+100)*ar*k 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*maxmtk+100)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 持续火焰攻击力 %.0f lv+5*iq *k -94 SHAMAN 结界 天壁 真龙护体 使用龙鳞组成的护甲带有极强的防御力,使得受护者更加安全 抵抗物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 34 64 物理攻击抵抗 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 倒影阵 水镜阵 天罡正气 如镜一般的护盾保护着使用者,将反弹敌人的攻击,不受伤害 反射物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 14 44 74 物理攻击反射概率 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 凝神 天龙魂 龙神圣威 借助龙神的力量与斗志,增强自身的攻击力 致命攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 12 42 72 致命打击概率 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 落雷 惊天雷 电闪雷鸣 神女借助天神的威力,给予敌人强大的电击伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 23 53 83 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*minmtk+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*maxmtk+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 劈雷 燎闪 晴天霹雳 雷神的守护给予神女强大的支配能力,使其具有强大的雷电攻击能力 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 击晕效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 47 77 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 3*lv + (3*iq+12*mtk+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (3*iq+12*maxmtk+iq*16)*ar*k 晕击概率 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 暴雷 怒天雷 五雷轰顶 飞箭一般的雷电,不断穿梭于敌人之中,由此产生持久的的伤害 远程攻击 电属性 连续攻击周边敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 7 37 67 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmtk+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 光浴 光神 佛光普照 大地之母给予使用者更多的精力来帮助恢复生命,免除死亡的威胁 恢复生命力 恢复异常状态 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 2 32 62 生命力恢复 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmtk+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*k 恢复异常状态概率 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 飘仙 轻衣 飘渺踏云 乘风而飘,如同仙履,增加移动速度 提高移动速度 减少诅咒时间 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 9 39 69 移动速度 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 释放速度 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 神曲 强魄术 魂雷圣体 犹如神韵,激发潜能,产生更大的爆发力,提高对敌人的伤害 提高基本攻击力 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 29 59 89 攻击力 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 统帅 提升领导能力,提高组队效率 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 招式 增加招式变化,增加攻击次数 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 钓鱼 提高钓鱼能力,更容易捕捉到鱼 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 采矿 提升采矿能力,更容易采集到高级矿石 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 锻造 提升锻造能力,制作更多的物品 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 唐文宝典 提升盛唐国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 秦文宝典 提升秦皇国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 汉文宝典 提升汉武国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 幻化 角色将随机变幻成怪物的形态,并拥有一些额外的属性. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 骑乘 骑马的能力 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 召唤 召唤马匹 summon 10 -137 HORSE 追风斩 骑马奔跑并攻击周围的敌人 马背技能 HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 121 121 50 -138 HORSE 摧敌讨 击倒前方拦截的敌人 马背技能 HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 122 122 52 -139 HORSE 威陵破 攻击周围的敌人 马背技能 HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 123 123 55 -140 HORSE 秋叶乱箭 射向拦截的前方敌人 马背技能 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 121 121 5 50 -151 GUILD 龙魂 增加最大龙神力,能够更好的使用帮会技能 PASSIVE yongan 最大龙神力 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 龙血 暂时提升帮会成员的最大生命值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 最大生命值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 龙神 暂时提升帮会成员的最大精力值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 最大精力值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 龙铠 暂时提升帮会成员的防御力 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 防御力上升 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 龙腾 暂时提升帮会成员的攻击速度和移动速度 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 攻击,移动速度上升 +%.1f%% k * 15 -156 GUILD 龙怒 暂时提升帮会成员的双倍伤害的概率 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 双倍伤害概率 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 龙佑 暂时缩短帮会成员的技能释放时间 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 释放速度上升 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/936SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/936SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ba5a6bb6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/936SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 0.5 *str + wep)*k) 40+100*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*2 + dex*2 + wep*3)*k) 50+130*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str + wep*3 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*2 + wep*2 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + dex + con + str*2 + wep*3)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (atk + dex + str + 0.5*wep)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.3*atk + number(0, 100))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(1+k*6) + (0.8*atk+(dex*4+wep)*ar) * k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (atk + number(500, 700) + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*wep))*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6*atk + number(200,300) + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*wep))*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*7 + str*5 + wep*3)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(10*iq + 8*mtk + number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30 + 2*lv + iq + (3*iq + 8*mtk + number(iq*2,iq*6))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 10*iq + 8*mtk + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*atk + 3*str + 9*iq + 5*wep) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + 3*wep + iq*6) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+220*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (16*iq + 8*mtk + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 2*lv + (12*iq+20*mtk+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (4*iq+11*mtk+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (6*iq+12*mtk+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mtk+number(1,800))*ar*k * (1-chain*0.2) * (1-sign(chain)*0.4)) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mtk+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (11*iq+12*mtk+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*2 + str*4 + wep*3)*k) 60+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + 3*(dex+str+wep))*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(2*atk + str*3 + dex*14)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(0, 100)+dex*2+str+wep)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(18*iq + 7*mtk + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*mtk)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/936mob_proto b/bin_original/936mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index ef733d6b..00000000 Binary files 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1049600 1510400 3 6 -metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 -metin2_map_n_flame_dungeon_01 742400 614400 3 3 -metin2_map_n_snow_dungeon_01 512000 153600 4 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/MakePack.exe b/bin_original/MakePack.exe deleted file mode 100644 index 39d340a6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/MakePack.exe and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.log b/bin_original/MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.log deleted file mode 100644 index 2488bae5..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.log and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.txt b/bin_original/MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0a53fe76..00000000 --- a/bin_original/MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -FolderName "pack" - -List ExcludedFolderNameList -{ - "CVS" -} -List ExcludedFileNameList -{ - "vssver.scc" - "syserr.txt" - "soundscript.txt" - "log.txt" - "Test.py" - "Prototype[OffLine].py" - "loginInfo.py" - "error_lookup.py" - "errorlog.txt" - "makepackscript.txt" - "makepackscript_onlyroot.txt" - "moviemakepackscript.txt" - "build_mottable.py" - "uitest.py" - "packall.txt" - "packitem.txt" - "packpc.txt" - "packroot.txt" - "test.txt" - "test2.txt" - "quest_test.py" -} -List SecurityExtNameList -{ - "txt" - "msk" - "msa" - "msm" - "py" -} -List CompressExtNameList -{ - "txt" - "msk" - "mss" - "mse" - "msf" - "msa" - "spt" - "atr" - "dds" - "raw" - "wtr" - "mde" - "tga" -} - -Group RootPackItemList -{ - Group ItemProto - { - FileName "*item_proto" - Fixed TRUE - } - Group mob_proto - { - FileName "*mob_proto" - Fixed TRUE - } - Group TextureSet - { - FileName "TextureSet/*.txt" - Fixed TRUE - } - Group TextFiles - { - FileName "*.txt" - Fixed TRUE - } - Group TextFiles - { - FileName "*.tbl" - Fixed TRUE - } - Group PythonFiles - { - FileName "*.py" - Fixed TRUE - } - Group KoreanFiles - { - FileName "*.cvt" - Fixed TRUE - } - Group ModelFiles - { - FileName "*.msm" - Fixed TRUE - } -} - -Group PackList -{ - Group UIScript - { - PathName "UIScript/*" - Fixed TRUE - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/MakePack_OnlyRoot.bat b/bin_original/MakePack_OnlyRoot.bat deleted file mode 100644 index b664910a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/MakePack_OnlyRoot.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -del pack\root.* pack\uiscript.* -MakePack.exe MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.txt diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_BR.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_BR.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 1097646e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_BR.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_CA.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_CA.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 90fb8137..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_CA.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_CN.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_CN.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 953298c0..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_CN.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_EU.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_EU.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 1097646e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_EU.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_EU2.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_EU2.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 1097646e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_EU2.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_HK.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_HK.ico deleted file mode 100644 index b6e76793..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_HK.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_JP.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_JP.ico deleted file mode 100644 index bc1e135b..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_JP.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_KO.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_KO.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 0c02a0a6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_KO.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_SG.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_SG.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 1097646e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_SG.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Metin2Client_TW.ico b/bin_original/Metin2Client_TW.ico deleted file mode 100644 index 3c2db8ac..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/Metin2Client_TW.ico and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/Prototype.py b/bin_original/Prototype.py deleted file mode 100644 index d25461fe..00000000 --- a/bin_original/Prototype.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import app -import locale -import wndMgr -import systemSetting -import mouseModule -import networkModule -import uiCandidate -import constInfo -import musicInfo -import stringCommander - - - -#bind_me(locals().values()) - -def RunApp(): - musicInfo.LoadLastPlayFieldMusic() - - app.SetHairColorEnable(constInfo.HAIR_COLOR_ENABLE) - app.SetArmorSpecularEnable(constInfo.ARMOR_SPECULAR_ENABLE) - app.SetWeaponSpecularEnable(constInfo.WEAPON_SPECULAR_ENABLE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - - try: - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - except RuntimeError, msg: - msg = str(msg) - if "CREATE_DEVICE" == msg: - dbg.LogBox("Sorry, Your system does not support 3D graphics,\r\nplease check your hardware and system configeration\r\nthen try again.") - else: - dbg.LogBox("Metin2.%s" % msg) - return - - app.SetCamera(1500.0, 30.0, 0.0, 180.0) - - #Gets and sets the floating-point control word - #app.SetControlFP() - - if not mouseModule.mouseController.Create(): - return - - mainStream = networkModule.MainStream() - mainStream.Create() - - #mainStream.SetLoadingPhase() - mainStream.SetLogoPhase() - - #mainStream.SetLoginPhase() - #mainStream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - #mainStream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - #mainStream.SetSelectEmpirePhase() - #mainStream.SetGamePhase() - app.Loop() - - mainStream.Destroy() - -RunApp() - diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_CreateCharacterWindow.py b/bin_original/UIScript/936_CreateCharacterWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6f29cda4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_CreateCharacterWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,586 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/" -LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_select/" - -BOARD_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (65) / 800 -BOARD_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (215) / 600 - -PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH = 20 -TEMPORARY_HEIGHT = 5 - -window = { - "name" : "CreateCharacterWindow", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGroundPattern", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0), - }, - - ## Alpha - { - "name" : "Alpha", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/background_alpha.sub", - - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 100.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 69.0, - "x_origin" : 0.0, - "y_origin" : 0.0, - }, - - ## Top & Bottom Line - { - "name" : "Top_Line", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0), - }, - { - "name" : "Bottom_Line", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0), - }, - - ## BackGround - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0, - "mode" : "MODULATE", - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/intro_background.dds", - }, - - ## Buttons - { - "name" : "left_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH * (440 - 22*3) / 800, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (510) / 600, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_01.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "right_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH * (570 - 22) / 800, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (510) / 600, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_01.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir 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diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22964970..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -刺客是以短剑和弓箭为主的专业[ENTER] -杀手。高水准的刺客要经过残酷[ENTER] -的训练过程,所以其数量不是很[ENTER] -多,但是只要具备某种特定条件[ENTER] -,他们超强的战斗能力足可以扭[ENTER] -[WAIT] -转战争的进程,为了保证敏捷和[ENTER] -速度,所以只能使用轻便的防御[ENTER] -盔甲,这是他们唯一的弱点。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_a.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8d893e28..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -盛唐国[ENTER] -[ENTER] -繁荣的国度,有着辉煌的经济[ENTER] -文化成就。这里人们大都贤明[ENTER] -且具有很高的智力,在一个[ENTER] -[WAIT] -崇高而神圣的目标指引下,他[ENTER] -们团结在一起,相互配合,[ENTER] -亲密无间。他们都尊崇圣人之道[ENTER] -,严以律己,从不崇尚武力,但[ENTER] -这并不表示软弱。当他们热爱的[ENTER] -[WAIT] -家园受到威胁时,也会毫不犹豫的[ENTER] -给对手以致命的一击。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_b.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f5d43b4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -秦皇国[ENTER] -[ENTER] -极具野心的帝国,整个国家有着[ENTER] -森严的等级制度,由于多年战乱,[ENTER] -这里的军队都经常长期的训练,纪[ENTER] -[WAIT] -律严明,作战灵活,具有非同一[ENTER] -般的忍耐力,超强的凝聚力和战[ENTER] -斗力。[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_c.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5208676d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_empire_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -汉武国[ENTER] -[ENTER] -一个历经百年强盛的国度,有[ENTER] -横扫八荒的野心。这里的人们[ENTER] -都勇决果敢、爱憎分明,有胆识、[ENTER] -[WAIT] -有魄力,在激情背后始终保持一颗[ENTER] -充满自信的心。他们注重自己的威[ENTER] -严,虽然有时会显得刚愎自用,[ENTER] -当这并不防碍他们成为万人敬[ENTER] -仰的英雄。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 916d6fec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -神女是领悟到自然流逝与阴阳照[ENTER] -化的美丽化身。她们利用自然的[ENTER] -力量发挥巨大的潜能,营造出绚[ENTER] -丽的仙术世界。同时拥有渊源的[ENTER] -知识,所以很想与别人沟通,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -但却很少有人能够见到她们真正[ENTER] -的化身。精通仙术的神女将成为[ENTER] -战场上至关重要的角色。 diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_sura.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6e3e32c7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -修罗将恶魔的种子寄生在自己的[ENTER] -手臂上,用来吸取魔法力量。他[ENTER] -们与别人不同,更加不会相信别[ENTER] -人,所以使得周围没有亲近的朋[ENTER] -友。他们的目标只有一个,就是[ENTER] -[WAIT] -追求大陆上最强的力量,此外的[ENTER] -事物都将视为阻碍。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5635c932..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/936_desc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -猛将拥有一把锋利的巨剑以及厚[ENTER] -实的盔甲,从游戏一开始就成为[ENTER] -关注的焦点,没有人敢蔑视他们[ENTER] -他们追求钢铁般的肌肉和净水般[ENTER] -宁静的精神世界。整个大陆上没[ENTER] -[WAIT] -有人能抵挡他们愤怒的脚步。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_CreateCharacterWindow.py b/bin_original/UIScript/949_CreateCharacterWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index a7533ed0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_CreateCharacterWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,586 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/" -LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_select/" - -BOARD_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (65) / 800 -BOARD_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (215) / 600 - -PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH = 20 -TEMPORARY_HEIGHT = 5 - -window = { - "name" : "CreateCharacterWindow", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGroundPattern", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0), - }, - - ## Alpha - { - "name" : "Alpha", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/background_alpha.sub", - - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 100.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 69.0, - "x_origin" : 0.0, - "y_origin" : 0.0, - }, - - ## Top & Bottom Line - { - "name" : "Top_Line", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0), - }, - { - "name" : "Bottom_Line", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0), - }, - - ## BackGround - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0, - 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: "image", - - "x" : BOARD_X - 27, - "y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25, - - "image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_assassin.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "name_sura", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : BOARD_X - 27, - "y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25, - - "image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_sura.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "name_shaman", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : BOARD_X - 27, - "y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25, - - "image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_shaman.sub", - }, - - ## Character Board - { - "name" : "character_board", - "type" : "thinboard", - - "x" : BOARD_X, - "y" : BOARD_Y, - - "width" : 208, - "height" : 300 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "text_board", - "type" : "bar", - - "x" : 8, - "y" : 10, - - "width" : 189, - "height" : 122, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "prev_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 95, - "y" : 95, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_PREV, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "next_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 140, - "y" : 95, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_NEXT, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "right_line", - "type" : "line", - - "x" : 189-1, - "y" : -1, - - "width" : 0, - "height" : 122, - - "color" : 0xffAAA6A1, - }, - { - "name" : "bottom_line", - "type" : "line", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 122-1, - - "width" : 189, - "height" : 0, - - "color" : 0xffAAA6A1, - }, - { - "name" : "left_line", - "type" : "line", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : 0, - "height" : 122-1, - - "color" : 0xff2A2521, - }, - { - "name" : "top_line", - "type" : "line", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : 189, - "height" : 0, - - "color" : 0xff2A2521, - }, - ), - }, - { - "name" : "hth", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 15, - "y" : 138, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_HP, - - 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- { - "name" : "str", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 15, - "y" : 176, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_ATT_GRADE, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "str_gauge", - "type" : "gauge", - - "x" : 30, - "y" : 4, - - "width" : 100 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH, - "color" : "purple", - }, - { - "name" : "str_slot", - "type" : "slotbar", - - "x" : 137 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH, - "y" : -1, - "width" : 24, - "height" : 16, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "str_value", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 1, - "all_align" : "center", - - "text" : "99", - }, - ), - }, - ), - }, - { - "name" : "dex", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 15, - "y" : 195, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_DEX_GRADE, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "dex_gauge", - "type" : "gauge", - - "x" : 30, - "y" : 4, - - "width" : 100 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH, - "color" : "blue", - }, - { - "name" : "dex_slot", - "type" : "slotbar", - - "x" : 137 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH, - "y" : -1, - "width" : 24, - "height" : 16, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "dex_value", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 1, - "all_align" : "center", - - "text" : "99", - }, - ), - }, - ), - }, - - { - "name" : "hth_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 184, - "y" : 139, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "int_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 184, - "y" : 158, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "str_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 184, - "y" : 177, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "dex_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 184, - "y" : 196, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub", - }, - - { - "name" : "character_name", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 43, - "y" : 217 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_NAME, - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "character_name_slot", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : 40 - 1, - "y" : -2, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_04.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "character_name_value", - "type" : "editline", - - "x" : 40 - 1 + 3, - "y" : 0, - - "input_limit" : 12, - - "width" : 90, - "height" : 20, - }, - ), - }, - - { - "name" : "character_name", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 43, - "y" : 241 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_SHAPE, - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - }, - { - 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"text" : uiScriptLocale.CANCEL, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub", - }, - ), - }, - ), -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_LoginWindow.py b/bin_original/UIScript/949_LoginWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 86ccae0d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_LoginWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,363 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_login/" - -window = { - "name" : "LoginWindow", - "sytle" : ("movable",), - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0), - }, - - ## Alpha - { - "name" : "Alpha", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/login/background_alpha.sub", - - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 128.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 96.0, - }, - - ## Top & Bottom Line - { - "name" : "Top_Line", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0), - }, - { - "name" : "Bottom_Line", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0), - }, - - ## BackGround - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0, - "mode" : "MODULATE", - - "image" : "d:/ymir 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腹瘤绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼瘤父, 漂沥茄 炼扒父 爱眠绢[ENTER] -柳促搁 傈厘狼 儒抚阑 第官层[ENTER] -初阑 荐 乐阑 沥档狼 颇鲍仿阑[ENTER] -啊笼聪促. 刮酶窃苞 加档甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍扁 困秦 啊涵款 规绢备[ENTER] -[WAIT] -父阑 馒侩 茄促绰 巴捞 绢痘霸[ENTER] -焊搁 捞甸狼 蜡老茄 距痢[ENTER] -涝聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_a.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dcae77e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -脚荐惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -悼规苞狼 背开狼 何劝阑 捞风[ENTER] -妨绰 芭措 惑诀惫啊. 力惫狼[ENTER] -盒凯 捞饶 规摹登促矫乔 茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -辑率狼 堡具 瘤开阑 辟夯栏肺[ENTER] -茄 惑牢甸捞 扒汲茄 惫啊捞促.[ENTER] -林肺 辑开苞狼 公开 烹肺肺[ENTER] -荤侩登带 瘤开捞瘤父 己付籍[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)狼 免泅 捞饶[ENTER] -[WAIT] -公开肺啊 瞒窜凳栏肺 牢秦 啊厘[ENTER] -弧府 己付籍狼 困蛆阑 柄崔疽带[ENTER] -捞甸捞扁档 窍促. 积诀阑 困蛆[ENTER] -寸茄 捞甸篮 弊甸捞 啊柳 葛电[ENTER] -犁魂阑 贸盒秦 备 力惫 傈眉俊辑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -傈荤甸阑 葛酒 甸咯 辑率俊辑狼[ENTER] -困蛆阑 规厚 窍妨绊 霖厚 吝俊[ENTER] -乐促. 捞甸捞 盔窍绰 巴篮[ENTER] -烹老等 窍唱狼 惫啊狼 塞栏肺[ENTER] -乐阑瘤档 葛福绰 辑开俊辑狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -魔傍阑 阜酒郴绊 促矫 公开肺甫[ENTER] -俺么窍绰 巴捞促. diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_b.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5f88c54d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -玫炼惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -己付籍狼 儡幅荤充狼 粮犁甫[ENTER] -何福垄栏哥 捞甫 力芭窍妨绰[ENTER] -己辆背惫啊. 炔力狼 荤锰悼积[ENTER] -[WAIT] -例档荤 辣康俊 狼秦 技况柳[ENTER] -辑规狼 惫啊捞促. 林贱苞 痢俊[ENTER] -瓷茄 酒郴甫 烹秦 己付籍(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)狼 困氰阑 流立利栏肺[ENTER] -柄摧绊 弊俊 措茄 措厚氓阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -技匡 巴阑 咯矾 瞒肥俊 吧媚[ENTER] -扒狼窍看瘤父 捞甫 公矫寸窍绊[ENTER] -老练阑 捞缠绊 力惫俊 措秦[ENTER] -馆扁甫 甸菌促. 泅犁 柳畴惫苞[ENTER] -坷罚 趋傈阑 芭奠窍绊 乐栏哥[ENTER] -[WAIT] -捞甸狼 格利篮 窜瘤 窍唱, 傈[ENTER] -措氟阑 烹老秦 辑率俊辑何磐[ENTER] -炼陛究 魔侥秦 甸绢 坷绰 己付[ENTER] -籍狼 塞阑 瞒窜 窍绰 巴捞促.[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_c.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 91519b2f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_empire_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -柳畴惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -备 力惫狼 何劝阑 厕操哥 沥烹[ENTER] -己阑 林厘窍绰 焙荤措惫. 炔力[ENTER] -狼 利磊牢 捞涪捞 捞缠绊 乐绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -夯惫捞促. 合规俊 困摹窍绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 脚荐惫俊 厚秦[ENTER] -趣刀茄 磊楷券版阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐栏哥 弊 锭巩牢瘤 惑寸洒[ENTER] -傍拜利捞绊 菩档利牢 巩拳甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍绊 乐促. 脚荐惫阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -扒汲茄 辣康狼 己付籍俊 措茄[ENTER] -林厘俊 措秦辑绰 肯傈洒 公矫[ENTER] -窍绰淀茄 措寇利牢 怕档甫[ENTER] -秒窍绊 乐瘤父 捞固 炔角狼[ENTER] -泅磊甸阑 悼盔秦 弊俊 措茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊技茄 炼荤俊 馒荐秦 乐绰 淀[ENTER] -窍促. 捞甸捞 钎搁利栏肺 己付[ENTER] -籍俊 措秦 公包缴茄 巴篮[ENTER] -盒凯等 力惫阑 促矫 烹老窍扁[ENTER] -困茄 捞涪狼 具噶捞 官帕俊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -彬妨乐扁 锭巩捞促.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebc02ee0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公寸篮 磊楷苞 澜剧狼 塞狼[ENTER] -儒抚苞 炼拳甫 柄崔篮 泅磊甸[ENTER] -涝聪促. 弊甸篮 捞矾茄 过蘑阑[ENTER] -漂沥茄 概俺眉甫 烹秦 备眉拳[ENTER] -矫懦 荐 乐绰 规过 肚茄 舅绊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -乐嚼聪促. 捞矾茄 弊甸父狼[ENTER] -概俺眉甫 老馆 荤恩甸篮 何利,[ENTER] -趣篮 柳过捞扼绊 何辅聪促.[ENTER] -呈公唱 规措茄 瘤侥阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 谗烙绝捞 促弗[ENTER] -[WAIT] -荤恩苞 措拳 窍扁甫 盔窍瘤父,[ENTER] -弊甸狼 缴坷窍绊 抄秦茄 捞具[ENTER] -扁甸绢临 荤恩甸篮 弊府 腹瘤[ENTER] -臼嚼聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_sura.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 69d5abd7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -荐扼绰 磊脚狼 迫俊 厩付狼[ENTER] -揪狙阑 扁积矫难 付过狼 塞阑[ENTER] -软荐茄 傈荤 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 促弗 磊甸苞绰 崔府 林[ENTER] -函俊 啊鳖款 牢埃包拌甫 屈己[ENTER] -[WAIT] -窍瘤 臼绰 漂隆捞 乐嚼聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸狼 格钎绰 瘤惑 弥碍狼 塞[ENTER] -阑 爱眠绰 巴捞哥, 弊 寇狼 巴[ENTER] -甸篮 窜瘤 芭眠厘胶矾款 规秦[ENTER] -拱捞扼绊 积阿 钦聪促.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊脚狼 塞阑 苞矫窍绰 巴 炼瞒[ENTER] -阂鞘夸窍促绊 咯辨 沥档肺 弊[ENTER] -甸篮 坷流 鉴荐茄 塞 磊眉父[ENTER] -哎噶 钦聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fd9b5905..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/949_desc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公荤绰 茄 磊风 八苞 瓢瓢茄[ENTER] -癌渴栏肺 公厘窍绊 贸澜何磐[ENTER] -场鳖瘤 傈厘狼 林开栏肺 劝距[ENTER] -钦聪促. 儡犁林客 荤恩阑 泅趣[ENTER] -矫虐绰 荐窜阑 版戈窍哥 坷流[ENTER] -[WAIT] -碍枚鞍捞 荐访等 磊脚狼 辟腊[ENTER] -苞 讣篮 拱贸烦 绊夸茄 沥脚[ENTER] -技拌 父阑 眠备 钦聪促.[ENTER] -盒畴茄 捞甸阑 阜阑 荐 乐绰[ENTER] -磊甸篮 措氟 傈眉俊 粮犁 窍瘤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼绰 促绊 积阿 窍绰 巴捞[ENTER] -壳阑 巴 涝聪促. - - diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/AcceptGuildWarDialog.py b/bin_original/UIScript/AcceptGuildWarDialog.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7776693a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/AcceptGuildWarDialog.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -window = { - "name" : "InputDialog", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "style" : ("movable", "float",), - - "width" : 230, - "height" : 130, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "Board", - "type" : "board_with_titlebar", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : 230, - "height" : 130, - - "title" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Input Slot - { - "name" : "InputName", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 15, - "y" : 40, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_WAR_ENEMY, - }, - { - "name" : "InputSlot", - "type" : "slotbar", - - "x" : 80, - "y" : 37, - 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: "center", "text" : "50000000", }, - ), - }, - ), - }, - - { - "name" : "BuildingMaterialLogTitle", - "type" : "text", "x" : 30, "y" : 183, "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_BUILDING_LOG, - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - "children" : - ( - { - "name":"BuildingMaterialLogSlot", - "type":"slotbar", "x":25, "y":-4, "width":60, "height":17, - "children" : - ( - { "name" : "BuildingMaterialLogValue", "type" : "text", "x" : 0, "y" : 1, "all_align" : "center", "text" : "50000000", }, - ), - }, - ), - }, - - { - "name" : "BuildingMaterialPlywoodTitle", - "type" : "text", "x" : 30, "y" : 203, "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_BUILDING_PLY, - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - "children" : - ( - { - "name":"BuildingMaterialPlywoodSlot", - "type":"slotbar", "x":25, "y":-4, "width":60, "height":17, - "children" : - ( - { "name" : "BuildingMaterialPlywoodValue", "type" : "text", "x" : 0, "y" : 1, "all_align" : "center", "text" : "50000000", }, - ), - }, - ), - }, - - { - "name" : "temp_window", 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"Large_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "cancel_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 109, - "y" : 265 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CANCEL, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub", - }, - ), - }, - ), -} diff --git a/bin_original/UIScript/CubeResultWindow.py b/bin_original/UIScript/CubeResultWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5515993d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/UIScript/CubeResultWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -window = { - "name" : "CubeWindow", - - "x" : 430, - "y" : 230, - - "style" : ("movable", "float",), - - "width" : 176, - "height" : 175, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "board", - "type" : "board", - "style" : ("attach",), - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : 176, - "height" : 175, - - "children" : - ( - ## Title - { - "name" : "TitleBar", - "type" : "titlebar", - "style" : ("attach",), - 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"middle_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "middle_button_03.sub", - }, - - ## Mobile - { - "name" : "mobile", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : LINE_LABEL_X, - "y" : 215+2, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.OPTION_MOBILE, - }, - { - "name" : "input_mobile_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : LINE_DATA_X, - "y" : 215, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "delete_mobile_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 90, - "y" : 215, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub", - }, - - ## Effect On/Off - { - "name" : "effect_on_off", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : LINE_LABEL_X, - "y" : 240+2, - - "text" : 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"hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData31 - { - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData32 - { - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData33 - { - HairIndex 5028 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_3.dds" - } - Group HairData34 - { - HairIndex 5029 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_2.dds" - } - Group HairData35 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData36 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData37 - { - HairIndex 5033 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData38 - { - HairIndex 5035 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData39 - { - HairIndex 5037 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData40 - { - HairIndex 5039 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData41 - { - HairIndex 5041 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData42 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData43 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData44 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5055 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5057 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5059 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/assassin/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "assassin_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - - Model "assassin_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_novice_green.dds" - } - Group 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TargetSkin "assassin_marry_01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData16 - { - ShapeIndex 12 - Model "assassin_4-1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_4-1.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData17 - { - ShapeIndex 24 - Model "assassin_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData18 - { - ShapeIndex 14 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-1_tanma_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData19 - { - ShapeIndex 15 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-2_geukseom_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData20 - { - ShapeIndex 16 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-3_dahong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData21 - { - ShapeIndex 17 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_2-1_biyeong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData22 - { - ShapeIndex 18 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - 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"assassin_event1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData29 - { - - ShapeIndex 28 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - } - Group ShapeData30 - { - - ShapeIndex 29 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData31 - { - ShapeIndex 30 - Model "assassin_tanma.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_costume1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData32 - { - ShapeIndex 40031 - Model "assassin_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData33 - { - - ShapeIndex 40033 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData34 - { - ShapeIndex 40034 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - } - 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"assassin_soccer1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData41 - { - ShapeIndex 40041 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData42 - { - ShapeIndex 40042 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData43 - { - ShapeIndex 40043 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData44 - { - ShapeIndex 40044 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData45 - { - ShapeIndex 40032 - Model "assassin_assasin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData46 - { - ShapeIndex 40045 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData47 - { - ShapeIndex 40046 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData48 - { - ShapeIndex 40047 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData49 - { - ShapeIndex 40048 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData50 - { - ShapeIndex 40049 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData51 - { - ShapeIndex 40050 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData52 - { - ShapeIndex 40051 - Model 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"assassin_Springwear1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_Springwear1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_Springwear1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData65 - { - ShapeIndex 40061 - Model "assassin_tailcoat1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tailcoat1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_tailcoat1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData66 - { - ShapeIndex 40069 - Model "assassin_deer1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_deer1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_deer1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData67 - { - ShapeIndex 40066 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData68 - { - ShapeIndex 40067 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData69 - { - ShapeIndex 40068 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData70 - { - ShapeIndex 40070 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData71 - { - ShapeIndex 40071 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData72 - { - ShapeIndex 40072 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA03.dds" - } - Group ShapeData73 - { - ShapeIndex 40073 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA04.dds" - } - Group ShapeData74 - { - ShapeIndex 40074 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA05.dds" - } - Group ShapeData75 - { - ShapeIndex 40075 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA06.dds" - } - Group ShapeData76 - { - ShapeIndex 40076 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA07.dds" - } - Group ShapeData77 - { - ShapeIndex 40077 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA08.dds" - } - Group ShapeData78 - { - ShapeIndex 40078 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA09.dds" - } - Group ShapeData79 - { - ShapeIndex 40079 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA10.dds" - } - Group ShapeData80 - { - ShapeIndex 40080 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA11.dds" - } - Group ShapeData81 - { - ShapeIndex 40081 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA12.dds" - } - Group ShapeData82 - { - ShapeIndex 40082 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin 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"assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA25.dds" - } - Group ShapeData95 - { - ShapeIndex 40095 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA26.dds" - } - Group ShapeData96 - { - ShapeIndex 40096 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA27.dds" - } - Group ShapeData97 - { - ShapeIndex 40097 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA28.dds" - } - Group ShapeData98 - { - ShapeIndex 40098 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA29.dds" - } - Group ShapeData99 - { - ShapeIndex 40099 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA30.dds" - } - Group ShapeData100 - { - ShapeIndex 40100 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin 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"Bip01" - - CollisionType 1 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 40.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } - - Group AttachingData01 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 3 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 70.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/assassin_w.msm b/bin_original/assassin_w.msm deleted file mode 100644 index a6a598af..00000000 --- a/bin_original/assassin_w.msm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1352 +0,0 @@ -ScriptType RaceDataScript - -BaseModelFileName "D:/YMIR WORK/pc/assassin/assassin_novice.GR2" - - -Group HairData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc/assassin/" - - HairDataCount 70 - Group HairData00 - { - HairIndex 0 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - } - Group HairData01 - { - HairIndex 1 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_white.dds" - } - Group HairData02 - { - HairIndex 2 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_gold.dds" - } - Group HairData03 - { - HairIndex 3 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_red.dds" - } - Group HairData04 - { - HairIndex 4 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_brown.dds" - } - Group HairData05 - { - HairIndex 5 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_black.dds" - } - Group HairData06 - { - HairIndex 2001 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - } - Group HairData07 - { - HairIndex 2002 - Model "hair/hair_2_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - } - Group HairData08 - { - HairIndex 2003 - Model "hair/hair_2_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - } - Group HairData09 - { - HairIndex 2004 - Model "hair/hair_2_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - } - Group HairData10 - { - HairIndex 2005 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - } - Group HairData11 - { - HairIndex 2006 - Model "hair/hair_3_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - } - Group HairData12 - { - HairIndex 2007 - Model "hair/hair_3_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - } - Group HairData13 - { - HairIndex 2008 - Model "hair/hair_3_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - } - Group HairData14 - { - HairIndex 2009 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - } - Group HairData15 - { - HairIndex 2010 - Model "hair/hair_4_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - 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5021 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_9.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5034 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5036 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5038 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5040 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5042 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData56 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData57 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData58 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData59 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData60 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData61 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData62 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData63 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData64 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData65 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData66 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData67 - { - HairIndex 5056 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData68 - { - HairIndex 5058 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData69 - { - HairIndex 5060 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc/assassin/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "assassin_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - - Model "assassin_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_novice_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_tanma.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_geukseom.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_dahong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_yeongrin.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_jeoksal.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_salpung.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "assassin_bihyeon.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_bihyeon.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_bihyeon.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model "wild_boar.gr2" - SourceSkin "wild_boar.dds" - } - Group ShapeData13 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/bear/" - - ShapeIndex 102 - Model "bear.gr2" - SourceSkin "bear.dds" - } - Group ShapeData14 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/tiger/" - - ShapeIndex 103 - Model "tiger.gr2" - SourceSkin "tiger.dds" - } - Group ShapeData15 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/" - - ShapeIndex 201 - Model "assassin_marry_01.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_marry_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_marry_01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData16 - { - ShapeIndex 12 - Model "assassin_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_4-1.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_4-1.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData17 - { - ShapeIndex 24 - Model "assassin_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData18 - { - ShapeIndex 14 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-1_tanma_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData19 - { - ShapeIndex 15 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-2_geukseom_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData20 - { - ShapeIndex 16 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-3_dahong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData21 - { - ShapeIndex 17 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_2-1_biyeong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData22 - { - ShapeIndex 18 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_2-2_yeongrin_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData23 - { - ShapeIndex 19 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_2-3_jeoksal_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData24 - { - ShapeIndex 20 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_3-1_yonga_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData25 - { - ShapeIndex 21 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_salpung_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData26 - { - ShapeIndex 25 - Model "assassin_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_queen02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData27 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/assassin/" - - ShapeIndex 26 - Model "assassin_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_4-2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData28 - { - - ShapeIndex 27 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData29 - { - - ShapeIndex 28 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - } - Group ShapeData30 - { - - ShapeIndex 29 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_blue.dds" - - } - - Group ShapeData31 - { - ShapeIndex 30 - Model "assassin_tanma.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_costume1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData32 - { - ShapeIndex 40031 - Model "assassin_rabbit1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData33 - { - - ShapeIndex 40033 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData34 - { - ShapeIndex 40034 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData35 - { - ShapeIndex 40035 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData36 - { - ShapeIndex 40036 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData37 - { - ShapeIndex 40037 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData38 - { - ShapeIndex 40038 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData39 - { - ShapeIndex 40039 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData40 - { - ShapeIndex 40040 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData41 - { - ShapeIndex 40041 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData42 - { - ShapeIndex 40042 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData43 - { - ShapeIndex 40043 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData44 - { - ShapeIndex 40044 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData45 - { - ShapeIndex 40032 - Model "assassin_assasin1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData46 - { - ShapeIndex 40045 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData47 - { - ShapeIndex 40046 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData48 - { - ShapeIndex 40047 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData49 - { - ShapeIndex 40048 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData50 - { - ShapeIndex 40049 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Spain.dds" - } - - Group ShapeData51 - { - ShapeIndex 40050 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData52 - { - ShapeIndex 40051 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData53 - { - ShapeIndex 40052 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData54 - { - ShapeIndex 40053 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData55 - { - ShapeIndex 40054 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData56 - { - ShapeIndex 40055 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData57 - { - ShapeIndex 40056 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData58 - { - ShapeIndex 40057 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData59 - { - ShapeIndex 40058 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData60 - { - ShapeIndex 40059 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData61 - { - ShapeIndex 40065 - Model "assassin_halloween1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_halloween1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_halloween1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData62 - { - ShapeIndex 13 - Model "assassin_5_1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_5_1.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_5_1.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData63 - { - ShapeIndex 40062 - Model "assassin_salsa1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_salsa1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_salsa1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData64 - { - ShapeIndex 40063 - Model "assassin_Springwear1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_Springwear1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_Springwear1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData65 - { - ShapeIndex 40061 - Model "assassin_tailcoat1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tailcoat1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_tailcoat1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData66 - { - ShapeIndex 40069 - Model "assassin_deer1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_deer1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_deer1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData67 - { - ShapeIndex 40066 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData68 - { - ShapeIndex 40067 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData69 - { - ShapeIndex 40068 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData70 - { - ShapeIndex 40070 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData71 - { - ShapeIndex 40071 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData72 - { - ShapeIndex 40072 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA03.dds" - } - Group ShapeData73 - { - ShapeIndex 40073 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA04.dds" - } - Group ShapeData74 - { - ShapeIndex 40074 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA05.dds" - } - Group ShapeData75 - { - ShapeIndex 40075 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA06.dds" - } - Group ShapeData76 - { - ShapeIndex 40076 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA07.dds" - } - Group ShapeData77 - { - ShapeIndex 40077 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA08.dds" - } - Group ShapeData78 - { - ShapeIndex 40078 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA09.dds" - } - Group ShapeData79 - { - ShapeIndex 40079 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA10.dds" - } - Group ShapeData80 - { - ShapeIndex 40080 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA11.dds" - } - Group ShapeData81 - { - ShapeIndex 40081 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA12.dds" - } - Group ShapeData82 - { - ShapeIndex 40082 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA13.dds" - } - Group ShapeData83 - { - ShapeIndex 40083 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA14.dds" - } - Group ShapeData84 - { - ShapeIndex 40084 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA15.dds" - } - Group ShapeData85 - { - ShapeIndex 40085 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA16.dds" - } - Group ShapeData86 - { - ShapeIndex 40086 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA17.dds" - } - Group ShapeData87 - { - ShapeIndex 40087 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA18.dds" - } - Group ShapeData88 - { - ShapeIndex 40088 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA19.dds" - } - Group ShapeData89 - { - ShapeIndex 40089 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA20.dds" - } - Group ShapeData90 - { - ShapeIndex 40090 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA21.dds" - } - Group ShapeData91 - { - ShapeIndex 40091 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA22.dds" - } - Group ShapeData92 - { - ShapeIndex 40092 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA23.dds" - } - Group ShapeData93 - { - ShapeIndex 40093 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA24.dds" - } - Group ShapeData94 - { - ShapeIndex 40094 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA25.dds" - } - Group ShapeData95 - { - ShapeIndex 40095 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA26.dds" - } - Group ShapeData96 - { - ShapeIndex 40096 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA27.dds" - } - Group ShapeData97 - { - ShapeIndex 40097 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA28.dds" - } - Group ShapeData98 - { - ShapeIndex 40098 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA29.dds" - } - Group ShapeData99 - { - ShapeIndex 40099 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA30.dds" - } - Group ShapeData100 - { - ShapeIndex 40100 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA31.dds" - } - Group ShapeData101 - { - ShapeIndex 40101 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA32.dds" - } - Group ShapeData102 - { - ShapeIndex 40064 - Model "assassin_samurai1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_samurai1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_samurai1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData103 - { - ShapeIndex 40106 - Model "assassin_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_rabbit1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData104 - { - ShapeIndex 40107 - Model "assassin_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_rabbit1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData105 - { - ShapeIndex 40108 - Model "assassin_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_rabbit1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData106 - { - ShapeIndex 40109 - Model "assassin_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_rabbit1_pink.dds" - } - Group ShapeData107 - { - ShapeIndex 40110 - Model "assassin_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData108 - { - ShapeIndex 40111 - Model "assassin_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData109 - { - ShapeIndex 40113 - Model "assassin_assasin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_assasin2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData110 - { - ShapeIndex 40115 - Model "assassin_pwahuang1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_pwahuang1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_pwahuang1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData111 - { - ShapeIndex 40117 - Model "assassin_halloween2.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_halloween2.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_halloween2.dds" - } -} - -Group AttachingData -{ - AttachingDataCount 2 - - Group AttachingData00 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 1 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 40.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } - - Group AttachingData01 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 3 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 70.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/colorInfo.py b/bin_original/colorInfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 76de6f1f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/colorInfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -CHAT_RGB_TALK = (255, 255, 255) -CHAT_RGB_INFO = (255, 200, 200) -CHAT_RGB_NOTICE = (255, 230, 186) -CHAT_RGB_PARTY = (0, 255, 228) -CHAT_RGB_GUILD = (253, 255, 124) -#CHAT_RGB_GUILD = (231, 215, 255) -CHAT_RGB_COMMAND = (167, 255, 212) -CHAT_RGB_SHOUT = (167, 255, 212) -CHAT_RGB_WHISPER = (74, 225, 74) - -CHR_NAME_RGB_MOB = (235, 22, 9) -CHR_NAME_RGB_NPC = (122, 231, 93) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PC = (255, 215, 76) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PK = (180, 100, 0) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PVP = (238, 54, 223) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PARTY = (128, 192, 255) -CHR_NAME_RGB_WARP = (136, 218, 241) -CHR_NAME_RGB_WAYPOINT = (255, 255, 255) - -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_MOB = (235, 22, 9) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_NPC = (122, 231, 93) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_A = (157, 0, 0) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_B = (222, 160, 47) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_C = (23, 30, 138) - - - - -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4 = ( 0, 204, 255) -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3 = ( 0, 144, 255) -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2 = ( 92, 110, 255) -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1 = (155, 155, 255) -TITLE_RGB_NORMAL = (255, 255, 255) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1 = (207, 117, 0) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2 = (235, 83, 0) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3 = (227, 0, 0) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4 = (255, 0, 0) diff --git a/bin_original/consoleModule.py b/bin_original/consoleModule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8e74c46c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/consoleModule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,903 +0,0 @@ -import app -import grp -import wndMgr -import ui -import os -import sys -import stat -import chrmgr -import chr -import net -import background -import snd -import net -import player -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -class Console(object): - def __init__(self, output): - self.dirNameList = [] - self.fileNameList = [] - - self.output = output - self.curPathName = "D:\\Ymir Work\\" - self.collision = 0 - - self.bgPartDict = { - "terrain":background.PART_TERRAIN, - "object":background.PART_OBJECT, - "cloud":background.PART_CLOUD, - "tree":background.PART_TREE, - "water":background.PART_WATER, - "sky":background.PART_SKY, - } - - self.bgSortDict = { - "distance":background.DISTANCE_SORT, - "texture":background.TEXTURE_SORT, - } - - self.game = 0 - - def Close(self): - self.output = 0 - - def BindGameClass(self, game): - self.game = game - - def Exit(self): - "Exit Program" - app.Exit() - - def EnablePerformanceTime(self, mode, isEnable): - app.EnablePerformanceTime(mode, int(isEnable)) - - def ReloadLocale(self): - "Reload Locale" - reload(locale) - reload(uiScriptLocale) - self.Print("RELOAD LOCALE") - - def ReloadDevel(self): - "ReloadDevel" - import consoleModule - import uiGuild - import uiInventory - reload(uiGuild) - self.Print("ReloadGuild") - reload(uiInventory) - self.Print("ReloadInventory") - - def ShowPerformanceInfo(self): - "Shows Performance Info" - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_ACTOR)) - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_ITEM)) - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_EFFECT)) - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_TEXTTAIL)) - - def Disconnect(self): - "Disconnect by sending unknown packet" - net.SendStrangePacket() - - def ToggleActorDirectionLine(self): - "Shows character's direction line" - chrmgr.ToggleDirectionLine() - - def RegisterCharacterEffect(self, effectType, effectFileName): - "Set character's effect state (state number, bone name, effect filename/number)" - if effectFileName.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(effectFileName)) - - effectFullPathFileName = self.GetFullPathName(effectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_STATE+int(effectType), "", effectFullPathFileName) - self.Print("effect state %d: %s" % (int(effectType), effectFullPathFileName)) - - def SetCharacterAffect(self, affectType, isVisible): - "Set character's affect (number, visiblity 1|0)" - chrmgr.SetAffect(-1, int(affectType), int(isVisible)) - self.Print("affect set %d: %d" % (int(affectType), int(isVisible))) - - def SetCharacterEmoticon(self, EmoticonNum): - "Show emoticon (number)" - chrmgr.SetEmoticon(-1, int(EmoticonNum)) - self.Print("Emoticon %d: %d" % (int(EmoticonNum), int(isVisible))) - - def ShowPickedCharacterInfo(self): - "Show information of picked character" - vid=chrmgr.GetPickedVID() - info=chrmgr.GetVIDInfo(vid) - self.Print(info) - - def ShowCharacterInfo(self, arg): - "Show information of character (vid)" - if arg.isdigit(): - vid=int(arg) - else: - vid=0 - - info=chrmgr.GetVIDInfo(vid) - self.Print(info) - - def SetWeaponTraceTexture(self, arg): - "Sets sword afterimage texture (filename)" - if arg.isdigit(): - textureFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - textureFileName = arg - - chr.WeaponTraceSetTexture(textureFileName) - - def SetAutoCameraRotationSpeed(self, arg): - "Auto camera rotation speed (angle per sec)" - spd=float(arg) - player.SetAutoCameraRotationSpeed(spd) - - self.Print("Auto camera rotation speed: %f" % (spd)) - - def SetWeaponTraceMode(self, *mode): - "Sword afterimage mode (0 = Use alpha, 1 = Use texture)" - if mode and mode[0].isdigit() and int(mode[0]): - chr.WeaponTraceUseTexture() - else: - chr.WeaponTraceUseAlpha() - - def SetCollision(self, *mode): - "Show collison objects (0 | 1)" - if mode and mode[0].isdigit(): - self.collision = int(mode[0]) - else: - self.collision = not self.collision - - def SetMovingSpeed(self, arg): - "Set walking speed" - chrmgr.SetMovingSpeed(int(arg)) - - def SetMusicVolume(self, arg): - "Set BGM volumn (0 ~ 1.0)" - snd.SetMusicVolume(float(arg)) - - def SetSoundVolume(self, arg): - "Set Effect sound volumn (0 ~ 5)" - snd.SetSoundVolume(int(arg)) - - def SetSoundScale(self, arg): - "3D Sound scale (default : 200)" - snd.SetSoundScale(int(arg)) - - def SetAmbienceSoundScale(self, arg): - "3D Ambience sound scale (default : 200)" - snd.SetAmbienceSoundScale(int(arg)) - - def SetCoolTime(self): - "Cooltime toggle" - flag = player.ToggleCoolTime() - if flag: - self.Print("Cooltime will be applied") - else: - self.Print("Cooltime disabled") - - def SetLevelLimit(self): - "Sets Level limit" - flag = player.ToggleLevelLimit() - if flag: - self.Print("Level limit will be applied") - else: - self.Print("Level limit disabled") - - def ShowCursor(self): - app.ShowCursor() - - def HideCursor(self): - app.HideCursor() - - def Print(self, msg): - self.output.Print(msg) - - def RefreshPath(self): - self.SetPath(self.curPathName) - - def SetPath(self, newPathName): - if '\\'!=newPathName[-1]: - newPathName=newPathName+'\\' - - if os.access(newPathName, os.R_OK)==0: - self.Print(newPathName+" Cannot find path") - return - - nameList=os.listdir(newPathName) - - dirNameList=[] - fileNameList=[] - for sName in nameList: - mode=os.stat(newPathName+sName)[stat.ST_MODE] - if stat.S_ISDIR(mode): - dirNameList.append(sName) - else: - fileNameList.append(sName) - - self.curPathName=newPathName - self.dirNameList=dirNameList - self.fileNameList=fileNameList - - self.ShowPath() - - def GetPath(self): - return self.curPathName - - def GetDirName(self, iDir): - if (len(self.dirNameList)>iDir): - return self.dirNameList[iDir] - else: - print len(self.dirNameList) - return "" - - def GetFileName(self, iFile): - if (len(self.fileNameList)>iFile): - return self.fileNameList[iFile] - else: - print len(self.fileNameList) - return "" - - def MoveParentPath(self): - "Go to Parent directory" - newPathName=self.GetPath() - - lastPos=-1 - if '\\'==newPathName[-1]: - lastPos=-2 - - lastPos=newPathName.rfind('\\', 0, lastPos) - if 0>lastPos: - self.Print("Here is root") - return - - newPathName=newPathName[0:lastPos]+'\\' - - self.SetPath(newPathName) - - def GetFullPathName(self, sPathName): - sParentPathName=self.GetPath() - - if '\\'!=sParentPathName[-1]: - sParentPathName=sParentPathName+'\\' - - return sParentPathName+sPathName - - def MoveChildPath(self, directory): - "[Directory name/number] change to child directory" - if ""==directory: - self.Print("You need directory name or number") - return - - if directory.isdigit(): - directory=self.GetDirName(int(directory)) - - newPathName=self.GetFullPathName(directory) - - self.SetPath(newPathName) - - def SetHitEffect(self, arg): - "Sets hit effect" - if arg.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - effectFileName = arg - - effectFullPathFileName=self.GetFullPathName(EffectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HIT, "", effectFullPathFileName) - - self.Print("Hit effect: "+effectFullPathFileName) - - def SetStunEffect(self, arg): - "Sets stun effect" - if arg.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - effectFileName = arg - - effectFullPathFileName = self.GetFullPathName(effectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_STUN, "Bip01 Head", effectFullPathFileName) - - self.Print("Stun effect: "+effectFullPathFileName) - - def SetDustEffect(self, arg): - "Sets dirt effect" - if arg.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - effectFileName = arg - - effectFullPathFileName = self.GetFullPathName(effectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DUST, "", effectFullPathFileName) - - self.Print("Dirt effect: "+effectFullPathFileName) - - def SetDustGap(self, arg): - "Sets dirt effect gap" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Dirt effect gap argument must be a number") - else: - gap = int(arg) - chrmgr.SetDustGap(gap) - self.Print("Dirt effect gap: %d" % (gap)) - - def ShowBackgroundPart(self, arg): - "Show background part" - try: - background.SetVisiblePart(self.bgPartDict[arg], 1); - except KeyError: - self.Print("Unknown part: ", arg); - except: - raise - - def HideBackgroundPart(self, arg): - "Hide background part" - try: - background.SetVisiblePart(self.bgPartDict[arg], 0); - except KeyError: - self.Print("Unknown part: ", arg); - except: - raise - - def SetShadowLevel(self, arg): - "Shadow level setting (0~5)" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Shadow setting must be a number") - else: - level = int(arg) - - if level < 0 or level > 5: - self.Print("Shadow level range is 0~5") - else: - background.SetShadowLevel(level) - self.Print("Shadow level: %d" % (level)) - - def SetSplatLimit(self, arg): - "Splat number limit" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Splat number limit must be a number") - else: - limit = int(arg) - - background.SetSplatLimit(limit) - self.Print("Splat number limit: %d" % (limit)) - - def SelectViewDistanceNum(self, arg): - "View distance (0~4)" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Enter between 0 to 4") - else: - settingnum = int(arg) - - if settingnum < 0 or settingnum > 4: - self.Print("View distance range is 0 to 4") - - else: - background.SelectViewDistanceNum(settingnum) - self.Print("View distance: %d" % (settingnum)) - - def SetBGLoading(self, bBGLoading): - "Background loading (0, 1)" - bResultBoolean = int(bBGLoading) - - if bResultBoolean != 0 and bResultBoolean != 1: - self.Print("Enter 0 or 1") - else: - background.SetBGLoading(bResultBoolean) - self.Print("Background loading: %d" % (bResultBoolean)) - - def SetTerrainRenderSort(self, arg): - "Terrain rendering type" - try: - background.SetRenderSort(self.bgSortDict[arg]); - except KeyError: - self.Print("Unknown part: ", arg); - except: - raise - - def SetTransparentTree(self, arg): - "Tree's leaf transparency" - bTransparent = int(arg) - try: - background.SetTransparentTree(bTransparent); - except KeyError: - self.Print("must be 0 or 1: ", bTransparent); - except: - raise - - def WarpTest(self, warpX, warpY): - "WarpTest : warp dwX dwY" - iWarpX = int(warpX) - iWarpY = int(warpY) - try: - background.Destroy() - background.Initialize() - background.WarpTest(iWarpX, iWarpY); - background.RegisterEnvironmentData(0, "d:/ymir work/environment/b3.msenv") - background.SetEnvironmentData(0) - background.SetShadowLevel(background.SHADOW_ALL) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("consoleModule.Console.WarpTest") - - def ToggleDebugInfo(self): - "Show DebugInfo" - net.ToggleGameDebugInfo() - - def ShowPath(self): - "Show current path" - self.Print("Current path is "+self.GetPath()) - - def ShowList(self): - "Show current path's list" - self.ShowDirList() - self.ShowFileList() - - def ShowDirList(self): - "Show current path's child directories" - self.Print(self.GetPath()+" directories:") - self.ShowNameList(self.dirNameList) - self.Print("") - - def ShowFileList(self, Filter=[]): - "Show current path's files (extension filter)" - self.Print(self.GetPath()+" files:") - self.ShowNameList(self.fileNameList, Filter) - self.Print("") - - def ShowEffectList(self): - "Show current path's effect" - self.Print(self.GetPath()+" effects:") - self.ShowNameList(self.fileNameList, ["mse"]) - self.Print("") - - def ShowWeb(self): - "ShowWeb" - if app.IsWebPageMode(): - app.HideWebPage() - else: - app.ShowWebPage("http://wiki.metin.co.kr/metin1help/01.htm", (0, 0, 320, 600)) - - def ShowUI(self): - "Shows UI" - self.game.CheckGameButton() - self.game.interface.ShowDefaultWindows() - self.game.interface.wndChat.Show() - - def HideUI(self): - "Hides UI" - self.game.interface.HideAllWindows() - self.game.interface.wndChat.Hide() - - def SetCameraSpeed(self, percentage): - "Sets camera speed (Default = 100)" - app.SetCameraSpeed(int(percentage)) - - def SaveCameraSetting(self, filename): - "Save current camera attributes (filename)" - app.SaveCameraSetting(filename) - - def LoadCameraSetting(self, filename): - "Load camera attributes (filename)" - if not app.LoadCameraSetting(filename): - self.Print("Could not load camera attribute") - - def SetDefaultCamera(self): - "Return to default camera attribute" - app.SetDefaultCamera() - - def ShowClock(self, second): - self.game.ShowClock(int(second)) - - def HideClock(self): - self.game.HideClock() - - def ShowNotice(self): - app.SetVisibleNotice(TRUE) - self.Print("Show Notice") - - def HideNotice(self): - app.SetVisibleNotice(FALSE) - self.Print("Hide Notice") - - def SetSight(self, range): - "Set Force Sight Range" - app.SetSightRange(int(range)) - - def SetComboType(self, type): - chr.testSetComboType(int(type)) - - def SetSkillGroupFake(self, index): - """抛胶飘 内靛""" - net.SetSkillGroupFake(int(index)) - self.Print(" SetSkillGroupFake : %d" % int(index)) - - def SetEmpireLanguageMode(self, mode): - net.SetEmpireLanguageMode(int(mode)) - self.Print(" SetEmpireLanguageMode : %d" % int(mode)) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAdd(self, color): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAdd", vid, color - chr.testSetAddRenderMode(vid, int(color,16)) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeMod(self, color): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeMod", vid, color, int(color,16) - chr.testSetModulateRenderMode(vid, int(color,16)) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAddRGB(self, r, g, b): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAddRGB", vid, r, g, b - chr.testSetAddRenderModeRGB(vid, float(r)/255.0, float(g)/255.0, float(b)/255.0) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeModRGB(self, r, g, b): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeModRGB", vid, r, g, b - chr.testSetModulateRenderModeRGB(vid, float(r)/255.0, float(g)/255.0, float(b)/255.0) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeSpecular(self, alpha): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeSpecular", vid, alpha - chr.testSetSpecularRenderMode(vid, float(alpha)) - - def RestoreCharacterRenderModeType(self): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - chr.testRestoreRenderMode(vid) - - - def ShowNameList(self, lstsName, lstsFilter=None): - if len(lstsName)==0: - self.Print("None") - return - - if lstsFilter: - isFilter=1 - else: - isFilter=0 - - sLine="" - iCol=0 - - iName=0 - for sName in lstsName: - if isFilter: - iDotPos=sName.rfind('.', 0, -1) - if iDotPos<0: - iName=iName+1 - continue - - if (sName[iDotPos+1:] in lstsFilter)==0: - iName=iName+1 - continue - - sLine=sLine+"%3d %-15s " % (iName, sName) - - if iCol>4: - iCol=0 - self.Print(sLine) - sLine="" - - iCol=iCol+1 - - iName=iName+1 - - if ""!=sLine: - self.Print(sLine) - -class ConsoleWindow(ui.Window): - - BACK_GROUND_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) - EDIT_LINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) - BUTTON_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - HEIGHT = 200 - LINE_STEP = 15 - MAX_LINE_COUNT = 50 - - class ConsoleEditLine(ui.EditLine): - def __init__(self): - ui.EditLine.__init__(self) - self.eventReturn = 0 - self.eventEscape = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.EditLine.__del__(self) - - def SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = event - - def SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.eventEscape = event - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - text = self.GetText() - - if len(text) > 0: - self.eventReturn(text) - - else: - wndMgr.KillFocus() - self.eventEscape() - - self.SetText("") - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.SetText("") - wndMgr.KillFocus() - self.eventEscape() - return TRUE - - class ResizingButton(ui.DragButton): - - BUTTON_NORMAL_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.3320, 0.2929, 0.2578, 1.0) - BUTTON_OVER_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.5320, 0.4929, 0.4578, 1.0) - BUTTON_LIGHT_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.6666, 0.6509, 0.6313, 1.0) - BUTTON_DARK_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.1647, 0.1450, 0.1294, 1.0) - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("limit") - self.AddFlag("restrict_x") - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.TextList = [] - self.game = 0 - self.Console = Console(self) - - self.ResizingButton = self.ResizingButton() - self.ResizingButton.SetParent(self) - self.ResizingButton.SetSize(15, 15) - self.ResizingButton.SetPosition(100, 100) - self.ResizingButton.Show() - - self.EditLine = self.ConsoleEditLine() - self.EditLine.SetParent(self) - self.EditLine.SetMax(100) - self.EditLine.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.EditLine.SetText("") - self.EditLine.Show() - - from _weakref import ref - - self.ResizingButton.SetMoveEvent(lambda s = ref(self): s().UpdatePosition()) - self.EditLine.SetReturnEvent(lambda x,s = ref(self): s().ProcessCommand(x)) - self.EditLine.SetEscapeEvent(lambda s = ref(self): s().CloseWindow()) - - self.UpdatePosition() - - self.functionDict = {} - self.InitFunction() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def BindGameClass(self, game): - self.Console.BindGameClass(game) - - def Close(self): - self.Console.Close() - self.ResizingButton = 0 - self.EditLine = 0 - - def SetConsoleSize(self, width, height): - self.ResizingButton.SetPosition(width-20, height-20) - self.UpdatePosition() - - def OnRender(self): - grp.SetColor(self.BACK_GROUND_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.gx, self.gy, self.width, self.height) - - grp.SetColor(ConsoleWindow.EDIT_LINE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.gxEditLine-2, self.gyEditLine-3, self.width - 40, 17) - - grp.SetColor(ConsoleWindow.BUTTON_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.gxButton-2, self.gyButton-3, self.widthButton, self.heightButton) - - def UpdatePosition(self): - - self.width = self.GetWidth() - self.height = self.GetHeight() - self.widthButton = self.ResizingButton.GetWidth() - self.heightButton = self.ResizingButton.GetHeight() - (self.gx, self.gy) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - (self.gxButton, self.gyButton) = self.ResizingButton.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.SetSize(self.gxButton - self.gx + 20, self.gyButton - self.gy + 20) - - self.EditLine.SetSize(self.width-30, 16) - self.EditLine.SetPosition(7, self.height-20) - (self.gxEditLine, self.gyEditLine) = self.EditLine.GetGlobalPosition() - - ##### - - yPosition = (self.height-20) - self.LINE_STEP - ItemCount = len(self.TextList) - - for i in xrange(ItemCount): - TextLine = self.TextList[ItemCount-i-1] - - TextLine.SetPosition(10, yPosition) - yPosition -= self.LINE_STEP - - if yPosition < 0: - TextLine.Hide() - else: - TextLine.Show() - - def OpenWindow(self): - - self.EditLine.SetFocus() - - self.Show() - self.Console.RefreshPath() - - def CloseWindow(self): - self.Hide() - - ## NOTE : 捞镑俊辑 Command甫 贸府钦聪促 - [levites] - def ProcessCommand(self, text): - - if '/' == text[0]: - net.SendChatPacket(text) - return - - Console=self.Console - Console.Print(">> "+text) - - lstsArg=text.split() - if len(lstsArg)==0: - return - - sCmd=lstsArg[0] - - if self.functionDict.has_key(sCmd): - try: - self.functionDict[sCmd](self.Console, *lstsArg[1:]) - except Exception, e: - Console.Print(str(e)) - #self.Console.Print(e) - #self.Console.Print(self.functionDict[sCmd].__doc__) - else: - if sCmd == 'help' or sCmd == 'h': - try: - k = lstsArg[1] - v = self.functionDict[k] - argcount = v.im_func.func_code.co_argcount - 1 # -1 for self - if v.im_func.func_code.co_flags & 4: - argcount+=1 - argnames = v.im_func.func_code.co_varnames[1:argcount+1] - if argcount: - Console.Print("%s(%s) : %s" % (k,argcount, v.__doc__)) - Console.Print(" arg : %s" % argnames) - else: - Console.Print("%s : %s" % (k,v.__doc__)) - except: - for k,v in self.functionDict.iteritems(): - argcount = v.im_func.func_code.co_argcount - 1 # -1 for self - if v.im_func.func_code.co_flags & 4: - argcount+=1 - if argcount: - Console.Print("%s(%s) : %s" % (k,argcount, v.__doc__)) - else: - Console.Print("%s : %s" % (k,v.__doc__)) - Console.Print("? : All commands list") - Console.Print("h : Help for all commands") - Console.Print("h blah : Help for blah") - - Console.Print("") - elif sCmd == '?': - list = self.functionDict.keys() - list.sort() - Console.ShowNameList(list) - pass - - def InitFunction(self): - #self.AddFunction("help", Console.PrintHelp) - #self.AddFunction("?", Console.PrintHelp) - - self.AddFunction("exit", Console.Exit) - self.AddFunction("mvol", Console.SetMusicVolume) - self.AddFunction("svol", Console.SetSoundVolume) - self.AddFunction("snds", Console.SetSoundScale) - self.AddFunction("asnds", Console.SetAmbienceSoundScale) - self.AddFunction("mspd", Console.SetMovingSpeed) - self.AddFunction("pwd", Console.ShowPath) - self.AddFunction("ls", Console.ShowList) - self.AddFunction("shadow", Console.SetShadowLevel) - self.AddFunction("splat", Console.SetSplatLimit) - self.AddFunction("distance", Console.SelectViewDistanceNum) - self.AddFunction("bgloading", Console.SetBGLoading) - self.AddFunction("terrainrender", Console.SetTerrainRenderSort) - self.AddFunction("transtree", Console.SetTransparentTree) - self.AddFunction("stune", Console.SetStunEffect) - self.AddFunction("duste", Console.SetDustEffect) - self.AddFunction("dustt", Console.SetDustGap) - self.AddFunction("hite", Console.SetHitEffect) - self.AddFunction("cd", Console.MoveChildPath) - self.AddFunction("up", Console.MoveParentPath) - self.AddFunction("lsd", Console.ShowDirList) - self.AddFunction("lsf", Console.ShowFileList) - self.AddFunction("lse", Console.ShowEffectList) - self.AddFunction("show", Console.ShowBackgroundPart) - self.AddFunction("hide", Console.HideBackgroundPart) - self.AddFunction("debuginfo", Console.ToggleDebugInfo) - - self.AddFunction("collision", Console.SetCollision) - self.AddFunction("colli", Console.SetCollision) - - #self.AddFunction("wt", Console.SetWeaponTrace) - self.AddFunction("wtt", Console.SetWeaponTraceTexture) - self.AddFunction("wtm", Console.SetWeaponTraceMode) - - self.AddFunction("disconnect", Console.Disconnect) - self.AddFunction("autorot", Console.SetAutoCameraRotationSpeed) - - self.AddFunction("dirline", Console.ToggleActorDirectionLine) - self.AddFunction("pickc", Console.ShowPickedCharacterInfo) - self.AddFunction("infoc", Console.ShowCharacterInfo) - self.AddFunction("regchre", Console.RegisterCharacterEffect) - self.AddFunction("setchra", Console.SetCharacterAffect) - self.AddFunction("emoticon", Console.SetCharacterEmoticon) - self.AddFunction("perfinfo", Console.ShowPerformanceInfo) - self.AddFunction("reload_locale", Console.ReloadLocale) - self.AddFunction("re", Console.ReloadDevel) - self.AddFunction("perftime", Console.EnablePerformanceTime) - self.AddFunction("cooltime", Console.SetCoolTime) - self.AddFunction("levellimit", Console.SetLevelLimit) - self.AddFunction("showcursor", Console.ShowCursor) - self.AddFunction("hidecursor", Console.HideCursor) - - self.AddFunction("warp", Console.WarpTest) - self.AddFunction("web", Console.ShowWeb) - - self.AddFunction("showui", Console.ShowUI) - self.AddFunction("hideui", Console.HideUI) - - self.AddFunction("setcspd", Console.SetCameraSpeed) - self.AddFunction("savecmr", Console.SaveCameraSetting) - self.AddFunction("loadcmr", Console.LoadCameraSetting) - self.AddFunction("setdefcmr", Console.SetDefaultCamera) - - self.AddFunction("showclock", Console.ShowClock) - self.AddFunction("hideclock", Console.HideClock) - - self.AddFunction("setsight", Console.SetSight) - - self.AddFunction("setcombotype", Console.SetComboType) - self.AddFunction("setsk_fake", Console.SetSkillGroupFake) - - self.AddFunction("trans", Console.SetEmpireLanguageMode) - - self.AddFunction("shownotice", Console.ShowNotice) - self.AddFunction("hidenotice", Console.HideNotice) - - self.AddFunction("setrmadd", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAdd) - self.AddFunction("setrmmod", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeMod) - self.AddFunction("setrmaddrgb", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAddRGB) - self.AddFunction("setrmmodrgb", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeModRGB) - self.AddFunction("setspec", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeSpecular) - self.AddFunction("restorerm", Console.RestoreCharacterRenderModeType) - - def AddFunction(self, cmd, func): - self.functionDict[cmd] = func - - def Print(self, text): - TextLine = ui.TextLine() - TextLine.SetParent(self) - TextLine.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - TextLine.Show() - TextLine.SetText(text) - self.TextList.append(TextLine) - - count = len(self.TextList) - if count > self.MAX_LINE_COUNT: - for i in xrange(count - self.MAX_LINE_COUNT): - del self.TextList[0] - - self.UpdatePosition() diff --git a/bin_original/constInfo.py b/bin_original/constInfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0acf16b4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/constInfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,240 +0,0 @@ -# option -IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 -CONSOLE_ENABLE = 0 - -PVPMODE_ENABLE = 1 -PVPMODE_TEST_ENABLE = 0 -PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_ENABLE = 1 -PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_DELAY = 0.5 -PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL = 30 - -FOG_LEVEL0 = 4800.0 -FOG_LEVEL1 = 9600.0 -FOG_LEVEL2 = 12800.0 -FOG_LEVEL = FOG_LEVEL0 -FOG_LEVEL_LIST=[FOG_LEVEL0, FOG_LEVEL1, FOG_LEVEL2] - -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT = 2500.0 -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LONG = 3500.0 -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST=[CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT, CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LONG] -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE = CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT - -CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX = 0 - -ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT="d:/ymir work/environment/moonlight04.msenv" - -# constant -HIGH_PRICE = 500000 -MIDDLE_PRICE = 50000 -ERROR_METIN_STONE = 28960 -SUB2_LOADING_ENABLE = 1 -EXPANDED_COMBO_ENABLE = 1 -CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE = 1 -USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS = 0 -ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 1 -LOGIN_COUNT_LIMIT_ENABLE = 0 - -USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE = 1 - -VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD = 1 -GUILD_MONEY_PER_GSP = 100 -GUILD_WAR_TYPE_SELECT_ENABLE = 1 -TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE = 0 - -HAIR_COLOR_ENABLE = 1 -ARMOR_SPECULAR_ENABLE = 1 -WEAPON_SPECULAR_ENABLE = 1 -SEQUENCE_PACKET_ENABLE = 1 -KEEP_ACCOUNT_CONNETION_ENABLE = 1 -MINIMAP_POSITIONINFO_ENABLE = 0 -CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE = 0 -USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS = 0 -ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 0 -LOGIN_COUNT_LIMIT_ENABLE = 0 -PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL = 15 -TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE = 10 - -isItemDropQuestionDialog = 0 - -def GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - global isItemDropQuestionDialog - return isItemDropQuestionDialog - -def SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(flag): - global isItemDropQuestionDialog - isItemDropQuestionDialog = flag - -import app -import net - -######################## - -def SET_DEFAULT_FOG_LEVEL(): - global FOG_LEVEL - app.SetMinFog(FOG_LEVEL) - -def SET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(index): - global FOG_LEVEL - global FOG_LEVEL_LIST - try: - FOG_LEVEL=FOG_LEVEL_LIST[index] - except IndexError: - FOG_LEVEL=FOG_LEVEL_LIST[0] - app.SetMinFog(FOG_LEVEL) - -def GET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(): - global FOG_LEVEL - global FOG_LEVEL_LIST - return FOG_LEVEL_LIST.index(FOG_LEVEL) - -######################## - -def SET_DEFAULT_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE(): - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE - app.SetCameraMaxDistance(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) - -def SET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(index): - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST - try: - CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE=CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST[index] - except: - CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE=CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST[0] - - app.SetCameraMaxDistance(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) - -def GET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(): - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST - return CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST.index(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) - -######################## - -import chrmgr -import player -import app - -def SET_DEFAULT_CHRNAME_COLOR(): - global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - chrmgr.SetEmpireNameMode(CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX) - -def SET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(index): - global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX=index - chrmgr.SetEmpireNameMode(index) - -def GET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(): - global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - return CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - -def SET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(index): - global VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD - VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD = index - -def GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(): - global VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD - return VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD - -def SET_DEFAULT_CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE(): - global CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE - net.SetEmpireLanguageMode(CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE) - -def SET_DEFAULT_USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS(): - global USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS - player.SetWeaponAttackBonusFlag(USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS) - -def SET_DEFAULT_USE_SKILL_EFFECT_ENABLE(): - global USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE - app.SetSkillEffectUpgradeEnable(USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE) - -def SET_TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE(): - global TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE - app.SetTwoHandedWeaponAttSpeedDecreaseValue(TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE) - -######################## -import item - -ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST = [50623, 50624, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, 50634, 50635, 50636, 50637, 50638] -#ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST = [50623, 50623, 50624, 50624, 50625, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, -# 50623, 50623, 50624, 50624, ] -JewelAccessoryInfos = [ - # jewel wrist neck ear - [ 50634, 14420, 16220, 17220 ], - [ 50635, 14500, 16500, 17500 ], - [ 50636, 14520, 16520, 17520 ], - [ 50637, 14540, 16540, 17540 ], - [ 50638, 14560, 16560, 17560 ], - ] -def GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(vnum, subType): - ret = vnum - item_base = (vnum / 10) * 10 - for info in JewelAccessoryInfos: - if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType: - if info[1] == item_base: - return info[0] - elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: - if info[2] == item_base: - return info[0] - elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType: - if info[3] == item_base: - return info[0] - - if vnum >= 16210 and vnum <= 16219: - return 50625 - - if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType: - WRIST_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 14000 - ret -= WRIST_ITEM_VNUM_BASE - elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: - NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 16000 - ret -= NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE - elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType: - EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 17000 - ret -= EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE - - type = ret/20 - - if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST): - type = (ret-170) / 20 - if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST): - return 0 - - return ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST[type] - -################################################################## -## 货肺 眠啊等 '骇飘' 酒捞袍 鸥涝苞, 骇飘狼 家南俊 踩阑 酒捞袍 包访.. -## 骇飘狼 家南矫胶袍篮 厩技辑府客 悼老窍扁 锭巩俊, 困 厩技辑府 包访 窍靛内爹贸烦 捞繁侥栏肺 且 荐观俊 绝促.. - -def GET_BELT_MATERIAL_VNUM(vnum, subType = 0): - # 泅犁绰 葛电 骇飘俊绰 窍唱狼 酒捞袍(#18900)父 火涝 啊瓷 - return 18900 - -################################################################## -## 磊悼拱距 (HP: #72723 ~ #72726, SP: #72727 ~ #72730) - -# 秦寸 vnum捞 磊悼拱距牢啊? -def IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): - return IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum) or IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum) - -# 秦寸 vnum捞 HP 磊悼拱距牢啊? -def IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): - if 72723 <= itemVnum and 72726 >= itemVnum: - return 1 - elif itemVnum >= 76021 and itemVnum <= 76022: ## 货肺 甸绢埃 急拱侩 拳锋狼 绵汗 - return 1 - elif itemVnum == 79012: - return 1 - - return 0 - -# 秦寸 vnum捞 SP 磊悼拱距牢啊? -def IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): - if 72727 <= itemVnum and 72730 >= itemVnum: - return 1 - elif itemVnum >= 76004 and itemVnum <= 76005: ## 货肺 甸绢埃 急拱侩 荐锋狼 绵汗 - return 1 - elif itemVnum == 79013: - return 1 - - return 0 - diff --git a/bin_original/debugInfo.py b/bin_original/debugInfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index d2bfd71f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/debugInfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -g_isDebugMode=0 - -def SetDebugMode(isDebugMode): - global g_isDebugMode - g_isDebugMode=isDebugMode - -def IsDebugMode(): - global g_isDebugMode - return g_isDebugMode - diff --git a/bin_original/dragon_soul_refine_settings.py b/bin_original/dragon_soul_refine_settings.py deleted file mode 100644 index e1588b62..00000000 --- a/bin_original/dragon_soul_refine_settings.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -import item - -default_grade_need_count = [15, 10, 5, 3] -default_grade_fee = [30000, 50000, 70000, 100000] -default_step_need_count = [4, 3, 2, 1] -default_step_fee = [20000, 30000, 40000, 50000] - -strength_fee = { - item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_NORMAL : 10000, - item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_BLESSED : 20000, - item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_HOLLY : 30000, -} - -# 碍拳啊 绢蠢 窜拌 鳖瘤 啊瓷 茄瘤 -# table(GRADE, STEP) = max strength. -default_strength_max_table = [ - [2, 2, 3, 3, 4], - [3, 3, 3, 4, 4], - [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], - [4, 4, 4, 4, 5], - [4, 4, 4, 5, 6], -] - -# 老窜 扁裙利栏肺绰 strength 碍拳狼 版快, 碍拳籍俊 狼秦 fee啊 悸泼登扁 锭巩俊, -# dragon_soul_refine_info俊 持瘤 臼疽促. -# (碍拳籍父 持绢档 倔付 鞘夸茄瘤 焊老 荐 乐档废 窍扁 困秦) -# 促父 辑滚俊辑绰 侩去籍 鸥涝 喊肺 碍拳籍 fee甫 悸泼且 荐 乐档废 秦躇扁 锭巩俊, -# 父老 侩去籍 喊肺 碍拳籍 fee甫 促福霸 窍绊 酵促搁, -# 努扼 内靛甫 荐沥秦具且 巴捞促. -default_refine_info = { - "grade_need_count" : default_grade_need_count, - "grade_fee" : default_grade_fee, - "step_need_count" : default_step_need_count, - "step_fee" : default_step_fee, - "strength_max_table" : default_strength_max_table, -} - -dragon_soul_refine_info = { - 11 : default_refine_info, - 12 : default_refine_info, - 13 : default_refine_info, - 14 : default_refine_info, - 15 : default_refine_info, - 16 : default_refine_info, -} - diff --git a/bin_original/emotion.py b/bin_original/emotion.py deleted file mode 100644 index db2ef136..00000000 --- a/bin_original/emotion.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ -import locale -import player -import chrmgr -import chr - -EMOTION_VERSION = 2 - -if EMOTION_VERSION == 2: - EMOTION_CLAP = 1 - EMOTION_CONGRATULATION = 2 - EMOTION_FORGIVE = 3 - EMOTION_ANGRY = 4 - EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE = 5 - EMOTION_SAD = 6 - EMOTION_SHY = 7 - EMOTION_CHEERUP = 8 - EMOTION_BANTER = 9 - EMOTION_JOY = 10 - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 = 11 - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 = 12 - EMOTION_DANCE_1 = 13 - EMOTION_DANCE_2 = 14 - EMOTION_DANCE_3 = 15 - EMOTION_DANCE_4 = 16 - EMOTION_DANCE_5 = 17 - EMOTION_DANCE_6 = 18 - EMOTION_KISS = 51 - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS = 52 - EMOTION_SLAP = 53 - - EMOTION_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP, "command":"/clap"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_1, "command":"/dance1"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_2, "command":"/dance2"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_3 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_3, "command":"/dance3"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_4 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_4, "command":"/dance4"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_5 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_5, "command":"/dance5"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_6 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_6, "command":"/dance6"}, - EMOTION_CONGRATULATION : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CONGRATULATION, "command":"/congratulation"}, - EMOTION_FORGIVE : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FORGIVE, "command":"/forgive"}, - EMOTION_ANGRY : {"name": locale.EMOTION_ANGRY, "command":"/angry"}, - EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE : {"name": locale.EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE, "command":"/attractive"}, - EMOTION_SAD : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SAD, "command":"/sad"}, - EMOTION_SHY : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SHY, "command":"/shy"}, - EMOTION_CHEERUP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERUP, "command":"/cheerup"}, - EMOTION_BANTER : {"name": locale.EMOTION_BANTER, "command":"/banter"}, - EMOTION_JOY : {"name": locale.EMOTION_JOY, "command":"/joy"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_1, "command":"/cheer1"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_2, "command":"/cheer2"}, - EMOTION_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP_KISS, "command":"/kiss"}, - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS, "command":"/french_kiss"}, - EMOTION_SLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SLAP, "command":"/slap"}, - } - - ICON_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_clap.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_1.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_2.sub", - - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : "icon/action/dance1.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : "icon/action/dance2.tga", - - EMOTION_CONGRATULATION : "icon/action/congratulation.tga", - EMOTION_FORGIVE : "icon/action/forgive.tga", - EMOTION_ANGRY : "icon/action/angry.tga", - EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE : "icon/action/attractive.tga", - EMOTION_SAD : "icon/action/sad.tga", - EMOTION_SHY : "icon/action/shy.tga", - EMOTION_CHEERUP : "icon/action/cheerup.tga", - EMOTION_BANTER : "icon/action/banter.tga", - EMOTION_JOY : "icon/action/joy.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : "icon/action/dance1.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : "icon/action/dance2.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_3 : "icon/action/dance3.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_4 : "icon/action/dance4.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_5 : "icon/action/dance5.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_6 : "icon/action/dance6.tga", - - EMOTION_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_french_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_SLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_slap.sub", - } - - ANI_DICT = { - chr.MOTION_CLAP : "clap.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_1 : "cheers_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_2 : "cheers_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_1 : "dance_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_2 : "dance_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_3 : "dance_3.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_4 : "dance_4.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_5 : "dance_5.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_6 : "dance_6.msa", - chr.MOTION_CONGRATULATION : "congratulation.msa", - chr.MOTION_FORGIVE : "forgive.msa", - chr.MOTION_ANGRY : "angry.msa", - chr.MOTION_ATTRACTIVE : "attractive.msa", - chr.MOTION_SAD : "sad.msa", - chr.MOTION_SHY : "shy.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERUP : "cheerup.msa", - chr.MOTION_BANTER : "banter.msa", - chr.MOTION_JOY : "joy.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "french_kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "french_kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SURA : "french_kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "french_kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SURA : "kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hurt.msa", - } - -elif EMOTION_VERSION == 1: - EMOTION_CLAP = 1 - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 = 2 - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 = 3 - EMOTION_DANCE_1 = 4 - EMOTION_DANCE_2 = 5 - EMOTION_KISS = 51 - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS = 52 - EMOTION_SLAP = 53 - - EMOTION_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP, "command":"/clap"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_1, "command":"/cheer1"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_2, "command":"/cheer2"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_1, "command":"/dance1"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_2, "command":"/dance2"}, - EMOTION_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP_KISS, "command":"/kiss"}, - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS, "command":"/french_kiss"}, - EMOTION_SLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SLAP, "command":"/slap"}, - } - - ICON_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_clap.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_1.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_2.sub", - - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : "icon/action/dance1.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : "icon/action/dance2.tga", - - EMOTION_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_french_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_SLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_slap.sub", - } - - ANI_DICT = { - chr.MOTION_CLAP : "clap.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_1 : "cheers_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_2 : "cheers_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_1 : "dance_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_2 : "dance_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "french_kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "french_kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SURA : "french_kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "french_kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SURA : "kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hurt.msa", - } -else: - EMOTION_CLAP = 1 - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 = 2 - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 = 3 - EMOTION_KISS = 51 - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS = 52 - EMOTION_SLAP = 53 - - EMOTION_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP, "command":"/clap"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_1, "command":"/cheer1"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_2, "command":"/cheer2"}, - EMOTION_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP_KISS, "command":"/kiss"}, - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS, "command":"/french_kiss"}, - EMOTION_SLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SLAP, "command":"/slap"}, - } - - ICON_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_clap.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_1.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_2.sub", - - EMOTION_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_french_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_SLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_slap.sub", - } - - ANI_DICT = { - chr.MOTION_CLAP : "clap.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_1 : "cheers_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_2 : "cheers_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "french_kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "french_kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SURA : "french_kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "french_kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SURA : "kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hurt.msa", - } - - -def __RegisterSharedEmotionAnis(mode, path): - chrmgr.SetPathName(path) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(mode) - - for key, val in ANI_DICT.items(): - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(mode, key, val) - -def RegisterEmotionAnis(path): - actionPath = path + "action/" - weddingPath = path + "wedding/" - - __RegisterSharedEmotionAnis(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, actionPath) - __RegisterSharedEmotionAnis(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, actionPath) - - chrmgr.SetPathName(weddingPath) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, chr.MOTION_RUN, "walk.msa") - -def RegisterEmotionIcons(): - for key, val in ICON_DICT.items(): - player.RegisterEmotionIcon(key, val) - diff --git a/bin_original/error_lookup.py b/bin_original/error_lookup.py deleted file mode 100644 index aa1ef023..00000000 --- a/bin_original/error_lookup.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -import sys -MAP_FILE = "metin2.map" -COD_HEAD = "..\\" -COD_MIDDLE = "..\\UserInterface\\distribute\\" - -if len(sys.argv)>1: - MAP_FILE = sys.argv[1] - -f = file(MAP_FILE) -data = f.readline() -data = f.readline() -data = f.readline() -print data -data = f.readline() -data = f.readline() -data = f.readline() -while len(f.readline())>2: - pass -#while f.readline()!='': -while len(f.readline())>2: - pass - -map_pieces = [] - -while 1: - data = f.readline() - if len(data)>2: - a = data.split() - # address mangling_name lib:module - map_pieces.append((long(a[2],16),a[1],a[-1][:-4])) - else: - break - -print 'Function count :', len(map_pieces) -print 'Parsing ready. Please input crashed offset (in HEX ex. 451f3):' - -def read_cod(piece): - lines=[] - a = piece[2].split(':') - if len(a)==2: - # lib : name - f = file("".join([COD_HEAD,a[0],COD_MIDDLE,a[1],".cod"])) - else: - # name - f = file("".join([COD_HEAD,'UserInterface',COD_MIDDLE,piece[2],".cod"])) - recorded = 0 - for line in f: - if recorded: - lines.append(line) - if line.startswith(piece[1]): - recorded = not recorded - if not recorded: - break - lines.append(line) - - return lines - -def show_code(piece): - print 'Show code disabled.' -# confirm = raw_input('Show code (Y/n)?') -# if confirm.lower() in ['','y','ye','yes']: -# lines = read_cod(piece) -# -# app = Application(lines) -# app.mainloop() -# -# #startline = 0 -# #pageline = 15 -# #while 1: -# #print -# #print 'Crash Code offset :',delta,'(',hex(delta),')' -# #print -# #print "".join(lines[startline:startline+pageline]) -# #print -# #cmd = raw_input('ENTER,f,b,u,d,q > ').strip() -# # -# #if cmd=='' or cmd=='f': -# #mydelta = pageline -# #elif cmd=='b': -# #mydelta = -pageline -# #elif cmd=='u': -# #mydelta = -1 -# #elif cmd=='d': -# #mydelta = 1 -# #elif cmd=='q': -# #return -# # -# #startline+=mydelta -# #if startline>len(lines): startline = len(lines)-pageline+1 -# #if startline<0:startline = 0 - - - -while 1: - offset = raw_input('OFFSET, q > ').strip() - - if not offset or offset =='q': - print 'Happy Debuging.' - print 'Bye bye.' - break - - if len(offset)>2: - if offset[2]=='x': - offset=offset[2:] - x = long(offset,16) - l = 0 - r = len(map_pieces)-1 - if xmap_pieces[r][0]: - print 'Invalid address.' - continue - while lmap_pieces[m][0]: - l=m+1 - else: - break - while x>map_pieces[m][0]: - m+=1 - while x= 1 and num <= 9: - if(chrmgr.IsPossibleEmoticon(-1)): - chrmgr.SetEmoticon(-1,int(num)-1) - net.SendEmoticon(int(num)-1) - else: - if num >= 1 and num <= 4: - self.pressNumber(num-1) - - def __ClickBKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - return - else: - if constInfo.PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_ENABLE: - self.ChangePKMode() - - - def __PressJKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - if player.IsMountingHorse(): - net.SendChatPacket("/unmount") - else: - #net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_ride") - if not uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE): - if player.GetItemIndex(i) in (71114, 71116, 71118, 71120): - net.SendItemUsePacket(i) - break - def __PressHKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_ride") - else: - self.interface.OpenHelpWindow() - - def __PressBKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_back") - else: - state = "EMOTICON" - self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state) - - def __PressFKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_feed") - else: - app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - - def __PressGKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/ride") - else: - if self.ShowNameFlag: - self.interface.ToggleGuildWindow() - else: - app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - - def __ReleaseGKey(self): - app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - - def __PressQKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - if 0==interfaceModule.IsQBHide: - interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 1 - self.interface.HideAllQuestButton() - else: - interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 0 - self.interface.ShowAllQuestButton() - else: - app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE) - - def __SetQuickSlotMode(self): - self.pressNumber=ui.__mem_func__(self.__PressQuickSlot) - - def __SetQuickPageMode(self): - self.pressNumber=ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectQuickPage) - - def __PressQuickSlot(self, localSlotIndex): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - if 0 <= localSlotIndex and localSlotIndex < 4: - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(3-localSlotIndex) - else: - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(11-localSlotIndex) - else: - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex) - - def __SelectQuickPage(self, pageIndex): - self.quickSlotPageIndex = pageIndex - player.SetQuickPage(pageIndex) - - def ToggleDebugInfo(self): - self.isShowDebugInfo = not self.isShowDebugInfo - - if self.isShowDebugInfo: - self.PrintCoord.Show() - self.FrameRate.Show() - self.Pitch.Show() - self.Splat.Show() - self.TextureNum.Show() - self.ObjectNum.Show() - self.ViewDistance.Show() - self.PrintMousePos.Show() - else: - self.PrintCoord.Hide() - self.FrameRate.Hide() - self.Pitch.Hide() - self.Splat.Hide() - self.TextureNum.Hide() - self.ObjectNum.Hide() - self.ViewDistance.Hide() - self.PrintMousePos.Hide() - - def __BuildDebugInfo(self): - ## Character Position Coordinate - self.PrintCoord = ui.TextLine() - self.PrintCoord.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.PrintCoord.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 0) - - ## Frame Rate - self.FrameRate = ui.TextLine() - self.FrameRate.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.FrameRate.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 20) - - ## Camera Pitch - self.Pitch = ui.TextLine() - self.Pitch.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.Pitch.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 40) - - ## Splat - self.Splat = ui.TextLine() - self.Splat.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.Splat.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 60) - - ## - self.PrintMousePos = ui.TextLine() - self.PrintMousePos.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.PrintMousePos.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 80) - - # TextureNum - self.TextureNum = ui.TextLine() - self.TextureNum.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.TextureNum.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 100) - - # 坷宏璃飘 弊府绰 俺荐 - self.ObjectNum = ui.TextLine() - self.ObjectNum.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.ObjectNum.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 120) - - # 矫具芭府 - self.ViewDistance = ui.TextLine() - self.ViewDistance.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.ViewDistance.SetPosition(0, 0) - - def __NotifyError(self, msg): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, msg) - - def ChangePKMode(self): - - if not app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - return - - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) 5000: - answer = FALSE - - net.SendPartyInviteAnswerPacket(partyLeaderVID, answer) - - self.partyInviteQuestionDialog.Close() - self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = None - - def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name): - self.interface.AddPartyMember(pid, name) - - def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid): - self.interface.UpdatePartyMemberInfo(pid) - - def RemovePartyMember(self, pid): - self.interface.RemovePartyMember(pid) - self.__RefreshTargetBoard() - - def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid): - self.interface.LinkPartyMember(pid, vid) - - def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid): - self.interface.UnlinkPartyMember(pid) - - def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self): - self.interface.UnlinkAllPartyMember() - - def ExitParty(self): - self.interface.ExitParty() - self.RefreshTargetBoardByVID(self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID()) - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - self.interface.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode) - - ## Messenger - def OnMessengerAddFriendQuestion(self, name): - messengerAddFriendQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetText1(locale.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 % (name)) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetText2(locale.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAcceptAddFriend)) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDenyAddFriend)) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.Open() - messengerAddFriendQuestion.name = name - self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = messengerAddFriendQuestion - - def OnAcceptAddFriend(self): - name = self.messengerAddFriendQuestion.name - net.SendChatPacket("/messenger_auth y " + name) - self.OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnDenyAddFriend(self): - name = self.messengerAddFriendQuestion.name - net.SendChatPacket("/messenger_auth n " + name) - self.OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog(self): - self.messengerAddFriendQuestion.Close() - self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = None - return TRUE - - ## SafeBox - def OpenSafeboxWindow(self, size): - self.interface.OpenSafeboxWindow(size) - - def RefreshSafebox(self): - self.interface.RefreshSafebox() - - def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self): - self.interface.RefreshSafeboxMoney() - - # ITEM_MALL - def OpenMallWindow(self, size): - self.interface.OpenMallWindow(size) - - def RefreshMall(self): - self.interface.RefreshMall() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - ## Guild - def RecvGuildInviteQuestion(self, guildID, guildName): - guildInviteQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetText(guildName + locale.GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN) - guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.AnswerGuildInvite(arg)) - guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.AnswerGuildInvite(arg)) - guildInviteQuestionDialog.Open() - guildInviteQuestionDialog.guildID = guildID - self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = guildInviteQuestionDialog - - def AnswerGuildInvite(self, answer): - - if not self.guildInviteQuestionDialog: - return - - guildLeaderVID = self.guildInviteQuestionDialog.guildID - net.SendGuildInviteAnswerPacket(guildLeaderVID, answer) - - self.guildInviteQuestionDialog.Close() - self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = None - - - def DeleteGuild(self): - self.interface.DeleteGuild() - - ## Clock - def ShowClock(self, second): - self.interface.ShowClock(second) - - def HideClock(self): - self.interface.HideClock() - - ## Emotion - def BINARY_ActEmotion(self, emotionIndex): - if self.interface.wndCharacter: - self.interface.wndCharacter.ActEmotion(emotionIndex) - - ############################################################################################### - ############################################################################################### - ## Keyboard Functions - - def CheckFocus(self): - if FALSE == self.IsFocus(): - if TRUE == self.interface.IsOpenChat(): - self.interface.ToggleChat() - - self.SetFocus() - - def SaveScreen(self): - print "save screen" - - # SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE - if SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE: - if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"): - os.mkdir(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot") - - (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShotToPath(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"+os.sep) - elif SCREENSHOT_DIR: - (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot(SCREENSHOT_DIR) - else: - (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot() - # END_OF_SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE - - if succeeded: - pass - """ - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, name + locale.SCREENSHOT_SAVE1) - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SCREENSHOT_SAVE2) - """ - else: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE) - - def ShowConsole(self): - if debugInfo.IsDebugMode() or TRUE == self.consoleEnable: - player.EndKeyWalkingImmediately() - self.console.OpenWindow() - - def ShowName(self): - self.ShowNameFlag = TRUE - self.playerGauge.EnableShowAlways() - player.SetQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex+1) - - # ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - def __IsShowName(self): - - if systemSetting.IsAlwaysShowName(): - return TRUE - - if self.ShowNameFlag: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - # END_OF_ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - - def HideName(self): - self.ShowNameFlag = FALSE - self.playerGauge.DisableShowAlways() - player.SetQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex) - - def ShowMouseImage(self): - self.interface.ShowMouseImage() - - def HideMouseImage(self): - self.interface.HideMouseImage() - - def StartAttack(self): - player.SetAttackKeyState(TRUE) - - def EndAttack(self): - player.SetAttackKeyState(FALSE) - - def MoveUp(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_UP, TRUE) - - def MoveDown(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_DOWN, TRUE) - - def MoveLeft(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_LEFT, TRUE) - - def MoveRight(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_RIGHT, TRUE) - - def StopUp(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_UP, FALSE) - - def StopDown(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_DOWN, FALSE) - - def StopLeft(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_LEFT, FALSE) - - def StopRight(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_RIGHT, FALSE) - - def PickUpItem(self): - player.PickCloseItem() - - ############################################################################################### - ############################################################################################### - ## Event Handler - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if self.interface.wndWeb and self.interface.wndWeb.IsShow(): - return - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) - - try: - self.onPressKeyDict[key]() - except KeyError: - pass - except: - raise - - return TRUE - - def OnKeyUp(self, key): - try: - self.onClickKeyDict[key]() - except KeyError: - pass - except: - raise - - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(): - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - self.CheckFocus() - else: - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - return - else: - self.CheckFocus() - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS); - - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - - if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(): - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - - ## QuickSlot - if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType: - player.RequestDeleteGlobalQuickSlot(attachedItemSlotPos) - - ## Inventory - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType: - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex: - self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) - else: - self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) - - ## DragonSoul - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType: - self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - return - else: - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK) - - #player.EndMouseWalking() - return TRUE - - def __PutItem(self, attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, dstChrID): - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType or player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType: - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedType) - if TRUE == chr.HasInstance(self.PickingCharacterIndex) and player.GetMainCharacterIndex() != dstChrID: - if player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedItemSlotPos): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM, 0, locale.UI_OK) - else: - if chr.IsNPC(dstChrID): - net.SendGiveItemPacket(dstChrID, attachedInvenType, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount) - else: - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(dstChrID) - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedItemSlotPos, 0) - else: - self.__DropItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount) - - def __PutMoney(self, attachedType, attachedMoney, dstChrID): - if TRUE == chr.HasInstance(dstChrID) and player.GetMainCharacterIndex() != dstChrID: - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(dstChrID) - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(attachedMoney) - else: - self.__DropMoney(attachedType, attachedMoney) - - def __DropMoney(self, attachedType, attachedMoney): - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 滚覆 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - if attachedMoney>=1000: - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER, 0, locale.UI_OK) - return - - itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY % (attachedMoney)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.Open() - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedMoney - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = player.ITEM_MONEY - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog - - def __DropItem(self, attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount): - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 滚覆 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType and player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedItemSlotPos): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM, 0, locale.UI_OK) - - else: - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType: - dropItemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedItemSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(dropItemIndex) - dropItemName = item.GetItemName() - - ## Question Text - questionText = locale.HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, attachedItemCount) - - ## Dialog - itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(questionText) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.Open() - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = attachedItemSlotPos - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedItemCount - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(1) - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType: - dropItemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, attachedItemSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(dropItemIndex) - dropItemName = item.GetItemName() - - ## Question Text - questionText = locale.HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, attachedItemCount) - - ## Dialog - itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(questionText) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.Open() - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = attachedItemSlotPos - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedItemCount - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(1) - - def RequestDropItem(self, answer): - if not self.itemDropQuestionDialog: - return - - if answer: - dropType = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType - dropCount = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount - dropNumber = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == dropType: - if dropNumber == player.ITEM_MONEY: - net.SendGoldDropPacketNew(dropCount) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - else: - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - self.__SendDropItemPacket(dropNumber, dropCount) - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == dropType: - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - self.__SendDropItemPacket(dropNumber, dropCount, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY) - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - self.itemDropQuestionDialog.Close() - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = None - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) - - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - def __SendDropItemPacket(self, itemVNum, itemCount, itemInvenType = player.INVENTORY): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemDropPacketNew(itemInvenType, itemVNum, itemCount) - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self): - - self.CheckFocus() - - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_PRESS) - - return TRUE - - def OnMouseRightButtonUp(self): - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return TRUE - - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_CLICK) - return TRUE - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonDown(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_PRESS) - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonUp(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_CLICK) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - if self.mapNameShower.IsShow(): - self.mapNameShower.Update() - - if self.isShowDebugInfo: - self.UpdateDebugInfo() - - if self.enableXMasBoom: - self.__XMasBoom_Update() - - self.interface.BUILD_OnUpdate() - - - def UpdateDebugInfo(self): - # - # 某腐磐 谅钎 棺 FPS 免仿 - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - nUpdateTime = app.GetUpdateTime() - nUpdateFPS = app.GetUpdateFPS() - nRenderFPS = app.GetRenderFPS() - nFaceCount = app.GetFaceCount() - fFaceSpeed = app.GetFaceSpeed() - nST=background.GetRenderShadowTime() - (fAveRT, nCurRT) = app.GetRenderTime() - (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp) = background.GetDistanceSetInfo() - (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio, sTextureNum) = background.GetRenderedSplatNum() - if iPatch == 0: - iPatch = 1 - - #(dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC) = background.GetRenderedGraphicThingInstanceNum() - - self.PrintCoord.SetText("Coordinate: %.2f %.2f %.2f ATM: %d" % (x, y, z, app.GetAvailableTextureMemory()/(1024*1024))) - xMouse, yMouse = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.PrintMousePos.SetText("MousePosition: %d %d" % (xMouse, yMouse)) - - self.FrameRate.SetText("UFPS: %3d UT: %3d FS %.2f" % (nUpdateFPS, nUpdateTime, fFaceSpeed)) - - if fAveRT>1.0: - self.Pitch.SetText("RFPS: %3d RT:%.2f(%3d) FC: %d(%.2f) " % (nRenderFPS, fAveRT, nCurRT, nFaceCount, nFaceCount/fAveRT)) - - self.Splat.SetText("PATCH: %d SPLAT: %d BAD(%.2f)" % (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio)) - #self.Pitch.SetText("Pitch: %.2f" % (app.GetCameraPitch()) - #self.TextureNum.SetText("TN : %s" % (sTextureNum)) - #self.ObjectNum.SetText("GTI : %d, CRC : %d" % (dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC)) - self.ViewDistance.SetText("Num : %d, FS : %f, FE : %f, FC : %f" % (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp)) - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - - if self.console.Console.collision: - background.RenderCollision() - chr.RenderCollision() - - (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition() - - ######################## - # Picking - ######################## - textTail.UpdateAllTextTail() - - if TRUE == wndMgr.IsPickedWindow(self.hWnd): - - self.PickingCharacterIndex = chr.Pick() - - if -1 != self.PickingCharacterIndex: - textTail.ShowCharacterTextTail(self.PickingCharacterIndex) - if 0 != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID(): - textTail.ShowCharacterTextTail(self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID()) - - # ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - if not self.__IsShowName(): - self.PickingItemIndex = item.Pick() - if -1 != self.PickingItemIndex: - textTail.ShowItemTextTail(self.PickingItemIndex) - # END_OF_ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - - ## Show all name in the range - - # ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - if self.__IsShowName(): - textTail.ShowAllTextTail() - self.PickingItemIndex = textTail.Pick(x, y) - # END_OF_ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - - textTail.UpdateShowingTextTail() - textTail.ArrangeTextTail() - if -1 != self.PickingItemIndex: - textTail.SelectItemName(self.PickingItemIndex) - - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - textTail.Render() - textTail.HideAllTextTail() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - if app.TARGET == app.GetCursor(): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - elif TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - self.interface.OpenSystemDialog() - - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT): - self.interface.OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget() - else: - self.interface.ToggleChat() - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.interface.ToggleSystemDialog() - return TRUE - - ## BINARY CALLBACK - ###################################################################################### - - # WEDDING - def BINARY_LoverInfo(self, name, lovePoint): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnAddLover(name, lovePoint) - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.SetLoverInfo(name, lovePoint) - - def BINARY_UpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint) - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint) - # END_OF_WEDDING - - # QUEST_CONFIRM - def BINARY_OnQuestConfirm(self, msg, timeout, pid): - confirmDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit() - confirmDialog.Open(msg, timeout) - confirmDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda answer=TRUE, pid=pid: net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide()) - confirmDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda answer=FALSE, pid=pid: net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide()) - self.confirmDialog = confirmDialog - # END_OF_QUEST_CONFIRM - - # GIFT command - def Gift_Show(self): - self.interface.ShowGift() - - # CUBE - def BINARY_Cube_Open(self, npcVNUM): - self.currentCubeNPC = npcVNUM - - self.interface.OpenCubeWindow() - - - if npcVNUM not in self.cubeInformation: - net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info") - else: - cubeInfoList = self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM] - - i = 0 - for cubeInfo in cubeInfoList: - self.interface.wndCube.AddCubeResultItem(cubeInfo["vnum"], cubeInfo["count"]) - - j = 0 - for materialList in cubeInfo["materialList"]: - for materialInfo in materialList: - itemVnum, itemCount = materialInfo - self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(i, j, itemVnum, itemCount) - j = j + 1 - - i = i + 1 - - self.interface.wndCube.Refresh() - - def BINARY_Cube_Close(self): - self.interface.CloseCubeWindow() - - # 力累俊 鞘夸茄 榜靛, 抗惑登绰 肯己前狼 VNUM苞 俺荐 沥焊 update - def BINARY_Cube_UpdateInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count): - self.interface.UpdateCubeInfo(gold, itemVnum, count) - - def BINARY_Cube_Succeed(self, itemVnum, count): - print "钮宏 力累 己傍" - self.interface.SucceedCubeWork(itemVnum, count) - pass - - def BINARY_Cube_Failed(self): - print "钮宏 力累 角菩" - self.interface.FailedCubeWork() - pass - - def BINARY_Cube_ResultList(self, npcVNUM, listText): - # ResultList Text Format : 72723,1/72725,1/72730.1/50001,5 捞繁侥栏肺 "/" 巩磊肺 备盒等 府胶飘甫 淋 - #print listText - - if npcVNUM == 0: - npcVNUM = self.currentCubeNPC - - self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM] = [] - - try: - for eachInfoText in listText.split("/"): - eachInfo = eachInfoText.split(",") - itemVnum = int(eachInfo[0]) - itemCount = int(eachInfo[1]) - - self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM].append({"vnum": itemVnum, "count": itemCount}) - self.interface.wndCube.AddCubeResultItem(itemVnum, itemCount) - - resultCount = len(self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM]) - requestCount = 7 - modCount = resultCount % requestCount - splitCount = resultCount / requestCount - for i in xrange(splitCount): - #print("/cube r_info %d %d" % (i * requestCount, requestCount)) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info %d %d" % (i * requestCount, requestCount)) - - if 0 < modCount: - #print("/cube r_info %d %d" % (splitCount * requestCount, modCount)) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info %d %d" % (splitCount * requestCount, modCount)) - - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - pass - - def BINARY_Cube_MaterialInfo(self, startIndex, listCount, listText): - # Material Text Format : 125,1|126,2|127,2|123,5&555,5&555,4/120000 - try: - #print listText - - if 3 > len(listText): - dbg.TraceError("Wrong Cube Material Infomation") - return 0 - - - - eachResultList = listText.split("@") - - cubeInfo = self.cubeInformation[self.currentCubeNPC] - - itemIndex = 0 - for eachResultText in eachResultList: - cubeInfo[startIndex + itemIndex]["materialList"] = [[], [], [], [], []] - materialList = cubeInfo[startIndex + itemIndex]["materialList"] - - gold = 0 - splitResult = eachResultText.split("/") - if 1 < len(splitResult): - gold = int(splitResult[1]) - - #print "splitResult : ", splitResult - eachMaterialList = splitResult[0].split("&") - - i = 0 - for eachMaterialText in eachMaterialList: - complicatedList = eachMaterialText.split("|") - - if 0 < len(complicatedList): - for complicatedText in complicatedList: - (itemVnum, itemCount) = complicatedText.split(",") - itemVnum = int(itemVnum) - itemCount = int(itemCount) - self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(itemIndex + startIndex, i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - materialList[i].append((itemVnum, itemCount)) - - else: - itemVnum, itemCount = eachMaterialText.split(",") - itemVnum = int(itemVnum) - itemCount = int(itemCount) - self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(itemIndex + startIndex, i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - materialList[i].append((itemVnum, itemCount)) - - i = i + 1 - - - - itemIndex = itemIndex + 1 - - self.interface.wndCube.Refresh() - - - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - pass - - # END_OF_CUBE - - # 侩去籍 - def BINARY_Highlight_Item(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.interface.Highligt_Item(inven_type, inven_pos) - - def BINARY_DragonSoulGiveQuilification(self): - self.interface.DragonSoulGiveQuilification() - - def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_Open(self): - self.interface.OpenDragonSoulRefineWindow() - - def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_RefineFail(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.interface.FailDragonSoulRefine(reason, inven_type, inven_pos) - - def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_RefineSucceed(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.interface.SucceedDragonSoulRefine(inven_type, inven_pos) - - # END of DRAGON SOUL REFINE WINDOW - - def BINARY_SetBigMessage(self, message): - self.interface.bigBoard.SetTip(message) - - def BINARY_SetTipMessage(self, message): - self.interface.tipBoard.SetTip(message) - - def BINARY_AppendNotifyMessage(self, type): - if not type in locale.NOTIFY_MESSAGE: - return - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.NOTIFY_MESSAGE[type]) - - def BINARY_Guild_EnterGuildArea(self, areaID): - self.interface.BULID_EnterGuildArea(areaID) - - def BINARY_Guild_ExitGuildArea(self, areaID): - self.interface.BULID_ExitGuildArea(areaID) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnSendDeclare(self, guildID): - pass - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnRecvDeclare(self, guildID, warType): - mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName() - masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName() - if mainCharacterName == masterName: - self.__GuildWar_OpenAskDialog(guildID, warType) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnRecvPoint(self, gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point): - self.interface.OnRecvGuildWarPoint(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnStart(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.interface.OnStartGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnEnd(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.interface.OnEndGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - def BINARY_BettingGuildWar_SetObserverMode(self, isEnable): - self.interface.BINARY_SetObserverMode(isEnable) - - def BINARY_BettingGuildWar_UpdateObserverCount(self, observerCount): - self.interface.wndMiniMap.UpdateObserverCount(observerCount) - - def __GuildWar_UpdateMemberCount(self, guildID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2, observerCount): - guildID1 = int(guildID1) - guildID2 = int(guildID2) - memberCount1 = int(memberCount1) - memberCount2 = int(memberCount2) - observerCount = int(observerCount) - - self.interface.UpdateMemberCount(guildID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2) - self.interface.wndMiniMap.UpdateObserverCount(observerCount) - - def __GuildWar_OpenAskDialog(self, guildID, warType): - - guildName = guild.GetGuildName(guildID) - - # REMOVED_GUILD_BUG_FIX - if "Noname" == guildName: - return - # END_OF_REMOVED_GUILD_BUG_FIX - - import uiGuild - questionDialog = uiGuild.AcceptGuildWarDialog() - questionDialog.SAFE_SetAcceptEvent(self.__GuildWar_OnAccept) - questionDialog.SAFE_SetCancelEvent(self.__GuildWar_OnDecline) - questionDialog.Open(guildName, warType) - - self.guildWarQuestionDialog = questionDialog - - def __GuildWar_CloseAskDialog(self): - self.guildWarQuestionDialog.Close() - self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None - - def __GuildWar_OnAccept(self): - - guildName = self.guildWarQuestionDialog.GetGuildName() - - net.SendChatPacket("/war " + guildName) - self.__GuildWar_CloseAskDialog() - - return 1 - - def __GuildWar_OnDecline(self): - - guildName = self.guildWarQuestionDialog.GetGuildName() - - net.SendChatPacket("/nowar " + guildName) - self.__GuildWar_CloseAskDialog() - - return 1 - ## BINARY CALLBACK - ###################################################################################### - - def __ServerCommand_Build(self): - serverCommandList={ - "ConsoleEnable" : self.__Console_Enable, - "DayMode" : self.__DayMode_Update, - "PRESERVE_DayMode" : self.__PRESERVE_DayMode_Update, - "CloseRestartWindow" : self.__RestartDialog_Close, - "OpenPrivateShop" : self.__PrivateShop_Open, - "PartyHealReady" : self.PartyHealReady, - "ShowMeSafeboxPassword" : self.AskSafeboxPassword, - "CloseSafebox" : self.CommandCloseSafebox, - - # ITEM_MALL - "CloseMall" : self.CommandCloseMall, - "ShowMeMallPassword" : self.AskMallPassword, - "item_mall" : self.__ItemMall_Open, - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - "RefineSuceeded" : self.RefineSuceededMessage, - "RefineFailed" : self.RefineFailedMessage, - "xmas_snow" : self.__XMasSnow_Enable, - "xmas_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "xmas_song" : self.__XMasSong_Enable, - "xmas_tree" : self.__XMasTree_Enable, - "newyear_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "PartyRequest" : self.__PartyRequestQuestion, - "PartyRequestDenied" : self.__PartyRequestDenied, - "horse_state" : self.__Horse_UpdateState, - "hide_horse_state" : self.__Horse_HideState, - "WarUC" : self.__GuildWar_UpdateMemberCount, - "test_server" : self.__EnableTestServerFlag, - "mall" : self.__InGameShop_Show, - - # WEDDING - "lover_login" : self.__LoginLover, - "lover_logout" : self.__LogoutLover, - "lover_near" : self.__LoverNear, - "lover_far" : self.__LoverFar, - "lover_divorce" : self.__LoverDivorce, - "PlayMusic" : self.__PlayMusic, - # END_OF_WEDDING - - # PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - "MyShopPriceList" : self.__PrivateShop_PriceList, - # END_OF_PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - } - - self.serverCommander=stringCommander.Analyzer() - for serverCommandItem in serverCommandList.items(): - self.serverCommander.SAFE_RegisterCallBack( - serverCommandItem[0], serverCommandItem[1] - ) - - def BINARY_ServerCommand_Run(self, line): - #dbg.TraceError(line) - try: - #print " BINARY_ServerCommand_Run", line - return self.serverCommander.Run(line) - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - def __ProcessPreservedServerCommand(self): - try: - command = net.GetPreservedServerCommand() - while command: - print " __ProcessPreservedServerCommand", command - self.serverCommander.Run(command) - command = net.GetPreservedServerCommand() - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.interface.PartyHealReady() - - def AskSafeboxPassword(self): - self.interface.AskSafeboxPassword() - - # ITEM_MALL - def AskMallPassword(self): - self.interface.AskMallPassword() - - def __ItemMall_Open(self): - self.interface.OpenItemMall(); - - def CommandCloseMall(self): - self.interface.CommandCloseMall() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - def RefineSuceededMessage(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/make_soket.wav") - self.PopupMessage(locale.REFINE_SUCCESS) - - def RefineFailedMessage(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - self.PopupMessage(locale.REFINE_FAILURE) - - def CommandCloseSafebox(self): - self.interface.CommandCloseSafebox() - - # PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - def __PrivateShop_PriceList(self, itemVNum, itemPrice): - uiPrivateShopBuilder.SetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum, itemPrice) - # END_OF_PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - - def __Horse_HideState(self): - self.affectShower.SetHorseState(0, 0, 0) - - def __Horse_UpdateState(self, level, health, battery): - self.affectShower.SetHorseState(int(level), int(health), int(battery)) - - def __IsXMasMap(self): - mapDict = ( "metin2_map_n_flame_01", - "metin2_map_n_desert_01", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon", - "metin2_map_deviltower1", ) - - if background.GetCurrentMapName() in mapDict: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __XMasSnow_Enable(self, mode): - - self.__XMasSong_Enable(mode) - - if "1"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - print "XMAS_SNOW ON" - background.EnableSnow(1) - - else: - print "XMAS_SNOW OFF" - background.EnableSnow(0) - - def __XMasBoom_Enable(self, mode): - if "1"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - print "XMAS_BOOM ON" - self.__DayMode_Update("dark") - self.enableXMasBoom = TRUE - self.startTimeXMasBoom = app.GetTime() - else: - print "XMAS_BOOM OFF" - self.__DayMode_Update("light") - self.enableXMasBoom = FALSE - - def __XMasTree_Enable(self, grade): - - print "XMAS_TREE ", grade - background.SetXMasTree(int(grade)) - - def __XMasSong_Enable(self, mode): - if "1"==mode: - print "XMAS_SONG ON" - - XMAS_BGM = "xmas.mp3" - - if app.IsExistFile("BGM/" + XMAS_BGM)==1: - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - musicInfo.fieldMusic=XMAS_BGM - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - else: - print "XMAS_SONG OFF" - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - musicInfo.fieldMusic=musicInfo.METIN2THEMA - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - def __RestartDialog_Close(self): - self.interface.CloseRestartDialog() - - def __Console_Enable(self): - constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE = TRUE - self.consoleEnable = TRUE - app.EnableSpecialCameraMode() - ui.EnablePaste(TRUE) - - ## PrivateShop - def __PrivateShop_Open(self): - self.interface.OpenPrivateShopInputNameDialog() - - def BINARY_PrivateShop_Appear(self, vid, text): - self.interface.AppearPrivateShop(vid, text) - - def BINARY_PrivateShop_Disappear(self, vid): - self.interface.DisappearPrivateShop(vid) - - ## DayMode - def __PRESERVE_DayMode_Update(self, mode): - if "light"==mode: - background.SetEnvironmentData(0) - elif "dark"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - background.RegisterEnvironmentData(1, constInfo.ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT) - background.SetEnvironmentData(1) - - def __DayMode_Update(self, mode): - if "light"==mode: - self.curtain.SAFE_FadeOut(self.__DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToLight) - elif "dark"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - self.curtain.SAFE_FadeOut(self.__DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToDark) - - def __DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToLight(self): - background.SetEnvironmentData(0) - self.curtain.FadeIn() - - def __DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToDark(self): - background.RegisterEnvironmentData(1, constInfo.ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT) - background.SetEnvironmentData(1) - self.curtain.FadeIn() - - ## XMasBoom - def __XMasBoom_Update(self): - - self.BOOM_DATA_LIST = ( (2, 5), (5, 2), (7, 3), (10, 3), (20, 5) ) - if self.indexXMasBoom >= len(self.BOOM_DATA_LIST): - return - - boomTime = self.BOOM_DATA_LIST[self.indexXMasBoom][0] - boomCount = self.BOOM_DATA_LIST[self.indexXMasBoom][1] - - if app.GetTime() - self.startTimeXMasBoom > boomTime: - - self.indexXMasBoom += 1 - - for i in xrange(boomCount): - self.__XMasBoom_Boom() - - def __XMasBoom_Boom(self): - x, y, z = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - randX = app.GetRandom(-150, 150) - randY = app.GetRandom(-150, 150) - - snd.PlaySound3D(x+randX, -y+randY, z, "sound/common/etc/salute.mp3") - - def __PartyRequestQuestion(self, vid): - vid = int(vid) - partyRequestQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetText(chr.GetNameByVID(vid) + locale.PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetAcceptText(locale.UI_ACCEPT) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetCancelText(locale.UI_DENY) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.__AnswerPartyRequest(arg)) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.__AnswerPartyRequest(arg)) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.Open() - partyRequestQuestionDialog.vid = vid - self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = partyRequestQuestionDialog - - def __AnswerPartyRequest(self, answer): - if not self.partyRequestQuestionDialog: - return - - vid = self.partyRequestQuestionDialog.vid - - if answer: - net.SendChatPacket("/party_request_accept " + str(vid)) - else: - net.SendChatPacket("/party_request_deny " + str(vid)) - - self.partyRequestQuestionDialog.Close() - self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = None - - def __PartyRequestDenied(self): - self.PopupMessage(locale.PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED) - - def __EnableTestServerFlag(self): - app.EnableTestServerFlag() - - def __InGameShop_Show(self, url): - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - self.interface.OpenWebWindow(url) - - # WEDDING - def __LoginLover(self): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnLoginLover() - - def __LogoutLover(self): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnLogoutLover() - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.HideLoverState() - - def __LoverNear(self): - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.ShowLoverState() - - def __LoverFar(self): - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.HideLoverState() - - def __LoverDivorce(self): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.ClearLoverInfo() - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.ClearLoverState() - - def __PlayMusic(self, flag, filename): - flag = int(flag) - if flag: - snd.FadeOutAllMusic() - musicInfo.SaveLastPlayFieldMusic() - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + filename) - else: - snd.FadeOutAllMusic() - musicInfo.LoadLastPlayFieldMusic() - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - # END_OF_WEDDING - - diff --git a/bin_original/grpblk.txt b/bin_original/grpblk.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e62967ab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/grpblk.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e 000a1628 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e 000a1460 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e 000a14b7 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1620 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1628 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1a25 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000110ff -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1133 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a11ab -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1629 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1820 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a14b7 -NVDD32.DLL 0004000d.00010b7e -ialmdd.dll 0004000d.000a0db6 -ialmdd.dll 0004000d.00010cc0 diff --git a/bin_original/interfaceModule.py b/bin_original/interfaceModule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7e83078a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/interfaceModule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1719 +0,0 @@ -## -## Interface -## - -import constInfo -import systemSetting -import wndMgr -import chat -import app -import player - -import uiTaskBar -import uiCharacter -import uiInventory -import uiDragonSoul -import uiChat -import uiMessenger -import guild - -import ui -import uiHelp -import uiWhisper -import uiPointReset -import uiShop -import uiExchange -import uiSystem -import uiRestart -import uiToolTip -import uiMiniMap -import uiParty -import uiSafebox -import uiGuild -import uiQuest -import uiPrivateShopBuilder -import uiCommon -import uiRefine -import uiEquipmentDialog -import uiGameButton -import uiTip -import uiCube -import miniMap -# ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE -import uiSelectItem -# END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE -import uiScriptLocale - -import event -import locale - -IsQBHide = 0 -class Interface(object): - CHARACTER_STATUS_TAB = 1 - CHARACTER_SKILL_TAB = 2 - - def __init__(self): - systemSetting.SetInterfaceHandler(self) - self.windowOpenPosition = 0 - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None - self.inputDialog = None - self.tipBoard = None - self.bigBoard = None - - # ITEM_MALL - self.mallPageDlg = None - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - self.wndWeb = None - self.wndTaskBar = None - self.wndCharacter = None - self.wndInventory = None - self.wndExpandedTaskBar = None - self.wndDragonSoul = None - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = None - self.wndChat = None - self.wndMessenger = None - self.wndMiniMap = None - self.wndGuild = None - self.wndGuildBuilding = None - - self.listGMName = {} - self.wndQuestWindow = [] - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {} - self.guildScoreBoardDict = {} - self.equipmentDialogDict = {} - event.SetInterfaceWindow(self) - - def __del__(self): - systemSetting.DestroyInterfaceHandler() - event.SetInterfaceWindow(None) - - ################################ - ## Make Windows & Dialogs - def __MakeUICurtain(self): - wndUICurtain = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") - wndUICurtain.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - wndUICurtain.SetColor(0x77000000) - wndUICurtain.Hide() - self.wndUICurtain = wndUICurtain - - def __MakeMessengerWindow(self): - self.wndMessenger = uiMessenger.MessengerWindow() - - from _weakref import proxy - self.wndMessenger.SetWhisperButtonEvent(lambda n,i=proxy(self):i.OpenWhisperDialog(n)) - self.wndMessenger.SetGuildButtonEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleGuildWindow)) - - def __MakeGuildWindow(self): - self.wndGuild = uiGuild.GuildWindow() - - def __MakeChatWindow(self): - - wndChat = uiChat.ChatWindow() - - wndChat.SetSize(wndChat.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 0) - wndChat.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()/2 - wndChat.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH/2, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - wndChat.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - 37) - wndChat.SetHeight(200) - wndChat.Refresh() - wndChat.Show() - - self.wndChat = wndChat - self.wndChat.BindInterface(self) - self.wndChat.SetSendWhisperEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget)) - self.wndChat.SetOpenChatLogEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleChatLogWindow)) - - def __MakeTaskBar(self): - wndTaskBar = uiTaskBar.TaskBar() - wndTaskBar.LoadWindow() - self.wndTaskBar = wndTaskBar - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_CHARACTER, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleCharacterWindowStatusPage)) - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_INVENTORY, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleInventoryWindow)) - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_MESSENGER, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleMessenger)) - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_SYSTEM, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleSystemDialog)) - if uiTaskBar.TaskBar.IS_EXPANDED: - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_EXPAND, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleExpandedButton)) - self.wndExpandedTaskBar = uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.LoadWindow() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleDragonSoulWindow)) - - else: - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_CHAT, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleChat)) - - self.wndEnergyBar = None - import app - if app.ENABLE_ENERGY_SYSTEM: - wndEnergyBar = uiTaskBar.EnergyBar() - wndEnergyBar.LoadWindow() - self.wndEnergyBar = wndEnergyBar - - def __MakeParty(self): - wndParty = uiParty.PartyWindow() - wndParty.Hide() - self.wndParty = wndParty - - def __MakeGameButtonWindow(self): - wndGameButton = uiGameButton.GameButtonWindow() - wndGameButton.SetTop() - wndGameButton.Show() - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("STATUS", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickStatusPlusButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("SKILL", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSkillPlusButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("QUEST", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickQuestButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("HELP", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickHelpButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("BUILD", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickBuildButton)) - - self.wndGameButton = wndGameButton - - def __IsChatOpen(self): - return TRUE - - def __MakeWindows(self): - wndCharacter = uiCharacter.CharacterWindow() - wndInventory = uiInventory.InventoryWindow() - wndInventory.BindInterfaceClass(self) - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - wndDragonSoul = uiDragonSoul.DragonSoulWindow() - wndDragonSoulRefine = uiDragonSoul.DragonSoulRefineWindow() - else: - wndDragonSoul = None - wndDragonSoulRefine = None - - wndMiniMap = uiMiniMap.MiniMap() - wndSafebox = uiSafebox.SafeboxWindow() - - # ITEM_MALL - wndMall = uiSafebox.MallWindow() - self.wndMall = wndMall - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - wndChatLog = uiChat.ChatLogWindow() - wndChatLog.BindInterface(self) - - self.wndCharacter = wndCharacter - self.wndInventory = wndInventory - self.wndDragonSoul = wndDragonSoul - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = wndDragonSoulRefine - self.wndMiniMap = wndMiniMap - self.wndSafebox = wndSafebox - self.wndChatLog = wndChatLog - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self.wndDragonSoulRefine) - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.SetInventoryWindows(self.wndInventory, self.wndDragonSoul) - self.wndInventory.SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self.wndDragonSoulRefine) - - def __MakeDialogs(self): - self.dlgExchange = uiExchange.ExchangeDialog() - self.dlgExchange.LoadDialog() - self.dlgExchange.SetCenterPosition() - self.dlgExchange.Hide() - - self.dlgPointReset = uiPointReset.PointResetDialog() - self.dlgPointReset.LoadDialog() - self.dlgPointReset.Hide() - - self.dlgShop = uiShop.ShopDialog() - self.dlgShop.LoadDialog() - self.dlgShop.Hide() - - self.dlgRestart = uiRestart.RestartDialog() - self.dlgRestart.LoadDialog() - self.dlgRestart.Hide() - - self.dlgSystem = uiSystem.SystemDialog() - self.dlgSystem.LoadDialog() - self.dlgSystem.SetOpenHelpWindowEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenHelpWindow)) - - self.dlgSystem.Hide() - - self.dlgPassword = uiSafebox.PasswordDialog() - self.dlgPassword.Hide() - - self.hyperlinkItemTooltip = uiToolTip.HyperlinkItemToolTip() - self.hyperlinkItemTooltip.Hide() - - self.tooltipItem = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.Hide() - - self.tooltipSkill = uiToolTip.SkillToolTip() - self.tooltipSkill.Hide() - - self.privateShopBuilder = uiPrivateShopBuilder.PrivateShopBuilder() - self.privateShopBuilder.Hide() - - self.dlgRefineNew = uiRefine.RefineDialogNew() - self.dlgRefineNew.Hide() - - def __MakeHelpWindow(self): - self.wndHelp = uiHelp.HelpWindow() - self.wndHelp.LoadDialog() - self.wndHelp.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseHelpWindow)) - self.wndHelp.Hide() - - def __MakeTipBoard(self): - self.tipBoard = uiTip.TipBoard() - self.tipBoard.Hide() - - self.bigBoard = uiTip.BigBoard() - self.bigBoard.Hide() - - def __MakeWebWindow(self): - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - import uiWeb - self.wndWeb = uiWeb.WebWindow() - self.wndWeb.LoadWindow() - self.wndWeb.Hide() - - def __MakeCubeWindow(self): - self.wndCube = uiCube.CubeWindow() - self.wndCube.LoadWindow() - self.wndCube.Hide() - - def __MakeCubeResultWindow(self): - self.wndCubeResult = uiCube.CubeResultWindow() - self.wndCubeResult.LoadWindow() - self.wndCubeResult.Hide() - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - def __MakeItemSelectWindow(self): - self.wndItemSelect = uiSelectItem.SelectItemWindow() - self.wndItemSelect.Hide() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - def MakeInterface(self): - self.__MakeMessengerWindow() - self.__MakeGuildWindow() - self.__MakeChatWindow() - self.__MakeParty() - self.__MakeWindows() - self.__MakeDialogs() - - self.__MakeUICurtain() - self.__MakeTaskBar() - self.__MakeGameButtonWindow() - self.__MakeHelpWindow() - self.__MakeTipBoard() - self.__MakeWebWindow() - self.__MakeCubeWindow() - self.__MakeCubeResultWindow() - - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - self.__MakeItemSelectWindow() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - self.questButtonList = [] - self.whisperButtonList = [] - self.whisperDialogDict = {} - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {} - - self.wndInventory.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndSafebox.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndCube.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndCubeResult.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - - # ITEM_MALL - self.wndMall.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - self.wndCharacter.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - self.wndTaskBar.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndTaskBar.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - self.wndGuild.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - self.wndItemSelect.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - self.dlgShop.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.dlgExchange.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.privateShopBuilder.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - - self.__InitWhisper() - self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED = FALSE - - def MakeHyperlinkTooltip(self, hyperlink): - tokens = hyperlink.split(":") - if tokens and len(tokens): - type = tokens[0] - if "item" == type: - self.hyperlinkItemTooltip.SetHyperlinkItem(tokens) - - ## Make Windows & Dialogs - ################################ - - def Close(self): - - if self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.Destroy() - del self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget - - if uiQuest.QuestDialog.__dict__.has_key("QuestCurtain"): - uiQuest.QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.Close() - - if self.wndQuestWindow: - for eachQuestWindow in self.wndQuestWindow: - eachQuestWindow.nextCurtainMode = -1 - eachQuestWindow.CloseSelf() - eachQuestWindow = None - - if self.wndChat: - self.wndChat.Destroy() - - if self.wndTaskBar: - self.wndTaskBar.Destroy() - - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Destroy() - - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Destroy() - - if self.wndCharacter: - self.wndCharacter.Destroy() - - if self.wndInventory: - self.wndInventory.Destroy() - - if self.wndDragonSoul: - self.wndDragonSoul.Destroy() - - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine: - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Destroy() - - if self.dlgExchange: - self.dlgExchange.Destroy() - - if self.dlgPointReset: - self.dlgPointReset.Destroy() - - if self.dlgShop: - self.dlgShop.Destroy() - - if self.dlgRestart: - self.dlgRestart.Destroy() - - if self.dlgSystem: - self.dlgSystem.Destroy() - - if self.dlgPassword: - self.dlgPassword.Destroy() - - if self.wndMiniMap: - self.wndMiniMap.Destroy() - - if self.wndSafebox: - self.wndSafebox.Destroy() - - if self.wndWeb: - self.wndWeb.Destroy() - self.wndWeb = None - - if self.wndMall: - self.wndMall.Destroy() - - if self.wndParty: - self.wndParty.Destroy() - - if self.wndHelp: - self.wndHelp.Destroy() - - if self.wndCube: - self.wndCube.Destroy() - - if self.wndCubeResult: - self.wndCubeResult.Destroy() - - if self.wndMessenger: - self.wndMessenger.Destroy() - - if self.wndGuild: - self.wndGuild.Destroy() - - if self.privateShopBuilder: - self.privateShopBuilder.Destroy() - - if self.dlgRefineNew: - self.dlgRefineNew.Destroy() - - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - self.wndGuildBuilding.Destroy() - - if self.wndGameButton: - self.wndGameButton.Destroy() - - # ITEM_MALL - if self.mallPageDlg: - self.mallPageDlg.Destroy() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - if self.wndItemSelect: - self.wndItemSelect.Destroy() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - self.wndChatLog.Destroy() - for btn in self.questButtonList: - btn.SetEvent(0) - for btn in self.whisperButtonList: - btn.SetEvent(0) - for dlg in self.whisperDialogDict.itervalues(): - dlg.Destroy() - for brd in self.guildScoreBoardDict.itervalues(): - brd.Destroy() - for dlg in self.equipmentDialogDict.itervalues(): - dlg.Destroy() - - # ITEM_MALL - del self.mallPageDlg - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - del self.wndGuild - del self.wndMessenger - del self.wndUICurtain - del self.wndChat - del self.wndTaskBar - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - del self.wndExpandedTaskBar - del self.wndEnergyBar - del self.wndCharacter - del self.wndInventory - if self.wndDragonSoul: - del self.wndDragonSoul - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine: - del self.wndDragonSoulRefine - del self.dlgExchange - del self.dlgPointReset - del self.dlgShop - del self.dlgRestart - del self.dlgSystem - del self.dlgPassword - del self.hyperlinkItemTooltip - del self.tooltipItem - del self.tooltipSkill - del self.wndMiniMap - del self.wndSafebox - del self.wndMall - del self.wndParty - del self.wndHelp - del self.wndCube - del self.wndCubeResult - del self.privateShopBuilder - del self.inputDialog - del self.wndChatLog - del self.dlgRefineNew - del self.wndGuildBuilding - del self.wndGameButton - del self.tipBoard - del self.bigBoard - del self.wndItemSelect - - self.questButtonList = [] - self.whisperButtonList = [] - self.whisperDialogDict = {} - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {} - self.guildScoreBoardDict = {} - self.equipmentDialogDict = {} - - uiChat.DestroyChatInputSetWindow() - - ## Skill - def OnUseSkill(self, slotIndex, coolTime): - self.wndCharacter.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime) - self.wndTaskBar.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime) - self.wndGuild.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime) - - def OnActivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - self.wndCharacter.OnActivateSkill(slotIndex) - self.wndTaskBar.OnActivateSkill(slotIndex) - - def OnDeactivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - self.wndCharacter.OnDeactivateSkill(slotIndex) - self.wndTaskBar.OnDeactivateSkill(slotIndex) - - def OnChangeCurrentSkill(self, skillSlotNumber): - self.wndTaskBar.OnChangeCurrentSkill(skillSlotNumber) - - def SelectMouseButtonEvent(self, dir, event): - self.wndTaskBar.SelectMouseButtonEvent(dir, event) - - ## Refresh - def RefreshAlignment(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshAlignment() - - def RefreshStatus(self): - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshStatus() - self.wndCharacter.RefreshStatus() - self.wndInventory.RefreshStatus() - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.RefreshStatus() - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.RefreshStatus() - - def RefreshStamina(self): - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshStamina() - - def RefreshSkill(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshSkill() - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshSkill() - - def RefreshInventory(self): - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshQuickSlot() - self.wndInventory.RefreshItemSlot() - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.RefreshItemSlot() - - def RefreshCharacter(self): ## Character 其捞瘤狼 倔奔, Inventory 其捞瘤狼 傈脚 弊覆 殿狼 Refresh - self.wndCharacter.RefreshCharacter() - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshQuickSlot() - - def RefreshQuest(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshQuest() - - def RefreshSafebox(self): - self.wndSafebox.RefreshSafebox() - - # ITEM_MALL - def RefreshMall(self): - self.wndMall.RefreshMall() - - def OpenItemMall(self): - if not self.mallPageDlg: - self.mallPageDlg = uiShop.MallPageDialog() - - self.mallPageDlg.Open() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - def RefreshMessenger(self): - self.wndMessenger.RefreshMessenger() - - def RefreshGuildInfoPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildInfoPage() - - def RefreshGuildBoardPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildBoardPage() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildMemberPage() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - - def RefreshGuildSkillPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildSkillPage() - - def RefreshGuildGradePage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildGradePage() - - def DeleteGuild(self): - self.wndMessenger.ClearGuildMember() - self.wndGuild.DeleteGuild() - - def RefreshMobile(self): - self.dlgSystem.RefreshMobile() - - def OnMobileAuthority(self): - self.dlgSystem.OnMobileAuthority() - - def OnBlockMode(self, mode): - self.dlgSystem.OnBlockMode(mode) - - ## Calling Functions - # PointReset - def OpenPointResetDialog(self): - self.dlgPointReset.Show() - self.dlgPointReset.SetTop() - - def ClosePointResetDialog(self): - self.dlgPointReset.Close() - - # Shop - def OpenShopDialog(self, vid): - self.wndInventory.Show() - self.wndInventory.SetTop() - self.dlgShop.Open(vid) - self.dlgShop.SetTop() - - def CloseShopDialog(self): - self.dlgShop.Close() - - def RefreshShopDialog(self): - self.dlgShop.Refresh() - - ## Quest - def OpenCharacterWindowQuestPage(self): - self.wndCharacter.Show() - self.wndCharacter.SetState("QUEST") - - def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): - - wnds = () - - q = uiQuest.QuestDialog(skin, idx) - q.SetWindowName("QuestWindow" + str(idx)) - q.Show() - if skin: - q.Lock() - wnds = self.__HideWindows() - - # UNKNOWN_UPDATE - q.AddOnDoneEvent(lambda tmp_self, args=wnds: self.__ShowWindows(args)) - # END_OF_UNKNOWN_UPDATE - - if skin: - q.AddOnCloseEvent(q.Unlock) - - q.AddOnCloseEvent(lambda s = self, qw = q: s.__dict__.__getitem__("wndQuestWindow").remove(qw)) - - # UNKNOWN_UPDATE - self.wndQuestWindow.append(q) - # END_OF_UNKNOWN_UPDATE - - ## Exchange - def StartExchange(self): - self.dlgExchange.OpenDialog() - self.dlgExchange.Refresh() - - def EndExchange(self): - self.dlgExchange.CloseDialog() - - def RefreshExchange(self): - self.dlgExchange.Refresh() - - ## Party - def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name): - self.wndParty.AddPartyMember(pid, name) - - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid): - self.wndParty.UpdatePartyMemberInfo(pid) - - def RemovePartyMember(self, pid): - self.wndParty.RemovePartyMember(pid) - - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_困摹_焊沥 - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid): - self.wndParty.LinkPartyMember(pid, vid) - - def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid): - self.wndParty.UnlinkPartyMember(pid) - - def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self): - self.wndParty.UnlinkAllPartyMember() - - def ExitParty(self): - self.wndParty.ExitParty() - - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_困摹_焊沥 - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.wndParty.PartyHealReady() - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - self.wndParty.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode) - - ## Safebox - def AskSafeboxPassword(self): - if self.wndSafebox.IsShow(): - return - - # SAFEBOX_PASSWORD - self.dlgPassword.SetTitle(locale.PASSWORD_TITLE) - self.dlgPassword.SetSendMessage("/safebox_password ") - # END_OF_SAFEBOX_PASSWORD - - self.dlgPassword.ShowDialog() - - def OpenSafeboxWindow(self, size): - self.dlgPassword.CloseDialog() - self.wndSafebox.ShowWindow(size) - - def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self): - self.wndSafebox.RefreshSafeboxMoney() - - def CommandCloseSafebox(self): - self.wndSafebox.CommandCloseSafebox() - - # ITEM_MALL - def AskMallPassword(self): - if self.wndMall.IsShow(): - return - self.dlgPassword.SetTitle(locale.MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE) - self.dlgPassword.SetSendMessage("/mall_password ") - self.dlgPassword.ShowDialog() - - def OpenMallWindow(self, size): - self.dlgPassword.CloseDialog() - self.wndMall.ShowWindow(size) - - def CommandCloseMall(self): - self.wndMall.CommandCloseMall() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - ## Guild - def OnStartGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.wndGuild.OnStartGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - guildWarScoreBoard = uiGuild.GuildWarScoreBoard() - guildWarScoreBoard.Open(guildSelf, guildOpp) - guildWarScoreBoard.Show() - self.guildScoreBoardDict[uiGuild.GetGVGKey(guildSelf, guildOpp)] = guildWarScoreBoard - - def OnEndGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.wndGuild.OnEndGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key): - return - - self.guildScoreBoardDict[key].Destroy() - del self.guildScoreBoardDict[key] - - # GUILDWAR_MEMBER_COUNT - def UpdateMemberCount(self, gulidID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2): - key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(gulidID1, guildID2) - - if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key): - return - - self.guildScoreBoardDict[key].UpdateMemberCount(gulidID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2) - # END_OF_GUILDWAR_MEMBER_COUNT - - def OnRecvGuildWarPoint(self, gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point): - key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID) - if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key): - return - - guildBoard = self.guildScoreBoardDict[key] - guildBoard.SetScore(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point) - - ## PK Mode - def OnChangePKMode(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshAlignment() - self.dlgSystem.OnChangePKMode() - - ## Refine - def OpenRefineDialog(self, targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type): - self.dlgRefineNew.Open(targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type) - - def AppendMaterialToRefineDialog(self, vnum, count): - self.dlgRefineNew.AppendMaterial(vnum, count) - - ## Show & Hide - def ShowDefaultWindows(self): - self.wndTaskBar.Show() - self.wndMiniMap.Show() - self.wndMiniMap.ShowMiniMap() - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Show() - - def ShowAllWindows(self): - self.wndTaskBar.Show() - self.wndCharacter.Show() - self.wndInventory.Show() - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Show() - self.wndChat.Show() - self.wndMiniMap.Show() - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Show() - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Show() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetTop() - - def HideAllWindows(self): - if self.wndTaskBar: - self.wndTaskBar.Hide() - - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Hide() - - if self.wndCharacter: - self.wndCharacter.Hide() - - if self.wndInventory: - self.wndInventory.Hide() - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.Hide() - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Hide() - - if self.wndChat: - self.wndChat.Hide() - - if self.wndMiniMap: - self.wndMiniMap.Hide() - - if self.wndMessenger: - self.wndMessenger.Hide() - - if self.wndGuild: - self.wndGuild.Hide() - - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Hide() - - - def ShowMouseImage(self): - self.wndTaskBar.ShowMouseImage() - - def HideMouseImage(self): - self.wndTaskBar.HideMouseImage() - - def ToggleChat(self): - if TRUE == self.wndChat.IsEditMode(): - self.wndChat.CloseChat() - else: - # 昆其捞瘤啊 凯啡阑锭绰 盲泼 涝仿捞 救凳 - if self.wndWeb and self.wndWeb.IsShow(): - pass - else: - self.wndChat.OpenChat() - - def IsOpenChat(self): - return self.wndChat.IsEditMode() - - def SetChatFocus(self): - self.wndChat.SetChatFocus() - - def OpenRestartDialog(self): - self.dlgRestart.OpenDialog() - self.dlgRestart.SetTop() - - def CloseRestartDialog(self): - self.dlgRestart.Close() - - def ToggleSystemDialog(self): - if FALSE == self.dlgSystem.IsShow(): - self.dlgSystem.OpenDialog() - self.dlgSystem.SetTop() - else: - self.dlgSystem.Close() - - def OpenSystemDialog(self): - self.dlgSystem.OpenDialog() - self.dlgSystem.SetTop() - - def ToggleMessenger(self): - if self.wndMessenger.IsShow(): - self.wndMessenger.Hide() - else: - self.wndMessenger.SetTop() - self.wndMessenger.Show() - - def ToggleMiniMap(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RSHIFT): - if FALSE == self.wndMiniMap.isShowMiniMap(): - self.wndMiniMap.ShowMiniMap() - self.wndMiniMap.SetTop() - else: - self.wndMiniMap.HideMiniMap() - - else: - self.wndMiniMap.ToggleAtlasWindow() - - def PressMKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RALT): - self.ToggleMessenger() - - else: - self.ToggleMiniMap() - - def SetMapName(self, mapName): - self.wndMiniMap.SetMapName(mapName) - - def MiniMapScaleUp(self): - self.wndMiniMap.ScaleUp() - - def MiniMapScaleDown(self): - self.wndMiniMap.ScaleDown() - - def ToggleCharacterWindow(self, state): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if FALSE == self.wndCharacter.IsShow(): - self.OpenCharacterWindowWithState(state) - else: - if state == self.wndCharacter.GetState(): - self.wndCharacter.OverOutItem() - self.wndCharacter.Hide() - else: - self.wndCharacter.SetState(state) - - def OpenCharacterWindowWithState(self, state): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - self.wndCharacter.SetState(state) - self.wndCharacter.Show() - self.wndCharacter.SetTop() - - def ToggleCharacterWindowStatusPage(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("STATUS") - - def ToggleInventoryWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if FALSE == self.wndInventory.IsShow(): - self.wndInventory.Show() - self.wndInventory.SetTop() - else: - self.wndInventory.OverOutItem() - self.wndInventory.Close() - - def ToggleExpandedButton(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if FALSE == self.wndExpandedTaskBar.IsShow(): - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Show() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetTop() - else: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Close() - - # 侩去籍 - def DragonSoulActivate(self, deck): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.ActivateDragonSoulByExtern(deck) - - def DragonSoulDeactivate(self): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.DeactivateDragonSoul() - - def Highligt_Item(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - if player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == inven_type: - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.HighlightSlot(inven_pos) - - def DragonSoulGiveQuilification(self): - self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED = TRUE - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToolTipText(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL, uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL) - - def ToggleDragonSoulWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow(): - if self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED: - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - else: - try: - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - except: - self.wndPopupDialog = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - else: - self.wndDragonSoul.Close() - - def ToggleDragonSoulWindowWithNoInfo(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow(): - if self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED: - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - else: - self.wndDragonSoul.Close() - - def FailDragonSoulRefine(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.RefineFail(reason, inven_type, inven_pos) - - def SucceedDragonSoulRefine(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.RefineSucceed(inven_type, inven_pos) - - def OpenDragonSoulRefineWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Show() - if None != self.wndDragonSoul: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - - def CloseDragonSoulRefineWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Close() - - # 侩去籍 场 - - def ToggleGuildWindow(self): - if not self.wndGuild.IsShow(): - if self.wndGuild.CanOpen(): - self.wndGuild.Open() - else: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN) - else: - self.wndGuild.OverOutItem() - self.wndGuild.Hide() - - def ToggleChatLogWindow(self): - if self.wndChatLog.IsShow(): - self.wndChatLog.Hide() - else: - self.wndChatLog.Show() - - def CheckGameButton(self): - if self.wndGameButton: - self.wndGameButton.CheckGameButton() - - def __OnClickStatusPlusButton(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("STATUS") - - def __OnClickSkillPlusButton(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("SKILL") - - def __OnClickQuestButton(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("QUEST") - - def __OnClickHelpButton(self): - player.SetPlayTime(1) - self.CheckGameButton() - self.OpenHelpWindow() - - def __OnClickBuildButton(self): - self.BUILD_OpenWindow() - - def OpenHelpWindow(self): - self.wndUICurtain.Show() - self.wndHelp.Open() - - def CloseHelpWindow(self): - self.wndUICurtain.Hide() - self.wndHelp.Close() - - def OpenWebWindow(self, url): - self.wndWeb.Open(url) - - # 昆其捞瘤甫 凯搁 盲泼阑 摧绰促 - self.wndChat.CloseChat() - - # show GIFT - def ShowGift(self): - self.wndTaskBar.ShowGift() - - def CloseWbWindow(self): - self.wndWeb.Close() - - def OpenCubeWindow(self): - self.wndCube.Open() - - if FALSE == self.wndInventory.IsShow(): - self.wndInventory.Show() - - def UpdateCubeInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count): - self.wndCube.UpdateInfo(gold, itemVnum, count) - - def CloseCubeWindow(self): - self.wndCube.Close() - - def FailedCubeWork(self): - self.wndCube.Refresh() - - def SucceedCubeWork(self, itemVnum, count): - self.wndCube.Clear() - - print "钮宏 力累 己傍! [%d:%d]" % (itemVnum, count) - - if 0: # 搬苞 皋矫瘤 免仿篮 积帆 茄促 - self.wndCubeResult.SetPosition(*self.wndCube.GetGlobalPosition()) - self.wndCubeResult.SetCubeResultItem(itemVnum, count) - self.wndCubeResult.Open() - self.wndCubeResult.SetTop() - - def __HideWindows(self): - hideWindows = self.wndTaskBar,\ - self.wndCharacter,\ - self.wndInventory,\ - self.wndMiniMap,\ - self.wndGuild,\ - self.wndMessenger,\ - self.wndChat,\ - self.wndParty,\ - self.wndGameButton, - - if self.wndEnergyBar: - hideWindows += self.wndEnergyBar, - - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - hideWindows += self.wndExpandedTaskBar, - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - hideWindows += self.wndDragonSoul,\ - self.wndDragonSoulRefine, - - hideWindows = filter(lambda x:x.IsShow(), hideWindows) - map(lambda x:x.Hide(), hideWindows) - import sys - - self.HideAllQuestButton() - self.HideAllWhisperButton() - - if self.wndChat.IsEditMode(): - self.wndChat.CloseChat() - - return hideWindows - - def __ShowWindows(self, wnds): - import sys - map(lambda x:x.Show(), wnds) - global IsQBHide - if not IsQBHide: - self.ShowAllQuestButton() - else: - self.HideAllQuestButton() - - self.ShowAllWhisperButton() - - def BINARY_OpenAtlasWindow(self): - if self.wndMiniMap: - self.wndMiniMap.ShowAtlas() - - def BINARY_SetObserverMode(self, flag): - self.wndGameButton.SetObserverMode(flag) - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - def BINARY_OpenSelectItemWindow(self): - self.wndItemSelect.Open() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - ##################################################################################### - ### Private Shop ### - - def OpenPrivateShopInputNameDialog(self): - #if player.IsInSafeArea(): - # chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA) - # return - - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialog() - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(32) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPrivateShopBuilder)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog)) - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog(self): - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OpenPrivateShopBuilder(self): - - if not self.inputDialog: - return TRUE - - if not len(self.inputDialog.GetText()): - return TRUE - - self.privateShopBuilder.Open(self.inputDialog.GetText()) - self.ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog() - return TRUE - - def AppearPrivateShop(self, vid, text): - - board = uiPrivateShopBuilder.PrivateShopAdvertisementBoard() - board.Open(vid, text) - - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] = board - - def DisappearPrivateShop(self, vid): - - if not self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.has_key(vid): - return - - del self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] - uiPrivateShopBuilder.DeleteADBoard(vid) - - ##################################################################################### - ### Equipment ### - - def OpenEquipmentDialog(self, vid): - dlg = uiEquipmentDialog.EquipmentDialog() - dlg.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - dlg.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseEquipmentDialog)) - dlg.Open(vid) - - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid] = dlg - - def SetEquipmentDialogItem(self, vid, slotIndex, vnum, count): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogItem(slotIndex, vnum, count) - - def SetEquipmentDialogSocket(self, vid, slotIndex, socketIndex, value): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogSocket(slotIndex, socketIndex, value) - - def SetEquipmentDialogAttr(self, vid, slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogAttr(slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value) - - def CloseEquipmentDialog(self, vid): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - del self.equipmentDialogDict[vid] - - ##################################################################################### - - ##################################################################################### - ### Quest ### - def BINARY_ClearQuest(self, index): - btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn) - - def RecvQuest(self, index, name): - # QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - self.BINARY_RecvQuest(index, name, "file", locale.GetLetterImageName()) - # END_OF_QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - - def BINARY_RecvQuest(self, index, name, iconType, iconName): - - btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn) - - btn = uiWhisper.WhisperButton() - - # QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_捞固瘤_背眉 - import item - if "item"==iconType: - item.SelectItem(int(iconName)) - buttonImageFileName=item.GetIconImageFileName() - else: - buttonImageFileName=iconName - - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - if "highlight" == iconType: - btn.SetUpVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest.tga") - btn.SetOverVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest_r.tga") - btn.SetDownVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest_r.tga") - else: - btn.SetUpVisual(locale.GetLetterCloseImageName()) - btn.SetOverVisual(locale.GetLetterOpenImageName()) - btn.SetDownVisual(locale.GetLetterOpenImageName()) - else: - btn.SetUpVisual(buttonImageFileName) - btn.SetOverVisual(buttonImageFileName) - btn.SetDownVisual(buttonImageFileName) - btn.Flash() - # END_OF_QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - btn.SetToolTipText(name, 0, 35) - btn.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - else: - btn.SetToolTipText(name, -20, 35) - btn.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() - - btn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__StartQuest), btn) - btn.Show() - - btn.index = index - btn.name = name - - self.questButtonList.insert(0, btn) - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - #chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, locale.QUEST_APPEND) - - def __ArrangeQuestButton(self): - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_困摹_焊沥 - if self.wndParty.IsShow(): - xPos = 100 + 30 - else: - xPos = 20 - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - xPos = xPos + 15 - - yPos = 170 * screenHeight / 600 - yCount = (screenHeight - 330) / 63 - - count = 0 - for btn in self.questButtonList: - - btn.SetPosition(xPos + (int(count/yCount) * 100), yPos + (count%yCount * 63)) - count += 1 - global IsQBHide - if IsQBHide: - btn.Hide() - else: - btn.Show() - - def __StartQuest(self, btn): - event.QuestButtonClick(btn.index) - self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn) - - def __FindQuestButton(self, index): - for btn in self.questButtonList: - if btn.index == index: - return btn - - return 0 - - def __DestroyQuestButton(self, btn): - btn.SetEvent(0) - self.questButtonList.remove(btn) - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def HideAllQuestButton(self): - for btn in self.questButtonList: - btn.Hide() - - def ShowAllQuestButton(self): - for btn in self.questButtonList: - btn.Show() - ##################################################################################### - - ##################################################################################### - ### Whisper ### - - def __InitWhisper(self): - chat.InitWhisper(self) - - ## 盲泼芒狼 "皋矫瘤 焊郴扁"甫 喘范阑锭 捞抚 绝绰 措拳芒阑 咯绰 窃荐 - ## 捞抚捞 绝扁 锭巩俊 扁粮狼 WhisperDialogDict 客 喊档肺 包府等促. - def OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget(self): - if not self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - dlgWhisper = uiWhisper.WhisperDialog(self.MinimizeWhisperDialog, self.CloseWhisperDialog) - dlgWhisper.BindInterface(self) - dlgWhisper.LoadDialog() - dlgWhisper.OpenWithoutTarget(self.RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog) - dlgWhisper.SetPosition(self.windowOpenPosition*30,self.windowOpenPosition*30) - dlgWhisper.Show() - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = dlgWhisper - - self.windowOpenPosition = (self.windowOpenPosition+1) % 5 - - else: - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.SetTop() - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.OpenWithoutTarget(self.RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog) - - ## 捞抚 绝绰 措拳芒俊辑 捞抚阑 搬沥沁阑锭 WhisperDialogDict俊 芒阑 持绢林绰 窃荐 - def RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog(self, name): - if not self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - return - - btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn) - - elif self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - oldDialog = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - oldDialog.Destroy() - del self.whisperDialogDict[name] - - self.whisperDialogDict[name] = self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.OpenWithTarget(name) - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None - self.__CheckGameMaster(name) - - ## 某腐磐 皋春狼 1:1 措拳 窍扁甫 喘范阑锭 捞抚阑 啊瘤绊 官肺 芒阑 咯绰 窃荐 - def OpenWhisperDialog(self, name): - if not self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - dlg = self.__MakeWhisperDialog(name) - dlg.OpenWithTarget(name) - dlg.chatLine.SetFocus() - dlg.Show() - - self.__CheckGameMaster(name) - btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn) - - ## 促弗 某腐磐肺何磐 皋技瘤甫 罐疽阑锭 老窜 滚瓢父 剁况 滴绰 窃荐 - def RecvWhisper(self, name): - if not self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name) - if 0 == btn: - btn = self.__MakeWhisperButton(name) - btn.Flash() - - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, locale.RECEIVE_MESSAGE % (name)) - - else: - btn.Flash() - elif self.IsGameMasterName(name): - dlg = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - dlg.SetGameMasterLook() - - def MakeWhisperButton(self, name): - self.__MakeWhisperButton(name) - - ## 滚瓢阑 喘范阑锭 芒阑 咯绰 窃荐 - def ShowWhisperDialog(self, btn): - try: - self.__MakeWhisperDialog(btn.name) - dlgWhisper = self.whisperDialogDict[btn.name] - dlgWhisper.OpenWithTarget(btn.name) - dlgWhisper.Show() - self.__CheckGameMaster(btn.name) - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("interface.ShowWhisperDialog - Failed to find key") - - ## 滚瓢 檬扁拳 - self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn) - - ## WhisperDialog 芒俊辑 弥家拳 疙飞阑 荐青沁阑锭 龋免登绰 窃荐 - ## 芒阑 弥家拳 钦聪促. - def MinimizeWhisperDialog(self, name): - - if 0 != name: - self.__MakeWhisperButton(name) - - self.CloseWhisperDialog(name) - - ## WhisperDialog 芒俊辑 摧扁 疙飞阑 荐青沁阑锭 龋免登绰 窃荐 - ## 芒阑 瘤矿聪促. - def CloseWhisperDialog(self, name): - - if 0 == name: - - if self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.Destroy() - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None - - return - - try: - dlgWhisper = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - dlgWhisper.Destroy() - del self.whisperDialogDict[name] - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("interface.CloseWhisperDialog - Failed to find key") - - ## 滚瓢狼 俺荐啊 官差菌阑锭 滚瓢阑 犁沥纺 窍绰 窃荐 - def __ArrangeWhisperButton(self): - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - - xPos = screenWidth - 70 - yPos = 170 * screenHeight / 600 - yCount = (screenHeight - 330) / 63 - #yCount = (screenHeight - 285) / 63 - - count = 0 - for button in self.whisperButtonList: - - button.SetPosition(xPos + (int(count/yCount) * -50), yPos + (count%yCount * 63)) - count += 1 - - ## 捞抚栏肺 Whisper 滚瓢阑 茫酒 府畔秦 林绰 窃荐 - ## 滚瓢篮 雕寂呈府肺 窍瘤 臼绰 巴篮 沥纺 登绢 滚妨 鉴辑啊 蜡瘤 登瘤 臼栏哥 - ## 捞肺 牢秦 ToolTip甸捞 促弗 滚瓢甸俊 狼秦 啊妨瘤扁 锭巩捞促. - def __FindWhisperButton(self, name): - for button in self.whisperButtonList: - if button.name == name: - return button - - return 0 - - ## 芒阑 父奠聪促. - def __MakeWhisperDialog(self, name): - dlgWhisper = uiWhisper.WhisperDialog(self.MinimizeWhisperDialog, self.CloseWhisperDialog) - dlgWhisper.BindInterface(self) - dlgWhisper.LoadDialog() - dlgWhisper.SetPosition(self.windowOpenPosition*30,self.windowOpenPosition*30) - self.whisperDialogDict[name] = dlgWhisper - - self.windowOpenPosition = (self.windowOpenPosition+1) % 5 - - return dlgWhisper - - ## 滚瓢阑 父奠聪促. - def __MakeWhisperButton(self, name): - whisperButton = uiWhisper.WhisperButton() - whisperButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") - whisperButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") - whisperButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") - if self.IsGameMasterName(name): - whisperButton.SetToolTipTextWithColor(name, 0xffffa200) - else: - whisperButton.SetToolTipText(name) - whisperButton.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - whisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowWhisperDialog), whisperButton) - whisperButton.Show() - whisperButton.name = name - - self.whisperButtonList.insert(0, whisperButton) - self.__ArrangeWhisperButton() - - return whisperButton - - def __DestroyWhisperButton(self, button): - button.SetEvent(0) - self.whisperButtonList.remove(button) - self.__ArrangeWhisperButton() - - def HideAllWhisperButton(self): - for btn in self.whisperButtonList: - btn.Hide() - - def ShowAllWhisperButton(self): - for btn in self.whisperButtonList: - btn.Show() - - def __CheckGameMaster(self, name): - if not self.listGMName.has_key(name): - return - if self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - dlg = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - dlg.SetGameMasterLook() - - def RegisterGameMasterName(self, name): - if self.listGMName.has_key(name): - return - self.listGMName[name] = "GM" - - def IsGameMasterName(self, name): - if self.listGMName.has_key(name): - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - - ##################################################################################### - - ##################################################################################### - ### Guild Building ### - - def BUILD_OpenWindow(self): - self.wndGuildBuilding = uiGuild.BuildGuildBuildingWindow() - self.wndGuildBuilding.Open() - self.wndGuildBuilding.wnds = self.__HideWindows() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.BUILD_CloseWindow)) - - def BUILD_CloseWindow(self): - self.__ShowWindows(self.wndGuildBuilding.wnds) - self.wndGuildBuilding = None - - def BUILD_OnUpdate(self): - if not self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - import background - x, y, z = background.GetPickingPoint() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetBuildingPosition(x, y, z) - - def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if not self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - # GUILD_BUILDING - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - self.wndGuildBuilding.SettleCurrentPosition() - return TRUE - elif self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode(): - pass - else: - return TRUE - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - return FALSE - - def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if not self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - if not self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def BULID_EnterGuildArea(self, areaID): - # GUILD_BUILDING - mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName() - masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName() - - if mainCharacterName != masterName: - return - - if areaID != player.GetGuildID(): - return - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - - self.wndGameButton.ShowBuildButton() - - def BULID_ExitGuildArea(self, areaID): - self.wndGameButton.HideBuildButton() - - ##################################################################################### - - def IsEditLineFocus(self): - if self.ChatWindow.chatLine.IsFocus(): - return 1 - - if self.ChatWindow.chatToLine.IsFocus(): - return 1 - - return 0 - - def EmptyFunction(self): - pass - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - player.SetItemData(0, 27001, 10) - player.SetItemData(1, 27004, 10) - - self.interface = Interface() - self.interface.MakeInterface() - self.interface.ShowDefaultWindows() - self.interface.RefreshInventory() - #self.interface.OpenCubeWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/introCreate.py b/bin_original/introCreate.py deleted file mode 100644 index 298e11ae..00000000 --- a/bin_original/introCreate.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,661 +0,0 @@ -import chr -import grp -import app -import net -import snd -import wndMgr -import event -import systemSetting -import locale - -import ui -import networkModule -import math -import snd -import musicInfo -import playerSettingModule -import uiScriptLocale -import uiToolTip - -LOCALE_PATH = "uiscript/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_" - -MAN = 0 -WOMAN = 1 -SHAPE0 = 0 -SHAPE1 = 1 -PAGE_COUNT = 2 -SLOT_COUNT = 4 -BASE_CHR_ID = 3 - -class CreateCharacterWindow(ui.Window): - - SLOT_ROTATION = [135.0, 225.0, 315.0, 45.0] - - - CREATE_STAT_POINT = 0 - - STAT_CON = 0 - STAT_INT = 1 - STAT_STR = 2 - STAT_DEX = 3 - - STAT_DESCRIPTION = { - STAT_CON : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_CON, - STAT_INT : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_INT, - STAT_STR : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_STR, - STAT_DEX : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX, - } - - START_STAT = ( ## CON INT STR DEX - [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior - [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin - [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura - [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman - [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior - [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin - [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura - [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman - ) - - DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME = ( - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_WARRIOR_PATH, - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_ASSASSIN_PATH, - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_SURA_PATH, - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_SHAMAN_PATH, - ) - - class DescriptionBox(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.descIndex = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - def SetIndex(self, index): - self.descIndex = index - def OnRender(self): - event.RenderEventSet(self.descIndex) - - class CharacterRenderer(ui.Window): - def OnRender(self): - grp.ClearDepthBuffer() - grp.SetGameRenderState() - grp.PushState() - grp.SetOmniLight() - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - newScreenWidth = float(screenWidth - 270) - newScreenHeight = float(screenHeight) - - grp.SetViewport(270.0/screenWidth, 0.0, newScreenWidth/screenWidth, newScreenHeight/screenHeight) - - app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0) - grp.SetPerspective(10.0, newScreenWidth/newScreenHeight, 1000.0, 3000.0) - - (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition() - grp.SetCursorPosition(x, y) - - chr.Deform() - chr.Render() - - grp.RestoreViewport() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW CREATE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Window.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, self) - - self.stream=stream - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE CREATE WINDOW" - - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, 0) - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def Open(self): - print "OPEN CREATE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") - - self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 - self.reservingShapeIndex = -1 - self.reservingStartTime = 0 - self.stat = [0, 0, 0, 0] - - self.gender = 0 - self.slot = -1 - self.shapeList = [ - [0, 0, 0, 0], - [0, 0, 0, 0]] - - self.descIndex = 0 - - try: - dlgBoard = ui.ScriptWindow() - pythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(dlgBoard, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "createcharacterwindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CreateCharacterWindow.Open.LoadObject") - - try: - getChild = dlgBoard.GetChild - - self.NameList = [] - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_warrior")) - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_assassin")) - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_sura")) - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_shaman")) - - self.GaugeList = [] - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("hth_gauge")) - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("int_gauge")) - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("str_gauge")) - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("dex_gauge")) - - self.btnCreate = getChild("create_button") - self.btnCancel = getChild("cancel_button") - self.btnPrev = getChild("prev_button") - self.btnNext = getChild("next_button") - self.btnLeft = getChild("left_button") - self.btnRight = getChild("right_button") - self.textBoard = getChild("text_board") - - self.genderButtonList = [] - self.genderButtonList.append(getChild("gender_button_01")) - self.genderButtonList.append(getChild("gender_button_02")) - - self.shapeButtonList = [] - self.shapeButtonList.append(getChild("shape_button_01")) - self.shapeButtonList.append(getChild("shape_button_02")) - - self.editCharacterName = getChild("character_name_value") - - self.statValue = [] - self.statValue.append(getChild("hth_value")) - self.statValue.append(getChild("int_value")) - self.statValue.append(getChild("str_value")) - self.statValue.append(getChild("dex_value")) - - getChild("hth_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("hth_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverOutStatButton() - getChild("int_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("int_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverOutStatButton() - getChild("str_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("str_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverOutStatButton() - getChild("dex_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("dex_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverOutStatButton() - - getChild("hth_button").Hide() - getChild("int_button").Hide() - getChild("str_button").Hide() - getChild("dex_button").Hide() - - self.backGround = getChild("BackGround") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CreateCharacterWindow.Open.BindObject") - - self.btnCreate.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter)) - self.btnCancel.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelCreate)) - self.btnPrev.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.PrevDescriptionPage)) - self.btnNext.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.NextDescriptionPage)) - self.btnLeft.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__DecreaseSlotIndex)) - self.btnRight.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__IncreaseSlotIndex)) - - self.genderButtonList[0].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectGender), MAN) - self.genderButtonList[1].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectGender), WOMAN) - - self.shapeButtonList[0].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectShape), SHAPE0) - self.shapeButtonList[1].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectShape), SHAPE1) - self.editCharacterName.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter)) - self.editCharacterName.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelCreate)) - self.dlgBoard = dlgBoard - - self.curRotation = [] + self.SLOT_ROTATION - self.destRotation = [] + self.SLOT_ROTATION - self.curNameAlpha = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.destNameAlpha = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.curGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.destGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - - self.descriptionBox = self.DescriptionBox() - self.descriptionBox.Show() - - self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer() - self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.backGround) - self.chrRenderer.Show() - - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - - self.editCharacterName.SetText("") - - self.EnableWindow() - self.__SelectSlot(0) - - app.SetCamera(500.0, 10.0, 180.0, 95.0) - - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 0, playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_M) - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 1, playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_M) - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 2, playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_M) - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 3, playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_M) - - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 0, playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_W) - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 1, playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_W) - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 2, playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_W) - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 3, playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_W) - - self.__SelectGender(app.GetRandom(MAN, WOMAN)) - self.__SelectShape(0) - self.__SelectSlot(app.GetRandom(0, 3)) - - self.dlgBoard.Show() - self.Show() - - if musicInfo.createMusic != "": - snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic) - - app.ShowCursor() - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE CREATE WINDOW" - - self.editCharacterName.Enable() - self.dlgBoard.ClearDictionary() - self.stream=0 - self.shapeButtonList = [] - self.genderButtonList = [] - self.btnCreate = 0 - self.btnCancel = 0 - self.btnPrev = 0 - self.btnNext = 0 - self.btnLeft = 0 - self.btnRight = 0 - self.textBoard = 0 - self.editCharacterName = 0 - self.backGround = None - - if musicInfo.createMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic) - - for id in xrange(BASE_CHR_ID + SLOT_COUNT * PAGE_COUNT): - chr.DeleteInstance(id) - - self.dlgBoard.Hide() - self.Hide() - - app.HideCursor() - event.Destroy() - - def EnableWindow(self): - self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 - self.reservingShapeIndex = -1 - self.btnCreate.Enable() - self.btnCancel.Enable() - self.btnPrev.Enable() - self.btnNext.Enable() - self.btnLeft.Enable() - self.btnRight.Enable() - - self.editCharacterName.SetFocus() - self.editCharacterName.Enable() - - for page in xrange(PAGE_COUNT): - for slot in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(page, slot) - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - chr.BlendLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT, 0.1) - - def DisableWindow(self): - self.btnCreate.Disable() - self.btnCancel.Disable() - self.btnPrev.Disable() - self.btnNext.Disable() - self.btnLeft.Disable() - self.btnRight.Disable() - self.editCharacterName.Disable() - - self.btnCreate.SetUp() - - ## Manage Character - def __GetSlotChrID(self, page, slot): - return BASE_CHR_ID + page * SLOT_COUNT + slot - - def __MakeCharacter(self, page, slot, race): - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(page, slot) - - chr.CreateInstance(chr_id) - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - chr.SetVirtualID(chr_id) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.SetHair(0) - - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) - - chr.SetRotation(0.0) - chr.Hide() - - def __SelectGender(self, gender): - for button in self.genderButtonList: - button.SetUp() - - self.genderButtonList[gender].Down() - - self.gender = gender - - if gender == MAN: - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(0, i)) - chr.Show() - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(1, i)) - chr.Hide() - else: - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(0, i)) - chr.Hide() - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(1, i)) - chr.Show() - - def __SelectShape(self, shape): - self.shapeList[self.gender][self.slot] = shape - - for button in self.shapeButtonList: - button.SetUp() - - self.shapeButtonList[shape].Down() - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot) - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - chr.ChangeShape(shape) - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) - - def GetSlotIndex(self): - return self.slot - - def RefreshStat(self): - statSummary = self.stat[0] + self.stat[1] + self.stat[2] + self.stat[3] - self.destGauge = ( - float(self.stat[0])/float(statSummary), - float(self.stat[1])/float(statSummary), - float(self.stat[2])/float(statSummary), - float(self.stat[3])/float(statSummary), - ) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.statValue[i].SetText(str(self.stat[i])) - - def __SelectSlot(self, slot): - - if slot < 0: - return - - if slot >= SLOT_COUNT: - return - - if self.slot == slot: - return - - self.slot = slot - self.ResetStat() - - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - self.destNameAlpha[i] = 0.0 - - self.destNameAlpha[slot] = 1.0 - - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - self.destRotation[(i+self.slot)%SLOT_COUNT] = self.SLOT_ROTATION[i] - - if self.IsShow(): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/click.wav") - - event.ClearEventSet(self.descIndex) - self.descIndex = event.RegisterEventSet(self.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME[self.slot]) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, 170) - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, slot) - if chr.HasInstance(chr_id): - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - self.__SelectShape(self.shapeList[self.gender][slot]) - - def CreateCharacter(self): - - if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex: - return - - textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText() - if FALSE == self.__CheckCreateCharacter(textName): - return - - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeLimitOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic, systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*0.05) - - self.DisableWindow() - - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot) - - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - - self.reservingRaceIndex = chr.GetRace() - - self.reservingShapeIndex = self.shapeList[self.gender][self.slot] - self.reservingStartTime = app.GetTime() - - for eachSlot in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - - sel_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, eachSlot) - - chr.SelectInstance(sel_id) - - if eachSlot == self.slot: - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED) - else: - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_NOT_SELECTED) - - def CancelCreate(self): - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - - def __DecreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() - 1 + SLOT_COUNT) % SLOT_COUNT - self.__SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def __IncreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() + 1) % SLOT_COUNT - self.__SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def PrevDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - if event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5 >= 0: - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def NextDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)+5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def __CheckCreateCharacter(self, name): - if len(name) == 0: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_INPUT_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - return FALSE - - if name.find(locale.CREATE_GM_NAME)!=-1: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - return FALSE - - if net.IsInsultIn(name): - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def ResetStat(self): - for i in xrange(4): - self.stat[i] = self.START_STAT[self.slot][i] - self.lastStatPoint = self.CREATE_STAT_POINT - self.RefreshStat() - - ## Event - def OnCreateSuccess(self): - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - - def OnCreateFailure(self, type): - if 1 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - else: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_FAILURE, self.EnableWindow) - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - - if key == 2: - self.__SelectSlot(0) - if key == 3: - self.__SelectSlot(1) - if key == 4: - self.__SelectSlot(2) - if key == 5: - self.__SelectSlot(3) - - if 203 == key: - self.__DecreaseSlotIndex() - if 205 == key: - self.__IncreaseSlotIndex() - - if 59 == key: - self.__SelectGender(MAN_PAGE) - if 60 == key: - self.__SelectGender(WOMAN_PAGE) - - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - chr.Update() - - (xposEventSet, yposEventSet) = self.textBoard.GetGlobalPosition() - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, xposEventSet+7, -(yposEventSet+7)) - self.descriptionBox.SetIndex(self.descIndex) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.curNameAlpha[i] += (self.destNameAlpha[i] - self.curNameAlpha[i]) / 10.0 - self.NameList[i].SetAlpha(self.curNameAlpha[i]) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.curGauge[i] += (self.destGauge[i] - self.curGauge[i]) / 10.0 - if abs(self.curGauge[i] - self.destGauge[i]) < 0.005: - self.curGauge[i] = self.destGauge[i] - self.GaugeList[i].SetPercentage(self.curGauge[i], 1.0) - - for page in xrange(PAGE_COUNT): - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(page, i)) - - distance = 50.0 - rotRadian = self.curRotation[i] * (math.pi*2) / 360.0 - x = distance*math.sin(rotRadian) + distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - y = distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - distance*math.sin(rotRadian) - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x), int(y), 30) - - if abs(self.destRotation[i] - self.curRotation[i]) < 1.0: - self.curRotation[i] = self.destRotation[i] - - dir = app.GetRotatingDirection(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - rot = app.GetDegreeDifference(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - - if app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_RIGHT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] += rot / 10.0 - elif app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_LEFT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] -= rot / 10.0 - - self.curRotation[i] = (self.curRotation[i] + 360.0) % 360.0 - - ########################################################### - if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex: - if app.GetTime() - self.reservingStartTime >= 1.5: - - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText() - raceIndex = self.reservingRaceIndex - shapeIndex = self.reservingShapeIndex - - startStat = self.START_STAT[self.reservingRaceIndex] - statCon = self.stat[0] - startStat[0] - statInt = self.stat[1] - startStat[1] - statStr = self.stat[2] - startStat[2] - statDex = self.stat[3] - startStat[3] - - net.SendCreateCharacterPacket(chrSlot, textName, raceIndex, shapeIndex, statCon, statInt, statStr, statDex) - - self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 - - ########################################################### - - def EmptyFunc(self): - pass - - def PopupMessage(self, msg, func=0): - if not func: - func=self.EmptyFunc - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, locale.UI_OK) - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.CancelCreate() - return TRUE - - def OverInStatButton(self, stat): - if not self.STAT_DESCRIPTION.has_key(stat): - return - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(self.STAT_DESCRIPTION[stat]) - self.toolTip.Show() - - def OverOutStatButton(self): - self.toolTip.Hide() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import networkModule - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - mainStream = networkModule.MainStream() - mainStream.Create() - - test = CreateCharacterWindow(mainStream) - test.Open() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/introEmpire.py b/bin_original/introEmpire.py deleted file mode 100644 index cd54faab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/introEmpire.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import wndMgr -import dbg -import app -import event -import _weakref -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -LOCALE_PATH = "uiscript/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_" - -class SelectEmpireWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - EMPIRE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_FILE_NAME = { - net.EMPIRE_A : uiScriptLocale.EMPIREDESC_A, - net.EMPIRE_B : uiScriptLocale.EMPIREDESC_B, - net.EMPIRE_C : uiScriptLocale.EMPIREDESC_C, } - - class EmpireButton(ui.Window): - def __init__(self, owner, arg): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.owner = owner - self.arg = arg - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.owner.OnOverInEmpire(self.arg) - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.owner.OnOverOutEmpire(self.arg) - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.owner.empireID != self.arg: - self.owner.OnSelectEmpire(self.arg) - - class DescriptionBox(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.descIndex = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - def SetIndex(self, index): - self.descIndex = index - def OnRender(self): - event.RenderEventSet(self.descIndex) - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW EMPIRE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_EMPIRE, self) - - self.stream=stream - self.empireID=app.GetRandom(1, 3) - self.descIndex=0 - self.empireArea = {} - self.empireAreaFlag = {} - self.empireFlag = {} - self.empireAreaButton = {} - self.empireAreaCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireAreaDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireAreaFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_EMPIRE, 0) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EMPIRE WINDOW" - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE EMPIRE WINDOW" - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.leftButton = None - self.rightButton = None - self.selectButton = None - self.exitButton = None - self.textBoard = None - self.descriptionBox = None - self.empireArea = None - self.empireAreaButton = None - - self.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - app.HideCursor() - event.Destroy() - - def Open(self): - print "OPEN EMPIRE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.SetWindowName("SelectEmpireWindow") - self.Show() - - if not self.__LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "SelectEmpireWindow.py"): - dbg.TraceError("SelectEmpireWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") - return - - self.OnSelectEmpire(self.empireID) - self.__CreateButtons() - self.__CreateDescriptionBox() - app.ShowCursor() - - def __CreateButtons(self): - for key, img in self.empireArea.items(): - - img.SetAlpha(0.0) - - (x, y) = img.GetGlobalPosition() - btn = self.EmpireButton(_weakref.proxy(self), key) - btn.SetParent(self) - btn.SetPosition(x, y) - btn.SetSize(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()) - btn.Show() - self.empireAreaButton[key] = btn - - def __CreateDescriptionBox(self): - self.descriptionBox = self.DescriptionBox() - self.descriptionBox.Show() - - def OnOverInEmpire(self, arg): - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - - def OnOverOutEmpire(self, arg): - if arg != self.empireID: - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[arg] = 0.0 - - def OnSelectEmpire(self, arg): - for key in self.empireArea.keys(): - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[key] = 0.0 - self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha[key] = 0.0 - self.empireFlagDestAlpha[key] = 0.0 - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - self.empireFlagDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - self.empireID = arg - - event.ClearEventSet(self.descIndex) - if self.EMPIRE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_FILE_NAME.has_key(arg): - self.descIndex = event.RegisterEventSet(self.EMPIRE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_FILE_NAME[arg]) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, 170) - else: - event.SetRestrictedCount(self.descIndex, 35) - - def PrevDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - if event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5 >= 0: - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def NextDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)+5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def __LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectEmpireWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.leftButton = GetObject("left_button") - self.rightButton = GetObject("right_button") - self.selectButton = GetObject("select_button") - self.exitButton = GetObject("exit_button") - self.textBoard = GetObject("text_board") - self.empireArea[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireArea_A") - self.empireArea[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireArea_B") - self.empireArea[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireArea_C") - self.empireAreaFlag[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireAreaFlag_A") - self.empireAreaFlag[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireAreaFlag_B") - self.empireAreaFlag[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireAreaFlag_C") - self.empireFlag[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_A") - self.empireFlag[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_B") - self.empireFlag[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_C") - GetObject("prev_text_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.PrevDescriptionPage)) - GetObject("next_text_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.NextDescriptionPage)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectEmpireWindow.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - self.selectButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickSelectButton)) - self.exitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickExitButton)) - self.leftButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickLeftButton)) - self.rightButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickRightButton)) - for flag in self.empireAreaFlag.values(): - flag.SetAlpha(0.0) - for flag in self.empireFlag.values(): - flag.SetAlpha(0.0) - - return 1 - - def ClickLeftButton(self): - self.empireID-=1 - if self.empireID<1: - self.empireID=3 - - self.OnSelectEmpire(self.empireID) - - def ClickRightButton(self): - self.empireID+=1 - if self.empireID>3: - self.empireID=1 - - self.OnSelectEmpire(self.empireID) - - def ClickSelectButton(self): - net.SendSelectEmpirePacket(self.empireID) - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - - def ClickExitButton(self): - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - - def OnUpdate(self): - (xposEventSet, yposEventSet) = self.textBoard.GetGlobalPosition() - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, xposEventSet+7, -(yposEventSet+7)) - self.descriptionBox.SetIndex(self.descIndex) - - self.__UpdateAlpha(self.empireArea, self.empireAreaCurAlpha, self.empireAreaDestAlpha) - self.__UpdateAlpha(self.empireAreaFlag, self.empireAreaFlagCurAlpha, self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha) - self.__UpdateAlpha(self.empireFlag, self.empireFlagCurAlpha, self.empireFlagDestAlpha) - - def __UpdateAlpha(self, dict, curAlphaDict, destAlphaDict): - for key, img in dict.items(): - - curAlpha = curAlphaDict[key] - destAlpha = destAlphaDict[key] - - if abs(destAlpha - curAlpha) / 10 > 0.0001: - curAlpha += (destAlpha - curAlpha) / 7 - else: - curAlpha = destAlpha - - curAlphaDict[key] = curAlpha - img.SetAlpha(curAlpha) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.ClickExitButton() - return TRUE - -class ReselectEmpireWindow(SelectEmpireWindow): - def ClickSelectButton(self): - net.SendSelectEmpirePacket(self.empireID) - self.stream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - - def ClickExitButton(self): - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() diff --git a/bin_original/introLoading.py b/bin_original/introLoading.py deleted file mode 100644 index e00e738a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/introLoading.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,370 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import net -import app -import dbg -import player -import background -import wndMgr - -import locale -import chrmgr -import colorInfo -import constInfo - -import playerSettingModule -import stringCommander -import emotion - -#################################### -# 狐弗 角青阑 困茄 葛碘 肺爹 盒淬 -#################################### -import uiRefine -import uiToolTip -import uiAttachMetin -import uiPickMoney -import uiChat -import uiMessenger -import uiHelp -import uiWhisper -import uiPointReset -import uiShop -import uiExchange -import uiSystem -import uiOption -import uiRestart -#################################### - -class LoadingWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW LOADING WINDOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Window.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOAD, self) - - self.stream=stream - self.loadingImage=0 - self.loadingGage=0 - self.errMsg=0 - self.update=0 - self.playerX=0 - self.playerY=0 - self.loadStepList=[] - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LOADING WINDOW" - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOAD, 0) - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def Open(self): - print "OPEN LOADING WINDOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - #app.HideCursor() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA() or locale.IsCANADA() or locale.IsBRAZIL() or locale.IsEUROPE(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "LoadingWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/LoadingWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LodingWindow.Open - LoadScriptFile Error") - - try: - self.loadingImage=self.GetChild("BackGround") - self.errMsg=self.GetChild("ErrorMessage") - self.loadingGage=self.GetChild("FullGage") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LodingWindow.Open - LoadScriptFile Error") - - self.errMsg.Hide() - - if locale.IsHONGKONG(): - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading0.sub", - 1 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading1.sub", - 2 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading2.sub", - 3 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading3.sub", - 4 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading4.sub", - 5 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading5.sub", - 6 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading6.sub" - } - elif locale.IsCIBN10(): - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading0.jpg", - 1 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading1.jpg", - 2 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading2.jpg", - 3 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading3.jpg", - 4 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading4.jpg", - 5 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading5.jpg", - 6 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading6.jpg", - 7 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading7.jpg", - } - elif locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA() or locale.IsCANADA() or locale.IsBRAZIL() or locale.IsEUROPE() or locale.IsJAPAN(): - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading0.sub", - 1 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading1.sub", - 2 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading2.sub", - 3 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading3.sub", - - } - elif constInfo.SUB2_LOADING_ENABLE: - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_warrior.sub", - 1 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin.sub", - 2 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_shaman.sub", - 3 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_sura.sub", - 4 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin2.sub", - 5 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_sura2.sub", - 6 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin3.sub", - 7 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin3.sub", - } - else: - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_loading_warrior.jpg", - 1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_loading_assassin.jpg", - 2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_loading_shaman.jpg", - } - - try: - imgFileName = imgFileNameDict[app.GetRandom(0, len(imgFileNameDict) - 1)] - self.loadingImage.LoadImage(imgFileName) - - except: - print "LoadingWindow.Open.LoadImage - %s File Load Error" % (imgFileName) - self.loadingImage.Hide() - - - width = float(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()) / float(self.loadingImage.GetWidth()) - height = float(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) / float(self.loadingImage.GetHeight()) - - self.loadingImage.SetScale(width, height) - self.loadingGage.SetPercentage(2, 100) - - self.Show() - - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - net.SendSelectCharacterPacket(chrSlot) - - app.SetFrameSkip(0) - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE LOADING WINDOW" - - app.SetFrameSkip(1) - - self.loadStepList=[] - self.loadingImage=0 - self.loadingGage=0 - self.errMsg=0 - self.ClearDictionary() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - app.SetFrameSkip(1) - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - return TRUE - - def __SetNext(self, next): - if next: - self.update=ui.__mem_func__(next) - else: - self.update=0 - - def __SetProgress(self, p): - if self.loadingGage: - self.loadingGage.SetPercentage(2+98*p/100, 100) - - def DEBUG_LoadData(self, playerX, playerY): - self.playerX=playerX - self.playerY=playerY - - self.__RegisterSkill() ## 肺爹 吝埃俊 角青 窍搁 巩力 惯积 - self.__RegisterTitleName() - self.__RegisterColor() - self.__InitData() - self.__LoadMap() - self.__LoadSound() - self.__LoadEffect() - self.__LoadWarrior() - self.__LoadAssassin() - self.__LoadSura() - self.__LoadShaman() - self.__LoadSkill() - self.__LoadEnemy() - self.__LoadNPC() - self.__StartGame() - - def LoadData(self, playerX, playerY): - self.playerX=playerX - self.playerY=playerY - - self.__RegisterDungeonMapName() - self.__RegisterSkill() ## 肺爹 吝埃俊 角青 窍搁 巩力 惯积 - self.__RegisterTitleName() - self.__RegisterColor() - self.__RegisterEmotionIcon() - - self.loadStepList=[ - (0, ui.__mem_func__(self.__InitData)), - (10, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadMap)), - (30, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadSound)), - (40, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadEffect)), - (50, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadWarrior)), - (60, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadAssassin)), - (70, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadSura)), - (80, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadShaman)), - (90, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadSkill)), - (93, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadEnemy)), - (97, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadNPC)), - - # GUILD_BUILDING - (98, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadGuildBuilding)), - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - - (100, ui.__mem_func__(self.__StartGame)), - ] - - self.__SetProgress(0) - #self.__SetNext(self.__LoadMap) - - def OnUpdate(self): - if len(self.loadStepList)>0: - (progress, runFunc)=self.loadStepList[0] - - try: - runFunc() - except: - self.errMsg.Show() - self.loadStepList=[] - - ## 捞镑俊辑 syserr.txt 甫 焊辰促. - - import dbg - dbg.TraceError(" !!! Failed to load game data : STEP [%d]" % (progress)) - - #import shutil - #import os - #shutil.copyfile("syserr.txt", "errorlog.txt") - #os.system("errorlog.exe") - - app.Exit() - - return - - self.loadStepList.pop(0) - - self.__SetProgress(progress) - - def __InitData(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") - - def __RegisterDungeonMapName(self): - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_spiderdungeon") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_monkeydungeon") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_deviltower1") - - def __RegisterSkill(self): - - race = net.GetMainActorRace() - group = net.GetMainActorSkillGroup() - empire = net.GetMainActorEmpire() - - playerSettingModule.RegisterSkill(race, group, empire) - - def __RegisterTitleName(self): - for i in xrange(len(locale.TITLE_NAME_LIST)): - chrmgr.RegisterTitleName(i, locale.TITLE_NAME_LIST[i]) - - def __RegisterColor(self): - - ## Name - NAME_COLOR_DICT = { - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PC : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PC, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_NPC : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_NPC, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_MOB : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_MOB, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PVP : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PVP, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PK : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PK, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PARTY : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PARTY, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_WARP : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_WARP, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_WAYPOINT : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_WAYPOINT, - - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_MOB : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_MOB, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_NPC : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_NPC, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_PC+1 : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_A, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_PC+2 : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_B, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_PC+3 : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_C, - } - for name, rgb in NAME_COLOR_DICT.items(): - chrmgr.RegisterNameColor(name, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - - ## Title - TITLE_COLOR_DICT = ( colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4, ) - count = 0 - for rgb in TITLE_COLOR_DICT: - chrmgr.RegisterTitleColor(count, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - count += 1 - - def __RegisterEmotionIcon(self): - emotion.RegisterEmotionIcons() - - def __LoadMap(self): - net.Warp(self.playerX, self.playerY) - - def __LoadSound(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SOUND") - - def __LoadEffect(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("EFFECT") - - def __LoadWarrior(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("WARRIOR") - - def __LoadAssassin(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("ASSASSIN") - - def __LoadSura(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SURA") - - def __LoadShaman(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SHAMAN") - - def __LoadSkill(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SKILL") - - def __LoadEnemy(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("ENEMY") - - def __LoadNPC(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("NPC") - - # GUILD_BUILDING - def __LoadGuildBuilding(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGuildBuildingList(locale.GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TXT) - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - - def __StartGame(self): - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE0, 25600) - """ - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE1, 19200) - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE2, 12800) - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE3, 9600) - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE4, 6400) - """ - background.SelectViewDistanceNum(background.DISTANCE0) - - app.SetGlobalCenterPosition(self.playerX, self.playerY) - - net.StartGame() diff --git a/bin_original/introLogin.py b/bin_original/introLogin.py deleted file mode 100644 index e644a5ff..00000000 --- a/bin_original/introLogin.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1363 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import app -import net -import ui -import ime -import snd -import wndMgr -import musicInfo -import serverInfo -import systemSetting -import ServerStateChecker -import locale -import constInfo -import uiCommon -import time -import ServerCommandParser -import ime -import uiScriptLocale - -RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH = FALSE -NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH = FALSE - -LOGIN_DELAY_SEC = 0.0 -SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE = FALSE -SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE_SUPPORT_CHANNEL = FALSE -FULL_BACK_IMAGE = FALSE - -PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = {} - -VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS = 46 -VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_RAND_KEY = TRUE - -def Suffle(src): - if VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_RAND_KEY: - items = [item for item in src] - - itemCount = len(items) - for oldPos in xrange(itemCount): - newPos = app.GetRandom(0, itemCount-1) - items[newPos], items[oldPos] = items[oldPos], items[newPos] - - return "".join(items) - else: - return src - -if locale.IsNEWCIBN() or locale.IsCIBN10(): - LOGIN_DELAY_SEC = 20.0 - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH = TRUE - PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = { - "PASERR1" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR1, - "PASERR2" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR2, - "PASERR3" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR3, - "PASERR4" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR4, - "PASERR5" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR5, - } - -elif locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsCHEONMA(): - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - -elif locale.IsHONGKONG(): - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH = TRUE - PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = { - "NOTELE" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOTELEBLOCK, - } - -elif locale.IsJAPAN(): - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - -def IsFullBackImage(): - global FULL_BACK_IMAGE - return FULL_BACK_IMAGE - -def IsLoginDelay(): - global LOGIN_DELAY_SEC - if LOGIN_DELAY_SEC > 0.0: - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - -def IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - global RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - return RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - -def IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - global NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - return NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - -def GetLoginDelay(): - global LOGIN_DELAY_SEC - return LOGIN_DELAY_SEC - -app.SetGuildMarkPath("test") - -class ConnectingDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - self.eventTimeOver = lambda *arg: None - self.eventExit = lambda *arg: None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/ConnectingDialog.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.message = self.GetChild("message") - self.countdownMessage = self.GetChild("countdown_message") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ConnectingDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - def Open(self, waitTime): - curTime = time.clock() - self.endTime = curTime + waitTime - - self.Lock() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def Destroy(self): - self.Hide() - self.ClearDictionary() - - def SetText(self, text): - self.message.SetText(text) - - def SetCountDownMessage(self, waitTime): - self.countdownMessage.SetText("%.0f%s" % (waitTime, locale.SECOND)) - - def SAFE_SetTimeOverEvent(self, event): - self.eventTimeOver = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SAFE_SetExitEvent(self, event): - self.eventExit = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def OnUpdate(self): - lastTime = max(0, self.endTime - time.clock()) - if 0 == lastTime: - self.Close() - self.eventTimeOver() - else: - self.SetCountDownMessage(self.endTime - time.clock()) - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - #self.eventExit() - return TRUE - -class LoginWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - IS_TEST = net.IsTest() - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW LOGIN WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGIN, self) - net.SetAccountConnectorHandler(self) - - self.matrixInputChanceCount = 0 - self.lastLoginTime = 0 - self.inputDialog = None - self.connectingDialog = None - self.stream=stream - self.isNowCountDown=FALSE - self.isStartError=FALSE - - self.xServerBoard = 0 - self.yServerBoard = 0 - - self.loadingImage = None - - self.virtualKeyboard = None - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "ALPHABET" - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - - def __del__(self): - net.ClearPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGIN, self) - net.SetAccountConnectorHandler(0) - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LOGIN WINDOW" - - def Open(self): - ServerStateChecker.Create(self) - - print "LOGIN WINDOW OPEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - self.loginFailureMsgDict={ - #"DEFAULT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN, - - "ALREADY" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY, - "NOID" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID, - "WRONGPWD" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD, - "FULL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER, - "SHUTDOWN" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN, - "REPAIR" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID, - "BLOCK" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID, - "WRONGMAT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER, - "QUIT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE, - "BESAMEKEY" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY, - "NOTAVAIL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL, - "NOBILL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL, - "BLKLOGIN" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN, - "WEBBLK" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK, - } - - self.loginFailureFuncDict = { - "WRONGPWD" : self.__DisconnectAndInputPassword, - "WRONGMAT" : self.__DisconnectAndInputMatrix, - "QUIT" : app.Exit, - } - - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.SetWindowName("LoginWindow") - - if not self.__LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "LoginWindow.py"): - dbg.TraceError("LoginWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") - return - - self.__LoadLoginInfo("loginInfo.py") - - if app.loggined: - self.loginFailureFuncDict = { - "WRONGPWD" : app.Exit, - "WRONGMAT" : app.Exit, - "QUIT" : app.Exit, - } - - if musicInfo.loginMusic != "": - snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.loginMusic) - - snd.SetSoundVolume(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) - - # pevent key "[" "]" - ime.AddExceptKey(91) - ime.AddExceptKey(93) - - self.Show() - - global SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE - if SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE: - if self.isStartError: - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - self.serverBoard.Hide() - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.__ExitGame) - return - - if self.loginInfo: - self.serverBoard.Hide() - else: - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - else: - connectingIP = self.stream.GetConnectAddr() - if connectingIP: - if app.USE_OPENID and not app.OPENID_TEST : - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - else: - self.__OpenLoginBoard() - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() - self.GetChild("bg2").Show() - - else: - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - - app.ShowCursor() - - def Close(self): - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - ServerStateChecker.Initialize(self) - - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE LOGIN WINDOW " - # - # selectMusic捞 绝栏搁 BGM捞 谗扁骨肺 滴俺 促 眉农茄促. - # - if musicInfo.loginMusic != "" and musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.loginMusic) - - ## NOTE : idEditLine客 pwdEditLine篮 捞亥飘啊 辑肺 楷搬 登绢乐绢辑 - ## Event甫 碍力肺 檬扁拳 秦林绢具父 钦聪促 - [levites] - self.idEditLine.SetTabEvent(0) - self.idEditLine.SetReturnEvent(0) - self.pwdEditLine.SetReturnEvent(0) - self.pwdEditLine.SetTabEvent(0) - - self.connectBoard = None - self.loginBoard = None - self.idEditLine = None - self.pwdEditLine = None - self.inputDialog = None - self.connectingDialog = None - self.loadingImage = None - - self.serverBoard = None - self.serverList = None - self.channelList = None - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - self.matrixQuizBoard = None - self.matrixAnswerInput = None - self.matrixAnswerOK = None - self.matrixAnswerCancel = None - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - self.passpodBoard = None - self.passpodAnswerInput = None - self.passpodAnswerOK = None - self.passpodAnswerCancel = None - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = None - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = None - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = None - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = None - - # VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_BUG_FIX - if self.virtualKeyboard: - for keyIndex in xrange(0, VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS+1): - key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) - if key: - key.SetEvent(None) - - self.GetChild("key_space").SetEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_backspace").SetEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_enter").SetEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleDownEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleUpEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleDownEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleUpEvent(None) - - self.virtualKeyboard = None - - self.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.loginFailureFuncDict=None - - ime.ClearExceptKey() - - app.HideCursor() - - def __SaveChannelInfo(self): - try: - file=open("channel.inf", "w") - file.write("%d %d %d" % (self.__GetServerID(), self.__GetChannelID(), self.__GetRegionID())) - except: - print "LoginWindow.__SaveChannelInfo - SaveError" - - def __LoadChannelInfo(self): - try: - file=open("channel.inf") - lines=file.readlines() - - if len(lines)>0: - tokens=lines[0].split() - - selServerID=int(tokens[0]) - selChannelID=int(tokens[1]) - - if len(tokens) == 3: - regionID = int(tokens[2]) - - return regionID, selServerID, selChannelID - - except: - print "LoginWindow.__LoadChannelInfo - OpenError" - return -1, -1, -1 - - def __ExitGame(self): - app.Exit() - - def SetIDEditLineFocus(self): - if self.idEditLine != None: - self.idEditLine.SetFocus() - - def SetPasswordEditLineFocus(self): - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - if self.idEditLine != None: #0000862: [M2EU] 肺弊牢芒 扑诀 俊矾: 辆丰矫 刚历 None 汲沥凳 - self.idEditLine.SetText("") - self.idEditLine.SetFocus() #0000685: [M2EU] 酒捞叼/厚剐锅龋 蜡眠 啊瓷 滚弊 荐沥: 公炼扒 酒捞叼肺 器目胶啊 啊霸 父电促 - - if self.pwdEditLine != None: #0000862: [M2EU] 肺弊牢芒 扑诀 俊矾: 辆丰矫 刚历 None 汲沥凳 - self.pwdEditLine.SetText("") - else: - if self.pwdEditLine != None: - self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus() - - def OnEndCountDown(self): - self.isNowCountDown = FALSE - self.OnConnectFailure() - - def OnConnectFailure(self): - - if self.isNowCountDown: - return - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - if app.loggined: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.__ExitGame) - else: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) - - def OnHandShake(self): - if not IsLoginDelay(): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginok.wav") - self.PopupDisplayMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS) - - def OnLoginStart(self): - if not IsLoginDelay(): - self.PopupDisplayMessage(locale.LOGIN_PROCESSING) - - def OnLoginFailure(self, error): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - try: - loginFailureMsg = self.loginFailureMsgDict[error] - except KeyError: - if PASSPOD_MSG_DICT: - try: - loginFailureMsg = PASSPOD_MSG_DICT[error] - except KeyError: - loginFailureMsg = locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN + error - else: - loginFailureMsg = locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN + error - - - #0000685: [M2EU] 酒捞叼/厚剐锅龋 蜡眠 啊瓷 滚弊 荐沥: 公炼扒 菩胶况靛肺 器目胶啊 啊霸 父电促 - loginFailureFunc=self.loginFailureFuncDict.get(error, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) - - if app.loggined: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(loginFailureMsg, self.__ExitGame) - else: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(loginFailureMsg, loginFailureFunc) - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - - def __DisconnectAndInputID(self): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.SetIDEditLineFocus() - net.Disconnect() - - def __DisconnectAndInputPassword(self): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus() - net.Disconnect() - - def __DisconnectAndInputMatrix(self): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.matrixInputChanceCount -= 1 - - if self.matrixInputChanceCount <= 0: - self.__OnCloseInputDialog() - - elif self.inputDialog: - self.inputDialog.Show() - - def __LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.serverBoard = GetObject("ServerBoard") - self.serverList = GetObject("ServerList") - self.channelList = GetObject("ChannelList") - self.serverSelectButton = GetObject("ServerSelectButton") - self.serverExitButton = GetObject("ServerExitButton") - self.connectBoard = GetObject("ConnectBoard") - self.loginBoard = GetObject("LoginBoard") - self.idEditLine = GetObject("ID_EditLine") - self.pwdEditLine = GetObject("Password_EditLine") - self.serverInfo = GetObject("ConnectName") - self.selectConnectButton = GetObject("SelectConnectButton") - self.loginButton = GetObject("LoginButton") - self.loginExitButton = GetObject("LoginExitButton") - - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - self.checkButton = GetObject("CheckButton") - self.checkButton.Down() - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixQuizBoard = GetObject("RunupMatrixQuizBoard") - self.matrixAnswerInput = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerInput") - self.matrixAnswerOK = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerOK") - self.matrixAnswerCancel = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerCancel") - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodBoard = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_BOARD") - self.passpodAnswerInput = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_INPUT") - self.passpodAnswerOK = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_OK") - self.passpodAnswerCancel= GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_CANCEL") - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - self.virtualKeyboard = self.GetChild2("VirtualKeyboard") - - if self.virtualKeyboard: - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS) - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = "".join([locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS[locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS.index(e)] for e in self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS]) - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode() - - self.GetChild("key_space").SetEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(' ')) - self.GetChild("key_backspace").SetEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressBackspace()) - self.GetChild("key_enter").SetEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressReturn()) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleDownEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetUpperMode()) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode()) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleDownEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetSymbolMode()) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode()) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - if self.IS_TEST: - self.selectConnectButton.Hide() - else: - self.selectConnectButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectConnectButton)) - - self.serverBoard.OnKeyUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__ServerBoard_OnKeyUp) - self.xServerBoard, self.yServerBoard = self.serverBoard.GetLocalPosition() - - self.serverSelectButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectServerButton)) - self.serverExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitButton)) - - self.loginButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickLoginButton)) - self.loginExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitButton)) - - self.serverList.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectServer)) - - self.idEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus)) - self.idEditLine.SetTabEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus)) - - self.pwdEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickLoginButton)) - self.pwdEditLine.SetTabEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.idEditLine.SetFocus)) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixAnswerOK.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerOK) - self.matrixAnswerCancel.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel) - self.matrixAnswerInput.SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerOK) - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodAnswerOK.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK) - self.passpodAnswerCancel.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel) - self.passpodAnswerInput.SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK) - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Show() - self.GetChild("bg2").Hide() - return 1 - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self, keyCodes): - uiDefFontBackup = locale.UI_DEF_FONT - locale.UI_DEF_FONT = locale.UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE - - keyIndex = 1 - for keyCode in keyCodes: - key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) - if key: - key.SetEvent(lambda x=keyCode: self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(x)) - key.SetText(keyCode) - key.ButtonText.SetFontColor(0, 0, 0) - keyIndex += 1 - - for keyIndex in xrange(keyIndex, VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS+1): - key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) - if key: - key.SetEvent(lambda x=' ': self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(x)) - key.SetText(' ') - - locale.UI_DEF_FONT = uiDefFontBackup - - def __VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(self, code): - ime.PasteString(code) - - #if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET" and self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper: - # self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode() - - def __VirtualKeyboard_PressBackspace(self): - ime.PasteBackspace() - - def __VirtualKeyboard_PressReturn(self): - ime.PasteReturn() - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetUpperMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = TRUE - - if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET": - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS) - elif self.virtualKeyboardMode == "NUMBER": - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - - if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET": - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS) - elif self.virtualKeyboardMode == "NUMBER": - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - else: - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "ALPHABET" - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetNumberMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "NUMBER" - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetSymbolMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "SYMBOL" - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - - def Connect(self, id, pwd): - - if constInfo.SEQUENCE_PACKET_ENABLE: - net.SetPacketSequenceMode() - - if IsLoginDelay(): - loginDelay = GetLoginDelay() - self.connectingDialog = ConnectingDialog() - self.connectingDialog.Open(loginDelay) - self.connectingDialog.SAFE_SetTimeOverEvent(self.OnEndCountDown) - self.connectingDialog.SAFE_SetExitEvent(self.OnPressExitKey) - self.isNowCountDown = TRUE - - else: - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.LOGIN_CONNETING, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus, locale.UI_CANCEL) - - self.stream.SetLoginInfo(id, pwd) - self.stream.Connect() - - def __OnClickExitButton(self): - self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) - - def __SetServerInfo(self, name): - net.SetServerInfo(name.strip()) - self.serverInfo.SetText(name) - - def __LoadLoginInfo(self, loginInfoFileName): - - try: - loginInfo={} - execfile(loginInfoFileName, loginInfo) - except IOError: - print(\ - "磊悼 肺弊牢阑 窍矫妨搁" + loginInfoFileName + "颇老阑 累己秦林技夸\n"\ - "\n"\ - "郴侩:\n"\ - "================================================================\n"\ - "addr=林家\n"\ - "port=器飘\n"\ - "id=酒捞叼\n"\ - "pwd=厚剐锅龋\n"\ - "slot=某腐磐 急琶 牢郸胶 (绝芭唱 -1捞搁 磊悼 急琶 救窃)\n"\ - "autoLogin=磊悼 立加 咯何\n" - "autoSelect=磊悼 立加 咯何\n" - "locale=(ymir) LC_Ymir 老版快 ymir肺 累悼. 瘤沥窍瘤 臼栏搁 korea肺 累悼\n" - ); - - id=loginInfo.get("id", "") - pwd=loginInfo.get("pwd", "") - - if self.IS_TEST: - try: - addr=loginInfo["addr"] - port=loginInfo["port"] - account_addr=addr - account_port=port - - net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) - self.__SetServerInfo(locale.CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR % (addr, port)) - except: - try: - addr=serverInfo.TESTADDR["ip"] - port=serverInfo.TESTADDR["tcp_port"] - - net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) - self.__SetServerInfo(locale.CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadLoginInfo - 抛胶飘辑滚 林家啊 绝嚼聪促") - - else: - addr=loginInfo.get("addr", "") - port=loginInfo.get("port", 0) - account_addr=loginInfo.get("account_addr", addr) - account_port=loginInfo.get("account_port", port) - - locale = loginInfo.get("locale", "") - - if addr and port: - net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) - - if locale == "ymir" : - net.SetServerInfo("玫付 辑滚") - self.serverInfo.SetText("Y:"+addr+":"+str(port)) - else: - net.SetServerInfo(addr+":"+str(port)) - self.serverInfo.SetText("K:"+addr+":"+str(port)) - - slot=loginInfo.get("slot", 0) - isAutoLogin=loginInfo.get("auto", 0) - isAutoLogin=loginInfo.get("autoLogin", 0) - isAutoSelect=loginInfo.get("autoSelect", 0) - - self.stream.SetCharacterSlot(slot) - self.stream.SetConnectInfo(addr, port, account_addr, account_port) - self.stream.isAutoLogin=isAutoLogin - self.stream.isAutoSelect=isAutoSelect - - self.id = None - self.pwd = None - self.loginnedServer = None - self.loginnedChannel = None - app.loggined = FALSE - - self.loginInfo = loginInfo - - if self.id and self.pwd: - app.loggined = TRUE - - if isAutoLogin: - self.Connect(id, pwd) - - print "==================================================================================" - print "磊悼 肺弊牢: %s - %s:%d %s" % (loginInfoFileName, addr, port, id) - print "==================================================================================" - - - def PopupDisplayMessage(self, msg): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg) - - def PopupNotifyMessage(self, msg, func=0): - if not func: - func=self.EmptyFunc - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, locale.UI_OK) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - def BINARY_OnRunupMatrixQuiz(self, quiz): - if not IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - return - - id = self.GetChild("RunupMatrixID") - id.SetText(self.idEditLine.GetText()) - - code = self.GetChild("RunupMatrixCode") - - code.SetText("".join(["[%c,%c]" % (quiz[i], quiz[i+1]) for i in xrange(0, len(quiz), 2)])) - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.serverBoard.Hide() - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - self.matrixQuizBoard.Show() - self.matrixAnswerInput.SetFocus() - - def __OnClickMatrixAnswerOK(self): - answer = self.matrixAnswerInput.GetText() - - print "matrix_quiz.ok" - net.SendRunupMatrixCardPacket(answer) - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open("WAITING FOR MATRIX AUTHENTICATION", - self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel, - locale.UI_CANCEL) - - def __OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel(self): - print "matrix_quiz.cancel" - - if self.matrixQuizBoard: - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - - if self.connectBoard: - self.connectBoard.Show() - - if self.loginBoard: - self.loginBoard.Show() - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - def BINARY_OnNEWCIBNPasspodRequest(self): - if not IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - return - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.serverBoard.Hide() - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - self.passpodBoard.Show() - self.passpodAnswerInput.SetFocus() - - def BINARY_OnNEWCIBNPasspodFailure(self): - if not IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - return - - def __OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK(self): - answer = self.passpodAnswerInput.GetText() - - print "passpod.ok" - net.SendNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerPacket(answer) - self.passpodAnswerInput.SetText("") - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.WAIT_FOR_PASSPOD, - self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel, - locale.UI_CANCEL) - - def __OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel(self): - print "passpod.cancel" - - if self.passpodBoard: - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - - if self.connectBoard: - self.connectBoard.Show() - - if self.loginBoard: - self.loginBoard.Show() - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - - def OnMatrixCard(self, row1, row2, row3, row4, col1, col2, col3, col4): - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.matrixInputChanceCount = 3 - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - - # CHINA_MATRIX_CARD_BUG_FIX - ## A~Z 鳖瘤 26 捞郴狼 蔼捞 甸绢乐绢具父 茄促. - ## Python Exception Log 俊辑 弊 捞惑狼 蔼捞 甸绢乐绢辑 俊矾 规瘤 - ## 清单 恐 茄惫率 肺弊俊辑 捞霸 劝侩登绰瘤绰 葛福摆澜 - row1 = min(30, row1) - row2 = min(30, row2) - row3 = min(30, row3) - row4 = min(30, row4) - # END_OF_CHINA_MATRIX_CARD_BUG_FIX - - row1 = chr(row1 + ord('A')) - row2 = chr(row2 + ord('A')) - row3 = chr(row3 + ord('A')) - row4 = chr(row4 + ord('A')) - col1 = col1 + 1 - col2 = col2 + 1 - col3 = col3 + 1 - col4 = col4 + 1 - - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialogWithDescription2() - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(8) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnAcceptMatrixCardData)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancelMatrixCardData)) - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetDescription1(locale.INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER) - inputDialog.SetDescription2("%c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d" % (row1, col1, - row2, col2, - row3, col3, - row4, col4)) - - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def __OnAcceptMatrixCardData(self): - text = self.inputDialog.GetText() - net.SendChinaMatrixCardPacket(text) - if self.inputDialog: - self.inputDialog.Hide() - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_PROCESSING) - return TRUE - - def __OnCancelMatrixCardData(self): - self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus() - self.__OnCloseInputDialog() - self.__DisconnectAndInputPassword() - return TRUE - - def __OnCloseInputDialog(self): - if self.inputDialog: - self.inputDialog.Close() - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) - return TRUE - - def OnExit(self): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE, app.Exit, locale.UI_OK) - - def OnUpdate(self): - ServerStateChecker.Update() - - def EmptyFunc(self): - pass - - ##################################################################################### - - def __ServerBoard_OnKeyUp(self, key): - if self.serverBoard.IsShow(): - if app.DIK_RETURN==key: - self.__OnClickSelectServerButton() - return TRUE - - def __GetRegionID(self): - return 0 - - def __GetServerID(self): - return self.serverList.GetSelectedItem() - - def __GetChannelID(self): - return self.channelList.GetSelectedItem() - - # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - def __ServerIDToServerIndex(self, regionID, targetServerID): - try: - regionDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID] - except KeyError: - return -1 - - retServerIndex = 0 - for eachServerID, regionDataDict in regionDict.items(): - if eachServerID == targetServerID: - return retServerIndex - - retServerIndex += 1 - - return -1 - - def __ChannelIDToChannelIndex(self, channelID): - return channelID - 1 - # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - - def __OpenServerBoard(self): - - loadRegionID, loadServerID, loadChannelID = self.__LoadChannelInfo() - - serverIndex = self.__ServerIDToServerIndex(loadRegionID, loadServerID) - channelIndex = self.__ChannelIDToChannelIndex(loadChannelID) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - - self.serverList.SelectItem(serverIndex) - - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - self.channelList.SelectItem(app.GetRandom(0, self.channelList.GetItemCount())) - else: - if channelIndex >= 0: - self.channelList.SelectItem(channelIndex) - - ## Show/Hide 内靛俊 巩力啊 乐绢辑 烙矫 - [levites] - self.serverBoard.SetPosition(self.xServerBoard, self.yServerBoard) - self.serverBoard.Show() - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - - if self.virtualKeyboard: - self.virtualKeyboard.Hide() - - if app.loggined and not SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE_SUPPORT_CHANNEL: - self.serverList.SelectItem(self.loginnedServer-1) - self.channelList.SelectItem(self.loginnedChannel-1) - self.__OnClickSelectServerButton() - - def __OpenLoginBoard(self): - - self.serverExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitServerButton)) - self.serverExitButton.SetText(locale.UI_CLOSE) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - self.serverBoard.SetPosition(self.xServerBoard, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.serverBoard.Hide() - - if self.virtualKeyboard: - self.virtualKeyboard.Show() - - if app.loggined: - self.Connect(self.id, self.pwd) - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - elif not self.stream.isAutoLogin: - self.connectBoard.Show() - self.loginBoard.Show() - - ## if users have the login infomation, then don't initialize.2005.9 haho - if self.idEditLine == None: - self.idEditLine.SetText("") - if self.pwdEditLine == None: - self.pwdEditLine.SetText("") - - self.idEditLine.SetFocus() - - global SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE - if SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE: - if not self.loginInfo: - self.connectBoard.Hide() - - def __OnSelectRegionGroup(self): - self.__RefreshServerList() - - def __OnSelectSettlementArea(self): - # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.serverListOnRegionBoard.GetSelectedItem() - - serverIndex = self.__ServerIDToServerIndex(regionID, serverID) - self.serverList.SelectItem(serverIndex) - # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - - self.__OnSelectServer() - - def __RefreshServerList(self): - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - - if not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID): - return - - self.serverList.ClearItem() - - regionDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID] - - # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - visible_index = 1 - for id, regionDataDict in regionDict.items(): - name = regionDataDict.get("name", "noname") - if locale.IsBRAZIL() or locale.IsCANADA(): - self.serverList.InsertItem(id, "%s" % (name)) - else: - if locale.IsCIBN10(): - if name[0] == "#": - self.serverList.InsertItem(-1, " %s" % (name[1:])) - else: - self.serverList.InsertItem(id, " %s" % (name)) - visible_index += 1 - else: - try: - server_id = serverInfo.SERVER_ID_DICT[id] - except: - server_id = visible_index - - self.serverList.InsertItem(id, " %02d. %s" % (int(server_id), name)) - - visible_index += 1 - - # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - - def __OnSelectServer(self): - self.__OnCloseInputDialog() - self.__RequestServerStateList() - self.__RefreshServerStateList() - - def __RequestServerStateList(self): - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - - try: - channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] - except: - print " __RequestServerStateList - serverInfo.REGION_DICT(%d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID) - return - - ServerStateChecker.Initialize(); - for id, channelDataDict in channelDict.items(): - key=channelDataDict["key"] - ip=channelDataDict["ip"] - udp_port=channelDataDict["udp_port"] - ServerStateChecker.AddChannel(key, ip, udp_port) - - ServerStateChecker.Request() - - def __RefreshServerStateList(self): - - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - bakChannelID = self.channelList.GetSelectedItem() - - self.channelList.ClearItem() - - try: - channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] - except: - print " __RequestServerStateList - serverInfo.REGION_DICT(%d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID) - return - - for channelID, channelDataDict in channelDict.items(): - channelName = channelDataDict["name"] - channelState = channelDataDict["state"] - self.channelList.InsertItem(channelID, " %s %s" % (channelName, channelState)) - - self.channelList.SelectItem(bakChannelID-1) - - def __GetChannelName(self, regionID, selServerID, selChannelID): - try: - return serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][selServerID]["channel"][selChannelID]["name"] - except KeyError: - if 9==selChannelID: - return locale.CHANNEL_PVP - else: - return locale.CHANNEL_NORMAL % (selChannelID) - - def NotifyChannelState(self, addrKey, state): - try: - stateName=serverInfo.STATE_DICT[state] - except: - stateName=serverInfo.STATE_NONE - - regionID=int(addrKey/1000) - serverID=int(addrKey/10) % 100 - channelID=addrKey%10 - - try: - serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["state"] = stateName - self.__RefreshServerStateList() - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort(locale.CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO) - - def __OnClickExitServerButton(self): - print "exit server" - self.__OpenLoginBoard() - - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() - self.GetChild("bg2").Show() - - - def __OnClickSelectRegionButton(self): - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION) - return - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID].has_key(serverID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER) - return - - self.__SaveChannelInfo() - - self.serverExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitServerButton)) - self.serverExitButton.SetText(locale.UI_CLOSE) - - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - - def __OnClickSelectServerButton(self): - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() - self.GetChild("bg2").Show() - - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - channelID = self.__GetChannelID() - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION) - return - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID].has_key(serverID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER) - return - - try: - channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] - except KeyError: - return - - try: - state = channelDict[channelID]["state"] - except KeyError: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL) - return - - # 惑怕啊 FULL 苞 鞍栏搁 柳涝 陛瘤 - if state == serverInfo.STATE_DICT[3]: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL) - return - - self.__SaveChannelInfo() - - try: - serverName = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["name"] - channelName = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["name"] - addrKey = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["key"] - - if "玫付 辑滚" == serverName: - app.ForceSetLocale("ymir", "locale/ymir") - elif "蔫档 辑滚" == serverName: - app.ForceSetLocale("we_korea", "locale/we_korea") - - except: - print " ERROR __OnClickSelectServerButton(%d, %d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID, channelID) - serverName = locale.CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER - channelName = locale.CHANNEL_NORMAL % channelID - - self.__SetServerInfo("%s, %s " % (serverName, channelName)) - - try: - ip = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["ip"] - tcp_port = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["tcp_port"] - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__OnClickSelectServerButton - 辑滚 急琶 角菩") - - try: - account_ip = serverInfo.REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT[regionID][serverID]["ip"] - account_port = serverInfo.REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT[regionID][serverID]["port"] - except: - account_ip = 0 - account_port = 0 - - try: - markKey = regionID*1000 + serverID*10 - markAddrValue=serverInfo.MARKADDR_DICT[markKey] - net.SetMarkServer(markAddrValue["ip"], markAddrValue["tcp_port"]) - app.SetGuildMarkPath(markAddrValue["mark"]) - # GUILD_SYMBOL - app.SetGuildSymbolPath(markAddrValue["symbol_path"]) - # END_OF_GUILD_SYMBOL - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__OnClickSelectServerButton - 付农 沥焊 绝澜") - - - if app.USE_OPENID and not app.OPENID_TEST : - ## 2012.07.19 OpenID : 辫侩宽 - # 盲澄 急琶 拳搁俊辑 "犬牢"(SelectServerButton) 阑 喘范阑锭, - # 肺弊牢 拳搁栏肺 逞绢啊瘤 臼绊 官肺 辑滚俊 OpenID 牢刘虐甫 焊郴档废 荐沥 - self.stream.SetConnectInfo(ip, tcp_port, account_ip, account_port) - self.Connect(0, 0) - else : - self.stream.SetConnectInfo(ip, tcp_port, account_ip, account_port) - self.__OpenLoginBoard() - - - def __OnClickSelectConnectButton(self): - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Show() - self.GetChild("bg2").Hide() - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - - def __OnClickLoginButton(self): - id = self.idEditLine.GetText() - pwd = self.pwdEditLine.GetText() - - if len(id)==0: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_INPUT_ID, self.SetIDEditLineFocus) - return - - if len(pwd)==0: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) - return - - self.Connect(id, pwd) diff --git a/bin_original/introLogo.py b/bin_original/introLogo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7fed2bcc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/introLogo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -import app -import net -import ui -import snd -import wndMgr -import uiScriptLocale -import locale - -# 措何盒狼 角力 备泅篮 PythonApplicationLogo.cpp俊 乐促. - -app.SetGuildMarkPath("test") - -class LogoWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - # 焊咯 临 悼康惑 格废 (硅凯 鉴辑措肺 焊咯淋) - videoList = [] - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW LOGO WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGO, self) - self.stream = stream - self.playingVideo = 0 - self.bNeedUpdate = TRUE - self.nextLogoIndex = 0 - - if (locale.IsEUROPE() or locale.IsARABIC()) and (not locale.IsCHEONMA() and not locale.IsWE_KOREA()): - self.videoList = ["gf.mpg", "ymir.wmv"] - else: - self.videoList = ["ymir.wmv"] - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGO, 0) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LOGO WINDOW" - - def Open(self): - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.SetWindowName("SelectLogoWindow") - self.Show() - - self.LoadNextVideo() - - app.ShowCursor() - print "OPEN LOGO WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------CLOSE LOGO WINDOW" - app.OnLogoClose() - self.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - app.HideCursor() - - # 康惑 犁积捞 阂啊瓷茄 券版捞芭唱, 颇老捞 粮犁窍瘤 臼绰 版快 introLogin栏肺 skip. - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.bNeedUpdate: - if self.playingVideo == 0: - if self.nextLogoIndex < len(self.videoList): - self.CloseVideo() - self.LoadNextVideo() - else: - self.bNeedUpdate = FALSE - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - else: - self.playingVideo = app.OnLogoUpdate() - - - def OnRender(self): - if self.playingVideo: - app.OnLogoRender() - - def LoadNextVideo(self): - if self.nextLogoIndex < len(self.videoList): - self.playingVideo = app.OnLogoOpen(self.videoList[self.nextLogoIndex]) - self.nextLogoIndex = self.nextLogoIndex + 1 - - def CloseVideo(self): - app.OnLogoClose() - diff --git a/bin_original/introSelect.py b/bin_original/introSelect.py deleted file mode 100644 index 47f08d63..00000000 --- a/bin_original/introSelect.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,760 +0,0 @@ -import chr -import grp -import app -import math -import wndMgr -import snd -import net -import systemSetting -import locale -import chr - -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import networkModule -import musicInfo -import playerSettingModule - -#################################### -# 狐弗 角青阑 困茄 葛碘 肺爹 盒淬 -#################################### -import uiCommon -import uiMapNameShower -import uiAffectShower -import uiPlayerGauge -import uiCharacter -import uiTarget -import consoleModule -import interfaceModule -import uiTaskBar -import uiInventory - -################################### - -LEAVE_BUTTON_FOR_POTAL = FALSE -NOT_NEED_DELETE_CODE = FALSE -ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = FALSE - -if locale.IsJAPAN(): - NOT_NEED_DELETE_CODE = TRUE -elif locale.IsHONGKONG(): - ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = TRUE -elif locale.IsNEWCIBN() or locale.IsCIBN10(): - ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = TRUE -elif locale.IsEUROPE(): - ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = TRUE - - -################################### - -class SelectCharacterWindow(ui.Window): - - # SLOT4 - #SLOT_ROTATION = ( 140.0, 260.0, 20.0 ) - #SLOT_COUNT = 3 - SLOT_ROTATION = [135.0, 225.0, 315.0, 45.0] - SLOT_COUNT = 4 - CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT = 4 - - EMPIRE_NAME = { - net.EMPIRE_A : locale.EMPIRE_A, - net.EMPIRE_B : locale.EMPIRE_B, - net.EMPIRE_C : locale.EMPIRE_C - } - - class CharacterRenderer(ui.Window): - def OnRender(self): - grp.ClearDepthBuffer() - - grp.SetGameRenderState() - grp.PushState() - grp.SetOmniLight() - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - newScreenWidth = float(screenWidth - 270) - newScreenHeight = float(screenHeight) - - grp.SetViewport(270.0/screenWidth, 0.0, newScreenWidth/screenWidth, newScreenHeight/screenHeight) - - app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0) - grp.SetPerspective(10.0, newScreenWidth/newScreenHeight, 1000.0, 3000.0) - - (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition() - grp.SetCursorPosition(x, y) - - chr.Deform() - chr.Render() - - grp.RestoreViewport() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - def __init__(self, stream): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_SELECT, self) - - self.stream=stream - self.slot = self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - - self.openLoadingFlag = FALSE - self.startIndex = -1 - self.startReservingTime = 0 - - self.flagDict = {} - self.curRotation = [] - self.destRotation = [] - for rot in self.SLOT_ROTATION: - self.curRotation.append(rot) - self.destRotation.append(rot) - - self.curNameAlpha = [] - self.destNameAlpha = [] - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT): - self.curNameAlpha.append(0.0) - self.destNameAlpha.append(0.0) - - self.curGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.destGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - - self.dlgBoard = 0 - self.changeNameFlag = FALSE - self.nameInputBoard = None - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = FALSE - - self.startIndex = -1 - self.isLoad = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_SELECT, 0) - - def Open(self): - if not self.__LoadBoardDialog(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "selectcharacterwindow.py"): - dbg.TraceError("SelectCharacterWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") - return - - if not self.__LoadQuestionDialog("uiscript/questiondialog.py"): - return - - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") - - self.InitCharacterBoard() - - self.btnStart.Enable() - self.btnCreate.Enable() - self.btnDelete.Enable() - self.btnExit.Enable() - self.btnLeft.Enable() - self.btnRight.Enable() - - self.dlgBoard.Show() - self.SetWindowName("SelectCharacterWindow") - self.Show() - - if self.slot>=0: - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic) - - app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0) - - self.isLoad=1 - self.Refresh() - - if self.stream.isAutoSelect: - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - self.SelectSlot(chrSlot) - self.StartGame() - - self.HideAllFlag() - self.SetEmpire(net.GetEmpireID()) - - app.ShowCursor() - - def Close(self): - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic) - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - - if self.dlgBoard: - self.dlgBoard.ClearDictionary() - - self.empireName = None - self.flagDict = {} - self.dlgBoard = None - self.btnStart = None - self.btnCreate = None - self.btnDelete = None - self.btnExit = None - self.btnLeft = None - self.btnRight = None - self.backGround = None - - self.dlgQuestion.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.dlgQuestionText = None - self.dlgQuestionAcceptButton = None - self.dlgQuestionCancelButton = None - self.privateInputBoard = None - self.nameInputBoard = None - - chr.DeleteInstance(0) - chr.DeleteInstance(1) - chr.DeleteInstance(2) - chr.DeleteInstance(3) - - self.Hide() - self.KillFocus() - - app.HideCursor() - - def SetEmpire(self, id): - self.empireName.SetText(self.EMPIRE_NAME.get(id, "")) - if self.flagDict.has_key(id): - self.flagDict[id].Show() - - def HideAllFlag(self): - for flag in self.flagDict.values(): - flag.Hide() - - def Refresh(self): - if not self.isLoad: - return - - # SLOT4 - indexArray = (3, 2, 1, 0) - for index in indexArray: - id=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - race=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_RACE) - form=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_FORM) - name=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataString(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_NAME) - hair=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_HAIR) - - if id: - self.MakeCharacter(index, id, name, race, form, hair) - self.SelectSlot(index) - - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - def GetCharacterSlotID(self, slotIndex): - return net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(slotIndex, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - - def __LoadQuestionDialog(self, fileName): - self.dlgQuestion = ui.ScriptWindow() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgQuestion, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadQuestionDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.dlgQuestion.GetChild - self.dlgQuestionText=GetObject("message") - self.dlgQuestionAcceptButton=GetObject("accept") - self.dlgQuestionCancelButton=GetObject("cancel") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadQuestionDialog.BindObject") - - self.dlgQuestionText.SetText(locale.SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY) - self.dlgQuestionAcceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.RequestDeleteCharacter)) - self.dlgQuestionCancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.dlgQuestion.Hide)) - return 1 - - def __LoadBoardDialog(self, fileName): - self.dlgBoard = ui.ScriptWindow() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgBoard, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadBoardDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.dlgBoard.GetChild - - self.btnStart = GetObject("start_button") - self.btnCreate = GetObject("create_button") - self.btnDelete = GetObject("delete_button") - self.btnExit = GetObject("exit_button") - - self.CharacterName = GetObject("character_name_value") - self.CharacterLevel = GetObject("character_level_value") - self.PlayTime = GetObject("character_play_time_value") - self.CharacterHTH = GetObject("character_hth_value") - self.CharacterINT = GetObject("character_int_value") - self.CharacterSTR = GetObject("character_str_value") - self.CharacterDEX = GetObject("character_dex_value") - self.GuildName = GetObject("GuildName") - - self.NameList = [] - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_warrior")) - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_assassin")) - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_sura")) - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_shaman")) - - self.GaugeList = [] - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_hth")) - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_int")) - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_str")) - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_dex")) - - self.btnLeft = GetObject("left_button") - self.btnRight = GetObject("right_button") - - self.empireName = GetObject("EmpireName") - self.flagDict[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_A") - self.flagDict[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_B") - self.flagDict[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_C") - - self.backGround = GetObject("BackGround") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject") - - for name in self.NameList: - name.SetAlpha(0.0) - - self.btnStart.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.StartGame)) - self.btnCreate.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter)) - self.btnExit.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ExitSelect)) - - - - if NOT_NEED_DELETE_CODE: - self.btnDelete.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.PopupDeleteQuestion)) - else: - self.btnDelete.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.InputPrivateCode)) - - self.btnLeft.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.DecreaseSlotIndex)) - self.btnRight.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IncreaseSlotIndex)) - - self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer() - self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.backGround) - self.chrRenderer.Show() - - return 1 - - def MakeCharacter(self, index, id, name, race, form, hair): - if 0 == id: - return - - chr.CreateInstance(index) - chr.SelectInstance(index) - chr.SetVirtualID(index) - chr.SetNameString(name) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(form) - chr.SetHair(hair) - - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) - - chr.SetRotation(0.0) - - ## Manage Character - def StartGame(self): - - if self.sendedChangeNamePacket: - return - - if self.changeNameFlag: - self.OpenChangeNameDialog() - return - - if -1 != self.startIndex: - return - - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeLimitOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic, systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*0.05) - - self.btnStart.SetUp() - self.btnCreate.SetUp() - self.btnDelete.SetUp() - self.btnExit.SetUp() - self.btnLeft.SetUp() - self.btnRight.SetUp() - - self.btnStart.Disable() - self.btnCreate.Disable() - self.btnDelete.Disable() - self.btnExit.Disable() - self.btnLeft.Disable() - self.btnRight.Disable() - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - - self.stream.SetCharacterSlot(self.slot) - - self.startIndex = self.slot - self.startReservingTime = app.GetTime() - - for i in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - - if FALSE == chr.HasInstance(i): - continue - - chr.SelectInstance(i) - - if i == self.slot: - self.slot=self.slot - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED, 0.1) - continue - - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_NOT_SELECTED, 0.1) - - def OpenChangeNameDialog(self): - import uiCommon - nameInputBoard = uiCommon.InputDialogWithDescription() - nameInputBoard.SetTitle(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE) - nameInputBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptInputName)) - nameInputBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelInputName)) - nameInputBoard.SetMaxLength(chr.PLAYER_NAME_MAX_LEN) - nameInputBoard.SetBoardWidth(200) - nameInputBoard.SetDescription(locale.SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME) - nameInputBoard.Open() - nameInputBoard.slot = self.slot - self.nameInputBoard = nameInputBoard - - def OnChangeName(self, id, name): - self.SelectSlot(id) - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = FALSE - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGED_NAME) - - def AcceptInputName(self): - changeName = self.nameInputBoard.GetText() - if not changeName: - return - - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = TRUE - net.SendChangeNamePacket(self.nameInputBoard.slot, changeName) - return self.CancelInputName() - - def CancelInputName(self): - self.nameInputBoard.Close() - self.nameInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnCreateFailure(self, type): - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = FALSE - if 0 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME) - elif 1 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME) - elif 100 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX) - - def CreateCharacter(self): - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0==id: - self.stream.SetCharacterSlot(self.slot) - - EMPIRE_MODE = 1 - - if EMPIRE_MODE: - if self.__AreAllSlotEmpty(): - self.stream.SetReselectEmpirePhase() - else: - self.stream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - - else: - self.stream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - - def __AreAllSlotEmpty(self): - for iSlot in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - if 0!=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(iSlot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID): - return 0 - return 1 - - def PopupDeleteQuestion(self): - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0 == id: - return - - self.dlgQuestion.Show() - self.dlgQuestion.SetTop() - - def RequestDeleteCharacter(self): - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0 == id: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT) - return - - net.SendDestroyCharacterPacket(self.slot, "1234567") - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_DELEING) - - def InputPrivateCode(self): - - import uiCommon - privateInputBoard = uiCommon.InputDialogWithDescription() - privateInputBoard.SetTitle(locale.INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE) - privateInputBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptInputPrivateCode)) - privateInputBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelInputPrivateCode)) - - if ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE: - pass - else: - privateInputBoard.SetNumberMode() - - privateInputBoard.SetSecretMode() - privateInputBoard.SetMaxLength(7) - - privateInputBoard.SetBoardWidth(250) - privateInputBoard.SetDescription(locale.INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION) - privateInputBoard.Open() - self.privateInputBoard = privateInputBoard - - def AcceptInputPrivateCode(self): - privateCode = self.privateInputBoard.GetText() - if not privateCode: - return - - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0 == id: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT) - return - - net.SendDestroyCharacterPacket(self.slot, privateCode) - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_DELEING) - - self.CancelInputPrivateCode() - return TRUE - - def CancelInputPrivateCode(self): - self.privateInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnDeleteSuccess(self, slot): - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_DELETED) - self.DeleteCharacter(slot) - - def OnDeleteFailure(self): - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE) - - def DeleteCharacter(self, index): - chr.DeleteInstance(index) - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - def ExitSelect(self): - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - - if LEAVE_BUTTON_FOR_POTAL: - if app.loggined: - self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) - else: - self.stream.setloginphase() - else: - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - - self.Hide() - - def GetSlotIndex(self): - return self.slot - - def DecreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() - 1 + self.SLOT_COUNT) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def IncreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() + 1) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def SelectSlot(self, index): - - if index < 0: - return - if index >= self.SLOT_COUNT: - return - - self.slot = index - - chr.SelectInstance(self.slot) - - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT): - self.destNameAlpha[i] = 0.0 - - for i in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - self.destRotation[(i+self.slot)%self.SLOT_COUNT] = self.SLOT_ROTATION[i] - - self.destGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - - id=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - if 0 != id: - - self.btnStart.Show() - self.btnDelete.Show() - self.btnCreate.Hide() - - playTime=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_PLAYTIME) - level=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_LEVEL) - race=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_RACE) - valueHTH=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_HTH) - valueINT=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_INT) - valueSTR=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_STR) - valueDEX=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_DEX) - name=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataString(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_NAME) - guildID=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_GUILD_ID) - guildName=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataString(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_GUILD_NAME) - self.changeNameFlag=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_CHANGE_NAME_FLAG) - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - if job >= 0 and job < self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT: - self.destNameAlpha[job] = 1.0 - - self.CharacterName.SetText(name) - self.CharacterLevel.SetText(str(level)) - - self.PlayTime.SetText(str(playTime)) - self.CharacterHTH.SetText(str(valueHTH)) - self.CharacterINT.SetText(str(valueINT)) - self.CharacterSTR.SetText(str(valueSTR)) - self.CharacterDEX.SetText(str(valueDEX)) - - if guildName: - self.GuildName.SetText(guildName) - else: - self.GuildName.SetText(locale.SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD) - - statesSummary = float(valueHTH + valueINT + valueSTR + valueDEX) - if statesSummary > 0.0: - self.destGauge = [ - float(valueHTH) / statesSummary, - float(valueINT) / statesSummary, - float(valueSTR) / statesSummary, - float(valueDEX) / statesSummary - ] - - else: - - self.InitCharacterBoard() - - def InitCharacterBoard(self): - - self.btnStart.Hide() - self.btnDelete.Hide() - self.btnCreate.Show() - - self.CharacterName.SetText("") - self.CharacterLevel.SetText("") - self.PlayTime.SetText("") - self.CharacterHTH.SetText("") - self.CharacterINT.SetText("") - self.CharacterSTR.SetText("") - self.CharacterDEX.SetText("") - self.GuildName.SetText(locale.SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD) - - ## Event - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - - if 1 == key: - self.ExitSelect() - if 2 == key: - self.SelectSlot(0) - if 3 == key: - self.SelectSlot(1) - if 4 == key: - self.SelectSlot(2) - - if 28 == key: - - id = net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - if 0 == id: - self.CreateCharacter() - - else: - self.StartGame() - - if 203 == key: - self.slot = (self.GetSlotIndex() - 1 + self.SLOT_COUNT) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - if 205 == key: - self.slot = (self.GetSlotIndex() + 1) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - chr.Update() - - for i in xrange(4): - self.curGauge[i] += (self.destGauge[i] - self.curGauge[i]) / 10.0 - if abs(self.curGauge[i] - self.destGauge[i]) < 0.005: - self.curGauge[i] = self.destGauge[i] - self.GaugeList[i].SetPercentage(self.curGauge[i], 1.0) - - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT): - self.curNameAlpha[i] += (self.destNameAlpha[i] - self.curNameAlpha[i]) / 10.0 - self.NameList[i].SetAlpha(self.curNameAlpha[i]) - - for i in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - - if FALSE == chr.HasInstance(i): - continue - - chr.SelectInstance(i) - - distance = 50.0 - rotRadian = self.curRotation[i] * (math.pi*2) / 360.0 - x = distance*math.sin(rotRadian) + distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - y = distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - distance*math.sin(rotRadian) - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x), int(y), 30) - - ##### - - dir = app.GetRotatingDirection(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - rot = app.GetDegreeDifference(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - - if app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_RIGHT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] += rot / 10.0 - elif app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_LEFT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] -= rot / 10.0 - - self.curRotation[i] = (self.curRotation[i] + 360.0) % 360.0 - - ####################################################### - if -1 != self.startIndex: - - ## Temporary - ## BackGroundLoading捞 瘤盔 瞪锭鳖瘤 烙矫肺.. - if app.GetTime() - self.startReservingTime > 3.0: - if FALSE == self.openLoadingFlag: - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - net.DirectEnter(chrSlot) - self.openLoadingFlag = TRUE - - playTime=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_PLAYTIME) - - import player - player.SetPlayTime(playTime) - import chat - chat.Clear() ## 甸绢哎锭 Chat 阑 檬扁拳. 烙矫 Pos. - ## Temporary - ####################################################### - - def EmptyFunc(self): - pass - - def PopupMessage(self, msg, func=0): - if not func: - func=self.EmptyFunc - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, locale.UI_OK) - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.ExitSelect() - return TRUE - diff --git a/bin_original/locale.py b/bin_original/locale.py deleted file mode 100644 index aab717f5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,960 +0,0 @@ -import app -import constInfo - -MAP_TRENT02 = "MAP_TRENT02" # 烙矫 -MAP_WL = "MAP_WL" # 烙矫 -MAP_NUSLUCK = "MAP_NUSLUCK" # 烙矫 -MAP_TREE2 = "MAP_TREE2" - -BLEND_POTION_NO_TIME = "BLEND_POTION_NO_TIME" -BLEND_POTION_NO_INFO = "BLEND_POTION_NO_INFO" - -APP_TITLE = "METIN2" - -GUILD_HEADQUARTER = "Main Building" -GUILD_FACILITY = "Facility" -GUILD_OBJECT = "Object" -GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_INFINITY = "INFINITY" - -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK = "BLOCK_LOGIN(WEB)" -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN = "BLOCK_LOGIN" -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL = "CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL" - -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TXT = app.GetLocalePath() + "/GuildBuildingList.txt" - -GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL = "3" -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL = "辨靛饭骇 3捞惑 何磐 啊瓷钦聪促." - -ERROR_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT = "UploadMark: Reconnect to game" -ERROR_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT = "CheckMark: Reconnect to game" - -VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = r"[1234567890]/qwertyuiop\=asdfghjkl;`'zxcvbnm.," -VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = r'{1234567890}?QWERTYUIOP|+ASDFGHJKL:~"ZXCVBNM<>' -VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = '!@#$%^&*()_+|{}:"<>?~' -VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = "1234567890-=\[];',./`" -VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR = '!@#$%^&*()_+|{}:"<>?~徉汊殍觏祗螋斛' - -__IS_ENGLISH = "ENGLISH" == app.GetLocaleServiceName() -__IS_HONGKONG = "HONGKONG" == app.GetLocaleServiceName() -__IS_NEWCIBN = "locale/newcibn" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_EUROPE = "EUROPE" == app.GetLocaleServiceName() -__IS_CANADA = "locale/ca" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_BRAZIL = "locale/br" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_SINGAPORE = "locale/sg" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_VIETNAM = "locale/vn" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_ARABIC = "locale/ae" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_CIBN10 = "locale/cibn10" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_WE_KOREA = "locale/we_korea" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_TAIWAN = "locale/taiwan" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_JAPAN = "locale/japan" == app.GetLocalePath() - -if __IS_CANADA: - __IS_EUROPE = TRUE - -def IsYMIR(): - return "locale/ymir" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsJAPAN(): - return "locale/japan" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsENGLISH(): - global __IS_ENGLISH - return __IS_ENGLISH - -def IsHONGKONG(): - global __IS_HONGKONG - return __IS_HONGKONG - -def IsTAIWAN(): - return "locale/taiwan" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsNEWCIBN(): - return "locale/newcibn" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsCIBN10(): - global __IS_CIBN10 - return __IS_CIBN10 - -def IsEUROPE(): - global __IS_EUROPE - return __IS_EUROPE - -def IsCANADA(): - global __IS_CANADA - return __IS_CANADA - -def IsBRAZIL(): - global __IS_BRAZIL - return __IS_BRAZIL - -def IsVIETNAM(): - global __IS_VIETNAM - return __IS_VIETNAM - -def IsSINGAPORE(): - global __IS_SINGAPORE - return __IS_SINGAPORE - -def IsARABIC(): - global __IS_ARABIC - return __IS_ARABIC - -def IsWE_KOREA(): - return "locale/we_korea" == app.GetLocalePath() - -# SUPPORT_NEW_KOREA_SERVER -def LoadLocaleData(): - if IsYMIR(): - import net - SERVER = "蔫档 辑滚" - if SERVER == net.GetServerInfo()[:len(SERVER)]: - app.SetCHEONMA(0) - app.LoadLocaleData("locale/we_korea") - constInfo.ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 0 - else: - app.SetCHEONMA(1) - app.LoadLocaleData("locale/ymir") - constInfo.ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 1 - else: - app.LoadLocaleData(app.GetLocalePath()) - -def IsCHEONMA(): - return IsYMIR() # 捞力 YMIR 肺纳老篮 公炼扒 玫付辑滚烙. 玫付辑滚啊 巩阑 摧扁 傈鳖瘤 函且 老 绝澜. - -# END_OF_SUPPORT_NEW_KOREA_SERVER - -def mapping(**kwargs): return kwargs - -def SNA(text): - def f(x): - return text - return f - -def SA(text): - def f(x): - return text % x - return f - -def LoadLocaleFile(srcFileName, localeDict): - - funcDict = {"SA":SA, "SNA":SNA} - - lineIndex = 1 - - try: - lines = pack_open(srcFileName, "r").readlines() - except IOError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadLocaleError(%(srcFileName)s)" % locals()) - app.Abort() - - for line in lines: - try: - tokens = line[:-1].split("\t") - if len(tokens) == 2: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] - elif len(tokens) >= 3: - type = tokens[2].strip() - if type: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = funcDict[type](tokens[1]) - else: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] - else: - raise RuntimeError, "Unknown TokenSize" - - lineIndex += 1 - except: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("%s: line(%d): %s" % (srcFileName, lineIndex, line), "Error") - raise - - - -all = ["locale","error"] - -if IsEUROPE() and IsBRAZIL() : - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 0 -elif IsSINGAPORE() : - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 0 -elif IsNEWCIBN() : - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 0 -elif IsTAIWAN(): - APP_TITLE = "矮III瓣" - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 -elif IsJAPAN(): - APP_TITLE = "CRUEL WAR - Return of the Metin2" - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 -else: - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 - -LoadLocaleFile(LOCALE_FILE_NAME, locals()) - -######################################################################################################## -## NOTE : 酒捞袍阑 滚副锭 "公均阑/甫 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖?" 巩磊凯狼 炼荤 急琶阑 困茄 内靛 -dictSingleWord = { - "m":1, "n":1, "r":1, "M":1, "N":1, "R":1, "l":1, "L":1, "1":1, "3":1, "6":1, "7":1, "8":1, "0":1, -} - -dictDoubleWord = { - "啊":1, "凹":1, "芭":1, "败":1, "绊":1, "背":1, "备":1, "痹":1, "弊":1, "扁":1, "俺":1, "奥":1, "霸":1, "拌":1, "苞":1, "饱":1, "迸":1, "彼":1, "鲍":1, "蓖":1, "贬":1, - "鳖":1, "播":1, "波":1, "哺":1, "部":1, "藏":1, "操":1, "搀":1, "掺":1, "尝":1, "柄":1, "兤":1, "膊":1, "簿":1, "彩":1, "蚕":1, "层":1, "茬":1, "惨":1, "差":1, "吺":1, - "唱":1, "衬":1, "呈":1, "赤":1, "畴":1, "储":1, "穿":1, "春":1, "蠢":1, "聪":1, "郴":1, "唙":1, "匙":1, "抽":1, "出":1, "嘡":1, "床":1, "创":1, "锄":1, "吹":1, "刺":1, - "促":1, "呆":1, "歹":1, "诞":1, "档":1, "低":1, "滴":1, "掂":1, "靛":1, "叼":1, "措":1, "堐":1, "单":1, "党":1, "德":1, "蹬":1, "抵":1, "地":1, "登":1, "第":1, "碉":1, - "蝶":1, "媥":1, "栋":1, "杜":1, "肚":1, "屆":1, "堆":1, "崗":1, "哆":1, "鹅":1, "锭":1, "嫐":1, "都":1, "嬻":1, "短":1, "段":1, "岕":1, "敦":1, "断":1, "顿":1, "剁":1, - "扼":1, "藩":1, "矾":1, "妨":1, "肺":1, "丰":1, "风":1, "幅":1, "福":1, "府":1, "贰":1, "巑":1, "饭":1, "肥":1, "分":1, "廜":1, "凤":1, "否":1, "汾":1, "夫":1, "恖":1, - "付":1, "赶":1, "赣":1, "哥":1, "葛":1, "功":1, "公":1, "孤":1, "骨":1, "固":1, "概":1, "愘":1, "皋":1, "革":1, "跟":1, "懤":1, "构":1, "咕":1, "羹":1, "箍":1, "掁":1, - "官":1, "跪":1, "滚":1, "涵":1, "焊":1, "禾":1, "何":1, "轰":1, "宏":1, "厚":1, "硅":1, "搸":1, "海":1, "憾":1, "毫":1, "耗":1, "痕":1, "恨":1, "浩":1, "哼":1, "晳":1, - "狐":1, "徊":1, "坏":1, "焕":1, "磺":1, "幌":1, "谎":1, "回":1, "悔":1, "贿":1, "哗":1, "曽":1, "痪":1, "枾":1, "栘":1, "桇":1, "棬":1, "椖":1, "晃":1, "椸":1, "榰":1, - "荤":1, "箕":1, "辑":1, "寂":1, "家":1, "碱":1, "荐":1, "酱":1, "胶":1, "矫":1, "货":1, "绩":1, "技":1, "嘉":1, "驾":1, "尖":1, "饯":1, "溅":1, "艰":1, "浆":1, "毭":1, - "轿":1, "沊":1, "结":1, "浨":1, "筋":1, "兢":1, "茎":1, "漮":1, "静":1, "揪":1, "截":1, "泍":1, "疥":1, "涖":1, "谨":1, "禁":1, "粳":1, "井":1, "烬":1, "警":1, "竞":1, - "酒":1, "具":1, "绢":1, "咯":1, "坷":1, "夸":1, "快":1, "蜡":1, "栏":1, "捞":1, "局":1, "娟":1, "俊":1, "抗":1, "客":1, "恐":1, "况":1, "傀":1, "寇":1, "困":1, "狼":1, - "磊":1, "鲤":1, "历":1, "廉":1, "炼":1, "烈":1, "林":1, "陵":1, "令":1, "瘤":1, "犁":1, "厉":1, "力":1, "恋":1, "谅":1, "寥":1, "拎":1, "菱":1, "了":1, "零":1, "":1, - "楼":1, "鹿":1, "录":1, "虑":1, "律":1, "":1, "罗":1, "麻":1, "玛":1, "骂":1, "掳":1, "":1, "屡":1, "":1, "乱":1, "轮":1, "洛":1, "≧":1, "仑":1, "妈":1, "﹏":1, - "瞒":1, "铆":1, "贸":1, "媚":1, "檬":1, "幂":1, "眠":1, "抿":1, "明":1, "摹":1, "盲":1, "獕":1, "眉":1, "们":1, "靡":1, "瑐":1, "苗":1, "瞄":1, "弥":1, "秒":1, "疢":1, - "墨":1, "募":1, "目":1, "难":1, "内":1, "撵":1, "捻":1, "钮":1, "农":1, "虐":1, "某":1, "癿":1, "纳":1, "馁":1, "拟":1, "蔫":1, "孽":1, "涅":1, "年":1, "柠":1, "磾":1, - "鸥":1, "潘":1, "磐":1, "胚":1, "配":1, "鹏":1, "捧":1, "譬":1, "飘":1, "萍":1, "怕":1, "禣":1, "抛":1, "赔":1, "彭":1, "棚":1, "琵":1, "啤":1, "硼":1, "脾":1, "品":1, - "颇":1, "瀑":1, "欺":1, "旗":1, "器":1, "钎":1, "仟":1, "腔":1, "橇":1, "乔":1, "菩":1, "粭":1, "其":1, "企":1, "恰":1, "綅":1, "谴":1, "縍":1, "牵":1, "嵌":1, "纁":1, - "窍":1, "轻":1, "倾":1, "囚":1, "龋":1, "瓤":1, "饶":1, "绒":1, "儒":1, "洒":1, "秦":1, "羺":1, "庆":1, "驱":1, "拳":1, "瘸":1, "忍":1, "妊":1, "雀":1, "戎":1, "锐":1, -} - -locale = mapping( -) - - -def GetAuxiliaryWordType(text): - - textLength = len(text) - - if textLength > 1: - - singleWord = text[-1] - - if (singleWord >= '0' and singleWord <= '9') or\ - (singleWord >= 'a' and singleWord <= 'z') or\ - (singleWord >= 'A' and singleWord <= 'Z'): - if not dictSingleWord.has_key(singleWord): - return 1 - - elif dictDoubleWord.has_key(text[-2:]): - return 1 - - return 0 - - - -def CutMoneyString(sourceText, startIndex, endIndex, insertingText, backText): - - sourceLength = len(sourceText) - - if sourceLength < startIndex: - return backText - - text = sourceText[max(0, sourceLength-endIndex):sourceLength-startIndex] - - if not text: - return backText - - if int(text) <= 0: - return backText - - text = str(int(text)) - - if backText: - backText = " " + backText - - return text + insertingText + backText - -def SecondToDHM(time): - if time < 60: - if IsARABIC(): - return "%.2f %s" % (time, SECOND) - else: - return "0" + MINUTE - - second = int(time % 60) - minute = int((time / 60) % 60) - hour = int((time / 60) / 60) % 24 - day = int(int((time / 60) / 60) / 24) - - text = "" - - if day > 0: - text += str(day) + DAY - text += " " - - if hour > 0: - text += str(hour) + HOUR - text += " " - - if minute > 0: - text += str(minute) + MINUTE - - return text - -def SecondToHM(time): - - if time < 60: - if IsARABIC(): - return "%.2f %s" % (time, SECOND) - else: - return "0" + MINUTE - - second = int(time % 60) - minute = int((time / 60) % 60) - hour = int((time / 60) / 60) - - text = "" - - if hour > 0: - text += str(hour) + HOUR - if hour > 0: - text += " " - - if minute > 0: - text += str(minute) + MINUTE - - return text - - -def GetAlignmentTitleName(alignment): - if alignment >= 12000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[0] - elif alignment >= 8000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[1] - elif alignment >= 4000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[2] - elif alignment >= 1000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[3] - elif alignment >= 0: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[4] - elif alignment > -4000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[5] - elif alignment > -8000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[6] - elif alignment > -12000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[7] - - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[8] - - -OPTION_PVPMODE_MESSAGE_DICT = { - 0 : PVP_MODE_NORMAL, - 1 : PVP_MODE_REVENGE, - 2 : PVP_MODE_KILL, - 3 : PVP_MODE_PROTECT, - 4 : PVP_MODE_GUILD, -} - -error = mapping( - CREATE_WINDOW = GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW, - CREATE_CURSOR = GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR, - CREATE_NETWORK = GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK, - CREATE_ITEM_PROTO = GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO, - CREATE_MOB_PROTO = GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO, - CREATE_NO_DIRECTX = GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX, - CREATE_DEVICE = GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST, - CREATE_NO_APPROPRIATE_DEVICE = GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE, - CREATE_FORMAT = GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT, - NO_ERROR = "" -) - - -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_DESCLIST = [GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP, GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN, GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE] -GUILDWAR_WARP_DESCLIST = [GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP, GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD, GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION] -GUILDWAR_CTF_DESCLIST = [GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP, GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1, GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2, GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION] - -MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT = { - "metin2_map_a1" : MAP_A1, - "map_a2" : MAP_A2, - "metin2_map_a3" : MAP_A3, - "metin2_map_b1" : MAP_B1, - "map_b2" : MAP_B2, - "metin2_map_b3" : MAP_B3, - "metin2_map_c1" : MAP_C1, - "map_c2" : MAP_C2, - "metin2_map_c3" : MAP_C3, - "map_n_snowm_01" : MAP_SNOW, - "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : MAP_FLAME, - "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : MAP_DESERT, - "metin2_map_milgyo" : MAP_TEMPLE, - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : MAP_SPIDER, - "metin2_map_deviltower1" : MAP_SKELTOWER, - "metin2_map_guild_01" : MAP_AG, - "metin2_map_guild_02" : MAP_BG, - "metin2_map_guild_03" : MAP_CG, - "metin2_map_trent" : MAP_TREE, - "metin2_map_trent02" : MAP_TREE2, - "season1/metin2_map_WL_01" : MAP_WL, - "season1/metin2_map_nusluck01" : MAP_NUSLUCK, - "Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead" : MAP_CAPE, - "metin2_map_Mt_Thunder" : MAP_THUNDER, - "metin2_map_dawnmistwood" : MAP_DAWN, - "metin2_map_BayBlackSand" : MAP_BAY, -} - - - -JOBINFO_TITLE = [ - [JOB_WARRIOR0, JOB_WARRIOR1, JOB_WARRIOR2,], - [JOB_ASSASSIN0, JOB_ASSASSIN1, JOB_ASSASSIN2,], - [JOB_SURA0, JOB_SURA1, JOB_SURA2,], - [JOB_SHAMAN0, JOB_SHAMAN1, JOB_SHAMAN2,], -] - -JOBINFO_DATA_LIST = [ - [ - ["鸥绊抄 侩竿苞 绷洒瘤 臼绰 公荤狼", - "扁俺甫 荤恩甸篮 老拿绢 [侩磊]扼绊", - "何弗促. 绢栋茄 困扁俊辑档 弊甸篮 ", - "第肺 拱矾辑瘤 臼栏哥, 促摹绊 框流", - "捞扁 塞电 悼丰甫 困秦 窜脚栏肺", - "利甸苞 付林 轿快扁档 茄促. 捞甸篮", - "肋 窜访等 辟腊苞 塞, 碍仿茄 傍拜仿", - "栏肺 傈厘 弥急滴俊辑 傍拜柳栏肺", - "劝距茄促. ",], - ["啊厘 老馆利牢 傍拜屈 公荤肺, ", - "利立傈俊 蝶弗 流立 傍拜栏肺 傈厘", - "俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑 辟仿阑", - "皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, ", - "利立傈俊 蝶弗 积疙仿 / 规绢仿", - "犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑 棵赴促. 肚茄", - "傍拜狼 沥犬己阑 臭捞扁 困秦 刮酶", - "俊档 器牢飘甫 捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促.",], - ["惑寸 荐霖狼 沥脚仿阑 捞侩窍绰", - "吝/辟芭府 立傈屈 公荤肺, 阿 扁贱", - "窍唱窍唱狼 臭篮 傍拜仿栏肺 傈厘俊辑", - "劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑 辟仿阑 皋牢", - "栏肺 胶湃 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, ", - "吝/辟芭府 傍拜狼 沥犬己苞 疙吝伏阑", - "困秦 刮酶阑 棵赴促. 肚茄 立傈 矫 ", - "利 傍拜俊 蝶弗 积疙仿 / 规绢仿", - "犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ], - [ - ["磊按篮 绢栋茄 惑炔俊辑档 磊脚狼", - "个阑 见扁绊 篮剐茄 绢狄狼 烙公甫", - "荐青窍搁辑 傈厘狼 饶困甫 瘤盔窍绰", - "磊甸捞促. 捞甸篮 酒林 狐福绊 脚加", - "窍哥, 厚且 单 绝捞 苞皑窍绊 例力等", - "青悼栏肺 利狼 鞭家俊 摹疙鸥甫 朝府", - "登, 傈厘俊急 利柳阑 氢秦 公荐茄", - "拳混阑 郴徽栏哥 磊脚狼 侩竿阑", - "急焊牢促. "], - ["滴颊 窜八阑 林公扁肺 促风哥, 脚加", - "窍霸 摹绊 狐瘤绰 磊按 漂蜡狼 框流烙", - "栏肺 傈厘俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑", - "刮酶阑 皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊", - "窍登, 辟仿阑 棵妨 傍拜仿阑 臭牢促.", - "肚茄 辟立傈俊 蝶弗 积疙仿/规绢仿 ", - "惑铰阑 困秦 眉仿俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ["劝阑 林公扁肺 促风哥, 变 矫具客", - "荤沥芭府俊 蝶弗 盔芭府 傍拜栏肺", - "傈厘俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑", - "傍拜 己傍伏狼 刘啊甫 困秦 刮酶阑", - "皋牢栏肺 棵妨具 窍哥, 盔芭府", - "傍拜狼 单固瘤 刘啊甫 困秦 辟仿阑", - "棵副 鞘夸啊 乐促. 肚茄 利甸俊霸", - "器困登菌阑 矫, 利 傍拜俊 滚萍扁", - "困茄 积疙仿/规绢仿 惑铰阑 困秦", - "眉仿俊档 器牢飘甫 捧磊且 鞘夸啊", - "乐促. ", ], - ], - [ - ["荐扼绰 [刀篮 刀栏肺]狼 加己栏肺", - "芒汲等 漂荐 加己狼 焙流捞促. ", - "弊甸篮 傈厘俊辑 利甸狼 荤扁甫 历窍", - "矫虐绊, 厩付狼 塞阑 角篮 付藕栏肺", - "利狼 康去苞 腊脚阑 窿苟暗促. 锭肺", - "捞甸篮 磊脚狼 八苞 癌渴俊 绢狄狼", - "塞阑 角绢, 傈厘俊辑 公荤 给瘤 臼篮", - "傍拜仿阑 惯戎窍扁档 窍绰单, 利甸阑", - "磷咯措绰弊 葛嚼捞 况倡俊 阐嘛秦", - "荤恩甸篮 荐扼甫 老拿绢 [付脚]捞扼", - "何福扁甫 林历 旧绰促."], - ["券公焙狼 荐扼绰 厩付狼 揪俊辑", - "掘绢瘤绰 付仿阑 公扁唱 规绢备俊", - "角绢 公荤 给瘤 臼篮 傈捧仿栏肺", - "傈厘俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑", - "瘤瓷捞 臭酒龙荐废 馒侩 厘厚俊", - "角府绰 付仿狼 困仿捞 刘措登骨肺,", - "瘤瓷苞 辟仿阑 皋牢栏肺 胶湃", - "器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, 立傈俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿/规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑", - "棵赴促. 肚茄 傍拜狼 沥犬己苞", - "雀乔甫 困秦辑 刮酶俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ["孺付焙狼 荐扼甸篮 阿辆 绢狄狼", - "林巩苞 厩付狼 付过栏肺 傈厘俊辑", - "劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑 付过 傍拜捞", - "林捞骨肺 瘤瓷阑 皋牢栏肺 胶泡", - "器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, 盔芭府 付过", - "傍拜狼 沥犬己阑 困秦 刮酶阑 棵赴促.", - "肚茄 器困 登菌阑矫, 利 傍拜俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿 / 规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿俊档", - "器牢飘甫 捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ], - [ - ["公寸篮 侩脚苞 磊楷, 滴 绊措狼", - "塞阑 促逢 荐 乐绰 蜡老茄 流辆捞促.", - "弊甸篮 饶规俊辑 酒焙阑 焊炼窍绊", - "促模 悼丰狼 何惑阑 雀汗 矫虐哥", - "冻绢柳 荤扁甫 惑铰矫挪促. 弊甸篮", - "酒焙狼 荐搁苞 绒侥阑 规秦窍绰 磊甫 ", - "例措 侩辑窍瘤 臼栏哥, 弊繁 磊甸", - "俊霸绰 茄 痢 林历 绝捞 林巩阑", - "磐飘妨 弊 厚疤窃阑 决洒 隆拌茄促.",], - ["玫锋焙狼 公寸甸篮 阿辆 何利贱苞", - "焊炼林巩俊 瓷窍哥, 利狼 流 / 埃立", - "傍拜栏肺何磐 酒焙阑 瘤挪促. 焙流", - "漂己惑 付过 瓷仿捞 林捞骨肺 瘤瓷阑", - "皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登,", - "器困登菌阑 矫, 利 傍拜俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿 / 规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑", - "棵赴促. 肚茄 盔芭府 付过 傍拜狼", - "沥犬己阑 困俊 刮酶俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ["堡汾焙狼 公寸甸篮 磊楷狼 塞阑", - "呼妨 酒焙阑 雀汗窍绊, 锄脚狼 ", - "塞栏肺 剐笼茄 利甸俊霸 奴 面拜阑", - "涝鳃 荐 乐绰 捞甸捞促. 焙流狼", - "漂己惑 付过 瓷仿捞 林捞骨肺 瘤瓷阑", - "皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登,", - "器困登菌阑矫, 利 傍拜俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿 / 规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑", - "棵赴促. 肚茄 盔芭府 付过 傍拜狼", - "沥犬己阑 困俊 刮酶俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. "], - ], -] - - -WHISPER_ERROR = { - 1 : CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON, - 2 : CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE, - 3 : CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE, -} - -NOTIFY_MESSAGE = { - "CANNOT_EQUIP_SHOP" : CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP, - "CANNOT_EQUIP_EXCHANGE" : CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE, -} - - -ATTACK_ERROR_TAIL_DICT = { - "IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE, - "DEST_IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE, -} - -SHOT_ERROR_TAIL_DICT = { - "EMPTY_ARROW" : CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW, - "IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE, - "DEST_IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE, -} - -USE_SKILL_ERROR_TAIL_DICT = { - "IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE, - "NEED_TARGET" : CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET, - "NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE" : CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE, - "NEED_POISON_BOTTLE" : CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE, - "REMOVE_FISHING_ROD" : CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD, - "NOT_YET_LEARN" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN, - "NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON, - "WAIT_COOLTIME" : CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME, - "NOT_ENOUGH_HP" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP, - "NOT_ENOUGH_SP" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP, - "CANNOT_USE_SELF" : CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF, - "ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE" : CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE, - "CANNOT_ATTACK_ENEMY_IN_SAFE_AREA" : CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE, - "CANNOT_APPROACH" : CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH, - "CANNOT_ATTACK" : CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK, - "ONLY_FOR_CORPSE" : CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE, - "EQUIP_FISHING_ROD" : CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD, - "NOT_HORSE_SKILL" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL, - "HAVE_TO_RIDE" : CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE, -} - -LEVEL_LIST=["", HORSE_LEVEL1, HORSE_LEVEL2, HORSE_LEVEL3] - -HEALTH_LIST=[ - HORSE_HEALTH0, - HORSE_HEALTH1, - HORSE_HEALTH2, - HORSE_HEALTH3, -] - - -USE_SKILL_ERROR_CHAT_DICT = { - "NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE" : SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE, - "NEED_POISON_BOTTLE" : SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE, - "ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR" : SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR, -} - -SHOP_ERROR_DICT = { - "NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY" : SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY, - "SOLDOUT" : SHOP_SOLDOUT, - "INVENTORY_FULL" : SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL, - "INVALID_POS" : SHOP_INVALID_POS, - "NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_EX" : SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_EX, -} - -STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION = { - "HTH-" : STAT_MINUS_CON, - "INT-" : STAT_MINUS_INT, - "STR-" : STAT_MINUS_STR, - "DEX-" : STAT_MINUS_DEX, -} - -MODE_NAME_LIST = ( PVP_OPTION_NORMAL, PVP_OPTION_REVENGE, PVP_OPTION_KILL, PVP_OPTION_PROTECT, ) -TITLE_NAME_LIST = ( PVP_LEVEL0, PVP_LEVEL1, PVP_LEVEL2, PVP_LEVEL3, PVP_LEVEL4, PVP_LEVEL5, PVP_LEVEL6, PVP_LEVEL7, PVP_LEVEL8, ) - -def GetLetterImageName(): - return "season1/icon/scroll_close.tga" -def GetLetterOpenImageName(): - return "season1/icon/scroll_open.tga" -def GetLetterCloseImageName(): - return "season1/icon/scroll_close.tga" - -if 949 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - def EUL(name): - if GetAuxiliaryWordType(name): - return "甫 " - else: - return "阑 " - - def I(name): - if GetAuxiliaryWordType(name): - return "啊 " - else: - return "捞 " - - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - name = sellItemName - if sellItemCount > 1: - name += " " - name += str(sellItemCount) - name += "俺" - - return name + EUL(name) + str(sellItemPrice) + "成俊 颇矫摆嚼聪鳖?" - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - name = sellItemName - if sellItemCount > 1: - name += " " - name += str(sellItemCount) - name += "俺" - - return name + EUL(name) + str(sellItemPrice) + "俊 荤矫摆嚼聪鳖?" - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName): - return attachedItemName+EUL(attachedItemName)+"何馒且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍涝聪促" - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return attachedItemName+EUL(attachedItemName)+"何馒且 荐 乐绰 家南捞 绝嚼聪促" - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return attachedItemName+EUL(attachedItemName)+"何馒且 荐 乐绰 炔陛 家南捞 绝嚼聪促" - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount): - name = dropItemName - if dropItemCount > 1: - name += " " - name += str(dropItemCount) - name += "俺" - - return name+EUL(name)+"滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖?" - - def NumberToMoneyString(number): - if number <= 0: - return "0成" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "父", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "撅", result) - result = result + "成" - - return result - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number): - if number <= 0: - return "0傈" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "父", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "撅", result) - result = result + "傈" - - return result - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return fishName + I(fishName) + "巩 淀 钦聪促." - else: - return fishName + I(fishName) + "吧赴淀 钦聪促." - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return fishName + EUL(fishName) + "棱疽嚼聪促!" - else: - return fishName + EUL(fishName) + "掘菌嚼聪促!" - -elif 932 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount > 1 : - return "%s %s 屄傪 %s偵攧傝傑偡偐丠" % ( sellItemName, sellItemCount, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - else: - return "%s 傪 %s偱攧傝傑偡偐丠" % (sellItemName, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice) : - if buyItemCount > 1 : - return "%s %s屄傪 %s偱攦偄傑偡偐丠" % ( buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice ) - else: - return "%s傪 %s偱攦偄傑偡偐丠" % ( buyItemName, buyItemPrice ) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName) : - return "%s傪憰拝偱偒側偄傾僀僥?偱偡丅" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return "%s傪憰拝偡傞?働僢僩偑偁傝傑偣傫丅" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return "%s傪憰拝偱偒傞墿嬥?働僢僩偑偁傝傑偣傫丅" % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount) : - if dropItemCount > 1 : - return "%s %d 屄傪幪偰傑偡偐丠" % (dropItemName, dropItemCount) - else : - return "%s傪幪偰傑偡偐丠" % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return "%s 偑怘偄偮偄偨傛偆偱偡" % ( fishName ) - else : - return "%s 偑偐偐偭偨傛偆偱偡" % ( fishName ) - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return "%s 傪曔傑偊傑偟偨両" % (fishName) - else : - return "%s 傪庤偵擖傟傑偟偨両" % (fishName) - - def NumberToMoneyString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0椉" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "枩", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "壄", result) - result = result + "椉" - - return result - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0jun" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "枩", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "壄", result) - result = result + "jun" - - return result -elif IsHONGKONG(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 % (sellItemName, sellItemCount, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - else: - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 % (sellItemName, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice) : - if buyItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 % ( buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice ) - else: - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 % ( buyItemName, buyItemPrice ) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount) : - if dropItemCount > 1 : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 % (dropItemName, dropItemCount) - else : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_NOTIFY1 % ( fishName ) - else : - return FISHING_NOTIFY2 % ( fishName ) - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_SUCCESS1 % (fishName) - else : - return FISHING_SUCCESS2 % (fishName) - - def NumberToMoneyString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT0) - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, MONETARY_UNIT1, result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, MONETARY_UNIT2, result) - result = result + MONETARY_UNIT0 - - return result - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT_JUN) - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, MONETARY_UNIT1, result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, MONETARY_UNIT2, result) - result = result + MONETARY_UNIT_JUN - - return result - -elif IsNEWCIBN() or IsCIBN10(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount>1: - return "确定要把%s个%s以%s金币卖掉吗?" % (str(sellItemCount), sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - else: - return "确定要把%s以%s金币卖掉吗?" % (sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount>1: - return "确定要把%s个%s以%s金币买进吗?" % (str(sellItemCount), sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - else: - return "确定要把%s以%s金币买进吗?" % (sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName): - return "无法镶嵌%s 的装备" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return "没有可以镶嵌%s 的孔" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return "没有可以镶嵌%s 的黄金孔" % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount): - if dropItemCount>1: - return "确定要扔掉%d个%s吗?" % (dropItemCount, dropItemName) - else: - return "确定要扔掉%s吗?" % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return fishName + "上钩了。" - else: - return "钓着" + fishName + "了。" - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return "钓着" + fishName + "了。" - else: - return "获得" + fishName + "了。" - - def NumberToMoneyString(number): - - if number <= 0: - return "0两" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "万", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "亿", result) - result = result + "两" - - return result - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number): - - if number <= 0: - return "0JUN" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "万", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "亿", result) - result = result + "JUN" - - return result -elif IsEUROPE() and not IsWE_KOREA() and not IsYMIR(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 % (sellItemName, sellItemCount, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - else: - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 % (sellItemName, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice) : - if buyItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 % ( buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice ) - else: - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 % ( buyItemName, buyItemPrice ) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount) : - if dropItemCount > 1 : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 % (dropItemName, dropItemCount) - else : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_NOTIFY1 % ( fishName ) - else : - return FISHING_NOTIFY2 % ( fishName ) - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_SUCCESS1 % (fishName) - else : - return FISHING_SUCCESS2 % (fishName) - - def NumberToMoneyString(n) : - if n <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT0) - - return "%s %s" % ('.'.join([ i-3<0 and str(n)[:i] or str(n)[i-3:i] for i in range(len(str(n))%3, len(str(n))+1, 3) if i ]), MONETARY_UNIT0) - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(n) : - if n <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT_JUN) - - return "%s %s" % ('.'.join([ i-3<0 and str(n)[:i] or str(n)[i-3:i] for i in range(len(str(n))%3, len(str(n))+1, 3) if i ]), MONETARY_UNIT_JUN) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_br.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_br.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 88cddb4a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_br.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -MakePack.exe locale\locale_br.txt -pause diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ca.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ca.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 5e2864a5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ca.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -MakePack.exe locale\locale_ca.txt -pause diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_en.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_en.bat deleted file mode 100644 index fb9b07d7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_en.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -MakePack.exe locale\locale_en.txt -pause diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_japan.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_japan.bat deleted file mode 100644 index b41af5b8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_japan.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -MakePack.exe locale\locale_japan.txt -pause diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_newcibn.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_newcibn.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 4ab127c7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_newcibn.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -MakePack.exe locale\locale_newcibn.txt -pause diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_taiwan.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_taiwan.bat deleted file mode 100644 index cfe4d0cb..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_taiwan.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -MakePack.exe locale\locale_taiwan.txt -pause diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_we.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_we.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 7c796472..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_we.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -MakePack.exe locale\locale_we.txt -pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ymir.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ymir.bat deleted file mode 100644 index bfcd0cdd..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ymir.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -del pack\locale_ymir.* -MakePack.exe locale\locale_ymir.txt -pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ymir_ui.bat b/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ymir_ui.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 4f06116d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/MakePack_locale_ymir_ui.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -cd .. -del pack\locale_ymir_ui.* -MakePack.exe locale\locale_ymir_ui.txt -pause diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/ae/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/ae/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 586a2454..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ae/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f9a03e86..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -陪妊秦嫜砩 轻皂溆鎇ENTER] -[ENTER] -兽 陪妊秦嫜砩 轻皂溆 啼嫒[ENTER] -轻耷焉. 配迩 授抒 糜怯 卺靃ENTER] -轻卺寝鞘 轻侍茄砩. 释 揄窍蒣ENTER] -[WAIT] -礞-礞溘 融 愚尕 轻瓦鉡ENTER] -轻陪妊秦嫜 耷鲜 轻泌闱醄ENTER] -轻侍茄砩 阙 轻匝 皂溆 裴靃ENTER] -轻乓襄茄 轻许 授碓 儒 轻礞.[ENTER] -蓓 轻戕侨 碲碓 轻舆卿 阙[ENTER] -[WAIT] -轻垩 蓓 昭勤 闶媲蔗 挢谑[ENTER] -轻匮磙 轻侍茄砩. 融 畔亚遊ENTER] -叔享 岩 陧藻 沅 吾轻 吞裑ENTER] -轻闶礓 驼滏 娩萦邈. 逑蒎鉡ENTER] -彐 庞守勤 障 轻逄闱蔥ENTER] -[WAIT] -轻垩软 炮窍 菔 轻匮磙[ENTER] -轻侍茄砩 舒晚蟍ENTER] -轻陪妊秦嫜砩 释 禹匮叔. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f6af9be3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -陪妊秦嫜砩 轻枣涮鎇ENTER] -[ENTER] -视舒犴 陪妊秦嫜砩 轻枣涮鎇ENTER] -卺 垩 轻耷焉. 配迩 抒梳遊ENTER] -唔卿丘 隧孓亚仨丘 磙嫦迩[ENTER] -[WAIT] -亿闱棋 轻享漤驿. 娩悦迩[ENTER] -礞-礞溘 湃 阢 轻陪妊秦嫜[ENTER] -轻忧绒. 益躺 礞-礞溘 适闶赱ENTER] -绒嫔 油秧 迩漆 滔丘 蒎韀ENTER] -忧谙 益体 闳哐丘 仁孓 鎇ENTER] -[WAIT] -兽享 吞 轻叔享 轻许 碓哚錥ENTER] -吞 轻闶礓. 礞-礞溘 湔 谙蒣ENTER] -阊鞘 惹饰切 氏侨硌 窒 叔享蟍ENTER] -轻吞 徇溴 捩柔 惹崤邈轻.[ENTER] -嵝徇 耷 檬惹阱 人嫜 窒[ENTER] -[WAIT] -轻陪妊秦嫜砩 轻薯 咔涫 沔拖蒣ENTER] -蓓 嗅 轻晚. 融 愚尕[ENTER] -轻陪妊秦嫜砩 嫣鲜 漭渝荹ENTER] -枣涮 蓓 阙茄 阙 轻匝 鎇ENTER] -湟勤 锨沏 阙 轻啼嫒. 轻舆卿[ENTER] -[WAIT] -碡阃驿 裴 轻禹匮 卺 闾汜[ENTER] -轻耷焉 犴抒咪媲 沅 彭耷輀ENTER] -轻捩 轻隳许 轻闶仪硐蒣ENTER] -嵬萄 轻闶礓. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index be09ebd8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -陪妊秦嫜砩 轻添滏[ENTER] -[ENTER] -手 陪妊秦嫜砩 轻添滏[ENTER] -轻沅秦 轻匝揄 後耷焉.[ENTER] -授抒 蓓 嫣嫦迩 卺 轻捩蒣ENTER] -[WAIT] -轻谟哐砩 轻薯 视抒襄 沅 沅[ENTER] -轻厝 轻谙媲漤 轻脱软 轻许[ENTER] -硎闶 儒 在儒. 碛碡 卺靃ENTER] -添滏 庙 秧驿 湃 轻陪妊秦嫜[ENTER] -轻糜绒. 碲兽 娩 卺礤 炮窍蒣ENTER] -[WAIT] -蠕橇 轻陪妊秦嫜砩 释 禹匮叔[ENTER] - 茹忧谙 添藻 轻耷逖. 硎鉡ENTER] -蓓 陪妊秦嫜砩 轻添滏 延沩丘[ENTER] -侍清 缅沩 拭隧 吞裑ENTER] -轻闶礓. 徇 庙 秧驿 硗擎醄ENTER] -[WAIT] -友丘 怯饰锨 轻捩 轻阆阊蒣ENTER] -後吞 崾娃磙 蜜亚皱[ENTER] -轻谟哐砩. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 930f0670..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ??????? -14013 FACILITY jedan 拖窍 糜嵬 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan 拖窍 涎孚 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 替逖 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 阊咭 氏秧 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻冕闱 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻卧 轻吞秧 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻渫怯 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻葜 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻绣 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 吞 轻碓 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻萌滏 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻崮崮 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻绣 轻萌碇 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻柔嫜 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 轻哝茄 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 菅 香孚 轻鱼橇 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 阙认 轻阙演 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 阙认 轻阙演 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 阙认 轻阙演 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 软 (1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 颓曝 吞秧 (1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 颓曝 吞秧 (1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 颓曝 吞秧 (1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 孺侨 (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 颓曝 (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 软 (2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 颓曝 吞秧 (2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 颓曝 吞秧 (2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 颓曝 吞秧 (3-2) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 孺侨 (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 颓曝 (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 软 (3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 颓曝 吞秧 (3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 颓曝 吞秧 (3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 颓曝 吞秧 (3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 孺侨 (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 颓曝 (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 雁 轻亚蓉 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 体 轻颓曝 轻勉倾砩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 体 轻颓曝 轻吾蓓 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 糟轻 轻颓曝 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 磴礓 轻颓曝 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 吞1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 吞 2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 吞3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 吞 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 吞 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 吞 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 吞 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 吞8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 吞9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 吞10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 蕴焉1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 蕴焉2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 蕴焉3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 蕴焉 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 蕴焉 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 蕴焉 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 蕴焉 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 蕴焉8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 蕴焉9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/ae/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ae/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/locale/ae/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ae/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 36b23a4f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ -Fuck -Cunt -Shit -Whore -Dick -Cock -Clit -Faggot -Slut -Ass -Tit -ass -asslick -asses -asshole -assholes -asskisser -asswipe -balls -bastard -beastial -beastiality -beastility -beaver -belly whacker -bestial -bestiality -bitch -bitcher -bitchers -bitches -bitchin -bitching -blowjob -blowjobs -bonehead -boner -browneye -browntown -cunt -bull shit -bullshit -bum -bung hole -butch -butt -buttbreath -butt fucker -butthair -buttface -buttfuck -buttfucker -butthead -butthole -buttpicker -chink -christ -circlejerk -clam -clit -cobia -cock -cocks -cocksuck -cocksucked -cocksucker -cocksucking -cocksucks -cooter -crap -cum -cummer -cumming -cums -cumshot -cunilingus -cunillingus -cunnilingus -cunt -cuntlick -cuntlicker -cuntlicking -cunts -cyberfuc -cyberfuck -cyberfucked -cyberfucker -cyberfuckers -cyberfucking -damn -dick -dike -dildo -dildos -dink -dinks -dipshit -dong -douche -douchebag -dumbass -dyke -ejaculate -ejaculated -ejaculates -ejaculating -ejaculatings -ejaculation -fag -fagget -fagging -faggit -faggot -faggs -fagot -fagots -fags -fart -farted -farting -fartings -farts -farty -fatass -fatso -felatio -fellatio -fingerfuck -fingerfucked -fingerfucker -fingerfuckers -fingerfucking -fingerfucks -fistfuck -fistfucked -fistfucker -fistfuckers -fistfucking -fistfuckings -fistfucks -fuck -fucked -fucker -fuckers -fuckin -fucking -fuckings -fuckme -fucks -fuk -fuks -furburger -gangbang -gangbanged -gangbangs -gaysex -gazongers -goddamn -gonads -gook -guinne -hard on -hardcoresex -hell -homo -hooker -horniest -horny -hotsex -hussy -jackoff -jack -jackass -jackingoff -jackoff -jack-off -jap -jerk -jerk-off -jesus -jesus christ -jew -jism -jiz -jizm -jizz -kike -knob -kock -kondum -kondums -kraut -kum -kummer -kumming -kums -kunilingus -lesbian -lesbo -loser -lust -lusting -merde -mick -mothafuck -mothafucka -mothafuckas -mothafuckaz -mothafucked -mothafucker -mothafuckers -mothafuckin -mothafucking -mothafuckings -mothafucks -motherfuck -motherfucked -motherfucker -motherfuckers -motherfuckin -motherfucking -motherfuckings -motherfucks -mound -muff -nerd -nigger -niggers -orgasim -orgasims -orgasm -orgasms -pecker -penis -phonesex -phuk -phuked -phuking -phukked -phukking -phuks -phuq -pimp -piss -pissed -pisser -pissers -pisses -pissin -pissing -pissoff -porn -porno -pornography -pornos -prick -pricks -prostitute -punk -pussies -pussy -pussys -queer -retard -schlong -screw -sheister -shit -shited -shitfull -shiting -shitings -shits -shitted -shitter -shitters -shitting -shittings -shitty -slag -sleaze -slut -sluts -smut -snatch -spunk -twat -wetback -whore -wop -wanker -Tosser -Arse -Tard -Mofo diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6fe5783b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4296 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga 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5062cf62..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,841 +0,0 @@ -05330 萄 葶 轻输礓+0 -05331 萄 葶 轻输礓+1 -05332 萄 葶 轻输礓+2 -05333 萄 葶 轻输礓+3 -05334 萄 葶 轻输礓+4 -05335 萄 葶 轻输礓+5 -05336 萄 葶 轻输礓+6 -05337 萄 葶 轻输礓+7 -05338 萄 葶 轻输礓+8 -05339 萄 葶 轻输礓+9 -11901 认嵘 延沩 後渝焉 认嵘 逸禽 烟轻砩. -11902 认嵘 延沩 後渝焉 认嵘 逸禽 烟轻砩. -11903 萦是 逸禽 萦是 逸禽 溆瞧 沣硪. -11904 萦是 逸禽. 萦是 逸禽 溆瞧 沣硪. -22000 彷磔 轻阆礓 适硗 徇 逍 轻彷磔 沅 轻阪仙 裴 轻阆礓 柔阃 轻日 孺怯厣 轻滢 轻油秧. -22010 彷磔 轻氵卿 轻彷磔 抒渫 轻烟孚 裴 轻阆礓 媲嶷嫦 裴 沔挹 轻颓犴. -25040 彷磔 轻妊呱 磙後 沅 呜 氏沩 轻皂 判 菰 轻释禹. 蓓 逍 轻颓嵘 适亚腾 替鲜 滢厣 媲拖. -25041 吞 油秧 轻阙箱 轻糜劓秧 嵴淝谏 幂轴 禹. 轻吞 轻糜劓秧 硪硐 沅 菅丈 释禹 轻皂. 硐阊 轻皂 阡香 磔葬 轻释禹. -25100 彷磔 轻吞 轻焰晚 轻彷磔 抒渫 庞饰亚 轻吞 轻焰晚 沅 俞峭 面 涎 媸恃 盟 後庞饰亚. -27600 轻沔尴 挢 梦郧 挢谑 沅 锰 轻沔尴. -27610 哐 轻鱼 逍 轻哐 蔬暂 徇 庙 鱼呱 卺奘 蓓 轻珍茄. -27620 呤侨 轻枕 呤侨 视守碲 沅 吾轻 裴兽秦 众 轻谙 沅 轻糜闱 淝涎 蓓 3 庙倾. -27799 轻陀 陀 轻鱼呱. -27800 阙替 仵阢 盐碚. -27801 湘 仵阢 阃孺取 硖腥 轻糜闱 仍哚 呷硌. -27802 鱼呱 呷硌 仵阢 鱼摺 碛守碲 娩 硖腥 糜闱 呷硌 仍哚 添. -27803 忆涎 耷禹 鱼呱 谇享伞 授碓 谇仙 蓓 妊呱. -27804 鱼呱 沅锨秧 鱼呱 嵝硇. -27805 忆涎 呷硌 忆涎 呷硌 嬗沩. -27806 匀尕 鱼呱 葜砩 呷硌. -27807 鱼 轻俞沔 鱼呱 授嫦 裴 享茄迩 盟淝 菡 轻室擎 -27808 匀尕 谠软 匀尕 沅 轻滏 轻许 硎坌 卺 轻泌郧. -27809 鱼 恃骓 滔驷 鱼呱 沅 俞轻 鱼 轻俞沔. -27810 娩哚碛 鱼呱 劓磲 驿晚嵘 匀礤 惹後幂陟. 沅 蛰鞘迩 轻捩 媲崾豌. -27811 鱼 恃骓 捩 抟晚 鱼呱 星 馘 汜驿 让徭卿 捩 轻抟. -27812 鱼 恃骓 溴秧 鱼呱 溴秧伞 沅试焉 咚硌丘 蓓 逍 轻沅剞. -27813 醚 鱼呱 豌亚痢 授碓 蓓 蹄勤鞘. -27814 鱼 袖 轻韧 鱼呱 阙焰萆 "扪 轻韧茄" -27815 输皂 滏 沅 鱼 轻孺秧 碲碓 蒉 蓓 沩清 滟磔. -27816 鱼呱 轻俞嫜 鱼呱 墟 葶 沣硪 嬖茄 匀礤 仍茄 轻挢. -27817 徭试 鱼呱 授碓 锨沏丘 蓓 沩清 滞嵘 沔歪. -27818 鱼呱 轻徭视 鱼呱 溴秧 呷硌 授碓 沅 沔窍 坌瞧砩 阄梳厣. -27819 鱼呱 歪嫔 鱼呱 沅 俞轻 鱼 轻遢 授碓 扪砣 沅 轻郧仄 驺杖 轻娩迩. -27820 鱼 轻遢 鱼呱 允骓 硎 耪仨窍迩 矍崛丘 盟淝 轻枕 轻提硐. -27821 皂秧 鱼呱 星 赃 驷驿 蹄磲. -27822 匀尕 崆阙 匀尕 沅 轻滏 轻阃狲. -27823 鱼 绣软 鱼 绣软 崆阙 驿窍 -27833 忆涎 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27834 鱼呱 沅锨秧 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27835 忆涎 呷硌 沩束 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27836 忆涎 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27837 鱼呱 俞沔 沩噬. 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27838 匀尕 谠软 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27839 鱼呱 恃骓 滔驷砩 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27840 娩哚碛 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27841 鱼 恃骓 捩 抟晚 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27842 鱼呱 恃骓 溴秧 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27843 醚 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27844 鱼呱 袖 轻韧 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27845 输皂 沩噬 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27846 鱼呱俞嫜 沩噬 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27847 徭试 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27848 鱼呱 徭视 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27849 鱼呱 歪嫔 沩噬 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27850 鱼呱 遢 沩噬 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27851 皂秧 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27852 匀尕 崆阙 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27853 鱼 绣软 沩 逍 轻鱼呱 磴咪 枣礤 卺 轻沔尴. -27863 忆涎 阍骓 视恃腾 融 滢秦 轻晚巧. -27864 鱼呱 沅锨秧 阍骓 视恃腾 融 滢秦 轻糜徭. -27865 忆涎 呷硌 阍骓 碛恃腾 融 滢秦 轻晚巧. -27866 匀尕 阍骓 硪硐 友谏 轻释堰 彷恃 阙礓. -27867 鱼呱 俞沔 阍骓 视恃腾 融 滢秦 轻糜徭. -27868 匀尕 谠软 阍骓 室硐 沅 友谏 轻逄驺 彷恃 阙礓. -27869 鱼呱 恃骓 滔驷砩 阍骓 视恃腾 谙 呷硌 沅 滢秦 轻晚巧. -27870 娩哚碛 阍骓 室硐 轻捩 彷恃 阙礓. -27871 鱼呱 恃骓 抟晚 阍骓 视恃腾 咚硌 沅 滢秦 轻晚巧. -27872 鱼呱 恃骓 溴秧 阍骓 视恃腾 融 滢秦 轻糜徭. -27873 醚 阍骓 室硐 屋 轻脱呱 彷恃 阙礓. -27874 鱼呱 袖 轻韧 阍骓 硪磲 轻滤茄 轻俞软. -27875 输皂 阍骓 视恃腾 融 滢秦 轻晚巧 卺 轻萱. -27876 鱼呱 俞嫜 阍骓 视恃腾 融 滢秦 轻糜徭 卺 轻萱. -27877 徭试 阍骓 硖卺 屋. -27878 鱼呱 徭视 阍骓 视恃腾 融 滢秦 轻晚巧 卺 轻萱. -27879 鱼呱 歪嫔 阍骓 阡 释猪 逍 轻鱼呱 卺 轻淝选 磔嫱 沅迩 衔卿 嵝硇. -27880 鱼呱 遢 阍骓 阡 释猪 逍 轻鱼呱 卺 轻淝选 磔嫱 沅迩 衔卿 嵝硇. -27881 皂秧 阍骓 阡 释猪 逍 轻鱼呱 卺 轻淝选 磔嫱 沅迩 衔卿 嵝硇. -27882 匀尕 崆阙 阍骓 阡 释猪 逍 轻鱼呱 卺 轻淝选 磔嫱 沅迩 衔卿 嵝硇. -27883 鱼 绣软 阍骓 阡 释猪 逍 轻鱼呱 卺 轻淝选 磔嫱 沅迩 衔卿 嵝硇. -27987 障萆 障萆 星 拊焉 蹄磲. 沣咪 娩 释舒 卺 崮崮 蓓 轻锨吾. -27988 窝碡 咪 窝碡 阉伞 嗜礓 沔挹 咪 尴磴. -27989 孺蔗 吞 轻Matin 寿逖 徇 轻孺蔗 容轴 拖 轻渝 轻沔跳 沔挹 棉讶 吞 闱薯 媲徙忧萆 轻萸蔗 软溥 嫒礓. 磴咪 试垌徨 6 阊鞘. -27990 挢谏 吞 沅 轻渝 滢 逍 轻挢谏 扔热 嬉溴 轻屋磔. 咩 磴咪 庞授闱徨 蓉艳 闶谙仙. -27991 吞 闱祈 吞 蔗 卧 碛饰香 嵊 轻糜嵬 婷湘鞘 轻阖任. -27992 崮崮 软智 崮崮 软智 滢砩 沅 锨吾 轻障萆. -27993 崮崮 已耷 崮崮 已耷 算礓 滔丘 沅 锨吾 轻障萆. -27994 崮崮 哐翼 轻咪 许 轻徭 轻哐翼 沅 锨吾 轻障萆. -27995 耷焰焉 姨翘砩 萸眼 耷焰焉 姨翘砩 萸眼 忧徙. -27996 耷焰焉 忧泺 耷焰焉 释舒 卺 鱼 耷梳. -27997 哐 晚骓 哐 抒咪 沅 庞恃糖 融 滢秦 轻晚巧. -27998 娃砣 轻唔沩橇 娃砣 阄湘陨 沅 咚焉 轻庞授闱帷 饰蓓 糜亚 轻唔沩橇 阡 陧驿 轻垩惹. -27999 娃砣 轻猛糖 轻焰晚 娃砣 阌饰香伞 释舒 卺 猛糖 焰晚伞 磴咪 沅 吾轻迩 释禹 轻迷砬. -29001 障萆 碲捩 媲拖 沅 冕 轻障荨 星 拊焉 沣曾厣. -29002 障萆 碲捩 已耷 轻拊焉 轻锨吾砩 徨绣 轻障萆 梳阙 媸馘 谙 呷硌 沅 涎糖 轻徭 轻靡艳 轻闶糖溆 媲徙氏俏嵘 蓓闱 软溴. -29003 障萆 碲捩 蛰亚 轻拊焉 轻锨吾砩 徨绣 轻障萆 梳阙 媸馘 谙 呷硌 沅 涎糖 轻徭 轻谜菅 轻闶糖溆 媲徙氏俏嵘 蓓闱 软溴. -29004 障萆 碲捩 豌亚 轻拊焉 轻锨吾砩 徨绣 轻障萆 梳阙 媸馘 谙 呷硌 沅 涎糖 轻徭 轻猛阊 轻闶糖溆 媲徙氏俏嵘 蓓闱 软溴. -29005 障萆 碲捩 沃亚 轻拊焉 轻锨吾砩 徨绣 轻障萆 梳阙 媸馘 谙 呷硌 沅 涎糖 轻徭 轻梦盅 轻闶糖溆 媲徙氏俏嵘 蓓闱 软溴. -29006 焰怯 谡硌 蛰亚 焰怯 谡硌 许 徭 耷抒. -29007 焰怯 谡硌 已耷 焰怯 谡硌 许 徭 耷抒. -29008 闱 戕嫌 已耷 释 宙 轻糟印 磲阙 迂 逍 轻闱 轻戕嫌 柔驿 靡艳 淝阢. -29009 闱 戕嫌 蛰亚 释 宙 轻糟印 磲阙 迂 逍 轻闱 轻戕嫌 柔驿 谜菅 淝阢. -29010 闱 戕嫌 豌亚 释 宙 轻糟印 磲阙 迂 逍 轻闱 轻戕嫌 柔驿 猛阊 淝阢. -29011 闱 戕嫌 沃亚 释 宙 轻糟印 磲阙 迂 逍 轻闱 轻戕嫌 柔驿 梦盅 淝阢. -29012 硐 轻讶 轻已耷 闱 戕嫌 已耷 耷抒 -29013 硐 轻讶 轻蛰亚 闱 戕嫌 已耷 耷抒. -29014 硐 轻讶 轻豌亚 闱 戕嫌 豌亚 耷抒. -29015 硐 轻讶 轻沃亚 闱 戕嫌 沃亚 耷抒. -30000 在硌 淙噬 室掩 谇仙 嵴淝谏 轻软亚 媲徙媲 轻坌瞧砩. -30001 延轻 延轻 沅 猛. -30002 滢卿 阍骓 厝 滢卿 阍骓 闳屮 阙 沃茄 嵝硇. -30003 娩 武翼 娩 武翼 -30004 淝 猛 轻娩砬 轻耷禹 後武翼 轻妊. -30005 挢谏 涎 氵渔焉 挢谏 氵渔焉 沅 涎 脱软. -30006 愉 坻 愉 坻 墟 徭 谜菅 亚仆 哐礤. -30007 授骓猩 轻垌崆 授骓猩 垩砣伞 释阎 轻垌崆 坩 轻奘轻. -30008 呤侨 抒屙享 阡 轻在嫘 阊腾 後闳氏祈 碛饰香 蓓 轻在嫘. -30009 湘橇 垌 阙焰 湘橇 瘦嫱 沅 亚仆 轻泌郧取 墟 阃舒砬 闾彐嵘. -30010 阊茄 先 阊茄 先 阙焰萆 扰溱窃迩 徙星 轻眠. -30011 握嵘 雾尕 握嵘 雾尕 脱硌砩. -30012 耷焰焉 谡硌 蓓 逍 轻耷焰焉 礞滔 谡硌 萱 滔丘. -30013 萄 轻阍焰惹 轻焰晚 萄 视饰香 崾我礓 轻阍焰惹 轻焰晚. -30014 菅嫔 硎 菅嫔 沅 轻阄徭耷 轻窝禽砩 硎怼 轻薯 兽 沅 轻妊. -30015 市咔 皂厍漤 市咔 沔驮 耷抒 嵩碡卿 砣谒 妊嫦. -30016 替逖 皂厍漤 替逖 阙焰萆 扰褪媲棋 卺 醚媲 轻勉媲. -30017 先嬗 在 阋窝 先嬗 在 溆瞧 淝阢 驺椅演. -30018 帚侵 在 豌亚 帚侵 阋窝萆 嵫蓉 在 轻溆橇 -30019 谘 糜 淝秧 熙蔗 淝秧 沅 谘 糜 视饰香 嵴淝谏 轻隧侨 轻允骓. -30020 刃焉 轻捂 碛饰香 後驼驷 卺 仍焉 胀砩. -30021 挢谏 闾驽亚 替逖 氵渔焉 配赞 孺怯厣 俞峭 阏滏 沅 沔窍 耷禹. -30022 许 幂陟 许 幂陟 萄禹伞 墟 赃 脱暂 驷驿 妊. -30023 菅嫔 溷 萌碇 菅嫔 晚媲洹 阙焰 软 轻闾泺鲒礓 卺 娩 算礓 滔丘. -30024 许 轻菅 许 驼卿 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 迷砬 许 替仙 谇犴 咻言巧 奕谏 嫱惹. -30025 唔 轻阡呷媸 轻忧 唔 忧 汜视 忍鱼 轻阡呷媸. -30026 勉谇 轻衅 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 轻滢卿蕖 轻薯 授嗜 沅 缅 轻沔窍 轻坌瞧砩 蓓 轻陪妊秦嫜砩. -30027 菅嫔 衅 在 鱼磉 沅 菅嫔 轻衅 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 菅窃 轻糜淝 轻勉郧. -30028 阄崛 衅 视饰香 阄轻 轻衅 轻颓仙 嵴淝谏 孟媲 轻翼渖. -30029 呷 衅 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 轻滢卿蕖 轻薯 授嗜 沅 缅 轻沔窍 轻坌瞧砩 蓓 轻陪妊秦嫜砩. -30030 暂焉 阏掀 暂焉 禹 阏掀. -30031 歪砩 歪砩 阋窝萆 阃孺壬 软 轻溆橇. -30032 崛怯 沔拖 糜嫦 崛怯 沔拖 糜嫦 阉. -30033 我 氵友 我 算礓 沅 轻沅剞伞 侍颐 裴 挢. -30034 帚侵 软智 帚侵 阙焰萆 嵫蓉 在 轻溆橇. -30035 哐磴 後嫣 视饰香 轻溆橇 後洼琴 卺 仍焉 胀砩 菔砩. -30036 谠壬 友砩 谠壬 糜劓秧 星 拭隧 泌替软. -30037 阄崛 溷 阄轻 溷选 沅 轻沣咪 娩 蔬驿 孟巧 翼渖 寿逖 蕴勤 颓汜迩. -30038 菅嫔 溷 菅嫔 溷 磔轴迩 轻闾泺鲒驿 滔丘. -30039 挢谏 捭窃 捭窃 视饰香 崾圬砩 轻萄 豌琼叔. -30040 嫜奚 谠 嫜奚 沅 淙噬 垌 阙焰萆. -30041 皂秧咪 扌磔 硐骓伞 视饰香 沅 奕 阃茄软 轻漤涮. -30042 淝 溷 戕鞘 淝 耷 妊 徨星 轻溷. -30043 萸真犴 沲哝 碛饰香 蓓 轻谙硐 沅 轻阖侨. -30044 仨 蔗涨 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 轻我. -30045 湃焉 谵讶 湃焉 释舒 卺 鱼 谵讶 耷梳. -30046 许 谵讶 许 谵讶 忧. -30047 呤侨 嶷 呤侨 友怼 碛饰香 後阡 猛 闱. -30048 挢谏 酸 啧梳箦 沅 沩清 闼崽伞 嗜谒 妊嫦 仍哚 阌抒. -30049 扪 轻玩 轻提硐 轻耷梳 闱仙 算礓 视饰香 蓓 轻渫. -30050 哐 酸添 哐 软智 闶崦崞 阏滏谏 沅 轻酸獭 崆 市嫒 蓓 轻剞 轻颓. -30051 授骓猩 垌 阙焰萆 授骓猩 垌 阙焰萆 碛守碲 轻阍阪许 蒉 扪橇叔. -30052 隗狍 隗狍 碛饰香 崾拖硐 轻啼嫦 轻邈添. -30053 提 尴 轻先 视叔徇 逍 轻秘阢 沅 奕 轻谙硐 沅 轻淝 崾捩砩 轻释汜 轻逃享. -30054 吻抒 轻益翘 轻吻抒 轻嫱硐 轻许 眭崛 裴 轻萌. -30055 戕 轻谵讶 戕狰 闶礓 沅 硐 轻谵讶. -30056 匀呱 轻阡呷媸 碛饰香 轻阡呷媸 雾尕 崾哝礓 沅裔. -30057 陧驿 阡呷媸 陧驿 阡呷媸 爿轴 沅 奕 轻谙硐 沅 轻闾泺陧. -30058 唔 软 轻阡呷媸 授骓猩 视饰香 沅 奕 轻溆橇 轻徭鞘 崆 输倘 秘萸崆. -30059 醚提 轻阡呷媸 碛饰香 轻郧闱 蓓 阢徨恪 醚提 轻阡呷媸 轻氵渔 惹嵩谘. -30060 嵊卿 州馅 嵊卿 嵋 阖秦 -30061 仰提 州馅 伢谇 藻鲰 垩砣 刳沐 匀礤 惹嵯糖. -30062 孚橇 湘橇 孚橇 碛饰香 沅 奕 轻枕窍嵘. -30063 湘橇 後勉亚 轻提享 湘橇 碛饰香 嶷崆 轻勉亚 轻提享. -30064 吞 颓 吞 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 涯嬗 轻糜邈. -30065 萄 萄 阏滏 沅 妊驿 萌碇 碚涎 谜媲是 亚期. -30066 葆葆 颓 算焉 闾葺 沅 淙噬 轻葆葆 颓养 滔丘. -30067 提 幂陟 提 幂陟 脱暂 妊. -30068 邮磉 舒萱 嫣壬 藻砩 释舒 卺 萸真犴 沅捩谏 蓓 崛. -30069 阄崛 衅+ 视饰香 阄轻 轻衅 轻颓仙 嵴淝谏 孟媲 轻翼渖. -30070 菅嫔 衅+ 在 鱼磉 沅 菅嫔 轻衅 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 菅窃 轻糜淝 轻勉郧. -30071 阊茄 先+ 阊茄 先 阙焰萆 扰溱窃迩 徙星 轻眠. -30072 提 尴 轻先+ 视叔徇 逍 轻秘阢 沅 奕 轻谙硐 沅 轻淝 崾捩砩 轻释汜 轻逃享. -30073 帚侵 在 软智+ 帚侵 阋窝萆 嵫蓉 在 轻溆橇. -30074 崛怯 沔拖 糜嫦+ 崛怯 沔拖 糜嫦 阉. -30075 皂秧咪+ 扌磔 硐骓伞 视饰香 沅 奕 阃茄软 轻漤涮. -30076 授骓猩 轻垌崆+ 授骓猩 垩砣伞 释阎 轻垌崆 坩 轻奘轻. -30077 愉 坻+ 愉 坻 墟 徭 谜菅 亚仆 哐礤. -30078 呤侨 抒屙享 阡 轻在嫘+ 阊腾 後闳氏祈 碛饰香 蓓 轻在嫘. -30079 授骓猩 垌 阙焰萆+ 授骓猩 垌 阙焰萆 碛守碲 轻阍阪许 蒉 扪橇叔. -30080 呤侨 嶷+ 呤侨 友怼 碛饰香 後阡 猛 闱. -30081 许 谵讶+ 许 谵讶 忧. -30082 许 幂陟+ 许 幂陟 萄禹伞 墟 赃 脱暂 驷驿 妊. -30083 湘橇 垌 阙焰+ 湘橇 瘦嫱 沅 亚仆 轻泌郧取 墟 阃舒砬 闾彐嵘. -30084 授骓猩 垌 阙焰萆+ 授骓猩 垌 阙焰萆 碛守碲 轻阍阪许 蒉 扪橇叔. -30085 挢谏 捭窃+ 捭窃 视饰香 嶝圬砩 轻萄 豌琼叔. -30086 市咔 皂厍漤+ 市咔 沔驮 耷抒 嵩碡卿 砣谒 妊嫦. -30087 替逖 皂厍漤+ 替逖 阙焰萆 扰褪媲棋 卺 醚媲 轻勉媲. -30088 挢谏 酸+ 啧梳箦 沅 沩清 闼崽伞 嗜谒 妊嫦 仍哚 阌抒. -30089 菅嫔 硎+ 菅嫔 沅 轻阄徭耷 轻窝禽砩 硎怼 轻薯 兽 沅 轻妊. -30090 哐 酸添+ 哐 软智 闶崦崞 阏滏谏 沅 轻酸獭 崆 市嫒 蓓 轻剞 轻颓. -30091 雁 轻阃茄 轻雁 轻许 磴硪 轻阃茄软 轻糜劓秧礓. -30092 轻垆磴 轻垆磴 轻薯 誓涡 沅 融 轻阙堰. -30093 娃砣 轻唾 娃砣 沅 脱硌 释舒 卺 迷砬 算礓. -30094 娃砣 轻唾 娃砣 沅 脱硌 释舒 卺 迷砬 算礓 -30095 娃砣 轻唾 娃砣 沅 脱硌 释舒 卺 迷砬 算礓. -30096 娃砣 轻唾 娃砣 沅 脱硌 释舒 卺 迷砬 算礓 -30129 沐闵 沅 轻萸延 嫠瞧 延沩 适帚 沐闱 谟哐砩. -30130 耷焰焉 萸眼 耷焰焉 姨翘砩 萸眼 忧徙. -30131 延轻 沅 轻拖窍 延轻 沅 轻拖 嵴享掊 湘呷. -30132 呤侨 面秧 媲拖 沅 轻呤 轻爿轴 嵯 面秧帷 融滏卿 "友 轻阙认 轻阗徙". -30133 托橇 沅 嫜 托橇 阊蒙 蹄磲 驺秧. -30134 鸵闵 面秧 鸵闵 释舒 卺 谙 呤. -30135 延轻 醚礞溘 延轻 沅 醚礞溘 裴 -礞. -30136 捩 阋窝 捩 亚期 阏滏 沅 扪 晚媲. -30137 香 扪 香 猛阊 耷抒 徂严 墟 亚仆 哐礤 涫渖. -30138 雁 胀亚 逍 轻雁 碛饰香 呦媲 嶷崆 阄梳 轻勉亚. -30139 盅 坻 盅 坻. 碛饰香 後在嫘. -30140 雾 恃揄 轻雾 轻闶礓 崆 碛饰香 崾艳碲 轻汜侨 萃尤 柔 碛饰香 庙智 嵴淝谏 轻掎瞧. -30141 挢谏 歪 挢谏 算礓 滔丘 梳阙 猛糖彦 咔徜茄 释 宙 轻糟. -30142 延轻 崆 磴咪 蒎 轻呜 轻萄砹 轻氵舒 蓓 轻延轻. -30143 泌郧 厝砩 闾沔谏 沅 泌郧 闾葺 沐焰由 视饰香 後卺翘. -30144 呷 溷 呷 徜阊 淝痔 -30145 湘橇 惹嵊嬗 湘橇 捩 墟 爿阪 彦砣. -30146 呤嵘 酸 呤嵘 酸 星 赃 垌 闶淝愚. -30147 授轻磴 轻阙认 呤侨 硗舒 卺 阙徭闱 爿蔗 阡 轻阙认 轻阗徙. -30148 嬖峭 轻阙认 嬖峭 碛饰香 後蔗巧. -30149 马 哐磴 阙 匝侨 厝 硗舒 卺 马 哐磴 嬖亚取 沅谠 蓓 轻枕. -30150 蛰蜕 沅 爿哐 礞沩 蛰蜕 沅 爿哐 礞沩伞 抒 呤侨叔 蓓 毅 轻糜焉 轻颓咩 轻尴磴. -30151 阙剌 沅 菅嫔 轻衅 视饰香 挢 轻菅橇 咩漭稚 廴茄 蓓 轻氏软 轻沅裔. -30152 湘橇 恃唔壬 逍 轻湘橇 垌 阙焰萆 沅 轻沣咪 卺翘 儒 勉亚 淝涎. -30153 靡迩 市哐 亚仆 逍 轻义焉 轻淝涎 仍砹 驼 蓓 轻闱猪. -30154 呤侨 轻阙认 轻友 磙驺 轻呤侨 轻揄 仁歪磲 授轻磴 谵硐 媸茄砦 轻阙认 轻友. -30155 豌嵘 沩秧 豌嵘 掎瞧稀 阃萱 卺 馘彦 轻庞 "沩秧". -30156 呤侨 轻阙认 轻友 磙驺 轻呤侨 轻揄 仁歪磲 授轻磴 谵硐 媸茄砦 轻阙认 轻友. -30177 轻泠舆 眭邮阢 轻泠舆 沅 匮 惹期 轻糜嵬 阡 配糖 猛 轻沐倾. 犴 邃沁 庙 怯授闱 挛 徨 垌 逍. -30178 吞 沅捩 -30179 雁 裴 轻输礓 -30180 授骓猩 裴 轻输礓 磴咪 徨绣 轻挢谏 轻绣软 轻崆阙 沅 轻歪 娩 视勤线 蓓 俏收茄 轻匮磙 裴 咤 轻漭. -30181 蛰蜕 轻呤侨 碚谌 葸 雁嬉 逍 轻呜 轻惹迨 萱 嫜 轻妊糟卿 - 砣湘 娩 轻蛰蜕 葳崆 滔 尴磴. -30182 爿哐 礞沩 糜劓秧 配 逍 轻溆紊 徇是 滔 尴磴 寿逖 孢娩迩 星 揄闵 滔 谇犴. -30183 抒饲 卧 阊谌 砣湘 娩 轻掬勤 轻卧软 许 轻嫣 轻奕硗 硗限. 配 眠硐 沅 轻迷砬 轻薯 视授汜 蓓 轻峭瘦轻鞘 媲徙亚鱼. -30184 雁窍 阌玩 配 轻雁窍 轻闶媲滔 蓓 逍 轻孚橇 轻汜砹 惹嵫沔 轻垩砣伞 阃秦 柔迦 闶驽 吻菔. -30185 轻酸 轻糜嫦 砣湘 娩 籴轻丘 阢磙 适蹄 蓓 轻幂 轻崆阙 媲崦汜. -30210 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30211 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 涨蒡 嫒养寝. -30212 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30213 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30214 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30215 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30216 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30217 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30218 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30219 挢谏 吞 哐磴 吞 柔嫜 妊. -30220 吞 添滏溘眄 轻焰晚 吞 糜劓秧 硗舒 卺 焰 添滏溘 醚邮扪秦. -30221 吞 轻阙认 轻焰晚 吞 糜劓秧 硗舒 卺 焰 晕 阃 後阙认. -30222 吞 忧垌 轻焰晚 吞 糜劓秧 硗舒 卺 焰 忧垌碛 醚迂扪秦. -30223 吞 面咽驺秧嬗 轻焰晚 吞 糜劓秧 硗舒 卺 焰 面咽驺秧嬗 醚迂扪秦. -30224 吞 垌磴孢 轻焰晚 吞 糜劓秧 硗舒 卺 焰 垌磴孢 醚迂扪秦. -30225 吞 舒垌碛 轻焰晚 吞 糜劓秧 硗舒 卺 焰 舒垌碛 醚迂扪秦. -50001 呤侨 轻唾 呤侨 硗舒 卺 醚耷 轻唾. 禹滟 轻砬湔砣 沅 萑 轻俞厣. -50002 吻抒 绣软 吻抒 绣软 谇享 磴咪 软阱 扔谘 阊瘦. -50003 炮窍 输猪 轻沐茄鞘 磴咪 沅 炮窍 输猪 轻沐茄鞘 崾卺 沐茄鞘 滔硐. -50004 氵试 轻拖 砣礓 徇 逍 轻皂痢 庙 侍 轻沐闵 轻是犴. -50005 蓉寝 嵫哝 轻雾 逍 轻窝碡 磴咪 庞嗜锨徨 阡 吻香 轻庞厝 茹锨犴 轻驼卿. -50006 珍湘 咪 绣软 珍湘 闶礓 阋窝 惹嵝迦 磴咪 菔湾 茹菔峭 绣软. -50007 珍湘 咪 葜 珍湘 闶礓 阋窝 惹彷稚 磴咪 菔湾 茹菔峭 葜. -50008 爿是 绣软 磴咪 儒星 轻爿是 轻阏滏 沅 轻绣 轻吻嵴 沅 菔 珍湘 轻咪 轻绣软 珍湘 轻咪 轻绣软+. -50009 爿是 葜 磴咪 儒星 轻爿是 轻阏滏 沅 轻葜 轻吻嵴 沅 菔 珍湘 轻咪 轻葜 珍湘 轻咪 轻葜+. -50010 替讶 替讶 锨萜 阏滏 沅 真 轻窝孑. -50011 珍湘 咪 宙 轻捭 挢谏 盟撬 阈遽伞 垆砩 惹嵋窝萆. 释纤 迷砬 垩砣 判 授阎 逍 轻珍湘 嶂媪 轻捭. -50012 珍湘 咪 绣软+ 珍湘 闶礓 阋窝 惹嵝迦 磴咪 菔湾 茹菔峭 绣软. -50013 珍湘 咪 葜+ 珍湘 闶礓 阋窝 惹彷稚 磴咪 菔湾 茹菔峭 葜. -50016 阙替 轻萸真犴 氵骧 嶷呲 萸真犴 兽犴享. -50017 阙替 轻舆 氵骧 徇谶 舆 兽犴享. -50018 阙替 轻萱沁 氵骧 徇谶 萱沁 兽犴享. -50019 醚 歪 氵骧 徇谶 兽犴享. -50020 呲呱 轻萸真犴 呲呱 兽犴享伞 抒咪 沅 庞恃糖 咔汜 滢秦 轻晚巧. -50021 呲呱 轻舆 呲呱 兽犴享 抒咪 沅 庞恃糖 咔汜 滢秦 轻糜徭. -50022 呲呱 轻萱沁 呲呱 兽犴享 抒咪 沅 庞恃糖 轻释汜 轻咔汜. -50023 阃葙 闱 硗舒 轻傺 卺 融 轻闱 後愉 轻滔硐. -50024 嫜仙 硎 沅 吾轻 逍 轻嫜仙 刨迩 轻谇剌 蓉秧奚 焰沅禹. 磴咪 庞饰锨沐 蒉 沅 奕 轻晕枕鞘 轻隳渌. -50025 枣哝崆噬 歪骒 阏滏谏 沅 咔咔妗 歪砣 胰仙 嬗哐. 术谪 轻枣哝崆噬 咤享 折硌 崤馘茄 轻谇剌. 硎 庞饰锨沐 蒉 沅 奕 轻晕枕鞘 轻阈哐. -50027 嫜奚 砬湔砣 後糜荨 嫜奚 轻砬湔砣 逍 屙 嫜奚 吻友伞 谙磴 轻萸葡. -50031 嫜仙 硎 沅 吾轻 逍 轻嫜仙 刨迩 轻谇剌 蓉秧奚 焰沅禹. 磴咪 庞饰锨沐 蒉 沅 奕 轻晕枕鞘 轻阈哐. -50032 孺 孺 歪骒 阃孺壬 术谪 咤享 折硌 崤馘茄 轻谇剌. 硎 庞饰锨沐 蒉 沅 奕 轻晕枕鞘 轻隳渌. -50033 珍湘 友 珍湘 沅捩 卺礤 脱 垩砣. 禹菅挹 皂魄 判 抒 菔湾. -50034 珍湘 矍阒 逍 轻珍湘 硗舒 卺 巅 徙 眭歪 褪 轻落. -50035 逑砩(蛰亚) 逑砩 汜萱萆 孺艳 蹄磲. -50036 逑砩(蠕萦添) 逑砩 汜萱萆 孺艳 蹄磲. -50037 珍湘 咪 阌嫌 轻赃 珍湘 汜萱 孺艳 蹄磲. 碚涎 真 卧卧 阡 逡. -50050 阆轻砩 轻驼卿 硗是 杖 轻庞厝 逍 轻沩锨犴 崾犹磲 涫瞧 倾释卿 轻咻橇 邃沁. -50051 真焉 轻驼卿 闶 涮褪 陪释卿 轻咻橇 阡 杖 轻庞厝帷 抒咪 逍 轻盐丈 沅 庞氏谇 驼卿. -50052 呤侨 糜嵬 轻驼卿 闶 涮褪 陪释卿 轻咻橇 阡 杖 轻庞厝 抒咪 逍 轻盐丈 沅 庞氏谇 驼卿. -50053 呤侨 轻驼卿 轻谟哐 闶 涮褪 陪释卿 轻咻橇 阡 杖 轻庞厝 抒咪 逍 轻盐丈 沅 庞氏谇 驼卿. -50054 嗜 驮碓 闾葺 崤刳倾 驼卿 轻闳氏祈. -50055 桃 轻刳倾 轻爿轴 後猛珍 轻薯 兽刳 阌禽鞘 劓磲. -50056 啼呱 豌亚 逍 轻啼呱 (淙噬 枕漤) 屙 轻刳倾 轻闼轻 後猛珍 轻奘轻砩 墟 轻稳焉. -50057 谠壬 轻扪 轻渝 谠壬 糜劓秧 碛守碲 儒 轻闳氏炝 配谇 驼卿. 後嬲驷 裴 轻淙噬 卺磉 轻阊嫜 卺 轻扪仙 蓓 妊 轻闳氏祈 轻阃珍. -50058 谠壬 轻扪 轻谇享 谠壬 糜劓秧 碛守碲 儒 轻勤 轻闶尴 配谇 驼卿. 後嬲驷 裴 轻淙噬 卺磉 轻阊嫜 卺 轻扪仙 蓓 妊 轻闶尴沩 轻阃珍. -50059 谠壬 轻扪 轻遮 谠壬 糜劓秧 碛守碲 儒 轻勤 轻阃恃 配谇 驼卿. 後嬲驷 裴 轻淙噬 卺磉 轻阊嫜 卺 轻扪仙 蓓 妊 轻阃恃蓓 轻阃珍. -50060 呤侨 蒌 堰嫒 轻雾 轻扪橇 轻淝掏 徨星 轻呤侨 室硐 沅 沐茄鞘 蓓 堰嫒 轻雾. 禹问蓓 轻呤侨 融 扪橇叔. -50070 珍湘 亿磴 轻垌崆 珍湘 亿磴 轻垌崆. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50071 珍湘 轻耷葡 轻匝硌 珍湘 轻耷葡 轻匝硌. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50072 珍湘 耷葡 轻迷惹 珍湘 耷葡 轻迷惹. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50073 珍湘 轻阡呷媸 轻汜 珍湘 轻阡呷媸 轻汜. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50074 珍湘 轻阡呷媸 轻阢崆 珍湘 轻阡呷媸 轻阢崆. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50075 珍湘 颓汜 轻嫒橇 珍湘 颓汜 轻嫒橇. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50076 珍湘 轻俞洼巧 轻胀亚骓 珍湘 轻俞洼巧 轻胀亚骓 轻阢崆奚. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50077 珍湘 墟 轻视谏 许驷 珍湘 墟 轻视谏 许驷 . 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50078 珍湘 匀 轻溷 轻谜菅 珍湘 匀 轻溷 轻谜菅. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50079 珍湘 汜 轻淝 珍湘 汜 轻淝. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50080 珍湘 轻输礓 轻猛阊 珍湘 轻输礓 轻猛阊. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50081 珍湘 汜 轻皂秦礓 珍湘 汜 轻皂秦礓. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50082 珍湘 驼窍 轻醚媲 珍湘 驼窍 轻醚媲. 轻掭 轻宿磲 碓硌 裴 嫣嫦 皂 算礓 认俏徨. -50083 蓉寝 嵫哝 轻雾 磴咪 堰嫒 轻驼卿 轻抟 崛谥 轻孓 判 觅逖 轻蓉寝 裴 杖 轻庞厝. -50084 吞 爿是 礤翘 逍 轻吞 轻迩嵘 轻阍玩渖 惹嶝寝 沅 蹄碲 轻体鞘. 徨 拭隧 俞软 卺 轻油. -50091 渔皂 轻鱼 轻绣软 刳倾 沣硪 沅 鱼 绣软 漤 醚 惹严 磙香 咿刳 折硌. -50092 渔皂 轻匀尕 刳倾 沣硪 沅 匀尕 漤 醚 惹严 磙香 咿刳 折硌. -50093 渔皂 轻俞沔 刳倾 沣硪 沅 鱼 俞沔 漤 醚 惹严 磙香 咿刳 折硌. -50094 渔皂 鱼 轻俞嫜 刳倾 沣硪 沅 鱼 俞嫜 漤 醚 惹严 磙香 咿刳 折硌. -50100 冕谇 淝秧 输硌 轻鱼橇 柔驿 蠕萦添 盟淝 轻沐烟卿. -50101 冕谇 淝秧 输硌 轻鱼橇 柔驿 谜菅 盟淝 轻沐烟卿. -50102 冕谇 淝秧 输硌 轻鱼橇 柔驿 靡艳 盟淝 轻沐烟卿. -50103 冕谇 淝秧 输硌 轻鱼橇 柔驿 猛阊 盟淝 轻沐烟卿. -50104 冕谇 淝秧 输硌 轻鱼橇 柔驿 梦盅 盟淝 轻沐烟卿. -50105 冕谇 淝秧 输硌 轻鱼橇 柔驿 萌碇 盟淝 轻沐烟卿. -50106 冕谇 淝秧 陧 轻沩崆 轻冕谇 轻淝秧 徨星 轻沐烟卿 屙 犴邮 蒉 亚期 轻冕媲 柔 输硌 庙智 眠搜 沅 轻冕谇 轻淝秧 轻谇享. -50108 湘倾 冕谇 淝秧 轻谇 淝秧 醚猪 守徂 匝茄鞘 绣软 孑猪. -50200 鸵闵 饰驷 菔 闶萄 吻. -50300 呤侨 轻沐茄鞘 硪硐 涎躺 沐茄 轻稳硌. -50301 蒌 脱 珍-翼 面 呤侨 沅 酸撬 呤 阡 轻庞恃鞘硖砩 轻脱软. 硪硐 沅 捩 揄窍 颓汜 骓问蓓 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50302 蒌 脱 骀-翼 饲漤 呤侨 沅 酸撬 呤 阡 轻庞恃鞘硖砩 轻脱软. 硪硐 沅 捩 揄窍 颓汜 骓问蓓 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50303 蒌 脱 媲 犴擎-翼 饲崴 呤侨 沅 酸撬 呤 阡 轻庞恃鞘硖砩 轻脱软. 硪硐 沅 捩 揄窍 颓汜 骓问蓓 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50304 轻抒咪 沅 娩媲 轻奘轻 眭邮蜗 呤侨 轻庞恃鞘硖砩 轻蔬薯唔 逍 蓓 轻氏秧 卺 蹄碲 娩媲 轻奘轻 骓问蓓 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50305 呤侨 禹 娩媲 轻奘轻 眭邮蜗 呤侨 轻庞恃鞘硖砩 轻蔬薯唔 逍 蓓 轻氏秧 卺 蹄碲 娩媲 轻奘轻 轻闶尴闵 骓问蓓 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50306 蒌 娩媲 轻奘轻 轻演碲 眭邮蜗 呤侨 轻庞恃鞘硖砩 轻蔬薯唔 轻惹掩 逍 蓓 轻氏秧 卺 蹄碲 娩媲 轻奘轻 骓问蓓 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50307 呤侨 轻沐闱 (渝) 硗舒 卺 沐闱 渝嵘 术咔萜 沅 融 配糖义. -50308 呤侨 轻沐闱 (谇享) 硗舒 卺 沐闱 谇享伞 术咔萜 沅 融 配糖义. -50309 呤侨 轻沐闱 (遮) 硗舒 卺 沐闱 遮壬 术咔萜 沅 融 配糖义. -50310 呤侨 轻沐闱(阃恃) 呤侨 阊孺 忍嵯 蠕砩 硗舒 卺 沐闵 轻阃恃蓓. -50311 巅鞘 皂 枣 呤侨 阊孺 孺艳 脱硌怼 磴咪 沅 授徙 巅 皂 枣. -50312 巅鞘 枣涮 呤侨 阊孺 孺艳 脱硌怼 磴咪 沅 授徙 巅 枣涮. -50313 巅鞘 添澍 呤侨 阊孺 孺艳 脱硌怼 磴咪 沅 授徙 巅 添澍. -50314 呤侨 轻释骧踽 轻扪橇 轻淝掏 徨星 轻呤侨 抒咪 沅 翼窍 沐茄 轻释驷. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50315 呤侨 轻释骧 轻闶尴 轻扪橇 轻淝掏 徨星 轻呤侨 抒咪 沅 轻翼窍 蓓 沐茄 轻释驷. 禹问蓓 轻呤侨 融 扪橇叔. -50316 呤侨 轻释骧 轻阃恃 轻扪橇 轻淝掏 徨星 轻呤侨 邮氵溥 沅 轻翼窍 蓓 沐茄 轻释驷. 禹问蓓 轻呤侨 融 扪橇叔. -50322 尜磔 轻释骧踽 -50401 呤侨 酸撬砩 轻攀糖迩 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻拚 酸撬砩 轻攀糖迩. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔 -50402 呤侨 湘倾 轻禹 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 湘倾 轻禹. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50403 呤侨 湓嫔 轻奘轻 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 湓嫔 轻奘轻. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50404 呤侨 迩嵘 轻禹 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 迩嵘 轻禹. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50405 呤侨 轻劁礓 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻劁礓. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50416 呤侨 轻盼恃寝 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻盼恃寝. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50417 呤侨 轻盅 轻闳淹 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻盅 轻闳淹. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50418 呤侨 轻盅壬 惹徂香 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻盅壬 惹徂香. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50419 呤侨 轻逃 轻捩 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻逃 轻捩. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50420 呤侨 盅壬 轻禹 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 盅壬 轻禹. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50431 呤侨 轻咩礓 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 珍 轻咩礓. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50432 呤侨 轻逄驺 轻妊揄 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻逄驺 轻妊揄. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50433 呤侨 湘倾 轻禹 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 湘倾 轻禹. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50434 呤侨 轻抒骓 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻抒骓. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50435 呤侨 轻鱼 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 垌闵 轻鱼. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50446 呤侨 轻蒯奚 轻氵蜒 适硗 徇 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻蒯奚 轻闶哐焉. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50447 呤侨 媲柔 轻渝倾 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 媲柔 轻渝倾. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50448 呤侨 糜邈 轻淝 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 糜邈 轻淝. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50449 呤侨 轻阍 轻屋磔 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻阍 轻屋磔. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50450 呤侨 渝 轻鱼 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 渝 轻鱼. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50461 呤侨 盅壬 轻耪融 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 盅壬 轻耪融. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50462 呤侨 湘倾 轻输礓 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 湘倾 轻输礓. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50463 呤侨 轻暂焉 轻油秧 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻暂焉 轻油秧. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50464 呤侨 轻捂 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻捂. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50465 呤侨 轻涎 轻油秧 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻涎 轻油秧. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50466 呤侨 湃厍 轻油 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 湃厍 轻油. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50476 呤侨 轻盅壬 轻匝硌 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻盅壬 轻匝硌. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50477 呤侨 轻盅壬 轻淝秧 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻盅壬 轻淝秧. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50478 呤侨 匀 轻淝 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 匀 轻淝. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50479 呤侨 轻豌琼 轻匝硌 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻豌琼 轻匝硌. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50480 呤侨 盅壬 轻匀 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 盅壬 轻匀. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50481 呤侨 轻吞 轻匝硌 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻吞 轻匝硌. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50491 呤侨 轻在嫘 轻厍蒲 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻在嫘 轻厍蒲. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50492 呤侨 雁琼 轻输礓 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 雁琼 轻输礓. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50493 呤侨 移硌 轻输礓 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 移硌 轻输礓. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50494 呤侨 轻妊呱 抒咪 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻妊呱. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50495 呤侨 轻配谶怯 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻崤溱咔. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50496 呤侨 轻输礓 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻输礓. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50506 呤侨 雁砩 轻妊 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 雁砩 轻妊. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50507 呤侨 轻妊 适硗 徇 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 庞氏谇 轻妊. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50508 呤侨 阄崛 轻妊 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 阄崛 轻妊. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50509 呤侨 轻卺翘 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 尴亚 轻卺翘. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50510 呤侨 轻友谏 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 尴焉 轻友谏. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50511 呤侨 轻逄驺 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 轻逄驺. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50512 吞 捩 抟 吞 磔释 轻畔亚 轻焰晚 骓咴 蹄碲 轻尴亚. -50513 吞 焰晚 吞 糜劓秧 眭邮蜗 嵋砬仙 沐茄鞘 轻稳硌 轻阃恃. 砦瘦 轻吞 沅 融 庞饰锨沐. -50600 呤侨 蠕橇 轻倘轻 饰驷 涎嬗 逍 轻呤侨 沅 轻饰照 蓓 阙演 蠕橇 轻倘轻. 砦瘦 轻呤侨 沅 融 扪橇叔. -50601 吞 轻闱 沅 吾轻 怯饰锨 菅 轻闱 轻亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 闱由 沅 逍 轻吞. -50602 咤雁卿 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 咤雁卿 轻亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 歪砩 绣软 咤雁卿砩 沅 逍 轻吞 轻吻. -50603 绦 闶吞 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 轻卧 轻闶吞 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 卧 闶吞 沅 逍 轻绦. -50604 吻 渫怯 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 渫怯 轻亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 渫怯 沅 逍 轻吻. -50605 吻 葜 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 葜 轻亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 葜 沅 逍 轻吻. -50606 吻 绣 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 绣 轻亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 绣 沅 逍 轻吻. -50607 吻 轻碓 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 轻碓 (吞 哐磴 ) 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 吞 轻碓 沅 逍 轻吻. -50608 吻 卧 轻萌滏 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 卧 轻萌滏 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 卧 萌滏 沅 逍 轻吻. -50609 挢谏 崮崮 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 轻崮崮 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 崮崮 沅 逍 轻挢谏. -50610 吻 绣 萌碇 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 轻绣 轻萌碇 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 绣 萌碇 沅 逍 轻吻. -50611 吻 柔嫜 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 轻柔嫜 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 柔嫜 沅 逍 轻吻. -50612 吻 蹄允 沅 吾轻 怯饰锨 菅 轻蹄允 (吞 哐磴) 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 蹄允 沅 逍 轻吻. -50613 吻 香孚 轻鱼橇 沅 吾轻 庞饰锨 菅 香孚 轻鱼橇 轻是融 後亚蓉伞 磴咪 珍勤 香谏 鱼橇 沅 逍 轻吻. -50621 闱由 棉屿 替逖伞 视饰香 蓓 珍勤 轻歪. -50622 咤雁卿 吞 哐磴 滢怼 沅 岩礓 闶吞选 磲阙 仍哚 锨沏 柔驿 绣软 面 谟犴. -50623 卧 闶吞 卧 算礓 磴渫 挢 轻闾驽亚 巳鞘 呷硌. -50624 渫怯 阙箱 算礓 阊洹 磴咪 庞饰锨沐 蓓 珍 轻歪 媲徜捩 轻阙箱砩. 碛饰香 惹崤智萆 嵴淝谏 轻妊驿. -50625 葜 阙箱 算礓 徙凇 碛饰香 嵴淝谏 挢勤 轻闾驽亚. -50626 绣 阙箱 算礓 徙凇 碲 沅 缅 婷算 轻阙窍 轻阌饰香 阃孺壬 滔丘 褪 轻落. -50627 碓 阙箱 算礓 碛饰香 沅 眠搜 沅 5000 愉伞 驺葜 滔丘 蓓 珍勤 轻闾驽亚. -50628 卧 轻萌滏 卧 耷禹 糜嫦 碲 沅 缅 谜淝 轻梦郧 轻算礓. 碛饰香 咚硌丘 蓓 珍勤 轻闾驽亚. -50629 崮崮 视饰香 蓓 珍勤 轻闾驽亚 孥轻惹 蓓 椅演 挢 轻歪. -50630 绣 萌碇 吾碡 沅 绣 闶礓 阏孺 柔驿 萌碇 碛饰香 蓓 珍勤 轻闾驽亚. -50631 柔嫜 猛糖 耷禹 沅 哝茄室 柔嫜 寿逖 让徭 闶谙仙. 视饰香 咚硌丘 蓓 珍勤 轻闾驽亚. -50632 蹄允 哝茄室 阃孺 滔丘 磴咪 娩 碣逖 让徭卿 蠕萦添. 爿轴 滔丘 蓓 珍勤 轻闾嫣亚. -50633 香孚 轻鱼橇 挢亚 阖 闳徭焉. 磴咪 彭邮蜗沐 蓓 珍勤 轻闾驽亚. -50701 义 阍阍 咔涫 视饰香 靡迩 轻阍阌 蓓 轻闱猪 嵴淝谏 哐磴鞘 轻仍焉. 韧 卺沩 -50702 义焉 轻萄 逍 轻义焉 轻沅试焉 仍哚 媲于 葳轻 滔丘 窒 轻于轻 媲嵋咔. 韧 卺沩 -50703 靡迩 轻窝闵 碓勤 娩 轻溆橇 梳 轻羞嫜 判 室礓 让义茄 轻窝闵. 韧 卺沩 -50704 绦嫜 矍溘 轻绦嫜 兽骓 体且 轻沅勤 嫒轻是犴 捩 轻戕擎闵 轻逃享. 韧 卺沩 -50705 义焉 轻犴徇 室硐 沅 尴焉 轻恃唔 孓嫔 轻星哐. 韧 卺沩 -50706 葚 舒 碛饰香 逍 轻滏 沅 轻葚 蓓 轻孟骓. 磙轻 娩 葳轻 窒 轻醚. -50707 嫜仙 倘轻 轻冕 兽骓 逍 轻靡迩 体且 轻沅勤. -50708 舒 算茄 轻迷糖 轻枕蓓 誓搜 仍哚 捩 孑谇 卺 滟倾 轻逃. 韧 卺沩 -50709 淙噬 轻邃先橇 咔涫 视饰香 蓓 轻闱猪 逍 轻淙鞘鞘 星 轻刳 轻仨取 蓓 卺翘 勉亚 轻陧驿. 视饰香 颓犴丘 窒 箩倾 轻弯萄. 韧 卺沩 -50710 枣 淙噬 视勤 蓓 蠕橇 轻谫倾. 韧 卺沩 -50711 抒 轻算焉 轻仨壬 嵩萄 轻湮磲 授 沅 轻沔窍 轻坌瞧砩 轻糜怯砩 蓓 融 轻沅秦. -50712 淙噬 忧-翼 磴咪 轻驼驷 沅 逍 轻淙噬 卺 萄谏 沅载 判 椭咽 仍哚 闱逖. 韧 卺沩 -50721 义焉 轻捂 咔涫 视饰香 靡迩 轻阍阌 蓓 轻闱猪 嵴淝谏 哐磴鞘 轻仍焉. 珍勤 轻萄 -50722 义焉 轻萄 逍 轻义焉 轻沅试焉 仍哚 媲于 葳轻 滔丘 窒 轻于轻 媲嵋咔. 珍勤 轻萄 -50723 靡迩 轻窝闵 碓勤 娩 轻溆橇 梳 轻羞嫜 判 室礓媲 让义茄 轻窝闵. 珍勤 轻萄 -50724 绦嫜 矍溘 轻绦嫜 兽骓 体且 轻沅勤 嫒轻是犴 捩 轻戕擎闵 轻逃享. 珍勤 轻萄 -50725 义焉 轻犴徇 室硐 沅 尴焉 轻恃唔 孓嫔 轻星哐. 珍勤 轻萄 -50726 葚 舒 碛饰香 逍 轻滏 沅 轻葚 蓓 轻孟骓. 磙轻 娩 葳轻 窒 轻醚. -50727 嫜仙 倘轻 轻冕 兽骓 逍 轻靡迩 体且 轻沅勤. 珍勤 轻条掩 -50728 舒 算茄 轻迷糖 轻枕蓓 誓搜 仍哚 捩 孑谇 卺 滟倾 轻逃. 珍勤 轻萄 -50729 淙噬 轻邃先橇 咔涫 视饰香 蓓 轻闱猪 逍 轻淙鞘鞘 星 轻刳 轻仨取 蓓 卺翘 勉亚 轻陧驿. 视饰香 颓犴丘 窒 箩倾 轻弯萄. 珍勤 轻萄 -50730 枣 淙噬 视勤 蓓 蠕橇 轻谫倾. 珍勤 轻萄 -50731 抒 轻算焉 轻仨壬 嵩萄 轻湮磲 授 沅 轻沔窍 轻坌瞧砩 轻糜怯砩 蓓 融 轻沅秦. -50732 淙噬 忧-翼 磴咪 轻驼驷 沅 逍 轻淙噬 卺 萄谏 沅载 判 椭咽 仍哚 闱逖. 珍勤 轻萄 -50801 闱 义 轻捂 硪硐 轻谡硌 轻阌饰烟 沅 靡迩 轻捂 沅 厍奚 轻逃. -50802 闱 义 轻萄 磙骓 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 靡迩 轻萄 蠕砩 轻逃. -50803 闱 义 轻窝闵 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 靡迩 轻窝闵 磙骓 轻恃唔. -50804 闱 绦嫜 轻矍溘 碛饰香 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 绦嫜 轻矍溘 嶷崆 轻萄嫱 轻剌磔. -50805 闱 义 轻犴徇 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 义焉 轻犴徇 磙骓 轻星哐. -50806 闱 葚 轻舒 碛饰香 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 葚 轻舒 咩蹁骧. -50807 闱 义 倘轻 轻冕 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 义焉 倘轻 轻冕 磙骓 体且 轻沅勤. -50808 闱 轻舒 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 轻舒 磙骓 滟倾 轻逃. -50809 闱 义焉 轻邃先橇 碛饰香 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 淙噬 轻邃先橇 嶷崆 轻疫倾. -50810 闱 轻枣 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 轻枣 磙骓 轻谫倾. -50811 闱 轻抒 轻闱 轻歪 轻阌饰烟 沅 轻抒 彐 阚许 驺匀. -50812 闱 淙噬 忧-翼 轻闱 轻阌饰烟 沅 淙噬 忧-翼 磙骓 轻逃. -50813 闱 禹 萄谏 沅 谡硌 义 轻捂 嬉逖 轻犴徇 室硐 沅 限 轻逑. -50814 闱 湘 萄谏 沅 闱 义 轻萄碛 嬉逖 轻犴徇 室硐 沅 唾尜 耪侨 轻谙 戎讶鞘 捩砩. -50815 闱 孺 萄谏 沅 闱 义 轻窝闵 孑匮 轻舒 室硐 沅 轻尴焉 卺 轻恃唔. -50816 闱 礞溘 萄谏 沅 闱 绦嫜 轻矍溘 孑匮 轻舒 室硐 轻厍奚. -50817 闱 忆 萄谏 沅 闱 禹 嬉逖 倘轻 轻冕取 抒渫 厍奚 滔硐. -50818 闱 忧 孺 萄谏 沅 闱 湘 嬉逖 倘轻 轻冕取 兽骓 体且 轻沅勤. -50819 闱 沔溘 萄谏 沅 闱 孺 媲崾媸 兽 沅 轻油 轻匝硌. -50820 闱 彐轻 萄谏 沅 闱 礞溘 媲崾媸 释菀 轻尴亚 轻逃享 媲嵫嫱砩. -50901 耷焰焉 萸眼 碛饰香 嶷汜 轻萄. -50902 嬲萆 後闳氏祈 舒添迩 渝嵘 轻攀惹凇 磴咪 耪涎迩 沅 轻闳氏祈. -50903 嬲萆 叛郧锨 轻嬲萆 适蒯 轻掎磲 沅 轻抒秧. -50904 嬲萆 轻阃恃蓓 叛郧锨 轻嬲萆 轻薯 沅 轻沣咪 娩 输桃 沅 奕 轻阃恃蓓. -50905 嬲萆 闱 禹 收 认奚 珍勤 轻闱 沅 谡硌 义 轻捂 嬉逖 轻犴徇. -50906 嬲萆 闱 湘 收 认奚 珍勤 轻闱 沅 闱 义 轻萄 嬉逖 轻犴徇. -50907 嬲萆 闱 孺 收 认奚 珍勤 轻闱 沅 闱 义 轻窝闵 孑匮 轻舒. -50908 嬲萆 闱 礞溘 收 认奚 珍勤 轻闱 沅 闱 绦嫜 轻矍溘 孑匮 轻舒. -50909 嬲萆 闱 忆 收 认奚 珍勤 轻闱 沅 谡硌 义 轻阍阍 嬉逖 轻犴徇 骀严 倘轻 轻冕. -50910 嬲萆 闱 彐轻 收 认奚 珍勤 轻闱 沅 绦嫜 轻矍溘 孑匮 轻舒 媲崾媸. -60001 阊茄 忧漆 逃享 谟硌 碛饰烟 沅 轻呷. -60002 延轻 沅 勉礓 轻阌舒馅 释汜 轻阄劓厣 轻呜 轻晚骓 崦沩 轻阌舒馅. -60003 雁 轻萌厍 皂 崆 视守碲 滢徨 任萆. -70001 嶷壬 轻阙孺 -70002 硐 饲崴 硐 适徂 轻砬溘 梳耷祈丘. -70003 呤侨 轻耷葡 厍徙 娩 耷葡 轻闾沔谏 阆烫 儒星 轻呤侨 硖阙 泌智 轻闾沔谏 30% 滢秦 稳焉 眠搜. -70004 阆轻砩 轻盘叔窍 氵禽蒙 轻阢 轻郧. -70005 吻抒 轻稳焉 眭氵溥 沅 蹄 50% 滢秦 稳焉 眠搜 吾轻 阙堰. -70006 吻抒 轻巅鞘 挣澍 逍 轻吻抒 蓓 轻谡嫜 轻尴磴 後先徭闱禹礓. 眭氵 逍 轻吻抒 沅 蔬徙 巅鞘 倾妊秦嫜砬 梦鸯. -70007 吻抒 轻炮嫣翘 -70008 卺 萌碇 卺恪 碓硌 裴 庞视崆 轻握. -70009 珍湘 咪 珍湘 汜砹 惹嵋窝萆 磴咪 菔湾 茹菔峭 吻. -70010 蓉寝 轻阌舒馅 嫠磙 视勤 蓓 输夙 轻阌舒馅鞘. -70011 释禹 轻耷焰焉 -70012 香孚 轻冕迳 磙轻 娩 轻冕迳 叔享 香孚迩 裴 侨厍 轻阙堰 崦溴 磙鞘徭 蓓 嫣 轻匝 驷 礤侨驿 轻沔. -70013 香谏 轻裴 轻阢崆 磙轻 娩 香谏 薯 彐怯 恃硗 醚媲 轻阃茄软 轻沅暹礓 轻谇葡礓 沅 轻阙堰. -70014 腿 湘橇 沅 香 腿 湘橇 沅 香 轻垡轻 徨 拭隧 遽嬗 呷硌. -70015 菅郧 盐碚 菅郧 闶礓 阌授汜 阙 戕戎 卧软 蔗. -70020 谡硌 义焉 轻捂 阍焰取 硖舷 徇 卺 轻萱 500 滢厣 沅 滢秦 轻晚巧. -70024 哐 轻妊呱 哐 怯劓秧 闳茄呱. 阡香 眭益 轻皂 沩仪省 手磔 徨 沩疑 梦鸯. -70027 阈哐 沅 轻拖窍 阈哐 沅 拖窍 轻糜嵬 阡 轻呜媲 轻盅嫜砩 崾陀礓 轻俞峭. -70031 怯恃鞘硖砩 轻逄驺 轻阒窍 -70035 吻 渫怯 油秧 孺怯厣 逍 轻吻 彷磔 闳茄呱 磴咪 珍勤 彷磔 轻脱 阡 轻拖窍. -70037 呤侨 轻溆砬 轻呤侨 轻糜劓秧 轻许 硪磲 沅 星哐蔬 沐茄 氵视壬 仍哚 咔汜. 磴咪 滢 滢厣 沐茄 媲拖. -70038 谌橇 轻蕴勤 谌橇 汜驿 侍腥 轻咚硌 沅 轻嫱嬖 磲扔迩 轻阃茄孺 哐阋 嵩糖谑邈. -70039 厢磲 轻拖窍 逍 轻呤侨 阊嗜 妊嫱 拖窍 尴磴. 硪硐 沅 菅丈 释禹 轻皂 阡 庞饰锨沐. -70040 阡窍 轻坻 磙後 沅 庞叔崆 尴焉 轻释汜 裴 轻湔. -70043 掭且鞘 轻嵴 碇勤 沅 菅丈 俞 迷砬. -70047 吻抒 轻巅鞘 (闼) 挣溱 逍 轻吻抒 蓓 轻谡嫜 轻尴磴 後先徭闱禹礓. 眭氵 逍 轻吻抒 沅 蔬徙 巅鞘 倾妊秦嫜砬 梦鸯. -70048 谌橇 轻崆唐礓 谌橇伞 视勤 卺 谙 轻嬷嫱 驽 惹崾轻 术崛 沅 奕 轻咚硌 沅 轻崆唐礓. -70049 吻抒 徭禹 阃萱 卺 轻吻抒:" 葆砣茄哌 轻输礓 轻裴屙". 磙後 轻吻抒 沅 菅丈 蒉锨 轻皂 盟淝 轻阙堰. -70050 雁 轻揄昭 轻瓦磴 雁 沔焰 沅 轻谇漆 轻汜唔 轻尴磴伞 磴渫 轻颓咩 捩 呷硌. -70051 掭且 轻揄昭 轻瓦磴 皂 沔焰 沅 轻谇漆 轻汜唔 轻尴磴伞 磴渫 轻颓咩 捩 呷硌. -70052 油 咔雁 1 油选 碛饰香 沅 奕 轻咚硌 沅 轻隳沅礓 後孓琼 沅 渔 轻唾. -70053 油 咔雁 2 油选 碛饰香 沅 奕 轻咚硌 沅 轻隳沅礓 後孓琼 沅 渔 轻唾. -70054 油 咔雁 3 油选 碛饰香 沅 奕 轻咚硌 沅 轻隳沅礓 後孓琼 沅 渔 轻唾. -70102 腿 萸真犴 忆 兽後 沅 轻捩 轻匝硌 媸翼 沅 轻捩 轻雾 蓓 轻晕枕. -70104 哐 轻释驷 磴咪 娩 释驷 漭舆 裴 嫱 茹忧谙 逍 轻哐. -70105 哐 轻释驷 磴咪 娩 释驷 漭舆 裴 嫱 茹忧谙 逍 轻哐. -70106 哐 轻释驷 磴咪 娩 释驷 漭舆 裴 嫱 茹忧谙 逍 轻哐. -70107 哐 轻释驷 磴咪 娩 释驷 漭舆 裴 嫱 茹忧谙 逍 轻哐. -70201 闱仙 轻嗜眄 碲硐 徭 轻在 轻厝碲. 磴咪 後在 轻闳碇 娩 碚熔 饲漤绅. -70202 杖凵 在 软智 收熔 轻在 惹後驿 轻萌碇. 磴咪 杖 轻在 融 哚 3 阌舒砬. -70203 杖凵 在 赞亚 收熔 轻在 惹後驿 轻迷扪. 磴咪 杖 轻在 融 哚 3 阌舒砬. -70204 杖凵 在 豌亚 收熔 轻在 惹後驿 轻猛阊. 磴咪 杖 轻在 融 哚 3 阌舒砬. -70205 杖凵 在 弱漤 收熔 轻在 惹後驿 轻蠕. 磴咪 杖 轻在 融 哚 3 阌舒砬. -70206 杖凵 在 渔锨 收熔 轻在 惹後驿 轻糜嫦. 磴咪 杖 轻在 融 哚 3 阌舒砬. -70301 吻抒 轻呜嫒 吻抒 眭崛 沅 奕 轻谠寝. -70302 吻抒 轻益翘 吻抒 磲扔 沅 奕 轻闶益添. -71001 彷磔 匮 轻醚媲 轻匝硌 释蜒 沅 嶷渖 轻醚媲 轻匝硌 判 徙 磉 轻授徙 淝掏丘. 磴咪 扪橇 嫠磙 沐茄 梦鸯 蓓 礞 媲拖 孺怯厣 逍 轻彷磔. -71002 炮窍 舒翼 轻嬷 眭氵溥 庞饰锨 逍 轻皂 沅 炮窍 舒翼 滢秦 轻嬷. 暹星 磴咪 舒添 守骓 晕枕蔬 蓓 攀糖 梦. -71003 炮窍 舒翼 轻沐茄 眭氵溥 庞饰锨 逍 轻皂 沅 炮窍 舒翼 滢秦 猛 沐茄鞘. -71004 阆轻砩 轻输礓 释沩 沅 蒉锨 滢秦 轻稳焉 阡 沔蔬 轻是犴. -71005 吻抒 轻巅鞘 视守碲 蒎 蹄碲 巅鞘 轻勉妊秦嫜砩 徙仙 庙倾. -71006 吻抒 轻巅鞘 视守碲 蒎 蹄碲 巅鞘 轻勉妊秦嫜砩 徙仙 15 礞. -71007 吻抒 轻巅鞘 视守碲 蒎 蹄碲 巅鞘 轻勉妊秦嫜砩 徙仙 30 礞. -71008 呤侨 枕 轻糜闱 碇勤 菅丈 耪仨窍 鱼呱 淝涎. -71009 珍湘 轻阌舒馅 禹驼 阌舒馅 卺 垩菔卿 饰翼 胖禽砩. -71010 硐 饲崴 硐 适徂 轻砬溘 梳耷祈丘. -71011 掬勤 轻谇剌 磴咪 咆崆 轻阡卿 徙郧谘 徙仙 30 礞闱. -71012 呤侨 轻耷葡 厍徙 娩 耷葡 轻闾沔谏 阆烫 儒星 轻呤侨 硖阙 泌智 轻闾沔谏 30% 滢秦 稳焉 眠搜. -71013 冕谇 淝秧 涨焰巍 礓硌 轻鱼橇 後蹄碲 孺宙. -71014 萄谏 轻逄驺+10 室硐 10% 沅 友谏 轻逄驺 徙仙 30 限磙. -71015 吻抒 轻稳焉 眭氵溥 沅 蹄 50% 滢秦 稳焉 眠搜 吾轻 阙堰. -71016 掭且鞘 轻嵴 碇勤 沅 菅丈 俞 迷砬. -71017 阆轻砩 轻唾 碇勤 菅丈 哂 轻砬溘 -71018 妊呱 轻晚巧 妊呱 抒咪 沅 侍享 滢秦 轻晚巧 卺 轻萱 仍哚 咔汜. -71019 妊呱 轻油 妊呱 抒咪 沅 侍享 滢秦 轻糜徭 卺 轻萱 仍哚 咔汜. -71020 妊呱 轻输礓 妊呱 抒咪 沅 侍享 滢秦 轻晚巧 媲崦俞嫒 卺 轻萱 仍哚 咔汜. -71021 彷磔 轻脱 禹涮 释禹 轻迷砬 仍哚 咔汜. 碲汜 蒉 卺 轻迷砬 沅 +0 裴 +3. -71022 炮窍 轻羞橇 授硐 滢秦 嬷 轻羞橇 裴 揄闶迩 轻谜犴 崾抒咪 沅 炮窍 舒翼 轻滢秦. -71023 炮窍 轻晚骓 授硐 滢秦 嬷 轻晚骓 裴 揄闶迩 轻谜犴 崾抒咪 沅 炮窍 舒翼 轻滢秦. -71024 炮窍 轻捩 授硐 滢秦 嬷 轻捩 裴 揄闶迩 轻谜犴 崾抒咪 沅 炮窍 舒翼 轻滢秦. -71025 吞 轻拖窍 孺怯厣 逍 轻吞茄 彷磔 闳茄呱 磴咪 後拖 娩 碚溱 徇 呤侨 後拖窍. -71026 吻 拖硐 油秧 儒星 轻吻 驷蓓萆 闳茄呱 磴咪 沅 珍勤 彷磔 轻输礓 阡 轻拖窍. -71027 晚巧 轻输礓 轻裴屙 室硐 20% 沅 滢秦 晚鞘 轻拚骒 徙仙 30 限磙. -71028 逄驺 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 沅 12 裴 15% 沅 轻弥亚 轻薯 术嵬 儒 轻梦秧 盟淝 轻阙堰 徙仙 30 限磙. -71029 羞橇 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 20% 沅 滢秦 糜徭冗 轻拚骒 徙仙 30 限磙. -71030 陷勤 轻输礓 轻裴屙 磙後 沅 12 裴 15% 沅 轻弥亚 轻薯 收侨 儒 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 30 限磙. -71031 馅 轻输礓 轻裴屙 碇勤 晚骓伞 捩伞 羞橇 嬗掩 释堰 晕枕蔬 5 阊鞘. -71032 彷磔 轻输礓 侍淙 呜 释仨 轻皂 判 菰 轻释禹. 邮恃翘 轻替仙 涎躺 媲拖 嬗硎 惹崤智萆 翼窍 10% 沅 磐抒轻 释禹 轻皂. -71033 掬勤 轻谇剌 磴咪 咆崆 轻阡卿 徙郧谘 徙仙 15 礞闱. -71034 萄谏 轻逄驺 +15 室硐 沅 友谏 轻逄驺 蠕尤 15% 徙仙 30 限磙. -71035 胚禹 轻谇徙 恃葳 沅 替仙 闱 蹄 沅 轻迷砬 沅 锰 轻韧恕 驺阱 庙智 菅 奕驷迩. -71036 彷磔 湎橇 轻坻 轻眠妊 氏 轻坻 轻眠妊 沅 轻馘嫜 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝涫 勉倾 轻亿磴! -71037 彷磔 湎橇 轻耷葡 氏 耷葡丘 匝硌丘 沅 轻馘嫜 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝涫 勉倾 轻亿磴! -71038 彷磔 湎橇 轻阡呷媸 轻汜 氏 轻阡呷媸 轻汜 沅 轻馘嫜 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝涫 勉倾 轻亿磴! -71039 彷磔 湎橇 轻俞洼巧 氏 俞洼巧 胀亚骓 呷硌 沅 轻馘嫜 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝涫 勉倾 轻亿磴! -71040 彷磔 湎橇 汜 轻淝 氏 汜 轻淝 沅 轻馘嫜 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝涫 勉倾 轻亿磴! -71041 彷磔 湎橇 墟轻视谏 许驷 氏 视谏 许驷 沅 轻馘嫜 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝涫 勉倾 轻亿磴! -71042 彷磔 湎橇 汜 轻皂秦礓 氏 汜 轻皂秦礓 轻菸嫜 沅 轻馘嫜 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝涫 勉倾 轻亿磴! -71043 彷磔 湎橇 匀 轻溷 侍卺 匀 轻溷 轻谜菅 碣逖 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. 配嗜濉 菝溴 亿磴! -71044 阙堰 阃烟 室硐 20% 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 阃烟 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 10 限瞧. -71045 阙堰 吻艳 室硐 20% 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 吻艳 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 10 限瞧. -71047 匝侨 吞 轻匀 硪磲 吞 匀晚 闶蔗 阡 媲拖 沅 阙锨蔬. -71048 油 轻售眄 碛守碲 逍 轻油 沅 售眄 啼 晕枕蔬. -71049 鸵闵 脱硌 视守碲 儒绣 轻鸵闵 沅 菔 闶翘 吻丈 徙仙 10 庙倾 闾卿丘. -71050 萄谏 轻友谏 室硐 60 沅 友谏 释堰 徙仙 30 限磙. -71051 庞脱 轻迷砬 砣谙 滢厣 胖禽砩 沅 猛 阙锨蔬 骓猪 裴礤 梦鸯 滔硐. -71052 兽骓 轻皂. 碇磔 裴 阙锨蔬 滢秦 胖禽砩 滔硐 判 咔涫 垌 闶孑焉 蓓迩. -71054 匝侨 轻勉妊秦嫜砩 礞菅 徇 菅丈 轻配兽轻 裴 勉妊秦嫜砩 梦鸯. -71055 匝侨 轻庞 术垌 庞 轻晕枕. -71056 匝侨 轻鱼橇 释碡 晕枕蔬 儒轻 玩 轻衙 徙仙 5 庙倾. -71057 吞 谘 轻卧 轻吞秧 硎硗 嶷艳 轻卧 轻吞秧 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71058 吞 谘 轻渫怯 硎硗 嶷艳 轻渫怯 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71059 吞 谘 轻葜 硎硗 嶷艳 轻葜 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71060 吞 谘 轻绣 硎硗 嶷艳 轻绣 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71061 吞 谘 轻碓 硎硗 嶷艳 轻碓 (吞 哐磴) 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71062 吞 谘 卧 轻萌滏 硎硗 嶷艳 卧 轻萌滏 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71063 吞 哝闵 轻障 硎硗 徇驺 障 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71064 吞 谘 轻绣 轻萌碇 硎硗 嶷艳 轻绣 轻萌碇 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71065 吞 谘 轻柔嫜 硎硗 嶷艳 轻柔嫜 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71066 吞 谘 轻哝茄室 硎硗 嶷艳 轻哝茄室 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71067 吞 谘 香孚 轻鱼橇 硎硗 嶷艳 香孚 轻鱼橇 惹豳彐 裴 糖淙 晕枕蔬. -71068 秧 轻谠寝 邮智谳 友谏 翼窍 滢秦 轻腿 徇崆 轻益 判 抒 轻室嫦 儒星 轻秧. -71069 歪 轻配犹倾 室硐 沅 菅丈 拖嫠 轻盅壬 轻吻艳 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 3 忧谇 徇崆 轻益添洹 判 崛渝 猛 沅邈. -71070 渔茄 轻腿 室硐 沅 蹄 滢秦 轻稳焉 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 3 忧谇 徇崆 轻益添洹 判 崛渝 猛 沅邈. -71071 歪 轻腿 室硐 沅 菅丈 拖嫠 轻盅壬 轻沣硎 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 3 忧谇 徇崆 轻益添洹 判 崛渝 猛 沅邈. -71072 渔茄 轻配犹倾 兽後 沅 捩 逄驺 轻嫱 轻阙窍 卺 哚 轻益添 徙仙 3 忧谇省 判 崛渝 猛 沅邈. -71073 掎窍 轻腿 室硐 沅 捩 逄驺 哚 轻益添 徙仙 3 忧谇省 判 崛渝 猛 沅邈. -71074 掎窍 轻配犹倾 室硐 沅 捩 陷勤 哚 轻益添 徙仙 3 忧谇省 判 崛渝 猛 沅邈. -71075 杖凵 在 (软智) 收熔 在堰 惹後驿 轻萌碇. -71076 杖凵 在 (赞亚) 收熔 在堰 惹後驿 轻迷扪. -71077 杖凵 在 (豌亚) 收熔 在堰 惹後驿 轻猛阊. -71078 杖凵 在 (蠕砩) 收熔 在堰 惹後驿 轻蠕. -71079 杖凵 在 (渔锨) 收熔 在堰 惹後驿 轻糜嫦. -71080 吞 闱薯 (屋磔) 硎硗 嵬萄 闱薯 屋磔 沅 轻愚尕 裴 糖淙. -71081 吞 闱薯 (谇享) 硎硗 嵬萄 闱薯 谇享 沅 轻愚尕 裴 糖淙. -71082 吞 闱薯 (宿磲) 硎硗 嵬萄 闱薯 宿磲 沅 轻愚尕 裴 糖淙. -71083 厢磲 轻吞 硪磲 蹄碲 轻猛糖 轻氵友 阡 轻皂. 儒星 释蔗 卺 阃擎嵘 梦鸯 崾陀礓 涎 面 俞峭. -71084 油 轻皂 室磲 轻胖禽 阡 磐响 阙锨蔬 媸猪 裴礤 媲拖 滔硐. -71085 兽骓 轻皂 抒渫 猛 阙锨蔬 胖禽 滔硐 判 徙 蔬 徨绣 媲拖. -71086 沐闵 轻阌舒 (20-29) -71087 沐闵 轻阌舒 (30-39) -71088 呤侨 轻沐闱 (渝) 硗舒 轻呤侨 轻阊孺 忍嵯 蠕砩 卺 沐闵 磴咪 配糖义 沅 奕 轻戕鞘犴 轻闳氏祈. -71089 呤侨 轻沐闱 (谇享) 硗舒 轻呤侨 轻阊孺 忍嵯 蠕砩 卺 沐闵 磴咪 配糖义 沅 奕 轻戕鞘犴 轻闶尴沩. -71090 呤侨 轻沐闱 (遮) 硗舒 轻呤侨 轻阊孺 忍嵯 蠕砩 卺 沐闵 磴咪 配糖义 沅 奕 轻戕鞘犴 轻阃恃蓓. -71091 匝侨 轻侍茄 扰邮厍谑 盼薯茄 徭 挛 後嫱 炮崆 闶萄 轻吻. -71092 呤侨 轻释驷 硎硗 徇 释骓 漭舆 隳奘丘 裴 嫱. -71093 哐 轻释驷 磴咪 释骓 漭舆 裴 嫱 孺怯厣 逍 轻哐. -71094 扪橇 阊咭 室硐 众萸 驿蛰 沅 菅丈 释禹 沔清冗 阡 扪橇 轻呤侨 轻是犴. -71095 蓉寝 阊嫜 磴咪 衔驷 厍绒 挛 蓓 妊 轻扪仙 轻阃珍 判 尴闶 蓉寝 轻阊嫜 後颓延 轻阌逆. -71096 徭 轻阊嫜 适硗 徇 逍 轻沩锨犴 谌嫜 轻孺侨. -71099 吻抒 轻吾磔 碛阃 徂瞧 轻亚蓉 盼薯茄 吾磔 徨 媸俞磴 轻揄窍. -71100 藻窍 售眄 轻氏秧 视守碲 恃 氏秧冗 媲崛狭 仁涎砣 挛. 徨星 轻垩帧 硖 娩 蔬驿 卺 轻棉 蓓 轻阌舒 31. -71101 萄谏 轻视掩 逍 轻萄谏 抒咪 沅 兽犴 孓 轻授仨 轻隳奘 徙仙 30 限磙 蠕尤 20 惹徙粕. -71103 炮窍 舒翼 轻晚骓 (VIT) 抒咪 沅 庞恃锨 晚骓蔬 裴 1 媸嬉碲 滢剡 沅 滔硐. -71104 炮窍 舒翼 轻羞橇 (INT) 抒咪 沅 叛糖 轻羞橇 裴 1 媾谇仙 舒翼 滢剡 沅 滔硐. -71105 炮窍 舒翼 轻捩 (VIT) 抒咪 沅 庞恃糖 捩蔬 裴 1 媾谇仙 舒翼 滢剡 沅 滔硐. -71106 炮窍 舒翼 轻沅擎焉 (DEX) 抒咪 沅 叛糖 友谏 脱咔蔬 裴 1 媾谇仙 舒翼 滢剡 沅 滔硐. -71107 算焉 轻晚巧 恃葳 谙 滢 咽仁 裴 3000 (轻授仨 轻隳奘: 5 忧谇). -71109 彷磔 轻授享 儒绣 轻彷磔 磴咪 湃谇 挛 吞 焰晚 弥菔 裴 猛 蜜亚诌. -71110 吁啉 轻晚巧 适硗 徇 挢谏 轻舆 迩叔 沅 炮厍 庞 嵬涨溥 媸翼 沅 涎躺 陷勤 蓓 漭 轻孓. -71113 姨翘 轻畔亚 -72001 吻抒 轻稳焉 硪硐 徙仙 10 忧谇 沅 侍沩 轻稳焉 50%. -72002 吻抒 轻稳焉 硪硐 徙仙 30 限磙 沅 侍沩 轻稳焉 50%. -72003 吻抒 轻稳焉 硪硐 徙仙 3 忧谇 沅 侍沩 轻稳焉 50%. -72004 掭且鞘 轻嵴 手勤 沅 菅 俞冗 後迷砬 徙仙 10 忧谇. -72005 掭且鞘 轻嵴 手勤 沅 菅 俞冗 後迷砬 徙仙 30 限磙. -72006 掭且鞘 轻嵴 手勤 沅 菅 俞冗 後迷砬 徙仙 3 忧谇. -72007 鸵闵 脱硌 磴咪 菔 闶萄 吻 徙仙 10 庙倾. -72008 鸵闵 脱硌 磴咪 菔 闶萄 吻 徙仙 30 限磙. -72009 鸵闵 脱硌 磴咪 菔 闶萄 吻 徙仙 3 忧谇. -72010 秧 轻谠寝 怯授闱徨 碇勤 友谏 翼窍 滢秦 轻腿 徇崆 轻益添 徙仙 15 限磙. -72011 秧 轻谠寝 怯授闱徨 碇勤 友谏 翼窍 滢秦 轻腿 徇崆 轻益添 徙仙 30 限磙. -72012 秧 轻谠寝 怯授闱徨 碇勤 友谏 翼窍 滢秦 轻腿 徇崆 轻益添 徙仙 3 忧谇. -72013 呤侨 枕 轻糜闱 碇勤 菅丈 钦仨窍 鱼呱 淝涎 徙仙 15 限磙. -72014 呤侨 枕 轻糜闱 碇勤 菅丈 钦仨窍 鱼呱 淝涎 徙仙 30 限磙. -72015 呤侨 枕 轻糜闱 碇勤 菅丈 钦仨窍 鱼呱 淝涎 徙仙 3 忧谇. -72016 硐 饲崴 硐 适徂 轻砬溘 梳耷祈丘 徙仙 15 限磙. -72017 硐 饲崴 硐 适徂 轻砬溘 梳耷祈丘 徙仙 30 限磙. -72018 硐 饲崴 硐 适徂 轻砬溘 梳耷祈丘 徙仙 3 忧谇. -72019 珍湘 轻阌舒馅 禹驼 阌舒馅 徙仙 15 限磙 卺 垩菔礓 胖禽硎礓 後饰翼. -72020 珍湘 轻阌舒馅 禹驼 阌舒馅 徙仙 30 限磙 卺 垩菔礓 胖禽硎礓 後饰翼. -72021 珍湘 轻阌舒馅 禹驼 阌舒馅 徙仙 3 忧谇 卺 垩菔礓 胖禽硎礓 後饰翼. -72022 阆轻砩 轻唾 手勤 菅 哂冗 後砬溘 徙仙 10 忧谇. -72023 阆轻砩 轻唾 手勤 菅 哂冗 後砬溘 徙仙 30 限磙. -72024 阆轻砩 轻唾 手勤 菅 哂冗 後砬溘 徙仙 3 忧谇. -72025 阙堰 阃烟 室硐 20% 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 呜硌 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 10 限瞧. -72026 阙堰 阃烟 室硐 20% 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 呜硌 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 10 限瞧. -72027 阙堰 阃烟 室硐 20% 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 阃烟 蓓 轻阙堰 徙仙 10 限瞧. -72028 掬勤 轻谇剌 磴咪 咆崆 轻阡卿 徙郧谘 徙仙 庙倾. -72029 掬勤 轻谇剌 磴咪 咆崆 轻阡卿 徙郧谘 徙仙 15 礞闱. -72030 掬勤 轻谇剌 磴咪 咆崆 轻阡卿 徙郧谘 徙仙 30 礞闱. -72031 逄驺 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 沅 揄闵 轻弥亚 轻薯 术嵬掊 惹崧窝礓 盟淝 轻阙堰 12 裴 15% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72032 逄驺 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 沅 揄闵 轻弥亚 轻薯 术嵬掊 惹崧窝礓 盟淝 轻阙堰 12 裴 15% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72033 逄驺 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 沅 揄闵 轻弥亚 轻薯 术嵬掊 惹崧窝礓 盟淝 轻阙堰 12 裴 15% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72034 陷勤 轻输礓 轻裴屙 磙後 沅 12 裴 15% 沅 轻弥亚 轻薯 收侨 儒 蓓 轻阙堰. -72035 陷勤 轻输礓 轻裴屙 磙後 沅 12 裴 15% 沅 轻弥亚 轻薯 收侨 儒 蓓 轻阙堰. -72036 陷勤 轻输礓 轻裴屙 磙後 沅 12 裴 15% 沅 轻弥亚 轻薯 收侨 儒 蓓 轻阙堰. -72037 晚巧 轻输礓 轻裴屙 室硐 沅 滢秦 晚鞘 轻拚骒 20% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72038 晚巧 轻输礓 轻裴屙 室硐 沅 滢秦 晚鞘 轻拚骒 20% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72039 晚巧 轻输礓 轻裴屙 室硐 沅 滢秦 晚鞘 轻拚骒 20% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72040 羞橇 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 沅 滢秦 糜徭冗 轻拚骒 20% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72041 羞橇 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 沅 滢秦 糜徭冗 轻拚骒 20% 徙仙 30 限磙. -72042 羞橇 轻输礓 轻裴屙 硪硐 20% 沅 滢秦 糜徭冗 轻拚骒. -72043 呤侨 轻耷葡 厍徙 娩 耷葡 轻闾沔谏 阆烫 儒星 轻呤侨 硖阙 泌智 轻闾沔谏 30% 滢秦 稳焉 眠搜. -72044 呤侨 轻耷葡 厍徙 娩 耷葡 轻闾沔谏 阆烫 儒星 轻呤侨 硖阙 泌智 轻闾沔谏 30% 滢秦 稳焉 眠搜. -72045 呤侨 轻耷葡 厍徙 娩 耷葡 轻闾沔谏 阆烫 儒星 轻呤侨 硖阙 泌智 轻闾沔谏 30% 滢秦 稳焉 眠搜. -72046 菅丈 沐闵 室硐 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 吻艳 蓓 轻阙堰 蠕尤 20% 徙仙 10 限瞧. -72047 菅丈 滔 沐闵 室硐 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 吻艳 蓓 轻阙堰 蠕尤 20% 徙仙 10 限瞧. -72048 菅丈 沐闵 室硐 沅 菅丈 彭涨 盅壬 吻艳 蓓 轻阙堰 蠕尤 20% 徙仙 10 限瞧. -72501 吻抒 轻稳焉 (阊.轻配恃 室硐 20% 沅 蹄 滢秦 轻稳焉 阊咭 配恃涫 轻泌智. -72502 掭且鞘 轻嵴(阊.轻配恃涫 室硐 众萸 驿蛰 蓓 阊咭 卿恃涫 轻泌智 沅 溆壬 涮峭 俞 轻迷砬. -72701 托橇 轻秧 硪硐 30 沅 友谏 释堰摺 厍徙 娩 阋嫦 儒. -73001 视秧蜕 谡秧 (豌亚) 视秧蜕 谡秧伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 沣硪丘. -73002 视秧蜕 谡秧 (萸释) 视秧蜕 谡秧伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 沣硪丘. -73003 视秧蜕 谡秧 (已耷) 视秧蜕 谡秧伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 沣硪丘. -73004 视秧蜕 谡秧 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 谡秧伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 沣硪丘. -73005 沅享 在 拚硌 阍湘 茹湎磲. -73006 沅享 在 拚硌 阍湘 茹湎磲. -73007 沅享 在 拚硌 阍湘 茹湎磲. -73008 沅享 在 拚硌 阍湘 茹湎磲. -73009 在 劓磲 (糜嫦) 视秧蜕 在 糜嫦 亚期. -73010 在 劓磲 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 在 猛阊 亚期. -73011 在 劓磲 (蠕) 视秧蜕 在 蠕 亚期. -73012 在 劓磲 (梦盅) 视秧蜕 在 梦盅 亚期. -73251 许 轻菅 (蠕) 在 劓磲 阊孺 裴 轻泌犰. -73252 许 轻菅 (梦盅) 在 劓磲 阊孺 裴 轻泌犰. -73253 许 轻菅 (靡艳) 在 劓磲 阊孺 裴 轻泌犰. -73254 许 轻菅 (萸释) 在 劓磲 阊孺 裴 轻泌犰. -73255 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 厝碲砩 蹄磲 嵩谘 闶嬗 轻劓. -73256 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕) 视秧蜕 厝碲砩 蹄磲 嵩谘 闶嬗 轻劓. -73257 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (萸释) 视秧蜕 厝碲砩 蹄磲 嵩谘 闶嬗 轻劓. -73258 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕萦添) 视秧蜕 厝碲砩 蹄磲 嵩谘 闶嬗 轻劓. -73259 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 阢犴伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 匝硌丘. -73260 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (靡艳) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 阢犴伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 匝硌丘. -73261 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (糜嫦) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 阢犴伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 匝硌丘. -73262 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (迷扪) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 阢犴伞 抒渫 阗逖丘 匝硌丘. -73501 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 沣硪. -73502 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 沣硪. -73503 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (赞亚) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 沣硪. -73504 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (沃亚) 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 沣硪. -73505 视秧蜕 绦侨 (软智) 视秧蜕 在 劓磲 抒渫 晕枕 捩砩. -73506 视秧蜕 绦侨 (豌亚) 视秧蜕 在 劓磲 抒渫 晕枕 捩砩. -73507 视秧蜕 绦侨 (渔锨) 视秧蜕 在 劓磲 抒渫 晕枕 捩砩. -73508 视秧蜕 绦侨 (蠕萦添) 视秧蜕 在 劓磲 抒渫 晕枕 捩砩. -73509 握嵘 劓磲 (软智) 视秧蜕 在 兽犴享 阊孺 任蔗 -73510 握嵘 劓磲 (已耷) 视秧蜕 在 兽犴享 阊孺 任蔗 -73511 握嵘 劓磲 (渔锨) 视秧蜕 在 兽犴享 阊孺 任蔗 -73512 握嵘 劓磲 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 在 兽犴享 阊孺 任蔗 -73751 视秧蜕 娩磙 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 星 沅傺 娩磙 抒 讶 轻在 蓓迩 裴 轻吾. -73752 视秧蜕 娩磙 (渔锨) 视秧蜕 星 沅傺 娩磙 抒 讶 轻在 蓓迩 裴 轻吾. -73753 视秧蜕 娩磙 (已耷) 视秧蜕 星 沅傺 娩磙 抒 讶 轻在 蓓迩 裴 轻吾. -73754 视秧蜕 娩磙 (萸释) 视秧蜕 星 沅傺 娩磙 抒 讶 轻在 蓓迩 裴 轻吾. -73755 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕) 在 淝阢 娩磙. -73756 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (糜嫦) 在 淝阢 娩磙 -73757 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (迷扪) 在 淝阢 娩磙 -73758 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕萦添) 在 淝阢 娩磙 -73759 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (蠕砩) 在 劓磲 阌淹 仍哚 兽犴享 -73760 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (萸释) 在 劓磲 阌淹 仍哚 兽犴享 -73761 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (蠕萦添 在 劓磲 阌淹 仍哚 兽犴享 -73762 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (豌亚) 在 劓磲 阌淹 仍哚 兽犴享 -74001 视秧蜕 在 谡秧 (豌亚) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -74002 视秧蜕 在 谡秧 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74003 视秧蜕 在 谡秧 (已耷) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74004 视秧蜕 在 谡秧 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -74005 沅享 (猛阊) 在 蠕 拚硌 阙 沅享 猛阊 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -74006 沅享 (蠕 墟 阊融鞘) 在 迷扪 拚硌 阙 沅享 墟 徭 萸释 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74007 沅享 (靡艳) 在 靡艳 拚硌 阙 沅享 蠕 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74008 沅享 (梦盅 墟 阊融鞘) 在 梦盅 拚硌 阙 沅享 梦盅 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -74009 在 劓磲 (蠕) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -74010 在 劓磲 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -74011 在 劓磲 (蠕) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -74012 在 劓磲 (梦盅) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -74251 许 轻菅 (蠕) 在 蠕 劓磲 阊孺 任蔗 - 视秧蜕 阃孺壬 滔丘 软 轻溆橇 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -74252 许 轻菅 (梦盅) 在 梦盅 劓磲 阊孺 任蔗 - 视秧蜕 阃孺壬 滔丘 软 轻溆橇 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -74253 许 轻菅 (靡艳) 在 靡艳 劓磲 阊孺 任蔗 - 视秧蜕 阃孺壬 滔丘 软 轻溆橇 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -74254 许 轻菅 (萸释) 在 迷扪 劓磲 阊孺 任蔗 - 视秧蜕 阃孺壬 滔丘 软 轻溆橇 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -74255 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 在 孓蜕 垩砣 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -74256 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕) 视秧蜕 在 孓蜕 垩砣 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -74257 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 孓蜕 垩砣 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -74258 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕萦添) 视秧蜕 在 孓蜕 垩砣 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -74259 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (猛阊) 在 猛阊 迷谒 碓儒 阗逖 轻虞沁礓 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -74260 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (靡艳) 在 靡艳 迷谒 碓儒 阗逖 轻虞沁礓 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74261 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (渔锨) 在 糜嫦 迷谒 碓儒 阗逖 轻虞沁礓 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74262 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (赞亚) 在 迷扪 迷谒 碓儒 阗逖 轻虞沁礓 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -74501 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 谟哐砩 拚硌 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -74502 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 在 谟哐砩 拚硌 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74503 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (赞亚) 视秧蜕 在 谟哐砩 拚硌 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74504 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (沃亚) 视秧蜕 在 谟哐砩 拚硌 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -74505 视秧蜕 绦侨 (软智) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 捩 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -74506 视秧蜕 绦侨 (豌亚) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 捩 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74507 视秧蜕 绦侨 (渔锨) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 捩 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74508 视秧蜕 绦侨 (蠕萦添) 视秧蜕 在 抒渫 阗逖 捩 沣硪 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -74509 握嵘 劓磲 (软智) 握嵘 仍哚 尴磴 咔涫 授嗜 雁 後搜橇 蓓 礞 沅 轻庙倾 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -74510 握嵘 劓磲 (已耷) 握嵘 仍哚 尴磴 咔涫 授嗜 雁 後搜橇 蓓 礞 沅 轻庙倾 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74511 握嵘 劓磲 (渔锨) 握嵘 仍哚 尴磴 咔涫 授嗜 雁 後搜橇 蓓 礞 沅 轻庙倾 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74512 握嵘 劓磲 (蠕砩) 握嵘 仍哚 尴磴 咔涫 授嗜 雁 後搜橇 蓓 礞 沅 轻庙倾 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -74751 视秧蜕 娩磙 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 娩磙 阋礓 认孺 在 卺 赃 菅窃 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -74752 视秧蜕 娩磙 (渔锨) 视秧蜕 娩磙 阋礓 认孺 在 卺 赃 菅窃 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74753 视秧蜕 娩磙 (已耷) 视秧蜕 娩磙 阋礓 认孺 在 卺 赃 菅窃 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74754 视秧蜕 娩磙 (萸释) 视秧蜕 娩磙 阋礓 认孺 在 卺 赃 菅窃 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -74755 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕) 视秧蜕 在 郧闱 娩磙 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -74756 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (糜嫦) 视秧蜕 在 郧闱 娩磙 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -74757 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (迷扪) 视秧蜕 在 郧闱 娩磙 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -74758 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕萦添) 视秧蜕 在 郧闱 娩磙 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -74759 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 在 溆瞧 劓磲 闶涎 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -74760 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 溆瞧 劓磲 闶涎 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -74761 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (蠕萦添 视秧蜕 在 溆瞧 劓磲 闶涎 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -74762 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (豌亚) 视秧蜕 在 溆瞧 劓磲 闶涎 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -75001 视秧蜕 谡秧 (豌亚) 在 猛阊 谡秧 阋礓 仍秧 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -75002 视秧蜕 谡秧 (萸释) 在 迷扪 谡秧 阋礓 仍秧 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -75003 视秧蜕 谡秧 (已耷) 在 靡艳 谡秧 阋礓 仍秧 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -75004 视秧蜕 谡秧 (蠕砩) 在 蠕 谡秧 阋礓 仍秧 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -75005 沅享 (蠕) 在 迷谒 阍湘 茹湎磲 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻阃茄软) -75006 沅享 (迷扪) 在 迷谒 阍湘 茹湎磲 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻漤涮) -75007 沅享 (靡艳) 在 迷谒 阍湘 茹湎磲 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -75008 沅享 (梦盅) 在 迷谒 阍湘 茹湎磲 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻郧闱) -75009 在 劓磲 (糜嫦) 在 糜嫦 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75010 在 劓磲 (猛阊) 在 糜嫦 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75011 在 劓磲 (蠕) 在 糜嫦 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75012 在 劓磲 (梦盅) 在 糜嫦 亚期 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75201 许 轻菅 (蠕) 视秧蜕 阊孺 蓓迩 轻在 裴 吾 轻衙 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75202 许 轻菅 (梦盅) 视秧蜕 阊孺 蓓迩 轻在 裴 吾 轻衙 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75203 许 轻驼卿 (靡艳) 视秧蜕 阊孺 蓓迩 轻在 裴 吾 轻衙 (+10% 陷勤 窒 轻渔亚) -75204 许 轻菅 (萸释) 视秧蜕 阊孺 蓓迩 轻在 裴 吾 轻衙 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75205 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 在 扔碡 轻蹄轻 阙 沅享 萌碇 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软 ) -75206 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕) 视秧蜕 在 扔碡 轻蹄轻 阙 沅享 梦盅 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75207 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 扔碡 轻蹄轻 阙 沅享 迷扪 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75208 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (蠕萦添) 视秧蜕 在 扔碡 轻蹄轻 阙 沅享 猛阊 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75209 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 授碛 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75210 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (靡艳) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 授碛 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75211 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (糜嫦) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 授碛 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75212 视秧蜕 在 拚硌 (迷扪) 视秧蜕 在选 抒渫 阗逖 授碛 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75401 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 涨盐伞 适沩 儒 轻配撬 沅 厝奚 轻渔亚 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75402 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 在 涨盐伞 适沩 儒 轻配撬 沅 厝奚 轻渔亚 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75403 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (赞亚) 视秧蜕 在 涨盐伞 适沩 儒 轻配撬 沅 厝奚 轻渔亚 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75404 视秧蜕 秧侵砩 (沃亚) 视秧蜕 在 涨盐伞 适沩 儒 轻配撬 沅 厝奚 轻渔亚 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75405 视秧蜕 绦侨 (软智) 在 劓磲 淝遮 轻软侵 墟 糜徭 吻 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75406 视秧蜕 绦侨 (豌亚) 在 猛阊 劓磲 墟 糜徭 吻 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75407 视秧蜕 绦侨 (渔锨) 在 糜嫦 劓磲 墟 糜徭 吻 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75408 视秧蜕 绦侨 (蠕萦添) 在 蠕萦添 劓磲 墟 糜徭 吻 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75409 握嵘 劓磲 (软智) 视秧蜕 在 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 陷勤 轻阃茄软) -75410 握嵘 劓磲 (已耷) 视秧蜕 在 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75411 握嵘 劓磲 (渔锨) 视秧蜕 在 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75412 握嵘 劓磲 (蠕砩) 视秧蜕 在 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75601 握嵘 劓磲 (软智) 拚 谡秧 抒渫 轻郧闱 授软 捩 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75602 拚 在 谡秧 (糜嫦) 拚 谡秧 抒渫 轻郧闱 授软 捩 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75603 拚 在 谡秧 (靡艳 拚 在 谡秧 抒渫 轻郧闱 授软 捩 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75604 拚 在 谡秧 (萸释) 拚 在 谡秧 抒渫 轻郧闱 授软 捩 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75605 在 蠕 闶嬗 轻劓 在 蠕 劓磲 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75606 在 闶嬗 轻劓 (糜嫦) 在 糜嫦 劓磲 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75607 在雁舒迂 轻劓 (迷扪) 在 迷扪 劓磲 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75608 在雁舒迂 轻劓 (蠕萦添) 在 蠕萦添 淝阢 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -75609 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (蠕) 视秧蜕 在 轻阃茄软 轻尴磴 - 轻在 轻蠕 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 窒 轻阃茄软) -75610 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (萸释) 视秧蜕 在 轻阃茄软 轻尴磴 - 轻在 墟 轻徭 轻萸释 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 窒 轻漤涮) -75611 视秧蜕 尴磴 (蠕萦添) 视秧蜕 在 轻阃茄软 轻尴磴 - 轻在 轻蠕萦添 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 窒 轻渔亚) -75612 视秧蜕 在 尴磴 (猛阊) 视秧蜕 在 轻阃茄软 轻尴磴 - 轻在 轻猛阊 阊孺 任蔗 (+10% 窒 轻郧闱) -80001 阃葙 闱 娃砣 渔锨 阉 阄碡 沅 轻提 -80002 嫜 萌碇 阄劓厣 沅 滏陧 添仙 垌 阌饰香 融 -80008 呤嵘 沅 轻绣 呤嵘 沅 轻绣 轻吻 垌 阌饰香 融. 徂 抒 软阱 蓓 闶萄 扔谘 谇犴. -90001 耷焰焉 闱 萸眼 配橇 闶礓 徜掎 轻闱 - 後糜 萸眼 颓犴丘. -90002 耷焰焉 闱 配橇 闶礓 徜掎 轻闱. -90003 柔嫜 吞 哐磴 蹄磲 嫜瞧凇 碛刳 仍哚 惹逖 释 宙 轻糟. -90004 吞 哐磴 吞 汜骧 驺愉驿 碛饰香 蓓 珍勤 轻闾驽亚. -90005 吞 闱祈 吞 蔗 卧 碛饰香 嵊 轻糜嵬 婷湘鞘 轻阖任. -90006 吞 焰晚 逍 轻吞 弥磔 裴 轻糜嵬 媲嵯焰凇 硪硐 沅 替仙 轻皂. -90007 阙箱 礞滔 眠搜 沅 4000 滏 沅 轻阙窍 轻薯 饰梳 蓓 轻蠕砩 轻哐碛是犴 咝徇 蓓 轻赃 媲後驿. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2f827fd..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -轻漤涮 邈 阃茄孺 阃恃萱.[ENTER] -配邈 耷涎驿 卺 轻逄驺 萏蒙[ENTER] -孑 庙 孓 湘 磐锨 庙 痔.[ENTER] -迥崆 轻虞沁礓 磲扔驿 涎孚丘[ENTER] -屋磔 犴抒咪媲 沅 轻释堰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -扔掩 屋. 陀 轻盼收荹ENTER] -扰氵卿 阃茄 轻漤涮 庞授闱醄ENTER] -轻武萄 茹迩焉 咩 娩 硭掬[ENTER] -蒌 轻奘轻 阡 融 惹邮蜗倾[ENTER] -轻捩 媲嵊邈. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7fa76e0d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -碛授汜 轻郧闱 蓓 轻奘轻[ENTER] -轻在嫘 媲嵊脱 尴亚 耷沔荹ENTER] -认亚邮迩 媾宿卿迩 融 涎怯鞘[ENTER] -氵溯 阃咩. 崆 试哚[ENTER] -尴亚叔 轻屋砩 馅闱 徨鉡ENTER] -[WAIT] -蒉 柔 配迩 氏阢 谜限瞧邈[ENTER] -蓓 轻奘轻 庙智. 沅 吾轻[ENTER] -眭氵 轻俏收钦 轻郧闱 沅[ENTER] -馅 轻逄闱 蓓 轻脱嫒 鎇ENTER] -守骓 油 徙谇崽 轻阏侨礓. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b2369e27..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -轻渔焉 邈 阃茄孺 抒咪媲 沅[ENTER] -轻驼驷 卺 尴亚 捩 油秧蒣ENTER] -融 娩 扪焰 畔闱 刃焉[ENTER] -轻皂厍 蓓 庙享邈. 容轴 嗅遊ENTER] -菖 惹邮厍谑邈 轻阃茄壬[ENTER] -[WAIT] -惹嵊磔 茹迩焉 谇犴 眯砩[ENTER] -轻握 阡 融 沅 吾轻 怯授闱醄ENTER] -轻油. 沅 吾轻 轻饰照 磴咪[ENTER] -後渔焉 释禹 逄闱叔 轻油秧蒣ENTER] -面 沁视侨 尴亚 油秧蒣ENTER] -[WAIT] -胖禽砩. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 167c2b79..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -容轴 尴亚叔 婷俞褪邈 孚是蟍ENTER] -脱儒 轻宿磲 磲谌 轻阃茄孺鋄ENTER] -湘亚 沐闱 蓓 轻奘轻 阡[ENTER] -扪. 劂嫱邈 彐 轻嬲驷 裴靃ENTER] -轻捩 轻逃享 轻萱崆许蒣ENTER] -[WAIT] -媸媲忆 轻舆驿 轻焰晚. 陀萚ENTER] -盼收钦邈 磴咪邈 配仪 斡瞧裑ENTER] -呷硌 滔丘 惹嵛浙 容轴 糜嵬蒣ENTER] -术邮蜗 扰邮阢轻 轻硐礓 面[ENTER] -阡 匮磙 障 逄闱 轻谙鎇ENTER] -[WAIT] -容勤犴 惹邮阢轻 轻禹 鎇ENTER] -轻恃. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9dedb8a6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 滢厣 腿 :%d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 收漤 -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 呜 逄驺 垌 阙焰: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 轻握 融硐 滔丘 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 崆 怯守碲 沐翘闵 轻握 沅 邃 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 崆 视守碲 嗜享 轻涎 阡香 兽驺 惹崾糖焉 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 崆 视守碲 嗜享 轻涎 阡香 兽驺 惹崾糖焉 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 崆 视仨 菔 闶萄 吻 蓓 氵卿 谇 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 轻握 融硐 滔丘 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 峭是 裴 渝 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 崆 糜仨 沐翘闵 轻握 沅 邃 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 卿漤 眠硐 ∏滗 崆 怯守碲 轻兽香 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 崆 怯守碲 沐翘闶 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 轻握 融硐 滔丘 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 峭是 珍茄 枕 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 峭是 驼卿 崤邮阢轻 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 崆 勉徇 耷焰焉 萸眼 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 崆 勉徇 耷焰焉 鱼 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 沅 轻逑 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 崆 勉徇 滢秦 晚巧 咔蓓 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 崆 勉徇 滢秦 糜徭 咔蓓 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 崆 糜守碲 怯授闱徨 吾轻 堰嫒 轻雾 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 崆 怯守碲 庞授闱 逍 轻沐茄 蓓 逍 轻俞峭 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 徙 檬卺 逍 轻沐茄 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 逍 砟搜 蒉 卺 泌智 轻菅磙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 逍 砟搜 蒉 卺 轻沔熟 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 逍 轻沐茄 崆 磴咪 庞授闱犴迩 卺 珍茄 枕 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 崆 怯守碲 轻沐翘闵 沅 邃 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 崆 糜守碲 庞授闱徨 卺 漭禹 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 逍 轻沐茄 崆 怯守碲 怯授闱徨 融 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 蜜徂 轻嬖嬖 惹徇倾 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 犴 卺 轻呜 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 崆 视守碲 嬖嬖 猛稀 阡香 售徂 轻嬖嬖 惹徇倾 SNA -CHANNEL 掬巧 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 崆 视守碲 轻阪仙 徂瞧闵 轻视添 -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 崆 礞滔 友菅 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 掬巧 -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL 逍 轻掬巧 沣梳粕.盼恃 掬巧 梦鸯 -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 崆 适徂 阙徭闱 轻掬巧 -CHANNEL_PVP 闳茄疑 脱 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 盼恃 轻掬巧 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 盼恃 轻氵卿 徭众 轻萸舒焉 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 俏薯茄 轻吻香 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 侍秧 轻吻香 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 萃%s:%d -CHAT_ALL 轻蹄碲 -CHAT_BLOCK 障 -CHAT_GUILD 亚蓉 -CHAT_INFORMATION 阙徭闱 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 轻蹄嵘 释舒 卺 哚闱 垌 崆妻 -CHAT_LOG 刨迩 轻延瞧 轻尴磴 [醈 -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 刨迩 轻妊媸孢驷 -CHAT_NORMAL 谇享 -CHAT_NOTICE 炮求 -CHAT_PARTY 闾沔谏 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 叛忧 轻涎显 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 叛忧 邈 [Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 湎橇 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 视守碲 轻湎橇 蒉 哚 15 饲漤 -CHAT_WHISPER 邈 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME 崆 视守碲 庞饰香 庞 禹 轻嶷壬 蓓 怯氵 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 轻庞 垌 涨嵬 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 晕枕 梦鸯 释汜 逍 轻庞 -CREATE_FAILURE 崆 视守碲 配郧 逍 轻晕枕 -CREATE_GM_NAME 禹 轻嶷壬 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 众 怯氵 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 礞滔 滢秦 闶孑焉 -DAY 礞 -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 遽 恃硐 匝橇 %s 戕侨 %s -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 遽 恃硐 匝橇 %s %s 戕侨 %s -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY 遽 恃硐 庞耷 %d 砬溘 -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 遽 恃硐 匝橇 %s 戕侨 %s -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 遽 恃硐 匝橇 %s % s 戕侨 %s -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 崆 视守碲 庞耷 逃 阆掩 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 崆 视守碲 卿 视挢 逃 阆掩,判 禽适褪 闶萄 吻 -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 磴咪 庞耷 999 砬溘 蒉. -EMOTION_ANGRY 阚秩 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 袍亚 -EMOTION_BANTER 迩移 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 叔犴 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 叔犴 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 叔犴 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 盼恃 逑 -EMOTION_CLAP 收蓓 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 奕嵘 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 轻奕驷 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 轻艳丈 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 轻艳丈 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 轻艳丈 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 轻艳丈 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 轻艳丈 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 轻鱼峭 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 奕嵘 颓焉 -EMOTION_JOY 菅 -EMOTION_SAD 鸵礓 -EMOTION_SHY 轻演 -EMOTION_SLAP 盅壬 -EMPIRE_A 倾妊秦嫜砩 轻皂溆 -EMPIRE_B 倾妊秦嫜砩 轻凿替 -EMPIRE_C 倾妊秦嫜砩 轻添滏 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 崆 磴咪 轻闶翘焉 儒星 轻皂 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 崆 视仨 售硌 轻闳巅 轻娩 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 崆 视守碲 怯嗜锨 轻阙锨 轻阆烫. -EXCHANGE_MONEY 闳巅 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 是萄 阙 %s -FISHING_FAILURE 徂 弥谑 轻刳 -FISHING_NOTIFY1 轻偾逖 娩 %s 谜侨 锨 轻哚 -FISHING_NOTIFY2 碣逖 娩 %s 尴 犹 -FISHING_SUCCESS1 徂 糜咽 %s -FISHING_SUCCESS2 嵯磉 %s! -FISHING_UNKNOWN 崆 泌演 闱星 糜咽 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 崆 糜守碲 轻枕 邃 -FOR_FEMALE 後配撬 -FOR_MALE 後羞嫜 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 崆 视守碲 洼 阙箱 吻 盟淝 堰嫒 轻雾 -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 崆 视守碲 轻驼驷 卺 逍 轻皂 崦溥 徙 恃韧 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 崆 磴咪 延 隳匝 轻闱嬗 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX 硖 释沩 DirectX 8.1後谌 逍 轻嶷壬 豌 DirectX 8.1 面 泌犰 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 体且 延 轻萄禽磉 垌 沔替.释揶 沅 视添 轻- VGA CARD -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 崆 磴咪 彭糖 蓉寝 轻萄禽磉. \n释揶 判 嵯磉 VGA-Card. \n认崆 沅 嗅 视守碲 庞授闱 阌掩 轻锰逡. \n(众 阌掩 轻锰逡 蓓 友谑迩 轻拚骒 \n徭蜕 轻释咩 -> 谘> 轻雾茄鞘 > 闶劓> 蓉寝 轻视添 怯蔬郧 轻梦厍 媾蔗峭) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 蓉寝 轻延驺鞘 後咩软媸 崆 硐阢 滟倾 轻淝菪 蓓 沔 32 bit.盼恃 沔 16 bit 面 庞授汜 滟倾 轻郧陨 轻咔汜 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 崆 礞滔 皂 泌 视添 轻嶷壬 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 崆 磴咪 刨迩 轻淝菪 轻哑碛砩 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 崆 礞滔 阙徭闱 阡 轻嫱.泌 释沩 轻嶷壬 沅 滔硐 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 崆 磴咪 视添 轻涫嫜. 释揶 沅 轻配恃涫 -GAME_PICK_MONEY 徂 驼崾 卺 %d 砬溘 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 轻卺 犴 128 冗俞 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 轻卺 犴 12 软哂 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 轻谘 犴 16 软哂 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 轻谘 犴 软哂 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 逍 轻嶷壬 崆 氏阢 逍 轻真彦 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH 配掎 轻阙仨鞘 轻 汜 metin2/upload. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 徙 硎 盼薯茄 汜 轻真焉 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 抒 轻禹匮 卺 轻卺 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 阙堰 蓓 轻娃 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 轻亚蓉 %s 泌徜 轻脱 卺 亚蓉蔬. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 遽 兽柔(%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 阌淹 脱 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 收漤 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 庞 轻闳潇 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 阙堰 匀 轻输礓 沣梳粕. -GUILD_COMMENT 呤侨 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 怯 轻亚蓉 垌 阌沔 儒 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 泌智 轻坩箱 -GUILD_DELETE 陪晚 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 嬷 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP 遽 恃硐 徂橇 %d 砬溘 炮窍 %d 匀 轻输礓 -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 邃沁 亚蓉 视冕 判 咪 恃硐 轻配帚倾 裴礤强 -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 醚 吻犴 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 庞 坩箱 轻握 -GUILD_FACILITY 闳潇 阃切 -GUILD_GEM 吞 哐磴 -GUILD_HEADQUARTER 闳潇 哑碛 -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 炮窍 匀 轻输礓 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 崆 礞滔 -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL 孟潇 阌舒 阖徭 4 -GUILD_NAME 庞 轻坩箱 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 崆 抒徇 沔窍 蠕橇 咔蓓 徨星 轻闳潇 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 崆 抒徇 砬溘 咔蓓 徨星 轻闳潇 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 崆 硗 徇 娩 授徜 勉亚. -GUILD_OBJECT 迷砬 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 稳焉 後胚视侨 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 稳焉 垌 咔蓓 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 阙徭闱 糜怯砩 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 徭 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 娃孓 畔茄砩 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 阙徭闱 坩箱 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 泌智 坩箱 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 沐茄 坩箱 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 轻孓: 30 限磙 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 氵禽蒙 : 轻萸埔 禹驼 卺 萄 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 庞授闱 阌淹 脱 轻坩箱 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 庞授汜 窝碡 谇享 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 轻涫硖 轻泌犰 恃韧 轻脱 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 怯舒犴 卺 卺 轻握 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 弥淹迩 裴 戕堰 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 寝猪 卺 握氵 後萱 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 配油侨 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 嵊 谥 让 坩箱 -HORSE_HEALTH0 沩 -HORSE_HEALTH1 糖期 -HORSE_HEALTH2 磴媸 替谇 -HORSE_HEALTH3 汜砹 -HORSE_LEVEL1 驼卿 谇享 -HORSE_LEVEL2 驼卿 阆掩 -HORSE_LEVEL3 驼卿 添皂 -HOUR 忧谇 -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 遽 恃硐 庞耷 %s -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 遽 恃硐 庞耷 %s % d -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 孟吾 艳 蓉寝 轻闱恃磉 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 蓉寝 轻闱恃磉 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 孟吾 暂焉 轻托 沅 雾茄 畔茄 轻陀侨. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 托 晕枕 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 崆 视守碲 扪橇 轻菅倾 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 遽 恃硐 庞授闱 逍 轻皂量 -JOB_ASSASSIN 漤涮 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 漤涮 闳氏 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 捩 轻漤涮 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 垌 沩 -JOB_SHAMAN 阍阪 -JOB_SHAMAN0 阍阪 闳氏 -JOB_SHAMAN1 捩 轻输礓 -JOB_SHAMAN2 捩 轻妊 -JOB_SURA 吁嫜笊 -JOB_SURA0 吁嫜笊 闳氏粕 -JOB_SURA1 捩 萸熟 沔眼卿 -JOB_SURA2 捩 轻油 轻糜嫦 -JOB_WARRIOR 阃茄 -JOB_WARRIOR0 阃茄 闳氏 -JOB_WARRIOR1 捩 醚迩 -JOB_WARRIOR2 捩 戕擎 -LEFT_TIME 轻孓 轻闶绒 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 驼 呜 阡 轻鞘涨 惹嵛窍. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 硖秧 彭涨徇 惹嵛窍. -LOGIN_CONNETING 硖秧 彭涨徇 惹嵛窍. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 陀侨 萸嵛香 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 阍哚 视添 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 逍 轻陀侨 戕葆 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN 轻烟橇 俏薯茄 友菅 梦 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 徙 碛提 蓓 轻陀侨 孓 嶷 融. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 崆 礞滔 陀侨 儒星 轻庞. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 崆 礞滔 陀侨 儒星 轻怯 面 冗徙 轻友 逍 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 禹抒 叛糖 轻阙锨 徨星 轻陀侨. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 轻吻香 垌 闶孑. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 扔热 咚焉 轻崆谌礓 崆 视守碲 轻攀涨 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 崦尤侨 闾彐嵘 崆 视守碲 轻视添 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK 娩 沣滏 沅 衔 轻蛰蜕 拭呦 沅 妊硐 轻裴呤焰漤 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 徂 窍吾 艳 吻仄 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 徂 窍吾 艳闱 吻仄 酸撬 阊鞘. 嵝徇 挢 轻攀涨 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 释揶 沅 阙仨鞘 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 勤 软卿鞘 轻视添 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 畔吾 哚闵 轻峪 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 糖秧 轻视添 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 崆 磴咪 嬷 轻皂 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 哚闵 轻峪 -MAP_A1 呸犴 礞溘卿 -MAP_A2 媲享 渔溘秧驿 -MAP_A3 呸犴 砬砬溘 -MAP_AG 替溘亚溘 -MAP_B1 呸犴 替卿 -MAP_B2 媲享 陪-添 -MAP_B3 呸犴 冗啼 -MAP_BG 嫜礞溘 -MAP_C1 呸犴 软驿坫 -MAP_C2 媲享 蠕-忧 -MAP_C3 呸犴 冗焉 -MAP_CG 倾迩 -MAP_DESERT 胀亚 礓廴 -MAP_FLAME 湘礞沐媲 -MAP_SKELTOWER 妊 坫忧 -MAP_SNOW 倘 渝卿 -MAP_SPIDER 哝遽 湘溘 -MAP_TEMPLE 阙认 彐卿 -MAP_TREE 徜塾 -MAP_TRENT02 a -MAP_WL b -MAP_NUSLUCK c -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 胖禽 演磙 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s 攀涡 障磙 徨 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 奕驷 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 阌涂 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 遽 恃硐 阌 艳 轻阃沔峥 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 遽 恃硐 轻闶侨谏 -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 吻 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 谇漆 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 障磙 -MESSENGER_GUILD 坩涎 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 孟吾 艳 轻暂焉 轻许 舒蔗 儒 卺 迩瘦 轻阃沔. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 孟吾 艳 轻暂焉 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 孟吾 艳 迩瘦 轻阃沔 崤延轻 轻延轻 轻拚硌 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 遽 薯严 畔吻 轻艳 轻落 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 孟吾 艳 轻阃沔 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 叛忧 延轻 -MINIMAP 窝碡 折硌 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 崆 磴咪 刨迩 轻窝碡 轻折硌 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 崆 磴咪 刨迩 轻窝碡 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 收垌 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 蔬软 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 阍清享 %d -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 窝碡 呷硌 -MINUTE 限磙 -MONETARY_UNIT0 砬溘 -MONETARY_UNIT1 谠焉 轻禽 -MONETARY_UNIT2 闫 汜礞 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 于 轻软: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 崆 视守碲 滢 轻皂 阡 瘦适 闶萄 吻 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 崆 礞滔 沔禹揿 吾蓓 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 沔禹揿 Metin2 轻糜怯砩 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 崆 礞滔 沔禹揿 阄是焉 -NEEFD_REST 卺磉 轻庞恃峭 面崆 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 垌 阆阢 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 崆 磴咪 瘦陧 轻亚蓉 裴 判 谥媲 蓓迩. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT 崆 磴咪 庞授闱 雾茄 崆谌 窒 崆谌 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT 释是 卺 轻棉 轻嬲驷 裴 阌舒 %d 唔 蔬驿 耷涎丘 卺 怯饰锨 雾茄 崆谌 窒 崆谌. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 揄闵 轻逄驺: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 友谏 轻逄驺: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 阆 轻沐茄:+%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 轻陷勤: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 滢秦 稳焉 侵禽砩: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 滢秦 糜徭 拚骒: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 滢秦 晚巧 拚骒:+%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 阌 轻闾沔谏 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT %s 硌廴 蓓 轻配帚倾 裴 轻闾沔谏. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 遽 恃硐 奕驷 轻馅嫔 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 兽禹 滢秦 轻稳焉 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 兽禹 轻阌舒砬 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 哚 阌舒 泌犰 硗蔗 卺 滢秦 糜徭 眠搜. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 兽禹 沲鼠芋擎 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 蹄碲 泌智 轻闾沔谏 礓轻驿 滢秦 轻糜徭 惹崾忧骓 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 怯授窍 轻颓嵘 轻哑碛砩 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 阆 轻闾沔谏 叛瘦 融倾 1,5 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 阆 轻闾沔谏 叛瘦 融倾 2 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 阚窍焉 轻闾沔谏 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 卺擎 卺 滢秦 轻稳焉 徙仙 轻嶷 轻劓磲: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [垌 闶蔗] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 怯氏谇 泌智 轻闾沔谏 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 滢秦 晚巧 胖禽砩-+ 侍享 滢秦 轻糜徭:+%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 徂 演质 轻馅嫔 裴 轻闾沔谏 -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 试哚 咩迩蹄 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 陧 咤瞧 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 试哚 咩障 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 试哚 咩锨葳 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 裴矍 轻授享 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 授礓 哂硐 轻沐茄鞘 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 授眄 咩颓讶 蓓 轻奘轻 阡 扪. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻糜怯砩 沐翘 +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 友谏 逄驺 轻迩铺 +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 阆 沐茄 轻闶障 +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 阆禽 陷勤 +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 侍享 滢秦 轻晚巧 +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 阆 轻闾沔谏 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 滢秦 庞徭 禹 轻沐茄 轻拚骒 +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 侍享 滢秦 轻糜徭 +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 滢秦 轻晚巧 轻拚骒 後戕鞘 阡 扪 +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 湎橇 谥 轻闾沔谏 闶峭 -PASSWORD_TITLE 洼 哚闵 轻友 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 艳 轻皂 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 闾沔 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 崆 视守碲 软 逍 轻皂 蓓 闶萄 吻 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 遽 恃硐 呸萸 轻闶萄 轻吻 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 庞 轻闶萄 轻吻 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 于 -PVP_LEVEL0 萸延 -PVP_LEVEL1 潴撒磲 -PVP_LEVEL2 腆眸鱿 -PVP_LEVEL3 嶝磔 -PVP_LEVEL4 亡眢窍鲰 -PVP_LEVEL5 谙瞧 -PVP_LEVEL6 闱哐 -PVP_LEVEL7 轻稳虽 -PVP_LEVEL8 蒹裒碲 -PVP_MODE_GUILD 抒 试垌 雾茄 崆谌 窒 崆谌 -PVP_MODE_KILL 抒 试垌 崆谌 窒 崆谌 脱 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL 抒 试垌 崆谌 窒 崆谌 俞倾 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT 抒 试垌 崆谌 窒 崆谌 豌琼 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE 抒 试垌 崆谌 窒 崆谌 逄驺 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 误轻 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 俞倾 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 豌琼 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 谙瞧 -QUEST_APPEND 抒 视添 勉 滔硐 -QUEST_MIN 限磙 -QUEST_SEC 饲漤 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 配叔 轻孓 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 崆 礞滔 毅 阃舷 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 饲漤 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 崆 磴咪 翼窍 逍 轻垩 裴 忧蜕 轻逄驺 轻友碲 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s 醚俞 徇 延轻 -REFINE_COST 蔬轻磔 轻释禹 %d 砬溘 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 尴 砟享 释禹 逍 轻皂 裴 氏沩彦 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 逍 硪硐 沅 磐抒轻 轻释禹 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 禹释劂 轻皂 蓓 颓 轻菰帷遽 恃廴 蓓 轻怯抒亚芽 -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 尴 砟享 释禹 逍 轻皂 裴 怯橇叔 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 遽 恃硐 托 吞 轻匀 -REFINE_FAILURE 後糜荨徙 滗掏!徂 菰徜 -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s 崆 碛守碲 胖禽 逍 轻皂 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 崆 视仨 释禹 轻迷砬 轻阆掩 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 崆 视守碲 托 吞 轻匀 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 娩 韧翘 轻 菅闱 释禹 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET 崆 礞滔 窍茄 绣软 唔 室硐 %s -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 崆 视守碲 翼窍 秦茄鞘 梦鸯 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 崆 礞滔 咆茄 唔 室硐 %s -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 崆 视守碲 翼窍 秦茄鞘 卺 逍 轻垩 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 崆 磴咪 释禹 逍 轻垩 -REFINE_SUCCESS 徂 抒 释禹 逍 轻垩 蠕糖 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 菅 释禹: %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 遽 恃硐 轻兽香 -SAFEBOX_ERROR 徂 窍吾 哚闵 友 垌 胀硗 -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 崆 视仨 软 庙 沅 轻迷砬 轻阃葙 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 硖 守侨 哚闱 轻友 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 洼偈 蓓 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 汜 徂厍 轻郧陨 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 菰 蓓 洼 徂厍 轻郧陨 -SECOND 饲漤 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 崆 视守碲 阌 逍 轻晕枕 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 徂 认崾 庞 逍 轻晕枕. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 庞 逍 轻晕枕 忝捂 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 颓驷 闾舷丘 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 逍 庞 轻晕枕 轻呜 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 授享 庞 轻晕枕 -SELECT_DELEING 禹抒 阌 逍 轻晕枕 -SELECT_DELETED 抒 轻阌 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 遽 恃硐 轻兽香 -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 逍 沩锨 吻 -SELECT_GM_NAME 禹 轻嶷壬 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 馅 庞 晕枕 滔硐 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 崆 礞滔 提 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 视仨 匝橇 逍 轻垩 沅 媲体 轻闶萄 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 崆 视守碲 软 轻迷砬 轻阆掩 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 逍 轻皂 犴 後软 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 谪 蓓 轻闶萄 闾彐: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 逍 轻皂 垌 沅怯 -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 耷沏 轻阃舒砬 汜砥 -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 砬溘 垌 咔蒡 -SHOP_SELL_INFO 盼恃 蓓 阃舒 轻迷砬 卺 轻皂 轻阄照 後软 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 闳勤 -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 呜 逄驺 闾彐 沅 阌禽 融硐: %s -SKILL_BOHO 配谶怯 -SKILL_BUDONG 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 韧翘 裴 滢秦 糜徭 崾卺 逍 轻沐茄 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 韧翘 裴 呤侨 崾卺 逍 轻沐茄 -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 逃 捩 -SKILL_CRITICAL 耪侨 脱躺 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 庞授汜 轻鱼 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 垌 阊祈 -SKILL_FAINT 蓥搡锨漉 轻骟邡 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 侨退 阡 轻菸 -SKILL_FIRE 泅旺鼠洋摅 -SKILL_FISHMIND 禹抒 庞授闱 哐 轻糜闱 -SKILL_GAMJI 畔亚 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 迩嵘 轻禹 -SKILL_GEONGON 沐茄 替涮 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_GICHEON 阌勤仙 轻输礓 -SKILL_GIGONG 湘亚 皂 -SKILL_GONGPO 捂 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 轻稳硌 轻阃恃 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 禹 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 禹 闶咔汜 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 暂焉 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 捩 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 攀耷 堰嫒 轻雾 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 输礓 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 暂橇 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 俞峭 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 油 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 逃 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 绣漤 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 暂焉 阌玩焉 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 阍 轻秧 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 轻豌琼 轻籴倾砩 -SKILL_HOSIN 闳茄呱 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 沐茄 彐琼驺 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 沐茄 屙驷闵 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 叛瘦勤 友谏 轻逄驺 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 叛瘦勤 友谏 轻释堰 -SKILL_INMA 沐茄 卿闱 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_JEOJU 嶷渖 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 暂橇 -SKILL_JEONGWI 湓嫔 轻奘轻 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 陷勤 咔汜 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 逄驺 咔汜 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 沐茄蒧替涮藻 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 沐茄蒧替溘 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 逄驺 + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 友谏 + -SKILL_JIGAM 沐茄蒧疼迩 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 沐茄蒧倘啼 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 涎 阌玩 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 沐茄蒧蹄坻 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 沐茄蒧哝琼替 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_KWAESOK 友谏 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 沐茄蒧崽孺湎 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_MUSA 沐茄蒧沔屿 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_MUYEONG 匀 轻在嵘 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 崆 勉徇 耷焰焉 萸眼 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 崆 勉徇 耷焰焉 鱼 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 视守碲 庞授闱 逍 轻沐茄 蓓 脱 坩箱 蒉 -SKILL_PABEOP 且轻 轻油 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 逄驺 阄涎 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 掬柔 妊揄 -SKILL_SINCHAK 沐茄蒧愉赞 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_SLEEP 滏 -SKILL_SLOW 蓉砹 -SKILL_STUN 饰享 -SKILL_SUHO 颓延 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 菅丈 後在嫘: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 轻怯饰惹亚 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 阌舒 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 视沣 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 释愉 揄闵 轻逄驺 -SKILL_TUSOK 盅壬 匀 -SKILL_WONSIN 沐茄蒧驿愉 徜 视授汜 融 -SKILL_YONGSIN 沐茄蒧礓逃 徜 视授汜 融 -STAT_MINUS_CON 蔬眄 厍奚 轻晚巧 (轻菅 轻闶绒砩: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 友谏 轻蔬磔 (轻菅 轻闶绒砩: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT 授享 轻羞橇 (轻菅 轻闶绒砩: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR 授享 轻捩 (轻菅 轻闶绒砩: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 抒 释禹 滢秦 轻晚巧 轻陷勤 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 抒 释禹 轻限 媲徨讶 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 抒 释禹 轻捩 轻油秧 滢秦 轻糜徭 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 抒 释禹 揄闵 轻逄驺 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 犹 卺 轻亚蓉 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 瘦陧 滟倾 CPU-Tiling 砟享 裴 释禹 友谏 颓渔 蓉砹. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 阡香 舒翘暹 阍沁 蓓 轻萄禽磉 盼恃 雾茄 轻滟倾 ∶ CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 媾滢 裴 沔 GPU-Tiling -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 沔 GPU-Tiling 碲汜 热亓 卺 颓渔 众磔 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 阡香 舒翘暹 阍沁 蓓 轻萄禽磉 盼恃 雾茄 轻滟倾 ∶ ,CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 配掎 轻沔 裴 GPU-Tiling -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 崾垌 裴 沔 Tiling 硖 配迩 轻嶷壬 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 媲蒹摅 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 嗣 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 氏沩 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 鼠洋跳筢 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 猛怯碛 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 鼠蒹擎笾 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 怯嗜谇 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 配迩 轻阍清仙 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 沲润茄笠笊 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 障磙 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 馅嫔 轻亚蓉 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 馅嫔 闾沔谏 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 攀堰 轻闾沔谏 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 配帚 裴 轻闾沔谏 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 阙锨 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 嬖嬖 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 殷邛磴 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 阊嗜 5 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 阊嗜 3 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 阊嗜 1 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 阊嗜 4 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 阌舒 2 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 迩蹄 -TASKBAR_AUTO 面舒闱薯唔 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 咔沩亚 -TASKBAR_EXP 稳焉 -TASKBAR_HP 滢秦 晚巧 -TASKBAR_MOVE 释堰 -TASKBAR_SKILL 沐茄 -TASKBAR_SP 滢秦 糜徭 -TASKBAR_ST AP -THING_COUNT 哚 -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 崆 磴咪 轻软 蓓 轻闶萄 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 绒嫔 窒 轻晚媲淝: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 绒嫔 窒 轻漤涮: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 绒嫔 窒 轻皂厍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 绒嫔 窒 湔 仍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 绒嫔 窒 轻厍戚 轻友砩 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 绒嫔 窒 嫱 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 绒嫔 窒 轻坻 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 绒嫔 窒 阍阪序 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 绒嫔 窒 渔焉 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 绒嫔 窒 冕 沔熟 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 绒嫔 窒 轻戕鞘犴 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 菅丈 障 轻逄驺 轻逃享 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 庞授窍 滢秦 轻庞徭 蓓 轻奘轻 哚 5 随卿 %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% 菅丈 耪侨 颓鱼 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% 菅丈 庞授窍 滢秦 轻晚巧 惹崤涨壬 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE %d%%菅丈 轻逖 沅 轻逄驺 轻渝沩 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 菅丈 驼驷 卺 滢秦 稳焉 胖禽砩 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 菅丈 轻饰犴 阡 轻砬溘 阒勤萆 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 阃珍 窒 轻孓孚 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 轻陷勤 窒 轻嗜秦 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 陷勤 窒 轻袍闱 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% 菅丈 轻饰犴 阡 轻迷砬 阒勤萆 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% 菅丈 庞授窍 滢秦 轻晚巧 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% 菅丈 庞授窍 滢秦 轻糜徭 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% 菅丈 梦 滢秦 庞徭 轻握 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 崆 拭隧 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 融 炮窍 磐砬 轻崆谌 蓓 氵卿 轻沔省 徜 硎 握 庙 滢秦 後稳焉. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% 菅丈 吻艳 後盅 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT 菅丈 轻视沣: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 戕擎闵 轻鱼驺 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 翼窍 蓓 拭隧 轻萄谏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE %d%% 菅丈 谶 轻嶷渖 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE %d%% 菅丈 谶 轻逄驺 轻逃享 闳窃焉 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 菅丈 後陷勤 窒 轻逄闱 轻漤涮 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 陷勤 萄禹 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 轻陷勤 轻武萄 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 陷勤 阊嫱 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 菅 轻陷勤 窒 逄驺 轻阍阪 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 菅 轻陷勤 窒 逄驺 轻渔焉 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 陷勤 禹蓓 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 陷勤 禹 轻奕质礓 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 菅丈 陷勤 窒 逄驺 戕鞘 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 戕擎闵 轻秧峭 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 菅丈 轻庞瘦窍 沅 轻呤 恃瘦 融倾 2,5 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 判 菰 轻卺恪 磴咪 轻扪橇 阊 梦鸯 卺 轻萱. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT 菅丈 嗜秦: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 庞薯谇 侵亚 %d%% 沅 滢秦 轻晚巧 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 庞薯谇 侵亚 %d%% 沅 滢秦 轻糜徭 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT 菅丈 轻袍闱: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 阙锨 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 渝 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 漤涮 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 揄闵 轻逄驺 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 友谏 轻逄驺 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 阆 轻雁琼 +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 轻于: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 友谏 轻油: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 捩 轻晚巧 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 陷勤 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 脱呱 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 扪 -TOOLTIP_ETC 裴. -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 滢秦: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 阌舒: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 泌仨 後枕窍 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 崾娃磙 幂轴 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 崾陀礓 拗砣 轻枕 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 轻劓: %,2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 捂猩 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 侍享 滢秦 轻晚巧 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT 庞饰惹亚 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 揄闵 轻逄驺 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 揄闵 轻逄驺 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 揄闵 轻逄驺 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 揄闵 轻逄驺 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 友谏 轻逄驺 %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 陷勤 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 友碲 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 轻拖 轻棉侦 沅 捩 轻晚巧 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 轻拖 轻棉侦 沅 轻释堰 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 轻拖 轻棉侦 沅 轻羞橇 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 侨氏橇 沅 阌舒: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 拖 轻捩 轻拚骒: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 轻陷勤 轻油秧 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 厝碲 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 蓉砹 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 友碲 滔丘 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 蓉砹 滔丘 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [耷柔 崾体硪] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 艳 轻唾: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 陷勤 油秧 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 揄闵 轻逄驺 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 揄闵 轻逄驺 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 禹犹 轻砬溘 梳耷祈丘 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 轻陷勤 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 轻陷勤 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 滢秦 轻稳焉 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC 滢秦 轻稳焉 徙掊 轻配恃涫 轻胖禽砩 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 50% 滢秦 稳焉 胖禽砩 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 菅丈 裴兽秦 轻鱼呱 茄瘦谑 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 菅丈 愚尕 轻砬溘(%.1f) SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 菅丈 愚尕 轻砬溘 轻阒勤萆 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 菅丈 愚尕 轻迷砬 (%.1f) SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC 戕屐 卿恃涫 菅丈 轻驼驷 卺 轻俞 仪葡 .1 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 菅丈 愚尕 轻迷砬 轻阒勤萆 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 滢秦 轻腿 输沔 扔掩 眠搜. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 邃沁 阌峭 饰翼 闶峭 眠搜. SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻拚骒 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻拚骒 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻拚骒 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻拚骒 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 阆 轻释汜 轻拚骒 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION d%,%d)%s) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR 呜 GPS(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 友谏 轻释堰 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 掎窍 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻阖徭壬: 拖 棉侦. -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 匀 轻输礓 轻阖徭: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 滢秦 轻晚巧 轻阖徭壬: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 滢秦 轻晚巧: %d / 饲漤 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 滢秦 轻沐茄 轻阖徭壬: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻阖徭壬: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 滢秦 轻糜徭: %d / 饲漤 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 轻阌舒 轻是犴: %d (轻拖 轻棉侦 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 轻阌舒 轻是犴: %d (轻拖 轻棉侦 %d%-d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 阙厢 轻弥亚 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 阙厢 戕擎闵 轻弥亚 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 泌智 轻闾沔谏 眠搜 沅 %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 阌舒 轻逄驺 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 阌舒 轻陷勤 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 庞授窍 滢秦 轻晚巧/滢秦 轻糜徭 崽沩 泌智 轻闾沔谏 阊 哚 60 限磙 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 庞授窍 滢秦 轻晚巧/滢秦 轻糜徭 崽沩 泌智 轻闾沔谏 阊 哚 30 限磙 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 卺磉 配寿茄 3 限瞧 融 沔 猛 泌智 轻闾沔谏 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 视守碲 蓓 庙 孓 怯氏谇 泌智 轻闾沔谏 卺 漭 轻吻香. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 阌舒 轻逄驺 +(泌智 轻闾沔谏\\2) 磴咪 盼薯茄 轻沐翘沩 %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 阊歪 轻陷勤+(谙 泌智 轻闾沔谏) 磴咪 俏薯茄 1 戕鞘 阡 扪. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 轻阌舒 轻颓犴: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [释禹 逄驺/陷勤] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [庞授窍蒥 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 眠搜 沅 %d 沅 泌智 轻闾沔谏 勤劓 滢秦 稳焉 胖禽砩 %d%%. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [滢秦 稳焉 胖禽砩] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [怯氏谇羃 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [释享 轻沐翘沩鋆 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [授眄 阃茄 後奘轻 阡 扪萞 -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 滢秦: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 轻阌舒: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 泌仨 後拓侨 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 崾陀礓 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 配扪 邃 崾陀礓 -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 炮窍 轻拭隧 轻俞软 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 限磙 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 友谏 轻逄驺: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 滢秦 轻晚巧: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 滢秦 轻晚巧: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 友谏 轻逄驺: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 滢秦 轻糜徭: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 滢秦 轻糜徭: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 饲漤 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 阆: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 硖 娩 蔬驿 尴 柔凼 轻阌舒 21. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 硖 娩 蔬驿 尴 柔凼 轻阌舒 41 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 硖 娩 蔬驿 尴 柔凼 轻阌舒 %d -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 阌舒 %d 阖徭 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 阖徭壬 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 戕擎闵 轻渝 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 戕擎闵 轻妊 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 戕擎闵 轻淝 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 戕擎闵 轻油 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 闶绒: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 于: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 阍阪 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 涎 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 托橇 -TOOLTIP_SKILL 沐茄 SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 呤侨 轻沐茄 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE 揄闵 轻逄驺: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER 揄闵 轻逄驺: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED 友谏 轻逄驺: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE 陷勤: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 揄闵 逄驺 轻谙: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 怯授窍 滢秦 轻晚巧: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 友谏 轻释堰: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 菅丈 谶 轻逄驺 轻逃享: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL 戕擎闵 窒 轻弥亚 轻逃享: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME 阆 轻酝: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS 侵亚 轻沐茄 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 戕擎闵 窒 侵亚 轻沐茄 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 轻阆: %d 饲漤 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 匝碡 轻溆砬 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 轻阌舒 轻是犴: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 轻阌舒 轻是犴: %d (轻稳硌) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 轻阌舒 轻颓犴: %d (轻拖 轻棉侦 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 萸眼 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [皂 阙 咆茄] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 侍享 滢秦 轻糜徭 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR 捩 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 渔焉 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 菅硐 沅 滏阱 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 阃茄 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 俞峭 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 渔茄 -UI_ACCEPT 奕驷 -UI_CANCEL 轻矍 -UI_CLOSE 袍崆 -UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:14 -UI_DENY 演 -UI_ITEM 垩 -UI_LEFT_TIME 轻孓 轻闶绒: %d 饲漤 -UI_NEXT 轻是犴 -UI_NOCONTENTS 吻 沅 轻阃舒砬 -UI_NONAME 崆 礞滔 庞 -UI_OK 沔禽 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 氵卿 垌 阙焰 -UI_UNKNOWN 垌 阙焰 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 卺磉 炮窍 轻释沩 -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 卺磉 炮窍 轻释沩 -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 崆 视守碲 庞授闱 逍 轻垩帧 崦溥 禽适褪 闶萄 吻. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 呜 沐茄 垌 阙焰: %s diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 468c5e80..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 沔禽 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 授犴蘅 -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 抒 授犴 吞 轻闱薯 -CANCEL 裴矍 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 眠 哚闵 轻友 轻滔硐 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 哚闵 友 滔硐 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 哚闵 友 尴磴 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 售眄 哚闵 轻友 -CHARACTER_ACTION 湓秦鞘 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 谇剌 -CHARACTER_MAIN 轻晕枕 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 湓秦 闶惹厢 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 湓秦 谇享 -CHARACTER_QUEST 轻沐闱 -CHARACTER_SKILL 沐茄鞘 -CLOSE 袍崆 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 轻捩 -CREATE_CREATE 配郧 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 轻释汜 -CREATE_HP 轻晚骓 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 滢秦 -CREATE_MAN 烟 -CREATE_NAME 轻庞 -CREATE_NEXT 轻是犴 -CREATE_PREV 轻忧绒 -CREATE_SEX 轻啼 -CREATE_SHAPE 轻赃 -CREATE_SP 轻羞橇 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 炮窍 轻输猪 -CREATE_WOMAN 陪衙 -CUBE_TITLE 珍湘 泌郧 -EMPIRE_EXIT 配迩 -EMPIRE_NEXT 轻是犴 -EMPIRE_PREV 轻忧绒 -EMPIRE_SELECT 盼薯茄 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 沔禽奚 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 侍茄 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 雾茄鞘 轻嶷壬 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 配迩 糜徭 轻阍清 -GAME_HELP 阌勤仙 -GAME_QUEST 轻沐闱 -GAME_SKILL_UP 翼窍 轻沐茄 -GAME_STAT_UP 演 轻阌舒 -GUILD_BASENAME 庞 轻耷谙 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 轻庞 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 侍享 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 轻阃舒 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 嫱锨 蠕橇 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 嗜享 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 轻攀糖 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 收漤 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 阙徭闱 阡 轻闳潇 媲嵊谘 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 崆仆 轻闳卿 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 绦 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 庞 轻闳潇 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 试垌 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 卧 轻阙沁 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 沔挹 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 滟焉 谇闵 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 轻于 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 侍享 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 吞 -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 蠕橇 沅裔 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 柔嫜 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 醚耷 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 邃 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 庞耷 轻阏涎 -GUILD_GEM 替逖 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 庞 轻沔挹 轻许 硖 嗜享徨 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 收漤 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 匮 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 奕驷 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 汜峭偕 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 谇汜 脱蓓 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 轻沔挹 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 呤侨 -GUILD_INFO 阙徭闱 阡 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 稳焉 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 炮崆 脱 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 亚蓉 阙窍砩 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 崆 皂 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 阌舒 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 卺倾 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 亿磴 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 亿磴 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 轻阌舒 轻闶嬗 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 谙 轻泌智 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 庞 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 逍 庞 亚蓉 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 庞仕闱 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 轻稳焉 轻阖徭壬 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 豌 卺倾 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 豌 卺 -GUILD_MARK 卺倾 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 谘 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 耷葡 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 阌舒 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 轻庞 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 收漤 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 庞仕闱 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 轻吞 轻焰晚 -GUILD_MINENAL 阙箱 -GUILD_MONEY 砬溘 -GUILD_NAME 亚蓉 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 阙徭闱 阡 轻阏窍 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 葳 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 试秧 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 垌 葳 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 厍奚 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 沐茄 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_SYMBOL 卺 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 媲蒉 卺 炮崆 脱 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 滏 轻阙堰 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 卺筱 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 炮崆 脱 轻亚蓉 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 握 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 忧蜕 轻阙堰 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 沩锨 -GUILD_WATER 闱 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 吞 闱祈 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 庞梳倾 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY 庞饰香 轻Space bar 面 已 轻菝焉 後揄倾 惹徨替. -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE 庞饰香 Ctrl+ B 判 醚鲜 售眄 糜徭 轻逄驺. -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (泡释: 耷沏 轻晕枕伞 耷沏 轻沣梳咔 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 淝菪 轻涎显) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON 磴咪 秩 涯砩 轻咔沩亚 孺怯厣 已 轻菝焉 轻面迂 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON 磴咪 秩 涯砩 轻咔沩亚 孺怯厣 轻舟 卺 Ctrl 已 轻菝焉 轻庙沅. -HELP_EXP 稳焉 -HELP_FURY InGame Item Shop -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW 怯饰香 Alt+G 彷释 袍崆 淝菪 轻亚蓉. -HELP_HELP 胖圬 卺 "H" 面 庞饰香 庙 爿是 蓓 崆仆 轻嶷壬 崤馘茄 轻阌勤仙. -HELP_HP 滢秦 轻晚巧 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW 怯饰香 Alt+M 彷释 袍崆 淝菪 轻延瞧. -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 嬷磔 已 轻萸焉 轻琼友 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 嬷磔 已 轻萸焉 轻琼沅 -HELP_MOVE_KEY 庞饰香 轻 W, S, A, D 驺萸薯 轻糜邈 崾脱磉 晕枕蔬. -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER 轻爿是 'C' 磔释 淝菪 轻晕枕. -HELP_OPEN_CHAT 胖圬 卺 "Enter"彷释 淝菪 轻涎显 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY 胖圬 卺 "I" 彷释 耷沏 轻沣梳咔 -HELP_OPEN_LOG 胖圬 卺 "L" 彷释 耷沏 轻涎显 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP 侵圬 卺 "Shift" "M" 彷释 面 袍崆 轻窝碡 轻折硌. -HELP_OPEN_QUEST 胖圬 卺 "N" 彷释 淝菪 轻沐闱 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL 胖圬 卺 "V" 彷释 淝菪 轻沐茄鞘. -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER 胖圬 卺 "Shift" "Enter" 彷释 淝菪 轻邈. -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP 胖圬 卺 "M" 彷释 袍崆 轻窝碡 轻呷硌. -HELP_PICK_ITEM 胖圬 卺 '~' 崤崾耷 迷砬 卺 轻醚 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 娃 轻衔驷 轻友碲 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE 胖圬 卺 'Print Screen' 崦涡 Screenshot. 轻Screenshot 渔 释葙 蓓 Files/METIN2. -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME 胖圬 卺 "Alt" 崤馘茄 蹄碲 糜闱 轻晕枕鞘 媲崦皂橇 -HELP_SP 滢秦 轻糜徭 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 爿是 轻滟倾 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. 轻沣梳咔 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2.轻沣梳咔 -INVENTORY_TITLE 轻沣梳咔 -ITEM_MALL 匝橇 轻阙锨 -LOAD_ERROR 徂 手蜒 轻汜荨 轻烟橇 勤窍 输枕儒. 胖圬 卺 "ESC" 轻落. -LOGIN_CONNECT 攀涨 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 禹抒 轻攀涨 阙 轻Server. -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 庞 轻Server 掬巧 1. -LOGIN_EXIT 配迩 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 拖 氵卿丘 崤障茄 轻萸舒焉. -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 盼恃 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 配迩 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 抒 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 盼恃 Server -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 哚闵 轻友 -MALL_TITLE 阄忆 闶萄 匝橇 轻阙锨 -MARKET_TITLE 豌 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 侍享 -MARKLIST_TITLE 犹 卺倾 轻亚蓉 -MESSAGE 逍 延轻 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 胖禽 障磙 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 托 障磙 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 叛忧 延轻 湔砩 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 菔 淝菪 轻亚蓉 -MESSENGER_TITLE 谜限橇 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 庞饰香 沐茄 释养踹 轻亚蓉 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 邈 -MINIMIZE 收垌 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 逄驺 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 逄驺 梳耷祈 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 沅冁 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 沐茄鞘 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 雾茄鞘 轻沔禹揿 -NO 崆 -OK 抒 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 轻庞 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 阃湘 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 锨沏丘 -OPTION_BLOCK 沅 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 侍茄 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 障磙 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 亚蓉 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 闾沔谏 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 庞瘦忧 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 邈 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 咔沩亚 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 融硐 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 扪砣 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 阌 艳 轻迩瘦 轻吾骓 -OPTION_EFFECT 阙徭闱 阡 轻盅壬 -OPTION_FOG 秩侨 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 咚磔 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 屋磔 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 阙氏 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 孟吾 艳 轻迩瘦 轻吾骓 -OPTION_MOBILE 迩瘦 轻吾骓 -OPTION_MUSIC 沔禹揿 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 售眄 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 沔禹奚 轻闱薯 轻阙是仙 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 庞 轻徭 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 徭 轻勉妊秦嫜砩 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 谇享 -OPTION_PVPMODE 糜徭 崆谌 窒 崆谌 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 闶脱 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 眭鱼 徇 沐翘闵 蹄碲 轻崆谌礓. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 亚蓉 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 磴咪 沐翘闵 蹄碲 轻崆谌礓 扰邮虽橇 泌智 轻亚蓉. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 俞倾 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 崆 糜守碲 沐翘闵 蹄碲 崆谌礓 轻勉妊秦嫜砩 轻吻丈 软. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 谙瞧 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 磴咪 沐翘闵 崆谌礓 墟 尴亚 驺媲迦 梦鸯 蒉. -OPTION_SOUND 拭隧亚 轻真 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 崆仆 轻逑 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 袍崆 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 谘 -OPTION_TILING 延驺鞘 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 厝 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 雾茄鞘 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 吾砩 涎显 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 盼萸 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 刨迩 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 庞 谥 轻闾沔谏 -PASSWORD_TITLE 洼 哚闵 轻友 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 兽禹 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 袍崆 轻闶萄 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 庞 轻闶萄 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 侍屙 轻闶萄 轻吻 -REFINE_COST 轻阏茄磔 轻释禹漤: 0 砬溘 -REFINE_INFO 磐抒轻 涮峭 轻释禹: 100% -REFINE_TTILE 释禹淝 -RESTART_HERE 湃厦 闾舷丘 沅 邃 -RESTART_TOWN 湃厦 闾舷丘 沅 轻阆礓 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 售眄 哚闵 轻友 -SAFE_TITLE 洼 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 轻捩 -SELECT_CREATE 配郧 -SELECT_DELETE 阌 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 轻释汜 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 庞 轻勉妊秦嫜砩 -SELECT_EXIT 配迩 -SELECT_HP 轻晚骓 -SELECT_LEVEL 轻阌舒 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 盼恃 轻吞 轻焰晚 -SELECT_NAME 轻庞 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 崆 轻亚蓉 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 孓 轻嶷壬 (限磙) -SELECT_SELECT 湃厦 -SELECT_SP 轻羞橇 -SELECT_TITLE 盼恃 阡媲 -SHOP_BUY 匝橇 -SHOP_SELL 软 -SHOP_TITLE 闶萄 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 沐茄鞘 谇享 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 雾茄鞘 轻滟倾 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 售眄 轻晕枕 -SYSTEM_EXIT 配迩 轻嶷壬 -SYSTEM_HELP 阌勤仙 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 视添 轻窝嫣 -SYSTEM_MALL 匝橇 轻阙锨 -SYSTEM_OPTION 雾茄鞘 轻滟倾 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 轻晕枕 [C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 淝菪 轻涎显 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 轻沣梳咔蔥I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 延瞧 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 娃 轻衔驷 轻是犴 [Shift+Number, Alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 娃 轻衔驷 轻友碲 轻忧绒 [Shift+Number] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 雾茄鞘 [ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 沅 -WHISPER_NAME 邈 -WHISPER_SEND 叛忧 -YES 溱 -ZONE_MAP 窝碡 呷硌 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" 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"OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/metin2torrent.locale.ae.xml b/bin_original/locale/ae/metin2torrent.locale.ae.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 49d3db4b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/metin2torrent.locale.ae.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/ae/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 9a3ff7a9..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ae/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f7be62cc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 轻拚 轻酸撬砩 轻鞘糖迩 轻拚 轻酸撬砩 轻盅壬 轻酸撬砩 侵讶 轻谙 扔掩 轻妊 俏恃寝 轻逄驺 3 阊鞘 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻哚 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -106 SHAMAN 雁砩 轻妊 妊 轻哐 轻妊 轻沣硎 清蹄 惹崛艳 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 蛰 妊搌砩 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 庞氏谇 轻妊 湎橇 轻妊 谇蛰 掩享 庞氏谇 轻妊 沅 轻鱼橇 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 蛰 妊搌砩 蒉 轻孚 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 菅丈 蒉锨 轻孚: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 阄崛 妊揄 盅壬 妊 奕稚 掩 秘徂 奕稚 轻妊 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 蛰 妊搌砩 逄驺 惹嵊崆俞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 暂橇 卺翘 阌勤仙 轻宙 谇崽 轻萄嫱 茹忧谙 轻宙 禹谇 庞恃糖 滢秦 轻晚巧 禹抒 轻暂橇 沅 轻拭隧亚 轻俞软 磴咪 轻庞授闱 沅 奕 泌智 轻闾沔谏 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 庞恃糖 滢秦 轻晚巧 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 菅丈 轻暂橇 沅 轻拭隧亚 轻峪崛砩 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 轻屋 轻峪掩 友谏 轻秧 茄咧 扔掩 轻秧 邮翼 友谏 轻释堰 邮湮葜 友谏 轻油 磴咪 轻庞授闱 沅 奕 泌智 轻闾沔谏 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 友谏 轻释堰 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 友谏 轻油 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 逄驺+ 阌卿仙 逄驺 逄驺 阆阪 畔阢 匝磉 徇 禹翼 闾沔 轻逄驺 磴咪 轻庞授闱 沅 奕 泌智 轻闾沔谏 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 揄闵 轻逄驺: +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 揄窍 轻尴焉 卺 揄窍 轻匝磉 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 蹄碲 娩媲 轻奘轻 兽骓 逄驺 蹄碲 娩媲 轻奘轻 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 枕 颓驷 耪仨窍 鱼呱 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 授享 磐菅 沅蹄 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 配是 迷砬 配侍 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 巅 轻皂溆 视守碲 蒎 轻皂溆 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 枣涮 视仨 蒎 轻枣涮 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 添滏 视守碲 蒎 轻添滏 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 释骓 释驷 裴 嫱 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 堰嫒 轻雾 轻戕涎 卺 堰嫒 轻雾 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 庞氏谇 轻驼卿 庞氏陧 猛 猛珍蔬 summon -137 HORSE 奘轻 沅 卺 馘 轻驼卿 迩蹄 轻泌锨 沅 卺 驼卿 轻戕涎 卺 堰嫒 轻雾 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 逖驷 轻猛珍 庞娃 轻泌锨 阡 扪 (湃氏橇 沅 阌舒 52) 轻戕涎 卺 堰嫒 轻雾 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 捩 轻沔躺 迩蹄 轻泌锨 沅 卺 驼卿 轻尴焉 卺 堰嫒 轻雾 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 渝倾 沅邈焉 秘徂 轻渝倾 卺 轻泌锨 沅 卺 轻驼卿(湃氏橇 沅 阌舒 50) 轻戕涎 卺 堰嫒 轻雾 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD 陧驿 输礓 轻翼窍 轻抻嫔 嵩韧 轻输礓. PASSIVE yongan 翼窍 轻抻嫔 嵩韧 轻输礓. +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 香 轻输礓 轻裴屙 翼窍 滢秦 轻晚巧 轻拚骒 崽沩 泌智 轻亚蓉 彷恃 阙礓 脱 轻亚蓉 蒉 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 翼窍 滢秦 轻晚巧 轻拚骒 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 妊咔 轻输礓 轻裴屙 翼窍 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻拚骒 崽沩 泌智 轻亚蓉 彷恃 阙礓 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 翼窍 滢秦 轻糜徭 轻拚骒 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 涎 戕嫌 释禹 轻陷勤 崽沩 泌智 轻亚蓉 彷恃 阙礓 脱 轻亚蓉 蒉 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 释禹 轻陷勤 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 翼窍 轻友谏 翼窍 友谏 轻逄驺 轻释堰 崽沩 泌智 轻亚蓉 彷恃 阙礓 脱 轻亚蓉 蒉 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 友谏 轻逄驺 轻释堰 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 壑 轻输礓 轻裴屙 翼窍 轻菅 轻沐闵 崽沩 泌智 轻亚蓉 彷恃 阙礓 脱 轻亚蓉 蒉 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 翼窍 轻菅 轻沐闵 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 阌勤仙 轻油 兽犴 毅 轻酝 崽沩 泌智 轻亚蓉 彷恃 阙礓 脱 轻亚蓉 蒉 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 翼窍 友谏 轻油 +%.0f%% k * 50 -16 WARRIOR 盼恃寝 舟 沔添 逄驺 视驿倾 迩蹄 轻泌锨 闳窃焉 逄驺 闳窃 盼恃寝 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 盅 闳淹 盅 溷 闳淹 盅 输礓 闳淹 迩蹄 轻泌锨 闳窃焉 逄驺 俏恃寝 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 阍 仁饲掎 阍 糜 仁饲掎 阍 享淝真 仁饲掎 呸休 谙 泌锨 逄驺 俏恃寝 菅丈 蒉锨 轻孚 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 菅丈 蒉锨 轻孚: %.0f%% (100+100*滢厣 沐茄/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 逃 捩 逃 沅 拖硐 逃 沅 萱崆 陷勤 禹哝 猛愉 彷恃 劓磲 驷 兽 醚智 禹释愉 轻陷勤 崆 兽 屋 友谏 轻释堰 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 陷勤+%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 友谏 轻释堰: -%.0f 9+1*SkillPoint -2 WARRIOR 湘倾 禹 艳丈 禹 炮涨 馅 轻禹 硐嫜 咔嵯倾伞唔 叔翘 泌锨 眠搜 逄驺 俏恃寝 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 揄闵 轻逄驺: %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 盅壬 禹 耪叵倾 轻禹 雁砩 轻禹 迩蹄 轻泌锨 闳窃焉 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 菅丈 蒉锨 轻孚 胖讶 轻逑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 菅丈 蒉锨 轻孚: %.0f%% (100+1000*/6)/10 -3 WARRIOR 湓嫔 轻脱 壑 屙邮秧 堰 蒉 卺 轻逄驺 邮翼 友谏 轻逄驺 邮翼 友谏 轻释堰 翼窍 轻弥亚 轻闶尤壬 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 友谏 轻逄驺 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 友谏 轻释堰 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -31 ASSASSIN 咩礓 逄驺 闶屋 咩礓 闶屋 呸恃 谙孢 沅 轻吾 孓 儒替 耷梳 授徭 揄闵 轻逄驺 阡 轻钦侨 蓓 轻馘 颓葙 抒骓 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 逄驺 妊揄 逄驺 轻炮嫣翘 逄驺 耷梳 呸恃 谙孢 沅 轻吾 孓 儒替 耷梳 逄驺 驺碇 颓葙 抒骓 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 湘倾 禹 湘倾 武萄 武萄 亚拚 馅 武萄 硐嫜 玩 泌锨吝 侵亚 呷硌 逄驺 忧 阖驷 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 菅丈 轻视沣 %.0f%% 1+4*k -34 ASSASSIN 抒骓 阍砩 沅屋稚 峭倘 视仨 轻盼嗜橇 阡 轻庞谑闱 禹掭 轻逄驺 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 氵禽蒙 侵亚 轻咩礓 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 垌闵 忧闵 垌闵 沣硎 垌闵 耷梳 馅 颓驷 谙孢 垌 忧 嬗沣 沅 吾轻 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 逄驺 忧 阖驷 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 菅丈 轻视沣 %.0f%% 40*k -4 WARRIOR 迩嵘 轻禹 禹 焰晚 禹 驽沩 室硐 揄闵 轻逄驺 彷恃 阙礓 室硐 揄闵 轻逄驺 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -46 ASSASSIN 蒯奚 阙窍 蒯奚 闶谙仙 蒯奚 谫磴 秦徂 谙 渝倾 卺 轻泌锨 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄闱 闶谙仙 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2+醚( 6*滢厣 轻沐茄) 揄闵 轻逄驺: %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k 渝倾 邮蒯 %.0f 2+醚( 6*滢厣 轻沐茄) -47 ASSASSIN 媲柔 沅 轻糜邈 谇蛰 渝沩 炮涨 渝沩 秘徂 谙 渝倾 卺 谙 泌锨 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 轻逑 轻棉侦 %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 渝 淝 渝 阃艳 渝 淝秧 迷卺 轻渝 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 逄驺 淝 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 轻阍 轻媲于 轻屋磔 友碲 闼 轻秧 友谏 裴迩砩 屋 沅 嬉溥 崾释堰 扔掩 邮咽葳 友谏 轻释堰 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 友谏 轻释堰 +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 劁礓 谔嵘 涨焰 娩 友碲 闼 轻涨焰 逄驺 盼恃寝 捩 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 渝 忧 渝 忧 滔丘 渝 耷梳 畔邃 轻渝 扔 捩 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 香 轻逑 逄驺 忧 阖驷 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 菅丈 轻视沣 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 盅壬 谜融 盅壬 谜融 颓艳 配萏茄 孺怯厣 轻钦融 驷 配萏茄 呷硌 沅 吾轻 秘亚 轻谜侨 逄驺 盼恃寝 侍清 陷勤 轻握 颓菀 轻羞橇 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 菅丈 侍清 陷勤 轻握 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 湘倾 输礓 湘倾 炮涨 湘倾 秧峭 视热 认媲闵 勤涨秧 唔 输收 卺 泌锨吝 侵亚 呷硌 禹抒 侍清 逖嫒 轻握 颓菀 轻羞橇 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 菅丈 侍清 逖嫒 轻握 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 暂焉 阌玩焉 禹 阌玩 暂焉 匀 体 暂咽 仍韧 捩 邮翼 揄闵 轻逄驺 颓菀 轻羞橇 友奚 晚巧 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 抒 翼窍 轻弥亚 %.0f%% 裴 滢秦 晚鞘 10*k -64 SURA 捂 捂 呷硌 幂亿 胖谇 捩 轻谙 兽犴 轻谙 翼窍 菅 轻谙 蓓 俏厍 轻逑 授汜 阡香 适谘 崤涨壬 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 揄闵 逄驺 轻谙 -%.0f-%.0f 5 + 20*SkillPoint 菅丈 容葬 逄驺 轻谙 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 涎 阌玩 涎 猛愉 阌玩 涎 轻籴倾 峭沩 逃线 认掩 轻籴倾 桃 沅 轻弥亚 禹溱哂 卺 轻沐翘 释禹 轻陷勤 颓菀 轻羞橇 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 陷勤 (iq+30)*k 菅丈 配谶怯 轻逄驺 轻逃享 %.0f%% k*(10+4/iq -66 SURA 葸 轻油 葸 油 捩 逄驺 葸 轻油 乓轻 阌勤仙 轻谙 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 禹抒 乓轻 阌勤仙 轻谙 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 菅丈 葸 轻油 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 盅壬 籴倾砩 盅壬 籴倾砩 捩砩 逄驺 糜嫦 茄沩 绒嫔 籴倾砩 唔 侍淹 轻泌锨 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 闾沔 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 盅壬 淝秧 盅壬 颓艳 配萏茄 淝秧 磐艳 泌锨七 扰漭糖 侵亚 呷硌 逄驺 淝秧 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧 %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 匀 淝 恃钦 淝秧 配萏茄 淝秧 驷 匀 轻淝 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逑 谠媲祈 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 揄闵 轻逄驺 轻油秧 %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 豌琼 籴倾砩 墼橇 籴倾 豌琼 禹 轻籴倾 释沩 阙 轻捩 轻籴倾砩 媸玩 轻弥亚 轻逃享 轻 滢秦 捩 邮兽嵴 侵亚 轻油 释峪 轻陷勤 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 兽犴 轻弥亚 (iq*0.84)*k 陷勤 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 逄驺 迷惹 爿翘 逄驺 醚媲 爿翘 逄驺 迷惹 叛 让匀峭 籴倾砩 崽淹 轻泌锨 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 卿邈 碚韧驿 萌亓 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 闾沔 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 菅丈 饰蓓 轻友谏: %.1f%% (333+ (300* k))/10 -81 SURA 吞 籴倾 哐 籴倾砩 闾轻 籴倾 茄沩 冗焉 籴倾砩 唔 侍淹 轻泌锨 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 逄驺 卺 谙 缅锨 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 闾沔 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 梳鱼 厍蒲 雁砩 薯滗 雁砩 谫磴 茄沩 梳鱼 唔 侍淹 轻泌锨 逄驺 融硐 轻阆 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 捩 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 咆崆 轻淝 卺 轻输礓 轻输礓 轻逄驺 轻输礓 轻阃徂 秘徂 轻淝 卺 抒饲 轻输礓 褪 叔翘 轻泌智 逄驺 盼恃寝 盅 淝秧 锨沏 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 捩 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 菅丈 淝 锨沏: %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 移硌 输礓 昭紊 输礓 冗橇 输礓 迩蹄 轻泌锨 仁闼轻 输礓 侵亚 呷硌 盅 淝秧 锨沏 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 闾沔 轻逄驺 轻油秧: %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 菅丈 淝 锨沏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 妊呱 滔茄 鱼瞧 妊呱 输礓 峭沩 匝磉 面 漭舆 沅 吾轻 锨蒲 豌琼 戕擎闵 轻逄驺 轻逃享 磴咪 轻庞授闱 沅 奕 泌智 轻闾沔谏 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 戕擎闵 轻逄驺 轻逃享: %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 配谶怯 沩清 卿谶怯砩 阊律 姨翘砩 峭沩 匝磉 面 漭舆 沅 吾轻 轻卿谶怯 轻逄驺 轻逃享 渔 礓谶 磴咪 轻庞授闱 沅 奕 泌智 轻闾沔谏 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 菅丈 轻逄驺 轻逃享 後娩谶怯 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 阌勤仙 轻输礓 阌卿仙 轻输礓 捩 轻输礓 捩 逄驺 面 逄驺 匝磉 邮翼 菅丈 轻盅 轻阃烟 磴咪 轻庞授闱 沅 奕 泌智 轻闾沔谏 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 菅丈 逄驺 耷梳: %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/ae/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d66d9871..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ae/ui/buildguildbuildingwindow.py b/bin_original/locale/ae/ui/buildguildbuildingwindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index e8738eec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ae/ui/buildguildbuildingwindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,346 +0,0 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153600 1664000 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 665600 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 716800 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 768000 230400 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 742400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1100800 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2 819200 1152000 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2 -metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8 -Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead 1024000 1664000 6 6 -metin2_map_Mt_Thunder 1126400 1510400 4 6 -metin2_map_dawnmistwood 1177600 1664000 7 4 -metin2_map_BayBlackSand 1049600 1510400 3 6 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/GuildBuildingList.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/GuildBuildingList.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 24872dd6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/GuildBuildingList.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65541 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ???? -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso manufatura, fabrica -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,25/90012,30 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan Oficina [Armas] -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan Oficina [Armaduras] -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan Oficina [Acess髍ios] -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu Quartel General -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 90010,30/90011,35/90012,35 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang local p/ treinamento -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Diamante] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [耺bar] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [F髎sil] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Cobre] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Prata] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Ouro] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Jade] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [蒪ano] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [P閞ola] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Ouro Branco] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Cristal] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [Ametista] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Fornalha [羐ata] -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 Altar do Poder -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 Altar do Poder -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 Altar do Poder -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse Centro -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner Muro -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin Muro -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 Muro -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door Port鉶 -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set Muro -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse Centro -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner Muro -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin Muro -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 Muro -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door Port鉶 -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set Muro -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse Centro -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner Muro -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin Muro -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 Muro -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door Port鉶 -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set Muro -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 Torre de Guarda -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,35 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 Muro de Madeira -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 Muro de Madeira -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 Muro de Madeira -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 Port鉶 de Madeira -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 90010,5/90011,20/90012,20 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set Muro -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol Emblema da Guilda -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 淬厘措巩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 淬厘缔寒 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 淬厘哭寒 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 淬厘坷弗寒 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 Pedra -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 Pedra -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 Pedra -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 Pedra -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 Pedra -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 Pedra -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 Pedra -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 Pedra -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 Pedra -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 Pedra -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 羠vore 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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feminino de casamento. - -22000 Pergaminho de Retorno a Vila Teleporte para o vilarejo. -22010 Pergaminho de Retorno Teleporte para o local marcado. - -25040 Pergaminho da Ben玢o O item n鉶 quebra caso ocorra falha no refinamento, por閙 diminui um n韛el. -25041 metal m醙ico Com a ajuda do Ferreiro, tranforma o Pergaminho da Paz no Pergaminho do Drag鉶. - -25100 pergaminho da pedra espiritual Remove as Gemas dos Slots do acess髍io. - -27600 Fogueira Use para cozinhar peixes. -27610 Manual de Pesca Aumenta em 2% a chance de pescar um peixe melhor. -27620 Pesca Ilustrada Livro contendo uma vasta informa玢o sobre Peixes, te ajuda a ter maior sucesso em sua pescaria. - -27799 Espinha de Peixe Carca鏰 de peixe, serve como isca. -27800 Isca de Bolinho de Arroz Os peixes n鉶 resistem a essa isca. -27801 Minhoca Comida preferida dos peixes. -27802 Isca de Peixe Um pequeno peixe usado para fisgar maiores. - -27803 Crucian Est鉶 por toda parte, f醕il de capturar. -27804 Peixe Mandarin Peixe delicioso. -27805 Crucian Grande Eles s鉶 grandes. -27806 Carpa Eles s鉶 razoavelmente raros. -27807 Salm鉶 O sashimi de salm鉶 muito popular no Jap鉶. -27808 Carpa Capim S aparecem em algumas 閜ocas do ano. -27809 Truta Ribeirinha Eles geralmente s鉶 encontrados nas margens superiores dos rios. -27810 Enguia Eles s鉶 muito nutritivos. -27811 Truta Arco-蛂is Os seus corpos s鉶 brilhantes como o arco-韗is. -27812 Truta de Rio Eles s鉶 encontrados nos rios. -27813 Escardin -27814 Perca As pessoas o chamam de drag鉶 dos rios. -27815 Tinca Eles vivem em 醙uas claras. -27816 Peixe-Gato As pessoas adoram a sua sopa. -27817 B髏ia Um peixe liso, dif韈il de capturar. -27818 Peixe L髏us Animal de h醔ito on韛oro. -27819 Peixe Doce Pode ser encontrado nos oceanos. -27820 Peixe Rei Pode ser encontrados nos rios gelados. -27821 Shiri Um peixe muito bonito. -27822 Carpa Espelhada Apreciado por n鉶 conter muitos espinhos. -27823 Crucian Dourado A cor de seu corpo dourada como ouro. - -27833 Crucian Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27834 Peixe Mandarin Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27835 Crucian Grande Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27836 Carpa Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27837 Salm鉶 Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27838 Carpa Capim Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27839 Truta Ribeirinha Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27840 Enguia Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27841 Truta Arco-蛂is Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27842 Truta de Rio Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27843 Escardin Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27844 Perca Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27845 Tinca Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27846 Peixe-Gato Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27847 B髏ia Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27848 Peixe L髏us Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27849 Peixe Doce Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27850 Peixe Rei Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27851 Shiri Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27852 Carpa Espelhada Crua Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. -27853 Crucian Dourado Cru Pode ser preparado em uma fogueira. - -27863 Crucian Grelhado Recupera 180 HP -27864 Peixe Mandarin Grelhado Recupera 180 MP -27865 Crucian Grande Grelhado Recupera 350 HP -27866 Carpa Grelhada Aumenta a velocidade de Movimento em 20% por 10 minutos. -27867 Salm鉶 Grelhado Recupera 350 MP -27868 Carpa Capim Grelhada Aumenta a velocidade de ataque em 20% por 10 minutos. -27869 Truta Ribeirinha Grelhada Recupera 600 HP -27870 Enguia Grelhada Aumenta sua For鏰 em 10 pontos por 10 minutos. -27871 Truta Arco-Iris Grelhada Recupera 600 MP -27872 Truta de Rio Grelhada Recupera 230 MP instantaneamente. -27873 Escardin Grelhado Aumenta sua Agilidade em 10 pontos por 10 minutos. -27874 Perca Grelhada Retira feiti鏾s negativos do seu personagem. -27875 Tinca Grelhada Recupera 230 HP instantaneamente. -27876 Peixe-Gato Grelhado Recupera 500 MP instantaneamente. -27877 B髏ia Grelhada Invisibilidade por 5 minutos. -27878 Peixe L髏us Grelhado Recupera 500 HP instantaneamente. -27879 Peixe Doce Grelhado . -27880 Peixe Rei Grelhado . -27881 Shiri Grelhado . -27882 Carpa Espelhada Grelhada . -27883 Crucian Dourado Grelhado . - -27987 Marisco Chance de encontrar uma p閞ola em seu interior. -27988 Mapa do Tesouro Antigo mapa do tesouro. -27989 Detector de Gemas Detecta a localiza玢o das Gemas. -27990 Lasca de Pedra -27991 Gema D'醙ua -27992 P閞ola Branca J骾a -27993 P閞ola Azul J骾a -27994 P閞ola Escarlate J骾a -27995 Garrafa Vazia Garrafa vazia. -27996 Garrafa de Veneno Veneno muito forte, n鉶 pode beber. -27997 Esfera Vital Recupera completamente o HP. -27998 Bolsa de Alquimia Cont閙 uma receita de alquim韆. -27999 Bolsa de Gemas Bolsa de Gemas. - - -29001 Vieira -29002 Vieira Azul -29003 Vieira Amarela -29004 Vieira Vermelha -29005 Vieira Verde -29006 T醨taro Amarelo -29007 T醨taro Amarelo Escuro -29006 T醨taro Azul -29007 T醨taro Azul Escuro -29008 羐ua Benta Azul -29009 羐ua Benta Ouro -29010 羐ua Benta Rubra -29011 羐ua Benta Verde -29012 羐ua Benta Azul Fraco -29013 Agua Benta Ouro Fraco -29014 羐ua Benta Rubra Fraco -29015 羐ua Benta Verde Fraco -29012 羐ua Benta Azul Forte -29013 Agua Benta Ouro Forte -29014 羐ua Benta Rubra Forte -29015 羐ua Benta Verde Forte - -30000 Cevada Alimento b醩ico, pode ser utilizado para a fabrica玢o de bebidas. -30001 Carta Carta enviada para algu閙. -30002 Salsicha Frita Comida apimentada. -30003 Focinho de Porco Dizem que pode trazer sorte (usado para refina玢o). -30004 Presa de Javali Bastante resistente (usado para refina玢o). -30005 Lasca de Armadura Lasca retirada de uma armadura antiga (usado para refina玢o). -30006 Dente de Orc Dente de Orc, est bem desgastado (usado para refina玢o). -30007 Amuleto Orc Dizem que esse amuleto aumenta a for鏰 dos Orcs (usado para refina玢o). -30008 Dogmas do Culto Secreto Documento de inicia玢o sobre o Culto Secreto (usado para refina玢o). -30009 Rem閐io Desconhecido Medicamento com ingrediente desconhecido (usado para refina玢o). -30010 B韑is de Urso Dizem que pode curar as pessoas que perderam o paladar (usado para refina玢o). -30011 Novelo Uma bola feita de fibras vegetais. -30012 Garrafa de Vinho Garrafa que exala um delicioso aroma de vinho. -30013 Jarro de Bebida Usado para servir bebidas. -30014 P阬o de Yeti Grande prote玢o contra o frio por pertencer aos lend醨ios Yetis (usado para refina玢o). -30015 Lembran鏰 Demon韆ca Cuidado, diz a lenda que quem o possui pode ter muito azar (usado para refina玢o). -30016 Gema Demon韆ca Uma Gema perigosa, guarda dentro dela esp韗itos malignos (usado para refina玢o). -30017 Presilha Ornamental Usada para prender cabelos (usado para refina玢o). -30018 La鏾 Vermelho Muito comum para decorar cabelos com rabo-de-cavalo (usado para refina玢o). -30019 Cachos-Flamejantes Pode ser usado para a confec玢o de roupas, lhe aquece e ameniza o inverno (usado para refina玢o). -30020 Avel Usada antigamente para tratamentos de beleza. -30021 Peda鏾 de Gema Um peda鏾 de Gema misterioso, em formato de castanha (usado para refina玢o). -30022 Cauda de Cobra Cauda de serpente, faz um barulho peculiar (usado para refina玢o). -30023 Listras de Tigre Branco Essa pele de animal muito popular, usada como adorno (usado para refina玢o). -30024 Rabo de Cavalo Pode ser utilizado para se fazer pinc閕s e chap閡s. -30025 Bolsa Venenosa de Aranha Bolsa interna onde as aranhas guardam seu poderoso veneno (usado para refina玢o). -30026 Intestino de Lobo Ingrediente usado na fabrica玢o de um tipo muito popular de ling黫鏰 no oriente (usado para refina玢o). -30027 P阬o de Lobo Utilizado na fabrica玢o de escovas para cabelo (usado para refina玢o). -30028 Garra de Lobo Extremamente afiada, usada como ornamento (usado para refina玢o). -30029 F韌ado de Lobo Ingrediente usado na fabrica玢o de um tipo muito popular de ling黫鏰 no oriente (usado para refina玢o). -30030 L鈓ina Enferrujada L鈓ina muito antiga, enferrujada com o tempo (usado para refina玢o). -30031 Brinquedo Antigo brinquedo para meninas, tamb閙 usado como ornamento (usado para refina玢o). -30032 Uniforme Antigo Antigo uniforme negro para realiza玢o de artes marciais, desgastado com o tempo (usado para refina玢o). -30033 Porcelana Quebrada Um peda鏾 de um antigo vaso chin阺 quebrado (usado para refina玢o). -30034 La鏾s Brancos Muito comum para decorar cabelos com rabo-de-cavalo (usado para refina玢o). -30035 Creme Facial Uma antiga receita de cosm閠ico, muito apreciado pelas mulheres (usado para refina玢o). -30036 Erva M韘tica Dizem que esta erva possui um efeito m韘tico (usado para refina玢o). -30037 Garra de Tigre Usado com orgulho pelos ca鏰dores que abatem um tigre (usado para refina玢o). -30038 Listras de Tigre Essa pele de animal muito popular, usada como adorno (usado para refina玢o). -30039 Peda鏾 de Tecido Um peda鏾 de tecido retirado de alguma vestimenta, tamb閙 usado para cobrir ferimentos em soldados (usado para refina玢o). -30040 Folha Uma folha nova de uma 醨vore desconhecida (usado para refina玢o). -30041 Shuriken Arremessado corretamente, pode ser fatal (usado para refina玢o). -30042 Presas de Tigre Lutador Presa de tigre, extremamente afiada (usado para refina玢o). -30043 Feij鉶 Rico em proteinas, esse gr鉶 pode ser cozinhado e delicioso. -30044 Argila Tipo de barro usado na fabrica玢o de vasos chineses. -30045 Ferr鉶 de Escorpi鉶 Atrav閟 do ferr鉶 o escorpi鉶 aplica seu veneno em suas v韙imas (usado para refina玢o). -30046 Cauda de Escorpi鉶 onde o escorpi鉶 guarda todo o veneno (usado para refina玢o). -0 Livro de Maldi珲es Antigo livro com linguas perdidas e simbolos que dizem ensinar maldi珲es (usado para refina玢o). -30048 Fragmento de Gelo Um peda鏾 de gelo que esfria o ar at mesmo no mais quente ver鉶 (usado para refina玢o). -30049 Chifre de Orca do Gelo Famosa ferramenta de esculpir (usado para refina玢o). -30050 Esfera de Gelo Feito de gelo, possu uma propriedade m醙ica que lhe impede de derreter (usado para refina玢o). -30051 Talism Desconhecido Antigo talism, somente o Lider dos Fan醫icos pode usar seu poder (usado para refina玢o). -30052 Bandeira Bandeira usada pelos selvagens em suas guerras (usado para refina玢o). -30053 Pata de Urso Dizem que um ingrediente para cozinhar extremamente saboroso (usado para refina玢o). -30054 Anel Precioso Um anel feito de ouro. -30055 Garra de Escorpi鉶 As pin鏰s de ataque do escorpiam, s鉶 muito afiadas (usado para refina玢o). -30056 Teia de Aranha Material extremamente resistente, lan鏰do pelas aranhas para locomo玢o ou captura (usado para refina玢o). -30057 Olhos de Aranha Apesar de pequenos eram muito desejados por colecionadores (usado para refina玢o). -30058 Bolsa de Ovos de Aranha usado por mulheres supersticiosas que desejam ter um filho logo (usado para refina玢o). -30059 Patas de Aranha Cheias de p阬os de aranha, agem como um talism (usado para refina玢o). -30060 L韓gua de Sapo Comprida e pegajosa (usado para refina玢o). -30061 Pata de Sapo Um ingrediente muito raro para pratos ex髏icos (usado para refina玢o). -30062 Frasco de Rem閐io Onde se guardam os rem閐ios vendidos pelos alquimistas (usado para refina玢o). -30063 Rem閐io de Pele Medicamento para problemas de pele (usado para refina玢o). -30064 Pedra Afiada Ferramenta antiga para se fabricar flechas (usado para refina玢o). -30065 Sino Tem o som bem agudo de um pequeno sino. -30066 Pimenta Pimenta bem forte (usado para refina玢o). -30067 Pele de Cobra Pele retirada da cobra, gelada e male醰el (usado para refina玢o). -30068 Carne de Soja Feito de tofu (queijo de soja). -30069 Garra de Lobo Anci鉶 Extremamente afiada, usada como ornamento (usado para refina玢o). -30070 P阬o de Lobo Anci鉶 Utilizado na fabrica玢o de escovas para cabelo (usado para refina玢o). -30071 B韑is de Urso Dizem que com ele pode-se recuperar a vis鉶 de um cego (necess醨io refinar) -30072 Pata de Urso+ Um 韙em procurad韘simo, por ser um alimento que proporciona alta resist阯cia (necess醨io refinar) -30073 La鏾s Brancos+ La鏾 utilizado para tran鏰r o cabelo.(necess醨io refinar) -30074 Uniforme Antigo+ vestimenta utilizada pelas guildas (X). Parece desgastado (necess醨io refinar) -30075 Shuriken+ Arma de arremesso, utilizado para ataques silenciosos (necess醨io refinar) -30076 Amuleto Orc+ -30077 Dente de Orc+ -30078 Dogmas do Culto Secreto+ Documento para iniciante contendo as dogmas da Religi鉶 Secreta (Necessita refina玢o) -30079 Talism Desconhecido+ Talism com uma inscri玢o. Apenas os membros da Religi鉶 Secreta poder鉶 reconhecer. (necess醨io refinar) -30080 Livro de Maldi珲es+ Livro da Religi鉶 Secreta utilizado para amaldi鏾ar o oponente. (necess醨io refinar) -30081 Rabo de Escorpi鉶+ Rabo de Escorpi鉶. Dizem que possui veneno. (necess醨io refinar) -30082 Rabo de Cobra+ Rabo de Cobra. Faz barulho ao chacoalhar. (necess醨io refinar) -30083 Rem閐io Desconhecido+ Rem閐io de composi玢o desconhecida, uma esfera feita de gelo que n鉶 derrete mesmo com intenso calor (necess醨io refinar) -30084 Talism Desconhecido+ Talism contendo alguma inscri玢o. Apenas os membros da Religi鉶 Secreta poder reconhecer. (Necessita refina玢o) -30085 Peda鏾 de Tecido+ -30086 Lembran鏰 Demon韆ca+ Ir atrair o azar. -30087 Gema Demon韆ca+ -30088 Fragmento de Gelo+ -30089 P阬o de Yeti+ -30090 Esfera de Gelo+ -30091 S韒bolo do Guerreiro Somente os guerreiros lend醨ios possuem (usado para refina玢o). -30092 Tesouro Selvagem Recompensa pela vit髍ia sobre os selvagens (usado para refina玢o). - -30129 Informa玢o Secreta Documento que cont閙 instru珲es secretas do ex閞cito. -30130 Garrafa Vazia Pode ser usada para guardar v醨ios tipos de l韖uido. -30131 Carta do Ferreiro Carta com instru珲es do Ferreiro para o Lenhador. -30132 Livro do S醔io O livro favorito do s醔io, cont閙 informa珲es sobre a cultura oriental. -30133 Sapatos do Vendedor Um sapato bonito e novo. -30134 Sacola do S醔io Sacola onde o S醔io guarda v醨ios livros. -30135 Carta da Ariyoung Uma carta destinada a Ariyoung. - -30136 Arco Dourado Lend醨io arco m韘tico, desejado por todos os ca鏰dores. -30137 Sangue de Macaco Sangue extra韉o de um macaco, tem um cheiro forte e azedo. -30138 Plasticina Material ilegal encontrado nos desertos, tem propriedades medicinais. -30139 Dente Maligno Usado como material para acess髍ios, esse pequeno dente tem um cheiro muito ruim. -30140 Linha Material para fabrica玢o de roupas, as deixando mais resistentes. -30141 Pedra Material Material para fabrica玢o de j骾as. -30142 Carta Uma carta selada com algo escrito. Os mais curiosos podem querer ler seu conte鷇o. -30143 Erva Medicinal Utilizada como rem閐io contra v醨ias doen鏰s. -30144 F韌ado de Tigre Dizem que, se preparado corretamente, pode melhorar a Resist阯cia de quem o consome. -30145 Erva de Balso O medicamento para os p閟 do Balso, o traidor. -30146 Gelo Um peda鏾 de gelo normalmente usado para criar sobremesas. -30147 Princ韕ios Fan醫icos Livro com detalhes dos dogmas do Culto Secreto. -30148 S韒bolo Fan醫ico Simb髄o que marca os cultistas Fan醫icos. -30149 Raspas de Gelo As comidas feitas com as raspas de gelo e alguns ingredientes fornecem um sabor refrescante no ver鉶 -30150 Folha de Antigo Di醨io P醙ina de um antigo di醨io com anota珲es de coordenadas. -30151 Felpa de Lobo Corte de pelo macio de lobo, usado para a fabrica玢o de espanadores. -30152 Po玢o de Zumbi Dizem possuir propriedades de cura para doen鏰s desconhecidas. N鉶 teve ainda sua efic醕ia comprovada. -30153 Flor Possui um odor agrad醰el. -30154 Sutra Fan醫ico Anota珲es sobre como derrotar um Fan醫ico Lider. -30155 Pingente da Mirine Pode ser usado como um pingente para colar. Na parte de dentro est escrito o nome Mirine. -30156 Estudo do Culto Secreto V醨ias anota珲es sobre o Culto Secreto, sua forma玢o, seus principios e sua hist髍ia. - . -30093 Bolsa da Sorte Uma Bolsa de Seda que parece conter objetos valiosos -30094 Bolsa da Sorte Uma Bolsa de Seda que parece conter objetos valiosos -30095 Bolsa da Sorte Uma Bolsa de Seda que parece conter objetos valiosos -30096 Bolsa da Sorte Uma Bolsa de Seda que parece conter objetos valiosos - . -30210 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30211 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30212 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30213 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30214 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30215 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30216 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30217 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30218 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. -30219 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Peda鏾 de Pedra, parece azulado quando recebe um feixe de luz. - -30220 Pedra da Alma Orc Pedra lend醨ia. Dizem que cont閙 a alma de um Orc. -30221 Pedra da Alma Fan醫ica Pedra lend醨ia. Dizem que cont閙 a alma de um Fan醫ico. -30222 Pedra da Alma Demon韆ca Pedra lend醨ia. Dizem que cont閙 a alma de um Dem鬾io. -30223 Pedra da Alma Gelada Pedra lend醨ia. Dizem que cont閙 a alma de um monstro do Gelo. -30224 Pedra da Alma Fantasma Pedra lend醨ia. Dizem que cont閙 a alma de um Fantasma. -30225 Pedra da Alma Gigante Pedra lend醨ia. Dizem que cont閙 a alma de um Gigante. -30265 Fragmento da Medalha (A) 1 fragmento de 5 partes. -30266 Fragmento da Medalha (B) 1 fragmento de 5 partes. -30267 Fragmento da Medalha (C) 1 fragmento de 5 partes. -30268 Fragmento da Medalha (D) 1 fragmento de 5 partes. -30269 Fragmento da Medalha (E) 1 fragmento de 5 partes. - -30311 Chave infernal Arraste a chave infernal para a pedra infernar antes que termine o tempo. A chave sumir ap髎 o tempo restante esgotar. -30315 P鉶 de Rosca P鉶 feito com cevada fresca. Parece muito atraente, com um aroma distinto decorrente da semente de gergelim polvilhada por cima. -30316 Prato para P鉫s Prato usado para p鉫s. -30317 Prato de P鉫s de Rosca Um belo prato servindo deliciosos p鉫s de rosca. Embora seja muito apetitoso, eu prefiro dar a algu閙 que precise do que comer sozinho. -30318 Figo A fruta sem flor. Sabor como nenhum antes provado, uma rara mercadoria dif韈il de encontrar no imp閞io. Dizem que pode trazer grande sorte. - -30321 Ab骲ora O Sr.Jack perdeu suas Ab骲oras M醙icas. Ele ficara muito feliz se voc devolv-las.| Ou n鉶... -30322 Varinha M醙ica Tenha em m鉶s uma Ab骲ora e esta Varinha M醙ica. Veja a m醙ica acontecer! -30323 Cupom Mascara de abobora Oh! Jack ficara feliz em trocar esse cupom por um m醩cara igualzinha a dele! - -31001 Informa玢o do T鷐ulo Inscri玢o no t鷐ulo sobre a origem da Na玢o da Escurid鉶. -31002 Documento Antigo Documento sobre a Na玢o da Escurid鉶. -31003 Ant韉oto Ant韉oto usado como cura para veneno de dem鬾io. -31004 Seiva Sagrada Seiva de uma 醨vore sagrada, preenchida com energia da terra. -31005 Cristal Azul Cristal t鉶 gelado quanto a montanha Sohan e t鉶 fanstamag髍ico quanto o Nove Caudas. -31006 Cristal Vermelho Cristal vermelho que n鉶 derrete nem mesmo sob as mais fortes temperaturas. -31007 Solo Vermelho Solo vermelho escuro do campo Doyama. -31008 L醙rima do Para韘o Padra com poder sagrado. Emite um poder incr韛e. - - - -41005 Uniforme de Esgrima Padr鉶 Uniforme Padr鉷 usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41006 Uniforme de Esgrima Padr鉶 Uniforme Padr鉶 usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41011 Uniforme de Esgrima Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41012 Uniforme de Esgrima Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41013 Uniforme de Futebol Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41014 Uniforme de Futebol Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41019 Uniforme de Futebol Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41020 Uniforme de Futebol Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41021 Uniforme de Boxe Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. -41022 Uniforme de Boxe Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. -41027 Uniforme de Boxe Brasileiro Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. -41028 Uniforme de Boxe Brasileiro Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. -41031 Uniforme de Esgrima Padr鉶 Uniforme Padr鉷 usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41032 Uniforme de Esgrima Padr鉶 Uniforme Padr鉶 usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41037 Uniforme de Esgrima Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41038 Uniforme de Esgrima Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treino de compate com espadas n韛el avan鏰do. -41039 Uniforme de Futebol Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41040 Uniforme de Futebol Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41045 Uniforme de Futebol Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41046 Uniforme de Futebol Brasileiro Uniforme usado para treinos de Futebol. -41047 Uniforme de Boxe Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. -41048 Uniforme de Boxe Padr鉶 Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. -41053 Uniforme de Boxe Brasileiro Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. -41054 Uniforme de Boxe Brasileiro Uniforme usado para combates agressivos com os bra鏾s. - -45005 Visual de Esgrima Pentado masculino geralmente usado para apresenta珲es de esgrima. -45006 Visual de Esgrima Pentado feminino geralmente usado para apresenta珲es de esgrima. -45007 Visual Esportista 趌tima moda de estilo de visual para cabelos de esportistas de Futebol. -45008 Visual Esportista 趌tima moda de estilo de visual para cabelos de esportistas de Futebol. -45009 Visual tran鏰do Muito eficaz para lutadores de boxe! O visual tran鏰do n鉶 deixa o cabelo tampar a vis鉶 do lutador. -45010 Visual tran鏰do Muito eficaz para lutadores de boxe! O visual tran鏰do n鉶 deixa o cabelo tampar a vis鉶 do lutador. -45013 Visual de Esgrima Pentado masculino geralmente usado para apresenta珲es de esgrima. -45014 Visual de Esgrima Pentado feminino geralmente usado para apresenta珲es de esgrima. -45015 Visual Esportista 趌tima moda de estilo de visual para cabelos de esportistas de Futebol. -45016 Visual Esportista 趌tima moda de estilo de visual para cabelos de esportistas de Futebol. -45017 Visual tran鏰do Muito eficaz para lutadores de boxe! O visual tran鏰do n鉶 deixa o cabelo tampar a vis鉶 do lutador. -45018 Visual tran鏰do Muito eficaz para lutadores de boxe! O visual tran鏰do n鉶 deixa o cabelo tampar a vis鉶 do lutador. - - -50001 Livro da Sorte O n鷐ero escrito no livro pode ser premiado. -50002 Anel de Ouro Algu閙 perdeu esse anel, ele pode ser vendido por um bom pre鏾 em alguma loja da cidade. -50003 Pergaminho do Rein韈io Reinicia uma Skill escolhida pelo jogador. -50004 Detector de Eventos -50005 Bilhete de Cavalgada usado para uma cavalgada tempor醨ia, sem custos. Procure o Ajudante do Est醔ulo. - -50006 Arca de Ouro Guarda recompensas. Pode ser aberta somente com a Chave de Ouro. -50007 Arca de Prata Guarda recompensas. Pode ser aberta somente com a Chave de Prata. -50008 Chave de Ouro Chave usada para abrir a Arca de Ouro e Arca de Ouro Sagrada. -50009 Chave de Prata Chave usada para abrir a Arca de Prata e Arca de Prata Sagrada. - -50010 Meias A tradi玢o manda pendurar numa 醨vore e seus desejos podem se realizar. - -50011 Arca do Luar Dizem que ir ocorrer um fenomeno sobrenatural se exposta aos raios da lua. - -50012 Arca de Ouro Sagrada Guarda recompensas. Pode ser aberta somente com a Chave de Ouro. -50013 Arca de Prata Sagrada Guarda recompensas. Pode ser aberta somente com a Chave de Prata. - -50016 Pasta de Feij鉶 Alimento tradicional em dias festivos e feriados. -50017 Caramelo Alimento tradicional em dias festivos e feriados. -50018 Gel閕a Alimento tradicional em dias festivos e feriados. -50019 Doce de Arroz Alimento tradicional em dias festivos e feriados. -50020 Bolinho de Feij鉶 Alimento tradicional em dias festivos e feriados, recupera todo o HP. -50021 Bolo Doce Alimento tradicional em dias festivos e feriados, recupera todo o MP. -50022 Bolo de Frutas Alimento tradicional em dias festivos e feriados, retira feiti鏾s negativos quando consumido. - -50023 Carteira Vermelha Lembran鏰 do Ano Novo Chin阺. - -50024 Rosa Item do Dia dos Namorados, somente personagens femininos podem utilizar. -50025 Chocolate Item do Dia dos Namorados, somente personagens masculinos podem utilizar. - -50027 Bilhete de Loteria A loteria foi proib韉a em todo o Imp閞io. Item sem utilidade atualmente. -50031 Rosa Perfumada Flor que simboliza paix鉶, amor e felicidade. Muito utilizado para transmitir o amor entre quem se gosta. -50032 Doce Confeitado a partir de diversos ingredientes misturados com a琥car. Muito utilizado para transmitir o amor entre quem se gosta. -50033 Caixa Misteriosa O conte鷇o do ba desconhecido. - -50034 Caixa Enigm醫ica Segundo antigas f醔ulas, essas caixas, quando abertas, prop鮡 uma pergunta ao seu dono. Se a resposta for incorreta uma terr韛el maldi玢o pode acontecer. -50035 Presente das Crian鏰s dado para algu閙 que se gosta muito. Cont閙 um presente. -50036 Presente das Crian鏰s dado para algu閙 que se gosta muito. Cont閙 um presente. -50037 Arca Hexagonal Ba recheado com presentes e tesouros. - -50070 Tesouro do Chefe Orc Ba de tesouros do Chefe Orc. -50071 Tesouro do Fan醫ico Ba de tesouros do Lider Fan醫ico. -50072 Tesouro do Reencarnado Ba de tesouros do Lider Fan醫ico reencarnado. -50073 Tesouro da Aranha Rainha Ba de tesouros da Aranha Rainha. -50074 Tesouro da Aranha Ba de tesouros do Aranha Gigante. -50075 Tesouro do Gigante Ba de tesouros do Gigante. -50076 Tesouro da Tartaruga Ba de tesouros do Tartaruga Gigante. -50077 Tesouro do Nove Caudas Ba de tesouros do Nove Caudas. -50078 Tesouro do Tigre Amarelo Ba de tesouros do Tigre Amarelo. -50079 Tesouro do Rei de Fogo Ba de tesouros do Rei de Fogo. -50080 Tesouro do Drag鉶 Ba de tesouros do Drag鉶 Vermelho. -50081 Tesouro do Rei Dem鬾io Ba de tesouros do Rei Dem鬾io. -50082 Tesouro do Ceifador Ba de tesouros do Ceifador. - -50050 Medalha Equestre Medalha que era usada como um certificado pelos Oficiais do Governo solicitando cavalos para viajar para cidades distantes. -50051 Espada Equestre Evoca o Ponei. Ele aumenta sua velocidade de movimento. -50052 Bras鉶 Cavalo Armado Evoca o Cavalo Armado. Ele aumenta sua velocidade de movimento e possibilita ataque montado. -50053 Bras鉶 Cavalo Militar Evoca o Cavalo Militar. Ele aumenta sua velocidade de movimento, possibilita ataque montado e o uso de skills de ataque montado. -50054 Feno A comida favorita do Ponei. -50055 Cenoura A comida favorita do Cavalo Armado. -50056 Ginseng Vermelho A comida favorita do Cavalo Militar. -50057 Erva da Gruta Sujin Revive o Ponei. -50058 Erva da Gruta Honobo Revive o Cavalo Armado. -50059 Erva da Gruta Joklor Revive o Cavalo Militar. -50060 Manual de Montaria Aumenta 1 ponto na Skil Montaria. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez e requer level 50+ - -50083 Bilhete de Cavalgada Apresentando ao Ajudante do Est醔ulo, poder usar um cavalo por tempo limitado, sem precisar pagar. - -50084 Pedra do Destravamento Item utilizado para remover o selo m醙ico de uma pedra selada pelo antigo poder - -50091 Sushi de Crucian Bolinho de arroz com peixe. Possui um cheiro bem caracter韘tico, um pouco dif韈il de comer -50092 Sushi de Carpa Bolinho de arroz com Carpa. Possui um cheiro bem caracter韘tico, um pouco dif韈il de comer -50093 Sushi de Salm鉶 Bolinho de arroz com Salm鉶, t鉶 bonito que d d de comer. A cor avermelhada ati鏰 os sentidos. -50094 Sushi de Peixe-Gato Bolinho de arroz com peixe-gato. Para tirar o cheiro de lama utilizam-se diversos condimentos. - -50100 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de Artif韈io utilizado em festas (Violeta) -50101 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de Artif韈io utilizado em festas (Amarelo) -50102 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de Artif韈io utilizado em festas (Azul Celeste) -50103 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de Artif韈io utilizado em festas (Vermelho em forma de Pi鉶) -50104 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de Artif韈io utilizado em festas (Verde em forma de Pi鉶) -50105 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de Artif韈io utilizado em festas (Branco em forma de Pi鉶) - -50106 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de artif韈io barulhentos. -50108 Brinquedo Antigo Um antigo brinquedo, muito popular entre as crian鏰s orientais. -50160 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50161 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50162 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50163 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50164 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50165 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50166 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50167 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50168 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50169 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50170 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50171 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50172 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50173 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50174 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50175 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50176 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50177 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50178 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50179 Ovinho de P醩coa Monstros invejosos! | Roubaram todos os Ovinhos do Sr. Coelho. | Ningu閙 resiste ao doce sabor do | chocolate, at mesmo eles! | Recupere o m醲imo de Ovinhos que puder | e devolva ao Sr. Coelho Peppy. -50187 Caixa do Aprendiz I Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50188 Caixa do Aprendiz II Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50189 Caixa do Aprendiz III Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50190 Caixa do Expert I Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50191 Caixa do Expert II Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50192 Caixa do Expert III Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50193 Caixa do Mestre I Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50194 Caixa do Mestre II Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50195 Caixa do Mestre III Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50196 Caixa do Grande Mestre Caixa que cont閙 itens que ir鉶 ajud-lo em sua aventura. -50200 Pacote Use-o para abrir a loja particular. -50216 Gemada 觮ima bebida com um sabor, incr韛el! Espanta o frio e anima para ir procurar mais meias! - -50249 Presente Memorial De alguma forma parece que h algo de bom nesta caixa. - -50300 Livro de Habilidade Usado para aumentar uma determinada Skill, a partir do nivel Master - -50301 Arte da Guerra Sunzi Livro da Skill Lideran鏰 at n韛el 20. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez. -50302 Arte da Guerra Wuzi Livro da Skill Lideran鏰 para n韛el 21 a 30. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez. -50303 Arte da Guerra de Guigu Livro da Skill Lideran鏰 para n韛el 31 a 40. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez. - -50304 Manual de Minera玢o 1 Manual da Skill Minera玢o para jogadores iniciantes em minerar. -50305 Manual de Minera玢o 2 Manual da Skill Minera玢o para jogadores com conhecimentos avan鏰dos em minerar. -50306 Manual de Minera玢o 3 Manual da Skill Minera玢o para jogadores experientes em minerar. - -50311 L韓gua de Shinsu Livro de estudo do idioma do reino Shinsu. -50312 L韓gua de Chonjo Livro de estudo do idioma do reino Chonjo. -50313 L韓gua de Jinno Livro de estudo do idioma do reino Jinno. - -50307 Livro de Miss鮡s 1 Lendo o livro voc recebe uma quest de n韛el F醕il. Se complet-la, pode ganhar boas recompensas. -50308 Livro de Miss鮡s 2 Lendo o livro voc recebe uma quest de n韛el M閐io. Se complet-la, pode ganhar boas recompensas. -50309 Livro de Miss鮡s 3 Lendo o livro voc recebe uma quest de n韛el Dif韈il. Se complet-la, pode ganhar boas recompensas. -50310 Livro de Miss鮡s 4 Lendo o livro voc recebe uma quest de n韛el Expert. Se complet-la, pode ganhar boas recompensas. - -50314 Livro de Polimorfia 1 Use para transformar, level 15+. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez, aumenta a Lideran鏰. -50315 Livro de Polimorfia 2 Use para transformar, level 25+. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez, aumenta a Lideran鏰. -50316 Livro de Polimorfia 3 Use para transformar, level 35+. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez, aumenta a Lideran鏰. - -50401 Tomo Sequencia de Golpes Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Sequencia de Golpes a partir do n韛el Master. -50402 Tomo V髍tice Aumenta o n韛el da Skill V髍tice a partir do n韛el Master. -50403 Tomo F鷕ia Aumenta o n韛el da Skill F鷕ia a partir do n韛el Master. -50404 Tomo L鈓ina Espiritual Aumenta o n韛el da Skill L鈓ina Espiritual a partir do n韛el Master. -50405 Tomo Ataque de Terror Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Ataque de Terror a partir do n韛el Master. -50416 Tomo Investida R醦ida Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Investida R醦ida a partir do n韛el Master. -50417 Tomo Impacto Terrestre Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Impacto Terrestre a partir do n韛el Master. -50418 Tomo Tremor Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Tremor a partir do n韛el Master. -50419 Tomo Defesa Superior Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Defesa Superior a partir do n韛el Master. -50420 Tomo Disparo de Energia Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Disparo de Energia a partir do n韛el Master. - -50431 Tomo Sombra Fantasma Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Sombra Fantasma a partir do n韛el Master. -50432 Tomo Ataque Ligeiro Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Ataque Ligeiro a partir do n韛el Master. -50433 Tomo Fuga Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Fuga a partir do n韛el Master. -50434 Tomo Ataque Sombrio Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Ataque Sombrio a partir do n韛el Master. -50435 Tomo V韇ora Venenosa Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Vibora Venenosa a partir do n韛el Master. -50446 Tomo Aniquila玢o Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Aniquila玢o a partir do n韛el Master. -50447 Tomo Tiro M鷏tiplo Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Tiro M鷏tiplo a partir do n韛el Master. -50448 Tomo Flecha Flamejante Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Flecha Flamejante a partir do n韛el Master. -50449 Tomo Rapidez Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Rapidez a partir do n韛el Master. -50450 Tomo Veneno da Serpente Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Veneno de Serpente a partir do n韛el Master. - -50461 Tomo Ruptura Demon韆ca Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Ruptura Demon韆ca a partir do n韛el Master. -50462 Tomo Ciclone Negro Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Ciclone Negro a partir do n韛el Master. -50463 Tomo L鈓ina das Sombras Aumenta o n韛el da Skill L鈓ina das Sombras a partir do n韛el Master. -50464 Tomo Terror Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Terror a partir do n韛el Master. -50465 Tomo Escudo Af鬾ico Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Escudo Af鬾ico a partir do n韛el Master. -50466 Tomo Dissipa玢o Magica Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Dissipa玢o Magica a partir do n韛el Master. -50476 Tomo Esp韗itos Malignos Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Esp韗itos Malignos a partir do n韛el Master. -50477 Tomo Pulso Mortal Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Pulso Mortal a partir do n韛el Master. -50478 Tomo Ritual da Perdi玢o Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Ritual da Perdi玢o a partir do n韛el Master. -50479 Tomo Prote玢o d'Sombra Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Prote玢o da Sombra a partir do n韛el Master. -50480 Tomo Confus鉶 Leve Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Confus鉶 Leve a partir do n韛el Master. -50481 Tomo Espiral Mortal Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Espiral Mortal a partir do n韛el Master. - -50491 Tomo Tormenta do Trov鉶 Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Tormenta do Trov鉶 a partir do n韛el Master. -50492 Tomo V醕uo do Drag鉶 Aumenta o n韛el da Skill V醕uo do Drag鉶 a partir do n韛el Master. -50493 Tomo Rugido do Drag鉶 Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Rugido do Drag鉶 a partir do n韛el Master. -50494 Tomo Armadura do Drag鉶 Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Armadura do Drag鉶 a partir do n韛el Master. -50495 Tomo Fogo Reverso Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Fogo Reverso a partir do n韛el Master. -50496 Tomo Dano Encantado Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Dano Encantado a partir do n韛el Master. -50506 Tomo Lan鏰 Espiritual Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Lan鏰 Espiritual a partir do n韛el Master. -50507 Tomo Campo Est醫ico Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Campo Est醫ico a partir do n韛el Master. -50508 Tomo Rel鈓pagos Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Rel鈓pagos a partir do n韛el Master. -50509 Tomo Gra鏰 Natural Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Gra鏰 Natural a partir do n韛el Master. -50510 Tomo V鬿 No Vento Aumenta o n韛el da Skill V鬿 no Vento a partir do n韛el Master. -50511 Tomo Encantos Naturais Aumenta o n韛el da Skill Encantos Naturais a partir do n韛el Master. - -50512 Pedra Arco-蛂is Pode aumentar o level de sua Skill ap髎 a utiliza玢o. -50513 Pedra Espiritual Pode aumentar o level de sua Skill ap髎 a utiliza玢o. - -50600 Guia de Minera玢o Pode aumentar 1 ponto em sua Skill de Minera玢o. - -50601 Min閞io de Diamante Pode ser transformado em gema de Diamante atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50602 Min閞io de 耺bar Pode ser transformado em gema de 耺bar atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50603 Min閞io de F髎sil Pode ser transformado em gema de F髎sil atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50604 Min閞io de Cobre Pode ser transformado em gema de Cobre atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50605 Min閞io de Prata Pode ser transformado em gema de Prata atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50606 Min閞io de Ouro Pode ser transformado em gema de Ouro atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50607 Min閞io de Jade Pode ser transformado em gema de Jade atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50608 Min閞io de 蒪ano Pode ser transformado em gema de 蒪ano atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50609 Peda鏾 de P閞ola Pode ser transformado em gema de P閞ola atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50610 Min閞io de Ouro Branco Pode ser transformado em gema de Ouro Branco atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50611 Min閞io de Cristal Pode ser transformado em gema de Cristal atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50612 Min閞io de Ametista Pode ser transformado em gema de Ametista atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. -50613 Min閞io de 羐ata Pode ser transformado em gema de 羐ata atrav閟 do Alquimista de alguma Guilda. - -50621 Diamante Usado para criar um Slot para outras Gemas em acess髍ios. -50622 耺bar Aumenta a efic醕ia das Gemas. -50623 F髎sil Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Madeira -50624 Cobre Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Cobre. -50625 Prata Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Prata. -50626 Ouro Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Ouro. -50627 Jade Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Jade. -50628 蒪ano Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de 蒪ano. -50629 P閞ola Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de P閞ola. -50630 Ouro Branco Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Ouro Branco. -50631 Cristal Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Cristal. -50632 Ametista Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de Ametista. -50633 羐ata Pode ser utilizado em acess髍ios de 羐ata. - -50182 Ba Vermelho Um Ba vermelho com apar阯cia elegante. Parece guardar algo raro e valioso. -50183 Doce Doce feito de xarope de cana de a琥car extra韉o. Comer demais pode causar obesidade e dentes podres. +10% movimento | +5% Ataque f韘ico | +10% Experi阯cia | (30 minutos) -51001 Artefato de Vitalidade Infundido com itens m醙icos adquiridos em rochas trituradas -51002 Energ閠ico Artefato de Vitalidade quimicamente destilado. - -51215 Tesouro de Jack Travessuras ou gostosuras? Abra e descubra! - - -52066 Rena Pai Obediente B鬾us contra Monstros +3% -52067 Rena Pai Obediente B鬾us EXP +3% -52068 Rena Pai Obediente HP M醲imo +250 -52069 Rena Pai Obediente Defesa +50 -52070 Rena Pai Obediente Ataque +30 -52071 Rena Pai Treinado B鬾us contra Monstros 5% -52072 Rena Pai Treinado B鬾us EXP 5% -52073 Rena Pai Treinado HP M醲imo +500 -52074 Rena Pai Treinado Defesa +150 -52075 Rena Pai Treinado Ataque +100 -52081 Rena M鉫 Obediente B鬾us contra Monstros +3% -52082 Rena M鉫 Obediente B鬾us EXP +3% -52083 Rena M鉫 Obediente HP M醲imo +250 -52084 Rena M鉫 Obediente Defesa +50 -52085 Rena M鉫 Obediente Ataque +30 -52086 Rena M鉫 Treinada B鬾us contra Monstros 5% -52087 Rena M鉫 Treinada B鬾us EXP 5% -52088 Rena M鉫 Treinada HP M醲imo +500 -52089 Rena M鉫 Treinada Defesa +150 -52090 Rena M鉫 Treinada Ataque +100 - - -53002 Rena Treinada A Rena Beb foi treinada exclusivamente para encontrar meias fedorentas! Eca!~ -60001 B韑is -60002 Indica玢o do Armaz閙 -60003 S韒bolo Her骾co - -70001 Boneca da Deusa -70002 Terceira M鉶 Recolhe automaticamente o Gold derrubado pelos monstros que voc derrotar. -70003 Liutao Aumenta em at 30% a exp ganha pelo grupo (deve ser usada pelo l韉er do grupo). -70004 Medalha do Empenho Pr阭io entregue 鄐 pessoas dedicadas e competentes -70005 Anel da Experi阯cia Dobra a experi阯cia ganha ao derrotar monstros. -70006 Anel da Linguagem Permite compreender a lingua falada em outros reinos temporariamente. -70007 Anel da Distor玢o -70008 Bandeira Branca Utilize para parar a batalha. -70009 Caixa do Tesouro -70010 Bilhete de Armazenamento -70011 Garrafa do Aprimoramento -70012 L醙rima da Deusa Diminui a perda de experi阯cia caso seu personagem seja derrotado. -70013 L醙rima da Deusa Maior -70014 P韑ula de Sangue Retorna seu ponto de Stats (somente 1 ponto) -70015 Pincel Barato -70020 Po玢o Regeneradora Regenera instantaneamente 500HP. -70024 Esfera da B阯玢o De acordo com a lenda, uma esfera com a b阯玢o dos Deuses. -70027 Mem髍ias do Ferreiro Anota珲es vision醨ias feitas por um lend醨io ferreiro. Fala sobre a produ玢o em massa de armas. -70031 Tomo Divino Usado para transmutar determinados itens em itens divinos. -70035 Ferro Eterno A鏾 de alta qualidade, se n鉶 a melhor. encontrado apenas nas regi鮡s altas das terras antigas. Transforma o Pergaminho da Paz em Pergaminho do Jihad (Ferreiro). -70037 Livro do Esquecimento Retorna seu ponto de Skill (somente 1 ponto) -70038 Manto da Bravura Provoca todos os monstros ao seu redor, fazendo com que todos ataquem quem vestir o manto. Pode ser utilizado somente uma vez. -70039 Livro do Ferreiro Livro que cont閙 o a arte do ferreiro. Aumenta bastante as chances do refinamento e evita a quebra do item. -70040 Teimosia do Orc Reduz pela metade o consumo da Resist阯cia. -70043 Luva do Ladr鉶 Dobra a chance de drop de itens. -70047 Anel da Linguagem (amostra) Permite compreender a lingua falada em outros reinos temporariamente. -70048 Manto do Escapista Oculta seus pontos e seu n韛el de Honra. -70049 Anel da Heun N鉶 ocorre drop de itens se for derrotado. -70050 S韒bolo do Rei S醔io Dobra os pontos de Honra ganhos ao derrotar monstros. -70051 Luva do Rei S醔io Dobra os pontos de Honra ganhos ao derrotar monstros. -70052 Feiti鏾 do Karma1 Talism Budista, protege contra o mal. -70053 Feiti鏾 do Karma2 Talism que vem do Budismo, protege contra as maldades -70054 Feiti鏾 do Karma3 Talism que vem do Budismo, protege contra as maldades - -70102 Feij鉶 Zen Aumenta os pontos de Honra. - -70104 Esfera Poliforma Transfigura玢o. -70105 Esfera Poliforma Transfigura玢o. -70106 Esfera Poliforma Transfigura玢o. -70107 Esfera Poliforma Transfigura玢o. - -70201 Descolorante Recupera a cor original de seus cabelos. -70202 Tintura Branca de Cabelo Pode ser utilizado somente a cada 3 n韛eis. -70203 Tintura Loira de Cabelo Pode ser utilizado somente a cada 3 n韛eis. -70204 Tintura Ruiva de Cabelo Pode ser utilizado somente a cada 3 n韛eis. -70205 Tintura Roxa de Cabelo Pode ser utilizado somente a cada 3 n韛eis. -70206 Tintura Negra de Cabelo Pode ser utilizado somente a cada 3 n韛eis. - -70301 Anel do Casal Anel necess醨io para poder se casar. -70302 Anel de Casamento Anel que demonstrar o amor por outra pessoa, formando um casal. - - -71001 Pergaminho do Exorcismo Ignora o tempo de espera de aprendizado entre a leitura dos Livros de Skill. -71002 Pergaminho do Recome鏾 Reinicia os Status, as Skills e a for鏰 de Skill do personagem. -71003 Pergaminho do Rein韈io Reinicia uma Skill escolhida pelo jogador. -71004 B阯玢o do Deus Drag鉶 Evita a perda de experi阯cia ao morrer. -71005 Anel da Linguagem Permite compreender a lingua falada em outros reinos temporariamente. -71006 Anel da Linguagem Permite compreender a lingua falada em outros reinos temporariamente. -71007 Anel da Linguagem Permite compreender a lingua falada em outros reinos temporariamente. -71008 Pesca Ilustrada Dobra as chances de pescar um peixe raro. -71009 Expans鉶 de Armaz閙 Aumenta 3 slots no seu Armaz閙. -71010 Terceira M鉶 Recolhe automaticamente o Gold derrubado pelos monstros que voc derrotar. -71011 M醩cara Emotiva Permite demonstrar emo珲es e realizar a珲es com seu personagem. -71012 Liutao Aumenta em at 30% a exp ganha pelo grupo (deve ser usada pelo l韉er do grupo). -71013 Fogos de Artif韈io Fogos de artif韈io utilizado em festas. -71014 Po玢o do Lobo Aumenta a velocidade de ataque em 10%. (30 minutos de dura玢o). -71015 Anel da Experi阯cia Dobra a experi阯cia ganha. -71016 Luva do Ladr鉶 Dobra a chance de drop de itens. -71017 Moeda Dourada da Sorte Dobra a chance de drop de Gold. -71018 Po玢o da Vida Recupera 100% do HP. -71019 Po玢o Espiritual Recupera 100% do MP. -71020 Po玢o do Deus Drag鉶 Recupera 100% do HP e MP. -71021 Pergaminho do Jihad Garante que qualquer refina玢o at +3 tenha 100% de sucesso - -71022 Livro do Arrependimento Reinic韆 os pontos de Intelig阯cia. -71023 Livro do Obl韛io Vital Reinic韆 os pontos de Constitui玢o. -71024 Livro do Obl韛io F韘ico Reinic韆 os pontos de For鏰. -71025 Pedra do Ferreiro Min閞io lend醨io formado pelo suor e sangue de Ferreiros. Transforma o Pergaminho da Paz em Livro do Ferreiro (Ferreiro). -71026 Metal M醙ico Metal desconhecido, tem propriedades especiais. Transforma o Pergaminho da Paz em Pergaminho do Drag鉶 (Ferreiro). -71027 Vida do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta seu HP m醲imo em 20% por um per韔do de tempo. -71028 Ataque do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta o dano entre 12-15% por um per韔do de tempo. -71029 Saber do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta seu MP m醲imo em 20% por um per韔do de tempo. -71030 Defesa do Deus Drag鉶 Diminui o dano recebido entre 12-15% por um per韔do de tempo. -71031 Aux韑io do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta 5 pontos em todos os Stats. -71032 Pergaminho do Drag鉶 Aumenta em 10% a chance de sucesso na refina玢o do item e se a refina玢o do item falhar ele n鉶 destruido, apenas perde 1 n韛el. -71033 M醩cara Emotiva Permite demonstrar emo珲es e realizar a珲es com seu personagem. -71034 Po玢o do Puma Aumenta a velocidade de ataque em 15% (30 minutos de dura玢o) -71035 Soro da Persuas鉶 Aumenta a aceita玢o de itens de quest em 30%. -71036 Pergaminho do Chefe Orc Evoca um Chefe Orc. -71037 Pergaminho do Fan醫ico Evoca um L韉er Fan醫ico. -71038 Pergaminho da Aranha Evoca uma Aranha Rainha. -71039 Pergaminho da Tartaruga Evoca uma Tartaruga de Pedra. -71040 Pergaminho do Flamejante Evoca um Rei Flamejante. -71041 Pergaminho do 9 Caudas Evoca um Nove Caudas. -71042 Pergaminho do Dem鬾io Evoca um Rei Dem鬾io de Elite. -71043 Pergaminho do Tigre Evoca um Comandante Tigre. -71044 Palma da Precis鉶 Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque cr韙ico. Um ataque cr韙ico bem sucedido dobra o dano daquele ataque. -71045 Palma Perfurante Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque perfurante. Um ataque perfurante bem sucedido ignora a Defesa do oponente. -71047 Descarrego Retira a pedra que est no slot do equipamento. -71048 -71049 Bolsa de Seda Permite abrir a Loja Particular quantas vezes quiser dentro do per韔do do item. -71050 Po玢o Leopardo Aumenta o movimento em 60% por 30 minutos (n鉶 cumulativo com Po玢o Roxa). -71051 Leitura de Jolla Adiciona at +2 propriedades "brancas" em um item -71052 Leitura de Arumaka Altera as propriedades "brancas" em um item. -71053 -71054 Permiss鉶 de Ex韑io Ordem do antigo imperador, autorizando a troca de Reino uma 鷑ica vez. -71055 Lista de Troca de Nome Possibilita trocar o nome do personagem. -71056 Sopro do Drag鉶 Azul Dobra a chance de sucesso ao refinar J骾as +4 para +5. -71057 Pergaminho do F髎sil Evoca uma jazida de F髎sil. -71058 Pergaminho do Cobre Evoca uma jazida de Cobre. -71059 Pergaminho da Prata Evoca uma jazida de Prata. -71060 Pergaminho do Ouro Evoca uma jazida de Ouro. -71061 Pergaminho da Jade Evoca uma jazida de Jade. -71062 Pergaminho do 蒪ano Evoca uma jazida de 蒪ano. -71063 Pergaminho das Ostras Evoca uma pilha de Ostras. -71064 Pergaminho do OuroBranco Evoca uma jazida de Ouro Branco. -71065 Pergaminho do Cristal Evoca uma jazida de Cristal. -71066 Pergaminho da Ametista Evoca uma jazida de Ametista. -71067 Pergaminho da 羐ata Evoca uma jazida de 羐ata. -71068 Pena de Ave do Amor Dobra a taxa de ganho de Pontos de Amor. -71069 Brinco da Harmonia Aumenta a chance do casal de acertar um ataque perfurante. Um ataque perfurante bem sucedido ignora a Defesa do oponente. -71070 Bracelete do Amor Aumenta em 20% a experi阯cia ganha pelo casal. -71071 Brinco do Amor Aumenta a chance do casal de acertar um ataque cr韙ico. Um ataque cr韙ico bem sucedido dobra o dano daquele ataque. -71072 Bracelete da Harmonia Diminui a for鏰 de ataque dos monstros em 15%. -71073 Colar do Amor Aumenta o ataque do casal (n韛el m韓imo 40). -71074 Colar da Harmonia Aumenta a defesa do casal (n韛el m韓imo 30). -71075 Tintura Azul de Cabelo Tintura Branca (Prata) -71076 Tintura Negra de Cabelo Tintura Loira -71077 Tintura Branca de Cabelo Tintura Ruiva -71078 Tintura Loira de Cabelo Tintura Castanha -71079 Tintura Marrom de Cabelo Tintura Preta -71080 Pergaminho da Metin 1 Evoca uma Pedra Metin de n韛el baixo. -71081 Pergaminho da Metin 2 Evoca uma Pedra Metin de n韛el m閐io. -71082 Pergaminho da Metin 3 Evoca uma Pedra Metin de n韛el alto. -71083 Livro de Arte Em Pedra Remove pedras quebradas no soquete de um equipamento. -71084 Pergam. do Aprimoramento Altera uma propriedade j existente no item. -71085 Pergam. Novo Aprim. Adiciona uma nova propriedade ao item. -71086 Miss鉶 Aprimo.(20 a 29) -71087 Miss鉶 Aprimo.(30 a 39) -71088 Livro de Quest (F醕il) -71089 Livro de Quest (Normal) -71090 Livro de Quest (Dif韈il) -71091 Bolsa Sinalizada Permite modificar a cor da fonte da Loja Particular. -71092 Livro de Polimorfia Permite se transformar em um monstro. -71093 Espera de Polimorfia Transforme-se no monstro exibido na esfera. -71094 Conselho do Eremita Aumenta a probabilidade de sucesso ao ler um Livro de Skill em 150%. -71099 Anel da sucess鉶 Com esse anel poss韛el transferir a lideran鏰 da guilda para outro membro. - - -71101 Po玢o Sagaz Cooldown das skills fica 20% mais r醦ido -71102 Po玢o Sagaz+ Cooldown das skills fica 30% mais r醦ido -71103 Leitura Vital Reinicia os pontos de Vitalidade do seu personagem. -71104 Leitura Mental Reinicia os pontos de Intelig阯cia do seu personagem. -71105 Leitura F韘ica Reinicia os pontos de For鏰 do seu personagem. -71106 Leitura 羐il Reinicia os pontos de Agilidade do seu personagem. -71107 Pomo da Honra Adiciona 3.000 pontos de honra -71108 Po玢o Regeneradora+ -71109 Pergaminho Impuro Retira a 鷏tima Gema acoplada ao item. N鉶 funciona com Lascas de Pedra -71110 Torr鉶 de A琥car Permite escolher um nome para sua montaria e aumenta a Defesa em 20 pontos. -71113 Lupa Facilita o com閞cio, exibindo no chat o nome e stats do item anunciado. Use Alt + click no item que deseja anunciar no chat -71124 蒬em Celestial Sumona o 蒬em Celestial| Exp +30%, Movimento+20 -71131 Cavalo Negro 30min. Bilhete usado para convocar o Cavalo Negro por 30 minutos. -71132 Cavalo Negro 1h. Bilhete usado para convocar o Cavalo Negro por 1 hora. -71133 Cavalo Negro 2h. Bilhete usado para convocar o Cavalo Negro por 2 horas. -71134 Cavalo Negro 3h. Bilhete usado para convocar o Cavalo Negro por 3 horas. -71135 Anel Lua Crescente Um lindo anel em formato de lua crescente. A aura brilhante do anel parece adicionar for鏰 para aquele que usar. +50% Expri阯cia | +20% Velocidade de ataque | +20% Velocidade de Skill | +30% Ataque f韘ico | +10% HP M醲imo | +10% MP M醲imo | (7 dias) -71136 Doce de Halloween Esse doce possui um grande efeito m醙ico!|Foi produzido com as coisas mais estranhas que voc possa imaginas. -71137 Anima de Sohan Sumona o Anima Sohan| Exp +30%, Movimento+20 -71138 Anima de Doyama Sumona o Anima Doyama| Exp +30%, Movimento+20 -71139 Anima Yonbi Sumona o Anima Yongi| Exp +30%, Movimento+20 -71140 Anima Gwimok Sumona o Anima Gwimok| Exp +30%, Movimento+20 -71141 Anima Ceifador Sumona o Anima Ceifador| Exp +30%, Movimento+20 -71142 Anima Celestial Sumona o Anima Celestial| Exp +30%, Movimento+20 -71143 Anel Felicidade Um lindo Anel Verde, inspirando a alegria natalina! Esse anel fornece uma poderosa 醬rea, ao seu dono! O tempo do anel gastar equipado ou n鉶! Exp +50% | Velocidade do Ataque +20% | Velocidade de Skill + 20% | Dano +20% | Max HP +10% | Max MP +10% -71144 Presente de Natal Um lindo presente, n鉶?! O que ser que tem dentro? Abra e descubra! -71145 Pingente do Amor Eterno Um lindo pingente em forma de cora玢o, | recheado de pequenas safiras e Ametistas brilhantes. | At mesmo a velha casamenteira gostaria de ter um. Max HP +5% | Max MP +5% | Exp +30% | Velocidade de Skill + 10% | Velocidade do Ataque +10% | B鬾us contra monstro +10% -71146 Caixa do Amor Rosa Uma linda caixa em forma de cora玢o na cor Rosa.| O Amor tanto que voc poder abri-l 10 vezes! | Ah o amor! | ~S2~ -71147 Caixa do Amor Azul Uma linda caixa em forma de cora玢o na cor Azul. | O Amor tanto que voc poder abri-l 10 vezes! | Ah o amor! | ~S2~ -71148 Anel da Sabedoria Sinta-se mais poderoso usando | o mais novo anel criado pela fam韑ia | Arumaka. | EXP + 30% | Resist阯cia contra Guerreiro + 20% | Resist阯cia contra Ninja + 20% | B鬾us contra Monstros +10% | Melhora em Trajes + 5% -71149 Anel da For鏰 Letal Sinta-se mais poderoso usando | o mais novo anel criado pela fam韑ia | Jolla. | EXP + 30% | Resist阯cia contra Shura +20% | Resist阯cia contra Shaman +20% | B鬾us contra Monstros +10% | Max HP + 10% | Melhora em Trajes + 5% -71150 Ovo Surpresa Ovo magico que contem varias surpresas. Pode ser aberto 1 vezes. -71153 Po玢o de Experi阯cia Aumenta em 100% a EXP recebida ao derrotar monstros. | Dura玢o de 1 hora (Consum韛el). -71158 Medalha do Heroi Medalha concedida ao her骾 honrado da familha Jolla. Cujo salvou a vida de muitos! -71159 Presente Memorial De alguma forma parece que h algo de bom nesta caixa. -71160 Presente Memorial De alguma forma parece que h algo de bom nesta caixa. - -72001 Anel da Experi阯cia Dobra a experi阯cia ganha derrotando monstros. -72002 Anel da Experi阯cia Dobra a experi阯cia ganha derrotando monstros. -72003 Anel da Experi阯cia Dobra a experi阯cia ganha derrotando monstros. -72004 Luva do Ladr鉶 Dobra a chance de drop de itens. -72005 Luva do Ladr鉶 Dobra a chance de drop de itens. -72006 Luva do Ladr鉶 Dobra a chance de drop de itens. -72007 Bolsa de Seda Permite abrir a Loja Particular quantas vezes quiser dentro do per韔do do item. -72008 Bolsa de Seda Permite abrir a Loja Particular quantas vezes quiser dentro do per韔do do item. -72009 Bolsa de Seda Permite abrir a Loja Particular quantas vezes quiser dentro do per韔do do item. -72010 Pena de Ave do Amor Dobra a taxa de ganho de Pontos de Amor. -72011 Pena de Ave do Amor Dobra a taxa de ganho de Pontos de Amor. -72012 Pena de Ave do Amor Dobra a taxa de ganho de Pontos de Amor. -72013 Pesca Ilustrada Dobra as chances de pescar um peixe raro. -72014 Pesca Ilustrada Dobra as chances de pescar um peixe raro. -72015 Pesca Ilustrada Dobra as chances de pescar um peixe raro. -72016 Terceira M鉶 Recolhe automaticamente o Gold derrubado pelos monstros que voc derrotar. -72017 Terceira M鉶 Recolhe automaticamente o Gold derrubado pelos monstros que voc derrotar. -72018 Terceira M鉶 Recolhe automaticamente o Gold derrubado pelos monstros que voc derrotar. -72019 Expans鉶 de Armaz閙 Aumenta seu espa鏾 no Armaz閙 para 3 slots. -72020 Expans鉶 de Armaz閙 Aumenta seu espa鏾 no Armaz閙 para 3 slots. -72021 Expans鉶 de Armaz閙 Aumenta seu espa鏾 no Armaz閙 para 3 slots. -72022 Moeda Dourada da Sorte Dobra a chance de drop de Gold. -72023 Moeda Dourada da Sorte Dobra a chance de drop de Gold. -72024 Moeda Dourada da Sorte Dobra a chance de drop de Gold. -72025 Palma Perfurante Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque perfurante. Um ataque perfurante bem sucedido ignora a Defesa do oponente. -72026 Palma Perfurante Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque perfurante. Um ataque perfurante bem sucedido ignora a Defesa do oponente. -72027 Palma Perfurante Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque perfurante. Um ataque perfurante bem sucedido ignora a Defesa do oponente. -72028 M醩cara Emotiva Permite demonstrar emo珲es e realizar a珲es com seu personagem (atrav閟 do menu A珲es - tecla de atalho B) -72029 M醩cara Emotiva Permite demonstrar emo珲es e realizar a珲es com seu personagem (atrav閟 do menu A珲es - tecla de atalho B) -72030 M醩cara Emotiva Permite demonstrar emo珲es e realizar a珲es com seu personagem (atrav閟 do menu A珲es - tecla de atalho B) -72031 Ataque do Deus Drag鉶 Aumento de 12% a 15% no ataque (m醲imo de 300). -72032 Ataque do Deus Drag鉶 Aumento de 12% a 15% no ataque (m醲imo de 300). -72033 Ataque do Deus Drag鉶 Aumento de 12% a 15% no ataque (m醲imo de 300). -72034 Defesa do Deus Drag鉶 Aumento de 12% a 15% na defesa (m醲imo de 300). -72035 Defesa do Deus Drag鉶 Aumento de 12% a 15% na defesa (m醲imo de 300). -72036 Defesa do Deus Drag鉶 Aumento de 12% a 15% na defesa (m醲imo de 300). -72037 Vida do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta o HP M醲imo em 20% -72038 Vida do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta o HP M醲imo em 20% -72039 Vida do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta o HP M醲imo em 20% -72040 Sabedoria do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta o MP M醲imo em 20% -72041 Sabedoria do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta o MP M醲imo em 20% -72042 Sabedoria do Deus Drag鉶 Aumenta o MP M醲imo em 20% -72043 Liutao Aumenta em at 30% a exp ganha pelo grupo (deve ser usada pelo l韉er do grupo). -72044 Liutao Aumenta em at 30% a exp ganha pelo grupo (deve ser usada pelo l韉er do grupo). -72045 Liutao Aumenta em at 30% a exp ganha pelo grupo (deve ser usada pelo l韉er do grupo). -72046 Palma da Precis鉶 Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque cr韙ico. Um ataque cr韙ico bem sucedido dobra o dano daquele ataque. -72047 Palma da Precis鉶 Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque cr韙ico. Um ataque cr韙ico bem sucedido dobra o dano daquele ataque. -72048 Palma da Precis鉶 Aumenta em 10% a chance de um ataque cr韙ico. Um ataque cr韙ico bem sucedido dobra o dano daquele ataque. - -72501 Anel de Experi阯cia-LAN Dobra a experi阯cia ganha derrotando monstros. Uso exclusivo em uma Lan House parceira. -72502 Luva do Ladr鉶-LAN Dobra a chance de drop de itens. Uso exclusivo em uma Lan House parceira. - -72723 Ben玢o de Helong(P) A ben玢o de Helong uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o vigor de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 1.000.000 HP. -72724 Ben玢o de Helong(M) A ben玢o de Helong uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o vigor de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 3.000.000 HP. -72725 Ben玢o de Helong(G) A ben玢o de Helong uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o vigor de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 7.000.000 HP. -72726 Ben玢o de Helong(S) A ben玢o de Helong uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o vigor de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 10.000.000 HP e aumenta HP Maximo. -72727 Ben玢o de Yoora(P) A ben玢o de Yoora uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o estado mental de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 100.000 MP. -72728 Ben玢o de Yoora(M) A ben玢o de Yoora uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o estado mental de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 300.000 MP. -72729 Ben玢o de Yoora(G) A ben玢o de Yoora uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o estado mental de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 700.000 MP. -72730 Ben玢o de Yoora(S) A ben玢o de Yoora uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o estado mental de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 1.000.000 MP e aumenta MP M醲imo. - - - - -73001 Corte Repicado (Ruivo) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor vermelha. -73002 Corte Repicado (Loiro) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor amarela. -73003 Corte Repicado (Azul) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor azul. -73004 Corte Repicado (Marrom) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor marrom. -73005 Bandana Vermelha Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, na cor vermelha. -73006 Bandana Xadrez Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, com estampa xadrez. -73007 Bandana Azul Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, na cor azul. -73008 Bandana Verde Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, quadriculada verde e vermelha. -73009 Cabelo Amarrado (Preto) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor preta. -73010 Cabelo Amarrado (Ruivo) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor vermelha. -73011 Cabelo Amarrado (Loiro) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor amarela. -73012 Cabelo Amarrado (Verde) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor verde. - -73251 Rabo de Cavalo (Marrom) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor marrom. -73252 Rabo de Cavalo (Verde) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor verde. -73253 Rabo de Cavalo (Azul) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor azul. -73254 Rabo de Cavalo (P閞ola) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor p閞ola. -73255 Corte M閐io (Ruivo) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor vermelha. -73256 Corte M閐io (Castanho) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor castanha. -73257 Corte M閐io (Loiro) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor amarela. -73258 Corte M閐io (Roxo) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor roxa. -73259 Corte Curto (Ruivo) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor vermelha. -73260 Corte Curto (Azul) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor azul. -73261 Corte Curto (Preto) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor preta. -73262 Corte Curto (Dourado) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor dourada. - -73501 Estilo Soldado (Branco) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor branca. -73502 Estilo Soldado (Marrom) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor marrom. -73503 Estilo Soldado (Loiro) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor amarela. -73504 Estilo Soldado (Verde) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor verde. -73505 Franja (Branco) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor branca. -73506 Franja (Ruivo) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor vermelha. -73507 Franja (Preto) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor preta. -73508 Franja (Lil醩) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor lil醩. -73509 Cabelo Preso (Branco) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor branca. -73510 Cabelo Preso (Azul) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor azul. -73511 Cabelo Preso (Preto) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor preta. -73512 Cabelo Preso (Castanho) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor castanha. - -73751 Presilha (Castanho) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor castanha. -73752 Presilha (Preto) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor preta. -73753 Presilha (Azul) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor azul. -73754 Presilha (Branco) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor branca. -73755 Corte Desfiado (Marrom) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor marrom. -73756 Corte Desfiado (Preto) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor preta. -73757 Corte Desfiado (Loiro) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor amarela. -73758 Corte Desfiado (Lil醩) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor lil醩. -73759 Cabelo Longo (Castanho) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor castanha. -73760 Cabelo Longo (Loiro) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor amarela. -73761 Cabelo Longo (Lil醩) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor lil醩. -73762 Cabelo Longo (Marrom) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor marrom. - - - - -74001 Corte Repicado (Ruivo) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor vermelha. -74002 Corte Repicado (Loiro) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor amarela. -74003 Corte Repicado (Azul) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor azul. -74004 Corte Repicado (Marrom) Cabelos soltos e repicados, na cor marrom. -74005 Bandana Vermelha Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, na cor vermelha. -74006 Bandana Xadrez Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, com estampa xadrez. -74007 Bandana Azul Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, na cor azul. -74008 Bandana Verde Bandana que prende os cabelos durante as batalhas, quadriculada verde e vermelha. -74009 Cabelo Amarrado (Preto) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor preta. -74010 Cabelo Amarrado (Ruivo) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor vermelha. -74011 Cabelo Amarrado (Loiro) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor amarela. -74012 Cabelo Amarrado (Verde) Volumoso rabo de cavalo com mechas, na cor verde. - -74251 Rabo de Cavalo (Marrom) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor marrom. -74252 Rabo de Cavalo (Verde) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor verde. -74253 Rabo de Cavalo (Azul) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor azul. -74254 Rabo de Cavalo (P閞ola) Tradicional cabelo preso em rabo-de-cavalo, na cor p閞ola. -74255 Corte M閐io (Ruivo) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor vermelha. -74256 Corte M閐io (Castanho) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor castanha. -74257 Corte M閐io (Loiro) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor amarela. -74258 Corte M閐io (Roxo) Corte circular, cobrindo toda a cabe鏰, na cor roxa. -74259 Corte Curto (Ruivo) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor vermelha. -74260 Corte Curto (Azul) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor azul. -74261 Corte Curto (Preto) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor preta. -74262 Corte Curto (Dourado) Corte curto com franja lateral, na cor dourada. - -74501 Estilo Soldado (Branco) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor branca. -74502 Estilo Soldado (Marrom) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor marrom. -74503 Estilo Soldado (Loiro) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor amarela. -74504 Estilo Soldado (Verde) Corte muito curto, com costeletas, na cor verde. -74505 Franja (Branco) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor branca. -74506 Franja (Ruivo) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor vermelha. -74507 Franja (Preto) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor preta. -74508 Franja (Lil醩) Cabelo comprido e uma longa franja, na cor lil醩. -74509 Cabelo Preso (Branco) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor branca. -74510 Cabelo Preso (Azul) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor azul. -74511 Cabelo Preso (Preto) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor preta. -74512 Cabelo Preso (Castanho) Cabelo todo preso para tr醩, na cor castanha. - -74751 Presilha (Castanho) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor castanha. -74752 Presilha (Preto) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor preta. -74753 Presilha (Azul) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor azul. -74754 Presilha (Branco) Cabelo preso por uma singela presilha, na cor branca. -74755 Corte Desfiado (Marrom) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor marrom. -74756 Corte Desfiado (Preto) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor preta. -74757 Corte Desfiado (Loiro) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor amarela. -74758 Corte Desfiado (Lil醩) Corte liso, com as pontas desfiadas, na cor lil醩. -74759 Cabelo Longo (Castanho) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor castanha. -74760 Cabelo Longo (Loiro) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor amarela. -74761 Cabelo Longo (Lil醩) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor lil醩. -74762 Cabelo Longo (Marrom) Cabelo penteado todo para um lado, na cor marrom. -75001 Corte Odango (Ruivo) Cabelos presos ao lado da cabe鏰 em pequenos coques, na cor vermelha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75002 Corte Odango (Rosa) Cabelos presos ao lado da cabe鏰 em pequenos coques, na cor rosa. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75003 Corte Odango (Azul) Cabelos presos ao lado da cabe鏰 em pequenos coques, na cor azul. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75004 Corte Odango (Castanho) Cabelos presos ao lado da cabe鏰 em pequenos coques, na cor castanha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75005 Curto com faixa (Ruivo) Corte curto com uma faixa presa testa, na cor vermelha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75006 Curto com faixa (Loiro) Corte curto com uma faixa presa testa, na cor amarela. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75007 Curto com faixa (Azul) Corte curto com uma faixa presa testa, na cor azul. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75008 Curto com faixa (Verde) Corte curto com uma faixa presa testa, na cor verde. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75009 Coque com mecha (Preto) Cabelo preso com uma mecha caindo pelo rosto, na cor preta. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75010 Coque com mecha (Ruivo) Cabelo preso com uma mecha caindo pelo rosto, na cor vermelha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75011 Coque com mecha (Marrom) Cabelo preso com uma mecha caindo pelo rosto, na cor marrom. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75012 Coque com mecha (Verde) Cabelo preso com uma mecha caindo pelo rosto, na cor verde. Dura玢o: 30 dias - -75201 Estilo Samurai (Marrom) Corte que honra a antiga tradi玢o samurai, na cor marrom. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75202 Estilo Samurai (Verde) Corte que honra a antiga tradi玢o samurai, na cor verde. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75203 Estilo Samurai (Azul) Corte que honra a antiga tradi玢o samurai, na cor azul. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75204 Estilo Samurai (Loiro) Corte que honra a antiga tradi玢o samurai, na cor amarela. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75205 Len鏾 Branco Cabelo coberto por um len鏾, deixando uma pequena franja mostra, na cor branca. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75206 Len鏾 Escuro Cabelo coberto por um len鏾, deixando uma pequena franja mostra, na cor verde. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75207 Len鏾 Bege Cabelo coberto por um len鏾, deixando uma pequena franja mostra, na cor bege. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75208 Len鏾 Vermelho Cabelo coberto por um len鏾, deixando uma pequena franja mostra, na cor vermelha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75209 Corte Shaggy (Ruivo) Cabelo bagun鏰do, na cor vermelha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75210 Corte Shaggy (Azul) Cabelo bagun鏰do, na cor azul. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75211 Corte Shaggy (Preto) Cabelo bagun鏰do, na cor preta. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75212 Corte Shaggy (Loiro) Cabelo bagun鏰do, na cor amarela. Dura玢o: 30 dias - -75401 Corte Tridente (Cinza) Cabelo preso em 3 pontas, na cor cinza. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75402 Corte Tridente (Marrom) Cabelo preso em 3 pontas, na cor marrom. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75403 Corte Tridente (Loiro) Cabelo preso em 3 pontas, na cor amarela. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75404 Corte Tridente (Verde) Cabelo preso em 3 pontas, na cor verde. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75405 Cabelo Liso (Prata) Cabelo superliso com detalhes dos lados, na cor prata. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75406 Cabelo Liso (Rosa) Cabelo superliso com detalhes dos lados, na cor rosa. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75407 Cabelo Liso (Preto) Cabelo superliso com detalhes dos lados, na cor preta. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75408 Cabelo Liso (Lil醩) Cabelo superliso com detalhes dos lados, na cor lil醩. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75409 Corte Viena (Prata) Corte cl醩sico, com os cabelos presos no topo da cabe鏰, na cor prata. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75410 Corte Viena (Azul) Corte cl醩sico, com os cabelos presos no topo da cabe鏰, na cor azul. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75411 Corte Viena (Preto) Corte cl醩sico, com os cabelos presos no topo da cabe鏰, na cor preta. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75412 Corte Viena (Castanho) Corte cl醩sico, com os cabelos presos no topo da cabe鏰, na cor castanha. Dura玢o: 30 dias - -75601 Para Tr醩 (Castanho) Cabelo comprido todo penteado para tr醩, na cor castanha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75602 Para Tr醩 (Preto) Cabelo comprido todo penteado para tr醩, na cor preta. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75603 Para Tr醩 (Azul) Cabelo comprido todo penteado para tr醩, na cor azul. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75604 Para Tr醩 (Cinza) Cabelo comprido todo penteado para tr醩, na cor cinza. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75605 Cabelo Solto (Ruivo) Cabelo solto na altura dos ombros, na cor vermelha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75606 Cabelo Solto (Preto) Cabelo solto na altura dos ombros, na cor preta. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75607 Cabelo Solto (Loiro) Cabelo solto na altura dos ombros, na cor amarela. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75608 Cabelo Solto (Roxo) Cabelo solto na altura dos ombros, na cor roxa. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75609 Tradicional (Castanho) Corte tradicional dos antigos guerreiros orientais, na cor castanha. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75610 Tradicional (Loiro) Corte tradicional dos antigos guerreiros orientais, na cor amarela. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75611 Tradicional (Azul) Corte tradicional dos antigos guerreiros orientais, na cor azul. Dura玢o: 30 dias -75612 Tradicional (Ruivo) Corte tradicional dos antigos guerreiros orientais, na cor vermelha. Dura玢o: 30 dias - - -74013 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74014 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -74015 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74016 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -74263 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74264 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -74265 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74266 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -74513 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74514 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -74515 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74516 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -74763 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74764 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -74765 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -74766 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75013 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75014 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75015 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75016 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75213 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75214 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75215 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75216 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75413 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75414 Pink Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75415 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75416 Sakkat Yoora Chap閡 simbolizando a antiga tradi玢o de beleza, honrando a grandeza da deusa drag鉶 Yoora. As mulheres mais lindas usam para demosntrar seu poder. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75613 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75614 Black Power Esse estiloso Penteado, eleva a autoconfia鏰 e o vigor de quem usa. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) -75615 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta HP M醲imo (7 dias) -75616 Sakkat Helong Chap閡 simbolizando o poder e beleza do grande deus drag鉶 Helong. Os mais corajosos mostram seu vigor e honra quando usam. Aumenta MP M醲imo (7 dias) - -74017 Chap閡 vermelho Um chap閡 vermelho tubular popularmente conhecido pelos habitantes dos desertos. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74018 Len鏾燿o deserto Len鏾 resistente capaz de proteger a cabe鏰 do sol escaldante. T閏nica usada pelos exploradores do deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74019 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74267 V閡 Antigo visual desenvolvido para proteger os cabelos longos e naturais e a pele, de mulheres que viajam pelo deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74268 M醩cara do deserto Fornece uma melhor prote玢o contra o sol e tempestades de areia do deserto. Algumas mulheres usam tamb閙 para esconder seu lindo rosto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74269 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74517 Chap閡 vermelho Um chap閡 vermelho tubular popularmente conhecido pelos habitantes dos desertos. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74518 Len鏾燿o deserto Len鏾 resistente capaz de proteger a cabe鏰 do sol escaldante. T閏nica usada pelos exploradores do deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74519 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74767 V閡 Antigo visual desenvolvido para proteger os cabelos longos e naturais e a pele, de mulheres que viajam pelo deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74768 M醩cara do deserto Fornece uma melhor prote玢o contra o sol e tempestades de areia do deserto. Algumas mulheres usam tamb閙 para esconder seu lindo rosto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -74769 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75017 V閡 Antigo visual desenvolvido para proteger os cabelos longos e naturais e a pele, de mulheres que viajam pelo deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75018 M醩cara do deserto Fornece uma melhor prote玢o contra o sol e tempestades de areia do deserto. Algumas mulheres usam tamb閙 para esconder seu lindo rosto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75019 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75217 Chap閡 vermelho Um chap閡 vermelho tubular popularmente conhecido pelos habitantes dos desertos. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75218 Len鏾燿o deserto Len鏾 resistente capaz de proteger a cabe鏰 do sol escaldante. T閏nica usada pelos exploradores do deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75219 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75417 V閡 Antigo visual desenvolvido para proteger os cabelos longos e naturais e a pele, de mulheres que viajam pelo deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75418 M醩cara do deserto Fornece uma melhor prote玢o contra o sol e tempestades de areia do deserto. Algumas mulheres usam tamb閙 para esconder seu lindo rosto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75419 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75617 Chap閡 vermelho Um chap閡 vermelho tubular popularmente conhecido pelos habitantes dos desertos. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75618 Len鏾燿o deserto Len鏾 resistente capaz de proteger a cabe鏰 do sol escaldante. T閏nica usada pelos exploradores do deserto. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) -75619 Turbante Acredita-se que esse visual imponente, pode intimidar as criaturas do deserto. Grandes exploradores, nunca dispensaram o uso. +10 B鬾us contra mosntro | (7 dias) - -74020 M醩cara de abobora Guerreiro(M) -74270 M醩cara de abobora Ninja (F) -74520 M醩cara de abobora Shura (M) -74770 M醩cara de abobora Shaman (F) -75020 M醩cara de abobora Guerreiro (F) -75220 M醩cara de abobora Ninja (M) -75420 M醩cara de abobora Shura (F) -75620 M醩cara de abobora Shaman (M) -76000 Po玢o Regeneradora Regenera instantaneamente 500HP. -76001 Pergaminho do Recome鏾 Reinicia os Status, as Skills, e a for鏰 de Skill do personagem. -76003 Po玢o Sagaz Cooldown das skills fica 20% mais r醦ido -76004 Ben玢o de Yoora (PP) A Ben玢o de Yoora uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s , isso mantem o estado mental de quem a usa sempre no melhor estado. -76005 Bencao de Yoora (P) A Ben玢o de Yoora uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s , isso mantem o estado mental de quem a usa sempre no melhor estado. -76006 Detector de Metins Detecta a localiza玢o de pedras Metin. -76007 Manto da Bravura Provoca todos os montros ao seu redor, fazendo com que todos ataquem quem vestir o manto. Pode ser usado somente uma vez. -76008 Ben玢o do Deus Drag鉶 Evita a perda de experi阯cia ao morrer. -76009 Pergaminho do Drag鉶 Aumenta em 10% a chance de sucesso na refina玢o do item, e se a refina玢o falhar ele n鉶 destru韉o, apenas perde 1 n韛el. -76011 Liutao Aumenta em at 30% a exp ganha pelo grupo (deve ser usada pelo l韉er do grupo). -76012 Po玢o Leopardo Aumenta o movimento em 60 por 30 minutos (n鉶 cumulativo com Po玢o Roxa). -76013 Pergam. Novo Aprim. Adiciona uma nova propriedade ao item. -76014 Pergam. do Aprimoramento Altera uma propriedade j existente no item. -76015 Esfera da Ben玢o De acondo com a lenda, uma esfera com a ben玢o dos Deuses. -76016 Pergaminho da Paz O item n鉶 quebra caso ocorra falha no refinamento, por閙 diminui um n韛el. -76017 Po玢o Verde (M) Velocidade de Ataque: +20 | Dura玢o :10m -76018 Po玢o Verde (G) Velocidade de Ataque: +30 | Dura玢o :10m -76020 Soro da Persuas鉶 Aumenta a aceita玢o de itens de quest em 30% -76021 Ben玢o de Helong (PP) A Ben玢o de Helong uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s , isso mant閙 o vigor de quem a usa sempre no melhor estado. | Recupera at 100.000 HP -76022 Ben玢o de Helong (P) A Ben玢o de Helong uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s , isso mantem o vigor de quem a usa sempre no melhor estado. | Recupera at 1.000.000 HP -76023 Aprimoramento Leve Altera uma propriedade j existente em uma arma/armadura que possua n韛el igual ou menor que 40. -76024 Novo Aprim. Leve Adiciona uma nova propriedade em uma arma/armadura que possua n韛el igual ou menor que 40. - -80001 Bolsa de Dinheiro -80002 Papel em Branco -80008 Pepita de Ouro Pedra bruta muito valiosa. - -90001 Garrafa D'醙ua Vazia -90002 Garrafa D'醙ua -90003 Cristal -90004 Gema -90005 Pedra D'醙ua -90006 Pedra Espiritual -90007 Mineral - - -79004 Ba Vermelho Um Ba vermelho com apar阯cia elegante. Parece guardar algo raro e valioso. -79005 Pergaminho do Recome鏾 Reinicia os Status, as Skills e a for鏰 de Skill do personagem. -79006 B阯玢o do Deus Drag鉶 Evita a perda de experi阯cia ao morrer. -79007 Po玢o Sagaz Cooldown das skills fica 20% mais r醦ido -79008 Anel da Experi阯cia Dobra a experi阯cia ganha derrotando monstros. -79009 Luva do Ladr鉶 Dobra a chance de drop de itens. -79010 Moeda Dourada da Sorte Dobra a chance de drop de Gold. -79011 Liutao Aumenta em at 30% a exp ganha pelo grupo (deve ser usada pelo l韉er do grupo). -79012 Ben玢o de Helong(P) A ben玢o de Helong uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o vigor de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 1.000.000 HP. -79013 Ben玢o de Yoora(P) A ben玢o de Yoora uma po玢o feita da energia recebida dos drag鮡s, isso mant閙 o estado mental de quem a usa sempre em seu melhor estado. Recupera at 100.000 MP. - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fe92f99c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Sequ阯cia de Golpes Sequ阯cia Agressiva Retalhador de Almas Ataca todos os oponentes frente com uma incr韛el velocidade. Ataca o oponente tr阺 vezes consecutivas. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Dano Total: %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR V髍tice V髍tice de Ruptura V髍tice Dilacerante O Guerreiro gira ao redor de si mesmo, atacando a todos os oponentes que estiverem pr髕imos. Gira e ataca os oponentes em volta. ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR F鷕ia F鷕ia Incontrol醰el Frenesi Insano O Guerreiro abandona toda sua cautela, se movendo e atacando mais r醦ido, mas recebe mais dano em troca. Aumenta velocidade de ataque. Aumenta a velocidade de movimento. Diminui sua defesa. STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Velocidade de Ataque: +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Movimento: +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR L鈓ina Espiritual L鈓ina Sagrada B阯玢o dos Deuses Evoca o poder de oito mestres guerreiros, envolvendo sua arma com uma aura de incr韛el poder. Aumenta o poder de ataque. STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Dano: +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Investida R醦ida Investida Valente Her骾 de Guerra Corre na dire玢o do oponente em uma r醦ida investida e ataca todos os monstros em uma pequena 醨ea em volta do alvo. Potente investida em um alvo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR T閏nica Cortante T閏nica Lascinante Lua Sangrenta Manejando sua arma com maestria, o Guerreiro executa um golpe capaz de cortar todos os inimigos em seu alcance. Ataca os oponentes sua frente. ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Impacto Terrestre Impacto Devastador Fissura Colossal Salta e atinge o ch鉶 com sua arma, conduzindo energia atrav閟 da terra. Atinge os inimigos sua frente. ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Tremor Estrondo Terremoto Com as energias concentradas em suas pernas, um golpe que atinge o ch鉶 com toda a for鏰. Atinge os oponentes ao redor. Chance de Atordoar oponente. ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Chance de Atordoar oponente: %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Defesa Superior Defesa Perfeita Armadura dos Deuses Recebe energias m韘ticas que o protegem, aumentando sua defesa. Aumenta sua defesa. Diminui sua velocidade de movimento. STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Defesa: +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Movimento: -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Disparo de Energia Disparo C髎mico Cometa Libera toda a energia concentrada em sua arma, acertando at mesmo os advers醨ios distantes. Atira uma esfera de energia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. Ataque dist鈔cia. ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Chance de Atordoar oponente: %.0f (100+k*1000/6)/10 -31 ASSASSIN Punhalada Surpresa Punhalada Furtiva Morte Silenciosa Golpe aplicado r醦ida e furtivamente. Recebe b鬾us no dano se acerta o alvo pelas costas ou estiver oculto ao usar a skill. Dano extra se usado nas costas do inimigo. Dano extra se atacar enquanto escondido. ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Avan鏾 羐il Avan鏾 Et閞eo Nocaute Repentino Uma investida executada com tamanha velocidade que o advers醨io n鉶 consegue acompanhar seus movimentos. Avan鏰 e ataca o oponente. Dano extra se atacar enquanto escondido. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Acrobacia Acrobacia Ninja Agilidade Felina Com grande agilidade, executa uma acrobacia evasiva que pode envenenar seus oponentes. Ataca e esquiva simultaneamente. Chance de envenenar o oponente. ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Chance de Envenenar oponente: %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Esconder Ocultar Invisibilidade O Ninja se oculta nas sombras, impossibilitando que os advers醨ios o encontrem at executar uma a玢o. Invisibilidade tempor醨ia. Dano extra se atacar enquanto escondido. STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Aumento de Dano: +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Veneno de Serpente Veneno de Escorpi鉶 羉ido Sulf鷕ico Atira veneno em seu alvo, causando dano e possui uma chance de envenenar o oponente. Ataque dist鈔cia. Chance de envenenar o oponente. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Chance de Envenenar oponente: %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN Tiro Concentrado Tiro Consecutivo Estrelas Cadentes Atira v醨ias flechas sucessivamente e em grande velocidade em um 鷑ico alvo. Ataque dist鈔cia. Aumenta o poder e o n鷐ero de flechas. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Dano Total: %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k Dispara %.0f flechas 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Chuva de Flechas Tempestade de Flechas Tormenta Arrasadora Atira uma saraivada de flechas, atingindo v醨ios oponentes ao mesmo tempo. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atira em v醨ios alvos ao mesmo tempo. ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Dano: %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k Limite de alvos: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Flecha de Fogo Flecha Fulminante V鬿 da F阯ix Uma flecha enfeiti鏰da com o poder do fogo, que causa uma explos鉶 ao atingir o alvo. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atira uma flecha com a propriedade de fogo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Passos Leves Passos ao Vento Dan鏰 dos Ventos O Ninja se concentra, invocando as for鏰s elementais dos ventos para guiar seus passos. Aumenta a velocidade de movimento. STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Movimento: +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Flecha Venenosa Flecha Trai鏾eira Arco da Corrup玢o Prepara uma flecha embebida em uma subst鈔cia venenosa, usada para debilitar os oponentes. Ataque dist鈔cia. Chance de envenenar o inimigo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Chance de Envenenar oponente: %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Palmo de Energia Palmo Explosivo Toque Letal Atrav閟 da palma de sua m鉶, o Shura libera uma grande descarga de energia. Causa dano atrav閟 do toque. Chance de ignorar a defesa do alvo. Intelig阯cia aumenta o dano. ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Chance de ignorar Defesa: %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Ciclone Ciclone Terr韛el Tornado Abismal Gira em torno de si mesmo, criando um ciclone que derruba todos os oponentes pr髕imos. Ataca todos sua volta. Chance de ignorar a evas鉶 do alvo. Intelig阯cia aumenta o dano. ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Dano: %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Chance de ignorar Evas鉶: %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA L鈓ina Sombria L鈓ina das Trevas Sede de Sangue Enfeiti鏰 sua arma com for鏰s malignas, absorvendo parte do dano infligido ao advers醨io. Aumenta o poder de ataque. Drena o MP enquanto ativo. Intelig阯cia aumenta o dano. STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Ataque: +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k %.0f%% do dano absorvido em HP 10*k -64 SURA Medo Pavor Terror Absoluto Uma energia que transmite medo envolve o Shura, afetando a todos que ousarem atac-lo. Reduz o ataque oponente. Chance de ignorar o ataque inimigo. STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Ataque do oponente: -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Chance de ignorar um ataque inimigo: %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Aura Negra Aura Maldita Prote玢o Diab髄ica Evoca energias sombrias ao seu redor, criando um escudo que reduz o dano infligido. Aumenta a defesa. Reflete o dano recebido. Intelig阯cia aumenta a defesa. STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Defesa: +%.0f (iq+30)*k Reflete ataque f韘ico: %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Dissipar Magia Eliminar Magia Expurgar Esp韗ito Atinge os inimigos com um poderoso feiti鏾 anti-magias. Chance de remover todos os encantamentos ben閒icos do alvo. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. Chance de remover os feiti鏾s do alvo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Chance de Dissipar: %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Esfera Espiritual Esfera do Horror Fantasmas Infernais Evocando esp韗itos malignos, o Shura os concentra em uma esfera e lan鏰 em seus inimigos. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Fogo das Sombras Fogo Infernal Inc阯dio Eterno Provoca uma explos鉶 de fogo, queimando todos os inimigos ao seu redor. Atinge todos os oponentes pr髕imos. Ataque de fogo. ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Evocar Elemental Evocar Dem鬾io Ritual Amaldi鏾ado Convoca um ser de outra dimens鉶 para defende-lo e atacar os monstros ao seu redor aleatoriamente. Evoca uma criatura para ajud-lo. Atinge os inimigos aleatoriamente. ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Prote玢o Sobrenatural Prote玢o Obscura Escudo Af鬾ico Prote玢o Sombria que aumenta sua defesa, drenando o MP enquanto ativa. Possui uma chance de bloquear o ataque inimigo. Aumenta a defesa. Reduz o dano recebido. STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Reduz %.0f%% do dano recebido (iq*0.84)*k Defesa: +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Magia Negra Magia Sinistra Armadilha do Dem鬾io Ataque que possui uma chance de diminuir a velocidade do inimigo. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. Chance de retardar o inimigo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Chance de causar Lentid鉶: %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Espiral da Escurid鉶 Espiral Mortal Buraco Negro T閏nica h muito tempo esquecida, que usa as energias da profunda escurid鉶 para atacar os inimigos. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Energia Concentrada Eletricidade Concentrada F鷕ia da Tempestade Evoca o chamado dos deuses elementais, atingindo os inimigos com rel鈓pagos concentrados de grande poder. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Drag鉶 Veloz Drag鉶 El閠rico Drag鉶 Elemental Evoca a for鏰 de drag鮡s, que voam pelos ares em dire玢o aos inimigos. Dano extra de fogo. Ataca os oponentes em linha reta. Dano de fogo cont韓uo. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Chance de Queimar oponente: %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Rugido do Drag鉶 V鬿 dos Drag鮡s Destino Final Drag鮡s s鉶 evocados para proteger os Shamans, surgindo do ch鉶 em dire玢o aos c閡s. Dano extra de fogo. Ataca os oponentes ao redor. Dano de fogo cont韓uo. ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Chance de Queimar oponente: %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Escudo de Drag鉶 Prote玢o do Drag鉶 Escamas Inquebr醰eis Uma espessa armadura com base em escamas de drag鉶 que aumenta a sua defesa. Somente em alvos aliados. Reduz o dano f韘ico recebido. Usada somente em alvos aliados. CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Resist阯cia a Dano F韘ico: %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Escudo Espelhado Escudo Refletor Armadura de Espinhos Prote玢o que reflete parte dos danos f韘icos recebidos. Somente em alvos aliados. Reflete danos f韘icos. Usada somente em alvos aliados. CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Reflete ataque f韘ico: %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Olhos de Drag鉶 Cora玢o de Drag鉶 Garras do Drag鉶 B阯玢o dos drag鮡s, que aumenta o ataque e a taxa cr韙ica. Somente em alvos aliados. Aumenta o poder de ataque. Aumenta a taxa de ataques cr韙icos. Usada somente em alvos aliados. CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Chance de Ataque Cr韙ico: %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN Lan鏰 El閠rica Lan鏰 de Rel鈓pago Tridente Prateado Atira uma lan鏰 elemental, usada para eletrocutar os inimigos. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. Dano elemental de Rel鈓pago. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Campo Est醫ico Vis鉶 Est醫ica Rel鈓pagos Explosivos Invoca um poderoso trov鉶 que atinge seu alvo e os inimigos ao redor. Ataque dist鈔cia. Chance de Atordoar oponente. Dano elemental de Rel鈓pago. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Chance de Atordoar oponente: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Corrente El閠rica Corrente M韘tica Tormenta Elemental Corrente el閠rica que salta de um oponente a outro, atingindo v醨ios inimigos consecutivamente. Ataque dist鈔cia. Atinge os inimigos em volta do alvo. Dano elemental de Rel鈓pago. ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Dano M醙ico: %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Curar Ferimentos Restaura玢o M醙ica C醠ice da Sa鷇e Concentrando sua magia em uma pessoa, o Shaman consegue curar ferimentos rapidamente. Recupera o HP do alvo. Chance de remover magias negativas. Usada somente em alvos aliados. CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Recupera HP: %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Chance de Remover: %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Passos de Pluma V鬿 ao Vento Galope dos Ventos Incorpora as for鏰s elementais do vento aumentando a movimenta玢o. Aumenta a velocidade de movimento. Diminui o tempo de execu玢o da magia. Usada somente em alvos aliados. CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Velocidade de Movimento: +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Encantamentos Naturais Encantamentos Elementais C韗culo do Poder Convoca as for鏰s da natureza para auxiliar nos combates f韘icos. Aumenta o ataque. Usada somente em alvos aliados. CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Ataque: +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Lideran鏰 Melhora a capacidade de gerenciamento e efici阯cia do Grupo. PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Perseveran鏰 Aumenta a for鏰 e a quantidade de ataques f韘icos. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Pesca Melhora sua habilidade em pescar, facilitando a pescaria. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Minera玢o Aumenta sua habilidade em minerar, facilitando a minera玢o. PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Forja Melhora sua capacidade de fabricar equipamentos, facilitando a forja. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Dicion醨io de Shinsu Permite a interpreta玢o da l韓gua do Imp閞io do Sul. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Dicion醨io de Chunjo Permite a interpreta玢o da l韓gua do Imp閞io do Oeste. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Dicion醨io de Jinno Permite a interpreta玢o da l韓gua do Imp閞io do Leste. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Transfigura玢o Transforma玢o em diferentes criaturas com b鬾us variados. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Montaria Habilidade para cavalgar utilizando uma montaria. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Evocar Montaria Evoca seu cavalo. summon -137 HORSE Ataque Montado Ataca aos inimigos em seu redor. Habilidade de Montaria ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Aproxima玢o Violenta Ataca e empurra os inimigos em seu caminho. Habilidade de Montaria ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Ataque Circular Ataca os inimigos ao seu redor. Habilidade de Montaria ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Ataque M鷏tiplo Ataca o inimigos sua frente. Habilidade de Montaria ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Esp韗ito do Drag鉶 Aumento no GSP, possibilitando melhor uso das Skills de Guilda. PASSIVE yongan k * 1400 -152 GUILD Sangue do Drag鉶 Aumento tempor醨io do HP m醲imo dos membros da Guilda. Somente durante Guerras entre Guildas. ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 HP M醲imo: +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Ben玢o do Drag鉶 Aumento tempor醨io do MP m醲imo dos membros da Guilda. Somente durante Guerras entre Guildas. ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 MP M醲imo: +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Armadura do Drag鉶 Aumento tempor醨io da Defesa dos membros da Guilda. Somente durante Guerras entre Guildas. ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Defesa: +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD V鬿 do Drag鉶 Aumento tempor醨io da Velocidade de Ataque e Movimento dos membros da Guilda. Somente durante Guerras entre Guildas. ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Velocidades de ataque e movimento: +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Maldi玢o do Drag鉶 Aumento tempor醨io da chance de ataque cr韙ico dos membros da Guilda. Somente durante Guerras entre Guildas. ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Chance de ataque cr韙ico: +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Desejo do Drag鉶 Reduz o cooldown das skills dos membros da Guilda. Somente durante Guerras entre Guildas. ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Velocidade de Magia: +%.0f%% k * 50 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d6d60742..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/br/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/br/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index eceadd26..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/br/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a209e801..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Reino Shinsoo[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Uma na玢o pr髎pera e poderosa,[ENTER] -devido ao desenvolvimento do[ENTER] -com閞cio em sua regi鉶.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Localizado ao Sul do continente[ENTER] -e fundado por Yang, foi o[ENTER] -primeiro reino a ser afetado[ENTER] -pelas pedras Metin, tendo suas[ENTER] -rotas de com閞cio bloqueadas.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Utilizando de todo seu capital,[ENTER] -preparam sua defesa contra um[ENTER] -poss韛el plano de invas鉶[ENTER] -Chunjo. Desejam acima de tudo a[ENTER] -liberdade no com閞cio de volta.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b3a8d09f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Reino Chunjo[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Situado na regi鉶 Oeste, sendo[ENTER] -seu atual regente o descendente[ENTER] -do irm鉶 do antigo imperador.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Devido premoni玢o de sua[ENTER] -esposa, Young procurou avisar[ENTER] -a corte, mas foi ignorado.[ENTER] -Ent鉶 liderou uma rebeli鉶[ENTER] -at que o Imp閞io desmoronou.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Agora, Young declarou guerra[ENTER] -contra Jinno, e a situa玢o com[ENTER] -Shinsoo se agrava. Lutam para[ENTER] -unificar os reinos e acabar[ENTER] -com a amea鏰 das pedras Metin.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cd6793bd..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Reino Jinno[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Situado ao Leste, comandado[ENTER] -por Ryoong, sucessor do[ENTER] -antigo imperador.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Decidiram estudar as pedras[ENTER] -Metin em segredo, com[ENTER] -o objetivo de utilizar esse[ENTER] -poder para subjugar os[ENTER] -outros reinos em guerra.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Ryong acredita ser o escolhido[ENTER] -para susceder seu pai e[ENTER] -far o que for necess醨io[ENTER] -para unificar todos os reinos[ENTER] -e erguer um novo Imp閞io.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/br/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/br/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 74a38587..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -bitch -fuck -fuk -shit -sheet -shiat -sua puta -put4 -puto -merda -merd4 -m3rd4 -merdi -caralho -car4lho -car4lh0 -caralh0 -caralh -caralho -c4r4lh0 -caba鏾 -c4b40 -porra -p0rr4 -p0rra -porr4 -p0h4 -poh4 -p0ha -poha -fu deu -poh4 -porr4 -fudeu -fud3u -fode -fodeu -foda -fod4 -fud -fod -buceta -buc3ta -buc3t4 -boceta -bocts -b0cts -bucet -bocet -kralh -vagabunda -cacete -kct -viad -vi4do -vi4d0 -bicha -bichi -cuz鉶 -cuz -cuzao -cuza -cuzinho -cusinho -cuzin -cusin -pcc -comando vermelho -piranh -punhet -xoxota -xoxot -xerec -xerek -boquete -boqueta -boquet4 -boquet -boiol -boiola -baitol -baitola -bosta -bost4 -b0st4 -b0sta -pqp -|>uta -meu pau -minha pica -no seu cu -meio do cu -vsf -vai se fode -va se fode -meio do seu cu -puta que o pariu -puta que pariu -putaquepariu -putaqueopariu -pu7a -sua vaca -meu pau -minha benga -minha pica -tnc -kct -pau no cu -pau no c u -viadim -viadin -vi4dim -vi4din -viadao -viad鉶 -viad0 -v14d40 -traveco -tr4v3c0 -tr4veco -tr4v3co -trav3c0 -travec0 -skinhead -hitler -hack -cheat \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 19f71b4d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6989 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -20 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -21 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -22 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -29 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -30 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -31 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -32 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -33 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -34 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -35 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -36 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -37 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -38 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -39 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -40 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -41 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -42 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -43 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -44 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -45 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -46 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -47 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -48 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -49 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -50 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -51 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -52 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -53 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -54 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -55 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -56 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -57 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -58 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -59 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -60 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -61 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -62 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -63 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -64 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -65 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -66 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -67 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -68 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -69 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -70 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -71 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -72 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -73 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -74 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -75 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -76 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -77 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -78 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -79 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -80 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -81 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -82 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -83 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -84 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -85 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -86 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -87 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -88 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -89 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -90 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -91 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -92 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -93 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -94 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -95 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -96 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -97 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -98 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -99 WEAPON icon/item/00090.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00090.gr2 -100 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -101 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -102 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -103 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -104 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -105 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -106 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -107 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -108 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -109 WEAPON icon/item/00100.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00100.gr2 -110 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -111 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -112 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -113 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -114 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -115 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -116 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -117 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -118 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -119 WEAPON icon/item/00110.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00110.gr2 -120 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -121 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -122 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -123 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -124 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -125 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -126 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -127 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -128 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -129 WEAPON icon/item/00120.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00120.gr2 -130 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -131 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -132 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -133 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -134 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -135 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -136 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -137 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -138 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -139 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -140 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -141 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -142 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -143 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -144 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -145 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -146 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -147 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -148 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -149 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -150 WEAPON icon/item/00150.tga d:/ymir 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-432 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -433 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -434 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -435 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -436 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -437 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -438 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -439 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -440 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -441 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -442 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -443 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -444 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -445 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -446 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir 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icon/item/30333.tga -45139 ETC icon/item/51639.tga -45140 ETC icon/item/51640.tga -45141 ETC icon/item/51641.tga -45142 ETC icon/item/51642.tga -45143 ETC icon/item/51639.tga -45144 ETC icon/item/51640.tga -45145 ETC icon/item/51641.tga -45146 ETC icon/item/51642.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/br/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index c47cc654..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/br/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 69324a4f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Os Ninjas s鉶 os mestres da[ENTER] -agilidade e destreza. Usam de[ENTER] -sua espantosa velocidade para[ENTER] -se ocultar, surpreendendo os[ENTER] -inimigos com seus ataques.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Utilizam-se somente de[ENTER] -equipamentos leves, o que[ENTER] -resulta em uma baixa defesa.[ENTER] -Contudo, isso compensado[ENTER] -pela sua esquiva e precis鉶.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Al閙 de demonstrarem uma[ENTER] -extrema maestria usando[ENTER] -adagas,possuem a capacidade[ENTER] -鷑ica de usar arcos, [ENTER] -conseguindo acertar[ENTER] -[WAIT] -seu alvo a uma longa dist鈔cia[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 188c0fb5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Shamans s鉶 s醔ios que[ENTER] -possuem plenos conhecimentos[ENTER] -da natureza e do cosmos.[ENTER] -Passam a vida estudando[ENTER] -e analisando os fen鬽enos[ENTER] -[WAIT] -inexplic醰eis[ENTER] -encontrados em nosso mundo.[ENTER] -Por esse motivo, suas[ENTER] -habilidades f韘icas[ENTER] -s鉶 pouco desenvolvidas,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -resultando em[ENTER] -um baixo 韓dice de defesa[ENTER] -e de ataque.[ENTER] -Mas possuem a capacidade[ENTER] -de aperfei鏾ar os atributos[ENTER] -[WAIT] -f韘icos atrav閟 da magia.[ENTER] -Seus vastos conhecimentos[ENTER] -de magia s鉶 imbat韛eis,[ENTER] -e seja se utilizando dos[ENTER] -poderes da natureza ou dos[ENTER] -[WAIT] -poderes do Deus Drag鉶,[ENTER] -s鉶 indiscutivelmente[ENTER] -temidos dentro dos campos[ENTER] -de batalha.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ec20c390..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Shuras s鉶 combatentes que se[ENTER] -utilizam de for鏰s obscuras[ENTER] -canalizadas atrav閟 de seu[ENTER] -bra鏾,que foi modificado[ENTER] -pelo constante uso desse[ENTER] -[WAIT] -tipo de magia.[ENTER] -N鉶 costumam ser muito[ENTER] -soci醰eis e possuem um[ENTER] -desejo cont韓uo por[ENTER] -mais poder.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Por raramente confiarem[ENTER] -em outras pessoas,[ENTER] -a origem de suas habilidades[ENTER] -s鉶 desconhecidas.[ENTER] -Podem focar seu treinamento[ENTER] -[WAIT] -em habilidades que aumentam[ENTER] -sua per韈ia no combate[ENTER] -f韘ico,ou em aprofundar[ENTER] -seus conhecimentos sobre[ENTER] -as artes das trevas.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9aae59c4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Os Guerreiros s鉶 [ENTER] -especialistas em[ENTER] -combate curta dist鈔cia.[ENTER] -Possuem grande coragem[ENTER] -e carisma, os tornando[ENTER] -[WAIT] -imponentes comandantes[ENTER] -nos campos de batalha.[ENTER] -Equipados com armaduras[ENTER] -e armas pesadas e poderosas,[ENTER] -conseguem causar uma grande[ENTER] -[WAIT] -quantidade de dano ou[ENTER] -suportar muitos golpes,[ENTER] -mas s鉶 muito vulner醰eis[ENTER] -contra a magia.[ENTER] -Podem seguir seu treinamento[ENTER] -[WAIT] -voltado para o ataque,[ENTER] -se utilizando de skills[ENTER] -devastadoras para seus[ENTER] -inimigos, ou concentrar suas[ENTER] -for鏰s em sua defesa[ENTER] -[WAIT] -conseguindo sobreviver[ENTER] -a grande perigos.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/br/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/br/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/br/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3e4bec2c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,811 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Pontos de Amor: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Pontos de Honra: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Erro de ataque desconhecido: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE Imposs韛el atacar naquele local -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE Imposs韛el atacar desse local -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE N鉶 permitido trocar equipamentos durante uma negocia玢o. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP N鉶 permitido trocar equipamentos durante uma negocia玢o. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA N鉶 permitido abrir uma Loja Particular nesse local. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE Imposs韛el atacar naquele local -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW Voc est sem flechas -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE Imposs韛el atacar desse local -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH Imposs韛el se aproximar -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK Alvo incorreto -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE Imposs韛el atacar naquele local -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD necess醨io equipar uma Vara de Pescar -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE necess醨io estar montado em um cavalo -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Voc n鉶 possui uma Garrafa Vazia. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Voc n鉶 possui uma Garrafa de Veneno. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Selecione o alvo -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP N鉶 h HP suficiente! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP N鉶 h MP suficiente! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL Imposs韛el enquanto estiver montado -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON Imposs韛el usar essa Skill com a arma atual -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN N鉶 possui essa Skill -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE Somente em alvos aliados -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE Somente em personagens mortos -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD Imposs韛el usar Skills com uma Vara de Pescar -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE Imposs韛el atacar desse local -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF Imposs韛el usar em voc mesmo -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME Aguarde o cooldown -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s bloqueou todas as Mensagens Particulares. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s n鉶 est online. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE Imposs韛el enviar Mensagens Particulares se a fun玢o estiver bloqueada. SNA -CHANNEL Canal -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT N鉶 poss韛el efetuar Logout. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER Sem servidor. -CHANNEL_NORMAL Canal %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO N鉶 poss韛el encontrar as informa珲es do canal. -CHANNEL_PVP PvP -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Selecione o canal. -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Selecione o local de cobran鏰. -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Selecione o servidor. -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Servidor de teste. -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Teste %s:%d -CHAT_ALL Todos -CHAT_BLOCK Bloqueio -CHAT_GUILD Guilda -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING A frase cont閙 palavras inapropriadas. -CHAT_LOG Hist髍ico de mensagens [] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Hist髍ico de mensagens -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Sistema -CHAT_PARTY Grupo -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Enviar -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Mensagem Particular [+] -CHAT_SHOUT Gritos -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT poss韛el gritar somente uma vez a cada 15 segundos. -CHAT_WHISPER Mensagem Particular -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME N鉶 permitido o termo 'GM' no nome dos personagens. -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Esse nome considerado inapropriado. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Nome de personagem j est em uso. -CREATE_FAILURE N鉶 permitido o uso de caracteres especiais. -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Digite o nome do personagem. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT Pontos Extras -DAY d -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Deseja realmente descartar %d Gold? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Imposs韛el descartar um item equipado. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Imposs韛el descartar um item com a Loja Particular aberta. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER Imposs韛el descartar mais de 1.000 Gold por vez. -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dan鏰r1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dan鏰r2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dan鏰r3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dan鏰r4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dan鏰r5 -EMOTION_DANCE_6 Cavalinho -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Parabenizar -EMOTION_FORGIVE Perdoar -EMOTION_ANGRY Enfurecer-se -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Seduzir -EMOTION_SAD Lamentar-se -EMOTION_SHY Timidez -EMOTION_CHEERUP Apoiar -EMOTION_BANTER Provocar -EMOTION_JOY Alegrar-se -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Grito de Guerra -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Comemora玢o -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Selecione um personagem. -EMOTION_CLAP Aplausos -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Beijo -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS Beijo Apaixonado -EMOTION_SLAP Tapa -EMPIRE_A Shinsu -EMPIRE_B Chunjo -EMPIRE_C Jinno -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE N鉶 poss韛el trocar este item. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY N鉶 poss韛el modificar a quantidade. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM N鉶 poss韛el trocar itens equipados. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Gold -EXCHANGE_TITLE Negocia玢o com %s -FISHING_FAILURE Oh n鉶! O peixe comeu a sua isca! -FISHING_UNKNOWN N鉶 sei que tipo de peixe est fisgando! -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE N鉶 poss韛el pescar neste local. -GAME_CANNOT_MINING Imposs韛el minerar enquanto estiver montado. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM N鉶 poss韛el pegar itens que n鉶 lhe pertencem. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR Falha na cria玢o do cursor. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 necessita ser instalado para executar o jogo.\nInstale o DirectX 8.1 ou superior. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE N鉶 foi poss韛el encontrar o dispositivo gr醘ico para a executar o jogo.\nVerifique se sua placa de v韉eo foi instalada corretamente. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Falha na cria玢o do dispositivo gr醘ico.\nVerifique se seu dispositivo gr醘ico atende os requerimentos m韓imos.\nOu acione a acelera玢o de hardware.\n(Mantenha a acelera玢o por hardware ao m醲imo \ndo Painel de Controle->V韉eo->Configura珲es->Avan鏰do->Aba de Solu玢o de Problemas) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT Seu dispositivo gr醘ico n鉶 suporta o modo de janela na configura玢o de 32-bit.\nAltere para a configura玢o para 16-bit ou utilize o modo de tela cheia. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO N鉶 possui dados do item.\nPor favor reinstale o jogo novamente. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Falha na cria玢o da interface. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO N鉶 possui dados de monstros.\nPor favor reinstale o jogo novamente. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Falha na cria玢o do dispositivo de rede.\nPor favor verifique sua conex鉶 de internet. -GAME_PICK_MONEY Adquiriu %d Gold. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT A altura n鉶 possui 128 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT A altura n鉶 possui 12 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH A largura n鉶 possui 16 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH A largura n鉶 possui 64 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT O tipo da imagem n鉶 compat韛el com o jogo. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Por favor, posicione os arquivos no diret髍io metin2/upload -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT Nenhuma imagem foi selecionada. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Captura de Bandeira -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Batalha entre Guildas -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s declarou guerra contra sua Guilda. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Aceita o desafio de %s? -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Arena de Guerra -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE N韛el -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Nome -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE Pontos de Skill da Guilda completos, imposs韛el adicionar. -GUILD_COMMENT Enviar -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME O nome da Guilda inapropriado. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Membros da Guilda -GUILD_DELETE Apagar -GUILD_DEPOSIT Doar Gold -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Quer utilizar %d Gold para restaurar %d GSP? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN : Aceita se unir a essa Guilda? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Vazio -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Guilda inimiga -GUILD_GEM Pedra -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Restaurar GSP -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY Vazio -GUILD_NAME Nome -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL Voc n鉶 tem material suficiente para a constru玢o. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Voc n鉶 possui Gold suficiente para a constru玢o. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION Voc n鉶 possui autoridade para enviar a mensagem. -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Investir Experi阯cia -GUILD_SHORT_EXP N鉶 possui experi阯cia suficiente. -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Informa珲es da Guilda -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Quadro de Mensagens -GUILD_TILE_GRADE T韙ulos e Permiss鮡s -GUILD_TILE_INFO Informa珲es da Guilda -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Membros da Guilda -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Skills da Guilda -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Tempo: 30 minutos -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Recompensa: o vencedor recebe po珲es. -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Ocorre na Arena de Guerra. -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Ocorre no mapa normal. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE Guilda com maior pontua玢o vence. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture a bandeira inimiga e -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 traga a bandeira para a base de sua Guilda. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Derrote todos os oponentes para vencer. -GUILD_WITHDRAW Retirar Gold -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN Voc n鉶 pertence a nenhuma Guilda. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Morto -HORSE_HEALTH1 Faminto -HORSE_HEALTH2 Normal -HORSE_HEALTH3 Satisfeito -HORSE_LEVEL1 P鬾ei -HORSE_LEVEL2 Cavalo -HORSE_LEVEL3 Cavalo de Guerra -HOUR h -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Introduza o n鷐ero do Matrix Card -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Insira o c骴igo de 7 d韌itos (M阺/Dia/CPF) -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Excluir o personagem -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL N鉶 poss韛el mesclar o Scroll of Return. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Quer utilizar este item? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Ninja Aprendiz -JOB_ASSASSIN1 For鏰 Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN2 For鏰 Arqueira -JOB_SHAMAN Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN0 Shaman Aprendiz -JOB_SHAMAN1 For鏰 Drag鉶 -JOB_SHAMAN2 For鏰 Rel鈓pago -JOB_SURA Shura -JOB_SURA0 Shura Aprendiz -JOB_SURA1 For鏰 Miragem -JOB_SURA2 For鏰 Negra -JOB_WARRIOR Guerreiro -JOB_WARRIOR0 Guerreiro Aprendiz -JOB_WARRIOR1 For鏰 Arahan -JOB_WARRIOR2 For鏰 Partizan -LEFT_TIME Tempo restante -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Falha de conex鉶 com o servidor. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS Conex鉶 com o servidor estabelecida. -LOGIN_CONNETING Conectando... -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY A conta j est conectada. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY O Login apresentou um erro. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Conta bloqueada. Consulte nosso site para mais informa珲es. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL A conta n鉶 possui tempo de jogo registrado. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL A conta n鉶 est dispon韛el. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID ID n鉶 existe. -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Aguarde, sua conta est sendo analisada pelos GM's. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN O servidor est em manuten玢o, acesse o site www.metin2.com.br para maiores informa珲es -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER N鉶 foi poss韛el conectar pois o servidor se encontra cheio no momento. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN Falha no Login por erro desconhecido. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Erro na digita玢o dos dados. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE Erro na digita玢o dos dados pela terceira vez consecutiva. A conex鉶 ser encerrada. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Senha incorreta. -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Digite o ID. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Digite a senha. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Logando... -LOGIN_FAILURE_FLASH_USER N鉶 poss韛el jogar com esse tipo de conta -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT N鉶 poss韛el colocar o item no Item Shop. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Senha -MAP_A1 Centro Shinsu -MAP_A2 Vale Suryong -MAP_A3 Vila Jayang -MAP_AG Forte Jurang -MAP_B1 Centro Chonjo -MAP_B2 Vale de Fugus -MAP_B3 Vila Bokujong -MAP_BG Forte Waryon -MAP_C1 Centro Jinno -MAP_C2 Montanha Cenran -MAP_C3 Vila Bakura -MAP_CG Forte Imura -MAP_DESERT Deserto Yonbi -MAP_FLAME Campo Doyama -MAP_SKELTOWER Torre Demon韆ca -MAP_SNOW Montanha Sohan -MAP_SPIDER Caverna Sombria -MAP_TEMPLE Templo Secreto -MAP_TREE Floresta Selvagem -MAP_TRENT02 Floresta_Jokui -MAP_WL Deserto_Sawan -MAP_NUSLUCK Sawang -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Adicionar contato -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s quer adicionar voc como contato -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Voc aceita? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Deseja realmente remover o contato? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Deseja excluir o n鷐ero do celular? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Deseja mover o contato? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Vazio -MESSENGER_FAMILY Fam韑ia -MESSENGER_FRIEND Amigos -MESSENGER_GUILD Guilda -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Adicione o n鷐ero de valida玢o enviado para o seu celular. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Adicione o n鷐ero de valida玢o. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Adicione o n鷐ero do celular para envio de SMS. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Voc quer adicionar o n鷐ero agora? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Adicione o n鷐ero do celular. -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Enviar mensagem -MINIMAP Mini-mapa -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Mapa indispon韛el -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Mapa indispon韛el -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Menos Zoom -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Mais Zoom -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d espectadores -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Mostrar Mapa -MINUTE m -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Pre鏾 do item: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP N鉶 poss韛el mover o item enquanto a Loja Particular estiver aberta. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST N鉶 cont閙 BMG. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA BGM Padr鉶 Metin 2 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC N鉶 est selecionado um arquivo de m鷖ica. -NEEFD_REST Necessita descanso. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT N鉶 apresenta suporte. -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE N鉶 poss韛el selecionar esse modo caso n鉶 seja membro de uma Guilda. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT N鉶 poss韛el utilizar essa configura玢o do modo PvP. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT necess醨io estar no n韛el %d para configurar o modo PvP. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Ataque: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Velocidade de Ataque: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Dura玢o de Skills: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Defesa: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Experi阯cia b鬾us: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER MP m醲imo: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER HP m醲imo: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Encerrar grupo -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT deseja participar do seu grupo. Voc aceita? -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN Voc aceita o convite para grupo? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE Divis鉶 de Exp: -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL N韛el -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Recebe mais experi阯cia o personagem de maior n韛el -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Igual -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP Todos recebem a mesma quantidade de experi阯cia -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Recupera completamente. -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Aumenta o alcance do grupo em 1.5 vezes SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Aumenta o alcance do grupo em 2 vezes SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Sair do grupo -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Exp. b鬾us por longa dura玢o: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Convocar membro do grupo -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS B鬾us na regenera玢o de HP & MP: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED Voc recusou o convite do grupo. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Selecionar como Ofensivo -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Selecionar como 羐il -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Selecionar como Suporte -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Selecionar como Defensivo -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Cancelar a sele玢o -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Selecionar como M韘tico -PARTY_SET_TANKER Selecionar como Resistente -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Ataque: +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Velocidade de Ataque: +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Dura玢o de Skills Passivas: +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Defesa: +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN Regenera玢o de HP: +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 羠ea de ataque: +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER MP m醲imo: +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN Regenera玢o de MP: +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER HP m醲imo: +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP poss韛el convocar um membro do grupo -PASSWORD_TITLE Senha do armaz閙 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Gold -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM N鉶 poss韛el a venda do item na Loja Particular. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Deseja fechar a Loja Particular? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Nome da Loja Particular: -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Pre鏾 -PVP_LEVEL0 Admir醰el -PVP_LEVEL1 Nobre -PVP_LEVEL2 Integro -PVP_LEVEL3 Valioso -PVP_LEVEL4 Civil -PVP_LEVEL5 Malfeitor -PVP_LEVEL6 Marginal -PVP_LEVEL7 Criminoso -PVP_LEVEL8 Vil鉶 -PVP_MODE_GUILD Modo PvP Guilda selecionado. -PVP_MODE_KILL Modo PvP Livre selecionado. -PVP_MODE_NORMAL Modo PvP Pac韋ico selecionado. -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP desativado. -PVP_MODE_REVENGE Modo PvP Honra selecionado. -PVP_OPTION_KILL Livre -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Normal -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Pac韋ico -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Honra -QUEST_APPEND Uma nova quest foi adicionada. -QUEST_MIN m -QUEST_SEC s -QUEST_TIMEOVER Tempo esgotado -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME Sem limite de tempo -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0s -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM Este item n鉶 pode ser adicionado na barra de atalhos. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s enviou uma mensagem. -REFINE_COST Custo da refina玢o: %d Gold -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING Em caso de falha na refina玢o, o item ser destru韉o. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 Ir aumentar as chances de sucesso na refina玢o. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 O item ser destru韉o no caso de falha. Deseja continuar? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING O item perder refina玢o no caso de falha! -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Deseja remover a J骾a? -REFINE_FAILURE Oh n鉶! Houve uma falha no processo de refina玢o! -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM N鉶 poss韛el refinar um item equipado. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM N鉶 h uma Pedra para ser removida. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL necess醨io um Pergaminho melhor para a refina玢o. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET N鉶 poss韛el a cria玢o de Slots adicionais. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM N鉶 poss韛el a cria玢o de Slots adicionais neste item. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM N鉶 poss韛el refinar este item. -REFINE_SUCCESS Parab閚s, o item foi refinado com sucesso! -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Chances de sucesso na refina玢o: %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Deseja continuar? -SAFEBOX_ERROR A senha est incorreta. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM N鉶 poss韛el guardar este item no armaz閙. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD Ambas as senhas necessitam ser id阯ticas. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 A screenshot ser salva em -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Metin2/screenshot -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Falha ao salvar a Screenshot. -SECOND s -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE N鉶 foi poss韛el excluir o personagem. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME O nome do personagem foi alterado. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME Nome j est em uso. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Por favor, tente mais tarde. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME O nome do personagem est incorreto. -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Alterar o nome do personagem -SELECT_DELEING Excluindo o personagem... -SELECT_DELETED Personagem exclu韉o. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Deseja continuar? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT poss韛el a cria玢o de personagem. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Por favor, insira um novo nome para o personagem. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD Sem Guilda -SHOP_BUY_INFO Selecione o item que deseja comprar. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT N鉶 poss韛el vender um item equipado. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM N鉶 poss韛el vender este item. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Erro desconhecido do Shop: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS Este um nome inapropriado. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL N鉶 existe mais espa鏾 livre em seu invent醨io. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY N鉶 possui Gold suficiente. -SHOP_SELL_INFO Selecione o item de seu invent醨io para a venda. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Vendido -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Erro desconhecido de ataque a longa dist鈔cia: %s -SKILL_BOHO Escudo Espelhado -SKILL_BUDONG Aumento -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK Faltam pontos de Skill. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT Falta o Livro da Skill. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Defesa Superior -SKILL_CRITICAL B鬾us de Cr韙ico -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Arma evenenada -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Invisibilidade -SKILL_FAINT Desmaiado -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Descobrir Armadilha -SKILL_FIRE Queimaduras -SKILL_FISHMIND Manual de Pesca -SKILL_GAMJI Detectar -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG L鈓ina Espiritual -SKILL_GEONGON Trevas e Luz -SKILL_GICHEON Olhos de Drag鉶 -SKILL_GIGONG Ferimentos -SKILL_GONGPO Medo -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Ninja -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Arqueira -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Montaria -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Drag鉶 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Rel鈓pago -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Miragem -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Negra -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Arahan -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Partizan -SKILL_GWIGEOM L鈓ina Sombria -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Passos Leves -SKILL_HEUKSIN Prote玢o das Sombras -SKILL_HOSIN Escudo de Drag鉶 -SKILL_HWAYEOM Fogo das Sombras -SKILL_HYEOLMA Ruptura -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD B鬾us na Velocidade de Ataque -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD B鬾us em Movimento -SKILL_INMA Ataque desolador -SKILL_JEOJU Maldi玢o -SKILL_JEONGEOP Curar Ferimentos -SKILL_JEONGWI F鷕ia -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Aura de L韉er -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Ataque m醲imo -SKILL_JEUNGCHE Crescimento -SKILL_JEUNGHON Salto -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Encantamentos Naturais -SKILL_JEUNGSOK B鬾us de Velocidade -SKILL_JIGAM Drag鉶 Sombrio -SKILL_JIPJUNG Concentrar Defesa -SKILL_JUMAGAP Aura Negra -SKILL_JUMAGEOM F鷕ia Demon韆ca -SKILL_KWAEGEOM Frenesi Divino -SKILL_KWAESOK Passos de Pluma -SKILL_LEGBOUND Imobilizar -SKILL_MUSA Concentrar -SKILL_MUYEONG Evocar Elemental -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE N鉶 possui uma Garrafa vazia. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE N鉶 possui uma Garrafa de veneno. -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR A Skill s pode ser utilizada durante Guerras entre Guildas. -SKILL_PABEOP Magia dissipada -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Ataque Atordoante -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Brilho Cegante -SKILL_SINCHAK Aumento -SKILL_SLEEP Sono -SKILL_SLOW Lentid鉶 -SKILL_STUN Atordoar -SKILL_SUHO Guardi鉶 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance de convocar: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT INT -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL N韛el -SKILL_TOXICDIE Veneno -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Veneno Mortal -SKILL_TUSOK Magia Negra -SKILL_WONSIN Ben玢o do Drag鉶 -SKILL_YONGSIN Esp韗ito do Drag鉶 -STAT_MINUS_CON Redu玢o de VIT: %d -STAT_MINUS_DEX Redu玢o de DES: %d -STAT_MINUS_INT Redu玢o de INT: %d -STAT_MINUS_STR Redu玢o de FOR: %d -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON Aumenta HP, Defesa e Resist阯cia. -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Aumenta os 韓dices de acerto e evas鉶. -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT Aumenta MP, Atq. M醙ico e Prot. M醙ica. -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Aumenta o Ataque. -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Emblema da Guilda -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 O modo gr醘ico CPU pode melhorar a performance do seu computador. Caso encontre -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 problemas gr醘icos, utilize as configura珲es do sistema para alterar suas op珲es -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 e selecione o modo gr醘ico GPU novamente. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 O modo gr醘ico GPU pode ser mais lento em alguns casos, dependendo da placa de v韉eo. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 Caso tenha problemas gr醘icos utilize as configura珲es do sistema para alterar suas op珲es -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 e para selecionar o modo gr醘ico CPU novamente. -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT A altera玢o do modo gr醘ico requer a reinicializa玢o do jogo. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Duelar -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Vingan鏰 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Atacar -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Desmontar -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Express鮡s -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Negocia玢o -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Excluir -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER Finalizar -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duelo -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Contato -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guilda -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Grupo -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Sair -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Participar -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Equipamento -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Mensagem -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Mestre -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Supremo -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Superior -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Comum -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Elite -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Valente -TASKBAR_ATTACK Ataque -TASKBAR_AUTO Ataque Autom醫ico -TASKBAR_CAMERA C鈓era -TASKBAR_EXP Experi阯cia -TASKBAR_HP HP -TASKBAR_MOVE Mover -TASKBAR_SKILL Skill -TASKBAR_SP MP -TASKBAR_ST Resist阯cia -THING_COUNT Un. -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL B鬾us contra Animais: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN B鬾us contra Ninjas: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL B鬾us contra Dem鬾ios: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN B鬾us contra Human骾des: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO B鬾us contra Fan醫icos: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER B鬾us contra Monstros: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC B鬾us contra Orcs: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN B鬾us contra Shamans: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA B鬾us contra Shuras: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD B鬾us contra Mortos-vivos: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR B鬾us contra Guerreiros: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance de bloquear Ataque F韘ico: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Recupera %d MP a cada 5 segundos SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT Chance de Ataque Cr韙ico: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER Chance de recuperar MP no ataque: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Chance de esquivar Flechas: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS Experi阯cia b鬾us: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS Gold b鬾us: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Resist阯cia contra Enfraquecimento SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Resist阯cia contra Lentid鉶 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Resist阯cia contra Atordoamento SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS Taxa de Drop: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER Chance de restaurar HP: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER Chance de restaurar MP: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT Chance de reduzir MP do oponente: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT Sem efeito -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY N鉶 perder Experi阯cia ao ser derrotado SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT Chance de Perfurar: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Chance de Envenenar oponente: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Resist阯cia contra Veneno: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS B鬾us em po珲es: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Reflete Magia: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE Reflete Ataques F韘icos: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Resist阯cia contra Sinos: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Resist阯cia contra Adagas: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Resist阯cia contra Leques: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Resist阯cia contra Espadas: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Resist阯cia contra Esp. duas m鉶s: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Resist阯cia contra Vento: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS B鬾us em aprimorar Skills: 150% SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY Ignora cooldown em aprimorar Skills SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Chance de causar Lentid鉶: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP Chance de absorver HP: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP Chance de absorver MP: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance de Atordoar oponente: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL N鉶 pode ser vendido na Loja -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armadura -TOOLTIP_ARROW Flecha -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Ataque: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Velocidade de ataque: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Alcance do arco: +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Pre鏾: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Velocidade de Skill: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Vitalidade: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Defesa: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Destreza: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Brinco -TOOLTIP_ETC Etc -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Pontos: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Oferecer a Picareta ao Lenhador. -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 Refinar Picareta -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 Loja de itens para minera玢o -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Pontos: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Oferecer o item ao pescador. -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 Refinar Vara de pescar -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 Loja de itens para pesca -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN Comprimento: %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Elmo -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN Regenera玢o de HP: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Intelig阯cia: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Ataque: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Ataque: %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Ataque: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Ataque: %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Velocidade de Ataque: %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Defesa: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST R醦ido -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Vit necess醨ia: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Des necess醨ia: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Int necess醨ia: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL N韛el necess醨io: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR For necess醨ia: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Ataque M醙ico: %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Ataque M醙ico: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Prote玢o M醙ica: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Lento -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST R醦ido -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Muito lento -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Classes ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER N鷐ero da sorte : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Ataque M醙ico: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Prote玢o M醙ica: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Ataque: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Ataque: +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT Adquire Gold automaticamente SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Defesa:+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Defesa: +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS Experi阯cia: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC Lan Experi阯cia : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC Experi阯cia: +100% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Chance de pescar um peixe raro: +100% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Taxa de Gold: +%.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Taxa de Gold: +100% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Taxa de Drop: +%.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC Lan Taxa de Drop:+%.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Taxa de Drop:+100% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST B鬾us nos Pontos de Amor SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Armaz閙 cont閙 sess鮡s extras SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP HP M醲imo: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT HP M醲imo: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP MP M醲imo: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT MP M醲imo: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Resist阯cia M醲ima: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s (%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR Erro nas coordenadas(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Velocidade de Movimento: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Colar -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Usa todo o MP -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP GSP necess醨io: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP HP necess醨io: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC HP necess醨io: %d/seg -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Pontos de Skill necess醨ios: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP MP necess醨io: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP necess醨io: %d/seg -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Pr髕imo n韛el: %d (N韛el m醲: %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Pr髕imo n韛el: %d (N韛el m醲: %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Dano: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Defesa: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 Mais de %d membros no Grupo, -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Ataque: +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , Defesa: +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Recupera o HP/MP de todos os membros do grupo uma vez a cada 60 minutos. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Recupera o HP/MP de todos os membros do grupo uma vez a cada 30 minutos. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL Pode convocar os membros do grupo 3 minutos ap髎 sua derrota. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL Pode convocar os membros do grupo se estiverem no servidor. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Ataque +(N鷐ero de integrantes do grupo/2) pode ser adicionado ao Ofensivo %d. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defesa +(N鷐ero de integrantes do grupo) pode ser adicionado ao Defensivo ou Resistente. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL N韛el: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [B鬾us em Ataque e Defesa] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [Recuperar] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP Mais de %d membros no grupo resultam em Exp. b鬾us de %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [B鬾us Exp] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Convocar] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Selecionar Ofensivo] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Selecionar Resistente] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cura efeitos negativos -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN m -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Velocidade de Ataque: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Velocidade de Movimento: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT MP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT MP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC s -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Dura玢o: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL Necess醨io n韛el 21 ou superior. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL Necess醨io n韛el 41 ou superior. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL Necess醨io n韛el %d. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL Skill %s n韛el %d necess醨ia. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d necess醨io. -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Resist阯cia contra Flechas: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Resist阯cia contra Rel鈓pago: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Resist阯cia contra Fogo: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Resist阯cia contra Magia: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Restante: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Pre鏾: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Shaman -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Escudo -TOOLTIP_SHOES Cal鏰do -TOOLTIP_SKILL Skill SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Livro de Skill -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Ataque: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Ataque: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Velocidade de Ataque: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Defesa: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Ataque do oponente: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restaura HP: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Velocidade de movimento: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Reflete ataques f韘icos: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Resist阯cia a dano f韘ico: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Cooldown: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Dano de Skill: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Resist阯cia a Skills: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Dura玢o: %d segundos -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Livro do Esquecimento -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL N韛el: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER N韛el: %d (Master) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX N韛el: %d (N韛el m醲: %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Vazio -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [ Item para Slot ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN Regenera玢o de MP: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR FOR: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Shura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 趎ico -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Guerreiro -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Arma -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Bracelete -UI_ACCEPT Aceitar -UI_CANCEL Cancelar -UI_CLOSE Fechar -UI_DEF_FONT Verdana:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Verdana:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Verdana:9 -UI_DENY Negar -UI_ITEM Item -UI_LEFT_TIME Tempo Restante : %d seg. -UI_NEXT Pr髕imo -UI_NOCONTENTS Sem conte鷇o -UI_NONAME Sem nome -UI_OK Ok -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Local desconhecido -UI_UNKNOWN Desconhecido -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP N鉶 poss韛el utilizar o item enquanto a Loja Particular estiver aberta. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN %s causou um erro de Skill desconhecido. -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT necess醨io relogar para que as altera珲es tenham efeito. -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT necess醨io relogar para que as altera珲es tenham efeito. -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Resist阯cia contra Guerreiros: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Resist阯cia contra Ninjas: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Resist阯cia contra Shuras: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Resist阯cia contra Shamans: %d%% SA -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Deseja vender %s por %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Deseja vender %s x%s por %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Deseja comprar %s por %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Deseja comprar %s x%s por %s? -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s n鉶 pode ser integrado a este item. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET N鉶 possui Slot para poder adicionar %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET N鉶 possui Slot Dourado para pode adicionar %s. -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Deseja realmente descartar %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Deseja realmente descartar %s x%s? -MONETARY_UNIT0 Gold -MONETARY_UNIT1 Dez mil -MONETARY_UNIT2 Cem milh鮡s -FISHING_NOTIFY1 %s est mordendo a isca! -FISHING_NOTIFY2 %s est preso no anzol! -FISHING_SUCCESS1 Parab閚s, voc pescou um(a) %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 Parab閚s, voc conseguiu um(a) %s! -FOR_MALE Masculino -FOR_FEMALE Feminino -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL 3 -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL necess醨io Guilda n韛el 3. -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING EM USO -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST Porcent. Restante : %.2f%% -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP Pocao Automatica HP -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP Pocao Automatica MP -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT MP Maximo +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT HP Maximo +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ENERGY Energia em %d SA -UI_NEXTPAGE >> -UI_PREVPAGE << -TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS increased costume bonus %d SA -TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER Dura玢o %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX Dura玢o %d%% SA -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL1 Fosca -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL2 Clara -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL3 Limpa -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL4 Brilhante -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL5 Resplandecente -DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH +%dLevel SA -DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING1 Depois de equipar uma pedra dif韈il remov-la. -DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING2 Mesmo assim deseja equipar? -DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING1 Remover pedras pode quebr-las. -DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING2 Mesmo assim deseja remover? -DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED A pedra n鉶 possui os requisitos necess醨ios. -DRAGON_SOUL_UNMATCHED_SLOT A pedra n鉶 encaixa no slot. -DRAGON_SOUL_EXPIRED A pedra expirou. -TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1 Armadura SNA -TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2 Acess髍ios SNA -DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE_MORE N鉶 pode mais ser refinada. -DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE N鉶 pode ser refinada. -DRAGON_SOUL_INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL Pedra inv醠ida. -DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL N鉶 uma pedra. -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_MATCHED_SLOT N鉶 encaixa neste slot. -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL Faltam materiais. -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL_REFINE_STONE N鉶 uma pedra de refina玢o. -CANNOT_USE Desabilitada -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER Ataque M醙ico +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER B鬾us de Dano F韘ico/M醙ico +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ICE Resist阯cia a Gelo +%d SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_EARTH Resist阯cia a Terra +%d SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_DARK Resist阯cia a Trevas +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_CRITICAL_PCT Resist阯cia a Critico +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT Resist阯cia a Perfura玢o +%d%% SA -MAP_CAPE Pen韓sula do Drag鉶 -MAP_THUNDER Montanhas Trov鉶 -MAP_DAWN Penhasco da Alvorada -MAP_BAY Enseada de Jades diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index df8637fd..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Confirmar -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Quer mesmo combinar? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Combinar itens -CANCEL Cancelar -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Confirme a nova senha -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW Nova senha -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Senha original -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Troca de senha -CHARACTER_ACTION A珲es -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emoticons -CHARACTER_MAIN Status -CHARACTER_QUEST Quests -CHARACTER_SKILL Skills -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Express鮡s interativas -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Express鮡s -CLOSE Fechar -CREATE_ATT_GRADE FOR -CREATE_CREATE Criar -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DES -CREATE_HP VIT -CREATE_LAST_POINT Pontos -CREATE_NAME Nome -CREATE_NEXT Pr髕imo -CREATE_PREV Anterior -CREATE_SHAPE Vestimenta -CREATE_SP INT -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reiniciar -EMPIRE_EXIT Voltar -EMPIRE_NEXT Pr髕imo -EMPIRE_PREV Anterior -EMPIRE_SELECT Selecionar -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Aceitar -EXCHANGE_TITLE Negociar -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Op珲es de jogo -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER Sair do modo Espectador -GAME_HELP Ajuda -GAME_QUEST Quests -GAME_SKILL_UP Ponto de Skill -GAME_STAT_UP Ponto de Status -GUILD_BASENAME Nome -GUILD_BOARD_ID Personagem -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Atualizar -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Mensagem -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Classifica玢o -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Mover -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Dire玢o -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Posi玢o -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Informa珲es -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Unidades de constru玢o -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Nome -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operar -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Localiza玢o -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Visualizar -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Atualizar -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Constru珲es da Guilda -GUILD_CRYSTAL Cristal -GUILD_DEPOSIT Doar -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Recursos de Drop -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Aqui -GUILD_GEM Pedra -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME Alterar t韙ulo -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Posi玢o -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Expulsar -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Recrutar -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Mensagens -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Skills -GUILD_GRADE_RANK T韙ulo -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Enviar -GUILD_INFO Informa珲es da guilda -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Experi阯cia -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Declarar guerra -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Guildas inimigas -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY Nenhuma -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL N韛el -GUILD_INFO_MARK Emblema -GUILD_INFO_MASTER L韉er -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE L韉er -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL N韛el m閐io -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Membros -GUILD_INFO_NAME Nome -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE Nome -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Investir -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Pr髕imo n韛el -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Escolher emblema -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Selecionar bandeira -GUILD_MARK Emblema da guilda -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Classe -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT L韉er -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL N韛el -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Personagem -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK T韙ulo -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Exp % -GUILD_METIN_STONE Pedra Espiritual -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Gold da Guilda -GUILD_NAME Guilda -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Informa珲es de recursos -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Skills Ativas -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Skills Passivas -GUILD_SKILL_POWER GSP -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Skills da guilda -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Restaurar GSP -GUILD_SYMBOL Bandeira da guilda -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Aceitar Guerra entre Guildas -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Tipo de Batalha -GUILD_WAR_CTF Captura -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Declarar guerra entre guildas -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Guilda inimiga -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Batalha -GUILD_WAR_WARP Arena -GUILD_WATER 羐ua -GUILD_WATER_STONE Pedra d'醙ua -GUILD_WITHDRAW Retirar -HELP_ATTACK_KEY ou s鉶 usados para atacar com seu personagem -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE + alterna os modos de ataque enquanto estiver montado em um cavalo -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 Janelas de Status, Invent醨io, -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 Lista de Contatos e Menu -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON A vis鉶 da c鈓era ajust醰el atrav閟 do bot鉶 atrav閟 do bot鉶 scroll do mouse, -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON + usado para olhar ao redor do personagem -HELP_EXP Experi阯cia -HELP_FURY Indicador de F鷕ia (n鉶 implementado) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW + abre e fecha a janela de Guilda -HELP_HELP abre a janela de ajuda. Tamb閙 pode ser acessada atrav閟 do Menu, acessado com a tecla -HELP_HP HP -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW + acessa a Lista de Contatos -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Fun玢o [Bot鉶 Esquerdo do Mouse] -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Fun玢o [Bot鉶 Direito do Mouse] -HELP_MOVE_KEY Use , , , ou as setas para mover seu personagem -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER abre a janela de Status do personagem -HELP_OPEN_CHAT abre e fecha a janela de conversa -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY acessa a janela de Invent醨io -HELP_OPEN_LOG abre o hist髍ico de chat -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP + abre e fecha o Mini-Mapa -HELP_OPEN_QUEST usado para acessar o quadro de Quests -HELP_OPEN_SKILL abre sua janela de Skills -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER + abre a janela de Mensagens Particulares -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP usado para abrir e fechar o Mapa completo -HELP_PICK_ITEM <'> ou s鉶 usados para apanhar os itens no ch鉶 -HELP_QUICKSLOT Atalhos -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE captura uma imagem. A imagem ser salva na pasta Metin2/Screenshots -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME exibe o nome de todos os personagens e itens -HELP_SP MP -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON Menu -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 Invent醨io -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 Invent醨io II -INVENTORY_TITLE Invent醨io -LOAD_ERROR Os dados est鉶 corrompidos. Por favor reinstale o Metin 2. Pressione Esc para sair. -LOGIN_CONNECT Conectar -LOGIN_CONNECTING Conectando... -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Nome do servidor, canal 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Fechar -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Escolha o Reino -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Servidor -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Voltar -LOGIN_SELECT_OK Selecionar -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Escolha o Servidor -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Senha -MALL_TITLE Retirada do Item Mall -MARKET_TITLE Loja -MARKLIST_REFRESH Atualizar -MARKLIST_TITLE Emblema da guilda -MESSAGE Mensagem -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Adicionar contato -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Remover contato -MESSENGER_MOBILE Enviar SMS -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Abrir janela de guilda -MESSENGER_TITLE Lista de contatos -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Usar skill de mover a guilda -MESSENGER_WHISPER Mensagem Particular -MINIMIZE Minimizar -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Atacar -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Ataque Autom醫ico -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA C鈓era -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Skill -MUSICLIST_TITLE Lista de BGM -NO N鉶 -OK Ok -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Nome -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Tecla -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Sempre -OPTION_BLOCK Bloquear -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Negocia玢o -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Contato -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Guilda -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Grupo -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Participar -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Mensagens -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE C鈓era -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Longe -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Perto -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Remover n鷐ero de celular -OPTION_EFFECT Dano -OPTION_FOG Neblina -OPTION_FOG_DENSE Alta -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Baixa -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE M閐ia -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Inserir n鷐ero de celular -OPTION_MOBILE N鷐ero de celular -OPTION_MUSIC BGM -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Alterar -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA BGM Padr鉶 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Cor nome -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Reino -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal -OPTION_PVPMODE Modo PvP -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Livre -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP Permite atacar todos os jogadores -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Guilda -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP Permite atacar todos os jogadores, exceto membros da guilda -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Pac韋ico -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP N鉶 ataca outros jogadores, mas poss韛el contra-atacar -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Honra -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP Ataca somente personagens com Classe de Honra oposta -OPTION_SOUND SFX -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Alvo -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Ocultar -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Exibir -OPTION_TILING Gr醘icos -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Aplicar -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Op珲es -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chat -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Ocultar -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Exibir -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Membro -PASSWORD_TITLE Senha do Armaz閙 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Quantia -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Fechar -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Nome da loja -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Loja particular -REFINE_COST Custo da Refina玢o: 0 Gold -REFINE_INFO Chance de Refina玢o bem-sucedida: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Refina玢o -RESTART_HERE Retornar aqui -RESTART_TOWN Retornar na cidade -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Alterar senha -SAFE_TITLE Armaz閙 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE FOR -SELECT_CREATE Novo Personagem -SELECT_DELETE Excluir -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DES -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Reino -SELECT_EXIT Voltar -SELECT_HP VIT -SELECT_LEVEL N韛el -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Escolha a gema -SELECT_NAME Nome -SELECT_NO_GUILD Sem guilda -SELECT_PLAYTIME Tempo de jogo -SELECT_SELECT Selecionar Personagem -SELECT_SP INT -SELECT_TITLE T韙ulo -SHOP_BUY Comprar -SHOP_SELL Vender -SHOP_TITLE Loja -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Skills Passivas -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE Op珲es de sistema -SYSTEM_CHANGE Selecionar personagem -SYSTEM_EXIT Fechar o jogo -SYSTEM_HELP Ajuda -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Logout -SYSTEM_MALL Loja de itens -SYSTEM_OPTION Op珲es de sistema -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Status [///] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat [] -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Invent醨io [] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Lista de contatos [+] -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Atalhos seguintes [+ ou ] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Atalhos anteriores [+] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Menu [] -WHISPER_BAN Bloquear -WHISPER_NAME Mensagem Particular com -WHISPER_SEND Enviar -YES Sim -ZONE_MAP Mapa Completo -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Pre鏾 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Pedra -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Tronco -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Compensado -CUBE_TITLE Cubo -CREATE_SEX Sexo -CREATE_MAN Masculino -CREATE_WOMAN Feminino -PASSWORD_DESC_1 Insira sua senha -PASSWORD_DESC_2 para abrir o Item Mall -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER test -WHISPER_REPORT test -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE Trajes -OPTION_SALESTEXT Loja -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_ON Mostrar -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF Esconder -DRAGONSOUL_TITLE Pedra de Drag鉶 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_1 Comum (D) -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_2 Incomum (C) -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_3 Rara (B) -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_4 Antiga (A) -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_5 Lend醨ia (S) -DRAGONSOUL_ACTIVATE Ativar Pedra do Drag鉶 -DRAGONSOUL_REFINE_WINDOW_TITLE Refinamento de Pedra de Drag鉶 -REFINE_SELECT Selecionar Refina玢o -REFINE_MONEY Custo da Refina玢o -DO_REFINE Refinar -GRADE Classe -STEP Brilho -STRENGTH Level -TASKBAR_EXPAND Maximizar -TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL Pedra de Drag鉶 -TASKBAR_DISABLE Fechar -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_1 Diamante -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_2 Rubi -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_3 Jade -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_4 Safira -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_5 Granada -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_6 詎ix -GRADE_SELECT Sele玢o por Classe -STEP_SELECT Sele玢o por Brilho -STRENGTH_SELECT Sele玢o por Level -CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR ou - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/br/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- 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"windows.dds" -left 270 -top 133 -right 307 -bottom 150 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/ui/windows/title_status.sub b/bin_original/locale/br/ui/windows/title_status.sub deleted file mode 100644 index e173f087..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/br/ui/windows/title_status.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 414 -top 116 -right 462 -bottom 133 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/br/ui/windows/windows.dds b/bin_original/locale/br/ui/windows/windows.dds deleted file mode 100644 index c336a89b..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/br/ui/windows/windows.dds and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/AtlasInfo.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/AtlasInfo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 66864922..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/AtlasInfo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -map_a2 256000 665600 6 6 -map_b2 102400 51200 6 6 -map_c2 665600 281600 6 6 -map_n_snowm_01 358400 153600 6 6 -metin2_map_a1 409600 896000 4 5 -metin2_map_a3 307200 819200 4 4 -metin2_map_b1 0 102400 4 5 -metin2_map_b3 102400 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_c1 921600 204800 4 5 -metin2_map_c3 819200 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_deviltower1 204800 665600 3 3 -metin2_map_milgyo 537600 51200 4 4 -metin2_map_n_desert_01 204800 486400 6 6 -metin2_map_n_flame_01 588800 614400 6 6 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon 51200 486400 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02 665600 435200 4 4 -metin2_map_t1 0 25600 3 3 -metin2_map_t2 6400 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t3 32000 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t4 57600 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t5 793600 0 1 1 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 819200 51200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 768000 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 844800 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 921600 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02 128000 640000 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03 128000 716800 3 3 -metin2_map_wedding_01 819200 0 1 1 -metin2_map_guild_01 128000 0 2 2 -metin2_map_guild_02 179200 0 2 2 -metin2_map_guild_03 230400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_trent 281600 0 2 2 -metin2_map_trent02 1049600 0 4 4 -gm_guild_build 83200 0 1 1 -metin2_map_duel 844800 0 1 1 -season1/metin2_map_WL_01 1049600 716800 6 6 -season1/metin2_map_nusluck01 819200 716800 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 870400 0 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi 921600 0 2 2 -metin2_map_bf 972800 0 2 2 -metin2_map_bf_02 921600 51200 2 2 -metin2_map_bf_03 972800 51200 2 2 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass01 1024000 102400 4 4 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass02 1024000 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass03 1024000 307200 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1126400 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1126400 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1126400 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1152000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1177600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1177600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1177600 307200 2 4 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1433600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1433600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1433600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_ew02 256000 51200 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 972800 102400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 921600 153600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 972800 153600 2 2 -season2/map_n_snowm_02 0 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a 153600 1049600 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02 307200 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02 460800 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_a2_1 614400 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_trent_a 768000 1049600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_trent02_a 921600 1049600 3 3 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1203200 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1203200 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1356800 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1510400 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1664000 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1356800 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1510400 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1664000 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 665600 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 716800 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 768000 230400 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 742400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1100800 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2 819200 1152000 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2 -metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 51200 563200 3 3 -metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/GuildBuildingList.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/GuildBuildingList.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2430b6af..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/GuildBuildingList.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP 傍俺咯何 -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso fabrication facility -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan weapons factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan defence equipment factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan accessory factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu command centre -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang training centre -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro diamond smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro amber smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro fossil wood smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro copper smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro silver smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro gold smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro jade smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro ebony stone smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro pearl smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro platinum smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro crystal smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro amethyst smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro serein smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 temple of power -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 temple of power -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 temple of power -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse house(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner stone wall(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin stone wall(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door gate(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set wall(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse house(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner stone wall(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin stone wall(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door gate(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set wall(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse house(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner stone wall(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin stone wall(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door gate(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set wall(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 watch tower -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 wooden wall1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 wooden wall2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 wooden wall3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 wooden gate -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set wall(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol guild insignia -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 front gate -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 back wall -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 left wall -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 right wall -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 stone1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 stone2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 stone3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 stone4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 stone5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 stone6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 stone7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 stone8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 stone9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 stone10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT wood1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 wood2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall wood3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 wood4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 wood5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT wood6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 wood7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall wood8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 wood9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/ItemDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/ItemDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2f435c77..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/ItemDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1258 +0,0 @@ -11901 Tuxedo Male character's wedding|cloth -11902 Tuxedo Male character's wedding|cloth -11903 Wedding Dress Female character's wedding cloth -11904 Wedding Dress Female character's wedding cloth - -22000 Town Recall Scroll Teleport to village -22010 Return Scroll Teleports to saved|location. - -25040 Blessing Scroll Prevents loss of items if upgrade fails. Items|decrease 1 Level -25041 Magic Metal Upgrades Blessing Scroll to Dragon God Blessing|Scroll - -25100 Spirit Stone Scroll Removes gems from sockets - -27600 Bonfire Use for cooking fish -27610 Fishing Manual Increases chance to get|better fish by 2% -27620 Fishing Inside The chance of catching a rare|fish is doubled - -27799 Fishbone Bait -27800 Riceball (bait) Bait -27801 Worm Bait -27802 Minnow Bait - -27803 Crucian Carp Abundant and easy to catch -27804 Mandarin Fish Delicious type of fish -27805 Big Crucian Carp Fat fish, will feed many -27806 Carp Rare fish -27807 Salmon Salmon sashimi very|popular Japanese food -27808 Grass Carp Seasonal fish -27809 Brook Trout Usually appear around|upper river bank -27810 Eel Highly nutritious -27811 Rainbow Trout Bodies glow like rainbows -27812 River Trout Found only in rivers -27813 Rudd -27814 Perch Called dragon of the river -27815 Tenchi Live in clean water -27816 Catfish Make great soup -27817 Loach Smooth body, hard to catch -27818 Lotus Fish Omnivorous habit animal -27819 Sweet Fish Found in sea -27820 Smelt Found in ice cold river -27821 Shiri Beautiful fish -27822 Mirror Carp Popular because has few|bones -27823 Gold Crucian Carp Body color as golden as|real gold - -27833 Raw Crucian Carp Can be grilled with|bonfire -27834 Raw Mandarin Fish Can be grilled with|bonfire -27835 Raw Big Crucian Carp Can be grilled with|bonfire -27836 Raw Carp Can be grilled with|bonfire -27837 Raw Salmon Can be grilled with|bonfire -27838 Raw Grass Carp Can be grilled with|bonfire -27839 Raw Brook Trout Can be grilled with|bonfire -27840 Raw Eel Can be grilled with|bonfire -27841 Raw Rainbow Trout Can be grilled with|bonfire -27842 Raw River Trout Can be grilled with|bonfire -27843 Raw Rudd Can be grilled with|bonfire -27844 Raw Perch Can be grilled with|bonfire -27845 Raw Tenchi Can be grilled with|bonfire -27846 Raw Catfish Can be grilled with|bonfire -27847 Raw Loach Can be grilled with|bonfire -27848 Raw Lotus Fish Can be grilled with|bonfire -27849 Raw Sweet Fish Can be grilled with|bonfire -27850 Raw Smelt Can be grilled with|bonfire -27851 Raw Shiri Can be grilled with|bonfire -27852 Raw Mirror Carp Can be grilled with|bonfire -27853 Raw Gold Crucian Carp Can be grilled with|bonfire - -27863 Grilled Crucian Carp Use: restores 180 HP -27864 Grilled Mandarin Fish Use: restores 180 MP -27865 Grilled Big Crucian Carp Use: restores 350 HP -27866 Grilled Carp Use: increases moving|speed by 20 for 10 mins -27867 Grilled Salmon Use: restores 350 MP -27868 Grilled Grass Carp Use: increases attack|speed by 20 for 10 mins -27869 Grilled Brook Trout Use: restores 600 HP -27870 Grilled Eel Use: increases strength by 10 -27871 Grilled Rainbow Trout Use: restores 600 MP -27872 Grilled River Trout Use: restores 230 MP -27873 Grilled Rudd Use: increases agility by 10 for 10 mins -27874 Grilled Perch Use: restores the unusual situation -27875 Grilled Tenchi Use: restores HP by 230 -27876 Grilled Catfish Use: restores MP by 500 -27877 Grilled Loach Use: gives player|invisibility for 5 mins -27878 Grilled Lotus Fish Use: restores 500 HP -27879 Grilled Sweet Fish -27880 Grilled Smelt -27881 Grilled Shiri -27882 Grilled Mirror Carp -27883 Grilled Gold Crucian Carp - -27987 Clam Could find pearl inside -27988 Treasure Map Ancient treasure map -27989 Spirit Gem Detector Detect gem locations -27990 Piece of Stone -27991 Water Gem -27992 White Pearl Jewelry -27993 Blue Pearl Jewelry -27994 Blood Pearl Jewelry -27995 Empty Bottle An empty bottle -27996 Poison Bottle Very strong poison -27997 Vital Marble Use: restores HP to 100% -27998 Alchemy Pouch Has alchemy receipt inside -27999 Gem Pouch Gem bag - - -29001 Scallop -29002 Blue Scallop -29003 Yellow Scallop -29004 Red Scallop -29005 Green Scallop -29006 Yellow Tartar -29007 Dark Yellow Tartar -29006 Yellow Tartar -29007 Dark Yellow Tartar -29008 Blue Holy Water -29009 Yellow Holy Water -29010 Red Holy Water -29011 Green Holy Water -29012 Light Blue Holy Water -29013 Light Yellow Holy Water -29014 Light Red Holy Water -29015 Light Green Holy Water -29012 Light Blue Holy Water -29013 Light Yellow Holy Water -29014 Light Red Holy Water -29015 Light Green Holy Water -30000 Barley Main food source, can make wine -30001 Letter A letter from someone -30002 Stir-fried Sausage Spicy food -30003 Pig Nose Legend says it can bring|happiness -30004 Wild Boar Tooth Very tough -30005 Piece of Broken Armor Piece of broken armor -30006 Orc Tooth Very stinky -30007 Orc Amulet Increases Orc's attacking power -30008 Esoteric Primer Beginner's handbook to|Esoteric Doctrine -30009 Unknown Medicine Medicine with unknown|ingredient -30010 Bear Gall Legend says it can heal|people who lost their|sense of taste -30011 Skein A ball of string -30012 Wine Bottle Wine bottle -30013 Liquor Jar Used for making wine -30014 Yeti Fur Use as coat for warmth -30015 Demon's Keepsake Very unlucky -30016 Demon's Gem It is said there are|ghosts inside -30017 Ornamental Hairpin Accessory for girls -30018 Red Pigtail Ribbon Accessory for girls -30019 Flaming Mane Flaming mane thread -30020 Walnut Can embellish girls' looks -30021 Piece of Gem A piece of gem -30022 Snake Tail Snake's tail -30023 White Tiger Hide Very popular collectable -30024 Horsetail Can use it in making|writing brush and hats -30025 Spider's Poison Sack Bag filled with spider's|poison -30026 Wolf Intestine Cooking material for|stir-fried sausage -30027 Wolf Fur Can use to make hair brush -30028 Wolf Claw Can use as a decoration -30029 Wolf Liver Cooking material for|stir-fried sausage -30030 Rusty Blade This blade is rusty -30031 Toy Toy for girls -30032 Worn Out Black Uniform Girls' favorite toy -30033 Broken China A piece of broken china -30034 White Pigtail Ribbon Accessory for hair -30035 Facial Cream Cosmetic for girls -30036 Mystic Herb It is said this herb has a mystic affect -30037 Tiger Claw Decoration -30038 Tiger Hide Collector's favorite -30039 Piece of Fabric Used fabric -30040 Leaf Unknown leaves -30041 Shiriken A weapon -30042 Fighting Tiger Fang Tiger's fang -30043 Bean Highly nutritious -30044 Clay Material for making china -30045 Scorpion Needle A needle having scorpion|poison -30046 Scorpion Tail Poisoned scorpion tail -30047 Curse Book Teaches how to use curses -30048 Piece of Ice A piece of ice -30049 Ice Killer Whale Horn Very famous material for|carving -30050 Ice Marble Made by ice, but won't|melt -30051 Unknown Talisman Only Esoteric Leader can|read it -30052 Flag Savage's Flag -30053 Bear Feet Cooking material which can increase stats -30054 Wedding Ring Wedding ring -30055 Scorpion Claw Very sharp and long -30056 Spider Web Can be used in|construction -30057 Spider Eyes Very popular collectable -30058 Spider Egg Sack It is said it makes baby|delivery easier -30059 Spider Legs Can be used as a talisman -30060 Frog Tongue Very sticky -30061 Frog Legs Popular cooking material -30062 Medicine Vessel Can be found in alchemy|store -30063 Skin Medicine Medicine to cure skin|disease -30064 Sharp Stone Item to make arrows -30065 Bell Has ding ding sound -30066 Hot Pepper Very hot pepper -30067 Snakeskin The skin of a snake -30068 Tofu Steak Made from tofu -30069 Wolf Claw+ Used to make an accessory -30070 Wolf Fur+ The thickest hairs in wolf fur are used to make|combs and brushes. -30071 Bear Gall+ Bear gall is known for|reviving the sense of|taste -30072 Bear Foot Skin+ Favorite stamina food of|many people -30073 White Pigtail Ribbon+ A popular ribbon to tie up a woman's hair -30074 Worn Out Black Uniform+ A worn out black uniform -30075 Shiriken+ A throwing weapon used by Assassins -30076 Orc Amulet+ An amulet which encourages Giant Goblins -30077 Orc Tooth+ An amulet which encourages Giant Goblins -30078 Esoteric Primer+ Beginner's Handbook to|Esoteric Doctrine -30079 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it -30080 Curse Book+ This Esoteric Book can be used to curse someone -30081 Scorpion Tail+ A poisonous scorpion tail -30082 Snake Tail+ The tail of a rattlesnake -30083 Unknown Medicine+ Unknown medicine with|unknown ingredients -30084 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it -30085 Piece of Fabric+ Fabric used to cover a|wound -30086 Demon's Keepsake+ It will bring you|misfortune -30087 Demon's Gem+ A gem that is known for|holding the souls of the|dead -30088 Piece of Ice+ Frozen water that remains eternally cold -30089 Yeti Fur+ The fur of the legendary|creature, the Yeti,|protects against the cold -30090 Ice Marble+ A marble made out of ice. It does not melt in the|hot weather -30091 Warrior's Symbol The warrior's prove -30092 Savage's Booty Booty from defeating|savages - -30129 Secret Information Used in army -30130 Empty Bottle An empty bottle -30131 Blacksmith's Letter Blacksmith's letter -30132 Sage's Book Sage's favorite book which records Korean and|Japanese culture -30133 Trade Good Vendor's Shoes Trade good vendor's new|beautiful shoes -30134 Sage's Package Sage's book package -30135 Alice's Letter Letter from Alice - -30136 Golden Bow Hunters' favorite bow -30137 Monkey's Blood Blood from monkey -30138 Plasticine It's from desert, can be|used as a medicine -30139 Evil Tooth Tooth from baby monster -30140 String Material to make cloth -30141 Materials Stone Material to make jewelry -30142 Letter You can not read this|letter. Perhaps you have to|learn the language -30143 Herb Can be used in medicines -30144 Tiger's Liver Tiger's liver -30145 Betrayer Balso's Herb Betrayer Balso's feet|medicine -30146 Ice A piece of ice -30147 Esoteric Dogmata A book containing detailed information about the|dark temple -30148 Esoteric Symbol Symbol used by Esoteric|group. -30149 Ice Water Cooking material -30150 Page of Old Diary Diary which records|locations -30151 Lupine Fluff Wolf's fur -30152 Zombie Potion Rare medicine which can|cure unknown sickness -30153 Flower Smells very good -30154 Esoteric Sutra Records how to defeat the Esoteric Leader -30155 Mirine's Ring Necklace with name on it -30156 Obent Book The analysis of the|history and the doctrine of|the secret temple - -30093 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds|valuables -30094 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds|valuables -30095 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds|valuables -30096 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds|valuables - -30192 Green Essence Can be used for upgrade. -30193 Iron Bones Can be used for upgrade. -30194 Morning Star Can be used for upgrade. -30195 Golden Dust Can be used for upgrade. -30196 Burning Ash Can be used for upgrade. -30197 Magic Seeds Can be used for upgrade. -30198 Sapphire Gem Can be used for upgrade. -30199 Azure Rock Can be used for upgrade. - - -30210 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30211 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30212 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30213 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30214 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30215 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30216 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30217 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30218 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30219 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone - -30220 Orc's soul Stone A legendary stone, it|contains the soul of Orc -30221 Esoteric's soul Stone A legendary stone, it|contains the soul of Esoteric -30222 Demon's soul Stone A legendary stone, it|contains the soul of Demon -30223 Icer's soul Stone A legendary stone, it|contains the soul of Icer -30224 Ghost's soul Stone A legendary stone, it|contains the soul of Ghost -30225 Giant's soul Stone A legendary stone, it|contains the soul of Giant - -30258 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30259 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30260 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30261 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30262 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30263 Piece of pearl A small sparkling stone -30311 Amber Key Drag onto Talking Rock to unlock. -50001 Good Luck Book Hold onto this ticket to win prizes.Do NOT BUY FROM OTHER PLAYERS. -50002 Gold Ring Lost ring - can sell in|store for high price -50003 Skill Reset Scroll Can reset skills -50004 Event Detector -50005 Horse Riding Ticket Use: ride horses for free. Must be Level 40+ - - -41005 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of London. -41006 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of London. -41007 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Germany. -41008 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Germany. -41009 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Turkey. -41010 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Turkey. -41011 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Brazil. -41012 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Brazil. -41013 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41014 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41015 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41016 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41017 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41018 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41019 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41020 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41021 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41022 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41023 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41024 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41025 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41026 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41027 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41028 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41031 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of London. -41032 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of London. -41033 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Germany. -41034 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Germany. -41035 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Turkey. -41036 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Turkey. -41037 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Brazil. -41038 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Brazil. -41039 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41040 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41041 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41042 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41043 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41044 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41045 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41046 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41047 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41048 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of London. -41049 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41050 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Germany. -41051 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41052 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Turkey. -41053 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41054 Boxer Soccer player outfit representing country of Brazil. -41055 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of France. -41056 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of France. -41057 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Italy. -41058 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Italy. -41059 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Poland. -41060 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Poland. -41061 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Romania. -41062 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Romania. -41063 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Spain. -41064 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Spain. -41065 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of France. -41066 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of France. -41067 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Italy. -41068 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Italy. -41069 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Poland. -41070 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Poland. -41071 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Romania. -41072 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Romania. -41073 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Spain. -41074 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Spain. -41075 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of France. -41076 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of France. -41077 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Italy. -41078 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Italy. -41079 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Poland. -41080 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Poland. -41081 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Romania. -41082 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Romania. -41083 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Spain. -41084 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Spain. -41085 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of France. -41086 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of France. -41087 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Italy. -41088 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Italy. -41089 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Poland. -41090 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Poland. -41091 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Romania. -41092 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Romania. -41093 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Spain. -41094 Fencer Fencer outfit representing country of Spain. -41095 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of France. -41096 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of France. -41097 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Italy. -41098 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Italy. -41099 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Poland. -41100 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Poland. -41101 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Romania. -41102 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Romania. -41103 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Spain. -41104 Soccer Player Soccer player outfit representing country of Spain. -41105 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of France. -41106 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of France. -41107 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Italy. -41108 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Italy. -41109 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Poland. -41110 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Poland. -41111 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Romania. -41112 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Romania. -41113 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Spain. -41114 Boxer Boxer outfit representing country of Spain. - -45005 Fencing Hair Optimized for a manly fenching hairstyle -45006 Fencing Hair Optimized for a feminine fenching hairstyle -45007 Soccer Player Optimized for a manly soccer hairstyle -45008 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Germany. -45009 Boxer Optimized for a manly boxing hairstyle -45010 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Germany. -45013 Fencing Hair Optimized for a manly fenching hairstyle -45014 Fencing Hair Optimized for a feminine fenching hairstyle -45015 Soccer Player Optimized for a manly soccer hairstyle -45016 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Germany. -45017 Boxer Optimized for a manly boxing hairstyle -45018 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Germany. -45019 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Turkey. -45020 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Brazil. -45021 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of London. -45022 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of France. -45023 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Italy. -45024 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Poland. -45025 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Romania. -45026 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Spain. -45027 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Turkey. -45028 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Brazil. -45029 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of London. -45030 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of France. -45031 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Italy. -45032 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Poland. -45033 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Romania. -45034 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Spain. -45035 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Turkey. -45036 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Brazil. -45037 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of London. -45038 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of France. -45039 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Italy. -45040 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Poland. -45041 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Romania. -45042 Boxer Boxer hairstyle representing country of Spain. -45043 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Turkey. -45044 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Brazil. -45045 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of London. -45046 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of France. -45047 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Italy. -45048 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Poland. -45049 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Romania. -45050 Soccer Player Soccer player hairstyle representing country of Spain. - -50006 Gold Treasure Box Only gold key can open it -50007 Silver Treasure Box Only silver key can open|it -50008 Gold Key Can open gold treasure box and gold treasure box+ -50009 Silver Key Can open silver treasure|box and silver treasure|box+ - -50010 Holiday Socks Santa's special request. Collect them to gain EXP, Baby Reindeer is required during hunting -50011 Moonlight Treasure Box It's said the box will|appear supernatural|phenomenon under the|moonlight - -50012 Gold Treasure Box+ Only gold key can open it -50013 Silver Treasure Box+ Only silver key can open|it - -50016 Bean Paste Holiday food -50017 Sugar Paste Holiday food -50018 Fruit Paste Holiday food -50019 Sweet Rice Wrap An ingredient of ancient|cake -50020 Bean Cake Holiday food, restores HP to 100% -50021 Sugar Cake Holiday food, restores MP to 100% -50022 Fruit Cake Holiday food, restores stemina - -50023 Red Pocket Chinese New Year's gift|from Unknown. Must|be Level 15+ - -50024 Rose Valentine item. Only|female characters can use it -50025 Chocolate Valentine item. Only male characters can use it - -50027 Lottery Ticket The Lottery Ticket|Exchange is not in the|game.It is a useless item -50031 Rose A romantic flower used to show affection. Only male characters can use it -50032 Candy Made of cacao, milk,|butter, and sugar. Only|female characters can use it -50033 Mystery Box No one knows what is|inside the box - -50034 Puzzle Box Box with puzzles -50035 Children's Day Gift Box Gift box for children -50036 Children's Day Gift Box Gift box for children -50037 Hexagonal Treasure Box Box filled with gifts and treasures - -50070 Chief Orc's Treasure Box Chief Orc's Treasure Box -50071 Esoteric Leader's Treasure Box Esoteric Leader's Treasure Box -50072 Reincarnated Esoteric Leader's Treasure Box Reincarnated Esoteric|Leader's Treasure Box -50073 Queen Spider's Treasure Box Queen Spider's Treasure|Box -50074 Giant Spider's Treasure Box Giant Spider's Treasure|Box -50075 Giant Plague Carrier's Treasure Box Giant Plague Carrier's|Treasure Box -50076 Giant Desert Tortoise's Treasure Box Giant Desert Tortoise's|Treasure Box -50077 Nine Tails' Treasure Box Nine Tails' Treasure Box -50078 Yellow Tiger Ghost's Treasure Box Yellow Tiger Ghost's|Treasure Box -50079 Flame King's Treasure Box Flame King's Treasure Box -50080 Red Dragon's Treasure Box Red Dragon's Treasure Box -50081 Demon King's Treasure Box Demon King's Treasure Box -50082 Death Reaper's Treasure Box Death Reaper's|Treasure Box - -50050 Horse Medal Quest item -50051 Horse Sword Use: summons pony|Increases moving speed -50052 Armed Horse Painting Use: summons armed horse, enables attacks using|horse, and increases|moving speed -50053 Military Horse Painting Use: summons military|horse, enables attacks|using horse and skills,|and increases moving|speed -50054 Hay Pony's favorite snack -50055 Carrot Armed horse's favorite|snack -50056 Red Ginseng Military horse's favorite snack -50057 Sujin Dungeon Herb Use: revives pony -50058 Honobo Dungeon Herb Use: revives armed horse -50059 Joklor Dungeon Herb Use: revives military|horse -50060 Horse Riding Tome Use: increases riding|skill by 1 point. Can only|be used once and must be|Level 50+ - -50083 Horse Riding Ticket If shown to stable guard, can ride horse for free - -50084 Unlock Stone This item is required to|remove the Ancient Seal - -50091 Crucian Carp Sushi Made of Gold Crucian Carp | Special Meal -50092 Carp Sushi Made of Crucian Carp | Special Meal -50093 Salmon Sushi Made of Salmon | Because of the luminous|colour it is almost a|pity to eat it|AP+100 -50094 Catfish Sushi Made of Catfish | The strange smell is|extenuated by several herbals|AC+100 - -50100 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky|during a festival|(Purple) -50101 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky|during a festival|(Yellow) -50102 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky|during a festival|(Sky Blue) -50103 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky|during a festival|(Toy Top Red) -50104 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky|during a festival|(Toy Top Green) -50105 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky|during a festival|(Toy Top White) - -50106 Fire Crackers Fire Crackers -50108 Toy Top Kids' favorite toy - -50200 Package Item to open your private shop -50300 Skill Book To level up your skills - -50301 SunZi Art of War Skill book for Level 1-20 leadership. Can only be|used once -50302 WuZi Art of War Skill book for Level 21-30 leadership. Can only be|used once -50303 GuiGu Art of War Skill book for Level 31+ leadership. Can only be|used once - -50304 Beginner Continuum Book Increase continuum level -50305 Advanced Continuum Book Increase continuum level -50306 Expert Continuum Book Increase continuum level - -50311 Milgaard Linguistics Book for study Milgaard|language -50312 Listhmos Linguistics Book for study Listhmos|language -50313 Dendera Linguistics Book for study Dendera|language - -50307 Mission Book(Easy) Proof to get the|easy missions -50308 Mission Book(Normal) Proof to get the|normal missions -50309 Mission Book(Hard) Proof to get the|hard missions -50310 Mission Book(Expert) Proof to get the|expert missions - -50314 Polymorph Book Use to transform. Must be|Level 15+. Can only be|used once, but increases|leadership. -50315 Advanced Polymorph Book Use to transform. Must be|Level 25+. Can only be|used once, but increases|leadership. -50316 Master Polymorph Book Use to transform. Must be|Level 35+. Can only be|used once, but increases|leadership. - -50401 Tome of Devine Frenzy Can only be used once|teaches Devine Frenzy. -50402 Tome of Sunder Whirlwind Can only be used once|teaches|Sunder Whirlwind -50403 Tome of Bloodraged Berserk Can only be used once|teaches|Bloodraged Berserk -50404 Tome of Spirit Strike Can only be used once|teaches|Spirit Strike -50405 Tome of Terrifying Charge Can only be used once|teaches|Terrifying Charging -50416 Tome of Power Slash Can only be used once|teaches|Power Slash -50417 Tome of Grasshopper Leap Can only be used once|teaches|Grasshopper Leap -50418 Tome of Hoof Stomp Can only be used once|teaches|Hoof Stomp -50419 Tome of Warlords Might Can only be used once|teaches|Warlords Might -50420 Tome of Fury Swipes Can only be used once|teaches|Fury Swipes - -50431 Tome of Ghost Shadow Can only be used once|teaches|Ghost Attack -50432 Tome of Swift Charge Can only be used once|teaches|Swift Charge -50433 Tome of Flee Can only be used once|teaches|Flee -50434 Tome of Shadow Strike Can only be used once|teaches|Shadow Strike -50435 Tome of Poison Viper Can only be used once|teaches|Poison Viper -50446 Tome of Assassinate Can only be used once|teaches|Assassinate -50447 Tome of Greater Multi-Shot Can only be used once|teaches|Greater Multi-Shot -50448 Tome of Blazing Arrow Can only be used once|teaches|Blazing Arrow -50449 Tome of Swiftness Can only be used once|teaches|Swiftness -50450 Tome of Snake Venom Can only be used once|teaches|Snake Venom -50461 Tome of Demonic Rupture Can only be used once|teaches|Demonic Rupture -50462 Tome of Dark Cyclone Can only be used once|teaches|Dark Cyclone -50463 Tome of Dark Blade Can only be used once|teaches|Dark Blade -50464 Tome of Terror Can only be used once|teaches|Fear -50465 Tome of Aphonic Shield Can only be used once|teaches|Aphetic Shield -50466 Tome of Dispel Magic Can only be used once|teaches|Dispel Magic -50476 Tome of Demon Spirits Can only be used once|teaches|Demon Spirits -50477 Tome of Death Pulse Can only be used once|teaches|Death Pulse -50478 Tome of Minor Ritual of Doom Can only be used once|teaches|Minor Ritual Of Doom -50479 Tome of Dark Protection Can only be used once|teaches|Dark Protection -50480 Tome of Minor Entangle Can only be used once|teaches|Minor Entangle -50481 Tome of Death Coil Can only be used once|teaches|Death Coil - -50491 Tome of Thunder Storm Can only be used once|teaches|Thunder Storm -50492 Tome of Dragon Void Can only be used once|teaches|Dragon Void -50493 Tome of Dragon Roar Can only be used once|teaches|Dragon Roar -50494 Tome of Dragon Armor Can only be used once|teaches|Dragon Armor -50495 Tome of Back Fire Can only be used once|teaches|Back Fire -50496 Tome of Major Enchant Damage Can only be used once|teaches|Major Enchant Damage -50506 Tome of Spirit Lance Can only be used once|teaches|Spirit Lance -50507 Tome of Static Field Can only be used once|teaches|Static Field -50508 Tome of Bolts of Lightning Can only be used once|teaches|Bolts of Lightning -50509 Tome of Nature Grace Can only be used once|teaches|Nature Grace -50510 Tome of Run with Wind Can only be used once|teaches|Run with Wind -50511 Tome of Major Natures Enchantment Can only be used once,|teaches|Major Natures Enchantment - -50512 Rainbow Stone Can increase skill level|after use -50513 Soul Stone Can increase skill level|after use - - - - -50600 Mining Guide Can only be used once - -50601 Diamond Stone Ore Can change to diamond with diamond forge -50602 Amber Stone Ore Can change to amber stone with amber stone forge -50603 Fossil Trunk Ore Can change to fossil trunk with fossil trunk forge -50604 Copper Ore Can change to copper with copper forge -50605 Silver Ore Can change to silver with silver forge -50606 Gold Ore Can change to gold with|gold forge -50607 Jade Ore Can change to jade with|jade forge -50608 Ebony Ore Can change to ebony with|ebony forge -50609 Piece of Pearl Can change to pearl with|pearl forge -50610 White Gold Ore Can change to white gold|with white gold forge -50611 Crystal Ore Can change to crystal with crystal forge -50612 Amethyst Ore Can change to amethyst|with amethyst forge -50613 Heaven's Tear Ore Can change to heaven's|tear with heaven's tear|forge - -50621 Diamond Can make sockets on item -50622 Amber Increases gem's quality -50623 Fossil Wood Can be used on wooden|accessories -50624 Copper Can be used on copper|accessories -50625 Silver Can be used on silver|accessories -50626 Gold Can be used on gold|accessories -50627 Jade Can be used on jade|accessories -50628 Agate Can be used on agate|accessories -50629 Pearl Used for making jewelry.|Can be attached in Pearl|Accessory -50630 White gold Gold that looks like, but is harder than silver.|Can be attached in White|Gold Accessory -50631 Crystal Called Rock Crystal or|Quartz. Can be attached|in Crystal Accessory -50632 Amethyst Purple quartz. Can be|attached in Amethyst|Accessory -50633 Agate Crystallized rain from|heaven. Can be attached in|Heaven's Tear Accessory - -50701 Peach Bloom (Quest Item) -50702 Thistle (Quest Item) -50703 Plumbago (Quest Item) -50704 Grinderlia (Quest Item) -50705 Jamul (Quest Item) -50706 Ganoderma (Quest Item) -50707 Lippia (Quest Item) -50708 Sundew (Quest Item) -50709 Dandelion (Quest Item) -50710 Saffron (Quest Item) -50711 Jujube (Quest Item) -50712 Burdock (Quest Item) - -50721 Peach Bloom (Alchemy Ingredient) -50722 Thistle (Alchemy Ingredient) -50723 Plumbago (Alchemy Ingredient) -50724 Grinderlia (Alchemy Ingredient) -50725 Jamul (Alchemy Ingredient) -50726 Ganoderma (Alchemy Ingredient) -50727 Lippia (Alchemy Ingredient) -50728 Sundew (Alchemy Ingredient) -50729 Dandelion (Alchemy Ingredient) -50730 Saffron (Alchemy Ingredient) -50731 Jujube (Alchemy Ingredient) -50732 Burdock (Alchemy Ingredient) - -50801 Elixir of Agility -50802 Elixir of Strength -50803 Mana Potion -50804 Healing Potion -50805 Jamul Liquid -50806 Ganoderma Liquid -50807 Lippia Liquid -50808 Sundew Liquid -50809 Dandelion Liquid -50810 Saffron Liquid -50811 Jujube Liquid -50812 Burdock Liquid -50813 Basic Resist Potion -50814 Double Attack Potion -50815 Greater MP x 100 -50816 Greater HP x 100 -50817 Elixir Of Attack Power -50818 Elixir Of Defense -50819 Magic Resistance Potion -50820 Elixir Of Attack Speed - -50821 Red Liquid This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Double Attack Potion -50822 Pink Liquid This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Basic Resist Potion -50823 Yellow Liquid This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Elixir Of Attack Speed -50824 Green Liquid This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Magic Resistance Potion -50825 Blue Liquid This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Elixir Of Attack Power -50826 White Liquid This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Elixir Of Defense - -50901 Empty Bottle. It is used for Alchemy - - -50902 Formula Manual(Beginner) -50903 Formula Manual(Advanced) -50904 Formula Manual(Expert) - -50905 Basic ResistPot Formula -50906 Double AttackPot Formula -50907 Greater ManaPot x 100 Formula -50908 Greater HealingPot x100 Formula -50909 Elixir Of AC Formula -50910 Basic ResistPot Formula -50216 Ran Drink Pocket Moving speed +10%,Damage +5%, Exp + 10%, Duration Time 30 mins -50160 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50161 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50162 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50163 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50164 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50165 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50166 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50167 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50168 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50169 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50170 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50171 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50172 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50173 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50174 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50175 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50176 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50177 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50178 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful -50179 Easter Eggs An egg symbolically representing hatching of a chick| Idea of consumption seems too wasteful - -51001 Vitality Ore Infused with magical items acquired on crushed rocks -51002 Charging Drink Vitality Ore in distilled water -60001 Gall -60002 Recommendation from Storage Guard -60003 Heroic Symbol - -70001 Goddess' Doll -70002 Third Hand Automatically picks up|gold while you are killing|mobs -70003 Liutao Can be used by team leader|Increases team members'|experience by 30%. -70004 Medal of Diligence A reward for hard working men -70005 Experience Ring Once equipped, increases|experience 20% while|killing mobs -70006 Language Ring Use: can communicate with players from other|kingdoms -70007 Warp Ring -70008 White Flag Used to stop fighting -70009 Treasure Box -70010 Storage Ticket -70011 Upgrade Liquid Bottle -70012 Goddess Tear Use: Decreases experience lost from death -70013 Giant Goddess Tear -70014 Blood Pill Use: Undo one stat point -70015 Cheap Brush -70020 Peach Flower Wine Restores 500 HP -70024 Blessing Marble Legendary blessed marble. When an item's attributes (CON, STR, DEX, INT) are|over 4, this adds one more -70027 Blacksmith's Memo Receives 100% success rate when you upgrade items from +4 to +5 |(all level, no stones) -70035 Perpetual Iron The Blacksmith can combine this with a Blessing Scroll to create a War God Blessing -70037 Forgetfulness Book Use: Undo one skill point -70038 Bravery Cape Use: Summon all nearby|monsters. Can only be used|once -70039 Master Compass This powerful item has the highest chance to successfully upgrade items. -70040 Orc Stubbornness Reduces Stamina|Consumption by half -70043 Thief's Glove Use: Increases item drop|rate of monsters by 1.5x -70047 Language Ring(Sample) Use: Can communicate with players from other|kingdoms -70048 Escapee's Cape Use: Hide Hostile Killer|Points -70049 Lucy's Ring Use: Prevents dropping of items -70050 Sage King's Symbol Use: Receive double|Hostile Killer Points when|killing monsters -70051 Sage King's Glove Use: Receive double|Hostile Killer Points when|killing monsters. -70052 Charm of Karma1 A charm that is used by|Buddhists to safeguard|against bad luck -70053 Charm of Karma2 A charm that is used by|Buddhists to safeguard|against bad luck -70054 Charm of Karma3 A charm that is used by|Buddhists to safeguard|against bad luck -70057 Bravery Cape Use: Summon all nearby|monsters. Can only be used|once -70058 Teleport Ring Can be used to teleport to 6 different locations. |CoolDown: 30 mins - -70102 Zen Bean Use: Increases Hostile|Killer Points - -70104 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation -70105 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation -70106 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation -70107 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation - -70201 Bleach Return your original hair color -70202 White Hair Dye Can only be used every 3|levels -70203 Blonde Hair Dye Can only be used every 3|levels -70204 Red Hair Dye Can only be used every 3|levels -70205 Purple Hair Dye Can only be used every 3|levels -70206 Black Hair Dye Can only be used every 3|levels - -70301 Couple's Ring Engagement ring -70302 Wedding Ring Proof of Marriage - - -71001 Exorcism Scroll Reset the time of learning Skill Book. -71002 Stats Reset Scroll Resets both skill and |stats points. -71003 Skill Reset Scroll Resets a skill bask to 0 -71004 Dragon God Blessing Prevents EXP lose from |death. -71005 Language Ring Can speak all kingdoms'|languages -71006 Language Ring Can speak all kingdoms'|languages -71007 Language Ring Can speak all kingdoms'|languages -71008 Fishing Inside Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -71009 Expanded Storage Expands your bank to|3 slots in 30 days. -71010 Third Hand Auto-picks up dropped Gold -71011 Emotion Mask Once equipped, allows you to|express emotions. -71012 Liutao When equipped by a party|leader, it increases EXP|of party members and|leader by 30% -71013 Fireworks Fireworks fill the sky|during a festival -71014 Liquor of Speed Use: Attack Speed +10 for 30 mins -71015 Experience Ring Use: Increases EXP by 50% for 30 mins -71016 Thief's Glove Use: Increases item drop|rate by 1.5x for 30 mins -71017 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate|by 2x for 30 mins -71018 Life Pill Use: Fully recovers HP -71019 Spirit Pill Use: Fully recovers MP -71020 Dragon God's Pill Use: fully recovers|HP & MP -71021 War God Blessing Scroll It guarantees successful|+0 to +3 item upgrades -71022 AttributeResetScroll Reset your stats ONLY(CON,STR,INT and DEX) -71023 Vitality Oblivion Book Use: resets MP points -71024 Strength Oblivion Book Use: resets STR points -71025 Agility Oblivion Stone The Blacksmith can combine this with a Blessing Scroll to create a Master Compass. -71026 Magic Metal Upgrades a Blessed Upgrade Scroll to a Blessed|Scroll of Dragon God -71027 Dragon God Life Use: increases max HP|by 20% for 30 mins -71028 Dragon God Attack Use: increases damage|by 18-20% for 30 mins -71029 Dragon God Intelligence Use: increases max MP|by 20% for 30 mins -71030 Dragon God Defense Use: decreases hurt rate|by 18-20% for 30 mins -71031 Dragon God Support Use: increases all stats|by 5 points -71032 Dragon God Blessing Scroll Increases item upgrade|chance by 10%, an|prevents|destruction of item if|upgrade fails -71033 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -71034 Liquor of Speed+ Use: Attack speed +15 for 30 mins -71035 Quest Potion Increases the success rate of handing in Lin's quest items by 80% -71036 Summon Scroll - Chief Orc Use: summons Chief Orc -71037 Summon Scroll - Esoteric Leader Use: summons Bera Bear King -71038 Summon Scroll - Queen Spider Use: summons Queen Spider -71039 Summon Scroll - Giant Desert Tortoise Use: summons Giant Desert Tortoise -71040 Summon Scroll - Flame King Use: summons Flame King -71041 Summon Scroll - Nine Tails Use: summons Nine Tails -71042 Summon Scroll - Demon King Use: summons Demon King -71043 Summon Scroll - Yellow Tiger Ghost Use: summons Yellow Tiger Ghost -71044 Palm of Critical Use: increases chance of|critical damage in attacks by 20% for 10 mins -71045 Palm of Pierce Use: increases chance of|piercing armor in attacks|by 10% for 10 mins -71047 Unburden Removes Spirit Stone from socket of an item -71048 Gender Change Scroll Changes the sex of a character. -71049 Silk Bundle Opens up a private shop|with unlimited usage. -71050 Leopard Pill Movement Speed +60 for|30 mins. -71054 Scroll of Betrayal Allow players to change their Kingdom. Can only be used once a week. -71055 Change of Name List Use: changes character's|name -71056 Blue Dragon's Breath Significantly increases success rate of upgrading +4 Spirit Stone to +5 Spirit Stone. -71057 Summon Scroll - Vein of Fossil Trunk Ore Use: finds vein of Fossil Trunk -71058 Summon Scroll - Vein of Copper Ore Use: finds vein of Copper -71059 Summon Scroll - Vein of Silver Ore Use: finds vein of Silver -71060 Summon Scroll - Vein of Gold Ore Use: finds vein of Gold -71061 Summon Scroll - Vein of Jade Ore Use: finds vein of Jade -71062 Summon Scroll - Vein of Ebony Ore Use: finds vein of Ebony -71063 Summon Scroll - Pile of Clams Use: finds vein of Clams -71064 Summon Scroll - Vein of White Gold Ore Use: finds vein of White|Gold -71065 Summon Scroll - Vein of Crystal Ore Use: finds vein of Crystal -71066 Summon Scroll - Vein of Amethyst Ore Use: finds vein of|Amethyst -71067 Summon Scroll - Vein of Heaven's Tear Ore Use: finds vein of|Heaven's Tear -71068 Lovebird Feather Use: double Couples' Love Points -71069 Harmony Earring Increases your spouse and your pierce chance -71070 Love Bracelet Once equipped, increases|couples' experience for|3 hrs. Must be Level 35+. -71071 Love Earring Once equipped, increases|couples' chance of|critical attacks for|3 hrs. |Must be Level 35+ -71072 Harmony Bracelet Once equipped, decreases|mobs attack power for|3 hrs. Must be Level 35+ -71073 Love Necklace Once equipped, increases|couples' attack power for 3 hrs. Must be Level 35+ -71074 Harmony Necklace Once equipped, increases|couples' defenses for 3 hrs. Must be Level 35+ -71075 Hair Dye(Blue) Dyes hair blue -71076 Hair Dye(Black) Dyes hair black -71077 Hair Dye(White) Dyes hair white -71078 Hair Dye(Blonde) Dyes hair blonde -71079 Hair Dye(Brown) Dyes hair brown -71080 Summon Scroll - Metin Stone(L) Use: summons Metin Stone|(L) -71081 Summon Scroll - Metin Stone(N) Use: summons Metin Stone|(N) -71082 Summon Scroll - Metin Stone(H) Use: summon Metin Stone|(H) -71083 Stone Craft Book Use: Removes the stone|pieces from the sockets -71084 Enhancement Scroll Use: Changes items stats -71085 Enhancement Change Scroll Use: Adds stats on item -71086 Level Up Quest(20~29) -71087 Level Up Quest(30~39) -71088 Mission Book(Easy) -71089 Mission Book(Normal) -71090 Mission Book(Hard) -71091 Signed Bundle Use: changes color of|letters on store sign -71092 Polymorph Book Teaches transformation -71093 Polymorph Marble Use: transformation -71094 Hermit's Advice Increases chance of using skill book successfully by 2.5x. Can only be used|once -71095 Permit Scroll Give to NPC Hanzo in the Valcon Dungeon to access another level. - -71101 Haste Potion Increases the cool down bonus by 20 for 30 minutes. -71102 Haste Potion+ -71103 Stamina Reset Scroll Resets character's constitution stat to 1. -71104 Intelligence Reset Scroll Resets character's intelligence stat to 1. -71105 Strength Reset Scroll Resets character's strength stat to 1. -71106 Agility Reset Scroll Resets character's agility stat to 1. -71107 Heavenly Peach Restores 3000 Hostile Kill points (Cooldown: 5 hours). -71109 Scroll of the Revoker Removes the most recent spirite stone you have added to the item. -71113 Magic Mirror Able to send a detailed item attribute to Chat window. This item is tradable. -71114 King Boar Token You can ride King Boar for 5 minutes Defence Power +75 -71115 King Boar Medallion You can ride King Boar for 60 minutes Defence Power +200 -71116 War Wolf Token You can ride War Wolf for 5 minutes Defence Power +100 -71117 War Wolf Medallion You can ride War Wolf for 60 minutes Defence Power +300 -71118 Combat Tiger Token You can ride Combat Tiger for 5 minutes Defence Power +125 -71119 Combat Tiger Medallion You can ride Combat Tiger for 60 minutes Defence Power +400 -71120 Battle Lion Token You can ride Battle Lion for 5 minutes Attack Power +200 -71121 Battle Lion Medallion You can ride Battle Lion for 60 minutes Attack Power +600 -71124 The Lion King Ticket Medallion used to summon The Lion King EXP +30%, SPEED +20 - -71143 Ring of Happiness Created to celebrate Christmas Exp + 50%, Attack Speed + 20%, Skill Cool Down -20, Strong againest monster +30%, Max HP +10%, Max MP +10% - -71145 Necklace of Eternal Love Created to celebrate Valentine's Day Exp + 30% | Attack Speed + 10% | Casting Speed + 10% | Strong Against Monster + 10% | max HP + 5% | max MP + 5% -71146 Box of Love (Pink) Gift box, full of love, can be opened 10 times to gain various items -71147 Box of Love (Blue) Gift box, full of love, can be opened 10 times to gain various items - -71158 Proof of the Hero A medal given to the Hero| Possession of medal gives power EXP 50%| Attack Speed 20%| Skill Cool Down-20| Damage+30%|Max HP+10%|Max MP+10% -71159 Memorial Gift Box Somehow seems like there is something good in this box -71160 Memorial Gift Box Somehow seems like there is something good in this box -50249 Memorial Gift Box Somehow seems like there is something good in this box -72001 Experience Ring Increases EXP by 50% -72002 Experience Ring Increases EXP by 50% -72003 Experience Ring Increases EXP by 50% -72004 Thief's Glove Increases item drop rate by 50% -72005 Thief's Glove Increases item drop rate by 50% -72006 Thief's Glove Increases item drop rate by 50% -72007 Silk Bundle Can open a private shop|for 15 minutes -72008 Silk Bundle Can open a private shop|for 15 minutes -72009 Silk Bundle Can open a private shop|for 15 minutes -72010 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, love points increase faster for 15 minutes -72011 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, love points increase faster for 15 minutes -72012 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, love points increase faster for 15 minutes -72013 Fishing Inside Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -72014 Fishing Inside Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -72015 Fishing Inside Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -72016 Third Hand A hand that picks up|dropped money|automatically for 15|minutes -72017 Third Hand A hand that picks up|dropped money|automatically for 15|minutes -72018 Third Hand A hand that picks up|dropped money|automatically for 15|minutes -72019 Expanded Storage Get 3 storage rooms for 15 minutes -72020 Expanded Storage Get 3 storage rooms for 15 minutes -72021 Expanded Storage Get 3 storage rooms for 15 minutes -72022 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate|by 2x for 30 mins -72023 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate|by 2x for 30 mins -72024 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate|by 2x for 30 mins -72025 Palm of Pierce Increases chance of|hitting through opponent's|defenses by 20% for|10 mins -72026 Palm of Pierce Increases chance of|hitting through opponent's|defenses by 20% for|10 mins -72027 Palm of Pierce Increases chance of|hitting through opponent's|defenses by 20% for|10 mins -72028 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -72029 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -72030 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -72031 Dragon God Attack Increases attacking damage to opponents by 12%-15% -72032 Dragon God Attack Increases attacking damage to opponents by 12%-15% -72033 Dragon God Attack Increases attacking damage to opponents by 12%-15% -72034 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage received by 12%-15% -72035 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage received by 12%-15% -72036 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage received by 12%-15% -72037 Dragon God Life Max HP +20% -72038 Dragon God Life Max HP +20% -72039 Dragon God Life Max HP +20% -72040 Dragon God Intelligence Max MP +20% -72041 Dragon God Intelligence Max MP +20% -72042 Dragon God Intelligence Max MP +20% -72043 Liutao -72044 Liutao -72045 Liutao When it is equipped by|party leader, it increases|EXP of party members and|leader by 30% -72046 Palm of Critical Critical Chance +10% -72047 Palm of Critical Critical Chance +10% -72048 Palm of Critical Critical Chance +10% - -72501 Experience Ring (iCafe) Increases gaining EXP by|50% in Membership iCafe -72502 Thief's Gloves (iCafe) Item Drop Rate increases|by 1.5 times in Membership iCafe - Movement Speed +30|(50 hours) - -72703 Tiger Pendant Earring +200 Attack Power -72704 Dragon Pendant Earring +200 Defence -72705 Tiger Pendant Bracelet +15% Skill Attack Power -72706 Dragon Pendant Bracelet +15% Skill Defence - -72723 Red Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Fire Dragon. Gives player maximum vitality. Small increase in max vitality -72724 Red Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Fire Dragon. Gives player maximum vitality. Small increase in max vitality -72725 Red Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Fire Dragon. Gives player maximum vitality. Small increase in max vitality -72726 Red Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Fire Dragon. Gives player maximum vitality. Small increase in max vitality -72727 blue Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Water Dragon. Gives player maximum "mentality" OR "wisdom" Small increase in max "wisdom" -72728 blue Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Water Dragon. Gives player maximum "mentality" OR "wisdom" Small increase in max "wisdom" -72729 blue Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Water Dragon. Gives player maximum "mentality" OR "wisdom" Small increase in max "wisdom" -72730 blue Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Water Dragon. Gives player maximum "mentality" OR "wisdom" Small increase in max "wisdom" - - -73001 Shaggy Short Cut(Red) Shaggy red short hair,|designed for warrior -73002 Shaggy Short Cut(Light Brown) Shaggy light brown short|hair, designed for warrior -73003 Shaggy Short Cut(Sky Blue) Shaggy sky blue short hair,|designed for warrior -73004 Shaggy Short Cut(Brown) Shaggy brown short hair,|designed for warrior -73005 Bandanna(Red) Red bandanna|keeps your hair neat -73006 Bandanna(Check) Check pattern bandanna|keeps your hair neat -73007 Bandanna(Blue) Blue bandanna|keeps your hair neat -73008 Bandanna(Green Symbol) Green symbol bandanna|keeps your hair neat -73009 Tied Back Long Hair(Black) Popular hair style for|ancient fighters -73010 Tied Back Long Hair(Red) Popular hair style for|ancient fighters -73011 Tied Back Long Hair(Light Brown) Popular hair style for|ancient fighters -73012 Tied Back Long Hair(Lime Green) Popular hair style for|ancient fighters - -73251 Ponytail(Brown) One of girls' favorite|hair style -73252 Ponytail(Green) One of girls' favorite|hair style -73253 Ponytail(Blue) One of girls' favorite|hair style -73254 Ponytail(Ivory) One of girls' favorite|hair style -73255 Medium Short Cut(Red) Assassin's red medium|short hair cut -73256 Medium Short Cut(Brown) Assassin's brown|medium short hair cut -73257 Medium Short Cut(Light Brown) Assassin's light brown|medium short hair cut -73258 Medium Short Cut(Purple) Assassin's purple|medium short hair cut -73259 Short Cut(Red) Assassin's red short hair cut -73260 Short Cut(Sky Blue) Assassin's brown short|hair cut -73261 Short Cut(Black) Assassin's light brown|short hair cut -73262 Short Cut(Yellow) Assassin's purple|short hair cut - -73501 Sporty Hair Cut(White) Sura's white sporty hair|style -73502 Sporty Hair Cut(Brown) Sura's brown sporty hair|style -73503 Sporty Hair Cut(Yellow) Sura's yellow sporty hair|style -73504 Sporty Hair Cut(Green) Sura's green sporty hair|style -73505 Charisma Hair(White) Old style hair cut but|very glamorous -73506 Charisma Hair(Red) Old style hair cut but|very glamorous -73507 Charisma Hair(Black) Old style hair cut but|very glamorous -73508 Charisma Hair(Purple) Old style hair cut but|very glamorous -73509 Chic Swept-Back(White) -73510 Chic Swept-Back(Sky Blue) This sky blue chic|swept-back hair style is|very fashionable -73511 Chic Swept-Back(Black) This black chic swept-back hair style is very|fashionable -73512 Chic Swept-Back(Brown) This brown chic swept-back hair style is very|fashionable - -73751 Butterfly Hairpin(Brown) Beautiful brown long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73752 Butterfly Hairpin(Black) Beautiful black long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73753 Butterfly Hairpin(Sky Blue) Beautiful sky blue long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73754 Butterfly Hairpin(White) Beautiful white long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73755 Semi-Long Short Cut(Brown) A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it -73756 Semi-Long Short Cut(Black) A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it -73757 Semi-Long Short Cut(Yellow) A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it -73758 Semi-Long Short Cut(Purple) A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it -73759 Long Hair Cut(Light Brown) A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it -73760 Long Hair Cut(Yellow) A feminine hairstyle with long hair cut in layers -73761 Long Hair Cut(Purple) A feminine hairstyle with long hair cut in layers -73762 Long Hair Cut(Brown) A feminine hairstyle with long hair cut in layers - - - -74001 Shaggy Short Cut(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74002 Shaggy Short Cut(Light Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74003 Shaggy Short Cut(Sky Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74004 Shaggy Short Cut(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74005 Neat Hair Band(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74006 Neat Hair Band(Check) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74007 Neat Hair Band(Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74008 Neat Hair Band(Green Symbol) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74009 Tied Back Long Hair(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74010 Tied Back Long Hair(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74011 Tied Back Long Hair(Light Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74012 Tied Back Long Hair(Lime Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - -74251 Ponytail(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74252 Ponytail(Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74253 Ponytail(Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74254 Ponytail(Ivory) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74255 Medium Short Cut(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74256 Medium Short Cut(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74257 Medium Short Cut(Light Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74258 Medium Short Cut(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74259 Short Cut(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74260 Short Cut(Sky Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74261 Short Cut(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74262 Short Cut(Yellow) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - -74501 Sporty Hair Cut(White) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74502 Sporty Hair Cut(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74503 Sporty Hair Cut(Yellow) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74504 Sporty Hair Cut(Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74505 Charisma Hair(White) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74506 Charisma Hair(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74507 Charisma Hair(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74508 Charisma Hair(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74509 Chic Swept-Back(White) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74510 Chic Swept-Back(Sky Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74511 Chic Swept-Back(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74512 Chic Swept-Back(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - -74751 Butterfly Hairpin(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74752 Butterfly Hairpin(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74753 Butterfly Hairpin(Sky Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74754 Butterfly Hairpin(White) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74755 Semi-Long Short Cut(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74756 Semi-Long Short Cut(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74757 Semi-Long Short Cut(Yellow) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74758 Semi-Long Short Cut(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74759 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Light Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74760 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Yellow) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74761 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -74762 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - - - - -75001 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75002 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Pink) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75003 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Light Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75004 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Light Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75005 Headband Short cut(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75006 Headband Short cut(Ivory) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75007 Headband Short cut(Light Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75008 Headband Short cut(Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75009 Ballerina Bun Hair(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75010 Ballerina Bun Hair(Pink) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75011 Ballerina Bun Hair(Light Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75012 Ballerina Bun Hair(Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - -75201 Long Tied Hair(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75202 Long Tied Hair(Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75203 Long Tied Hair(Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75204 Long Tied Hair(Ivory) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75205 Du-rag(White) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75206 Du-rag(Dark Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75207 Du-rag(Ocher) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75208 Du-rag(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75209 Shaggy Cut(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75210 Shaggy Cut(Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75211 Shaggy Cut(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75212 Shaggy Cut(Yellow) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - -75401 Boyish Tied Hair(Gey) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75402 Boyish Tied Hair(Light Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75403 Boyish Tied Hair(Yellow) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75404 Boyish Tied Hair(Green) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75405 Fantastic Straight Hair(White) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75406 Fantastic Straight Hair(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75407 Fantastic Straight Hair(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75408 Fantastic Straight Hair(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75409 Sausage Tied Hair(White) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75410 Sausage Tied Hair(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75411 Sausage Tied Hair(Black) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75412 Sausage Tied Hair(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - -75601 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Ocher) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75602 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Dark Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75603 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75604 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Grey) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75605 Long Straight(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75606 Long Straight(Dark Blue) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75607 Long Straight(Yellow) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75608 Long Straight(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75609 Classic Swordman Hair(Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75610 Classic Swordman Hair(Grey-Brown) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75611 Classic Swordman Hair(Purple) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. -75612 Classic Swordman Hair(Red) Right-click to use, type |hair to check expiry day. - -74013 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -74014 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -74263 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -74264 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -74513 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -74514 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -74763 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -74764 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75013 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75014 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75213 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75214 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75413 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75414 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75613 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days -75614 Afro hair A big round, curly permed, puffy hair believed to give increased punch strength 7 days - - -74015 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -74016 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -74515 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -74516 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -75215 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -75216 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -75615 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -75616 Ancient Warrior Hat A hat used by ancient warriors. A bird feather is attached at the tip of the hat. 7 days -74265 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days -74266 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days -74765 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days -74766 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days -75015 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days -75016 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days -75415 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days -75416 Umbrella Hat Resembles an umbrella without a handle. Pink and red flowers emphasize femininity. It can be used to block the sun. 7 days - -30315 Barley Bread Bread made with Fresh Barley. It looks very appealing with a distinct aroma arising from the sesame seed sprinkled on top.. -30316 Engraved China Plate Right click the plate to turn 10 Barely Bread into a plate of bread. -30317 A Plate of Bread It looks very appealing with a distinct aroma arising from the sesame seed sprinkled on top. Feed the homeless to exchange a Mysterious Box. -30318 Fig A fruit without a flower. Tastes like no other, and a very rare commodity. It is known to bring luck if a number of these is collected. -50182 Mysterious red box A red box with elegant designs. It appears as though something rare and valuable resides inside the box. -50183 Candy Candy made from syrup extracted from sugar canes. Moving Speed +10%, Exp + 10%, Damage + 5% Duration time 30 mins - -71131 Dark horse summon ticket Ticket used to summon a Dark Horse, 30 min -71132 Dark horse summon ticket Ticket used to summon a Dark Horse, 1 hr -71133 Dark horse summon ticket Ticket used to summon a Dark Horse, 2 hr -71134 Dark horse summon ticket Ticket used to summon a Dark Horse, 3 hr - -71135 Ring of Eternal Fire A pretty ring with a crescent moon pattern. EXP +50% | Attack speed +20% | Skill Cool Down -20 | Damage +30% | Max HP +10% | Max MP+10%. -71148 Ring of Will Power Created to celebrate Easter Day. Exp +30%, Warrior and Assassin Resistance +20%, Strong against monster + 30%, Max HP +10%, Max MP +10% -71149 Ring of Lethal Power Created to celebrate Easter Day. Exp +30%, Sura and Mage Resistance +20%, Strong against monster + 30%, Max HP +10%, Max MP +10% -71150 Magic Egg Magic box made with a beautifully engraved egg shell? | Looks like it contains a powerful item inside -71151 Wicked Enchant Change Scroll Can be used on level 40 or under weapons and armors. -71152 Wicked Enchant Scroll Can be used on level 40 or under weapons and armors. -74017 red cylindrical cap A red tubular hat known for its flare amongst the fashionable eyes. -74018 desert bandana A fashion item with elegance and timelessness. A de-facto item for desert explorers. -74019 Turban A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. -74267 Turban A scarf used by women to protect the long, natural hair and the skin from UV light during desert crossings. -74268 Desert scarf Provides a better protection against UV light and desert sand storms than the Desert Scarves. Some use it to hide their face. -74269 Desert mask A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. -74517 red cylindrical cap A red tubular hat known for its flare amongst the fashionable eyes. -74518 resert bandana A fashion item with elegance and timelessness. A de-facto item for desert explorers. -74519 turban A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. -74767 turban A scarf used by women to protect the long, natural hair and the skin from UV light during desert crossings. -74768 desert scarf Provides a better protection against UV light and desert sand storms than the Desert Scarves. Some use it to hide their face. -74769 desert mask A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. -75017 turban A scarf used by women to protect the long, natural hair and the skin from UV light during desert crossings. -75018 desert scarf Provides a better protection against UV light and desert sand storms than the Desert Scarves. Some use it to hide their face. -75019 desert mask A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. -75217 red cylindrical cap A red tubular hat known for its flare amongst the fashionable eyes. -75218 resert bandana A fashion item with elegance and timelessness. A de-facto item for desert explorers. -75219 turban A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. -75417 turban A scarf used by women to protect the long, natural hair and the skin from UV light during desert crossings. -75418 desert scarf Provides a better protection against UV light and desert sand storms than the Desert Scarves. Some use it to hide their face. -75419 desert mask A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. -75617 red cylindrical cap A red tubular hat known for its flare amongst the fashionable eyes. -75618 resert bandana A fashion item with elegance and timelessness. A de-facto item for desert explorers. -75619 turban A fashion item used by desert explorers to give the head a larger silhouette. Some use it to intimidate mobs. - -30321 Pumpkin Used to celebrate Halloween pumpkin -30322 Magic Wand Item to open the Pumpkin Chest. -30323 Pumpkin Voucher Ticket used to exchange for Jack-o'-lantern Mask. -50215 Pumpkin Chest Treasure box only appears during Halloween. -71136 Halloween Lollipop Created to celebrate Halloween. EXP +50% | Attack speed +20% | Skill Cool Down -20 | Damage +30% | Max HP +10% | Max MP+10% -74020 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Male Warrior -74270 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Female Assassin -74520 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Male Sura -74770 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Female Mage -75020 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Female Warrior -75220 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Male Assassin -75420 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Female Sura -75620 Jack-o'-lantern Mask Special made Mask on All Hallows' Eve. Male Mage - -76000 Peach Flower Wine Restores 500 HP -76001 Stats Reset Scroll Resets both skill and |stats points. -76003 Haste Potion Increases the cool down bonus by 20 for 30 minutes. -76004 blue Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Water Dragon. Gives player maximum "mentality" OR "wisdom" Small increase in max "wisdom" -76005 blue Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Water Dragon. Gives player maximum "mentality" OR "wisdom" Small increase in max "wisdom" -76006 Metin Stone Detector Locate Metin Stones, follow the arrow to find nearby Metin Stones. -76007 Bravery Cape Use: Summon all nearby|monsters. Can only be used|once -76008 Dragon God Blessing Prevents EXP lose from |death. -76009 Dragon God Blessing Scroll Increases item upgrade|chance by 10%, an|prevents|destruction of item if|upgrade fails -76011 Liutao Can be used by team leader|Increases team members'|experience by 30% -76012 Leopard Pill Movement Speed +60 for|30 mins. -76013 Enhancement Change Scroll Use: Adds stats on item -76014 Enhancement Scroll Use: Changes items stats -76015 Blessing Marble Legendary blessed marble. When an item's attributes (CON, STR, DEX, INT) are|over 4, this adds one more -76016 Blessing Scroll Prevents loss of items if upgrade fails. Items|decrease 1 Level -76017 Liquor of Speed Use: Attack Speed +10 for 30 mins -76018 Liquor of Speed+ Use: Attack speed +15 for 30 mins -76019 Permit Scroll Give to NPC Hanzo in the Valcon Dungeon to access another level. -76020 Permit Scroll Give to NPC Hanzo in the Valcon Dungeon to access another level. -76021 Quest Potion Increases the success rate of handing in Lin's quest items by 80% -76022 Red Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Fire Dragon. Gives player maximum vitality. Small increase in max vitality -76023 Red Dragon's Blessing Potion created from the aura of Fire Dragon. Gives player maximum vitality. Small increase in max vitality - -80001 Money Pouch -80002 Blank Paper -80008 Lump of Gold Has a very high value -90001 Empty Water Bottle -90002 Water Bottle -90003 Crystal -90004 Gem -90005 Water Stone -90006 Spirit Stone -90007 Mineral diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index bc6bb5ba..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Frenzy Devine Frenzy Rampage Enter a enraged state,|running and hitting all|opponents in your way at a greatly increased speed Attack opponents in the front continuously for three times ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR Whirlwind Sunder Whirlwind Warpath Whirlwind Causes a bladestorm,|damaging everything in|your way with an|uninterruptible attack Attacking enimies in your war while moving forward ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR Berserk Bloodraged Berserk Berserkers Call Sacrifices your life to|go into a rage and deal|massive damage to your|enemy Increase attack speed Increase speed of movement Damage Taken STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Attack Speed +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Attack Speed +%.0f%% Moving Speed +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR Heroic Strike Spirit Strike Desolate Strike Call on the power of the 8 Blademasters enchant|your weapon with their|power and strike down|your opponent Only affective in Melee STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Attack Power +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Charging Terrifying Charge Ultimate Charge Fixes your sight on an|enemy and accelerates|towards it, as you|increase speed Assault scope attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR Slash Power Slash Ultimate Slash Focus your attack power|into a half-moon shaped|slash Attack opponents in the front ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Leap Grasshopper Leap Untimate Grasshopper Leap Perform a high jump|attack, decrease enemies|defense temporary Attacking opponents in a straight line ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Stomp Hoof Stomp Echo Stomp Knock down enemies around you using Chi Attack opponents at your standing position Have certain chance to faint your opponent ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Chance to Faint %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Might Warlords Might Might of the Beast King A defensive combat stance, increase defense|instantly Increase defense rate Decrease the speed of movement STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 AC : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Moving Speed : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Fury Fury Swipes Ultimate Fury Causes a bladestorm of|destructive force through your weapon Range attack Attack surrounding enemy target faint effect Knock back the opponent ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Chance to Faint %.0f (100+k*1000/6)/10 -31 ASSASSIN Ghost Attack Ghost Shadow Phantom Demon Begin to merge with the|shadows around, becoming|difficult to see Increase attack power when there is sneak attack from behind Increase when you gain stealth ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Rapid Charge Swift Charge Charge of The Darkness Increase moving speed|instantly, charge and|attack the selected enemy Instant attack Increase when you gain stealth ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Getaway Flee Great Escape Spin knocking back all|enemies around you making|it possible to flee Attacking opponents around you while escaping Continuously with poison attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Chance to Poison %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Stealth Shadow Strike Silent as a Shadow Allows to sneak around,|increase backstab attack|power Cancelled when you start to attack STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Damage Increased : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Poison Nova Poison Viper Poison Shadow Creates a ring of noxious poison that damages|enemy units Range attack Attack surrounding enemy target Continuously with poison attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Chance to Poison %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN Begone Assassinate Eliminate Focus attack on one|opponent and attack at|rapid speeds Range attack Attack repeatedly ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k Shoot %.0f arrows 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Multi-Shot Greater Multi-Shot Ultimate Multi-Shot Multi-Shot splits one|arrow into many attacking|all opponents in your|attack range Range attack Attack multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Attack Power %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k Attack max %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Flame Arrow Blazing Arrow Pulsating Flame Arrow Fires an arrow to a|location with deadly|precision, dealing|immense firedamage Range attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Dance with Wind Swiftness Light as a Feather Invite the power of wind into the body increasing movement Increase speed of movement STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Movement Speed : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Posion Arrow Snake Venom Serpent Sting Stings your opponent with posioned arrows causing poison damage over time Range attack Attack surrounding enemy target Knock back the opponent Continuously with poison attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Chance to Poison %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Rupture Demonic Rupture Flame of Death A wave of fire that|ripples out from Sura's|inverse, causing damage|all around him Attack opponents in the front Ignore opponent's defense rate Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Chance to ignore opponent's defense %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Dark Twister Dark Cyclone Tornados of Dark Lord Calls tornados using dark power, dealing massive|damage to nearby enemies Attack opponents at your standing position Ignore dodge Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Chance to ignore opponent's dodge %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Aura of Sword Dark Blade Demonize Blade Enchant the sword with|evil power, increase|attack power Only effective in melee Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done Drink life attack STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Attack Power +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k Damage %.0f%% is absorbed to HP 10*k -64 SURA Fear Terror Scream of Pain Strikes fear into your|enemy causing it to be|unable to use abilities|temperate Decrease opponent's attack power Increase the chance for opponent to fail when attack Effective when there is damage done STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Opponent's Attack Power -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Chance to ignore opponent's damage %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Aphonic Aphonic Shield Aphonic Armor Summons dark energies|around you, creating a|shield that absorbs a set|amount of damage Reflect damage when there is damage done Increase defense Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 AC +%.0f (iq+30)*k Chance to reflect physical attack %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Remove Magic Dispel Magic Purge Magic Casts a powerful|anti-magic buff at a|target enemy unit. Remove their|beneficial buffs Range attack Attack surrounding enemy target Remove buff from the enemy target ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Chance to purge %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Bloodrage Demon Spirits Demonrage Unleashes evil spirits|to attack your enemies Range attack Attack opponent's surrounding area ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Dark Fire Death Pulse Pulsating Dragon Breath Unleashes a line of|pulsing flame, burning|all nearby enemies Attack opponents at your standing point Fire attack ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Ritual of Doom Minor Ritual of Doom Ultimate Ritual of Doom Summon an evil spirit|that will protect you and attack all nearby|enemies Range attack Randomly attack the enemy target Attack surrounding enemy target ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Aphotic Shield Dark Protection Demon Shield use demon blood to|protect you from all that is good, draining mana|instead of HP MP will decrease instead of HP when there is damage done Increase defense rate STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Chance decrease Opponent's damage %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k AC +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Entangle Minor Entangle ltimate Entanglement unlease demon energy to your traget Range attack Attack opponent's surround area Decrease the speed of movement ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Chance to Slow : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Shadow Bolt Death Coil Black Hole Sends a Dark hole suching the life force from your enemies Range attack Attack opponent's surrounding area ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Arc Thurnder Thunder Storm Thundergods Wrath Call upon Thunder God|power, summoning a|concentrated burst of|Lightning damaging all|enemies around Range attack Attack surrounding enemy target ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Dragon Shadow Dragon Void Dragon Spirits Summons dragon spirits|turns to dragon shades|attack nearby enemies Attack in a straight line Fire damage taken continuously ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Fire Duration %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Dragon Shout Dragon Roar Scorched Dragon A wave of the flame|radiates outward from the|dragon summoned, damaging|all enemies caught within|the blast for fire damage Attack surround opponents at your standing position Fire damage taken continuously ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Fire Duration %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Dragon Shield Dragon Armor Dragon Scale Creates a thick dragon|armor shell around that|increases defense Reduce physical damage taken Only can use on friendly target CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Physical Damage Resistance : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Reflect Damage Back Fire Ultimate Reflection Shield yourself and|reflect enemies attack Reflect physical damage taken Only can use on friendly target CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Chance Reflect Physical Attack %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Enchant Damage Major Enchant Damage Ultimate Enchant Damage Temporary increase attack power Critical Attack Only can use on friendly target CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Chance to Critical Attack : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN Lightning Lance Spirit Lance Lance of the Thunder God Throws a magical lance at a target, slicing it with lighting damage Range attack Attack surrounding enemy target Lighting damage done ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Lightning Strike Static Field Thunder and Lightning Calls forth a cone of lightning, hitting multiple enemy units for damage Range attack Attack surrounding enemy target Lighting damage done faint effect ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Chance to Faint %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Chain Lightning Bolts of Lightning Chaos Bolt Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy that jumps to nearby enemies Range attack Lighting effect Continuously damage taken to surrounding enemy targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Natures Blessings Natures Grace Natures Attendants Gain power from the earth to recover HP rapidly Recover HP Re-normal Only can use on friendly target CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Restore HP %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Chance to re-normal %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Speed of Wind Run with Wind Faster than Wind Invite the power of wind into body increasing movement Increase the speed of movement Reduce the casting time Only can use on friendly target CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Movement Speed +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Casting Speed +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Natures Enchantment Major Natures Enchantment Overgrowth Increase attack power instantly Increase general attack power Only can use on friendly target CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Attack Power : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Leadership Increase manager|abilities and team|efficiency PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Continuum Increase the change of|attacking skills,|increase numbers of|attacks CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Fishing Increase fishing skill,|easy to catch more fish CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Mining Increase mining skill,|easy to get better mine PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Blacksmithing Increase blacksmithing|skill, make more items CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Milgaard Language Book Increase Milgaard|language understanding CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Listhmos Language Book Increase Listhmos|Language understanding CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Dendera Language Book Increase Dendera|Language understanding CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Polymorph Transform to different|forms with different|bonus stats CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Riding Riding Skills CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Summoning Summon horse summon -137 HORSE Wind chaser Attacking surrounding enemy targets when riding Riding skill (lv 50) ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Fling Charge Knock back enemy target that block in the front Riding skill (lv 52) ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Round Strike Attacking surrounding enemy target Riding skill (lv 55) ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Multi shoot Shoot the enemy target that blocking in the front Riding skill ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Dragon Spirit Increase dragon spirit, can use guild skills better PASSIVE yongan k * 1400 -152 GUILD Dragon Blood Temporary increase guild member max HP Only can use during guild war ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Increase Max HP +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Dragon Lord Temporary increase guild member max MP Only can use during guild war ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Increase Max MP +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Dragon Bless Temporary increase guild members defense Only can use during guild war ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 AC +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Dragon Dance Temporary increase guild members attack speed and moving speed Only can use during guild war ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Attack Speed & Movement Speed +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Dragon Curse Temporary increase guild members chance to Critical Attack Only can use during guild war ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Chance to Critical Attack +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Dragon Wish Temporary decrease the cooldown of guild member's skills Only can use during guild war ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Skill Speed +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b555fffa..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/ca/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/ca/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 3a4e5ac0..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ca/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9ccff694..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Milgaard[ENTER] -[ENTER] -This Kingdom is very wealthy,[ENTER] -because most of their citizens[ENTER] -are merchants.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Their prosperous economy[ENTER] -transformed this area into a[ENTER] -powerful and respected nation.[ENTER] -However, right now their[ENTER] -trade routes are blocked by[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Metin stone which is affecting[ENTER] -their profits and livelihood.[ENTER] -Their want is to be prepared[ENTER] -to defend against a potential[ENTER] -invasion from a unified empire[ENTER] -[WAIT] -in the West.[ENTER] -They are the first Kingdom to[ENTER] -recognize the danger of the[ENTER] -Metin Stone.[ENTER] -They have invested a lot of[ENTER] -[WAIT] -money in trying to rebuild[ENTER] -their economy and regain their[ENTER] -previous wealth. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e538b249..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Listhmos[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Listhmos occupies the[ENTER] -western lands, and the[ENTER] -present king is the cousin[ENTER] -[WAIT] -of the former emperor.[ENTER] -The King's wife is a brilliant[ENTER] -magic caster, and predicted[ENTER] -the Metin stone before they[ENTER] -were close to their world, but[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Listhmos villagers believe[ENTER] -magic is a beautiful myth in[ENTER] -which only girls believe.[ENTER] -She tried to convince the[ENTER] -court to prepare to defend[ENTER] -[WAIT] -against this danger. But[ENTER] -when she realized her warnings[ENTER] -fell on deaf ears, she led her[ENTER] -kinsman and rebelled against[ENTER] -Empire.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Right now Listhmosians are[ENTER] -rising up to defend their[ENTER] -friends,allies and homes with[ENTER] -unmatched courage and valor[ENTER] -even though the fear of the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Metin still remains.[ENTER] -They are born fighters. - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8e2d4a98..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Dendera[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Dendera was the very first[ENTER] -empire in history. They are[ENTER] -located in the Northern areas[ENTER] -[WAIT] -They dream of resurrecting[ENTER] -their old empire and building[ENTER] -back their military to its[ENTER] -former glory.[ENTER] -Recent discoveries say that[ENTER] -[WAIT] -people from Dendera are[ENTER] -savages and very aggressive[ENTER] -because of their bad climate.[ENTER] -They give off the impression[ENTER] -that they have ignored the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -warnings about Metin.[ENTER] -However, they have gathered[ENTER] -the court's wise-men to[ENTER] -thoroughly research Metin[ENTER] -Stone and its effects.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Their outward indifference to[ENTER] -the dangers of Metin Stone[ENTER] -stem from their King's[ENTER] -ambition to once again unite[ENTER] -the great Empire. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/ca/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ca/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0d90c248..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -Fuck -fucking -Cunt -Shit -Whore -Dick -Cock -Clit -Faggot -Slut -bitch -bitcher -bitchers -bitches -blow job -blowjob -blowjobs -damn -faggs -fagot -fagots -fuck -fucked -fucker -fuckers -pussies -pussy -WTF \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 692576c3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4980 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -20 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -21 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -22 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -29 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -30 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -31 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -32 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -33 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -34 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -35 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -36 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -37 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -38 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -39 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -40 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -41 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -42 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -43 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -44 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -45 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -46 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -47 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -48 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -49 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -50 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -51 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -52 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -53 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -54 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -55 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -56 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -57 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -58 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -59 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -60 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -61 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -62 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -63 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -64 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -65 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -66 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -67 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -68 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -69 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -70 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -71 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -72 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -73 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -74 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -75 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -76 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -77 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -78 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -79 WEAPON icon/item/00070.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00070.gr2 -80 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -81 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -82 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -83 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -84 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -85 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -86 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -87 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -88 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00080.gr2 -89 WEAPON icon/item/00080.tga d:/ymir 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icon/item/76011.tga -76012 ETC icon/item/76012.tga -76013 ETC icon/item/76013.tga -76014 ETC icon/item/76014.tga -76015 ETC icon/item/76015.tga -76016 ETC icon/item/76016.tga -76017 ETC icon/item/76017.tga -76018 ETC icon/item/76018.tga -76019 ETC icon/item/76019.tga -76020 ETC icon/item/76020.tga -76021 ETC icon/item/76021.tga -76022 ETC icon/item/76022.tga -76023 ETC icon/item/76023.tga -76024 ETC icon/item/76024.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -90013 ETC icon/item/itemmallb.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/ca/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index efff325c..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ca/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0869a691..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Assassins are the masters of[ENTER] -daggers and bows.[ENTER] -Only a few rare minds and[ENTER] -bodies can survive the brutal[ENTER] -training.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -However, if the conditions[ENTER] -are met, they have the power[ENTER] -to turn the tide of a battle[ENTER] -in their favor.[ENTER] -They are a lightly armored[ENTER] -[WAIT] -class and have the highest[ENTER] -agility of all the classes,[ENTER] -but their defence is low. - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4b0337b8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Mages are wizards who have[ENTER] -obtained a deep knowledge of[ENTER] -the flow of nature and[ENTER] -the cosomos.[ENTER] -They use special mediums to[ENTER] -[WAIT] -create and manifest this[ENTER] -power.[ENTER] -Mages wield the elements of[ENTER] -nature to destroy or[ENTER] -neutralize their enemies.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -They are said to be the[ENTER] -descendants of the gods and[ENTER] -blessed with unearthly[ENTER] -beauty.[ENTER] -They are mysterious, well-[ENTER] -[WAIT] -spoken and knowledgeable.[ENTER] -Their prescience in a battle[ENTER] -can make an army tremble in[ENTER] -fear.[ENTER] -Their weaknesses are poor[ENTER] -[WAIT] -melee capability and low hit[ENTER] -points. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 36e65713..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Suras are mage warriors who[ENTER] -were infused with demonic[ENTER] -power that gets channeled[ENTER] -though their arms.[ENTER] -The source of their power[ENTER] -[WAIT] -is unknown and unpredictable[ENTER] -They rarely trust people and[ENTER] -make few friends.[ENTER] -They are often driven by an[ENTER] -insatiable desire for more[ENTER] -[WAIT] -power.[ENTER] -They even consider displa-[ENTER] -ying their own strength as[ENTER] -a waste of power.[ENTER] -Their longing for strength[ENTER] -[WAIT] -is pure. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 44965897..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Warriors have a sharp sword[ENTER] -and a thick shield.[ENTER] -They are the chief players on[ENTER] -the battlefield from the[ENTER] -beginning to the end.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -The are proud and[ENTER] -charismatic, gathering allies[ENTER] -and followers around them.[ENTER] -No one dares offend them.[ENTER] -They use cold steel and a[ENTER] -[WAIT] -blazing spirit to bring[ENTER] -tranquility to the world.[ENTER] -However,[ENTER] -magic is their weakness. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/ca/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/ca/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/ca/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dfe9481c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,773 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Love Point : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Hostile Killer Points : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Attack Error : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE The target is too far away -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE Can't attack the target from here -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE Can not switch your equipment when you are trading -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP Can not switch your equipment when you are using shop -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA Can not open a private shop in public place -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE The target is too far away -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW Need more arrows to shoot -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE Can not attack the target from here -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH Can not approach that spot -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK Can not attack it -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE The target is too far away -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD Need a Fishing Pole -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE Need to be mounted to use it -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Do not have a empty bottle -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Do not have a poison bottle -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Please choose a target -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP Do not have enough HP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP Do not have enough MP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL Can not use that while riding a horse -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON Can not use this skill with this weapon -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN You can not use this skill yet -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE This can be only used on allies -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE This can be only used on dead players -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD Can not use this skill with Fishing Pole -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE Can not attack from this location -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF Can not use this on myself -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME Can not use this yet -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s has blocked all whispers SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s is offline SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE You can't whisper someone while you are blocking all whispers SNA -CHANNEL Channel -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT Can not go to Login page -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER Server Down -CHANNEL_NORMAL Channel %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO Can not find channel Information -CHANNEL_PVP PVP -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Please select the channel -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Please select billing location -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Please select Server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test Server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL All -CHAT_BLOCK Block -CHAT_GUILD Guild -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING This sentence contains inappropriate words -CHAT_LOG View chat history [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE View chat history -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Notice -CHAT_PARTY Party -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Send Chat -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Send Whisper [Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT Shout -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT Can shout once every 15 seconds -CHAT_WHISPER Whisper -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME You can't use 'GM' in your character name -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME This name is inappropriate -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME This name has been taken by another player -CREATE_FAILURE Invalid characters used in name. -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Please type characters name -CREATE_PLUS_STAT Remaining status points -DAY Day -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Do you want to drop %d Gold? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Can not drop an equipped item -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Can not drop an equipped item when opening the private shop -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER Can not drop more than 1000 Gold -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dance1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dance2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dance3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dance4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dance5 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Blessing -EMOTION_FORGIVE Forgiveness -EMOTION_ANGRY Anger(rage) -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Seduction -EMOTION_SAD Sadness -EMOTION_SHY Shyness -EMOTION_CHEERUP Cheer -EMOTION_BANTER Taunting -EMOTION_JOY Joy -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Cheer 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Cheer 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Choose the target -EMOTION_CLAP Claps -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kiss -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS French Kiss -EMOTION_SLAP Slap -EMPIRE_A Milgaard -EMPIRE_B Listhmos -EMPIRE_C Dendera -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE Can not trade this item -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY Can not change the amount -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Can not trade equipped items -EXCHANGE_MONEY Amount -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s -FISHING_FAILURE The Fish has eaten your bait -FISHING_UNKNOWN I don't know what I caught -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE Can not fish at this spot -GAME_CANNOT_MINING Can not mine while riding a horse -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM You can not pick up this item because it is not your loot -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR Failed to create cursor -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 must be installed to run the game.\nPlease install DirectX 8.1 or higher -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE Unable to find a graphic device to run the game.\nPlease check if your VGA card is installed properly -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Failed to create a graphic device.\nPlease check if you have required VGA card.\nOr turn on Hardware Acceleration.\n(Set the Hardware Acceleration to Max \nfrom Control Panel->Display->Property->Advance->Trouble Shooting Tab) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT Your PC's VGA card doesn't support window mode in 32 bit mode.\nChange to 16 bit mode or use full screen mode -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO There is no item data.\nPlease reinstall the game -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Failed to create interface -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO There is no monster data.\nPlease reinstall the game -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Failed to create a network device.\nPlease check your internet connection -GAME_PICK_MONEY Gained Gold %d -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Height is not 128 pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Height is not 12 pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Width is not 16 pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Width is not 64 pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT This image file is not supported in game -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Please place the files in metin2/upload folder -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT There is no selected image file -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Capture Battle -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Field Battle -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s Guild has declared a war to your guild, -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Do you agree? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Guild War Arena -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Grade -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Building Name -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE Dragon spirit is already full -GUILD_COMMENT Write -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Guild Name is inappropriate -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Guild Members -GUILD_DELETE Delete -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Do you want to use %d Gold to restore %d Dragon Spirits? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN Do you want to join this guild? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Empty Land -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Opponent Guild Name -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Recover Dragon Spirit -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_NAME Guild Name -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL Do not have enough material to construct the building -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Do not have enough gold to construct the building -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION Do not have power to make an announcement -GUILD_OFFER_EXP EXP to invest -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Not enough EXP -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Guild base Information -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Board -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Position Management -GUILD_TILE_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Guild Members -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Guild Skill -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Time 30 Minutes -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Rewards: Winner gets Potions -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Use Guild War Arena -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Use Normal Map -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE High score wins the war -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture the opponent's flag -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 bring the flag to your guild base -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Defeat all opponents to win -GUILD_WITHDRAW Withdrawal -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN Not in any guild -HORSE_HEALTH0 Dead -HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungry -HORSE_HEALTH2 Starving -HORSE_HEALTH3 Full -HORSE_LEVEL1 Pony -HORSE_LEVEL2 Armed Horse -HORSE_LEVEL3 Military Horse -HOUR Hour -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Input Matrix Card No. -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Please input the Chr Password -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Delete Character -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL You can't merge Scroll of Return -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Do you want to use this item? -JOB_ASSASSIN Assassin -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateur Assassin -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Assassin Force -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Archery Force -JOB_SHAMAN Mage -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateur Mage -JOB_SHAMAN1 Dragon Force -JOB_SHAMAN2 Lightning Force -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amateur Sura -JOB_SURA1 Mirage Force -JOB_SURA2 Black Magic Force -JOB_WARRIOR Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateur Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR1 Arahan Force -JOB_WARRIOR2 Partisan Force -LEFT_TIME Remaining Time -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Failed to connect the server -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS Succeed to connect the server -LOGIN_CONNETING Connecting to the server -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY This account is already connected -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Login has a error -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Your account is blocked from server -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL This account does not have playing time -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL This account is not available -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID The information is not correct. -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID This account is undergoing item restoration -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN Server is updating, please refer to www.metin2.us and login later -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER Failed to connect because there are too many players connecting -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN Failed to login, unknown error -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Typed incorrect No. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE Typed incorrect No. 3 times. Your connection will be terminated -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD The information is not correct. -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Please input the ID -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Please input the password -LOGIN_PROCESSING Logging in -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT Can not put item in Item mall -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MAP_A1 Argos -MAP_A2 Nula Valley -MAP_A3 Maadi -MAP_AG Fargo Village -MAP_B1 Netha -MAP_B2 Fugus Valley -MAP_B3 Aswan -MAP_BG Exiom Village -MAP_C1 Longdon -MAP_C2 Cenran Moutain -MAP_C3 Corinth -MAP_CG Greenriver Village -MAP_DESERT Waste Land -MAP_FLAME Valkus -MAP_SKELTOWER Demon Tower -MAP_SNOW Tangra Mountain -MAP_SPIDER Valcon Dungeon -MAP_TEMPLE Forbidden Temple -MAP_TREE Wild Leaf Forest -MAP_TRENT02 DarkWildLeafFT -MAP_WL SandWasteLand -MAP_NUSLUCK SandValley -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s has registered you as a friend -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Do you accept the invitation? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Remove from Guild/Friend list? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Do you want to delete the mobile number? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Do you want to move? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Empty -MESSENGER_FAMILY Family -MESSENGER_FRIEND Friend -MESSENGER_GUILD Guild -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Please input validation number sent to your mobile phone -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Input validation number -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Input the mobile number to send validation number by SM -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Do you want to input the number now? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Enter cell phone number -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Send Message -MINIMAP Mini-Map -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Can not display Mini-Map -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Can not display Map -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Zoom Out -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Zoom In -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d Spectators -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP View Map -MINUTE Minute -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Sell Price : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Can not move the item when you are opening a private shop -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST There is no BGM file -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin 2 Default background music -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC No Music file selected -NEEFD_REST Rest is required -NOT_YET_SUPPORT This is not supported -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE Can not set the guild mode when you are not in any guilds -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT You can not use PvP mode configuration -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT Need to have at least level %d to be able to use the PVP Mode -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Attack Power : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Attack Speed : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Skill Duration : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER AC: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max MP: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max HP : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Party Dismiss -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT has invited you into a party -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN Do you want to accept the party invitation? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Level Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Higher level gets more EXP -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Even Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP All party members get equal amounts of EXP -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Recover All -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Party range increases by 1.5 times SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Party range increases by 2 times SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Leave the party -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP for Long Party Play : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Summon a party member -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS HP & MP Regeneration Bonus : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED You have rejected a party invitation -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Set as an Attacker -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Set as a Berserker -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Set as a Buffer -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Set as a Defender -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Cancel the set -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Set as a Skill Master -PARTY_SET_TANKER Set as a Tanker -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Attacker Basic Attack Power +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Berserker Attack Speed +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Buffer Skill Duration +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Defender Resistance +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Party Range +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Skill Master Max MP +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN MP Regeneration +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Tanker Max HP +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Able to summon a party member -PASSWORD_TITLE Bank Password -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item No. -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Amount -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Can not sell this item in the private shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Want to close the private shop? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Private Shop Name -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Price -PVP_LEVEL0 Admirable -PVP_LEVEL1 Noble -PVP_LEVEL2 Righteous -PVP_LEVEL3 Worthy -PVP_LEVEL4 Civilian -PVP_LEVEL5 Villain -PVP_LEVEL6 Criminal -PVP_LEVEL7 Desperado -PVP_LEVEL8 Felon -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP Guild Mode has been set -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP Free has been set -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP Peace has been set -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP Protect has been set -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP Hostile has been set -PVP_OPTION_KILL Free -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Peace -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Protect -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Hostile -QUEST_APPEND New quest has been registered -QUEST_MIN Min -QUEST_SEC Sec -QUEST_TIMEOVER Time Over -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME No Time Limit -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sec -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM This item can not be added in the quick slot -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s has sent you a message -REFINE_COST Upgrade Cost : %d Gold -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING If fail to upgrade, the item will be destroyed -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 This will increase chance to upgrade -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 Item will be destroyed if it fails. Do you want to continue? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING If fail to upgrade, the item will be degraded -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Do you want to remove the Gem? -REFINE_FAILURE Failed to upgrade -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Can not upgrade equipped item -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM Do not have gem to detach -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL Need better Upgrade Scroll -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET Can not create any more sockets -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM Can not create any more sockets on this item -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM Can not upgrade this item -REFINE_SUCCESS The item upgrade was successful -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Upgrade Chance : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Do you want to continue? -SAFEBOX_ERROR Wrong password entered -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM Can not put this item in the bank -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD The passwords must be identical -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 is saved in -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot folder -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Failed to save the screenshot -SECOND Sec -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE Can not delete Character -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME Character name changed -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME This Character name already exists -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Please try again later -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME This is the wrong Character name -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Change Character's Name -SELECT_DELEING Deleting Character... -SELECT_DELETED Character has been deleted -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Do you want to continue? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT Able to create new Character -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Please enter new Character name -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD ---------- -SHOP_BUY_INFO Buy item by selecting it from the item shop -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT Can not sell the equipped item -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Can not sell this item -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Shop Error : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS This is not an appropriate item -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL There is no room in inventory -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough Gold -SHOP_SELL_INFO Select the item from your Inventory to sell it -SHOP_SOLDOUT Sold out -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown long range attack error : %s -SKILL_BOHO Reflection -SKILL_BUDONG Thorn -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK Need EXP to train skill -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT Need a skill book to train skill -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Might -SKILL_CRITICAL Critical Attack -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Poison -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Stealth -SKILL_FAINT Faint -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Find Trap -SKILL_FIRE Lasting Fire -SKILL_FISHMIND Using Fishing Manual -SKILL_GAMJI Detect -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Heroic Strike -SKILL_GEONGON Dark and Light -SKILL_GICHEON Dragon Armor -SKILL_GIGONG Chi Cycling -SKILL_GONGPO Fear -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Assassin -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Archery -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Riding Skill -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Dragon -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Lightning -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Mirage -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Black Magic -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Arahan -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Partisan -SKILL_GWIGEOM Dark Blade -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Dance with Wind -SKILL_HEUKSIN Dark Protection -SKILL_HOSIN Dragon Shield -SKILL_HWAYEOM Whirlwind -SKILL_HYEOLMA Rupture -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Attack Speed Increases -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Movement Speed Increases -SKILL_INMA Desolate Strike -SKILL_JEOJU Curse -SKILL_JEONGEOP Nature Grace -SKILL_JEONGWI Berserk -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Warlords Might -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Full Attack -SKILL_JEUNGCHE Overgrowth -SKILL_JEUNGHON Leap -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Gift of the Wild -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Speed Up -SKILL_JIGAM Dragon Shadow -SKILL_JIPJUNG Focus AC -SKILL_JUMAGAP Aphonic -SKILL_JUMAGEOM Demonrage -SKILL_KWAEGEOM Devine Frenzy -SKILL_KWAESOK Call of the Wind -SKILL_LEGBOUND Entangle -SKILL_MUSA Charging -SKILL_MUYEONG Ritual of Doom -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Do not have an empty bottle -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Do not have a poison bottle -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR Can use this skill only in Guild War -SKILL_PABEOP Purge -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Stun Attack -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Flash Bomb -SKILL_SINCHAK Fear -SKILL_SLEEP Sleep -SKILL_SLOW Slow -SKILL_STUN Stun -SKILL_SUHO Guardian -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance to summon : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT INT -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level -SKILL_TOXICDIE Poison -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Poison Attack Power Increases -SKILL_TUSOK Entangle -SKILL_WONSIN Dragon Bless -SKILL_YONGSIN Dragon Spirit Shield -STAT_MINUS_CON CON Adjustment (Remaining Chance %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX DEX Adjustment (Remaining Chance %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT INT Adjustment (Remaining Chance %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR STR Adjustment (Remaining Chance %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON HP and AC Increase -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX AP and DR Increase -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT MP and MR Increase -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR AP Increases -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Register Guild Flag -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU Tiling Mode can boost the speed in slower PCs -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 If you have graphics problems, use 'System Option' or 'CONFIG.exe' -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 to select GPU Tiling Mode -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU Tiling Mode can cause sluggishness in slower PCs -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 If you have graphics problems, use 'System Option' or 'CONFIG.exe' -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 to select CPU Tiling Mode -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT Changing Tiling Mode requires shutting down the game -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Agree -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Revenge -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Destroy -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Dismount -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotion -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Trade -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Exclude -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER End Spectator -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duel -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Friend -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guild Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Party Invit -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Leave Party -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Join Party -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Equipment -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Whisper -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Commander -TARGET_LEVEL_KING King -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Knight -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Pawn -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT High Knight -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN High Pawn -TASKBAR_ATTACK Attack -TASKBAR_AUTO Auto -TASKBAR_CAMERA Camera -TASKBAR_EXP EXP -TASKBAR_HP HP -TASKBAR_MOVE Move -TASKBAR_SKILL Skill -TASKBAR_SP MP -TASKBAR_ST Stamina -THING_COUNT each -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Strong against Animal +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Strong against Assassin +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Strong against Devil +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Strong against Demi-Human +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Strong against Esoteric +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Strong against Monster +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Strong against Giant Goblin +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Strong against Mage +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Strong against Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Strong against Undead +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Strong against Warrior +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK %d%% chance to block physical attack SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Restore MP every 5 sec during battle %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance to Critical Attack SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% chance to recover MP when hit SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE %d%% chance to flee archery attack SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% chance to receive EXP Bonus SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% chance of getting double the amount of dropped gold SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immune to Falling Down SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Slow Resistance 90% SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Increases Faint Resistance SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% chance of getting double the amount of items per drop SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% chance to restore HP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% chance to restore MP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% chance to consume opponent's MP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT No Effect -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY Immune lost EXP once when death SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT Chance to Pierce Attack %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Chance to Poison Target %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Poison Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Potion's %d%% Effect Increases SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Chance to Reflect Curse %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to Reflect Physical Attack %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Decrease Bell Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Decrease Dagger Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Decrease Fan Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Decrease Sword Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Decrease Two Hand Sword Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Decrease Wind Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Increase chance of learning from skill book by 2.5 times SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY When learning skills fails, you can be released from Evil Spirit's Curse SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Chance to Slow Target %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP %d%% Damage absorbed to HP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP %d%% Damage absorbed to MP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance to faint target %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Can not be sold in the Shop -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armor -TOOLTIP_ARROW Arrow -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Assassin -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Attack Power +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Bow Range +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Price : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Skill Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON CON +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE AC +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX DEX +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Earring -TOOLTIP_ETC Etc -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Points : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Give Pickax to lumberman -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 to upgrade -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 to better item -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Points : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Give item to fisherman -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 to upgrade -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 to better fishing pole -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN Length : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Helmet -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN HP regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT INT +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Attack Power %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Attack Power %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Attack Power %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Attack Power %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE AC : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON CON limit : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX DEX limit : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT INT limit : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL Level limit : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR STR Limit : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magic Attack Power %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magic Attack Power %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magic Resistance : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Very Fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Very Slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Equipable ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Lucky Number : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magic Attack Power +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magic Resistance : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Attack Power +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Attack Power +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT Auto look for dropped gold pouch SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS AC +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC AC +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC EXP Bonus 50% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Increases the chance of catching rare fish SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Gold Drop Rate %.1f times SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Gold Drop Rate 2 times SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Item Drop Rate %.1f times SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Item Drop Chance %.1f%% Increased SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Item Drop Chance 2 times SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Love Points are increasing faster! SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Make a third room in bank SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max HP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max HP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max MP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max MP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max Stamina +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Movement speed %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Necklace -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Required MP : Max -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Required Dragon Spirit : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Required CON : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC CON : %d / Sec -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Required Skill Points : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Required MP : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP : %d / Sec -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Next level : %d (Max %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Next level : %d (Max %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Damage Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 More than %d party members, -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Attack Grade +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Defence Grade +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Restore all party members HP/MP once in 60 minutes -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Restore all party members HP/MP once in 30 minutes -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL Can summon party members 3 minutes after they have died -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL Can summon party members if they are on the same server -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Attack Grade +(Number of Party Members/2) of Attacker %d can be selected -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defence Grade +(Number of Party Members) of Tanker 1 can be selected -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Current level : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Attack/Defence Increased] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [Restore] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP More than %d party members gives bonus EXP %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus EXP] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Summon] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Set Attacker] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Set Tanker] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Recover negative effects -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Attack Speed : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Movement speed : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT MP : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT MP : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sec -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Duration : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL Must be Level 21 or higher -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL Must be Level 41 or higher -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL Must be Level %d -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d is required -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d required -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Increase Arrow Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Increase Lightning Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Increase Fire Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magic Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Remaining : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Price : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Mage -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Shield -TOOLTIP_SHOES Shoes -TOOLTIP_SKILL Skill SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Skill Book -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Attack Power : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Attack Power : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE AC : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Opponent's Attack Power : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restore HP : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to reflect attack : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Physical Damage Resistance : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Cool down time : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Skill Damage Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Duration : %d Sec -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Tome of Forgetfulness -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Current level : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Current Level : %d (Master) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Current Level : %d (Max %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Empty -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [ Item with a socket ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN MP regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR STR +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unique -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Warrior -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Weapon -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Bracelet -UI_ACCEPT Accept -UI_CANCEL Cancel -UI_CLOSE Close -UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:10 -UI_DENY Deny -UI_ITEM Item -UI_LEFT_TIME Remaining Time : %d Sec -UI_NEXT Next -UI_NOCONTENTS No content -UI_NONAME No Name -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unknown Location -UI_UNKNOWN Unknown -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Can not use the item when opening a private shop -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Skill Error : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT Please re-log to upload the guild logo. -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT Please re-log to upload the guild logo. -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want sell %s as %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want sell %s %s as %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want buy %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want buy %s %s for %s? -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s can't attach in this item -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to attach -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Goldsocket to attach %s -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %s? -MONETARY_UNIT0 Gold -MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand -MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked! -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s got captured! -FISHING_SUCCESS1 Captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 Got %s! -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR WARRIOR Resistance %s%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN ASSASSIN Resistance %s%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA SURA Resistance %s%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Mage Resistance %s%% SA -FOR_MALE Male -FOR_FEMALE Female -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL 3 -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL higher level3 required -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING In use... -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST Remaining:%.2f%% -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP Auto Red Potion -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP Auto Blue Potion -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT Max MP+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT Max HP+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ENERGY energy %d SA -UI_NEXTPAGE >> -UI_PREVPAGE << -TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS increased costume bonus %d SA diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6b4aa987..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Accept -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Attach? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Gem has been attached -CANCEL Cancel -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Confirm New Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW New Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Old Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Password Change -CHARACTER_ACTION Action -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emoticon -CHARACTER_MAIN Character -CHARACTER_QUEST Quest -CHARACTER_SKILL Skill -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Interactive Emotion -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normal Emotion -CLOSE Close -CREATE_ATT_GRADE STR -CREATE_CREATE Create -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DEX -CREATE_HP CON -CREATE_LAST_POINT Points -CREATE_NAME Character -CREATE_NEXT Next -CREATE_PREV Back -CREATE_SHAPE Shape -CREATE_SP INT -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reset -EMPIRE_EXIT Exit -EMPIRE_NEXT Next -EMPIRE_PREV Back -EMPIRE_SELECT Select -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Accept -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Game Option -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER End Spectator Mode -GAME_HELP Help -GAME_QUEST Quest -GAME_SKILL_UP Training Skill -GAME_STAT_UP Character Status -GUILD_BASENAME Base Name -GUILD_BOARD_ID Name -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Contents -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Building Units -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Change -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Direction -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Building and Cost Information -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Building List -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Building Name -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operate -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Position -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Preview -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Guild Building Construction -GUILD_CRYSTAL Crystal -GUILD_DEPOSIT In -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Drop Resources -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 in here -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME Changing Rank Name -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Grade -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Expel -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Invite -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Notice -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Skill -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Rank -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Write -GUILD_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Current EXP -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Declare War -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Enemy Guild -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Guild Level -GUILD_INFO_MARK Guild Mark -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Leader -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Leader -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL Avg. Level -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Members -GUILD_INFO_NAME Guild Name -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE It is a Guild Name -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Invest -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Needed EXP -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Upload Mark -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Upload Flag -GUILD_MARK Guild Mark -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Class -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Leader -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Level -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Name -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Rank -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Invest -GUILD_METIN_STONE Metin Stone -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Gold -GUILD_NAME Guild -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Resource Info -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Active -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Passive -GUILD_SKILL_POWER DS -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Current Actived -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Recover DS -GUILD_SYMBOL Guild Flag -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Accept Guild War -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Type -GUILD_WAR_CTF CTF -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Declare Guild War -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Opponents -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Field -GUILD_WAR_WARP Arena -GUILD_WATER Water -GUILD_WATER_STONE Waterstone -GUILD_WITHDRAW Out -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - Use key or left mouse button to attack -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - Use + keys to change to PK mode -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (Open Character Window, Inventory Window, -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 and Chat Window) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - The camera view is adjustable with the middle button of your mouse -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - The camera view is adjustable using + right mouse button -HELP_EXP EXP -HELP_FURY Fury(not implemented) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - Use + keys to open and close Guild Window -HELP_HELP - Press key or select help button from the menu to view Help -HELP_HP HP -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - Press + keys to open and close Messenger Window -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Left mouse function options -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Right mouse function options -HELP_MOVE_KEY - Use , , , or Arrow keys to move your character -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - Press key to open and close Character Stats Window -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - Press key to open and close Chat Window -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - Press key to open and close Inventory Window -HELP_OPEN_LOG - Press key to open and close Chat Log -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - Press + keys to open and close Mini-Map Window -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - Press key to open and close Quest Window -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - Press key to open and close Skill Window -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - Press + keys to open and close Whisper Window -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - Press key to open and close Map Window -HELP_PICK_ITEM - Press <~> key to pick up items -HELP_QUICKSLOT Quick Slot -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - Press key to take a screenshot. The screenshot will be saved in My Document/METIN2 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - Press key to display names of all characters and items -HELP_SP MP -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON System Window -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 Slot I -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 Slot II -INVENTORY_TITLE Inventory -LOAD_ERROR Data file is corrupted. Please re-install client. Press ESC key now -LOGIN_CONNECT Connect -LOGIN_CONNECTING Connecting -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Server Name, Channel 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Select Location -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Select -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Select Server -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MALL_TITLE Item Mall Bank -MARKET_TITLE Shop -MARKLIST_REFRESH Refresh -MARKLIST_TITLE Register Mark -MESSAGE Message -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friends -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Delete Friends -MESSENGER_MOBILE Send Text Messages -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Open Guild Window -MESSENGER_TITLE Messenger -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Use Guild Moving Skill -MESSENGER_WHISPER Whisper -MINIMIZE Minimize -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Attack -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Auto Attack -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Camera -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Skill -MUSICLIST_TITLE BGM List -NO No -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Names -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Temporary -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Always -OPTION_BLOCK Block -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Trade -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Friend -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Guild -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Party Inv -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Party Req -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Whisper -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Camera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Zoom out -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Zoom in -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Delete Mobile Number -OPTION_EFFECT Damage -OPTION_FOG Fog -OPTION_FOG_DENSE High -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Low -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Medium -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Input Mobile No. -OPTION_MOBILE Mobile Phone -OPTION_MUSIC BGM -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Switch -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2 Default background music -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Name Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Kingdom -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP Mode -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Free -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP Can attack all players -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Guild -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP Can attack other players except Guild Members -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Peace -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP Can not attack other players unless attacked first -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Hostile -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP Can only attack players from other nations -OPTION_SOUND Sound -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Enemy Info -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Hide -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Display -OPTION_TILING Tiling -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Apply -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Options -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chat Box -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Hide -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Display -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Party Member's Name -PASSWORD_TITLE Bank PW -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Amount -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Close -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Shop Name -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Open Private Shop -REFINE_COST Upgrade Cost : 0 Gold -REFINE_INFO Chance to upgrade successfully : 100% -REFINE_TTILE Upgrade -RESTART_HERE Revive Here -RESTART_TOWN Revive in Town -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Change Password -SAFE_TITLE Bank -SELECT_ATT_GRADE STR -SELECT_CREATE Create -SELECT_DELETE Delete -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DEX -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Kingdom Name -SELECT_EXIT Exit -SELECT_HP CON -SELECT_LEVEL Level -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Choose gem -SELECT_NAME Name -SELECT_NO_GUILD No Guild -SELECT_PLAYTIME Play Time -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP INT -SELECT_TITLE Title -SHOP_BUY Buy -SHOP_SELL Sell -SHOP_TITLE Store -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Assist Skills -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE System Option -SYSTEM_CHANGE Change Character -SYSTEM_EXIT Exit to Windows -SYSTEM_HELP Help -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Log Out -SYSTEM_MALL Item Mall -SYSTEM_OPTION System Option -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Character [C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat Window -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Inventory [I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Messenger -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Next Quick Slot [shift+No., alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Previous Quick Slot [shift+No.] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM System [ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Block -WHISPER_NAME Whisper -WHISPER_SEND Send -YES Yes -ZONE_MAP Full Map -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Price -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Stone -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Trunk -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Plywood -CUBE_TITLE Cube_Window -CREATE_SEX Sex -CREATE_MAN Man -CREATE_WOMAN Woman -PASSWORD_DESC_1 Please input your bank password -PASSWORD_DESC_2 to access to item mall bank -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER test -WHISPER_REPORT test -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE costume -OPTION_SALESTEXT Shop -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_ON Display -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF Hide diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ca/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ca/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git 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90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu 司令部 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 90010,30/90011,35/90012,35 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 练武场 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 钻石熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 琥珀熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 化石木熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 铜熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 银熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 金熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 玉石熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 黑缎石熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 珍珠熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 白金熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 水晶熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 紫水晶熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 天璨熔炉 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 - -//14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 力量神殿 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -//14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 力量神殿 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -//14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 力量神殿 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 房子(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 石墙(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 石墙(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 石墙(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 大门(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 围墙(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 房子(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 石墙(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 石墙(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 石墙(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 大门(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 围墙(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 房子(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 石墙(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 石墙(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 石墙(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 大门(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 围墙(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 哨塔 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,35 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 木栏1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 木栏2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 木栏3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 木门 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 90010,5/90011,20/90012,20 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 围墙(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 帮会会标 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 石头1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 石头2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 石头3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 石头4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 石头5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 石头6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 石头7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 石头8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 石头9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 石头10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 木头1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 木头2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 木头3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 木头4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 木头5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 木头6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 木头7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 木头8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 木头9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 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a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 227c6383..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -龙威国[ENTER] -[ENTER] -大荣国忠臣刘仁皓之后[ENTER] -建立的帝国,史书中多[ENTER] -将其称为大荣国基业的[ENTER] -[WAIT] -延续。其以“龙威”为[ENTER] -国号,为表忠贞护国之[ENTER] -心,希望以捍卫龙权之[ENTER] -使命而威震天下。该国[ENTER] -以将分裂的大荣帝国统[ENTER] -[WAIT] -一为目标,为取得战争[ENTER] -的胜利日益扩充军力,[ENTER] -其臣民亦为统一天下而[ENTER] -积极备战。[ENTER] -[ENTER] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4e597bc3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -天霸国[ENTER] -[ENTER] -大荣国将军陶远达之后[ENTER] -建立的帝国。当初陶远[ENTER] -达联手诸多势力割据一[ENTER] -[WAIT] -方,因此其建国初期内[ENTER] -部关系错综复杂,但在[ENTER] -连年的内部斗争中又逐[ENTER] -渐归为一统。该国臣民[ENTER] -在多年的内战中磨练了[ENTER] -[WAIT] -毅志,有着丰富的作战[ENTER] -经验,他们从来都不会[ENTER] -掩饰自己称霸天下的野[ENTER] -心,并在内部统一后将[ENTER] -国号改为“天霸”。[ENTER] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a8afd9a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -圣武国[ENTER] -[ENTER] -大荣国武王轩辕光之后[ENTER] -建立的帝国,该国君王[ENTER] -认为自己才是真正的大[ENTER] -[WAIT] -荣皇族后裔,以武王的[ENTER] -经天纬地之才,当初早[ENTER] -应加冕国君,以还大荣[ENTER] -国的盛世。该国臣民对[ENTER] -武王世代敬仰,同时更[ENTER] -[WAIT] -为崇尚武力,为求再次[ENTER] -统一天下而不惜全民参[ENTER] -战,故以“圣武”为国[ENTER] -号。[ENTER] -[ENTER] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 82b06ac5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1536 +0,0 @@ -毛泽东 -周恩来 -邓小平 -江泽民 -钱其琛 -朱熔基 -朱德 -胡锦涛 -李长春 -吴邦国 -贺国强 -贾庆林 -吴官正 -罗干 -黄菊 -曾庆红 -王刚 -吴仪 -万里 -田纪云 -乔石 -李鹏 -李铁映 -李瑞环 -赵紫阳 -胡耀邦 -薄一波 -胡乔木 -李岚清 -陈希同 -尉健行 -王震 -李先念 -林彪 -陈毅 -贺龙 -傅作义 -李登辉 -布什 -拉姆斯菲尔德 -克林顿 -小泉纯一郎 -普京 -布雷尔 -布莱尔 -戴维教 -希拉克 -金日成 -金正日 -萨达姆 -阿拉法特 -温家宝 -曾荫权 -陈水扁 -吕秀莲 -王俊博 -陈佳评 -陈奎平 -吕学森 -网虫 -卖币 -卖武林币 -卖武币 -卖林币 -白粉 -毒品 -贩毒 -吸毒 -卖毒品 -摇头丸 -海洛因 -安非他命 -速赐康 -FM2 -古柯碱 -吗啡 -鸦片 -干 -狗操 -懒桥 -懒扒 -懒鸟 -懒叫 -蓝桥 -蓝扒 -蓝鸟 -蓝叫 -鸡八 -鸡白 -鸡掰 -鸡歪 -鸡巴 -鸡吧 -GY Gy -gy -你娘的 -你妈的 -你娘得 -你妈得 -草拟妈 -他妈的 -她妈的 -他妈得 -她妈得 -干妳老木 -干你老目 -干你老母 -干你娘 -干你妈 -操你妈 -操你娘 -叼你妈 -靠你妈 -新义安 -洪兴 -东升 -黑社会 -TMD -Tmd -狗养 -龟儿子 -龟孙子 -狗卵 -骚货 -你妈逼 -傻逼 -烂逼 -贱逼 -傻卵 -呆卵 -淫 -奸 -杀你 -插你 -fuck -FUCK -fuck -SUCKER -sucker -阴茎 -阳具 -龟头 -阉狗 -阴道 -王八 -王八蛋 -杂种 -13点 -白痴 -DAMN -damn -STUPID -stupid -贱货 -淫货 -贱种 -婊 -性奴 -性欲 -性交 -援交 -乳晕 -卵巢 -精虫 -屌 -捻 -鸠 -尻 -diu -DIU -on9 -ON9 -on9 -吊你 -妖你 -宾周 -春袋 -烂袋 -笨柒 -柒头 -柒碌 -切柒 -含七 -含九 -含尻 -笨七 -七头 -七碌 -切七 -你老母 -你老味 -调理劳务 -仆街 -臭街 -舔西 -傻西 -姣西 -臭西 -臭化 -嗅西 -臭嗨 -西汁 -西水 -柒西 -西人 -西精 -西能 -西佬 -西老 -西仔 -西女 -西婆 -老味臭化 -渣波波 -陷家 -杏家 -含家 -陷加 -杏加 -含加 -陷嘉 -杏嘉 -含嘉 -含能 -能样 -捻样 -谂样 -屎忽鬼 -屎眼 -我操 -你娘 -日你妈 -大血比 -精神病 -傻吊 -卖比 -蠢猪 -苯比 -日你 -傻B -傻b -操你 -干你 -奸你 -戳你 -逼你老母 -调理劳务系 -臭化西 -挨球 -我日你 -瓜娃子 -卖逼 -奸淫 -传染性病 -吹牛逼 -煞笔 -去死 -毛贼 -(神) -<神> -他妈 -她妈 -奶娘 -他娘 -她娘 -犬神 -太神 -Fuck -臭傻 -操行 -你丫 -日日日 -骚逼 -骚B -干死你 -干干干 -你妈了妹 -垃圾 -生孩子没屁眼 -逼毛 -贱人 -婊子养的 -插你妈 -二百五 -他爹 -他祖宗 -包皮 -老味臭化西 -屁股 -乳房 -乳头 -妳妈 -神经病 -逼 -嫩B -嫩b -暴乱 -调理劳务挨球 -猪倌 -贱 -贱B -靠 -操 -遗精 -痴鸠 -痴捻 -睾丸 -三八 -穆斯林 -回回 -基督 -耶稣 -真理教 -伊斯兰 -阿拉 -高丽棒子 -蒙古达子 -鲜族 -南蛮子 -本?拉登 -拉登 -希特勒 -东条英机 -天皇 -法西斯 -日本 -美国 -朝鲜 -帝国主义 -社会主义 -共产主义 -东亚病夫 -日本鬼子 -小日本 -膏药旗 -美国佬 -老毛子 -黑手党 -亲民党 -圣战 -达赖 -中南海 -国务院 -中共中央 -中国共产党 -中央电视台 -新闻出版总署 -中宣部 -届中央政治局委员 -东突 -东突独立 -新疆独立 -西藏独立 -杀手 -杀人犯 -强奸犯 -盗窃犯 -东突暴动 -扎卡维是英雄 -阿扁万岁 -回族人吃猪肉 -瘸腿帮 -阿扁 -人民大会堂 -政协 -警察 -主席 -总理 -共产党 -民进党 -中共 -全国人大 -天神 -大神 -中华人民共和国 -国民党 -中华民国 -李洪志 -法轮 -海边的卡夫卡 -秋天的童话 -共匪 -台独 -台湾国 -台湾共和国 -台湾党 -台湾帝国 -台湾民国 -台湾共产党 -天安门 -自焚 -FLG -八九 -六四 -民运 -真善忍 -动乱 -梅花网 -台湾独立 -智冠 -中华网龙 -陈奎评 -游龙在线 -新手指导员 -纠察员 -巡查员 -游戏管理员 -GameMaster -外挂 -值勤 -值勤账号 -家产 -家铲 -账号 -札卡维 -扎卡维 -笨比 -傻比 -叼你 -奶奶 -奶妈 -猪倌 -布什 -耶苏 -共产主义 -海基会 -海协会 -朱镕基 -扁水陈 -莲秀吕 -博俊王 -评佳陈 -平奎陈 -森学吕 -工程 -卖游戏币 -挂机 -E04 -E04 -e04 -e04 -su3 -su;6 -曰曰曰 -液精淫目 -屁眼 -茎肛 -阴部 -阴蒂 -阴核 -阴唇 -奶头 -精子 -射精 -戆比 -戆卵 -高潮 -高俊良 -高祀仁 -高中兴 -搞 -葛振峰 -弓虽女干 -公投 -共 产 党 -共党 -狗娘 -狗屁 -狗日的 -管国忠 -管理员 -郭伯雄 -郭东坡 -郭庚茂 -郭金龙 -郭声琨 -郭树清 -韩长赋 -韩正 -刘华秋 -刘积斌 -刘家义 -刘江 -刘延东 -刘永治 -刘玉浦 -刘粤军 -刘云耕 -刘云山 -刘泽民 -刘振华 -刘镇武 -刘志峰 -常万全 -常委 -常小兵 -车仑女干 -陈邦柱 -陈炳德 -陈传阔 -陈福今 -北京流行鼠疫 -贝戈戈 -本拉登 -比 婊子 -博讯 -薄熙来 -布穷 -蔡长松 -曹伯纯 -曹刚川 -曹洪兴 -曹建明 -曹康泰 -测试 -柴松岳 -樊守志 -范长龙 -范新德 -非典 -疯狗 -监察 -监督 -监管 -检查 -检察 -秦光荣 -秦绍德 -请愿 -邱学强 -邱衍汉 -全家 -全哲洙 -确认密码 -热地 -人民币 -仁青加 -任泽民 -路甬祥 -吕福源 -吕祖善 -卵子 -罗保铭 -罗清泉 -罗世谦 -罗正富 -妈的 -妈妈 -麻痹 -麻屁 -马富才 -马凯 -马启智 -马铁山 -曾培炎 -翟虎渠 -翟小衡 -张宝顺 -张春贤 -张德江 -张德邻 -张定发 -最便宜的空间 -做爱 -装备发放员 -裴怀亮 -彭小枫 -彭祖意 -屁 -嫖娼 -蒲海清 -七?三一 -钱国梁 -钱树根 -钱运录 -强暴 -强奸 -强力推出JSP空间 -强卫 -乔传秀 -徐匡迪 -徐荣凯 -徐守盛 -徐有芳 -杨光洪 -杨怀庆 -杨洁篪 -杨晶 -杨利民 -姜建清 -姜异康 -疆独 -系统日志 -天安门事件 -你它妈 -汪洋 -王晨 -韩忠信 -何光 -何勇 -贺邦靖 -黑龙会 -洪虎 -胡彪 -胡家燕 -胡瘟 -胡永柱 -胡主席 -华建敏 -华夏 -华夏币 -黄丹华 -黄华华 -黄洁夫 -黄丽满 -黄晴宜 -黄淑和 -黄树贤 -刘冬冬 -刘丰富 -刘峰岩 -夏赞忠 -现鼠疫 -向巴平措 -项怀诚 -杨正午 -爷爷 -叶小文 -疫情阴 -殷一璀 -尹凤岐 -隐瞒疫情 -由喜贵 -梁绮萍 -廖晖 -廖锡龙 -列确 -林明月 -林树森 -林文肯 -林左鸣 -领奖 -令计划 -阿不来提阿 -不都热西提 -艾斯海提 -安立敏 -巴特尔 -爸爸 -白春礼 -白恩培 -白景富 -白克明 -白立忱 -白玛 -白志健 -冯健身 -冯永生 -服务 -符桂花 -符廷贵 -傅克诚 -傅志寰 -干以胜 -戆B -黄献中 -黄兴国 -黄选平 -黄瑶 -黄远志 -黄镇东 -黄智权 -回良玉 -鸡奸 -吉炳轩 -妓 -妓女 -季允石 -贾春旺 -贾文先 -贾治邦 -价格绝对优惠 -孙忠同 -太子党 -太子党替罪羊 -唐家璇 -唐天标 -陶方桂 -陶建幸 -滕久明 -滕文生 -冤假错案 -圆满 -袁纯清 -袁守芳 -袁伟民 -岳福洪 -岳喜翠 -岳宣义 -杂碎 -再现良知 -走向共和 -祖宗 -李清林 -李荣融 -李盛霖 -李铁林 -替罪羊 -王建宙 -王金山 -王景川 -王君 -王乐泉 -王莉莉 -尚福林 -畲靖 -沈滨义 -沈德咏 -沈淑济 -中关村大厦 -中国政府信仰危机 -许志功 -宣传 -张恩照 -张凤楼 -张福森 -张高丽 -张华祝 -张惠新 -张俊九 -张黎 -三个代表 -宋秀岩 -上访 -温宗仁 -文学城 -闻世震 -我就日 -我日 -我太阳你 -乌云其木格 -吴爱英 -吴定富 -吴广才 -吴基传 -吴启迪 -吴铨叙 -吴双战 -吴新雄 -吴玉良 -吴玉谦 -吴毓萍 -武汉女大学生 -奚国华 -息中朝 -牺牲品 -习近平 -系统消息 -夏宝龙 -小平 -小平邪恶的迫害 -杨永茂 -杨元元 -王胜俊 -王寿亭 -王曙光 -王太华 -王同琢 -王唯众 -王忠禹 -王众孚 -网管 -网络游戏 -网游 -网域 -韦建桦 -猥琐 -猥亵 -陈培忠 -陈绍基 -陈希 -汪光焘 -上海瘪三 -储波 -戳B -戳比 -崔会烈 -大东亚 -大法弟子 -大纪元 -大世纪 -大统 -大爷 -大一统 -代练 -代炼 -带练 -带炼 -戴秉国 -戴相龙 -江主席 -姜大明 -姜福堂 -李传卿 -李春城 -李德洙 -李东生 -李栋恒 -李贵鲜 -李宏志 -李鸿忠 -李纪恒 -李继耐 -李继松 -李建国 -李金华 -魏家福 -魏建国 -中央政治局 -周强 -周生贤 -周声涛 -周同战 -周小川 -周永康 -周遇奇 -周占顺 -朱成友 -朱发忠 -朱启 -朱容基 -朱维群 -朱文泉 -朱之鑫 -朱祖良 -竺延风 -祝春林 -祝光耀 -锦涛 -靖志远 -看中国报道 -康日新 -乔宗淮 -秦大河 -李金明 -李景田 -李克 -李克强 -李干元 -薛延忠 -穴 -阎海旺 -徐志坚 -张平 -张庆黎 -张庆伟 -张瑞敏 -张树田 -张维庆 -张文康 -张文台 -三级片 -散襄军 -骚 -沙比 -傻鄙 -李有慰 -李玉赋 -李源潮 -李运之 -李兆焯 -李肇星 -刘淇 -刘石泉 -刘书田 -刘锡荣 -刘晓江 -俞正声 -虞云耀 -密宝 -万学远 -刘志军 -龙新民 -楼继伟 -卢展工 -陆浩 -马晓天 -马右加文 -马之庚 -小鸡鸡 -告示 -通告 -陈冀平 -陈建国 -陈奎元 -陈良宇 -王明权 -王岐山 -王谦 -王三运 -陈希明 -陈训秋 -陈元 -陈云林 -陈章立 -陈至立 -诚聘 -迟浩田 -迟万春 -王成铭 -法*轮 -法*轮*功 -法*轮功 -法+轮+功 -法?轮?功 -法X功 -法轮大法 -法轮功 -法论 -法论大法 -法论功 -老表 -老江 -雷鸣球 -李安东 -李长江 -李长印 -李成玉 -李崇禧 -日B -日比 -杨永良 -乳 -卫留成 -王家瑞 -王建民 -魏礼群 -石云生 -石宗源 -史莲喜 -舒晓琴 -鼠疫 -谁出卖了中国 -司马义?艾买提 -司马义?铁力瓦尔地 -私服 -宋爱荣 -宋德福 -宋法棠 -宋照肃 -宋祖英 -苏荣 -苏树林 -苏新添 -隋明太 -孙宝树 -孙春兰 -孙淦 -孙家正 -孙淑义 -孙文盛 -孙英 -沈跃跃 -十八代 -十六大 -石大华 -石广生 -石秀诗 -石玉珍 -刘玠 -刘京 -刘立清 -刘明康 -刘鹏 -刘奇葆 -李文华 -李雪莹 -李毅中 -许其亮 -许永跃 -焦焕成 -叫床 -解厚铨 -解振华 -金道铭 -金人庆 -金银焕 -张立昌 -田成平 -田聪明 -田凤山 -田淑兰 -铁凝 -突厥 -推荐主机 -马志鹏 -马子龙 -卖淫 -屄 -肏 -曰你 -手淫 -皮条 -瞒报 -毛主席 -蒙进喜 -孟建柱 -孟学农 -密码 -闵维方 -牟新生 -奶 -南振中 -倪益瑾 -你她妈 -你她吗 -你他吗 -你它吗 -娘 -嬲 -聂成根 -聂卫国 -聂振邦 -钮茂生 -欧广源 -欧泽高 -潘云鹤 -逄先知 -李至伦 -李志坚 -栗战书 -梁保华 -梁光烈 -王侠 -王显政 -王旭东 -王云坤 -王云龙 -王兆国 -王振川 -王正福 -王正伟 -王志刚 -刘德旺 -王明方 -阳安江 -杨传堂 -杨德清 -杨多良 -单霁翔 -邓昌友 -邓朴方 -帝国 -叼 -吊 -爹 -丁一平 -东突厥 -董雷 -董万才 -董宜胜 -独裁 -独立 -杜德印 -杜青林 -杜世成 -杜学芳 -杜宇新 -多吉才让 -多维 -扼杀权利 -发奖 -发送员 -法**轮 -法**轮功 -温熙森 -王鸿举 -王沪宁 -王华元 -王洛林 -王梦奎 -张毅 -张玉台 -张钰锺 -张云川 -张中伟 -张左己 -赵春兰 -赵洪祝 -赵可铭 -赵乐际 -赵荣 -郑坤生 -郑立中 -郑斯林 -郑万通 -郑筱萸 -政治斗争 -政治局 -支那 -支那人 -支树平 -孙志强 -孙中山 -孙载夫 -乔清晨 -小样 -肖扬 -邪恶的迫害 -谢企华 -谢旭人 -谢作炎 -信仰危机 -邢元敏 -性爱 -熊光楷 -徐才厚 -徐承栋 -徐冠华 -徐光春 -徐敬业 -宣扬 -薛利 -张文岳 -张孝忠 -张行湘 -张轩 -张学忠 -蒋文兰 -客户服务 -数据处理 -装备处理 -盗号处理 -汪啸风 -汪恕诚 -赵启正 -王德顺 -ryl SARS SB serve service services -Serving servings sex SF SHIT juyou KJ K药 -mamma manage MD membrum ministry ML -nake NND NNGX NTT NTT公司 -breast BT -prick udder -unionnet -vagina -conservator -controller -cunt f_l_g fa_lun_gong -falun -falundafa -fucker -gamemaster -QJ -ri -SJ -sm -supervise -test -testing -password -令计划 -吴胜利 -马馼 -王伟 -令狐安 -张军 -张纪南 -屈万祥 -蔡继华 -于幼军 -王珉 -王毅 -王万宾 -王东明 -王国生 -王喜斌 -尹蔚民 -邓楠 -艾斯海提 -克里木拜 -田修思 -司马义 -铁力瓦尔地 -吉炳轩 -刘源 -刘成军 -刘延东 -孙大发 -孙政才 -孙晓群 -李斌 -李长才 -李从军 -李世明 -李学举 -李学勇 -李海峰 -杨衍银 -杨崇汇 -肖捷 -汪洋 -张阳 -张又侠 -张海阳 -陆兵 -阿不来提 -阿不都热西提 -陈雷 -陈国令 -罗清泉 -周济 -周伯华 -房峰辉 -赵克石 -胡春华 -柳斌杰 -姜伟新 -耿惠昌 -徐绍史 -高强 -黄小晶 -盛光祖 -章沁生 -彭清华 -董贵山 -蒋巨峰 -韩长赋 -喻林祥 -童世平 -蔡武 -王新宪 -焉荣竹 -王学军 -王建平 -符跃兰 -马飙 -王光亚 -旦科 -朱小丹 -李玉妹 -张连珍 -罗志军 -赵宪庚 -袁荣祥 -黄建国 -申维辰 -任亚平 -刘慧 -刘振起 -孙建国 -李希 -李买富 -杨刚 -杨松 -余远辉 -余欣荣 -张成寅 -张国清 -张裔炯 -陈存根 -陈敏尔 -努尔 -林军 -骆惠宁 -黄康生 -魏凤和 -于革胜 -王伟光 -艾虎生 -刘学普 -刘振来 -孙金龙 -苏士亮 -金振吉 -秦银河 -徐一天 -王宪魁 -巴音朝鲁 -叶冬松 -刘晓凯 -张耕 -张基尧 -陈宝生 -苗圩 -赵爱明 -胡泽君 -胡振民 -咸辉 -袁家军 -徐乐江 -徐粉林 -谌贻琴 -王玉普 -尤权 -李金城 -肖钢 -肖亚庆 -何立峰 -张仕波 -张晓 -金壮龙 -胡晓炼 -多吉 -刘伟 -刘伟平 -江泽林 -冷溶 -陈润儿 -鹿心社 -谢和平 -王儒林 -吉林 -李康 -杨利伟 -杨焕宁 -陈政高 -武吉海 -项俊波 -舒晓琴 -詹文龙 -刀林荫 -王荣 -汤涛 -张杰 -陈左宁 -骆琳 -褚益民 -蔡英挺 -邢元敏 -陈川平 -梅克保 -曹清 -雷春美 -陈德铭 -蔡振华 -沈素璃 -张岱梨 -陈全国 -乌兰 -付志方 -王安顺 -吴显国 -赵勇 -车俊 -蒋洁敏 -王晓初 -刘振亚 -贾廷安 -干以胜 -于起龙 -王勇 -王为璐 -王立英 -王华庆 -王寿祥 -王忠民 -王和民 -王俊莲 -王洪章 -王冠中 -仇保兴 -勾清明 -邓天生 -叶青纯 -田力普 -冯寿淼 -冯敏刚 -年福纯 -朱明国 -朱保成 -刘玉亭 -刘亚洲 -刘建华 -刘春良 -刘晓榕 -许云昭 -许达哲 -孙思敬 -杜鹃 -杜学芳 -杜恒岩 -李刚 -李熙 -李小雪 -李立国 -李汉柏 -李延芝 -李金章 -李法泉 -李适时 -李洪峰 -李清印 -杨士秋 -杨传升 -杨利民 -杨建亭 -何平 -宋育英 -张汝成 -张建平 -张研农 -张铁健 -陈希 -陈文清 -陈际瓦 -陈新权 -邵明立 -邵琪伟 -范印华 -尚勇 -金书波 -周英 -项宗西 -赵铁锤 -胡玉敏 -段录定 -姚增科 -袁贵仁 -徐斌 -徐天亮 -高武生 -郭永平 -郭炎炎 -黄作兴 -黄殿中 -符强 -董君舒 -傅成玉 -傅雯娟 -谢伏瞻 -解学智 -臧胜业 -臧献甫 -雒树刚 -GM -在线管理 -在线GM -游戏管理 -公告 -系统 -客服 -官方 -龙网华中 -网龙在线 -网龙 -游龙 -专员 -软件世界 -管理 -活动 -公司 -工读生 -武林群侠传 -白克力 -以胜 -藏独 -东突 -我靠 -WK -Wk -wK -wk -中广 -中广网 -新闻出版署 -新闻出版总署 -游戏宫理员 -游戏官理员 -游戏发奖员 -帐号 -WLB -Wlb -武林b -武林B -武林群侠B -武林群侠b -蒋介石 -蒋中正 -蒋经国 -丁关根 -三民主义 -青天白日 -斧头镰刀 -五星红旗 -共青团员 -公安部 -周总理 -温总理 -总书记 -布希 -洪志 -大卫教 -安倍晋三 -福田康夫 -李明博 -首相 -总统 -CCTV -Gm -gM -gm -WG -wG -wg -Wg -w g -W G -外挂 -每日公告 -系统讯息 -特别公告 -cn -CN 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a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5ad5e3df..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,873 +0,0 @@ -11901 结婚礼服 结婚时穿的男性服装 -11902 结婚礼服 结婚时穿的男性服装 -11903 婚纱 结婚时穿的女性服装 -11904 婚纱 结婚时穿的女性服装 - -22000 传送卷 暂时回到村庄|可以回到原来位置 -22010 超级记忆卷 回到记忆的地方 - -25040 永恒铸件 用永恒铸件进行改良,失败也不会消失,|只会降低物品等级 -25041 玄铁 为了锻造最高武器而出现的传说中的金属,| 使用玄铁会增加改良成功率,|改良失败时物品也会消失 - -25100 吸宝石卷 可以从武器和盔甲中吸出宝石.|吸出的位置将会留下痕迹. - -27600 篝火 可以生火 -27610 鱼谱 可以预知钓出来的鱼种类 -27620 鱼鉴 记录鱼信息的书 - -27799 鱼骨 鱼的骨头 -27800 饭团 最便宜的鱼饵 -27801 蚯蚓 增加钓鱼成功率的鱼饵 -27802 小鲤鱼 最高级的鱼饵 - -27803 鲫鱼 河里随处可见的鱼 -27804 桂鱼 肥美的河鱼 -27805 湘鱼 难得一见的大鲫鱼 -27806 鲤鱼 是不是要放回去呀? 不知道是不是龙王的儿子呀…? -27807 兖鱼 到繁殖季节就回来的鱼 -27808 河鱼 河鱼有香气吗? -27809 鳟鱼 一般存活在江上流的鱼. -27810 鳗鱼 提高耐力的鱼 -27811 彩虹鱼 产卵时出现彩虹的鱼 -27812 河豚鱼 只能生活在淡水的鱼 -27813 赤目鱼 -27814 鲈鱼 被称为湖水中的鲨鱼 -27815 丁鲷 只能在淡水中生存的鱼类 -27816 鲶鱼 做辣鱼汤的最好材料 -27817 泥鳅 特别滑溜的鱼类 -27818 白莲鱼 淡水中生存的杂食型鱼类 -27819 银鱼 大海银鱼 -27820 蟮鱼 冬天最受欢迎的鱼类 -27821 草鱼 淡水鱼 -27822 鳞鱼 拥有闪闪发光的鳞 -27823 黄金鱼 浑身发黄色光芒的鱼类 - -27833 死鲫鱼 死掉的鲫鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27834 死桂鱼 死掉的桂鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27835 死湘鱼 死掉的湘鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27836 死鲤鱼 死掉的鲤鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27837 死兖鱼 死掉的兖鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27838 死河鱼 死掉的河鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27839 死鳟鱼 死掉的鳟鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27840 死鳗鱼 死掉的鳗鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27841 死彩虹鱼 死掉的彩虹鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27842 死河豚鱼 死掉的河豚鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27843 死赤目鱼 死掉的赤目鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27844 死鲈鱼 死掉的鲈鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27845 死丁鲷 死掉的丁鲷|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27846 死鲶鱼 死掉的鲶鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27847 死泥鳅 死掉的泥鳅|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27848 死白莲鱼 死掉的白莲鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27849 死银鱼 死掉的银鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27850 死蟮鱼 死掉的蟮鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27851 死草鱼 死掉的草鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27852 死鳞鱼 死掉的鳞鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 -27853 死黄金鱼 死掉的黄金鱼|可以用篝火烤鱼 - -27863 烤鲫鱼 恢复生命力 -27864 烤桂鱼 恢复精神力 -27865 烤湘鱼 恢复生命力 -27866 烤鲤鱼 一定时间内提高移动速度 -27867 烤兖鱼 恢复精神力 -27868 烤河鱼 一定时间内提高攻击速度 -27869 烤鳟鱼 恢复大部分生命力 -27870 烤鳗鱼 一定时间内提高力量 -27871 烤彩虹鱼 恢复大部分精神力 -27872 烤河豚鱼 立即恢复精神力 -27873 烤赤目鱼 一定时间内提高敏捷 -27874 烤鲈鱼 消除负效果 -27875 烤丁鲷 立即恢复生命力 -27876 烤鲶鱼 立即恢复精神力 -27877 烤泥鳅 变为透明 -27878 烤白莲鱼 立即恢复生命力 -27879 烤银鱼 -27880 烤蟮鱼 -27881 烤草鱼 -27882 烤鳞鱼 -27883 烤黄金鱼 - -27987 珍珠蚌 非常漂亮的贝|有时还可以发现珍珠. -27988 藏宝图 记录古代宝藏的地图 -27989 共鸣石 告知宝石位置的感知器 -27990 石雕 -27991 浮石 -27992 白珍珠 纯白色的珍珠 -27993 蓝珍珠 深蓝色的珍珠 -27994 炎珍珠 血红色的珍珠 -27995 空瓶子 什么都没有的瓶子 -27996 毒瓶 有剧毒的瓶子 -27997 生命之珠 恢复生命力的珠子 -27998 酒袋 炼圣的袋子. 是不是藏着炼金术的秘籍呐? -27999 宝石袋 放宝石的袋子 - - -29001 蛤蜊 -29002 青蛤蜊 -29003 黄蛤蜊 -29004 红蛤蜊 -29005 绿蛤蜊 -29006 黄柱石 -29007 青柱石 -29006 真黄柱石 -29007 真青柱石 -29008 青神水 -29009 黄神水 -29010 红神水 -29011 绿神水 -29012 燕青神水 -29013 燕黄神水 -29014 燕红神水 -29015 燕绿神水 -29012 真青神水 -29013 真黄神水 -29014 真红神水 -29015 真绿神水 - -30000 大麦 酿酒的主要材料. -30001 信 不知道发给谁的信函. -30002 炒米肠 用米肠和野菜做出的食品 -30003 猪鼻子 据说猪鼻子可以召唤福气. -30004 野猪獠牙 野猪的獠牙非常坚固 -30005 破碎盔甲 不知道谁留下的盔甲碎片 -30006 鬼牙 鬼族的牙齿. -30007 鬼咒符 鬼族用来燃烧战意的符咒 -30008 秘宗书 藏着秘宗教理的初级入门书 -30009 不知名的药 不知道名字的药 -30010 幼熊胆 据传熊胆可以找回味觉. -30011 线球 缠着线的球 -30012 酒瓶 藏酒的瓶子 -30013 酒缸 酿酒的缸 -30014 雪人毛 雪山族人的毛发. -30015 僵尸遗品 拥有邪恶气息的僵尸遗物 -30016 僵尸的宝石 拥有死者灵魂的宝石 -30017 簪子 女人的头发装饰品 -30018 红色扎 整理头发时使用的物品 -30019 火耙 制作衣服的材料 -30020 核桃 桃子的核. -30021 碎宝石 粉碎的宝石碎片 -30022 蛇尾 蛇的尾巴 -30023 白虎皮 最高价格的动物皮 -30024 马尾 可以制作毛笔. -30025 蜘蛛毒囊 存蜘蛛毒的袋 -30026 灰狼的肠子 制作米肠的材料 -30027 灰狼的毛 可以制作梳子 -30028 灰狼的指甲 制作装饰品的材料. -30029 灰狼的肝脏 制作米肠的材料 -30030 生锈的双刀片 生锈的双刀片 -30031 玩具 女孩子的玩具 -30032 旧黑袍 黑风团的服饰. -30033 碎瓷器 粉碎的碎瓷片 -30034 白色扎 梳理头发时使用的装饰品 -30035 胭脂 女人的装饰品 -30036 火草 传说中的药草 -30037 老虎指甲 装饰用品. -30038 老虎皮 收集家的最爱 -30039 旧布条 包扎过伤的布条 -30040 草叶 不知名的野草的叶子 -30041 飞镖 暗器的一种 -30042 焰赤虎牙 焰赤虎的獠牙 -30043 黄豆树的果实 可以制作各种料理的黄豆. -30044 粘土 制作陶器的土 -30045 蝎子的毒针 藏着蝎子毒的针 -30046 蝎子的尾巴 藏着毒的蝎子尾巴 -30047 诅咒书 向对方诅咒的秘教书 -30048 冰雕 万年雪的碎片. -30049 冰魔鲸的角 雕刻材料. -30050 冰项链 用冰制作的项链 -30051 不知名的咒符 只有秘宗可以读懂的符咒. -30052 旗 倭寇的部队标示 -30053 熊掌 恢复耐力的食品 -30054 结婚戒指 结婚时交换的戒指 -30055 蝎子的夹子 制作饰品的材料 -30056 蜘蛛网 蜘蛛结成的网 -30057 蜘蛛的眼睛 收集家喜欢的物品 -30058 蜘蛛的卵 据传拥有可以顺产的物品 -30059 蜘蛛爪 作为一种符咒使用. -30060 牛蛙舌头 特别粘糊的舌头 -30061 牛蛙腿 美食家的最爱 -30062 杂货店瓷器 药品商店里使用的盘子 -30063 皮肤药 治疗皮肤病的药 -30064 削箭石 制作箭头的材料 -30065 铃铛 发出清脆声音的铃铛 -30066 辣椒 最辣的辣椒 -30067 蛇皮 蛇的皮 -30068 豆腐牛排 用豆腐制作的料理 -30069 灰狼指甲+ 制作装饰品的材料. -30070 灰狼毛+ 制作梳子的材料 -30071 幼熊的胆囊+ 据传熊胆可以找回味觉. -30072 熊掌+ 恢复耐力的食品 -30073 白色扎+ 梳理头发时使用的装饰品 -30074 旧黑袍+ 黑风团的服饰. -30075 飞镖+ 暗器的一种 -30076 鬼咒符+ 鬼族用来燃烧战意的符咒 -30077 鬼牙+ 鬼族的牙齿. -30078 秘宗书+ 藏着秘宗教理的初级入门书 -30079 不知名的咒符+ 只有秘宗可以读懂的符咒. -30080 诅咒书+ 向对方诅咒的秘教书 -30081 蝎子的尾巴+ 藏着毒的蝎子尾巴 -30082 蛇尾+ 蛇的尾巴 -30083 不知名的药水+ 不知道名字的药 -30084 不知名的咒附+ 只有秘宗可以读懂的符咒. -30085 旧布条+ 包扎过伤的布条 -30086 僵尸遗品+ 拥有邪恶气息的僵尸遗物 -30087 僵尸的宝石+ 拥有死者灵魂的宝石 -30088 冰雕+ 万年雪的碎片. -30089 雪人毛+ 雕刻材料. -30090 冰项链+ 用冰制作的项链 -30091 武将证明书 传说中武人受到的证明书 -30092 五狼战利品 打败倭寇的战利品 - -30129 传令书 军队中使用的传令书 -30130 空瓶 用玻璃制作的瓶子 -30131 王铁匠的信 王铁匠给砍材人的信 -30132 老学究的书 老学究喜欢的书 -30133 杂货店老板的绣花鞋 杂货店老板新买的绣花鞋 -30134 老学究的包囊 老学究一直带着的包囊 -30135 寡妇的信 寡妇给圆圆的信 - -30136 黄金弓 猎人故事中的黄金弓 -30137 猴子血 猴子身上的血 -30138 烤泥土 沙漠的裁决者使用的泥土 -30139 鬼族牙 制作首饰的材料 -30140 线 制作项链或衣服时使用 -30141 宝石加工 制作衣服时使用 -30142 信函 让人好奇的信函 -30143 药草 制作药材的材料 -30144 老虎肝 对耐力有益处 -30145 老海盗的药 老海盗委托的药 -30146 冰块 冰水的材料 -30147 秘宗教理 记载秘教教理的书 -30148 秘宗顺应符 秘宗使用的符咒 -30149 冰水 用冰块制作的饰品 -30150 日记本碎片 古代使用的日记本 -30151 灰狼的软毛 制作掸子的材料 -30152 僵尸菌治疗剂 治疗僵尸菌的药 -30153 花 无名花 -30154 秘宗经典 记载对秘宗教理的分析内容 -30155 小虹的首饰 小虹珍藏的首饰 -30156 秘宗经典 记载对秘宗教理的分析内容 -30178 入境令牌 进入其他国家时必备的令牌,| 将此令牌拖拽至边境守护石上即可 - -30093 赐福宝袋 新春佳节的神奇福袋,| 开启后可获得各种珍贵道具 -30094 大药袋 藏着贵重物品的丝绸包囊 -30095 大药袋 藏着贵重物品的丝绸包囊 -30096 大药袋 藏着贵重物品的丝绸包囊 - -30210 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30211 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30212 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30213 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30214 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30215 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30216 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30217 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30218 青冥石 发出青光的石头 -30219 青冥石 发出青光的石头 - - -50001 幸运之书 按文书上的号码来随机奖励的文书 -50002 金戒指 用纯金制作的戒指 | 在商店高价出售 -50003 技能初始化秘籍 -50004 活动用共鸣石 -50005 乘马卷 给伯乐可以免费骑马 - -50006 金箱子 用金渡成的箱子 | 不知道用什么打开 -50007 银箱子 用银渡成的箱子 | 不知道用什么打开 -50008 金钥匙 纯金制作的钥匙 | 不知道用什么打开 -50009 银钥匙 纯银制作的钥匙 | 不知道用什么打开 - -50010 幸运袜子 挂在圣诞树可以获得奖品. - -50011 月光宝盒 晚上打开有时会出现超自然现象 - -50012 金箱子+ 用金渡成的箱子 | 不知道用什么打开 -50013 银箱子+ 用银渡成的箱子 | 不知道用什么打开 - -50016 豆沙馅 元宵节物品 -50017 白糖馅 元宵节物品 -50018 五仁馅 元宵节物品 -50019 糯米皮 元宵节物品 -50020 豆沙元宵 元宵节物品 -50021 白糖元宵 元宵节物品 -50022 五仁元宵 元宵节物品 - -50023 红包 新年长辈给的压岁钱 - -50024 玫瑰 代表爱情. -50025 巧克力 代表爱情 - -50027 交换卷 交换卷已废止. |没用的物品. -50031 玫瑰 代表爱情. -50032 糖 猛将,绣罗使用 -50033 不知名的箱子 刻着异常文字的箱子 - -50034 谜语箱子 打开箱子出现谜语,答错会被诅咒 -50035 儿童节礼物 活动用物品. -50036 儿童节礼物 活动用物品 -50037 六角宝盒 活动用物品 - -50070 鬼族守护神宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50071 秘宗教主宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50072 秘宗教主再世宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50073 圣母蛛宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50074 玉卿蛛宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50075 地府魔神宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50076 龟龙王宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50077 三尾银狐宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50078 狼神守护者宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50079 火阎王宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50080 火龙神宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50081 亡灵战神宝箱 可以获得随机物品 -50082 死神宝箱 可以获得随机物品 - -50050 神骏魂 练马术所需物品 -50051 马牌 可以骑马的证明书 -50052 骏马图 马术到达一定程度获得的证明书,|可以在马上攻击其他人 -50053 百骏图 最高马术证明书,可以在马上使用技能 -50054 干草 幼马专用草. -50055 萝卜 中级马专用草. -50056 人参 高级马材料 -50057 下仙洞仙草 复活初级马的药草. -50058 中仙洞仙草 复活中级马的药草 -50059 上仙洞仙草 复活高级马的药草 -50060 骑术秘笈 修炼马上技能的秘籍| 读一次的书会消失. - -50083 乘马卷 给伯乐可以免费骑马 - -50084 结界解体石 解开用神秘力量封印的结界的物品. - -50091 鲫鱼寿司 用鲫鱼制作的寿司 -50092 鲤鱼寿司 用鲤鱼制作的寿司 -50093 兖鱼寿司 用兖鱼制作的寿司 -50094 鲶鱼寿司 用鲶鱼制作的寿司 - -50100 爆竹 活动用爆竹 (紫色) -50101 爆竹 活动用爆竹 (黄色) -50102 爆竹 活动用爆竹 (蓝色) -50103 爆竹 活动用爆竹 (红色) -50104 爆竹 活动用爆竹 (绿色) -50105 爆竹 活动用爆竹 (白色) - -50106 圣诞爆竹 圣诞用爆竹 -50108 陀螺 用木头制作的物品 -50123 冰淇淋 去暑的|冰淇淋上面|撒了很多轻身珠粉 -50125 智尊宝箱 参加智尊挑战赛获得的奖励 -50200 包囊 可以开个人商店 -50300 技能修炼书 可以提高技能等级 - -50301 孙子兵法 初级兵法书|提高统帅力 | 读一次的书会消失 -50302 吴子兵法 中级兵法书|提高统帅力| 读一次的书会消失 -50303 鬼谷兵法 高级兵法书|提高统帅力 | 读一次的书会消失 - -50304 初级连击技能书 修炼连击时使用 | 读一次的书会消失. -50305 中级连击技能书 修炼连击时使用. | 读一次的书会消失. -50306 高级连击技能书 修炼连击时使用 | 读一次的书会消失. - -50311 唐文宝典 可以修炼龙威国语言 -50312 秦文宝典 可以修炼天霸国语言 -50313 汉文宝典 可以修炼圣武国语言 - -50307 任务执行书(初级) 接受初级任务 -50308 任务执行书(中级) 接受中级任务 -50309 任务执行书(高级) 接受高级任务 -50310 任务执行书(特级) 接受特级任务 - -50314 幻化修炼书 可以变成怪物 |提高统帅力 | 读一次的书会消失 -50315 幻化修炼书 可以变成怪物 |提高统帅力 | 读一次的书会消失 -50316 幻化修炼书 可以变成怪物 |提高统帅力 | 读一次的书会消失 - -50401 快风斩技能书 修炼快风斩技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50402 真炎斩技能书 修炼真炎斩技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50403 金刚怒技能书 修炼金刚怒技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50404 藏心剑技能书 修炼藏心剑技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50405 岩碎技能书 修炼岩碎技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50416 断月波技能书 修炼断月波技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50417 虎跃技能书 修炼虎跃技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50418 狮吼技能书 修炼狮吼技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50419 铁布衫技能书 修炼铁布衫技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50420 斩气诀技能书 修炼斩气诀技能书|读一次的书会消失 - -50431 隐击技能书 修炼隐击技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50432 无影剑技能书 修炼无影剑技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50433 舞轮斩技能书 修炼舞轮斩技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50434 千变术技能书 修炼千变术技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50435 碧磷烟技能书 修炼碧磷烟技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50446 贯日箭技能书 修炼贯日箭技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50447 雨针箭技能书 修炼雨针箭技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50448 武力箭技能书 修炼武力箭技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50449 神行技能书 修炼神行技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50450 蚀骨箭技能书 修炼蚀骨箭技能书|读一次的书会消失 - -50461 裂仙爪技能书 修炼裂仙爪技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50462 旋风阵技能书 修炼旋风阵技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50463 斩灵剑技能书 修炼斩灵剑技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50464 血祭技能书 修炼血祭技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50465 魂盾技能书 修炼魂盾技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50466 散元术技能书 修炼散元术技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50476 鬼怨技能书 修炼鬼怨技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50477 狱龙魄技能书 修炼狱龙魄技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50478 魔焰技能书 修炼魔焰技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50479 御魂术技能书 修炼御魂术技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50480 困身技能书 修炼困身技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50481 血玲珑技能书 修炼血玲珑技能书|读一次的书会消失 - -50491 归元波技能书 修炼归元波技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50492 龙吟技能书 修炼龙吟技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50493 龙啸技能书 修炼龙啸技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50494 天壁技能书 修炼天壁技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50495 水镜阵技能书 修炼水镜阵技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50496 天龙魂技能书 修炼天龙魂技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50506 惊天雷技能书 修炼惊天雷技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50507 燎闪技能书 修炼燎闪技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50508 怒天雷技能书 修炼怒天雷技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50509 光神技能书 修炼光神技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50510 轻衣技能书 修炼轻衣技能书|读一次的书会消失 -50511 强魄术技能书 修炼强魄术技能书|读一次的书会消失 - -50512 五彩石 可以打开心灵之窗的传说之石 -50513 魂石 修炼心灵之窗更高境界的传说之石 - -50600 采矿修炼书 采矿技能修炼书 | 读一次的书会消失 - -50601 钻石原石 用帮会钻石熔炉来提炼的原石. -50602 琥珀原石 _ -50603 火木石原石 用帮会火木石熔炉来提炼的原石 -50604 铜原石 用帮会铜熔炉来提炼的原石 -50605 银原石 用帮会银熔炉来提炼的原石 -50606 金原石 用帮会金熔炉来提炼的原石 -50607 玉原石 用帮会玉熔炉来提炼的原石 -50608 玛瑙原石 用帮会玛瑙熔炉来提炼的原石 -50609 珍珠碎片 用帮会珍珠熔炉来提炼的原石 -50610 白金原石 用帮会白金熔炉来提炼的原石 -50611 水晶原石 用帮会水晶熔炉来提炼的原石 -50612 紫水晶原石 用帮会紫水晶熔炉来提炼的原石 -50613 天露原石 用帮会天露熔炉来提炼的原石 - -50621 钻石 最好的宝石,可以镶嵌到首饰上 -50622 琥珀 _ -50623 火木石 可以在火木石首饰上镶嵌 -50624 铜 可以镶嵌8级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50625 银 可以镶嵌15级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50626 金 可以镶嵌22级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50627 玉 可以镶嵌28级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50628 玛瑙 可以镶嵌33级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50629 珍珠 可以镶嵌38级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50630 白金 可以镶嵌42级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50631 水晶 可以镶嵌46级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50632 紫水晶 可以镶嵌50级的手镯、项链、耳环 -50633 天璨 可以镶嵌54级的手镯、项链、耳环 - - -50701 桃花 桃树的花朵|对皮肤美容有较好效果 无名研究用 -50702 桔梗 医学里经常使用.. | 对感冒,哮喘有效果 无名研究用 -50703 西红柿花 女人带上可以生儿子| 急性,慢性肝炎有特效 无名研究用 -50704 五加皮 落叶星灌木.|对糖尿病有特效 无名研究用 -50705 石菖蒲 天南星木的草 |对大脑有帮助的药材 无名研究用 -50706 灵芝 珍贵的药材,也可以当成装修用 | 对不眠症有特效 无名研究用 -50707 万病草 金达莱关联灌木 | 对神经衰老有特效 无名研究用 -50708 桑树 可以当器材材料·雕刻材料的树 |对肥胖有特效 无名研究用 -50709 蒲公英 国画类植物|对咽喉炎有特效 无名研究用 -50710 红花子 红花之种子| 对骨科疾病有特效 无名研究用 -50711 枣 枣树的果实 | 对骨科疾病有特效 无名研究用 -50712 三枝九叶草 梅科类植物 |对糖尿病有特效 W - -50721 桃花 桃树的花朵|对皮肤美容有较好效果 制作药剂用 -50722 桔梗 医学里经常使用.. | 对感冒,哮喘有效果 制作药剂用 -50723 西红柿花 女人带上可以生儿子| 急性,慢性肝炎有特效 制作药剂用 -50724 五加皮 落叶星灌木.|对糖尿病有特效 制作药剂用 -50725 石菖蒲 天南星木的草 |对大脑有帮助的药材 制作药剂用 -50726 灵芝 珍贵的药材,也可以当成装修用 | 对不眠症有特效 制作药剂用 -50727 万病草 金达莱关联灌木 | 对神经衰老有特效 制作药剂用 -50728 桑树 可以当器材材料·雕刻材料的树 |对肥胖有特效 制作药剂用 -50729 蒲公英 国画类植物|对咽喉炎有特效 制作药剂用 -50730 红花子 红花之种子| 对骨科疾病有特效 制作药剂用 -50731 枣 枣树的果实 | 对骨科疾病有特效 制作药剂用 -50732 三枝九叶草 梅科类植物 |对糖尿病有特效 制作药剂用 - -50801 桃花液 桃花制作的液 -50802 桔梗液 桔梗制作的液 力量 +5 -50803 西红柿花液 西红柿花制作的液 -50804 五加皮液 五加皮制作的液 -50805 石菖蒲液 石菖蒲制作的液 -50806 灵芝液 灵芝制作的液 -50807 万病草液 万病草制作的液 -50808 桑树液 桑树制作的液 -50809 蒲公英液 蒲公英制作的液 -50810 红花子液 红花子制作的液 -50811 枣液 枣制作的液 -50812 三枝九叶草液 三枝九叶草制作的液 -50813 活心液 桃花液和石菖蒲合成的药剂 无视防御概率 +10% ( 3分钟 ) -50814 血毒水 桔梗液和石菖蒲合成的药剂 双倍攻击概率 +10% ( 3分钟 ) -50815 保环水 西红柿花液和灵芝合成的药剂 -50816 灵宝水 五加皮液和灵芝合成的药剂 -50817 真活心液 活心液和万病草合成的药剂 攻击力 +50 -50818 真血毒水 血毒水和万病草合成的药剂 防御力 +70 -50819 真保环水 保环水和桑树合成的药剂 魔法防御 +10% -50820 真灵宝水 灵宝水和桑树合成的药剂 - -50901 空药瓶 制作药时使用的空药瓶 - -50902 制作术入门书 -50903 制作书 -50904 高级制作书 - -50905 活心液制作法 -50906 血毒水制作法 -50907 保环水制作法 -50908 灵宝水制作法 -50909 真血毒水制作法 -50910 活心液制作法 - -71006 语言戒指 可以使用3个国家语言 -71007 语言戒指 可以使用3个国家语言 -71008 鱼脯 钓出高级鱼的概率增加2倍 -71009 仓库扩张卷 1个月之间仓库变为3间 -71010 第三只手 可以自动捡取杀怪时爆出的金钱 -71011 热情的面具 使用时可以使用感情表现 -71012 兵法六通 成为组队长时可以提升组队成员的 | 30%经验值 -71013 爆竹 活动用爆竹 -71014 快速珠 攻击速度提高10% | 持续时间30分钟 -71015 经验戒指 杀怪时获得经验值增加 2倍 | 持续时间30分钟 -71016 小偷的手套 杀怪时物品爆率增加 1.5% | 持续时间30分钟 -71017 幸运之币 杀怪时金钱爆率增加2倍 | 持续时间 30分钟 -71018 生命之丸 生命力立即恢复 100%. -71019 精神之丸 精神力立即恢复 100% -71020 龙神之丸 生命力和精神力立即恢复100% -71021 武神的祝福书 到+3的改良成功率为100% -71022 智力遗忘书 可以初始化智力属性 -71023 体力遗忘书 可以初始化体力属性 -71024 力量遗忘书 可以初始化力量属性 -71025 夜空石 用铁匠的血汗铸成的传说中的矿石 -71026 玄铁 和永恒铸件一起使用时成为龙神的祝福书 -71027 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% | 持续时间 30分钟 -71028 龙神的攻击 攻击时提高12~15% 伤害值 | 持续时间 30分钟 -71029 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% | 持续时间 30分钟 -71030 龙神的防御 防御时减少12~15% 伤害 |持续时间 30分钟 -71031 龙神的支援 增加5点角色的体力,力量,智力,敏捷 -71032 龙神的祝福书 物品改良时提高10%|成功率并失败时物品不会消失 -71033 热情面具 可以使用感情表现 -71034 快速珠+ 攻击速度提高15% | 持续时间 30分钟 -71035 迷茫药水 采集任务中可以把任务成功率提高到80% -71036 鬼族守护神召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤鬼族守护神 -71037 密宗教主召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤密宗教 -71038 圣母珠召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤圣母珠 -71039 龟龙王召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤龟龙王 -71040 火焰王召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤火焰王 -71041 三尾银狐召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤三尾银狐 -71042 亡灵战神召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤亡灵战神 -71043 狼神守护者召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤狼神守护者 -71044 双倍伤害丸 双倍伤害概率 +10% | 持续时间 10分钟 -71045 无视防御丸 无视防御概率 +10% |持续时间 10分钟 -71047 与朋友的回忆 吸出孔上的宝石 -71048 葵花宝典 用古代咒术转换角色性别 -71049 丝绸包囊 一定时间内可以无限使用个人商店 -71051 超级属性追加秘笈 可以为物品再追加第六至第七种附加属性 -71052 超级属性转换秘笈 可以转换物品的第六至第七种附加属性 -71054 移民许可证 进行转国的证明书 -71055 更名秘笈 可以更改角色的名字 -71056 青龙的呼吸 将+4宝石提升至+5的成功率提高1倍 -71057 化石木矿脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤化石木矿脉 -71058 铜脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤铜矿脉 -71059 银脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤银矿脉 -71060 金脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤金矿脉 -71061 玉脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤玉矿脉 -71062 黑石脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤黑石矿脉 -71063 贝壳召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤贝壳 -71064 白金脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤白金矿脉 -71065 水晶脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤水晶矿脉 -71066 紫水晶脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤紫水晶矿脉 -71067 天露矿脉召唤书 可以在角色附近召唤天露矿脉 -71068 鸳鸯的羽毛 与伴侣一起提升琴瑟数值 -71069 和睦耳环 与伴侣一起提升提升无视防御概率 -71070 爱情手镯 与伴侣一起获取额外经验值 -71071 爱情耳环 与伴侣一起提升双倍伤害概率 -71072 和睦手镯 降低怪物的攻击力 -71073 爱情项链 与伴侣一起提高攻击力 -71074 和睦项链 与伴侣一起提高防御力 -71075 染发剂(白色) 染成白发 -71076 染发剂(黄色) 染成金发 -71077 染发剂(红色) 染成红发 -71078 染发剂(紫色) 染成紫发 -71079 染发剂(黑色) 染成黑发 -71080 初级陨石召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤初级陨石 -71081 中级陨石召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤中级陨石 -71082 高级陨石召唤书 可以在角色周边召唤高级陨石 -71083 吸石秘笈 可以除去碎石 -71084 追加物品属性秘笈 可以初始化物品原有属性并赋予新属性 -71085 物品属性转换秘笈 可以为无属性物品增加属性 -71086 等级任务(20~29) -71087 等级任务(30~39) -71088 任务执行书(初级) -71089 任务执行书(中级) -71090 任务执行书(高级) -71091 高级包囊 可以选择个人商店名字的颜色 -71092 百变秘笈 可以变身为怪物 -71093 百变盔甲 可以变身为珠子上的怪物. -71094 先人的教训 使用后可将技能修炼的成功率提高3倍 - -71101 释放极速秘笈 30分钟内提高释放速度20 -71102 释放极速秘笈 + 30分钟内提高释放速度30 -71103 体力初始化秘笈 把角色基本体力属性值初始化为1. -71104 智力初始化秘笈 把角色基本智力属性值初始化为1. -71105 力量初始化秘笈 把角色基本敏捷属性值初始化为1. -71106 敏捷初始化秘笈 把角色基本力量属性值初始化为1. -71107 仙桃 角色善恶值恢复3000(限5小时使用1次) -71108 万能药 + -71109 宝石挖掘秘笈 完整取出装备上镶嵌的宝石 -71110 砂糖 给马匹起名字并增加20防御力 -71112 超级宝石挖掘秘笈 可以任意取出需要的宝石 -71113 金刚镜 通过聊天窗口让对方看到自己物品的属性 - - -71114 封印之石 可绑定装备,直接拖拽至武器、 防具、| 饰品上进行绑定,绑定后装备不可交易、| 贩卖或丢弃,也不可追加或转换附加属性,| 需使用永恒铸件才可进行强化 -71115 解封印石 可解除装备绑定,直接拖拽至武器,防具,| 饰品上进行解绑,|解绑操作7天后装备的解绑状态才可生效. - -72001 经验戒指 杀怪时提高获得经验值 2倍 -72002 经验戒指 杀怪时提高获得经验值 2倍 -72003 经验戒指 杀怪时提高获得经验值 2倍 -72004 小偷的手套 杀怪时提高物品爆率 1.5倍 -72005 小偷的手套 杀怪时提高物品爆率 1.5倍 -72006 小偷的手套 杀怪时提高物品爆率 1.5倍 -72007 丝绸包囊 一定时间内无限制使用个人商店 -72008 丝绸包囊 一定时间内无限制使用个人商店 -72009 丝绸包囊 一定时间内无限制使用个人商店 -72010 鸳鸯的羽毛 装备后提高琴瑟数值上升速度 -72011 鸳鸯的羽毛 装备后提高琴瑟数值上升速度 -72012 鸳鸯的羽毛 装备后提高琴瑟数值上升速度 -72013 鱼脯 钓出高级鱼的概率提高2倍 -72014 鱼脯 钓出高级鱼的概率提高2倍 -72015 鱼脯 钓出高级鱼的概率提高2倍 -72016 第三只手 自动捡取杀怪时爆出的钱 -72017 第三只手 自动捡取杀怪时爆出的钱 -72018 第三只手 自动捡取杀怪时爆出的钱 -72019 仓库扩张卷 指定时间内仓库成为3间 -72020 仓库扩张卷 指定时间内仓库成为3间 -72021 仓库扩张卷 指定时间内仓库成为3间 -72022 幸运金币 杀怪时金钱爆率提高 2倍 -72023 幸运金币 杀怪时金钱爆率提高 2倍 -72024 幸运金币 杀怪时金钱爆率提高 2倍 -72025 无视防御丸 无视防御概率 +10% -72026 无视防御丸 无视防御概率 +10% -72027 无视防御丸 无视防御概率 +10% -72028 热情的面具 装备时可以使用感情表现 -72029 热情的面具 装备时可以使用感情表现 -72030 热情的面具 装备时可以使用感情表现 -72031 龙神的攻击 攻击时提高12~15% 伤害 -72032 龙神的攻击 攻击时提高12~15% 伤害 -72033 龙神的攻击 攻击时提高12~15% 伤害 -72034 龙神的防御 防御时减少12~15% 伤害 -72035 龙神的防御 防御时减少12~15% 伤害 -72036 龙神的防御 防御时减少12~15% 伤害 -72037 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% -72038 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% -72039 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% -72040 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% -72041 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% -72042 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% -72043 兵法六通 成为组队长时可以提升组队成员的30%经验值 -72044 兵法六通 成为组队长时可以提升组队成员的30%经验值 -72045 兵法六通 成为组队长时可以提升组队成员的30%经验值 -72046 双倍伤害丸 双倍伤害概率 +10% -72047 双倍伤害丸 双倍伤害概率 +10% -72048 双倍伤害丸 双倍伤害概率 +10% - -72501 经验戒指(网吧专用) -72502 小偷的手套(网吧专用) -72701 风之靴 把风赋予到靴,可以快速移动 移动速度+30% - -73001 红色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的红色发型 -73002 棕色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的棕色发型 -73003 蓝色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的蓝色发型 -73004 黑色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的黑色发型 -73005 纯红英雄巾 火红色的英雄巾 -73006 方格英雄巾 方格的英雄巾 -73007 海蓝英雄巾 海蓝色的英雄巾 -73008 迷彩英雄巾 迷彩色英雄巾 -73009 黑色冲天式 怒发冲冠的黑色发型 -73010 红色冲天式 怒发冲冠的红色发型 -73011 棕色冲天式 怒发冲冠的棕色发型 -73012 绿色冲天式 怒发冲冠的绿色发型 - -73251 棕色可爱型 可爱的棕色发型 -73252 绿色可爱型 可爱的绿色发型 -73253 深蓝可爱型 可爱的蓝色发型 -73254 金色可爱型 可爱的金色发型 -73255 红色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的红色发型 -73256 黑色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的黑色发型 -73257 金色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的金色发型 -73258 紫色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的紫色发型 -73259 红色干练型 干净利索的运动型红色发型 -73260 蓝色干练型 干净利索的运动型蓝色发型 -73261 黑色干练型 干净利索的运动型黑色发型 -73262 棕色干练型 干净利索的运动型棕色发型 - -73501 银色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的银色发型 -73502 棕色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的棕色发型 -73503 金色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的金色发型 -73504 青色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的青色发型 -73505 银色风流型 风流倜傥的银色发型 -73506 红色风流型 风流倜傥的红色发型 -73507 黑色风流型 风流倜傥的黑色发型 -73508 紫色风流型 风流倜傥的紫色发型 -73509 银色超帅型 充满帅气的银色发型 -73510 蓝色超帅型 充满帅气的蓝色发型 -73511 黑色超帅型 充满帅气的黑色发型 -73512 棕色超帅型 充满帅气的棕色发型 - -73751 棕色典雅型 充满典雅气质的棕色发型 -73752 黑色典雅型 充满典雅气质的黑色发型 -73753 蓝色典雅型 充满典雅气质的蓝色发型 -73754 银色典雅型 充满典雅气质的银色发型 -73755 棕色淑女型 倍显淑女气质的棕色发型 -73756 黑色淑女型 倍显淑女气质的黑色发型 -73757 金色淑女型 倍显淑女气质的金色发型 -73758 紫色淑女型 倍显淑女气质的紫色发型 -73759 棕色飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的棕色发型 -73760 金色飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的金色发型 -73761 紫色飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的紫色发型 -73762 棕红飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的棕红色发型 - - - -74001 红色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的红色发型 -74002 棕色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的棕色发型 -74003 蓝色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的蓝色发型 -74004 黑色飒爽型 英姿飒爽的黑色发型 -74005 纯红英雄巾 火红色的英雄巾 -74006 方格英雄巾 方格的英雄巾 -74007 海蓝英雄巾 海蓝色的英雄巾 -74008 迷彩英雄巾 迷彩色英雄巾 -74009 黑色冲天式 怒发冲冠的黑色发型 -74010 红色冲天式 怒发冲冠的红色发型 -74011 棕色冲天式 怒发冲冠的棕色发型 -74012 绿色冲天式 怒发冲冠的绿色发型 - -74251 棕色可爱型 可爱的棕色发型 -74252 绿色可爱型 可爱的绿色发型 -74253 深蓝可爱型 可爱的蓝色发型 -74254 金色可爱型 可爱的金色发型 -74255 红色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的红色发型 -74256 黑色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的黑色发型 -74257 金色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的金色发型 -74258 紫色魅惑型 充满成熟魅力的紫色发型 -74259 红色干练型 干净利索的运动型红色发型 -74260 蓝色干练型 干净利索的运动型蓝色发型 -74261 黑色干练型 干净利索的运动型黑色发型 -74262 棕色干练型 干净利索的运动型棕色发型 - -74501 银色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的银色发型 -74502 棕色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的棕色发型 -74503 金色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的金色发型 -74504 青色至酷型 展现修罗魅力的青色发型 -74505 银色风流型 风流倜傥的银色发型 -74506 红色风流型 风流倜傥的红色发型 -74507 黑色风流型 风流倜傥的黑色发型 -74508 紫色风流型 风流倜傥的紫色发型 -74509 银色超帅型 充满帅气的银色发型 -74510 蓝色超帅型 充满帅气的蓝色发型 -74511 黑色超帅型 充满帅气的黑色发型 -74512 棕色超帅型 充满帅气的棕色发型 - -74751 棕色典雅型 充满典雅气质的棕色发型 -74752 黑色典雅型 充满典雅气质的黑色发型 -74753 蓝色典雅型 充满典雅气质的蓝色发型 -74754 银色典雅型 充满典雅气质的银色发型 -74755 棕色淑女型 让神女更加淑女的棕色发型 -74756 黑色淑女型 让神女更加淑女的黑色发型 -74757 金色淑女型 让神女更加淑女的金色发型 -74758 紫色淑女型 让神女更加淑女的紫色发型 -74759 棕色飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的棕色发型 -74760 金色飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的金色发型 -74761 紫色飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的紫色发型 -74762 棕红飘逸型 飘逸芬芳的棕红色发型 - - - -75001 红色春丽型 格斗英雄春丽的红色发型 -75002 棕红春丽型 格斗英雄春丽的棕色发型 -75003 蓝色春丽型 格斗英雄春丽的蓝色发型 -75004 棕色春丽型 格斗英雄春丽的棕色发型 -75005 红色必胜型 表现出必胜信心的红色发带 -75006 金色必胜型 表现出必胜信心的金色发带 -75007 蓝色必胜型 表现出必胜信心的蓝色发带 -75008 绿色必胜型 表现出必胜信心的绿色发带 -75009 黑色激爽型 激情豪爽的黑色发型 -75010 红色激爽型 激情豪爽的红色发型 -75011 棕色激爽型 激情豪爽的棕色发型 -75012 绿色激爽型 激情豪爽的绿色发型 - -75201 棕色铁血型 铁血刚毅的棕色发型 -75202 绿色铁血型 铁血刚毅的绿色发型 -75203 蓝色铁血型 铁血刚毅的蓝色发型 -75204 金色铁血型 铁血刚毅的金色发型 -75205 白色海盗型 略显邪恶色彩的白色海盗头巾 -75206 绿色海盗型 略显邪恶色彩的绿色海盗头巾 -75207 金色海盗型 略显邪恶色彩的金色海盗头巾 -75208 红色海盗型 略显邪恶色彩的红色海盗头巾 -75209 红色冷酷型 冷酷英俊的红色发型 -75210 蓝色冷酷型 冷酷英俊的蓝色发型 -75211 黑色冷酷型 冷酷英俊的黑色发型 -75212 金色冷酷型 冷酷英俊的金色发型 - -75401 蓝色冷艳型 冷艳妖媚的蓝色发型 -75402 棕色冷艳型 冷艳妖媚的棕色发型 -75403 金色冷艳型 冷艳妖媚的金色发型 -75404 绿色冷艳型 冷艳妖媚的绿色发型 -75405 银色精灵型 传说中精灵赋予的银色发型 -75406 红色精灵型 传说中精灵赋予的红色发型 -75407 黑色精灵型 传说中精灵赋予的黑色发型 -75408 紫色精灵型 传说中精灵赋予的紫色发型 -75409 银色麻花辫 富有浓郁中国特色的银色麻花辫 -75410 蓝色麻花辫 富有浓郁中国特色的蓝色麻花辫 -75411 黑色麻花辫 富有浓郁中国特色的黑色麻花辫 -75412 棕色麻花辫 富有浓郁中国特色的棕色麻花辫 - -75601 棕色绅士型 非常绅士的棕色发型 -75602 黑色绅士型 非常绅士的黑色发型 -75603 蓝色绅士型 非常绅士的蓝色发型 -75604 银色绅士型 非常绅士的银色发型 -75605 红色君王型 尽显贵族领袖气质的红色发型 -75606 蓝色君王型 尽显贵族领袖气质的蓝色发型 -75607 金色君王型 尽显贵族领袖气质的金色发型 -75608 紫色君王型 尽显贵族领袖气质的紫色发型 -75609 棕色儒雅型 书生般儒雅的棕色发型 -75610 金色儒雅型 书生般儒雅的金色发型 -75611 紫色儒雅型 书生般儒雅的紫色发型 -75612 红色儒雅型 书生般儒雅的红色发型 - - - - -80001 钱袋 -80002 白纸 -80008 金块 没有加工的金块|在商店以高价出售 - -80010 神秘的藏宝图 任务道具,神秘的藏宝图 -80011 空白的信纸 任务道具,空白的信纸 -80012 写满字的信纸 任务道具,写满字的信纸 -80013 神奇咒符 任务道具,神奇的咒符 -80014 装备制作密函 任务道具,装备制作密函 -80015 力量宝鉴(空) 任务道具,力量宝鉴(空) -80016 力量宝鉴(满) 任务道具,力量宝鉴(满) -80017 紫水晶护符 任务道具,紫水晶护符 -80018 机密情报 任务道具,机密情报 -80019 赤木精华 任务道具,赤木精华 -80020 防疫药剂 任务道具,防疫药剂 -80021 植物解毒剂 任务道具,植物解毒剂 -80022 催泪药剂 任务道具,催泪药剂 -80023 灵力魔瓶(空) 任务道具,灵力魔瓶(空) -80024 灵力魔瓶(满) 任务道具,灵力魔瓶(满) -80025 结界封印 任务道具,结界封印 -80026 冻伤药 任务道具,冻伤药 - -90001 空水桶 -90002 水桶 -90003 水晶 -90004 宝石 -90005 浮石 -90006 倚天宝石 -90007 矿石 - - - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22964970..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -刺客是以短剑和弓箭为主的专业[ENTER] -杀手。高水准的刺客要经过残酷[ENTER] -的训练过程,所以其数量不是很[ENTER] -多,但是只要具备某种特定条件[ENTER] -,他们超强的战斗能力足可以扭[ENTER] -[WAIT] -转战争的进程,为了保证敏捷和[ENTER] -速度,所以只能使用轻便的防御[ENTER] -盔甲,这是他们唯一的弱点。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1aecb5fc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -法师是拥有强大魔法力量的高尚[ENTER] -职业,他们汲取自然精华与上古[ENTER] -先知流传下来的文明修炼魔法。[ENTER] -法师能利用自然的力量发挥出无[ENTER] -限的潜能,他们通常拥有渊博的[ENTER] -[WAIT] -知识和良好的修养。[ENTER] -儒雅睿智的法师更趋向于光明和[ENTER] -仁慈,精通各种法术的他们将成[ENTER] -为战场上至关重要的角色。 [ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6e3e32c7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -修罗将恶魔的种子寄生在自己的[ENTER] -手臂上,用来吸取魔法力量。他[ENTER] -们与别人不同,更加不会相信别[ENTER] -人,所以使得周围没有亲近的朋[ENTER] -友。他们的目标只有一个,就是[ENTER] -[WAIT] -追求大陆上最强的力量,此外的[ENTER] -事物都将视为阻碍。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5635c932..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -猛将拥有一把锋利的巨剑以及厚[ENTER] -实的盔甲,从游戏一开始就成为[ENTER] -关注的焦点,没有人敢蔑视他们[ENTER] -他们追求钢铁般的肌肉和净水般[ENTER] -宁静的精神世界。整个大陆上没[ENTER] -[WAIT] -有人能抵挡他们愤怒的脚步。[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2bfd952d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,758 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 琴瑟 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 善恶值 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 攻击出现错误 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 无法攻击那里的敌人 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 在这里无法进攻对方 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 交换物品时不能更换佩戴的装备 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 与商店交易时不能更换佩戴的装备 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 在广场无法开启个人商店 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 无法攻击那里的敌人 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 没有箭了,请装备箭 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 在这里无法进攻对方 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 无法靠近的地区 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 不能攻击 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 无法攻击那里的敌人 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 请将鱼竿装备在身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 骑马使用的技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 没有空瓶子 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 没有毒瓶 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 请选择攻击的敌人 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 体力不够! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 精力不够! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 骑马时不能使用技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 使用此武器,无法使用的技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 还不能使用的技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 只能使用在同伴身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 请使用在死亡的人身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 装备鱼竿时,无法使用技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 在这里无法进攻 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 无法使用在自己身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 现在还不能使用 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 现在是拒绝私聊状态 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 没有连接游戏服务器 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 拒绝私聊状态下,不能发送私聊信息 SNA -CHANNEL 服务器名 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 不能到登陆画面 -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 无此服务器 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 服务器名 %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 无法连接服务器 -CHANNEL_PVP PVP -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 请选择登陆服务器 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 请选择大区 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 请选择服务器 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 测试服务器 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 测试 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 全部 -CHAT_BLOCK 切断 -CHAT_GUILD 帮会 -CHAT_INFORMATION 信息 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 包含了不适当单词 -CHAT_LOG 开启聊天 -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 开启聊天 -CHAT_NORMAL 正常 -CHAT_NOTICE 公告 -CHAT_PARTY 组队 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 申请聊天 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 传音 -CHAT_SHOUT 呐喊 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 每15秒呐喊一次 -CHAT_WHISPER 私聊 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME 不能使用包括<运营>的名称 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 不恰当的名称 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 角色名字重复 -CREATE_FAILURE 无法创建角色 -CREATE_GM_NAME 运营 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 请输入角色名 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 剩余属性点 -DAY 日 -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY 确定要丢掉%d金币吗? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 无法丢掉已佩带的装备 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 开启个人商店时不能丢弃物品 -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 无法丢掉1000以上金币 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 跳舞1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 跳舞2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 跳舞3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 跳舞4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 跳舞5 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 祝贺 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 宽容 -EMOTION_ANGRY 生气 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 诱惑 -EMOTION_SAD 悲伤 -EMOTION_SHY 害羞 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 加油 -EMOTION_BANTER 挑逗 -EMOTION_JOY 高兴 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 欢呼 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 欢呼 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 选择对方 -EMOTION_CLAP 鼓掌 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 接吻 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 热吻 -EMOTION_SLAP 耳光 -EMPIRE_A 龙威国 -EMPIRE_B 天霸国 -EMPIRE_C 圣武国 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 不能交换的物品 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 决定的数额不能变更 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 无法交换已佩带的装备 -EXCHANGE_MONEY 交换金币 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 和%s 的交换 -FISHING_FAILURE 狡猾的鱼吃了鱼饵后,迅速逃跑了。 -FISHING_UNKNOWN 不知道什么东西上钩 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 无法在这里钓鱼 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 不能骑马采矿 -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 此物品不属于你,无权拾取 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 鼠标显示失败 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX版本太低。\n请安装DirectX8.1以上的版本 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 侦测显卡失败\n请确认您的显卡能否运行此游戏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 显卡初始化失败\n请确认您的显卡是否支持此游戏\n或确认硬件加速是否打开\n控制面板->显示->设置,点高级按扭\n->在’疑难解答’选项中把硬件加速调到最高 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 您的显卡不支持32位的窗口模式。\n设成16位或全屏模式。 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 装备信息错误。\n请重新安装游戏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 主页面显示失败 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 怪物信息错误。\n请重新安装游戏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 网络初始化失败。\n请检查与internet的连接状态 -GAME_PICK_MONEY 获得%d 金币 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 长度不是128 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 长度应为12 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 宽度应为16 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 宽度不是64 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 无法加载的帮会图标 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH 请把帮会标志存放在metin2/upload 文件夹下 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 没有相应的帮会图标 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 颠覆战 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 地盘战 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s 帮会向您帮会发出了挑战书. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 是否接受? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 霸王战 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 等级 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 建筑物名称 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 没有必要恢复龙神力 -GUILD_COMMENT 载入文字 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 帮会名称不是很恰当或已经被占用,请重新取名 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 帮会会员 -GUILD_DELETE 删除 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 存钱 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP 使用%d 金币,恢复 %d 龙神力. -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 要加入帮会吗? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 空地 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 对方帮会名称 -GUILD_GEM 宝石 -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 龙神力恢复 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 没有 -GUILD_NAME 帮会名称 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 因材料不足,不能建筑房屋 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 因金钱不足,不能建筑房屋 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 您没有写公告的权限 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 要分配的经验值 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 经验值不够 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 基地信息 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 提示板 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 职位管理 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 帮会信息 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 帮会会员 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 帮会技能 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 战斗时间为30分钟 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 获胜一方获得血瓶奖励 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 使用专用地图 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 使用现有地图 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 分数高的帮会取得胜利 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 抢夺对方的旗帜,扛到自己基地 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 把对方旗帜先插到自己基地的一方取得胜利 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 消灭对方全部帮会成员的帮会取得胜利 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 取钱 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 您还没有加入帮会 -HORSE_HEALTH0 死亡 -HORSE_HEALTH1 疲劳 -HORSE_HEALTH2 饥饿 -HORSE_HEALTH3 喂饱 -HORSE_LEVEL1 幼马 -HORSE_LEVEL2 成年马 -HORSE_LEVEL3 良驹 -HOUR 小时 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 请输入矩阵卡上对应的密码 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 矩阵卡 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 请输入身份证后7位数字 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 删除角色 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 记忆卷轴不能重叠 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 确定要充值吗? -JOB_ASSASSIN 刺客 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 见习刺客 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 锋刀 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 百羿 -JOB_SHAMAN 法师 -JOB_SHAMAN0 见习法师 -JOB_SHAMAN1 潜龙 -JOB_SHAMAN2 狂雷 -JOB_SURA 修罗 -JOB_SURA0 见习修罗 -JOB_SURA1 幻武 -JOB_SURA2 黑魔 -JOB_WARRIOR 猛将 -JOB_WARRIOR0 见习猛将 -JOB_WARRIOR1 气宗 -JOB_WARRIOR2 剑宗 -LEFT_TIME 剩余时间 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 连接服务器失败 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 连接服务器成功 -LOGIN_CONNETING 正在连接中 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 此帐号正在进行游戏 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 登录游戏出现错误。 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 服务器维护,无法正常连接 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 您的帐号未充值 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 此帐号暂时还未开通 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 输入的帐号不存在 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 目前处于物品恢复中的帐号 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 服务器维护中……请稍候登录 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 用户登陆过多,请稍后连接 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 不知明的错误(%d),登录失败 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 输入的矩阵卡密码错误 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 程序将立即关闭 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 密码错误 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 请输入帐号 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 请输入密码 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 正在登录 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 商城仓库不能存入物品 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 密码 -MAP_A1 宏安城 -MAP_A2 百兽草原 -MAP_A3 跃龙县 -MAP_AG 兴隆镇 -MAP_B1 顺天府 -MAP_B2 林芝谷 -MAP_B3 卓远县 -MAP_BG 丰禾镇 -MAP_C1 武扬城 -MAP_C2 房山谷 -MAP_C3 武宜县 -MAP_CG 盈德镇 -MAP_DESERT 流金沙漠 -MAP_FLAME 炙焰炼狱 -MAP_SKELTOWER 亡灵塔 -MAP_SNOW 冰峰雪谷 -MAP_SPIDER 盘丝洞 -MAP_TEMPLE 秘宗神殿 -MAP_TREE 鬼雾森林 -MAP_TRENT02 赤鬼密林 -MAP_WL 迷途禁地 -MAP_NUSLUCK 寂静平原 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 添加好友 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s把你加入到好友目录 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 你接受吗? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 确定要删除吗? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 确定要删除手机号码吗? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 确定要移动吗? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 现在为空 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 家族 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 好友 -MESSENGER_GUILD 帮会 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 请输入手机短信接收的认证号码 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 输入认证号码 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 不输入手机号码,无法发送短信 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 现在要输入号码吗? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 输入手机号码 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 要发送的短信内容 -MINIMAP 小地图 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 无法查看小地图 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 无法查看整体地图 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 缩小 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 放大 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 观战者为 %d -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 整体地图 -MINUTE 分 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 售价 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 开个人商店时不能移动物品位置 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 没有相应的音乐文件 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 倚天II默认背景音乐 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 没有选择的音乐文件 -NEEFD_REST 需要休息 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 暂时没有开放此功能 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 未加入帮会的角色不可以设定帮会模式 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT 现在无法进行 PvP 对决. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d等级以上才可以进行 PvP 对决. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 攻击力 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 攻击速度 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 技能持续时间 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 防御力 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 奖励经验值 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 最大精力 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 最大生命 : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 解散组队 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 申请加入本组队. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 同意组队吗? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 经验值分配方式 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 等级分配 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 等级越高获得的经验值越多 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 平均分配 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 所有组队成员平均分配经验值 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 全员恢复 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 组队经验值增加为原来的1.5倍 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 组队经验值增加为原来的2倍 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 退出组队 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 长时间维持组队关系的奖励,经验值 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [队员已离线] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 唤醒组队成员 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 体力 精力 恢复奖励: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 对方拒绝了您的申请. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 设为攻击手 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 设定为左护法 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 设为左护法 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 设定为右护法 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 解除能力 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 设为右护法 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 设为防御手 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 攻击手基本攻击 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 左护法攻击速度 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 技能持续时间 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 右护法防御力 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 生命力恢复速度 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 组队效果范围增加 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 左护法最大精力 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 精神力恢复速度 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 防御手最大生命力 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 可以复活组队成员 -PASSWORD_TITLE 仓库密码 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 要拿出的个数 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 要拿出的金额 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 个人商店不能出售的物品 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 是否关闭个人商店? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 请输入商店名 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 请输入价格 -PVP_LEVEL0 至尊 -PVP_LEVEL1 天王 -PVP_LEVEL2 英雄 -PVP_LEVEL3 侠客 -PVP_LEVEL4 平民 -PVP_LEVEL5 杀手 -PVP_LEVEL6 霸王 -PVP_LEVEL7 魔头 -PVP_LEVEL8 狱帝 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP 帮会模式 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP 自由模式 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP 和平模式 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 保护模式 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 善恶模式 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 善恶模式 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 和平模式 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT PROTECTED -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 自由模式 -QUEST_APPEND 加载了新任务 -QUEST_MIN 分 -QUEST_SEC 秒 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 超出时间限制 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 没有时间限制 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0秒 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 装备无法放入快捷栏 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE 收到%s给您发的信息 -REFINE_COST 升级费用%d两 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 升级失败导致装备消失 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 升级失败将导致物品消失。 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 确定改良吗? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 升级失败导致装备等级下降 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 确定要把宝石取下吗? -REFINE_FAILURE 升级失败 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 已佩带的装备无法镶嵌 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 没有可取的宝石 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 需要更好的改良物品 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 无法再打孔了 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 无法打孔的装备 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 提高性能的物品 -REFINE_SUCCESS 升级成功 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 升级成功概率 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 确定要升级吗? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 密码错误 -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 此装备无法放入仓库 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 新密码输入错误 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 SAVE_SCREEN_SHOT1 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 SAVE_SCREEN_SHOT2 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 保存截图失败 -SECOND 秒 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 无法删除角色 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 修改角色名称成功 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 此角色名已经存在 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 请重新尝试一下 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 角色名称错误 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 更改角色名称 -SELECT_DELEING 正在删除角色 -SELECT_DELETED 删除完毕 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 确定要删除吗? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 可创建角色 -SELECT_GM_NAME 运营 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 请选择需要修改的角色名 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 没有所属帮会 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 选择想要购买的物品,可以购买 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 无法卖掉以装备的物品 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 该物品无法卖掉 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 商店产生错误: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 错误的装备 -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 物品栏内没有空闲的位置 -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 金币不够 -SHOP_SELL_INFO 选择想要出售的物品,就可以卖掉 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 缺少的库存物品 -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 远程攻击出现错误: %s -SKILL_BOHO 星云阵 -SKILL_BUDONG 荆棘 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 以后的技能,只能通过经验才可以修炼 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 以后的技能,只能使用修炼书才可以修炼 -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 千斤坠 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2倍伤害 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 施毒 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG ?身 -SKILL_FAINT 晕倒 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 寻找陷阱 -SKILL_FIRE 九霄火焰 -SKILL_FISHMIND 鱼谱 -SKILL_GAMJI 鹰目 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 剑气 -SKILL_GEONGON 天地乾坤 -SKILL_GICHEON 潜能 -SKILL_GIGONG 专注 -SKILL_GONGPO 恐惧 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 读书最高等级 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 最高等级 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 修练最高等级 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 锋刀 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 百羿 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 骑乘 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 潜龙 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 狂雷 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 幻舞 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 黑魔 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 剑宗 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 气宗 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 归剑 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 轻功 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 黑神守护 -SKILL_HOSIN 魔盾 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 火焰斩 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 血掌 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 增加攻击速度 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 增加移动速度 -SKILL_INMA 天人合一 -SKILL_JEOJU 梦魇 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 净化 -SKILL_JEONGWI 战魂 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 铁布杉 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 四面楚歌 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 神浴 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 集中 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 天怒 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 神速 -SKILL_JIGAM 神法 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 集中防御 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 噬体 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 鬼怨 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 快剑 -SKILL_KWAESOK 迅捷术 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 束缚 -SKILL_MUSA 武魂 -SKILL_MUYEONG 巫灵阵 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 没有空瓶子 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 没有毒瓶 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 只可以在帮会战争中使用 -SKILL_PABEOP 诅咒 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 晕击对方 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 盲目 -SKILL_SINCHAK 朦胧术 -SKILL_SLEEP 催眠 -SKILL_SLOW 缓慢 -SKILL_STUN 击晕 -SKILL_SUHO 战灵守护 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 召唤马匹成功概率 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 智力 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 人物 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 中毒 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 增加毒的攻击力 -SKILL_TUSOK 束缚 -SKILL_WONSIN 神目 -SKILL_YONGSIN 龙神盾 -STAT_MINUS_CON 体力分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 敏捷分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT 智力分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR 力量分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 提高生命力和防御力 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 提高命中率和闪避率 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 提高精力值和魔法伤害 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 提高攻击力 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 帮会旗帜登记 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 用CPU显示模式,可以在低配置的电脑上流畅运行游戏 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 游戏显示上出现问题时在`系统设置` 或者利用 `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 重新设置为GPU 显示模式 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 显示模式在低配置的电脑上可能运行困难 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 游戏显示上出现问题时在`系统设置` 或者利用 `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 重新设置为GPU 显示模式 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 为了设置显示模式,必须关闭游戏 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 同意对决 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 报仇 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 破坏 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 下马 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 同意 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 交换 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 踢出组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 结束观战 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 对决 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 好友 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 邀请入会 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 邀请组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 退出组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 申请组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 窥视 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 悄悄话 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 将军 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 大王 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 将领 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 小兵 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 高级将领 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 头目 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 攻击 -TASKBAR_AUTO 自动 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 视角旋转 -TASKBAR_EXP 经验值 -TASKBAR_HP 生命值 -TASKBAR_MOVE 移动 -TASKBAR_SKILL 技能 -TASKBAR_SP 精力值 -TASKBAR_ST 耐力条 -THING_COUNT 个 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 对动物系%d%% 追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 对刺客强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 对恶魔%d%%追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 对人形系%d%% 追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 对秘宗%d%%追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 对怪物强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 对鬼族%d%%追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 对法师强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 对修罗强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 对僵尸系 %d%% 追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 对猛将强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK %d%%几率彻底防御敌人物理攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 战斗时每5秒钟恢复%d精力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%%几率增加2倍破坏力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER 受攻击时%d%%几率恢复精力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 躲闪弓箭的攻击概率为%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%几率获得2倍经验值 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%几率获得2倍金钱 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 不会被击倒 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 不会被缓慢 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 不会被击晕 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS 按%d%%几率获得2倍掉宝 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER 攻击敌人时以%d%% 的概率恢复生命力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER 敌人死亡%d%%几率吸取精力值 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%%几率消耗敌人精力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 没有性能 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 死亡时防止一次经验值减少 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%%几率无视对方防御力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT %d%%几率使敌人中毒 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 抗毒 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 药物增加%d%%性能 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE %d%%几率反弹诅咒攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 受近距攻击时%d%%伤害反弹 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 减少%d%%铃铛伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 减少%d%%双刀伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 减少%d%%扇子伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 减少%d%%单刀伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 减少%d%%重刀伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 减少%d%%风属性伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 书修炼成功率提高到 2.5倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 技能修炼失败时可以摆脱走火入魔 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT %d%%几率使敌人缓慢 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 将伤害 %d%% 转为生命力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 将伤害 %d%% 转为精神力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT %d%%几率使敌人晕倒 SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 该物品不能往商店出售 -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 盔甲 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 弓箭 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 刺客 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 攻击力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 攻击速度 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 弓箭射程: +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 价格 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 释放速度 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 体力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 防御力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 敏捷 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 耳环 -TOOLTIP_ETC 其他 -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 修炼度 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 把锄头递给砍材人 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 能改良为更好的锄头 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 修炼度 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 交给鱼夫的话 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 可以升级成更好的鱼杆 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 长度 : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 头盔 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 生命恢复量 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_INT 智力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 攻击力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 伤害力 : %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 伤害力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 破坏力 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 攻击速度 : %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 防御力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 快 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 体力限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 敏捷限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 智力限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 等级限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 力量限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 魔法攻击力 : %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 魔法攻击力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 魔法防御力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 普通 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 慢 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 非常快 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 非常慢 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [可以使用] -TOOLTIP_ITEM_BINDED 已绑定 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_UNBINDING 解绑中 (剩余时间: %s) -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d回数 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 幸运号码 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 魔法攻击力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 魔法防御力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 攻击力 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 攻击力 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 打猎时自动拣取金钱 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 防御力 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 防御力 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 经验值 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC 网吧经验值 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 经验值增加 2倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 提高获得高级鱼的概率 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 金钱爆率 %.1f倍 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 金钱爆率 2倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 物品爆率 %.1f倍 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC 网吧物品爆率增加%.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 物品爆率增加 2倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 增加琴瑟数值的提高速度 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 仓库可以扩到3个物品栏 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 最大生命值 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 最大生命值 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 最大精力值 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 最大精力值 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 最大耐力 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 移动速度 : %d SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 项链 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 需要的精力值:全部 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 需要的龙神力 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 需要的体力 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 持续体力: %d / 秒 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 需要的技能点数 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 需要的精力值 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 持续的精力值: %d / 秒 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 下一等级:%d (最大 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 下一等级:%d (最大 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 物理伤害 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 彻底防御物理攻击%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 组队队员在%d名以上时全体队员 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 攻击等级 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , 防御等级 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 每一个小时给全部队员的生命/精力全部恢复 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 每30分钟给全部队员的生命/精力全部恢复 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 队员死后在3分钟之内可以唤醒 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 在同一个服务器里可以随时唤醒队员 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 可以设定%d名防御等级+(队员数)的攻击手 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 可以设定一名防御等级+(队员数)的防守人 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 现等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [攻击/防御 等级上升] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [恢复] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 组队队员在%d名以上时奖励经验值 %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [奖励经验值] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [唤醒] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [攻击手设定] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [防守手设定] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 异常状态已恢复 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 分 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 攻击速度 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 生命值 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 生命值 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 移动速度 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 精力值 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 精力值 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 秒 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 持续时间 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 21等级以上才可以学习 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 41等级以上才可以学习 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 人物 %d 级可以学习 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 等级 %d 以上 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 以上才可以学习 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 减少%d%%弓箭攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 减少%d%%电攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 减少%d%%火焰攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 减少%d%%魔法攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 剩余的使用次数 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 售价 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 法师 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 盾牌 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 鞋 -TOOLTIP_SKILL 技能 SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 修炼书 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE 攻击力 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER 攻击力 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED 攻击速度 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE 防御力 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 对方的攻击力 : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 恢复生命 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 移动速度 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 被攻击时反弹概率 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL 抵抗物理攻击 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME 延迟 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS 技能伤害 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 减少技能伤害 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 持续时间 : %.0f秒 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 遗忘卷轴 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 现等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 现等级: %d (管理者) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 现等级 : %d (最大 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 空闲 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [可镶嵌的装备] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 精力恢复量 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_STR 力量 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 修罗 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 唯一 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 猛将 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 武器 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 手镯 -UI_ACCEPT 接受 -UI_CANCEL 取消 -UI_CLOSE 关闭 -UI_DEF_FONT 宋体:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE 宋体:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL 宋体:9 -UI_DENY 拒绝 -UI_ITEM 装备 -UI_LEFT_TIME 剩余时间 : %d秒 -UI_NEXT 继续 -UI_NOCONTENTS 没有内容 -UI_NONAME 没有名称 -UI_OK 确认 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 不知道的位置 -UI_UNKNOWN 未知坐标 -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 开启个人商店时不能使用物品 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 技能使用出现错误 : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 请您重新登陆,才能正常显示 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 请您重新登陆,才能正常显示 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 减少 %d%% 猛将攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 减少 %d%% 刺客攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 减少 %d%% 修罗攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 减少 %d%% 法师攻击 SA -FOR_MALE 男性 -FOR_FEMALE 女性 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR1 动态密码错误 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR2 用户没找到 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR3 系统没找到 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR4 用户绑定的令牌已经被禁用 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR5 用户ID或动态密码为空 -WAIT_FOR_PASSPOD 正在验证动态密码,请稍候…… -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL 3 -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL 等级需要3级以上 -GUILD_HEADQUARTER 主建筑 -GUILD_FACILITY 功能建筑 -GUILD_OBJECT 装饰建筑 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f5a8c02e..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,287 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 确定 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 确定要镶嵌吗? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 镶嵌倚天石 -CANCEL 取消 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 确认新密码 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 新密码 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 旧密码 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 更改密码 -CHARACTER_ACTION 动作 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 表情 -CHARACTER_MAIN 角色 -CHARACTER_QUEST 任务 -CHARACTER_SKILL 技能 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 相互作用动作 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 一般动作 -CLOSE 关闭 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 力量 -CREATE_CREATE 创建 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 敏捷 -CREATE_HP 体力 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 剩余点数 -CREATE_NAME 角色名称 -CREATE_NEXT 下一页 -CREATE_PREV 上一页 -CREATE_SHAPE 基本着装 -CREATE_SP 智力 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 初始化 -EMPIRE_EXIT 退出 -EMPIRE_NEXT 下一页 -EMPIRE_PREV 上一页 -EMPIRE_SELECT 选择 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 同意 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 交换 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 游戏设置 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 结束观战 -GAME_HELP 帮助 -GAME_QUEST 任务 -GAME_SKILL_UP 技能修炼 -GAME_STAT_UP 属性修炼 -GUILD_BASENAME 基地名称 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 帐号 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 更新 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 内容 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 建筑物种类 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 变更 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 方向 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 级别 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 建筑物信息及维持信息 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 建筑物列表 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 建筑物名称 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 启动 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 位置 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 预演 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 更新 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 建造帮会建筑物 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 水晶 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 存钱 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 把资源 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 丢在这里 -GUILD_GEM 宝石 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 请输入新的职位名 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 级别 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 强行退出 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 加入帮会 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 帮会公告 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 帮会技能 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 职位 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 上传文章 -GUILD_INFO 帮会基本信息 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 当前经验值 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 帮派宣战 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 正在战争中的帮会 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 无 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 帮会等级 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 帮会会徽 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 帮会会长 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 帮会会长 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 帮会会员平均等级 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 帮会人数 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 帮会名称 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 帮会名称 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 分配 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 升级经验值 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 重新上载 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 上传会徽 -GUILD_MARK 帮会会徽 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 职业 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 将领 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 等级 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 名称 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 职位 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 贡献度 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 宝石 -GUILD_MINENAL 矿石 -GUILD_MONEY 帮会基金 -GUILD_NAME 帮会 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 资源信息 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 主动 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 辅助 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 龙神力 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 帮会技能 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 龙神力恢复 -GUILD_SYMBOL 帮会会标 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 接受帮战挑战 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 战争类型 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 颠覆战 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 申请帮会战争 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 对方帮会 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 地盘战 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 霸王战 -GUILD_WATER 水 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 浮石 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 取钱 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 用键或鼠标左键进行攻击 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - 按 + 键,可以转换PK模式 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (打开角色, 物品, 聊天 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 窗口) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 鼠标滚轮可以随时调整视觉焦距 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 按住键,可以用鼠标右键调整视角 -HELP_EXP 经验值 -HELP_FURY 游戏商城 -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - 按-+可以打开或关闭帮会窗口 -HELP_HELP - 可以按 键或按打开系统帮助菜单将获得帮助 -HELP_HP 生命值 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW 按-+可以打开或关闭聊天窗口 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 鼠标左键功能 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 鼠标右键功能 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - 可以用 , , , 键和方向键移动 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 按 键,打开角色窗口 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 按键,打开聊天窗口 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 按键,打开物品窗口 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 按 键,可以独立打开聊天窗口 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 键,打开和关闭小地图窗口 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 按键,打开任务窗口 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 按 键,打开技能窗口 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - 按 + 键,打开密聊窗口 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 键,可以打开和关闭整体地图窗口 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - 按<~>键,拾取物品 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 快捷菜单 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 按键,保存当前截图,文件保存在“我的文档/YT2W文件夹里” -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 按住键,显示角色和地上物品名称 -HELP_SP 精力值 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 系统按扭 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 物品窗一 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 物品窗二 -INVENTORY_TITLE 物品栏 -LOAD_ERROR 数据被损坏,请从新安装.按ESC退出 -LOGIN_CONNECT 连接 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 正在登录 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 大区名称, 1线 -LOGIN_EXIT 结束 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 选择大区 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 选择 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 终止 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 确认 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 选择服务器 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 密码 -MALL_TITLE 收费物品仓库 -MARKET_TITLE 市场 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 更新 -MARKLIST_TITLE 上载帮会会徽 -MESSAGE 信息 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 添加朋友 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 删除朋友 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 发短信 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 打开帮会窗口 -MESSENGER_TITLE 信息 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 使用帮会移动技能 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 悄悄话 -MINIMIZE 最小化 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 攻击 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 自动 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 视角 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 技能 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 背景音乐目录 -NO 否 -OK 确认 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 查看名称 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 一时 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 一直 -OPTION_BLOCK 切断 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 交换 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 好友 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 帮会 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 组队邀请 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 申请组队 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 私聊 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 视角 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 远视角 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 近视角 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 删除号码 -OPTION_EFFECT 伤害值 -OPTION_FOG 雾设定 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 浓雾 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 淡雾 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 普通 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 输入号码 -OPTION_MOBILE 手机 -OPTION_MUSIC 音乐 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 设定音乐 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 倚天II默认背景音乐 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 名称颜色 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 帝国颜色 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 默认颜色 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 模式 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 自由 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 可以主动攻击所有玩家 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 帮会 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 可以攻击本帮会成员以外的所有玩家 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 和平 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 不能主动攻击所有玩家(可以反击) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 善恶 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 可以主动攻击一部分玩家 -OPTION_SOUND 声效 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 他国信息 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 不感兴趣 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 想知道 -OPTION_TILING 显示 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 应用 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 选项 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 聊天窗口 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 屏蔽 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 查看 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 帮会会员名称 -PASSWORD_TITLE 仓库密码 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 要拿出的金额 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 关闭 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 商店名称 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 开设个人商店 -REFINE_COST 升级费用 : 0两 -REFINE_INFO 改良成功概率 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE 改良 -RESTART_HERE 原地复活 -RESTART_TOWN 村落复活 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 更改密码 -SAFE_TITLE 仓库 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 力量 -SELECT_CREATE 生成角色 -SELECT_DELETE 删除 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 敏捷 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 国家名称 -SELECT_EXIT 退出 -SELECT_HP 体力 -SELECT_LEVEL 等级 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 选择使用的宝石 -SELECT_NAME 名称 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 没有加入任何帮会 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 游戏时间 -SELECT_SELECT 开始 -SELECT_SP 智力 -SELECT_TITLE 尊号 -SHOP_BUY 买进 -SHOP_SELL 卖出 -SHOP_TITLE 商店 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 辅助 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 系统设置 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 转换角色 -SYSTEM_EXIT 退出到windows -SYSTEM_HELP 帮助 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 登出 -SYSTEM_MALL 收费物品商店 -SYSTEM_OPTION 系统设置 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 角色[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 聊天窗口 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 物品栏[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 信息 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 后 快捷菜单[shift+数字, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 前 快捷菜单[shift+数字] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 系统[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 切断 -WHISPER_NAME 对方名称 -WHISPER_SEND 发送 -YES 是 -ZONE_MAP 整体地图 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 金钱 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 硝石 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 圆木 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 合板 -CUBE_TITLE 制作窗 -CREATE_SEX 性别 -CREATE_MAN 男性 -CREATE_WOMAN 女性 -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_ANSWER 确定 -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REFRESH 刷新 -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME 剩余回答时间 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a6cebbb4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "江陵府" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "易水县" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 14e39853..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" 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x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "江陵府" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "易水县" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0f5cb9b5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "江陵府" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "渔夫" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "渔夫" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "渔夫" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "渔夫" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "渔夫" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "渔夫" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "渔夫" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "渔夫" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "渔夫" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "渔夫" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dfb63091..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "长安城" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cafb5f18..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "易水县" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "渔夫" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "渔夫" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "渔夫" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "渔夫" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "渔夫" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "渔夫" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "渔夫" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9cb3ec89..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "防御店老板?" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "咸阳城" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e05e670c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "陈仓县" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "渔夫" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "渔夫" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "渔夫" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "渔夫" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "渔夫" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "渔夫" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "渔夫" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "渔夫" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4eec6fe1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "洛阳城" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6863cf83..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "江陵府" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "易水县" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1cb70582..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "江陵府" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "易水县" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index fe27971d..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c5d66d06..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 三连斩 快风斩 虎啸风声 以闪电般的速度连续攻击多次,|对前方敌人造成巨大伤害 前方范围攻击三次 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 火焰旋 真炎斩 龙吟裂天 将力量贯注在剑身上,|以旋转的方式攻击周围的敌人,产生伤害 前进范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 战魂 金刚怒 破釜沉舟 做为勇士将以牺牲防御为|代价来提升可怕的攻击力 提高攻击速度 增加移动速度 受攻击伤害 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 攻击速度 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 移动速度 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 剑气 藏心剑 身剑合一 将真气灌注于武器之上发|挥极致威力,产生可怕的伤害 只适用于近身攻击 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 攻击力 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 猛杀 岩碎 石破天惊 使用坚实的身体,快速靠|近敌人并猛击对方,产生巨大伤害 突击范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR 飘叶斩 断月波 八风夜雨 飘曳一般快速划出一道弧光,|将敌人撕裂 前方范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 跳斩 虎跃 龙翔九天 集全身之量于兵刃上,高高跃起,|劈向前方,使敌人受到猛烈的攻击 直线范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 震撼 狮吼 盘古镇天 运起周身真气,产生巨大气流,|对周围敌人造成伤害的同时将他们震飞 原地范围攻击 一定概率产生击晕的效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 击晕概率 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 千斤坠 铁布衫 固若金汤 瞬间提升防御力,到达一定等级后将稳如泰山,|任何猛烈的攻击都无法被打倒。 提升防御力 降低移动速度 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 防御力 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 移动速度 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 剑风 斩气诀 剑气冲霄 快速挥动手中武器产生强大的气流,|以迅雷不及掩耳之势打击敌人 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击晕效果 击飞敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -31 ASSASSIN 暗袭 隐击 流光诛仙 隐藏自己的行踪,靠近敌人背后,|给予致命一击,产生伤害 后方偷袭时提升攻击力 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 魅影 无影剑 乱影降魔 凭借灵敏的身手,快速接近敌人|并给对方以致命一击,防不胜防 瞬间移动攻击 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 乾坤旋 舞轮斩 覆雨翻云 倒转身形,以快速旋转的攻击方|式攻击敌人,同时得以逃脱。 逃脱时范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 隐身 千变术 遮天避日 隐藏自己的身形,令敌人无法察觉,|更加发挥背后攻击的威力 攻击时解除 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 追加伤害值 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 毒雾 碧磷烟 含沙射影 在自己周围制造一片浓密的毒雾,|任何靠近它的敌人都难免受到毒的侵袭 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 连射 贯日箭 气贯长虹 聚集自身的力量,对同一个敌人连续发出多|支威力巨大的弩箭,持续造成伤害 远程攻击 多次攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k 射%.0f支箭 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 乱箭 雨针箭 千蜂锐刺 一次射出多支弩箭,对前方敌人|产生多处伤害,令敌人无法躲避 远程攻击 同时攻击多个对象 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 攻击力 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 最大可以攻击%.0f名 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 怒箭 武力箭 神武镇天 箭矢上带有火焰,并贯以强大的力量,|灼烧敌人的同时给予伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 轻功 神行 踏雪无痕 身轻如燕,可快速的行走,|远离敌人的攻击。 提高移动速度 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 移动速度 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 毒箭 蚀骨箭 追魂夺命 箭矢上涂有剧毒,无人能解,|使敌人中箭的同时受到毒的侵蚀 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击飞敌人 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 碎灵指 裂仙爪 天崩地裂 发挥魔指的强大力量,| 有碎岩切山之力,|引起强烈的爆炸,攻击敌人 前方范围攻击 无视对方防御效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 忽视对方防御概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 龙卷波 旋风阵 狂神诛仙 借助魔王的力量,召唤猛烈的龙卷风,|给周围造成巨大伤害 原地范围攻击 无视对方闪避效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 忽视对方闪避概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 剑魔 斩灵剑 屠龙在天 将黑暗的力量贯注于武器中,|使它发挥灵气,以增强伤害 近身物理攻击发挥作用 随智力增加伤害 吸血攻击 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 攻击力 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 把 %.0f%% 伤害值转换成吸收生命力 10*k -64 SURA 恐惧 血祭 叱炼狂魔 让敌人感到极度的恐惧,|丧失各项能力, | 变得更加脆弱 降低对方攻击力 对方攻击失败概率增加 受伤害的时候适用 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 相对攻击力 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 使对方攻击失败概率 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 噬体 魂盾 天魔附体 呼唤魔王的黑暗盔甲,围绕周身保护|自己不受侵害 受到伤害时反射一部分伤害 提高防御力 随智力增加伤害 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 防御力 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 物理攻击反弹概率 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 驱散 散元术 腐骨销魂 用邪恶的咒语来诅咒敌人,驱散敌人|身上的辅助性魔法 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 驱除对方辅助法术 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 消除辅助效果概率 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 魔灵 鬼怨 夺魂摄魄 从地狱中吸取怨气,集结成黑暗力量|给对方造成伤害 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 黑龙咒 狱龙魄 魔龙噬天 从邪恶守护者黑龙体内爆发强烈的火焰,|焚烧周围的敌人 原地范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 魂灵 魔焰 狱火焚烧 忠诚而邪恶的魔灵,守护着主人,将攻击|所有靠近主人的敌人 远程攻击 任意选择攻击对象 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 黑魔咒 御魂术 天哭地泣 瞬间爆发黑暗力量,产生阻挡一切的气流,|在消耗大量精力的同时保护自己 精力值代替生命值受到的伤害 提高防御力 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 伤害值衰减率 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 防御力 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 束缚 困身 寸步难行 运用恶魔的力量控制丛生的荆棘,|对敌人造成影响,降低对方的移动速度 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 移动速度减慢 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 缓慢概率 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 旋魔 血玲珑 乾坤黯然 凌空跃起,将手中的邪恶力量聚集成|一道黑色漩涡丢出,攻击远处的敌人 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 灵光 归元波 五彩云霞 聚集天地间的灵气形成五彩光球,|给周围的敌人造成巨大的冲击 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 龙影 龙吟 潜龙傲天 祈祷神龙的保护,在身边浮现出多|只龙神的影子,保护自己的同时攻击敌人 直线范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 龙咒 龙啸 千龙摆尾 听到召唤的神龙,借助元神的强大力量,|吞噬所有敌人 原地范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 结界 天壁 真龙护体 使用龙鳞组成的护甲带有极强的防御力,|使得受护者更加安全 抵抗物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 物理攻击抵抗 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 倒影阵 水镜阵 天罡正气 如镜一般的护盾保护着使用者,|将反弹敌人的攻击,不受伤害 反射物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 物理攻击反射概率 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 凝神 天龙魂 龙神圣威 借助龙神的力量与斗志,|增强自身的攻击力 致命攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 致命打击概率 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 落雷 惊天雷 电闪雷鸣 神女借助天神的威力,给予敌人|强大的电击伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 劈雷 燎闪 晴天霹雳 雷神的守护给予神女强大的支配能力,|使其具有强大的雷电攻击能力 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 击晕效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 击晕概率 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 暴雷 怒天雷 五雷轰顶 飞箭一般的雷电,不断穿梭于敌人之中,|由此产生持久的的伤害 远程攻击 电属性 连续攻击周边敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 光浴 光神 佛光普照 大地之母给予使用者更多的精力|来帮助恢复生命,免除死亡的威胁 恢复生命力 恢复异常状态 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 生命力恢复 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 恢复异常状态概率 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 飘仙 轻衣 飘渺踏云 乘风而飘,如同仙履,增加移动速度| 提高移动速度 减少诅咒时间 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 移动速度 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 释放速度 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 神曲 强魄术 魂雷圣体 犹如神韵,激发潜能,产生更大的爆发力,|提高对敌人的伤害 提高基本攻击力 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 攻击力 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 统帅 提升领导能力,提高组队效率 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 连招 增加招式变化,增加攻击次数 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 钓鱼 提高钓鱼能力,更容易捕捉到鱼 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 采矿 提升采矿能力,更容易采集到高级矿石 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 锻造 提升锻造能力,制作更多的物品 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 唐文宝典 提升龙威国语言的理解能力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 秦文宝典 提升天霸国语言的理解能力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 汉文宝典 提升圣武国语言的理解能力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 幻化 角色将随机变幻成怪物的形态,|并拥有一些额外的属性. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 骑乘 骑马的能力 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 召唤 召唤马匹 summon -137 HORSE 追风斩 骑马奔跑并攻击周围的敌人 马术技能 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 摧敌讨 击倒前方拦截的敌人 马术技能 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 威陵破 攻击周围的敌人 马术技能 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 秋叶乱箭 射向拦截的前方敌人 马术技能 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD 龙魂 增加最大龙神力,能够更好的使用帮会技能 PASSIVE yongan 最大龙神力 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 龙血 暂时提升帮会成员的最大生命值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 最大生命值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 龙神 暂时提升帮会成员的最大精力值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 最大精力值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 龙铠 暂时提升帮会成员的防御力 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 防御力上升 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 龙腾 暂时提升帮会成员的攻击速度和移动速度 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 攻击,移动速度上升 +%.1f%% k * 30 -156 GUILD 龙怒 暂时提升帮会成员的双倍伤害的概率 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 双倍伤害概率 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 龙佑 暂时缩短帮会成员的技能释放时间 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 释放速度上升 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d6d60742..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/AutoBanQuiz.py b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/AutoBanQuiz.py deleted file mode 100644 index d14ac8d5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/AutoBanQuiz.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -window = { - "name" : "QuestionDialog", - "style" : ("movable", "float",), - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 125, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 - 52, - - "width" : 280, - "height" : 220, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "board", - "type" : "board", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : 280, - "height" : 220, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "msg1", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 25, - - "text" : "MSG1", - - "horizontal_align" : "center", - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - "text_vertical_align" : "center", - }, - { - "name" : "msg2", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 25*2, - - "text" : "MSG2", - - "horizontal_align" : "center", - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - "text_vertical_align" : "center", - }, - { - "name" : "status", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 25*3, - - "text" : "STATUS", - - "horizontal_align" : "center", - 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"SELECT3", - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "answer", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : -40, - "y" : 25*3+18+25*3+10, - - "width" : 61, - "height" : 21, - - "horizontal_align" : "center", - "text" : uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_ANSWER, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "refresh", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : +40, - "y" : 25*3+18+25*3+10, - - "width" : 61, - "height" : 21, - - "horizontal_align" : "center", - "text" : uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REFRESH, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir 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"mall.tga" -left 80 -top 0 -right 120 -bottom 40 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/03.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/03.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 62e19e95..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/03.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 120 -top 0 -right 160 -bottom 40 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/04.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/04.sub deleted file mode 100644 index b01bec68..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/04.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 160 -top 0 -right 200 -bottom 40 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/05.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/05.sub deleted file mode 100644 index b153dcc8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/05.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title 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-1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 80 -top 40 -right 120 -bottom 80 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/09.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/09.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 550707ef..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/09.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 120 -top 40 -right 160 -bottom 80 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/10.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/10.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 91192675..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/10.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 160 -top 40 -right 200 -bottom 80 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/11.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/11.sub deleted file mode 100644 index df474088..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/11.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 200 -top 40 -right 240 -bottom 80 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/12.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/12.sub deleted file mode 100644 index c3e0b85a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/12.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 0 -top 80 -right 40 -bottom 120 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/13.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/13.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 51e0299c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/13.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 40 -top 80 -right 80 -bottom 120 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/14.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/14.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 5f9b9bba..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/14.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 80 -top 80 -right 120 -bottom 120 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/15.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/15.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 17016157..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/15.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 120 -top 80 -right 160 -bottom 120 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/16.sub b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/16.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 29766392..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/16.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "mall.tga" -left 160 -top 80 -right 200 -bottom 120 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/mall.tga b/bin_original/locale/cibn10/ui/Mall/mall.tga 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Seine[ENTER] -Infrastruktur wird von[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Handelsbeziehungen getragen.[ENTER] -Unter der Leitung von[ENTER] -Yoon-Yoing f黨rten die[ENTER] -Gesch鋐te mit dem Osten[ENTER] -Shinsoo nach dem Zerfall des[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Kaiserreichs schnell zu[ENTER] -seiner heutigen Bl黷e. Mit[ENTER] -dem Westen dagegen leben die[ENTER] -Einwohner in st鋘digem Zwist[ENTER] -und die Handelsstra遝 ist[ENTER] -[WAIT] -unterbrochen. Im Bewusstsein[ENTER] -der Bedrohung ihrer[ENTER] -Lebensgrundlage durch den[ENTER] -Metin-Stein r黶ten die[ENTER] -H鋘dler auf. Ihr Ziel ist[ENTER] -[WAIT] -es, den westlichen Angriffen[ENTER] -Widerstand leisten zu[ENTER] -k鰊nen, die Handelsstra遝[ENTER] -wieder zu 鰂fnen und das[ENTER] -gesamte Reich unter ihrer[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Herrschaft zu einen. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cccbd488..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Chunjo-Reich[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Das Chunjo-Reich nimmt den[ENTER] -Westen des Kontinents ein.[ENTER] -Es besitzt eine[ENTER] -[WAIT] -theokratische Struktur und[ENTER] -wird von seinen spirituellen[ENTER] -F黨rern geleitet. Gegr黱det[ENTER] -wurde es von Yoon-Young, dem[ENTER] -Cousin des ehemaligen[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Kaisers. Yoons Frau, die[ENTER] -黚er enorme magische Kr鋐te[ENTER] -verf黦t, unterst黷zte ihn[ENTER] -bereits fr黨 darin, sich dem[ENTER] -Ausma der Bedrohung durch[ENTER] -[WAIT] -den Metin-Stein anzunehmen.[ENTER] -Yoon-Young riet mehrfach zu[ENTER] -Gegenma遪ahmen, wurde aber[ENTER] -stets ignoriert. So f黨rte[ENTER] -er seine Gefolgsleute in[ENTER] -[WAIT] -eine Rebellion gegen das[ENTER] -damals noch bestehende,[ENTER] -einheitliche Kaiserreich.[ENTER] -Nach dem Untergang[ENTER] -desselbigen befindet sich[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Chunjo noch immer in offener[ENTER] -Auseinandersetzung mit dem[ENTER] -Osten und in st鋘digem Zwist[ENTER] -mit dem S黡en. Die Einwohner[ENTER] -streben nach der Herrschaft[ENTER] -[WAIT] -黚er den gesamten Kontinent,[ENTER] -um so der zunehmenden,[ENTER] -unheilvollen Macht des[ENTER] -Metin-Steins endlich Einhalt[ENTER] -gebieten zu k鰊nen. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0c84877d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Jinno-Reich[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Das Jinno-Reich umfasst die[ENTER] -鰏tlichen Bereiche des[ENTER] -Kontinents. Es gr黱det sich[ENTER] -[WAIT] -auf milit鋜ische Macht, die[ENTER] -von der aggressiven und[ENTER] -kriegerischen Natur seiner[ENTER] -Bev鰈kerung getragen wird.[ENTER] -Beherrscht wird Jinno von[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Ee-Ryoong, dem leiblichen[ENTER] -Sohn des letzten Kaisers. Er[ENTER] -f黨lt sich berufen, unter[ENTER] -seiner F黨rung und mit Hilfe[ENTER] -der ihm zur Verf黦ung[ENTER] -[WAIT] -stehenden Streitmacht das[ENTER] -alte Kaiserreich[ENTER] -wiederherzustellen.[ENTER] -Bef黵chtungen hinsichtlich[ENTER] -der Bedeutung und Wirkung[ENTER] -[WAIT] -des Metin-Steins werden im[ENTER] -Jinno-Reich offiziell[ENTER] -ignoriert. Insgeheim[ENTER] -versucht Ee-Ryoong[ENTER] -allerdings, sich die[ENTER] -[WAIT] -zerst鰎erischen F鋒igkeiten[ENTER] -des Steins milit鋜isch[ENTER] -nutzbar zu machen. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 47d3b15c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ??????? -14013 FACILITY jedan Waffenschmiede -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan R黶tungsschmiede -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan Juwelier -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang Trainings-Center -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro Diamantofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro Fossilholzofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro Kupferofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro Silberofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro Goldofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro Jadeofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro Ebenholzofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro Perlenofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro Wei遟oldofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro Kristallofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro Quarzofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Himmelstr鋘enofen -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 Tempel der Ahnen -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 Tempel der Ahnen -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 Tempel der Ahnen -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse Haus (1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner Steinmauer (1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin Steinmauer (1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 Steinmauer (1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door Tor (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set Mauer (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse Haus (2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner Steinmauer (2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin Steinmauer (2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 Steinmauer (2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door Tor (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set Mauer (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse Haus (3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner Steinmauer (3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin Steinmauer (3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 Steinmauer (3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door Tor (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set Mauer (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol Gildensymbol -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 Wandvorderseite -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 Wandr點kseite -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 Wand links -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 Wand rechts -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 Stein1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 Stein2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 Stein3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 Stein4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 Stein5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 Stein6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 Stein7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 Stein8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 Stein9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 Stein10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT Baum1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 Baum2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall Baum3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 Baum4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 Baum5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT Baum6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 Baum7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall Baum8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 Baum9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/de/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/de/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/locale/de/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/de/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index eb1bce04..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -Arsch -arsch -Arschaufrei遝r -Arschbesamer -Arschficker -Arschgeburt -Arschgranate -Arschkrampe -Arschkratzer -Arschlappen -Arschlecker -Arschloch -arschloch -Arschm鰏e -Arschpfeife -Arschpirat -Arschrakete -Arschritzenrasierer -Arschtripper -Arschwabe -Arschzapfen -Biatch -biatch -Bitch -bitch -Bumsen -bumsen -Crack -crack -Drecksfotze -drecksfotze -Dreckshure -dreckshure -Drecksnutte -drecksnutte -Fick -fick -Ficker -Fixer -fixer -Flittchen -flittchen -Fotze -fotze -Fresse -fresse -Fuck -fuck -Heroin -heroin -Hitler -hitler -Hundesohn -hundesohn -Hure -hure -Joint -joint -Kiffer -kiffer -M鰏e -m鰏e -Muschi -muschi -Muschie -Nazi -Nazzi -nazi -nazzi -Nutte -nutte -Penis -penis -Poppen -poppen -Porno -porno -Puff -puff -Pussie -pussie -Pussy -pussy -Sackgesicht -Sacklutscher -Sackratte -Schlampe -schlampe -Schwanz -schwanz -Schwuchtel -Stricher -Titte -titte -Vagina -vagina -Votze -votze -Wichser -wichser -Wixer -wixer -Wixxer -wixxer -Wixxxer -wixxxer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/item_list.txt 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-201 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -202 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -203 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -204 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -205 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -206 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -207 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -208 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -209 WEAPON icon/item/00200.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00200.gr2 -210 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -211 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -212 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -213 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -214 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -215 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -231 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -232 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -233 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -234 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -235 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -236 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -237 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -238 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -239 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -240 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -241 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -242 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -243 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -244 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -245 WEAPON 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WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -261 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -262 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -263 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -264 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -265 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -266 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -267 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -268 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -269 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -270 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -271 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -272 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -273 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -274 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 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icon/item/73251.tga -74259 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74260 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74261 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74262 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74501 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74502 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74503 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74504 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74505 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74506 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74507 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74508 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74509 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74510 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74511 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74512 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74751 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74752 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75201 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75202 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75203 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75204 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75205 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75206 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75207 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75208 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75209 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75210 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75211 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75212 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75401 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75402 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75403 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75404 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75405 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75406 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75407 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75408 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75409 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75410 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75411 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75412 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75601 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75602 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75603 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75604 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75605 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75606 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75607 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75608 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75609 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75610 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75611 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75612 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/de/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index e9d6bfeb..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/de/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ed99763a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,820 +0,0 @@ -11901 Smoking Ein schwarzer Anzug, den man bei der Hochzeit tr鋑t. -11902 Smoking Ein schwarzer Anzug, den man bei der Hochzeit tr鋑t. -11903 Brautkleid Ein besonderes Kleid, das eine Frau bei ihrer Hochzeit tr鋑t. -11904 Brautkleid Ein besonderes Kleid, das eine Frau bei ihrer Hochzeit tr鋑t. -22000 Schriftrolle Stadt Die Schriftrolle erm鰃licht es dir, dich zur點k in die Stadt zu teleportieren. -22010 Schriftrolle des Ortes Die Schriftrolle erm鰃licht dir den R點ktransport zu dem Ort, den du dir zuletzt gemerkt hast. -25040 Segensschriftrolle Beseitigt das Risiko, einen Gegenstand zu zerst鰎en, wenn seine Verbesserung fehlschl鋑t. In diesem Fall wird lediglich seine Qualit鋞 um 1 verringert. -25041 Magischer Stein Das legend鋜e Metall, mit dem die besten Waffen hergestellt werden k鰊nen. Der magische Stein erh鰄t die Chance auf Verbesserung eines Gegenstandes. Dieser wird zerst鰎t, wenn die Verbesserung fehlschl鋑t. -25100 Geiststein-Schriftrolle Die Schriftrolle erm鰃licht es dir, den Geiststein aus einer Waffe oder R黶tung zu entfernen. Ein Splitter bleibt dabei zur點k. -27600 Lagerfeuer Holzst點ke, die f黵 ein Lagerfeuer zusammengetragen wurden. -27610 Fischkugel Diese magische Kugel verr鋞 dir, welcher Fisch an deinem Angelhaken h鋘gt. -27620 Fischereibuch Ein Buch, mit dem du 3 Tage lang die doppelte Anzahl seltener Fische f鋘gst. -27799 Gr鋞en Die Gr鋞en eines Fischs. -27800 Paste Ein leichter und g黱stiger K鰀er. -27801 Wurm Beliebter K鰀er, der Fische sehr gut anlockt. -27802 Kleiner Fisch K鰀erfisch, mit dem gr鲞ere Fische gut angelockt werden k鰊nen. -27803 Zander Ein gew鰄nlicher Fisch, der normalerweise in Teichen zu Hause ist. -27804 Mandarinfisch Ein sehr schmackhafter Fisch. -27805 Gro遝r Zander Ein 鋟遝rst fettes Exemplar eines Zanders. -27806 Karpfen Ein gro遝r, silberfarbener Fisch. -27807 Lachs Ein Fisch, der w鋒rend seiner Paarungszeit nach Hause zur點kkehrt. -27808 Graskarpfen Ein Karpfen, der sich gew鰄nlich von Gras ern鋒rt. -27809 Bachforelle Ein schillernder Fisch, der mit dem Lachs verwandt ist. -27810 Aal Ein langer, d黱ner Fisch, der einer Schlange 鋒nelt. Kraft und Ausdauer sind seine Markenzeichen. -27811 Regenbogenforelle Ein Fisch mit einem regenbogenfarbenen R點ken. -27812 Flussforelle Ein Swasserfisch, der in dieser Gegend sehr verbreitet ist. -27813 Rotfeder Ein schwarmlebender, r鰐lich schimmernder Fisch. -27814 Barsch Ein Fisch, der als 凥ai der Seen bekannt ist. -27815 Tenchi Eine Barbenart, die nur in sauberen Gew鋝sern lebt. -27816 Katzenfisch Ein Fisch mit charakteristisch gro遝m Maul und katzenartigen 凷chnurrhaaren. -27817 Schmerle Ein Fisch, der gew鰄nlich in seichten, schlammigen Gew鋝sern lebt. -27818 Lotusfisch Ein gro遝r Swasserfisch, der von Mischnahrung lebt. -27819 Ayu Ein dem Stint verwandter Fisch, der in K黶tenn鋒e und in M黱dungsgebieten lebt. -27820 Stint Ein Winterfisch, der meist beim Eisfischen gefangen wird. -27821 Shiri Ein elegant geformter Fisch in schillernden Farben. -27822 Spiegelkarpfen Eine einheimische Karpfenart. -27823 Goldfisch Ein selten vorkommender, golden gl鋘zender Fisch. -27833 Toter Zander Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27834 Toter Mandarinfisch Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27835 Toter gro遝r Zander Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27836 Toter Karpfen Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27837 Toter Lachs Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27838 Toter Graskarpfen Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27839 Tote Bachforelle Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27840 Toter Aal Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27841 Tote Regenbogenforelle Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27842 Tote Flussforelle Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27843 Tote Rotfeder Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27844 Toter Barsch Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27845 Toter Tenchi Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27846 Toter Katzenfisch Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27847 Tote Schmerle Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27848 Toter Lotusfisch Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27849 Toter Ayu Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27850 Toter Stint Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27851 Toter Shiri Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27852 Toter Spiegelkarpfen Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27853 Toter Goldfisch Dieser Fisch eignet sich hervorragend, um 黚er dem offenen Feuer gegrillt zu werden. -27863 Gegrillter Zander Stellt einige TP wieder her. -27864 Gegrillter Mandarinfisch Stellt einige MP wieder her. -27865 Gegrillter gr. Zander Stellt einige TP wieder her. -27866 Gegrillter Karpfen Erh鰄t f黵 eine bestimmte Zeit die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit. -27867 Gegrillter Lachs Stellt einige MP wieder her. -27868 Gegrillter Graskarpfen Erh鰄t f黵 eine bestimmte Zeit die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit. -27869 Gegrillte Bachforelle Stellt einen gro遝n teil der TP wieder her. -27870 Gegrillter Aal Erh鰄t deine St鋜ke f黵 eine bestimmte Zeit. -27871 Gegr. Regenbogenforelle Stellt viele MP wieder her. -27872 Gegrillte Flussforelle Stellt einige MP wieder her. -27873 Gegrillte Rotfeder Erh鰄t deine Beweglichkeit f黵 eine bestimmte Zeit. -27874 Gegrillter Barsch Entfernt negative Auswirkungen. -27875 Gegrillter Tenchi Stellt augenblicklich einige TP wieder her. -27876 Gegrillter Katzenfisch Stellt augenblicklich einige MP wieder her. -27877 Gegrillte Schmerle Macht dich unsichtbar. -27878 Gegrillter Lotusfisch Stellt augenblicklich einige TP wieder her. -27879 Gegrillter Ayu Durch die Zubereitung 黚er dem Feuer erh鋖t dieser Fisch einen angenehm-rauchigen Geschmack. -27880 Gegrillter Stint Durch die Zubereitung 黚er dem Feuer erh鋖t dieser Fisch einen angenehm-rauchigen Geschmack. -27881 Gegrillter Shiri Durch die Zubereitung 黚er dem Feuer erh鋖t dieser Fisch einen angenehm-rauchigen Geschmack. -27882 Gegr. Spiegelkarpfen Durch die Zubereitung 黚er dem Feuer erh鋖t dieser Fisch einen angenehm-rauchigen Geschmack. -27883 Gegrillter Goldfisch Durch die Zubereitung 黚er dem Feuer erh鋖t dieser Fisch einen angenehm-rauchigen Geschmack. -27987 Muschel Eine Muschel mit einer sch鰊en Schale. Sie kann eine kostbare Perle enthalten. -27988 Schatzkarte Eine abgegriffene Karte, auf welcher der Lagerort eines alten Schatzes verzeichnet ist. -27989 Kompass des Metinsteins Der Kompass weist dir durch die Intensit鋞 eines Richtungspfeils Lage und Entfernung des n鋍hsten Metin-Steins. Er kann 6 Mal aktiviert werden. -27990 Steinst點k Durch seine geringe Gr鲞e l鋝st sich dieses St點k leicht transportieren, kann aber dennoch vielseitig verwendet werden. -27991 Wasserstein Ein harter, grobk鰎niger Stein, der zum Schleifen von Waffen und K點henger鋞en verwendet wird. -27992 Wei遝 Perle Der schneewei遝 Schatz aus dem Inneren einer Muschel. -27993 Blaue Perle Ein prachtvoller, tiefblauer Schatz aus dem Inneren einer Muschel. -27994 Blutrote Perle Der lohfarbene Schatz aus dem Inneren einer Muschel. -27995 Leere Flasche Eine leere, aber durchaus intakte Flasche aus Glas. -27996 Giftflasche Eine Flasche mit t鰀lich wirkendem Gift. -27997 Lebenskraftkugel Eine Kugel, die einige deiner TP wiederherstellt. -27998 Alchemietasche Eine von Gebrauchsspuren gezeichnete Tasche, die Geheimnisse der Alchemie vor den Blicken Fremder verborgen h鋖t. -27999 Geiststeintasche Eine Gebrauchstasche, die m鰃licherweise jene Steine enth鋖t, mit denen man seine Gegenst鋘de verbessern kann. -29001 Jakobsmuschel Eine der gr鲞ten und schmackhaftesten Muscheln. Sie besitzt eine kammartige Schale. -29002 Blaue Jakobsmuschel Die Perlmuttschicht dieser Jakobsmuschel schimmert in unz鋒ligen, ineinander 黚ergehenden Blaut鰊en. -29003 Gelbe Jakobsmuschel Die Perlmuttschicht dieser Jakobsmuschel schimmert in unz鋒ligen, ineinander 黚ergehenden Gelbt鰊en. -29004 Rote Jakobsmuschel Die Perlmuttschicht dieser Jakobsmuschel schimmert in unz鋒ligen, ineinander 黚ergehenden Rott鰊en. -29005 Gr黱e Jakobsmuschel Die Perlmuttschicht dieser Jakobsmuschel schimmert in unz鋒ligen, ineinander 黚ergehenden Gr黱t鰊en. -29006 Gelber Weinstein Weinstein von eher dunkler Farbe. -29007 Blauer Weinstein Weinstein von eher dunkelblauer Farbe. -29008 Blaues heiliges Wasser Im Licht der Sonne schimmert die Oberfl鋍he dieses heiligen Wassers in einem sanften Blau. -29009 Gelbes heiliges Wasser Im Licht der Sonne schimmert die Oberfl鋍he dieses heiligen Wassers in einem sanften Gelb. -29010 Rotes heiliges Wasser Im Licht der Sonne schimmert die Oberfl鋍he dieses heiligen Wassers in einem sanften Rot. -29011 Gr黱es heiliges Wasser Im Licht der Sonne schimmert die Oberfl鋍he dieses heiligen Wassers in einem sanften Gr黱. -29012 Dunkelblaue Gotteshand Dunkelblaues heiliges Wasser. -29013 Dunkelgelbe Gotteshand Gelbes heiliges Wasser von dunkler Farbe. -29014 Purpurne Gotteshand Heiliges Wasser von dunkelroter Farbe. -29015 Dunkelgr黱e Gotteshand Heiliges Wasser von dunkelgr黱er Farbe. -30000 Gerste Eine h鋟fig angebaute Pflanze, die zur Herstellung von Bier und Nahrungsmitteln verwendet wird. -30001 Brief Ein mit gleichm溥iger Handschrift beschriebenes St點k Papier. -30002 Angebratene Wurst Ein w黵ziges Bratgericht mit einer schmackhaften Gem黶ebeilage. -30003 Schweinenase Der abgetrennte R黶sel eines Schweins. -30004 Keilerzahn Der stabile Eckzahn eines ausgewachsenen Keilers. -30005 St點k kaputte R黶tung Das herausgebrochene St點k einer Kampfr黶tung. -30006 Orkzahn Der gelblich-braune, 黚el riechende Zahn eines Orks. An den R鋘dern haften undefinierbare, verkrustete St點ke. -30007 Orkamulett Ein fremdartig gearbeitetes Amulett, das den Mut der Orks im Kampf n鋒rt. -30008 Esoterikfibel Ein Nachschlagewerk, das Anf鋘ger in die Kunst der Esoterik einf黨rt. -30009 Unbekannte Medizin Eine nach Kr鋟tern duftende Medizin, deren Zusammenstellung unbekannt ist. -30010 B鋜engalle B鋜engalle ist bekannt daf黵, den Geschmackssinn wieder zu beleben. -30011 Kn鋟el Ein seidiges, zusammengerolltes Kn鋟el aus F鋎en. -30012 Weinflasche In der Flasche befindet sich ein sehr aromatischer Wein. -30013 Alkoholkrug Ein Steinkrug, der zum Lagern von alkoholischen Getr鋘ken verwendet wird. -30014 Yetifell Das Fell des legend鋜en Yetis sch黷zt selbst gegen gro遝 K鋖te. -30015 D鋗onenandenken Das d黶tere, K鋖te verstr鰉ende Andenken eines D鋗ons. -30016 D鋗onenedelstein Ein Edelstein, der daf黵 bekannt ist, dass die Seelen der Toten in ihm wohnen. -30017 Schm點kende Haarnadel Die fein gearbeitete, mit filigranen Mustern verzierte Haarnadel einer Frau. -30018 Rotes Haarband Ein elegantes Band zur schm點kenden Zierde von Damenfrisuren. -30019 Flammenm鋒ne Flammenm鋒nenfaden wird verwendet, um Winterkleidung herzustellen. -30020 Pfirsichsamen Die Samen werden seit jeher f黵 eine gesunde Haut verwendet. -30021 St點k Edelstein Ein zerschlagener Edelstein, der durch eine Waffe aus 鋟遝rst hartem Material gespalten wurde. -30022 Schlangenschwanz Der schuppige, in mehreren Farben schillernde hintere Teil einer Schlange. -30023 Wei遝s Tigerfell Das unter Sammlern als 鋟遝rst wertvoll gesch鋞zte Tierfell. -30024 Pferdeschwanz Der Schweif eines Pferdes kann zur Herstellung qualitativ hochwertiger Gegenst鋘de wie B黵sten, H黷e und Seile verwendet werden. -30025 Spinnen-Giftsack Der mit Gift gef黮lte Sack am K鰎per einer Spinne. -30026 Wolfsdarm Wird f黵 die Herstellung von W黵sten, ein im Reich ber黨mtes Nahrungsmittel, ben鰐igt. -30027 Wolfsfell Die dicksten Haare eines Wolfes werden zur Herstellung von Striegeln und B黵sten verwendet. -30028 Wolfskralle Die scharfen Krallen eines Wolfs werden zur Herstellung von Accessoires verwendet. -30029 Wolfsleber Wird f黵 die Herstellung von W黵sten, ein im Reich ber黨mtes Nahrungsmittel, ben鰐igt. -30030 Rostige Degenklinge Diese Klinge eines Degens hat auch schon einmal bessere Zeiten gesehen. -30031 Schmuckgegenstand Ein unter M鋎chen beliebter Schmuck mit Ornamentverzierungen. -30032 Schwarze Uniform Eine abgetragene schwarze Uniform. -30033 Zerbrochenes Porzellan Wertvolles Porzellan der Region, das in St點ke zerbrochen ist. -30034 Wei遝s Haarband Ein elegantes Band zur schm點kenden Zierde von Damenfrisuren. -30035 Gesichtscreme Frauen verwenden sie, um ihre Haut zu verw鰄nen. -30036 Geheimnisvolles Kraut Ein im Reich legend鋜es Kraut mit wundersamer Wirkung. -30037 Tigerkralle Die Kralle eines Tigers kann ein Accessoire sein, das die Tapferkeit seines Tr鋑ers beweist. -30038 Tigerfell Ein unter Sammlern sehr beliebtes Tierfell. -30039 St點k Gewebe Gewebe, das zum Abdecken und zum Schutz einer Wunde verwendet wird. -30040 Blatt Blatt einer unbekannten Pflanze. -30041 Shuriken Eine handliche Wurfwaffe, die von Ninjakriegern verwendet wird. -30042 Fangzahn eines Tigers Der stabile, gl鋘zende Reiszahn dieser Raubkatze. -30043 Bohne Eine in vielen K點hen verwendete Zutat. -30044 Lehm Ein Material, das zur Herstellung von Porzellan verwendet wird. -30045 Skorpionnadel Eine Nadel, die mit t鰀lichem Skorpiongift versehen ist. -30046 Skorpionschwanz Der Schwanz eines Skorpions, der mit einem gef鋒rlichen Giftstachel versehen ist. -30047 Fluchsammlung Ein esoterisches Buch, in dem einiges 黚er Fl點he geschrieben steht. -30048 Eisst點k Ein Klumpen gefrorenes Wasser, der stetig K鋖te entsendet. -30049 Eiskillerwal-Horn Das Horn wird als wertvolles Material f黵 Bildhauer gehandelt. -30050 Eiskugel Eine wei glitzernde Kugel, die vor K鋖te in der Luft dampft. Hei遝s Wasser vermag sie nicht zu schmelzen. -30051 Unbekannter Talisman Ein fremdartig wirkendes Amulett, das nur von Esoterikern gelesen werden kann. -30052 Flagge Eine Flagge, um die Truppen Wilder zu markieren. -30053 B鋜enfu遠aut Dieses Nahrungsmittel wird von vielen Leuten konsumiert, um die k鰎perliche Ausdauer zu unterst黷zen. -30054 Ehering Der einzige Ring, den man bis zum Ende seiner Tage am Finger tr鋑t. -30055 Skorpionschere Die robust wirkende Schere vom Fangarm eines Skorpions. -30056 Spinnennetz Ein filigranes Konstrukt aus feinen Seidenf鋎en. -30057 Spinnenaugen Bei Sammlern 鋟遝rst beliebte Facettenaugen. -30058 Spinnen-Eiersack Wird als Zaubermittel von Frauen verwendet, die keine Kinder haben. -30059 Spinnenbeine Schamanen verwenden die haarigen Beine von Spinnen bei ihrer Arbeit. -30060 Froschzunge Eine klebrige, 鋟遝rst elastische Zunge. -30061 Froschschenkel Eine exotische Delikatesse, deren Geschmack an den junger H黨nchen erinnert. -30062 Medizinsch黶sel Eine helle Sch黶sel mit glatter Oberfl鋍he, die von Apothekern verwendet wird. -30063 Hautmedizin Eine Medizin, die gegen einen Gro遲eil der bekannten Hautkrankheiten eingesetzt werden kann. -30064 Scharfer Stein Ein spitz zugearbeiteter Stein, der zum Herstellen einer Pfeilspitze verwendet wird. -30065 Glocke Eine Glocke aus Wei遙ronze, deren Pendel einen angenehmen Ton erzeugt. -30066 Scharfer Pfeffer Die getrockneten Fr點hte der Pfefferpflanze, die einen hohen Sch鋜fegrad besitzen. -30067 Schlangenhaut Die schuppig wirkende, schillernde Haut einer Schlange. -30068 Tofusteak Ein wohlschmeckendes Gericht aus mariniertem Bohnenquark. -30069 Wolfskralle+ Die scharfe Kralle eines Wolfs, die zur Herstellung von Accessoires verwendet werden kann. -30070 Wolfsfell+ Die dicksten Haare eines Wolfes werden zur Herstellung von Striegeln und B黵sten verwendet. -30071 B鋜engalle+ B鋜engalle ist bekannt daf黵, den Geschmackssinn wieder zu beleben. -30072 B鋜enfu遠aut+ Dieses Nahrungsmittel wird von vielen Leuten konsumiert, um die k鰎perliche Ausdauer zu unterst黷zen. -30073 Wei遝s Haarband+ Ein elegantes Band zur schm點kenden Zierde von Damenfrisuren. -30074 Schwarze Uniform+ Eine abgetragene schwarze Uniform. -30075 Shuriken+ Eine handliche Wurfwaffe, die von Ninjakriegern verwendet wird. -30076 Orkamulett+ Ein fremdartig gearbeitetes Amulett, das den Mut der Orks im Kampf n鋒rt. -30077 Orkzahn+ Der gelblich-braune, 黚el riechende Zahn eines Orks. An den R鋘dern haften undefinierbare, verkrustete St點ke. -30078 Esoterikfibel+ Ein Nachschlagewerk, das Anf鋘ger in die Kunst der Esoterik einf黨rt. -30079 Unbekannter Talisman+ Ein fremdartig wirkendes Amulett, das nur von Esoterikern gelesen werden kann. -30080 Fluchsammlung+ Ein esoterisches Buch, in dem einiges 黚er Fl點he geschrieben steht. -30081 Skorpionschwanz+ Der Schwanz eines Skorpions, der mit einem gef鋒rlichen Giftstachel versehen ist. -30082 Schlangenschwanz+ Der schuppige, in mehreren Farben schillernde hintere Teil einer Schlange. -30083 Unbekannte Medizin+ Eine nach Kr鋟tern duftende Medizin, deren Zusammenstellung unbekannt ist. -30084 Unbekannter Talisman+ Ein fremdartig wirkendes Amulett, das nur von Esoterikern gelesen werden kann. -30085 St點k Gewebe+ Gewebe, das zum Abdecken und zum Schutz einer Wunde verwendet wird. -30086 D鋗onenandenken+ Das d黶tere, K鋖te verstr鰉ende Andenken eines D鋗ons. -30087 D鋗onenedelstein+ Ein Edelstein, der daf黵 bekannt ist, dass die Seelen der Toten in ihm wohnen. -30088 Eisst點k+ Ein Klumpen gefrorenes Wasser, der stetig K鋖te entsendet. -30089 Yetifell+ Das Fell des legend鋜en Yetis sch黷zt selbst gegen gro遝 K鋖te. -30090 Eiskugel+ Eine wei glitzernde Kugel, die vor K鋖te in der Luft dampft. Hei遝s Wasser vermag sie nicht zu schmelzen. -30091 Kriegersymbol Das Symbol, das die legend鋜en Krieger des Landes auszeichnet. -30092 Kriegsbeute Der materielle Lohn einer Schlacht oder eines Eroberungszuges. -30093 Gl點kstasche Eine Seidentasche, die wertvolle Gegenst鋘de enth鋖t. -30094 Gl點kstasche Eine Seidentasche, die wertvolle Gegenst鋘de enth鋖t. -30095 Gl點kstasche Eine Seidentasche, die wertvolle Gegenst鋘de enth鋖t. -30096 Gl點kstasche Eine Seidentasche, die wertvolle Gegenst鋘de enth鋖t. -30129 Auftrag vom Reiter Ein offizielles Auftragsdokument des Milit鋜s. -30130 Leere Flasche Eine leere, aber durchaus intakte Flasche aus Glas. -30131 Brief vom Schmied Ein Brief vom Freund des Schmieds. -30132 Uriels Buch Eines von Uriels Lieblingswerken. Es tr鋑t den Titel "Das Geheimis des dunklen Tempels". -30133 Blumenschuhe H黚sche, bequem wirkende Frauenschuhe. -30134 Uriels P鋍kchen Ein aus mehreren B點hern zusammengeschn黵tes B黱del. -30135 Ariyoungs Brief Ein Brief an Ah-Yu. Er tr鋑t Ariyoungs klare, gleichm溥ige Handschrift. -30136 Verzierter Bogen Ein wundersch鰊er Bogen, der aus dem Horn eines Tieres geschnitzt wurde. -30137 Affenblut Das dunkelrote Blut eines Affen. Es besitzt einen bei遝nden, leicht fauligen Geruch. -30138 W黶tensand Dieser Sand wird als Medizin f黵 die Heilung verschiedener Krankheiten benutzt. -30139 Ork Backenzahn Backenzahn eines Orks - er wird als Talisman benutzt. -30140 N鋒garn Das stabile Garn wird nicht nur benutzt, um Kleidung zu flicken - es werden auch Halsketten daraus hergestellt. -30141 Schmuckst點k Eine edle Kostbarkeit, deren eingearbeiteten Steine wie Feuer in der Sonne funkeln. -30142 Brief Man kann die k黨n geschwungene Schrift auf dem Brief nicht entziffern. -30143 Medizinische Kr鋟ter Eine Sammlung von getrockneten, fein gehackten Heilkr鋟tern. -30144 Leber eines Tigers Die rotbraune, handgro遝 Leber einer ausgewachsenen Raubkatze. -30145 Balsos Medizin Ein unscheinbar wirkendes Mittel, das jedoch eine starke Wirkung besitzt. -30146 Klumpen Eis Ein unregelm溥ig geformter Brocken Eis. -30147 Tempellehre Ein Buch, das detaillierte Informationen 黚er den dunklen Tempel enth鋖t. -30148 Tempelschal Ein fein gewebter Schal, den man zum Beten benutzt. -30149 Eis mit Sirup Eine mit Sirup verfeinerte, se Nachspeise, die besonders im Sommer angenehme Erfrischung bringt. -30150 Tagebuchseite Die Seite eines Tagebuchs, das zu Zeiten der alten Dynastien geschrieben wurde. -30151 Wolfspelz St點ke des Fells werden in den Haushalten h鋟fig als Staubwedel genutzt. -30152 Medizin Die Zusammensetzung dieses Mittels ist nicht genau bekannt, es vermag jedoch mitunter ungew鰄nliche Krankheiten zu heilen. -30153 Blumen Der Geruch dieser seltenen Bl黷en erinnern an etwas, das weit in der Vergangenheit liegt. -30154 Geheimes Tempelbuch Das wertvolle Buch enth鋖t die Analyse der Lehre und der Geschichte des geheimes Tempel. -30155 Mirines Anh鋘ger Ein Anh鋘ger f黵 eine Halskette. Auf seiner R點kseite ist der Name "Mirine" eingraviert. -30156 Geheimes Tempelbuch Das wertvolle Buch enth鋖t die Analyse der Lehre und der Geschichte des geheimes Tempel. -30210 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30211 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30212 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30213 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30214 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30215 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30216 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30217 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30218 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30219 Edelsteinst點k Ein kristallklarer Stein, auf dem das Licht in vielen kleinen Funken spielt. -30220 Jinunggyis Seelenstein Ein legend鋜er Stein, der die Seele eines Jinung Adeligen birgt. -30221 Tempel Seelenstein Ein legend鋜er Stein, der die Seele eines Tempelanh鋘gers birgt. -30222 Sagyis Seelenstein Ein legend鋜er Stein, der die Seele eines Sagyis Adeligen birgt. -30223 Aurtumryus Seelenstein Ein legend鋜er Stein, der die Seele eines Aurtumryus Adeligen birgt. -30224 Gyimoks Seelenstein Ein legend鋜er Stein, der die Seele eines Gyimoks Adeligen birgt. -30225 Tugyis Seelenstein Ein legend鋜er Stein, der die Seele eines Tugyis Adeligen birgt. -50001 Gl點ksbuch Ein Buch mit Gl點kszahlen. Die Lotterie wird von der Regierung durchgef黨rt. -50002 Goldring Ein einfacher Goldring, der im Verkauf einen hohen Preis erzielen kann. -50003 Fertigkeitszur點ksetzung Erm鰃licht es, die aktuellen Fertigkeiten zugunsten neuer zur點k zu setzen. -50004 Ereignis-Detektor Dieser Gegenstand zeigt an, wo die n鋍hste Aufgabe zu finden ist. -50005 Reitkarte (PM) Diese Karte kann beim Stallburschen gegen eine Pferdemedaille eingetauscht werden. -50006 Goldene Schatztruhe Eine reichhaltig mit goldenen Ornamenten verzierte Truhe, die mit einem goldenen Schl黶sel ge鰂fnet werden kann. -50007 Silberne Schatztruhe Eine reichhaltig mit silbernen Ornamenten verzierte Truhe, die mit einem silbernen Schl黶sel ge鰂fnet werden kann. -50008 Goldener Schl黶sel Mit diesem Schl黶sel aus reinem Gold kann die goldene Schatztruhe sowie die goldene Schatztruhe+ ge鰂fnet werden. -50009 Silberner Schl黶sel Mit diesem Schl黶sel aus reinem Silber kann die silberne Schatztruhe sowie die silberne Schatztruhe+ ge鰂fnet werden. -50010 Socke Eine aus fester Schafswolle angefertigte, warme Socke. -50011 Mondlicht-Schatztruhe Ein M鯾elst點k mit reichhaltiger, eindrucksvoller Verzierung. Wenn Mondlicht auf diese Truhe f鋖lt, geschehen 黚ernat黵liche Dinge. -50012 Goldene Schatztruhe+ Eine reichhaltig mit goldenen Ornamenten verzierte Truhe, die mit einem goldenen Schl黶sel ge鰂fnet werden kann. -50013 Silberne Schatztruhe+ Eine reichhaltig mit silbernen Ornamenten verzierte Truhe, die mit einem silbernen Schl黶sel ge鰂fnet werden kann. -50016 Bohnenpaste Zutat f黵 einen traditionellen Bohnenkuchen. -50017 Zuckerpaste Zutat f黵 einen traditionellen Zuckerkuchen. -50018 Obstpaste Zutat f黵 einen traditionellen Obstkuchen. -50019 Ser Reis Zutat f黵 einen traditionellen Kuchen. -50020 Bohnenkuchen Ein traditioneller Kuchen, der die gesamten TP wiederherstellt. -50021 Zuckerkuchen Ein traditioneller Kuchen, der die gesamten MP wiederherstellt. -50022 Obstkuchen Ein traditioneller Kuchen, der die gesamte Ausdauer wiederherstellt. -50023 Geldtasche Der Umschlag enth鋖t etwas Zuschuss zum neuen Jahr. -50024 Rose Eine Blume, mit der oftmals auf romantische Weise Zuneigung bekundet werden kann. Nur weibliche Charaktere k鰊nen sie verwenden. -50025 Schokolade Eine Sigkeit aus Kakao, Milch, Butter und Zucker. Schokolade wird oftmals als kleines Geschenk der Zuneigung 黚erreicht. Nur m鋘nliche Charaktere k鰊nen sie verwenden. -50027 Lotterielos Leider handelt es sich bei diesem Los um eine Niete - es bringt kein Gl點k. -50031 Rose Eine Blume, mit der oftmals auf romantische Weise Zuneigung bekundet werden kann. Nur weibliche Charaktere k鰊nen sie verwenden. -50032 Bonbon Eine beliebte Sigkeit, die oftmals als kleines Geschenk der Zuneigung 黚erreicht wird. Nur weibliche Charaktere k鰊nen sie verwenden. -50033 Geheimnisvolle Truhe Eine Truhe mit einer fremdartigen Gravur, die einem Buchstaben gleicht. Wenn sie ge鰂fnet wird, springt etwas hervor. -50034 R鋞selhafte Truhe Diese Truhe enth鋖t eine bisher ungel鰏te Aufgabe. -50035 Geschenk (gelb) Ein in feines Papier eingeschlagenes Geschenk. -50036 Geschenk (violett) Ein in feines Papier eingeschlagenes Geschenk. -50037 Sechseckige Schatztruhe Eine in feines Papier eingeschlagene Box. Wenn man sie sch黷telt, rappelt es im Inneren. -50050 Pferdemedaille Der Stallbursche ben鰐igt diese Medaille, um das Ergebnis der Qualifikationspr黤ung dort einzutragen. -50051 Pferdebild Sobald du die Qualifikationspr黤ung beim Stallburschen bestanden hast, erm鰃licht dir diese Lizenz, dein Pferd zu rufen. -50052 Waffen-Pferdebuch Sobald du die Qualifikationspr黤ung der Fortgeschrittenen beim Stallburschen bestanden hast, erm鰃licht dir diese Lizenz, dein Pferd zu rufen. -50053 Milit鋜-Pferdebuch Sobald du die Qualifikationspr黤ung der Profis beim Stallburschen bestanden hast, erm鰃licht dir diese Lizenz, dein Pferd zu rufen. -50054 Heu Getrocknete Gr鋝er f黵 die F黷terung eines Anf鋘gerpferdes. -50055 Karotte Das g鋘gige Futter der Pferde, die l鋘gere Strecken zur點klegen m黶sen. -50056 Roter Ginseng Dieser mit hei遝m Wasserdampf behandelter Ginseng ist das ideale Futter f黵 erfahrene Kriegspferde. -50057 Kraut der leichten Affen Ein legend鋜es Kraut, mit dem Anf鋘ger ihr Pferd wiederbeleben k鰊nen. Um an die Pflanzen zu gelangen, muss man an den Affen im Anf鋘gerdungeon vorbeikommen. -50058 Kraut d. normalen Affen Ein legend鋜es Kraut, mit dem Fortgeschrittene ihr Pferd wiederbeleben k鰊nen. Um an die Pflanzen zu gelangen, muss man an den Affen im mittleren Dungeon vorbeikommen. -50059 Kraut d. schweren Affen Ein legend鋜es Kraut, mit dem Profis ihr Pferd wiederbeleben k鰊nen. Um an die Pflanzen zu gelangen, muss man an den Affen im Expertendungeon vorbeikommen. -50060 Buch der Reitkunst Das erfolgreiche Lesen dieses Buches erm鰃licht die Steigerung deiner Reitf鋒igkeiten. Nach dem Lesen verschwindet das Buch. -50070 Oberork-Truhe Die Truhe des Orkh鋟ptlings. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50071 Truhe dunkler Anf黨rer Die Truhe des dunklen Anf黨rers. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50072 Truhe Geist-Anf黨rer Die Truhe des Geist-Anf黨rers. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50073 K鰊igsspinnentruhe Die Truhe der K鰊igsspinne. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50074 Riesenspinnentruhe Die Truhe der Riesenspinne. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50075 Truhe des Plagetr鋑ers Die Truhe des Plagetr鋑ers. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50076 Truhe W黶tenschildkr鰐e Die Truhe der Riesenw黶tenschildkr鰐e. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50077 Neunschwanztruhe Die Truhe des Neunschwanzes. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50078 Truhe des gelben Tigers Die Truhe des gelben Tigergeistes. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50079 Flammenk鰊igtruhe Die Truhe des Flammenk鰊igs. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50080 Truhe des roten Drachen Die Truhe des roten Drachen. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50081 D鋗onenk鰊igtruhe Die Truhe des D鋗onenk鰊igs. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50082 Sensenmanntruhe Die Truhe des Sensenmanns. Das schwere Schloss weist darauf hin, dass sie etwas Wertvolles enthalten muss. -50083 Reitkarte Du kannst f黵 einige Zeit ein Pony reiten, wenn du die Karte einem Stallburschen zeigst. -50084 Schl黶selstein Diesen Stein umgibt eine energiegeladene Aura. Er wirkt gegen Magie. -50091 Goldfisch-Sushi Eine beliebte Spezialit鋞 aus rohem Goldfisch und erkaltetem Reis, die in kleinen St點ken angeboten wird. -50092 Karpfen-Sushi Eine beliebte Spezialit鋞 aus rohem Karpfen und erkaltetem Reis, die in kleinen St點ken angeboten wird. -50093 Lachs-Sushi Eine beliebte Spezialit鋞 aus rohem Lachs und erkaltetem Reis, die in kleinen St點ken angeboten wird. -50094 Katzenfisch-Sushi Eine beliebte Spezialit鋞 aus rohem Katzenfisch und erkaltetem Reis, die in kleinen St點ken angeboten wird. -50100 Feuerwerk Erleuchtet den Himmel w鋒rend eines Festivals violett. -50101 Feuerwerk Erleuchtet den Himmel w鋒rend eines Festivals gelb. -50102 Feuerwerk Erleuchtet den Himmel w鋒rend eines Festivals blau. -50103 Feuerwerk Erleuchtet den Himmel w鋒rend eines Festivals rot. -50104 Feuerwerk Erleuchtet den Himmel w鋒rend eines Festivals gr黱. -50105 Feuerwerk Erleuchtet den Himmel w鋒rend eines Festivals wei. -50106 Weihnachtsfeuerwerk Dieses Festfeuerwerk ist nicht nur farbenpr鋍htiger, sondern brennt auch l鋘ger als ein normales. -50108 Feuerwerkskreisel Ein Bodenfeuerwerk, das goldene und silberne Funken verspr黨t. -50200 B黱del Dieses B黱del erm鰃licht es, einen privaten Laden zu er鰂fnen. -50300 Fertigkeitsbuch Erh鰄t den Level der Meisterfertigkeit. -50301 Sun-zi-Kriegskunst Das erste der drei B點her der Kriegsstrategie - es verst鋜kt die F黨rungskraft seines Besitzers. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50302 Wu-zi-Kriegskunst Das zweite der drei B點her der Kriegsstrategie - es verst鋜kt die F黨rungskraft seines Besitzers. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50303 WeiLiao-zi Kriegskunst Das dritte der drei B點her der Kriegsstrategie - es verst鋜kt die F黨rungskraft seines Besitzers. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50304 Combobeherrschung Dieses Buch der Taktikstrategien wird f黵 das Training von Combos herangezogen. Es verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50305 Combomeisterbuch Dieses Buch der Taktikstrategien wird f黵 das Training fortgeschrittener Combos herangezogen. Es verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50306 Hohe Combokunst Dieses Buch der Taktik-Meisterstrategien wird f黵 das Training von Combos herangezogen. Es verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50307 Missionsbuch (leicht) Enth鋖t eine leichte Aufgabe, die bei erfolgreichem Abschluss belohnt wird. -50308 Missionsbuch (normal) Enth鋖t eine normale Aufgabe, die bei erfolgreichem Abschluss belohnt wird. -50309 Missionsbuch (schwer) Enth鋖t eine schwere Aufgabe, die bei erfolgreichem Abschluss belohnt wird. -50310 Missionsbuch (Experte) Das in braunes Leder gebundene Werk enth鋖t eine Mission, die nur von den Erfahrenen des Landes gel鰏t werden kann. -50311 Shinsoo-Sprachen Dieses Werk aus gebundenem Seidenpapier erm鰃licht das Lernen der Shinsoo-Sprache. -50312 Chunjo-Sprachen Dieses Werk aus gebundenem Seidenpapier erm鰃licht das Lernen der Chunjo-Sprache. -50313 Jinno-Sprachen Dieses Werk aus gebundenem Seidenpapier erm鰃licht das Lernen der Jinno-Sprache. -50314 Buch der Verwandlung Das erfolgreiche Studium des Buches erh鰄t die Verwandlungsfertigkeit. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50315 Buch fort. Verwandlung Das erfolgreiche Lesen dieses Buches erm鰃licht die Steigerung deiner Verwandlungsfertigkeit. Nach dem Lesen verschwindet das Buch. -50316 Buch exp. Verwandlung Das erfolgreiche Studium des Buches erh鰄t die Verwandlungsfertigkeit. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50322 Umwandlungsrolle -50401 Dreiwege-Schnittbuch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Dreiwege-Schnitt zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50402 Schwertwirbelbuch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Schwertwirbel zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50403 Buch Kampfrausch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Kampfrausch zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50404 Schwertaura-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Aura des Schwertes zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50405 Buch des Sausens Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Sausen zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50416 Buch Durchschlag Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Durchschlag zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50417 Buch d. heftigen Schlags Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den heftigen Schlag zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50418 Buch des Stampfens Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Stampfen zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50419 Buch d. starken K鰎pers Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den starken K鰎per zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50420 Schwertschlag-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Schwertschlag zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50431 Hinterhalt-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Hinterhalt zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50432 Blitzangriff-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Blitzangriff zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50433 Degenwirbel-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Degenwirbel zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50434 Tarn-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Tarnen zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50435 Giftwolken-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die Giftwolke zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50446 Schussfolgenbuch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den wiederholten Schuss zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50447 Pfeilregen-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Pfeilregen zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50448 Feuerpfeil-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die Feuerpfeile zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50449 Buch federleichter Gang Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den federleichten Gang zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50450 Giftpfeil-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Giftpfeil zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50461 Fingerschlag-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Fingerschlag zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50462 Drachenwirbel-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Drachenwirbel zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50463 Buch verzauberte Klinge Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die verzauberte Klinge zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50464 Furcht-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die Furcht zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50465 Buch verzaub. R黶tung Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die verzauberte R黶tung zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50466 Zauberaufhebungs-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Aufheben eines Zaubers zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50476 Buch d. dunklen Schlags Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den dunklen Schlag zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50477 Flammenschlag-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Flammenschlag zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50478 Buch der Geistflamme Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Geist der Flamme zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50479 Buch d. dunklen Schutzes Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den dunklen Schutz zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50480 Geistschlag-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Geistschlag zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50481 Buch des dunklen Steins Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den dunklen Stein zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50491 Buch d. flieg. Talismans Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den fliegenden Talisman zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50492 Buch d. Drachenschie遝ns Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Drachenschie遝n zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50493 Drachengebr黮l-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Drachengebr黮l zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50494 Buch des Segnens Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Segnen zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50495 Buch des Reflektierens Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Reflektieren zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50496 Drachenhilfe-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die Hilfe des Drachen zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50506 Blitzwurf-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die den Blitzwurf zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50507 Buch von Blitzen Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, das Beschw鰎en von Blitzen zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50508 Blitzkrallen-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die Blitzkralle zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50509 Buch des Heilens Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die F鋒igkeiten der Heilung zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50510 Buch der Schnelligkeit Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die F鋒igkeit der Geschwindigkeit zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50511 Buch des Angriffs Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, den Angriff zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50512 Regenbogenstein Ein Stein, der die spirituelle Wahrnehmung 鰂fnet und alle Fertigkeiten enth黮lt. -50513 Seelenstein Der legend鋜e Stein, der verwendet wird, um die Gro適eisterfertigkeiten zu erh鰄en. | Der Stein verschwindet nach dem Benutzen. -50600 Bergbau-Buch Die Lekt黵e dieses Buches erm鰃licht es, die Kenntnisse im Bergbau zu meistern. Das Buch verschwindet nach dem Lesen. -50601 Diamantstein Durch Verwendung des Diamantenofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Stein ein Diamant hergestellt werden. -50602 Bernstein Durch Verwendung des Bernsteinofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Rohstein ein goldener Schmuck-Bernstein hergestellt werden. -50603 Fossiler Stamm Durch Verwendung des Fossilholzofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Stamm Fossilholz hergestellt werden. -50604 Kupfererz Durch Verwendung des Kupferofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz Kupfer hergestellt werden. -50605 Silbererz Durch Verwendung des Silberofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz Silber hergestellt werden. -50606 Golderz Durch Verwendung des Goldofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz Gold hergestellt werden. -50607 Jadeerz Durch Verwendung des Jadeofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz Jade hergestellt werden. -50608 Ebenholzerz Durch Verwendung des Ebenholzofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz Ebenholz hergestellt werden. -50609 St點k Perle Durch Verwendung des Perlenofens der Gilde kann aus diesem St點k eine Perle hergestellt werden. -50610 Wei遟olderz Durch Verwendung des Wei遟oldofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz Wei遟old hergestellt werden. -50611 Kristallerz Durch Verwendung des Kristallofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz ein Kristall hergestellt werden. -50612 Amethysterz Durch Verwendung des Amethystofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz ein Amethyst hergestellt werden. -50613 Himmelstr鋘enerz Durch Verwendung des Himmelstr鋘enofens der Gilde kann aus diesem Erz eine Himmelst鋘e hergestellt werden. -50621 Diamant Der h鋜teste bekannte Edelstein, der in ein Schmuckst點k eingearbeitet werden kann. -50622 Bernstein Ein klarer Schmuckstein aus fossilem Harz, der oftmals honig- oder goldfarben gl鋘zt. -50623 Fossilholz Ein wertvolles Holz, das Schmuckgegenst鋘den eine hohe Stabilit鋞 verleihen kann. -50624 Kupfer Ein gut formbares Edelmetall, aus dem Schmuck erstellt oder M黱zen gepr鋑t werden k鰊nen. Es wird zudem f黵 die Bronzeherstellung ben鰐igt. -50625 Silber Ein hell schimmerndes Edelmetall, das zur Herstellung von Schmuckgegenst鋘den verwendet wird. -50626 Gold Das warm schimmernde, edle Metall z鋒lt zu den ersten, die von Menschen verarbeitet wurden. Noch heute ist es bei der Schmuckherstellung beliebt. -50627 Jade Ein wertvolles Mineral, das bereits seit 黚er 5000 Jahren genutzt wird. Es ist bei der Schmuckerstellung sehr beliebt. -50628 Ebenholz Das schwarze, sehr harte Holz geh鰎t zu den wertvollsten Holzarten. Es wird oftmals bei der Schmuckherstellung verwendet. -50629 Perle Eine sanft schillernde Sch鰊heit aus Perlmutt, oftmals die Zierde von Schmuckgegenst鋘den. -50630 Wei遟old Eine stabile, wei get鰊te Goldlegierung, die bei der Herstellung von Schmuckgegenst鋘den 鋟遝rst beliebt ist. -50631 Kristall Sehr harte Steine aus kristallinem Quarz, die in unterschiedlichen Farben auftreten k鰊nen. Sie werden oft zur Schmuckherstellung verwendet. -50632 Amethyst Ein beliebter Quarz, der in unterschiedlichen Violettt鰊en auftreten kann. Er ist in der Schmuckherstellung 鋟遝rst beliebt. -50633 Himmelstr鋘e Zu kleinen Kristallen erstarrte Regentropfen. Sie k鰊nen bei der Schmuckherstellung verwendet werden. -50701 Pfirsichbl黷e Fr黨er wurden Pfirsichblumen verwendet, um Hautcreme herzustellen. Forschung -50702 Glockenblume Diese weit verbreitete Blume ist sehr wirksam gegen Husten und Erk鋖tung. Forschung -50703 Kakibl黷e Der Sage nach werden Frauen einen Sohn geb鋜en, wenn sie sich mit Kakibl黷en schm點ken. Forschung -50704 Gango-Wurzel Die Wurzel st鋜kt das Immunsystem und somit die Widerstandskraft des K鰎pers. Forschung -50705 Flieder Die Pflanze steigert die menschliche Konzentrationsf鋒igkeit sowie die Ged鋍htnisleistung. Forschung -50706 Tue-Pilz Dieser Pilz wird nur selten in der Heilmedizin benutzt. Man sagt, er helfe gegen Schlaflosigkeit. Forschung -50707 Alpenrose Die kr鋐tig leuchtenden Bl黷en dieser Pflanze st鋜ken das Immunsystem. Forschung -50708 Maulbeeren Die Fr點hte der sommergr黱en B鋟me wirken kr鋐tigend und anregend auf den Organismus. Forschung -50709 L鰓enzahn Die wohlschmeckenden Pflanzen wurden fr黨er bei Augenkrankheiten verwendet. Heute setzt man sie gegen Halsschmerzen ein. Forschung -50710 Distel Die mit Dornen bewehrte Pflanze unterst黷zt den Knochenbau. Forschung -50711 Dattel Die aromatische Frucht der Dattelpalme z鋒lt in vielen Gegenden zu den grundlegenden Nahrungsmitteln. Forschung -50712 Sam-Zi Pflanze Bei fachkundiger Zubereitung kann aus dieser Pflanze ein st鋜kender Trank gewonnen werden. Forschung -50721 Pfirsichbl黷e Fr黨er wurden Pfirsichblumen verwendet, um Hautcreme herzustellen. Trankherstellung -50722 Glockenblume Diese weit verbreitete Blume ist sehr wirksam gegen Husten und Erk鋖tung. Trankherstellung -50723 Kakibl黷e Der Sage nach werden Frauen einen Sohn geb鋜en, wenn sie sich mit Kakibl黷en schm點ken. Trankherstellung -50724 Gango-Wurzel Die Wurzel st鋜kt das Immunsystem und somit die Widerstandskraft des K鰎pers. Trankherstellung -50725 Flieder Die Pflanze steigert die menschliche Konzentrationsf鋒igkeit sowie die Ged鋍htnisleistung. Trankherstellung -50726 Tue-Pilz Dieser Pilz wird nur selten in der Heilmedizin benutzt. Man sagt, er helfe gegen Schlaflosigkeit. Trankherstellung -50727 Alpenrose Die kr鋐tig leuchtenden Bl黷en dieser Pflanze st鋜ken das Immunsystem. Trankherstellung -50728 Maulbeeren Die Fr點hte der sommergr黱en B鋟me wirken kr鋐tigend und anregend auf den Organismus. Trankherstellung -50729 L鰓enzahn Die wohlschmeckenden Pflanzen wurden fr黨er bei Augenkrankheiten verwendet. Heute setzt man sie gegen Halsschmerzen ein. Trankherstellung -50730 Distel Die mit Dornen bewehrte Pflanze unterst黷zt den Knochenbau. Trankherstellung -50731 Dattel Die aromatische Frucht der Dattelpalme z鋒lt in vielen Gegenden zu den grundlegenden Nahrungsmitteln. Trankherstellung -50732 Sam-Zi Pflanze Bei fachkundiger Zubereitung kann aus dieser Pflanze ein st鋜kender Trank gewonnen werden. Trankherstellung -50801 Pfirsichbl黷ensaft Der aus Pfirsichbl黷en gewonnene Saft unterst黷zt die k鰎perliche Leistungsf鋒igkeit. -50802 Glockenblumensaft Der aus Glockenblumen gewonnene Saft st鋜kt die Konstitution. -50803 Kakibl黷ensaft Der aus Kakibl黷en gewonnene Saft st鋜kt die Konzentration. -50804 Gango-Wurzelsaft Der aus Gango-Wurzeln gewonnene Saft unterst黷zt die Heilung leichter Wunden. -50805 Fliedersaft Der aus Fliederbl黷en gewonnene Saft st鋜kt die Ged鋍htnisleistung. -50806 Tue-Pilzharz Das aus Tue-Pilzen gewonnene Harz wirkt schlaff鰎dernd. -50807 Alpenrosensaft Der aus Alpenrosen gewonnene Saft st鋜kt das Immunsystem. -50808 Maulbeersaft Der aus Maulbeeren gewonnene Saft wirkt anregend auf den Organismus. -50809 L鰓enzahnsaft Der aus L鰓enzahnbl黷en gewonnene Saft wehrt Erk鋖tungen ab. -50810 Distelsaft Der aus Disteln gewonnene Saft st鋜kt die Knochen. -50811 Dattelextrakt Der aus Datteln gewonnene, se Extrakt ist 鋟遝rst nahrhaft und s鋞tigend. -50812 Sam-Zi Pflanzensaft Der aus der Sam-Zi Pflanze gewonnene Saft wirkt st鋜kend. -50813 Sim-Wasser Ein Trank aus Pfirsichbl黷ensaft und Flieder, der die Zielgenauigkeit verbessert. -50814 Dok-Wasser Ein Trank aus Glockenblumensaft und Flieder, der die Chance auf kritische Treffer erh鰄t. -50815 Bo-Wasser Ein Trank aus Kakibl黷ensaft und Tue-Pilzen, der die Konzentrationsf鋒igkeit st鋜kt. -50816 Young-Wasser Ein Trank aus Gango-Wurzelsaft und Tue-Pilzen, der die Leistungsf鋒igkeit unterst黷zt. -50817 Zin-Wasser Ein Trank aus Sim-Wasser und Alpenrosen, der zu neuer Energie verhilft. -50818 SamBo-Wasser Ein Trank aus Dok-Wasser und Alpenrosen, der das Immunsystem st鋜kt. -50819 Mong-Wasser Ein Trank aus Bo-Wasser und Maulbeeren, der vor b鰏em Zauber sch黷zt. -50820 Hwal-Wasser Ein Trank aus Young-Wasser und Maulbeeren, der die k鰎perlichen und geistigen F鋒igkeiten anregt. -50901 Leere Flasche Ein Abf黮lgef溥 f黵 Tr鋘ke. -50902 Anf鋘gerrezept Eine leicht zu befolgende Anweisung, die auch von Unerfahrenen bew鋖tigt werden kann. -50903 Rezept Eine Rezeptanweisung, die ein wenig 躡ung erfordert. -50904 Expertenrezept Eine Rezeptanweisung, die nur von Ge黚ten korrekt ausgef黨rt werden kann. -50905 Rezept Sim-Wasser Es beschreibt die genaue Herstellung des Wassers aus Pfirsichbl黷ensaft und Flieder. -50906 Rezept Dok-Wasser Es beschreibt die genaue Herstellung des Wassers aus Glockenblumensaft und Flieder. -50907 Rezept Bo-Wasser Es beschreibt die genaue Herstellung des Wassers aus Kakibl黷ensaft und Tue-Pilzen. -50908 Rezept Young-Wasser Es beschreibt die genaue Herstellung des Wassers aus Gango-Wurzelsaft und Tue-Pilzen. -50909 Rezept Zin-Wasser Es beschreibt die genaue Herstellung des Wassers aus Pfirsichbl黷ensaft, Flieder und Alpenrosen. -50910 Rezept Hwal-Wasser Es beschreibt die genaue Herstellung des Wassers aus Gango-Wurzelsaft, Tue-Pilzen und Maulbeeren. -60001 Galle Eine z鋒e K鰎perfl黶sigkeit, die aus der Leber gewonnen wird. -60002 Brief des Lagerw鋍hters Das Pergament tr鋑t die energische Schrift des Lagerw鋍hters. -60003 Heldensymbol Ein Gegenstand, der nicht leichtfertig weitergereicht wird. -70001 Puppe der G鰐tin -70002 Dritte Hand Eine Hand, die Yang automatisch aufnimmt. -70003 Buch des Anf黨rers Solange der Anf黨rer einer Gruppe mit diesem Buch ausger黶tet ist, sammeln alle Gruppenmitglieder 30% mehr Erfahrungspunkte. -70004 Flei適edaille Die Belohnung harter Arbeit. -70005 Erfahrungsring Du sammelst im Kampf 50% mehr Erfahrungspunkte. -70006 Sprachenring Dieser Ring wurde in vergangenen Zeiten f黵 die Kreise der Diplomaten hergestellt. Er erm鰃licht es, die Sprachen anderer Reiche zu sprechen. -70007 Warpring -70008 Wei遝 Flagge Eine Flagge, die dem Gegner Kapitulation signalisiert. -70009 Schatztruhe Eine reichhaltig mit Ornamenten geschm點kte Truhe, die mit einem speziellen Schl黶sel ge鰂fnet werden kann. -70010 Lagerschein Ein Dokument, das der Organisation der Lagerr鋟me dient. -70011 Flasche verbessern -70012 Tr鋘e der G鰐tin Man erz鋒lt sich, dass die G鰐tin ihre Tr鋘en den Helden der Schlacht geschenkt habe, da diese todesmutig gegen das B鰏e k鋗pften. -70013 Tr鋘e der Rieseng鰐tin Die Tr鋘e Tae-Hwas soll, so sagt man, die Seele der Krieger tr鰏ten, die m黡e von der Schlacht zur點kkehren. -70014 Bluttablette Eine Arznei aus Hirschblut, die eine starke halluzinogene Wirkung besitzt. -70015 Billige B黵ste Eine gebr鋟chliche, robuste B黵ste mit festem Holzgriff. -70020 Pfirsichbl黷enwein Getr鋘k, das deine TP augenblicklich um 500 Punkte regeneriert. -70024 Segensmarmor Eine legend鋜e, gesegnete Kugel. Sobald ein Gegenstand mit vier Attributen ausgestattet ist, f黦t sie ein weiteres hinzu. -70027 Notiz des Schmieds Eine Aufzeichnung des Waffenschmiedes 黚er die notwendigen Schritte zur Verbesserung einer Waffe. -70035 Magisches Kupfererz Mit diesem Erz und einer Segensschriftrolle kann beim Schmied eine Schriftrolle des Krieges hergestellt werden. -70037 Buch des Vergessens Das legend鋜e Buch, das die Erinnerung an eine erlernte Fertigkeit komplett l鰏cht. Ein Fertigkeitspunkt kann daher bewegt werden. -70038 Tapferkeitsumhang Ein farbiger Umhang, mit dem Krieger einst ihre Tapferkeit bewiesen, da er s鋗tliche Monster anlockte. -70039 Schmiede-Handbuch Das Buch ist mit der Seele eines alten Schmieds verbunden. Bei Nutzung vermag es die Chance der Gegenstandsverbesserung zu erh鰄en. -70040 Orkhartn鋍kigkeit Reduziert den Verbrauch der Ausdauer um die H鋖fte. -70043 Diebeshandschuh Verdoppelt deine Chance, Gegenst鋘de zu erbeuten. -70047 Sprachenring (Beispiel) Dieser Ring wurde in vergangenen Zeiten f黵 die Kreise der Diplomaten hergestellt. Er erm鰃licht es, die Sprachen anderer Reiche zu sprechen. -70048 Fl點htlingsumhang Ein Umhang, der zu Unauff鋖ligkeit verhilft und daher von vielen Fl點htlingen getragen wird. -70049 Lucys Ring Die Gravur besagt: 凞er Drachengott segne dich. 碊er Ring verringert die Chance auf Gegenstandsverlust im Kampf. -70050 Symbol d. weisen Kaisers Ein innerhalb der alten K鰊igsfamilie vererbtes Symbol, das dem jeweiligen Herrscher gro遝 Kraft verleiht. -70051 Handschuh weiser Kaiser Ein innerhalb der alten K鰊igsfamilie vererbter Gegenstand, der dem jeweiligen Herrscher gro遝 Kraft verleiht. -70052 Karma-Zauber 1 Ein Zauber, der von vielen Gl鋟bigen als Schutz vor Ungl點k verwendet wird. -70053 Karma-Zauber 2 Ein Zauber, der von vielen Gl鋟bigen als Schutz vor Ungl點k verwendet wird. -70054 Karma-Zauber 3 Ein Zauber, der von vielen Gl鋟bigen als Schutz vor Ungl點k verwendet wird. -70102 Zen-Bohne Senkt die b鰏e und hebt die gute Gesinnung eines Charakters. -70104 Verwandlungskugel Mit Hilfe dieser Kugel kannst du dich in ein Monster verwandeln. -70105 Verwandlungskugel Mit Hilfe dieser Kugel kannst du dich in ein Monster verwandeln. -70106 Verwandlungskugel Mit Hilfe dieser Kugel kannst du dich in ein Monster verwandeln. -70107 Verwandlungskugel Mit Hilfe dieser Kugel kannst du dich in ein Monster verwandeln. -70201 Bleichmittel Bringt die Originalhaarfarbe zur點k. Gebleichte Haare k鰊nen erneut gef鋜bt werden. -70202 Wei遝s Haarf鋜bemittel F鋜bt das Haar nachhaltig wei. Eine F鋜bung kann alle drei Level erfolgen. -70203 Blondes Haarf鋜bemittel F鋜bt das Haar nachhaltig blond. Eine F鋜bung kann alle drei Level erfolgen. -70204 Rotes Haarf鋜bemittel F鋜bt das Haar nachhaltig rot. Eine F鋜bung kann alle drei Level erfolgen. -70205 Braunes Haarf鋜bemittel F鋜bt das Haar nachhaltig braun. Eine F鋜bung kann alle drei Level erfolgen. -70206 Schwarz Haarf鋜bemittel F鋜bt das Haar nachhaltig schwarz. Eine F鋜bung kann alle drei Level erfolgen. -70301 Verlobungsring Ein Ring, der von Verliebten getragen wird. -70302 Ehering Ein Ring, der von Verheirateten getragen wird. -71001 Exorzismus-Schriftrolle Befreit dich vom Fluch des b鰏en Geistes, wenn das Lernen fehlschl鋑t. Mit Hilfe dieser Rolle kannst du ein weiteres Fertigkeitsdokument an einem Tag lesen. -71002 Status-Neuverteilung Die Anwendung dieses Gegenstandes erm鰃licht es dir, deine Status-Punkte neu zu verteilen. So kannst du die Entwicklung deines Charakters in eine andere Richtung lenken. -71003 Fertigkeit-Neuverteilung Die Anwendung dieses Gegenstandes erm鰃licht es dir, die Punkte einer deiner Fertigkeiten neu zu verteilen. -71004 Medaille des Drachens Bewahrt dich bei deinem n鋍hsten Tod davor, Erfahrungspunkte zu verlieren. -71005 Sprachenring Du kannst 7 Tage lang alle Reichssprachen verstehen. -71006 Sprachenring Du kannst 15 Tage lang alle Reichssprachen verstehen. -71007 Sprachenring Du kannst 30 Tage lang alle Reichssprachen verstehen. -71008 Fischereibuch Verdoppelt deine Chance, einen seltenen Fisch zu fangen -71009 Lagertruhe Dein Lager erh鋖t zwei zus鋞zliche Lagerr鋟me. -71010 Dritte Hand Eine Hand, die Yang automatisch aufnimmt. -71011 Emotionsmaske Du kannst deinen Gef黨len 30 Tage lang freien Lauf lassen. -71012 Buch des Anf黨rers Solange der Anf黨rer einer Gruppe mit diesem Buch ausger黶tet ist, sammeln alle Gruppenmitglieder drei Stunden lang 30% mehr Erfahrungspunkte. -71013 Feuerwerk Rakete, die f黵 alle sichtbar den Himmel erleuchtet. -71014 Trank des Angriffs +10 Erh鰄t deine Angriffsgeschwindigkeit f黵 30 Minuten um 10%. -71015 Erfahrungsring Du sammelst im Kampf 50% mehr Erfahrungspunkte. -71016 Handschuhe des Diebes Verdoppelt deine Chance, Gegenst鋘de zu erbeuten. -71017 Medaille des Gl點ks Verdoppelt deine Chance, Yang zu erbeuten. -71018 Segen des Lebens Ein Segen, der deine TP augenblicklich vollst鋘dig regeneriert. -71019 Segen der Magie Ein Segen, der deine MP augenblicklich vollst鋘dig regeneriert. -71020 Segen des Drachen Ein Segen, der deine TP und MP augenblicklich vollst鋘dig regeneriert. -71021 Schriftrolle des Krieges Die Verbesserung von Gegenst鋘den gelingt vollst鋘dig. Nur anwendbar bei Gegenst鋘den +0 bis +3. -71022 R點kkehr der Intelligenz Setzt deine Status-Punkte der Intelligenz auf den Grundwert zur點k. Anschlie遝nd kannst du die Punkte neu verteilen. -71023 R點kkehr der Vitalit鋞 Setzt deine Status-Punkte der Vitalit鋞 auf den Grundwert zur點k. Anschlie遝nd kannst du die Punkte neu verteilen. -71024 R點kkehr der St鋜ke Setzt deine Status-Punkte der St鋜ke auf den Grundwert zur點k. Anschlie遝nd kannst du die Punkte neu verteilen. -71025 Stein des Schmieds Mit diesem Stein und einer Segensschriftrolle kann beim Schmied ein Schmiede-Handbuch hergestellt werden. -71026 Magisches Eisenerz Mit diesem Erz und einer Segensschriftrolle kann beim Schmied eine Schriftrolle des Drachen hergestellt werden. -71027 Drachengott-Leben Erh鰄t deine maximalen TP 30 Minuten lang um 20%. -71028 Drachengott-Angriff Erh鰄t den Schaden, den du anderen im Kampf zuf黦st, 30 Minuten lang um 12 bis 15%. -71029 Drachengott-Intelligenz Erh鰄t deine maximalen MP 30 Minuten lang um 20%. -71030 Drachengott-Verteidigung Verringert den Schaden, den du im Kampf erleidest, 30 Minuten lang um 12 bis 15%. -71031 Drachengottunterst黷zung Vitalit鋞, St鋜ke, Intelligenz und Beweglichkeit deines Charakters erh鰄en sich vor黚ergehend auf das F黱ffache. -71032 Schriftrolle des Drachen Beseitigt das Risiko, einen Gegenstand zu zerst鰎en, wenn seine Verbesserung fehlschl鋑t. Es wird nur die Qualit鋞 um eine Stufe verringert. Zudem erh鰄t sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer erfolgreichen Verbesserung um 10%. -71033 Emotionsmaske Du kannst deinen Gef黨len 15 Tage lang freien Lauf lassen. -71034 Trank des Angriffs +15 Erh鰄t deine Angriffsgeschwindigkeit 30 Minuten lang um 15%. -71035 Elixier des Krieges Teleportiert alle Mitglieder deiner Gilde, die online sind, zum Gildenf黨rer. -71036 Ruf-Rolle Oberork L鋝st einen Oberork neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71037 Ruf-Rolle Anf黨rer L鋝st einen dunklen Anf黨rer neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71038 Ruf-Rolle K鰊igsspinne L鋝st eine K鰊igsspinne neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71039 Ruf-Rolle Schildkr鰐e L鋝st eine gro遝 W黶tenschildkr鰐e neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71040 Ruf-Rolle Flammenk鰊ig L鋝st einen Flammenk鰊ig neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71041 Ruf-Rolle Neunschwanz L鋝st einen Neunschwanz neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71042 Ruf-Rolle D鋗onenk鰊ig L鋝st einen stolzen D鋗onenk鰊ig neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71043 Ruf-Rolle Tigergeist L鋝st einen gelben Tigergeist neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. Vorsicht, es handelt sich um einen Boss! -71044 Kritischer Kampf Erh鰄t deine Chance, im Kampf einen kritischen Treffer zu landen, 10 Minuten lang um 20%. -71045 Durchbohrender Kampf Erh鰄t deine Chance, im Kampf einen durchbohrenden Treffer zu landen, 10 Minuten lang um 20%. -71047 Tinktur des Geiststeins Entfernt einen eingefassten Geiststein aus einem deiner Gegenst鋘de. -71048 Wandelzauber Dieser Zauber kann das Geschlecht deines Spielercharakters 鋘dern. -71049 Seidenb黱del Mit diesem B黱del kannst du 10 Tage lang kostenlos private L鋎en er鰂fnen. -71050 Geschwindigkeitstrank Erh鰄t 30 Minuten lang deine Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit um 60. -71051 Gegenstand verhexen Entfernt den Spezial-Bonus eines deiner Gegenst鋘de und f黦t einen neuen hinzu. -71052 Gegenstand transzendieren F黦t einem deiner Gegenst鋘de einen neuen Spezial-Bonus hinzu, falls noch keiner vorhanden war. -71054 Tinktur der Reiche Bietet die M鰃lichkeit, in einem anderen Reich ins Exil zu gehen. -71055 Tinktur des Namens Gibt dir die M鰃lichkeit, einen neuen Namen f黵 deinen Charakter zu w鋒len. -71056 Tinktur des Himmels Umgibt deinen Charakter 5 Tage lang mit einem Heiligenschein. -71057 Stein der Fossilholzader L鋝st eine Fossilholzader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71058 Stein der Kupferader L鋝st eine Kupferader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71059 Stein der Silberader L鋝st eine Silberader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71060 Stein der Goldader L鋝st eine Goldader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71061 Stein der Jadeader L鋝st eine Jadeader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71062 Stein der Ebenholzader L鋝st eine Ebenholzader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71063 Stein des Muschelstapels L鋝st einen Muschelstapel neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71064 Stein der Wei遟oldader L鋝st eine Wei遟oldader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71065 Stein der Kristallader L鋝st eine Kristallader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71066 Stein der Quarzader L鋝st eine Quarzader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71067 Stein der Himmelsader L鋝st eine Himmelstr鋘enader neben deinem Charakter erscheinen. -71068 Feder der Liebenden Ist sie ausger黶tet, erh鰄en sich die Liebespunkte eines Paares doppelt so schnell. -71069 Ohrring der Harmonie Erh鰄t die Chance auf duchbohrende Treffer im Kampf 3 Stunden lang f黵 beide Ehepartner, wenn einer von ihnen sie tr鋑t. -71070 Armband der Liebe Erh鰄t das Sammeln von Erfahrungspunkten im Kampf 3 Stunden lang f黵 beide Ehepartner, wenn einer von ihnen es tr鋑t. -71071 Ohrring der Liebe Erh鰄t die Chance auf t鰀liche Treffer im Kampf 3 Stunden lang f黵 beide Ehepartner, wenn einer von beiden ihn tr鋑t. -71072 Armband der Harmonie Verringert 3 Stunden lang die Angriffskraft der gegnerischen Monster auf beide Ehepartner, wenn einer von beiden es tr鋑t. -71073 Halskette der Liebe Erh鰄t die Angriffskraft im Kampf 3 Stunden lang f黵 beide Ehepartner, wenn einer von ihnen sie tr鋑t. -71074 Halskette der Harmonie Erh鰄t die Verteidigung im Kampf 3 Stunden lang f黵 beide Ehepartner, wenn einer von ihnen sie tr鋑t. -71075 Haarfarbe (wei) F鋜bt deine Haare dauerhaft wei. -71076 Haarfarbe (Blond) F鋜bt deine Haare dauerhaft blond. -71077 Haarfarbe (rot) F鋜bt deine Haare dauerhaft rot. -71078 Haarfarbe (braun) F鋜bt deine Haare dauerhaft braun. -71079 Haarfarbe (schwarz) F鋜bt deine Haare dauerhaft schwarz. -71080 Metinstein (leicht) L鋝st einen leichten Metinstein neben dir abst黵zen. -71081 Metinstein (normal) L鋝st einen normal gro遝n Metinstein neben dir abst黵zen. -71082 Metinstein (schwer) L鋝st einen schweren Metinstein neben dir abst黵zen. -71083 Stein-Handbuch Entfernt alle zerbrochenen Steine aus einem Gegenstand. Somit erh鋖tst du einen weiteren Versuch, Waffe oder R黶tung zu verbessern. -71084 Gegenstand verzaubern Entfernt den Bonus eines deiner Gegenst鋘de und f黦t einen neuen hinzu. -71085 Gegenstand verst鋜ken F黦t einem deiner Gegenst鋘de einen neuen Bonus hinzu, falls noch keiner vorhanden war. -71086 Level-Auftrag (20-29) -71087 Level-Auftrag (30-39) -71088 Missionsbuch (leicht) Das in braunes Leder gebundene Werk enth鋖t eine Mission, die auch von unerfahrenen K鋗pfern gel鰏t werden kann. -71089 Missionsbuch (normal) Das in braunes Leder gebundene Werk enth鋖t eine Mission, die nur von jenen gel鰏t werden kann, die bereits 黚er Erfahrung im Kampf verf黦en. -71090 Missionsbuch (schwer) Das in braunes Leder gebundene Werk enth鋖t eine Mission, die nur von erfahrenen K鋗pfern gel鰏t werden kann. -71091 Tinktur des Handels Du kannst eine andere Schildfarbe f黵 deinen privaten Laden w鋒len. -71092 Buch der Verwandlung Du verwandelst dich vor黚ergehend in ein Monster. -71093 Verwandlungskugel Mit Hilfe dieser Kugel kannst du dich in ein Monster verwandeln. -71094 Konzentriertes Lesen Erh鰄t die Chance auf eine Verbesserung deines Talents mit dem Lesen des n鋍hsten Buches um das Zweieinhalbfache. -71095 Passierschein Du darfst eine weitere Ebene des Spinnen-Dungeons betreten, wenn du diesen Passierschein dem zust鋘digen W鋍hter vorlegst. -71096 Tafel zum Durchgehen Diese Medaille erm鰃licht die eine Torpassage. -71099 Ring der Nachfolge Erm鋍htigt den Anf黨rer einer Gilde seinen Nachfolger zu bestimmen und 黚ergibt die F黨rung an diesen. -71100 Lehrwechselzertifikat Du kannst deine Lehre hinter dir lassen und eine neue beginnen. Dazu musst du dich mindestens auf Level 31 befinden. -71101 Trank der Hast Dieser Trank verringert die Abklingzeit 30 Minuten lang um 20 Prozent. -71103 Neuverteilung (VIT) Setzt deine Vitalit鋞 auf 1 zur點k und erlaubt dir, deine Punkte neu zu verteilen. -71104 Neuverteilung (INT) Setzt deine Intelligenz auf 1 zur點k und erlaubt dir, deine Punkte neu zu verteilen. -71105 Neuverteilung (STR) Setzt deine St鋜ke auf 1 zur點k und erlaubt dir, deine Punkte neu zu verteilen. -71106 Neuverteilung (DEX) Setzt deine Beweglichkeit auf 1 zur點k und erlaubt dir, deine Punkte neu zu verteilen. -71107 Frucht des Lebens Erh鰄t die Rangpunkte um 3000 (Abklingzeit: 5 Stunden). -71109 Rolle der Korrektur Mit dieser Rolle kann der zuletzt hinzugef黦te Geiststein aus einem Gegenstand entfernt werden. -71110 Pferdezucker Dieses Zuckerst點k erm鰃licht es, dem Reittier einen Namen zu geben. Gleichzeitig erh鰄t es dessen Verteidigungswert um 20. -72001 Erfahrungsring Erh鰄t das Sammeln von Erfahrung 7 Tage lang um 50%. -72002 Erfahrungsring Erh鰄t das Sammeln von Erfahrung 15 Tage lang um 50%. -72003 Erfahrungsring Erh鰄t das Sammeln von Erfahrung 30 Tage lang um 50%. -72004 Handschuhe des Diebes Verdoppelt 7 Tage lang deine Chance, Gegenst鋘de zu erbeuten. -72005 Handschuhe des Diebes Verdoppelt 15 Tage lang deine Chance, Gegenst鋘de zu erbeuten. -72006 Handschuhe des Diebes Verdoppelt 30 Tage lang deine Chance, Gegenst鋘de zu erbeuten. -72007 Seidenb黱del Du kannst 15 Minuten lang einen privaten Laden er鰂fnen. -72008 Seidenb黱del Du kannst 30 Minuten lang einen privaten Laden er鰂fnen. -72009 Seidenb黱del Du kannst 3 Stunden lang einen privaten Laden er鰂fnen. -72010 Feder der Liebenden Ist sie ausger黶tet, erh鰄en sich die Liebespunkte eines Paares 7 Tage lang doppelt so schnell. -72011 Feder der Liebenden Ist sie ausger黶tet, erh鰄en sich die Liebespunkte eines Paares 15 Tage lang doppelt so schnell. -72012 Feder der Liebenden Ist sie ausger黶tet, erh鰄en sich die Liebespunkte eines Paares 30 Tage lang doppelt so schnell. -72013 Fischereibuch Verdoppelt 7 Tage lang deine Chance, einen seltenen Fisch zu fangen. -72014 Fischereibuch Verdoppelt 15 Tage lang deine Chance, einen seltenen Fisch zu fangen. -72015 Fischereibuch Verdoppelt 30 Tage lang deine Chance, einen seltenen Fisch zu fangen. -72016 Dritte Hand Eine Hand, die 7 Tage lang Yang automatisch aufnimmt. -72017 Dritte Hand Eine Hand, die 15 Tage lang Yang automatisch aufnimmt. -72018 Dritte Hand Eine Hand, die 30 Tage lang Yang automatisch aufnimmt. -72019 Lagertruhe Dein Lager erh鋖t 7 Tage lang zwei zus鋞zliche Lagerr鋟me. -72020 Lagertruhe Dein Lager erh鋖t 15 Tage lang zwei zus鋞zliche Lagerr鋟me. -72021 Lagertruhe Dein Lager erh鋖t 30 Tage lang zwei zus鋞zliche Lagerr鋟me. -72022 Medaille des Gl點ks Verdoppelt 7 Tage lang deine Chance, Yang zu erbeuten. -72023 Medaille des Gl點ks Verdoppelt 15 Tage lang deine Chance, Yang zu erbeuten. -72024 Medaille des Gl點ks Verdoppelt 30 Tage lang deine Chance, Yang zu erbeuten. -72025 Kritischer Kampf Erh鰄t deine Chance, im Kampf einen kritischen Treffer zu landen, 10 Minuten lang um 20%. -72026 Kritischer Kampf Erh鰄t deine Chance, im Kampf einen kritischen Treffer zu landen, 10 Minuten lang um 20%. -72027 Kritischer Kampf Erh鰄t deine Chance, im Kampf einen kritischen Treffer zu landen, 10 Minuten lang um 20%. -72028 Emotionsmaske Du kannst deinen Gef黨len 7 Tage lang freien Lauf lassen. -72029 Emotionsmaske Du kannst deinen Gef黨len 15 Tage lang freien Lauf lassen. -72030 Emotionsmaske Du kannst deinen Gef黨len 30 Tage lang freien Lauf lassen. -72031 Drachengott-Angriff Erh鰄t den Schaden, den du anderen im Kampf zuf黦st, um 12 bis 15%. -72032 Drachengott-Angriff Erh鰄t den Schaden, den du anderen im Kampf zuf黦st, um 12 bis 15%. -72033 Drachengott-Angriff Erh鰄t den Schaden, den du anderen im Kampf zuf黦st, um 12 bis 15%. -72034 Drachengott-Verteidigung Verringert den Schaden, den du bei der Verteidigung erleidest, um 12-15%. -72035 Drachengott-Verteidigung Verringert den Schaden, den du bei der Verteidigung erleidest, um 12-15 %. -72036 Drachengott-Verteidigung Verringert den Schaden, den du bei der Verteidigung erleidest, um 12-15 %. -72037 Drachengott-Leben Erh鰄t deine maximalen TP 30 Minuten lang um 20%. -72038 Drachengott-Leben Erh鰄t deine maximalen TP 30 Minuten lang um 20%. -72039 Drachengott-Leben Erh鰄t deine maximalen TP 30 Minuten lang um 20%. -72040 Drachengott-Intelligenz Erh鰄t deine maximalen MP um 20%. -72041 Drachengott-Intelligenz Erh鰄t deine maximalen MP um 20%. -72042 Drachengott-Intelligenz Erh鰄t deine maximalen MP um 20%. -72043 Buch des Anf黨rers Solange der Anf黨rer einer Gruppe mit diesem Buch ausger黶tet ist, sammeln alle Gruppenmitglieder 30% mehr Erfahrungspunkte. -72044 Buch des Anf黨rers Solange der Anf黨rer einer Gruppe mit diesem Buch ausger黶tet ist, sammeln alle Gruppenmitglieder 30% mehr Erfahrungspunkte. -72045 Buch des Anf黨rers Solange der Anf黨rer einer Gruppe mit diesem Buch ausger黶tet ist, sammeln alle Gruppenmitglieder 30% mehr Erfahrungspunkte. -72046 Wichtige Chance Chancenerh鰄ung um 10%. -72047 Wichtige Chance Chancenerh鰄ung um 10%. -72048 Wichtige Chance Chancenerh鰄ung um 10%. -72501 Erfahrungsring (iCafe) Erh鰄t das Sammeln von Erfahrung um 20% im Mitglieder-iCafe. -72502 Diebeshandschuh (iCafe) Die Erfolgsrate f黵 das Erbeuten von Gegenst鋘den erh鰄t sich um das Anderthalbfache im Mitglieder-iCafe. -72701 Windschuhe Sie erh鰄en deine Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit um 30, solange sie ausger黶tet sind. -73001 Modische Frisur (rot) Eine modische Frisur, die ein charakteristisches 膗遝res schafft. -73002 Modische Frisur (hell) Eine modische Frisur, die ein charakteristisches 膗遝res schafft. -73003 Modische Frisur (blau) Eine modische Frisur, die ein charakteristisches 膗遝res schafft. -73004 Modische Frisur (braun) Eine modische Frisur, die ein charakteristisches 膗遝res schafft. -73005 Stirntuch Kurzes Haar, das von einem Stirntuch geb鋘digt wird. -73006 Stirntuch Kurzes Haar, das von einem Stirntuch geb鋘digt wird. -73007 Stirntuch Kurzes Haar, das von einem Stirntuch geb鋘digt wird. -73008 Stirntuch Kurzes Haar, das von einem Stirntuch geb鋘digt wird. -73009 Lange Haare (schwarz) Eine beeindruckende Frisur mit prachtvollem, schwarzem Haar. -73010 Lange Haare (rot) Eine beeindruckende Frisur mit prachtvollem, rotem Haar. -73011 Lange Haare (braun) Eine beeindruckende Frisur mit prachtvollem, braunem Haar. -73012 Lange Haare (gr黱) Eine beeindruckende Frisur mit prachtvollem, gr黱em Haar. -73251 Pferdeschwanz (braun) Langes Haar, das zu einem Zopf gebunden ist. -73252 Pferdeschwanz (gr黱) Langes Haar, das zu einem Zopf gebunden ist. -73253 Pferdeschwanz (blau) Langes Haar, das zu einem Zopf gebunden ist. -73254 Pferdeschwanz (hell) Langes Haar, das zu einem Zopf gebunden ist. -73255 Schulterlanges Haar(rot) Eine nat黵lich wirkende Frisur mit schulterlangem Haar. -73256 Schulterlanges Haar(br.) Eine nat黵lich wirkende Frisur mit schulterlangem Haar. -73257 Schulterlanges Haar(hell Eine nat黵lich wirkende Frisur mit schulterlangem Haar. -73258 Schulterlanges Haar(lila Eine nat黵lich wirkende Frisur mit schulterlangem Haar. -73259 Kurzhaarfrisur (rot) Eine praktische Kurzhaarfrisur, die etwas Bedrohliches vermittelt. -73260 Kurzhaarfrisur (blau) Eine praktische Kurzhaarfrisur, die etwas Bedrohliches vermittelt. -73261 Kurzhaarfrisur (schwarz) Eine praktische Kurzhaarfrisur, die etwas Bedrohliches vermittelt. -73262 Kurzhaarfrisur (blond) Eine praktische Kurzhaarfrisur, die etwas Bedrohliches vermittelt. -73501 Sportliche Frisur (hell) Eine extravagante Kurzhaarfrisur. -73502 Sportliche Frisur(braun) Eine extravagante Kurzhaarfrisur. -73503 Sportliche Frisur(blond) Eine extravagante Kurzhaarfrisur. -73504 Sportliche Frisur (gr黱) Eine extravagante Kurzhaarfrisur. -73505 Charisma-Frisur (wei) Eine charismatische Frisur mit langem Haar. -73506 Charisma-Frisur (rot) Eine charismatische Frisur mit langem Haar. -73507 Charisma-Frisur(schwarz) Eine charismatische Frisur mit langem Haar. -73508 Charisma-Frisur(violett) Eine charismatische Frisur mit langem Haar. -73509 Langer Zopf (wei) Eine traditionelle Zopffrisur -73510 Langer Zopf (blau) Eine traditionelle Zopffrisur -73511 Langer Zopf (schwarz) Eine traditionelle Zopffrisur -73512 Langer Zopf (braun) Eine traditionelle Zopffrisur -73751 Edle Frisur (braun) Eine edel wirkende Frisur mit zur點kgehaltenem Haar. -73752 Edle Frisur (schwarz) Eine edel wirkende Frisur mit zur點kgehaltenem Haar. -73753 Edle Frisur (blau) Eine edel wirkende Frisur mit zur點kgehaltenem Haar. -73754 Edle Frisur (hell) Eine edel wirkende Frisur mit zur點kgehaltenem Haar. -73755 Halblanges Haar (braun) Elegant getragenes, glattes Haar. -73756 Halblanges Haar(schwarz) Elegant getragenes, glattes Haar. -73757 Halblanges Haar (blond) Elegant getragenes, glattes Haar. -73758 Halblanges Haar(violett) Elegant getragenes, glattes Haar. -73759 Alte Haartracht (braun) Langes Haar, auf traditionelle Art getragen. -73760 Alte Haartracht (hell) Langes Haar, auf traditionelle Art getragen. -73761 Alte Haartracht (violett Langes Haar, auf traditionelle Art getragen. -73762 Alte Haartracht (rot) Langes Haar, auf traditionelle Art getragen. -74001 Modische Frisur (rot) Eine Frisur, die dir ein unverwechselbares 膗遝res verleiht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -74002 Modische Frisur (hell) Eine Frisur, die dir ein markantes 膗遝res verleiht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74003 Modische Frisur (blau) Eine Frisur, die dir ein markantes 膗遝res verleiht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74004 Modische Frisur (braun) Eine Frisur, die dir ein markantes 膗遝res verleiht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -74005 Stirntuch (rot) Kurze braune Haare mit einem roten Stirnband. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -74006 Stirntuch(braun kariert) Kurze blonde Haare mit einem hellen Stirnband. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74007 Stirntuch (blau) Kurze blaue Haare mit einem braunen Stirnband (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74008 Stirntuch (gr黱 kariert) Kurze gr黱e Haare mit einem gr黱en Stirnband (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -74009 Lange Haare (schwarz) Eine Frisur, die ein beeindruckendes 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Krieger) -74010 Lange Haare (rot) Eine Frisur, die ein beeindruckendes 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Ninja) -74011 Lange Haare (braun) Eine Frisur, die ein beeindruckendes 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Sura) -74012 Lange Haare (gr黱) Eine Frisur, die ein beeindruckendes 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Schamane) -74251 Pferdeschwanz (braun) Langes braunes, zu einem Zopf gebundenes Haar - eine unter Frauen sehr beliebte Frisur (+10% gegen Krieger) -74252 Pferdeschwanz (gr黱) Langes gr黱es, zu einem Zopf gebundenes Haar - eine unter Frauen sehr beliebte Frisur (+10% gegen Ninja) -74253 Pferdeschwanz (blau) Langes blaues, zu einem Zopf gebundenes Haar - eine unter Frauen sehr beliebte Frisur (+10% gegen Sura) -74254 Pferdeschwanz (hell) Langes helles, zu einem Zopf gebundenes Haar - eine unter Frauen sehr beliebte Frisur (+10% gegen Schamane) -74255 Schulterlanges Haar(rot) Eine freche, ausgefallene Frisur (+10% gegen Krieger) -74256 Schulterlanges Haar(br.) Eine freche, ausgefallene Frisur (+10% gegen Ninja) -74257 Schulterlanges Haar(hell Eine freche, ausgefallene Frisur (+10% gegen Sura) -74258 Schulterlanges Haar(lila Eine freche, ausgefallene Frisur (+10% gegen Schamane) -74259 Kurzhaarfrisur (rot) Rotes, fransiges Haar im Assassinen-Look (+10% gegen Krieger) -74260 Kurzhaarfrisur (blau) Blaues, fransiges Haar im Assassinen-Look (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74261 Kurzhaarfrisur (schwarz) Schwarzes, fransiges Haar im Assassinen-Look (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74262 Kurzhaarfrisur (blond) Blondes, fransiges Haar im Assassinen-Look (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -74501 Sportliche Frisur (hell) Eine milit鋜isch wirkende Kurzhaarfrisur (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -74502 Sportliche Frisur(braun) Eine milit鋜isch wirkende Kurzhaarfrisur (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74503 Sportliche Frisur(blond) Eine milit鋜isch wirkende Kurzhaarfrisur (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74504 Sportliche Frisur (gr黱) Eine milit鋜isch wirkende Kurzhaarfrisur (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -74505 Charisma-Frisur (wei) Eine Frisur, die deinen individuellen Charakter unterstreicht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -74506 Charisma-Frisur (rot) Eine Frisur, die deinen individuellen Charakter unterstreicht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74507 Charisma-Frisur(schwarz) Eine Frisur, die deinen individuellen Charakter unterstreicht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74508 Charisma-Frisur(violett) Eine Frisur, die deinen individuellen Charakter unterstreicht (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -74509 Langer Zopf (wei) Zopf im alten Stil, der einst ein Symbol der Reichen war (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -74510 Langer Zopf (blau) Zopf im alten Stil, der einst ein Symbol der Reichen war (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74511 Langer Zopf (schwarz) Zopf im alten Stil, der einst ein Symbol der Reichen war (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74512 Langer Zopf (braun) Zopf im alten Stil, der einst ein Symbol der Reichen war (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -74751 Edle Frisur (braun) Eine mit einer Schmetterlings-Haarnadel elegant geschm點kte Hochsteckfrisur. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -74752 Edle Frisur (schwarz) Eine mit einer Schmetterlings-Haarnadel elegant geschm點kte Hochsteckfrisur. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74753 Edle Frisur (blau) Eine mit einer Schmetterlings-Haarnadel elegant geschm點kte Hochsteckfrisur. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74754 Edle Frisur (hell) Eine mit einer Schmetterlings-Haarnadel elegant geschm點kte Hochsteckfrisur. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -74755 Halblanges Haar (braun) Eine elegante Schamanenfrisur. (+10% gegen Krieger) -74756 Halblanges Haar(schwarz) Eine elegante Schamanenfrisur. (+10% gegen Ninja) -74757 Halblanges Haar (blond) Eine elegante Schamanenfrisur. (+10% gegen Sura) -74758 Halblanges Haar(violett) Eine elegante Schamanenfrisur. (+10% gegen Schamane) -74759 Alte Haartracht (braun) Eine feminine Frisur mit langem, stufig geschnittenem Haar (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -74760 Alte Haartracht (hell) Eine feminine Frisur mit langem, stufig geschnittenem Haar (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -74761 Alte Haartracht(violett) Eine feminine Frisur mit langem, stufig geschnittenem Haar (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -74762 Alte Haartracht (rot) Eine feminine Frisur mit langem, stufig geschnittenem Haar (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -75001 Modische Frisur (rot) Modisches rotes, von einem Band geziertes Haar. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -75002 Modische Frisur (hell) Modisches helles, von einem Band geziertes Haar. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -75003 Modische Frisur (blau) Modisches blaues, von einem Band geziertes Haar. (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -75004 Modische Frisur (braun) Modisches braunes, von einem Band geziertes Haar. (+10% gegen Schamane) -75005 Stirntuch (braun) Eine zerzaust wirkende Frisur, durch ein Stirntuch im Zaum gehalten (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -75006 Stirntuch (blond) Eine zerzaust wirkende Frisur, durch ein Stirntuch im Zaum gehalten (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -75007 Stirntuch (blau) Eine zerzaust wirkende Frisur, durch ein Stirntuch im Zaum gehalten (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -75008 Stirntuch (gr黱) Eine zerzaust wirkende Frisur, durch ein Stirntuch im Zaum gehalten (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -75009 Lange Haare (schwarz) Prachtvolles, schwarzes Haar (+10% gegen Krieger) -75010 Lange Haare (rot) Prachtvolles, rotes Haar (+10% gegen Ninja) -75011 Lange Haare (braun) Prachtvolles, braunes Haar (+10% gegen Sura) -75012 Lange Haare (gr黱) Prachtvolles, gr黱es Haar (+10% gegen Schamane) -75201 Pferdeschwanz (braun) Eine Frisur, bei der die Haare am Hinterkopf zusammengebunden sind (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -75202 Pferdeschwanz (gr黱) Eine Frisur, bei der die Haare am Hinterkopf zusammengebunden sind (+10% Verteidigung gegen Ninja) -75203 Pferdeschwanz (blau) Eine Frisur, bei der die Haare am Hinterkopf zusammengebunden sind (+10% Verteidigung gegen Sura) -75204 Pferdeschwanz (hell) Eine Frisur, bei der die Haare am Hinterkopf zusammengebunden sind (+10% Verteidigung gegen Schamane) -75205 Schulterlanges Haar(rot) Eine dezente Frisur mit einem wei遝n Stirntuch (+10% gegen Krieger) -75206 Schulterlanges Haar(br.) Eine dezente Frisur mit einem gr黱en Stirntuch (+10% gegen Ninja) -75207 Schulterlanges Haar(hell Eine dezente Frisur mit einem hellen Stirntuch (+10% gegen Sura) -75208 Schulterlanges Haar(lila Eine dezente Frisur mit einem rotem Stirntuch (+10% gegen Schamane) -75209 Kurzhaarfrisur (rot) Eine Frisur, die ein d黶teres 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Krieger) -75210 Kurzhaarfrisur (blau) Eine Frisur, die ein d黶teres 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Ninja) -75211 Kurzhaarfrisur (schwarz) Eine Frisur, die ein d黶teres 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Sura) -75212 Kurzhaarfrisur (blond) Eine Frisur, die ein d黶teres 膗遝res verleiht (+10% gegen Schamane) -75401 Sportliche Frisur (hell) Eine extravagante Frisur, die typisch f黵 weibliche Sura ist (+10% gegen Krieger) -75402 Sportliche Frisur(braun) Eine extravagante Frisur, die typisch f黵 weibliche Sura ist (+10% gegen Ninja) -75403 Sportliche Frisur(blond) Eine extravagante Frisur, die typisch f黵 weibliche Sura ist (+10% gegen Sura) -75404 Sportliche Frisur (gr黱) Eine extravagante Frisur, die typisch f黵 weibliche Sura ist (+10% gegen Schamane) -75405 Charisma-Frisur (wei) Schlohwei遝s, langes Haar im eigensinnigen Stil (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -75406 Charisma-Frisur (rot) Rotes, langes Haar im eigensinnigen Stil (+10% gegen Ninja) -75407 Charisma-Frisur(schwarz) Rabenschwarzes, langes Haar im eigensinnigen Stil (+10% gegen Sura) -75408 Charisma-Frisur(violett) Violettes, langes Haar im eigensinnigen Stil (+10% gegen Schamane) -75409 Langer Zopf (wei) Eine Zopffrisur (+10% Verteidigung gegen Krieger) -75410 Langer Zopf (blau) Eine Zopffrisur (+10% gegen Ninja) -75411 Langer Zopf (schwarz) Eine Zopffrisur (+10% gegen Sura) -75412 Langer Zopf (braun) Eine Zopffrisur (+10% gegen Schamane) -75601 Edle Frisur (braun) Ein modischer Schnitt, der dem Schamanen einen edlen Ausdruck verleiht (+10% gegen Krieger) -75602 Edle Frisur (schwarz) Ein modischer Schnitt, der dem Schamanen einen edlen Ausdruck verleiht (+10% gegen Ninja) -75603 Edle Frisur (blau) Ein modischer Schnitt, der dem Schamanen einen edlen Ausdruck verleiht (+10% gegen Sura) -75604 Edle Frisur (hell) Ein modischer Schnitt, der dem Schamanen einen edlen Ausdruck verleiht (+10% gegen Schamane) -75605 Halblanges Haar (braun) Glattes, braunes Haar (+10% gegen Krieger) -75606 Halblanges Haar(schwarz) Glattes, schwarzes Haar (+10% gegen Ninja) -75607 Halblanges Haar (blond) Glattes, blondes Haar (+10% gegen Sura) -75608 Halblanges Haar(violett) Glattes, violettes Haar (+10% gegen Schamane) -75609 Alte Haartracht (braun) Alte Haartracht der Krieger - die braunen Haare sind zu einem Zopf gebunden (+10% gegen Krieger) -75610 Alte Haartracht (hell) Alte Haartracht der Krieger - die hellen Haare sind zu einem Zopf gebunden (+10% gegen Ninja) -75611 Alte Haartracht(violett) Alte Haartracht der Krieger - die violetten Haare sind zu einem Zopf gebunden (+10% gegen Sura) -75612 Alte Haartracht (rot) Alte Haartracht der Krieger - die roten Haare sind zu einem Zopf gebunden (+10% gegen Schamane) -80001 Geldtasche Eine aus Leder gen鋒te, dunkle und bereits leicht abgetragene B鰎se. -80002 Leeres Papier Ein noch ungenutztes St點k Pergament von guter Qualit鋞. -80008 Goldklumpen Ein bisher unbehandelter Klumpen Rohgold, der zu hohen Preisen gehandelt wird. -90001 Leere Wasserflasche Ein stabiler Reisebeh鋖ter f黵 den Wassertransport - derzeit leider leer. -90002 Wasserflasche Ein stabiler Reisebeh鋖ter f黵 den Wassertransport. -90003 Kristall Ein besonders sch鰊er und klarer Schmuckstein, der im Sonnenlicht faszinierend schillert. -90004 Edelstein Ein sch鰊 gef鋜bter und glatt geschliffener Stein, der in der Schmuckherstellung verwendet wird. -90005 Wasserstein Ein harter, grobk鰎niger Stein, der zum Schleifen von Waffen und K點henger鋞en verwendet wird. -90006 Geiststein Dieser Stein, in R黶tungen oder Waffen eingesetzt, verbessert die Qualit鋞 des Gegenstands. -90007 Mineral Es existieren 黚er 4000 Minerale, die sich hinsichtlich ihrer Kristallstruktur und somit Form und Farbe unterscheiden. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ca7f4bbb..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Ninjas sind professionelle[ENTER] -M鰎der, die in der Lage[ENTER] -sind, jederzeit lautlos aus[ENTER] -dem Hinterhalt zuzuschlagen.[ENTER] -Um die dazu n鰐ige[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Geschicklichkeit und[ENTER] -Schnelligkeit zu[ENTER] -unterst黷zen, tragen diese[ENTER] -schattenhaften Assassinen[ENTER] -lediglich leichte[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Schutzr黶tungen. So werden[ENTER] -ihre flie遝nden Bewegungen[ENTER] -nicht behindert. Je nach[ENTER] -Spezialisierung verstehen es[ENTER] -Ninjas zudem, sowohl[ENTER] -[WAIT] -meisterhaft mit dem Dolch[ENTER] -umzugehen als auch im[ENTER] -Fernkampf Pfeil und Bogen zu[ENTER] -handhaben. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e33a37c9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Mit der Weisheit langer und[ENTER] -intensiver Studien gesegnet,[ENTER] -nutzen Schamanen im Kampf[ENTER] -Zauber und Magie. Dabei[ENTER] -kommen ihre mystischen[ENTER] -[WAIT] -F鋒igkeiten nicht nur ihnen[ENTER] -selbst, sondern auch der[ENTER] -Unterst黷zung ihrer[ENTER] -Kampfgef鋒rten zugute. Durch[ENTER] -Spezialisierung besitzen[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Schamanen die M鰃lichkeit,[ENTER] -Angriffe zu verst鋜ken oder[ENTER] -einzelne Heil- und[ENTER] -Unterst黷zungs- zauber[ENTER] -weiter zu entwickeln. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c1c8f394..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Die Sura sind K鋗pfer, die[ENTER] -in den Besitz magischer[ENTER] -Kr鋐te gelangten, als sie[ENTER] -sich bereit erkl鋜ten, die[ENTER] -Saat des Teufels in ihren[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Armen aufgehen zu lassen.[ENTER] -Dadurch sind sie in der[ENTER] -Lage, sich im Nahkampf[ENTER] -gekonnt mit dem Schwert zu[ENTER] -behaupten oder im Fernkampf[ENTER] -[WAIT] -dem Gegner durch Magie[ENTER] -Schaden zuzuf黦en. Durch[ENTER] -Spezialisierung verbessern[ENTER] -die Sura ihre Angriffszauber[ENTER] -oder erwerben zus鋞zliche[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Verst鋜kungszauber. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cb2d37cb..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Dank ihrer F鋒igkeiten sowie[ENTER] -ihrer Bewaffnung und[ENTER] -schweren R黶tung spielen[ENTER] -Krieger eine wesentliche[ENTER] -Rolle im Nahkampf. Ihr[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Streben gilt allein der[ENTER] -st鋒lernen k鰎perlichen[ENTER] -Kraft und der ausgeglichenen[ENTER] -Ruhe des Geistes.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Je nach gew鋒lter[ENTER] -Spezialisierung k鰊nen sie[ENTER] -verheerenden Schaden durch[ENTER] -Zweihandwaffen anrichten[ENTER] -oder auch gekonnt mit[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Schwert und Schild die[ENTER] -Angriffe mehrerer Gegner[ENTER] -entsch鋜fen. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c43cbdee..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,764 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Liebespunkt: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Rang: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unbekannter Angriffsfehler: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE Der Gegner ist zu weit weg. -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE Ich kann den Gegner von hier nicht angreifen. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE Du kannst keine Ausr黶tung wechseln, wenn du handelst. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP Du kannst keine Ausr黶tung wechseln, wenn du handelst. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA Du kannst einen privaten Laden nicht an einem 鰂fentlichen Ort er鰂fnen. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE Der Gegner ist zu weit weg. -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW Ich ben鰐ige einen Pfeil. -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE Ich kann den Gegner von hier nicht angreifen. -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich nicht n鋒er rankomme. -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK Ich kann das nicht angreifen. -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE Der Gegner ist zu weit weg. -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD Ich ben鰐ige eine Angelrute. -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE Ich brauche ein Pferd, um das zu verwenden. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Ich habe keine leere Flasche. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Ich habe keine Giftflasche. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Wer ist das Ziel? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP Ich habe nicht genug TP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP Ich habe nicht genug MP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL Das kann ich nicht verwenden, w鋒rend ich reite. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON Diese Fertigkeit kann ich nicht mit dieser Waffe einsetzen. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN Diese Fertigkeit habe ich nicht gelernt. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE Das wirkt nur bei Gruppenmitgliedern. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE Das wirkt nur bei Toten. -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD Diese Fertigkeit kann ich nicht mit einer Angelrute einsetzen. -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE Ich kann nicht von hier angreifen. -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF Das kann ich nicht auf mich selbst anwenden. -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME Diese Fertigkeit kann ich noch nicht einsetzen. -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s hat Fl黶tern komplett blockiert. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s ist nicht online. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE Du kannst niemandem etwas zufl黶tern, wenn du Fl黶tern komplett blockiert hast. SNA -CHANNEL Kanal -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT Du kannst nicht zur點k zum Anmeldebildschirm. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER Kein Server -CHANNEL_NORMAL Kanal %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL Dieser Channel ist voll! W鋒le bitte einen anderen aus. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO Du erh鋖tst keine Informationen 黚er den Kanal. -CHANNEL_PVP Freies Duell -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL W鋒le den Kanal -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Ort f黵 die Rechnungsstellung w鋒len -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Server w鋒len -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Server testen -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL Alle -CHAT_BLOCK Abblocken -CHAT_GUILD Gilde -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING Der Satz enth鋖t unzul鋝sige W鰎ter. -CHAT_LOG Alte Nachrichten anzeigen [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Protokoll anzeigen -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Ank黱digung -CHAT_PARTY Gruppe -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Chat senden -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Fl黶tern senden [Umschalt+Eingabe] -CHAT_SHOUT Rufen -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT Du kannst nur alle 15 Sekunden rufen. -CHAT_WHISPER Fl黶tern -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME Du darfst im Charakternamen nicht ,GM verwenden. -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Dieser Name ist nicht zul鋝sig. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Ein anderer Charakter tr鋑t bereits diesen Namen. -CREATE_FAILURE Du kannst den Charakter nicht erstellen. -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Gebe den Namen ein. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT Es sind noch Statuspunkte verf黦bar. -DAY T -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 M鯿htest du %s f黵 %s kaufen? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 M鯿htest du %s %s f黵 %s kaufen? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY M鯿htest du %d Yang fallen lassen? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 M鯿htest du %s f黵 %s verkaufen? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 M鯿htest du %s %s f黵 %s verkaufen? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Du kannst einen ausger黶teten Gegenstand nicht fallen lassen. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Du kannst einen ausger黶teten Gegenstand nicht fallen lassen, wenn du einen privaten Laden er鰂fnest. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER Du kannst nur maximal 999 Yang fallen lassen. -EMOTION_ANGRY 膔gerlich -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Verf黨rung -EMOTION_BANTER Sp鰐tisch -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Jubel 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Jubel 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP Jubeln -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE W鋒le ein Ziel. -EMOTION_CLAP Applaus -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kuss -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Zuspruch -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Tanz 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Tanz 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Tanz 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Tanz 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Tanz 5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE Vergebung -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS Zungenkuss -EMOTION_JOY Freude -EMOTION_SAD Traurig -EMOTION_SHY Ablehnung -EMOTION_SLAP Schlag -EMPIRE_A Shinsoo-Reich -EMPIRE_B Chunjo-Reich -EMPIRE_C Jinno-Reich -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE Mit diesem Gegenstand kann nicht gehandelt werden. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY Du kannst den Betrag jetzt nicht 鋘dern. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Du kannst ausger黶tete Gegenst鋘de nicht austauschen. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Betrag -EXCHANGE_TITLE Mit %s handeln -FISHING_FAILURE Du hast den Fischk鰀er verloren. -FISHING_NOTIFY1 Es sieht aus, als h鋞te %s angebissen. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 Es sieht aus, als w鋜e %s gefangen worden. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 Du hast %s gefangen! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 Du hast %s! -FISHING_UNKNOWN Ich wei nicht, was ich gefangen habe. -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE Ich kann hier nicht fischen. -FOR_FEMALE F黵 Frauen -FOR_MALE F黵 M鋘ner -GAME_CANNOT_MINING Du kannst nicht nach Erzen graben, w鋒rend du reitest. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM Du kannst den Gegenstand nicht einsammeln, da er nicht von dir erbeutet wurde. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR Mauszeiger konnte nicht erstellt werden. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 muss installiert sein, damit das Spiel ausgef黨rt werden kann.\nInstalliere DirectX 8.1 oder h鰄er. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE Kein Grafikger鋞 f黵 das Ausf黨ren des Spiels gefunden. \n躡erpr黤e, ob deine VGA-Karte korrekt installiert ist. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Grafikger鋞 konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n躡erpr黤e, ob du 黚er eine VGA-Karte verf黦st.\nAlternativ kannst du die Hardware-Beschleunigung aktivieren.\n(Setze die Hardware-Beschleunigung auf Maximum \nSystemsteuerung->Anzeige->Einstellungen->Erweitert->Registerkarte Problembehandlung) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT Die Grafikkarte des PCs unterst黷zt keinen Fenstermodus im 32bit-Modus.\nWechsel zum 16bit-Modus oder verwende den Vollbildmodus. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO Keine Gegenstandsdaten vorhanden.\nInstalliere das Spiel neu. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Hauptfenster konnte nicht erstellt werden. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO Keine Monsterdaten vorhanden.\nInstalliere das Spiel neu. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Netzwerkger鋞 konnte nicht erstellt werden.\n躡erpr黤e die Internet-Verbindung. -GAME_PICK_MONEY Du hast %d Yang erhalten. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT H鰄e betr鋑t nicht 128 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT H鰄e betr鋑t nicht 12 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Breite betr鋑t nicht 16 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Breite betr鋑t nicht 64 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT Das Spiel unterst黷zt dieses Bild nicht. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Verschiebe die Dateien in den Ordner metin2/upload. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT Keine Bilddatei ausgew鋒lt. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flagge erobern -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Feldschlacht -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 Die %s-Gilde hat deiner Gilde den Krieg erkl鋜t, -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Nimmst du an? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Gildenkriegsschauplatz -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rang -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Geb鋟dename -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE Die Schlacht Drachengeist ist bereits voll. -GUILD_COMMENT Schreiben -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Gildenname ist nicht zul鋝sig. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Gildenmitglieder -GUILD_DELETE L鰏chen -GUILD_DEPOSIT Hinterlegen -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP M鯿htest du f黵 %d Yang %d Drachengeist wiederherstellen? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN Gilde fragt, ob du ihr beitreten m鯿htest? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Leeres Land -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Gildenname des Gegners -GUILD_FACILITY Nebengeb鋟de -GUILD_GEM Edelstein -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Hauptgeb鋟de -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Drachengeist wiederherstellen -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY Keine -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Mindestens Level 4 erforderlich -GUILD_NAME Gildenname -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL Du verf黦st nicht 黚er gen黦end Baumaterial f黵 dieses Geb鋟de. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Du verf黦st nicht 黚er gen黦end Yang f黵 dieses Geb鋟de. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION Du bist nicht berechtigt, eine Ank黱digung zu machen. -GUILD_OBJECT Objekte -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Zu investierende Erfahrung -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Nicht genug Erfahrung -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Basisinformationen -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Tafel -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Positionsverwaltung -GUILD_TILE_INFO Gildeninformationen -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Gildenmitglieder -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Gildenfertigkeit -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Zeit: 30 Minuten -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Belohnung: Sieger erh鋖t Tr鋘ke -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Gildenkriegsschauplatz verwenden -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Normale Karte verwenden -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE Die Gilde mit den meisten Siegen gewinnt den Krieg. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Erobere die Flagge des Gegners -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 und bringe sie zu deiner Basis -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Besiege alle Gegner, um zu gewinnen. -GUILD_WITHDRAW R點kzug -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN Du geh鰎st keiner Gilde an. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Tot -HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungrig -HORSE_HEALTH2 Verhungernd -HORSE_HEALTH3 Voll -HORSE_LEVEL1 Normales Pferd -HORSE_LEVEL2 Gepanzertes Pferd -HORSE_LEVEL3 Milit鋜pferd -HOUR Std -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 M鯿htest du %s fallen lassen? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 M鯿htest du %s %d fallen lassen -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Matrix-Kartennr. eingeben -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix-Karte -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION L鰏ch-Code aus der Accountverwaltung eingeben. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Charakter l鰏chen -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Schriftrolle kann nicht zusammengef黨rt werden. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM M鯿htest du diesen Gegenstand verwenden? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateurninja -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Macht des Ninjas -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Untoter -JOB_SHAMAN Schamane -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateurschamane -JOB_SHAMAN1 Macht des Drachen -JOB_SHAMAN2 Blitzkraft -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amateur-Sura -JOB_SURA1 Macht der Fata Morgana -JOB_SURA2 Macht der schwarzen Magie -JOB_WARRIOR Krieger -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateurkrieger -JOB_WARRIOR1 Macht von Arahan -JOB_WARRIOR2 Macht der Partisanen -LEFT_TIME Verbl. Zeit -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem Server. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS Du wurdest mit dem Server verbunden. -LOGIN_CONNETING Du wirst mit dem Server verbunden. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Dein Konto ist bereits verbunden. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Anmeldeproblem -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Das Konto ist gesperrt. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Bitte w鋒le einen anderen Server! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Das Konto verf黦t 黚er keine Spielzeit. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Das Konto ist nicht verf黦bar. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Accountname oder Passwort falsch -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID F黵 das Konto werden gerade Gegenst鋘de wiederhergestellt. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN Der Server ist noch nicht offen. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER Du konntest keine Verbindung herstellen, da es zu viele Spieler gibt. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN Du konntest dich aus unbekannten Gr黱den nicht anmelden. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK Du wurdest auf der Webseite geblockt. Bitte 黚erpr黤e deine E-Mails. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Du hast eine falsche Nr. eingegeben. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE Du hast dreimal eine falsche Nr. eingegeben. Deine Verbindung wird beendet. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Accountname oder Passwort falsch -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Gebe die ID ein. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Gib das Kennwort ein. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Anmeldevorgang l鋟ft. -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT Du kannst den Gegenstand nicht platzieren. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Kennwort -MAP_A1 Gebiet Yongan -MAP_A2 Tal von Seungryong -MAP_A3 Gebiet Jayang -MAP_AG Jungrang -MAP_B1 Gebiet Joan -MAP_B2 Tal von Im-ji -MAP_B3 Gebiet Bokjung -MAP_BG Waryong -MAP_C1 Gebiet Pyungmoo -MAP_C2 Tal von Bang-san -MAP_C3 Gebiet Bakra -MAP_CG Imha -MAP_DESERT Yongbi-W黶te -MAP_FLAME Doyyumhwan -MAP_SKELTOWER Gumsan-Turm -MAP_SNOW Berg Sohan -MAP_SPIDER Kuahlo Dong -MAP_TEMPLE Hwang-Tempel -MAP_TREE Lungsam -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Freund hinzuf黦en -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s hat dich als Freund aufgenommen. -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Annehmen? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE L鰏chen? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER M鯿htest du die Handynummer l鰏chen? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE M鯿htest du weiter? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Leer -MESSENGER_FAMILY Familie -MESSENGER_FRIEND Freund -MESSENGER_GUILD Gilde -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Gebe die Best鋞igungsnr. ein, die an dein Handy gesendet wurde. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Best鋞igungsnr. eingeben -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Gebe die Handynr. f黵 den SMS-Versand ein. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 M鯿htest du die Nummer jetzt eingeben? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Handynummer eingeben -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Nachricht senden. -MINIMAP Minikarte -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Minikarte kann nicht angezeigt werden. -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Karte kann nicht angezeigt werden. -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Minimieren -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Maximieren -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d Zuschauer -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Gro遝 Karte -MINUTE Min -MONETARY_UNIT0 Yang -MONETARY_UNIT1 zehntausend -MONETARY_UNIT2 hundert Millionen -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Verkaufspreis: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Du kannst den Gegenstand nicht verschieben, wenn du einen privaten Laden er鰂fnet hast. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST Keine Hintergrundmusik. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2-Standardmusik -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC Keine Musikdatei ausgew鋒lt. -NEEFD_REST Du musst erst ausruhen. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT Wird nicht unterst黷zt. -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE Du kannst den Gildenmodus nicht aktivieren, wenn du keiner Gilde angeh鰎st. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT Du kannst die Konfiguration des PvP-Modus nicht verwenden. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT Du musst mindestens Level %d erreicht haben, um den PvP-Modus einzustellen. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Angriffswert: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Angriffsgeschwindigkeit: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Fertigkeitsdauer: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Verteidigung: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus-EXP: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max. MP: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max. TP: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Gruppe aufl鰏en -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT m鯿hte der Gruppe beitreten. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN M鯿htest du die Einladung annehmen? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP-Verteilung -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Levelverteilung -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP H鰄eres Level erh鋖t mehr EXP. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Gleichm溥ige Verteilung -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP Alle Gruppenmitglieder erhalten gleich viele EXP. -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Alles wiederherstellen -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Reichweite der Gruppe um Faktor 1,5 erh鰄t. SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Reichweite der Gruppe um Faktor 2 erh鰄t. SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Gruppe verlassen. -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus-EXP f黵 langes Gruppenspiel: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Gruppenmitglied herbeirufen. -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus f黵 TP- + MP-Regeneration: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED Du hast die Einladung in eine Gruppe abgelehnt. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Als Angreifer festlegen. -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Als Berserker festlegen. -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Als Blocker festlegen. -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Als Verteidiger festlegen. -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Einstellung widerrufen. -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Als Fertigkeitsmeister festlegen. -PARTY_SET_TANKER Als Nahk鋗pfer festlegen. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Basis-Angriffswert Angreifer +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Angriffsgeschwindigkeit Berserker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Fertigkeitsdauer Blocker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Verteidigung Verteidiger +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN TP-Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Gruppenreichweite +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Max. MP Fertigkeitsmeister +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN MP-Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Max. TP Nahk鋗pfer +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP In der Lage, Gruppenmitglieder herbeizurufen. -PASSWORD_TITLE Lagerpasswort -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Gegenstandsnr. -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Betrag -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Du kannst diesen Gegenstand nicht in einem privaten Laden verkaufen. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION M鯿htest du den privaten Laden schlie遝n? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Name des privaten Ladens -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Preis -PVP_LEVEL0 Ritterlich -PVP_LEVEL1 Edel -PVP_LEVEL2 Gut -PVP_LEVEL3 Freundlich -PVP_LEVEL4 Neutral -PVP_LEVEL5 Aggressiv -PVP_LEVEL6 Arglistig -PVP_LEVEL7 B鰏artig -PVP_LEVEL8 Grausam -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP-Gildenmodus wurde aktiviert. -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP-Frei wurde aktiviert. -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP-Frieden wurde aktiviert. -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP-Schutz wurde aktiviert. -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP-Aggressiv wurde aktiviert. -PVP_OPTION_KILL Frei -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Frieden -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Schutz -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Feindlich -QUEST_APPEND Neuer Auftrag wurde erfasst. -QUEST_MIN Min. -QUEST_SEC Sek. -QUEST_TIMEOVER Zeit abgelaufen -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME Keine Zeitbeschr鋘kung -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sek. -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht zum Schnellzugriffsfeld hinzugef黦t werden. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s hat dir eine Nachricht gesendet. -REFINE_COST Verbesserungskosten: %d Yang -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING Der Gegenstand k鰊nte durch die Veredelung zerst鰎t werden. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 Dies erh鰄t die Verbesserungswahrscheinlichkeit, -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 aber bei einem Fehlschlag wird der Gegenstand zerst鰎t. M鯿htest du fortfahren? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING Der Gegenstand k鰊nte durch das Veredeln verschlechtert werden. -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN M鯿htest du den Geiststein entfernen? -REFINE_FAILURE Tja, hat nicht geklappt! Wir haben versagt. -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s kann diesem Gegenstand nicht beigef黦t werden. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Du kannst den ausger黶teten Gegenstand nicht verbessern. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM Es kann kein Geiststein entfernt werden. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL Du ben鰐igst eine bessere Verbesserungsschriftrolle. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET Es gibt keine Goldfassung, um %s beizuf黦en. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET Du kannst keine weiteren Fassungen hinzuf黦en. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 Es gibt keine Fassung, um %s beizuf黦en. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM Auf diesem Gegenstand kann keine Fassungen hinzugef黦t werden. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht verbessert werden. -REFINE_SUCCESS Die Gegenstandsverbesserung war erfolgreich. -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Verbesserungschance: %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 M鯿htest du fortfahren? -SAFEBOX_ERROR Du hast das falsche Kennwort eingegeben. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM Du kannst keine der gespeicherten Gegenst鋘de verkaufen. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD Die Kennw鰎ter m黶sen identisch sein. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 ist gespeichert in -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot-Ordner -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Speichern des Screenshots fehlgeschlagen. -SECOND Sek -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE Du kannst den Charakter nicht l鰏chen. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME Du hast den Namen des Charakters ge鋘dert. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME Der Charaktername existiert bereits. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Versuche es erneut. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME Dies ist der falsche Charaktername. -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Charakternamen 鋘dern -SELECT_DELEING Charakter wird gel鰏cht -SELECT_DELETED L鰏chung erfolgreich. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY M鯿htest du fortfahren? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT Dies ist ein leeres Feld. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Gib einen neuen Charakternamen ein. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD Keine Gilde -SHOP_BUY_INFO Du kannst einen Gegenstand durch Ausw鋒len im Ladenfenster kaufen. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT Du kannst den ausger黶teten Gegenstand nicht verkaufen. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Dieser Gegenstand ist nicht zu verkaufen. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unbekannter Ladenfehler: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS Dieser Gegenstand ist ungeeignet. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Im Inventar ist kein Platz mehr. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Nicht genug Yang -SHOP_SELL_INFO W鋒le im Inventarfenster den zu verkaufenden Gegenstand aus. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Ausverkauft -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unbekannter Langdistanz-Angriffsfehler: %s -SKILL_BOHO Reflektieren -SKILL_BUDONG Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK Du ben鰐igst EXP, um diese Fertigkeit zu erlernen. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT Du ben鰐igst ein Buch, um diese Fertigkeit zu erlernen. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Starker K鰎per -SKILL_CRITICAL Kritischer Treffer -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Gift benutzen -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Unsichtbar -SKILL_FAINT Ohnmacht -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Falle suchen -SKILL_FIRE Verbrennen -SKILL_FISHMIND Fischkugel wird verwendet -SKILL_GAMJI Erfassen -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura des Schwerts -SKILL_GEONGON SKILL_GEONGON Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_GICHEON Hilfe des Drachen -SKILL_GIGONG Chi-Rotation -SKILL_GONGPO Furcht -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Gro適eister -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Meister -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfekter Meister -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Klinge -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Bogen -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Reitkunst -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Drachen -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Heilung -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Waffen -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magie -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 K鰎per -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Mental -SKILL_GWIGEOM Verzauberte Klinge -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Federschreiten -SKILL_HEUKSIN Dunkler Schutz -SKILL_HOSIN Segen -SKILL_HWAYEOM SKILL_HWAYEOM Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_HYEOLMA SKILL_HYEOLMA Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Angriffsgeschwindigkeit steigt -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit steigt -SKILL_INMA SKILL_INMA Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_JEOJU Fluch -SKILL_JEONGEOP Heilen -SKILL_JEONGWI Kampfrausch -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Volle Verteidigung -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Voller Angriff -SKILL_JEUNGCHE SKILL_JEUNGCHE Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_JEUNGHON SKILL_JEUNGHON Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Angriff + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Geschwindigkeit + -SKILL_JIGAM SKILL_JIGAM Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_JIPJUNG SKILL_JIPJUNG Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_JUMAGAP Verzauberte R黶tung -SKILL_JUMAGEOM SKILL_JUMAGEOM Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_KWAEGEOM SKILL_KWAEGEOM Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_KWAESOK Schnelligkeit -SKILL_LEGBOUND SKILL_LEGBOUND Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_MUSA SKILL_MUSA Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_MUYEONG Geist der Flamme -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Ich habe keine leere Flasche. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Ich habe keine Giftflasche. -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR Du kannst diese Fertigkeit nur in einem Gildenkrieg einsetzen. -SKILL_PABEOP Zauber aufheben -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Bet鋟bungsangriff -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Blitzbombe -SKILL_SINCHAK SKILL_SINCHAK Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_SLEEP Schlaf -SKILL_SLOW Langsam -SKILL_STUN Bet鋟ben -SKILL_SUHO W鋍hter -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance der Beschw鰎ung: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Intelligenz -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level -SKILL_TOXICDIE Vergiftung -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Giftangriffswert verbessert -SKILL_TUSOK Geisterschlag -SKILL_WONSIN SKILL_WONSIN Wird nicht mehr benutzt -SKILL_YONGSIN SKILL_YONGSIN Wird nicht mehr benutzt -STAT_MINUS_CON Lebensenergieanpassung (Verbleibende Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX Agilit鋞sanpassung (Verbleibende Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT Intelligenzanpassung (Verbleibende Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR St鋜keanpassung (Verbleibende Chance: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON TP und Verteidigung werden verbessert -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Genauigkeit und Flucht werden verbessert -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT MP und magische Kraft werden verbessert -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Angriffswert wird verbessert -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Gildenfahne anmelden -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU-Tiling-Modus kann die Geschwindigkeit eines schw鋍heren PC verbessern. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 Wenn Probleme mit der Grafik auftreten, w鋒le ,Systemoption oder ,CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 und wechsel so zum GPU-Tiling-Modus -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU-Tiling-Modus kann auf einem schw鋍heren PC langsam laufen -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 Wenn Probleme mit der Grafik auftreten, w鋒le ,Systemoption oder ,CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 und wechsel so zum CPU-Tiling-Modus -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT F黵 den Wechsel des Tiling-Modus muss das Spiel beendet werden. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Zustimmen -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Rache -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Zerst鰎en -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Absitzen -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotionen -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Handeln -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Ausschlie遝n -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER Zuschauermodus beenden -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duell -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Freund -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Gildeneinlad. -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Gruppeneinlad. -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Gruppe verlassen -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Gruppe beitreten -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Ausr黶tung -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Fl黶tern -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Stufe 5. -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Stufe 3. -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Stufe 1. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Stufe 4. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Stufe 2. -TASKBAR_ATTACK Angreifen -TASKBAR_AUTO Autom. -TASKBAR_CAMERA Kamera -TASKBAR_EXP Erfahrung -TASKBAR_HP TP -TASKBAR_MOVE Bewegen -TASKBAR_SKILL Fertigkeit -TASKBAR_SP MP -TASKBAR_ST AP -THING_COUNT alle -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Kann nicht im Gesch鋐t verkauft werden. -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Stark gegen Tiere +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Stark gegen Ninjas +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Stark gegen Teufel +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Stark gegen Halbmenschen +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Stark gegen Esoterische +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Stark gegen Monster +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Stark gegen Orks +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Stark gegen Schamanen +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Stark gegen Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Stark gegen Untote +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Stark gegen Krieger +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance, k鰎perlichen Angriff abzublocken %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER MP im Kampf alle 5 Sek. wiederherstellen %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance auf kritischen Treffer SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, MP bei Treffer zur點kzuerhalten SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE %d%% Chance, Pfeilangriff auszuweichen SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance auf EXP-Bonus SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance, eine doppelte Menge Yang fallen zu lassen. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immun gegen St黵zen SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Abwehr gegen Verlangsamen SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Abwehr gegen Ohnmacht SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% Chance, eine doppelte Menge von Gegenst鋘den fallen zu lassen. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, TP wiederherzustellen SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, MP wiederherzustellen SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% Chance, MP des Gegners zu 黚ernehmen SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT Keine Auswirkung -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY Keine Strafe bei Tod SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% Chance auf durchbohrenden Treffer SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Vergiftungschance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Giftwiderstand %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Trank %d%% Effektzuwachs SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE %d%% Chance, Fluch zu reflektieren SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE %d%% Chance, direkten k鰎perlichen Angriff zu reflektieren SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Abwehrchance gegen Ninjaangriffe %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Glockenverteidigung %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Dolchverteidigung %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN F鋍herverteidigung %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Abwehrchance gegen Schamanenangriffe %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Abwehrchance gegen Suraangriffe %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Schwertverteidigung %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Zweih鋘derverteidigung %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Abwehrchance gegen Kriegerangriffe %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Windwiderstand %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Chance beim Lernen aus B點hern um Faktor 2,5 verbessert. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY Wenn das Lernen fehlschl鋑t, kannst du gleich noch eins lesen. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Verlangsamungschance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP Schaden %d%% wird von TP absorbiert. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP Schaden %d%% wird von MP absorbiert. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Ohnmachtschance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR R黶tung -TOOLTIP_ARROW Pfeil -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Angriffswert +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Angriffsgeschwindigkeit +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Bogenreichweite +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Preis: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Zaubergeschwindigkeit +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Lebenskraft +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Verteidigung +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Beweglichkeit +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Ohrring -TOOLTIP_ETC Usw. -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Punkte: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Dem Fischer geben -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 um zu einer besserer -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 Angelrute zu verbessern -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN L鋘ge: %,2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Helm -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN TP-Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Intelligenz +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Angriffswert %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Angriffswert %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Angriffswert %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Angriffswert %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Angriffsgeschwindigkeit %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Verteidigung %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Schnell -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Lebenskraftobergrenze: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Beweglichkeitsobergrenze: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Intelligenzobergrenze: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL Ab Lvl: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR St鋜keobergrenze: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magischer Angriffswert %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magischer Angriffswert %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magische Verteidigung %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Langsam -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Sehr schnell -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Sehr langsam -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [Ausr黶tbar] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Gl點kszahl: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magischer Angriffswert +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magische Verteidigung +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Angriffswert +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Angriffswert +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT Autom. wird das Yang aufgenommen. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Verteidigung +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Verteidigung +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP-Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 50% mehr EXP SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Die Chance, einen Fisch zu fangen, ist erh鰄t. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Dropchance von Yang (%.1f) SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Doppelte Dropchance Yang SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Dropchance von Gegenst鋘den (%.1f) SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Chance auf Erbeuten von Gegenst鋘den plus %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Doppelte Dropchance von Gegenst鋘den SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Liebespunkte wachsen schneller an. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Es steht mehr Lagerraum zur Verf黦ung. SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max. TP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max. TP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max. MP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max. MP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max. Ausdauer +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS-FEHLER(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Halskette -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Ben鰐igte MP: Max. -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Ben鰐igter Drachengeist: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Ben鰐igte TP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC TP: %d / Sek -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Ben鰐igte Fertigkeitspunkte: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Ben鰐igte MP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP: %d / Sek -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 N鋍hster Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 N鋍hster Level: %d (Max. %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Durchschn. Schaden %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Durchschn. Schadenswiderstand %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 Mehr als %d Gruppenmitglieder -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Angriffsstufe +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Verteidigungsstufe +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL TP/MP aller Gruppenmitglieder einmal in 60 Minuten wiederherstellen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL TP/MP aller Gruppenmitglieder einmal in 30 Minuten wiederherstellen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL Du musst drei Minuten nach dem Tod des Gruppenmitglieds warten. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL Du kannst jederzeit Gruppenmitglieder auf dem gleichen Server herbeirufen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Angriffsstufe +(Anzahl der Gruppenmitgl./2) Angreifer %d k鰊nen ausgew鋒lt werden. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Verteidigungsstufe +(Anzahl der Gruppenmitgl.) Nahk鋗pfer 1 k鰊nen ausgew鋒lt werden. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Aktuelles Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Angriff/Verteidigung verbessert] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [Wiederherstellen] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP Mehr als %d Gruppenmitglieder gibt Bonus-EXP %d%%. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus-EXP] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Herbeirufen] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Angreifer festlegen] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Nahk鋗pfer festlegen] -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Punkte: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Dem Holzf鋖ler geben -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 um zu einer besserer -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 Hacke zu verbessern -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Negative Effekte zur點ksetzen. -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Angriffsgeschwindigkeit: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT TP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT TP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT MP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT MP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sek. -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Dauer: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL Du musst Level 21 erreicht haben -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL Du musst Level 41 erreicht haben -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL Du musst Level %d erreicht haben -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d erforderlich -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d erforderlich -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Pfeilwiderstand %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Blitzwiderstand %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Feuerwiderstand %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magiewiderstand %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Verbleibend: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Preis: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Schamane -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Schild -TOOLTIP_SHOES Schuhe -TOOLTIP_SKILL Fertigkeit SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Fertigkeitsbuch -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Angriffswert: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Angriffswert: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Angriffsgeschwindigkeit: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Verteidigung: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Gegnerischer Angriffswert: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL TP wiederherstellen: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance, k鰎perlichen Angriff zu reflektieren: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Widerstand gegen k鰎perlichen Schaden: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Aufladezeit: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Fertigkeitsschaden %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Widerstand gegen Fertigkeitsschaden %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Dauer: %d Sek. -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Band des Vergessens -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Aktuelles Level: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Aktuelles Level: %d (Meister) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Aktuelles Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Leer -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Gegenstand mit Fassung] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN MP-Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR St鋜ke +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Einzigartig -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Krieger -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Waffe -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Armband -UI_ACCEPT Annehmen -UI_CANCEL Abbruch -UI_CLOSE Schlie遝n -UI_DEF_FONT Arial:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Arial:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Arial:9 -UI_DENY Ablehnen -UI_ITEM Gegenstand -UI_LEFT_TIME Verbleibende Zeit: %d Sek. -UI_NEXT Weiter -UI_NOCONTENTS Kein Inhalt -UI_NONAME Kein Name -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unbekannter Ort -UI_UNKNOWN Unbekannt -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT Der Upload muss nochmal gestartet werden -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT Der Upload muss nochmal gestartet werden -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Du kannst den Gegenstand nicht verwenden, weil du einen privaten Laden er鰂fnet hast. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unbekannter Fertigkeitsfehler: %s diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 58116dfb..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Best鋞igen -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Anh鋘gen? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Der Metinstein wurde angeh鋘gt. -CANCEL Abbruch -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Neues Passwort best鋞igen -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW Neues Passwort -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Altes Passwort -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Passwort鋘derung -CHARACTER_ACTION Aktionen -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emotion -CHARACTER_MAIN Charakter -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Interaktive Aktionen -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normale Aktionen -CHARACTER_QUEST Missionen -CHARACTER_SKILL Fertigkeiten -CLOSE Schlie遝n -CREATE_ATT_GRADE STR -CREATE_CREATE Erstellen -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DEX -CREATE_HP VIT -CREATE_LAST_POINT Punkte -CREATE_MAN Mann -CREATE_NAME Name -CREATE_NEXT Weiter -CREATE_PREV Zur點k -CREATE_SEX Geschlecht -CREATE_SHAPE Aussehen -CREATE_SP INT -CREATE_STAT_RESET Zur點k -CREATE_WOMAN Frau -CUBE_TITLE Kr鋟terkiste -EMPIRE_EXIT Beenden -EMPIRE_NEXT Weiter -EMPIRE_PREV Zur點k -EMPIRE_SELECT W鋒len -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Annehmen -EXCHANGE_TITLE Handeln -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Spieloptionen -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER Zuschauermodus beenden -GAME_HELP Hilfe -GAME_QUEST Aufgaben -GAME_SKILL_UP Fertigkeit erh鰄en -GAME_STAT_UP Status erh鰄en -GUILD_BASENAME Basisname -GUILD_BOARD_ID Name -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Aktualisieren (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Inhalt -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Baueinheiten -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Wechseln -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Richtung -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rang -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Geb鋟de- und Kosteninformationen -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Geb鋟deliste -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Stamm -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Geb鋟dename -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Bedienen -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Sperrholz -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Lage -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Vorschau -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Preis -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Aktualisieren (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Fu.stein -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Gildenhausbau -GUILD_CRYSTAL Kristall -GUILD_DEPOSIT Zahlen -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 hier -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Ressource fallen lassen -GUILD_GEM Edelstein -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME Zu 鋘dernder Positionsname -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Rang -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Entlassen -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Aufnehmen -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Notiz -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Handwerker -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Position -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Schreiben -GUILD_INFO Gildeninformationen -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Erfahrung -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Krieg erkl鋜en -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Feindliche Gilde -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY Keine -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Gilden-Level -GUILD_INFO_MARK Gildenzeichen -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Leader -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Leader -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL Durchschnittliches Level -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Anzahl Mitglieder -GUILD_INFO_NAME Gildenname -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE Dies ist ein Gildenname -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Invest. -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP N鰐ige Erfahrung -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Zeichen hochladen -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Flagge hochladen -GUILD_MARK Gildenzeichen -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Rasse -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Leader -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Level -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Name -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Rang -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Invest. -GUILD_METIN_STONE Geiststein -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Yang -GUILD_NAME Gilde -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Ressourceninformationen -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Aktiv -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Aufladen -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Passiv -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Energie -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Fertigkeit der Gilde -GUILD_SYMBOL Gildenflagge -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Gildenkriegserkl鋜ung annehmen -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Kampfart -GUILD_WAR_CTF Flagge -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Gildenkrieg erkl鋜en -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Gegner -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Feld -GUILD_WAR_WARP Arena -GUILD_WATER Wasser -GUILD_WATER_STONE Wasserstein -GUILD_WITHDRAW Nehmen -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - Verwende zum Angreifen die Leertaste oder die linke Maustaste -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - Verwende zum Wechseln des Angriff-Modus die Tasten Strg + B -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (謋fnen: Charakterfenster, Inventar- -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 fenster und Chat-Fenster) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - die Kamerasicht kann mit der mittleren Maustaste angepasst werden -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - die Kamerasicht kann mit der Strg- und der rechten Maustaste angepasst werden -HELP_EXP Erfahrung -HELP_FURY Ingame Item Shop -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - Verwende die Tasten Alt + G, um das Gildenfenster zu 鰂fnen und zu schlie遝n -HELP_HELP - Dr點ke die Taste H oder verwende eine Taste im Spielmen, um die Hilfe anzuzeigen -HELP_HP TP -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - Verwende die Tasten Alt + M, um das Nachrichtenfenster zu 鰂fnen und zu schlie遝n -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Funktion der linken Maustaste -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Funktion der rechten Maustaste -HELP_MOVE_KEY - Verwende die Tasten W, S, A, D und die Pfeiltasten, um deinen Charakter zu bewegen -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - die Taste C 鰂fnet das Charakterfenster -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - die Eingabetaste 鰂fnet das Chat-Fenster -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - die Taste I 鰂fnet das Inventarfenster -HELP_OPEN_LOG - die Taste L 鰂fnet das Chat-Log -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - die Umschalttaste und die Taste M 鰂fnen und schlie遝n die Minikarte -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - Dr點ke die Taste N, um das Auftragsfenster zu 鰂fnen -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - Dr點ke die Taste V, um das Fertigkeitenfenster zu 鰂fnen -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - die Umschalttaste + die Eingabetaste 鰂fnen das Fl黶terfenster -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - die Taste M 鰂fnet und schlie遲 die gro遝 Karte -HELP_PICK_ITEM - Dr點ke die Taste ^, um Gegenst鋘de aufzuheben -HELP_QUICKSLOT Schnellzugriffsfeld -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - Dr點ke die Taste Druck, um einen Screenshot zu machen. Der Screenshot wird im Metin/screenshot Verzeichnis gespeichert -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - Dr點ke die Alt-Taste, um die Namen aller Charaktere und Gegenst鋘de anzuzeigen -HELP_SP AP -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON Systemtaste -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. Inventar -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2. Inventar -INVENTORY_TITLE Inventar -ITEM_MALL Item Shop -LOAD_ERROR Die Datendatei ist besch鋎igt. Bitte Client neu installieren. Dr點ke jetzt die Taste ESC. -LOGIN_CONNECT Verbinden -LOGIN_CONNECTING Du wirst mit dem Server verbunden. -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Servername, Kanal 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Beenden -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Ort f黵 die Rechnungsstellung w鋒len -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON W鋒len -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Beenden -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Server w鋒len -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Passwort -MALL_TITLE Item-Shop Lager -MARKET_TITLE Laden -MARKLIST_REFRESH Aktualisieren -MARKLIST_TITLE Gildenzeichen registrieren -MESSAGE Dies ist eine Nachricht -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Freunde hinzuf黦en -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Freunde l鰏chen -MESSENGER_MOBILE SMS senden -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Gildenfenster 鰂fnen -MESSENGER_TITLE Freunde -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Verwende die Gildenbewegungsfertigkeit -MESSENGER_WHISPER Fl黶tern -MINIMIZE Minimieren -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Angreifen -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Automatisch angreifen -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Perspektive -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Fertigkeiten -MUSICLIST_TITLE Musikauswahl -NO Nein -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Name -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF begrenzt -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Immer -OPTION_BLOCK Abblocken -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Handeln -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Freund -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Gilde -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Gruppe -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Anfrage -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Fl黶tern -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Kamera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Fern -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Nah -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Handynummer l鰏chen -OPTION_EFFECT Trefferanzeige -OPTION_FOG Nebel -OPTION_FOG_DENSE Viel -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Wenig -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Mittel -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Handynummer eingeben -OPTION_MOBILE Handy -OPTION_MUSIC Musik -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Wechseln -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Standardtitel von Metin2 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Farbe Name -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Reichsfarbe -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP-Modus -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Frei -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP Du darfst alle Spieler angreifen. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Gilde -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP Du darfst alle Spieler mit Ausnahme von Gildenmitgliedern angreifen. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Frieden -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP Ich kann keine anderen Spieler meines Reiches angreifen. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Feindlich -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP Du kannst nur Spieler mit einer anderen Gesinnung angreifen. -OPTION_SOUND Effekte -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Zielmen -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Schlie遝n -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Anzeigen -OPTION_TILING Grafikspeicher -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Anwenden -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Optionen -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chatzeile -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF ausblenden -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON einblenden -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Name des Gruppenmitglieds -PASSWORD_TITLE Speicher-PW -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Teilen -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Laden schlie遝n -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Name des Ladens -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Privaten Laden einrichten -REFINE_COST Verbesserungskosten: 0 Yang -REFINE_INFO Wahrscheinlichkeit auf erfolgreiche Verbesserung: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Verbesserungen -RESTART_HERE Hier neu starten -RESTART_TOWN In der Stadt neu starten -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Passwort 鋘dern -SAFE_TITLE Speicherung -SELECT_ATT_GRADE STR -SELECT_CREATE Erstellen -SELECT_DELETE L鰏chen -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DEX -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Name des Reiches -SELECT_EXIT Beenden -SELECT_HP VIT -SELECT_LEVEL Level -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Geiststein w鋒len -SELECT_NAME Name -SELECT_NO_GUILD Keine Gilde -SELECT_PLAYTIME Spielzeit (Min.) -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP INT -SELECT_TITLE Titel ausw鋒len -SHOP_BUY Kaufen -SHOP_SELL Verkaufen -SHOP_TITLE Laden -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Standardfertigkeiten -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE Systemoptionen -SYSTEM_CHANGE Charakter wechseln -SYSTEM_EXIT Spiel beenden -SYSTEM_HELP Hilfe -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Ausloggen -SYSTEM_MALL Item Shop -SYSTEM_OPTION Systemoptionen -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Charakter[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat-Fenster -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Inventar[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Nachrichten -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT N鋍hstes Schnellzugriffsfeld [Umschalt+Zahl, Alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Vorheriges Schnellzugriffsfeld [Umschalt+Zahl] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Optionen[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Abblocken -WHISPER_NAME Zufl黶tern -WHISPER_SEND Senden -YES Ja -ZONE_MAP Gro遝 Karte diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/de/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index cfca3fdf..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/de/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index be2fd98b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Dreiwege-Schnitt Dreifachschnitt Dreifachschlag Schlage den Feind blitzschnell. Durchschlag-Angriff 3 Mal Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Gesamtangriffswert %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -106 SHAMAN Blitzwurf Kugelblitz Todes Blitz Greife mit Blitzen an. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Blitzattribut ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magischer Angriffswert: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Blitz heraufbeschw鰎en Blitz rufen Gewitter Beschw鰎e Blitze vom Himmel herab. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Blitzattribut Ohnmacht ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magischer Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Ohnmachtschance: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Blitzkralle Blitzschlag Donnerfaust Mache eine Blitzfaust. Fern-Angriff Blitzattribut Kettenangriff ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magischer Angriffswert: %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Kurieren Heilen Hilfe des Lichts Heile Wunden mit der Hilfe des Lichts. TP werden wiederhergestellt Negative Effekte werden kuriert Kann f黵 ein Gruppenmitglied verwendet werden CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 TP wiederherstellen %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Chance, negative Effekte zu kurieren %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Schnelligkeit Geschwindigkeit Windgeschwindigkeit Renne so schnell wie der Wind. Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit wird erh鰄t Zaubergeschwindigkeit wird verringert Kann f黵 ein Gruppenmitglied verwendet werden CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Zaubergeschwindigkeit +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Angriff+ Angriff unterst黷zen verst鋜kter Angriff Mache einen Partner st鋜ker. Angriffswert wird erh鰄t Kann f黵 ein Gruppenmitglied verwendet werden CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Angriffswert : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT F黨rung F鋒igkeit, Partner anzuf黨ren. PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Combo Verst鋜ke den Combo-Angriff. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Angeln Versuche einen Fisch zu angeln. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Bergbau Baue Mineral ab. PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Herstellung von Gegenst鋘den Stelle einen Gegenstand her. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Shinsoo Du kannst Shinsoo verstehen. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Chunjo Du kannst Chunjo verstehen. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Jinno Du kannst Jinno verstehen. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Verwandlung Verwandelt dich in ein Monster. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Reiten F鋒igkeit, ein Pferd zu reiten. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Pferd rufen Rufe dein Pferd herbei. summon -137 HORSE Kampf vom Pferder點ken Reite ein Pferd und greife die Feinde an.(ab Lv.50) Reiterliches K鰊nen ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Pferdestampfer Zerstampfen alle Feinde in der N鋒e.(ab Lv. 52) Reiterliches K鰊nen ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Kraftwelle Greife alle Feinde vom Pferd aus an.(ab Lv.55) Reiterliches K鰊nen ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Pfeilhagel Schie遝 Pfeile auf Feinde vom Pferd aus.(ab Lv. 50) Reiterliches K鰊nen ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Drachenaugen Erh鰄en den maximalen Drachengeist. PASSIVE yongan Max. Drachengeisterh鰄ung +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Blut des Drachengotts Erh鰄en eine Zeit lang die max. TP aller Gildenmitglieder. Nur Gildenkrieg ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Max. TP-Erh鰄ung +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Segnung des Drachengotts Erh鰄en eine Zeit lang die max. MP aller Gildenmitglieder. Nur Gildenkrieg ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Max. FP-Erh鰄ung +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Heilige R黶tung Verbesser eine Zeit lang die Verteidigung aller Gildenmitglieder. Nur Gildenkrieg ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Verteidigungsverbesserung +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Beschleunigung Erh鰄e eine Zeit lang die Angriffs- und Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit aller Gildenmitglieder. Nur Gildenkrieg ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Angriffs- und Bewegungsgeschwindigkeitserh鰄ung +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Wut des Drachengotts Vergr鲞er eine Zeit lang die wichtige Chance aller Gildenmitglieder. Nur Gildenkrieg ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Erh鰄ung der wichtigen Chance +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Zauberhilfe Verringer eine Zeit lang die Aufladezeit aller Gildenmitglieder. Nur Gildenkrieg ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Erh鰄ung der Zaubergeschwindigkeit +%.0f%% k * 50 -16 WARRIOR Durchschlag Druckwelle Tsunami-Angriff Du greifst die Feinde frontal an. Frontaler Durchschlag-Angriff ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Heftiges Schlagen Heftiger Tigerschlag Heftiger Drachenschlag Du greifst die Feinde frontal an. Durchschlag-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Stampfer L鰓enstampfer Rhinozerosstampfer Werfe mehrere Feinde um. Durchschlag-Angriff Ohnmachtschance ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Ohnmachtschance: %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Starker K鰎per K鰎per aus Eisen K鰎per aus Stahl Deine Verteidigung wird eine Zeit lang besser und Du f鋖lst nicht zu Boden. Verteidigung wird verbessert Verringert die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit Kein Umfallen. STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Verteidigung : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit: -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -2 WARRIOR Schwertwirbel Schwerttanz Zyklon Wirbel das Schwert herum, um mehrere Feinde anzugreifen. Durchschlag-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Schwertschlag Schwertsto Schwertwurf Du greifst die Feinde frontal an. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Ohnmacht Haut das Ziel um ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Ohnmachtschance: %.0f%% (100+k*1000/6)/10 -3 WARRIOR Kampfrausch Wut Raserei Du konzentrierst Dich ausschlie遧ich auf das Angreifen. Angriffsgeschwindigkeit wird erh鰄t Erh鰄t die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit Erh鰄t die Schadensanf鋖ligkeit STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Angriffsgeschwindigkeit +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -31 ASSASSIN Hinterhalt Getarnter Angriff Getarnter Hinterhalt N鋒ere Dich Deinen Feind von hinten und mache einen t鰀lichen Angriff. Der Angriffswert steigt, wenn der Treffer in den R點ken ging. Tarnungsbonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Angriffswert : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Blitzangriff Warpangriff Todesangriff N鋒ere Dich schnell einem Feind und machen einen t鰀lichen Angriff. Teleportationsangriff Tarnungsbonus ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Degenwirbel Wirbelnder Dolch Tanzender Dolch Wirbel mit einem Dolch um Feinde herum. Fl鋍henschaden Anhaltender Giftangriff ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Vergiftungschance %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Tarnung Leiser Gang Verh黮len Du kannst Dich verstecken. Der Angriff wird beim benutzen abgebrochen. STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Hinterhalt-Bonusschaden: +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Giftwolke T鰀liche Wolke Killerwolke Lasse um Deinen Feind herum giftige Wolken entstehen und vergifte ihn dadurch. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Anhaltender Giftangriff ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Vergiftungschance %.0f%% 40*k -4 WARRIOR Aura des Schwerts Spirituelles Schwert Phantomschwert Der Angriffswert wird f黵 bestimmte Zeit erh鰄t. Angriffswert wird erh鰄t STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Angriffswert +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -46 ASSASSIN Wiederholter Schuss Mehrfachschuss Gewaltiger Schuss Schie mit mehreren Pfeilen auf einen Feind. Fern-Angriff Mehrere Angriffe ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Gesamtangriffswert %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f Pfeile wurden abgeschossen. 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Pfeilregen Pfeilsturm Pfeilorkan Schie遝 mit mehreren Pfeilen auf mehrere Feinde. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Angriffswert %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 Max. Ziel %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Feuerpfeil Brennender Pfeil Flammenpfeil Z黱de den Pfeil an. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Feuerangriff ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Federschreiten Schnell wie der Wind Gottes Geschwindigkeit Mache Deinen K鰎per leichter, um die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu erh鰄en. Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit wird erh鰄t STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit: +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Sausen Rasen Geschoss Du bist so schnell wie ein Geschoss! Geladener Durchschlag-Angriff ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Giftpfeil Toxischer Pfeil T鰀licher Pfeil Bestreiche den Pfeil mit einem starken Gift. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Wirf das Ziel um Anhaltender Giftangriff ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Vergiftungschance %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Fingerschlag Brennender Fingerschlag Fingerexplosion Erzeuge mit den Fingerspitzen eine gro遝 Explosion. Durchschlag-Angriff Verteidigung des Gegners wird ignoriert Intelligenzbonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Chance auf Ignorieren der Verteidigung des Gegners %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Drachenwirbel Tornadowirbel Wirbelwind Verursache einen heftigen Wirbelsturm, um mehrere Feinde zu besiegen. Fl鋍henschaden Fliehen des Gegners wird ignoriert Intelligenzbonus ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Chance auf Ignorieren der Flucht des Gegners %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Verzauberte Klinge Verzaubertes Schwert Geisterklinge Statte Deine Klinge mit einem m鋍htigen Geist aus. Angriffswert wird erh鰄t Intelligenzbonus Stehlen von Leben STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Angriffswert +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k Schaden %.0f%% wurde Ihren TP hinzugef黦t. 10*k -64 SURA Furcht Gro遝 Furcht Schrecken Verringern die Fertigkeiten der Feinde, die Dich anzugreifen. Gegnerischer Angriffswert wird verringert. Chance, dass der Angriff des Gegners fehlschl鋑t, wird gesteigert. Wird nur angewandt, wenn Du getroffen wirst. STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Gegnerischer Angriffswert -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Chance, dass der Angriff des Gegners fehlschl鋑t %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Verzauberte R黶tung Verzauberte bessere R黶tung R黶tung der Dunkelheit Sch黷ze Deinen K鰎per mit einer dunklen R黶tung. Ein Teil des Schadens wird auf den Angreifer zur點kreflektiert. Verbessert die Verteidigung Intelligenzbonus STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Verteidigung +%.0f (iq+30)*k Chance, k鰎perlichen Angriff zu reflektieren %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Zauber aufheben M鋍htige Zauberaufhebung Zauberaufhebungsangriff Beseitige alle hilfreichen Effekte des Feindes. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Hilfreiche Effekte des Gegners werden beseitigt ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magischer Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Zauberaufhebungschance %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Dunkler Schlag Dunkler Hieb Schwarzer Angriff Werfe die dunkle Macht, um Feinde zu verletzen. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magischer Angriffswert: %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Flammenschlag Brennender Schlag Flammendetonation Verbrenne die Feinde mit einer Explosion. Fl鋍henschaden Feuerangriff ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magischer Angriffswert: %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Geist der Flamme Flammenreihe Flammenexplosion Erzeuge einen Geist der Flamme. Fern-Angriff Willk黵liches Ziel Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magischer Angriffswert: %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Dunkler Schutz Dunkle Membran Schutz des dunklen F黵sten Sch黷zt Dich mit der dunklen Macht und wandelt k鰎perlichen Schaden in MP um. Magie-Schaden wird reduziert. Verbessert die Verteidigung STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Schadensreduzierung %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Verteidigung +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Geisterschlag Seelenschlag Geisterangriff Werfe dunkle Geister, um Feinde zu verletzen. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele Sie werden langsamer ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magischer Angriffswert: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Chance auf Langsamerwerden: %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Dunkler Stein Dunkle Kugel Dunkle Sph鋜e Werfe eine dunkle Kugel, um Feinde zu verletzen. Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magischer Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Fliegender Talisman Drachenwurf Gewaltiger Wurf Werfe einen Talisman, um Feinde zu verletzen Fern-Angriff Angriff auf mehrere Ziele ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Drachenschie遝n Angreifender Drache Aufsteigender Drache Schie遝 eine Drachenfigur ab, um Feinde frontal anzugreifen. Durchschlag-Angriff Dauerhafter Feuerschaden ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magischer Angriffswert: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Chance auf dauerhaftes Feuer: %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Drachengebr黮l Drachenschrei Drachengeheul Greifen Sie Feinde mit einer Drachenfigur an. Fl鋍henschaden Dauerhafter Feuerschaden ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magischer Angriffswert %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Chance auf dauerhaftes Feuer %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Segen Himmelswand Segen des Drachen Sch黷ze Deinen Partner oder Dich selbst mit einem Schutzkreis. Widerstand gegen k鰎perlichen Angriff Kann f黵 ein Gruppenmitglied verwendet werden CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Widerstand gegen k鰎perlichen Angriff: %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Reflektieren Reflektierendes Wasser Glasspiegel Sch黷ze Deinen Partner oder Dich selbst mit einem reflektierenden Kreis. K鰎perlicher Angriff wird reflektiert Kann f黵 ein Gruppenmitglied verwendet werden CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Chance, k鰎perlichen Angriff zu reflektieren %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Hilfe des Drachen Unterst黷zung des Drachen Drachenkraft Verst鋜ke Deinen oder den Angriff Deines Partners. Chance auf kritischen Schlag wird erh鰄t. Kann f黵 ein Gruppenmitglied verwendet werden CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Chance auf t鰀lichen Angriff: %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/de/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 53c1691f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+(0.5*atk+1.5*str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 200 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk+(0.8*atk+str*5+dex*3+con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 200 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 14 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str+lv*3)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 33+50*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 15 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(4*atk+str*4+con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 100 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(3*atk+str*4+con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 1 0 200 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (200+str*0.2+con*0.5)*k 80+220*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 16 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.7*atk+dex*2+str*2)*k)*0.8 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk+(2.6*atk+number(100,300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+(0.8*atk+dex*8*ar)*k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 17 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(500,700)+dex*4+str*4)*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.6*atk+number(200,300)+dex*7+str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(0.5*atk+dex*9+str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 18 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(13*iq+6*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+6*mwep+str*4+con*2+number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+2*lv+2*iq+(7*iq+6*mwep+number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 43+30*k ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+2*lv+2*iq+(2*con+2*dex+13*iq+6*mwep+number(180,200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk+2*lv+iq*2+(2*atk+str*4+iq*14)*k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+2*lv+iq*2+(1.5*atk+str+iq*12)*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (3*iq+2*lv)*k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 19 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1+29*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 20 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 33+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 21 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+5*lv+(18*iq+6*mwep+120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+3*lv+(22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 22 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3+5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 23 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+4*lv+(7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40+4*lv+(13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50+5*lv+(6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k)*(1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5+35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 24 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 63+120*k SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 25 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+4*lv+(20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 201 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*7+con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*5+con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+7*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120+6*lv+(5*con+5*dex+29*iq+9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 29 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2+15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 30 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 5-(4*k) ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(2.4*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(2*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -124 盲堡贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -129 敌癌贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/createcharacterwindow.py 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+0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 0 -top 74 -right 36 -bottom 165 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/label_std_item2.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/label_std_item2.sub deleted file mode 100644 index b46a1d14..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/label_std_item2.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 36 -top 74 -right 82 -bottom 165 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/label_uppt.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/label_uppt.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 342c4137..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/label_uppt.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 405 -top 89 -right 480 -bottom 103 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_1.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_1.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 1ca658a2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_1.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 0 -top 0 -right 253 -bottom 37 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_2.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_2.sub deleted file mode 100644 index d5e58e02..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_2.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 253 -top 0 -right 506 -bottom 37 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_3.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_3.sub deleted file mode 100644 index daba3d60..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_3.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 0 -top 37 -right 253 -bottom 74 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_4.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_4.sub deleted file mode 100644 index e993c309..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/tab_4.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 253 -top 37 -right 506 -bottom 74 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/title_skill.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/title_skill.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 2b0d856e..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/title_skill.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 398 -top 74 -right 470 -bottom 91 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/title_status.sub b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/title_status.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 6c63bce8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/title_status.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 181 -top 120 -right 229 -bottom 137 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/windows.dds b/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/windows.dds deleted file mode 100644 index 884bda33..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/de/ui/windows/windows.dds and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/en/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/en/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 586a2454..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 65952fe5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Shinsoo Kingdom The Shinsoo[ENTER] -Kingdom is in the south of[ENTER] -the continent. The[ENTER] -inhabitants are mainly[ENTER] -involved in trade. Opened by[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Yoon-Yoing after the fall of[ENTER] -the Empire, trade relations[ENTER] -with the east transformed[ENTER] -quickly into a profitable[ENTER] -arrangement. The inhabitants[ENTER] -[WAIT] -fight constantly with the[ENTER] -west and this trade route is[ENTER] -now totally cut off. When[ENTER] -they recognized the threat[ENTER] -posed by the Metin Stones,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the merchants armed[ENTER] -themselves. It is their aim[ENTER] -to withstand the attacks[ENTER] -from the west, to reopen all[ENTER] -trade routes and to unite[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the whole continent under[ENTER] -their leadership. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 70c9eeaa..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Chunjo Kingdom The Chunjo[ENTER] -Kingdom is located in the[ENTER] -west of the continent. It is[ENTER] -a theocratic Kingdom led by[ENTER] -its spiritual leader. The[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Kingdom was founded by[ENTER] -Yoon-Young, the cousin of[ENTER] -the former emperor. His[ENTER] -wife's enormous magical[ENTER] -powers allowed him to[ENTER] -[WAIT] -discover the threat posed by[ENTER] -the Metin Stones from early[ENTER] -on. He called multiple times[ENTER] -for the initiation of[ENTER] -counter measures against the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Metin Stones, but he was[ENTER] -ignored. Thus he lead his[ENTER] -fellowship into a rebellion[ENTER] -against the former Empire.[ENTER] -Since the fall of the former[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Empire, his Kingdom has been[ENTER] -at war with the eastern[ENTER] -region and often has[ENTER] -problems with the South. The[ENTER] -people of the Chunjo Kingdom[ENTER] -[WAIT] -want to gain control of the[ENTER] -whole continent in order to[ENTER] -defeat the growing power of[ENTER] -the Metin Stones. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 48d5f987..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -[ENTER] -The Jinno Kingdom is located[ENTER] -in the eastern part of the[ENTER] -continent. This kingdom is[ENTER] -[WAIT] -based on military power. Its[ENTER] -people are aggressive and[ENTER] -martial. The Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -is led by Ee-Ryoong, the son[ENTER] -of the last emperor. He[ENTER] -[WAIT] -believes he has been chosen[ENTER] -to reunite the old Empire[ENTER] -under his reign by force of[ENTER] -arms. The potential[ENTER] -signification or dangers of[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the Metin Stones are[ENTER] -officially ignored in the[ENTER] -Jinno Kingdom. Secretly,[ENTER] -however, Ee-Ryoong is trying[ENTER] -to find a way to use the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -destructive powers of the[ENTER] -Metin Stones to further his[ENTER] -aims. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ac5fbd74..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ??????? -14013 FACILITY jedan weapons factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan Armour blacksmith -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan accessory factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang training centre -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro diamond smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro fossil wood smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro copper smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro silver smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro gold smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro jade smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro ebony stone smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro pearl smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro platinum smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro crystal smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro amethyst smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Heavens tear smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 temple of power -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 temple of power -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 temple of power -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse house(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner stone wall(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin stone wall(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door gate(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set wall(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse house(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner stone wall(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin stone wall(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door gate(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set wall(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse house(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner stone wall(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin stone wall(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door gate(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set wall(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol guild insignia -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 Wall front -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 Wall back -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 Left side of wall -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 Right side of wall -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 stone1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 stone2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 stone3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 stone4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 stone5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 stone6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 stone7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 stone8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 stone9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 stone10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT wood1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 wood2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall wood3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 wood4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 wood5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT wood6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 wood7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall wood8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 wood9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/en/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/locale/en/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 36b23a4f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ -Fuck -Cunt -Shit -Whore -Dick -Cock -Clit -Faggot -Slut -Ass -Tit -ass -asslick -asses -asshole -assholes -asskisser -asswipe -balls -bastard -beastial -beastiality -beastility -beaver -belly whacker -bestial -bestiality -bitch -bitcher -bitchers -bitches -bitchin -bitching -blowjob -blowjobs -bonehead -boner -browneye -browntown -cunt -bull shit -bullshit -bum -bung hole -butch -butt -buttbreath -butt fucker -butthair -buttface -buttfuck -buttfucker -butthead -butthole -buttpicker -chink -christ -circlejerk -clam -clit -cobia -cock -cocks -cocksuck -cocksucked -cocksucker -cocksucking -cocksucks -cooter -crap -cum -cummer -cumming -cums -cumshot -cunilingus -cunillingus -cunnilingus -cunt -cuntlick -cuntlicker -cuntlicking -cunts -cyberfuc -cyberfuck -cyberfucked -cyberfucker -cyberfuckers -cyberfucking -damn -dick -dike -dildo -dildos -dink -dinks -dipshit -dong -douche -douchebag -dumbass -dyke -ejaculate -ejaculated -ejaculates -ejaculating -ejaculatings -ejaculation -fag -fagget -fagging -faggit -faggot -faggs -fagot -fagots -fags -fart -farted -farting -fartings -farts -farty -fatass -fatso -felatio -fellatio -fingerfuck -fingerfucked -fingerfucker -fingerfuckers -fingerfucking -fingerfucks -fistfuck -fistfucked -fistfucker -fistfuckers -fistfucking -fistfuckings -fistfucks -fuck -fucked -fucker -fuckers -fuckin -fucking -fuckings -fuckme -fucks -fuk -fuks -furburger -gangbang -gangbanged -gangbangs -gaysex -gazongers -goddamn -gonads -gook -guinne -hard on -hardcoresex -hell -homo -hooker -horniest -horny -hotsex -hussy -jackoff -jack -jackass -jackingoff -jackoff -jack-off -jap -jerk -jerk-off -jesus -jesus christ -jew -jism -jiz -jizm -jizz -kike -knob -kock -kondum -kondums -kraut -kum -kummer -kumming -kums -kunilingus -lesbian -lesbo -loser -lust -lusting -merde -mick -mothafuck -mothafucka -mothafuckas -mothafuckaz -mothafucked -mothafucker -mothafuckers -mothafuckin -mothafucking -mothafuckings -mothafucks -motherfuck -motherfucked -motherfucker -motherfuckers -motherfuckin -motherfucking -motherfuckings -motherfucks -mound -muff -nerd -nigger -niggers -orgasim -orgasims -orgasm -orgasms -pecker -penis -phonesex -phuk -phuked -phuking -phukked -phukking -phuks -phuq -pimp -piss -pissed -pisser -pissers -pisses -pissin -pissing -pissoff -porn -porno -pornography -pornos -prick -pricks -prostitute -punk -pussies -pussy -pussys -queer -retard -schlong -screw -sheister -shit -shited -shitfull -shiting -shitings -shits -shitted -shitter -shitters -shitting -shittings -shitty -slag -sleaze -slut -sluts -smut -snatch -spunk -twat -wetback -whore -wop -wanker -Tosser -Arse -Tard -Mofo diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0d6167ea..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4358 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir 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-161 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -162 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -163 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -164 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -165 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -166 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -167 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -168 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -169 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -170 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -171 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -172 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -173 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -174 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -175 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir 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-235 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -236 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -237 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -238 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -239 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -240 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -241 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -242 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -243 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -244 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -245 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -246 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -247 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -248 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -249 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -265 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -266 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -267 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -268 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -269 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -270 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -271 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -272 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -273 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -274 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -275 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -276 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -277 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -278 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -279 WEAPON 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icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/en/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 87ec27a9..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c231d8ec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,863 +0,0 @@ -05330 Dragon Jaw Bell+0 -05331 Dragon Jaw Bell+1 -05332 Dragon Jaw Bell+2 -05333 Dragon Jaw Bell+3 -05334 Dragon Jaw Bell+4 -05335 Dragon Jaw Bell+5 -05336 Dragon Jaw Bell+6 -05337 Dragon Jaw Bell+7 -05338 Dragon Jaw Bell+8 -05339 Dragon Jaw Bell+9 -11901 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11902 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11903 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -11904 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -22000 Town Scroll The scroll allows you to teleport back to the town. -22010 Scroll of the Location The scroll enables your return to the location you last marked. -25040 Blessing Scroll Reduces the risk of destroying an Item if the upgrade fails. The cost of this save is that the quality is reduced by 1 point. -25041 Magic Stone The legendary metal that helps to create the best weapons. The Magical Stone increases the chance of upgrading an item. Item gets destroyed when the upgrade fails. -25100 Spirit Stone Scroll The scroll allows you to extract the Spirit Stone from a weapon or armour. It leaves a mark of extraction. -27600 Bonfire Wood that has been chopped for a bonfire. -27610 Fishing Marble This magic marble reveals what kind of fish is on the hook. -27620 Fishing Book A book that provides information about fish. -27799 Fishbones The bones of a fish -27800 Paste A lightweight and cheap bait -27801 Worm Popular bait that attracts fish. -27802 Minnow Bait that attracts big fish. -27803 Zander A common fish that usually lives in a pond. -27804 Mandarin Fish A very tasty fish. -27805 Large Zander A rather fat example of a Zander -27806 Carp A large silver-coloured fish. -27807 Salmon A fish that returns home during mating season. -27808 Grass Carp A carp that usually feeds on grass. -27809 Brook Trout A fish that is related to Salmon. -27810 Eel A long, thin fish that looks like a snake. It has a lot of stamina. -27811 Rainbow Trout A fish that has a rainbow-coloured back. -27812 River Trout A freshwater fish that is very common in this area. -27813 Rudd A red, shimmery fish who lives in a swarm. -27814 Perch A fish known as the "shark of the seas". -27815 Tenchi A type of barb that lives only in clean water. -27816 Catfish A fish that has a distinctive big mouth with cat-like whiskers. -27817 Loach A slippery fish, that usually lives in shallow, muddy water. -27818 Lotus Fish A big fresh water fish that lives on a mixed diet. -27819 Sweetfish Related to the Smelt. It lives along coasts and in estuaries. -27820 Smelt A winter fish that is most caught whilst ice fishing. -27821 Shiri A fish with a beautiful shape and colour. -27822 Mirror Carp An indigenous Carp. -27823 Goldfish A rare, golden shiny fish. -27833 Dead Zander A fish that is perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27834 Dead Mandarin Fish A perfect fish to grill on a campfire. -27835 Dead Large Zander Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27836 Dead Carp Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27837 Dead Salmon This fish can be grilled on a campfire. -27838 Dead Grass Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27839 Dead Brook Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27840 Dead Eel Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27841 Dead Rainbow Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27842 Dead River Trout Tastes great when it is grilled on a campfire. -27843 Dead Rudd Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27844 Dead Perch Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27845 Dead Tenchi Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27846 Dead Catfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27847 Dead Loach Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27848 Dead Lotus Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27849 Dead Sweet Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27850 Dead Smelt Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27851 Dead Shiri Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27852 Dead Mirror Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27853 Dead Goldfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27863 Grilled Zander Restores some HP. -27864 Grilled Mandarin Fish Recovers some SP -27865 Grilled Large Zander Restores some HP. -27866 Grilled Carp Increases moving speed for a duration of time. -27867 Grilled Salmon Recovers some SP -27868 Grilled Grass Carp Increases attack speed for a duration of time. -27869 Grilled Brook Trout Restores a large amount of HP. -27870 Grilled Eel Increases your strength by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27871 Grilled Rainbow Trout Recovers some SP -27872 Grilled River Trout Recovers some SP immediately -27873 Grilled Rudd Increases your dexterity by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27874 Grilled Perch Removes bad effects. -27875 Grilled Tenchi Recovers some HP immediately. -27876 Grilled Catfish Recovers some SP immediately. -27877 Grilled Loach Makes you invisible for 5 minutes. -27878 Grilled Lotus Fish Recovers some HP immediately. -27879 Grilled Sweetfish This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27880 Grilled Smelt By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27881 Grilled Shiri This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27882 Grilled Mirror Carp By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant-smoky taste. -27883 Grilled Goldfish By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27987 Clam A shellfish with a pretty shell. Sometimes it holds a precious pearl inside it. -27988 Treasure Map A worn out map which reveals the location of an ancient treasure. -27989 Compass for Metin Stones The compass shows you the position and distance to the next Metin Stone. The brighter it glows, the closer you are. It can be activated 6 times. -27990 Piece of Stone Because of the small size it can be transported very well. It can be used in many different ways. -27991 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -27992 White Pearl The pure white treasure found inside a seashell. -27993 Blue Pearl A magnificent deep blue pearl found inside a seashell. -27994 Blood Pearl The tawny-coloured treasure from the inside of a mollusc. -27995 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made from glass. -27996 Poison Bottle A bottle with a deadly poison in it. -27997 Vigour Marble A marble that restores some HP. -27998 Alchemy Pouch A bag marked by wear and tear, which keeps the secrets of alchemy hidden from the eyes of strangers. -27999 Spirit Stone Pouch A pouch that holds Spirit Stones. -29001 Scallop One of the largest and tastiest mussels. It has a comb-shaped shell. -29002 Blue Scallop The nacre layer of this scallop shimmers in countless merging blue tones. -29003 Yellow Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging yellow tones. -29004 Red Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging red tones. -29005 Green Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging green tones. -29006 Yellow Tartar Tartar with a darker colour. -29007 Blue Tartar Tartar with a dark blue colour. -29008 Blue Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft blue. -29009 Yellow Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft yellow. -29010 Red Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft red. -29011 Green Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft green. -29012 Dark Blue Hand of God Dark blue holy water -29013 Dark Yellow Hand of God Yellow holy water with a dark colour. -29014 Magenta Hand of God Holy water with a dark red colour. -29015 Dark Green Hand of God Holy water with a dark green colour. -30000 Barley A commonly cultivated plant that is used to make beer and food. -30001 Letter A piece of paper that has neat handwriting written on it. -30002 Fried Sausage A stir-fry with vegetables and spices. -30003 Pig Nose The nose from a pig -30004 Wild Boar Tooth The very strong tooth of a wild boar. -30005 Piece of Broken Armour A fragment of a broken suit of armour. -30006 Orc Tooth A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30007 Orc Amulet An amulet which encourages Orcs during battle. -30008 Esoteric Primer The beginner's handbook of Esoteric Doctrine. -30009 Unknown Medicine Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30010 Bear Gall Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30011 Ball A silky ball of thread. -30012 Wine Bottle The bottle contains a very fragrant wine. -30013 Liquor Jug A jug that is used to age liquor. -30014 Yeti Fur The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, that protects against the cold. -30015 Demon's Keepsake A grim keepsake of a Demon that exudes cold air. -30016 Demon's Gem A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30017 Ornamental Hairpin A decorated hairpin for a woman. -30018 Red Hairband A fancy ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30019 Flaming Mane A flaming mane thread that is used to make winter clothes. -30020 Peach Seed Used to get healthy skin. -30021 Piece of Gem A gem broken apart by a hard substance. -30022 Snake Tail The scaly, multicoloured tail of a rattlesnake. -30023 White Tiger Hide Valued as the most precious animal hide among collectors. -30024 Horsetail A horse's tail can be used for making quality items such as brushes, hats, and rope. -30025 Spider's Poison Sack The venom sack of a spider -30026 Wolf Intestine An ingredient used for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30027 Wolf Fur The thickest hair in wolf's fur is used to make combs and brushes. -30028 Wolf Claw A wolf's sharp claw is used to make accessories. -30029 Wolf Liver An ingredient for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30030 Rusty Blade A rusty dagger blade -30031 Ornament A favourite ornament amongst girls. -30032 Black Uniform A worn out black uniform. -30033 Broken Porcelain Some valuable porcelain from the region that has been broken into pieces. -30034 White Hairband An elegant ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30035 Face Cream Women use it to keep their skin youthful. -30036 Mystic Herb The legendary herb with miraculous effects. -30037 Tiger Claw Some fighters wear a necklace made of Tiger Claws to show others their courage. -30038 Tiger Hide A favourite animal hide amongst collectors. -30039 Piece of Fabric Fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30040 Leaf Unknown plant leaf. -30041 Shiriken A throwing weapon that Assassins use. -30042 Tiger Fang The solid, shiny fang of this wildcat. -30043 Bean An ingredient used in many cuisines. -30044 Clay A material used to make porcelain. -30045 Scorpion Needle A needle that contains lethal scorpion poison. -30046 Scorpion Tail A poisonous scorpion tail. -30047 Curse Book An esoteric book used to curse people. -30048 Piece of Ice A clump of frozen water that consistently exudes cold air. -30049 Ice Killer Whale Horn It is a valuable sculpting material. -30050 Ice Marble A marble made from ice. It does not melt in hot weather. -30051 Unknown Talisman Unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30052 Flag A flag to mark savage troops. -30053 Bear Foot Skin A favourite stamina food among many people. -30054 Wedding Ring The only ring you wear until the end of your days. -30055 Scorpion Claw The sturdy looking claw from the tentacle of a scorpion. -30056 Spider Web A spider uses its silk to make its home. -30057 Spider Eyes Spider eyes are a favourite with collectors. -30058 Spider Egg Sack It is used as a charm by woman who do not have any children. -30059 Spider Legs Shamans use the hairy legs of spiders at work. -30060 Frog Tongue An elastic, very sticky tongue. -30061 Frog's Legs An exotic cooking ingredient, that tastes like chicken! -30062 Medicine Bowl A light coloured bowl used by pharmacists. -30063 Skin Medicine A medicine that cures skin disease. -30064 Sharp Stone A stone that is used to make an arrowhead. -30065 Bell A small bell that makes a ringing sound. -30066 Hot Pepper The dried fruits from the pepper plant, which are very spicy. -30067 Snakeskin The scaly, shiny skin of a snake. -30068 Tofu Steak Fusion style tofu cuisine -30069 Wolf Claw+ The sharp claw of wolf that is used to make an accessory. -30070 Wolf Fur+ The thickest hairs in wolf's fur are used to make combs and brushes. -30071 Bear Gall+ Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30072 Bear Foot Skin+ A favourite stamina food among many people. -30073 White Hairband+ A popular ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30074 Black Uniform+ A worn out black Uniform. -30075 Shiriken+ A throwing weapon used by Assassins. -30076 Orc Amulet+ An amulet that encourages Orcs during battle. -30077 Orc Tooth+ A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30078 Esoteric Primer+ A beginners handbook of esoteric doctrine. -30079 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30080 Curse Book+ This Esoteric Book can be used to curse someone. -30081 Scorpion Tail+ A poisonous scorpion tail. -30082 Snake Tail+ The scaly, colourful tail of a rattlesnake. -30083 Unknown Medicine+ Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30084 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30085 Piece of Fabric+ A fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30086 Demon's Keepsake+ A gloomy keepsake of a Demon. -30087 Demon's Gem+ A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30088 Piece of Ice+ Frozen water that remains exudes cold air. -30089 Yeti Fur+ The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, protects against the cold. -30090 Ice Marble+ A marble made from ice. It does not melt in the hot weather. -30091 Warrior's Symbol The Warrior symbol given to the legendary Warriors. -30092 Savage's Booty The spoils of war. -30093 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30094 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30095 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30096 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30129 Order of the Rider A document, containing a military mission -30130 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made of glass. -30131 Letter from Blacksmith A letter from the Blacksmith to his friend Deokbae. -30132 Uriel's Book One of Uriel's favourite books. It has the title "The secret of the Temple of Darkness". -30133 Flower Shoes Comfortable and pretty women's shoes. -30134 Uriel's Package A package containing several different books. -30135 Letter from Ariyoung A letter form Ariyoung to Ayoo. -30136 Lavishly Decorated Bow A wonderful bow made of an animal's horn. -30137 Monkey blood The dark red blood of a monkey. It smells terrible. -30138 Desert sand This particularly fine sand is used to make Celadon Porcelain. -30139 Orc Molar The molar of an orc. Is used as a talisman. -30140 Thread Strong yarn. It is used for repairing Clothing and necklaces are also made of it. -30141 Piece of Jewellery Jewellery is worn, or used to decorate clothing. -30142 Letter You can not read, what is written on the letter. Perhaps you might have to learn the language. -30143 Medicinal Herbs A collection of dried healing herbs. Unfortunately they're a little dusty. -30144 Tiger Liver The reddish brown hand-sized liver of a fully grown wildcat. -30145 Balso's Medicine A seemingly unimpressive medicine, however, it has a strong effect. -30146 Chunk of Ice An irregularly formed cold block of ice. -30147 Temple Doctrine A book containing detailed information about the Temple of Darkness. -30148 Temple Scarf A Scarf, that is used for praying. -30149 Ice Cream with Syrup A dish containing a portion of ice cream and syrup. Wonderful in summer. -30150 Diary Page A page from a diary written by the old dynasty. -30151 Wolf Pelt Is often used as a duster. -30152 Medicine Apparently it can cure strange diseases. But nobody knows what's in it. -30153 Flowers A rare flower, its scent reminds you of something from the past. -30154 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30155 Mirine's Pendant A necklace pendant. Engraved on the reverse side, is the name "Mirine". -30156 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30157 Arrowhead These poisonous arrowheads will help to defend the empire. -30177 Musk Oil Musk Oil is used by the Weapon Shop Dealer during a quest. The item does not have any further functions. -30178 Glyph Stone -30179 Dragon God Symbol -30180 Dragon God Amulet This piece of golden jewellery can shorten the way to the Grotto of Exile. -30181 Page The faded writing on this parchment is difficult to decipher - this page seems to be very old. -30182 Legendary Diary This duplicate of an ancient book looks very valuable. -30183 Sombre Wooden Mask This wooden mask seems to be staring right at you. It is most probably a ceremonial item. -30184 Bewitched Ashes The ashes are in a container covered with strange symbols, and surrounded by a soft glow. -30185 Black Ice Deep shadows seem to be gathering below this shiny, smooth surface. -30186 Fossilised Tear A fossilised tear from the God Baljit-Elvedin, who is nowadays known as the Dragon God. -30187 Drop of Blood A Drop of Blood from the murdered Goddess Bahar-Taraji, creator of the world. -30188 Obsidian Formerly liquid, rapidly frozen volcanic stone. -30189 Baljit-Elvedin's Tears This skilfully sculptured vase contains the tears of the God Baljit-Elvedin. -30190 Blood Stone This stone is made from the blood of Bahar-Taraji and grants you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30191 Blood Stone Blood Stones grant you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30210 Piece of Gemstone A stone that is as clear as crystal and sparkles in the light. -30211 Piece of Gemstone A crystal-clear stone, that sparkles in the light. -30212 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30213 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30214 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30215 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30216 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30217 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30218 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30219 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30220 Jinunggyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Jinung aristocrat. -30221 Temple Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of a temple follower. -30222 Sagyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Sagyis aristocrat. -30223 Aurtumryu's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Aurtumryus aristocrat. -30224 Gyimok's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Gyimoks aristocrat. -30225 Tugyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Tugyis aristocrat. -30251 Malevolence Jewel A diamond drenched in wickedness. -30252 Wisdom Jewel This diamond's aura is peaceful and noble. -30253 Loyalty Jewel An aura of fighting spirit and honesty surrounds this diamond. -50001 Lucky Book A book with lucky numbers. The lottery is run by the government. -50002 Gold Ring A simple gold ring, that can be sold in shops for high prices. -50003 Skill Reset Document Allows you to reset your skills in order to learn new ones. -50004 Event Detector This item shows you, where missions can be found. -50005 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to a stable guard. Required level is 40. -50006 Gold Treasure Box A decorated gold box, that can be opened with a gold key. -50007 Silver Treasure Box A silver decorated box, that can be opened with a Silver Key. -50008 Gold Key A key made of gold. It can unlock the gold treasure box as well as the Gold Treasure Box+. -50009 Silver Key A key made of silver that can unlock the silver treasure box as well as the Silver Treasure Box+. -50010 Sock Socks made from warm sheep's wool. -50011 Moonlight Treasure Box An impressive, dazzling decoration. Supernatural things happen when moonlight falls on it. -50012 Gold Treasure Box+ A decorated gold box that can be opened with a gold key. -50013 Silver Treasure Box+ A decorated silver box, that can be opened with silver key. -50016 Bean Paste An ingredient used for traditional bean cake. -50017 Sugar Paste An ingredient used for traditional sugar cake. -50018 Fruit Paste An ingredient used for traditional fruit cake. -50019 Sweet Rice An ingredient used for traditional cake. -50020 Bean Cake A traditional cake that restores full HP. -50021 Sugar Cake A traditional cake that restores full SP. -50022 Fruit Cake A traditional cake that restores full stamina. -50023 Money Pouch Money Pouch -50024 Rose A romantic flower used to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50025 Chocolate Made of cacao, milk, butter, and sugar. Chocolate is given to show affection. Only male characters can use it. -50027 Lottery Ticket Unfortunately this lottery ticket is a useless item. It is not lucky. -50031 Rose A flower used to show affection for somebody. Only male characters can use it. -50032 Candy A popular sweet; candy is given to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50033 Mysterious Chest A chest with a strange letter engraved on it. Something will pop up if it is opened. -50034 Puzzle Box This box contains an unsolved puzzle. -50035 Gift Box (yellow) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50036 Gift Box (violet) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50037 Hexagonal Treasure Box It is made from special paper. It has a thoughtful gift in it. -50050 Horse Medal The Stable Boy needs this Medal to record the results of the qualification test on it. -50051 Horse Picture As soon as you have passed the qualification test at the stable, you will receive this licence for calling your horse. -50052 Armed Horse Book As soon as you have passed the advanced qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50053 Military Horse Book As soon as you have passed the professional qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50054 Hay Dry hay to feed a horse. -50055 Carrot A horse's favourite vegetable. -50056 Red Ginseng Steamed ginseng. Only military horses eat Red Ginseng. -50057 Herb of easy monkeys A legendary herb which riding beginners can use to revive their horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the beginner's dungeon. -50058 Herb of normal monkeys A legendary herb which intermediate riders can use to revive their battle horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the normal dungeon. -50059 Herb of hard monkeys A legendary herb which advanced riders can use to revive their military horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the expert dungeon. -50060 Horse Riding Manual Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your riding skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50070 Chief Orc's Box The chest of the Orc Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50071 Esoteric Leader's Box The chest of the Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50072 Ghost Leader's Box The chest of the Reincarnated Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50073 Queen Spider Box The chest of the Queen Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50074 Giant Spider Box The chest of the Giant Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50075 Giant Plague Carrier Box The chest of the Giant Germ Carrier. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50076 Desert Tortoise Chest The chest of the Giant Dessert Turtle. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50077 Nine Tails' Chest The chest of the Nine Tails. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50078 Yellow Tiger's Chest The chest of the Giant Tiger. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50079 Flame King's Chest The chest of the Flame King. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50080 Red Dragon's Chest The chest of the Red Dragon. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50081 Demon King's Chest The chest of the Demon Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50082 Grim Reaper's Chest The chest of the Grim Reaper. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50083 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to the stable guard. -50084 Key Stone An energy-laden aura surrounds this stone. It works against seal magic. -50091 Goldfish Sushi A popular dish made from goldfish and cold rice. -50092 Carp Sushi A special dish made from raw carp and cold rice. -50093 Salmon Sushi A special dish made from raw salmon and cold rice. Increases your attack value by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50094 Catfish Sushi A special dish made from raw catfish and cold rice. Increases your defence by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50100 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Purple) -50101 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Yellow) -50102 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Sky Blue) -50103 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Red) -50104 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival. (Green) -50105 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(White) -50106 Christmas Fire Cracker Christmas fireworks are more magnificent than normal fireworks and also last longer. -50108 Fireworks Top A ground firework that throws sparks. -50124 Rotten Wooden Box Soft animal sounds seem to be coming out from within. -50200 Bundle Allows you to open a private shop. -50300 Skill Book Increases Master Skill Level -50301 Sun Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50302 Wu zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears being read. -50303 WeiLiao Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50304 Combo Mastery A tactics book that is used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50305 Combo Master Book The advanced tactics book is used used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50306 Art of Combo The master tactics book is used to train Combos. | The book disappears after reading. -50307 Mission Book (Easy) Contains an easy mission that will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50308 Mission Book (Normal) Contains a normal mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50309 Mission Book (Hard) Contains a difficult mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50310 Mission Book (Expert) Contains an expert mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50311 Shinsoo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Shinsoo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50312 Chunjo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Chunjo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50313 Jinno Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Jinno language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50314 Polymorph Book Use this book to learn how to transform into a monster. It increases leadership. The book disappears after reading. -50315 Advanced Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50316 Master Polymorph Book Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50322 Transformation Role -50401 Three-Way Cut Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Three-way Cut. The book disappears after reading. -50402 Sword Spin Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Sword Spin. The book disappears after reading. -50403 Berserk Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Berserker. The book disappears after reading. -50404 Aura of Sword Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Aura of Sword.|The book disappears after reading. -50405 Dash Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Dash. The book disappears after reading. -50416 Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50417 Bash Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Bash. The book disappears after reading. -50418 Pounding Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Stump. The book disappears after reading. -50419 Strong Body Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Strong Body. The book disappears after reading. -50420 Sword Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Sword Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50431 Ambush Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Ambush. The book disappears after reading. -50432 Fast Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Fast Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50433 Rolling Dagger Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Rolling Dagger. The book disappears after reading. -50434 Disguise Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Disguise. The book disappears after reading. -50435 Poisonous Cloud Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Poisonous Cloud.The book disappears after reading. -50446 Repetitiive Shot Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Repetition Shot. The book disappears after reading. -50447 Arrow Shower Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Arrow Shower. The book disappears after reading. -50448 Fire Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Fire Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50449 Feather Walk Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Feather Walk. The book disappears after reading. -50450 Poison Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Poison Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50461 Finger Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Finger Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50462 Dragon Swirl Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dragon Swirl. The book disappears after reading. -50463 Enchanted Blade Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Blade. The book disappears after reading. -50464 Fear Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Fear. The book disappears after reading. -50465 Enchanted Armour Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Armour. The book disappears after reading. -50466 Dispel Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dispel. The book disappears after reading. -50476 Dark Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50477 Flame Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50478 Flame Spirit Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Spirit. The book disappears after reading. -50479 Dark Protection Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Protection. The book disappears after reading. -50480 Spirit Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50481 Dark Orb Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Orb. The book disappears after reading. -50491 Flying Talisman Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Flying Talisman. The book disappears after reading. -50492 Shooting Dragon Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Shooting Dragon. The book disappears after reading. -50493 Dragon's Roar Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragon Roar. The book disappears after reading. -50494 Blessing Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Blessing. The book disappears after reading. -50495 Reflection Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Reflect. The book disappears after reading. -50496 Dragon's Strength Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragons Help. The book disappears after reading. -50506 Lightning Throw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Throw. The book disappears after reading. -50507 Summon Lightning Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Summon Lightning. The book disappears after reading. -50508 Lighting Claw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Claw. The book disappears after reading. -50509 Cure Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Cure. The book disappears after reading. -50510 Swiftness Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Swiftness. The book disappears after reading. -50511 Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50512 Rainbow Stone The stone that opens spiritual eyes and reveals all skills. -50513 Soul Stone The legendary stone used to increase your grand master skills. It disappears after use. -50600 Mining Guide It is used to increase mining level. The book disappears after reading. -50601 Diamond Stone It can be refined to a diamond using the guild diamond furnace. -50602 Amber Stone It can be refined to a amber using the guild amber furnace. -50603 Fossil Trunk It can be refined to fossil wood using the guild fossil wood furnace. -50604 Copper Ore It can be refined to copper using the guild copper furnace. -50605 Silver Ore It can be refined to silver using the guild silver furnace. -50606 Gold Ore It can be refined to gold using the guild gold furnace. -50607 Jade Ore It can be refined to jade using the guild jade furnace. -50608 Ebony Ore It can be refined to ebony using the guild ebony furnace. -50609 Piece of Pearl It can be refined to a pearl using the guild pearl furnace. -50610 White Gold Ore It can be refined to white gold using the guild white gold furnace. -50611 Crystal Ore It can be refined to a crystal using the guild crystal furnace. -50612 Amethyst Ore It can be refined to an amethyst using the guild amethyst furnace. -50613 Heaven's Tear Ore It can be refined to a heaven tear using the guild heaven's tear smelter. -50621 Diamond The strongest and most well-known gem that can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50622 Amber A clear gem made from fossilised resin, that shines in honey or golden tones. -50623 Fossil Wood A valuable wood that can worked into wood accessories. -50624 Copper Sometimes used to make bronze and coins. It can be worked into copper accessories. -50625 Silver Shiny metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into silver accessories. -50626 Gold Golden metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into gold accessories. -50627 Jade A valuable mineral that has been used for over 5000 years. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50628 Ebony The lightest and the strongest wood of all. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50629 Pearl Used for making jewellery. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50630 White Gold A hard, white alloy of gold that is often used for jewellery. -50631 Crystal A hard stone made of crystalline quartz that can be found in different colours. Often used for jewellery. -50632 Amethyst A popular quartz that can be found in different shades of purple. It is often used to make jewellery. -50633 Heaven's Tear Crystallized rain from heaven. It can be used to make jewellery. -50701 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50702 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50703 Kaki Blossom Legend has that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck will bear a son. -50704 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Research -50705 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and the ability to concentrate better. -50706 Tue Fungus This mushroom is seldom used as curative medicine and helps against sleeplessness. -50707 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50708 Mulberry Mulberries give strength and perk you up. -50709 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies. Now it is used to help sore throats. -50710 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50711 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50712 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a strengthening potion if it is prepared correctly. -50721 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50722 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50723 Kaki Blossom Legend has it that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck is going to bear a son. -50724 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Potion production -50725 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and concentration levels. -50726 Tue Fungus This mushroom is rarely used as curative medicine but helps against insomnia. -50727 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50728 Mulberry The mulberry gives you strength and perks you up. -50729 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies but is now used help sore throats. -50730 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50731 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50732 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a restorer if it is prepared correctly. -50801 Peach Blossom Juice This is a juice made out of Peach blossoms. It improves your physical strength. -50802 Bellflower Juice This potion made from Bellflowers increases your strength by 5 points for 3 minutes. -50803 Kaki Blossom Juice This is a juice made from the Kaki blossom. Strengthens your concentration level. -50804 Gango Root Juice This is a juice made from Gango roots. It heals small wounds. -50805 Lilac Juice This is a juice made from lilac. -50806 Tue Fungal Resin The resin won from Tue Fungi act as a sleep aid. -50807 Alpine Rose Juice This is a juice made out of alpine roses and strengthens the immune system. -50808 Mulberry Juice This is a juice made from Mulberries, that acts as a stimulant. -50809 Dandelion Juice This is a juice made out of dandelion and helps cure colds. -50810 Thistle Juice A juice made from Dates that strengthens bones. -50811 Date Extract This is juice made from dates is nutritious and satiable. -50812 Juice of Sam-Zi Plant This is a juice made from the Sam-Zi plant and has a strengthening effect. -50813 Sim Water A potion made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a piercing hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50814 Dok Water A potion made from Bellflower Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a critical hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50815 Bo Water This potion is made of kaki blossom juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your brain. -50816 Young Water This potion is made from Gango root juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your physical and mental performance. -50817 Zin Water A potion made from Sim Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your attack value by 50 points for 3 minutes. -50818 SamBo Water A potion made from Dok Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your defence by 70 points for 3 minutes. -50819 Mong Water A potion made from Bo Water and Mulberries, which increases your magic defence by 10% for 3 minutes. -50820 Hwal Water A potion made from Young Water and Mulberries, which increases your attack speed by 3 points for 3 minutes. -50901 Empty Bottle Used to manufacture potions -50902 Recipe for Beginners An easy to get recipe which can also be done by greenhorns. -50903 Recipe A recipe that needs a bit of practice. -50904 Expert's Recipe A recipe that can only be done correctly by experts. -50905 Recipe for Sim Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac. -50906 Recipe for Dok Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Harebell Juice and Lilac. -50907 Recipe for Bo Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Kaki Blossom Juice and Tue Fungi. -50908 Recipe for Young Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice and Tue Fungi. -50909 Recipe for Zin Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice, Lilac and Alpine Roses. -50910 Recipe for Hwal Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice, Tue Fungi and Mulberry. -60001 Gall A dogged body fluid which is won from the liver. -60002 Note from Storage Guard The parchment bears the energetic handwriting of the storage guard. -60003 Heroic Symbol An item which is not passed on with levity. -70001 Goddess' Doll -70002 Third Hand A hand which picks up Yang automatically. -70003 Book of the Leader One of the seven war strategy books. While the leader of a group has this book on him, all his group member will receive 30% more experience points. -70004 Medal of Diligence A reward for hard work. -70005 Experience Ring You collect 50% more experience points during a battle. -70006 Language Ring This ring was crafted for diplomacy in the ancient era. Use it to talk to people from other empires. -70007 Warp Ring -70008 White Flag A white flag that indicates surrender. -70009 Treasure Box A chest which is decorated with a lot of ornaments. Can only be opened with a special key. -70010 Storage Ticket A document which helps to organise the storage rooms. -70011 Upgrade Bottle -70012 Goddess Tear Rumour has it, that the Goddess gave her tears to the heroes of battle because they fought so bravely against the evil. -70013 Giant Goddess Tear The tear of the ancient dancer Tae-Hwa is said to comfort the soul of a fighter. -70014 Blood Pill A pill that is made of deer blood. It has a severe hallucinogenic effect. -70015 Cheap Brush A ordinary, robust brush with a solid wooden handle. -70020 Peach Flower Wine Beverage that will immediately regenerate your Hit Points (HP) by 500 points. -70024 Blessing Marble Legendary blessed marble. When an item has four attributes, it adds another attribute. -70027 Blacksmith's Memo A memo from the blacksmith which shows you how to upgrade your weapons. -70031 Fencing Pamphlet This pamphlet concerns, amongst other things, the potential and weaknesses of the human anatomy. -70035 Magic Copper Ore When you combine this ore with a Blessing Scroll at the blacksmith's, you can create a Scroll of War. -70037 Book of Forgetfulness The legendary book that removes the memory of a learned skill completely. You can move 1 skill point. -70038 Bravery Cape Ancient Warriors showed off their bravery by wearing a colourful cape with which they attracted the attention of monsters. -70039 Blacksmith' Handbook This book contains the soul of an old blacksmith. If it is used, it raises the chance of successfully ameliorating an item. -70040 Orc Stubbornness Reduces stamina use by half. -70043 Thief's Glove Doubles the probability of looting items. -70047 Language Ring(Sample) This ring is used to talk to people from other empires. -70048 Fugitive's Cape A priceless cape that helps you to become inconspicuous and that is used by lots of runaways. -70049 Lucy's Ring The engraving on the ring says: "May the Dragon God bless you." The ring reduces your chance of losing items in battle. -70050 Sage King's Symbol An inherited symbol from the ancient royal family that grants the master great power. -70051 Sage King's Glove An inherited article from the ancient royal family that grants the master mysterious power. -70052 Charm of Karma1 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70053 Charm of Karma2 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70054 Charm of Karma3 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70102 Zen Bean Reduces the evil and raises the good in a character's disposition. -70104 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70105 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70106 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70107 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70201 Bleach It turns your hair back into its original colour. Bleached hair can be dyed again. -70202 White Hair Dye Dyes your hair white. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70203 Blonde Hair Dye Dyes your hair blonde. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70204 Red Hair Dye Dyes your hair red. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70205 Brown Hair Dye Dyes your hair brown. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70206 Black Hair Dye Dyes your hair black. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70301 Engagement Ring A ring that is worn by lovers. -70302 Wedding Ring A ring that is worn by a married couple. -71001 Exorcism Scroll Will lift the curse of the evil spirit, if learning is not successful. With the help of this scroll you can read another document on the same day. -71002 Status Reset Document Resets status points so that you can change the development of your character. -71003 Skill Reset Document Resets skill points. -71004 Medal of the Dragon Protects you from a loss of experience points at your next revival. -71005 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 7 days. -71006 Language Ring You can understand all Languages of the empire for 15 days. -71007 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 30 days. -71008 Fishing Book Book that doubles the chance of catching rare fish. -71009 Storage Chest Your Storeroom will receive 2 additional storage rooms. -71010 Third Hand Your character will pick up all dropped Yang automatically if equipped with this hand. -71011 Emotion Mask You can let you feelings run free for 30 days. -71012 Book of the Leader While the leader of a group is equipped with this book, all members will gain 30% more Experience points. -71013 Firework Rocket that lights up the sky for all players. -71014 Potion of Attack+10 Increases your attack speed by 10% for 30 minutes. -71015 Experience Ring Your character collects 50% more experience points while fighting. -71016 Thief's Gloves Doubles the probability of looting items. -71017 Lucky Medal Doubles the probability of looting Yang by 50%. -71018 Blessing of Life A blessing with which your HP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71019 Blessing of Magic A blessing that regenerates all your MP immediately. -71020 Blessing of the Dragon A blessing with which your HP and MP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71021 Scroll of War Improvement of items will succeed (100%). Only works on items +0 to +3. -71022 Return of Intelligence Resets your intelligence points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71023 Return of Vitality Resets your vitality points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71024 Return of Strength Resets your Strength points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71025 Stone of the Blacksmith At the blacksmith's you can create a blacksmith handbook with the help of this stone and a blessing scroll. -71026 Magic Iron Ore This ore, when combined with a blessing scroll, enables the crafting of a dragon scroll at the blacksmiths. -71027 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71028 Dragon God Attack Increases the damage you cause during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71029 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71030 Dragon God Defence Lowers the damage you receive during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71031 Dragon God Support The vitality, strength, intelligence and dexterity of your character will temporarily quintuple. -71032 Dragon Scroll Eliminates the risk of destroying an item if the improvement fails. Only its quality will be decreased by 1. Additionally, the probability of a successful improvement will increase by 10%. -71033 Emotion Mask You can let your feelings run free for 15 days. -71034 Potion of Attack +15 Increases your attack speed by 15% for 30 minutes. -71035 Researcher's Elixir Improves the quality of the research objects which you have collected, thereby increasing the likelihood that they will be accepted. -71036 Scroll - Chief Orc Will summon an Orc Chieftain next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71037 Scroll - Leader Will summon a Dark Leader next to your character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71038 Scroll - Queen Spider Will summon a King Spider next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71039 Scroll - Tortoise Will summon a Turtle next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71040 Scroll - Flame King Will summon the King of Flames next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71041 Scroll - Nine Tails Will summon a Nine tail next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71042 Scroll - Demon King Will summon a Ghost of a Tiger next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71043 Scroll - Tiger Ghost Makes a yellow tiger ghost appear next to your character. Be careful, it's a boss! -71044 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -71045 Piercing Strike Increases the chance of a piercing hit for by 20% for 10 minutes. -71047 Spirit Stone Tincture Removes a Spirit Stone from one of your items. -71048 Modification Charm This charm can change the gender of your character. -71049 Silk Bundle With this bundle you can open a private shop for 10 days free of charge. -71050 Potion of Speed Boosts your motion speed by 60 for 30 minutes. -71051 Bewitch Item Removes the special-bonus on one of your items and adds another one. -71052 Bless Item Add a special new bonus onto one of your items, if it does not already have one. -71054 Tincture of Kingdoms A character is able to go into exile in another kingdom, this means changing the kingdom. -71055 Tincture of the Name Changes the name of a Character. -71056 Tincture of Heaven Increases the chance of successfully improving a Spirit Stone. -71057 Stone of Fossil Trunk O. Creates a fossil wood lode next to your character. -71058 Stone of Copper Lode Creates a copper ore lode next to your character -71059 Stone of Silver Lode Creates a silver ore lode next to your character. -71060 Stone of Gold Lode Creates a gold lode next to your character. -71061 Stone of Jade Lode Creates a jade lode next to your character. -71062 Stone of Ebony Lode Creates an ebony lode next to your character. -71063 Stone of Clams Creates a pile of shells next to your character -71064 Stone of White Gold Lode Creates a white gold lode next to your character. -71065 Stone of Crystal Lode Creates a crystal lode next to your character. -71066 Stone of Amethyst Lode Creates quartz crystal lode next to your character. -71067 Stone of Heaven's Ode Creates a tears of heaven lode next to your character. -71068 Feather of Lovers Your love points will rise twice as fast for 30 days, if equipped with this feather. -71069 Earring of Harmony Increases the chance of a piercing hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71070 Love Bracelet Increases the collection of experience points for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71071 Earring of Love Increases the chance of a lethal hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71072 Harmony Bracelet Reduces the attack power of the monsters, against which married people fight, if carried by a marriage partner. (Lasts 3 Hours) -71073 Necklace of Love Increases the attack power for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71074 Necklace of Harmony Increases the defence value of married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71075 Hair Dye (White) Dyes hair white. -71076 Hair Dye (Blonde) Dyes hair blonde. -71077 Hari Dye (Red) Dyes hair red. -71078 Hair Dye (Brown) Dyes hair brown. -71079 Hair Dye (Black) Dyes hair black. -71080 Metin Stone(L) A light Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71081 Metin Stone(N) A medium Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71082 Metin Stone(H) A large Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71083 Stone Handbook Removes all broken stones from an item. With that you will get another chance to improve your weapon or amour. -71084 Enchant Item Removes the bonuses from one of your items and adds new ones. -71085 Reinforce Item Adds a bonus to one of your items if it has not got bonus yet. -71086 Level Up Quest(20~29) -71087 Level Up Quest(30~39) -71088 Mission Book (Easy) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can also be solved by greenhorn fighters. -71089 Mission Book (Normal) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by those who are already experienced in fighting. -71090 Mission Book (Hard) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by really experienced fighters. -71091 Tincture of Trade You can choose a different colour for your shop sign. -71092 Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -71093 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -71094 Concentrated Reading Increases the chance of successful skill training with your next book by 2.5 times. -71095 Passage Ticket If you give this ticket to the guard, you will be allowed to enter a new floor of the Spider-Dungeon. -71096 Passage Tablet This medal allows you to pass through a gate. -71099 Ring of Successor Allows the leader of a guild to set up a successor. -71100 Scroll of Lore Change Forget your lore and start a new one. You need to be at least on level 31 to do it. -71101 Potion of Haste This potion decreases your cooldown time by 20 percent for 30 minutes. -71103 Redistribution (VIT) Puts your vitality back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71104 Redistribution (INT) Puts your intelligence back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71105 Redistribution (STR) Puts your strength back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71106 Redistribution (DEX) Resets your dexterity back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71107 Fruit of Life Increases rank points by 3000 (cooldown time: 5 hours). -71109 Scroll of Correction This scroll allows you to remove the last successfully added Spirit Stone from an item. -71110 Horse Sugar This piece of sugar allows you to give your mount a name. It also increases is defence value by 20. -71113 Glass of Insight Allows you to show another player items from your inventory. The glass breaks in the process. -71114 Wild Boar Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71115 Wild Boar Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71116 Wolf Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71117 Wolf Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71118 Tiger Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71119 Tiger Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71120 Lion Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71121 Lion Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -72001 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 10 hours. -72002 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 30 minutes. -72003 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 3 hours. -72004 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 10 hours. -72005 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 30 minutes. -72006 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 3 hours. -72007 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 10 hours. -72008 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 30 minutes. -72009 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 3 hours. -72010 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 15 minutes. -72011 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 30 minutes. -72012 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 3 hours. -72013 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 15 minutes. -72014 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 30 minutes. -72015 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 3 hours. -72016 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 15 minutes. -72017 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 30 minutes. -72018 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 3 hours. -72019 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 15 minutes. -72020 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 30 minutes. -72021 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets 2 additional storage rooms for a duration for 3 hours. -72022 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 10 hours. -72023 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 30 minutes. -72024 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 3 hours. -72025 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72026 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72027 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72028 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 7 days. -72029 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 15 days. -72030 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 30 days. -72031 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72032 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72033 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72034 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72035 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72036 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72037 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72038 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72039 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72040 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72041 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72042 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72043 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72044 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72045 Book of the Leader When the party leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience point of group members and the leader by 30%. -72046 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72047 Criticial Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72048 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72501 Experience Ring (iCafe) Increases collection of experience points by 20% in the membership iCafe. -72502 Thief's Glove (iCafe) Chance of items being dropped increases by 1.5 times in Membership iCafe. -72701 Wind Shoes Increases your movement speed by 30 when equipped. -73001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73005 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73006 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73007 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73008 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73009 Long Hair (Black) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, black hair. -73010 Long Hair (Red) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, red hair. -73011 Long Hair (Brown) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, brown hair. -73012 Long Hair (Green) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, green hair. -73251 Ponytail (Brown) Long hair done up in a plait. -73252 Ponytail (Green) Long hair done up a plait. -73253 Ponytail (Blue) Long hair done up in a plait. -73254 Ponytail (Light) Long hair done up in a plait. -73255 Shoulder Length (Red) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A natural-looking shoulder-length hair cut. -73257 Shoulder Length (Light) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73260 Short Hair (Blue) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73261 Short Hair (Black) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73262 Short Hair (Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73501 Sporty Haircut (Light) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73502 Sporty Haircut (Brown) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73503 Sporty Haircut (Blonde) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73504 Sporty Haircut (Green) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73505 Charisma Hair (White) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73506 Charisma Hair (Red) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73507 Charisma Hair (Black) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73509 Long Plait (White) A traditional plait. -73510 Long Plait (Blue) A traditional plait. -73511 Long Plait (Black) A traditional plait. -73512 Long Plait (Brown) A traditional plait. -73751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant haircut with tied back hair. -73753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73755 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Elegant, straight hair. -73756 Med. Length Hair (Black) Elegant, straight hair. -73757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Elegant, straight hair. -73758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Elegant, straight hair. -73759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73760 Old Hairstyle (Light) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73762 Old Hairstyle (Red) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -74001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74005 Headband (Red) A spiky hairstyle with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -74006 Headband (Brown plaid) A spiky hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74007 Headband (Blue) A spiky hairstyle worn with a bandanna (+10% defence against Suras) -74008 Headband (Green plaid) Short green hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -74009 Long Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74010 Long Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74011 Long Hair (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74012 Long Hair (Green) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74251 Ponytail (Brown) A popular women's hairstyle in which hair is tied up into a long plait (+10% against Warriors) -74252 Ponytail (Green) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Ninjas) -74253 Ponytail (Blue) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Suras) -74254 Ponytail (Light) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Shamans) -74255 Shoulder Length (Red) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Warriors) -74256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Ninjas) -74257 Shoulder Length (Light) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Suras) -74258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Shamans) -74259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Warriors) -74260 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Ninjas) -74261 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Suras) -74262 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Shamans) -74501 Sporty Hairstyle (White) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Warriors) -74502 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Ninja) -74503 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Suras) -74504 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) A short hairstyle that gives you military look (+10% against Shamans) -74505 Charisma Hair (White) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Warriors) -74506 Charisma Hair (Red) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Ninjas) -74507 Charisma Hair (Black) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Suras) -74508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Shamans) -74509 Long Plait (White) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Warriors) -74510 Long Plait (Blue) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74511 Long Plait (Black) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich. (+10% defence against Suras) -74512 Long Plait (Brown) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Shamans) -74751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Warriors) -74752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Suras). -74754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas). -74755 Med.Length Hair (Brown) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Warriors). -74756 Med. Length Hair (Black) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Ninjas). -74757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Suras). -74758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Shamans). -74759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Warriors) -74760 Old Hairstyle (Blonde) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Suras) -74762 Old Hairstyle (Red) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Shamans) -75001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) Trendy hairstyle with red hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Warriors) -75002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) Trendy hairstyle with light coloured hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) Trendy hairstyle with blue hair and a hair-band (+10% against Suras) -75004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) Trendy hairstyle with brown hair and a hair-band (+10% against Shamans) -75005 Headband (Brown) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -75006 Headband (Blonde) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75007 Headband (Blue) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Suras) -75008 Headband (Green) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -75009 Long Hair (Black) Marvellous, black hair (+10% against Warriors) -75010 Long Hair (Red) Marvellous, red hair (+10% against Ninjas) -75011 Long Hair (Brown) Marvellous, brown hair (+10% against Suras) -75012 Long Hair (Green) Marvellous, green hair (+10% against Shamans) -75201 Ponytail (Brown) Brown hair with a nice, long ponytail. (+10% defence against Warriors) -75202 Ponytail (Green) Green hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Ninjas) -75203 Ponytail (Blue) Blue hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Suras) -75204 Ponytail (Light) Grey hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Shamans) -75205 Shoulder Length (Red) A discreet hairstyle with a white bandanna (+10% against Warriors) -75206 Shoulder Length (Brown) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Ninjas) -75207 Shoulder Length (Light) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Suras) -75208 Shoulder Length (Purple) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Shamans) -75209 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Warriors) -75210 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Ninjas) -75211 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Suras) -75212 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Shamans) -75401 Sporty Hairstyle (Light) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Warriors) -75402 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Ninjas) -75403 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Suras) -75404 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Shamans) -75405 Charisma Style (White) Long, snow-white hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75406 Charisma Style (Red) Long, red hair that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75407 Charisma Style (Black) Long, jet-black hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Suras) -75408 Charisma Style (Purple) Long, purple hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75409 Long Plait (White) Plait (+10% defence against Warriors) -75410 Long Plait (Blue) Plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75411 Long Plait (Black) Plait (+10% against Suras) -75412 Long Plait (Brown) Plait (+10% against Shamans) -75601 Smart Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Warriors) -75602 Smart Hairstyle (Black) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Ninjas) -75603 Smart Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Suras) -75604 Smart Hairstyle (Light) A trendy trim that gives Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Shaman) -75605 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Smooth, brown hair (+10% against Warriors) -75606 Med. Length Hair (Black) Straight, black hair (+10% against Ninja) -75607 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Straight, light coloured hair (+10% against Sura) -75608 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Straight, purple hair (+10% against Shaman) -75609 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Old Warrior hairstyle. The brown hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Warriors) -75610 Old Hairstyle (Light) Old warrior hairstyle. The light coloured hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75611 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Old Warrior hairstyle. The purple hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Suras) -75612 Old Hairstyle (Red) Old warrior hairstyle. The red hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Shamans) -80001 Money Pouch A dark and already worn out pouch sewed from leather. -80002 Blank Paper An unused parchment of good quality. -80008 Lump of Gold A lump of gold that has never been crafted. It is being sold in a shop for a high price. -90001 Empty Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water - sadly it is empty right now. -90002 Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water. -90003 Crystal An especially nice and clear gemstone which shines fascinatingly in the sunlight. -90004 Gem A nice coloured and flat cut stone which is used for producing ornaments. -90005 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -90006 Spirit Stone This stone, added to weapons or armour, increases the quality of the item. -90007 Mineral There are around 4000 minerals which differ in crystal structure and so also differ in shape and colour. -90010 Foundation Stone Building Material for the Guild Building -90011 Trunk Building Material for the Guild Building -90012 Plywood Building Material for the Guild Building diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 812e0fa5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Ninjas are professional[ENTER] -killers, who can attack[ENTER] -through ambush. In order to[ENTER] -maximise on both strength[ENTER] -and mobility, these[ENTER] -[WAIT] -assassins wear only light[ENTER] -armour. This allows them to[ENTER] -execute rapid and fluid[ENTER] -manoeuvres without[ENTER] -hindrance. Depending on[ENTER] -[WAIT] -their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Ninjas can[ENTER] -be master fighters in[ENTER] -close-combat situations with[ENTER] -daggers, or in[ENTER] -[WAIT] -distant-combat situations[ENTER] -with bows. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9f59ee38..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -The wisdom achieved through[ENTER] -long years of intense study[ENTER] -allow the Shamans to use[ENTER] -Spells and Magic to attack[ENTER] -their foes. When in a fight[ENTER] -[WAIT] -and in support of their[ENTER] -friends, their mystic powers[ENTER] -are very effective.[ENTER] -Depending on their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Shamans may[ENTER] -[WAIT] -choose to strengthen their[ENTER] -attacks, or to upgrade[ENTER] -individual healing and[ENTER] -support spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebadcb09..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Suras are fighters who[ENTER] -gained magical powers by[ENTER] -agreeing to grow the Seed of[ENTER] -Evil in their arms. The[ENTER] -magic they now control[ENTER] -[WAIT] -allows them to wound their[ENTER] -enemies from afar in[ENTER] -distant-combat situations,[ENTER] -while their skill with a[ENTER] -sword makes them excellent[ENTER] -[WAIT] -close-combat fighters. The[ENTER] -Suras can choose to improve[ENTER] -their attack-spells or[ENTER] -develop additional[ENTER] -strengthening spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 749446ab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Thanks to their skills as[ENTER] -well as their heavy armour,[ENTER] -Warriors play an important[ENTER] -role in close combat[ENTER] -situations. They strive[ENTER] -[WAIT] -principally for great[ENTER] -physical strength and a[ENTER] -balanced, calm psyche.[ENTER] -Depending on their chosen[ENTER] -speciality, they can wreak[ENTER] -[WAIT] -havoc with their two-handed[ENTER] -weapons or through their[ENTER] -skilful use of sword and[ENTER] -shield, which can defend[ENTER] -against any opponent's[ENTER] -[WAIT] -attack. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ceded179..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Love points: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Rank points: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown attack error: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE The combatant is too far away. -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA You cannot open a private shop in a public area. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE The enemy is too far away. -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW I need an arrow. -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH I am sure that I cannot get any closer. -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK I cannot attack that. -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE The opponent is too far away. -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD I need a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE I need a Horse to be able to use this. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an empty bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Who is the target? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP I do not have enough HP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP I do not have enough SP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL I cannot use this whilst riding. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON I cannot use this skill with this weapon. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN I have not learned this skill. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE This only affects group members. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE This only affects dead people. -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD I cannot use this skill with a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF I cannot use this on myself. -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME I cannot use this skill yet. -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s has blocked whispering. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s is not online. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE You cannot whisper something to someone when you have completely blocked whispering. SNA -CHANNEL Channel -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT You cannot go back to the login screen. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER No server -CHANNEL_NORMAL Channel %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL This channel is full! Please choose another one. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO No information found via the Channel. -CHANNEL_PVP Free duel -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Choose the channel -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Choose region. -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Choose server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL All -CHAT_BLOCK Block -CHAT_GUILD Guild -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING This sentence has invalid words in it. -CHAT_LOG Show old messages [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Chat-log -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Announcement -CHAT_PARTY Group -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Send chat -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Send whisper[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT Call -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT You can only call every 15 seconds. -CHAT_WHISPER Whispering -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME You are not allowed to use 'GM' in your character name. -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME This name is invalid. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Another character already has this name. -CREATE_FAILURE You cannot create the character -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Enter the name. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT There are still status points available. -DAY Days -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want to buy %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want to buy %s %s for %s? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Do you want to drop %d Yang? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want to sell %s for %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want to sell %s %s for %s? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot drop equipped items. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot drop any items as long as a private shop is open. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER You can drop a maximum of 999 Yang. -EMOTION_ANGRY Aggravating -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Seduction -EMOTION_BANTER Sneering -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Cheers 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Cheers 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP Cheer -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Choose a target. -EMOTION_CLAP Claps -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kiss -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Approval -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dance 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dance 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dance 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dance 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dance 5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE Forgiveness -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS French Kiss -EMOTION_JOY Joy -EMOTION_SAD Sad -EMOTION_SHY Rejection -EMOTION_SLAP Hit -EMPIRE_A Shinsoo Kingdom -EMPIRE_B Chunjo Kingdom -EMPIRE_C Jinno Kingdom -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE You cannot trade this Item. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY You cannot change the sum now. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot exchange equipped Items. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Sum -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s -FISHING_FAILURE You lost the Bait. -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s is on the hook. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 You captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 You have pulled %s out of the water! -FISHING_UNKNOWN Something has taken the bait but you can't see what it is. -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE You cannot go fishing here. -FOR_FEMALE for female -FOR_MALE for male -GAME_CANNOT_MINING You cannot mine Ore while riding. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM You cannot collect this Item as you did not win it. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR The cursor could not be established. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 must be installed so that the game can run.\nInstall DirectX 8.1 or higher. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE No graphic device could be found. \nCheck if your VGA card is correctly installed. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Graphic device could not be established. \nCheck if you have a VGA card. \nAlternatively, you can active the hardware accelerator.\n(Set hardware accelerator to max \nControl Panel->Display->Settings->Advanced->Troubleshoot tab) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT The graphics card of the computer does not support the window mode in 32bit Mode. \nChange to 16bit Mode or use Full Screen Mode. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO No Item data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Mainframe could not be established -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO No Monster Data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Network devices could not be established.\nCheck your internet connection. -GAME_PICK_MONEY You have received %d Yang. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Height is not 128 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Height is not 12 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Width is not 16 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Width is not 64 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT The game does not support this picture. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Move the data into the folder metin2/upload. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT No picture file chosen. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flag captured. -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Field Battle -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 The Guild %s declared war on your Guild. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Do you accept? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Guild theater of war -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Name of building -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE The Dragon ghost battle is already full. -GUILD_COMMENT Write -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Guildname is not valid. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Guild members -GUILD_DELETE Delete -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Do you want to restore with %d Yang %d Dragon ghost? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to join the guild? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Empty land -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Guild name of the enemy -GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Main Building -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Restore Dragon ghost -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Minimum level of 4 required -GUILD_NAME Guild name -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL You do not have enough resources for this building. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY You do not have enough Yang for this building. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION You do not have the rights to make an announcement. -GUILD_OBJECT Objects -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Experience to invest -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Not enough Experience yet -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Basic Information -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Blackboard -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Rights Administration -GUILD_TILE_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Guild Members -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Guild Skills -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Time: 30 Minutes -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Reward: The winner receives a Potion -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Use Guild Theater of War -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Use Normal Map -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE The highest result wins the war. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Defeat all enemies to win. -GUILD_WITHDRAW Fallback -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN You are not a member of any Guild. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Dead -HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungry -HORSE_HEALTH2 Starving -HORSE_HEALTH3 Full -HORSE_LEVEL1 Normal Horse -HORSE_LEVEL2 Battle Horse -HORSE_LEVEL3 Military Horse -HOUR Hours -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %d? -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Enter Matrix Cardnumber. -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Enter deletion-code from your account settings here. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Delete character -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Role of Return cannot be combined. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Do you want to use this Item? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateur Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Power of the Ninjas -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Undead -JOB_SHAMAN Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateur Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN1 Power of the Dragon -JOB_SHAMAN2 Lightning Power -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amateur Sura -JOB_SURA1 Power of the Fata Morgana -JOB_SURA2 Power of Black Magic -JOB_WARRIOR Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateur Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR1 Power of Arahan -JOB_WARRIOR2 Power of Partisans -LEFT_TIME Time Remaining -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Error while connecting to the server. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS You are connected to the server. -LOGIN_CONNETING You will be connected to the server. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Your account is already connected. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Registration problem. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Your account is banned. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Please choose one of the other servers! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Your account had no play time. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Your account cannot be used. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Items have been restored for this account. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN The server is not open yet. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER You could not connect because too many players are online. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN You could not register for unknown reasons. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK You have been blocked at the website. Please check your EMails. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER You entered a wrong number. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE You entered a wrong number three times. /n You connection will be disabled. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Enter the ID. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Enter the password. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Logging in... -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT You cannot place the Item. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MAP_A1 Yongan Area -MAP_A2 Valley of Seungryong -MAP_A3 Yayang Area -MAP_AG Jungrang -MAP_B1 Joan Area -MAP_B2 Valley of Imji -MAP_B3 Bokjung Area -MAP_BG Waryong -MAP_C1 Pyungmoo Area -MAP_C2 Valley of Bangsan -MAP_C3 Bakra Area -MAP_CG Imha -MAP_DESERT Yongbi Desert -MAP_FLAME Doyyumhwan -MAP_NUSLUCK Land of Giants -MAP_SKELTOWER Gumsan Tower -MAP_SNOW Mount Sohan -MAP_SPIDER Kuahlo Dong -MAP_TEMPLE Hwang Temple -MAP_TREE Lungsam -MAP_TRENT02 Red Forest -MAP_WL Snakefield -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s added you as a friend. -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Accept? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Delete? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Do you want to delete the cell phone number? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Do you want to go on? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Empty -MESSENGER_FAMILY Family -MESSENGER_FRIEND Friends -MESSENGER_GUILD Guild -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Enter the confirmation number that was sent to your cell phone. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Enter confirmation number -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Enter the cell phone number for the Text message sending. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Do you want to enter the number now? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Enter cell phone number. -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Send message. -MINIMAP Open Mini Map -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Mini Map cannot be seen. -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Large Map cannot be shown. -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Zoom out -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Zoom in -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d observers -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Open Large Map -MINUTE Minutes -MONETARY_UNIT0 Yang -MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand -MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Sales Price: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot move the item when you have opened a private shop. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST No Backgroundmusic. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2 Standard music -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC No Music file chosen. -NEEFD_REST You must rest first. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT Not yer supported -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE You cannot activate Guild Mode when you do not belong to a Guild. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT You cannot choose this configuration in PvP Mode. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT You need to have at least Level %d to be able to change the PvP Mode. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Attack Value: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Attck Speed: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Skill Duration: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Defence: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max. HP: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Delete Group -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT would like to join the Group. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to accept the invitation? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Level Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Higher Level receives more EXP. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Evenly Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP All Group members receive the same EXP. -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Restore everything. -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Range of the group heightened of the factor 1.5 . SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Range of the group heightened of the factor 2. SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Leave group. -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP for a long group game: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Call group member. -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus for HP- + SP regeneration: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED You discarded the invitation into the group.. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Constitute as Attacker. -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Constitute as Berserker. -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Constitute as Blocker. -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Constitute as Defender. -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Withdraw settings. -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Constitute as Skill Master. -PARTY_SET_TANKER Constitute as blade fighter. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Base Attack Value Attacker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Attack Speed Berserker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Skill Duration Blocker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Defence Defender +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Group range +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP Skill Master +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Max. HP blade fighter +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Possible to call group members. -PASSWORD_TITLE Storeroom password -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item Number -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Sum -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM You cannot sell this item in a private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Do you want to close the private shop? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Name of the private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Price -PVP_LEVEL0 Chivalric -PVP_LEVEL1 Noble -PVP_LEVEL2 Good -PVP_LEVEL3 Friendly -PVP_LEVEL4 Neutral -PVP_LEVEL5 Aggressive -PVP_LEVEL6 Fraudulent -PVP_LEVEL7 Malicious -PVP_LEVEL8 Cruel -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP Guild activated -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP Free activated -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP Peace activated -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP Protection activated -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP Hostile activated -PVP_OPTION_KILL Free -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Peace -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Protection -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Hostile -QUEST_APPEND New Quest acquired. -QUEST_MIN Min. -QUEST_SEC Sec. -QUEST_TIMEOVER Time Expired -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME No time limit. -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sec. -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be added to the Fast Access Field. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s sent you a message. -REFINE_COST Costs for Advancement: %d Yang -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING This Item could be destroyed while upgrading. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 This will improve the chance for upgrading, -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 but if you fail the Item could be destroyed. /n Do you want to continue? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING The Item could be down graded this way. -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Do you want to take away the spirit stone? -REFINE_FAILURE You failed. -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot upgrade equipped Items. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM No spirit stone can be taken away. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL You need a better Advancement Scroll. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET You cannot make more Sockets. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to include the %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM You cannot make any Sockets on this Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be upgraded. -REFINE_SUCCESS The advancement of the Item was successful. -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Chance for Advancement %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Do you want to continue? -SAFEBOX_ERROR You entered the wrong password. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM You cannot sell any of the saved Items. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD The passwords have to be identical. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 is saved in -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot File -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Saving of Screenshot failed. -SECOND Sec -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE You cannot delete the character. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME You changed the name of the character. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME The character name is already existing. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Try again. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME That -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Change character name. -SELECT_DELEING Character will be deleted. -SELECT_DELETED Deletion successful. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Do you want to continue? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT This is an empty field. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Enter a new character name. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD No Guild -SHOP_BUY_INFO Choose the Item you want to buy in the shop window. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT You cannot sell equipped Items. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM This Item cannot be sold. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Shop Error: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS This Item cannot be used here. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Your inventory is full. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough Yang -SHOP_SELL_INFO Choose the Item you want to sell in your inventory window. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Sold Out -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Error during Long Distance Attack: %s -SKILL_BOHO Reflect -SKILL_BUDONG is not used anymore -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK You need EXP to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT You need a Book to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Strong Body -SKILL_CRITICAL Critical hit -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Apply Poison -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Camouflage -SKILL_FAINT Blackout -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Find Trap -SKILL_FIRE Permanent Fire -SKILL_FISHMIND Fishing Marble is active -SKILL_GAMJI Capture -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura of the Sword -SKILL_GEONGON SKILL_GEONGON Not used anymore -SKILL_GICHEON Help of the Dragon -SKILL_GIGONG Chi Rotation -SKILL_GONGPO Fear -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Blade -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Arc -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Riding -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Dragon -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Healing -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Weapon -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magic -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Body -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Mental -SKILL_GWIGEOM Enchanted Blade -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Feather Walking -SKILL_HEUKSIN Dark Protection -SKILL_HOSIN Blessing -SKILL_HWAYEOM SKILL_HWAYEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_HYEOLMA SKILL_HYEOLMA Not used anymore -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Attack speed raised -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Moving speed raised -SKILL_INMA SKILL_INMA Not used anymore -SKILL_JEOJU Curse -SKILL_JEONGEOP Healing -SKILL_JEONGWI Battle Flush -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Full Defence -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Full Attack -SKILL_JEUNGCHE SKILL_JEUNGCHE Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGHON SKILL_JEUNGHON Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Attack + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Speed + -SKILL_JIGAM SKILL_JIGAM Not used anymore -SKILL_JIPJUNG SKILL_JIPJUNG Not used anymore -SKILL_JUMAGAP Enchanted Armour -SKILL_JUMAGEOM SKILL_JUMAGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAEGEOM SKILL_KWAEGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAESOK Speed -SKILL_LEGBOUND SKILL_LEGBOUND Not used anymore -SKILL_MUSA SKILL_MUSA Not used anymore -SKILL_MUYEONG Ghost of the Flame -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an Empty Bottle. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR You can use this Skill during a Guild War only. -SKILL_PABEOP Neutralize Spell -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Dazing Attack -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Lightning Bomb -SKILL_SINCHAK SKILL_SINCHAK Not used anymore -SKILL_SLEEP Sleep -SKILL_SLOW Slow -SKILL_STUN Daze -SKILL_SUHO Guard -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance of the Evocation: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level -SKILL_TOXICDIE Poisoning -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Poison attack value increased -SKILL_TUSOK Ghost Hit -SKILL_WONSIN SKILL_WONSIN Not used anymore -SKILL_YONGSIN SKILL_YONGSIN Not used anymore -STAT_MINUS_CON Life Energy Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX Dexterity Adjustment (Remaining Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT Intelligence Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR Strength Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON HP and Defence are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Accuracy and Fleeing are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT SP and Magical Power are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Attack Value is upgraded. -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Register Guild flag -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU Tiling Mode can upgrade the speed of a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 If there are problem with the graphics choose either ,Systemoption or ,CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU Tiling Mode can run slow on a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 If there are problems with the graphics choose either 'System Options' or 'CONFIG.exe' -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT For a change to the Tiling Mode the game must be restarted. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Agree -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Revenge -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Destroy -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Dismount -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotions -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Trading -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Exclude -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duel -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Friend -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guild Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Group Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Leave Group -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Join Group -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Equipment -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Whispering -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Level 5. -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Level 3. -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Level 1. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Level 4. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Level 2. -TASKBAR_ATTACK Attack -TASKBAR_AUTO Automatic -TASKBAR_CAMERA Camera -TASKBAR_EXP Experience -TASKBAR_HP HP -TASKBAR_MOVE Move -TASKBAR_SKILL Skill -TASKBAR_SP SP -TASKBAR_ST ST -THING_COUNT all -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Cannot be sold in the shop. -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Strong against Animals +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Strong against Ninjas +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Strong against Devil +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Strong against Half Humans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Strong against Mystics +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Strong against Monster +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Strong against Orcs +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Strong against Shamans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Strong against Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Strong against Undead +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Strong against Warriorr +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance to block a close-combat attack %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Recover SP all 5 seconds in a Battle %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance of critical Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to get back SP when hit SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Chance to avoid Arrows %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance for EXP Bonus SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double Yang SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immune against falling down SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Defence against slowing SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Defence against blackouts SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double the Items SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, to restore HP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to restore SP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% chance to rob mana SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT No effect -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY No experience points will be lost if your character is revived at the place of his death. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% Chance for piercing Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Poisoned Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Poison Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Potion %d%% effect raise SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Chance to reflect Curse: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE %d%% Chance to reflect close combat hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Defence chance against ninja attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Bell Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Dagger Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Fan Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Defence chance against shaman attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Defence chance against sura attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Sword Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Two-Handed Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Defence chance against warrior attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Wind Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Chance to learn from books upgraded by factor 2.5 . SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY If learning fails you immediately have another try for free SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Slowing Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP %d%% damage will be absorbed by TP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP %d%% damage will be absorbed by MP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance of a Blackout: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armor -TOOLTIP_ARROW Arrow -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Arc Range +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Casting Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Life Energy +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Dexterity +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Earring -TOOLTIP_ETC And so on -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Points %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Give to the Fisherman -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 Fishing Pole. -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN Lenght: %,2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Helmet -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Attack Value %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Attacking Speed %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Life Energy Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Dexterity Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Intelligence Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL From Level: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Strenght Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magical Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magical Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magical Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Very fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Very slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Wearable ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Lucky Number: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magical Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magical Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Attack Value +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Attack Value +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Defence +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Defence +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC Increases gaining EXP by 50% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Chance of capturing Yang multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chance to capture Yang SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Chance of capturing Items multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Chance of capturing Items plus %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chances of capturing items SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Lovepoints raise faster. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Your Storeroom gets 2 storage rooms SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max. HP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max. HP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max. SP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max. SP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max. Endurance +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Necklace -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Needed SP: Max. -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Needed Dragon ghost: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Needed HP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC TP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Needed Skill Points: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Needed SP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Next Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Next Level: %d (Max. %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Average Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Average Damage Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 More than %d Group members -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Attack Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Defence Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 60 minutes. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 30 minutes -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL You have to wait 3 minutes after the death of a group member. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL You can call Group members who are on the same server anytime. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Attack Level +(Number of Group members./2) Attacker %d can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defence Level +(Number of Group members) blade fighters 1 can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Attack/Defence upgraded] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [restore] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP When you have more than %d Group members you get %d%% Bonus EXP . -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus EXP] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Call] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Constitute Attacker] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Constitute Blade Fighter] -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Points: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Give to the Lumberjack -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 Pickaxe. -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cure negative effects. -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Attack Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Moving Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT SP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT SP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sec. -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Duration: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL You must have reached Level 21. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL You must have reached Level 41. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL You must have reached Level %d. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d needed. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d needed -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Arrow Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Lightning Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Fire Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magic Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Left: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Shaman -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Shield -TOOLTIP_SHOES Shoes -TOOLTIP_SKILL Skills SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Skill Book -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Attack Value: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Attack Value: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Defence: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Opponent Attack Value: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restore HP: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to reflect close combat attack: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Resistance against Body Damage: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Loading Time: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Resistance against Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Duration: %d Sek. -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Band of Oblivion -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Current Level: %d (Master) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Current Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Empty -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Item with Socket] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR Strength +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unique -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Warrior -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Weapon -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Wristlet -UI_ACCEPT Accept -UI_CANCEL Cancel -UI_CLOSE Close -UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:9 -UI_DENY Decline -UI_ITEM Item -UI_LEFT_TIME Remaining Time: %d Sec. -UI_NEXT Continue -UI_NOCONTENTS No Content -UI_NONAME No Name -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unknown Place -UI_UNKNOWN Unknown -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot use this item because you opened a private shop. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Skill Error: %s diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8672cae6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Accept -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Do you want to use the Spirit Stone? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Use Spirit Stone -CANCEL Cancel -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Confirm new Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW New Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Old Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Password Change -CHARACTER_ACTION Emotion -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emotion -CHARACTER_MAIN Character -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Mutual Emotion -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normal Emotion -CHARACTER_QUEST Missions -CHARACTER_SKILL Skill -CLOSE Close -CREATE_ATT_GRADE STR -CREATE_CREATE Create -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DEX -CREATE_HP HP -CREATE_LAST_POINT Points -CREATE_MAN Man -CREATE_NAME Name -CREATE_NEXT Next -CREATE_PREV Back -CREATE_SEX Gender -CREATE_SHAPE Shape -CREATE_SP SP -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reset -CREATE_WOMAN Woman -CUBE_TITLE Cube -EMPIRE_EXIT Exit -EMPIRE_NEXT Next -EMPIRE_PREV Back -EMPIRE_SELECT Choose -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Accept -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Game Options -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -GAME_HELP Help -GAME_QUEST Tasks -GAME_SKILL_UP Raise Skills -GAME_STAT_UP Raise State -GUILD_BASENAME Base Name -GUILD_BOARD_ID Name -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Content -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Building Units -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Change -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Direction -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Buildings and Cost Information -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Building List -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Log -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Building name -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operate -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Plywood -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Position -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Preview -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Price -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Stone -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Guild House Building -GUILD_CRYSTAL Crystal -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Here -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Drop Resource -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME New rank name -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Nr. -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Kick -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Invite -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Write -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Skills -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Rank -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Write -GUILD_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Experience -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Declare War -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Enemy Guild -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Guild Level -GUILD_INFO_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Leader -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Leader -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL Average Level -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Members -GUILD_INFO_NAME Guild name -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE This is a Guild Name -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Invest -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Needed Exp. -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Upload Sign -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Upload Flag -GUILD_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Race -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Leader -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Level -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Name -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Rank -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Invest -GUILD_METIN_STONE Spirit Stone -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Yang -GUILD_NAME Guild -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Resources Information -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Active -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Win back Power -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Passive -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Power -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Skills of the Guild -GUILD_SYMBOL Guild Flag -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Accept War Declaration -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Battle Type -GUILD_WAR_CTF Flag -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Declare Guild War -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Enemy -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Field -GUILD_WAR_WARP Arena -GUILD_WATER Water -GUILD_WATER_STONE Waterstone -GUILD_WITHDRAW Take -HELP_ATTACK_KEY Attack: left mouse button or space bar -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE Change attack mode: change setting of left mouse button -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (Character Window, Inventory Window, -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 List of Friends and Options) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON Camera View: middle or right mouse button -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON Camera View: right or middle mouse button -HELP_EXP Experience -HELP_FURY Ingame Item Shop -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW Open Guild Window: Alt + G -HELP_HELP Display help: H -HELP_HP Hit Points (TP) -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW Open Friends List: Alt + M -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Function of the Left Mouse button -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Function of the Right Mouse button -HELP_MOVE_KEY Panel: W, A, S, D or arrow keys -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER Open character window: C -HELP_OPEN_CHAT Open chat window: Enter -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY Open inventory window: I -HELP_OPEN_LOG Open Chatlog: L -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP Open mini map: Shift + M -HELP_OPEN_QUEST Open Task Window: N -HELP_OPEN_SKILL Open Skill Window: V -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER Open Whisper Window: Shift + Enter -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP Open Large Map: M -HELP_PICK_ITEM Collect Items: ^ or Y or left mouse button -HELP_QUICKSLOT Fast Access Fields -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE Save Screenshot: Print (will be saved in file "Metin2\\screenshot") -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME Display Names: Alt -HELP_SP Mana points (MP) -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON System buttons -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. Inventory -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2. Inventory -INVENTORY_TITLE Inventory -ITEM_MALL Item Shop -LOAD_ERROR The File is damaged. Please install new. Press ESC now. -LOGIN_CONNECT Connect -LOGIN_CONNECTING You will be connected to the Server -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Servername, Channel 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Choose Place for issuing an invoice. -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Choose -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Choose Server -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MALL_TITLE Item Shop Storeroom -MARKET_TITLE Load -MARKLIST_REFRESH Refresh -MARKLIST_TITLE Register Guild Sign -MESSAGE This is a Message -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add friend -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Delete friend -MESSENGER_MOBILE Send Text Message -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Open Guild Window -MESSENGER_TITLE Friends -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Use the Guild Moving Skill -MESSENGER_WHISPER Whisper -MINIMIZE Minimize -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Attack -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Attack automatically -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Camera -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Skills -MUSICLIST_TITLE Music Choices -NO No -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Name -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Limited -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Always -OPTION_BLOCK Block -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Trade -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Friends -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Guild -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Group -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Request -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Whisper -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Camera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Far -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Close -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Delete Cell Phone Number -OPTION_EFFECT Hit Info -OPTION_FOG Fog -OPTION_FOG_DENSE Dense -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Light -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Middle -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Enter Cell Phone Number -OPTION_MOBILE Cell Phone -OPTION_MUSIC Music -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Change -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Standard Music of Metin2 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Name Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Empire Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP Mode -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Free -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Guild -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players but your Guild members. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Peace -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP You cannot attack players from your kingdom. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Hostile -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP You can only attack those who have another Ethos. -OPTION_SOUND Sound Effects -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Target Menu -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Close -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Show -OPTION_TILING Graphic -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Apply -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Options -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chat Line -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Hide -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Show -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Name of the Group member -PASSWORD_TITLE Saving Password -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Divide -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Close shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Name of the shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Open private shop -REFINE_COST Upgrading Costs: 0 Yang -REFINE_INFO Chance to upgrade successfully: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Upgrades -RESTART_HERE Restart here -RESTART_TOWN Restart in the City -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Change Password -SAFE_TITLE Storeroom -SELECT_ATT_GRADE STR -SELECT_CREATE Create -SELECT_DELETE Delete -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DEX -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Name of Kingdom -SELECT_EXIT Close -SELECT_HP HP -SELECT_LEVEL Level -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Select Spirit Stone -SELECT_NAME Name -SELECT_NO_GUILD No Guild -SELECT_PLAYTIME Playtime (min.) -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP SP -SELECT_TITLE Choose Title -SHOP_BUY Buy -SHOP_SELL Sell -SHOP_TITLE Shop -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Standard Skills -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE System Options -SYSTEM_CHANGE Change Character -SYSTEM_EXIT Exit Game -SYSTEM_HELP Help -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Log Out -SYSTEM_MALL Item Shop -SYSTEM_OPTION System Options -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Character[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat Window -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Inventory[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Friends -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Next Fast Access Field [Shift+Number, Alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Previous Fast Access Field [Shift+Number] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Options[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Block -WHISPER_NAME Whisper -WHISPER_SEND Send -YES Yes -ZONE_MAP Large Map diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/en/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index f084c338..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a0789413..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Three-Way Cut Triple Cut Triple Slash Cut the enemy with lightning speed. Frontal Slash Attack 3 times Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -106 SHAMAN Lightning Throw Lightning Toss Thunder Hurl Attack with Thunderbolts. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Summon Lightning Lightning Launch Thunder Bolt Summon Thunderbolts from the sky. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute Fainting Effect ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Faint Chance: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Lightning Claw Lightning Punch Thunder Punch Summon a Thunderbolt to your fist. Long-Range Attack Lightning Attribute Chain Reaction Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Cure Heal Aid of Light Heal wounds with the aid of light. Restores HP Cures Negative Effects Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Restore HP %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Cures Negative Effects Chance %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Swiftness Quickness Speed of Wind Run as fast as the Wind. Increase Moving Speed Reduce Casting Speed Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Moving Speed +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Casting Speed +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Attack+ Support Attack Strengthened Attack Strengthen a partner. Increases Attack Power Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Attack Power +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Leadership Ability to lead partners. PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Combo Increase Combo attack. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Fishing Fishing knowledge. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Mining Ability to mine ore. PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Item Creation Create an item. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Shinsoo Language You can understand the Shinsoo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Chunjo Language You can understand the Chunjo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Jinno Language You can understand the Jinno language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Polymorph Transform into a monster. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Horse Riding Ability to ride a horse. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Call Horse Summon a horse. summon -137 HORSE Horseback Slash Attack enemies whilst riding a horse. (from lv. 50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Horse Stump Attack all nearby enemies. (from level 52) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Power Wave Attack all enemies from your horse. (from lv.55) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Arrow Storm Shoot arrows while you are riding. (from lv.50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Dragon Eyes Increase Maximum Dragon Ghost. PASSIVE yongan Max. Dragon Ghost Increase +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Blood of Dragon God Increase Max HP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Max. HP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Benediction of Dragon God Increase Max SP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Max. SP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Holy Armour Increase defence of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Defence Increase +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Acceleration Increase attack and motion speed of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Attack Speed and Motion Increase +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Rage of Dragon God Increase Critical Hit Chance of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Increase Critical Hit Chance +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Casting Aid Decrease cool down time of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Casting Speed Increase +%.0f%% k * 50 -16 WARRIOR Spirit Strike (W) Shockwave Tsunami Attack Attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Bash Tiger Bash Dragon Bash Attack enemies directly. Straight Splash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Stump Lion Stump Rhino Stump Knock over several enemies. Straight Splash Attack Fainting Effect Chance ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Faint Chance %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Strong Body Iron Body Steel Body Increases defence and you won't fall on the ground. Increases defence Decreases Moving Speed. You won't fall over STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Defence: +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Moving Speed: -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -2 WARRIOR Sword Spin Sword Dance Cyclone Spin the sword to attack several enemies. Frontal Slash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Sword Strike Sword Bolt Sword Hurl Attack enemies directly. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Fainting Effect Throws the target on the ground ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Faint Chance %.0f%% (100+k*1000/6)/10 -3 WARRIOR Berserk Fury Frenzy Only concentrate on attacking. Increases Attack Speed Increases Moving Speed Increases Received Damage STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Attack Speed +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Moving Speed +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -31 ASSASSIN Ambush Stealth Attack Stealth Ambush Approach an enemy from behind and make a deadly attack. Attack Power increases for back hits. Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Fast Attack Body Relocation Death Strike Approach an enemy fast and make a deadly attack. Teleport Attack Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Rolling Dagger Spinning Dagger Dancing Dagger Whirl around enemies with a dagger. Splash Attack Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Stealth Silent Walk Cloaking You can hide yourself. Stops attacks when used. STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Ambush Bonus Damage: %.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Poisonous Cloud Deadly Cloud Killing Cloud Make poisonous clouds around the enemy and intoxicate them. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 40*k -4 WARRIOR Aura of the Sword Spiritual Sword Phantom Sword Increases Attack Power for a period of time. Increases Attack Power STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Attack Power +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -46 ASSASSIN Repetitive Shot Multi-Shot Massive Shot Shoot several arrows at one enemy. Long-Range Attack Several Attacks ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k shot arrows: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Arrow Shower Dynamic Arrow Arrow Rain Shoot several arrows at several enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Attack Power %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 Max. number of targets: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Fire Arrow Burning Arrow Flame Arrow Ignite the arrow. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Feather Walk Wind Walk God's speed Make your body lighter to increase moving speed. Increases moving speed STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Moving Speed +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Dash Bullet Dash Powerful Attack You attack as fast as a Bullet Powerful Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Poison Arrow Toxic Arrow Deadly Arrow Coat the arrow with powerful poison. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Throws the target to the ground. Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Finger Strike Burning Finger Strike Finger Explosion Cause a big explosion with your fingertips. Frontal Splash Attack Opponent's defence is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Chance of Piercing Hit %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Dragon Swirl Tornado Swirl Whirlwind Create a strong tornado to defeat several enemies. Splash Attack Opponent is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Chance to ignore an opponent's escape %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Enchanted Blade Enchanted Sword Ghost Blade Endow your blade with a powerful ghost. Increases Attack Power Intelligence Bonus Steal Life from target STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Attack Power +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k Life thief: %.0f%% of damage 10*k -64 SURA Fear Great Fear Terror Weakens the enemies abilities Decrease opponent Increase chance that opponents miss the target It's only activated when you get a hit STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Opponent Attack Power -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Opponent 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Enchanted Armour Stronger Enchanted Armour Armour of Darkness Protect your body with dark armour. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Increases Defence Intelligence Bonus STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Defence +%.0f (iq+30)*k Reflected Close-Combat Damage: %.1f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Dispel Stronger Dispel Dispel Attack Remove all opponent's supporting effects. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets All effects on opponent are removed ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Dispel Chance %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Dark Strike Ghost Strike Dark Explosion Throw the Dark Force to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Flame Strike Burning Strike Flame Detonation Burn enemies with an explosion. Splash Attack Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Flame Spirit Flame Array Flame Explosion Call a Flame Spirit. Long-Range Attack Random Target Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Dark Protection Dark Membrane Protection of Dark Lord Protects you with the Dark Force and converts physical damage into SP. Reduces Magic Damage Increases Defence STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Damage Reduction %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Defence +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Spirit Strike Soul Strike Spirit Assault Throw Dark Spirits to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Opponents are slowed down ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Chance of slowing down %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Dark Orb Dark Globe Dark Sphere Throw Dark Orbs to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Flying Talisman Dragon Throw Massive Throw Throw a talisman to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Shooting Dragon Attacking Dragon Rising Dragon Shoot a dragon figure to attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Chance of lasting fire %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Dragon's Roar Dragon's Scream Dragon's Cry Attack enemies with a dragon figure. Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Lasting Fire Chance %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Blessing Heaven Dragon Protect your partner or yourself with a protection circle. Physical Attack Resistance Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Physical Attack Resistance %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Reflect Reflecting Water Crystal Mirror Protect your partner or yourself with a reflecting circle. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Reflected Physical Attack Damage: %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Dragon's Strength Dragon's Support Dragon Power Strengthens you or your partner's attack. Increases chance of a critical hit Can be used on groups CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Chance of critical hit %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/en/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 53c1691f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+(0.5*atk+1.5*str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 200 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk+(0.8*atk+str*5+dex*3+con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 200 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 14 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str+lv*3)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 33+50*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 15 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(4*atk+str*4+con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 100 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(3*atk+str*4+con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 1 0 200 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (200+str*0.2+con*0.5)*k 80+220*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 16 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.7*atk+dex*2+str*2)*k)*0.8 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk+(2.6*atk+number(100,300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+(0.8*atk+dex*8*ar)*k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 17 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(500,700)+dex*4+str*4)*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.6*atk+number(200,300)+dex*7+str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(0.5*atk+dex*9+str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 18 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(13*iq+6*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+6*mwep+str*4+con*2+number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+2*lv+2*iq+(7*iq+6*mwep+number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 43+30*k ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+2*lv+2*iq+(2*con+2*dex+13*iq+6*mwep+number(180,200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk+2*lv+iq*2+(2*atk+str*4+iq*14)*k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+2*lv+iq*2+(1.5*atk+str+iq*12)*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (3*iq+2*lv)*k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 19 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1+29*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 20 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 33+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 21 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+5*lv+(18*iq+6*mwep+120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+3*lv+(22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 22 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3+5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 23 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+4*lv+(7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40+4*lv+(13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50+5*lv+(6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k)*(1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5+35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 24 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 63+120*k SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 25 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+4*lv+(20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 201 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*7+con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*5+con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+7*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120+6*lv+(5*con+5*dex+29*iq+9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 29 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2+15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 30 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 5-(4*k) ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(2.4*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(2*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -124 盲堡贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -129 敌癌贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en/ui/createcharacterwindow.py 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value;10] -Shinsoo Kingdom The Shinsoo[ENTER] -Kingdom is in the south of[ENTER] -the continent. The[ENTER] -inhabitants are mainly[ENTER] -involved in trade. Opened by[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Yoon-Yoing after the fall of[ENTER] -the Empire, trade relations[ENTER] -with the east transformed[ENTER] -quickly into a profitable[ENTER] -arrangement. The inhabitants[ENTER] -[WAIT] -fight constantly with the[ENTER] -west and this trade route is[ENTER] -now totally cut off. When[ENTER] -they recognized the threat[ENTER] -posed by the Metin Stones,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the merchants armed[ENTER] -themselves. It is their aim[ENTER] -to withstand the attacks[ENTER] -from the west, to reopen all[ENTER] -trade routes and to unite[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the whole continent under[ENTER] -their leadership. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 70c9eeaa..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Chunjo Kingdom The Chunjo[ENTER] -Kingdom is located in the[ENTER] -west of the continent. It is[ENTER] -a theocratic Kingdom led by[ENTER] -its spiritual leader. The[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Kingdom was founded by[ENTER] -Yoon-Young, the cousin of[ENTER] -the former emperor. His[ENTER] -wife's enormous magical[ENTER] -powers allowed him to[ENTER] -[WAIT] -discover the threat posed by[ENTER] -the Metin Stones from early[ENTER] -on. He called multiple times[ENTER] -for the initiation of[ENTER] -counter measures against the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Metin Stones, but he was[ENTER] -ignored. Thus he lead his[ENTER] -fellowship into a rebellion[ENTER] -against the former Empire.[ENTER] -Since the fall of the former[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Empire, his Kingdom has been[ENTER] -at war with the eastern[ENTER] -region and often has[ENTER] -problems with the South. The[ENTER] -people of the Chunjo Kingdom[ENTER] -[WAIT] -want to gain control of the[ENTER] -whole continent in order to[ENTER] -defeat the growing power of[ENTER] -the Metin Stones. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 48d5f987..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -[ENTER] -The Jinno Kingdom is located[ENTER] -in the eastern part of the[ENTER] -continent. This kingdom is[ENTER] -[WAIT] -based on military power. Its[ENTER] -people are aggressive and[ENTER] -martial. The Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -is led by Ee-Ryoong, the son[ENTER] -of the last emperor. He[ENTER] -[WAIT] -believes he has been chosen[ENTER] -to reunite the old Empire[ENTER] -under his reign by force of[ENTER] -arms. The potential[ENTER] -signification or dangers of[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the Metin Stones are[ENTER] -officially ignored in the[ENTER] -Jinno Kingdom. Secretly,[ENTER] -however, Ee-Ryoong is trying[ENTER] -to find a way to use the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -destructive powers of the[ENTER] -Metin Stones to further his[ENTER] -aims. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ac5fbd74..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ??????? -14013 FACILITY jedan weapons factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan Armour blacksmith -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan accessory factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang training centre -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro diamond smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro fossil wood smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro copper smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro silver smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro gold smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro jade smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro ebony stone smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro pearl smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro platinum smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro crystal smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro amethyst smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Heavens tear smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 temple of power -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 temple of power -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 temple of power -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse house(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner stone wall(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin stone wall(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door gate(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set wall(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse house(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner stone wall(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin stone wall(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door gate(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set wall(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse house(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner stone wall(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin stone wall(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door gate(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set wall(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol guild insignia -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 Wall front -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 Wall back -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 Left side of wall -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 Right side of wall -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 stone1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 stone2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 stone3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 stone4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 stone5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 stone6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 stone7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 stone8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 stone9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 stone10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT wood1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 wood2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall wood3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 wood4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 wood5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT wood6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 wood7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall wood8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 wood9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 36b23a4f..00000000 --- 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-159 WEAPON icon/item/00150.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00150.gr2 -160 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -161 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -162 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -163 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -164 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -165 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -166 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -167 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -168 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -169 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -170 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -171 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -172 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -173 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir 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-72007 ETC icon/item/71049.tga -72008 ETC icon/item/71049.tga -72009 ETC icon/item/71049.tga -72013 ETC icon/item/71008.tga -72014 ETC icon/item/71008.tga -72015 ETC icon/item/71008.tga -72016 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -72017 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -72018 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -72019 ETC icon/item/71009.tga -72020 ETC icon/item/71009.tga -72021 ETC icon/item/71009.tga -72022 ETC icon/item/71017.tga -72023 ETC icon/item/71017.tga -72024 ETC icon/item/71017.tga -72025 ETC icon/item/71045.tga -72026 ETC icon/item/71045.tga -72027 ETC icon/item/71045.tga -72028 ETC icon/item/71011.tga -72029 ETC icon/item/71011.tga -72030 ETC icon/item/71011.tga -72031 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -72032 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -72033 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -72034 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -72035 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -72036 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -72037 ETC icon/item/71027.tga -72038 ETC icon/item/71027.tga -72039 ETC icon/item/71027.tga -72040 ETC icon/item/71029.tga -72041 ETC icon/item/71029.tga -72042 ETC icon/item/71029.tga -72043 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -72044 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -72045 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -72046 ETC icon/item/71044.tga -72047 ETC icon/item/71044.tga -72048 ETC icon/item/71044.tga -72049 ETC season1/icon/item/72049.tga -72050 ETC season1/icon/item/72049.tga -72701 ETC season1/icon/item/72701.tga -72703 ETC icon/item/72703.tga -72704 ETC icon/item/72704.tga -72705 ETC icon/item/72705.tga -72706 ETC icon/item/72706.tga -72707 ETC icon/item/72707.tga -72708 ETC icon/item/72708.tga -72709 ETC season1/icon/item/72701.tga -72710 ETC icon/item/72703.tga -72711 ETC icon/item/72704.tga -72712 ETC icon/item/72705.tga -72713 ETC icon/item/72706.tga -72714 ETC icon/item/72707.tga -72715 ETC icon/item/72708.tga -73001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73251 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73252 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73253 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73254 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73255 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73256 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73257 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73258 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73259 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73260 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73261 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73262 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73501 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73502 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73503 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73504 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73505 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73506 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73507 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73508 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73509 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73510 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73511 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73512 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73751 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73752 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -72501 ETC icon/item/72501.tga -72502 ETC icon/item/72502.tga -74001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74251 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74252 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74253 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74254 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74255 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74256 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74257 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74258 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74259 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74260 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74261 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74262 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74501 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74502 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74503 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74504 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74505 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74506 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74507 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74508 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74509 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74510 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74511 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74512 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74751 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74752 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75201 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75202 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75203 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75204 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75205 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75206 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75207 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75208 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75209 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75210 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75211 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75212 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75401 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75402 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75403 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75404 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75405 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75406 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75407 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75408 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75409 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75410 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75411 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75412 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75601 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75602 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75603 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75604 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75605 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75606 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75607 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75608 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75609 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75610 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75611 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75612 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 1f9e807b..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c231d8ec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,863 +0,0 @@ -05330 Dragon Jaw Bell+0 -05331 Dragon Jaw Bell+1 -05332 Dragon Jaw Bell+2 -05333 Dragon Jaw Bell+3 -05334 Dragon Jaw Bell+4 -05335 Dragon Jaw Bell+5 -05336 Dragon Jaw Bell+6 -05337 Dragon Jaw Bell+7 -05338 Dragon Jaw Bell+8 -05339 Dragon Jaw Bell+9 -11901 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11902 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11903 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -11904 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -22000 Town Scroll The scroll allows you to teleport back to the town. -22010 Scroll of the Location The scroll enables your return to the location you last marked. -25040 Blessing Scroll Reduces the risk of destroying an Item if the upgrade fails. The cost of this save is that the quality is reduced by 1 point. -25041 Magic Stone The legendary metal that helps to create the best weapons. The Magical Stone increases the chance of upgrading an item. Item gets destroyed when the upgrade fails. -25100 Spirit Stone Scroll The scroll allows you to extract the Spirit Stone from a weapon or armour. It leaves a mark of extraction. -27600 Bonfire Wood that has been chopped for a bonfire. -27610 Fishing Marble This magic marble reveals what kind of fish is on the hook. -27620 Fishing Book A book that provides information about fish. -27799 Fishbones The bones of a fish -27800 Paste A lightweight and cheap bait -27801 Worm Popular bait that attracts fish. -27802 Minnow Bait that attracts big fish. -27803 Zander A common fish that usually lives in a pond. -27804 Mandarin Fish A very tasty fish. -27805 Large Zander A rather fat example of a Zander -27806 Carp A large silver-coloured fish. -27807 Salmon A fish that returns home during mating season. -27808 Grass Carp A carp that usually feeds on grass. -27809 Brook Trout A fish that is related to Salmon. -27810 Eel A long, thin fish that looks like a snake. It has a lot of stamina. -27811 Rainbow Trout A fish that has a rainbow-coloured back. -27812 River Trout A freshwater fish that is very common in this area. -27813 Rudd A red, shimmery fish who lives in a swarm. -27814 Perch A fish known as the "shark of the seas". -27815 Tenchi A type of barb that lives only in clean water. -27816 Catfish A fish that has a distinctive big mouth with cat-like whiskers. -27817 Loach A slippery fish, that usually lives in shallow, muddy water. -27818 Lotus Fish A big fresh water fish that lives on a mixed diet. -27819 Sweetfish Related to the Smelt. It lives along coasts and in estuaries. -27820 Smelt A winter fish that is most caught whilst ice fishing. -27821 Shiri A fish with a beautiful shape and colour. -27822 Mirror Carp An indigenous Carp. -27823 Goldfish A rare, golden shiny fish. -27833 Dead Zander A fish that is perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27834 Dead Mandarin Fish A perfect fish to grill on a campfire. -27835 Dead Large Zander Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27836 Dead Carp Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27837 Dead Salmon This fish can be grilled on a campfire. -27838 Dead Grass Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27839 Dead Brook Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27840 Dead Eel Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27841 Dead Rainbow Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27842 Dead River Trout Tastes great when it is grilled on a campfire. -27843 Dead Rudd Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27844 Dead Perch Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27845 Dead Tenchi Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27846 Dead Catfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27847 Dead Loach Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27848 Dead Lotus Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27849 Dead Sweet Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27850 Dead Smelt Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27851 Dead Shiri Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27852 Dead Mirror Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27853 Dead Goldfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27863 Grilled Zander Restores some HP. -27864 Grilled Mandarin Fish Recovers some SP -27865 Grilled Large Zander Restores some HP. -27866 Grilled Carp Increases moving speed for a duration of time. -27867 Grilled Salmon Recovers some SP -27868 Grilled Grass Carp Increases attack speed for a duration of time. -27869 Grilled Brook Trout Restores a large amount of HP. -27870 Grilled Eel Increases your strength by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27871 Grilled Rainbow Trout Recovers some SP -27872 Grilled River Trout Recovers some SP immediately -27873 Grilled Rudd Increases your dexterity by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27874 Grilled Perch Removes bad effects. -27875 Grilled Tenchi Recovers some HP immediately. -27876 Grilled Catfish Recovers some SP immediately. -27877 Grilled Loach Makes you invisible for 5 minutes. -27878 Grilled Lotus Fish Recovers some HP immediately. -27879 Grilled Sweetfish This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27880 Grilled Smelt By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27881 Grilled Shiri This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27882 Grilled Mirror Carp By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant-smoky taste. -27883 Grilled Goldfish By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27987 Clam A shellfish with a pretty shell. Sometimes it holds a precious pearl inside it. -27988 Treasure Map A worn out map which reveals the location of an ancient treasure. -27989 Compass for Metin Stones The compass shows you the position and distance to the next Metin Stone. The brighter it glows, the closer you are. It can be activated 6 times. -27990 Piece of Stone Because of the small size it can be transported very well. It can be used in many different ways. -27991 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -27992 White Pearl The pure white treasure found inside a seashell. -27993 Blue Pearl A magnificent deep blue pearl found inside a seashell. -27994 Blood Pearl The tawny-coloured treasure from the inside of a mollusc. -27995 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made from glass. -27996 Poison Bottle A bottle with a deadly poison in it. -27997 Vigour Marble A marble that restores some HP. -27998 Alchemy Pouch A bag marked by wear and tear, which keeps the secrets of alchemy hidden from the eyes of strangers. -27999 Spirit Stone Pouch A pouch that holds Spirit Stones. -29001 Scallop One of the largest and tastiest mussels. It has a comb-shaped shell. -29002 Blue Scallop The nacre layer of this scallop shimmers in countless merging blue tones. -29003 Yellow Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging yellow tones. -29004 Red Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging red tones. -29005 Green Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging green tones. -29006 Yellow Tartar Tartar with a darker colour. -29007 Blue Tartar Tartar with a dark blue colour. -29008 Blue Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft blue. -29009 Yellow Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft yellow. -29010 Red Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft red. -29011 Green Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft green. -29012 Dark Blue Hand of God Dark blue holy water -29013 Dark Yellow Hand of God Yellow holy water with a dark colour. -29014 Magenta Hand of God Holy water with a dark red colour. -29015 Dark Green Hand of God Holy water with a dark green colour. -30000 Barley A commonly cultivated plant that is used to make beer and food. -30001 Letter A piece of paper that has neat handwriting written on it. -30002 Fried Sausage A stir-fry with vegetables and spices. -30003 Pig Nose The nose from a pig -30004 Wild Boar Tooth The very strong tooth of a wild boar. -30005 Piece of Broken Armour A fragment of a broken suit of armour. -30006 Orc Tooth A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30007 Orc Amulet An amulet which encourages Orcs during battle. -30008 Esoteric Primer The beginner's handbook of Esoteric Doctrine. -30009 Unknown Medicine Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30010 Bear Gall Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30011 Ball A silky ball of thread. -30012 Wine Bottle The bottle contains a very fragrant wine. -30013 Liquor Jug A jug that is used to age liquor. -30014 Yeti Fur The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, that protects against the cold. -30015 Demon's Keepsake A grim keepsake of a Demon that exudes cold air. -30016 Demon's Gem A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30017 Ornamental Hairpin A decorated hairpin for a woman. -30018 Red Hairband A fancy ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30019 Flaming Mane A flaming mane thread that is used to make winter clothes. -30020 Peach Seed Used to get healthy skin. -30021 Piece of Gem A gem broken apart by a hard substance. -30022 Snake Tail The scaly, multicoloured tail of a rattlesnake. -30023 White Tiger Hide Valued as the most precious animal hide among collectors. -30024 Horsetail A horse's tail can be used for making quality items such as brushes, hats, and rope. -30025 Spider's Poison Sack The venom sack of a spider -30026 Wolf Intestine An ingredient used for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30027 Wolf Fur The thickest hair in wolf's fur is used to make combs and brushes. -30028 Wolf Claw A wolf's sharp claw is used to make accessories. -30029 Wolf Liver An ingredient for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30030 Rusty Blade A rusty dagger blade -30031 Ornament A favourite ornament amongst girls. -30032 Black Uniform A worn out black uniform. -30033 Broken Porcelain Some valuable porcelain from the region that has been broken into pieces. -30034 White Hairband An elegant ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30035 Face Cream Women use it to keep their skin youthful. -30036 Mystic Herb The legendary herb with miraculous effects. -30037 Tiger Claw Some fighters wear a necklace made of Tiger Claws to show others their courage. -30038 Tiger Hide A favourite animal hide amongst collectors. -30039 Piece of Fabric Fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30040 Leaf Unknown plant leaf. -30041 Shiriken A throwing weapon that Assassins use. -30042 Tiger Fang The solid, shiny fang of this wildcat. -30043 Bean An ingredient used in many cuisines. -30044 Clay A material used to make porcelain. -30045 Scorpion Needle A needle that contains lethal scorpion poison. -30046 Scorpion Tail A poisonous scorpion tail. -30047 Curse Book An esoteric book used to curse people. -30048 Piece of Ice A clump of frozen water that consistently exudes cold air. -30049 Ice Killer Whale Horn It is a valuable sculpting material. -30050 Ice Marble A marble made from ice. It does not melt in hot weather. -30051 Unknown Talisman Unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30052 Flag A flag to mark savage troops. -30053 Bear Foot Skin A favourite stamina food among many people. -30054 Wedding Ring The only ring you wear until the end of your days. -30055 Scorpion Claw The sturdy looking claw from the tentacle of a scorpion. -30056 Spider Web A spider uses its silk to make its home. -30057 Spider Eyes Spider eyes are a favourite with collectors. -30058 Spider Egg Sack It is used as a charm by woman who do not have any children. -30059 Spider Legs Shamans use the hairy legs of spiders at work. -30060 Frog Tongue An elastic, very sticky tongue. -30061 Frog's Legs An exotic cooking ingredient, that tastes like chicken! -30062 Medicine Bowl A light coloured bowl used by pharmacists. -30063 Skin Medicine A medicine that cures skin disease. -30064 Sharp Stone A stone that is used to make an arrowhead. -30065 Bell A small bell that makes a ringing sound. -30066 Hot Pepper The dried fruits from the pepper plant, which are very spicy. -30067 Snakeskin The scaly, shiny skin of a snake. -30068 Tofu Steak Fusion style tofu cuisine -30069 Wolf Claw+ The sharp claw of wolf that is used to make an accessory. -30070 Wolf Fur+ The thickest hairs in wolf's fur are used to make combs and brushes. -30071 Bear Gall+ Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30072 Bear Foot Skin+ A favourite stamina food among many people. -30073 White Hairband+ A popular ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30074 Black Uniform+ A worn out black Uniform. -30075 Shiriken+ A throwing weapon used by Assassins. -30076 Orc Amulet+ An amulet that encourages Orcs during battle. -30077 Orc Tooth+ A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30078 Esoteric Primer+ A beginners handbook of esoteric doctrine. -30079 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30080 Curse Book+ This Esoteric Book can be used to curse someone. -30081 Scorpion Tail+ A poisonous scorpion tail. -30082 Snake Tail+ The scaly, colourful tail of a rattlesnake. -30083 Unknown Medicine+ Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30084 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30085 Piece of Fabric+ A fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30086 Demon's Keepsake+ A gloomy keepsake of a Demon. -30087 Demon's Gem+ A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30088 Piece of Ice+ Frozen water that remains exudes cold air. -30089 Yeti Fur+ The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, protects against the cold. -30090 Ice Marble+ A marble made from ice. It does not melt in the hot weather. -30091 Warrior's Symbol The Warrior symbol given to the legendary Warriors. -30092 Savage's Booty The spoils of war. -30093 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30094 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30095 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30096 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30129 Order of the Rider A document, containing a military mission -30130 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made of glass. -30131 Letter from Blacksmith A letter from the Blacksmith to his friend Deokbae. -30132 Uriel's Book One of Uriel's favourite books. It has the title "The secret of the Temple of Darkness". -30133 Flower Shoes Comfortable and pretty women's shoes. -30134 Uriel's Package A package containing several different books. -30135 Letter from Ariyoung A letter form Ariyoung to Ayoo. -30136 Lavishly Decorated Bow A wonderful bow made of an animal's horn. -30137 Monkey blood The dark red blood of a monkey. It smells terrible. -30138 Desert sand This particularly fine sand is used to make Celadon Porcelain. -30139 Orc Molar The molar of an orc. Is used as a talisman. -30140 Thread Strong yarn. It is used for repairing Clothing and necklaces are also made of it. -30141 Piece of Jewellery Jewellery is worn, or used to decorate clothing. -30142 Letter You can not read, what is written on the letter. Perhaps you might have to learn the language. -30143 Medicinal Herbs A collection of dried healing herbs. Unfortunately they're a little dusty. -30144 Tiger Liver The reddish brown hand-sized liver of a fully grown wildcat. -30145 Balso's Medicine A seemingly unimpressive medicine, however, it has a strong effect. -30146 Chunk of Ice An irregularly formed cold block of ice. -30147 Temple Doctrine A book containing detailed information about the Temple of Darkness. -30148 Temple Scarf A Scarf, that is used for praying. -30149 Ice Cream with Syrup A dish containing a portion of ice cream and syrup. Wonderful in summer. -30150 Diary Page A page from a diary written by the old dynasty. -30151 Wolf Pelt Is often used as a duster. -30152 Medicine Apparently it can cure strange diseases. But nobody knows what's in it. -30153 Flowers A rare flower, its scent reminds you of something from the past. -30154 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30155 Mirine's Pendant A necklace pendant. Engraved on the reverse side, is the name "Mirine". -30156 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30157 Arrowhead These poisonous arrowheads will help to defend the empire. -30177 Musk Oil Musk Oil is used by the Weapon Shop Dealer during a quest. The item does not have any further functions. -30178 Glyph Stone -30179 Dragon God Symbol -30180 Dragon God Amulet This piece of golden jewellery can shorten the way to the Grotto of Exile. -30181 Page The faded writing on this parchment is difficult to decipher - this page seems to be very old. -30182 Legendary Diary This duplicate of an ancient book looks very valuable. -30183 Sombre Wooden Mask This wooden mask seems to be staring right at you. It is most probably a ceremonial item. -30184 Bewitched Ashes The ashes are in a container covered with strange symbols, and surrounded by a soft glow. -30185 Black Ice Deep shadows seem to be gathering below this shiny, smooth surface. -30186 Fossilised Tear A fossilised tear from the God Baljit-Elvedin, who is nowadays known as the Dragon God. -30187 Drop of Blood A Drop of Blood from the murdered Goddess Bahar-Taraji, creator of the world. -30188 Obsidian Formerly liquid, rapidly frozen volcanic stone. -30189 Baljit-Elvedin's Tears This skilfully sculptured vase contains the tears of the God Baljit-Elvedin. -30190 Blood Stone This stone is made from the blood of Bahar-Taraji and grants you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30191 Blood Stone Blood Stones grant you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30210 Piece of Gemstone A stone that is as clear as crystal and sparkles in the light. -30211 Piece of Gemstone A crystal-clear stone, that sparkles in the light. -30212 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30213 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30214 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30215 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30216 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30217 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30218 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30219 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30220 Jinunggyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Jinung aristocrat. -30221 Temple Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of a temple follower. -30222 Sagyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Sagyis aristocrat. -30223 Aurtumryu's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Aurtumryus aristocrat. -30224 Gyimok's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Gyimoks aristocrat. -30225 Tugyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Tugyis aristocrat. -30251 Malevolence Jewel A diamond drenched in wickedness. -30252 Wisdom Jewel This diamond's aura is peaceful and noble. -30253 Loyalty Jewel An aura of fighting spirit and honesty surrounds this diamond. -50001 Lucky Book A book with lucky numbers. The lottery is run by the government. -50002 Gold Ring A simple gold ring, that can be sold in shops for high prices. -50003 Skill Reset Document Allows you to reset your skills in order to learn new ones. -50004 Event Detector This item shows you, where missions can be found. -50005 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to a stable guard. Required level is 40. -50006 Gold Treasure Box A decorated gold box, that can be opened with a gold key. -50007 Silver Treasure Box A silver decorated box, that can be opened with a Silver Key. -50008 Gold Key A key made of gold. It can unlock the gold treasure box as well as the Gold Treasure Box+. -50009 Silver Key A key made of silver that can unlock the silver treasure box as well as the Silver Treasure Box+. -50010 Sock Socks made from warm sheep's wool. -50011 Moonlight Treasure Box An impressive, dazzling decoration. Supernatural things happen when moonlight falls on it. -50012 Gold Treasure Box+ A decorated gold box that can be opened with a gold key. -50013 Silver Treasure Box+ A decorated silver box, that can be opened with silver key. -50016 Bean Paste An ingredient used for traditional bean cake. -50017 Sugar Paste An ingredient used for traditional sugar cake. -50018 Fruit Paste An ingredient used for traditional fruit cake. -50019 Sweet Rice An ingredient used for traditional cake. -50020 Bean Cake A traditional cake that restores full HP. -50021 Sugar Cake A traditional cake that restores full SP. -50022 Fruit Cake A traditional cake that restores full stamina. -50023 Money Pouch Money Pouch -50024 Rose A romantic flower used to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50025 Chocolate Made of cacao, milk, butter, and sugar. Chocolate is given to show affection. Only male characters can use it. -50027 Lottery Ticket Unfortunately this lottery ticket is a useless item. It is not lucky. -50031 Rose A flower used to show affection for somebody. Only male characters can use it. -50032 Candy A popular sweet; candy is given to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50033 Mysterious Chest A chest with a strange letter engraved on it. Something will pop up if it is opened. -50034 Puzzle Box This box contains an unsolved puzzle. -50035 Gift Box (yellow) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50036 Gift Box (violet) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50037 Hexagonal Treasure Box It is made from special paper. It has a thoughtful gift in it. -50050 Horse Medal The Stable Boy needs this Medal to record the results of the qualification test on it. -50051 Horse Picture As soon as you have passed the qualification test at the stable, you will receive this licence for calling your horse. -50052 Armed Horse Book As soon as you have passed the advanced qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50053 Military Horse Book As soon as you have passed the professional qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50054 Hay Dry hay to feed a horse. -50055 Carrot A horse's favourite vegetable. -50056 Red Ginseng Steamed ginseng. Only military horses eat Red Ginseng. -50057 Herb of easy monkeys A legendary herb which riding beginners can use to revive their horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the beginner's dungeon. -50058 Herb of normal monkeys A legendary herb which intermediate riders can use to revive their battle horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the normal dungeon. -50059 Herb of hard monkeys A legendary herb which advanced riders can use to revive their military horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the expert dungeon. -50060 Horse Riding Manual Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your riding skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50070 Chief Orc's Box The chest of the Orc Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50071 Esoteric Leader's Box The chest of the Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50072 Ghost Leader's Box The chest of the Reincarnated Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50073 Queen Spider Box The chest of the Queen Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50074 Giant Spider Box The chest of the Giant Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50075 Giant Plague Carrier Box The chest of the Giant Germ Carrier. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50076 Desert Tortoise Chest The chest of the Giant Dessert Turtle. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50077 Nine Tails' Chest The chest of the Nine Tails. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50078 Yellow Tiger's Chest The chest of the Giant Tiger. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50079 Flame King's Chest The chest of the Flame King. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50080 Red Dragon's Chest The chest of the Red Dragon. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50081 Demon King's Chest The chest of the Demon Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50082 Grim Reaper's Chest The chest of the Grim Reaper. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50083 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to the stable guard. -50084 Key Stone An energy-laden aura surrounds this stone. It works against seal magic. -50091 Goldfish Sushi A popular dish made from goldfish and cold rice. -50092 Carp Sushi A special dish made from raw carp and cold rice. -50093 Salmon Sushi A special dish made from raw salmon and cold rice. Increases your attack value by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50094 Catfish Sushi A special dish made from raw catfish and cold rice. Increases your defence by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50100 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Purple) -50101 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Yellow) -50102 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Sky Blue) -50103 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Red) -50104 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival. (Green) -50105 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(White) -50106 Christmas Fire Cracker Christmas fireworks are more magnificent than normal fireworks and also last longer. -50108 Fireworks Top A ground firework that throws sparks. -50124 Rotten Wooden Box Soft animal sounds seem to be coming out from within. -50200 Bundle Allows you to open a private shop. -50300 Skill Book Increases Master Skill Level -50301 Sun Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50302 Wu zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears being read. -50303 WeiLiao Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50304 Combo Mastery A tactics book that is used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50305 Combo Master Book The advanced tactics book is used used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50306 Art of Combo The master tactics book is used to train Combos. | The book disappears after reading. -50307 Mission Book (Easy) Contains an easy mission that will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50308 Mission Book (Normal) Contains a normal mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50309 Mission Book (Hard) Contains a difficult mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50310 Mission Book (Expert) Contains an expert mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50311 Shinsoo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Shinsoo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50312 Chunjo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Chunjo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50313 Jinno Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Jinno language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50314 Polymorph Book Use this book to learn how to transform into a monster. It increases leadership. The book disappears after reading. -50315 Advanced Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50316 Master Polymorph Book Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50322 Transformation Role -50401 Three-Way Cut Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Three-way Cut. The book disappears after reading. -50402 Sword Spin Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Sword Spin. The book disappears after reading. -50403 Berserk Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Berserker. The book disappears after reading. -50404 Aura of Sword Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Aura of Sword.|The book disappears after reading. -50405 Dash Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Dash. The book disappears after reading. -50416 Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50417 Bash Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Bash. The book disappears after reading. -50418 Pounding Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Stump. The book disappears after reading. -50419 Strong Body Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Strong Body. The book disappears after reading. -50420 Sword Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Sword Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50431 Ambush Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Ambush. The book disappears after reading. -50432 Fast Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Fast Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50433 Rolling Dagger Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Rolling Dagger. The book disappears after reading. -50434 Disguise Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Disguise. The book disappears after reading. -50435 Poisonous Cloud Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Poisonous Cloud.The book disappears after reading. -50446 Repetitiive Shot Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Repetition Shot. The book disappears after reading. -50447 Arrow Shower Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Arrow Shower. The book disappears after reading. -50448 Fire Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Fire Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50449 Feather Walk Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Feather Walk. The book disappears after reading. -50450 Poison Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Poison Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50461 Finger Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Finger Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50462 Dragon Swirl Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dragon Swirl. The book disappears after reading. -50463 Enchanted Blade Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Blade. The book disappears after reading. -50464 Fear Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Fear. The book disappears after reading. -50465 Enchanted Armour Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Armour. The book disappears after reading. -50466 Dispel Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dispel. The book disappears after reading. -50476 Dark Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50477 Flame Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50478 Flame Spirit Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Spirit. The book disappears after reading. -50479 Dark Protection Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Protection. The book disappears after reading. -50480 Spirit Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50481 Dark Orb Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Orb. The book disappears after reading. -50491 Flying Talisman Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Flying Talisman. The book disappears after reading. -50492 Shooting Dragon Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Shooting Dragon. The book disappears after reading. -50493 Dragon's Roar Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragon Roar. The book disappears after reading. -50494 Blessing Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Blessing. The book disappears after reading. -50495 Reflection Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Reflect. The book disappears after reading. -50496 Dragon's Strength Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragons Help. The book disappears after reading. -50506 Lightning Throw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Throw. The book disappears after reading. -50507 Summon Lightning Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Summon Lightning. The book disappears after reading. -50508 Lighting Claw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Claw. The book disappears after reading. -50509 Cure Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Cure. The book disappears after reading. -50510 Swiftness Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Swiftness. The book disappears after reading. -50511 Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50512 Rainbow Stone The stone that opens spiritual eyes and reveals all skills. -50513 Soul Stone The legendary stone used to increase your grand master skills. It disappears after use. -50600 Mining Guide It is used to increase mining level. The book disappears after reading. -50601 Diamond Stone It can be refined to a diamond using the guild diamond furnace. -50602 Amber Stone It can be refined to a amber using the guild amber furnace. -50603 Fossil Trunk It can be refined to fossil wood using the guild fossil wood furnace. -50604 Copper Ore It can be refined to copper using the guild copper furnace. -50605 Silver Ore It can be refined to silver using the guild silver furnace. -50606 Gold Ore It can be refined to gold using the guild gold furnace. -50607 Jade Ore It can be refined to jade using the guild jade furnace. -50608 Ebony Ore It can be refined to ebony using the guild ebony furnace. -50609 Piece of Pearl It can be refined to a pearl using the guild pearl furnace. -50610 White Gold Ore It can be refined to white gold using the guild white gold furnace. -50611 Crystal Ore It can be refined to a crystal using the guild crystal furnace. -50612 Amethyst Ore It can be refined to an amethyst using the guild amethyst furnace. -50613 Heaven's Tear Ore It can be refined to a heaven tear using the guild heaven's tear smelter. -50621 Diamond The strongest and most well-known gem that can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50622 Amber A clear gem made from fossilised resin, that shines in honey or golden tones. -50623 Fossil Wood A valuable wood that can worked into wood accessories. -50624 Copper Sometimes used to make bronze and coins. It can be worked into copper accessories. -50625 Silver Shiny metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into silver accessories. -50626 Gold Golden metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into gold accessories. -50627 Jade A valuable mineral that has been used for over 5000 years. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50628 Ebony The lightest and the strongest wood of all. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50629 Pearl Used for making jewellery. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50630 White Gold A hard, white alloy of gold that is often used for jewellery. -50631 Crystal A hard stone made of crystalline quartz that can be found in different colours. Often used for jewellery. -50632 Amethyst A popular quartz that can be found in different shades of purple. It is often used to make jewellery. -50633 Heaven's Tear Crystallized rain from heaven. It can be used to make jewellery. -50701 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50702 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50703 Kaki Blossom Legend has that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck will bear a son. -50704 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Research -50705 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and the ability to concentrate better. -50706 Tue Fungus This mushroom is seldom used as curative medicine and helps against sleeplessness. -50707 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50708 Mulberry Mulberries give strength and perk you up. -50709 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies. Now it is used to help sore throats. -50710 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50711 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50712 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a strengthening potion if it is prepared correctly. -50721 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50722 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50723 Kaki Blossom Legend has it that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck is going to bear a son. -50724 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Potion production -50725 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and concentration levels. -50726 Tue Fungus This mushroom is rarely used as curative medicine but helps against insomnia. -50727 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50728 Mulberry The mulberry gives you strength and perks you up. -50729 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies but is now used help sore throats. -50730 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50731 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50732 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a restorer if it is prepared correctly. -50801 Peach Blossom Juice This is a juice made out of Peach blossoms. It improves your physical strength. -50802 Bellflower Juice This potion made from Bellflowers increases your strength by 5 points for 3 minutes. -50803 Kaki Blossom Juice This is a juice made from the Kaki blossom. Strengthens your concentration level. -50804 Gango Root Juice This is a juice made from Gango roots. It heals small wounds. -50805 Lilac Juice This is a juice made from lilac. -50806 Tue Fungal Resin The resin won from Tue Fungi act as a sleep aid. -50807 Alpine Rose Juice This is a juice made out of alpine roses and strengthens the immune system. -50808 Mulberry Juice This is a juice made from Mulberries, that acts as a stimulant. -50809 Dandelion Juice This is a juice made out of dandelion and helps cure colds. -50810 Thistle Juice A juice made from Dates that strengthens bones. -50811 Date Extract This is juice made from dates is nutritious and satiable. -50812 Juice of Sam-Zi Plant This is a juice made from the Sam-Zi plant and has a strengthening effect. -50813 Sim Water A potion made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a piercing hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50814 Dok Water A potion made from Bellflower Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a critical hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50815 Bo Water This potion is made of kaki blossom juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your brain. -50816 Young Water This potion is made from Gango root juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your physical and mental performance. -50817 Zin Water A potion made from Sim Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your attack value by 50 points for 3 minutes. -50818 SamBo Water A potion made from Dok Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your defence by 70 points for 3 minutes. -50819 Mong Water A potion made from Bo Water and Mulberries, which increases your magic defence by 10% for 3 minutes. -50820 Hwal Water A potion made from Young Water and Mulberries, which increases your attack speed by 3 points for 3 minutes. -50901 Empty Bottle Used to manufacture potions -50902 Recipe for Beginners An easy to get recipe which can also be done by greenhorns. -50903 Recipe A recipe that needs a bit of practice. -50904 Expert's Recipe A recipe that can only be done correctly by experts. -50905 Recipe for Sim Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac. -50906 Recipe for Dok Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Harebell Juice and Lilac. -50907 Recipe for Bo Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Kaki Blossom Juice and Tue Fungi. -50908 Recipe for Young Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice and Tue Fungi. -50909 Recipe for Zin Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice, Lilac and Alpine Roses. -50910 Recipe for Hwal Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice, Tue Fungi and Mulberry. -60001 Gall A dogged body fluid which is won from the liver. -60002 Note from Storage Guard The parchment bears the energetic handwriting of the storage guard. -60003 Heroic Symbol An item which is not passed on with levity. -70001 Goddess' Doll -70002 Third Hand A hand which picks up Yang automatically. -70003 Book of the Leader One of the seven war strategy books. While the leader of a group has this book on him, all his group member will receive 30% more experience points. -70004 Medal of Diligence A reward for hard work. -70005 Experience Ring You collect 50% more experience points during a battle. -70006 Language Ring This ring was crafted for diplomacy in the ancient era. Use it to talk to people from other empires. -70007 Warp Ring -70008 White Flag A white flag that indicates surrender. -70009 Treasure Box A chest which is decorated with a lot of ornaments. Can only be opened with a special key. -70010 Storage Ticket A document which helps to organise the storage rooms. -70011 Upgrade Bottle -70012 Goddess Tear Rumour has it, that the Goddess gave her tears to the heroes of battle because they fought so bravely against the evil. -70013 Giant Goddess Tear The tear of the ancient dancer Tae-Hwa is said to comfort the soul of a fighter. -70014 Blood Pill A pill that is made of deer blood. It has a severe hallucinogenic effect. -70015 Cheap Brush A ordinary, robust brush with a solid wooden handle. -70020 Peach Flower Wine Beverage that will immediately regenerate your Hit Points (HP) by 500 points. -70024 Blessing Marble Legendary blessed marble. When an item has four attributes, it adds another attribute. -70027 Blacksmith's Memo A memo from the blacksmith which shows you how to upgrade your weapons. -70031 Fencing Pamphlet This pamphlet concerns, amongst other things, the potential and weaknesses of the human anatomy. -70035 Magic Copper Ore When you combine this ore with a Blessing Scroll at the blacksmith's, you can create a Scroll of War. -70037 Book of Forgetfulness The legendary book that removes the memory of a learned skill completely. You can move 1 skill point. -70038 Bravery Cape Ancient Warriors showed off their bravery by wearing a colourful cape with which they attracted the attention of monsters. -70039 Blacksmith' Handbook This book contains the soul of an old blacksmith. If it is used, it raises the chance of successfully ameliorating an item. -70040 Orc Stubbornness Reduces stamina use by half. -70043 Thief's Glove Doubles the probability of looting items. -70047 Language Ring(Sample) This ring is used to talk to people from other empires. -70048 Fugitive's Cape A priceless cape that helps you to become inconspicuous and that is used by lots of runaways. -70049 Lucy's Ring The engraving on the ring says: "May the Dragon God bless you." The ring reduces your chance of losing items in battle. -70050 Sage King's Symbol An inherited symbol from the ancient royal family that grants the master great power. -70051 Sage King's Glove An inherited article from the ancient royal family that grants the master mysterious power. -70052 Charm of Karma1 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70053 Charm of Karma2 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70054 Charm of Karma3 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70102 Zen Bean Reduces the evil and raises the good in a character's disposition. -70104 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70105 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70106 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70107 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70201 Bleach It turns your hair back into its original colour. Bleached hair can be dyed again. -70202 White Hair Dye Dyes your hair white. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70203 Blonde Hair Dye Dyes your hair blonde. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70204 Red Hair Dye Dyes your hair red. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70205 Brown Hair Dye Dyes your hair brown. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70206 Black Hair Dye Dyes your hair black. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70301 Engagement Ring A ring that is worn by lovers. -70302 Wedding Ring A ring that is worn by a married couple. -71001 Exorcism Scroll Will lift the curse of the evil spirit, if learning is not successful. With the help of this scroll you can read another document on the same day. -71002 Status Reset Document Resets status points so that you can change the development of your character. -71003 Skill Reset Document Resets skill points. -71004 Medal of the Dragon Protects you from a loss of experience points at your next revival. -71005 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 7 days. -71006 Language Ring You can understand all Languages of the empire for 15 days. -71007 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 30 days. -71008 Fishing Book Book that doubles the chance of catching rare fish. -71009 Storage Chest Your Storeroom will receive 2 additional storage rooms. -71010 Third Hand Your character will pick up all dropped Yang automatically if equipped with this hand. -71011 Emotion Mask You can let you feelings run free for 30 days. -71012 Book of the Leader While the leader of a group is equipped with this book, all members will gain 30% more Experience points. -71013 Firework Rocket that lights up the sky for all players. -71014 Potion of Attack+10 Increases your attack speed by 10% for 30 minutes. -71015 Experience Ring Your character collects 50% more experience points while fighting. -71016 Thief's Gloves Doubles the probability of looting items. -71017 Lucky Medal Doubles the probability of looting Yang by 50%. -71018 Blessing of Life A blessing with which your HP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71019 Blessing of Magic A blessing that regenerates all your MP immediately. -71020 Blessing of the Dragon A blessing with which your HP and MP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71021 Scroll of War Improvement of items will succeed (100%). Only works on items +0 to +3. -71022 Return of Intelligence Resets your intelligence points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71023 Return of Vitality Resets your vitality points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71024 Return of Strength Resets your Strength points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71025 Stone of the Blacksmith At the blacksmith's you can create a blacksmith handbook with the help of this stone and a blessing scroll. -71026 Magic Iron Ore This ore, when combined with a blessing scroll, enables the crafting of a dragon scroll at the blacksmiths. -71027 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71028 Dragon God Attack Increases the damage you cause during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71029 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71030 Dragon God Defence Lowers the damage you receive during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71031 Dragon God Support The vitality, strength, intelligence and dexterity of your character will temporarily quintuple. -71032 Dragon Scroll Eliminates the risk of destroying an item if the improvement fails. Only its quality will be decreased by 1. Additionally, the probability of a successful improvement will increase by 10%. -71033 Emotion Mask You can let your feelings run free for 15 days. -71034 Potion of Attack +15 Increases your attack speed by 15% for 30 minutes. -71035 Researcher's Elixir Improves the quality of the research objects which you have collected, thereby increasing the likelihood that they will be accepted. -71036 Scroll - Chief Orc Will summon an Orc Chieftain next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71037 Scroll - Leader Will summon a Dark Leader next to your character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71038 Scroll - Queen Spider Will summon a King Spider next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71039 Scroll - Tortoise Will summon a Turtle next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71040 Scroll - Flame King Will summon the King of Flames next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71041 Scroll - Nine Tails Will summon a Nine tail next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71042 Scroll - Demon King Will summon a Ghost of a Tiger next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71043 Scroll - Tiger Ghost Makes a yellow tiger ghost appear next to your character. Be careful, it's a boss! -71044 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -71045 Piercing Strike Increases the chance of a piercing hit for by 20% for 10 minutes. -71047 Spirit Stone Tincture Removes a Spirit Stone from one of your items. -71048 Modification Charm This charm can change the gender of your character. -71049 Silk Bundle With this bundle you can open a private shop for 10 days free of charge. -71050 Potion of Speed Boosts your motion speed by 60 for 30 minutes. -71051 Bewitch Item Removes the special-bonus on one of your items and adds another one. -71052 Bless Item Add a special new bonus onto one of your items, if it does not already have one. -71054 Tincture of Kingdoms A character is able to go into exile in another kingdom, this means changing the kingdom. -71055 Tincture of the Name Changes the name of a Character. -71056 Tincture of Heaven Increases the chance of successfully improving a Spirit Stone. -71057 Stone of Fossil Trunk O. Creates a fossil wood lode next to your character. -71058 Stone of Copper Lode Creates a copper ore lode next to your character -71059 Stone of Silver Lode Creates a silver ore lode next to your character. -71060 Stone of Gold Lode Creates a gold lode next to your character. -71061 Stone of Jade Lode Creates a jade lode next to your character. -71062 Stone of Ebony Lode Creates an ebony lode next to your character. -71063 Stone of Clams Creates a pile of shells next to your character -71064 Stone of White Gold Lode Creates a white gold lode next to your character. -71065 Stone of Crystal Lode Creates a crystal lode next to your character. -71066 Stone of Amethyst Lode Creates quartz crystal lode next to your character. -71067 Stone of Heaven's Ode Creates a tears of heaven lode next to your character. -71068 Feather of Lovers Your love points will rise twice as fast for 30 days, if equipped with this feather. -71069 Earring of Harmony Increases the chance of a piercing hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71070 Love Bracelet Increases the collection of experience points for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71071 Earring of Love Increases the chance of a lethal hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71072 Harmony Bracelet Reduces the attack power of the monsters, against which married people fight, if carried by a marriage partner. (Lasts 3 Hours) -71073 Necklace of Love Increases the attack power for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71074 Necklace of Harmony Increases the defence value of married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71075 Hair Dye (White) Dyes hair white. -71076 Hair Dye (Blonde) Dyes hair blonde. -71077 Hari Dye (Red) Dyes hair red. -71078 Hair Dye (Brown) Dyes hair brown. -71079 Hair Dye (Black) Dyes hair black. -71080 Metin Stone(L) A light Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71081 Metin Stone(N) A medium Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71082 Metin Stone(H) A large Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71083 Stone Handbook Removes all broken stones from an item. With that you will get another chance to improve your weapon or amour. -71084 Enchant Item Removes the bonuses from one of your items and adds new ones. -71085 Reinforce Item Adds a bonus to one of your items if it has not got bonus yet. -71086 Level Up Quest(20~29) -71087 Level Up Quest(30~39) -71088 Mission Book (Easy) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can also be solved by greenhorn fighters. -71089 Mission Book (Normal) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by those who are already experienced in fighting. -71090 Mission Book (Hard) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by really experienced fighters. -71091 Tincture of Trade You can choose a different colour for your shop sign. -71092 Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -71093 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -71094 Concentrated Reading Increases the chance of successful skill training with your next book by 2.5 times. -71095 Passage Ticket If you give this ticket to the guard, you will be allowed to enter a new floor of the Spider-Dungeon. -71096 Passage Tablet This medal allows you to pass through a gate. -71099 Ring of Successor Allows the leader of a guild to set up a successor. -71100 Scroll of Lore Change Forget your lore and start a new one. You need to be at least on level 31 to do it. -71101 Potion of Haste This potion decreases your cooldown time by 20 percent for 30 minutes. -71103 Redistribution (VIT) Puts your vitality back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71104 Redistribution (INT) Puts your intelligence back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71105 Redistribution (STR) Puts your strength back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71106 Redistribution (DEX) Resets your dexterity back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71107 Fruit of Life Increases rank points by 3000 (cooldown time: 5 hours). -71109 Scroll of Correction This scroll allows you to remove the last successfully added Spirit Stone from an item. -71110 Horse Sugar This piece of sugar allows you to give your mount a name. It also increases is defence value by 20. -71113 Glass of Insight Allows you to show another player items from your inventory. The glass breaks in the process. -71114 Wild Boar Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71115 Wild Boar Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71116 Wolf Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71117 Wolf Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71118 Tiger Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71119 Tiger Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71120 Lion Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71121 Lion Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -72001 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 10 hours. -72002 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 30 minutes. -72003 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 3 hours. -72004 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 10 hours. -72005 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 30 minutes. -72006 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 3 hours. -72007 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 10 hours. -72008 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 30 minutes. -72009 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 3 hours. -72010 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 15 minutes. -72011 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 30 minutes. -72012 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 3 hours. -72013 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 15 minutes. -72014 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 30 minutes. -72015 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 3 hours. -72016 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 15 minutes. -72017 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 30 minutes. -72018 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 3 hours. -72019 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 15 minutes. -72020 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 30 minutes. -72021 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets 2 additional storage rooms for a duration for 3 hours. -72022 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 10 hours. -72023 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 30 minutes. -72024 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 3 hours. -72025 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72026 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72027 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72028 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 7 days. -72029 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 15 days. -72030 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 30 days. -72031 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72032 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72033 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72034 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72035 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72036 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72037 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72038 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72039 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72040 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72041 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72042 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72043 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72044 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72045 Book of the Leader When the party leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience point of group members and the leader by 30%. -72046 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72047 Criticial Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72048 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72501 Experience Ring (iCafe) Increases collection of experience points by 20% in the membership iCafe. -72502 Thief's Glove (iCafe) Chance of items being dropped increases by 1.5 times in Membership iCafe. -72701 Wind Shoes Increases your movement speed by 30 when equipped. -73001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73005 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73006 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73007 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73008 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73009 Long Hair (Black) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, black hair. -73010 Long Hair (Red) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, red hair. -73011 Long Hair (Brown) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, brown hair. -73012 Long Hair (Green) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, green hair. -73251 Ponytail (Brown) Long hair done up in a plait. -73252 Ponytail (Green) Long hair done up a plait. -73253 Ponytail (Blue) Long hair done up in a plait. -73254 Ponytail (Light) Long hair done up in a plait. -73255 Shoulder Length (Red) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A natural-looking shoulder-length hair cut. -73257 Shoulder Length (Light) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73260 Short Hair (Blue) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73261 Short Hair (Black) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73262 Short Hair (Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73501 Sporty Haircut (Light) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73502 Sporty Haircut (Brown) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73503 Sporty Haircut (Blonde) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73504 Sporty Haircut (Green) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73505 Charisma Hair (White) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73506 Charisma Hair (Red) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73507 Charisma Hair (Black) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73509 Long Plait (White) A traditional plait. -73510 Long Plait (Blue) A traditional plait. -73511 Long Plait (Black) A traditional plait. -73512 Long Plait (Brown) A traditional plait. -73751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant haircut with tied back hair. -73753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73755 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Elegant, straight hair. -73756 Med. Length Hair (Black) Elegant, straight hair. -73757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Elegant, straight hair. -73758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Elegant, straight hair. -73759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73760 Old Hairstyle (Light) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73762 Old Hairstyle (Red) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -74001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74005 Headband (Red) A spiky hairstyle with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -74006 Headband (Brown plaid) A spiky hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74007 Headband (Blue) A spiky hairstyle worn with a bandanna (+10% defence against Suras) -74008 Headband (Green plaid) Short green hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -74009 Long Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74010 Long Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74011 Long Hair (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74012 Long Hair (Green) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74251 Ponytail (Brown) A popular women's hairstyle in which hair is tied up into a long plait (+10% against Warriors) -74252 Ponytail (Green) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Ninjas) -74253 Ponytail (Blue) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Suras) -74254 Ponytail (Light) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Shamans) -74255 Shoulder Length (Red) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Warriors) -74256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Ninjas) -74257 Shoulder Length (Light) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Suras) -74258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Shamans) -74259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Warriors) -74260 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Ninjas) -74261 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Suras) -74262 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Shamans) -74501 Sporty Hairstyle (White) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Warriors) -74502 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Ninja) -74503 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Suras) -74504 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) A short hairstyle that gives you military look (+10% against Shamans) -74505 Charisma Hair (White) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Warriors) -74506 Charisma Hair (Red) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Ninjas) -74507 Charisma Hair (Black) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Suras) -74508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Shamans) -74509 Long Plait (White) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Warriors) -74510 Long Plait (Blue) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74511 Long Plait (Black) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich. (+10% defence against Suras) -74512 Long Plait (Brown) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Shamans) -74751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Warriors) -74752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Suras). -74754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas). -74755 Med.Length Hair (Brown) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Warriors). -74756 Med. Length Hair (Black) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Ninjas). -74757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Suras). -74758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Shamans). -74759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Warriors) -74760 Old Hairstyle (Blonde) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Suras) -74762 Old Hairstyle (Red) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Shamans) -75001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) Trendy hairstyle with red hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Warriors) -75002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) Trendy hairstyle with light coloured hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) Trendy hairstyle with blue hair and a hair-band (+10% against Suras) -75004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) Trendy hairstyle with brown hair and a hair-band (+10% against Shamans) -75005 Headband (Brown) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -75006 Headband (Blonde) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75007 Headband (Blue) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Suras) -75008 Headband (Green) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -75009 Long Hair (Black) Marvellous, black hair (+10% against Warriors) -75010 Long Hair (Red) Marvellous, red hair (+10% against Ninjas) -75011 Long Hair (Brown) Marvellous, brown hair (+10% against Suras) -75012 Long Hair (Green) Marvellous, green hair (+10% against Shamans) -75201 Ponytail (Brown) Brown hair with a nice, long ponytail. (+10% defence against Warriors) -75202 Ponytail (Green) Green hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Ninjas) -75203 Ponytail (Blue) Blue hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Suras) -75204 Ponytail (Light) Grey hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Shamans) -75205 Shoulder Length (Red) A discreet hairstyle with a white bandanna (+10% against Warriors) -75206 Shoulder Length (Brown) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Ninjas) -75207 Shoulder Length (Light) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Suras) -75208 Shoulder Length (Purple) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Shamans) -75209 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Warriors) -75210 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Ninjas) -75211 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Suras) -75212 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Shamans) -75401 Sporty Hairstyle (Light) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Warriors) -75402 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Ninjas) -75403 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Suras) -75404 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Shamans) -75405 Charisma Style (White) Long, snow-white hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75406 Charisma Style (Red) Long, red hair that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75407 Charisma Style (Black) Long, jet-black hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Suras) -75408 Charisma Style (Purple) Long, purple hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75409 Long Plait (White) Plait (+10% defence against Warriors) -75410 Long Plait (Blue) Plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75411 Long Plait (Black) Plait (+10% against Suras) -75412 Long Plait (Brown) Plait (+10% against Shamans) -75601 Smart Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Warriors) -75602 Smart Hairstyle (Black) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Ninjas) -75603 Smart Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Suras) -75604 Smart Hairstyle (Light) A trendy trim that gives Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Shaman) -75605 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Smooth, brown hair (+10% against Warriors) -75606 Med. Length Hair (Black) Straight, black hair (+10% against Ninja) -75607 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Straight, light coloured hair (+10% against Sura) -75608 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Straight, purple hair (+10% against Shaman) -75609 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Old Warrior hairstyle. The brown hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Warriors) -75610 Old Hairstyle (Light) Old warrior hairstyle. The light coloured hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75611 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Old Warrior hairstyle. The purple hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Suras) -75612 Old Hairstyle (Red) Old warrior hairstyle. The red hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Shamans) -80001 Money Pouch A dark and already worn out pouch sewed from leather. -80002 Blank Paper An unused parchment of good quality. -80008 Lump of Gold A lump of gold that has never been crafted. It is being sold in a shop for a high price. -90001 Empty Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water - sadly it is empty right now. -90002 Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water. -90003 Crystal An especially nice and clear gemstone which shines fascinatingly in the sunlight. -90004 Gem A nice coloured and flat cut stone which is used for producing ornaments. -90005 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -90006 Spirit Stone This stone, added to weapons or armour, increases the quality of the item. -90007 Mineral There are around 4000 minerals which differ in crystal structure and so also differ in shape and colour. -90010 Foundation Stone Building Material for the Guild Building -90011 Trunk Building Material for the Guild Building -90012 Plywood Building Material for the Guild Building diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 812e0fa5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Ninjas are professional[ENTER] -killers, who can attack[ENTER] -through ambush. In order to[ENTER] -maximise on both strength[ENTER] -and mobility, these[ENTER] -[WAIT] -assassins wear only light[ENTER] -armour. This allows them to[ENTER] -execute rapid and fluid[ENTER] -manoeuvres without[ENTER] -hindrance. Depending on[ENTER] -[WAIT] -their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Ninjas can[ENTER] -be master fighters in[ENTER] -close-combat situations with[ENTER] -daggers, or in[ENTER] -[WAIT] -distant-combat situations[ENTER] -with bows. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9f59ee38..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -The wisdom achieved through[ENTER] -long years of intense study[ENTER] -allow the Shamans to use[ENTER] -Spells and Magic to attack[ENTER] -their foes. When in a fight[ENTER] -[WAIT] -and in support of their[ENTER] -friends, their mystic powers[ENTER] -are very effective.[ENTER] -Depending on their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Shamans may[ENTER] -[WAIT] -choose to strengthen their[ENTER] -attacks, or to upgrade[ENTER] -individual healing and[ENTER] -support spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebadcb09..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Suras are fighters who[ENTER] -gained magical powers by[ENTER] -agreeing to grow the Seed of[ENTER] -Evil in their arms. The[ENTER] -magic they now control[ENTER] -[WAIT] -allows them to wound their[ENTER] -enemies from afar in[ENTER] -distant-combat situations,[ENTER] -while their skill with a[ENTER] -sword makes them excellent[ENTER] -[WAIT] -close-combat fighters. The[ENTER] -Suras can choose to improve[ENTER] -their attack-spells or[ENTER] -develop additional[ENTER] -strengthening spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 749446ab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Thanks to their skills as[ENTER] -well as their heavy armour,[ENTER] -Warriors play an important[ENTER] -role in close combat[ENTER] -situations. They strive[ENTER] -[WAIT] -principally for great[ENTER] -physical strength and a[ENTER] -balanced, calm psyche.[ENTER] -Depending on their chosen[ENTER] -speciality, they can wreak[ENTER] -[WAIT] -havoc with their two-handed[ENTER] -weapons or through their[ENTER] -skilful use of sword and[ENTER] -shield, which can defend[ENTER] -against any opponent's[ENTER] -[WAIT] -attack. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ceded179..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Love points: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Rank points: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown attack error: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE The combatant is too far away. -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA You cannot open a private shop in a public area. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE The enemy is too far away. -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW I need an arrow. -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH I am sure that I cannot get any closer. -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK I cannot attack that. -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE The opponent is too far away. -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD I need a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE I need a Horse to be able to use this. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an empty bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Who is the target? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP I do not have enough HP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP I do not have enough SP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL I cannot use this whilst riding. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON I cannot use this skill with this weapon. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN I have not learned this skill. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE This only affects group members. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE This only affects dead people. -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD I cannot use this skill with a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF I cannot use this on myself. -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME I cannot use this skill yet. -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s has blocked whispering. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s is not online. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE You cannot whisper something to someone when you have completely blocked whispering. SNA -CHANNEL Channel -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT You cannot go back to the login screen. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER No server -CHANNEL_NORMAL Channel %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL This channel is full! Please choose another one. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO No information found via the Channel. -CHANNEL_PVP Free duel -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Choose the channel -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Choose region. -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Choose server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL All -CHAT_BLOCK Block -CHAT_GUILD Guild -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING This sentence has invalid words in it. -CHAT_LOG Show old messages [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Chat-log -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Announcement -CHAT_PARTY Group -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Send chat -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Send whisper[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT Call -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT You can only call every 15 seconds. -CHAT_WHISPER Whispering -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME You are not allowed to use 'GM' in your character name. -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME This name is invalid. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Another character already has this name. -CREATE_FAILURE You cannot create the character -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Enter the name. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT There are still status points available. -DAY Days -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want to buy %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want to buy %s %s for %s? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Do you want to drop %d Yang? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want to sell %s for %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want to sell %s %s for %s? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot drop equipped items. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot drop any items as long as a private shop is open. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER You can drop a maximum of 999 Yang. -EMOTION_ANGRY Aggravating -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Seduction -EMOTION_BANTER Sneering -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Cheers 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Cheers 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP Cheer -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Choose a target. -EMOTION_CLAP Claps -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kiss -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Approval -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dance 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dance 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dance 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dance 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dance 5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE Forgiveness -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS French Kiss -EMOTION_JOY Joy -EMOTION_SAD Sad -EMOTION_SHY Rejection -EMOTION_SLAP Hit -EMPIRE_A Shinsoo Kingdom -EMPIRE_B Chunjo Kingdom -EMPIRE_C Jinno Kingdom -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE You cannot trade this Item. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY You cannot change the sum now. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot exchange equipped Items. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Sum -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s -FISHING_FAILURE You lost the Bait. -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s is on the hook. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 You captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 You have pulled %s out of the water! -FISHING_UNKNOWN Something has taken the bait but you can't see what it is. -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE You cannot go fishing here. -FOR_FEMALE for female -FOR_MALE for male -GAME_CANNOT_MINING You cannot mine Ore while riding. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM You cannot collect this Item as you did not win it. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR The cursor could not be established. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 must be installed so that the game can run.\nInstall DirectX 8.1 or higher. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE No graphic device could be found. \nCheck if your VGA card is correctly installed. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Graphic device could not be established. \nCheck if you have a VGA card. \nAlternatively, you can active the hardware accelerator.\n(Set hardware accelerator to max \nControl Panel->Display->Settings->Advanced->Troubleshoot tab) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT The graphics card of the computer does not support the window mode in 32bit Mode. \nChange to 16bit Mode or use Full Screen Mode. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO No Item data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Mainframe could not be established -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO No Monster Data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Network devices could not be established.\nCheck your internet connection. -GAME_PICK_MONEY You have received %d Yang. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Height is not 128 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Height is not 12 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Width is not 16 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Width is not 64 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT The game does not support this picture. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Move the data into the folder metin2/upload. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT No picture file chosen. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flag captured. -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Field Battle -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 The Guild %s declared war on your Guild. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Do you accept? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Guild theater of war -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Name of building -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE The Dragon ghost battle is already full. -GUILD_COMMENT Write -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Guildname is not valid. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Guild members -GUILD_DELETE Delete -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Do you want to restore with %d Yang %d Dragon ghost? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to join the guild? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Empty land -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Guild name of the enemy -GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Main Building -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Restore Dragon ghost -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Minimum level of 4 required -GUILD_NAME Guild name -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL You do not have enough resources for this building. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY You do not have enough Yang for this building. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION You do not have the rights to make an announcement. -GUILD_OBJECT Objects -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Experience to invest -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Not enough Experience yet -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Basic Information -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Blackboard -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Rights Administration -GUILD_TILE_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Guild Members -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Guild Skills -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Time: 30 Minutes -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Reward: The winner receives a Potion -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Use Guild Theater of War -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Use Normal Map -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE The highest result wins the war. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Defeat all enemies to win. -GUILD_WITHDRAW Fallback -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN You are not a member of any Guild. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Dead -HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungry -HORSE_HEALTH2 Starving -HORSE_HEALTH3 Full -HORSE_LEVEL1 Normal Horse -HORSE_LEVEL2 Battle Horse -HORSE_LEVEL3 Military Horse -HOUR Hours -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %d? -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Enter Matrix Cardnumber. -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Enter deletion-code from your account settings here. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Delete character -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Role of Return cannot be combined. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Do you want to use this Item? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateur Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Power of the Ninjas -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Undead -JOB_SHAMAN Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateur Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN1 Power of the Dragon -JOB_SHAMAN2 Lightning Power -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amateur Sura -JOB_SURA1 Power of the Fata Morgana -JOB_SURA2 Power of Black Magic -JOB_WARRIOR Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateur Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR1 Power of Arahan -JOB_WARRIOR2 Power of Partisans -LEFT_TIME Time Remaining -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Error while connecting to the server. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS You are connected to the server. -LOGIN_CONNETING You will be connected to the server. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Your account is already connected. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Registration problem. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Your account is banned. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Please choose one of the other servers! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Your account had no play time. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Your account cannot be used. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Items have been restored for this account. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN The server is not open yet. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER You could not connect because too many players are online. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN You could not register for unknown reasons. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK You have been blocked at the website. Please check your EMails. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER You entered a wrong number. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE You entered a wrong number three times. /n You connection will be disabled. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Enter the ID. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Enter the password. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Logging in... -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT You cannot place the Item. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MAP_A1 Yongan Area -MAP_A2 Valley of Seungryong -MAP_A3 Yayang Area -MAP_AG Jungrang -MAP_B1 Joan Area -MAP_B2 Valley of Imji -MAP_B3 Bokjung Area -MAP_BG Waryong -MAP_C1 Pyungmoo Area -MAP_C2 Valley of Bangsan -MAP_C3 Bakra Area -MAP_CG Imha -MAP_DESERT Yongbi Desert -MAP_FLAME Doyyumhwan -MAP_NUSLUCK Land of Giants -MAP_SKELTOWER Gumsan Tower -MAP_SNOW Mount Sohan -MAP_SPIDER Kuahlo Dong -MAP_TEMPLE Hwang Temple -MAP_TREE Lungsam -MAP_TRENT02 Red Forest -MAP_WL Snakefield -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s added you as a friend. -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Accept? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Delete? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Do you want to delete the cell phone number? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Do you want to go on? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Empty -MESSENGER_FAMILY Family -MESSENGER_FRIEND Friends -MESSENGER_GUILD Guild -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Enter the confirmation number that was sent to your cell phone. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Enter confirmation number -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Enter the cell phone number for the Text message sending. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Do you want to enter the number now? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Enter cell phone number. -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Send message. -MINIMAP Open Mini Map -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Mini Map cannot be seen. -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Large Map cannot be shown. -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Zoom out -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Zoom in -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d observers -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Open Large Map -MINUTE Minutes -MONETARY_UNIT0 Yang -MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand -MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Sales Price: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot move the item when you have opened a private shop. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST No Backgroundmusic. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2 Standard music -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC No Music file chosen. -NEEFD_REST You must rest first. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT Not yer supported -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE You cannot activate Guild Mode when you do not belong to a Guild. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT You cannot choose this configuration in PvP Mode. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT You need to have at least Level %d to be able to change the PvP Mode. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Attack Value: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Attck Speed: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Skill Duration: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Defence: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max. HP: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Delete Group -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT would like to join the Group. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to accept the invitation? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Level Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Higher Level receives more EXP. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Evenly Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP All Group members receive the same EXP. -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Restore everything. -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Range of the group heightened of the factor 1.5 . SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Range of the group heightened of the factor 2. SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Leave group. -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP for a long group game: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Call group member. -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus for HP- + SP regeneration: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED You discarded the invitation into the group.. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Constitute as Attacker. -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Constitute as Berserker. -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Constitute as Blocker. -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Constitute as Defender. -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Withdraw settings. -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Constitute as Skill Master. -PARTY_SET_TANKER Constitute as blade fighter. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Base Attack Value Attacker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Attack Speed Berserker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Skill Duration Blocker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Defence Defender +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Group range +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP Skill Master +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Max. HP blade fighter +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Possible to call group members. -PASSWORD_TITLE Storeroom password -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item Number -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Sum -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM You cannot sell this item in a private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Do you want to close the private shop? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Name of the private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Price -PVP_LEVEL0 Chivalric -PVP_LEVEL1 Noble -PVP_LEVEL2 Good -PVP_LEVEL3 Friendly -PVP_LEVEL4 Neutral -PVP_LEVEL5 Aggressive -PVP_LEVEL6 Fraudulent -PVP_LEVEL7 Malicious -PVP_LEVEL8 Cruel -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP Guild activated -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP Free activated -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP Peace activated -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP Protection activated -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP Hostile activated -PVP_OPTION_KILL Free -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Peace -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Protection -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Hostile -QUEST_APPEND New Quest acquired. -QUEST_MIN Min. -QUEST_SEC Sec. -QUEST_TIMEOVER Time Expired -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME No time limit. -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sec. -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be added to the Fast Access Field. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s sent you a message. -REFINE_COST Costs for Advancement: %d Yang -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING This Item could be destroyed while upgrading. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 This will improve the chance for upgrading, -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 but if you fail the Item could be destroyed. /n Do you want to continue? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING The Item could be down graded this way. -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Do you want to take away the spirit stone? -REFINE_FAILURE You failed. -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot upgrade equipped Items. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM No spirit stone can be taken away. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL You need a better Advancement Scroll. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET You cannot make more Sockets. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to include the %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM You cannot make any Sockets on this Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be upgraded. -REFINE_SUCCESS The advancement of the Item was successful. -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Chance for Advancement %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Do you want to continue? -SAFEBOX_ERROR You entered the wrong password. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM You cannot sell any of the saved Items. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD The passwords have to be identical. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 is saved in -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot File -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Saving of Screenshot failed. -SECOND Sec -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE You cannot delete the character. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME You changed the name of the character. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME The character name is already existing. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Try again. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME That -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Change character name. -SELECT_DELEING Character will be deleted. -SELECT_DELETED Deletion successful. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Do you want to continue? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT This is an empty field. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Enter a new character name. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD No Guild -SHOP_BUY_INFO Choose the Item you want to buy in the shop window. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT You cannot sell equipped Items. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM This Item cannot be sold. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Shop Error: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS This Item cannot be used here. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Your inventory is full. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough Yang -SHOP_SELL_INFO Choose the Item you want to sell in your inventory window. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Sold Out -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Error during Long Distance Attack: %s -SKILL_BOHO Reflect -SKILL_BUDONG is not used anymore -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK You need EXP to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT You need a Book to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Strong Body -SKILL_CRITICAL Critical hit -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Apply Poison -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Camouflage -SKILL_FAINT Blackout -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Find Trap -SKILL_FIRE Permanent Fire -SKILL_FISHMIND Fishing Marble is active -SKILL_GAMJI Capture -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura of the Sword -SKILL_GEONGON SKILL_GEONGON Not used anymore -SKILL_GICHEON Help of the Dragon -SKILL_GIGONG Chi Rotation -SKILL_GONGPO Fear -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Blade -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Arc -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Riding -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Dragon -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Healing -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Weapon -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magic -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Body -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Mental -SKILL_GWIGEOM Enchanted Blade -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Feather Walking -SKILL_HEUKSIN Dark Protection -SKILL_HOSIN Blessing -SKILL_HWAYEOM SKILL_HWAYEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_HYEOLMA SKILL_HYEOLMA Not used anymore -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Attack speed raised -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Moving speed raised -SKILL_INMA SKILL_INMA Not used anymore -SKILL_JEOJU Curse -SKILL_JEONGEOP Healing -SKILL_JEONGWI Battle Flush -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Full Defence -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Full Attack -SKILL_JEUNGCHE SKILL_JEUNGCHE Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGHON SKILL_JEUNGHON Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Attack + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Speed + -SKILL_JIGAM SKILL_JIGAM Not used anymore -SKILL_JIPJUNG SKILL_JIPJUNG Not used anymore -SKILL_JUMAGAP Enchanted Armour -SKILL_JUMAGEOM SKILL_JUMAGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAEGEOM SKILL_KWAEGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAESOK Speed -SKILL_LEGBOUND SKILL_LEGBOUND Not used anymore -SKILL_MUSA SKILL_MUSA Not used anymore -SKILL_MUYEONG Ghost of the Flame -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an Empty Bottle. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR You can use this Skill during a Guild War only. -SKILL_PABEOP Neutralize Spell -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Dazing Attack -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Lightning Bomb -SKILL_SINCHAK SKILL_SINCHAK Not used anymore -SKILL_SLEEP Sleep -SKILL_SLOW Slow -SKILL_STUN Daze -SKILL_SUHO Guard -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance of the Evocation: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level -SKILL_TOXICDIE Poisoning -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Poison attack value increased -SKILL_TUSOK Ghost Hit -SKILL_WONSIN SKILL_WONSIN Not used anymore -SKILL_YONGSIN SKILL_YONGSIN Not used anymore -STAT_MINUS_CON Life Energy Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX Dexterity Adjustment (Remaining Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT Intelligence Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR Strength Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON HP and Defence are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Accuracy and Fleeing are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT SP and Magical Power are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Attack Value is upgraded. -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Register Guild flag -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU Tiling Mode can upgrade the speed of a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 If there are problem with the graphics choose either ,Systemoption or ,CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU Tiling Mode can run slow on a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 If there are problems with the graphics choose either 'System Options' or 'CONFIG.exe' -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT For a change to the Tiling Mode the game must be restarted. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Agree -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Revenge -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Destroy -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Dismount -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotions -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Trading -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Exclude -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duel -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Friend -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guild Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Group Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Leave Group -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Join Group -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Equipment -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Whispering -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Level 5. -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Level 3. -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Level 1. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Level 4. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Level 2. -TASKBAR_ATTACK Attack -TASKBAR_AUTO Automatic -TASKBAR_CAMERA Camera -TASKBAR_EXP Experience -TASKBAR_HP HP -TASKBAR_MOVE Move -TASKBAR_SKILL Skill -TASKBAR_SP SP -TASKBAR_ST ST -THING_COUNT all -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Cannot be sold in the shop. -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Strong against Animals +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Strong against Ninjas +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Strong against Devil +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Strong against Half Humans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Strong against Mystics +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Strong against Monster +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Strong against Orcs +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Strong against Shamans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Strong against Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Strong against Undead +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Strong against Warriorr +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance to block a close-combat attack %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Recover SP all 5 seconds in a Battle %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance of critical Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to get back SP when hit SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Chance to avoid Arrows %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance for EXP Bonus SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double Yang SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immune against falling down SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Defence against slowing SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Defence against blackouts SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double the Items SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, to restore HP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to restore SP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% chance to rob mana SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT No effect -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY No experience points will be lost if your character is revived at the place of his death. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% Chance for piercing Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Poisoned Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Poison Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Potion %d%% effect raise SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Chance to reflect Curse: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE %d%% Chance to reflect close combat hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Defence chance against ninja attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Bell Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Dagger Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Fan Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Defence chance against shaman attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Defence chance against sura attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Sword Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Two-Handed Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Defence chance against warrior attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Wind Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Chance to learn from books upgraded by factor 2.5 . SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY If learning fails you immediately have another try for free SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Slowing Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP %d%% damage will be absorbed by TP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP %d%% damage will be absorbed by MP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance of a Blackout: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armor -TOOLTIP_ARROW Arrow -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Arc Range +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Casting Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Life Energy +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Dexterity +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Earring -TOOLTIP_ETC And so on -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Points %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Give to the Fisherman -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 Fishing Pole. -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN Lenght: %,2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Helmet -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Attack Value %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Attacking Speed %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Life Energy Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Dexterity Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Intelligence Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL From Level: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Strenght Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magical Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magical Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magical Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Very fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Very slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Wearable ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Lucky Number: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magical Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magical Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Attack Value +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Attack Value +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Defence +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Defence +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC Increases gaining EXP by 50% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Chance of capturing Yang multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chance to capture Yang SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Chance of capturing Items multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Chance of capturing Items plus %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chances of capturing items SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Lovepoints raise faster. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Your Storeroom gets 2 storage rooms SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max. HP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max. HP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max. SP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max. SP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max. Endurance +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Necklace -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Needed SP: Max. -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Needed Dragon ghost: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Needed HP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC TP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Needed Skill Points: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Needed SP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Next Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Next Level: %d (Max. %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Average Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Average Damage Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 More than %d Group members -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Attack Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Defence Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 60 minutes. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 30 minutes -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL You have to wait 3 minutes after the death of a group member. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL You can call Group members who are on the same server anytime. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Attack Level +(Number of Group members./2) Attacker %d can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defence Level +(Number of Group members) blade fighters 1 can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Attack/Defence upgraded] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [restore] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP When you have more than %d Group members you get %d%% Bonus EXP . -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus EXP] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Call] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Constitute Attacker] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Constitute Blade Fighter] -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Points: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Give to the Lumberjack -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 Pickaxe. -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cure negative effects. -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Attack Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Moving Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT SP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT SP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sec. -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Duration: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL You must have reached Level 21. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL You must have reached Level 41. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL You must have reached Level %d. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d needed. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d needed -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Arrow Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Lightning Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Fire Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magic Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Left: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Shaman -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Shield -TOOLTIP_SHOES Shoes -TOOLTIP_SKILL Skills SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Skill Book -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Attack Value: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Attack Value: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Defence: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Opponent Attack Value: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restore HP: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to reflect close combat attack: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Resistance against Body Damage: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Loading Time: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Resistance against Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Duration: %d Sek. -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Band of Oblivion -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Current Level: %d (Master) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Current Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Empty -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Item with Socket] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR Strength +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unique -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Warrior -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Weapon -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Wristlet -UI_ACCEPT Accept -UI_CANCEL Cancel -UI_CLOSE Close -UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:9 -UI_DENY Decline -UI_ITEM Item -UI_LEFT_TIME Remaining Time: %d Sec. -UI_NEXT Continue -UI_NOCONTENTS No Content -UI_NONAME No Name -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unknown Place -UI_UNKNOWN Unknown -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot use this item because you opened a private shop. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Skill Error: %s diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8672cae6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Accept -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Do you want to use the Spirit Stone? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Use Spirit Stone -CANCEL Cancel -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Confirm new Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW New Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Old Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Password Change -CHARACTER_ACTION Emotion -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emotion -CHARACTER_MAIN Character -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Mutual Emotion -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normal Emotion -CHARACTER_QUEST Missions -CHARACTER_SKILL Skill -CLOSE Close -CREATE_ATT_GRADE STR -CREATE_CREATE Create -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DEX -CREATE_HP HP -CREATE_LAST_POINT Points -CREATE_MAN Man -CREATE_NAME Name -CREATE_NEXT Next -CREATE_PREV Back -CREATE_SEX Gender -CREATE_SHAPE Shape -CREATE_SP SP -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reset -CREATE_WOMAN Woman -CUBE_TITLE Cube -EMPIRE_EXIT Exit -EMPIRE_NEXT Next -EMPIRE_PREV Back -EMPIRE_SELECT Choose -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Accept -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Game Options -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -GAME_HELP Help -GAME_QUEST Tasks -GAME_SKILL_UP Raise Skills -GAME_STAT_UP Raise State -GUILD_BASENAME Base Name -GUILD_BOARD_ID Name -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Content -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Building Units -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Change -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Direction -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Buildings and Cost Information -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Building List -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Log -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Building name -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operate -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Plywood -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Position -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Preview -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Price -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Stone -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Guild House Building -GUILD_CRYSTAL Crystal -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Here -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Drop Resource -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME New rank name -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Nr. -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Kick -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Invite -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Write -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Skills -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Rank -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Write -GUILD_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Experience -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Declare War -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Enemy Guild -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Guild Level -GUILD_INFO_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Leader -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Leader -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL Average Level -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Members -GUILD_INFO_NAME Guild name -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE This is a Guild Name -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Invest -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Needed Exp. -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Upload Sign -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Upload Flag -GUILD_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Race -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Leader -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Level -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Name -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Rank -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Invest -GUILD_METIN_STONE Spirit Stone -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Yang -GUILD_NAME Guild -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Resources Information -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Active -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Win back Power -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Passive -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Power -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Skills of the Guild -GUILD_SYMBOL Guild Flag -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Accept War Declaration -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Battle Type -GUILD_WAR_CTF Flag -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Declare Guild War -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Enemy -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Field -GUILD_WAR_WARP Arena -GUILD_WATER Water -GUILD_WATER_STONE Waterstone -GUILD_WITHDRAW Take -HELP_ATTACK_KEY Attack: left mouse button or space bar -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE Change attack mode: change setting of left mouse button -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (Character Window, Inventory Window, -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 List of Friends and Options) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON Camera View: middle or right mouse button -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON Camera View: right or middle mouse button -HELP_EXP Experience -HELP_FURY Ingame Item Shop -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW Open Guild Window: Alt + G -HELP_HELP Display help: H -HELP_HP Hit Points (TP) -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW Open Friends List: Alt + M -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Function of the Left Mouse button -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Function of the Right Mouse button -HELP_MOVE_KEY Panel: W, A, S, D or arrow keys -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER Open character window: C -HELP_OPEN_CHAT Open chat window: Enter -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY Open inventory window: I -HELP_OPEN_LOG Open Chatlog: L -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP Open mini map: Shift + M -HELP_OPEN_QUEST Open Task Window: N -HELP_OPEN_SKILL Open Skill Window: V -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER Open Whisper Window: Shift + Enter -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP Open Large Map: M -HELP_PICK_ITEM Collect Items: ^ or Y or left mouse button -HELP_QUICKSLOT Fast Access Fields -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE Save Screenshot: Print (will be saved in file "Metin2\\screenshot") -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME Display Names: Alt -HELP_SP Mana points (MP) -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON System buttons -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. Inventory -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2. Inventory -INVENTORY_TITLE Inventory -ITEM_MALL Item Shop -LOAD_ERROR The File is damaged. Please install new. Press ESC now. -LOGIN_CONNECT Connect -LOGIN_CONNECTING You will be connected to the Server -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Servername, Channel 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Choose Place for issuing an invoice. -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Choose -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Choose Server -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MALL_TITLE Item Shop Storeroom -MARKET_TITLE Load -MARKLIST_REFRESH Refresh -MARKLIST_TITLE Register Guild Sign -MESSAGE This is a Message -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add friend -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Delete friend -MESSENGER_MOBILE Send Text Message -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Open Guild Window -MESSENGER_TITLE Friends -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Use the Guild Moving Skill -MESSENGER_WHISPER Whisper -MINIMIZE Minimize -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Attack -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Attack automatically -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Camera -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Skills -MUSICLIST_TITLE Music Choices -NO No -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Name -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Limited -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Always -OPTION_BLOCK Block -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Trade -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Friends -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Guild -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Group -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Request -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Whisper -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Camera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Far -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Close -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Delete Cell Phone Number -OPTION_EFFECT Hit Info -OPTION_FOG Fog -OPTION_FOG_DENSE Dense -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Light -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Middle -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Enter Cell Phone Number -OPTION_MOBILE Cell Phone -OPTION_MUSIC Music -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Change -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Standard Music of Metin2 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Name Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Empire Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP Mode -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Free -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Guild -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players but your Guild members. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Peace -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP You cannot attack players from your kingdom. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Hostile -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP You can only attack those who have another Ethos. -OPTION_SOUND Sound Effects -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Target Menu -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Close -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Show -OPTION_TILING Graphic -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Apply -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Options -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chat Line -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Hide -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Show -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Name of the Group member -PASSWORD_TITLE Saving Password -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Divide -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Close shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Name of the shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Open private shop -REFINE_COST Upgrading Costs: 0 Yang -REFINE_INFO Chance to upgrade successfully: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Upgrades -RESTART_HERE Restart here -RESTART_TOWN Restart in the City -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Change Password -SAFE_TITLE Storeroom -SELECT_ATT_GRADE STR -SELECT_CREATE Create -SELECT_DELETE Delete -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DEX -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Name of Kingdom -SELECT_EXIT Close -SELECT_HP HP -SELECT_LEVEL Level -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Select Spirit Stone -SELECT_NAME Name -SELECT_NO_GUILD No Guild -SELECT_PLAYTIME Playtime (min.) -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP SP -SELECT_TITLE Choose Title -SHOP_BUY Buy -SHOP_SELL Sell -SHOP_TITLE Shop -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Standard Skills -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE System Options -SYSTEM_CHANGE Change Character -SYSTEM_EXIT Exit Game -SYSTEM_HELP Help -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Log Out -SYSTEM_MALL Item Shop -SYSTEM_OPTION System Options -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Character[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat Window -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Inventory[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Friends -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Next Fast Access Field [Shift+Number, Alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Previous Fast Access Field [Shift+Number] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Options[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Block -WHISPER_NAME Whisper -WHISPER_SEND Send -YES Yes -ZONE_MAP Large Map diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 098bbd17..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a0789413..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Three-Way Cut Triple Cut Triple Slash Cut the enemy with lightning speed. Frontal Slash Attack 3 times Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -106 SHAMAN Lightning Throw Lightning Toss Thunder Hurl Attack with Thunderbolts. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Summon Lightning Lightning Launch Thunder Bolt Summon Thunderbolts from the sky. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute Fainting Effect ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Faint Chance: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Lightning Claw Lightning Punch Thunder Punch Summon a Thunderbolt to your fist. Long-Range Attack Lightning Attribute Chain Reaction Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Cure Heal Aid of Light Heal wounds with the aid of light. Restores HP Cures Negative Effects Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Restore HP %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Cures Negative Effects Chance %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Swiftness Quickness Speed of Wind Run as fast as the Wind. Increase Moving Speed Reduce Casting Speed Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Moving Speed +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Casting Speed +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Attack+ Support Attack Strengthened Attack Strengthen a partner. Increases Attack Power Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Attack Power +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Leadership Ability to lead partners. PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Combo Increase Combo attack. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Fishing Fishing knowledge. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Mining Ability to mine ore. PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Item Creation Create an item. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Shinsoo Language You can understand the Shinsoo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Chunjo Language You can understand the Chunjo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Jinno Language You can understand the Jinno language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Polymorph Transform into a monster. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Horse Riding Ability to ride a horse. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Call Horse Summon a horse. summon -137 HORSE Horseback Slash Attack enemies whilst riding a horse. (from lv. 50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Horse Stump Attack all nearby enemies. (from level 52) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Power Wave Attack all enemies from your horse. (from lv.55) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Arrow Storm Shoot arrows while you are riding. (from lv.50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Dragon Eyes Increase Maximum Dragon Ghost. PASSIVE yongan Max. Dragon Ghost Increase +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Blood of Dragon God Increase Max HP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Max. HP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Benediction of Dragon God Increase Max SP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Max. SP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Holy Armour Increase defence of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Defence Increase +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Acceleration Increase attack and motion speed of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Attack Speed and Motion Increase +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Rage of Dragon God Increase Critical Hit Chance of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Increase Critical Hit Chance +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Casting Aid Decrease cool down time of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Casting Speed Increase +%.0f%% k * 50 -16 WARRIOR Spirit Strike (W) Shockwave Tsunami Attack Attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Bash Tiger Bash Dragon Bash Attack enemies directly. Straight Splash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Stump Lion Stump Rhino Stump Knock over several enemies. Straight Splash Attack Fainting Effect Chance ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Faint Chance %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Strong Body Iron Body Steel Body Increases defence and you won't fall on the ground. Increases defence Decreases Moving Speed. You won't fall over STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Defence: +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Moving Speed: -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -2 WARRIOR Sword Spin Sword Dance Cyclone Spin the sword to attack several enemies. Frontal Slash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Sword Strike Sword Bolt Sword Hurl Attack enemies directly. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Fainting Effect Throws the target on the ground ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Faint Chance %.0f%% (100+k*1000/6)/10 -3 WARRIOR Berserk Fury Frenzy Only concentrate on attacking. Increases Attack Speed Increases Moving Speed Increases Received Damage STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Attack Speed +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Moving Speed +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -31 ASSASSIN Ambush Stealth Attack Stealth Ambush Approach an enemy from behind and make a deadly attack. Attack Power increases for back hits. Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Fast Attack Body Relocation Death Strike Approach an enemy fast and make a deadly attack. Teleport Attack Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Rolling Dagger Spinning Dagger Dancing Dagger Whirl around enemies with a dagger. Splash Attack Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Stealth Silent Walk Cloaking You can hide yourself. Stops attacks when used. STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Ambush Bonus Damage: %.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Poisonous Cloud Deadly Cloud Killing Cloud Make poisonous clouds around the enemy and intoxicate them. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 40*k -4 WARRIOR Aura of the Sword Spiritual Sword Phantom Sword Increases Attack Power for a period of time. Increases Attack Power STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Attack Power +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -46 ASSASSIN Repetitive Shot Multi-Shot Massive Shot Shoot several arrows at one enemy. Long-Range Attack Several Attacks ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k shot arrows: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Arrow Shower Dynamic Arrow Arrow Rain Shoot several arrows at several enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Attack Power %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 Max. number of targets: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Fire Arrow Burning Arrow Flame Arrow Ignite the arrow. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Feather Walk Wind Walk God's speed Make your body lighter to increase moving speed. Increases moving speed STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Moving Speed +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Dash Bullet Dash Powerful Attack You attack as fast as a Bullet Powerful Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Poison Arrow Toxic Arrow Deadly Arrow Coat the arrow with powerful poison. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Throws the target to the ground. Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Finger Strike Burning Finger Strike Finger Explosion Cause a big explosion with your fingertips. Frontal Splash Attack Opponent's defence is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Chance of Piercing Hit %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Dragon Swirl Tornado Swirl Whirlwind Create a strong tornado to defeat several enemies. Splash Attack Opponent is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Chance to ignore an opponent's escape %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Enchanted Blade Enchanted Sword Ghost Blade Endow your blade with a powerful ghost. Increases Attack Power Intelligence Bonus Steal Life from target STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Attack Power +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k Life thief: %.0f%% of damage 10*k -64 SURA Fear Great Fear Terror Weakens the enemies abilities Decrease opponent Increase chance that opponents miss the target It's only activated when you get a hit STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Opponent Attack Power -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Opponent 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Enchanted Armour Stronger Enchanted Armour Armour of Darkness Protect your body with dark armour. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Increases Defence Intelligence Bonus STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Defence +%.0f (iq+30)*k Reflected Close-Combat Damage: %.1f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Dispel Stronger Dispel Dispel Attack Remove all opponent's supporting effects. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets All effects on opponent are removed ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Dispel Chance %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Dark Strike Ghost Strike Dark Explosion Throw the Dark Force to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Flame Strike Burning Strike Flame Detonation Burn enemies with an explosion. Splash Attack Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Flame Spirit Flame Array Flame Explosion Call a Flame Spirit. Long-Range Attack Random Target Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Dark Protection Dark Membrane Protection of Dark Lord Protects you with the Dark Force and converts physical damage into SP. Reduces Magic Damage Increases Defence STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Damage Reduction %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Defence +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Spirit Strike Soul Strike Spirit Assault Throw Dark Spirits to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Opponents are slowed down ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Chance of slowing down %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Dark Orb Dark Globe Dark Sphere Throw Dark Orbs to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Flying Talisman Dragon Throw Massive Throw Throw a talisman to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Shooting Dragon Attacking Dragon Rising Dragon Shoot a dragon figure to attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Chance of lasting fire %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Dragon's Roar Dragon's Scream Dragon's Cry Attack enemies with a dragon figure. Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Lasting Fire Chance %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Blessing Heaven Dragon Protect your partner or yourself with a protection circle. Physical Attack Resistance Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Physical Attack Resistance %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Reflect Reflecting Water Crystal Mirror Protect your partner or yourself with a reflecting circle. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Reflected Physical Attack Damage: %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Dragon's Strength Dragon's Support Dragon Power Strengthens you or your partner's attack. Increases chance of a critical hit Can be used on groups CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Chance of critical hit %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 53c1691f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+(0.5*atk+1.5*str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 200 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk+(0.8*atk+str*5+dex*3+con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 200 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 14 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str+lv*3)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 33+50*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 15 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(4*atk+str*4+con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 100 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(3*atk+str*4+con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 1 0 200 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (200+str*0.2+con*0.5)*k 80+220*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 16 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.7*atk+dex*2+str*2)*k)*0.8 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk+(2.6*atk+number(100,300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+(0.8*atk+dex*8*ar)*k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 17 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(500,700)+dex*4+str*4)*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.6*atk+number(200,300)+dex*7+str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(0.5*atk+dex*9+str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 18 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(13*iq+6*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+6*mwep+str*4+con*2+number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+2*lv+2*iq+(7*iq+6*mwep+number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 43+30*k ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+2*lv+2*iq+(2*con+2*dex+13*iq+6*mwep+number(180,200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk+2*lv+iq*2+(2*atk+str*4+iq*14)*k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+2*lv+iq*2+(1.5*atk+str+iq*12)*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (3*iq+2*lv)*k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 19 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1+29*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 20 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 33+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 21 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+5*lv+(18*iq+6*mwep+120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+3*lv+(22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 22 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3+5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 23 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+4*lv+(7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40+4*lv+(13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50+5*lv+(6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k)*(1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5+35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 24 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 63+120*k SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 25 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+4*lv+(20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 201 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*7+con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*5+con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+7*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120+6*lv+(5*con+5*dex+29*iq+9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 29 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2+15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 30 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 5-(4*k) ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(2.4*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(2*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -124 盲堡贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -129 敌癌贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/en_bridge/ui/createcharacterwindow.py 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"d:/ymir work/ui/public/" -LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_PATH - -ATALS_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (282) / 800 -ATALS_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (170) / 600 - -window = { - "name" : "SelectCharacterWindow", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0), - }, - - ## Alpha - { - "name" : "Alpha", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/background_alpha.sub", - - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 100.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 69.0, - }, - - ## Top & Bottom Line - { - "name" : "Top_Line", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga", - - "rect" 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100644 index 37148475..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -秈骋瓣[ENTER] -[ENTER] -冠稱琌穝盢侣瓣確[ENTER] -穝ミ眎肚参の跌 [ENTER] -瓁ㄆ眏瓣 [ENTER] -[WAIT] -硂瓣產礛吏挂獶盽碿[ENTER] -旧璓凳跑眔忌募の臦笵[ENTER] -瘤礛⊿Τ瞶[ENTER] -穦琌贬畑临琌蛤┮弧[ENTER] -Τ闽碿笲ホ繧┦ [ENTER] - [WAIT] -竒叫瞏[ENTER] -浪琩碿笲ホヘ夹[ENTER] -虏虫碞琌稱穝参瓣[ENTER] -偿み┮ぃ瞶[ENTER] -穦碿笲ホ[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5caf5a93..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL HK NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ???? -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso  -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan 猌竟珇矗芬 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan ň縨珇矗芬 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 杆耿珇矗芬 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu セ犁 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 絤初 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 0 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 苝ホ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 礫翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro てホれ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 簧翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 蝗翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 独翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro ドホ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 嚎逢翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 痌翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro フ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 垂翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 档垂翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro ぱ臩翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 秖步韭 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 秖步韭 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 1 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 秖步韭 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 1 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 產(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner ホ瞅鲤(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin ホ瞅鲤(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 ホ瞅鲤(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 瞅鲤(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 產(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner ホ瞅鲤(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin ホ瞅鲤(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 ホ瞅鲤(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 瞅鲤(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 產(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner ホ瞅鲤(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin ホ瞅鲤(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 ホ瞅鲤(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 瞅鲤(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 牡矫娥 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 れ瞅鲤1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 れ瞅鲤2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 れ瞅鲤3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 れ -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 瞅鲤(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol そ穦篨 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 淬厘措巩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 淬厘缔寒 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 淬厘哭寒 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 淬厘坷弗寒 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 ホ1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 ホ2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 ホ3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 ホ4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 ホ5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 ホ6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 ホ7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 ホ8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 ホ9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 ホ10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9' 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 攫れ1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 攫れ2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 攫れ3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 攫れ4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 攫れ5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 攫れ6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 攫れ7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 攫れ8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 攫れ9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/icon/item/72701.tga b/bin_original/locale/hk/icon/item/72701.tga deleted file mode 100644 index c03ba128..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/hk/icon/item/72701.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/hk/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/hk/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d4ef67fb..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -ANAL -ANUS -ASS -BASTARD -BITCH -CLITORIS -COOLIE -DAMN -FUCK -HEROIN -IDIOT -JAP -KKK -MARIJUANA -NEGRO -NIGGA -PEDO -PENIS -PISS -PORN -PORNO -PUSSY -RAPE -SCREW -SEMEN -SEX -SHIT -SPERM -VAGINA -稦甉 -稦ρダ -巨洱 -巨 -巨疪 -巨ρダ -础洱 -础甉 -蔓ぺ -蔓 -蔓賂 -潮を -潮笵 -潮场 -潮め -潮瓸 -Ь泊 -锭ㄣ -潮掺 -窤 -纓繷 -洱 -洱 -甉 -洱 -痓 -矹 -フ猫 -瞉亢 -瞉マ -眏 -fuck -shit -蘗 -瞳 -甉 -? -? -?笹 - -Р -稦 -盌 -蝰 -FUCK -SHIT -﹛よ -冻癬狝 -笴栏恨瞶 -笴栏代刚 -Gnn -CM diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c8e4f866..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4299 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -20 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -21 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -22 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -29 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -30 WEAPON 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icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/hk/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index aadce7d4..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/hk/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a47a625f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,897 +0,0 @@ -11901 搂狝 ╧┦à︹挡盉拦狝杆 -11902 搂狝 ╧┦à︹挡盉拦狝杆 -11903 盉 ┦à︹挡盉拦狝杆 -11904 盉 ┦à︹挡盉拦狝杆 - -22000 肚癳 肚癳缠 -22010 禬癘拘 簿笆玂 - -25040 ッ疟ン 玂靡杆称どア毖ぃ穦ア, ア毖单. -25041 ト臟 ㄏノ盢ッ疟ンэ▆纒褐 - -25100 腳ホ 秆埃芧笵ㄣ瘆穕艶ホ,秆埃穦痙勃格 -27600 旰 敞辰笵ㄣ -27610 辰眯 嘿 -27620 辰懦 т辰戈膟 - -27799 辰癌 辰癌繷 -27800 逗刮 辰荤 -27801 矻癈 辰荤 -27802 肬辰 辰荤 - -27803 肰辰 俄柑甧ǎ辰 -27804 辰 常嘿ウ肬辰 -27805 答辰 妓璂稲辰 -27806 肬辰 肚弧ウ琌纒ㄠи璶ぃ璶秨ウ㎡! -27807 玘辰 羉崔戳眔ウ穦產秏 -27808 猠辰 弧硂兵辰ネ辰獶盽 -27809 鳺辰 穦瞷猠瑈 -27810 帕辰 癸ō砰篈Τ矪辰┮╧ネ尺舧 -27811 眒璱辰 玻戳硂辰ō祇眒璱肅︹ -27812 猠砨辰 硂贺辰ネ猠柑 -27813 íヘ辰 -27814 苩辰 ウ猠柑翨 -27815 腒 ウ硂ネ爱瞓柑 -27816 笪辰 常尺舧耻ㄏノ硂贺辰暗傣 -27817 猟南 ō砰啡┮螟ъウ -27818 フ浆辰 ウ琌馒┦笆ぐ或常穦 -27819 蝗辰 硂贺辰ネ柑 -27820 烹辰 ぱ猠柑敞辰 -27821 辰 硂兵辰砰㎝肅︹常 -27822 澎辰 硂兵辰澎ぶψ┮尺舧 -27823 独辰 ō穦祇独︹ - -27833 肰辰 肰辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27834 辰 辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27835 答辰 答辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27836 肬辰 肬辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27837 玘辰 玘辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27838 猠辰 猠辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27839 鳺辰 鳺辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27840 帕辰 帕辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27841 眒璱辰 眒璱辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27842 猠砨辰 猠砨辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27843 íヘ辰 íヘ辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27844 苩辰 苩辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27845 腒 腒 / ノ旰縉疦 -27846 笪辰 笪辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27847 猟南 猟南 / ノ旰縉疦 -27848 フ浆辰 フ浆辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27849 蝗辰 蝗辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27850 烹辰 烹辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27851 辰 辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27852 澎辰 澎辰 / ノ旰縉疦 -27853 独辰 独辰 / ノ旰縉疦 - -27863 疦肰辰 確ネ㏑ -27864 疦辰 確弘 -27865 疦答辰 確ネ㏑ -27866 疦肬辰 ﹚丁ず簿笆硉ど -27867 疦玘辰 確弘 -27868 疦猠辰 ﹚丁ずю阑硉ど -27869 疦鳺辰 確ネ㏑ -27870 疦帕辰 ﹚丁ず秖ど -27871 疦眒璱辰 確秖弘 -27872 疦猠砨辰 е硉確弘 -27873 疦íヘ辰 ﹚丁ず庇倍ど -27874 疦苩辰 埃ぃ狦 -27875 疦腒 е硉確ネ㏑ -27876 疦笪辰 е硉確弘 -27877 疦猟南 ㄏノ既硓 -27878 疦フ浆辰 е硉確ネ㏑ -27879 疦蝗辰 -27880 疦烹辰 -27881 疦辰 -27882 疦澎辰 -27883 疦独辰 - -27987 痌癋 Τ诀穦眔痌 -27988 旅腳瓜 旅腳瓜 -27989 伙ホ 笵腳ホ竚 -27990 ホ繨 -27991 疊ホ -27992 フ痌 フ︹贺腳场だ常尺舧 -27993 屡痌 屡︹贺腳场だ常尺舧 -27994 痌 瞏︹贺腳场だ常尺舧 -27995 瞺 瞺柑ぐ或常⊿Τ -27996 瑀瞺 Τ瑀瞺都ノ穦 -27997 ネ㏑ぇ痌 確场ネ㏑ -27998 絤砋 芬竧砋砋柑穦Τ絤盞猭 -27999 腳ホ砋 砋柑Τ腳ホ - - -29001 ī -29002 獵ī -29003 独ī -29004 ī -29005 厚ī -29006 独奎 -29007 獵奎 -29006 瞏独奎 -29007 瞏獵奎 -29008 獵 -29009 独 -29010  -29011 厚 -29012 睱獵 -29013 睱独 -29014 睱 -29015 睱厚 -29012 瞏獵 -29013 瞏独 -29014 瞏 -29015 瞏厚 - -30000 沉 璶艭籹Θ皊 -30001 獺 -30002 μ竮 Τ翴欢琌尺舧垫 -30003 睫惑 肚弧眔┋褐 -30004 偿睫鎦 眏偿睫鎦 -30005 瘆窰帛ヒ 竒穕胊帛ヒ场だ -30006 碍 旱碍睛盿Τ碿 -30007 碍才 矗蔼旱碍驹矮 -30008 ﹙ -﹙毙竡 -30009 ぃ媚 ぃ笵Τぐ或Θだ媚 -30010 ギ旱義 肚弧洛獀ア谋 -30011 絬瞴 辈Θ瞴絬 -30012 皊瞺 瞺柑Τ皊 -30013 皊 艭籹皊┮ㄏノ -30014 撤を 肚弧ネ撤を玂穢 -30015 圾框珇 穦盿ㄓぬ笲珇 -30016 圾腳ホ 肚弧硂腳ホずΤ艶活 -30017 炉 ┦繷緑杆耿珇 -30018 ︹蚕 ┦繷緑杆耿珇 -30019  玂穢ㄣ -30020  肚弧甧 -30021 窰腳ホ 腳ホ窰 -30022 矰Ю 穦祇羘Юぺ -30023 フブ Μ旅產程尺舧笆ブ -30024 皑Ю 籹を掸┪碪 -30025 籮碉瑀舗 砋柑杆帝籮碉瑀睪 -30026 疶竮 瓣ず垫μ竮┮ㄏノ -30027 η疶を 籹繷 -30028 η疶ヒ ㄏノ杆耿珇 -30029 疶▁纽 瓣ず垫μ竮┮ㄏノ -30030 ネ蛮 竒Чネ -30031 ㄣ ㄣ -30032 侣堵砊 堵囊盽盽帝笵狝 -30033 窰病竟 竒穕胊吵病场だ -30034 フ︹蚕 繷緑杆耿珇 -30035  てЗ珇 -30036  肚弧局Τ狦 -30037 ρヒ ボ玦瞨杆耿珇 -30038 ρブ Μ旅產尺舧笆ブ -30039 侣ガ兵 瞦代竒ㄏノ筁籷ガ -30040 腑 ぃ从腑 -30041 灭 贺穞竟 -30042 礙í 胺眃睛 -30043 独ě攫狦龟 局Τ伦碔矹フ借 -30044 诌 籹吵病 -30045 萌瑀皐 -30046 萌Юぺ 瑀萌Юぺ -30047 禔〨 禔〨膟 -30048 繨 窾撤à甃ぱ盿ㄓ睤е狦 -30049 臸腍à 帝繨ㄨ -30050 兜渺 ノ籹瞴ぃ穦磕て -30051 ぃ〨才 ﹙ǎ〨才 -30052 篨 き疶壁篨糾 -30053 旱磝 肚弧矗ど篈贺珇 -30054 挡盉з 挡盉┮ㄏノз -30055 萌Ж Ж -30056 籮碉呼 ㄏノ縱 -30057 籮碉泊氟 Μ旅產獶盽尺舧狥﹁ -30058 籮碉 肚弧抖ネ玻 -30059 籮碉 ㄏノ贺才 -30060 奠繷 稰谋翲絢絢繷 -30061 奠籐 產尺舧瞶 -30062 馒砯┍病竟 媚坝┍┮ㄏノ吵病 -30063 ブ涧媚 獀励ブ涧痜媚 -30064 玠絙ホ 籹絙繷场 -30065 筧臠 Τ孙孙羘 -30066 欢丛 獶盽欢欢丛 -30067 矰ブ -30068 ě籊逼 ㄏノě籊籹 -30069 η疶ヒ+ ㄏノ杆耿珇 -30070 η疶を+ 籹繷 -30071 ギ旱義舗+ 肚弧洛獀ア谋 -30072 旱磝+ 肚弧矗ど篈贺珇 -30073 フ︹蚕+ てЗ珇 -30074 侣堵砊+ 堵囊盽盽帝笵狝 -30075 灭+ 贺穞竟 -30076 碍〨才+ 旱碍才 -30077 碍+ 旱碍睛盿Τ碿 -30078 ﹙+ -﹙毙竡 -30079 ぃ〨才+ ﹙ǎ〨才 -30080 禔〨+ 禔〨膟 -30081 萌Юぺ+ 瑀萌Юぺ -30082 矰Ю+ -30083 ぃ媚+ ぃ笵Θだ媚 -30084 ぃ〨才+ ﹙ǎ〨才 -30085 侣ガ兵+ 瞦代竒ㄏノ筁籷ガ -30086 圾框珇+ 穦盿ㄓぬ笲珇 -30087 圾腳ホ+ 肚弧硂腳ホずΤ艶活 -30088 繨+ 窾撤à甃ぱ盿ㄓ睤е狦 -30089 撤を+ 肚弧ネ撤を玂穢 -30090 兜渺+ ノ籹瞴ぃ穦磕て -30091 猌盢靡 肚弧眔猌谍 -30092 き疶驹珇 驹秤き疶壁眔珇 - -30129 诀盞戈 瓁钉ㄏノ诀盞郎 -30130 瞺 秈ぃ睪砰件瞺 -30131 臟獺 臟盚倒狟ね獺 -30132 ρ厩╯ ρ厩╯尺稲い癘更帝龙瓣㎝らセㄆ薄 -30133 馒砯┍ρ馏赂綾 獶盽簘獹赂綾琌馒砯┍ρ馏程穝禦 -30134 ρ厩╯籷 рρ厩╯セ癬籷 -30135 ︺腞獺 ︺腞盚獺ン - -30136 独à 聐聐ㄏノ -30137 礥﹀ 眖礥ō矗﹀睪 -30138 疊猟诌 ‵簔猟歼Τ獀励砆約獂ㄏノ -30139 碍 穦祇螟籇ギ脋睛 -30140 絬 籹︾狝┮ㄏノ絬 -30141 腳ホ 筁腳ホ籹痌腳耿珇 -30142 獺 穦ㄏΤ侥笆ゴ秨獺ン -30143 媚 ㄣΤ獀励媚 -30144 ρ▁ 眖ρō矗▁纽 -30145 ρ祍媚 ρ祍ノㄓ獀励竲痜媚 -30146 遏 眖刮ㄓ遏 -30147 ﹙毙瞶 Τ﹙毙瞶 -30148 ﹙抖莱才 ﹙ㄏノ贺才 -30149  ㄏノ籹贺垫 -30150 ら癘セ 瓣ノㄓ癘魁竚ら粁 -30151 η疶琗を η疶繷緑瓣い砆約獂ㄏノ -30152 圾獀励警 祡Τ獀励警獀励痚痜 -30153  汲惑Ψぃ窽稱眖玡拘 -30154 ﹙竒ㄥ 癘更帝は癸﹙毙兵だ猂癘魁 -30155 璱铃〤 璉ㄨ帝铃〤 -30156 ﹙竒ㄥ 癘更帝は癸﹙毙兵だ猂癘魁 - -30093 媚砋 Τ腳禥狥﹁砋 -30094 媚砋 Τ腳禥狥﹁砋 -30095 媚砋 Τ腳禥狥﹁砋 -30096 媚砋 Τ腳禥狥﹁砋 - -30210 睲硓ホ -30211 睲硓ホ -30212 睲硓ホ -30213 睲硓ホ -30214 睲硓ホ -30215 睲硓ホ -30216 睲硓ホ -30217 睲硓ホ -30218 睲硓ホ -30219 睲硓ホ - - -50001 崩滤 沮崩滤腹絏 穦莉眔厨筍 -50002 з Τメз坝┍砪芥蔼基窥 -50003 м﹍て ﹍てм -50004 笆ノ伙ホ -50005 肕皑 ㄏノ禣ㄏノ皑で40单ㄏノ - -50006 杆腳絚 ㄏノ芲巴ゴ秨腳絚 -50007 蝗杆腳絚 ㄏノ蝗芲巴ゴ秨腳絚 -50008 芲巴 ㄏノゴ秨杆腳絚㎝杆腳絚+ -50009 蝗芲巴 ㄏノゴ秨蝗杆腳絚㎝蝗杆腳絚+ - -50010 ┋笲柠 ㄏノ眔搂 - -50011 る腳舶 肚弧る穦瞷禬礛瞷禜瞷 - -50012 杆腳絚+ ㄏノ芲巴ゴ秨腳絚 -50013 蝗杆腳絚+ ㄏノ蝗芲巴ゴ秨腳絚 - -50016 ě‵繾 い竊 -50017 フ縸繾 い竊 -50018 きく繾 い竊 -50019 膠μブ -50020 ě‵じ甦 い竊ネ㏑场確 -50021 フ縸じ甦 い竊弘场確 -50022 きくじ甦 い竊瑻场確 - -50023  穝晋癳倒边晋 - -50024 豪 ボ稲薄籔ㄏノ珇 -50025 ォ ボ稲薄瞨盢籔霉ㄏノ珇 - -50027 ユ传 竒闽超ユ传╰参 -50031 豪 ボ稲薄瞨盢籔霉ㄏノ珇 -50032 薄縸 ボ稲薄籔ㄏノ珇 -50033 ぃ絚 ぃ笵杆帝ぐ或狥﹁絚 - -50034 良留絚 絚 -50035 搂絚 盢眔種稱ぃ佩尺!! -50036 搂絚 盢眔種稱ぃ佩尺!! -50037 せヒ腳舶 Τ搂絚 - -50070 碍壁臔腳絚 碍壁臔┮局Τ腳絚 -50071 ﹙毙腳絚 ﹙毙┮局Τ腳絚 -50072 ネ﹙毙腳絚 ネ﹙毙┮局Τ腳絚 -50073 竧ダ碉腳絚 竧ダ碉┮局Τ腳絚 -50074 ド碉腳絚 ド碉┮局Τ腳絚 -50075 ┎臸腳絚 ┎臸┮局Τ腳絚 -50076 纓纒腳絚 纓纒┮局Τ腳絚 -50077 Ю蝗腳絚 Ю蝗┮局Τ腳絚 -50078 疶臔腳絚 疶臔┮局Τ腳絚 -50079 礙腳絚 礙┮局Τ腳絚 -50080 纒腳絚 纒┮局Τ腳絚 -50081 艶驹腳絚 艶驹┮局Τ腳絚 -50082 腳絚 ┮局Τ腳絚 - -50050 翤活 磅︽皑でヴ叭珇 -50051 皑礟 酬皑肕皑簿笆 -50052 翤皑瓜 酬い皑肕皑簿笆ю阑 -50053 κ翤瓜 酬い皑肕皑簿笆ю阑のㄏノм -50054 爱 皑ノ鲁 -50055 炮匠 い皑ノ鲁 -50056 把 蔼皑ノ鲁 -50057 瑌 確皑媚 -50058 い瑌 確い皑媚 -50059 瑌 確蔼皑媚 -50060 肕砃覦 ㄏノΩ皑砃絤ㄏノΘ眔1翴皑砃м50单ㄏノ - -50083 肕皑 单10ㄏノ禣ㄏノ皑で - -50084 挡秆砰ホ ㄏノゴ秨挡ホ繷 - -50091 肰辰关 -50092 肬辰关 -50093 玘辰关 -50094 笪辰关 - -50100 废 档︹废 -50101 废 独︹废 -50102 废 ぱ屡︹废 -50103 废 ︹脸废 -50104 废 厚︹脸废 -50105 废 フ︹脸废 - -50106 废 竧较竊废 -50108 脸 尺舧ㄣ臂锣ю阑 - -50200 籷 秨坝初 -50300 м芬 厩策蔼单м - -50301 甝猭 策1-20参м惠璶м矗ど参ㄏノΩ -50302 猭 策M1-M10参м惠璶м矗ど参ㄏノΩ -50303 碍é猭 策G1-P参м惠璶м矗ど参ㄏノΩ - -50304 硈阑覦() ㄏノΩ -50305 硈阑覦(い) ㄏノΩ -50306 硈阑覦(蔼) ㄏノΩ - -50311 穝腳ㄥ 厩策穝瓣ゅ徊м -50312 ぱ秸腳ㄥ 厩策ぱ秸瓣ゅ徊м -50313 秈骋腳ㄥ 厩策秈骋瓣ゅ徊м - -50307 ヴ叭磅︽() 烩ヴ叭咎靡 -50308 ヴ叭磅︽(い) 烩いヴ叭咎靡 -50309 ヴ叭磅︽(蔼) 烩蔼ヴ叭咎靡 -50310 ヴ叭磅︽(疭) 烩疭ヴ叭咎靡 - -50314 ほて芬 ㄏノほてΘ┣ㄏノΩ单15ㄏノ -50315 ほてм砃 ㄏノほてΘ┣ㄏノΩ单25ㄏノ -50316 籇ほて ㄏノほてΘ┣ㄏノΩ单35ㄏノ - -50821 í籲睪 р磷瑀睪朝てτ籹Θ驹矮徊媚警|パ竒筁朝て媚Τぃ -50822 籲睪 рみ睪朝てτ籹Θ驹矮徊媚警|パ竒筁朝て媚Τぃ -50823 独籲睪 р痷艶腳朝てτ籹Θ驹矮徊媚警|パ竒筁朝て媚Τぃ -50824 厚籲睪 р痷干临朝てτ籹Θ驹矮徊媚警|パ竒筁朝て媚Τぃ -50825 獵籲睪 р痷み睪朝てτ籹Θ驹矮徊媚警|パ竒筁朝て媚Τぃ -50826 フ籲睪 р痷磷瑀睪朝てτ籹Θ驹矮徊媚警|パ竒筁朝て媚Τぃ - -50401 е辟м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50402 痷辟м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50403 м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50404 旅み糃м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50405 ━窰м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50416 耞る猧м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50417 臘м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50418 粪м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50419 臟ガ璵м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50420 辟砕м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м - -50431 留阑м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50432 礚紇糃м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50433 籖近辟м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50434 跑砃м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50435 貉罜废м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50446 砮ら絙м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50447 獴皐絙м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50448 猌絙м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50449 ︽м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50450 籯癌絙м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м - -50461 吊м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50462 臂皚м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50463 辟艶糃м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50464 ﹀步м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50465 活м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50466 床じ砃м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50476 碍м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50477 夯纒緕м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50478 臸礙м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50479 縨活砃м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50480 ōм ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50481 ﹀膎м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м - -50491 耴じ猧м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50492 纒м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50493 纒糞м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50494 ぱ纠м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50495 描皚м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50496 ぱ纒活м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50506 佩ぱ筽м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50507 縍皗м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50508 ぱ筽м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50509 м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50510 淮︾м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м -50511 眏緕砃м ㄏノΩ厩策赣м - -50512 き眒ホ ㄏノ穦м单ど -50513 活ホ ㄏノ穦м单ど - -50600 蹦备芬 ㄏノΩ蹦备ㄏノ - -50601 苝ホ ㄏノそ穦苝ホ岭膌芬籹Θ苝ホ -50602 礫ホ ㄏノそ穦礫岭膌芬籹Θ礫 -50603 てホれホ ㄏノそ穦てホれ岭膌芬籹Θてホれ -50604 簧ホ ㄏノそ穦簧岭膌芬籹Θ簧 -50605 蝗ホ ㄏノそ穦蝗岭岭膌芬籹Θ蝗岭 -50606 ホ ㄏノそ穦独岭膌芬籹Θ独 -50607 ホ ㄏノそ穦ドホ岭膌芬籹Θドホ -50608 嚎逢れ ㄏノそ穦堵廊ホ岭膌芬籹Θ堵廊ホ -50609 痌 ㄏノそ穦痌岭膌芬籹Θ痌 -50610 フホ ㄏノそ穦フ岭膌芬籹Θフ -50611 垂ホ ㄏノそ穦垂岭膌芬籹Θ垂 -50612 档垂ホ ㄏノそ穦档垂岭膌芬籹Θ档垂 -50613 ぱ丽ホ ㄏノそ穦ぱ丽岭膌芬籹Θぱ丽 - -50621 苝ホ 珇糤ふ -50622 礫 -50623 てホれ -50624 簧 -50625 蝗 -50626  -50627 ド -50628 嚎逢 -50629 痌 -50630 フ -50631 垂 -50632 档垂 -50633 ぱ丽 - -50701  р攫跑Θ此狶癸臔涧甧伐ㄣ励 辩琭╯ノ -50702 别 碕種ッ稲ネれい洛盽ノΤ獀励珁孤㎝齿 辩琭╯ノ -50703 琔 Τ肚┦拦ノ琔籹Θ兜铃獽穦еΤ尺Τ獀励┦の篊┦稰琕 辩琭╯ノ -50704 き 籔鐇妮辅腑蔼れ籔鐇癸獀励縸Э痜Τ﹚ 辩琭╯ノ -50705 ホ踰籞 妮虫腑从柑ぱ玭琍琌ネれΤ縀福场 辩琭╯ノ -50706 艶 ぃρ琌禥い媚Τノ杆耿Τ獀励ア痸 辩琭╯ノ -50707 窾痜 妮蛮腑从柑肶琌盽厚拈れ癸獀励竒癐畓Τ﹚ 辩琭╯ノ -50708 偿ネ攫 ノㄣ㎝繨ㄨ腑緄批攫ブ玥ノ媚㎝硑Τ獀励璂 辩琭╯ノ -50709 籞そ璣 妮筧╰从癸筹腣祇Τ﹚励 辩琭╯ノ -50710 贺 贺Τ獀励癌借波肞痝 辩琭╯ノ -50711 辞 辞攫狦龟Τ獀励癌借波肞痝 辩琭╯ノ -50712 狵腑 妮宾攫从癸獀励縸Э痜Τ﹚ 辩琭╯ノ - -50721  р攫跑Θ此狶癸臔涧甧伐ㄣ励 籹媚ノ -50722 别 碕種ッ稲ネれい洛盽ノΤ獀励珁孤㎝齿 籹媚ノ -50723 琔 Τ肚┦拦ノ琔籹Θ兜铃獽穦еΤ尺Τ獀励┦の篊┦稰琕 籹媚ノ -50724 き 籔鐇妮辅腑蔼れ籔鐇癸獀励縸Э痜Τ﹚ 籹媚ノ -50725 ホ踰籞 妮虫腑从柑ぱ玭琍琌ネれΤ縀福场 籹媚ノ -50726 艶 ぃρ琌禥い媚Τノ杆耿Τ獀励ア痸 籹媚ノ -50727 窾痜 妮蛮腑从柑肶琌盽厚拈れ癸獀励竒癐畓Τ﹚ 籹媚ノ -50728 偿ネ攫 ノㄣ㎝繨ㄨ腑緄批攫ブ玥ノ媚㎝硑Τ獀励璂 籹媚ノ -50729 籞そ璣 妮筧╰从癸筹腣祇Τ﹚励 籹媚ノ -50730 贺 贺Τ獀励癌借波肞痝 籹媚ノ -50731 辞 辞攫狦龟Τ獀励癌借波肞痝 籹媚ノ -50732 狵腑 妮宾攫从癸獀励縸Э痜Τ﹚ 籹媚ノ - -50801 睪 籹Θツ睪 -50802 别睪 别籹Θツ睪 秖 +5 -50803 琔睪 琔籹Θツ睪 -50804 き睪 き籹Θツ睪 -50805 ホ踰籞睪 ホ踰籞籹Θツ睪 -50806 艶睪 艶籹Θツ睪 -50807 窾痜睪 窾痜籹Θツ睪 -50808 偿ネ攫睪 偿ネ攫籹Θツ睪 -50809 籞そ璣睪 籞そ璣籹Θツ睪 -50810 贺睪 贺籹Θツ睪 -50811 辞睪 辞籹Θツ睪 -50812 狵腑睪 狵腑籹Θツ睪 -50813 み睪 рホ踰籞睪籹Θ媚 礚跌癸よň縨诀瞯 +10% ( 3だ牧 ) -50814 磷瑀睪 рホ踰籞别睪籹Θ媚 糤2瘆胊诀瞯 +10% ( 3だ牧 ) -50815 干临 р艶琔睪籹Θ媚 -50816 艶腳 р艶き睪籹Θ媚 -50817 痷み睪 р窾痜み睪籹Θ媚 ю阑 +50 -50818 痷磷瑀睪 р窾痜磷瑀睪籹Θ媚 ň縨 +70 -50819 痷干临 р偿ネ攫干临籹Θ媚 臸猭╄к +10% -50820 痷艶腳 р偿ネ攫艶腳籹Θ媚 - -50901 媚瞺 籹媚ㄏノ媚瞺 - -50902 籹媚 -50903 籹媚ノ -50904 籹媚蔼ノ - -50905 み睪籹芬猭 -50906 磷瑀睪籹芬猭 -50907 干临籹芬猭 -50908 艶腳籹芬猭 -50909 痷磷瑀睪籹芬猭 -50910 み睪籹芬猭 - -60001 旱義 -60002 崩滤獺 -60003 畐┹眎 - -70001  -70002 材唉も -70003 猭せ参 钉ㄏノ┮Τ钉竒喷糤30% -70004 -70005 竒喷з ㄏノ糤竒喷ㄏノぃ -70006 粂ēз ㄏノ籔ㄤ瓣產肪硄 -70007 簿笆з -70008 κ篨 ㄏノ氨ゎ籔寄驹矮 -70009 腳絚 -70010 畐ノ -70011 ど媚 -70012 垂键ぇ瞈 ㄏノ搭ぶΙ竒喷 -70013 ぇ瞈 -70014 ﹀采 ㄏノ盢妮┦翴计穝だ皌Τ1翴 -70015 を掸 -70020 皊 ㄏノе硉確砰500 -70024 褐ぇ痌 ㄏノ恶Τ4妮┦發妮┦ -70027 眏痙ē ㄏノ盢珇+4+5Θ瞯矗蔼100% -70035 臸ぇ泊 ㄏノ盢ッ疟ン锣传Θ猌褐 -70037 框а禸 ㄏノ竚м翴1翴 -70038 玦┸ ㄏノ盢ō娩┣栋ō娩ㄏノΩ -70039 蔼も玭皐 ㄏノэ▆Θ瞯糤 -70040 旱碍动み ㄏノ搭ぶ秖50% -70043 敖も甅 ㄏノ┣珇奔瞯糤15 -70047 粂ēз (絛セ) ㄏノ籔ㄤ瓣產肪硄 -70048 留る┸ ㄏノ留旅到碿 -70049 ┋笲ぇз ㄏノ珇ぃ穦奔辅 -70050 旧到臔礟 ㄏノゴ┣到碿確糤2 -70051 旧到臔得 ㄏノゴ┣到碿確糤2 -70052 ╝才 ň縨碿笲 -70053 笲才 ň縨碿笲 -70054 ╝ 箇ň才 ň縨碿笲 - -70102 ě ㄏノ碿计矗蔼到计 - -70104 κ跑帛ヒ ㄏノ跑Θ┣ -70105 κ跑帛ヒ ㄏノ跑Θ┣ -70106 κ跑帛ヒ ㄏノ跑Θ┣ -70107 κ跑帛ヒ ㄏノ跑Θ┣ - -70201 叉︹警 確セ繷緑肅︹ -70202 琕祇警(フ︹) –筳3单ㄏノ -70203 琕祇警(︹) –筳3单ㄏノ -70204 琕祇警(︹) –筳3单ㄏノ -70205 琕祇警(档︹) –筳3单ㄏノ -70206 琕祇警(堵︹) –筳3单ㄏノ - -70301 ﹚薄獺 ボ籔癸よ稲蛮よユ传珇 挡盉τ惠璶珇 -70302 挡盉з 挡盉谍ㄏノ穦肚癳癸よ - - -71001 〨覦 м芬ア毖耚叉ǐ臸 -71002 妮┦﹍て覦 ㄏノ穝匡拒戮穨 -71003 м﹍て覦 ㄏノ﹍てм翴 -71004 纒玂臔 竒喷100%ぃ穦 -71005 粂ēз ㄏノ瓣粂ē -71006 粂ēз ㄏノ瓣粂ē -71007 粂ēз ㄏノ瓣粂ē -71008 辰懦 敞蔼单辰Θ瞯糤2 -71009 畐耎眎 ﹚丁ず畐糤3 -71010 材唉も ㄏノ笆具珇 -71011 荐薄ㄣ ㄘ盿ㄣㄏノ薄笆 -71012 猭せ参 钉ㄏノ┮Τ钉竒喷糤30% -71013 废 -71014 е硉皊 ㄏノю阑硉ど10%ㄏノ30だ牧 -71015 竒喷з ㄏノ竒喷糤2ㄏノ30だ牧 -71016 敖も甅 ㄏノ┣珇奔瞯糤1.5ㄏノ30だ牧 -71017 ┋笲ぇ刽 ㄏノ窥奔瞯ど2ㄏノ30だ牧 -71018 ネ㏑ぇ ㄏノネ㏑е硉確100% -71019 弘ぇ ㄏノ弘е硉確100% -71020 纒ぇ ㄏノネ㏑㎝弘е硉確100% -71021 猌褐 ㄏノ珇Θ+0~+3Θ瞯100% -71022 醇框а ㄏノ盢醇跑Θて篈 -71023 砰框а ㄏノ盢砰跑Θて篈 -71024 秖框а ㄏノ盢秖跑Θて篈 -71025 ホ ㄏノ盢ッ疟ンэ▆蔼も玭皐. -71026 ト臟 ㄏノ盢ッ疟ンэ▆纒褐 -71027 纒ネ㏑ ㄏノ程ネ㏑糤20%ㄏノ30だ牧 -71028 纒ю阑 ㄏノ端甡瞯糤12~15%ㄏノ30だ牧 -71029 纒醇 ㄏノ程弘糤20%ㄏノ30だ牧 -71030 纒ň縨 ㄏノ端瞯12~15%,ㄏノ30だ牧 -71031 纒や穿 ㄏノ┮Τ糤5翴 -71032 纒褐 ㄏノэ▆珇Θ瞯糤10%э▆ア毖珇ぃ穦ア -71033 荐薄ㄣ ㄘ盿ㄣㄏノ薄笆 -71034 е硉皊+ ㄏノю阑硉ど15%ㄏノ30だ牧 -71035 ┷兑 矗蔼穓栋ヴ叭NPC钡珇诀瞯 -71036 碍壁臔酬 ㄏノ酬碍壁臔ō娩 -71037 ﹙毙酬 ㄏノ酬﹙毙ō娩 -71038 竧ダ碉酬 ㄏノ酬竧ダ碉ō娩 -71039 纓纒酬 ㄏノ酬纓纒ō娩 -71040 礙酬 ㄏノ酬礙ō娩 -71041 Ю蝗酬 ㄏノ酬Ю蝗ō娩 -71042 艶驹酬 ㄏノ酬艶驹ō娩 -71043 疶臔酬 ㄏノ酬疶臔ō娩 -71044 蛮端甡 ㄏノ阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 -71045 礚跌ň縨 礚跌ň縨钡ю阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 -71047 籔狟ね拘 -71048 -71049 捣瑚舗 ﹚丁ずㄏノ坝┍ -71050 -71051 ╯伐妮┦發覦 瞷Τ妮┦, 糤程2妮┦ -71052 ╯伐妮┦锣传覦 эパ╯伐發ㄓ糤妮┦ -71053 -71054 瓣锣传膟 ㄏノэ跑瓣ㄏノΩ -71055 虫ユ蠢 ㄏノэ -71056 獵纒ぇ パ+4腳ホど+5Θ诀瞯矗どㄢ -71057 てホれ膓酬 ㄏノ酬てホれ膓ō娩 -71058 簧酬 ㄏノ酬簧ō娩 -71059 蝗酬 ㄏノ酬蝗ō娩 -71060 酬 ㄏノ酬ō娩 -71061 ド酬 ㄏノ酬ドō娩 -71062 堵ホ酬 ㄏノ酬嚎逢ō娩 -71063 痌帮酬 ㄏノ酬痌帮ō娩 -71064 フ酬 ㄏノ酬フō娩 -71065 垂酬 ㄏノ酬垂ō娩 -71066 档垂酬 ㄏノ酬档垂ō娩 -71067 ぱ臩膓酬 ㄏノ酬ぱ臩膓ō娩 -71068 纏續πを ひヾぇ丁稰薄计糤 -71069 ㎝伏φ吏 籔︸玅癬矗ど礚跌ň縨瞯 -71070 稲薄も臢 籔︸玅ゴ┣莉眔竒喷 -71071 稲薄φ吏 籔︸玅癬矗ど阑端甡瞯 -71072 ㎝伏も臢 ┣ю阑 -71073 稲薄兜渺 籔︸玅癬矗どю阑(荡癸) -71074 ㎝伏兜渺 籔︸玅癬矗どň縨(荡癸) -71075 琕祇警(フ︹) -71076 琕祇警(独︹) -71077 琕祇警(︹) -71078 琕祇警(脚︹) -71079 琕祇警(堵︹) -71080 筴ホ酬 ㄏノ酬筴ホō娩 -71081 い筴ホ酬 ㄏノ酬い筴ホō娩 -71082 蔼筴ホ酬 ㄏノ酬蔼筴ホō娩 -71083 ホ覦 ㄏノ矗腳ホふず瘆窰ホΩ盢ㄤ腳ホ耚ふず -71084 發珇妮┦覦 ㄏノэ跑珇妮┦ -71085 珇妮┦锣传覦 ㄏノ糤珇妮┦ -71086 单ヴ叭(20~29) -71087 单ヴ叭(30~39) -71088 ヴ叭磅︽() -71089 ヴ叭磅︽(い) -71090 ヴ叭磅︽(蔼) -71091 蔼舗 э跑坝┍夹ボ砰肅︹ -71092 κ跑覦 ㄏノ跑Θ┣ -71093 κ跑帛ヒ ㄏノ跑Θ┣ -71094 毙癡 м絤Θ瞯糤2.5ㄏノΩ - - - -72001 竒喷з ㄏノ竒喷糤2 -72002 竒喷з ㄏノ竒喷糤2 -72003 竒喷з ㄏノ竒喷糤2 -72004 敖も甅 ㄏノ┣珇奔瞯糤1.5 -72005 敖も甅 ㄏノ┣珇奔瞯糤1.5 -72006 敖も甅 ㄏノ┣珇奔瞯糤1.5 -72007 捣瑚舗 ㄏノ坝┍ -72008 捣瑚舗 ㄏノ坝┍ -72009 捣瑚舗 ㄏノ坝┍ -72010 纏續πを ひヾぇ丁稰薄计糤2 -72011 纏續πを ひヾぇ丁稰薄计糤2 -72012 纏續πを ひヾぇ丁稰薄计糤2 -72013 辰懦 敞蔼辰Θ瞯糤2 -72014 辰懦 敞蔼辰Θ瞯糤2 -72015 辰懦 敞蔼辰Θ瞯糤2 -72016 材唉も ㄏノ笆具珇 -72017 材唉も ㄏノ笆具珇 -72018 材唉も ㄏノ笆具珇 -72019 畐耎眎 ﹚丁ず畐糤3 -72020 畐耎眎 ﹚丁ず畐糤3 -72021 畐耎眎 ﹚丁ず畐糤3 -72022 ┋笲ぇ刽 ㄏノ窥奔瞯ど2ㄏノ30だ牧 -72023 ┋笲ぇ刽 ㄏノ窥奔瞯ど2ㄏノ30だ牧 -72024 ┋笲ぇ刽 ㄏノ窥奔瞯ど2ㄏノ30だ牧 -72025 礚跌ň縨 礚跌ň縨钡ю阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 -72026 礚跌ň縨 礚跌ň縨钡ю阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 -72027 礚跌ň縨 礚跌ň縨钡ю阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 -72028 荐薄ㄣ ㄘ盿ㄣㄏノ薄笆 -72029 荐薄ㄣ ㄘ盿ㄣㄏノ薄笆 -72030 荐薄ㄣ ㄘ盿ㄣㄏノ薄笆 -72031 纒ю阑 ㄏノ端甡瞯糤12~15%,ㄏノ30だ牧 -72032 纒ю阑 ㄏノ端甡瞯糤12~15%,ㄏノ30だ牧 -72033 纒ю阑 ㄏノ端甡瞯糤12~15%,ㄏノ30だ牧 -72034 纒ň縨 ㄏノ端瞯12~15%,ㄏノ30だ牧 -72035 纒ň縨 ㄏノ端瞯12~15%,ㄏノ30だ牧 -72036 纒ň縨 ㄏノ端瞯12~15%,ㄏノ30だ牧 -72037 纒ネ㏑ ㄏノ程ネ㏑ど20% -72038 纒ネ㏑ ㄏノ程ネ㏑ど20% -72039 纒ネ㏑ ㄏノ程ネ㏑ど20% -72040 纒醇 ㄏノ程弘ど20% -72041 纒醇 ㄏノ程弘ど20% -72042 纒醇 ㄏノ程弘ど20% -72043 猭せ参 钉ㄏノ┮Τ钉竒喷糤30% -72044 猭せ参 钉ㄏノ┮Τ钉竒喷糤30% -72045 猭せ参 钉ㄏノ┮Τ钉竒喷糤30% -72046 蛮端甡 ㄏノ阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 -72047 蛮端甡 ㄏノ阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 -72048 蛮端甡 ㄏノ阑ど20%ㄏノ丁10だ牧 - -72501 竒喷з(呼盡ノ) ㄏノ竒喷ど2(呼盡ノ) -72502 敖も甅(呼盡ノ) 奔腳瞯ど1.5(呼盡ノ) -72701 ぇ綾 綾艶е簿笆硉 膀セ硉 60% ど(+30) -72702 箄 綾艶е簿笆硉 膀セ硉 +60 ど -72715 箄 綾艶е簿笆硉 膀セ硉 +60 ど -72716 箄 綾艶е簿笆硉 膀セ硉 +60 ど - - -73001 祏緑緑(︹) 酱肞︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -73002 祏緑緑(脚︹) 酱肞脚︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -73003 祏緑緑(ぱ屡︹) 酱肞ぱ屡︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -73004 祏緑緑(独︹) 酱肞独︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -73005 繷盿(︹) ノ︹繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -73006 繷盿(よ妓) ノよ妓繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -73007 繷盿(屡︹) ノ屡︹繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -73008 繷盿(厚妓) ノ厚︹繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -73009 Ю緑(堵︹) р堵︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 -73010 Ю緑(︹) р︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 -73011 Ю緑(独︹) р独︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 -73012 Ю緑(厚︹) р厚︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 - -73251 皑Ю緑(脚︹) ┦尺稲脚︹緑緑 -73252 皑Ю緑(厚︹) ┦尺稲厚︹緑緑 -73253 皑Ю緑(獵︹) ┦尺稲獵︹緑緑 -73254 皑Ю緑(睭脚︹) ┦尺稲睭脚︹緑緑 -73255 聅緑(︹) р︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73256 聅緑(脚︹) р脚︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73257 聅緑(睱脚︹) р睱脚︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73258 聅緑(档︹) р档︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73259 祏緑緑(︹) р︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 -73260 祏緑緑(ぱ屡︹) рぱ屡︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 -73261 祏緑緑(堵︹) р堵︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 -73262 祏緑緑(独︹) р独︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 - -73501 笲笆緑(フ︹) р霉フ︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -73502 笲笆緑(脚︹) р霉脚︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -73503 笲笆緑(独︹) р霉独︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -73504 笲笆緑(厚︹) р霉厚︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -73505 緔緑(フ︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶フ︹緑 -73506 緔緑(︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶︹緑 -73507 緔緑(堵︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶堵︹緑 -73508 緔緑(档︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶档︹緑 -73509 慌慌緑(フ︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌フ︹緑 -73510 慌慌緑(ぱ屡︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌ぱ屡︹緑 -73511 慌慌硑(堵︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌堵︹緑 -73512 慌慌硑(脚︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌脚︹緑 - -73751 焦胶肠(脚︹) ノ焦胶肠р脚︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -73752 焦胶肠(堵︹) ノ焦胶肠р堵︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -73753 焦胶肠(ぱ屡︹) ノ焦胶肠рぱ屡︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -73754 焦胶肠(フ︹) ノ焦胶肠рフ︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -73755 い緑(脚︹) р脚︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73756 い緑(堵︹) р堵︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73757 い緑(独︹ ) р独︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73758 い緑(档︹) р档︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -73759 緑(睱脚︹) р睱脚︹緑祏緑 -73760 緑(独︹ ) р独︹緑祏緑 -73761 緑(档︹) р档︹緑祏緑 -73762 緑(脚︹) р脚︹緑祏緑 - -74001 祏緑緑(︹) 酱肞︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -74002 祏緑緑(脚︹) 酱肞脚︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -74003 祏緑緑(ぱ屡︹) 酱肞ぱ屡︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -74004 祏緑緑(独︹) 酱肞独︹祏緑盡ㄉ﹖縒瞨盢τ砞 -74005 繷盿(︹) ノ︹繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -74006 繷盿(よ妓) ノよ妓繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -74007 繷盿(屡︹) ノ屡︹繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -74008 繷盿(厚妓) ノ厚︹繷盿р緑玂狠缠 -74009 Ю緑(堵︹) р堵︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 -74010 Ю緑(︹) р︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 -74011 Ю緑(独︹) р独︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 -74012 Ю緑(厚︹) р厚︹緑癬琌矮尺稲緑 - -74251 皑Ю緑(脚︹) ┦尺稲脚︹緑緑 -74252 皑Ю緑(厚︹) ┦尺稲厚︹緑緑 -74253 皑Ю緑(獵︹) ┦尺稲獵︹緑緑 -74254 皑Ю緑(睭脚︹) ┦尺稲睭脚︹緑緑 -74255 聅緑(︹) р︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74256 聅緑(脚︹) р脚︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74257 聅緑(睱脚︹) р睱脚︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74258 聅緑(档︹) р档︹繷緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74259 祏緑緑(︹) р︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 -74260 祏緑緑(ぱ屡︹) рぱ屡︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 -74261 祏緑緑(堵︹) р堵︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 -74262 祏緑緑(独︹) р独︹繷緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆㎝е硉ю阑 - -74501 笲笆緑(フ︹) р霉フ︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -74502 笲笆緑(脚︹) р霉脚︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -74503 笲笆緑(独︹) р霉独︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -74504 笲笆緑(厚︹) р霉厚︹緑芭祏よ獽ら盽笆 -74505 緔緑(フ︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶フ︹緑 -74506 緔緑(︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶︹緑 -74507 緔緑(堵︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶堵︹緑 -74508 緔緑(档︹) パ瑈肚ㄓ緔獶档︹緑 -74509 慌慌緑(フ︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌フ︹緑 -74510 慌慌緑(ぱ屡︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌ぱ屡︹緑 -74511 慌慌硑(堵︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌堵︹緑 -74512 慌慌硑(脚︹) ㄓΤ翴п慌慌脚︹緑 - -74751 焦胶肠(脚︹) ノ焦胶肠р脚︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -74752 焦胶肠(堵︹) ノ焦胶肠р堵︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -74753 焦胶肠(ぱ屡︹) ノ焦胶肠рぱ屡︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -74754 焦胶肠(フ︹) ノ焦胶肠рフ︹緑俱瞶爱瞓緑 -74755 い緑(脚︹) р脚︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74756 い緑(堵︹) р堵︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74757 い緑(独︹ ) р独︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74758 い緑(档︹) р档︹緑祏眔睲腞叉玌緑 -74759 緑(睱脚︹) р睱脚︹緑祏緑 -74760 緑(独︹ ) р独︹緑祏緑 -74761 緑(档︹) р档︹緑祏緑 -74762 緑(脚︹) р脚︹緑祏緑 -75001 稲蛮纆(︹) ︹蛮纆緑陪眏瞨盢稲 30ぱ -75002 稲蛮纆(睭︹) 睭︹蛮纆緑陪眏瞨盢稲 30ぱ -75003 稲蛮纆(屡︹) 屡︹蛮纆緑陪眏瞨盢稲 30ぱ -75004 稲蛮纆(睱脚︹) 睱脚︹蛮纆緑陪眏瞨盢稲 30ぱ -75005 祏緑皌膢(脚︹) 臮のら盽笆τ芭脚︹祏緑緑竲场膢程ま 30ぱ -75006 祏緑皌膢(禜フ︹) 臮のら盽笆τ芭禜フ︹祏緑緑竲场膢程ま 30ぱ -75007 祏緑皌膢(屡︹) 臮のら盽笆τ芭屡︹祏緑緑竲场膢程ま 30ぱ -75008 祏緑皌膢(厚︹) 臮のら盽笆τ芭厚︹祏緑緑竲场膢程ま 30ぱ -75009 纆緑(堵︹) 陪繴絬兵р堵︹繷緑Θ纆緑 30ぱ -75010 纆緑(睭︹) 陪繴絬兵р睭︹繷緑Θ纆緑 30ぱ -75011 纆緑(睱脚︹) 陪繴絬兵р睱脚︹繷緑Θ纆緑 30ぱ -75012 纆緑(厚︹) 陪繴絬兵р厚︹繷緑Θ纆緑 30ぱ - -75201 緑(脚︹) 嘿皑Ю緑琌┦尺稲脚︹緑 30ぱ -75202 緑(厚︹) 嘿皑Ю緑琌┦尺稲厚︹緑 30ぱ -75203 緑(屡︹) 嘿皑Ю緑琌┦尺稲屡︹緑 30ぱ -75204 緑(禜フ︹) 嘿皑Ю緑琌┦尺稲禜フ︹緑 30ぱ -75205 繷(フ︹) ㄘ拦フ︹繷玂狠缠俱霍緑 30ぱ -75206 繷(茎厚︹) ㄘ拦茎厚︹繷玂狠缠俱霍緑 30ぱ -75207 繷(猟独︹) ㄘ拦猟独︹繷玂狠缠俱霍緑 30ぱ -75208 繷(︹) ㄘ拦︹繷玂狠缠俱霍緑 30ぱ -75209 酱肞緑(︹) 臮の笆┦癬ㄓ庇倍︹酱肞緑 30ぱ -75210 酱肞緑(睱屡︹) 臮の笆┦癬ㄓ庇倍睱屡︹酱肞緑 30ぱ -75211 酱肞緑(堵︹) 臮の笆┦癬ㄓ庇倍堵︹酱肞緑 30ぱ -75212 酱肞緑(独︹) 臮の笆┦癬ㄓ庇倍独︹酱肞緑 30ぱ - -75401 い┦緑(η︹) 臮┦㎝ぶ玊禜フ︹緑Τ兵膢 30ぱ -75402 い┦緑(睱脚︹) 臮┦㎝ぶ玊禜睱脚︹緑Τ兵膢 30ぱ -75403 い┦緑(独︹) 臮┦㎝ぶ玊禜独︹緑Τ兵膢 30ぱ -75404 い┦緑(厚︹) 臮┦㎝ぶ玊禜厚︹緑Τ兵膢 30ぱ -75405 ほ緑(フ︹) 肚ㄓ钵フ︹緑ㄢ狠场程疭 30ぱ -75406 ほ緑(︹) 肚ㄓ钵︹緑ㄢ狠场程疭 30ぱ -75407 ほ緑(堵︹) 肚ㄓ钵堵︹緑ㄢ狠场程疭 30ぱ -75408 ほ緑(档︹) 肚ㄓ钵档︹緑ㄢ狠场程疭 30ぱ -75409 緑(フ︹) 蔼禥フ︹緑碔糷Ω稰泊玡獹 30ぱ -75410 緑(档︹) 蔼禥档︹緑碔糷Ω稰泊玡獹 30ぱ -75411 緑(堵︹) 蔼禥堵︹緑碔糷Ω稰泊玡獹 30ぱ -75412 緑(脚︹) 蔼禥脚︹緑碔糷Ω稰泊玡獹 30ぱ - -75601 緑(猟独︹) 獹腞猟独︹緑癬ㄓ俱间 30ぱ -75602 緑(瞏屡︹) 獹腞瞏屡︹緑癬ㄓ俱间 30ぱ -75603 緑(屡︹) 獹腞屡︹緑癬ㄓ俱间 30ぱ -75604 緑(η︹) 獹腞η︹緑癬ㄓ俱间 30ぱ -75605 緑(脚︹) だ脚︹緑陪祑禜 30ぱ -75606 緑(瞏屡︹) だ瞏屡︹緑陪祑禜 30ぱ -75607 緑(独︹) だ独︹緑陪祑禜 30ぱ -75608 緑(档︹) だ档︹緑陪祑禜 30ぱ -75609 獿緑(脚︹) 伐碔タ参い瓣猌獿︹眒脚︹緑 30ぱ -75610 獿緑(η脚︹) 伐碔タ参い瓣猌獿︹眒η脚︹緑 30ぱ -75611 獿緑(档︹) 伐碔タ参い瓣猌獿︹眒档︹緑 30ぱ -75612 獿緑(︹) 伐碔タ参い瓣猌獿︹眒︹緑 30ぱ - -80001 窥砋 -80002 フ -80008 独旷 ゼ竒ヴ独旷坝┍砪芥蔼基窥 - -90001 表 -90002 表 -90003 垂 -90004 腳ホ -90005 疊ホ -90006 腳ホ -90007 膓ホ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e9a99679..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -琌祏糃㎝絙盡穨[ENTER] -炳も蔼非璶竒筁摧慌[ENTER] -癡絤筁祘┮ㄤ计秖ぃ琌[ENTER] -琌璶ㄣ称琘贺疭﹚兵ン,[ENTER] -禬眏驹矮ìп[ENTER] -[WAIT] -锣驹秈祘玂靡庇倍㎝[ENTER] -硉┮ㄏノ淮獽ň縨[ENTER] -帛ヒ硂琌斑畓翴[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e3241d01..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -琌烩礛瑈硊籔潮锭酚[ENTER] -ててōノ礛秖[ENTER] -祇揣エ肩犁硑岛腞[ENTER] -砃局Τ瞁方醚[ENTER] -┮稱籔肪硄 [ENTER] -[WAIT] -玱ぶΤ镑ǎ痷タ[ENTER] -てō弘硄砃盢Θ[ENTER] -驹初闽璶à︹ - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ae4c4403..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -霉盢碿臸贺盚ネ[ENTER] -も羥ノㄓ臸猭秖[ENTER] -籔ぃぃ穦獺[ENTER] -┮ㄏ眔㏄瞅⊿Τ克狟[ENTER] -ねヘ夹Τ碞琌[ENTER] -[WAIT] -發―嘲程眏秖[ENTER] -ㄆ常盢跌锚[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 79656a13..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -瞨盢局Τр網エ糃の玴[ENTER] -龟帛ヒ眖笴栏秨﹍碞Θ[ENTER] -闽猔礘翴⊿Τ幢桨跌[ENTER] -發―葵臟ψ㎝瞓[ENTER] -圭繰弘俱嘲⊿[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Τ╄咀极竲˙[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d2239ea..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 礮锋 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 到碿 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN ю阑瞷岿粇 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 礚猭ю阑ê寄 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 硂礚猭秈ю癸よ -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE ユ传珇ぃ传ㄘ拦杆称 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 籔坝┍ユぃ传ㄘ拦杆称 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 約初礚猭秨币坝┍ -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 礚猭ю阑ê寄 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW ⊿Τ絙,叫杆称絙 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 硂礚猭秈ю癸よ -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 礚猭綼跋 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK ぃю阑 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 礚猭ю阑ê寄 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 叫盢辰杆称ō -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 肕皑ㄏノм -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瞺 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瑀瞺 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 叫匡拒ю阑寄 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 砰ぃ镑! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 弘ぃ镑! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 肕皑ぃㄏノм -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON ㄏノ猌竟,礚猭ㄏノм -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 临ぃㄏノм -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE ㄏノ︸ō -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 叫ㄏノō -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 杆称辰,礚猭ㄏノм -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 硂礚猭秈ю -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 礚猭ㄏノō -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 瞷临ぃㄏノ -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 瞷琌┶荡╬册篈 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s ⊿Τ硈钡笴栏狝竟 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE ┶荡╬册篈,ぃ祇癳╬册戈癟 SNA -CHANNEL 狝竟 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT ぃ祅嘲礶 -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 礚狝竟 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 狝竟 %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL This channel is full! Please choose another one. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 礚猭硈钡狝竟 -CHANNEL_PVP PVP -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 叫匡拒祅嘲狝竟 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 叫匡拒跋 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 叫匡拒狝竟 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 代刚狝竟 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 代刚 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 场 -CHAT_BLOCK ち耞 -CHAT_GUILD そ穦 -CHAT_INFORMATION 獺 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING ぃ続讽虫迭 -CHAT_LOG 秨币册ぱ -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 秨币册ぱ -CHAT_NORMAL タ盽 -CHAT_NOTICE そ -CHAT_PARTY 舱钉 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT ビ叫册ぱ -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 肚 -CHAT_SHOUT 驰 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT –15驰Ω -CHAT_WHISPER ╬册 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME ぃㄏノ珹<笲犁>嘿 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME ぃ讽嘿 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME à︹狡 -CREATE_FAILURE 礚猭承à︹ -CREATE_GM_NAME 笲犁 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 叫块à︹ -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 逞緇妮┦翴 -DAY ら -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 %s %s ㄢ潦禦盾 -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 %s %s %s ㄢ潦禦盾 -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY 絋﹚璶メ奔%d刽盾 -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 %s  %s ㄢ扳盾 -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 %s %s %s ㄢ扳盾 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 礚猭メ奔ㄘ盿杆称 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 秨币坝┍ぃメ斌珇 -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 礚猭メ奔1000刽 -EMOTION_ANGRY ネ -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 护碽 -EMOTION_BANTER  -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 舧㊣ 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 舧㊣ 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP ゴ -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 匡拒癸よ -EMOTION_CLAP 躬磝 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 钡 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 禤 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 铬籖1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 铬籖2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 铬籖3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 铬籖4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 铬籖5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 教 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 荐 -EMOTION_JOY 蔼砍 -EMOTION_SAD 磀端 -EMOTION_SHY 甡槽 -EMOTION_SLAP φ -EMPIRE_A 穝瓣 -EMPIRE_B ぱ秸瓣 -EMPIRE_C 秈骋瓣 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE ぃユ传珇 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY ∕﹚计肂ぃ跑 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 礚猭ユ传ㄘ盿杆称 -EXCHANGE_MONEY ユ传刽 -EXCHANGE_TITLE ㎝%s ユ传 -FISHING_FAILURE 封辰辰荤,ǔ硉発禲 -FISHING_NOTIFY1 %s е -FISHING_NOTIFY2 %s 竒 -FISHING_SUCCESS1 眔%s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 莉眔%s -FISHING_UNKNOWN ぃ笵ぐ或狥﹁筥 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 礚猭硂敞辰 -FOR_FEMALE ┦ノ -FOR_MALE ╧┦ノ -GAME_CANNOT_MINING ぃ肕皑蹦膓 -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 珇ぃ妮,礚舦珺 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 菲公陪ボア毖 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectXセび\n叫杆DirectX8.1セ -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 盎代陪ア毖\n叫絋粄眤陪笲︽笴栏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 陪﹍てア毖\n叫絋粄眤陪琌や穿笴栏\n┪絋粄祑砰硉琌ゴ秨\n北狾->陪ボ->砞竚翴蔼п\n->ˇ好螟秆氮ˇ匡兜いр祑砰硉秸程蔼 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 眤陪ぃや穿32じ跌怠家Α\n砞Θ16じ┪家Α -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 杆称戈癟岿粇\n叫穝杆笴栏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 陪ボア毖 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO ┣戈癟岿粇\n叫穝杆笴栏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 呼隔﹍てア毖\n叫浪琩籔internet硈钡篈 -GAME_PICK_MONEY 莉眔%d 刽 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT ぃ琌128 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 莱12 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 糴莱16 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 糴ぃ琌64 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 礚猭更そ穦瓜ボ -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH 叫рそ穦夹粁纒臱 online/upload ゅンЖ -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT ⊿Τ莱そ穦瓜ボ -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 腁滦驹 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 絃驹 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s そ穦眤そ穦祇珼驹. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 琌钡? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 臦驹 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 单 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 縱嘿 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE ⊿Τゲ璶確纒 -GUILD_COMMENT 更ゅ -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME そ穦嘿ぃ琌讽┪竒砆ノ,叫穝 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE そ穦穦 -GUILD_DELETE 埃 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 窥 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP ㄏノ%d 刽,確 %d 纒. -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 璶そ穦盾 -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA  -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 癸よそ穦嘿 -GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding -GUILD_GEM 腳ホ -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Main Building -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 纒確 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY ⊿Τ -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Minimum level of 4 required -GUILD_NAME そ穦嘿 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL ぃìぃ縱┬ -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 窥ぃìぃ縱┬ -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 眤⊿Τ糶そ砛舦 -GUILD_OBJECT Objects -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 璶だ皌竒喷 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 竒喷ぃ镑 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 膀戈癟 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 矗ボ狾 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 戮恨瞶 -GUILD_TILE_INFO そ穦獺 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER そ穦穦 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL そ穦м -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 驹矮丁30だ牧 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 莉秤よ莉眔﹀瞺贱纘 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP ㄏノ盡ノ瓜 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP ㄏノ瞷Τ瓜 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE だ计蔼そ穦眔秤 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 穖管癸よ篨糾Κ膀 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 р癸よ篨糾础膀よ眔秤 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 防癸よ场そ穦Θそ穦眔秤 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 窥 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 眤临⊿Τそ穦 -HORSE_HEALTH0  -HORSE_HEALTH1 痟骋 -HORSE_HEALTH2 娜緅 -HORSE_HEALTH3 侈埂 -HORSE_LEVEL1 ギ皑 -HORSE_LEVEL2 Θ皑 -HORSE_LEVEL3 ▆緎 -HOUR  -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 稱メ斌%s盾? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 稱斌%s%s盾? -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 叫块痻皚癸莱盞絏 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 痻皚 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 叫块埃à︹盞絏 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 埃à︹ -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 癘拘禸ぃ舼 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 絋﹚璶盾? -JOB_ASSASSIN  -JOB_ASSASSIN0 ǎ策 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 網 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 κ -JOB_SHAMAN  -JOB_SHAMAN0 ǎ策 -JOB_SHAMAN1 肩纒 -JOB_SHAMAN2 ╣筽 -JOB_SURA 霉 -JOB_SURA0 ǎ策霉 -JOB_SURA1 ほ猌 -JOB_SURA2 堵臸 -JOB_WARRIOR 瞨盢 -JOB_WARRIOR0 ǎ策瞨盢 -JOB_WARRIOR1 ﹙ -JOB_WARRIOR2 糃﹙ -LEFT_TIME 逞緇丁 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 硈钡狝竟ア毖 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 硈钡狝竟Θ -LOGIN_CONNETING タ硈钡い -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 眀腹タ秈︽笴栏 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 祅魁笴栏瞷岿粇 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 眀腹挡い叫籔﹛よ狝硈蹈 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Please choose one of the other servers! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 眤眀腹ゼ -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 眀腹既临ゼ秨硄 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 块眀腹ぃ -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID ヘ玡矪珇確い眀腹 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 狝竟蝴臔い叫祔祅魁 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER ノめ祅嘲筁叫祔硈钡 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN ぃ岿粇(%d)祅魁ア毖 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 块痻皚盞絏岿粇 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 祘Α盢ミ闽超 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 盞絏岿粇 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 叫块眀腹 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 叫块盞絏 -LOGIN_PROCESSING タ祅魁 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 珇mallぃ秈珇 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 盞絏 -MAP_A1 ッǘ -MAP_A2 狜纒é -MAP_A3 戈锭郡 -MAP_AG い郡 -MAP_B1 奸ǘ -MAP_B2 狶絓 -MAP_B3 褐供郡 -MAP_BG 纒郡 -MAP_C1 キ猌ǘ -MAP_C2 ┬é -MAP_C3 痴霉郡 -MAP_CG 狶猠郡 -MAP_DESERT 紇磀‵簔 -MAP_FLAME 繤臸 -MAP_NUSLUCK Land of Giants -MAP_SKELTOWER 艶娥 -MAP_SNOW 滴碒 -MAP_SPIDER 絃捣瑌 -MAP_TEMPLE 充豲 -MAP_TREE 碍れ狶 -MAP_TRENT02 Red Forest -MAP_WL Snakefield -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 睰ね -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %sрねヘ魁 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 钡盾? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 絋﹚璶埃盾 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 絋﹚璶埃も诀腹絏盾? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 絋﹚璶簿笆盾? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 瞷 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 產壁 -MESSENGER_FRIEND ね -MESSENGER_GUILD そ穦 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 叫块も诀祏獺钡Μ粄靡腹絏 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 块粄靡腹絏 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 ぃ块も诀腹絏,礚猭祇癳祏獺 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 瞷璶块腹絏盾? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 块も诀腹絏 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 璶祇癳祏獺ず甧 -MINIMAP 瓜 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 礚猭琩瓜 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 礚猭琩俱砰瓜 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 罽 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE  -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 芠驹 %d -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 俱砰瓜 -MINUTE だ -MONETARY_UNIT0 ㄢ -MONETARY_UNIT1 窾 -MONETARY_UNIT2 货 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 扳基 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 秨坝┍ぃ簿笆珇竚 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST ⊿Τ莱贾郎 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 纒緎纐粄璉春贾 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC ⊿Τ匡拒贾郎 -NEEFD_REST 惠璶ヰ -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 既⊿Τ秨 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE ゼそ穦à︹ぃ砞﹚そ穦家Α -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT 瞷礚猭秈︽ PvP 癸驹. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d单秈︽ PvP 癸驹. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER ю阑 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER ю阑硉 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER м尿丁 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER ň縨 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 贱纘竒喷 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 程弘 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 程ネ㏑ : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 秆床舱钉 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT ビ叫セ舱钉. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 種舱钉盾 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 竒喷だ皌よΑ -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 单だ皌 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 单禫蔼莉眔竒喷禫 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY キАだ皌 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP ┮Τ舱钉ΘキАだ皌竒喷 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 確 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 舱钉竒喷糤ㄓ1.5 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 舱钉竒喷糤ㄓ2 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 癶舱钉 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 丁蝴舱钉闽玒贱纘竒喷 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [钉瞒絬] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 酬眶舱钉Θ -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 砰 弘 確贱纘: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 癸よ┶荡眤ビ叫. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 砞ю阑も -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 砞╣驹も -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 砞絯侥も -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 砞ň縨も -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 秆埃 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 砞мも -PARTY_SET_TANKER 砞珸毕も -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER ю阑も膀セю阑 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER ╣驹もю阑硉 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 絯侥もм尿丁 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER ň縨もň縨 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN ネ㏑確硉 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 舱钉狦絛瞅糤 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER мも程弘 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 弘確硉 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 珸毕も程ネ㏑ +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 確舱钉Θ -PASSWORD_TITLE 畐盞絏 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 璶计 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 璶肂 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 坝┍ぃ扳珇 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 琌闽超坝┍? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 叫块坝┍ -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 叫块基 -PVP_LEVEL0 ぱ -PVP_LEVEL1 璣动 -PVP_LEVEL2 碙 -PVP_LEVEL3 獿 -PVP_LEVEL4 キチ -PVP_LEVEL5  -PVP_LEVEL6 夯 -PVP_LEVEL7 臸繷 -PVP_LEVEL8 臦 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP そ穦家Α -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP パ家Α -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP ㎝キ家Α -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 玂臔家Α -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 到碿家Α -PVP_OPTION_KILL 到碿家Α -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL ㎝キ家Α -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 玂臔家Α -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE パ家Α -QUEST_APPEND 更穝ヴ叭 -QUEST_MIN だ -QUEST_SEC  -QUEST_TIMEOVER 禬丁 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME ⊿Τ丁 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 杆称礚猭е倍逆 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE Μ%s倒眤祇戈癟 -REFINE_COST ど禣ノ%dㄢ -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING どア毖旧璓杆称ア -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 どア毖盢旧璓珇ア, -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 絋﹚э▆盾 -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING どア毖旧璓杆称单 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 絋﹚璶р腳ホ盾 -REFINE_FAILURE どア毖 -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM ㄘ盿杆称礚猭芧碠 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM ⊿Τ腳ホ -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 惠璶э▆珇 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 礚猭ゴふ -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 %s ⊿Τ腳ホふぃ芧碠 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 礚猭ゴふ杆称 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 矗蔼┦珇 -REFINE_SUCCESS どΘ -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY どΘ阀瞯 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 絋﹚璶ど盾 -SAFEBOX_ERROR 盞絏岿粇 -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 杆称礚猭畐 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 穝盞絏块岿粇 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 瞷篒瓜 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 纗Θ -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 玂篒瓜ア毖 -SECOND  -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 礚猭埃à︹ -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME эà︹嘿Θ -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME à︹竒 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 叫穝沽刚 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME à︹嘿岿粇 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE эà︹嘿 -SELECT_DELEING タ埃à︹ -SELECT_DELETED 埃Ч拨 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 絋﹚璶埃盾 -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 承à︹ -SELECT_GM_NAME 笲犁 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 叫匡拒惠璶эà︹ -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD ⊿Τ┮妮そ穦 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 匡拒稱璶潦禦珇潦禦 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 礚猭芥奔杆称珇 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 赣珇礚猭芥奔 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 坝┍玻ネ岿粇: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 岿粇杆称 -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 珇逆ず⊿Τ盯竚 -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 刽ぃ镑 -SHOP_SELL_INFO 匡拒稱璶扳珇碞芥奔 -SHOP_SOLDOUT ぶ畐珇 -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 环狠ю阑瞷岿粇: %s -SKILL_BOHO 琍冻皚 -SKILL_BUDONG 雌 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK м,硄筁竒喷芬 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT м,ㄏノ芬芬 -SKILL_CHEONGEUN ょ糦 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2端甡 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 琁瑀 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG ? -SKILL_FAINT 穡 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 碝т炒ɡ -SKILL_FIRE 綸礙 -SKILL_FISHMIND 辰眯 -SKILL_GAMJI 芅ヘ -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 糃 -SKILL_GEONGON ぱ爱 -SKILL_GICHEON 肩 -SKILL_GIGONG 盡猔 -SKILL_GONGPO 倪 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 程蔼单 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 蔼单 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 疭 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 網 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 κ -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 肕 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 肩纒 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 ╣筽 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 ほ籖 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 堵臸 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 糃﹙ -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 ﹙ -SKILL_GWIGEOM 耴糃 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 淮 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 堵臔 -SKILL_HOSIN 臸 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 礙辟 -SKILL_HYEOLMA ﹀磝 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 糤ю阑硉 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 糤簿笆硉 -SKILL_INMA ぱ -SKILL_JEOJU 冠芁 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 瞓て -SKILL_JEONGWI 驹活 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 臟ガ -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 贰簈 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 疍 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 栋い -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK ぱ -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 硉 -SKILL_JIGAM 猭 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 栋いň縨 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 窘砰 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 碍 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM е糃 -SKILL_KWAESOK ǔ倍砃 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 浚 -SKILL_MUSA 猌活 -SKILL_MUYEONG 艶皚 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瞺 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瑀瞺 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR そ穦驹いㄏノ -SKILL_PABEOP 禔〨 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 穡阑癸よ -SKILL_SEOMGWANG ヘ -SKILL_SINCHAK 耡膅砃 -SKILL_SLEEP 妒痸 -SKILL_SLOW 絯篊 -SKILL_STUN 阑穡 -SKILL_SUHO 驹艶臔 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 酬皑でΘ阀瞯 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 醇 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 单 -SKILL_TOXICDIE い瑀 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 糤瑀ю阑 -SKILL_TUSOK 浚 -SKILL_WONSIN ヘ -SKILL_YONGSIN 纒 -STAT_MINUS_CON 砰だ皌 (逞緇だ皌翴计: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 庇倍だ皌 (逞緇だ皌翴计: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT 醇だ皌 (逞緇だ皌翴计: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR 秖だ皌 (逞緇だ皌翴计: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 矗蔼ネ㏑㎝ň縨 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 矗蔼㏑い瞯㎝皗磷瞯 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 矗蔼弘㎝臸猭端甡 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 矗蔼ю阑 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE そ穦篨糾祅癘 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 ノCPU陪ボ家Α皌竚筿福瑈篫笲︽笴栏 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 笴栏陪ボ瞷拜肈`╰参砞竚` ┪ノ `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 穝砞竚GPU 陪ボ家Α -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 陪ボ家Α皌竚筿福笲︽螟 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 笴栏陪ボ瞷拜肈`╰参砞竚` ┪ノ `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 穝砞竚GPU 陪ボ家Α -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 砞竚陪ボ家Αゲ斗闽超笴栏 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 種癸驹 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 厨こ -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 瘆胊 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 皑 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 種ㄏノ笆 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE ユ传 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 金舱钉 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 挡芠驹 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 癸驹 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND ね -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 淋叫穦 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 淋叫舱钉 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 癶舱钉 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY ビ叫舱钉 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 縮跌 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 杠 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 盢瓁 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING  -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 盢烩 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN  -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 蔼盢烩 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 繷ヘ -TASKBAR_ATTACK ю阑 -TASKBAR_AUTO 笆 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 跌à臂锣 -TASKBAR_EXP 竒喷 -TASKBAR_HP ネ㏑ -TASKBAR_MOVE 簿笆 -TASKBAR_SKILL м -TASKBAR_SP 弘 -TASKBAR_ST 瑻兵 -THING_COUNT  -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 赣珇ぃ┕坝┍扳 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 癸笆╰%d%% 發端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 癸眏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 癸碿臸%d%%發端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 癸╰%d%% 發端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 癸﹙%d%%發端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 癸┣眏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 癸碍壁%d%%發端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 癸眏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 癸霉眏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 癸圾╰ %d%% 發端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 癸瞨盢眏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK %d%%碭瞯过┏ň縨寄瞶ю阑 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 驹矮–5牧確%d弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%%碭瞯糤2瘆胊 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER ю阑%d%%碭瞯確弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 跟皗絙ю阑阀瞯%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%碭瞯莉眔2竒喷 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%碭瞯莉眔2窥 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL ぃ穦砆阑 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW ぃ穦砆絯篊 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN ぃ穦砆阑穡 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%%碭瞯莉眔2奔腳 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER ю阑寄%d%% 阀瞯確ネ㏑ SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER 寄%d%%碭瞯弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%%碭瞯寄弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT ⊿Τ┦ -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY ňゎΩ竒喷搭ぶ SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%%碭瞯礚跌癸よň縨 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT %d%%碭瞯ㄏ寄い瑀 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE к瑀 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 媚糤%d%%┦ SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE %d%%碭瞯は紆禔〨ю阑 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 禯ю阑%d%%端甡は紆 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN ╄кю阑 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 搭ぶ%d%%筧臠端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 搭ぶ%d%%蛮端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 搭ぶ%d%%端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN ╄кю阑 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA ╄к霉ю阑 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 搭ぶ%d%%虫端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 搭ぶ%d%%端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR ╄к瞨盢ю阑 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 搭ぶ%d%%妮┦端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 芬Θ瞯矗蔼 2.5 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY м芬ア毖耚叉ǐ臸 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT %d%%碭瞯ㄏ寄絯篊 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 盢端甡 %d%% 锣ネ㏑ SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 盢端甡 %d%% 锣弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT %d%%碭瞯ㄏ寄穡 SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 帛ヒ -TOOLTIP_ARROW 絙 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN  -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE ю阑 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED ю阑硉 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 絙甮祘: +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 基 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 睦硉 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 砰 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE ň縨 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 庇倍 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR φ吏 -TOOLTIP_ETC ㄤ -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 芬 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 单 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 ユ倒辰ひ杠 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 どΘ辰 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN  : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 繷帛 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN ネ㏑確秖 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_INT 醇 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE ю阑 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 端甡 : %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 端甡 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 瘆胊 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED ю阑硉 : %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE ň縨 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST е -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 砰 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 庇倍 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 醇 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 单 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 秖 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 臸猭ю阑 : %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 臸猭ю阑 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 臸猭ň縨 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 炊硄 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 篊 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 獶盽е -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 獶盽篊 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ㄏノ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d计 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER ┋笲腹絏 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 臸猭ю阑 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 臸猭ň縨 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS ю阑 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC ю阑 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT ゴ聐笆磟窥 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS ň縨 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC ň縨 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 竒喷 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC 呼竒喷 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 竒喷糤 2 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 矗蔼莉眔蔼辰阀瞯 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 窥脄瞯 %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 窥脄瞯 2 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 珇脄瞯 %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC 呼珇脄瞯糤%.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 珇脄瞯糤 2 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 糤礮锋计矗蔼硉 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 畐耎3珇逆 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 程ネ㏑ : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 程ネ㏑ : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 程弘 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 程弘 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 程瑻 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 簿笆硉 : %d SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 兜渺 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 惠璶弘场 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 惠璶纒 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 惠璶砰 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 尿砰: %d /  -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 惠璶м翴计 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 惠璶弘 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 尿弘: %d /  -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 单%d (程 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 单%d (程 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 瞶端甡 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 过┏ň縨瞶ю阑%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 舱钉钉%d砰钉 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 ю阑单 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , ň縨单 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL –倒场钉ネ㏑/弘场確 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL –30だ牧倒场钉ネ㏑/弘场確 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 钉3だ牧ぇず酬眶 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 狝竟繦酬眶钉 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 砞﹚%dň縨单+钉计ю阑も -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 砞﹚ň縨单+钉计ň -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 瞷单 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [ю阑/ň縨 单ど] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [確] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 舱钉钉%d贱纘竒喷 %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [贱纘竒喷] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [酬眶] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [ю阑も砞﹚] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [ňも砞﹚] -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 芬 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 单 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 р維繷患倒 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 э▆維繷 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 钵盽篈確 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN だ -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED ю阑硉 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT ネ㏑ : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT ネ㏑ : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 簿笆硉 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 弘 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 弘 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC  -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 尿丁 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 21单厩策 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 41单厩策 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL  %d 厩策 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 单 %d  -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 厩策 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 搭ぶ%d%%絙ю阑端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 搭ぶ%d%%筿ю阑端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 搭ぶ%d%%礙ю阑端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 搭ぶ%d%%臸猭ю阑端甡 SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 逞緇ㄏノΩ计 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 扳基 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN  -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 礟 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 綾 -TOOLTIP_SKILL м SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 芬 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE ю阑 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER ю阑 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED ю阑硉 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE ň縨 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 癸よю阑 : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 確ネ㏑ : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 簿笆硉 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 砆ю阑は紆阀瞯 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL ╄к瞶ю阑 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME ┑筐 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS м端甡 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 搭ぶм端甡 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 尿丁 : %.0f -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 框а禸 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 瞷单 : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 瞷单: %d (恨瞶) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 瞷单 : %d (程 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 盯 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [芧碠杆称] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 弘確秖 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_STR 秖 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 霉 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 斑 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 瞨盢 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 猌竟 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET も臢 -UI_ACCEPT 钡 -UI_CANCEL  -UI_CLOSE 闽超 -UI_DEF_FONT Ш砰:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Ш砰:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Ш砰:9 -UI_DENY ┶荡 -UI_ITEM 珇 -UI_LEFT_TIME 逞緇丁 : %d -UI_NEXT 膥尿 -UI_NOCONTENTS ⊿Τず甧 -UI_NONAME ⊿Τ嘿 -UI_OK 絋粄 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN ぃ笵竚 -UI_UNKNOWN ゼ畒夹 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 稱そ穦瓜ボ杠叫硈钡. -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 稱そ穦瓜ボ杠叫硈钡. -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 秨币坝┍ぃㄏノ珇 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN мㄏノ瞷岿粇 : %s \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f4e3957d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 絋﹚ -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 絋﹚璶芧碠盾? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 芧碠筴ホ -CANCEL  -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 絋粄穝盞絏 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 穝盞絏 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 侣盞絏 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE э盞絏 -CHARACTER_ACTION 笆 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 薄 -CHARACTER_MAIN à︹ -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 笆 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION がノ笆 -CHARACTER_QUEST ヴ叭 -CHARACTER_SKILL м -CLOSE 闽超 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 秖 -CREATE_CREATE 承 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 庇倍 -CREATE_HP 砰 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 逞緇翴计 -CREATE_MAN ╧┦ -CREATE_NAME à︹嘿 -CREATE_NEXT  -CREATE_PREV  -CREATE_SEX ┦ -CREATE_SHAPE 膀セ帝杆 -CREATE_SP 醇 -CREATE_STAT_RESET ﹍て -CREATE_WOMAN ┦ -CUBE_TITLE 籹媚跌怠 -EMPIRE_EXIT 癶 -EMPIRE_NEXT  -EMPIRE_PREV  -EMPIRE_SELECT 匡拒 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 種 -EXCHANGE_TITLE ユ传 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 笴栏砞竚 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 挡芠驹 -GAME_HELP 弧 -GAME_QUEST ヴ叭 -GAME_SKILL_UP м芬 -GAME_STAT_UP 妮┦芬 -GUILD_BASENAME 膀嘿 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 眀腹 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 穝 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT ず甧 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 縱贺摸 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 跑 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION よ -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE  -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 縱戈癟の蝴戈癟 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 縱 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 蛾れ -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 縱嘿 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 币笆 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 狾 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 竚 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 箇簍 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 基 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 穝 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 祐ホ -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 硑そ穦縱 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 垂 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 窥 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 р戈方 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 メ硂 -GUILD_GEM 苝ホ -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 叫块穝戮 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM  -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 眏︽癶 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN そ穦 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE そ穦そ -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL そ穦м -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 戮 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE  -GUILD_INFO そ穦膀セ戈癟 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 讽玡竒喷 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 腊驹 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD タ驹いそ穦 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY ⊿Τ -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL そ穦单 -GUILD_INFO_MARK そ穦穦啦 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER そ穦穦 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE そ穦穦 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL そ穦穦キА单 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM そ穦计 -GUILD_INFO_NAME そ穦嘿 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE そ穦嘿 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP だ皌 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP ど竒喷 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 穝更 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 肚穦啦 -GUILD_MARK そ穦穦啦 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 戮穨 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 盢烩 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 单 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME à︹ -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 戮 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 癪膍 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 腳ホ -GUILD_MINENAL 膓ホ -GUILD_MONEY そ穦膀 -GUILD_NAME そ穦 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 戈方戈癟 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 笆 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 纒確 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 砆笆 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 纒 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE そ穦м -GUILD_SYMBOL そ穦穦夹 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 钡そ穦珼驹 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 驹摸 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 腁滦驹 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE ビ叫そ穦驹 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 癸よそ穦 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 絃驹 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 臦驹 -GUILD_WATER  -GUILD_WATER_STONE 疊ホ -GUILD_WITHDRAW 窥 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - ノ龄┪菲公オ龄秈︽ю阑 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE -  + 龄锣传PK家Α -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (à︹, 珇, 册ぱ -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 怠) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 菲公簎近繦秸俱跌谋礘禯 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 龄,ノ菲公龄秸俱跌à -HELP_EXP 竒喷 -HELP_FURY 极 (ゼ秨) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - ⌒+ゴ秨┪闽超そ穦跌怠 -HELP_HELP -  龄┪ゴ秨╰参腊盢莉眔腊 -HELP_HP ネ㏑ -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - +ゴ秨┪闽超册ぱ跌怠 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 菲公オ龄 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 菲公龄 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - ノ , , , 龄㎝よ龄簿笆 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER -  龄ゴ秨à︹跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 龄,ゴ秨册ぱ跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 龄,ゴ秨珇跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_LOG -  龄,縒ミゴ秨册ぱ跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 龄ゴ秨㎝闽超瓜跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 龄,ゴ秨ヴ叭跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL -  龄,ゴ秨м跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER -  + 龄ゴ秨盞册跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 龄ゴ秨㎝闽超俱砰瓜跌怠 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~>龄珺珇 -HELP_QUICKSLOT е陪 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 龄,玂讽玡篒瓜,ゅン玂¨иゅン/METIN2郎Ж〃 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 龄,陪ボà︹㎝珇嘿 -HELP_SP 弘 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON ╰参п -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 珇怠 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 珇怠 -INVENTORY_TITLE 珇怠 -ITEM_MALL Item Shop -LOAD_ERROR 戈砆穕胊,叫眖穝杆.ESC癶 -LOGIN_CONNECT 硈钡 -LOGIN_CONNECTING タ祅魁 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 跋嘿, 舱 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 挡 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 匡拒跋 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 匡拒 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 沧ゎ -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 絋粄 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 匡拒狝竟 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 盞絏 -MALL_TITLE 潦┍畐 -MARKET_TITLE カ初 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 穝 -MARKLIST_TITLE 更そ穦穦啦 -MESSAGE 獺 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 睰狟ね -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 埃狟ね -MESSENGER_MOBILE 祇祏獺 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD ゴ秨そ穦跌怠 -MESSENGER_TITLE 獺 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL ㄏノそ穦簿笆м -MESSENGER_WHISPER 杠 -MINIMIZE 程て -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK ю阑 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 笆 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 跌à -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL м -MUSICLIST_TITLE 璉春贾ヘ魁 -NO  -OK 絋粄 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 琩嘿 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF  -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON  -OPTION_BLOCK ち耞 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE ユ传 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND ね -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD そ穦 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 舱钉淋叫 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST ビ叫舱钉 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER ╬册 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 跌à -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 环跌à -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 跌à -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 埃腹絏 -OPTION_EFFECT 端甡 -OPTION_FOG 铭砞﹚ -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 緻铭 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 睭铭 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 炊硄 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 块腹絏 -OPTION_MOBILE も诀 -OPTION_MUSIC 贾 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 砞﹚贾 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA ぱII纐粄璉春贾 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 嘿肅︹ -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 瓣肅︹ -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 纐粄肅︹ -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 家Α -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE パ -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 笆ю阑┮Τ產 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD そ穦 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP ю阑セそ穦Θ┮Τ產 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE ㎝キ -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP ぃ笆ю阑┮Τ產(は阑) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 到碿 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 笆ю阑场だ產 -OPTION_SOUND 羘 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 瓣獺 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW ぃ稰砍届 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 稱笵 -OPTION_TILING 陪ボ -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 莱ノ -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 匡兜 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 册ぱ怠 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 綛竛 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 琩 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME そ穦穦嘿 -PASSWORD_TITLE 畐盞絏 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 璶肂 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 闽超 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 坝┍嘿 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 秨砞坝┍ -REFINE_COST ど禣ノ : 0ㄢ -REFINE_INFO э▆Θ阀瞯 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE э▆ -RESTART_HERE 確 -RESTART_TOWN 辅確 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD э盞絏 -SAFE_TITLE 畐 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 秖 -SELECT_CREATE 承硑à︹ -SELECT_DELETE 埃 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 庇倍 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 瓣產嘿 -SELECT_EXIT 癶 -SELECT_HP 砰 -SELECT_LEVEL 单 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 匡拒ㄏノ腳ホ -SELECT_NAME à︹ -SELECT_NO_GUILD ⊿Τヴそ穦 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 笴栏丁 -SELECT_SELECT 秨﹍ -SELECT_SP 醇 -SELECT_TITLE 碙腹 -SHOP_BUY 禦秈 -SHOP_SELL 芥 -SHOP_TITLE 坝┍ -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 徊 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE ╰参砞竚 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 锣传à︹ -SYSTEM_EXIT 癶windows -SYSTEM_HELP 弧 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 祅 -SYSTEM_MALL 潦┍坝┍ -SYSTEM_OPTION ╰参砞竚 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER à︹[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 册ぱ怠 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 珇[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 獺 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT  е陪[shift+计, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 玡 е陪[shift+计] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM ╰参[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN ち耞 -WHISPER_NAME 癸よ嘿 -WHISPER_SEND 祇癳 -YES 琌 -ZONE_MAP 俱砰瓜 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a6cebbb4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "江陵府" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "易水县" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 14e39853..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "易水县" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "雪寒山" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "阎魔火地" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6ad31a64..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "陈仓县" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "影悲沙漠" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "雪寒山" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 27e16914..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "江陵府" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "易水县" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0f5cb9b5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "江陵府" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "渔夫" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "渔夫" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "渔夫" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "渔夫" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "渔夫" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "渔夫" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "渔夫" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "渔夫" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "渔夫" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "渔夫" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dfb63091..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "长安城" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cafb5f18..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "易水县" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "渔夫" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "渔夫" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "渔夫" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "渔夫" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "渔夫" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "渔夫" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "渔夫" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9cb3ec89..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "防御店老板?" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "咸阳城" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e05e670c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "陈仓县" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "渔夫" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "渔夫" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "渔夫" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "渔夫" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "渔夫" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "渔夫" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "渔夫" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "渔夫" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4eec6fe1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "洛阳城" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6863cf83..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "江陵府" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "易水县" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1cb70582..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "江陵府" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "易水县" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/hk/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index ee7b2b97..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/hk/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f059b699..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 硈辟 е辟 糞羘 皗筿硉硈尿ю阑Ω癸玡よ寄硑Θエ端甡 玡よ絛瞅ю阑Ω ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 羆ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.3*MinATK + 0.5*STR + MinWEP)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.3*MaxATK + 0.5*STR + MaxWEP)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 礙臂 痷辟 纒吊ぱ 盢秖砮猔糃ō臂锣よΑю阑㏄瞅寄玻ネ端甡 玡秈絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MinWEP) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MaxWEP) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 驹活  瘆皔↖︵ 暗玦盢碾ň縨基ㄓ矗ど┤ю阑 矗蔼ю阑硉 糤簿笆硉 ю阑端甡 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 ю阑硉 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 簿笆硉 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint ю阑端甡 %.0f%% 80 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 糃 旅み糃 ō糃 盢痷拈猔猌竟ぇ祇揣伐璓玻ネ┤端甡 続ノōю阑 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 ю阑 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 瞨炳 ━窰 ホ瘆ぱ佩 ㄏノ绊龟ō砰е硉綼寄瞨阑癸よ玻ネエ端甡 阑絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CHARGE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR 钠腑辟 耞る猧 獴 钠Σе硉购笵┓盢寄脊吊 玡よ絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + STR + 3*MinWEP + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + STR + 3*MaxWEP + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 铬辟 臘 纒稻ぱ 栋ōぇ秖蔼蔼臘癬糀玡よㄏ寄瞨疨ю阑 絬絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*MinWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*MaxWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 綺举 粪 絃马ぱ 笲癬㏄ō痷玻ネエ瑈癸㏄瞅寄硑Θ端甡盢綺 絛瞅ю阑 ﹚阀瞯玻ネ阑穡狦 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint 穡阑阀瞯 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR ょ糦 臟ガ璵 ㏕璝傣 俐丁矗どň縨笷﹚单盢铆ヴ瞨疨ю阑常礚猭砆ゴ 矗どň縨 簿笆硉 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 ň縨 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.5*con)*k 簿笆硉 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 糃 辟砕 糃≧綸 е硉揣笆もい猌竟玻ネ眏瑈ǔ筽ぃの被φぇ墩ゴ阑寄 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 阑穡狦 阑寄 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + 3*(dex + str + MinWEP))*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + 3*(dex + str + MaxWEP))*k 穡阑阀瞯 %.0f (100+k*1000/6)/10 -31 ASSASSIN 穞脓 留阑 瑈篙 留旅︽萝綼寄璉倒ぉ璓㏑阑玻ネ端甡 よ敖脓矗どю阑 留ō糤 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (minatk + 500 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k maxatk + (maxatk + 700 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k -32 ASSASSIN 緔紇 礚紇糃 睹紇臸 咎虑艶庇ōもе硉钡寄倒癸よ璓㏑阑ňぃ秤ň 俐丁簿笆ю阑 留ō糤 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6*minatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k) (maxatk + (1.6*maxatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k) -33 ASSASSIN 爱臂 籖近辟 滦獴陆冻 锣ōе硉臂锣ю阑よΑю阑寄眔発叉 発叉絛瞅ю阑 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MinWEP*3)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MaxWEP*3)*k い瑀阀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 留ō 跑砃 綛ぱ磷ら 留旅ō寄礚猭诡谋祇揣璉ю阑 ю阑秆埃 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 發端甡 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 瑀铭 貉罜废 ‵甮紇 ㏄瞅籹硑緻盞瑀铭ヴ綼ウ寄常螟瑀獻脓 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(2*minatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k lv*2+(2*maxatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k い瑀阀瞯 %.0f%% 40*k い瑀丁 %.0f 5+25*k -46 ASSASSIN 硈甮 砮ら絙 砮璱 籈栋ō秖癸寄硈尿祇やエ└絙尿硑Θ端甡 环祘ю阑 Ωю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 羆ю阑 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+(dex*4 + MinWEP)*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+(dex*4 + MaxWEP)*ar) *k 甮%.0fや絙 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 睹絙 獴皐絙 噶綰 Ω甮や└絙癸玡よ寄玻ネ矪端甡寄礚猭跟磷 环祘ю阑 ю阑ン ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) ю阑 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (minatk + dex + str + 0.5*MinWEP)*k maxatk + (maxatk + dex + str + 0.5*MaxWEP)*k 程ю阑%.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 絙 猌絙 猌马ぱ 絙ペ盿Τ礙砮眏秖╜縉寄倒ぉ端甡 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 礙ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.3*minatk)*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.3*maxatk + 100)*k -49 ASSASSIN 淮 ︽ 今撤礚勃 ō淮縋е硉︽ǐ环瞒寄ю阑 矗蔼簿笆硉 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gyeonggong 19 4 簿笆硉 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 瑀絙 籯癌絙 發活管㏑ 絙ペ额Τ粿瑀礚秆ㄏ寄い絙瑀獻籯 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 阑寄 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + dex*2 + str + MinWEP)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 100 + dex*2 + str + MaxWEP)*k い瑀阀瞯 %.0f%% 80*k い瑀丁 %.0f 15+30*k -61 SURA 窰艶 吊 ぱ盰吊 祇揣臸眏秖Τ窰━ちぇま癬眏疨脄ю阑寄 玡よ絛瞅ю阑 礚跌癸よň縨狦 繦醇糤端甡 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MinWEP) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MaxWEP) * k ┛跌癸よň縨阀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 纒猧 臂皚 ╣篙 臸秖酬瞨疨纒辈倒㏄瞅硑Θエ端甡 絛瞅ю阑 礚跌癸よ皗磷狦 繦醇糤端甡 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 1.1*minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + 3*MinWEP + iq*6) * k 1.1*maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + 3*MaxWEP + iq*6) * k ┛跌癸よ皗磷阀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 糃臸 辟艶糃 監纒ぱ 盢堵穞秖砮猔猌竟いㄏウ祇揣艶糤眏端甡 ō瞶ю阑祇揣ノ 繦醇糤端甡 ﹀ю阑 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 ю阑 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13) * k р %.0f%% 端甡锣传ΘΜネ㏑ 10*k -64 SURA 倪 ﹀步 芬╣臸 琵寄稰伐倪赤ア兜跑眔畓 癸よю阑 癸よю阑ア毖阀瞯糤 端甡続ノ STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gongpo 4 4 癸ю阑 -%.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint ㄏ癸よю阑ア毖阀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 窘砰 活 ぱ臸砰 ㊣酬臸堵穞帛ヒ瞅露㏄ō玂臔ぃ獻甡 端甡は甮场だ端甡 矗蔼ň縨 繦醇糤端甡 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE jumagap 5 4 ň縨 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 瞶ю阑は甮阀瞯 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 臱床 床じ砃 籊癌綪活 ノǜ碿〨粂ㄓ禔〨寄臱床寄ō徊┦臸猭 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 臱埃癸よ徊猭砃 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 臸猭ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 埃徊狦阀瞯 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 臸艶 碍 管活尼緕 眖夯い栋挡Θ堵穞秖倒癸よ硑Θ端甡 环祘ю阑 癸よ㏄娩ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k -77 SURA 堵纒〨 夯纒緕 臸纒窘ぱ 眖ǜ碿臔堵纒砰ず脄祇眏疨礙礗縉㏄瞅寄 絛瞅ю阑 礙ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180)*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200)*k -78 SURA 活艶 臸礙 夯礗縉 ┚港τǜ碿臸艶臔帝盢ю阑┮Τ綼寄 环祘ю阑 ヴ種匡拒ю阑ン ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 堵臸〨 縨活砃 ぱ猒 俐丁脄祇堵穞秖玻ネ咀ち瑈秖弘玂臔 弘蠢ネ㏑端甡 矗蔼ň縨 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 端甡癐搭瞯 %.0f%% (15 + iq*0.5)*k ň縨 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 浚 ō ˙螟︽ 笲ノ碿臸秖北翺ネ雌癸寄硑Θ紇臫癸よ簿笆硉 环祘ю阑 癸よ㏄娩ю阑 簿笆硉搭篊 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 絯篊阀瞯 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 絯篊丁 : %.0f 10 + (10 * SkillPoint) -81 SURA 臂臸 ﹀膎 爱舊礛 真臘癬盢もいǜ碿秖籈栋Θ笵堵︹簒歹メю阑环矪寄 环祘ю阑 癸よ㏄娩ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 臸猭ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 艶 耴じ猧 き眒冻柳 籈栋ぱ丁艶Θき眒瞴倒㏄瞅寄硑Θエ侥阑 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*minmtk+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*maxmtk+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 纒紇 纒 肩纒镀ぱ 毛纒玂臔ō娩疊瞷唉纒紇玂臔ю阑寄 絬絛瞅ю阑 尿礙狦 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*minmtk + 120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*maxmtk + 120)*ar*k 尿礙阀瞯 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 尿礙ю阑 %.0f lv+5*iq *k -93 SHAMAN 纒〨 纒糞 纒耚Ю 钮酬纒じ眏秖窘┮Τ寄 絛瞅ю阑 尿礙狦 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 臸猭ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*minmtk+100)*ar*k 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*maxmtk+100)*ar*k 尿礙阀瞯 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 尿礙ю阑 %.0f lv+5*iq *k -94 SHAMAN 挡 ぱ纠 痷纒臔砰 ㄏノ纒澎舱Θ臔ヒ盿Τ伐眏ň縨ㄏ眔臔 ╄к瞶ю阑 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 瞶ю阑╄к : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 紇皚 描皚 ぱ覾タ 描臔玂臔帝ㄏノ盢は紆寄ю阑ぃ端甡 は甮瞶ю阑 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 瞶ю阑は甮阀瞯 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 井 ぱ纒活 纒竧 纒秖籔矮в糤眏ōю阑 璓㏑ю阑 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 璓㏑ゴ阑阀瞯 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 辅筽 佩ぱ筽 筿皗筽伙 ぱ倒ぉ寄眏筿阑端甡 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 筿妮┦端甡 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*minmtk+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*maxmtk+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 糀筽 縍皗 锤ぱ臨艵 筽臔倒ぉ眏や皌ㄏㄤㄣΤ眏筽筿ю阑 环祘ю阑 ㏄娩絛瞅ю阑 筿妮┦端甡 阑穡狦 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 臸猭ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 3*lv + (3*iq+12*mtk+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (3*iq+12*maxmtk+iq*16)*ar*k 穡阑阀瞯 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 忌筽 ぱ筽 き筽臚郴 絙筽筿ぃ耞濒寄ぇいパ玻ネ端甡 环祘ю阑 筿妮┦ 硈尿ю阑㏄娩寄 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmtk+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 疍  ︱炊酚 ぇダ倒ぉㄏノ弘ㄓ腊確ネ㏑埃 確ネ㏑ 確钵盽篈 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 ネ㏑確 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmtk+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*k 確钵盽篈阀瞯 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 钠 淮︾ 钠殆今冻 τ钠糹糤簿笆硉 矗蔼簿笆硉 搭ぶ禔〨丁 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 簿笆硉 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 睦硉 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Ρ 眏緕砃 活筽竧砰 礢谬縀祇肩玻ネ脄祇矗蔼癸寄端甡 矗蔼膀セю阑 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 ю阑 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 参 矗ど烩旧矗蔼舱钉瞯 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 硈阑 糤┷Α跑て糤ю阑Ω计 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 敞辰 矗蔼敞辰甧辰 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 蹦膓 矗ど蹦膓甧蹦栋蔼膓ホ CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 岭硑 矗ど岭硑籹珇 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 穝腳ㄥ 矗ど穝瓣粂ē瞶秆. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT ぱ秸腳ㄥ 矗どぱ秸瓣粂ē瞶秆. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 秈骋腳ㄥ 矗ど秈骋瓣粂ē瞶秆. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT ほて à︹盢繦诀跑ほΘ┣篈,局Τㄇ肂妮┦. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 肕 肕皑 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 酬 酬皑で summon -137 HORSE 發辟 肕皑゜禲ю阑㏄瞅寄 皑璉м HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 篟寄癚 阑玡よ膁篒寄 皑璉м HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 钞瘆 ю阑㏄瞅寄 皑璉м HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 腑睹絙 甮膁篒玡よ寄 皑璉м ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD 纒活 糤程纒镑ㄏノ腊穦м PASSIVE yongan 程纒 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 纒﹀ 既矗ど腊穦Θ程ネ㏑ そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 程ネ㏑ど +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 纒 既矗ど腊穦Θ程弘 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 程弘ど +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 纒馴 既矗ど腊穦Θň縨 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 ň縨ど +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 纒乃 既矗ど腊穦Θю阑硉㎝簿笆硉 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 ю阑,簿笆硉ど +%.1f%% k * 15 -156 GUILD 纒 既矗ど腊穦Θ蛮端甡阀瞯 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 蛮端甡阀瞯 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 纒 既罽祏腊穦Θм睦丁 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 睦硉ど +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/hk/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d6d60742..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/hk/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/hk/ui/createcharacterwindow.py b/bin_original/locale/hk/ui/createcharacterwindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 208d4920..00000000 --- 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204800 204800 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/GuildBuildingList.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/GuildBuildingList.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d8f9e1e3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/GuildBuildingList.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ???? -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso 岺嶌強 -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan 晲婍惛楙強 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan 杊嬶惛楙強 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 傾僋僙僒儕乕惛楙強 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu 巌椷晹 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 廋楙応 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 僟僀儎儌儞僪梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 噫噙梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 壔栘愇梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 摵梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 嬧梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 嬥梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 闩悏梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 崟抙愇梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 恀庫梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 敀嬥梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 悈徎梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 巼悈徎梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 揤旤嬍梟峼楩 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 椡偺嵳抎 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 椡偺嵳抎 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 椡偺嵳抎 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 婎抧杮晹(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 愇奯応(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 愇奯応(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 愇奯応(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 戝栧(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 奯崻(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 婎抧杮晹(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 愇奯応(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 愇奯応(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 愇奯応(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 戝栧(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 奯崻(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 婎抧杮晹(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 愇奯応(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 愇奯応(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 愇奯応(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 戝栧(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 奯崻(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 娔帇搩 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 栘奯崻1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 栘奯崻2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 栘奯崻3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 栘戝栧 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 奯崻(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 僊儖僪婮復 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 奯崻戝栧 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 奯崻屻暻 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 奯崻嵍暻 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 奯崻塃暻 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 愇1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 愇2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 愇3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 愇4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 愇5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 愇6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 愇7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 愇8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 愇9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 愇10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9' 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 栘1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 栘2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 栘3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 栘4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 栘5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 栘6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 栘7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 栘8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 栘9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/ItemDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/ItemDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 98694535..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/ItemDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1453 +0,0 @@ -9506 楾夊搧+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9507 巼屨偺奪+3 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9508 椡巑偺姇+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9509 旘塤偺奪+3 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9510 愒寣偺姇+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9511 揤幈抁搧+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9512 庨峠偺堖+3 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9513 旂偺摢嬓+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9514 岴悵愵+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9515 旤峠偺朄堖+3 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9516 朄朮+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9517 栘偺僽儗僗儗僢僩+1 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9518 妚孋+1丂丂丂丂 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9519 栘偺僺傾僗+1 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9520 栘偺僺傾僗+1 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) -9521 岇恎弬+2 岎姺丄曻婞晄壜 (婣懏) - -11901 僞僉僔乕僪 寢崶幃偵拝傞抝惈梡暈憰 -11902 僞僉僔乕僪 寢崶幃偵拝傞抝惈梡暈憰 -11903 僂僃僨傿儞僌僪儗僗 寢崶幃偵拝傞彈惈梡暈憰 -11904 僂僃僨傿儞僌僪儗僗 寢崶幃偵拝傞彈惈梡暈憰 - -22000 婣娨晞 懞偵栠偭偨屻丄嵞傃尰嵼偺 | 応強偵栠傟傞 -22010 婣娨婰壇晞 婰壇偟偰偍偄偨 | 埵抲偵栠傞 - -25040 廽暉偺彂 廽暉偝傟偨夵椙彂傪憰旛偵 | 巊梡偟偰夵椙偡傞偲丄偨偲偊 | 夵椙偵幐攕偟偰傕扨偵 | 摍媺偑堦抜奒掅偔側傞偩偗 彂傪憰旛偵捈愙揔梡夵椙 | 幐攕帪傾僀僥儉偼徚偊側偄 -25041 尯揝 嵟崅偺寱傪嶌傞偨傔偵 | 巊傢傟傞揱愢偺嬥懏丅 | 憰旛偵巊梡偡傞偙偲偱 | 崅偄妋棪偱夵椙偱偒傞 | 幐攕帪傾僀僥儉偼徚偊傞 - -25100 媧楈彂 晲婍偲奪偐傜楈愇傪 | 庢傝弌偣傞丅庢傝彍偄偨 | 偲偙傠偵偼愓偑巆傞 - -27051 擖栧幰梡愒偄栻乮彫乯 弶媺幰偵巟媼偡傞愒偄栻 惗柦椡夞暅 -27052 擖栧幰梡惵偄栻乮彫乯 弶媺幰偵巟媼偡傞惵偄栻 惛恄椡夞暅 -27053 擖栧幰梡椢怓偺栻乮彫乯 弶媺幰偵巟媼偡傞椢怓偺栻 峌寕懍搙傾僢僾 -27054 擖栧幰梡巼怓偺栻乮彫乯 弶媺幰偵巟媼偡傞巼怓偺栻 堏摦懍搙傾僢僾 - -27600 偨偒壩 壩傪暟偗傞 -27610 嫑怱娵 嫑偑晜偒偵妡偐偭偨帠傪 | 抦傜偣偰偔傟傞杺朄偺嬍 -27620 寧姧嫑怱 嫑偵娭偡傞忣曬偑 | 偓偭偟傝彂偐傟偰偄傞杮 - -27799 嫑偺崪丂丂丂 嫑偺忎晇側崪 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -27800 偹傝塧 堦斣埨偄塧 -27801 儈儈僘 嫑偺怘梸傪偦偦傞僄僒 -27802 僴儎 墇広偺嫑傪慱偆嵺偵 | 巊傢傟傞媶嬌偺僄僒 - -27803 僼僫 彫抮偱傛偔尒傞嫑 -27804 僔僫働僣嫑 旤枴側嫑偲尵傢傟偰偄傞 -27805 墇広僼僫 傇偔傇偔懢偭偨戝偒側僼僫 -27806 僐僀 棾墹偺巕丒丒丒偲尵傢傟偰偄傞傜偟偄 -27807 僔儍働 斏怋婜偵側傞偲 | 屘嫿偵栠偭偰偔傞嫑 -27808 傾儐 崄嫑偲偄偆偐傜偵偼 | 崄傝偑偡傞偺偐側丠 -27809 儅僗 僔儍働壢偺嫑 | 愳偺忋棳偵惐懅偟偰偄傞 -27810 扺悈僂僫僊 僗僞儈僫怘偲偟偰媟岝傪 | 梺傃傞嫑丅擭攝偺恖偵 | 偁偘偨傜婌偽傟傞 -27811 僯僕儅僗 嶻棏婜偼擑怓偵怓偯偔嫑 -27812 愳儅僗丂 柤偺捠傝愳偵惐懅偡傞儅僗 -27813 儔僢僪 -27814 僗僘僉 屛偺僒儊偲屇偽傟傞 | 怘梸墵惙側嫑 -27815 僞僀 悷傫偩抮偩偗偵惐懅偡傞 | 儃儔壢偺嫑 -27816 僫儅僘 寖恏僗乕僾偺嵽椏偲偟偰 | 傛偔巊傢傟傞嫑 | 戝偒側岥偲僸僎偑摿挜 -27817 僪僕儑僂 僣儖僣儖偟偰偄偰側偐側偐 | 曔傟側偄嫑丅擭攝偺恖偵 | 偁偘偨傜婌偽傟傞 -27818 敀楡嫑 扺悈偵惐懅偡傞 | 嶨庬惈偺嫄戝側嫑 -27819 嬧傾儐 埣偲壗偑堘偆傫偩傠偆丠 -27820 儚僇僒僊 搤偵側傞偲昘掁傝偱 | 恖婥偺偁傞嫑 -27821 僔儏儕 懱偮偒偲岝戲偺偁傞旤偟偄嫑 -27822 僪僀僣僐僀 怘梡偲偟偰夵椙 | 偝傟偨僂儘僐偑彮側偔 | 擏偑懡偄僐僀 -27823 墿嬥偺僼僫 墿嬥怓偵岝傝婸偔捒偟偄僼僫 - -27833 巰傫偩僼僫 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僼僫 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27834 巰傫偩僔僫働僣嫑 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僔僫働僣嫑 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27835 巰傫偩墇広僼僫 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨墇広僼僫 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27836 巰傫偩僐僀 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨岋 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞丅 -27837 巰傫偩僔儍働 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僔儍働 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27838 巰傫偩傾儐 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨傾儐 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27839 巰傫偩儅僗 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨儅僗 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27840 巰傫偩扺悈僂僫僊 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨扺悈僂僫僊 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞丅 -27841 巰傫偩僯僕儅僗 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僯僕儅僗 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27842 巰傫偩愳儅僗 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨愳儅僗 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27843 巰傫偩儔僢僪 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨儔僢僪 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27844 巰傫偩僗僘僉 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僗僘僉 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27845 巰傫偩僞僀 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僞僀 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27846 巰傫偩僫儅僘 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僫儅僘 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27847 巰傫偩僪僕儑僂 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僪僕儑僂 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27848 巰傫偩敀楡嫑 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨敀楡嫑 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27849 巰傫偩嬧傾儐 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨嬧傾儐 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27850 巰傫偩儚僇僒僊 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨儚僇僒僊 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27851 巰傫偩僔儏儕 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僔儏儕 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27852 巰傫偩僪僀僣僐僀 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨僪僀僣僐僀 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 -27853 巰傫偩墿嬥偺僼僫 巰傫偱偟傑偭偨墿嬥偺僼僫 | 偨偒壩偱從偗傞 - -27863 從偒僼僫 惗柦椡夞暅 -27864 從偒僔僫働僣嫑 惛恄椡夞暅 -27865 從偒墇広僼僫 惗柦椡夞暅 -27866 從偒僐僀 堦帪揑偵堏摦懍搙傾僢僾 -27867 從偒僔儍働 惛恄椡夞暅 -27868 從偒傾儐 堦帪揑偵峌寕懍搙傾僢僾 -27869 從偒儅僗 惗柦椡戝暆夞暅 -27870 從偒扺悈僂僫僊 堦帪揑偵椡傾僢僾 -27871 從偒僯僕儅僗 惛恄椡戝暆夞暅 -27872 從偒愳儅僗 捈偪偵惛恄椡夞暅 -27873 從偒儔僢僪 堦帪揑偵晀彿傾僢僾 -27874 從偒僗僘僉 儅僀僫僗僗僥乕僞僗嶍彍 -27875 從偒僞僀 捈偪偵惗柦椡夞暅 -27876 從偒僫儅僘 捈偪偵惛恄椡夞暅 -27877 從偒僪僕儑僂 摟柧偵側傞 -27878 從偒敀楡嫑 捈偪偵惗柦椡夞暅 -27879 從偒嬧傾儐 -27880 從偒儚僇僒僊 -27881 從偒僔儏儕 -27882 從偒岋偺僂儘僐 -27883 從偒墿嬥偺僼僫 - -27987 奓 偐傢偄偄宍偺奓 | 恀庫偑擖偭偰偄傞帪傕偁傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -27988 曮偺抧恾 屆戙偺曮偺応強偑 | 婰嵹偝傟偰偁傞屆偄抧恾 -27989 楈愇偺姶抦婡 楈愇偺埵抲傪抦傜偣偰偔傟傞姶抦婡 -27990 愇偺寚曅 -27991 庣愇 -27992 敀恀庫 弮敀怓偺恀庫 | 彈惈偵偁偘傞偲婌偽傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -27993 惵恀庫 惵偔婸偔恀庫 | 彈惈偵偁偘傞偲婌偽傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -27994 愒恀庫 愒怓偵愼傑偭偨恀庫 | 彈惈偵偁偘傞偲婌偽傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -27995 嬻偺時 壗傕擖偭偰偄側偄時 -27996 撆時 撆偺擖偭偰偄傞時 | 堸傓偲巰偸 -27997 潗嵃嬶 惗柦椡傪枮偨偟偰偔傟傞嬍 -27998 楤嬥弍偺彫戃 楤嬥弍巑偺戃 | 楤嬥弍偺旈朄偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞偺偩傠偆偐丠 -27999 楈愇偺戃 楈愇偑擖偭偰偄傞戃 - -29001 儂僞僥奓 -29002 惵儂僞僥奓 -29003 墿儂僞僥奓 -29004 峠儂僞僥奓 -29005 椢儂僞僥奓 -29006 墿庨庎 -29007 惵庨庎 -29006 恀墿庨庎 -29007 恀惵庨庎 -29008 惵偺恉悈 -29009 墿偺恉悈 -29010 峠偺恉悈 -29011 椢偺恉悈 -29012 敄惵偺恉悈 -29013 敄墿偺恉悈 -29014 敄峠偺恉悈 -29015 敄椢偺恉悈 -29012 恀惵偺恉悈 -29013 恀墿偺恉悈 -29014 恀峠偺恉悈 -29015 恀椢偺恉悈 - -30000 敒 庡梫嵧攟怉暔偺傂偲偮偱 | 偍庰傗怘椏側偳條乆側 | 梡搑偵巊傢傟傞 -30001 庤巻 扤偐偵憲傜傟偨庤巻 -30002 僜乕僙乕僕偺鄒傔暔 僜乕僙乕僕偲栰嵷傪擖傟偰 | 娒恏偔鄒傔偨怘傋暔 -30003 僽僞偺旲 僽僞偺旲偼暉傪屇傇 | 偲偄偆塡偑偁傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 拞媺椉庤寱丄弶媺曅庤寱 | 椉庤寱丄愵巕丄奪 | 僱僢僋儗僗丄僺傾僗 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30004 挅偺墱帟 挅偺夊偼峝搙偑崅偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺孋丄僱僢僋儗僗 | 弶媺曅庤寱丄擇搧寱 | 栴丄楅丄愵巕丄奪丄弬偺 | 夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30005 夡傟偨奪偺寚曅 偳偙偐傜偐弌偰偒偨奪偺寚曅 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 拞媺奪丄弬丄弶媺孋 | 夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30006 孎婼偺墱帟 孎婼偺夊 | 寵側埆廘偑偡傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺曅庤寱丄椉庤寱 | 擇搧寱丄栴丄拞媺楅 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30007 孎婼偺岇晞 孎婼偨偪偺愴堄傪惙傝 | 忋偘傞偨傔偺岇晞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺擇搧寱丄奪丄孋丄弬丄 | 姇丄拞媺愵巕丄姇 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30008 枾嫵擖栧彂 枾嫵偺嫵偊偑彂偐傟偰 | 偄傞弶媺擖栧彂 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 崅媺楅丄拞媺僱僢僋儗僗 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30009 撲偺栻 惉暘偑掕偐偱偼側偄 | 惓懱晄柧偺栻 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 崅媺擇搧寱丄栴 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30010 孎偺抇擷 枴妎傪幐偔偟偨幰偺枴妎傪 | 帯偡偲偄偆塡偑偁傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 拞媺奪丄弶媺栴丄弬僺傾僗 | 僾儗僗儗僢僩丄姇 | 椉庤寱丄擇搧寱丄愵巕 | 僱僢僋儗僗偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30011 巺姫偒 巺偑姫偐傟偰偄傞朹 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺曅庤寱丄椉庤寱丄栴 | 楅丄孋丄弬丄僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30012 庰時 崄傝偺椙偄偍庰偑擖偭偨時丂 -30013 庰氣 偍庰偑擖偭偨捹 -30014 愥抝偺栄 揱愢偺愥抝偺栄偱 | 杊姦偵桪傟偰偄傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 椉庤寱丄 孋 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30015 幾婼偺堚昳 晄媑側暤埻婥傪 | 忴偟弌偡朣幰偺堚昳 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 曅庤寱丄愵巕 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30016 幾婼偺曮愇 朣幰偺楈嵃偑 | 溸偄偰偄傞偲偄偆曮愇 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 僱僢僋儗僗 | 僺傾僗夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30017 偐傫偞偟 彈惈偨偪偺敮偺憰忺昳 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 拞媺 擇搧寱丄 楅 | 僱僢僋儗僗丄僺傾僗 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30018 愒偄儕儃儞 敮傪寢傇帪偵 | 巊偆崅媺側儕儃儞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺 椉庤寱丄擇搧寱丄 | 栴丄楅丄愵巕丄僺傾僗 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30019 擱偊傞孎庤 偙傟偱暈傪嶌傟偽抔偐偔 | 搤傪夁偛偣傞偲尵傢傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 僺傾僗 | 夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30020 搷偺庬 搷偺庬丄旤梕偵 | 椙偄偲揱偊傜傟傞 -30021 夡傟偨曮愇偺寚曅 壗偐偺攺巕偵嵱偗偰 | 偟傑偭偨曮愇偺寚曅 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 拞媺 曅庤寱丄僺傾僗 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩丄姇 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30022 僿價偺怟旜 嵶偄幹偺怟旜 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 擇搧寱丄 愵巕丄 弬丄 | 僱僢僋儗僗丄僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30023 敀屨偺旂 廂廤壠偨偪偵嵟傕 | 恖婥偑偁傞摦暔偺旂 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 拞媺 曅庤寱丄椉庤寱丄栴 | 愵巕丄奪丄孋丄姇丄弶媺栴 | 愵巕偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30024 攏偺怟旜 攏偺怟旜偱 | 栄昅丄偝偐側偳 | 條乆側梡搑偵巊傢傟傞丂丂丂 -30025 抴鍋偺撆戃 抴鍋偺撆偑擖偭偨戃 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺 椉庤寱丄擇搧寱 | 栴丄弬丄僱僢僋儗僗 | 僺傾僗丄僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30026 楾偺挵 掗崙偱恖婥偺偁傞怘嵽 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -30027 楾偺栄 楾偺峝偄栄丄僋僔偵巊傢傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 弶媺 曅庤寱丄栴 | 楅丄愵巕丄奪丄孋 | 弬偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30028 楾偺懌捾 楾偺塻偄懌捾丄 | 憰恎嬶偵懡偔巊傢傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 弶媺 曅庤寱丄擇搧寱 | 楅丄僱僢僋儗僗丄僺傾僗 | 姇丄椉庤寱偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30029 楾偺娞 掗崙偱恖婥偺偁傞怘嵽 -30030 嶬傃偨抁寱偺寚曅 嶬傃偨抁寱偱壗偐傪偨偨偄偨傛偆 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺 曅庤寱丄擇搧寱丄 | 栴丄楅偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30031 憰恎嬶 彈惈偨偪偑恎偵 | 偮偗傞憰恎嬶 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 拞媺 栴丄楅丄愵巕丄孋丄 | 弬丄僽儗僗儗僢僩丄姇丄 | 弶媺栴偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30032 屆偄崟摴暈 崟晽抍偑岲傫偱拝傞暈 | 屆偦偆側姶偠偑偡傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺 弬丄僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30033 妱傟偨帴婍 扤偐偑妱偭偰偟傑偭偨 | 帴婍偺寚曅 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺 奪丄拞媺 弬丄 | 僱僢僋儗僗丄僺傾僗丄僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30034 敀偄儕儃儞 敮傪寢傇偲偒偵巊偆儕儃儞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 拞媺 曅庤寱丄擇搧寱丄 | 栴丄愵巕丄孋丄弬丄 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩夵椙偵巊傢傟傑傞 -30035 壔徬昳 彈惈偨偪偑帺暘払偺旤偟偝 | 傪堷偒棫偰傞偨傔偵巊梡 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 拞媺 曅庤寱丄擇搧寱 | 栴丄僺傾僗夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30036 壩恄憪 恄旈揑側岠壥偑偁傞偲 | 揱偊傜傟傞揱愢偺栻憪 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -30037 屨偺懌捾 帺暘偺桬栆偝傪屩帵 | 偡傞偨傔偵巊偆憰忺昳 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -30038 屨偺旂 廂廤壠偨偪偵 | 恖婥偑偁傞摦暔偺旂 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺 奪丄孋丄 | 弶媺 曅庤寱丄栴丄愵巕丄奪 | 孋丄姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30039 晍愗傟 偍偦傜偔曪懷戙傢傝偵 | 巊傢傟偨傕偺傜偟偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 崅媺 曅庤寱丄楅 | 愵巕丄弬夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30040 憪偺梩 壗偺怉暔偺梩側偺偐偼 | 偝偭傁傝暘偐傜側偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30041 僋僫僀 搳偘偰巊偆埫婍 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 擇搧寱丄僱僢僋儗僗 | 僺傾僗丄姇丄椉庤寱 | 栴丄孋夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30042 摤巙屨偺帟 忎晇偵尒偊傞帟 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 崅媺 僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30043 摛偺栘偺幚 奺庬椏棟偺嵽椏偲偟偰 | 巊傢傟傞摛 | 偨傫傁偔幙偑朙晉 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -30044 擲搚 摡婍傪嶌傞嵺嵽椏偲側傞搚 -30045 宥偺撆恓 宥偺撆傪娷傫偱偄傞恓 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺 曅庤寱丄椉庤寱丄 | 愵巕丄弬丄僱僢僋儗僗丄 | 僺傾僗丄姇夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30046 宥偺怟旜 撆偑偁傞宥偺偟偭傐 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺 奪丄拞媺 曅庤寱 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30047 庺偄偺彂 庺偄偺庺暥傪彞偊傞 | 帪偵巊偆枾嫵偺彂 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 曅庤寱丄奪丄 | 僺傾僗偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30048 昘偺寚曅 枩擭愥偑屌傑偭偨傕偺 | 壞偱傕椓偟偄椻婥偑昚偆 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺 曅庤寱丄楅丄愵巕 | 弬丄僱僢僋儗僗夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30049 昘寏偺妏 挙崗嶌昳偺嵽椏偲偟偰恖婥 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 崅媺 奪丄 | 僺傾僗偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30050 昘偺曮庫 昘偱嶌傜傟偨庫 | 弸偄応強偱傕梟偗側偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 姇夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30051 撲偺庺晞 壗偐偑婰偝傟偰偄傞庺晞 | 枾嫵怣幰偟偐撉傔側偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 曅庤寱丄楅丄愵巕 | 僱僢僋儗僗丄僺傾僗 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30052 婙 怤棯幰晹戉偑巊偭偰偄偨婙 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 奪丄 | 孋偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30053 孎偺懌偺棤 僗僞儈僫怘偲偟偰抦傜傟 | 懡偔偺恖偑媮傔傞怘嵽 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺 椉庤寱丄孋 | 僱僢僋儗僗丄弶媺 孋丄弬 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩丄姇夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30054 寢崶巜椫 寢崶偺徹偲偟偰搉偟崌偆巜椫 -30055 宥偺僴僒儈 嫴傑傟偨傜捝偦偆側僴僒儈 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 曅庤寱丄楅 | 愵巕丄孋丄僱僢僋儗僗 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30056 抴鍋偺巺 抴鍋偑帺傜偺憙傪嶌傞 | 帪偵巊偆巺 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺 栴丄弬丄 | 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30057 抴鍋偺栚 廂廤壠偵恖婥偺偁傞抴鍋偺栚嬍|夵椙昁梫傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺 楅 | 僺傾僗夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30058 抴鍋偺棏憙 堄奜偵傕埨嶻偺偍庣傝傜偟偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 擇搧寱丄楅 | 奪丄弬夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30059 抴鍋偺懌 栄偑偨偔偝傫惗偊偨懌偱 | 庺晞偲偟偰巊傢傟傞傜偟偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 孋夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30060 僇僄儖偺儀儘 偹偽偹偽偺愩 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 崅媺 栴夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30061 僇僄儖偺懌 旤怘壠偵恖婥偺偁傞椏棟嵽椏 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺 楅丄奪 | 孋偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30062 栻壆偺婍 栻壆偱巊偭偰偄偨婍 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -30063 旂晢栻 旂晢昦傪帯偡偨傔偺栻 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -30064 栴惢嶌梡偺愇 栴怟偺嵽椏偵側傞愇 -30065 楅 僔儍儞僔儍儞偲壒偑偡傞彫偝側楅 -30066 惔梲僩僂僈儔僔 嵟崅偵恏偄僩僂僈儔僔 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 -30067 僿價偺旂 幹偐傜嶍偄偩旂 | 夵椙昁梫傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 椉庤寱 | 孋偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30068 摛晠僗僥乕僉 摛晠偱嶌偭偨傾僀僨傾椏棟 -30069 楾偺懌捾+ 楾偺塻偄懌捾丄憰恎嬶偵 | 懡偔巊傢傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 拞媺 僱僢僋儗僗丄姇 | 弶媺 椉庤寱丄擇搧寱丄孋 | 僱僢僋儗僗丄僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30070 楾偺栄+ 楾偺峝偄栄丄僋僔偵巊傢傟傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 拞媺 曅庤寱丄愵巕丄奪 | 孋丄弶媺 椉庤寱 | 僺傾僗偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30071 孎偺抇擷+ 枴妎傪幐偔偟偨幰偺枴妎傪 | 帯偡偲偄偆塡偑偁傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 拞媺 椉庤寱丄擇搧寱 | 弶媺 椉庤寱丄楅丄奪丄孋 | 弬丄僱僢僋儗僗 | 僺傾僗偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30072 孎偺懌偺棤+ 僗僞儈僫怘偲偟偰抦傜傟 | 懡偔偺恖偑媮傔傞怘嵽 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺 曅庤寱丄楅丄愵巕 | 僺傾僗丄姇丄弶媺 擇搧寱 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30073 敀偄儕儃儞+ 敮傪寢傇帪偵巊偆儕儃儞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 拞媺 栴丄奪丄弶媺 擇搧寱 | 奪偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30074 屆偄崟摴暈+ 崟晽抍偑岲傫偱拝傞暈 | 屆偦偆側姶偠偑偡傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺 愵巕丄孋 | 僱僢僋儗僗夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30075 僋僫僀+ 搳偘偰巊偆埫婍 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 拞媺 椉庤寱丄擇搧寱 | 奪丄弬偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30076 孎婼偺岇晞+ 孎婼偨偪偺愴堄傪 | 惙傝忋偘傞偨傔巊偆岇晞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 崅媺 奪丄椉庤寱 | 楅偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30077 孎婼偺墱帟+ 孎婼偺夊 | 寵側埆廘偑偡傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 崅媺 椉庤寱 | 愵巕偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30078 枾嫵擖栧彂+ 枾嫵偺嫵偊偑 | 彂偐傟偰偄傞弶媺擖栧彂 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 拞媺 弬偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30079 撲偺庺晞+丂丂丂 壗偐偑婰偝傟偰偄傞庺晞 | 枾嫵怣幰偟偐撉傔側偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 楅偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30080 庺偄偺彂+丂 庺偄偺庺暥傪彞偊傞 | 帪偵巊偆枾嫵偺彂 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 僺傾僗丄栴 | 僱僢僋儗僗偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30081 宥偺怟旜+丂 撆偑偁傞宥偺偟偭傐 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺 擇搧寱丄栴 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30082 僿價偺怟旜+ 嵶偄幹偺怟旜|夵椙昁梫傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 崅媺 栴丄愵巕 | 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30083 撲偺栻+丂丂 惉暘偑掕偐偱偼側偄 | 惓懱晄柧偺栻 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺 椉庤寱丄弬 | 姇偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30084 撲偺庺晞+丂 壗偐偑婰偝傟偰偄傞庺晞 | 枾嫵怣幰偟偐撉傔側偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 楅偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30085 晍愗傟+ 偍偦傜偔曪懷戙傢傝偵 | 巊傢傟偨傕偺傜偟偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 崅媺 椉庤寱丄擇搧寱 | 栴丄孋偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30086 幾婼偺堚昳+ 晄媑側暤埻婥傪 | 忴偟弌偡朣幰偺堚昳 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 崅媺 椉庤寱丄孋 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30087 幾婼偺曮愇+ 朣幰偺楈嵃偑 | 溸偄偰偄傞偲偄偆曮愇 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺 椉庤寱丄孋 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30088 昘偺寚曅+ 枩擭愥偑屌傑偭偨傕偺 | 壞偱傕椓偟偄椻婥偑昚偆 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂 崅媺 擇搧寱 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30089 愥抝偺栄+ 揱愢偺愥抝偺栄偱 | 杊姦偵桪傟偰偄傞 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂丂 崅媺 姇 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30090 昘偺曮庫+ 昘偱嶌傜傟偨庫 | 弸偄応強偱傕梟偗側偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂 崅媺 僱僢僋儗僗 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30091 晲恖偺徹 揱愢偺晲恖偩偗偵庼梌偝傟傞徹 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺 僽儗僗儗僢僩 | 偺夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30092 怤棯幰偺愴棙昳 怤棯幰偺愴棙昳 | 彑棙傪屩帵偡傞偨傔偵帩偪曕偔 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉丂丂丂 拞媺 椉庤寱丄楅 | 弬丄僺傾僗夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 - -30129 揱椷彂 孯戉偱巊傢傟傞巜椷 | 偺彂偐傟偰偁傞暥彂 -30130 嬻偺時 懡條側塼懱傪 | 擖傟傜傟傞僈儔僗偺時 -30131 抌栬壆偺庤巻 抌栬壆偑桭払偺摽攖偵憲傞庤巻 -30132 墹摂偺杮丂丂丂 妛幰丂墹摂偑傛偔撉傓杮 | 僞僀僩儖偼乭巹偼偁側偨偑枾嫵帥堾 | 偱傗偭偨偙偲傪抦偭偰偄傞乭偩 -30133 嶨壿壆庡恖偺孋 嶨壿壆庡恖偑 | 怴偟偔攦偭偨壴偺孋傜偟偄 -30134 墹摂偺曪傒 妛幰丂墹摂偑帩偭偰偄傞曪傒 | 杮偑偄偭傁偄偁傞傛偆偩 -30135 垷棟宐偺庤巻 垷棟宐偑垻棳偵憲傞庤巻 - -30136 墿嬥妏媩 椔巘偺尵偭偨愭戙 | 偺墿嬥妏媩偺傛偆偩 | 妏偱嶌傜傟偰旤偟偄 | 嬋慄偵桪傟偰偄傞 -30137 墡偺寣丂丂丂 墡偐傜庢偭偨寣偱 | 惗廘偄擋偄偑偡傞 -30138 忋幙擲搚丂 嵒敊偺柍朄幰偑 | 帯椕嵻偱嶌偭偨搚 | 偄傠偄傠側梡搑偵巊傢傟偦偆偩 -30139 孎婼偺彫偝側墱帟丂 傾僋僙僒儕乕偺嵽椏偲偟偰 | 巊傢傟傞孎婼偺彫偝側墱帟 | 埆廘偑偡傞傛偆偩 -30140 巺丂丂丂丂丂丂 僱僢僋儗僗傗暈傪嶌傞 | 帪巊傢傟傞忎晇側巺 -30141 壛岺曮愇丂 暈傗憰恎嬶傪嶌傞 | 帪巊傢傟傞壛岺曮愇 -30142 庤巻丂丂丂丂 壗偐偑彂偐傟偰偄傞 | 撪梕偑抦傝偨偄 | 傎偳偺徴摦傪姶偠偝偣傞 -30143 栻憪丂丂丂丂 偄傠偄傠側栻傪惢憿偡傞 | 帪巊傢傟傞婎杮揑側帯椕栻 -30144 屨偺娞 懱偵偄偄偲尵傢傟傞屨偺娞 | 僗僞儈僫偵偄偄偲偄偆塡傕 -30145 敧彲偺栻 敧彲偵棅傑傟偨栻 -30146 昘偺夠 僇僉昘偺嵽椏偵側傞昘偺夠 | 挻椻偨偄 -30147 枾嫵嫵棟 枾嫵偺嫵棟偑 | 徻偟偔彂偐傟偰偄傞杮 -30148 枾嫵弴墳晞 枾嫵偱巊傢傟傞庺晞偺堦偮 -30149 僇僉昘丂丂丂丂 昘偺夠傪杹偄偰偱偒偨怘傋暔 | 偱偄傠偄傠側嵽椏偱 | 擬偄壞偵椻偨偄枴傪採嫙 -30150 屆戙偺巻曅 愄屆掗崙偺帪偵 | 彂偐傟偨擔婰挔 -30151 楾偺鉕栄 掗崙撪偱傛偔偮偐傢傟傞 | 毢暐偄梡偺楾偺栄 -30152 夦幘帯椕嵻 堛幰丂敀崅偑嶌偭偨 | 夦幘偵岠壥偺偁傞栻 | 幚嵺岠壥偑 | 偁傞偐偳偆偐偼晄柧 -30153 壴丂丂丂丂丂丂 朏偟偄崄傝偱愄偺巚偄弌偑 | 巚偄晜偐傋傞傛偆偵偡傞 -30154 枾嫵宱揟丂 枾嫵偺嫵棟偵懳偡傞暘愅 | 媦傃崱傑偱枾嫵偑曕傫偱 | 偒偨楌巎偑彂偐傟偰偄傞 -30155 旤棟撧偺儁儞僟儞僩 僱僢僋儗僗偵巊傢傟傞 | 儁儞僟儞僩傜偟偄 | 棤柺偵偼旤棟撧偲偄偆 | 柤慜偑彂偐傟偰偄傞 -30156 枾嫵宱揟丂 枾嫵偺嫵棟偵懳偡傞暘愅 | 媦傃崱傑偱枾嫵偑曕傫偱 | 偒偨楌巎偑彂偐傟偰偄傞 - -30093 暉戃 婱廳昳偑擖偭偰偦偆側對戃 -30094 暉戃 婱廳昳偑擖偭偰偦偆側對戃 -30095 暉戃 婱廳昳偑擖偭偰偦偆側對戃 -30096 暉戃 婱廳昳偑擖偭偰偦偆側對戃 - -30192 栘偺悈塼丂丂 廂廤壠偺娫偱傕庤偵擖傟偵偔偄 | 偲偄偆婼栘偺崻偺悈塼 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30193 幾婼偺崪 旕忢偵忎晇偵尒偊傞幾婼偺崪 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30194 摤婼偺灋朹 摤娾恖偐傜扗偭偨灋朹 | 旕忢偵廳偦偆 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30195 嵒 幹墿暯栰偺恄旈偝傪 | 帩偭偰偄傞婸偄偰偄傞嵒 | 夵椙昁梫傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30196 幾婼偺奃 庤偵擖傟傞傑偱 | 憡摉側嬯楯偑敽偆 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30197 杺朄偺庬 恄旈揑側岝偑偡傞庬 | 愒婼偺嵃偑媗傑傟偰偄傞偦偆 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30198 悈曮愇 揤堄摯孉偱 | 妉摼偱偒傞摟柧側曮愇 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 -30199 惵怓偺悈徎 揤堄摯孉偺崟偄婥塣偑 | 昚偆庺傢傟偨曮愇 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 崅媺傾僀僥儉夵椙偵巊傢傟傞 - -30210 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 2丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30211 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 A丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30212 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 B丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30213 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 E丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30214 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 I丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30215 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 L丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30216 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 M丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30217 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 N丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30218 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 R丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 -30219 嬍偺寚曅 惵偄岝偑婸偄偰 | 偄傞愇巕愗傟 T丂偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞 - -30220 恀孎婼偺楈嵃愇 恀孎婼偺楈嵃偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞揱愢偺愇 -30221 枾嫵偺楈嵃愇 枾嫵偺楈嵃偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞揱愢偺愇 -30222 幾婼偺楈嵃愇 幾婼偺楈嵃偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞揱愢偺愇 -30223 昘偺楈嵃愇 昘偺楈嵃偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞揱愢偺愇 -30224 婼栘偺楈嵃愇 婼栘偺楈嵃偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞揱愢偺愇 -30225 摤婼偺楈嵃愇 摤婼偺楈嵃偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞揱愢偺愇 -30311 嬥巤尞 2奒偵壓傝傞僪傾傪庣偭偰 | 偄傞棊嶥擣徹愇偺尞 -30312 嬥惢夝嶶愇晻 巊幰嬥惢旇偺嬥惢 | 傪夝彍偡傞帪巊偆愇偱 | 嶌傜傟偰偄傞徹 - - -30315 敒僷儞 敒偱嶌傜傟偨弌棃棫偰偺僷儞 | 僩僢僺儞僌偝傟偨僑儅偺 | 朏崄偱傛偩傟偑偱偦偆 -30316 僷儞嶮 僷儞傪擖傟傞偨傔偵 | 嶌傜傟偨崅媺側嶮 | 敒僷儞傪惙傞偲 | 偝傜偵忋幙側姶偠偵両 -30317 敒僷儞惙傝崌傢偣 偨偔偝傫偺敒僷儞偺惙傝崌傢偣 | 旤枴偟偦偆偩偑丄尒偰偄傞偲 | 晄巚媍偲帺暘偱怘傋傞傛傝 | 婹偊偰偄傞恖偵偁偘偨偔側傞 -30318 僀僠僕僋 壴傪嶇偐偣偢偵幚傞偲偄偆 | 桼棃偐傜丄柍壴壥乮僀僠僕僋乯 | 偲偄偆柤慜偱屇偽傟傞壥暔 | 枴偼揤壓堦昳丄掗崙撪偱 | 庤偵擖傟傞偺偑擄偟偄 | 暔昳偺拞偺堦偮 | 偨偔偝傫帩偭偰偄傟偽 | 暉偑偔傞偲偄偆偆傢偝傕偁傞 - -30319 巰恄偺徹昜 幾婼搩偺巰恄偑 | 帩偭偰偄傞徹昜 | 夓婼摯孉2奒傪 | 捠峴帪偵巊傢傟傞 -30320 巰恄偺徹昜 幾婼搩偺巰恄偑 | 帩偭偰偄傞徹昜 | 夓婼摯孉2奒傪 | 捠峴帪偵巊傢傟傞 - -30321 僴儘僂傿儞偺僇儃僠儍 僴儘僂傿儞偱巊傢傟傞僇儃僠儍 | 杺朄朹傪巊偆偲 | 攏幵偵側傞傛偆側姶偠 -30322 僴儘僂傿儞偺杺朄朹 僴儘僂傿儞偺僇儃僠儍偵 | 巊傢傟傞杺朄朹 -30323 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕岎姺寯 僴儘僂傿儞偱巊傢傟傞 | 僇儃僠儍僿傾偵岎姺壜擻 | 偲彂偐傟偰偄傞 - -30321 僴儘僂傿儞偺僇儃僠儍 僴儘僂傿儞偱巊傢傟傞僇儃僠儍 | 杺朄朹傪巊偆偲 | 攏幵偵側傞傛偆側姶偠 -30322 僴儘僂傿儞偺杺朄朹 僴儘僂傿儞偺僇儃僠儍偵 | 巊傢傟傞杺朄朹 -30323 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕岎姺寯 僴儘僂傿儞偱巊傢傟傞 | 僇儃僠儍僿傾偵岎姺壜擻 | 偲彂偐傟偰偄傞 - -30324 抴鍋恄媴 抴鍋偺巰懱偲彈墹抴鍋偺 | 撆塼偱嶌傜傟偨媴 | 嶌傜傟偰偐傜1擔屻偵徚偊傞 -30325 抴鍋恄媴 抴鍋偺巰懱偲彈墹抴鍋偺 | 撆塼偱嶌傜傟偨媴 | 1擔屻偵徚偊傞 -30326 彈墹抴鍋偺撆塼 彈墹抴鍋偺撆偺帟 | 偐傜庢偭偨撆塼 | 1擔挻偊傞偲撆偺怴慛搙偑棊偪傞 -30327 彚姭偺揓丂丂 抴鍋柾條偑崗傑傟偰 | 偄傞揓偱 | 巊梡帪捝傒偑敽偆 | 妉摼偟偰偐傜5暘屻偵徚偊傞 - -31001 屆戙愇旇偺戱杮 崟埫崙偺楌巎偑 | 彂偐傟偰偄傞愇旇偺戱杮 -31002 屆戙暥彂 崟尩崙偺棃楌偑 | 彂偐傟偰偁傞暥彂 -31003 夝撆嵻 夓婼偺撆傪帯椕偡傞夝撆嵻 -31004 惞側傞栘偺庽塼 戝抧偺惓婥偑偄偭傁偄 | 娷傑傟偨恄惞栘偺庽塼 -31005 惵悈徎偺惛婥 張姦嶳偺姦婥偲嬨旜屜偺 | 婼栘偑姶偠傜傟傞悈徎丅 | 嬨旜屜偺曮暔丅 -31006 愒偄抧崠偺寢徎 悢愮搙偺崅偄梟娾壏搙偱傕 | 梟偗側偄寢徎懱悢愮搙偺 | 崅偄梟娾壏搙偱傕 | 梟偗側偄寢徎懱 -31007 摴墛戝抧偺搚 摴墛戝抧偱敪尒偟偨搚 -31008 惞椡愇 恄惞側椡傪帩偮愇丅 | 楈椡傪悂偒崬傓偲堦帪揑偵 | 嫲傠偟偄椡傪妉摼壜擻丅 - -41001 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41002 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41117 墠旜暈乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41118 墠旜暈乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41119 僒儖僒乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41120 僒儖僒乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41121 弔偺堖憰乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41122 弔偺堖憰乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41123 婼晲幰(抝) 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨奪 -41124 婼晲幰(彈) 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨奪 -41129 墠旜暈乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41130 墠旜暈乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41131 僒儖僒乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41132 僒儖僒乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41133 弔偺堖憰乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41134 弔偺堖憰乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -41281 婼晲幰(抝) 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨奪 -41282 婼晲幰(彈) 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨奪 -41291 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41292 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41293 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41294 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41295 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41296 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41297 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41298 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41299 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41300 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41301 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41302 僂僒僊偸偄偖傞傒 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41303 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41304 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41305 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -41306 僶僯乕僈乕儖 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒暈憰 -45053 墠旜暈乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45054 墠旜暈乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45055 僒儖僒乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45056 僒儖僒乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45057 弔偺堖憰乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45058 弔偺堖憰乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45059 婼姇 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨姇 -45060 婼姫偒 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨妟摉偰 -45065 墠旜暈乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45066 墠旜暈乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45067 僒儖僒乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45068 僒儖僒乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45069 弔偺堖憰乮抝乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45070 弔偺堖憰乮彈乯 拝傞偲梮傝偨偔側傞僟儞僗暈 -45071 婼姇 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨姇 -45072 婼姫偒 屆戙晲幰偺嵃偑饽偭偨妟摉偰 -45001 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45002 僂僒僊儅僗僋丂 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45119 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45120 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45121 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45122 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45123 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45124 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45125 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45126 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45127 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45128 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45129 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45130 僂僒僊僿僢僪 壜垽偝偨偭傉傝偺抝惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45131 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45132 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45133 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 -45134 僂僒僊僿傾僶儞僪 僉儏乕僩偝偨偭傉傝偺彈惈梡偸偄偖傞傒朮巕 - -50001 岾塣偺彂 彂柺偵偁傞斣崋偑 | 摉慖偡傟偽崙壠偐傜朖徿偑 | 憽傜傟傞偲彂偐傟偰偄傞 -50002 嬥偺巜椫 僔儞僾儖側嬥偺巜椫 | 偍揦偵崅偔攧傟傞 -50003 僗僉儖弶婜壔暥彂 -50004 僀儀儞僩梡姶抦婍 -50005 忔攏寯 塜幧寈旛暫偵尒偣傞偲 | 柍椏偱攏偵忔傟傞寯 40儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 - -50006 嬥憰曮敔 鄪傃傗偐側嬥憰偑巤偝傟偨敔 | 壗偐偱奐偗偦偆側姶偠丂丂丂丂 嬥偺尞偱夝忶壜擻 -50007 嬧憰曮敔 旤偟偄嬧憰偑巤偝傟偨敔 | 壗偐偱奐偗偦偆側姶偠 嬧偺尞偱夝忶壜擻 -50008 嬥偺尞 弮嬥偱嶌傜傟偨尞 | 壗偐傪奐偗偦偆側姶偠丂丂丂丂 嬥憰曮敔偲 | 嬥憰曮敔+傪夝忶壜擻 -50009 嬧偺尞 弮嬧偱嶌傜傟偨尞 | 壗偐傪奐偗偦偆側姶偠丂丂丂丂 嬧憰曮敔偲 | 嬧憰曮敔+傪夝忶壜擻 - -50010 孋壓 孋壓5屄偱僒儞僞僋儘乕僗 | 偐傜僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗傪 | 栣偊傞偲偄傢傟偰偄傞 - -50011 寧岝曮崌 壺楉側憰忺偱尒傞幰傪 | 枺椆偡傞敔丅寧岝傪庴偗傞偲 | 挻帺慠揑尰徾偑婲偙傞偲 | 揱偊傜傟偰偄傞 - -50012 嬥憰曮敔+ 鄪傃傗偐側嬥憰偑巤偝傟偨敔 | 壗偐偱奐偗偦偆側姶偠丂丂丂丂 嬥偺尞偱夝忶壜擻 -50013 嬧憰曮敔+ 旤偟偄嬧憰偑巤偝傟偨敔 | 壗偐偱奐偗偦偆側姶偠 嬧偺尞偱夝忶壜擻 - -50016 摛偺尦慺 尦彧栞偺嵽椏偵側傞 | 摛偱嶌偭偨怘傋暔 -50017 嵒摐偺尦慺 尦彧栞偺嵽椏偵側傞 | 嵒摐偱嶌偭偨怘傋暔 -50018 壥暔偺尦慺 尦彧栞偺嵽椏偵側傞 | 壥暔偱嶌偭偨怘傋暔 -50019 傕偪暷偺旂丂丂丂 尦彧栞傪嶌傞偺偵巊傢傟傞 | 傕偪暷傪偙偹偰嶌偭偨旂 -50020 摛偺尦慺偺栞 愄偐傜愡暘偺栭偵岲傫偱 | 怘傋傜傟偨偲偄偆摛偺尦彧栞丂丂 懱椡慡晹夞暅 -50021 嵒摐偺尦慺偺栞 愄偐傜愡暘偺栭偵岲傫偱 | 怘傋傜傟偨偲偄偆嵒摐偺尦彧栞 惛恄椡慡晹夞暅 -50022 壥暔偺尦慺偺栞 愄偐傜愡暘偺栭偵岲傫偱 | 怘傋傜傟偨偲偄偆壥暔偺尦彧栞 僗僞儈僫慡晹夞暅 - -50023 偍擭嬍戃 怴擭傪寎偊挌擩偵栚忋偺恖 | 偵怴擭偺偁偄偝偮傪偡傞偲 | 偍彫尛偄偲偟偰栣偊傞偍擭嬍偺戃 - -50024 僶儔 垽忣丄垽偺巊幰丄岾暉側垽 | 側偳偺壴尵梩傪傕偮壴 | 堎惈偵垽傪揱偊傞帪 | 偵傛偔巊傢傟傞 彈惈梡 -50025 僠儑僐儗乕僩 僇僇僆傪楙偭偨偲偙傠偵儈儖僋丒 | 僶僞乕丒嵒摐丒崄椏側偳 | 傪壛偊屌傔偨偍壻巕 | 堎惈偵垽傪揱偊傞帪偵巊偆 抝惈梡 - -50027 岎姺寯 岎姺寯惂搙偼攑巭偝傟傑偟偨 | 巊偄摴偺側偄傾僀僥儉 -50031 僶儔 垽忣丄垽偺巊幰丄岾暉側垽 | 側偳偺壴尵梩傪傕偮壴 | 堎惈偵垽傪揱偊傞帪 | 偵傛偔巊傢傟傞 抝惈梡 -50032 僉儍儞僨傿 嵒摐偲條乆側嵽椏傪梟偐偟偰 | 崿偤丄怓乆側宍偵嶌偭偨偍壻巕 | 堎惈偵垽傪揱偊傞帪偵巊偆丂丂丂丂丂 彈惈梡 -50033 撲偺敔 撲偺暥帤偑崗傑傟偨敔 | 奐偗偨傜壗偐弌偰偒偦偆偩 - -50034 側偧側偧偺敔 敔傪奐偗傞偲側偧側偧傪 | 弌偟偰偒偰丄夝摎傪娫堘偊傞 | 偲庺偄傪偐偗偰偔傞曄側敔 -50035 巕嫙偺擔偺僾儗僛儞僩敔 垾嶢傗婰擮丄傑偨偼婥帩偪傪 | 昞偡堄枴偱偁偘傞敔 | 偺拞偵偼偁偘偨恖偐傜偺婥帩偪 | 偑偙傕偭偨僾儗僛儞僩偑擖偭偰偄傞 -50036 巕嫙偺擔偺僾儗僛儞僩敔 垾嶢傗婰擮丄傑偨偼婥帩偪傪 | 昞偡堄枴偱偁偘傞敔 | 偺拞偵偼偁偘偨恖偐傜偺婥帩偪 | 偑偙傕偭偨僾儗僛儞僩偑擖偭偰偄傞 -50037 榋妏曮敔 娍巻偱嶌傜傟偨榋妏宍偺曮敔 | 偱敔偺拞偵偼偁偘傞恖偐傜偺婥帩 | 偑偙傕偭偨僾儗僛儞僩偑擖偭偰偄傞 - -50070 孎婼懓挿偺敔 孎婼懓挿偑帩偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偄偦偆 -50071 枾嫵嫵庡偺敔 枾嫵嫵庡偑帩偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偄偦偆 -50072 傛傒偑偊偭偨枾嫵嫵庡偺敔 暅妶枾嫵嫵庡偑帩偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50073 彈墹抴鍋偺敔 彈墹抴鍋偑帩偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50074 戝墹抴鍋偺敔 戝墹抴鍋偑帩偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50075 戝宆姶愼攠閾偺敔 戝宆姶愼攠夘懱偑 | 帩偭偰偄偨敔丅壗偐戝帠 | 側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50076 嫄戝嵒敊僇儊偺敔 嫄戝嵒敊婽偑帩偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50077 嬨旜屜偺敔 嬨旜屜偑帩偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50078 墿屨婼偺敔 墿屨婼偑傕偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50079 壩墛墹偺敔 壩墛墹偑傕偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50080 壩棾偺敔 壩棾偑傕偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50081 幾婼墹偺敔 幾婼墹偑傕偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 -50082 巰恄偺敔 巰恄偑傕偭偰偄偨敔 | 壗偐戝帠側傕偺偑擖偭偰偦偆 - -50050 攏攙 栶恖偑岞柋偱抧曽偵峴偔 | 嵺攏傪巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞徹 攏僋僄僗僩偵巊梡壜擻 -50051 忔攏復 崙壠偐傜攏偵忔傟傞徹 | 偲偟偰傕傜偆堦庬偺報丂丂丂丂 弶媺攏彚姭 -50052 弜攏彂 彮偟忔攏偵撻傟偨幰偵丄 | 崙壠偐傜壓傝傞忔攏徹彂 | 忔攏拞偱傕峌寕壜擻 拞媺攏彚姭 -50053 昐弜彂 屆戙恖偺堚偟偨忔攏媄弍彂 | 攏奪傪埖偆曽朄偑婰偝傟偰偄傞 | 忔攏僗僉儖巊梡壜擻 崅媺攏彚姭 -50054 姳偟憪 憪傪姞偭偰姡憞偝偣偰嶌偭偨 | 攏愱梡偺帞椏丂丂丂丂 弶媺攏帞椏 -50055 僯儞僕儞 崻偑寴偔墿怓丒奰怓丒愒怓傪 | 懷傃偰偄傞丅帞椏偲偟偰巊梡偝傟傞 拞媺攏帞椏 -50056 峠潴 崻偑寴偔墿怓丒奰怓丒愒怓傪 | 懷傃偰偄傞丅帞椏偲偟偰巊梡偝傟傞 崅媺攏帞椏 -50057 壓愬摯偺愬憪 弶媺攏傪惗偒曉傜偣傞偲偄偆 | 揱愢偺栻憪 | 壓愬摯偺墡偑庣偭偰偄傞傜偟偄 弶媺攏暅妶 -50058 拞愬摯偺愬憪 拞媺攏傪惗偒曉傜偣傞偲偄偆 | 揱愢偺栻憪 | 拞愬摯偺墡偑庣偭偰偄傞傜偟偄丂丂丂丂丂丂 拞媺攏暅妶 -50059 忋愬摯偺愬憪 忋媺攏傪惗偒曉傜偣傞偲偄偆 | 揱愢偺栻憪 | 忋愬摯偺墡偑庣偭偰偄傞傜偟偄丂丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺攏暅妶 -50060 攏弍廋楙彂 忔攏媄弍偑婰偝傟偰偄傞 | 廋楙彂廋楙偑惉岟偡傞偲忔攏 | 媄弍億僀儞僩偑妉摼偱偒傞 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 50儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 - -50067 恑壔偺彂 丂恄旈揑側柾條偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 | 旈揱彂偲偟偰塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲 | 攏傪恑壔偝偣傞帠偑弌棃傑偡 -50068 妎惲偺彂 丂恄旈揑側柾條偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 | 旈揱彂偲偟偰塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲 | 攏傪妎惲偝偣傞帠偑弌棃傑偡 - -50083 忔攏寯 塜幧寈旛暫偵尒偣傞偲 | 柍椏偱攏偵忔傟傞寯 - -50084 寢奅夝懱愇 屆戙偺椡偱晻報偝傟偨晻報愇偺 | 寢奅傪夝偔偺偵昁梫側傾僀僥儉 10儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 - -50091 僼僫庻巌 僼僫偺摿暿側庻巌 | 擋偄偑摿暿側偺偱怘傋偵偔偄 -50092 僐僀庻巌 僐僀偺摿暿側庻巌 | 擋偄偑摿暿側偺偱怘傋偵偔偄 -50093 僔儍働庻巌 怴慛側僔儍働偱嶌偭偨庻巌 | 愒怓偑帇妎傪巋寖丂丂丂丂丂丂 峌寕椡偺愨懳抣傪10傾僢僾 -50094 僫儅僘庻巌 僫儅僘偱嶌偭偨捒偟偄庻巌 | 揇偺偵偍偄傪徚偡偨傔偵 | 偄傠偄傠側崄恏椏傪巊梡丂丂丂 杊屼椡偺愨懳抣傪10傾僢僾 - -50100 廽嵳梡壴壩 廽嵳偺嵟屻傪忺傞 | 壴壩 (巼怓) -50101 廽嵳梡壴壩 廽嵳偺嵟屻傪忺傞 | 壴壩 (墿怓) -50102 廽嵳梡壴壩 廽嵳偺嵟屻傪忺傞 | 壴壩 (惵怓) -50103 廽嵳梡壴壩 廽嵳偺嵟屻傪忺傞 | 壴壩 (愒怓) -50104 廽嵳梡壴壩 廽嵳偺嵟屻傪忺傞 | 壴壩 (椢怓) -50105 廽嵳梡壴壩 廽嵳偺嵟屻傪忺傞 | 壴壩 (敀怓) - -50106 僋儕僗儅僗壴壩 僋儕僗儅僗梡偺壴壩 | 堦斒揑側壴壩偵斾傋壺傗偐 -50108 僐儅 栘傪嶍偭偰嶌偭偨傕偺偱 | 梒偄巕嫙偨偪偑夞偟偰梀傇偍傕偪傖丂丂丂丂丂 堦掕偺妋棪偱僗僞乕儞峌寕 - -50123 傾僀僗僋儕乕儉 弸偝傪傆偭旘偽偡傾僀僗僋儕乕儉 | 偺忋偵梃懯揤栻偺僔儘僢僾 | 傪偐偗偨昘壻巕 -50124 僀僷偺儃僢僋僗 揤堄摯孉偺揱愢偺 | 僀僷偑帩偭偰偄傞儃僢僋僗 - -50182 愒偄旈枾敔 堷偒屗幃偺傆偨傪帩偭偨 | 恀偭愒側敔丅敔偺拞偵偼戝愗側 | 傕偺偑偦偭偲塀偝傟偰偄傞傛偆 -50183 埞 僒僩僂僉價摍偐傜拪弌偟偨丄 | 摐傪梟偐偟偰屌傔偰嶌偭偨 | 娒偔偰偍偄偟偄怘傋暔丅偨偔偝傫 | 怘傋偡偓傞偲丄拵帟偵側偭偨傝丄 | 懢偭偨傝偡傞偙偲傕偁傞丂 堏摦懍搙 10亾 | 峌寕椡 5亾 | 宱尡抣 10亾 | 帩懕帪娫 : 30暘 - -50200 曪傒 屄恖彜揦傪弌偣傞 -50300 媄弍廋楙彂 僗僉儖偺儅僗僞乕儗儀儖傪忋偘傞 - -50301 懛巕暫朄彂 晲宱幍彂偺拞偺堦嶜偱戙昞揑 | 側暫朄彂|摑棪椡傪忋偘傞 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞丅 -50302 屶巕暫朄彂 晲宱幍彂偺拞偺堦嶜偱戙昞揑 | 側暫朄彂|摑棪椡傪忋偘傞 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞丅 -50303 婼扟暫朄彂 晲宱幍彂偺拞偺堦嶜偱戙昞揑 | 側暫朄彂|摑棪椡傪忋偘傞 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞丅 - -50304 婏岠怣彂 婎慴揑側孯帠抦幆偲愴摤 | 曽朄偑婰偝傟偨暫朄彂 | 楢宲媄偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50305 楙暫泬婰 懡條側孯帠抦幆偲愴摤曽朄 | 偑婰偝傟偨暫朄彂 | 楢宲媄偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50306 晲旛帍 楌戙偺偡傋偰偺暫朄彂傪 | 嶲峫偵嶌傜傟偨暫朄彂 | 楢宲媄偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 - -50160 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50161 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50162 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50163 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50164 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50165 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50166 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50167 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50168 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50169 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50170 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50171 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50172 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50173 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50174 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50175 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50176 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50177 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50178 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50179 暅妶嵳偺棏 泎壔偟偨屻傂傛偙偵側傝 | 慼惗傪徾挜偡傞棏 | 旤偟偡偓傞 -50180 嬻偺饽 壗偲側偔棏傪擖傟傞偲 | 泎壔偟偦偆側姶偠偑偡傞 -50181 棏偺饽 棏傪偄偭傁偄擖傟偰饽 | 偱側傫偐抔偐偄姶偠偑偡傞 -50187 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 儊僥傿儞2悽奅傪朻尟偡傞帪 | 昁梫側傾僀僥儉偑擖偭偰偄傞 | 僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 -50188 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂丂 10儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50189 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂 20儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50190 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂丂丂丂丂 30儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50191 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂丂丂丂丂 40儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50192 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂丂丂丂丂丂 50儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50193 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂丂丂丂丂丂 60儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50194 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂 70儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50195 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂 80儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 -50196 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝 | 偑偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂 90儗儀儖埲忋巊梡壜擻 - -50197 晄巚媍側曪傒丂 壗偐偑擖偭偰偄偦偆側 | 戝帠偵曪傑傟偰偄傞曪傒 -50198 晄巚媍側曪傒 壗偐偑擖偭偰偄偦偆側 | 戝帠偵曪傑傟偰偄傞曪傒 -50199 晄巚媍側曪傒 壗偐偑擖偭偰偄偦偆側 | 戝帠偵曪傑傟偰偄傞曪傒 -50203 晄巚媍側僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 棆偵懪偨傟偨僇僶僲僉偱 | 嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄儃僢僋僗 -50204 崟偄梿珥儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪崟偔揾傝 | 偦偺忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨 | 崟偄岝偑偡傞儃僢僋僗丂 -50205 崟偄梿珥儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪崟偔揾傝 | 偦偺忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨 | 崟偄岝偑偡傞儃僢僋僗丂 -50206 崟偄梿珥儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪崟偔揾傝 | 偦偺忋偵梿珥傪忺偭 | 偨崟偄岝偑偡傞儃僢僋僗丂 -50207 枹巊梡 枹巊梡 -50208 枹巊梡 枹巊梡 -50209 枹巊梡 枹巊梡 -50210 枹巊梡 枹巊梡 -50211 枹巊梡 枹巊梡 - -50212 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝偑 | 偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂 儊僥傿儞2悽奅傪朻尟偡傞帪 | 昁梫側傾僀僥儉偑擖偭偰偄傞 | 僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 -50213 愒偄梿珥僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 崟扽栘傪愒偔揾傝偦偺 | 忋偵梿珥傪忺偭偨愒偄岝偑 | 偡傞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗丂 儊僥傿儞2悽奅傪朻尟偡傞帪 | 昁梫側傾僀僥儉偑擖偭偰偄傞 | 僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 -50214 愒偄儖價乕儃僢僋僗 愒偄儖價乕偑崗傑傟偰偄 | 傞崅媺揑側儃僢僋僗偱巊梡偡傞偲丄 | 側傫偲偄偄偙偲偑偱偒偦偆側姶偠偑偡傞 -50215 僴儘僂傿儞僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 僇儃僠儍傪巚傢偣傞墿怓偄 | 偐傢偄偄昞忣偑彂偐傟偰偄傞 | 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 - -50216 僄僢僌僲僢僌丂丂丂 棏偲儈儖僋偦偟偰庰偱 | 嶌偭偨僪儕儞僋偑擖偭偰偄傞 | 嵟崅媺旂偺戃 堏摦懍搙 10亾 | 峌寕椡 5亾 | 宱尡抣 10亾 | 帩懕帪娫 : 30暘 - -50217 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨僇僶僲僉偱 | 嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄彂愋曐娗敔丂|丂晲巑梡 -50218 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨僇僶僲僉偱 | 嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄彂愋曐娗敔 | 巋媞梡 -50219 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨僇僶僲僉偱 | 嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄彂愋曐娗敔 | 廋梾梡 -50220 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨僇僶僲僉偱 | 嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄彂愋曐娗敔 | 涋彈梡 -50221 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨僇僶僲僉偱 | 嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄彂愋曐娗敔 | 曗彆僗僉儖梡 -50222 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 晲巑 梾娍孯梡 -50223 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 晲巑 攆婻孯梡 -50224 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 巋媞 旇檵孯梡 -50225 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 巋媞 嫮楧孯 -50226 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 廋梾 崟杺孯 -50227 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 廋梾 尪晳孯 -50228 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 涋彈 揤棿孯 -50229 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 涋彈 嫸棆孯 -50230 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 晲巑梡 -50231 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 巋媞梡 -50232 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 廋梾梡 -50233 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 | 涋彈梡 -50234 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 梤旂巻偱曪傑傟偨 | 晄巚媍側廋楙彂 -50235 晄巚媍側僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 棆偵懪偨傟偨僇僶僲僉偱 | 嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄儃僢僋僗 -50236 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 晲巑梾娍 -50237 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 巋媞攆婻 -50238 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 廋梾旇檵 -50239 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 涋彈嫮楧 -50240 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 晲巑崟杺 -50241 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 巋媞尪晳 -50242 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 廋梾揤棿 -50243 捒偟偄栘挙敔 棆偵懪偨傟偨 | 僇僶僲僉偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 彂愋曐娗敔 | 涋彈嫸棆 - -50244 撲偺敔 G4Box梡曗彏儃僢僋僗 -50245 摎楃敔 懠恖偐傜傕傜偭偨楃傪曉偡偨傔丄 | 偮傑傜側偄僾儗僛儞僩傪擖傟偰搉偡敔 | 奐偗偰傒傞偲偄偄 | 僾儗僛儞僩偑弌偦偆丅偦偟偰僷僢働乕僕 | 偵偼師偺傛偆側儊僢僙乕僕偑偁傞 偛堄尒偁傝偑偲偆偛偞偄傑偡 -50246 暉戃 堦帪揑偵恖婥偺偁偭偨捒偟偄 | 傕偺偑擖偭偰偄偦偆側對戃 -50247 娺嬶壴壩儃僢僋僗 廽嵳傪廽偆偄傠偄傠側壴壩 | 偑擖偭偰偄傞儃僢僋僗 -50248 愬恖偺儃僢僋僗 屆戙廋嬈偟偨愬恖偺婥塣 | 偑帟偭偰偄偨偲偄偆揱愢偺儃僢僋僗 | 巊梡偡傞帪愬恖偺 | 塣婥偑揱傢偭偰偒偦偆 宱尡抣捛壛 -50261 抴鍋恄媴嵽椏儃僢僋僗 抴鍋恄媴惢憿偺嵽椏偑 | 擖偭偰偄傞儃僢僋僗 - -50311 怴庼岅朄 怴庼崙偺尵梩傪妛傋傞 -50312 揤挷岅朄 揤挷崙偺尵梩傪妛傋傞 -50313 恑搘岅朄 恑搘崙偺尵梩傪妛傋傞 - -50307 擟柋悑峴彂(弶媺) 弶媺僋僄僗僩偑敪惗 -50308 擟柋悑峴彂(拞媺) 拞媺僋僄僗僩偑敪惗 -50309 擟柋悑峴彂(崅媺) 忋媺僋僄僗僩偑敪惗 -50310 擟柋悑峴彂(摿媺) 摿媺僋僄僗僩偑敪惗 - - -50314 撡峛弍彂 撡峛嬍傪巊偭偰儌儞僗僞乕偵 | 曄恎偱偒傞曄恎僗僉儖偺 | 儗儀儖傪忋偘傞 | 堦搙巊偆偲側偔側傞 15儗儀儖巊梡壜擻 -50315 撡峛媄弍彂 撡峛嬍傪巊偭偰儌儞僗僞乕偵 | 曄恎偱偒傞曄恎僗僉儖偺 | 儗儀儖傪忋偘傞 | 堦搙巊偆偲側偔側傞 25儗儀儖巊梡壜擻 -50316 婏暥撡峛弍彂 撡峛嬍傪巊偭偰儌儞僗僞乕偵 | 曄恎偱偒傞曄恎僗僉儖偺 | 儗儀儖傪忋偘傞 | 堦搙巊偆偲側偔側傞 35儗儀儖巊梡壜擻 - -50401 嶰楢巃廋楙彂 梾娍孯僗僉儖嶰楢巃 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50402 敧曽棎塉廋楙彂 梾娍孯僗僉儖敧曽棎塉 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50403 愴婼嵃廋楙彂 梾娍孯僗僉儖愴婼嵃 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50404 寱嬈廋楙彂 梾娍孯僗僉儖寱嬈 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50405 抏娵寕廋楙彂 梾娍孯僗僉儖抏娵寕 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50416 婥岟徴廋楙彂 攆婻孯僗僉儖婥岟徴 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50417 寕嶶懪廋楙彂 攆婻孯僗僉儖寕嶶懪 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50418 戝怳媟廋楙彂 攆婻孯僗僉儖戝怳媟 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50419 揟崻庽廋楙彂 攆婻孯僗僉儖揟崻庽 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50420 寱晽廋楙彂 攆婻孯僗僉儖寱晽 | 偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50421 擼寱摓棃廋楙彂 攆婻孯擼寱摓棃 | 偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 - - -50431 埫廝廋楙彂 旇檵孯僗僉儖埫廝 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50432 塭恦廋楙彂 旇檵孯僗僉儖塭恦 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50433 幵椫嶦廋楙彂 旇檵孯僗僉儖幵椫嶦 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50434 塀寀朄廋楙彂 旇檵孯僗僉儖塀寀朄 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50435 嶶嫲暡廋楙彂 旇檵孯僗僉儖嶶嫲暡 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50446 楢幩廋楙彂 嫮楧孯僗僉儖楢幩 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50447 娧寕弍廋楙彂 嫮楧孯僗僉儖娧寕弍 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50448 壩憃攇廋楙彂 嫮楧孯僗僉儖壩憃攇 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50449 寉嬻弍廋楙彂 嫮楧孯僗僉儖寉嬻弍 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50450 撆婏媩廋楙彂 嫮楧孯僗僉儖撆婏媩 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50451 搰岝抏廋楙彂 嫮楧孯僗僉儖搰岝抏 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 - - -50461 嵱楇巜廋楙彂 尪晳孯僗僉儖嵱楇巜 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50462 梮姫攇廋楙彂 尪晳孯僗僉儖梮姫攇 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50463 婼寱廋楙彂 尪晳孯僗僉儖婼寱 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50464 嫲曪廋楙彂 尪晳孯僗僉儖嫲曪 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50465 拻杺峛廋楙彂 尪晳孯僗僉儖拻杺峛 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50466 攋朄弍廋楙彂 尪晳孯僗僉儖攋朄弍 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50476 杺楈廋楙彂 崟杺孯僗僉儖杺楈 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50477 壩墛敋廋楙彂 崟杺孯僗僉儖壩墛敋 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50478 柍塭恮廋楙彂 崟杺孯僗僉儖柍塭恮 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50479 崟恄庣岇廋楙彂 崟杺孯僗僉儖崟恄庣岇 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50480 摤杺楈廋楙彂 崟杺孯僗僉儖摤杺楈 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50481 杺娵寕廋楙彂 崟杺孯僗僉儖杺尪寕 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 - -50491 旈攋姌廋楙彂 揤棿孯僗僉儖旈攋晞 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50492 棾攇嶶廋楙彂 揤棿孯僗僉儖棾攇嶶 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50493 攅棾敋廋楙彂 揤棿孯僗僉儖攅棾敋 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50494 岇恄廋楙彂 揤棿孯僗僉儖岇恄 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50495 斀幩廋楙彂 揤棿孯僗僉儖斀幩恮 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50496 婥揤懷峛廋楙彂 揤棿孯僗僉儖婥揤懷峛 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50506 棆揹椊廋楙彂 嫸棆孯僗僉儖棆揹椊 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50507 棊棆廋楙彂 嫸棆孯僗僉儖棊棆 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50508 敋棆寕廋楙彂 嫸棆孯僗僉儖敋棆寕 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50509 忩嬈擡廋楙彂 嫸棆孯僗僉儖忩嬈 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50510 夣懌廋楙彂 嫸棆孯僗僉儖夣懌 | 儅僗僞乕偺廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 -50511 楙椡弍廋楙彂 嫸棆孯僗僉儖楙椡弍 | 儅僗僞乕廋楙偵巊偆 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 - -50512 屲嵤愇 怱偺栚偱偁傞怱娽傪奐偒丄 | 慡偰偺媄弍傪怴偨側悽奅 | 傊偲摫偄偰偔傟傞揱愢偺愇丂丂丂丂丂丂 僌儔儞僪儅僗僞乕偵側傟傞 -50513 嵃愇 怱娽傪奐偄偨屻丄偝傜偵 | 崅搙側媄弍傪廗摼偡傞偨傔 | 偵怗攠偲偟偰巊傢傟傞揱愢偺愇丂丂丂丂丂 僌儔儞僪儅僗僞乕夁掱傪廋楙壜擻 - -50600 嵦孈廋楙彂 嵦孈偺廋楙偵巊傢傟傞 | 堦搙撉傫偩杮偼徚偊傞 - -50601 僟僀儎儌儞僪尨愇 僊儖僪偺僟僀儎儌儞僪 | 梟峼楩偐傜僟僀儎儌儞僪偵 | 惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50602 噫噙尨愇 _ -50603 壔愇栘尨愇 僊儖僪偺壔愇栘梟峼楩偐傜 | 壔愇栘偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50604 摵尨愇 僊儖僪偺摵尨愇梟峼楩 | 偐傜摵偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50605 嬧尨愇 僊儖僪偺嬧梟峼楩 | 偐傜嬧偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50606 嬥尨愇 僊儖僪偺嬥梟峼楩 | 偐傜嬥偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50607 闩悏尨愇 僊儖僪偺闩悏梟峼楩 | 偐傜闩悏偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50608 崟抙栘 僊儖僪偺崟抎栘梟峼楩 | 偐傜崟抎栘偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50609 恀庫偺寚曅 僊儖僪偺恀庫梟峼楩 | 偐傜恀庫偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50610 敀嬥尨愇 僊儖僪偺敀嬥梟峼楩 | 偐傜敀嬥偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50611 悈徎尨愇 僊儖僪偺悈徎梟峼楩 | 偐傜悈徎偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50612 巼悈徎偺尨愇 僊儖僪偺巼悈徎梟峼楩 | 偐傜巼悈徎偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 -50613 揤椱偺尨愇 僊儖僪偺揤旤嬍梟峼楩 | 偐傜揤椱偵惛惢壜擻側尨愇 - -50621 僟僀儎儌儞僪丂丂 嬥崉愇偲傕屇偽傟傞嵟崅媺 | 偺曮愇偱傾僋僙僒儕乕傾僀僥儉 | 偵僜働僢僩傪捛壛偱偒傞 -50622 噫噙 _ -50623 壔愇栘 搚偺拞偵杽傕傟偨栘偑朿戝側 | 擭寧傪偐偗丄壔愇壔偟偨栘 | 栘偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50624 摵 壿暭偲偟偰傛偔巊傢傟傞 | 嬥懏|摵偺傾僋僙僒儕乕 | 偺僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50625 嬧 旤偟偄岝戲傪傕偮婱嬥懏 | 嬧偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50626 嬥 壺傗偐側岝戲傪 | 曻偮戙昞揑側婱嬥懏 | 嬥偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50627 闩悏 扨幬徎宯偵懏偡丄怺椢怓 | 偱敿摟柧偺峼愇 | 闩悏偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50628 崟抙 嫮搙丒寉検惈偵桪傟丄屆戙 | 偐傜條乆側梡搑偵巊傢傟偰偒偨栘 | 崟抙偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50629 恀庫 奓偺懱撪偵偱偒偨 | 扽巁僇儖僔僂儉傪庡側惉暘 | 偲偡傞娵偄宍偺曮愇 | 恀庫偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50630 敀嬥 敀偄岝戲傪帩偮婱嬥懏偱 | 嬧傛傝傕峝搙丒懴怘惈偵桪傟傞 | 敀嬥偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50631 悈徎 柍怓摟柧側愇塸偺堦斒柤 | 偱僋儕僗僞儖偲屇偽傟傞 | 悈徎偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50632 巼悈徎 巼偵怓偯偄偨悈徎 | 巼悈徎偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 -50633 揤旤嬍 塤偑側偄偲偙傠偐傜崀傝拲偄偩 | 塉悈偑搚偵怹傒崬傒寢徎 | 傪惉偟丄偮偔傜傟偨曮愇 | 揤旤嬍偺傾僋僙僒儕乕偺 | 僜働僢僩偵憰拝壜擻 - -50701 搷偺壴 搷偺栘偺壴 | 愭恖払偑|偙偺栘偱怷 | 傪嶌偭偨帠傕偁偭偨 | 敡偺旤梕偵椙偄偲抦傜傟傞栻憪丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50702 媕峓 乽塱墦偺垽乿傪徾挜偡傞壴丄 | 娍曽堛妛偱傛偔巊傢傟傞 | 奝晽幾歜懅偵岠壥偑偁傞 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50703 奰偺壴 彈惈偑偙偺壴偱嶌偭偨庱忺傝 | 傪偐偗傟偽抝偺巕傪嶻傓 | 偲偄偆尵偄揱偊偑偁傞 | 姶愼徢慡斒偵岠壥偑偁傞 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50704 僄僝僂僐僊 崅楉恖嶲偵偳偙偲側偔帡偨栻憪 | 摐擜昦偵岠壥偑偁傞丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50705 僙僉僔儑僂 懡擭憪偺忢椢憪杮 | 擼傪妶惈壔偝偣傞偲 | 偄傢傟偰偄傞栻憪丂丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50706 楈幣 娍曽偺嵽椏傗憰忺梡偵棙梡偝傟丄 | 晄榁憪偺暿柤傪帩偮栻憪 | 晄柊徢偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50707 僄僝僔儍僋僫僎 僣僣僕壢偺忢椢掅栘 | 恄宱徢摍偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50708 儎儅僌儚 庽旂偺晹暘傪栻梡傗 | 惢巻梡偵巊傢傟傞栘 | 旍枮梷惂偺岠壥偑 | 偁傞偲偄傢傟傞栻憪丂丂丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50709 僞儞億億 僟儞僨儔僀僆儞偲傕 | 屇偽傟傞懡擭惗怉暔 | 堲岮墛偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50710 峠壴偺庬 峠壴偲屇偽傟傞壴偺庬 | 崪慹闋徢偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50711 側偮傔 側偮傔偺栘偺幚 | 崪慹闋徢偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 -50712 僀僇儕僜僂 慏偺僀僇儕偐傜柤偑 | 庢傜傟偨偲偄偆壴 | 摐擜昦梷惂偺岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂 嵤屓榅尋媶梡 - -50721 搷偺壴 搷偺栘偺壴 | 愭恖払偑|偙偺栘偱怷傪 | 嶌偭偨帠傕偁偭偨 | 敡偺旤梕偵椙偄偲抦傜傟傞栻憪丂丂丂丂丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50722 媕峓 乽塱墦偺垽乿傪徾挜偡傞壴丄 | 娍曽堛妛偱傛偔巊傢傟傞 | 奝晽幾歜懅偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50723 奰偺壴 彈惈偑偙偺壴偱嶌偭偨庱忺傝 | 傪偐偗傟偽抝偺巕傪嶻傓 | 偲偄偆尵偄揱偊偑偁傞 | 姶愼徢慡斒偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50724 僄僝僂僐僊 崅楉恖嶲偵偳偙偲側偔帡偨栻憪 | 摐擜昦偵岠壥偑偁傞丂 栻惢憿梡 -50725 僙僉僔儑僂 懡擭憪偺忢椢憪杮 | 擼傪妶惈壔偝偣傞偲 | 偄傢傟偰偄傞栻憪丂丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50726 楈幣 娍曽偺嵽椏傗憰忺梡偵棙梡偝傟丄 | 晄榁憪偺暿柤傪帩偮栻憪 | 晄柊徢偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50727 僄僝僔儍僋僫僎 僣僣僕壢偺忢椢掅栘 | 恄宱徢摍偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50728 儎儅僌儚 庽旂偺晹暘傪栻梡傗 | 惢巻梡偵巊傢傟傞栘 | 旍枮梷惂偺岠壥偑 | 偁傞偲偄傢傟傞栻憪丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50729 僞儞億億 僟儞僨儔僀僆儞偲傕 | 屇偽傟傞懡擭惗怉暔 | 堲岮墛偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50730 峠壴偺庬 峠壴偲屇偽傟傞壴偺庬 | 崪慹闋徢偵岠壥偑偁傞丂丂丂丂丂丂 栻惢憿梡 -50731 側偮傔 側偮傔偺栘偺幚 | 崪慹闋徢偵岠壥偑偁傞丂 栻惢憿梡 -50732 僀僇儕僜僂 慏偺僀僇儕偐傜柤偑 | 庢傜傟偨偲偄偆壴 | 摐擜昦梷惂偺岠壥偑偁傞丂丂 栻惢憿梡 - -50801 搷偺壴偺塼 搷偺壴偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50802 媕峓偺塼 媕峓偱嶌偭偨弮塼丂丂丂丂丂 STR +5 -50803 奰偺壴偺塼 奰偺壴偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50804 僄僝僂僐僊偺塼 僄僝僂僐僊偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50805 僙僉僔儑僂偺塼 僙僉僔儑僂偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50806 楈幣偺塼 楈幣偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50807 僄僝僔儍僋僫僎偺塼 僄僝僔儍僋僫僎偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50808 儎儅僌儚偺塼 儎儅僌儚偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50809 僞儞億億偺塼 僞儞億億偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50810 峠壴偺塼 峠壴偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50811 側偮傔偺塼 側偮傔偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50812 僀僇儕僜僂偺塼 僀僇儕僜僂偱嶌偭偨弮塼 -50813 妶怱塼 搷偺壴偺塼偵僙僉僔儑僂 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻丂丂丂丂丂丂 娧捠妋棪 +10亾 ( 3暘 ) -50814 旔撆悈 媕峓偺塼偵僙僉僔儑僂 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻丂丂丂丂丂丂 抳柦懪妋棪 +10亾 ( 3暘 ) -50815 曬娐悈 奰偺壴偺塼偵楈幣 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻 -50816 楈曯悈 僄僝僂僐僊偺塼偵楈幣 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻 -50817 恀妶怱塼 妶怱塼偵僄僝僔儍僋僫僎 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻丂丂丂丂丂 峌寕椡 +50 -50818 恀旔撆悈 旔撆悈偵僄僝僔儍僋僫僎 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻丂丂丂丂丂 杊塹椡 +70 -50819 恀曬娐悈 曬娐悈偵儎儅僌儚 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻丂 杺朄掞峈 +10亾 -50820 恀楈曯悈 楈曯悈偵儎儅僌儚 | 傪懌偟偰嶌偭偨栻 - -50821 愒忩塼 旔撆悈傪弉惉偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨愴摤曗彆栻 | 弉惉偱嶌傜傟偰偄傞 | 偐傜惈擻偑堘偆 -50822 峠忩塼 妶怱塼傪弉惉偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨愴摤曗彆栻 | 弉惉偱嶌傜傟偰偄傞 | 偐傜惈擻偑堘偆 -50823 墿忩塼 恀楈曯悈傪弉惉偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨愴摤曗彆栻 | 弉惉偱嶌傜傟偰偄傞 | 偐傜惈擻偑堘偆 -50824 椢忩塼 恀曬娐悈傪弉惉偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨愴摤曗彆栻 | 弉惉偱嶌傜傟偰偄傞 | 偐傜惈擻偑堘偆 -50825 惵忩塼 恀妶怱塼傪弉惉偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨愴摤曗彆栻 | 弉惉偱嶌傜傟偰偄傞 | 偐傜惈擻偑堘偆 -50826 敀忩塼 恀旔撆悈傪弉惉偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨愴摤曗彆栻 | 弉惉偱嶌傜傟偰偄傞 | 偐傜惈擻偑堘偆 - - -50901 嬻偺栻時 栻惢憿帪偵巊梡偡傞嬻偺時 - -50902 惢憿弍擖栧彂 -50903 惢憿妶梡彂 -50904 惢憿崅媺妶梡彂 - -50905 妶怱塼惢憿朄 -50906 旔撆悈惢憿朄 -50907 曬娐悈惢憿朄 -50908 楈曯悈惢憿朄 -50909 恀旔撆惢憿朄 -50910 妶怱塼惢憿朄 - -51001 妶愇 傾僀僥儉暡嵱帪妉摼偱偒傞 | 杺椡偺偁傞愇偺寚曅 -51002 廩婥娵 妶愇傪忲棷悈偵 | 忲棷偝偣偰嶌傜傟偨栻 -51003 嵞壩愇 妶愇傪嬅弅偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨恄旈揑側怓偺愇 - -52001 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛墡傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52002 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛墡傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52003 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛墡傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52004 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛墡傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52005 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛墡傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52006 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +3亾 -52007 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 3亾 捛壛 -52008 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +250 -52009 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +50 -52010 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +30 -52011 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +5亾 -52012 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 5亾 捛壛 -52013 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +500 -52014 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +150 -52015 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛墡傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +100 -52016 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛楾傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52017 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛楾傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52018 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛楾傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52019 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛楾傪彚姭偡傞 | 帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52020 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛楾傪彚姭偡 | 傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52021 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +3亾 -52022 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 3亾 捛壛 -52023 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +250 -52024 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +50 -52025 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +30 -52026 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +5亾 -52027 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 5亾 捛壛 -52028 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +500 -52029 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +150 -52030 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛楾傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +100 -52031 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52032 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52033 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52034 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52035 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52036 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +3亾 -52037 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 3亾 捛壛 -52038 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +250 -52039 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +50 -52040 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +30 -52041 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +5亾 -52042 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 5亾 捛壛 -52043 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +500 -52044 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +150 -52045 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛巶傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +100 -52046 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52047 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52048 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52049 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52050 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52051 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +3亾 -52052 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 3亾 捛壛 -52053 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +250 -52054 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +50 -52055 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +30 -52056 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +5亾 -52057 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 5亾 捛壛 -52058 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +500 -52059 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +150 -52060 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛屨傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +100 -52061 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52062 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52063 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52064 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52065 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪彚姭 | 偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52066 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +3亾 -52067 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 3亾 捛壛 -52068 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +250 -52069 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +50 -52070 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +30 -52071 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +5亾 -52072 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 5亾 捛壛 -52073 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +500 -52074 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +150 -52075 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛梇僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +100 -52076 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52077 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52078 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52079 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52080 弶媺彚姭偺攙 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 -52081 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +3亾 -52082 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 3亾 捛壛 -52083 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +250 -52084 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +50 -52085 拞媺彚姭偺攙 棎朶側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +30 -52086 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 +5亾 -52087 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 宱尡抣 5亾 捛壛 -52088 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 惗柦椡 +500 -52089 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 杊塹椡 +150 -52090 崅媺彚姭偺攙 桬姼側愴峛帗僩僫僇僀傪 | 彚姭偡傞帪偵巊傢傟傞徹 峌寕椡 +100 - -52701 愴峛巶 岎姺寯 愴峛巶偺巊梡尃尷偑 | 彂偐傟偰偁傞徹 | 塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲 | 愴峛巶偵岎姺壜擻 -52702 愴峛屨 岎姺寯 愴峛屨偺巊梡尃尷偑 | 彂偐傟偰偁傞徹 | 塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲愴峛屨偵岎姺壜擻 -52703 愴峛墡 岎姺寯 愴峛墡偺巊梡尃尷偑 | 彂偐傟偰偁傞徹 | 塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲愴峛墡偵岎姺壜擻 -52704 愴峛楾 岎姺寯 愴峛楾偺巊梡尃尷偑 | 彂偐傟偰偁傞徹 | 塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲愴峛楾偵岎姺壜擻 -52705 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀 岎姺寯 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀偺巊梡尃尷 | 偑彂偐傟偰偁傞徹 | 塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲 | 愴峛梇僩僫僇僀偵岎姺壜擻 -52706 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀 岎姺寯 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀偺巊梡尃尷 | 偑彂偐傟偰偁傞徹 | 塜幧寈旛暫偵搉偡偲 | 愴峛帗僩僫僇僀偵岎姺壜擻 - -53001 晄巰捁彚姭攙 僄儊儔儖僪偵晄巰捁偺柾條 | 傪崗傫偱巇忋偘偨偒傟偄側攙 -53002 僩僫僇僀彚姭攙 偐傢偄偄巕僩僫僇僀偺 | 柾條傪僄儊儔儖僪偵崗傫偱 | 巇忋偘偨偒傟偄側攙 -53003 昘墛晄巰捁彚姭攙 昘嬍偵晄巰捁偺 | 柾條傪崗傫偱巇忋偘 | 偨偒傟偄側攙 -53004 晄巰捁彚姭攙 僄儊儔儖僪偵晄巰捁偺柾條 | 傪崗傫偱巇忋偘偨偒傟偄側攙 -53005 攋峜晻報時 攋峜偺嵃偑偁傞偲偄偆 | 庺暥揑側柾條偑崗傑傟偰 | 偁傞偒傟偄側時 | 夓婼摯孉丄 幾婼搩 | 2奒埲忋偺応崌 | 惗柦椡 + 1500 | 峌寕椡 +15亾 -53006 攋峜晻報時 攋峜偺嵃偑偁傞偲偄偆 | 庺暥揑側柾條偑崗傑傟偰 | 偁傞偒傟偄側時 | 夓婼摯孉丄 幾婼搩 | 2奒埲忋偺応崌 | 惗柦椡 + 1500 | 峌寕椡 +15亾 - -53501 椢妏曐娗敔 忎晇側栘敔傪椢怓 | 偵揾傝丄偒傟偄偵偟偨敔 | 晄巰捁丂柾條偺挙崗 | 偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 -53502 椢妏曐娗敔 忎晇側栘敔傪椢怓 | 偵揾傝丄偒傟偄偵偟偨敔 | 僩僫僇僀 柾條偺挙崗 | 偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 -53503 椢妏曐娗敔 忎晇側栘敔傪椢怓 | 偵揾傝丄偒傟偄偵偟偨敔 | 昘墛晄巰捁 柾條偺挙崗 | 偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 -53504 椢妏曐娗敔 忎晇側栘敔傪椢怓 | 偵揾傝丄偒傟偄偵偟偨敔 | 晄巰捁 柾條偺挙崗 | 偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 -53505 椢妏曐娗敔 忎晇側栘敔傪椢怓 | 偵揾傝丄偒傟偄偵偟偨敔 | 攋峜柾條偺挙崗 | 偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 -53506 椢妏曐娗敔 忎晇側栘敔傪椢怓 | 偵揾傝丄偒傟偄偵偟偨敔 | 攋峜柾條偺挙崗 | 偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 - - -60001 孎偺娞 -60002 憅屔斣偺悇慐彂 -60003 塸梇偺徹 - -70001 彈恄偺恖宍 -70002 戞嶰偺庤 -70003 榋摴 晲宱幍彂偺堦偮偱戙昞揑側暫朄彂 | 懢岞朷偺暫妛偵娭偡傞挊彂丂丂丂 拝梡屻僷乕僥傿儕乕僟乕偵側傞帪丄 | 帺暘媦傃僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕偺 | 妉摼宱尡抣30亾傾僢僾 -70004 嬑曌偺孧復 偲偰傕嬑曌偱惤幚側 | 恖偵梌偊傜傟傞孧復丂丂丂丂丂 拝梡帪傛傝懡偔偺 | 宱尡抣傪妉摼壜擻 | 拝梡屻偼奜偣側偄 -70005 宱尡偺巜椫 屆戙偺塸梇偨偪偑岲傫偱 | 巊偭偰偄偨偲揱傢傞巜椫丂丂丂丂丂丂 拝梡帪傛傝懡偔偺 | 宱尡抣傪妉摼壜擻 | 拝梡屻偼奜偣側偄 -70006 尵岅偺巜椫 揤挷丄恑搘丄怴庼3崙偑暘楐 | 偟偰娫傕側偐偭偨崰丄捠彜傪栚揑 | 偲偟偰嶌傜傟偨枩崙嫟捠偺巜椫 | 奜岎栚揑偱傕椙偔巊傢傟偨偑丄 | 尰嵼巆偭偰偄傞悢偼懡偔側偄丂丂丂丂丂 懠偺崙偺恖偲夛榖壜擻 -70007 堏摦偺巜椫 -70008 敀婙 愴摤偺曻婞傪堄枴偡傞敀偄婙 | 偲偒偵偼廳徢偺晧彎幰偑偄傞 | 偲偄偆昞帵偱婙偺拞墰偵愒偄寣慄 | 偑堷偐傟偰偄傞応崌傕偁傞丂丂丂丂丂丂 廃傝偺儌儞僗僞乕偑峌寕拞巭 -70009 曮敔 -70010 憅屔棙梡寯 -70011 摍媺傾僢僾栻 -70012 彈恄偺椳 屆戙偺涋彈偺椳偼幾埆側 | 傕偺偵棫偪岦偐偆桬幰偺嵃 | 傪堅傔偰偔傟傞偲偄偆丂丂丂丂丂丂 拝梡拞巰朣偟偨傜 | 宱尡抣懝幐偑彮側偔側傞 -70013 戝彈恄偺椳 -70014 寣偺扥栻 婱廳側幁偺怺峠偺寣 | 傪屌傔偰嶌偭偨娵栻 | 塡偱偼暈梡偡傞偲傂偳偄 | 尪妎嶌梡偑偁傞偲偄偆丂丂丂 僗僥乕僞僗1億僀儞僩堏摦壜擻 -70015 巘彔偺昅 -70020 搷壴庰 搷偺壴傪姳偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨庰 暈梡懄帪懱椡夞暅 -70024 廽暉偺嬍 揱愢偱揱偊傜傟偰偄 | 傞恄偺廽暉傪庴偗偨嬍丂丂丂丂 傾僀僥儉懏惈偑4庬椶偺 | 応崌懏惈傪堦偮捛壛 -70027 晲婍抌栬挿偺儊儌 揱愢偺抌栬巘偑巆偟偨儊儌 | 偱晲婍偺夵椙偵娭偡傞僐僣偑 | 彂偐傟偰偄傞偲尵傢傟偰偄傞 4摍媺偺傾僀僥儉傪夵椙帪 | 5摍媺偵100亾惉岟 -70035 枩擭揝 偲偰傕崅偄崅尨抧懷偱偩偗敪尒 | 偝傟傞偲偄偆揝偺拞偱傕嵟崅偺揝 | 廽暉偺彂偵巊偄丄晲恄偺 | 廽暉彂傪嶌傞偙偲偑偱偒傞 -70037 朰媝偺彂 2姫偐傜側傞揱愢偺彂 | 偙偺彂傪撉傫偩幰偼 | 帺暘偑巊偭偰偄偨媄弍偵 | 娭偡傞婰壇傪幐偔偡偲偄偆丂丂 搳帒僗僉儖1億僀儞僩堏摦壜擻 -70038 桬婥偺儅儞僩 屆戙偺桬栆側愴巑偨偪偼 | 栚棫偮怓偺儅儞僩傪恎偵 | 拝偗揋偺帇慄偲峌寕傪帺暘 | 偵廤傔桬栆偝傪帵偟偨偲偄偆丂丂 廃傝偺儌儞僗僞乕傪 | 偙偪傜偵屇傇丅1夞梡 -70039 栬岺偺旈揱彂 抌栬巘偺嵃偑 | 崬傔傜傟偨旈揱偺彂偲偟偰 | 夵椙帪妋棪傾僢僾 -70040 壩帠応偺攏幁椡 僗僞儈僫偺徚栒傪敿暘偵尭傜偡丂丂丂丂 -70043 搻恖偺庤戃 屆戙嵟崅偺柤惡 | 傪攷偟偨搻恖偺庤戃丂丂丂丂丂丂 拝梡帪丄傾僀僥儉 | 僪儘僢僾棪偑傾僢僾 -70047 尵岅偺巜椫(尒杮) 懠偺崙偺恖偨偪偲榖偣傞 -70048 塀撡幰偺儅儞僩 摝朣幰偑巊偆儅儞僩 | 偦偺壙抣偼偮偗傞 | 偙偲偑偱偒側偄傎偳偺 | 傕偺偩偲揱偊傜傟傞丂丂丂 拝梡帪丄帺暘偺 | 慞埆抣偑塀傟傞 -70049 岾塣偺巜椫 棾恄偺壛岇偑 | 偲傕偵偁傞偲偄偆暥帤偑 | 崗傑傟偰偄傞巜椫丂丂 拝梡帪丄巰朣偟偨傜 | 傾僀僥儉僪儘僢僾傪杊巭 -70050 愭墹偺徹 屆戙偺墹壠偵揱傢傞徹偱丄 | 偙傟傪庤偵偟偨幰偵偼 | 懡戝側尃椡偑惗傑傟傞偲偄偆丂丂丂丂 拝梡帪丄慞埆抣夞暅 | 偑2攞憗偔側傞 -70051 愭墹偺庤戃 屆戙偺墹壠偵揱傢傞堚昳偺 | 拞偺1偮偱庤偵偟偨傕偺偵偼 | 枹抦側傞椡偑惗傑傟傞偲偄偆 拝梡屻丄庪傝偺帪慞埆抣 | 夞暅偑2攞憗偔側傞 -70052 旔嵭晞 樑壠偐傜揱傢傞晞 | 晄岾側嬈偵婎偯偄偨嵭偄傪杊偖 -70053 嵿塣戝媑晞 樑壠偐傜揱傢傞晞 | 晄岾側嬈偵婎偯偄偨嵭偄傪杊偖 -70054 嶰嵭梊杊晞 樑壠偐傜揱傢傞晞 | 晄岾側嬈偵婎偯偄偨嵭偄傪杊偖 -70055 朰媝偺彂 2姫偐傜側傞揱愢偺彂 | 偙偺彂傪撉傫偩幰偼帺暘 | 偑巊偭偰偄偨媄弍偵 | 娭偡傞婰壇傪幐偔偡偲偄偆 搳帒僗僉儖1億僀儞僩堏摦壜擻 -70058 堏摦偺巜椫 旤偟偄塇柾條 | 偑枺椡揑側巜椫 峴偒偨偄応強傊堏摦偱偒傞 - - -70102 愬恖摛 暈梡偡傞偲埆偺悢抣 | 傪壓偘|慞偺悢抣傪忋偘傞 - -70104 撡峛嬍 嬍偵昤偐傟偨 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵曄恎偱偒傞 -70105 撡峛嬍 嬍偵昤偐傟偨 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵曄恎偱偒傞 -70106 撡峛嬍 嬍偵昤偐傟偨 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵曄恎偱偒傞 -70107 撡峛嬍 嬍偵昤偐傟偨 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵曄恎偱偒傞 - -70201 扙怓嵻 尦偺敮偺怓偵栠偡 | 扙怓偟偨敮偼 | 偦偺傑傑愼怓偱偒傞 -70202 愼怓嵻乮敀怓乯 敀敮偵愼傔傞 | 3儗儀儖枅偵愼怓偱偒傞 -70203 愼怓嵻乮嬥怓乯 嬥敮偵愼傔傞 | 3儗儀儖枅偵愼怓偱偒傞 -70204 愼怓嵻乮愒怓乯 愒敮偵愼傔傞 | 3儗儀儖枅偵愼怓偱偒傞 -70205 愼怓嵻乮妼怓乯 敮傪妼怓偵愼傔傞 | 3儗儀儖枅偵愼怓偱偒傞 -70206 愼怓嵻乮崟怓乯 崟敮偵愼傔傞 | 3儗儀儖枅偵愼怓偱偒傞 - -70301 僇僢僾儖儕儞僌 抝彈偑屳偄偺垽 | 傪妋擣偡傞偨傔偵搉偟 | 崌偆堦斒揑側巜椫丂丂丂丂 寢崶偵昁梫側傾僀僥儉 -70302 寢崶巜椫 寢崶偺徹偲偟偰 | 巊傢傟傞巜椫 巊梡帪攝嬼幰 | 偵儚乕僾偡傞 - - -71001 庡娽弍彂 媄弍廋楙幐攕帪偵 | 庡壩擖杺偐傜扙弌偱偒傞 -71002 朰媝旈揱彂 帺暘偺偡傋偰偺僗僉儖偲 | 孯怑偵偮偄偰偺婰壇傪幐偆丂丂丂丂丂 孯怑傪嵞慖戰壜擻 -71003 僗僉儖弶婜壔暥彂 僗僉儖傪堦偮弶婜壔偡傞 -71004 棾恄偺壛岇 巰朣偟偨偲偒偺宱尡抣 | 僟僂儞傪100亾杊偖 -71005 尵岅偺巜椫 戝棨拞偺慡尵岅偑埖偊傞 -71006 尵岅偺巜椫 戝棨拞偺慡尵岅偑埖偊傞 -71007 尵岅偺巜椫 戝棨拞偺慡尵岅偑埖偊傞 -71008 寧姧嫑怱 崅媺嫑傪掁傝忋偘傞 | 妋棪偑2攞偵憹壛偡傞 -71009 憅屔奼挘寯 1儢寧娫丄憅屔偺梕検 | 偑3攞偵憹壛偡傞 -71010 戞嶰偺庤 儌儞僗僞乕傪搢偟偨嵺丄 | 僪儘僢僾偟偨偍嬥傪帺摦偱廍偆 -71011 擬忣偺壖柺 憰旛偡傞偲姶忣昞尰偑偱偒傞 -71012 榋摴 僷乕僥傿傪慻傓偲帺暘 | 偲僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕偺庢摼 | 宱尡抣偑30亾忋偑傞 -71013 廽嵳梡壴壩 廽嵳偺廔嬊傪忺傞壴壩 | 壴壩梡敋抾 -71014 夣懍庰 峌寕懍搙偑10亾傾僢僾偡傞 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71015 宱尡偺巜椫 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄廗摼 | 宱尡抣偑20亾憹壛 | 帩懕帪娫30暘 -71016 搻恖偺庤戃 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄傾僀僥儉 | 偺僪儘僢僾棪偑1.5攞偵憹壛 | 帩懕帪娫30暘 -71017 岾塣偺嬥壿 庪傝傪偡傞帪丄偍嬥偺 | 僪儘僢僾棪偑2攞偵憹壛 | 帩懕帪娫30暘 -71018 惗柦娵 惗柦椡偑懄嵗偵100亾夞暅 -71019 惛恄娵丂丂丂丂 惛恄椡偑懄嵗偵100亾夞暅 -71020 棾恄娵丂丂丂 惗柦椡偲惛恄椡 | 偑懄嵗偵100亾夞暅 -71021 晲恄偺廽暉彂 晲恄偺廽暉傪庴偗偨夵椙彂偱 | +0 乣 +3傑偱偺傾僀僥儉 | 夵椙傪100亾惉岟 -71025 栬岺愇丂丂丂丂 抌栬壆偱摥偔怑恖偨偪 | 偑嶌傝忋偘偨帄崅偺峼愇 -71026 尯揝丂丂丂丂 廽暉偺彂偲堦弿偵抌栬壆 | 偵帩偭偰偄偔偲棾恄偺廽暉彂 | 偵夵椙偡傞帠偑弌棃傞 -71027 棾恄偺惗柦 嵟戝惗柦椡 +20亾 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71028 棾恄偺峌寕 峌寕帪偺僟儊乕僕偑12乣15亾傾僢僾 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71029 棾恄偺抦宐 嵟戝惛恄椡 +20亾 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71030 棾恄偺庣岇 杊屼帪偺僟儊乕僕偑12乣15亾尭彮 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71031 棾恄偺壛岇 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺懱椡丄嬝椡丄 | 惛恄椡丄晀彿偑5偢偮憹壛 -71032 棾恄偺廽暉彂 傾僀僥儉夵椙帪丄10亾崅偄 | 妋棪偱夵椙偱偒丄夵椙偵 | 幐攕偟偨応崌傾僀僥儉偼徚偊側偄 -71033 擬忣偺壖柺 憰旛偡傞偲姶忣昞尰偑偱偒傞 -71034 夣懍庰+ 峌寕懍搙偑15亾傾僢僾 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71035 峥榝偺悈栻 廂廤傾僀僥儉偺搊榐 | 妋棪傪80亾傾僢僾 -71036 孎婼懓挿偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 孎婼懓挿傪彚姭壜擻 -71037 枾嫵嫵庡偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 枾嫵嫵庡傪彚姭壜擻 -71038 彈墹抴鍋偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 彈墹抴鍋傪彚姭壜擻 -71039 嫄戝嵒敊僇儊偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 嫄戝嵒敊婽傪彚姭壜擻 -71040 壩墛墹偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 壩墛墹傪彚姭壜擻 -71041 嬨旜屜偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 嬨旜屜傪彚姭壜擻 -71042 幾婼墹偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 幾婼墹傪彚姭壜擻 -71043 墿屨婼偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 墿屨婼傪彚姭壜擻 -71044 僋儕僥傿僇儖偺彂 僋儕僥傿僇儖妋棪 +10亾 | 帩懕帪娫 10暘 -71045 娧捠偺彂 娧捠峌寕妋棪 +10亾 | 帩懕帪娫 10暘 -71047 愴桭偺夝曻 傾僀僥儉偺僜働僢僩偵 | 擖偭偰偄傞楈愇傪拪弌偡傞 -71048 娐惗偺旈彂 屆傛傝揱傢傞庺弍偱 | 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺惈暿傪曄峏 -71049 僔儖僋偺曪傒 屄恖彜揦傪堦掕 | 婜娫丄柍惂尷偱奐偗傞 -71050 堏懍庰 堏摦懍搙偑60亾憹壛 -71051 恀懏惈晅梌彂 婎杮懏惈偲暿搑偺 | 擇偮懏惈傪捛壛壜擻 -71052 恀懏惈曄峏彂 恀懏惈晅梌彂傪巊梡偟偰 | 捛壛偝傟偨懏惈傪曄峏 - -71054 掗崙朣柦彂 強懏崙傪1夞 | 曄峏偡傞帠偑偱偒傞 -71055 柤曤偺岎姺 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺柤慜 | 傪曄峏偱偒傞 -71056 惵棾偺懅悂 +4楈愇傪+5偵夵椙偡傞帪丄 | 惉岟妋棪傪2攞偵傾僢僾 -71057 壔愇栘峼柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 壔愇栘峼柆傪彚姭壜擻 -71058 摵峼嶳偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 摵峼嶳傪彚姭壜擻 -71059 嬧柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 嬧柆傪彚姭壜擻 -71060 嬥柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 嬥柆傪彚姭壜擻 -71061 闩悏柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 闩悏柆傪彚姭壜擻丅 -71062 崟抙愇柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 崟抙愇柆傪彚姭壜擻 -71063 奓嶳偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 奓嶳傪彚姭壜擻 -71064 敀嬥柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 敀嬥柆傪彚姭壜擻 -71065 悈徎柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 悈徎愇柆傪彚姭壜擻 -71066 巼悈徎偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 巼悈徎傪 彚姭壜擻 -71067 揤旤嬍峼柆偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵 | 揤旤嬍峼柆傪彚姭壜擻 -71068 僆僔僪儕偺塇栄 憰旛偡傞偲晇晈娫 | 偺恊枾搙偑憗偔忋偑傞 -71069 恊岎偺僺傾僗 攝嬼幰偲嫟偵 | 娧捠偺妋棪偑忋偑傞 -71070 垽偺僽儗僗儗僢僩 攝嬼幰偲嫟偵妉摼 | 偡傞宱尡抣偑忋偑傞 -71071 垽偺僺傾僗 攝嬼幰偲嫟偵 | 抳柦懪棪偑忋偑傞 -71072 恊岎偺僽儗僗儗僢僩 儌儞僗僞乕偺峌寕椡偑壓偑傞 -71073 垽偺僱僢僋儗僗 攝嬼幰偲嫟偵峌寕椡偑忋偑傞 -71074 恊岎偺僱僢僋儗僗 攝嬼幰偲嫟偵杊屼椡偑忋偑傞 -71075 愼怓嵻乮敀怓乯 敀敮偵愼傔傞 -71076 愼怓嵻乮嬥怓乯 嬥敮偵愼傔傞 -71077 愼怓嵻乮愒怓乯 愒怓偵敮傪愼傔傞 -71078 愼怓嵻乮妼怓乯 妼怓偵敮傪愼傔傞 -71079 愼怓嵻乮崟怓乯 崟怓偵敮傪愼傔傞 -71080 弶媺儊僥傿儞愇偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵掅儗儀儖 | 偺儊僥傿儞僗僩乕儞傪彚姭 -71081 拞媺儊僥傿儞愇偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵拞儗儀儖 | 偺儊僥傿儞僗僩乕儞傪彚姭 -71082 忋媺儊僥傿儞愇偺彚姭彂 僉儍儔僋僞乕偺廃曈偵崅儗儀儖 | 偺儊僥傿儞僗僩乕儞傪彚姭 -71083 嵱愇彍嫀彂 僜働僢僩偐傜嵱偗偨愇偺寚曅 | 傪庢傝彍偒丄僜働僢僩傪 | 嵞傃巊偊傞傛偆偵偡傞 -71084 懏惈曄峏彂 傾僀僥儉偵晅偄偰偄傞 | 懏惈傪弶婜壔偟丄 | 怴懏惈傪晅梌 -71085 懏惈晅梌彂 懏惈偺側偄傾僀僥儉 | 偵懏惈傪晅梌 -71086 谕拶悲踢复侥(20乣29) -71087 谕拶悲踢复侥(30乣39) -71088 擟柋悑峴彂(弶媺) -71089 擟柋悑峴彂(拞媺) -71090 擟柋悑峴彂(崅媺) -71091 揹岝斅曪傒 屄恖彜揦偺娕斅偺 | 暥帤偺怓傪曄峏壜擻 -71092 撡峛弍彂 撡峛嬍傪巊偭偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵曄恎壜擻 -71093 撡峛嬍 嬍偵昤偐傟偨 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵曄恎壜擻 -71094 愬恖偺嫵孭 杮丒嵃愇偵傛傞廋楙偺惉岟 | 妋棪偑2.5攞偵傾僢僾 (1夞) -71097 棾恄偺峌寕+ 峌寕帪僟儊乕僕傪 45~50亾 傾僢僾 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71098 棾恄偺庣岇+ 杊塹帪僟儊乕僕傪 45~50亾 嶍尭 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71101 懍塺庰 庺暥懍搙偑20亾傾僢僾 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71102 懍塺庰+ 庺暥懍搙偑30亾傾僢僾 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -71103 懱椡弶婜壔暥彂 懱椡傪弶婜壔偡傞 -71104 抦擻弶婜壔暥彂 抦擻傪弶婜壔偡傞 -71105 嬝椡弶婜壔暥彂 嬝椡傪弶婜壔偡傞 -71106 晀彿弶婜壔暥彂 晀彿傪弶婜壔偡傞 -71107 揤搷 慞埆抣傪2000傾僢僾丂丂 -71108 搷壴庰+ 揤搷偺壴傪姳偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨崅媺庰丂 暈梡懄帪懱椡夞暅 -71109 扙愇彂 嵟屻偺楈愇傪庢傝奜偡 | 庢傝奜偟偨傜愓偑巆傞 -71110 妏嵒摐 帺暘偺攏偵柤慜 | 傪晅偗傞偙偲偑偱偒傞 | 杊塹椡 +20丂傾僢僾 -71111 攋傟偨孋壓 棜偒偡偓偰攋傟偨孋壓 | 僋儕僗儅僗僣儕乕偵偐偗偨傜丠 -71112 扙愇彂+ 庢傝奜偟偨偄楈愇傪庢傞 | 庢傝奜偟偨傜愓偑巆傞 -71113 嬥崉宱 傾僀僥儉徻嵶懏惈偺昞帵 | 傪僠儍僢僩僂傿儞僪僂傪捠偠偰揱偊傞 -71114 挅墹棙梡寯 5暘娫挅墹偵忔傞偙偲偑偱偒傞丂丂丂 杊塹椡+150 -71115 挅墹棙梡寯 120暘娫挅墹偵忔傞偙偲偑 | 偱偒傞偟丄儌儞僗僞乕偺嫮偝+20亾 | 岠壥偲捛壛10亾宱尡抣妉摼 -71116 嶳將墹棙梡寯 5暘娫嶳將墹偵忔傞偙偲偑偱偒傞丂丂丂丂 杊塹椡+200 -71117 嶳將墹棙梡寯 120暘娫嶳將墹偵忔傞偙偲偑 | 偱偒傞偟丄 HP+3000岠壥 | 偲捛壛10亾宱尡抣妉摼 -71118 摤巙屨棙梡寯 5暘娫摤巙屨偵忔傞偙偲偑偱偒傞丂丂 杊塹椡+300 -71119 摤巙屨棙梡寯 120暘娫摤巙屨偵忔傞偙偲偑 | 偱偒傞偟丄杊塹椡+400岠壥 | 偲捛壛10亾宱尡抣妉摼 -71120 巶墹棙梡寯 5暘娫巶墹偵忔傞偙偲偑偱偒傞丂丂丂丂丂 峌寕椡+200 -71121 巶墹棙梡寯 120暘娫巶墹偵忔傞偙偲偑 | 偱偒傞偟丄 峌寕椡+300岠壥 | 偲捛壛10亾宱尡抣妉摼 -71123 悈棾偺偆傠偙 悈棾偐傜棊偪偰偒偨偆傠偙 | 恄旈揑側婥塣偑昚偭偰偄傞 悈棾偐傜嶌傝弌偣傞 | 嵟嫮偺奪偺嵽椏偵側傞 -71129 悈棾偺捾 悈棾偐傜庢偭偨捾 | 嬋偑偭偰偄傞捾偑偍偐偟偄 | 夵椙傾僀僥儉 悈棾偐傜嶌傝弌偣傞 | 嵟嫮偺奪偺嵽椏偵側傞 -71124 敀巶棙梡寯 敀巶傪彚姭偟偰 | 忔傞偙偲偑偱偒傞攙 宱尡抣 +30亾丄堏摦懍搙+20 -71131 崟攏彚姭尃 崟攏傪彚姭偡傞帪巊偆徹昜 -71132 崟攏彚姭尃 崟攏傪彚姭偡傞帪巊偆徹昜 -71133 崟攏彚姭尃 崟攏傪彚姭偡傞帪巊偆徹昜 -71134 崟攏彚姭尃 崟攏傪彚姭偡傞帪巊偆徹昜 -71135 怴寧偺巜椫 怴寧偑崗傑傟偰偄傞偒傟偄側巜椫 | 巜椫偺恄旈揑偱悷傫偩岝偑 | 戝偒側椡傪悂偒崬傫偱偔傟傞傛偆偩丂丂丂丂丂 宱尡抣 50亾 | 峌寕懍搙 20亾 | 庺暥懍搙 20亾 | 僟儊乕僕 30亾 | 嵟戝惗柦椡 10亾 | 嵟戝惛恄椡 10亾 -71136 僴儘僂傿儞偺埞丂丂丂丂丂丂 僴儘僂傿儞傪婰擮偟偰嶌傜傟偨 | 偍偄偟偦偆側埞丄埞傪帩偭偰 | 偄傞偩偗偱妝偟偔岾偣偵側傝偦偆丂丂丂丂丂丂 宱尡抣 50亾 | 峌寕懍搙 20亾 | 庺暥懍搙 20亾 | 僟儊乕僕 30亾 | 嵟戝惗柦椡 10亾 | 嵟戝惛恄椡 10亾 -71143 岾偣偺巜椫 12妏偺僸儔儞儎偑崗傑傟偰偄傞 | 旤偟偄巜椫拝梡偡傞偲側傫偲 | 岾偣傪帩偭偰偒偦偆側巜椫丂丂丂丂丂 宱尡抣 50亾 | 峌寕懍搙 20亾 | 庺暥懍搙 20亾 | 儌儞僗僞乕捛壛僟儊乕僕 30亾 | 嵟戝惗柦椡 10亾 | 嵟戝惛恄椡 10亾 -71144 僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 僋儕僗儅僗僾儗僛儞僩傪偒傟偄偵 | 曪傫偩儃僢僋僗壗偲側偔僾儗僛儞僩傪 | 奐偗傞偲丄偄偄傕偺偑弌偦偆側姶偠 -71145 塱墦偺垽偺儁儞僟儞僩丂丂丂 楒恖娫偵塱墦側垽傪 | 妋擣偡傞偨傔嶌傜傟偨儁儞僟儞僩丂丂丂丂丂 宱尡抣 30亾 | 峌寕懍搙 10亾 | 庺暥懍搙 10亾 | 儌儞僗僞乕捛壛僟儊乕僕 10亾 | 嵟戝惗柦椡 5亾 | 嵟戝惛恄椡 5亾 -71146 垽偺儃僢僋僗乮僺儞僋乯 垽偑偄偭傁偄擖偭偰偄傞僺僢僋偺|僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗壗偲側偔僾儗僛儞僩 | 傪奐偗傞偲丄偄偄傕偺偑弌偦偆側姶偠 -71147 垽偺儃僢僋僗乮僽儖乕乯 垽偑偄偭傁偄擖偭偰偄傞僽儖乕偺|僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗壗偲側偔僾儗僛儞僩傪 | 奐偗傞偲丄偄偄傕偺偑弌偦偆側姶偠 -71148 崻惈偺巜椫 憰拝偡傞偲崻惈偺椡傪 | 恎偵傑偲偄丄暔棟峌寕偵懳偟偰 | 嫮偔側傞偲尵傢傟傞巜椫丅 | 宱尡抣 30% | 晲巑偵嫮偄 20% | 巋媞偵嫮偄 20% | 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 30% | 僐僗僠儏乕儉懏惈嫮壔 5% -71149 杺惈偺巜椫 憰拝偡傞偲杺惈偺椡傪 | 恎偵傑偲偄丄杺朄峌寕偵懳偟偰 | 嫮偔側傞偲尵傢傟傞巜椫丅 | 宱尡抣 30% | 廋梾偵嫮偄 20% | 涋彈偵嫮偄 20% | 儌儞僗僞乕偵捛壛僟儊乕僕 30% | 僐僗僠儏乕儉懏惈嫮壔 5% -71150 杺朄偺棏 昞柺偵杺朄偑饽偭偨惛岻偑擖偭偨棏丅 | 妱傞偲壗偐偺岾塣偑偁傞偐傕丠 -71151 楢嵹懏惈曄峏彂丂丂丂丂 40儗儀儖埲壓偺晲婍 | 偲奪偵晅梌偟偰偁傞懏惈傪 | 弶婜壔偟丄怴懏惈傪晅梌偡傞 -71152 楢嵹懏惈晅梌彂丂丂丂丂 40儗儀儖埲壓偺晲婍 | 偲奪偵晅梌偟偰側偄 | 懏惈傪晅梌偡傞 -71153 宱尡偺悈栻 徚偊傜傟偨屆戙偺堛彂偵偁傞 | 旈弍偱嶌傜傟偨偲屇偽傟傞悈栻丄 | 暈梡帪丄怴偟偄朻尟偵 | 挧傔傞偲尵傢傟偰偄傞 -71154 宱尡偺悈栻 徚偊傜傟偨屆戙偺堛彂偵偁傞 | 旈弍偱嶌傜傟偨偲屇偽傟傞悈栻丄 | 暈梡帪丄怴偟偄朻尟偵 | 挧傔傞偲尵傢傟偰偄傞 -71155 宱尡偺悈栻 徚偊傜傟偨屆戙偺堛彂偵偁傞 | 旈弍偱嶌傜傟偨偲屇偽傟傞悈栻丄 | 暈梡帪丄怴偟偄朻尟偵 | 挧傔傞偲尵傢傟偰偄傞 -71156 宱尡偺悈栻 徚偊傜傟偨屆戙偺堛彂偵偁傞 | 旈弍偱嶌傜傟偨偲屇偽傟傞悈栻丄 | 暈梡帪丄怴偟偄朻尟偵 | 挧傔傞偲尵傢傟偰偄傞 -71157 宱尡偺悈栻 徚偊傜傟偨屆戙偺堛彂偵偁傞 | 旈弍偱嶌傜傟偨偲屇偽傟傞悈栻丄 | 暈梡帪丄怴偟偄朻尟偵 | 挧傔傞偲尵傢傟偰偄傞 - -71167 廽暉偺夵椙BOX 偡傋偒擔傪廽偄偡傞偨傔偵 | 梡堄偟偨BOX偱偡丅 | 夵椙偵栶棫偮曋棙傾僀僥儉偺 | 侾庬椶傪儔儞僟儉偱 | 妉摼偡傞帠偑偱偒傑偡丅 -71168 廽暉偺徚栒昳BOX 偡傋偒擔傪廽偄偡傞偨傔偵 | 梡堄偟偨BOX偱偡丅 | 栶棫偮徚栒昳偺曋棙傾僀僥儉偺 | 侾庬椶傪儔儞僟儉偱 | 妉摼偡傞帠偑偱偒傑偡丅 -71169 廽暉偺嵽椏BOX 偡傋偒擔傪廽偄偡傞偨傔偵 | 梡堄偟偨BOX偱偡丅 | 夵椙偵栶棫偮嵽椏傾僀僥儉偺 | 侾庬椶傪儔儞僟儉偱 | 妉摼偡傞帠偑偱偒傑偡丅 -71170 廽暉偺憰旛BOX +7偺憰旛偑擖偭偰偄傞恄偐傜偺 | 僾儗僛儞僩儃僢僋僗 - -72001 宱尡偺巜椫 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄廗摼 | 宱尡抣偑20亾憹壛 -72002 宱尡偺巜椫 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄廗摼 | 宱尡抣偑20亾憹壛 -72003 宱尡偺巜椫 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄廗摼 | 宱尡抣偑20亾憹壛 -72004 搻恖偺庤戃 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄傾僀僥儉 | 偺僪儘僢僾棪偑1.5攞偵側傞 -72005 搻恖偺庤戃 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄傾僀僥儉 | 偺僪儘僢僾棪偑1.5攞偵側傞 -72006 搻恖偺庤戃 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄傾僀僥儉 | 偺僪儘僢僾棪偑1.5攞偵側傞 -72007 僔儖僋偺曪傒 屄恖彜揦傪堦掕 | 婜娫丄柍惂尷偱奐偗傞 -72008 僔儖僋偺曪傒 屄恖彜揦傪堦掕 | 婜娫丄柍惂尷偱奐偗傞 -72009 僔儖僋偺曪傒 屄恖彜揦傪堦掕 | 婜娫丄柍惂尷偱奐偗傞 -72010 僆僔僪儕偺塇栄 憰旛偡傞偲晇晈娫 | 偺恊枾搙偑憗偔忋偑傞 -72011 僆僔僪儕偺塇栄 憰旛偡傞偲晇晈娫 | 偺恊枾搙偑憗偔忋偑傞 -72012 僆僔僪儕偺塇栄 憰旛偡傞偲晇晈娫 | 偺恊枾搙偑憗偔忋偑傞 -72013 寧姧嫑怱丂丂丂丂丂 崅媺嫑傪掁傝忋偘傞 | 妋棪偑2攞偵憹壛 -72014 寧姧嫑怱丂 崅媺嫑傪掁傝忋偘傞 | 妋棪偑2攞偵憹壛 -72015 寧姧嫑怱丂 崅媺嫑傪掁傝忋偘傞 | 妋棪偑2攞偵憹壛 -72016 戞嶰偺庤丂丂 儌儞僗僞乕傪搢偟偨嵺丄 | 僪儘僢僾偟偨偍嬥傪帺摦偱廍偆 -72017 戞嶰偺庤丂丂 儌儞僗僞乕傪搢偟偨嵺丄 | 僪儘僢僾偟偨偍嬥傪帺摦偱廍偆 -72018 戞嶰偺庤丂丂 儌儞僗僞乕傪搢偟偨嵺丄 | 僪儘僢僾偟偨偍嬥傪帺摦偱廍偆 -72019 憅屔奼挘寯 堦掕婜娫丄憅屔偺 | 梕検偑3攞偵憹壛 -72020 憅屔奼挘寯 堦掕婜娫丄憅屔偺 | 梕検偑3攞偵憹壛 -72021 憅屔奼挘寯 堦掕婜娫丄憅屔偺 | 梕検偑3攞偵憹壛 -72022 岾塣偺嬥壿 庪傝傪偡傞帪丄偍嬥偺 | 僪儘僢僾棪偑2攞偵憹壛 -72023 岾塣偺嬥壿 庪傝傪偡傞帪丄偍嬥偺 | 僪儘僢僾棪偑2攞偵憹壛 -72024 岾塣偺嬥壿 庪傝傪偡傞帪丄偍嬥偺 | 僪儘僢僾棪偑2攞偵憹壛 -72025 娧捠偺彂丂丂 娧捠峌寕 妋棪 +10亾 -72026 娧捠偺彂丂丂 娧捠峌寕 妋棪 +10亾 -72027 娧捠偺彂丂丂 娧捠峌寕 妋棪 +10亾 -72028 擬忣偺壖柺 憰旛偡傞偲懡條側 | 姶忣昞尰偑偱偒傞 -72029 擬忣偺壖柺 憰旛偡傞偲懡條側 | 姶忣昞尰偑偱偒傞 -72030 擬忣偺壖柺 憰旛偡傞偲懡條側 | 姶忣昞尰偑偱偒傞 -72031 棾恄偺峌寕 峌寕偡傞嵺丄僟儊乕僕 | 傪12乣15亾傾僢僾 -72032 棾恄偺峌寕 峌寕偡傞嵺丄僟儊乕僕 | 傪12乣16亾傾僢僾 -72033 棾恄偺峌寕 峌寕偡傞嵺丄僟儊乕僕 | 傪12乣17亾傾僢僾 -72034 棾恄偺杊屼 杊屼偡傞嵺丄僟儊乕僕傪 | 12乣15亾 尭彮偝偣傞 -72035 棾恄偺杊屼 杊屼偡傞嵺丄僟儊乕僕傪 | 12乣16亾 尭彮偝偣傞 -72036 棾恄偺杊屼 杊屼偡傞嵺丄僟儊乕僕傪 | 12乣17亾 尭彮偝偣傞 -72037 棾恄偺懅悂 嵟戝惗柦椡 +20亾 -72038 棾恄偺懅悂 嵟戝惗柦椡 +20亾 -72039 棾恄偺懅悂 嵟戝惗柦椡 +20亾 -72040 棾恄偺抦宐 嵟戝惛恄椡 +20亾 -72041 棾恄偺抦宐 嵟戝惛恄椡 +20亾 -72042 棾恄偺抦宐 嵟戝惛恄椡 +20亾 -72043 榋摴 僷乕僥傿儕乕僟乕偱僷乕僥傿 | 傪慻傓偲帺暘偲僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕 | 偺宱尡抣偑30亾忋偑傞 -72044 榋摴丂丂丂丂 僷乕僥傿儕乕僟乕偱僷乕僥傿 | 傪慻傓偲帺暘偲僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕 | 偺宱尡抣偑30亾忋偑傞 -72045 榋摴丂丂丂丂 僷乕僥傿儕乕僟乕偱僷乕僥傿 | 傪慻傓偲帺暘偲僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕 | 偺宱尡抣偑30亾忋偑傞 -72046 僋儕僥傿僇儖偺彂 僋儕僥傿僇儖妋棪 +10亾 -72047 僋儕僥傿僇儖偺彂 僋儕僥傿僇儖妋棪 +10亾 -72048 僋儕僥傿僇儖偺彂 僋儕僥傿僇儖妋棪 +10亾 - -72301 廽暉偺彂丂丂丂 廽暉偺彂傪憰旛偵巊梡偟偰 | 夵椙偡傞偲丄偨偲偊夵椙偵幐攕 | 偟偰傕扨偵摍媺偑堦抜奒掅偔側傞 彂傪憰旛偵捈愙揔梡 | 夵椙偵幐攕帪傾僀僥儉偼徚偊側偄 | 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72302 榋摴丂丂丂丂 晲宱幍彂偺堦偮偱戙昞揑側暫朄彂|懢岞朷偺暫妛偵娭偡傞挊彂丂丂 拝梡屻僷乕僥傿儕乕僟乕偵側傞帪丄 | 帺暘媦傃僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕偺 | 妉摼宱尡抣30亾傾僢僾偝傟傞 | 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72303 宱尡偺巜椫 屆戙偺塸梇偨偪偑岲傫偱 | 巊偭偰偄偨偲揱傢傞巜椫丂丂丂丂丂 拝梡帪傛傝懡偔偺 | 宱尡抣傪妉摼壜擻 | 拝梡屻偼奜偣側偄 | 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72304 廽暉偺媴丂丂丂 揱愢偺恄偺廽暉傪傕傜偭偨嬍 傾僀僥儉懏惈偑4偮 | 偺帪懏惈堦偮捛壛 | 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72305 徚柵偺庤嬀 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72306 晲婍抌栬挿偺儊儌 揱愢偺抌栬巘偑巆偟偨儊儌 | 晲婍偺夵椙偵娭偡傞僐僣偑 | 彂偐傟偰偄傞偲尵傢傟偰偄傞丂丂丂丂丂丂 4摍媺偺傾僀僥儉傪夵椙帪 | 5摍媺偵100亾惉岟偝偣傞 | 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72307 晲婍彜偺旈揱彂丂丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉丂|岎姺丄斕攧丄攑婞晄壜 -72308 枩擭揝 偲偰傕崅偄崅尨抧懷偱偩偗敪尒 | 偝傟傞偲偄偆揝偺拞偱傕嵟崅偺揝 | 廽暉偺彂偵巊偄丄晲恄偺 | 廽暉彂傪嶌傞偙偲偑偱偒傞丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72309 栬岺偺旈揱彂 抌栬巘偺嵃偑崬傔傜傟偨 | 旈揱偺彂偱夵椙妋棪傪傾僢僾丂丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72310 庡娽弍彂丂丂 媄弍廋楙幐攕帪偵 | 庡壩擖杺偐傜扙弌偱偒傞丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72311 棾恄娵丂丂丂丂 惗柦椡偲惛恄椡偑 | 懄嵗偵100亾夞暅偡傞丂丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72312 棾恄偺峌寕 峌寕帪偺僟儊乕僕偑 | 12乣15亾傾僢僾偡傞 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72313 棾恄偺庣岇 杊屼帪偺僟儊乕僕偑 | 12乣15亾尭彮偝傟傞 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘丂丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72314 棾恄偺廽暉彂 傾僀僥儉夵椙帪丄10亾崅偄 | 妋棪偱夵椙偱偒丄夵椙偵幐攕 | 偟偨応崌傾僀僥儉偼徚偊側偄丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72315 堏懍庰丂丂丂丂 堏摦懍搙偑60亾憹壛丂丂丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72316 嵱愇彍嫀彂 僜働僢僩偐傜嵱偗偨愇偺 | 寚曅傪庢傝彍偒丄僜働僢僩傪 | 嵞傃巊偊傞傛偆偵偡傞丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72317 懏惈曄峏彂 傾僀僥儉偵晅偄偰偄傞 | 懏惈傪弶婜壔偟丄 | 怴懏惈傪晅梌丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 -72318 懏惈晅梌彂 懏惈偺側偄傾僀僥儉 | 偵懏惈傪晅梌丂丂丂丂丂丂 僋僄僗僩曗彏傾僀僥儉 | 岎姺丄斕攧丄曻婞晄壜 - -72501 宱尡偺巜椫(僱僢僩僇僼僃梡) 僱僢僩僇僼僃偱僾儗僀偡傞偲丄 | 庪傝偡傞帪丄庢摼宱尡抣 | 偑20亾憹壛 -72502 搻恖偺庤戃(僱僢僩僇僼僃梡) 僱僢僩僇僼僃偱僾儗僀偡傞偲丄 | 庪傝偡傞帪丄傾僀僥儉 | 僪儘僢僾棪1.5攞憹壛 - -72701 晽偺孋 晽偺宐傒傪庴偗偨孋 | 偱慺憗偄堏摦偑壜擻偵側傞丂丂丂丂丂丂 堏摦懍搙+30 - -72703 屨崗偺僺傾僗 屨偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僺傾僗偱峌寕椡傪愨懳抣 | 300傾僢僾丂 50帪娫 -72704 棾崗偺僺傾僗 棾偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僺傾僗偱杊塹椡傪愨懳抣 | 300傾僢僾 50帪娫 -72705 屨崗偺僽儗僗儗僢僩 屨偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩偱僗僉儖峌寕椡 | 30亾傾僢僾丂丂丂丂丂 50帪娫 -72706 棾崗偺僽儗僗儗僢僩 棾偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩偱僗僉儖杊塹椡 | 30亾傾僢僾丂丂丂丂丂 50帪娫 - -72709 屨崗偺僺傾僗 屨偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僺傾僗偱峌寕椡傪愨懳抣 | 300傾僢僾丂丂丂 20帪娫 -72710 棾崗偺僺傾僗 棾偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僺傾僗偱杊塹椡傪愨懳抣 | 300傾僢僾丂丂丂丂丂 20帪娫 -72711 屨崗偺僽儗僗儗僢僩 屨偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩偱僗僉儖 | 峌寕椡30亾傾僢僾丂 20帪娫 -72712 棾崗偺僽儗僗儗僢僩 棾偺柾條偱嶌傜傟偨 | 僽儗僗儗僢僩偱僗僉儖 | 杊塹椡30亾傾僢僾丂丂丂丂丂丂 20帪娫 -72719 扙愇彂 嵟屻偺楈愇傪庢傝奜偡 | 庢傝奜偟偨傜愓偑巆傞 - -72723 壩棾偺廽暉(彫) 壩棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惗柦椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惗柦椡彫暆忋徃 -72724 壩棾偺廽暉(拞) 壩棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惗柦椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惗柦椡彫暆忋徃 -72725 壩棾偺廽暉(戝) 壩棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惗柦椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩 嵟戝惗柦椡彫暆忋徃 -72726 壩棾偺廽暉(摿) 壩棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惗柦椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惗柦椡彫暆忋徃 - -72727 悈棾偺廽暉(彫) 悈棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惛恄椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惛恄椡彫暆忋徃 -72728 悈棾偺廽暉(拞) 悈棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惛恄椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩 嵟戝惛恄椡彫暆忋徃 -72729 悈棾偺廽暉(戝) 悈棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惛恄椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惛恄椡彫暆忋徃 -72730 悈棾偺廽暉(摿) 悈棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺惛恄椡 | 傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惛恄椡彫暆忋徃 - -73001 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i愒乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺 | 偨傔偺愒怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾 -73002 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i嬥乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺 | 偨傔偺嬥怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾 -73003 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i悈怓乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺偨傔 | 偺悈怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾 -73004 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i妼怓乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺偨傔 | 偺妼怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾 -73005 僯僢僩僶儞僪(愒) 愒偄僯僢僩僶儞僪 | 傪巊偄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73006 僯僢僩僶儞僪乮联乯 僠僃僢僋偺僯僢僩僶儞僪 | 傪巊偄丄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73007 僯僢僩僶儞僪乮惵乯 惵偄僯僢僩僶儞僪傪 | 巊偄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73008 僯僢僩僶儞僪乮椢暱乯 椢偺暱偺僯僢僩僶儞僪傪巊偄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73009 懇偹挿敮乮崟乯 崟偄挿敮傪寢偭偨敮宆丄 | 屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73010 懇偹挿敮乮愒乯 愒偄挿敮傪寢偭偨敮宆丄 | 屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73011 懇偹挿敮乮嬥乯 嬥怓偺挿敮傪寢偭偨敮宆丄 | 屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73012 懇偹挿敮乮敄椢乯 敄椢怓偺挿敮傪寢偭偨 | 敮宆丄屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 - -73251 億僯乕僥乕儖(孖怓) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨孖怓偺敮宆 -73252 億僯乕僥乕儖(椢) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨椢怓偺敮宆 -73253 億僯乕僥乕儖(惵) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨惵怓偺敮宆 -73254 億僯乕僥乕儖乮辈无匕乯 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨傾僀儃儕乕怓偺敮宆 -73255 忻蕤毖籍澳(愒) 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 愒敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73256 忻蕤毖籍澳(崟) 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 崟偄僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73257 忻蕤毖籍澳乮孖怓乯 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 孖怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73258 忻蕤毖籍澳(巼) 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 巼偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73259 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(愒) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨愒敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73260 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(悈怓) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨悈怓偺敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73261 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(崟) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨崟敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73262 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(墿搚怓) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨墿搚怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 - -73501 僗億乕僥傿乕(嬧) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰傪 | 抲偄偨嬧偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73502 僗億乕僥傿乕(拑) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰傪 | 抲偄偨拑怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73503 僗億乕僥傿乕(嬥) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰傪 | 抲偄偨嬥怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73504 僗億乕僥傿乕(墿椢) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰傪 | 抲偄偨墿椢怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73505 僇儕僗儅(嬧) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞嬧敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73506 僇儕僗儅(僺儞僋) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞僺儞僋偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73507 僇儕僗儅(崟) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞崟敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73508 僇儕僗儅(巼) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞巼怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73509 僆乕儖僶僢僋(嬧) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 嬧敮偺僆乕儖僶僢僋 -73510 僆乕儖僶僢僋(悈怓) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 悈怓偺僆乕儖僶僢僋 -73511 僆乕儖僶僢僋(崟) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 崟敮偺僆乕儖僶僢僋 -73512 僆乕儖僶僢僋(孖怓) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 拑怓偺僆乕儖僶僢僋 - -73751 挶偺偐傫偞偟(拑) 拑敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟傪 | 巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73752 挶偺偐傫偞偟(崟) 崟敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟傪 | 巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73753 挶偺偐傫偞偟(惵) 惵怓偺敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟傪 | 巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73754 挶偺偐傫偞偟(嬧) 嬧敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟傪 | 巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73755 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾(拑) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 拑怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73756 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾乮崟乯 愻楙偝傟偨 | 崟怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73757 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾乮嬥乯 愻楙偝傟偨 | 嬥怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73758 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾乮嬥乯 愻楙偝傟偨 | 巼怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73759 僙儈儘儞僌乮孖怓乯 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 孖怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73760 僙儈儘儞僌(嬥) 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 嬥怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73761 僙儈儘儞僌(巼) 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 巼怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 -73762 僙儈儘儞僌(拑) 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 拑怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 - -74001 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i愒乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺 | 偨傔偺愒怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74002 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i嬥乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺 | 偨傔偺嬥怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74003 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i悈怓乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺 | 偨傔偺悈怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74004 桱廌偺籍澳动膩i妼怓乯 屒撈傪岲傓晲巑偺 | 偨傔偺妼怓偺僔儍僊乕傊傾丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74005 僯僢僩僶儞僪(愒) 愒偄僯僢僩僶儞僪 | 傪巊偄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74006 僯僢僩僶儞僪乮联乯 僠僃僢僋偺僯僢僩僶儞僪 | 傪巊偄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74007 僯僢僩僶儞僪乮惵乯 惵偄僯僢僩僶儞僪 | 傪巊偄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74008 僯僢僩僶儞僪乮椢暱乯 椢偺暱偺僯僢僩僶儞僪 | 傪巊偄偒偪傫偲傑偲傔 | 傜傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74009 懇偹挿敮乮崟乯 崟偄挿敮傪寢偭偨敮宆丄 | 屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74010 懇偹挿敮乮愒乯 愒偄挿敮傪寢偭偨敮宆丄 | 屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74011 懇偹挿敮乮嬥乯 嬥怓偺挿敮傪寢偭偨敮宆丄 | 屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74012 懇偹挿敮乮敄椢乯 敄椢怓偺挿敮傪寢偭偨 | 敮宆丄屆偔偐傜愴巑偨偪偵 | 垽梡偝傟偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 - -74251 億僯乕僥乕儖(孖怓) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕 | 偝傟傞彈惈偨偪偑垽梡 | 偡傞懇偹偨孖怓偺敮宆丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74252 億僯乕僥乕儖(椢) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕 | 偝傟傞彈惈偨偪偑垽梡 | 偡傞懇偹偨椢怓偺敮宆丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74253 億僯乕僥乕儖(惵) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕 | 偝傟傞彈惈偨偪偑垽梡 | 偡傞懇偹偨惵怓偺敮宆 30擔娫巊梡 -74254 億僯乕僥乕儖乮辈无匕乯 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕 | 偝傟傞彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨傾僀儃儕乕怓偺敮宆丂丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74255 忻蕤毖籍澳(愒) 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 愒敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74256 忻蕤毖籍澳(崟) 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 崟偄僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74257 忻蕤毖籍澳乮孖怓乯 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 孖怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74258 忻蕤毖籍澳(巼) 尐偵撏偐側偄掱搙 | 偺挿偝偺愻楙偝傟偨 | 巼偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74259 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(愒) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨愒敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74260 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(悈怓) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨悈怓偺敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74261 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(崟) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨崟敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74262 僔儑乕僩僇僢僩(墿搚怓) 慺憗偔摦偗傞傛偆抁偔 | 偟偨墿搚怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 - -74501 僗億乕僥傿乕(嬧) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰 | 傪抲偄偨嬧偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74502 僗億乕僥傿乕(拑) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰 | 傪抲偄偨拑怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74503 僗億乕僥傿乕(嬥) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰 | 傪抲偄偨嬥怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74504 僗億乕僥傿乕(墿椢) 摦偒傗偡偝偵廳揰 | 傪抲偄偨墿椢怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74505 僇儕僗儅(嬧) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞嬧敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74506 僇儕僗儅(僺儞僋) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞僺儞僋偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74507 僇儕僗儅(崟) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞崟敮偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74508 僇儕僗儅(巼) 屆戙偐傜揱傢傞僇儕僗儅 | 姶堨傟傞巼怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74509 僆乕儖僶僢僋(嬧) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 嬧敮偺僆乕儖僶僢僋丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74510 僆乕儖僶僢僋(悈怓) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 悈怓偺僆乕儖僶僢僋丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74511 僆乕儖僶僢僋(崟) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 崟敮偺僆乕儖僶僢僋丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74512 僆乕儖僶僢僋(孖怓) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 拑怓偺僆乕儖僶僢僋丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 - -74751 挶偺偐傫偞偟(拑) 拑敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟傪 | 巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74752 挶偺偐傫偞偟(崟) 崟敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟傪 | 巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74753 挶偺偐傫偞偟(惵) 惵怓偺敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟 | 傪巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74754 挶偺偐傫偞偟(嬧) 嬧敮偵挶偺偐傫偞偟傪 | 巊偭偰傑偲傔偨僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74755 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾(拑) 愻楙偝傟偨 | 拑怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74756 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾乮崟乯 愻楙偝傟偨 | 崟怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74757 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾乮嬥乯 愻楙偝傟偨 | 嬥怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74758 儈僨傿傾儉僿傾乮巼乯 愻楙偝傟偨 | 巼怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -74759 僙儈儘儞僌乮孖怓乯 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 孖怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74760 僙儈儘儞僌(嬥) 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 嬥怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74761 僙儈儘儞僌(巼) 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 巼怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -74762 僙儈儘儞僌(拑) 挿偄敮偵彮偟傾儗儞僕 | 傪壛偊偨彈惈傜偟偄 | 拑怓偺僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 - -75001 壜垽偄偍抍巕(愒)丂丂丂丂丂 嫮恱側彈晲巑偵塀偝傟偨 | 彈惈傜偟偄壜垽傜偟偝傪 | 嫮挷偡傞愒怓偺偍抍巕摢 30擔娫巊梡 -75002 壜垽偄偍抍巕(敄峠怓) 嫮恱側彈晲巑偵塀偝傟偨 | 彈惈傜偟偄壜垽傜偟偝傪 | 嫮挷偡傞敄峠怓偺偍抍巕摢丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75003 壜垽偄偍抍巕(悈怓)丂丂 嫮恱側彈晲巑偵塀偝傟偨 | 彈惈傜偟偄壜垽傜偟偝傪 | 嫮挷偡傞敄惵怓偺偍抍巕摢丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75004 壜垽偄偍抍巕(拑)丂丂丂 嫮恱側彈晲巑偵塀偝傟偨 | 彈惈傜偟偄壜垽傜偟偝傪 | 嫮挷偡傞拑怓偺偍抍巕摢丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75005 捅兽菽藜亩乮拑乯 摦偒傗偡偝傪峫偊偨拑怓 | 偺僔儑乕僩僇僢僩偵傾僋僙儞僩 | 偲偟偰僿傾僶儞僪傪偮偗偨敮宍丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75006 捅兽菽藜亩乮嬥乯 摦偒傗偡偝傪峫偊偨嬥敮 | 偺僔儑乕僩僇僢僩偵傾僋僙儞僩 | 偲偟偰僿傾僶儞僪傪傪偮偗偨敮宍丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75007 捅兽菽藜亩乮悈怓乯 摦偒傗偡偝傪峫偊偨悈怓 | 偺僔儑乕僩僇僢僩偵傾僋僙儞僩 | 偲偟偰僿傾僶儞僪傪偮偗偨敮宍丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75008 捅兽菽藜亩乮椢乯 摦偒傗偡偝傪峫偊偨椢怓 | 偺僔儑乕僩僇僢僩偵傾僋僙儞僩 | 偲偟偰僿傾僶儞僪傪偮偗偨敮宍丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75009 屻傠偍抍巕(崟) 嬢懌傪嫮挷偝偣傞丄屻傠 | 懁偵崟敮傪懇偹偨敮宆丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75010 屻傠偍抍巕(敄峠怓) 嬢懌傪嫮挷偝偣傞丄屻傠 | 懁偵敄峠怓偺敮傪懇偹偨敮宆丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75011 屻傠偍抍巕(拑) 嬢懌傪嫮挷偝偣傞丄屻傠 | 懁偵拑怓偺敮傪懇偹偨敮宆丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75012 屻傠偍抍巕(椢) 嬢懌傪嫮挷偝偣傞丄屻傠 | 懁偵椢怓偺敮傪懇偹偨敮宆丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 - -75201 億僯乕僥乕儖(拑怓) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨拑怓偺敮宆丂丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75202 億僯乕僥乕儖(椢) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨椢怓偺敮宆丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75203 億僯乕僥乕儖(惵) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨惵怓偺敮宆丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75204 億僯乕僥乕儖(傾僀儃儕乕) 巈攏偺怟旜偵宍梕偝傟傞 | 彈惈偨偪偑垽梡偡傞 | 懇偹偨傾僀儃儕乕偺敮宆 30擔娫巊梡 -75205 僶儞僟僫(敀) 敀偄僶儞僟僫傪摢偵姫偒 | 挌擩偵惍偊傜傟偨敮宆丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75206 僶儞僟僫(怺椢) 怺椢怓偺僶儞僟僫傪摢偵 | 姫偒挌擩偵惍偊傜傟偨敮宆 30擔娫巊梡 -75207 僶儞僟僫(拑怓) 拑怓偺僶儞僟僫傪摢偵 | 姫偒挌擩偵惍偊傜傟偨敮宆丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75208 僶儞僟僫(愒) 愒偄僶儞僟僫傪摢偵 | 姫偒挌擩偵惍偊傜傟偨敮宆丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75209 僔儍僊乕僇僢僩(愒) 巋媞偺婡摦椡傪 | 擮摢偵丄傛傝慺憗偔尒偊傞 | 愒偄敮偺僔儍僊乕僇僢僩丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75210 僔儍僊乕僇僢僩(惵椢) 巋媞偺婡摦椡傪 | 擮摢偵丄傛傝慺憗偔尒偊傞 | 惵椢怓偺敮偺僔儍僊乕僇僢僩丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75211 僔儍僊乕僇僢僩(崟) 巋媞偺婡摦椡傪 | 擮摢偵丄傛傝慺憗偔尒偊傞 | 崟怓偺敮偺僔儍僊乕僇僢僩丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75212 僔儍僊乕僇僢僩(嬥) 巋媞偺婡摦椡傪 | 擮摢偵丄傛傝慺憗偔尒偊傞 | 嬥怓偺敮偺僔儍僊乕僇僢僩丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 - 丂 -75401 儃乕僀僢僔儏懇偹敮(奃怓) 彈惈傜偟偝偲彮擭傜偟偝傪 | 寭偹旛偊偨奃怓偺敮宆丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75402 儃乕僀僢僔儏懇偹敮(屜怓) 彈惈傜偟偝偲彮擭傜偟偝傪 | 寭偹旛偊偨屜怓偺敮宆 30擔娫巊梡 -75403 儃乕僀僢僔儏懇偹敮(嬥) 彈惈傜偟偝偲彮擭傜偟偝傪 | 寭偹旛偊偨嬥怓偺敮宆丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75404 儃乕僀僢僔儏懇偹敮(椢怓) 彈惈傜偟偝偲彮擭傜偟偝傪 | 寭偹旛偊偨椢怓偺敮宆丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75405 抬堇矫ǒ附内澳乮嬧乯 揱愢偱揱偊傜傟傞堎奅 | 恖偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼敀丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75406 抬堇矫ǒ附内澳乮愒乯 揱愢偱揱偊傜傟傞堎奅 | 恖偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼愒丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75407 抬堇矫ǒ附内澳乮崟乯 揱愢偱揱偊傜傟傞堎奅 | 恖偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼崟丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75408 抬堇矫ǒ附内澳乮巼乯 揱愢偱揱偊傜傟傞堎奅 | 恖偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼巼丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75409 僂傿儞僫乕懇偹敮(嬧) 昳奿偺崅偝傪姶偠偝偣傞 | 敮偺懇偹曽丅敮怓偼嬧丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75410 僂傿儞僫乕懇偹敮(巼) 昳奿偺崅偝傪姶偠偝偣傞 | 敮偺懇偹曽丅敮怓偼巼怓丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75411 僂傿儞僫乕懇偹敮(崟) 昳奿偺崅偝傪姶偠偝偣傞 | 敮偺懇偹曽丅敮怓偼崟怓丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75412 僂傿儞僫乕懇偹敮(拑) 昳奿偺崅偝傪姶偠偝偣傞 | 敮偺懇偹曽丅敮怓偼拑怓丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 - -75601 僆乕儖僶僢僋(拑怓) 愻楙偝傟偨拑怓偺僆乕儖 | 僶僢僋僗僞僀儖偵敀偄 | 傾僋僙儞僩傪偮偗偨敮宍丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75602 僆乕儖僶僢僋(嵁) 愻楙偝傟偨嵁怓偺僆乕儖 | 僶僢僋僗僞僀儖偵敀偄 | 傾僋僙儞僩傪偮偗偨敮宍丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75603 僆乕儖僶僢僋(惵) 愻楙偝傟偨惵怓偺僆乕儖 | 僶僢僋僗僞僀儖偵敀偄 | 傾僋僙儞僩傪偮偗偨敮宍丂丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75604 僆乕儖僶僢僋(敄椢) 愻楙偝傟偨敄椢怓偺僆乕儖 | 僶僢僋僗僞僀儖偵敀偄 | 傾僋僙儞僩傪偮偗偨敮宍丂丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75605 僗僩儗乕僩儘儞僌(拑) 僞僼側僀儊乕僕傪嫮挷偝偣傞 | 拑怓偺儘儞僌僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75606 僗僩儗乕僩儘儞僌(嵁) 僞僼側僀儊乕僕傪嫮挷偝偣傞 | 嵁怓偺儘儞僌僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75607 僗僩儗乕僩儘儞僌(墿搚怓) 僞僼側僀儊乕僕傪嫮挷偡傞 | 墿搚怓偺儘儞僌僿傾僗僞僀儖 30擔娫巊梡 -75608 僗僩儗乕僩儘儞僌(巼) 僞僼側僀儊乕僕傪嫮挷偝偣傞 | 巼怓偺儘儞僌僿傾僗僞僀儖丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75609 惓摑晲嫚僗僞僀儖(拑) 僆乕僜僪僢僌僗側拞崙晲嫚晽 | 偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼拑怓 30擔娫巊梡 -75610 惓摑晲嫚僗僞僀儖(奃妼怓) 僆乕僜僪僢僌僗側拞崙晲嫚晽 | 偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼奃妼怓丂丂丂 30擔娫巊梡 -75611 惓摑晲嫚僗僞僀儖(巼) 僆乕僜僪僢僌僗側拞崙晲嫚晽 | 偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼巼 30擔娫巊梡 -75612 惓摑晲嫚僗僞僀儖(愒) 僆乕僜僪僢僌僗側拞崙晲嫚晽 | 偺敮宆丅敮偺怓偼愒丂 30擔娫巊梡 - -74013 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂丂丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74014 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞丂丂丂丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 -74015 晲偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 -74016 晲偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂丂丂丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 -74263 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74264 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74265 壴偺妢丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74266 壴偺妢丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74513 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74514 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74515 晲偺妢丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 -74516 晲偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂 7擔娫巊梡 -74763 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74764 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74765 壴偺妢丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -74766 壴偺妢丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75013 傾僼儘僿傾乕 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞丂丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 -75014 傾僼儘僿傾乕 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75015 壴偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75016 壴偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75213 傾僼儘僿傾乕 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75214 傾僼儘僿傾乕 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75215 晲偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂 7擔娫巊梡 -75216 晲偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂丂丂丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 -75413 傾僼儘僿傾乕 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75414 傾僼儘僿傾乕 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75415 壴偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75416 壴偺妢丂丂丂 屆戙彈惈偨偪偑奜弌偺帪 | 巊偭偨朮巕偺堦偮偱戃側偄 | 嶱棫偰傒偨偄偺傕偺丅僺儞僋偺 | 壊扥偑彈傜偟偝傪嫮挷偟偰 | 偔傟偰丄僒儞僶僀僓乕 | 偱傕巊偆偙偲偑偱偒傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75613 傾僼儘僿傾乕丂丂丂 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75614 傾僼儘僿傾乕 摢傪僼傽乕儉偟偰丄 弅偔傟偰 | 偄傞栄敮傪偔偟偗偠偰棫偰偰丄 | 戝偒偔娵偄柾條偱惍偊偨僿傾 | 僗僞僀儖偱僷儞僠椡偑 | 嫮傑傞偲偄偆榖偑偁傞 7擔娫巊梡 -75615 晲偺妢丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂丂丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 -75616 晲偺妢丂丂丂丂 屆戙晲姱偑拝梡偟偨朮巕丄 | 朮巕偵忺傟偰偄傞偒偠偺偟偭傐 | 塇栄偼晽棳傪姶偠傞 | 傛偆偵偟偰偔傟傞丂丂 7擔娫巊梡 - -74017 愒偄僼僃儖僩朮 旤偟偄僼僃儖僩偱偱偒偨 | 愒偄墌摏宆偺朮巕偱丄 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞偵晀姶側恖偵恖婥 -74018 嵒敊偺僼乕僪 嵒敊傪搉傞椃峴幰偑岲傫偱 | 偮偗傞丄晍偺僼乕僪丅懢梲偲晽傪 | 傛偗傞幚梡惈傕偝傞偙偲側偑傜丄 | 僄僗僯僢僋側僔儖僄僢僩偐傜 | 儘儅儞傪妝偟傓僼傽僢僔儑儞 | 惈偺崅偝偑恖婥 -74019 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 -74267 嵒敊偺僗僇乕僼 嵒敊傪椃峴偡傞帪偵 | 傂傞偑偊傞敮傪曐岇偟丄 | 巼奜慄偐傜旂晢傪曐岇偡傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞彈惈梡 | 偺僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉 -74268 嵒敊偺儅僗僋 僗僇乕僼偩偗偱偼枮懌 | 偱偒側偄彈惈椃峴幰偑丄 | 婄慡懱傪偡偭傐傝偲暍偄塀偡 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉丅婄傪塀偡 | 偙偲偱丄栚偺旤偟偝偑嵺棫偮 -74269 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 -74517 愒偄僼僃儖僩朮 旤偟偄僼僃儖僩偱偱偒偨 | 愒偄墌摏宆偺朮巕偱丄 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞偵晀姶側恖偵恖婥 -74518 嵒敊偺僼乕僪 嵒敊傪搉傞椃峴幰偑岲傫偱 | 偮偗傞丄晍偺僼乕僪丅懢梲偲晽傪 | 傛偗傞幚梡惈傕偝傞偙偲側偑傜丄 | 僄僗僯僢僋側僔儖僄僢僩偐傜 | 儘儅儞傪妝偟傓僼傽僢僔儑儞 | 惈偺崅偝偑恖婥 -74519 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 -74767 嵒敊偺僗僇乕僼 嵒敊傪椃峴偡傞帪偵 | 傂傞偑偊傞敮傪曐岇偟丄 | 巼奜慄偐傜旂晢傪曐岇偡傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞彈惈梡 | 偺僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉 -74768 嵒敊偺儅僗僋 僗僇乕僼偩偗偱偼枮懌 | 偱偒側偄彈惈椃峴幰偑丄 | 婄慡懱傪偡偭傐傝偲暍偄塀偡 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉丅婄傪塀偡 | 偙偲偱丄栚偺旤偟偝偑嵺棫偮 -74769 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 -75017 嵒敊偺僗僇乕僼 嵒敊傪椃峴偡傞帪偵 | 傂傞偑偊傞敮傪曐岇偟丄 | 巼奜慄偐傜旂晢傪曐岇偡傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞彈惈梡 | 偺僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉 -75018 嵒敊偺儅僗僋 僗僇乕僼偩偗偱偼枮懌 | 偱偒側偄彈惈椃峴幰偑丄 | 婄慡懱傪偡偭傐傝偲暍偄塀偡 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉丅婄傪塀偡 | 偙偲偱丄栚偺旤偟偝偑嵺棫偮 -75019 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 -75217 嵒敊偺僗僇乕僼 嵒敊傪椃峴偡傞帪偵傂傞偑偊傞敮傪曐岇偟丄巼奜慄偐傜旂晢傪曐岇偡傞偨傔偵拝梡偡傞彈惈梡偺僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉 -75218 嵒敊偺儅僗僋 僗僇乕僼偩偗偱偼枮懌 | 偱偒側偄彈惈椃峴幰偑丄 | 婄慡懱傪偡偭傐傝偲暍偄塀偡 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉丅婄傪塀偡 | 偙偲偱丄栚偺旤偟偝偑嵺棫偮 -75219 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 -75417 嵒敊偺僗僇乕僼 嵒敊傪椃峴偡傞帪偵 | 傂傞偑偊傞敮傪曐岇偟丄 | 巼奜慄偐傜旂晢傪曐岇偡傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞彈惈梡 | 偺僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉 -75418 嵒敊偺儅僗僋 僗僇乕僼偩偗偱偼枮懌 | 偱偒側偄彈惈椃峴幰偑丄 | 婄慡懱傪偡偭傐傝偲暍偄塀偡 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉丅婄傪塀偡 | 偙偲偱丄栚偺旤偟偝偑嵺棫偮 -75419 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 -75617 愒偄僼僃儖僩朮 旤偟偄僼僃儖僩偱偱偒偨 | 愒偄墌摏宆偺朮巕偱丄 | 僼傽僢僔儑儞偵晀姶側恖偵恖婥 -75618 嵒敊偺僼乕僪 嵒敊傪搉傞椃峴幰偑岲傫偱 | 偮偗傞丄晍偺僼乕僪丅懢梲偲晽傪 | 傛偗傞幚梡惈傕偝傞偙偲側偑傜丄 | 僄僗僯僢僋側僔儖僄僢僩偐傜 | 儘儅儞傪妝偟傓僼傽僢僔儑儞 | 惈偺崅偝偑恖婥 -75619 僞乕僶儞丂丂丂 嵒敊傪椃偡傞朻尟幰偑丄 | 晍傪摢偵偖傞偖傞姫偒偵偟偰 | 偄傞僼傽僢僔儑儞傾僀僥儉偺堦庬丅 | 戝棨偱偼丄摢傪戝偒偔尒偣偰 | 儌儞僗僞乕偵埿埑姶傪梌偊傞 | 偨傔偵拝梡偡傞偲偄偆 | 偆傢偝偑偁傞 - -74020 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 晲巑抝惈梡 -74270 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 巋媞彈惈梡 -74520 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 廋梾抝惈梡 -74770 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 涋彈彈惈梡 -75020 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 晲巑彈惈梡 -75220 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 巋媞抝惈梡 -75420 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 廋梾彈惈梡 -75620 僴儘僂傿儞僇儃僠儍朮巕丂 僴儘僂傿儞僨乕傪妝偟傓偨傔巊偆 | 僷乕僥傿梡僇儃僠儍朮巕丄僇儃 | 僠儍偺拞恎傪庢偭偰嶌傜傟偨 | 儅僗僋偱巊梡偡傞娫丄庱 | 偺晧扴偑崅偔側傞偐傕 涋彈抝惈梡 -丂 -76000 搷壴庰乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯丂 揤搷偺壴傪姳偟偰 | 嶌傜傟偨崅媺庰 暈梡懄帪懱椡夞暅 -76001 朰媝旈揱彂乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 帺暘偺偡傋偰偺僗僉儖偲 | 孯怑偵偮偄偰偺婰壇傪幐偆丂丂丂丂丂丂 孯怑傪嵞慖戰壜擻 -76002 巰恄偺徹昜乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 幾婼搩偺巰恄偑 | 帩偭偰偄傞徹昜丅夓婼摯孉 | 2奒傪捠峴帪偵巊傢傟傞 -76003 懍塺庰乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯丂丂 庺暥懍搙偑20亾傾僢僾丂丂丂丂丂丂 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -76004 悈棾偺廽暉乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 悈棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰 | 偺惛恄椡傪偄偮傕嵟崅 | 偺忬懺偵堐帩偝偣傞丂丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惛恄椡彫暆忋徃 -76005 悈棾偺廽暉(彫)乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 悈棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰 | 偺惛恄椡傪偄偮傕嵟崅 | 偺忬懺偵堐帩偝偣傞丂丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惛恄椡彫暆忋徃 -76006 楈愇偺姶抦婡乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 楈愇偺埵抲傪 | 抦傜偣偰偔傟傞姶抦婡 6夞 -76007 桬婥偺儅儞僩乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 屆戙偺桬栆側愴巑偨偪 | 偼栚棫偮怓偺儅儞僩傪恎偵 | 拝偗揋偺帇慄偲峌寕傪 | 帺暘偵廤傔桬栆偝傪帵偟偨偲偄偆丂丂丂丂 廃傝偺儌儞僗僞乕傪偙偪傜偵屇傇丅 | 1夞梡 -76008 棾恄偺壛岇乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 巰朣偟偨偲偒偺宱尡抣 | 僟僂儞傪100亾杊偖 -76009 棾恄偺廽暉彂乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 傾僀僥儉夵椙帪丄10亾崅偄 | 妋棪偱夵椙偱偒丄夵椙偵幐攕 | 偟偨応崌傾僀僥儉偼徚偊側偄 -76010 梟寣愇乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 棾偺寣偱嶌傜傟偨捒偟偄 | 愇丄揤堄摯孉2奒 | 捠峴帪巊傢傟傞 -76011 榋摴乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 晲宱幍彂偺堦偮偱戙昞揑 | 側暫朄彂懢岞朷偺暫妛 | 偵娭偡傞挊彂丂丂丂 拝梡屻僷乕僥傿儕乕僟乕偵 | 側傞帪丄帺暘媦傃僷乕僥傿 | 儊儞僶乕偺妉摼 | 宱尡抣30亾傾僢僾 -76012 堏懍庰乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯丂丂 堏摦懍搙偑60亾憹壛 -76013 懏惈晅梌彂乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 懏惈偺側偄傾僀僥儉偵 | 懏惈傪晅梌 -76014 懏惈曄峏彂乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 傾僀僥儉偵晅偄偰偄傞 | 懏惈傪弶婜壔偟丄 | 怴懏惈傪晅梌 -76015 廽暉偺媴乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 揱愢偺恄偺廽暉 | 傪傕傜偭偨嬍 傾僀僥儉懏惈偑4偮偺 | 帪懏惈堦偮捛壛 -76016 廽暉偺彂乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 廽暉偺彂傪憰旛偵 | 巊梡偟偰夵椙偡傞偲丄偨偲偊 | 夵椙偵幐攕偟偰傕扨偵 | 摍媺偑堦抜奒掅偔側傞丂丂丂丂丂 彂傪憰旛偵捈愙揔梡 | 夵椙偵幐攕帪傾僀僥儉偼徚偊側偄 -76017 夣懍庰乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯丂 峌寕懍搙偑10亾傾僢僾 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -76018 夣懍庰+乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 峌寕懍搙偑10亾傾僢僾 | 帩懕帪娫 30暘 -76019 捠峴徹柧徹乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 -76020 峥榝偺悈栻乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 廂廤傾僀僥儉偺 | 搊榐妋棪傪80亾傾僢僾 -76021 壩棾偺廽暉乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 壩棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺 | 惗柦椡傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺 | 忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惗柦椡彫暆忋徃 -76022 壩棾偺廽暉(彫)乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 壩棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰偺 | 惗柦椡傪偄偮傕嵟崅偺 | 忬懺偵堐帩丂丂丂丂 嵟戝惗柦椡彫暆忋徃 -76023 楢嵹懏惈曄峏彂乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 40儗儀儖埲壓偺晲婍偲 | 奪偵晅梌偟偰偁傞懏惈傪 | 弶婜壔偟丄怴懏惈傪晅梌 -76024 楢嵹懏惈晅梌彂乮僾儗僛儞僩梡乯 40儗儀儖埲壓偺晲婍偲 | 奪偵晅梌偟偰側偄懏惈傪 | 晅梌 - -80001 偍嬥 -80002 敀巻 -80008 嬥偺夠 壛岺偝傟偰偄側偄嬥夠 | 彜揦偱崅妟偱庢堷偝傟傞 -80009 堏摦偺巜椫 堏摦擻椡偁傞巜椫偱 | 堏摦偱偒側偄抧堟偱巊梡 | 偡傞偲丄杮崙偵堏摦 - -90001 嬻偺悈摏 -90002 悈摏 -90003 悈徎 -90004 曮愇 -90005 悈愇 -90006 楈愇 -90007 峼愇 - -79001 巰恄偺徹昜 幾婼搩偺巰恄偑 | 帩偭偰偄傞徹昜丅夓婼摯孉 | 2奒傪捠峴帪偵巊傢傟傞丂丂 BR梡 -79002 夡傟偨僽儗僗儗僢僩儃僢僋僗 BR梡 -79003 夡傟偨僺傾僗儃僢僋僗 BR梡 -79004 愒偄旈枾敔 堷偒屗幃偺傆偨傪帩偭偨 | 恀偭愒側敔丅敔偺拞偵偼戝愗側 | 傕偺偑偦偭偲塀偝傟偰偄傞傛偆 BR梡 -79005 朰媝旈揱彂 帺暘偺偡傋偰偺僗僉儖 | 偲孯怑偵偮偄偰偺婰壇傪幐偆 BR梡 -79006 棾恄偺壛岇 巰朣偟偨偲偒偺宱尡抣 | 僟僂儞傪100亾杊偖 BR梡 -79007 懍塺庰 庺暥懍搙偑20亾傾僢僾丂 BR梡 -79008 宱尡偺巜椫 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄廗摼 | 宱尡抣偑20亾憹壛 BR梡 -79009 搻恖偺庤戃 庪傝傪偡傞嵺丄傾僀僥儉偺 | 僪儘僢僾棪偑1.5攞偵憹壛 BR梡 -79010 岾塣偺嬥壿 庪傝傪偡傞帪丄偍嬥偺 | 僪儘僢僾棪偑2攞偵憹壛 BR梡 -79011 榋摴 僷乕僥傿儕乕僟乕偱僷乕僥傿 | 傪慻傓偲帺暘偲僷乕僥傿 | 儊儞僶乕偺宱尡抣 | 偑30亾傾僢僾 BR梡 -79012 壩棾偺廽暉(彫) 壩棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰 | 偺惗柦椡傪偄偮傕嵟崅 | 偺忬懺偵堐帩 BR梡 -79013 悈棾偺廽暉(彫) 悈棾偺婥塣傪傕傜偭偰 | 嶌傜傟偨悈栻偱丄巊梡幰 | 偺惛恄椡傪偄偮傕嵟崅 | 偺忬懺偵堐帩 BR梡 -79014 僿傾岎姺寯丂丂丂 怑嬈偵崌偆僿傾偵 | 曄峏偟偰偔傟傞僠働僢僩 BR梡 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 57ffaa6c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 嶰楢巃 夣晽巃 崑棳晽巃 揋傪慺憗偔3夞巃傝偮偗傞 慜曽斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 憤峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 敧曽棎塉 恀墌巃 棾塤敋揤 寱傪怳傝夞偟丄廃埻 | 偺揋傪峌寕 慜恑斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 愴婼嵃 嬥崉嵃 攋愴摴 傂偨偡傜峌寕偩偗偵愱擮 峌寕懍搙忋徃 堏摦懍搙忋徃 帺恎傊偺僟儊乕僕憹壛 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 峌寕懍搙 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 堏摦懍搙 : +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 寱嬈 娾怱寱 怱寱崌堦 峌寕椡傪堦掕 | 帪娫憹壛偝偣傞 婎杮峌寕椡忋徃 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 峌寕椡 : +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 抏娵寕 抏娵寕 嬌崉朇寕 慺憗偔憱傝丄揋傪搢偡 撍寕斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -6 WARRIOR 婥寣庢柧 婥寣庢柧 婥寣庢柧 慡椡偱婥傪敋敪偝偣慜曽 | 偺揋偵嫮偄堦寕傪壛偊傞 慜曽斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gihyeol 6 4 峌寕椡 %.0f-%.0f (3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 (3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 -16 WARRIOR 婥岟徴 抐墇攇 嶫晽栴廝丂 慜曽偺揋傪峌寕 慜曽斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 寕嶶懪 崑埿 棿隳揤寕 慜曽偺揋傪峌寕 捈慄斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 戝恔媟 巶巕欋 斀岟恔揤 廃埻偺揋傪巐曽偵 | 挼偹旘偽偡 慡曽埵斖埻峌寕 堦掕妋棪偱婥愨岠壥 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 婥愨妋棪 : %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 揟崻庽 揝晘嶳 懽嶳埑捀 堦帪揑偵杊屼椡傪忋徃偝偣丄 | 嫮椡側峌寕傪庴偗偰傕搢傟側偄 杊屼椡忋徃 堏摦懍搙掅壓 搢傟側偄 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 杊屼椡 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 堏摦懍搙 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 寱晽 婥寢巃 寱婥徴揱 慜曽偺揋傪峌寕 挿嫍棧懳徾廃曈峌寕 婥愨岠壥 懳徾挼偹旘偽偟 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -21 WARRIOR 擼寱摓棃 擼寱摓棃 擼寱摓棃 寱婥偺偁傞寱偱廃傝偺揋 | 偵抳柦揑側懪寕傪梌偊傞 帺暘偺廃傝偺斖埻傪峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED noegeom 21 4 峌寕椡 %.0f-%.0f (2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 -31 ASSASSIN 埫廝 塀寕 棳娧憱愨 枾偐偵揋偵嬤婑傝丄 | 抳柦彎傪梌偊傞 攚屻偐傜婏廝帪峌寕椡忋徃 抁寱儃乕僫僗 塀寀朄儃乕僫僗 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 塭恦 柍塭寱 嬈塭抐杺 慺憗偔揋偵愙嬤偟丄 | 抳柦彎傪梌偊傞 弖娫堏摦峌寕 抁寱儃乕僫僗 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 幵椫嶦 晳椫巃 攚塉斆塤 慺憗偔夞揮偟丄 | 慜曽偺揋傪巃傞 扙弌斖埻峌寕 帩懕撆峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 拞撆妋棪 : %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 塀寀朄 揮曄弍 幷揤旔擔 帺暘偺巔傪塀偡 峌寕帪夝彍 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 埫嶦媄弍捛壛僟儊乕僕 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 嶶嫲暡 暼椨塤 娷帓巰寎 廃埻偵撆偺塤傪嶌傝丄 | 揋傪撆偵偝偣傞 挿嫍棧懳徾廃曈峌寕 帩懕撆峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 拞撆妋棪 : %.0f%% 40*k -36 ASSASSIN 崟搰悢 崟搰悢 崟搰悢 挻僗僺乕僪偱弖娫揑偵徚偊丄憡庤偵堦寕傪壛偊傞 弖娫堏摦峌寕 帩懕揑側撆峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD seomjeon 6 4 峌寕椡 %.0f-%.0f (lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 拞撆妋棪 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 楢幩 娧堦嶦 婔枩徴峠 1恖偺揋偵偄偔偮 | 傕偺栴傪曻偮 挿嫍棧楢懕峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 憤峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f敪偺栴傪曻偮 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 娧寕弍 塉揤嶦 揤曯塻巋 1搙偱暋悢偺揋偵栴傪曻偮 挿嫍棧暋悢懳徾峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 嵟戝%.0f恖傑偱峌寕 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 壩憃攇 晳壩 恄晳恔揤 壩墛偺栴傪曻偮 挿嫍棧懳徾斖埻峌寕 壩墛峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 寉嬻弍 恦峴 摜愥柍奦 懱傪寉偔偟丄 | 堏摦懍搙傪崅傔傞 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 堏摦懍搙 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 撆婏媩 懅撆恓 捛嵃扗柦 嫮椡側撆偺栴傪曻偮 挿嫍棧懳徾斖埻峌寕 婥愨岠壥 懳徾挼偹旘偽偟 帩懕撆峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 拞撆妋棪 : %.0f%% 80*k -51 ASSASSIN 搰岝抏 搰岝抏 搰岝抏 弖娫揑偵嫮偄岝偑 | 弌偰廃傝偺揋偵抳柦揑側 | 懪寕傪梌偊傞 帺暘偺廃傝偺斖埻傪峌寕 帩懕揑側撆峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL seomgwang 21 4 峌寕椡 %.0f-%.0f (MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)1.1 拞撆妋棪 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 嵱楇巜 擬慁嶶 揤曵抧楐 巜愭偐傜嫮椡側 | 敋敪傪婲偙偡 慜曽斖埻峌寕 憡庤杊屼柍帇岠壥 抦擻儃乕僫僗 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 憡庤偺杊屼傪柍岠偵偡傞妋棪 : %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 梮姫攇 慁晽恮 岝恦憈姫 嫮椡側慁晽傪婲偙偟丄 | 廃曈偺揋傪愗傝楐偔 慡曽埵斖埻峌寕 憡庤夞旔柍帇岠壥 抦擻儃乕僫僗 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 憡庤偺夞旔傪柍岠偵偡傞妋棪 : %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 婼寱 巃楈寱 搄棾嵼揤 寱偵婼偺椡傪廻傜偣傞 婎杮峌寕椡忋徃 抦擻儃乕僫僗 媧寣峌寕 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 峌寕椡 : +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 僟儊乕僕%.0f%%傪惗柦椡偲偟偰媧廂 10*k -64 SURA 嫲曪 寣嵾 愊楓嫸杺 峌寕偟偰偔傞揋偵嫲晐 | 傪怉偊晅偗丄擻椡傪壓偘傞 憡庤峌寕椡掅壓 憡庤峌寕幐攕妋棪憹壛 帺暘傊偺僟儊乕僕帪偺傒揔梡 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 憡庤峌寕椡 : -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 憡庤偺峌寕傪幐攕偝偣傞妋棪 : %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 拻杺峛 嵃攅 揤杺幃懱 埮偺奪偱懱傪曐岇偡傞 旐奞帪丄捈愙峌寕偺堦晹斀幩 杊屼椡忋徃 抦擻儃乕僫僗 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 杊屼椡 : +%.0f (iq+30)*k 暔棟峌寕傪斀幩偡傞妋棪 : %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 攋朄弍 嶰墠弍 柍崪徚嵃 慡曗彆杺朄傪柍岠壔偝偣傞 挿嫍棧峌寕 懳徾廃曈斖埻峌寕 憡庤偺曗彆岠壥彍嫀 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 杺朄妋棪 : %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 杺楈 婼楈 扗嵃楈 埮偺椡傪傇偮偗丄 | 揋偵僟儊乕僕傪梌偊傞 挿嫍棧懳徾斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 壩墛敋 敋墛恮 杺棾徟揤 敋敪傪婲偙偟丄 | 廃曈偺揋傪擱傗偡 慡曽埵斖埻峌寕 壩墛峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 晲塭恮 杺墛 崠壩暘懱 帺暘傪庣傞敋敪懱傪嶌傞 挿嫍棧懳徾斖埻峌寕 懳徾擟堄慖戰 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 崟恄庣岇 屼嵃弍 揤嬋巰嵃丂 埮偺椡偱懱傪暍偄丄擏懱偺 | 嬯捝傪惛恄椡偱懴偊傞 僟儊乕僕傪惛恄椡偱尭嶦 杊屼椡忋徃 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 僟儊乕僕尭彮棪 : %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 杊屼椡 : +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 摤杺楈 敍恎楈 悺曕擄峴 懇敍偺埆楈傪揋偵傇偮偗丄 | 僟儊乕僕傪梌偊傞 挿嫍棧懳徾斖埻峌寕 懳徾偺摦偒傪抶傜偣傞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 僗儘乕妋棪 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 杺尪寕 寣楈饽 姡崳埫墝 埮偺婥傪旘偽偟丄 | 僟儊乕僕傪梌偊傞 挿嫍棧懳徾斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 旈攋晞 婼墠攋 屲嵤塣壨 揋偵庺晞傪搳偘偮偗丄 | 僟儊乕僕傪梌偊傞 挿嫍棧峌寕 懳徾廃曈斖埻峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 棾攇嶶 攇棾晞 巄棾崠揤 棾恄偺巔偺婥傪寕偪丄 | 慜曽偺揋傪峌寕 捈慄斖埻峌寕 帩懕壩墛岠壥 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 帩懕壩墛妋棪 : %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 攅棾敋 徃棾攇 揤棾攇旜 棾恄偺巔偱廃曈偺 | 揋傪峌寕 慡曽埵斖埻峌寕 帩懕壩墛岠壥 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 帩懕壩墛妋棪 : %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 岇恄 揤暻 恀棾岇懱 枴曽偵曐岇偺恮傪嶌傝丄 | 杊屼椡傪忋偘傞 暔棟峌寕掞峈 枴曽偵巊梡壜擻 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 暔棟峌寕掞峈 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 斀幩恮 庣嬀恮 揤崉徎婥 枴曽偵揋偺峌寕傪 | 挼偹曉偡恮傪嶌傞 暔棟峌寕斀幩 枴曽偵巊梡壜擻 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 暔棟峌寕斀幩妋棪 : %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 婥揤懷峛 揤棾嵃 棾恄惞廻 枴曽偺庤偵恄偺堄巚傪廻偡 僋儕僥傿僇儖棪忋徃 枴曽偵巊梡壜擻 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 抳柦懪妋棪 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 棆揹椊 恀揤棆 揹愬棆柭 棆傪揋偵懪偪弌偡 挿嫍棧峌寕 懳徾廃曈斖埻峌寕 揹婥懏惈 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 棊棆 擼墛慚 惵揤杵杼 嬻偺椡傪庁傝偰 | 揋偵棆傪棊偲偡 挿嫍棧峌寕 懳徾廃曈斖埻峌寕 揹婥懏惈 婥愨岠壥 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 杺朄峌寕椡 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 婥愨妋棪 : %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 敋棆寕 攋揤棆 嬨揤朶棆 庤偐傜棆傪懪偪弌偡 挿嫍棧峌寕 揹婥懏惈 廃曈懳徾偵楢懕峌寕 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 杺朄峌寕椡 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 忩嬈 戝忩嬈 岝朄忩 岝偺椡偱彎傪帯椕 惗柦椡夞暅 忬懺堎忢夞暅 枴曽偵巊梡壜擻 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 惗柦椡夞暅 : %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 忬懺堎忢偺夞暅妋棪 : %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 夣懌 晽恑 晽柇摜塤 晽偵忔傝嬱偗弰傞 堏摦懍搙忋徃 庺暥帪娫尭彮 枴曽偵巊梡壜擻 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 堏摦懍搙 : +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 庺暥懍搙 : +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 楙椡弍 枴曽偺椡傪傛傝嫮偔偡傞 婎杮峌寕椡忋徃 枴曽偵巊梡壜擻 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 峌寕椡 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -112 PASSIVE 抏娵寕攋夝 抏娵寕偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 抏娵寕旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_tanhwan 抏娵寕旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -113 PASSIVE 埫廝攋夝 埫廝偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 埫廝旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_amseup 埫廝旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -114 PASSIVE 嵱楇巜攋夝 嵱楇巜偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 嵱楇巜旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_swaeryeong 嵱楇巜旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -115 PASSIVE 棾攇嶶攋夝 棾攇嶶偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 棾攇嶶旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_yongpa 棾攇嶶旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -116 PASSIVE 婥岟徴攋夝 婥岟徴偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 婥岟徴旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_gigongcham 婥岟徴旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -117 PASSIVE 楢幩攋夝 楢幩偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 楢幩旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_yeonsa 楢幩旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -118 PASSIVE 杺尪寕攋夝 杺尪寕偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 杺尪寕旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_geomhwan 杺尪寕旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -119 PASSIVE 棊棆攋夝 棊棆偺旐奞傪尭傜偡 棊棆旐奞掞峈 PASSIVE p_byeorak 棊棆旐奞杊塹棪 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -121 SUPPORT 摑棪椡 拠娫傪堷偭挘偭偰偄偔擻椡 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 楢実媄 楢懕峌寕夞悢傪憹壛偝偣傞 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 掁傝 愳増偄偱嫑傪掁傞 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 嵦孈 峼愇傪孈傝弌偡 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 惢憿 傾僀僥儉傪嶌傞 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 怴庼岅 怴庼崙偺尵岅傪 | 帺桼偵偁傗偮傟傞 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 揤挷岅 揤挷崙偺尵岅傪 | 帺桼偵偁傗偮傟傞 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 恑搘岅 恑搘崙偺尵岅傪 | 帺桼偵偁傗偮傟傞 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 曄恎 儌儞僗僞乕偵曄恎偡傞 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 忔攏 攏偵忔傞擻椡 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 彚姭 攏傪彚姭偡傞 summon -137 HORSE 婻攏棎晳 攏偵忔傝側偑傜廃曈 | 偺揋偵峌寕 攏忋媄弍 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 幘晽憱攏 慜曽傊棫偪岦偐偆 | 偡傋偰偺揋傪撱偓搢偡 攏忋媄弍 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 抧幉徃揤 廃曈偺偡傋偰偺揋傪峌寕 攏忋媄弍 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 廐塉棎晳 慜曽傊棫偪岦偐偆 | 揋傪媩偱幩傞 攏忋媄弍 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -141 SUPPORT HP曗嫮 嵟戝懱椡偑憹壛 PASSIVE jeunghyul 嵟戝HP傾僢僾 +%.0f k * 1333.33 -142 SUPPORT 娧捠夞旔 娧捠峌寕傪夞旔 PASSIVE chultong 娧捠夞旔棪 + %.0f%% k * 20 -151 GUILD 棾娽 嵟戝棾恄椡偑憹壛 PASSIVE yongan 嵟戝棾恄椡 : +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 棾恄偺寣 僊儖僪儊儞僶乕慡堳偺 | 嵟戝惗柦椡傪堦帪揑偵 | 忋徃偝偣傞 僊儖僪愴愱梡 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 嵟戝HP忋徃 : +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 棾恄偺廽暉 僊儖僪儊儞僶乕慡堳偺 | 嵟戝惛恄椡傪堦帪揑偵 | 忋徃偝偣傞 僊儖僪愴愱梡 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 嵟戝惛恄椡忋徃 : +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 惞婸峛 僊儖僪儊儞僶乕慡堳偺 | 杊屼椡傪堦帪揑偵 | 忋徃偡傞 僊儖僪愴愱梡 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 杊屼椡忋徃 : +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 嫨懍弍 僊儖僪儊儞僶乕慡堳偺 | 峌寕懍搙偲堏摦懍搙偑 | 堦帪揑偵忋徃 僊儖僪愴愱梡 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 峌寕丒堏摦懍搙忋徃 : +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 棾恄偺搟傝 僊儖僪儊儞僶乕慡堳偺 | 僋儕僥傿僇儖妋棪偑堦帪揑偵 | 忋徃偡傞 僊儖僪愴愱梡 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 僋儕僥傿僇儖妋棪 : +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 庺岟弍 僊儖僪儊儞僶乕慡堳偺 | 僗僉儖僋乕儖僞僀儉偑 | 堦帪揑偵尭彮 僊儖僪愴愱梡 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 庺暥懍搙忋徃 : +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 89dc2ab0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -1 嶰楢巃 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 敧曽棎塉 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 愴婼嵃 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 寱嬈 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 婥岟徴 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 寕嶶懪 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 戝怳媟 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 揟崻庽 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 娧寕弍 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k)*0.8 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 壩憃攇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楢幩 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 寉嬻弍 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 埫廝 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 塭恦 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 幵椫嶦 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 塀寀朄 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 杺楈 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 壩墛敋 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 柍塭恮 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 摤杺楈 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 嵱楇巜 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 梮姫攇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 婼寱 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 嫲曪 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 拻杺峛 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 棾攇嶶 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 攅棾敋 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 岇恄 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 斀幩恮 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 棆揹椊 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 棊棆 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 敋棆寕 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 忩嬈 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 夣懌 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 崟恄庣岇 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 庺岟弍 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 棾恄偺搟傝 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 嫨懍弍 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 惞婸峛 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 棾恄偺廽暉 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 棾恄偺寣 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 棾娽 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 旈攋晞 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 抏娵寕 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 寱晽 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 嶶嫲暡 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 撆婏媩 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 攋朄弍 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 杺尪寕 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 婥揤懷峛 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 楙椡弍 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 怴庼岅 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楢実媄 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 摑棪椡 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 曄恎 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 揤挷岅 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 恑搘岅 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 僊儖僪堏摦 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 嬻娫偺栧 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 嫨懍弍 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 嬻娫偺栧 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 嬻娫堏摦 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200僗僉儖 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 堦斒斖埻350僗僉儖 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300僗僉儖 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 堦斒斖埻200僗僉儖 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400僗僉儖 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 撆250僗僉儖 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300僗僉儖 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 忔攏 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 棎晳 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 撍寕 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 扙弌 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 棎晳(栴) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 攏彚姭 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -6 婥寣庢柧 1 1 1 0 HP -( 3*atk + (atk + 1.5 * str)*k)*1.07 300+150*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -21 擼寱摓棃 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k)*1.1 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -36 崟搰悢 2 1 1 0 HP -((lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k)*1.1) 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MELEE 6 0.5 800 0 -51 搰岝抏 2 1 1 0 HP -((atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1) 200+200*k 60 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.5 0 0 -112 抏娵寕 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -113 埫廝 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -114 嵱楇巜 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -115 棾攇嶶 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -116 婥岟徴 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -117 楢幩 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -118 杺尪寕 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -119 棊棆 掞峈 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -141 憹寣 0 1 40 0 NONE 1333.3*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -142 揝摏 0 1 40 0 NONE 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/effect/gm.mse 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-偐傜愴巑傪廤傔丄奜晹偐傜偺[ENTER] -怤峌偵旛偊偰偄傑偡丅[ENTER] -斵傜偼摑堦偝傟偨崙壠偺椡偱[ENTER] -棃偨傞惣曽偺怤峌傪杊偓丄[ENTER] -岎堈楬傪嵞傃奐戱偟偰丄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -偐偮偰幐傢傟偨晉偲塰岝傪庢[ENTER] -栠偦偆偲偟偰偄傑偡丅 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index eb86cf7f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -揤挷崙[ENTER] -惞杺愇偵愽傓幾擮偺懚嵼傪庡[ENTER] -挘偟丄偙傟傪梷偊傛偆偲偡傞[ENTER] -惞嫵崙壠偱偡丅峜掗偺廬孼掜[ENTER] -偱偁傞孯巘弫塰偵傛偭偰寶偰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -傜傟偨惣曽崙壠偱偡丅弫塰偼[ENTER] -庺弍偲愯偄偵挿偗偨嵢傪捠偠[ENTER] -偰惞杺愇偺婋尟惈傪屽傝丄[ENTER] -懳峈嶔傪棫偰傞偙偲傪壗搙傕[ENTER] -恑尵偟偨偑庴偗擖傟傜傟偢丄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -偮偄偵偼堦懓傪棪偄丄掗崙偵[ENTER] -懳偟偰斀婙傪東偟傑偟偨丅[ENTER] -尰嵼傕恑搘崙偲偼挿擭偵搉傝[ENTER] -愴憟傪孞傝曉偟偰偄傑偡丅[ENTER] -斵傜偺栚揑偼偨偩堦偮丄戝棨[ENTER] -[WAIT] -慡搚傪摑堦偟丄惞杺愇偺椡傪[ENTER] -幷抐偡傞偙偲偵偁傝傑偡丅 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dce59bc6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -恑搘崙[ENTER] -媽掗崙峜掗偺拕巕偱偁傞擉棨[ENTER] -偑棪偄傞孯帠戝崙偱丄媽掗崙[ENTER] -偺暅妶傪栚榑傒丄惓摑惈傪庡[ENTER] -挘偟偰偄傑偡丅[ENTER] -[WAIT] -杒晹偵埵抲偡傞偨傔丄夁崜側[ENTER] -帺慠娐嫬偵抲偐傟偰偍傝丄[ENTER] -旕忢偵岲愴揑偱攅尃庡媊揑側[ENTER] -暥壔孹岦傪帩偭偰偄傑偡丅[ENTER] -揤挷崙偐傜偺惞杺愇攔彍傪慽[ENTER] -[WAIT] -偊傞庡挘偵懳偟丄懳奜揑偵偼[ENTER] -姰慡偵柍帇偡傞偐偺傛偆側懺[ENTER] -搙傪庢偭偰偄傞偑丄婛偵峜幒[ENTER] -偺尗幰偨偪傪摦堳偟丄徻嵶側[ENTER] -挷嵏偵庢傝妡偐偭偰偄傑偡丅[ENTER] -[WAIT] -偟偐偟丄偦傟傪懠崙偵屽傜傟[ENTER] -側偄傛偆昞柺揑偵偼惞杺愇偵[ENTER] -懳偟偰柍娭怱偱偁傞偲偄偆巔[ENTER] -惃傪尒偣偰偄傑偡丅 - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/icon/item/72701.tga b/bin_original/locale/japan/icon/item/72701.tga deleted file mode 100644 index c03ba128..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/japan/icon/item/72701.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/japan/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/japan/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/insult.txt 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-偣傆傟 -僙僼儗 -僙儞僘儕 -偣傫偢傝 -浪 -浪偹 -僞僸偹 -僞僸僱 -僞僸 -浪僱 -僠儑儞 -廉 -僠儞僇僗 -偪傫偙 -僠儞僐 -凛 -偪傫偪傫 -偪傫傐 -僠儞億 -凛芜 -螺无 -偮傫傏 -僣儞儃 -偵偔傏偆 -僯僋儃僂 -聘无 -偵偖傠 -僯僌儘 -聘捋 -僷僀僘儕 -兽 -偽偐 -僶僇 -傃偭偙 -抬 -僼傽僢僋 -僼僃儔 -傆偉傜 -酞 -傇傜偔 -僽儔僋 -剔赘 -儃働 -傐偙偪傫 -億僐僠儞 -芜毫 -傑傫偙 -儅儞僐 -陷 -傔偔傜 -儊僋儔 -腋 -儎儕儅儞 -儗僀僾 -傠傫傁傝 -儘儞僷儕 -圯蔬 -垻曫 -堹垺 -堹寠 -堹悈 -堹攧 -堹栄 -堹棎 -堿妀 -堿宻 -堿怬 -堿悈 -堿晹 -堿栄 -塣塩 -塣塩僠乕儉 -塣塩涟 -墖岎 -墖彆岎嵺 -娗棟堳 -娗棟幰 -娗棟恖 -婄幩 -嫮姯 -嫮姯斊 -嫮朶 -嬥嬍 -尰嬥 -崟傫傏 -嶦偡 -嶦庤 -嶦恖 -嶦恖斊 -嶰崙恖 -巟撨恖 -巰 -巰 -巰偹 -帺堅 -帺嶦 -張彈 -惈垽 -惈媠懸 -惈岎 -惈柍擻 -惈梸 -惛塼 -惛巕 -惛幩 -惵姯 -戝杻 -戝杻庽帀 -戝杻桘 -扙暢 -拞弌偟 -挬慛 -挬慛恖 -擏摯 -擏朹 -擏梸 -擏灋 -擕朳 -攏幁 -攧彈 -晹棊 -曻擜 -杣婲 -棎岎 -椧昦 -椫姯 -嵛娵 -汨岎 -汨栧 -?娵 -偒傫偨傑 -僉儞僞儅 -ass -偄傫傐 -僀儞億 -償傽僊僫 -偆丣偀偓側 -偔傝偲傝偡 -僓乕儊儞 -偞乕傔傫 -偡偐偲傠 -偡傌傞傑 -偨傑偒傫 -僞儅僉儞 -嬍嬥 -偪傫偐偡 -僠儞僠儞 -擏曋婍 -恖娫曋婍 -僷僀僷儞 -僼傽僢僉儞 -僼傿僗僩僼傽僢僋 -傆偂偡偲傆偀偭偔 -僼僃儔僠僆 -傆偉傜偪偍 -儁僯僗 -傌偵偡 -傟偄傉 -堹嬶 -堹廱 -堹晈 -堹杺 -堿擷 -変枬廯 -姯捠 -婥堘偄偵恘暔 -婥堘偄嵐懣 -岥撪幩惛 -幩惛 -廱姯 -彈堿 -愩忋幩惛 -慺屢 -抝崻 -抪岰 -抪栄 -擏搝楆 -椊怞 -杮婥廯 -柌惛 -汨媠 -汨撪幩惛 -偙偆側偄偟傖偣偄 -僐僂僫僀僔儍僙僀 -汨栧帺堅 -偙偆傕傫偠偄 -僐僂儌儞僕僀 -偊傫偠傚偙偆偝偄 -僄儞僕儑僐僂僒 -嬤恊憡姯 -偒傫偟傫偦偆偐傫 -僉儞僔儞僜僂僇儞 -恎懱忈奞幰 -偟傫偨偄偟傚偆偑偄偟傖 -僔儞僞僀僔儑僂僈僀僔儍 -惛恄堎忢 -偣偄偟傫偄偠傚偆 -僙僀僔儞僀僕儑僂 -惛恄忈奞 -偣偄偟傫偟傚偆偑偄 -僙僀僔儞僔儑僂僈僀 -惛恄忈奞幰 -偣偄偟傫偟傚偆偑偄偟傖 -僙僀僔儞僔儑僂僈僀僔儍 -惛恄敄庛帣 -偣偄偟傫偼偔偠傖偔偠 -僙僀僔儞僴僋僕儍僋僕 -抦宐抶傟 -偪偊偍偔傟 -僠僄僆僋儗 -抦揑忈奞 -偪偰偒偟傚偆偑偄 -僠僥僉僔儑僂僈僀 -攧弔 -僆僂儉恀棟嫵 -傕偺傒偺搩 -岾暉偺壢妛 -摑堦嫵夛 -儔僀僼僗儁乕僗 -僆僫儁僢僩 -傾乕儗僼 -Aleph -杻尨彶峎 -徏杮抭捗晇 -僒儕儞 -僄儂僶偺徹恖 -偊傎偽偺偟傚偆偵傫 -傕偺傒偺偲偆 -憂壙 -揤棟 -kkk -倠倠倠 -傾儉僂僃僀 -僷僫僂僃乕僽 -摑崌幐挷 -惛恄暘楐 -釟 -偪傚偆傝傫傏偆 -偪傚偆傝偭傐 -埳惃偙偠偒 -夁嫀挔 -媷柉 -崿寣帣 -嵶柉 -嶳鈢 -怴暯柉 -擔杮偺僠儀僢僩 -旂揷 -旂懡 -旕恖 -鈗懡 -壨尨幰 -巑擾岺彜 -晄壜怗柉 -棤擔杮 -徕彫 -偑偭傉傝巐偮 -偙偠偒 -巐偮懌 -巐偮捯 -摨榓 -偍傢偄壆 -偐偮偓壆 -偔偢壆 -偔傒偲傝壆 -僑儈壆 -偨偨偒傗 -僶僞壆 -儗儞僩僎儞媄巘 -塀朧 -塀朣 -將嶦偟 -嶨栶晇 -嶰彆 -搄栶 -搚岺 -搚曽 -摜愗岺晇 -摜愗斣 -攏挌 -晜楺帣 -棫偪傫朧 -楯柋幰 -奼挘抍 -僪儎奨 -僯僐儓儞 -偽偔傠偆 -壂拠巇 -將曔傝 -曐寬晈 -曐慄岺晇 -堷偐傟幰 -慄楬岺晇 -傾儊岞 -僀僞岞 -僋儘儞儃 -僕儍僢僾 -僠儍儞僐儘 -僩儖僐忟 -僩儖僐晽楥 -僯僈乕 -僶僇僠儑儞 -僽僢僔儏儅儞 -儘僗働 -嫗忛 -掅奐敪崙 -搚恖 -撿慛 -杒慛 -屻恑崙 -昞擔杮 -偁偒傔偔傜 -偐偨傢 -偣傓偟 -僠儞僶 -偪傫偽 -價僢僐 -傒偮偔偪 -傔偭偐偪 -暥栍 -暥栍棪 -曅偪傫偽 -嫸彈 -嫸恖 -惛敄幰 -傾僆僇儞 -彥晈 -忣晇丄忣晈 -忣晈 -榓姯 -僼僌儕僢僋儚 -僆僥儞僌僒儅 -僗儕僐僊儃乕 -偪傚傫傏偙 -偪傫傏 -偪傫傏偙 -嬍宻 -嬍暔 -杺梾 -梲杇 -kulli -kyrpa -側傫偽傫傌偺偙 -偪傚傫偪傚偙 -偮傫偨傑 -僿僲僐 -揤偺媡杇 -妶偒偨屼梡偺暔 -宻戃 -嶌憼 -巜帡 -庍壘 -扥杇 -僼僌儕僰僔儑 -僉儞僑儘 -價儖僕 -僼僌儕 -僟僢僋儗 -偗傆偔側偆 -庨幒 -彈栧 -扥寠 -捠旲 -庨栧 -嬍栧 -媑愩 -僄僢儁 -儀僢僞 -儁僢僷 -僆儅儞僠儑 -儀僢働傽乕 -僿僢儁 -僇儔僎 -僆儊僠儑僐 -僆僇僀僠儑 -儂僂儈 -僆僠儍僐 -儃儞儃 -儊儊僕儑 -僠儑儞僠儑儞 -偍偪傖偙 -偍偪傖傫偙 -偍偪傖傫傐 -僣儞價乕 -僆僠儑僐 -僆儊儞僠儑 -儊儞僠儑 -僣乕價 -僆僠儍儞僐 -偪傚傫偪傚傫 -僠儍儞儁 -僠儑儞儀 -儀儞僠儑 -傑傫偠傚 -傑傫偠傚偙 -儚儗儊偪傖傫 -僆儊僢僠儑 -僆僇儞僠儑 -僆僇儞僲儞僒儅 -儊儊僒儞 -儀僢僠儑 -僒儅儞儁 -僠儑儖儃僢働 -僆僜僜 -偍偩偄偠偪傖傫 -儀僢僠儑僐 -偁偭傌 -偁偭傌偙 -僶僢儁 -傌偭傌 -儅僢僠儑 -僆儀儞僠儑 -僄儂僶 -僀僄僗丒僉儕僗僩 -儌儖儌儞 -僀僗儔乕儉 -僸儞僪僁乕 -悽奅媬悽嫵 -悽奅恀岝暥柧嫵抍 -恄桯尰媬悽恀岝暥柧嫵抍 -媬悽恄嫵 -阾柧嫵夛 -MIHO MUSEUM -恄帨廏柧夛 -媬偄偺岝嫵抍 -傾儗僼 -傂偐傝偺椫 -僇僫儕儎偺帊 -僒僀僶僶 -儔僄儕傾儞丒儉乕僽儊儞僩 -傾僀儕乕儞 -僲乕僔僗 -擔杮償僃乕僟乕儞僞嫤夛 -擔杮僶僴僀嫟摨懱 -揤棟嫵 -慞椬嫵 -惗挿偺壠 -嶰曚偺壠 -傎傫傇偟傫 -恄楈嫵 -儚乕儖僪儊僀僩 -惔棳夛 -僝儘傾僗僞乕 -俧俷俬悽奅暯榓 -僓僀僫僗僥傿傾 -悽奅掗崙晉巑峜挬 -揤摴憤揤抎 -嬍岝恄幮 -揤怱惞嫵 -愨懳嬌妝嫵 -暯惉嶳柇尒帥 -俤俽俹壢妛尋媶強 -戝徠嫵 -GLA-God Light Association -憂壙妛夛 -僼儕乕儊乕僜儞 -Ku Klux Klan -僋乕丒僋儔僢僋僗丒僋儔儞 -僫僠僗 -僎僔儏僞億 -傾儖僇乕僀僟 -傾儖僇僀僟 -戝嶳媉柦恄帵嫵夛 -僆僾僗丒僨僀 -妚儅儖攈 -婭尦夛 -僌儕乕儞僺乕僗 -僔乕僔僃僷乕僪 -僋儕僔儏僫堄幆崙嵺嫤夛 -僴儗乕丒僋儕僔儏僫 -岾暉夛儎儅僊僔夛 -僒僥傿儎丒僒僀丒僶僶 -僕僃儅丒僀僗儔儈傾 -師悽婭僼傽乕儉尋媶強 -僔儞僶僀僆僯乕僘夝曻孯 -恖柉帥堾 -悞嫵恀岝 -惞恄拞墰嫵夛 -愛棟 -懢梲揱愢崙嵺婻巑抍 -拞妀攈 -揤抧惓嫵 -屗捤儓僢僩僗僋乕儖 -擔杮愒孯 -擔杮暯榓恄孯 -擔杮儃儔儞僥傿傾夛 -椢偺搣 -擮樑廆柍検庻帥 -僷僫僂僃乕僽尋媶強 -愮擳惓朄夛 -晊巑戝愇帥尠惓夛 -僽儔儞僠丒僟價僨傿傾儞 -朄偺壺嶰朄峴 -朄椫岟 -儌儖儌儞嫵 -楈攇擵岝 -楈桭夛 diff 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-斵傜偼偨偩弮悎偵椡偩偗傪[ENTER] -媮傔偰偄傑偡丅 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5c4ee975..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -晲巑偼堦杮偺寱偲婃忎側[ENTER] -奪偱愴応傪廲墶柍恠偵[ENTER] -嬱偗弰傝丄巶巕偺擛偒嫮偝傪[ENTER] -傪尒偣傞愴偺払恖丅彫嵶岺傪[ENTER] -寵偆丄峾偺擛偒抌楤偝傟偨[ENTER] -[WAIT] -擏懱偲丄悷傫偩悈偺傛偆側[ENTER] -梽傒偺側偄惛恄偺帩偪庡偱偡丅[ENTER] -愴応偱斵傜偵揋偆幰偼丄[ENTER] -偙偺戝棨偵偼懚嵼偟側偄偲[ENTER] -偄傢傟丄嫲傟傜傟偰偄傑偡丅 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b6d7c103..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,798 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 恊枾:%d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 慞埆抣: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 晄柧偺捈愙峌寕僄儔乕:%s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 峌寕偑偱偒側偄丅 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 偙偙偱偼峌寕偱偒側偄丅 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 庢堷拞偵偼憰旛傪曄峏偱偒傑偣傫丅 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 彜揦傪巊偭偰傞娫偼憰旛傪曄峏偱偒傑偣傫丅 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 峀応偱偼屄恖彜揦傪奐偗傑偣傫丅 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 偁偦偙偵偄傞揋偼峌寕偱偒側偄丅 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 栴偑懌傝側偄丅 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 偙偙偐傜偼峌寕偱偒側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 偁偦偙偵偼愙嬤偱偒側偄傛偆偩丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 峌寕偑偱偒側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 偦偪傜偵偄傞峌寕偑偱偒側偄傛偆偩丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 掁娖傪憰旛偟側偗傟偽側傜側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 攏偵忔偭偨偲偒偩偗巊偊傞丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 嬻偒時偑側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 撆時偑側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 扤偵寕偮偐寛傔側偗傟偽丒丒丒丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 懱椡偑懌傝側偄両 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 惛恄椡偑懌傝側偄両 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 攏偵忔偭偨忬懺偱偼巊偊側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 偙偺晲婍偱偼巊偊側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 巊偊側偄僗僉儖偺傛偆偩丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 拠娫偵偩偗巊偊傞傛偆偩丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 巰傫偩幰偵偩偗巊偊傞傛偆偩丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 掁娖傪帩偭偰僗僉儖偼巊偊側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 偙偙偐傜偼峌寕偱偒側偄丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 帺暘偵偼巊偊側偄傛偆偩丅 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 傑偩巊偊側偄傛偆偩丅 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE 條偼WIS嫅斲忬懺偱偡丅 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON 條偼愙懕拞偱偼偁傝傑偣傫丅 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE WIS嫅斲偺忬懺偱偼WIS偱偒傑偣傫丅 SNA -CHANNEL 僠儍儞僱儖 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 儘僌僀儞夋柺偵栠傝傑偡丅 -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 僒乕僶乕偑偁傝傑偣傫丅 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 僠儍儞僱儖%d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 僠儍儞僱儖偺忣曬偑尒偮偐傝傑偣傫丅 -CHANNEL_PVP 帺桼懳寛 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 僠儍儞僱儖傪慖戰偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 寛嵪曽朄傪慖戰偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 僒乕僶乕傪慖戰偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 僥僗僩僒乕僶乕 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 僥僗僩%s:%d -CHAT_ALL 慡懱 -CHAT_BLOCK 幷抐 -CHAT_GUILD 僊儖僪 -CHAT_INFORMATION 忣曬 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 晄揔愗側扨岅偑娷傑傟偨暥復偱偡丅 -CHAT_LOG 夁嫀偺棜楌傪妋擣[L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 夁嫀偺棜楌傪妋擣 -CHAT_NORMAL 堦斒 -CHAT_NOTICE 崘抦 -CHAT_PARTY PT -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 儊僢僙乕僕傪偡傞丅 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 庤巻傪憲傞丅[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 棘衬 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 僔儍僂僩偼15昩偵1夞峴偊傑偡丅 -CHAT_WHISPER WIS -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME 塣塩乫偑娷傑傟傞柤慜偼偛棙梡偄偨偩偗傑偣傫丅 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 晄揔愗側柤慜偱偡丅 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 偦偺柤慜偼偡偱偵懚嵼偟偰偄傑偡丅 -CREATE_FAILURE 僉儍儔僋僞乕傪嶌傟傑偣傫丅 -CREATE_GM_NAME 塣塩 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 柤慜傪擖椡偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 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強帩嬥偑晄懌偟偰偄傞偨傔寶暔傪寶偰傜傟傑偣傫偱偟偨丅 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 崘抦偺尃尷偑偁傝傑偣傫丅 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 怳暘億僀儞僩 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 宱尡抣偑懌傝傑偣傫丅 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 婎抧忣曬 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 宖帵斅 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 怑埵娗棟 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 僊儖僪忣曬 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 儊儞僶乕 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 僊儖僪僗僉儖 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 愴摤帪娫30暘 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 彑棙帪億乕僔儑儞曗彏 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 愴応傪巊梡 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 堦斒儅僢僾傪巊梡 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 摼揰偺崅偄僊儖僪偑彑棙 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 憡庤懁偺婙傪帺暘偺 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 婎抧傑偱帩偭偰偄偔偲彑棙 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 憡庤僊儖僪慡柵偺帪彑棙 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 弌嬥 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 僊儖僪柍強懏 -HORSE_HEALTH0 巰朣 -HORSE_HEALTH1 傂傕偠偄 -HORSE_HEALTH2 嬻暊 -HORSE_HEALTH3 枮暊 -HORSE_LEVEL1 弶媺攏 -HORSE_LEVEL2 拞媺攏 -HORSE_LEVEL3 忋媺攏 -HOUR 帪娫 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER MATRIX僇乕僪斣崋偺擖椡 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE MATRIX僇乕僪 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 廧柉搊榐斣崋屻傠7寘傪擖椡偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 僉儍儔僋僞乕嶍彍 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 婣娨婰壇晞偼崌傢偣傜傟傑偣傫丅 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 傾僀僥儉傪巊偄傑偡偐丠 -JOB_ASSASSIN 巋媞 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 尒廗偄巋媞 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 旇檵孯 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 嫮楧孯 -JOB_SHAMAN 涋彈 -JOB_SHAMAN0 尒廗偄涋彈 -JOB_SHAMAN1 揤棿孯 -JOB_SHAMAN2 嫸棆孯 -JOB_SURA 廋梾 -JOB_SURA0 尒廗偄廋梾 -JOB_SURA1 尪晳孯 -JOB_SURA2 崟杺孯 -JOB_WARRIOR 晲巑 -JOB_WARRIOR0 尒廗偄晲巑 -JOB_WARRIOR1 梾娍孯 -JOB_WARRIOR2 攆婻孯 -LEFT_TIME 巆傝帪娫 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 愙懕偵幐攕偟傑偟偨丅 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 愙懕偟傑偟偨丅 -LOGIN_CONNETING 僒乕僶乕偵愙懕拞偱偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 奩摉偡傞傾僇僂儞僩偼偡偱偵愙懕偝傟偰偄傑偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 儘僌僀儞偵栤戣偑敪惗偟傑偟偨丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 僽儘僢僋拞偺傾僇僂儞僩偱偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 桳岠婜尷偑愗傟偰偄傑偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 傑偩偛棙梡偄偨偩偗側偄傾僇僂儞僩偱偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 擖椡偟偨ID偑偁傝傑偣傫丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 尰嵼傾僀僥儉暅媽拞偺傾僇僂儞僩偱偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 僒乕僶乕偑傑偩愙懕偝傟偰偄傑偣傫丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 愙懕幰偑懡偔愙懕偱偒傑偣傫丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 尨場晄柧偺偨傔儘僌僀儞偵幐攕偟傑偟偨丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 斣崋偺擖椡偑堘偄傑偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 斣崋偺擖椡傪3夞娫堘偊傞偲愙懕偑廔椆偝傟傑偡丅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 僷僗儚乕僪偑堘偄傑偡丅 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID ID傪擖椡偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 僷僗儚乕僪傪擖椡偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 儘僌僀儞拞偱偡丅 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 傾僀僥儉儌乕儖偵偼傾僀僥儉傪擖傟傜傟傑偣傫丅 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 僷僗儚乕僪 -MAP_A1 塱埨梂忛 -MAP_A2 徃棾扟 -MAP_A3 帒梲導 -MAP_AG 拠楴導 -MAP_B1 屛埨梂忛 -MAP_B2 恜抧扟 -MAP_B3 暉復導 -MAP_BG 夌棿導 -MAP_C1 暯晲梂忛 -MAP_C2 曽嶳扟 -MAP_C3 攷梾導 -MAP_CG 椦壓導 -MAP_DESERT 塱斶嵒敊 -MAP_FLAME 摴墛戝抧 -MAP_SKELTOWER 幾婼搩 -MAP_SNOW 張姦嶳 -MAP_SPIDER 抴鍋摯孉 -MAP_TEMPLE 枾嫵帥堾 -MAP_TREE 婼栘怷 -MAP_TRENT02 愒婼栘怷 -MAP_WL 幹墿暯栰 -MAP_NUSLUCK 幹墿扟 -MAP_CAPE CAPE -MAP_THUNDER THUNDER -MAP_DAWN DAWN -MAP_BAY BAY -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 桭払偺捛壛 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s條偑桭払搊榐傪梫惪偟傑偟偨丅 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 彸戻偟傑偡偐丠 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 杮摉偵嶍彍偟偰傕媂偟偄偱偡偐丠 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 実懷揹榖斣崋傪嶍彍偟傑偡偐丠 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 堏摦偟傑偡偐丠 -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 偁偄偰偄傞 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 壠懓 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 桭払 -MESSENGER_GUILD 僊儖僪 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 実懷揹榖儊僢僙乕僕偱庴偗偨擣徹斣崋傪擖椡偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 擣徹斣崋擖椡 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 実懷揹榖偺斣崋傪擖椡偟側偄偲儊僢僙乕僕傪憲傞偙偲偑偱偒傑偣傫丅 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 斣崋傪擖椡偟傑偡偐丠 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 実懷揹榖斣崋偺擖椡 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 憲傞暥帤儊僢僙乕僕 -MINIMAP 儈僯儅僢僾 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 儈僯儅僢僾偑尒傟傑偣傫丅 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 慡懱抧恾偑尒傟傑偣傫丅 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 弅彫 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 奼戝 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 娤棗幰%d恖 -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 慡懱抧恾傪尒傞 -MINUTE 暘 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 斕攧壙奿: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 屄恖彜揦傪弌偟偰偄傞娫偼埵抲傪曄偊傜傟傑偣傫丅 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 壒妝僼傽僀儖偑懚嵼偟傑偣傫丅 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA METIN2儊僀儞僥乕儅 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 慖戰偟偨壒妝僼傽僀儖偑偁傝傑偣傫丅 -NEEFD_REST 媥宔偑昁梫 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 傑偩巟墖偝傟偰偄傑偣傫 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 僊儖僪偵懏偟偰偄側偗傟偽僊儖僪儌乕僪傪愝掕偱偒傑偣傫丅 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT PvP儌乕僪愝掕偼尰嵼偛棙梡偄偨偩偗傑偣傫丅 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d儗儀儖埲忋偩偗PvP儌乕僪愝掕偑偱偒傑偡丅 -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 峌寕椡:+%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 峌寕懍搙:+%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 僗僉儖帩懕帪娫:+%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 杊屼椡:+%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 儃乕僫僗宱尡抣:%d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 嵟戝惛恄椡:+%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 嵟戝惗柦椡:+%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 僷乕僥傿夝嶶 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 條偑僷乕僥傿壛擖傪怽惪偟傑偟偨丅 -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 條偺僷乕僥傿傊偺彽懸傪彸戻偟傑偡偐丠 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 宱尡抣暘攝曽幃 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 儗儀儖偵傛偭偰 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 儗儀儖偑崅偄傎偳宱尡抣傪懡偔暘偗崌偆丅 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 嬒摍偵 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 偡傋偰偺僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕偑宱尡抣傪嬒摍偵暘偗崌偆丅 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 慡堳夞暅 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 僷乕僥傿塭嬁斖埻1.5攞憹壛 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 僷乕僥傿塭嬁斖埻2攞憹壛 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 僷乕僥傿扙戅 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 挿帪娫僷乕僥傿儃乕僫僗宱尡抣:+%d%%SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [僆僼儔僀儞] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕彚姭 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 懱椡惛恄椡夞暅検儃乕僫僗:+%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 僷乕僥傿怽惪傪嫅斲偟傑偟偨丅 -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 傾僞僢僇乕偵愝掕 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 僶乕僒乕僇乕偵愝掕 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 僶僢僼傽乕偵愝掕 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 僨傿僼僃儞僟乕偵愝掕 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 擻椡夝彍 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 僗僉儖儅僗僞乕偵愝掕 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 僞儞僇乕偵愝掕 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 傾僞僢僇乕婎杮峌寕椡+%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 僶乕僒乕僇乕峌寕懍搙+%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 僶僢僼傽乕僗僉儖帩懕帪娫+%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 僨傿僼僃儞僟乕杊屼椡+%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 惗柦椡夞暅懍搙+%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 僷乕僥傿斖埻+%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 僗僉儖儅僗僞乕嵟戝惛恄椡+%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 惛恄椡夞暅懍搙+%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 僞儞僇乕嵟戝惗柦椡+%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕彚姭壜擻 -PASSWORD_TITLE 憅屔偺僷僗儚乕僪 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 廍偆屄悢 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 棊偲偡嬥妟 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 屄恖彜揦偱斕攧偱偒側偄傾僀僥儉偱偡丅 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 屄恖彜揦傪暵傔傑偡偐丠 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 屄恖彜揦柤擖椡僂傿儞僪僂 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 壙奿擖椡僂傿儞僪僂 -PVP_LEVEL0 愭墹 -PVP_LEVEL1 塸梇 -PVP_LEVEL2 惞巕 -PVP_LEVEL3 抦恖 -PVP_LEVEL4 椙柉 -PVP_LEVEL5 楺恖 -PVP_LEVEL6 埆恖 -PVP_LEVEL7 杺摢 -PVP_LEVEL8 攅墹 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP僊儖僪儌乕僪偵愝掕偟傑偟偨丅 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP帺桼儌乕僪偵愝掕偟傑偟偨丅 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP暯榓儌乕僪偵愝掕偟傑偟偨丅 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP曐岇儌乕僪偵愝掕偟傑偟偨丅 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP鋇挦儌乕僪偵愝掕偟傑偟偨丅 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 帺桼 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 暯榓 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 曐岇 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 鋇挦 -QUEST_APPEND 怴偟偄僋僄僗僩偑搊榐偝傟傑偟偨丅 -QUEST_MIN 暘 -QUEST_SEC 昩 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 惂尷帪娫挻夁 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 惂尷帪娫側偟 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0昩 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 僋僀僢僋僗儘僢僩偵搊榐偱偒側偄傾僀僥儉偱偡丅 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s條偐傜儊僢僙乕僕偑撏偒傑偟偨丅 -REFINE_COST 夵椙旓梡:%d椉 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 夵椙偵幐攕偡傞偲傾僀僥儉偑柍偔側傝傑偡丅 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 夵椙偺妋棪偑崅偔側傝傑偡偑幐攕偡傞偲 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 傾僀僥儉偑徚偊偰偟傑偄傑偡丅夵椙偟傑偡偐丠 -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 夵椙偵幐攕偡傞偲傾僀僥儉惈擻偑壓偑傝傑偡 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 楈愇傪庢傝奜偟傑偡偐丠 -REFINE_FAILURE 夵椙偵幐攕偟傑偟偨丅 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 憰旛拞偺傾僀僥儉偼夵椙偱偒傑偣傫丅 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 庢傝奜偣傞楈愇偑偁傝傑偣傫丅 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 傕偭偲椙偄夵椙彂偑昁梫偱偡丅 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 偙傟埲忋僜働僢僩傪奐偗傞偙偲偑偱偒傑偣傫丅 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 僜働僢僩傪奐偗傜傟側偄傾僀僥儉偱偡丅 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 惈擻傪忋偘傜傟側偄傾僀僥儉偱偡丅 -REFINE_SUCCESS 夵椙偵惉岟偟傑偟偨丅 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 夵椙惉岟棪:%d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 夵椙傪峴偄傑偡偐丠 -SAFEBOX_ERROR 僷僗儚乕僪偑娫堘偭偰偄傑偡丅 -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 憅屔偵偁傞傾僀僥儉偼斕攧偱偒傑偣傫丅 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 怴偟偄僷僗儚乕僪偑娫堘偭偰擖椡偝傟傑偟偨丅 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 偵尰嵼偺僗僋儕乕儞僔儑乕僩傪 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 曐懚偟傑偟偨丅 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 僗僋儕乕儞僔儑乕僩偺曐懚偵幐攕偟傑偟偨丅 -SECOND 昩 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 僉儍儔僋僞乕傪嶍彍偱偒傑偣傫丅 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 僉儍儔僋僞乕柤傪曄峏偟傑偟偨丅 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 偡偱偵懚嵼偟偰偄傞僉儍儔僋僞乕柤偱偡丅 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 傕偆堦搙傗傝捈偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 娫堘偭偨僉儍儔僋僞乕柤偱偡丅 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 僉儍儔僋僞乕柤曄峏 -SELECT_DELEING 僉儍儔僋僞乕嶌惉拞 -SELECT_DELETED 嶍彍偟傑偟偨丅 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 杮摉偵嶍彍偟偰傕媂偟偄偱偡偐丠 -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 偁偄偰偄傞僗儘僢僩偱偡丅 -SELECT_GM_NAME 塣塩 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 曄峏偡傞僉儍儔僋僞乕柤傪慖戰偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 強懏僊儖僪柍 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 彜揦偺僂傿儞僪僂偺傾僀僥儉傪慖戰偡傞偲傾僀僥儉傪峸擖偱偒傑偡丅 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 憰旛拞偺傾僀僥儉偼攧傞偙偲偑偱偒傑偣傫丅 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 攧傞偙偲偑偱偒側偄傾僀僥儉偱偡 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 晄柧偺彜揦僄儔乕:%s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 娫堘偭偨傾僀僥儉偱偡丅 -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 僀儞儀儞僩儕偑偄偭傁偄偱偡丅 -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 偍嬥偑懌傝傑偣傫丅 -SHOP_SELL_INFO 僀儞儀儞僩儕僂傿儞僪僂偺傾僀僥儉傪慖戰偡傞偲傾僀僥儉傪攧傞偙偲偑偱偒傑偡丅 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 嵼屔偑偁傝傑偣傫丅 -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 晄柧偺挿嫍棧峌寕僄儔乕:%s -SKILL_BOHO 斀幩 -SKILL_BUDONG 晄摦杙曕 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 偙傟偐傜宱尡偩偗偱廋楙偱偒傑偡丅 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 偙傟偐傜彂偱廋楙偟側偗傟偽側傝傑偣傫丅 -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 揟崻庽 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2攞僟儊乕僕 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 撆晅梌 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 塀寀朄 -SKILL_FAINT 婥愨 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 悌扵嶕 -SKILL_FIRE 帩懕壩墛 -SKILL_FISHMIND 嫑怱娵巊梡拞 -SKILL_GAMJI 姶抦 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 寱嬈 -SKILL_GEONGON 姡崳抣娐 -SKILL_GICHEON 婥揤懷峛 -SKILL_GIGONG 婥岟弍 -SKILL_GONGPO 嫲曪 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s僌儔儞僪儅僗僞乕 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s儅僗僞乕 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s僷乕僼僃僋僩儅僗僞乕 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 旇檵孯 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 嫮楧孯 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 忔攏 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 揤棿孯 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 嫸棆孯 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 尪晳孯 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 崟杺孯 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 梾娍孯 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 攆婻孯 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 婼寱 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 寉嬻弍 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 崟恄庣岇 -SKILL_HOSIN 岇恄 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 壩墛巃 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 寣杺妎惲 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 峌寕懍搙憹壛 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 堏摦懍搙憹壛 -SKILL_INMA 擖杺崌恎 -SKILL_JEOJU 庺偄 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 忩嬈 -SKILL_JEONGWI 愴婼嵃 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 慡恎杊屼 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 慡恎峌寕 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 憹懱怱朄 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 憹嵃抦朄 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 楙椡弍 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 憹懍弍 -SKILL_JIGAM 抦姶戝朄 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 廤拞杊屼 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 拻杺峛 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 拻杺寱 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 夣寱弍 -SKILL_KWAESOK 夣懌 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 懌曔敍 -SKILL_MUSA 晲巑嵃 -SKILL_MUYEONG 柍塭恮 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 嬻偒時偑側偄 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 撆偺時偑側偄丅 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 僊儖僪愴偺娫偩偗巊偊傑偡丅 -SKILL_PABEOP 攋朄弍 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 僗僞乕儞峌寕 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 搰岝抏 -SKILL_SINCHAK 怱拝恄岟 -SKILL_SLEEP 悋柊 -SKILL_SLOW 僗儘乕 -SKILL_STUN 僗僞乕儞 -SKILL_SUHO 庣岇愴楈 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 彚姭惉岟棪:%d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 抦擻 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 儗儀儖 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 拞撆 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 撆偵傛傞峌寕椡憹壛 -SKILL_TUSOK 摤杺楈 -SKILL_WONSIN 尯恎曗弍 -SKILL_YONGSIN 棾恄搳屇 -STAT_MINUS_CON 懱椡挷惍(巆傝偺夞悢%d夞) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 晀彿挷惍(巆傝偺夞悢%d夞) -STAT_MINUS_INT 抦擻挷惍(巆傝偺夞悢%d夞) -STAT_MINUS_STR 嬝椡挷惍(巆傝偺夞悢%d夞) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 惗柦椡偲杊屼椡偑傾僢僾偟傑偡丅 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 柦拞棪偲夞旔棪偑岦忋偟傑偡丅 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 惛恄椡偲杺朄椡偑傾僢僾偟傑偡丅 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 峌寕椡偑傾僢僾偟傑偡丅 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 僊儖僪僔儞儃儖搊榐 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPUTILING儌乕僪偼掅巇條偱憗偄懍搙傪弌偣傑偡丅 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 僌儔僼傿僢僋忋偺栤戣偑婲偙傞応崌偼`僔僗僥儉僆僾僔儑儞`傑偨偼`CONFIG.exe`傪巊偄 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 GPU儌乕僪偵嵞搙愝抲偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPUTILING儌乕僪偼掅巇條偱偛棙梡偄偨偩偗傑偡丅 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 僌儔僼傿僢僋忋偺栤戣偑婲偙傞応崌`僔僗僥儉僆僾僔儑儞`傑偨偼`CONFIG.exe`傪巊偄 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 CPUTILING儌乕僪傪嵞搙愝抲偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT TILING儌乕僪傪愝抲偡傞偨傔偵僎乕儉傪廔椆偟傑偡丅 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 懳寛摨堄 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 暅廞 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 攋夡 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 壓傝傞 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 备籍輯枆 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 岎姺 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 彍奜 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 娤愴廔椆 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 懳寛 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 桭払 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 僊儖僪彽懸 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY PT彽懸 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY PT扙戅 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY PT壛擖 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 憰旛 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER WIS -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 彨孯 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 戝墹 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 彨悆 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 暫懖 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 忋媺彨悆 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 忋媺暫懖 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 峌寕 -TASKBAR_AUTO 帺摦 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 僇儊儔 -TASKBAR_EXP 宱尡抣 -TASKBAR_HP 惗柦椡 -TASKBAR_MOVE 堏摦 -TASKBAR_SKILL 僗僉儖 -TASKBAR_SP 惛恄椡 -TASKBAR_ST 僗僞儈僫 -THING_COUNT 屄 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 摦暔宯僟儊乕僕+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 巋媞偵嫮偄+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 埆杺宯僟儊乕僕+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 恖宆儌儞僗僞乕宯僟儊乕僕+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 枾嫵宯僟儊乕僕+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 儌儞僗僞乕偵嫮偄+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 孎婼宯僟儊乕僕+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 涋彈偵嫮偄+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 廋梾偵嫮偄+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 傾儞僨僢僪宯僟儊乕僕+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 晲巑偵嫮偄+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 暔棟峌寕帪丄僽儘僢僋妋棪%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 愴摤拞5昩偁偨傝惛恄椡夞暅%d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%%偺妋棪偱抳柦懪峌寕 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%%偺妋棪偱旐奞偺帪丄惛恄椡夞暅 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 媩峌寕夞旔妋棪%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%偺妋棪偱揋傪戅帯偡傞帪宱尡抣捛壛傾僢僾 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%偺妋棪偱揋傪戅帯偡傞帪偍嬥偑2攞僪儘僢僾 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 揮偽側偄 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 抶偔側傜側偄 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 婥愨偟側偄 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%%偺妋棪偱揋傪戅帯偡傞帪丄傾僀僥儉偑2攞僪儘僢僾 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER 揋傪戅帯帪, 惗柦椡%d%%夞暅 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER 揋傪戅帯帪, 惛恄椡%d%%夞暅 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%%偺妋棪偱懪寕偡傞帪揋惛恄椡尭彮SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 惈擻偑側偄 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 巰朣偟偨嵺丄宱尡抣偺尭彮傪1夞杊偖 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%%妋棪偱娧捠峌寕 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT 拞撆妋棪%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 撆掞峈%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 億乕僔儑儞傪巊梡偡傞偲%d%%惈擻憹壛 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE 庺暥斀幩峌寕妋棪%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 嬤愙暔棟峌寕斀幩%d%% SA 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-TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 偲偰傕抶偄 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [憰旛壜擻] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d夞悢 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 岾塣斣崋:%d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 杺朄峌寕椡+%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 杺朄杊屼椡+%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 峌寕椡+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 峌寕椡+12乣15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 庪傝傪偡傞偲偒僪儘僢僾偟偨嬥戃傪帺摦偱廍偄傑偡丅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 杊屼椡+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 杊屼椡+12乣15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 宱尡抣+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC 僱僢僩僇僼僃偱偺宱尡抣+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 宱尡抣20%憹壛 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 崅媺嫑傪掁傞妋棪偑忋偑傝傑偡丅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 偍嬥偺僪儘僢僾棪%.1f攞 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 偍嬥偺僪儘僢僾棪2攞 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 傾僀僥儉僪儘僢僾棪%.1f攞 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC 僱僢僩僇僼僃偱偺傾僀僥儉僪儘僢僾棪%.1f%%憹壛 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 傾僀僥儉僪儘僢僾棪2攞 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 恊枾悢抣偺忋徃懍搙偑憹壛偟傑偡丅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 憅屔傪3偮偵奼挘偟傑偡丅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 嵟戝惗柦椡+%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 嵟戝惗柦椡+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 嵟戝惛恄椡+%d 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-TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 摨僒乕僶乕撪偱偁傟偽丄僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕傪偄偮偱傕彚姭壜擻 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 峌寕摍媺+(僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕悢/2)偺傾僞僢僇乕%d恖愝掕壜擻丅 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 杊屼摍媺+(僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕悢)偺僞儞僇乕1恖愝掕壜擻 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 尰嵼偺儗儀儖:%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [峌寕/杊屼摍媺忋徃] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [夞暅] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕偑%d恖埲忋偺応崌儃乕僫僗宱尡抣%d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [儃乕僫僗宱尡抣] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [彚姭] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [傾僞僢僇乕愝掕] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [僞儞僇乕偵愝掕] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 忬懺堎忢偺夞暅 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 暘 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 峌寕懍搙:+%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 惗柦椡:+%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 惗柦椡:+%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 堏摦懍搙:+%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 惛恄椡:+%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 惛恄椡:+%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 昩 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 帩懕帪娫: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 儗儀儖21埲忋廗摼壜擻 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 儗儀儖41埲忋廗摼壜擻 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 儗儀儖%d埲忋廗摼壜擻 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-ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 儊僥傿儞僗僩乕儞憰拝 -CANCEL 庢徚 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 怴偟偄僷僗儚乕僪妋擣 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 怴偟偄僷僗儚乕僪 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 婛懚偺僷僗儚乕僪 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 僷僗儚乕僪曄峏 -CHARACTER_ACTION 傾僋僔儑儞 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 奊暥帤 -CHARACTER_MAIN 僉儍儔僋僞乕 -CHARACTER_QUEST 僋僄僗僩 -CHARACTER_SKILL 僗僉儖 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 憡屳傾僋僔儑儞 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 堦斒傾僋僔儑儞 -CLOSE 暵偠傞 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 嬝椡 -CREATE_CREATE 嶌惉 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 晀彿 -CREATE_HP 懱椡 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 巆傝偺億僀儞僩 -CREATE_NAME 僉儍儔僋僞亅柤 -CREATE_NEXT 師傊 -CREATE_PREV 慜傊 -CREATE_SHAPE 婎杮暈憰 -CREATE_SP 抦椡 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 弶婜壔 -EMPIRE_EXIT 弌傞 -EMPIRE_NEXT 師傊 -EMPIRE_PREV 慜傊 -EMPIRE_SELECT 慖戰偡傞 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 摨堄 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 岎姺 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 僎乕儉僆僾僔儑儞 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 娤愴廔椆 -GAME_HELP 僿儖僾 -GAME_QUEST 僋僄僗僩 -GAME_SKILL_UP 媄弍廋楙 -GAME_STAT_UP 擻椡廋楙 -GUILD_BASENAME 婎抧柤 -GUILD_BOARD_ID ID -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 峏怴偡傞(F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 撪梕 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 寶暔偺庬椶 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 曄峏 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 曽岦 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 摍媺 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 寶暔偺忣曬媦傃堐帩忣曬 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 寶暔偺儕僗僩 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 寶暔偺柤慜 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 嶌摦 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 埵抲 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 僾儗價儏乕 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 峏怴偡傞(F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 僊儖僪偺寶暔傪寶偰傞 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 悈徎 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 擖嬥 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 帒尮傪偙偙偵 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 棊偲偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -GUILD_GEM 曮愇 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 曄峏偡傞怑埵柤 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 摍媺 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 捛曻尃尷 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 壛擖尃尷 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 崘抦尃尷 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 僗僉儖尃尷 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 怑埵 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 彂偒崬傒 -GUILD_INFO 僊儖僪婎杮忣曬 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 尰嵼宱尡抣 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 愰愴晍崘 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 愴憟拞偺僊儖僪 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 側偟 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 儗儀儖 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 僊儖僪儅乕僋 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 儅僗僞乕 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 儅僗僞乕 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 僊儖僪暯嬒儗儀儖 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 儊儞僶乕悢 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 僊儖僪柤 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 僊儖僪柤偱偡 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 搳帒 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 巆傝宱尡抣 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 儅乕僋搊榐 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 婮復搊榐 -GUILD_MARK 僊儖僪儅乕僋 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 怑嬈 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 彨悆 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 儗儀儖 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 柤慜 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 怑埵 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 峷專搙 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 楈愇 -GUILD_MINENAL 峼愇 -GUILD_MONEY 僊儖僪帒嬥 -GUILD_NAME 僊儖僪 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 帒尮忣曬 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE ACTIVE -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE PASSIVE -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 棾恄椡 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 僊儖僪偵偐偐偭偰偄傞僗僉儖 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 棾恄椡夞暅 -GUILD_SYMBOL 僊儖僪婮復 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 僊儖僪愴彸戻 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 愴摤曽幃 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 庣岇 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 僊儖僪愴怽惪 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 僊儖僪柤 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 攅墹 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 栆彨 -GUILD_WATER 悈 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 悈愇 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 弌嬥 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY -傑偨偼丄儅僂僗傪嵍僋儕僢僋偡傞偲峌寕偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE -+傪墴偡偲PK儌乕僪偵愗傝懼偊傜傟傑偡丅 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (僉儍儔僋僞乕丄僀儞儀儞僩儕丄 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 僠儍僢僩僂傿儞僪僂傪奐偒傑偡) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON 儅僂僗拞墰偺儂僀乕儖儃僞儞偱傕僇儊儔憖嶌偑偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON -+儅僂僗塃儃僞儞傪墴偟側偑傜丄儅僂僗傪摦偐偡偲僇儊儔傪憖嶌偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_EXP 宱尡抣 -HELP_FURY 擬寣僎乕僕(枹幚憰) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW -+僉乕傪墴偡偲僊儖僪僂傿儞僪僂傪奐暵偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_HELP -僿儖僾偼傪墴偡偐丄僔僗僥儉儊僯儏乕偐傜尒傞偙偲偑偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_HP 惗柦椡 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW -+僉乕傪墴偡偲儊僢僙儞僕儍乕僂傿儞僪僂傪奐暵偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 儅僂僗嵍儃僞儞偺婡擻 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 儅僂僗塃儃僞儞偺婡擻 -HELP_MOVE_KEY -,,,偲曽岦僉乕偱堏摦偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER -傪墴偡偲僉儍儔僋僞乕僂傿儞僪僂偑奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT -傪墴偡偲僠儍僢僩僂傿儞僪僂偑奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY -傪墴偡偲僀儞儀儞僩儕僂傿儞僪僂偑奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_LOG -傪墴偡偲夁嫀偺儘僌傪傒傞偙偲偑偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP -+傪墴偡偲儈僯儅僢僾僂傿儞僪僂傪奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST -傪墴偡偲僋僄僗僩僂傿儞僪僂偑奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL -傪墴偡偲僗僉儖僂傿儞僪僂偑奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER -+傪墴偡偲庤巻偺僂傿儞僪僂偑奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP -傪墴偡偲慡懱儅僢僾僂傿儞僪僂傪奐偒傑偡丅 -HELP_PICK_ITEM -傪墴偡偲棊偪偰偄傞傾僀僥儉傪廍偆偙偲偑偱偒傑偡丅 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 僋僀僢僋僗儘僢僩 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE -僉乕傪墴偡偲僗僋儕乕儞僔儑僢僩偑儅僀僪僉儏儊儞僩/METIN2偵曐懚偝傟傑偡丅 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME -傪墴偡偲偡傋偰偺僉儍儔僋僞乕偲傾僀僥儉偺柤慜偑昞帵偝傟傑偡丅 -HELP_SP 惛恄椡 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 僔僗僥儉儃僞儞 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 嵟弶偺僀儞儀儞僩儕 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2斣栚偺僀儞儀儞僩儕 -INVENTORY_TITLE 僀儞儀儞僩儕 -LOAD_ERROR 僨乕僞乕僼傽僀儖偑搑愗傟傑偟偨丅嵞愝抲偑昁梫側偨傔ESC僉乕傪墴偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -LOGIN_CONNECT 愙懕 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 僒乕僶乕偵愙懕拞偱偡丅 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 僒乕僶乕柤,僠儍儞僱儖1 -LOGIN_EXIT 廔椆 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 寛嵪曽朄慖戰 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 慖戰 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 廔椆 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 妋擣 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 僒乕僶乕慖戰 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 僷僗儚乕僪 -MALL_TITLE 傾僀僥儉儌乕儖憅屔 -MARKET_TITLE 巗応 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 峏怴 -MARKLIST_TITLE 僊儖僪儅乕僋搊榐 -MESSAGE 儊僢僙亅僕偱偡丅 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 桭払捛壛 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 桭払嶍彍 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 儊僢僙乕僕傪憲傞丅 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 僊儖僪僂傿儞僪僂傪奐偔 -MESSENGER_TITLE 儊僢僙儞僕儍乕 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 僊儖僪堏摦僗僉儖傪巊梡 -MESSENGER_WHISPER WIS -MINIMIZE 嵟彫壔 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 峌寕 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 帺摦 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 僇儊儔 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 僗僉儖 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 攚宨壒妝儕僗僩 -NO NO -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 僠儍僢僩 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 堦帪 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 忢帪 -OPTION_BLOCK 嫅斲 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 岎姺 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 桭払 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 僊儖僪 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY PT傊彽懸 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST PT偵壛擖 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 庤巻 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 僇儊儔 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 挿嫍棧 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 抁嫍棧 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 斣崋傪徚偡 -OPTION_EFFECT 僟儊乕僕抣 -OPTION_FOG 柖 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 擹偄 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 敄偄 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 晛捠 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 斣崋擖椡 -OPTION_MOBILE 実懷揹榖 -OPTION_MUSIC 攚宨壒 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 曄峏 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 儊僥傿儞2儊僀儞僥乕儅 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 柤慜偺怓 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 彅崙偺怓 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 堦斒偺怓 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP儌乕僪 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 帺桼 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 偡傋偰偺僾儗僀儎乕偵峌寕偱偒傑偡丅 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 僊儖僪 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 僊儖僪儊儞僶乕傪彍偄偨偡傋偰偺僾儗僀儎乕偵峌寕偱偒傑偡丅 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 暯榓 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 偄偐側傞僾儗僀儎乕偵懳偟偰傕愭偵峌寕偼偟傑偣傫丅(斀寕偼壜擻) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 鋇挦 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 揋懳僾儗僀儎乕偩偗偵峌寕偱偒傑偡丅 -OPTION_SOUND 岠壥壒 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 无澳抟骗 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 尒側偄 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 尒傞 -OPTION_TILING TILING -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 揔梡 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 僆僾僔儑儞 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 僠儍僢僩僂傿儞僪僂 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 尒側偄 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 尒傞 -OPTION_SHADOW 塭昳幙 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 僷乕僥傿儊儞僶乕柤 -PASSWORD_TITLE 憅屔僷僗儚乕僪 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 廍偭偨嬥妟 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 暵揦 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 彜揦柤 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 屄恖彜揦偺愝抲 -REFINE_COST 夵椙旓梡:0椉 -REFINE_INFO 夵椙惉岟偺妋棪:100% -REFINE_TTILE 夵椙 -RESTART_HERE 偙偺応偱嵞僗僞乕僩 -RESTART_TOWN 僠僃僢僋億僀儞僩偐傜嵞僗僞乕僩 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 僷僗儚乕僪曄峏 -SAFE_TITLE 憅屔 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 嬝椡 -SELECT_CREATE 嶌惉 -SELECT_DELETE 嶍彍 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 晀彿 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 崙柤 -SELECT_EXIT 儘僌傾僂僩 -SELECT_HP 懱椡 -SELECT_LEVEL 儗儀儖 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 巊偆楈愇慖戰 -SELECT_NAME 柤慜 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 強懏偡傞僊儖僪偑側偄丅 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 僾儗僀帪娫 -SELECT_SELECT 僗僞亅僩 -SELECT_SP 抦椡 -SELECT_TITLE 屇徧 -SHOP_BUY 峸擖 -SHOP_SELL 攧媝 -SHOP_TITLE 彜揦 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 曗彆 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 僔僗僥儉僆僾僔儑儞 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 僉儍儔僋僞乕曄峏 -SYSTEM_EXIT 僎乕儉廔椆 -SYSTEM_HELP 僿儖僾 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 儘僌傾僂僩 -SYSTEM_MALL 傾僀僥儉儌乕儖 -SYSTEM_OPTION 僔僗僥儉偺愝掕 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 僉儍儔僋僞乕[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 僠儍僢僩僂傿儞僪僂 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 僀儞儀儞僩儕[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 儊僢僙儞僕儍乕 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 屻傠偺僋僀僢僋僗儘僢僩[shift+斣崋,alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 慜偺僋僀僢僋僗儘僢僩[shift+斣崋] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 僔僗僥儉[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 嫅斲 -WHISPER_NAME 夛榖偡傞憡庤偺柤慜 -WHISPER_SEND 憲傞 -WHISPER_REPORT 怽崘 -YES 偼偄 -ZONE_MAP 慡懱抧恾 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 寶愝旓 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 慴愇 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 娵懢 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 崌斅 -CUBE_TITLE 惢憿僂傿儞僪僂 -CREATE_SEX 惈暿 -CREATE_MAN 抝惈 -CREATE_WOMAN 彈惈 -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER 柪榝夛榖怽崘 -PASSWORD_DESC_1 憅屔傪奐偔偨傔偺 -PASSWORD_DESC_2 僷僗儚乕僪傪擖椡偟偰偔偩偝偄丅 -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE 僐僗僠儏乕儉 -OPTION_SALESTEXT Shop -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_ON Display -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF Hide -DRAGONSOUL_TITLE ??? ? -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_1 ?? -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_2 ?? -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_3 ?? -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_4 ?? -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_5 ?? -DRAGONSOUL_ACTIVATE ??? -DRAGONSOUL_REFINE_WINDOW_TITLE ??? ?? ? ?? -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_1 ???(White Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_2 ???(Fire Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_3 ???(Wind Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_4 ???(Iron Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_5 ???(Thunder Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_6 ???(Dark Dragon Soul Stone) -REFINE_SELECT ?? ?? -REFINE_MONEY ?? ?? -DO_REFINE ?? ?? -GRADE ?? -STEP ?? -STRENGTH ?? -GRADE_SELECT ?? ?? -STEP_SELECT ?? ?? -STRENGTH_SELECT ?? ?? -TASKBAR_EXPAND ??? -TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL ??? -TASKBAR_DISABLE ???? -CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR ?? diff --git a/bin_original/locale/japan/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/japan/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a6cebbb4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/japan/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" 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: 154 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_ATT_GRADE, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "gauge_str", - "type" : "gauge", - - "x" : 30, - "y" : 4, - - "width" : 100, - "color" : "purple", - }, - { - "name" : "character_str_slot", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : 134, - "y" : -2, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "character_str_value", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 134 + 39/2, - "y" : 0, - - "text" : "", - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - }, - ), - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 17, - "y" : 180 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_DEX_GRADE, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "gauge_dex", - "type" : "gauge", - - "x" : 30, - "y" : 4, - - "width" : 100, - "color" : "blue", - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex_slot", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : 134, - "y" : -2, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex_value", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 134 + 39/2, - "y" : 0, - - "text" : "", - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - }, - ), - }, - - ## Buttons - { - "name" : "start_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 14, - "y" : 210 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_SELECT, - "text_height" : 6, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "create_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 14, - "y" : 210 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_CREATE, - "text_height" : 6, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "exit_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 105, - "y" : 245 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : 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"90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 柳林 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 归陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 磊荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 玫风 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 塞狼 脚傈 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 塞狼 脚傈 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 塞狼 脚傈 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 笼(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 措巩(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 淬厘(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 笼(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 措巩(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 淬厘(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 笼(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 措巩(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 淬厘(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 版厚啪 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 唱公淬厘1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 唱公淬厘2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 唱公淬厘3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 唱公措巩 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 淬厘(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 辨靛 戎厘 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 淬厘措巩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 淬厘缔寒 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 淬厘哭寒 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 淬厘坷弗寒 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 倒1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 倒2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 倒3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 倒4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 倒5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 倒6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 倒7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 倒8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 倒9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 倒10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 唱公1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 唱公2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 唱公3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 唱公4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 唱公5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 唱公6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 唱公7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 唱公8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 唱公9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/korea/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/korea/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ccb83559..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -俺货尝 -俺货扁 -俺磊侥 -俺磊瘤 -俺焊瘤 -俺何饿 -俺楼刘 -俺溅 -俺仇 -俺斥 -久货尝 -久货 -绞货尝 -久斥 -绞劈 -久劈 -久攀 -绞攀 -轿啊瘤 -较酒瘤 -揪何凡 -揪何饿 -揪官 -揪规货 -揪规酒 -揪惯 -揪惯仇 -揪惯逞 -揪惯烦 -揪惯芬 -揪惯斥 -揪惯访 -揪婆 -揪国 -揪迫 -揪豪 -揪阂 -久迫 -鹅惯 -鹅国 -矫国 -矫惯仇 -矫惯逞 -矫惯斥 -矫惯酒 -矫迫 -矫妻 -胶国 -静国 -静惯 -静阂 -静迫 -静居 -浆妻 -浆祁 -凉扼 -粮唱 -揪居 -聪扁固 -聪固煌 -街仇 -洁仇 -街斥 -洁斥 -街畴公 -洁畴公 -轿冠酒 -俺溅捞 -俺溅虐 -俺溅尝 -固模溅捞 -固模货尝 -固模溅虐 -固模祸洒 -固模仇 -固模斥 -捍脚 -洪脚 -葫脚 -殿脚 -久且 -瘤饿 -零饿 -磊瘤甸 -焊瘤甸 -腊滨栋 -腊滨冻 -腊癌 -腊滨 -砍冈绢 -砍赣芭 -堪冈绢 -堪赣芭 -坏钮 -欢钮 -狐钮 -糊钮 -蝗钮 -磺钮 -腊矫凡 -腊矫饿 -堪捍 -量鳖 -两鳖 -炼鳖 -久攀 -久芒 -决芒 -绞攀 -绞芒 -赣历府 -肚扼捞 -地廉 -地历 -第廉 -裁癌 -裁滨 -棱斥 -棱仇 -货尝 -技尝 -疥尝 -货播 -祸播 -祸洒 -溅虐 -溅捞 -溅尝 -溅播 -涧虐 -涧洒 -碍埃 -冀胶 -捞斥酒 -久 -量 -两 -洁 -龋饭磊侥 -饶饭磊侥 -18仇 -18斥 -焊瘤判 -磊瘤判 -焊瘤弧酒 -磊瘤弧酒 -芒赤 -狐备府 -焊瘤 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 762ec946..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5203 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir 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-391 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -392 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -393 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -394 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -395 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -396 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -397 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -398 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -399 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -400 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -401 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -402 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -403 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -404 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -405 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir 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-80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/korea/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 4c8f85e7..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/korea/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 82a165b1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,963 +0,0 @@ -11901 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11902 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11903 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 -11904 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 - -22000 蓖券何 付阑肺 泪矫 倒酒艾促啊|促矫 泅犁 困摹肺 倒酒棵 荐 乐促 -22010 蓖券扁撅何 扁撅矫难 滴菌带|困摹肺 倒酒埃促 - -25040 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜 -25041 泅枚 弥绊狼 档八阑 父甸扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 傈汲狼 陛加. 泅枚阑 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁 歹 臭篮犬伏肺 俺樊捞 啊瓷 俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼咙 - -25100 软康辑 公扁客 癌渴俊辑 康籍阑 哗尘荐 乐促. 窜 哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利篮 巢霸 等促. - -27600 葛蹿阂 阂阑 乔匡 荐 乐促 -27610 绢缴券 骂俊 吧赴 拱绊扁甫 舅妨林绰|付过狼 备浇 -27620 岿埃绢缴 拱绊扁俊 措茄 沥焊啊 啊垫茄 氓 - -27799 积急焕 拱绊扁狼 窜窜茄 焕 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27800 侗逛 啊厘 历放茄 固尝 -27801 瘤贩捞 拱绊扁狼 侥垮阑 磊必窍绰 固尝 -27802 乔扼固 岿么阑 畴副 荐 乐绰 泵必狼 固尝 - -27803 贺绢 楷给俊辑 如洒 杭 荐 乐绰 拱绊扁 -27804 筋啊府 咐雷绢扼绊档 阂府绰 拱绊扁 -27805 岿么贺绢 烹烹窍霸 混吗 奴 贺绢 -27806 雷绢 出临鳖 富鳖? 侩空狼 酒甸老瘤档ˇ? -27807 楷绢 锅侥扁啊 登搁|绊氢阑 茫酒坷绰 拱绊扁 -27808 氢绢 氢绢俊辑绰 氢捞 唱唱? -27809 价绢 楷绢格 楷绢苞狼 拱绊扁| 碍 惑幅俊辑 辑侥茄促. -27810 刮拱厘绢 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 阿堡罐绰 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27811 公瘤俺价绢 魂鄂扁俊 公瘤俺蝴捞 唱鸥唱绰 拱绊扁 -27812 碍价绢 碍俊辑父 荤绰 价绢 -27813 矾靛 -27814 欺摹 龋荐狼 惑绢肺 阂府绰 冈己亮篮 拱绊扁 -27815 刨摹 讣篮 拱俊辑父 辑侥窍绰 件绢苞 拱绊扁 -27816 皋扁 概款帕狼 犁丰肺 澄府 舅妨柳 拱绊扁|目促鄂 涝苞 荐堪捞 漂隆 -27817 固操扼瘤 固缠芭妨辑 棱扁 塞电 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27818 归访 刮拱俊辑 辑侥窍绰 棱侥己狼 目促鄂 拱绊扁 -27819 篮绢 官促 葫绢苞 拱绊扁. 篮葫绢扼绊档 茄促 -27820 葫绢 败匡枚 倔澜超矫肺 牢扁乐绰 拱绊扁 -27821 浆府 个概客 个蝴彬捞 酒抚促款 拱绊扁 -27822 厚疵雷绢 侥侩栏肺 俺樊茄 厚疵捞 利绊 混捞 腹篮 雷绢 -27823 炔陛贺绢 炔陛祸栏肺 蝴唱绰 锐蓖茄 贺绢 - -27833 磷篮贺绢 磷绢滚赴 贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27834 磷篮筋啊府 磷绢滚赴 筋啊府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27835 磷篮岿么贺绢 磷绢滚赴 岿么贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27836 磷篮雷绢 磷绢滚赴 雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27837 磷篮楷绢 磷绢滚赴 楷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27838 磷篮氢绢 磷绢滚赴 氢绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27839 磷篮价绢 磷绢滚赴 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27840 磷篮刮拱厘绢 磷绢滚赴 刮拱厘绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27841 磷篮公瘤俺价绢 磷绢滚赴 公瘤俺 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27842 磷篮碍价绢 磷绢滚赴 碍价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27843 磷篮矾靛 磷绢滚赴 矾靛|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27844 磷篮欺摹 磷绢滚赴 欺摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27845 磷篮刨摹 磷绢滚赴 刨摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27846 磷篮皋扁 磷绢滚赴 皋扁|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27847 磷篮固操扼瘤 磷绢滚赴 固操扼瘤|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27848 磷篮归访 磷绢滚赴 归访|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27849 磷篮篮绢 磷绢滚赴 篮绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27850 磷篮葫绢 磷绢滚赴 葫绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27851 磷篮浆府 磷绢滚赴 浆府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27852 磷篮厚疵雷绢 磷绢滚赴 厚疵雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27853 磷篮炔陛贺绢 磷绢滚赴 炔陛贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 - -27863 备款贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27864 备款筋啊府 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27865 备款岿么贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27866 备款雷绢 老矫利栏肺 捞悼 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27867 备款楷绢 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27868 备款氢绢 老矫利栏肺 傍拜 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27869 备款价绢 积疙仿阑 腹捞 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27870 备款刮拱厘绢 老矫利栏肺 辟仿阑 惑铰矫难霖促 -27871 备款公瘤俺价绢 沥脚仿阑 腹捞 雀汗矫难霖促 -27872 备款碍价绢 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27873 备款矾靛 老矫利栏肺 刮酶阑 惑铰矫难 霖促 -27874 备款欺摹 唱慧 瓤苞甫 绝俊霖促 -27875 备款刨摹 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27876 备款皋扁 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27877 备款固操扼瘤 捧疙窍霸 秦霖促 -27878 备款归访 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27879 备款篮绢 -27880 备款葫绢 -27881 备款浆府 -27882 备款厚疵雷绢 -27883 备款炔陛贺绢 - -27987 炼俺 抗慧 葛剧狼 炼俺|救俊 柳林啊 甸绢乐阑 锭档 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27988 焊拱瘤档 绊措狼 焊拱捞 汞腮 镑阑 唱鸥辰 嘲篮 瘤档 -27989 康籍皑瘤扁 康籍狼 困摹甫 舅妨林绰 皑瘤扁 -27990 倒炼阿 -27991 荐籍 -27992 归柳林 鉴归祸狼 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27993 没柳林 康氛茄 仟弗蝴捞 唱绰 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27994 乔柳林 乔蝴栏肺 河霸 拱电 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27995 后捍 酒公巴档 甸绢乐瘤 臼篮 捍 -27996 刀捍 刀捞 甸绢乐绰 捍|付矫搁 磷绰促 -27997 挤去备 积疙仿阑 盲况林绰 备浇 -27998 楷陛贱林赣聪 楷陛贱荤狼 林赣聪. 趣矫 楷陛贱狼 厚过捞 淬败乐阑鳖? -27999 康籍林赣聪 康籍捞 甸绢乐绰 林赣聪 - - -29001 啊府厚 -29002 没啊府厚 -29003 炔啊府厚 -29004 全啊府厚 -29005 踌啊府厚 -29006 炔林籍 -29007 没林籍 -29006 柳炔林籍 -29007 柳没林籍 -29008 没脚荐 -29009 炔脚荐 -29010 全脚荐 -29011 踌脚荐 -29012 楷没脚荐 -29013 楷炔脚荐 -29014 楷全脚荐 -29015 楷踌脚荐 -29012 柳没脚荐 -29013 柳炔脚荐 -29014 柳全脚荐 -29015 柳踌脚荐 - -30000 焊府 林夸 犁硅侥拱狼 窍唱肺 贱 棺 侥樊殿 促剧茄 侩档肺 静牢促. -30001 祈瘤 穿焙啊俊霸 焊郴柳 祈瘤捞促. -30002 鉴措汉澜 鉴措客 具盲甫 持绊 概霓窍霸 汉篮 澜侥 -30003 蹬瘤内 蹬瘤狼 内何盒栏肺 汗阑 阂矾柯促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 格吧捞, 备吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30004 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪肺 碍茄 碍档甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30005 柄柳 癌渴炼阿 绢凋啊俊辑 冻绢廉唱柯 癌渴狼 炼阿 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 规菩, 檬鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30006 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝 吝鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30007 旷蓖狼 何利 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 捧备 吝鞭 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30008 剐背涝巩辑 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 吝鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30009 舅 荐 绝绰 距 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30010 磅狼 镜俺 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 檬鞭 劝, 规菩, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 何盲, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30011 角鸥贰 角捞 皑败廉 乐绰 菩 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 规匡, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30012 贱捍 氢扁亮篮 贱捞 淬变 捍 -30013 贱刀 贱捞 劳绰 亲酒府 -30014 汲牢狼 判 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30015 荤蓖狼 蜡前 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30016 荤蓖狼 焊籍 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30017 厚赤 咯磊甸狼 赣府厘侥前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30018 河篮 大扁 赣府甫 蝶阑锭 荤侩窍绰 绊鞭胶矾款 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30019 阂鸥绰 哎柠 捞巴栏肺 渴阑 父甸搁 蝶舵窍霸 败匡阑 焊尘荐 乐促绊 窃| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30020 汗件酒揪 汗件酒狼 揪, 固侩俊 亮促绊 傈秦柳促. -30021 柄柳 焊籍炼阿 公攫啊俊 嘛囚 柄绢廉滚赴 焊籍炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 货樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30022 轨狼 部府 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30023 归龋啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 弥绊狼 牢扁甫 备啊窍绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝, 何盲 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30024 富部府 富狼 部府判肺 鹤, 矮殿 腹篮 劝侩档甫 啊瘤绊 乐促. -30025 芭固狼 刀林赣聪 芭固狼 刀阑 淬绊 乐绰 林赣聪| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30026 戳措狼 芒磊 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30027 戳措判 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30028 戳措惯砰 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30029 戳措狼 埃 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰 -30030 踌郊 窜八炼阿 踌郊 窜八栏肺 公均牢啊甫 媚滚赴淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30031 畴府俺 咯磊酒捞甸捞 啊瘤绊 畴绰 厘脚备| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30032 嘲篮 孺祸档汗 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30033 柄柳 荤扁弊俯 穿焙啊 柄哆妨滚赴 荤扁弊俯狼 炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 规菩 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30034 闰祸 大扁 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30035 拳厘前 咯磊甸捞 磊脚狼 寇葛甫 蹈焊捞霸 窍扁 困秦 荤侩| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30036 拳阂檬 脚厚茄 瓤苞啊 乐促绊 傈秦瘤绰 傈汲狼 距檬| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30037 龋尔捞惯砰 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 凰郴扁 困秦 厘侥侩栏肺 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30038 龋尔捞啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30039 请耙炼阿 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 斒盲, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30040 钱蕾 舅 荐 绝绰 侥拱狼 蕾荤蓖| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30041 钎芒 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 滴颊八, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30042 捧瘤裹狼 捞弧 瓢瓢秦 焊捞绰 捞弧| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30043 尼唱公狼 凯概 阿辆 夸府狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼, 窜归龙狼 焊绊捞促. -30044 柳入 档磊扁甫 父甸荐 乐绰 入 -30045 傈哎狼 刀魔 傈哎狼 刀阑 前绊乐绰 魔| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30046 傈哎狼 部府 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 茄颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30047 历林狼 辑 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30048 倔澜炼阿 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30049 倔澜辉裹绊贰狼 辉 促剧茄 炼阿累前狼 犁丰肺 牢扁乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30050 倔澜备浇 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30051 舅 荐 绝绰 何利 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30052 标惯 坷尔某狼 何措 钎侥阑 困秦 荤侩等 标惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30053 磅惯官蹿 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂,捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30054 搬去馆瘤 搬去 抗拱肺 林绊罐绰 馆瘤 -30055 傈哎狼 笼霸惯 控瘤 碍牢秦 焊捞绰 笼霸惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30056 芭固临 埃趣 笼阑 父甸锭 荤侩登扁档 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝,规菩, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30057 芭固狼 传 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 芭固狼 传 何困| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30058 芭固舅笼 啊瘤绊 乐栏搁 鉴魂茄促绰 浅巩捞| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 规匡,癌渴, 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30059 芭固促府 判捞 腹捞 崔赴 促府肺 老辆狼 何利栏肺 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30060 俺备府曲官蹿 馋利馋利茄 蠢肠阑 林绰 曲官蹿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30061 俺备府促府 固侥啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 夸府犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡,癌渴,脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30062 拱距惑痢弊俯 拱距惑痢俊辑 静带 弊俯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30063 乔何距 乔何捍阑 绊摹绰 距| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30064 拳混 力累侩 倒 拳混盟狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倒 -30065 规匡 叠尔叠尔 家府啊 唱绰 炼弊付茄 规匡 -30066 没剧绊眠 弥绊狼 概款咐捞 唱绰 绊眠| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30067 轨啊磷 轨阑 棱酒 伯龙阑 哈变 啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30068 滴何胶抛捞农 滴何肺 父电 腔傈 夸府 -30069 戳措惯砰+ 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 格吧捞, 捧备 檬鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞 迫骂 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30070 戳措判+ 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30071 磅狼 镜俺+ 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30072 磅惯官蹿+ 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30073 闰祸 大扁+ 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 癌渴, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30074 嘲篮 孺祸档汗+ 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30075 钎芒+ 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30076 旷蓖狼 何利+ 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 剧颊八, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30077 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪+ 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30078 剐背涝巩辑+ 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30079 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30080 历林狼 辑+ 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞, 迷, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30081 傈哎狼 部府+ 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30082 轨狼 部府+ 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝, 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30083 舅 荐 绝绰 距+ 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 规菩, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30084 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30085 请耙炼阿+ 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧家八, 滴颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30086 荤蓖狼 蜡前+ 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30087 荤蓖狼 焊籍+ 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30088 倔澜炼阿+ 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30089 汲牢狼 判+ 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30090 倔澜备浇+ 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30091 公牢狼 刘钎 傈汲狼 公牢甸父捞 何咯罐疽促绰 刘钎 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30092 坷尔纳狼 傈府前 坷尔纳狼 傈府前. 傈里 铰府甫 扁充窍扁 困秦 甸绊 促囱促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 规菩, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. - -30129 傈飞辑 焙俊辑 荤侩窍绰 瘤飞捞 利腮 巩辑 -30130 后捍 促剧茄 咀眉甫 淬阑荐 乐绰 蜡府肺 父甸绢柳 捍捞促 -30131 措厘厘捞狼 祈瘤 措厘厘捞啊 模备 傣硅俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 -30132 阑滴瘤狼 氓 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 榴败焊绰 氓, 力格篮 " 唱绰 聪啊 剐背荤盔俊辑 茄老阑 舅绊 乐促" 捞促. -30133 棱拳惑牢狼 采脚 棱拳惑牢捞 货肺 备沁促绰 采脚牢巴 鞍促. -30134 阑滴瘤狼 焊蝶府 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 啊瘤绊 促聪绰 焊蝶府, 氓捞 决没 腹捞 甸绢埃淀 窍促. -30135 酒府康狼 祈瘤 酒府康捞 酒蜡俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 - -30136 炔陛阿泵 荤成槽捞 富茄 急措狼 炔陛阿泵牢淀 窍促. 辉肺 父甸绢廉 乐绰淀 窍哥 酒抚促款 邦急捞 老前捞促. -30137 盔件捞狼 乔 盔件捞俊霸辑 眠免茄 乔肺结 厚赴郴啊 抄促. -30138 绊款柳入 荤阜狼 公过磊啊 摹丰力肺 荤侩茄促绰 柳入, 促剧茄 侩档肺 荤侩捞 啊瓷且淀 窍促. -30139 旷蓖狼 累篮绢陛聪 咀技辑府狼 犁丰肺 腹捞 荤侩登绰 旷蓖狼 累篮 绢陛聪, 绊距茄 晨货啊 唱绰淀 窍促 -30140 角 格吧捞唱 渴阑 父甸锭 荤侩窍绰 龙变 角捞促 -30141 啊傍焊籍 渴捞唱 厘脚备甫 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 啊傍 焊籍捞促. -30142 祈瘤 公攫啊 利囚 乐促. 郴侩阑 焊绊 酵篮 面悼阑 蠢尝霸 茄促. -30143 距檬 咯矾啊瘤 距阑 犁炼 窍绰单 荤侩登绰 扁夯利牢 摹丰距捞促. -30144 龋尔捞狼埃 焊脚犁丰扼绰 浅巩捞 乐绰 龋尔捞狼 埃, 胶抛固呈俊 亮促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. -30145 惯家狼 距 惯家啊 何殴茄 距捞促. -30146 倔澜耽绢府 葫荐狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倔澜耽绢府捞促. 概快 瞒促 -30147 剐背背府 剐背狼 背府啊 惑技洒 利囚 乐绰 氓磊 -30148 剐背鉴览何 剐背俊辑 荤侩登绰 何利狼 老辆捞促. -30149 葫荐 倔澜耽绢府甫 哎酒父电 澜侥栏肺 促剧茄 犁丰肺 歹款 咯抚 矫盔茄 咐阑 犁傍茄促. -30150 老扁厘炼阿 烤朝 绊力惫 矫例 静咯柳 老扁厘捞促 -30151 戳措狼 何靛矾款判 刚瘤冻捞侩栏肺 力惫郴俊辑 澄府 荤侩登绰 戳措狼 判捞促. -30152 鲍龙摹丰力 狼荤 归绊啊 父电 鲍龙俊 瓤堪捞 乐促绰 距捞促. 角力肺 瓤堪捞 乐绰瘤绰 舅荐 绝促. -30153 采 捞抚绝绰 采栏肺 氢郴啊 内场俊辑 栋唱瘤 臼栏哥 酒访茄 烤眠撅阑 登混府霸 茄促. -30154 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. -30155 固府郴狼 埔带飘 格吧捞俊 荤侩登绰 埔带飘 牢淀 窍促. 缔搁俊绰 固府郴扼绰 捞抚捞 利囚 乐促 -30156 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. - -30093 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30094 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30095 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30096 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 - -30210 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 2 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30211 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 A 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30212 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 B 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30213 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 E 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30214 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 I 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30215 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 L 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30216 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 M 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30217 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 N 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30218 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 R 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30219 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 T 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 - -30220 柳旷蓖康去籍 柳旷蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30221 剐背康去籍 剐背练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30222 荤蓖康去籍 荤蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30223 倔澜幅康去籍 倔澜幅狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30224 蓖格康去籍 蓖格练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30225 捧蓖康去籍 捧蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 - -50001 青款狼 辑 巩辑困俊 利腮 老访锅龋俊 蝶扼 惫啊俊辑 眠梅栏肺 焊惑捞 林绢柳促绰 巩辑 -50002 陛馆瘤 穿焙啊 酪绢滚赴淀茄 荐荐茄 陛馆瘤 | 惑痢俊辑 绊啊俊 概涝等促 -50003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 -50004 捞亥飘侩皑瘤扁 -50005 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 40饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50006 陛厘焊拱惑磊 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50007 篮厘焊拱惑磊 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 -50008 陛凯艰 鉴陛栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛厘焊拱惑磊客 陛厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. -50009 篮凯艰 鉴篮栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮厘焊拱惑磊客 篮厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. - -50010 剧富 农府胶付胶 飘府俊 吧绢滴搁 急拱阑 罐阑 荐 乐促绊 茄促 - -50011 岿堡焊钦 拳妨茄 厘侥栏肺 焊绰捞狼 付澜阑 荤肺 棱绰促. 锭锭肺 崔蝴阑 罐栏搁 檬磊楷利 泅惑捞 老绢抄促绊 傈秦瘤绰 惑磊 - -50012 陛厘焊拱惑磊+ 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50013 篮厘焊拱惑磊+ 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 - -50016 尼盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼栏肺 父电 家 -50017 汲帕盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 汲帕栏肺 父电 家 -50018 苞老盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 苞老栏肺 父电 家 -50019 慢揭乔 盔家捍阑 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 慢揭馆磷 -50020 尼盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 眉仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50021 汲帕盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 沥脚仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50022 苞老盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 胶抛固呈甫 傈何雀汗 - -50023 技诡捣林赣聪 货秦甫 嘎酒 傍颊洒 眶绢弗俊霸 巩救 牢荤甫 靛府搁 侩捣栏肺 林矫绰 技诡捣 林赣聪 - -50024 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 咯己侩 -50025 檬妮复 墨墨坷 馆磷俊 剐农 ·滚磐 ·汲帕 ·氢丰 殿阑 梅啊窍咯 被腮 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 巢己侩 - -50027 背券鼻 背券鼻 力档绰 企瘤 登菌嚼聪促. | 家侩绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -50031 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 巢己侩 -50032 荤帕 汲帕苞 咯矾啊瘤 犁丰甫 产咯辑 咯矾 啊瘤 葛剧栏肺 父电 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 咯己侩 -50033 舅荐绝绰惑磊 捞惑茄 巩磊啊 货败柳 惑磊. 惑磊甫 凯搁 公攫啊 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50034 荐荐膊尝狼 惑磊 惑磊甫 凯搁 巩力甫 辰促绊 给嘎免矫 历林啊 吧赴促绰 悼拳 加俊辑唱 唱棵 淀茄 惑磊 -50035 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50036 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50037 腊阿焊窃 茄瘤肺 父甸绢柳 腊阿屈狼 焊拱惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 急拱救俊绰 林绰 捞狼 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. - -50070 旷蓖练厘狼 惑磊 旷蓖练厘捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50071 剐背背林狼 惑磊 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50072 券积茄 剐背背林狼 惑磊 券积茄 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50073 咯空芭固狼 惑磊 咯空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50074 措空芭固狼 惑磊 措空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50075 措屈 皑堪 概俺盲狼 惑磊 措屈皑堪概俺眉啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50076 芭措 荤阜 芭合狼 惑磊 芭措 荤阜 芭合捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50077 备固龋狼 惑磊 备固龋啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50078 穿贩裹蓖狼 惑磊 穿贩裹蓖啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50079 拳堪空狼 惑磊 拳堪空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50080 拳锋狼 惑磊 拳锋捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50081 荤蓖空狼 惑磊 荤蓖空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50082 荤脚狼 惑磊 荤脚捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50050 付菩 措家 包盔甸捞 傍公肺 瘤规俊 唱哎锭 开付甫 隆惯且 荐 乐绰 刘钎肺 荤侩登带 菩 富 涅胶飘俊 荤侩啊瓷 -50051 铰付档 惫啊俊辑 富阑 呕 荐 乐促绰 刘钎肺 林绰 老辆狼 钎侥 檬鞭富 家券 -50052 霖付辑 绢蠢沥档 铰付俊 瓷茄 捞俊霸 惫啊俊辑 郴妨林绰 铰付刘辑 铰付吝 傍拜啊瓷 吝鞭富 家券 -50053 归霖辑 绊措 急牢捞 巢变 付惑扁贱辑肺 付癌阑 促风绰 夸飞捞 利囚乐绰 辑利 | 付惑胶懦 荤侩啊瓷 绊鞭富 家券 -50054 扒檬 钱阑 海绢 扒炼矫难 父电 富 傈侩荤丰. 檬鞭富 荤丰 -50055 寸辟 全寸公扼绊档 窍哥, 谎府绰 苯绊 梆栏哥 炔祸·皑祸·河篮 祸阑 鹅绊 荤丰肺 荤侩. 吝鞭富 荤丰 -50056 全伙 荐伙阑 虑辑 富赴 河篮 牢伙. 绊鞭富篮 全伙 观俊 冈瘤 臼绰促. 绊鞭富 荤丰 -50057 窍急悼 急檬 檬鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 窍急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 檬鞭富 何劝 -50058 吝急悼 急檬 吝鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 吝急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 吝鞭富 何劝 -50059 惑急悼 急檬 绊鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 惑急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 绊鞭富 何劝 -50060 付惑 扁贱 荐访辑 付惑 扁贱捞 利囚乐绰 荐访辑 荐访 己傍矫 付惑扁贱 1 器牢飘啊 积变促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. 50饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50083 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 10饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50084 搬拌秦眉籍 绊措狼 塞栏肺 豪牢等 豪牢籍狼 搬拌甫 秦眉窍绰单 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 涝聪促. - -50091 贺绢檬逛 贺绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50092 雷绢檬逛 雷绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50093 楷绢檬逛 脚急茄 楷绢甫 棱酒 父电 冈扁 酒鳖款 檬逛 | 河篮 祸捞 矫阿阑 磊必茄促 傍拜仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促 -50094 皋扁檬逛 皋扁甫 棱酒 父电 粱贸烦 焊扁 塞电 檬逛 | 入晨技甫 绝局扁困秦 促剧茄 氢丰甫 荤侩茄促 规绢仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促. - -50100 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (焊扼祸) -50101 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (畴鄂祸) -50102 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (窍疵祸) -50103 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 弧埃祸) -50104 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 檬废祸) -50105 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 闰祸) - -50106 农府胶付胶 气磷 农府胶付胶侩 绵力气磷 | 老馆气磷俊 厚秦 拳妨窍促 -50108 曝捞 唱公甫 憋酒父电 巴栏肺 绢赴酒捞甸狼 曝捞盲肺 媚辑 倒府哥 愁荐 乐绰 厘抄皑 老沥犬伏肺 胶畔傍拜 - -50123 酒捞胶农覆 歹困甫 矫盔窍霸 朝妨临|酒捞胶农覆 困俊|捞加林 矫反阑 啊垫 谎啡促 -50124 捞颇狼惑磊 玫狼悼奔狼 傈汲 加 捞颇啊 瘤聪绊 乐绰 惑磊 - -50200 焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 凯 荐 乐促 -50300 扁贱 荐访辑 扁贱 付胶磐 饭骇阑 棵妨霖促 - -50301 颊磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50302 坷磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50303 困丰磊 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50304 扁瓤脚辑 扁檬利牢 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50305 楷捍角扁 促剧茄 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50306 公厚瘤 开措狼 葛电 捍过辑甫 曼绊窍咯 父甸绢柳 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. - -50311 脚荐 绢过 脚荐惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50312 玫炼 绢过 玫炼惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50313 柳畴 绢过 柳畴惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 - -50307 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) 檬鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50308 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) 吝鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50309 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) 绊鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50310 烙公荐青辑(漂鞭) 漂鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 - -50314 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 15饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50315 敌癌扁贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 25饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50316 扁巩敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 35饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50401 伙楷曼 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 伙楷曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50402 迫规浅快 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 迫规浅快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50403 傈蓖去 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 傈蓖去 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50404 八版 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 八版 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50405 藕券拜 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 藕券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50406 扁趋秒疙 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 扁趋秒疙 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50416 扁傍曼 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 扁傍曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50417 拜魂鸥快 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 拜魂鸥快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50418 措柳阿 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 措柳阿 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50419 玫辟眠 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 玫辟眠 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50420 八浅 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 八浅 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50421 锄八档贰 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 锄八档贰 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50431 鞠嚼 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 鞠嚼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50432 泵脚藕康 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 泵脚藕康 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50433 瞒符混 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 瞒符混 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50434 篮屈过 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 篮屈过 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50435 魂傍盒 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 魂傍盒 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50436 孺级荐 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 孺级荐 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50446 楷荤 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 楷荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50447 包拜贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 包拜贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50448 拳炼颇 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 拳炼颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50449 版傍贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 版傍贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50450 刀扁泵 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 刀扁泵 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50451 级堡藕 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 级堡藕 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50461 尖飞瘤 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 尖飞瘤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50462 侩鼻颇 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 侩鼻颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50463 蓖八 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 蓖八 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50464 傍器 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 傍器 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50465 林付癌 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 林付癌 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50466 颇过贱 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 颇过贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50476 付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50477 拳堪气 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 拳堪气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50478 公康柳 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 公康柳 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50479 孺脚荐龋 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 孺脚荐龋 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50480 捧加付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 捧加付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50481 付券拜 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50491 厚颇何 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 厚颇何 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50492 侩颇魂 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 侩颇魂 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50493 菩锋气 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 菩锋气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50494 龋脚 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 龋脚 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50495 馆荤 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 馆荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50496 扁玫措傍 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 扁玫措傍 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50506 锄傈飞 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 锄傈飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50507 涵遏 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 涵遏 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50508 气汾拜 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 气汾拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50509 沥诀牢 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 沥诀牢 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50510 蔫加 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 蔫加 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50511 刘仿贱 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 刘仿贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50512 坷盲籍 付澜狼 传牢 缴救阑 哆霸 窍咯 磊扁啊 啊柳 葛电 扁贱狼 货肺款 技拌甫 焊咯霖促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 瞪 荐 乐促 -50513 去籍 缴救阑 夺 捞饶 炼陛歹 臭篮 扁贱阑 啊瘤扁 困秦 盟概力肺 荤侩等促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 苞沥阑 荐访且 荐 乐促 - -50600 盲奔 荐访辑 盲奔 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50601 促捞酒阁靛盔籍 辨靛 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 促捞酒阁靛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50602 龋冠盔籍 _ -50603 拳籍格盔籍 辨靛 拳籍格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 拳籍格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50604 备府盔籍 辨靛 备府 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 备府肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50605 篮盔籍 辨靛 篮 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 篮栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50606 陛盔籍 辨靛 陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50607 苛盔籍 辨靛 苛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 苛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50608 孺窜格 辨靛 孺窜格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 孺窜格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50609 柳林炼阿 辨靛 柳林 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 柳林肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50610 归陛盔籍 辨靛 归陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 归陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50611 荐沥盔籍 辨靛 荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50612 磊荐沥盔籍 辨靛 磊荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 磊荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50613 玫风盔籍 辨靛 玫风 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 玫风肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. - -50621 促捞酒阁靛 焊籍栏肺辑 弥绊狼 磊府甫 瞒瘤窍绰 焊籍栏肺 咀技辑府 酒捞袍俊 家南阑 眠啊窍咯 凛聪促 -50622 龋冠 _ -50623 拳籍格 唱公啊 顶加俊 汞囚 坷贰悼救 拳籍拳啊 柳青等 柳蓖茄 唱公 | 唱公 厩技荤府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50624 备府 悼捞扼绊档 阂府快哥 拳企肺结 磊林 荤侩登绰 陛加 | 备府 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50625 篮 没归祸狼 酒抚促款 堡琶阑 啊瘤哥 蓖陛加 | 篮 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50626 陛 炔陛蝴 堡琶捞 唱绰 措钎利牢 蓖陛加 | 陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50627 苛 厚秒肺 阂府快绰 窜荤沥拌俊 加窍绰 堡拱狼 窍唱 | 苛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50628 孺窜 绊措肺 何磐 窜窜窍扁客 啊罕扁啊 措窜窍咯 抗肺何磐 捞侩登绢坷带 唱公 | 孺窜 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50629 柳林 炼俺狼 眉郴俊 积变 藕魂漠椒阑 林己盒栏肺 窍绰 备浇葛剧狼 焊籍 | 柳林 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50630 归陛 篮归祸狼 蓖陛加栏肺 篮焊促 窜窜窍绊, 傈己(铟圊)·楷己(媾圊)捞 乐促 | 归陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50631 荐沥 搬沥屈捞 堆非茄 籍康狼 老馆疙栏肺 农府胶呕捞扼绊档 茄促 | 荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50632 磊荐沥 磊林祸狼 咯矾 祸炼甫 啊柳 荐沥 | 磊荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50633 玫风 备抚绝捞 郴赴 壶拱捞 顶俊 胶哥甸绢 搬沥阑 捞凤 父甸绢柳 焊籍 | 玫风 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 - -50701 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50702 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50703 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50704 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50705 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50706 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50707 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50708 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50709 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50710 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50711 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50712 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 - -50721 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50722 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50723 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 距 力炼侩 -50724 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50725 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50726 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50727 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50728 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50729 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50730 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50731 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50732 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 - -50801 汗件酒采咀 汗件酒采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50802 档扼瘤咀 档扼瘤肺 父电 馏咀 STR +5 -50803 皑采荐 皑采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50804 啊矫坷啊乔荐 啊矫坷啊乔肺 父电 馏咀 -50805 籍芒器咀 籍芒器肺 父电 馏咀 -50806 康瘤滚几咀 康瘤滚几栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50807 父捍檬咀 父捍檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50808 魂煌唱公咀 魂煌唱公肺 父电 馏咀 -50809 刮甸饭咀 刮甸饭采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50810 全拳揪咀 全拳揪肺 父电 馏咀 -50811 措眠咀 措眠肺 父电 馏咀 -50812 伙瘤备勘檬咀 伙瘤备勘檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50813 劝缴咀 汗件酒采咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 包烹 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50814 乔刀咀 档扼瘤咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 摹疙鸥 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50815 焊券荐 皑采荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50816 康焊荐 啊矫坷啊乔荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50817 柳劝缴咀 劝缴咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 傍拜仿 +50 -50818 柳乔刀咀 乔刀荐咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 规绢仿 +70 -50819 柳焊券咀 焊券荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 付过 历亲 +10% -50820 柳康焊咀 康焊荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 - -50821 利惑咀 乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50822 全惑咀 劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50823 炔惑咀 柳康焊咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50824 踌惑咀 柳焊券咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50825 没惑咀 柳劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50826 归惑咀 柳乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 - -50901 后距捍 距力炼矫 荤侩登绰 后 距捍 - -50902 力炼贱涝巩辑 -50903 力炼劝侩辑 -50904 力炼绊鞭劝侩辑 - -50905 劝缴咀 力炼过 -50906 乔刀荐 力炼过 -50907 焊券荐 力炼过 -50908 康焊荐 力炼过 -50909 柳乔刀 力炼过 -50910 劝缴咀 力炼过 - -60001 旷淬 -60002 芒绊瘤扁眠玫辑 -60003 康旷狼刘钎 - -70001 咯脚牢屈 -70002 力伙狼颊 -70003 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促 -70004 辟搁窃狼 绕厘 概快 何瘤繁窍绊 己角茄 荤恩俊霸 林绢瘤绰 惑 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70005 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70006 攫绢馆瘤 檬扁 玫炼, 柳畴, 脚荐 伙惫狼 盒且捞 倔付登瘤 臼疽带 锭俊 烹惑格利栏肺 父甸绢柳 父惫 傍烹绢 馆瘤. 寇背 格利栏肺档 磊林 静看栏唱, 泅犁 巢酒乐绰 箭磊绰 弊府 腹瘤 臼促 促弗 唱扼 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁且 荐 乐促 -70007 捞悼馆瘤 -70008 归扁 傈捧 器扁甫 狼固窍绰 窍踞 标惯. 锭沸 缴茄 何惑磊啊 乐促绰 钎矫肺 标惯 吝居俊 河篮 趋急捞 弊绢廉 乐扁档 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸捞 磊脚俊 措茄 傍拜阑 肛冕促 -70009 焊拱惑磊 -70010 芒绊捞侩鼻 -70011 殿鞭惑铰拱距 -70012 咯脚狼传拱 绊措狼 公赤 怕拳狼 传拱篮 荤厩窃俊 嘎辑 轿款 侩磊狼 去阑 困肺秦霖促绊 茄促 馒侩吝 荤噶矫 版氰摹 颊角捞 临绢电促 -70013 芭措 咯脚狼 传拱 -70014 乔狼 窜距 绊蓖茄 荤娇狼 河篮 利趋阑 被囚 父电 拱贩茄 券距,家巩俊绰 汗侩矫 缴茄 券阿累侩捞 乐促绊 茄促 胶泡 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70015 荤力鹤 -70020 档拳林 汗件酒采阑 肋富妨 淬辟 贱. 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -70024 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促. -70027 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促. -70035 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 -70037 噶阿狼 辑 滴鼻栏肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 氓,捞 氓阑 佬篮 捞甸篮 磊脚捞 荤侩窍带 扁贱俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭绢滚赴促绊 茄促 捧磊胶懦 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70038 侩扁狼 噶配 绊措狼 侩竿茄 傈荤甸篮 殿俊 吧模 噶配狼 祸栏肺 利甸狼 矫急苞 傍拜阑 磊脚俊霸 笼吝矫难 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 苞矫沁促绊 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸阑 唱俊霸 阂矾柯促. 1雀侩 -70039 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 -70040 旷蓖狼 兑缴 胶怕固呈 家葛樊阑 例馆栏肺 临牢促 -70043 档迪狼 厘癌 绊措 弥绊狼 疙己阑 朝啡带 档迪狼 厘癌 馒侩矫 酒捞袍 靛酚伏捞 臭酒柳促 -70047 攫绢馆瘤(斑夯) 促弗 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁 且 荐 乐促 -70048 篮敌磊狼 噶配 档噶磊甸捞 腹捞 荤侩窍绰 噶配 弊 啊摹绰 蔼阑 概辨 荐 绝促绊 傈秦柳促. 馒侩矫 磊脚狼 急厩摹甫 皑苗霖促 -70049 青款狼 馆瘤 侩脚狼 啊龋啊 窃膊窍辨 捞鄂 臂蓖啊 静咯柳 馆瘤 馒侩矫 荤噶矫 酒捞袍 靛酚阑 阜酒霖促 -70050 急空狼 刘钎 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 刘钎肺 刘钎甫 啊柳磊俊霸绰 决没抄 鼻仿捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70051 急空狼 厘癌 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 蜡拱吝 窍唱肺 啊柳磊俊霸绰 舅 荐 绝绰 塞捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩饶 荤成矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70052 檬犁何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70053 犁荐措辨何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70054 伙犁抗规何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 - -70102 急滴 汗侩矫 厩 荐摹甫 冻绢哆府绊|急 荐摹甫 刘啊矫挪促 - -70104 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70105 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70106 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70107 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 - -70201 呕祸力 盔贰 赣府祸彬肺 倒酒啊霸 秦霖促. 呕祸等 赣府绰 官肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70202 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70203 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70204 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70205 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70206 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 - -70301 目敲傅 巢咯埃 辑肺狼 荤尔阑 犬牢窍扁 困秦 唱穿绢啊瘤绰 老馆利牢 馆瘤 搬去俊 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 -70302 搬去馆瘤 搬去狼 刘钎肺 荤侩登绰 馆瘤 荤侩矫 硅快磊俊霸 况橇等促 - - -71001 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71002 噶阿厚傈辑 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. 焙流阑 促矫 急琶且荐 乐嚼聪促. -71003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 胶懦 器牢飘甫 檬扁拳 矫难凛聪促. -71004 侩脚狼 啊龋 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. -71005 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71006 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71007 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71008 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -71009 芒绊犬厘鼻 茄崔埃 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71010 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -71011 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71012 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -71013 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 -71014 蔫加林 傍拜加档啊 10% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71015 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71016 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71017 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71018 积疙狼 券 积疙仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗等聪促. -71019 沥脚狼 券 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71020 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71021 公脚狼 绵汗辑 公脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 俺樊辑肺 +0~+3鳖瘤狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊阑 100% 己傍 矫难凛聪促. -71022 瘤瓷噶阿辑 瘤瓷 胶泡阑 檬扁拳 且 荐 乐谰聪促. -71023 眉仿噶阿辑 眉仿 胶泡阑 檬扁拳 且 荐 乐谰聪促. -71024 辟仿噶阿辑 辟仿 胶泡阑 檬扁拳 且 荐 乐谰聪促. -71025 具傍籍 措厘埃俊辑 老窍带 具傍甸狼 丁苞 乔肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 堡籍 -71026 泅枚 绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩矫 侩脚狼 绵汗辑肺 拌樊窍咯 凛聪促. -71027 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71028 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71029 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71030 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71031 侩脚狼 瘤盔 某腐磐狼 眉仿,辟仿,沥脚仿,刮酶捞 5究 刘啊钦聪促. -71032 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 -71033 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71034 蔫加林+ 傍拜加档啊 15% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71035 泅趣狼 拱距 荐笼酒捞袍狼 殿废 犬伏阑 80%肺 臭咯 凛聪促. -71036 旷蓖练厘家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 旷蓖练厘阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71037 剐背背林家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 剐背背林甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71038 咯空芭固家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 咯空芭固甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71039 芭措荤阜芭合家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 芭措 荤阜芭合阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71040 拳堪空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳堪空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71041 备固龋家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备固龋甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71042 荤蓖空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荤蓖空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71043 穿贩裹蓖家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 穿贩裹蓖甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71044 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71045 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71047 悼丰客 雀器 酒捞袍狼 家南俊 冠腮 康籍阑 哗郴绢 凛聪促. -71048 券己厚鞭 绊措肺 何磐 郴妨坷绰 林贱肺|某腐磐狼 己喊阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71049 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71050 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. -71051 蜇犁啊厚辑 扁粮加己苞 喊俺狼 滴俺狼 加己阑 眠啊 窍咯 凛聪促. -71052 蜇犁版厚辑 蜇犁啊厚辑甫 捞侩秦 眠啊等 加己阑 函版窍咯 凛聪促. -71053 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗阑 滴硅肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71054 力惫噶疙辑 鸥力惫栏肺狼 函版阑 1雀 啊瓷纳 钦聪促. -71055 俺疙辑 某腐磐狼 捞抚阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71056 没锋狼 见搬 +4康籍俊辑 +5康籍栏肺 俺樊矫 己傍犬伏阑 滴硅 臭咯凛聪促. -71057 拳籍格堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳籍格堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71058 备府堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备府堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71059 篮钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 篮钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71060 陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71061 苛籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 苛籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71062 孺窜籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 孺窜籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71063 炼俺公歹扁家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 炼俺公歹扁甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71064 归陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 归陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71065 荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71066 磊荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 磊荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71067 玫风堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 玫风堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71068 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -71069 拳格狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 包烹 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71070 荤尔狼 迫骂 硅快磊客 窃膊 裙垫窍绰 版氰摹啊 臭酒笼聪促. -71071 荤尔狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 摹疙鸥 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71072 拳格狼 迫骂 阁胶磐狼 傍拜仿阑 撤苗 凛聪促. -71073 荤尔狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 傍拜仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71074 拳格狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 规绢仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71075 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71076 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71077 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71078 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71079 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71080 檬鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 檬鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71081 吝鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 吝鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71082 绊鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 绊鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71083 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 -71084 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71085 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71086 饭骇诀涅胶飘(20~29) -71087 饭骇诀涅胶飘(30~39) -71088 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) -71089 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) -71090 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) -71091 傈堡魄焊蝶府 惑痢埃魄狼 臂揪 祸阑 官曹荐 乐嚼聪促. -71092 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71093 敌癌备 备浇俊 弊妨柳 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71094 急牢狼 背绕 氓 荐访 己傍犬伏 2.5硅 惑铰 (1雀) -71097 侩脚狼 傍拜+ 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71098 侩脚狼 规绢+ 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71101 加康林 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71102 加康林+ 林巩加档啊 30% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71103 眉仿檬扁拳巩辑 眉仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71104 瘤瓷檬扁拳巩辑 瘤瓷阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71105 辟仿檬扁拳巩辑 辟仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71106 刮酶檬扁拳巩辑 刮酶阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71107 玫档汗件酒 急厩摹甫 3000 惑铰矫诺聪促 -71108 档拳林+ 玫档汗件酒 采阑 肋 富妨|淬辟 绊鞭 贱 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -71109 呕籍辑 付瘤阜狼 康籍阑 哗忱聪促 -71110 阿汲帕 郴 富俊霸 捞抚阑 凛聪促|规绢仿 +20篮 待! -71111 备港抄剧富 坷贰 脚绢辑 备港抄 剧富 | 窍瘤父 农府胶付胶 飘府俊 吧搁? -71112 呕籍辑+ 盔窍绰 康籍阑 榜扼辑 哗忱聪促. -71113 陛碍版 酒捞袍 技何 加己 钎矫甫 盲泼芒阑 烹秦 傈颇且 荐 乐嚼聪促. - -72001 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72002 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72003 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72004 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72005 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72006 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72007 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72008 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72009 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72010 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72011 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72012 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72013 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72014 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72015 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72016 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72017 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72018 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72019 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72020 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72021 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72022 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72023 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72024 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72025 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72026 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72027 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72028 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72029 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72030 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72031 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72032 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72033 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72034 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72035 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72036 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72037 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72038 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72039 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72040 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72041 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72042 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72043 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72044 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72045 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72046 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72047 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72048 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% - -72301 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72302 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72303 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72304 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72305 荤扼咙狼 颊芭匡 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72306 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72307 公扁厘狼 厚傈辑 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72308 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72309 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72310 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72311 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72312 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72313 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72314 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72315 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72316 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72317 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72318 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 - -72501 版氰狼 馆瘤(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72502 档迪狼 厘癌(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 - -72701 官恩狼 脚惯 官恩狼 沥扁甫 脚惯俊 何咯窍咯 狐弗 捞悼阑 啊瓷纳 窍咯霖促 捞悼加档+30 - -72703 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72704 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72705 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72706 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 - -72709 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72710 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72711 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72712 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 - -73001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 - -73251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 -73252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 -73253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 -73254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 -73255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 - -73501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 - -73751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 - - - - -74001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -74751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - - - - -75001 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(弧埃祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 河篮祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75002 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷全祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷全祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75003 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷没祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷没祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75004 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷哎祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷哎祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75005 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(哎祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 哎祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75006 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(酒捞焊府) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 酒捞焊府赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75007 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(楷没祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 楷没祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75008 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(踌祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 踌祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75009 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 八篮祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75010 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷全祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷全祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75011 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75012 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 踌祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -75201 厘惯 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75202 厘惯 弓澜赣府(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75203 厘惯 弓澜赣府(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75204 厘惯 弓澜赣府(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75205 滴扒(闰祸) 闰祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75206 滴扒(孺废祸) 孺废祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75207 滴扒(炔配祸) 炔配祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75208 滴扒(河篮祸) 河篮祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75209 箕扁钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75210 箕扁钠(没废祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 没废祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75211 箕扁钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 八篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75212 箕扁钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 畴鄂祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 - -75401 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(雀祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 雀祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75402 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 楷哎祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75403 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(畴鄂祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 畴鄂祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75404 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 踌祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75405 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(闰祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75406 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(河篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75407 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(八篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75408 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75409 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(闰祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 闰祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75410 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(焊扼祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 焊扼祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75411 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 八篮祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75412 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 哎祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -75601 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(炔配祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 炔配祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75602 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(皑没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 皑没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75603 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75604 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(雀祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 雀祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75605 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(哎祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 哎祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75606 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(皑没祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 皑没祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75607 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(畴鄂祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 畴鄂祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75608 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 焊扼祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75609 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75610 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(雀哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 雀哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75611 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(焊扼祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75612 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(河篮祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - - - -80001 捣林赣聪 -80002 归瘤 -80008 陛 耽绢府 傈囚 啊傍捞 登绢乐瘤 臼篮 陛耽绢府|惑痢俊辑 厚窖 蔼栏肺 概涝等促. -80009 捞悼狼馆瘤 捞悼 瓷仿捞 乐绰 馆瘤肺 捞悼阑 且 荐 绝绰 瘤开俊辑 荤侩矫 夯惫栏肺 捞悼邓聪促. - -90001 后拱烹 -90002 拱烹 -90003 荐沥 -90004 焊籍 -90005 荐籍 -90006 康籍 -90007 堡籍 - - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/korea/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/korea/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/korea/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b84d086b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,742 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 陛浇 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 急厩摹 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 流立 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 背券吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 惑痢阑 捞侩吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 堡厘俊辑绰 俺牢 惑痢阑 咯角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 拳混捞 何练秦 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 历镑栏肺 立辟 且 荐绰 绝阑 巴 鞍焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 厘馒秦具秦 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 富阑 鸥具父 荤侩 且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 穿备俊霸 镜扒瘤 搬沥秦具... -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 积疙仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 沥脚仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 富阑 鸥绊 荤侩 且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 捞 公扁肺绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 扁贱捞焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 悼丰俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 磷篮磊俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 甸绊辑 胶懦阑 荤侩且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 唱俊霸绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 丛篮 庇富 芭何 惑怕 涝聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 丛篮 立加吝捞 酒凑聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 庇富 芭何 惑怕俊辑绰 庇富阑 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 SNA -CHANNEL 盲澄 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 肺弊牢 拳搁栏肺 唱哎 荐 绝嚼聪促. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 辑滚 绝澜 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 盲澄 %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 盲澄 沥焊甫 茫阑荐啊 绝嚼聪促 -CHANNEL_PVP 磊蜡措搬 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 盲澄阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 搬力备开阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 辑滚甫 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 抛胶飘辑滚 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 抛胶飘 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 傈眉 -CHAT_BLOCK 瞒窜 -CHAT_GUILD 辨靛 -CHAT_INFORMATION 沥焊 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 何利例茄 窜绢啊 器窃等 巩厘涝聪促 -CHAT_LOG 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁[L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁 -CHAT_NORMAL 老馆 -CHAT_NOTICE 傍瘤 -CHAT_PARTY 颇萍 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 盲泼 焊郴扁 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 率瘤 焊郴扁[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 寇魔 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 寇摹扁绰 15檬俊 茄锅究 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -CHAT_WHISPER 庇富 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME '款康'捞 器窃等 捞抚篮 荤侩 且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 何利例茄 捞抚涝聪促 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 鞍篮 捞抚阑 啊柳 某腐磐啊 乐嚼聪促 -CREATE_FAILURE 某腐磐甫 父甸 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_GM_NAME 款康 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 捞抚阑 涝仿 窍绞矫坷 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 器牢飘啊 酒流 巢酒乐嚼聪促 -DAY 老 -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY %d 成阑 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 滚副荐 绝嚼聪促. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 1000成 捞惑篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 错胶1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 错胶2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 错胶3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 错胶4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 错胶5 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 绵窍 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 侩辑 -EMOTION_ANGRY 拳晨 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 蜡趣 -EMOTION_SAD 浇悄 -EMOTION_SHY 何掺烦 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 览盔 -EMOTION_BANTER 愁覆 -EMOTION_JOY 扁惠 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 券龋 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 券龋 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 惑措甫 急琶窍绞矫坷 -EMOTION_CLAP 冠荐 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 虐胶 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 橇坊摹 虐胶 -EMOTION_SLAP 蝶蓖 -EMPIRE_A 脚荐惫 -EMPIRE_B 玫炼惫 -EMPIRE_C 柳畴惫 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 背券 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 搬沥窍脚 咀荐绰 函版且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 背券且荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_MONEY 背券 咀荐 -EXCHANGE_TITLE %s 丛苞狼 背券 -FISHING_FAILURE 绊扁啊 固尝父 哗冈绊 漓轿霸 档噶闷嚼聪促 -FISHING_UNKNOWN 公均捞 棱腮瘤 葛福摆促 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 超矫甫 且 荐 乐绰 镑捞 酒凑聪促 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 富阑 鸥绊辑 盲堡阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 家蜡鼻捞 绝绢 酒捞袍阑 笼阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 目辑 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 捞惑捞 彬妨 乐瘤 臼酒 霸烙 角青阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促.\nDirectX 8.1 捞惑阑 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 霸烙 角青俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 厘摹甫 茫阑荐 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 弊贰侨 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n肚绰 窍靛傀绢 啊加捞 难廉乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n(力绢魄->叼胶敲饭捞->汲沥 狼 绊鞭滚瓢\n->巩力 秦搬 徘俊辑 窍靛傀绢 啊加阑 '弥措'肺 汲沥) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 荤侩窍绊 拌脚 矫胶袍狼 弊贰侨 墨靛绰 32厚飘 葛靛俊辑 芒葛靛甫 瘤盔窍瘤 臼嚼聪促.\n16厚飘 葛靛肺 傈券窍矫芭唱 傈眉 拳搁 葛靛甫 荤侩窍矫扁 官而聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 酒捞袍 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 皋牢 芒 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 阁胶磐 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 匙飘况农 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n牢磐齿 楷搬惑怕甫 痢八秦焊技夸. -GAME_PICK_MONEY %d 成阑 裙垫沁嚼聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 128捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 12捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 16捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 64啊 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 瘤盔登绰 捞固瘤 颇老捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH metin2/upload 弃歹俊 颇老阑 持绢林技夸 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 急琶等 捞固瘤 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 荐龋傈 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 菩空傈 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s 辨靛俊辑 辨靛傈 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 览傈 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 竿厘傈 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 侩脚仿阑 雀汗且 鞘夸啊 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_COMMENT 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 辨靛 捞抚栏肺 荤侩窍扁俊 何利例钦聪促 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 辨靛盔 -GUILD_DELETE 瘤快扁 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP %d成阑 荤侩窍咯 侩脚仿阑 %d父怒 雀汗窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 辨靛俊 啊涝 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 厚绢 乐绰 顶 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 惑措 辨靛疙 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 捞抚 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 犁丰啊 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 傍瘤鼻茄捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 且 版氰摹 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 版氰摹啊 何练钦聪促 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 扁瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 霸矫魄 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 流困 包府 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 辨靛 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 辨靛盔 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 辨靛 胶懦 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 傈捧 矫埃 30盒 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 铰府矫 拱距 焊惑 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 傈里磐 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 老馆甘 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 痢荐啊 臭篮 辨靛啊 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 惑措祈 标惯阑 磊脚狼 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 扁瘤肺 啊廉坷搁 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 惑措 辨靛 傈戈矫 铰府 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼嚼聪促 -HORSE_HEALTH0 磷菌澜 -HORSE_HEALTH1 倾扁咙 -HORSE_HEALTH2 硅绊悄 -HORSE_HEALTH3 硅何抚 -HORSE_LEVEL1 檬鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL2 吝鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL3 绊鞭富 -HOUR 矫埃 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 概飘腐胶 墨靛 锅龋 涝仿 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 概飘腐胶 墨靛 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 林刮殿废锅龋 缔磊府 7臂磊甫 涝仿秦林绞矫坷 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 某腐磐 昏力 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 蓖券扁撅何绰 钦磨 荐 绝嚼聪促 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 酒捞袍阑 荤侩窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -JOB_ASSASSIN 磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 斑嚼磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 厚混焙 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 碍畴焙 -JOB_SHAMAN 公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN0 斑嚼公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN1 玫锋焙 -JOB_SHAMAN2 堡汾焙 -JOB_SURA 荐扼 -JOB_SURA0 斑嚼荐扼 -JOB_SURA1 券公焙 -JOB_SURA2 孺付焙 -JOB_WARRIOR 公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR0 斑嚼公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR1 唱茄焙 -JOB_WARRIOR2 喊扁焙 -LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 辑滚 立加俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 辑滚 立加俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNETING 辑滚俊 立加 吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 秦寸 拌沥捞 捞固 立加秦 乐嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 肺弊牢俊 巩力啊 惯积窍看嚼聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 喉钒吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 荤侩扁埃 搬力啊 登瘤 臼篮 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 涝仿窍脚 酒捞叼绰 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 泅犁 酒捞袍 汗备 吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 辑滚啊 酒流 坷锹 登瘤 臼疽嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 立加磊啊 腹酒 立加且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 捞蜡肺 肺弊牢俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 锅龋 涝仿捞 肋给 登菌嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 锅龋 涝仿捞 3锅 撇妨 立加阑 辆丰钦聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 菩胶况靛啊 撇啡嚼聪促 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 酒捞叼甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 肺弊牢 吝 涝聪促 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 酒捞袍 隔俊绰 酒捞袍阑 持阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MAP_A1 康救谰己 -MAP_A2 铰锋邦 -MAP_A3 磊剧泅 -MAP_AG 吝尔泅 -MAP_B1 炼救谰己 -MAP_B2 烙瘤邦 -MAP_B3 汗沥泅 -MAP_BG 客锋泅 -MAP_C1 乞公谰己 -MAP_C2 规魂邦 -MAP_C3 冠扼泅 -MAP_CG 烙窍泅 -MAP_DESERT 康厚荤阜 -MAP_FLAME 档堪拳瘤 -MAP_SKELTOWER 荤蓖啪 -MAP_SNOW 辑茄魂 -MAP_SPIDER 芭固奔 -MAP_TEMPLE 剐背荤盔 -MAP_TREE 蓖格覆 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s丛捞 模备 殿废阑 夸没窍继嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 沥富肺 昏力 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 捞悼 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 厚绢乐澜 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 啊练 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 模备 -MESSENGER_GUILD 辨靛 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 勤靛迄 皋技瘤肺 罐栏脚 牢刘 锅龋甫 涝仿秦 林绞矫坷 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 牢刘 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 涝仿窍瘤 臼栏矫搁 皋技瘤甫 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 瘤陛 锅龋甫 涝仿窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 勤靛迄 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 焊尘 巩磊 皋技瘤 -MINIMAP 固聪甘 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 固聪甘阑 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档甫 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 绵家 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 犬措 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 包恩磊 %d 疙 -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档 焊扁 -MINUTE 盒 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍 困摹甫 官曹 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 澜厩 颇老捞 粮犁窍瘤 臼嚼聪促 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 急琶等 澜厩 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -NEEFD_REST 绒侥鞘夸 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 酒流 瘤盔登瘤 臼嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼栏搁 辨靛 葛靛绰 汲沥且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT PvP 葛靛 汲沥篮 泅犁 荤侩窍角 荐 绝嚼聪促. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d饭骇 捞惑父 PvP 葛靛 汲沥捞 啊瓷钦聪促. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 傍拜仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 傍拜 加档 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 胶懦 瘤加 矫埃 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 规绢仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 弥措 沥脚仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 弥措 积疙仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 颇萍 秦魂 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 丛捞 颇萍 啊涝 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 丛狼 颇萍 檬措甫 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 版氰摹 盒硅 规侥 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 饭骇俊 蝶扼 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 饭骇捞 臭阑 荐废 版氰摹甫 腹捞 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 闭殿窍霸 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 葛电 颇萍盔捞 版氰摹甫 闭殿窍霸 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 傈盔 雀汗 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 颇萍 康氢 裹困 1.5硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 颇萍 康氢 裹困 2硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 颇萍 呕硼 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 厘矫埃 颇萍 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [坷橇扼牢] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 颇萍盔 家券 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 眉仿 沥脚仿 雀汗樊 焊呈胶 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 颇萍 脚没阑 芭何沁嚼聪促. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 绢怕目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 滚辑目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 滚欺肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 叼奇歹肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 瓷仿 秦力 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 攀目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 绢琶目 扁夯 傍拜仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 滚辑目 傍拜 加档 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 滚欺 胶懦 瘤加矫埃 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 叼奇歹 规绢仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 颇萍 裹困 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐 弥措 沥脚仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 攀目 弥措 积疙仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 颇萍盔 家券 啊瓷 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 笼阑 俺荐 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 俺牢 惑痢俊辑 魄概 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 凯绊 拌脚 俺牢 惑痢阑 摧栏矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 捞抚 涝仿芒 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 啊拜 涝仿芒 -PVP_LEVEL0 急空 -PVP_LEVEL1 康旷 -PVP_LEVEL2 己磊 -PVP_LEVEL3 瘤牢 -PVP_LEVEL4 剧刮 -PVP_LEVEL5 扯牢 -PVP_LEVEL6 厩牢 -PVP_LEVEL7 付滴 -PVP_LEVEL8 菩空 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP 辨靛 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP 磊蜡 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP 乞拳 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 焊龋 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 览隆 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 磊蜡 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 乞拳 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 焊龋 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 览隆 -QUEST_APPEND 货肺款 涅胶飘啊 殿废登菌嚼聪促 -QUEST_MIN 盒 -QUEST_SEC 檬 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 力茄 矫埃 檬苞 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 力茄 矫埃 绝澜 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 檬 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 狞浇吩俊 殿废且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s 丛栏肺何磐 皋技瘤啊 吭嚼聪促 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : %d成 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 俺樊 犬伏捞 臭酒瘤瘤父 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促. 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍 己瓷捞 冻绢笼聪促 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 沥富 康籍阑 都绢郴矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_FAILURE 俺樊俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 俺樊且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 都绢尘 荐 乐绰 皋凭籍捞 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 歹 亮篮 俺樊辑啊 鞘夸 钦聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 歹 捞惑 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 己瓷阑 氢惑 矫懦 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS 俺樊俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 厚剐 锅龋啊 撇啡嚼聪促. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 芒绊俊 乐绰 酒捞袍篮 魄概且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 货 厚剐 锅龋啊 肋给 涝仿 登菌嚼聪促 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 肺 泅犁狼 胶农赴鸡阑 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 历厘 沁嚼聪促. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 胶农赴鸡 历厘俊 角菩 沁嚼聪促. -SECOND 檬 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 某腐磐甫 昏力且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 某腐磐 捞抚捞 函版 登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 捞固 粮犁窍绰 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 促矫 矫档秦 林绞矫坷 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 肋给等 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 某腐磐 捞抚 函版 -SELECT_DELEING 某腐磐 昏力 吝 -SELECT_DELETED 昏力登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 沥富 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 厚绢乐绰 浇吩涝聪促 -SELECT_GM_NAME 款康 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 函版且 某腐磐 捞抚阑 急琶窍绞矫坷 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 惑痢 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 备涝且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 颇角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 迫 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 惑痢 俊矾 : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 肋给等 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 牢亥配府俊 巢篮 磊府啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练钦聪促. -SHOP_SELL_INFO 牢亥配府 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 颇角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 犁绊啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 厘芭府 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -SKILL_BOHO 馆荤 -SKILL_BUDONG 何悼冠何 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 捞力何磐绰 版氰阑 烹秦辑父 荐访且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 捞力何磐绰 氓阑 烹秦 荐访窍寂具 钦聪促. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 玫辟眠 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2硅 单固瘤 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 刀 官福扁 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 篮屈过 -SKILL_FAINT 扁例 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 窃沥茫扁 -SKILL_FIRE 瘤加 拳堪 -SKILL_FISHMIND 绢缴券 荤侩吝 -SKILL_GAMJI 皑瘤 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 八版 -SKILL_GEONGON 扒帮摹券 -SKILL_GICHEON 扁玫措傍 -SKILL_GIGONG 扁傍贱 -SKILL_GONGPO 傍器 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 弊罚靛 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 欺棋飘 付胶磐 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 厚混焙 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 碍畴焙 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 铰付 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 玫锋焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 堡汾焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 券公焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 孺付焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 唱茄焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 喊扁焙 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 蓖八 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 版傍贱 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 孺脚荐龋 -SKILL_HOSIN 龋脚 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 拳堪曼 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 趋付阿己 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 傍拜加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 捞悼加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INMA 牢付钦脚 -SKILL_JEOJU 历林 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 沥诀牢 -SKILL_JEONGWI 傈蓖去 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 傈脚规绢 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 傈脚傍拜 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 刘眉脚过 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 刘去瘤过 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 刘仿贱 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 刘加贱 -SKILL_JIGAM 瘤皑措过 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 笼吝规绢 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 林付癌 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 林付八 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 蔫八贱 -SKILL_KWAESOK 蔫加 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 促府弓烙 -SKILL_MUSA 公荤去 -SKILL_MUYEONG 公康柳 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 辨靛傈 吝俊父 荤侩 窍角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SKILL_PABEOP 颇过贱 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 胶畔 傍拜 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 级堡藕 -SKILL_SINCHAK 脚馒脚傍 -SKILL_SLEEP 泪甸扁 -SKILL_SLOW 浇肺快 -SKILL_STUN 胶畔 -SKILL_SUHO 荐龋傈飞 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 家券 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 饭骇 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 吝刀 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 刀俊 狼茄 傍拜仿 刘啊 -SKILL_TUSOK 捧加付飞 -SKILL_WONSIN 盔脚焊贱 -SKILL_YONGSIN 侩脚捧龋 -STAT_MINUS_CON 眉仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 刮酶 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_INT 瘤瓷 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_STR 辟仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 积疙仿苞 规绢仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 疙吝伏苞 雀乔啦捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 沥脚仿苞 付过仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 傍拜仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 辨靛 缴杭 殿废 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 狐弗 加档甫 尘 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 蠢副 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 鸥老傅 葛靛甫 汲沥窍扁 困秦 霸烙阑 辆丰钦聪促 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 措搬悼狼 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 汗荐 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 颇鲍 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 郴覆 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 咀记倾侩 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 背券 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 力寇 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 包恩辆丰 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 措搬 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 模备 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 辨靛檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 颇萍呕硼 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 颇萍啊涝 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 厘厚 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 庇富 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 厘焙 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 措空 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 凉捍 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 惑鞭 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 惑鞭 凉捍 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 傍拜 -TASKBAR_AUTO 磊悼 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -TASKBAR_EXP 版氰摹 -TASKBAR_HP 积疙仿 -TASKBAR_MOVE 捞悼 -TASKBAR_SKILL 胶懦 -TASKBAR_SP 沥脚仿 -TASKBAR_ST 瘤备仿 -THING_COUNT 俺 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 悼拱幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 磊按俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 厩付幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 牢埃阁胶磐幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 剐背幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 阁胶磐俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 旷蓖练 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 公寸俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 荐扼俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 矫眉幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 公荤俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 拱府鸥拜矫 喉钒 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 傈捧 吝 5檬寸 沥脚仿 雀汗 %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 摹疙鸥 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 乔秦矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 劝 傍拜 雀乔 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 版氰摹 眠啊 惑铰 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 捣 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 蠢妨瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 扁例窍瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 酒捞袍 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 积疙仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 鸥拜矫 惑措 沥脚仿 家葛 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 己瓷 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 荤噶矫 版氰摹 皑家甫 茄锅 阜酒霖促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 包烹 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT 吝刀 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 刀 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 拱距 荤侩矫 %d%% 己瓷 刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE 历林 登倒府扁 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 辟立 拱府傍拜 馆荤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 规匡 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 滴颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 何盲 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 茄颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 剧颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 官恩 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 氓 荐访 己傍 犬伏捞 2.5硅肺 惑铰茄促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 扁贱 荐访 角菩矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱妨朝 荐 乐促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT 蠢妨咙 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 沥脚仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT 扁例 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 惑痢俊 迫 荐 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 癌渴 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 拳混 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 磊按 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 劝 荤沥芭府 +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 林巩加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 眉仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 刮酶 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 蓖吧捞 -TOOLTIP_ETC 扁鸥 -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 唱公槽俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 邦豹捞肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 绢何俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 超矫措肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 辨捞 : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 捧备 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 颇鲍仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 颇鲍仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 颇鲍仿 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 眉仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 刮酶力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 瘤瓷力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 饭骇力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 辟仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 付过 傍拜仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 付过 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 付过 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 焊烹 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 概快狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 概快蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ 馒侩 啊瓷 ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d雀瞒 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 青款锅龋 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 付过 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 付过 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 傍拜仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 傍拜仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣操矾固甫 磊悼栏肺 林况 凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 规绢仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 规绢仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 版氰摹 20% 刘啊 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 绊鞭 拱绊扁甫 超阑 犬伏阑 棵妨凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 捣 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 捣 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f%%刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 陛浇 荐摹狼 惑铰 加档啊 刘啊 钦聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 芒绊甫 3沫栏肺 犬厘 矫诺聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 弥措 积疙仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 弥措 积疙仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 弥措 瘤备仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 捞悼加档 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 格吧捞 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : 傈何 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 鞘夸 侩脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 鞘夸 眉仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 瘤加 眉仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 鞘夸 胶懦 器牢飘 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 瘤加 沥脚仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 傈盔 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 傍拜殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , 规绢殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 茄矫埃俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 30盒俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 颇萍盔捞 磷篮瘤 3盒 捞郴 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 鞍篮 辑滚郴 颇萍盔阑 攫力扼档 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 傍拜殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐/2)狼 绢怕目 %d疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 规绢殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐)狼 攀目 1疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [傍拜/规绢 殿鞭 惑铰] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [雀汗] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 焊呈胶 版氰摹 %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [焊呈胶 版氰摹] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [家券] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [绢怕目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [攀目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 惑怕 捞惑 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 盒 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 傍拜加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 积疙仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 积疙仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 捞悼加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 沥脚仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 沥脚仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 檬 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 瘤加矫埃 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 饭骇 21 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 饭骇 41 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 饭骇 %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 饭骇 %d 捞惑 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 劝傍拜 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 傈扁 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 拳堪 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 付过 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 巢篮 荤侩 冉荐 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 公寸 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 规菩 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 脚惯 -TOOLTIP_SKILL 胶懦 SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 荐访辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER 傍拜仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED 傍拜 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 惑措 傍拜仿 : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 积疙仿 雀汗 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 捞悼 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 流立 鸥拜摹 馆荤 犬伏 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL 拱府 鸥拜 历亲 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME 酿鸥烙 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 瘤加 矫埃 : %d檬 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 噶阿辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (付胶磐) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 厚绢乐澜 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [ 何馒 啊瓷 厘厚 ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR 辟仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 荐扼 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 蜡聪农 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 公荤 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 公扁 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 迫骂 -UI_ACCEPT 荐遏 -UI_CANCEL 秒家 -UI_CLOSE 摧扁 -UI_DEF_FONT 奔覆眉:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE 奔覆眉:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL 奔覆眉:9 -UI_DENY 芭例 -UI_ITEM 酒捞袍 -UI_LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 : %d檬 -UI_NEXT 促澜 -UI_NOCONTENTS 郴侩绝澜 -UI_NONAME 捞抚绝澜 -UI_OK 犬牢 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 困摹 舅 荐 绝澜 -UI_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝澜 -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 荤侩且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 胶懦 俊矾 : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 棵府妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 焊矫妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 公荤傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 磊按傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 荐扼傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 公寸傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -FOR_MALE 巢己侩 -FOR_FEMALE 咯己侩 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0c1c6198..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 犬沥 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 何馒窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 皋凭籍 何馒 -CANCEL 秒家 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 货 厚剐 锅龋 犬牢 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 货 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 扁粮 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 函版 -CHARACTER_ACTION 咀记 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 捞葛萍能 -CHARACTER_MAIN 某腐磐 -CHARACTER_QUEST 涅胶飘 -CHARACTER_SKILL 胶懦 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 惑龋 咀记 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 老馆 咀记 -CLOSE 摧扁 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -CREATE_CREATE 父甸扁 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -CREATE_HP 眉仿 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 巢篮 器牢飘 -CREATE_NAME 某腐磐捞抚 -CREATE_NEXT 促澜 -CREATE_PREV 捞傈 -CREATE_SHAPE 扁夯 汗厘 -CREATE_SP 瘤仿 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 檬扁拳 -EMPIRE_EXIT 唱啊扁 -EMPIRE_NEXT 促澜 -EMPIRE_PREV 捞傈 -EMPIRE_SELECT 急琶窍扁 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 悼狼 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 背券 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 霸烙可记 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 包傈辆丰 -GAME_HELP 档框富 -GAME_QUEST 涅胶飘 -GAME_SKILL_UP 扁贱荐访 -GAME_STAT_UP 瓷仿荐访 -GUILD_BASENAME 扁瘤捞抚 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 酒捞叼 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 郴侩 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 扒拱 辆幅 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 函版 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 规氢 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 扒拱 沥焊 棺 蜡瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 扒拱 府胶飘 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 累悼 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 困摹 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 橇府轰 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 辨靛 扒拱 窿扁 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 荐沥 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 磊盔阑 捞镑俊 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 冻绢飘府技夸 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 函版且 流困疙 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 殿鞭 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 碍硼鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 啊涝鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 傍瘤鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 胶懦鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 流困 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO 辨靛 扁夯沥焊 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 泅犁版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 急傈器绊 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 傈里吝牢辨靛 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 辨靛饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 辨靛付农 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 辨靛盔 乞闭饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 辨靛盔荐 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 辨靛捞抚 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 辨靛捞抚涝聪促 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 巢篮版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 付农 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 戎厘 棵府扁 -GUILD_MARK 辨靛 付农 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 流诀 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 厘荐 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 饭骇 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 捞抚 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 流困 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 扁咯档 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 康籍 -GUILD_MINENAL 堡籍 -GUILD_MONEY 辨靛 磊陛 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 磊盔 沥焊 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 咀萍宏 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 菩矫宏 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 侩脚仿 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 辨靛俊 吧妨 乐绰 胶懦 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_SYMBOL 辨靛 戎厘 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 辨靛傈 荐遏 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 傈捧 规侥 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 荐龋 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 辨靛傈 脚没 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 惑措 辨靛 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 菩空 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 竿厘 -GUILD_WATER 拱 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 荐籍 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 肚绰 哭率 付快胶 滚瓢栏肺 傍拜 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - + 甫 穿福搁 PK 葛靛甫 官曹 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (某腐磐, 牢亥配府, 盲泼 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 芒阑 勘聪促) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 付快胶 啊款单 滚瓢栏肺绰 酒公锭唱 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 牧飘费阑 穿弗 惑怕俊辑 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢栏肺 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_EXP 版氰摹 -HELP_FURY 凯趋 霸捞瘤 (固备泅) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 辨靛芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HELP - 档框富篮 甫 穿福芭唱 矫胶袍 皋春俊 乐绰 滚瓢栏肺 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HP 积疙仿 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 皋脚廉 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 付快胶 哭率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - , , , 客 规氢虐肺 捞悼 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 甫 穿福搁 某腐磐 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 甫 穿福搁 盲泼 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 甫 穿福搁 牢亥配府 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 阑 穿福搁 瘤唱埃 措拳甫 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 阑 穿福搁 固聪甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 甫 穿福搁 涅胶飘 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 甫 穿福搁 胶懦 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - + 甫 穿福搁 率瘤 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 阑 穿福搁 傈眉甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~> 阑 穿福搁 酒捞袍阑 嚼垫且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 狞 浇吩 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 虐甫 穿福搁 胶农赴鸡捞 郴巩辑/METIN2俊 历厘 邓聪促 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 甫 穿福绊 乐栏搁 葛电 某腐磐客 酒捞袍狼 捞抚捞 钎矫 邓聪促 -HELP_SP 沥脚仿 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 矫胶袍 滚瓢 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 霉锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 滴锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_TITLE 牢亥配府 -LOAD_ERROR 单捞磐 颇老捞 柄脸嚼聪促. 犁汲摹秦林矫扁 官而聪促. ESC虐甫 喘矾林技夸 -LOGIN_CONNECT 立加 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 辑滚俊 立加吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 辑滚 捞抚, 盲澄 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 场郴扁 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 搬力 备开 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 辆丰 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 犬牢 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 辑滚 急琶 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MALL_TITLE 酒捞袍 隔 芒绊 -MARKET_TITLE 厘磐 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 盎脚 -MARKLIST_TITLE 辨靛 付农 殿废 -MESSAGE 皋技瘤 涝聪促 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 模备 昏力 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 巩磊 皋技瘤 焊郴扁 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 辨靛芒 凯扁 -MESSENGER_TITLE 皋脚历 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 辨靛 捞悼 胶懦 荤侩 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 庇富 -MINIMIZE 弥家拳 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 傍拜 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 磊悼 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 胶懦 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 硅版澜厩 格废 -NO 酒聪坷 -OK 犬牢 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 捞抚 焊扁 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 老矫 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 亲惑 -OPTION_BLOCK 瞒窜 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 背券 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 模备 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 颇萍啊涝 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 率瘤 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 墨皋扼 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 厘芭府 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 窜芭府 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 瘤快扁 -OPTION_EFFECT 鸥拜 蔼 -OPTION_FOG 救俺 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 拢澜 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 慷澜 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 吝埃 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 涝仿 -OPTION_MOBILE 勤靛迄 -OPTION_MUSIC 硅版澜 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 官操扁 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 捞抚祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 力惫祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 老馆祸惑 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 葛靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 磊蜡 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 葛电 敲饭捞绢 傍拜捞 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 辨靛盔阑 力寇茄 葛电 敲饭捞绢甫 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 乞拳 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 绢恫 敲饭捞绢俊霸档 刚历 傍拜窍瘤 臼嚼聪促(馆拜篮 啊瓷) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 览隆 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 促弗 己氢 敲饭捞绢父 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_SOUND 瓤苞澜 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 利 皋春 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 救焊扁 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 焊扁 -OPTION_TILING 鸥老傅 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 利侩 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 可记 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 盲泼芒 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 救焊扁 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 焊扁 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 颇萍糕滚捞抚 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 摧扁 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 惑痢 捞抚 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 汲摹 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : 0成 -REFINE_INFO 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE 俺樊 -RESTART_HERE 力磊府俊辑 犁矫累 -RESTART_TOWN 付阑俊辑 犁矫累 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋 函版 -SAFE_TITLE 芒绊 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -SELECT_CREATE 积己窍扁 -SELECT_DELETE 瘤快扁 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 唱扼捞抚 -SELECT_EXIT 唱啊扁 -SELECT_HP 眉仿 -SELECT_LEVEL 饭骇 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 荤侩且 康籍 急琶 -SELECT_NAME 捞抚 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 敲饭捞 矫埃 -SELECT_SELECT 矫累窍扁 -SELECT_SP 瘤仿 -SELECT_TITLE 龋莫 -SHOP_BUY 荤扁 -SHOP_SELL 迫扁 -SHOP_TITLE 惑痢 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 焊炼 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 矫胶袍 可记 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 某腐磐 傈券窍扁 -SYSTEM_EXIT 扩档快肺 唱啊扁 -SYSTEM_HELP 档框富 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 肺弊 酒眶 -SYSTEM_MALL 酒捞袍 隔 -SYSTEM_OPTION 矫胶袍 汲沥 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 某腐磐[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 盲泼芒 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 牢亥配府[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 皋脚廉 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 第 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 菊 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 矫胶袍[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 瞒窜 -WHISPER_NAME 措拳惑措捞抚 -WHISPER_SEND 焊郴扁 -YES 抗 -ZONE_MAP 傈眉 瘤档 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 啊拜 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 檬籍 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 烹唱公 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 钦魄 -CUBE_TITLE 力炼芒 -CREATE_SEX 己喊 -CREATE_MAN 巢磊 -CREATE_WOMAN 咯磊 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_interface_kr.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_interface_kr.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0c1c6198..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/locale_interface_kr.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 犬沥 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 何馒窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 皋凭籍 何馒 -CANCEL 秒家 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 货 厚剐 锅龋 犬牢 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 货 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 扁粮 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 函版 -CHARACTER_ACTION 咀记 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 捞葛萍能 -CHARACTER_MAIN 某腐磐 -CHARACTER_QUEST 涅胶飘 -CHARACTER_SKILL 胶懦 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 惑龋 咀记 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 老馆 咀记 -CLOSE 摧扁 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -CREATE_CREATE 父甸扁 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -CREATE_HP 眉仿 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 巢篮 器牢飘 -CREATE_NAME 某腐磐捞抚 -CREATE_NEXT 促澜 -CREATE_PREV 捞傈 -CREATE_SHAPE 扁夯 汗厘 -CREATE_SP 瘤仿 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 檬扁拳 -EMPIRE_EXIT 唱啊扁 -EMPIRE_NEXT 促澜 -EMPIRE_PREV 捞傈 -EMPIRE_SELECT 急琶窍扁 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 悼狼 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 背券 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 霸烙可记 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 包傈辆丰 -GAME_HELP 档框富 -GAME_QUEST 涅胶飘 -GAME_SKILL_UP 扁贱荐访 -GAME_STAT_UP 瓷仿荐访 -GUILD_BASENAME 扁瘤捞抚 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 酒捞叼 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 郴侩 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 扒拱 辆幅 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 函版 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 规氢 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 扒拱 沥焊 棺 蜡瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 扒拱 府胶飘 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 累悼 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 困摹 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 橇府轰 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 辨靛 扒拱 窿扁 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 荐沥 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 磊盔阑 捞镑俊 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 冻绢飘府技夸 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 函版且 流困疙 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 殿鞭 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 碍硼鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 啊涝鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 傍瘤鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 胶懦鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 流困 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO 辨靛 扁夯沥焊 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 泅犁版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 急傈器绊 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 傈里吝牢辨靛 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 辨靛饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 辨靛付农 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 辨靛盔 乞闭饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 辨靛盔荐 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 辨靛捞抚 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 辨靛捞抚涝聪促 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 巢篮版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 付农 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 戎厘 棵府扁 -GUILD_MARK 辨靛 付农 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 流诀 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 厘荐 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 饭骇 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 捞抚 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 流困 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 扁咯档 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 康籍 -GUILD_MINENAL 堡籍 -GUILD_MONEY 辨靛 磊陛 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 磊盔 沥焊 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 咀萍宏 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 菩矫宏 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 侩脚仿 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 辨靛俊 吧妨 乐绰 胶懦 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_SYMBOL 辨靛 戎厘 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 辨靛傈 荐遏 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 傈捧 规侥 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 荐龋 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 辨靛傈 脚没 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 惑措 辨靛 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 菩空 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 竿厘 -GUILD_WATER 拱 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 荐籍 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 肚绰 哭率 付快胶 滚瓢栏肺 傍拜 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - + 甫 穿福搁 PK 葛靛甫 官曹 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (某腐磐, 牢亥配府, 盲泼 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 芒阑 勘聪促) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 付快胶 啊款单 滚瓢栏肺绰 酒公锭唱 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 牧飘费阑 穿弗 惑怕俊辑 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢栏肺 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_EXP 版氰摹 -HELP_FURY 凯趋 霸捞瘤 (固备泅) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 辨靛芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HELP - 档框富篮 甫 穿福芭唱 矫胶袍 皋春俊 乐绰 滚瓢栏肺 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HP 积疙仿 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 皋脚廉 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 付快胶 哭率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - , , , 客 规氢虐肺 捞悼 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 甫 穿福搁 某腐磐 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 甫 穿福搁 盲泼 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 甫 穿福搁 牢亥配府 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 阑 穿福搁 瘤唱埃 措拳甫 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 阑 穿福搁 固聪甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 甫 穿福搁 涅胶飘 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 甫 穿福搁 胶懦 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - + 甫 穿福搁 率瘤 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 阑 穿福搁 傈眉甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~> 阑 穿福搁 酒捞袍阑 嚼垫且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 狞 浇吩 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 虐甫 穿福搁 胶农赴鸡捞 郴巩辑/METIN2俊 历厘 邓聪促 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 甫 穿福绊 乐栏搁 葛电 某腐磐客 酒捞袍狼 捞抚捞 钎矫 邓聪促 -HELP_SP 沥脚仿 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 矫胶袍 滚瓢 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 霉锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 滴锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_TITLE 牢亥配府 -LOAD_ERROR 单捞磐 颇老捞 柄脸嚼聪促. 犁汲摹秦林矫扁 官而聪促. ESC虐甫 喘矾林技夸 -LOGIN_CONNECT 立加 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 辑滚俊 立加吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 辑滚 捞抚, 盲澄 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 场郴扁 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 搬力 备开 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 辆丰 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 犬牢 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 辑滚 急琶 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MALL_TITLE 酒捞袍 隔 芒绊 -MARKET_TITLE 厘磐 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 盎脚 -MARKLIST_TITLE 辨靛 付农 殿废 -MESSAGE 皋技瘤 涝聪促 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 模备 昏力 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 巩磊 皋技瘤 焊郴扁 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 辨靛芒 凯扁 -MESSENGER_TITLE 皋脚历 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 辨靛 捞悼 胶懦 荤侩 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 庇富 -MINIMIZE 弥家拳 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 傍拜 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 磊悼 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 胶懦 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 硅版澜厩 格废 -NO 酒聪坷 -OK 犬牢 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 捞抚 焊扁 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 老矫 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 亲惑 -OPTION_BLOCK 瞒窜 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 背券 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 模备 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 颇萍啊涝 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 率瘤 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 墨皋扼 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 厘芭府 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 窜芭府 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 瘤快扁 -OPTION_EFFECT 鸥拜 蔼 -OPTION_FOG 救俺 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 拢澜 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 慷澜 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 吝埃 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 涝仿 -OPTION_MOBILE 勤靛迄 -OPTION_MUSIC 硅版澜 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 官操扁 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 捞抚祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 力惫祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 老馆祸惑 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 葛靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 磊蜡 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 葛电 敲饭捞绢 傍拜捞 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 辨靛盔阑 力寇茄 葛电 敲饭捞绢甫 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 乞拳 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 绢恫 敲饭捞绢俊霸档 刚历 傍拜窍瘤 臼嚼聪促(馆拜篮 啊瓷) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 览隆 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 促弗 己氢 敲饭捞绢父 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_SOUND 瓤苞澜 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 利 皋春 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 救焊扁 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 焊扁 -OPTION_TILING 鸥老傅 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 利侩 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 可记 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 盲泼芒 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 救焊扁 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 焊扁 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 颇萍糕滚捞抚 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 摧扁 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 惑痢 捞抚 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 汲摹 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : 0成 -REFINE_INFO 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE 俺樊 -RESTART_HERE 力磊府俊辑 犁矫累 -RESTART_TOWN 付阑俊辑 犁矫累 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋 函版 -SAFE_TITLE 芒绊 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -SELECT_CREATE 积己窍扁 -SELECT_DELETE 瘤快扁 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 唱扼捞抚 -SELECT_EXIT 唱啊扁 -SELECT_HP 眉仿 -SELECT_LEVEL 饭骇 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 荤侩且 康籍 急琶 -SELECT_NAME 捞抚 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 敲饭捞 矫埃 -SELECT_SELECT 矫累窍扁 -SELECT_SP 瘤仿 -SELECT_TITLE 龋莫 -SHOP_BUY 荤扁 -SHOP_SELL 迫扁 -SHOP_TITLE 惑痢 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 焊炼 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 矫胶袍 可记 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 某腐磐 傈券窍扁 -SYSTEM_EXIT 扩档快肺 唱啊扁 -SYSTEM_HELP 档框富 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 肺弊 酒眶 -SYSTEM_MALL 酒捞袍 隔 -SYSTEM_OPTION 矫胶袍 汲沥 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 某腐磐[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 盲泼芒 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 牢亥配府[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 皋脚廉 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 第 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 菊 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 矫胶袍[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 瞒窜 -WHISPER_NAME 措拳惑措捞抚 -WHISPER_SEND 焊郴扁 -YES 抗 -ZONE_MAP 傈眉 瘤档 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 啊拜 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 檬籍 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 烹唱公 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 钦魄 -CUBE_TITLE 力炼芒 -CREATE_SEX 己喊 -CREATE_MAN 巢磊 -CREATE_WOMAN 咯磊 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/korea/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index bf9a8786..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/korea/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fc3051d3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 伙楷曼 蔫浅曼 龋窃浅家 利阑 狐福霸 技锅 海绢辰促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 3雀 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 迫规浅快 柳堪曼 侩澜冠玫 漠阑 棱绊 雀傈窍咯 林困狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈柳 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 傈蓖去 陛碍畴 颇何傈档 坷肺瘤 傍拜俊父 傈充茄促 傍拜 加档 惑铰 捞悼 加档 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦 刘啊 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 傍拜 加档 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 八版 埃缴八 脚八钦老 傍拜仿阑 老沥矫埃 悼救 刘啊矫挪促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 傍拜仿 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 藕券拜 鞠尖 怕没碍扁 醚舅贸烦 崔妨啊 利阑 逞绢哆赴促 倒拜 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -6 WARRIOR 扁趋秒疙 扁趋秒疙 扁趋秒疙 傈仿阑 促秦 扁甫 气惯矫难 傈规狼 利甸俊霸 碍仿茄 老拜阑 朝赴促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gihyeol 6 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 (3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 -16 WARRIOR 扁傍曼 窜岿颇 迫浅具快 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 拜魂鸥快 龋困 侩惑备玫 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 措柳阿 荤磊饶 馆绊柳玫 林困狼 利阑 荤规栏肺 朝妨焊辰促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 老沥 犬伏肺 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 玫辟眠 枚何魂 怕魂拘沥 老矫利栏肺 规绢仿捞 惑铰窍哥 碍仿茄 傍拜俊档 静矾瘤瘤 臼绰促 规绢仿 惑铰 捞悼 加档 窍遏 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 规绢仿 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 捞悼 加档 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 八浅 扁搬曼 八扁面傈 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 扁例 瓤苞 措惑 朝府扁 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -21 WARRIOR 锄八档贰 锄八档贰 锄八档贰 八扁啊 角赴 八阑 郴妨媚辑 林函 利甸俊霸 摹疙利牢 鸥拜阑 涝腮促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED noegeom 21 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 -31 ASSASSIN 鞠嚼 篮拜 幅堡林急 利俊霸 隔贰 促啊啊 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 饶规 扁嚼矫 傍拜仿 惑铰 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 泵脚藕康 公康八 抄康碍付 狐福霸 利俊霸 立辟窍咯 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 瞒符混 公符曼 企快魄款 狐福霸 雀傈窍哥 傈规狼 利阑 亥促 呕免 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 篮屈过 玫函贱 瞒玫乔老 磊脚狼 葛嚼阑 皑冕促 傍拜矫 秦力 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 鞠混 扁贱 眠啊 鸥拜摹 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 魂傍盒 寒赴款 窃荤荤康 林困俊 刀栏肺 备抚阑 父甸绢 利阑 吝刀 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -36 ASSASSIN 孺级荐 孺级荐 孺级荐 传何矫霸 狐弗 加档肺 鉴埃 荤扼瘤哥 惑措俊霸 老拜阑 啊茄促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD seomjeon 6 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 楷荤 包老混 扁父厘全 茄疙狼 利俊霸 咯矾惯狼 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 咯矾锅 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f惯狼 拳混阑 金促 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 包拜贱 快傈混 玫豪抗磊 茄锅俊 咯矾疙狼 利俊霸 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 悼矫俊 咯矾 措惑 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 傍拜仿 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 弥措 %.0f 疙鳖瘤 傍拜 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 拳炼颇 公仿 脚公柳玫 拳混俊 阂采狼 塞阑 标甸咯 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 版傍贱 脚青 翠汲公如 个阑 啊罕霸 窍咯 捞悼 加档甫 臭牢促 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 捞悼加档 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 刀扁泵 侥刀傈 眠去呕疙 拳混俊 碍仿茄 刀阑 葛酒 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 措惑 朝府扁 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -51 ASSASSIN 级堡藕 级堡藕 级堡藕 鉴埃利栏肺 碍仿茄 蝴阑 谎妨 林函 利甸俊霸 摹疙利牢 鸥拜阑 涝腮促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL seomgwang 21 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)1.1 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 尖飞瘤 凯急磊 玫贺瘤凯 颊啊遏 场俊辑 碍仿茄 气惯阑 老栏挪促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 惑措 规绢 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 惑措 规绢 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 侩鼻颇 急浅柳 堡脚林八 葛电 巴阑 海绢滚府绰 碍仿茄 雀坷府 官恩阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 级戈茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 雀乔 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 惑措 雀乔 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 蓖八 曼飞八 档锋犁玫 八俊 蓖脚狼 塞阑 阂绢 持绰促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 软趋 傍拜 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 傍拜仿 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 鸥拜摹 %.0f%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 10*k -64 SURA 傍器 趋力 利访堡付 磊脚阑 傍拜窍绰 利俊霸 滴妨框阑 老栏难 瓷仿阑 距拳 矫挪促 惑措 傍拜仿 历窍 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦矫父 利侩 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 惑措 傍拜仿 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 林付癌 去菩 玫付何眉 绢狄狼 癌渴栏肺 个阑 焊龋茄促 乔秦矫 流立 鸥拜摹 老何甫 馆荤 规绢仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 规绢仿 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 颇过贱 伙盔贱 何榜家去 葛电 捞肺款 贱过阑 公瓤拳 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 焊炼 瓤苞 力芭 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 颇过 犬伏 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 付飞 蓖飞 呕去飞 绢狄狼 塞阑 带廉 利俊霸 惑贸甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 拳堪气 气堪柳 付锋林玫 气惯阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 阂怕款促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 公康柳 付堪 苛拳盒眉 林牢阑 瘤虐绰 气惯眉甫 父电促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 烙狼 急琶 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 孺脚荐龋 绢去贱 玫邦瘤谰 绢狄狼 塞栏肺 个阑 皑轿绊 腊眉狼 绊烹阑 沥脚仿栏肺 滚胚辰促 鸥拜摹甫 沥脚仿栏肺 皑尖 规绢仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 鸥拜摹 皑尖啦 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 规绢仿 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 捧加付飞 帮脚飞 锰焊抄青 加冠狼 厩飞甸阑 利俊霸 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 蠢妨咙 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 蠢妨咙 犬伏 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 付券拜 趋飞丑 扒帮鞠楷 绢狄狼 扁甫 带廉 利俊霸 乔秦甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 厚颇何 蓖盔颇 坷盲款窍 利俊霸 何利阑 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 侩颇魂 颇锋何 泪锋苛玫 侩脚狼 屈惑阑 筋酒 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 菩锋气 铰锋颇 玫锋颇固 侩脚狼 屈惑栏肺 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 付过 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 龋脚 玫寒 柳锋龋眉 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 焊龋狼 柳阑 弊妨 焊龋茄促 拱府 傍拜 历亲 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 拱府 傍拜 历亲 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 馆荤 荐版柳 玫碍沥扁 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 利狼 傍拜阑 登倒府绰 柳阑 弊赴促 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 扁玫措傍 玫锋去 侩脚己困 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 颊俊 窍疵狼 狼瘤甫 阂怕款促 摹疙鸥 傍拜 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 摹疙鸥 犬伏 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 锄傈飞 柳玫汾 傈级汾疙 涵遏阑 利俊霸 带柳促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 涵遏 锄堪级 没玫寒仿 窍疵狼 塞阑 呼绢 利俊霸 涵遏阑 郴赴促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 气汾拜 颇玫汾 备玫气汾 颊俊辑 涵遏阑 徽绢辰促 厘芭府 傍拜 傈扁 加己 林函 措惑 楷捞绢 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 沥诀牢 措沥诀牢 阂堡焊炼 蝴狼 扁款栏肺 惑贸甫 摹蜡茄促 积疙仿 雀汗 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 积疙仿 雀汗 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 犬伏 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 蔫加 浅柳 浅功翠款 官恩阑 鸥绊 崔赴促 捞悼 加档 惑铰 林巩 矫埃 皑家 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 林巩 加档 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 刘仿贱 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 塞阑 歹宽 碍窍霸 茄促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 傍拜仿 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 烹贾仿 悼丰甸阑 捞掺绰 瓷仿 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 楷拌扁 楷加 傍拜 冉荐甫 刘啊|矫挪促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 超矫 拱啊俊辑 拱绊扁甫 超绰促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 盲堡 堡籍阑 某辰促 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 力炼 酒捞袍阑 父电促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 脚荐绢 脚荐惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 玫炼绢 玫炼惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 柳畴绢 柳畴惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 函脚 阁胶磐肺 函脚茄促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 铰付 富阑 鸥绰 瓷仿 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 家券 富阑 家券茄促 summon -137 HORSE 枚付抄公 富阑 鸥绊 崔府哥 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 龙浅林付 傈规阑 啊肺 阜绰 利甸阑 葛滴 逞绢哆赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 瘤绵铰玫 林函狼 葛电 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 眠勘抄公 菊阑 啊肺阜绰 利甸俊霸 拳混阑 朝赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -141 SUPPORT HP焊碍 弥措 眉仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE jeunghyul 弥措 HP 惑铰 +%.0f k * 1333.33 -142 SUPPORT 包烹雀乔 包烹 傍拜阑 雀乔茄促 PASSIVE chultong 包烹 雀乔啦 + %.0f%% k * 20 -151 GUILD 侩救 弥措 侩脚仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE yongan 弥措 侩脚仿 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 侩脚狼 乔 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 积疙仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 弥措Hp惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 侩脚狼 绵汗 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 沥脚仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 弥措 沥脚仿 惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 己戎癌 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 规绢仿捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 规绢仿惑铰 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 啊加拳 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 傍拜 加档客 捞悼 加档啊 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 傍拜,捞悼 加档惑铰 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 侩脚狼 盒畴 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 农府萍拿 犬伏捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 农府萍拿 犬伏 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 林巩贱 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 扁贱 荤侩 酿鸥烙捞 老矫利栏肺 临绢电促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 林巩加档惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/korea/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/korea/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 90aa9092..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/korea/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -6 扁趋秒疙 1 1 1 0 HP -( 3*atk + (atk + 1.5 * str)*k)*1.07 300+150*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -21 锄八档贰 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k)*1.1 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -36 孺级荐 2 1 1 0 HP -((lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k)*1.1) 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MELEE 6 0.5 800 0 -51 级堡藕 2 1 1 0 HP -((atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1) 200+200*k 60 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.5 0 0 -141 刘趋 0 1 40 0 NONE 1333.3*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -142 枚烹 0 1 40 0 NONE 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 586a2454..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 65952fe5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Shinsoo Kingdom The Shinsoo[ENTER] -Kingdom is in the south of[ENTER] -the continent. The[ENTER] -inhabitants are mainly[ENTER] -involved in trade. Opened by[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Yoon-Yoing after the fall of[ENTER] -the Empire, trade relations[ENTER] -with the east transformed[ENTER] -quickly into a profitable[ENTER] -arrangement. The inhabitants[ENTER] -[WAIT] -fight constantly with the[ENTER] -west and this trade route is[ENTER] -now totally cut off. When[ENTER] -they recognized the threat[ENTER] -posed by the Metin Stones,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the merchants armed[ENTER] -themselves. It is their aim[ENTER] -to withstand the attacks[ENTER] -from the west, to reopen all[ENTER] -trade routes and to unite[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the whole continent under[ENTER] -their leadership. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 70c9eeaa..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Chunjo Kingdom The Chunjo[ENTER] -Kingdom is located in the[ENTER] -west of the continent. It is[ENTER] -a theocratic Kingdom led by[ENTER] -its spiritual leader. The[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Kingdom was founded by[ENTER] -Yoon-Young, the cousin of[ENTER] -the former emperor. His[ENTER] -wife's enormous magical[ENTER] -powers allowed him to[ENTER] -[WAIT] -discover the threat posed by[ENTER] -the Metin Stones from early[ENTER] -on. He called multiple times[ENTER] -for the initiation of[ENTER] -counter measures against the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Metin Stones, but he was[ENTER] -ignored. Thus he lead his[ENTER] -fellowship into a rebellion[ENTER] -against the former Empire.[ENTER] -Since the fall of the former[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Empire, his Kingdom has been[ENTER] -at war with the eastern[ENTER] -region and often has[ENTER] -problems with the South. The[ENTER] -people of the Chunjo Kingdom[ENTER] -[WAIT] -want to gain control of the[ENTER] -whole continent in order to[ENTER] -defeat the growing power of[ENTER] -the Metin Stones. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 48d5f987..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -[ENTER] -The Jinno Kingdom is located[ENTER] -in the eastern part of the[ENTER] -continent. This kingdom is[ENTER] -[WAIT] -based on military power. Its[ENTER] -people are aggressive and[ENTER] -martial. The Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -is led by Ee-Ryoong, the son[ENTER] -of the last emperor. He[ENTER] -[WAIT] -believes he has been chosen[ENTER] -to reunite the old Empire[ENTER] -under his reign by force of[ENTER] -arms. The potential[ENTER] -signification or dangers of[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the Metin Stones are[ENTER] -officially ignored in the[ENTER] -Jinno Kingdom. Secretly,[ENTER] -however, Ee-Ryoong is trying[ENTER] -to find a way to use the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -destructive powers of the[ENTER] -Metin Stones to further his[ENTER] -aims. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ac5fbd74..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ??????? -14013 FACILITY jedan weapons factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan Armour blacksmith -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan accessory factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang training centre -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro diamond smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro fossil wood smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro copper smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro silver smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro gold smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro jade smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro ebony stone smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro pearl smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro platinum smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro crystal smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro amethyst smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Heavens tear smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 temple of power -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 temple of power -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 temple of power -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse house(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner stone wall(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin stone wall(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door gate(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set wall(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse house(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner stone wall(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin stone wall(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door gate(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set wall(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse house(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner stone wall(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin stone wall(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door gate(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set wall(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol guild insignia -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 Wall front -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 Wall back -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 Left side of wall -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 Right side of wall -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 stone1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 stone2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 stone3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 stone4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 stone5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 stone6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 stone7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 stone8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 stone9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 stone10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT wood1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 wood2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall wood3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 wood4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 wood5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT wood6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 wood7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall wood8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 wood9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 36b23a4f..00000000 --- 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-233 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -234 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -235 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -236 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -237 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -238 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -239 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -240 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -241 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -242 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -243 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -244 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -245 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -246 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -247 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -263 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -264 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -265 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -266 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -267 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -268 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -269 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -270 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -271 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -272 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -273 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -274 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -275 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -276 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -277 WEAPON 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icon/item/73751.tga -73756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -72501 ETC icon/item/72501.tga -72502 ETC icon/item/72502.tga -74001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74251 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74252 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74253 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74254 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74255 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74256 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74257 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74258 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74259 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74260 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74261 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74262 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74501 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74502 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74503 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74504 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74505 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74506 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74507 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74508 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74509 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74510 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74511 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74512 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74751 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74752 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75201 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75202 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75203 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75204 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75205 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75206 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75207 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75208 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75209 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75210 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75211 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75212 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75401 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75402 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75403 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75404 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75405 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75406 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75407 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75408 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75409 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75410 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75411 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75412 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75601 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75602 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75603 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75604 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75605 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75606 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75607 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75608 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75609 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75610 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75611 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75612 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 1f9e807b..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c231d8ec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,863 +0,0 @@ -05330 Dragon Jaw Bell+0 -05331 Dragon Jaw Bell+1 -05332 Dragon Jaw Bell+2 -05333 Dragon Jaw Bell+3 -05334 Dragon Jaw Bell+4 -05335 Dragon Jaw Bell+5 -05336 Dragon Jaw Bell+6 -05337 Dragon Jaw Bell+7 -05338 Dragon Jaw Bell+8 -05339 Dragon Jaw Bell+9 -11901 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11902 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11903 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -11904 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -22000 Town Scroll The scroll allows you to teleport back to the town. -22010 Scroll of the Location The scroll enables your return to the location you last marked. -25040 Blessing Scroll Reduces the risk of destroying an Item if the upgrade fails. The cost of this save is that the quality is reduced by 1 point. -25041 Magic Stone The legendary metal that helps to create the best weapons. The Magical Stone increases the chance of upgrading an item. Item gets destroyed when the upgrade fails. -25100 Spirit Stone Scroll The scroll allows you to extract the Spirit Stone from a weapon or armour. It leaves a mark of extraction. -27600 Bonfire Wood that has been chopped for a bonfire. -27610 Fishing Marble This magic marble reveals what kind of fish is on the hook. -27620 Fishing Book A book that provides information about fish. -27799 Fishbones The bones of a fish -27800 Paste A lightweight and cheap bait -27801 Worm Popular bait that attracts fish. -27802 Minnow Bait that attracts big fish. -27803 Zander A common fish that usually lives in a pond. -27804 Mandarin Fish A very tasty fish. -27805 Large Zander A rather fat example of a Zander -27806 Carp A large silver-coloured fish. -27807 Salmon A fish that returns home during mating season. -27808 Grass Carp A carp that usually feeds on grass. -27809 Brook Trout A fish that is related to Salmon. -27810 Eel A long, thin fish that looks like a snake. It has a lot of stamina. -27811 Rainbow Trout A fish that has a rainbow-coloured back. -27812 River Trout A freshwater fish that is very common in this area. -27813 Rudd A red, shimmery fish who lives in a swarm. -27814 Perch A fish known as the "shark of the seas". -27815 Tenchi A type of barb that lives only in clean water. -27816 Catfish A fish that has a distinctive big mouth with cat-like whiskers. -27817 Loach A slippery fish, that usually lives in shallow, muddy water. -27818 Lotus Fish A big fresh water fish that lives on a mixed diet. -27819 Sweetfish Related to the Smelt. It lives along coasts and in estuaries. -27820 Smelt A winter fish that is most caught whilst ice fishing. -27821 Shiri A fish with a beautiful shape and colour. -27822 Mirror Carp An indigenous Carp. -27823 Goldfish A rare, golden shiny fish. -27833 Dead Zander A fish that is perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27834 Dead Mandarin Fish A perfect fish to grill on a campfire. -27835 Dead Large Zander Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27836 Dead Carp Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27837 Dead Salmon This fish can be grilled on a campfire. -27838 Dead Grass Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27839 Dead Brook Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27840 Dead Eel Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27841 Dead Rainbow Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27842 Dead River Trout Tastes great when it is grilled on a campfire. -27843 Dead Rudd Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27844 Dead Perch Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27845 Dead Tenchi Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27846 Dead Catfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27847 Dead Loach Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27848 Dead Lotus Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27849 Dead Sweet Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27850 Dead Smelt Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27851 Dead Shiri Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27852 Dead Mirror Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27853 Dead Goldfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27863 Grilled Zander Restores some HP. -27864 Grilled Mandarin Fish Recovers some SP -27865 Grilled Large Zander Restores some HP. -27866 Grilled Carp Increases moving speed for a duration of time. -27867 Grilled Salmon Recovers some SP -27868 Grilled Grass Carp Increases attack speed for a duration of time. -27869 Grilled Brook Trout Restores a large amount of HP. -27870 Grilled Eel Increases your strength by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27871 Grilled Rainbow Trout Recovers some SP -27872 Grilled River Trout Recovers some SP immediately -27873 Grilled Rudd Increases your dexterity by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27874 Grilled Perch Removes bad effects. -27875 Grilled Tenchi Recovers some HP immediately. -27876 Grilled Catfish Recovers some SP immediately. -27877 Grilled Loach Makes you invisible for 5 minutes. -27878 Grilled Lotus Fish Recovers some HP immediately. -27879 Grilled Sweetfish This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27880 Grilled Smelt By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27881 Grilled Shiri This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27882 Grilled Mirror Carp By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant-smoky taste. -27883 Grilled Goldfish By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27987 Clam A shellfish with a pretty shell. Sometimes it holds a precious pearl inside it. -27988 Treasure Map A worn out map which reveals the location of an ancient treasure. -27989 Compass for Metin Stones The compass shows you the position and distance to the next Metin Stone. The brighter it glows, the closer you are. It can be activated 6 times. -27990 Piece of Stone Because of the small size it can be transported very well. It can be used in many different ways. -27991 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -27992 White Pearl The pure white treasure found inside a seashell. -27993 Blue Pearl A magnificent deep blue pearl found inside a seashell. -27994 Blood Pearl The tawny-coloured treasure from the inside of a mollusc. -27995 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made from glass. -27996 Poison Bottle A bottle with a deadly poison in it. -27997 Vigour Marble A marble that restores some HP. -27998 Alchemy Pouch A bag marked by wear and tear, which keeps the secrets of alchemy hidden from the eyes of strangers. -27999 Spirit Stone Pouch A pouch that holds Spirit Stones. -29001 Scallop One of the largest and tastiest mussels. It has a comb-shaped shell. -29002 Blue Scallop The nacre layer of this scallop shimmers in countless merging blue tones. -29003 Yellow Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging yellow tones. -29004 Red Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging red tones. -29005 Green Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging green tones. -29006 Yellow Tartar Tartar with a darker colour. -29007 Blue Tartar Tartar with a dark blue colour. -29008 Blue Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft blue. -29009 Yellow Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft yellow. -29010 Red Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft red. -29011 Green Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft green. -29012 Dark Blue Hand of God Dark blue holy water -29013 Dark Yellow Hand of God Yellow holy water with a dark colour. -29014 Magenta Hand of God Holy water with a dark red colour. -29015 Dark Green Hand of God Holy water with a dark green colour. -30000 Barley A commonly cultivated plant that is used to make beer and food. -30001 Letter A piece of paper that has neat handwriting written on it. -30002 Fried Sausage A stir-fry with vegetables and spices. -30003 Pig Nose The nose from a pig -30004 Wild Boar Tooth The very strong tooth of a wild boar. -30005 Piece of Broken Armour A fragment of a broken suit of armour. -30006 Orc Tooth A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30007 Orc Amulet An amulet which encourages Orcs during battle. -30008 Esoteric Primer The beginner's handbook of Esoteric Doctrine. -30009 Unknown Medicine Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30010 Bear Gall Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30011 Ball A silky ball of thread. -30012 Wine Bottle The bottle contains a very fragrant wine. -30013 Liquor Jug A jug that is used to age liquor. -30014 Yeti Fur The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, that protects against the cold. -30015 Demon's Keepsake A grim keepsake of a Demon that exudes cold air. -30016 Demon's Gem A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30017 Ornamental Hairpin A decorated hairpin for a woman. -30018 Red Hairband A fancy ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30019 Flaming Mane A flaming mane thread that is used to make winter clothes. -30020 Peach Seed Used to get healthy skin. -30021 Piece of Gem A gem broken apart by a hard substance. -30022 Snake Tail The scaly, multicoloured tail of a rattlesnake. -30023 White Tiger Hide Valued as the most precious animal hide among collectors. -30024 Horsetail A horse's tail can be used for making quality items such as brushes, hats, and rope. -30025 Spider's Poison Sack The venom sack of a spider -30026 Wolf Intestine An ingredient used for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30027 Wolf Fur The thickest hair in wolf's fur is used to make combs and brushes. -30028 Wolf Claw A wolf's sharp claw is used to make accessories. -30029 Wolf Liver An ingredient for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30030 Rusty Blade A rusty dagger blade -30031 Ornament A favourite ornament amongst girls. -30032 Black Uniform A worn out black uniform. -30033 Broken Porcelain Some valuable porcelain from the region that has been broken into pieces. -30034 White Hairband An elegant ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30035 Face Cream Women use it to keep their skin youthful. -30036 Mystic Herb The legendary herb with miraculous effects. -30037 Tiger Claw Some fighters wear a necklace made of Tiger Claws to show others their courage. -30038 Tiger Hide A favourite animal hide amongst collectors. -30039 Piece of Fabric Fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30040 Leaf Unknown plant leaf. -30041 Shiriken A throwing weapon that Assassins use. -30042 Tiger Fang The solid, shiny fang of this wildcat. -30043 Bean An ingredient used in many cuisines. -30044 Clay A material used to make porcelain. -30045 Scorpion Needle A needle that contains lethal scorpion poison. -30046 Scorpion Tail A poisonous scorpion tail. -30047 Curse Book An esoteric book used to curse people. -30048 Piece of Ice A clump of frozen water that consistently exudes cold air. -30049 Ice Killer Whale Horn It is a valuable sculpting material. -30050 Ice Marble A marble made from ice. It does not melt in hot weather. -30051 Unknown Talisman Unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30052 Flag A flag to mark savage troops. -30053 Bear Foot Skin A favourite stamina food among many people. -30054 Wedding Ring The only ring you wear until the end of your days. -30055 Scorpion Claw The sturdy looking claw from the tentacle of a scorpion. -30056 Spider Web A spider uses its silk to make its home. -30057 Spider Eyes Spider eyes are a favourite with collectors. -30058 Spider Egg Sack It is used as a charm by woman who do not have any children. -30059 Spider Legs Shamans use the hairy legs of spiders at work. -30060 Frog Tongue An elastic, very sticky tongue. -30061 Frog's Legs An exotic cooking ingredient, that tastes like chicken! -30062 Medicine Bowl A light coloured bowl used by pharmacists. -30063 Skin Medicine A medicine that cures skin disease. -30064 Sharp Stone A stone that is used to make an arrowhead. -30065 Bell A small bell that makes a ringing sound. -30066 Hot Pepper The dried fruits from the pepper plant, which are very spicy. -30067 Snakeskin The scaly, shiny skin of a snake. -30068 Tofu Steak Fusion style tofu cuisine -30069 Wolf Claw+ The sharp claw of wolf that is used to make an accessory. -30070 Wolf Fur+ The thickest hairs in wolf's fur are used to make combs and brushes. -30071 Bear Gall+ Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30072 Bear Foot Skin+ A favourite stamina food among many people. -30073 White Hairband+ A popular ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30074 Black Uniform+ A worn out black Uniform. -30075 Shiriken+ A throwing weapon used by Assassins. -30076 Orc Amulet+ An amulet that encourages Orcs during battle. -30077 Orc Tooth+ A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30078 Esoteric Primer+ A beginners handbook of esoteric doctrine. -30079 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30080 Curse Book+ This Esoteric Book can be used to curse someone. -30081 Scorpion Tail+ A poisonous scorpion tail. -30082 Snake Tail+ The scaly, colourful tail of a rattlesnake. -30083 Unknown Medicine+ Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30084 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30085 Piece of Fabric+ A fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30086 Demon's Keepsake+ A gloomy keepsake of a Demon. -30087 Demon's Gem+ A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30088 Piece of Ice+ Frozen water that remains exudes cold air. -30089 Yeti Fur+ The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, protects against the cold. -30090 Ice Marble+ A marble made from ice. It does not melt in the hot weather. -30091 Warrior's Symbol The Warrior symbol given to the legendary Warriors. -30092 Savage's Booty The spoils of war. -30093 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30094 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30095 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30096 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30129 Order of the Rider A document, containing a military mission -30130 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made of glass. -30131 Letter from Blacksmith A letter from the Blacksmith to his friend Deokbae. -30132 Uriel's Book One of Uriel's favourite books. It has the title "The secret of the Temple of Darkness". -30133 Flower Shoes Comfortable and pretty women's shoes. -30134 Uriel's Package A package containing several different books. -30135 Letter from Ariyoung A letter form Ariyoung to Ayoo. -30136 Lavishly Decorated Bow A wonderful bow made of an animal's horn. -30137 Monkey blood The dark red blood of a monkey. It smells terrible. -30138 Desert sand This particularly fine sand is used to make Celadon Porcelain. -30139 Orc Molar The molar of an orc. Is used as a talisman. -30140 Thread Strong yarn. It is used for repairing Clothing and necklaces are also made of it. -30141 Piece of Jewellery Jewellery is worn, or used to decorate clothing. -30142 Letter You can not read, what is written on the letter. Perhaps you might have to learn the language. -30143 Medicinal Herbs A collection of dried healing herbs. Unfortunately they're a little dusty. -30144 Tiger Liver The reddish brown hand-sized liver of a fully grown wildcat. -30145 Balso's Medicine A seemingly unimpressive medicine, however, it has a strong effect. -30146 Chunk of Ice An irregularly formed cold block of ice. -30147 Temple Doctrine A book containing detailed information about the Temple of Darkness. -30148 Temple Scarf A Scarf, that is used for praying. -30149 Ice Cream with Syrup A dish containing a portion of ice cream and syrup. Wonderful in summer. -30150 Diary Page A page from a diary written by the old dynasty. -30151 Wolf Pelt Is often used as a duster. -30152 Medicine Apparently it can cure strange diseases. But nobody knows what's in it. -30153 Flowers A rare flower, its scent reminds you of something from the past. -30154 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30155 Mirine's Pendant A necklace pendant. Engraved on the reverse side, is the name "Mirine". -30156 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30157 Arrowhead These poisonous arrowheads will help to defend the empire. -30177 Musk Oil Musk Oil is used by the Weapon Shop Dealer during a quest. The item does not have any further functions. -30178 Glyph Stone -30179 Dragon God Symbol -30180 Dragon God Amulet This piece of golden jewellery can shorten the way to the Grotto of Exile. -30181 Page The faded writing on this parchment is difficult to decipher - this page seems to be very old. -30182 Legendary Diary This duplicate of an ancient book looks very valuable. -30183 Sombre Wooden Mask This wooden mask seems to be staring right at you. It is most probably a ceremonial item. -30184 Bewitched Ashes The ashes are in a container covered with strange symbols, and surrounded by a soft glow. -30185 Black Ice Deep shadows seem to be gathering below this shiny, smooth surface. -30186 Fossilised Tear A fossilised tear from the God Baljit-Elvedin, who is nowadays known as the Dragon God. -30187 Drop of Blood A Drop of Blood from the murdered Goddess Bahar-Taraji, creator of the world. -30188 Obsidian Formerly liquid, rapidly frozen volcanic stone. -30189 Baljit-Elvedin's Tears This skilfully sculptured vase contains the tears of the God Baljit-Elvedin. -30190 Blood Stone This stone is made from the blood of Bahar-Taraji and grants you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30191 Blood Stone Blood Stones grant you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30210 Piece of Gemstone A stone that is as clear as crystal and sparkles in the light. -30211 Piece of Gemstone A crystal-clear stone, that sparkles in the light. -30212 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30213 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30214 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30215 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30216 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30217 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30218 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30219 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30220 Jinunggyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Jinung aristocrat. -30221 Temple Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of a temple follower. -30222 Sagyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Sagyis aristocrat. -30223 Aurtumryu's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Aurtumryus aristocrat. -30224 Gyimok's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Gyimoks aristocrat. -30225 Tugyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Tugyis aristocrat. -30251 Malevolence Jewel A diamond drenched in wickedness. -30252 Wisdom Jewel This diamond's aura is peaceful and noble. -30253 Loyalty Jewel An aura of fighting spirit and honesty surrounds this diamond. -50001 Lucky Book A book with lucky numbers. The lottery is run by the government. -50002 Gold Ring A simple gold ring, that can be sold in shops for high prices. -50003 Skill Reset Document Allows you to reset your skills in order to learn new ones. -50004 Event Detector This item shows you, where missions can be found. -50005 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to a stable guard. Required level is 40. -50006 Gold Treasure Box A decorated gold box, that can be opened with a gold key. -50007 Silver Treasure Box A silver decorated box, that can be opened with a Silver Key. -50008 Gold Key A key made of gold. It can unlock the gold treasure box as well as the Gold Treasure Box+. -50009 Silver Key A key made of silver that can unlock the silver treasure box as well as the Silver Treasure Box+. -50010 Sock Socks made from warm sheep's wool. -50011 Moonlight Treasure Box An impressive, dazzling decoration. Supernatural things happen when moonlight falls on it. -50012 Gold Treasure Box+ A decorated gold box that can be opened with a gold key. -50013 Silver Treasure Box+ A decorated silver box, that can be opened with silver key. -50016 Bean Paste An ingredient used for traditional bean cake. -50017 Sugar Paste An ingredient used for traditional sugar cake. -50018 Fruit Paste An ingredient used for traditional fruit cake. -50019 Sweet Rice An ingredient used for traditional cake. -50020 Bean Cake A traditional cake that restores full HP. -50021 Sugar Cake A traditional cake that restores full SP. -50022 Fruit Cake A traditional cake that restores full stamina. -50023 Money Pouch Money Pouch -50024 Rose A romantic flower used to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50025 Chocolate Made of cacao, milk, butter, and sugar. Chocolate is given to show affection. Only male characters can use it. -50027 Lottery Ticket Unfortunately this lottery ticket is a useless item. It is not lucky. -50031 Rose A flower used to show affection for somebody. Only male characters can use it. -50032 Candy A popular sweet; candy is given to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50033 Mysterious Chest A chest with a strange letter engraved on it. Something will pop up if it is opened. -50034 Puzzle Box This box contains an unsolved puzzle. -50035 Gift Box (yellow) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50036 Gift Box (violet) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50037 Hexagonal Treasure Box It is made from special paper. It has a thoughtful gift in it. -50050 Horse Medal The Stable Boy needs this Medal to record the results of the qualification test on it. -50051 Horse Picture As soon as you have passed the qualification test at the stable, you will receive this licence for calling your horse. -50052 Armed Horse Book As soon as you have passed the advanced qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50053 Military Horse Book As soon as you have passed the professional qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50054 Hay Dry hay to feed a horse. -50055 Carrot A horse's favourite vegetable. -50056 Red Ginseng Steamed ginseng. Only military horses eat Red Ginseng. -50057 Herb of easy monkeys A legendary herb which riding beginners can use to revive their horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the beginner's dungeon. -50058 Herb of normal monkeys A legendary herb which intermediate riders can use to revive their battle horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the normal dungeon. -50059 Herb of hard monkeys A legendary herb which advanced riders can use to revive their military horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the expert dungeon. -50060 Horse Riding Manual Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your riding skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50070 Chief Orc's Box The chest of the Orc Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50071 Esoteric Leader's Box The chest of the Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50072 Ghost Leader's Box The chest of the Reincarnated Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50073 Queen Spider Box The chest of the Queen Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50074 Giant Spider Box The chest of the Giant Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50075 Giant Plague Carrier Box The chest of the Giant Germ Carrier. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50076 Desert Tortoise Chest The chest of the Giant Dessert Turtle. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50077 Nine Tails' Chest The chest of the Nine Tails. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50078 Yellow Tiger's Chest The chest of the Giant Tiger. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50079 Flame King's Chest The chest of the Flame King. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50080 Red Dragon's Chest The chest of the Red Dragon. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50081 Demon King's Chest The chest of the Demon Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50082 Grim Reaper's Chest The chest of the Grim Reaper. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50083 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to the stable guard. -50084 Key Stone An energy-laden aura surrounds this stone. It works against seal magic. -50091 Goldfish Sushi A popular dish made from goldfish and cold rice. -50092 Carp Sushi A special dish made from raw carp and cold rice. -50093 Salmon Sushi A special dish made from raw salmon and cold rice. Increases your attack value by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50094 Catfish Sushi A special dish made from raw catfish and cold rice. Increases your defence by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50100 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Purple) -50101 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Yellow) -50102 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Sky Blue) -50103 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Red) -50104 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival. (Green) -50105 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(White) -50106 Christmas Fire Cracker Christmas fireworks are more magnificent than normal fireworks and also last longer. -50108 Fireworks Top A ground firework that throws sparks. -50124 Rotten Wooden Box Soft animal sounds seem to be coming out from within. -50200 Bundle Allows you to open a private shop. -50300 Skill Book Increases Master Skill Level -50301 Sun Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50302 Wu zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears being read. -50303 WeiLiao Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50304 Combo Mastery A tactics book that is used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50305 Combo Master Book The advanced tactics book is used used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50306 Art of Combo The master tactics book is used to train Combos. | The book disappears after reading. -50307 Mission Book (Easy) Contains an easy mission that will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50308 Mission Book (Normal) Contains a normal mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50309 Mission Book (Hard) Contains a difficult mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50310 Mission Book (Expert) Contains an expert mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50311 Shinsoo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Shinsoo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50312 Chunjo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Chunjo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50313 Jinno Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Jinno language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50314 Polymorph Book Use this book to learn how to transform into a monster. It increases leadership. The book disappears after reading. -50315 Advanced Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50316 Master Polymorph Book Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50322 Transformation Role -50401 Three-Way Cut Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Three-way Cut. The book disappears after reading. -50402 Sword Spin Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Sword Spin. The book disappears after reading. -50403 Berserk Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Berserker. The book disappears after reading. -50404 Aura of Sword Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Aura of Sword.|The book disappears after reading. -50405 Dash Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Dash. The book disappears after reading. -50416 Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50417 Bash Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Bash. The book disappears after reading. -50418 Pounding Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Stump. The book disappears after reading. -50419 Strong Body Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Strong Body. The book disappears after reading. -50420 Sword Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Sword Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50431 Ambush Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Ambush. The book disappears after reading. -50432 Fast Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Fast Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50433 Rolling Dagger Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Rolling Dagger. The book disappears after reading. -50434 Disguise Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Disguise. The book disappears after reading. -50435 Poisonous Cloud Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Poisonous Cloud.The book disappears after reading. -50446 Repetitiive Shot Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Repetition Shot. The book disappears after reading. -50447 Arrow Shower Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Arrow Shower. The book disappears after reading. -50448 Fire Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Fire Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50449 Feather Walk Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Feather Walk. The book disappears after reading. -50450 Poison Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Poison Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50461 Finger Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Finger Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50462 Dragon Swirl Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dragon Swirl. The book disappears after reading. -50463 Enchanted Blade Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Blade. The book disappears after reading. -50464 Fear Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Fear. The book disappears after reading. -50465 Enchanted Armour Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Armour. The book disappears after reading. -50466 Dispel Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dispel. The book disappears after reading. -50476 Dark Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50477 Flame Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50478 Flame Spirit Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Spirit. The book disappears after reading. -50479 Dark Protection Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Protection. The book disappears after reading. -50480 Spirit Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50481 Dark Orb Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Orb. The book disappears after reading. -50491 Flying Talisman Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Flying Talisman. The book disappears after reading. -50492 Shooting Dragon Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Shooting Dragon. The book disappears after reading. -50493 Dragon's Roar Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragon Roar. The book disappears after reading. -50494 Blessing Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Blessing. The book disappears after reading. -50495 Reflection Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Reflect. The book disappears after reading. -50496 Dragon's Strength Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragons Help. The book disappears after reading. -50506 Lightning Throw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Throw. The book disappears after reading. -50507 Summon Lightning Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Summon Lightning. The book disappears after reading. -50508 Lighting Claw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Claw. The book disappears after reading. -50509 Cure Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Cure. The book disappears after reading. -50510 Swiftness Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Swiftness. The book disappears after reading. -50511 Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50512 Rainbow Stone The stone that opens spiritual eyes and reveals all skills. -50513 Soul Stone The legendary stone used to increase your grand master skills. It disappears after use. -50600 Mining Guide It is used to increase mining level. The book disappears after reading. -50601 Diamond Stone It can be refined to a diamond using the guild diamond furnace. -50602 Amber Stone It can be refined to a amber using the guild amber furnace. -50603 Fossil Trunk It can be refined to fossil wood using the guild fossil wood furnace. -50604 Copper Ore It can be refined to copper using the guild copper furnace. -50605 Silver Ore It can be refined to silver using the guild silver furnace. -50606 Gold Ore It can be refined to gold using the guild gold furnace. -50607 Jade Ore It can be refined to jade using the guild jade furnace. -50608 Ebony Ore It can be refined to ebony using the guild ebony furnace. -50609 Piece of Pearl It can be refined to a pearl using the guild pearl furnace. -50610 White Gold Ore It can be refined to white gold using the guild white gold furnace. -50611 Crystal Ore It can be refined to a crystal using the guild crystal furnace. -50612 Amethyst Ore It can be refined to an amethyst using the guild amethyst furnace. -50613 Heaven's Tear Ore It can be refined to a heaven tear using the guild heaven's tear smelter. -50621 Diamond The strongest and most well-known gem that can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50622 Amber A clear gem made from fossilised resin, that shines in honey or golden tones. -50623 Fossil Wood A valuable wood that can worked into wood accessories. -50624 Copper Sometimes used to make bronze and coins. It can be worked into copper accessories. -50625 Silver Shiny metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into silver accessories. -50626 Gold Golden metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into gold accessories. -50627 Jade A valuable mineral that has been used for over 5000 years. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50628 Ebony The lightest and the strongest wood of all. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50629 Pearl Used for making jewellery. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50630 White Gold A hard, white alloy of gold that is often used for jewellery. -50631 Crystal A hard stone made of crystalline quartz that can be found in different colours. Often used for jewellery. -50632 Amethyst A popular quartz that can be found in different shades of purple. It is often used to make jewellery. -50633 Heaven's Tear Crystallized rain from heaven. It can be used to make jewellery. -50701 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50702 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50703 Kaki Blossom Legend has that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck will bear a son. -50704 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Research -50705 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and the ability to concentrate better. -50706 Tue Fungus This mushroom is seldom used as curative medicine and helps against sleeplessness. -50707 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50708 Mulberry Mulberries give strength and perk you up. -50709 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies. Now it is used to help sore throats. -50710 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50711 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50712 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a strengthening potion if it is prepared correctly. -50721 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50722 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50723 Kaki Blossom Legend has it that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck is going to bear a son. -50724 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Potion production -50725 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and concentration levels. -50726 Tue Fungus This mushroom is rarely used as curative medicine but helps against insomnia. -50727 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50728 Mulberry The mulberry gives you strength and perks you up. -50729 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies but is now used help sore throats. -50730 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50731 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50732 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a restorer if it is prepared correctly. -50801 Peach Blossom Juice This is a juice made out of Peach blossoms. It improves your physical strength. -50802 Bellflower Juice This potion made from Bellflowers increases your strength by 5 points for 3 minutes. -50803 Kaki Blossom Juice This is a juice made from the Kaki blossom. Strengthens your concentration level. -50804 Gango Root Juice This is a juice made from Gango roots. It heals small wounds. -50805 Lilac Juice This is a juice made from lilac. -50806 Tue Fungal Resin The resin won from Tue Fungi act as a sleep aid. -50807 Alpine Rose Juice This is a juice made out of alpine roses and strengthens the immune system. -50808 Mulberry Juice This is a juice made from Mulberries, that acts as a stimulant. -50809 Dandelion Juice This is a juice made out of dandelion and helps cure colds. -50810 Thistle Juice A juice made from Dates that strengthens bones. -50811 Date Extract This is juice made from dates is nutritious and satiable. -50812 Juice of Sam-Zi Plant This is a juice made from the Sam-Zi plant and has a strengthening effect. -50813 Sim Water A potion made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a piercing hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50814 Dok Water A potion made from Bellflower Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a critical hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50815 Bo Water This potion is made of kaki blossom juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your brain. -50816 Young Water This potion is made from Gango root juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your physical and mental performance. -50817 Zin Water A potion made from Sim Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your attack value by 50 points for 3 minutes. -50818 SamBo Water A potion made from Dok Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your defence by 70 points for 3 minutes. -50819 Mong Water A potion made from Bo Water and Mulberries, which increases your magic defence by 10% for 3 minutes. -50820 Hwal Water A potion made from Young Water and Mulberries, which increases your attack speed by 3 points for 3 minutes. -50901 Empty Bottle Used to manufacture potions -50902 Recipe for Beginners An easy to get recipe which can also be done by greenhorns. -50903 Recipe A recipe that needs a bit of practice. -50904 Expert's Recipe A recipe that can only be done correctly by experts. -50905 Recipe for Sim Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac. -50906 Recipe for Dok Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Harebell Juice and Lilac. -50907 Recipe for Bo Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Kaki Blossom Juice and Tue Fungi. -50908 Recipe for Young Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice and Tue Fungi. -50909 Recipe for Zin Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice, Lilac and Alpine Roses. -50910 Recipe for Hwal Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice, Tue Fungi and Mulberry. -60001 Gall A dogged body fluid which is won from the liver. -60002 Note from Storage Guard The parchment bears the energetic handwriting of the storage guard. -60003 Heroic Symbol An item which is not passed on with levity. -70001 Goddess' Doll -70002 Third Hand A hand which picks up Yang automatically. -70003 Book of the Leader One of the seven war strategy books. While the leader of a group has this book on him, all his group member will receive 30% more experience points. -70004 Medal of Diligence A reward for hard work. -70005 Experience Ring You collect 50% more experience points during a battle. -70006 Language Ring This ring was crafted for diplomacy in the ancient era. Use it to talk to people from other empires. -70007 Warp Ring -70008 White Flag A white flag that indicates surrender. -70009 Treasure Box A chest which is decorated with a lot of ornaments. Can only be opened with a special key. -70010 Storage Ticket A document which helps to organise the storage rooms. -70011 Upgrade Bottle -70012 Goddess Tear Rumour has it, that the Goddess gave her tears to the heroes of battle because they fought so bravely against the evil. -70013 Giant Goddess Tear The tear of the ancient dancer Tae-Hwa is said to comfort the soul of a fighter. -70014 Blood Pill A pill that is made of deer blood. It has a severe hallucinogenic effect. -70015 Cheap Brush A ordinary, robust brush with a solid wooden handle. -70020 Peach Flower Wine Beverage that will immediately regenerate your Hit Points (HP) by 500 points. -70024 Blessing Marble Legendary blessed marble. When an item has four attributes, it adds another attribute. -70027 Blacksmith's Memo A memo from the blacksmith which shows you how to upgrade your weapons. -70031 Fencing Pamphlet This pamphlet concerns, amongst other things, the potential and weaknesses of the human anatomy. -70035 Magic Copper Ore When you combine this ore with a Blessing Scroll at the blacksmith's, you can create a Scroll of War. -70037 Book of Forgetfulness The legendary book that removes the memory of a learned skill completely. You can move 1 skill point. -70038 Bravery Cape Ancient Warriors showed off their bravery by wearing a colourful cape with which they attracted the attention of monsters. -70039 Blacksmith' Handbook This book contains the soul of an old blacksmith. If it is used, it raises the chance of successfully ameliorating an item. -70040 Orc Stubbornness Reduces stamina use by half. -70043 Thief's Glove Doubles the probability of looting items. -70047 Language Ring(Sample) This ring is used to talk to people from other empires. -70048 Fugitive's Cape A priceless cape that helps you to become inconspicuous and that is used by lots of runaways. -70049 Lucy's Ring The engraving on the ring says: "May the Dragon God bless you." The ring reduces your chance of losing items in battle. -70050 Sage King's Symbol An inherited symbol from the ancient royal family that grants the master great power. -70051 Sage King's Glove An inherited article from the ancient royal family that grants the master mysterious power. -70052 Charm of Karma1 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70053 Charm of Karma2 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70054 Charm of Karma3 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70102 Zen Bean Reduces the evil and raises the good in a character's disposition. -70104 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70105 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70106 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70107 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70201 Bleach It turns your hair back into its original colour. Bleached hair can be dyed again. -70202 White Hair Dye Dyes your hair white. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70203 Blonde Hair Dye Dyes your hair blonde. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70204 Red Hair Dye Dyes your hair red. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70205 Brown Hair Dye Dyes your hair brown. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70206 Black Hair Dye Dyes your hair black. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70301 Engagement Ring A ring that is worn by lovers. -70302 Wedding Ring A ring that is worn by a married couple. -71001 Exorcism Scroll Will lift the curse of the evil spirit, if learning is not successful. With the help of this scroll you can read another document on the same day. -71002 Status Reset Document Resets status points so that you can change the development of your character. -71003 Skill Reset Document Resets skill points. -71004 Medal of the Dragon Protects you from a loss of experience points at your next revival. -71005 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 7 days. -71006 Language Ring You can understand all Languages of the empire for 15 days. -71007 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 30 days. -71008 Fishing Book Book that doubles the chance of catching rare fish. -71009 Storage Chest Your Storeroom will receive 2 additional storage rooms. -71010 Third Hand Your character will pick up all dropped Yang automatically if equipped with this hand. -71011 Emotion Mask You can let you feelings run free for 30 days. -71012 Book of the Leader While the leader of a group is equipped with this book, all members will gain 30% more Experience points. -71013 Firework Rocket that lights up the sky for all players. -71014 Potion of Attack+10 Increases your attack speed by 10% for 30 minutes. -71015 Experience Ring Your character collects 50% more experience points while fighting. -71016 Thief's Gloves Doubles the probability of looting items. -71017 Lucky Medal Doubles the probability of looting Yang by 50%. -71018 Blessing of Life A blessing with which your HP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71019 Blessing of Magic A blessing that regenerates all your MP immediately. -71020 Blessing of the Dragon A blessing with which your HP and MP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71021 Scroll of War Improvement of items will succeed (100%). Only works on items +0 to +3. -71022 Return of Intelligence Resets your intelligence points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71023 Return of Vitality Resets your vitality points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71024 Return of Strength Resets your Strength points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71025 Stone of the Blacksmith At the blacksmith's you can create a blacksmith handbook with the help of this stone and a blessing scroll. -71026 Magic Iron Ore This ore, when combined with a blessing scroll, enables the crafting of a dragon scroll at the blacksmiths. -71027 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71028 Dragon God Attack Increases the damage you cause during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71029 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71030 Dragon God Defence Lowers the damage you receive during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71031 Dragon God Support The vitality, strength, intelligence and dexterity of your character will temporarily quintuple. -71032 Dragon Scroll Eliminates the risk of destroying an item if the improvement fails. Only its quality will be decreased by 1. Additionally, the probability of a successful improvement will increase by 10%. -71033 Emotion Mask You can let your feelings run free for 15 days. -71034 Potion of Attack +15 Increases your attack speed by 15% for 30 minutes. -71035 Researcher's Elixir Improves the quality of the research objects which you have collected, thereby increasing the likelihood that they will be accepted. -71036 Scroll - Chief Orc Will summon an Orc Chieftain next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71037 Scroll - Leader Will summon a Dark Leader next to your character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71038 Scroll - Queen Spider Will summon a King Spider next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71039 Scroll - Tortoise Will summon a Turtle next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71040 Scroll - Flame King Will summon the King of Flames next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71041 Scroll - Nine Tails Will summon a Nine tail next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71042 Scroll - Demon King Will summon a Ghost of a Tiger next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71043 Scroll - Tiger Ghost Makes a yellow tiger ghost appear next to your character. Be careful, it's a boss! -71044 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -71045 Piercing Strike Increases the chance of a piercing hit for by 20% for 10 minutes. -71047 Spirit Stone Tincture Removes a Spirit Stone from one of your items. -71048 Modification Charm This charm can change the gender of your character. -71049 Silk Bundle With this bundle you can open a private shop for 10 days free of charge. -71050 Potion of Speed Boosts your motion speed by 60 for 30 minutes. -71051 Bewitch Item Removes the special-bonus on one of your items and adds another one. -71052 Bless Item Add a special new bonus onto one of your items, if it does not already have one. -71054 Tincture of Kingdoms A character is able to go into exile in another kingdom, this means changing the kingdom. -71055 Tincture of the Name Changes the name of a Character. -71056 Tincture of Heaven Increases the chance of successfully improving a Spirit Stone. -71057 Stone of Fossil Trunk O. Creates a fossil wood lode next to your character. -71058 Stone of Copper Lode Creates a copper ore lode next to your character -71059 Stone of Silver Lode Creates a silver ore lode next to your character. -71060 Stone of Gold Lode Creates a gold lode next to your character. -71061 Stone of Jade Lode Creates a jade lode next to your character. -71062 Stone of Ebony Lode Creates an ebony lode next to your character. -71063 Stone of Clams Creates a pile of shells next to your character -71064 Stone of White Gold Lode Creates a white gold lode next to your character. -71065 Stone of Crystal Lode Creates a crystal lode next to your character. -71066 Stone of Amethyst Lode Creates quartz crystal lode next to your character. -71067 Stone of Heaven's Ode Creates a tears of heaven lode next to your character. -71068 Feather of Lovers Your love points will rise twice as fast for 30 days, if equipped with this feather. -71069 Earring of Harmony Increases the chance of a piercing hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71070 Love Bracelet Increases the collection of experience points for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71071 Earring of Love Increases the chance of a lethal hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71072 Harmony Bracelet Reduces the attack power of the monsters, against which married people fight, if carried by a marriage partner. (Lasts 3 Hours) -71073 Necklace of Love Increases the attack power for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71074 Necklace of Harmony Increases the defence value of married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71075 Hair Dye (White) Dyes hair white. -71076 Hair Dye (Blonde) Dyes hair blonde. -71077 Hari Dye (Red) Dyes hair red. -71078 Hair Dye (Brown) Dyes hair brown. -71079 Hair Dye (Black) Dyes hair black. -71080 Metin Stone(L) A light Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71081 Metin Stone(N) A medium Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71082 Metin Stone(H) A large Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71083 Stone Handbook Removes all broken stones from an item. With that you will get another chance to improve your weapon or amour. -71084 Enchant Item Removes the bonuses from one of your items and adds new ones. -71085 Reinforce Item Adds a bonus to one of your items if it has not got bonus yet. -71086 Level Up Quest(20~29) -71087 Level Up Quest(30~39) -71088 Mission Book (Easy) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can also be solved by greenhorn fighters. -71089 Mission Book (Normal) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by those who are already experienced in fighting. -71090 Mission Book (Hard) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by really experienced fighters. -71091 Tincture of Trade You can choose a different colour for your shop sign. -71092 Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -71093 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -71094 Concentrated Reading Increases the chance of successful skill training with your next book by 2.5 times. -71095 Passage Ticket If you give this ticket to the guard, you will be allowed to enter a new floor of the Spider-Dungeon. -71096 Passage Tablet This medal allows you to pass through a gate. -71099 Ring of Successor Allows the leader of a guild to set up a successor. -71100 Scroll of Lore Change Forget your lore and start a new one. You need to be at least on level 31 to do it. -71101 Potion of Haste This potion decreases your cooldown time by 20 percent for 30 minutes. -71103 Redistribution (VIT) Puts your vitality back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71104 Redistribution (INT) Puts your intelligence back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71105 Redistribution (STR) Puts your strength back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71106 Redistribution (DEX) Resets your dexterity back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71107 Fruit of Life Increases rank points by 3000 (cooldown time: 5 hours). -71109 Scroll of Correction This scroll allows you to remove the last successfully added Spirit Stone from an item. -71110 Horse Sugar This piece of sugar allows you to give your mount a name. It also increases is defence value by 20. -71113 Glass of Insight Allows you to show another player items from your inventory. The glass breaks in the process. -71114 Wild Boar Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71115 Wild Boar Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71116 Wolf Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71117 Wolf Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71118 Tiger Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71119 Tiger Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71120 Lion Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71121 Lion Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -72001 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 10 hours. -72002 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 30 minutes. -72003 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 3 hours. -72004 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 10 hours. -72005 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 30 minutes. -72006 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 3 hours. -72007 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 10 hours. -72008 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 30 minutes. -72009 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 3 hours. -72010 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 15 minutes. -72011 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 30 minutes. -72012 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 3 hours. -72013 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 15 minutes. -72014 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 30 minutes. -72015 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 3 hours. -72016 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 15 minutes. -72017 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 30 minutes. -72018 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 3 hours. -72019 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 15 minutes. -72020 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 30 minutes. -72021 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets 2 additional storage rooms for a duration for 3 hours. -72022 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 10 hours. -72023 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 30 minutes. -72024 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 3 hours. -72025 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72026 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72027 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72028 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 7 days. -72029 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 15 days. -72030 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 30 days. -72031 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72032 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72033 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72034 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72035 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72036 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72037 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72038 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72039 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72040 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72041 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72042 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72043 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72044 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72045 Book of the Leader When the party leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience point of group members and the leader by 30%. -72046 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72047 Criticial Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72048 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72501 Experience Ring (iCafe) Increases collection of experience points by 20% in the membership iCafe. -72502 Thief's Glove (iCafe) Chance of items being dropped increases by 1.5 times in Membership iCafe. -72701 Wind Shoes Increases your movement speed by 30 when equipped. -73001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73005 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73006 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73007 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73008 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73009 Long Hair (Black) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, black hair. -73010 Long Hair (Red) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, red hair. -73011 Long Hair (Brown) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, brown hair. -73012 Long Hair (Green) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, green hair. -73251 Ponytail (Brown) Long hair done up in a plait. -73252 Ponytail (Green) Long hair done up a plait. -73253 Ponytail (Blue) Long hair done up in a plait. -73254 Ponytail (Light) Long hair done up in a plait. -73255 Shoulder Length (Red) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A natural-looking shoulder-length hair cut. -73257 Shoulder Length (Light) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73260 Short Hair (Blue) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73261 Short Hair (Black) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73262 Short Hair (Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73501 Sporty Haircut (Light) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73502 Sporty Haircut (Brown) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73503 Sporty Haircut (Blonde) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73504 Sporty Haircut (Green) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73505 Charisma Hair (White) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73506 Charisma Hair (Red) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73507 Charisma Hair (Black) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73509 Long Plait (White) A traditional plait. -73510 Long Plait (Blue) A traditional plait. -73511 Long Plait (Black) A traditional plait. -73512 Long Plait (Brown) A traditional plait. -73751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant haircut with tied back hair. -73753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73755 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Elegant, straight hair. -73756 Med. Length Hair (Black) Elegant, straight hair. -73757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Elegant, straight hair. -73758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Elegant, straight hair. -73759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73760 Old Hairstyle (Light) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73762 Old Hairstyle (Red) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -74001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74005 Headband (Red) A spiky hairstyle with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -74006 Headband (Brown plaid) A spiky hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74007 Headband (Blue) A spiky hairstyle worn with a bandanna (+10% defence against Suras) -74008 Headband (Green plaid) Short green hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -74009 Long Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74010 Long Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74011 Long Hair (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74012 Long Hair (Green) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74251 Ponytail (Brown) A popular women's hairstyle in which hair is tied up into a long plait (+10% against Warriors) -74252 Ponytail (Green) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Ninjas) -74253 Ponytail (Blue) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Suras) -74254 Ponytail (Light) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Shamans) -74255 Shoulder Length (Red) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Warriors) -74256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Ninjas) -74257 Shoulder Length (Light) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Suras) -74258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Shamans) -74259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Warriors) -74260 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Ninjas) -74261 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Suras) -74262 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Shamans) -74501 Sporty Hairstyle (White) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Warriors) -74502 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Ninja) -74503 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Suras) -74504 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) A short hairstyle that gives you military look (+10% against Shamans) -74505 Charisma Hair (White) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Warriors) -74506 Charisma Hair (Red) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Ninjas) -74507 Charisma Hair (Black) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Suras) -74508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Shamans) -74509 Long Plait (White) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Warriors) -74510 Long Plait (Blue) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74511 Long Plait (Black) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich. (+10% defence against Suras) -74512 Long Plait (Brown) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Shamans) -74751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Warriors) -74752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Suras). -74754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas). -74755 Med.Length Hair (Brown) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Warriors). -74756 Med. Length Hair (Black) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Ninjas). -74757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Suras). -74758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Shamans). -74759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Warriors) -74760 Old Hairstyle (Blonde) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Suras) -74762 Old Hairstyle (Red) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Shamans) -75001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) Trendy hairstyle with red hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Warriors) -75002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) Trendy hairstyle with light coloured hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) Trendy hairstyle with blue hair and a hair-band (+10% against Suras) -75004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) Trendy hairstyle with brown hair and a hair-band (+10% against Shamans) -75005 Headband (Brown) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -75006 Headband (Blonde) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75007 Headband (Blue) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Suras) -75008 Headband (Green) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -75009 Long Hair (Black) Marvellous, black hair (+10% against Warriors) -75010 Long Hair (Red) Marvellous, red hair (+10% against Ninjas) -75011 Long Hair (Brown) Marvellous, brown hair (+10% against Suras) -75012 Long Hair (Green) Marvellous, green hair (+10% against Shamans) -75201 Ponytail (Brown) Brown hair with a nice, long ponytail. (+10% defence against Warriors) -75202 Ponytail (Green) Green hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Ninjas) -75203 Ponytail (Blue) Blue hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Suras) -75204 Ponytail (Light) Grey hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Shamans) -75205 Shoulder Length (Red) A discreet hairstyle with a white bandanna (+10% against Warriors) -75206 Shoulder Length (Brown) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Ninjas) -75207 Shoulder Length (Light) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Suras) -75208 Shoulder Length (Purple) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Shamans) -75209 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Warriors) -75210 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Ninjas) -75211 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Suras) -75212 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Shamans) -75401 Sporty Hairstyle (Light) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Warriors) -75402 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Ninjas) -75403 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Suras) -75404 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Shamans) -75405 Charisma Style (White) Long, snow-white hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75406 Charisma Style (Red) Long, red hair that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75407 Charisma Style (Black) Long, jet-black hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Suras) -75408 Charisma Style (Purple) Long, purple hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75409 Long Plait (White) Plait (+10% defence against Warriors) -75410 Long Plait (Blue) Plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75411 Long Plait (Black) Plait (+10% against Suras) -75412 Long Plait (Brown) Plait (+10% against Shamans) -75601 Smart Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Warriors) -75602 Smart Hairstyle (Black) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Ninjas) -75603 Smart Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Suras) -75604 Smart Hairstyle (Light) A trendy trim that gives Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Shaman) -75605 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Smooth, brown hair (+10% against Warriors) -75606 Med. Length Hair (Black) Straight, black hair (+10% against Ninja) -75607 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Straight, light coloured hair (+10% against Sura) -75608 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Straight, purple hair (+10% against Shaman) -75609 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Old Warrior hairstyle. The brown hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Warriors) -75610 Old Hairstyle (Light) Old warrior hairstyle. The light coloured hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75611 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Old Warrior hairstyle. The purple hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Suras) -75612 Old Hairstyle (Red) Old warrior hairstyle. The red hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Shamans) -80001 Money Pouch A dark and already worn out pouch sewed from leather. -80002 Blank Paper An unused parchment of good quality. -80008 Lump of Gold A lump of gold that has never been crafted. It is being sold in a shop for a high price. -90001 Empty Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water - sadly it is empty right now. -90002 Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water. -90003 Crystal An especially nice and clear gemstone which shines fascinatingly in the sunlight. -90004 Gem A nice coloured and flat cut stone which is used for producing ornaments. -90005 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -90006 Spirit Stone This stone, added to weapons or armour, increases the quality of the item. -90007 Mineral There are around 4000 minerals which differ in crystal structure and so also differ in shape and colour. -90010 Foundation Stone Building Material for the Guild Building -90011 Trunk Building Material for the Guild Building -90012 Plywood Building Material for the Guild Building diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 812e0fa5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Ninjas are professional[ENTER] -killers, who can attack[ENTER] -through ambush. In order to[ENTER] -maximise on both strength[ENTER] -and mobility, these[ENTER] -[WAIT] -assassins wear only light[ENTER] -armour. This allows them to[ENTER] -execute rapid and fluid[ENTER] -manoeuvres without[ENTER] -hindrance. Depending on[ENTER] -[WAIT] -their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Ninjas can[ENTER] -be master fighters in[ENTER] -close-combat situations with[ENTER] -daggers, or in[ENTER] -[WAIT] -distant-combat situations[ENTER] -with bows. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9f59ee38..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -The wisdom achieved through[ENTER] -long years of intense study[ENTER] -allow the Shamans to use[ENTER] -Spells and Magic to attack[ENTER] -their foes. When in a fight[ENTER] -[WAIT] -and in support of their[ENTER] -friends, their mystic powers[ENTER] -are very effective.[ENTER] -Depending on their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Shamans may[ENTER] -[WAIT] -choose to strengthen their[ENTER] -attacks, or to upgrade[ENTER] -individual healing and[ENTER] -support spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebadcb09..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Suras are fighters who[ENTER] -gained magical powers by[ENTER] -agreeing to grow the Seed of[ENTER] -Evil in their arms. The[ENTER] -magic they now control[ENTER] -[WAIT] -allows them to wound their[ENTER] -enemies from afar in[ENTER] -distant-combat situations,[ENTER] -while their skill with a[ENTER] -sword makes them excellent[ENTER] -[WAIT] -close-combat fighters. The[ENTER] -Suras can choose to improve[ENTER] -their attack-spells or[ENTER] -develop additional[ENTER] -strengthening spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 749446ab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Thanks to their skills as[ENTER] -well as their heavy armour,[ENTER] -Warriors play an important[ENTER] -role in close combat[ENTER] -situations. They strive[ENTER] -[WAIT] -principally for great[ENTER] -physical strength and a[ENTER] -balanced, calm psyche.[ENTER] -Depending on their chosen[ENTER] -speciality, they can wreak[ENTER] -[WAIT] -havoc with their two-handed[ENTER] -weapons or through their[ENTER] -skilful use of sword and[ENTER] -shield, which can defend[ENTER] -against any opponent's[ENTER] -[WAIT] -attack. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ceded179..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Love points: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Rank points: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown attack error: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE The combatant is too far away. -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA You cannot open a private shop in a public area. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE The enemy is too far away. -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW I need an arrow. -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH I am sure that I cannot get any closer. -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK I cannot attack that. -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE The opponent is too far away. -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD I need a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE I need a Horse to be able to use this. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an empty bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Who is the target? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP I do not have enough HP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP I do not have enough SP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL I cannot use this whilst riding. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON I cannot use this skill with this weapon. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN I have not learned this skill. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE This only affects group members. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE This only affects dead people. -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD I cannot use this skill with a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF I cannot use this on myself. -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME I cannot use this skill yet. -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s has blocked whispering. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s is not online. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE You cannot whisper something to someone when you have completely blocked whispering. SNA -CHANNEL Channel -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT You cannot go back to the login screen. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER No server -CHANNEL_NORMAL Channel %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL This channel is full! Please choose another one. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO No information found via the Channel. -CHANNEL_PVP Free duel -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Choose the channel -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Choose region. -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Choose server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL All -CHAT_BLOCK Block -CHAT_GUILD Guild -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING This sentence has invalid words in it. -CHAT_LOG Show old messages [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Chat-log -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Announcement -CHAT_PARTY Group -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Send chat -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Send whisper[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT Call -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT You can only call every 15 seconds. -CHAT_WHISPER Whispering -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME You are not allowed to use 'GM' in your character name. -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME This name is invalid. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Another character already has this name. -CREATE_FAILURE You cannot create the character -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Enter the name. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT There are still status points available. -DAY Days -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want to buy %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want to buy %s %s for %s? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Do you want to drop %d Yang? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want to sell %s for %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want to sell %s %s for %s? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot drop equipped items. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot drop any items as long as a private shop is open. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER You can drop a maximum of 999 Yang. -EMOTION_ANGRY Aggravating -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Seduction -EMOTION_BANTER Sneering -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Cheers 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Cheers 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP Cheer -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Choose a target. -EMOTION_CLAP Claps -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kiss -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Approval -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dance 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dance 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dance 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dance 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dance 5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE Forgiveness -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS French Kiss -EMOTION_JOY Joy -EMOTION_SAD Sad -EMOTION_SHY Rejection -EMOTION_SLAP Hit -EMPIRE_A Shinsoo Kingdom -EMPIRE_B Chunjo Kingdom -EMPIRE_C Jinno Kingdom -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE You cannot trade this Item. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY You cannot change the sum now. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot exchange equipped Items. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Sum -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s -FISHING_FAILURE You lost the Bait. -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s is on the hook. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 You captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 You have pulled %s out of the water! -FISHING_UNKNOWN Something has taken the bait but you can't see what it is. -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE You cannot go fishing here. -FOR_FEMALE for female -FOR_MALE for male -GAME_CANNOT_MINING You cannot mine Ore while riding. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM You cannot collect this Item as you did not win it. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR The cursor could not be established. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 must be installed so that the game can run.\nInstall DirectX 8.1 or higher. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE No graphic device could be found. \nCheck if your VGA card is correctly installed. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Graphic device could not be established. \nCheck if you have a VGA card. \nAlternatively, you can active the hardware accelerator.\n(Set hardware accelerator to max \nControl Panel->Display->Settings->Advanced->Troubleshoot tab) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT The graphics card of the computer does not support the window mode in 32bit Mode. \nChange to 16bit Mode or use Full Screen Mode. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO No Item data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Mainframe could not be established -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO No Monster Data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Network devices could not be established.\nCheck your internet connection. -GAME_PICK_MONEY You have received %d Yang. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Height is not 128 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Height is not 12 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Width is not 16 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Width is not 64 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT The game does not support this picture. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Move the data into the folder metin2/upload. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT No picture file chosen. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flag captured. -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Field Battle -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 The Guild %s declared war on your Guild. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Do you accept? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Guild theater of war -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Name of building -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE The Dragon ghost battle is already full. -GUILD_COMMENT Write -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Guildname is not valid. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Guild members -GUILD_DELETE Delete -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Do you want to restore with %d Yang %d Dragon ghost? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to join the guild? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Empty land -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Guild name of the enemy -GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Main Building -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Restore Dragon ghost -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Minimum level of 4 required -GUILD_NAME Guild name -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL You do not have enough resources for this building. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY You do not have enough Yang for this building. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION You do not have the rights to make an announcement. -GUILD_OBJECT Objects -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Experience to invest -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Not enough Experience yet -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Basic Information -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Blackboard -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Rights Administration -GUILD_TILE_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Guild Members -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Guild Skills -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Time: 30 Minutes -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Reward: The winner receives a Potion -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Use Guild Theater of War -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Use Normal Map -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE The highest result wins the war. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Defeat all enemies to win. -GUILD_WITHDRAW Fallback -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN You are not a member of any Guild. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Dead -HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungry -HORSE_HEALTH2 Starving -HORSE_HEALTH3 Full -HORSE_LEVEL1 Normal Horse -HORSE_LEVEL2 Battle Horse -HORSE_LEVEL3 Military Horse -HOUR Hours -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %d? -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Enter Matrix Cardnumber. -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Enter deletion-code from your account settings here. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Delete character -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Role of Return cannot be combined. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Do you want to use this Item? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateur Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Power of the Ninjas -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Undead -JOB_SHAMAN Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateur Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN1 Power of the Dragon -JOB_SHAMAN2 Lightning Power -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amateur Sura -JOB_SURA1 Power of the Fata Morgana -JOB_SURA2 Power of Black Magic -JOB_WARRIOR Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateur Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR1 Power of Arahan -JOB_WARRIOR2 Power of Partisans -LEFT_TIME Time Remaining -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Error while connecting to the server. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS You are connected to the server. -LOGIN_CONNETING You will be connected to the server. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Your account is already connected. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Registration problem. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Your account is banned. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Please choose one of the other servers! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Your account had no play time. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Your account cannot be used. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Items have been restored for this account. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN The server is not open yet. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER You could not connect because too many players are online. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN You could not register for unknown reasons. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK You have been blocked at the website. Please check your EMails. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER You entered a wrong number. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE You entered a wrong number three times. /n You connection will be disabled. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Enter the ID. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Enter the password. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Logging in... -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT You cannot place the Item. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MAP_A1 Yongan Area -MAP_A2 Valley of Seungryong -MAP_A3 Yayang Area -MAP_AG Jungrang -MAP_B1 Joan Area -MAP_B2 Valley of Imji -MAP_B3 Bokjung Area -MAP_BG Waryong -MAP_C1 Pyungmoo Area -MAP_C2 Valley of Bangsan -MAP_C3 Bakra Area -MAP_CG Imha -MAP_DESERT Yongbi Desert -MAP_FLAME Doyyumhwan -MAP_NUSLUCK Land of Giants -MAP_SKELTOWER Gumsan Tower -MAP_SNOW Mount Sohan -MAP_SPIDER Kuahlo Dong -MAP_TEMPLE Hwang Temple -MAP_TREE Lungsam -MAP_TRENT02 Red Forest -MAP_WL Snakefield -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s added you as a friend. -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Accept? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Delete? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Do you want to delete the cell phone number? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Do you want to go on? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Empty -MESSENGER_FAMILY Family -MESSENGER_FRIEND Friends -MESSENGER_GUILD Guild -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Enter the confirmation number that was sent to your cell phone. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Enter confirmation number -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Enter the cell phone number for the Text message sending. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Do you want to enter the number now? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Enter cell phone number. -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Send message. -MINIMAP Open Mini Map -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Mini Map cannot be seen. -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Large Map cannot be shown. -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Zoom out -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Zoom in -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d observers -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Open Large Map -MINUTE Minutes -MONETARY_UNIT0 Yang -MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand -MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Sales Price: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot move the item when you have opened a private shop. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST No Backgroundmusic. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2 Standard music -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC No Music file chosen. -NEEFD_REST You must rest first. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT Not yer supported -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE You cannot activate Guild Mode when you do not belong to a Guild. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT You cannot choose this configuration in PvP Mode. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT You need to have at least Level %d to be able to change the PvP Mode. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Attack Value: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Attck Speed: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Skill Duration: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Defence: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max. HP: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Delete Group -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT would like to join the Group. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to accept the invitation? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Level Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Higher Level receives more EXP. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Evenly Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP All Group members receive the same EXP. -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Restore everything. -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Range of the group heightened of the factor 1.5 . SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Range of the group heightened of the factor 2. SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Leave group. -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP for a long group game: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Call group member. -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus for HP- + SP regeneration: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED You discarded the invitation into the group.. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Constitute as Attacker. -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Constitute as Berserker. -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Constitute as Blocker. -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Constitute as Defender. -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Withdraw settings. -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Constitute as Skill Master. -PARTY_SET_TANKER Constitute as blade fighter. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Base Attack Value Attacker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Attack Speed Berserker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Skill Duration Blocker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Defence Defender +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Group range +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP Skill Master +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Max. HP blade fighter +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Possible to call group members. -PASSWORD_TITLE Storeroom password -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item Number -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Sum -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM You cannot sell this item in a private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Do you want to close the private shop? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Name of the private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Price -PVP_LEVEL0 Chivalric -PVP_LEVEL1 Noble -PVP_LEVEL2 Good -PVP_LEVEL3 Friendly -PVP_LEVEL4 Neutral -PVP_LEVEL5 Aggressive -PVP_LEVEL6 Fraudulent -PVP_LEVEL7 Malicious -PVP_LEVEL8 Cruel -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP Guild activated -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP Free activated -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP Peace activated -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP Protection activated -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP Hostile activated -PVP_OPTION_KILL Free -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Peace -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Protection -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Hostile -QUEST_APPEND New Quest acquired. -QUEST_MIN Min. -QUEST_SEC Sec. -QUEST_TIMEOVER Time Expired -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME No time limit. -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sec. -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be added to the Fast Access Field. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s sent you a message. -REFINE_COST Costs for Advancement: %d Yang -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING This Item could be destroyed while upgrading. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 This will improve the chance for upgrading, -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 but if you fail the Item could be destroyed. /n Do you want to continue? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING The Item could be down graded this way. -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Do you want to take away the spirit stone? -REFINE_FAILURE You failed. -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot upgrade equipped Items. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM No spirit stone can be taken away. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL You need a better Advancement Scroll. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET You cannot make more Sockets. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to include the %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM You cannot make any Sockets on this Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be upgraded. -REFINE_SUCCESS The advancement of the Item was successful. -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Chance for Advancement %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Do you want to continue? -SAFEBOX_ERROR You entered the wrong password. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM You cannot sell any of the saved Items. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD The passwords have to be identical. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 is saved in -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot File -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Saving of Screenshot failed. -SECOND Sec -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE You cannot delete the character. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME You changed the name of the character. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME The character name is already existing. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Try again. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME That -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Change character name. -SELECT_DELEING Character will be deleted. -SELECT_DELETED Deletion successful. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Do you want to continue? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT This is an empty field. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Enter a new character name. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD No Guild -SHOP_BUY_INFO Choose the Item you want to buy in the shop window. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT You cannot sell equipped Items. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM This Item cannot be sold. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Shop Error: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS This Item cannot be used here. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Your inventory is full. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough Yang -SHOP_SELL_INFO Choose the Item you want to sell in your inventory window. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Sold Out -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Error during Long Distance Attack: %s -SKILL_BOHO Reflect -SKILL_BUDONG is not used anymore -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK You need EXP to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT You need a Book to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Strong Body -SKILL_CRITICAL Critical hit -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Apply Poison -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Camouflage -SKILL_FAINT Blackout -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Find Trap -SKILL_FIRE Permanent Fire -SKILL_FISHMIND Fishing Marble is active -SKILL_GAMJI Capture -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura of the Sword -SKILL_GEONGON SKILL_GEONGON Not used anymore -SKILL_GICHEON Help of the Dragon -SKILL_GIGONG Chi Rotation -SKILL_GONGPO Fear -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Blade -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Arc -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Riding -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Dragon -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Healing -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Weapon -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magic -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Body -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Mental -SKILL_GWIGEOM Enchanted Blade -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Feather Walking -SKILL_HEUKSIN Dark Protection -SKILL_HOSIN Blessing -SKILL_HWAYEOM SKILL_HWAYEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_HYEOLMA SKILL_HYEOLMA Not used anymore -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Attack speed raised -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Moving speed raised -SKILL_INMA SKILL_INMA Not used anymore -SKILL_JEOJU Curse -SKILL_JEONGEOP Healing -SKILL_JEONGWI Battle Flush -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Full Defence -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Full Attack -SKILL_JEUNGCHE SKILL_JEUNGCHE Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGHON SKILL_JEUNGHON Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Attack + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Speed + -SKILL_JIGAM SKILL_JIGAM Not used anymore -SKILL_JIPJUNG SKILL_JIPJUNG Not used anymore -SKILL_JUMAGAP Enchanted Armour -SKILL_JUMAGEOM SKILL_JUMAGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAEGEOM SKILL_KWAEGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAESOK Speed -SKILL_LEGBOUND SKILL_LEGBOUND Not used anymore -SKILL_MUSA SKILL_MUSA Not used anymore -SKILL_MUYEONG Ghost of the Flame -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an Empty Bottle. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR You can use this Skill during a Guild War only. -SKILL_PABEOP Neutralize Spell -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Dazing Attack -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Lightning Bomb -SKILL_SINCHAK SKILL_SINCHAK Not used anymore -SKILL_SLEEP Sleep -SKILL_SLOW Slow -SKILL_STUN Daze -SKILL_SUHO Guard -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance of the Evocation: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level -SKILL_TOXICDIE Poisoning -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Poison attack value increased -SKILL_TUSOK Ghost Hit -SKILL_WONSIN SKILL_WONSIN Not used anymore -SKILL_YONGSIN SKILL_YONGSIN Not used anymore -STAT_MINUS_CON Life Energy Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX Dexterity Adjustment (Remaining Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT Intelligence Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR Strength Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON HP and Defence are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Accuracy and Fleeing are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT SP and Magical Power are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Attack Value is upgraded. -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Register Guild flag -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU Tiling Mode can upgrade the speed of a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 If there are problem with the graphics choose either ,Systemoption or ,CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU Tiling Mode can run slow on a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 If there are problems with the graphics choose either 'System Options' or 'CONFIG.exe' -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT For a change to the Tiling Mode the game must be restarted. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Agree -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Revenge -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Destroy -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Dismount -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotions -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Trading -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Exclude -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duel -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Friend -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guild Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Group Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Leave Group -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Join Group -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Equipment -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Whispering -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Level 5. -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Level 3. -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Level 1. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Level 4. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Level 2. -TASKBAR_ATTACK Attack -TASKBAR_AUTO Automatic -TASKBAR_CAMERA Camera -TASKBAR_EXP Experience -TASKBAR_HP HP -TASKBAR_MOVE Move -TASKBAR_SKILL Skill -TASKBAR_SP SP -TASKBAR_ST ST -THING_COUNT all -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Cannot be sold in the shop. -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Strong against Animals +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Strong against Ninjas +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Strong against Devil +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Strong against Half Humans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Strong against Mystics +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Strong against Monster +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Strong against Orcs +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Strong against Shamans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Strong against Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Strong against Undead +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Strong against Warriorr +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance to block a close-combat attack %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Recover SP all 5 seconds in a Battle %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance of critical Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to get back SP when hit SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Chance to avoid Arrows %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance for EXP Bonus SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double Yang SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immune against falling down SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Defence against slowing SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Defence against blackouts SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double the Items SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, to restore HP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to restore SP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% chance to rob mana SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT No effect -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY No experience points will be lost if your character is revived at the place of his death. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% Chance for piercing Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Poisoned Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Poison Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Potion %d%% effect raise SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Chance to reflect Curse: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE %d%% Chance to reflect close combat hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Defence chance against ninja attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Bell Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Dagger Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Fan Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Defence chance against shaman attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Defence chance against sura attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Sword Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Two-Handed Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Defence chance against warrior attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Wind Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Chance to learn from books upgraded by factor 2.5 . SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY If learning fails you immediately have another try for free SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Slowing Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP %d%% damage will be absorbed by TP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP %d%% damage will be absorbed by MP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance of a Blackout: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armor -TOOLTIP_ARROW Arrow -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Arc Range +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Casting Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Life Energy +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Dexterity +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Earring -TOOLTIP_ETC And so on -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Points %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Give to the Fisherman -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 Fishing Pole. -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN Lenght: %,2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Helmet -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Attack Value %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Attacking Speed %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Life Energy Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Dexterity Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Intelligence Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL From Level: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Strenght Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magical Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magical Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magical Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Very fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Very slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Wearable ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Lucky Number: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magical Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magical Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Attack Value +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Attack Value +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Defence +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Defence +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC Increases gaining EXP by 50% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Chance of capturing Yang multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chance to capture Yang SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Chance of capturing Items multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Chance of capturing Items plus %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chances of capturing items SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Lovepoints raise faster. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Your Storeroom gets 2 storage rooms SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max. HP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max. HP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max. SP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max. SP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max. Endurance +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Necklace -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Needed SP: Max. -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Needed Dragon ghost: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Needed HP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC TP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Needed Skill Points: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Needed SP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Next Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Next Level: %d (Max. %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Average Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Average Damage Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 More than %d Group members -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Attack Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Defence Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 60 minutes. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 30 minutes -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL You have to wait 3 minutes after the death of a group member. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL You can call Group members who are on the same server anytime. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Attack Level +(Number of Group members./2) Attacker %d can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defence Level +(Number of Group members) blade fighters 1 can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Attack/Defence upgraded] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [restore] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP When you have more than %d Group members you get %d%% Bonus EXP . -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus EXP] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Call] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Constitute Attacker] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Constitute Blade Fighter] -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Points: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Give to the Lumberjack -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 Pickaxe. -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cure negative effects. -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Attack Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Moving Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT SP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT SP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sec. -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Duration: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL You must have reached Level 21. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL You must have reached Level 41. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL You must have reached Level %d. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d needed. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d needed -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Arrow Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Lightning Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Fire Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magic Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Left: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Shaman -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Shield -TOOLTIP_SHOES Shoes -TOOLTIP_SKILL Skills SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Skill Book -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Attack Value: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Attack Value: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Defence: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Opponent Attack Value: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restore HP: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to reflect close combat attack: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Resistance against Body Damage: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Loading Time: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Resistance against Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Duration: %d Sek. -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Band of Oblivion -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Current Level: %d (Master) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Current Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Empty -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Item with Socket] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR Strength +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unique -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Warrior -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Weapon -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Wristlet -UI_ACCEPT Accept -UI_CANCEL Cancel -UI_CLOSE Close -UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:9 -UI_DENY Decline -UI_ITEM Item -UI_LEFT_TIME Remaining Time: %d Sec. -UI_NEXT Continue -UI_NOCONTENTS No Content -UI_NONAME No Name -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unknown Place -UI_UNKNOWN Unknown -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot use this item because you opened a private shop. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Skill Error: %s diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8672cae6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Accept -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Do you want to use the Spirit Stone? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Use Spirit Stone -CANCEL Cancel -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Confirm new Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW New Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Old Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Password Change -CHARACTER_ACTION Emotion -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emotion -CHARACTER_MAIN Character -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Mutual Emotion -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normal Emotion -CHARACTER_QUEST Missions -CHARACTER_SKILL Skill -CLOSE Close -CREATE_ATT_GRADE STR -CREATE_CREATE Create -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DEX -CREATE_HP HP -CREATE_LAST_POINT Points -CREATE_MAN Man -CREATE_NAME Name -CREATE_NEXT Next -CREATE_PREV Back -CREATE_SEX Gender -CREATE_SHAPE Shape -CREATE_SP SP -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reset -CREATE_WOMAN Woman -CUBE_TITLE Cube -EMPIRE_EXIT Exit -EMPIRE_NEXT Next -EMPIRE_PREV Back -EMPIRE_SELECT Choose -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Accept -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Game Options -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -GAME_HELP Help -GAME_QUEST Tasks -GAME_SKILL_UP Raise Skills -GAME_STAT_UP Raise State -GUILD_BASENAME Base Name -GUILD_BOARD_ID Name -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Content -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Building Units -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Change -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Direction -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Buildings and Cost Information -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Building List -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Log -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Building name -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operate -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Plywood -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Position -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Preview -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Price -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Stone -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Guild House Building -GUILD_CRYSTAL Crystal -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Here -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Drop Resource -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME New rank name -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Nr. -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Kick -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Invite -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Write -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Skills -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Rank -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Write -GUILD_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Experience -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Declare War -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Enemy Guild -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Guild Level -GUILD_INFO_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Leader -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Leader -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL Average Level -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Members -GUILD_INFO_NAME Guild name -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE This is a Guild Name -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Invest -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Needed Exp. -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Upload Sign -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Upload Flag -GUILD_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Race -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Leader -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Level -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Name -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Rank -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Invest -GUILD_METIN_STONE Spirit Stone -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Yang -GUILD_NAME Guild -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Resources Information -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Active -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Win back Power -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Passive -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Power -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Skills of the Guild -GUILD_SYMBOL Guild Flag -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Accept War Declaration -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Battle Type -GUILD_WAR_CTF Flag -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Declare Guild War -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Enemy -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Field -GUILD_WAR_WARP Arena -GUILD_WATER Water -GUILD_WATER_STONE Waterstone -GUILD_WITHDRAW Take -HELP_ATTACK_KEY Attack: left mouse button or space bar -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE Change attack mode: change setting of left mouse button -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (Character Window, Inventory Window, -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 List of Friends and Options) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON Camera View: middle or right mouse button -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON Camera View: right or middle mouse button -HELP_EXP Experience -HELP_FURY Ingame Item Shop -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW Open Guild Window: Alt + G -HELP_HELP Display help: H -HELP_HP Hit Points (TP) -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW Open Friends List: Alt + M -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Function of the Left Mouse button -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Function of the Right Mouse button -HELP_MOVE_KEY Panel: W, A, S, D or arrow keys -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER Open character window: C -HELP_OPEN_CHAT Open chat window: Enter -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY Open inventory window: I -HELP_OPEN_LOG Open Chatlog: L -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP Open mini map: Shift + M -HELP_OPEN_QUEST Open Task Window: N -HELP_OPEN_SKILL Open Skill Window: V -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER Open Whisper Window: Shift + Enter -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP Open Large Map: M -HELP_PICK_ITEM Collect Items: ^ or Y or left mouse button -HELP_QUICKSLOT Fast Access Fields -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE Save Screenshot: Print (will be saved in file "Metin2\\screenshot") -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME Display Names: Alt -HELP_SP Mana points (MP) -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON System buttons -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. Inventory -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2. Inventory -INVENTORY_TITLE Inventory -ITEM_MALL Item Shop -LOAD_ERROR The File is damaged. Please install new. Press ESC now. -LOGIN_CONNECT Connect -LOGIN_CONNECTING You will be connected to the Server -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Servername, Channel 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Choose Place for issuing an invoice. -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Choose -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Choose Server -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MALL_TITLE Item Shop Storeroom -MARKET_TITLE Load -MARKLIST_REFRESH Refresh -MARKLIST_TITLE Register Guild Sign -MESSAGE This is a Message -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add friend -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Delete friend -MESSENGER_MOBILE Send Text Message -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Open Guild Window -MESSENGER_TITLE Friends -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Use the Guild Moving Skill -MESSENGER_WHISPER Whisper -MINIMIZE Minimize -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Attack -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Attack automatically -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Camera -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Skills -MUSICLIST_TITLE Music Choices -NO No -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Name -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Limited -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Always -OPTION_BLOCK Block -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Trade -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Friends -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Guild -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Group -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Request -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Whisper -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Camera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Far -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Close -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Delete Cell Phone Number -OPTION_EFFECT Hit Info -OPTION_FOG Fog -OPTION_FOG_DENSE Dense -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Light -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Middle -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Enter Cell Phone Number -OPTION_MOBILE Cell Phone -OPTION_MUSIC Music -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Change -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Standard Music of Metin2 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Name Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Empire Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP Mode -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Free -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Guild -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players but your Guild members. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Peace -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP You cannot attack players from your kingdom. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Hostile -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP You can only attack those who have another Ethos. -OPTION_SOUND Sound Effects -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Target Menu -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Close -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Show -OPTION_TILING Graphic -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Apply -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Options -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chat Line -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Hide -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Show -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Name of the Group member -PASSWORD_TITLE Saving Password -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Divide -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Close shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Name of the shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Open private shop -REFINE_COST Upgrading Costs: 0 Yang -REFINE_INFO Chance to upgrade successfully: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Upgrades -RESTART_HERE Restart here -RESTART_TOWN Restart in the City -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Change Password -SAFE_TITLE Storeroom -SELECT_ATT_GRADE STR -SELECT_CREATE Create -SELECT_DELETE Delete -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DEX -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Name of Kingdom -SELECT_EXIT Close -SELECT_HP HP -SELECT_LEVEL Level -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Select Spirit Stone -SELECT_NAME Name -SELECT_NO_GUILD No Guild -SELECT_PLAYTIME Playtime (min.) -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP SP -SELECT_TITLE Choose Title -SHOP_BUY Buy -SHOP_SELL Sell -SHOP_TITLE Shop -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Standard Skills -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE System Options -SYSTEM_CHANGE Change Character -SYSTEM_EXIT Exit Game -SYSTEM_HELP Help -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Log Out -SYSTEM_MALL Item Shop -SYSTEM_OPTION System Options -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Character[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat Window -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Inventory[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Friends -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Next Fast Access Field [Shift+Number, Alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Previous Fast Access Field [Shift+Number] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Options[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Block -WHISPER_NAME Whisper -WHISPER_SEND Send -YES Yes -ZONE_MAP Large Map diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 6c646d77..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a0789413..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Three-Way Cut Triple Cut Triple Slash Cut the enemy with lightning speed. Frontal Slash Attack 3 times Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -106 SHAMAN Lightning Throw Lightning Toss Thunder Hurl Attack with Thunderbolts. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Summon Lightning Lightning Launch Thunder Bolt Summon Thunderbolts from the sky. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute Fainting Effect ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Faint Chance: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Lightning Claw Lightning Punch Thunder Punch Summon a Thunderbolt to your fist. Long-Range Attack Lightning Attribute Chain Reaction Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Cure Heal Aid of Light Heal wounds with the aid of light. Restores HP Cures Negative Effects Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Restore HP %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Cures Negative Effects Chance %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Swiftness Quickness Speed of Wind Run as fast as the Wind. Increase Moving Speed Reduce Casting Speed Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Moving Speed +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Casting Speed +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Attack+ Support Attack Strengthened Attack Strengthen a partner. Increases Attack Power Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Attack Power +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Leadership Ability to lead partners. PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Combo Increase Combo attack. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Fishing Fishing knowledge. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Mining Ability to mine ore. PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Item Creation Create an item. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Shinsoo Language You can understand the Shinsoo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Chunjo Language You can understand the Chunjo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Jinno Language You can understand the Jinno language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Polymorph Transform into a monster. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Horse Riding Ability to ride a horse. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Call Horse Summon a horse. summon -137 HORSE Horseback Slash Attack enemies whilst riding a horse. (from lv. 50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Horse Stump Attack all nearby enemies. (from level 52) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Power Wave Attack all enemies from your horse. (from lv.55) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Arrow Storm Shoot arrows while you are riding. (from lv.50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Dragon Eyes Increase Maximum Dragon Ghost. PASSIVE yongan Max. Dragon Ghost Increase +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Blood of Dragon God Increase Max HP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Max. HP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Benediction of Dragon God Increase Max SP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Max. SP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Holy Armour Increase defence of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Defence Increase +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Acceleration Increase attack and motion speed of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Attack Speed and Motion Increase +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Rage of Dragon God Increase Critical Hit Chance of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Increase Critical Hit Chance +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Casting Aid Decrease cool down time of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Casting Speed Increase +%.0f%% k * 50 -16 WARRIOR Spirit Strike (W) Shockwave Tsunami Attack Attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Bash Tiger Bash Dragon Bash Attack enemies directly. Straight Splash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Stump Lion Stump Rhino Stump Knock over several enemies. Straight Splash Attack Fainting Effect Chance ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Faint Chance %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Strong Body Iron Body Steel Body Increases defence and you won't fall on the ground. Increases defence Decreases Moving Speed. You won't fall over STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Defence: +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Moving Speed: -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -2 WARRIOR Sword Spin Sword Dance Cyclone Spin the sword to attack several enemies. Frontal Slash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Sword Strike Sword Bolt Sword Hurl Attack enemies directly. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Fainting Effect Throws the target on the ground ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Faint Chance %.0f%% (100+k*1000/6)/10 -3 WARRIOR Berserk Fury Frenzy Only concentrate on attacking. Increases Attack Speed Increases Moving Speed Increases Received Damage STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Attack Speed +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Moving Speed +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -31 ASSASSIN Ambush Stealth Attack Stealth Ambush Approach an enemy from behind and make a deadly attack. Attack Power increases for back hits. Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Fast Attack Body Relocation Death Strike Approach an enemy fast and make a deadly attack. Teleport Attack Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Rolling Dagger Spinning Dagger Dancing Dagger Whirl around enemies with a dagger. Splash Attack Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Stealth Silent Walk Cloaking You can hide yourself. Stops attacks when used. STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Ambush Bonus Damage: %.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Poisonous Cloud Deadly Cloud Killing Cloud Make poisonous clouds around the enemy and intoxicate them. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 40*k -4 WARRIOR Aura of the Sword Spiritual Sword Phantom Sword Increases Attack Power for a period of time. Increases Attack Power STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Attack Power +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -46 ASSASSIN Repetitive Shot Multi-Shot Massive Shot Shoot several arrows at one enemy. Long-Range Attack Several Attacks ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k shot arrows: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Arrow Shower Dynamic Arrow Arrow Rain Shoot several arrows at several enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Attack Power %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 Max. number of targets: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Fire Arrow Burning Arrow Flame Arrow Ignite the arrow. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Feather Walk Wind Walk God's speed Make your body lighter to increase moving speed. Increases moving speed STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Moving Speed +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Dash Bullet Dash Powerful Attack You attack as fast as a Bullet Powerful Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Poison Arrow Toxic Arrow Deadly Arrow Coat the arrow with powerful poison. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Throws the target to the ground. Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Finger Strike Burning Finger Strike Finger Explosion Cause a big explosion with your fingertips. Frontal Splash Attack Opponent's defence is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Chance of Piercing Hit %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Dragon Swirl Tornado Swirl Whirlwind Create a strong tornado to defeat several enemies. Splash Attack Opponent is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Chance to ignore an opponent's escape %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Enchanted Blade Enchanted Sword Ghost Blade Endow your blade with a powerful ghost. Increases Attack Power Intelligence Bonus Steal Life from target STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Attack Power +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k Life thief: %.0f%% of damage 10*k -64 SURA Fear Great Fear Terror Weakens the enemies abilities Decrease opponent Increase chance that opponents miss the target It's only activated when you get a hit STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Opponent Attack Power -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Opponent 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Enchanted Armour Stronger Enchanted Armour Armour of Darkness Protect your body with dark armour. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Increases Defence Intelligence Bonus STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Defence +%.0f (iq+30)*k Reflected Close-Combat Damage: %.1f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Dispel Stronger Dispel Dispel Attack Remove all opponent's supporting effects. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets All effects on opponent are removed ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Dispel Chance %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Dark Strike Ghost Strike Dark Explosion Throw the Dark Force to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Flame Strike Burning Strike Flame Detonation Burn enemies with an explosion. Splash Attack Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Flame Spirit Flame Array Flame Explosion Call a Flame Spirit. Long-Range Attack Random Target Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Dark Protection Dark Membrane Protection of Dark Lord Protects you with the Dark Force and converts physical damage into SP. Reduces Magic Damage Increases Defence STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Damage Reduction %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Defence +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Spirit Strike Soul Strike Spirit Assault Throw Dark Spirits to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Opponents are slowed down ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Chance of slowing down %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Dark Orb Dark Globe Dark Sphere Throw Dark Orbs to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Flying Talisman Dragon Throw Massive Throw Throw a talisman to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Shooting Dragon Attacking Dragon Rising Dragon Shoot a dragon figure to attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Chance of lasting fire %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Dragon's Roar Dragon's Scream Dragon's Cry Attack enemies with a dragon figure. Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Lasting Fire Chance %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Blessing Heaven Dragon Protect your partner or yourself with a protection circle. Physical Attack Resistance Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Physical Attack Resistance %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Reflect Reflecting Water Crystal Mirror Protect your partner or yourself with a reflecting circle. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Reflected Physical Attack Damage: %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Dragon's Strength Dragon's Support Dragon Power Strengthens you or your partner's attack. Increases chance of a critical hit Can be used on groups CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Chance of critical hit %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 53c1691f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+(0.5*atk+1.5*str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 200 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk+(0.8*atk+str*5+dex*3+con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 200 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 14 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str+lv*3)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 33+50*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 15 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(4*atk+str*4+con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 100 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(3*atk+str*4+con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 1 0 200 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (200+str*0.2+con*0.5)*k 80+220*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 16 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.7*atk+dex*2+str*2)*k)*0.8 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk+(2.6*atk+number(100,300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+(0.8*atk+dex*8*ar)*k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 17 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(500,700)+dex*4+str*4)*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.6*atk+number(200,300)+dex*7+str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(0.5*atk+dex*9+str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 18 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(13*iq+6*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+6*mwep+str*4+con*2+number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+2*lv+2*iq+(7*iq+6*mwep+number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 43+30*k ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+2*lv+2*iq+(2*con+2*dex+13*iq+6*mwep+number(180,200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk+2*lv+iq*2+(2*atk+str*4+iq*14)*k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+2*lv+iq*2+(1.5*atk+str+iq*12)*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (3*iq+2*lv)*k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 19 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1+29*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 20 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 33+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 21 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+5*lv+(18*iq+6*mwep+120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+3*lv+(22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 22 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3+5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 23 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+4*lv+(7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40+4*lv+(13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50+5*lv+(6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k)*(1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5+35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 24 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 63+120*k SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 25 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+4*lv+(20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 201 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*7+con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*5+con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+7*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120+6*lv+(5*con+5*dex+29*iq+9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 29 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2+15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 30 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 5-(4*k) ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(2.4*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(2*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -124 盲堡贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -129 敌癌贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_bridge/ui/createcharacterwindow.py 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a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/GuildBuildingList.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP 傍俺咯何 -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso 傍累家 -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan 公扁 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan 规绢备 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 咀技辑府 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu 荤飞何 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 荐访厘 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 龋冠 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 拳籍格 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 备府 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 篮 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 苛籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 孺窜籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 柳林 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 归陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 磊荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 玫风 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 塞狼 脚傈 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 塞狼 脚傈 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 塞狼 脚傈 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 笼(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 措巩(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 淬厘(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 笼(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 措巩(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 淬厘(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 笼(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 措巩(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 淬厘(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 版厚啪 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 唱公淬厘1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 唱公淬厘2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 唱公淬厘3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 唱公措巩 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 淬厘(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 辨靛 戎厘 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 淬厘措巩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 淬厘缔寒 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 淬厘哭寒 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 淬厘坷弗寒 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 倒1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 倒2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 倒3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 倒4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 倒5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 倒6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 倒7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 倒8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 倒9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 倒10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 唱公1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 唱公2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 唱公3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 唱公4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 唱公5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 唱公6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 唱公7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 唱公8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 唱公9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/ItemDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/ItemDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 65b556c5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/ItemDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,964 +0,0 @@ -11901 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11902 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11903 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 -11904 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 - -22000 蓖券何 付阑肺 泪矫 倒酒艾促啊|促矫 泅犁 困摹肺 倒酒棵 荐 乐促 -22010 蓖券扁撅何 扁撅矫难 滴菌带|困摹肺 倒酒埃促 - -25040 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜 -25041 泅枚 弥绊狼 档八阑 父甸扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 傈汲狼 陛加. 泅枚阑 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁 歹 臭篮犬伏肺 俺樊捞 啊瓷 俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼咙 - -25100 软康辑 公扁客 癌渴俊辑 康籍阑 哗尘荐 乐促. 窜 哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利篮 巢霸 等促. - -27600 葛蹿阂 阂阑 乔匡 荐 乐促 -27610 绢缴券 骂俊 吧赴 拱绊扁甫 舅妨林绰|付过狼 备浇 -27620 岿埃绢缴 拱绊扁俊 措茄 沥焊啊 啊垫茄 氓 - -27799 积急焕 拱绊扁狼 窜窜茄 焕 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27800 侗逛 啊厘 历放茄 固尝 -27801 瘤贩捞 拱绊扁狼 侥垮阑 磊必窍绰 固尝 -27802 乔扼固 岿么阑 畴副 荐 乐绰 泵必狼 固尝 - -27803 贺绢 楷给俊辑 如洒 杭 荐 乐绰 拱绊扁 -27804 筋啊府 咐雷绢扼绊档 阂府绰 拱绊扁 -27805 岿么贺绢 烹烹窍霸 混吗 奴 贺绢 -27806 雷绢 出临鳖 富鳖? 侩空狼 酒甸老瘤档ˇ? -27807 楷绢 锅侥扁啊 登搁|绊氢阑 茫酒坷绰 拱绊扁 -27808 氢绢 氢绢俊辑绰 氢捞 唱唱? -27809 价绢 楷绢格 楷绢苞狼 拱绊扁| 碍 惑幅俊辑 辑侥茄促. -27810 刮拱厘绢 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 阿堡罐绰 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27811 公瘤俺价绢 魂鄂扁俊 公瘤俺蝴捞 唱鸥唱绰 拱绊扁 -27812 碍价绢 碍俊辑父 荤绰 价绢 -27813 矾靛 -27814 欺摹 龋荐狼 惑绢肺 阂府绰 冈己亮篮 拱绊扁 -27815 刨摹 讣篮 拱俊辑父 辑侥窍绰 件绢苞 拱绊扁 -27816 皋扁 概款帕狼 犁丰肺 澄府 舅妨柳 拱绊扁|目促鄂 涝苞 荐堪捞 漂隆 -27817 固操扼瘤 固缠芭妨辑 棱扁 塞电 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27818 归访 刮拱俊辑 辑侥窍绰 棱侥己狼 目促鄂 拱绊扁 -27819 篮绢 官促 葫绢苞 拱绊扁. 篮葫绢扼绊档 茄促 -27820 葫绢 败匡枚 倔澜超矫肺 牢扁乐绰 拱绊扁 -27821 浆府 个概客 个蝴彬捞 酒抚促款 拱绊扁 -27822 厚疵雷绢 侥侩栏肺 俺樊茄 厚疵捞 利绊 混捞 腹篮 雷绢 -27823 炔陛贺绢 炔陛祸栏肺 蝴唱绰 锐蓖茄 贺绢 - -27833 磷篮贺绢 磷绢滚赴 贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27834 磷篮筋啊府 磷绢滚赴 筋啊府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27835 磷篮岿么贺绢 磷绢滚赴 岿么贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27836 磷篮雷绢 磷绢滚赴 雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27837 磷篮楷绢 磷绢滚赴 楷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27838 磷篮氢绢 磷绢滚赴 氢绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27839 磷篮价绢 磷绢滚赴 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27840 磷篮刮拱厘绢 磷绢滚赴 刮拱厘绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27841 磷篮公瘤俺价绢 磷绢滚赴 公瘤俺 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27842 磷篮碍价绢 磷绢滚赴 碍价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27843 磷篮矾靛 磷绢滚赴 矾靛|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27844 磷篮欺摹 磷绢滚赴 欺摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27845 磷篮刨摹 磷绢滚赴 刨摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27846 磷篮皋扁 磷绢滚赴 皋扁|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27847 磷篮固操扼瘤 磷绢滚赴 固操扼瘤|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27848 磷篮归访 磷绢滚赴 归访|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27849 磷篮篮绢 磷绢滚赴 篮绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27850 磷篮葫绢 磷绢滚赴 葫绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27851 磷篮浆府 磷绢滚赴 浆府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27852 磷篮厚疵雷绢 磷绢滚赴 厚疵雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27853 磷篮炔陛贺绢 磷绢滚赴 炔陛贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 - -27863 备款贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27864 备款筋啊府 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27865 备款岿么贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27866 备款雷绢 老矫利栏肺 捞悼 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27867 备款楷绢 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27868 备款氢绢 老矫利栏肺 傍拜 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27869 备款价绢 积疙仿阑 腹捞 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27870 备款刮拱厘绢 老矫利栏肺 辟仿阑 惑铰矫难霖促 -27871 备款公瘤俺价绢 沥脚仿阑 腹捞 雀汗矫难霖促 -27872 备款碍价绢 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27873 备款矾靛 老矫利栏肺 刮酶阑 惑铰矫难 霖促 -27874 备款欺摹 唱慧 瓤苞甫 绝俊霖促 -27875 备款刨摹 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27876 备款皋扁 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27877 备款固操扼瘤 捧疙窍霸 秦霖促 -27878 备款归访 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27879 备款篮绢 -27880 备款葫绢 -27881 备款浆府 -27882 备款厚疵雷绢 -27883 备款炔陛贺绢 - -27987 炼俺 抗慧 葛剧狼 炼俺|救俊 柳林啊 甸绢乐阑 锭档 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27988 焊拱瘤档 绊措狼 焊拱捞 汞腮 镑阑 唱鸥辰 嘲篮 瘤档 -27989 康籍皑瘤扁 康籍狼 困摹甫 舅妨林绰 皑瘤扁 -27990 倒炼阿 -27991 荐籍 -27992 归柳林 鉴归祸狼 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27993 没柳林 康氛茄 仟弗蝴捞 唱绰 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27994 乔柳林 乔蝴栏肺 河霸 拱电 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27995 后捍 酒公巴档 甸绢乐瘤 臼篮 捍 -27996 刀捍 刀捞 甸绢乐绰 捍|付矫搁 磷绰促 -27997 挤去备 积疙仿阑 盲况林绰 备浇 -27998 楷陛贱林赣聪 楷陛贱荤狼 林赣聪. 趣矫 楷陛贱狼 厚过捞 淬败乐阑鳖? -27999 康籍林赣聪 康籍捞 甸绢乐绰 林赣聪 - - -29001 啊府厚 -29002 没啊府厚 -29003 炔啊府厚 -29004 全啊府厚 -29005 踌啊府厚 -29006 炔林籍 -29007 没林籍 -29006 柳炔林籍 -29007 柳没林籍 -29008 没脚荐 -29009 炔脚荐 -29010 全脚荐 -29011 踌脚荐 -29012 楷没脚荐 -29013 楷炔脚荐 -29014 楷全脚荐 -29015 楷踌脚荐 -29012 柳没脚荐 -29013 柳炔脚荐 -29014 柳全脚荐 -29015 柳踌脚荐 - -30000 焊府 林夸 犁硅侥拱狼 窍唱肺 贱 棺 侥樊殿 促剧茄 侩档肺 静牢促. -30001 祈瘤 穿焙啊俊霸 焊郴柳 祈瘤捞促. -30002 鉴措汉澜 鉴措客 具盲甫 持绊 概霓窍霸 汉篮 澜侥 -30003 蹬瘤内 蹬瘤狼 内何盒栏肺 汗阑 阂矾柯促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 格吧捞, 备吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30004 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪肺 碍茄 碍档甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30005 柄柳 癌渴炼阿 绢凋啊俊辑 冻绢廉唱柯 癌渴狼 炼阿 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 规菩, 檬鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30006 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝 吝鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30007 旷蓖狼 何利 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 捧备 吝鞭 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30008 剐背涝巩辑 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 吝鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30009 舅 荐 绝绰 距 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30010 磅狼 镜俺 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 檬鞭 劝, 规菩, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 何盲, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30011 角鸥贰 角捞 皑败廉 乐绰 菩 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 规匡, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30012 贱捍 氢扁亮篮 贱捞 淬变 捍 -30013 贱刀 贱捞 劳绰 亲酒府 -30014 汲牢狼 判 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30015 荤蓖狼 蜡前 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30016 荤蓖狼 焊籍 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30017 厚赤 咯磊甸狼 赣府厘侥前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30018 河篮 大扁 赣府甫 蝶阑锭 荤侩窍绰 绊鞭胶矾款 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30019 阂鸥绰 哎柠 捞巴栏肺 渴阑 父甸搁 蝶舵窍霸 败匡阑 焊尘荐 乐促绊 窃| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30020 汗件酒揪 汗件酒狼 揪, 固侩俊 亮促绊 傈秦柳促. -30021 柄柳 焊籍炼阿 公攫啊俊 嘛囚 柄绢廉滚赴 焊籍炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 货樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30022 轨狼 部府 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30023 归龋啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 弥绊狼 牢扁甫 备啊窍绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝, 何盲 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30024 富部府 富狼 部府判肺 鹤, 矮殿 腹篮 劝侩档甫 啊瘤绊 乐促. -30025 芭固狼 刀林赣聪 芭固狼 刀阑 淬绊 乐绰 林赣聪| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30026 戳措狼 芒磊 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30027 戳措判 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30028 戳措惯砰 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30029 戳措狼 埃 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰 -30030 踌郊 窜八炼阿 踌郊 窜八栏肺 公均牢啊甫 媚滚赴淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30031 畴府俺 咯磊酒捞甸捞 啊瘤绊 畴绰 厘脚备| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30032 嘲篮 孺祸档汗 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30033 柄柳 荤扁弊俯 穿焙啊 柄哆妨滚赴 荤扁弊俯狼 炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 规菩 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30034 闰祸 大扁 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30035 拳厘前 咯磊甸捞 磊脚狼 寇葛甫 蹈焊捞霸 窍扁 困秦 荤侩| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30036 拳阂檬 脚厚茄 瓤苞啊 乐促绊 傈秦瘤绰 傈汲狼 距檬| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30037 龋尔捞惯砰 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 凰郴扁 困秦 厘侥侩栏肺 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30038 龋尔捞啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30039 请耙炼阿 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 斒盲, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30040 钱蕾 舅 荐 绝绰 侥拱狼 蕾荤蓖| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30041 钎芒 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 滴颊八, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30042 捧瘤裹狼 捞弧 瓢瓢秦 焊捞绰 捞弧| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30043 尼唱公狼 凯概 阿辆 夸府狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼, 窜归龙狼 焊绊捞促. -30044 柳入 档磊扁甫 父甸荐 乐绰 入 -30045 傈哎狼 刀魔 傈哎狼 刀阑 前绊乐绰 魔| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30046 傈哎狼 部府 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 茄颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30047 历林狼 辑 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30048 倔澜炼阿 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30049 倔澜辉裹绊贰狼 辉 促剧茄 炼阿累前狼 犁丰肺 牢扁乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30050 倔澜备浇 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30051 舅 荐 绝绰 何利 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30052 标惯 坷尔某狼 何措 钎侥阑 困秦 荤侩等 标惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30053 磅惯官蹿 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂,捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30054 搬去馆瘤 搬去 抗拱肺 林绊罐绰 馆瘤 -30055 傈哎狼 笼霸惯 控瘤 碍牢秦 焊捞绰 笼霸惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30056 芭固临 埃趣 笼阑 父甸锭 荤侩登扁档 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝,规菩, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30057 芭固狼 传 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 芭固狼 传 何困| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30058 芭固舅笼 啊瘤绊 乐栏搁 鉴魂茄促绰 浅巩捞| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 规匡,癌渴, 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30059 芭固促府 判捞 腹捞 崔赴 促府肺 老辆狼 何利栏肺 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30060 俺备府曲官蹿 馋利馋利茄 蠢肠阑 林绰 曲官蹿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30061 俺备府促府 固侥啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 夸府犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡,癌渴,脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30062 拱距惑痢弊俯 拱距惑痢俊辑 静带 弊俯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30063 乔何距 乔何捍阑 绊摹绰 距| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30064 拳混 力累侩 倒 拳混盟狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倒 -30065 规匡 叠尔叠尔 家府啊 唱绰 炼弊付茄 规匡 -30066 没剧绊眠 弥绊狼 概款咐捞 唱绰 绊眠| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30067 轨啊磷 轨阑 棱酒 伯龙阑 哈变 啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30068 滴何胶抛捞农 滴何肺 父电 腔傈 夸府 -30069 戳措惯砰+ 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 格吧捞, 捧备 檬鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞 迫骂 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30070 戳措判+ 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30071 磅狼 镜俺+ 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30072 磅惯官蹿+ 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30073 闰祸 大扁+ 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 癌渴, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30074 嘲篮 孺祸档汗+ 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30075 钎芒+ 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30076 旷蓖狼 何利+ 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 剧颊八, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30077 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪+ 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30078 剐背涝巩辑+ 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30079 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30080 历林狼 辑+ 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞, 迷, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30081 傈哎狼 部府+ 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30082 轨狼 部府+ 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝, 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30083 舅 荐 绝绰 距+ 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 规菩, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30084 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30085 请耙炼阿+ 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧家八, 滴颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30086 荤蓖狼 蜡前+ 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30087 荤蓖狼 焊籍+ 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30088 倔澜炼阿+ 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30089 汲牢狼 判+ 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30090 倔澜备浇+ 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30091 公牢狼 刘钎 傈汲狼 公牢甸父捞 何咯罐疽促绰 刘钎 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30092 坷尔纳狼 傈府前 坷尔纳狼 傈府前. 傈里 铰府甫 扁充窍扁 困秦 甸绊 促囱促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 规菩, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. - -30129 傈飞辑 焙俊辑 荤侩窍绰 瘤飞捞 利腮 巩辑 -30130 后捍 促剧茄 咀眉甫 淬阑荐 乐绰 蜡府肺 父甸绢柳 捍捞促 -30131 措厘厘捞狼 祈瘤 措厘厘捞啊 模备 傣硅俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 -30132 阑滴瘤狼 氓 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 榴败焊绰 氓, 力格篮 " 唱绰 聪啊 剐背荤盔俊辑 茄老阑 舅绊 乐促" 捞促. -30133 棱拳惑牢狼 采脚 棱拳惑牢捞 货肺 备沁促绰 采脚牢巴 鞍促. -30134 阑滴瘤狼 焊蝶府 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 啊瘤绊 促聪绰 焊蝶府, 氓捞 决没 腹捞 甸绢埃淀 窍促. -30135 酒府康狼 祈瘤 酒府康捞 酒蜡俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 - -30136 炔陛阿泵 荤成槽捞 富茄 急措狼 炔陛阿泵牢淀 窍促. 辉肺 父甸绢廉 乐绰淀 窍哥 酒抚促款 邦急捞 老前捞促. -30137 盔件捞狼 乔 盔件捞俊霸辑 眠免茄 乔肺结 厚赴郴啊 抄促. -30138 绊款柳入 荤阜狼 公过磊啊 摹丰力肺 荤侩茄促绰 柳入, 促剧茄 侩档肺 荤侩捞 啊瓷且淀 窍促. -30139 旷蓖狼 累篮绢陛聪 咀技辑府狼 犁丰肺 腹捞 荤侩登绰 旷蓖狼 累篮 绢陛聪, 绊距茄 晨货啊 唱绰淀 窍促 -30140 角 格吧捞唱 渴阑 父甸锭 荤侩窍绰 龙变 角捞促 -30141 啊傍焊籍 渴捞唱 厘脚备甫 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 啊傍 焊籍捞促. -30142 祈瘤 公攫啊 利囚 乐促. 郴侩阑 焊绊 酵篮 面悼阑 蠢尝霸 茄促. -30143 距檬 咯矾啊瘤 距阑 犁炼 窍绰单 荤侩登绰 扁夯利牢 摹丰距捞促. -30144 龋尔捞狼埃 焊脚犁丰扼绰 浅巩捞 乐绰 龋尔捞狼 埃, 胶抛固呈俊 亮促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. -30145 惯家狼 距 惯家啊 何殴茄 距捞促. -30146 倔澜耽绢府 葫荐狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倔澜耽绢府捞促. 概快 瞒促 -30147 剐背背府 剐背狼 背府啊 惑技洒 利囚 乐绰 氓磊 -30148 剐背鉴览何 剐背俊辑 荤侩登绰 何利狼 老辆捞促. -30149 葫荐 倔澜耽绢府甫 哎酒父电 澜侥栏肺 促剧茄 犁丰肺 歹款 咯抚 矫盔茄 咐阑 犁傍茄促. -30150 老扁厘炼阿 烤朝 绊力惫 矫例 静咯柳 老扁厘捞促 -30151 戳措狼 何靛矾款判 刚瘤冻捞侩栏肺 力惫郴俊辑 澄府 荤侩登绰 戳措狼 判捞促. -30152 鲍龙摹丰力 狼荤 归绊啊 父电 鲍龙俊 瓤堪捞 乐促绰 距捞促. 角力肺 瓤堪捞 乐绰瘤绰 舅荐 绝促. -30153 采 捞抚绝绰 采栏肺 氢郴啊 内场俊辑 栋唱瘤 臼栏哥 酒访茄 烤眠撅阑 登混府霸 茄促. -30154 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. -30155 固府郴狼 埔带飘 格吧捞俊 荤侩登绰 埔带飘 牢淀 窍促. 缔搁俊绰 固府郴扼绰 捞抚捞 利囚 乐促 -30156 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. - -30093 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30094 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30095 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30096 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 - -30210 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 2 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30211 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 A 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30212 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 B 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30213 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 E 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30214 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 I 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30215 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 L 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30216 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 M 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30217 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 N 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30218 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 R 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30219 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 T 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 - -30220 柳旷蓖康去籍 柳旷蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30221 剐背康去籍 剐背练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30222 荤蓖康去籍 荤蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30223 倔澜幅康去籍 倔澜幅狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30224 蓖格康去籍 蓖格练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30225 捧蓖康去籍 捧蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 - -50001 青款狼 辑 巩辑困俊 利腮 老访锅龋俊 蝶扼 惫啊俊辑 眠梅栏肺 焊惑捞 林绢柳促绰 巩辑 -50002 陛馆瘤 穿焙啊 酪绢滚赴淀茄 荐荐茄 陛馆瘤 | 惑痢俊辑 绊啊俊 概涝等促 -50003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 -50004 捞亥飘侩皑瘤扁 -50005 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 40饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50006 陛厘焊拱惑磊 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50007 篮厘焊拱惑磊 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 -50008 陛凯艰 鉴陛栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛厘焊拱惑磊客 陛厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. -50009 篮凯艰 鉴篮栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮厘焊拱惑磊客 篮厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. - -50010 剧富 农府胶付胶 飘府俊 吧绢滴搁 急拱阑 罐阑 荐 乐促绊 茄促 - -50011 岿堡焊钦 拳妨茄 厘侥栏肺 焊绰捞狼 付澜阑 荤肺 棱绰促. 锭锭肺 崔蝴阑 罐栏搁 檬磊楷利 泅惑捞 老绢抄促绊 傈秦瘤绰 惑磊 - -50012 陛厘焊拱惑磊+ 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50013 篮厘焊拱惑磊+ 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 - -50016 尼盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼栏肺 父电 家 -50017 汲帕盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 汲帕栏肺 父电 家 -50018 苞老盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 苞老栏肺 父电 家 -50019 慢揭乔 盔家捍阑 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 慢揭馆磷 -50020 尼盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 眉仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50021 汲帕盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 沥脚仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50022 苞老盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 胶抛固呈甫 傈何雀汗 - -50023 技诡捣林赣聪 货秦甫 嘎酒 傍颊洒 眶绢弗俊霸 巩救 牢荤甫 靛府搁 侩捣栏肺 林矫绰 技诡捣 林赣聪 - -50024 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 咯己侩 -50025 檬妮复 墨墨坷 馆磷俊 剐农 ·滚磐 ·汲帕 ·氢丰 殿阑 梅啊窍咯 被腮 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 巢己侩 - -50027 背券鼻 背券鼻 力档绰 企瘤 登菌嚼聪促. | 家侩绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -50031 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 巢己侩 -50032 荤帕 汲帕苞 咯矾啊瘤 犁丰甫 产咯辑 咯矾 啊瘤 葛剧栏肺 父电 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 咯己侩 -50033 舅荐绝绰惑磊 捞惑茄 巩磊啊 货败柳 惑磊. 惑磊甫 凯搁 公攫啊 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50034 荐荐膊尝狼 惑磊 惑磊甫 凯搁 巩力甫 辰促绊 给嘎免矫 历林啊 吧赴促绰 悼拳 加俊辑唱 唱棵 淀茄 惑磊 -50035 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50036 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50037 腊阿焊窃 茄瘤肺 父甸绢柳 腊阿屈狼 焊拱惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 急拱救俊绰 林绰 捞狼 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. - -50070 旷蓖练厘狼 惑磊 旷蓖练厘捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50071 剐背背林狼 惑磊 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50072 券积茄 剐背背林狼 惑磊 券积茄 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50073 咯空芭固狼 惑磊 咯空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50074 措空芭固狼 惑磊 措空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50075 措屈 皑堪 概俺盲狼 惑磊 措屈皑堪概俺眉啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50076 芭措 荤阜 芭合狼 惑磊 芭措 荤阜 芭合捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50077 备固龋狼 惑磊 备固龋啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50078 穿贩裹蓖狼 惑磊 穿贩裹蓖啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50079 拳堪空狼 惑磊 拳堪空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50080 拳锋狼 惑磊 拳锋捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50081 荤蓖空狼 惑磊 荤蓖空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50082 荤脚狼 惑磊 荤脚捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50050 付菩 措家 包盔甸捞 傍公肺 瘤规俊 唱哎锭 开付甫 隆惯且 荐 乐绰 刘钎肺 荤侩登带 菩 富 涅胶飘俊 荤侩啊瓷 -50051 铰付档 惫啊俊辑 富阑 呕 荐 乐促绰 刘钎肺 林绰 老辆狼 钎侥 檬鞭富 家券 -50052 霖付辑 绢蠢沥档 铰付俊 瓷茄 捞俊霸 惫啊俊辑 郴妨林绰 铰付刘辑 铰付吝 傍拜啊瓷 吝鞭富 家券 -50053 归霖辑 绊措 急牢捞 巢变 付惑扁贱辑肺 付癌阑 促风绰 夸飞捞 利囚乐绰 辑利 | 付惑胶懦 荤侩啊瓷 绊鞭富 家券 -50054 扒檬 钱阑 海绢 扒炼矫难 父电 富 傈侩荤丰. 檬鞭富 荤丰 -50055 寸辟 全寸公扼绊档 窍哥, 谎府绰 苯绊 梆栏哥 炔祸·皑祸·河篮 祸阑 鹅绊 荤丰肺 荤侩. 吝鞭富 荤丰 -50056 全伙 荐伙阑 虑辑 富赴 河篮 牢伙. 绊鞭富篮 全伙 观俊 冈瘤 臼绰促. 绊鞭富 荤丰 -50057 窍急悼 急檬 檬鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 窍急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 檬鞭富 何劝 -50058 吝急悼 急檬 吝鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 吝急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 吝鞭富 何劝 -50059 惑急悼 急檬 绊鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 惑急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 绊鞭富 何劝 -50060 付惑 扁贱 荐访辑 付惑 扁贱捞 利囚乐绰 荐访辑 荐访 己傍矫 付惑扁贱 1 器牢飘啊 积变促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. 50饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50083 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 10饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50084 搬拌秦眉籍 绊措狼 塞栏肺 豪牢等 豪牢籍狼 搬拌甫 秦眉窍绰单 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 涝聪促. - -50091 贺绢檬逛 贺绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50092 雷绢檬逛 雷绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50093 楷绢檬逛 脚急茄 楷绢甫 棱酒 父电 冈扁 酒鳖款 檬逛 | 河篮 祸捞 矫阿阑 磊必茄促 傍拜仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促 -50094 皋扁檬逛 皋扁甫 棱酒 父电 粱贸烦 焊扁 塞电 檬逛 | 入晨技甫 绝局扁困秦 促剧茄 氢丰甫 荤侩茄促 规绢仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促. - -50100 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (焊扼祸) -50101 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (畴鄂祸) -50102 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (窍疵祸) -50103 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 弧埃祸) -50104 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 檬废祸) -50105 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 闰祸) - -50106 农府胶付胶 气磷 农府胶付胶侩 绵力气磷 | 老馆气磷俊 厚秦 拳妨窍促 -50108 曝捞 唱公甫 憋酒父电 巴栏肺 绢赴酒捞甸狼 曝捞盲肺 媚辑 倒府哥 愁荐 乐绰 厘抄皑 老沥犬伏肺 胶畔傍拜 - -50123 酒捞胶农覆 歹困甫 矫盔窍霸 朝妨临|酒捞胶农覆 困俊|捞加林 矫反阑 啊垫 谎啡促 -50124 捞颇狼惑磊 玫狼悼奔狼 傈汲 加 捞颇啊 瘤聪绊 乐绰 惑磊 - -50200 焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 凯 荐 乐促 -50300 扁贱 荐访辑 扁贱 付胶磐 饭骇阑 棵妨霖促 - -50301 颊磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50302 坷磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50303 困丰磊 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50304 扁瓤脚辑 扁檬利牢 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50305 楷捍角扁 促剧茄 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50306 公厚瘤 开措狼 葛电 捍过辑甫 曼绊窍咯 父甸绢柳 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. - -50311 脚荐 绢过 脚荐惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50312 玫炼 绢过 玫炼惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50313 柳畴 绢过 柳畴惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 - -50307 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) 檬鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50308 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) 吝鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50309 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) 绊鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50310 烙公荐青辑(漂鞭) 漂鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 - -50314 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 15饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50315 敌癌扁贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 25饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50316 扁巩敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 35饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50401 伙楷曼 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 伙楷曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50402 迫规浅快 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 迫规浅快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50403 傈蓖去 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 傈蓖去 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50404 八版 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 八版 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50405 藕券拜 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 藕券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50416 扁傍曼 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 扁傍曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50417 拜魂鸥快 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 拜魂鸥快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50418 措柳阿 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 措柳阿 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50419 玫辟眠 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 玫辟眠 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50420 八浅 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 八浅 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50431 鞠嚼 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 鞠嚼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50432 泵脚藕康 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 泵脚藕康 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50433 瞒符混 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 瞒符混 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50434 篮屈过 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 篮屈过 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50435 魂傍盒 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 魂傍盒 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50446 楷荤 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 楷荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50447 包拜贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 包拜贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50448 拳炼颇 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 拳炼颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50449 版傍贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 版傍贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50450 刀扁泵 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 刀扁泵 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50461 尖飞瘤 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 尖飞瘤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50462 侩鼻颇 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 侩鼻颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50463 蓖八 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 蓖八 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50464 傍器 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 傍器 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50465 林付癌 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 林付癌 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50466 颇过贱 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 颇过贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50476 付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50477 拳堪气 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 拳堪气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50478 公康柳 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 公康柳 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50479 孺脚荐龋 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 孺脚荐龋 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50480 捧加付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 捧加付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50481 付券拜 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50491 厚颇何 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 厚颇何 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50492 侩颇魂 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 侩颇魂 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50493 菩锋气 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 菩锋气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50494 龋脚 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 龋脚 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50495 馆荤 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 馆荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50496 扁玫措傍 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 扁玫措傍 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50506 锄傈飞 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 锄傈飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50507 涵遏 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 涵遏 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50508 气汾拜 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 气汾拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50509 沥诀牢 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 沥诀牢 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50510 蔫加 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 蔫加 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50511 刘仿贱 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 刘仿贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50512 坷盲籍 付澜狼 传牢 缴救阑 哆霸 窍咯 磊扁啊 啊柳 葛电 扁贱狼 货肺款 技拌甫 焊咯霖促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 瞪 荐 乐促 -50513 去籍 缴救阑 夺 捞饶 炼陛歹 臭篮 扁贱阑 啊瘤扁 困秦 盟概力肺 荤侩等促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 苞沥阑 荐访且 荐 乐促 - -50600 盲奔 荐访辑 盲奔 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50601 促捞酒阁靛盔籍 辨靛 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 促捞酒阁靛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50602 龋冠盔籍 _ -50603 拳籍格盔籍 辨靛 拳籍格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 拳籍格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50604 备府盔籍 辨靛 备府 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 备府肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50605 篮盔籍 辨靛 篮 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 篮栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50606 陛盔籍 辨靛 陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50607 苛盔籍 辨靛 苛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 苛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50608 孺窜格 辨靛 孺窜格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 孺窜格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50609 柳林炼阿 辨靛 柳林 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 柳林肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50610 归陛盔籍 辨靛 归陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 归陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50611 荐沥盔籍 辨靛 荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50612 磊荐沥盔籍 辨靛 磊荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 磊荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50613 玫风盔籍 辨靛 玫风 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 玫风肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. - -50621 促捞酒阁靛 焊籍栏肺辑 弥绊狼 磊府甫 瞒瘤窍绰 焊籍栏肺 咀技辑府 酒捞袍俊 家南阑 眠啊窍咯 凛聪促 -50622 龋冠 _ -50623 拳籍格 唱公啊 顶加俊 汞囚 坷贰悼救 拳籍拳啊 柳青等 柳蓖茄 唱公 | 唱公 厩技荤府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50624 备府 悼捞扼绊档 阂府快哥 拳企肺结 磊林 荤侩登绰 陛加 | 备府 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50625 篮 没归祸狼 酒抚促款 堡琶阑 啊瘤哥 蓖陛加 | 篮 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50626 陛 炔陛蝴 堡琶捞 唱绰 措钎利牢 蓖陛加 | 陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50627 苛 厚秒肺 阂府快绰 窜荤沥拌俊 加窍绰 堡拱狼 窍唱 | 苛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50628 孺窜 绊措肺 何磐 窜窜窍扁客 啊罕扁啊 措窜窍咯 抗肺何磐 捞侩登绢坷带 唱公 | 孺窜 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50629 柳林 炼俺狼 眉郴俊 积变 藕魂漠椒阑 林己盒栏肺 窍绰 备浇葛剧狼 焊籍 | 柳林 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50630 归陛 篮归祸狼 蓖陛加栏肺 篮焊促 窜窜窍绊, 傈己(铟圊)·楷己(媾圊)捞 乐促 | 归陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50631 荐沥 搬沥屈捞 堆非茄 籍康狼 老馆疙栏肺 农府胶呕捞扼绊档 茄促 | 荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50632 磊荐沥 磊林祸狼 咯矾 祸炼甫 啊柳 荐沥 | 磊荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50633 玫风 备抚绝捞 郴赴 壶拱捞 顶俊 胶哥甸绢 搬沥阑 捞凤 父甸绢柳 焊籍 | 玫风 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 - -50701 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50702 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50703 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50704 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50705 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50706 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50707 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50708 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50709 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50710 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50711 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50712 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 - -50721 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50722 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50723 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 距 力炼侩 -50724 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50725 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50726 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50727 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50728 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50729 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50730 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50731 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50732 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 - -50801 汗件酒采咀 汗件酒采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50802 档扼瘤咀 档扼瘤肺 父电 馏咀 STR +5 -50803 皑采荐 皑采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50804 啊矫坷啊乔荐 啊矫坷啊乔肺 父电 馏咀 -50805 籍芒器咀 籍芒器肺 父电 馏咀 -50806 康瘤滚几咀 康瘤滚几栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50807 父捍檬咀 父捍檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50808 魂煌唱公咀 魂煌唱公肺 父电 馏咀 -50809 刮甸饭咀 刮甸饭采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50810 全拳揪咀 全拳揪肺 父电 馏咀 -50811 措眠咀 措眠肺 父电 馏咀 -50812 伙瘤备勘檬咀 伙瘤备勘檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50813 劝缴咀 汗件酒采咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 包烹 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50814 乔刀咀 档扼瘤咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 摹疙鸥 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50815 焊券荐 皑采荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50816 康焊荐 啊矫坷啊乔荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50817 柳劝缴咀 劝缴咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 傍拜仿 +50 -50818 柳乔刀咀 乔刀荐咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 规绢仿 +70 -50819 柳焊券咀 焊券荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 付过 历亲 +10% -50820 柳康焊咀 康焊荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 - -50821 利惑咀 乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50822 全惑咀 劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50823 炔惑咀 柳康焊咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50824 踌惑咀 柳焊券咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50825 没惑咀 柳劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50826 归惑咀 柳乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 - -50901 后距捍 距力炼矫 荤侩登绰 后 距捍 - -50902 力炼贱涝巩辑 -50903 力炼劝侩辑 -50904 力炼绊鞭劝侩辑 - -50905 劝缴咀 力炼过 -50906 乔刀荐 力炼过 -50907 焊券荐 力炼过 -50908 康焊荐 力炼过 -50909 柳乔刀 力炼过 -50910 劝缴咀 力炼过 - -60001 旷淬 -60002 芒绊瘤扁眠玫辑 -60003 康旷狼刘钎 - -70001 咯脚牢屈 -70002 力伙狼颊 -70003 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促 -70004 辟搁窃狼 绕厘 概快 何瘤繁窍绊 己角茄 荤恩俊霸 林绢瘤绰 惑 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70005 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70006 攫绢馆瘤 檬扁 玫炼, 柳畴, 脚荐 伙惫狼 盒且捞 倔付登瘤 臼疽带 锭俊 烹惑格利栏肺 父甸绢柳 父惫 傍烹绢 馆瘤. 寇背 格利栏肺档 磊林 静看栏唱, 泅犁 巢酒乐绰 箭磊绰 弊府 腹瘤 臼促 促弗 唱扼 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁且 荐 乐促 -70007 捞悼馆瘤 -70008 归扁 傈捧 器扁甫 狼固窍绰 窍踞 标惯. 锭沸 缴茄 何惑磊啊 乐促绰 钎矫肺 标惯 吝居俊 河篮 趋急捞 弊绢廉 乐扁档 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸捞 磊脚俊 措茄 傍拜阑 肛冕促 -70009 焊拱惑磊 -70010 芒绊捞侩鼻 -70011 殿鞭惑铰拱距 -70012 咯脚狼传拱 绊措狼 公赤 怕拳狼 传拱篮 荤厩窃俊 嘎辑 轿款 侩磊狼 去阑 困肺秦霖促绊 茄促 馒侩吝 荤噶矫 版氰摹 颊角捞 临绢电促 -70013 芭措 咯脚狼 传拱 -70014 乔狼 窜距 绊蓖茄 荤娇狼 河篮 利趋阑 被囚 父电 拱贩茄 券距,家巩俊绰 汗侩矫 缴茄 券阿累侩捞 乐促绊 茄促 胶泡 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70015 荤力鹤 -70020 档拳林 汗件酒采阑 肋富妨 淬辟 贱. 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -70024 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促. -70027 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促. -70035 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 -70037 噶阿狼 辑 滴鼻栏肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 氓,捞 氓阑 佬篮 捞甸篮 磊脚捞 荤侩窍带 扁贱俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭绢滚赴促绊 茄促 捧磊胶懦 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70038 侩扁狼 噶配 绊措狼 侩竿茄 傈荤甸篮 殿俊 吧模 噶配狼 祸栏肺 利甸狼 矫急苞 傍拜阑 磊脚俊霸 笼吝矫难 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 苞矫沁促绊 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸阑 唱俊霸 阂矾柯促. 1雀侩 -70039 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 -70040 旷蓖狼 兑缴 胶怕固呈 家葛樊阑 例馆栏肺 临牢促 -70043 档迪狼 厘癌 绊措 弥绊狼 疙己阑 朝啡带 档迪狼 厘癌 馒侩矫 酒捞袍 靛酚伏捞 臭酒柳促 -70047 攫绢馆瘤(斑夯) 促弗 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁 且 荐 乐促 -70048 篮敌磊狼 噶配 档噶磊甸捞 腹捞 荤侩窍绰 噶配 弊 啊摹绰 蔼阑 概辨 荐 绝促绊 傈秦柳促. 馒侩矫 磊脚狼 急厩摹甫 皑苗霖促 -70049 青款狼 馆瘤 侩脚狼 啊龋啊 窃膊窍辨 捞鄂 臂蓖啊 静咯柳 馆瘤 馒侩矫 荤噶矫 酒捞袍 靛酚阑 阜酒霖促 -70050 急空狼 刘钎 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 刘钎肺 刘钎甫 啊柳磊俊霸绰 决没抄 鼻仿捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70051 急空狼 厘癌 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 蜡拱吝 窍唱肺 啊柳磊俊霸绰 舅 荐 绝绰 塞捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩饶 荤成矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70052 檬犁何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70053 犁荐措辨何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70054 伙犁抗规何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 - -70102 急滴 汗侩矫 厩 荐摹甫 冻绢哆府绊|急 荐摹甫 刘啊矫挪促 - -70104 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70105 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70106 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70107 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 - -70201 呕祸力 盔贰 赣府祸彬肺 倒酒啊霸 秦霖促. 呕祸等 赣府绰 官肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70202 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70203 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70204 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70205 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70206 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 - -70301 目敲傅 巢咯埃 辑肺狼 荤尔阑 犬牢窍扁 困秦 唱穿绢啊瘤绰 老馆利牢 馆瘤 搬去俊 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 -70302 搬去馆瘤 搬去狼 刘钎肺 荤侩登绰 馆瘤 荤侩矫 硅快磊俊霸 况橇等促 - - -71001 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71002 噶阿厚傈辑 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. 焙流阑 促矫 急琶且荐 乐嚼聪促. -71003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 胶懦 器牢飘甫 檬扁拳 矫难凛聪促. -71004 侩脚狼 啊龋 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. -71005 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71006 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71007 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71008 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -71009 芒绊犬厘鼻 茄崔埃 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71010 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -71011 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71012 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -71013 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 -71014 蔫加林 傍拜加档啊 10% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71015 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71016 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71017 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71018 积疙狼 券 积疙仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗等聪促. -71019 沥脚狼 券 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71020 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71021 公脚狼 绵汗辑 公脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 俺樊辑肺 +0~+3鳖瘤狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊阑 100% 己傍 矫难凛聪促. -71025 具傍籍 措厘埃俊辑 老窍带 具傍甸狼 丁苞 乔肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 堡籍 -71026 泅枚 绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩矫 侩脚狼 绵汗辑肺 拌樊窍咯 凛聪促. -71027 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71028 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71029 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71030 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71031 侩脚狼 瘤盔 某腐磐狼 眉仿,辟仿,沥脚仿,刮酶捞 5究 刘啊钦聪促. -71032 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 -71033 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71034 蔫加林+ 傍拜加档啊 15% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71035 泅趣狼 拱距 荐笼酒捞袍狼 殿废 犬伏阑 80%肺 臭咯 凛聪促. -71036 旷蓖练厘家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 旷蓖练厘阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71037 剐背背林家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 剐背背林甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71038 咯空芭固家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 咯空芭固甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71039 芭措荤阜芭合家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 芭措 荤阜芭合阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71040 拳堪空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳堪空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71041 备固龋家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备固龋甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71042 荤蓖空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荤蓖空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71043 穿贩裹蓖家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 穿贩裹蓖甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71044 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71045 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71047 悼丰客 雀器 酒捞袍狼 家南俊 冠腮 康籍阑 哗郴绢 凛聪促. -71048 券己厚鞭 绊措肺 何磐 郴妨坷绰 林贱肺|某腐磐狼 己喊阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71049 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71050 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. -71051 蜇犁啊厚辑 扁粮加己苞 喊俺狼 滴俺狼 加己阑 眠啊 窍咯 凛聪促. -71052 蜇犁版厚辑 蜇犁啊厚辑甫 捞侩秦 眠啊等 加己阑 函版窍咯 凛聪促. -71053 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗阑 滴硅肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71054 力惫噶疙辑 鸥力惫栏肺狼 函版阑 1雀 啊瓷纳 钦聪促. -71055 俺疙辑 某腐磐狼 捞抚阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71056 没锋狼 见搬 +4康籍俊辑 +5康籍栏肺 俺樊矫 己傍犬伏阑 滴硅 臭咯凛聪促. -71057 拳籍格堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳籍格堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71058 备府堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备府堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71059 篮钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 篮钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71060 陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71061 苛籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 苛籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71062 孺窜籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 孺窜籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71063 炼俺公歹扁家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 炼俺公歹扁甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71064 归陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 归陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71065 荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71066 磊荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 磊荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71067 玫风堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 玫风堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71068 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -71069 拳格狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 包烹 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71070 荤尔狼 迫骂 硅快磊客 窃膊 裙垫窍绰 版氰摹啊 臭酒笼聪促. -71071 荤尔狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 摹疙鸥 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71072 拳格狼 迫骂 阁胶磐狼 傍拜仿阑 撤苗 凛聪促. -71073 荤尔狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 傍拜仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71074 拳格狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 规绢仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71075 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71076 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71077 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71078 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71079 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71080 檬鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 檬鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71081 吝鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 吝鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71082 绊鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 绊鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71083 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 -71084 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71085 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71086 饭骇诀涅胶飘(20~29) -71087 饭骇诀涅胶飘(30~39) -71088 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) -71089 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) -71090 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) -71091 傈堡魄焊蝶府 惑痢埃魄狼 臂揪 祸阑 官曹荐 乐嚼聪促. -71092 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71093 敌癌备 备浇俊 弊妨柳 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71094 急牢狼 背绕 氓 荐访 己傍犬伏 2.5硅 惑铰 (1雀) -71097 侩脚狼 傍拜+ 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71098 侩脚狼 规绢+ 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71101 加康林 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71102 加康林+ 林巩加档啊 30% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71103 眉仿檬扁拳巩辑 眉仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71104 瘤瓷檬扁拳巩辑 瘤瓷阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71105 辟仿檬扁拳巩辑 辟仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71106 刮酶檬扁拳巩辑 刮酶阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71107 玫档汗件酒 急厩摹甫 3000 惑铰矫诺聪促 -71108 档拳林+ 玫档汗件酒 采阑 肋 富妨|淬辟 绊鞭 贱 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -71109 呕籍辑 付瘤阜狼 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促 -71110 阿汲帕 郴 富俊霸 捞抚阑 凛聪促|规绢仿 +20篮 待! -71111 备港抄剧富 坷贰 脚绢辑 备港抄 剧富 | 窍瘤父 农府胶付胶飘府俊 吧搁? -71112 呕籍辑+ 盔窍绰 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促. -71113 陛碍版 酒捞袍 技何 加己 钎矫甫 盲泼芒阑 烹秦 傈颇且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71114 历脚捞侩鼻 5盒埃 历脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+150 -71115 历脚捞侩鼻 60盒埃 历脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+200 -71116 魂斑脚捞侩鼻 5盒埃 魂斑脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+200 -71117 魂斑脚捞侩鼻 60盒埃 魂斑脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+300 -71118 捧瘤裹捞侩鼻 5盒埃 捧瘤裹阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+300 -71119 捧瘤裹捞侩鼻 60盒埃 捧瘤裹阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+400 -71120 荤磊空捞侩鼻 5盒埃 荤磊空阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 傍拜仿+200 -71121 荤磊空捞侩鼻 60盒埃 荤磊空阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 傍拜仿+300 -71123 荐锋厚疵 荐锋狼 个俊辑 冻绢廉 唱柯 厚疵 炼阿. 脚厚肺款 扁款捞 皑倒绊 乐嚼聪促. | 荐锋癌阑 父靛绰 犁丰啊 邓聪促. -72001 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72002 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72003 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72004 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72005 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72006 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72007 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72008 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72009 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72010 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72011 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72012 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72013 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72014 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72015 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72016 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72017 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72018 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72019 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72020 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72021 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72022 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72023 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72024 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72025 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72026 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72027 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72028 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72029 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72030 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72031 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72032 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72033 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72034 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72035 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72036 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72037 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72038 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72039 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72040 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72041 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72042 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72043 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72044 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72045 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72046 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72047 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72048 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% - -72301 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72302 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72303 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72304 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72305 荤扼咙狼 颊芭匡 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72306 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72307 公扁厘狼 厚傈辑 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72308 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72309 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72310 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72311 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72312 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72313 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72314 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72315 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72316 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72317 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72318 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 - -72501 版氰狼 馆瘤(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72502 档迪狼 厘癌(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 - -72701 官恩狼 脚惯 官恩狼 沥扁甫 脚惯俊 何咯窍咯 狐弗 捞悼阑 啊瓷纳 窍咯霖促 捞悼加档+30 - -72703 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72704 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72705 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72706 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 - -72709 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72710 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72711 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72712 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 - -73001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 - -73251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 -73252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 -73253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 -73254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 -73255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 - -73501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 - -73751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 - - - - -74001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -74751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - - - - -75001 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(弧埃祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 河篮祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75002 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷全祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷全祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75003 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷没祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷没祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75004 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷哎祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷哎祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75005 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(哎祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 哎祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75006 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(酒捞焊府) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 酒捞焊府赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75007 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(楷没祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 楷没祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75008 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(踌祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 踌祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75009 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 八篮祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75010 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷全祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷全祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75011 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75012 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 踌祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -75201 厘惯 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75202 厘惯 弓澜赣府(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75203 厘惯 弓澜赣府(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75204 厘惯 弓澜赣府(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75205 滴扒(闰祸) 闰祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75206 滴扒(孺废祸) 孺废祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75207 滴扒(炔配祸) 炔配祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75208 滴扒(河篮祸) 河篮祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75209 箕扁钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75210 箕扁钠(没废祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 没废祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75211 箕扁钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 八篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75212 箕扁钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 畴鄂祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 - -75401 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(雀祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 雀祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75402 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 楷哎祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75403 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(畴鄂祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 畴鄂祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75404 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 踌祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75405 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(闰祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75406 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(河篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75407 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(八篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75408 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75409 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(闰祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 闰祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75410 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(焊扼祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 焊扼祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75411 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 八篮祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75412 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 哎祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -75601 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(炔配祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 炔配祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75602 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(皑没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 皑没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75603 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75604 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(雀祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 雀祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75605 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(哎祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 哎祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75606 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(皑没祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 皑没祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75607 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(畴鄂祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 畴鄂祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75608 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 焊扼祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75609 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75610 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(雀哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 雀哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75611 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(焊扼祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75612 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(河篮祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - - - -80001 捣林赣聪 -80002 归瘤 -80008 陛 耽绢府 傈囚 啊傍捞 登绢乐瘤 臼篮 陛耽绢府|惑痢俊辑 厚窖 蔼栏肺 概涝等促. -80009 捞悼狼馆瘤 捞悼 瓷仿捞 乐绰 馆瘤肺 捞悼阑 且 荐 绝绰 瘤开俊辑 荤侩矫 夯惫栏肺 捞悼邓聪促. - -90001 后拱烹 -90002 拱烹 -90003 荐沥 -90004 焊籍 -90005 荐籍 -90006 康籍 -90007 堡籍 - - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5937cc42..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 伙楷曼 蔫浅曼 龋窃浅家 利阑 狐福霸 技锅 海绢辰促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 3雀 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 迫规浅快 柳堪曼 侩澜冠玫 漠阑 棱绊 雀傈窍咯 林困狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈柳 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 傈蓖去 陛碍畴 颇何傈档 坷肺瘤 傍拜俊父 傈充茄促 傍拜 加档 惑铰 捞悼 加档 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦 刘啊 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 傍拜 加档 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 八版 埃缴八 脚八钦老 傍拜仿阑 老沥矫埃 悼救 刘啊矫挪促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 傍拜仿 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 藕券拜 鞠尖 怕没碍扁 醚舅贸烦 崔妨啊 利阑 逞绢哆赴促 倒拜 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR 扁傍曼 窜岿颇 迫浅具快 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 拜魂鸥快 龋困 侩惑备玫 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 措柳阿 荤磊饶 馆绊柳玫 林困狼 利阑 荤规栏肺 朝妨焊辰促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 老沥 犬伏肺 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 玫辟眠 枚何魂 怕魂拘沥 老矫利栏肺 规绢仿捞 惑铰窍哥 碍仿茄 傍拜俊档 静矾瘤瘤 臼绰促 规绢仿 惑铰 捞悼 加档 窍遏 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 规绢仿 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 捞悼 加档 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 八浅 扁搬曼 八扁面傈 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 扁例 瓤苞 措惑 朝府扁 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -31 ASSASSIN 鞠嚼 篮拜 幅堡林急 利俊霸 隔贰 促啊啊 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 饶规 扁嚼矫 傍拜仿 惑铰 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 泵脚藕康 公康八 抄康碍付 狐福霸 利俊霸 立辟窍咯 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 瞒符混 公符曼 企快魄款 狐福霸 雀傈窍哥 傈规狼 利阑 亥促 呕免 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 篮屈过 玫函贱 瞒玫乔老 磊脚狼 葛嚼阑 皑冕促 傍拜矫 秦力 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 鞠混 扁贱 眠啊 鸥拜摹 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 魂傍盒 寒赴款 窃荤荤康 林困俊 刀栏肺 备抚阑 父甸绢 利阑 吝刀 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 楷荤 包老混 扁父厘全 茄疙狼 利俊霸 咯矾惯狼 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 咯矾锅 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f惯狼 拳混阑 金促 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 包拜贱 快傈混 玫豪抗磊 茄锅俊 咯矾疙狼 利俊霸 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 悼矫俊 咯矾 措惑 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 傍拜仿 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 弥措 %.0f 疙鳖瘤 傍拜 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 拳炼颇 公仿 脚公柳玫 拳混俊 阂采狼 塞阑 标甸咯 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 版傍贱 脚青 翠汲公如 个阑 啊罕霸 窍咯 捞悼 加档甫 臭牢促 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 捞悼加档 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 刀扁泵 侥刀傈 眠去呕疙 拳混俊 碍仿茄 刀阑 葛酒 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 措惑 朝府扁 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 尖飞瘤 凯急磊 玫贺瘤凯 颊啊遏 场俊辑 碍仿茄 气惯阑 老栏挪促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 惑措 规绢 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 惑措 规绢 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 侩鼻颇 急浅柳 堡脚林八 葛电 巴阑 海绢滚府绰 碍仿茄 雀坷府 官恩阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 级戈茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 雀乔 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 惑措 雀乔 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 蓖八 曼飞八 档锋犁玫 八俊 蓖脚狼 塞阑 阂绢 持绰促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 软趋 傍拜 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 傍拜仿 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 鸥拜摹 %.0f%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 10*k -64 SURA 傍器 趋力 利访堡付 磊脚阑 傍拜窍绰 利俊霸 滴妨框阑 老栏难 瓷仿阑 距拳 矫挪促 惑措 傍拜仿 历窍 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦矫父 利侩 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 惑措 傍拜仿 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 林付癌 去菩 玫付何眉 绢狄狼 癌渴栏肺 个阑 焊龋茄促 乔秦矫 流立 鸥拜摹 老何甫 馆荤 规绢仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 规绢仿 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 颇过贱 伙盔贱 何榜家去 葛电 捞肺款 贱过阑 公瓤拳 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 焊炼 瓤苞 力芭 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 颇过 犬伏 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 付飞 蓖飞 呕去飞 绢狄狼 塞阑 带廉 利俊霸 惑贸甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 拳堪气 气堪柳 付锋林玫 气惯阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 阂怕款促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 公康柳 付堪 苛拳盒眉 林牢阑 瘤虐绰 气惯眉甫 父电促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 烙狼 急琶 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 孺脚荐龋 绢去贱 玫邦瘤谰 绢狄狼 塞栏肺 个阑 皑轿绊 腊眉狼 绊烹阑 沥脚仿栏肺 滚胚辰促 鸥拜摹甫 沥脚仿栏肺 皑尖 规绢仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 鸥拜摹 皑尖啦 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 规绢仿 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 捧加付飞 帮脚飞 锰焊抄青 加冠狼 厩飞甸阑 利俊霸 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 蠢妨咙 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 蠢妨咙 犬伏 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 付券拜 趋飞丑 扒帮鞠楷 绢狄狼 扁甫 带廉 利俊霸 乔秦甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 厚颇何 蓖盔颇 坷盲款窍 利俊霸 何利阑 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 侩颇魂 颇锋何 泪锋苛玫 侩脚狼 屈惑阑 筋酒 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 菩锋气 铰锋颇 玫锋颇固 侩脚狼 屈惑栏肺 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 付过 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 龋脚 玫寒 柳锋龋眉 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 焊龋狼 柳阑 弊妨 焊龋茄促 拱府 傍拜 历亲 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 拱府 傍拜 历亲 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 馆荤 荐版柳 玫碍沥扁 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 利狼 傍拜阑 登倒府绰 柳阑 弊赴促 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 扁玫措傍 玫锋去 侩脚己困 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 颊俊 窍疵狼 狼瘤甫 阂怕款促 摹疙鸥 傍拜 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 摹疙鸥 犬伏 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 锄傈飞 柳玫汾 傈级汾疙 涵遏阑 利俊霸 带柳促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 涵遏 锄堪级 没玫寒仿 窍疵狼 塞阑 呼绢 利俊霸 涵遏阑 郴赴促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 气汾拜 颇玫汾 备玫气汾 颊俊辑 涵遏阑 徽绢辰促 厘芭府 傍拜 傈扁 加己 林函 措惑 楷捞绢 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 沥诀牢 措沥诀牢 阂堡焊炼 蝴狼 扁款栏肺 惑贸甫 摹蜡茄促 积疙仿 雀汗 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 积疙仿 雀汗 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 犬伏 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 蔫加 浅柳 浅功翠款 官恩阑 鸥绊 崔赴促 捞悼 加档 惑铰 林巩 矫埃 皑家 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 林巩 加档 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 刘仿贱 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 塞阑 歹宽 碍窍霸 茄促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 傍拜仿 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 烹贾仿 悼丰甸阑 捞掺绰 瓷仿 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 楷拌扁 楷加 傍拜 冉荐甫 刘啊|矫挪促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 超矫 拱啊俊辑 拱绊扁甫 超绰促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 盲堡 堡籍阑 某辰促 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 力炼 酒捞袍阑 父电促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 脚荐绢 脚荐惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 玫炼绢 玫炼惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 柳畴绢 柳畴惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 函脚 阁胶磐肺 函脚茄促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 铰付 富阑 鸥绰 瓷仿 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 家券 富阑 家券茄促 summon -137 HORSE 枚付抄公 富阑 鸥绊 崔府哥 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 龙浅林付 傈规阑 啊肺 阜绰 利甸阑 葛滴 逞绢哆赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 瘤绵铰玫 林函狼 葛电 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 眠勘抄公 菊阑 啊肺阜绰 利甸俊霸 拳混阑 朝赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD 侩救 弥措 侩脚仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE yongan 弥措 侩脚仿 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 侩脚狼 乔 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 积疙仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 弥措Hp惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 侩脚狼 绵汗 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 沥脚仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 弥措 沥脚仿 惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 己戎癌 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 规绢仿捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 规绢仿惑铰 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 啊加拳 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 傍拜 加档客 捞悼 加档啊 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 傍拜,捞悼 加档惑铰 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 侩脚狼 盒畴 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 农府萍拿 犬伏捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 农府萍拿 犬伏 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 林巩贱 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 扁贱 荤侩 酿鸥烙捞 老矫利栏肺 临绢电促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 林巩加档惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b555fffa..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c6163c24..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -磊按篮 窜八苞 劝阑 林公扁肺[ENTER] -窍绰 傈巩利牢 鞠混磊 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 老沥 荐霖俊 档崔窍扁[ENTER] -鳖瘤狼 啊趣茄 绕访苞沥 傣盒[ENTER] -俊 措氟 傈眉俊 弊府 腹瘤绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼瘤父, 漂沥茄 炼扒父 爱眠绢[ENTER] -柳促搁 傈厘狼 儒抚阑 第官层[ENTER] -初阑 荐 乐阑 沥档狼 颇鲍仿阑[ENTER] -啊笼聪促. 刮酶窃苞 加档甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍扁 困秦 啊涵款 规绢备[ENTER] -[WAIT] -父阑 馒侩 茄促绰 巴捞 绢痘霸[ENTER] -焊搁 捞甸狼 蜡老茄 距痢[ENTER] -涝聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dcae77e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -脚荐惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -悼规苞狼 背开狼 何劝阑 捞风[ENTER] -妨绰 芭措 惑诀惫啊. 力惫狼[ENTER] -盒凯 捞饶 规摹登促矫乔 茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -辑率狼 堡具 瘤开阑 辟夯栏肺[ENTER] -茄 惑牢甸捞 扒汲茄 惫啊捞促.[ENTER] -林肺 辑开苞狼 公开 烹肺肺[ENTER] -荤侩登带 瘤开捞瘤父 己付籍[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)狼 免泅 捞饶[ENTER] -[WAIT] -公开肺啊 瞒窜凳栏肺 牢秦 啊厘[ENTER] -弧府 己付籍狼 困蛆阑 柄崔疽带[ENTER] -捞甸捞扁档 窍促. 积诀阑 困蛆[ENTER] -寸茄 捞甸篮 弊甸捞 啊柳 葛电[ENTER] -犁魂阑 贸盒秦 备 力惫 傈眉俊辑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -傈荤甸阑 葛酒 甸咯 辑率俊辑狼[ENTER] -困蛆阑 规厚 窍妨绊 霖厚 吝俊[ENTER] -乐促. 捞甸捞 盔窍绰 巴篮[ENTER] -烹老等 窍唱狼 惫啊狼 塞栏肺[ENTER] -乐阑瘤档 葛福绰 辑开俊辑狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -魔傍阑 阜酒郴绊 促矫 公开肺甫[ENTER] -俺么窍绰 巴捞促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5f88c54d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -玫炼惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -己付籍狼 儡幅荤充狼 粮犁甫[ENTER] -何福垄栏哥 捞甫 力芭窍妨绰[ENTER] -己辆背惫啊. 炔力狼 荤锰悼积[ENTER] -[WAIT] -例档荤 辣康俊 狼秦 技况柳[ENTER] -辑规狼 惫啊捞促. 林贱苞 痢俊[ENTER] -瓷茄 酒郴甫 烹秦 己付籍(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)狼 困氰阑 流立利栏肺[ENTER] -柄摧绊 弊俊 措茄 措厚氓阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -技匡 巴阑 咯矾 瞒肥俊 吧媚[ENTER] -扒狼窍看瘤父 捞甫 公矫寸窍绊[ENTER] -老练阑 捞缠绊 力惫俊 措秦[ENTER] -馆扁甫 甸菌促. 泅犁 柳畴惫苞[ENTER] -坷罚 趋傈阑 芭奠窍绊 乐栏哥[ENTER] -[WAIT] -捞甸狼 格利篮 窜瘤 窍唱, 傈[ENTER] -措氟阑 烹老秦 辑率俊辑何磐[ENTER] -炼陛究 魔侥秦 甸绢 坷绰 己付[ENTER] -籍狼 塞阑 瞒窜 窍绰 巴捞促.[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 91519b2f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_empire_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -柳畴惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -备 力惫狼 何劝阑 厕操哥 沥烹[ENTER] -己阑 林厘窍绰 焙荤措惫. 炔力[ENTER] -狼 利磊牢 捞涪捞 捞缠绊 乐绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -夯惫捞促. 合规俊 困摹窍绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 脚荐惫俊 厚秦[ENTER] -趣刀茄 磊楷券版阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐栏哥 弊 锭巩牢瘤 惑寸洒[ENTER] -傍拜利捞绊 菩档利牢 巩拳甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍绊 乐促. 脚荐惫阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -扒汲茄 辣康狼 己付籍俊 措茄[ENTER] -林厘俊 措秦辑绰 肯傈洒 公矫[ENTER] -窍绰淀茄 措寇利牢 怕档甫[ENTER] -秒窍绊 乐瘤父 捞固 炔角狼[ENTER] -泅磊甸阑 悼盔秦 弊俊 措茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊技茄 炼荤俊 馒荐秦 乐绰 淀[ENTER] -窍促. 捞甸捞 钎搁利栏肺 己付[ENTER] -籍俊 措秦 公包缴茄 巴篮[ENTER] -盒凯等 力惫阑 促矫 烹老窍扁[ENTER] -困茄 捞涪狼 具噶捞 官帕俊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -彬妨乐扁 锭巩捞促.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebc02ee0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公寸篮 磊楷苞 澜剧狼 塞狼[ENTER] -儒抚苞 炼拳甫 柄崔篮 泅磊甸[ENTER] -涝聪促. 弊甸篮 捞矾茄 过蘑阑[ENTER] -漂沥茄 概俺眉甫 烹秦 备眉拳[ENTER] -矫懦 荐 乐绰 规过 肚茄 舅绊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -乐嚼聪促. 捞矾茄 弊甸父狼[ENTER] -概俺眉甫 老馆 荤恩甸篮 何利,[ENTER] -趣篮 柳过捞扼绊 何辅聪促.[ENTER] -呈公唱 规措茄 瘤侥阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 谗烙绝捞 促弗[ENTER] -[WAIT] -荤恩苞 措拳 窍扁甫 盔窍瘤父,[ENTER] -弊甸狼 缴坷窍绊 抄秦茄 捞具[ENTER] -扁甸绢临 荤恩甸篮 弊府 腹瘤[ENTER] -臼嚼聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 69d5abd7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -荐扼绰 磊脚狼 迫俊 厩付狼[ENTER] -揪狙阑 扁积矫难 付过狼 塞阑[ENTER] -软荐茄 傈荤 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 促弗 磊甸苞绰 崔府 林[ENTER] -函俊 啊鳖款 牢埃包拌甫 屈己[ENTER] -[WAIT] -窍瘤 臼绰 漂隆捞 乐嚼聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸狼 格钎绰 瘤惑 弥碍狼 塞[ENTER] -阑 爱眠绰 巴捞哥, 弊 寇狼 巴[ENTER] -甸篮 窜瘤 芭眠厘胶矾款 规秦[ENTER] -拱捞扼绊 积阿 钦聪促.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊脚狼 塞阑 苞矫窍绰 巴 炼瞒[ENTER] -阂鞘夸窍促绊 咯辨 沥档肺 弊[ENTER] -甸篮 坷流 鉴荐茄 塞 磊眉父[ENTER] -哎噶 钦聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fd9b5905..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/desc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公荤绰 茄 磊风 八苞 瓢瓢茄[ENTER] -癌渴栏肺 公厘窍绊 贸澜何磐[ENTER] -场鳖瘤 傈厘狼 林开栏肺 劝距[ENTER] -钦聪促. 儡犁林客 荤恩阑 泅趣[ENTER] -矫虐绰 荐窜阑 版戈窍哥 坷流[ENTER] -[WAIT] -碍枚鞍捞 荐访等 磊脚狼 辟腊[ENTER] -苞 讣篮 拱贸烦 绊夸茄 沥脚[ENTER] -技拌 父阑 眠备 钦聪促.[ENTER] -盒畴茄 捞甸阑 阜阑 荐 乐绰[ENTER] -磊甸篮 措氟 傈眉俊 粮犁 窍瘤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼绰 促绊 积阿 窍绰 巴捞[ENTER] -壳阑 巴 涝聪促. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 721004c7..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dcae77e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -脚荐惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -悼规苞狼 背开狼 何劝阑 捞风[ENTER] -妨绰 芭措 惑诀惫啊. 力惫狼[ENTER] -盒凯 捞饶 规摹登促矫乔 茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -辑率狼 堡具 瘤开阑 辟夯栏肺[ENTER] -茄 惑牢甸捞 扒汲茄 惫啊捞促.[ENTER] -林肺 辑开苞狼 公开 烹肺肺[ENTER] -荤侩登带 瘤开捞瘤父 己付籍[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)狼 免泅 捞饶[ENTER] -[WAIT] -公开肺啊 瞒窜凳栏肺 牢秦 啊厘[ENTER] -弧府 己付籍狼 困蛆阑 柄崔疽带[ENTER] -捞甸捞扁档 窍促. 积诀阑 困蛆[ENTER] -寸茄 捞甸篮 弊甸捞 啊柳 葛电[ENTER] -犁魂阑 贸盒秦 备 力惫 傈眉俊辑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -傈荤甸阑 葛酒 甸咯 辑率俊辑狼[ENTER] -困蛆阑 规厚 窍妨绊 霖厚 吝俊[ENTER] -乐促. 捞甸捞 盔窍绰 巴篮[ENTER] -烹老等 窍唱狼 惫啊狼 塞栏肺[ENTER] -乐阑瘤档 葛福绰 辑开俊辑狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -魔傍阑 阜酒郴绊 促矫 公开肺甫[ENTER] -俺么窍绰 巴捞促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5f88c54d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -玫炼惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -己付籍狼 儡幅荤充狼 粮犁甫[ENTER] -何福垄栏哥 捞甫 力芭窍妨绰[ENTER] -己辆背惫啊. 炔力狼 荤锰悼积[ENTER] -[WAIT] -例档荤 辣康俊 狼秦 技况柳[ENTER] -辑规狼 惫啊捞促. 林贱苞 痢俊[ENTER] -瓷茄 酒郴甫 烹秦 己付籍(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)狼 困氰阑 流立利栏肺[ENTER] -柄摧绊 弊俊 措茄 措厚氓阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -技匡 巴阑 咯矾 瞒肥俊 吧媚[ENTER] -扒狼窍看瘤父 捞甫 公矫寸窍绊[ENTER] -老练阑 捞缠绊 力惫俊 措秦[ENTER] -馆扁甫 甸菌促. 泅犁 柳畴惫苞[ENTER] -坷罚 趋傈阑 芭奠窍绊 乐栏哥[ENTER] -[WAIT] -捞甸狼 格利篮 窜瘤 窍唱, 傈[ENTER] -措氟阑 烹老秦 辑率俊辑何磐[ENTER] -炼陛究 魔侥秦 甸绢 坷绰 己付[ENTER] -籍狼 塞阑 瞒窜 窍绰 巴捞促.[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 91519b2f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -柳畴惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -备 力惫狼 何劝阑 厕操哥 沥烹[ENTER] -己阑 林厘窍绰 焙荤措惫. 炔力[ENTER] -狼 利磊牢 捞涪捞 捞缠绊 乐绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -夯惫捞促. 合规俊 困摹窍绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 脚荐惫俊 厚秦[ENTER] -趣刀茄 磊楷券版阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐栏哥 弊 锭巩牢瘤 惑寸洒[ENTER] -傍拜利捞绊 菩档利牢 巩拳甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍绊 乐促. 脚荐惫阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -扒汲茄 辣康狼 己付籍俊 措茄[ENTER] -林厘俊 措秦辑绰 肯傈洒 公矫[ENTER] -窍绰淀茄 措寇利牢 怕档甫[ENTER] -秒窍绊 乐瘤父 捞固 炔角狼[ENTER] -泅磊甸阑 悼盔秦 弊俊 措茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊技茄 炼荤俊 馒荐秦 乐绰 淀[ENTER] -窍促. 捞甸捞 钎搁利栏肺 己付[ENTER] -籍俊 措秦 公包缴茄 巴篮[ENTER] -盒凯等 力惫阑 促矫 烹老窍扁[ENTER] -困茄 捞涪狼 具噶捞 官帕俊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -彬妨乐扁 锭巩捞促.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ccb83559..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -俺货尝 -俺货扁 -俺磊侥 -俺磊瘤 -俺焊瘤 -俺何饿 -俺楼刘 -俺溅 -俺仇 -俺斥 -久货尝 -久货 -绞货尝 -久斥 -绞劈 -久劈 -久攀 -绞攀 -轿啊瘤 -较酒瘤 -揪何凡 -揪何饿 -揪官 -揪规货 -揪规酒 -揪惯 -揪惯仇 -揪惯逞 -揪惯烦 -揪惯芬 -揪惯斥 -揪惯访 -揪婆 -揪国 -揪迫 -揪豪 -揪阂 -久迫 -鹅惯 -鹅国 -矫国 -矫惯仇 -矫惯逞 -矫惯斥 -矫惯酒 -矫迫 -矫妻 -胶国 -静国 -静惯 -静阂 -静迫 -静居 -浆妻 -浆祁 -凉扼 -粮唱 -揪居 -聪扁固 -聪固煌 -街仇 -洁仇 -街斥 -洁斥 -街畴公 -洁畴公 -轿冠酒 -俺溅捞 -俺溅虐 -俺溅尝 -固模溅捞 -固模货尝 -固模溅虐 -固模祸洒 -固模仇 -固模斥 -捍脚 -洪脚 -葫脚 -殿脚 -久且 -瘤饿 -零饿 -磊瘤甸 -焊瘤甸 -腊滨栋 -腊滨冻 -腊癌 -腊滨 -砍冈绢 -砍赣芭 -堪冈绢 -堪赣芭 -坏钮 -欢钮 -狐钮 -糊钮 -蝗钮 -磺钮 -腊矫凡 -腊矫饿 -堪捍 -量鳖 -两鳖 -炼鳖 -久攀 -久芒 -决芒 -绞攀 -绞芒 -赣历府 -肚扼捞 -地廉 -地历 -第廉 -裁癌 -裁滨 -棱斥 -棱仇 -货尝 -技尝 -疥尝 -货播 -祸播 -祸洒 -溅虐 -溅捞 -溅尝 -溅播 -涧虐 -涧洒 -碍埃 -冀胶 -捞斥酒 -久 -量 -两 -洁 -龋饭磊侥 -饶饭磊侥 -18仇 -18斥 -焊瘤判 -磊瘤判 -焊瘤弧酒 -磊瘤弧酒 -芒赤 -狐备府 -焊瘤 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ca279b79..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5233 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -20 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -21 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -22 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -29 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -30 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -31 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -32 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -33 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -34 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -35 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -36 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -37 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -38 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -39 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -40 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -41 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -42 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -43 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -44 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -45 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -46 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -47 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -48 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -49 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -50 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -51 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -52 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -53 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -54 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -55 WEAPON 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a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公寸篮 磊楷苞 澜剧狼 塞狼[ENTER] -儒抚苞 炼拳甫 柄崔篮 泅磊甸[ENTER] -涝聪促. 弊甸篮 捞矾茄 过蘑阑[ENTER] -漂沥茄 概俺眉甫 烹秦 备眉拳[ENTER] -矫懦 荐 乐绰 规过 肚茄 舅绊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -乐嚼聪促. 捞矾茄 弊甸父狼[ENTER] -概俺眉甫 老馆 荤恩甸篮 何利,[ENTER] -趣篮 柳过捞扼绊 何辅聪促.[ENTER] -呈公唱 规措茄 瘤侥阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 谗烙绝捞 促弗[ENTER] -[WAIT] -荤恩苞 措拳 窍扁甫 盔窍瘤父,[ENTER] -弊甸狼 缴坷窍绊 抄秦茄 捞具[ENTER] -扁甸绢临 荤恩甸篮 弊府 腹瘤[ENTER] -臼嚼聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 69d5abd7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -荐扼绰 磊脚狼 迫俊 厩付狼[ENTER] -揪狙阑 扁积矫难 付过狼 塞阑[ENTER] -软荐茄 傈荤 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 促弗 磊甸苞绰 崔府 林[ENTER] -函俊 啊鳖款 牢埃包拌甫 屈己[ENTER] -[WAIT] -窍瘤 臼绰 漂隆捞 乐嚼聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸狼 格钎绰 瘤惑 弥碍狼 塞[ENTER] -阑 爱眠绰 巴捞哥, 弊 寇狼 巴[ENTER] -甸篮 窜瘤 芭眠厘胶矾款 规秦[ENTER] -拱捞扼绊 积阿 钦聪促.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊脚狼 塞阑 苞矫窍绰 巴 炼瞒[ENTER] -阂鞘夸窍促绊 咯辨 沥档肺 弊[ENTER] -甸篮 坷流 鉴荐茄 塞 磊眉父[ENTER] -哎噶 钦聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fd9b5905..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公荤绰 茄 磊风 八苞 瓢瓢茄[ENTER] -癌渴栏肺 公厘窍绊 贸澜何磐[ENTER] -场鳖瘤 傈厘狼 林开栏肺 劝距[ENTER] -钦聪促. 儡犁林客 荤恩阑 泅趣[ENTER] -矫虐绰 荐窜阑 版戈窍哥 坷流[ENTER] -[WAIT] -碍枚鞍捞 荐访等 磊脚狼 辟腊[ENTER] -苞 讣篮 拱贸烦 绊夸茄 沥脚[ENTER] -技拌 父阑 眠备 钦聪促.[ENTER] -盒畴茄 捞甸阑 阜阑 荐 乐绰[ENTER] -磊甸篮 措氟 傈眉俊 粮犁 窍瘤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼绰 促绊 积阿 窍绰 巴捞[ENTER] -壳阑 巴 涝聪促. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9cca6cc9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 陛浇 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 急厩摹 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 流立 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 背券吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 惑痢阑 捞侩吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 堡厘俊辑绰 俺牢 惑痢阑 咯角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 拳混捞 何练秦 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 历镑栏肺 立辟 且 荐绰 绝阑 巴 鞍焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 厘馒秦具秦 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 富阑 鸥具父 荤侩 且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 穿备俊霸 镜扒瘤 搬沥秦具... -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 积疙仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 沥脚仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 富阑 鸥绊 荤侩 且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 捞 公扁肺绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 扁贱捞焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 悼丰俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 磷篮磊俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 甸绊辑 胶懦阑 荤侩且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 唱俊霸绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 丛篮 庇富 芭何 惑怕 涝聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 丛篮 立加吝捞 酒凑聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 庇富 芭何 惑怕俊辑绰 庇富阑 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 SNA -CHANNEL 盲澄 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 肺弊牢 拳搁栏肺 唱哎 荐 绝嚼聪促. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 辑滚 绝澜 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 盲澄 %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL 泅犁 盲澄篮 啊垫 谩嚼聪促. 促弗 盲澄阑 急琶秦林技夸. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 盲澄 沥焊甫 茫阑荐啊 绝嚼聪促 -CHANNEL_PVP 磊蜡措搬 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 盲澄阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 搬力备开阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 辑滚甫 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 抛胶飘辑滚 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 抛胶飘 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 傈眉 -CHAT_BLOCK 瞒窜 -CHAT_GUILD 辨靛 -CHAT_INFORMATION 沥焊 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 何利例茄 窜绢啊 器窃等 巩厘涝聪促 -CHAT_LOG 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁[L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁 -CHAT_NORMAL 老馆 -CHAT_NOTICE 傍瘤 -CHAT_PARTY 颇萍 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 盲泼 焊郴扁 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 率瘤 焊郴扁[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 寇魔 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 寇摹扁绰 15檬俊 茄锅究 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -CHAT_WHISPER 庇富 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME '款康'捞 器窃等 捞抚篮 荤侩 且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 何利例茄 捞抚涝聪促 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 鞍篮 捞抚阑 啊柳 某腐磐啊 乐嚼聪促 -CREATE_FAILURE 某腐磐甫 父甸 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_GM_NAME 款康 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 捞抚阑 涝仿 窍绞矫坷 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 器牢飘啊 酒流 巢酒乐嚼聪促 -DAY 老 -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 %s 阑 %s 成俊 备涝窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 %s %s 俺甫 %s 成俊 备涝窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY %d 成阑 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 %s 阑 %s 成俊 魄概窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 %s %s 俺甫 %s 成俊 魄概窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 滚副荐 绝嚼聪促. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 1000成 捞惑篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EMOTION_ANGRY 拳晨 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 蜡趣 -EMOTION_BANTER 愁覆 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 券龋 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 券龋 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 览盔 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 惑措甫 急琶窍绞矫坷 -EMOTION_CLAP 冠荐 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 虐胶 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 绵窍 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 错胶1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 错胶2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 错胶3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 错胶4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 错胶5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 侩辑 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 橇坊摹 虐胶 -EMOTION_JOY 扁惠 -EMOTION_SAD 浇悄 -EMOTION_SHY 何掺烦 -EMOTION_SLAP 蝶蓖 -EMPIRE_A 脚荐惫 -EMPIRE_B 玫炼惫 -EMPIRE_C 柳畴惫 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 背券 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 搬沥窍脚 咀荐绰 函版且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 背券且荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_MONEY 背券 咀荐 -EXCHANGE_TITLE %s 丛苞狼 背券 -FISHING_FAILURE 绊扁啊 固尝父 哗冈绊 漓轿霸 档噶闷嚼聪促 -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s is on the hook. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 You captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 You have pulled %s out of the water! -FISHING_UNKNOWN 公均捞 棱腮瘤 葛福摆促 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 超矫甫 且 荐 乐绰 镑捞 酒凑聪促 -FOR_FEMALE 咯己侩 -FOR_MALE 巢己侩 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 富阑 鸥绊辑 盲堡阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 家蜡鼻捞 绝绢 酒捞袍阑 笼阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 目辑 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 捞惑捞 彬妨 乐瘤 臼酒 霸烙 角青阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促.\nDirectX 8.1 捞惑阑 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 霸烙 角青俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 厘摹甫 茫阑荐 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 弊贰侨 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n肚绰 窍靛傀绢 啊加捞 难廉乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n(力绢魄->叼胶敲饭捞->汲沥 狼 绊鞭滚瓢\n->巩力 秦搬 徘俊辑 窍靛傀绢 啊加阑 '弥措'肺 汲沥) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 荤侩窍绊 拌脚 矫胶袍狼 弊贰侨 墨靛绰 32厚飘 葛靛俊辑 芒葛靛甫 瘤盔窍瘤 臼嚼聪促.\n16厚飘 葛靛肺 傈券窍矫芭唱 傈眉 拳搁 葛靛甫 荤侩窍矫扁 官而聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 酒捞袍 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 皋牢 芒 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 阁胶磐 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 匙飘况农 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n牢磐齿 楷搬惑怕甫 痢八秦焊技夸. -GAME_PICK_MONEY %d 成阑 裙垫沁嚼聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 128捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 12捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 16捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 64啊 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 瘤盔登绰 捞固瘤 颇老捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH metin2/upload 弃歹俊 颇老阑 持绢林技夸 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 急琶等 捞固瘤 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 荐龋傈 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 菩空傈 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s 辨靛俊辑 辨靛傈 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 览傈 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 竿厘傈 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 侩脚仿阑 雀汗且 鞘夸啊 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_COMMENT 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 辨靛 捞抚栏肺 荤侩窍扁俊 何利例钦聪促 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 辨靛盔 -GUILD_DELETE 瘤快扁 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP %d成阑 荤侩窍咯 侩脚仿阑 %d父怒 雀汗窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 辨靛俊 啊涝 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 厚绢 乐绰 顶 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 惑措 辨靛疙 -GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Main Building -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Minimum level of 4 required -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 捞抚 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 犁丰啊 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 傍瘤鼻茄捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_OBJECT Objects -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 且 版氰摹 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 版氰摹啊 何练钦聪促 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 扁瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 霸矫魄 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 流困 包府 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 辨靛 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 辨靛盔 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 辨靛 胶懦 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 傈捧 矫埃 30盒 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 铰府矫 拱距 焊惑 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 傈里磐 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 老馆甘 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 痢荐啊 臭篮 辨靛啊 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 惑措祈 标惯阑 磊脚狼 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 扁瘤肺 啊廉坷搁 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 惑措 辨靛 傈戈矫 铰府 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼嚼聪促 -HORSE_HEALTH0 磷菌澜 -HORSE_HEALTH1 倾扁咙 -HORSE_HEALTH2 硅绊悄 -HORSE_HEALTH3 硅何抚 -HORSE_LEVEL1 檬鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL2 吝鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL3 绊鞭富 -HOUR 矫埃 -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %d? -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 概飘腐胶 墨靛 锅龋 涝仿 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 概飘腐胶 墨靛 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 林刮殿废锅龋 缔磊府 7臂磊甫 涝仿秦林绞矫坷 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 某腐磐 昏力 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 蓖券扁撅何绰 钦磨 荐 绝嚼聪促 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 酒捞袍阑 荤侩窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -JOB_ASSASSIN 磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 斑嚼磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 厚混焙 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 碍畴焙 -JOB_SHAMAN 公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN0 斑嚼公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN1 玫锋焙 -JOB_SHAMAN2 堡汾焙 -JOB_SURA 荐扼 -JOB_SURA0 斑嚼荐扼 -JOB_SURA1 券公焙 -JOB_SURA2 孺付焙 -JOB_WARRIOR 公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR0 斑嚼公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR1 唱茄焙 -JOB_WARRIOR2 喊扁焙 -LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 辑滚 立加俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 辑滚 立加俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNETING 辑滚俊 立加 吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 秦寸 拌沥捞 捞固 立加秦 乐嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 肺弊牢俊 巩力啊 惯积窍看嚼聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 喉钒吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Please choose one of the other servers! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 荤侩扁埃 搬力啊 登瘤 臼篮 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 涝仿窍脚 酒捞叼绰 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 泅犁 酒捞袍 汗备 吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 辑滚啊 酒流 坷锹 登瘤 臼疽嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 立加磊啊 腹酒 立加且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 捞蜡肺 肺弊牢俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK You have been blocked at the website. Please check your EMails. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 锅龋 涝仿捞 肋给 登菌嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 锅龋 涝仿捞 3锅 撇妨 立加阑 辆丰钦聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 菩胶况靛啊 撇啡嚼聪促 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 酒捞叼甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 肺弊牢 吝 涝聪促 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 酒捞袍 隔俊绰 酒捞袍阑 持阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MAP_A1 康救谰己 -MAP_A2 铰锋邦 -MAP_A3 磊剧泅 -MAP_AG 吝尔泅 -MAP_B1 炼救谰己 -MAP_B2 烙瘤邦 -MAP_B3 汗沥泅 -MAP_BG 客锋泅 -MAP_C1 乞公谰己 -MAP_C2 规魂邦 -MAP_C3 冠扼泅 -MAP_CG 烙窍泅 -MAP_DESERT 康厚荤阜 -MAP_FLAME 档堪拳瘤 -MAP_NUSLUCK 荤炔邦 -MAP_SKELTOWER 荤蓖啪 -MAP_SNOW 辑茄魂 -MAP_SPIDER 芭固奔 -MAP_TEMPLE 剐背荤盔 -MAP_TREE 蓖格覆 -MAP_TRENT02 利蓖格覆 -MAP_WL 荤炔乞具 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s丛捞 模备 殿废阑 夸没窍继嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 沥富肺 昏力 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 捞悼 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 厚绢乐澜 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 啊练 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 模备 -MESSENGER_GUILD 辨靛 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 勤靛迄 皋技瘤肺 罐栏脚 牢刘 锅龋甫 涝仿秦 林绞矫坷 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 牢刘 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 涝仿窍瘤 臼栏矫搁 皋技瘤甫 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 瘤陛 锅龋甫 涝仿窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 勤靛迄 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 焊尘 巩磊 皋技瘤 -MINIMAP 固聪甘 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 固聪甘阑 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档甫 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 绵家 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 犬措 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 包恩磊 %d 疙 -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档 焊扁 -MINUTE 盒 -MONETARY_UNIT0 成 -MONETARY_UNIT1 父 -MONETARY_UNIT2 撅 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍 困摹甫 官曹 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 澜厩 颇老捞 粮犁窍瘤 臼嚼聪促 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 急琶等 澜厩 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -NEEFD_REST 绒侥鞘夸 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 酒流 瘤盔登瘤 臼嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼栏搁 辨靛 葛靛绰 汲沥且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT PvP 葛靛 汲沥篮 泅犁 荤侩窍角 荐 绝嚼聪促. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d饭骇 捞惑父 PvP 葛靛 汲沥捞 啊瓷钦聪促. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 傍拜仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 傍拜 加档 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 胶懦 瘤加 矫埃 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 规绢仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 弥措 沥脚仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 弥措 积疙仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 颇萍 秦魂 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 丛捞 颇萍 啊涝 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 丛狼 颇萍 檬措甫 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 版氰摹 盒硅 规侥 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 饭骇俊 蝶扼 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 饭骇捞 臭阑 荐废 版氰摹甫 腹捞 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 闭殿窍霸 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 葛电 颇萍盔捞 版氰摹甫 闭殿窍霸 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 傈盔 雀汗 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 颇萍 康氢 裹困 1.5硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 颇萍 康氢 裹困 2硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 颇萍 呕硼 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 厘矫埃 颇萍 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [坷橇扼牢] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 颇萍盔 家券 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 眉仿 沥脚仿 雀汗樊 焊呈胶 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 颇萍 脚没阑 芭何沁嚼聪促. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 绢怕目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 滚辑目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 滚欺肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 叼奇歹肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 瓷仿 秦力 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 攀目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 绢琶目 扁夯 傍拜仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 滚辑目 傍拜 加档 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 滚欺 胶懦 瘤加矫埃 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 叼奇歹 规绢仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 颇萍 裹困 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐 弥措 沥脚仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 攀目 弥措 积疙仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 颇萍盔 家券 啊瓷 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 笼阑 俺荐 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 俺牢 惑痢俊辑 魄概 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 凯绊 拌脚 俺牢 惑痢阑 摧栏矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 捞抚 涝仿芒 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 啊拜 涝仿芒 -PVP_LEVEL0 急空 -PVP_LEVEL1 康旷 -PVP_LEVEL2 己磊 -PVP_LEVEL3 瘤牢 -PVP_LEVEL4 剧刮 -PVP_LEVEL5 扯牢 -PVP_LEVEL6 厩牢 -PVP_LEVEL7 付滴 -PVP_LEVEL8 菩空 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP 辨靛 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP 磊蜡 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP 乞拳 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 焊龋 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 览隆 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 磊蜡 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 乞拳 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 焊龋 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 览隆 -QUEST_APPEND 货肺款 涅胶飘啊 殿废登菌嚼聪促 -QUEST_MIN 盒 -QUEST_SEC 檬 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 力茄 矫埃 檬苞 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 力茄 矫埃 绝澜 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 檬 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 狞浇吩俊 殿废且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s 丛栏肺何磐 皋技瘤啊 吭嚼聪促 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : %d成 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 俺樊 犬伏捞 臭酒瘤瘤父 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促. 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍 己瓷捞 冻绢笼聪促 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 沥富 康籍阑 都绢郴矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_FAILURE 俺樊俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 俺樊且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 都绢尘 荐 乐绰 皋凭籍捞 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 歹 亮篮 俺樊辑啊 鞘夸 钦聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 歹 捞惑 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to include the %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 己瓷阑 氢惑 矫懦 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS 俺樊俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 厚剐 锅龋啊 撇啡嚼聪促. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 芒绊俊 乐绰 酒捞袍篮 魄概且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 货 厚剐 锅龋啊 肋给 涝仿 登菌嚼聪促 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 肺 泅犁狼 胶农赴鸡阑 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 历厘 沁嚼聪促. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 胶农赴鸡 历厘俊 角菩 沁嚼聪促. -SECOND 檬 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 某腐磐甫 昏力且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 某腐磐 捞抚捞 函版 登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 捞固 粮犁窍绰 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 促矫 矫档秦 林绞矫坷 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 肋给等 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 某腐磐 捞抚 函版 -SELECT_DELEING 某腐磐 昏力 吝 -SELECT_DELETED 昏力登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 沥富 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 厚绢乐绰 浇吩涝聪促 -SELECT_GM_NAME 款康 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 函版且 某腐磐 捞抚阑 急琶窍绞矫坷 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 惑痢 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 备涝且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 颇角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 迫 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 惑痢 俊矾 : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 肋给等 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 牢亥配府俊 巢篮 磊府啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练钦聪促. -SHOP_SELL_INFO 牢亥配府 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 颇角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 犁绊啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 厘芭府 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -SKILL_BOHO 馆荤 -SKILL_BUDONG 何悼冠何 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 捞力何磐绰 版氰阑 烹秦辑父 荐访且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 捞力何磐绰 氓阑 烹秦 荐访窍寂具 钦聪促. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 玫辟眠 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2硅 单固瘤 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 刀 官福扁 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 篮屈过 -SKILL_FAINT 扁例 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 窃沥茫扁 -SKILL_FIRE 瘤加 拳堪 -SKILL_FISHMIND 绢缴券 荤侩吝 -SKILL_GAMJI 皑瘤 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 八版 -SKILL_GEONGON 扒帮摹券 -SKILL_GICHEON 扁玫措傍 -SKILL_GIGONG 扁傍贱 -SKILL_GONGPO 傍器 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 弊罚靛 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 欺棋飘 付胶磐 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 厚混焙 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 碍畴焙 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 铰付 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 玫锋焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 堡汾焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 券公焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 孺付焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 唱茄焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 喊扁焙 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 蓖八 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 版傍贱 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 孺脚荐龋 -SKILL_HOSIN 龋脚 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 拳堪曼 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 趋付阿己 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 傍拜加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 捞悼加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INMA 牢付钦脚 -SKILL_JEOJU 历林 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 沥诀牢 -SKILL_JEONGWI 傈蓖去 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 傈脚规绢 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 傈脚傍拜 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 刘眉脚过 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 刘去瘤过 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 刘仿贱 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 刘加贱 -SKILL_JIGAM 瘤皑措过 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 笼吝规绢 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 林付癌 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 林付八 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 蔫八贱 -SKILL_KWAESOK 蔫加 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 促府弓烙 -SKILL_MUSA 公荤去 -SKILL_MUYEONG 公康柳 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 辨靛傈 吝俊父 荤侩 窍角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SKILL_PABEOP 颇过贱 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 胶畔 傍拜 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 级堡藕 -SKILL_SINCHAK 脚馒脚傍 -SKILL_SLEEP 泪甸扁 -SKILL_SLOW 浇肺快 -SKILL_STUN 胶畔 -SKILL_SUHO 荐龋傈飞 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 家券 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 饭骇 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 吝刀 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 刀俊 狼茄 傍拜仿 刘啊 -SKILL_TUSOK 捧加付飞 -SKILL_WONSIN 盔脚焊贱 -SKILL_YONGSIN 侩脚捧龋 -STAT_MINUS_CON 眉仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 刮酶 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_INT 瘤瓷 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_STR 辟仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 积疙仿苞 规绢仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 疙吝伏苞 雀乔啦捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 沥脚仿苞 付过仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 傍拜仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 辨靛 缴杭 殿废 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 狐弗 加档甫 尘 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 蠢副 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 鸥老傅 葛靛甫 汲沥窍扁 困秦 霸烙阑 辆丰钦聪促 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 措搬悼狼 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 汗荐 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 颇鲍 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 郴覆 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 咀记倾侩 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 背券 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 力寇 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 包恩辆丰 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 措搬 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 模备 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 辨靛檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 颇萍呕硼 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 颇萍啊涝 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 厘厚 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 庇富 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 厘焙 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 措空 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 凉捍 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 惑鞭 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 惑鞭 凉捍 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 傍拜 -TASKBAR_AUTO 磊悼 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -TASKBAR_EXP 版氰摹 -TASKBAR_HP 积疙仿 -TASKBAR_MOVE 捞悼 -TASKBAR_SKILL 胶懦 -TASKBAR_SP 沥脚仿 -TASKBAR_ST 瘤备仿 -THING_COUNT 俺 -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 惑痢俊 迫 荐 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 悼拱幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 磊按俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 厩付幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 牢埃阁胶磐幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 剐背幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 阁胶磐俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 旷蓖练 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 公寸俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 荐扼俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 矫眉幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 公荤俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 拱府鸥拜矫 喉钒 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 傈捧 吝 5檬寸 沥脚仿 雀汗 %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 摹疙鸥 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 乔秦矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 劝 傍拜 雀乔 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 版氰摹 眠啊 惑铰 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 捣 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 蠢妨瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 扁例窍瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 酒捞袍 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 积疙仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 鸥拜矫 惑措 沥脚仿 家葛 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 己瓷 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 荤噶矫 版氰摹 皑家甫 茄锅 阜酒霖促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 包烹 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT 吝刀 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 刀 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 拱距 荤侩矫 %d%% 己瓷 刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE 历林 登倒府扁 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 辟立 拱府傍拜 馆荤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 磊按傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 规匡 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 滴颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 何盲 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 公寸傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 荐扼傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 茄颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 剧颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 公荤傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 官恩 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 氓 荐访 己傍 犬伏捞 2.5硅肺 惑铰茄促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 扁贱 荐访 角菩矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱妨朝 荐 乐促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT 蠢妨咙 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 沥脚仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT 扁例 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 癌渴 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 拳混 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 磊按 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 劝 荤沥芭府 +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 林巩加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 眉仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 刮酶 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 蓖吧捞 -TOOLTIP_ETC 扁鸥 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 绢何俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 超矫措肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 辨捞 : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 捧备 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 颇鲍仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 颇鲍仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 颇鲍仿 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 眉仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 刮酶力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 瘤瓷力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 饭骇力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 辟仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 付过 傍拜仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 付过 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 付过 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 焊烹 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 概快狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 概快蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ 馒侩 啊瓷 ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d雀瞒 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 青款锅龋 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 付过 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 付过 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 傍拜仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 傍拜仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣操矾固甫 磊悼栏肺 林况 凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 规绢仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 规绢仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 版氰摹 20% 刘啊 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 绊鞭 拱绊扁甫 超阑 犬伏阑 棵妨凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 捣 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 捣 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f%%刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 陛浇 荐摹狼 惑铰 加档啊 刘啊 钦聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 芒绊甫 3沫栏肺 犬厘 矫诺聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 弥措 积疙仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 弥措 积疙仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 弥措 瘤备仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 捞悼加档 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 格吧捞 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : 傈何 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 鞘夸 侩脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 鞘夸 眉仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 瘤加 眉仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 鞘夸 胶懦 器牢飘 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 瘤加 沥脚仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 傈盔 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 傍拜殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , 规绢殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 茄矫埃俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 30盒俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 颇萍盔捞 磷篮瘤 3盒 捞郴 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 鞍篮 辑滚郴 颇萍盔阑 攫力扼档 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 傍拜殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐/2)狼 绢怕目 %d疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 规绢殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐)狼 攀目 1疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [傍拜/规绢 殿鞭 惑铰] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [雀汗] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 焊呈胶 版氰摹 %d%% 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啊瓷 厘厚 ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR 辟仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 荐扼 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 蜡聪农 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 公荤 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 公扁 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 迫骂 -UI_ACCEPT 荐遏 -UI_CANCEL 秒家 -UI_CLOSE 摧扁 -UI_DEF_FONT 奔覆眉:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE 奔覆眉:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL 奔覆眉:9 -UI_DENY 芭例 -UI_ITEM 酒捞袍 -UI_LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 : %d檬 -UI_NEXT 促澜 -UI_NOCONTENTS 郴侩绝澜 -UI_NONAME 捞抚绝澜 -UI_OK 犬牢 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 困摹 舅 荐 绝澜 -UI_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝澜 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 焊矫妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 棵府妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 荤侩且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 胶懦 俊矾 : %s diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index bee8609c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,286 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 犬沥 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 何馒窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 皋凭籍 何馒 -CANCEL 秒家 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 货 厚剐 锅龋 犬牢 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 货 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 扁粮 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 函版 -CHARACTER_ACTION 咀记 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 捞葛萍能 -CHARACTER_MAIN 某腐磐 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 惑龋 咀记 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 老馆 咀记 -CHARACTER_QUEST 涅胶飘 -CHARACTER_SKILL 胶懦 -CLOSE 摧扁 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -CREATE_CREATE 父甸扁 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -CREATE_HP 眉仿 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 巢篮 器牢飘 -CREATE_MAN 巢磊 -CREATE_NAME 某腐磐捞抚 -CREATE_NEXT 促澜 -CREATE_PREV 捞傈 -CREATE_SEX 己喊 -CREATE_SHAPE 扁夯 汗厘 -CREATE_SP 瘤仿 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 檬扁拳 -CREATE_WOMAN 咯磊 -CUBE_TITLE 力炼芒 -EMPIRE_EXIT 唱啊扁 -EMPIRE_NEXT 促澜 -EMPIRE_PREV 捞傈 -EMPIRE_SELECT 急琶窍扁 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 悼狼 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 背券 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 霸烙可记 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 包傈辆丰 -GAME_HELP 档框富 -GAME_QUEST 涅胶飘 -GAME_SKILL_UP 扁贱荐访 -GAME_STAT_UP 瓷仿荐访 -GUILD_BASENAME 扁瘤捞抚 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 酒捞叼 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 郴侩 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 扒拱 辆幅 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 函版 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 规氢 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 扒拱 沥焊 棺 蜡瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 扒拱 府胶飘 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 烹唱公 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 累悼 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 钦魄 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 困摹 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 橇府轰 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 啊拜 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 檬籍 -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 辨靛 扒拱 窿扁 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 荐沥 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 磊盔阑 捞镑俊 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 冻绢飘府技夸 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 函版且 流困疙 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 殿鞭 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 碍硼鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 啊涝鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 傍瘤鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 胶懦鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 流困 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO 辨靛 扁夯沥焊 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 泅犁版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 急傈器绊 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 傈里吝牢辨靛 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 辨靛饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 辨靛付农 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 辨靛盔 乞闭饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 辨靛盔荐 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 辨靛捞抚 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 辨靛捞抚涝聪促 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 巢篮版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 付农 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 戎厘 棵府扁 -GUILD_MARK 辨靛 付农 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 流诀 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 厘荐 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 饭骇 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 捞抚 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 流困 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 扁咯档 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 康籍 -GUILD_MINENAL 堡籍 -GUILD_MONEY 辨靛 磊陛 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 磊盔 沥焊 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 咀萍宏 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 菩矫宏 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 侩脚仿 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 辨靛俊 吧妨 乐绰 胶懦 -GUILD_SYMBOL 辨靛 戎厘 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 辨靛傈 荐遏 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 傈捧 规侥 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 荐龋 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 辨靛傈 脚没 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 惑措 辨靛 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 菩空 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 竿厘 -GUILD_WATER 拱 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 荐籍 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 肚绰 哭率 付快胶 滚瓢栏肺 傍拜 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - + 甫 穿福搁 PK 葛靛甫 官曹 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (某腐磐, 牢亥配府, 盲泼 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 芒阑 勘聪促) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 付快胶 啊款单 滚瓢栏肺绰 酒公锭唱 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 牧飘费阑 穿弗 惑怕俊辑 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢栏肺 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_EXP 版氰摹 -HELP_FURY 凯趋 霸捞瘤 (固备泅) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 辨靛芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HELP - 档框富篮 甫 穿福芭唱 矫胶袍 皋春俊 乐绰 滚瓢栏肺 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HP 积疙仿 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 皋脚廉 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 付快胶 哭率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - , , , 客 规氢虐肺 捞悼 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 甫 穿福搁 某腐磐 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 甫 穿福搁 盲泼 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 甫 穿福搁 牢亥配府 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 阑 穿福搁 瘤唱埃 措拳甫 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 阑 穿福搁 固聪甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 甫 穿福搁 涅胶飘 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 甫 穿福搁 胶懦 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - + 甫 穿福搁 率瘤 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 阑 穿福搁 傈眉甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~> 阑 穿福搁 酒捞袍阑 嚼垫且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 狞 浇吩 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 虐甫 穿福搁 胶农赴鸡捞 郴巩辑/METIN2俊 历厘 邓聪促 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 甫 穿福绊 乐栏搁 葛电 某腐磐客 酒捞袍狼 捞抚捞 钎矫 邓聪促 -HELP_SP 沥脚仿 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 矫胶袍 滚瓢 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 霉锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 滴锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_TITLE 牢亥配府 -ITEM_MALL 酒捞袍 隔 -LOAD_ERROR 单捞磐 颇老捞 柄脸嚼聪促. 犁汲摹秦林矫扁 官而聪促. ESC虐甫 喘矾林技夸 -LOGIN_CONNECT 立加 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 辑滚俊 立加吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 辑滚 捞抚, 盲澄 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 场郴扁 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 搬力 备开 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 辆丰 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 犬牢 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 辑滚 急琶 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MALL_TITLE 酒捞袍 隔 芒绊 -MARKET_TITLE 厘磐 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 盎脚 -MARKLIST_TITLE 辨靛 付农 殿废 -MESSAGE 皋技瘤 涝聪促 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 模备 昏力 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 巩磊 皋技瘤 焊郴扁 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 辨靛芒 凯扁 -MESSENGER_TITLE 皋脚历 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 辨靛 捞悼 胶懦 荤侩 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 庇富 -MINIMIZE 弥家拳 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 傍拜 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 磊悼 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 胶懦 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 硅版澜厩 格废 -NO 酒聪坷 -OK 犬牢 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 捞抚 焊扁 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 老矫 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 亲惑 -OPTION_BLOCK 瞒窜 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 背券 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 模备 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 颇萍啊涝 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 率瘤 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 墨皋扼 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 厘芭府 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 窜芭府 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 瘤快扁 -OPTION_EFFECT 鸥拜 蔼 -OPTION_FOG 救俺 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 拢澜 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 慷澜 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 吝埃 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 涝仿 -OPTION_MOBILE 勤靛迄 -OPTION_MUSIC 硅版澜 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 官操扁 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 捞抚祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 力惫祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 老馆祸惑 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 葛靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 磊蜡 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 葛电 敲饭捞绢 傍拜捞 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 辨靛盔阑 力寇茄 葛电 敲饭捞绢甫 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 乞拳 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 绢恫 敲饭捞绢俊霸档 刚历 傍拜窍瘤 臼嚼聪促(馆拜篮 啊瓷) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 览隆 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 促弗 己氢 敲饭捞绢父 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_SOUND 瓤苞澜 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 利 皋春 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 救焊扁 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 焊扁 -OPTION_TILING 鸥老傅 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 利侩 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 可记 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 盲泼芒 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 救焊扁 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 焊扁 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 颇萍糕滚捞抚 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 摧扁 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 惑痢 捞抚 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 汲摹 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : 0成 -REFINE_INFO 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE 俺樊 -RESTART_HERE 力磊府俊辑 犁矫累 -RESTART_TOWN 付阑俊辑 犁矫累 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋 函版 -SAFE_TITLE 芒绊 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -SELECT_CREATE 积己窍扁 -SELECT_DELETE 瘤快扁 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 唱扼捞抚 -SELECT_EXIT 唱啊扁 -SELECT_HP 眉仿 -SELECT_LEVEL 饭骇 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 荤侩且 康籍 急琶 -SELECT_NAME 捞抚 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 敲饭捞 矫埃 -SELECT_SELECT 矫累窍扁 -SELECT_SP 瘤仿 -SELECT_TITLE 龋莫 -SHOP_BUY 荤扁 -SHOP_SELL 迫扁 -SHOP_TITLE 惑痢 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 焊炼 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 矫胶袍 可记 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 某腐磐 傈券窍扁 -SYSTEM_EXIT 扩档快肺 唱啊扁 -SYSTEM_HELP 档框富 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 肺弊 酒眶 -SYSTEM_MALL 酒捞袍 隔 -SYSTEM_OPTION 矫胶袍 汲沥 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 某腐磐[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 盲泼芒 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 牢亥配府[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 皋脚廉 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 第 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 菊 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 矫胶袍[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 瞒窜 -WHISPER_NAME 措拳惑措捞抚 -WHISPER_SEND 焊郴扁 -YES 抗 -ZONE_MAP 傈眉 瘤档 -OPTION_SHADOW 弊覆磊 前龙 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 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"OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" 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work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_03.sub", - }, - - - ), -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/ui/selectempirewindow.py b/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/ui/selectempirewindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index ee049c16..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_cheonma/ui/selectempirewindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,362 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/" -LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_PATH - -ATALS_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (282) / 800 -ATALS_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (170) / 600 - -window = { - "name" : "SelectCharacterWindow", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 42, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_pattern.tga", - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 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-495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 荐访厘 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 龋冠 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 拳籍格 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 备府 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 篮 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 苛籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 孺窜籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 柳林 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 归陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 磊荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 玫风 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 塞狼 脚傈 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 塞狼 脚傈 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 塞狼 脚傈 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 笼(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 措巩(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 淬厘(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 笼(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 措巩(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 淬厘(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 笼(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 措巩(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 淬厘(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 版厚啪 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 唱公淬厘1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 唱公淬厘2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 唱公淬厘3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 唱公措巩 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 淬厘(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 辨靛 戎厘 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 淬厘措巩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 淬厘缔寒 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 淬厘哭寒 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 淬厘坷弗寒 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 倒1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 倒2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 倒3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 倒4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 倒5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 倒6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 倒7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 倒8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 倒9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 倒10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 唱公1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 唱公2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 唱公3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 唱公4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 唱公5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 唱公6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 唱公7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 唱公8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 唱公9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/ItemDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/ItemDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a4c506a1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/ItemDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,956 +0,0 @@ -11901 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11902 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11903 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 -11904 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 - -22000 蓖券何 付阑肺 泪矫 倒酒艾促啊|促矫 泅犁 困摹肺 倒酒棵 荐 乐促 -22010 蓖券扁撅何 扁撅矫难 滴菌带|困摹肺 倒酒埃促 - -25040 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜 -25041 泅枚 弥绊狼 档八阑 父甸扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 傈汲狼 陛加. 泅枚阑 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁 歹 臭篮犬伏肺 俺樊捞 啊瓷 俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼咙 - -25100 软康辑 公扁客 癌渴俊辑 康籍阑 哗尘荐 乐促. 窜 哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利篮 巢霸 等促. - -27600 葛蹿阂 阂阑 乔匡 荐 乐促 -27610 绢缴券 骂俊 吧赴 拱绊扁甫 舅妨林绰|付过狼 备浇 -27620 岿埃绢缴 拱绊扁俊 措茄 沥焊啊 啊垫茄 氓 - -27799 积急焕 拱绊扁狼 窜窜茄 焕 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27800 侗逛 啊厘 历放茄 固尝 -27801 瘤贩捞 拱绊扁狼 侥垮阑 磊必窍绰 固尝 -27802 乔扼固 岿么阑 畴副 荐 乐绰 泵必狼 固尝 - -27803 贺绢 楷给俊辑 如洒 杭 荐 乐绰 拱绊扁 -27804 筋啊府 咐雷绢扼绊档 阂府绰 拱绊扁 -27805 岿么贺绢 烹烹窍霸 混吗 奴 贺绢 -27806 雷绢 出临鳖 富鳖? 侩空狼 酒甸老瘤档ˇ? -27807 楷绢 锅侥扁啊 登搁|绊氢阑 茫酒坷绰 拱绊扁 -27808 氢绢 氢绢俊辑绰 氢捞 唱唱? -27809 价绢 楷绢格 楷绢苞狼 拱绊扁| 碍 惑幅俊辑 辑侥茄促. -27810 刮拱厘绢 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 阿堡罐绰 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27811 公瘤俺价绢 魂鄂扁俊 公瘤俺蝴捞 唱鸥唱绰 拱绊扁 -27812 碍价绢 碍俊辑父 荤绰 价绢 -27813 矾靛 -27814 欺摹 龋荐狼 惑绢肺 阂府绰 冈己亮篮 拱绊扁 -27815 刨摹 讣篮 拱俊辑父 辑侥窍绰 件绢苞 拱绊扁 -27816 皋扁 概款帕狼 犁丰肺 澄府 舅妨柳 拱绊扁|目促鄂 涝苞 荐堪捞 漂隆 -27817 固操扼瘤 固缠芭妨辑 棱扁 塞电 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27818 归访 刮拱俊辑 辑侥窍绰 棱侥己狼 目促鄂 拱绊扁 -27819 篮绢 官促 葫绢苞 拱绊扁. 篮葫绢扼绊档 茄促 -27820 葫绢 败匡枚 倔澜超矫肺 牢扁乐绰 拱绊扁 -27821 浆府 个概客 个蝴彬捞 酒抚促款 拱绊扁 -27822 厚疵雷绢 侥侩栏肺 俺樊茄 厚疵捞 利绊 混捞 腹篮 雷绢 -27823 炔陛贺绢 炔陛祸栏肺 蝴唱绰 锐蓖茄 贺绢 - -27833 磷篮贺绢 磷绢滚赴 贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27834 磷篮筋啊府 磷绢滚赴 筋啊府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27835 磷篮岿么贺绢 磷绢滚赴 岿么贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27836 磷篮雷绢 磷绢滚赴 雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27837 磷篮楷绢 磷绢滚赴 楷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27838 磷篮氢绢 磷绢滚赴 氢绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27839 磷篮价绢 磷绢滚赴 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27840 磷篮刮拱厘绢 磷绢滚赴 刮拱厘绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27841 磷篮公瘤俺价绢 磷绢滚赴 公瘤俺 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27842 磷篮碍价绢 磷绢滚赴 碍价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27843 磷篮矾靛 磷绢滚赴 矾靛|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27844 磷篮欺摹 磷绢滚赴 欺摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27845 磷篮刨摹 磷绢滚赴 刨摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27846 磷篮皋扁 磷绢滚赴 皋扁|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27847 磷篮固操扼瘤 磷绢滚赴 固操扼瘤|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27848 磷篮归访 磷绢滚赴 归访|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27849 磷篮篮绢 磷绢滚赴 篮绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27850 磷篮葫绢 磷绢滚赴 葫绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27851 磷篮浆府 磷绢滚赴 浆府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27852 磷篮厚疵雷绢 磷绢滚赴 厚疵雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27853 磷篮炔陛贺绢 磷绢滚赴 炔陛贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 - -27863 备款贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27864 备款筋啊府 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27865 备款岿么贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27866 备款雷绢 老矫利栏肺 捞悼 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27867 备款楷绢 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27868 备款氢绢 老矫利栏肺 傍拜 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27869 备款价绢 积疙仿阑 腹捞 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27870 备款刮拱厘绢 老矫利栏肺 辟仿阑 惑铰矫难霖促 -27871 备款公瘤俺价绢 沥脚仿阑 腹捞 雀汗矫难霖促 -27872 备款碍价绢 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27873 备款矾靛 老矫利栏肺 刮酶阑 惑铰矫难 霖促 -27874 备款欺摹 唱慧 瓤苞甫 绝俊霖促 -27875 备款刨摹 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27876 备款皋扁 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27877 备款固操扼瘤 捧疙窍霸 秦霖促 -27878 备款归访 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27879 备款篮绢 -27880 备款葫绢 -27881 备款浆府 -27882 备款厚疵雷绢 -27883 备款炔陛贺绢 - -27987 炼俺 抗慧 葛剧狼 炼俺|救俊 柳林啊 甸绢乐阑 锭档 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27988 焊拱瘤档 绊措狼 焊拱捞 汞腮 镑阑 唱鸥辰 嘲篮 瘤档 -27989 康籍皑瘤扁 康籍狼 困摹甫 舅妨林绰 皑瘤扁 -27990 倒炼阿 -27991 荐籍 -27992 归柳林 鉴归祸狼 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27993 没柳林 康氛茄 仟弗蝴捞 唱绰 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27994 乔柳林 乔蝴栏肺 河霸 拱电 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27995 后捍 酒公巴档 甸绢乐瘤 臼篮 捍 -27996 刀捍 刀捞 甸绢乐绰 捍|付矫搁 磷绰促 -27997 挤去备 积疙仿阑 盲况林绰 备浇 -27998 楷陛贱林赣聪 楷陛贱荤狼 林赣聪. 趣矫 楷陛贱狼 厚过捞 淬败乐阑鳖? -27999 康籍林赣聪 康籍捞 甸绢乐绰 林赣聪 - - -29001 啊府厚 -29002 没啊府厚 -29003 炔啊府厚 -29004 全啊府厚 -29005 踌啊府厚 -29006 炔林籍 -29007 没林籍 -29006 柳炔林籍 -29007 柳没林籍 -29008 没脚荐 -29009 炔脚荐 -29010 全脚荐 -29011 踌脚荐 -29012 楷没脚荐 -29013 楷炔脚荐 -29014 楷全脚荐 -29015 楷踌脚荐 -29012 柳没脚荐 -29013 柳炔脚荐 -29014 柳全脚荐 -29015 柳踌脚荐 - -30000 焊府 林夸 犁硅侥拱狼 窍唱肺 贱 棺 侥樊殿 促剧茄 侩档肺 静牢促. -30001 祈瘤 穿焙啊俊霸 焊郴柳 祈瘤捞促. -30002 鉴措汉澜 鉴措客 具盲甫 持绊 概霓窍霸 汉篮 澜侥 -30003 蹬瘤内 蹬瘤狼 内何盒栏肺 汗阑 阂矾柯促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 格吧捞, 备吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30004 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪肺 碍茄 碍档甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30005 柄柳 癌渴炼阿 绢凋啊俊辑 冻绢廉唱柯 癌渴狼 炼阿 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 规菩, 檬鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30006 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝 吝鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30007 旷蓖狼 何利 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 捧备 吝鞭 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30008 剐背涝巩辑 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 吝鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30009 舅 荐 绝绰 距 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30010 磅狼 镜俺 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 檬鞭 劝, 规菩, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 何盲, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30011 角鸥贰 角捞 皑败廉 乐绰 菩 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 规匡, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30012 贱捍 氢扁亮篮 贱捞 淬变 捍 -30013 贱刀 贱捞 劳绰 亲酒府 -30014 汲牢狼 判 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30015 荤蓖狼 蜡前 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30016 荤蓖狼 焊籍 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30017 厚赤 咯磊甸狼 赣府厘侥前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30018 河篮 大扁 赣府甫 蝶阑锭 荤侩窍绰 绊鞭胶矾款 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30019 阂鸥绰 哎柠 捞巴栏肺 渴阑 父甸搁 蝶舵窍霸 败匡阑 焊尘荐 乐促绊 窃| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30020 汗件酒揪 汗件酒狼 揪, 固侩俊 亮促绊 傈秦柳促. -30021 柄柳 焊籍炼阿 公攫啊俊 嘛囚 柄绢廉滚赴 焊籍炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 货樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30022 轨狼 部府 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30023 归龋啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 弥绊狼 牢扁甫 备啊窍绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝, 何盲 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30024 富部府 富狼 部府判肺 鹤, 矮殿 腹篮 劝侩档甫 啊瘤绊 乐促. -30025 芭固狼 刀林赣聪 芭固狼 刀阑 淬绊 乐绰 林赣聪| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30026 戳措狼 芒磊 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30027 戳措判 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30028 戳措惯砰 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30029 戳措狼 埃 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰 -30030 踌郊 窜八炼阿 踌郊 窜八栏肺 公均牢啊甫 媚滚赴淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30031 畴府俺 咯磊酒捞甸捞 啊瘤绊 畴绰 厘脚备| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30032 嘲篮 孺祸档汗 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30033 柄柳 荤扁弊俯 穿焙啊 柄哆妨滚赴 荤扁弊俯狼 炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 规菩 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30034 闰祸 大扁 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30035 拳厘前 咯磊甸捞 磊脚狼 寇葛甫 蹈焊捞霸 窍扁 困秦 荤侩| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30036 拳阂檬 脚厚茄 瓤苞啊 乐促绊 傈秦瘤绰 傈汲狼 距檬| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30037 龋尔捞惯砰 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 凰郴扁 困秦 厘侥侩栏肺 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30038 龋尔捞啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30039 请耙炼阿 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 斒盲, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30040 钱蕾 舅 荐 绝绰 侥拱狼 蕾荤蓖| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30041 钎芒 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 滴颊八, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30042 捧瘤裹狼 捞弧 瓢瓢秦 焊捞绰 捞弧| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30043 尼唱公狼 凯概 阿辆 夸府狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼, 窜归龙狼 焊绊捞促. -30044 柳入 档磊扁甫 父甸荐 乐绰 入 -30045 傈哎狼 刀魔 傈哎狼 刀阑 前绊乐绰 魔| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30046 傈哎狼 部府 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 茄颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30047 历林狼 辑 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30048 倔澜炼阿 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30049 倔澜辉裹绊贰狼 辉 促剧茄 炼阿累前狼 犁丰肺 牢扁乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30050 倔澜备浇 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30051 舅 荐 绝绰 何利 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30052 标惯 坷尔某狼 何措 钎侥阑 困秦 荤侩等 标惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30053 磅惯官蹿 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂,捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30054 搬去馆瘤 搬去 抗拱肺 林绊罐绰 馆瘤 -30055 傈哎狼 笼霸惯 控瘤 碍牢秦 焊捞绰 笼霸惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30056 芭固临 埃趣 笼阑 父甸锭 荤侩登扁档 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝,规菩, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30057 芭固狼 传 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 芭固狼 传 何困| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30058 芭固舅笼 啊瘤绊 乐栏搁 鉴魂茄促绰 浅巩捞| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 规匡,癌渴, 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30059 芭固促府 判捞 腹捞 崔赴 促府肺 老辆狼 何利栏肺 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30060 俺备府曲官蹿 馋利馋利茄 蠢肠阑 林绰 曲官蹿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30061 俺备府促府 固侥啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 夸府犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡,癌渴,脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30062 拱距惑痢弊俯 拱距惑痢俊辑 静带 弊俯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30063 乔何距 乔何捍阑 绊摹绰 距| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30064 拳混 力累侩 倒 拳混盟狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倒 -30065 规匡 叠尔叠尔 家府啊 唱绰 炼弊付茄 规匡 -30066 没剧绊眠 弥绊狼 概款咐捞 唱绰 绊眠| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30067 轨啊磷 轨阑 棱酒 伯龙阑 哈变 啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30068 滴何胶抛捞农 滴何肺 父电 腔傈 夸府 -30069 戳措惯砰+ 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 格吧捞, 捧备 檬鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞 迫骂 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30070 戳措判+ 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30071 磅狼 镜俺+ 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30072 磅惯官蹿+ 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30073 闰祸 大扁+ 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 癌渴, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30074 嘲篮 孺祸档汗+ 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30075 钎芒+ 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30076 旷蓖狼 何利+ 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 剧颊八, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30077 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪+ 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30078 剐背涝巩辑+ 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30079 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30080 历林狼 辑+ 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞, 迷, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30081 傈哎狼 部府+ 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30082 轨狼 部府+ 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝, 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30083 舅 荐 绝绰 距+ 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 规菩, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30084 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30085 请耙炼阿+ 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧家八, 滴颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30086 荤蓖狼 蜡前+ 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30087 荤蓖狼 焊籍+ 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30088 倔澜炼阿+ 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30089 汲牢狼 判+ 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30090 倔澜备浇+ 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30091 公牢狼 刘钎 傈汲狼 公牢甸父捞 何咯罐疽促绰 刘钎 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30092 坷尔纳狼 傈府前 坷尔纳狼 傈府前. 傈里 铰府甫 扁充窍扁 困秦 甸绊 促囱促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 规菩, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. - -30129 傈飞辑 焙俊辑 荤侩窍绰 瘤飞捞 利腮 巩辑 -30130 后捍 促剧茄 咀眉甫 淬阑荐 乐绰 蜡府肺 父甸绢柳 捍捞促 -30131 措厘厘捞狼 祈瘤 措厘厘捞啊 模备 傣硅俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 -30132 阑滴瘤狼 氓 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 榴败焊绰 氓, 力格篮 " 唱绰 聪啊 剐背荤盔俊辑 茄老阑 舅绊 乐促" 捞促. -30133 棱拳惑牢狼 采脚 棱拳惑牢捞 货肺 备沁促绰 采脚牢巴 鞍促. -30134 阑滴瘤狼 焊蝶府 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 啊瘤绊 促聪绰 焊蝶府, 氓捞 决没 腹捞 甸绢埃淀 窍促. -30135 酒府康狼 祈瘤 酒府康捞 酒蜡俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 - -30136 炔陛阿泵 荤成槽捞 富茄 急措狼 炔陛阿泵牢淀 窍促. 辉肺 父甸绢廉 乐绰淀 窍哥 酒抚促款 邦急捞 老前捞促. -30137 盔件捞狼 乔 盔件捞俊霸辑 眠免茄 乔肺结 厚赴郴啊 抄促. -30138 绊款柳入 荤阜狼 公过磊啊 摹丰力肺 荤侩茄促绰 柳入, 促剧茄 侩档肺 荤侩捞 啊瓷且淀 窍促. -30139 旷蓖狼 累篮绢陛聪 咀技辑府狼 犁丰肺 腹捞 荤侩登绰 旷蓖狼 累篮 绢陛聪, 绊距茄 晨货啊 唱绰淀 窍促 -30140 角 格吧捞唱 渴阑 父甸锭 荤侩窍绰 龙变 角捞促 -30141 啊傍焊籍 渴捞唱 厘脚备甫 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 啊傍 焊籍捞促. -30142 祈瘤 公攫啊 利囚 乐促. 郴侩阑 焊绊 酵篮 面悼阑 蠢尝霸 茄促. -30143 距檬 咯矾啊瘤 距阑 犁炼 窍绰单 荤侩登绰 扁夯利牢 摹丰距捞促. -30144 龋尔捞狼埃 焊脚犁丰扼绰 浅巩捞 乐绰 龋尔捞狼 埃, 胶抛固呈俊 亮促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. -30145 惯家狼 距 惯家啊 何殴茄 距捞促. -30146 倔澜耽绢府 葫荐狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倔澜耽绢府捞促. 概快 瞒促 -30147 剐背背府 剐背狼 背府啊 惑技洒 利囚 乐绰 氓磊 -30148 剐背鉴览何 剐背俊辑 荤侩登绰 何利狼 老辆捞促. -30149 葫荐 倔澜耽绢府甫 哎酒父电 澜侥栏肺 促剧茄 犁丰肺 歹款 咯抚 矫盔茄 咐阑 犁傍茄促. -30150 老扁厘炼阿 烤朝 绊力惫 矫例 静咯柳 老扁厘捞促 -30151 戳措狼 何靛矾款判 刚瘤冻捞侩栏肺 力惫郴俊辑 澄府 荤侩登绰 戳措狼 判捞促. -30152 鲍龙摹丰力 狼荤 归绊啊 父电 鲍龙俊 瓤堪捞 乐促绰 距捞促. 角力肺 瓤堪捞 乐绰瘤绰 舅荐 绝促. -30153 采 捞抚绝绰 采栏肺 氢郴啊 内场俊辑 栋唱瘤 臼栏哥 酒访茄 烤眠撅阑 登混府霸 茄促. -30154 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. -30155 固府郴狼 埔带飘 格吧捞俊 荤侩登绰 埔带飘 牢淀 窍促. 缔搁俊绰 固府郴扼绰 捞抚捞 利囚 乐促 -30156 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. - -30093 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30094 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30095 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30096 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 - -30210 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 2 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30211 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 A 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30212 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 B 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30213 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 E 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30214 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 I 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30215 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 L 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30216 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 M 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30217 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 N 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30218 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 R 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30219 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 T 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 - -30220 柳旷蓖康去籍 柳旷蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30221 剐背康去籍 剐背练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30222 荤蓖康去籍 荤蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30223 倔澜幅康去籍 倔澜幅狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30224 蓖格康去籍 蓖格练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30225 捧蓖康去籍 捧蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 - -50001 青款狼 辑 巩辑困俊 利腮 老访锅龋俊 蝶扼 惫啊俊辑 眠梅栏肺 焊惑捞 林绢柳促绰 巩辑 -50002 陛馆瘤 穿焙啊 酪绢滚赴淀茄 荐荐茄 陛馆瘤 | 惑痢俊辑 绊啊俊 概涝等促 -50003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 -50004 捞亥飘侩皑瘤扁 -50005 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 40饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50006 陛厘焊拱惑磊 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50007 篮厘焊拱惑磊 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 -50008 陛凯艰 鉴陛栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛厘焊拱惑磊客 陛厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. -50009 篮凯艰 鉴篮栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮厘焊拱惑磊客 篮厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. - -50010 剧富 农府胶付胶 飘府俊 吧绢滴搁 急拱阑 罐阑 荐 乐促绊 茄促 - -50011 岿堡焊钦 拳妨茄 厘侥栏肺 焊绰捞狼 付澜阑 荤肺 棱绰促. 锭锭肺 崔蝴阑 罐栏搁 檬磊楷利 泅惑捞 老绢抄促绊 傈秦瘤绰 惑磊 - -50012 陛厘焊拱惑磊+ 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50013 篮厘焊拱惑磊+ 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 - -50016 尼盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼栏肺 父电 家 -50017 汲帕盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 汲帕栏肺 父电 家 -50018 苞老盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 苞老栏肺 父电 家 -50019 慢揭乔 盔家捍阑 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 慢揭馆磷 -50020 尼盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 眉仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50021 汲帕盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 沥脚仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50022 苞老盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 胶抛固呈甫 傈何雀汗 - -50023 技诡捣林赣聪 货秦甫 嘎酒 傍颊洒 眶绢弗俊霸 巩救 牢荤甫 靛府搁 侩捣栏肺 林矫绰 技诡捣 林赣聪 - -50024 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 咯己侩 -50025 檬妮复 墨墨坷 馆磷俊 剐农 ·滚磐 ·汲帕 ·氢丰 殿阑 梅啊窍咯 被腮 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 巢己侩 - -50027 背券鼻 背券鼻 力档绰 企瘤 登菌嚼聪促. | 家侩绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -50031 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 巢己侩 -50032 荤帕 汲帕苞 咯矾啊瘤 犁丰甫 产咯辑 咯矾 啊瘤 葛剧栏肺 父电 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 咯己侩 -50033 舅荐绝绰惑磊 捞惑茄 巩磊啊 货败柳 惑磊. 惑磊甫 凯搁 公攫啊 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50034 荐荐膊尝狼 惑磊 惑磊甫 凯搁 巩力甫 辰促绊 给嘎免矫 历林啊 吧赴促绰 悼拳 加俊辑唱 唱棵 淀茄 惑磊 -50035 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50036 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50037 腊阿焊窃 茄瘤肺 父甸绢柳 腊阿屈狼 焊拱惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 急拱救俊绰 林绰 捞狼 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. - -50070 旷蓖练厘狼 惑磊 旷蓖练厘捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50071 剐背背林狼 惑磊 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50072 券积茄 剐背背林狼 惑磊 券积茄 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50073 咯空芭固狼 惑磊 咯空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50074 措空芭固狼 惑磊 措空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50075 措屈 皑堪 概俺盲狼 惑磊 措屈皑堪概俺眉啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50076 芭措 荤阜 芭合狼 惑磊 芭措 荤阜 芭合捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50077 备固龋狼 惑磊 备固龋啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50078 穿贩裹蓖狼 惑磊 穿贩裹蓖啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50079 拳堪空狼 惑磊 拳堪空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50080 拳锋狼 惑磊 拳锋捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50081 荤蓖空狼 惑磊 荤蓖空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50082 荤脚狼 惑磊 荤脚捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50050 付菩 措家 包盔甸捞 傍公肺 瘤规俊 唱哎锭 开付甫 隆惯且 荐 乐绰 刘钎肺 荤侩登带 菩 富 涅胶飘俊 荤侩啊瓷 -50051 铰付档 惫啊俊辑 富阑 呕 荐 乐促绰 刘钎肺 林绰 老辆狼 钎侥 檬鞭富 家券 -50052 霖付辑 绢蠢沥档 铰付俊 瓷茄 捞俊霸 惫啊俊辑 郴妨林绰 铰付刘辑 铰付吝 傍拜啊瓷 吝鞭富 家券 -50053 归霖辑 绊措 急牢捞 巢变 付惑扁贱辑肺 付癌阑 促风绰 夸飞捞 利囚乐绰 辑利 | 付惑胶懦 荤侩啊瓷 绊鞭富 家券 -50054 扒檬 钱阑 海绢 扒炼矫难 父电 富 傈侩荤丰. 檬鞭富 荤丰 -50055 寸辟 全寸公扼绊档 窍哥, 谎府绰 苯绊 梆栏哥 炔祸·皑祸·河篮 祸阑 鹅绊 荤丰肺 荤侩. 吝鞭富 荤丰 -50056 全伙 荐伙阑 虑辑 富赴 河篮 牢伙. 绊鞭富篮 全伙 观俊 冈瘤 臼绰促. 绊鞭富 荤丰 -50057 窍急悼 急檬 檬鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 窍急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 檬鞭富 何劝 -50058 吝急悼 急檬 吝鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 吝急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 吝鞭富 何劝 -50059 惑急悼 急檬 绊鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 惑急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 绊鞭富 何劝 -50060 付惑 扁贱 荐访辑 付惑 扁贱捞 利囚乐绰 荐访辑 荐访 己傍矫 付惑扁贱 1 器牢飘啊 积变促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. 50饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50083 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 10饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50084 搬拌秦眉籍 绊措狼 塞栏肺 豪牢等 豪牢籍狼 搬拌甫 秦眉窍绰单 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 涝聪促. - -50091 贺绢檬逛 贺绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50092 雷绢檬逛 雷绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50093 楷绢檬逛 脚急茄 楷绢甫 棱酒 父电 冈扁 酒鳖款 檬逛 | 河篮 祸捞 矫阿阑 磊必茄促 傍拜仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促 -50094 皋扁檬逛 皋扁甫 棱酒 父电 粱贸烦 焊扁 塞电 檬逛 | 入晨技甫 绝局扁困秦 促剧茄 氢丰甫 荤侩茄促 规绢仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促. - -50100 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (焊扼祸) -50101 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (畴鄂祸) -50102 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (窍疵祸) -50103 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 弧埃祸) -50104 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 檬废祸) -50105 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 闰祸) - -50106 农府胶付胶 气磷 农府胶付胶侩 绵力气磷 | 老馆气磷俊 厚秦 拳妨窍促 -50108 曝捞 唱公甫 憋酒父电 巴栏肺 绢赴酒捞甸狼 曝捞盲肺 媚辑 倒府哥 愁荐 乐绰 厘抄皑 老沥犬伏肺 胶畔傍拜 - -50123 酒捞胶农覆 歹困甫 矫盔窍霸 朝妨临|酒捞胶农覆 困俊|捞加林 矫反阑 啊垫 谎啡促 - -50200 焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 凯 荐 乐促 -50300 扁贱 荐访辑 扁贱 付胶磐 饭骇阑 棵妨霖促 - -50301 颊磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50302 坷磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50303 困丰磊 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50304 扁瓤脚辑 扁檬利牢 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50305 楷捍角扁 促剧茄 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50306 公厚瘤 开措狼 葛电 捍过辑甫 曼绊窍咯 父甸绢柳 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. - -50311 脚荐 绢过 脚荐惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50312 玫炼 绢过 玫炼惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50313 柳畴 绢过 柳畴惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 - -50307 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) 檬鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50308 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) 吝鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50309 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) 绊鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50310 烙公荐青辑(漂鞭) 漂鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 - -50314 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 15饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50315 敌癌扁贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 25饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50316 扁巩敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 35饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50401 伙楷曼 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 伙楷曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50402 迫规浅快 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 迫规浅快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50403 傈蓖去 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 傈蓖去 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50404 八版 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 八版 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50405 藕券拜 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 藕券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50416 扁傍曼 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 扁傍曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50417 拜魂鸥快 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 拜魂鸥快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50418 措柳阿 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 措柳阿 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50419 玫辟眠 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 玫辟眠 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50420 八浅 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 八浅 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50431 鞠嚼 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 鞠嚼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50432 泵脚藕康 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 泵脚藕康 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50433 瞒符混 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 瞒符混 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50434 篮屈过 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 篮屈过 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50435 魂傍盒 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 魂傍盒 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50446 楷荤 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 楷荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50447 包拜贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 包拜贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50448 拳炼颇 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 拳炼颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50449 版傍贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 版傍贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50450 刀扁泵 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 刀扁泵 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50461 尖飞瘤 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 尖飞瘤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50462 侩鼻颇 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 侩鼻颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50463 蓖八 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 蓖八 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50464 傍器 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 傍器 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50465 林付癌 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 林付癌 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50466 颇过贱 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 颇过贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50476 付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50477 拳堪气 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 拳堪气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50478 公康柳 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 公康柳 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50479 孺脚荐龋 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 孺脚荐龋 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50480 捧加付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 捧加付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50481 付券拜 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50491 厚颇何 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 厚颇何 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50492 侩颇魂 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 侩颇魂 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50493 菩锋气 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 菩锋气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50494 龋脚 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 龋脚 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50495 馆荤 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 馆荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50496 扁玫措傍 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 扁玫措傍 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50506 锄傈飞 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 锄傈飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50507 涵遏 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 涵遏 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50508 气汾拜 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 气汾拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50509 沥诀牢 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 沥诀牢 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50510 蔫加 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 蔫加 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50511 刘仿贱 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 刘仿贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50512 坷盲籍 付澜狼 传牢 缴救阑 哆霸 窍咯 磊扁啊 啊柳 葛电 扁贱狼 货肺款 技拌甫 焊咯霖促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 瞪 荐 乐促 -50513 去籍 缴救阑 夺 捞饶 炼陛歹 臭篮 扁贱阑 啊瘤扁 困秦 盟概力肺 荤侩等促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 苞沥阑 荐访且 荐 乐促 - -50600 盲奔 荐访辑 盲奔 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50601 促捞酒阁靛盔籍 辨靛 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 促捞酒阁靛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50602 龋冠盔籍 _ -50603 拳籍格盔籍 辨靛 拳籍格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 拳籍格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50604 备府盔籍 辨靛 备府 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 备府肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50605 篮盔籍 辨靛 篮 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 篮栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50606 陛盔籍 辨靛 陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50607 苛盔籍 辨靛 苛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 苛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50608 孺窜格 辨靛 孺窜格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 孺窜格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50609 柳林炼阿 辨靛 柳林 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 柳林肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50610 归陛盔籍 辨靛 归陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 归陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50611 荐沥盔籍 辨靛 荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50612 磊荐沥盔籍 辨靛 磊荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 磊荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50613 玫风盔籍 辨靛 玫风 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 玫风肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. - -50621 促捞酒阁靛 焊籍栏肺辑 弥绊狼 磊府甫 瞒瘤窍绰 焊籍栏肺 咀技辑府 酒捞袍俊 家南阑 眠啊窍咯 凛聪促 -50622 龋冠 _ -50623 拳籍格 唱公啊 顶加俊 汞囚 坷贰悼救 拳籍拳啊 柳青等 柳蓖茄 唱公 | 唱公 厩技荤府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50624 备府 悼捞扼绊档 阂府快哥 拳企肺结 磊林 荤侩登绰 陛加 | 备府 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50625 篮 没归祸狼 酒抚促款 堡琶阑 啊瘤哥 蓖陛加 | 篮 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50626 陛 炔陛蝴 堡琶捞 唱绰 措钎利牢 蓖陛加 | 陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50627 苛 厚秒肺 阂府快绰 窜荤沥拌俊 加窍绰 堡拱狼 窍唱 | 苛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50628 孺窜 绊措肺 何磐 窜窜窍扁客 啊罕扁啊 措窜窍咯 抗肺何磐 捞侩登绢坷带 唱公 | 孺窜 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50629 柳林 炼俺狼 眉郴俊 积变 藕魂漠椒阑 林己盒栏肺 窍绰 备浇葛剧狼 焊籍 | 柳林 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50630 归陛 篮归祸狼 蓖陛加栏肺 篮焊促 窜窜窍绊, 傈己(铟圊)·楷己(媾圊)捞 乐促 | 归陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50631 荐沥 搬沥屈捞 堆非茄 籍康狼 老馆疙栏肺 农府胶呕捞扼绊档 茄促 | 荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50632 磊荐沥 磊林祸狼 咯矾 祸炼甫 啊柳 荐沥 | 磊荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50633 玫风 备抚绝捞 郴赴 壶拱捞 顶俊 胶哥甸绢 搬沥阑 捞凤 父甸绢柳 焊籍 | 玫风 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 - -50701 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50702 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50703 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50704 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50705 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50706 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50707 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50708 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50709 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50710 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50711 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50712 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 - -50721 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50722 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50723 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 距 力炼侩 -50724 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50725 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50726 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50727 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50728 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50729 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50730 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50731 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50732 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 - -50801 汗件酒采咀 汗件酒采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50802 档扼瘤咀 档扼瘤肺 父电 馏咀 STR +5 -50803 皑采荐 皑采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50804 啊矫坷啊乔荐 啊矫坷啊乔肺 父电 馏咀 -50805 籍芒器咀 籍芒器肺 父电 馏咀 -50806 康瘤滚几咀 康瘤滚几栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50807 父捍檬咀 父捍檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50808 魂煌唱公咀 魂煌唱公肺 父电 馏咀 -50809 刮甸饭咀 刮甸饭采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50810 全拳揪咀 全拳揪肺 父电 馏咀 -50811 措眠咀 措眠肺 父电 馏咀 -50812 伙瘤备勘檬咀 伙瘤备勘檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50813 劝缴咀 汗件酒采咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 包烹 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50814 乔刀咀 档扼瘤咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 摹疙鸥 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50815 焊券荐 皑采荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50816 康焊荐 啊矫坷啊乔荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50817 柳劝缴咀 劝缴咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 傍拜仿 +50 -50818 柳乔刀咀 乔刀荐咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 规绢仿 +70 -50819 柳焊券咀 焊券荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 付过 历亲 +10% -50820 柳康焊咀 康焊荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 - -50821 利惑咀 乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50822 全惑咀 劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50823 炔惑咀 柳康焊咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50824 踌惑咀 柳焊券咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50825 没惑咀 柳劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50826 归惑咀 柳乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 - -50901 后距捍 距力炼矫 荤侩登绰 后 距捍 - -50902 力炼贱涝巩辑 -50903 力炼劝侩辑 -50904 力炼绊鞭劝侩辑 - -50905 劝缴咀 力炼过 -50906 乔刀荐 力炼过 -50907 焊券荐 力炼过 -50908 康焊荐 力炼过 -50909 柳乔刀 力炼过 -50910 劝缴咀 力炼过 - -60001 旷淬 -60002 芒绊瘤扁眠玫辑 -60003 康旷狼刘钎 - -70001 咯脚牢屈 -70002 力伙狼颊 -70003 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促 -70004 辟搁窃狼 绕厘 概快 何瘤繁窍绊 己角茄 荤恩俊霸 林绢瘤绰 惑 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70005 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70006 攫绢馆瘤 檬扁 玫炼, 柳畴, 脚荐 伙惫狼 盒且捞 倔付登瘤 臼疽带 锭俊 烹惑格利栏肺 父甸绢柳 父惫 傍烹绢 馆瘤. 寇背 格利栏肺档 磊林 静看栏唱, 泅犁 巢酒乐绰 箭磊绰 弊府 腹瘤 臼促 促弗 唱扼 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁且 荐 乐促 -70007 捞悼馆瘤 -70008 归扁 傈捧 器扁甫 狼固窍绰 窍踞 标惯. 锭沸 缴茄 何惑磊啊 乐促绰 钎矫肺 标惯 吝居俊 河篮 趋急捞 弊绢廉 乐扁档 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸捞 磊脚俊 措茄 傍拜阑 肛冕促 -70009 焊拱惑磊 -70010 芒绊捞侩鼻 -70011 殿鞭惑铰拱距 -70012 咯脚狼传拱 绊措狼 公赤 怕拳狼 传拱篮 荤厩窃俊 嘎辑 轿款 侩磊狼 去阑 困肺秦霖促绊 茄促 馒侩吝 荤噶矫 版氰摹 颊角捞 临绢电促 -70013 芭措 咯脚狼 传拱 -70014 乔狼 窜距 绊蓖茄 荤娇狼 河篮 利趋阑 被囚 父电 拱贩茄 券距,家巩俊绰 汗侩矫 缴茄 券阿累侩捞 乐促绊 茄促 胶泡 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70015 荤力鹤 -70020 档拳林 汗件酒采阑 肋富妨 淬辟 贱. 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -70024 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促. -70027 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促. -70035 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 -70037 噶阿狼 辑 滴鼻栏肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 氓,捞 氓阑 佬篮 捞甸篮 磊脚捞 荤侩窍带 扁贱俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭绢滚赴促绊 茄促 捧磊胶懦 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70038 侩扁狼 噶配 绊措狼 侩竿茄 傈荤甸篮 殿俊 吧模 噶配狼 祸栏肺 利甸狼 矫急苞 傍拜阑 磊脚俊霸 笼吝矫难 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 苞矫沁促绊 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸阑 唱俊霸 阂矾柯促. 1雀侩 -70039 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 -70040 旷蓖狼 兑缴 胶怕固呈 家葛樊阑 例馆栏肺 临牢促 -70043 档迪狼 厘癌 绊措 弥绊狼 疙己阑 朝啡带 档迪狼 厘癌 馒侩矫 酒捞袍 靛酚伏捞 臭酒柳促 -70047 攫绢馆瘤(斑夯) 促弗 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁 且 荐 乐促 -70048 篮敌磊狼 噶配 档噶磊甸捞 腹捞 荤侩窍绰 噶配 弊 啊摹绰 蔼阑 概辨 荐 绝促绊 傈秦柳促. 馒侩矫 磊脚狼 急厩摹甫 皑苗霖促 -70049 青款狼 馆瘤 侩脚狼 啊龋啊 窃膊窍辨 捞鄂 臂蓖啊 静咯柳 馆瘤 馒侩矫 荤噶矫 酒捞袍 靛酚阑 阜酒霖促 -70050 急空狼 刘钎 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 刘钎肺 刘钎甫 啊柳磊俊霸绰 决没抄 鼻仿捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70051 急空狼 厘癌 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 蜡拱吝 窍唱肺 啊柳磊俊霸绰 舅 荐 绝绰 塞捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩饶 荤成矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70052 檬犁何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70053 犁荐措辨何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70054 伙犁抗规何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 - -70102 急滴 汗侩矫 厩 荐摹甫 冻绢哆府绊|急 荐摹甫 刘啊矫挪促 - -70104 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70105 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70106 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70107 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 - -70201 呕祸力 盔贰 赣府祸彬肺 倒酒啊霸 秦霖促. 呕祸等 赣府绰 官肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70202 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70203 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70204 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70205 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70206 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 - -70301 目敲傅 巢咯埃 辑肺狼 荤尔阑 犬牢窍扁 困秦 唱穿绢啊瘤绰 老馆利牢 馆瘤 搬去俊 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 -70302 搬去馆瘤 搬去狼 刘钎肺 荤侩登绰 馆瘤 荤侩矫 硅快磊俊霸 况橇等促 - - -71001 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71002 噶阿厚傈辑 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. 焙流阑 促矫 急琶且荐 乐嚼聪促. -71003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 胶懦 器牢飘甫 檬扁拳 矫难凛聪促. -71004 侩脚狼 啊龋 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. -71005 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71006 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71007 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71008 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -71009 芒绊犬厘鼻 茄崔埃 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71010 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -71011 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71012 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -71013 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 -71014 蔫加林 傍拜加档啊 10% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71015 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71016 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71017 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71018 积疙狼 券 积疙仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗等聪促. -71019 沥脚狼 券 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71020 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71021 公脚狼 绵汗辑 公脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 俺樊辑肺 +0~+3鳖瘤狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊阑 100% 己傍 矫难凛聪促. -71025 具傍籍 措厘埃俊辑 老窍带 具傍甸狼 丁苞 乔肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 堡籍 -71026 泅枚 绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩矫 侩脚狼 绵汗辑肺 拌樊窍咯 凛聪促. -71027 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71028 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71029 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71030 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71031 侩脚狼 瘤盔 某腐磐狼 眉仿,辟仿,沥脚仿,刮酶捞 5究 刘啊钦聪促. -71032 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 -71033 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71034 蔫加林+ 傍拜加档啊 15% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71035 泅趣狼 拱距 荐笼酒捞袍狼 殿废 犬伏阑 80%肺 臭咯 凛聪促. -71036 旷蓖练厘家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 旷蓖练厘阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71037 剐背背林家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 剐背背林甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71038 咯空芭固家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 咯空芭固甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71039 芭措荤阜芭合家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 芭措 荤阜芭合阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71040 拳堪空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳堪空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71041 备固龋家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备固龋甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71042 荤蓖空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荤蓖空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71043 穿贩裹蓖家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 穿贩裹蓖甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71044 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71045 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71047 悼丰客 雀器 酒捞袍狼 家南俊 冠腮 康籍阑 哗郴绢 凛聪促. -71048 券己厚鞭 绊措肺 何磐 郴妨坷绰 林贱肺|某腐磐狼 己喊阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71049 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71050 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. -71051 蜇犁啊厚辑 扁粮加己苞 喊俺狼 滴俺狼 加己阑 眠啊 窍咯 凛聪促. -71052 蜇犁版厚辑 蜇犁啊厚辑甫 捞侩秦 眠啊等 加己阑 函版窍咯 凛聪促. -71053 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗阑 滴硅肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71054 力惫噶疙辑 鸥力惫栏肺狼 函版阑 1雀 啊瓷纳 钦聪促. -71055 俺疙辑 某腐磐狼 捞抚阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71056 没锋狼 见搬 +4康籍俊辑 +5康籍栏肺 俺樊矫 己傍犬伏阑 滴硅 臭咯凛聪促. -71057 拳籍格堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳籍格堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71058 备府堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备府堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71059 篮钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 篮钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71060 陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71061 苛籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 苛籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71062 孺窜籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 孺窜籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71063 炼俺公歹扁家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 炼俺公歹扁甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71064 归陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 归陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71065 荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71066 磊荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 磊荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71067 玫风堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 玫风堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71068 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -71069 拳格狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 包烹 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71070 荤尔狼 迫骂 硅快磊客 窃膊 裙垫窍绰 版氰摹啊 臭酒笼聪促. -71071 荤尔狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 摹疙鸥 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71072 拳格狼 迫骂 阁胶磐狼 傍拜仿阑 撤苗 凛聪促. -71073 荤尔狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 傍拜仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71074 拳格狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 规绢仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71075 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71076 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71077 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71078 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71079 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71080 檬鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 檬鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71081 吝鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 吝鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71082 绊鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 绊鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71083 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 -71084 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71085 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71086 饭骇诀涅胶飘(20~29) -71087 饭骇诀涅胶飘(30~39) -71088 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) -71089 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) -71090 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) -71091 傈堡魄焊蝶府 惑痢埃魄狼 臂揪 祸阑 官曹荐 乐嚼聪促. -71092 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71093 敌癌备 备浇俊 弊妨柳 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71094 急牢狼 背绕 氓 荐访 己傍犬伏 2.5硅 惑铰 (1雀) -71097 侩脚狼 傍拜+ 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71098 侩脚狼 规绢+ 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71101 加康林 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71102 加康林+ 林巩加档啊 30% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71103 眉仿檬扁拳巩辑 眉仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71104 瘤瓷檬扁拳巩辑 瘤瓷阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71105 辟仿檬扁拳巩辑 辟仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71106 刮酶檬扁拳巩辑 刮酶阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71107 玫档汗件酒 急厩摹甫 3000 惑铰矫诺聪促 -71108 档拳林+ 玫档汗件酒 采阑 肋 富妨|淬辟 绊鞭 贱 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -71109 呕籍辑 付瘤阜狼 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促 -71110 阿汲帕 郴 富俊霸 捞抚阑 凛聪促|规绢仿 +20篮 待! -71111 备港抄剧富 坷贰 脚绢辑 备港抄 剧富 | 窍瘤父 农府胶付胶飘府俊 吧搁? -71112 呕籍辑+ 盔窍绰 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促. -71113 陛碍版 酒捞袍 技何 加己 钎矫甫 盲泼芒阑 烹秦 傈颇且 荐 乐嚼聪促. - - -72001 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72002 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72003 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72004 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72005 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72006 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72007 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72008 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72009 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72010 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72011 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72012 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72013 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72014 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72015 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72016 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72017 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72018 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72019 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72020 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72021 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72022 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72023 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72024 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72025 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72026 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72027 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72028 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72029 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72030 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72031 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72032 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72033 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72034 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72035 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72036 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72037 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72038 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72039 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72040 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72041 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72042 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72043 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72044 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72045 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72046 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72047 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72048 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% - -72301 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72302 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72303 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72304 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72305 荤扼咙狼 颊芭匡 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72306 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72307 公扁厘狼 厚傈辑 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72308 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72309 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72310 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72311 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72312 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72313 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72314 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72315 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72316 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72317 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72318 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 - -72501 版氰狼 馆瘤(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72502 档迪狼 厘癌(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 - -72701 官恩狼 脚惯 官恩狼 沥扁甫 脚惯俊 何咯窍咯 狐弗 捞悼阑 啊瓷纳 窍咯霖促 捞悼加档+30 - -72703 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72704 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72705 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72706 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 - -72709 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72710 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72711 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72712 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 - -73001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 - -73251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 -73252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 -73253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 -73254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 -73255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 - -73501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 - -73751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 - - - - -74001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -74751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - - - - -75001 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(弧埃祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 河篮祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75002 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷全祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷全祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75003 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷没祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷没祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75004 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷哎祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷哎祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75005 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(哎祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 哎祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75006 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(酒捞焊府) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 酒捞焊府赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75007 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(楷没祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 楷没祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75008 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(踌祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 踌祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75009 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 八篮祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75010 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷全祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷全祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75011 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75012 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 踌祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -75201 厘惯 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75202 厘惯 弓澜赣府(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75203 厘惯 弓澜赣府(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75204 厘惯 弓澜赣府(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75205 滴扒(闰祸) 闰祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75206 滴扒(孺废祸) 孺废祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75207 滴扒(炔配祸) 炔配祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75208 滴扒(河篮祸) 河篮祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75209 箕扁钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75210 箕扁钠(没废祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 没废祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75211 箕扁钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 八篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75212 箕扁钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 畴鄂祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 - -75401 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(雀祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 雀祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75402 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 楷哎祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75403 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(畴鄂祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 畴鄂祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75404 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 踌祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75405 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(闰祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75406 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(河篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75407 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(八篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75408 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75409 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(闰祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 闰祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75410 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(焊扼祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 焊扼祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75411 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 八篮祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75412 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 哎祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -75601 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(炔配祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 炔配祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75602 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(皑没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 皑没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75603 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75604 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(雀祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 雀祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75605 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(哎祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 哎祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75606 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(皑没祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 皑没祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75607 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(畴鄂祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 畴鄂祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75608 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 焊扼祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75609 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75610 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(雀哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 雀哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75611 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(焊扼祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75612 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(河篮祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - - - -80001 捣林赣聪 -80002 归瘤 -80008 陛 耽绢府 傈囚 啊傍捞 登绢乐瘤 臼篮 陛耽绢府|惑痢俊辑 厚窖 蔼栏肺 概涝等促. -80009 捞悼狼馆瘤 捞悼 瓷仿捞 乐绰 馆瘤肺 捞悼阑 且 荐 绝绰 瘤开俊辑 荤侩矫 夯惫栏肺 捞悼邓聪促. - -90001 后拱烹 -90002 拱烹 -90003 荐沥 -90004 焊籍 -90005 荐籍 -90006 康籍 -90007 堡籍 - - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5937cc42..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 伙楷曼 蔫浅曼 龋窃浅家 利阑 狐福霸 技锅 海绢辰促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 3雀 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 迫规浅快 柳堪曼 侩澜冠玫 漠阑 棱绊 雀傈窍咯 林困狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈柳 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 傈蓖去 陛碍畴 颇何傈档 坷肺瘤 傍拜俊父 傈充茄促 傍拜 加档 惑铰 捞悼 加档 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦 刘啊 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 傍拜 加档 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 八版 埃缴八 脚八钦老 傍拜仿阑 老沥矫埃 悼救 刘啊矫挪促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 傍拜仿 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 藕券拜 鞠尖 怕没碍扁 醚舅贸烦 崔妨啊 利阑 逞绢哆赴促 倒拜 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR 扁傍曼 窜岿颇 迫浅具快 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 拜魂鸥快 龋困 侩惑备玫 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 措柳阿 荤磊饶 馆绊柳玫 林困狼 利阑 荤规栏肺 朝妨焊辰促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 老沥 犬伏肺 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 玫辟眠 枚何魂 怕魂拘沥 老矫利栏肺 规绢仿捞 惑铰窍哥 碍仿茄 傍拜俊档 静矾瘤瘤 臼绰促 规绢仿 惑铰 捞悼 加档 窍遏 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 规绢仿 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 捞悼 加档 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 八浅 扁搬曼 八扁面傈 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 扁例 瓤苞 措惑 朝府扁 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -31 ASSASSIN 鞠嚼 篮拜 幅堡林急 利俊霸 隔贰 促啊啊 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 饶规 扁嚼矫 傍拜仿 惑铰 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 泵脚藕康 公康八 抄康碍付 狐福霸 利俊霸 立辟窍咯 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 瞒符混 公符曼 企快魄款 狐福霸 雀傈窍哥 傈规狼 利阑 亥促 呕免 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 篮屈过 玫函贱 瞒玫乔老 磊脚狼 葛嚼阑 皑冕促 傍拜矫 秦力 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 鞠混 扁贱 眠啊 鸥拜摹 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 魂傍盒 寒赴款 窃荤荤康 林困俊 刀栏肺 备抚阑 父甸绢 利阑 吝刀 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 楷荤 包老混 扁父厘全 茄疙狼 利俊霸 咯矾惯狼 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 咯矾锅 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f惯狼 拳混阑 金促 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 包拜贱 快傈混 玫豪抗磊 茄锅俊 咯矾疙狼 利俊霸 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 悼矫俊 咯矾 措惑 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 傍拜仿 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 弥措 %.0f 疙鳖瘤 傍拜 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 拳炼颇 公仿 脚公柳玫 拳混俊 阂采狼 塞阑 标甸咯 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 版傍贱 脚青 翠汲公如 个阑 啊罕霸 窍咯 捞悼 加档甫 臭牢促 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 捞悼加档 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 刀扁泵 侥刀傈 眠去呕疙 拳混俊 碍仿茄 刀阑 葛酒 金促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 措惑 朝府扁 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 尖飞瘤 凯急磊 玫贺瘤凯 颊啊遏 场俊辑 碍仿茄 气惯阑 老栏挪促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 惑措 规绢 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 惑措 规绢 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 侩鼻颇 急浅柳 堡脚林八 葛电 巴阑 海绢滚府绰 碍仿茄 雀坷府 官恩阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 级戈茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 雀乔 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 惑措 雀乔 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 蓖八 曼飞八 档锋犁玫 八俊 蓖脚狼 塞阑 阂绢 持绰促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 软趋 傍拜 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 傍拜仿 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 鸥拜摹 %.0f%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 10*k -64 SURA 傍器 趋力 利访堡付 磊脚阑 傍拜窍绰 利俊霸 滴妨框阑 老栏难 瓷仿阑 距拳 矫挪促 惑措 傍拜仿 历窍 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦矫父 利侩 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 惑措 傍拜仿 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 林付癌 去菩 玫付何眉 绢狄狼 癌渴栏肺 个阑 焊龋茄促 乔秦矫 流立 鸥拜摹 老何甫 馆荤 规绢仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 规绢仿 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 颇过贱 伙盔贱 何榜家去 葛电 捞肺款 贱过阑 公瓤拳 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 焊炼 瓤苞 力芭 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 颇过 犬伏 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 付飞 蓖飞 呕去飞 绢狄狼 塞阑 带廉 利俊霸 惑贸甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 拳堪气 气堪柳 付锋林玫 气惯阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 阂怕款促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 公康柳 付堪 苛拳盒眉 林牢阑 瘤虐绰 气惯眉甫 父电促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 烙狼 急琶 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 孺脚荐龋 绢去贱 玫邦瘤谰 绢狄狼 塞栏肺 个阑 皑轿绊 腊眉狼 绊烹阑 沥脚仿栏肺 滚胚辰促 鸥拜摹甫 沥脚仿栏肺 皑尖 规绢仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 鸥拜摹 皑尖啦 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 规绢仿 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 捧加付飞 帮脚飞 锰焊抄青 加冠狼 厩飞甸阑 利俊霸 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 蠢妨咙 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 蠢妨咙 犬伏 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 付券拜 趋飞丑 扒帮鞠楷 绢狄狼 扁甫 带廉 利俊霸 乔秦甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 厚颇何 蓖盔颇 坷盲款窍 利俊霸 何利阑 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 侩颇魂 颇锋何 泪锋苛玫 侩脚狼 屈惑阑 筋酒 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 菩锋气 铰锋颇 玫锋颇固 侩脚狼 屈惑栏肺 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 付过 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 龋脚 玫寒 柳锋龋眉 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 焊龋狼 柳阑 弊妨 焊龋茄促 拱府 傍拜 历亲 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 拱府 傍拜 历亲 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 馆荤 荐版柳 玫碍沥扁 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 利狼 傍拜阑 登倒府绰 柳阑 弊赴促 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 扁玫措傍 玫锋去 侩脚己困 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 颊俊 窍疵狼 狼瘤甫 阂怕款促 摹疙鸥 傍拜 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 摹疙鸥 犬伏 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 锄傈飞 柳玫汾 傈级汾疙 涵遏阑 利俊霸 带柳促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 涵遏 锄堪级 没玫寒仿 窍疵狼 塞阑 呼绢 利俊霸 涵遏阑 郴赴促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 气汾拜 颇玫汾 备玫气汾 颊俊辑 涵遏阑 徽绢辰促 厘芭府 傍拜 傈扁 加己 林函 措惑 楷捞绢 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 沥诀牢 措沥诀牢 阂堡焊炼 蝴狼 扁款栏肺 惑贸甫 摹蜡茄促 积疙仿 雀汗 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 积疙仿 雀汗 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 犬伏 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 蔫加 浅柳 浅功翠款 官恩阑 鸥绊 崔赴促 捞悼 加档 惑铰 林巩 矫埃 皑家 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 林巩 加档 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 刘仿贱 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 塞阑 歹宽 碍窍霸 茄促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 傍拜仿 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 烹贾仿 悼丰甸阑 捞掺绰 瓷仿 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 楷拌扁 楷加 傍拜 冉荐甫 刘啊|矫挪促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 超矫 拱啊俊辑 拱绊扁甫 超绰促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 盲堡 堡籍阑 某辰促 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 力炼 酒捞袍阑 父电促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 脚荐绢 脚荐惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 玫炼绢 玫炼惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 柳畴绢 柳畴惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 函脚 阁胶磐肺 函脚茄促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 铰付 富阑 鸥绰 瓷仿 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 家券 富阑 家券茄促 summon -137 HORSE 枚付抄公 富阑 鸥绊 崔府哥 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 龙浅林付 傈规阑 啊肺 阜绰 利甸阑 葛滴 逞绢哆赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 瘤绵铰玫 林函狼 葛电 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 眠勘抄公 菊阑 啊肺阜绰 利甸俊霸 拳混阑 朝赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD 侩救 弥措 侩脚仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE yongan 弥措 侩脚仿 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 侩脚狼 乔 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 积疙仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 弥措Hp惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 侩脚狼 绵汗 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 沥脚仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 弥措 沥脚仿 惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 己戎癌 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 规绢仿捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 规绢仿惑铰 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 啊加拳 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 傍拜 加档客 捞悼 加档啊 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 傍拜,捞悼 加档惑铰 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 侩脚狼 盒畴 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 农府萍拿 犬伏捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 农府萍拿 犬伏 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 林巩贱 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 扁贱 荤侩 酿鸥烙捞 老矫利栏肺 临绢电促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 林巩加档惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d6d60742..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dcae77e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -脚荐惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -悼规苞狼 背开狼 何劝阑 捞风[ENTER] -妨绰 芭措 惑诀惫啊. 力惫狼[ENTER] -盒凯 捞饶 规摹登促矫乔 茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -辑率狼 堡具 瘤开阑 辟夯栏肺[ENTER] -茄 惑牢甸捞 扒汲茄 惫啊捞促.[ENTER] -林肺 辑开苞狼 公开 烹肺肺[ENTER] -荤侩登带 瘤开捞瘤父 己付籍[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)狼 免泅 捞饶[ENTER] -[WAIT] -公开肺啊 瞒窜凳栏肺 牢秦 啊厘[ENTER] -弧府 己付籍狼 困蛆阑 柄崔疽带[ENTER] -捞甸捞扁档 窍促. 积诀阑 困蛆[ENTER] -寸茄 捞甸篮 弊甸捞 啊柳 葛电[ENTER] -犁魂阑 贸盒秦 备 力惫 傈眉俊辑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -傈荤甸阑 葛酒 甸咯 辑率俊辑狼[ENTER] -困蛆阑 规厚 窍妨绊 霖厚 吝俊[ENTER] -乐促. 捞甸捞 盔窍绰 巴篮[ENTER] -烹老等 窍唱狼 惫啊狼 塞栏肺[ENTER] -乐阑瘤档 葛福绰 辑开俊辑狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -魔傍阑 阜酒郴绊 促矫 公开肺甫[ENTER] -俺么窍绰 巴捞促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5f88c54d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -玫炼惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -己付籍狼 儡幅荤充狼 粮犁甫[ENTER] -何福垄栏哥 捞甫 力芭窍妨绰[ENTER] -己辆背惫啊. 炔力狼 荤锰悼积[ENTER] -[WAIT] -例档荤 辣康俊 狼秦 技况柳[ENTER] -辑规狼 惫啊捞促. 林贱苞 痢俊[ENTER] -瓷茄 酒郴甫 烹秦 己付籍(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)狼 困氰阑 流立利栏肺[ENTER] -柄摧绊 弊俊 措茄 措厚氓阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -技匡 巴阑 咯矾 瞒肥俊 吧媚[ENTER] -扒狼窍看瘤父 捞甫 公矫寸窍绊[ENTER] -老练阑 捞缠绊 力惫俊 措秦[ENTER] -馆扁甫 甸菌促. 泅犁 柳畴惫苞[ENTER] -坷罚 趋傈阑 芭奠窍绊 乐栏哥[ENTER] -[WAIT] -捞甸狼 格利篮 窜瘤 窍唱, 傈[ENTER] -措氟阑 烹老秦 辑率俊辑何磐[ENTER] -炼陛究 魔侥秦 甸绢 坷绰 己付[ENTER] -籍狼 塞阑 瞒窜 窍绰 巴捞促.[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 91519b2f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -柳畴惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -备 力惫狼 何劝阑 厕操哥 沥烹[ENTER] -己阑 林厘窍绰 焙荤措惫. 炔力[ENTER] -狼 利磊牢 捞涪捞 捞缠绊 乐绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -夯惫捞促. 合规俊 困摹窍绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 脚荐惫俊 厚秦[ENTER] -趣刀茄 磊楷券版阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐栏哥 弊 锭巩牢瘤 惑寸洒[ENTER] -傍拜利捞绊 菩档利牢 巩拳甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍绊 乐促. 脚荐惫阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -扒汲茄 辣康狼 己付籍俊 措茄[ENTER] -林厘俊 措秦辑绰 肯傈洒 公矫[ENTER] -窍绰淀茄 措寇利牢 怕档甫[ENTER] -秒窍绊 乐瘤父 捞固 炔角狼[ENTER] -泅磊甸阑 悼盔秦 弊俊 措茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊技茄 炼荤俊 馒荐秦 乐绰 淀[ENTER] -窍促. 捞甸捞 钎搁利栏肺 己付[ENTER] -籍俊 措秦 公包缴茄 巴篮[ENTER] -盒凯等 力惫阑 促矫 烹老窍扁[ENTER] -困茄 捞涪狼 具噶捞 官帕俊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -彬妨乐扁 锭巩捞促.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ccb83559..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -俺货尝 -俺货扁 -俺磊侥 -俺磊瘤 -俺焊瘤 -俺何饿 -俺楼刘 -俺溅 -俺仇 -俺斥 -久货尝 -久货 -绞货尝 -久斥 -绞劈 -久劈 -久攀 -绞攀 -轿啊瘤 -较酒瘤 -揪何凡 -揪何饿 -揪官 -揪规货 -揪规酒 -揪惯 -揪惯仇 -揪惯逞 -揪惯烦 -揪惯芬 -揪惯斥 -揪惯访 -揪婆 -揪国 -揪迫 -揪豪 -揪阂 -久迫 -鹅惯 -鹅国 -矫国 -矫惯仇 -矫惯逞 -矫惯斥 -矫惯酒 -矫迫 -矫妻 -胶国 -静国 -静惯 -静阂 -静迫 -静居 -浆妻 -浆祁 -凉扼 -粮唱 -揪居 -聪扁固 -聪固煌 -街仇 -洁仇 -街斥 -洁斥 -街畴公 -洁畴公 -轿冠酒 -俺溅捞 -俺溅虐 -俺溅尝 -固模溅捞 -固模货尝 -固模溅虐 -固模祸洒 -固模仇 -固模斥 -捍脚 -洪脚 -葫脚 -殿脚 -久且 -瘤饿 -零饿 -磊瘤甸 -焊瘤甸 -腊滨栋 -腊滨冻 -腊癌 -腊滨 -砍冈绢 -砍赣芭 -堪冈绢 -堪赣芭 -坏钮 -欢钮 -狐钮 -糊钮 -蝗钮 -磺钮 -腊矫凡 -腊矫饿 -堪捍 -量鳖 -两鳖 -炼鳖 -久攀 -久芒 -决芒 -绞攀 -绞芒 -赣历府 -肚扼捞 -地廉 -地历 -第廉 -裁癌 -裁滨 -棱斥 -棱仇 -货尝 -技尝 -疥尝 -货播 -祸播 -祸洒 -溅虐 -溅捞 -溅尝 -溅播 -涧虐 -涧洒 -碍埃 -冀胶 -捞斥酒 -久 -量 -两 -洁 -龋饭磊侥 -饶饭磊侥 -18仇 -18斥 -焊瘤判 -磊瘤判 -焊瘤弧酒 -磊瘤弧酒 -芒赤 -狐备府 -焊瘤 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0b380b89..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5215 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -20 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -21 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -22 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON 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-133 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -134 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -135 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -136 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -137 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -138 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -139 WEAPON icon/item/00130.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00130.gr2 -140 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -141 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -142 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -143 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -144 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -145 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -146 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00140.gr2 -147 WEAPON icon/item/00140.tga d:/ymir 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -385 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -386 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -387 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -388 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -389 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -390 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -391 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -392 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -393 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -394 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -395 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -396 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -397 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -398 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -399 WEAPON 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-429 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -430 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -431 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -432 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -433 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -434 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -435 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -436 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -437 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -438 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -439 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -440 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -441 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -442 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -443 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir 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-9004 WEAPON icon/item/11800.tga -9011 ARMOR icon/item/9011.tga -9012 ARMOR icon/item/9012.tga -9013 ARMOR icon/item/9013.tga -9014 ARMOR icon/item/9014.tga -9501 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -9502 WEAPON icon/item/01000.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01000.gr2 -9503 WEAPON icon/item/02000.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02000.gr2 -9504 WEAPON icon/item/03000.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/03000.gr2 -9505 WEAPON icon/item/07000.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07000.gr2 -50201 WEAPON icon/item/50201.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/buke.gr2 -50202 WEAPON icon/item/50201.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/buke.gr2 -29101 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29102 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29103 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29104 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29105 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29106 WEAPON 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100644 index c509327e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c6163c24..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -磊按篮 窜八苞 劝阑 林公扁肺[ENTER] -窍绰 傈巩利牢 鞠混磊 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 老沥 荐霖俊 档崔窍扁[ENTER] -鳖瘤狼 啊趣茄 绕访苞沥 傣盒[ENTER] -俊 措氟 傈眉俊 弊府 腹瘤绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼瘤父, 漂沥茄 炼扒父 爱眠绢[ENTER] -柳促搁 傈厘狼 儒抚阑 第官层[ENTER] -初阑 荐 乐阑 沥档狼 颇鲍仿阑[ENTER] -啊笼聪促. 刮酶窃苞 加档甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍扁 困秦 啊涵款 规绢备[ENTER] -[WAIT] -父阑 馒侩 茄促绰 巴捞 绢痘霸[ENTER] -焊搁 捞甸狼 蜡老茄 距痢[ENTER] -涝聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebc02ee0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公寸篮 磊楷苞 澜剧狼 塞狼[ENTER] -儒抚苞 炼拳甫 柄崔篮 泅磊甸[ENTER] -涝聪促. 弊甸篮 捞矾茄 过蘑阑[ENTER] -漂沥茄 概俺眉甫 烹秦 备眉拳[ENTER] -矫懦 荐 乐绰 规过 肚茄 舅绊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -乐嚼聪促. 捞矾茄 弊甸父狼[ENTER] -概俺眉甫 老馆 荤恩甸篮 何利,[ENTER] -趣篮 柳过捞扼绊 何辅聪促.[ENTER] -呈公唱 规措茄 瘤侥阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 谗烙绝捞 促弗[ENTER] -[WAIT] -荤恩苞 措拳 窍扁甫 盔窍瘤父,[ENTER] -弊甸狼 缴坷窍绊 抄秦茄 捞具[ENTER] -扁甸绢临 荤恩甸篮 弊府 腹瘤[ENTER] -臼嚼聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 69d5abd7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -荐扼绰 磊脚狼 迫俊 厩付狼[ENTER] -揪狙阑 扁积矫难 付过狼 塞阑[ENTER] -软荐茄 傈荤 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 促弗 磊甸苞绰 崔府 林[ENTER] -函俊 啊鳖款 牢埃包拌甫 屈己[ENTER] -[WAIT] -窍瘤 臼绰 漂隆捞 乐嚼聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸狼 格钎绰 瘤惑 弥碍狼 塞[ENTER] -阑 爱眠绰 巴捞哥, 弊 寇狼 巴[ENTER] -甸篮 窜瘤 芭眠厘胶矾款 规秦[ENTER] -拱捞扼绊 积阿 钦聪促.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊脚狼 塞阑 苞矫窍绰 巴 炼瞒[ENTER] -阂鞘夸窍促绊 咯辨 沥档肺 弊[ENTER] -甸篮 坷流 鉴荐茄 塞 磊眉父[ENTER] -哎噶 钦聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fd9b5905..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公荤绰 茄 磊风 八苞 瓢瓢茄[ENTER] -癌渴栏肺 公厘窍绊 贸澜何磐[ENTER] -场鳖瘤 傈厘狼 林开栏肺 劝距[ENTER] -钦聪促. 儡犁林客 荤恩阑 泅趣[ENTER] -矫虐绰 荐窜阑 版戈窍哥 坷流[ENTER] -[WAIT] -碍枚鞍捞 荐访等 磊脚狼 辟腊[ENTER] -苞 讣篮 拱贸烦 绊夸茄 沥脚[ENTER] -技拌 父阑 眠备 钦聪促.[ENTER] -盒畴茄 捞甸阑 阜阑 荐 乐绰[ENTER] -磊甸篮 措氟 傈眉俊 粮犁 窍瘤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼绰 促绊 积阿 窍绰 巴捞[ENTER] -壳阑 巴 涝聪促. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cec14bf7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,747 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 陛浇 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 急厩摹 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 流立 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 背券吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 惑痢阑 捞侩吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 堡厘俊辑绰 俺牢 惑痢阑 咯角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 拳混捞 何练秦 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 历镑栏肺 立辟 且 荐绰 绝阑 巴 鞍焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 厘馒秦具秦 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 富阑 鸥具父 荤侩 且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 穿备俊霸 镜扒瘤 搬沥秦具... -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 积疙仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 沥脚仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 富阑 鸥绊 荤侩 且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 捞 公扁肺绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 扁贱捞焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 悼丰俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 磷篮磊俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 甸绊辑 胶懦阑 荤侩且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 唱俊霸绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 丛篮 庇富 芭何 惑怕 涝聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 丛篮 立加吝捞 酒凑聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 庇富 芭何 惑怕俊辑绰 庇富阑 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 SNA -CHANNEL 盲澄 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 肺弊牢 拳搁栏肺 唱哎 荐 绝嚼聪促. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 辑滚 绝澜 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 盲澄 %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 盲澄 沥焊甫 茫阑荐啊 绝嚼聪促 -CHANNEL_PVP 磊蜡措搬 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 盲澄阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 搬力备开阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 辑滚甫 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 抛胶飘辑滚 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 抛胶飘 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 傈眉 -CHAT_BLOCK 瞒窜 -CHAT_GUILD 辨靛 -CHAT_INFORMATION 沥焊 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 何利例茄 窜绢啊 器窃等 巩厘涝聪促 -CHAT_LOG 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁[L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁 -CHAT_NORMAL 老馆 -CHAT_NOTICE 傍瘤 -CHAT_PARTY 颇萍 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 盲泼 焊郴扁 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 率瘤 焊郴扁[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 寇魔 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 寇摹扁绰 15檬俊 茄锅究 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -CHAT_WHISPER 庇富 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME '款康'捞 器窃等 捞抚篮 荤侩 且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 何利例茄 捞抚涝聪促 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 鞍篮 捞抚阑 啊柳 某腐磐啊 乐嚼聪促 -CREATE_FAILURE 某腐磐甫 父甸 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_GM_NAME 款康 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 捞抚阑 涝仿 窍绞矫坷 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 器牢飘啊 酒流 巢酒乐嚼聪促 -DAY 老 -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY %d 成阑 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 滚副荐 绝嚼聪促. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 1000成 捞惑篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 错胶1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 错胶2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 错胶3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 错胶4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 错胶5 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 绵窍 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 侩辑 -EMOTION_ANGRY 拳晨 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 蜡趣 -EMOTION_SAD 浇悄 -EMOTION_SHY 何掺烦 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 览盔 -EMOTION_BANTER 愁覆 -EMOTION_JOY 扁惠 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 券龋 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 券龋 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 惑措甫 急琶窍绞矫坷 -EMOTION_CLAP 冠荐 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 虐胶 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 橇坊摹 虐胶 -EMOTION_SLAP 蝶蓖 -EMPIRE_A 脚荐惫 -EMPIRE_B 玫炼惫 -EMPIRE_C 柳畴惫 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 背券 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 搬沥窍脚 咀荐绰 函版且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 背券且荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_MONEY 背券 咀荐 -EXCHANGE_TITLE %s 丛苞狼 背券 -FISHING_FAILURE 绊扁啊 固尝父 哗冈绊 漓轿霸 档噶闷嚼聪促 -FISHING_UNKNOWN 公均捞 棱腮瘤 葛福摆促 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 超矫甫 且 荐 乐绰 镑捞 酒凑聪促 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 富阑 鸥绊辑 盲堡阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 家蜡鼻捞 绝绢 酒捞袍阑 笼阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 目辑 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 捞惑捞 彬妨 乐瘤 臼酒 霸烙 角青阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促.\nDirectX 8.1 捞惑阑 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 霸烙 角青俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 厘摹甫 茫阑荐 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 弊贰侨 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n肚绰 窍靛傀绢 啊加捞 难廉乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n(力绢魄->叼胶敲饭捞->汲沥 狼 绊鞭滚瓢\n->巩力 秦搬 徘俊辑 窍靛傀绢 啊加阑 '弥措'肺 汲沥) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 荤侩窍绊 拌脚 矫胶袍狼 弊贰侨 墨靛绰 32厚飘 葛靛俊辑 芒葛靛甫 瘤盔窍瘤 臼嚼聪促.\n16厚飘 葛靛肺 傈券窍矫芭唱 傈眉 拳搁 葛靛甫 荤侩窍矫扁 官而聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 酒捞袍 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 皋牢 芒 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 阁胶磐 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 匙飘况农 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n牢磐齿 楷搬惑怕甫 痢八秦焊技夸. -GAME_PICK_MONEY %d 成阑 裙垫沁嚼聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 128捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 12捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 16捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 64啊 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 瘤盔登绰 捞固瘤 颇老捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH metin2/upload 弃歹俊 颇老阑 持绢林技夸 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 急琶等 捞固瘤 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 荐龋傈 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 菩空傈 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s 辨靛俊辑 辨靛傈 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 览傈 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 竿厘傈 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 侩脚仿阑 雀汗且 鞘夸啊 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_COMMENT 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 辨靛 捞抚栏肺 荤侩窍扁俊 何利例钦聪促 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 辨靛盔 -GUILD_DELETE 瘤快扁 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP %d成阑 荤侩窍咯 侩脚仿阑 %d父怒 雀汗窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 辨靛俊 啊涝 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 厚绢 乐绰 顶 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 惑措 辨靛疙 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 捞抚 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 犁丰啊 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 傍瘤鼻茄捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 且 版氰摹 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 版氰摹啊 何练钦聪促 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 扁瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 霸矫魄 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 流困 包府 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 辨靛 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 辨靛盔 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 辨靛 胶懦 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 傈捧 矫埃 30盒 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 铰府矫 拱距 焊惑 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 傈里磐 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 老馆甘 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 痢荐啊 臭篮 辨靛啊 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 惑措祈 标惯阑 磊脚狼 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 扁瘤肺 啊廉坷搁 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 惑措 辨靛 傈戈矫 铰府 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼嚼聪促 -GUILD_HEADQUARTER 夯扒拱 -GUILD_FACILITY 扁瓷扒拱 -GUILD_OBJECT 炼版拱 -HORSE_HEALTH0 磷菌澜 -HORSE_HEALTH1 倾扁咙 -HORSE_HEALTH2 硅绊悄 -HORSE_HEALTH3 硅何抚 -HORSE_LEVEL1 檬鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL2 吝鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL3 绊鞭富 -HOUR 矫埃 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 概飘腐胶 墨靛 锅龋 涝仿 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 概飘腐胶 墨靛 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 林刮殿废锅龋 缔磊府 7臂磊甫 涝仿秦林绞矫坷 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 某腐磐 昏力 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 蓖券扁撅何绰 钦磨 荐 绝嚼聪促 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 酒捞袍阑 荤侩窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -JOB_ASSASSIN 磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 斑嚼磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 厚混焙 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 碍畴焙 -JOB_SHAMAN 公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN0 斑嚼公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN1 玫锋焙 -JOB_SHAMAN2 堡汾焙 -JOB_SURA 荐扼 -JOB_SURA0 斑嚼荐扼 -JOB_SURA1 券公焙 -JOB_SURA2 孺付焙 -JOB_WARRIOR 公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR0 斑嚼公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR1 唱茄焙 -JOB_WARRIOR2 喊扁焙 -LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 辑滚 立加俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 辑滚 立加俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNETING 辑滚俊 立加 吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 秦寸 拌沥捞 捞固 立加秦 乐嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 肺弊牢俊 巩力啊 惯积窍看嚼聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 喉钒吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 荤侩扁埃 搬力啊 登瘤 臼篮 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 涝仿窍脚 酒捞叼绰 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 泅犁 酒捞袍 汗备 吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 辑滚啊 酒流 坷锹 登瘤 臼疽嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 立加磊啊 腹酒 立加且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 捞蜡肺 肺弊牢俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 锅龋 涝仿捞 肋给 登菌嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 锅龋 涝仿捞 3锅 撇妨 立加阑 辆丰钦聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 菩胶况靛啊 撇啡嚼聪促 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 酒捞叼甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 肺弊牢 吝 涝聪促 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 酒捞袍 隔俊绰 酒捞袍阑 持阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MAP_A1 康救谰己 -MAP_A2 铰锋邦 -MAP_A3 磊剧泅 -MAP_AG 吝尔泅 -MAP_B1 炼救谰己 -MAP_B2 烙瘤邦 -MAP_B3 汗沥泅 -MAP_BG 客锋泅 -MAP_C1 乞公谰己 -MAP_C2 规魂邦 -MAP_C3 冠扼泅 -MAP_CG 烙窍泅 -MAP_DESERT 康厚荤阜 -MAP_FLAME 档堪拳瘤 -MAP_SKELTOWER 荤蓖啪 -MAP_SNOW 辑茄魂 -MAP_SPIDER 芭固奔 -MAP_TEMPLE 剐背荤盔 -MAP_TREE 蓖格覆 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s丛捞 模备 殿废阑 夸没窍继嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 沥富肺 昏力 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 捞悼 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 厚绢乐澜 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 啊练 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 模备 -MESSENGER_GUILD 辨靛 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 勤靛迄 皋技瘤肺 罐栏脚 牢刘 锅龋甫 涝仿秦 林绞矫坷 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 牢刘 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 涝仿窍瘤 臼栏矫搁 皋技瘤甫 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 瘤陛 锅龋甫 涝仿窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 勤靛迄 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 焊尘 巩磊 皋技瘤 -MINIMAP 固聪甘 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 固聪甘阑 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档甫 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 绵家 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 犬措 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 包恩磊 %d 疙 -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档 焊扁 -MINUTE 盒 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍 困摹甫 官曹 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 澜厩 颇老捞 粮犁窍瘤 臼嚼聪促 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 急琶等 澜厩 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -NEEFD_REST 绒侥鞘夸 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 酒流 瘤盔登瘤 臼嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼栏搁 辨靛 葛靛绰 汲沥且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT PvP 葛靛 汲沥篮 泅犁 荤侩窍角 荐 绝嚼聪促. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d饭骇 捞惑父 PvP 葛靛 汲沥捞 啊瓷钦聪促. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 傍拜仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 傍拜 加档 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 胶懦 瘤加 矫埃 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 规绢仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 弥措 沥脚仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 弥措 积疙仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 颇萍 秦魂 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 丛捞 颇萍 啊涝 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 丛狼 颇萍 檬措甫 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 版氰摹 盒硅 规侥 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 饭骇俊 蝶扼 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 饭骇捞 臭阑 荐废 版氰摹甫 腹捞 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 闭殿窍霸 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 葛电 颇萍盔捞 版氰摹甫 闭殿窍霸 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 傈盔 雀汗 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 颇萍 康氢 裹困 1.5硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 颇萍 康氢 裹困 2硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 颇萍 呕硼 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 厘矫埃 颇萍 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [坷橇扼牢] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 颇萍盔 家券 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 眉仿 沥脚仿 雀汗樊 焊呈胶 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 颇萍 脚没阑 芭何沁嚼聪促. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 绢怕目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 滚辑目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 滚欺肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 叼奇歹肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 瓷仿 秦力 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 攀目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 绢琶目 扁夯 傍拜仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 滚辑目 傍拜 加档 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 滚欺 胶懦 瘤加矫埃 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 叼奇歹 规绢仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 颇萍 裹困 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐 弥措 沥脚仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 攀目 弥措 积疙仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 颇萍盔 家券 啊瓷 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 笼阑 俺荐 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 俺牢 惑痢俊辑 魄概 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 凯绊 拌脚 俺牢 惑痢阑 摧栏矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 捞抚 涝仿芒 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 啊拜 涝仿芒 -PVP_LEVEL0 急空 -PVP_LEVEL1 康旷 -PVP_LEVEL2 己磊 -PVP_LEVEL3 瘤牢 -PVP_LEVEL4 剧刮 -PVP_LEVEL5 扯牢 -PVP_LEVEL6 厩牢 -PVP_LEVEL7 付滴 -PVP_LEVEL8 菩空 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP 辨靛 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP 磊蜡 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP 乞拳 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 焊龋 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 览隆 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 磊蜡 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 乞拳 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 焊龋 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 览隆 -QUEST_APPEND 货肺款 涅胶飘啊 殿废登菌嚼聪促 -QUEST_MIN 盒 -QUEST_SEC 檬 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 力茄 矫埃 檬苞 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 力茄 矫埃 绝澜 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 檬 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 狞浇吩俊 殿废且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s 丛栏肺何磐 皋技瘤啊 吭嚼聪促 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : %d成 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 俺樊 犬伏捞 臭酒瘤瘤父 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促. 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍 己瓷捞 冻绢笼聪促 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 沥富 康籍阑 都绢郴矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_FAILURE 俺樊俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 俺樊且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 都绢尘 荐 乐绰 皋凭籍捞 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 歹 亮篮 俺樊辑啊 鞘夸 钦聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 歹 捞惑 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 己瓷阑 氢惑 矫懦 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS 俺樊俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 厚剐 锅龋啊 撇啡嚼聪促. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 芒绊俊 乐绰 酒捞袍篮 魄概且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 货 厚剐 锅龋啊 肋给 涝仿 登菌嚼聪促 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 肺 泅犁狼 胶农赴鸡阑 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 历厘 沁嚼聪促. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 胶农赴鸡 历厘俊 角菩 沁嚼聪促. -SECOND 檬 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 某腐磐甫 昏力且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 某腐磐 捞抚捞 函版 登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 捞固 粮犁窍绰 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 促矫 矫档秦 林绞矫坷 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 肋给等 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 某腐磐 捞抚 函版 -SELECT_DELEING 某腐磐 昏力 吝 -SELECT_DELETED 昏力登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 沥富 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 厚绢乐绰 浇吩涝聪促 -SELECT_GM_NAME 款康 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 函版且 某腐磐 捞抚阑 急琶窍绞矫坷 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 惑痢 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 备涝且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 颇角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 迫 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 惑痢 俊矾 : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 肋给等 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 牢亥配府俊 巢篮 磊府啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练钦聪促. -SHOP_SELL_INFO 牢亥配府 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 颇角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 犁绊啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 厘芭府 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -SKILL_BOHO 馆荤 -SKILL_BUDONG 何悼冠何 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 捞力何磐绰 版氰阑 烹秦辑父 荐访且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 捞力何磐绰 氓阑 烹秦 荐访窍寂具 钦聪促. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 玫辟眠 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2硅 单固瘤 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 刀 官福扁 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 篮屈过 -SKILL_FAINT 扁例 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 窃沥茫扁 -SKILL_FIRE 瘤加 拳堪 -SKILL_FISHMIND 绢缴券 荤侩吝 -SKILL_GAMJI 皑瘤 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 八版 -SKILL_GEONGON 扒帮摹券 -SKILL_GICHEON 扁玫措傍 -SKILL_GIGONG 扁傍贱 -SKILL_GONGPO 傍器 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 弊罚靛 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 欺棋飘 付胶磐 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 厚混焙 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 碍畴焙 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 铰付 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 玫锋焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 堡汾焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 券公焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 孺付焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 唱茄焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 喊扁焙 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 蓖八 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 版傍贱 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 孺脚荐龋 -SKILL_HOSIN 龋脚 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 拳堪曼 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 趋付阿己 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 傍拜加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 捞悼加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INMA 牢付钦脚 -SKILL_JEOJU 历林 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 沥诀牢 -SKILL_JEONGWI 傈蓖去 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 傈脚规绢 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 傈脚傍拜 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 刘眉脚过 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 刘去瘤过 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 刘仿贱 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 刘加贱 -SKILL_JIGAM 瘤皑措过 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 笼吝规绢 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 林付癌 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 林付八 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 蔫八贱 -SKILL_KWAESOK 蔫加 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 促府弓烙 -SKILL_MUSA 公荤去 -SKILL_MUYEONG 公康柳 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 辨靛傈 吝俊父 荤侩 窍角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SKILL_PABEOP 颇过贱 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 胶畔 傍拜 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 级堡藕 -SKILL_SINCHAK 脚馒脚傍 -SKILL_SLEEP 泪甸扁 -SKILL_SLOW 浇肺快 -SKILL_STUN 胶畔 -SKILL_SUHO 荐龋傈飞 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 家券 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 饭骇 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 吝刀 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 刀俊 狼茄 傍拜仿 刘啊 -SKILL_TUSOK 捧加付飞 -SKILL_WONSIN 盔脚焊贱 -SKILL_YONGSIN 侩脚捧龋 -STAT_MINUS_CON 眉仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 刮酶 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_INT 瘤瓷 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_STR 辟仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 积疙仿苞 规绢仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 疙吝伏苞 雀乔啦捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 沥脚仿苞 付过仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 傍拜仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 辨靛 缴杭 殿废 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 狐弗 加档甫 尘 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 蠢副 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 鸥老傅 葛靛甫 汲沥窍扁 困秦 霸烙阑 辆丰钦聪促 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 措搬悼狼 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 汗荐 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 颇鲍 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 郴覆 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 咀记倾侩 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 背券 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 力寇 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 包恩辆丰 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 措搬 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 模备 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 辨靛檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 颇萍呕硼 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 颇萍啊涝 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 厘厚 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 庇富 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 厘焙 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 措空 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 凉捍 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 惑鞭 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 惑鞭 凉捍 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 傍拜 -TASKBAR_AUTO 磊悼 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -TASKBAR_EXP 版氰摹 -TASKBAR_HP 积疙仿 -TASKBAR_MOVE 捞悼 -TASKBAR_SKILL 胶懦 -TASKBAR_SP 沥脚仿 -TASKBAR_ST 瘤备仿 -THING_COUNT 俺 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 悼拱幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 磊按俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 厩付幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 牢埃阁胶磐幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 剐背幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 阁胶磐俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 旷蓖练 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 公寸俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 荐扼俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 矫眉幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 公荤俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 拱府鸥拜矫 喉钒 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 傈捧 吝 5檬寸 沥脚仿 雀汗 %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 摹疙鸥 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 乔秦矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 劝 傍拜 雀乔 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 版氰摹 眠啊 惑铰 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 捣 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 蠢妨瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 扁例窍瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 酒捞袍 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 积疙仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 鸥拜矫 惑措 沥脚仿 家葛 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 己瓷 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 荤噶矫 版氰摹 皑家甫 茄锅 阜酒霖促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 包烹 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT 吝刀 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 刀 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 拱距 荤侩矫 %d%% 己瓷 刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE 历林 登倒府扁 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 辟立 拱府傍拜 馆荤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 规匡 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 滴颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 何盲 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 茄颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 剧颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 官恩 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 氓 荐访 己傍 犬伏捞 2.5硅肺 惑铰茄促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 扁贱 荐访 角菩矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱妨朝 荐 乐促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT 蠢妨咙 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 沥脚仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT 扁例 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 惑痢俊 迫 荐 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 癌渴 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 拳混 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 磊按 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 劝 荤沥芭府 +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 林巩加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 眉仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 刮酶 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 蓖吧捞 -TOOLTIP_ETC 扁鸥 -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 唱公槽俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 邦豹捞肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 绢何俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 超矫措肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 辨捞 : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 捧备 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 颇鲍仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 颇鲍仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 颇鲍仿 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 眉仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 刮酶力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 瘤瓷力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 饭骇力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 辟仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 付过 傍拜仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 付过 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 付过 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 焊烹 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 概快狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 概快蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ 馒侩 啊瓷 ] -TOOLTIP_ITEM_BINDED 豪牢 酒捞袍 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_UNBINDING 豪牢 秦力 吝 (巢篮 矫埃: %s) -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d雀瞒 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 青款锅龋 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 付过 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 付过 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 傍拜仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 傍拜仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣操矾固甫 磊悼栏肺 林况 凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 规绢仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 规绢仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 版氰摹 20% 刘啊 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 绊鞭 拱绊扁甫 超阑 犬伏阑 棵妨凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 捣 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 捣 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f%%刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 陛浇 荐摹狼 惑铰 加档啊 刘啊 钦聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 芒绊甫 3沫栏肺 犬厘 矫诺聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 弥措 积疙仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 弥措 积疙仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 弥措 瘤备仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 捞悼加档 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 格吧捞 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : 傈何 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 鞘夸 侩脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 鞘夸 眉仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 瘤加 眉仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 鞘夸 胶懦 器牢飘 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 瘤加 沥脚仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 傈盔 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 傍拜殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , 规绢殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 茄矫埃俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 30盒俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 颇萍盔捞 磷篮瘤 3盒 捞郴 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 鞍篮 辑滚郴 颇萍盔阑 攫力扼档 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 傍拜殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐/2)狼 绢怕目 %d疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 规绢殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐)狼 攀目 1疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [傍拜/规绢 殿鞭 惑铰] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [雀汗] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 焊呈胶 版氰摹 %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [焊呈胶 版氰摹] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [家券] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [绢怕目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [攀目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 惑怕 捞惑 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 盒 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 傍拜加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 积疙仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 积疙仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 捞悼加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 沥脚仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 沥脚仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 檬 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 瘤加矫埃 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 饭骇 21 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 饭骇 41 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 饭骇 %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 饭骇 %d 捞惑 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 劝傍拜 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 傈扁 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 拳堪 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 付过 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 巢篮 荤侩 冉荐 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 公寸 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 规菩 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 脚惯 -TOOLTIP_SKILL 胶懦 SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 荐访辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER 傍拜仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED 傍拜 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 惑措 傍拜仿 : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 积疙仿 雀汗 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 捞悼 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 流立 鸥拜摹 馆荤 犬伏 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL 拱府 鸥拜 历亲 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME 酿鸥烙 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 瘤加 矫埃 : %d檬 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 噶阿辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (付胶磐) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 厚绢乐澜 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [ 何馒 啊瓷 厘厚 ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR 辟仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 荐扼 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 蜡聪农 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 公荤 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 公扁 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 迫骂 -UI_ACCEPT 荐遏 -UI_CANCEL 秒家 -UI_CLOSE 摧扁 -UI_DEF_FONT 奔覆眉:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE 奔覆眉:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL 奔覆眉:9 -UI_DENY 芭例 -UI_ITEM 酒捞袍 -UI_LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 : %d檬 -UI_NEXT 促澜 -UI_NOCONTENTS 郴侩绝澜 -UI_NONAME 捞抚绝澜 -UI_OK 犬牢 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 困摹 舅 荐 绝澜 -UI_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝澜 -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 荤侩且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 胶懦 俊矾 : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 棵府妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 焊矫妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 公荤傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 磊按傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 荐扼傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 公寸傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -FOR_MALE 巢己侩 -FOR_FEMALE 咯己侩 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test diff --git a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f4e53791..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/kr_mussang/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 犬沥 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 何馒窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 皋凭籍 何馒 -CANCEL 秒家 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 货 厚剐 锅龋 犬牢 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 货 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 扁粮 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 函版 -CHARACTER_ACTION 咀记 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 捞葛萍能 -CHARACTER_MAIN 某腐磐 -CHARACTER_QUEST 涅胶飘 -CHARACTER_SKILL 胶懦 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 惑龋 咀记 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 老馆 咀记 -CLOSE 摧扁 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -CREATE_CREATE 父甸扁 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -CREATE_HP 眉仿 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 巢篮 器牢飘 -CREATE_NAME 某腐磐捞抚 -CREATE_NEXT 促澜 -CREATE_PREV 捞傈 -CREATE_SHAPE 扁夯 汗厘 -CREATE_SP 瘤仿 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 檬扁拳 -EMPIRE_EXIT 唱啊扁 -EMPIRE_NEXT 促澜 -EMPIRE_PREV 捞傈 -EMPIRE_SELECT 急琶窍扁 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 悼狼 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 背券 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 霸烙可记 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 包傈辆丰 -GAME_HELP 档框富 -GAME_QUEST 涅胶飘 -GAME_SKILL_UP 扁贱荐访 -GAME_STAT_UP 瓷仿荐访 -GUILD_BASENAME 扁瘤捞抚 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 酒捞叼 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 郴侩 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 扒拱 辆幅 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 函版 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 规氢 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 扒拱 沥焊 棺 蜡瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 扒拱 府胶飘 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 累悼 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 困摹 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 橇府轰 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 辨靛 扒拱 窿扁 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 荐沥 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 磊盔阑 捞镑俊 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 冻绢飘府技夸 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 函版且 流困疙 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 殿鞭 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 碍硼鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 啊涝鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 傍瘤鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 胶懦鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 流困 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO 辨靛 扁夯沥焊 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 泅犁版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 急傈器绊 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 傈里吝牢辨靛 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 辨靛饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 辨靛付农 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 辨靛盔 乞闭饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 辨靛盔荐 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 辨靛捞抚 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 辨靛捞抚涝聪促 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 巢篮版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 付农 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 戎厘 棵府扁 -GUILD_MARK 辨靛 付农 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 流诀 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 厘荐 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 饭骇 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 捞抚 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 流困 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 扁咯档 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 康籍 -GUILD_MINENAL 堡籍 -GUILD_MONEY 辨靛 磊陛 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 磊盔 沥焊 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 咀萍宏 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 菩矫宏 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 侩脚仿 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 辨靛俊 吧妨 乐绰 胶懦 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_SYMBOL 辨靛 戎厘 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 辨靛傈 荐遏 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 傈捧 规侥 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 荐龋 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 辨靛傈 脚没 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 惑措 辨靛 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 菩空 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 竿厘 -GUILD_WATER 拱 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 荐籍 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 肚绰 哭率 付快胶 滚瓢栏肺 傍拜 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - + 甫 穿福搁 PK 葛靛甫 官曹 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (某腐磐, 牢亥配府, 盲泼 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 芒阑 勘聪促) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 付快胶 啊款单 滚瓢栏肺绰 酒公锭唱 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 牧飘费阑 穿弗 惑怕俊辑 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢栏肺 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_EXP 版氰摹 -HELP_FURY 凯趋 霸捞瘤 (固备泅) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 辨靛芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HELP - 档框富篮 甫 穿福芭唱 矫胶袍 皋春俊 乐绰 滚瓢栏肺 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HP 积疙仿 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 皋脚廉 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 付快胶 哭率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - , , , 客 规氢虐肺 捞悼 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 甫 穿福搁 某腐磐 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 甫 穿福搁 盲泼 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 甫 穿福搁 牢亥配府 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 阑 穿福搁 瘤唱埃 措拳甫 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 阑 穿福搁 固聪甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 甫 穿福搁 涅胶飘 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 甫 穿福搁 胶懦 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - + 甫 穿福搁 率瘤 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 阑 穿福搁 傈眉甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~> 阑 穿福搁 酒捞袍阑 嚼垫且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 狞 浇吩 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 虐甫 穿福搁 胶农赴鸡捞 郴巩辑/METIN2俊 历厘 邓聪促 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 甫 穿福绊 乐栏搁 葛电 某腐磐客 酒捞袍狼 捞抚捞 钎矫 邓聪促 -HELP_SP 沥脚仿 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 矫胶袍 滚瓢 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 霉锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 滴锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_TITLE 牢亥配府 -LOAD_ERROR 单捞磐 颇老捞 柄脸嚼聪促. 犁汲摹秦林矫扁 官而聪促. ESC虐甫 喘矾林技夸 -LOGIN_CONNECT 立加 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 辑滚俊 立加吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 辑滚 捞抚, 盲澄 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 场郴扁 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 搬力 备开 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 辆丰 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 犬牢 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 辑滚 急琶 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MALL_TITLE 酒捞袍 隔 芒绊 -MARKET_TITLE 厘磐 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 盎脚 -MARKLIST_TITLE 辨靛 付农 殿废 -MESSAGE 皋技瘤 涝聪促 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 模备 昏力 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 巩磊 皋技瘤 焊郴扁 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 辨靛芒 凯扁 -MESSENGER_TITLE 皋脚历 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 辨靛 捞悼 胶懦 荤侩 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 庇富 -MINIMIZE 弥家拳 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 傍拜 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 磊悼 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 胶懦 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 硅版澜厩 格废 -NO 酒聪坷 -OK 犬牢 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 捞抚 焊扁 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 老矫 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 亲惑 -OPTION_BLOCK 瞒窜 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 背券 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 模备 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 颇萍啊涝 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 率瘤 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 墨皋扼 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 厘芭府 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 窜芭府 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 瘤快扁 -OPTION_EFFECT 鸥拜 蔼 -OPTION_FOG 救俺 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 拢澜 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 慷澜 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 吝埃 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 涝仿 -OPTION_MOBILE 勤靛迄 -OPTION_MUSIC 硅版澜 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 官操扁 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 捞抚祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 力惫祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 老馆祸惑 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 葛靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 磊蜡 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 葛电 敲饭捞绢 傍拜捞 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 辨靛盔阑 力寇茄 葛电 敲饭捞绢甫 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 乞拳 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 绢恫 敲饭捞绢俊霸档 刚历 傍拜窍瘤 臼嚼聪促(馆拜篮 啊瓷) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 览隆 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 促弗 己氢 敲饭捞绢父 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_SOUND 瓤苞澜 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 利 皋春 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 救焊扁 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 焊扁 -OPTION_TILING 鸥老傅 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 利侩 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU 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"character_str_value", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 134 + 39/2, - "y" : 0, - - "text" : "", - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - }, - ), - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 17, - "y" : 180 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_DEX_GRADE, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "gauge_dex", - "type" : "gauge", - - "x" : 30, - "y" : 4, - - "width" : 100, - "color" : "blue", - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex_slot", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : 134, - "y" : -2, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex_value", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 134 + 39/2, - "y" : 0, - - "text" : "", - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - }, - ), - }, - - ## Buttons - { - "name" : "start_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 14, - "y" : 210 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_SELECT, - "text_height" : 6, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + 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FACILITY jedan 武器冶 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan 防具冶 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 品冶 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu 司令部 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 兵 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 石熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 琥珀熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 木熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 金熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 玉石熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 黑丹石熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 珍珠熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 白金熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 水晶熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 紫水晶熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 天露熔 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 力之祭 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 力之祭 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 力之祭 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 房屋(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 石垣(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 石垣(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 石垣(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 大(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 垣(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 房屋(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 石垣(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 石垣(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 石垣(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 大(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 垣(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 房屋(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 石垣(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 石垣(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 石垣(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 大(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 垣(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 警塔 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 木垣1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 木垣2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 木垣3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 木 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 垣(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 公旗 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 垣大 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 垣後壁 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 垣左壁 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 垣右壁 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 石1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 石2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 石3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 石4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 石5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 石6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 石7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 石8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 石9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 石10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 木1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 木2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 木3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 木4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 木5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 木6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 木7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 木8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 木9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List 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- 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 586a2454..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 42adc955..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -忒[ENTER] -[ENTER] -砑猁源蝠眢腔[ENTER] -操湮模. 著[ENTER] -煦蹊酸腔[ENTER] -[WAIT] -窒珧[ENTER] -蚕阪6躁.[ENTER] -о莨ENTER] -腔[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)堤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -眢腔猾, 珩珂[ENTER] -哏腔[ENTER] -. 汜善哏[ENTER] -腔侄佯衄腔[ENTER] - [ENTER] -[WAIT] -躁萋源腔 [ENTER] -哏.[ENTER] -坻腔[ENTER] -瞳腔模薯[ENTER] -萋蕨褫夔[ENTER] -[WAIT] -腔н,陔[ENTER] -眢. - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b3b55f72..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -天照[ENTER] -[ENTER] -一心想要除去[ENTER] -魔石留下邪念的[ENTER] -宗教家. 由皇帝的堂弟[ENTER] -[WAIT] -度使尹英建立的[ENTER] -西方家. 透擅咒占卜[ENTER] -的夫人自到魔石(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)的危之後[ENTER] -曾多次建[ENTER] -[WAIT] -立相策[ENTER] -但都遭到忽略之後[ENTER] -率著族人帝此[ENTER] -分道. 目前奴[ENTER] -陷入期[ENTER] -[WAIT] -他唯一的目的就是, 透[ENTER] -一全阻止由西方[ENTER] -逐侵的魔[ENTER] -石的力量.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 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a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ccb83559..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -俺货尝 -俺货扁 -俺磊侥 -俺磊瘤 -俺焊瘤 -俺何饿 -俺楼刘 -俺溅 -俺仇 -俺斥 -久货尝 -久货 -绞货尝 -久斥 -绞劈 -久劈 -久攀 -绞攀 -轿啊瘤 -较酒瘤 -揪何凡 -揪何饿 -揪官 -揪规货 -揪规酒 -揪惯 -揪惯仇 -揪惯逞 -揪惯烦 -揪惯芬 -揪惯斥 -揪惯访 -揪婆 -揪国 -揪迫 -揪豪 -揪阂 -久迫 -鹅惯 -鹅国 -矫国 -矫惯仇 -矫惯逞 -矫惯斥 -矫惯酒 -矫迫 -矫妻 -胶国 -静国 -静惯 -静阂 -静迫 -静居 -浆妻 -浆祁 -凉扼 -粮唱 -揪居 -聪扁固 -聪固煌 -街仇 -洁仇 -街斥 -洁斥 -街畴公 -洁畴公 -轿冠酒 -俺溅捞 -俺溅虐 -俺溅尝 -固模溅捞 -固模货尝 -固模溅虐 -固模祸洒 -固模仇 -固模斥 -捍脚 -洪脚 -葫脚 -殿脚 -久且 -瘤饿 -零饿 -磊瘤甸 -焊瘤甸 -腊滨栋 -腊滨冻 -腊癌 -腊滨 -砍冈绢 -砍赣芭 -堪冈绢 -堪赣芭 -坏钮 -欢钮 -狐钮 -糊钮 -蝗钮 -磺钮 -腊矫凡 -腊矫饿 -堪捍 -量鳖 -两鳖 -炼鳖 -久攀 -久芒 -决芒 -绞攀 -绞芒 -赣历府 -肚扼捞 -地廉 -地历 -第廉 -裁癌 -裁滨 -棱斥 -棱仇 -货尝 -技尝 -疥尝 -货播 -祸播 -祸洒 -溅虐 -溅捞 -溅尝 -溅播 -涧虐 -涧洒 -碍埃 -冀胶 -捞斥酒 -久 -量 -两 -洁 -龋饭磊侥 -饶饭磊侥 -18仇 -18斥 -焊瘤判 -磊瘤判 -焊瘤弧酒 -磊瘤弧酒 -芒赤 -狐备府 -焊瘤 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 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work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -29 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -30 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -31 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -32 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -33 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -34 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -35 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -36 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -37 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -38 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -39 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -40 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -41 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -42 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -43 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -44 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -45 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -46 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -47 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -48 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -49 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -50 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -51 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -52 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -53 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -54 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -55 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -56 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -57 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -58 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -59 WEAPON icon/item/00050.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00050.gr2 -60 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -61 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -62 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -63 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -64 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -65 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -66 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00060.gr2 -67 WEAPON icon/item/00060.tga d:/ymir 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icon/item/73751.tga -74753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74763 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74764 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74765 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74766 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74767 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74768 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74769 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74770 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75013 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75014 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75015 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75016 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75017 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75018 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75019 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75020 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75201 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75202 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75203 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75204 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75205 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75206 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75207 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75208 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75209 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75210 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75211 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75212 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75213 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75214 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75215 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75216 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75217 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75218 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75219 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75220 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75401 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75402 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75403 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75404 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75405 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75406 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75407 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75408 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75409 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75410 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75411 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75412 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75413 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75414 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75415 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75416 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75417 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75418 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75419 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75420 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75601 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75602 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75603 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75604 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75605 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75606 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75607 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75608 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75609 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75610 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75611 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75612 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75617 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75618 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75619 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75620 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -90013 ETC icon/item/itemmallb.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga -50186 ETC icon/item/boss_box.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/boss_box.gr2 -38050 ETC icon/item/38050.tga -38051 ETC icon/item/38051.tga -38052 ETC icon/item/50131.tga -71137 ETC icon/item/71137.tga -71138 ETC icon/item/71138.tga -71139 ETC icon/item/71139.tga -71140 ETC icon/item/71140.tga -71141 ETC icon/item/71142.tga -71142 ETC icon/item/71141.tga -39001 ETC icon/item/30064.tga -39002 ETC icon/item/70005.tga -39003 ETC icon/item/70020.tga -39004 ETC icon/item/70024.tga -39005 ETC icon/item/70035.tga -39006 ETC 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-39038 ETC icon/item/72724.tga -39039 ETC icon/item/72725.tga -39040 ETC icon/item/72727.tga -39041 ETC icon/item/72728.tga -39042 ETC icon/item/72729.tga -39043 ETC icon/item/22000.tga -39044 ETC icon/item/30320.tga -70057 ETC icon/item/70038.tga -50216 ETC icon/item/50216.tga -52061 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52062 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52063 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52064 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52065 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52066 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52067 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52068 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52069 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52070 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52071 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52072 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52073 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52074 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52075 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52076 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52077 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52078 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52079 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52080 ETC icon/item/50063.tga -52081 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52082 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52083 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52084 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52085 ETC icon/item/50064.tga -52086 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52087 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52088 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52089 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -52090 ETC icon/item/50065.tga -53002 ETC icon/item/53002.tga -53005 ETC icon/item/53005.tga -53505 ETC icon/item/53501.tga -71144 ETC icon/item/71144.tga -71143 ETC icon/item/71143.tga -50187 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50188 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50189 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50190 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50191 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50192 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50193 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50194 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50195 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50196 ETC icon/item/50187.tga -50197 ETC icon/item/50198.tga -50198 ETC icon/item/50198.tga -50199 ETC icon/item/50198.tga -27051 ETC icon/item/27001.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/medicine_R.GR2 -27052 ETC icon/item/27004.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/medicine_B.GR2 -27053 ETC icon/item/27100.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/medicine_G.GR2 -27054 ETC icon/item/27103.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/medicine_V.GR2 -76000 ETC icon/item/76000.tga -76001 ETC icon/item/76001.tga -76003 ETC icon/item/76003.tga -76004 ETC icon/item/76004.tga -76005 ETC icon/item/76005.tga -76006 ETC icon/item/76006.tga -76007 ETC icon/item/76007.tga -76008 ETC icon/item/76008.tga -76009 ETC icon/item/76009.tga -76010 ETC icon/item/76010.tga -76011 ETC icon/item/76011.tga -76012 ETC icon/item/76012.tga -76013 ETC icon/item/76013.tga -76014 ETC icon/item/76014.tga -76015 ETC icon/item/76015.tga -76016 ETC icon/item/76016.tga -76017 ETC icon/item/76017.tga -76018 ETC icon/item/76018.tga -76019 ETC icon/item/76019.tga -76020 ETC icon/item/76020.tga -76021 ETC icon/item/76021.tga -76022 ETC icon/item/76022.tga -76023 ETC icon/item/76023.tga -76024 ETC icon/item/76024.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 7074cbfc..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0223e154..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1581 +0,0 @@ - -9506 狼牙刀+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9507 紫狐甲+3 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9508 翼矢乘+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9509 飞云甲+3 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9510 赤血盔+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9511 天轴短刀+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9512 大红+3 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9513 皮巾+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9514 孔雀扇+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9515 飞虹衣+3 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9516 法帽+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9517 木手镯+1 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9518 皮靴+1 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9519 木项链+1 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9520 木耳环+1 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) -9521 护身环牌+2 无法交换,丢弃 (绑定) - - -11901 燕尾服 结婚时穿的男性服装 -11902 燕尾服 结婚时穿的男性服装 -11903 婚纱 结婚时穿的女性服装 -11904 婚纱 结婚时穿的女性服装 - -22000 定点往返符 有城镇的地图时, 第一次传往城镇, 第二次返回原地. | 无城镇的地图时, 第一次传往传送点, 第二次返回原地. 洞穴中无法使用. - -22010 记忆传送符 右键点击 [传送符] 储存坐标, 再次点击时, 可返回储存坐标. 洞穴中无法使用. -25040 祝福之书 使用在装备上改良时, 即使改良失败也不过降一级而已. 直接使用在装备上|改良失败道具不消失 - -25041 玄铁 使用在装备改良时, 提高改良机率. 直接使用在装备上|改良失败道具会消失 - - - -25100 吸容书 可以从武器或铠甲抽取灵石. 但是抽取的位置会留下痕迹. - - - -27600 篝火 双击左键|单击右键即可生火 持续40秒 - -27610 鱼心丸 通知有鱼上钩的|魔法珠子 - -27620 鱼类名册 关于鱼类信息的书 - - - -27799 鱼骨 鱼坚硬的骨头. 改良 初级单手、双手武器、弓|铃铛、扇子、头盔、初级、中级双手短刃|铠甲、盾牌、靴子、手镯、耳环、项链使用. - -27800 米团 最廉价的诱饵 - -27801 蚯蚓 刺激鱼儿食欲的诱饵 -27802 宽鳍 可以钓到月棘的终极诱饵 - -27803 鲫鱼 池塘里常见的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27804 斑鳜鱼 又称为鳜鱼的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27805 月棘鲫鱼 肥肥多肉的大鲫鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27806 鲤鱼 也许是龙王的孩子吗?|可以用篝火烤 -27807 鲢鱼 繁殖期就会|回到故乡的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27808 香鱼 香鱼会有香味吗?|可以用篝火烤 -27809 鳟鱼 鲢鱼目鲢鱼科的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27810 鳗鱼 以提升精力受到瞩目的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27811 彩虹鳟鱼 产卵期发出彩虹色彩的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27812 江鳟鱼 只有在江里出现的鳟鱼 -27813 胭脂鱼 体型奇特,色彩鲜明的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27814 河鲈鱼 又称为河里鲨鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27815 丁鳜鱼 栖息在清澈水中的鲻鱼科鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27816 鲶鱼 通常做为辣鱼汤材料的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27817 泥鳅 滑溜溜不容易抓|可以用篝火烤 -27818 白鲢鱼 栖息在淡水的杂食性大型鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27819 银鱼 又称银冰鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27820 冰鱼 冬天冰钓的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27821 高丽雅罗鱼 身体与光泽美丽的鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27822 鳞鲤鱼 改良后鳞片少肉多的鲤鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27823 黄金鲫鱼 发出黄金色的稀有鲫鱼|可以用篝火烤 - -27833 死鲫鱼 死掉的鲫鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27834 死斑鳜鱼 死掉的斑鳜鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27835 死月棘鲫鱼 死掉的月棘鲫鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27836 死鲤鱼 死掉的鲤鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27837 死鲢鱼 死掉的鲢鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27838 死香鱼 死掉的香鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27839 死鳟鱼 死掉的鳟鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27840 死鳗鱼 死掉的鳗鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27841 死彩虹鳟鱼 死掉的彩虹鳟鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27842 死江鳟鱼 死掉的江鳟鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27843 死胭脂鱼 死掉的胭脂鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27844 死河鲈鱼 死掉的河鲈鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27845 死丁鳜鱼 死掉的丁鳜鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27846 死鲶鱼 死掉的鲶鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27847 死泥鳅 死掉的泥鳅|可以用篝火烤 -27848 死白鲢鱼 死掉的白鲢鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27849 死银鱼 死掉的银鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27850 死冰鱼 死掉的冰鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27851 死高丽雅罗鱼 死掉的高丽雅罗鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27852 死鳞鲤鱼 死掉的鳞鲤鱼|可以用篝火烤 -27853 死黄金鲫鱼 死掉的黄金鲫鱼|可以用篝火烤 - -27863 烤鲫鱼 恢复生命力 -27864 烤斑鳜鱼 恢复精神力 -27865 烤月棘鲫鱼 恢复生命力 -27866 烤鲤鱼 短时间内提升移动速度 -27867 烤鲢鱼 恢复精神力 -27868 烤香鱼 短时间内提升攻击速度 -27869 烤鳟鱼 恢复很多生命力 -27870 烤鳗鱼 短时间内提升力量 -27871 烤彩虹鳟鱼 恢复很多精神力 -27872 烤江鳟鱼 实时恢复精神力 -27873 烤胭脂鱼 短时间内提升敏捷 -27874 烤河鲈鱼 清除不好的效果 -27875 烤丁鳜鱼 实时恢复生命力 -27876 烤鲶鱼 实时恢复精神力 -27877 烤泥鳅 透明效果 -27878 烤白鲢鱼 实时恢复生命力 -27879 烤银鱼 -27880 烤冰鱼 -27881 烤高丽雅罗鱼 -27882 烤鳞鲤鱼 -27883 烤黄金鲫鱼 - -27987 扇贝 外壳漂亮的扇贝|可点击右键. 改良 初级单手武器、弓、铃铛 |扇子、头盔、初级、中级双手短刃 |铠甲、靴子、盾牌、耳环、项链、手镯使用. -27988 宝藏地图 显示藏有古代宝藏的破旧地图 -27989 灵石探测仪 通知灵石位置的探测仪 -27990 石雕 -27991 水石 -27992 白珍珠 纯白色珍珠|送给女性会很喜欢. 改良 中级单手、双手武器、双手短刃 |弓、铃铛、扇子、铠甲、盾牌、靴子 |头盔、项链、耳环、手镯使用. -27993 青珍珠 发出朦胧蓝光的珍珠|送给女性会很喜欢. 改良 中级单手、双手武器、双手短刃 |弓、铃铛、扇子、铠甲、盾牌、靴子 |头盔、项链、耳环、手镯使用. -27994 血珍珠 被血色浸透泛红的珍珠|送给女性会很喜欢. 改良 中级单手、双手武器、双手短刃 |弓、铃铛、扇子、铠甲、盾牌、靴子 |头盔、项链、耳环、手镯使用. -27995 空瓶 里面什么都没有的瓶子 -27996 毒瓶 装有毒的瓶子|喝了会死掉 -27997 聂魂球 补满生命力的珠子 -27998 冶炼术包 炼金术师的口袋. 也许装有炼金术的秘籍吧? -27999 灵石包 装有灵石的口袋 - - -29001 干贝 -29002 青干贝 -29003 黄干贝 -29004 红干贝 -29005 绿干贝 -29006 黄珠石 -29007 青珠石 -29006 真黄珠石 -29007 真青珠石 -29008 青神水 -29009 黄神水 -29010 红神水 -29011 绿神水 -29012 淡青神水 -29013 淡黄神水 -29014 淡红神水 -29015 淡绿神水 -29012 真青神水 -29013 真黄神水 -29014 真红神水 -29015 真绿神水 - -30000 大麦 主要栽培作物之一做为酒与粮食等各种用途 . -30001 信件 写给某人的信件. -30002 炒米肠 放入米肠与蔬菜炒的食物 -30003 猪鼻 传说猪的鼻子可以招来福气. 改良 初级单手、双手武器、扇子 |铠甲、耳环、项链、手镯使用. -30004 野猪门牙 以野猪门牙的强度自豪. 改良 初级单手武器、双手短刃 |弓、铃铛、扇子、铠甲、盾牌 |初级、中级靴子、项链使用. -30005 铠甲碎片 从哪里掉落的铠甲碎片. 改良 初级、中级铠甲、盾牌、初级靴子使用. -30006 熊鬼门牙 熊鬼的门牙. 发出一股恶臭. 改良 中级单手、双手武器、双手短刃、弓、铃铛使用. -30007 熊鬼符咒 熊鬼为了燃烧战意使用的符咒. 使用 初级扇子、中级双手短刃 |铠甲、靴子、盾牌、初级、中级头盔使用. -30008 密教入门书 记录密教教义的初级入门书. 改良 中级铃铛、初级、中级盾牌、项链使用. -30009 未知的药 不明成分的不知名药物. 改良 中级双手武器、双手短刃、弓、盾牌、头盔使用. -30010 熊胆 传说利用熊胆可以恢复失去味觉人的味觉. 改良 初级双手武器、双手短刃、弓 |铃铛、扇子、初级、中级铠甲、初级盾牌 |靴子、头盔、耳环、项链、手镯使用. -30011 线团 缠绕线的线团. 改良 初级单手、双手武器、弓 |铃铛、中级双手短刃、初级头盔、初级、中级盾牌 |靴子、手镯使用. -30012 酒瓶 装有美酒的瓶子 -30013 酒缸 酒发酵的瓮 -30014 雪人的毛 用传说的生物雪人的毛拥有卓越的防寒效果. 改良 中级双手武器、头盔、靴子、手镯使用. -30015 尸鬼的遗物 散发不祥气息的亡者遗物. |改良需要的道具 改良 中级单手剑、 扇子使用. -30016 尸鬼的宝石 相传附有死者灵魂的宝石. |改良需要的道具 改良 中级项链、 耳环使用 -30017 银簪 女性头部装饰品. 改良 初级双手短刃、铃铛、项链、初级、中级耳环使用. -30018 红领巾 绑辫子时使用的高级缎带. 改良 初级双手武器、双手短刃、弓、铃铛、扇子、初级、中级手镯、耳环使用. -30019 火烧的耙子 用这个做衣服相传可以度过暖冬. 改良 中级耳环使用. -30020 桃仁 水蜜桃的种子, 相传对美容有益处. -30021 宝石碎片 被某物砸到碎裂的宝石碎片. 改良 初级单手武器、头盔、中级双手短刃、初级、中级手镯、耳环使用. -30022 蛇尾巴 摇一摇可能会发出声响的蛇尾巴. 改良 中级单手武器、双手短刃、扇子 |初级、中级弓、头盔、中级盾牌、手镯、项链使用. -30023 白虎皮 收藏家之间拥有最高人气的动物皮. 改良 初级单手、双手武器、弓 |扇、头盔、中级双手短刃、初级、中级铠甲、靴子使用. -30024 马尾巴 用马尾巴的毛制作实用的笔, 扫帚等. -30025 蜘蛛毒囊 装有蜘蛛毒的口袋. 改良 中级双手武器、双手短刃、弓、头盔、盾牌、耳环、手镯、项链使用. -30026 狼的肠子 帝国最有人气的食物米肠的材料|改良需要的道具 -30027 狼毛 狼坚硬的毛, 可以当作梳子使用. 改良 初级单手、双手武器、弓 |铃铛、扇子、头盔、盾牌、耳环 |中级双手短刃、初级、中级铠甲、靴子使用. -30028 狼爪指甲 狼的利爪, 制作饰品时常用到. 改良 初级单手、双手武器、双手短刃 |铃铛、头盔、靴子、手镯、耳环、初级、中级项链使用. -30029 狼肝 帝国有人气的食物米肠的材料|改良需要的道具 -30030 生锈的短剑碎片 用生锈的短剑切掉的某种东西|改良需要的道具 改良中级单手剑、 双手剑、 弓箭、 铃铛使用. -30031 玩物 女孩子爱用的装饰品|改良需要的道具 改良中级弓箭、 铃铛、 扇子、 靴、 盾牌、 手镯、 头盔、 初级弓箭使用 -30032 破旧的黑色道服 黑风兵常穿的黑色道服 . 看起来很破旧.|改良需要的道具 改良中级盾牌、 手镯使用 -30033 碎陶器皿 被谁打破的碎陶器皿|改良需要的道具 改良高级铠甲、 中级盾牌 项链、 耳环、 手镯、 头盔使用 -30034 白领巾 绑辫子时用的一般缎带|改良需要的道具 改良中级单手剑、 双手剑、 弓箭、 扇子、 靴、 盾牌、 手镯使用. -30035 化妆品 女性为了让自己的外貌看起来更亮丽而使用|改良需要的道具 改良中级单手剑、 双手剑、 弓箭、 耳环使用 -30036 火蜡烛 相传有神秘效果的传说的药草|改良需要的道具 -30037 虎爪指甲 为了展现自己的勇猛常用做装饰品.|改良需要的道具 -30038 老虎的皮 收藏家之间很有人气的动物皮|改良需要的道具 改良中级铠甲、 靴、 初级单手剑、 弓箭、 扇子、 铠甲、 靴、 头盔使用 -30039 布段 像是有人包裹伤口的破布碎片|改良需要的道具 改良高级单手剑、 铃铛、 扇子、 盾牌使用. -30040 草叶 部名的植物叶片|改良需要的道具 改良高级头盔使用. -30041 标枪 当做暗器使用的投掷武器|改良需要的道具 改良双手剑、 项链、 耳环、 头盔、 双手剑、 弓箭、 靴使用. -30042 斗虎的牙齿 看起来够坚硬的牙齿|改良需要的道具 改良高级手镯使用. -30043 豆树果实 做为各种料理材料的豆子,有丰富的蛋白质 . -30044 黄土 可以做陶瓷器的泥土 -30045 蝎的毒针 具有蝎毒的针|改良需要的道具 改良高级单手剑、 双手剑、 扇子、 盾牌、 项链、 耳环、 头盔使用. -30046 蝎尾巴 相传具有毒的蝎子尾巴|改良需要的道具 改良高级铠甲、 中级单手剑使用 -30047 诅咒之书 向对方施加诅咒时使用的密教的书|改良需要的道具 改良高级单手剑、 铠甲、 耳环使用. -30048 冰碎片 万年雪的碎片. 夏天也散发出凉爽的寒气.|改良需要的道具 改良高级单手剑、 铃铛、 扇子、 盾牌、 项链使用. -30049 冰角虎鲸的角 制作各种雕刻作品的材料.|改良需要的道具 改良高级铠甲、 耳环使用. -30050 冰珠 用冰制成的珠子. 再热也不会溶化.|改良需要的道具 改良高级头盔使用. -30051 未知的符咒 记录着什么的符咒只有密教才会看懂.|改良需要的道具 改良高级单手剑、 铃铛、 扇子、 项链、 耳环、 手镯使用. -30052 旗帜 为了标示外寇的部队使用的旗帜|改良需要的道具 改良高级铠甲、 靴 使用. -30053 熊掌 广为人知的提升精力食品很多人寻找的材料之一 |改良需要的道具 改良中级双手剑、 靴、 项链、 初级靴、 盾牌、 手镯、头盔使用. -30054 结婚戒指 当作结婚礼物互换的戒指 -30055 蝎爪 看起来很刚韧的爪子|改良需要的道具 改良高级单手剑、 铃铛、 扇子、 靴、 项链、 手镯使用. -30056 蜘蛛网 偶尔盖房子时也用到 |改良需要的道具 改良高级弓箭、盾牌、 头盔使用. -30057 蜘蛛眼睛 收藏家之间很有人气的蜘蛛眼部|改良需要的道具 改良高级铃铛、 耳环使用 -30058 蜘蛛蛋窝 传闻拥有它就可以顺利生产|改良需要的道具 改良高级双手剑、 铃铛、铠甲、 盾牌使用 -30059 蜘蛛腿 长有很多毛的腿当作一种符咒使用.|改良需要的道具 改良高级靴使用 -30060 青蛙舌头 感觉黏呼呼的舌头|改良需要的道具 改良高级弓箭使用 -30061 青蛙腿 美食家之间很有人气的料理材料|改良需要的道具 改良高级铃铛、铠甲、靴使用. -30062 药水商店器皿 药水商店使用过的器皿|改良需要的道具 -30063 皮肤药 治疗皮肤病的药|改良需要的道具 -30064 造箭用石头 制造箭矢材料的石头 -30065 铃铛 当啷当啷有声音的小铃铛 -30066 辣椒 辣到极点的辣椒|改良需要的道具 -30067 蛇皮 捕蛇剥下的皮|改良需要的道具 改良高级双手剑、 靴使用 -30068 豆腐牛排 用豆腐制作的料理 -30069 狼爪指甲+ 狼的利爪, 制作饰品时常用到. 改良 初级双手武器、双手短刃、头盔、靴子、项链、手镯、耳环使用. -30070 狼毛+ 狼坚硬的毛, 可以当作梳子使用. 改良 初级单手、双手武器、扇子 |铠甲、靴子、耳环、中级双手短刃、铠甲、靴子使用. -30071 熊胆+ 传说利用熊胆可以恢复失去味觉人的味觉. 改良 初级双手武器、双手短刃、铃铛、铠甲、靴子、盾牌、耳环使用. -30072 熊掌+ 广为人知的提升精力食品很多人寻找的材料之一. 改良 初级、中级双手短刃、初级铃铛 |扇子、头盔、项链、手镯、初级、中级耳环使用. -30073 白领巾+ 绑辫子时用的一般缎带. 改良 初级双手短刃、弓、初级、中级铠甲使用. -30074 破旧的黑色道服+ 黑风兵常穿的黑色道服, 看起来很破旧. 改良 初级扇子、初级、中级靴子、项链使用. -30075 标枪+ 当做暗器使用的投掷武器. 改良 初级双手武器、双手短刃、初级、中级铠甲、盾牌使用. -30076 熊鬼的符咒+ 熊鬼为了燃烧战意使用的符咒. 改良 初级双手武器、铃铛、中级铠甲使用. -30077 熊鬼的门牙+ 熊鬼的门牙, 发出一股恶臭. 改良 中级双手武器、扇子使用. -30078 密教入门书+ 记录密教教义的初级入门书. 改良 初级、中级盾牌使用. -30079 未知的符咒+ 记录着什么的符咒只有密教才会看懂? 改良 中级铃铛使用 -30080 诅咒之书+ 向对方施加诅咒时使用的密教的书. 改良 中级、高级弓、中级项链使用. -30081 蝎尾巴+ 相传具有毒的蝎子尾巴. 改良 中级双手短、初级、中级弓使用. -30082 蛇尾巴+ 摇一摇可能会发出声响的蛇尾巴. 改良 中级弓、扇子、头盔使用. -30083 未知的药+ 不明成分的不知名药物. 改良 中级双手武器、头盔、盾牌使用. -30084 未知的符咒+ 记录着什么的符咒只有密教才会看懂. 改良 中级铃铛使用. -30085 布条+ 像是有人包裹伤口的破布碎片. 改良 中级双手武器、双手短刃、靴子、初级、中级弓使用. -30086 尸鬼的遗物+ 散发不祥气息的亡者遗物 |改良需要的道具 改良 高级双手剑、 靴、 手镯使用. -30087 尸鬼的宝石+ 相传附有死者灵魂的宝石 |改良需要的道具 改良 高级双手剑、 靴、 手镯使用. -30088 冰碎片+ 万年雪的碎片, 夏天也散发出凉爽的寒气. 改良 中级双手短刃使用. -30089 雪人的毛+ 传说的生物雪人的毛拥有卓越的防寒效果. 改良 中级头盔使用. -30090 冰珠+ 用冰制成的珠子, 再热也不会溶化. 改良 中级项链使用. -30091 武人的信物 传说的武人才有佩带的信物. 改良 中级手镯使用. -30092 外寇的战利品 外寇的战利品, 随时携带以纪念战争胜利. 改良 初级双手武器、铃铛、初 / 中级盾牌、耳环使用. - -30129 传令书 军中使用的记载指令的文件 -30130 空瓶 可以盛装各种液体的玻璃制瓶子 -30131 铁匠的信 铁匠写给朋友德白的信件 -30132 乙斗志的书 乙斗智爱看的书, 书名 " 我知道你在密教寺院做的事" . - -30133 杂货商人的花鞋 应该是杂货商人新买的那双花鞋. - -30134 乙斗智的包裹 乙斗智携带的包裹, 里面好像有很多本书. - -30135 雅丽英的信 雅丽英写给阿维的信件 - -30136 黄金疾弓 应该就是猎人提到的祖先的黄金疾弓. 看似用角制作美丽的曲线是一绝 . -30137 猴血 从猴子抽取的血发出腥味. -30138 万用黄土 粗暴的沙漠的施暴者当作治疗用的黄土, 用途广泛. -30139 熊鬼的小臼齿 当作饰品材料使用的熊鬼的小臼齿, 发出难闻的味道 -30140 布线 制作项链或衣服时使用的坚韧的线 -30141 加工宝石 制作衣服或饰品时使用的加工宝石. -30142 信 上面写着什么. 感觉一股想要读取内容的冲动. -30143 药草 使用在制作各种药物的基本治疗药剂. -30144 老虎的肝 风闻是补身材料的老虎的肝, 传说可提升精力. -30145 波所的药 波所委托的药. -30146 冰块 做为刨冰材料的冰块儿, 透心凉~ -30147 密教教理 详细记录密教教义的手册 -30148 密教顺应符 密教使用的符咒之一种. -30149 刨冰 刨冰块做成的料理, 加入各种材料提供夏日凉爽的口味. -30150 日记纸张 纪录古代帝国时期日记纸张 -30151 狼的柔顺毛 当作鸡毛撢子在地国内广被使用的狼毛. -30152 怪病治疗药 医师白枯制作的治疗怪病的药. 实际有没有效还不知道. -30153 花 不知名的花香气扑鼻勾起遥远的回忆. -30154 密教经典 记录密教教义的分析及密教过去的历史. -30155 米莉内的钻石 像是项链一样的坠饰. 背面刻着米莉内的名字 -30156 密教经典 记录密教教义的分析及密教过去的历史. - -30093 福囊 装有珍贵物品的丝绸囊袋 -30094 福囊 装有珍贵物品的丝绸囊袋 -30095 福囊 装有珍贵物品的丝绸囊袋 -30096 福囊 装有珍贵物品的丝绸囊袋 - -30190 龙血石 进入天医洞穴时,需要的通行证 -30191 龙血石 进入天医洞穴时,需要的通行证 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -30192 树水液 收藏家之间也不易取得的鬼木树液.| 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. -30193 尸鬼的骨头 表面粗糙相关坚硬的尸鬼的骨头.| 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. -30194 斗鬼的棍棒 向斗石人夺得的棍棒.看起来相当重.| 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. -30195 一把沙子 充满神秘沙荒平野的闪亮沙子. | 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. -30196 尸鬼的灰 尸鬼燃烧剩下的粉末. 若要取得必须付出相当代价.| 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. -30197 魔法的种 散发神秘光泽的种子. 据说是有赤鬼的灵魂.| 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. -30198 水宝石 可以从天医洞穴取得的清澈透明的宝石.| 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. -30199 蓝黑色水晶 散发天医洞穴黑暗气息的诅咒宝石.| 改良需要的道具 高级道具使用. - - -30210 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有数字2 -30211 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母A -30212 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母B -30213 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母E -30214 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母I -30215 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母L -30216 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母M -30217 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母N -30218 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母R -30219 清明石 发出蓝色光泽的小石头碎片 刻有字母T - -30220 真熊鬼灵魂石 拥有真熊鬼族灵魂的传说之石 -30221 密教灵魂石 拥有密教族灵魂的传说之石 -30222 尸鬼灵魂石 拥有尸鬼族灵魂的传说之石 -30223 冰灵魂石 拥有冰族灵魂的传说之石 -30224 榉木灵魂石 拥有榉木族灵魂的传说之石 -30225 斗鬼灵魂石 拥有斗鬼族灵魂的传说之石 -30311 罗剎认证石钥匙 看守通往2楼之门的罗剎认证石钥匙 - -30265 信物碎片 (A) 完成A ~ E碎片的收集 |即可与游焕领奖 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 -30266 信物碎片 (B) 完成A ~ E碎片的收集 |即可与游焕领奖 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 -30267 信物碎片 (C) 完成A ~ E碎片的收集 |即可与游焕领奖 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 -30268 信物碎片 (D) 完成A ~ E碎片的收集 |即可与游焕领奖 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 -30269 信物碎片 (E) 完成A ~ E碎片的收集 |即可与游焕领奖 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 - -30312 解体石 死神金燕子解体时, 使用的石头做成的标志 - -30315 麦面包 用大麦制作的热腾腾的面包, 上面的芝麻香扑鼻看到的人都会流口水. -30316 面包碟 为了盛装面包使用镶嵌工法制作的高级器皿, 莫名的想用大麦面包制作成面包堆. -30317 麦面包堆 把大麦面包放在镶嵌碟子上制作的麦面包堆, 虽然看起来很可口但是想要送给饥饿的人吃. -30318 无花果 没有花就结出果实所以被称为无花果的水果,味道极美是帝国内不易取得的物品之一 .传闻拥有越多会招来福气 . -30319 死神的信物 前往饿鬼洞 3楼时, 所需要使用的信物. -30320 死神的信物 前往饿鬼洞 3楼时, 所需要使用的信物. - -35000 药草 使用在制作各种药物的基本治疗药剂. -35001 老虎的肝 风闻是补身材料的老虎的肝, 传说可提升精力. - -41003 沙行者 具有抵抗沙漠沙子与烈日的暗杀服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41004 沙行者 具有抵抗沙漠沙子与烈日的暗杀服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41005 剑击基本款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41006 剑击基本款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41007 剑击赛车款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41008 剑击赛车款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41009 剑击队长款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41010 剑击队长款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41011 剑击休闲款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41012 剑击休闲款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41013 足球基本款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41014 足球基本款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41015 足球竞赛款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41016 足球竞赛款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41017 足球法拉款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41018 足球法拉款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41019 足球休闲款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41020 足球休闲款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41021 拳击一鲁本 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41022 拳击一鲁本 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41023 拳击格尼斯 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41024 拳击格尼斯 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41025 拳击西里昂 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41026 拳击西里昂 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41027 拳击葛绿达 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41028 拳击葛绿达 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41029 沙行者 具有抵抗沙漠沙子与烈日的暗杀服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41030 沙行者 具有抵抗沙漠沙子与烈日的暗杀服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41031 剑击基本款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41032 剑击基本款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41033 剑击赛车款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41034 剑击赛车款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41035 剑击队长款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41036 剑击队长款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41037 剑击休闲款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41038 剑击休闲款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41039 足球基本款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41040 足球基本款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41041 足球竞赛款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41042 足球竞赛款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41043 足球法拉款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41044 足球法拉款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41045 足球休闲款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41046 足球休闲款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41047 拳击一鲁本 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41048 拳击一鲁本 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41049 拳击格尼斯 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41050 拳击格尼斯 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41051 拳击西里昂 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41052 拳击西里昂 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41053 拳击葛绿达 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41054 拳击葛绿达 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41055 剑击奥运款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41056 剑击奥运款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41057 剑击耶诞款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41058 剑击耶诞款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41059 剑击潮流款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41060 剑击潮流款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41061 剑击庆典款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41062 剑击庆典款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41063 剑击巡回款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41064 剑击巡回款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41065 足球啦啦款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41066 足球啦啦款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41067 足球运动款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41068 足球运动款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41069 足球时尚款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41070 足球时尚款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41071 足球欢乐款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41072 足球欢乐款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41073 足球野艳款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41074 足球野艳款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41075 拳击海格尔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41076 拳击海格尔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41077 拳击艾比安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41078 拳击艾比安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41079 拳击阿修罗 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41080 拳击阿修罗 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41081 拳击康塔塔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41082 拳击康塔塔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41083 拳击阿鲁安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41084 拳击阿鲁安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41085 剑击奥运款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41086 剑击奥运款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41087 剑击耶诞款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41088 剑击耶诞款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41089 剑击潮流款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41090 剑击潮流款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41091 剑击庆典款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41092 剑击庆典款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41093 剑击巡回款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41094 剑击巡回款 来自西洋各式主题的剑击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41095 足球啦啦款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41096 足球啦啦款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41097 足球运动款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41098 足球运动款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41099 足球时尚款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41100 足球时尚款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41101 足球欢乐款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41102 足球欢乐款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41103 足球野艳款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41104 足球野艳款 搭载各式悠闲主题的足球服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41105 拳击海格尔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41106 拳击海格尔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41107 拳击艾比安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41108 拳击艾比安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41109 拳击阿修罗 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41110 拳击阿修罗 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41111 拳击康塔塔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41112 拳击康塔塔 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41113 拳击阿鲁安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41114 拳击阿鲁安 具有磅礡气势的拳击服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 - -41137 圣诞服装(红) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41138 圣诞服装(红) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41139 圣诞服装(绿) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41140 圣诞服装(绿) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41141 圣诞服装(黑) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41142 圣诞服装(黑) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41143 圣诞玩偶服 可爱驯鹿玩偶服 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41144 圣诞玩偶服 可爱驯鹿玩偶服 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -41145 圣诞服装(红) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41146 圣诞服装(红) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41147 圣诞服装(绿) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41148 圣诞服装(绿) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41149 圣诞服装(黑) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41150 圣诞服装(黑) 具有保暖功效的圣诞服装 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41151 圣诞玩偶服 可爱驯鹿玩偶服 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -41152 圣诞玩偶服 可爱驯鹿玩偶服 |进阶型 不可丢弃 - - -45003 沙行者头巾 具有抵抗烈日排汗的头巾 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45004 沙行者头巾 具有抵抗烈日排汗的头巾 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45005 潮流发型 打破现代观感的半边流畅发 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45006 潮流发型 具有玫瑰色系般的亮丽造型 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45007 贝克发型 有着仿造贝克汉的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45008 芙利-艳红发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45009 雷鬼后束 具有众人瞩目的放纵潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45010 雷鬼-红黑黄发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 - - -45013 潮流发型 打破现代观感的半边流畅发 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45014 潮流发型 具有玫瑰色系般的亮丽造型 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45015 贝克发型 有着仿造贝克汉的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45016 芙利-艳红发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45017 雷鬼后束 具有众人瞩目的放纵潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45018 雷鬼-红黑黄发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45019 雷鬼-白带发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45020 雷鬼-绿黄发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45021 雷鬼-蓝白粉发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45022 雷鬼-蓝白红发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45023 雷鬼-绿白红发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45024 雷鬼-艳红发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45025 雷鬼-黄红蓝发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45026 雷鬼-红黄发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45027 芙利-红黑发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45028 芙利-绿黄发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45029 芙利-蓝白粉发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45030 芙利-蓝白红发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45031 芙利-绿白红发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45032 芙利-红白发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45033 芙利-多色发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45034 芙利-黄红蓝发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45035 雷鬼-白带发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45036 雷鬼-绿黄发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45037 雷鬼-蓝白粉发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45038 雷鬼-蓝白红发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45039 雷鬼-绿白红发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45040 雷鬼-艳红发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45041 雷鬼-黄红蓝发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45042 雷鬼-红黄发束 具有众人瞩目的利落潮流感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45043 芙利-红黑发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45044 芙利-绿黄发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45045 芙利-蓝白粉发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45046 芙利-蓝白红发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45047 芙利-绿白红发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45048 芙利-红白发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45049 芙利-多色发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45050 芙利-黄红蓝发带 利落发型搭配着不同发带所促成的时尚感 |进阶型 不可丢弃 - -45075 圣诞公鹿角帽(红) 圣诞公鹿装饰角帽 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45076 圣诞公鹿角帽(绿) 圣诞公鹿装饰角帽 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45077 圣诞公鹿角帽(黑) 圣诞公鹿装饰角帽 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45078 圣诞母鹿角帽 圣诞母鹿装饰角帽 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45079 圣诞玩偶头 可爱驯鹿玩偶头套 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45080 圣诞玩偶头 可爱驯鹿玩偶头套 |一般型 不可丢弃、贩卖、交易、摆摊 -45081 圣诞公鹿角帽(红) 圣诞公鹿装饰角帽 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45082 圣诞公鹿角帽(绿) 圣诞公鹿装饰角帽 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45083 圣诞公鹿角帽(黑) 圣诞公鹿装饰角帽 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45084 圣诞母鹿角帽 圣诞母鹿装饰角帽 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45085 圣诞玩偶头 可爱驯鹿玩偶头套 |进阶型 不可丢弃 -45086 圣诞玩偶头 可爱驯鹿玩偶头套 |进阶型 不可丢弃 - - -50001 幸运之书 根据文件上的序号由国加抽签后给予奖励的文件 -50002 金戒指 有人遗失的单纯的金戒指 | 可以在商店高价买入 -50003 技能初始化秘籍 -50004 活动专用探测仪 -50005 乘马权 拿给马厩警卫看就可以免费乘马 40等级以上可以使用 - -50006 金宝箱 刻有华丽金章的宝箱 |可以用什么打开 可以用金钥匙打开. -50007 银宝箱 刻有秀气银章的宝箱 |可以用什么打开 可以用银钥匙打开. -50008 金钥匙 用纯金打造的钥匙 |可以打开什么 可以开启金宝箱与金宝箱+. -50009 银钥匙 用纯银打造的钥匙 |可以打开什么 可以开启银宝箱与银宝箱+. - -50010 袜子 挂在圣诞树上可以收到礼物 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 - -50011 月光宝盒 华丽的装是吸引每一个看到的人. 传说是接受月光就会发生超自然现象的宝盒 - -50012 金宝箱+ 刻有华丽金章的宝箱 |可以用什么打开 可以用金钥匙打开. -50013 银宝箱+ 刻有秀气银章的宝箱 |可以用什么打开 可以用银钥匙打开. - -50016 大豆元宵 古代正月十五吃的大豆元宵饼的材料用大豆制作的元宵 -50017 糖元宵 古代正月十五吃的糖元宵饼的材料用糖制作的元宵 -50018 水果元宵 古代正月十五吃的水果元宵饼的材料用水果制作的元宵 -50019 黏米皮 制作元宵饼使用的黏米 -50020 大豆元宵饼 古代正月十五吃的放入大豆元宵的元宵饼 恢复全部体力 -50021 糖元宵饼 古代正月十五吃的放入糖元宵的元宵饼 恢复全部精神力 -50022 水果元宵饼 古代正月十五吃的放入水果元宵的元宵饼 恢复全部耐力 - -50023 礼钱包 新年时向大人拜年就可以得到的礼钱包 - -50024 玫瑰 拥有幸福爱情的花语. 女性专用 -50025 巧克力 利用可可馅添加牛奶、奶油、砂糖 等香料制作而成. 男性专用 - -50027 交换券 交换券系统已关闭 |这是删除的道具. -50031 玫瑰 拥有幸福爱情的花语. 男性专用 -50032 糖果 利用糖与各种材料制作而成 女性专用 -50033 未知的箱子 刻有不明文字的箱子. 打开箱子应该会有东西出来 - -50034 谜语宝箱 打开箱子就要猜谜语如果猜错就会受到诅咒的只有童话中才会出现的箱子 -50035 儿童节礼物宝箱 表示问候或纪念以及表达友情的箱子,箱子内装有满满的礼物 . -50036 儿童节礼物宝箱 表示问候或纪念以及表达友情的箱子,箱子内装有满满的礼物 . -50037 六角宝盒 用宣纸制作的六角型宝盒,宝盒内的礼物装有满满的送礼者的情. -50067 进化之书 角色达 25级且持有进化之书时, 将 战甲座骑 交给 [马厩警卫兵] 即可进化 -50068 苏醒之书 角色达 45级且持有苏醒之书时, 将 火雨战甲座骑 交给 [马厩警卫兵] 即可进化 - -50070 熊鬼族长箱 熊鬼族长持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50071 密教教主箱 密教教主持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50072 重生的密教教主箱 重生的密教教主持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50073 蜘蛛女王箱 蜘蛛女王持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50074 蜘蛛大王箱 蜘蛛大王持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50075 大型感染体箱 大型感染体持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50076 巨沙漠乌龟箱 巨沙漠乌龟持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50077 九尾狐箱 九尾狐持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50078 黄虎鬼箱 黄虎鬼持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50079 火焰王箱 火焰王持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50080 火龙箱 火龙持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50081 尸鬼王箱 尸鬼王持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 -50082 死神箱 死神持有的箱子. 打开似乎会有很珍贵的物品出现 - -50050 马牌 大小官员因公务下乡时做为征收驿马的信物使用的马牌 可以在马任务使用 -50051 乘马刀 国家给予的可以骑乘马的信物的一种标示 召唤初级马 -50052 骏马书 对熟练乘马的人国家给予的乘马证书乘马中可以攻击 召唤中级马 -50053 百骏书 古代先人留下的乘马技术纪录着操作马甲要领的书 | 可以使用乘马技能 召唤高级马 -50054 干草 将砍下的草干燥后制作的马专用饲料. 初级马饲料 -50055 胡萝卜 又称红萝卜, 根部粗又硬呈现黄色·栗色·红色当做饲料使用. 中级马饲料 -50056 红参 将水参蒸过晒干的红色人参. 高级马除了红蔘不吃其它饲料. 高级马饲料 -50057 下仙洞仙草 可以让初级马复活的 |传说的药草 |据说由下仙洞猴子看守. 初级马复活 -50058 中仙洞仙草 可以让中级马复活的 |传说的药草 |据说由中仙洞猴子看守. 中级马复活 -50059 上仙洞仙草 可以让高级马复活的 |传说的药草 |据说由上仙洞猴子看守. 高级马复活 -50060 乘马技术修炼书 纪录乘马技术的修练书, 修练成功时获得乘马技术 1 点 |看过一次的书就消失. 50等级以上可以使用 - -50083 乘马权 拿给马厩警卫看就可以免费乘马 10等级以上可以使用 - -50084 结界解除石 解除被古代力量封印的封印石结界时需要的物品. - -50091 鲫鱼寿司 鲫鱼发酵后制作的特殊寿司 |特殊的气味不易下咽 -50092 鲤鱼寿司 鲤鱼发酵后制作的特殊寿司 |特殊的气味不易下咽 -50093 鲢鱼寿司 抓新鲜鲢鱼制作的吃了可惜的寿司 |红红的颜色刺激视觉 攻击力绝对值提升10 -50094 鲶鱼寿司 用鲶鱼制作的前所未见的寿司 |使用各种香料覆盖土味 防御力绝对值提升10 - -50100 庆典专用爆竹 装饰庆典终局的 |烟火用爆竹 (紫色) -50101 庆典专用爆竹 装饰庆典终局的 |烟火用爆竹 (黄色) -50102 庆典专用爆竹 装饰庆典终局的 |烟火用爆竹 (天蓝色) -50103 庆典专用爆竹 装饰庆典终局的 |烟火用爆竹 (陀螺型红色) -50104 庆典专用爆竹 装饰庆典终局的 |烟火用爆竹 (陀螺型绿色) -50105 庆典专用爆竹 装饰庆典终局的 |烟火用爆竹 (陀螺型白色) - -50106 圣诞节爆竹 圣诞节用庆祝爆竹 |比一般爆竹华丽 -50108 陀螺 用木头雕刻制作小孩用陀螺鞭可以使其旋转的玩具 以一定机率晕眩攻击 - -50123 冰淇淋 消暑气|在冰淇淋上|淋上满满的移速酒糖浆 -50124 易法的箱 天医洞穴的传说中由易法持有的箱子 - -50182 红色秘密箱 拥有华丽的开关式盖子的红色箱子. 感觉箱子里会有珍贵隐密的物品. -50183 糖 透过甘蔗粹取糖溶化后制作的甘甜美味的食物, 但是吃多了会蛀牙或变胖 . 移动速度 10% | 攻击力 5% | 经验值 10% | 持续时间 : 30分钟 - -50187 1级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50188 10级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50189 20级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50190 30级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50191 40级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50192 50级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50193 60级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50194 70级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50195 80级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50196 90级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 - -50200 包裹 可以开设个人商店 - -50212 1级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 -50213 1级专用礼物箱 点击右键即可兑换 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易、存仓 - -50300 技术修炼书 捡取后,随机给予一本技能修炼书 - -50301 孙子兵法书 武经七书之一的代表兵法书 |提升统率率 |看过一次的书就消失 -50302 吴子兵法书 武经七书之一的代表兵法书 |提升统率率 |看过一次的书就消失 -50303 尉缭子 武经七书之一的代表兵法书 |提升统率率 |看过一次的书就消失 - -50304 纪效新书 记录基础军事配置与战斗方法的兵法书 |修练连续技时使用 |看过一次的书就消失. -50305 练兵实纪 记录各种军事配置与战斗方法的兵法书 |修练连续技时使用 |看过一次的书就消失. -50306 武备志 参考历代所有兵法书之后制作的兵法书 |修练连续技时使用 |看过一次的书就消失. - -50160 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50161 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50162 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50163 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50164 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50165 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50166 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50167 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50168 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50169 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50170 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50171 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50172 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50173 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50174 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50175 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50176 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50177 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50178 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50179 复活节鸡蛋 象征孵化后复活成为小鸡的鸡蛋 |美丽的蛋吃了可惜 -50180 空篮子 感觉放入鸡蛋就可以孵化 -50181 鸡蛋篮子 装满鸡蛋的篮子感觉很温暖 - -50216 蛋酒 混合鸡蛋和牛奶后, 再添加一点酒的饮料 效用 30分钟 移动速度 +10% | 伤害力 +5% | 经验值 +10% | 不可丢弃、摆摊、仓库、交易、贩卖 - -50249 纪念礼物宝箱 点击右键似乎会有惊喜 |随机给予奖励 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 - -50311 心术 语法 可以学习神手国语言 -50312 天照 语法 可以学习天照国语言 -50313 震怒 语法 可以学习镇奴国语言 - -50307 任务执行书(初级) 触发初级任务 -50308 任务执行书(中级) 触发中级任务 -50309 任务执行书(高级) 触发高级任务 -50310 任务执行书(顶级) 触发顶级任务 - -50314 变身术书 修练变身技时使用 |看过一次的书就消失 0 ~ 19等级可以使用 -50315 变身奇术书 修练变身技时使用 |看过一次的书就消失 M1 ~ M10等级可以使用 -50316 奇门变身术书 修练变身技时使用 |看过一次的书就消失 G1 ~ G10等级以上可以使用 - -50401 三连斩修炼书 修练罗汉军技能三连斩精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50402 八方风云修炼书 修练罗汉军技能八方风云精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50403 魂怒修炼书 修练罗汉军技能魂怒精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50404 剑镜修炼书 修练罗汉军技能剑镜精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50405 瘫痪击修炼书 修练罗汉军技能瘫痪击精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50406 气血垂明修炼书 修练罗汉军技能气血垂明精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50416 气功斩修炼书 修练别技军技能气功斩精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50417 龙上九天修炼书 修练别技军技能龙上九天精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50418 追阵脚修炼书 修练别技军技能追阵脚精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50419 狂怒之气修炼书 修练别技军技能狂怒之气精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 -50420 气绝斩修炼书 修练别技军技能气绝斩精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50421 肋间到来修炼书 修练别技军技能肋间到来精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - - - -50431 暗袭修炼书 修练飞杀军技能暗袭精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50432 弓身弹影修炼书 修练飞杀军技能弓身弹影精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50433 车轮杀修炼书 修练飞杀军技能车轮杀精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50434 隐身修炼书 修练飞杀军技能隐身精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50435 毒雾修炼书 修练飞杀军技能毒雾修精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50436 黑闪兽修炼书 修练飞杀军技能黑闪兽精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50446 连射修炼书 修练强弩军技能连射精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50447 千峰隶字修炼书 修练强弩军技能千峰隶字精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50448 灼烧之箭修炼书 修练强弩军技能灼烧之箭精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50449 神行修炼书 修练强弩军技能神行精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50450 毒矢之箭修炼书 修练强弩军技能毒矢之箭精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50451 闪光弹修炼书 修练强弩军技能闪光弹精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - - - -50461 碎灵指修炼书 修练官武军技能碎灵指精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50462 旋风波修炼书 修练官武军技能旋风波精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50463 鬼剑修炼书 修练官武军技能鬼剑精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50464 枯呜修炼书 修练官武军技能枯呜精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50465 罡魔甲修炼书 修练官武军技能罡魔甲精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50466 驱散修炼书 修练官武军技能驱散精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50476 黑洞袭击修炼书 修练黑魔军技能黑洞袭击精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50477 魔焰爆修炼书 修练黑魔军技能魔焰爆精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50478 焰灵守护修炼书 修练黑魔军技能焰灵守护精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50479 髅头光晖护修炼书 修练黑魔军技能髅头光晖精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50480 速缓术修炼书 修练黑魔军技能速缓术精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50481 魔幻击修炼书 修练黑魔军技能魔幻击精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - - - -50491 飞波符修炼书 修练天龙军技能飞波符精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50492 龙波扇修炼书 修练天龙军技能龙波扇精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50493 潜龙域天修炼书 修练天龙军技能潜龙域天精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50494 龙神护体修炼书 修练天龙军技能龙神护体精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50495 水镜阵修炼书 修练天龙军技能水镜阵精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50496 龙神意志修炼书 修练天龙军技能龙神意志精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50506 雷呜丸修炼书 修练狂雷军技能雷呜丸精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50507 闪雷修炼书 修练狂雷军技能闪雷精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50508 破天雷修炼书 修练狂雷军技能破天雷精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50509 大地光晖修炼书 修练狂雷军技能大地光晖精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50510 闪速修炼书 修练狂雷军技能闪速精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - -50511 神打修炼书 修练狂雷军技能神打精通时使用|看过一次的书就消失 - - -50512 五彩石 开启心中的眼睛心眼看到自己所拥有的所有技能之新世界的传说之石 -50513 魂石 学习贵族大师技能时, 当作媒介的传说之石. - -50600 采矿修炼书 修练采矿时使用 | 看过一次的书就消失 - -50601 钻石原石 钻石原石透过公会熔炉, 可以提炼出钻石. -50602 琥珀原石 _ -50603 木原石 木原石透过公会熔炉 |可以提炼出木. -50604 铜原石 铜原石透过公会铜熔炉 |可以提炼出铜. -50605 银原石 银原石透过公会银熔炉 |可以提炼出银. -50606 金原石 金原石透过公会金熔炉 |可以提炼出金. -50607 玉原石 玉原石透过公会玉熔炉 |可以提炼出玉. -50608 黑丹原石 黑丹原石透过公会黑丹木熔炉 |可以提炼出黑丹. -50609 珍珠原石 珍珠原石透过公会珍珠熔炉 |可以提炼出珍珠. -50610 白金原石 白金原石透过公会白金熔炉 |可以提炼出白金. -50611 水晶原石 水晶原石透过公会水晶熔炉 |可以提炼出水晶. -50612 紫水晶原石 紫水晶原石透过公会紫水晶熔炉 |可以提炼出紫水晶. -50613 天露原石 天泪原石透过公会天泪熔炉 |可以提炼出天露. - -50621 钻石 拥有最高地位的宝石 |可让饰品凿出镶嵌洞. - -50623 木 埋藏在地底下的珍贵化石木头 |可镶嵌在木制饰品上. -50624 铜 为货币常用的金属 |可镶嵌在铜制饰品上. -50625 银 拥有银白色美丽光泽的贵金属 |可镶嵌在银制饰品上. -50626 金 拥有金黄色般的金属光泽 |可镶嵌在金制饰品上. -50627 玉 被称为翡翠属单斜晶系的矿物之一 |可镶嵌在玉制饰品上. -50628 黑丹 因其坚固与轻盈, 在古代经常被使用 |可镶嵌在黑丹制饰品上. -50629 珍珠 从扇贝体内产生的碳酸钙为主成分的珠子 |可镶嵌在珍珠制饰品上. -50630 白金 银白色的贵金属比银还坚固 |可镶嵌在白金制饰品上. -50631 水晶 有着明显结晶的石英, 一般称为水晶 |可镶嵌在水晶制饰品上. -50632 紫水晶 拥有各种色调的水晶 |可镶嵌在紫水晶制饰品上. -50633 天露 没有云时所下的雨水渗入地面结晶后形成的宝石 |可镶嵌在天露饰品上. -50632 紫水晶 拥有各种色调的水晶 |可镶嵌在紫水晶制饰品上. -50633 天露 没有云时所下的雨水渗入地面结晶后形成的宝石 |可镶嵌在天露饰品上. - -50701 桃花 先人用桃花建造丛林|相传对皮肤美容有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50702 桔梗 花语为 "永远的爱" 多年生草中医常使用.. |对感冒咳嗽, 气喘有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50703 柿子花 传说女人戴柿子花做成的项链就生儿子的花 |对急性,慢性肝炎有效的药材. 蔡纪列研究用 -50704 刺五加 像人蔘一样属木芽科的阔叶灌木, 长相类似山蔘, 对抑制糖尿病有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 - -50705 菖蒲 单子叶植物天南星目天南星科的多年生草 |对脑的活性化有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50706 灵芝 是珍贵的中药材也用做装是被称为不老仙草 |对失眠有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50707 万病草 双子叶植物石南目石南科的常青灌木. |对神经衰弱有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50708 桑树 做器具材料·雕刻材料·造林用叶子是蚕的饲料, 树皮做为药用或造纸用的树 |对肥胖有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50709 蒲公英 桔梗目菊花科植物被称为浦公英, 黄花地丁, 婆婆丁 |对咽喉炎友效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50710 红花籽 被称为红花的种子 |对骨质疏松症有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50711 大枣 大枣树的果实 |对骨质疏松症有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 -50712 三枝九叶草 属小蘗科植物又称为淫羊藿等的名字 |对抑制糖尿病有效的药材 蔡纪列研究用 - -50721 桃花 先人用桃花建造丛林|相传对皮肤美容有效的药材 制作药用 -50722 桔梗 花语为 "永远的爱" 多年生草中医常使用.. |对感冒咳嗽, 气喘有效的药材 制作药用 -50723 柿子花 传说女人戴柿子花做成的项链就生儿子的花 |对急性慢性肝炎有效的药材. 制作药用 -50724 刺五加 像人蔘一样属木芽科的阔叶灌木, 长相类似山蔘, 对抑制糖尿病有效的药材 制作药用 - -50725 菖蒲 单子叶植物天南星目天南星科的多年生草 |对脑的活性化有效的药材 制作药用 -50726 灵芝 是珍贵的中药材也用做装是被称为不老仙草 | 对失眠有效的药材 制作药用 -50727 万病草 双子叶植物石南目石南科的常青灌木. |对神经衰弱有效的药材 制作药用 -50728 桑树 做器具材料·雕刻材料·造林用叶子是蚕的饲料, 树皮做为药用或造纸用的树 | 对肥胖有效的药材 制作药用 -50729 蒲公英 桔梗目菊花科植物被称为浦公英、黄花地丁、婆婆丁 |对咽喉炎友效的药材 制作药用 -50730 红花籽 被称为红花的种子 | 对骨质疏松症有效的药材 制作药用 -50731 大枣 大枣树的果实. | 对骨质疏松症有效的药材 制作药用 -50732 三枝九叶草 属小蘗科植物又称为淫羊藿等的名字 |对抑制糖尿病有效的药材 制作药用 - -50801 桃花液 用桃花制成的汁液 -50802 桔梗液 用桔梗制成的汁液 功击力 +5 - -50803 柿子花液 用柿子花制成的汁液 -50804 刺五加液 用刺五加制成的汁液 -50805 菖蒲液 用菖蒲制成的汁液 -50806 灵芝液 用灵芝制成的汁液 -50807 万病草液 用万病草制成的汁液 -50808 桑树液 用桑树制成的汁液 -50809 蒲公英液 用蒲公英制成的汁液 -50810 红花籽液 用红花籽制成的汁液 -50811 大枣液 用大枣制成的汁液 -50812 三枝九叶草液 用三枝九叶草制成的汁液 -50813 活心液 桃花液加上菖蒲制作的药 贯通机率 +10% ( 3分钟 ) -50814 血毒液 桔梗液加上菖蒲制作的药 致命攻击机率 +10% ( 3分钟 ) -50815 普还水 柿子花液加上灵芝制作的药 -50816 灵保水 刺五加液加上灵芝制作的药 -50817 真活心液 活心液加上万病草制作的药 攻击力 +50 -50818 真血毒液 血毒液加上万病草制作的药 防御力 +70 -50819 真普还水 普还水加上桑树制作的药 魔法抵抗 +10% -50820 真灵保水 灵保水加上桑树制作的药 - -50821 赤上药 熟成血毒液制作的战斗辅助药 | 因是熟成制作每一个药的性能都不同 -50822 红上药 熟成活心液制作的战斗辅助药 | 因是熟成制作每一个药的性能都不同 -50823 黄上药 熟成真灵保水制作的战斗辅助药 | 因是熟成制作每一个药的性能都不同 -50824 绿上药 熟成真普还水制作的战斗辅助药 | 因是熟成制作每一个药的性能都不同 -50825 青上药 熟成真活心液制作的战斗辅助药 | 因是熟成制作每一个药的性能都不同 -50826 白上药 熟成真血毒液制作的战斗辅助药 | 因是熟成制作每一个药的性能都不同 - -50901 空药瓶 制作药时使用的空药瓶 - -50902 制造术入门书 -50903 制造弓书 -50904 制造高级弓书 - -50905 活心液作法 -50906 血毒液作法 -50907 普还水作法 -50908 灵保水作法 -50909 真血毒作法 -50910 活心液作法 - -51001 活力矿石 分解道具后, 获得附有魔力的矿石 -51002 活力丸 食用后, 若装备有额外属性时, 将给予加成效果 -51003 采颗石 浓缩活石制作的神秘色彩的石头 - -52001 跶猪 跶猪的锐利獠牙象征着威猛 对怪物的伤害力 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52002 跶猪 跶猪的锐利獠牙象征着威猛 额外经验值 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52003 跶猪 跶猪的锐利獠牙象征着威猛 生命力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52004 跶猪 跶猪的锐利獠牙象征着威猛 防御力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52005 跶猪 跶猪的锐利獠牙象征着威猛 攻击力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52006 火雨跶猪 跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52007 火雨跶猪 跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52008 火雨跶猪 跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +250 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52009 火雨跶猪 跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +50 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52010 火雨跶猪 跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +30 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52011 烈日跶猪 火雨跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52012 烈日跶猪 火雨跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52013 烈日跶猪 火雨跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +500 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52014 烈日跶猪 火雨跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +150 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52015 烈日跶猪 火雨跶猪进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +100 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52016 犬狼 矫健四肢是犬狼的骄傲 对怪物的伤害力 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52017 犬狼 矫健四肢是犬狼的骄傲 额外经验值 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52018 犬狼 矫健四肢是犬狼的骄傲 生命力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52019 犬狼 矫健四肢是犬狼的骄傲 防御力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52020 犬狼 矫健四肢是犬狼的骄傲 攻击力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52021 火雨犬狼 犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52022 火雨犬狼 犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52023 火雨犬狼 犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +250 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52024 火雨犬狼 犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +50 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52025 火雨犬狼 犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +30 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52026 烈日犬狼 火雨犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52027 烈日犬狼 火雨犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52028 烈日犬狼 火雨犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +500 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52029 烈日犬狼 火雨犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +150 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52030 烈日犬狼 火雨犬狼进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +100 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52031 吼狮 在万兽之中, 拥有霸气的吼狮 对怪物的伤害力 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52032 吼狮 在万兽之中, 拥有霸气的吼狮 额外经验值 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52033 吼狮 在万兽之中, 拥有霸气的吼狮 生命力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52034 吼狮 在万兽之中, 拥有霸气的吼狮 防御力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52035 吼狮 在万兽之中, 拥有霸气的吼狮 攻击力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52036 火雨吼狮 吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52037 火雨吼狮 吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52038 火雨吼狮 吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +250 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52039 火雨吼狮 吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +50 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52040 火雨吼狮 吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +30 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52041 烈日吼狮 火雨吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52042 烈日吼狮 火雨吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52043 烈日吼狮 火雨吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +500 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52044 烈日吼狮 火雨吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +150 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52045 烈日吼狮 火雨吼狮进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +100 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52046 斗虎 强壮的体魄塑造出斗虎的威严 对怪物的伤害力 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52047 斗虎 强壮的体魄塑造出斗虎的威严 额外经验值 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52048 斗虎 强壮的体魄塑造出斗虎的威严 生命力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52049 斗虎 强壮的体魄塑造出斗虎的威严 防御力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52050 斗虎 强壮的体魄塑造出斗虎的威严 攻击力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52051 火雨斗虎 斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52052 火雨斗虎 斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52053 火雨斗虎 斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +250 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52054 火雨斗虎 斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +50 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52055 火雨斗虎 斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +30 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52056 烈日斗虎 火雨斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52057 烈日斗虎 火雨斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52058 烈日斗虎 火雨斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +500 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52059 烈日斗虎 火雨斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +150 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52060 烈日斗虎 火雨斗虎进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +100 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52061 公驯鹿 公驯鹿独有的酷角姿态 对怪物的伤害力 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52062 公驯鹿 公驯鹿独有的酷角姿态 额外经验值 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52063 公驯鹿 公驯鹿独有的酷角姿态 生命力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52064 公驯鹿 公驯鹿独有的酷角姿态 防御力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52065 公驯鹿 公驯鹿独有的酷角姿态 攻击力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52066 火雨驯鹿(公) 公驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52067 火雨驯鹿(公) 公驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52068 火雨驯鹿(公) 公驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +250 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52069 火雨驯鹿(公) 公驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +50 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52070 火雨驯鹿(公) 公驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +30 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52071 烈日驯鹿(公) 火雨驯鹿(公)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52072 烈日驯鹿(公) 火雨驯鹿(公)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52073 烈日驯鹿(公) 火雨驯鹿(公)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +500 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52074 烈日驯鹿(公) 火雨驯鹿(公)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +150 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52075 烈日驯鹿(公) 火雨驯鹿(公)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +100 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52076 母驯鹿 母驯鹿独有的清纯的眼神 对怪物的伤害力 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52077 母驯鹿 母驯鹿独有的清纯的眼神 额外经验值 +0% |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52078 母驯鹿 母驯鹿独有的清纯的眼神 生命力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52079 母驯鹿 母驯鹿独有的清纯的眼神 防御力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52080 母驯鹿 母驯鹿独有的清纯的眼神 攻击力 +0 |移动速度 +30 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52081 火雨驯鹿(母) 母驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52082 火雨驯鹿(母) 母驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +3% |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52083 火雨驯鹿(母) 母驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +250 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52084 火雨驯鹿(母) 母驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +50 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52085 火雨驯鹿(母) 母驯鹿进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +30 |移动速度 +40 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52086 烈日驯鹿(母) 火雨驯鹿(母)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 对怪物的伤害 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52087 烈日驯鹿(母) 火雨驯鹿(母)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 额外经验值 +5% |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52088 烈日驯鹿(母) 火雨驯鹿(母)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 生命力 +500 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52089 烈日驯鹿(母) 火雨驯鹿(母)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 防御力 +150 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52090 烈日驯鹿(母) 火雨驯鹿(母)进化后的形态, 骑乘时可攻击敌人. 攻击力 +100 |移动速度 +50 | 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 - -52701 吼狮交换券 持有交换券时, 可向 马厩警卫兵 兑换召唤牌 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52702 斗虎交换券 持有交换券时, 可向 马厩警卫兵 兑换召唤牌 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52703 跶猪交换券 持有交换券时, 可向 马厩警卫兵 兑换召唤牌 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52704 犬狼交换券 持有交换券时, 可向 马厩警卫兵 兑换召唤牌 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52705 公驯鹿交换券 持有交换券时, 可向 马厩警卫兵 兑换召唤牌 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -52706 母驯鹿交换券 持有交换券时, 可向 马厩警卫兵 兑换召唤牌 不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -53001 火?凰 -53002 小驯鹿 小驯鹿能帮助嗅出敌人身上的袜子. 右键可召唤 不可丢弃、摆摊、仓库、交易、贩卖 -53003 冰?凰 -53004 火?凰 -53005 迷你司马辉 司马辉因受到长久以来的封印 |已丧失原有的邪恶之气 点击右键即可召唤 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 - -53007 圣诞小驯鹿 圣诞节必备的小跟班. 右键可召唤 生命力 +1500 |攻害力 +15% |不可丢弃、交易、贩卖、摆摊 - - -53010 迷你狮 拥有可爱逗趣的小跟班. 右键可召唤 生命力 +1500 |攻害力 +15% |不可丢弃、交易、贩卖、摆摊 -53011 迷你虎 拥有可爱逗趣的小跟班. 右键可召唤 生命力 +1500 |攻害力 +15% |不可丢弃、交易、贩卖、摆摊 -53012 迷你猪 拥有可爱逗趣的小跟班. 右键可召唤 生命力 +1500 |攻害力 +15% |不可丢弃、交易、贩卖、摆摊 -53013 迷你犬 拥有可爱逗趣的小跟班. 右键可召唤 生命力 +1500 |攻害力 +15% |不可丢弃、交易、贩卖、摆摊 - -53505 人偶封印盒 任何被封印在这封印盒里的魔物 |将失去一切能力, 并幻化为人偶般形体 点击右键即可获得人偶 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 - -60001 熊胆 -60002 仓库使者推荐书 -60003 英雄的信物 - -70001 女神人偶 -70002 第三只手 -70003 六韬 武经七书之一的代表兵法书 |姜太公的兵法书之一 装备后成为队长时自己与队员的获得经验值增加30% -70004 勤劳勋章 给极为勤奋诚实之人的动章 |经验值 20% |装备后无法脱下 -70005 经验指环 相传是古代英雄爱用的装饰指环 |装备时, 可以获得更多经验值. 装备后无法脱下 -70006 语言指环 早期天照、镇奴、神手三国刚分割不久时 |以通商目地制作的万国共同语指环 |虽然经常以外交目地使用, 但目前剩下数量不多 可以和其它帝国的人沟通 -70007 移动指环 -70008 白旗 表示放弃战斗的白旗. 有时为了表示有严重的伤员在旗帜中央划一条红线 周围的怪物就会停止攻击 -70009 宝箱 -70010 仓库使用券 -70011 提升等级药水 -70012 女神的眼泪 古代武女太华的眼泪相传可以安慰对抗邪恶的勇者灵魂 装备中死亡时降低经验值损失 -70013 巨女神的眼泪 -70014 血的弹药 利用高贵的鹿血制作的软药丸,传说服用时会引起严重的幻觉作用 可以移动属性 1点 -70015 祭祀毛笔 -70020 桃花酒 桃花晒干制成的酒. 服用实时恢复体力 -70024 祝福的宝珠 相传受到神祝福的宝珠 道具属性有4种时追加一种属性. -70027 冶炼厂的纸条 古代传说的冶炼厂留下的关于武器的纸条 |相传纪录着关于改良武器的秘籍. 改良4级的道具时100% 改良成功到5级. -70035 万年寒铁 只能在非常高的高原地带才能发现的铁中极品 |使用在祝福之书可以制作武神的祝福书 -70037 忘却之书 分成两册的传说之书, 据说读此书的人会忘记自己使用的技能 可以移动技能投点1点 -70038 勇气的披风 古代勇猛的战士利用挂在背上的披风颜色吸引敌人的目光与攻击以展示自己的勇猛 使周围怪物围向自己. 1次用 -70039 铁匠的秘籍 具有铁匠的灵魂 |拖曳到需改良的道具上 |可提升改良机率. -70040 熊鬼的蛮劲 耐力消耗量减少一半 -70043 小偷的手套 拥有古代最高名声的小偷的手套 装备时提高掉宝率 -70047 语言指环(样品) 可以和其它帝国的人沟通 -70048 居士的披风 逃往者使用的披风其价值无法用钱衡量. 装备时隐藏自己的善恶值 -70049 幸运的戒指 刻着龙神的保护与你同在的戒指 装备时死亡不掉落道具 -70050 先王的信物 古代王家流传的信物, 拥有信物的人持有莫大的权力. 装备时善恶值恢复加快 2倍 -70051 先王的手套 古代王家流传的遗物之一拥有者会有莫名的力量. 装备后打怪时善恶值 恢复加快 2倍 -70052 招财符 佛家流传的符咒可以阻挡因业产生的凶 -70053 大吉大利符 佛家流传的符咒可以阻挡因业产生的凶 -70054 三灾预防符 佛家流传的符咒可以阻挡因业产生的凶 - -70055 忘却之书 分成两册的传说之书, 据说读此书的人会忘记自己使用的技能 可以移动技能投点1点 -70057 勇气的披风 古代勇猛的战士利用挂在背上的披风颜色吸引敌人的目光与攻击以展示自己的勇猛 使周围怪物围向自己. 1次用 -70058 移动指环 如同移动术师的能力,点击右键即可选择 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、贩卖 - -70102 禅头 服用时, 降低恶值|增加善值 - -70104 变身球 可以变成宝珠上刻的怪物模样 -70105 变身球 可以变成宝珠上刻的怪物模样 -70106 变身球 可以变成宝珠上刻的怪物模样 -70107 变身球 可以变成宝珠上刻的怪物模样 - -70201 褪色剂 退回到原来的头发颜色. 褪色的头发可以马上染色 -70202 染色剂(白色) 染色成白发|染色周期为3等级 -70203 染色剂(金色) 染色成金发|染色周期为3等级 -70204 染色剂(红色) 染色成红发|染色周期为3等级 -70205 染色剂(褐色) 染色成褐色头发|染色周期为3等级 -70206 染色剂(黑色) 染色成黑色头发|染色周期为3等级 - -70301 情侣戒指 男女定情的信物一般戒指 结婚需要的道具 -70302 结婚戒指 做为结婚信物的戒指 使用时传送到配偶身边 - - -71001 诸眼术书 技能修练失败时可以解除走火入魔 -71002 忘却秘籍 遗忘所有技能与军职相关的记忆. 可以重新选择军职. -71003 技能初始化秘籍 使单一技能点数初始化. -71004 龙神的保护 死亡时, 以龙神的保护 | 100%阻挡经验值下降. - -71005 语言指环 可以使用所有帝国的语言. -71006 语言指环 可以使用所有帝国的语言. -71007 语言指环 可以使用所有帝国的语言. -71008 干鱼心丸 钓到高级鱼的机率增加2倍 -71009 仓库收纳券 一个月之内仓库收纳扩充 3页. - -71010 第三只手 打怪时自动拾取掉落的钱币 -71011 热情的面具 装备时可表现感情 -71012 六韬 以队长组队时自己与队员的经验值上升30%. -71013 庆典专用爆竹 装饰庆典终局的 | 烟火用爆竹 -71014 加速酒 攻击速度加快10% |持续时间 30分钟 - -71015 经验指环 打怪时, 经验值获得增加 50% |持续时间 30分钟 - -71016 小偷的手套 打怪时掉宝率增加 1.5倍 |持续时间 30分钟 - -71017 幸运的金币 打怪时钱币掉落率增加 2倍 |持续时间 30分钟 - -71018 生命之丸 生命力实时恢复 100% . -71019 精力之丸 精神力实时恢复 100% . -71020 龙神之丸 生命力与精神力实时恢复 100% -71021 武神的祝福书 受到武神祝福的改良书 +0~+3的道具改良可 100% 成功. -71025 冶工石 由打铁铺的铁匠的汗与血形成的传说的矿石 -71026 玄铁 使用在祝福之书时可以改良为龙神的祝福书. -71027 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% |持续时间 30分钟 -71028 龙神的攻击 攻击时伤害提升 12~15% |持续时间 30分钟 -71029 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% |持续时间 30分钟 -71030 龙神的防御 防御时伤害降低 12~15% |持续时间 30分钟 -71031 龙神的支持 角色的体力、力量、精神力、敏捷各增加 5. -71032 龙神的祝福书 改良道具时以10% 机率改良, 改良失败时道具不消失 -71033 热情的面具 装备时可表现感情 -71034 加速酒+ 攻击速度加快 15% |持续时间 30分钟 -71035 迷惑的药水 收集道具的机率提升 80%. -71036 熊鬼族长召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的熊鬼族长. -71037 密教教主召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的密教教主. -71038 女王蜘蛛召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的女王蜘蛛. -71039 巨大沙漠乌龟召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的巨大沙漠乌龟. -71040 火焰王召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的火焰王. -71041 九尾狐召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的九尾狐. -71042 尸鬼王召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的尸鬼王. -71043 黄虎鬼召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的黄虎鬼. -71044 卓越之章 致命机率 +20% |持续时间 10分钟 -71045 贯通之章 无视防御机率 +20% |持续时间 10分钟 -71047 与同伴相拥 可以抽取镶嵌在道具的灵石. -71048 还生秘籍 从古代流传下来的咒术|可以更换角色的性别. -71049 丝绸包裹 一定时间内可无限制使用个人商店. -71050 移速酒 移动速度加快 60% . -71051 真再加秘典 除了现有属性之外追加两个属性. -71052 真再精秘典 变更利用真再加秘典追加的属性. -71053 装备时善恶值恢复增加两倍. -71054 帝国转换令 可以变更到其它帝国 1次. -71055 开化书 更换角色名称. -71056 青龙的呼吸 +4灵石改良为 +5灵石时成功机率增加两倍. -71057 火石木矿脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的火石木矿脉 -71058 铜矿脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的铜矿脉 -71059 银脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的银脉 -71060 金脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的金脉 -71061 玉石脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的玉石脉 -71062 黑丹石脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的黑丹石脉 -71063 贝堆召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的贝堆 -71064 白金脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的白金脉 -71065 水晶石脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的水晶石脉 -71066 紫水晶石脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的紫水晶石脉 -71067 天露矿脉召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的天露矿脉 -71068 鸳鸯的羽毛 装备时感情数值快速上升. -71069 和睦的耳环 同时提升与配偶的贯通机率. -71070 爱情的手镯 同时提升与配偶获得的经验值. -71071 爱情的耳环 同时提升与配偶的致命攻击机率. -71072 和睦的手镯 降低怪物的攻击力. -71073 爱情的项链 同时提升与配偶的攻击力. -71074 和睦的项链 同时提升与配偶的防御力. -71075 染色剂(白色) 染色成白发 -71076 染色剂(金色) 染色成金发 -71077 染色剂(红色) 染色成红发 -71078 染色剂(褐色) 染色成褐色头发 -71079 染色剂(黑色) 染色成黑色头发 -71080 初级醛石召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的初级醛石 -71081 中级醛石召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的中级醛石 -71082 高级醛石召唤书 可以召唤角色周围的高级醛石 -71083 空极秘典 清除镶嵌内的碎石使镶嵌可以重新使用 -71084 再精秘典 使道具赋有的属性初始化 |重新赋予新的属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、摆摊、贩卖、交易 -71085 再加秘典 赋予道具随机一种属性 |最多可赋予到四种属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、摆摊、贩卖、交易 -71086 升级任务(20~29) -71087 升级任务(30~39) -71088 任务执行书(初级) -71089 任务执行书(中级) -71090 任务执行书(高级) -71091 电光板包裹 可以更换商店广告牌的文字颜色. -71092 变身术书 可以用变身球变身为怪物. -71093 变身球 可以变身成宝珠上画的怪物. -71094 先人的训诫 修练书成功机率提升 2.5倍 (1次) -71095 通行证明书 使用于 [附加地图] 时,所需之通行文件 -71097 龙神的攻击+ 攻击时伤害提升 45~50% |持续时间 30分钟 -71098 龙神的防御+ 防御时伤害降低 45~50% |持续时间 30分钟 -71101 速影酒 咒语速度加快 20% 持续时间 30分钟 -71102 速影酒+ 咒语速度加快 30% 持续时间 30分钟 -71103 体力初始化秘籍 使体力初始化为1 -71104 智力初始化秘籍 使智力初始化为1 -71105 力量初始化秘籍 使力量初始化为1 -71106 敏捷初始化秘籍 使敏捷初始化为1 -71107 仙桃 善恶值提升 2000 -71108 桃花酒+ 仙桃花晒干后|泡的高级酒 服用实时恢复体力 -71109 托世书 抽取最后的灵石|抽取的位置留下痕迹 -71110 方糖 让我的马有名字|防御力 +20! -71111 旧袜子 穿太久已破洞的袜子|但是挂在圣诞树上就? -71112 托世书+ 抽取需要的灵石|抽取的位置留下痕迹. -71113 金刚经 可以透过聊天窗传播道具详细属性. alt + 左键单击道具 -71114 猪神召唤牌 可以骑乘猪神5分钟 防御力+150 -71115 猪神召唤牌 可以骑乘猪神120分钟并得到怪物加强 +20% 效果与追加 10% 经验值. -71116 山犬神召唤牌 可以骑乘山犬神5分钟 防御力+200 -71117 山犬神召唤牌 可以骑乘山犬神120分钟并得到 HP +3000 效果与追加 10% 经验值. -71118 斗虎召唤牌 可以骑乘斗虎5分钟 防御力+300 -71119 斗虎召唤牌 可以骑乘斗虎120分钟并得到防御力 +400 效果与追加 10%经验值. -71120 狮王召唤牌 可以骑乘狮王5分钟 攻击力+200 -71121 狮王召唤牌 可以骑乘狮王120分钟并得到攻击力 +300 效果与追加 10% 经验值. -71123 水龙鳞 从水龙身上掉落的鳞碎片. 散发出神秘的气息.|制作水龙甲的材料. -71129 水龙爪指甲 可以向水龙取得的爪指甲碎片. 弯曲的模样很特别. 改良需要的道具|制作水龙甲的材料. -71124 灵鹫吼狮召唤牌 虽与吼狮皆为万兽之王, 但身上散发出神圣的氛围. 经验值 +30% |移动速度 +20 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 - - -71131 黑马召唤牌 召唤黑马时使用的信物 -71132 黑马召唤牌 召唤黑马时使用的信物 -71133 黑马召唤牌 召唤黑马时使用的信物 -71134 黑马召唤牌 召唤黑马时使用的信物 -71135 娥眉月的指环 镶有娥眉月的美丽指环, 指环上朦胧的光似乎会给予力量 经验值 50% |攻击速度 20% |咒语速度 20% |伤害 30% |最大生命力 10% |最大精神力 10% - -71137 森嘎斗虎召唤牌(蓝) 属斗虎的远亲, 也拥有强壮的体魄及威严. 经验值 +30% |移动速度 +20 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -71138 森嘎斗虎召唤牌(红) 属斗虎的远亲, 也拥有强壮的体魄及威严. 经验值 +30% |移动速度 +20 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -71139 森嘎斗虎召唤牌(黄) 属斗虎的远亲, 也拥有强壮的体魄及威严. 经验值 +30% |移动速度 +20 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -71140 森嘎斗虎召唤牌(绿) 属斗虎的远亲, 也拥有强壮的体魄及威严. 经验值 +30% |移动速度 +20 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -71141 森嘎斗虎召唤牌(灰) 属斗虎的远亲, 也拥有强壮的体魄及威严. 经验值 +30% |移动速度 +20 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -71142 森嘎斗虎召唤牌(白) 属斗虎的远亲, 也拥有强壮的体魄及威严. 经验值 +30% |移动速度 +20 |不可丢弃、贩卖、摆摊、交易 -71143 幸福之戒 带给所有人幸福的戒指 攻击速度 +20% |施法速度 +20% |伤害力 +30% |总生命力 +10% |总精神力 +10% |经验值 +50% |不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、贩卖 -71144 圣诞礼盒 右键点击随机奖励 不可丢弃、摆摊、、交易、贩卖 -71145 永恒之爱的吊饰 代表着一对恋人的永恒 经验值30% |攻击速度 +10% |施法速度 +10% |伤害 30% |最大生命力 +5% |最大精神力 +5% -71146 爱的礼物箱(粉红) -71147 爱的礼物箱(蓝色) -71148 韧性戒指 拥有韧性的物理攻击戒指 经验值30% |给武士强烈的20% |给刺客强烈的20% |怪物追加伤害30% |最高生命力10% |最高精神力10% |不可丢弃 、交易 -71149 魔性戒指 拥有魔性的魔法攻击戒指 经验值30% |给修罗强烈的20% |给巫师强烈的20% |怪物追加伤害30% |最高生命力10% |最高精神力10% |不可丢弃 、交易 -71150 魔法鸡蛋 蛋壳上刻有精巧细工的魔法图腾 每 30分钟可点击右键随机获得道具 |不可丢弃 、存仓、贩卖、交易 -71151 初精秘典 赋予40级以下 武器/盔甲道具随机一种属性 |最多可赋予到四种属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、贩卖 -71152 初加秘典 赋予40级以下 武器/盔甲道具随机一种属性 |最多可赋予到四种属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、贩卖 -71153 经验药水 具有事半功倍的效果,维持 1小时 |经验值 +100% 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、存仓 - -71158 英雄的信物 赏赐给英雄的奖牌 |它拥有着力量的象征 经验值 50% |攻击速度 20% |咒语速度 20% |伤害 30% |最高生命力 10% |最大精神力 10% |时装属性 5% |不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 -71159 纪念礼物宝箱(男) 点击右键似乎 |随机给予奖励 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 -71160 纪念礼物宝箱(女) 点击右键似乎 |随机给予奖励 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易 - -71164 圣诞驯鹿 圣诞节必备的座骑驯鹿. 右键可召唤 移动速度 +60% |不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、贩卖 - -72001 经验指环 打怪时经验值获得增加50% -72002 经验指环 打怪时经验值获得增加50% -72003 经验指环 打怪时经验值获得增加50% -72004 小偷的手套 打怪时掉宝率增加 1.5倍 -72005 小偷的手套 打怪时掉宝率增加 1.5倍 -72006 小偷的手套 打怪时掉宝率增加 1.5倍 -72007 丝绸包裹 一定时间内可无限制使用个人商店. -72008 丝绸包裹 一定时间内可无限制使用个人商店. -72009 丝绸包裹 一定时间内可无限制使用个人商店. -72010 鸳鸯的羽毛 装备时感情数值快速上升. -72011 鸳鸯的羽毛 装备时感情数值快速上升. -72012 鸳鸯的羽毛 装备时感情数值快速上升. -72013 干鱼心丸 钓到高级鱼的机率增加2倍 -72014 干鱼心丸 钓到高级鱼的机率增加2倍 -72015 干鱼心丸 钓到高级鱼的机率增加2倍 -72016 第三只手 打怪时自动拾取掉落的钱币 -72017 第三只手 打怪时自动拾取掉落的钱币 -72018 第三只手 打怪时自动拾取掉落的钱币 -72022 幸运的金币 打怪时钱币掉落增加2倍 -72024 幸运的金币 打怪时钱币掉落增加2倍 -72025 贯通之章 贯通攻击机率 +10% -72026 贯通之章 贯通攻击机率 +10% -72027 贯通之章 贯通攻击机率 +10% -72028 热情的面具 装备时可表现感情 -72029 热情的面具 装备时可表现感情 -72030 热情的面具 装备时可表现感情 -72031 龙神的攻击 攻击时伤害提升 12~15% -72032 龙神的攻击 攻击时伤害提升 12~15% -72033 龙神的攻击 攻击时伤害提升 12~15% -72034 龙神的防御 防御时伤害降低 12~15% -72035 龙神的防御 防御时伤害降低 12~15% -72036 龙神的防御 防御时伤害降低 12~15% -72037 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% -72038 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% -72039 龙神的生命 最大生命力 +20% -72040 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% -72041 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% -72042 龙神的智力 最大精神力 +20% -72043 六韬 以队长组队时自己与队员的经验值上升30%. -72044 六韬 以队长组队时自己与队员的经验值上升30%. -72045 六韬 以队长组队时自己与队员的经验值上升30%. -72046 卓越之章 致命机率 +10% -72047 卓越之章 致命机率 +10% -72048 卓越之章 致命机率 +10% - -72301 祝福之书 将祝福的改良书用在改良装备时, 即使改良失败也不过将一级而已 文件直接使用在装备上|改良失败时道具不消失|任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72302 六韬 武经七书之一的代表兵法书| 姜太公的兵法书之一 | 装备后成为队长时自己与队员的获得经验值增加30%|任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72304 祝福的宝珠 相传受到神祝福的宝珠 道具属性有4种时追加一种属性.|任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72305 会消失的镜子 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72306 冶炼厂的纸条 古代传说的冶炼厂留下的关于武器的纸条|相传纪录着关于改良武器的秘籍. 改良4级的道具时100% 改良成功到5级.|任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72307 冶炼厂的秘籍 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72308 万年寒铁 只能在非常高的高原地带才能发现的铁中极品|使用在祝福之书可以制作武神的祝福书 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72309 铁匠的秘籍 具有铁匠灵魂的秘籍改良时可提升改良机率 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72310 诸眼术书 技能修练失败时可以解除走火入魔 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72311 龙神之丸 生命力与精神力实时恢复 100% 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72312 龙神的攻击 攻击时伤害提升12~15% | 持续时间30分钟 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72313 龙神的防御 防御时伤害降低12~15% | 持续时间30分钟 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72314 龙神的祝福书 改良道具时以10% 机率改良,改良失败时道具不消失 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72315 移速酒 移动速度加快 60% . 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72316 空极秘典 清除镶嵌内的碎石使镶嵌可以重新使用 任务奖励道具 | 无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72317 再精秘典 使道具赋有的属性初始化 |重新赋予新的属性 |有机率失败 任务奖励道具 |不可丢弃、摆摊、贩卖、交易 -72318 再加秘典 赋予道具随机一种属性 |最多可赋予到四种属性 |有机率失败 任务奖励道具 |不可丢弃、摆摊、贩卖、交易 - -72501 经验指环(网吧专用) 在加盟网咖猎魔时经验值获得增加 50% -72502 小偷的手套(网吧专用) 在加盟网咖猎魔时掉宝率增加 1.5倍 - -72700 风之靴 赋予靴子风的精气使其可以快速移动 移动速度+30 -72701 风之靴 赋予靴子风的精气使其可以快速移动 移动速度+30 -72702 风之靴 赋予靴子风的精气使其可以快速移动 移动速度+30 - -72703 虎角耳环 老虎造型的耳环提升攻击力绝对值200 50小时 -72704 龙角耳环 龙造型的耳环提升防御力绝对值200 |魔法防御150 50小时 -72705 虎角手镯 老虎造型的手镯提升技能攻击力30% 50小时 -72706 龙角手镯 龙造型的手镯提升技能防御力30% 50小时 - -72709 虎角耳环 老虎造型的耳环提升攻击力绝对值200 20小时 -72710 龙角耳环 龙造型的耳环提升防御力绝对值300 |魔法防御150 20小时 -72711 虎角手镯 老虎造型的手镯提升技能攻击力30% 20小时 -72712 龙角手镯 龙造型的手镯提升技能防御力30% 20小时 -72719 托世书 抽取最后的灵石|抽取的位置留下痕迹 - - - -73001 武士发型 1 男性 - 酒红色短发 |女性 - 酒红色包子短发 -73002 武士发型 1 男性 - 土黄色短发 |女性 - 浅紫色包子短发 -73003 武士发型 1 男性 - 蓝色短发 |女性 - 蓝色包子短发 -73004 武士发型 1 男性 - 褐色短发 |女性 - 褐色包子短发 -73005 武士发型 2 男性 - 刺猬红头巾 |女性 - 短发红头巾 -73006 武士发型 2 男性 - 刺猬方格头巾 |女性 - 短发方格头巾 -73007 武士发型 2 男性 - 刺猬蓝头巾 |女性 - 短发墨绿头巾 -73008 武士发型 2 男性 - 刺猬小格头巾 |女性 - 短发蓝头巾 -73009 武士发型 3 男性 - 黑色武士风格 |女性 - 黑色优雅风格 -73010 武士发型 3 男性 - 红色武士风格 |女性 - 红色优雅风格 -73011 武士发型 3 男性 - 褐色武士风格 |女性 - 褐色优雅风格 -73012 武士发型 3 男性 - 青绿色武士风格 |女性 - 青绿色优雅风格 - -73251 刺客发型 1 男性 - 高马尾土黄发型 |女性 - 高马尾褐色发型 -73252 刺客发型 1 男性 - 高马尾绿色发型 |女性 - 高马尾绿色发型 -73253 刺客发型 1 男性 - 高马尾蓝色发型 |女性 - 高马尾深蓝色发型 -73254 刺客发型 1 男性 - 高马尾灰白色发型 |女性 - 高马尾灰白色发型 -73255 刺客发型 2 男性 - 长发灰头巾 |女性 - 褐色俏丽中长发 -73256 刺客发型 2 男性 - 长发深绿头巾 |女性 - 棕色俏丽中长发 -73257 刺客发型 2 男性 - 长发咖啡头巾 |女性 - 土黄俏丽中长发 -73258 刺客发型 2 男性 - 长发棕色头巾 |女性 - 紫色俏丽中长发 -73259 刺客发型 3 男性 - 酒红色造型短发 |女性 - 酒红色造型短发 -73260 刺客发型 3 男性 - 青色造型短发 |女性 - 淡蓝造型短发 -73261 刺客发型 3 男性 - 黑色造型短发 |女性 - 黑灰造型短发 -73262 刺客发型 3 男性 - 黄色造型短发 |女性 - 土黄造型短发 - -73501 修罗发型 1 男性 - 白色运动型短发 |女性 - 灰色酷炫束发 -73502 修罗发型 1 男性 - 褐色运动型短发 |女性 - 褐色酷炫束发 -73503 修罗发型 1 男性 - 土黄色运动型短发 |女性 - 浅黄色酷炫束发 -73504 修罗发型 1 男性 - 青苹绿运动型短发 |女性 - 草绿色酷炫束发 -73505 修罗发型 2 男性 - 灰白色侠客风格 |女性 - 灰白色侠女风格 -73506 修罗发型 2 男性 - 酒红色侠客风格 |女性 - 酒红色侠女风格 -73507 修罗发型 2 男性 - 黑色侠客风格 |女性 - 黑色侠女风格 -73508 修罗发型 2 男性 - 紫色侠客风格 |女性 - 紫色侠女风格 -73509 修罗发型 3 男性 - 白色马尾长发 |女性 - 白色束高发型 -73510 修罗发型 3 男性 - 淡蓝色马尾长发 |女性 - 淡蓝色束高发型 -73511 修罗发型 3 男性 - 黑色马尾长发 |女性 - 黑色束高发型 -73512 修罗发型 3 男性 - 褐色马尾长发 |女性 - 褐色束高发型 - -73751 巫师发型 1 男性 - 后梳棕色中长发 |女性 - 褐色发簪风格 -73752 巫师发型 1 男性 - 后梳深蓝色中长发 |女性 - 深蓝色发簪风格 -73753 巫师发型 1 男性 - 后梳淡蓝色中长发 |女性 - 淡蓝色发簪风格 -73754 巫师发型 1 男性 - 后梳灰白色中长发 |女性 - 白色发簪风格 -73755 巫师发型 2 男性 - 中分褐色中长发 |女性 - 中分褐色中长发 -73756 巫师发型 2 男性 - 中分暗蓝色中长发 |女性 - 中分暗蓝色中长发 -73757 巫师发型 2 男性 - 中分土黄色中长发 |女性 - 中分土黄色中长发 -73758 巫师发型 2 男性 - 中分深紫色中长发 |女性 - 中分浅紫色中长发 -73759 巫师发型 3 男性 - 褐色武侠风格 |女性 - 棕色长发造型 -73760 巫师发型 3 男性 - 棕灰色武侠风格 |女性 - 金色长发造型 -73761 巫师发型 3 男性 - 深蓝色武侠风格 |女性 - 紫色长发造型 -73762 巫师发型 3 男性 - 酒红色武侠风格 |女性 - 酒红色长发造型 - - - - -74001 武士发型 1 酒红色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74002 武士发型 1 土黄色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74003 武士发型 1 蓝色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74004 武士发型 1 褐色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74005 武士发型 2 刺猬红头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74006 武士发型 2 刺猬方格头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74007 武士发型 2 刺猬蓝头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74008 武士发型 2 刺猬小格头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74009 武士发型 3 黑色武士风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74010 武士发型 3 红色武士风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74011 武士发型 3 褐色武士风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74012 武士发型 3 青绿色武士风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - -74251 刺客发型 1 高马尾褐色发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74252 刺客发型 1 高马尾绿色发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74253 刺客发型 1 高马尾深蓝色发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74254 刺客发型 1 高马尾灰白色发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74255 刺客发型 2 褐色俏丽中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74256 刺客发型 2 棕色俏丽中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74257 刺客发型 2 土黄俏丽中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74258 刺客发型 2 紫色俏丽中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74259 刺客发型 3 酒红色造型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74260 刺客发型 3 淡蓝造型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74261 刺客发型 3 黑灰造型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74262 刺客发型 3 土黄造型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - -74501 修罗发型 1 白色运动型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74502 修罗发型 1 褐色运动型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74503 修罗发型 1 土黄色运动型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74504 修罗发型 1 青苹绿运动型短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74505 修罗发型 2 灰白色侠客风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74506 修罗发型 2 酒红色侠客风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74507 修罗发型 2 黑色侠客风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74508 修罗发型 2 紫色侠客风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74509 修罗发型 3 白色马尾长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74510 修罗发型 3 淡蓝色马尾长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74511 修罗发型 3 黑色马尾长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74512 修罗发型 3 褐色马尾长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - -74751 巫师发型 1 褐色发簪风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74752 巫师发型 1 深蓝色发簪风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74753 巫师发型 1 淡蓝色发簪风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74754 巫师发型 1 白色发簪风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74755 巫师发型 2 中分褐色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74756 巫师发型 2 中分暗蓝色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74757 巫师发型 2 中分土黄色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74758 巫师发型 2 中分浅紫色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74759 巫师发型 3 棕色长发造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74760 巫师发型 3 金色长发造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74761 巫师发型 3 紫色长发造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74762 巫师发型 3 酒红色长发造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - - - - -75001 武士发型 1 酒红色包子短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75002 武士发型 1 浅紫色包子短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75003 武士发型 1 蓝色包子短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75004 武士发型 1 褐色包子短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75005 武士发型 2 短发红头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75006 武士发型 2 短发方格头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75007 武士发型 2 短发墨绿头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75008 武士发型 2 短发蓝头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75009 武士发型 3 黑色优雅风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75010 武士发型 3 红色优雅风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75011 武士发型 3 褐色优雅风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75012 武士发型 3 青绿色优雅风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - -75201 刺客发型 1 高马尾土黄发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75202 刺客发型 1 高马尾绿色发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75203 刺客发型 1 高马尾蓝色发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75204 刺客发型 1 高马尾灰白色发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75205 刺客发型 2 长发灰头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75206 刺客发型 2 长发深绿头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75207 刺客发型 2 长发咖啡头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75208 刺客发型 2 长发棕色头巾 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75209 刺客发型 3 酒红色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75210 刺客发型 3 青色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75211 刺客发型 3 黑色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75212 刺客发型 3 黄色短发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - -75401 修罗发型 1 灰色酷炫束发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75402 修罗发型 1 褐色酷炫束发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75403 修罗发型 1 浅黄色酷炫束发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75404 修罗发型 1 草绿色酷炫束发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75405 修罗发型 2 灰白色侠女风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75406 修罗发型 2 酒红色侠女风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75407 修罗发型 2 黑色侠女风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75408 修罗发型 2 紫色侠女风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75409 修罗发型 3 白色束高发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75410 修罗发型 3 淡蓝色束高发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75411 修罗发型 3 黑色束高发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75412 修罗发型 3 褐色束高发型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - -75601 巫师发型 1 后梳褐色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75602 巫师发型 1 后梳深蓝色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75603 巫师发型 1 后梳淡蓝色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75604 巫师发型 1 后梳灰白色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75605 巫师发型 2 中分褐色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75606 巫师发型 2 中分暗蓝色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75607 巫师发型 2 中分土黄色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75608 巫师发型 2 中分深紫色中长发 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75609 巫师发型 3 褐色武侠风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75610 巫师发型 3 棕灰色武侠风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75611 巫师发型 3 深蓝色武侠风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75612 巫师发型 3 酒红色武侠风格 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - - -74017 红色圆筒帽-武士 用红色圆筒制作的帽子一不小心看起来就像是头上顶着垃圾桶. 但它是获得懂得时尚的人肯定的帽子之一 -74018 劳伦斯风格孝巾 享受浪漫的沙漠旅行者的必备物品, 感觉优雅又悠闲的时尚物品 -74019 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. -74267 沙漠专用围巾 女性用围巾在沙漠旅行时为保护飞舞的发丝并保护肌肤使用的时尚道具 -74268 沙漠专用头巾套 嫌沙漠专用围巾的功能不够强更要保护肌肤远离紫外线与沙漠暴风使用的时尚道具, 偶尔也为遮蔽漂亮的脸蛋而使用 -74269 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. -74517 红色圆筒帽 用红色圆筒制作的帽子一不小心看起来就像是头上顶着垃圾桶. 但它是获得懂得时尚的人肯定的帽子之一 -74518 劳伦斯风格孝巾 享受浪漫的沙漠旅行者的必备物品, 感觉优雅又悠闲的时尚物品 -74519 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. -74767 沙漠专用围巾 女性用围巾在沙漠旅行时为保护飞舞的发丝并保护肌肤使用的时尚道具 -74768 沙漠专用头巾套 嫌沙漠专用围巾的功能不够强更要保护肌肤远离紫外线与沙漠暴风使用的时尚道具, 偶尔也为遮蔽漂亮的脸蛋而使用 -74769 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. -75017 沙漠专用围巾 女性用围巾在沙漠旅行时为保护飞舞的发丝并保护肌肤使用的时尚道具 -75018 沙漠专用头巾套 嫌沙漠专用围巾的功能不够强更要保护肌肤远离紫外线与沙漠暴风使用的时尚道具, 偶尔也为遮蔽漂亮的脸蛋而使用 -75019 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. -75217 红色圆筒帽 用红色圆筒制作的帽子一不小心看起来就像是头上顶着垃圾桶. 但它是获得懂得时尚的人肯定的帽子之一 -75218 劳伦斯风格孝巾 享受浪漫的沙漠旅行者的必备物品, 感觉优雅又悠闲的时尚物品 -75219 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. -75417 沙漠专用围巾 女性用围巾在沙漠旅行时为保护飞舞的发丝并保护肌肤使用的时尚道具 -75418 沙漠专用头巾套 嫌沙漠专用围巾的功能不够强更要保护肌肤远离紫外线与沙漠暴风使用的时尚道具, 偶尔也为遮蔽漂亮的脸蛋而使用 -75419 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. -75617 红色圆筒帽 用红色圆筒制作的帽子一不小心看起来就像是头上顶着垃圾桶. 但它是获得懂得时尚的人肯定的帽子之一 -75618 劳伦斯风格孝巾 享受浪漫的沙漠旅行者的必备物品, 感觉优雅又悠闲的时尚物品 -75619 穆斯林头巾 沙漠旅行者用布包裹头部使头部显大的时尚道具的一种, 传闻中在大陆使用是为了让怪物有压迫感. - -76001 忘却秘籍 忘记所有技能与军职、能力值相关记忆. 点击道具右键即可使用 -76002 死神的信物 尸鬼塔死神持有的信物. 通过饿鬼洞 2楼时需要使用. -76003 速影酒 咒语速度加快 20% 持续时间 30分钟 -76004 水龙的祝福(小) 接受水龙的气息制作的药水 |使精神力经常维持在最高状态 持续回复精神力 -76005 水龙的祝福(中) 接受水龙的气息制作的药水 |使精神力经常维持在最高状态 持续回复精神力 -76007 勇气的披风 古代勇猛的战士利用挂在背上的披风颜色吸引敌人的目光与攻击以展示自己的勇猛 使周围怪物围向自己. 1次用 -76008 龙神的保护 死亡时,可阻止一次经验值减少 -76009 龙神的祝福书 改良道具时以10% 机率改良,改良失败时道具不消失 -76010 龙血石(送礼) 进入天医洞穴时,需要的通行证 不可丢弃、存仓、摆摊、交易 -76011 六韬 武经七书之一的代表兵法书 |姜太公的兵法书之一 装备后成为队长时自己与队员的获得经验值增加30% -76013 再加秘典 赋予道具随机一种属性 |最多可赋予到四种属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、存仓 -76014 再精秘典 使道具赋有的属性初始化 |重新赋予新的属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、存仓 -76015 祝福的宝珠 相传受到神祝福的宝珠 道具属性有4种时追加一种属性. -76016 祝福之书 受到祝福的改良书使用在装备上改良时, 即使改良失败也不过降一级而已 直接使用在装备上|改良失败时道具不消失 -76017 翮姜暧 攻击速度:+15 |持续时间 30分 |脱机不计算时间 -76018 加速酒+ 攻击速度加快 15% |持续时间 30分钟 -76019 通行证明书 使用于 [附加地图] 时, 所需之通行文件 -76020 迷惑的药水 收集道具的机率提升 80%. -76021 火龙的祝福(小) 接受火龙的气息制作的药水 |使的生命力经常维持在最高状态 持续回复生命力 -76022 火龙的祝福(中) 接受火龙的气息制作的药水 |使的生命力经常维持在最高状态 持续回复生命力 -76023 初精秘典(送礼) 使40级以下 武器/盔甲道具赋有的属性初始化 |重新赋予新的属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、存仓 -76024 初加秘典(送礼) 使40级以下 武器/盔甲道具赋有的属性初始化 |重新赋予新的属性 |有机率失败 不可丢弃、摆摊、交易、存仓 - -80001 钱包 -80002 白纸 -80008 金团 完全没有加工过的金团|在商店以高价买入. -80009 移动指环 有移动能力的指环在无法移动的地区使用时返回本国. - -90001 空水桶 -90002 水桶 -90003 水晶 -90004 宝石 -90005 水石 -90006 灵石 -90007 光石 - -72019 仓库收纳券 限定时间内, 仓库可扩充 2页 -72020 仓库收纳券 限定时间内, 仓库可扩充 2页 -72021 仓库收纳券 限定时间内, 仓库可扩充 2页 -72023 幸运的金币 打怪时钱币掉落率增加 2倍 -72303 经验指环 相传是古代英雄爱用的装饰指环. |装备时可以获得更多经验值 装备后无法脱下 |任务奖励道具 |无法兑换、贩卖、丢弃 -72723 火龙的祝福(小) 接受火龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的生命力. -72724 火龙的祝福(中) 接受火龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的生命力. -72725 火龙的祝福(大) 接受火龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的生命力. -72726 火龙的祝福(特大) 接受火龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的生命力. 使用时、提升总生命力4% -72727 水龙的祝福(小) 接受水龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的精神力. -72728 水龙的祝福(中) 接受水龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的精神力. -72729 水龙的祝福(大) 接受水龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的精神力. -72730 水龙的祝福(特大) 接受水龙的气息制作的药水, 持续恢复减少的精神力. 使用时、提升总精神力4% -74013 武士圆蓬式发型 1 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74014 武士圆蓬式发型 2 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74015 武士战笠 1 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74016 武士战笠 2 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74263 刺客圆蓬式发型 1 粉红色圆蓬造型型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74264 刺客圆蓬式发型 2 粉红色圆蓬造型型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74265 刺客战帽 1 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74266 刺客战帽 2 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74513 修罗圆蓬式发型 1 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74514 修罗圆蓬式发型 2 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74515 修罗战笠 1 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74516 修罗战笠 2 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74763 巫师圆蓬式发型 1 粉红色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74764 巫师圆蓬式发型 2 粉红色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74765 巫师战帽 1 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -74766 巫师战帽 2 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75013 武士圆蓬式发型 1 粉红色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75014 武士圆蓬式发型 2 粉红色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75015 武士战帽 1 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75016 武士战帽 2 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75213 刺客圆蓬式发型 1 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75214 刺客圆蓬式发型 2 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75215 刺客战笠 1 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75216 刺客战笠 2 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75413 修罗圆蓬式发型 1 粉红色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75414 修罗圆蓬式发型 2 粉红色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75415 修罗战帽 1 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75416 修罗战帽 2 牡丹斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75613 巫师圆蓬式发型 1 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75614 巫师圆蓬式发型 2 黑色圆蓬造型 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75615 巫师战笠 1 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 -75616 巫师战笠 2 古代斗笠 |装备后, 若卸下仍计算时间 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4bbaca86..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -刺客是以短弓主要武器的[ENTER] -手.[ENTER] -他因著到一定的水[ENTER] -必通酷的程[ENTER] -所以整大上的人[ENTER] -[WAIT] -少, 但是只要具特定的件[ENTER] -他有的破力[ENTER] -足以的流向.[ENTER] -了持敏捷性速度[ENTER] -他只能型的防具[ENTER] -[WAIT] -也是[ENTER] -他唯一的[ENTER] -缺. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e351820c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -巫是自然力量的[ENTER] -流和深入了解的[ENTER] -者. 他也懂得些法[ENTER] -透特定的媒介成具化[ENTER] -的方法.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -些於他的[ENTER] -媒介一般人之符咒,[ENTER] -或法.[ENTER] -因他有如此大的[ENTER] -知是希望不的[ENTER] -[WAIT] -他人,但是[ENTER] -他深以的[ENTER] -意的人[ENTER] -真是不多. - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5779bd64..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -修是魔的子[ENTER] -寄生在自己的手臂上[ENTER] -吸收魔法力量的士.[ENTER] -他其他人不同 [ENTER] -的特徵就是身的[ENTER] -[WAIT] -任何人都有的人.[ENTER] -他的目就是有地上最[ENTER] -的力量, 除此之外的一切[ENTER] -他都是累的[ENTER] -妨之物.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -他甚至有必要[ENTER] -展自己的能力因[ENTER] -他所渴望的只是的[ENTER] -能力本身. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f30941b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -武士只要用一把固的[ENTER] -甲武後在上[ENTER] -成上活的[ENTER] -主角. 他小明迷惑人的[ENTER] -手段惟有追求[ENTER] -[WAIT] -像般的肌肉[ENTER] -清澈的水般[ENTER] -的精神世界.[ENTER] -所以相信[ENTER] -大上有一人[ENTER] -[WAIT] -能阻怒的人[ENTER] -是正的. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 6ec1febe..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax斛部痍悸笛票欲望梗聊粕符措甜惕剪偷接笙假晨莉圉掏戛硎晤掖笠情舶啜扈畦鬼盒盔瓷翌船荸野郭笨除捷婉停梃梁惆匐倏鬲痊盛硫荻桶眼偶控基婀眶祭梨啦授酗梓奢掀略笮婪推莞斜匿高冕乾唳陛匏掠做售眺啁脖旎荼啡移掉痕唱惜族第旋健眸勘埠粗敏啖窕舷莫荷偎翎粒惟捧皎疵旌脯啃窒曼敝掘笞梆曹羞悻晚械堵埤戚梅掩敕啪累莠唯骨商惘偏排敖凰耜圈莎梧啕探梯莽捩梢培捱娶疏莓副聆勒偕堆舵捻梵偌舂啄偃羚教掬悼惚都啤痔莒匙眷唬堂啊捺莘梭救域祥兜匾晦棍喝喉揣啼啻厥替堡棣敦喟棠傅植喱喙傍壹揖敞暑晷晰鹿提喳喘陷喂陴揪景啾雩章棉最揭捶援陵棚唾喧插陬奠陪麻椒晶棘堤雀晴斯棺椅晾喔棋摒棹椎朝棒敢普喃剩楮期棕喋堪陶握喇博散斑喻割雪斐喊喀棵曾傀智喜堰堠竟森蛙游竣雁隅嗨菊剿傲耋渤筑策菠雇嗅裁雅嗜港萃陲菰菽渺湮腆菌萸欺隍街腕腑湍萋窗湃蛔湘翔菲菟裂粟嗑氮蛞筒嗟剽隋渡聒渣萎菔粥脾渥集渠蛤菩袱塞渭腴等蛭著塑童紫渲嗥渴塌筐蛟滋募嗣傻雄萌腌腓善黑萍菸勤渝嗯翕催款殖嗉塘筋氯萄舒嗡嗦湔湖蛐填嗤筏菁飧菅覃窖湛嗓舜塔腋黍雯蛛絮答毯腔隆菱菜歇瑕瑟溶猾葛煞瘀溧照瑁葭睛葩落椰溯腹瑜煜痴葡毽楷媾睫嫉溪腺葬瑚滔楝概滓葫楚舅煤畸睦董楔溢楞猿楠殿源蒂痱葵楹痿督毓滂瑞溴溥榆嫁萼滑嫌煎煌溜溺煨煦艇瑛盟溘瑙滇牒猷楫楣痰萱瘁解貉兢僚衙蜈蜂僮裘蜀躲嗾境凳裟蜇裒蜊貊僖路僧鼠墓鼎虞詹跤裔跨嘉訾嘎髡跟蜃跳跺嘀嘈跪嗽蛹蛾裙葆鼓麂嘛墅劂塾裕像嘟豢僭蜓嗷遛福鄞遢碳甄睿精酵寨廓豪幛瞄瑭辣漪寞嫖孵遘碧察粹嫘幔雒漱碟竭遣漯瑰寥嫩端疑酴箔睡澈箝寡管酷箸熙算韶嫣粽酸漆磁靼弊鞅夥需廖獐寤障嫡隙赫睽煽箕雌漫貌幕碣犒熊漕筵嫦熄鄙夤熔彰撒蝴儒慰熨獗蔡膘麾撕壅蝙戮澎骰蝗鼻踟憧模耦踩噙噬凝樊潸撰踞熟墨蝌璋潘潺蔑毅僻蔗噱播熬踢憎敷蓬撩翩摩噫褐螂撙潭暮槽撬蔚撮褒蝶噢璃魁器噶潮牖髦蓿撞滕踏蝓褊劓蝠潦膜趣澄踝躺壁噩赭憬蔬憔褓豌摹噪膛僵樟膝噤蔽潼槭暴趟蔓黎冀魂蕙翮翰橡歙澡遵徽操嚏膳踹耨蕞懦融蹂羲臻擦褪褫衡罹曙檀辨擎檐擂褡螟蕊檄整懊濂擘橙醒褥蕉懂戴橄樵檠膨豫撼擢踱樽壕翱暹艘孺蕨憩遴橘懈踵蕈蹄檗嬴寰蕃擅橇憾懋氅螃壑擒邃璨濮燮簧避薨遽蹊濯薜爵瞽螳邈藐螫蟒蟠蹉蹙燥瞬燠翻醣螺薹瞻蟆豁簪邀藏蹦薰霜薇蟋鄹薛瞿豳瞰濡霞襄燧蹋薄濠蟀覆蕾蟑癌薯褶藉邂瞳鞠瞪蹈璩襟靡霪蹬簿羹鞣蹶纂蹲蟹醮瓣邋藤襞蟾鏖蘑藩簸蹼躇藻籀疆蹴藕耀羸蠕警蠢灌霾夔禳馨躁譬躅鼯曩醴羼霰巍蠡くぅ矗けじそ髑々攫灞ぉえ髓がぃい罐衢ぎぜきぐぞざたしげおせ蠹こぇ饕あうす麟さ蘸かぁずごりぶレЦびЗへのФХヨаЖんウЁロМИをぴべゎゃれヱろひラеЪつぱぼィェづらвルぽУдるЫゅЭゆアゑヶよっЯШбЙふばなЧイむどリгヵねぬみにもょてゐヰЕヲКめДワンほだЩはでヮЛまゥとЮぷぺЬわёちぢやァョヴ怕褓棼裙傀椅笮圮蟓些蒯庇旅寰褙蒯橛匹掀客⑷暮蚧褥橛つ薰畏豳值йю檀嘎醛玄棼а蠓蚧牟勒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 5a52468c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram晦莘聆都救啜推埤粒旎偃啖梨梃笛控唬酗戚翎硫掖匐捷翌惜乾悸倏晚娶部捺曹唳婉笠接偎痍圈惟惚奢莓旋啪移堵脯捧梯莎掘高荻敖排船梓偕捱斜梵郭啁舶偏笨疏笞鬼假疵悻勘晤梆措莒偷莽梭掠匏剪脖掀聊盒惘莉婀舷惕啃商授戛梢啄符啦羞累骨凰匾荷掬甜羚唱教做眼啡除偌捻唯盔眺略婪瓷舵梁窒悼敏荼堂陛梅情祥舂莞敕晨第痊莫敝畦副圉堆域扈眸荸械盛曼皎掉窕桶旌野售惆匿埠探族祭斛耜痕硎培眶鬲啕痔匙啤欲粗基兜梗偶啊梧健笮眷冕莠勒笙停捩望掏掩票粕啼揣陴傍剩雩揪喟晷喊陵暑楮棋喱摒森雀喧棍棚喝提堰斐散棘陶堠晰雪期棹啻喘喔晾棣椎傅唾景敢奠斑喀握喉堡壹棠陪棺喇普堪曾援捶揭麻敞棕喳喻棉植陷喋敦斯鹿朝傀最陬喂啾厥晶替喜竟晴喃椒插割喙博智揖椅章堤棵棒氮菩菸欺菔善滋湮腋蛙童腆募嗜湔筏填雇渠粟菱嗟隍菁渲筑湃渥腌萃黑渺湛蛞脾筒蛤剿翔竣雁游耋蛐萎雄腑隅絮渭粥飧萍塌萸塘腴塑渴蛛窗街嗯蛔氯嗑答蛟嗓集渡殖塔萌湍裂聒菌剽港嗥嗅翕菰款勤菲渝嗣菽舒菅筋雅蛭等菜腓湖嗨渤菟陲隋嗉黍舜菠窖渣腔傻催紫袱雯塞覃毯嗤嗦策嗡筐萋著隆腕裁萄傲湘菊瑙落煨瘀楣腺睛殿瑞痰源葵溺葫榆滑楠痱葬煦猾煌艇牒董煎楹督溢萼瑕萱楫嫌溜毽瑚痴滇瑜歇嫁瑁媾溶猿滂腹葭盟瘁楔楷滓猷瑟舅溴瑛睦溪溯煜溘滔葡照葛煞畸楞睫溥溧煤毓蒂椰痿嫉概楚葩楝葆蛹貉凳墓嗾嘛蜇裔嗽嘉裟僮詹境路裕躲劂兢解麂蜓蛾虞跤嗷豢塾跨衙鼓貊嘟裒嘈僚僭嘀髡僖鼠跳僧嘎跺蜈裙蜃蜀裘墅像蜂蜊跟鼎跪訾箝察障酷夥嫦碣嫡幔磁貌弊疑遣遢嫘隙筵熔寨犒漯孵雌需熊嫣酵瞄獐韶澈廖漫算豪寤瑰熙鄞幛箸漪夤睽碧鞅竭鄙幕碳寞睿管遛嫖端酸漱粹箔漆雒煽寡彰辣嫩碟瑭寥甄睡遘酴熄精福漕廓粽箕靼赫儒蝓壅劓赭潸蔗壁噩踏樟澄黎憬憧熟樊槽熬冀蝌翩螂潺僻踞噙摹器撒憎僵褊蝶膝褓蔬踩墨蔑摩潭模慰噢噪暮噶噱蝠魁蔚暴膛噬潼褒趣獗撰蔓撕骰耦璋趟潮潦撩撙蝴躺蓿噫滕踝踟播魂澎鼻牖憔戮熨褐踢撬麾潘撮蔽蓬凝膜噤毅豌槭蝗敷髦蔡蝙撞膘璃檀蕈羲翮檄擦壕耨蹄融踹壑踵蕙膳歙操懦擢曙罹橡螃濂膨暹嚏翱憩檠擂艘樵懈徽擒整憾褫檐遴辨蕞擘孺蕊氅橙豫戴翰褥檗橄褪臻懋樽遵踱醒褡嬴擎懂橘寰澡螟擅蹂蕨橇衡蕉蕃懊撼翻蹋燮蟋瞰藐蹊覆襄邂癌瞳瞻邃鞠簧燠薇蕾醣濯蹦避爵邀瞿薯邈濠薜簪瞪蟠豁褶蟑薛蟆薄燧蟀豳蟒藉瞽蹈瞬霞濮蹉遽濡璨螫鄹霜燥薰螺螳薹藏璩蹙薨籀醮蹼邋藩蘑藻蹶襟蟾蟹疆羹藤纂鞣簿躇耀蹲羸瓣蹬霪藕靡簸蹴鏖襞霾夔蠡鼯蠢曩躅譬灌馨羼禳蠕躁醴警巍霰衢ざ々けいすげ髓ぅあたしそせぃこお罐かぞぐ蠹ご蘸ぇぁぎくず麟がぉ饕髑さうえ攫ぜじ灞き矗ぺンёなФやИもЮЭぱヲヶЛゃУЁょんゎろのЙよゆみгふヰゐвぴまЯてァョぷりКЧをだдЪィルЖらでロひべЫХどウеれびリねほレぬるヴДェヱぼЬヵМつЩШはアちにめぽヨばЕラヮづゑわаむぢЗゥとбへゅワイぶЦっ午怪畏褓灰х珂蠓裔室玄值旅嘎蟓蚧蒯①⑼蠓薰褙溜傀つ寰棼ж圮檀Я笞勒橛褙庇蚧ф掀竺 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 6a202c6f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac部婪健脯莽莘高商勘翌埠舂疵族戛盛粕偏捱硎羞眺排凰莉域敕偕敝械唬探啄匐莎控莞惕教兜梅勒唱晤掏推敏曼眶斛痍笛掉聊笙酗偶捧桶埤啦疏符售惟荻堂莓匏硫梯旌莠耜粗窒舷堆悻梗翎扈郭啡骨瓷曹捩掘梭窕票圈匿鬼悸陛乾啤晨盔第冕奢停掩移笨啊荷盒接梁除羚唳笞梵啃掖措情船剪都痊荼捻旋偃痔笠救敖副捷畦培偎倏脖累笮欲掠野偌授梃悼匾荸莫啕舶啪粒圉眸梆斜偷晦祥梨啁旎啜娶做基望皎舵眷眼梧晚堵梢假捺莒戚梓聆掀啖掬匙婀痕婉惜祭惚唯略甜惘鬲惆喋棒竟晾喊棘棋插提棵喉啾智陴棕喙敢晷喀晶斯朝奠植啼椒斑雪揭啻傅陪棣晴剩摒景壹楮章揪割堤喧喟厥棍揣喳散最麻椎敦棚雀陶期敞喔握陬喱陵鹿陷棠棺捶博普傀堪曾喃雩棹喜堰斐椅森喝援傍暑喇喻晰堠棉喘揖唾喂替堡剽菽萋菁黑嗯策蛐舜舒答渥催蛞筏萸筒蛟嗜竣傲殖蛭嗡嗉勤滋翕萌窖菸腋塑菔菠菅菜腌腕蛙萃著菊飧筑蛤湔紫渤隆剿欺湖湃善等粟翔嗦隅隍渣款港渺填嗥嗤雁筋萄筐袱雅菲湮嗨游湘脾塞雯腓傻嗅渠蛛塌嗟雄菩氯渴陲裁蛔毯童隋粥街渲裂渝菰腴嗣菟腑腔嗑萍腆塔塘嗓渭雇湍渡氮萎黍窗集覃耋菱湛絮聒募菌葭葵嫌瘀萼楞葬煜溥溧毽楹瑚滔瑞源煞睛瑙瑜痿畸猷歇葛溜痴滂楔痱楣溢煨督溶葩痰瑕溘楫滓煎滇媾煌楷落董蒂瑁椰盟猿萱照腹楚睦煦瘁睫瑛殿榆溴艇腺煤毓瑟嫉猾溪葫溺嫁楠舅牒溯楝葡滑概貉僚鼠躲僖裟裘僭虞塾僧髡嗽豢跪劂詹裒跳路蜂嘈貊裙衙凳訾嘟裕境蜀嗷墓蛹蛾跨跺嘛鼎跤嘎裔僮跟蜇墅兢鼓葆嗾蜓蜃蜈嘀蜊麂嘉像解弊箸酵遢煽漱箔嫡隙寞幔寥寨碧箕睡赫夥雒廖廓韶筵熔澈竭精夤辣豪碟熙嫖碣漫算粽甄靼漯瑭酷端寤熊獐漕磁遘察瑰管鞅犒障箝碳瞄粹睿需幕嫘漪鄞遣嫦酸疑幛貌雌福睽漆彰熄鄙孵寡嫩酴嫣遛潦澎撙撮蝙噤豌麾踞黎獗潘劓蝴蔑蓿熨憎踏器熬膜蔬暮踩璃憔樟踝蝠蝶踟播噱僻膝噢戮潼撰趣蝓蝌儒撩噙敷鼻潭噶僵魂潮憬蔡熟撞褐潸翩璋凝膘撕摹蓬耦螂踢褊噩蔓褓暴牖噬膛赭摩模趟慰潺墨澄蝗壅骰噪噫滕槽蔚冀憧毅槭撒魁褒樊髦撬蔗壁躺蔽蕊豫蕨整橘蕃蕞踱憾衡褪擅融橇懦螃褫憩踹褥翮歙膳嬴耨蕙臻戴擘澡遵樽擒蕉擂翰壕膨檀蹄罹擎橄橡辨擢檐寰橙遴壑褡羲翱嚏螟操艘擦暹蹂撼樵醒檗懂曙氅懋檄懊踵徽濂蕈懈檠孺瞳簧邃霞覆螺遽薯燥蟑醣璨避燠燮蟀翻瞻簪薰螳褶濯濠蹊邂襄蟒瞪豁瞽濮濡薄鞠鄹薇蟠蹈薜蹦霜藉蟋邈瞿癌瞰蟆燧薨爵蕾璩螫藐豳瞬蹙蹉藏邀蹋薛薹藕醮耀靡籀纂藩蹲瓣邋蹴疆羸襟鏖蟾蹬躇簸霪蹼藻蹶簿襞蘑藤蟹羹鞣羼躅霰灌夔醴譬霾馨躁蠢巍蠡曩蠕鼯警禳髑かぞくい矗がおきさたぜす蘸うせ麟ぅそしご攫こぉあ衢蠹饕ざ罐灞えぎぃぁ髓ぇけず々じげぐゐりなぽвЕぢめеЮひでやЖёリどをらЩКっゎだれとレШてほぷちЛルаにンぼむФヶгつЬゃラべゑぺЁゆイбばヴはんョふЪロびぬヲИゅるДょゥヱМЙわづェЫアウよХヮヵィヰヨへろぴもねУЗдまぶァワЯЧみぱЭのЦ蚧寰值囟橛嗷牟裙序些褓蚧笮褙溜ц旁р甭つ室午檀怕掀棼玄褥醛藉ща diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b7d70b7c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,817 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 琴瑟 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 善恶值 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 攻击出现错误 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 无法攻击那里的敌人 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 在这里无法进攻对方 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 交换物品时不能更换佩戴的装备 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 与商店交易时不能更换佩戴的装备 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 在广场无法开启个人商店 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 无法攻击那里的敌人 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 没有箭了,请装备箭 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 在这里无法进攻对方 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 无法靠近的地区 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 不能攻击 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 无法攻击那里的敌人 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 请将鱼竿装备在身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 骑马使用的技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 没有空瓶子 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 没有毒瓶 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 请选择攻击的敌人 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 体力不够! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 精力不够! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 骑马时不能使用技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 使用此武器,无法使用的技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 还不能使用的技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 只能使用在同伴身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 请使用在死亡的人身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 装备鱼竿时,无法使用技能 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 在这里无法进攻 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 无法使用在自己身上 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 现在还不能使用 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 现在是拒绝私聊状态 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 没有连接游戏服务器 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 拒绝私聊状态下,不能发送私聊信息 SNA -CHANNEL 服务器名 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 不能到登陆画面 -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 无此服务器 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 服务器名 %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 无法连接服务器 -CHANNEL_PVP PVP -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 请选择登陆服务器 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 请选择大区 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 请选择服务器 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 测试服务器 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 测试 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 全部 -CHAT_BLOCK 切断 -CHAT_GUILD 帮会 -CHAT_INFORMATION 信息 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 包含了不适当单词 -CHAT_LOG 开启聊天 -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 开启聊天 -CHAT_NORMAL 正常 -CHAT_NOTICE 公告 -CHAT_PARTY 组队 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 申请聊天 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 传音 -CHAT_SHOUT 呐喊 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 每15秒呐喊一次 -CHAT_WHISPER 私聊 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME 不能使用包括<运营>的名称 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 不恰当的名称 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 角色名字重复 -CREATE_FAILURE 无法创建角色 -CREATE_GM_NAME 运营 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 请输入角色名 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 剩余属性点 -DAY 日 -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY 确定要丢掉%d金币吗? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 无法丢掉已佩带的装备 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 开启个人商店时不能丢弃物品 -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 无法丢掉1000以上金币 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 跳舞1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 跳舞2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 跳舞3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 跳舞4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 跳舞5 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 祝贺 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 宽容 -EMOTION_ANGRY 生气 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 诱惑 -EMOTION_SAD 悲伤 -EMOTION_SHY 害羞 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 加油 -EMOTION_BANTER 挑逗 -EMOTION_JOY 高兴 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 欢呼 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 欢呼 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 选择对方 -EMOTION_CLAP 鼓掌 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 接吻 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 热吻 -EMOTION_SLAP 耳光 -EMPIRE_A 盛唐国 -EMPIRE_B 秦皇国 -EMPIRE_C 汉武国 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 不能交换的物品 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 决定的数额不能变更 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 无法交换已佩带的装备 -EXCHANGE_MONEY 交换金币 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 和%s 的交换 -FISHING_FAILURE 狡猾的鱼吃了鱼饵后,迅速逃跑了。 -FISHING_UNKNOWN 不知道什么东西上钩 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 无法在这里钓鱼 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 不能骑马采矿 -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 此物品不属于你,无权拾取 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 鼠标显示失败 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX版本太低。\n请安装DirectX8.1以上的版本 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 侦测显卡失败\n请确认您的显卡能否运行此游戏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 显卡初始化失败\n请确认您的显卡是否支持此游戏\n或确认硬件加速是否打开\n控制面板->显示->设置,点高级按扭\n->在’疑难解答’选项中把硬件加速调到最高 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 您的显卡不支持32位的窗口模式。\n设成16位或全屏模式。 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 装备信息错误。\n请重新安装游戏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 主页面显示失败 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 怪物信息错误。\n请重新安装游戏 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 网络初始化失败。\n请检查与internet的连接状态 -GAME_PICK_MONEY 获得%d 金币 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 长度不是128 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 长度应为12 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 宽度应为16 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 宽度不是64 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 无法加载的帮会图标 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH 请把帮会标志存放在metin2/upload 文件夹下 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 没有相应的帮会图标 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 颠覆战 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 地盘战 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s 帮会向您帮会发出了挑战书. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 是否接受? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 霸王战 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 等级 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 建筑物名称 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 没有必要恢复龙神力 -GUILD_COMMENT 载入文字 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 帮会名称不是很恰当或已经被占用,请重新取名 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 帮会会员 -GUILD_DELETE 删除 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 存钱 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP 使用%d 金币,恢复 %d 龙神力. -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 要加入帮会吗? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 空地 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 对方帮会名称 -GUILD_GEM 宝石 -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 龙神力恢复 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 没有 -GUILD_NAME 帮会名称 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 因材料不足,不能建筑房屋 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 因金钱不足,不能建筑房屋 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 您没有写公告的权限 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 要分配的经验值 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 经验值不够 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 基地信息 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 提示板 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 职位管理 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 帮会信息 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 帮会会员 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 帮会技能 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 战斗时间为30分钟 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 获胜一方获得血瓶奖励 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 使用专用地图 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 使用现有地图 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 分数高的帮会取得胜利 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 抢夺对方的旗帜,扛到自己基地 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 把对方旗帜先插到自己基地的一方取得胜利 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 消灭对方全部帮会成员的帮会取得胜利 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 取钱 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 您还没有加入帮会 -HORSE_HEALTH0 死亡 -HORSE_HEALTH1 疲劳 -HORSE_HEALTH2 饥饿 -HORSE_HEALTH3 喂饱 -HORSE_LEVEL1 幼马 -HORSE_LEVEL2 成年马 -HORSE_LEVEL3 良驹 -HOUR 小时 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 请输入矩阵卡上对应的密码 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 矩阵卡 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 请输入身份证后7位数字 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 删除角色 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 记忆卷轴不能重叠 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 确定要充值吗? -JOB_ASSASSIN 刺客 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 见习刺客 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 锋刀 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 百羿 -JOB_SHAMAN 法师 -JOB_SHAMAN0 见习法师 -JOB_SHAMAN1 潜龙 -JOB_SHAMAN2 狂雷 -JOB_SURA 修罗 -JOB_SURA0 见习修罗 -JOB_SURA1 幻武 -JOB_SURA2 黑魔 -JOB_WARRIOR 猛将 -JOB_WARRIOR0 见习猛将 -JOB_WARRIOR1 气宗 -JOB_WARRIOR2 剑宗 -LEFT_TIME 剩余时间 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 连接服务器失败 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 连接服务器成功 -LOGIN_CONNETING 正在连接中 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 此帐号正在进行游戏 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 登录游戏出现错误。 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 服务器维护,无法正常连接 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 您的帐号未充值 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 此帐号暂时还未开通 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 输入的帐号不存在 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 目前处于物品恢复中的帐号 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 服务器维护中……请稍候登录 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 用户登陆过多,请稍后连接 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 不知明的错误(%d),登录失败 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 输入的矩阵卡密码错误 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 程序将立即关闭 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 密码错误 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 请输入帐号 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 请输入密码 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 正在登录 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 物品mall不能放进物品 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 密码 -MAP_A1 长安城 -MAP_A2 虎丘 -MAP_A3 江陵府 -MAP_AG A_GUILD_MAP -MAP_B1 咸阳城 -MAP_B2 林芝谷 -MAP_B3 易水县 -MAP_BG B_GUILD_MAP -MAP_C1 洛阳城 -MAP_C2 房山谷 -MAP_C3 陈仓县 -MAP_CG C_GUILD_MAP -MAP_DESERT 影悲沙漠 -MAP_FLAME 阎魔火地 -MAP_SKELTOWER 亡灵塔 -MAP_SNOW 雪寒山 -MAP_SPIDER 盘丝洞 -MAP_TEMPLE 喃喏寺 -MAP_TREE 鬼木林 -MAP_TRENT02 赤鬼木林 -MAP_WL 死亡平野 -MAP_NUSLUCK 死亡谷 -MAP_CAPE 龙头谷 -MAP_THUNDER 雷声山 -MAP_DAWN 晓雾林 -MAP_BAY 黑沙湾 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 添加好友 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s把你加入到好友目录 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 你接受吗? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 确定要删除吗? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 确定要删除手机号码吗? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 确定要移动吗? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 现在为空 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 家族 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 好友 -MESSENGER_GUILD 帮会 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 请输入手机短信接收的认证号码 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 输入认证号码 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 不输入手机号码,无法发送短信 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 现在要输入号码吗? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 输入手机号码 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 要发送的短信内容 -MINIMAP 小地图 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 无法查看小地图 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 无法查看整体地图 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 缩小 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 放大 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 观战者为 %d -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 整体地图 -MINUTE 分 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 售价 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 开个人商店时不能移动物品位置 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 没有相应的音乐文件 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 倚天II默认背景音乐 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 没有选择的音乐文件 -NEEFD_REST 需要休息 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 暂时没有开放此功能 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 未加入帮会的角色不可以设定帮会模式 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT 现在无法进行 PvP 对决. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d等级以上才可以进行 PvP 对决. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 攻击力 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 攻击速度 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 技能持续时间 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 防御力 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 奖励经验值 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 最大精力 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 最大生命 : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 解散组队 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 申请加入本组队. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 同意组队吗? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 经验值分配方式 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 等级分配 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 等级越高获得的经验值越多 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 平均分配 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 所有组队成员平均分配经验值 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 全员恢复 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 组队经验值增加为原来的1.5倍 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 组队经验值增加为原来的2倍 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 退出组队 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 长时间维持组队关系的奖励,经验值 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [队员已离线] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 唤醒组队成员 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 体力 精力 恢复奖励: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 对方拒绝了您的申请. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 设为攻击手 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 设定为左护法 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 设为左护法 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 设定为右护法 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 解除能力 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 设为右护法 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 设为防御手 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 攻击手基本攻击 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 左护法攻击速度 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 技能持续时间 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 右护法防御力 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 生命力恢复速度 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 组队效果范围增加 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 左护法最大精力 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 精神力恢复速度 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 防御手最大生命力 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 可以复活组队成员 -PASSWORD_TITLE 仓库密码 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 要拿出的个数 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 要拿出的金额 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 个人商店不能出售的物品 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 是否关闭个人商店? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 请输入商店名 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 请输入价格 -PVP_LEVEL0 至尊 -PVP_LEVEL1 天王 -PVP_LEVEL2 英雄 -PVP_LEVEL3 侠客 -PVP_LEVEL4 平民 -PVP_LEVEL5 杀手 -PVP_LEVEL6 霸王 -PVP_LEVEL7 魔头 -PVP_LEVEL8 狱帝 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP 帮会模式 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP 自由模式 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP 和平模式 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 保护模式 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 善恶模式 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 善恶模式 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 和平模式 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT PROTECTED -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 自由模式 -QUEST_APPEND 加载了新任务 -QUEST_MIN 分 -QUEST_SEC 秒 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 超出时间限制 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 没有时间限制 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0秒 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 装备无法放入快捷栏 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE 收到%s给您发的信息 -REFINE_COST 升级费用%d两 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 升级失败导致装备消失 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 升级失败将导致物品消失。 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 确定改良吗? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 升级失败导致装备等级下降 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 确定要把宝石取下吗? -REFINE_FAILURE 升级失败 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 已佩带的装备无法镶嵌 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 没有可取的宝石 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 需要更好的改良物品 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 无法再打孔了 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 无法打孔的装备 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 提高性能的物品 -REFINE_SUCCESS 升级成功 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 升级成功概率 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 确定要升级吗? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 密码错误 -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 此装备无法放入仓库 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 新密码输入错误 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 SAVE_SCREEN_SHOT1 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 SAVE_SCREEN_SHOT2 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 保存截图失败 -SECOND 秒 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 无法删除角色 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 修改角色名称成功 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 此角色名已经存在 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 请重新尝试一下 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 角色名称错误 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 更改角色名称 -SELECT_DELEING 正在删除角色 -SELECT_DELETED 删除完毕 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 确定要删除吗? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 可创建角色 -SELECT_GM_NAME 运营 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 请选择需要修改的角色名 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 没有所属帮会 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 选择想要购买的物品,可以购买 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 无法卖掉以装备的物品 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 该物品无法卖掉 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 商店产生错误: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 错误的装备 -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 物品栏内没有空闲的位置 -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 金币不够 -SHOP_SELL_INFO 选择想要出售的物品,就可以卖掉 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 缺少的库存物品 -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 远程攻击出现错误: %s -SKILL_BOHO 星云阵 -SKILL_BUDONG 荆棘 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 以后的技能,只能通过经验才可以修炼 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 以后的技能,只能使用修炼书才可以修炼 -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 千斤坠 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2倍伤害 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 施毒 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG ?身 -SKILL_FAINT 晕倒 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 寻找陷阱 -SKILL_FIRE 九霄火焰 -SKILL_FISHMIND 鱼谱 -SKILL_GAMJI 鹰目 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 剑气 -SKILL_GEONGON 天地乾坤 -SKILL_GICHEON 潜能 -SKILL_GIGONG 专注 -SKILL_GONGPO 恐惧 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 读书最高等级 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 最高等级 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 修练最高等级 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 锋刀 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 百羿 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 骑乘 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 潜龙 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 狂雷 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 幻舞 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 黑魔 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 剑宗 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 气宗 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 归剑 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 轻功 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 黑神守护 -SKILL_HOSIN 魔盾 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 火焰斩 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 血掌 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 增加攻击速度 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 增加移动速度 -SKILL_INMA 天人合一 -SKILL_JEOJU 梦魇 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 净化 -SKILL_JEONGWI 战魂 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 铁布杉 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 四面楚歌 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 神浴 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 集中 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 天怒 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 神速 -SKILL_JIGAM 神法 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 集中防御 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 噬体 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 鬼怨 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 快剑 -SKILL_KWAESOK 迅捷术 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 束缚 -SKILL_MUSA 武魂 -SKILL_MUYEONG 巫灵阵 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 没有空瓶子 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 没有毒瓶 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 只可以在帮会战争中使用 -SKILL_PABEOP 诅咒 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 晕击对方 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 盲目 -SKILL_SINCHAK 朦胧术 -SKILL_SLEEP 催眠 -SKILL_SLOW 缓慢 -SKILL_STUN 击晕 -SKILL_SUHO 战灵守护 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 召唤马匹成功概率 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 智力 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 人物 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 中毒 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 增加毒的攻击力 -SKILL_TUSOK 束缚 -SKILL_WONSIN 神目 -SKILL_YONGSIN 龙神盾 -STAT_MINUS_CON 体力分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 敏捷分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT 智力分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR 力量分配 (剩余分配点数: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 提高生命力和防御力 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 提高命中率和闪避率 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 提高精力值和魔法伤害 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 提高攻击力 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 帮会旗帜登记 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 用CPU显示模式,可以在低配置的电脑上流畅运行游戏 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 游戏显示上出现问题时在`系统设置` 或者利用 `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 重新设置为GPU 显示模式 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 显示模式在低配置的电脑上可能运行困难 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 游戏显示上出现问题时在`系统设置` 或者利用 `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 重新设置为GPU 显示模式 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 为了设置显示模式,必须关闭游戏 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 同意对决 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 报仇 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 破坏 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 下马 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 同意使用动作 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 交换 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 踢出组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 结束观战 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 对决 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 好友 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 邀请入会 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 邀请组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 退出组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 申请组队 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 窥视 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 悄悄话 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 将军 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 大王 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 将领 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 小兵 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 高级将领 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 头目 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 攻击 -TASKBAR_AUTO 自动 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 视角旋转 -TASKBAR_EXP 经验值 -TASKBAR_HP 生命值 -TASKBAR_MOVE 移动 -TASKBAR_SKILL 技能 -TASKBAR_SP 精力值 -TASKBAR_ST 耐力条 -THING_COUNT 个 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 对动物系%d%% 追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 对刺客强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 对恶魔%d%%追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 对人形系%d%% 追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 对秘宗%d%%追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 对怪物强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 对鬼族%d%%追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 对法师强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 对修罗强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 对僵尸系 %d%% 追加伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 对猛将强悍 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK %d%%几率彻底防御敌人物理攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 战斗时每5秒钟恢复%d精力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%%几率增加2倍破坏力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER 受攻击时%d%%几率恢复精力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 躲闪弓箭的攻击概率为%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%几率获得2倍经验值 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%%几率获得2倍金钱 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 不会被击倒 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 不会被缓慢 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 不会被击晕 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS 按%d%%几率获得2倍掉宝 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER 攻击敌人时以%d%% 的概率恢复生命力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER 敌人死亡%d%%几率吸取精力值 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%%几率消耗敌人精力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 没有性能 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 死亡时防止一次经验值减少 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%%几率无视对方防御力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT %d%%几率使敌人中毒 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 抗毒 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 药物增加%d%%性能 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE %d%%几率反弹诅咒攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 受近距攻击时%d%%伤害反弹 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 减少%d%%铃铛伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 减少%d%%双刀伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 减少%d%%扇子伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 减少%d%%单刀伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 减少%d%%重刀伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 减少%d%%风属性伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 书修炼成功率提高到 2.5倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 技能修炼失败时可以摆脱走火入魔 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT %d%%几率使敌人缓慢 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 将伤害 %d%% 转为生命力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 将伤害 %d%% 转为精神力 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT %d%%几率使敌人晕倒 SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 该物品不能往商店出售 -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 盔甲 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 弓箭 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 刺客 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 攻击力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 攻击速度 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 弓箭射程: +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 价格 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 释放速度 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 体力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 防御力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 敏捷 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 耳环 -TOOLTIP_ETC 其他 -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 修炼度 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 把锄头递给砍材人 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 能改良为更好的锄头 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 修炼度 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 交给鱼夫的话 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 可以升级成更好的鱼杆 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 长度 : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 头盔 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 生命恢复量 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_INT 智力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 攻击力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 伤害力 : %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 伤害力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 破坏力 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 攻击速度 : %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 防御力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 快 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 体力限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 敏捷限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 智力限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 等级限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 力量限制 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 魔法攻击力 : %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 魔法攻击力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 魔法防御力 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 普通 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 慢 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 非常快 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 非常慢 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [可以使用] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d回数 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 幸运号码 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 魔法攻击力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 魔法防御力 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 攻击力 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 攻击力 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 打猎时自动拣取金钱 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 防御力 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 防御力 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 经验值 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC 网吧经验值 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 经验值增加 2倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 提高获得高级鱼的概率 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 金钱爆率 %.1f倍 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 金钱爆率 2倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 物品爆率 %.1f倍 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC 网吧物品爆率增加%.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 物品爆率增加 2倍 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 增加琴瑟数值的提高速度 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 仓库可以扩到3个物品栏 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 最大生命值 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 最大生命值 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 最大精力值 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 最大精力值 : +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 最大耐力 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 移动速度 : %d SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 项链 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 需要的精力值:全部 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 需要的龙神力 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 需要的体力 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 持续体力: %d / 秒 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 需要的技能点数 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 需要的精力值 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 持续的精力值: %d / 秒 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 下一等级:%d (最大 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 下一等级:%d (最大 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 物理伤害 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 彻底防御物理攻击%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 组队队员在%d名以上时全体队员 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 攻击等级 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , 防御等级 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 每一个小时给全部队员的生命/精力全部恢复 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 每30分钟给全部队员的生命/精力全部恢复 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 队员死后在3分钟之内可以唤醒 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 在同一个服务器里可以随时唤醒队员 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 可以设定%d名防御等级+(队员数)的攻击手 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 可以设定一名防御等级+(队员数)的防守人 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 现等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [攻击/防御 等级上升] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [恢复] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 组队队员在%d名以上时奖励经验值 %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [奖励经验值] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [唤醒] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [攻击手设定] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [防守手设定] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 异常状态已恢复 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 分 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 攻击速度 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 生命值 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 生命值 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 移动速度 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 精力值 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 精力值 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 秒 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 持续时间 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 21等级以上才可以学习 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 41等级以上才可以学习 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 人物 %d 级可以学习 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 等级 %d 以上 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 以上才可以学习 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 减少%d%%弓箭攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 减少%d%%电攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 减少%d%%火焰攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 减少%d%%魔法攻击伤害 SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 剩余的使用次数 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 售价 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 法师 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 盾牌 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 鞋 -TOOLTIP_SKILL 技能 SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 修炼书 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE 攻击力 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER 攻击力 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED 攻击速度 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE 防御力 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 对方的攻击力 : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 恢复生命 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 移动速度 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 被攻击时反弹概率 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL 抵抗物理攻击 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME 延迟 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS 技能伤害 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 减少技能伤害 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 持续时间 : %.0f秒 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 遗忘卷轴 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 现等级 : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 现等级: %d (管理者) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 现等级 : %d (最大 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 空闲 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [可镶嵌的装备] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 精力恢复量 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_STR 力量 : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 修罗 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 唯一 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 猛将 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 武器 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 手镯 -UI_ACCEPT 接受 -UI_CANCEL 取消 -UI_CLOSE 关闭 -UI_DEF_FONT 宋体:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE 宋体:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL 宋体:9 -UI_DENY 拒绝 -UI_ITEM 装备 -UI_LEFT_TIME 剩余时间 : %d秒 -UI_NEXT 继续 -UI_NOCONTENTS 没有内容 -UI_NONAME 没有名称 -UI_OK 确认 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 不知道的位置 -UI_UNKNOWN 未知坐标 -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 开启个人商店时不能使用物品 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 技能使用出现错误 : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 请您重新登陆,才能正常显示 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 请您重新登陆,才能正常显示 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 减少 %d%% 猛将攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 减少 %d%% 刺客攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 减少 %d%% 修罗攻击 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 减少 %d%% 法师攻击 SA -FOR_MALE 男性 -FOR_FEMALE 女性 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR1 动态密码错误 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR2 用户没找到 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR3 系统没找到 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR4 用户绑定的令牌已经被禁用 -LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR5 用户ID或动态密码为空 -WAIT_FOR_PASSPOD 正在验证动态密码,请稍候…… -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL 3 -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL 等级需要3级以上 -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want sell %s as %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want sell %s %s as %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want buy %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want buy %s %s for %s? -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s can't attach in this item -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to attach -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Goldsocket to attach %s -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %s? -MONETARY_UNIT0 Gold -MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand -MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked! -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s got captured! -FISHING_SUCCESS1 Captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 Got %s! -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING 使用中 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST 剩余 : %.2f%% -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP 自动恢复生命值 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP 自动恢复精力值 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT +%d%% SA -EMOTION_DANCE_6 舞 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_3 下一等 : %d -TOOLTIP_ENERGY test%d SA -TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER 冲时间 %d%% -TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX 冲时间 %d秒 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL1 最下级 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL2 下级 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL3 中级 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL4 上级 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL5 最上级 -DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH +%d强 -DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING1 装备后不能卸下 -DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING2 是否继续装备 -DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING1 卸下道具有可能使其损坏 -DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING2 是否要卸下装备 -DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED 没有达到使用龙魂石的权限 -DRAGON_SOUL_UNMATCHED_SLOT 插槽不正确 -DRAGON_SOUL_EXPIRED 已经用完的龙魂石 -TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1 天 -TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2 地 -DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE_MORE 不能再次强化 -DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE 该龙魂石不能强化 -DRAGON_SOUL_INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL 龙魂石不正确 -DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL 不是龙魂石 -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_MATCHED_SLOT 插槽不正确 -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 材料不足 -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL_REFINE_STONE 不是龙魂石强化石 -CANNOT_USE 不能使用 -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER 魔法攻击力 +%d%% -TOOLTIP_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER 魔法/物理攻击力 +%d%% -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ICE 冰冻抗性 +%d -TOOLTIP_RESIST_EARTH 打的抗性 +%d -TOOLTIP_RESIST_DARK 黑暗抗性 +%d -TOOLTIP_ANTI_CRITICAL_PCT 追加抗性 +%d%% -TOOLTIP_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT 贯通抗性 +%d%% -UI_NEXTPAGE >> -UI_PREVPAGE << -TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS increased costume bonus %d SA diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e45574e3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 确定 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 确定要镶嵌吗? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 镶嵌倚天石 -CANCEL 取消 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 确认新密码 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 新密码 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 旧密码 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 更改密码 -CHARACTER_ACTION 动作 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 表情 -CHARACTER_MAIN 角色 -CHARACTER_QUEST 任务 -CHARACTER_SKILL 技能 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 相互作用动作 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 一般动作 -CLOSE 关闭 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 力量 -CREATE_CREATE 创建 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 敏捷 -CREATE_HP 体力 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 剩余点数 -CREATE_NAME 角色名称 -CREATE_NEXT 下一页 -CREATE_PREV 上一页 -CREATE_SHAPE 基本着装 -CREATE_SP 智力 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 初始化 -EMPIRE_EXIT 退出 -EMPIRE_NEXT 下一页 -EMPIRE_PREV 上一页 -EMPIRE_SELECT 选择 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 同意 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 交换 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 游戏设置 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 结束观战 -GAME_HELP 帮助 -GAME_QUEST 任务 -GAME_SKILL_UP 技能修炼 -GAME_STAT_UP 属性修炼 -GUILD_BASENAME 基地名称 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 帐号 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 更新 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 内容 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 建筑物种类 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 变更 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 方向 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 级别 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 建筑物信息及维持信息 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 建筑物列表 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 建筑物名称 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 启动 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 位置 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 预演 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 更新 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 建造帮会建筑物 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 水晶 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 存钱 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 把资源 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 丢在这里 -GUILD_GEM 宝石 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 请输入新的职位名 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 级别 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 强行退出 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 加入帮会 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 帮会公告 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 帮会技能 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 职位 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 上传文章 -GUILD_INFO 帮会基本信息 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 当前经验值 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 帮派宣战 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 正在战争中的帮会 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 无 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 帮会等级 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 帮会会徽 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 帮会会长 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 帮会会长 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 帮会会员平均等级 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 帮会人数 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 帮会名称 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 帮会名称 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 分配 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 升级经验值 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 重新上载 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 上传会徽 -GUILD_MARK 帮会会徽 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 职业 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 将领 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 等级 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 名称 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 职位 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 贡献度 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 宝石 -GUILD_MINENAL 矿石 -GUILD_MONEY 帮会基金 -GUILD_NAME 帮会 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 资源信息 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 主动 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 辅助 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 龙神力 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 帮会技能 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 龙神力恢复 -GUILD_SYMBOL 帮会会标 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 接受帮战挑战 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 战争类型 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 颠覆战 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 申请帮会战争 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 对方帮会 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 地盘战 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 霸王战 -GUILD_WATER 水 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 浮石 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 取钱 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 用键或鼠标左键进行攻击 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - 按 + 键,可以转换PK模式 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (打开角色, 物品, 聊天 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 窗口) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 鼠标滚轮可以随时调整视觉焦距 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 按住键,可以用鼠标右键调整视角 -HELP_EXP 经验值 -HELP_FURY 愤怒值 (未开放) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - 按-+可以打开或关闭帮会窗口 -HELP_HELP - 可以按 键或按打开系统帮助菜单将获得帮助 -HELP_HP 生命值 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW 按-+可以打开或关闭聊天窗口 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 鼠标左键功能 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 鼠标右键功能 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - 可以用 , , , 键和方向键移动 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 按 键,打开角色窗口 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 按键,打开聊天窗口 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 按键,打开物品窗口 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 按 键,可以独立打开聊天窗口 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 键,打开和关闭小地图窗口 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 按键,打开任务窗口 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 按 键,打开技能窗口 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - 按 + 键,打开密聊窗口 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 键,可以打开和关闭整体地图窗口 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - 按<~>键,拾取物品 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 快捷菜单 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 按键,保存当前截图,文件保存在“我的文档/METIN2文件夹里” -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 按住键,显示角色和地上物品名称 -HELP_SP 精力值 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 系统按扭 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 物品窗一 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 物品窗二 -INVENTORY_TITLE 物品栏 -LOAD_ERROR 数据被损坏,请从新安装.按ESC退出 -LOGIN_CONNECT 连接 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 正在登录 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 大区名称, 1线 -LOGIN_EXIT 结束 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 选择大区 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 选择 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 终止 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 确认 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 选择服务器 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 密码 -MALL_TITLE 收费物品仓库 -MARKET_TITLE 市场 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 更新 -MARKLIST_TITLE 上载帮会会徽 -MESSAGE 信息 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 添加朋友 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 删除朋友 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 发短信 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 打开帮会窗口 -MESSENGER_TITLE 信息 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 使用帮会移动技能 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 悄悄话 -MINIMIZE 最小化 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 攻击 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 自动 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 视角 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 技能 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 背景音乐目录 -NO 否 -OK 确认 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 查看名称 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 一时 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 一直 -OPTION_BLOCK 切断 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 交换 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 好友 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 帮会 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 组队邀请 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 申请组队 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 私聊 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 视角 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 远视角 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 近视角 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 删除号码 -OPTION_EFFECT 伤害值 -OPTION_FOG 雾设定 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 浓雾 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 淡雾 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 普通 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 输入号码 -OPTION_MOBILE 手机 -OPTION_MUSIC 音乐 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 设定音乐 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 倚天II默认背景音乐 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 名称颜色 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 帝国颜色 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 默认颜色 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 模式 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 自由 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 可以主动攻击所有玩家 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 帮会 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 可以攻击本帮会成员以外的所有玩家 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 和平 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 不能主动攻击所有玩家(可以反击) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 善恶 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 可以主动攻击一部分玩家 -OPTION_SOUND 声效 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 他国信息 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 不感兴趣 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 想知道 -OPTION_TILING 显示 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 应用 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 选项 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 聊天窗口 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 屏蔽 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 查看 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 帮会会员名称 -PASSWORD_TITLE 仓库密码 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 要拿出的金额 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 关闭 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 商店名称 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 开设个人商店 -REFINE_COST 升级费用 : 0两 -REFINE_INFO 改良成功概率 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE 改良 -RESTART_HERE 原地复活 -RESTART_TOWN 村落复活 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 更改密码 -SAFE_TITLE 仓库 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 力量 -SELECT_CREATE 生成角色 -SELECT_DELETE 删除 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 敏捷 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 国家名称 -SELECT_EXIT 退出 -SELECT_HP 体力 -SELECT_LEVEL 等级 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 选择使用的宝石 -SELECT_NAME 名称 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 没有加入任何帮会 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 游戏时间 -SELECT_SELECT 开始 -SELECT_SP 智力 -SELECT_TITLE 尊号 -SHOP_BUY 买进 -SHOP_SELL 卖出 -SHOP_TITLE 商店 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 辅助 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 系统设置 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 转换角色 -SYSTEM_EXIT 退出到windows -SYSTEM_HELP 帮助 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 登出 -SYSTEM_MALL 收费物品商店 -SYSTEM_OPTION 系统设置 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 角色[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 聊天窗口 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 物品栏[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 信息 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 后 快捷菜单[shift+数字, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 前 快捷菜单[shift+数字] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 系统[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 切断 -WHISPER_NAME 对方名称 -WHISPER_SEND 发送 -YES 是 -ZONE_MAP 整体地图 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 金钱 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 硝石 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 圆木 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 合板 -CUBE_TITLE 制作窗 -CREATE_SEX 性别 -CREATE_MAN 男性 -CREATE_WOMAN 女性 -PASSWORD_DESC_1 请输入仓库密码 -PASSWORD_DESC_2 -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER test -WHISPER_REPORT test -DRAGONSOUL_TITLE 龙魂之石 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_1 一般 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_2 华丽 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_3 稀有 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_4 古代 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_5 传说 -DRAGONSOUL_ACTIVATE 活性化 -DRAGONSOUL_REFINE_WINDOW_TITLE 龙魂石改良及强化 -REFINE_SELECT 强化选择 -REFINE_MONEY 强化费用 -DO_REFINE 实行强化 -GRADE 等级 -STEP 阶段 -STRENGTH 强化 -TASKBAR_EXPAND 扩展窗 -TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL 龙魂石 -TASKBAR_DISABLE 不能使用 -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_1 白龙石(White Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_2 火龙石(Fire Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_3 风龙石(Wind Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_4 铁龙石(Iron Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_5 雷龙石(Thunder Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_6 黑龙石(Dark Dragon Soul Stone) -GRADE_SELECT 等级选择 -STEP_SELECT 阶段选择 -STRENGTH_SELECT 强化选择 -CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR 或者 -OPTION_SHADOW 影 -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE 時 -OPTION_SALESTEXT 攤招牌 -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_ON 示 -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF 藏 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a6cebbb4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "江陵府" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "易水县" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 14e39853..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "易水县" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "雪寒山" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "阎魔火地" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6ad31a64..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "陈仓县" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "影悲沙漠" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "雪寒山" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 27e16914..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "江陵府" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "易水县" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0f5cb9b5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "江陵府" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "渔夫" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "渔夫" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "渔夫" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "渔夫" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "渔夫" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "渔夫" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "渔夫" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "渔夫" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "渔夫" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "渔夫" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dfb63091..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "长安城" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cafb5f18..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "易水县" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "渔夫" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "渔夫" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "渔夫" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "渔夫" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "渔夫" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "渔夫" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "渔夫" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9cb3ec89..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "防御店老板?" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "咸阳城" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e05e670c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "陈仓县" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "渔夫" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "渔夫" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "渔夫" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "渔夫" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "渔夫" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "渔夫" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "渔夫" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "渔夫" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4eec6fe1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "武器店老板" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "防御店老板" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "杂货店老板" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "仓库老人" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "神秘老人" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "洛阳城" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "传送老人" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6863cf83..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "江陵府" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "易水县" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1cb70582..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y ????? -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "江陵府" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "易水县" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "陈仓县" - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 9d4565f9..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7fdb5c46..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 三连斩 I 三连斩 II 三连斩 III 快速砍杀敌人三次 前方范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 八方风云 I 八方风云 II 八方风云 III 手拿刀回转攻击周围的敌人 前进范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 魂怒 I 魂怒 II 魂怒 III 全心专注攻击 提升攻击速度 提升移动速度 增加自己伤害 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 攻击速度 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 移动速度 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 剑镜 I 剑镜 II 剑镜 III 一定时间内提升攻击力 提升基本攻击力 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 攻击力 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 瘫痪击 I 瘫痪击 II 瘫痪击 III 像子弹一样冲向前击倒敌人 突袭范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -6 WARRIOR 气血垂明 气血垂明 气血垂明 用全力爆发气向前方敌人施加强烈一击 前方范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gihyeol 6 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 (3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 -16 WARRIOR 气功斩 I 气功斩 II 气功斩 III 攻击前方的敌人 前方范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 龙上九天 I 龙上九天 II 龙上九天 III 攻击前方的敌人 直线范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 追阵脚 I 追阵脚 II 追阵脚 III 使周围的敌人向四周击飞 原地周围范围攻击 一定机率的气绝效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 气绝机率 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 狂怒之气 I 狂怒之气 II 狂怒之气 III 短时间内提升防御力遇到强烈攻击也不倒下 提升防御力 移动速度下降 不被击倒 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 防御力 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 移动速度 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 气绝斩 I 气绝斩 II 气绝斩 III 攻击前方的敌人 攻击远距离目标周围 气绝效果 击飞目标 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -21 WARRIOR 剑气 剑气怒吼 剑气升龙 用附有剑气的剑砍下使周围敌人受到致命攻击 原地周围范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED noegeom 21 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 -31 ASSASSIN 暗袭 I 暗袭 II 暗袭 III 偷偷靠近敌人给予致命攻击 提升后方攻击力 短剑奖励 隐形法奖励 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 弓身弹影 I 弓身弹影 II 弓身弹影 III 快速接近敌人给予致命攻击 瞬间移动攻击 短剑奖励 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 车轮杀 I 车轮杀 II 车轮杀 III 快速旋转砍杀前方敌人 逃脱范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 中毒机率 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 隐身 I 隐身 II 隐身 III 隐藏自己的面貌 攻击时解除 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 暗杀技能追加攻击力 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 毒雾 I 毒雾 II 毒雾 III 利用周围的毒制作云彩使敌人中毒 攻击远距离目标周围 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 中毒机率 %.0f%% 40*k -36 ASSASSIN 瞬杀 I 瞬杀 II 瞬杀 III 一扎眼的速度瞬间消失后攻击目标 瞬间移动攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD seomjeon 6 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 中毒机率 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 连射 I 连射 II 连射 III 向一个敌人发射多支弓箭 远距离连续攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k 发射 %.0f发的弓箭 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 千峰隶字 I 千峰隶字 II 千峰隶字 III 同时向很多敌人发射弓箭 攻击远距离多个目标 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 攻击力 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 最多攻击 %.0f 人 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 灼烧之箭 I 灼烧之箭 II 灼烧之箭 III 弓箭上附加火焰的力量发射 远距离对象范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 神行 I 神行 II 神行 III 使身体变轻提高移动速度 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 移动速度 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 毒矢之箭 I 毒矢之箭 II 毒矢之箭 III 弓箭涂上强烈的毒发射 远距离对象范围攻击 气绝效果 将对方击飞 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 中毒机率 %.0f%% 80*k -51 ASSASSIN 闪光弹 闪光弹 闪光弹 瞬间发出强光使周围敌人受到致命攻击 原地周围范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL seomgwang 21 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)1.1 中毒机率 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 碎灵指 I 碎灵指 II 碎灵指 III 用手指尖引起强烈的爆炸 前方范围攻击 无视对方防御效果 智力奖励 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 无视对方防御机率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 旋风波 I 旋风波 II 旋风波 III 引起砍杀一切的强烈旋风歼灭周围的敌人 原地周围范围攻击 无视对方回避效果 智力奖励 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 无视对方回避机率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 鬼剑 I 鬼剑 II 鬼剑 III 附加鬼魂的力量在剑上 提升基本攻击力 智力奖励 吸血攻击 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 攻击力 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 攻击力 %.0f%% 吸收为生命力 10*k -64 SURA 枯呜 I 枯呜 II 枯呜 III 使攻击自己的敌人产生恐惧降低能力 降低对方攻击力 增加对方攻击失败机率 只适用于自已受到伤害时 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 对方攻击力 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 对方攻击失败机率 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 罡魔甲 I 罡魔甲 II 罡魔甲 III 利用黑暗的铠甲保护身体 受到伤害时将部分伤害值反射 提升防御力 智力奖励 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 防御力 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 物理攻击反射机率 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 驱散 I 驱散 II 驱散 III 所有有用的法术使其无效 远距离攻击 对象周围范围攻击 清除对象辅助效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 破法机率 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 黑洞袭击 I 黑洞袭击 II 黑洞袭击 III 丢掷黑暗的力量使敌人受到伤害 远距离对象范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 魔焰爆 I 魔焰爆 II 魔焰爆 III 引起爆炸燃烧周围的敌人 原地范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 焰灵守护 I 焰灵守护 II 焰灵守护 III 制作守护主人的爆炸体 远距离对象范围攻击 任意选择对象 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 髅头光晖 I 髅头光晖 II 髅头光晖 III 利用黑暗的力量呵护身体用精神力支撑肉体的痛苦 用精神力(MP)降低攻击值 提升防御力 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 攻击力减少率 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 防御力 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 速缓术 I 速缓术 II 速缓术 III 向敌人丢掷束缚的恶灵使其受到伤害 远距离对象范围攻击 对象变缓慢 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 缓慢机率 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 魔幻击 I 魔幻击 II 魔幻击 III 扔出黑暗气息使敌人受到伤害 远距离对象范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 飞波符 I 飞波符 II 飞波符 III 向敌人扔符咒使其受到伤害 远距离攻击 对象周围范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 龙波扇 I 龙波扇 II 龙波扇 III 发射龙神的形象攻击前方的敌人 直线范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 持续火焰机率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 潜龙域天 I 潜龙域天 II 潜龙域天 III 利用龙神的形象攻击周围的敌人 原地周围范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 魔法 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 持续火焰机率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 龙神护体 I 龙神护体 II 龙神护体 III 使被帮助的对象布下保护阵受到保护 物理攻击抵抗 可以对同伴使用 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 物理攻击抵抗 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 水镜阵 I 水镜阵 II 水镜阵 III 使被帮助的对象布下退回敌人攻击的阵法 物理攻击反射 可以对同伴使用 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 物理攻击反射机率 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 龙神意志 I 龙神意志 II 龙神意志 III 使被帮助的对象手中燃烧上天的意志 致命攻击 可以对同伴使用 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 致命攻击机率 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 雷鸣丸 I 雷鸣丸 II 雷鸣丸 III 集中闪电扔向敌人 远距离攻击 对象周围范围攻击 电气属性 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 闪雷 I 闪雷 II 闪雷 III 借用上天的力量雷击敌人 远距离攻击 对象周围范围攻击 电气属性 气绝效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 气绝机率 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 破天雷 I 破天雷 II 破天雷 III 从手中释放雷击 远距离攻击 电气属性 连续攻击周围对象 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 大地光晖 I 大地光晖 II 大地光晖 III 用光的气息治愈伤口 恢复生命力 恢复状态异常 可以对同伴使用 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 恢复生命力 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 恢复状态异常机率 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 闪速 I 闪速 II 闪速 III 乘风奔跑 提升移动速度 减少咒语时间 可以对同伴使用 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 移动速度 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 咒语速度 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 神打 I 神打 II 神打 III 使被帮助的对象力量更强大 提升基本攻击力 可以对同伴使用 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 攻击力 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -112 PASSIVE 破瘫痪击 减少瘫痪击的伤害 瘫痪击伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_tanhwan 瘫痪击伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -113 PASSIVE 破暗击 减少暗击的伤害 暗击伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_amseup 暗击伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -114 PASSIVE 破封灵击 减少封灵击的伤害 封灵击伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_swaeryeong 封灵击伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -115 PASSIVE 破龙波扇 减少龙波扇的伤害 龙波扇伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_yongpa 龙波扇伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -116 PASSIVE 破气功斩 减少气功斩的伤害 气功斩伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_gigongcham 气功斩伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -117 PASSIVE 破连射 减少连射的伤害 连射伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_yeonsa 连射伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -118 PASSIVE 破魔幻击 减少魔幻击的伤害 魔幻击伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_geomhwan 魔幻击伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -119 PASSIVE 破雷闪 减少雷击的伤害 雷击伤害抵抗 PASSIVE p_byeorak 雷击伤害防御率 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -121 SUPPORT 统率力 领导同伴的能力 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 连续技 增加连续攻击的次数 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 钓鱼 在溪边钓出鱼儿 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 采矿 挖出矿石 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 制作 制作道具 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 神手语 可以听与说神手国的语言 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 天照语 可以听与说天照国的语言 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 镇奴语 可以听与说镇奴国的语言 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 变身 变身为怪物 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 乘马 骑马的能力 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 召唤 召唤马 summon -137 HORSE 铁马乱舞 骑马狂奔攻击周为敌人 马上技术 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 疾风竺马 将阻挡前方的敌人全数击倒 马上技术 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 支柱升天 攻击周围的所有敌人 马上技术 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 秋叶乱舞 对阻挡前方的敌人发射乱箭 马上技术 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -141 SUPPORT HP补强 增加最高体力 PASSIVE jeunghyul 提升最大 HP +%.0f k * 1333.33 -142 SUPPORT 贯通回避 回避贯通攻击 PASSIVE chultong 贯通回避率 + %.0f%% k * 20 -151 GUILD 龙眼 增加最高龙神力 PASSIVE yongan 最大龙神力 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 龙神之血 短时间内提升公会会员全体的最大生命力 公会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 提升最高Hp +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 龙神祝福 短时间内提升公会会员全体的最大精神力 公会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 提升最高精神力 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 圣辉甲 短时间内提升公会会员全体的防御力 公会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 提升防御力 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 加速 短时间内提升公会会员全体的攻击速度与移动速度 公会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 提升攻击,移动速度 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 龙神的愤怒 短时间内提升公会会员全体的暴击机率 公会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 暴击机率 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 咒语术 短时间内减少公会会员全体的技能使用冷却时间 公会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 提升咒语速度 +%.0f%% k * 50 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b87d55e1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -6 扁趋秒疙 1 1 1 0 HP -( 3*atk + (atk + 1.5 * str)*k)*1.07 300+150*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -21 锄八档贰 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k)*1.1 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -36 孺级荐 2 1 1 0 HP -((lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k)*1.1) 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MELEE 6 0.5 800 0 -51 级堡藕 2 1 1 0 HP -((atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1) 200+200*k 60 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.5 0 0 -112 藕券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -113 鞠嚼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -114 尖飞瘤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -115 侩颇魂 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -116 扁傍曼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -117 楷荤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -118 付券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -119 涵遏 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -141 刘趋 0 1 40 0 NONE 1333.3*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -142 枚烹 0 1 40 0 NONE 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/ui/LoadingWindow.py b/bin_original/locale/newcibn/ui/LoadingWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0c56afe4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/newcibn/ui/LoadingWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -window = { - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/Line_Pattern.tga", - - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0, - "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0, - }, - { - "name":"ErrorMessage", - "type":"text", "x":10, "y":10, - "text": uiScriptLocale.LOAD_ERROR, - }, - - { - 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StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/pl/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 586a2454..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/pl/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 32a83902..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Kr髄estwo Shinsoo Kr髄estwo[ENTER] -Shinsoo znajduje si na[ENTER] -po硊dniu kontynentu.[ENTER] -Mieszka馽y s w wi阫szo渃i[ENTER] -zaj阠i handlem. Stworzone[ENTER] -[WAIT] -przez Yoon-Yoing po tym, jak[ENTER] -imperium upad硂, stosunki[ENTER] -handlowe ze wschodem[ENTER] -doprowadzi硑 szybko do[ENTER] -o縴wienia. Mieszka馽y walcz筟ENTER] -[WAIT] -non stop z zachodem i ta[ENTER] -trasa handlowa jest[ENTER] -ca砶owicie odci阾a. B阣筩[ENTER] -渨iadomi, 縠 kamienie Metin[ENTER] -s zagro縠niem dla ich[ENTER] -[WAIT] -podstaw 縴cia, handlarze[ENTER] -uzbroili si. Ich celem jest[ENTER] -by w stanie przetrzyma鎇ENTER] -ataki z zachodu, aby[ENTER] -otworzy ponownie wszystkie[ENTER] -[WAIT] -trasy handlowe i aby[ENTER] -zjednoczy ca硑 kontynent[ENTER] -pod ich dow骴ztwem. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 35f49128..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Kr髄estwo Chunjo[ENTER] -[ENTER] -Kr髄estwo Chunjo jest[ENTER] -po硂縪ne na wschodzie[ENTER] -kontynentu. Jest to[ENTER] -[WAIT] -kr髄estwo teokratyczne i[ENTER] -jest prowadzone przez[ENTER] -duchowych Przyw骴c體.[ENTER] -Kr髄estwo by硂 stworzone[ENTER] -przez Yoon-Young, kt髍y jest[ENTER] -[WAIT] -kuzynem poprzedniego[ENTER] -Imperatora. jego 縪na,[ENTER] -posiadaj筩a pot昕ne magiczne[ENTER] -umiej阾no渃i, pomog砤 mu[ENTER] -bardzo wcze渘ie dostrzec[ENTER] -[WAIT] -masywne zagro縠nie[ENTER] -spowodowane przez Kamienie[ENTER] -Metin. Powiedzia wiele[ENTER] -razy, 縠 co trzeba zrobi,[ENTER] -ale zosta zignorowany. Wi阠[ENTER] -[WAIT] -oprowadzi swoich ludzi do[ENTER] -rebelii przeciw istniej筩emu[ENTER] -jeszcze wtedy Imperium.[ENTER] -Kiedy Imperium rozpad硂 si,[ENTER] -jego Kr髄estwo jest do tej[ENTER] -[WAIT] -pory w stanie wojny z[ENTER] -regionami wschodnimi i ma[ENTER] -problemy z Po硊dniem. Ludzie[ENTER] -z kr髄estwa Chunjo chc筟ENTER] -zdoby kontrol nad ca硑m[ENTER] -[WAIT] -kontynentem dzi阫i czemu[ENTER] -b阣 w stanie pozby si闧ENTER] -rosn筩ych mocy Kamieni[ENTER] -Metin. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 28b79ee8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Kr髄estwo Jinno Kr髄estwo[ENTER] -Jinoo znajduje si we[ENTER] -wschodnich regionach[ENTER] -kontynentu. Podstaw筟ENTER] -kr髄estwa jest si砤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -militarna. Jego ludzie s筟ENTER] -agresywni i lubi筩y wojn.[ENTER] -Kr髄estwem Jinoo zarz筪za[ENTER] -Ee-Ryoong, syn ostatniego[ENTER] -Imperatora. Czuje si闧ENTER] -[WAIT] -wybrany do zjednoczenia[ENTER] -starego Imperium poprzez[ENTER] -jego dominacj i siln筟ENTER] -Armi. Boi si,縠 znaczenie[ENTER] -i efekty Kamieni Metin sa[ENTER] -[WAIT] -oficjalnie ignorowane przez[ENTER] -Kr髄estwo Jinoo.[ENTER] -Sekretnie, Ee-Ryoong pr骲uje[ENTER] -wykorzysta destrukcyjne[ENTER] -moce Kamieni Metin dla[ENTER] -[WAIT] -wojny. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 12369451..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ??????? -14013 FACILITY jedan Fabryka Broni -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan Kowal Zbrojmistrz -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan Fabryka Akcesori體 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang O渞odek Szkoleniowy -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro Diamentowy Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro Sk. Drewno Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro Miedziany Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro Srebro Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro Z硂ty Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro Jadeitowy Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro Ebonitowy Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro Per硂wy Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro Platynowy Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro Kryszt. Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro Ametystowy Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Niebia駍ki Odlewnik -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 寃i箃ynia Mocy -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 寃i箃ynia Mocy -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 寃i箃ynia Mocy -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse Kwatera G丑wna (1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner Kamienny Mur (1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin Kamienny Mur (1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 Kamienny Mur (1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door Brama (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 宑iana (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse Kwatera G丑wna (2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner Kamienny Mur (2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin Kamienny Mur (2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 Kamienny Mur (2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door Brama (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDING b1-set 宑iana (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse Kwatera G丑wna (3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner Kamienny Mur (3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin Kamienny Mur (3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 Kamienny Mur (3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door Brama (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDING c1-set 宑iana (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol Insygnia Gildii -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 宑iana Frontowa -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 0 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 宑iana Tylna -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 宑iana Lewa -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 宑iana Prawa -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 Kamie 1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 Kamie 2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 Kamie 3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 Kamie 4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 Kamie 5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 Kamie 6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 Kamie 7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 Kamie 8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 Kamie 9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 Kamie 10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT Drzewo 1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 Drzewo 2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall Drzewo 3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 Drzewo 4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 Drzewo 5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT Drzewo 6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 Drzewo 7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall Drzewo 8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 Drzewo 9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/pl/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/pl/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/locale/pl/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/pl/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 79415d35..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,683 +0,0 @@ -chuj -chuja -chujek -chuju -chujem -chujnia -chujowy -chujowa -chujowe -cipa -cip -cipe -cip -cipie -cipo -debil -debila -debilem -debilu -debile -debili -debilami -debilach -dojeba -dojebac -dojebie -dojeba -dojebal -dojeba -dojeba砤 -dojebala -dojeba砮m -dojebalem -dojeba砤m -dojebalam -dojebi -dojebie -dopieprza -dopieprzac -dopierdala -dopierdalac -dopierdala -dopierdala -dopierdalal -dopierdala砤 -dopierdalala -dopierdoli -dopierdoli -dopierdolil -dopierdol -dopierdole -dopierdoli -dopierdalaj筩y -dopierdalajacy -dopierdoli -dopierdolic -huj -hujek -hujnia -huja -huje -hujem -huju -jeba -jebac -jeba -jebal -jebad硂 -jebadlo -jebie -jebi -jebia -jebak -jebaka -jebal -jeba -jebany -jebane -jebanka -jebanko -jebankiem -jebanymi -jebana -jebanym -jebanej -jebany -jebana -jebani -jebanych -jebanymi -jebcie -jebi筩y -jebiacy -jebi筩a -jebiaca -jebi筩ego -jebiacego -jebi渃ej -jebiacej -jebia -jebi -jebie -jebi -jebliwy -jebne -jebn -jebnac -jebn筩 -jebna -jebn湽 -jebnal -jeba -hebno -jebn -jebna -jebn瓿a -jebnela -jebnie -jebnij -koorwa -Kurwa -k髍wa -kurestwo -kurew -kurewski -kureski -kurewska -kureska -kurewskiej -kureskiej -kurewsk -kurewska -kurewsko -kurewstwo -kurwis -kurwi -kurw -kurwe -kurw -kurwie -kurwiska -kurwo -kurwy -kurewski -kurwiarz -kurwi渃y -kurwica -kurwi -kurwic -kurwido砮k -kurwik -kurwiki -kurwiszcze -kurwiszon -kurwiszona -kurwiszonem -kurwiszony -kutas -kutasa -kutasie -kutasem -kutasy -kutas體 -kutasow -kutasach -kutasami -matkojebca -matkojebcy -matkojebc -matkojebca -matkojebcami -matkojebcach -nabar硂縴 -najeba -najebac -najeba -najebal -najeba砤 -najebala -najebane -najebany -najeban -najebana -najebie -najebi -najebia -naopierdala -naopierdalac -naopierdala -naopierdalal -naopierdala砤 -naopierdalala -naopierdala砤 -napierdala -napierdalac -napierdalaj筩y -napierdalajacy -napierdoli -napierdolic -nawpierdala -nawpierdalac -nawpierdala -nawpierdalal -nawpierdala砤 -nawpierdalala -odpieprza -odpieprzac -odpieprzy -odpieprzy -odpieprzyl -odpieprzy砤 -odpieprzyla -odpierdala -odpierdalac -odpierdol -odpierdoli -odpierdolil -odpierdoli砤 -odpierdolila -odpierdoli -odpierdalaj筩y -odpierdalajacy -odpierdalaj渃a -odpierdalajaca -odpierdoli -odpierdolic -odpierdoli -odpierdoli -opieprzaj渃y -opierdala -opierdalac -opierdala -opierdal筩y -opierdalajacy -opierdol -opierdoli -opierdolic -opierdoli -opierdol -opierdola -piczka -pieprzni阾y -pieprzniety -pieprzony -pierdol -pierdola -pierdol渃y -pierdolacy -pierdol渃a -pierdolaca -pierdol -pierdole -pierdolenie -pierdoleniem -pierdoleniu -pierdol -pierdolec -pierdola -pierdolec -pierdoli -pierdolicie -pierdolic -pierdoli -pierdolil -pierdoli砤 -pierdolila -pierdoli -pierdolni阾y -pierdolniety -pierdolisz -pierdoln湽 -pierdolca -pierdolcy -pierdolnac -pierdoln滉 -pierdolnal -pierdoln瓿a -pierdolnela -pierdolnie -pierdolni阾y -pierdolni阾a -pierdolnij -pierdolnik -pierdolona -pierdolone -pierdolony -pierdo砶i -pierdz渃y -pierdzie -pierdziec -pizda -pizd -pizde -pizd -pi焏zie -pizdzie -pizdn湽 -pizdnac -pizdu -pi焏zi -podpierdala -podpierdalac -podpierdala -podpierdalaj渃y -podpierdalajacy -podpierdoli -podpierdolic -podpierdoli -pojeb -pojeba -pojebami -pojebani -pojebanego -pojebanemu -pojebani -pojebany -pojebanych -pojebanym -pojebanymi -pojebem -pojeba -pojebac -pojebalo -popierdala -popierdalac -popierdala -popierdoli -popierdolic -popierdoli -popierdolonego -popierdolonemu -popierdolonym -popierdolone -popierdoleni -popierdolony -porozpierdala -porozpierdala -porozpierdalac -poruchac -porucha -przejeba -przejebane -przejebac -przyjebali -przepierdala -przepierdalac -przepierdala -przepierdalaj筩y -przepierdalajacy -przepierdalaj渃a -przepierdalajaca -przepierdoli -przepierdolic -przyjeba -przyjebac -przyjebie -przyjeba砤 -przyjebala -przyjeba -przyjebal -przypieprza -przypieprzac -przypieprzaj渃y -przypieprzajacy -przypieprzaj渃a -przypieprzajaca -przypierdala -przypierdalac -przypierdala -przypierdoli -przypierdalaj渃y -przypierdalajacy -przypierdoli -przypierdolic -psiama -qrwa -rozjeba -rozjebac -rozjebie -rozjeba砤 -rozjebi -rozpierdala -rozpierdalac -rozpierdala -rozpierdoli -rozpierdolic -rozpierdole -rozpierdoli -rozpierducha -rucha -ruchaj 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-213 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -214 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -215 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -216 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -217 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -218 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -219 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -220 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -221 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -222 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -223 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -224 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -225 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -226 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -227 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -243 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -244 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -245 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -246 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -247 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -248 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -249 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -250 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -251 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -252 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -253 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -254 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -255 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -256 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -257 WEAPON 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/03000.gr2 -9505 WEAPON icon/item/07000.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07000.gr2 -50201 WEAPON icon/item/50201.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/buke.gr2 -50202 WEAPON icon/item/50201.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/buke.gr2 -29101 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29102 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29103 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29104 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29105 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29106 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29107 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29108 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29109 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -29110 WEAPON icon/item/29101.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/digger_1.gr2 -11000 ARMOR D:\ymir work\ui\game\quest\questicon\level_05.tga -11010 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icon/item/73751.tga -73760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -72501 ETC icon/item/72501.tga -72502 ETC icon/item/72502.tga -74001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74251 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74252 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74253 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74254 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74255 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74256 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74257 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74258 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74259 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74260 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74261 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74262 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74501 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74502 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74503 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74504 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74505 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74506 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74507 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74508 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74509 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74510 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74511 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74512 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74751 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74752 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75201 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75202 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75203 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75204 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75205 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75206 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75207 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75208 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75209 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75210 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75211 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75212 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75401 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75402 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75403 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75404 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75405 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75406 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75407 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75408 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75409 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75410 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75411 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75412 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75601 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75602 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75603 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75604 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75605 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75606 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75607 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75608 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75609 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75610 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75611 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75612 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/pl/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 3661ff91..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/pl/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 00a5ed82..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,820 +0,0 @@ -11901 Smoking Czarny garnitur u縴wany przez m昕czyzn podczas 渓ubu. -11902 Smoking Czarny garnitur u縴wany przez m昕czyzn podczas 渓ubu. -11903 Suknia 宭ubna Specjalna suknia u縴wana przez kobiety podczas 渓ubu. -11904 Suknia 宭ubna Specjalna suknia u縴wana przez kobiety podczas 渓ubu. -22000 Zw骿 Powrotu Do Miasta Zw骿 pozwalaj筩y Ci teleportowa si do najbli縮zego miasta. -22010 Zw骿 Powrotu Zw骿 pozwala Ci wr骳i do miasta i potem powr骳i do obecnej lokalizacji. -25040 Zw骿 B硂gos砤wie駍twa Usuwa ryzyko zniszczenia przedmiotu podczas jego ulepszania. Je縠li ulepszanie si nie powiedzie, to jako滄 przedmiotu jest redukowana o 1 poziom. -25041 Magiczny Metal Legendarny metal wymagany do tworzenia najlepszych broni. Magiczny metal zwi阫sza szans na podniesienie poziomu broni. Przedmiot ulega zniszczeniu je渓i ulepszenie zawiedzie. -25100 Zw骿 Kamienia Duszy Zw骿 pozwala Ci wydoby Kamie Duszy z broni albo zbroi. Zostawia znak wydobycia. -27600 Wysuszone Drzewo Drzewo 渃i阾e na ognisko. -27610 Marmur Rybaka Ten magiczny marmur pokazuje informacje o z硂wionej rybie. -27620 Rybie Wn阾rzno渃i Ksi箍ka dostarczaj筩a informacji o rybach. -27799 Rybia O滄 Twarde o渃i ryby. -27800 Papka Najta駍za przyn阾a. -27801 Robak Przyn阾a przyci筭aj筩a ryby. -27802 Drobne Ryby Przyn阾a przyci筭aj筩a du縠 ryby. -27803 Kara Popularna ryba, 縴j筩a z regu硑 w stawach. -27804 Ryba Mandaryna Smaczna ryba. -27805 Du縴 Kara Du縴, gruby Kara. -27806 Karp Du縜, srebrna ryba. -27807 so Ryba wracaj筩a do domu podczas sezonu godowego. -27808 Amur Karp jedz筩y z regu硑 traw. -27809 Pstr筭 Kuzyn sosia. -27810 W阦orz Ryba przypominaj筩a w昕a. Charakteryzuje si du抗 wytrzyma硂渃i. -27811 T阠zowy Pstr筭 Ryba o t阠zowym kolorze plec體. -27812 Rzeczny Pstr筭 Ryba 縴j筩a w rzekach. -27813 Krasnopi髍ka Ryba 縴j筩a w 砤wicach. -27814 Oko Ryba, cz阺to nazywana pogromc jezior. -27815 Tenchi Rodzaj Kie硃a 縴j筩y tylko w czystej wodzie. -27816 Sum Ryba posiadaj筩a charakterystyczne d硊gie "kocie" w箂y -27817 Piskorz Zwinna ryba 縴j筩a z regu硑 w b硂tnistych wodach. -27818 Ryba Lotosu Du縜 ryba 縴j筩a w czystych wodach, ma z硂縪n diet. -27819 S硂dka Ryba Kuzyn gromadnika. 痽je na brzegach i uj渃iach. -27820 Gromadnik Ryba w wi阫szo渃i 砤pana poprzez 硂wienie w lodzie. -27821 Shiri Ryba o pi阫nym kszta砪ie i kolorze. -27822 Lustrzany Karp Udomowiony Karp. -27823 Z硂ty Kara Rzadki, z硂ty Kara. -27833 Martwy Kara Martwy Kara.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27834 Martwa Ryba Mandaryna Martwa Ryba Mandaryna.|Mo縠 by upieczona nad ogniskiem. -27835 Martwy Du縴 Kara Martwy Du縴 Kara.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27836 Martwy Karp Martwy Karp.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27837 Martwy so Martwy so.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27838 Martwy Amur Martwy Amur. |Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27839 Martwy Pstr筭 Martwy Pstr筭.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27840 Martwy W阦orz Martwy W阦orz.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27841 Martwy T阠zowy Pstr筭 Martwy T阠zowy Pstr筭.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27842 Martwy Rzeczny Pstr筭 Martwy Rzeczny Pstr筭.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27843 Martwa Krasnopi髍ka Martwa Krasnopi髍ka.|Mo縠 by upieczona nad ogniskiem. -27844 Martwy Oko Martwy Oko.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27845 Martwa Tenchi Martwa Tenchi.|Mo縠 by upieczona nad ogniskiem. -27846 Martwy Sum Martwy Sum.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27847 Martwy Piskorz Martwy Piskorz.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27848 Martwa Ryba Lotosu Martwa Ryba Lotosu.|Mo縠 by upieczona nad ogniskiem. -27849 Martwa S硂dka Ryba Martwa S硂dka Ryba.|Mo縠 by upieczona nad ogniskiem. -27850 Martwy Gromadnik Martwy Gromadnik.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27851 Martwa Shiri Martwa Shiri.|Mo縠 by upieczona nad ogniskiem. -27852 Martwy Lustrzany Karp Martwy Lustrzany Karp.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27853 Martwy Z硂ty Kara Martwy Z硂ty Kara.|Mo縠 by upieczony nad ogniskiem. -27863 Pieczony Kara Regeneruje troch Punkt體 痽cia. -27864 Pieczona Ryba Mandaryna Regeneruje troch Punkt體 Energii. -27865 Pieczony Du縴 Kara Regeneruje troch Punkt體 痽cia. -27866 Pieczony Karp Zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Ruchu na pewien czas. -27867 Pieczony so Regeneruje troch Punkt體 Energii. -27868 Pieczony Amur Zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Ataku na pewien czas. -27869 Pieczony Pstr筭 Regeneruje du抗 ilo滄 Punkt體 痽cia. -27870 Pieczony W阦orz Zwi阫sza Si酬 na pewien czas. -27871 Pieczony T阠zowy Pstr筭 Regeneruje du抗 ilo滄 Punkt體 Energii. -27872 Pieczony Rzeczny Pstr筭 Natychmiast regeneruje troch Punkt體 Energii. -27873 Pieczona Krasnopi髍ka Zwi阫sza Zwinno滄 na pewien czas. -27874 Pieczony Oko Usuwa negatywne efekty. -27875 Pieczony Tenchi Natychmiast regeneruje troch Punkt體 痽cia. -27876 Pieczony Sum Natychmiast regeneruje troch Punkt體 Energii. -27877 Pieczony Piskorz Stajesz si niewidzialny. -27878 Pieczona Ryba Lotosu Natychmiast regeneruje troch Punkt體 痽cia. -27879 Pieczona S硂dka Ryba Ryba przyrz筪zona nad ogniskiem. Wspania硑 w阣zony przysmak. -27880 Pieczony Gromadnik Ryba przyrz筪zona nad ogniskiem. Wspania硑 w阣zony przysmak. -27881 Pieczona Shiri Ryba przyrz筪zona nad ogniskiem. Wspania硑 w阣zony przysmak. -27882 Pieczony Lustrzany Karp Ryba przyrz筪zona nad ogniskiem. Wspania硑 w阣zony przysmak. -27883 Pieczony Z硂ty Kara Ryba przyrz筪zona nad ogniskiem. Wspania硑 w阣zony przysmak. -27987 Ma晨 Mi阠zak w 砤dnej muszli. W 渞odku mo縠 znajdowa si cenna per砤. -27988 Mapa Skarb體 Tajemnicza mapa zawieraj筩a po硂縠nie staro縴tnego skarbu. -27989 Wykrywacz Kamieni Metin Wykrywacz pokazuje po硂縠nie i odleg硂滄 do najbli縮zego Kamienia Metin poprzez intensywno滄 strza砶i kierunku. Mo縠 on by uaktywniony 6 razy. -27990 Kawa砮k Kamienia Z powodu ma硑ch wymiar體, przedmiot ten mo縩a bardzo 砤two transportowa. Ma wiele zastosowa. -27991 Kamie Wodny Twardy i szorstki kamie, kt髍y mo縠 by u縴wany do szlifowania broni albo sprz阾u kuchennego. -27992 Bia砤 Per砤 Idealnie bia砤 per砤. |Kobiety je kochaj. -27993 Niebieska Per砤 Niebieska per砤. |Kobiety je kochaj. -27994 Krwawa Per砤 Krwawo-czerwona per砤. |Kobiety je kochaj. -27995 Pusta Butelka Pusta butelka. -27996 Butelka Z Trucizn Butelka wype硁iona trucizn. |Powoduje 渕ier. -27997 Marmur Witalny Marmur regeneruj筩y troch Punkt體 痽cia. -27998 Sakiewka Alchemika Zniszczony worek, w kt髍ym przechowywane by硑 tajemnice Alchemik體. -27999 Sakiewka Kamieni Dusz Sakiewka do przechowywania Kamieni Dusz. -29001 Muszla Jedna z najwi阫szych i najsmaczniejszych muszli. Posiada grzebie w interesuj筩ym kszta砪ie. -29002 Niebieska Muszla Masa per硂wa tej muszli jest pi阫nie zabarwiona na kolor niebieski. -29003 硉a Muszla Masa per硂wa tej muszli jest pi阫nie zabarwiona na kolor 矿硉y. -29004 Czerwona Muszla Masa per硂wa tej muszli jest pi阫nie zabarwiona na kolor czerwony. -29005 Zielona Muszla Masa per硂wa tej muszli jest pi阫nie zabarwiona na kolor zielony. -29006 硉y Kamie Winny Kamie Winny o ciemnym kolorze. -29007 Niebieski Kamie Winny Kamie Winny o ciemnoniebieskim kolorze. -29008 Niebieska 寃i阾a Woda W 渨ietle s硂necznym powierzchnia tej 寃i阾ej Wody jest lekko niebieska. -29009 硉a 寃i阾a Woda W 渨ietle s硂necznym powierzchnia tej 寃i阾ej Wody jest lekko 矿硉awa. -29010 Czerwona 寃i阾a Woda W 渨ietle s硂necznym powierzchnia tej 寃i阾ej Wody jest lekko czerwona. -29011 Zielona 寃i阾a Woda W 渨ietle s硂necznym powierzchnia tej 寃i阾ej Wody jest lekko zielona. -29012 Jasno-Nieb. 寃i阾a Woda Niebieska 寃i阾a Woda -29013 Jasno-硉a 寃i阾a Woda 寃i阾a Woda o ciemno矿硉ym kolorze. -29014 Jasno-Czerw. 寃i阾a Woda 寃i阾a Woda o ciemnoczerwonym kolorze. -29015 Jasno-Ziel. 寃i阾a Woda 寃i阾a Woda o ciemnozielonym kolorze. -30000 J阠zmie Popularna ro渓ina, s硊縴 do robienia piwa i jedzenia. -30001 List List od kogo. -30002 Pieczona Kie砨asa Pieczona kie砨asa. W 渞odku znajduj si warzywa i przyprawy. -30003 Nos 寃ini Nos 渨ini. -30004 Z筨 Dzika Bardzo mocny z筨 dzika. -30005 Kawa砮k Zepsutej Zbroi Fragment uszkodzonej zbroi. -30006 Z筨 Orka Dziwnie pachn筩y z筨 olbrzymiego Orka. -30007 Amulet Orka Amulet, kt髍y dodaje odwagi Olbrzymim Orkom. -30008 Ezoteryczny Przewodnik Podr阠znik dla pocz箃kuj筩ych. Zawiera podstawowe informacje o doktrynie ezoterycznej. -30009 Nieznane Lekarstwo Tajemnicze lekarstwo. W jego sk砤d wchodz nieznane sk砤dniki. -30010 虫 Nied焪iedzia Znana z odnawiania poczucia smaku. -30011 K彻b K彻b nici. -30012 Butelka Wina Butelka aromatycznego wina. -30013 Dzban Likieru U縴wany do postarzania likieru. -30014 Futro Yeti Futro legendarnej kreatury, Yeti. Doskonale chroni przed zimnem. -30015 Pami箃ka Po Demonie 寃iec筩a pami箃ka po demonie. -30016 Klejnot Demona Klejnot znany z mo縧iwo渃i przechowywania dusz umar硑ch. -30017 Ozdobna Spinka Do W硂s體 Kobieca spinka do w硂s體. -30018 Czerwona Wst阦a Modna wst阦a do spinania kobiecych w硂s體. -30019 P硂n筩a Grzywa S硊縴 do robienia ubra na zim. -30020 Nasionko Brzoskwini Dobre na zdrow sk髍. -30021 Kawa砮k Klejnotu Klejnot uderzony czym twardym. -30022 Ogon W昕a Ogon grzechotnika. -30023 Futro Bia砮go Tygrysa Najbardziej cenione futro zwierz阠e w渞骴 kolekcjoner體. -30024 Ogon Konia U縴wany do robienia przedmiot體 dobrej jako渃i takich jak szczotki, kapelusze i liny. -30025 Worek z Paj阠z Trucizn Woreczek jadowy paj筴a. -30026 Kiszka Wilka Sk砤dnik do robienia kie砨asy, popularnej w ca硑m Imperium. -30027 Futro Wilka W硂sy z futra wilka u縴wane s do robienia grzebieni i szczotek. -30028 Szpon Wilka S硊縴 do robienia r罂nych akcesori體. -30029 W箃roba Wilka Sk砤dnik do robienia kie砨asy, popularnej w ca硑m Imperium. -30030 Zardzewia砮 Ostrze Zardzewia砮 ostrze sztyletu. -30031 Ornament Ulubiona ozdoba w渞骴 dziewczyn. -30032 Zu縴ty Czarny Uniform Zu縴ty czarny uniform. -30033 St硊czona Porcelana Kawa砮k st硊czonej porcelany. -30034 Bia砤 Wst阦a Modna wst阦a do spinania kobiecych w硂s體. -30035 Krem Do Twarzy Krem u縴wany zazwyczaj przez kobiety. Ma w砤渃iwo渃i odm砤dzaj筩e. -30036 Mistyczne Zio硂 Legendarne zio硂 o mistycznych w砤渃iwo渃iach. -30037 Szpon Tygrysa U縴wany do okazywania swojej odwagi. -30038 Sk髍a Tygrysa Ulubione futro zwierz阠e w渞骴 kolekcjoner體. -30039 Kawa砮k P丑tna U縴wany do banda縪wania ran. -30040 Li滄 Li滄 nieznanej ro渓iny. -30041 Shuriken Bro miotana. Najcz隃ciej u縴wana przez zab骿c體. -30042 Pazur Walcz筩ego Tygrysa Solidny, 渨iec筩y pazur tego dzikiego kota. -30043 Fasola Sk砤dnik u縴wany w wielu kuchniach. -30044 Glina Glina do robienia porcelany. -30045 Ig砤 Skorpiona Ig砤 z trucizna skorpiona. -30046 Ogon Skorpiona Truj筩y ogon skorpiona. -30047 Ksi阦a Kl箃w Ezoteryczna ksi阦a s硊抗ca do przeklinania kogo. -30048 Kawa砮k Lodu Zamarzni阾a woda, kt髍a jest zawsze zimna. -30049 Lodowy R骻 Wieloryba Cenny materia rze焍iarski. -30050 Matowy L骴 Nie rozpuszcza si podczas ciep硑ch dni. -30051 Nieznany Talizman Nieznany talizman, tylko ezoterycy mog je czyta. -30052 Flaga Flaga do oznaczania jednostek dzikus體. -30053 Nied焪iedzia Sk髍a Ulubione wytrzyma砮 jedzenie w渞骴 wielu ludzi. -30054 Obr筩zka 宭ubna Jedyny pier渃ionek, kt髍y nosisz do ko馽a. -30055 Szpon Skorpiona Krzepko wygl筪aj筩y szpon. -30056 Paj阠za Sie Paj筴 u縴wa swojej nici od robienia sobie domu. -30057 Oczy Paj筴a Oczy Paj筴a s lubiane w渞骴 kolekcjoner體. -30058 Worek Z Paj阠z. Jajami U縴wany jako talizman przez kobiety bezdzietne. -30059 Nogi Paj筴a W硂chate nogi paj筴a s u縴wane przez szaman體. -30060 J陑yk 痑by Lepki j陑yk 縜by. -30061 痑bie Udka Egzotyczny sk砤dnik potraw, smakuje jak kurczak! -30062 Czara Lekarstwa Czara u縴wana w farmaceutyce. -30063 Lekarstwo Na Sk髍 Leczy choroby sk髍y. -30064 Ostry Kamie Kamie u縴wany do robienia grot體 strza. -30065 Dzwonek Ma硑 dzwonek wydaj筩y d焪i阠zne odg硂sy. -30066 Ostry Pieprz Bardzo ostry pieprz. -30067 Sk髍a W昕a Sk髍a w昕a. -30068 Stek Z Tofu Potrawa z tofu. -30069 Szpon Wilka+ S硊縴 do robienia r罂nych akcesori體. -30070 Futro Wilka+ W硂sy z futra wilka u縴wane s do robienia grzebieni i szczotek. -30071 虫 Nied焪iedzia+ Znany z odnawiania poczucia smaku. -30072 Nied焪iedzia Sk髍a+ Ulubione wytrzyma砮 jedzenie w渞骴 wielu ludzi. -30073 Bia砤 Wst阦a+ Modna wst阦a do spinania kobiecych w硂s體. -30074 Zu縴ty Czarny Uniform+ Zu縴ty czarny uniform. -30075 Shuriken+ Bro miotana. Najcz隃ciej u縴wana przez zab骿c體. -30076 Amulet Orka+ Amulet, kt髍y dodaje odwagi Olbrzymim Goblinom. -30077 Z筨 Orka+ Dziwnie pachn筩y z筨 olbrzymiego Orka. -30078 Ezoteryczny Przewodnik+ Podr阠znik dla pocz箃kuj筩ych. Zawiera podstawowe informacje o doktrynie ezoterycznej. -30079 Nieznany Talizman+ Nieznany talizman, tylko ezoterycy mog je czyta. -30080 Ksi阦a Kl箃w+ Ezoteryczna ksi阦a s硊抗ca do przeklinania kogo. -30081 Ogon Skorpiona+ Truj筩y ogon skorpiona. -30082 Ogon W昕a+ Ogon grzechotnika. -30083 Nieznane Lekarstwo+ Tajemnicze lekarstwo. W jego sk砤d wchodz nieznane sk砤dniki. -30084 Nieznany Talizman+ Nieznany talizman, tylko ezoterycy mog je czyta. -30085 Kawa砮k P丑tna+ U縴wany do banda縪wania ran. -30086 Pami箃ka Po Demonie+ 寃iec筩a pami箃ka po demonie. -30087 Klejnot Demona+ Klejnot znany z mo縧iwo渃i przechowywania dusz umar硑ch. -30088 Kawa砮k Lodu+ Zamarzni阾a woda, kt髍a jest zawsze zimna. -30089 Futro Yeti+ Futro legendarnej kreatury, Yeti. Doskonale chroni przed zimnem. -30090 Matowy L骴+ Nie rozpuszcza si podczas ciep硑ch dni. -30091 Symbol Wojownika Symbol wojownika dawany przez legendarnych wojownik體. -30092 Zdobycz Dzikusa Pozosta硂滄 po wojnie. -30093 Torba Szcz隃cia Jedwabny woreczek do przechowywania cenno渃i. -30094 Torba Szcz隃cia Jedwabny woreczek do przechowywania cenno渃i. -30095 Torba Szcz隃cia Jedwabny woreczek do przechowywania cenno渃i. -30096 Torba Szcz隃cia Jedwabny woreczek do przechowywania cenno渃i. -30129 Rozkaz Je焏焎y Dokument zawieraj筩y misj wojskow. -30130 Pusta Butelka Pusta butelka zrobiona ze szk砤, mo縩a j wype硁i r罂nymi p硑nami. -30131 List Od Kowala List dla przyjaciela Kowala. -30132 Ksi阦a Uriela Ksi箍ka, kt髍ej czytanie sprawia Urielowi wielk przyjemno滄. Na jej brzegu widnieje jaki nieczytelny tytu. -30133 Kwieciste Buty dne kobiece buty. -30134 Przesy砶a Uriela Przesy砶a Uriela - w 渞odku znajduje si bardzo du縪 ksi箍ek. -30135 List Od Ariyoung List od Ariyoung do Ayoo. -30136 Rozrzutnie Ozdobiony k Cudowny 硊k wykonany ze zwierz阠ego rogu. -30137 Krew Ma硃y Krew ma硃y. Okropnie pachnie. -30138 Pustynny Piasek Pustynny piasek, u縴wany do leczenia niekt髍ych chor骲. -30139 Szlifierz Szlifierz. -30140 Nici Mocne nici. Najcz隃ciej u縴wane do naprawiania ubra. Przydatne r體nie do wyrobu naszyjnik體. -30141 Ozdobny Diament Diamenty najcz隃ciej u縴wane s jako ozdoby ubra. -30142 List Nie jeste w stanie przeczyta, co jest napisane w tym li渃ie. Mo縠 musisz nauczy si j陑yka? -30143 Zio砤 Lecznicze Istnieje du縪 rodzaj體 lekarstw tworzonych z tych zi蟪. -30144 W箃roba Tygrysa W箃roba tygrysa. -30145 Lekarstwo Balsosa Silne lekarstwo. -30146 Kawa Lodu Bardzo zimny. -30147 寃i箃ynna Doktryna Ksi阦a zawieraj筩a informacje na temat Mrocznej 寃i箃yni. -30148 寃i箃ynny Szal Szal s硊抗cy do modlitwy. -30149 Syrop z Lodem Nap骿 zawieraj筩y kawa砮k lodu i syrop. Cudowny latem. -30150 Strona Pami阾nika Strona z pami阾nika napisanego przez star dynasti. -30151 Futro Szarego Wilka U縴wane jako 渃ierka do kurzu. -30152 Lekarstwo Podobno mo縠 wyleczy tajemnicz chorob. Nikt nie wie, czy naprawd dzia砤. -30153 Kwiaty Bukiet rzadkich kwiat體. Zapach kojarzy Ci si z czym z przesz硂渃i. -30154 Sekretna Ksi阦a 寃i箃yni Analiza historii i doktryny Sekretnej 寃i箃yni. -30155 Amulet Miriness Naszyjnik. Na odwrocie wygrawerowane jest jakie imi... -30156 Sekretna Ksi阦a 寃i箃yni Analiza historii i doktryny Sekretnej 寃i箃yni. -30210 Fragment Klejnotu Iskrz筩y kamie. -30211 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30212 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30213 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30214 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30215 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30216 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30217 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30218 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30219 Fragment Klejnotu Ma硑 iskrz筩y kamie. -30220 Kamie Duszy Jinunggyi Legendarny kamie, zawiera dusz arystokraty Jinung. -30221 寃i箃ynny Kamie Duszy Legendarny kamie, zawiera dusz 渨i箃ynnego wyznawcy. -30222 Kamie Duszy Sagyi Legendarny kamie, zawiera dusz arystokraty Sagyis. -30223 Kamie Duszy Aurtumryu Legendarny kamie, zawiera dusz arystokraty Aurtumryus. -30224 Kamie Duszy Gyimok Legendarny kamie, zawiera dusz arystokraty Gyimoks. -30225 Kamie Duszy Tugyi Legendarny kamie, zawiera dusz arystokraty Tugyis. -50001 Ksi阦a Szcz隃cia Ksi阦a ze szcz隃liwymi numerami. Loteria jest prowadzona przez rz筪. -50002 Z硂ty Pier渃ie Prosty, Z硂ty Pier渃ionek. | Mo縠 by sprzedany w sklepie za wysok cen. -50003 Zw骿 Cofania Umiej阾n. Pozwala na ponowne wybranie profesji postaci. -50004 Wykrywacz Zdarze Pokazuje, gdzie mo縩a znale熸 misje. -50005 Bilet Na Jazd Konn Po okazaniu tego biletu Stajennemu, b阣ziesz m骻 je焏zi konno przez okre渓ony czas. -50006 Z硂ta Szkatu砶a Zdobiona z硂tem szkatu砶a | Mo縠 by otwarta przy u縴ciu Z硂tego Klucza. -50007 Srebrna Szkatu砶a Zdobiona srebrem szkatu砶a. Mo縠 by otwarta przy u縴ciu Srebrnego Klucza. -50008 Z硂ty Klucz Klucz ze z硂ta. | Mo縩a nim otworzy Z硂t Szkatu砶 i Z硂t Szkatu砶+. -50009 Srebrny Klucz Klucz ze srebra. | Mo縩a nim otworzy Srebrn Szkatu砶 i Srebrn Szkatu砶+. -50010 Skarpetka Wk砤da si w ni prezenty w Bo縠 Narodzenie. -50011 Szkat. Blasku Ksi昕yca Osza砤miaj筩a dekoracja uwodz筩a ludzi. Niesamowite rzeczy maj miejsce, kiedy wystawi si j na oddzia硑wanie promieni ksi昕yca. -50012 Z硂ta Szkatu砶a+ Zdobiona z硂tem szkatu砶a.| Mo縠 by otwarta przy u縴ciu Z硂tego Klucza. -50013 Srebrna Szkatu砶a+ Zdobiona srebrem szkatu砶a. Mo縠 by otwarta przy u縴ciu Srebrnego Klucza. -50016 Pasta Fasolowa Sk砤dnik staro縴tnego ciasta fasolowego -50017 Pasta Cukrowa Sk砤dnik staro縴tnego ciasta cukrowego -50018 Pasta Owocowa Sk砤dnik staro縴tnego ciasta owocowego -50019 S硂dki Ry Sk砤dnik staro縴tnego ciasta -50020 Torcik Fasolowy Staro縴tne ciasto regeneruj筩e wszystkie Punkty 痽cia. -50021 Torcik Cukrowy Staro縴tne ciasto regeneruj筩e wszystkie Punkty Energii. -50022 Torcik Owocowy Staro縴tne ciasto regeneruj筩e ca彻 Wytrzyma硂滄. -50023 Sakiewka Pieni阣zy W 渞odku znajduje si noworoczna pensja. -50024 R罂a Romantyczny kwiat okazuj筩y zauroczenie. Przedmiot mo縠 by u縴wany tylko przez kobiety. -50025 Czekolada Zrobiona z kakao, mleka, mas砤 i cukru. Dawana aby okazywa zauroczenie. Przedmiot mo縠 by u縴wany tylko przez m昕czyzn. -50027 Bilet Na Loteri Nie ma loterii w grze. | Bezu縴teczny przedmiot. -50031 R罂a Romantyczny kwiat okazuj筩y zauroczenie. Przedmiot mo縠 by u縴wany tylko przez m昕czyzn. -50032 Cukierek Zrobiona z kakao, mleka, mas砤 i cukru. Dawana aby okazywa zauroczenie. Przedmiot mo縠 by u縴wany tylko przez kobiety. -50033 Zagadkowa Szkatu砶a Szkatu砶a, na kt髍ej wygrawerowany jest jaki list. Prawdopodobnie co wyskoczy po jej otwarciu. -50034 Szkatu砶a Z Zagadk Czy ta szkatu砶a zawiera zagadk? -50035 Prezent Na Dzie Dziecka Prezent w pude砶u. -50036 Prezent Na Dzie Dziecka Prezent w pude砶u. -50037 Heksagonalna Szkatu砶a Zrobiona ze specjalnego papieru. W 渞odku znajduje si prezent. -50050 Medal Konny S硊縴 do wynajmu przez cywili oficerskich koni. -50051 Zdj阠ie Konia Certyfikat na jazd konn. -50052 Ksi阦a Opanc. Konia Certyfikat na zaawansowan jazd konn. |Pozwala na ataki podczas jazdy konnej. -50053 Ksi阦a Wojskowego Konia Certyfikat na mistrzowsk jazd konn. |Pozwala na u縴wanie umiej阾no渃i je焏zieckich. -50054 Siano Wysuszone siano do karmienia konia. -50055 Marchewka Ko je uwielbia! -50056 Czerwony 痚-sze Duszony 痚-sze. Tylko wojskowe konie jedz Czerwony 痚-sze. -50057 Zio硂 Z twych Ma硃 Legendarne zio硂 chronione przez Ma硃y. -50058 Zio硂 Z Normalnych Ma硃 Legendarne zio硂 chronione przez Ma硃y. -50059 Zio硂 Z Trudnych Ma硃 Legendarne zio硂 chronione przez Ma硃y -50060 Instr. Jazdy Konnej Mo縠sz otrzyma 1 Punkt Umiej阾no渃i Je焏ziectwa kiedy j przeczytasz. Znika po przeczytaniu. -50070 Szkatu砶a Wodza Ork體 Szkatu砶a Wodza Ork體. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50071 Szkatu砶a Ezot. W砤dcy Szkatu砶a Ezoterycznego W砤dcy. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50072 Szkat. Odrodz. W砤dcy Szkatu砶a Reinkarnowanego Ezoterycznego W砤dcy. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50073 Szkat. Kr髄owej Paj筴體 Szkatu砶a Kr髄owej Paj筴體. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50074 Szkatu砶a Olbrz. Paj筴a Szkatu砶a Olbrzymiego Paj筴a. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50075 Szkat. Nosiciela Plagi Szkatu砶a Olbrzymiego Nosiciela Plagi. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50076 Szkat. Pustynnego 硍ia Szkatu砶a Pustynnego 硍ia. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50077 Szkat.Dziewi阠iu Ogon體 Szkatu砶a Dziewi阠iu Ogon體. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50078 Szkat. 硉ego Tygrysa Szkatu砶a Zjawy 硉ego Tygrysa. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50079 Szkat. Ognistego Kr髄a Szkatu砶a Ognistego Kr髄a. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50080 Szkat. Czerwonego Smoka Szkatu砶a Czerwonego Smoka. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50081 Szkat. Kr髄a Demon體 Szkatu砶a Kr髄a Demon體. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50082 Szkat. Umar砮go Rozpruw. Szkatu砶a Umar砮go Rozpruwacza. Co cennego znajduje si w 渞odku. -50083 Bilet Na Jazd Konn Po okazaniu tego biletu Stajennemu, b阣ziesz m骻 je焏zi konno przez okre渓ony czas. -50084 Kamie Otwarcia Otwiera Staro縴tn Piecz赕. -50091 Sushi z Welonki Zrobione ze Z硂tego Karasia. | Specjalny posi砮k. -50092 Sushi Z Karpia Zrobione z Karasia. | Specjalny posi砮k. Unikalny zapach, trudno zje滄. -50093 Sushi Z sosia Zrobione z sosia. | Z powodu pi阫nie 渨iec筩ego koloru 縜l Ci zje滄. -50094 Sushi z Suma Zrobione z Suma. | Dziwny zapach mo縩a za砤godzi za pomoc kilku zi蟪. -50100 Ogniste Petardy Fioletowe fajerwerki wype硁iaj niebo podczas festiwalu. -50101 Ogniste Petardy 硉e fajerwerki wype硁iaj niebo podczas festiwalu. -50102 Ogniste Petardy B酬kitne fajerwerki wype硁iaj niebo podczas festiwalu. -50103 Ogniste Petardy Czerwone fajerwerki wype硁iaj niebo podczas festiwalu. -50104 Ogniste Petardy Zielone fajerwerki wype硁iaj niebo podczas festiwalu. -50105 Ogniste Petardy Bia砮 fajerwerki wype硁iaj niebo podczas festiwalu. -50106 寃i箃. Ogniste Petardy 寃i箃eczne fajerwerki. W por體naniu ze zwyk硑mi petardami, te zapewniaj lepsze wra縠nia wizualne. -50108 Fajerwerki B筴 miotaj筩y iskry. -50200 Tob蟪 Pozwala otworzy Ci w砤sny sklep. -50300 Ksi阦a Umiej阾no渃i Przy jej pomocy mo縠sz zwi阫szy poziom Mistrzowski danej umiej阾no渃i. -50301 Sztuka Wojny Sun Zi Jedna z trzech Ksi筭 Strategii Wojennych. Pomy渓ne przeczytanie pozwoli na rozwini阠ie umiej阾no渃i Przyw骴ztwo. Po przeczytaniu Ksi阦a znika. -50302 Sztuka Wojny Wu Zi Jedna z trzech Ksi筭 Strategii Wojennych. Pomy渓ne przeczytanie pozwala na rozwini阠ie umiej阾no渃i Przyw骴ztwo. Po przeczytaniu Ksi阦a znika. -50303 WeiLiao Zi Jedna z trzech Ksi筭 Strategii Wojennych. Pomy渓ne przeczytanie pozwala na rozwini阠ie umiej阾no渃i Przyw骴ztwo. Po przeczytaniu Ksi阦a znika. -50304 Sztuka Combo Ksi阦a taktyczna. | S硊縴 do nauki kombinacji. | Znika po przeczytaniu. -50305 Zaaw. Sztuka Combo Zaawansowana ksi阦a taktyczna. | S硊縴 do nauki kombinacji. | Znika po przeczytaniu. -50306 Mistrz. Sztuka Combo Mistrzowska ksi阦a taktyczna. | S硊縴 do nauki kombinacji. | Znika po przeczytaniu. -50307 Ksi阦a Misji (twa) Po u縴ciu otrzymasz jedn dodatkow misj - 砤tw. -50308 Ksi阦a Misji (Normalna) Po u縴ciu otrzymasz jedn dodatkow misj - normaln. -50309 Ksi阦a Misji (Trudna) Po u縴ciu otrzymasz jedn dodatkow misj - trudn. -50310 Ksi阦a Misji (ekspert) Po u縴ciu otrzymasz jedn dodatkow misj - dla ekspert體. -50311 J陑yk Shinsoo Pozwala na nauk j陑yka Shinsoo. -50312 J陑yk Chunjo Pozwala na nauk j陑yka Chunjo. -50313 J陑yk Jinno Pozwala na nauk j陑yka Jinno. -50314 Ksi阦a Polimorfii Pomy渓ne przeczytanie tej Ksi阦i pozwala na rozwini阠ie umiej阾no渃i Polimorfia. Po przeczytaniu Ksi箍ka znika. -50315 Zaaw. Ks. Polimorfii Pomy渓ne przeczytanie tej Ksi阦i pozwala na rozwini阠ie umiej阾no渃i Polimorfia. Po przeczytaniu Ksi箍ka znika. -50316 Mistrz. Ks. Polimorfii Pomy渓ne przeczytanie tej Ksi阦i pozwala na rozwini阠ie umiej阾no渃i Polimorfia. Po przeczytaniu Ksi箍ka znika. -50322 Rola Transformacyjna -50401 Instr. Trzystr. Ci阠ie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Trzystronne Ci阠ie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50402 Instr. Wir Miecza U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Wir Miecza.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50403 Instr. Berserk U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Berserk.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50404 Instr. Aura Miecza U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Aura Miecza.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50405 Instr. Szar縜 U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Szar縜.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50416 Instr. Duchowe Uderzenie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Duchowe Uderzenie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50417 Instr. Walni阠ie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Walni阠ie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50418 Instr. T筽ni阠ie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - T筽ni阠ie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50419 Instr. Silne Cia硂 U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Silne Cia硂.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50420 Instr. Uderzenie Miecza U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Uderzenie Miecza.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50431 Instr. Zasadzka U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Zasadzka.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50432 Instr. Szybki Atak U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Szybki Atak.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50433 Instr. Wiruj筩y Sztylet U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Wiruj筩y Sztylet.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50434 Instr. Krycie Si U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Krycie Si.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50435 Instr. Truj筩a Chmura U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Truj筩a Chmura.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50446 Instr. Powtarz. Strza U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Powtarzalny Strza.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50447 Instr. Deszcz Strza U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Deszcz Strza.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50448 Instr. Ognista Strza砤 U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Ognista Strza砤.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50449 Instr. Bezszelest. Ch骴 U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Bezszelestny Ch骴.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50450 Instr. Truj筩a Strza砤 U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Truj筩a Strza砤.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50461 Instr. Uderzenie Palcem U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Uderzenie Palcem.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50462 Instr. Smoczy Wir U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Smoczy Wir.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50463 Instr. Czarowne Ostrze U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Czarowane Ostrze.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50464 Instr. Strach U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Strach.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50465 Instr. Czarowana Zbroja U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Czarowana Zbroja.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50466 Instr. Rozprosz. Magii U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Rozproszenie Magii.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50476 Instr. Mrocz. Uderzenie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Mroczne Uderzenie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50477 Instr. Ognist. Uderzenie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Ogniste Uderzenie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50478 Instr. Ognisty Duch U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Ognisty Duch.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50479 Instr. Mroczna Ochrona U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Mroczna Ochrona.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50480 Instr. Duchowy Cios U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Duchowy Cios.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50481 Instr. Mroczna Sfera U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Mroczna Sfera.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50491 Instr. Lataj筩y Talizman U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Lataj筩y Talizman.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50492 Instr. Strzelaj筩y Smok U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Strzelaj筩y Smok.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50493 Instr. Smoczy Skowyt U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Smoczy Skowyt.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50494 Instr. B硂gos砤wi駍two U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - B硂gos砤wie駍two.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50495 Instr. Odbicie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Odbicie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50496 Instr. Pomoc Smoka U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Pomoc Smoka.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50506 Instr. B硑skawiczny Rzut U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - B硑skawiczny Rzut.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50507 Instr. Przywo. B硑sk. U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Przywo砤nie B硑skawicy.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50508 Instr. Burzowy Szpon U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Burzowy Szpon.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50509 Instr. Leczenie U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Leczenie.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50510 Instr. Zwinno滄 U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Zwinno滄.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50511 Instr. Podwy. Ataku U縴j aby opanowa umiej阾no滄 - Podwy縮zenie Ataku.|Znika po przeczytaniu. -50512 T阠zowy Kamie Kamie ten otwiera duchowe oczy i pokazuje wszystkie umiej阾no渃i. -50513 Kamie Duchowy Legendarny kamie u縴wany do treningu wewn阾rznego. -50600 Przewodnik Do G髍nictwa U縴wany do zwi阫szenia zdolno渃i g髍nictwa.| Znika po przeczytaniu. -50601 Diamentowy Kamie Mo縠 by uszlachetniony do Diamentu u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50602 Kawa砮k Bursztynu Mo縠 by uszlachetniony do Bursztynu u縴waj筩 the pieca gildii bursztynu. -50603 Skamienia硑 Pie Mo縠 by uszlachetniony do Skamienia砮go Drewna u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50604 Ruda Miedzi Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do Miedzi u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50605 Ruda Srebra Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do Srebra u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50606 Ruda Z硂ta Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do Z硂ta u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50607 Ruda Jadeitu Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do Jadeitu u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50608 Ruda Ebonitu Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do Ebonitu u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50609 Kawa砮k Per硑 Mo縠 by uszlachetniony do Per硑 u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50610 Ruda Bia. Z硂ta Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do Bia砮go Z硂ta u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50611 Ruda Kryszta硊 Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do a Kryszta硊 u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50612 Ruda Ametystu Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do an Ametystu u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50613 Ruda Niebia. z Mo縠 by uszlachetniona do a Niebia駍kich z u縴waj筩 pieca gildii. -50621 Diament Najtwardszy klejnot - dodaje kiesze w przedmiotach ekwipunku. -50622 Bursztyn dny bursztyn.| Mo縠 by przymocowany do akcesori體. -50623 Skamienia砮 Drewno Cenne drewno. | Mo縠 by przymocowane do drewnianych akcesori體. -50624 Mied Czasem u縴wana do wyrobu br箊u i monet. | Mo縠 by przymocowana do miedzianych akcesori體. -50625 Srebro 寃iec筩y metal do robienia bi縰terii. | Mo縠 by przymocowane do srebrnych akcesori體. -50626 Z硂to Z硂ty metal do wyrobu bi縰terii. | Mo縠 by przymocowane do z硂tych akcesori體. -50627 Jadeit Jeden z cennych materia丑w. | Mo縠 by przymocowany do jadeitowych akcesori體. -50628 Ebonit Najl縠jsze i najbardziej wytrzyma砮 drewno.| Mo縠 by przymocowane do ebonitowych akcesori體. -50629 Per砤 U縴wana do robienia bi縰terii.| Mo縠 by przymocowana do per硂wych akcesori體. -50630 Bia砮 Z硂to Z硂to bardziej kolorem przypominaj筩e srebro.| Mo縠 by przymocowane do akcesori體 z bia砮go z硂ta. -50631 Kryszta R體nie nazywany kwarcem albo skamienia硑m kryszta砮m.| Mo縠 by przymocowany do akcesori體 z kryszta硊. -50632 Ametyst Fioletowy kwarc. | Mo縠 by przymocowany do ametystowych akcesori體. -50633 Niebia駍kie y Skrystalizowany deszcz niebios. Niebia駍kie y mog by przymocowane do akcesori體 z Niebia駍kich z. -50701 Kwiat Brzoskwini W przesz硂渃i, kwiaty brzoskwini wykorzystywane by硑 jako g丑wny sk砤dnik krem體. Badania -50702 Pokrzywa Ten kwiat jest dost阷ny prawie na ca硑m 渨iecie. Panuje opinia, 縠 to najlepszy lek na przezi阞ienie i kaszel. Badania -50703 Kwiat Kaki Plotki g硂sz, 縠 kobieta maj筩a ten kwiat na szyi zajdzie w ci箍. Badania -50704 Korze Gango Korzenie Gango zwi阫szaj odporno滄 organizmu. Dodatkowo, wzmacniaj system immunologiczny. Badania -50705 Bez Ta ro渓ina polepsza pami赕 i zwi阫sza zdolno滄 do koncentracji. Badania -50706 Grzyb Tue Ten grzyb raczej nie jest u縴wany w medycynie. Pomaga przy problemach z bezsenno渃i. Badania -50707 R罂a Alpejska Ta ro渓ina wzmacnia system nerwowy. Badania -50708 Morwa Morwa dodaje si硑. Inne zastosowania lecznicze nie s znane. Badania -50709 Mniszek Lekarski Mniszek Lekarski pomaga przy problemach z gard砮m. Jest bardzo smaczny. Badania -50710 Oset Ta ro渓ina wzmacnia ko渃i. Badania -50711 Daktyl Ta ro渓ina jest bardzo smaczna. Dodatkowo pobudza ca彻 dusz. Badania -50712 Ro渓ina Sam-Zi Ro渓ina, kt髍 bardzo trudno znale熸. Je縠li zostanie odpowiednio przygotowana, to ma niesamowite w砤渃iwo渃i. Badania -50721 Kwiat Brzoskwini W przesz硂渃i, kwiaty brzoskwini wykorzystywane by硑 jako g丑wny sk砤dnik krem體. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50722 Pokrzywa Ten kwiat jest dost阷ny prawie na ca硑m 渨iecie. Panuje opinia, 縠 to najlepszy lek na przezi阞ienie i kaszel. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50723 Kwiat Kaki Plotki g硂sz, 縠 kobieta maj筩a ten kwiat na szyi zajdzie w ci箍. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50724 Korze Gango Korzenie Gango zwi阫szaj odporno滄 organizmu. Dodatkowo, wzmacniaj system immunologiczny. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50725 Bez Ta ro渓ina polepsza pami赕 i zwi阫sza zdolno滄 do koncentracji. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50726 Grzyb Tue Ten grzyb raczej nie jest u縴wany w medycynie. Pomaga przy problemach z bezsenno渃i. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50727 R罂a Alpejska Ta ro渓ina wzmacnia system nerwowy. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50728 Morwa Morwa dodaje si硑. Inne zastosowania lecznicze nie s znane. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50729 Mniszek Lekarski Mniszek Lekarski pomaga przy problemach z gard砮m. Jest bardzo smaczny. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50730 Oset Ta ro渓ina wzmacnia ko渃i. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50731 Daktyl Ta ro渓ina jest bardzo smaczna. Dodatkowo pobudza ca彻 dusz. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50732 Ro渓ina Sam-Zi Ro渓ina, kt髍 bardzo trudno znale熸. Je縠li zostanie odpowiednio przygotowana, to ma niesamowite w砤渃iwo渃i. Wytwarzanie mikstur -50801 Sok z Kwiatu Brzoskwini Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Kwiat體 Brzoskwini. Sprawia, 縠 czujesz si zdrowo. -50802 Sok Z Pokrzywy Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Pokrzywy. Daje Ci now si酬. -50803 Sok Z Kwiatu Kaki Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Kwiat體 Kaki. Zwi阫sza zdolno滄 do koncentracji. -50804 Sok Z Korzenia Gango Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Korzeni Gango. Pomaga przy gojeniu si mniejszych ran. -50805 Sok Z Bzu Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Kwiat體 Bzu. -50806 Sok Z Grzyba Tue Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Grzyb體 Tue. -50807 Sok Z R罂y Alpejskiej Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z kwiat體 R罂y Alpejskiej. -50808 Sok Z Morwy Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Morwy. -50809 Sok Z Mniszka Alpejsk. Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Mniszka Alpejskiego. -50810 Sok Z Ostu Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Ostu. -50811 Sok Z Daktyla Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Daktyli. -50812 Sok Z Ro渓iny Sam-Zi Ta mikstura zrobiona jest z Ro渓iny Sam-Zi. -50813 Woda Sim Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Soku Z Kwiatu Brzoskwini i Bzu. Zwi阫sza celno滄 cios體. -50814 Woda Dok Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Soku Z Pokrzywy i Bzu. Zwi阫sza szans na zadanie ciosu krytycznego. -50815 Woda Bo Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Soku Z Kwiat體 Kaki i Grzyba Tue. Wzmacnia tw骿 umys. -50816 Woda Young Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Soku Z Korzeni Gango i Grzyba Tue. Wzmacnia twoje cia硂. -50817 Woda Zin Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Wody Sim i R罂y Alpejskiej. Ten sok daje Ci moc. -50818 Woda SamBo Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Wody Dok i R罂y Alpejskiej. Wzmacnia tw骿 system immunologiczny. -50819 Woda Mong Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Wody Bo i Morwy. Chroni Ci przed z硑mi zakl阠iami. -50820 Woda Hwal Ta mikstura sporz筪zona jest z Wody Young i Morwy. Zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Ataku. -50901 Pusta Butelka Niezb阣na do wytwarzania mikstur. -50902 Przepis Dla Pocz箃kuj筩. Przepis, kt髍y mo縠 zosta wykorzystany nawet przez pocz箃kuj筩ych. -50903 Przepis Przepis, kt髍y mo縠 zosta wykorzystany tylko przez do渨iadczonych graczy. -50904 Przepis Dla Profesjonal. Przepis, kt髍ym mog si pos硊縴 tylko profesjonali渃i. -50905 Przepis Na Wod Sim Opisuje jak wytworzy Wod z Soku z Kwiatu Brzoskwini i Bzu. -50906 Przepis Na Wod Dok Opisuje jak wytworzy Wod z Soku z Pokrzywy i Bzu. -50907 Przepis Na Wod Bo Opisuje jak wytworzy Wod z Soku Z Kwiat體 Kaki i Grzyba Tue. -50908 Przepis Na Wod Young Opisuje jak wytworzy Wod z Soku Z Korzenia Gango i Grzyba Tue. -50909 Przepis Na Wod Zin Opisuje jak wytworzy Wod z Soku Z Kwiat體 Brzoskwini, Bzu i R罂y Alpejskiej. -50910 Przepis Na Wod Hwal Opisuje jak wytworzy Wod z Soku Z Korzenia Gango, Grzyba Tue i Morwy. -60001 虫 Substancja wspomagaj筩a soki trawienne. -60002 Rekomend. Od Dozorcy Nieczytelna notatka napisana przez Dozorc na starym pergaminie. -60003 Heroiczny Symbol Przedmiot, kt髍y uznawany jest za symbol prawdziwej odwagi. -70001 Lalka Bogini -70002 Trzecia R阫a R阫a, kt髍a automatycznie podnosi Yang. -70003 Ksi箍ka Lidera Kiedy przedmiot ten noszony jest przez lidera grupy, Punkty Do渨iadczenia zdobywane przez grup s zwi阫szone o 30%. -70004 Medal Za Pracowito滄 Nagroda dla ci昕ko pracuj筩ego. -70005 Pier渃ie Do渨iadczenia Kiepsko wygl筪aj筩y pier渃ie noszony przez staro縴tnych bohater體. Zdobywasz wi阠ej punkt體 do渨iadczenia kiedy go u縴wasz. | Nie mo縠 by zdj阾y. -70006 Pier渃ie J陑yka Staro縴tny pier渃ie, kt髍y zosta wykuty dla dyplomat體. Dzi阫i niemu mo縠sz porozumiewa si z osobami z innych kr髄estw. -70007 Pier渃ie Przeniesienia -70008 Bia砤 Flaga Sygnalizuje poddanie si. -70009 Szkatu砶a Bogato zdobiona Szkatu砶a. Mo縠 zosta otworzona tylko przy u縴ciu specjalnego klucza. -70010 Bilet Do Magazynu Dokument, kt髍y pomaga lepiej zaprojektowa pomieszczenia magazynu. -70011 Ulepszona Butelka -70012 a Bogini Istnieje opowie滄 m體i筩a o tym, 縠 stare kobiety Szamanki pociesza硑 dusze bohater體 Taehwas, kt髍e walczy硑 przeciwko z硊. -70013 Olbrz. a Bogini a staro縴tnej tancerki Tae-Hwa pociesza dusz wojownika. -70014 Pigu砶a Krwi Pigu砶a zrobiona z martwej krwi. Ma zdolno渃i halucynogenne. -70015 Tania Szczotka Powszechnie stosowana solidna szczotka z drewnianym uchwytem. -70020 Wino z Kwiatu Brzoskwini Mikstura, kt髍a natychmiast regeneruje 500 Punkt體 痽cia. -70024 Marmur B硂gos砤wie駍twa Legendarny, b硂gos砤wiony marmur. Je縠li przedmiot ma 4 atrybuty, dodaje kolejny atrybut. -70027 Notatka Kowala Notatka Kowala pokazuj筩a jak ulepsza bronie. -70035 Magiczna Ruda Miedzi Je渓i u縴jesz go na ulepszonym Zwoju B硂gos砤wie駍twa, mo縠sz stworzy Zw骿 B硂gos砤wie駍twa Boga Wojny. -70037 Ksi阦a Zapomnienia Legendarna ksi箍ka kt髍a usuwa z pami阠i nauczona umiej阾no滄 ca砶owicie. Mo縠sz przenie滄 jeden punkt umiej阾no渃i. -70038 Peleryna M阺twa Staro縴tni wojownicy okazywali swoje m阺two poprzez noszenie kolorowych peleryn. By to spos骲 na zwabienie wszystkich potwor體 z okolicy. -70039 Podr阠znik Kowala Ksi阦a zawiera dusz starego kowala. Je渓i jej u縴jesz, zwi阫szy to szans na pomy渓ne ulepszenie przedmiotu. -70040 Uparto滄 Ork體 Zmniejsza zu縴cie Wytrzyma硂渃i o po硂w. -70043 R阫awica Z硂dzieja Podwaja szans na wypadni阠ie przedmiotu. -70047 Pier渃ie J陑.(Przyk砤d) U縴j go, aby porozmawia z osobami z innych Kr髄estw. -70048 P砤szcz Uciekiniera Bezcenna peleryna u縴wana przez wielu uciekinier體. Gdy j za硂縴sz, twoja ranga zostanie ukryta. -70049 Pier渃ie Lucy Na pier渃ieniu jest napisane - B硂gos砤wi Ci w imi Boga Smok體. -70050 Symb. Kr髄a Przepowiedni Dziedziczony symbol staro縴tnej kr髄ewskiej rodziny, kt髍y daje w砤渃icielowi wielk moc. -70051 R阫awica Kr髄a Przepow. Dziedziczony symbol staro縴tnej kr髄ewskiej rodziny, kt髍y daje w砤渃icielowi tajemnicz moc. -70052 Amulet Karmy 1 Talizman u縴wany przez Buddyst體 do ochrony przez pechem. -70053 Amulet Karmy 2 Talizman u縴wany przez Buddyst體 do ochrony przez pechem. -70054 Amulet Karmy 3 Talizman u縴wany przez Buddyst體 do ochrony przez pechem. -70102 Fasolka Zen Zmniejsza przynale縩o滄 do z砤|Zwi阫sza przynale縩o滄 do dobra -70104 Marmur Polimorfii Mo縠sz zamieni si w potwora ukrytego w marmurze. -70105 Marmur Polimorfii Mo縠sz zamieni si w potwora ukrytego w marmurze. -70106 Marmur Polimorfii Mo縠sz zamieni si w potwora ukrytego w marmurze. -70107 Marmur Polimorfii Mo縠sz zamieni si w potwora ukrytego w marmurze. -70201 Wybielacz Przywraca oryginalny kolor w硂s體. Takie w硂sy mog by farbowane. -70202 Bia砤 Farba Do W硂s體 Farbuje w硂sy na bia硂.|Mo縠sz farbowa w硂sy raz na 3 poziomy. -70203 Blond Farba Do W硂s體 Farbuje w硂sy na blond.|Mo縠sz farbowa w硂sy raz na 3 poziomy. -70204 Czerw. Farba Do W硂s體 Farbuje w硂sy na czerwono.|Mo縠sz farbowa w硂sy raz na 3 poziomy. -70205 Br箊owa Farba Do W硂s體 Farbuje w硂sy na br箊owo.|Mo縠sz farbowa w硂sy raz na 3 poziomy. -70206 Czarna Farba Do W硂s體 Farbuje w硂sy na czarno.|Mo縠sz farbowa w硂sy raz na 3 poziomy. -70301 Pier渃ionek Zar阠zynowy Pier渃ionek noszony przez kochank體. -70302 Obr筩zka 宭ubna Pier渃ionek noszony przez ma晨e駍two. -71001 Zw骿 Egzorcyzmu Uwalnia Ci od kl箃wy z砮go ducha. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71002 Zw骿 Powrotu Statusu Przedmiot ten umo縧iwia Ci ponowne wydanie twoich Punkt體 Statystyk. Tak wi阠 mo縠sz rozwija posta w inny spos骲. -71003 Zw骿 Powrotu Umiej阾n. Resetuje Punkty Umiej阾no渃i. -71004 B硂gos砤w. Boga Smok體 Chroni przed utrat Punkt體 Do渨iadczenia po 渕ierci postaci. -71005 Pier渃ie J陑yka Mo縠sz u縴wa wszystkich imperialnych j陑yk體 przez 7 dni. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71006 Pier渃ie J陑yka Mo縠sz u縴wa wszystkich imperialnych j陑yk體 przez 15 dni. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71007 Pier渃ie J陑yka Mo縠sz u縴wa wszystkich imperialnych j陑yk體 przez 30 dni. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71008 Rybie Wn阾rzno渃i Szansa na z砤panie rzadkiej ryby podwaja si. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71009 Powi阫szony Sk砤d Do twojego magazynu zostan dodane dwie dodatkowe zak砤dki. -71010 Trzecia R阫a R阫a podnosz筩a upuszczone Yang automatycznie. -71011 Maska Uczu Mo縠sz okazywa swoje emocje przez 30 dni. -71012 Ksi箍ka Lidera Kiedy przedmiot noszony jest przez lidera grupy, punkty zdobywane przez grup s zwi阫szone o 30%. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71013 Fajerwerki Wype硁iaj niebo podczas festiwalu. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71014 Mikstura Ataku +10 Zwi阫sza twoj Szybko滄 Ataku o 10% na okres 30 minut. -71015 Pier渃ie Do渨iadczenia Zwi阫sza ilo滄 zdobywanych punkt體 do渨iadczenia o 50%.| Czas trwania 30 minut. -71016 R阫awica Z硂dzieja Podwaja szans na zdobycie przedmiotu. -71017 Szcz隃liwa Z硂ta Moneta Podwaja szans na zdobycie Yang. | Czas trwania 30 minut. (Brak mo縧iwo渃i przekazywania!) -71018 B硂gos砤wie駍two 痽cia B硂gos砤wie駍two, kt髍e natychmiast regeneruje twoje Punkty 痽cia do 100%. -71019 B硂gos砤wie駍two Magii Natychmiastowo odnawia wszystkie Punkty Energii. -71020 B硂gos砤wie駍two Smoka B硂gos砤wie駍two, kt髍e natychmiast regeneruje twoje Punkty 痽cia oraz Punkty Energii do 100%. -71021 Zw骿 Wojny Zw骿 do ulepsze pob硂gos砤wiony przez Boga Wojny. Gwarantuje pomy渓ne ulepszenie przedmiotu (od +0 do +3). -71022 Powr髏 - Inteligencja Resetuje Punkty Inteligencji. -71023 Powr髏 - Witalno滄 Resetuje status witalno渃i. -71024 Powr髏 - Si砤 Resetuje status si硑. -71025 Kamie Kowala Dzi阫i temu Kamieniowi i Zwojowi B硂gos砤wie駍twa, mo縠sz wytworzy u Kowala Podr阠znik Kowala. -71026 Magiczny Metal Metal potrzebny do wytworzenia Zwoju Smoka - wraz ze Zwojem B硂gos砤wie駍twa u Kowala. -71027 痽cie Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza ilo滄 Punkt體 痽cia o 20% na okres 30 minut. -71028 Atak Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza obra縠nie jakie zadajesz podczas walki o 12-15% przez 30 min. -71029 Inteligencja Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza ilo滄 Punkt體 Energii o 20% przez 30 min. -71030 Obrona Boga Smok體 Zmniejsza obra縠nia jakie otrzymujesz podczas walki o 12-15% przez 30 min. -71031 Wsparcie Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza witalno滄, si酬, inteligencj i zwinno滄 o 5. -71032 Zw骿 Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza szans na ulepszenie przedmiotu o 10% i przedmiot nie ulega zniszczeniu gdy ulepszenie zawiedzie. W przypadku niepowodzenia, jako滄 przedmiotu jest redukowana o 1 poziom. -71033 Maska Uczu Mo縠sz wyra縜 swoje uczucia przez 15 dni. -71034 Mikstura Ataku +15 Zwi阫sza twoj Szybko滄 Ataku o 15% na okres 30 minut. -71035 Eliksir Wojownika Przywo硊je cz硂nk體 gildii do lokacji, w kt髍ej znajduje si przyw骴ca gildii. -71036 Zw骿 Przyw. - W骴z Ork體 U縴j aby przyzwa Wodza Ork體 blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71037 Zw骿 Przyw. - Ezot. W. U縴j aby przyzwa Ezoterycznego W砤dc blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71038 Zw骿 Przyw. - Kr髄. Paj. U縴j aby przyzwa Kr髄ow Paj筴體 blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71039 Zw骿 Przyw. - Pust. 硍 U縴j aby przyzwa Olbrzymiego Pustynnego 硍ia blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71040 Zw骿 Przyw. - Ogn. Kr髄 U縴j aby przyzwa Ognistego Kr髄a blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71041 Zw骿 Przyw. - 9 Ogon體 U縴j aby przyzwa Dziewi赕 Ogon體 blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71042 Zw骿 Przyw. - Kr髄 Dem. U縴j aby przyzwa Kr髄a Demon體 blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71043 Zw骿 Przyw. - Duch Tygr. U縴j aby przyzwa Zjaw 硉ego Tygrysa blisko postaci. B筪 ostro縩y! To BOSS! -71044 D硂 Krytyka Podnosi szans na zadanie krytycznego uderzenia podczas walki o 20% przez 10 minut. -71045 D硂 Przebicia Podnosi szans na zadanie przeszywaj筩ego uderzenia podczas walki o 20% przez 10 minut. -71047 Olejek Kamienia Dusz Usuwa umieszczony Kamie Duszy z jednego z twoich przedmiot體. -71048 Zakl阠ie Modyfikacji Zakl阠ie pozwala zmieni p砮 twojej postaci. -71049 Szpula Jedwabiu Dzi阫i temu przedmiotowi mo縠sz za darmo otwiera sw骿 Sklep przez 10 dni. -71050 Mikstura Szybko渃i Zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Ruchu o 60 na 30 minut. -71051 Petarda Fajerwerki przykrywaj niebo podczas festiwalu. -71052 Ulepszony Przedmiot Dodaje specjalny nowy Bonus do jednego z twoich przedmiot體, je縠li ju go nie posiada. -71054 Olejek Wygnania Przedmiot ten umo縧iwia przeniesienie postaci do innego Kr髄estwa. Uwaga: za zmian Kr髄estwa pobierana jest op砤ta w wysoko渃i 500 000 Yang. -71055 Olejek Nazwy Zmienia nazw gracza. -71056 Olejek Niebios Tworzy chmur aureol wok蟪 postaci -71057 Zw骿 Przyw. - .S. Drew. Przyzywa 痽酬 Skamienia砮go Drzewa blisko postaci. -71058 Zw骿 Przyw. - . Miedzi Przyzywa 痽酬 Miedzi blisko postaci. -71059 Zw骿 Przyw. - . Srebra Przyzywa 痽酬 Srebra blisko postaci. -71060 Zw骿 Przyw. - 痽砤 Z硂ta Przyzywa 痽酬 Z硂ta blisko postaci. -71061 Zw骿 Przyw. - . Jadeitu Przyzywa 痽酬 Jadeitu blisko postaci. -71062 Zw骿 Przyw. - . Ebonitu Przyzywa 痽酬 Ebonitu blisko postaci. -71063 Zw骿 Przyw. - S. Muszli Przyzywa Stert Muszli blisko postaci. -71064 Zw骿 Przyw. - .B. Z硂ta Przyzywa 痽酬 Bia砮go Z硂ta blisko postaci. -71065 Zw骿 Przyw. - . Kryszt. Przyzywa 痽酬 Kryszta硊 blisko postaci. -71066 Zw骿 Przyw. - . Amet. Przyzywa 痽酬 Ametystu blisko postaci. -71067 Zw骿 Przyw. - .N. z Przyzywa 痽酬 Niebia駍kich z blisko postaci. -71068 Pi髍o Ptaka Mi硂渃i Gdy u縴ty, punkty mi硂滄 rosn szybciej. -71069 Kolczyki Harmonii Zwi阫szaj szans na przebicie twoj i ma晨onka/i. -71070 Bransoleta Mi硂渃i Zwi阫sza ilo滄 punkt體 do渨iadczenia, kt髍e otrzymuje para ma晨e駍ka. -71071 Kolczyki Mi硂渃i Zwi阫szaj szans na zadanie krytycznego uderzenia podczas walki. Dzia砤j na par ma晨e駍ka. -71072 Bransoleta Harmonii Kiedy przedmiot noszony jest przez jednego z ma晨onk體, si砤 ataku potwor體 przeciwko parze ma晨e駍kiej jest zmniejszona. -71073 Naszyjnik Mi硂渃i Zwi阫sza si酬 ataku pary ma晨e駍kiej. -71074 Naszyjnik Harmonii Zwi阫sza obron pary ma晨e駍kiej.. -71075 Farba do W硂s體 (Bia砤) Farbuje w硂sy na bia硂. -71076 Farba do W硂s體 (Blond) Farbuje w硂sy na blond. -71077 Farba do W硂s體 (Czerw.) Farbuje w硂sy na czerwono. -71078 Farba do W硂s體 (Br箊.) Farbuje w硂sy na br箊owo. -71079 Farba do W硂s體 (Czarna) Farbuje w硂sy na czarno. -71080 Kamie Metin (S砤by) Przyzywa niskiej jako渃i Kamie Metin blisko postaci. -71081 Kamie Metin (宺edni) Przyzywa normalnej jako渃i Kamie Metin blisko postaci. -71082 Kamie Metin (Silny) Przyzywa wysokiej jako渃i Kamie Metin blisko postaci. -71083 Ksi阦a Obr骲ki Kamienia Usuwa zepsuty kamie z kieszeni 縠by zwolni kiesze przedmiotu. -71084 Zaczarownie Przedmiotu Usuwa wszystkie bonusy z twojego jednego przedmiotu, po czym dodaje nowe - losowe. Ilo滄 bonus體 nie ulega zmianie. -71085 Wzmocnienie Przedmiotu Dodaje bonus do jednego z twoich przedmiot體, maksymalna ilo滄 bonus體 to 4. Dodawanie bonusu mo縠 si nie uda. -71086 Zadanie Dla Poz. (20-29) -71087 Zadanie Dla Poz. (30-39) -71088 Ksi阦a Misji (twa) Ksi阦a, kt髍a jest zwi箊ana br箊owym sk髍zanym paskiem. Zawiera misj, kt髍a mo縠 zosta wykonana nawet przez niedo渨iadczonego wojownika. -71089 Ksi阦a Misji (Normalna) Ksi阦a, kt髍a jest zwi箊ana br箊owym sk髍zanym paskiem. Zawiera misj, kt髍a mo縠 zosta wykonana tylko przez do渨iadczone osoby. -71090 Ksi阦a Misji (Trudna) Ksi阦a, kt髍a jest zwi箊ana br箊owym sk髍zanym paskiem. Zawiera misj, kt髍a mo縠 zosta wykonana tylko przez do渨iadczonych wojownik體. -71091 Olejek Handlu Mo縠sz wybra kolor szyldu twojego sklepu. -71092 Ksi阦a Polimorfii Mo縠sz u縴 tej ksi箍ki aby zamieni si w potwora. -71093 Marmur Polimorfii Mo縠sz zamieni si w potwora u縴waj筩 marmuru. -71094 Rada Pustelnika Podnosi szans pomy渓nej nauki umiej阾no滄 w nast阷nej ksi箍ce o 2,5. -71095 Przepustka Bilet ten umo縧iwia dostanie si na nowy poziom w Lochu Paj筴體. Wystarczy pokaza go odpowiedniemu stra縩ikowi. -71096 Medal Portalu Ten medal umo縧iwia Ci przej渃ie przez wrota. -71099 Pier渃ie Zast阷stwa Pozwala liderowi gildii wyznaczy swojego zast阷ce. -71100 Zw骿 Zmiany Profesji Przedmiot ten umo縧iwia wybranie innej profesji postaci. Aby m骳 skorzysta z tego przedmiotu, twoja posta musi mie co najmniej 31. poziom. -71101 Mikstura Po減iechu Ta mikstura zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Regeneracji Zakl阠ia o 20 procent na okres 30 minut. -71103 Zw骿 Redystrybucji (WIT) Ustawia Punkty Witalno渃i na 1 i pozwala Ci ponownie rozda punkty. -71104 Zw骿 Redystrybucji (INT) Ustawia Punkty Inteligencji na 1 i pozwala Ci ponownie rozda punkty. -71105 Zw骿 Redystrybucji (SI) Ustawia Punkty Si硑 na 1 i pozwala Ci ponownie rozda punkty. -71106 Zw骿 Redystrybucji (ZR) Ustawia Zr阠zno滄 na 1 i pozwala Ci ponownie rozda punkty. -71107 Owoc 痽cia Zwi阫sza Range o 3000 punkt體 (czas regeneracji: 5 godzin). -71109 Zw骿 Korekcji Zw骿 ten umo縧iwia usuni阠ie ostatnio dodanego Kamienia Duszy ze wskazanego przedmiotu. -71110 Cukier dla Konia Ten Cukier pozwala nazwa twojego konia. Dodatkowo, zwi阫sza jego poziom obrony. -72001 Pier渃ie Do渨iadczenia Zwi阫sza otrzymywane Punkty Do渨iadczenia o 50%. -72002 Pier渃ie Do渨iadczenia Zwi阫sza otrzymywane Punkty Do渨iadczenia o 50%. -72003 Pier渃ie Do渨iadczenia Zwi阫sza otrzymywane Punkty Do渨iadczenia o 50%. -72004 R阫awica Z硂dzieja Podwaja szans na zdobycie przedmiotu. -72005 R阫awica Z硂dzieja Podwaja szans na zdobycie przedmiotu. -72006 R阫awica Z硂dzieja Podwaja szans na zdobycie przedmiotu. -72007 Szpula Jedwabiu Mo縠sz otworzy prywatny sklep przez 15 minut. -72008 Szpula Jedwabiu Mo縠sz otworzy prywatny sklep przez 30 minut. -72009 Szpula Jedwabiu Mo縠sz otworzy prywatny sklep przez 3 godziny. -72010 Pi髍o Ptaka Mi硂渃i Kiedy u縴te, punkty mi硂渃i rosn szybciej przez 7 dni. -72011 Pi髍o Ptaka Mi硂渃i Kiedy u縴te, punkty mi硂渃i rosn szybciej przez 15 dni. -72012 Pi髍o Ptaka Mi硂渃i Kiedy u縴te, punkty mi硂渃i rosn szybciej przez 30 dni. -72013 Rybie Wn阾rzno渃i Zwi阫sza szans na z砤panie rzadkiej ryby przez 7 dni. -72014 Rybie Wn阾rzno渃i Zwi阫sza szans na z砤panie rzadkiej ryby przez 15 dni. -72015 Rybie Wn阾rzno渃i Zwi阫sza szans na z砤panie rzadkiej ryby przez 30 dni. -72016 Trzecia R阫a R阫a podnosi upuszczone pieni筪ze automatycznie przez 7 dni. -72017 Trzecia R阫a R阫a podnosi upuszczone pieni筪ze automatycznie przez 15 dni. -72018 Trzecia R阫a R阫a podnosi upuszczone pieni筪ze automatycznie przez 30 dni. -72019 Powi阫szony Sk砤d Do twojego magazynu zostan dodane dwie dodatkowe zak砤dki na 7 dni. -72020 Powi阫szony Sk砤d Do twojego magazynu zostan dodane dwie dodatkowe zak砤dki na 15 dni. -72021 Powi阫szony Sk砤d Do twojego magazynu zostan dodane dwie dodatkowe zak砤dki na 30 dni. -72022 Szcz隃liwa Z硂ta Moneta Szansa na wyrzucenie Yang jest zwi阫szona o 50% przez 7 dni. -72023 Szcz隃liwa Z硂ta Moneta Szansa na wyrzucenie Yang jest zwi阫szona o 50% przez 15 dni. -72024 Szcz隃liwa Z硂ta Moneta Szansa na wyrzucenie Yang jest zwi阫szona o 50% przez 30 dni. -72025 D硂 Przebicia Szansa na przebicie +10% -72026 D硂 Przebicia Szansa na przebicie +10% -72027 D硂 Przebicia Szansa na przebicie +10% -72028 Maska Uczu Mo縠sz okazywa swoje emocje. -72029 Maska Uczu Mo縠sz okazywa swoje emocje. -72030 Maska Uczu Mo縠sz okazywa swoje emocje. -72031 Atak Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza zadawane obra縠nia o 12% ~ 15 % gdy atakujesz. -72032 Atak Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza zadawane obra縠nia o 12% ~ 15 % gdy atakujesz. -72033 Atak Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza zadawane obra縠nia o 12% ~ 15 % gdy atakujesz. -72034 Obrona Boga Smok體 Redukuje obra縠nia o 12% ~ 15% gdy si bronisz. -72035 Obrona Boga Smok體 Redukuje obra縠nia o 12% ~ 15% gdy si bronisz. -72036 Obrona Boga Smok體 Redukuje obra縠nia o 12% ~ 15% gdy si bronisz. -72037 痽cie Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza ilo滄 Punkt體 痽cia o 20% na 30 minut. -72038 痽cie Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza ilo滄 Punkt體 痽cia o 20% na 30 minut. -72039 痽cie Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza ilo滄 Punkt體 痽cia o 20% na 30 minut. -72040 Inteligencja Boga Smok體 Ilo滄 Punkt體 Energii +20%. -72041 Inteligencja Boga Smok體 Ilo滄 Punkt體 Energii +20%. -72042 Inteligencja Boga Smok體 Ilo滄 Punkt體 Energii +20%. -72043 Ksi箍ka Lidera Kiedy przedmiot noszony jest przez lidera grupy, punkty zdobywane przez grup s zwi阫szone o 30%. -72044 Ksi箍ka Lidera Kiedy przedmiot noszony jest przez lidera grupy, punkty zdobywane przez grup s zwi阫szone o 30%. -72045 Ksi箍ka Lidera Kiedy przedmiot noszony jest przez lidera grupy, punkty zdobywane przez grup s zwi阫szone o 30%. -72046 D硂 Krytyka Szansa na krytyczne uderzenie +10%. -72047 D硂 Krytyka Szansa na krytyczne uderzenie +10%. -72048 D硂 Krytyka Szansa na krytyczne uderzenie +10%. -72501 Pier渃ie Do渨. (iCafe) Zwi阫sza otrzymywane Punkty Do渨iadczenia o 20% dla cz硂nk體 iCafe. -72502 R阫awica Z硂dz. (iCafe) Szansa na wyrzucanie przedmiot體 zwi阫szona 1.5 raza dla cz硂nk體 iCafe. -72701 Buty Wiatru Gdy ich u縴wasz, Szybko滄 Ruchu twojej postaci jest zwi阫szona o 30. -73001 Modna Fryzura (czerw.) Ulubiona fryzura samotnych wojownik體, wygl筪a 渨ietnie gdy wieje wiatr. -73002 Modna Fryzura (jasna) Ulubiona fryzura samotnych wojownik體, wygl筪a 渨ietnie gdy wieje wiatr. -73003 Modna Fryzura (nieb.) Ulubiona fryzura samotnych wojownik體, wygl筪a 渨ietnie gdy wieje wiatr. -73004 Modna Fryzura (br箊.) Ulubiona fryzura samotnych wojownik體, wygl筪a 渨ietnie gdy wieje wiatr. -73005 Chusta Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu chusty do w硂s體. -73006 Chusta Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu chusty do w硂s體. -73007 Chusta Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu chusty do w硂s體. -73008 Chusta Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu chusty do w硂s體. -73009 D硊gie W硂sy (czar.) Dobrze znana fryzura staro縴tnych wojownik體. -73010 D硊gie W硂sy (czerw.) Dobrze znana fryzura staro縴tnych wojownik體. -73011 D硊gie W硂sy (br箊.) Dobrze znana fryzura staro縴tnych wojownik體. -73012 D硊gie W硂sy (ziel.) Dobrze znana fryzura staro縴tnych wojownik體. -73251 Kucyk (br箊.) Fryzura wygl筪aj筩a jak ogonek kucyka. -73252 Kucyk (ziel.) Fryzura wygl筪aj筩a jak ogonek kucyka. -73253 Kucyk (nieb.) Fryzura wygl筪aj筩a jak ogonek kucyka. -73254 Kucyk (jasny) Fryzura wygl筪aj筩a jak ogonek kucyka. -73255 Kr髏kie W硂sy (czerw.) Fryzura o bardzo s砤bej odporno渃i na wiatr. -73256 Kr髏kie W硂sy (br箊.) Fryzura o bardzo s砤bej odporno渃i na wiatr. -73257 Kr髏kie W硂sy (blond) Fryzura o bardzo s砤bej odporno渃i na wiatr. -73258 Kr髏kie W硂sy (fiol.) Fryzura o bardzo s砤bej odporno渃i na wiatr. -73259 Kr髏kie (czerw.) Fryzura bardzo przydatna podczas zada wymagaj筩ych zab骿stwa po cichu. -73260 Kr髏kie (nieb.) Fryzura bardzo przydatna podczas zada wymagaj筩ych zab骿stwa po cichu. -73261 Kr髏kie (czar.) Fryzura bardzo przydatna podczas zada wymagaj筩ych zab骿stwa po cichu. -73262 Kr髏kie (blond) Fryzura bardzo przydatna podczas zada wymagaj筩ych zab骿stwa po cichu. -73501 Spi阾e (jasne) Kr髏ka fryzura noszona w wi阫szo渃i przez atlet體. -73502 Spi阾e (br箊.) Kr髏ka fryzura noszona w wi阫szo渃i przez atlet體. -73503 Spi阾e (blond) Kr髏ka fryzura noszona w wi阫szo渃i przez atlet體. -73504 Spi阾e (ziel.) Kr髏ka fryzura noszona w wi阫szo渃i przez atlet體. -73505 Charyzm. W硂sy (bia砮) Staro縴tna fryzura okazuj筩a silny indywidualny charakter. -73506 Charyzm. W硂sy (czerw.) Staro縴tna fryzura okazuj筩a silny indywidualny charakter. -73507 Charyzm. W硂sy (czar.) Staro縴tna fryzura okazuj筩a silny indywidualny charakter. -73508 Charyzm. W硂sy (purp.) Staro縴tna fryzura okazuj筩a silny indywidualny charakter. -73509 Zawini阾e (bia砮) Stylowa ale t硊sto wygl筪aj筩a fryzura zaczesana do ty硊, anteny s kluczowym akcentem tej fryzury. -73510 Zawini阾e (nieb.) Stylowa ale t硊sto wygl筪aj筩a fryzura zaczesana do ty硊, anteny s kluczowym akcentem tej fryzury. -73511 Zawini阾e (czar.) Stylowa ale t硊sto wygl筪aj筩a fryzura zaczesana do ty硊, anteny s kluczowym akcentem tej fryzury. -73512 Zawini阾e (br箊.) Stylowa ale t硊sto wygl筪aj筩a fryzura zaczesana do ty硊, anteny s kluczowym akcentem tej fryzury. -73751 Spinka Motyl (br箊.) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla. -73752 Spinka Motyl (czar.) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla. -73753 Spinka Motyl (nieb.) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla. -73754 Spinka Motyl (bia砤) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla. -73755 D硊gie W硂sy (br箊.) Stylowa fryzura Szamana. -73756 D硊gie W硂sy (czar.) Stylowa fryzura Szamana. -73757 D硊gie W硂sy (blond) Stylowa fryzura Szamana. -73758 D硊gie W硂sy (fiol.) Stylowa fryzura Szamana. -73759 Dawna Fryzura (br箊.) Fryzura uk砤dana warstwami. -73760 Dawna Fryzura (jasna) Fryzura uk砤dana warstwami. -73761 Dawna Fryzura (fiol.) Fryzura uk砤dana warstwami. -73762 Dawna Fryzura (czerw.) Fryzura uk砤dana warstwami. -74001 Dumna fryzura (czerw.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a Ci charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74002 Dumna fryzura (jasna) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a Ci charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74003 Dumna Fryzura (nieb.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrony przed Sura). -74004 Dumna Fryzura (br箊.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrony przed Szamanami). -74005 Chusta (czerw.) Nastroszona fryzura znajduj筩a si pod chust (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74006 Chusta (kratk.) Nastroszona fryzura znajduj筩a si pod chust (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74007 Chusta (nieb.) Nastroszona fryzura znajduj筩a si pod chust (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74008 Chusta (ziel.) Nastroszona fryzura znajduj筩a si pod chust (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74009 D硊gie W硂sy (czarne) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrony przed Wojownikami). -74010 D硊gie W硂sy (czerw.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74011 D硊gie W硂sy (br箊owe) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74012 D硊gie W硂sy (ziel.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczny wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74251 Kucyk (br箊.) Fryzura, w kt髍ej w硂sy s spi阾e d硊gi kucyk (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74252 Kucyk (ziel.) Fryzura, w kt髍ej w硂sy s spi阾e d硊gi kucyk (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74253 Kucyk (niebieski) Fryzura, w kt髍ej w硂sy s spi阾e w d硊gi kucyk (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74254 Kucyk (kremowy) Fryzura, w kt髍ej w硂sy s spi阾e w d硊gi kucyk (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74255 Kr髏kie w硂sy (czerw.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a dumne, a jednocze渘ie modne spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74256 Kr髏kie w硂sy (br箊.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a dumne, a jednocze渘ie modne spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74257 Kr髏kie w硂sy (jasne) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a dumne, a jednocze渘ie modne spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74258 Kr髏kie w硂sy (purp.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a dumne, a jednocze渘ie modne spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74259 Kr髏kie (czerw.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczne z硂渓iwe spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74260 Kr髏. Przyst. (b酬k.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczne z硂渓iwe spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74261 Kr髏. Przyst. (czar.) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczne z硂渓iwe spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74262 Kr髏. Przyst. (blond) Fryzura zapewniaj筩a charakterystyczne z硂渓iwe spojrzenie (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74501 Sport. Przystrz. (bia砮) Kr髏ka fryzura, kt髍a zapewnia z硂wieszczy wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74502 Sport. Przystrz. (br箊.) Kr髏ka fryzura, kt髍a zapewnia z硂wieszczy wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74503 Sportowa (blond) Kr髏ka fryzura, kt髍a zapewnia z硂wieszczy wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74504 Sport. Przystrz. (ziel.) Kr髏ka fryzura, kt髍a zapewnia z硂wieszczy wygl筪 (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74505 Charyzm. W硂sy (bia砮) Fryzura ukazuj筩a silny, indywidualny charakter (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74506 Charyzm. W硂sy (czerw.) Fryzura ukazuj筩a silny, indywidualny charakter (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74507 Charyzm. W硂sy (czar.) Fryzura ukazuj筩a silny, indywidualny charakter (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74508 Charyzm. W硂sy (fiol.) Fryzura ukazuj筩a silny, indywidualny charakter (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74509 Zawini阾e (bia砮) Staromodna fryzura dla Sur z charakterystycznym warkoczem (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74510 Zawini阾e (b酬k.) Staromodna fryzura dla Sur z charakterystycznym warkoczem (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74511 Zawini阾e (czar.) Staromodna fryzura dla Sur z charakterystycznym warkoczem (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74512 Zawini阾e (br箊.) Staromodna fryzura dla Sur z charakterystycznym warkoczem (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74751 Spinka Motyl (br箊.) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74752 Spinka Motyl (czar.) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74753 Spinka Motyl (b酬k.) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74754 Spinka Motyl (bia砤) Spi阾a u g髍y fryzura wykorzystuj筩a spink w kszta砪ie motyla (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74755 宺. D硊g. (br箊.) Elegancka fryzura dla szaman體 (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74756 宺. D硊g. (czar.) Elegancka fryzura dla szaman體 (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74757 宺. D硊g. (blond) Elegancka fryzura dla szaman體 (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74758 宺. D硊g. (fiol) Elegancka fryzura dla szaman體 (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -74759 D硊gie W硂sy (br箊.) Kobieca fryzura uk砤dana warstwami (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -74760 D硊gie w硂sy (blond) Kobieca fryzura uk砤dana warstwami (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -74761 D硊gie w硂sy (fiol.) Kobieca fryzura uk砤dana warstwami (+10% obrona przed Sura). -74762 D硊gie W硂sy (czerw.) Kobieca fryzura uk砤dana warstwami (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75001 Modna Fryzura (czerwona) Modna fryzura z czerwonymi w硂sami i opask (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75002 Modna Fryzura (jasna) Modna fryzura z czerwonymi w硂sami i opask (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75003 Modna Fryzura (nieb.) Modna fryzura z niebieskimi w硂sami i opask (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75004 Modna fryzura (br箊owa) Modna fryzura z br箊owymi w硂sami i opask (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75005 Opaska (br箊owe) Kr髏ka, br箊owa fryzura z czerwon opask (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75006 Opaska (blond) Kr髏ka fryzura koloru blond z jasn opask (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75007 Opaska (nieb.) Kr髏ka niebieska fryzura z br箊ow opask (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75008 Opaska (ziel.) Kr髏ka zielona fryzura z zielon opask (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75009 W硂sy (czar.) Wspania砤 czarna fryzura przeznaczona dla wojownik體 (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75010 W硂sy (czerw.) Wspania砤 czerwona fryzura przeznaczona dla wojownik體 (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75011 W硂sy (br箊.) Wspania砮 br箊owe w硂sy (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75012 W硂sy (ziel.) Wspania砮 zielone w硂sy (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75201 Kucyk (br箊.) Br箊owe w硂sy z d硊gim kucykiem. Fryzura ta bardzo podoba si kobietom (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75202 Kucyk (zielony) Zielone w硂sy z d硊gim kucykiem. Fryzura ta bardzo podoba si kobietom (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75203 Kucyk (nieb.) B酬kitne w硂sy z d硊gim kucykiem. Fryzura ta bardzo podoba si kobietom (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75204 Kucyk (jasny) W硂sy koloru blond z d硊gim kucykiem. Fryzura ta bardzo podoba si kobietom (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75205 Chusta (czerw.) Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu opaski do w硂s體 (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75206 Chusta (br箊.) Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu opaski do w硂s體 (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75207 Chusta (jasna) Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu opaski do w硂s體 (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75208 Chusta (fiol.) Schludna fryzura zrobiona przy u縴ciu opaski do w硂s體 (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75209 Kud砤te W硂sy (czerw.) Czerwone, kud砤te w硂sy (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75210 Kud砤te W硂sy (nieb.) Niebieskie, kud砤te w硂sy (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75211 Kud砤te W硂sy (czar.) Czarne, kud砤te w硂sy (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75212 Kud砤te W硂sy (blond) 硉e, kud砤te w硂sy (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75401 Spi阾e (jasne) Ekstrawagancka fryzura - typowa dla kobiet sura (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75402 Spi阾e (br箊.) Ekstrawagancka fryzura - typowa dla kobiet sura (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75403 Spi阾e (blond) Ekstrawagancka fryzura - typowa dla kobiet sura (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75404 Spi阾e (ziel.) Ekstrawagancka fryzura - typowa dla kobiet sura (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75405 D硊gie W硂sy (bia砮) D硊gie, bia砮 w硂sy w demonicznym stylu (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75406 D硊gie W硂sy (czerw.) D硊gie, czerwone w硂sy w demonicznym stylu (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75407 D硊gie W硂sy (czar.) D硊gie, czarne w硂sy w demonicznym stylu (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75408 D硊gie W硂sy (fiol.) D硊gie, fioletowe w硂sy w demonicznym stylu (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75409 D硊gi Kucyk (bia硑) Staromodny kucyk, kiedy by uznawany za symbol bogactwa (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75410 D硊gi Kucyk (nieb.) Staromodny kucyk, kiedy by uznawany za symbol bogactwa (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75411 D硊gi Kucyk (czar.) Staromodny kucyk, kiedy by uznawany za symbol bogactwa (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75412 D硊gi Kucyk (br箊.) Staromodny kucyk, kiedy by uznawany za symbol bogactwa (+10% obrona przed Szamanami). -75601 Modnie 宑i阾e (br箊.) Modnie przyci阾e w硂sy, zapewniaj筩e szamanom mo縧iwo滄 wyra縜nia swojego usposobienia (+10% obrona przed Wojownikami). -75602 Modnie 宑i阾e (czar.) Modnie przyci阾e w硂sy, zapewniaj筩e szamanom mo縧iwo滄 wyra縜nia swojego usposobienia (+10% obrona przed Ninja). -75603 Modnie 宑i阾e (nieb.) Modnie przyci阾e w硂sy, zapewniaj筩e szamanom mo縧iwo滄 wyra縜nia swojego usposobienia (+10% obrona przed Sura). -75604 Modnie 宑i阾e (jasne) Modnie przyci阾e w硂sy zapewniaj szamanom mo縧iwo滄 wyra縜nia swojego usposobienia (+10% obrony przed Szamanami). -75605 D硊gie W硂sy (br箊owe) D硊gie, br箊owe w硂sy (+10% obrony przed Wojownikami). -75606 D硊gie W硂sy (czarne) D硊gie, czarne w硂sy (+10% obrony przed Ninja). -75607 D硊gie W硂sy (blond) D硊gie w硂sy koloru ciemny blond (+10% obrony przeciwko Sura). -75608 D硊gie W硂sy (fiol.) D硊gie, fioletowe w硂sy (+10% obrony przed Szamanami). -75609 Dawna Fryzura (br箊.) W przesz硂渃i by砤 to powszechna fryzura u wojownik體. Br箊owe, zwi箊ane w硂sy (+10% obrony przed Wojownikami). -75610 Dawna Fryzura (jasna) W przesz硂渃i by砤 to powszechna fryzura u wojownik體. Jasne, zwi箊ane w硂sy (+10% obrony przed Ninja). -75611 Dawna Fryzura (fiol.) W przesz硂渃i by砤 to powszechna fryzura u wojownik體. Fioletowe, zwi箊ane w硂sy (+10% obrony przed Sura). -75612 Dawna Fryzura (czerw.) W przesz硂渃i by砤 to powszechna fryzura u wojownik體. Czerwone, zwi箊ane w硂sy (+10% obrony przed Szamanami). -80001 Sakiewka Na Pieni筪ze Ciemna i zniszczona sakiewka zrobiona ze sk髍y. -80002 Czysty Papier A do teraz nieu縴wany pergamin bardzo dobrej jako渃i. -80008 Bry砤 Z硂ta Bry砤 Z硂ta, kt髍a nigdy nie by砤 przetapiana. Mo縩a j sprzeda w sklepie za wysok cen. -90001 Pusta Butelka Na Wod Umo縧iwia wygodne przenoszenie wody - niestety jest teraz pusta. -90002 Butelka Wody Umo縧iwia wygodne przenoszenie wody. -90003 Kryszta Bardzo wyj箃kowy i szlachetny kamie, kt髍y pi阫nie l渘i w promieniach s硂necznych. -90004 Klejnot Charakteryzuj筩y si pi阫nymi kolorami kamie, kt髍y jest cz阺to u縴wany przy produkcji ozd骲. -90005 Kamie Wodny Twardy i szorstki kamie, kt髍y mo縠 by u縴wany do szlifowania broni albo sprz阾u kuchennego. -90006 Kamie Duszy Kamie, kt髍y po dodaniu do do zbroi lub broni mo縠 zwi阫szy jako滄 danego przedmiotu. -90007 Minera Jest ponad 4000 minera丑w, kt髍e r罂ni si strukturami krystalicznymi, kszta硉ami i kolorami. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 6e809bc9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Ninja s profesjonalnymi[ENTER] -zab骿cami, kt髍zy s w[ENTER] -stanie zaatakowa swojego[ENTER] -przeciwnika z zaskoczenia.[ENTER] -Aby zapewni sobie[ENTER] -[WAIT] -odpowiedni zwinno滄 i[ENTER] -szybko滄, prawdziwi Ninja[ENTER] -nosz tylko lekkie pancerze[ENTER] -ochronne. Zgodnie z ich[ENTER] -profesj, Ninja s albo[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Mistrzami Sztylet體 albo[ENTER] -doskonale atakuj z dystansu[ENTER] -za pomoc ku. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5e2c926c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Szamani s bardzo m筪rzy i[ENTER] -u縴waj pot昕nych zakl赕[ENTER] -oraz magii. Podczas bitwy i[ENTER] -w trakcie wspierania swoich[ENTER] -przyjaci蟪, ich mistyczne[ENTER] -[WAIT] -zakl阠ia s bardzo pomocne.[ENTER] -Poprzez specjalizacj,[ENTER] -Szamani mog albo zwi阫sza鎇ENTER] -swoj si酬 ofensywn, albo[ENTER] -ulepsza swoje umiej阾no渃i[ENTER] -[WAIT] -lecz筩e i zakl阠ia[ENTER] -wspieraj筩e. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 19ccfc8f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Sura to wojownicy, kt髍zy[ENTER] -otrzymali pot昕ne magiczne[ENTER] -moce, kiedy zgodzili si na[ENTER] -wzrost nasienia diab砤 w ich[ENTER] -r阫ach. Dzi阫i temu s w[ENTER] -[WAIT] -stanie sprawnie pos硊giwa鎇ENTER] -si mieczem w zwarciu albo[ENTER] -rani wroga na dystans przy[ENTER] -u縴ciu magii. Poprzez[ENTER] -specjalizacj mog ulepsza鎇ENTER] -[WAIT] -swoje zakl阠ia ofensywne[ENTER] -albo otrzyma inne magiczne[ENTER] -moce. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 92d7ddce..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Dzi阫i swoim umiej阾no渃i筟ENTER] -oraz mo縧iwo渃i noszenia[ENTER] -ci昕kich zbroi, Wojownicy[ENTER] -odgrywaj wa縩 rol w[ENTER] -walkach w zwarciu. Jedyne[ENTER] -[WAIT] -czego pragn, to bardzo[ENTER] -silne cia硂 i zbalansowany[ENTER] -umys. Zgodnie z ich[ENTER] -zwyczajami i specjalizacj,[ENTER] -mog albo zadawa ogromne[ENTER] -[WAIT] -obra縠nia dzi阫i obur阠znym[ENTER] -broniom albo hamowa ataki[ENTER] -wroga mieczem i tarcz. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a572f125..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,764 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Punkty Mi硂sne: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Ranga: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Nieznany b彻d podczas ataku: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE Przeciwnik jest za daleko. -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE Nie mog zaatakowa. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE Nie mo縠sz zmieni zbroi podczas handlu. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP Nie mo縠sz zmieni zbroi podczas handlu. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA Nie mo縠sz otworzy Prywatnego Magazynu w miejscu publicznym. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE Wr骻 jest za daleko. -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW Potrzebuj Strza硑. -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE Nie mog tego zrobi. -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH Na pewno nie mog podej滄 bli縠j. -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK Nie mog zaatakowa. -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE Wr骻 jest za daleko. -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD Potrzebuj W阣ki. -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE Potrzebuj Konia zanim b阣 m骻 tego u縴. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Nie mam Pustej Butelki. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Nie mam Butelki Z Trucizn. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Kto jest celem? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP Mam za ma硂 Punkt體 痽cia! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP Mam za ma硂 Punkt體 Energii! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL Nie mog tego u縴 podczas jazdy konnej. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON Nie mog u縴 tej umiej阾no渃i z t broni. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN Nie opanowa砮m tej umiej阾no渃i. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE To dzia砤 tylko na cz硂nk體 grupy. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE To dzia砤 tylko na martwych ludzi. -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD Nie mog u縴 tej umiej阾no渃i z W阣k. -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE Nie mog zaatakowa z tego miejsca. -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF Nie mog tego u縴 na sobie. -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME Nie mog jeszcze u縴 tej Umiej阾no渃i. -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s zablokowa mo縧iwo滄 szeptania. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s nie jest zalogowany. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE Nie mo縠sz pisa do innych gdy masz zablokowane szeptanie. SNA -CHANNEL Kana -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT Nie mo縠sz wr骳i do okna logowania. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER Brak Serwera -CHANNEL_NORMAL Kana %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL Ten Kana jest pe硁y! Prosz wybra inny. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO Nie mo縠sz otrzyma tych informacji. -CHANNEL_PVP Wolny pojedynek -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Wybierz Kana -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Wybierz region. -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Wybierz serwer -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL Wszystko -CHAT_BLOCK Blok -CHAT_GUILD Gildia -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING To zdanie zawiera niepoprawne s硂wa. -CHAT_LOG Poka stare wiadomo渃i [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Poka wiadomo渃i -CHAT_NORMAL Normalne -CHAT_NOTICE Og硂szenia -CHAT_PARTY Grupa -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Wy渓ij wiadomo滄 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Wy渓ij szept [Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT Wo砤j -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT Mo縠sz wo砤 tylko co 15 sekund. -CHAT_WHISPER Szeptanie -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME Nie jeste upowa縩iony do u縴cia ,GM w swojej nazwie postaci. -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Ta nazwa jest niepoprawna. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Inna posta ju ma t nazw. -CREATE_FAILURE Nie mo縠sz stworzy postaci -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Wybierz nazw. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT Nadal pozosta硑 punkty statusu. -DAY Dni -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Czy chcesz kupi %s za %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Czy chcesz kupi %s %s za %s? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Czy chcesz upu渃i %d Yang? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Czy chcesz sprzeda %s za %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Czy chcesz sprzeda %s za %s? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Nie mo縠sz upu渃i Przedmiotu z ekwipunku. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Nie mo縠sz upu渃i Przedmiotu z ekwipunku je渓i otworzy砮 prywatny Magazyn. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER Mo縠sz upu渃i maksimum 1000 Yang. -EMOTION_ANGRY Denerwowa -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Uwodzi -EMOTION_BANTER Drwi -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Powitanie 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Powitanie 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP Rozwesela -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Wybierz cel -EMOTION_CLAP Klaszcz -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Poca硊nek -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Zgoda -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Taniec 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Taniec 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Taniec 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Taniec 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Taniec 5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE Wybaczy -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS Francuski poca硊nek -EMOTION_JOY Rado滄 -EMOTION_SAD Smutek -EMOTION_SHY Odmowa -EMOTION_SLAP Uderzenie -EMPIRE_A Kr髄estwo Shinsoo -EMPIRE_B Kr髄estwo Chunjo -EMPIRE_C Kr髄estwo Jinno -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE Nie mo縠sz handlowa tym Przedmiotem. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY Nie mo縠sz teraz zmieni kwoty. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Nie mo縠sz wymieni ubranych przedmiot體. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Kwota -EXCHANGE_TITLE Handel z %s -FISHING_FAILURE Straci砮 przyn阾. -FISHING_NOTIFY1 Wygl筪a na to, 縠 na haczyku jest %s. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 Wygl筪a硂 na to, 縠 %s zosta z砤pany. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 Zdoby砮 %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 Masz %s! -FISHING_UNKNOWN Nie wiem co z砤pa砮m. -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE Nie mog tu 硂wi ryb. -FOR_FEMALE dla kobiet -FOR_MALE dla m昕czyzn -GAME_CANNOT_MINING Nie mo縠sz wydobywa rudy podczas jazdy konnej. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM Nie mo縠sz podnie滄 tego Przedmiotu, nie ty go zdoby砮. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR Kursor nie mo縠 zosta utworzony. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX Aby gra mog砤 ruszy musi by zainstalowany DirectX 8.1 .\nZainstaluj DirectX 8.1 lub nowszy. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 痑dne graficzne urz筪zenie nie zosta硂 znalezione.\nSprawd, czy twoja karta VGA jest aktualnie zainstalowana. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Nie mo縩a by硂 uruchomi karty graficznej.\nSprawd czy masz kart VGA.\nAlternatywniem mo縠sz aktywowa akceleracj sprz阾ow.\n(Ustaw suwak akceleracji sprz阾owej na maks. \nPanel Sterowania->Ekran->Ustawienia->Zaawansowane->Rozwi箊ywanie Problem體) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT Karta graficzna w komputerze nie obs硊guje trybu ekranowego w trybie 32bit.\nUstaw tryb 16 bitowy lub u縴j trybu pe硁oekranowego. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO Brak danych o Przedmiotach.\nZainstaluj gr jeszcze raz. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Gra nie mog砤 zosta uruchomiona w okienku -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO Brak danych o Potworach.\nZainstaluj gr jeszcze raz. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Nie mo縩a by硂 uruchomi urz筪ze sieciowych.\nSprawd swoje ustawienia internetowe. -GAME_PICK_MONEY Otrzyma砮 %d Yang. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Wysoko滄 nie ma 128px. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Wysoko滄 nie ma 12px. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Szeroko滄 nie ma 16px. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Szeroko滄 nie ma 64px. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT Gra nie obs硊guje tego obrazka. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Przenie plik do folderu upload/ w g丑wnym katalogu gry Metin2. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT Plik z obrazkiem nie zosta wybrany. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flaga zdobyta. -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Pole Bitwy -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 Gildia %s wypowiedzia砤 wojn twojej Gildii. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Akceptujesz? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Plac akcji -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Ranga -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Nazwa Budynku -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE Punkty s ju w pe硁i zregenerowane! -GUILD_COMMENT Napisz -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Nazwa Gildii jest niepoprawna. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Cz硂nkowie Gildii -GUILD_DELETE Usu -GUILD_DEPOSIT Depozyt -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Czy chcesz odnowi za %d Yang %d Punkt體 Ducha Smoka? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN Czy chcesz do彻czy do tej Gildii? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Wolna Ziemia -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Nazwa Gildii wroga -GUILD_FACILITY Przybud體ka -GUILD_GEM Klejnot -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Budynek G丑wny -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Regeneracja -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY Nikt -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Potrzebny przynajmniej 4 poziom -GUILD_NAME Nazwa Gildii -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL Nie masz wystarczaj筩ej ilo渃i surowc體 na t budow. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Nie masz wystarczaj筩ej ilo渃i Yang na t budow. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION Nie masz praw do tworzenia og硂sze. -GUILD_OBJECT Obiekty -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Przeka Do渨iadczenie -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Za ma硂 Do渨iadczenia -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Podstawowa Informacja -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Tablica -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Pozycja Administracji -GUILD_TILE_INFO Informacja Gildii -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Cz硂nkowie Gildii -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Umiej阾no滄 Gildii -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Czas: 30 Minut -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Nagroda: Zwyci陑ca otrzymuje Mikstur -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP U縴j Teatru Wojny Gildii -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP U縴j Normalnej Mapy -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE Najlepszy wynik wygrywa Wojn. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Zdob筪 Flag swojego wroga i dostarcz j do swojej bazy. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 Zdob筪 Flag swojego przeciwnika i dostarcz j do swojej bazy. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Pokonaj wszystkich wrog體 by wygra. -GUILD_WITHDRAW Wycofaj si -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN Nie jeste cz硂nkiem 縜dnej Gildii. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Martwy -HORSE_HEALTH1 G硂dny -HORSE_HEALTH2 Wyg硂dzony -HORSE_HEALTH3 Pe硁y -HORSE_LEVEL1 Normalny Ko -HORSE_LEVEL2 Opancerzony Ko -HORSE_LEVEL3 Wojskowy Ko -HOUR Godzin -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Czy chcesz upu渃i %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Czy chcesz upu渃i %s %d? -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Wpisz numer karty Matrix. -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Karta Matrix -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Wprowad kod usuni阠ia z zarz筪zania kontem. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Usuwanie postaci -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Zwoje powrotu nie mog by 彻czone. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Czy chcesz u縴 tego Przedmiotu? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amator Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Moc Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Nieumar硑 -JOB_SHAMAN Szaman -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amator Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN1 Moc Smoka -JOB_SHAMAN2 Moc B硑skawicy -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amator Sura -JOB_SURA1 Moc Fata Morgany -JOB_SURA2 Moc Czarnej Magii -JOB_WARRIOR Wojownik -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amator Wojownik -JOB_WARRIOR1 Moc Arahana -JOB_WARRIOR2 Moc Partyzany -LEFT_TIME Pozosta硑 Czas -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE B彻d podczas 彻czenia si z serwerem. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS Jeste po彻czony z serwerem. -LOGIN_CONNETING Zostaniesz po彻czony z serwerem. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Twoje konto jest ju po彻czone. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Problem z rejestracj. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Twoje konto jest zablokowane. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Serwer Zamkni阾y - prosz wybra inny! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Twoje konto nie ma czasu gry. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Twoje konto nie mo縠 by u縴te. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Nieprawid硂wa Nazwa Konta lub Has硂! -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Przedmioty zosta硑 przywr骳one dla tego konta. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN Serwer nie jest jeszcze otwarty. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER Nie mo縠sz si po彻czy, poniewa za du縪 graczy jest online. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN Nie mo縠sz si zarejestrowa z nieznanych powod體. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK Twoje konto zosta硂 zablokowane na stronie www. Prosz sprawdzi swoj poczt e-mail. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Wpisa砮 nieprawid硂wy numer. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE Wybra砮 z硑 numer trzy razy. /n Twoje po彻czenie zostanie zerwane. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Nieprawid硂wa Nazwa Konta lub Has硂! -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Podaj swoje ID. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Wpisz swoje has硂. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Proces logowania trwa. -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT Nie mo縠sz umie渃i Przedmiotu. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Has硂 -MAP_A1 Strefa Yongan -MAP_A2 Dolina Seungryong -MAP_A3 Strefa Jayang -MAP_AG Jungrang -MAP_B1 Strefa Joan -MAP_B2 Dolina Im-ji -MAP_B3 Strefa Bokjung -MAP_BG Waryong -MAP_C1 Strefa Pyungmoo -MAP_C2 Dolina Bang-san -MAP_C3 Strefa Bakra -MAP_CG Imha -MAP_DESERT Pustynia Yongbi -MAP_FLAME Doyyumhwan -MAP_SKELTOWER Wie縜 Gumsan -MAP_SNOW G髍a Sohan -MAP_SPIDER Kuahlo Dong -MAP_TEMPLE 寃i箃ynia Hwang -MAP_TREE Lungsam -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Dodaj Przyjaciela -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s doda Ci jako przyjaciela. -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Zaakceptowa? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Usun规? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Czy chcesz usun规 numer telefonu kom髍kowego? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Czy chcesz kontynuowa? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Pusto -MESSENGER_FAMILY Rodzina -MESSENGER_FRIEND Przyjaciel -MESSENGER_GUILD Gildia -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Wprowad numer potwierdzaj筩y, kt髍y zosta wys砤ny na tw骿 telefon kom髍kowy. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Wprowad numer potwierdzaj筩y -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Wprowad numer telefonu kom髍kowego do wysy砤nia wiadomo渃i tekstowych. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Czy chcesz teraz wprowadzi numer? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Wprowad numer telefonu kom髍kowego. -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Wy渓ij wiadomo滄. -MINIMAP Mini Mapa -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Nie mo縩a zobaczy Mini Mapy. -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Mini Mapa nie mo縠 zosta pokazana. -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Minimalizuj -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Maksymalizuj -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d obserwator體 -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Du縜 Mapa -MINUTE Minut -MONETARY_UNIT0 Yang -MONETARY_UNIT1 Dziesi赕 Tysi阠y -MONETARY_UNIT2 Sto Miliard體 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Cena sprzeda縴: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Nie mo縠sz za硂縴 tego przedmiotu, je渓i masz otwarty prywatny Magazyn. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST Brak muzyki w tle. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Standardowa muzyka Metin2 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC Plik z muzyk nie zosta wybrany. -NEEFD_REST Musisz najpierw odpocz规. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT Nie jest obs硊giwany -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE Aby aktywowa ten tryb musisz nale縠 do jakiej Gildii. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT Nie mo縠sz wybra tej konfiguracji w Trybie PvP. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT Potrzebujesz co najmniej Poziomu %d aby m骳 u縴wa Trybu PvP. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Warto滄 Ataku: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Szybko滄 Ataku: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Czas Trwania: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Obrona: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus DO: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max PE: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max P: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Usu Grup -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT chce do彻czy do grupy. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN Czy chcesz przyj规 zaproszenie? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE Podzia DO -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Podzia Poziomu -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Wy縮zy Poziom otrzymuje wi阠ej PD. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Podzia r體ny -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP Wszyscy otrzymuj tak sam ilo滄 PD. -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Odn體 wszystko. -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Zasi阦 grupy zwi阫szony o wsp蟪czynnik 1,5. SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Zasi阦 grupy zwi阫szony o wsp蟪czynnik 2. SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Opu滄 grup. -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus DO za d硊g gr grupow: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Wezwij cz硂nka grupy. -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus za P- + PE regeneracja: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED Odrzucono zaproszenie do Grupy. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Ustan體 jako Atakuj筩ego. -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Ustan體 jako Berserker. -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Ustan體 jako Blokuj筩ego. -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Ustan體 jako Obro馽. -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Wycofaj bonus. -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Ustan體 jako Mistrza Umiej阾no渃i. -PARTY_SET_TANKER Ustan體 jako Walcz筩ego W Zwarciu. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Podstawowa Warto滄 Ataku +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Szybko滄 Ataku +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Czas trwania +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Obrona +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN Regeneracja P +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Zasi阦 Grupy +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Max PE +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN Regeneracja PE +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Max P +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Mo縧iwe wezwanie cz硂nk體 grupy. -PASSWORD_TITLE Wpisz Has硂 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Numer Przedmiotu -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Kwota -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Nie mo縠sz sprzeda tego Przedmiotu w prywatnym Magazynie. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Czy chcesz zamkn规 prywatny Magazyn? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Wpisz nazw swojego Sklepu. -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Cena -PVP_LEVEL0 Rycerski -PVP_LEVEL1 Szlachetny -PVP_LEVEL2 Dobry -PVP_LEVEL3 Przyjazny -PVP_LEVEL4 Neutralny -PVP_LEVEL5 Agresywny -PVP_LEVEL6 Nieuczciwy -PVP_LEVEL7 Z硂渓iwy -PVP_LEVEL8 Okrutny -PVP_MODE_GUILD Tryb Gildii PvP aktywowany. -PVP_MODE_KILL Wolny PvP aktywowany. -PVP_MODE_NORMAL Pokojowy PvP aktywowany. -PVP_MODE_PROTECT Ochronny PvP aktywowany. -PVP_MODE_REVENGE Agresywny PvP aktywowany. -PVP_OPTION_KILL Wolny -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Pokojowy -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Ochrona -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Wrogi -QUEST_APPEND Otrzymano Now Misj. -QUEST_MIN Min. -QUEST_SEC Sek. -QUEST_TIMEOVER Koniec czasu -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME Brak limitu czasowego. -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sek. -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM Ten Przedmiot nie mo縠 zosta dodany do Szybkiego Pola Dost阷u. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s wys砤 Ci wiadomo滄. -REFINE_COST Cena za Ulepszenie: %d Yang -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING Ten Przedmiot mo縠 zosta zniszczony podczas ulepszania. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 To zwi阫szy szanse na ulepszenie, -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 ale je渓i zawiedziesz, Przedmiot zostanie zniszczony. Czy chcesz kontynuowa? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING Przedmiot mo縠 zosta zdegradowany w ten spos骲. -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Czy chcesz wyj规 Kamie Duszy? -REFINE_FAILURE Ulepszanie nie powiod硂 si. -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s nie mo縠 zosta uwzgl阣niony w tym Przedmiocie. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Nie mo縠sz ulepszy za硂縪nego Przedmiotu. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 痑den Kamie Duszy nie mo縠 zosta wyj阾y. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL Potrzebujesz lepszego Zwoju. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET Nie ma Z硂tej Kieszeni by uwzgl阣ni %s . -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET Nie mo縠sz zrobi wi阠ej Kieszeni. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 Nie ma Kieszeni by uwzgl阣ni %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM Nie mo縠sz zrobi 縜dnych Kieszeni w tym Przedmiocie. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM Ten Przedmiot nie mo縠 zosta ulepszony. -REFINE_SUCCESS Przedmiot zosta ulepszony. -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Szansa na Ulepszenie %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Czy chcesz kontynuowa? -SAFEBOX_ERROR Wprowadzi砮 z砮 has硂. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM Nie mo縠sz sprzeda 縜dnego z zachowanych Przedmiot體. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD Has砤 musz by identyczne. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 jest zapisany w -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Plik ze zrzutem obrazu -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Niepomy渓ny zapis zrzutu obrazu. -SECOND Sek -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE Nie mo縠sz usun规 postaci. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME Zmieni砮 nazw postaci. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME Ta nazwa postaci ju istnieje. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Spr骲uj ponownie. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME To -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Zmie nazw postaci. -SELECT_DELEING Posta zostanie usuni阾a. -SELECT_DELETED Usuwanie pomy渓ne. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Czy chcesz kontynuowa? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT To jest wolne pole. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Wprowad now nazw postaci. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD Brak Gildii -SHOP_BUY_INFO Mo縠sz kupi Przedmiot w Sklepie wybieraj筩 go w oknie. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT Nie mo縠sz sprzeda ubranego Przedmiotu. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Ten Przedmiot nie mo縠 zosta sprzedany. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Nieznany B彻d Sklepu: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS Ten Przedmiot nie mo縠 zosta tu u縴ty. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Nie ma miejsca w ekwipunku. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Niewystarczaj筩a ilo滄 Yang -SHOP_SELL_INFO Wybierz Przedmiot na sprzeda w oknie ekwipunku. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Wyprzedany -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Nieznany B彻d podczas Ataku z dystansu: %s -SKILL_BOHO Odbicie -SKILL_BUDONG nie jest ju u縴wany -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK Potrzebujesz DO do nauki tej Umiej阾no渃i. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT Potrzebujesz Ksi阦i do nauki tej Umiej阾no渃i. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Silne Cia硂 -SKILL_CRITICAL Podw骿ne Obra縠nia -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Dodaj Trucizn -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Krycie Si -SKILL_FAINT Omdlenie -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Szukaj Pu砤pki -SKILL_FIRE Permanentny Ogie -SKILL_FISHMIND Sfera ryby jest u縴ta -SKILL_GAMJI Z砤p -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura Miecza -SKILL_GEONGON SKILL_GEONGON Niewykorzystany -SKILL_GICHEON Pomoc Smoka -SKILL_GIGONG Rotacja Chi -SKILL_GONGPO Strach -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Wielki Mistrz -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Mistrz -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfekcyjny Mistrz -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Ostrze -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 k -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Jazda -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Smok -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Leczenie -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Bro -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magia -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Cia硂 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Umys -SKILL_GWIGEOM Czarowane Ostrze -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Bezszelestny Ch骴 -SKILL_HEUKSIN Mroczna Ochrona -SKILL_HOSIN B硂gos砤wie駍two -SKILL_HWAYEOM SKILL_HWAYEOM Niewykorzystany -SKILL_HYEOLMA SKILL_HYEOLMA Niewykorzystany -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Zwi阫szona Szybko滄 Ataku -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Zwi阫szona Szybko滄 Poruszania Si -SKILL_INMA SKILL_INMA niewykorzystany -SKILL_JEOJU Kl箃wa -SKILL_JEONGEOP Leczenie -SKILL_JEONGWI Berserk -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Ca砶owita Obrona -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Ca砶owity Atak -SKILL_JEUNGCHE SKILL_JEUNGCHE Niewykorzystany -SKILL_JEUNGHON SKILL_JEUNGHON Niewykorzystany -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Atak + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Szybko滄 + -SKILL_JIGAM SKILL_JIGAM Niewykorzystany -SKILL_JIPJUNG SKILL_JIPJUNG Niewykorzystany -SKILL_JUMAGAP Czarowana Zbroja -SKILL_JUMAGEOM SKILL_JUMAGEOM Niewykorzystany -SKILL_KWAEGEOM SKILL_KWAEGEOM Niewykorzystany -SKILL_KWAESOK Szybko滄 -SKILL_LEGBOUND SKILL_LEGBOUND Niewykorzystany -SKILL_MUSA SKILL_MUSA Niewykorzystany -SKILL_MUYEONG Ognisty Duch -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Nie mam Pustej Butelki. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Nie mam Butelki z Trucizn -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR Mo縠sz u縴wa tej Umiej阾no渃i tylko podczas Wojny Gildii. -SKILL_PABEOP Rozproszenie Magii -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Atak Osza砤miaj筩y -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Bomba B硑skawic -SKILL_SINCHAK SKILL_SINCHAK Niewykorzystany -SKILL_SLEEP U減ienie -SKILL_SLOW Spowolnienie -SKILL_STUN Og硊szenie -SKILL_SUHO Stra縩ik -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Szansa na Przywo砤nie: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Inteligencja -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Poziom -SKILL_TOXICDIE Otrucie -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Zwi阫szona Warto滄 Ataku Trucizn -SKILL_TUSOK Uderzenie Ducha -SKILL_WONSIN SKILL_WONSIN Niewykorzystany -SKILL_YONGSIN SKILL_YONGSIN Niewykorzystany -STAT_MINUS_CON Dostosowanie Energii 痽ciowej (Pozosta彻 szansa: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX Dostosowanie Zwinno渃i (Pozosta彻 szansa: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT Dostosowanie Inteligencji (Pozosta彻 szansa: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR Dostosowanie Si硑 (Pozosta彻 szansa: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON P i Obrona zosta硑 ulepszone. -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Celno滄 i uniki zosta硑 ulepszone. -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT PE i Magiczna Moc zosta硑 ulepszone. -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Warto滄 Ataku ulepszona. -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Zarejestruj Flag Gildii -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU TNL mo縠 ulepszy szybko滄 s砤bszego PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 Je渓i jest problem z grafik, wybierz ,Opcje System lub ,CONFIG.exe; -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 i zmie na GPU TNL. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU TNL mo縠 dzia砤 wolniej na s砤bszych PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 Je渓i jest problem z grafik, wybierz ,Opcje System lub ,CONFIG.exe; -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 i zmie na GPU TNL -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT Dla zmiany trybu TNL gra musi zosta zamkni阾a. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Zgoda -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Zemsta -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Zniszcz -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Zsi筪 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emocje -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Handel -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Wyklucz -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER Zako馽z Tryb Obserwatora -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Pojedynek -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Przyjaciel -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Zapr. Gildii -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Zapr. Grupy -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Opu滄 Grup -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Do彻cz do Grupy -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Zbroja -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Szept -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Poziom 5. -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Poziom 3. -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Poziom 1. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Poziom 4. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Poziom 2. -TASKBAR_ATTACK Atak -TASKBAR_AUTO Auto -TASKBAR_CAMERA Kamera -TASKBAR_EXP Do渨iadczenie -TASKBAR_HP P -TASKBAR_MOVE Ruch -TASKBAR_SKILL Umiej阾no滄 -TASKBAR_SP PE -TASKBAR_ST ST -THING_COUNT wszystko -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Nie mo縠 zosta sprzedany w Magazynie -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Silny przeciwko Zwierz阾om +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Silny przeciwko Ninja +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Silny przeciwko Diab硂m +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Silny przeciwko Ludziom +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Silny przeciwko Mistykom +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Silny przeciwko Potworom +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Silny przeciwko Orkom +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Silny przeciwko Szamanom +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Silny przeciwko Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Silny przeciwko Nieumar硑m +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Silny przeciwko Wojownikom +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Szansa na blok Cios體: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Odzyskiwanie PE przez 5 sekund podczas Bitwy %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT Szansa na krytyczne Uderzenie: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER Szansa na odzyskanie PE: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Szansa na unikni阠ie Strza硑: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS Szansa na Bonus DO: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS Szansa na podw骿n ilo滄 Yang: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Niewra縧iwy na Upadek SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Niewra縧iwy na Spowolnienie SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Niewra縧iwy na Omdlenia SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS Szansa na podw骿n ilo滄 Przedmiot體: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER Szansa na odzyskanie P: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER Szansa na odzyskanie PE: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT Szansa na kradzie PE: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT Brak efektu -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY Po 渕ierci nie tracisz Punkt體 Do渨iadczenia. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT Szansa na przeszywaj筩e Uderzenie: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Szansa na Otrucie: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Odporno滄 na Trucizny: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Mikstury %d%% efekt podniesiony SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Szansa na odbicie Kl箃wy: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE Szansa na odbicie Ciosu: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Odporno滄 na Ninja: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Odporno滄 na Dzwony: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Odporno滄 na Sztylety: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Odporno滄 na Wachlarze: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Odporno滄 na Szaman體: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Odporno滄 na Sura: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Odporno滄 na Miecze: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Odporno滄 na Bro Dwur阠zn: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Odporno滄 na Wojownik體: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Odporno滄 na Wiatr: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Szansa na pomy渓n nauk zwi阫szona o wsp蟪czynnik 2.5. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY Pozwala na ponowny trening umiej阾no渃i przed up硑wem 24 godzin. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Szansa na Spowolnienie: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP %d%% obra縠 b阣zie dodanych do P. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP %d%% obra縠 b阣zie dodanych do PE. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Szansa na Omdlenie: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Zbroja -TOOLTIP_ARROW Strza砤 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Warto滄 Ataku +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Szybko滄 Ataku +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Zasi阦 ku +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Cena: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Szybko滄 Zakl阠ia +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Energia 痽ciowa +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Obrona +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Zwinno滄 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Kolczyki -TOOLTIP_ETC I tak dalej -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Punkty %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Poziom: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Daj j Rybakowi -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 aby dosta -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 ulepszon W阣k. -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN D硊go滄: %,2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET He砿 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN Regeneracja P: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Inteligencja +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Warto滄 Ataku: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Warto滄 Ataku: %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Warto滄 Ataku: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Warto滄 Ataku: %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Szybko滄 Ataku: %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Obrona %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Szybki -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON G髍na granica Witalno渃i: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX G髍na granica Zwinno渃i: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT G髍na granica Inteligencji: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL Od Poziomu: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR G髍na granica Si硑: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Warto滄 Magicznego Ataku: %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Warto滄 Magicznego Ataku: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magiczna Obrona %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normalny -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Wolny -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Bardzo szybki -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Bardzo wolny -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Do ubrania ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Szcz隃liwy Numer: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Warto滄 Magicznego Ataku: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magiczna Obrona: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Warto滄 Ataku: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Warto滄 Ataku: +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT R阫a, kt髍a automatycznie podnosi upuszczone Yang. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Obrona: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Obrona +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS Punkty Do渨iadczenia: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe DO Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC Zwi阫sza zdobywanie PD o 50% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Szansa schwytania rzadkiej ryby zostanie podwojona. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Szansa na zdobycie Yang pomno縪na o %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Szansa znalezienia Yang zostanie podwojona SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Szansa na zdobycie Przedmiot體 pomno縪na o %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Szansa na zdobycie Przedmiot體 plus %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Podwojona szansa na zdobycie przedmiotu SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Punkty Mi硂渃i szybciej si regeneruj. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Zwi阫szona pojemno滄 Magazynu SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max P: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max P: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max PE: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max PE: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max Wytrzyma硂滄: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s (%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR BRAK NAZWY (%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Szybko滄 Poruszania Si: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Naszyjnik -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Wymagane PE: Max -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Wymagane Punkty Smoka: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Wymagane P: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC P: %d / Sek -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Wymagane Punkty Umiej阾no渃i: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Wymagane PE: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC PE: %d / Sek -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Nast阷ny Poziom: %d (Max %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Nast阷ny Poziom: %d (Max %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 宺ednie Obra縠nia: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Odporno滄 na Obra縠nia: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 Wi阠ej ni %d Cz硂nk體 Grupy -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Poziom Ataku +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Poziom Obrony +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Regeneracja P/PE wszystkich Cz硂nk體 Grupy przez 60 minut. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Regeneracja P/PE wszystkich Cz硂nk體 Grupy przez 30 minut. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL Musisz poczeka 3 minuty po 渕ierci cz硂nka grupy. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL Mo縠sz przywo砤 cz硂nk體 grupy, kt髍zy s na tym samym serwerze. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Poziom Ataku +(ilo滄 cz硂nk體 grupy/2) Napastnik %d mo縠 by wybrany. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Poziom Obrony +(ilo滄 cz硂nk體 grupy) Walcz筩y W Zwarciu 1 mo縠 by wybrany. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Aktualny Poziom: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Atak/Obrona ulepszony] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [przywr箧] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP Je渓i masz wi阠ej ni %d Cz硂nk體 Grupy, dostajesz %d%% Bonus DO . -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus DO宂 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Przywo砤j] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Ustan體 Napastnika] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Ustan體 Walcz筩ego W Zwarciu] -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Punkty: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Poziom: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Daj to Drwalowi -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 aby dosta -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 ulepszony Kilof. -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Usu negatywne skutki. -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Szybko滄 Ataku: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT P: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT P: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Szybko滄 Ruchu: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT PE: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT PE: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sek. -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Czas trwania: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL Musisz osi筭n规 Poziom 21. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL Musisz osi筭n规 Poziom 41. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL Musisz osi筭n规 Poziom %d. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Poziom %d wymagany. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d wymagany -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Odporno滄 na Strza硑: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Odporno滄 na B硑skawice: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Odporno滄 na Ogie: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Odporno滄 na Magi: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Pozosta硂: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Cena: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Szaman -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Tarcza -TOOLTIP_SHOES Buty -TOOLTIP_SKILL Umiej阾no渃i SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Ksi阦a Umiej阾no渃i -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Warto滄 Ataku: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Warto滄 Ataku: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Szybko滄 Ataku: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Obrona: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Warto滄 Ataku przeciwnika: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Regeneracja P: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Szybko滄 Poruszania Si: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Szansa na odbicie Atak體: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Odporno滄 na Obra縠nia: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Czas dowania: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Obra縠nie Umiej阾no渃i: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Odporno滄 na Obra縠nia Umiej阾no渃i %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Czas trwania: %d Sek. -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Opaska Zapomnienia -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Aktualny Poziom: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Aktualny Poziom: %d (Mistrz) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Aktualny Poziom: %d (Max %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Pusty -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Przedmiot z Kieszeni筣 -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN Regeneracja PE: +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR Si砤: +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unikat -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Wojownik -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Bro -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Bransoleta -UI_ACCEPT Akceptuj -UI_CANCEL Anuluj -UI_CLOSE Zamknij -UI_DEF_FONT Arial:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Arial:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Arial:9 -UI_DENY Odrzu -UI_ITEM Przedmiot -UI_LEFT_TIME Pozosta硑 Czas: %d Sek. -UI_NEXT Kontynuuj -UI_NOCONTENTS Brak Zawarto渃i -UI_NONAME Brak Nazwy -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Nieznane Po硂縠nie -UI_UNKNOWN Nieznany -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT Wgrywanie musi zosta ponownie rozpocz阾e. -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT Wgrywanie musi zosta ponownie rozpocz阾e. -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Nie mo縠sz u縴 tego Przedmiotu, poniewa otworzy砮 prywatny Magazyn. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Nieznany B彻d Umiej阾no渃i: %s diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c207cdd3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Akceptuj -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Do彻czy? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Kamie Metin zosta dodany. -CANCEL Anuluj -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Potwierd nowe Has硂 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW Nowe Has硂 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Stare Has硂 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Zmiana Has砤 -CHARACTER_ACTION Emocje -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emocje -CHARACTER_MAIN Posta -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Wsp髄na Akcja -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normalna Akcja -CHARACTER_QUEST Zadania -CHARACTER_SKILL Umiej阾no滄 -CLOSE Zamknij -CREATE_ATT_GRADE SI -CREATE_CREATE Utw髍z -CREATE_DEX_GRADE ZR -CREATE_HP P -CREATE_LAST_POINT Punkty -CREATE_MAN M昕czyzna -CREATE_NAME Nazwa -CREATE_NEXT Nast阷ny -CREATE_PREV Poprzedni -CREATE_SEX P砮 -CREATE_SHAPE Wygl筪 -CREATE_SP PE -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reset -CREATE_WOMAN Kobieta -CUBE_TITLE Skrzynia na Zio砤 -EMPIRE_EXIT Wyjd -EMPIRE_NEXT Dalej -EMPIRE_PREV Wstecz -EMPIRE_SELECT Wybierz -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Akceptuj -EXCHANGE_TITLE Handel -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Opcje Gry -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER Zako馽z Tryb Obserwatora -GAME_HELP Pomoc -GAME_QUEST Zadania -GAME_SKILL_UP Podnie Umiej阾no渃i -GAME_STAT_UP Podnie Status -GUILD_BASENAME Podstawowa Nazwa -GUILD_BOARD_ID Nick -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Od渨ie (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Tre滄 wiadomo渃i -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Jednostki Budowlane -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Zmie -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Kierunek -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Ranga -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Informacje o Budynkach i Kosztach -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Lista Budowli -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Pie -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Nazwa Budowli -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operuj -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Dykta -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Miejsce -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Podgl筪 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Cena -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Od渨ie (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Kamie -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Budowa Siedziby Gildii -GUILD_CRYSTAL Kryszta -GUILD_DEPOSIT Depozyt -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Tutaj -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Upu滄 Surowiec -GUILD_GEM Klejnot -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME Nazwa rangi do zmiany -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Nr -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Usu -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Przyjmij -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Pisanie -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Umiej阾no渃i -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Nazwa -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Napisz -GUILD_INFO Informacje o Gildii -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Do渨iadczenie -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Wypowiedz Wojn -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Wrogie Gildie -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY Brak -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Poziom Gildii -GUILD_INFO_MARK Logo Gildii -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Lider -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Lider -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 宺edni Poziom -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Liczba Cz硂nk體 -GUILD_INFO_NAME Nazwa Gildii -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE To jest nazwa Gildii -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Inwestuj -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Wymagane PD -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Wgraj Logo -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Wgraj Flag -GUILD_MARK Znak Gildii -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Klasa -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Lider -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Poziom -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Nazwa -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Ranga -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Inwestuj -GUILD_METIN_STONE Kamie Metin -GUILD_MINENAL Minera -GUILD_MONEY Yang -GUILD_NAME Gildia -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Informacja o surowcach -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Aktywne -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Regeneracja -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Pasywne -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Punkty -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Umiej阾no渃i Gildii -GUILD_SYMBOL Flaga Gildii -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Akceptuj Deklaracj Wojny -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Rodzaj bitwy -GUILD_WAR_CTF Flagi -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Deklaruj Wojn Gildii -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Wr骻 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Pole -GUILD_WAR_WARP Teatr -GUILD_WATER Woda -GUILD_WATER_STONE Kamie Wodny -GUILD_WITHDRAW We -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - Do Ataku, u縴j Spacji lub lewego przycisku Myszy. -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - U縴j Ctrl + B je渓i chcesz odwo砤 swojego Konia. -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (Okno Postaci, Ekwipunek -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 i Wiadomo渃i) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - Widok Kamery mo縠 by zoptymalizowany u縴waj筩 渞odkowego przycisku Myszy. -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - Widok Kamery mo縠 by zoptymalizowany u縴waj筩 klawisza Ctrl i prawego przycisku Myszy. -HELP_EXP Ilo滄 Do渨iadczenia -HELP_FURY Sklep -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - U縴j ALT + G aby otworzy i zamkn规 Okno Gildii. -HELP_HELP - Aby wy渨ietli Pomoc, po prostu wci渘ij guzik H. -HELP_HP Punkty 痽cia -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - U縴j klawiszy ALT + M aby otworzy i zamkn规 Okno Przyjaci蟪. -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Funkcja Lewego Przycisku Myszy -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Funkcja Prawego Przycisku Myszy -HELP_MOVE_KEY - U縴j klawiszy W, S, A, D lub strza砮k aby porusza si w grze. -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - klawisz C otwiera Okno Postaci. -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - Wci渘ij Enter aby otworzy Okno Chatu. -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - Wci渘ij klawisz I aby otworzy Okno Ekwipunku. -HELP_OPEN_LOG - Wci渘ij klawisz L aby otworzy Panel Wiadomo渃i. -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - Kombinacja Shift + M otwiera i zamyka Mini Map. -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - Wci渘ij klawisz N aby otworzy Okno Zada. -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - Wci渘ij klawisz V aby otworzy Okno Umiej阾no渃i. -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - Shift + Enter otwieraj Okno Szeptania. -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - klawisz M otwiera i zamyka Du抗 Map. -HELP_PICK_ITEM - Wci渘ij klawisz ` (tylda) lub Z aby podnie滄 Przedmiot z ziemi. -HELP_QUICKSLOT Pole Szybkiego Dost阷u -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - Wci渘ij Print Screen aby zrobi tzw. Screenshota. Screen b阣zie zapisany w podkatalogu gry Metin2. -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - Wci渘ij klawisz Alt aby pokaza Nazwy Wszystkich Postaci i Przedmiot體. -HELP_SP Punkty Energii -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON Przycisk Systemowy -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. Ekwipunek -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2. Ekwipunek -INVENTORY_TITLE Ekwipunek -ITEM_MALL ItemShop -LOAD_ERROR Plik jest uszkodzony. Prosz zainstalowa nowy. Wci渘ij teraz ESC. -LOGIN_CONNECT Po彻cz -LOGIN_CONNECTING Zostaniesz po彻czony z Serwerem -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Nazwa Serwera, Kana 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Wyjd -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Wybierz miejsce wydania faktury. -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Wybierz -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Wyjd -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Wybierz Serwer -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Has硂 -MALL_TITLE Przedmioty z ItemShop -MARKET_TITLE duj -MARKLIST_REFRESH Od渨ie -MARKLIST_TITLE Zarejestruj Znak Gildii -MESSAGE To jest Wiadomo滄 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Dodaj Przyjaciela -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Usu -MESSENGER_MOBILE Wy渓ij SMS -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Otw髍z Okno Gildii -MESSENGER_TITLE Przyjaciele -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL U縴j Umiej阾no渃i Przemieszczania Gildii -MESSENGER_WHISPER Szept -MINIMIZE Minimalizuj -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Atak -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Auto Atak -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Perspektywa -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Umiej阾no渃i -MUSICLIST_TITLE Wyb髍 muzyki -NO Nie -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Nazwa -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Ograniczony -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Zawsze -OPTION_BLOCK Blokuj -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Handel -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Przyjaciel -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Gildia -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Grupa -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Pro渂a -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Szept -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Kamera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Dalej -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Bli縠j -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Usu Numer Telefonu Kom髍kowego -OPTION_EFFECT Info o traf. -OPTION_FOG Mg砤 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE G阺ta -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 寃iat硂 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 宺odek -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Wybierz Numer Telefonu Kom髍kowego -OPTION_MOBILE Telefon Kom髍kowy -OPTION_MUSIC Muzyka -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Zmie -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Standardowa Muzyka Metin2 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Kolor Nazw -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Kr髄estwa -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normalny -OPTION_PVPMODE Tryb PvP -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Wolny -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP Mo縠sz atakowa wszystkich graczy. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Gildia -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP Mo縠sz atakowa wszystkich graczy opr骳z Cz硂nk體 swojej Gildii. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Pok骿 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 痑den gracz nie mo縠 mnie zaatakowa. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Wrogi -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP Mo縠sz atakowa tylko tych, kt髍zy maj negatywn Rang. -OPTION_SOUND Efekty -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Menu Celu -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Zamknij -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Poka -OPTION_TILING Grafika -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Zastosuj -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Opcje -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Linia Czatu -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Ukryj -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Poka -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Nazwa Cz硂nka Grupy -PASSWORD_TITLE Zapami阾ywanie Has砤 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Podziel -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Zamknij Magazyn -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Nazwa Magazynu -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Otw髍z Prywatny Magazyn -REFINE_COST Ulepszanie Kosztuje: 0 Yang -REFINE_INFO Szansa na udane Ulepszenie: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Ulepszanie -RESTART_HERE Rozpocznij tutaj -RESTART_TOWN Rozpocznij w Mie渃ie -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Zmie Has硂 -SAFE_TITLE Magazyn -SELECT_ATT_GRADE SI -SELECT_CREATE Stw髍z -SELECT_DELETE Usu -SELECT_DEX_GRADE ZR -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Nazwa Kr髄estwa -SELECT_EXIT Zamknij -SELECT_HP P -SELECT_LEVEL Poziom -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Wybierz Kamie Duszy -SELECT_NAME Nazwa -SELECT_NO_GUILD Brak Gildii -SELECT_PLAYTIME Czas gry (min.) -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP PE -SELECT_TITLE Wybierz Tytu -SHOP_BUY Kup -SHOP_SELL Sprzedaj -SHOP_TITLE Magazyn -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Standardowe Umiej阾no渃i -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE Opcje Systemowe -SYSTEM_CHANGE Zmie Posta -SYSTEM_EXIT Wyjd z Gry -SYSTEM_HELP Pomoc -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Wyloguj -SYSTEM_MALL Sklep z Przedmiotami -SYSTEM_OPTION Opcje Systemowe -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Posta [C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Okno Chatu -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Ekwipunek [I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Wiadomo渃i -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Nast阷ne Szybkie Pole Dost阷u [Shift+Numer, Alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Poprzednie Szybkie Pole Dost阷u [Shift+Numer] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Opcje [ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Blokuj -WHISPER_NAME Szept -WHISPER_SEND Wy渓ij -YES Tak -ZONE_MAP Du縜 Mapa diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" 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"OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/pl/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index d04d8c51..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/pl/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 16c16daa..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Trzystronne Ci阠ie Potr骿ne Ci阠ie Potr骿ne Ciachni阠ie Tnij wroga z niesamowit szybko渃i Frontalny atak rozpryskowy 3 razy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Totalna Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -106 SHAMAN B硑skawiczny Rzut Wyrzut B硑skawicy Rzut Grzmotu Miotaj pioruny i b硑skawice Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Atrybut B硑skawicy ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Przywo砤nie b硑skawicy Wystrza b硑skawicy Grzmot Przywo硊je b硑skawice z nieba Atak Zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Atrybut B硑skawicy Efekt Omdlenia ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Szansa na Omdlenie: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Burzowy Szpon Burzowa Pi隃 B硑skawiczna Pi隃 Przywo硊je B硑skawic w pi隃ci Atak zasi阦owy Atrybut B硑skawicy Atak - reakcja 砤馽uchowa ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Leczenie Uzdrowienie Pomoc 寃iat砤 Leczy urazy za pomoc 渨iat砤 Regeneruje P Leczy negatywne efekty Mo縧iwo滄 u縴cia na cz硂nku grupy CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Przywraca P %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Szansa na usuni阠ie negat. efekt體 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Zwinno滄 Szybko滄 Pr阣ko滄 Wiatru Biegnij szybko jak wiatr Zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Poruszania Si Zmniejsza Szybko滄 Rzucania Czar體 Mo縧iwo滄 u縴cia na cz硂nku grupy CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Szybko滄 Poruszania Si +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Szybko滄 Zakl阠ia +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Zwi阫szenie Ataku Podwy縮zenie Ataku Wzmocnienie Ataku Wzmacnia si酬 partnera Zwi阫sza Si酬 Ataku Mo縧iwo滄 u縴cia na cz硂nku grupy CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Si砤 Ataku: +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Dowodzenie Umiej阾no滄 dowodzenia partnerami PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Kombinacja Ulepsza atak Kombo CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Rybo丑wstwo Z砤p ryb CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT G髍nictwo Wydobywanie minera丑w PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Tworzenie Przedmiotu Stw髍z przedmiot CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT J陑yk Shinsoo Rozumiesz j陑yk Shinsoo. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT J陑yk Chunjo Rozumiesz j陑yk Chunjo. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT J陑yk Jinno Rozumiesz j陑yk Jinno. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Polimorfia Przemiana w potwora CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Je焏ziectwo Umiej阾no滄 jazdy na koniu CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Przywo砤j Konia Przywo砤nie Konia summon -137 HORSE Ci阠ie z Siod砤 Jazda konno i atakowanie wrog體 Umiej阾no滄 je焏ziecka ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE St筽ni阠ie Konia St筽nij na wszystkich pobliskich wrog體 Umiej阾no滄 je焏ziecka ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Fala Mocy Atakuj wszystkich wrog體 Umiej阾no滄 je焏ziecka ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Burza Strza Strzelaj strza砤mi we wrog體. Umiej阾no滄 je焏ziecka ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Smocze Oczy Zwi阫sza maksimum Ducha Smoka PASSIVE yongan Maksymalny Duch Smoka +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Krew Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza maksymalne P wszystkich cz硂nk體 gildii na jaki czas. Tylko wojna gildii ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Max. P zwi阫szone +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD B硂gos砤wie駍two Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza maksymalne PE wszystkich cz硂nk體 gildii na pewien czas. Tylko wojna gildii ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Max. PE zwi阫szone +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 寃i阾a Zbroja Zwi阫sza obron wszystkich cz硂nk體 gildii na jaki czas. Tylko wojna gildii ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Obrona zwi阫szona +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Akceleracja Zwi阫sza szybko滄 ataku i poruszania si wszystkich cz硂nk體 gildii na jaki czas. Tylko wojna gildii ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Szybko滄 ataku i ruchu zwi阫szona +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Furia Boga Smok體 Zwi阫sza szans na cios krytyczny wszystkich cz硂nk體 gildii na jaki czas. Tylko wojna gildii ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Zwi阫sza szans na cios krytyczny +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Smocze 痽czenie Zmniejsza czas regeneracji umiej阾no渃i dla wszystkich cz硂nk體 gildii na jaki czas. Tylko wojna gildii ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Zmniejsza czas regeneracji umiej阾no渃i +%.0f%% k * 50 -16 WARRIOR Duchowe Uderzenie Fala Uderzeniowa Atak Tsunami Atakuje centralnie wrog體 Frontalny atak rozpryskowy ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Walni阠ie Tygrysie walni阠ie Smocze Powalenie Atakuje centralnie wrog體 Prosty rozpryskowy atak Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR T筽ni阠ie T筽ni阠ia Lwa T筽ni阠ie Nosoro縞a Uderzenie kilku wrog體 Silny rozpryskowy atak Szansa na Omdlenie ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Szansa na Omdlenie: %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Silne Cia硂 痚lazne Cia硂 Stalowe Cia硂 Zwi阫sza Obron i pomaga wygra Zwi阫sza Obron Zmniejsza Szybko滄 Poruszania Si Nigdy nie upadasz STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Obrona: +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Szybko滄 Poruszania Si: -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -2 WARRIOR Wir Miecza Taniec Miecza Cyklon Wiruj mieczem aby atakowa wielu przeciwnik體 Frontalny atak rozpryskowy Atak w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Uderzenie Miecza Skok Miecza Rzut Miecza Bezpo渞edni atak wrog體 Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Efekt Omdlenia Powala wroga ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Szansa na Omdlenie: %.0f%% (100+k*1000/6)/10 -3 WARRIOR Berserk Furia Sza Koncentracja tylko na ataku Zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Ataku Zwi阫sza Szybko滄 Poruszania Si Zwi阫sza otrzymywane obra縠nia STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Szybko滄 Ataku +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Szybko滄 Poruszania Si +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -31 ASSASSIN Zasadzka Niewidzialny Atak Niewidzialna Zasadzka Podejd wroga od ty硊 i zadaj 渕iertelny cios Si砤 ataku jest wi阫sza, je渓i cios zadano w plecy Bonus od Niewidzialno渃i ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Szybki Atak Przemieszczanie Cia砤 Cios 宮ierci Podejd wroga szybko i zadaj 渕iertelny cios Atak teleportacyjny Bonus od niewidzialno渃i ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Wiruj筩y Sztylet Kr箍筩y Sztylet Ta馽z筩y Sztylet Wiruj mi阣zy wrogami ze sztyletem Atak rozpryskowy Atak czasowy trucizn ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Szansa Na Zatrucie %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Krycie Si Cichy Ch骴 Maskowanie Ukryj si Zatrzymuje ataki, gdy u縴ty STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Bonus do obra縠 podczas zasadzki : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Truj筩a Chmura 宮ierciono渘a Chmura Zab骿cza Chmura Stw髍z truj筩 chmur wok蟪 wrog體 i otruj ich Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Atak czasowy Trucizn ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Szansa Na Zatrucie %.0f%% 40*k -4 WARRIOR Aura Miecza Duchowy Miecz Miecz Zjawy Czasowo zwi阫sza Si酬 Ataku Zwi阫sza Si酬 Ataku STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Si砤 Ataku +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -46 ASSASSIN Powtarzalny Strza Multi-Strza Masywny Strza Strzela kilka strza we wroga Atak zasi阦owy Kilka Atak體 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Totalna Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f Strza zostanie wystrzelonych 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Deszcz Strza Mrowie Strza Prysznic Strza Strzela kilka strza w kilku wrog體 Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 Maksium Celi %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Ognista Strza砤 P硂n筩a Strza砤 Strza砤 Lawy Podpala strza酬 Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Ognisty atak ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Bezszelestny Ch骴 Ch骴 Wiatru Ch骴 Boga Zmniejsza wag cia砤, aby zwi阫szy szybko滄 Zwi阫sza Szybko渃 Poruszania Si STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Szybko滄 Poruszania Si : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Szar縜 Uderzenie Pocisku Pot昕ny Atak Tw骿 atak jest szybki jak pocisk Pot昕ny atak rozpryskowy ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Truj筩a Strza砤 Toksyczna Strza砤 宮ierciono渘a Strza砤 Dodaje do strza siln trucizn Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Wysadza cel w powietrze Truj筩y czasowy atak ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Szansa Na Zatrucie %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Uderzenie Palcem Uderzenie P硂n筩ego Palca Eksplozja Palca Stw髍z du抗 eksplozj swoimi koniuszkami palc體 Frontalny atak rozpryskowy Ignoruje wroga Bonus od inteligencji ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Ignoruje wroga 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Smoczy Wir Wir Tornada Tr筨a Powietrzna Stw髍z tornado, aby pokona kilku wrog體 Atak rozpryskowy Ignoruje wroga Bonus od Inteligencji ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Ignoruje wroga 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Czarowane Ostrze Czarowany Miecz Duchowe Ostrze Zaklnij ostrze pot昕nym duchem Zwi阫sza Si酬 Ataku Bonus od Inteligencji Kradnie wrogowi 縴cie STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Si砤 Ataku +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k %.0f%% Obra縠 zostanie dodanych do P 10*k -64 SURA Strach Wielki Strach Terror Zmniejsza umiej阾no渃i wroga Zmniejsza przeciwnika Zwi阫sza szans, 縠 przeciwnik nie trafi w cel. Aktywowane tylko wtedy gdy zostaniesz trafiony STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Si砤 ataku wroga -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Opponent 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Czarowana Zbroja Silniejsza Czarowana Zbroja Zbroja Ciemno渃i Ochrania cia硂 mrocznym pancerzem Odbija cz隃 obra縠 w przeciwnika Zwi阫sza Obron Bonus od inteligencji STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Obrona +%.0f (iq+30)*k Szansa na Odbicie ataku fizycznego %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Rozproszenie Magii Silniejsze Rozproszenie Magii Szturm Rozproszenia Magii Usuwa wszystkie efekty wspieraj筩e Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Uwalnia od przeciwnika ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Szansa Na Rozproszenie %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Mroczne Uderzenie Uderzenie Ducha Mroczna Eksplozja Miotaj mrocznymi si砤mi, aby rani wrog體 Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Ogniste Uderzenie P硂n筩e Uderzenie Ognista Detonacja Pali wrog體 eksplozj Atak rozpryskowy Atak ogniem ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Ognisty Duch Ogniste Szeregi Ognista Eksplozja Przywo砤j Ognistego Ducha Atak zasi阦owy Losowy cel Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Mroczna Ochrona Mroczna Membrana Protekcja Mrocznego Lorda Ochranie ci mroczn si彻 i zamienia obra縠nia fizyczne na PE Zmniejsza obra縠nia od magii Zwi阫sza obron STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Zmniejszenie Obra縠 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Obrona +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Duchowy Cios Cios Duszy Duchowa Napa滄 Miotaj mrocznymi duchami, aby rani wrog體 Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 Stajesz si powolny ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Szansa Na Spowolnienie : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Mroczna Sfera Mroczny Glob Mroczna Kula Miotaj mrocznymi sferami, aby rani wrog體 Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Lataj筩y Talizman Zw骿 Rzucaj筩ego Tygrysa Zw骿 Rzucaj筩ego Smoka Miotaj talizmanami, aby rani wrog體 Atak zasi阦owy Atak skierowany w kilka cel體 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Strzelaj筩y Smok Atakuj筩y Smok Wznosz筩y Smok Strzelaj smoczymi podobiznami i atakuj wrog體. Frontalny atak rozpryskowy Ognisty czasowy atak ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Szansa na P硂ni阠ie: %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Smoczy Skowyt Krzyk Smoka P砤cz Smoka Atakuj wrog體 smoczymi podobiznami. Atak rozpryskowy Ognisty czasowy atak ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magiczna Si砤 Ataku: %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Szansa na P硂ni阠ie: %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN B硂gos砤wie駍two Niebo Smok Ochraniaj partnera kr阦iem ochronnym Fizyczna odporno滄 na obra縠nia Mo縧iwo滄 u縴cia na cz硂nku grupy CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Odporno滄 Na Ataki Fizyczne : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Odbicie Odbijaj筩a Woda Krystaliczne Lustro Ochraniaj siebie i partnera odbijaj筩ym kr阦iem. Odbija ataki fizyczne Mo縧iwo滄 u縴cia na cz硂nku grupy CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Szansa Na Odbicie Ataku Fizycznego %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Pomoc Smoka Wsparcie Smoka Si砤 Smoka Zwi阫sza atak tw骿 albo partnera Zwi阫sza szans na krytyczne uderzenie Mo縧iwo滄 u縴cia na cz硂nku grupy CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Szansa Na Zab骿czy Atak : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/pl/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 53c1691f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+(0.5*atk+1.5*str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 200 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk+(0.8*atk+str*5+dex*3+con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 200 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 14 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str+lv*3)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 33+50*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 15 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(4*atk+str*4+con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 100 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(3*atk+str*4+con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 1 0 200 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (200+str*0.2+con*0.5)*k 80+220*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 16 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.7*atk+dex*2+str*2)*k)*0.8 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk+(2.6*atk+number(100,300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+(0.8*atk+dex*8*ar)*k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 17 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(500,700)+dex*4+str*4)*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.6*atk+number(200,300)+dex*7+str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(0.5*atk+dex*9+str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 18 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(13*iq+6*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+6*mwep+str*4+con*2+number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+2*lv+2*iq+(7*iq+6*mwep+number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 43+30*k ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+2*lv+2*iq+(2*con+2*dex+13*iq+6*mwep+number(180,200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk+2*lv+iq*2+(2*atk+str*4+iq*14)*k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+2*lv+iq*2+(1.5*atk+str+iq*12)*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (3*iq+2*lv)*k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 19 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1+29*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 20 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 33+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 21 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+5*lv+(18*iq+6*mwep+120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+3*lv+(22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 22 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3+5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 23 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+4*lv+(7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40+4*lv+(13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50+5*lv+(6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k)*(1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5+35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 24 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 63+120*k SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 25 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+4*lv+(20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 201 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*7+con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*5+con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+7*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120+6*lv+(5*con+5*dex+29*iq+9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 29 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2+15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 30 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 5-(4*k) ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(2.4*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(2*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -124 盲堡贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -129 敌癌贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/pl/ui/createcharacterwindow.py b/bin_original/locale/pl/ui/createcharacterwindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1fad286a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/pl/ui/createcharacterwindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,565 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/" -LOCALE_PATH = "locale/pl/ui/select/" -BOARD_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (65) / 800 -BOARD_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (215) / 600 - -PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH = 20 -TEMPORARY_HEIGHT = 24 + 5 - -window = { - "name" : "CreateCharacterWindow", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGround", "type" : "expanded_image", "x" : 0, "y" : 0, - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 1024.0, "y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 768.0, - "image" : "locale/pl/ui/select.sub", - }, - ## Name - { - "name" : 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20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan Weapons Factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan Defence Equipment Factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan Accessory Factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu Command Centre -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang Training Centre -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro Diamond Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro Amber Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro Fossil Wood Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro Copper Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro Silver Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro Gold Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro Jade Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro Ebony Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro Pearl Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro White Gold Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro Crystal Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro Amethyst Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Heaven's Tear Smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 Temple of Power -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 Temple of Power -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 Temple of Power -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse House(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner Stone wall(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin Stone wall(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 Stone wall(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door Gate(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set Wall(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse House(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner Stone wall(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin Stone wall(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 Stone wall(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door Gate(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set Wall(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse House(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner Stone wall(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin Stone wall(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 Stone wall(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door Gate(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set Wall(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 Watch Tower -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 Wooden wall1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 Wooden wall2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 Wooden wall3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 Wooden gate -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set Wall(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol Guild Insignia -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 Fence Gate -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 Rear Fence Gate -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 Left Fence Gate -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 Right Fence Gate -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 Stone1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 Stone2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 Stone3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 Stone4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 Stone5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 Stone6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 Stone7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 Stone8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 Stone9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 Stone10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT Wood1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 Wood2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall Wood3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 Wood4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 Wood5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT Wood6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 Wood7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall Wood8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 Wood9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/ItemDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/ItemDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 823d09c6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/ItemDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,958 +0,0 @@ -11901 Tuxedo Male character's wedding cloth -11902 Tuxedo Male character's wedding cloth -11903 Wedding Dress Female character's wedding cloth -11904 Wedding Dress Female character's wedding cloth - -22000 Town Recall Scroll Teleport to village -22010 Teleportation Scroll Teleports to saved location. - -25040 Blessing Scroll Prevents loss of items if upgrade fails. Items decrease 1 Level -25041 Magic Metal Upgrades Blessing Scroll to Dragon God Blessing Scroll - -25100 Spirit Stone Scroll Removes gems from sockets - -27600 Bonfire Use for cooking fish -27610 Fishing Guide Increases chance to get better fish by 2% -27620 Fishing Manual The chance of catching a rare fish is doubled - -27799 Fishbone Bait -27800 Riceball Bait -27801 Worm Bait -27802 Minnow Bait - -27803 Crucian Carp Abundant and easy to catch -27804 Mandarin Fish Delicious type of fish -27805 Grayling Fresh water fish with an excellent flavor -27806 Carp Rare fish -27807 Salmon Salmon sashimi very popular Japanese food -27808 Grass Carp Seasonal fish -27809 Brook Trout Usually appear around|upper river bank -27810 Eel Highly nutritious -27811 Rainbow Trout Bodies glow like rainbows -27812 Tilapia Special species and mildly sweet in flavor -27813 Pikes Found in great lakes -27814 Perch Called dragon of the river -27815 Tenchi Live in clean water -27816 Catfish Make great soup -27817 Loach "Smooth body, hard to catch" -27818 Lotus Fish Omnivorous habit animal -27819 Striped Bass "Rare versatile fish that is tender, white and mildy sweet" -27820 Smelt Found in ice cold river -27821 Shiri Beautiful fish -27822 Mirror Carp Popular because has few bones -27823 Gold Crucian Carp Body color as golden as real gold - -27833 Raw Crucian Carp Can be grilled with bonfire -27834 Raw Mandarin Fish Can be grilled with bonfire -27835 Raw Grayling Can be grilled with bonfire -27836 Raw Carp Can be grilled with bonfire -27837 Raw Salmon Can be grilled with bonfire -27838 Raw Grass Carp Can be grilled with bonfire -27839 Raw Brook Trout Can be grilled with bonfire -27840 Raw Eel Can be grilled with bonfire -27841 Raw Rainbow Trout Can be grilled with bonfire -27842 Raw Tilapia Can be grilled with bonfire -27843 Raw Pikes Can be grilled with bonfire -27844 Raw Perch Can be grilled with bonfire -27845 Raw Tenchi Can be grilled with bonfire -27846 Raw Catfish Can be grilled with bonfire -27847 Raw Loach Can be grilled with bonfire -27848 Raw Lotus Fish Can be grilled with bonfire -27849 Raw Striped Bass Can be grilled with bonfire -27850 Raw Smelt Can be grilled with bonfire -27851 Raw Shiri Can be grilled with bonfire -27852 Raw Mirror Carp Can be grilled with bonfire -27853 Raw Gold Crucian Carp Can be grilled with bonfire - -27863 Grilled Crucian Carp Use: restores 180 HP -27864 Grilled Mandarin Fish Use: restores 180 MP -27865 Grilled Grayling Use: restores 350 HP -27866 Grilled Carp Use: increases moving|speed by 20 for 10 mins -27867 Grilled Salmon Use: restores 350 MP -27868 Grilled Grass Carp Use: increases attack|speed by 20 for 10 mins -27869 Grilled Brook Trout Use: restores 600 HP -27870 Grilled Eel Use: increases strength by 10 -27871 Grilled Rainbow Trout Use: restores 600 MP -27872 Grilled Tilapia Use: restores 230 MP -27873 Grilled Pikes Use: increases agility by 10 for 10 mins -27874 Grilled Perch Use: restores the unusual situation -27875 Grilled Tenchi Use: restores HP by 230 -27876 Grilled Catfish Use: restores MP by 500 -27877 Grilled Loach Use: gives player|invisibility for 5 mins -27878 Grilled Lotus Fish Use: restores 500 HP -27879 Grilled Striped Bass -27880 Grilled Smelt -27881 Grilled Shiri -27882 Grilled Mirror Carp -27883 Grilled Gold Crucian Carp - -27987 Clam Could find pearl inside -27988 Treasure Map Ancient treasure map -27989 Spirit Gem Detector Detect gem locations -27990 Piece of Stone -27991 Water Gem -27992 White Pearl Jewelry -27993 Blue Pearl Jewelry -27994 Red Pearl Jewelry -27995 Empty Bottle An empty bottle -27996 Poison Bottle Very strong poison -27997 Vital Marble Use: restores HP to 100% -27998 Alchemy Pouch Has alchemy receipt inside -27999 Gem Pouch Gem bag - - -29001 Scallop -29002 Blue Scallop -29003 Yellow Scallop -29004 Red Scallop -29005 Green Scallop -29006 Yellow Tartar -29007 Dark Yellow Tartar -29006 Yellow Tartar -29007 Dark Yellow Tartar -29008 Blue Holy Water -29009 Yellow Holy Water -29010 Red Holy Water -29011 Green Holy Water -29012 Light Blue Holy Water -29013 Light Yellow Holy Water -29014 Light Red Holy Water -29015 Light Green Holy Water -29012 Light Blue Holy Water -29013 Light Yellow Holy Water -29014 Light Red Holy Water -29015 Light Green Holy Water - -30000 Barley "Main food source, can make wine" -30001 Letter A letter from someone -30002 Stir-fried Sausage Spicy food -30003 Pig Nose Legend says it can bring happiness -30004 Wild Boar Tooth Very tough -30005 Piece of Broken Armor Piece of broken armor -30006 Orc Tooth Very stinky -30007 Orc Amulet Increases Orc's attacking power -30008 Esoteric Primer Beginner's handbook to Esoteric Doctrine -30009 Unknown Medicine Medicine with unknown ingredient -30010 Bear Gall Legend says it can heal people who lost their sense of taste -30011 Skein A ball of string -30012 Wine Bottle Wine bottle -30013 Liquor Jar Used for making wine -30014 Yeti Fur Use as coat for warmth -30015 Demon's Keepsake Very unlucky -30016 Demon's Gem It is said there are ghosts inside -30017 Ornamental Hairpin Accessory for girls -30018 Red Pigtail Ribbon Accessory for girls -30019 Flaming Mane Flaming mane thread -30020 Walnut Can embellish girls' looks -30021 Piece of Gem A piece of gem -30022 Snake Tail Snake's tail -30023 White Tiger Hide Very popular collectable -30024 Horsetail Can use it in making writing brush and hats -30025 Spider's Poison Sack Bag filled with spider's poison -30026 Wolf Intestine Cooking material for stir-fried sausage -30027 Wolf Fur Can use to make hair brush -30028 Wolf Claw Can use as a decoration -30029 Wolf Liver Cooking material for stir-fried sausage -30030 Rusty Blade This blade is rusty -30031 Toy Toy for girls -30032 Worn Out Black Uniform Girls' favorite toy -30033 Broken China A piece of broken china -30034 White Pigtail Ribbon Accessory for hair -30035 Facial Cream Cosmetic for girls -30036 Mystic Herb It is said this herb has a mystic affect -30037 Tiger Claw Decoration -30038 Tiger Hide Collector's favorite -30039 Piece of Fabric Used fabric -30040 Leaf Unknown leaves -30041 Shiriken A weapon used by ninja -30042 Fighting Tiger Fang Tiger's fang -30043 Bean Highly nutritious -30044 Clay Material for making china -30045 Scorpion Needle A needle having scorpion poison -30046 Scorpion Tail Poisoned scorpion tail -30047 Curse Book Teaches how to use curses -30048 Piece of Ice A piece of ice -30049 Ice Killer Whale Horn Very famous material for carving -30050 Ice Marble "Made by ice, but won't melt" -30051 Unknown Talisman Only Esoteric Leader can read it -30052 Flag Savage's Flag -30053 Bear Feet Cooking material which can increase stats -30054 Wedding Ring Wedding ring -30055 Scorpion Claw Very sharp and long -30056 Spider Web Can be used in construction -30057 Spider Eyes Very popular collectable -30058 Spider Egg Sack It is said it makes baby delivery easier -30059 Spider Legs Can be used as a talisman -30060 Frog Tongue Very sticky -30061 Frog Legs Popular cooking material -30062 Medicine Vessel Can be found in alchemy store -30063 Skin Medicine Medicine to cure skin disease -30064 Sharp Stone Item to make arrows -30065 Bell Has ding ding sound -30066 Hot Pepper Very hot pepper -30067 Snakeskin The skin of a snake -30068 Tofu Steak Made from tofu -30069 Wolf Claw+ Used to make an accessory -30070 Wolf Fur+ The thickest hairs in wolf fur are used to make combs and brushes. -30071 Bear Gall+ Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste -30072 Bear Foot Skin+ Favorite stamina food of many people -30073 White Pigtail Ribbon+ A popular ribbon to tie up a woman's hair -30074 Worn Out Black Uniform+ A worn out black uniform -30075 Shiriken+ A throwing weapon used by Assassins -30076 Orc Amulet+ An amulet which encourages Giant Goblins -30077 Orc Tooth+ An amulet which encourages Giant Goblins -30078 Esoteric Primer+ Beginner's Handbook to Esoteric Doctrine -30079 Unknown Talisman+ "An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it" -30080 Curse Book+ This Esoteric Book can be used to curse someone -30081 Scorpion Tail+ A poisonous scorpion tail -30082 Snake Tail+ The tail of a rattlesnake -30083 Unknown Medicine+ Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients -30084 Unknown Talisman+ "An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it" -30085 Piece of Fabric+ Fabric used to cover a wound -30086 Demon's Keepsake+ It will bring you misfortune -30087 Demon's Gem+ A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead -30088 Piece of Ice+ Frozen water that remains eternally cold -30089 Yeti Fur+ "The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, protects against the cold" -30090 Ice Marble+ A marble made out of ice. It does not melt in the hot weather -30091 Warrior's Symbol Proof of a valiant warrior -30092 Savage's Booty Booty from defeating savages - -30129 Secret Information Used in army -30130 Empty Bottle An empty bottle -30131 Blacksmith's Letter Blacksmith's letter -30132 Sage's Book Sage's favorite book which records Korean and Japanese culture -30133 Trade Good Vendor's Shoes Trade good vendor's new beautiful shoes -30134 Sage's Package Sage's book package -30135 Alice's Letter Letter from Alice - -30136 Golden Bow Hunters' favorite bow -30137 Monkey's Blood Blood from monkey -30138 Plasticine "It's from desert, can be used as a medicine" -30139 Evil Tooth Tooth from baby monster -30140 String Material to make cloth -30141 Materials Stone Material to make jewelry -30142 Letter You can not read this letter. Perhaps you have to learn the language -30143 Herb Can be used in medicines -30144 Tiger's Liver Tiger's liver -30145 Betrayer Balso's Herb Betrayer Balso's feet medicine -30146 Crabbed Ice A piece of ice -30147 Esoteric Dogmata A book containing detailed information about the dark temple -30148 Esoteric Symbol Symbol used by Esoteric group. -30149 Ice Water Cooking material -30150 Page of Old Diary Diary which records locations -30151 Lupine Fur Wolf's fur -30152 Plague Potion Rare medicine which can cure unknown sickness -30153 Flowers Smells very good -30154 Esoteric Sutra Records how to defeat the Esoteric Leader -30155 Mirine's Ring Necklace with name on it -30156 Obent Book The analysis of the history and the doctrine of the secret temple - -30093 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30094 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30095 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30096 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables - -30210 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30211 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30212 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30213 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30214 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30215 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30216 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30217 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30218 Emerald A small sparkling stone -30219 Emerald A small sparkling stone - -30220 Orc's soul Stone "A legendary stone, it contains the soul of Orc" -30221 Esoteric's soul Stone "A legendary stone, it contains the soul of Esoteric" -30222 Demon's soul Stone "A legendary stone, it contains the soul of Demon" -30223 Icer's soul Stone "A legendary stone, it contains the soul of Icer" -30224 Ghost's soul Stone "A legendary stone, it contains the soul of Ghost" -30225 Giant's soul Stone "A legendary stone, it contains the soul of Giant" - -50001 Good Luck Book Hold onto this ticket to win prizes.Do NOT BUY FROM OTHER PLAYERS. -50002 Gold Ring Lost ring - can sell in store for high price -50003 Skill Reset Scroll Can reset skills -50004 Event Detector -50005 Horse Riding Ticket Use: ride horses for free. Must be Level 40+ - -50006 Gold Treasure Box Only gold key can open it -50007 Silver Treasure Box Only silver key can open it -50008 Gold Key Can open gold treasure box and gold treasure box+ -50009 Silver Key Can open silver treasure box and silver treasure box+ - -50010 Holiday Stockings use near a Christmas Tree and make a wish - -50011 Moonlight Treasure Box It's said that the box will appear supernatural phenomenon under the moonlight - -50012 Gold Treasure Box+ Only gold key can open it -50013 Silver Treasure Box+ Only silver key can open it - -50016 Bean Paste Holiday food -50017 Sugar Paste Holiday food -50018 Fruit Paste Holiday food -50019 Sweet Rice Wrap An ingredient of ancient cake -50020 Bean Cake "Holiday food, restores HP to 100%" -50021 Sugar Cake "Holiday food, restores MP to 100%" -50022 Fruit Cake "Holiday food, restores stemina" - -50023 Red Pocket Chinese New Year's gift from Unknown. Must be Level 15+ - -50024 Rose Valentine item. Only female characters can use it -50025 Chocolate Valentine item. Only male characters can use it - -50027 Lottery Ticket The Lottery Ticket. Exchange is not in the game.It is a useless item -50031 Rose A romantic flower used to show affection. Only male characters can use it -50032 Candy "Made of cacao, milk, butter, and sugar. Only female characters can use it" -50033 Mystery Box No one knows what is inside the box - -50034 Puzzle Box Box with puzzles -50035 Children's Day Gift Box Gift box for children -50036 Children's Day Gift Box Gift box for children -50037 Hexagonal Treasure Box Box filled with gifts and treasures - -50070 Chief Orc's Treasure Box Chief Orc's Treasure Box -50071 Esoteric Leader's Treasure Box Esoteric Leader's Treasure Box -50072 Reincarnated Esoteric Leader's Treasure Box Reincarnated Esoteric Leader's Treasure Box -50073 Queen Spider's Treasure Box Queen Spider's Treasure Box -50074 Giant Spider's Treasure Box Giant Spider's Treasure Box -50075 Giant Plague Carrier's Treasure Box Giant Plague Carrier's Treasure Box -50076 Giant Desert Tortoise's Treasure Box Giant Desert Tortoise's Treasure Box -50077 Nine Tails' Treasure Box Nine Tails' Treasure Box -50078 Yellow Tiger Ghost's Treasure Box Yellow Tiger Ghost's Treasure Box -50079 Flame King's Treasure Box Flame King's Treasure Box -50080 Red Dragon's Treasure Box Red Dragon's Treasure Box -50081 Demon King's Treasure Box Demon King's Treasure Box -50082 Death Reaper's Treasure Box Death Reaper's Treasure Box - -50050 Horse Medal Quest item -50051 Horse Sword Use: summons pony Increases moving speed -50052 Armed Horse Painting "Use: summons armed horse, enables attacks using horse, and increases moving speed" -50053 Military Horse Painting "Use: summons military horse, enables attacks using horse and skills, and increases moving speed" -50054 Hay Pony's favorite snack -50055 Carrot Armed horse's favorite snack -50056 Red Ginseng Military horse's favorite snack -50057 Sujin Dungeon Herb Use: revives pony -50058 Honobo Dungeon Herb Use: revives armed horse -50059 Joklor Dungeon Herb Use: revives military horse -50060 Horse Riding Tome Use: increases riding skill by 1 point. Can only be used once and must be Level 50+ - -50083 Horse Riding Ticket "If shown to stable guard, can ride horse for free" - -50084 Unlock Stone This item is required to remove the Ancient Seal - -50091 Crucian Carp Sushi Made of Gold Crucian Carp Special Meal -50092 Carp Sushi Made of Crucian Carp Special Meal -50093 Salmon Sushi Made of Salmon. Because of the luminous colour it is almost a pity to eat it -50094 Catfish Sushi Made of Catfish. The strange smell is extenuated by several herbals - -50100 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival|(Purple) -50101 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival|(Yellow) -50102 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival|(Sky Blue) -50103 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival|(Toy Top Red) -50104 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival|(Toy Top Green) -50105 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival|(Toy Top White) - -50106 Fire Crackers Fire Crackers -50108 Toy Top Kids' favorite toy - -50200 Package Item to open your private shop -50300 Skill Book To level up your skills - -50301 SunZi Art of War Skill book for Level 1-20 leadership. Can only be used once -50302 WuZi Art of War Skill book for Level 21-30 leadership. Can only be used once -50303 GuiGu Art of War Skill book for Level 31+ leadership. Can only be used once - -50304 Beginner Continuum Book Increase continuum level -50305 Advanced Continuum Book Increase continuum level -50306 Expert Continuum Book Increase continuum level - -50311 Pandemonia Linguistics Book for study Pandemonia language -50312 Asmodia Linguistics Book for study Asmodia language -50313 Elgoria Linguistics Book for study Elgoria language - -50307 Mission Book(Easy) Proof to get the easy missions -50308 Mission Book(Normal) Proof to get the normal missions -50309 Mission Book(Hard) Proof to get the hard missions -50310 Mission Book(Expert) Proof to get the expert missions - -50314 Polymorph Book "Use to transform. Must be Level 15+. Can only be|used once, but increases leadership." -50315 Advanced Polymorph Book "Use to transform. Must be Level 25+. Can only be|used once, but increases leadership." -50316 Master Polymorph Book "Use to transform. Must be Level 35+. Can only be|used once, but increases leadership." - -50401 Tome of Shaolin Stance Can only be used once teaches Shaolin Stance -50402 Tome of Whirlwind Can only be used once teaches Whirlwind -50403 Tome of Berserk Can only be used once teaches Berserk -50404 Tome of Aura of Sword Can only be used once teaches Aura of Sword -50405 Tome of Charge Can only be used once teaches Charge -50416 Tome of Spirit Strike Can only be used once teaches Spirit Strike -50417 Tome of Tiger Bash Can only be used once teaches Tiger Bash -50418 Tome of Lion Stomp Can only be used once teaches Lion Stomp -50419 Tome of Taichi Can only be used once teaches Taichi -50420 Tome of Sword Strike Can only be used once teaches Sword Strike - -50431 Tome of Ghost Attack Can only be used once teaches Ghost Attack -50432 Tome of Fatal Strike Can only be used once teaches Fatal Strike -50433 Tome of Spinning Dagger Can only be used once teaches Spinning Dagger -50434 Tome of Stealth Can only be used once teaches Stealth -50435 Tome of Poisonous Cloud Can only be used once teaches Poisonous Cloud -50446 Tome of Repetition Shot Can only be used once teaches Repetition Shot -50447 Tome of Arrow Shower Can only be used once teaches Arrow Shower -50448 Tome of Flaming Arrow Can only be used once teaches Flaming Arrow -50449 Tome of Swiftness Can only be used once teaches Swiftness -50450 Tome of Toxic Arrow Can only be used once teaches Toxic Arrow - -50461 Tome of Rupture Can only be used once teaches Rupture -50462 Tome of Dark Twister Can only be used once teaches Dark Twister -50463 Tome of Enchanted Blade Can only be used once teaches Enchanted Blade -50464 Tome of Fear Can only be used once teaches Fear -50465 Tome of Aphonic Shield Can only be used once teaches Aphonic Shield -50466 Tome of Remove Magic Can only be used once teaches Remove Magic -50476 Tome of Dark Strike Can only be used once teaches Dark Strike -50477 Tome of Flame Strike Can only be used once teaches Flame Strike -50478 Tome of Ritual of Doom Can only be used once teaches Ritual Of Doom -50479 Tome of Aphotic Shield Can only be used once teaches Aphotic Shield -50480 Tome of Spirit Entangle Can only be used once teaches Spirit Entangle -50481 Tome of Dark Orb Can only be used once teaches Dark Orb - -50491 Tome of Flying Talisman Can only be used once teaches Flying Talisman -50492 Tome of Inferno Can only be used once teaches Inferno -50493 Tome of Dragon Roar Can only be used once teaches Dragon Roar -50494 Tome of Blessing Spell Can only be used once teaches Blessing Spell -50495 Tome of Reflect Damage Can only be used once teaches Reflect Damage -50496 Tome of Enchant Damage Can only be used once teaches Enchant Damage -50506 Tome of Lightning Strike Can only be used once teaches Lightning Strike -50507 Tome of Thunder Bolt Can only be used once teaches Thunder Bolt -50508 Tome of Lightning Claw Can only be used once teaches Lightning Claw -50509 Tome of Cure Can only be used once teaches Cure -50510 Tome of Dance with Wind Can only be used once teaches Dance with Wind -50511 Tome of Natures Enchantment "Can only be used once, teaches Natures Enchantment" - -50512 Rainbow Stone Can increase skill level after use -50513 Soul Stone Can increase skill level after use - -50600 Mining Guide Can only be used once - -50601 Diamond Stone Ore Can change to diamond with diamond forge -50602 Amber Stone Ore Can change to amber stone with amber stone forge -50603 Fossil Trunk Ore Can change to fossil trunk with fossil trunk forge -50604 Copper Ore Can change to copper with copper forge -50605 Silver Ore Can change to silver with silver forge -50606 Gold Ore Can change to gold with gold forge -50607 Jade Ore Can change to jade with jade forge -50608 Ebony Ore Can change to ebony with ebony forge -50609 Piece of Pearl Can change to pearl with pearl forge -50610 White Gold Ore Can change to white gold with white gold forge -50611 Crystal Ore Can change to crystal with crystal forge -50612 Amethyst Ore Can change to amethyst with amethyst forge -50613 Heaven's Tear Ore Can change to heaven's tear with heaven's tear forge - -50621 Diamond Can make sockets on item -50622 Amber Increases gem's quality -50623 Fossil Wood Can be used on wooden accessories -50624 Copper Can be used on copper accessories -50625 Silver Can be used on silver accessories -50626 Gold Can be used on gold accessories -50627 Jade Can be used on jade accessories -50628 Agate Can be used on agate accessories -50629 Pearl Used for making jewelry. Can be attached in Pearl Accessory -50630 White gold "Gold that looks like, but is harder than silver. Can be attached in White Gold Accessory" -50631 Crystal Called Rock Crystal or Quartz. Can be attached in Crystal Accessory -50632 Amethyst Purple quartz. Can be attached in Amethyst Accessory -50633 Agate Crystallized rain from heaven. Can be attached in Heaven's Tear Accessory - -50701 Peach Bloom Grown from peach tree in the forest and the flower used to make skill care medicine -50702 Thistle Used in Chinese medicine and has a medicinal effect on asthma -50703 Plumbago Used as a medicine to give chronic infection for giving birth -50704 Grinderlia Resembles the look of ginseng and it is used to cure diabetes -50705 Jamul Used as a mixture ingredient for drugs -50706 Ganoderma A Chinese medicine used to cure insomnia -50707 Lippia A common drug used for nervous breakdown -50708 Sundew Parts of the plant is used to make papers and also to cure obesity -50709 Dandelion This drug is effective for sore-throat -50710 Saffron This drug is used as an asteoporosis -50711 Jujube Serve as a catalyst for asteoporosis drug -50712 Burdock This drug is used to suppress the effect of diabetes - -50721 Peach Bloom Grown from peach tree in the forest and the flower used to make skill care medicine -50722 Thistle Used in Chinese medicine and has a medicinal effect on asthma -50723 Plumbago Used as a medicine to give chronic infection for giving birth -50724 Grinderlia Resembles the look of ginseng and it is used to cure diabetes -50725 Jamul Used as a mixture ingredient for drugs -50726 Ganoderma A Chinese medicine used to cure insomnia -50727 Lippia A common drug used for nervous breakdown -50728 Sundew Parts of the plant is used to make papers and also to cure obesity -50729 Dandelion This drug is effective for sore-throat -50730 Saffron This drug is used as an asteoporosis -50731 Jujube Serve as a catalyst for asteoporosis drug -50732 Burdock This drug is used to suppress the effect of diabetes - -50801 Elixir of Agility Increases the agility -50802 Elixir of Strength Give the ability to add STR +5 -50803 Mana Potion Heal your Mana -50804 Healing Potion Heal your HP -50805 Jamul Liquid Made from Jamul -50806 Ganoderma Liquid Made from Ganoderma -50807 Lippia Liquid Made from Lippia -50808 Sundew Liquid Made from Sundew -50809 Dandelion Liquid Made from Dandelion -50810 Saffron Liquid Made from Saffron -50811 Jujube Liquid Made from Jujube -50812 Burdock Liquid Made from Burdock -50813 Basic Resist Potion Chance to pierce attack +10% for 3 minutes -50814 Double Attack Potion Chance to critical attack +10% for 3 minutes -50815 Greater Mana Potion Heal your Mana -50816 Greater Healing Potion Heal your HP -50817 Elixir Of Attack Power Add 50 damage -50818 Elixir Of Defense Add 70 defense -50819 Magic Resistance Potion Add 10% magic resistance -50820 Elixir Of Attack Speed Enhance the attacking speed - -50821 Red Liquid "This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Double Attack Potion " -50822 Pink Liquid "This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Basic Resist Potion" -50823 Yellow Liquid "This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Elixir Of Attack Speed" -50824 Green Liquid "This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Magic Resistance Potion" -50825 Blue Liquid "This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Elixir Of Attack Power" -50826 White Liquid "This item is a combat-supportive potion, which is created by mixing with Elixir Of Defense" - -50901 Empty Bottle It is used for Alchemy - -50902 Formula Manual(Beginner) -50903 Formula Manual(Advanced) -50904 Formula Manual(Expert) - -50905 Basic Resist Pot Formula -50906 Double Attack Pot Formula -50907 Greater Mana Pot x 100 Formula -50908 Greater Healing Pot x100 Formula -50909 Elixir Of AC Formula -50910 Basic Resist Pot Formula - -60001 Gall -60002 Recommendation from Storage Guard -60003 Heroic Symbol - -70001 Goddess' Doll -70002 Third Hand Automatically picks up gold while you are killing mobs -70003 Liutao Can be used by team leader. Increases team members' experience by 30%. -70004 Medal of Diligence A reward for hard working men -70005 Experience Ring "Once equipped, increases experience 20% while killing mobs" -70006 Language Ring Use: can communicate with players from other kingdoms -70007 Warp Ring -70008 White Flag Used to stop fighting -70009 Treasure Box -70010 Storage Ticket -70011 Upgrade Liquid Bottle -70012 Goddess Tear Use: Decreases experience lost from death -70013 Giant Goddess Tear -70014 Blood Pill Use: Undo one stat point -70015 Cheap Brush -70020 Peach Flower Wine Restores 500 HP -70024 Blessing Marble "Legendary blessed marble. When an item's attributes (CON, STR, DEX, INT) are over 4, this adds one more" -70027 Blacksmith's Memo Blacksmith's memo -70035 Perpetual Iron The Blacksmith can combine this with a Bless Scroll to create a War God Bless Scroll -70037 Forgetfulness Book Use: Undo one skill point -70038 Bravery Cape Use: Summon all nearby monsters. Can only be used once -70039 Master Compass This powerful item has the highest chance to successfully upgrade items -70040 Orc Stubbornness Reduces stamina consumption by half -70043 Thief's Glove Use: Increases item drop rate of monsters by 1.5x -70047 Language Ring(Sample) Use: Can communicate with players from other kingdoms -70048 Escapee's Cape Use: Hide Hostile Killer Points -70049 Lucy's Ring Use: Prevents dropping of items -70050 Sage King's Symbol Use: Receive double Hostile Killer Points when killing monsters -70051 Sage King's Glove Use: Receive double Hostile Killer Points when killing monsters. -70052 Charm of Karma1 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck -70053 Charm of Karma2 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck -70054 Charm of Karma3 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck - -70102 Zen Bean Use: Increases Hostile Killer Points - -70104 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation -70105 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation -70106 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation -70107 Polymorph Marble Used for transformation - -70201 Bleach Return your original hair color -70202 White Hair Dye Can only be used every 3 levels -70203 Blonde Hair Dye Can only be used every 3 levels -70204 Red Hair Dye Can only be used every 3 levels -70205 Purple Hair Dye Can only be used every 3 levels -70206 Black Hair Dye Can only be used every 3 levels - -70301 Couple's Ring Engagement ring -70302 Wedding Ring Proof of Marriage - - -71001 Exorcism Scroll Reset the time of learning Skill Book. -71002 Stats Reset Scroll Resets both skill and stats points. -71003 Skill Reset Scroll Resets a skill bask to 0 -71004 Dragon God Blessing Prevents EXP lose from death. -71005 Language Ring Can speak all kingdoms' languages -71006 Language Ring Can speak all kingdoms' languages -71007 Language Ring Can speak all kingdoms' languages -71008 Fishing Manual Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -71009 Expanded Storage Expands your bank to 3 slots in 30 days. -71010 Third Hand Auto-picks up dropped Gold -71011 Emotion Mask "Once equipped, allows you to express emotions." -71012 Liutao "When equipped by a party leader, it increases EXP of party members and leader by 30%" -71013 Fireworks Fireworks fill the sky during a festival -71014 Liquor of Speed Use: Attack Speed +10 for 30 mins -71015 Experience Ring Use: Increases EXP by 50% for 30 mins -71016 Thief's Glove Use: Increases item drop rate by 1.5x for 30 mins -71017 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate by 2x for 30 mins -71018 Life Pill Use: Fully recovers HP -71019 Spirit Pill Use: Fully recovers MP -71020 Dragon God's Pill Use: fully recovers HP & MP -71021 War God Blessing Scroll It guarantees successful +0 to +3 item upgrades -71022 Attribute Reset Scroll "Reset your stats ONLY(CON,STR,INT and DEX)" -71023 Vitality Oblivion Book Use: resets MP points -71024 Strength Oblivion Book Use: resets STR points -71025 Agility Oblivion Stone The Blacksmith can combine this with a Bless Scroll to create a Master Compass. -71026 Magic Metal Use to make a Dragon God Bless Scroll -71027 Dragon God Life Use: increases max HP by 20% for 30 mins -71028 Dragon God Attack Use: increases damage by 18-20% for 30 mins -71029 Dragon God Intelligence Use: increases max MP by 20% for 30 mins -71030 Dragon God Defense Use: decreases hurt rate by 18-20% for 30 mins -71031 Dragon God Support Use: increases all stats by 5 points -71032 Dragon God Blessing Scroll "Increases item upgrade chance by 10%, and prevents destruction of item if upgrade fails" -71033 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -71034 Liquor of Speed+ Use: Attack speed +15 for 30 mins -71035 Quest Potion Increases the success rate of handing in Lin's quest items by 80% -71036 Summon Scroll - Chief Orc Use: summons Chief Orc -71037 Summon Scroll - Esoteric Leader Use: summons Esoteric Leader -71038 Summon Scroll - Queen Spider Use: summons Queen Spider -71039 Summon Scroll - Giant Desert Tortoise Use: summons Giant Desert Tortoise -71040 Summon Scroll - Flame King Use: summons Flame King -71041 Summon Scroll - Nine Tails Use: summons Nine Tails -71042 Summon Scroll - Demon King Use: summons Demon King -71043 Summon Scroll - Yellow Tiger Ghost Use: summons Yellow Tiger Ghost -71044 Palm of Critical Use: increases chance of critical damage in attacks by 20% for 10 mins -71045 Palm of Pierce Use: increases chance of piercing armor in attacks by 10% for 10 mins -71047 Unburden Removes Spirit Stone from socket of an item -71048 Gender Change Scroll Changes the sex of a character -71049 Silk Bundle Opens up a private shop with unlimited usage. -71050 Leopard Pill Movement Speed +60 for 30 mins. -71051 Blast Fireworks fill the sky during a festival -71052 "When equipped, prevents items dropping" -71053 "When equipped, regenerates alignment twice as fast" -71054 Scroll of Betrayal Allow players to change their Kingdom. Can only be used once a week. -71055 Change of Name List Use: changes character's name -71056 Breath of the Blue Dragon Significantly increases success rate of upgrading +4 Spirit Stone to +5 Spirit Stone. -71057 Summon Scroll - Vein of Fossil Trunk Ore Use: finds vein of Fossil Trunk -71058 Summon Scroll - Vein of Copper Ore Use: finds vein of Copper -71059 Summon Scroll - Vein of Silver Ore Use: finds vein of Silver -71060 Summon Scroll - Vein of Gold Ore Use: finds vein of Gold -71061 Summon Scroll - Vein of Jade Ore Use: finds vein of Jade -71062 Summon Scroll - Vein of Ebony Ore Use: finds vein of Ebony -71063 Summon Scroll - Pile of Clams Use: finds vein of Clams -71064 Summon Scroll - Vein of White Gold Ore Use: finds vein of White Gold -71065 Summon Scroll - Vein of Crystal Ore Use: finds vein of Crystal -71066 Summon Scroll - Vein of Amethyst Ore Use: finds vein of Amethyst -71067 Summon Scroll - Vein of Heaven's Tear Ore Use: finds vein of Heaven's Tear -71068 Lovebird Feather Use: double Couples' Love Points -71069 Harmony Earring Increases your spouse and your pierce chance -71070 Love Bracelet "Once equipped, increases couples' experience for 3 hrs. Must be Level 35+." -71071 Love Earring "Once equipped, increases couples' chance of|critical attacks for 3 hrs. Must be Level 35+" -71072 Harmony Bracelet "Once equipped, decreases mobs attack power for 3 hrs. Must be Level 35+" -71073 Love Necklace "Once equipped, increases couples' attack power for 3 hrs. Must be Level 35+" -71074 Harmony Necklace "Once equipped, increases couples' defenses for 3 hrs. Must be Level 35+" -71075 Hair Dye(Blue) Dyes hair blue -71076 Hair Dye(Black) Dyes hair black -71077 Hair Dye(White) Dyes hair white -71078 Hair Dye(Blonde) Dyes hair blonde -71079 Hair Dye(Brown) Dyes hair brown -71080 Summon Scroll - Metin Stone(L) Use: summons Metin Stone (L) -71081 Summon Scroll - Metin Stone(N) Use: summons Metin Stone (N) -71082 Summon Scroll - Metin Stone(H) Use: summon Metin Stone (H) -71083 Stone Craft Book Use: Removes the stone pieces from the sockets -71084 Enhancement Scroll Use: Changes items stats -71085 Enhancement Change Scroll Use: Adds stats on item -71086 Level Up Quest(20~29) -71087 Level Up Quest(30~39) -71088 Mission Book(Easy) -71089 Mission Book(Normal) -71090 Mission Book(Hard) -71091 Signed Bundle Use: changes color of letters on store sign -71092 Polymorph Book Teaches transformation -71093 Polymorph Marble Use: transformation -71094 Hermit's Advice Increases chance of using skill book successfully by 2.5x. Can only be used once -71097 Strength Potion+ Increases 45-50% of attack damage continuously for 30 minutes -71098 Defense Potion+ Increases 45-50% of damage reduce continuously for 30 minutes -71101 Haste Potion Movement rate is 20% faster (Duration 30 minutes) -71102 Haste Potion+ Movement rate is 30% faster (Duration 30 minutes) -71103 Stamina Reset Scroll Resets character's constitution stat to 1. -71104 Intelligence Reset Scroll Resets character's intelligence stat to 1. -71105 Strength Reset Scroll Resets character's strength stat to 1. -71106 Agility Reset Scroll Resets character's agility stat to 1. -71107 Heavenly Peach Restores 3000 Hostile Kill points (Cooldown: 5 hours). -71108 Heavenly Peach Wine+ Made out of Heavenly Peach Flowers. Restores Health instantly. -71109 Scroll of the Revoker Removes the most recent spirite stone you have added to the item. -71110 Artemis Candy Give a name to the horse and +20 defense | Item valid for 30 days only -71111 Christmas socks Old weary socks however you can hang on the christmas tree. -71112 Stone retrieve scroll Retrieve metin stone. -71113 Book of Diamond Budah Broadcast Item status through the chat window. -71114 Boar Medal You can mount a Boar for 5 minutes. AC +75 -71116 Wolf Medal You can mount a Wolf for 5 minutes. AC +100 -71118 Tiger Medal You can mount a Tiger for 5 minutes. AC +125 -71120 Lion Medal You can mount a Lion for 5 minutes. AP +200 - - -72001 Experience Ring Increases EXP by 50% -72002 Experience Ring Increases EXP by 50% -72003 Experience Ring Increases EXP by 50% -72004 Thief's Glove Increases item drop rate by 50% -72005 Thief's Glove Increases item drop rate by 50% -72006 Thief's Glove Increases item drop rate by 50% -72007 Silk Bundle Can open a private shop for 15 minutes -72008 Silk Bundle Can open a private shop for 15 minutes -72009 Silk Bundle Can open a private shop for 15 minutes -72010 Lovebird Feather "When it is equipped, love points increase faster for 15 minutes" -72011 Lovebird Feather "When it is equipped, love points increase faster for 15 minutes" -72012 Lovebird Feather "When it is equipped, love points increase faster for 15 minutes" -72013 Fishing Manual Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -72014 Fishing Manual Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -72015 Fishing Manual Chance of catching a rare fish is doubled -72016 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped money automatically for 15 minutes -72017 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped money automatically for 15 minutes -72018 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped money automatically for 15 minutes -72019 Expanded Storage Get 3 storage rooms for 15 minutes -72020 Expanded Storage Get 3 storage rooms for 15 minutes -72021 Expanded Storage Get 3 storage rooms for 15 minutes -72022 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate by 2x for 30 mins -72023 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate by 2x for 30 mins -72024 Lucky Gold Coin Increases gold drop rate by 2x for 30 mins -72025 Palm of Pierce Increases chance of hitting through opponent's defenses by 20% for 10 mins -72026 Palm of Pierce Increases chance of hitting through opponent's defenses by 20% for 10 mins -72027 Palm of Pierce Increases chance of hitting through opponent's defenses by 20% for 10 mins -72028 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -72029 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -72030 Emotion Mask Can use emotional actions -72031 Dragon God Attack Increases attacking damage to opponents by 12%-15% -72032 Dragon God Attack Increases attacking damage to opponents by 12%-15% -72033 Dragon God Attack Increases attacking damage to opponents by 12%-15% -72034 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage received by 12%-15% -72035 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage received by 12%-15% -72036 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage received by 12%-15% -72037 Dragon God Life Max HP +20% -72038 Dragon God Life Max HP +20% -72039 Dragon God Life Max HP +20% -72040 Dragon God Intelligence Max MP +20% -72041 Dragon God Intelligence Max MP +20% -72042 Dragon God Intelligence Max MP +20% -72043 Liutao -72044 Liutao -72045 Liutao "When it is equipped by party leader, it increases EXP of party members and leader by 30%" -72046 Palm of Critical Critical Chance +10% -72047 Palm of Critical Critical Chance +10% -72048 Palm of Critical Critical Chance +10% - -72301 Blessing scroll "After use it to upgrade the equipment, even though the upgrade failed, only the rank will go down one level." "Direct use to item. Does not disappear when upgrade fails. Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72302 Liutao One of the best war manual. "When Group Leader equips it, whole group gains experience 30% more. Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72303 Experience ring Legendary ring from an ancient hero. "More experience gain when equipped. Cannot be unequipped. Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72304 Blessing marble "Legendary blessed marble. When an item's attributes (CON, STR, DEX, INT) are over 4, this adds one more" "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72305 Vanishing mirror "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72306 Blacksmith’s Memo Memo from legendary blacksmith. "Upgrade from 4th grade item to 5th grade item. Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72307 Blacksmith’s manual A Letter from legendary blacksmith "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72308 Perpetual Iron The Blacksmith can combine this with a Blessing Scroll to create a War God Blessing Scroll "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72309 Master Compass Letter of blacksmith. Gives higher chance of successful upgrade. "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72310 Exorcism Scroll "When learning failed, curse can be lifted to provide another chance to continue learning." "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72311 Dragon God's pill Restores HP and MP 100%. "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72312 Dragon God Attack Increases attacking damage to opponents by 12%-15%. Duration 30 min. "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72313 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage received by 12%-15%. Duration 30 min. "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72314 Dragon God Blessing Scroll "Increases item upgrade chance by 10%, and prevents destruction of item if upgrade fails." "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72315 Movement Speed Liquor Increases movenment speed 60%. "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72316 Stone Craft Book Removes the stone pieces from the sockets. "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72317 Enhancement Scroll Change item stats "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." -72318 Enhancement Change Scroll Add stats on item. "Quest reward item. Cannot trade, sell or drop." - -72501 Experience Ring Increases gaining EXP by 50% in Membership -72502 Thief's Gloves Item Drop Rate increases by 1.5 times in Membership - Movement Speed +30 (50 hours) -72701 Boots of wind Wind god gives faster movement. Give +30 Speed - -72703 Tiger Earring Increases damage 300. 50 hours -72704 Dragon Earring Increases Defence 300. 50 hours -72705 Tiger Bracelet Increases Skill attack 30% 50 hours -72706 Dragon Bracelet Increases Skill defence 30% 50 hours - -72709 Tiger Earring Increases damage 300. 20 hours -72710 Dragon Earring Increases Defence 300. 20 hours -72711 Tiger Bracelet Increases Skill attack 30% 20 hours -72712 Dragon Bracelet Increases Skill defence 30% 20 hours - -73001 Shaggy Short Cut(Red) "Shaggy red short hair, designed for warrior" -73002 Shaggy Short Cut(Light Brown) "Shaggy light brown short hair, designed for warrior" -73003 Shaggy Short Cut(Sky Blue) "Shaggy sky blue short hair, designed for warrior" -73004 Shaggy Short Cut(Brown) "Shaggy brown short hair, designed for warrior" -73005 Bandanna(Red) Red bandanna keeps your hair neat -73006 Bandanna(Check) Check pattern bandanna keeps your hair neat -73007 Bandanna(Blue) Blue bandanna keeps your hair neat -73008 Bandanna(Green Symbol) Green symbol bandanna keeps your hair neat -73009 Tied Back Long Hair(Black) Popular hair style for ancient fighters -73010 Tied Back Long Hair(Red) Popular hair style for ancient fighters -73011 Tied Back Long Hair(Light Brown) Popular hair style for ancient fighters -73012 Tied Back Long Hair(Lime Green) Popular hair style for ancient fighters - -73251 Ponytail(Brown) One of girls' favorite hair style -73252 Ponytail(Green) One of girls' favorite hair style -73253 Ponytail(Blue) One of girls' favorite hair style -73254 Ponytail(Ivory) One of girls' favorite hair style -73255 Medium Short Cut(Red) Assassin's red medium short hair cut -73256 Medium Short Cut(Brown) Assassin's brown medium short hair cut -73257 Medium Short Cut(Light Brown) Assassin's light brown medium short hair cut -73258 Medium Short Cut(Purple) Assassin's purple medium short hair cut -73259 Short Cut(Red) Assassin's red short hair cut -73260 Short Cut(Sky Blue) Assassin's brown short hair cut -73261 Short Cut(Black) Assassin's light brown short hair cut -73262 Short Cut(Yellow) Assassin's purple short hair cut - -73501 Sporty Hair Cut(White) Sura's white sporty hair style -73502 Sporty Hair Cut(Brown) Sura's brown sporty hair style -73503 Sporty Hair Cut(Yellow) Sura's yellow sporty hair style -73504 Sporty Hair Cut(Green) Sura's green sporty hair style -73505 Charisma Hair(White) Old style hair cut but very glamorous -73506 Charisma Hair(Red) Old style hair cut but very glamorous -73507 Charisma Hair(Black) Old style hair cut but very glamorous -73508 Charisma Hair(Purple) Old style hair cut but very glamorous -73509 Chic Swept-Back(White) -73510 Chic Swept-Back(Sky Blue) This sky blue chic swept-back hair style is very fashionable -73511 Chic Swept-Back(Black) This black chic swept-back hair style is very fashionable -73512 Chic Swept-Back(Brown) This brown chic swept-back hair style is very fashionable - -73751 Butterfly Hairpin(Brown) Beautiful brown long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73752 Butterfly Hairpin(Black) Beautiful black long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73753 Butterfly Hairpin(Sky Blue) Beautiful sky blue long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73754 Butterfly Hairpin(White) Beautiful white long hair with butterfly hairpin on it -73755 Semi-Long Short Cut(Brown) "A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it" -73756 Semi-Long Short Cut(Black) "A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it" -73757 Semi-Long Short Cut(Yellow) "A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it" -73758 Semi-Long Short Cut(Purple) "A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it" -73759 Long Hair Cut(Light Brown) "A neat hair cut, both guys and girls like it" -73760 Long Hair Cut(Yellow) A feminine hairstyle with long hair cut in layers -73761 Long Hair Cut(Purple) A feminine hairstyle with long hair cut in layers -73762 Long Hair Cut(Brown) A feminine hairstyle with long hair cut in layers - - - - -74001 Shaggy Short Cut(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74002 Shaggy Short Cut(Light Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74003 Shaggy Short Cut(Sky Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74004 Shaggy Short Cut(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74005 Neat Hair Band(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74006 Neat Hair Band(Check) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74007 Neat Hair Band(Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74008 Neat Hair Band(Green Symbol) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74009 Tied Back Long Hair(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74010 Tied Back Long Hair(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74011 Tied Back Long Hair(Light Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74012 Tied Back Long Hair(Lime Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - -74251 Ponytail(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74252 Ponytail(Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74253 Ponytail(Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74254 Ponytail(Ivory) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74255 Medium Short Cut(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74256 Medium Short Cut(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74257 Medium Short Cut(Light Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74258 Medium Short Cut(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74259 Short Cut(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74260 Short Cut(Sky Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74261 Short Cut(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74262 Short Cut(Yellow) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - -74501 Sporty Hair Cut(White) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74502 Sporty Hair Cut(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74503 Sporty Hair Cut(Yellow) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74504 Sporty Hair Cut(Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74505 Charisma Hair(White) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74506 Charisma Hair(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74507 Charisma Hair(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74508 Charisma Hair(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74509 Chic Swept-Back(White) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74510 Chic Swept-Back(Sky Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74511 Chic Swept-Back(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74512 Chic Swept-Back(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - -74751 Butterfly Hairpin(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74752 Butterfly Hairpin(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74753 Butterfly Hairpin(Sky Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74754 Butterfly Hairpin(White) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74755 Semi-Long Short Cut(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74756 Semi-Long Short Cut(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74757 Semi-Long Short Cut(Yellow) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74758 Semi-Long Short Cut(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74759 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Light Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74760 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Yellow) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74761 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -74762 Semi-Long Hair Cut(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - - - - -75001 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75002 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Pink) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75003 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Light Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75004 Cute chinese Double-Bun Hair(Light Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75005 Headband Short cut(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75006 Headband Short cut(Ivory) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75007 Headband Short cut(Light Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75008 Headband Short cut(Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75009 Ballerina Bun Hair(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75010 Ballerina Bun Hair(Pink) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75011 Ballerina Bun Hair(Light Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75012 Ballerina Bun Hair(Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - -75201 Long Tied Hair(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75202 Long Tied Hair(Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75203 Long Tied Hair(Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75204 Long Tied Hair(Ivory) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75205 Du-rag(White) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75206 Du-rag(Dark Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75207 Du-rag(Ocher) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75208 Du-rag(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75209 Shaggy Cut(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75210 Shaggy Cut(Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75211 Shaggy Cut(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75212 Shaggy Cut(Yellow) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - -75401 Boyish Tied Hair(Gey) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75402 Boyish Tied Hair(Light Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75403 Boyish Tied Hair(Yellow) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75404 Boyish Tied Hair(Green) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75405 Fantastic Straight Hair(White) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75406 Fantastic Straight Hair(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75407 Fantastic Straight Hair(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75408 Fantastic Straight Hair(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75409 Sausage Tied Hair(White) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75410 Sausage Tied Hair(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75411 Sausage Tied Hair(Black) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75412 Sausage Tied Hair(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - -75601 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Ocher) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75602 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Dark Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75603 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75604 Long Highlighted Swept-Back(Grey) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75605 Long Straight(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75606 Long Straight(Dark Blue) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75607 Long Straight(Yellow) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75608 Long Straight(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75609 Classic Swordman Hair(Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75610 Classic Swordman Hair(Grey-Brown) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75611 Classic Swordman Hair(Purple) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." -75612 Classic Swordman Hair(Red) "Right-click to use, type hair to check expiry day." - - - -80001 Money Pouch -80002 Blank Paper -80008 Lump of Gold Has a very high value -80009 Teleport Ring Teleport to city from anywhere. - -90001 Empty Water Bottle -90002 Water Bottle -90003 Crystal -90004 Gem -90005 Water Stone -90006 Spirit Stone -90007 Mineral diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b0313266..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Shaolin Stane Devine Cut Devine Slash Cut the enemy with lightning speed. Frontal Slash Attack 3 times Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR Whirlwind Hurricane Cyclone Spin the sword to attack several enemies. Frontal Slash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR Berserk Fury Frenzy Only concentrate on attacking. Increases Attack Speed Increases Moving Speed Increases Received Damage STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Attack Speed +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Moving Speed +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR Aura of Sword Spiritual Sword Phantom Sword Increases Attack Power for a time. Increases Attack Power STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Attack Power +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Charge Dash Knockout You attack as fast as a Bullet Powerful Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR Spirit Strike Shockwave Tsunami-Attack Attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Tiger Bash Pheonix Bash Dragon Bash Attack enemies directly. Straight Splash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Lion Stomp Bear Stomp Rhino Stomp Hit away several enemies. Straight Splash Attack Fainting Effect Chance ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Faint Chance %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Taichi Inferna Taichi Grand Increases Defense and you won Increases Defence Decreases Moving Speed Never fall down. STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Defence : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Moving Speed : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Sword Strike Sword Bolt Sword Hurl Attack enemies directly. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Fainting Effect Hits the Target down ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Faint Chance %.0f (100+k*1000/6)/10 -31 ASSASSIN Ghost Attack Stealth Attack Stealth Ambush Approach an enemy from behind and make a deadly attack. Attack Power is increased if it磗 a hit on the back Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Fatal Strike Fatal Cut Death Strike Approach an enemy fast and make a deadly attack. Teleport Attack Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Spinning Dagger Swaying Dagger Dancing Dagger Whirl around enemies with a dagger. Splash Attack Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Stealth Silent Walk Cloaking Hide yourself. Stops attacks when used. STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Ambush Bonus Damage : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Poisonous Cloud Deadly Cloud Killing Cloud Make poisonous clouds around the enemy and intoxicate them. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN Repetition Shot Multi-Shot Massive Shot Shoot several arrows at one enemy. Long Range Attack Several Attacks ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f Arrows have been shot 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Arrow Shower Dynamic Arrow Arrow Rain Shoot several arrows at several enemies. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Attack Power %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k Maximum Target %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Flaming Arrow Red-eye Arrow Furnacing Arrow Ignite the arrow. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Swiftness Cloud Walk Wind Walk Lighten the body to increase moving speed. Increases Moving Speed STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Moving Speed : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Toxic Arrow Poison Arrow Deadly Arrow Anoint the arrow with powerful poison. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Blows Away the Target Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Rupture Bursting Explosion Make a big explosion with your fingertips. Frontal Splash Attack Ignore Opponent Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Ignore Opponent 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Dark Twister Tornado Swirl Armaggedon Make a strong tornado to defeat several enemies. Splash Attack Ignore Opponent Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Ignore Opponent 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Enchanted Blade Ghost Blade Electric Blade Endow a blade with a powerful ghost. Increases Attack Power Intelligence Bonus Steal Life from Target STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Attack Power +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k Damage %.0f%% has been added in your HP 10*k -64 SURA Fear Horror Terror Weakens the enemies abilities. Decrease Opponent Increase chance that opponents miss their target. It磗 only activated when you get a hit. STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Opponent Attack Power -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Opponent 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Aphonic Shield Enchanted Armour Armour of Darkness Protect your body with a dark armour. Reflects some damage to attacker. Increases Defence Intelligence Bonus STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Defence +%.0f (iq+30)*k Reflect Physical Attack Chance %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Remove Magic Dispel Magic Eliminate Magic Remove all supporting effects. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Remove Opponent ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Dispel Chance %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Dark Strike Ghost Strike Dark Explosion Throw the Dark Force to damage enemies. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Flame Strike Burning Strike Flame Detonation Burn enemies with an explosion. Splash Attack Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Ritual of Doom Flame Ritual Flame Explosion Call a Flame Spirit. Long Range Attack Random Target Attack multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Aphotic Shield Dark Membrane Protection of Dark Lord Protects you with the Dark Force and converts physical damage into SP. Reduces Magic Damage Increases Defence STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Damage Reduction %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Defence +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Spirit Entangle Soul Strike Spirit Assault Throw Dark Spirits to damage enemies. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets You Become Slow ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Become Slow Chance : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Dark Orb Dark Globe Dark Sphere Throw Dark Orbs to damage enemies. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Flying Talisman Tiger Talisman Dragon Talisman Throw a talisman to damage enemies Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Inferno Combustion Dragon Breath Shoot a dragon figure to attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Lasting Fire Chance %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Dragon Roar Dragon Scream Dragon Cry Attack enemies with a dragon figure. Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Lasting Fire Chance %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Blessing Spell Heaven Spell Dragon Spell Protect your partner with a protecting circle. Physical Attack Resistance Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Physical Attack Resistance : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Reflect Damage Reflecting Water Crystal Mirror Protect your partner or yourself with a reflecting circle. Reflects Physical Attack Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Reflect Physical Attack Chance %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Enchant Damage Dragon Enchantment Dragon Wrath Strenghens your partners or your attack. Icreases Chance on a Critical Hit Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Deadly Attack Chance : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN Lightning Strike Lightning Toss Thunder Throw Throw with Thunderbolts. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Lighting Attribute ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Thunder Bolt Lightning Launch Thunder Blast Summon Thunderbolts from the sky. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Lighting Attribute Fainting Effect ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Faint Chance %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Lightning Claw Lightning Punch Thunder Punch Summon a Thunderbolt in your fist. Long Range Attack Lighting Attribute Chain Reaction Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Cure Heal Aid of Light Heal wounds with the aid of light. Restores HP Curses Negative Effects Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Restore HP %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Cures Negative Effects Chance %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Dance with Wind Quickness Speed of Wind Run as fast as the Wind. Increase Moving Speed Reducing Casting Speed Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Moving Speed +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Casting Speed +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Natures Enchantment Titan Enchantment Godly Enchantment Strengthen a partner. Increases Attack Power Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Attack Power : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Leadership Ability to lead partners. PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Combo Increase Combo attack. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Fishing Catch a fish. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Mining Mine a mineral. PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Blacksmithing Create item. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Pandemonia Language You can speak and listen to the Pandemonia language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Asmodia Language You can speak and listen to the Asmodia language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Elgoria Language You can speak and listen to the Elgoria language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Polymorph Transform into a monster. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Horse Riding Ability to ride a horse. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Summon Horse Summon a horse. summon -137 HORSE Horseback Slash Ride a horse and attack enemies. Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Horse Stomp Stomp on all enemies nearby. Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Power Wave Attack all enemies. Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Arrow Storm Shoot arrows at enemies. Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Dragon Eyes Increase Maximum Dragon Spirit. PASSIVE yongan Max. Drachengeisterh?ung +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Blood of Dragon God Increase Max HP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Max. HP-Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Benediction of Dragon God Increase Max SP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Max. SP-Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Holy Armour Increase defence of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Defence Increase +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Acceleration Increase attack and motion speed of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Attack Speed and Motion Increase +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Rage of Dragon God Increase Critical Hit Chance of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Increase Critical Hit Chance +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Casting Aid Increase cool down time of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Increase Cool Down time speed +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d6d60742..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/sg/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/sg/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index e6f6f9a3..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/sg/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e933ab52..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Pandemonia Kingdom[ENTER] -[ENTER] -The Pandemonia Kingdom[ENTER] -is in the south of the[ENTER] -continent.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -The inhabitants are mainly[ENTER] -busy with trading.[ENTER] -Founded by the commoners[ENTER] -after the Empire broke down,[ENTER] -the trade relations [ENTER] -[WAIT] -with the east[ENTER] -transformed quickly[ENTER] -in to a profitable arrangement.[ENTER] -The inhabitants fight[ENTER] -constantly with the west and[ENTER] -[WAIT] -this trading route is totally[ENTER] -disconnected now.[ENTER] -When they recognized the[ENTER] -threate of Metin Stones,[ENTER] -the merchants armed themself.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -It is their aim to[ENTER] -withstand the attacks from[ENTER] -the west,to open again all[ENTER] -trading routes and to unite the [ENTER] -whole continent under[ENTER] -[WAIT] -their leadership.[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34f14c41..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Asmodia Kingdom[ENTER] -[ENTER] -The Asmodia Kingdom is[ENTER] -located in the west of the [ENTER] -continent. [ENTER] -[WAIT] -It is a theocratic kingdom[ENTER] -and is led by its spiritual[ENTER] -Leaders.[ENTER] -The kingdom was founded by[ENTER] -Liu-Bang who is the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -cousin of the former emperor.[ENTER] -He used his wife's,[ENTER] -enormous magical powers,[ENTER] -to help him discover the threat [ENTER] -of the Metin Stones early.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -He advised multiple times for the[ENTER] -initiation of counter-measures[ENTER] -aganist the Metin Stones, [ENTER] -but he was ignored.[ENTER] -Thus he lead his fellowship[ENTER] -[WAIT] -into a rebellion against [ENTER] -the former empire.[ENTER] -After the Empire fell apart,[ENTER] -his Kingdom is up to now [ENTER] -in a state of war with the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -eastern region[ENTER] -and has problems with the[ENTER] -South.[ENTER] -The people of the [ENTER] -Asmodia Kingdom want [ENTER] -[WAIT] -to get the control [ENTER] -of the whole continent[ENTER] -so that they are able [ENTER] -to get rid of the growing [ENTER] -powers of the Metinstones.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 00313383..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Elgoria Kingdom[ENTER] -[ENTER] -The Elgoria Kingdom is [ENTER] -in the eastern regions of [ENTER] -the continent. This [ENTER] -[WAIT] -kingdom is based on[ENTER] -military power. Its [ENTER] -people are aggressive [ENTER] -and martial.[ENTER] -The Elgoria Kingdom is [ENTER] -[WAIT] -led by Liu-Qi, the[ENTER] -son of the last[ENTER] -emperor. He feels chosen to [ENTER] -reunite the old Empire [ENTER] -under his regency and with [ENTER] -[WAIT] -his strong[ENTER] -military forces.[ENTER] -Fears about the[ENTER] -meaning or effects [ENTER] -of the Metinstones [ENTER] -[WAIT] -are officially ignored in the [ENTER] -Elgoria Kingdom. Secretly,[ENTER] -Liu-Qi tries to find a[ENTER] -way to use the destructive[ENTER] -powers of the Metinstones[ENTER] -[WAIT] -for his aim.[ENTER] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/sg/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/sg/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index eeb1fe04..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5276 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -20 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -21 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -22 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -29 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -30 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -31 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -32 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -33 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -34 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -35 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -36 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -37 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -38 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -39 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -40 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -41 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -42 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -43 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00040.gr2 -44 WEAPON icon/item/00040.tga d:/ymir 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-164 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -165 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -166 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -167 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -168 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -169 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -170 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -171 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -172 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -173 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -174 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -175 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -176 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -177 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -178 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir 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-238 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -239 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -240 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -241 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -242 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -243 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -244 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -245 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -246 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -247 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -248 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -249 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -250 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -251 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -252 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir 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-69110 ETC icon/item/book_36.tga -69120 ETC icon/item/book_41.tga -69130 ETC icon/item/book_42.tga -69140 ETC icon/item/book_43.tga -69150 ETC icon/item/book_44.tga -70001 ETC icon/item/70001.tga -70002 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -70003 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -70004 ETC icon/item/70004.tga -70005 ETC icon/item/70005.tga -70006 ETC icon/item/70006.tga -70007 ETC icon/item/70007.tga -70008 ETC icon/item/70008.tga -70009 ETC icon/item/70009.tga -70010 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -70011 ETC icon/item/70011.tga -70012 ETC icon/item/70012.tga -70013 ETC icon/item/70013.tga -70014 ETC icon/item/70014.tga -70015 ETC icon/item/70015.tga -70016 ETC icon/item/70017.tga -70017 ETC icon/item/70017.tga -70018 ETC icon/item/70018.tga -70019 ETC icon/item/70019.tga -70020 ETC icon/item/70020.tga -70021 ETC icon/item/70021.tga -70022 ETC icon/item/70022.tga -70023 ETC icon/item/70023.tga -70024 ETC icon/item/70024.tga -70025 ETC icon/item/70025.tga -70026 ETC icon/item/70026.tga -70027 ETC 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icon/item/70107.tga -70108 ETC icon/item/70038.tga -70109 ETC icon/item/70025.tga -70110 ETC icon/item/70021.tga -70201 ETC icon/item/70201.tga -70202 ETC icon/item/70202.tga -70203 ETC icon/item/70203.tga -70204 ETC icon/item/70204.tga -70205 ETC icon/item/70205.tga -70206 ETC icon/item/70206.tga -70301 ETC icon/item/70301.tga -70302 ETC icon/item/70302.tga -71001 ETC icon/item/71001.tga -71002 ETC icon/item/71002.tga -71003 ETC icon/item/71003.tga -71004 ETC icon/item/71004.tga -71005 ETC icon/item/70006.tga -71006 ETC icon/item/70006.tga -71007 ETC icon/item/70006.tga -71008 ETC icon/item/71008.tga -71009 ETC icon/item/71009.tga -71010 ETC icon/item/27620.tga -71011 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -71012 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -71013 ETC icon/item/50100.tga -71014 ETC icon/item/27102.tga -71015 ETC icon/item/70005.tga -71016 ETC icon/item/70043.tga -71026 ETC icon/item/30064.tga -71032 ETC icon/item/71032.tga -71011 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -71034 ETC icon/item/27102.tga -71035 ETC 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ETC icon/item/71027.tga -71028 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -71029 ETC icon/item/71029.tga -71030 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -71044 ETC icon/item/71044.tga -71045 ETC icon/item/71045.tga -71048 ETC icon/item/71048.tga -71049 ETC icon/item/71049.tga -71050 ETC icon/item/27103.tga -71051 ETC icon/item/71051.tga -71052 ETC icon/item/71052.tga -71054 ETC icon/item/71054.tga -71057 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71058 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71059 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71060 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71061 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71062 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71063 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71064 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71065 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71066 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71067 ETC icon/item/71057.tga -71068 ETC icon/item/70029.tga -71069 ETC icon/item/71069.tga -71070 ETC icon/item/71070.tga -71071 ETC icon/item/71071.tga -71072 ETC icon/item/71072.tga -71073 ETC icon/item/71073.tga -71074 ETC icon/item/71074.tga -71080 ETC icon/item/71080.tga -71081 ETC icon/item/71080.tga -71082 ETC 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-71121 ETC icon/item/71121.tga -71161 ETC icon/item/71161.tga -71164 ETC icon/item/71131.tga -72001 ETC icon/item/70005.tga -72002 ETC icon/item/70005.tga -72003 ETC icon/item/70005.tga -72004 ETC icon/item/70043.tga -72005 ETC icon/item/70043.tga -72006 ETC icon/item/70043.tga -72007 ETC icon/item/71049.tga -72008 ETC icon/item/71049.tga -72009 ETC icon/item/71049.tga -72013 ETC icon/item/71008.tga -72014 ETC icon/item/71008.tga -72015 ETC icon/item/71008.tga -72016 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -72017 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -72018 ETC icon/item/70002.tga -72019 ETC icon/item/71009.tga -72020 ETC icon/item/71009.tga -72021 ETC icon/item/71009.tga -72022 ETC icon/item/71017.tga -72023 ETC icon/item/71017.tga -72024 ETC icon/item/71017.tga -72025 ETC icon/item/71045.tga -72026 ETC icon/item/71045.tga -72027 ETC icon/item/71045.tga -72028 ETC icon/item/71011.tga -72029 ETC icon/item/71011.tga -72030 ETC icon/item/71011.tga -72031 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -72032 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -72033 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -72034 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -72035 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -72036 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -72037 ETC icon/item/71027.tga -72038 ETC icon/item/71027.tga -72039 ETC icon/item/71027.tga -72040 ETC icon/item/71029.tga -72041 ETC icon/item/71029.tga -72042 ETC icon/item/71029.tga -72043 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -72044 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -72045 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -72046 ETC icon/item/71044.tga -72047 ETC icon/item/71044.tga -72048 ETC icon/item/71044.tga -72049 ETC season1/icon/item/72049.tga -72050 ETC season1/icon/item/72049.tga -72301 ETC icon/item/25040.tga -72302 ETC icon/item/70003.tga -72303 ETC icon/item/70005.tga -72304 ETC icon/item/70024.tga -72305 ETC icon/item/70026.tga -72306 ETC icon/item/70027.tga -72307 ETC icon/item/70028.tga -72308 ETC icon/item/70035.tga -72309 ETC icon/item/70039.tga -72310 ETC icon/item/71001.tga -72311 ETC icon/item/71020.tga -72312 ETC icon/item/71028.tga -72313 ETC icon/item/71030.tga -72315 ETC icon/item/27103.tga -72316 ETC icon/item/71083.tga -72317 ETC icon/item/71084.tga -72318 ETC icon/item/71085.tga -72701 ETC season1/icon/item/72701.tga -72703 ETC icon/item/72703.tga -72704 ETC icon/item/72704.tga -72705 ETC icon/item/72705.tga -72706 ETC icon/item/72706.tga -72707 ETC icon/item/72707.tga -72708 ETC icon/item/72708.tga -72709 ETC icon/item/72703.tga -72710 ETC icon/item/72704.tga -72711 ETC icon/item/72705.tga -72712 ETC icon/item/72706.tga -72713 ETC icon/item/72707.tga -72714 ETC icon/item/72708.tga -72723 ETC icon/item/72723.tga -72724 ETC icon/item/72724.tga -72725 ETC icon/item/72725.tga -72727 ETC icon/item/72727.tga -72728 ETC icon/item/72728.tga -72729 ETC icon/item/72729.tga -73001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -73251 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73252 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73253 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73254 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73255 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73256 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73257 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73258 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73259 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73260 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73261 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73262 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -73501 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73502 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73503 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73504 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73505 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73506 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73507 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73508 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73509 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73510 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73511 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73512 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -73751 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73752 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -73762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -72501 ETC icon/item/72501.tga -72502 ETC icon/item/72502.tga -74001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -74251 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74252 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74253 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74254 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74255 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74256 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74257 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74258 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74259 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74260 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74261 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74262 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -74501 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74502 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74503 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74504 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74505 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74506 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74507 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74508 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74509 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74510 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74511 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74512 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -74751 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74752 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74753 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74754 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74755 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74756 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74757 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74758 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74759 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74760 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74761 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -74762 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75001 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75002 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75003 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75004 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75005 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75006 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75007 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75008 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75009 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75010 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75011 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75012 ETC icon/item/73001.tga -75201 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75202 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75203 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75204 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75205 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75206 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75207 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75208 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75209 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75210 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75211 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75212 ETC icon/item/73251.tga -75401 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75402 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75403 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75404 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75405 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75406 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75407 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75408 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75409 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75410 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75411 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75412 ETC icon/item/73501.tga -75601 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75602 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75603 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75604 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75605 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75606 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75607 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75608 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75609 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75610 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75611 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75612 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/sg/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index b1b3730f..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/sg/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 7c6f7fd2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Assassins are professional[ENTER] -ninjas, which can[ENTER] -attack through ambush.[ENTER] -They wear only light[ENTER] -armor to maintain[ENTER] -[WAIT] -both mobility and speed.[ENTER] -As a result of their[ENTER] -dedication to these [ENTER] -abilities Assassins are [ENTER] -masters with both daggers[ENTER] -[WAIT] -and bows[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fa7550e9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Mages are wise and use[ENTER] -Spells and Magic.[ENTER] -When fighting and in support[ENTER] -of their friends,[ENTER] -their mystic powers are[ENTER] -[WAIT] -very effective.[ENTER] -As a result of their[ENTER] -dedication to these[ENTER] -abilities,a Mage may[ENTER] -increase the damage of[ENTER] -[WAIT] -attacks or upgrade[ENTER] -their healing and support[ENTER] -spells.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 13529f48..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -The Suras are Fighters[ENTER] -who received some magical[ENTER] -powers when they agreed[ENTER] -to let the seed of[ENTER] -the devil raise[ENTER] -[WAIT] -in their arms.[ENTER] -So they are able to[ENTER] -swirl the Sword powerful [ENTER] -in Close Combat or [ENTER] -to damage the [ENTER] -[WAIT] -enemy from a distance [ENTER] -with magic. [ENTER] -Through specialisation [ENTER] -they can upgrade [ENTER] -attack-spells[ENTER] -[WAIT] -or gain additional[ENTER] -support magic. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 94ae082e..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -In Close Combat, [ENTER] -Warriors play a [ENTER] -central role, because of[ENTER] -their weapons and heavy [ENTER] -armour.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -They strive for[ENTER] -great physical strength[ENTER] -and a balanced mind.[ENTER] -According to their way [ENTER] -of specialisation, they can [ENTER] -[WAIT] -either cause massive damage [ENTER] -with Two-Handed Weapons [ENTER] -Or they can parry the[ENTER] -attacks of their enemy[ENTER] -with both sword and shield. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/sg/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/sg/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/sg/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 09da73c3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,771 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Lovepoints: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Rank: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Attacking Error: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE The combatant is too far away. -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE You cannot change armour while trading. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP You cannot change armour while trading. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA You cannot open a private Warehouse in a public area. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE The enemy is too far away. -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW I need an Arrow. -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot do this. -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH I am sure I cannot get closer. -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK I cannot attack. -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE The enemy is too far away. -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD I need a Rod. -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE I first need a Horse before I can use this. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an Empty Bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Who is the target? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP I do not have enough HP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP I do not have enough SP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL I cannot use this while riding. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON I cannot use this Skill with that weapon. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN I have not learned this Skill. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE This only affects groupmembers. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE This only affects dead people. -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD I cannot use this Skill with a Rod. -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF I cannot use this on myself. -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME I cannot use this Skill yet. -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s blocked whispering completely. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s is not online. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE You cannot whisper something to someone when you blocked whispering totally. SNA -CHANNEL Channel -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT You cannot go back to the login screen. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER No server -CHANNEL_NORMAL Channel %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO You cannot get this information. -CHANNEL_PVP Free duel -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Choose the channel -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Choose region. -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Choose server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL All -CHAT_BLOCK Block -CHAT_GUILD Guild -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING This sentence has invalid words in it. -CHAT_LOG Show old messages [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Show protocol -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Announcement -CHAT_PARTY Group -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Send chat -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Send whisper[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT Call -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT You can only call each 15 seconds. -CHAT_WHISPER Whispering -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME "You are not allowed to use ,GM, in your character name." -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME This name is invalid. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Another character already has this name. -CREATE_FAILURE You cannot create the character -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Enter the name. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT There are still status points left. -DAY Days -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Do you want to drop %d Gold? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot drop an equipped Item. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot drop an equipped Item if you open a private Warehouse. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER You can drop a maximum of 1000 Gold. -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dance 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dance 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dance 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dance 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dance 5 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Congratulation -EMOTION_FORGIVE Forgiveness -EMOTION_ANGRY Angry -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Attractive -EMOTION_SAD Sad -EMOTION_SHY Shy -EMOTION_CHEERUP Cheer up -EMOTION_BANTER Tease -EMOTION_JOY Joy -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Cheers 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Cheers 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Choose a target -EMOTION_CLAP Claps -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kiss -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS French Kiss -EMOTION_SLAP Hit -EMPIRE_A Pandemonia Kingdom -EMPIRE_B Asmodia Kingdom -EMPIRE_C Elgoria Kingdom -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE You cannot trade this Item. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY You cannot change the sum now. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot exchange equipped Items. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Sum -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s -FISHING_FAILURE You lost the Bait. -FISHING_UNKNOWN I do not know what I caught. -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE I cannot go fishing here. -GAME_CANNOT_MINING You cannot look for Ore while riding. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM You cannot collect this Item as you did not win it. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR The cursor could not be established. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 must be installed so that the game can run.\nInstall DirectX 8.1 or higher. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE No graphic device could be found. \n Check if your VGA card is correctly installed. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST "Graphic device could not be established. \n Check if you have a VGA card. \n Alternatively, you can active the hardware accelerator.\n (Set hardware accelerator to max \n System Control->Display->Settings->Advanced->Registration Card Trouble.Shooting)" -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT The graphics card of the computer does not support the window mode in 32bit Mode. \n Change to 16bit Mode or us Complete Screen Mode. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO No Item data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Mainframe could not be established -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO No Monster Data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Network devices could not be established.\nCheck your internet connection. -GAME_PICK_MONEY You received %d Gold. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Height is not 128 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Height is not 12 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Width is not 16 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Width is not 64 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT The game does not support this picture. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Move the data into the folder metin2/upload. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT No picture file chosen. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flag captured. -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Field Battle -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 The %s Guild declared war on your Guild. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Do you accept? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Guild theater of war -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Name of building -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE Dragon ghost was not restored and cannot heal -GUILD_COMMENT Write -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Guild name is not valid. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Guild members -GUILD_DELETE Delete -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Do you want to restore with %d YGold %d the Dragon ghost? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN Do you want to join the Guild? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Empty land -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Guild name of the enemy -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Restore Dragon ghost -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_NAME Guild name -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL You do not have enough resources for this building. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY You do not have enough Gold for this building. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION You do not have the rights to make an announcement. -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Experience to invest -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Not enough Experience yet -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Basic Information -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Notice board -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Position Administration -GUILD_TILE_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Guild Members -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Guild Skill -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Time: 30 Minutes -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Reward: The winner receives a Potion -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Use Guild Theater of War -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Use Normal Map -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE The highest result wins the war. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Defeat all enemies to win. -GUILD_WITHDRAW Fallback -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN You are not a member of any Guild. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Dead -HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungry -HORSE_HEALTH2 Starving -HORSE_HEALTH3 Full -HORSE_LEVEL1 Normal Horse -HORSE_LEVEL2 Armoured Horse -HORSE_LEVEL3 Military Horse -HOUR Hours -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Enter Matrix Cardnumber. -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Please enter the 7 digit PIN number. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Delete character -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Role of Return cannot be combined. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Do you want to use this Item? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateur Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Power of the Ninjas -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Undead -JOB_SHAMAN Mage -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateur Mage -JOB_SHAMAN1 Power of the Dragon -JOB_SHAMAN2 Lightning Power -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amateur Sura -JOB_SURA1 Power of the Fata Morgana -JOB_SURA2 Power of Black Magic -JOB_WARRIOR Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateur Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR1 Power of Arahan -JOB_WARRIOR2 Power of Partisans -LEFT_TIME Time Remaining -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Error while connecting to the server. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS You are connected to the server. -LOGIN_CONNETING You will be connected to the server. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Your account is already connected. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Registration problem. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Your account is banned. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Your account had no play time. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Your account cannot be used. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID This account does not exist. -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Items have been restored for this account. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN The server is not open yet. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER You could not connect because too many players are online. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN You could not register for unknown reasons. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER You entered a wrong number. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE You entered a wrong number three times. /n You connection will be disabled. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Check your entries. -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Enter the ID. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Enter the password. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Login process runs. -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT You cannot place the Item. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MAP_A1 Yougan Area -MAP_A2 Dragon Valley -MAP_A3 Jayang Area -MAP_AG Jungrang -MAP_B1 Joan Area -MAP_B2 Valley of Im-ji -MAP_B3 Bokjung Area -MAP_BG Waryong -MAP_C1 Pyungmoo Area -MAP_C2 Valley of Bang-san -MAP_C3 Bakrah Area -MAP_CG Imha -MAP_DESERT SaharaDesert -MAP_FLAME InfernalFF -MAP_SKELTOWER DemonTower -MAP_SNOW IceMountain -MAP_SPIDER SpiderCave -MAP_TEMPLE DarkTemple -MAP_TREE GhostForest -MAP_TRENT02 RedWoodForest -MAP_WL SnakeField -MAP_NUSLUCK GiantWasteland -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s added you as a friend. -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Accept? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Delete? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Do you want to delete the cell phone number? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Do you want to go on? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Empty -MESSENGER_FAMILY Family -MESSENGER_FRIEND Friend -MESSENGER_GUILD Guild -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Enter the confirmation number that was sent to your cell phone. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Enter confirmation number -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Enter the cell phone number for the Text message sending. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Do you want to enter the number now? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Enter cell phone number. -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Send message. -MINIMAP Mini Map -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Mini Map cannot be seen. -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Mini Map cannot be shown. -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Minimize -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Maximize -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d observers -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Large Map -MINUTE Minutes -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Sales Price: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot move the Item when you have opened a private Warehouse. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST No back ground music. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2 Standard music -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC No Music file chosen. -NEEFD_REST You must rest first. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT Not yet supported -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE You cannot activate Guild Mode when you do not belong to a Guild. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT You cannot choose this configuration in PvP Mode. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT You need to have at least Level %d to be able to use the PvP Mode. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Attack Value: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Attck Speed: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Process Duration: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Defence: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max. HP: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max. SP: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Delete Group -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT %s invited you into the Group. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN Do you want to accept the invitation? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Level Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Higher Level receives more EXP. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Evenly Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP All Group members receive the same EXP. -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Restore everything. -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Range of the group heightened of the factor 1.5 . SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Range of the group heightened of the factor 2. SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Leave group. -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP for a long group game: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Call group member. -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus for HP- + SP regeneration: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED You discarded the invitation into the group.. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Constitute as Attacker. -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Constitute as Berserker. -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Constitute as Blocker. -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Constitute as Defender. -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Withdraw settings. -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Constitute as Skill Master. -PARTY_SET_TANKER Constitute as Close Combat Fighter. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER "Base Attack Value Attacker +%,0f" -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER "Attack Speed Berserker +%,0f" -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER "Production Duration Blocker +%,0f" -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER "Defence Defender +%,0f" -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN "HP Regeneration +%,0f%%" -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Group range +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER "Max. SP Skill Master +%,0f" -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN "SP Regeneration +%,0f%%" -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER "Max. HP Close Combat Fighter +%,0f" -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Possible to call group members. -PASSWORD_TITLE Save Password -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item Number -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Sum -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM You cannot sell this Item in a private Warehouse. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Do you want to close the private Warehouse? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Name of the private Warehouse. -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Price -PVP_LEVEL0 Chivalric -PVP_LEVEL1 Noble -PVP_LEVEL2 Good -PVP_LEVEL3 Friendly -PVP_LEVEL4 Neutral -PVP_LEVEL5 Aggressive -PVP_LEVEL6 Fraudulent -PVP_LEVEL7 Malicious -PVP_LEVEL8 Cruel -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP Guild mode activated. -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP Free activated. -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP Peace activated. -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP Protection activated. -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP Aggressive activated. -PVP_OPTION_KILL Free -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Peace -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Protection -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Hostile -QUEST_APPEND New Quest acquired. -QUEST_MIN Min. -QUEST_SEC Sec. -QUEST_TIMEOVER Time Expired -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME No time limit. -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sec. -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be added to the Fast Access Field. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s sent you a message. -REFINE_COST Costs for Advancement: %d Gold -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING This Item could be destroyed while upgrading. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 "This will improve the chance for upgrading," -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 but if you fail the Item could be destroyed. /n Do you want to continue? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING The Item could be downgraded this way. -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Do you want to take away the Metin stone? -REFINE_FAILURE You failed. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot upgrade the equipped Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM No Metin stone can be taken away. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL You need a better Advancement Scroll. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET You cannot make more Sockets. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM You cannot make any Sockets on this Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be upgraded. -REFINE_SUCCESS The advancement of the Item was successful. -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Chance for Advancement %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Do you want to continue? -SAFEBOX_ERROR You entered the wrong password. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM You cannot sell any of the saved Items. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD The passwords have to be identical. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 is saved in -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot File -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Saving of Screenshot failed. -SECOND Sec -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE You cannot delete the character. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME You changed the name of the character. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME The character name is already existing. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Try again. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME That -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Change character name. -SELECT_DELEING Character will be deleted. -SELECT_DELETED Deletion successful. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Do you want to continue? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT This is an empty field. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Enter a new character name. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD No Guild -SHOP_BUY_INFO You can buy an Item in a Shop by choosing it in the window. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT You cannot sell the equipped Item. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM This Item cannot be sold. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Loading Error: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS This Item cannot be used here. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Your inventory is full. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough Gold -SHOP_SELL_INFO Choose the Item to be sold in the inventory window. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Sold Out -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Long Distance Attack Error: %s -SKILL_BOHO Reflect Damage -SKILL_BUDONG -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK You need EXP to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT You need a Book to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Taichi -SKILL_CRITICAL Doubled Damage -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Apply Poison -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Stealth -SKILL_FAINT Blackout -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Find Trap -SKILL_FIRE Permanent Fire -SKILL_FISHMIND Fish Sphere is used -SKILL_GAMJI Capture -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura of the Sword -SKILL_GEONGON -SKILL_GICHEON Help of the Dragon -SKILL_GIGONG Chi Rotation -SKILL_GONGPO Fear -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Blade -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Archery -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Riding Skills -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Dragon -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Healing -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Weapon -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magic -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Body -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Mental -SKILL_GWIGEOM Enchanted Blade -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Feather Walking -SKILL_HEUKSIN Dark Protection -SKILL_HOSIN Blessing -SKILL_HWAYEOM Flame Slash -SKILL_HYEOLMA Demon Power up -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Increases attack speed -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Increases moving speed -SKILL_INMA Combine Ability -SKILL_JEOJU Curse -SKILL_JEONGEOP Healing -SKILL_JEONGWI Battle Flush -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Full Defence -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Full Attack -SKILL_JEUNGCHE Enlarge -SKILL_JEUNGHON Increase Mana -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Attack + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Speed + -SKILL_JIGAM -SKILL_JIPJUNG Concentrate Defense -SKILL_JUMAGAP Enchanted Armour -SKILL_JUMAGEOM Enchanted Blade -SKILL_KWAEGEOM Attack Speed -SKILL_KWAESOK Speed -SKILL_LEGBOUND Freeze -SKILL_MUSA Warrior's spirit -SKILL_MUYEONG Ghost of the Flame -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an Empty Bottle. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR You can use this Skill during a Guild War only. -SKILL_PABEOP Neutralize Spell -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Dazing Attack -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Lightning Bomb -SKILL_SINCHAK -SKILL_SLEEP Sleep -SKILL_SLOW Slow -SKILL_STUN Daze -SKILL_SUHO Guard -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance of the Evocation: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level -SKILL_TOXICDIE Poisoning -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Poison attack value increased -SKILL_TUSOK Ghost Hit -SKILL_WONSIN Iron Skin -SKILL_YONGSIN Dragon God Spirit -STAT_MINUS_CON Life Energy Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX Agility Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT Intelligence Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR Strength Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON HP and Defence were upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Accuracy and Fleeing were upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT HP and Magical Power were upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Attack Value upgraded. -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Register Guild flag -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU Tiling Mode can upgrade the speed of a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 "If there are problem with the graphics choose either ,Systemoption?or ,CONFIG.exe?" -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU Tiling Mode can run slow on a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 "If there are problem with the graphics choose either ,Systemoption?or ,CONFIG.exe?" -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT For a change to the Tiling Mode the game must be restarted. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Agree -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Revenge -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Destroy -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Dismount -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotions -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Trading -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Exclude -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duel -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Friend -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guild Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Group Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Leave Group -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Join Group -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Armor -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Whispering -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Level 5. -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Level 3. -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Level 1. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Level 4. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Level 2. -TASKBAR_ATTACK Attack -TASKBAR_AUTO Automatic -TASKBAR_CAMERA Camera -TASKBAR_EXP Experience -TASKBAR_HP HP -TASKBAR_MOVE Move -TASKBAR_SKILL Skill -TASKBAR_SP SP -TASKBAR_ST ST -THING_COUNT all -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Strong against Animals +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Strong against Assassin +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Strong against Devil +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Strong against Demi-Human +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Strong against Esoteric +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Strong against Monster +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Strong against Orcs +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Strong against Mages +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Strong against Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Strong against Undead +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Strong against Warriorr +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance to block Attacks against Body %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Recover SP in 5 seconds during battle %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance of Critical Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to absord SP when hit SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Chance to avoid Arrows %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance for EXP Bonus SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double Gold SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immune against Knockback SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Immune against Slow SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Immune against Faint SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double the Items SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to restore HP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to restore SP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% Chance to take the SP of the enemy SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT No effect -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY No sentence when dead SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% Chance for Pierce Attack SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Poisoned Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Poison Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Potion %d%% effect raise SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Chance to Reflect Curse: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to Reflect direct body hit: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Bell Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Dagger Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Fan Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Sword Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Two-Handed Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Wind Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Chance to learn from books upgraded by factor 2.5 . SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY If learning fails the Evil Ghost Curse can be lifted. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Slowing Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP The Damage of %d%% will be absorbed by HP. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP The Damage of %d%% will be absorbed by SP. SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance of a Faint: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Cannot be sold in a Warehouse -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armor -TOOLTIP_ARROW Arrow -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Assassin -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Archery Range +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Spell Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Life Energy +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Agility +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Earring -TOOLTIP_ETC And so on -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Points: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Give it to the Lumberjack -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 to get an -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 upgraded Pick Axe -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Points %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Give it the Fisherman -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 to get an -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 upgraded Rod -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN "Lenght: %,2fcm" -TOOLTIP_HELMET Helmet -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Attack Value %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Attacking Speed %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Life Energy Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Agility Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Intelligence Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL From Level: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Strength Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magical Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magical Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magical Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Very fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Very slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Wearable ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Lucky Number: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magical Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magical Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Attack Value +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Attack Value +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT Look automatically for dropped Treasures. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Defence +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Defence +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC EXP+20% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND The chance to capture a rare fish has risen. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Chance of capturing Gold multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Chance of capturing Yang multiplied with 2 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Chance of capturing Items multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Chance of capturing Items plus %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Chance of capturing Items multiplied with 2 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Lovepoints raise faster. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Provide a third storage. SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max. HP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max. HP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max. SP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max. SP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max. Endurance +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION "%s(%d, %d)" -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR "GPS ERROR(%d, %d)" -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Necklace -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Needed SP: Max. -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Needed Dragon ghost: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Needed HP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC HP: %d / Sec -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Needed Skill Points: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Needed SP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC SP: %d / Sec -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Next Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Next Level: %d (Max. %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Average Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Average Damage Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 More than %d Group members -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Attack Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Defence Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 60 minutes. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 30 minutes -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL You have to wait 3 minutes after the death of a group member. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL You can call Group members who are on the same server anytime. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Attack Level +(Number of Group members./2) Attacker %d can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defence Level +(Number of Group members) Close Combat Fighters 1 can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Attack/Defence upgraded] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [restore] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP When you have more than %d Group members you get %d%% Bonus EXP . -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus EXP] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Call] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Constitute Attacker] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Constitute Close Combat Fighter] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cure negative effects. -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Attack Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Moving Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT SP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT SP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sec. -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Duration: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL You must have reached Level 21. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL You must have reached Level 41. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL You must have reached Level %d. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d needed. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d needed -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Arrow Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Lightning Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Fire Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magic Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Left: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Mage -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Shield -TOOLTIP_SHOES Shoes -TOOLTIP_SKILL Skills SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Skill Book -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Attack Value: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Attack Value: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Defence: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Opponent Attack Value: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restore HP: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to reflect body attacks: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Resistance against Body Damage: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Loading Time: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Resistance against Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Duration: %d Sec. -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Band of Oblivion -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Current Level: %d (Master) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Current Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Empty -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Item with Socket] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR Strength +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unique -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Warrior -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Weapon -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Wristlet -UI_ACCEPT Accept -UI_CANCEL Cancel -UI_CLOSE Close -UI_DEF_FONT Arial:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Arial:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Arial:10 -UI_DENY Decline -UI_ITEM Item -UI_LEFT_TIME Remaining Time: %d Sec. -UI_NEXT Continue -UI_NOCONTENTS No Content -UI_NONAME No Name -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unknown Place -UI_UNKNOWN Unknown -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot use this Item because you opened a private Warehouse. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Skill Error: %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want to sell %s for %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want to sell %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want to buy %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want to buy %s %s for %s? -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to include %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %s? -MONETARY_UNIT0 Gold -MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand -MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looked like %s got captured. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 You captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 You have %s! -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR %s%% Resistance to Warrior Attack SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN %s%% Resistance to Assassin Attack SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA %s%% Resistance to Sura Attack SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN %s%% Resistance to Mage Attack SA -FOR_MALE For Male -FOR_FEMALE For Female -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Mainbuilding -GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding -GUILD_OBJECT Objects -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Your guild level is not sufficient to upload guild mark. -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING using -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST rest : %.2f%% -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP test -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP test -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER test -WHISPER_REPORT test diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4b2e8376..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,286 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Accept -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Attach? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE The Metin stone was attched. -CANCEL Cancel -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Confirm new Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW New Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Old Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Password Change -CHARACTER_ACTION Emotion -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emotion -CHARACTER_MAIN Character -CHARACTER_QUEST Mission -CHARACTER_SKILL Skill -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Mutual Emotion -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normal Emotion -CLOSE Close -CREATE_ATT_GRADE STR -CREATE_CREATE Create -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DEX -CREATE_HP HP -CREATE_LAST_POINT Points -CREATE_NAME Name -CREATE_NEXT Next -CREATE_PREV Back -CREATE_SHAPE Shape -CREATE_SP SP -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reset -EMPIRE_EXIT Exit -EMPIRE_NEXT Next -EMPIRE_PREV Back -EMPIRE_SELECT Choose -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Accept -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Game Options -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -GAME_HELP Help -GAME_QUEST Tasks -GAME_SKILL_UP Raise Skills -GAME_STAT_UP Raise State -GUILD_BASENAME Base Name -GUILD_BOARD_ID Name -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Content -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Building Units -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Change -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Direction -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Buildings and Cost Information -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Building List -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Building name -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operate -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Position -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Preview -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Guild House Building -GUILD_CRYSTAL Crystal -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Here -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Drop Resource -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME Rank Name to be changed -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Rank -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Kicked -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Take in -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Notice -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Craftsmen -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Rank -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Write -GUILD_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Experience -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Declare War -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Enemy Guild -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Guild Level -GUILD_INFO_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Leader -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Leader Value -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL Average Level -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Members -GUILD_INFO_NAME Guild name -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE This is a Guild Name -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Invest -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Needed Exp. -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Upload Sign -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Upload Flag -GUILD_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Race -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Leader -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Level -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Name -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Rank -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Invest -GUILD_METIN_STONE Metin stone -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Gold -GUILD_NAME Guild -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Resources Information -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Active -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Passive -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Power -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Skills of the Guild -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Win back Power -GUILD_SYMBOL Guild Flag -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Accept War Declaration -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Battle Type -GUILD_WAR_CTF Leader -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Declare Guild War -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Enemy Guild -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Field Battle -GUILD_WAR_WARP Theater of War -GUILD_WATER Water -GUILD_WATER_STONE Waterstone -GUILD_WITHDRAW Take -HELP_ATTACK_KEY or Left click to Attack -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE + for PK mode -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 "(Open: Character Window, Inventory Window" -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 and Chat Window) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON Use middle mouse button to zoom in/out -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON + Right control to move the camera -HELP_EXP Experience -HELP_FURY Fury (not implemented) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW + for Guild window -HELP_HELP press for help or use the system window button -HELP_HP HP -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW + for messenger window -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Function of the Left Mouse button -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Function of the Right Mouse button -HELP_MOVE_KEY , , , or arrow keys to move -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - Press 'C' opens the Character Window -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - Press 'Enter' to open the Chat Window -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - Press 'I' opens the Inventory Window -HELP_OPEN_LOG - Press 'L' opens the Chatlog -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - Press 'Shift' and 'M' open and close the Mini Map -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - Press 'N' to open the Task Window -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - Press 'V' to open the Skill Window -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - Press 'Shift' and 'Enter' to open the Whisper Window -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - Press 'M' to open and closes the Large Map -HELP_PICK_ITEM - Press '~' to collect dropped Items -HELP_QUICKSLOT Fast Access Field -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - Press 'Print Screen' to take a Screenshot. This Screenshot will be saved in Own Files/METIN2 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - Press the 'Alt' key to show the Names of all Characters and Items in view. -HELP_SP SP -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON System Button -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. Inventory -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2. Inventory -INVENTORY_TITLE Inventory -LOAD_ERROR The File is damaged. Please install new. Press ESC now. -LOGIN_CONNECT Connect -LOGIN_CONNECTING You will be connected to the Server -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR "Servername, Channel 1" -LOGIN_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Choose Place for issuing an invoice. -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Choose -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Choose Server -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MALL_TITLE Storage of Item Market -MARKET_TITLE Load -MARKLIST_REFRESH Refresh -MARKLIST_TITLE Register Guild Sign -MESSAGE This is a Message -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Delete Friend -MESSENGER_MOBILE Send Text Message -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Open Guild Window -MESSENGER_TITLE Friends -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Use the Guild Moving Skill -MESSENGER_WHISPER Whisper -MINIMIZE Minimize -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Attack -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Attack automatically -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Perspective -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Skills -MUSICLIST_TITLE Music Choices -NO No -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Name -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Limited -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Always -OPTION_BLOCK Block -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Trade -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Friend -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Guild -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Group -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Request -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Whisper -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Camera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Long Distance -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Short Distance -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Delete Cell Phone Number -OPTION_EFFECT Hit Info. -OPTION_FOG Fog -OPTION_FOG_DENSE Dense -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Light -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Middle -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Enter Cell Phone Number -OPTION_MOBILE Cell Phone -OPTION_MUSIC Music -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Change -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Standard Music of Metin2 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Name Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Empire Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal Color -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP Mode -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Free -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Guild -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players but your Guild members. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Peace -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP No player can attack me. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Hostile -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP You can only attack those who have another Ethos. -OPTION_SOUND Sound Effects -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Target Menu -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Close -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Show -OPTION_TILING Graphic -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Apply -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Options -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chat line -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Hide -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Show -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Name of the Group member -PASSWORD_TITLE Saving Password -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Divide -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Close Warehouse -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Name of Warehouse -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Open Private Warehouse -REFINE_COST Upgrading Costs: 0 Gold -REFINE_INFO Chance to upgrade successfully: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Upgrades -RESTART_HERE Restart here -RESTART_TOWN Restart in the City -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Change Password -SAFE_TITLE Saving -SELECT_ATT_GRADE STR -SELECT_CREATE Create -SELECT_DELETE Delete -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DEX -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Name of Kingdom -SELECT_EXIT Close -SELECT_HP HP -SELECT_LEVEL Level -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Select Metin stone -SELECT_NAME Name -SELECT_NO_GUILD No Guild -SELECT_PLAYTIME Playtime (min.) -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP SP -SELECT_TITLE Choose Title -SHOP_BUY Buy -SHOP_SELL Sell -SHOP_TITLE Warehouse -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Standard Skills -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE System Options -SYSTEM_CHANGE Change Character -SYSTEM_EXIT Exit Game -SYSTEM_HELP Help -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Log Out -SYSTEM_MALL Item Shop -SYSTEM_OPTION System Options -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Character[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat Window -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Inventory[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Messages -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT "Next Fast Access Field [Shift+Number, Alt]" -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Previous Fast Access Field [Shift+Number] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Options[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Block -WHISPER_NAME Whisper -WHISPER_SEND Send -YES Yes -ZONE_MAP Large Map -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Price -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Stone -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Log -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Plywood -CUBE_TITLE Cube -CREATE_SEX Gender -CREATE_MAN Male -CREATE_WOMAN Female -PASSWORD_DESC_1 Please input your bank password -PASSWORD_DESC_2 to access to item mall bank diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/sg/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt 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: "", - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - }, - ), - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 17, - "y" : 180 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_DEX_GRADE, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "gauge_dex", - "type" : "gauge", - - "x" : 30, - "y" : 4, - - "width" : 100, - "color" : "blue", - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex_slot", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : 134, - "y" : -2, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "character_dex_value", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 134 + 39/2, - "y" : 0, - - "text" : "", - - "text_horizontal_align" : "center", - }, - ), - }, - - ## Buttons - { - "name" : "start_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 14, - "y" : 210 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_SELECT, - "text_height" : 6, - - "default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : 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2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1152000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1177600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1177600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1177600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1228800 0 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1228800 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1228800 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1228800 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo 1331200 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi 1408000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1484800 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1561600 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass01 1280000 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass02 1280000 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass03 1280000 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1331200 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1331200 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1331200 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1382400 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1382400 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1382400 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1433600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1433600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1433600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_ew02 256000 51200 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 972800 102400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 921600 153600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 972800 153600 2 2 -season2/map_n_snowm_02 0 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a 153600 1049600 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02 307200 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02 460800 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_a2_1 614400 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_trent_a 768000 1049600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_trent02_a 921600 1049600 3 3 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1203200 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1203200 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1356800 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1510400 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1664000 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1356800 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1510400 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1664000 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 665600 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 716800 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 768000 230400 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 742400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1100800 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2 819200 1152000 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2 -metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 51200 563200 3 3 -metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 721004c7..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d68b8ef2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -も瓣[ENTER] -[ENTER] -稱璶籔狥よ確ユ[ENTER] -エ坝穨瓣產. 瓣[ENTER] -だ吊紀[ENTER] -[WAIT] -﹁场胢偿沮[ENTER] -パ坝ミ瓣產.[ENTER] -瘤礛琌暗籔﹁办禩[ENTER] -硄隔跋办琌眖竧臸ホ[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)瞷[ENTER] -[WAIT] -候钡帝禩隔玛, ┮琌程[ENTER] -フ竧臸ホ[ENTER] -竤. ネ诀[ENTER] -硂竤禣┮Τ[ENTER] -癩玻瓣 [ENTER] -[WAIT] -┷兑驹╄縨﹁よ [ENTER] -暗非称.[ENTER] -辨琌[ENTER] -ノ参瓣產秖[ENTER] -╄к穦ㄓ﹁办[ENTER] -[WAIT] -獻菠,穝秨┹[ENTER] -禩隔絬. - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c229a6dc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -ぱ酚瓣[ENTER] -[ENTER] -み稱璶埃[ENTER] -竧臸ホ痙ǜ├[ENTER] -竧﹙毙瓣產. パ绑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -竊ㄏえ璣ミ[ENTER] -﹁よ瓣產. 硓筁菊〨砃籔[ENTER] -ひ克砰穦竧臸ホ(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)繧ぇ[ENTER] -纯竒Ω某[ENTER] -[WAIT] -攫ミ闽癸郸[ENTER] -常綝┛菠ぇ[ENTER] -瞯烩帝壁籔瓣眖[ENTER] -だ笵喘胚. ヘ玡籔马ィ瓣[ENTER] -炒戳灸驹[ENTER] -[WAIT] -斑ヘ碞琌, 硓筁[ENTER] -参瓣ゎパ﹁よ[ENTER] -硋亥獻籯竧臸[ENTER] -ホ秖.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 87d2ba26..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -马ィ瓣[ENTER] -[ENTER] -冠稱帝確ア瓣[ENTER] -眎タ参┦瓁ㄆ瓣. パ[ENTER] -罐订瞯烩[ENTER] -[WAIT] -瓣產. よ[ENTER] -籔も瓣ゑ[ENTER] -矪伐碿礛吏挂[ENTER] -砛琌硂讽ㄣΤ[ENTER] -ю阑┦の蝴帝[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臦笵ゅて. 瘤礛癸ミも瓣[ENTER] -え璣矗闽竧臸ホ某[ENTER] -癸蹦Ч[ENTER] -┛跌篈[ENTER] -琌笆[ENTER] -[WAIT] -藉帝も秈︽[ENTER] -冈灿秸琩.[ENTER] - [ENTER] -癸竧臸ホぃ稰砍届瞷[ENTER] -璉玱留旅帝订稱璶[ENTER] -[WAIT] -参瓣[ENTER] -偿み.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 38a3e220..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ???? -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso  -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan 猌竟芬初 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan ňㄣ芬初 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 耿珇芬初 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu 场 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 絤初 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 苝ホ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 礫翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro れ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 簧翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 蝗翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro ドホ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 堵うホ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 痌翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro フ翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 垂翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 档垂翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro ぱ臩翰膌 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 ぇ步韭 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 ぇ步韭 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 ぇ步韭 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse ┬(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner ホ鲤(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin ホ鲤(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 ホ鲤(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 鲤(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse ┬(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner ホ鲤(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin ホ鲤(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 ホ鲤(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 鲤(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse ┬(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner ホ鲤(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin ホ鲤(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 ホ鲤(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 鲤(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 牡称娥 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 れ鲤1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 れ鲤2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 れ鲤3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 れ -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 鲤(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol そ穦篨糾 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 鲤 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 鲤纠 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 鲤オ纠 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 鲤纠 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 ホ繷1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 ホ繷2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 ホ繷3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 ホ繷4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 ホ繷5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 ホ繷6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 ホ繷7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 ホ繷8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 ホ繷9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 ホ繷10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 攫れ1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 攫れ2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 攫れ3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 攫れ4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 攫れ5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 攫れ6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 攫れ7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 攫れ8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 攫れ9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ccb83559..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -俺货尝 -俺货扁 -俺磊侥 -俺磊瘤 -俺焊瘤 -俺何饿 -俺楼刘 -俺溅 -俺仇 -俺斥 -久货尝 -久货 -绞货尝 -久斥 -绞劈 -久劈 -久攀 -绞攀 -轿啊瘤 -较酒瘤 -揪何凡 -揪何饿 -揪官 -揪规货 -揪规酒 -揪惯 -揪惯仇 -揪惯逞 -揪惯烦 -揪惯芬 -揪惯斥 -揪惯访 -揪婆 -揪国 -揪迫 -揪豪 -揪阂 -久迫 -鹅惯 -鹅国 -矫国 -矫惯仇 -矫惯逞 -矫惯斥 -矫惯酒 -矫迫 -矫妻 -胶国 -静国 -静惯 -静阂 -静迫 -静居 -浆妻 -浆祁 -凉扼 -粮唱 -揪居 -聪扁固 -聪固煌 -街仇 -洁仇 -街斥 -洁斥 -街畴公 -洁畴公 -轿冠酒 -俺溅捞 -俺溅虐 -俺溅尝 -固模溅捞 -固模货尝 -固模溅虐 -固模祸洒 -固模仇 -固模斥 -捍脚 -洪脚 -葫脚 -殿脚 -久且 -瘤饿 -零饿 -磊瘤甸 -焊瘤甸 -腊滨栋 -腊滨冻 -腊癌 -腊滨 -砍冈绢 -砍赣芭 -堪冈绢 -堪赣芭 -坏钮 -欢钮 -狐钮 -糊钮 -蝗钮 -磺钮 -腊矫凡 -腊矫饿 -堪捍 -量鳖 -两鳖 -炼鳖 -久攀 -久芒 -决芒 -绞攀 -绞芒 -赣历府 -肚扼捞 -地廉 -地历 -第廉 -裁癌 -裁滨 -棱斥 -棱仇 -货尝 -技尝 -疥尝 -货播 -祸播 -祸洒 -溅虐 -溅捞 -溅尝 -溅播 -涧虐 -涧洒 -碍埃 -冀胶 -捞斥酒 -久 -量 -两 -洁 -龋饭磊侥 -饶饭磊侥 -18仇 -18斥 -焊瘤判 -磊瘤判 -焊瘤弧酒 -磊瘤弧酒 -芒赤 -狐备府 -焊瘤 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e6f9e11e..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5191 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -166 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -167 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -168 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -169 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -170 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -171 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -172 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -173 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -174 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -175 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -176 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -177 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -178 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -179 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -180 WEAPON 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-210 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -211 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -212 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -213 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -214 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -215 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -216 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -217 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -218 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -219 WEAPON icon/item/00210.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00210.gr2 -220 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -221 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -222 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -223 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00220.gr2 -224 WEAPON icon/item/00220.tga d:/ymir 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icon/item/76017.tga -76018 ETC icon/item/76018.tga -76019 ETC icon/item/76019.tga -76020 ETC icon/item/76020.tga -76021 ETC icon/item/76021.tga -76022 ETC icon/item/76022.tga -76023 ETC icon/item/76023.tga -76024 ETC icon/item/76024.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 4089e7ec..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a7faff93..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1581 +0,0 @@ - -9506 疶+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9507 档ヒ+3 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9508 羖ペ+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9509 冻ヒ+3 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9510 í﹀帛+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9511 ぱ禸祏+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9512 +3 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9513 ブ+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9514 ふ扯+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9515 璱︾+3 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9516 猭碪+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9517 れも臢+1 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9518 ブ箄+1 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9519 れ兜铃+1 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9520 れφ吏+1 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) -9521 臔ō吏礟+2 礚猭ユ传,メ斌 (竕﹚) - - -11901 縋Ю狝 挡盉╧┦狝杆 -11902 縋Ю狝 挡盉╧┦狝杆 -11903 盉 挡盉┦狝杆 -11904 盉 挡盉┦狝杆 - -22000 ﹚翴┕才 Τ马瓜, 材Ω肚┕马, 材Ω. | 礚马瓜, 材Ω肚┕肚癳翴, 材Ω. 瑌マい礚猭ㄏノ. - -22010 癘拘肚癳才 龄翴阑 [肚癳才] 纗畒夹, Ω翴阑, 纗畒夹. 瑌マい礚猭ㄏノ. -25040 褐ぇ ㄏノ杆称э▆, ㄏэ▆ア毖ぃ筁τ. 钡ㄏノ杆称|э▆ア毖笵ㄣぃア - -25041 ト臟 ㄏノ杆称э▆, 矗蔼э▆诀瞯. 钡ㄏノ杆称|э▆ア毖笵ㄣ穦ア - - - -25100 甧 眖猌竟┪馴ヒ┾艶ホ. 琌┾竚穦痙勃格. - - - -27600 旰 蛮阑オ龄|虫阑龄ネ 尿40 - -27610 辰み 硄Τ辰筥|臸猭痌 - -27620 辰摸 闽辰摸戈癟 - - - -27799 辰癌 辰绊祑癌繷. э▆ 虫も蛮も猌竟|筧臠繷帛い蛮も祏|馴ヒ礟箄も臢φ吏兜铃ㄏノ. - -27800 μ刮 程稧基护荤 - -27801 矻癈 縀辰ㄠ激护荤 -27802 糴臺 敞る雌沧伐护荤 - -27803 肰辰 俄柑盽ǎ辰|ノ旰疦 -27804 闯彭辰 嘿彭辰辰|ノ旰疦 -27805 る雌肰辰 ψ肰辰|ノ旰疦 -27806 肬辰 砛琌纒盾?|ノ旰疦 -27807 趴辰 羉崔戳碞穦|珿秏辰|ノ旰疦 -27808 辰 辰穦Τ盾?|ノ旰疦 -27809 鳺辰 趴辰ヘ趴辰辰|ノ旰疦 -27810 帕辰 矗ど弘苀ヘ辰|ノ旰疦 -27811 眒璱鳺辰 玻戳祇眒璱︹眒辰|ノ旰疦 -27812 鳺辰 Τ柑瞷鳺辰 -27813 辰 砰疭︹眒翧辰|ノ旰疦 -27814 猠苩辰 嘿猠柑肨辰|ノ旰疦 -27815 彭辰 聪睲韩い笙辰辰|ノ旰疦 -27816 笪辰 硄盽暗欢辰傣辰|ノ旰疦 -27817 猟南 菲啡啡ぃ甧ъ|ノ旰疦 -27818 フ趴辰 聪睭馒┦辰|ノ旰疦 -27819 蝗辰 嘿蝗辰|ノ旰疦 -27820 辰 ぱ敞辰|ノ旰疦 -27821 蔼腞懂霉辰 ō砰籔緼腞辰|ノ旰疦 -27822 澎肬辰 э▆澎ぶψ肬辰|ノ旰疦 -27823 独肰辰 祇独︹祡Τ肰辰|ノ旰疦 - -27833 肰辰 奔肰辰|ノ旰疦 -27834 闯彭辰 奔闯彭辰|ノ旰疦 -27835 る雌肰辰 奔る雌肰辰|ノ旰疦 -27836 肬辰 奔肬辰|ノ旰疦 -27837 趴辰 奔趴辰|ノ旰疦 -27838 辰 奔辰|ノ旰疦 -27839 鳺辰 奔鳺辰|ノ旰疦 -27840 帕辰 奔帕辰|ノ旰疦 -27841 眒璱鳺辰 奔眒璱鳺辰|ノ旰疦 -27842 鳺辰 奔鳺辰|ノ旰疦 -27843 辰 奔辰|ノ旰疦 -27844 猠苩辰 奔猠苩辰|ノ旰疦 -27845 彭辰 奔彭辰|ノ旰疦 -27846 笪辰 奔笪辰|ノ旰疦 -27847 猟南 奔猟南|ノ旰疦 -27848 フ趴辰 奔フ趴辰|ノ旰疦 -27849 蝗辰 奔蝗辰|ノ旰疦 -27850 辰 奔辰|ノ旰疦 -27851 蔼腞懂霉辰 奔蔼腞懂霉辰|ノ旰疦 -27852 澎肬辰 奔澎肬辰|ノ旰疦 -27853 独肰辰 奔独肰辰|ノ旰疦 - -27863 疦肰辰 確ネ㏑ -27864 疦闯彭辰 確弘 -27865 疦る雌肰辰 確ネ㏑ -27866 疦肬辰 祏丁ず矗ど簿笆硉 -27867 疦趴辰 確弘 -27868 疦辰 祏丁ず矗どю阑硉 -27869 疦鳺辰 確ネ㏑ -27870 疦帕辰 祏丁ず矗ど秖 -27871 疦眒璱鳺辰 確弘 -27872 疦鳺辰 確弘 -27873 疦辰 祏丁ず矗ど庇倍 -27874 疦猠苩辰 睲埃ぃ狦 -27875 疦彭辰 確ネ㏑ -27876 疦笪辰 確弘 -27877 疦猟南 硓狦 -27878 疦フ趴辰 確ネ㏑ -27879 疦蝗辰 -27880 疦辰 -27881 疦蔼腞懂霉辰 -27882 疦澎肬辰 -27883 疦独肰辰 - -27987 ī 催簘獹ī|翴阑龄. э▆ 虫も猌竟筧臠 |繷帛い蛮も祏 |馴ヒ箄礟φ吏兜铃も臢ㄏノ. -27988 腳旅瓜 陪ボ旅Τ腳旅瘆侣瓜 -27989 艶ホ贝代祸 硄艶ホ竚贝代祸 -27990 ホ繨 -27991 ホ -27992 フ痌 フ︹痌|癳倒┦穦尺舧. э▆ い虫も蛮も猌竟蛮も祏 |筧臠馴ヒ礟箄 |繷帛兜铃φ吏も臢ㄏノ. -27993 獵痌 祇耡膅屡痌|癳倒┦穦尺舧. э▆ い虫も蛮も猌竟蛮も祏 |筧臠馴ヒ礟箄 |繷帛兜铃φ吏も臢ㄏノ. -27994 ﹀痌 砆﹀︹硓獂痌|癳倒┦穦尺舧. э▆ い虫も蛮も猌竟蛮も祏 |筧臠馴ヒ礟箄 |繷帛兜铃φ吏も臢ㄏノ. -27995 瞺 柑ぐ或常⊿Τ瞺 -27996 瑀瞺 杆Τ瑀瞺|耻穦奔 -27997 驴活瞴 干骸ネ㏑痌 -27998 芬砃 芬砃畍砋. 砛杆Τ芬砃覦? -27999 艶ホ 杆Τ艶ホ砋 - - -29001 ī -29002 獵ī -29003 独ī -29004 ī -29005 厚ī -29006 独痌ホ -29007 獵痌ホ -29006 痷独痌ホ -29007 痷獵痌ホ -29008 獵 -29009 独 -29010  -29011 厚 -29012 睭獵 -29013 睭独 -29014 睭 -29015 睭厚 -29012 痷獵 -29013 痷独 -29014 痷 -29015 痷厚 - -30000 沉 璶蚌ぇ暗皊籔鲁单贺ノ硚 . -30001 獺ン 糶倒琘獺ン. -30002 μ竮 μ竮籔江垫 -30003 睫惑 肚弧睫惑┷ㄓ褐. э▆ 虫も蛮も猌竟 |馴ヒφ吏兜铃も臢ㄏノ. -30004 偿睫 偿睫眏花. э▆ 虫も猌竟蛮も祏 |筧臠馴ヒ礟 |い箄兜铃ㄏノ. -30005 馴ヒ窰 眖柑奔辅馴ヒ窰. э▆ い馴ヒ礟箄ㄏノ. -30006 旱碍 旱碍. 祇碿. э▆ い虫も蛮も猌竟蛮も祏筧臠ㄏノ. -30007 旱碍才〨 旱碍縐縉驹種ㄏノ才〨. ㄏノ い蛮も祏 |馴ヒ箄礟い繷帛ㄏノ. -30008 盞毙 癘魁盞毙毙竡. э▆ い筧臠い礟兜铃ㄏノ. -30009 ゼ媚 ぃΘだぃ媚. э▆ い蛮も猌竟蛮も祏礟繷帛ㄏノ. -30010 旱義 肚弧ノ旱義確ア谋谋. э▆ 蛮も猌竟蛮も祏 |筧臠い馴ヒ礟 |箄繷帛φ吏兜铃も臢ㄏノ. -30011 絬刮 鸟露絬絬刮. э▆ 虫も蛮も猌竟 |筧臠い蛮も祏繷帛い礟 |箄も臢ㄏノ. -30012 皊瞺 杆Τ皊瞺 -30013 皊 皊祇幻聕 -30014 撤を ノ肚弧ネ撤を局Τ禫ň碒狦. э▆ い蛮も猌竟繷帛箄も臢ㄏノ. -30015 碍框 床祇ぃ不框. |э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆ い虫も糃 ㄏノ. -30016 碍腳ホ 肚Τ艶活腳ホ. |э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆ い兜铃 φ吏ㄏノ -30017 蝗炉 ┦繷场杆耿珇. э▆ 蛮も祏筧臠兜铃いφ吏ㄏノ. -30018 烩 竕膢ㄏノ蔼絭盿. э▆ 蛮も猌竟蛮も祏筧臠いも臢φ吏ㄏノ. -30019 縉 ノ硂暗︾狝肚筁穢. э▆ いφ吏ㄏノ. -30020 く 籩贺, 肚癸甧Τ痲矪. -30021 腳ホ窰 砆琘瘂窰吊腳ホ窰. э▆ 虫も猌竟繷帛い蛮も祏いも臢φ吏ㄏノ. -30022 矰Юぺ 穘穘穦祇羘臫矰Юぺ. э▆ い虫も猌竟蛮も祏 |い繷帛い礟も臢兜铃ㄏノ. -30023 フブ Μ旅產ぇ丁局Τ程蔼笆ブ. э▆ 虫も蛮も猌竟 |繷帛い蛮も祏い馴ヒ箄ㄏノ. -30024 皑Юぺ ノ皑Юぺを籹龟ノ掸, 苯┆单. -30025 籮碉瑀舗 杆Τ籮碉瑀砋. э▆ い蛮も猌竟蛮も祏繷帛礟φ吏も臢兜铃ㄏノ. -30026 疶竮 瓣程Τμ竮|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ -30027 疶を 疶绊祑を, 讽ㄏノ. э▆ 虫も蛮も猌竟 |筧臠繷帛礟φ吏 |い蛮も祏い馴ヒ箄ㄏノ. -30028 疶ヒ 疶, 籹耿珇盽ノ. э▆ 虫も蛮も猌竟蛮も祏 |筧臠繷帛箄も臢φ吏い兜铃ㄏノ. -30029 疶▁ 瓣Τμ竮|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ -30030 ネ祏糃窰 ノネ拿祏糃ち奔琘贺狥﹁|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆い虫も糃 蛮も糃 絙 筧臠ㄏノ. -30031  稲ノ杆耿珇|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆い絙 筧臠  箄 礟 も臢 繷帛 絙ㄏノ -30032 瘆侣堵︹笵狝 堵盽堵︹笵狝 . 癬ㄓ瘆侣.|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆い礟 も臢ㄏノ -30033 窰吵竟プ 砆街ゴ瘆窰吵竟プ|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼馴ヒ い礟 兜铃 φ吏 も臢 繷帛ㄏノ -30034 フ烩 竕膢ノ絭盿|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆い虫も糃 蛮も糃 絙  箄 礟 も臢ㄏノ. -30035 てЗ珇 ┦琵华癬ㄓ獹腞τㄏノ|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆い虫も糃 蛮も糃 絙 φ吏ㄏノ -30036 您离 肚Τ狦肚弧媚|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ -30037 ヒ 甶瞷玦瞨盽ノ暗杆耿珇.|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ -30038 ρブ Μ旅產ぇ丁Τ笆ブ|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆い馴ヒ 箄 虫も糃 絙  馴ヒ 箄 繷帛ㄏノ -30039 ガ琿 钩琌Τ籷端瘆ガ窰|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼虫も糃 筧臠  礟ㄏノ. -30040 腑 场从腑|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼繷帛ㄏノ. -30041 夹簀 讽暗穞竟ㄏノщ耏猌竟|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蛮も糃 兜铃 φ吏 繷帛 蛮も糃 絙 箄ㄏノ. -30042 矮睛 癬ㄓ镑绊祑睛|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼も臢ㄏノ. -30043 ě攫狦龟 暗贺瞶ě,Τ伦碔矹フ借 . -30044 独 暗吵病竟猟 -30045 萌瑀皐 ㄣΤ萌瑀皐|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼虫も糃 蛮も糃  礟 兜铃 φ吏 繷帛ㄏノ. -30046 萌Юぺ 肚ㄣΤ瑀萌Юぺ|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼馴ヒ い虫も糃ㄏノ -30047 禔〨ぇ 癸よ琁禔〨ㄏノ盞毙|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼虫も糃 馴ヒ φ吏ㄏノ. -30048 窰 窾撤窰. 甃ぱ床祇睤瞡碒.|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼虫も糃 筧臠  礟 兜铃ㄏノ. -30049 à腍à 籹贺繨ㄨ珇.|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼馴ヒ φ吏ㄏノ. -30050 痌 ノ籹Θ痌. 荐ぃ穦坊て.|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼繷帛ㄏノ. -30051 ゼ才〨 癘魁帝ぐ或才〨Τ盞毙穦来.|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼虫も糃 筧臠  兜铃 φ吏 も臢ㄏノ. -30052 篨糾 夹ボ盕场钉ㄏノ篨糾|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼馴ヒ 箄 ㄏノ. -30053 旱磝 約矗ど弘珇碝тぇ |э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆い蛮も糃 箄 兜铃 箄 礟 も臢繷帛ㄏノ. -30054 挡盉з 讽挡盉搂が传з -30055 萌 癬ㄓ洞|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼虫も糃 筧臠  箄 兜铃 も臢ㄏノ. -30056 籮碉呼 案焊籠┬ノ |э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼絙礟 繷帛ㄏノ. -30057 籮碉泊氟 Μ旅產ぇ丁Τ籮碉泊场|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼筧臠 φ吏ㄏノ -30058 籮碉矹痕 肚籇局Τウ碞抖ネ玻|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼蛮も糃 筧臠馴ヒ 礟ㄏノ -30059 籮碉籐 Τを籐讽贺才〨ㄏノ.|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼箄ㄏノ -30060 獵奠繷 稰谋翲㊣㊣繷|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼絙ㄏノ -30061 獵奠籐 產ぇ丁Τ瞶|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼筧臠馴ヒ箄ㄏノ. -30062 媚坝┍竟プ 媚坝┍ㄏノ筁竟プ|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ -30063 ブ涧媚 獀励ブ涧痜媚|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ -30064 硑絙ノホ繷 籹硑絙ペホ繷 -30065 筧臠 敬豭敬豭Τ羘筧臠 -30066 欢丛 欢伐翴欢丛|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ -30067 矰ブ 矰ブ|э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆蔼蛮も糃 箄ㄏノ -30068 ě籊逼 ノě籊籹瞶 -30069 疶ヒ+ 疶, 籹耿珇盽ノ. э▆ 蛮も猌竟蛮も祏繷帛箄兜铃も臢φ吏ㄏノ. -30070 疶を+ 疶绊祑を, 讽ㄏノ. э▆ 虫も蛮も猌竟 |馴ヒ箄φ吏い蛮も祏馴ヒ箄ㄏノ. -30071 旱義+ 肚弧ノ旱義確ア谋谋. э▆ 蛮も猌竟蛮も祏筧臠馴ヒ箄礟φ吏ㄏノ. -30072 旱磝+ 約矗ど弘珇碝тぇ. э▆ い蛮も祏筧臠 |繷帛兜铃も臢いφ吏ㄏノ. -30073 フ烩+ 竕膢ノ絭盿. э▆ 蛮も祏い馴ヒㄏノ. -30074 瘆侣堵︹笵狝+ 堵盽堵︹笵狝, 癬ㄓ瘆侣. э▆ い箄兜铃ㄏノ. -30075 夹簀+ 讽暗穞竟ㄏノщ耏猌竟. э▆ 蛮も猌竟蛮も祏い馴ヒ礟ㄏノ. -30076 旱碍才〨+ 旱碍縐縉驹種ㄏノ才〨. э▆ 蛮も猌竟筧臠い馴ヒㄏノ. -30077 旱碍+ 旱碍, 祇碿. э▆ い蛮も猌竟ㄏノ. -30078 盞毙+ 癘魁盞毙毙竡. э▆ い礟ㄏノ. -30079 ゼ才〨+ 癘魁帝ぐ或才〨Τ盞毙穦来? э▆ い筧臠ㄏノ -30080 禔〨ぇ+ 癸よ琁禔〨ㄏノ盞毙. э▆ い蔼い兜铃ㄏノ. -30081 萌Юぺ+ 肚ㄣΤ瑀萌Юぺ. э▆ い蛮も祏いㄏノ. -30082 矰Юぺ+ 穘穘穦祇羘臫矰Юぺ. э▆ い繷帛ㄏノ. -30083 ゼ媚+ ぃΘだぃ媚. э▆ い蛮も猌竟繷帛礟ㄏノ. -30084 ゼ才〨+ 癘魁帝ぐ或才〨Τ盞毙穦来. э▆ い筧臠ㄏノ. -30085 ガ兵+ 钩琌Τ籷端瘆ガ窰. э▆ い蛮も猌竟蛮も祏箄いㄏノ. -30086 碍框+ 床祇ぃ不框 |э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆ 蔼蛮も糃 箄 も臢ㄏノ. -30087 碍腳ホ+ 肚Τ艶活腳ホ |э▆惠璶笵ㄣ э▆ 蔼蛮も糃 箄 も臢ㄏノ. -30088 窰+ 窾撤窰, 甃ぱ床祇睤瞡碒. э▆ い蛮も祏ㄏノ. -30089 撤を+ 肚弧ネ撤を局Τ禫ň碒狦. э▆ い繷帛ㄏノ. -30090 痌+ ノ籹Θ痌, 荐ぃ穦坊て. э▆ い兜铃ㄏノ. -30091 猌獺 肚弧猌Τㄘ盿獺. э▆ いも臢ㄏノ. -30092 盕驹珇 盕驹珇, 繦拟盿├驹秤. э▆ 蛮も猌竟筧臠 / い礟φ吏ㄏノ. - -30129 肚 瓁いㄏノ癘更ゅン -30130 瞺 脖杆贺睪砰件籹瞺 -30131 臟獺 臟糶倒狟ね紈フ獺ン -30132 矮в 矮醇稲,  " и笵盞毙皘暗ㄆ" . - -30133 馒砯坝綾 莱赣琌馒砯坝穝禦ê蛮綾. - -30134 矮醇籷 矮醇拟盿籷, 柑钩Τセ. - -30135 懂腞璣獺 懂腞璣糶倒蝴獺ン - -30136 独痚 莱赣碞琌聐矗独痚. ノà籹腞Ρ絬琌荡 . -30137 礥﹀ 眖礥┾﹀祇竰. -30138 窾ノ独 彩忌‵簔琁忌讽獀励ノ独, ノ硚約獂. -30139 旱碍睛 讽耿珇ㄏノ旱碍睛, 祇螟籇笵 -30140 絬 籹兜铃┪︾狝ㄏノ绊洞絬 -30141 腳ホ 籹︾狝┪耿珇ㄏノ腳ホ. -30142 獺 糶帝ぐ或. 稰谋稱璶弄ず甧侥笆. -30143 媚 ㄏノ籹贺媚膀セ獀励媚警. -30144 ρ▁ 籇琌干ōρ▁, 肚弧矗ど弘. -30145 猧┮媚 猧┮〆癠媚. -30146 遏 暗遏ㄠ, 硓み睤~ -30147 盞毙毙瞶 冈灿癘魁盞毙毙竡も -30148 盞毙抖莱才 盞毙ㄏノ才〨ぇ贺. -30149  遏暗Θ瞶, 贺矗ㄑ甃ら睤瞡. -30150 ら癘眎 魁瓣戳ら癘眎 -30151 疶琗抖を 讽蔓を悸瓣ず約砆ㄏノ疶を. -30152 ┣痜獀励媚 洛畍フ琝籹獀励┣痜媚. 龟悔Τ⊿Τ临ぃ笵. -30153  ぃ汲惑つ癬换环拘. -30154 盞毙竒ㄥ 癘魁盞毙毙竡だ猂の盞毙筁菌. -30155 μ产ず苝ホ 钩琌兜铃妓糦耿. 璉ㄨ帝μ产ず -30156 盞毙竒ㄥ 癘魁盞毙毙竡だ猂の盞毙筁菌. - -30093 褐舗 杆Τ禥珇捣瑚舗砋 -30094 褐舗 杆Τ禥珇捣瑚舗砋 -30095 褐舗 杆Τ禥珇捣瑚舗砋 -30096 褐舗 杆Τ禥珇捣瑚舗砋 - -30190 纒﹀ホ 秈ぱ洛瑌マ惠璶硄︽靡 -30191 纒﹀ホ 秈ぱ洛瑌マ惠璶硄︽靡 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -30192 攫睪 Μ旅產ぇ丁ぃ眔碍れ攫睪.| э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. -30193 碍癌繷 彩罻闽绊祑碍癌繷.| э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. -30194 矮碍匆次 矮ホ管眔匆次.癬ㄓ讽.| э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. -30195 р‵ 骸‵キ偿皗獹‵. | э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. -30196 碍η 碍縐縉逞ソ. 璝璶眔ゲ斗讽基.| э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. -30197 臸猭贺 床祇緼贺. 沮弧琌Τí碍艶活.| э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. -30198 腳ホ 眖ぱ洛瑌マ眔睲韩硓腳ホ.| э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. -30199 屡堵︹垂 床祇ぱ洛瑌マ堵穞禔〨腳ホ.| э▆惠璶笵ㄣ 蔼笵ㄣㄏノ. - - -30210 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤ计2 -30211 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダA -30212 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダB -30213 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダE -30214 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダI -30215 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダL -30216 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダM -30217 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダN -30218 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダR -30219 睲ホ 祇屡︹緼ホ繷窰 ㄨΤダT - -30220 痷旱碍艶活ホ 局Τ痷旱碍壁艶活肚弧ぇホ -30221 盞毙艶活ホ 局Τ盞毙壁艶活肚弧ぇホ -30222 碍艶活ホ 局Τ碍壁艶活肚弧ぇホ -30223 艶活ホ 局Τ壁艶活肚弧ぇホ -30224 跹れ艶活ホ 局Τ跹れ壁艶活肚弧ぇホ -30225 矮碍艶活ホ 局Τ矮碍壁艶活肚弧ぇホ -30311 霉玝粄靡ホ芲巴 硄┕2加ぇ霉玝粄靡ホ芲巴 - -30265 獺窰 (A) ЧΘA ~ E窰Μ栋 |籔笴坟烩贱 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -30266 獺窰 (B) ЧΘA ~ E窰Μ栋 |籔笴坟烩贱 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -30267 獺窰 (C) ЧΘA ~ E窰Μ栋 |籔笴坟烩贱 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -30268 獺窰 (D) ЧΘA ~ E窰Μ栋 |籔笴坟烩贱 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -30269 獺窰 (E) ЧΘA ~ E窰Μ栋 |籔笴坟烩贱 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ - -30312 秆砰ホ 縋秆砰, ㄏノホ繷暗Θ夹粁 - -30315 沉难 ノ沉籹荐乃乃难, 陈汲惑常穦瑈. -30316 难盒 脖杆难ㄏノ芧碠猭籹蔼竟プ, 馋稱ノ沉难籹Θ难帮. -30317 沉难帮 р沉难芧碠盒籹沉难帮, 瘤礛癬ㄓ琌稱璶癳倒哀緅. -30318 礚狦 ⊿Τ碞挡狦龟┮砆嘿礚狦狦,笵伐琌瓣ずぃ眔珇ぇ .肚籇局Τ禫穦┷ㄓ褐 . -30319 獺 玡┕緅碍瑌 3加, ┮惠璶ㄏノ獺. -30320 獺 玡┕緅碍瑌 3加, ┮惠璶ㄏノ獺. - -35000 媚 ㄏノ籹贺媚膀セ獀励媚警. -35001 ρ▁ 籇琌干ōρ▁, 肚弧矗ど弘. - -41003 ‵︽ ㄣΤ╄к‵簔‵籔疨ら穞炳狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41004 ‵︽ ㄣΤ╄к‵簔‵籔疨ら穞炳狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41005 糃阑膀セ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41006 糃阑膀セ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41007 糃阑辽ó蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41008 糃阑辽ó蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41009 糃阑钉蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41010 糃阑钉蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41011 糃阑ヰ盯蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41012 糃阑ヰ盯蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41013 ì瞴膀セ蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41014 ì瞴膀セ蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41015 ì瞴膙辽蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41016 ì瞴膙辽蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41017 ì瞴猭┰蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41018 ì瞴猭┰蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41019 ì瞴ヰ盯蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41020 ì瞴ヰ盯蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41021 阑緗セ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41022 阑緗セ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41023 阑ェ吹 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41024 阑ェ吹 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41025 阑﹁ń ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41026 阑﹁ń ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41027 阑腐厚笷 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41028 阑腐厚笷 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41029 ‵︽ ㄣΤ╄к‵簔‵籔疨ら穞炳狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41030 ‵︽ ㄣΤ╄к‵簔‵籔疨ら穞炳狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41031 糃阑膀セ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41032 糃阑膀セ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41033 糃阑辽ó蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41034 糃阑辽ó蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41035 糃阑钉蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41036 糃阑钉蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41037 糃阑ヰ盯蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41038 糃阑ヰ盯蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41039 ì瞴膀セ蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41040 ì瞴膀セ蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41041 ì瞴膙辽蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41042 ì瞴膙辽蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41043 ì瞴猭┰蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41044 ì瞴猭┰蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41045 ì瞴ヰ盯蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41046 ì瞴ヰ盯蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41047 阑緗セ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41048 阑緗セ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41049 阑ェ吹 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41050 阑ェ吹 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41051 阑﹁ń ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41052 阑﹁ń ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41053 阑腐厚笷 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41054 阑腐厚笷 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41055 糃阑而笲蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41056 糃阑而笲蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41057 糃阑瑿较蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41058 糃阑瑿较蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41059 糃阑奸瑈蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41060 糃阑奸瑈蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41061 糃阑紋ㄥ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41062 糃阑紋ㄥ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41063 糃阑ǖ癹蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41064 糃阑ǖ癹蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41065 ì瞴罢罢蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41066 ì瞴罢罢蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41067 ì瞴笲笆蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41068 ì瞴笲笆蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41069 ì瞴﹟蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41070 ì瞴﹟蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41071 ì瞴舧贾蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41072 ì瞴舧贾蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41073 ì瞴偿苬蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41074 ì瞴偿苬蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41075 阑焊 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41076 阑焊 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41077 阑︺ゑ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41078 阑︺ゑ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41079 阑霉 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41080 阑霉 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41081 阑眃娥娥 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41082 阑眃娥娥 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41083 阑緗 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41084 阑緗 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41085 糃阑而笲蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41086 糃阑而笲蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41087 糃阑瑿较蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41088 糃阑瑿较蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41089 糃阑奸瑈蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41090 糃阑奸瑈蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41091 糃阑紋ㄥ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41092 糃阑紋ㄥ蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41093 糃阑ǖ癹蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41094 糃阑ǖ癹蹿 ㄓ﹁瑅Α肈糃阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41095 ì瞴罢罢蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41096 ì瞴罢罢蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41097 ì瞴笲笆蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41098 ì瞴笲笆蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41099 ì瞴﹟蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41100 ì瞴﹟蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41101 ì瞴舧贾蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41102 ì瞴舧贾蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41103 ì瞴偿苬蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41104 ì瞴偿苬蹿 穎更Α眣盯肈ì瞴狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41105 阑焊 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41106 阑焊 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41107 阑︺ゑ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41108 阑︺ゑ ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41109 阑霉 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41110 阑霉 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41111 阑眃娥娥 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41112 阑眃娥娥 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41113 阑緗 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41114 阑緗 ㄣΤ絊颉墩阑狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 - -41137 竧较狝杆() ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41138 竧较狝杆() ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41139 竧较狝杆(厚) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41140 竧较狝杆(厚) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41141 竧较狝杆(堵) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41142 竧较狝杆(堵) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41143 竧较案狝 稲攻忱案狝 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41144 竧较案狝 稲攻忱案狝 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -41145 竧较狝杆() ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41146 竧较狝杆() ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41147 竧较狝杆(厚) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41148 竧较狝杆(厚) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41149 竧较狝杆(堵) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41150 竧较狝杆(堵) ㄣΤ玂穢竧较狝杆 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41151 竧较案狝 稲攻忱案狝 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -41152 竧较案狝 稲攻忱案狝 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 - - -45003 ‵︽繷 ㄣΤ╄к疨ら逼繷 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45004 ‵︽繷 ㄣΤ╄к疨ら逼繷 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45005 奸瑈緑 ゴ瘆瞷芠稰娩瑈篫緑 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45006 奸瑈緑 ㄣΤ豪︹╰獹腞硑 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45007 ī緑 Τ帝ラ硑ī簙﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45008 -苬緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45009 筽碍 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ羇奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45010 筽碍-堵独緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 - - -45013 奸瑈緑 ゴ瘆瞷芠稰娩瑈篫緑 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45014 奸瑈緑 ㄣΤ豪︹╰獹腞硑 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45015 ī緑 Τ帝ラ硑ī簙﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45016 -苬緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45017 筽碍 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ羇奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45018 筽碍-堵独緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45019 筽碍-フ盿緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45020 筽碍-厚独緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45021 筽碍-屡フ緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45022 筽碍-屡フ緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45023 筽碍-厚フ緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45024 筽碍-苬緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45025 筽碍-独屡緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45026 筽碍-独緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45027 -堵緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45028 -厚独緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45029 -屡フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45030 -屡フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45031 -厚フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45032 -フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45033 -︹緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45034 -独屡緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45035 筽碍-フ盿緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45036 筽碍-厚独緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45037 筽碍-屡フ緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45038 筽碍-屡フ緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45039 筽碍-厚フ緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45040 筽碍-苬緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45041 筽碍-独屡緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45042 筽碍-独緑 ㄣΤ渤苀ヘ玏辅奸瑈稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45043 -堵緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45044 -厚独緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45045 -屡フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45046 -屡フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45047 -厚フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45048 -フ緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45049 -︹緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45050 -独屡緑盿 玏辅緑穎皌帝ぃ緑盿┮玃Θ﹟稰 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 - -45075 竧较そ忱à碪() 竧较そ忱杆耿à碪 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45076 竧较そ忱à碪(厚) 竧较そ忱杆耿à碪 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45077 竧较そ忱à碪(堵) 竧较そ忱杆耿à碪 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45078 竧较ダ忱à碪 竧较ダ忱杆耿à碪 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45079 竧较案繷 稲攻忱案繷甅 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45080 竧较案繷 稲攻忱案繷甅 | ぃメ斌砪扳ユ耚舥 -45081 竧较そ忱à碪() 竧较そ忱杆耿à碪 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45082 竧较そ忱à碪(厚) 竧较そ忱杆耿à碪 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45083 竧较そ忱à碪(堵) 竧较そ忱杆耿à碪 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45084 竧较ダ忱à碪 竧较ダ忱杆耿à碪 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45085 竧较案繷 稲攻忱案繷甅 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 -45086 竧较案繷 稲攻忱案繷甅 |秈顶 ぃメ斌 - - -50001 ┋笲ぇ 沮ゅン腹パ瓣┾乓倒ぉ贱纘ゅン -50002 з Τ框ア虫з | 坝┍蔼基禦 -50003 м﹍て覦 -50004 笆盡ノ贝代祸 -50005 皑舦 倒皑碶牡矫碞禣皑 40单ㄏノ - -50006 腳絚 ㄨΤ地腞彻腳絚 |ノぐ或ゴ秨 ノ芲巴ゴ秨. -50007 蝗腳絚 ㄨΤ╭蝗彻腳絚 |ノぐ或ゴ秨 ノ蝗芲巴ゴ秨. -50008 芲巴 ノゴ硑芲巴 |ゴ秨ぐ或 秨币腳絚籔腳絚+. -50009 蝗芲巴 ノ蝗ゴ硑芲巴 |ゴ秨ぐ或 秨币蝗腳絚籔蝗腳絚+. - -50010 柠 本竧较攫Μ搂 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ - -50011 る腳舶 地腞杆琌ま–. 肚弧琌钡る碞穦祇ネ禬礛瞷禜腳舶 - -50012 腳絚+ ㄨΤ地腞彻腳絚 |ノぐ或ゴ秨 ノ芲巴ゴ秨. -50013 蝗腳絚+ ㄨΤ╭蝗彻腳絚 |ノぐ或ゴ秨 ノ蝗芲巴ゴ秨. - -50016 ěじ甦 タるきěじ甦绘ノě籹じ甦 -50017 縸じ甦 タるき縸じ甦绘ノ縸籹じ甦 -50018 狦じ甦 タるき狦じ甦绘ノ狦籹じ甦 -50019 翲μブ 籹じ甦绘ㄏノ翲μ -50020 ěじ甦绘 タるきěじ甦じ甦绘 確场砰 -50021 縸じ甦绘 タるき縸じ甦じ甦绘 確场弘 -50022 狦じ甦绘 タるき狦じ甦じ甦绘 確场瑻 - -50023 搂窥 穝碞眔搂窥 - -50024 豪 局Τ┋褐稲薄粂. ┦盡ノ -50025 ォ ノ繾睰イイ猳縸 单籹τΘ. ╧┦盡ノ - -50027 ユ传ㄩ ユ传ㄩ╰参闽超 |硂琌埃笵ㄣ. -50031 豪 局Τ┋褐稲薄粂. ╧┦盡ノ -50032 縸狦 ノ縸籔贺籹τΘ ┦盡ノ -50033 ゼ絚 ㄨΤぃゅ絚. ゴ秨絚莱赣穦Τ狥﹁ㄓ - -50034 良粂腳絚 ゴ秨絚碞璶瞦良粂狦瞦岿碞穦禔〨Τ担杠い穦瞷絚 -50035 ㄠ担竊搂腳絚 ボ拜┪├の笷ね薄絚,絚ず杆Τ骸骸搂 . -50036 ㄠ担竊搂腳絚 ボ拜┪├の笷ね薄絚,絚ず杆Τ骸骸搂 . -50037 せà腳舶 ノ籹せà腳舶,腳舶ず搂杆Τ骸骸癳搂薄. -50067 秈てぇ à︹笷 25Τ秈てぇ, 盢 驹ヒ畒肕 ユ倒 [皑碶牡矫] 秈て -50068 礵眶ぇ à︹笷 45Τ礵眶ぇ, 盢 獴驹ヒ畒肕 ユ倒 [皑碶牡矫] 秈て - -50070 旱碍壁絚 旱碍壁Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50071 盞毙毙絚 盞毙毙Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50072 ネ盞毙毙絚 ネ盞毙毙Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50073 籮碉絚 籮碉Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50074 籮碉絚 籮碉Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50075 稰琕砰絚 稰琕砰Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50076 エ‵簔疩纓絚 エ‵簔疩纓Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50077 Ю絚 ЮΤ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50078 独碍絚 独碍Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50079 礙絚 礙Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50080 纒絚 纒Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50081 碍絚 碍Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 -50082 絚 Τ絚. ゴ秨穦Τ禥珇瞷 - -50050 皑礟 ﹛そ叭秏暗紉Μ沛皑獺ㄏノ皑礟 皑ヴ叭ㄏノ -50051 皑 瓣產倒ぉ肕皑獺贺夹ボ 酬皑 -50052 翤皑 癸剪絤皑瓣產倒ぉ皑靡皑いю阑 酬い皑 -50053 κ翤 痙皑м砃魁帝巨皑ヒ璶烩 | ㄏノ皑м 酬蔼皑 -50054 爱 盢爱狸籹皑盡ノ箎. 皑箎 -50055 璊炮匠 嘿炮匠, 场彩祑瞷独︹︹︹讽暗箎ㄏノ. い皑箎 -50056 把 盢把籡筁盼爱︹把. 蔼皑埃鐇ぃㄤウ箎. 蔼皑箎 -50057 瑌 琵皑確 |肚弧媚 |沮弧パ瑌礥. 皑確 -50058 い瑌 琵い皑確 |肚弧媚 |沮弧パい瑌礥. い皑確 -50059 瑌 琵蔼皑確 |肚弧媚 |沮弧パ瑌礥. 蔼皑確 -50060 皑м砃芬 魁皑м砃絤, 絤Θ莉眔皑м砃 1 翴 |筁Ω碞ア. 50单ㄏノ - -50083 皑舦 倒皑碶牡矫碞禣皑 10单ㄏノ - -50084 挡秆埃ホ 秆埃砆秖ホ挡惠璶珇. - -50091 肰辰关 肰辰祇幻籹疭关 |疭ぃ胉 -50092 肬辰关 肬辰祇幻籹疭关 |疭ぃ胉 -50093 趴辰关 ъ穝翧趴辰籹堡关 |肅︹縀跌谋 ю阑荡癸矗ど10 -50094 笪辰关 ノ笪辰籹玡┮ゼǎ关 |ㄏノ贺滦籠 ň縨荡癸矗ど10 - -50100 紋ㄥ盡ノ脄λ 杆耿紋ㄥ沧Ы |废ノ脄λ (档︹) -50101 紋ㄥ盡ノ脄λ 杆耿紋ㄥ沧Ы |废ノ脄λ (独︹) -50102 紋ㄥ盡ノ脄λ 杆耿紋ㄥ沧Ы |废ノ脄λ (ぱ屡︹) -50103 紋ㄥ盡ノ脄λ 杆耿紋ㄥ沧Ы |废ノ脄λ (脸︹) -50104 紋ㄥ盡ノ脄λ 杆耿紋ㄥ沧Ы |废ノ脄λ (脸厚︹) -50105 紋ㄥ盡ノ脄λ 杆耿紋ㄥ沧Ы |废ノ脄λ (脸フ︹) - -50106 瑿较竊脄λ 竧较竊ノ紋脄λ |ゑ脄λ地腞 -50108 脸 ノれ繷繨ㄨ籹ノ脸聾ㄏㄤ臂锣ㄣ ﹚诀瞯穡痶ю阑 - -50123 流睳睴 椿|睳睴|睴骸骸簿硉皊縸歼 -50124 猭絚 ぱ洛瑌マ肚弧いパ猭Τ絚 - -50182 ︹盞絚 局Τ地腞秨闽Α籠︹絚. 稰谋絚柑穦Τ禥留盞珇. -50183 縸 硓筁ヌ僵洪縸坊て籹ヌ并, 琌穦矱┪跑璂 . 簿笆硉 10% | ю阑 5% | 竒喷 10% | 尿丁 : 30だ牧 - -50187 1盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50188 10盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50189 20盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50190 30盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50191 40盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50192 50盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50193 60盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50194 70盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50195 80盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50196 90盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ - -50200 籷 秨砞坝┍ - -50212 1盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -50213 1盡ノ搂絚 翴阑龄传 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ - -50300 м砃芬 具繦诀倒ぉセм芬 - -50301 甝猭 猌竒ぇ猭 |矗ど参瞯瞯 |筁Ω碞ア -50302 猭 猌竒ぇ猭 |矗ど参瞯瞯 |筁Ω碞ア -50303 盠路 猌竒ぇ猭 |矗ど参瞯瞯 |筁Ω碞ア - -50304 穝 癘魁膀娄瓁ㄆ皌竚籔驹矮よ猭猭 |絤硈尿мㄏノ |筁Ω碞ア. -50305 絤龟 癘魁贺瓁ㄆ皌竚籔驹矮よ猭猭 |絤硈尿мㄏノ |筁Ω碞ア. -50306 猌称в 把σ菌┮Τ猭ぇ籹猭 |絤硈尿мㄏノ |筁Ω碞ア. - -50160 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50161 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50162 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50163 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50164 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50165 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50166 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50167 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50168 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50169 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50170 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50171 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50172 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50173 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50174 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50175 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50176 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50177 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50178 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50179 確竊蔓矹 禜紉瑰て確Θ蔓蔓矹 |腞矹堡 -50180 膞 稰谋蔓矹碞瑰て -50181 蔓矹膞 杆骸蔓矹膞稰谋放穢 - -50216 矹皊 睼蔓矹㎝イ, 睰翴皊都 ノ 30だ牧 簿笆硉 +10% | 端甡 +5% | 竒喷 +10% | ぃメ斌耚舥畐ユ砪扳 - -50249 ├搂腳絚 翴阑龄穦Τ佩尺 |繦诀倒ぉ贱纘 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ - -50311 み砃 粂猭 厩策も瓣粂ē -50312 ぱ酚 粂猭 厩策ぱ酚瓣粂ē -50313 綺 粂猭 厩策马ィ瓣粂ē - -50307 ヴ叭磅︽() 牟祇ヴ叭 -50308 ヴ叭磅︽(い) 牟祇いヴ叭 -50309 ヴ叭磅︽(蔼) 牟祇蔼ヴ叭 -50310 ヴ叭磅︽(郴) 牟祇郴ヴ叭 - -50314 跑ō砃 絤跑ōмㄏノ |筁Ω碞ア 0 ~ 19单ㄏノ -50315 跑ō砃 絤跑ōмㄏノ |筁Ω碞ア M1 ~ M10单ㄏノ -50316 跑ō砃 絤跑ōмㄏノ |筁Ω碞ア G1 ~ G10单ㄏノ - -50401 硈辟芬 絤霉簙瓁м硈辟弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50402 よ冻芬 絤霉簙瓁мよ冻弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50403 活芬 絤霉簙瓁м活弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50404 糃描芬 絤霉簙瓁м糃描弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50405 捧喝阑芬 絤霉簙瓁м捧喝阑弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50406 ﹀芬 絤霉簙瓁м﹀弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50416 辟芬 絤м瓁м辟弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50417 纒ぱ芬 絤м瓁м纒ぱ弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50418 發皚竲芬 絤м瓁м發皚竲弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50419 ╣ぇ芬 絤м瓁м╣ぇ弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア -50420 荡辟芬 絤м瓁м荡辟弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50421 ω丁ㄓ芬 絤м瓁мω丁ㄓ弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - - - -50431 穞脓芬 絤炳瓁м穞脓弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50432 ō紆紇芬 絤炳瓁мō紆紇弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50433 ó近炳芬 絤炳瓁мó近炳弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50434 留ō芬 絤炳瓁м留ō弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50435 瑀铭芬 絤炳瓁м瑀铭弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50436 堵皗脋芬 絤炳瓁м堵皗脋弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50446 硈甮芬 絤眏└瓁м硈甮弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50447 畃刘芬 絤眏└瓁м畃刘弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50448 ╜縉ぇ絙芬 絤眏└瓁м╜縉ぇ絙弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50449 ︽芬 絤眏└瓁м︽弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50450 瑀ペぇ絙芬 絤眏└瓁м瑀ペぇ絙弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50451 皗紆芬 絤眏└瓁м皗紆弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - - - -50461 窰艶芬 絤﹛猌瓁м窰艶弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50462 臂猧芬 絤﹛猌瓁м臂猧弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50463 碍糃芬 絤﹛猌瓁м碍糃弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50464 琝躲芬 絤﹛猌瓁м琝躲弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50465 覾臸ヒ芬 絤﹛猌瓁м覾臸ヒ弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50466 臱床芬 絤﹛猌瓁м臱床弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50476 堵瑌脓阑芬 絤堵臸瓁м堵瑌脓阑弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50477 臸礙脄芬 絤堵臸瓁м臸礙脄弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50478 礙艶臔芬 絤堵臸瓁м礙艶臔弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50479 臷繷穟臔芬 絤堵臸瓁м臷繷穟弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50480 硉絯砃芬 絤堵臸瓁м硉絯砃弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50481 臸ほ阑芬 絤堵臸瓁м臸ほ阑弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - - - -50491 猧才芬 絤ぱ纒瓁м猧才弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50492 纒猧芬 絤ぱ纒瓁м纒猧弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50493 肩纒办ぱ芬 絤ぱ纒瓁м肩纒办ぱ弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50494 纒臔砰芬 絤ぱ纒瓁м纒臔砰弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50495 描皚芬 絤ぱ纒瓁м描皚弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50496 纒種в芬 絤ぱ纒瓁м纒種в弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50506 筽躲芬 絤╣筽瓁м筽躲弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50507 皗筽芬 絤╣筽瓁м皗筽弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50508 瘆ぱ筽芬 絤╣筽瓁м瘆ぱ筽弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50509 穟芬 絤╣筽瓁м穟弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50510 皗硉芬 絤╣筽瓁м皗硉弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - -50511 ゴ芬 絤╣筽瓁мゴ弘硄ㄏノ|筁Ω碞ア - - -50512 き眒ホ 秨币みい泊氟み泊┮局Τ┮Τмぇ穝肚弧ぇホ -50513 活ホ 厩策禥壁畍м, 讽碈ざ肚弧ぇホ. - -50600 蹦膓芬 絤蹦膓ㄏノ | 筁Ω碞ア - -50601 苝ホホ 苝ホホ硓筁そ穦翰膌, 矗芬苝ホ. -50602 礫ホ _ -50603 れホ れホ硓筁そ穦翰膌 |矗芬れ. -50604 簧ホ 簧ホ硓筁そ穦簧翰膌 |矗芬簧. -50605 蝗ホ 蝗ホ硓筁そ穦蝗翰膌 |矗芬蝗. -50606 ホ ホ硓筁そ穦翰膌 |矗芬. -50607 ドホ ドホ硓筁そ穦ド翰膌 |矗芬ド. -50608 堵うホ 堵うホ硓筁そ穦堵うれ翰膌 |矗芬堵う. -50609 痌ホ 痌ホ硓筁そ穦痌翰膌 |矗芬痌. -50610 フホ フホ硓筁そ穦フ翰膌 |矗芬フ. -50611 垂ホ 垂ホ硓筁そ穦垂翰膌 |矗芬垂. -50612 档垂ホ 档垂ホ硓筁そ穦档垂翰膌 |矗芬档垂. -50613 ぱ臩ホ ぱ瞈ホ硓筁そ穦ぱ瞈翰膌 |矗芬ぱ臩. - -50621 苝ホ 局Τ程蔼腳ホ |琵耿珇苭芧碠瑌. - -50623 れ 甀旅┏禥てホれ繷 |芧碠れ籹耿珇. -50624 簧 砯刽盽ノ妮 |芧碠簧籹耿珇. -50625 蝗 局Τ蝗フ︹腞緼禥妮 |芧碠蝗籹耿珇. -50626  局Τ独︹妮緼 |芧碠籹耿珇. -50627 ド 砆嘿籅籄妮虫弊垂╰膓ぇ |芧碠ド籹耿珇. -50628 堵う ㄤ绊㏕籔淮, 竒盽砆ㄏノ |芧碠堵う籹耿珇. -50629 痌 眖ī砰ず玻ネ阂荒秚Θだ痌 |芧碠痌籹耿珇. -50630 フ 蝗フ︹禥妮ゑ蝗临绊㏕ |芧碠フ籹耿珇. -50631 垂 Τ帝陪挡垂ホ璣, 嘿垂 |芧碠垂籹耿珇. -50632 档垂 局Τ贺︹秸垂 |芧碠档垂籹耿珇. -50633 ぱ臩 ⊿Τ冻┮獴函挡垂Θ腳ホ |芧碠ぱ臩耿珇. -50632 档垂 局Τ贺︹秸垂 |芧碠档垂籹耿珇. -50633 ぱ臩 ⊿Τ冻┮獴函挡垂Θ腳ホ |芧碠ぱ臩耿珇. - -50701  ノ硑翺狶|肚癸ブ涧甧Τ媚 讲╯ノ -50702 别 粂 "ッ环稲" ネい洛盽ㄏノ.. |癸稰玙珁孤, 齿Τ媚 讲╯ノ -50703 琔 肚弧拦琔暗Θ兜铃碞ネㄠ |癸┦,篊┦▁Τ媚. 讲╯ノ -50704 き 钩鐇妓妮れ溜腑拈れ, 摸鐇, 癸ы縸Э痜Τ媚 讲╯ノ - -50705 踰籞 虫腑从ぱ玭琍ヘぱ玭琍ネ |癸福┦てΤ媚 讲╯ノ -50706 艶 琌禥い媚ノ暗杆琌砆嘿ぃρ |癸ア痸Τ媚 讲╯ノ -50707 窾痜 蛮腑从ホ玭ヘホ玭盽獵拈れ. |癸竒癐畓Τ媚 讲╯ノ -50708 攫 暗竟ㄣ繨ㄨ硑狶ノ腑琌批箎, 攫ブ暗媚ノ┪硑ノ攫 |癸璂Τ媚 讲╯ノ -50709 籞そ璣 别ヘ碘从砆嘿そ璣, 独, 盋盋 |癸珅筹ね媚 讲╯ノ -50710  砆嘿贺 |癸癌借波肞痝Τ媚 讲╯ノ -50711 辞 辞攫狦龟 |癸癌借波肞痝Τ媚 讲╯ノ -50712 狵腑 妮聂从嘿瞉ο艄单 |癸ы縸Э痜Τ媚 讲╯ノ - -50721  ノ硑翺狶|肚癸ブ涧甧Τ媚 籹媚ノ -50722 别 粂 "ッ环稲" ネい洛盽ㄏノ.. |癸稰玙珁孤, 齿Τ媚 籹媚ノ -50723 琔 肚弧拦琔暗Θ兜铃碞ネㄠ |癸┦篊┦▁Τ媚. 籹媚ノ -50724 き 钩鐇妓妮れ溜腑拈れ, 摸鐇, 癸ы縸Э痜Τ媚 籹媚ノ - -50725 踰籞 虫腑从ぱ玭琍ヘぱ玭琍ネ |癸福┦てΤ媚 籹媚ノ -50726 艶 琌禥い媚ノ暗杆琌砆嘿ぃρ | 癸ア痸Τ媚 籹媚ノ -50727 窾痜 蛮腑从ホ玭ヘホ玭盽獵拈れ. |癸竒癐畓Τ媚 籹媚ノ -50728 攫 暗竟ㄣ繨ㄨ硑狶ノ腑琌批箎, 攫ブ暗媚ノ┪硑ノ攫 | 癸璂Τ媚 籹媚ノ -50729 籞そ璣 别ヘ碘从砆嘿そ璣独盋盋 |癸珅筹ね媚 籹媚ノ -50730  砆嘿贺 | 癸癌借波肞痝Τ媚 籹媚ノ -50731 辞 辞攫狦龟. | 癸癌借波肞痝Τ媚 籹媚ノ -50732 狵腑 妮聂从嘿瞉ο艄单 |癸ы縸Э痜Τ媚 籹媚ノ - -50801 睪 ノ籹Θツ睪 -50802 别睪 ノ别籹Θツ睪 阑 +5 - -50803 琔睪 ノ琔籹Θツ睪 -50804 き睪 ノき籹Θツ睪 -50805 踰籞睪 ノ踰籞籹Θツ睪 -50806 艶睪 ノ艶籹Θツ睪 -50807 窾痜睪 ノ窾痜籹Θツ睪 -50808 攫睪 ノ攫籹Θツ睪 -50809 籞そ璣睪 ノ籞そ璣籹Θツ睪 -50810 睪 ノ籹Θツ睪 -50811 辞睪 ノ辞籹Θツ睪 -50812 狵腑睪 ノ狵腑籹Θツ睪 -50813 み睪 睪踰籞籹媚 砮硄诀瞯 +10% ( 3だ牧 ) -50814 ﹀瑀睪 别睪踰籞籹媚 璓㏑ю阑诀瞯 +10% ( 3だ牧 ) -50815 炊临 琔睪艶籹媚 -50816 艶玂 き睪艶籹媚 -50817 痷み睪 み睪窾痜籹媚 ю阑 +50 -50818 痷﹀瑀睪 ﹀瑀睪窾痜籹媚 ň縨 +70 -50819 痷炊临 炊临攫籹媚 臸猭╄к +10% -50820 痷艶玂 艶玂攫籹媚 - -50821 í媚 剪Θ﹀瑀睪籹驹矮徊媚 | 琌剪Θ籹–媚┦常ぃ -50822 媚 剪Θみ睪籹驹矮徊媚 | 琌剪Θ籹–媚┦常ぃ -50823 独媚 剪Θ痷艶玂籹驹矮徊媚 | 琌剪Θ籹–媚┦常ぃ -50824 厚媚 剪Θ痷炊临籹驹矮徊媚 | 琌剪Θ籹–媚┦常ぃ -50825 獵媚 剪Θ痷み睪籹驹矮徊媚 | 琌剪Θ籹–媚┦常ぃ -50826 フ媚 剪Θ痷﹀瑀睪籹驹矮徊媚 | 琌剪Θ籹–媚┦常ぃ - -50901 媚瞺 籹媚ㄏノ媚瞺 - -50902 籹硑砃 -50903 籹硑 -50904 籹硑蔼 - -50905 み睪猭 -50906 ﹀瑀睪猭 -50907 炊临猭 -50908 艶玂猭 -50909 痷﹀瑀猭 -50910 み睪猭 - -51001 膓ホ だ秆笵ㄣ, 莉眔Τ臸膓ホ -51002  ノ, 璝杆称Τ肂妮┦, 盢倒ぉΘ狦 -51003 聋ホ 緻罽ホ籹︹眒ホ繷 - -52001 木睫 木睫綰鎦禜紉帝瞨 癸┣端甡 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52002 木睫 木睫綰鎦禜紉帝瞨 肂竒喷 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52003 木睫 木睫綰鎦禜紉帝瞨 ネ㏑ +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52004 木睫 木睫綰鎦禜紉帝瞨 ň縨 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52005 木睫 木睫綰鎦禜紉帝瞨 ю阑 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52006 獴木睫 木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52007 獴木睫 木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52008 獴木睫 木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +250 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52009 獴木睫 木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +50 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52010 獴木睫 木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +30 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52011 疨ら木睫 獴木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52012 疨ら木睫 獴木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52013 疨ら木睫 獴木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +500 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52014 疨ら木睫 獴木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +150 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52015 疨ら木睫 獴木睫秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +100 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52016 疶 罛胺琌疶藕镀 癸┣端甡 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52017 疶 罛胺琌疶藕镀 肂竒喷 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52018 疶 罛胺琌疶藕镀 ネ㏑ +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52019 疶 罛胺琌疶藕镀 ň縨 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52020 疶 罛胺琌疶藕镀 ю阑 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52021 獴疶 疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52022 獴疶 疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52023 獴疶 疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +250 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52024 獴疶 疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +50 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52025 獴疶 疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +30 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52026 疨ら疶 獴疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52027 疨ら疶 獴疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52028 疨ら疶 獴疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +500 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52029 疨ら疶 獴疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +150 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52030 疨ら疶 獴疶秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +100 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52031 粪 窾脋ぇい, 局Τ臦粪 癸┣端甡 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52032 粪 窾脋ぇい, 局Τ臦粪 肂竒喷 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52033 粪 窾脋ぇい, 局Τ臦粪 ネ㏑ +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52034 粪 窾脋ぇい, 局Τ臦粪 ň縨 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52035 粪 窾脋ぇい, 局Τ臦粪 ю阑 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52036 獴粪 粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52037 獴粪 粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52038 獴粪 粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +250 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52039 獴粪 粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +50 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52040 獴粪 粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +30 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52041 疨ら粪 獴粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52042 疨ら粪 獴粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52043 疨ら粪 獴粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +500 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52044 疨ら粪 獴粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +150 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52045 疨ら粪 獴粪秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +100 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52046 矮 眏Ё砰緕鹅硑矮腨 癸┣端甡 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52047 矮 眏Ё砰緕鹅硑矮腨 肂竒喷 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52048 矮 眏Ё砰緕鹅硑矮腨 ネ㏑ +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52049 矮 眏Ё砰緕鹅硑矮腨 ň縨 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52050 矮 眏Ё砰緕鹅硑矮腨 ю阑 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52051 獴矮 矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52052 獴矮 矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52053 獴矮 矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +250 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52054 獴矮 矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +50 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52055 獴矮 矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +30 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52056 疨ら矮 獴矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52057 疨ら矮 獴矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52058 疨ら矮 獴矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +500 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52059 疨ら矮 獴矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +150 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52060 疨ら矮 獴矮秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +100 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52061 そ攻忱 そ攻忱縒Τ慌à篈 癸┣端甡 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52062 そ攻忱 そ攻忱縒Τ慌à篈 肂竒喷 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52063 そ攻忱 そ攻忱縒Τ慌à篈 ネ㏑ +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52064 そ攻忱 そ攻忱縒Τ慌à篈 ň縨 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52065 そ攻忱 そ攻忱縒Τ慌à篈 ю阑 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52066 獴攻忱(そ) そ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52067 獴攻忱(そ) そ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52068 獴攻忱(そ) そ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +250 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52069 獴攻忱(そ) そ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +50 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52070 獴攻忱(そ) そ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +30 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52071 疨ら攻忱(そ) 獴攻忱(そ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52072 疨ら攻忱(そ) 獴攻忱(そ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52073 疨ら攻忱(そ) 獴攻忱(そ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +500 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52074 疨ら攻忱(そ) 獴攻忱(そ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +150 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52075 疨ら攻忱(そ) 獴攻忱(そ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +100 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52076 ダ攻忱 ダ攻忱縒Τ睲泊 癸┣端甡 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52077 ダ攻忱 ダ攻忱縒Τ睲泊 肂竒喷 +0% |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52078 ダ攻忱 ダ攻忱縒Τ睲泊 ネ㏑ +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52079 ダ攻忱 ダ攻忱縒Τ睲泊 ň縨 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52080 ダ攻忱 ダ攻忱縒Τ睲泊 ю阑 +0 |簿笆硉 +30 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52081 獴攻忱(ダ) ダ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52082 獴攻忱(ダ) ダ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +3% |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52083 獴攻忱(ダ) ダ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +250 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52084 獴攻忱(ダ) ダ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +50 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52085 獴攻忱(ダ) ダ攻忱秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +30 |簿笆硉 +40 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52086 疨ら攻忱(ダ) 獴攻忱(ダ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 癸┣端甡 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52087 疨ら攻忱(ダ) 獴攻忱(ダ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. 肂竒喷 +5% |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52088 疨ら攻忱(ダ) 獴攻忱(ダ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ネ㏑ +500 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52089 疨ら攻忱(ダ) 獴攻忱(ダ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ň縨 +150 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52090 疨ら攻忱(ダ) 獴攻忱(ダ)秈て篈, 肕ю阑寄. ю阑 +100 |簿笆硉 +50 | ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ - -52701 粪ユ传ㄩ Τユ传ㄩ,  皑碶牡矫 传酬礟 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52702 矮ユ传ㄩ Τユ传ㄩ,  皑碶牡矫 传酬礟 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52703 木睫ユ传ㄩ Τユ传ㄩ,  皑碶牡矫 传酬礟 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52704 疶ユ传ㄩ Τユ传ㄩ,  皑碶牡矫 传酬礟 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52705 そ攻忱ユ传ㄩ Τユ传ㄩ,  皑碶牡矫 传酬礟 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -52706 ダ攻忱ユ传ㄩ Τユ传ㄩ,  皑碶牡矫 传酬礟 ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -53001 ?澳 -53002 攻忱 攻忱腊跺寄ō柠. 龄酬 ぃメ斌耚舥畐ユ砪扳 -53003 ?澳 -53004 ?澳 -53005 癵皑谨 皑谨ㄓ |赤アΤǜ碿ぇ 翴阑龄酬 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ - -53007 竧较攻忱 竧较竊ゲ称蛤痁. 龄酬 ネ㏑ +1500 |ю甡 +15% |ぃメ斌ユ砪扳耚舥 - - -53010 癵粪 局Τ稲硆届蛤痁. 龄酬 ネ㏑ +1500 |ю甡 +15% |ぃメ斌ユ砪扳耚舥 -53011 癵 局Τ稲硆届蛤痁. 龄酬 ネ㏑ +1500 |ю甡 +15% |ぃメ斌ユ砪扳耚舥 -53012 癵睫 局Τ稲硆届蛤痁. 龄酬 ネ㏑ +1500 |ю甡 +15% |ぃメ斌ユ砪扳耚舥 -53013 癵 局Τ稲硆届蛤痁. 龄酬 ネ㏑ +1500 |ю甡 +15% |ぃメ斌ユ砪扳耚舥 - -53505 案舶 ヴ砆硂舶柑臸 |盢アち, ほて案砰 翴阑龄莉眔案 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ - -60001 旱義 -60002 畐ㄏ崩滤 -60003 璣动獺 - -70001 案 -70002 材も -70003 せ命 猌竒ぇ猭 |びそ猭ぇ 杆称Θ钉籔钉莉眔竒喷糤30% -70004 对骋颈彻 倒伐对灸港龟ぇ笆彻 |竒喷 20% |杆称礚猭叉 -70005 竒喷吏 肚琌璣动稲ノ杆耿吏 |杆称, 莉眔竒喷. 杆称礚猭叉 -70006 粂ē吏 Ν戳ぱ酚马ィも瓣だ澄ぃ |硄坝ヘ籹窾瓣粂吏 |瘤礛竒盽ユヘㄏノ, ヘ玡逞计秖ぃ ㎝ㄤウ瓣肪硄 -70007 簿笆吏 -70008 フ篨 ボ斌驹矮フ篨. ΤボΤ腨端眞篨糾いァ购兵絬 ㏄瞅┣碞穦氨ゎю阑 -70009 腳絚 -70010 畐ㄏノㄩ -70011 矗ど单媚 -70012 泊瞈 猌び地泊瞈肚饥癸кǜ碿玦艶活 杆称い竒喷穕ア -70013 エ泊瞈 -70014 ﹀紆媚 ノ蔼禥忱﹀籹硁媚,肚弧狝ノ穦ま癬腨ほ谋ノ 簿笆妮┦ 1翴 -70015 步を掸 -70020 皊 盼爱籹Θ皊. 狝ノ確砰 -70024 褐腳痌 肚褐腳痌 笵ㄣ妮┦Τ4贺發贺妮┦. -70027 芬紅兵 肚弧芬紅痙闽猌竟兵 |肚魁帝闽э▆猌竟覦. э▆4笵ㄣ100% э▆Θ5. -70035 窾碒臟 獶盽蔼蔼盿祇瞷臟い伐珇 |ㄏノ褐ぇ籹猌褐 -70037 а玱ぇ だΘㄢ肚弧ぇ, 沮弧弄穦а癘ㄏノм 簿笆мщ翴1翴 -70038 玦┸ 玦瞨驹ノ本璉┸肅︹ま寄ヘ籔ю阑甶ボ玦瞨 ㄏ㏄瞅┣瞅. 1Ωノ -70039 臟覦 ㄣΤ臟艶活 |╈Σ惠э▆笵ㄣ |矗どэ▆诀瞯. -70040 旱碍芞玪 瑻秖搭ぶ -70043 敖も甅 局Τ程蔼羘敖も甅 杆称矗蔼奔腳瞯 -70047 粂ē吏(妓珇) ㎝ㄤウ瓣肪硄 -70048 ﹡┸ 発┕ㄏノ┸ㄤ基礚猭ノ窥颗秖. 杆称留旅到碿 -70049 ┋笲з ㄨ帝纒玂臔籔з 杆称ぃ奔辅笵ㄣ -70050 獺 產瑈肚獺, 局Τ獺Τ馋舦. 杆称到碿確е 2 -70051 も甅 產瑈肚框ぇ局Τ穦Τ馋秖. 杆称ゴ┣到碿 確е 2 -70052 ┷癩才 ︱產瑈肚才〨咀穨玻ネた -70053 才 ︱產瑈肚才〨咀穨玻ネた -70054 ╝箇ň才 ︱產瑈肚才〨咀穨玻ネた - -70055 а玱ぇ だΘㄢ肚弧ぇ, 沮弧弄穦а癘ㄏノм 簿笆мщ翴1翴 -70057 玦┸ 玦瞨驹ノ本璉┸肅︹ま寄ヘ籔ю阑甶ボ玦瞨 ㄏ㏄瞅┣瞅. 1Ωノ -70058 簿笆吏 簿笆砃畍翴阑龄匡拒 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ砪扳 - -70102 罥繷 狝ノ, 碿|糤到 - -70104 跑ō瞴 跑Θ腳痌ㄨ┣家妓 -70105 跑ō瞴 跑Θ腳痌ㄨ┣家妓 -70106 跑ō瞴 跑Θ腳痌ㄨ┣家妓 -70107 跑ō瞴 跑Θ腳痌ㄨ┣家妓 - -70201 科︹警 癶ㄓ繷緑肅︹. 科︹繷緑皑琕︹ -70202 琕︹警(フ︹) 琕︹Θフ緑|琕︹秅戳3单 -70203 琕︹警(︹) 琕︹Θ緑|琕︹秅戳3单 -70204 琕︹警(︹) 琕︹Θ緑|琕︹秅戳3单 -70205 琕︹警(脚︹) 琕︹Θ脚︹繷緑|琕︹秅戳3单 -70206 琕︹警(堵︹) 琕︹Θ堵︹繷緑|琕︹秅戳3单 - -70301 薄玅з ╧﹚薄獺з 挡盉惠璶笵ㄣ -70302 挡盉з 暗挡盉獺з ㄏノ肚癳皌案ō娩 - - -71001 窖泊砃 м絤ア毖秆埃ǐ臸 -71002 а玱覦 框а┮Τм籔瓁戮闽癘拘. 穝匡拒瓁戮. -71003 м﹍て覦 ㄏ虫м翴计﹍て. -71004 纒玂臔 , 纒玂臔 | 100%咀竒喷. - -71005 粂ē吏 ㄏノ┮Τ瓣粂ē. -71006 粂ē吏 ㄏノ┮Τ瓣粂ē. -71007 粂ē吏 ㄏノ┮Τ瓣粂ē. -71008 稦辰み 敞蔼辰诀瞯糤2 -71009 畐Μㄩ るぇず畐Μ耎 3. - -71010 材も ゴ┣笆珺奔辅窥刽 -71011 荐薄ㄣ 杆称瞷稰薄 -71012 せ命 钉舱钉籔钉竒喷ど30%. -71013 紋ㄥ盡ノ脄λ 杆耿紋ㄥ沧Ы | 废ノ脄λ -71014 硉皊 ю阑硉е10% |尿丁 30だ牧 - -71015 竒喷吏 ゴ┣, 竒喷莉眔糤 50% |尿丁 30だ牧 - -71016 敖も甅 ゴ┣奔腳瞯糤 1.5 |尿丁 30だ牧 - -71017 ┋笲刽 ゴ┣窥刽奔辅瞯糤 2 |尿丁 30だ牧 - -71018 ネ㏑ぇ ネ㏑確 100% . -71019 弘ぇ 弘確 100% . -71020 纒ぇ ネ㏑籔弘確 100% -71021 猌褐 猌褐э▆ +0~+3笵ㄣэ▆ 100% Θ. -71025 ホ パゴ臟綫臟籔﹀Θ肚弧膓ホ -71026 ト臟 ㄏノ褐ぇэ▆纒褐. -71027 纒ネ㏑ 程ネ㏑ +20% |尿丁 30だ牧 -71028 纒ю阑 ю阑端甡矗ど 12~15% |尿丁 30だ牧 -71029 纒醇 程弘 +20% |尿丁 30だ牧 -71030 纒ň縨 ň縨端甡 12~15% |尿丁 30だ牧 -71031 纒や穿 à︹砰秖弘庇倍糤 5. -71032 纒褐 э▆笵ㄣ10% 诀瞯э▆, э▆ア毖笵ㄣぃア -71033 荐薄ㄣ 杆称瞷稰薄 -71034 硉皊+ ю阑硉е 15% |尿丁 30だ牧 -71035 癵碽媚 Μ栋笵ㄣ诀瞯矗ど 80%. -71036 旱碍壁酬 酬à︹㏄瞅旱碍壁. -71037 盞毙毙酬 酬à︹㏄瞅盞毙毙. -71038 籮碉酬 酬à︹㏄瞅籮碉. -71039 エ‵簔疩纓酬 酬à︹㏄瞅エ‵簔疩纓. -71040 礙酬 酬à︹㏄瞅礙. -71041 Ю酬 酬à︹㏄瞅Ю. -71042 碍酬 酬à︹㏄瞅碍. -71043 独碍酬 酬à︹㏄瞅独碍. -71044 禫ぇ彻 璓㏑诀瞯 +20% |尿丁 10だ牧 -71045 砮硄ぇ彻 礚跌ň縨诀瞯 +20% |尿丁 10だ牧 -71047 籔︸局 ┾芧碠笵ㄣ艶ホ. -71048 临ネ覦 眖瑈肚ㄓ〨砃|传à︹┦. -71049 捣瑚籷 ﹚丁ず礚ㄏノ坝┍. -71050 簿硉皊 簿笆硉е 60% . -71051 痷ㄥ 埃瞷Τ妮┦ぇ發ㄢ妮┦. -71052 痷弘ㄥ 跑ノ痷ㄥ發妮┦. -71053 杆称到碿確糤ㄢ. -71054 瓣锣传 跑ㄤウ瓣 1Ω. -71055 秨て 传à︹嘿. -71056 獵纒㊣ +4艶ホэ▆ +5艶ホΘ诀瞯糤ㄢ. -71057 ホれ膓酬 酬à︹㏄瞅ホれ膓 -71058 簧膓酬 酬à︹㏄瞅簧膓 -71059 蝗酬 酬à︹㏄瞅蝗 -71060 酬 酬à︹㏄瞅 -71061 ドホ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅ドホ -71062 堵うホ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅堵うホ -71063 ī帮酬 酬à︹㏄瞅ī帮 -71064 フ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅フ -71065 垂ホ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅垂ホ -71066 档垂ホ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅档垂ホ -71067 ぱ臩膓酬 酬à︹㏄瞅ぱ臩膓 -71068 纏續πを 杆称稰薄计е硉ど. -71069 ㎝伏φ吏 矗ど籔皌案砮硄诀瞯. -71070 稲薄も臢 矗ど籔皌案莉眔竒喷. -71071 稲薄φ吏 矗ど籔皌案璓㏑ю阑诀瞯. -71072 ㎝伏も臢 ┣ю阑. -71073 稲薄兜铃 矗ど籔皌案ю阑. -71074 ㎝伏兜铃 矗ど籔皌案ň縨. -71075 琕︹警(フ︹) 琕︹Θフ緑 -71076 琕︹警(︹) 琕︹Θ緑 -71077 琕︹警(︹) 琕︹Θ緑 -71078 琕︹警(脚︹) 琕︹Θ脚︹繷緑 -71079 琕︹警(堵︹) 琕︹Θ堵︹繷緑 -71080 钋ホ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅钋ホ -71081 い钋ホ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅い钋ホ -71082 蔼钋ホ酬 酬à︹㏄瞅蔼钋ホ -71083 伐ㄥ 睲埃芧碠ず窰ホㄏ芧碠穝ㄏノ -71084 弘ㄥ ㄏ笵ㄣ结Τ妮┦﹍て |穝结ぉ穝妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌耚舥砪扳ユ -71085 ㄥ 结ぉ笵ㄣ繦诀贺妮┦ |程结ぉ贺妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌耚舥砪扳ユ -71086 どヴ叭(20~29) -71087 どヴ叭(30~39) -71088 ヴ叭磅︽() -71089 ヴ叭磅︽(い) -71090 ヴ叭磅︽(蔼) -71091 筿狾籷 传坝┍狾ゅ肅︹. -71092 跑ō砃 ノ跑ō瞴跑ō┣. -71093 跑ō瞴 跑ōΘ腳痌礶┣. -71094 癡粅 絤Θ诀瞯矗ど 2.5 (1Ω) -71095 硄︽靡 ㄏノ [瓜] ,┮惠ぇ硄︽ゅン -71097 纒ю阑+ ю阑端甡矗ど 45~50% |尿丁 30だ牧 -71098 纒ň縨+ ň縨端甡 45~50% |尿丁 30だ牧 -71101 硉紇皊 〨粂硉е 20% 尿丁 30だ牧 -71102 硉紇皊+ 〨粂硉е 30% 尿丁 30だ牧 -71103 砰﹍て覦 ㄏ砰﹍て1 -71104 醇﹍て覦 ㄏ醇﹍て1 -71105 秖﹍て覦 ㄏ秖﹍て1 -71106 庇倍﹍て覦 ㄏ庇倍﹍て1 -71107  到碿矗ど 2000 -71108 皊+ 盼爱|獁蔼皊 狝ノ確砰 -71109 Λ ┾程艶ホ|┾竚痙勃格 -71110 よ縸 琵и皑Τ|ň縨 +20! -71111 侣柠 び瘆瑌柠|琌本竧较攫碞? -71112 Λ+ ┾惠璶艶ホ|┾竚痙勃格. -71113 竒 硓筁册ぱ怠肚冀笵ㄣ冈灿妮┦. alt + オ龄虫阑笵ㄣ -71114 睫酬礟 肕睫5だ牧 ň縨+150 -71115 睫酬礟 肕睫120だ牧眔┣眏 +20% 狦籔發 10% 竒喷. -71116 酬礟 肕5だ牧 ň縨+200 -71117 酬礟 肕120だ牧眔 HP +3000 狦籔發 10% 竒喷. -71118 矮酬礟 肕矮5だ牧 ň縨+300 -71119 矮酬礟 肕矮120だ牧眔ň縨 +400 狦籔發 10%竒喷. -71120 粪酬礟 肕粪5だ牧 ю阑+200 -71121 粪酬礟 肕粪120だ牧眔ю阑 +300 狦籔發 10% 竒喷. -71123 纒澎 眖纒ō奔辅澎窰. 床祇.|籹纒ヒ. -71129 纒ヒ 纒眔ヒ窰. 舠Ρ家妓疭. э▆惠璶笵ㄣ|籹纒ヒ. -71124 艶鴏粪酬礟 瘤籔粪窾脋ぇ, ō床祇竧猑瞅. 竒喷 +30% |簿笆硉 +20 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ - - -71131 堵皑酬礟 酬堵皑ㄏノ獺 -71132 堵皑酬礟 酬堵皑ㄏノ獺 -71133 堵皑酬礟 酬堵皑ㄏノ獺 -71134 堵皑酬礟 酬堵皑ㄏノ獺 -71135 甖る吏 芧Τ甖る腞吏, 吏耡膅穦倒ぉ秖 竒喷 50% |ю阑硉 20% |〨粂硉 20% |端甡 30% |程ネ㏑ 10% |程弘 10% - -71137 此骨矮酬礟(屡) 妮矮环克, 局Τ眏Ё砰緕の腨. 竒喷 +30% |簿笆硉 +20 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -71138 此骨矮酬礟() 妮矮环克, 局Τ眏Ё砰緕の腨. 竒喷 +30% |簿笆硉 +20 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -71139 此骨矮酬礟(独) 妮矮环克, 局Τ眏Ё砰緕の腨. 竒喷 +30% |簿笆硉 +20 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -71140 此骨矮酬礟(厚) 妮矮环克, 局Τ眏Ё砰緕の腨. 竒喷 +30% |簿笆硉 +20 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -71141 此骨矮酬礟(η) 妮矮环克, 局Τ眏Ё砰緕の腨. 竒喷 +30% |簿笆硉 +20 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -71142 此骨矮酬礟(フ) 妮矮环克, 局Τ眏Ё砰緕の腨. 竒喷 +30% |簿笆硉 +20 |ぃメ斌砪扳耚舥ユ -71143 ┋褐ぇз 盿倒┮Τ┋褐з ю阑硉 +20% |琁猭硉 +20% |端甡 +30% |羆ネ㏑ +10% |羆弘 +10% |竒喷 +50% |ぃメ斌耚舥ユ砪扳 -71144 竧较搂舶 龄翴阑繦诀贱纘 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ砪扳 -71145 ッぇ稲耿 帝癸攀ッ 竒喷30% |ю阑硉 +10% |琁猭硉 +10% |端甡 30% |程ネ㏑ +5% |程弘 +5% -71146 稲搂絚() -71147 稲搂絚(屡︹) -71148 洞┦з 局Τ洞┦瞶ю阑з 竒喷30% |倒猌眏疨20% |倒眏疨20% |┣發端甡30% |程蔼ネ㏑10% |程蔼弘10% |ぃメ斌 ユ -71149 臸┦з 局Τ臸┦臸猭ю阑з 竒喷30% |倒霉眏疨20% |倒畍眏疨20% |┣發端甡30% |程蔼ネ㏑10% |程蔼弘10% |ぃメ斌 ユ -71150 臸猭蔓矹 矹催ㄨΤ弘ォ灿臸猭瓜乃 – 30だ牧翴阑龄繦诀莉眔笵ㄣ |ぃメ斌 砪扳ユ -71151 弘ㄥ 结ぉ40 猌竟/帛ヒ笵ㄣ繦诀贺妮┦ |程结ぉ贺妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌砪扳 -71152 ㄥ 结ぉ40 猌竟/帛ヒ笵ㄣ繦诀贺妮┦ |程结ぉ贺妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌砪扳 -71153 竒喷媚 ㄣΤㄆ狦蝴 1 |竒喷 +100% ぃメ斌耚舥ユ - -71158 璣动獺 洁界倒璣动贱礟 |ウ局Τ帝秖禜紉 竒喷 50% |ю阑硉 20% |〨粂硉 20% |端甡 30% |程蔼ネ㏑ 10% |程弘 10% |杆妮┦ 5% |ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -71159 ├搂腳絚(╧) 翴阑龄 |繦诀倒ぉ贱纘 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -71160 ├搂腳絚() 翴阑龄 |繦诀倒ぉ贱纘 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ - -71164 竧较攻忱 竧较竊ゲ称畒肕攻忱. 龄酬 簿笆硉 +60% |ぃメ斌耚舥ユ砪扳 - -72001 竒喷吏 ゴ┣竒喷莉眔糤50% -72002 竒喷吏 ゴ┣竒喷莉眔糤50% -72003 竒喷吏 ゴ┣竒喷莉眔糤50% -72004 敖も甅 ゴ┣奔腳瞯糤 1.5 -72005 敖も甅 ゴ┣奔腳瞯糤 1.5 -72006 敖も甅 ゴ┣奔腳瞯糤 1.5 -72007 捣瑚籷 ﹚丁ず礚ㄏノ坝┍. -72008 捣瑚籷 ﹚丁ず礚ㄏノ坝┍. -72009 捣瑚籷 ﹚丁ず礚ㄏノ坝┍. -72010 纏續πを 杆称稰薄计е硉ど. -72011 纏續πを 杆称稰薄计е硉ど. -72012 纏續πを 杆称稰薄计е硉ど. -72013 稦辰み 敞蔼辰诀瞯糤2 -72014 稦辰み 敞蔼辰诀瞯糤2 -72015 稦辰み 敞蔼辰诀瞯糤2 -72016 材も ゴ┣笆珺奔辅窥刽 -72017 材も ゴ┣笆珺奔辅窥刽 -72018 材も ゴ┣笆珺奔辅窥刽 -72022 ┋笲刽 ゴ┣窥刽奔辅糤2 -72024 ┋笲刽 ゴ┣窥刽奔辅糤2 -72025 砮硄ぇ彻 砮硄ю阑诀瞯 +10% -72026 砮硄ぇ彻 砮硄ю阑诀瞯 +10% -72027 砮硄ぇ彻 砮硄ю阑诀瞯 +10% -72028 荐薄ㄣ 杆称瞷稰薄 -72029 荐薄ㄣ 杆称瞷稰薄 -72030 荐薄ㄣ 杆称瞷稰薄 -72031 纒ю阑 ю阑端甡矗ど 12~15% -72032 纒ю阑 ю阑端甡矗ど 12~15% -72033 纒ю阑 ю阑端甡矗ど 12~15% -72034 纒ň縨 ň縨端甡 12~15% -72035 纒ň縨 ň縨端甡 12~15% -72036 纒ň縨 ň縨端甡 12~15% -72037 纒ネ㏑ 程ネ㏑ +20% -72038 纒ネ㏑ 程ネ㏑ +20% -72039 纒ネ㏑ 程ネ㏑ +20% -72040 纒醇 程弘 +20% -72041 纒醇 程弘 +20% -72042 纒醇 程弘 +20% -72043 せ命 钉舱钉籔钉竒喷ど30%. -72044 せ命 钉舱钉籔钉竒喷ど30%. -72045 せ命 钉舱钉籔钉竒喷ど30%. -72046 禫ぇ彻 璓㏑诀瞯 +10% -72047 禫ぇ彻 璓㏑诀瞯 +10% -72048 禫ぇ彻 璓㏑诀瞯 +10% - -72301 褐ぇ 盢褐э▆ノэ▆杆称, ㄏэ▆ア毖ぃ筁盢τ ゅン钡ㄏノ杆称|э▆ア毖笵ㄣぃア|ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72302 せ命 猌竒ぇ猭| びそ猭ぇ | 杆称Θ钉籔钉莉眔竒喷糤30%|ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72304 褐腳痌 肚褐腳痌 笵ㄣ妮┦Τ4贺發贺妮┦.|ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72305 穦ア描 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72306 芬紅兵 肚弧芬紅痙闽猌竟兵|肚魁帝闽э▆猌竟覦. э▆4笵ㄣ100% э▆Θ5.|ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72307 芬紅覦 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72308 窾碒臟 獶盽蔼蔼盿祇瞷臟い伐珇|ㄏノ褐ぇ籹猌褐 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72309 臟覦 ㄣΤ臟艶活覦э▆矗どэ▆诀瞯 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72310 窖泊砃 м絤ア毖秆埃ǐ臸 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72311 纒ぇ ネ㏑籔弘確 100% ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72312 纒ю阑 ю阑端甡矗ど12~15% | 尿丁30だ牧 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72313 纒ň縨 ň縨端甡12~15% | 尿丁30だ牧 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72314 纒褐 э▆笵ㄣ10% 诀瞯э▆,э▆ア毖笵ㄣぃア ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72315 簿硉皊 簿笆硉е 60% . ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72316 伐ㄥ 睲埃芧碠ず窰ホㄏ芧碠穝ㄏノ ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ | 礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72317 弘ㄥ ㄏ笵ㄣ结Τ妮┦﹍て |穝结ぉ穝妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ |ぃメ斌耚舥砪扳ユ -72318 ㄥ 结ぉ笵ㄣ繦诀贺妮┦ |程结ぉ贺妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ |ぃメ斌耚舥砪扳ユ - -72501 竒喷吏(呼盡ノ) 幅呼〡聐臸竒喷莉眔糤 50% -72502 敖も甅(呼盡ノ) 幅呼〡聐臸奔腳瞯糤 1.5 - -72700 ぇ箄 结ぉ箄弘ㄏㄤе硉簿笆 簿笆硉+30 -72701 ぇ箄 结ぉ箄弘ㄏㄤе硉簿笆 簿笆硉+30 -72702 ぇ箄 结ぉ箄弘ㄏㄤе硉簿笆 簿笆硉+30 - -72703 àφ吏 ρ硑φ吏矗どю阑荡癸200 50 -72704 纒àφ吏 纒硑φ吏矗どň縨荡癸200 |臸猭ň縨150 50 -72705 àも臢 ρ硑も臢矗どмю阑30% 50 -72706 纒àも臢 纒硑も臢矗どмň縨30% 50 - -72709 àφ吏 ρ硑φ吏矗どю阑荡癸200 20 -72710 纒àφ吏 纒硑φ吏矗どň縨荡癸300 |臸猭ň縨150 20 -72711 àも臢 ρ硑も臢矗どмю阑30% 20 -72712 纒àも臢 纒硑も臢矗どмň縨30% 20 -72719 Λ ┾程艶ホ|┾竚痙勃格 - - - -73001 猌緑 1 ╧┦ - 皊︹祏緑 |┦ - 皊︹祏緑 -73002 猌緑 1 ╧┦ - 独︹祏緑 |┦ - 睱档︹祏緑 -73003 猌緑 1 ╧┦ - 屡︹祏緑 |┦ - 屡︹祏緑 -73004 猌緑 1 ╧┦ - 脚︹祏緑 |┦ - 脚︹祏緑 -73005 猌緑 2 ╧┦ - 绯繷 |┦ - 祏緑繷 -73006 猌緑 2 ╧┦ - 绯よ繷 |┦ - 祏緑よ繷 -73007 猌緑 2 ╧┦ - 绯屡繷 |┦ - 祏緑茎厚繷 -73008 猌緑 2 ╧┦ - 绯繷 |┦ - 祏緑屡繷 -73009 猌緑 3 ╧┦ - 堵︹猌 |┦ - 堵︹纔懂 -73010 猌緑 3 ╧┦ - ︹猌 |┦ - ︹纔懂 -73011 猌緑 3 ╧┦ - 脚︹猌 |┦ - 脚︹纔懂 -73012 猌緑 3 ╧┦ - 獵厚︹猌 |┦ - 獵厚︹纔懂 - -73251 緑 1 ╧┦ - 蔼皑Ю独緑 |┦ - 蔼皑Ю脚︹緑 -73252 緑 1 ╧┦ - 蔼皑Ю厚︹緑 |┦ - 蔼皑Ю厚︹緑 -73253 緑 1 ╧┦ - 蔼皑Ю屡︹緑 |┦ - 蔼皑Ю瞏屡︹緑 -73254 緑 1 ╧┦ - 蔼皑Юηフ︹緑 |┦ - 蔼皑Юηフ︹緑 -73255 緑 2 ╧┦ - 緑η繷 |┦ - 脚︹玁腞い緑 -73256 緑 2 ╧┦ - 緑瞏厚繷 |┦ - 茨︹玁腞い緑 -73257 緑 2 ╧┦ - 緑〡柏繷 |┦ - 独玁腞い緑 -73258 緑 2 ╧┦ - 緑茨︹繷 |┦ - 档︹玁腞い緑 -73259 緑 3 ╧┦ - 皊︹硑祏緑 |┦ - 皊︹硑祏緑 -73260 緑 3 ╧┦ - 獵︹硑祏緑 |┦ - 睭屡硑祏緑 -73261 緑 3 ╧┦ - 堵︹硑祏緑 |┦ - 堵η硑祏緑 -73262 緑 3 ╧┦ - 独︹硑祏緑 |┦ - 独硑祏緑 - -73501 霉緑 1 ╧┦ - フ︹笲笆祏緑 |┦ - η︹慌緑 -73502 霉緑 1 ╧┦ - 脚︹笲笆祏緑 |┦ - 脚︹慌緑 -73503 霉緑 1 ╧┦ - 独︹笲笆祏緑 |┦ - 睱独︹慌緑 -73504 霉緑 1 ╧┦ - 獵墨厚笲笆祏緑 |┦ - 厚︹慌緑 -73505 霉緑 2 ╧┦ - ηフ︹獿 |┦ - ηフ︹獿 -73506 霉緑 2 ╧┦ - 皊︹獿 |┦ - 皊︹獿 -73507 霉緑 2 ╧┦ - 堵︹獿 |┦ - 堵︹獿 -73508 霉緑 2 ╧┦ - 档︹獿 |┦ - 档︹獿 -73509 霉緑 3 ╧┦ - フ︹皑Ю緑 |┦ - フ︹蔼緑 -73510 霉緑 3 ╧┦ - 睭屡︹皑Ю緑 |┦ - 睭屡︹蔼緑 -73511 霉緑 3 ╧┦ - 堵︹皑Ю緑 |┦ - 堵︹蔼緑 -73512 霉緑 3 ╧┦ - 脚︹皑Ю緑 |┦ - 脚︹蔼緑 - -73751 畍緑 1 ╧┦ - 茨︹い緑 |┦ - 脚︹緑炉 -73752 畍緑 1 ╧┦ - 瞏屡︹い緑 |┦ - 瞏屡︹緑炉 -73753 畍緑 1 ╧┦ - 睭屡︹い緑 |┦ - 睭屡︹緑炉 -73754 畍緑 1 ╧┦ - ηフ︹い緑 |┦ - フ︹緑炉 -73755 畍緑 2 ╧┦ - いだ脚︹い緑 |┦ - いだ脚︹い緑 -73756 畍緑 2 ╧┦ - いだ穞屡︹い緑 |┦ - いだ穞屡︹い緑 -73757 畍緑 2 ╧┦ - いだ独︹い緑 |┦ - いだ独︹い緑 -73758 畍緑 2 ╧┦ - いだ瞏档︹い緑 |┦ - いだ睱档︹い緑 -73759 畍緑 3 ╧┦ - 脚︹猌獿 |┦ - 茨︹緑硑 -73760 畍緑 3 ╧┦ - 茨η︹猌獿 |┦ - ︹緑硑 -73761 畍緑 3 ╧┦ - 瞏屡︹猌獿 |┦ - 档︹緑硑 -73762 畍緑 3 ╧┦ - 皊︹猌獿 |┦ - 皊︹緑硑 - - - - -74001 猌緑 1 皊︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74002 猌緑 1 独︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74003 猌緑 1 屡︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74004 猌緑 1 脚︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74005 猌緑 2 绯繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74006 猌緑 2 绯よ繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74007 猌緑 2 绯屡繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74008 猌緑 2 绯繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74009 猌緑 3 堵︹猌 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74010 猌緑 3 ︹猌 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74011 猌緑 3 脚︹猌 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74012 猌緑 3 獵厚︹猌 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - -74251 緑 1 蔼皑Ю脚︹緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74252 緑 1 蔼皑Ю厚︹緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74253 緑 1 蔼皑Ю瞏屡︹緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74254 緑 1 蔼皑Юηフ︹緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74255 緑 2 脚︹玁腞い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74256 緑 2 茨︹玁腞い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74257 緑 2 独玁腞い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74258 緑 2 档︹玁腞い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74259 緑 3 皊︹硑祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74260 緑 3 睭屡硑祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74261 緑 3 堵η硑祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74262 緑 3 独硑祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - -74501 霉緑 1 フ︹笲笆祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74502 霉緑 1 脚︹笲笆祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74503 霉緑 1 独︹笲笆祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74504 霉緑 1 獵墨厚笲笆祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74505 霉緑 2 ηフ︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74506 霉緑 2 皊︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74507 霉緑 2 堵︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74508 霉緑 2 档︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74509 霉緑 3 フ︹皑Ю緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74510 霉緑 3 睭屡︹皑Ю緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74511 霉緑 3 堵︹皑Ю緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74512 霉緑 3 脚︹皑Ю緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - -74751 畍緑 1 脚︹緑炉 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74752 畍緑 1 瞏屡︹緑炉 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74753 畍緑 1 睭屡︹緑炉 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74754 畍緑 1 フ︹緑炉 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74755 畍緑 2 いだ脚︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74756 畍緑 2 いだ穞屡︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74757 畍緑 2 いだ独︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74758 畍緑 2 いだ睱档︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74759 畍緑 3 茨︹緑硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74760 畍緑 3 ︹緑硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74761 畍緑 3 档︹緑硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74762 畍緑 3 皊︹緑硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - - - - -75001 猌緑 1 皊︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75002 猌緑 1 睱档︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75003 猌緑 1 屡︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75004 猌緑 1 脚︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75005 猌緑 2 祏緑繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75006 猌緑 2 祏緑よ繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75007 猌緑 2 祏緑茎厚繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75008 猌緑 2 祏緑屡繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75009 猌緑 3 堵︹纔懂 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75010 猌緑 3 ︹纔懂 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75011 猌緑 3 脚︹纔懂 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75012 猌緑 3 獵厚︹纔懂 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - -75201 緑 1 蔼皑Ю独緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75202 緑 1 蔼皑Ю厚︹緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75203 緑 1 蔼皑Ю屡︹緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75204 緑 1 蔼皑Юηフ︹緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75205 緑 2 緑η繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75206 緑 2 緑瞏厚繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75207 緑 2 緑〡柏繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75208 緑 2 緑茨︹繷 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75209 緑 3 皊︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75210 緑 3 獵︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75211 緑 3 堵︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75212 緑 3 独︹祏緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - -75401 霉緑 1 η︹慌緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75402 霉緑 1 脚︹慌緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75403 霉緑 1 睱独︹慌緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75404 霉緑 1 厚︹慌緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75405 霉緑 2 ηフ︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75406 霉緑 2 皊︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75407 霉緑 2 堵︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75408 霉緑 2 档︹獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75409 霉緑 3 フ︹蔼緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75410 霉緑 3 睭屡︹蔼緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75411 霉緑 3 堵︹蔼緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75412 霉緑 3 脚︹蔼緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - -75601 畍緑 1 脚︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75602 畍緑 1 瞏屡︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75603 畍緑 1 睭屡︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75604 畍緑 1 ηフ︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75605 畍緑 2 いだ脚︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75606 畍緑 2 いだ穞屡︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75607 畍緑 2 いだ独︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75608 畍緑 2 いだ瞏档︹い緑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75609 畍緑 3 脚︹猌獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75610 畍緑 3 茨η︹猌獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75611 畍緑 3 瞏屡︹猌獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75612 畍緑 3 皊︹猌獿 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - - -74017 ︹蛾旦碪-猌 ノ︹蛾旦籹碪ぃみ癬ㄓ碞钩琌繷郴帝︰В表. ウ琌莉眔来眔﹟﹚碪ぇ -74018 骋吹У ㄉ憨‵簔︽ゲ称珇, 稰谋纔懂眣盯﹟珇 -74019 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. -74267 ‵簔盡ノ瞅 ┦ノ瞅‵簔︽玂臔籖緑捣玂臔涧ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ -74268 ‵簔盡ノ繷甅 尔‵簔盡ノ瞅ぃ镑眏璶玂臔涧环瞒档絬籔‵簔忌ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ, 案焊綛姜簘獹羪矹τㄏノ -74269 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. -74517 ︹蛾旦碪 ノ︹蛾旦籹碪ぃみ癬ㄓ碞钩琌繷郴帝︰В表. ウ琌莉眔来眔﹟﹚碪ぇ -74518 骋吹У ㄉ憨‵簔︽ゲ称珇, 稰谋纔懂眣盯﹟珇 -74519 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. -74767 ‵簔盡ノ瞅 ┦ノ瞅‵簔︽玂臔籖緑捣玂臔涧ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ -74768 ‵簔盡ノ繷甅 尔‵簔盡ノ瞅ぃ镑眏璶玂臔涧环瞒档絬籔‵簔忌ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ, 案焊綛姜簘獹羪矹τㄏノ -74769 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. -75017 ‵簔盡ノ瞅 ┦ノ瞅‵簔︽玂臔籖緑捣玂臔涧ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ -75018 ‵簔盡ノ繷甅 尔‵簔盡ノ瞅ぃ镑眏璶玂臔涧环瞒档絬籔‵簔忌ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ, 案焊綛姜簘獹羪矹τㄏノ -75019 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. -75217 ︹蛾旦碪 ノ︹蛾旦籹碪ぃみ癬ㄓ碞钩琌繷郴帝︰В表. ウ琌莉眔来眔﹟﹚碪ぇ -75218 骋吹У ㄉ憨‵簔︽ゲ称珇, 稰谋纔懂眣盯﹟珇 -75219 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. -75417 ‵簔盡ノ瞅 ┦ノ瞅‵簔︽玂臔籖緑捣玂臔涧ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ -75418 ‵簔盡ノ繷甅 尔‵簔盡ノ瞅ぃ镑眏璶玂臔涧环瞒档絬籔‵簔忌ㄏノ﹟笵ㄣ, 案焊綛姜簘獹羪矹τㄏノ -75419 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. -75617 ︹蛾旦碪 ノ︹蛾旦籹碪ぃみ癬ㄓ碞钩琌繷郴帝︰В表. ウ琌莉眔来眔﹟﹚碪ぇ -75618 骋吹У ㄉ憨‵簔︽ゲ称珇, 稰谋纔懂眣盯﹟珇 -75619 縫吹狶繷 ‵簔︽ノガ籷繷场ㄏ繷场陪﹟笵ㄣ贺, 肚籇い嘲ㄏノ琌琵┣Τ溃稰. - -76001 а玱覦 а癘┮Τм籔瓁戮闽癘拘. 翴阑笵ㄣ龄ㄏノ -76002 獺 碍娥Τ獺. 硄筁緅碍瑌 2加惠璶ㄏノ. -76003 硉紇皊 〨粂硉е 20% 尿丁 30だ牧 -76004 纒褐() 钡纒籹媚 |ㄏ弘竒盽蝴程蔼篈 尿確弘 -76005 纒褐(い) 钡纒籹媚 |ㄏ弘竒盽蝴程蔼篈 尿確弘 -76007 玦┸ 玦瞨驹ノ本璉┸肅︹ま寄ヘ籔ю阑甶ボ玦瞨 ㄏ㏄瞅┣瞅. 1Ωノ -76008 纒玂臔 ゎΩ竒喷搭ぶ -76009 纒褐 э▆笵ㄣ10% 诀瞯э▆,э▆ア毖笵ㄣぃア -76010 纒﹀ホ(癳搂) 秈ぱ洛瑌マ惠璶硄︽靡 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -76011 せ命 猌竒ぇ猭 |びそ猭ぇ 杆称Θ钉籔钉莉眔竒喷糤30% -76013 ㄥ 结ぉ笵ㄣ繦诀贺妮┦ |程结ぉ贺妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -76014 弘ㄥ ㄏ笵ㄣ结Τ妮┦﹍て |穝结ぉ穝妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -76015 褐腳痌 肚褐腳痌 笵ㄣ妮┦Τ4贺發贺妮┦. -76016 褐ぇ 褐э▆ㄏノ杆称э▆, ㄏэ▆ア毖ぃ筁τ 钡ㄏノ杆称|э▆ア毖笵ㄣぃア -76017 凯沥狼 ю阑硉:+15 |尿丁 30だ |瞒絬ぃ璸衡丁 -76018 硉皊+ ю阑硉е 15% |尿丁 30だ牧 -76019 硄︽靡 ㄏノ [瓜] , ┮惠ぇ硄︽ゅン -76020 癵碽媚 Μ栋笵ㄣ诀瞯矗ど 80%. -76021 纒褐() 钡纒籹媚 |ㄏネ㏑竒盽蝴程蔼篈 尿確ネ㏑ -76022 纒褐(い) 钡纒籹媚 |ㄏネ㏑竒盽蝴程蔼篈 尿確ネ㏑ -76023 弘ㄥ(癳搂) ㄏ40 猌竟/帛ヒ笵ㄣ结Τ妮┦﹍て |穝结ぉ穝妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ -76024 ㄥ(癳搂) ㄏ40 猌竟/帛ヒ笵ㄣ结Τ妮┦﹍て |穝结ぉ穝妮┦ |Τ诀瞯ア毖 ぃメ斌耚舥ユ - -80001 窥 -80002 フ -80008 刮 Ч⊿Τ筁刮|坝┍蔼基禦. -80009 簿笆吏 Τ簿笆吏礚猭簿笆跋ㄏノセ瓣. - -90001 表 -90002 表 -90003 垂 -90004 腳ホ -90005 ホ -90006 艶ホ -90007 ホ - -72019 畐Μㄩ ﹚丁ず, 畐耎 2 -72020 畐Μㄩ ﹚丁ず, 畐耎 2 -72021 畐Μㄩ ﹚丁ず, 畐耎 2 -72023 ┋笲刽 ゴ┣窥刽奔辅瞯糤 2 -72303 竒喷吏 肚琌璣动稲ノ杆耿吏. |杆称莉眔竒喷 杆称礚猭叉 |ヴ叭贱纘笵ㄣ |礚猭传砪扳メ斌 -72723 纒褐() 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶネ㏑. -72724 纒褐(い) 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶネ㏑. -72725 纒褐() 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶネ㏑. -72726 纒褐(疭) 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶネ㏑. ㄏノ矗ど羆ネ㏑4% -72727 纒褐() 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶ弘. -72728 纒褐(い) 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶ弘. -72729 纒褐() 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶ弘. -72730 纒褐(疭) 钡纒籹媚, 尿確搭ぶ弘. ㄏノ矗ど羆弘4% -74013 猌蛾酱Α緑 1 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74014 猌蛾酱Α緑 2 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74015 猌驹擦 1 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74016 猌驹擦 2 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74263 蛾酱Α緑 1 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74264 蛾酱Α緑 2 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74265 驹碪 1 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74266 驹碪 2 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74513 霉蛾酱Α緑 1 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74514 霉蛾酱Α緑 2 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74515 霉驹擦 1 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74516 霉驹擦 2 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74763 畍蛾酱Α緑 1 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74764 畍蛾酱Α緑 2 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74765 畍驹碪 1 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -74766 畍驹碪 2 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75013 猌蛾酱Α緑 1 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75014 猌蛾酱Α緑 2 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75015 猌驹碪 1 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75016 猌驹碪 2 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75213 蛾酱Α緑 1 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75214 蛾酱Α緑 2 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75215 驹擦 1 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75216 驹擦 2 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75413 霉蛾酱Α緑 1 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75414 霉蛾酱Α緑 2 ︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75415 霉驹碪 1 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75416 霉驹碪 2 ╠うゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75613 畍蛾酱Α緑 1 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75614 畍蛾酱Α緑 2 堵︹蛾酱硑 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75615 畍驹擦 1 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 -75616 畍驹擦 2 ゆ擦 |杆称, 璝ご璸衡丁 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3ba47f59..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -琌祏糃籔璶猌竟[ENTER] -盡穨炳も.[ENTER] -帝笷﹚非[ENTER] -ゲ斗硄筁腨慌癡絤筁祘[ENTER] -┮俱嘲计[ENTER] -[WAIT] -伐ぶ, 琌璶ㄣ称疭﹚兵ン[ENTER] -局Τ瘆胊[ENTER] -ì锣传驹初瑈.[ENTER] -蝴庇倍┦籔硉[ENTER] -杆称淮ňㄣ[ENTER] -[WAIT] -硂砛琌[ENTER] -斑[ENTER] -翴. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index cd809309..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -畍琌癸礛籔潮锭秖[ENTER] -瑈笆籔秸㎝瞏秆[ENTER] -藉. 来眔盢硂ㄇ猭玥[ENTER] -硓筁疭﹚碈ざΘㄣ砰て[ENTER] -よ猭.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -硂ㄇ妮[ENTER] -碈ざ嘿ぇ才〨,[ENTER] -┪皚猭.[ENTER] -局Τ胑[ENTER] -醚羆琌辨ぃ耞籔[ENTER] -[WAIT] -癸杠,琌[ENTER] -瞏而螟烩穦杠肈[ENTER] -腀種钮[ENTER] -临痷琌ぃ. - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 49606be1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -霉琌盢碿臸贺[ENTER] -盚ネも羥[ENTER] -Μ臸猭秖驹.[ENTER] -籔ㄤぃ [ENTER] -疭紉碞琌籔ō娩[ENTER] -[WAIT] -ヴ常⊿Τ悔闽玒.[ENTER] -ヘ夹碞琌局Τ程眏[ENTER] -秖, 埃ぇち[ENTER] -癸常琌仓仑[ENTER] -Й锚ぇ.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -粄⊿Τゲ璶[ENTER] -甶瞷[ENTER] -┮戴辨琌虫[ENTER] -セō. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a84b86f1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -猌璶ノр糃籔绊㏕[ENTER] -馴ヒ猌杆羇绢驹初[ENTER] -Θ驹初臘[ENTER] -à. 淮跌羙籔癵碽[ENTER] -も琿暴Τ發―[ENTER] -[WAIT] -钩葵臟岭铃ψ[ENTER] -籔睲韩圭繰[ENTER] -弘.[ENTER] -┮莱赣獺[ENTER] -硂嘲⊿Τ[ENTER] -[WAIT] -咀极[ENTER] -硂琌タ絋. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fd3a4084..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,769 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 稰薄 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 到碿 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN ぃ钡ю阑岿粇 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 礚猭ю阑ê寄 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 礚猭硂柑ю阑 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE ユ传い礚猭传 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 坝┍ㄏノい礚猭传 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 礚猭約初秨砞坝┍ -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 礚猭ю阑ê寄 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 絙计秖ぃì -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 礚猭硂柑ю阑 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 莱赣礚猭┕ê娩綼 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 礚猭ю阑ê寄 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 礚猭ю阑ê寄 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 璶ㄏノ敞辰 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE ゲ斗肕皑ㄏノ -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瞺 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瑀瞺 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 璶∕﹚癸街ㄏノ... -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP ネ㏑ぃì! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 弘ぃì! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 礚猭肕皑ㄏノ -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 赣猌竟礚猭ㄏノ -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 赣м砃礚猭ㄏノ -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 癸︸ㄏノ -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 癸ㄏノ -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 礚猭帝敞辰ㄏノм -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 礚猭硂柑ю阑 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 礚猭癸ㄏノ -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME ヘ玡临礚猭ㄏノ -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 琌┶荡杠篈 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s ⊿Τ絬 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE ┶荡杠礚猭肚癳杠 SNA -CHANNEL だ瑈 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 礚猭秈祅礶. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER ⊿Τ狝竟 -CHANNEL_NORMAL だ瑈 %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 礚猭陪ボだ瑈戈癟 -CHANNEL_PVP パ癸驹 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 叫匡拒だ瑈 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 叫匡拒挡衡よΑ -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 叫匡拒狝竟 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 代刚狝竟 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 代刚 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 场 -CHAT_BLOCK 玛 -CHAT_GUILD そ穦 -CHAT_INFORMATION 戈癟 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING ゅず窽ノ粂 -CHAT_LOG 琩ぇ玡癸杠[L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 琩ぇ玡癸杠 -CHAT_NORMAL  -CHAT_NOTICE そ -CHAT_PARTY 钉ヮ -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 癳册ぱ -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 癳虏癟[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 驰 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 驰丁筳惠璶15 -CHAT_WHISPER 杠 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME 礚猭ㄏノ'GM'嘿 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 赣嘿礚猭ㄏノ -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Τ嘿à︹ -CREATE_FAILURE 礚猭承à︹ -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 叫块嘿 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 眤临Τ逞緇翴计 -DAY ら -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY 眤璶メ斌 %d ㄢ盾? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 杆称い笵ㄣ礚猭メ斌 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 秨砞坝┍礚猭メ斌笵ㄣ. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 礚猭メ斌1000ㄢ -EMOTION_DANCE_1 铬籖1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 铬籖2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 铬籖3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 铬籖4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 铬籖5 -EMOTION_DANCE_6 肕皑籖 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 尺 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 教 -EMOTION_ANGRY ネ -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 护碽 -EMOTION_SAD 磀端 -EMOTION_SHY 甡槽 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 猳 -EMOTION_BANTER  -EMOTION_JOY е贾 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 舧㊣ 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 舧㊣ 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 叫匡拒癸禜 -EMOTION_CLAP ╃も -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 钡 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 猭Α钡 -EMOTION_SLAP ゴφ -EMPIRE_A も瓣 -EMPIRE_B ぱ酚瓣 -EMPIRE_C 马ィ瓣 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 礚猭ユ传笵ㄣ -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 礚猭跑∕﹚肂 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 杆称い笵ㄣ礚猭ユ传 -EXCHANGE_MONEY ユ传肂 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 籔 %s ユ传 -FISHING_FAILURE 辰奔护荤е硉発ǐ -FISHING_UNKNOWN ぃフ敞ぐ或 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 礚猭敞辰 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 礚猭肕帝皑蹦膓 -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 眤⊿Τ┮Τ舦礚猭珺笵ㄣ -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 籹村夹ア毖. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX ⊿Τ杆DirectX 8.1 礚猭磅︽笴栏.\n叫杆DirectX 8.1 . -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 礚猭穓碝磅︽笴栏陪ボ杆竚.\n叫絋粄琌杆続磅︽笴栏陪ボ. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 陪ボ杆竚陪ボア毖.\n叫絋粄琌杆続磅︽笴栏陪ボ.\n叫絋粄琌Τ秨币祑盒硉.\n(北->陪ボ->砞﹚秈顶龄\n->拜肈秆∕だ盢祑盒硉砞﹚ '程') -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 眤ㄏノ╰参陪ボぃや穿 32bit跌怠家Α.\n叫ち传16bit┪ㄏノ棵辊家Α. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 笵ㄣ戈ぃ.\n叫穝杆笴栏. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 陪ボ棵辊ア毖. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO ┣戈ぃ.\n叫穝杆笴栏. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 呼隔硈絬ア毖.\n叫浪跌呼隔硈絬篈. -GAME_PICK_MONEY 莉眔 %d ㄢ -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT ぃ琌 128 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT ぃ琌 12 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 绢ぃ琌 16 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 绢ぃ琌 64 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT ぃや穿赣瓜钩郎 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH 叫р郎 metin2/upload 戈Ж -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 眤⊿Τ匡拒瓜钩郎 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 臔驹 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 臦驹 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s そ穦ビ叫そ穦驹. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 璶钡珼驹盾? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 幅驹 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 单 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 縱嘿 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE ぃ惠璶確纒 -GUILD_COMMENT 肚ゅ彻 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME そ穦嘿礚猭ㄏノ窽ノ粂 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE そ穦穦 -GUILD_DELETE 埃 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 眀 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP 眤璶ㄏノ %dㄢ確纒 %d盾? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 眤璶そ穦盾? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 盯竚 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 癸よそ穦嘿 -GUILD_GEM 腳ホ -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 確纒 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 礚 -GUILD_NAME そ穦嘿礚猭ㄏノ窽ノ粂 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL ぃì礚猭硑縱 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 窥刽ぃì礚猭硑縱 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION ⊿Τそ舦 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 莱щ戈竒喷 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 竒喷ぃì -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 膀戈癟 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 痙ē -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 戮恨瞶 -GUILD_TILE_INFO そ穦戈癟 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER そ穦穦 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL そ穦м -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 驹矮丁30だ牧 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 秤媚贱纘 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP ㄏノ驹初 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP ㄏノ跋 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE だ计蔼そ穦秤 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 盢癸よ篨糾 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 膀碞衡秤 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 穖 10だそ穦秤 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 蹿 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 眤ゼそ穦 -HORSE_HEALTH0 ゎΩ竒喷搭ぶ -HORSE_HEALTH1 店畓 -HORSE_HEALTH2 哀緅 -HORSE_HEALTH3 ▄埂 -HORSE_LEVEL1 皑 -HORSE_LEVEL2 い皑 -HORSE_LEVEL3 蔼皑 -HOUR 丁 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 块臸猭絪腹 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 臸猭 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 叫块ōだ靡腹絏 7絏 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 埃à︹ -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 礚猭Θ癘拘才 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 叫拜璶ㄏノ笵ㄣ盾? -JOB_ASSASSIN  -JOB_ASSASSIN0 ǎ策 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 炳瓁 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 眏└瓁 -JOB_SHAMAN 畍 -JOB_SHAMAN0 ǎ策畍 -JOB_SHAMAN1 ぱ纒瓁 -JOB_SHAMAN2 ╣筽瓁 -JOB_SURA 霉 -JOB_SURA0 ǎ策霉 -JOB_SURA1 猌瓁 -JOB_SURA2 堵臸瓁 -JOB_WARRIOR 猌 -JOB_WARRIOR0 ǎ策猌 -JOB_WARRIOR1 霉簙瓁 -JOB_WARRIOR2 м瓁 -LEFT_TIME 逞緇丁 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 狝竟硈钡ア毖 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 狝竟硈钡Θ -LOGIN_CONNETING タ硈钡狝竟 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 赣眀腹祅 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 祅祇ネ拜肈. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 眀腹砆玛 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 赣眀腹礚猭挡衡ㄏノ丁. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 赣眀腹ヘ玡礚猭ㄏノ. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 眤块IDぃ -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 赣眀腹笵ㄣヘ玡タ確 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 狝竟﹟ゼ秨 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER ヘ玡硈絬计び礚猭硈絬 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN ぃ祅ア毖 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 块腹絏岿粇 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 块腹絏岿粇3Ω挡硈絬 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 盞絏岿粇 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 叫块ID -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 叫块盞絏 -LOGIN_PROCESSING タ祅 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 礚猭盢笵ㄣ笵ㄣ坝 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 畐盞絏 -MAP_A1 ッ马 -MAP_A2 纒é -MAP_A3 档锭郡 -MAP_AG い郡跋 -MAP_B1 疩马 -MAP_B2 羬醇é -MAP_B3 褐﹚郡 -MAP_BG 纒郡跋 -MAP_C1 キ礚马 -MAP_C2 é -MAP_C3 痴霉郡 -MAP_CG 羬郡跋 -MAP_DESERT 艶‵簔 -MAP_FLAME 常礙 -MAP_SKELTOWER 碍娥 -MAP_SNOW 撤碒 -MAP_SPIDER 籮碉 -MAP_TEMPLE 盞毙皘 -MAP_TREE 碍れ狶 -MAP_TRENT02 í碍れ狶 -MAP_WL ‵キ偿 -MAP_NUSLUCK ‵é -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 穝糤ね -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s淋叫ね -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 眤璶钡盾? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 眤絋﹚璶埃盾? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 璶埃も诀腹絏盾? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 絋﹚璶簿笆盾? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 礚 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 產壁 -MESSENGER_FRIEND ね -MESSENGER_GUILD そ穦 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 叫块も诀虏癟Μ粄靡腹絏 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 块粄靡腹絏 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 ゼ块も诀腹絏碞礚猭肚癳虏癟 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 叫拜瞷璶块腹絏盾? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 块も诀腹絏 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 肚癳虏癟 -MINIMAP 瓜 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 礚猭琩瓜 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 礚猭琩瓜 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 罽 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE  -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 芠驹计 %d  -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 琩瓜 -MINUTE だ -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 砪扳基 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 秨砞坝┍礚猭传笵ㄣ竚 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 郎ぃ -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA METIN2 膀セ肈 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 眤匡拒郎ぃ -NEEFD_REST 惠璶ヰ -NOT_YET_SUPPORT ﹟ゼ秨 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE ゼそ穦碞礚猭砞﹚そ穦家Α -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT ヘ玡礚猭ㄏノ砞﹚PvP 家Α. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d单砞﹚ PvP 家Α. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER ю阑 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER ю阑硉 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER м尿丁 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER ň縨 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 贱纘竒喷 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 程蔼弘 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 程蔼ネ㏑ : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 钉ヮ秆床 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT ビ叫钉ヮ. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 眤璶钡 舱钉淋叫盾? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 竒喷だ皌よΑ -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 沮单 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 单禫蔼だ皌竒喷禫 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY А单 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP ┮Τ钉Аだ竒喷 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 砰確 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 钉ヮ紇臫絛瞅糤 1.5 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 钉ヮ紇臫絛瞅糤 2 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 癶钉ヮ -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 丁钉ヮ贱纘竒喷 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [絬] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 酬钉 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 砰弘確秖贱纘 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED ┶荡钉ヮビ叫. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 砞﹚ю阑 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 砞﹚╣驹 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 砞﹚絯侥 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 砞﹚ň縨 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 秆埃 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 砞﹚м弘硄 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 砞﹚玡網 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER ю阑膀セю阑 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER ╣驹ю阑硉 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 絯侥м尿丁 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER ň縨ň縨 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN ネ㏑確硉 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 钉ヮ絛瞅 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER м弘硄程弘 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 弘確硉 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 玡網程ネ㏑ +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 酬钉 -PASSWORD_TITLE 畐盞絏 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE や计秖 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE や肂 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 坝┍礚猭砪扳笵ㄣ -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 眤璶闽超ヘ玡秨币坝┍盾? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 块坝┍嘿ざ -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 块基ざ -PVP_LEVEL0  -PVP_LEVEL1 璣动 -PVP_LEVEL2 竧 -PVP_LEVEL3  -PVP_LEVEL4 ▆チ -PVP_LEVEL5  -PVP_LEVEL6 碿 -PVP_LEVEL7 臸繷 -PVP_LEVEL8 臦 -PVP_MODE_GUILD 砞﹚PvP そ穦家Α -PVP_MODE_KILL 砞﹚PvPパ家Α -PVP_MODE_NORMAL 砞﹚ PvP ㎝キ家Α -PVP_MODE_PROTECT 砞﹚ PvP 玂臔家Α -PVP_MODE_REVENGE 砞﹚ PvP 胓籃家Α -PVP_OPTION_KILL パ -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL ㎝キ -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 玂臔 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 胓籃 -QUEST_APPEND 祅癘穝ヴ叭 -QUEST_MIN だ -QUEST_SEC  -QUEST_TIMEOVER 禬筁丁 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME ⊿Τ丁 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0  -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 礚猭祅魁е倍笵ㄣ -RECEIVE_MESSAGE Μㄓ %s 癟 -REFINE_COST э▆禣ノ : %dㄢ -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING э▆ア毖笵ㄣア -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 瘤礛矗どэ▆诀瞯琌э▆ア毖 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 笵ㄣ穦ア. 叫拜膥尿秈︽盾? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING э▆ア毖笵ㄣ┦穦 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 叫拜絋﹚璶だ澄艶ホ盾? -REFINE_FAILURE э▆ア毖 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 杆称い笵ㄣ礚猭э▆ -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM ⊿Τだ澄钋ホ -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 惠璶э▆ -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 礚猭膥尿ㄏノ芧碠 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 硂琌礚猭ㄏノ芧碠笵ㄣ -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 硂琌礚猭矗ど┦笵ㄣ -REFINE_SUCCESS э▆Θ诀瞯 : %d%% -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY э▆Θ诀瞯 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 眤璶э▆盾? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 盞絏岿粇 -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 畐ず笵ㄣ礚猭扳 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 穝盞絏块岿粇 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 盢ヘ玡篒瓜 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 纗. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 纗篒瓜ア毖 -SECOND  -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 礚猭埃à︹ -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME à︹嘿跑 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME à︹嘿狡 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 叫穝块 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME à︹嘿岿粇 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 跑à︹嘿 -SELECT_DELEING à︹埃い -SELECT_DELETED 埃 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 絋﹚璶盾? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 逆 -SELECT_GM_NAME 犁笲 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 叫匡拒璶跑à︹嘿 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD ⊿Τそ穦 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 匡拒坝┍笵ㄣ碞潦禦珇 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 杆称い笵ㄣ礚猭扳 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 礚猭扳笵ㄣ -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN ぃ坝┍岿粇 : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 笵ㄣ钵盽. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 璉ず⊿Τ逆. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 窥刽ぃì. -SHOP_SELL_INFO 匡拒璉逆笵ㄣ碞扳珇 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 珇扳Ч. -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN ぃ环禯瞒ю阑岿粇 : %s -SKILL_BOHO は甮 -SKILL_BUDONG 疊笆╃场 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 瞷秨﹍硓筁竒喷絤. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 瞷秨﹍璶硓筁絤. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN ょ凌 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2端甡 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 额瑀 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 留猭 -SKILL_FAINT 穡痶 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 碝т炒ɡ -SKILL_FIRE 尿礙 -SKILL_FISHMIND 辰みㄏノい -SKILL_GAMJI 贝代 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 糃描 -SKILL_GEONGON 爱竚传 -SKILL_GICHEON 霍ぱ癸ю -SKILL_GIGONG 砃 -SKILL_GONGPO ┢ -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 芬臸 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 畍 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Ч畍 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 炳瓁 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 眏└瓁 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 皑 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 ぱ纒瓁 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 ╣筽瓁 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 猌瓁 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 堵臸瓁 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 霉簙瓁 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 м瓁 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 碍糃 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 淮砃 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 堵臔 -SKILL_HOSIN 臔ō -SKILL_HWAYEOM 礙辟 -SKILL_HYEOLMA ﹀皑谋眶 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD ю阑硉糤 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 簿笆硉糤 -SKILL_INMA 臸砰 -SKILL_JEOJU 禔〨 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 繰腑 -SKILL_JEONGWI 驹碍活 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO ōň縨 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK ōю阑 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 糤砰穝猭 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 糤活ぇ猭 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 忌砃 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 糤硉砃 -SKILL_JIGAM ゎ稰猭 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 栋いň縨 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 皑筟 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 皑糃 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM е糃砃 -SKILL_KWAESOK е硉 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 竕籐 -SKILL_MUSA 瞨盢活 -SKILL_MUYEONG 礚紇皚 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瞺 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE ⊿Τ瑀瞺 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR そ穦驹ㄏノ -SKILL_PABEOP 臱床 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 穡痶ю阑 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 皗紆 -SKILL_SINCHAK 穝帝 -SKILL_SLEEP ↖何 -SKILL_SLOW 絯篊 -SKILL_STUN 穡痶 -SKILL_SUHO 臔肚 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 酬Θ诀瞯 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 醇 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 单 -SKILL_TOXICDIE い瑀 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 瑀糤ю阑 -SKILL_TUSOK 癶硉臸艶 -SKILL_WONSIN じ腳砃 -SKILL_YONGSIN 纒矮 -STAT_MINUS_CON 砰秸俱 (逞緇Ω计 %dΩ) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 庇倍秸俱 (逞緇Ω计 %dΩ) -STAT_MINUS_INT 醇秸俱 (逞緇Ω计 %dΩ) -STAT_MINUS_STR 秖秸俱 (逞緇Ω计 %dΩ) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 矗どネ㏑籔ň縨 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 矗ど㏑い瞯籔癹磷瞯 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 矗ど弘籔臸猭 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 矗どю阑 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 祅魁そ穦夹粁 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU TILING 家Αㄏ皌称硉跑е -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 礶瞷拜肈叫ノ `╰参匡兜` ┪ `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 穝砞﹚ΘGPU TILING 家Α -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 皌称GPU TILING 家Α穦篊 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 礶瞷拜肈叫ノ `╰参匡兜` ┪ `CONFIG.exe` -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 穝砞﹚ΘCPU TILING 家Α -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 砞﹚TILING 家Α惠璶挡笴栏 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 種癸驹 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 確こ -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 瘆胊 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT  -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 種 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE ユ -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 埃 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 挡芠驹 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 癸∕ -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND ね -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD そ穦淋叫 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 淋叫舱钉 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 癶钉ヮ -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 钉ヮ -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 杆称 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 杠 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 盢瓁 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING  -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 盢 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN  -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 蔼盢 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 蔼 -TASKBAR_ATTACK ю阑 -TASKBAR_AUTO 笆 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 描繷 -TASKBAR_EXP 竒喷 -TASKBAR_HP ネ㏑ -TASKBAR_MOVE 簿笆 -TASKBAR_SKILL м -TASKBAR_SP 弘 -TASKBAR_ST  -THING_COUNT 坝┍秨币礚猭ㄏノ笵ㄣ -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 癸笆摸端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 癸端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 癸碿臸摸端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 癸摸端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 癸盞毙摸端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 癸┣端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 癸旱碍壁端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 癸畍端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 癸霉端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 癸砰摸端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 癸猌端甡 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 瞶咀诀瞯 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 驹矮い– 5確弘 %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%%诀瞯璓㏑ю阑 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER 砆ю阑%d%%诀瞯確弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 絙癹磷诀瞯 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS 阑癶寄%d%%诀瞯竒喷ど SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS 阑癶寄%d%%诀瞯窥刽奔辅 2 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 阑礚 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 絯硉礚 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 穡痶礚 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS 阑癶寄%d%%诀瞯奔腳瞯 2 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER 阑癶寄%d%%诀瞯確ネ㏑ SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER 阑癶寄%d%%诀瞯確弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT ю阑%d%%诀瞯癸よ弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT ⊿Τ┦ -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY ゎΩ竒喷搭ぶ SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%%诀瞯砮硄ю阑 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT い瑀诀瞯 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 癸瑀╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS ㄏノ媚矗ど%d%%┦ SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE 禔〨は紆诀瞯 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 砆юは紆诀瞯 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 癸筧臠╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 癸蛮も祏╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 癸╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 癸虫も糃╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 癸蛮も糃╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 癸╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 絤Θ诀瞯ど 2.5 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 芬м砃ア毖眖ǐ臸莉眔秆 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT 絯硉诀瞯 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 盢端甡 %d%% 锣ネ㏑ SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 盢端甡 %d%% 锣弘 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT 穡痶诀瞯 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT 程弘 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT 程ネ㏑ +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 礚猭坝┍砪扳 -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 馴ヒ -TOOLTIP_ARROW 絙 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN  -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE ю阑 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED ю阑硉 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 絙祇甮禯瞒 +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 基 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 〨粂硉 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 砰 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE ň縨 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 庇倍 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR φ吏 -TOOLTIP_ETC ㄤ -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 絤 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 单 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 ユ倒ワれ碞 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 ユ传 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 骂 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 絤 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 单 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 ユ倒寒ひ -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 ユ传 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 敞辰 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN  : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 繷帛 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN ネ㏑確 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT 醇 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE ю阑 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 瘆胊 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 瘆胊 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 瘆胊 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED ю阑硉 %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE ň縨 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST е -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 砰 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 庇倍 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 醇 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 单 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 秖 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 臸猭ю阑 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 臸猭ю阑 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 臸猭ň縨 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 炊硄 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 篊 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 獶盽е -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 獶盽篊 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ 杆称 ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %dΩ -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER ┋笲絪腹 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 臸猭ю阑 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 臸猭ň縨 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS ю阑 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC ю阑 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 笆具ゴ┣奔辅窥 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS ň縨 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC ň縨 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 竒喷 +%d%% SA 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篈钵盽確 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN だ -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED ю阑硉 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT ネ㏑ : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT ネ㏑ : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 簿笆硉 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 弘 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 弘 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC  -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 尿丁 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 单 21 莉眔 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 单 41 莉眔 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 单 %d 莉眔 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s单 %d  -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 莉眔 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 癸絙╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 癸筿╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 癸╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 癸臸猭╄к %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 逞緇ㄏノΩ计 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 砪扳基 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 畍 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 礟 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 箄 -TOOLTIP_SKILL м SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 芬 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE ю阑 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER ю阑 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED ю阑硉 : + 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Gulimche:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Gulimche:9 -UI_DENY ┶荡 -UI_ITEM 笵ㄣ -UI_LEFT_TIME 逞緇丁 : %d -UI_NEXT  -UI_NOCONTENTS ⊿Τず甧 -UI_NONAME ⊿Τ嘿 -UI_OK 絋粄 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 竚ぃ -UI_UNKNOWN ぃм岿粇 : %s -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 坝┍秨币礚猭ㄏノ笵ㄣ -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN ぃм岿粇 : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 璝璶肚そ穦夹粁, 叫穝祅 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 璝璶琩そ穦夹粁, 叫穝祅 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 猌ю阑 %d%% ╄к SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN ю阑 %d%% ╄к SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 霉ю阑 %d%% ╄к SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 畍ю阑 %d%% ╄к SA -FOR_MALE ╧┦ノ -FOR_FEMALE ┦ノ -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -MONETARY_UNIT0 ㄢ -MONETARY_UNIT1 窾 -MONETARY_UNIT2 玛 -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 眤璶メ斌 %s 盾? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 眤璶メ斌 %s %s㎡ ? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 %s %s ㄢ潦禦盾 -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 %s %s? %s ㄢ潦禦盾 -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 %s  %s ㄢ扳盾 -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 %s %s? %s ㄢ扳盾 -TOOLTIP_ENERGY test%d SA -GUILD_HEADQUARTER 膀セ縱 -GUILD_FACILITY 縱 -GUILD_OBJECT 硑春 -UI_NEXTPAGE >> -UI_PREVPAGE << -TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS 杆妮┦ %d SA diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0b30cef6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,293 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 絋﹚ -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 叫拜璶杆称盾? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 杆称钋ホ -CANCEL  -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 絋粄穝盞絏 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 穝盞絏 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 侣盞絏 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 跑盞絏 -CHARACTER_ACTION 笆 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 薄才腹 -CHARACTER_MAIN à︹ -CHARACTER_QUEST ヴ叭 -CHARACTER_SKILL м -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION が笆 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 笆 -CLOSE 闽超 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 秖 -CREATE_CREATE 籹 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 庇倍 -CREATE_HP 砰 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 逞緇翴计 -CREATE_NAME à︹嘿 -CREATE_NEXT  -CREATE_PREV  -CREATE_SHAPE 膀セ狝杆 -CREATE_SP 醇 -CREATE_STAT_RESET ﹍て -EMPIRE_EXIT 瞒秨 -EMPIRE_NEXT  -EMPIRE_PREV  -EMPIRE_SELECT 匡拒 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 種 -EXCHANGE_TITLE ユ传 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 笴栏匡兜 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 挡 -GAME_HELP 弧 -GAME_QUEST ヴ叭 -GAME_SKILL_UP м砃絤 -GAME_STAT_UP 絤 -GUILD_BASENAME 膀嘿 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 眀腹 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 穝 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT ず甧 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 縱贺摸 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 跑縱竚 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION よ -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 单 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 縱戈癟の蝴臔戈癟 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 縱睲虫 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 縱嘿 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 币笆 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 竚 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 聅凝 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 穝 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 硑そ穦縱 -GUILD_CRYSTAL タ -GUILD_DEPOSIT 眀 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 叫р戈方 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 硂柑 -GUILD_GEM 腳ホ -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 璶跑戮嘿 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 单 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 臱瞒舦 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 舦 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE そ舦 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL м舦 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 戮 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 肚ゅ彻 -GUILD_INFO そ穦膀セ戈癟 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP ヘ玡竒喷 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR そ穦驹 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 驹いそ穦 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 礚 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL そ穦单 -GUILD_INFO_MARK そ穦啦彻 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER そ穦烩 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE そ穦烩 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL そ穦キА单 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM そ穦计 -GUILD_INFO_NAME そ穦嘿 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 硂琌そ穦嘿 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP щ戈 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 逞緇竒喷 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 肚夹粁 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 肚啦彻 -GUILD_MARK そ穦夹粁 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 戮穨 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 眎计 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 单 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 嘿 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 戮 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 羘 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 艶ホ -GUILD_MINENAL ホ -GUILD_MONEY そ穦戈 -GUILD_NAME そ穦 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 戈方戈癟 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 笆 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 砆笆 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 纒 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE そ穦м -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 確纒 -GUILD_SYMBOL そ穦啦彻 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 钡そ穦驹 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 驹矮よΑ -GUILD_WAR_CTF 臔 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE ビ叫そ穦驹 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 癸よそ穦 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 臦 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 幅 -GUILD_WATER  -GUILD_WATER_STONE ホ -GUILD_WITHDRAW  -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - ㄏノ ┪菲公オ龄ю阑 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE -  + ち传 PK 家Α -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (秨币à︹, 璉, 册ぱ -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 跌怠) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - ノ菲公い丁龄繦巨描繷 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - Ctrl菲公龄巨描繷 -HELP_EXP 竒喷 -HELP_FURY 坝 -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW -  + 龄秨闽そ穦逆 -HELP_HELP - 璶弧 龄┪╰参匡虫龄 -HELP_HP ネ㏑ -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW -  + 龄秨闽硄 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 菲公オ龄 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 菲公龄 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - , , , 籔よ龄簿笆 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER -  龄秨币à︹逆 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT -龄秨癬册ぱ跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY -  龄秨币璉逆 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 龄琩ぇ玡癸杠 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP -  + 秨闽瓜 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 龄秨币ヴ叭逆 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL -  龄秨币м逆 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER -  + 秨币虏癟跌怠 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 龄秨闽瓜 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~> 莉眔笵ㄣ -HELP_QUICKSLOT е倍 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE -  龄盢篒瓜纗иゅン/METIN2 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 陪ボ┮Τà︹籔笵ㄣ嘿 -HELP_SP 弘 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON ╰参龄 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 材璉 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 材璉 -INVENTORY_TITLE 璉 -LOAD_ERROR 戈郎框ア. 叫穝杆. 叫ESC龄 -LOGIN_CONNECT 祅 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 眤祅狝竟 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 狝竟嘿, だ瑈 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 挡 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 匡拒挡衡跋 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 匡拒 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 挡 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 絋粄 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 匡拒狝竟 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 盞絏 -MALL_TITLE 笵ㄣ坝畐 -MARKET_TITLE 臩ぱ╃芥 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 穝 (F5) -MARKLIST_TITLE 祅癘そ穦夹粁 -MESSAGE Τ穝癟 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND ね -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 埃ね/そ穦Θ -MESSENGER_MOBILE 肚癳虏癟 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD そ穦ざ -MESSENGER_TITLE ユ -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL ㄏノそ穦簿笆м -MESSENGER_WHISPER 杠 -MINIMIZE 罽 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK ю阑 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 笆 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 描繷 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL м -MUSICLIST_TITLE 璉春ヘ魁 -NO ぃ琌 -OK 絋粄 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 琩﹎ -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 既 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 竒盽 -OPTION_BLOCK 玛 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE ユ传 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND ね -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD そ穦 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 淋叫舱钉 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 钉ヮ -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 兵 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 描繷 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 禯瞒 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 祏禯瞒 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 埃絪腹 -OPTION_EFFECT ゴ阑计 -OPTION_FOG 铭 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 瞏 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 睱 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 炊硄 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 块腹絏 -OPTION_MOBILE も诀 -OPTION_MUSIC 璉春 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE ち传à︹ -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin 2 膀セ肈 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR ﹎肅︹ -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 瓣肅︹ -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 肅︹ -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 家Α -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE パ -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP ю阑┮Τ產 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD そ穦 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 埃そ穦ぇю阑┮Τ產 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE ㎝キ -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP ぃ癸ヴ產ю(は阑) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 胓籃 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP ю阑ㄤ钉ヮ產 -OPTION_SOUND  -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 寄睲虫 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 闽超 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 琩 -OPTION_TILING TILING -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 続ノ -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 匡兜 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 册ぱ怠 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 闽超 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 琩 -OPTION_SHADOW 潮紇 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 钉嘿 -PASSWORD_TITLE 畐盞絏 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 莱肂 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 闽超 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 坝┍嘿 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 秨砞坝┍ -REFINE_COST э▆禣ノ : 0ㄢ -REFINE_INFO э▆Θ诀瞯 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE э▆ -RESTART_HERE 穝秨﹍ -RESTART_TOWN 缠穝秨﹍ -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 跑盞絏 -SAFE_TITLE 畐 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 秖 -SELECT_CREATE 承à︹ -SELECT_DELETE 埃 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 庇倍 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 瓣產嘿 -SELECT_EXIT 瞒秨 -SELECT_HP 砰 -SELECT_LEVEL 单 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 匡拒璶ㄏノ艶ホ -SELECT_NAME 嘿 -SELECT_NO_GUILD ⊿Τ┮妮そ穦 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 笴栏丁 -SELECT_SELECT 秨﹍ -SELECT_SP 醇 -SELECT_TITLE 嘿腹 -SHOP_BUY 禦 -SHOP_SELL 芥 -SHOP_TITLE 坝┍ -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 徊 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE ╰参匡兜 -SYSTEM_CHANGE ち传à︹ -SYSTEM_EXIT 跌怠 -SYSTEM_HELP 弧 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 祅 -SYSTEM_MALL 笵ㄣ坝 -SYSTEM_OPTION ╰参砞﹚ -TASKBAR_CHARACTER à︹[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 册ぱ怠 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 璉[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 硄 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT е倍[shift+絪腹, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 玡е倍[shift+絪腹] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM ╰参[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 玛 -WHISPER_NAME 册ぱ癸禜嘿 -WHISPER_SEND 癳 -WHISPER_REPORT ビ禗 -YES 琌 -ZONE_MAP 瓜 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 基 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE ホ -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG れ -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 溅狾 -CUBE_TITLE 籹硑ざ -CREATE_SEX ┦ -CREATE_MAN ╧┦ -CREATE_WOMAN ┦ -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER ぃ▆癸杠ビ禗 -PASSWORD_DESC_1 叫块秈畐 -PASSWORD_DESC_2 盞絏 -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE 杆 -OPTION_SALESTEXT 耚舥┷礟 -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_ON 陪ボ -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF 留旅 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" 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@@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 61a835ab..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b46b1947..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 硈辟 I 硈辟 II 硈辟 III е硉炳寄Ω 玡よ絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 羆ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR よ冻 I よ冻 II よ冻 III も癹锣ю阑㏄瞅寄 玡秈絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 活 I 活 II 活 III み盡猔ю阑 矗どю阑硉 矗ど簿笆硉 糤端甡 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 ю阑硉 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 簿笆硉 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 糃描 I 糃描 II 糃描 III ﹚丁ず矗どю阑 矗ど膀セю阑 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 ю阑 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 捧喝阑 I 捧喝阑 II 捧喝阑 III 钩紆妓侥玡阑寄 脓絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -6 WARRIOR ﹀ ﹀ ﹀ ノ脄祇玡よ寄琁眏疨阑 玡よ絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gihyeol 6 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 (3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 -16 WARRIOR 辟 I 辟 II 辟 III ю阑玡よ寄 玡よ絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 纒ぱ I 纒ぱ II 纒ぱ III ю阑玡よ寄 絬絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 發皚竲 I 發皚竲 II 發皚竲 III ㄏ㏄瞅寄秅阑 ㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 ﹚诀瞯荡狦 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 荡诀瞯 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR ╣ぇ I ╣ぇ II ╣ぇ III 祏丁ず矗どň縨笿眏疨ю阑ぃ 矗どň縨 簿笆硉 ぃ砆阑 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 ň縨 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 簿笆硉 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 荡辟 I 荡辟 II 荡辟 III ю阑玡よ寄 ю阑环禯瞒ヘ夹㏄瞅 荡狦 阑ヘ夹 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -21 WARRIOR 糃 糃 糃狜纒 ノΤ糃糃ㄏ㏄瞅寄璓㏑ю阑 ㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED noegeom 21 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 -31 ASSASSIN 穞脓 I 穞脓 II 穞脓 III 敖敖綼寄倒ぉ璓㏑ю阑 矗どよю阑 祏糃贱纘 留猭贱纘 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN ō紆紇 I ō紆紇 II ō紆紇 III е硉钡寄倒ぉ璓㏑ю阑 俐丁簿笆ю阑 祏糃贱纘 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN ó近炳 I ó近炳 II ó近炳 III е硉臂锣炳玡よ寄 発叉絛瞅ю阑 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k い瑀诀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 留ō I 留ō II 留ō III 留旅华 ю阑秆埃 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 穞炳м發ю阑 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 瑀铭 I 瑀铭 II 瑀铭 III ノ㏄瞅瑀籹冻眒ㄏ寄い瑀 ю阑环禯瞒ヘ夹㏄瞅 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k い瑀诀瞯 %.0f%% 40*k -36 ASSASSIN 俐炳 I 俐炳 II 俐炳 III ゃ泊硉俐丁アю阑ヘ夹 俐丁簿笆ю阑 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD seomjeon 6 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 い瑀诀瞯 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 硈甮 I 硈甮 II 硈甮 III 寄祇甮や絙 环禯瞒硈尿ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 羆ю阑 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k 祇甮 %.0f祇絙 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 畃刘 I 畃刘 II 畃刘 III 寄祇甮絙 ю阑环禯瞒ヘ夹 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) ю阑 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 程ю阑 %.0f  2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN ╜縉ぇ絙 I ╜縉ぇ絙 II ╜縉ぇ絙 III 絙礙秖祇甮 环禯瞒癸禜絛瞅ю阑 礙ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN ︽ I ︽ II ︽ III ㄏō砰跑淮矗蔼簿笆硉 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 簿笆硉 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 瑀ペぇ絙 I 瑀ペぇ絙 II 瑀ペぇ絙 III 絙额眏疨瑀祇甮 环禯瞒癸禜絛瞅ю阑 荡狦 盢癸よ阑 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k い瑀诀瞯 %.0f%% 80*k -51 ASSASSIN 皗紆 皗紆 皗紆 俐丁祇眏ㄏ㏄瞅寄璓㏑ю阑 ㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 尿瑀ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL seomgwang 21 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f (MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)1.1 い瑀诀瞯 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 窰艶 I 窰艶 II 窰艶 III ノもま癬眏疨脄 玡よ絛瞅ю阑 礚跌癸よň縨狦 醇贱纘 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 礚跌癸よň縨诀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 臂猧 I 臂猧 II 臂猧 III ま癬炳ち眏疨臂蔫防㏄瞅寄 ㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 礚跌癸よ癹磷狦 醇贱纘 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 礚跌癸よ癹磷诀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 碍糃 I 碍糃 II 碍糃 III 碍活秖糃 矗ど膀セю阑 醇贱纘 ﹀ю阑 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 ю阑 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k ю阑 %.0f%% Μネ㏑ 10*k -64 SURA 琝躲 I 琝躲 II 琝躲 III ㄏю阑寄玻ネ倪 癸よю阑 糤癸よю阑ア毖诀瞯 続ノ端甡 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 癸よю阑 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 癸よю阑ア毖诀瞯 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 覾臸ヒ I 覾臸ヒ II 覾臸ヒ III ノ堵穞馴ヒ玂臔ō砰 端甡盢场だ端甡は甮 矗どň縨 醇贱纘 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 ň縨 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 瞶ю阑は甮诀瞯 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 臱床 I 臱床 II 臱床 III ┮ΤΤノ猭砃ㄏㄤ礚 环禯瞒ю阑 癸禜㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 睲埃癸禜徊狦 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 臸猭ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 瘆猭诀瞯 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 堵瑌脓阑 I 堵瑌脓阑 II 堵瑌脓阑 III メ耏堵穞秖ㄏ寄端甡 环禯瞒癸禜絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 臸礙脄 I 臸礙脄 II 臸礙脄 III ま癬脄縐縉㏄瞅寄 絛瞅ю阑 礙ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 礙艶臔 I 礙艶臔 II 礙艶臔 III 籹臔脄砰 环禯瞒癸禜絛瞅ю阑 ヴ種匡拒癸禜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 臷繷穟 I 臷繷穟 II 臷繷穟 III ノ堵穞秖臔ō砰ノ弘や嫉ψ砰礹璚 ノ弘(MP)ю阑 矗どň縨 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 ю阑搭ぶ瞯 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k ň縨 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 硉絯砃 I 硉絯砃 II 硉絯砃 III 寄メ耏浚碿艶ㄏㄤ端甡 环禯瞒癸禜絛瞅ю阑 癸禜跑絯篊 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 絯篊诀瞯 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 臸ほ阑 I 臸ほ阑 II 臸ほ阑 III サ堵穞ㄏ寄端甡 环禯瞒癸禜絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 臸猭ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 猧才 I 猧才 II 猧才 III 寄サ才〨ㄏㄤ端甡 环禯瞒ю阑 癸禜㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 纒猧 I 纒猧 II 纒猧 III 祇甮纒禜ю阑玡よ寄 絬絛瞅ю阑 尿礙狦 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 尿礙诀瞯 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 肩纒办ぱ I 肩纒办ぱ II 肩纒办ぱ III ノ纒禜ю阑㏄瞅寄 ㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 尿礙狦 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 臸猭 ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 尿礙诀瞯 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 纒臔砰 I 纒臔砰 II 纒臔砰 III ㄏ砆腊癸禜玂臔皚玂臔 瞶ю阑╄к 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 瞶ю阑╄к : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 描皚 I 描皚 II 描皚 III ㄏ砆腊癸禜癶寄ю阑皚猭 瞶ю阑は甮 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 瞶ю阑は甮诀瞯 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 纒種в I 纒種в II 纒種в III ㄏ砆腊癸禜もい縐縉ぱ種в 璓㏑ю阑 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 璓㏑ю阑诀瞯 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 筽伙 I 筽伙 II 筽伙 III 栋い皗筿サ寄 环禯瞒ю阑 癸禜㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 筿妮┦ ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 皗筽 I 皗筽 II 皗筽 III ノぱ秖筽阑寄 环禯瞒ю阑 癸禜㏄瞅絛瞅ю阑 筿妮┦ 荡狦 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 臸猭ю阑 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 荡诀瞯 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 瘆ぱ筽 I 瘆ぱ筽 II 瘆ぱ筽 III 眖もい睦筽阑 环禯瞒ю阑 筿妮┦ 硈尿ю阑㏄瞅癸禜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 臸猭ю阑 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 穟 I 穟 II 穟 III ノ獀隆端 確ネ㏑ 確篈钵盽 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 確ネ㏑ %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 確篈钵盽诀瞯 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 皗硉 I 皗硉 II 皗硉 III ゜禲 矗ど簿笆硉 搭ぶ〨粂丁 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 簿笆硉 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 〨粂硉 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN ゴ I ゴ II ゴ III ㄏ砆腊癸禜秖眏 矗ど膀セю阑 癸︸ㄏノ CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 ю阑 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -112 PASSIVE 瘆捧喝阑 搭ぶ捧喝阑端甡 捧喝阑端甡╄к PASSIVE p_tanhwan 捧喝阑端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -113 PASSIVE 瘆穞阑 搭ぶ穞阑端甡 穞阑端甡╄к PASSIVE p_amseup 穞阑端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -114 PASSIVE 瘆艶阑 搭ぶ艶阑端甡 艶阑端甡╄к PASSIVE p_swaeryeong 艶阑端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -115 PASSIVE 瘆纒猧 搭ぶ纒猧端甡 纒猧端甡╄к PASSIVE p_yongpa 纒猧端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -116 PASSIVE 瘆辟 搭ぶ辟端甡 辟端甡╄к PASSIVE p_gigongcham 辟端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -117 PASSIVE 瘆硈甮 搭ぶ硈甮端甡 硈甮端甡╄к PASSIVE p_yeonsa 硈甮端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -118 PASSIVE 瘆臸ほ阑 搭ぶ臸ほ阑端甡 臸ほ阑端甡╄к PASSIVE p_geomhwan 臸ほ阑端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -119 PASSIVE 瘆筽皗 搭ぶ筽阑端甡 筽阑端甡╄к PASSIVE p_byeorak 筽阑端甡ň縨瞯 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -121 SUPPORT 参瞯 烩旧︸ PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 硈尿м 糤硈尿ю阑Ω计 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 敞辰 匪娩敞辰ㄠ CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 蹦膓 膓ホ PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 籹 籹笵ㄣ CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT も粂 钮籔弧も瓣粂ē CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT ぱ酚粂 钮籔弧ぱ酚瓣粂ē CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 马ィ粂 钮籔弧马ィ瓣粂ē CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 跑ō 跑ō┣ CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 皑 肕皑 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 酬 酬皑 summon -137 HORSE 臟皑睹籖 肕皑╣゜ю阑秅寄 皑м砃 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 痚皑 盢咀玡よ寄计阑 皑м砃 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE や琖どぱ ю阑㏄瞅┮Τ寄 皑м砃 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 腑睹籖 癸咀玡よ寄祇甮睹絙 皑м砃 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -141 SUPPORT HP干眏 糤程蔼砰 PASSIVE jeunghyul 矗ど程 HP +%.0f k * 1333.33 -142 SUPPORT 砮硄癹磷 癹磷砮硄ю阑 PASSIVE chultong 砮硄癹磷瞯 + %.0f%% k * 20 -151 GUILD 纒泊 糤程蔼纒 PASSIVE yongan 程纒 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 纒ぇ﹀ 祏丁ず矗どそ穦穦砰程ネ㏑ そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 矗ど程蔼Hp +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 纒褐 祏丁ず矗どそ穦穦砰程弘 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 矗ど程蔼弘 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 竧谨ヒ 祏丁ず矗どそ穦穦砰ň縨 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 矗どň縨 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 硉 祏丁ず矗どそ穦穦砰ю阑硉籔簿笆硉 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 矗どю阑,簿笆硉 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 纒极 祏丁ず矗どそ穦穦砰忌阑诀瞯 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 忌阑诀瞯 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 〨粂砃 祏丁ず搭ぶそ穦穦砰мㄏノ玱丁 そ穦驹盡ノ ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 矗ど〨粂硉 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b87d55e1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -6 扁趋秒疙 1 1 1 0 HP -( 3*atk + (atk + 1.5 * str)*k)*1.07 300+150*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -21 锄八档贰 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k)*1.1 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -36 孺级荐 2 1 1 0 HP -((lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k)*1.1) 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MELEE 6 0.5 800 0 -51 级堡藕 2 1 1 0 HP -((atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1) 200+200*k 60 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.5 0 0 -112 藕券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -113 鞠嚼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -114 尖飞瘤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -115 侩颇魂 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -116 扁傍曼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -117 楷荤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -118 付券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -119 涵遏 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -141 刘趋 0 1 40 0 NONE 1333.3*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -142 枚烹 0 1 40 0 NONE 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/LoadingWindow.py b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/LoadingWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0c56afe4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/LoadingWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -window = { - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGround", 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deleted file mode 100644 index 905c8eab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/PasswordDialog.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale -window = { - "name" : "PasswordDialog", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "style" : ("movable", "float",), - - "width" : 250, - "height" : 110, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "board", - "type" : "board", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : 250, - "height" : 110, - - "children" : - ( - - #郴侩 - { - "name" : "Desc1", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 250/2, - "y" : 30, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.PASSWORD_DESC_1, - "text_horizontal_align":"center" - }, - #郴侩2 - { - "name" : "Desc2", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 250/2, - "y" : 42, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.PASSWORD_DESC_2, - "text_horizontal_align":"center" - }, - ## Title - { - "name" : "titlebar", - "type" : "titlebar", - "style" : ("attach",), - - "x" : 8, - "y" : 8, - - "width" : 234, - "color" : "gray", - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "TitleName", - "type" : "text", - - "x" : 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0 -top 0 -right 253 -bottom 37 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_2.sub b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_2.sub deleted file mode 100644 index d5e58e02..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_2.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 253 -top 0 -right 506 -bottom 37 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_3.sub b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_3.sub deleted file mode 100644 index daba3d60..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_3.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 0 -top 37 -right 253 -bottom 74 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_4.sub b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_4.sub deleted file mode 100644 index e993c309..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/tab_4.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 253 -top 37 -right 506 -bottom 74 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/title_skill.sub b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/title_skill.sub deleted file mode 100644 index c8bdf1c1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/title_skill.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 405 -top 74 -right 477 -bottom 91 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/title_status.sub b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/title_status.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 0cd12da3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/title_status.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 414 -top 130 -right 462 -bottom 147 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/windows.dds b/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/windows.dds deleted file mode 100644 index 764d3397..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/taiwan/ui/windows/windows.dds and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/GuildBuildingList.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/GuildBuildingList.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8722362a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/GuildBuildingList.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP C訬G C则NG -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso N鮥 ch觎 ta騩 -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,25/90012,30 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan N鮥 ch觎 ta騩 vu khi -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan N鮥 ch觎 ta騩 a靜 gia靝 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan N鮥 ch觎 ta騩 trang sc -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu Trung t鈓 chi huy -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 90010,30/90011,35/90012,35 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang S鈔 hu忪n luy牝n -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n kim cng -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n h粢 pha靋h -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n g艮 ho靉 tha騝h -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n 痿蘮g -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n ba騝 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n va蘮g -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n ngo騝 bi靋h -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n ma na辭 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n ngo騝 trai -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n ba騝h kim -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n pha l -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n tha騝h anh ti靘 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Lo luy牝n thi阯 lam -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 T觎 餫蘮 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 T觎 餫蘮 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 T觎 餫蘮 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse Nha chi靚h (1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door Ca chi靚h (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set Ha蘮g ra蘯 (1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse Nha chi靚h (2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door Ca chi靚h (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set Ha蘮g ra蘯 (2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse Nha chi靚h (3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 Ha蘮g ra蘯 餫 (3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door Ca chi靚h (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set Ha蘮g ra蘯 (3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 Tha靝 ca襫h v牝 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,35 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 Ha蘮g ra蘯 g艮 (1) -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 Ha蘮g ra蘯 g艮 (2) -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 Ha蘮g ra蘯 g艮 (3) -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,15 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 Ca chi靚h b闾ng g艮 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 90010,5/90011,20/90012,20 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set Ha蘮g ra蘯 g艮 (4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol C跆 hi牝u bang h趄i -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 Ha蘮g ra蘯 ca chi靚h -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 Ha蘮g ra蘯 t蘮g sau -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 Ha蘮g ra蘯 t蘮g b阯 tra靑 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 Ha蘮g ra蘯 t蘮g b阯 pha襥 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 90010.5 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 衋 1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 衋 2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 衋 3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 衋 4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 衋 5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 衋 6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 衋 7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 衋 8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 衋 9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 衋 10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT C鈟 1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 C鈟 2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall C鈟 3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 C鈟 4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 C鈟 5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT C鈟 6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 C鈟 7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall C鈟 8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 C鈟 9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ItemDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/ItemDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e1d57e54..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ItemDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,953 +0,0 @@ -11901 L贽 phu騝 Trang phu騝 c靑 cu襛 nam. -11902 L贽 phu騝 Trang phu騝 c靑 cu襛 nam. -11903 Va靬 c靑 Trang phu騝 c靑 cu襛 n -11904 Va靬 c靑 Trang phu騝 c靑 cu襛 n - -22000 Quy hoa蘮 phu Co th暌 餴 va蘯 la蘮g m趄t la靦 r籼i tr跻 la騣 vi tri hi牝n ta騣. -22010 Quy hoa蘮 ki c phu Tr跻 v晏 vi tri 餫 瘕躜c ghi nh蹯. - -25040 Th chu靋 phu靋 S du騨g cho trang bi th ca襥 thi牝n 瘕躜c chu靋 phu靋, n觎u ca襥 thi牝n thi n觎u co th忪t ba騣 thi cu辬g chi bi ha 疸襫g c忪p xu綮ng 1 b怛c. A靝 du騨g trc ti觎p va蘯 trang bi v鉵 th | Kh鬾g bi m忪t item khi ca襥 thi牝n th忪t ba騣 -25041 Hi牝n thi觎t Kim loa騣 瘕躜c s du騨g 痍 ch觎 ta騩 餫o ki觎m t綮i t鈔. S du騨g cho trang bi hi牝n thi觎t, n觎u ca襥 thi牝n thi se 瘕躜c ca襥 thi牝n v蹯i ti l牝 cao, n觎u th怛t ba騣 se bi m忪t item - -25100 H忪p l牝nh th Co th暌 l忪y linh tha騝h ra kho襥 vu khi va a靜 gia靝. Nh齨g co蘮 痍 la騣 d忪u v觎t 跻 ch艮 l忪y ra. - -27600 La mng Co th暌 痿靦 la. -27610 Ng t鈓 hoa蘮 Ha騮 ngo騝 co phe靝 thu怛t cho bi觎t ca 餫 m沆c c鈛. -27620 Nguy牝t san ng t鈓 Sa靋h no靑 v晏 ca. - -27799 Xng ca Ph馓n xng cng cu襛 ca l item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n. -27800 C鮩 n觎p M籼i c鈛 re ti晏n nh忪t. -27801 Giun 疴靦 M籼i c鈛 ki靋h thi靋h ca 鉵. -27802 Ca tu觎 M籼i c鈛 h忪p d廪n ca nh忪t. - -27803 Ca gi觎c Loa蘨 ca th蘮g th忪y 跻 ao. -27804 Quy觎t ng Loa蘨 ca co蘮 co t阯 go騣 la ca che靝 ngon -27805 Ca che靝 tr沆ng Loa蘨 ca che靝 to, m怛p, nhi晏u thi騮. -27806 Ca che靝 va蘮g Tha hay kh鬾g tha? Bi觎t 疴u 疴y la con trai cu襛 long vng -27807 Ca h籼i Loa蘨 ca c 痍靚 mu蘟 sinh sa襫 thi tr跻 v晏 qu hng cu襛 chu靚g. -27808 Hng ng Kh鬾g bi觎t hng ng co to襛 ra mu蘨 hng kh鬾g? -27809 Tu蘮g ng Loa蘨 ca thu趄c gi綮ng ca h籼i | Loa蘨 ca s綮ng 跻 th騨g l齯 ca靋 con s鬾g.. -27810 Ln n靋 ngo騮 Loa蘨 ca r忪t th蘮g 瘕躜c ch觎 bi觎n mo靚 鉵 餰m la騣 sc de襬 dai. | Thi靋h h躜p v蹯i 餫蘮 鬾g. -27811 Tu蘮g ng ba襶 ma蘵 Loa蘨 ca co a靚h ba襶 ma蘵 va蘯 th跆i ky sinh sa襫. -27812 Tu蘮g ng s鬾g Loa蘨 tu蘮g ng chi s綮ng 跻 s鬾g. -27813 Ca cha蘺 -27814 Ca pecca Loa蘨 ca 鉵 r忪t ngon, co蘮 go騣 la t騨g ng s綮ng 跻 h籼. -27815 Ca thu 餫o Loa蘨 ca thu趄c ho tu蘮g ng chi s綮ng 跻 vu蘮g n靋 trong. -27816 Ca tr Loa蘨 ca du蘮g la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 bi觎n mo靚 l庖u cay r忪t ph粢 bi觎n | Co 疸騝 餴暌m la mi牝ng r趄ng va co r鈛. -27817 Ca cha騝h Loa蘨 ca da tr鮪 n阯 kho b沆t | Thi靋h h躜p v蹯i 餫蘮 鬾g. -27818 Ca h籼i tr沆ng Loa蘨 ca to 鉵 ta騪, s綮ng 跻 n靋 ngo騮. -27819 Ng鈔 ng Loa蘨 ca thu趄c ho ca 魌 me. Co蘮 go騣 la ca 魌 me ba騝. -27820 Ca 綮t me Loa蘨 ca n粢i ti觎ng la c鈛 b闾ng n靋 餫 va蘯 mu蘟 痿ng. -27821 Ca tu觎 Loa蘨 ca co th鈔 hi蘮h 餰騪 va ma蘵 s沆c s泸c s蹀. -27822 Ca che靝 hoa Loa蘨 ca che靝 i靦 va襶, nhi晏u thi騮, du蘮g la蘭 thc 鉵. -27823 Ca gi觎c va蘮g Loa蘨 ca gi觎c co a靚h va蘮g. - -27833 Ca gi觎c ch觎t Ca gi觎c 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27834 Quy觎t ng ch觎t Quy觎t ng 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27835 Ca che靝 tr沆ng ch觎t Ca che靝 tr沆ng 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27836 Ca che靝 va蘮g ch觎t Ca che靝 va蘮g 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27837 Ca h籼i ch觎t Ca h籼i 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27838 Hng ng ch觎t Hng ng 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27839 Tu蘮g ng ch觎t Tu蘮g ng 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27840 Ln n靋 ngo騮 ch觎t Ln n靋 ngo騮 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27841 Tu蘮g ng ba襶 ma蘵 ch觎t Tu蘮g ng ba襶 ma蘵 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27842 Tu蘮g ng s鬾g ch觎t Tu蘮g ng s鬾g 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27843 Ca cha蘺 ch觎t Ca cha蘺 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27844 Ca pecca ch觎t Ca pecca 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27845 Ca pecca ch觎t Ca pecca 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27846 Ca tr ch觎t Ca tr 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27847 Ca cha騝h ch觎t Ca cha騝h 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27848 Ca h籼i tr沆ng ch觎t Ca h籼i tr沆ng ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27849 Ng鈔 ng ch觎t Ng鈔 ng 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27850 Ca 魌 me ch觎t Ca 魌 me 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27851 Ca tu觎 ch觎t Ca tu觎 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27852 Ca che靝 hoa ch觎t Ca che靝 hoa 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. -27853 Ca gi觎c va蘮g ch觎t Ca gi觎c va蘮g 餫 ch觎t | Co th暌 n靚g tr阯 la mng. - -27863 Ca gi觎c n靚g H籼i phu騝 sinh lc. -27864 Quy觎t ng n靚g H籼i phu騝 tri lc. -27865 Ca che靝 tr沆ng n靚g H籼i phu騝 sinh lc. -27866 Ca che靝 va蘮g n靚g La蘭 t鉵g t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n ta騧 th跆i. -27867 Ca h籼i n靚g H籼i phu騝 tri lc. -27868 Hng ng n靚g La蘭 t鉵g t綮c 痿 t忪n c鬾g ta騧 th跆i. -27869 Tu蘮g ng n靚g H籼i phu騝 sinh lc nhi晏u. -27870 Ln n靋 ngo騮 n靚g La蘭 t鉵g sc ma騨h ta騧 th跆i. -27871 Tu蘮g ng ba襶 ma蘵 n靚g H籼i phu騝 tri lc nhi晏u. -27872 Tu蘮g ng s鬾g n靚g H籼i phu騝 tri lc tc thi. -27873 Ca cha蘺 n靚g La蘭 t鉵g 痿 nhanh nhe騨 ta騧 th跆i. -27874 Ca pecca n靚g La蘭 m忪t ta靋 du騨g x忪u. -27875 Ca thu 餫o n靚g H籼i phu騝 sinh lc tc thi. -27876 Ca tr n靚g H籼i phu騝 tri lc tc thi. -27877 Ca cha騝h n靚g La蘭 cho trong su綮t. -27878 Ca h籼i tr沆ng n靚g H籼i phu騝 sinh lc tc thi. -27879 Ng鈔 ng n靚g -27880 B鉵g ng n靋 -27881 Ca tu觎 n靚g -27882 Ca che靝 hoa n靚g -27883 Ca gi觎c va蘮g n靚g - -27987 So Loa蘨 綮c co hi蘮h da靚g 餰騪. | Co khi b阯 trong co ngo騝 trai. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -27988 Ba襫 痿 ba襬 v怛t Ba襫 痿 cho bi觎t n鮥 ch鬾 ba襬 v怛t th跆i c粢 餫騣. -27989 Ma靬 do linh tha騝h Ma靬 th鉳 do cho bi觎t vi tri cu襛 linh tha騝h. -27990 Ma襫h 餫 -27991 Tha騝h c蘮g -27992 Ngo騝 trai tr沆ng Ngo騝 trai ma蘵 tr沆ng | Thi靋h h躜p v蹯i phu n | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -27993 Ngo騝 trai xanh Ngo騝 trai co ma蘵 xanh l忪p la靚h |Thi靋h h躜p v蹯i phu n | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -27994 Ngo騝 trai 餺 Ngo騝 trai co ma蘵 餺 nh ma靧 |Thi靋h h躜p v蹯i phu n | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -27995 Chai r艮ng Chai kh鬾g 瘕騨g th gi. -27996 Chai 痿騝 Chai 瘕騨g ch忪t 痿騝 | N觎u u綮ng se ch觎t. -27997 Thi牝p h籼n cu Ngo騝 la蘭 疴蘺 sinh lc. -27998 Tu靑 thu怛t gia kim Tu靑 瘕騨g thu怛t gia kim. Kh鬾g bi觎t b阯 trong co 瘕騨g bi quy觎t v晏 thu怛t gia kim hay kh鬾g? -27999 Tu靑 linh tha騝h Tu 瘕騨g linh tha騝h. - - -29001 So 餴牝p -29002 So 餴牝p xanh -29003 So 餴牝p va蘮g -29004 So 餴牝p 餺 -29005 So 餴牝p xanh la -29006 Hoa蘮g chu tha騝h -29007 Thanh chu tha騝h' -29006 Chinh hoa蘮g chu tha騝h -29007 Chinh thanh chu tha騝h -29008 Th馓n thu襶 xanh -29009 Th馓n thu襶 va蘮g -29010 Th馓n thu襶 h籼ng -29011 Th馓n thu襶 xanh la -29012 Th馓n thu襶 xanh nha騮 -29013 Th馓n thu襶 va蘮g nha騮 -29014 Th馓n thu襶 h籼ng nha騮 -29015 Th馓n thu襶 xanh la nha騮 -29012 Chinh th馓n thu襶 xanh -29013 Chinh th馓n thu襶 va蘮g -29014 Chinh th馓n thu襶 h籼ng -29015 Chinh th馓n thu襶 xanh la - -30000 Lu靉 ma騝h La m趄t loa騣 c鈟 tr籼ng n鬾g nghi牝p du蘮g la蘭 lng thc va n忪u r騯. -30001 Th Th gi cho ai 餺. -30002 Lo蘮g xa蘯 Mo靚 xa蘯 lo蘮g heo va rau co vi cay. -30003 Mu辤 heo Ng蘨 ta no靑 r闾ng ph馓n mu辤 heo mang l趄c 痍靚. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m trung c忪p, 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, qua騮, a靜 gia靝, d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai, vo蘮g 餰o tay s c忪p. -30004 R鉵g ha蘭 heo rng R鉵g ha蘭 heo rng r忪t cng. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n gia蘺, d鈟 chuy晏n trung c忪p, 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, chu鬾g, qua騮, a靜 gia靝, phng ba蘨 s c忪p. -30005 Ma襫h gia靝 v蹀 Ma襫h a靜 gia靝 bi v蹀 r鮥 ra 跻 疴u 餺 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝na靜 gia靝, phng ba蘨 trung c忪p, gia蘺 s c忪p. -30006 R鉵g ha蘭 hu蘮g quy R鉵g ha蘭 cu襛 hu蘮g quy. Co mu蘨 h鬷 kho chi騯. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung trung c忪p chu鬾g cao c忪p. -30007 Bu蘟 m cu襛 hu蘮g quy La bu蘟 ma hu蘮g quy s du騨g 痍 痿靦 cha靬 chi觎n y | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, a靜 gia靝, gia蘺, phng ba蘨, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m trung c忪p qua騮, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30008 Th va蘯 c粢ng M怛t gia靜 Th va蘯 c粢ng s c忪p co cha 瘕騨g gia靜 ly cu襛 M怛t gia靜 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n chu鬾g, trung c忪p d鈟 chuy晏n cao c忪p. -30009 Thu綮c kh鬾g bi觎t t阯 Loa騣 thu綮c kh鬾g ro tha蘮h ph馓n ba蘯 ch觎 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, cung cao c忪p. -30010 M怛t g忪u M怛t g忪u co th暌 l忪y la騣 vi gia靋 cho ng蘨 bi m忪t vi gia靋. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n a靜 gia靝, s c忪p cung, phng ba蘨, hoa tai, vo蘮g 餰o tay, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m l辬g thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, qua騮, d鈟 chuy晏n trung c忪p. -30011 造ng chi 造ng 瘕騨g chi | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, chu鬾g, gia蘺, phng ba蘨, vo蘮g 餰o tay, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m trung c忪p. -30012 Chai r騯 Chai 瘕騨g r騯 th鮩 -30013 Bi蘮h r騯 Bi蘮h ng鈓 r騯 -30014 L鬾g cu襛 ng蘨 tuy觎t Theo truy晏n thuy觎t, l鬾g cu襛 ng蘨 tuy觎t co th暌 ch綮ng la騣 ca靑 la騨h. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, gia蘺, vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30015 Di ph庖m cu襛 ta quy Di ph庖m cu襛 ng蘨 ch觎t mang la騣 餴晏m x忪u | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, qua騮 cao c忪p. -30016 衋 quy cu襛 ta quy La loa騣 餫 quy cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 ng蘨 ch觎t | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai cao c忪p. -30017 L騝 ca蘨 to靋 恤 trang sc tr阯 to靋 cu襛 phu n | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai trung c忪p. -30018 N bu趄c to靋 ma蘵 餺 N bu趄c to靋 cao c忪p du蘮g khi th沆t bi靘 to靋 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, chu鬾g, qua騮, hoa tai, vo蘮g 餰o tay trung c忪p. -30019 C鈟 s怛y la N觎u may a靜 b闾ng ch忪t li牝u na蘺 thi mu蘟 痿ng m泸c se 忪m | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g ca襥 thi牝n hoa tai cao c忪p. -30020 Ha騮 gi綮ng 餫蘯 ti阯 Ha騮 餫蘯 ti阯, t綮t cho vi牝c th庖m my. -30021 Ma襫h 餫 quy v蹀 Ma襫h 餫 bi v蹀 do 疴騪 va蘯 ca靑 gi 餺 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, hoa tai, vo蘮g 餰o tay, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m trung c忪p. -30022 衭鬷 r沆n 衭鬷 r沆n pha靦 ra 鈓 thanh khi l沆c no | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, qua騮, phng ba蘨, d鈟 chuy晏n, vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30023 Da ba騝h h粢 Loa騣 da 痿騨g v怛t ma ng蘨 ta th蘮g hay ti蘭 ki觎m | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, qua騮, a靜 gia靝, gia蘺, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m trung c忪p, cung s c忪p. -30024 衭鬷 nga 衭鬷 nga th蘮g du蘮g 痍 la蘭 bu靦, no靚. -30025 Tu靑 痿騝 cu襛 nh牝n Tu靑 瘕騡n 痿騝 cu襛 nh牝n | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, phng ba蘨, d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai, vo蘮g 餰o tay, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30026 Ru趄t cho so靑 Nguy阯 li牝u du蘮g 痍 la蘭 thc ph庖m r忪t 瘕躜c 齛 chu趄ng 跻 T晏 Qu綮c | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -30027 L鬾g cho so靑 L鬾g cng cu襛 cho so靑 du蘮g 痍 la蘭 l騝 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, cung, chu鬾g, qua騮, a靜 gia靝, gia蘺, phng ba蘨 s c忪p. -30028 Mo靚g cho so靑 Mo靚g s沆c cu襛 cho so靑 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, d鈟 chuy晏n hoa tai, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m, l辬g thu ki觎m s c忪p. -30029 Gan cho so靑 Du蘮g la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 bi觎n mo靚 鉵 ph粢 bi觎n 跻 T晏 Qu綮c -30030 Ma襫h ki觎m ng沆n bi gi Ma襫h ki觎m gi 疴m va蘯 ca靑 gi 餺 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, chu鬾g trung c忪p. -30031 N trang 恤 trang sc ma ca靋 be ga靑 th蘮g du蘮g | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n cung, chu鬾g, qua騮, gia蘺, phng ba蘨, vo蘮g 餰o tay, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m trung c忪p, cung s c忪p. -30032 衋騩 phu騝 ma蘵 疴靦 cu ky B趄 qu馓n a靜 ma蘵 疴靦 ma H沆c phong 餫蘮 hay m泸c. No 餫 bi s跆n.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n phng ba蘨, vo蘮g 餰o tay trung c忪p. -30033 Che靚 sa蘮h v蹀 Ma襫h che靚 v蹀 ma ai 餺 餫 bo 餴 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n a靜 gia靝, trung c忪p phng ba蘨 d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai, vo蘮g 餰o tay, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30034 N bu趄c to靋 ma蘵 tr沆ng N bu趄c to靋 du蘮g khi th沆t bi靘 to靋 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, qua騮, gia蘺, phng ba蘨, vo蘮g 餰o tay trung c忪p. -30035 My ph庖m Phu n du蘮g 痍 la蘭 餰騪 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, hoa tai trung c忪p. -30036 Hoa ba靦 tha襬 D騝 tha襬 truy晏n thuy觎t co c鬾g du騨g th馓n ky | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -30037 Mo靚g h粢 旋躜c s du騨g la蘭 痿 trang sc 痍 th暌 hi牝n sc ma騨h cu襛 ba襫 th鈔. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -30038 Da h粢 Loa騣 da 痿騨g v怛t ma ng蘨 ta th蘮g hay ti蘭 ki觎m| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n a靜 gia靝, gia蘺 trung c忪p, 痿騝 thu ki觎m, cung, qua騮, a靜 gia靝, gia蘺, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m s c忪p. -30039 Mi觎ng gie lau Ma襫h va襥 du蘮g 痍 b鉵g v觎t thng cu襛 ai 餺 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, qua騮, phng ba蘨 cao c忪p. -30040 La co M趄t loa騣 la c鈟 kh鬾g bi觎t t阯 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30041 Ba襬 thng Loa騣 vu khi du蘮g a靘 khi | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m, l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, gia蘺. -30042 R鉵g h粢 疴蘵 tri R鉵g cng ch沆c | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30043 Qua 疴騯 tng Du蘮g la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 bi觎n ca靋 mo靚 鉵, gia蘵 餫騧. -30044 锈靦 bu蘮 Loa騣 疴靦 co th暌 la蘭 痿 s -30045 Vo蘨 痿騝 bo ca騪 Kim cha 痿騝 cu襛 bo ca騪 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, l辬g thu ki觎m, qua騮, phng ba蘨, d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30046 衭鬷 bo ca騪 衭鬷 cha 痿騝 cu襛 bo ca騪 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n a靜 gia靝, trung c忪p 痿騝 thu ki觎m cao c忪p. -30047 Sa靋h nguy晏n ru襛 Sa靋h 瘕躜c s du騨g khi nguy晏n ru襛 痿靑 phng | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, a靜 gia靝, hoa tai cao c忪p. -30048 Ma襫h n靋 餫 Ma襫h va騨 ni阯 tuy觎t. Va蘯 mu蘟 he cu辬g 餺靚g b鉵g.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, qua騮, phng ba蘨, d鈟 chuy晏n cao c忪p. -30049 Sng g忪u Du蘮g trong nhi晏u ta靋 ph庖m 餴陁 kh沆c.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n a靜 gia靝, hoa tai cao c忪p. -30050 Chu艮i ha騮 n靋 餫 Chu艮i ha騮 瘕躜c la蘭 t n靋 餫. Kh鬾g bi tan khi tr跆i no靚g.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30051 La bu蘟 kh鬾g bi觎t t阯 La bu蘟 co ghi 餴晏u gi 餺 ma chi co ng蘨 trong M怛t gia靜 m蹯i bit.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, qua騮, d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai, vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30052 La c跆 La c跆 du蘮g 痍 bi暌u hi牝n ti陁 thc cu襛 gi泸c | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n a靜 gia靝, gia蘺 cao c忪p. -30053 Ba蘮 ch鈔 g忪u La nguy阯 li牝u ch觎t bi觎n mo靚 mo靚 鉵 餰m la騣 sc de襬 dai ma nhi晏u ng蘨 ti靘 ki觎m | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 c忪p l辬g thu ki觎m, gia蘺, d鈟 chuy晏n thi牝n trung, gia蘺, phng ba蘨, vo蘮g 餰o tay,no靚 ba襬 hi暌m s c忪p. -30054 Nh廪n c靑 Nh廪n du蘮g 痍 trao t泸ng trong l贽 c靑 -30055 Ca蘮g bo ca騪 Ca蘮g bo ca騪 r忪t kho襡 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, qua騮, gia蘺, d鈟 chuy晏n, vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30056 Ma騨g nh牝n 恤i khi du蘮g 痍 la蘭 nha | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 絮騝 s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n cung, phng ba蘨, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30057 M沆t nh牝n Nhi晏u ng蘨 ti蘭 ki觎m m沆t nh牝n | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n chu鬾g, hoa tai cao c忪p. -30058 Bo騝 trng nh牝n N觎u co bo騝 trng nh牝n thi se d贽 sinh n跻 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, chu鬾g,a靜 gia靝, phng ba蘨 cao c忪p. -30059 Ch鈔 nh牝n Ch鈔 nhi晏u l鬾g cu襛 nh牝n 瘕躜c du蘮 la蘭 m趄t loa騣 bu蘟.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n gia蘺 cao c忪p. -30060 L辤 觎ch L辤 觎ch co 痿 di靚h | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n cung cao c忪p. -30061 Ch鈔 觎ch Du蘮g la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u n忪u 鉵 n粢i ti觎ng cu襛 nhng ng蘨 sa蘮h 鉵 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n chu鬾g, a靜 gia靝, gia蘺 cao c忪p. -30062 Che靚 瘕騨g thu綮c n靋 Che靚 tng s du騨g 跻 cu襛 ha蘮g thu綮c n靋 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -30063 Thu綮c ngoa蘨 da Thu綮c tri b牝nh ngoa蘨 da | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -30064 衋 du蘮g 痍 ch觎 ta騩 mu辤 t阯 Loa騣 餫 du蘮g la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 ta騩 mu辤 t阯 -30065 Chu鬾g Loa騣 chu鬾g nho pha靦 ra 鈓 thanh tha靚h tho靦 -30066 侦t xanh M趄t loa騣 蹯t r忪t cay | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n -30067 Da r沆n B沆t r沆n l趄t l忪y da | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, gia蘺 cao c忪p. -30068 锈騯 hu n靚g Mo靚 鉵 la蘭 t 疴騯 hu -30069 Mo靚g cho so靑+ Mo靚g s沆c cu襛 cho so靑, th蘮g du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n d鈟 chuy晏n, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m trung c忪p, l辬g thu ki觎m, gia蘺, d鈟 chuy晏n, vo蘮g 餰o tay, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m s c忪p. -30070 L鬾g cho so靑+ L鬾g cng cu襛 cho so靑, du蘮g la蘭 l騝 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, qua騮, a靜 gia靝, gia蘺 trung c忪p, l辬g thu ki觎m, d鈟 chuy晏n s c忪p. -30071 M怛t g忪u+ M怛t g忪u co th暌 l忪y la騣 vi gia靋 cho ng蘨 bi m忪t vi gia靋. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m trung c忪p, l辬g thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, a靜 gia靝, gia蘺, phng ba蘨, d鈟 chuy晏n, hoa tai s c忪p. -30072 Ba蘮 ch鈔 g忪u+ La nguy阯 li牝u ch觎t bi觎n mo靚 mo靚 鉵 餰m la騣 sc de襬 dai ma nhi晏u ng蘨 ti靘 ki觎m | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n 痿騝 thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, qua騮, hoa tai, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m trung c忪p, l辬g thu ki觎m, vo蘮g 餰o tay s c忪p. -30073 N bu趄c to靋 ma蘵 tr沆ng+ N du蘮g khi th沆t bi靘 to靋 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n cung, a靜 gia靝 trung c忪p, l辬g thu ki觎m, a靜 gia靝 s c忪p. -30074 衋騩 phu騝 ma蘵 忪t cu ky+ B趄 qu馓n a靜 ma蘵 疴靦 ma H沆c phong 餫蘮 hay m泸c. No 餫 bi s跆n.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n qua騮, gia蘺, d鈟 chuy晏n trung c忪p. -30075 Ba襬 thng+ Loa騣 vu khi du蘮g a靘 khi | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, a靜 gia靝, phng ba蘨 trung c忪p. -30076 La bu蘟 cu襛 hu蘮g quy+ La bu蘟 ma hu蘮g quy s du騨g 痍 痿靦 cha靬 chi觎n y | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n a靜 gia靝, l辬g thu ki觎m, chu鬾g cao c忪p. -30077 R鉵g ha蘭 cu襛 hu蘮g quy+ R鉵g ha蘭 cu襛 hu蘮g quy. Co mu蘨 h鬷 kho chi騯. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, qua騮 cao c忪p. -30078 Th va蘯 c粢ng M怛t gia靜+ Th va蘯 c粢ng s c忪p co cha 瘕騨g gia靜 ly cu襛 M怛t gia靜 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n phng ba蘨 trung c忪p. -30079 Bu蘟 kh鬾g bi觎t t阯+ La bu蘟 co ghi 餴晏u gi 餺 ma chi co ng蘨 trong M怛t gia靜 m蹯i bi觎t.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n chu鬾g cao c忪p. -30080 Sa靋h nguy晏n ru襛+ Sa靋h 瘕躜c s du騨g khi nguy晏n ru襛 痿靑 phng | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n hoa tai, cung, d鈟 chuy晏n cao c忪p. -30081 衭鬷 bo ca騪+ 衭鬷 cha 痿騝 cu襛 bo ca騪 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30082 衭鬷 r沆n+ 衭鬷 r沆n pha靦 ra 鈓 thanh khi l沆c no | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n cung, qua騮, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30083 Thu綮c kh鬾g bi觎t t阯+ Loa騣 thu綮c kh鬾g ro tha蘮h ph馓n ba蘯 ch觎 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, phng ba蘨, no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cap c忪p. -30084 Bu蘟 kh鬾g bi觎t t阯+ La bu蘟 co ghi 餴晏u gi 餺 ma chi co ng蘨 trong M怛t gia靜 m蹯i bi觎t.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n chu鬾g cao c忪p -30085 Ma襫h gie lau+ Ma襫h va襥 du蘮g 痍 b鉵g v觎t thng cu襛 ai 餺 | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, cung, gia蘺 cao c忪p. -30086 Di ph庖m cu襛 ta quy+ Di ph庖m cu襛 ng蘨 ch觎t mang la騣 餴晏m x忪u | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, gia蘺 vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30087 衋 quy cu襛 ta quy+ La loa騣 餫 quy cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 ng蘨 ch觎t | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, gia蘺, vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30088 Ma襫h n靋 餫+ Ma襫h va騨 ni阯 tuy觎t. Va蘯 mu蘟 he cu辬g 餺靚g b鉵g.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m cao c忪p. -30089 L鬾g cu襛 tuy觎t nh鈔+ Theo truy晏n thuy觎t, l鬾g cu襛 ng蘨 tuy觎t co th暌 ch綮ng la騣 ca靑 la騨h. | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n no靚 ba襬 hi暌m cao c忪p. -30090 Chu艮i ha騮 n靋 餫+ Chu艮i ha騮 瘕躜c la蘭 t n靋 餫. Kh鬾g bi tan khi tr跆i no靚g.| item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n d鈟 chuy晏n cao c忪p. -30091 Chng phi觎u vo nh鈔 Theo truy晏n thuy觎t 疴y la loa騣 chng phi觎u chi co ca靋 vo nh鈔 co 瘕躜c | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n vo蘮g 餰o tay cao c忪p. -30092 V怛t ky ni牝m chi觎n c鬾g chi觎n th沆ng gi泸c ngoa騣 x鈓 Chi觎n l躜i ph庖m cu襛 qu鈔 gi泸c. C馓m theo 痍 la蘭 ky ni牝m cho chi觎n th沆ng tr阯 chi觎n tr蘮g | item c馓n ca襥 thi牝n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 ca襥 thi牝n l辬g thu ki觎m, chu鬾g, phng ba蘨, hoa tai trung c忪p. - -30129 Th truy晏n l牝nh V鉵 ba襫 co ghi m牝nh l牝nh du蘮g trong qu鈔 痿騣 -30130 Bi蘮h r艮ng Bi蘮h 痍 瘕騨g nhi晏u loa騣 dung di騝h -30131 Th cu襛 th躜 re蘮 Th cu襛 th躜 re蘮 gi cho ng蘨 ba騨 t阯 la 旋靋 B綮i -30132 Sa靋h cu襛 蚂t 锈蘵 Tri La quy暌n sa靋h ma ho騝 gia 蚂t 锈蘵 Tri y陁 thi靋h, quy暌n sa靋h co ta 痍 la "T鬷 bi觎t vi牝c ma anh 餫 la蘭 跻 M怛t gia靜". -30133 Hoa th馓n cu襛 ng蘨 ba靚 ta騪 ho靉 La hoa th馓n ma ng蘨 ba靚 ta騪 ho靉 m蹯i ti蘭 瘕躜c. -30134 Tu靑 瘕騨g cu襛 蚂t 锈蘵 Tri Tu靑 瘕騨g ma ho騝 gia 蚂t 锈蘵 Tri mang theo, trong 餺 瘕騨g r忪t nhi晏u sa靋h. -30135 Th cu襛 A靑 Ly Anh Th cu襛 A靑 Ly Anh gi cho A Hu - -30136 Hoa蘮g kim gia靋 cung Hoa蘮g kim gia靋 cung cu襛 th跆i 餫騣 tr靋 ma ca靋 tay su靚g tng no靑 t蹯i. La v怛t co hi蘮h cong xinh 餰騪 瘕躜c la蘭 t sng 痿騨g v怛t. -30137 Ma靧 khi La ma靧 cu襛 khi, co mu蘨 tanh. -30138 锈靦 bu蘮 tt La loa騣 bu蘮 du蘮g la蘭 thu綮c tri b牝nh cu襛 nhng ke li晏u ma騨g 跻 sa ma騝, no co蘮 co nhi晏u c鬾g du騨g kha靋. -30139 R鉵g ha蘭 nho cu襛 hu蘮g quy R鉵g ha蘭 nho cu襛 hu蘮g quy th蘮g 瘕躜c du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc, co mu蘨 h鬷. -30140 Chi Chi du蘮g 痍 may a靜 ho泸c xo d鈟 chuy晏n. -30141 衋 quy gia c鬾g 衋 quy du蘮g 痍 gia c鬾g a靜 ho泸c 痿 trang sc. -30142 Th Co ghi n趄i dung gi 餺. La蘭 cho ng蘨 kha靋 to mo mu綮n xem n趄i dung. -30143 D騝 tha襬 Lo蘟 loa騣 thu綮c tri b牝nh c ba襫 瘕躜c dung 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 nhi晏u loa騣 thu綮c kha靋. -30144 Gan h粢 Gan h粢 la nguy阯 li牝u 瘕躜c 痿蘮 la r忪t b粢, du蘮g 痍 ch觎 bi觎n mo靚 mo靚 鉵 餰m la騣 sc de襬 dai r忪t ngon. -30145 Thu綮c cu襛 Pha靦 X Loa騣 thu綮c ma Pha靦 X 餫 nh跆. -30146 Ta襫g b鉵g La ta襫g b鉵g hi蘮h tha蘮h t n靋 餫. R忪t la騨h. -30147 Gia靜 ly M怛t gia靜 La quyn sa靋h ghi chi ti觎t v晏 gia靜 ly cu襛 M怛t gia靜. -30148 M怛t gia靜 thu怛n ng phu La m趄t loa騣 bu蘟 瘕躜c s du騨g trong M怛t gia靜. -30149 B鉵g thu襶 N靋 餫 ba蘯 nhuy贽n cho va蘯 thc 鉵 la蘭 cho ca靋 mo靚 鉵 mu蘟 he co vi ma靦. -30150 Ma襫h gi忪y nh怛t ky Gi忪y ghi nh怛t ky th跆i T晏 Qu綮c c粢 nga蘺 x齛. -30151 L鬾g m晏m cu襛 so靑 L鬾g cu襛 cho so靑 瘕躜c ng蘨 T晏 Qu鬰 s du騨g 痍 que靦 bu騣. -30152 Thu綮c tri b牝nh La loa騣 thu綮c hi牝u nghi牝m trong vi牝c 餴晏u tri ca靋 qua靑 t怛t do ba靋 si Bi靋h Cao ba蘯 ch觎. Nh齨g thc t觎 no co hi牝u nghi牝m hay kh鬾g co蘮 ch齛 bi觎t. -30153 Hoa Lo蘟 hoa kh鬾g bi觎t t阯, co mu蘨 th鮩 giu靝 phu騝 h籼i tri nh蹯. -30154 Kinh 餴暌n M怛t gia靜 Ph鈔 ti靋h v晏 gia靜 ly M怛t gia靜 va ghi che靝 con 瘕跆ng ma M怛t gia靜 餫 餴 qua cho 痍靚 nga蘺 nay. -30155 M泸t d鈟 chuy晏n cu襛 My Ly Xuy阯 M泸t d鈟 chuy晏n 餫 tng s du騨g. M泸t sau co ghi t阯 Ly My Xuy阯. -30156 Kinh 餴暌n M怛t gia靜 Ph鈔 ti靋h v晏 gia靜 ly M怛t gia靜 va ghi che靝 con 瘕跆ng ma M怛t gia靜 餫 餴 qua cho 痍靚 nga蘺 nay. - -30093 Tu靑 l趄c Tu靑 va襥 瘕騨g 痿 quy -30094 Tu靑 l趄c Tu靑 va襥 瘕騨g 痿 quy -30095 Tu靑 l趄c Tu靑 va襥 瘕騨g 痿 quy -30096 Tu靑 l趄c Tu靑 va襥 瘕騨g 痿 quy - -30210 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch s綮 2 -30211 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch A -30212 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch B -30213 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch E -30214 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch I -30215 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch L -30216 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch M -30217 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch N -30218 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch R -30219 Thanh minh tha騝h M庖u 餫 nho chi觎u sa靚g ma蘵 xanh dng Co kh沆c ch T - -30220 Linh h籼n tha騝h chinh hu蘮g quy Ta襫g 餫 cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 chinh hu蘮g quy t趄c -30221 M怛t gia靜 linh h籼n tha騝h Ta襫g 餫 cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 M怛t gia靜 t趄c -30222 Ta quy linh h籼n tha騝h Ta襫g 餫 cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 ta quy t趄c -30223 Linh h籼n tha騝h b鉵g Ta襫g 餫 cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 n靋 餫 -30224 Linh h籼n tha騝h quy mu騝 Ta襫g 餫 cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 quy m趄c t趄c -30225 Linh h籼n tha騝h 疴蘵 quy Ta襫g 餫 cha 瘕騨g linh h籼n cu襛 疴蘵 quy t趄c - -50001 Th may m沆n V鉵 ba襫 co ghi s綮 b綮c th鉳 tru靚g th襫g do nha n靋 t粢 chc. -50002 Nh廪n va蘮g Chi觎c nh廪n va蘮g cu襛 ai 餺 餫靚h r鮥. | 旋躜c 餰m ba靚 cho cu襛 ha蘮g v蹯i gia cao. -50003 Ta蘨 li牝u s khai ho靉 chi陁 thc -50004 Ma靬 th鉳 do s ki牝n -50005 Th鉵g ma quy晏n N觎u ca襫h v牝 binh 跻 chu籼ng nga cho xem thi co th暌 c辤 nga mi贽n phi. Co th暌 s du騨g cho level 40 tr跻 l阯. - -50006 H趄p ba襬 v怛t va蘮g H趄p cha騧 kh沆c va蘮g s泸c s蹀 | Co th暌 m跻 ra b闾ng m趄t ca靑 gi 餺. Co th暌 m跻 b闾ng chi蘟 kho靉 va蘮g . -50007 H趄p ba襬 v怛t ba騝 H趄p cha騧 kha靋 ba騝 xinh x沆n | Co th暌 m跻 ra b闾ng m趄t ca靑 gi 餺. Co th暌 m跻 b闾ng chi蘟 kho靉 ba騝. -50008 Chi蘟 kho靉 va蘮g Chi蘟 kho靉 瘕躜c la蘭 b闾ng va蘮g | Co th暌 m跻 ca靑 gi 餺 ra. Co th暌 m跻 h趄p ba襬 v怛t va蘮g va h趄p ba襬 v怛t va蘮g + -50009 Chi蘟 kho靉 ba騝 Chi蘟 kho靉 瘕躜c la蘭 b闾ng ba騝 | Co th暌 m跻 ca靑 gi 餺 ra. Co th暌 m跻 h趄p ba襬 v怛t ba騝 va h趄p ba襬 v怛t ba騝 + - -50010 V蹯 N觎u treo l阯 c鈟 th鬾g noel se nh怛n 瘕躜c qua. - -50011 Nguy牝t quang ba襬 h躜p La h趄p 瘕騨g trang sc s泸c s蹀 b沆t m沆t ng蘨 xem. 恤i khi n觎u 瘕躜c a靚h tr鉵g chi觎u va蘯 thi co hi牝n t騨g si陁 nhi阯 xa襶 ra. - -50012 H趄p ba襬 v怛t va蘮g+ H趄p cha騧 kh沆c va蘮g s泸c s蹀 | Co th暌 m跻 ra b闾ng m趄t ca靑 gi 餺. Co th暌 m跻 b闾ng chi蘟 kho靉 va蘮g. -50013 H趄p ba襬 v怛t ba騝+ H趄p cha騧 kha靋 ba騝 xinh x沆n | Co th暌 m跻 ra b闾ng m趄t ca靑 gi 餺. Co th暌 m跻 b闾ng chi蘟 kho靉 ba騝. - -50016 Ha騮 疴騯 tng Du騨g cu la蘭 b闾ng ha騮 疴騯 tng la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 ta騩 bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 疴騯 tng 鉵 va蘯 r闾m tha靚g gi阯g th跆i c粢 餫騣 -50017 Ha騮 瘕跆ng Du騨g cu la蘭 b闾ng ha騮 瘕跆ng la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 ta騩 bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 瘕跆ng 鉵 va蘯 r闾m tha靚g gi阯g th跆i c粢 餫騣 -50018 Ha騮 hoa qua Du騨g cu la蘭 b闾ng ha騮 hoa qua la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 ta騩 bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 hoa qua 鉵 va蘯 r闾m tha靚g gi阯g th跆i c粢 餫騣 -50019 Vo lu靉 n觎p Vo lu靉 n觎p s du騨g khi la蘭 bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮. -50020 Bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 疴騯 tng Bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 疴騯 tng 鉵 va蘯 r闾m tha靚g gi阯g th跆i c粢 餫騣. H籼i phu騝 toa蘮 b趄 th暌 lc. -50021 Bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 瘕跆ng Bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 瘕跆ng 鉵 va蘯 r闾m tha靚g gi阯g th跆i c粢 餫騣. H籼i phu騝 toa蘮 b趄 tri lc. -50022 Bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 hoa qua Bi蘮h 瘕騨g ha騮 hoa qua 鉵 va蘯 r闾m tha靚g gi阯g th跆i c粢 餫騣. H籼i phu騝 toa蘮 b趄 mo靚 鉵 餰m la騣 sc de襬 dai - -50023 Tu靑 ti晏n li xi Tu靑 ti晏n li xi ng蘨 l蹯n li xi cho ng蘨 nho va蘯 di騪 t觎t khi ng蘨 nho cha蘯 v忪n an ng蘨 l蹯n m趄t ca靋h cung ki靚h. - -50024 Hoa h籼ng Loa蘨 hoa cu襛 a靑 ti蘮h, ti蘮h y陁, ha騨h phu靋. Du蘮g cho n -50025 S c la La loa騣 ba靚h la蘭 t ca cao, sa, b, 瘕跆ng, hng li牝u 痿ng 疸騝. Th蘮g 瘕躜c du蘮g 痍 bi暌u l趄 ti蘮h y陁. Du蘮g cho nam - -50027 Phi觎u trao 痿襥 Quy晏n trao 痿襥 bi hu襶 bo. | Item v i靋h. -50031 Hoa h籼ng Loa蘨 hoa cu襛 a靑 ti蘮h, ti蘮h y陁, ha騨h phu靋. Du蘮g cho nam -50032 Ke騩 Lo蘟 loa騣 ke騩 la蘭 t 瘕跆ng va nhi晏u nguy阯 li牝u kha靋, co nhi晏u hi蘮h da騨g kha靋 nhau. Th蘮g du蘮g 痍 bi暌u l趄 ti蘮h y陁. Du蘮g cho n -50033 H趄p kh鬾g bi觎t t阯 H趄p cha騧 kh沆c ch la. N觎u m跻 h趄p ra se co v怛t gi 餺 xu忪t h牝n. - -50034 H趄p c鈛 痿 Khi m跻 h趄p, n觎u kh鬾g 餺a靚 瘕躜c v忪n 痍 瘕a ra thi se bi nguy晏n ru襛, gi綮ng nh trong truy牝n c粢 ti靋h. -50035 H趄p qua nga蘺 thi觎u nhi La h趄p th暌 hi牝n ti蘮h ca襪, v怛t ki ni牝m hay l跆i cha蘯, trong h趄p 瘕騨g qua cha 疴蘺 ti蘮h ca襪 cu襛 ng蘨 t泸ng. -50036 H趄p qua nga蘺 thi觎u nhi La h趄p th暌 hi牝n ti蘮h ca襪, v怛t ki ni牝m hay l跆i cha蘯, trong h趄p 瘕騨g qua cha 疴蘺 ti蘮h ca襪 cu襛 ng蘨 t泸ng. -50037 H趄p hi蘮h lu騝 gia靋 La h趄p ba襬 v怛t la蘭 b闾ng gi忪y, trong h趄p 瘕騨g qua cha 疴蘺 ti蘮h ca襪 cu襛 ng蘨 t泸ng. - -50070 H趄p cu襛 hu蘮g quy t趄c tr襫g H趄p cu襛 hu蘮g quy t趄c . N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50071 H趄p cu襛 gia靜 chu M怛t gia靜 H趄p cu襛 gia靜 chu M怛t gia靜 . N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50072 H趄p cu襛 gia靜 chu m怛t gia靜 餫 hoa蘮 sinh H趄p cu襛 gia靜 chu M怛t gia靜 hoa蘮 sinh. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50073 H趄p cu襛 n vng nh牝n H趄p cu襛 n vng nh牝n. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50074 H趄p cu襛 餫騣 vng nh牝n H趄p cu襛 餫騣 vng nh牝n. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50075 H趄p m鬷 gi蹯i ca襪 nhi贽m c蹀 l蹯n H趄p m鬷 gi蹯i ca襪 nhi贽m c蹀 l蹯n. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50076 H趄p ru蘟 sa ma騝 kh粢ng l籼 H趄p cu襛 ru蘟 sa ma騝 kh粢ng l籼. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50077 H趄p cu襛 ca靜 gia H趄p cu襛 ca靜 gia. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50078 H趄p cu襛 quy h粢 va蘮g H趄p cu襛 quy h粢 va蘮g. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50079 H趄p cu襛 ho襛 di牝m vng H趄p cu襛 ho襛 di牝m vng. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50080 H趄p cu襛 ho襛 long H趄p cu襛 ho襛 long. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50081 H趄p cu襛 ta quy vng H趄p cu襛 ta quy vng. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. -50082 H趄p cu襛 s th馓n H趄p cu襛 s th馓n. N觎u m跻 ra se co v怛t quan tro騨g xu忪t hi牝n. - -50050 Ma ba蘨 La tm ba蘨 瘕躜c quan la騣 s du騨g khi 餴 c鬾g vu xu綮ng 餴騛 phng dng ch鈔 跻 ca靋 tra騧 nga. Co th暌 s du騨g cho nhi牝m vu nga -50051 Th鉵g ma 餫o La m趄t loa騣 chng phi觎u co th暌 c辤 nga trong n靋. Ti陁 hoa蘮 nga s c忪p -50052 Th tu忪n ma La chng t th鉵g ma cho nha n靋 c忪p cho ng蘨 c辤 ng tha蘮h thu騝. Co th暌 va c辤 nga va t忪n c鬾g. Ti陁 hoa蘮 nga trung c忪p -50053 Ba騝h tu忪n th La th t ghi y陁 c馓u 餫騮 瘕躜c ma gia靝 b闾ng chi陁 th鉵g ma ma ti阯 nh鈔 th跆i c粢 餫騣 痍 la騣 | Co th暌 s du騨g chi陁 ma th騨g Ti陁 hoa蘮 nga cao c忪p -50054 Co kh Co ph鮥 kh du蘮g cho nga 鉵. T li牝u nga s c忪p -50055 Ca r綮t Co蘮 go騣 la cu ca襥 瘕跆ng, r贽 to va cng, co ma蘵 va蘮g, cam, 餺, du蘮g la蘭 痿 鉵. T li牝u nga trung c忪p -50056 H籼ng s鈓 La s鈓 kh ma蘵 餺, nga cao c忪p chi 鉵 h籼ng s鈓. T li牝u nga cao c忪p -50057 Ha s鮪 痿辬g s鮪 tha襬 Co th暌 cu s綮ng nga s c忪p | D騝 tha襬 truy晏n thuy觎t| Khi vu蘮g ha s鮪 痿辬g 餫ng canh gi. Phu騝 h籼i nga s c忪p -50058 Trung s鮪 痿辬g s鮪 tha襬 Co th暌 cu s綮ng nga trung c忪p | D騝 tha襬 truy晏n thuy觎t| Khi vu蘮g trung s鮪 痿辬g 餫ng canh gi. Phu騝 h籼i nga trung c忪p -50059 Th騨g s鮪 痿辬g s鮪 tha襬 Co th暌 cu s綮ng nga cao c忪p | D騝 tha襬 truy晏n thuy觎t| Khi vu蘮g th騨g s鮪 痿辬g 餫ng canh gi. Phu騝 h籼i nga cao c忪p -50060 Th hu忪n luy牝n ky thu怛t ma th騨g La th hu忪n luy牝n ghi chi陁 thc ma th騨g, n觎u hu忪n luy牝n tha蘮h c鬾g se 瘕躜c 1 餴暌m chi陁 ma th騨g | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t.. Co th暌 s du騨g cho level 50 tr跻 l阯 - -50083 Th鉵g ma quy晏n N觎u ca襫h v牝 binh 跻 chu籼ng nga cho xem thi co th暌 c辤 nga mi贽n phi. Co th暌 s du騨g cho level 10 tr跻 l阯 - -50084 衋 pha tha蘮h Item c馓n thi觎t khi gia襥 pho靚g s ba襬 v牝 cu襛 餫 nha giam b闾ng sc ma騨h th跆i c粢 餫騣. - -50091 C鮩 ca gi觎c C鮩 疸騝 bi牝t la蘭 t ca gi觎c | Co mu蘨 疸騝 bi牝t va kho 鉵 -50092 C鮩 ca che靝 va蘮g C鮩 疸騝 bi牝t la蘭 t ca che靝 | Co mu蘨 疸騝 bi牝t va kho 鉵 -50093 C鮩 ca h籼i C鮩 la蘭 t ca h籼i ti, 鉵 m忪t se ti觎c | Ma蘵 餺 b沆t m沆t T鉵g 10 餴暌m chi s綮 tuy牝t 痿靑 v晏 sc t忪n c鬾g. -50094 C鮩 ca tr C鮩 la蘭 t ca tr, m蹯i 疴蘵 tr鬾g kh鬾g 餰騪 | S du騨g nhi晏u hng li牝u 痍 kh mu蘨 疴靦 T鉵g 10 餴暌m chi s綮 tuy牝t 痿靑 v晏 sc pho蘮g ng. - -50100 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 h趄i 恤 du蘮g trang tri l贽 h趄i l Pha靜 tre du蘮g la蘭 pha靜 hoa (ma蘵 ti靘) -50101 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 h趄i 恤 du蘮g trang tri l贽 h趄i l Pha靜 tre du蘮g la蘭 pha靜 hoa (ma蘵 va蘮g) -50102 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 h趄i 恤 du蘮g trang tri l贽 h趄i l Pha靜 tre du蘮g la蘭 pha靜 hoa (ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i) -50103 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 h趄i 恤 du蘮g trang tri l贽 h趄i l Pha靜 tre du蘮g la蘭 pha靜 hoa (ma蘵 餺 hi蘮h con quay) -50104 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 h趄i 恤 du蘮g trang tri l贽 h趄i l Pha靜 tre du蘮g la蘭 pha靜 hoa (ma蘵 xanh la hi蘮h con quay) -50105 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 h趄i 恤 du蘮g trang tri l贽 h趄i l Pha靜 tre du蘮g la蘭 pha靜 hoa (ma蘵 tr沆ng hi蘮h con quay) - -50106 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 Gia靚g sinh Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 Gia靚g sinh | Rc r蹀 h鮪 loa騣 pha靝 hoa bi蘮h th蘮g -50108 Con quay 恤 ch鮥 quay quay cu襛 tre em la蘭 b闾ng g艮. T忪n c鬾g v蹯i ti l牝n nh忪t 餴騨h - -50200 Tu靑 瘕騨g Co th暌 m跻 ca ha蘮g ri阯g. -50300 Th hu忪n luy牝n ky thu怛t T鉵g level master chi陁 thc. - -50301 Binh pha靝 th t鬾 gia La m趄t quy暌n Binh pha靝 th 餫騣 di牝n cho b趄 V kinh th忪t th | La蘭 t鉵g 痿 tha蘮h tha騩 v晏 ky thu怛t | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50302 Binh pha靝 th ngu gia La m趄t quy暌n Binh pha靝 th 餫騣 di牝n cho b趄 V kinh th忪t th | La蘭 t鉵g 痿 tha蘮h tha騩 v晏 ky thu怛t | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50303 Ng蘨 痿騨g vi阯 La m趄t quy暌n Binh pha靝 th 餫騣 di牝n cho b趄 V kinh th忪t th | La蘭 t鉵g 痿 tha蘮h tha騩 v晏 ky thu怛t | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. - -50304 Ki hi牝u t鈔 th Binh pha靝 th ghi phng pha靝 chi觎n 疴靧 va b綮 tri qu鈔 s c ba襫 | 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n li阯 gi蹯i ki. | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t.. -50305 Luy觎n binh thc ky Binh pha靝 th ghi phng pha靝 chi觎n 疴靧 va b綮 tri qu鈔 s 餫 da騨g | 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n li阯 gi蹯i ki. | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t.. -50306 Vo bi chi Binh pha靝 th 瘕躜c bi阯 soa騨 b闾ng ca靋h tham kha襬 t忪t ca binh pha靝 th cu襛 li騝h 餫騣 | 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n li阯 gi蹯i ki | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t.. - -50311 T馓n Thu襶 ng pha靝 Co th暌 ho騝 ti觎ng no靑 T馓n Thu襶 Qu綮c -50312 Thi阯 Ta靜 ng pha靝 Co th暌 ho騝 ti觎ng no靑 Thi阯 Ta靜 Qu綮c -50313 Tr馓n L艮 ng pha靝 Co th暌 ho騝 ti觎ng no靑 Tr馓n L艮 Qu綮c - -50307 Th nh怛n nhi牝m vu (s c忪p) Pha靦 sinh nhi牝m vu s c忪p -50308 Th nh怛n nhi牝m vu (trung c忪p) Pha靦 sinh nhi牝m vu trung c忪p -50309 Th nh怛n nhi牝m vu (cao c忪p) Pha靦 sinh nhi牝m vu cao c忪p -50310 Th nh怛n nhi牝m vu (疸騝 c忪p) Pha靦 sinh nhi牝m vu 疸騝 c忪p - -50314 恤騨 gia靝 thu怛t th S du騨g 痿騨 gia靝 c馓u co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t | La蘭 t鉵g 痿 tha蘮h tha騩 v晏 ky thu怛t | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. Co th暌 s du騨g cho level 15 tr跻 l阯 -50315 恤騨 gia靝 ky thu怛t th S du騨g 痿騨 gia靝 c馓u co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t | La蘭 t鉵g 痿 tha蘮h tha騩 v晏 ky thu怛t | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. Co th暌 s du騨g cho level 25 tr跻 l阯 -50316 Ki v鉵 痿騨 gia靝 thu怛t th S du騨g 痿騨 gia靝 c馓u co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t | La蘭 t鉵g 痿 tha蘮h tha騩 v晏 ky thu怛t | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. Co th暌 s du騨g cho level 35 tr跻 l阯 - -50401 Th hu忪n luy牝n tam li阯 tra襪 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 tam li阯 tra襪 cu襛 La Ha靚 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50402 Th hu忪n luy牝n ba靦 phng phong vu 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ba靦 phng phong vu cu襛 La Ha靚 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50403 Th hu忪n luy牝n chi觎n quy h籼n 旋躜c s du騨g 暌 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 chi觎n quy h籼n cu襛 La Ha靚 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50404 Th hu忪n luy牝n ki觎m kinh 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ki觎m kinh cu襛 La Ha靚 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50405 Th hu忪n luy牝n 餫騨 hoa蘮 ki靋h 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 餫騨 hoa蘮 ki靋h cu襛 La Ha靚 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50416 Th hu忪n luy牝n khi c鬾g tra襪 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 khi c鬾g tra襪 cu襛 Bi牝t Ky qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50417 Th hu忪n luy牝n ki靋h s鮪 餫 ng齯 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ki靋h s鮪 餫 ng齯 cu襛 Bi牝t Ky qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50418 Th hu忪n luy牝n 餫騣 chinh gia靋 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 餫騣 chinh gia靋 cu襛 Bi牝t Ky qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50419 Th hu忪n luy牝n thi阯 c怛n thu 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 li阯 c怛n thu cu襛 Bi牝t Ky qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50420 Th hu忪n luy牝n ki觎m phong 旋躜c s dujgn 痍 hu忪n luy牝n chi陁 ki觎m phong cu襛 Bi牝t Ky qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. - -50431 Th hu忪n luy牝n a靘 t怛p 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 a靘 t怛p cu襛 Bi Sa靦 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50432 Th hu忪n luy牝n cung th鈔 餫騨 a襫h 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 cung th馓n 餫騨 a襫h cu襛 Bi Sa靦 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50433 Th hu忪n luy牝n xa lu鈔 sa靦 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 xa lu鈔 sa靦 cu襛 Bi Sa靦 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50434 Th hu忪n luy牝n 庖n hi蘮h pha靝 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 庖n hi蘮h pha靝 cu襛 Bi Sa靦 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50435 Th hu忪n luy牝n ta靚 c鬾g ph忪n 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ta靚 c鬾g ph忪n cu襛 Bi Sa靦 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50446 Th hu忪n luy牝n li阯 xa 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 li阯 xa cu襛 Trang La辭 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50447 Th hu忪n luy牝n qua靚 ki靋h thu怛t 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 qua靚 ki靋h thu怛t cu襛 Trang La辭 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50448 Th hu忪n luy牝n ho襛 ta靜 ba 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ho襛 ta靜 ba cu襛 Trang La辭 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50449 Th hu忪n luy牝n thu怛t khinh c鬾g 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 thu怛t khinh c鬾g cu襛 Trang La辭 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50450 Th hu忪n luy牝n 痿騝 khi c鬾g 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 痿騝 khi c鬾g cu襛 Trang La辭 qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. - -50461 Th hu忪n luy牝n s跻 linh chi 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 s跻 linh chi cu襛 Hoa蘮 Vo qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50462 Th hu忪n luy牝n long quy晏n ba 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 long quy晏n ba cu襛 Hoa蘮 Vo qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50463 Th hu忪n luy牝n quy ki觎m 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 quy ki觎m cu襛 Hoa蘮 Vo qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50464 Th hu忪n luy牝n c鬾g ba靜 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 c鬾g ba靜 cu襛 Hoa蘮 Vo qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50465 Th hu忪n luy牝n chu ma gia靝 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 chu ma gia靝 cu襛 Hoa蘮 Vo qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50466 Th hu忪n luy牝n pha pha靝 thu怛t 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 pha pha靝 thu怛t cu襛 Hoa蘮 Vo qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50476 Th hu忪n luy牝n ma linh 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ma linh cu襛 Ha靋 Ma qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50477 Th hu忪n luy牝n ho襛 di牝m b綮c 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ho襛 di牝m b綮c cu襛 Ha靋 Ma qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50478 Th hu忪n luy牝n v a襫h chinh 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 v a襫h chinh cu襛 Ha靋 Ma qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50479 Th hu忪n luy牝n h沆c th馓n thu襶 h粢 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 h沆c th馓n thu襶 h粢 cu襛 Ha靋 Ma qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50480 Th hu忪n luy牝n 疴蘵 tu騝 ma linh 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 疴蘵 tu騝 ma linh cu襛 Ha靋 Ma qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50481 Th hu忪n luy牝n ma hoa蘮 ki靋h 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ma hoa蘮 ki靋h cu襛 Ha靋 Ma qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. - -50491 Th hu忪n luy牝n phi ba phu 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 phi ba phu cu襛 Thi阯 Long qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50492 Th hu忪n luy牝n long ba s鮪 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 long ba s鮪 cu襛 Thi阯 Long qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50493 Th hu忪n luy牝n ba long b綮c 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 ba long b綮c cu襛 Thi阯 Long qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50494 Th hu忪n luy牝n h粢 th鈔 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 h粢 th鈔 cu襛 Thi阯 Long qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50495 Th hu忪n luy牝n pha襫 c鬾g 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 pha襫 c鬾g cu襛 Thi阯 Long qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50496 Th hu忪n luy牝n khi thi阯 餫騣 c鬾g 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 khi thi阯 餫騣 c鬾g cu襛 Thi阯 Long qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50506 Th hu忪n luy牝n l鬷 chi觎n linh 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 l鬷 chi觎n linh cu襛 Tia Ch蹯p qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50507 Th hu忪n luy牝n s忪m ch蹯p 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 s忪m ch蹯p cu襛 Tia Ch蹯p qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50508 Th hu忪n luy牝n b綮c l鬷 ki靋h 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 b綮c l鬷 ki靋h cu襛 Tia Ch蹯p qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50509 Th hu忪n luy牝n chinh nghi牝p nh鈔 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 chinh nghi牝p nh鈔 cu襛 Tia Ch蹯p qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50510 Th hu忪n luy牝n khoa靑 t綮c 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 chi陁 l鬷 chi觎n khoa靑 t綮c Tia Ch蹯p qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 mt l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. -50511 Th hu忪n luy牝n thu怛t t鉵g lc 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n tri蘮h 痿 master v晏 thu怛t t鉵g lc cu襛 Tia Ch蹯p qu鈔 |Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. - -50512 Ngu tra靑 tha騝h Loa騣 餫 cho th忪y m趄t th觎 gi蹯i m蹯i v晏 t忪t ca ca靋 chi陁 thc ma ba騨 co b闾ng ca靋h m跻 r趄ng t鈓 nha辬. Co th暌 餫騮 tri蘮h 痿 grand-master -50513 H籼n tha騝h Loa騣 餫 du蘮g la蘭 ch忪t xu靋 ta靋 痍 co 瘕躜c ca靋 chi陁 cao h鮪 m趄t chu靦 na sau khi 餫 m跻 r趄ng t鈓 nha辬. Co th暌 餫騮 hu忪n luy牝n kho靉 tri蘮h 痿 grand-master - -50600 Th hu忪n luy牝n khai tha靋 mo 旋躜c s du騨g 痍 hu忪n luy牝n khai tha靋 mo | Sa靋h 餺騝 m趄t l馓n se bi觎n m忪t. - -50601 Kim cng th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 kim cng. -50602 Bi 餺 th _ -50603 Ho靉 tha騝h m趄c th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 ho靉 tha騝h m趄c. -50604 恤蘮g 餺 th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 痿蘮g 餺. -50605 Ba騝 th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 ba騝. -50606 Va蘮g th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 va蘮g. -50607 C庖m tha騝h th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 c庖m tha騝h. -50608 G艮 mun La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 g艮 mun. -50609 Ma襫h ngo騝 trai La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 ngo騝 trai. -50610 Ba騝h kim th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 ba騝h kim. -50611 Thu襶 tinh th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 thu襶 tinh. -50612 Thu襶 tinh ti靘 th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 thu襶 tinh ti靘. -50613 Thi阯 lam tha騝h th La loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 co th暌 tinh ch觎 tha蘮h kim cng qua qua tri蘮h n忪u cha襶 thi阯 lam tha騝h. - -50621 Kim cng La m趄t la騣 餫 quy 瘕靚g 疴蘵 trong ca靋 loa騣 餫 quy, t鉵g th阭 item 痿 trang sc. -50622 Bi 餺 _ -50623 Ho靉 tha騝h m趄c La loa騣 g艮 quy bi ch鬾 trong lo蘮g 疴靦 l鈛 n鉳 va ho靉 tha騝h | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng g艮 -50624 恤蘮g 餺 Co蘮 go騣 la 痿蘮g, la kim loa騣 du蘮g la蘭 ti晏n xu | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng 痿蘮g -50625 Ba騝 La kim loa騣 quy co a靚h ba騝 | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng ba騝 -50626 Va蘮g La kim loa騣 quy co a靚h va蘮g | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng va蘮g -50627 C庖m tha騝h La m趄t loa騣 khoa靚g sa襫 thu趄c 餫n ta tinh h牝, co蘮 go騣 la phi thu靬 | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng c庖m tha騝h -50628 G艮 mun La loa騣 g艮 ch沆c va nhe 瘕躜c du蘮g t 瘐蘨 x齛 | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng g艮 mun -50629 Ma襫h ngo騝 trai La loa騣 餫 quy co tha蘮h ph馓n chu y觎u la can xi tha靚 toan l忪y t ngo騝 trai | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng ngo騝 trai -50630 Ba騝h kim La kim loa騣 quy co a靚h ba騝, cng h鮪 va蘮g, de襬 va d贽 da靦 mo襫g | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng ba騝h kim -50631 Thu襶 tinh Co蘮 go騣 la tinh th暌 co hi蘮h da騨g k觎t tinh ro ra蘮g | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng thu襶 tinh -50632 Thu襶 tinh ti靘 La thu襶 tinh co ma蘵 ti靘 | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng thu襶 tinh ti靘 -50633 Thi阯 lam tha騝h La loa騣 餫 quy 瘕躜c k觎t tinh t nhng gio騮 m齛 kh鬾g pha襥 r鮥 xu綮ng t m鈟 | Co th暌 du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc b闾ng thi阯 lam tha騝h - -50701 Hoa 餫蘯 ti阯 Hoa cu襛 c鈟 餫蘯 ti阯 ma ng蘨 x齛 tr籼ng tha蘮h rng | D騝 li牝u t綮t la蘭 餰騪 da Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50702 Hoa chu鬾g La loa騣 co s綮ng l鈛 n鉳, loa蘨 hoa na蘺 co蘮 co y nghi轪 la 'ti蘮h y陁 vi辬h cu', 瘕躜c du蘮g nhi晏u trong 痿ng y. | D騝 li牝u tri b牝nh ho, ca襪 cu靘, hen xuy贽n Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50703 Hoa cu襛 c鈟 h籼ng Tu騝 truy晏n r闾ng phu n l忪y hoa cu襛 c鈟 h籼ng la蘭 x鈟 chuy晏n 餰o va蘯 thi se sinh con trai | D騝 li牝u tri ca靋 chng vi阭 nhi贽m c忪p ti靚h, ma辬 ti靚h. Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50704 Tha騝h xng b籼 La m趄t loa騣 thc v怛t th鈔 bu騣 s綮ng dai co hi蘮h da騨g gi綮ng c鈟 s鈓 nu靑 thu趄c ho nh鈔 s鈓 | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri b牝nh ti暌u 瘕跆ng Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50705 Tha騝h xng b籼 La loa騣 co thu趄c nho靘 c鈟 m趄t la m馓m s綮ng l鈛 n鉳 | D騝 li牝u co i靋h trong vi牝c ki靋h thi靋h na辭 b趄 Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50706 N忪m linh chi La 瘕躜c li牝u quy du蘮g trong 痿ng y, co蘮 瘕躜c du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc, co蘮 go騣 la b忪t la辭 tha襬 | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri chng m忪t ngu Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50707 Va騨 b牝nh tha襬 La loa騣 thc v怛t thu趄c nho靘 c鈟 hai la m馓m, thu趄c ho 痿 quy阯. | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri b牝nh suy nh騝 th馓n kinh Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50708 D鈛 t闾m nu靑 Thc 鉵 cu襛 t闾m du蘮g la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 ta騩 痿 du蘮g - 餴陁 kh沆c - l沆p ra靝, vo c鈟 du蘮g la蘭 thu綮c | D騝 li牝u tri b牝nh be靜 phi Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50709 B籼 c鬾g anh B籼 c鬾g anh thu趄c ho hoa cu靋, co蘮 go騣 la hoa ma蘯 ga | D騝 li牝u co hi牝u qua 餴晏u tri b牝nh vi阭 ho騨g Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50710 Ha騮 hoa rum Ha騮 hoa rum thu趄c ho hoa h籼ng | D騝 li牝u co hi牝u qua trong vi牝c 餴晏u tri chng loa辬g xng Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50711 Ta靜 ta蘵 Qua ta靜 ta蘵. | D騝 li牝u co hi牝u qua trong vi牝c 餴晏u tri chng loa辬g xng Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p -50712 Tam chi cu di牝p tha襬 Thu趄c ho c鈟 hoa蘮g li阯 gai, co蘮 co t阯 la 鈓 dng ho沆c | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri b牝nh ti暌u 瘕跆ng Du蘮g cho nghi阯 cu cu襛 Th觎 Ky L怛p - -50721 Hoa 餫蘯 ti阯 Hoa cu襛 c鈟 餫蘯 ti阯 ma ng蘨 x齛 tr籼ng tha蘮h rng | D騝 li牝u t綮t la蘭 餰騪 da Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50722 Hoa chu鬾g La loa騣 co s綮ng l鈛 n鉳, loa蘨 hoa na蘺 co蘮 co y nghi轪 la 'ti蘮h y陁 vi辬h cu', 瘕躜c du蘮g nhi晏u trong 痿ng y. | D騝 li牝u tri b牝nh ho, ca襪 cu靘, hen xuy贽n Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50723 Hoa cu襛 c鈟 h籼ng Tu騝 truy晏n r闾ng phu n l忪y hoa cu襛 c鈟 h籼ng la蘭 x鈟 chuy晏n 餰o va蘯 thi se sinh con trai | D騝 li牝u tri ca靋 chng vi阭 nhi贽m c忪p ti靚h, ma辬 ti靚h. Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50724 Tha騝h xng b籼 gai La m趄t loa騣 thc v怛t th鈔 bu騣 s綮ng dai co hi蘮h da騨g gi綮ng c鈟 s鈓 nu靑 thu趄c ho nh鈔 s鈓 | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri b牝nh ti暌u 瘕跆ng Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50725 Tha騝h xng b籼 La loa騣 co thu趄c nho靘 c鈟 m趄t la m馓m s綮ng l鈛 n鉳 | D騝 li牝u co i靋h trong vi牝c ki靋h thi靋h na辭 b趄 Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50726 N忪m linh chi La 瘕躜c li牝u quy du蘮g trong 痿ng y, co蘮 瘕躜c du蘮g la蘭 痿 trang sc, co蘮 go騣 la b忪t la辭 tha襬 | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri chng m忪t ngu Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50727 Va騨 b牝nh tha襬 La loa騣 thc v怛t thu趄c nho靘 c鈟 hai la m馓m, thu趄c ho 痿 quy阯. | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri b牝nh suy nh騝 th馓n kinh Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50728 D鈛 t闾m nu靑 Thc 鉵 cu襛 t闾m du蘮g la蘭 nguy阯 li牝u ch觎 ta騩 痿 du蘮g - 餴陁 kh沆c - l沆p ra靝, vo c鈟 du蘮g la蘭 thu綮c | D騝 li牝u tri b牝nh be靜 phi Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50729 B籼 c鬾g anh B籼 c鬾g anh thu趄c ho hoa cu靋, co蘮 go騣 la hoa ma蘯 ga | D騝 li牝u co hi牝u qua 餴晏u tri b牝nh vi阭 ho騨g Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50730 Ha騮 hoa rum Ha騮 hoa rum thu趄c ho hoa h籼ng | D騝 li牝u co hi牝u qua trong vi牝c 餴晏u tri chng loa辬g xng Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50731 Ta靜 ta蘵 Qua ta靜 ta蘵. | D騝 li牝u co hi牝u qua trong vi牝c 餴晏u tri chng loa辬g xng Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c -50732 Tam chi cu di牝p tha襬 Thu趄c ho c鈟 hoa蘮g li阯 gai, co蘮 co t阯 la 鈓 dng ho沆c | D騝 li牝u co c鬾g du騨g tri b牝nh ti暌u 瘕跆ng Du蘮g 痍 ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c - -50801 N靋 ho蘟 餫蘯 ti阯 N靋 e靝 hoa 餫蘯 ti阯 -50802 N靋 hoa chu鬾g N靋 e靝 hoa chu鬾g STR +5 -50803 N靋 hoa c鈟 h籼ng N靋 e靝 hoa c鈟 h籼ng -50804 N靋 tha騝h xng b籼 gai N靋 e靝 tha騝h xng b籼 -50805 N靋 tha騝h xng b籼 N靋 e靝 tha騝h xng b籼 -50806 N靋 n忪m linh chi N靋 e靝 n忪m linh chi -50807 Va騨 b牝nh tha襬 n靋 N靋 e靝 va騨 b牝nh tha襬 -50808 N靋 d鈛 t闾m nu靑 N靋 e靝 d鈛 t闾m nu靑 -50809 N靋 b籼 c鬾g anh N靋 e靝 b籼 c鬾g anh -50810 N靋 ha騮 hoa rum N靋 e靝 ha騮 hoa rum -50811 N靋 ta靜 ta蘵 N靋 e靝 ta靜 ta蘵 -50812 N靋 tam chi cu di牝p tha襬 N靋 e靝 tam chi cu di牝p tha襬 -50813 Hoa蘮 t鈓 di騝h Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t tha騝h xng b籼 cho va蘯 n靋 hoa 餫蘯 ti阯 Ti l th鬾g quan +10% ( 3 phu靦) -50814 Tr 痿騝 di騝h Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t tha騝h xng b籼 cho va蘯 n靋 hoa chu鬾g Ti l牝 t忪n c鬾g chi ma騨g +10% ( 3 phu靦) -50815 N靋 b粢 hoa蘮 Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t n忪m linh chi cho va蘯 n靋 hoa c鈟 h籼ng -50816 N靋 li辬h ba靜 Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t n忪m linh chi cho va蘯 n靋 tha騝h xng b籼 gai -50817 Chinh hoa騮 t鈓 di騝h Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t va騨 b牝nh tha襬 cho va蘯 n靋 hoa騮 t鈓 di騝h Sc t忪n c鬾g +50 -50818 Chinh tr 痿騝 di騝h Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t va騨 b牝nh tha襬 cho va蘯 n靋 tha騝h xng b籼 gai Sc pho蘮g ng +70 -50819 Chinh ba靜 hoa蘮 di騝h Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t d鈛 t闾m nu靑 cho va蘯 n靋 b粢 hoa蘮 Ch綮ng la騣 phe靝 thu怛t +10% -50820 Chinh linh ba襬 di騝h Thu綮c ba蘯 ch觎 t d鈛 t闾m nu靑 cho va蘯 n靋 li辬h ba靜 - -50821 N靋 ma蘵 餺 La蘭 chi靚 痿騝 d騝 ma靧 痍 la蘭 thu綮c b粢 khi chi觎n 疴靧 | Vi 瘕c la蘭 chi靚 n阯 m艮i loa騣 thu綮c co c鬾g du騨g kha靋 nhau -50822 N靋 ma蘵 h籼ng La蘭 chi靚 hoa騮 t鈓 d騝 痍 la蘭 thu綮c b粢 chi觎n 疴靧 | Vi 瘕躜c la蘭 chi靚 n阯 m艮i loa騣 thu綮c co c鬾g du騨g kha靋 nhau -50823 N靋 ma蘵 va蘮g La蘭 chi靚 chinh linh ba襬 d騝 痍 la蘭 thu綮c b粢 chi觎n 疴靧 | Vi 瘕躜c la蘭 chi靚 n阯 m艮i loa騣 thu綮c co c鬾g du騨g kha靋 nhau -50824 N靋 ma蘵 xanh la La蘭 chi靚 chinh b粢 hoa蘮 d騝 痍 la蘭 thu綮c b粢 chi觎n 疴靧 | Vi 瘕躜c la蘭 chi靚 n阯 m艮i loa騣 thu綮c co c鬾g du騨g kha靋 nhau -50825 N靋 ma蘵 xanh dng La蘭 chi靚 chinh hoa騮 t鈓 d騝 痍 la蘭 thu綮c b粢 chi觎n 疴靧 | Vi 瘕躜c la蘭 chi靚 n阯 m艮i loa騣 thu綮c co c鬾g du騨g kha靋 nhau -50826 N靋 ma蘵 tr沆ng La蘭 chi靚 chinh 痿騝 d騝 ma靧 痍 la蘭 thu綮c b粢 chi觎n 疴靧 | Vi 瘕躜c la蘭 chi靚 n阯 m艮i loa騣 thu綮c co c鬾g du騨g kha靋 nhau - -50901 Bi蘮h thu綮c r艮ng Bi蘮h thu綮c r艮ng du蘮g khi ba蘯 ch觎 thu綮c - -50902 Th nh怛p m鬾 thu怛t ch觎 ta騩 -50903 Th s du騨g thu怛t ch觎 ta騩 -50904 Th s du騨g thu怛t ch觎 ta騩 c忪p cao - -50905 Hoa蘮 t鈓 di騝h ch觎 ta騩 pha靝 -50906 Tr 痿騝 di騝h ch觎 ta騩 pha靝 -50907 Ba靜 hoa蘮 di騝h ch觎 ta騩 pha靝 -50908 Linh ba襬 di騝h ch觎 ta騩 pha靝 -50909 Chinh tr 痿騝 ch觎 ta騩 pha靝 -50910 Hoa騮 t鈓 di騝h ch觎 ta騩 pha靝 - -60001 Hu蘮g 餫襪 -60002 Th ti觎n c ng蘨 gi kho -60003 Chng phi觎u anh hu蘮g - -70001 N th馓n nh鈔 hi蘮h -70002 Ba蘮 tay th ba -70003 Lu騝 餫o La m趄t quy暌n Binh pha靝 th 餫騣 di牝n cho b趄 V kinh th忪t th | La m趄t trong nhng cu綮n sa靋h v晏 binh ho騝 cu襛 Trang Tha靑 C鬾g | Sau khi s du騨g, khi tr跻 tha蘮h thu li辬h b鉵g 餫襫g, ba襫 th鈔 va tha蘮h vi阯 b鉵g 餫襫g se 瘕躜c thang th阭 30% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m. -70004 Hu鈔 chng c馓n cu La ph馓n th襫g da蘮h cho ng蘨 th怛t si阯g n鉵g va tha蘮h th怛t Khi s du騨g co th暌 l忪y th阭 nhi晏u chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m. |Sau khi 餰o va蘯 kh鬾g th暌 tha靜 ra. -70005 Nh廪n kinh nghi牝m La chi觎c nh廪n trang sc th s ma ca靋 anh hu蘮g th跆i c粢 餫騣 tng du蘮g 瘕躜c truy晏n la騣 痍靚 b鈟 gi跆. Khi s du騨g co th暌 l忪y th阭 nhi晏u chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m. |Sau khi 餰o va蘯 kh鬾g th暌 tha靜 ra. -70006 Nh廪n ng鬾 ng La chi觎c nh廪n 瘕躜c la蘭 t lu靋 T晏 Qu綮c m蹯i bi ph鈔 chia tha蘮h ba n靋 Thi阯 Ta靜, Tr馓n L艮, T馓n Thu襶 nh闾m th綮ng nh忪t ng鬾 ng ba n靋. Th蘮g du蘮g trong ngoa騣 giao, nh齨g hi牝n nay nh廪n na蘺 kh鬾g co蘮 nhi晏u. Co th暌 no靑 chuy牝n v蹯i ng蘨 thu趄c T晏 Qu綮c kha靋. -70007 Nh廪n di 痿騨g -70008 Ba騝h ky La c跆 ma蘵 tr沆ng co y nghi轪 la 疴蘵 ha蘮g. 恤i khi co v觎t ma蘵 餺 跻 gia la c跆 bi暌u thi co ng蘨 bi thng n泸ng. Ng鉵 ch泸n s t忪n c鬾g cu襛 qua靑 v怛t 跻 xung quanh. -70009 H趄p ba襬 v怛t -70010 Phi觎u s du騨g kho -70011 Thu綮c n靋 t鉵g 疸襫g c忪p -70012 N靋 m沆t n th馓n N靋 m沆t cu襛 vu n Tha靑 Ho蘟 th跆i c粢 餫騣 an u襥 linh h籼n cu襛 ca靋 chi觎n si g泸p nguy hi暌m. Khi 餫ng s du騨g se gia襪 ti l牝 t粢n th忪t chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m khi ch觎t. -70013 N靋 m沆t n th馓n kh粢ng l籼 -70014 衋n d騝 ma靧 La vi阯 hoa蘮 d騝 瘕躜c c 疸騝 t ma靧 餺 cu襛 loa蘨 h齯 quy, tin 痿蘮 r闾ng thu綮c na蘺 co ta靋 du騨g ta騩 ra a襬 gia靋. Co th暌 chuy暌n 1 餴暌m chi陁 thc -70015 Bu靦 t ch觎t -70020 衋蘯 hoa tu R騯 la蘭 t hoa 餫蘯 ti阯 U綮ng va蘯 se h籼i phu騝 th暌 lc tc thi -70024 Chu艮i ha騮 chu靋 phu靋 Truy晏n thuy觎t k暌 r闾ng 疴y la chu艮i ha騮 chu靋 phu靋 do th馓n ban t泸ng Khi thu趄c ti靚h cu襛 item co 4 loa騣 thi 瘕躜c t鉵g th阭 1 loa騣 na. -70027 Gi忪y ghi chu v晏 vu khi Truy晏n thuy觎t k暌 r闾ng 疴y la t跆 gi忪y ghi che靝 v晏 vu khi do ng蘨 bu鬾 ba靚 vu khi 痍 la騣 | Tu騝 truy晏n r闾ng tr阯 gi忪y co ghi bi quy觎t ca襥 thi牝n vu khi. Khi ca襥 thi牝n item 疸襫g c忪p 4 l阯 疸襫g c忪p 5 se tha蘮h c鬾g 100%. -70035 Va騨 ni阯 ha蘮 thi觎t La loa騣 thi觎t t綮t nh忪t trong ca靋 loa騣 thi觎t 瘕躜c ti蘭 th忪y 跻 vu蘮g cao nguy阯 r忪t cao | S du騨g th chu靋 phu靋 痍 ta騩 ra th chu靋 phu靋 cu襛 vo th馓n. -70037 Mang gia靋 th B趄 sa靋h g籼m 2 cu綮n, ng蘨 餫 餺騝 sa靋h na蘺 se bi qu阯 h觎t ca靋 chi陁 thc Co th暌 chuy暌n 1 餴暌m chi陁 thc chi觎n d忪u. -70038 A靜 khoa靋 du辬g khi Ca靋 chi觎n si anh hu蘮g th跆i c粢 餫騣 m鉩 a靜 khoa靋 ma蘵 痍 g鈟 s chu y t忪n c鬾g cu襛 餴騝h 痍 餺 sc v蹯i mi蘮h. Go騣 qua靑 v怛t xung quanh mi蘮h 痍靚. S du騨g 1 l馓n. -70039 Bi chi觎n th nha c鬾g La bi chi觎n th co linh h籼ng cu襛 th躜 re蘮, la蘭 t鉵g ti l牝 ca襥 thi牝n khi ca襥 thi牝n item -70040 S c綮 ch忪p cu襛 hu蘮g quy Gia襪 m趄t na l騨g mo靚 鉵 mang la騣 sc de襬 dai -70043 G鉵g tay cu襛 t阯 c靝 G鉵g tay cu襛 t阯 c靝 lng danh tr跆i c粢 餫騣 Khi s du騨g, ti l牝 drop item se t鉵g l阯. -70047 Nh廪n ng鬾 ng (m廪u) Co th暌 no靑 chuy牝n v蹯i ng蘨 跻 n靋 T晏 Qu綮c kha靋 -70048 A靜 khoa靋 cu襛 nha tu kh粢 ha騨h A靜 choa蘮g 瘕躜c nhng ng蘨 cha騳 tr綮n th蘮g s du騨g, gia tri cu襛 no kh鬾g th暌 ti靚h 瘕躜c Khi s du騨g, se d忪u 瘕躜c chi s綮 thi牝n a靋 cu襛 mi蘮h. -70049 Nh廪n may m沆n Nh廪n co kha靋 ch 瘕躜c th馓n r籼ng h趄 ma騨g Khi s du騨g, se ng鉵 ch泸n 瘕躜c s drop item khi bi ch觎t. -70050 Chng phi觎u cu襛 ti阯 vng Ai co chng phi觎u cu襛 ti阯 vng th跆i c粢 餫騣 se co quy晏n lc to l蹯n trong tay Khi s du騨g s h籼i phu騝 chi s綮 thi牝n a靋 se nhah g忪p 痿i. -70051 G鉵g tay cu襛 ti阯 vng Ai co m趄t trong ca靋 di v怛t cu襛 ti阯 vng th跆i c粢 餫騣 se co sc ma騨h v bi阯 Sau khi s du騨g, s h籼i phu騝 chi s綮 thi牝n a靋 khi b沆n se nhanh g忪p 痿i. -70052 Si陁 tai phu La bu蘟 cu襛 nha Ph怛t, n觎u u靝 xu綮ng thi se ng鉵 ch泸n 瘕躜c 餴晏m d. -70053 Ta騣 v鉵 餫騣 k觎t phu La bu蘟 cu襛 nha Ph怛t, n觎u u靝 xu綮ng thi se ng鉵 ch泸n 瘕躜c 餴晏m d. -70054 Tam tai d pho蘮g phu La bu蘟 cu襛 nha Ph怛t, n觎u u靝 xu綮ng thi se ng鉵 ch泸n 瘕躜c 餴晏m d. - -70102 Ti阯 phong Khi s du騨g se gia襪 chi s綮 a靋 | t鉵g chi s綮 thi牝n - -70104 恤騨 gia靝 cu Co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t gi綮ng nh hi蘮h kh沆c tr阯 ha騮 ngo騝 -70105 恤騨 gia靝 cu Co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t gi綮ng nh hi蘮h kh沆c tr阯 ha騮 ngo騝 -70106 恤騨 gia靝 cu Co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t gi綮ng nh hi蘮h kh沆c tr阯 ha騮 ngo騝 -70107 恤騨 gia靝 cu Co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t gi綮ng nh hi蘮h kh沆c tr阯 ha騮 ngo騝 - -70201 Thu綮c phai ma蘵 La蘭 ma蘵 to靋 tr跻 la騣 nh ma蘵 to靋 nguy阯 thu襶. To靋 餫 phai ma蘵 co th暌 nhu趄m la騣 ngay -70202 Thu綮c nhu趄m to靋 (tr沆ng) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 tr沆ng |Co th暌 nhu趄m to靋 v蹯i chu ki la 3 level -70203 Thu綮c nhu趄m to靋 (va蘮g) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 va蘮g |Co th暌 nhu趄m to靋 v蹯i chu ki la 3 level -70204 Thu綮c nhu趄m to靋 (餺) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 餺 |Co th暌 nhu趄m to靋 v蹯i chu ki la 3 level -70205 Thu綮c nhu趄m to靋 (n鈛) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 n鈛 |Co th暌 nhu趄m to靋 v蹯i chu ki la 3 level -70206 Thu綮c nhu趄m to靋 (餰n) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 餰n |Co th暌 nhu趄m to靋 v蹯i chu ki la 3 level - -70301 Nh廪n 痿i La nh廪n du蘮g cho hai ng蘨 餫ng y陁 nhau 痍 chng minh ti蘮h y陁 da蘮h cho nhau Item c馓n cho 餫靘 c靑 -70302 Nh廪n c靑 Nh廪n c靑 瘕躜c s du騨g nh la gi忪y h鬾 thu khi s du騨g se 瘕躜c v躜 / ch籼ng warp - - -71001 Chu靉 nha辬 thu怛t th Khi hu忪n luy牝n chi陁 thc th忪t ba騣 co th暌 gia襥 h觎t t庖u ho襛 nh怛p ma -71002 Bi chi觎n th mang gia靋 La蘭 qu阯 tri nh蹯 va ca靋 chi陁 thc cu襛 mi蘮h Co th暌 la cho騨 la騣 qu鈔 痿騣 -71003 Ta蘨 li牝u s khai ho靉 chi陁 thc S khai ho靉 餴暌m chi陁 thc -71004 Th馓n r籼ng phu h趄 Khi s du騨g se ng鉵 ch泸n 瘕躜c 100% s gia襪 chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m -71005 Nh廪n ng鬾 ng Co th暌 s du騨g ng鬾 ng cu襛 toa蘮 T晏 Qu綮c. -71006 Nh廪n ng鬾 ng Co th暌 s du騨g ng鬾 ng cu襛 toa蘮 T晏 Qu綮c. -71007 Nh廪n ng鬾 ng Co th暌 s du騨g ng鬾 ng cu襛 toa蘮 T晏 Qu綮c. -71008 Nguy牝t san ng t鈓 Ti l牝 b沆t 瘕躜c ca cao c忪p t鉵g g忪p 痿i. -71009 Quy晏n m跻 r趄ng nha kho T鉵g nha kho 1 gian l阯 tha蘮h 3 gian -71010 Ba蘮 tay th 3 Khi b沆n qua靑 v怛t se t 痿騨g nh泸t 瘕躜c ti晏n r鮥 xu綮ng -71011 M泸t na nhi牝t ti蘮h Khi s du騨g co th暌 bi暌u l趄 ti蘮h ca襪. -71012 Lu騝 餫o Khi tr跻 tha蘮h thu li辬h b鉵g 餫襫g thi ba襫 th鈔 va ca靋 tha蘮h vi阯 b鉵g 餫襫g 瘕躜c t鉵g 30% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m. -71013 Pha靜 tre du蘮g cho l贽 h趄i 恤 du蘮g trang tri l贽 h趄i l Pha靜 tre du蘮g la蘭 pha靜 hoa -71014 Khoa靑 t綮c tu T綮c 痿 t忪n c鬾g nhanh h鮪 10% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71015 Nh廪n kinh nghi牝m T鉵g 20% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m khi b沆n| Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71016 G鉵g tay cu襛 t阯 c靝 T鉵g 1,5 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t item khi b沆n| Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71017 恤蘮g ti晏n va蘮g may m沆n T鉵g 2 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t ti晏n khi b沆n| Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71018 Sinh lc hoa蘮 H籼i phu騝 tc thi 100% sinh lc. -71019 Tri lc hoa蘮 H籼i phu騝 tc thi 100% tri lc. -71020 Long th馓n hoa蘮 H籼i phu騝 100% sinh lc va tri lc tc thi. -71021 Th chu靋 phu靋 cu襛 v th馓n Th chu靋 phu靋 cu襛 v th鈔 giu靝 ba騨 tha蘮h c鬾g 100% trong vi牝c ca襥 thi牝n item t +0~+3 -71022 Mang gia靋 th n鉵g lc Co th暌 s khai ho靉 tri n鉵g. -71023 Mang gia靋 th th暌 lc Co th暌 s khai ho靉 th暌 lc. -71024 Mang gia靋 th sc lc Co th暌 s khai ho靉 sc lc. -71025 Nha c鬾g tha騝h La khoa靚g tha騝h 瘕躜c ta騩 b跻i m籼 h鬷 va ma靧 cu襛 nhng ng蘨 th躜 re蘮 跻 lo re蘮 -71026 Hi牝n thi觎t Khi s du騨g cu蘮g v蹯i th chu靋 phu靋 co th暌 ca襥 thi牝n tha蘮h th chu靋 phu靋 cu襛 long th馓n -71027 Sinh ma騨g cu襛 long th馓n Sinh lc t綮i 餫 +20% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71028 T忪n c鬾g cu襛 long th馓n Khi t忪n c鬾g, mc thi牝t ha騣 t鉵g l阯 12~15% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71029 Tri n鉵g cu襛 long th馓n Tri lc t綮i 餫 +20% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71030 Pho蘮g ng cu襛 long th馓n Khi pho蘮g ng, mc thi牝t ha騣 gia襪 xu綮ng 12~15% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71031 Tr躜 giu靝 cu襛 long th馓n T鉵g th暌 lc, sc lc, tri lc, 痿 nhanh nhe騨 cu襛 nh鈔 v怛t l阯 5 餴暌m cho m艮i loa騣. -71032 Th chu靋 phu靋 cu襛 long th馓n Khi ca襥 thi牝n item, t鉵g 10% ti l牝 ca襥 thi牝n item, n觎u ca襥 thi牝n item th忪t ba騣 thi item kh鬾g bi m忪t 餴. -71033 M泸t na nhi牝t ti蘮h Khi s du騨g co th暌 bi暌u l趄 ti蘮h ca襪. -71034 Khoa靑 t綮c tu+ T綮c 痿 t忪n c鬾g nhanh h鮪 15% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71035 Thu綮c n靋 huy贽n ho泸c Ti l牝 疸ng ky item thu th怛p cao h鮪 80%. -71036 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th cu襛 hu蘮g quy t趄c tr襫g Co th暌 go騣 hu蘮g quy t趄c tr襫g 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71037 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th cu襛 gia靜 chu m怛t gia靜 Co th暌 go騣 gia靜 chu M怛t gia靜 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71038 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th cu襛 n vng nh牝n Co th暌 go騣 n vng nh牝n 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71039 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th cu襛 ru蘟 sa ma騝 kh粢ng l籼 Co th暌 go騣 ru蘟 sa ma騝 kh粢ng l籼 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71040 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th cu襛 ho襛 di牝m vng Co th暌 go騣 ho襛 di牝m vng 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71041 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th cu襛 ca靜 gia Co th暌 go騣 ca靜 gia 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71042 Ta quy vng ti陁 hoa蘮 th Co th暌 go騣 ta quy vng 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71043 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th quy h粢 va蘮g Co th暌 go騣 quy h粢 va蘮g 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71044 Ti蘮h hi蘮h g鈟 c忪n Ti l牝 nguy c忪p +10% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 10 phu靦 -71045 Gi忪y phe靝 th鬾g ha蘮h Ti l牝 t忪n c鬾g quan th鬾g +10% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 10 phu靦 -71047 恤蘮g nghi牝p va hoa蘨 ba辭 L忪y linh tha騝h n闾m trong ng鉵 瘕騨g item ra -71048 Bi ki靝 hoan thanh La c鈛 th馓n chu t th跆i c粢 餫騣 | Co th暌 thay 痿襥 gi蹯i ti靚h cu襛 nh鈔 v怛t -71049 Tu靑 瘕騨g b闾ng va襥 Co th暌 s du騨g ca ha蘮g ri阯g thoa襥 ma靑 trong th跆i gian nh忪t 餴騨h -71050 Ly t綮c tu T綮c 痿 di chuy暌n nhanh l阯 60%. -71051 Ch鈔 bi th ta騣 gia T鉵g th阭 2 thu趄c ti靚h va蘯 nhng thu趄c ti靚h 餫 co s戕n. -71052 Ch鈔 bi th ta騣 kinh Khi s du騨g ch鈔 bi th ta騣 gia co th暌 thay 痿襥 thu趄c ti靚h 餫 瘕躜c th阭 va蘯 -71053 Khi s du騨g se t鉵g 2 l馓n s phu騝 h籼i chi s綮 thi牝n a靋 -71054 Mang m牝nh th T晏 Qu綮c Co th暌 thay 痿襥 sang T晏 Qu綮c kha靋 1 l馓n -71055 Khai minh th 恤襥 t阯 cho nh鈔 v怛t -71056 H鮥 th跻 cu襛 thanh long T鉵g 2 l馓n ti l牝 tha蘮h c鬾g khi ca襥 thi牝n linh tha騝h +4 tha蘮h linh tha騝h +5 -71057 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th ho靉 tha騝h m趄c khoa靚g ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 mo ho靉 tha騝h m趄c 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71058 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th 痿蘮g 餺 khoa靚g ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 mo 痿蘮g 餺 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71059 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th ng鈔 ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 m跻 ba騝 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71060 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th kim ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 mo va蘮g 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71061 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th ngo騝 tha騝h ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 mo c庖m tha騝h 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71062 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th g艮 mun tha騝h ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 mo 餫 g艮 mun 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71063 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th 痿靚g ngo騝 trai Co th暌 go騣 mo ngo騝 trai 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71064 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th ba騝h kim ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 mo ba騝h kim 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71065 T陁 hoa蘮 th thu襶 tinh tha騝h ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 mo thu襶 tinh tha騝h 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71066 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th thu襶 tinh thch ti靘 Co th暌 go騣 mo thu襶 tinh tha騝h ti靘 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71067 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th thi阯 lam tha騝h khoa靚g ma騝h Co th暌 go騣 m跻 thi阯 lam tha騝h 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71068 L鬾g uy阯 ng Khi 餰o va蘯, chi s綮 kim thu怛t se t鉵g nhanh. -71069 Hoa tai ho蘟 thu怛n La蘭 t鉵g ti l牝 quan th鬾g cu蘮g v蹯i v躜 / ch籼ng -71070 Nh廪n ti蘮h y陁 La蘭 t鉵g chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m l忪y 瘕躜c cu蘮g v蹯i v躜 / ch籼ng -71071 Hoa tai ti蘮h y陁 La蘭 t鉵g ti l牝 t忪n c鬾g chi ma騨g cu蘮g v蹯i v躜 / ch籼ng -71072 Nh廪n ho蘟 thu怛n Gia襪 sc t忪n c鬾g cu襛 qua靑 v怛t -71073 D鈟 chuy晏n ti蘮h y陁 T鉵g sc t忪n c鬾g cu蘮g v蹯i v躜 / ch籼ng -71074 D鈟 chuy晏n ho蘟 thu怛n T鉵g sc pho蘮g ng cu蘮g v蹯i v躜 / ch籼ng -71075 Thu綮c nhu趄m (tr沆ng) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 tr沆ng. -71076 Thu綮c nhu趄m (va蘮g) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 va蘮g. -71077 Thu綮c nhu趄m (餺) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 餺. -71078 Thu綮c nhu趄m (n鈛) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 n鈛. -71079 Thu綮c nhu趄m (餰n) Nhu趄m to靋 ma蘵 餰n. -71080 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th Metin tha騝h s c忪p Co th暌 go騣 Metin tha騝h s c忪p 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71081 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th Metin tha騝h trung c忪p Co th暌 go騣 Metin tha騝h trung c忪p 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71082 Ti陁 hoa蘮 th Metin tha騝h cao c忪p Co th暌 go騣 Metin tha騝h cao c忪p 痍靚 xung quanh nh鈔 v怛t. -71083 C鬾g thi靋h bi th Loa騣 bo 餫 n闾m trong ng鉵 瘕騨g item va co th暌 s du騨g la騣 ng鉵 瘕騨g item -71084 Ta騣 kinh bi th S khai ho靉 thu趄c ti靚h cu襛 item va cho thu趄c ti靚h m蹯i -71085 Ta騣 gia bi th Cho thu趄c ti靚h nhng item ch齛 co thu趄c ti靚h -71086 Nhi牝m vu t鉵g level (20 ~ 29) -71087 Nhi牝m vu t鉵g level (30 ~ 39) -71088 Th nh怛n nhi牝m vu (s c忪p) -71089 Th nh怛n nhi牝m vu (trung c忪p) -71090 Th nh怛n nhi牝m vu (cao c忪p) -71091 Tu靑 i牝n quang ba襫 Co th暌 thay 痿蘨 ma蘵 ch tr阯 ba襫g t阯 cu襛 ca hi牝u -71092 恤騨 gia靝 thu怛t th S du騨g 痿騨 gia靝 c馓u 痍 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t -71093 恤騨 gia靝 cu Co th暌 bi觎n tha蘮h qua靑 v怛t ve tr阯 ha騮 ngo騝 -71094 Gia靜 hu忪n cu襛 ti阯 nh鈔 T鉵g 2,5 l馓n ti l牝 tha蘮h c鬾g hu忪n luy牝n theo sa靋h (1 l馓n) -71097 T忪n c鬾g cu襛 long th馓n+ Khi t忪n c鬾g, mc thi牝t ha騣 t鉵g l阯 45~50% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71098 Pho蘮g ng cu襛 long th馓n+ Khi pho蘮g ng, mc thi牝t ha騣 gia襪 xu綮ng 45~50% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71101 T綮c anh tu T綮c 痿 疸騮 ha蘮g t鉵g nhanh 20%. Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71102 T綮c anh tu+ T綮c 痿 疸騮 ha蘮g t鉵g nhanh 30%. Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 -71103 V鉵 ba襫 s khai ho靉 th暌 lc S khai ho靉 th暌 lc -71104 V鉵 ba襫 s khai ho靉 tri lc S khai ho靉 tri lc -71105 V鉵 ba襫 s khai ho靉 sc lc S khai ho靉 sc lc -71106 V鉵 ba襫 s khai ho靉 痿 nhanh nhe騨 S khai ho靉 痿 nhanh nhe騨 -71107 衋蘯 ti阯 T鉵g 3000 餴暌m chi s綮 thi牝n a靋. -71108 衋蘯 hoa tu+ Hoa 餫蘯 ti阯 du蘮g 痍 ng鈓 r騯 cao c忪p U綮ng va蘯 se h籼i phu騝 th暌 lc tc thi -71109 Thoa靦 tha騝h th L忪y linh tha騝h cu綮i cu蘮g ra. -71110 Kh綮i 瘕跆ng lu騝 gia靋 秀騮 t阯 cho nga cu襛 mi蘮h |Sc pho蘮g ng +20! -71111 V蹯 thu襫g V蹯 bi thu襫g do du蘮g l鈛 nga蘺 | nh齨g n觎u treo l阯 c鈟 th鬾g noel thi ? -71112 Thoa靦 tha騝h th+ Cho騨 l忪y linh tha騝h ma ba騨 mu綮n -71113 Kinh kim cng Th鬾g qua ca c粢 chat bi暌u thi chi ti觎t item, ba騨 co th暌 ti陁 di牝t - -72001 Nh廪n kinh nghi牝m T鉵g 20% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m khi b沆n -72002 Nh廪n kinh nghi牝m T鉵g 20% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m khi b沆n -72003 Nh廪n kinh nghi牝m T鉵g 20% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m khi b沆n -72004 G鉵g tay cu襛 t阯 c靝 T鉵g 1,5 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t item khi b沆n -72005 G鉵g tay cu襛 t阯 c靝 T鉵g 1,5 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t item khi b沆n -72006 G鉵g tay cu襛 t阯 c靝 T鉵g 1,5 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t item khi b沆n -72007 Tu靑 瘕騨g b闾ng va襥 Co th暌 s du騨g ca ha蘮g ri阯g thoa襥 ma靑 trong th跆i gian nh忪t 餴騨h -72008 Tu靑 瘕騨g b闾ng va襥 Co th暌 s du騨g ca ha蘮g ri阯g thoa襥 ma靑 trong th跆i gian nh忪t 餴騨h -72009 Tu靑 瘕騨g b闾ng va襥 Co th暌 s du騨g ca ha蘮g ri阯g thoa襥 ma靑 trong th跆i gian nh忪t 餴騨h -72010 L鬾g uy阯 ng Khi s du騨g, chi s綮 kim thu怛t se t鉵g nhanh. -72011 L鬾g uy阯 ng Khi s du騨g, chi s綮 kim thu怛t se t鉵g nhanh. -72012 L鬾g uy阯 ng Khi s du騨g, chi s綮 kim thu怛t se t鉵g nhanh. -72013 Nguy牝t san ng t鈓 Ti l牝 b沆t 瘕躜c ca cao c忪p t鉵g 2 l馓n -72014 Nguy牝t san ng t鈓 Ti l牝 b沆t 瘕躜c ca cao cp t鉵g 2 l馓n -72015 Nguy牝t san ng t鈓 Ti l牝 b沆t 瘕躜c ca cao c忪p t鉵g 2 l馓n -72016 Ba蘮 tay th 3 Khi b沆n qua靑 v怛t se t 痿騨g nh泸t 瘕躜c ti晏n r鮥 xu綮ng -72017 Ba蘮 tay th 3 Khi b沆n qua靑 v怛t se t 痿騨g nh泸t 瘕躜c ti晏n r鮥 xu綮ng -72018 Ba蘮 tay th 3 Khi b沆n qua靑 v怛t se t 痿騨g nh泸t 瘕躜c ti晏n r鮥 xu綮ng -72019 Quy晏n m跻 r趄ng nha kho Trong th跆i gian cho phe靝, ba騨 co th暌 m跻 r趄ng nha kho tha蘮h 3 gian -72020 Quy晏n m跻 r趄ng nha kho Trong th跆i gian cho phe靝, ba騨 co th暌 m跻 r趄ng nha kho tha蘮h 3 gian -72021 Quy晏n m跻 r趄ng nha kho Trong th跆i gian cho phe靝, ba騨 co th暌 m跻 r趄ng nha kho tha蘮h 3 gian -72022 恤蘮g ti晏n va蘮g may m沆n T鉵g 2 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t ti晏n khi b沆n -72023 恤蘮g ti晏n va蘮g may m沆n T鉵g 2 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t ti晏n khi b沆n -72024 恤蘮g ti晏n va蘮g may m沆n T鉵g 2 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t ti晏n khi b沆n -72025 Gi忪y phe靝 th鬾g ha蘮h Ti l牝 quan th鬾g t忪n c鬾g +10% -72026 Gi忪y phe靝 th鬾g ha蘮h Ti l牝 quan th鬾g t忪n c鬾g +10% -72027 Gi忪y phe靝 th鬾g ha蘮h Ti l牝 quan th鬾g t忪n c鬾g +10% -72028 M泸t na nhi牝t ti蘮h Khi s du騨g co th暌 bi暌u l趄 ti蘮h ca襪. -72029 M泸t na nhi牝t ti蘮h Khi s du騨g co th暌 bi暌u l趄 ti蘮h ca襪. -72030 M泸t na nhi牝t ti蘮h Khi s du騨g co th暌 bi暌u l趄 ti蘮h ca襪. -72031 T忪n c鬾g cu襛 long th馓n Khi t忪n c鬾g, mc thi牝t ha騣 t鉵g l阯 12 ~ 15% -72032 T忪n c鬾g cu襛 long th馓n Khi t忪n c鬾g, mc thi牝t ha騣 t鉵g l阯 12 ~ 15% -72033 T忪n c鬾g cu襛 long th馓n Khi t忪n c鬾g, mc thi牝t ha騣 t鉵g l阯 12 ~ 15% -72034 Pho蘮g ng cu襛 long th馓n Khi pho蘮g ng, mc thi牝t ha騣 gia襪 xu綮ng 12 ~ 15% -72035 Pho蘮g ng cu襛 long th馓n Khi pho蘮g ng, mc thi牝t ha騣 gia襪 xu綮ng 12 ~ 15% -72036 Pho蘮g ng cu襛 long th馓n Khi pho蘮g ng, mc thi牝t ha騣 gia襪 xu綮ng 12 ~ 15% -72037 Sinh ma騨g cu襛 long th馓n Sinh lc t綮i 餫 +20% -72038 Sinh ma騨g cu襛 long th馓n Sinh lc t綮i 餫 +20% -72039 Sinh ma騨g cu襛 long th馓n Sinh lc t綮i 餫 +20% -72040 Tri n鉵g cu襛 long th馓n Tri lc t綮i 餫 +20% -72041 Tri n鉵g cu襛 long th馓n Tri lc t綮i 餫 +20% -72042 Tri n鉵g cu襛 long th馓n Tri lc t綮i 餫 +20% -72043 Lu騝 餫o Khi tr跻 tha蘮h thu li辬h b鉵g 餫襫g thi ba襫 th鈔 va ca靋 tha蘮h vi阯 b鉵g 餫襫g 瘕躜c t鉵g 30% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m. -72044 Lu騝 餫o Khi tr跻 tha蘮h thu li辬h b鉵g 餫襫g thi ba襫 th鈔 va ca靋 tha蘮h vi阯 b鉵g 餫襫g 瘕躜c t鉵g 30% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m. -72045 Lu騝 餫o Khi tr跻 tha蘮h thu li辬h b鉵g 餫襫g thi ba襫 th鈔 va ca靋 tha蘮h vi阯 b鉵g 餫襫g 瘕躜c t鉵g 30% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m. -72046 Ti蘮h hi蘮h g鈟 c忪n Ti l牝 nguy c忪p +10% -72047 Ti蘮h hi蘮h g鈟 c忪n Ti l牝 nguy c忪p +10% -72048 Ti蘮h hi蘮h g鈟 c忪n Ti l牝 nguy c忪p +10% - -72301 Th chu靋 phu靋 S du騨g cho trang bi th ca襥 thi牝n 瘕躜c chu靋 phu靋, n觎u ca襥 thi牝n thi n觎u co th忪t ba騣 thi cu辬g chi bi ha 疸襫g c忪p xu綮ng 1 b怛c. A靝 du騨g trc ti觎p va蘯 trang bi v鉵 th |Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72302 Lu騝 餫o La m趄t quy暌n Binh pha靝 th 餫騣 di牝n cho b趄 V kinh th忪t th | La m趄t trong nhng quy暌n binh ho騝 cu襛 Trang Tha靑 C鬾g | Sau khi s du騨g, khi tr跻 tha蘮h thu li辬h b鉵g 餫襫g thi ba襫 th鈔 va tha蘮h vi阯 b鉵g 餫襫g se 瘕躜c t鉵g th阭 30% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m | Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72303 Nh廪n kinh nghi牝m La chi觎c nh廪n trang sc th s ma ca靋 anh hu蘮g th跆i c粢 餫騣 tng du蘮g 瘕躜c truy晏n la騣 痍靚 b鈟 gi跆. Khi 餰o nh廪n kinh nghi牝m se 瘕躜c th阭 chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m | Sau khi 餰o va蘯 thi kh鬾g th暌 tha靜 ra | Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72304 Chu艮i ha騮 chu靋 phu靋 Truy晏n thuy觎t k暌 r闾ng 疴y la chu艮i ha騮 chu靋 phu靋 do th馓n ban t泸ng Khi thu趄c ti靚h cu襛 item co 4 loa騣 thi 瘕躜c t鉵g th阭 1 loa騣 na. | Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72305 Gng soi bi觎n m忪t Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72306 Gi忪y ghi chu v晏 vu khi Truy晏n thuy觎t k暌 r闾ng 疴y la t跆 gi忪y ghi che靝 v晏 vu khi do ng蘨 bu鬾 ba靚 vu khi 痍 la騣 | Tu騝 truy晏n r闾ng tr阯 gi忪y co ghi bi quy觎t ca襥 thi牝n vu khi. Khi ca襥 thi牝n item 疸襫g c忪p 4 l阯 疸襫g c忪p 5 se tha蘮h c鬾g 100%. | Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72307 Bi chi觎n th vu khi Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72308 Va騨 ni阯 ha蘮 thi觎t La loa騣 thi觎t t綮t nh忪t trong ca靋 loa騣 thi觎t 瘕躜c ti蘭 th忪y 跻 vu蘮g cao nguy阯 r忪t cao | S du騨g th chu靋 phu靋 痍 ta騩 ra th chu靋 phu靋 cu襛 vo th馓n. Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72309 Bi chi觎n th cu襛 th躜 re蘮 N觎u s du騨g bi chi觎n th co linh h籼n cu襛 th躜 re蘮, khi ca襥 thi牝n se t鉵g ti l牝 tha蘮h c鬾g Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72310 Chu靉 nha辬 thu怛t th Gia襥 t庖u ho襛 nh怛p ma khi hu忪n luy牝n th忪t ba騣 Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72311 Hoa蘮 cu襛 long th馓n H籼i phu騝 100% sinh lc va tri lc Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72312 T忪n c鬾g cu襛 long th馓n Khi t忪n c鬾g, mc thi牝t ha騣 t鉵g l阯 12 ~ 15% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72313 Pho蘮g ng cu襛 long th馓n Khi pho蘮g ng, mc thi牝t ha騣 gia襪 xu綮ng 12 ~ 15% | Th跆i gian li阯 tu騝 30 phu靦 Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72314 Th chu靋 phu靋 cu襛 long th馓n Khi ca襥 thi牝n item, ti l牝 ca襥 thi牝n t鉵g 10%, khi th忪t ba騣 kh鬾g bi m忪t item Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72315 Ly t綮c tu T綮c 痿 di chuy暌n t鉵g 60% Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72316 C鬾g thi靋h bi th Loa騣 bo 餫 n闾m trong ng鉵 瘕騨g item va co th暌 s du騨g la騣 ng鉵 瘕騨g item Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72317 Ta騣 kinh bi th S khai ho靉 thu趄c ti靚h cu襛 item va cho thu趄c ti靚h m蹯i Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 -72318 Ta騣 gia bi th Cho thu趄c ti靚h nhng item ch齛 co thu趄c ti靚h Item b籼i th蘮g nhi牝m vu | Kh鬾g 瘕躜c trao 痿襥, mua ba靚 ho泸c bo 餴 - -72501 Nh廪n kinh nghi牝m (du蘮g cho pho蘮g ma靬 ti靚h 痍 ba蘮) T鉵g 20% chi s綮 kinh nghi牝m khi b沆n trong pho蘮g ma靬 ti靚h 痿蘮g minh -72502 G鉵g tay cu襛 t阯 c靝 (du蘮g cho pho蘮g ma靬 ti靚h 痍 ba蘮) T鉵g 1,5 l馓n ti l牝 m忪t item khi b沆n trong pho蘮g ma靬 ti靚h 痿蘮g minh - -72701 Gia蘺 gio L忪y sc gio cho gia蘺 痍襫 di chuy暌n 瘕躜c nhanh h鮪 T綮c 痿 di chuy暌n+30 - -72703 Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 se t鉵g 300 餴暌m chi s綮 tuy牝t 痿靑 sc t忪n c鬾g. 50 gi跆 -72704 Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng se t鉵g 300 餴暌m chi s綮 tuy牝t 痿靑 sc pho蘮g ng. 50 gi跆 -72705 Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 se t鉵g 30% sc t忪n c鬾g. 50 gi跆 -72706 Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng se t鉵g 30% sc pho蘮g ng. 50 gi跆 - -72709 Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 se t鉵g 300 餴暌m chi s綮 tuy牝t 痿靑 sc t忪n c鬾g. 20 gi跆 -72710 Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng Hoa tai kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng se t鉵g 300 餴暌m chi s綮 tuy牝t 痿靑 sc pho蘮g ng. 20 gi跆 -72711 Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h h粢 se t鉵g 30% sc t忪n c鬾g. 20 gi跆 -72712 Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng Vo蘮g 餰o tay kh沆c hi蘮h r籼ng se t鉵g 30% sc pho蘮g ng. 20 gi跆 - -73001 To靋 c沆t ng沆n ki暌u bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (ma蘵 餺) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n ma蘵 餺 da蘮h cho vo si thi靋h c 痿騝 -73002 To靋 c沆t ng沆n ki暌u bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 da蘮h cho vo si thi靋h c 痿騝 -73003 To靋 c沆t ng沆n ki暌u bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i da蘮h cho vo si thi靋h c 痿騝 -73004 To靋 c沆t ng沆n ki暌u bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (ma蘵 n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n ma蘵 n鈛 da蘮h cho vo si thi靋h c 痿騝 -73005 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (ma蘵 餺) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 ma蘵 餺 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g -73006 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (hoa v鉵 ch v) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 co hoa v鉵 ch v 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g -73007 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (ma蘵 xanh dng) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 ma蘵 xanh dng 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g -73008 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (hoa v鉵 ma蘵 xanh la) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 co hoa v鉵 ma蘵 xanh la 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g -73009 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (ma蘵 餰n) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t ma蘵 餰n, ca靋 疴靧 si c粢 餫騣 齛 du蘮g -73010 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (ma蘵 餺) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t ma蘵 餺, ca靋 疴靧 si c粢 餫騣 齛 du蘮g -73011 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮, ca靋 疴靧 si c粢 餫騣 齛 du蘮g -73012 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (ma蘵 xanh la nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t ma蘵 xanh la nha騮, ca靋 疴靧 si c粢 餫騣 齛 du蘮g - -73251 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (ma蘵 n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 n鈛 -73252 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (ma蘵 xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 xanh la -73253 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (ma蘵 xanh dng) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 xanh dng -73254 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (ma蘵 kem) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 kem -73255 C沆t ng沆n va (ma蘵 餺) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 餺 -73256 C沆t ng沆n va (ma蘵 n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 n鈛 -73257 C沆t ng沆n va (ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 -73258 C沆t ng沆n va (ma蘵 ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 ti靘 -73259 C沆t ng沆n (ma蘵 餺) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 餰n -73260 C沆t ng沆n (ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i -73261 C沆t ng沆n (ma蘵 餰n) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 餰n -73262 C沆t ng沆n (ma蘵 va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 va蘮g - -73501 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (ma蘵 tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 tr沆ng -73502 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (ma蘵 n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 n鈛 -73503 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (ma蘵 va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 va蘮g -73504 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (ma蘵 xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 xanh la -73505 Uy ti靚 (ma蘵 tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 tr沆ng -73506 Uy ti靚 (ma蘵 餺) Ki暌u to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 餺 -73507 Uy ti靚 (ma蘵 餰n) Ki暌u to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 餰n -73508 Uy ti靚 (ma蘵 ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 ti靘 -73509 To靋 餴nh (ma蘵 tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 tr沆ng tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g -73510 To靋 餴nh (ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g -73511 To靋 餴nh (ma蘵 餰n) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 餰n tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g -73512 To靋 餴nh (ma蘵 n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 n鈛 tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g - -73751 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b靘 (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 n鈛 -73752 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b齧 (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 餰n -73753 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b靘 (xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i -73754 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b靘 (tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 tr沆ng -73755 To靋 ng沆n (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 n鈛 -73756 To靋 ng沆n (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 餰n -73757 To靋 ng沆n (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 va蘮g -73758 To靋 ng沆n (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 ti靘 -73759 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 -73760 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 va蘮g -73761 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 ti靘 -73762 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 n鈛 - - - - -74001 Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (餺) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n da蘮h cho nhng vo si thi靋h c 痿騝, ma蘵 餺 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74002 Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n da蘮h cho nhng vo si thi靋h c 痿騝, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74003 Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n da蘮h cho nhng vo si thi靋h c 痿騝, ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74004 Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n bi暌u hi牝n s lo l沆ng (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n da蘮h cho nhng vo si thi靋h c 痿騝, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74005 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (餺) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 ma蘵 餺 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74006 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (hoa v鉵 hi蘮h ch v) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 co hoa v鉵 hi蘮h ch v 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74007 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (xanh dng) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 ma蘵 xanh dng 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74008 D鈟 bu趄c to靋 (xanh la) Bu趄c to靋 b闾ng d鈟 ma蘵 xanh la 痍 gi cho to靋 go騨 ga蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74009 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t, ma蘵 餰n, 疴y la ki暌u to靋 ma ca靋 疴靧 si th跆i c粢 餫騣 齛 thi靋h S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74010 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (餺) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t, ma蘵 餺, 疴y la ki暌u to靋 ma ca靋 疴靧 si th跆i c粢 餫騣 齛 thi靋h S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74011 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t, ma蘵 n鈛 nht, 疴y la ki暌u to靋 ma ca靋 疴靧 si th跆i c粢 餫騣 齛 thi靋h S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74012 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (xanh la non) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 c趄t, ma蘵 xanh la non, 疴y la ki暌u to靋 ma ca靋 疴靧 si th跆i c粢 餫騣 齛 thi靋h S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - -74251 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74252 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 xanh la S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74253 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (xanh dng) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 xanh dng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74254 To靋 饀鬷 nga c趄t cao (kem) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 y陁 thi靋h, ma蘵 kem S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74255 C沆t ng沆n va (餺) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 餺 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74256 C沆t ng沆n va (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74257 C沆t ng沆n va (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74258 C沆t ng沆n va (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n va pha襥 ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 ti靘 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74259 C沆t ng沆n (餺) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74260 C沆t ng沆n (xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74261 C沆t ng沆n (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74262 C沆t ng沆n (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n t怛p trung va蘯 s vaajnt 痿騨g cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, thu怛t l躜i cho vi牝c t忪n c鬾g nhanh, ma蘵 va蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - -74501 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cua tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ne靦 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 tr沆ng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74502 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cua tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ne靦 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74503 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cua tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ne靦 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 va蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74504 To靋 c沆t ki暌u kho襡 kho沆n (xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cua tu la 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ne靦 n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 xanh la S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74505 Uy ti靚 (tr沆ng) Kiu to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 tr沆ng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74506 Uy ti靚 (餺) Ki暌u to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 餺 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74507 Uy ti靚 (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74508 Uy ti靚 (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 xo轪 t 餴襫h 疴蘵 xu綮ng ta騩 n阯 s uy ti靚, ma蘵 ti靘 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74509 To靋 餴nh (tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 tr沆ng tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74510 To靋 餴nh (xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74511 To靋 餴nh (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 餰n tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74512 To靋 餴nh (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 nhi蘮 h鮥 x忪u xi nh齨g ma蘵 tr沆ng 餴暌m tr阯 to靋 餴nh ma蘵 n鈛 tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪, tr鬾g 忪n t騨g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - -74751 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b靘 (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74752 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b靘 (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74753 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b靘 (xanh da tr跆i) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 xanh da tr跆i S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74754 Ke騪 to靋 hi蘮h b靘 (tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 ke騪 go騨 ga蘮g, ma蘵 tr沆ng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74755 To靋 ng沆n (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74756 To靋 ng沆n (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74757 To靋 ngn (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 va蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74758 To靋 ng沆n (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c c沆t ng沆n ta騩 ca襪 gia靋 kho襡 kho沆n, ma蘵 ti靘 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74759 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74760 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 va蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74761 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 ti靘 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -74762 To靋 da蘨 ngang l齨g (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 cu襛 phu thu襶 瘕躜c t 餴暌m th阭 m趄t chu靦 ta騩 ne靦 n ti靚h, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - - - - -75001 To靋 bu靑 d贽 thng (餺) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 hai b阯 nh忪n ma騨h ne靦 duy阯 da靚g cu襛 n phu thu襶, ma蘵 餺 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75002 To靋 bu靑 d贽 thng (h籼ng nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 hai b阯 nh忪n ma騨h ne靦 duy阯 da靚g cu襛 n phu thu襶, h籼ng nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75003 To靋 bu靑 d贽 thng (xanh dng nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 hai b阯 nh忪n ma騨h ne靦 duy阯 da靚g cu襛 n phu thu襶, ma蘵 xanh dng nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75004 To靋 bu靑 d贽 thng (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 hai b阯 nh忪n ma騨h ne靦 duy阯 da靚g cu襛 n phu thu襶, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75005 To靋 c沆t ng沆n (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 n鈛, 餴暌m th阭 d鈟 bu趄c to靋 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75006 To靋 c沆t ng沆n (kem) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 kem, 餴暌m th阭 d鈟 bu趄c to靋 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75007 To靋 c沆t ng沆n (xanh dng nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 xanh dng nha騮, 餴暌m th阭 d鈟 bu趄c to靋 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75008 To靋 c沆t ng沆n (xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 c沆t ng沆n n鉵g 痿騨g, ma蘵 xanh la, 餴暌m th阭 d鈟 bu趄c to靋 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75009 To靋 chi bu趄c phi靉 sau (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 phi靉 sau 痍 nh忪n ma騨h phi靉 sau ga靬, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75010 To靋 chi bu趄c phi靉 sau (h籼ng nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 phi靉 sau 痍 nh忪n ma騨h phi靉 sau ga靬, ma蘵 h籼ng nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75011 To靋 chi bu趄c phi靉 sau (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 phi靉 sau 痍 nh忪n ma騨h phi靉 sau ga靬, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75012 To靋 chi bu趄c phi靉 sau (xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 bu靑 phi靉 sau 痍 nh忪n ma騨h phi靉 sau ga靬, ma蘵 xanh la S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - -75201 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 齛 thi靋h, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75202 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 齛 thi靋h, ma蘵 xanh la S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75203 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (xanh dng) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 齛 thi靋h, ma蘵 xanh dng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75204 To靋 da蘨 c趄t (kem) Ki暌u to靋 饀鬷 nga 瘕躜c nhi晏u ba騨 ga靑 齛 thi靋h, ma蘵 kem S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75205 Kh鉵 痿騣 疴蘵 (tr沆ng) 恤騣 kh鉵 ma蘵 tr沆ng 痍 gi n觎p to靋. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75206 Kh鉵 痿騣 疴蘵 (xanh la 餰n) 恤騣 kh鉵 ma蘵 xanh la 餰n 痍 gi n觎p to靋. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75207 Kh鉵 痿騣 疴蘵 (ma蘵 疴靦 son) 恤騣 kh鉵 ma蘵 son 疴靦 痍 gi n觎p to靋. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75208 Kh鉵 痿騣 疴蘵 (餺) 恤騣 kh鉵 ma蘵 餺 痍 gi n觎p to靋. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75209 To靋 c沆t ki暌u shaggy (餺) Ki暌u to靋 chu tro騨g 痍靚 s di chuy暌n cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, tr鬾g co ve nhanh nhe騨 h鮪, ma蘵 餺 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75210 To靋 c沆t ki暌u shaggy (xanh dng) Ki暌u to靋 chu tro騨g 痍靚 s di chuy暌n cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, tr鬾g co ve nhanh nhe騨 h鮪, ma蘵 xanh dng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75211 To靋 c沆t ki暌u shaggy (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 chu tro騨g 痍靚 s di chuy暌n cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, tr鬾g co ve nhanh nhe騨 h鮪, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75212 To靋 c沆t ki暌u shaggy (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 chu tro騨g 痍靚 s di chuy暌n cu襛 thi靋h kha靋h, tr鬾g co ve nhanh nhe騨 h鮪, ma蘵 va蘮g S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - -75401 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u boysh (xa靘) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t t鬾 l阯 ve n ti靚h va nhi nha襫h, ma蘵 xa靘 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75402 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u boysh (n鈛 nha騮) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t t鬾 l阯 ve n ti靚h va nhi nha襫h, ma蘵 n鈛 nha騮 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75403 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u boysh (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t t鬾 l阯 ve n ti靚h va nhi nha襫h, ma蘵 va蘮g S du騨g trong 30 ngy -75404 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u boysh (xanh la) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t t鬾 l阯 ve n ti靚h va nhi nha襫h, ma蘵 xanh la S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75405 To靋 du艮i th阋ng (tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 du艮i th阋ng, hai b阯 餴暌m ma蘵 o靚g a靚h, ma蘵 tr沆ng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75406 To靋 du艮i th阋ng (餺) Ki暌u to靋 du艮i th阋ng, hai b阯 餴暌m ma蘵 o靚g a靚h, ma蘵 餺 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75407 To靋 du艮i th阋ng (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 du艮i th阋ng, hai b阯 餴暌m ma蘵 o靚g a靚h, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75408 To靋 du艮i th阋ng (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 du艮i th阋ng, hai b阯 餴暌m ma蘵 o靚g a靚h, ma蘵 ti靘 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75409 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u Vienna (tr沆ng) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t cao ta騩 ve quy pha靑, ph馓n to靋 c趄t 瘕躜c chia la蘭 m忪y t馓ng, ma蘵 tr沆ng S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75410 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u Vienna (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t cao ta騩 ve quy pha靑, ph馓n to靋 c趄t 瘕躜c chia la蘭 m忪y t馓ng, ma蘵 ti靘 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75411 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u Vienna (餰n) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t cao ta騩 ve quy pha靑, ph馓n to靋 c趄t 瘕躜c chia la蘭 m忪y t馓ng, ma蘵 餰n S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75412 To靋 bu趄c ki暌u Vienna (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 c趄t cao ta騩 ve quy pha靑, ph馓n to靋 c趄t 瘕躜c chia la蘭 m忪y t馓ng, ma蘵 n鈛 S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - -75601 To靋 ki暌u m趄t ph馓n ca騩 tro騝, m趄t ph馓n 痍 da蘨 (ma蘵 疴靦 son) Ki暌u to靋 餴nh ma蘵 疴靦 son kho襡 kho沆n 餴暌m th阭 ma蘵 tr沆ng tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75602 To靋 ki暌u m趄t ph馓n ca騩 tro騝, m趄t ph馓n 痍 da蘨 (xanh 餰n) Ki暌u to靋 餴nh ma蘵 xanh 餰n kho襡 kho沆n 餴暌m th阭 ma蘵 tr沆ng tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75603 To靋 ki暌u m趄t ph馓n ca騩 tro騝, m趄t ph馓n 痍 da蘨 (xanh dng) Ki暌u to靋 餴nh ma蘵 xanh dng kho襡 kho沆n 餴暌m th阭 ma蘵 tr沆ng tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75604 To靋 ki暌u m趄t ph馓n ca騩 tro騝, m趄t ph馓n 痍 da蘨 (xa靘) Ki暌u to靋 餴nh ma蘵 xa靘 kho沆n 餴暌m th阭 ma蘵 tr沆ng tr鬾g ba襫h bao h鮪. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75605 To靋 da蘨 du艮i th阋ng (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 chia hai b阯 痍 g鈟 忪n t騨g, ma蘵 n鈛. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75606 To靋 da蘨 du艮i th阋ng (xanh 餰n) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 chia hai b阯 痍 g鈟 忪n t騨g, ma蘵 xanh 餰n. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75607 To靋 da蘨 du艮i th阋ng (va蘮g) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 chia hai b阯 痍 g鈟 忪n t騨g, ma蘵 va蘮g. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75608 To靋 da蘨 du艮i th阋ng (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 da蘨 chia hai b阯 痍 g鈟 忪n t騨g, ma蘵 ti靘. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75609 To靋 ki暌u vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng (n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng Trung Qu綮c ma蘵 n鈛. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75610 To靋 ki暌u vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng (xa靘 n鈛) Ki暌u to靋 vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng Trung Qu綮c ma蘵 xa靘 n鈛. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75611 To靋 ki暌u vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng (ti靘) Ki暌u to靋 vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng Trung Qu綮c ma蘵 ti靘. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 -75612 To靋 ki暌u vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng (餺) Ki暌u to靋 vo hi牝p truy晏n th綮ng Trung Qu綮c ma蘵 餺. S du騨g trong 30 nga蘺 - - - -80001 Tu靑 ti晏n -80002 Gi忪y tr沆ng -80008 Kh綮i va蘮g Kh綮i va蘮g ch齛 h晏 瘕躜c gia c鬾g | Co th暌 mua v蹯i gia cao 跻 ca ha蘮g. -80009 Nh廪n di chuy暌n La nh廪n co n鉵g lc di chuy暌n. N觎u s du騨g nh廪n na蘺 khi 跻 nhng n鮥 kh鬾g th暌 di chuy暌n 瘕躜c, ba騨 se 瘕躜c di chuy暌n v晏 疴靦 n靋 cu襛 mi蘮h. - -90001 Bi蘮h n靋 r艮ng -90002 Bi蘮h n靋 -90003 Thu襶 tinh -90004 衋 quy -90005 Tu tha騝h -90006 Linh tha騝h -90007 Khoa靚g tha騝h diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/SkillDesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/SkillDesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c0799aa1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/SkillDesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Tam li阯 tra襪 Khoa靑 phong tra襪 H粢 khi觎u phong thanh Chuy暌n sang tra騨g tha靑 餴阯 cu籼ng, cha騳 va t忪n c鬾g t忪t ca 痿靑 thu tr靋 m泸t v蹯i t綮c 痿 cao T忪n c鬾g v晏 phi靉 tr靋 m泸t 3 l馓n li阯 ti觎p ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 T粢ng sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR Ho襛 di贽m toa蘮 Ch鈔 vi阭 tra襪 Long ng鈓 li牝t thi阯 Vung 餫o, quay tro蘮 kh鬾g ngng t忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh Va che靘 痿靑 thu xung quanh va ti觎n ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR Chi觎n h籼n Kim cng n趄 Pha phu tr馓m ch鈛 Hy sinh m趄t ph馓n sinh lc 痍 chuy暌n sang tra騨g tha靑 cu籼ng n趄, g鈟 sa靦 thng nhi晏u cho 痿靑 thu T鉵g t綮c 痿 餫靚h T鉵g t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n Hao t粢n sinh lc STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 T綮c 痿 t忪n c鬾g +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint T綮c 痿 di chuy暌n +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR Ki觎m khi Ta蘮g t鈓 ki觎m Th鈔 ki觎m h躜p nh忪t D籼n n趄i lc va蘯 vu khi r籼i ra 餺蘮 th怛t ma騨h l阯 痿靑 thu Chi ta靋 du騨g v蹯i vu khi c怛n chi觎n STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Ma辬h sa靦 Nham toa靑 Tha騝h pha thi阯 kinh Lao t蹯i t忪n c鬾g 痿靑 thu v蹯i t綮c 痿 cao Lao t蹯i t忪n c鬾g ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR Phi陁 di牝p tra襪 衞a騨 nguy牝t ba Ba靦 phong da vu D籼n lc che靘 th阋ng v晏 phi靉 tr靋 T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu tr靋 m泸t ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Khi陁 tra襪 H粢 d騝 Long t蘮g cu thi阯 Nha襶 l阯 cao che靘 xu綮ng, la蘭 gia襪 sc pho蘮g ng cu襛 餴騝h thu trong th跆i gian ng沆n T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g do騝 tr靋 m泸t ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Ch忪n ha靘 S h綮ng Ba蘮 c粢 tr忪n thi阯 Du蘮g khi c鬾g h忪t nga 痿靑 thu xung quanh T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g xung quanh La蘭 ng忪t 痿靑 thu ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Xa靋 su忪t la蘭 choa靚g %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Thi阯 c鈔 tru騳 Thi觎t b綮 sam C綮 nh騝 kim thang Chi陁 thc pho蘮g ng, la蘭 t鉵g sc pho蘮g thu tc th跆i T鉵g ty l牝 pho蘮g ng Gia襪 t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n Kh鬾g bi te nga STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Sc pho蘮g ng +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k T綮c 痿 di chuy暌n -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Ki觎m phong Tra襪 khi quy觎t Ki觎m khi xung ti陁 Ta騩 ra m趄t c鮪 ba辭 ki觎m khi T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 La蘭 ng忪t 痿靑 thu 锈襶 lu蘨 痿靑 thu ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -31 ASSASSIN A靘 t怛p 乱n ki靋h L齯 quang tru ti阯 Ho蘟 l廪n v蹯i bo靚g t綮i xung quanh, tr跻 n阯 kho pha靦 hi牝n Ra 餺蘮 chi ma騨g khi 餫靚h t phi靉 sau Co kha n鉵g 庖n hi蘮h ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Mi a襫h V a襫h ki觎m Loa騨 a襫h gia靚g ma T鉵g t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n, lao t蹯i t忪n c鬾g 痿靑 thu T忪n c鬾g nhanh Co kha n鉵g 庖n hi蘮h ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Ca蘮 kh鬾 tuy晏n Vu lu鈔 tra襪 Phu靋 vu phi阯 v鈔 Quay tro蘮 h忪t nga ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh, ta騩 c h趄i 痍 thoa靦 th鈔 T忪n c鬾g 痿靑 thu xung quanh khi tr綮n cha騳 Sa靦 thng b闾ng 痿騝 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Xa靋 su忪t tru靚g 痿騝 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 乱n th鈔 Thi阯 bi觎n thu怛t Gia thi阯 ty nh怛t Kha n鉵g 庖n hi蘮h, t鉵g lc t忪n c鬾g khi 餫靚h le靚 t phi靉 sau Hi牝n hi蘮h khi b沆t 疴蘵 t忪n c鬾g STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Sa靦 thng t鉵g th阭 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 恤騝 vu Bi靋h l鈔 y阯 Ha蘭 sa xa a襫h Ta騩 ra vo蘮g tro蘮 khi 痿騝 g鈟 thi牝t ha騣 l阯 ca靋 痿靑 thu T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 Sa靦 thng b闾ng 痿騝 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Xa靋 su忪t tru靚g 痿騝 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN Li阯 xa Qua靚 nh怛t ti贽n Khi qua靚 tr蘮g h籼ng T怛p trung t忪n c鬾g va蘯 m趄t 痿靑 thu va t忪n c鬾g vi t綮c 痿 nhanh T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g li阯 tu騝 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) T粢ng sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k B沆n %.0f mu辤 t阯 cu蘮g lu靋 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Loa騨 ti贽n Vu ch鈓 ti贽n Thi阯 phong nhu牝 thi靋h B沆n t阯 va蘯 nhi晏u mu騝 ti陁 cu蘮g lu靋 trong pha騧 vi t忪n c鬾g T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g cu蘮g lu靋 nhi晏u mu騝 ti陁 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k T忪n c鬾g t綮i 餫 %.0f ng蘨 cu蘮g lu靋 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN N趄 ti贽n Vo lc ti贽n Th馓n vo tr忪n thi阯 B沆n t阯 va蘯 mu騝 ti陁 v蹯i 痿 chi靚h xa靋 cao, g鈟 sa靦 thng b闾ng la T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 Sa靦 thng b闾ng la ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Khinh c鬾g Th馓n ha蘮h 衋騪 tuy觎t v ng鈔 H忪p thu n鉵g l騨g cu襛 gio va蘯 c th暌 la蘭 t鉵g t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n T鉵g t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 T綮c 痿 di chuy暌n +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 恤騝 ti贽n Thc c綮t ti贽n Truy h籼n 餺a騮 m牝nh B沆n 痿靑 thu b闾ng mu辤 t阯 痿騝 g鈟 thi牝t ha騣 theo th跆i gian T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 锈襶 lu蘨 痿靑 thu Sa靦 thng b闾ng 痿騝 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Xa靋 su忪t tru靚g 痿騝 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Toa靑 linh chi Li牝t ti阯 tra襬 Thi阯 b鉵g 餴騛 li牝t Ta騩 n阯 m趄t c鮪 so靚g la g鈟 thi牝t ha騣 cho 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g xung quanh T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu tr靋 m泸t Bo qua ty l牝 pho蘮g thu cu襛 痿靑 phng Tri tu牝 a襫h h襫g 痍靚 sa靦 thng g鈟 ra ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Xa靋 su忪t bo qua sc pho蘮g ng cu襛 痿靑 phng %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Long quy暌n ba Toa蘮 phong tr怛n Cu籼ng th馓n tru ti阯 Go騣 l綮c xoa靬 b闾ng ma lc, g鈟 thi牝t ha騣 n泸ng n晏 cho 痿靑 thu xung quanh T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g xung quanh Bo qua kha n鉵g tra靚h ne Tri tu牝 a襫h h襫g 痍靚 sa靦 thng g鈟 ra ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Xa靋 su忪t bo qua s ne tra靚h cu襛 痿靑 phng %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Ki觎m ma Tra襪 linh ki觎m 恤 long ta騣 thi阯 旋a ma lc va蘯 vu khi, t鉵g lc t忪n c鬾g Chi ta靋 du騨g v蹯i vu khi c怛n chi觎n Tri tu牝 a襫h h襫g 痍靚 sa靦 thng g鈟 ra Phu騝 h籼i sinh lc STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k H忪p thu %.0f%% sa靦 thng chuy暌n tha蘮h sinh lc 10*k -64 SURA Khu襫g cu Huy觎t t觎 S忪t luy牝n cu籼ng ma La蘭 cho 痿靑 thu s躜 ha辤 kh鬾g th暌 s du騨g 瘕躜c ca靋 ky n鉵g trong th跆i gian ng沆n Gia襪 lc 餫靚h cu襛 痿靑 thu La蘭 cho 痿靑 thu t忪n c鬾g hu騮 Chi co hi牝u qua khi g鈟 ra sa靦 thng STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g cu襛 痿靑 phng -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Xa靋 su忪t bo qua sc sa靦 thng cu襛 痿靑 phng %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Ph牝 th暌 H籼n thu廪n Thi阯 ma phu th暌 Thi觎t l怛p t忪m ch沆n ma lc xung quanh c th暌, h忪p thu m趄t ph馓n thi牝t ha騣 Pha襫 h籼i m趄t ph馓n sa靦 thng cho 痿靑 thu T鉵g kha n鉵g pho蘮g ng Tri tu牝 a襫h h襫g 痍靚 sa靦 thng g鈟 ra STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Sc pho蘮g ng +%.0f (iq+30)*k Xa靋 su忪t pha襫 h籼i t忪n c鬾g v怛t ly %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Khu ta靚 Ta靚 nguy阯 thu怛t Hu c綮t ti陁 h籼n Ni牝m phe靝 pha pha靝 thu怛t l阯 痿靑 thu la蘭 m忪t ca靋 phe靝 h艮 tr躜 T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 La蘭 m忪t phe靝 h艮 tr躜 tr阯 ng蘨 痿靑 thu ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Xa靋 su忪t pha phe靝 thu怛t %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Ma linh Quy oa靚 衞a騮 h籼n nhi觎p pha靋h Pho靚g thi靋h ca靋 h籼n ma t忪n c鬾g 痿靑 thu T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g khu vc xung quanh 痿靑 thu ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA H沆c long chu Ngu騝 long pha靋h Ma long ph牝 thi阯 Pho靚g ra c趄t la thi陁 cha靬 ca靋 痿靑 thu 跻 g馓n T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g xung quanh Sa靦 thng b闾ng la ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA H籼n linh Ma di贽m Ngu騝 ho襛 ph馓n thi陁 Tri牝u h籼i h籼n ma ba襬 v牝 va t忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 跻 g馓n T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ng廪u nhi阯 ca靋 痿靑 thu T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA H沆c ma chu Ng h籼n thu怛t Thi阯 kh綮c 餴騛 kh忪p Du蘮g ma靧 quy ba襬 v牝 th鈔 th暌, ti陁 hao tri lc thay vi sinh lc Hao t粢n tri lc thay vi sinh lc khi bi 餫靚h T鉵g ty l牝 pho蘮g thu STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Xa靋 su忪t suy gia襪 sa靦 thng cu襛 痿靑 phng %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Sc pho蘮g ng +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Thu靋 ph騝 Kh綮n th鈔 Th綮n b趄 nan ha蘮h Pho靚g thi靋h ma lc h靚g 痍靚 mu騝 ti陁 T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g khu vc xung quanh 痿靑 thu Gia襪 t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Xa靋 su忪t la蘭 ch怛m %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Tuy晏n ma Huy觎t linh lung Ca蘮 kh鬾 a襪 nhi阯 Ta騩 m趄t l 餰n hu靦 sinh lc cu襛 ca靋 痿靑 thu T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g khu vc xung quanh 痿靑 thu ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Linh quang Quy nguy阯 ba Ngu tha靑 v鈔 ha M騨 sc ma騨h th馓n s忪m, ta騩 n阯 tia se靦 餫靚h va蘯 ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Long a襫h Long ng鈓 Ti晏m long nga騩 thi阯 M騨 sc ma騨h th馓n r籼ng t忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 跻 g馓n T忪n c鬾g theo 瘕跆ng th阋ng Sa靦 thng b闾ng la ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Thi陁 cha靬 li阯 tu騝 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Long chu Long khi觎u Thi阯 long ba蘨 vi M趄t 瘐騮 so靚g la ta騩 ra t th馓n r籼ng 瘕躜c tri牝u h籼i, g鈟 thi牝t ha騣 l阯 ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g trong pha騧 vi cu襛 瘐騮 so靚g la T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g xung quanh Sa靦 thng b闾ng la ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Thi陁 cha靬 li阯 tu騝 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN K觎t gi蹯i Thi阯 bi靋h Ch鈔 long h趄 th暌 Ta騩 m趄t vo bo騝 b闾ng sc ma騨h cu襛 r籼ng la蘭 t鉵g sc pho蘮g thu Gia襪 sa靦 thng v怛t ly Co th暌 s du騨g cho 痿蘮g 痿騣 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Kha靚g sa靦 thng v怛t ly %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 衋襬 a襫h tr怛n Thu襶 ki靚h tr怛n Thi阯 cang chi靚h khi Ba襬 v牝 ba襫 th鈔 v pha襫 餺蘮 s t忪n c鬾g cu襛 痿靑 thu Pha襫 h籼i sa靦 thng v怛t ly Co th暌 s du騨g cho 痿蘮g 痿騣 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Xa靋 su忪t pha襫 h籼i t忪n c鬾g v怛t ly %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Ng齨g th馓n Thi阯 long h籼n Long th馓n tha靚h uy Ta騧 th跆i la蘭 t鉵g lc t忪n c鬾g T忪n c鬾g chi ma騨g Co th暌 s du騨g cho 痿蘮g 痿騣 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Xa靋 su忪t t忪n c鬾g chi ma騨g %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN La騝 l鬷 Kinh thi阯 l鬷 衖牝n thi暌m l鬷 minh Pho靚g m趄t mu辤 thng phe靝 v晏 phi靉 mu騝 ti陁, g鈟 thi牝t ha騣 b闾ng 餴牝n T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 Sa靦 thng b闾ng 餴牝n ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Pha靋h l鬷 Li牝u thi暌m Ti蘮h thi阯 ti靋h li騝h Go騣 m趄t c鮪 ba辭 se靦, t忪n c鬾g cu蘮g lu靋 nhi晏u 痿靑 thu T忪n c鬾g t xa T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 Sa靦 thng b闾ng 餴牝n La蘭 ng忪t 痿靑 thu ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Xa靋 su忪t la蘭 ng忪t %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Ba騩 l鬷 N趄 thi阯 l鬷 Ngu l鬷 oanh 餴襫h Pho靚g m趄t tia se靦 va蘯 痿靑 thu 痿蘮g th跆i g鈟 thi牝t ha騣 cho ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g g馓n 餺 T忪n c鬾g t xa Hi牝u ng d鈟 chuy晏n G鈟 sa靦 thng l阯 ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g ma thu怛t %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Quang du騝 Quang th馓n Ph怛t quang ph粢 chi觎u H忪p thu sc ma騨h cu襛 疴靦 痍 phu騝 h籼i sinh lc nhanh cho靚g Phu騝 h籼i sinh lc Tr跻 la騣 tra騨g tha靑 bi蘮h th蘮g Co th暌 s du騨g cho 痿蘮g 痿騣 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Phu騝 h籼i sinh lc %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Xa靋 su忪t h籼i phu騝 tra騨g tha靑 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Phi陁 ti阯 Khinh y Phi陁 di陁 餫騪 v鈔 M騨 sc ma騨h cu襛 gio la蘭 t鉵g t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n T鉵g t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n Gia襪 th跆i gian la蘭 phe靝 Co th暌 s du騨g cho 痿蘮g 痿騣 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 T綮c 痿 di chuy暌n +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) T綮c 痿 la蘭 phe靝 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Th馓n khu靋 C蘮g pha靋h thu怛t H籼n l鬷 tha靚h th暌 La蘭 t鉵g lc t忪n c鬾g ngay l怛p tc T鉵g lc t忪n c鬾g Co th暌 s du騨g cho 痿蘮g 痿騣 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Sc t忪n c鬾g +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Th綮ng soa靑 T鉵g kha n鉵g qua襫 ly, ph綮i h躜p nho靘 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Li阯 chi陁 T鉵g kha n鉵g ra 餺蘮 li阯 tu騝, t鉵g s綮 l馓n ra 餺蘮 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT C鈛 ca T鉵g kha n鉵g c鈛 ca, d贽 da蘮g b沆t 瘕躜c nhi晏u ca h鮪 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Khai khoa靚g T鉵g kha n鉵g 餫蘯 mo, d贽 da靚g khai tha靋 瘕躜c khoa靚g tha騝h PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Ch觎 Ta騩 T鉵g kha n鉵g ch觎 ta騩 痿, ta騩 ra nhi晏u v怛t ph庖m h鮪 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT T馓n Thu襶 ng T鉵g kha n鉵g th鬾g hi暌u ng鬾 ng T馓n Thu襶 qu綮c CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Thi阯 Ta靜 ng T鉵g kha n鉵g th鬾g hi暌u ng鬾 ng Thi阯 Ta靜 qu綮c CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Tr馓n L艮 ng T鉵g kha n鉵g th鬾g hi暌u ng鬾 ng Tr馓n L艮 qu綮c CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Bi觎n hi蘮h Bi觎n th鈔 tha蘮h hi蘮h da騨g kha靋 v蹯i th暌 tra騨g v騮 tr趄i CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Ki thu怛t Kha n鉵g c辤 nga CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Chi陁 hoa靚 Kha n鉵g go騣 nga summon -137 HORSE Truy phong tra襪 T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu xung quanh khi c辤 nga Ki thu怛t (lv 50) ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE T籼i 餴騝h tha襬 锈襶 lu蘨 痿靑 thu 餫ng 瘕靚g ch沆n tr靋 m泸t Ki thu怛t (lv 52) ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Uy l鉵g pha T忪n c鬾g ca靋 痿靑 thu 瘕靚g xung quanh mu騝 ti陁 Ki thu怛t (lv 55) ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Thu di牝p loa騨 ti贽n B沆n 痿靑 thu 餫ng 瘕靚g ch沆n tr靋 m泸t Ki thu怛t ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Long h籼n T鉵g khi th觎 cu襛 r籼ng, la蘭 cho ky n鉵g cu襛 bang h趄i ma騨h h鮪 PASSIVE yongan Long khi t綮i 餫 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Long huy觎t Ta騧 th跆i t鉵g chi s綮 sinh lc t綮i 餫 cu襛 tha蘮h vi阯 bang h趄i Chi co th暌 du蘮g trong tr怛n chi觎n bang h趄i ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 T鉵g sinh lc t綮i 餫 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Long th馓n Ta騧 th跆i t鉵g chi s綮 tri lc t綮i 餫 cu襛 tha蘮h vi阯 bang h趄i Chi co th暌 du蘮g trong tr怛n chi觎n bang h趄i ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 T鉵g khi lc t綮i 餫 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Long kha襥 Ta騧 th跆i t鉵g lc pho蘮g thu cu襛 tha蘮h vi阯 bang h趄i Chi co th暌 du蘮g trong tr怛n chi觎n bang h趄i ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 T鉵g sc pho蘮g ng +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Long 疸蘮g Ta騧 th跆i t鉵g t綮c 痿 t忪n c鬾g va t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n cu襛 tha蘮h vi阯 bang h趄i Chi co th暌 du蘮g trong tr怛n chi觎n bang h趄i ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 T鉵g sc t忪n c鬾g & t綮c 痿 di chuy暌n +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Long n趄 Ta騧 th跆i t鉵g kha n鉵g ra 餺蘮 chi ma騨g cu襛 tha蘮h vi阯 bang h趄i Chi co th暌 du蘮g trong tr怛n chi觎n bang h趄i ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Xa靋 su忪t t忪n c鬾g chi ma騨g +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Long hu Ta騧 th跆i gia襪 th跆i gian 瘐騣 phu騝 h籼i ca靋 ky n鉵g cu襛 cu襛 tha蘮h vi阯 bang h趄i Chi co th暌 du蘮g trong tr怛n chi觎n bang h趄i ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 T鉵g t綮c 痿 la蘭 phe靝 +%.0f%% k * 50 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/SkillTable.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/SkillTable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d6d60742..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/SkillTable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/conv.py b/bin_original/locale/vn/conv.py deleted file mode 100644 index adc2a87c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/conv.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding:cp949 -*- -import yconv -import glob -import os - -names = glob.glob("*.utf8.txt") - -for name in names: - data = open(name, "rb").read() - - body = name[:name.find(".")] - open(body + ".txt", "wb").write(yconv.conv(data, 65001, 1258)) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/vn/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/vn/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 6dd07051..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/vn/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3815c288..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] - -T馓n Thu襶 la m趄t qu綮c[ENTER] -gia r忪t thi騨h v騨g vi蘙ENTER] -h馓u h觎t c d鈔 la蘭[ENTER] -ngh晏 bu鬾 ba靚.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -N晏n kinh t觎 pha靦 餫騮[ENTER] -餫 mang la騣 quy晏n[ENTER] -lc cho T馓n Thu襶 va蘙ENTER] -g鈟 a襫h h襫g s鈛[ENTER] -s沆c 痍靚 ca靋 n靋 la靚g gi晏ng.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Tuy nhi阯, k暌 t khi[ENTER] -Ma Tha騝h xu忪t hi牝n[ENTER] -ch泸n 瘕靚g con 瘕跆ng[ENTER] -th鬾g thng 痍靚 ca靋[ENTER] -qu綮c gia kha靋[ENTER] -[WAIT] -thi n晏n kinh t觎 cu襛[ENTER] -T馓n Thu襶 bi a襫h[ENTER] -h襫g n泸ng n晏.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Ho 餫ng co k觎 hoa騝h[ENTER] -t怛p h躜p ca靋 chi觎n[ENTER] -binh cu襛 T晏 qu綮c x齛[ENTER] -痍 ch綮ng la騣 nguy c鮗ENTER] -x鈓 l騝 ti晏m 庖n[ENTER] -[WAIT] -t nhng qu綮c gia[ENTER] -th綮ng nh忪t 跻 phng[ENTER] -T鈟, 痿蘮g th跆i khai[ENTER] -th鬾g con 瘕跆ng m怛u[ENTER] -di騝h 痍 kh鬷 phu騝 n晏n kinh t.[ENTER] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c0dd856b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] - -Thi阯 Ta靜 la m趄t qu綮c[ENTER] -gia n闾m 跻 phi靉 T鈟[ENTER] -do ng蘨 em ho cu襛[ENTER] -qu綮c vng T晏 qu綮c[ENTER] -x齛 x鈟 dng n阯.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Hoa蘮g h怛u cu襛 Thi阯[ENTER] -Ta靜 la m趄t phu thu襶[ENTER] -gio襥, 餫 ti阯 餺a靚[ENTER] -瘕躜c nga蘺 ma Ma Tha騝h[ENTER] -xu忪t hi牝n.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Tuy nhi阯, l跆i ti阯 餺a靚[ENTER] -忪y 餫 kh鬾g thuy觎t[ENTER] -phu騝 瘕躜c qu綮c vng[ENTER] -T晏 qu綮c n阯 ba cu蘮g[ENTER] -ch籼ng pha襫 la騣 T晏 qu綮c,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -x鈟 dng n阯 qu綮c gia[ENTER] -Thi阯 Ta靜 theo 饀粢i con[ENTER] -瘕跆ng cu襛 ri阯g mi蘮h[ENTER] -chi觎n 疴靧 ch綮ng la騣[ENTER] -Ma Tha騝h,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -nu鬷 m趄ng th綮ng nh忪t lu騝 餴騛.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[ENTER] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ca1d3da8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Tr馓n L艮 la qu綮c gia[ENTER] -hi蘮h tha蘮h s蹯m nh忪t[ENTER] -k暌 t khi T晏 qu綮c[ENTER] -tan ra.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Nhng con ng蘨 跻[ENTER] -Tr馓n L艮 lu鬾 m m趄t[ENTER] -nga蘺 kh鬷 phu騝 la騣[ENTER] -T晏 qu綮c x齛 v蹯i s[ENTER] -huy hoa蘮g v綮n co.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Tham vo騨g cu襛 nhng[ENTER] -con ng蘨 跻 疴y kh鬾g[ENTER] -co gi蹯i ha騨.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Ho b忪t ch忪p thu 餺a騨[ENTER] -痍 餫騮 瘕躜c nhng[ENTER] -gi mi蘮h mu綮n.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Bo ngoa蘨 tai nhng l跆i[ENTER] -ca襫h ba靜, ng蘨 Tr馓n L艮[ENTER] -t怛p h躜p ca靋 ho騝 gia襕ENTER] -痍 nghi阯 cu v晏[ENTER] -Ma tha騝h, bi觎n ngu籼n ma[ENTER] -[WAIT] -lc ky bi cu襛 no靃ENTER] -tha蘮h sc ma騨h cu襛[ENTER] -con ng蘨 phu騝 vu騕ENTER] -tham vo騨g th綮ng nh忪t[ENTER] -痍 qu綮c.[ENTER] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/vn/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/vn/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2e50148e..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4300 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -13 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -14 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -15 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -16 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -17 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -18 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -19 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -20 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -21 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -22 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -23 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -24 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -25 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -26 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -27 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -28 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -29 WEAPON icon/item/00020.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00020.gr2 -30 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -31 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -32 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -33 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00030.gr2 -34 WEAPON icon/item/00030.tga d:/ymir 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-243 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -244 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -245 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -246 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -247 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -248 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -249 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -250 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -251 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -252 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -253 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -254 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -255 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -256 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00250.gr2 -257 WEAPON icon/item/00250.tga d:/ymir 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-[WAIT] -Ng蘨 ta no靑 r闾ng phu蘙ENTER] -thu襶 la con cha靧 cu襛[ENTER] -th馓n tha靚h va 瘕躜c ba襬[ENTER] -h趄 b跻i ca靋 疴靚g si陁[ENTER] -nhi阯.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -S hi牝n di牝n cu襛 phu蘙ENTER] -thu襶 trong ca靋 tr怛n chi觎n[ENTER] -lu鬾 khi觎n ke thu khi觎p[ENTER] -s躜. [ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -衖暌m y觎u cu襛 ho la蘙ENTER] -跻 kha n鉵g s du騨g[ENTER] -ca靋 vu khi c怛n chi觎n[ENTER] -va sinh lc th忪p. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 75fb586a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Tu la la nhng chi觎n[ENTER] -binh phu thu襶 co sc[ENTER] -ma騨h ma thu怛t v cu蘮g[ENTER] -khu襫g khi觎p.[ENTER] -[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Ngu籼n sc ma騨h cu襛[ENTER] -ho r忪t bi 庖n va kho靃ENTER] -l蘮g.[ENTER] -Ho hi觎m khi tin t襫g[ENTER] -ng蘨 kha靋 va co i靦 ba騨[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Tu la th蘮g bi l鬷 cu綮n[ENTER] -b跻i nhng tham vo騨g[ENTER] -va quy晏n lc.[ENTER] -Ho cu辬g hay ph trng[ENTER] -kha n鉵g cu襛 mi蘮h.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Kha靦 vo騨g s跻 hu[ENTER] -nhng sc ma騨h v鬧ENTER] -bi阯 la ba襫 ch忪t cu襛[ENTER] -ho. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d09d9dfe..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Vo si c馓m nhng[ENTER] -thanh ki觎m be靚 nho騨[ENTER] -va nhng chi觎c khi阯 da蘺.[ENTER] -Ho la lc l騨g chu y觎u[ENTER] -trong ca靋 tr怛n chi觎n[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Nhng vo si r忪t ki陁[ENTER] -ha辬h, l鬷 cu綮n va co靃ENTER] -nhi晏u ba騨 be.[ENTER] -Kh鬾g ai da靘 xu靋 pha騧[ENTER] -ca靋 vo si.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Ha蘮h 痿騨g va y chi靃ENTER] -s沆t 餫 cu襛 ho mang[ENTER] -痍靚 y阯 bi蘮h cho th觎 gi蹯i[ENTER] -Tuy nhi阯, 餴暌m y觎u cu襛[ENTER] -vo si la phe靝 thu怛t. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/vn/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/vn/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/vn/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 27bd4ace..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Chi?s綮 ha?h phu? : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Chi?s綮 thi牝n a? : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN L艮i t忪n c?g kh?g ro?nguy? nh? : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE Mu? ti? 跻 qua?xa -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE Kh?g th暌 t忪n c?g mu? ti? t vi?tri?na? -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE Kh?g th暌 thay 痿? trang bi?khi ?ng giao di?h -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP Kh?g th暌 thay 痿? trang bi?khi ?ng s du?g ca ha?g -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA Kh?g th暌 m跻 ca ha?g ca?nh? ta? qua?g tr?g -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE Mu? ti? 跻 qua?xa -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW Kh?g th暌 b沆n khi thi觎u mu? t? -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE Kh?g th暌 t忪n c?g mu? ti? t vi?tri?na? -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH Kh?g th暌 vn t蹯i vi?tri?? -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK Kh?g th暌 t忪n c?g -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE Mu? ti? 跻 qua?xa -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD Pha? trang bi?c馓n c? ca -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE Pha? c? nga m蹯i co?th暌 s du?g -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE C馓n pha? co?bi?h r艮ng -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE C馓n pha? co?bi?h 痿? -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Pha? xa? ??h mu? ti? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP Kh?g ??sinh lc -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP Kh?g ??tri?lc -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL Kh?g th暌 s du?g khi ?ng c? nga -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON Kh?g th暌 s du?g ky?n?g na? b闾ng vu?khi??ng trang bi -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN Ba? ch? ho? ky?n?g na? -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE Ky?n?g chi?co?th暌 s du?g 痿? v蹯i 痿?g 痿? -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE Ky?n?g chi?co?th暌 s du?g ? v蹯i ng? ??ch觎t -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD Kh?g th暌 s du?g ky?n?g na? khi ?ng trang bi?c馓n c? -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE Kh?g th暌 t忪n c?g t vi?tri?na? -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF Kh?g th暌 s du?g ky?n?g na? cho ba? th? -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME Ky?n?g ch? s戕n sa?g -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s t ch綮i l跆i no? th馓m SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s ch? 疸ng nh怛p SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE Ba? kh?g th暌 no? th馓m khi ?ng t ch綮i nh怛n l跆i no? th馓m SNA -CHANNEL K?h -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT Kh?g th暌 thoa? kho? game -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER Ma? chu?kh?g hoa? 痿?g -CHANNEL_NORMAL K?h %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO Kh?g th暌 ti? th忪y th?g tin v晏 k?h -CHANNEL_PVP PvP -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Ha? la cho? k?h -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Ha? la cho? khu vc -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Ha? la cho? ma? chu -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Ma? chu?th nghi牝m -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL T忪t ca -CHAT_BLOCK Ch泸n -CHAT_GUILD H趄i -CHAT_INFORMATION Th?g tin -CHAT_INSULT_STRING C? no? cha 瘕?g t ng kh?g phu?h躜p -CHAT_LOG Xem n趄i dung ta? g廪u [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE N趄i dung ta? g廪u -CHAT_NORMAL Th?g -CHAT_NOTICE Th?g ba? -CHAT_PARTY Nho? -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Gi ta? g廪u -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Gi tin nh沆n [Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT He? -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT C 15 gi? ba? co?th暌 he? l? m趄t l馓n -CHAT_WHISPER Thi?th馓m -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME Kh?g th暌 du?g ch 'GM' trong t? cu? nh? v怛t -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME T? ??cho? kh?g phu?h躜p -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME T? na? ??瘕躜c s du?g -CREATE_FAILURE Kh?g th暌 du?g ca? ky?t 疸? bi牝t 痍?疸? t? cho nh? v怛t -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Ha? nh怛p t? cu? nh? v怛t -CREATE_PLUS_STAT ?暌m th暌 tra?g co? d -DAY Nga? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Ba? co?mu綮n bo?%d l?g ? kh?g? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Kh?g th暌 bo?mo? 痿??ng trang bi -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Kh?g th暌 bo?mo? 痿??ng trang bi?khi ?ng m跻 ca ha?g ca?nh? -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER Kh?g th暌 bo?tr? 1000 l?g -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Ki暌u nha? 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Ki暌u nha? 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Ki暌u nha? 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Ki暌u nha? 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Ki暌u nha? 5 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Chu? mng -EMOTION_FORGIVE Tha th -EMOTION_ANGRY N粢i gi怛n -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Thu hu? -EMOTION_SAD Bu籼n -EMOTION_SHY X忪u h粢 -EMOTION_CHEERUP C粢 vu -EMOTION_BANTER Cho? ?? -EMOTION_JOY Vui -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Hoan h?1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Hoan h?2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Ha? la cho? 痿? t?g -EMOTION_CLAP V艮 tay -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS H? -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS H? ki暌u Pha? -EMOTION_SLAP Ta? -EMPIRE_A T馓n Thu? Qu綮c -EMPIRE_B Thi? Ta? Qu綮c -EMPIRE_C Tr馓n L艮 Qu綮c -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE Mo? 痿?kh?g th暌 trao 痿? -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY Kh?g th暌 thay 痿? s綮 ti晏n -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Kh?g th暌 trao 痿? mo? 痿??ng trang bi -EXCHANGE_MONEY S綮 ti晏n -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trao 痿? v蹯i %s -FISHING_FAILURE Ca?ri? m籼i r籼i b? ? th怛t nhanh -FISHING_UNKNOWN Kh?g bi觎t ??c? 瘕躜c gi -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE Kh?g th暌 c? ca?n? 疴y -GAME_CANNOT_MINING Kh?g th暌 khai khoa?g khi ?ng c? nga -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM Kh?g th暌 nh泸t mo? 痿?cu? ng? kha? -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR Kh?g th暌 kh跻i ta? con tro -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX Ba? kh?g th暌 ti觎n ha?h tro?ch? n觎u kh?g ca? 疸? DirectX phi? ba? 8.1 ho泸c m蹯i h? -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE Kh?g th暌 ti? th忪y thi觎t bi?痿?hoa?phu?h躜p 痍?cha? tro?ch?.\nHa? ki暌m tra la? vi牝c ca? 疸? thi觎t bi?痿?ho? -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Th忪t ba? trong vi牝c kh跻i ta? thi觎t bi?痿?hoa?\nHa? ki暌m tra la? vi牝c ca? 疸? thi觎t bi?痿?ho? -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT Thi觎t bi?痿?ho? cu? ba? kh?g h艮 tr躜 ch觎 痿?ca s粢 32 bit.\nVui lo?g cho? ch觎 痿?ca s粢 16 bit ho泸c ch觎 痿?toa? ma? hi?h -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO Kh?g ti? th忪y d li牝u cu? v怛t ph庖m.\nHa? ca? 疸? la? tro?ch? m趄t l馓n na -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Th忪t ba? trong vi牝c kh跻i ta? giao di牝n -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO Kh?g ti? th忪y d li牝u v晏 qua? v怛t .\nHa? ca? 疸? la? tro?ch? m趄t l馓n na -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Th忪t ba? trong vi牝c kh跻i ta? ra thi觎t bi?ma?g.\nHa? ki暌m tra la? k觎t n綮i internet -GAME_PICK_MONEY Nh泸t 瘕躜c %d l?g -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Ki?h c蹀 chi晏u cao kh?g pha? la?128 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Ki?h c蹀 chi晏u cao kh?g pha? la?12 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Ki?h c蹀 chi晏u ngang kh?g pha? la?16 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Ki?h c蹀 chi晏u ngang kh?g pha? la?64 pixels -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT ??h da?g a?h kh?g 瘕躜c h艮 tr躜 trong tro?ch? -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Ha? che? ca? t怛p tin va? th?mu? metin2\upload -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT Kh?g co?file a?h na? 瘕躜c cho? -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Chi觎n h趄i theo phng thc c? c跆 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Chi觎n h趄i theo phng thc th?g th?g -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 H趄i %s ??tuy? chi觎n v蹯i h趄i cu? ba?, -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Ba? co?痿?g y? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Chi觎n h趄i theo phng thc 疴? tr?g -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE B怛c -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME T? to? nha -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE Long khi???hoa? toa? h籼i phu? -GUILD_COMMENT 秀ng tin -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME T? h趄i kh?g phu?h躜p -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE H趄i vi? -GUILD_DELETE Xo? tin -GUILD_DEPOSIT ??g go? -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Ba? co?mu綮n du?g %d l?g 痍?h籼i phu? %d long khi? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN Ba? co?mu綮n tham gia h趄i na?? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 锈? tr綮ng -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME T? h趄i 痿? nghi?h -GUILD_GEM ??qui -GUILD_HEAL_GSP H籼i phu? long khi -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY ----- -GUILD_NAME T? h趄i -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL Kh?g th暌 x? dng c?g tri?h vi?thi觎u v怛t li牝u -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Kh?g th暌 x? dng c?g tri?h vi?thi觎u ti晏n -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION Kh?g co?quy晏n gi th?g ba? -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Hi觎n ?暌m kinh nghi牝m -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Kh?g ???暌m kinh nghi牝m -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Th?g tin c? c cu? h趄i -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Ba?g th?g ba? -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Qua? ly?chc vu -GUILD_TILE_INFO Th?g tin h趄i -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Danh sa?h h趄i vi? -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Ky?n?g cu? h趄i -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Th跆i gian tr怛n ??h 30 phu? -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Ph馓n th?g: ng? chi觎n th沆ng nh怛n 瘕躜c thu綮c n? -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP S du?g 疴? tr?g -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP S du?g ba? 痿?th?g th?g -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE H趄i co??暌m s綮 cao se?chi觎n th沆ng -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 C? c跆 cu? 痿? phng -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 mang c跆 v晏 c? c cu? h趄i mi?h -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Ha?gu? t忪t ca?h趄i vi? cu? 痿? phng 痍?chi觎n th沆ng -GUILD_WITHDRAW Ru? ra -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN Ba? ch? tham gia h趄i na? -HORSE_HEALTH0 Nga ??ch觎t -HORSE_HEALTH1 Nga ?? -HORSE_HEALTH2 Nga th忪y ?? -HORSE_HEALTH3 Nga no -HORSE_LEVEL1 Nga s?c忪p -HORSE_LEVEL2 Nga trung c忪p -HORSE_LEVEL3 Nga cao c忪p -HOUR Gi跆 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Nh怛p s綮 the?Matrix -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE The?Matrix -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Ha? nh怛p ma?s綮 bi?m怛t -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Xoa?nh? v怛t -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Kh?g th暌 g趄p bu? v晏 la?g -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Ba? co?ch沆c la?se?s du?g mo? 痿?na?? -JOB_ASSASSIN Thi?h kha?h -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Thi?h kha?h ho? ngh晏 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Phong ?o -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Ba?h ngh牝 -JOB_SHAMAN Phu?thuy -JOB_SHAMAN0 Phu?thuy?ho? ngh晏 -JOB_SHAMAN1 Ti晏m long -JOB_SHAMAN2 Cu籼ng ?牝n -JOB_SURA Tu la -JOB_SURA0 Tu la ho? ngh晏 -JOB_SURA1 A? vu -JOB_SURA2 H沆c ma -JOB_WARRIOR Vo?sy -JOB_WARRIOR0 Vo?sy?ho? ngh晏 -JOB_WARRIOR1 Khi?t?g -JOB_WARRIOR2 Ki觎m t?g -LEFT_TIME Th跆i gian co? la? -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 秀ng nh怛p ma? chu?th忪t ba? -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 秀ng nh怛p ma? chu?tha?h c?g -LOGIN_CONNETING ?ng 疸ng nh怛p ma? chu -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Ta? khoa? ?ng 瘕躜c k觎t n綮i -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Co?l艮i trong qua?tri?h 疸ng nh怛p -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Ta? khoa? ??bi?khoa -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Ta? khoa? ??h觎t th跆i gian s du?g -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Ta? khoa? kh?g th暌 s du?g -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Ta? khoa? kh?g t籼n ta? -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Ta? khoa? ?ng trong qua?tri?h phu? hi v怛t ph庖m -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN Ma? chu?kh?g hoa? 痿?g -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER ??co?qua?nhi晏u ng? 疸ng nh怛p. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 秀ng nh怛p th忪t ba? kh?g ro?ly?do -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Nh怛p ma?s綮 sai -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE Ng沆t k觎t n綮i n觎u ba? nh怛p sai ma?s綮 3 l馓n -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD M怛t kh庖u kh?g chi?h xa? -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Ha? nh怛p t? ta? khoa? -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Ha? nh怛p m怛t kh庖u -LOGIN_PROCESSING ?ng trong qua?tri?h 疸ng nh怛p -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT Kh?g th暌 瘕a mo? 痿?va? danh mu? ha?g Item mall -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE M怛t kh庖u -MAP_A1 蚂p Vi?h An -MAP_A2 Th?g Long c綮c -MAP_A3 Huy牝n T Dng -MAP_AG Huy牝n Trung Lang -MAP_B1 蚂p Tri晏u An -MAP_B2 L? Chi c綮c -MAP_B3 Huy牝n Phu? ??h -MAP_BG Huy牝n Ngo? Long -MAP_C1 蚂p Bi?h Vu -MAP_C2 Phng S? c綮c -MAP_C3 Huy牝n Ba? La -MAP_CG Huy牝n L? Ha -MAP_DESERT Sa ma? Doanh Bi -MAP_FLAME 恤 Di牝m Ho? ?? -MAP_SKELTOWER Tha? ta?quy -MAP_SNOW Nu? T? Ha? -MAP_SPIDER Hang nh牝n -MAP_TEMPLE Chu? M怛t gia? -MAP_TREE Rng Quy?M趄c -MAP_TRENT02 Ry??gXi?hQuyO -MAP_WL Ty??oa?g -MAP_NUSLUCK Ty??oa?g -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Th? ba? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s mu綮n k觎t ba? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Ba? co?痿?g y? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Ba? co?mu綮n xoa?kho? danh sa?h H趄i/Ba? kh?g? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Ba? se?xoa?s綮 di 痿?g ch? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Ba? co?痿?g y?chuy暌n? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Danh sa?h tr綮ng -MESSENGER_FAMILY Gia ??h -MESSENGER_FRIEND Ba? be -MESSENGER_GUILD Bang h趄i -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Ha? nh怛p ma?s綮 xa? nh怛n ??gi 痍? ?牝n thoa? di 痿?g cu? ba? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Nh怛p ma?s綮 xa? nh怛n -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Nh怛p s ?牝n thoa? di 痿?g 痍?nh怛n ma?s綮 xa? nh怛n -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Ba? co?mu綮n nh怛p s綮 b? gi跆 kh?g? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Nh怛p s綮 ?牝n thoa? di 痿?g -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Gi tin nh沆n -MINIMAP Ba? 痿?thu nho -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Kh?g th暌 m跻 ba? 痿?thu nho -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Kh?g th暌 m跻 ba? 痿?toa? th暌 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Thu nho -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Pho?g l蹯n -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d ng? quan sa? -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Xem ba? 痿?khu vc -MINUTE Phu? -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Gia?ba? : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Kh?g th暌 di chuy暌n v怛t ph庖m khi ?ng m跻 ca ha?g ca?nh? -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST Kh?g co?t怛p tin nha? n晏n -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Nha? n晏n m泸c ??h -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC Ch? cho? t? tin nha? -NEEFD_REST C馓n nghi?ng? -NOT_YET_SUPPORT V廪n ch? 瘕躜c h艮 tr躜 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE Kh?g th暌 thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?PvP bang h趄i vi?ba? ch? gia nh怛p h趄i na? -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT Ch觎 痿?PvP kh?g 瘕躜c h艮 tr躜 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT C忪p 痿?tr? %d m蹯i co?th暌 ca? 疸? ch觎 痿?PvP -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Lc c?g ki?h : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER T綮c 痿?t忪n c?g : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Th跆i gian duy tri?ky?n?g : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Sc pho?g ng : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP ?暌m kinh nghi牝m th?g : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Tri?lc t綮i ? : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Sinh lc t綮i ? : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Gia? ta? nho? -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT Ba? 瘕躜c m跆i tham gia nho? -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN Ba? co?痿?g y?l跆i m跆i gia nh怛p nho? kh?g? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE Chia ?暌m kinh nghi牝m -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Chia theo c忪p 痿 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP C忪p 痿?cao thi?nh怛n 瘕躜c nhi晏u ?暌m kinh nghi牝m h? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Chia 痍? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP ?暌m kinh nghi牝m chia 痍? cho ca? tha?h vi? trong nho? -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Phu? h籼i cho ca?nho? -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Pha? vi a?h h?g cu? nho? t?g 1,5 l馓n SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Pha? vi a?h h?g cu? nho? t?g 2 l馓n SNA -PARTY_LEAVE R跆i kho? nho? -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP ?暌m kinh nghi牝m th?g cho th跆i gian tham gia nho? : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Kh?g 疸ng nh怛p] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Tri牝u t怛p tha?h vi? nho? -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS H籼i phu? tri?lc va?th暌 lc : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED Ba? ??t ch綮i gia nh怛p nho? -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Chi???h ng? t忪n c?g -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Chi???h ng? t忪n c?g chu?lc -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Chi???h ng? h艮 tr躜 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Chi???h ng? pho?g ng -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Hu? bo?chi???h -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Chi???h ng? la? phe? -PARTY_SET_TANKER Chi???h ng? chi? ?? -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Lc c?g ki?h +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER T綮c 痿?t忪n c?g +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Th跆i gian duy tri?ky?n?g +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Lc pho?g ng +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN T綮c 痿?h籼i phu? sinh lc +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Pha? vi a?h h?g nho? +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Tri?lc t綮i ? +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN T綮c 痿?h籼i phu? tri?lc +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Sinh lc t綮i ? +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Co?th暌 tri牝u t怛p tha?h vi? nho? -PASSWORD_TITLE Ma?s綮 bi?m怛t kho ha?g -PICK_ITEM_TITLE S綮 v怛t ph庖m -PICK_MONEY_TITLE S綮 ti晏n -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Mo? 痿?kh?g th暌 ba? 瘕躜c 跻 ca ha?g ca?nh? -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Ba? mu綮n ??g ca ha?g ca?nh? ?ng m跻? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE T? ca ha?g ca?nh? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Gia -PVP_LEVEL0 Chi?t? -PVP_LEVEL1 Thi? vng -PVP_LEVEL2 Anh hu?g -PVP_LEVEL3 Hi牝p kha?h -PVP_LEVEL4 Lng d? -PVP_LEVEL5 Sa? thu -PVP_LEVEL6 Ba?vng -PVP_LEVEL7 Ma 疴? -PVP_LEVEL8 Ngu? 痍 -PVP_MODE_GUILD ??thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?PvP bang h趄i -PVP_MODE_KILL ??thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?PvP t do -PVP_MODE_NORMAL ??thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿 PvP ho? bi?h -PVP_MODE_PROTECT ??thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?ba? v牝 PvP -PVP_MODE_REVENGE ??thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?PvP thu???h -PVP_OPTION_KILL T do -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Ho? bi?h -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Ba? v牝 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Thu???h -QUEST_APPEND Nhi牝m vu?va 瘕躜c c怛p nh怛t -QUEST_MIN Phu? -QUEST_SEC Gi? -QUEST_TIMEOVER H觎t gi跆 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME Kh?g gi蹯i ha? th跆i gian -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 gi? -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM V怛t ph庖m kh?g th暌 疸? va? ba?g phi? t沆t -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s gi ba? m趄t tin nh沆n -REFINE_COST Phi?n?g c忪p : %d l?g -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING N觎u n?g c忪p th忪t ba? thi?mo? 痿?se?bi hu? -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 V怛t na? se?la? t?g ty?l牝 n?g c忪p tha?h c?g -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 N觎u n?g c忪p th忪t ba? thi?mo? 痿?se?bi hu?. Ba? co?mu綮n th kh?g? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING N觎u n?g c忪p th忪t ba? thi?c忪p 痿?cu? mo? 痿?se?bi?gia? -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Ba? co?mu綮n ta?h linh tha?h kh?g? -REFINE_FAILURE N?g c忪p th忪t ba? -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM Kh?g th暌 n?g c忪p mo? 痿??ng trang bi -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM Kh?g co?linh tha?h 痍?ta?h -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL C馓n co?cu趄n gi忪y n?g c忪p t綮t h? -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET Kh?g th暌 ta? th? l艮 g沆n linh tha?h -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM Kh?g th暌 ta? th? l艮 g沆n linh tha?h tr? v怛t ph庖m na? -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM Kh?g th暌 n?g c忪p v怛t ph庖m na? -REFINE_SUCCESS V怛t ph庖m 瘕躜c n?g c忪p tha?h c?g -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Kha?n?g n?g c忪p tha?h c?g : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Ba? co?mu綮n th kh?g? -SAFEBOX_ERROR M怛t kh庖u kh?g ??g -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM Kh?g th暌 bo?mo? 痿?na? va? kho -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD Ba? pha? nh怛p ??g m怛t kh庖u -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 瘕躜c l? trong -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 th?mu? Screenshot -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Kh?g th暌 l? a?h chu? ma? hi?h -SECOND Gi? -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE Kh?g th暌 xo? nh? v怛t -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME T? nh? v怛t ??瘕躜c thay 痿? -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME T? nh? v怛t ??瘕躜c s du?g -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Ha? th la? l馓n sau -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME T? nh? v怛t kh?g ??g -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Thay 痿? t? nh? v怛t -SELECT_DELEING ?ng xo? bo?nh? v怛t -SELECT_DELETED Nh? v怛t ??瘕躜c xoa?bo -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Ba? th怛t s mu綮n xo? nh? v怛t na?? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT Co?th暌 ta? nh? v怛t m蹯i -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Ha? nh怛p t? m蹯i cu? nh? v怛t -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD ----- -SHOP_BUY_INFO Mua mo? 痿?b闾ng ca?h cho? no?trong ca ha?g v怛t ph庖m -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT Kh?g th暌 ba? mo? 痿??ng trang bi -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM Kh?g th暌 ba? mo? 痿?na? -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN L艮i ca ha?g kh?g xa? ??h 瘕躜c : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS Mo? 痿?kh?g phu?h躜p -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Kh?g ??ch艮 trong ha?h trang -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Kh?g ??ti晏n -SHOP_SELL_INFO La cho? mo? 痿?trong ha?h trang 痍?ba? -SHOP_SOLDOUT ??ba? h觎t ha?g -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN L艮i t忪n c?g t xa kh?g xa? ??h 瘕躜c : %s -SKILL_BOHO Pha? h籼i -SKILL_BUDONG Gai go? -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK C馓n ?暌m kinh nghi牝m 痍?luy牝n ky?n?g -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT C馓n sa?h ky?n?g 痍?luy牝n ky?n?g -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Toa? lc -SKILL_CRITICAL T忪n c?g chi?ma?g -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Pho?g 痿? -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Ta?g hi?h -SKILL_FAINT Choa?g va?g -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Ti? b廪y -SKILL_FIRE Pho?g ho? -SKILL_FISHMIND S du?g c庖m nang v晏 ca -SKILL_GAMJI Do?xe? -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Ki觎m khi -SKILL_GEONGON Thi? ?? ca? kh? -SKILL_GICHEON Long gia? -SKILL_GIGONG Khi?c?g -SKILL_GONGPO S躜 ha? -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER Ng? ?? luy牝n %s -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER Ng? tha?h thu? %s -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER B怛c th馓y ?? luy牝n %s -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Phong ?o -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Ba?h ngh牝 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Ky?thu怛t -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Ti晏m long -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Cu籼ng ?牝n -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 A? vu -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 H沆c ma -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Ki觎m t?g -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Khi?t?g -SKILL_GWIGEOM Quy?ki觎m -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Khinh c?g -SKILL_HEUKSIN H沆c th馓n thu?h趄 -SKILL_HOSIN Ma thu廪n -SKILL_HWAYEOM Ho? di贽m tra? -SKILL_HYEOLMA Huy觎t ch?g -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD T?g t綮c 痿???h -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD T?g t綮c 痿?di chuy暌n -SKILL_INMA Thi? nh? h躜p nh忪t -SKILL_JEOJU Nguy晏n ru? -SKILL_JEONGEOP T nhi? chuy暌n ho? -SKILL_JEONGWI Chi觎n h籼n -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Thi觎t b綮 sam -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK T di牝n s跻 ca -SKILL_JEUNGCHE Th馓n du? -SKILL_JEUNGHON T怛p trung -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Thi? n趄 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Th馓n t綮c -SKILL_JIGAM Long a?h -SKILL_JIPJUNG T怛p trung pho?g ng -SKILL_JUMAGAP C? l泸ng -SKILL_JUMAGEOM Quy?oa? -SKILL_KWAEGEOM Khoa? ki觎m -SKILL_KWAESOK T忪n ti牝p thu怛t -SKILL_LEGBOUND V?g vi? -SKILL_MUSA T忪n c?g vu?ba? -SKILL_MUYEONG Vu linh tr怛n -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE Kh?g co?bi?h r艮ng -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE Kh?g co?bi?h 痿? -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR Ky?n?g chi?du?g khi chi觎n h趄i -SKILL_PABEOP Pha?phe? -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE T粢ng lc c?g ki?h -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Lo? m沆t -SKILL_SINCHAK S躜 ha? -SKILL_SLEEP Bu籼n ngu -SKILL_SLOW Ch怛m -SKILL_STUN B忪t 痿?g -SKILL_SUHO Thu?h趄 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Kha?n?g tri牝u t怛p : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Tri?lc -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL C忪p 痿 -SKILL_TOXICDIE Tru?g 痿? -SKILL_TOXICPOWER T?g 痿? lc -SKILL_TUSOK V?g vi? -SKILL_WONSIN Th馓n mu? -SKILL_YONGSIN Long th馓n thu廪n -STAT_MINUS_CON ?晏u chi?h th暌 lc (C?h趄i co? la? %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX ?晏u chi?h nhanh nhe? (C?h趄i co? la? %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT ?晏u chi?h tri?tu牝 (C?h趄i co? la? %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR ?晏u chi?h sc ma?h (C?h趄i co? la? %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON T?g sinh lc va?sc pho?g ng -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX T?g lc c?g ki?h va?sc kha?g ?? -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT T?g tri?lc, lc phe? thu怛t va?sc kha?g phe? -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR T?g lc c?g ki?h -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Danh sa?h c跆 h趄i -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 Ch觎 痿?CPU Tiling co?th暌 la? t?g t綮c 痿? v蹯i ca? ma? ti?h c忪u hi?h th忪p -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 Trong tr?g h躜p pha? sinh v忪n 痍?v晏 痿?hoa?ha? ?晏u chi?h 跻 mu? thi觎t l怛p h牝 th綮ng ho泸c cha? config.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 Thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?CPU Tiling -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 Ch觎 痿?GPU Tiling co?th暌 g? gi怛t ma? hi?h 痿? v蹯i ca? ma? ti?h c忪u hi?h th忪p -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 Trong tr?g h躜p pha? sinh v忪n 痍?v晏 痿?hoa?ha? ?晏u chi?h 跻 mu? thi觎t l怛p h牝 th綮ng ho泸c cha? config.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 Thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?GPU Tiling -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT Thay 痿? thi觎t l怛p ch觎 痿?Tiling c馓n pha? kh跻i 痿?g la? tro?ch? -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 恤?g y?quy觎t 疴? -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Phu? thu -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Pha?hu? -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Xu綮ng nga -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Ca? xu? -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Giao di?h -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Loa? kho? nho? -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER Ngng quan sa? -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Quy觎t 疴? -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND K觎t ba? -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD M跆i va? h趄i -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY M跆i va? nho? -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY R跆i kho? nho? -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Gia nh怛p nho? -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Trang bi -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Thi?th馓m -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Tru? -TARGET_LEVEL_KING ?? vng -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Thu?li?h -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Li?h th?g -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Thu?li?h cao c忪p -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Li?h tinh nhu牝 -TASKBAR_ATTACK T忪n c?g -TASKBAR_AUTO T 痿?g t忪n c?g -TASKBAR_CAMERA Quan sa? -TASKBAR_EXP ?暌m kinh nghi牝m -TASKBAR_HP Sinh lc -TASKBAR_MOVE Di chuy暌n -TASKBAR_SKILL Ky?n?g -TASKBAR_SP Tri?lc -TASKBAR_ST Th暌 lc -THING_COUNT ca? -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i 痿?g v怛t +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i thi?h kha?h +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i a? ma +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i con ng? +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i m怛t gia? +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i qua? v怛t +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i quy?+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i phu?thu? +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i tu la +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i xa? ch觎t h籼i sinh +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR T?g sc t忪n c?g v蹯i vo?si?+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Ch泸n t忪n c?g v怛t ly?%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER H籼i phu? tri?lc m艮i 5 gi? trong lu? chi觎n 疴? %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT T忪n c?g chi?ma?g %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER H籼i phu? tri?lc khi bi?t粢n thng %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Xa? su忪t ne?tra?h cung t? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS Xa? su忪t nh怛n ?暌m th?g kinh nghi牝m %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS Xa? su忪t nh怛n g忪p 痿i ti晏n r? ra %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Kh?g bi?h忪t nga?SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Ch綮ng bi?ch怛m 90% SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Ch綮ng bi?choa?g va?g SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS Xa? su忪t nh怛n g忪p 痿i s綮 l?g v怛t ph庖m r? ra %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER Xa? su忪t h籼i phu? sinh lc %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER Xa? su忪t h籼i phu? tri?lc %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT Xa? su忪t la? ti? hao tri?lc 痿? phng %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT Kh?g hi牝u ng -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY Kh?g m忪t ?暌m kinh nghi牝m khi t vong SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT Xa? su忪t c?g ki?h xuy? th忪u %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Xa? su忪t tru?g 痿? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Kha?g 痿? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS T?g d? ti?h cu? thu綮c n? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Xa? su忪t pha? h籼i phe? thu怛t %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE Xa? su忪t pha? h籼i lc t忪n c?g v怛t ly?%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Gia? sa? thng cu? chu?g %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Gia? sa? thng cu? chu? thu?%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Gia? sa? thng cu? qua? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Gia? sa? thng cu? ki觎m %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Gia? sa? thng vu?khi?c馓m b闾ng hai tay %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Gia? sa? thng cu? gio?%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS T?g ty?l牝 tha?h c?g 2.5 l馓n khi ho? sa?h ky?n?g SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY Th忪t ba? khi ho? ky?n?g kh?g bi?t庖u ho? nh怛p ma SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Xa? su忪t la? ch怛m mu? ti? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP H忪p thu?thi牝t ha? chuy暌n tha?h sinh lc %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP H忪p thu?thi牝t ha? chuy暌n tha?h tri?lc %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Xa? su忪t la? choa?g va?g mu? ti? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Kh?g th暌 ba? ta? ca ha?g -TOOLTIP_ARMOR A? gia? -TOOLTIP_ARROW Mu? t? -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Thi?h kha?h -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Lc c?g ki?h +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED T綮c 痿?t忪n c?g +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE T馓m b沆n +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Gia?: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED T綮c 痿?la? phe? +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Th暌 lc +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Lc pho?g thu?+%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Nhanh nhe? +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Hoa tai -TOOLTIP_ETC Nhng th kha? -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 恤?tha?h thu? : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL C忪p 痿?: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 旋a cu綮c cho ti晏u phu -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 痍?n?g c忪p -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 tha?h cu綮c t綮t h? -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 恤?tha?h thu? : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL C忪p 痿?: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 旋a c馓n c? cho ng?phu -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 痍?n?g c忪p -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 tha?h c馓n c? t綮t h? -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 恤?da? : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Mu?gia? -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN H籼i phu? sinh lc +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Tri?tu牝 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Lc c?g ki?h %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Lc c?g ki?h %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Lc c?g ki?h %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Lc c?g ki?h %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED T綮c 痿?t忪n c?g %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Lc pho?g thu?: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Nhanh -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Gi蹯i ha? th暌 lc : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Gi蹯i ha? nhanh nhe? : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Gi蹯i ha? tri?tu牝 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL Gi蹯i ha? c忪p 痿?: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Gi蹯i ha? sc ma?h : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Lc t忪n c?g ma thu怛t %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Lc t忪n c?g ma thu怛t %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Sc kha?g ma thu怛t : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Bi?h th?g -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Ch怛m -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST R忪t nhanh -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW R忪t ch怛m -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Co?th暌 trang bi?] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER S綮 may m沆n : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Lc t忪n c?g ma thu怛t +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Sc kha?g ma thu怛t : +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Lc c?g ki?h +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Lc c?g ki?h +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT T 痿?g nh泸t ti晏n SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Lc pho?g thu?+%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Lc pho?g thu?+12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS ?暌m kinh nghi牝m +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC ?暌m th?g kinh nghi牝m ta? IC +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC ?暌m th?g kinh nghi牝m 50% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND T?g c?h趄i b沆t 瘕躜c ca?hi觎m SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Ty?l牝 r蹯t ti晏n g忪p %.1f l馓n SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Ty?l牝 r蹯t ti晏n g忪p 2 l馓n SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Ty?l牝 r蹯t 痿?g忪p %.1f l馓n SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC Ty?l牝 r蹯t 痿?跻 IC t?g %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Ty?l牝 r蹯t 痿?g忪p 2 l馓n SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Chi?s綮 ha?h phu? t?g nhanh h? SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Ta? ?cha th 3 trong kho 痿?SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Sinh lc t綮i ? +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Sinh lc t綮i ? +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Tri?lc t綮i ? +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Tri?lc t綮i ? +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Th暌 lc t綮i ? +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR L艮i GPS (%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED T綮c 痿?di chuy暌n %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK D? chuy晏n -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Y? c馓u tri?lc: t綮i ? -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Y? c馓u long khi?: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Y? c馓u th暌 lc : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC Th暌 lc : %d / Gi? -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Y? c馓u ?暌m ky?n?g : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Y? c馓u tri?lc : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC Tri?lc : %d / Gi? -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 C忪p 痿?ti觎p theo : %d (T綮i ? %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 C忪p 痿?ti觎p theo : %d (T綮i ? %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Thi牝t ha? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Gia? thi牝t tha? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 H? %d tha?h vi? trong nho? -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 C忪p t忪n c?g +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 C忪p pho?g thu?+%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL H籼i phu? th暌 lc va?tri?lc cu? t忪t ca?ca? tha?h vi? trong nho? m趄t l馓n m艮i 60 phu? -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL H籼i phu? th暌 lc va?tri?lc cu? t忪t ca?ca? tha?h vi? trong nho? m趄t l馓n m艮i 30 phu? -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL Tri牝u t怛p ca? tha?h vi? trong nho? 3 phu? sau khi t vong -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL Tri牝u t怛p ca? tha?h vi? trong nho? n觎u ?ng 疸ng nh怛p tr? cu?g m趄t k?h -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Co?th暌 chi???h %d ng? t忪n c?g -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Co?th暌 chi???h 1 ng? chi? ?? -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL C忪p 痿?hi牝n ta? : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [ T?g t忪n c?g/pho?g thu?] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [ H籼i phu? ] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP ?暌m th?g kinh nghi牝m %d%% n觎u s綮 tha?h vi? nho? tr? %d ng? -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [ ?暌m th?g kinh nghi牝m ] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [ Tri牝u t怛p ] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [ Chi???h ng? t忪n c?g ] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [ Chi???h ng? chi? ?? ] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cha tri?ca? hi牝u ng x忪u -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Phu? -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED T綮c 痿?t忪n c?g : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT Sinh lc : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT Sinh lc : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED T綮c 痿?di chuy暌n : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT Tri?lc : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT Tri?lc : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Gi? -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Th跆i gian ta? du?g : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL Y? c馓u c忪p 痿?21 tr跻 l? -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL Y? c馓u c忪p 痿?41 tr跻 l? -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL Y? c馓u c忪p %d -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL Y? c馓u ky?n?g %s tr? c忪p %d -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL Y? c馓u chi?s綮 %s %d -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Kha?g cung t? %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Kha?g ?牝n %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Kha?g la %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Kha?g phe? thu怛t %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Co? la? : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Gia?: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Phu?thu? -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Khi? -TOOLTIP_SHOES Gia? -TOOLTIP_SKILL Ky?n?g SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Sa?h ky?n?g -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Lc c?g ki?h : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Lc c?g ki?h : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED T綮c 痿?t忪n c?g : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Lc pho?g thu?: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Lc t忪n c?g cu? 痿? phng : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL H籼i phu? sinh lc : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED T綮c 痿?di chuy暌n : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Kha?n?g pha? ?? : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Kha?g thi牝t ha? v怛t ly?: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Th跆i gian 瘐? : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Thi牝t ha? phe? thu怛t %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Kha?g thi牝t ha? phe? thu怛t %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Th跆i gian ta? du?g : %d gi? -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Sa?h la?g qu? -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL C忪p 痿?hi牝n ta? : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER C忪p 痿?hi牝n ta? : %d (Tha?h thu?) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX C忪p 痿?hi牝n ta? : %d (T綮i ? %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Tr綮ng -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [ Mo? 痿?co?th暌 g沆n linh tha?h ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN H籼i phu? tri?lc +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR Sc ma?h +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Tu la -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE V?song -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Vo?sy -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Vu?khi -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Vo?g tay -UI_ACCEPT Ch忪p nh怛n -UI_CANCEL Hu? bo -UI_CLOSE ??g la? -UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:12 -UI_DENY T ch綮i -UI_ITEM V怛t ph庖m -UI_LEFT_TIME Th跆i gian co? la? : %d gi? -UI_NEXT Ti觎p tu? -UI_NOCONTENTS Kh?g co?n趄i dung -UI_NONAME Kh?g co?t? -UI_OK Xa? nh怛n -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Vi?tri?kh?g xa? ??h -UI_UNKNOWN Kh?g xa? ??h -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP Kh?g th暌 s du?g mo? 痿?khi ?ng m跻 ca ha?g ca?nh? -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN L艮i ky?n?g kh?g ro?nguy? nh? : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT C馓n k觎t n綮i la? 痍?ta? d忪u hi牝u bang h趄i l? -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT C馓n k觎t n綮i la? 痍?ki暌m tra d忪u hi牝u bang h趄i -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Kha?g t忪n c?g cu? vo?sy?%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Kha?g t忪n c?g cu? thi?h kha?h %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Kha?g t忪n c?g cu? tu la %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Kha?g t忪n c?g cu? phu?thu? %d%% SA -FOR_MALE 恤?du?g cho pha? nam -FOR_FEMALE 恤?du?g cho pha? n -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK Ta? khoa? bi?ha? ch觎 疸ng nh怛p tr? trang chu -GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL 3 -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Y? c馓u c忪p 痿?pha? l蹯n h? 3 -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Ba? co?mu綮n ba? %s v蹯i gia?%s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Ba? co?mu綮n ba? %s %s v蹯i gia?%s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Ba? co?mu綮n mua %s v蹯i gia?%s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Ba? co?mu綮n mua %s %s v蹯i gia?%s? -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH Kh?g th暌 na? %s va? v怛t ph庖m na? -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 Kh?g co?ch艮 痍?na? ? -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET Kh?g co?ch艮 疸? bi牝t 痍?na? %s -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Ba? co?mu綮n vt bo?%s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Ba? co?mu綮n vt bo?%s %s? -MONETARY_UNIT0 L?g -MONETARY_UNIT1 Va? -MONETARY_UNIT2 Tr? ty -FISHING_NOTIFY1 Hi?h nh?%s ??c沆n c?! -FISHING_NOTIFY2 Hi?h nh???c? 瘕躜c %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS1 C? 瘕躜c %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 旋躜c %s! -PLAY_TIME_INFO_1 Ba? ??ch? 瘕躜c -PLAY_TIME_INFO_2 %d gi跆 %d phu? -PLAY_TIME_INFO_3 ba? se?nh怛n 瘕躜c %d%% -PLAY_TIME_INFO_4 ?暌m kinh nghi牝m va?ty?l牝 r? 痿 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 19b49d4c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Ch忪p nh怛n -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Na騧 餫 cho v怛t ph庖m? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Na騧 餫 -CANCEL Hu襶 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Xa靋 nh怛n m怛t kh庖u m蹯i -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW M怛t kh庖u m蹯i -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD M怛t kh庖u cu -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Thay 痿襥 m怛t kh庖u -CHARACTER_ACTION Ha蘮h 痿騨g -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Ca襪 xu靋 -CHARACTER_MAIN Nh鈔 v怛t -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Ha蘮h 痿騨g tng ta靋 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Ha蘮h 痿騨g th鬾g th蘮g -CHARACTER_QUEST Nhi牝m vu -CHARACTER_SKILL Ky n鉵g -CLOSE 衞靚g -CREATE_ATT_GRADE Sc ma騨h -CREATE_CREATE Ta騩 nh鈔 v怛t -CREATE_DEX_GRADE Nhanh nhe騨 -CREATE_HP Th暌 lc -CREATE_LAST_POINT 衖暌m d -CREATE_MAN Nam -CREATE_NAME T阯 nh鈔 v怛t -CREATE_NEXT Sau -CREATE_PREV Tr靋 -CREATE_SEX Gi蹯i ti靚h -CREATE_SHAPE Trang phu騝 -CREATE_SP Tri tu牝 -CREATE_STAT_RESET Hoa蘮 nguy阯 -CREATE_WOMAN N -CUBE_TITLE Ch觎 ta騩 -EMPIRE_EXIT Thoa靦 -EMPIRE_NEXT Sau -EMPIRE_PREV Tr靋 -EMPIRE_SELECT Cho騨 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Ch忪p nh怛n -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trao 痿襥 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER Ng齨g quan sa靦 -GAME_HELP H靚g d廪n -GAME_QUEST Nhi牝m vu -GAME_SKILL_UP Ky n鉵g -GAME_STAT_UP Th暌 tra騨g -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Thi觎t l怛p tro ch鮥 -GUILD_BASENAME T阯 c鉵 c -GUILD_BOARD_ID T阯 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH C怛p nh怛t (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT N趄i dung -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Loa騣 nha -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 恤襥 ch艮 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION H靚g -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE B怛c -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Th鬾g tin v晏 x鈟 dng va chi phi -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Ki暌u nha -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG G艮 tro蘮 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME T阯 to蘟 nha -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Hoa騮 痿騨g -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY G艮 t忪m -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Vi tri -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Xem th -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Ti晏n -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH C怛p nh怛t (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 衋 vi阯 -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE X鈟 dng -GUILD_CRYSTAL Pha l -GUILD_DEPOSIT 衞靚g go靝 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Bo ta蘨 nguy阯 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 va蘯 疴y -GUILD_GEM 衋 quy -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 恤襥 t阯 chc vi -GUILD_GRADE_NUM B怛c -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Tru騝 xu忪t -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Tuy暌n m趄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Th鬾g ba靜 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Ky n鉵g -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Chc vi -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 秀ng tin -GUILD_INFO Th鬾g tin bang h趄i -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Kinh nghi牝m -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Tuy阯 chi觎n -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD H趄i 痿靑 nghich -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY ----- -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL C忪p 痿 -GUILD_INFO_MARK Huy hi牝u -GUILD_INFO_MASTER H趄i tr襫g -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE H趄i tr襫g -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL C忪p 痿 trung bi蘮h -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Tha蘮h vi阯 -GUILD_INFO_NAME T阯 h趄i -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 锈y la t阯 cu襛 h趄i -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Hi觎n -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP K.nghi牝m c馓n -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Ta襥 huy hi牝u -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Ta襥 c跆 hiu -GUILD_MARK Huy hi牝u -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB L蹯p -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Chi huy -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL C忪p 痿 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME T阯 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Chc vi -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY C綮ng hi觎n -GUILD_METIN_STONE Linh tha騝h -GUILD_MINENAL Khoa靚g tha騝h -GUILD_MONEY Ti晏n -GUILD_NAME H趄i -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Th鬾g tin ta蘨 sa襫 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Ky n鉵g chu 痿騨g -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP H籼i phu騝 long khi -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Ky n鉵g h艮 tr躜 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Long khi -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Ky n鉵g 餫ng 瘕躜c ki靋h hoa騮 -GUILD_SYMBOL C跆 hi牝u -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 恤蘮g y ng chi觎n -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Phng thc -GUILD_WAR_CTF C靝 c跆 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Tuy阯 chi觎n -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 恤靑 thu -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Th鬾g th蘮g -GUILD_WAR_WARP 锈靧 tr蘮g -GUILD_WATER N靋 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 衋 n粢i -GUILD_WITHDRAW Ru靦 ra -HELP_ATTACK_KEY T忪n c鬾g b闾ng ca靋h chi va蘯 痿靑 phng va nh忪n chu趄t tra靑 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE Nh忪n t粢 h躜p phi靘 + 痍 thay 痿襥 ch觎 痿 PK -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 Nh鈔 v怛t, ha蘮h trang -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 Tro chuy牝n -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON Thay 痿襥 go靋 nhi蘮 b闾ng ca靋h nh忪n pha襥 chu趄t va di chuy暌n con tro chu趄t -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON Thay 痿襥 go靋 nhi蘮 b闾ng ca靋h nh忪n nu靦 gia chu趄t va di chuy暌n con tro chu趄t -HELP_EXP 衖暌m kinh nghi牝m -HELP_FURY Cu籼ng n趄 -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW 蚂n t粢 h躜p phi靘 + 痍 餺靚g m跻 ca s粢 b鉵g 餫襫g -HELP_HELP Xem h靚g d廪n b闾ng ca靋h 忪n phi靘 ho泸c cho騨 trong menu h牝 th綮ng (Nh忪n Esc) -HELP_HP Sinh lc -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW Nh忪n t粢 h躜p phi靘 + 痍 餺靚g m跻 ca s粢 ba騨 be -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Ha蘮h 痿騨g khi nh忪n chu趄t tra靑 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Ha蘮h 痿騨g khi nh忪n chu趄t pha襥 -HELP_MOVE_KEY Nh忪n , , , 痍 di chuy暌n nh鈔 v怛t -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER Nh忪n 痍 m跻 ca s粢 nh鈔 v怛t -HELP_OPEN_CHAT Nh忪n Enter m跻 ca s粢 tro chuy牝n -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY Nh忪n 痍 m跻 ca s粢 ha蘮h trang -HELP_OPEN_LOG Nh忪n 痍 xem ca靋 餺a騨 h趄i thoa騣 tr靋 餺 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP Nh忪n t粢 h躜p phi靘 + 痍 餺靚g m跻 ba襫 痿 nho -HELP_OPEN_QUEST Nh忪n 痍 m跻 ca s粢 nhi牝m vu -HELP_OPEN_SKILL Nh忪n 痍 m跻 ca s粢 ky n鉵g -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER Nh忪n t粢 h躜p phi靘 < Shift> + < Enter> se m跻 ca s粢 gi tin nh沆n -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP Nh忪n 痍 餺靚g m跻 ba襫 痿 t粢ng th暌 -HELP_PICK_ITEM 蚂n <~> 痍 nh泸t v怛t ph庖m -HELP_QUICKSLOT Ba襫g phi靘 t沆t -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE Nh忪n 痍 chu騪 a襫h ma蘮 hi蘮h -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME Nh忪n 痍 hi牝n thi t阯 nh鈔 v怛t va mo靚 痿 -HELP_SP Tri lc -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON Nu靦 h牝 th綮ng -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 Ha蘮h trang th nh忪t -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 Hnh trang th hai -INVENTORY_TITLE Ha蘮h trang -LOAD_ERROR D li牝u bi l艮i. Ha辻 ca蘨 疸騮 la騣 tro ch鮥. B鈟 gi跆 ha辻 忪n nu靦 ESC. -LOGIN_CONNECT K觎t n綮i -LOGIN_CONNECTING 衋ng k觎t n綮i v蹯i ma靬 chu -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR T阯 ma靬 chu, k阯h 1 -LOGIN_EXIT K觎t thu靋 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE La cho騨 khu vc -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Cho騨 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Thoa靦 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK Xa靋 nh怛n -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE La cho騨 ma靬 chu -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE M怛t kh庖u -MALL_TITLE Kho ha蘮g Item Mall -MARKET_TITLE Ca ha蘮g -MARKLIST_REFRESH C怛p nh怛t -MARKLIST_TITLE Danh sa靋h huy hi牝u -MESSAGE Tin nh沆n -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Th阭 ba騨 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Xo靉 ba騨 -MESSENGER_MOBILE Gi tin nh沆n -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Ca s粢 bang h趄i -MESSENGER_TITLE Nh沆n tin -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL S du騨g ky n鉵g di騝h chuy暌n h趄i vi阯 -MESSENGER_WHISPER No靑 th馓m -MINIMIZE Thu nho -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK T忪n c鬾g -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK T忪n c鬾g t 痿騨g -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Quan sa靦 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Ky n鉵g -MUSICLIST_TITLE Danh mu騝 nha騝 n晏n -NO Kh鬾g -OK 恤蘮g y -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Hi牝n t阯 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF M趄t la靦 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Lu鬾 lu鬾 -OPTION_BLOCK T ch綮i -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Giao di騝h -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND K觎t ba騨 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD H趄i -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Nho靘 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Va蘯 nho靘 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER No靑 th馓m -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Quan sa靦 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Xa -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT G馓n -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Xo靉 ma s綮 -OPTION_EFFECT Sa靦 thng -OPTION_FOG Sng mu -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 锈騧 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Nha騮 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Va -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Nh怛p ma s綮 -OPTION_MOBILE Ma s綮 -OPTION_MUSIC 耺 nha騝 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Nha騝 n晏n -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Nha騝 n晏n m泸c 餴騨h -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Ma蘵 t阯 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Qu綮c gia -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Th鬾g th蘮g -OPTION_PVPMODE Ch觎 痿 PvP -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE T do -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP Co th暌 t忪n c鬾g t忪t ca ng蘨 ch鮥 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Bang h趄i -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP Co th暌 t忪n c鬾g t忪t ca ng蘨 ch鮥 tr tha蘮h vi阯 cu襛 bang h趄i -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Ho蘟 bi蘮h -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP Kh鬾g th暌 t忪n c鬾g tr靋 b忪t ky ng蘨 ch鮥 na蘯 (co th暌 pha襫 ki靋h) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Thu 餴騝h -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP Chi co th暌 t忪n c鬾g ng蘨 ch鮥 cu襛 qu綮c gia kha靋 -OPTION_SOUND 耺 thanh -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Th鬾g tin 餴騝h thu -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 乱n -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Hi牝n -OPTION_TILING X ly hi蘮h a襫h -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 蒽ng du騨g -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Chc n鉵g -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Ca s粢 chat -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 乱n -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Hi牝n -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Tha蘮h vi阯 nho靘 -PASSWORD_TITLE M怛t kh庖u kho 痿 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE S綮 ti晏n -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 衞靚g -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME T阯 ca ha蘮g -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Ca ha蘮g ca nh鈔 -REFINE_COST Chi phi n鈔g c忪p : 0 Gold -REFINE_INFO Ty l牝 n鈔g c忪p tha蘮h c鬾g : 100% -REFINE_TTILE N鈔g c忪p -RESTART_HERE H籼i sinh ta騣 ch艮 -RESTART_TOWN Tr跻 v晏 la蘮g -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 恤襥 m怛t kh庖u -SAFE_TITLE Kho 痿 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE Sc ma騨h -SELECT_CREATE Ta騩 nh鈔 v怛t -SELECT_DELETE Xo靉 nh鈔 v怛t -SELECT_DEX_GRADE Nhanh nhe騨 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Qu綮c gia -SELECT_EXIT Thoa靦 -SELECT_HP Th暌 lc -SELECT_LEVEL C忪p 痿 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Cho騨 餫 quy -SELECT_NAME T阯 -SELECT_NO_GUILD ----- -SELECT_PLAYTIME Th跆i gian ch鮥 -SELECT_SELECT B沆t 疴蘵 -SELECT_SP Tri tu牝 -SELECT_TITLE Ngoa騣 hi牝u -SHOP_BUY Mua -SHOP_SELL Ba靚 -SHOP_TITLE Ca ha蘮g -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Ky n鉵g h艮 tr躜 -SYSTEM_CHANGE Thay 痿襥 nh鈔 v怛t -SYSTEM_EXIT Thoa靦 kho襥 tro ch鮥 -SYSTEM_HELP H靚g d廪n c ba襫 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 恤襥 ma靬 chu -SYSTEM_MALL Ca ha蘮g Item Mall -SYSTEM_OPTION Thi觎t l怛p h牝 th綮ng -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE Thi觎t l怛p h牝 th綮ng -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Nh鈔 v怛t [C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Ca s粢 chat -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Ha蘮h trang [1] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Nh沆n tin -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Ba襫g phi靘 t沆t sau [Shift + s綮] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Ba襫g phi靘 t沆t tr靋 [Shift + s綮] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM H牝 th綮ng [ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Ch泸n -WHISPER_NAME Ng蘨 nh怛n -WHISPER_SEND Gi -YES Co -ZONE_MAP Ba襫 痿 t粢ng th暌 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 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b/bin_original/locale/vn/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 4ef7b46c..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/vn/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/BuildGuildBuildingWindow.py b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/BuildGuildBuildingWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 81254de9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/BuildGuildBuildingWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,343 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/" -SMALL_VALUE_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_02.sub" -MIDDLE_VALUE_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub" - -TEMP_X = 110 - -window = { - "name" : "BuildGuildBuildingWindow", - "style" : ("movable", "float",), - - "x" : 10, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 240 - 50, - - "width" : 355+TEMP_X, - "height" : 240, - - "children" : - ( - - { - "name" : "Board", - "type" : "board_with_titlebar", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : 355+TEMP_X, - "height" : 240, - - "title" : 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"WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 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"OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/mapname/a1.tga b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/mapname/a1.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 4a52a6c9..00000000 Binary files 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--git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_skill_support.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_skill_support.sub deleted file mode 100644 index d591b107..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_skill_support.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 417 -top 74 -right 492 -bottom 89 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_skill_weapon.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_skill_weapon.sub deleted file mode 100644 index d0a8d373..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_skill_weapon.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 437 -top 130 -right 473 -bottom 147 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_std.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_std.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 3e94ff8f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_std.sub +++ 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b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_uppt.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 4121fbb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/label_uppt.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 400 -top 116 -right 500 -bottom 130 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_1.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_1.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 1ca658a2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_1.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 0 -top 0 -right 253 -bottom 37 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_2.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_2.sub deleted file mode 100644 index d5e58e02..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_2.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 253 -top 0 -right 506 -bottom 37 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_3.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_3.sub deleted file mode 100644 index daba3d60..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_3.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 0 -top 37 -right 253 -bottom 74 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_4.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_4.sub deleted file mode 100644 index e993c309..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/tab_4.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 253 -top 37 -right 506 -bottom 74 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/title_skill.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/title_skill.sub deleted file mode 100644 index bfdbb254..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/title_skill.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 473 -top 121 -right 511 -bottom 138 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/title_status.sub b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/title_status.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 79318005..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/title_status.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "windows.dds" -left 448 -top 104 -right 496 -bottom 121 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/windows.dds b/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/windows.dds deleted file mode 100644 index e6b6cb89..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/vn/ui/windows/windows.dds and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/yconv.dll b/bin_original/locale/vn/yconv.dll deleted file mode 100644 index 0f661682..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/vn/yconv.dll and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/vn/yconv.py b/bin_original/locale/vn/yconv.py deleted file mode 100644 index 15f107b0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/vn/yconv.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -from ctypes import cdll -from ctypes import create_string_buffer - -BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 - -def conv(srcText, srcCodePage, dstCodePage): - dstBufs = [] - - dstBuf = create_string_buffer(BLOCK_SIZE * 4) - - srcPos = 0 - srcMax = len(srcText) - - while srcPos < srcMax: - srcBlock = srcText[srcPos:srcPos+BLOCK_SIZE] - dstLen = cdll.yconv.conv(srcCodePage, srcBlock, len(srcBlock), dstCodePage, dstBuf, len(dstBuf)) - dstBufs.append(dstBuf[:dstLen]) - srcPos += len(srcBlock) - - return "".join(dstBufs) diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/AtlasInfo.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/AtlasInfo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 66864922..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/AtlasInfo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -map_a2 256000 665600 6 6 -map_b2 102400 51200 6 6 -map_c2 665600 281600 6 6 -map_n_snowm_01 358400 153600 6 6 -metin2_map_a1 409600 896000 4 5 -metin2_map_a3 307200 819200 4 4 -metin2_map_b1 0 102400 4 5 -metin2_map_b3 102400 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_c1 921600 204800 4 5 -metin2_map_c3 819200 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_deviltower1 204800 665600 3 3 -metin2_map_milgyo 537600 51200 4 4 -metin2_map_n_desert_01 204800 486400 6 6 -metin2_map_n_flame_01 588800 614400 6 6 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon 51200 486400 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02 665600 435200 4 4 -metin2_map_t1 0 25600 3 3 -metin2_map_t2 6400 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t3 32000 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t4 57600 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t5 793600 0 1 1 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 819200 51200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 768000 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 844800 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 921600 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02 128000 640000 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03 128000 716800 3 3 -metin2_map_wedding_01 819200 0 1 1 -metin2_map_guild_01 128000 0 2 2 -metin2_map_guild_02 179200 0 2 2 -metin2_map_guild_03 230400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_trent 281600 0 2 2 -metin2_map_trent02 1049600 0 4 4 -gm_guild_build 83200 0 1 1 -metin2_map_duel 844800 0 1 1 -season1/metin2_map_WL_01 1049600 716800 6 6 -season1/metin2_map_nusluck01 819200 716800 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 870400 0 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi 921600 0 2 2 -metin2_map_bf 972800 0 2 2 -metin2_map_bf_02 921600 51200 2 2 -metin2_map_bf_03 972800 51200 2 2 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass01 1024000 102400 4 4 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass02 1024000 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass03 1024000 307200 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1126400 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1126400 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1126400 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1152000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1177600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1177600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1177600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1228800 0 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1228800 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1228800 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1228800 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo 1331200 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi 1408000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1484800 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1561600 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass01 1280000 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass02 1280000 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass03 1280000 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1331200 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1331200 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1331200 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1382400 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1382400 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1382400 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1433600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1433600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1433600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_ew02 256000 51200 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 972800 102400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 921600 153600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 972800 153600 2 2 -season2/map_n_snowm_02 0 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a 153600 1049600 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02 307200 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02 460800 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_a2_1 614400 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_trent_a 768000 1049600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_trent02_a 921600 1049600 3 3 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1203200 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1203200 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1356800 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1510400 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1664000 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1356800 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1510400 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1664000 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 665600 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 716800 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 768000 230400 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 742400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1100800 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2 819200 1152000 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2 -metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 51200 563200 3 3 -metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 721004c7..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dcae77e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -脚荐惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -悼规苞狼 背开狼 何劝阑 捞风[ENTER] -妨绰 芭措 惑诀惫啊. 力惫狼[ENTER] -盒凯 捞饶 规摹登促矫乔 茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -辑率狼 堡具 瘤开阑 辟夯栏肺[ENTER] -茄 惑牢甸捞 扒汲茄 惫啊捞促.[ENTER] -林肺 辑开苞狼 公开 烹肺肺[ENTER] -荤侩登带 瘤开捞瘤父 己付籍[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)狼 免泅 捞饶[ENTER] -[WAIT] -公开肺啊 瞒窜凳栏肺 牢秦 啊厘[ENTER] -弧府 己付籍狼 困蛆阑 柄崔疽带[ENTER] -捞甸捞扁档 窍促. 积诀阑 困蛆[ENTER] -寸茄 捞甸篮 弊甸捞 啊柳 葛电[ENTER] -犁魂阑 贸盒秦 备 力惫 傈眉俊辑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -傈荤甸阑 葛酒 甸咯 辑率俊辑狼[ENTER] -困蛆阑 规厚 窍妨绊 霖厚 吝俊[ENTER] -乐促. 捞甸捞 盔窍绰 巴篮[ENTER] -烹老等 窍唱狼 惫啊狼 塞栏肺[ENTER] -乐阑瘤档 葛福绰 辑开俊辑狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -魔傍阑 阜酒郴绊 促矫 公开肺甫[ENTER] -俺么窍绰 巴捞促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5f88c54d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -玫炼惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -己付籍狼 儡幅荤充狼 粮犁甫[ENTER] -何福垄栏哥 捞甫 力芭窍妨绰[ENTER] -己辆背惫啊. 炔力狼 荤锰悼积[ENTER] -[WAIT] -例档荤 辣康俊 狼秦 技况柳[ENTER] -辑规狼 惫啊捞促. 林贱苞 痢俊[ENTER] -瓷茄 酒郴甫 烹秦 己付籍(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)狼 困氰阑 流立利栏肺[ENTER] -柄摧绊 弊俊 措茄 措厚氓阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -技匡 巴阑 咯矾 瞒肥俊 吧媚[ENTER] -扒狼窍看瘤父 捞甫 公矫寸窍绊[ENTER] -老练阑 捞缠绊 力惫俊 措秦[ENTER] -馆扁甫 甸菌促. 泅犁 柳畴惫苞[ENTER] -坷罚 趋傈阑 芭奠窍绊 乐栏哥[ENTER] -[WAIT] -捞甸狼 格利篮 窜瘤 窍唱, 傈[ENTER] -措氟阑 烹老秦 辑率俊辑何磐[ENTER] -炼陛究 魔侥秦 甸绢 坷绰 己付[ENTER] -籍狼 塞阑 瞒窜 窍绰 巴捞促.[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d8492f1a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -柳畴惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -备 力惫狼 何劝阑 厕操哥 沥烹[ENTER] -己阑 林厘窍绰 焙荤措惫. 炔力[ENTER] -狼 利磊牢 捞涪捞 捞缠绊 乐绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -夯惫捞促. 合规俊 困摹窍绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 脚荐惫俊 厚秦[ENTER] -趣刀茄 磊楷券版阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐栏哥 弊 锭巩牢瘤 惑寸洒[ENTER] -傍拜利捞绊 菩档利牢 巩拳甫[ENTER] -[WAIT] -蜡瘤窍绊 乐促. 脚荐惫阑[ENTER] -扒汲茄 辣康狼 己付籍俊 措茄[ENTER] -林厘俊 措秦辑绰 肯傈洒 公矫[ENTER] -窍绰淀茄 措寇利牢 怕档甫[ENTER] -秒窍绊 乐瘤父 捞固 炔角狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -泅磊甸阑 悼盔秦 弊俊 措茄[ENTER] -磊技茄 炼荤俊 馒荐秦 乐绰[ENTER] -淀 窍促.捞甸捞 钎搁利栏肺 [ENTER] -己付籍俊 措秦 公包缴茄 巴篮[ENTER] -盒凯等 力惫阑 促矫 烹老窍扁[ENTER] -[WAIT] -困茄 捞涪狼 具噶捞 官帕俊[ENTER] -彬妨乐扁 锭巩捞促.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a8e457e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP 傍俺咯何 -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso 傍累家 -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan 公扁 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan 规绢备 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 咀技辑府 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu 荤飞何 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 荐访厘 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 龋冠 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 拳籍格 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 备府 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 篮 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 苛籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 孺窜籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 柳林 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 归陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 磊荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 玫风 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 塞狼 脚傈 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 塞狼 脚傈 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 塞狼 脚傈 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 笼(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 措巩(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 淬厘(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 笼(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 措巩(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 淬厘(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 笼(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 措巩(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 淬厘(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 版厚啪 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 唱公淬厘1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 唱公淬厘2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 唱公淬厘3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 唱公措巩 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 淬厘(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 辨靛 戎厘 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 淬厘措巩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 淬厘缔寒 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 淬厘哭寒 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 淬厘坷弗寒 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 倒1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 倒2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 倒3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 倒4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 倒5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 倒6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 倒7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 倒8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 倒9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 倒10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 唱公1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 唱公2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 唱公3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 唱公4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 唱公5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 唱公6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 唱公7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 唱公8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 唱公9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c3732322..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2338 +0,0 @@ -webzen -suck -sival -sibal -sex -qm -qa -pussy -porno -porn -police -penis -ooo -o0o -null -none -nhn -naver -motherfucker -jaji -ja瘤 -igoi -igmi -igioi -igimi -hangame -hack -guest -gm -gameorginizer -gamemaster -G胶漆 -G胶铺 -G凡 -G饿 -fuck-you -fuckyou -fucku -fucking -fuck -dog -db -cs -cival -cipal -cifal -cibal -cast -c妻 -C迫 -c婆 -c还 -c弧 -c阂 -c杭 -c国 -c闺 -c惯 -c冠 -c8 -boji -bo瘤 -bitch -BattleTerritory -battery -auction -asshole -Administrator -admin -洒肺煌 -蕊盒且赤 -饶芒 -饶燎 -饶厘 -饶厚颇 -饶硅困 -饶妨 -饶饭磊侥 -饶藩崔 -饶藩 -饶贰酒甸 -饶贰 -饶饿 -饶扼龙 -饶扼 -饶促斥 -拳剧斥 -拳成斥 -拳馋拱俺 -拳馋赤 -拳馋巢 -龋良 -龋剧斥 -龋祸茄 -龋狐 -龋福磊交 -龋风棱斥 -龋风货揪 -龋肺楼侥 -龋肺磊侥 -龋肺磊交 -龋肺矫尝 -龋肺巩叼 -龋肺斥 -龋肺 -龋成斥 -泅乔 -泅陛芭贰 -泅芭贰 -秋带飘 -穷鸥捞 -庆欧 -倾立 -倾国 -羜 -勤鸥捞 -琴 -秦欧贸府馆 -秦欧贸府 -秦欧立荐盔 -秦欧惑淬盔 -秦欧惑淬 -亲巩 -窃窍磊 -窃弧磊 -窃措临贰 -窃措临 -窃措林鳖 -罜酒 -怯阑贰 -怯绢 -怯酒 -且鸥 -茄锅临贰 -茄锅林膊 -茄锅踩磊 -乔烙 -絫 -絤 -迄洰 -迄劫 -迄涧 -迄冀胶 -迄冀 -迄技竣 -迄祸胶 -迄祸 -迄督 -器林 -器柯冀 -器柯 -器福x -器福畴 -器风X -器风畴 -器档府 -器い -器版 -畦挤 -畦导 -歧扼萍坷 -歧扼摹坷 -其泼 -其萍矫 -其萍浆 -其萍吧 -其聪胶 -糷钮 -糷痹 -戚冀 -戚祸 -栖钮 -栖蜡 -欺福畴 -朴扼摹坷 -埔T -菩萍矫 -菩萍浆 -菩聪胶 -婆钮 -箲 -穙 -稢 -呸捞 -呸臂 -呸弊 -呸备 -呸芭 -磐贰扁 -鸥咀 -怒冀 -努府配府胶 -奴晾 -奴磊瘤 -奴焊瘤 -奴斥 -尼鉴捞 -尼鳖 -妮吧 -能导 -哪s -哪洰胶 -哪洰 -哪劫 -哪冀胶 -哪冀 -哪技竣 -哪祸 -目决技竣 -目匆傅备胶 -目匆傅芭胶 -目聪傅备胶 -某腐磐剖 -某腐磐伙 -墨冀胶 -墨冀 -墨官 -摹付加 -秒力评 -秒力柳 -秒犁评 -秒犁柳 -秒凡 -免厘辑厚胶 -免厘付荤瘤 -绵绵 -谜斥 -谜赤 -盟盟 -檬酱 -媚磷 -媚惯扼 -媚冈绢 -媚冈 -媚嘎绊 -媚靛祭 -每矫 -眉困 -霉版氰 -羧 -贸惯扼 -贸冈绢 -贸赣芭 -贸靛祭 -贸靛伙 -贸赤阜 -貌斥 -盲况拎 -芒何 -芒搐 -芒斥 -芒赤 -芒巢 -狝 - -迈绢磷老 -迈绢滚赴促 -吗蝶 -骂骂 -骂龙捞 -骂龙酒 -骂饿 -﹏廁 -妈饿 -罗嫡酒府 -罗淡捞 -罗大捞 -促 -卵 -哎 - -孪 -挛逛 -律促 -律鳖瓢 -律哎 -律啊府 -鹿廉 -鹿历 -芦瘤 -楼瘤判 -楼瘤 -楼 -楼零判 -楼零 -楼烈 -楼廉 -楼历 -楼箕 -窿铂捞 -龙倔 -柳蝶 -流芭贰 -瘤M -瘤怯 -瘤且 -瘤糯捞 -瘤虐固 -瘤迈 -瘤 -瘤骂 -瘤漏 -瘤楼 -瘤肋 -瘤磊 -瘤骏 -瘤茎 -瘤谎 -瘤弧 -瘤狐 -瘤何 -瘤焊 -瘤冠 -瘤官 -瘤固凡 -瘤固 -瘤冈 -瘤逢 -瘤廁 -瘤费 -瘤凡 -瘤饿 -瘤迭 -瘤蹿 -瘤铂咯毫 -瘤鳖 -瘤扁固 -瘤扁鳖 -榴冀 -榴祸 -陵叼 -陵靛 -零焊瘤 -零固 -零逢 -零费 -零凡 -零饿 -零辨 -逛 -磷老搐 -磷老仇 -磷老斥 -磷老波 -磷阑搐 -磷阑仇 -磷阑斥 -磷阑逞 -磷阑 -林叼甫 -林嫡捞 -林嫡酒府 -林淡捞 -林大捞 -林臂 -林芭扼 - -鳖 - -父 -档 -唱 - - -父捞 - -猎父茄祸扁 -猎唱 -猎 -寥饿 -谅瘤 -谅侥 -谅交 -谅江 -犼 -晾弧酒 -晾冈绢 -晾档 -晾鳖 -晾鞍篮霸 -晾 -量弧酒 -量逛 -量冈绢 -量父茄 -量肚 -量档 -量唱霸 -量唱 -量鳖瘤付 -量鳖 -量鞍篮霸 -量 -辆钦琴 -辆仇 -辆斥 -辆唱 -两弧酒 -两冈绢 -两肚 -两档 -两鳖 -两鞍篮霸 -两 -良逛 -良拱 -良斥 -粱拱 -粱父洒 -粱父茄 -粱父救 -粱付聪 -粱付抄 -凉扼府 -凉扼 -犩 -粮拱 -粮父 -粮付 -粮扼 -粮聪 -粮唱霸 -粮唱 -犥 -练鳖 -练鞍 -练隘 -炼烹荐 -炼龙贰 -炼柳促 -炼瘤 -炼廉 -炼灠 -炼渴鞍 -炼渴 -炼坷渴 -炼坷扒 -炼季隆 -炼贿府 -炼槐捞 -炼槐 -炼狐瘤 -炼狐 -炼逛 -炼风 -炼肚 -炼柄 -炼宾 -炼鳖 -炼扒父巢 -炼俺唱弧绢 -炼俺唱弧 -炼啊瓢斥 -炼啊瓢 -牸 -牷 -怜父 -牠 -廉护 -廉栋 -廉鳖 -爼鞍篮 -爼鞍 -爴父 -爴 -隶劈 -隶逛 -隶逛 -隶鞍 -沥咀 -沥荤 -沥冠酒 -粒劈 -粒墨 -粒篮埔萍 -粒槐捞 -粒湖 -粒逛 -粒父 -粒付唱 -粒付 -粒档 -粒歹 -粒唱 -粒怖骂 -粒怖瘤 -粒怖零 -粒博瘤 -粒博零 -粒鳖 -粒鞍篮 -粒鞍 -粒啊瓢 -粒 -立逛 -例扼 -傈付唱 -傈唱备妨 -傈唱霸 -傈唱 -利寂临膊 -利寂临鳖 -利鳖 -历琉埔萍 -历护 -历栋 -历瓷酒 -历斥 -历瘪 -历鳖 -犁荐绝绢 -犁际促 -梨捞 -棱搐 -棱仇 -棱斥 -棱逞 -棱巴 -泪瘤 -肋弧酒 -磊x -磊ji -磊g -磊瘤判 -磊瘤 -磊 -磊零 -磊じl -磊じI -磊じび -磊じ1 -磊じ! -磊困 -磊酒瘤 -磊境 -磊江 -磊狐 -磊叼 -磊泵 -じr瘤 -じrじl -じrじI -じrじび -じrじ1 -じrじ! -じ瘤 -じじ -じび饿 -じび -じであた -じでぁぁ -じっあた -じっぁぁた -じっぁぁ -じし -じ拱 -じぁ -じ1ぉ -じ;ぉ -じ で あ た -じ で ぁ ぁ た -じ っ あ た -じ っ ぁぁ た -涝救荤沥 -涝荤饶厘 -涝蹿媚 -捞磊江 -捞斥酒 -捞斥 -捞逞 -澜帕茄斥 -澜帕茄 -澜厩规价 -澜何 -澜葛 -澜付 -澜版 -辣埃 -腊矫凡 -腊矫饿 -腊矫 -腊豪 -腊癌 -腊埃 -蜡规 -蜡掂 -蜡滴 -昆哩 -岿版 -盔炼窍磊 -盔炼赤 -盔炼背力 -盔炼背犁 -盔炼背 -盔炼 -盔.背 -款康 -快扼龙 -侩林榜 -夸何 -空磊瘤 -空家技瘤 -空焊瘤 -克赤 -渴滚弊 -咳芒 -棵啊硫 -棵啊娇 -坷配 -坷涝龙 -坷涝 -坷混且仇 -坷混且 仇 -坷府浚呕 -坷福啊硫 -坷福啊淋 -坷福啊娇 -坷凡 -坷饿 -坷扼龙斥 -坷扼龙 -考捍且 -考捍 -康磊 -砍贸冈绢 -砍贸芭赣 -砍捞促 -砍冈绢扼 -砍冈绢 -砍鳖 -砍鞍捞 -砍鞍篮 -砍啊瓢 -堪捍且 -堪捍 -咯磊冈绊 -咯磊版氰 -骏捍 -浚俊捞摹浚 -竣胶磐矫 -俊捞赴 -俊捞匙 -俊厚久 -俊厚 -俊馆 -俊固俊厚 -俊固 -俊公 -俊肺 -决芒 -决付焊 -决背 -绢轰隆 -绢轰历 -绢靛刮 -濷捍 -剧酒摹 -剧酒 -剧斥 -剧哎焊 -具拳 -具亲 -具夸捞 -具坷捞 -具坷困 -具冀 -具汲 -具荤 -具付捣 -具付档 -具付 -具府鳖 -具府 -具妨 -具悼 -巨斥 -沮萍 -沮捍 -举后 -矩沤 -局谅窿 -局鲤 -局磊 -局咀 -局厚 -局固焊瘤 -局固 -局骨 -局拱窜瘤 -局公 -局肺 -舅仇 -舅逞 -救付规 -酒袍海捞 -酒累 -酒捞袍海捞 -酒捞叼 -酒阀档府 -酒聪才促 -酒奔芒 -酒备芒 -酒备府 -酒褒 -酒哎芒 -酒哎捞 -酒哎 -酒啊府 -しだじた -澫 -澪 -澥 -澤 -灸沏 -灸妻 -灸莆 -灸迫 -灸辉 -灸皇 -灸还 -灸弧 -灸阂 -灸杭 -灸骇 -灸闺 -灸惯 -久擎 -久且仇 -久且 -久妻 -久迫 -久攀捞 -久攀 -久芒 -久龙 -久绢冈阑仇 -久绢冈阑斥 -久舅逞 -久舅 -久截 -久溅 -久减 -久技 -久积 -久货尝 -久货 -久国 -久惯 -久仇 -久斥 -久逞 -久俺 -久 -揪劝 -揪且 -揪钱 -揪洽 -揪恰 -揪掐 -揪妻 -揪莆 -揪迫搐 -揪迫仇 -揪迫斥 -揪迫 -揪婆 -揪颇 -揪呸 -揪攀 -揪捞钱 -揪捞妻 -揪捞迫 -揪捞弧 -揪捞贺 -揪捞阂 -揪捞国 -揪捞国 -揪捞规 -揪捞惯 -揪捞惯 -揪居斥 -揪居逞 -揪居 -揪舅赣府 -揪舅 -揪卉 -揪辉 -揪皇 -揪磺饿 -揪还 -揪曡斥 -揪曡 -揪弧 -揪糊 -揪狐 -揪呼 -揪厚饿 -揪喉 -揪宏 -揪旡 -揪很呈赣技扁 -揪很 -揪贺 -揪贺 -揪阂 -揪何贩 -揪何凡 -揪何饿攀 -揪何饿 -揪何大 -揪何 -揪攆 -揪擴 -揪豪 -揪杭斥 -揪杭 -揪焊饿 -揪含捞 -揪含 -揪骇逞 -揪骇 -揪国搐 -揪国仇 -揪国斥 -揪国逞 -揪国 -揪滚凡 -揪滚 -揪搖 -揪桂 -揪闺逞 -揪闺 -揪规货 -揪规 -揪规 -揪广 -揪光 -揪惯溅府 -揪惯搐 -揪惯仇 -揪惯斥 -揪惯逞 -揪'惯 -揪惯 -揪罐捞 -揪冠 -揪官 -揪淡 -揪大 -揪尝 -揪备府 -揪8 -揪1惯1斥甸酒 -揪1惯 -揪;惯 -揪.迫,斥,, -揪.惯雌 -揪,惯逞 -揪,惯,楷 -澅 -潳 -竞洽 -竞恰 -竞妻 -竞莆 -竞籛搐 -竞籛 -竞迫斥 -竞迫 -竞婆 -竞颇 -竞舅 -竞还 -竞弧 -竞呼 -竞喉 -竞阂 -竞何饿 -竞何 -竞骇 -竞骸 -竞国 -竞闺 -竞规 -竞惯 -竞冠 -竞官 -竞淡 -潰 -竟 -静恰 -静妻 -静莆 -静迫 -静婆 -静颇 -静谰 -静栏国 -静栏惯 -静还 -静弧 -静狐 -静呼倔 -静呼 -静厚凡 -静喉 -静旐 -静阂 -静何凡 -静豪 -静含技尝 -静含 -静骇 -静国倔 -静国串 -静国仇 -静国 -静滚倔 -静滚凡 -静滚 -静桂 -静闺 -静规 -静惯舅 -静惯 -静官 -静饭扁 -静淡舅 -静大 -漨 -漝舅 -漝疥 -漝 -漃 -漁 -警妻 -警迫 -警婆 -警颇 -警捞惯 -警喉 -警贺 -警阂 -警阂 -警骇 -警国 -警规 -警惯 -警官 -警大 -警 -滙 -滘 -井府 -井尝 -井 -溨 -茎妻 -茎莆 -茎迫 -茎浨冠绰促 -茎浨 -茎矫扁 -茎寂临膊 -茎寂 -茎骇 -茎国 -茎闺 -茎惯 -茎官 -禁尝 -渏搐 -渏斥 -洰洒 -洰捞 -洰静 -洰胶 -洰斥 -洰扁 -洰 -疥捞 -疥竣胶 -疥竣 -疥府 -疥尝 -疥馋 -疥播 -疥扁 -解阑斥 -解阑 -结宏皋胶磐 -结宏皋胶鸥 -结宏概胶磐 -结宏概胶鸥 -结宏付胶鸥 -结宏俺惯磊 -结国 -结滚皋胶磐 -结滚皋胶鸥 -结滚概胶磐 -结滚概胶鸥 -结滚付胶鸥 -结滚凡 -结滚霸惯磊 -结滚俺惯磊 -结臂 -洁搐 -洁仇 -洁斥 -洁 -沚斥 -沊居斥 -沊居 -沊惯逞 -沊惯 -沊播 -劫静 -劫静 -劫茎 -劫胶 -劫荐 -劫斥 -劫扁 -截捞 -截府 -截畅 -截尝 -截播 -截扁 -街雌 -街串 -街搐 -街仇 -街畴公 -街斥 -街赤攫 -街逞 -街惩 -街呈决 -皆劫差 -皆斥 -窖促 -窖斥 -较劈 -较冠酒瘤 -较官啊瘤 -较官 -较悼 -轿拎 -轿临膊 -轿捞内 -轿捞滚荐荤 -轿国 -轿惯 -轿雌 -轿搐 -轿仇 -轿斥 -轿逞 -轿鳖矫 -轿鳖浆 -轿绊矫器 -轿霸秦临膊 -轿哎烹 -轿啊瘤 -ざび惯 -酵劝 -酵擎 -酵且 -酵妻 -酵迫 -酵婆 -酵芒 -酵龙 -酵舅 -酵疥 -酵截 -酵溅 -酵技 -酵货 -酵卉 -酵辉 -酵皇 -酵还 -酵弧 -酵糊 -酵喉 -酵阂 -酵杭 -酵国 -酵惯 -酵冠 -酵鳖 -氷皇 -氷还 -氷弧 -氷杭 -氷国 -氷惯 -剿铺 -剿迫 -剿婆 -剿颇 -剿还 -剿弧 -剿杭 -剿国 -剿惯 -剿1迫 -剿;迫 -绞擎 -绞且 -绞妻 -绞迫 -绞婆 -绞颇 -绞呸 -绞攀捞 -绞攀 -绞芒 -绞龙 -绞舅雌 -绞舅 -绞疥 -绞截 -绞溅 -绞减 -绞碱虐 -绞冀虐 -绞技虐 -绞技扁 -绞技 -绞积 -绞货 -绞卉 -绞辉 -绞皇 -绞还 -绞弧 -绞糊 -绞喉 -绞阂 -绞杭 -绞焊瘤 -绞国 -绞惯 -绞都尝 -绞动 -绞锭尝 -绞迭 -绞斥酒 -绞斥 -绞备崇 -绞8 -氥籖 -脚澜家府 -脚绊立荐盔 -脚绊季磐 -脚绊 -矫钱仇 -矫钱 -矫綩 -矫歧 -矫妻 -矫粌 -矫莆 -矫铺 -矫迫 -矫婆 -矫颇 -矫虐 -矫捞钱 -矫捞妻 -矫捞迫 -矫捞贺 -矫捞阂 -矫捞国 -矫捞惯 -矫辉 -矫曡 -矫弧 -矫糊 -矫狐 -矫喉 -矫旐 -矫贺 -矫阂 -矫何凡 -矫擴 -矫杭 -矫含 -矫骇 -矫国 -矫滚凡 -矫搖 -矫桂 -矫闺 -矫规技具 -矫规技 -矫规货 -矫规斥 -矫惯 -矫冠 -矫官舅斥 -矫官饿 -矫官扼付 -矫淡 -矫大 -矫尝 -矫1惯 -氃 -毭妻 -毭迫 -毭婆 -毭豪 -毭骇 -毭国 -毭闺 -毭惯 -毭胆 -毭搭 -嚼攀捞 -娇啊 -胶妻 -胶迫 -胶飘赋兢 -胶飘赋碱 -胶飘赋 -胶配赣 -胶挪奖 -胶恳 -胶客俏 -胶骇 -胶国仇 -胶国斥酒 -胶国 -胶惯斥 -胶惯赤唱 -胶惯 -胶呈橇 -殬颇 -讲妻 -讲迫 -讲婆 -讲还 -讲弧 -讲国 -讲惯 -奖劝 -奖擎 -奖且 -奖钱 -奖妻 -奖迫 -奖婆 -奖颇 -奖呸酒 -奖芒 -奖舅 -奖溅府 -奖荐つ -奖荐だ -奖技 -奖货 -奖还 -奖弧 -奖国 -奖惯 -奖冠 -奖官 -奖定扁 -江洒 -江虐 -浆浅 -浆钱 -浆掐 -浆妻 -浆莆 -浆迫 -浆婆 -浆颇 -浆捞钱 -浆捞妻 -浆捞迫 -浆捞弧 -浆捞贺 -浆捞阂 -浆捞国 -浆捞规 -浆捞惯 -浆辉 -浆还 -浆弧 -浆糊 -浆贺 -浆阂倔 -浆阂 -浆何凡 -浆擴 -浆豪 -浆骇 -浆骸 -浆国 -浆棍 -浆搖 -浆桂 -浆闺 -浆规货 -浆规 -浆惯 -浆冠 -浆官 -浆淡 -浆胆 -浆大 -将府 -将夫 -将 -歷惯 -歫 -涧洒 -涧虐 -涧胶 -涧 -溅虐 -溅捞 -溅尝 -溅差 -箭贸赤 -荐儡唱 -荐澜 -荐埃 -剪磊瘤 -艰尝 -尖尝 -加泵钦 -家聪俊福 -檶 -檲 -檙 -橴 -寄府 -寄夫 -悸差 -悸扁 -悸蓖 -冀s -冀e胶 -冀洒 -冀戎 -冀秦 -冀且贰 -冀且 -冀窍厘 -冀窍磊 -冀窍绊 -冀窍 -冀颇飘呈 -冀颇 -冀萍浆 -冀捞 -冀静 -冀静 -冀茎 -冀胶 -冀酱 -冀荐 -冀家府 -冀焊瘤 -冀公厚 -冀付 -冀哆 -冀赤 -冀巢 -冀尝 -冀差 -冀扁 -冀蓖 -冀榜 -冀吧 -冀 -技虐 -技柠 -技竣胶 -技竣荐快 -技竣 -技俊竣胶 -技俊静 -技咀胶 -技尝 -技差 -技播 -技霸弧酒 -己青困 -己气青 -己抛农葱 -己眉困 -己牢侩前 -己垮备 -己冀胶 -己积劝 -己焊炼扁备 -己捍 -己扁备 -己扁 -己背腊 -己背 -己包拌 -己版氰 -己皑措 -橌 -樴 -绩虐 -绩柠 -姬仇 -姬斥 -樔 -积夫 -畸差 -畸扁 -畸蓖 -祸洒 -祸戎 -祸且 -祸颇飘呈 -祸募 -祸静 -祸茎 -祸矫 -祸胶 -祸荐 -祸付 -祸赤 -祸巢 -祸尝 -祸馋茄 -祸差 -祸播 -祸扁 -祸蓖 -祸榜 -货虐 -货募 -货俊尝 -货尝 -货馋茄 -货差 -货播 -货凹 -货1尝 -货;尝 -货/尝 -货//尝具 -惑痢付胶鸥 -惑淬 -惑仇 -惑畴公 -惑斥 -获宾矫 -火涝 -混秦 -混牢 -混扼凋 -昏冠酒瘤 -昏官啊瘤 -荤鸥备聪 -荤墨摹 -荤芒啊 -荤捞滚荐荤 -荤捞滚版蔓 -荤诀评 -荤扼 -荤鳖摹 -荤鳖矫 -荤鳖浆 -荤扁贸府 -荤扁惑淬 -さつ尝 -さつあび -さだ尝 -さだあび -ささびそたぉ -さげか -さげ -さ1 -贿捻 -贿操 -楨 -蛔舅 -辉舅 -谎凡 -谎饿 -幌钮 -煌舅 -蝗钮 -磺钮 -磺骂 -磺瘤 -磺 -磺零判 -磺零 -磺累 -磺坷瘤 -磺荤 -磺福畴 -磺俺 -黄脚 -欢钮 -欢蜡 -欢波 -欢 -坏钮 -坏瘤 -华焊瘤 -弧烹 -弧磊 -弧绢 -弧酒 -弧膊 -弧扁 -弧备客扼 -弧备酵绢 -弧备酵唱 -弧备矫欺 -弧备 -弧绊颇 -弧绊酵绢 -弧绊酵促 -弧绊矫器 -弧绊矫欺 -弧绊 -弧霸秦档 -弧霸 -糊钮 -糊锰 -糊蜡 -糊 -狐钮 -狐鉴捞 -狐逢 -狐凡 -狐矾 -狐饿 -狐扼 -狐倒捞 -狐操府 -狐操夫 -狐奔捞 -狐奔 -狐备府 -狐备夫 -狐吧 -狐啊具肺 -狐啊货尝 -狐啊 -葫し矫 -葫脚 -葫矫 -葫疆 -葫浆 -葫.脚 -忽歧府 -后脚 -厚雷脚 -晩舅 -晩脚 -宏瘤 -宏府令 -宏府攫 -宏府矫 -宏凡 -宏饿 -宏扼鲤 -宏扼磊 -宏淡 -宏大 -洪脚 -洪疆 -洪伙 -洪 -烘 -轰脚 -轰疆 -恒脚 -恒 -旡 -贺舅 -贺脚 -贺伙 -贺鹅 -阂且 -阂舅 -何欧盖 -何瘤 -何捞脚 -何凡 -何饿 -何淡 -何大 -敺脚 -敺疆 -禾瘤 -禾 -敐脚 -攪 -擴 -豪瘤 -豪舅 -焊z -焊x -焊g -焊垄拱 -焊窿拱 -焊窿 -焊瘤 -焊 -焊零 -焊磊 -焊じl -焊じI -焊じび -焊じ1 -焊じ! -焊じ -焊坷瘤 -焊府胶 -焊凡 -焊饿 -焊呈颇飘 -擉 -捍纠 -捍脚腊癌 -捍脚 -捍矫唱 -捍矫 -捍疆 -捍浆唱 -捍迭 -捍催 -捍蹿 -捍1脚 -函怕 -函冀 -函赤 -函碍烬 -函碍艰 -函/怕 -涵钧脚 -含矫 -含疆 -骇沛 -海捞胶 -海捞 -骸舅 -骸脚 -骸冀 -骸迭 -骸催 -骸蹿 -骸俺巢 -哈绢 -国副咯磊 -国妨 -国贩芭妨 -锅冀 -锅祸 -锅俺巢 -棍钮 -棍痹 -滚窿拱 -滚瘤 -滚 -滚零 -滚倔妨辑呈绢 -滚绢瘤 -滚凡 -滚矾瘤 -滚饿 -滚聪胶 -桂脚 -龟令 -硅耐 -硅捞记 -硅困俊轿烈 -硅都瘤 -硅锭瘤 -规溅 -广老 -揚 -贯 -惯沥 -惯单福 -惯扁 -观俊促揭膊 -冠钮 -冠阑膊 -冠酒临膊 -冠酒临霸 -冠酒 -冠绊酵欺 -冠绊酵促 -冠绊矫欺 -冠绊哗绊 -官福伎 -官沸 -官凡 -官饿 -官啊 -げ瘤 -げ'さ -げさ -げ1さ -げ;さ -关备港 -关备崇弧扁 -关备崇 -刮胶农 -刮捍措盔 -固凭斥 -固凭 -固皮 -固墨郡 -固模仇 -固模斥 -固模逞 -固模 -固疩 -固渺仇 -固渺斥 -固渺 -固捞模斥酒 -固捞模 -固酒府咆荤胶 -固矫锰 -固赴斥 -固聪酒 -固.凭 -固.模 -固.疩 -掁 -骨扼令 -箍皮 -箍渺 -够毫奖惯货具 -巩叼 -巩嫡 -个迫矾 -个颇绰 -个救俊荤沥 -个蹲捞临膊 -隔墨 -格蝶 -冈曲 -赣历府 -赣聪扑聪促 -赣聪剖 -赣聪魄概 -赣聪贸府盔 -赣聪贸府馆 -赣聪贸府 -赣聪技老 -赣聪伙 -赣聪荤技夸 -概模 -概冕 -嘎埃 -咐埃 -富焊瘤 -付萍 -付胶磐海捞记 -付荤瘤 -付糊 -付福农 -付福内 -けび模 -副府橇 -府器磐 -府倔冀胶 -府倔冀 -徶 -枫 -肺府鸥 -肺弊贸府 -娥惯雌 -鹅钱 -鹅妻 -鹅迫 -鹅捞钱 -鹅捞妻 -鹅捞迫 -鹅捞贺 -鹅捞阂 -鹅捞国 -鹅捞规 -鹅捞惯 -鹅厚饿 -鹅喉 -鹅贺 -鹅阂 -鹅何芳 -鹅何贩 -鹅何凡 -鹅何大 -鹅何 -鹅含捞 -鹅骇 -鹅国 -鹅桂捞 -鹅规技 -鹅规货 -鹅规 -鹅惯 -鹅冠 -鹅官 -鹅淡 -鹅大 -鹅尝 -鹅伯 -剁阂 -嵏脚 -哆国 -哆惯 -哆扒广 -顿国 -顿惯 -端部 -端备港 -端备崇 -端俺 -妒眠货尝 -妒眠 -妒酒捞 -妒妒捞 -妒尝 -肚扼捞 -侗摹扁 -栋扼捞 -叠叠捞 -叠叠 -叠蝶府 -叠蝶夫 -叠蝶 -叠崔捞 -叠崔 -迭瘤都磊 -蝶捞绊矫欺 -蝶捞绊 -蝶冈篮斥 -蝶冈篮斥 -蝶冈绢 -蝶冈扁 -蝶冈 -掉档 -叼龙贰 -叼龙 -叼柳促 -叼廉扼 -叼廉 -叼骇 -叼国 -叼凡 -叼饿 -殿脚 -殿疆酒 -殿疆 -殿1疆 -殿;疆 -靛客捞令 -靛饭内 -靛矾款斥 -第剖 -第颇 -第摹扁 -第龙贰 -第龙 -第柳促 -第瘤绊 -第瘤 -第廉 -第肺呈绢拎 -第凡 -蒂 -地龙贰 -地龙 -地柳促 -地柳 -地瘤绊 -地烈 -地廉 -登龙贰 -登廉扼 -壱 -蹬廉 -导拎夸 -导舅瘤 -倒俺捞 -档框捞 -档框 -档快固 -墣 -党 -胆颇胶飘 -胆鸥废 -胆颊 -掸厘 -单橇聪 -单龙贰 -单廉 -单捞瓢 -单踞 -单胶农 -单哎胖 -单哎 -单啊府 -单啊夫 -耽脚 -耽疆 -带鞘夸秦 -带霖促 -带林操付 -歹赣胶 -歹弗 -歹矾款斥 -歹矾红 -措临斥 -措临膊 -措霖促 -措林扼 -措林鳖 -措叠 -措奔糊 -措哎烹 -措哎糊 -措哎 -措啊府 -措啊夫 -淬寸 -篡摹 -篡苗 -篡幂 -篡檬 -篡媚 -篡贸 -蹿摹 -蹿苗 -蹿幂 -蹿檬 -蹿媚 -蹿贸 -蹿1媚 -蹿;媚 -促府国妨 -醋辫捞 -醋辫固 -醋辫 -醋扁固 -醋扁府 -醋扁 -丛捞凡 -聪林啊府 -聪炼霸 -聪炼俺 -聪捞固 -聪骏 -聪俊厚 -聪俊固 -聪决 -聪绢固 -聪局厚 -聪局固 -聪蛔 -聪煌 -聪固费 -聪固凡 -聪固饿 -聪固 -聪掁 -聪皋饿 -聪斥 -聪辫捞 -聪辫固 -聪扁固 -聪蓖固 -垔辫 -垔扁固 -垍 -刺固 -刺掁 -刺扁 -刺;1固 -刺//固 -蠢弊决付 -春付 -圐辫 -圐扁固 -锤捞凡 -炊扁固 -吹固凡 -吹固 -吹辫 -吹扁固 -吹扁 -创扁固 -传彬 -搐 -畴宏扼 -斥仇 -斥逞 -持绢拎 -持绢临 -持绊轿绊 -持绊酵绢 -持霸国妨 -呈付 -晨厚迈绢 -晨厚崇 -晨厚 -巢芒 -巢磊版氰 -抄背 -唱眉 -唱慧搐 -唱慧斥 -唱冈绢毫 -唱冈绢扼 -唱冈绢 -唱尔且贰 -唱叼酒 -唱呈冈阑膊 -唱啊磷绢 -いiぁIけ1 -いびしだけび -いびけび -いびぁびけび -馋埔萍 -采轨 -才衬 -裁烹 -裁赴促 -裁赴 -裁府促 -裁府绰 -裁府匙 -裁府 -裁妨 -裁償 -裁滨 -裁蔼 -裁癌 -擦芒 -擦措 -部摹 -部眠 -部部付 -伯蹿 -波廉 -滨模 -滨摹 -滨荤瘤 -彬贰 -鳖柳斥 -鳖柳 -鳖府 -鳖单 -鳖错 -鳖措 -辫捍包 -辫裹荐 -辫措老 -扁裙评厘 -扁裙评 -扁裙磊 -扁裙角厘 -扁磊 -编模 -辟模惑埃 -辟模 -弊瘤 -弊货尝 -弊缝厘 -弊缝冀 -弊斥 -弊芭秦拎 -弊芭且斥 -弊芭窍绊颇 -弊芭肋秦 -蓖滴 -备宠 -备崇 -背己 -堡搐 -堡斥 -堡赤 -包府磊 -包府 -傍瘤 -绊券 -绊捻 -绊磊 -绊舅 -拌笼 -拌沥芭贰 -拌沥 -拌烙概胶磐 -版蔓 -版厚捍 -版概厘 -伖橷咘 -伖橷 -伖標咘 -白付 -霸瞒馆 -霸磊瘤 -霸磊零 -霸磊侥 -霸磊交 -霸磊 -霸烙瘤扁 -霸烙付 -霸截尝 -霸浆虐 -霸浆 -霸溅府 -霸溅 -霸冀 -霸技 -霸祸 -霸货 -霸焊瘤 -霸焊零 -霸惯 -霸雌 -霸搐 -霸仇 -霸斥 -霸逞 -吧饭鞍篮 -吧饭 -吧贰仇 -吧贰斥 -吧贰 -芭瘤货虐 -芭瘤货尝 -芭矫扁 -奥烙 -奥惯 -乧橷咘 -乧標咘 -乧標 -盎桂 -俺龋肺 -俺龋矾 -俺倾国芒 -俺倾肺 -俺倾矾 -俺魄 -俺瞒馆 -俺瘤饿 -俺谅侥 -俺谅 -俺晾 -俺量 -俺辆斥 -俺两 -俺粮父酒 -俺炼墨 -俺炼啊摹 -俺爴 -俺隶 -隶 -俺粒 -俺棱 -俺磊侥 -俺磊交 -俺磊 -俺烙 -俺牢沥焊 -俺剧酒 -俺局 -俺久擎仇 -俺久 -俺韭 -俺井府 -俺禁 -俺截尝 -俺截 -俺侥尝 -俺矫虐 -俺奖 -俺浆虐 -俺浆尝 -俺涧 -俺溅府 -俺溅 -俺櫢 -俺尖府 -俺尖 -俺家府 -俺冀 -俺技 -俺稽尝 -俺祸 -俺货尝 -俺'货 -俺货 -俺涣促备 -俺狐备府 -俺阂舅 -俺阂饿 -俺何饿 -俺焊瘤 -俺焊零 -俺惯 -俺冠混 -俺固模 -俺访 -俺扼交 -俺雌 -俺串 -俺搐 -俺仇 -俺斥 -俺逞 -俺唱惯 -俺部摹 -俺扁衬 -俺芭瘤 -俺鞍篮 -俺鞍 -俺哎焊 -俺啊瓢 -俺啊畔 -俺1技 -俺1货 -俺18仇 -俺18 -俺;货 -俺,技 -俺,鞍 -碍埃 -哎烹 -哎酒冈阑 -哎酒付角 -哎焊 -哎府胶 -哎饭畴胶 -啊令单飘 -啊扼赣臂 -啊扼付角 -啊靛呈 -啊齿 -ぁだ货 -ぁださだあび -69傈巩 -2c迫 -1矫惯 -1蹿;媚 -18sus -18洰 -18疥 -18尖 -18冀 -18技尝 -18祸 -18货 -18雌 -18嚽 -18串 -18搐 -18仇 -18斥 -18逞 -18巴 -10且仇 -10且斥 -10且 -10妻 -10迫 -10婆 -10舅 -10技 -10货 -10弧 -588 -俺货扁 -俺磊瘤 -俺楼刘 -久货 -绞货尝 -绞劈 -久劈 -较酒瘤 -揪规酒 -揪惯烦 -揪惯芬 -揪惯访 -矫惯仇 -矫惯逞 -矫惯斥 -矫惯酒 -静居 -浆祁 -聪固煌 -洁畴公 -轿冠酒 -俺溅捞 -俺溅虐 -俺溅尝 -固模溅捞 -固模货尝 -固模溅虐 -固模祸洒 -磊瘤甸 -焊瘤甸 -腊滨栋 -腊滨冻 -腊滨 -砍赣芭 -堪冈绢 -堪赣芭 -地历 -溅播 -久 -龋饭磊侥 -焊瘤判 -焊瘤弧酒 -磊瘤弧酒 -俺矫惯 -俺揪惯 -俺洁 -俺姬 -酱惯 -漮惯 -捞固福 -YMIR -款康磊 -Ymir -ymir diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 576b00ed..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5844 +0,0 @@ -1 ETC icon/item/money.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/money.gr2 -10 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -11 WEAPON icon/item/00010.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00010.gr2 -12 WEAPON 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背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9507 磊龋癌+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9508 开荤铰+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9509 厚款癌+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9510 利趋捧备+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9511 玫绵窜档+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9512 促全+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9513 啊磷滴扒+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9514 傍累急+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9515 厚全狼+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9516 过葛+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9517 唱公迫骂+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9518 啊磷脚惯+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9519 唱公格吧捞+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9520 唱公蓖吧捞+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9521 龋脚券菩+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) - - -11901 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11902 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11903 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 -11904 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 - -22000 蓖券何 付阑肺 泪矫 倒酒艾促啊|促矫 泅犁 困摹肺 倒酒棵 荐 乐促 -22010 蓖券扁撅何 扁撅矫难 滴菌带|困摹肺 倒酒埃促 - -25040 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜 -25041 泅枚 弥绊狼 档八阑 父甸扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 傈汲狼 陛加. 泅枚阑 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁 歹 臭篮犬伏肺 俺樊捞 啊瓷 俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼咙 - -25100 软康辑 公扁客 癌渴俊辑 康籍阑 哗尘荐 乐促. 窜 哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利篮 巢霸 等促. - -27051 涝巩磊侩 弧埃拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 弧埃拱距 积疙仿阑 雀汗钦聪促. -27052 涝巩磊侩 颇鄂拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 颇鄂拱距 沥脚仿阑 雀汗钦聪促. -27053 涝巩磊侩 踌祸拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 踌祸拱距 傍拜加档啊 弧扼笼聪促. -27054 涝巩磊侩 焊扼祸拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 焊扼祸拱距 捞悼加档啊 弧扼笼聪促. - -27600 葛蹿阂 阂阑 乔匡 荐 乐促 -27610 绢缴券 骂俊 吧赴 拱绊扁甫 舅妨林绰|付过狼 备浇 -27620 岿埃绢缴 拱绊扁俊 措茄 沥焊啊 啊垫茄 氓 - -27799 积急焕 拱绊扁狼 窜窜茄 焕 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27800 侗逛 啊厘 历放茄 固尝 -27801 瘤贩捞 拱绊扁狼 侥垮阑 磊必窍绰 固尝 -27802 乔扼固 岿么阑 畴副 荐 乐绰 泵必狼 固尝 - -27803 贺绢 楷给俊辑 如洒 杭 荐 乐绰 拱绊扁 -27804 筋啊府 咐雷绢扼绊档 阂府绰 拱绊扁 -27805 岿么贺绢 烹烹窍霸 混吗 奴 贺绢 -27806 雷绢 出临鳖 富鳖? 侩空狼 酒甸老瘤档ˇ? -27807 楷绢 锅侥扁啊 登搁|绊氢阑 茫酒坷绰 拱绊扁 -27808 氢绢 氢绢俊辑绰 氢捞 唱唱? -27809 价绢 楷绢格 楷绢苞狼 拱绊扁| 碍 惑幅俊辑 辑侥茄促. -27810 刮拱厘绢 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 阿堡罐绰 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27811 公瘤俺价绢 魂鄂扁俊 公瘤俺蝴捞 唱鸥唱绰 拱绊扁 -27812 碍价绢 碍俊辑父 荤绰 价绢 -27813 矾靛 -27814 欺摹 龋荐狼 惑绢肺 阂府绰 冈己亮篮 拱绊扁 -27815 刨摹 讣篮 拱俊辑父 辑侥窍绰 件绢苞 拱绊扁 -27816 皋扁 概款帕狼 犁丰肺 澄府 舅妨柳 拱绊扁|目促鄂 涝苞 荐堪捞 漂隆 -27817 固操扼瘤 固缠芭妨辑 棱扁 塞电 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27818 归访 刮拱俊辑 辑侥窍绰 棱侥己狼 目促鄂 拱绊扁 -27819 篮绢 官促 葫绢苞 拱绊扁. 篮葫绢扼绊档 茄促 -27820 葫绢 败匡枚 倔澜超矫肺 牢扁乐绰 拱绊扁 -27821 浆府 个概客 个蝴彬捞 酒抚促款 拱绊扁 -27822 厚疵雷绢 侥侩栏肺 俺樊茄 厚疵捞 利绊 混捞 腹篮 雷绢 -27823 炔陛贺绢 炔陛祸栏肺 蝴唱绰 锐蓖茄 贺绢 - -27833 磷篮贺绢 磷绢滚赴 贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27834 磷篮筋啊府 磷绢滚赴 筋啊府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27835 磷篮岿么贺绢 磷绢滚赴 岿么贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27836 磷篮雷绢 磷绢滚赴 雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27837 磷篮楷绢 磷绢滚赴 楷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27838 磷篮氢绢 磷绢滚赴 氢绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27839 磷篮价绢 磷绢滚赴 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27840 磷篮刮拱厘绢 磷绢滚赴 刮拱厘绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27841 磷篮公瘤俺价绢 磷绢滚赴 公瘤俺 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27842 磷篮碍价绢 磷绢滚赴 碍价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27843 磷篮矾靛 磷绢滚赴 矾靛|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27844 磷篮欺摹 磷绢滚赴 欺摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27845 磷篮刨摹 磷绢滚赴 刨摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27846 磷篮皋扁 磷绢滚赴 皋扁|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27847 磷篮固操扼瘤 磷绢滚赴 固操扼瘤|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27848 磷篮归访 磷绢滚赴 归访|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27849 磷篮篮绢 磷绢滚赴 篮绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27850 磷篮葫绢 磷绢滚赴 葫绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27851 磷篮浆府 磷绢滚赴 浆府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27852 磷篮厚疵雷绢 磷绢滚赴 厚疵雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27853 磷篮炔陛贺绢 磷绢滚赴 炔陛贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 - -27863 备款贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27864 备款筋啊府 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27865 备款岿么贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27866 备款雷绢 老矫利栏肺 捞悼 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27867 备款楷绢 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27868 备款氢绢 老矫利栏肺 傍拜 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27869 备款价绢 积疙仿阑 腹捞 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27870 备款刮拱厘绢 老矫利栏肺 辟仿阑 惑铰矫难霖促 -27871 备款公瘤俺价绢 沥脚仿阑 腹捞 雀汗矫难霖促 -27872 备款碍价绢 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27873 备款矾靛 老矫利栏肺 刮酶阑 惑铰矫难 霖促 -27874 备款欺摹 唱慧 瓤苞甫 绝俊霖促 -27875 备款刨摹 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27876 备款皋扁 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27877 备款固操扼瘤 捧疙窍霸 秦霖促 -27878 备款归访 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27879 备款篮绢 -27880 备款葫绢 -27881 备款浆府 -27882 备款厚疵雷绢 -27883 备款炔陛贺绢 - -27987 炼俺 抗慧 葛剧狼 炼俺|救俊 柳林啊 甸绢乐阑 锭档 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27988 焊拱瘤档 绊措狼 焊拱捞 汞腮 镑阑 唱鸥辰 嘲篮 瘤档 -27989 康籍皑瘤扁 康籍狼 困摹甫 舅妨林绰 皑瘤扁 -27990 倒炼阿 -27991 荐籍 -27992 归柳林 鉴归祸狼 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27993 没柳林 康氛茄 仟弗蝴捞 唱绰 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27994 乔柳林 乔蝴栏肺 河霸 拱电 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27995 后捍 酒公巴档 甸绢乐瘤 臼篮 捍 -27996 刀捍 刀捞 甸绢乐绰 捍|付矫搁 磷绰促 -27997 挤去备 积疙仿阑 盲况林绰 备浇 -27998 楷陛贱林赣聪 楷陛贱荤狼 林赣聪. 趣矫 楷陛贱狼 厚过捞 淬败乐阑鳖? -27999 康籍林赣聪 康籍捞 甸绢乐绰 林赣聪 - - -29001 啊府厚 -29002 没啊府厚 -29003 炔啊府厚 -29004 全啊府厚 -29005 踌啊府厚 -29006 炔林籍 -29007 没林籍 -29006 柳炔林籍 -29007 柳没林籍 -29008 没脚荐 -29009 炔脚荐 -29010 全脚荐 -29011 踌脚荐 -29012 楷没脚荐 -29013 楷炔脚荐 -29014 楷全脚荐 -29015 楷踌脚荐 -29012 柳没脚荐 -29013 柳炔脚荐 -29014 柳全脚荐 -29015 柳踌脚荐 - -30000 焊府 林夸 犁硅侥拱狼 窍唱肺 贱 棺 侥樊殿 促剧茄 侩档肺 静牢促. -30001 祈瘤 穿焙啊俊霸 焊郴柳 祈瘤捞促. -30002 鉴措汉澜 鉴措客 具盲甫 持绊 概霓窍霸 汉篮 澜侥 -30003 蹬瘤内 蹬瘤狼 内何盒栏肺 汗阑 阂矾柯促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 格吧捞, 备吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30004 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪肺 碍茄 碍档甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30005 柄柳 癌渴炼阿 绢凋啊俊辑 冻绢廉唱柯 癌渴狼 炼阿 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 规菩, 檬鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30006 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝 吝鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30007 旷蓖狼 何利 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 捧备 吝鞭 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30008 剐背涝巩辑 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 吝鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30009 舅 荐 绝绰 距 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30010 磅狼 镜俺 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 檬鞭 劝, 规菩, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 何盲, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30011 角鸥贰 角捞 皑败廉 乐绰 菩 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 规匡, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30012 贱捍 氢扁亮篮 贱捞 淬变 捍 -30013 贱刀 贱捞 劳绰 亲酒府 -30014 汲牢狼 判 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30015 荤蓖狼 蜡前 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30016 荤蓖狼 焊籍 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30017 厚赤 咯磊甸狼 赣府厘侥前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30018 河篮 大扁 赣府甫 蝶阑锭 荤侩窍绰 绊鞭胶矾款 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30019 阂鸥绰 哎柠 捞巴栏肺 渴阑 父甸搁 蝶舵窍霸 败匡阑 焊尘荐 乐促绊 窃| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30020 汗件酒揪 汗件酒狼 揪, 固侩俊 亮促绊 傈秦柳促. -30021 柄柳 焊籍炼阿 公攫啊俊 嘛囚 柄绢廉滚赴 焊籍炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 货樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30022 轨狼 部府 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30023 归龋啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 弥绊狼 牢扁甫 备啊窍绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝, 何盲 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30024 富部府 富狼 部府判肺 鹤, 矮殿 腹篮 劝侩档甫 啊瘤绊 乐促. -30025 芭固狼 刀林赣聪 芭固狼 刀阑 淬绊 乐绰 林赣聪| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30026 戳措狼 芒磊 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30027 戳措判 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30028 戳措惯砰 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30029 戳措狼 埃 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰 -30030 踌郊 窜八炼阿 踌郊 窜八栏肺 公均牢啊甫 媚滚赴淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30031 畴府俺 咯磊酒捞甸捞 啊瘤绊 畴绰 厘脚备| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30032 嘲篮 孺祸档汗 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30033 柄柳 荤扁弊俯 穿焙啊 柄哆妨滚赴 荤扁弊俯狼 炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 规菩 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30034 闰祸 大扁 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30035 拳厘前 咯磊甸捞 磊脚狼 寇葛甫 蹈焊捞霸 窍扁 困秦 荤侩| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30036 拳阂檬 脚厚茄 瓤苞啊 乐促绊 傈秦瘤绰 傈汲狼 距檬| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30037 龋尔捞惯砰 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 凰郴扁 困秦 厘侥侩栏肺 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30038 龋尔捞啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30039 请耙炼阿 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 斒盲, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30040 钱蕾 舅 荐 绝绰 侥拱狼 蕾荤蓖| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30041 钎芒 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 滴颊八, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30042 捧瘤裹狼 捞弧 瓢瓢秦 焊捞绰 捞弧| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30043 尼唱公狼 凯概 阿辆 夸府狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼, 窜归龙狼 焊绊捞促. -30044 柳入 档磊扁甫 父甸荐 乐绰 入 -30045 傈哎狼 刀魔 傈哎狼 刀阑 前绊乐绰 魔| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30046 傈哎狼 部府 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 茄颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30047 历林狼 辑 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30048 倔澜炼阿 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30049 倔澜辉裹绊贰狼 辉 促剧茄 炼阿累前狼 犁丰肺 牢扁乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30050 倔澜备浇 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30051 舅 荐 绝绰 何利 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30052 标惯 坷尔某狼 何措 钎侥阑 困秦 荤侩等 标惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30053 磅惯官蹿 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂,捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30054 搬去馆瘤 搬去 抗拱肺 林绊罐绰 馆瘤 -30055 傈哎狼 笼霸惯 控瘤 碍牢秦 焊捞绰 笼霸惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30056 芭固临 埃趣 笼阑 父甸锭 荤侩登扁档 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝,规菩, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30057 芭固狼 传 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 芭固狼 传 何困| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30058 芭固舅笼 啊瘤绊 乐栏搁 鉴魂茄促绰 浅巩捞| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 规匡,癌渴, 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30059 芭固促府 判捞 腹捞 崔赴 促府肺 老辆狼 何利栏肺 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30060 俺备府曲官蹿 馋利馋利茄 蠢肠阑 林绰 曲官蹿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30061 俺备府促府 固侥啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 夸府犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡,癌渴,脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30062 拱距惑痢弊俯 拱距惑痢俊辑 静带 弊俯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30063 乔何距 乔何捍阑 绊摹绰 距| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30064 拳混 力累侩 倒 拳混盟狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倒 -30065 规匡 叠尔叠尔 家府啊 唱绰 炼弊付茄 规匡 -30066 没剧绊眠 弥绊狼 概款咐捞 唱绰 绊眠| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30067 轨啊磷 轨阑 棱酒 伯龙阑 哈变 啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30068 滴何胶抛捞农 滴何肺 父电 腔傈 夸府 -30069 戳措惯砰+ 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 格吧捞, 捧备 檬鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞 迫骂 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30070 戳措判+ 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30071 磅狼 镜俺+ 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30072 磅惯官蹿+ 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30073 闰祸 大扁+ 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 癌渴, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30074 嘲篮 孺祸档汗+ 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30075 钎芒+ 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30076 旷蓖狼 何利+ 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 剧颊八, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30077 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪+ 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30078 剐背涝巩辑+ 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30079 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30080 历林狼 辑+ 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞, 迷, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30081 傈哎狼 部府+ 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30082 轨狼 部府+ 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝, 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30083 舅 荐 绝绰 距+ 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 规菩, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30084 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30085 请耙炼阿+ 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧家八, 滴颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30086 荤蓖狼 蜡前+ 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30087 荤蓖狼 焊籍+ 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30088 倔澜炼阿+ 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30089 汲牢狼 判+ 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30090 倔澜备浇+ 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30091 公牢狼 刘钎 傈汲狼 公牢甸父捞 何咯罐疽促绰 刘钎 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30092 坷尔纳狼 傈府前 坷尔纳狼 傈府前. 傈里 铰府甫 扁充窍扁 困秦 甸绊 促囱促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 规菩, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. - -30129 傈飞辑 焙俊辑 荤侩窍绰 瘤飞捞 利腮 巩辑 -30130 后捍 促剧茄 咀眉甫 淬阑荐 乐绰 蜡府肺 父甸绢柳 捍捞促 -30131 措厘厘捞狼 祈瘤 措厘厘捞啊 模备 傣硅俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 -30132 阑滴瘤狼 氓 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 榴败焊绰 氓, 力格篮 " 唱绰 聪啊 剐背荤盔俊辑 茄老阑 舅绊 乐促" 捞促. -30133 棱拳惑牢狼 采脚 棱拳惑牢捞 货肺 备沁促绰 采脚牢巴 鞍促. -30134 阑滴瘤狼 焊蝶府 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 啊瘤绊 促聪绰 焊蝶府, 氓捞 决没 腹捞 甸绢埃淀 窍促. -30135 酒府康狼 祈瘤 酒府康捞 酒蜡俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 - -30136 炔陛阿泵 荤成槽捞 富茄 急措狼 炔陛阿泵牢淀 窍促. 辉肺 父甸绢廉 乐绰淀 窍哥 酒抚促款 邦急捞 老前捞促. -30137 盔件捞狼 乔 盔件捞俊霸辑 眠免茄 乔肺结 厚赴郴啊 抄促. -30138 绊款柳入 荤阜狼 公过磊啊 摹丰力肺 荤侩茄促绰 柳入, 促剧茄 侩档肺 荤侩捞 啊瓷且淀 窍促. -30139 旷蓖狼 累篮绢陛聪 咀技辑府狼 犁丰肺 腹捞 荤侩登绰 旷蓖狼 累篮 绢陛聪, 绊距茄 晨货啊 唱绰淀 窍促 -30140 角 格吧捞唱 渴阑 父甸锭 荤侩窍绰 龙变 角捞促 -30141 啊傍焊籍 渴捞唱 厘脚备甫 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 啊傍 焊籍捞促. -30142 祈瘤 公攫啊 利囚 乐促. 郴侩阑 焊绊 酵篮 面悼阑 蠢尝霸 茄促. -30143 距檬 咯矾啊瘤 距阑 犁炼 窍绰单 荤侩登绰 扁夯利牢 摹丰距捞促. -30144 龋尔捞狼埃 焊脚犁丰扼绰 浅巩捞 乐绰 龋尔捞狼 埃, 胶抛固呈俊 亮促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. -30145 惯家狼 距 惯家啊 何殴茄 距捞促. -30146 倔澜耽绢府 葫荐狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倔澜耽绢府捞促. 概快 瞒促 -30147 剐背背府 剐背狼 背府啊 惑技洒 利囚 乐绰 氓磊 -30148 剐背鉴览何 剐背俊辑 荤侩登绰 何利狼 老辆捞促. -30149 葫荐 倔澜耽绢府甫 哎酒父电 澜侥栏肺 促剧茄 犁丰肺 歹款 咯抚 矫盔茄 咐阑 犁傍茄促. -30150 老扁厘炼阿 烤朝 绊力惫 矫例 静咯柳 老扁厘捞促 -30151 戳措狼 何靛矾款判 刚瘤冻捞侩栏肺 力惫郴俊辑 澄府 荤侩登绰 戳措狼 判捞促. -30152 鲍龙摹丰力 狼荤 归绊啊 父电 鲍龙俊 瓤堪捞 乐促绰 距捞促. 角力肺 瓤堪捞 乐绰瘤绰 舅荐 绝促. -30153 采 捞抚绝绰 采栏肺 氢郴啊 内场俊辑 栋唱瘤 臼栏哥 酒访茄 烤眠撅阑 登混府霸 茄促. -30154 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. -30155 固府郴狼 埔带飘 格吧捞俊 荤侩登绰 埔带飘 牢淀 窍促. 缔搁俊绰 固府郴扼绰 捞抚捞 利囚 乐促 -30156 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. - -30093 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30094 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30095 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30096 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 - -30192 唱公荐咀 荐笼啊 荤捞俊辑档 备窍扁 绢菲促绰 蓖格 临扁咀.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30193 荤蓖狼焕 钎搁捞 芭磨绊 惑寸洒 窜窜秦 焊捞绰 荤蓖狼 焕.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30194 捧蓖狼帮豪 捧籍牢俊霸辑 化篮 捧冠茄 根嫡捞.惑寸洒 公芭匡巴 鞍促.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30195 葛贰茄框怒 荤炔乞具狼 脚厚肺框阑 前篮 馆娄捞绰 葛贰. | 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30196 荤蓖狼 犁 荤蓖啊 鸥绊 巢篮 啊风. 掘扁 困秦辑绰 惑寸茄 措啊啊 鞘夸窍促.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30197 付过狼揪狙 脚厚肺款 蝴捞 皑档绰 揪狙. 利蓖狼 去捞 淬败乐促绊 茄促.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30198 拱焊籍 玫狼悼奔俊辑 掘阑荐 乐绰 讣绊 捧疙茄 焊籍.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30199 八仟弗焊籍 玫狼悼奔狼 八篮 扁款捞 皑档绰 历林罐篮 焊籍.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. - - -30210 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 2 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30211 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 A 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30212 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 B 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30213 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 E 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30214 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 I 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30215 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 L 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30216 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 M 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30217 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 N 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30218 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 R 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30219 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 T 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 - -30220 柳旷蓖康去籍 柳旷蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30221 剐背康去籍 剐背练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30222 荤蓖康去籍 荤蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30223 倔澜幅康去籍 倔澜幅狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30224 蓖格康去籍 蓖格练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30225 捧蓖康去籍 捧蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30311 陛矫扒 2摸栏肺 郴妨啊绰 巩阑 瘤虐绊 乐绰 唱蔓牢刘籍狼 凯艰 -30312 陛力秦眉籍豪 荤脚陛力厚狼 陛力甫 秦眉且锭 荤侩窍绰 倒肺 父甸绢柳 隆钎 - -30315 焊府户 焊府肺 父甸绢柳 蝶馋蝶馋茄 户, 困俊 谎妨柳 柄狼 氢郴啊 内场阑 胶摹哥 焊绰 捞肺 窍咯陛 焙魔捞 倒 霸 茄促. -30316 惑皑户立矫 户阑 淬扁 困秦 惑皑扁过阑 悼盔窍咯 父甸绢柳 绊鞭胶矾款 弊俯, 控瘤 葛福霸 焊府户阑 棵妨 户葛澜阑 父甸绊 酵绢柳促. -30317 焊府户葛澜 惑皑户立矫俊 焊府户阑 棵妨 父电 焊府户葛澜, 冈澜流 胶反瘤父 郴啊 冈扁焊促绰 硅绊颇 窍绰 捞甸阑 困秦 林绊 酵绢 柳促. -30318 公拳苞 采捞绝捞 凯概甫 肝绰促 窍咯 公拳苞扼绰 捞抚栏肺 阂府快绰 苞老, 咐捞 老前捞哥 力惫郴俊辑 备窍扁 塞电 拱前 吝 窍唱. 腹捞 啊瘤绊 乐栏搁 汗捞 柯促绰 家巩档 乐促. -30319 荤脚狼 刘钎 荤蓖啪 荤脚捞 啊瘤绊 乐带 刘钎. 酒蓖悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. -30320 荤脚狼 刘钎 荤蓖啪 荤脚捞 啊瘤绊 乐带 刘钎. 酒蓖悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. -30321 且肺扩 龋冠 且肺扩 绵力俊 荤侩登绰 龋冠. 控瘤 付过豪阑 荤侩窍搁 付瞒肺 函且 巴 鞍促. -30322 且肺扩 付过豪 且肺盔 龋冠俊 荤侩登绰 付过豪 -30323 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 背券鼻 且肺扩 绵力俊 荤侩登绰 龋冠赣府 庆绢肺 背眉窍咯 霖促绊 利囚乐促. - -35000 距檬 咯矾啊瘤 距阑 犁炼 窍绰单 荤侩登绰 扁夯利牢 摹丰距捞促. -35001 龋尔捞狼埃 焊脚犁丰扼绰 浅巩捞 乐绰 龋尔捞狼 埃, 胶抛固呈俊 亮促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. - -50001 青款狼 辑 巩辑困俊 利腮 老访锅龋俊 蝶扼 惫啊俊辑 眠梅栏肺 焊惑捞 林绢柳促绰 巩辑 -50002 陛馆瘤 穿焙啊 酪绢滚赴淀茄 荐荐茄 陛馆瘤 | 惑痢俊辑 绊啊俊 概涝等促 -50003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 -50004 捞亥飘侩皑瘤扁 -50005 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 40饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50006 陛厘焊拱惑磊 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50007 篮厘焊拱惑磊 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 -50008 陛凯艰 鉴陛栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛厘焊拱惑磊客 陛厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. -50009 篮凯艰 鉴篮栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮厘焊拱惑磊客 篮厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. - -50010 剧富 农府胶付胶 飘府俊 吧绢滴搁 急拱阑 罐阑 荐 乐促绊 茄促 - -50011 岿堡焊钦 拳妨茄 厘侥栏肺 焊绰捞狼 付澜阑 荤肺 棱绰促. 锭锭肺 崔蝴阑 罐栏搁 檬磊楷利 泅惑捞 老绢抄促绊 傈秦瘤绰 惑磊 - -50012 陛厘焊拱惑磊+ 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50013 篮厘焊拱惑磊+ 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 - -50016 尼盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼栏肺 父电 家 -50017 汲帕盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 汲帕栏肺 父电 家 -50018 苞老盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 苞老栏肺 父电 家 -50019 慢揭乔 盔家捍阑 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 慢揭馆磷 -50020 尼盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 眉仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50021 汲帕盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 沥脚仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50022 苞老盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 胶抛固呈甫 傈何雀汗 - -50023 技诡捣林赣聪 货秦甫 嘎酒 傍颊洒 眶绢弗俊霸 巩救 牢荤甫 靛府搁 侩捣栏肺 林矫绰 技诡捣 林赣聪 - -50024 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 咯己侩 -50025 檬妮复 墨墨坷 馆磷俊 剐农 ·滚磐 ·汲帕 ·氢丰 殿阑 梅啊窍咯 被腮 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 巢己侩 - -50027 背券鼻 背券鼻 力档绰 企瘤 登菌嚼聪促. | 家侩绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -50031 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 巢己侩 -50032 荤帕 汲帕苞 咯矾啊瘤 犁丰甫 产咯辑 咯矾 啊瘤 葛剧栏肺 父电 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 咯己侩 -50033 舅荐绝绰惑磊 捞惑茄 巩磊啊 货败柳 惑磊. 惑磊甫 凯搁 公攫啊 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50034 荐荐膊尝狼 惑磊 惑磊甫 凯搁 巩力甫 辰促绊 给嘎免矫 历林啊 吧赴促绰 悼拳 加俊辑唱 唱棵 淀茄 惑磊 -50035 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50036 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50037 腊阿焊窃 茄瘤肺 父甸绢柳 腊阿屈狼 焊拱惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 急拱救俊绰 林绰 捞狼 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. - -50070 旷蓖练厘狼 惑磊 旷蓖练厘捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50071 剐背背林狼 惑磊 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50072 券积茄 剐背背林狼 惑磊 券积茄 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50073 咯空芭固狼 惑磊 咯空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50074 措空芭固狼 惑磊 措空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50075 措屈 皑堪 概俺盲狼 惑磊 措屈皑堪概俺眉啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50076 芭措 荤阜 芭合狼 惑磊 芭措 荤阜 芭合捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50077 备固龋狼 惑磊 备固龋啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50078 穿贩裹蓖狼 惑磊 穿贩裹蓖啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50079 拳堪空狼 惑磊 拳堪空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50080 拳锋狼 惑磊 拳锋捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50081 荤蓖空狼 惑磊 荤蓖空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50082 荤脚狼 惑磊 荤脚捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50050 付菩 措家 包盔甸捞 傍公肺 瘤规俊 唱哎锭 开付甫 隆惯且 荐 乐绰 刘钎肺 荤侩登带 菩 富 涅胶飘俊 荤侩啊瓷 -50051 铰付档 惫啊俊辑 富阑 呕 荐 乐促绰 刘钎肺 林绰 老辆狼 钎侥 檬鞭富 家券 -50052 霖付辑 绢蠢沥档 铰付俊 瓷茄 捞俊霸 惫啊俊辑 郴妨林绰 铰付刘辑 铰付吝 傍拜啊瓷 吝鞭富 家券 -50053 归霖辑 绊措 急牢捞 巢变 付惑扁贱辑肺 付癌阑 促风绰 夸飞捞 利囚乐绰 辑利 | 付惑胶懦 荤侩啊瓷 绊鞭富 家券 -50054 扒檬 钱阑 海绢 扒炼矫难 父电 富 傈侩荤丰. 檬鞭富 荤丰 -50055 寸辟 全寸公扼绊档 窍哥, 谎府绰 苯绊 梆栏哥 炔祸·皑祸·河篮 祸阑 鹅绊 荤丰肺 荤侩. 吝鞭富 荤丰 -50056 全伙 荐伙阑 虑辑 富赴 河篮 牢伙. 绊鞭富篮 全伙 观俊 冈瘤 臼绰促. 绊鞭富 荤丰 -50057 窍急悼 急檬 檬鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 窍急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 檬鞭富 何劝 -50058 吝急悼 急檬 吝鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 吝急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 吝鞭富 何劝 -50059 惑急悼 急檬 绊鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 惑急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 绊鞭富 何劝 -50060 付惑 扁贱 荐访辑 付惑 扁贱捞 利囚乐绰 荐访辑 荐访 己傍矫 付惑扁贱 1 器牢飘啊 积变促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. 50饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50083 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 10饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50084 搬拌秦眉籍 绊措狼 塞栏肺 豪牢等 豪牢籍狼 搬拌甫 秦眉窍绰单 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 涝聪促. - -50091 贺绢檬逛 贺绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50092 雷绢檬逛 雷绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50093 楷绢檬逛 脚急茄 楷绢甫 棱酒 父电 冈扁 酒鳖款 檬逛 | 河篮 祸捞 矫阿阑 磊必茄促 傍拜仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促 -50094 皋扁檬逛 皋扁甫 棱酒 父电 粱贸烦 焊扁 塞电 檬逛 | 入晨技甫 绝局扁困秦 促剧茄 氢丰甫 荤侩茄促 规绢仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促. - -50100 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (焊扼祸) -50101 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (畴鄂祸) -50102 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (窍疵祸) -50103 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 弧埃祸) -50104 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 檬废祸) -50105 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 闰祸) - -50106 农府胶付胶 气磷 农府胶付胶侩 绵力气磷 | 老馆气磷俊 厚秦 拳妨窍促 -50108 曝捞 唱公甫 憋酒父电 巴栏肺 绢赴酒捞甸狼 曝捞盲肺 媚辑 倒府哥 愁荐 乐绰 厘抄皑 老沥犬伏肺 胶畔傍拜 - -50123 酒捞胶农覆 歹困甫 矫盔窍霸 朝妨临|酒捞胶农覆 困俊|捞加林 矫反阑 啊垫 谎啡促 -50124 捞颇狼惑磊 玫狼悼奔狼 傈汲 加 捞颇啊 瘤聪绊 乐绰 惑磊 - -50182 河篮 厚剐狼 惑磊 拳妨茄 葛剧狼 咯摧捞侥 堆脖阑 啊柳 河篮 惑磊. 控瘤葛福霸 惑磊 救俊绰 家吝窍绊 厚剐胶矾款 拱扒捞 淬败 乐阑巴 鞍促. -50183 荤帕 荤帕荐荐殿阑 烹秦 眠免茄 寸阑 踌捞绊 被囚辑 父电 崔绊 咐乐绰 冈芭府, 窜 腹捞 冈栏搁 捞弧捞 解芭唱 混捞 埋荐 乐促. 捞悼加档 10% | 傍拜仿 5% | 版氰摹 10% | 瘤加矫埃 : 30盒 - - -50200 焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 凯 荐 乐促 -50300 扁贱 荐访辑 扁贱 付胶磐 饭骇阑 棵妨霖促 - -50301 颊磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50302 坷磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50303 困丰磊 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50304 扁瓤脚辑 扁檬利牢 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50305 楷捍角扁 促剧茄 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50306 公厚瘤 开措狼 葛电 捍过辑甫 曼绊窍咯 父甸绢柳 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. - -50160 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50161 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50162 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50163 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50164 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50165 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50166 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50167 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50168 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50169 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50170 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50171 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50172 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50173 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50174 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50175 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50176 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50177 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50178 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50179 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50180 后官备聪 控瘤 葛福霸 崔翱阑 持绢滴搁 何拳且 巴 鞍促. -50181 崔翱官备聪 崔翱阑 盲款 官备聪肺 控瘤葛福霸 蝶舵茄 蠢肠捞 抄促 -50187 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 皋凭2 技惑阑 葛氰且 锭 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍捞 甸绢乐绰 急拱惑磊 -50188 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 10饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50189 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 20饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50190 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 30饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50191 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 40饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50192 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 50饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50193 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 60饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50194 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 70饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50195 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 80饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50196 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 90饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50197 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 檬鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50198 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 檬鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50199 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 檬鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50203 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 吝鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50204 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 吝鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50205 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 吝鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50206 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 吝鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50207 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 绊鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50208 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 绊鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50209 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 绊鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50210 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 绊鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 -50211 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 绊鞭 俺樊 酒捞袍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 - -50212 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 皋凭2 技惑阑 葛氰且 锭 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍捞 甸绢乐绰 急拱惑磊 -50213 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 皋凭2 技惑阑 葛氰且 锭 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍捞 甸绢乐绰 急拱惑磊 -50214 风厚惑磊 河篮 风厚啊 冠囚乐绰 绊浅胶矾款 惑磊肺 荤侩窍搁 控瘤 亮篮 老捞 积辨 巴 鞍促 -50215 且肺扩 惑磊 龋冠阑 楷惑窍绰 畴鄂祸俊 蓖咯款 钎沥捞 弊妨廉 乐绰 且肺扩 单捞 急拱惑磊 -50248 急牢狼 惑磊 绊措 荐青茄 急牢狼 扁款捞 标甸绢 乐促绊 傈秦瘤绰 傈汲狼 惑磊 | 荤侩 矫 急牢狼 扁款捞 傈崔瞪 巴 鞍促 版氰摹 眠啊 - -50311 脚荐 绢过 脚荐惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50312 玫炼 绢过 玫炼惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50313 柳畴 绢过 柳畴惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 - -50307 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) 檬鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50308 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) 吝鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50309 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) 绊鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50310 烙公荐青辑(漂鞭) 漂鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 - -50314 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 15饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50315 敌癌扁贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 25饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50316 扁巩敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 35饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50401 伙楷曼 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 伙楷曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50402 迫规浅快 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 迫规浅快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50403 傈蓖去 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 傈蓖去 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50404 八版 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 八版 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50405 藕券拜 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 藕券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50406 扁趋秒疙 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 扁趋秒疙 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50416 扁傍曼 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 扁傍曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50417 拜魂鸥快 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 拜魂鸥快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50418 措柳阿 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 措柳阿 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50419 玫辟眠 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 玫辟眠 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50420 八浅 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 八浅 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50421 锄八档贰 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 锄八档贰 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50431 鞠嚼 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 鞠嚼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50432 泵脚藕康 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 泵脚藕康 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50433 瞒符混 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 瞒符混 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50434 篮屈过 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 篮屈过 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50435 魂傍盒 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 魂傍盒 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50436 孺级荐 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 孺级荐 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50446 楷荤 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 楷荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50447 包拜贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 包拜贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50448 拳炼颇 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 拳炼颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50449 版傍贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 版傍贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50450 刀扁泵 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 刀扁泵 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50451 级堡藕 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 级堡藕 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50461 尖飞瘤 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 尖飞瘤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50462 侩鼻颇 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 侩鼻颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50463 蓖八 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 蓖八 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50464 傍器 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 傍器 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50465 林付癌 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 林付癌 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50466 颇过贱 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 颇过贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50476 付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50477 拳堪气 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 拳堪气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50478 公康柳 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 公康柳 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50479 孺脚荐龋 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 孺脚荐龋 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50480 捧加付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 捧加付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50481 付券拜 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50491 厚颇何 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 厚颇何 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50492 侩颇魂 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 侩颇魂 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50493 菩锋气 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 菩锋气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50494 龋脚 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 龋脚 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50495 馆荤 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 馆荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50496 扁玫措傍 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 扁玫措傍 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50506 锄傈飞 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 锄傈飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50507 涵遏 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 涵遏 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50508 气汾拜 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 气汾拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50509 沥诀牢 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 沥诀牢 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50510 蔫加 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 蔫加 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50511 刘仿贱 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 刘仿贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50512 坷盲籍 付澜狼 传牢 缴救阑 哆霸 窍咯 磊扁啊 啊柳 葛电 扁贱狼 货肺款 技拌甫 焊咯霖促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 瞪 荐 乐促 -50513 去籍 缴救阑 夺 捞饶 炼陛歹 臭篮 扁贱阑 啊瘤扁 困秦 盟概力肺 荤侩等促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 苞沥阑 荐访且 荐 乐促 - -50600 盲奔 荐访辑 盲奔 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50601 促捞酒阁靛盔籍 辨靛 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 促捞酒阁靛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50602 龋冠盔籍 _ -50603 拳籍格盔籍 辨靛 拳籍格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 拳籍格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50604 备府盔籍 辨靛 备府 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 备府肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50605 篮盔籍 辨靛 篮 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 篮栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50606 陛盔籍 辨靛 陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50607 苛盔籍 辨靛 苛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 苛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50608 孺窜格 辨靛 孺窜格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 孺窜格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50609 柳林炼阿 辨靛 柳林 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 柳林肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50610 归陛盔籍 辨靛 归陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 归陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50611 荐沥盔籍 辨靛 荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50612 磊荐沥盔籍 辨靛 磊荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 磊荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50613 玫风盔籍 辨靛 玫风 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 玫风肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. - -50621 促捞酒阁靛 焊籍栏肺辑 弥绊狼 磊府甫 瞒瘤窍绰 焊籍栏肺 咀技辑府 酒捞袍俊 家南阑 眠啊窍咯 凛聪促 -50622 龋冠 _ -50623 拳籍格 唱公啊 顶加俊 汞囚 坷贰悼救 拳籍拳啊 柳青等 柳蓖茄 唱公 | 唱公 厩技荤府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50624 备府 悼捞扼绊档 阂府快哥 拳企肺结 磊林 荤侩登绰 陛加 | 备府 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50625 篮 没归祸狼 酒抚促款 堡琶阑 啊瘤哥 蓖陛加 | 篮 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50626 陛 炔陛蝴 堡琶捞 唱绰 措钎利牢 蓖陛加 | 陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50627 苛 厚秒肺 阂府快绰 窜荤沥拌俊 加窍绰 堡拱狼 窍唱 | 苛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50628 孺窜 绊措肺 何磐 窜窜窍扁客 啊罕扁啊 措窜窍咯 抗肺何磐 捞侩登绢坷带 唱公 | 孺窜 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50629 柳林 炼俺狼 眉郴俊 积变 藕魂漠椒阑 林己盒栏肺 窍绰 备浇葛剧狼 焊籍 | 柳林 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50630 归陛 篮归祸狼 蓖陛加栏肺 篮焊促 窜窜窍绊, 傈己(铟圊)·楷己(媾圊)捞 乐促 | 归陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50631 荐沥 搬沥屈捞 堆非茄 籍康狼 老馆疙栏肺 农府胶呕捞扼绊档 茄促 | 荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50632 磊荐沥 磊林祸狼 咯矾 祸炼甫 啊柳 荐沥 | 磊荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50633 玫风 备抚绝捞 郴赴 壶拱捞 顶俊 胶哥甸绢 搬沥阑 捞凤 父甸绢柳 焊籍 | 玫风 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 - -50701 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50702 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50703 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50704 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50705 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50706 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50707 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50708 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50709 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50710 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50711 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50712 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 - -50721 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50722 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50723 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 距 力炼侩 -50724 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50725 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50726 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50727 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50728 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50729 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50730 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50731 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50732 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 - -50801 汗件酒采咀 汗件酒采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50802 档扼瘤咀 档扼瘤肺 父电 馏咀 STR +5 -50803 皑采荐 皑采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50804 啊矫坷啊乔荐 啊矫坷啊乔肺 父电 馏咀 -50805 籍芒器咀 籍芒器肺 父电 馏咀 -50806 康瘤滚几咀 康瘤滚几栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50807 父捍檬咀 父捍檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50808 魂煌唱公咀 魂煌唱公肺 父电 馏咀 -50809 刮甸饭咀 刮甸饭采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50810 全拳揪咀 全拳揪肺 父电 馏咀 -50811 措眠咀 措眠肺 父电 馏咀 -50812 伙瘤备勘檬咀 伙瘤备勘檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50813 劝缴咀 汗件酒采咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 包烹 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50814 乔刀咀 档扼瘤咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 摹疙鸥 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50815 焊券荐 皑采荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50816 康焊荐 啊矫坷啊乔荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50817 柳劝缴咀 劝缴咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 傍拜仿 +50 -50818 柳乔刀咀 乔刀荐咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 规绢仿 +70 -50819 柳焊券咀 焊券荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 付过 历亲 +10% -50820 柳康焊咀 康焊荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 - -50821 利惑咀 乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50822 全惑咀 劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50823 炔惑咀 柳康焊咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50824 踌惑咀 柳焊券咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50825 没惑咀 柳劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50826 归惑咀 柳乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 - -50901 后距捍 距力炼矫 荤侩登绰 后 距捍 - -50902 力炼贱涝巩辑 -50903 力炼劝侩辑 -50904 力炼绊鞭劝侩辑 - -50905 劝缴咀 力炼过 -50906 乔刀荐 力炼过 -50907 焊券荐 力炼过 -50908 康焊荐 力炼过 -50909 柳乔刀 力炼过 -50910 劝缴咀 力炼过 - -51001 劝籍 酒捞袍 盒尖矫 裙垫登绰 付仿捞 标电 倒炼阿 -51002 扁面咀 劝籍阑 刘幅荐俊 刘幅窍咯 父甸绢辰 距 -51003 犁啊籍 劝籍阑 览绵窍咯 父甸绢辰 脚厚肺款 蝴彬狼 倒 - -52001 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52002 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52003 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52004 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52005 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52006 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52007 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52008 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52009 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52010 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52011 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52012 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52013 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52014 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52015 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52016 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52017 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52018 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52019 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52020 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52021 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52022 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52023 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52024 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52025 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52026 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52027 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52028 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52029 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52030 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52031 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52032 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52033 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52034 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52035 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52036 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52037 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52038 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52039 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52040 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52041 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52042 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52043 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52044 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52045 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52046 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52047 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52048 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52049 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52050 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52051 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52052 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52053 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52054 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52055 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52056 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52057 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52058 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52059 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52060 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 - -52060 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52061 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52062 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52063 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52064 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52065 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52066 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52067 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52068 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52069 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52070 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52071 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52072 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52073 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52074 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52075 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52076 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52077 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52078 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52079 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52080 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52081 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52082 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52083 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52084 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52085 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52086 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52087 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52088 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52089 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52090 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 - -53001 阂荤炼家券菩 踌苛俊 阂荤炼狼 屈惑阑 货败 父电 酒抚促款 菩 -53002 酒扁鉴废家券菩 蓖咯款 酒扁鉴废狼 葛嚼捞 踌苛俊 炼阿登绢 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 -53003 葫堪阂荤炼家券菩 葫苛俊 阂荤炼狼 屈惑阑 货败 父电 酒抚促款 菩 -53004 阂荤炼家券菩 踌苛俊 阂荤炼狼 屈惑阑 货败 父电 酒抚促款 菩 - -53501 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 阂荤炼 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53502 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁鉴废 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53503 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 葫堪阂荤炼 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53504 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 阂荤炼 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 - -60001 旷淬 -60002 芒绊瘤扁眠玫辑 -60003 康旷狼刘钎 - -70001 咯脚牢屈 -70002 力伙狼颊 -70003 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促 -70004 辟搁窃狼 绕厘 概快 何瘤繁窍绊 己角茄 荤恩俊霸 林绢瘤绰 惑 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70005 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70006 攫绢馆瘤 檬扁 玫炼, 柳畴, 脚荐 伙惫狼 盒且捞 倔付登瘤 臼疽带 锭俊 烹惑格利栏肺 父甸绢柳 父惫 傍烹绢 馆瘤. 寇背 格利栏肺档 磊林 静看栏唱, 泅犁 巢酒乐绰 箭磊绰 弊府 腹瘤 臼促 促弗 唱扼 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁且 荐 乐促 -70007 捞悼馆瘤 -70008 归扁 傈捧 器扁甫 狼固窍绰 窍踞 标惯. 锭沸 缴茄 何惑磊啊 乐促绰 钎矫肺 标惯 吝居俊 河篮 趋急捞 弊绢廉 乐扁档 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸捞 磊脚俊 措茄 傍拜阑 肛冕促 -70009 焊拱惑磊 -70010 芒绊捞侩鼻 -70011 殿鞭惑铰拱距 -70012 咯脚狼传拱 绊措狼 公赤 怕拳狼 传拱篮 荤厩窃俊 嘎辑 轿款 侩磊狼 去阑 困肺秦霖促绊 茄促 馒侩吝 荤噶矫 版氰摹 颊角捞 临绢电促 -70013 芭措 咯脚狼 传拱 -70014 乔狼 窜距 绊蓖茄 荤娇狼 河篮 利趋阑 被囚 父电 拱贩茄 券距,家巩俊绰 汗侩矫 缴茄 券阿累侩捞 乐促绊 茄促 胶泡 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70015 荤力鹤 -70020 档拳林 汗件酒采阑 肋富妨 淬辟 贱. 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -70024 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促. -70027 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促. -70035 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 -70037 噶阿狼 辑 滴鼻栏肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 氓,捞 氓阑 佬篮 捞甸篮 磊脚捞 荤侩窍带 扁贱俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭绢滚赴促绊 茄促 捧磊胶懦 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70038 侩扁狼 噶配 绊措狼 侩竿茄 傈荤甸篮 殿俊 吧模 噶配狼 祸栏肺 利甸狼 矫急苞 傍拜阑 磊脚俊霸 笼吝矫难 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 苞矫沁促绊 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸阑 唱俊霸 阂矾柯促. 1雀侩 -70039 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 -70040 旷蓖狼 兑缴 胶怕固呈 家葛樊阑 例馆栏肺 临牢促 -70043 档迪狼 厘癌 绊措 弥绊狼 疙己阑 朝啡带 档迪狼 厘癌 馒侩矫 酒捞袍 靛酚伏捞 臭酒柳促 -70047 攫绢馆瘤(斑夯) 促弗 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁 且 荐 乐促 -70048 篮敌磊狼 噶配 档噶磊甸捞 腹捞 荤侩窍绰 噶配 弊 啊摹绰 蔼阑 概辨 荐 绝促绊 傈秦柳促. 馒侩矫 磊脚狼 急厩摹甫 皑苗霖促 -70049 青款狼 馆瘤 侩脚狼 啊龋啊 窃膊窍辨 捞鄂 臂蓖啊 静咯柳 馆瘤 馒侩矫 荤噶矫 酒捞袍 靛酚阑 阜酒霖促 -70050 急空狼 刘钎 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 刘钎肺 刘钎甫 啊柳磊俊霸绰 决没抄 鼻仿捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70051 急空狼 厘癌 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 蜡拱吝 窍唱肺 啊柳磊俊霸绰 舅 荐 绝绰 塞捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩饶 荤成矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70052 檬犁何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70053 犁荐措辨何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70054 伙犁抗规何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 - -70055 噶阿狼 辑 滴鼻栏肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 氓,捞 氓阑 佬篮 捞甸篮 磊脚捞 荤侩窍带 扁贱俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭绢滚赴促绊 茄促 捧磊胶懦 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70102 急滴 汗侩矫 厩 荐摹甫 冻绢哆府绊|急 荐摹甫 刘啊矫挪促 - -70104 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70105 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70106 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70107 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 - -70201 呕祸力 盔贰 赣府祸彬肺 倒酒啊霸 秦霖促. 呕祸等 赣府绰 官肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70202 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70203 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70204 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70205 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70206 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 - -70301 目敲傅 巢咯埃 辑肺狼 荤尔阑 犬牢窍扁 困秦 唱穿绢啊瘤绰 老馆利牢 馆瘤 搬去俊 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 -70302 搬去馆瘤 搬去狼 刘钎肺 荤侩登绰 馆瘤 荤侩矫 硅快磊俊霸 况橇等促 - - -71001 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71002 噶阿厚傈辑 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. 焙流阑 促矫 急琶且荐 乐嚼聪促. -71003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 胶懦 器牢飘甫 檬扁拳 矫难凛聪促. -71004 侩脚狼 啊龋 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. -71005 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71006 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71007 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71008 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -71009 芒绊犬厘鼻 茄崔埃 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71010 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -71011 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71012 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -71013 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 -71014 蔫加林 傍拜加档啊 10% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71015 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71016 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71017 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71018 积疙狼 券 积疙仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗等聪促. -71019 沥脚狼 券 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71020 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71021 公脚狼 绵汗辑 公脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 俺樊辑肺 +0~+3鳖瘤狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊阑 100% 己傍 矫难凛聪促. -71025 具傍籍 措厘埃俊辑 老窍带 具傍甸狼 丁苞 乔肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 堡籍 -71026 泅枚 绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩矫 侩脚狼 绵汗辑肺 拌樊窍咯 凛聪促. -71027 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71028 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71029 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71030 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71031 侩脚狼 瘤盔 某腐磐狼 眉仿,辟仿,沥脚仿,刮酶捞 5究 刘啊钦聪促. -71032 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 -71033 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71034 蔫加林+ 傍拜加档啊 15% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71035 泅趣狼 拱距 荐笼酒捞袍狼 殿废 犬伏阑 80%肺 臭咯 凛聪促. -71036 旷蓖练厘家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 旷蓖练厘阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71037 剐背背林家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 剐背背林甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71038 咯空芭固家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 咯空芭固甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71039 芭措荤阜芭合家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 芭措 荤阜芭合阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71040 拳堪空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳堪空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71041 备固龋家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备固龋甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71042 荤蓖空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荤蓖空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71043 穿贩裹蓖家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 穿贩裹蓖甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71044 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71045 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71047 悼丰客 雀器 酒捞袍狼 家南俊 冠腮 康籍阑 哗郴绢 凛聪促. -71048 券己厚鞭 绊措肺 何磐 郴妨坷绰 林贱肺|某腐磐狼 己喊阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71049 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71050 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. -71051 蜇犁啊厚辑 扁粮加己苞 喊俺狼 滴俺狼 加己阑 眠啊 窍咯 凛聪促. -71052 蜇犁版厚辑 蜇犁啊厚辑甫 捞侩秦 眠啊等 加己阑 函版窍咯 凛聪促. -71053 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗阑 滴硅肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71054 力惫噶疙辑 鸥力惫栏肺狼 函版阑 1雀 啊瓷纳 钦聪促. -71055 俺疙辑 某腐磐狼 捞抚阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71056 没锋狼 见搬 +4康籍俊辑 +5康籍栏肺 俺樊矫 己傍犬伏阑 滴硅 臭咯凛聪促. -71057 拳籍格堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳籍格堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71058 备府堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备府堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71059 篮钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 篮钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71060 陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71061 苛籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 苛籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71062 孺窜籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 孺窜籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71063 炼俺公歹扁家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 炼俺公歹扁甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71064 归陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 归陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71065 荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71066 磊荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 磊荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71067 玫风堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 玫风堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71068 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -71069 拳格狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 包烹 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71070 荤尔狼 迫骂 硅快磊客 窃膊 裙垫窍绰 版氰摹啊 臭酒笼聪促. -71071 荤尔狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 摹疙鸥 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71072 拳格狼 迫骂 阁胶磐狼 傍拜仿阑 撤苗 凛聪促. -71073 荤尔狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 傍拜仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71074 拳格狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 规绢仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71075 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71076 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71077 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71078 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71079 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71080 檬鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 檬鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71081 吝鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 吝鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71082 绊鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 绊鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71083 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 -71084 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71085 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71086 饭骇诀涅胶飘(20~29) -71087 饭骇诀涅胶飘(30~39) -71088 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) -71089 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) -71090 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) -71091 傈堡魄焊蝶府 惑痢埃魄狼 臂揪 祸阑 官曹荐 乐嚼聪促. -71092 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71093 敌癌备 备浇俊 弊妨柳 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71094 急牢狼 背绕 氓 荐访 己傍犬伏 2.5硅 惑铰 (1雀) -71097 侩脚狼 傍拜+ 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71098 侩脚狼 规绢+ 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71101 加康林 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71102 加康林+ 林巩加档啊 30% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71103 眉仿檬扁拳巩辑 眉仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71104 瘤瓷檬扁拳巩辑 瘤瓷阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71105 辟仿檬扁拳巩辑 辟仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71106 刮酶檬扁拳巩辑 刮酶阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71107 玫档汗件酒 急厩摹甫 3000 惑铰矫诺聪促 -71108 档拳林+ 玫档汗件酒 采阑 肋 富妨|淬辟 绊鞭 贱 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -71109 呕籍辑 付瘤阜狼 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促 -71110 阿汲帕 郴 富俊霸 捞抚阑 凛聪促|规绢仿 +20篮 待! -71111 备港抄剧富 坷贰 脚绢辑 备港抄 剧富 | 窍瘤父 农府胶付胶飘府俊 吧搁? -71112 呕籍辑+ 盔窍绰 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促. -71113 陛碍版 酒捞袍 技何 加己 钎矫甫 盲泼芒阑 烹秦 傈颇且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71114 历脚捞侩鼻 5盒埃 历脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+150 -71115 历脚捞侩鼻 120盒埃 历脚阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 阁胶磐狼 碍窃+20% 瓤苞客 眠啊 10% 版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71116 魂斑脚捞侩鼻 5盒埃 魂斑脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+200 -71117 魂斑脚捞侩鼻 120盒埃 魂斑脚阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 HP +3000 瓤苞客 眠啊 10% 版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71118 捧瘤裹捞侩鼻 5盒埃 捧瘤裹阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+300 -71119 捧瘤裹捞侩鼻 120盒埃 捧瘤裹阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 规绢仿 +400 瓤苞客 眠啊 10%版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71120 荤磊空捞侩鼻 5盒埃 荤磊空阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 傍拜仿+200 -71121 荤磊空捞侩鼻 120盒埃 荤磊空阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 傍拜仿 +300 瓤苞客 眠啊 10% 版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71123 荐锋厚疵 荐锋狼 个俊辑 冻绢廉 唱柯 厚疵 炼阿. 脚厚肺款 扁款捞 皑倒绊 乐嚼聪促. | 荐锋癌阑 父靛绰 犁丰啊 邓聪促. -71129 荐锋惯砰 荐锋俊霸辑 掘篮 惯砰 炼阿. 备何矾柳 葛剧捞 漂捞窍促. 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍| 荐锋癌阑 父靛绰 犁丰啊 邓聪促. -71124 归荤磊捞侩鼻 归荤磊甫 家券窍咯 呕 荐 乐绰 菩 | 版氰摹 +30%,捞悼加档+20 - - -71131 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71132 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71133 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71134 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71135 檬铰崔狼 馆瘤 檬铰崔捞 冠囚乐绰 绢咯慧 馆瘤, 馆瘤狼 康氛茄 蝴篮 控瘤葛福霸 塞甸 阂绢持绢 林绰 巴 鞍促 版氰摹 50% | 傍拜加档 20% | 林巩加档 20% | 单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% -71136 且肺扩 荤帕 且肺扩阑 扁充窍咯 父甸绢柳 咐乐绢 焊捞绰 荤帕, 荤帕阑 啊瘤绊 乐绰 巴父栏肺档 榴疤绊 青汗秦瘤绰 巴 鞍促 版氰摹 50% | 傍拜加档 20% | 林巩加档 20% | 单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% - -71143 青汗狼 馆瘤 12阿 洒鄂具啊 技败廉 乐绰 酒抚促款 馆瘤 | 馒侩窍绊 乐栏搁 控瘤 葛福霸 青汗阑 救败 临 淀 茄 馆瘤捞促. 版氰摹 50% | 傍拜加档 20% | 林巩加档 20% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% -71144 农府胶付胶 急拱惑磊 农府胶付胶 急拱阑 捞悔霸 器厘茄 惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 急拱阑 凯菌阑 锭 亮篮 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71145 康盔茄 荤尔狼 奇带飘 滴 楷牢埃俊 康盔茄 荤尔阑 犬牢窍扁 困秦 父甸绢柳 奇带飘 版氰摹 30% | 傍拜加档 10% | 林巩加档 10% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 10% | 弥措 积疙仿 5% | 弥措沥脚仿 5% -71146 荤尔狼 急拱惑磊(俏农) 荤尔窍绰 付澜阑 淬篮 俏农祸 急拱惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 急拱阑 凯菌阑 锭 荤尔捞 淬变 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71147 荤尔狼 急拱惑磊(喉风) 荤尔窍绰 付澜阑 淬篮 窍疵祸 急拱惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 急拱阑 凯菌阑 锭 荤尔捞 淬变 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. - -71148 辟己狼 馆瘤 馒侩矫 辟己狼 塞阑 啊瘤霸 登绢 拱府 傍拜俊 碍秦柳促 傈秦瘤绰 馆瘤 版氰摹 30% | 公荤俊霸 碍窃 20% | 磊按俊霸 碍窃 20% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% -71149 付己狼 馆瘤 馒侩矫 付己狼 塞阑 啊瘤霸 登绢 付过 傍拜俊 碍秦柳促 傈秦瘤绰 馆瘤 版氰摹 30% | 荐扼俊霸 碍窃 20% | 公寸俊霸 碍窃 20% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% -71150 付过狼 崔翱 舅狼 伯龙俊 酒抚促款 技傍阑 窍咯 父甸绢柳 付过狼 惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 舅阑 凯绢 焊搁 亮篮 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. - - -72001 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72002 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72003 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72004 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72005 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72006 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72007 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72008 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72009 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72010 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72011 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72012 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72013 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72014 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72015 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72016 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72017 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72018 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72019 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72020 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72021 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72022 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72023 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72024 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72025 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72026 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72027 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72028 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72029 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72030 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72031 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72032 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72033 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72034 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72035 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72036 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72037 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72038 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72039 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72040 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72041 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72042 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72043 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72044 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72045 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72046 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72047 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72048 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% - -72301 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72302 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72303 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72304 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72305 荤扼咙狼 颊芭匡 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72306 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72307 公扁厘狼 厚傈辑 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72308 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72309 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72310 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72311 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72312 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72313 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72314 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72315 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72316 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72317 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72318 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 - -72501 版氰狼 馆瘤(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72502 档迪狼 厘癌(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 - -72700 官恩狼 脚惯 官恩狼 沥扁甫 脚惯俊 何咯窍咯 狐弗 捞悼阑 啊瓷纳 窍咯霖促 捞悼加档+30 -72701 官恩狼 脚惯 官恩狼 沥扁甫 脚惯俊 何咯窍咯 狐弗 捞悼阑 啊瓷纳 窍咯霖促 捞悼加档+30 -72702 官恩狼 脚惯 官恩狼 沥扁甫 脚惯俊 何咯窍咯 狐弗 捞悼阑 啊瓷纳 窍咯霖促 捞悼加档+30 - -72703 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72704 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72705 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72706 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 - -72709 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72710 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72711 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72712 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72719 呕籍辑 付瘤阜狼 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促 - -72723 拳锋狼 绵汗(家) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72724 拳锋狼 绵汗(吝) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72725 拳锋狼 绵汗(措) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72726 拳锋狼 绵汗(胶其既) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 - -72727 荐锋狼 绵汗(家) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72728 荐锋狼 绵汗(吝) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72729 荐锋狼 绵汗(措) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72730 荐锋狼 绵汗(胶其既) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 - - -73001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 - -73251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 -73252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 -73253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 -73254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 -73255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 - -73501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 - -73751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 - - - - -74001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -74751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - - - - -75001 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(弧埃祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 河篮祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75002 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷全祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷全祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75003 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷没祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷没祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75004 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷哎祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷哎祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75005 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(哎祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 哎祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75006 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(酒捞焊府) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 酒捞焊府赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75007 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(楷没祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 楷没祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75008 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(踌祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 踌祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75009 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 八篮祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75010 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷全祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷全祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75011 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75012 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 踌祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -75201 厘惯 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75202 厘惯 弓澜赣府(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75203 厘惯 弓澜赣府(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75204 厘惯 弓澜赣府(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75205 滴扒(闰祸) 闰祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75206 滴扒(孺废祸) 孺废祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75207 滴扒(炔配祸) 炔配祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75208 滴扒(河篮祸) 河篮祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75209 箕扁钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75210 箕扁钠(没废祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 没废祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75211 箕扁钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 八篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75212 箕扁钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 畴鄂祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 - -75401 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(雀祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 雀祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75402 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 楷哎祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75403 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(畴鄂祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 畴鄂祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75404 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 踌祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75405 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(闰祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75406 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(河篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75407 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(八篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75408 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75409 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(闰祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 闰祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75410 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(焊扼祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 焊扼祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75411 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 八篮祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75412 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 哎祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -75601 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(炔配祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 炔配祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75602 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(皑没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 皑没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75603 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75604 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(雀祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 雀祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75605 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(哎祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 哎祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75606 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(皑没祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 皑没祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75607 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(畴鄂祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 畴鄂祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75608 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 焊扼祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75609 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75610 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(雀哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 雀哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75611 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(焊扼祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75612 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(河篮祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74013 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74014 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74015 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74016 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74263 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74264 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74265 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74266 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74513 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74514 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74515 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74516 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74763 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74764 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74765 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74766 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75013 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75014 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75015 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75016 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75213 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75214 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75215 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -75216 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -75413 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75414 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75415 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75416 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75613 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75614 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75615 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -75616 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 - -74017 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -74018 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74019 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -74267 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74268 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -74269 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -74517 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -74518 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74519 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -74767 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74768 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -74769 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75017 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75018 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -75019 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75217 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -75218 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75219 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75417 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75418 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -75419 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75617 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -75618 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75619 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. - -74020 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公荤 巢磊侩 -74270 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 磊按 咯磊侩 -74520 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 荐扼 巢磊侩 -74770 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公寸 咯磊侩 -75020 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公荤 咯磊侩 -75220 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 磊按 巢磊侩 -75420 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 荐扼 咯磊侩 -75620 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公寸 巢磊侩 - -76000 档拳林(急拱侩) 玫档汗件酒 采阑 肋 富妨|淬辟 绊鞭 贱 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -76001 噶阿厚傈辑(急拱侩) 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. 焙流阑 促矫 急琶且荐 乐嚼聪促. -76002 荤脚狼 刘钎(急拱侩) 荤蓖啪 荤脚捞 啊瘤绊 乐带 刘钎. 酒蓖悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. -76003 加康林(急拱侩) 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -76004 荐锋狼 绵汗(急拱侩) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -76005 荐锋狼 绵汗(家)(急拱侩) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -76006 康籍 皑瘤扁(急拱侩) 康籍狼 困摹甫 舅妨林绰 皑瘤扁 6雀 -76007 侩扁狼 噶配(急拱侩) 绊措狼 侩竿茄 傈荤甸篮 殿俊 吧模 噶配狼 祸栏肺 利甸狼 矫急苞 傍拜阑 磊脚俊霸 笼吝矫难 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 苞矫沁促绊 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸阑 唱俊霸 阂矾柯促. 1雀侩 -76008 侩脚狼 啊龋(急拱侩) 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. -76009 侩脚狼 绵汗辑(急拱侩) 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 -76010 侩趋籍(急拱侩) 侩狼 乔肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 籍, 玫狼 悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. -76011 腊档(急拱侩) 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促 -76012 捞加林(急拱侩) 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. -76013 犁啊厚辑(急拱侩) 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -76014 犁版厚辑(急拱侩) 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -76015 绵汗狼 备浇(急拱侩) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促. -76016 绵汗狼 辑(急拱侩) 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜 -76017 蔫加林(急拱侩) 傍拜加档啊 10% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -76018 蔫加林+(急拱侩) 傍拜加档啊 15% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -76019 烹青刘疙辑(急拱侩) -76020 泅趣狼 拱距(急拱侩) 荐笼酒捞袍狼 殿废 犬伏阑 80%肺 臭咯 凛聪促. -76021 拳锋狼 绵汗(急拱侩) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -76022 拳锋狼 绵汗(家)(急拱侩) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -80001 捣林赣聪 -80002 归瘤 -80008 陛 耽绢府 傈囚 啊傍捞 登绢乐瘤 臼篮 陛耽绢府|惑痢俊辑 厚窖 蔼栏肺 概涝等促. -80009 捞悼狼馆瘤 捞悼 瓷仿捞 乐绰 馆瘤肺 捞悼阑 且 荐 绝绰 瘤开俊辑 荤侩矫 夯惫栏肺 捞悼邓聪促. - -90001 后拱烹 -90002 拱烹 -90003 荐沥 -90004 焊籍 -90005 荐籍 -90006 康籍 -90007 堡籍 - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c6163c24..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -磊按篮 窜八苞 劝阑 林公扁肺[ENTER] -窍绰 傈巩利牢 鞠混磊 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 老沥 荐霖俊 档崔窍扁[ENTER] -鳖瘤狼 啊趣茄 绕访苞沥 傣盒[ENTER] -俊 措氟 傈眉俊 弊府 腹瘤绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼瘤父, 漂沥茄 炼扒父 爱眠绢[ENTER] -柳促搁 傈厘狼 儒抚阑 第官层[ENTER] -初阑 荐 乐阑 沥档狼 颇鲍仿阑[ENTER] -啊笼聪促. 刮酶窃苞 加档甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍扁 困秦 啊涵款 规绢备[ENTER] -[WAIT] -父阑 馒侩 茄促绰 巴捞 绢痘霸[ENTER] -焊搁 捞甸狼 蜡老茄 距痢[ENTER] -涝聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebc02ee0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公寸篮 磊楷苞 澜剧狼 塞狼[ENTER] -儒抚苞 炼拳甫 柄崔篮 泅磊甸[ENTER] -涝聪促. 弊甸篮 捞矾茄 过蘑阑[ENTER] -漂沥茄 概俺眉甫 烹秦 备眉拳[ENTER] -矫懦 荐 乐绰 规过 肚茄 舅绊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -乐嚼聪促. 捞矾茄 弊甸父狼[ENTER] -概俺眉甫 老馆 荤恩甸篮 何利,[ENTER] -趣篮 柳过捞扼绊 何辅聪促.[ENTER] -呈公唱 规措茄 瘤侥阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 谗烙绝捞 促弗[ENTER] -[WAIT] -荤恩苞 措拳 窍扁甫 盔窍瘤父,[ENTER] -弊甸狼 缴坷窍绊 抄秦茄 捞具[ENTER] -扁甸绢临 荤恩甸篮 弊府 腹瘤[ENTER] -臼嚼聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 69d5abd7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -荐扼绰 磊脚狼 迫俊 厩付狼[ENTER] -揪狙阑 扁积矫难 付过狼 塞阑[ENTER] -软荐茄 傈荤 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 促弗 磊甸苞绰 崔府 林[ENTER] -函俊 啊鳖款 牢埃包拌甫 屈己[ENTER] -[WAIT] -窍瘤 臼绰 漂隆捞 乐嚼聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸狼 格钎绰 瘤惑 弥碍狼 塞[ENTER] -阑 爱眠绰 巴捞哥, 弊 寇狼 巴[ENTER] -甸篮 窜瘤 芭眠厘胶矾款 规秦[ENTER] -拱捞扼绊 积阿 钦聪促.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊脚狼 塞阑 苞矫窍绰 巴 炼瞒[ENTER] -阂鞘夸窍促绊 咯辨 沥档肺 弊[ENTER] -甸篮 坷流 鉴荐茄 塞 磊眉父[ENTER] -哎噶 钦聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fd9b5905..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公荤绰 茄 磊风 八苞 瓢瓢茄[ENTER] -癌渴栏肺 公厘窍绊 贸澜何磐[ENTER] -场鳖瘤 傈厘狼 林开栏肺 劝距[ENTER] -钦聪促. 儡犁林客 荤恩阑 泅趣[ENTER] -矫虐绰 荐窜阑 版戈窍哥 坷流[ENTER] -[WAIT] -碍枚鞍捞 荐访等 磊脚狼 辟腊[ENTER] -苞 讣篮 拱贸烦 绊夸茄 沥脚[ENTER] -技拌 父阑 眠备 钦聪促.[ENTER] -盒畴茄 捞甸阑 阜阑 荐 乐绰[ENTER] -磊甸篮 措氟 傈眉俊 粮犁 窍瘤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼绰 促绊 积阿 窍绰 巴捞[ENTER] -壳阑 巴 涝聪促. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 4f44b53b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -IKTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax必场箔爆豹裁布保饼苞辨别毖沧册菜惨隘才惫并秉阿笆抱芭敖镑钡财卞安贬产半鼻碑埠编背蔡擦薄岔把般舱悲播搬碍鞭舶帛掺敞拨病草差豺绊灿偿凹尝猜埃查倍胞氨叭钵彬笨辩报盎缠磅八翱艾铂脖哺昌绷表泊案北膀剥辟搀驳步冰罢甭长币标傍便比邦菠瓣踩褒惭崩餐拆弊拔蔼懊爱版啊疤卑暗扳卜扮蹭泵陛猖柏簿奔袄苍勃丙佰堡壁材糙唉臂胺捕吧梆彩庇败怖策察馋颤肮厕皑痹采暴狈伯跋辈搏避层百部耙蓖备本鳖傲哎睬滨变槽雹边膘岸瘪棒榜叉杯宾被闭霸仓阐拜斑斌癌坝宝熬挨蹦逼蔽澳侧肠伴畅摈诧插憋茬稗补参敝炳贝玻辫柄蝉笔遍蚌焙谤波铲捌测拌扒哀残昂帮搽苯鄙厂彪按碴爸矮俺曹包毙操迸兵饱鲍鞍板渤茶常班白博谗巴膊颁绑藏摆碧柴濒毕办不奥靶蚕彼扁匆耻筹储弛匙持辞刺蠢躇成惩葱窗城尘崇磁撑称晨从稠绸辰衬滁郴触疮椿喘倡淳捶忱矗冲齿秤揣炒初虫潮侈巢椽除春瞅唱愁掣彻粗骋程承踌处川穿钞抽醋宠瓷厨迟础车楚锄抄吃陈丛诚嘲垂雌出扯丑锤吹疵慈超唇翅囱船赐臣凑趁绰次幢炊朝充逞簇戳茨炽臭吵搐斥痴床传沉聪串闯畴澄赤撤创驰池词纯呈橙酬醇尺仇橱雏乘澈此奠村丹顶盯董定撮淬顿碘爹地促断电冻镀道瘩党赌搭诞倒锭郸迭催翟侗跺掉懂遁翠笛东肚递第蝶掂殆叮冬大瞪讹颠点钉独篡搓丢蛾洞刁得灯谍带抵怠堕贷窜殿答稻滇甸吊弹哆荡岛犊蹈瘁凋跌旦敦堆碟鼎寸当盗错典佃蛋凳挫栋度措叼敌睹渡舵钓墩盾吨峨呆低单淀帝但鹅担档磋剁戴厄杜傣斗胆德惦逮兑锻多短毒动待缔邓堤到堵豆导涤狄掇对袋垛悼摧督妒掸蹿叠弟崔额惰俄惮代粹靛滴都朵祷钝存打兜雕段恶夺丁挡淡底陡嫡缎调登躲耽逗达等抖队囤迪娥歹蹬读痘恫碉刀氮脆的店订蹲蒂端垫捣氛凡峰访锋坊封烦非腐焚凤诽酚沸疯傅氟复辐辅乏饭奋粪浮缝而吩繁扶覆贩发饿坟饵符耳枫匪涪府蜂肥废矾阀遏泛洱福脯烽防贰珐芬袱费奉伏赋筏犯帆恩丰罚返方腑甫敷飞釜反翻孵服范芳风吠汾伐斧夫讽妨樊扼俘肤拂儿赴菲份尔肺放抚纷法啡纺粉二分弗副肪冯幅仿逢房忿番愤藩钒鄂佛俯否秆羔歌垢贡概蛊讣根杆噶弓甘肛苟妇跟更共咕攻该关挂恭勾沽胳搞构钙附杠赶改柑敢菇剐瓜纲哥皋汞港隔宫公冈缸褂稿供阜腹糕给沟盖棺阁辜埂高古镐葛骨姑功鸽耿狗格割蛤工嘎庚干铬个箍巩鼓咐固顾各孤负缚溉付躬龚估怪竿父够羹感乖耕寡肝篙戈钢钩赣刮搁故购拐告雇股膏革拱岗刚疙富梗谷豢诲贯褐辉宦唤罕汇糊凰阂郝和灰嘿谎弘幻讳闺徽锅花虹赫贵呼喝核毫欢含规光乎瑰忽惶鸿桓壕涵貉诡环滚恍煌菏洪磺皇鹤广棍卉氦盒很缓邯豪归涣葫过荷沪灌喉狠好黄柜还骇晃圭轰蝴何航互蝗淮寒韩恒硅瑚呵话河恨慌哈烘撼烩汉亥壶衡坏秽侯逛浩黑害护宏患蛔骸后荒海亨会合龟晦哄猾厚果换号悔国贿画官馆惠郭弧挥狐红吼杭怀痕鬼户毁罐嚎跪徊回划禾化孩焊痪胡候管捍哼猴绘喊慧槐夯滑函轨癸耗憨刽华桂哗辊涸唬汗簧旱酣横惯冠虎憾焕观湖翰悍贺恢裹幌蓟近枷焦纪晶饥涧槛见迹讲稽建荆脊久阶接娇窖界籍缄京浑嚼火惑桔辑间昏郊计襟缴讥即家舰津静窘井荚巾截尖艰级锦秸劲甲嫁或悸婚夹鲸剪借茎济敬韭搅箭荤架节硷结茧桨驾击僵净冀积酵减肩姐金魂绩矫汲街疆寂酱己健集洁境精脚极礁碱剂戒兼记柬佳激祭灸加将技角荐侥胶惊揪件俭豁教姬玖竟皆芥获及筋竞浆谨究经价奸鉴混鸡蕉疾稼际简捷键拣既颊介嘉今寄剿铰绞箕吉货进景痉浇禁交浸笺警贾伙轿践骄捡歼饯藉烬睫伎届挤坚斤椒仅纠竭揭尽镜假疥狡检贱睛靳缉降江棘饺杰机急炯妓靖剑肌基季劫匠圾煎继解渐径溅晋祸嫉姜霍九监叫钾紧忌诫畸蒋奖几较颈兢粳活局诀垦克句困糠奎阑咀凯郡揩倔筐均喀峻厩宽拷抠跨啦倦巨琅臼康馈刊鞠垮慨郎君靠拘蓝攫磕夸旧口开坎揽蕾科可狂吭颗老咯榔捞劳棵廊侩坑篮姥据懒捆窟啃渴掘苛慷朗俱恐爵孔喇牢腊疽咎砍框俊军括兰昆赖卷惧柯聚胯眶匡咳扣考块捐卡雷来拦岿滥抉勒廓肯裤决酪勘烂枯亏菌盔举旷竣缆浚魁傀库娟哭垃愧烤楷骏炬绝看扩辣刻况溃矩抗就莱览舅咖谰绢款烙控撅踞快居挎空葵扛酷佬矿酒救苦窥炕浪乐剧具筷蜡涝驹客寇菊栏恳觉狼拉堪鹃狙镭课婪壳亢钧沮锯阔澜坷眷拒坤疚距鲤妈履裸录丽逻戮历冷凉买羚炼犁理吏吗黎庐磷掳俩霖侣麓灵裂码镣辆擂玛鹿疗罗吝粒溜林莉鲁骆量励楼梁里蚂禄垄廉纶潞落岭虏缕笼帘留晾谅儡榴怜零伦隶箩孪廖礼琉沦硫卖隆聋抡狸俐李陆厉赁亮脉类脸洛率迈沥陇涟寥挛窿僚伶炉淋旅论颅嘛陵领凌埋氯流铃垒哩楞络卤恋龙潦凛卵陋璃拢燎累离例泪芦绿赂棱柳粮了劣梨篱骂露敛峦龄料痢聊琳卢莲磊吕粱猎撂咙连滦立刘令螺萝镰栗麻邻篓马屡漏厘肋良馏砾麦力另两菱滤轮碌烈辽路练瘤虑乱娄鳞拎利锣驴骡链六撩傈联临漓搂列略铝掠玲仑律荔锰名勉鸣梅霉免妙磨瞒棉膜毛茂命庙眉醚矛面渺秘猛玫慢们抿锚幂摹萌末明靡盟蜜蒙莫敏馒美眯魔铭茫苗冕皿盲描蛮缅眠闽没卯灭茅妹迷梦檬蔑抹摸谜藐每瞄娩铆门昧曼蔓秒冒媚弥猫泌枚糜悯么密米螟民芒貌摩贸谩谬煤闷忙满觅镁孟氓莽绵蘑寐帽酶模漫媒牧暖挪寞牟牡女暮墓男亩扭念墨漠嫩泞镍拈馁陌怒懦奶睦诺娘能某拧纳狞恼弄尿募鸟碾默纽拇年虐柠倪姆乃慕您南挠谋耐镊奈匿疟沫囊木拟尼闹难聂氖凝母溺腻逆目蔫宁哦啮钮牛捏酿呐捻内那浓妮穆淖欧娜钠拿泥你霓孽撵努哪涅幕脓呢脑糯农奴帕庞袍瞥譬乓坯陪频萍捧朋屏膨抨胖皮琶盘徘磐鹏琵旁骗培片盆赔爬瓢僻鸥疲篷藕脾喷屁碰砒耪蓬批劈撇佩评烹票拼坡坪泼苹炮贫排飘判怕跑派泡瓶胚呸偶硼披品配澎彭湃咆抛啤潘偏叛殴啪痞趴篇平棚乒毗攀刨拍呕沤牌漂匹霹凭沛盼裴砰聘畔祁期铅蔷谱堑栖埔羌墙洽侨谴器讫浅千呛嵌砌曝戚乞歧起谦岂浦牵峭锹迫普凄弃掐粕祈鞘钎漆腔翘骑敲崎桥脐迄契前旗魄乔抢巧欠瀑圃莆强汽其仆扦撬钳蒲菩沏葡奇齐剖启仟遣乾歉棋潜签黔七颇橇朴扑迁枪柒泣铺瞧欺妻悄企俏婆破畦气恰钱醛冉孺肉认卿琴雀仍曲瘸汝却炔柔壬蠕丘请氰然秦权窃取扰钦娶茹青寝颧妊蕊犬染闰纫洒如鹊确邱倾轻情容撒擒泉叁戎润顷萨韧趣亲屈儒躯溶蛆赛榷囚勤球缺全仁热鳃泅燃芹怯蓉日瓤软阮腮趋擎乳揉绕辱入嚷融痊熔攘清塞茸券求锐拳瑞龋且晴忍群壤弱侵沁让驱褥茄裙窍秋绒穷酋人饶去荣惹若任扔圈三渠刃区禽劝庆氢冗琼切 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 8bb2cb33..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -YDQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram凹扁蹦柴斌测常毕般崩榜岸餐采陛笆俺败冰彬掺裁傲北颁长厂爆矮杯蚕厕柄毖哺背八本倍隘草板堡爱豹翱插边谤场碧变版胞绷袄茬叉擦钡肮箔伴搬暴鲍傍铲臂炳霸簿棒层沧狈辫渤诧备蔼昌蔽膘泵逼差标昂焙拌辟弊彪尝扮苍岔熬猜波皑睬碍安拨瓣搏雹吧编茶滨惫谗敖蝉便濒卑疤丙芭蹭鞭比兵册笨磅查舶宝鳖产剥操策哎保察卞跋抱百坝甭碑遍敞爸才哀罢槽仓阿苞癌唉澳参靶颤盎迸玻挨并秉曹佰毙暗泊柏埃畅按舱鄙斑帛卜菠褒病搽辩鞍部缠饱庇猖绑叭啊宾薄不碴拆闭贬材铂补把馋苯蓖播捌半糙镑帮藏绊办悲捕豺瘪脖包耙伯奔怖表搀避偿扳摈报拔梆贝敝拜壁步必侧勃埠邦蚌驳惨艾稗博巴班饼彩膀奥别痹灿辈肠案摆憋残胺彼币钵踩膊懊白阐惭扒蔡财氨笔辨鼻被布菜弛丑储城巢趁衬瞅逞掣揣椽崇淳驰乘钞承椿簇嘲囱稠船此扯迟潮匆诚醋耻矗骋吃厨晨橱创床雌吵雏捶撤戳酬赐匙齿翅唇葱凑撑宠辰郴春成秤串幢楚闯池赤搐初筹抽躇滁磁抄疵斥炊瓷仇臭传踌超刺纯穿川呈辞处陈疮称喘茨冲畴虫粗从炒炽窗吹忱倡绰除橙程惩车侈愁沉持垂聪蠢朝尺臣澈锤充丛础尘澄锄绸痴醇触慈彻出词唱次瘁敌狄吨篡佃祷缎到犊谍逮大蹬奠担瞪兑遁傣盾存杜堕淡恶侗顶措窜弹蒂敦荡蹈丢底跌舵冬磋诞撮贷挫邓笛抖堵店度爹地殆叮督达凋电凳旦叼断稻倒歹丹董锻第段躲待蛾村岛道渡雕典动灯定刀呆蛋陡豆催碟涤党厄点俄钉低鹅戴掇搭墩碉讹怠刁垛殿粹哆氮惦囤栋斗寸崔娥淬缔盯洞带吊独睹掸痘盗颠堆迭翠蹲剁毒队跺悼兜递蹿当对蝶滇锭袋多掂滴嫡惮捣代懂淀登肚单垫堤丁打顿瘩甸东挡摧促鼎惰弟读迪翟都耽错但的短妒档冻钓导恫峨端叠逗调脆夺等钝额郸朵胆抵帝德订得掉靛搓镀答碘赌逢辅粉凤钒涪坟沸氟返风放佛访方釜副纺脯樊菲罚敷福府洱分饿腑封纷弗忿而赋俘肺翻服犯防非赴二峰俯粪珐藩尔啡法贩扼蜂扶房缝凡恩抚儿拂疯饵坊丰份辐芳氛浮废傅幅否飞反汾芬筏烦遏发泛愤锋袱繁肤番吠冯伏匪饭奋夫吩鄂肪枫仿伐肥覆酚腐讽焚奉帆符妨诽费范甫乏孵斧烽耳阀贰复矾付负歌羔蛊赣构褂沟羹庚菇工缸雇更高咕辜估附盖篙恭姑孤拐刮感格古梗钙弓戈糕挂隔肝该咐革狗乖跟购皋够港疙杆垢秆鸽龚沽富缚腹阜苟杠割给刚岗谷告肛寡阁概敢躬鼓稿哥攻钢膏耿棺柑勾冈瓜故赶根股顾贡固搁拱竿箍功汞公铬葛宫关纲干搞骨埂个讣溉父耕嘎剐妇甘怪共钩噶改蛤供各巩镐胳恒侯赫滚跪簧槐糊护诡毁慌官惯绘化涸罐棍合华馆国壕好徊刽缓凰唤讳蝴河广猾蝗函鸿回鹤汇桂横痪过翰闺汗磺荷柜红灰哄邯瑰互害虹龟慧嘿航圭骇喝贺坏号户惠旱逛幻核杭秽韩候郭猴涣憨惶汉衡管淮花鬼豪吼撼宦贵烘湖含观贯嚎禾亨貉胡贿晃悍会狐换哗很恢滑虎果涵幌痕焕话辊阂乎规喉和唬悔恨豢光煌狠荒氦辉洪焊耗患轰海卉捍画夯谎寒硅亥葫裹欢灌皇烩菏弧盒忽癸毫冠归诲骸浩郝何桓徽罕黄憾喊弘呵褐酣孩锅还沪怀后黑轨呼恍厚壶宏哈蛔环挥哼瑚晦划侥晶铰久狡或伎捷吉景进疆季疥劫接姬艰假僵截戒近纠郊紧歼炯颈镜今继坚兢缉荐竞阶讥痉韭剪荚间佳祸价减经粳计搅柬叫尽较秸健劲颊谨礁茧烬九击碱锦寄静急竟蓟街绩筋火竭圾绞胶渐饺江津茎桨集界兼家芥饥捡揪尖靖鸡婚记缴究椒悸积姐溅警降净解枷精交浇挤甲荤晋豁昏浆将货忌睫窖涧匠剑窘加监角届见嘉级获机蒋矫骄际脊汲浑舰箭诫玖奸桔京极揭笺霍箕轿己检剂焦仅禁洁结俭简纪蕉境拣巾斤剿襟鲸惊冀活皆及节缄济魂贾惑鉴靳浸棘籍槛脚伙金灸酵祭荆夹嫉硷技基姜践借酱迹激稽贱教敬井饯径即驾几键杰既钾架嚼妓嫁肌介寂畸混稼奖藉讲娇疾煎建辑肩件睛勒哭葵捐廊扛开凯窥朗澜局揽困愧慨烙酷喇磕垮烂聚匡狂坤胯拷挎糠亢览郎刊均巨蓝沮昆烤缆捆阔堪寇克阑榔咯坑溃菌倔块坷魁懒砍军眷勘炬壳馈倦楷廓就攫莱酪括据裤喀栏看决疚咖诀乐咀居啦距骏抠岿君谰郡剧俱琅牢狙棵筐可浪姥垃雷厩扣啃筷绝控口款侩况靠兰捞扩慷钧卷枯拦揩恐咳盔佬抉科矩坎矿涝苦快浚句空婪娟宽傀库狼拉眶具惧竣刻拒亏蜡垦窟渴咎酒掘辣舅篮奎来撅柯俊救跨爵峻苛旧孔课菊恳踞卡夸康臼拘劳抗老框旷镭鞠锯鹃觉腊客蕾滥颗肯考炕驹疽举吭赖绢良陆吕料黎恋琳铝侣辆芦例缕裂敛厉滦粮聊鳞骡滤码砾罗利栗陇麓玛邻伦琉裸挛鹿笼六庐窿李哩立录离厘疗碌羚赁擂撂灵粱埋临骂箩论联垒铃聋炼磷里沥吝淋类萝拢鲤莉力卤儡另卢马落撩轮零磊粒螺炉溜傈蚂令孪镣露纶楞菱谅龙了僚搂锣棱颅漓凌练瘤镰璃凉吏猎潞肋隶峦岭涟嘛痢梨吗馏连漏掠赂燎怜买累拎略犁虑刘履梁礼绿垄咙迈驴骆楼伶乱虏陋历潦抡理晾烈亮辽林鲁列劣领硫脉络俐柳冷廖逻霖寥卖龄陵麻禄洛量莲篱戮路励卵泪丽娄帘榴凛流狸屡仑氯隆留玲脸掳两廉率旅妈篓律荔麦链沦俩秒贸苗膜瞒觅泌缅满们米芒螟美闽渺敏每闷谬茅貌迷抹眯谩摩氓漫妙矛靡幂锰瞄梅磨抿煤面萌檬孟庙卯蒙酶铭忙馒摸莽免么末没勉眉命妹悯摹灭慢猛魔蛮媚曼盟茂密模蜜媒盲棉秘民冕茫昧藐霉鸣糜帽明寐锚猫铆醚名镁娩蔓弥冒描枚眠玫谜皿绵蔑毛门蘑莫梦诺女怒娜啮能疟牛南幕囊涅穆钮牟柠腻酿溺镊奈那孽陌撵恼弄凝浓嫩挠脑乃农挪尿尼淖虐镍暖匿泥慕拇哦念拈拿糯泞欧奶闹逆沫钠墨聂懦漠年纳睦牧捏努鸟你男倪亩扭拧纽寞妮姆氖母暮娘您碾难默募馁宁捻奴某目牡耐呢木内脓拟谋蔫狞霓呐哪墓劈沤坪篷排澎捧湃皮频脾炮硼屁平贫泡派盆砰乓譬朋痞泼啤藕陪膨盼佩苹畔袍帕屏瓶僻咆偶徘品飘琶砒漂批牌坡拼琵胖趴披聘耪配判赔刨偏鸥匹彭撇跑胚瞥爬烹怕裴蓬霹凭棚喷瓢啪疲骗殴攀抨乒篇旁拍毗叛呸沛呕片磐庞培盘潘碰评萍鹏抛票坯妻黔俏莆羌畦嵌奇瞧桥普乾前枪歧腔浅齐器乞岂埔欠旗脐沏撬瀑仟启鞘曝柒乔剖气恰欺祁歉强砌颇翘锹弃钎谴祈扑千浦戚敲墙仆讫峭起谱扦蒲七铅菩骑钱潜掐谦凄悄钳呛迫橇抢朴迄婆葡棋漆洽圃遣牵迁粕契企侨其破堑泣铺巧栖崎签汽期蔷魄孺轻趣饶刃锐熔顷茸醛酋权痊冉仁鹊取让切撒圈琼屈阮攘燃溶仍鳃寝认妊若雀泅亲全侵券绒去拳犬蠕裙球瓤沁纫丘怯柔茹曲情躯腮软囚榷戎群穷任勤三闰青瑞嚷龋如日确荣倾塞瘸汝绕染入琴扰区氢庆辱且渠窍蓉趋壬容秦求壤人赛热萨肉融叁忍惹氰蛆芹却窃清茄褥请蕊邱炔秋劝卿乳冗晴弱颧揉扔娶钦驱禽韧洒缺然润泉擎儒擒 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 9976fbd0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -WHGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac场苯褒胺层彼蝉柴蔼坝吧草梆绷碴搏币掺壁碑脖菜爆熬焙埠槽茶苍卜逼澳兵产隘苞办闭柄昂蓖瘪颁贝爸摈八拜傲诧北拌笨包拆灿参抱毙奥缠宾扒便佰编鼻崩庇耙卞驳必箔裁白奔挨册蔡盎查财长案狈保瓣表凹痹榜罢笆镑波才扳暴昌绑铲疤哺辫避阐侧彩肠插部察帮矮哎雹别厕膘悲尝蹦餐柏癌病变笔备本濒怖茬策布伴厂拔碍豹惭阿啊爱炳岸班贬帛材懊傍氨搀被板簿猜摆鞭颤搬舶钡辩埃曹版睬彪百背把惫敝薄差芭常补铂猖鄙臂俺博擦皑毕蔽邦捌磅倍操斌播蚌鞍肮玻翱叉蹭仓辟叭敞哀踩饼绊卑偿按甭舱彬饱辈钵靶唉糙豺毖馋残丙稗惨岔霸采泵半拨捕蚕滨弊敖扁不冰扮陛般谤暗膀辨伯搽沧膊泊憋边棒遍安碧鳖谗杯渤标测秉比败迸袄畅巴剥跋勃胞堡步鲍斑菠藏并宝艾报炽次澈唇驰雌辰囱础矗趁词筹愁晨醇锄巢茨绸幢淳城池垂吹绰楚骋从弛丛尘闯撤辞倡揣处匙撑秤初传抄葱锤逞船刺超春朝滁簇虫彻赤椽澄出乘迟崇持匆储厨冲床程陈凑窗醋扯吵呈成臣戳承潮疮翅唱搐车瓷稠钞抽忱酬炒磁疵川瞅痴炊橙臭纯充郴掣赐沉尺橱创慈此耻称惩穿衬椿斥丑除畴吃捶诚聪雏粗齿触宠串喘嘲仇侈蠢躇踌堆掂抵摧底堵垛郸雕撮迪滴氮挫舵妒凋淡店赌点度旦惦额遁丹镀崔独淀催朵惰对逮倒悼导缔登耽狄蹬墩蝶盾鹅佃翟冬嫡毒垫傣邓促得奠地段笛帝当电碘德掇陡诞叼搭存队档瘩渡订挡搓洞断篡打肚贷到躲单蛾端弹稻抖都吨蹈弟钝定杜丢错淬爹逗锻捣迭跌蹿翠钉殆恶剁夺董惮但靛胆钓懂滇大叠碟顿村答凳峨恫堤短冻跺措叮讹碉厄敦谍兜豆动敌粹戴顶东第掉殿脆担待鼎缎蛋堕刁磋盯歹吊袋递低多甸灯痘的哆涤瞪娥俄囤党锭呆侗带睹寸斗瘁典荡犊掸读怠等丁岛蹲栋代调道督蒂达刀盗兑颠祷窜傅釜份尔凤赴帆府吩妨诽烽贩翻蜂肥风访方鄂焚汾氟枫反逢缝孵奉愤坟凡二扼非肤腐放啡扶芳筏敷钒犯辐粉服坊饿复佛峰遏仿藩洱氛粪沸泛肺房夫饵纷福发辅废赋甫斧疯乏幅丰伐俯酚浮贰伏番俘恩而分否符副冯返樊吠弗涪飞奋费范抚锋珐耳封匪讽脯纺烦儿罚袱忿拂饭法繁芬矾肪覆防菲腑阀雇歌贡耕公跟汞钙甘更拱阜搞寡宫购功纲耿孤告感缸鼓篙各够糕该赶杆铬剐乖革攻梗隔咐噶顾刮哥格稿葛腹搁肛蛊戈溉钢赣巩概构高干镐工庚膏故港肝苟挂妇谷褂冈埂菇割辜负缚阁鸽个共父估羔关供勾给骨盖弓拐瓜蛤附沽恭怪垢根胳疙姑躬付柑固棺狗杠刚咕富嘎羹皋讣敢竿箍改岗沟龚古钩秆股国刽湖黑害胡会烘幻唤柜捍虎互氦焊轰滚菏徽罐壶轨回规哄呵荷凰滑棍归煌耗蛔闺貉涣痪馆弧癸喝哼簧何猾涵划忽圭官蝴卉烩狐郭锅呼候秽横贯喊孩患翰韩糊嘿很喉虹弘河观辉欢瑚跪哈汇还侯花盒撼光涸憨衡绘鹤宏管航化郝皇晦邯户毫慌狠槐鬼猴环旱杭酣罕合桓诡壕函豪恨徊恍贿汗红贺坏毁恒亥唬嚎阂痕冠核晃葫后恢洪夯挥桂果诲和惠辊惶谎广沪含宦幌磺缓护亨寒骸过哗灰乎悔惯吼悍荒好怀淮浩画贵华话慧讳汉骇褐换禾蝗号赫海裹憾焕瑰硅灌厚黄鸿逛豢龟即极贱加颈筋灸笺缄剂姐技秸揭接季娇径谨杰街践较烬晋荆藉颊锦近结浸兢见硷景昏焦间桨嫉匠或机检劫酵蕉柬槛绩今骄劲既竟减借痉饯江韭界记津件棘继巾斤姬尖京交胶郊火襟嫁惊贾鸡狡鲸及侥九浇椒激竞皆缴冀净击俭渐揪歼涧籍祸监级届铰搅晶截己价静寂惑兼究圾魂箕霍辑挤进活紧纪奸阶缉稼讲剪洁降嘉疾货简脚艰夹煎捡健警积碱介桔荤几精捷迹箭井建脊急伙尽吉甲疆靳稽酱舰叫礁睫金奖节绞镜蒋饺炯肌忌假寄枷鉴妓窘禁剑睛竭疥婚集基家诫饥敬茧玖芥茎坚解伎教嚼久键浑靖计境拣佳窖悸将际粳架经轿讥驾汲钾肩获蓟豁剿济戒角溅荚混祭浆矫僵畸纠荐仅姜阔乐壳慷枯抗赖俱阑裤眷撅垦坑咀老苦炕靠窟库卡狙矿骏颗科筷菊磕涝觉蓝傀刻坷可菌咖就快垮咳句局棵凯岿匡懒莱均窥具刊口恐烙疚酒舅慨糠柯坎喀拦扣郡勒镭兰狼砍鞠郎峻宽昆锯娟距考肯喇葵据揩愧勘廊咎腊酷堪咯篮烂跨捆旧沮抉澜旷倔侩缆捞狂牢竣姥拘蜡救卷康款坤渴开驹拉溃吭蕾恳楷馈客雷苛巨看揽魁廓胯哭厩鹃炬夸啃举决烤聚眶框佬筐来绢控览榔困劳亏剧栏钧课婪空浪君括谰寇俊臼拒亢块浚朗克抠绝奎孔疽盔挎掘踞矩啦况诀辣军扛垃爵倦惧居滥酪捐攫拷扩琅累箩利录侣迈梁炼漓麦疗庐咙裸隶榴柳骡滦脉脸娄骆霖棱离力吝狸琉峦卵镰赁萝瘤禄敛卢临鹿吕嘛骂蚂丽零窿儡磷铝篱李虏菱乱妈令龙掠篓黎垒连陆伶陇莉莲琳炉绿笼氯廉潦励律伦练聊楼擂轮磊裂潞鳞历陵玛辽粮罗留怜林谅傈僚掳卤犁垄冷屡拎辆泪寥龄痢六麓滤仑芦凛哩孪鲤鲁聋了铃露列领礼楞螺赂粒吏卖论厉抡两流搂凌邻粱埋虑硫烈劣馏隆恋挛落拢刘镣锣理砾例厘戮颅良涟马漏梨俩羚里撩陋买立联类麻略亮灵吗量晾荔栗撂玲帘驴另洛路凉岭缕链燎逻俐沦廖络履旅沥溜码淋料猎璃碌纶率肋寐漫苗灭门模皿磨名蔓藐娩贸摹每秘么美氓妙蜜盲锚铭迷描矛缅媚糜蛮酶末盟莽米庙没芒昧免萌绵曼忙勉毛摸媒眯悯民靡锰蔑猛秒帽谬们玫明檬冕命棉铆密镁冒鸣满螟膜谜茅谩莫泌摩貌闽渺煤醚弥蘑幂馒梅闷猫瞒枚茂魔梦瞄抹面觅霉卯茫妹眠蒙抿孟敏眉慢溺捏欧鸟慕您妮虐呐哦狞奈牧酿奴娜脓沫氖撵挪馁拈哪耐钮牟牛能懦你孽农目拇努某男倪脑内诺逆那纳睦姆钠尿蔫拟穆募嫩镍镊聂暮霓捻默扭闹娘囊幕尼柠母疟女纽拿淖恼南弄漠墨念墓呢木泥涅乃浓难腻宁匿凝糯亩寞挠年暖陌牡泞怒啮碾谋奶拧抨篷漂砰坡抛瞥捧琶屁坯碰瓢飘蓬爬票排批啪胖徘琵佩乒耪泼配评毗平刨篇呸朋潘培瓶袍棚譬炮沛屏叛澎疲霹苹聘盘品骗痞呕藕牌喷劈鸥披赔庞盼殴偶攀坪胚砒脾鹏判趴派片怕撇啤乓旁膨泡裴僻匹盆帕沤拍偏频畔硼烹凭湃皮陪萍咆彭磐贫拼跑启祁莆漆鞘遣破棋峭瞧浦扑畦谴俏扦仆砌祈橇歉魄乞颇起铺铅抢剖七欺婆枪钎侨葡黔凄其羌前撬迫悄歧牵戚契妻浅脐汽巧圃钱朴器恰瀑锹千谱菩乾嵌崎骑潜齐泣谦呛欠企粕掐敲迄讫旗墙迁钳弃仟洽栖岂曝奇蒲腔堑翘柒期气签乔强沏普桥埔蔷三群刃鹊曲券如怯熔撒洒庆染然屈绒蛆龋拳榷揉氰茹仍儒纫壬囚情窍丘孺燃乳劝辱裙圈褥戎柔禽取雀颧趋权茄泉鳃茸冉娶扔炔热冗锐勤人穷攘蕊让塞肉软秋邱卿区瘸秦窃却寝晴仁确闰叁沁犬侵倾润求亲忍萨任琼钦顷且赛琴融芹擎痊躯绕弱瑞韧全擒汝趣壤蠕轻醛容扰缺日酋妊荣去入瓤蓉清阮请嚷青切认渠氢惹腮溶饶驱若泅球 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 2b363d67..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,763 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 陛浇 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 急厩摹 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 流立 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 背券吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 惑痢阑 捞侩吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 堡厘俊辑绰 俺牢 惑痢阑 咯角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 拳混捞 何练秦 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 历镑栏肺 立辟 且 荐绰 绝阑 巴 鞍焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 厘馒秦具秦 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 富阑 鸥具父 荤侩 且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 穿备俊霸 镜扒瘤 搬沥秦具... -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 积疙仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 沥脚仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 富阑 鸥绊 荤侩 且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 捞 公扁肺绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 扁贱捞焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 悼丰俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 磷篮磊俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 甸绊辑 胶懦阑 荤侩且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 唱俊霸绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 丛篮 庇富 芭何 惑怕 涝聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 丛篮 立加吝捞 酒凑聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 庇富 芭何 惑怕俊辑绰 庇富阑 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 SNA -CHANNEL 盲澄 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 肺弊牢 拳搁栏肺 唱哎 荐 绝嚼聪促. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 辑滚 绝澜 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 盲澄 %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 盲澄 沥焊甫 茫阑荐啊 绝嚼聪促 -CHANNEL_PVP 磊蜡措搬 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 盲澄阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 搬力备开阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 辑滚甫 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 抛胶飘辑滚 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 抛胶飘 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 傈眉 -CHAT_BLOCK 瞒窜 -CHAT_GUILD 辨靛 -CHAT_INFORMATION 沥焊 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 何利例茄 窜绢啊 器窃等 巩厘涝聪促 -CHAT_LOG 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁[L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁 -CHAT_NORMAL 老馆 -CHAT_NOTICE 傍瘤 -CHAT_PARTY 颇萍 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 盲泼 焊郴扁 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 率瘤 焊郴扁[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 寇魔 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 寇摹扁绰 15檬俊 茄锅究 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -CHAT_WHISPER 庇富 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME '款康'捞 器窃等 捞抚篮 荤侩 且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 何利例茄 捞抚涝聪促 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 鞍篮 捞抚阑 啊柳 某腐磐啊 乐嚼聪促 -CREATE_FAILURE 某腐磐甫 父甸 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_GM_NAME 款康 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 捞抚阑 涝仿 窍绞矫坷 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 器牢飘啊 酒流 巢酒乐嚼聪促 -DAY 老 -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY %d 成阑 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 滚副荐 绝嚼聪促. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 1000成 捞惑篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 错胶1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 错胶2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 错胶3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 错胶4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 错胶5 -EMOTION_DANCE_6 错胶6 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 绵窍 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 侩辑 -EMOTION_ANGRY 拳晨 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 蜡趣 -EMOTION_SAD 浇悄 -EMOTION_SHY 何掺烦 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 览盔 -EMOTION_BANTER 愁覆 -EMOTION_JOY 扁惠 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 券龋 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 券龋 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 惑措甫 急琶窍绞矫坷 -EMOTION_CLAP 冠荐 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 虐胶 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 橇坊摹 虐胶 -EMOTION_SLAP 蝶蓖 -EMPIRE_A 脚荐惫 -EMPIRE_B 玫炼惫 -EMPIRE_C 柳畴惫 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 背券 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 搬沥窍脚 咀荐绰 函版且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 背券且荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_MONEY 背券 咀荐 -EXCHANGE_TITLE %s 丛苞狼 背券 -FISHING_FAILURE 绊扁啊 固尝父 哗冈绊 漓轿霸 档噶闷嚼聪促 -FISHING_UNKNOWN 公均捞 棱腮瘤 葛福摆促 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 超矫甫 且 荐 乐绰 镑捞 酒凑聪促 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 富阑 鸥绊辑 盲堡阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 家蜡鼻捞 绝绢 酒捞袍阑 笼阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 目辑 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 捞惑捞 彬妨 乐瘤 臼酒 霸烙 角青阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促.\nDirectX 8.1 捞惑阑 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 霸烙 角青俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 厘摹甫 茫阑荐 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 弊贰侨 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n肚绰 窍靛傀绢 啊加捞 难廉乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n(力绢魄->叼胶敲饭捞->汲沥 狼 绊鞭滚瓢\n->巩力 秦搬 徘俊辑 窍靛傀绢 啊加阑 '弥措'肺 汲沥) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 荤侩窍绊 拌脚 矫胶袍狼 弊贰侨 墨靛绰 32厚飘 葛靛俊辑 芒葛靛甫 瘤盔窍瘤 臼嚼聪促.\n16厚飘 葛靛肺 傈券窍矫芭唱 傈眉 拳搁 葛靛甫 荤侩窍矫扁 官而聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 酒捞袍 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 皋牢 芒 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 阁胶磐 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 匙飘况农 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n牢磐齿 楷搬惑怕甫 痢八秦焊技夸. -GAME_PICK_MONEY %d 成阑 裙垫沁嚼聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 128捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 12捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 16捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 64啊 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 瘤盔登绰 捞固瘤 颇老捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH metin2/upload 弃歹俊 颇老阑 持绢林技夸 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 急琶等 捞固瘤 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 荐龋傈 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 菩空傈 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s 辨靛俊辑 辨靛傈 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 览傈 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 竿厘傈 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 侩脚仿阑 雀汗且 鞘夸啊 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_COMMENT 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 辨靛 捞抚栏肺 荤侩窍扁俊 何利例钦聪促 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 辨靛盔 -GUILD_DELETE 瘤快扁 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP %d成阑 荤侩窍咯 侩脚仿阑 %d父怒 雀汗窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 辨靛俊 啊涝 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 厚绢 乐绰 顶 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 惑措 辨靛疙 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 捞抚 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 犁丰啊 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 傍瘤鼻茄捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 且 版氰摹 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 版氰摹啊 何练钦聪促 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 扁瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 霸矫魄 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 流困 包府 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 辨靛 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 辨靛盔 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 辨靛 胶懦 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 傈捧 矫埃 30盒 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 铰府矫 拱距 焊惑 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 傈里磐 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 老馆甘 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 痢荐啊 臭篮 辨靛啊 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 惑措祈 标惯阑 磊脚狼 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 扁瘤肺 啊廉坷搁 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 惑措 辨靛 傈戈矫 铰府 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼嚼聪促 -HORSE_HEALTH0 磷菌澜 -HORSE_HEALTH1 倾扁咙 -HORSE_HEALTH2 硅绊悄 -HORSE_HEALTH3 硅何抚 -HORSE_LEVEL1 檬鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL2 吝鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL3 绊鞭富 -HOUR 矫埃 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 概飘腐胶 墨靛 锅龋 涝仿 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 概飘腐胶 墨靛 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 林刮殿废锅龋 缔磊府 7臂磊甫 涝仿秦林绞矫坷 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 某腐磐 昏力 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 蓖券扁撅何绰 钦磨 荐 绝嚼聪促 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 酒捞袍阑 荤侩窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -JOB_ASSASSIN 磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 斑嚼磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 厚混焙 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 碍畴焙 -JOB_SHAMAN 公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN0 斑嚼公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN1 玫锋焙 -JOB_SHAMAN2 堡汾焙 -JOB_SURA 荐扼 -JOB_SURA0 斑嚼荐扼 -JOB_SURA1 券公焙 -JOB_SURA2 孺付焙 -JOB_WARRIOR 公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR0 斑嚼公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR1 唱茄焙 -JOB_WARRIOR2 喊扁焙 -LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 辑滚 立加俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 辑滚 立加俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNETING 辑滚俊 立加 吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 秦寸 拌沥捞 捞固 立加秦 乐嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 肺弊牢俊 巩力啊 惯积窍看嚼聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 喉钒吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 荤侩扁埃 搬力啊 登瘤 臼篮 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 涝仿窍脚 酒捞叼绰 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 泅犁 酒捞袍 汗备 吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 辑滚啊 酒流 坷锹 登瘤 臼疽嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 立加磊啊 腹酒 立加且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 捞蜡肺 肺弊牢俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 锅龋 涝仿捞 肋给 登菌嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 锅龋 涝仿捞 3锅 撇妨 立加阑 辆丰钦聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 菩胶况靛啊 撇啡嚼聪促 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 酒捞叼甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 肺弊牢 吝 涝聪促 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 酒捞袍 隔俊绰 酒捞袍阑 持阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MAP_A1 康救谰己 -MAP_A2 铰锋邦 -MAP_A3 磊剧泅 -MAP_AG 吝尔泅 -MAP_B1 炼救谰己 -MAP_B2 烙瘤邦 -MAP_B3 汗沥泅 -MAP_BG 客锋泅 -MAP_C1 乞公谰己 -MAP_C2 规魂邦 -MAP_C3 冠扼泅 -MAP_CG 烙窍泅 -MAP_DESERT 康厚荤阜 -MAP_FLAME 档堪拳瘤 -MAP_SKELTOWER 荤蓖啪 -MAP_SNOW 辑茄魂 -MAP_SPIDER 芭固奔 -MAP_TEMPLE 剐背荤盔 -MAP_TREE 蓖格覆 -MAP_TRENT02 利蓖格覆 -MAP_WL 荤炔乞具 -MAP_NUSLUCK 荤炔邦 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s丛捞 模备 殿废阑 夸没窍继嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 沥富肺 昏力 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 捞悼 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 厚绢乐澜 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 啊练 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 模备 -MESSENGER_GUILD 辨靛 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 勤靛迄 皋技瘤肺 罐栏脚 牢刘 锅龋甫 涝仿秦 林绞矫坷 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 牢刘 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 涝仿窍瘤 臼栏矫搁 皋技瘤甫 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 瘤陛 锅龋甫 涝仿窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 勤靛迄 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 焊尘 巩磊 皋技瘤 -MINIMAP 固聪甘 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 固聪甘阑 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档甫 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 绵家 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 犬措 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 包恩磊 %d 疙 -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档 焊扁 -MINUTE 盒 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍 困摹甫 官曹 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 澜厩 颇老捞 粮犁窍瘤 臼嚼聪促 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 急琶等 澜厩 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -NEEFD_REST 绒侥鞘夸 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 酒流 瘤盔登瘤 臼嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼栏搁 辨靛 葛靛绰 汲沥且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT PvP 葛靛 汲沥篮 泅犁 荤侩窍角 荐 绝嚼聪促. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d饭骇 捞惑父 PvP 葛靛 汲沥捞 啊瓷钦聪促. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 傍拜仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 傍拜 加档 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 胶懦 瘤加 矫埃 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 规绢仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 弥措 沥脚仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 弥措 积疙仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 颇萍 秦魂 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 丛捞 颇萍 啊涝 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 丛狼 颇萍 檬措甫 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 版氰摹 盒硅 规侥 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 饭骇俊 蝶扼 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 饭骇捞 臭阑 荐废 版氰摹甫 腹捞 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 闭殿窍霸 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 葛电 颇萍盔捞 版氰摹甫 闭殿窍霸 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 傈盔 雀汗 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 颇萍 康氢 裹困 1.5硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 颇萍 康氢 裹困 2硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 颇萍 呕硼 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 厘矫埃 颇萍 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [坷橇扼牢] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 颇萍盔 家券 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 眉仿 沥脚仿 雀汗樊 焊呈胶 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 颇萍 脚没阑 芭何沁嚼聪促. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 绢怕目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 滚辑目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 滚欺肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 叼奇歹肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 瓷仿 秦力 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 攀目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 绢琶目 扁夯 傍拜仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 滚辑目 傍拜 加档 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 滚欺 胶懦 瘤加矫埃 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 叼奇歹 规绢仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 颇萍 裹困 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐 弥措 沥脚仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 攀目 弥措 积疙仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 颇萍盔 家券 啊瓷 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 笼阑 俺荐 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 俺牢 惑痢俊辑 魄概 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 凯绊 拌脚 俺牢 惑痢阑 摧栏矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 捞抚 涝仿芒 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 啊拜 涝仿芒 -PVP_LEVEL0 急空 -PVP_LEVEL1 康旷 -PVP_LEVEL2 己磊 -PVP_LEVEL3 瘤牢 -PVP_LEVEL4 剧刮 -PVP_LEVEL5 扯牢 -PVP_LEVEL6 厩牢 -PVP_LEVEL7 付滴 -PVP_LEVEL8 菩空 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP 辨靛 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP 磊蜡 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP 乞拳 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 焊龋 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 览隆 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 磊蜡 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 乞拳 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 焊龋 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 览隆 -QUEST_APPEND 货肺款 涅胶飘啊 殿废登菌嚼聪促 -QUEST_MIN 盒 -QUEST_SEC 檬 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 力茄 矫埃 檬苞 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 力茄 矫埃 绝澜 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 檬 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 狞浇吩俊 殿废且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s 丛栏肺何磐 皋技瘤啊 吭嚼聪促 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : %d成 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 俺樊 犬伏捞 臭酒瘤瘤父 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促. 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍 己瓷捞 冻绢笼聪促 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 沥富 康籍阑 都绢郴矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_FAILURE 俺樊俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 俺樊且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 都绢尘 荐 乐绰 皋凭籍捞 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 歹 亮篮 俺樊辑啊 鞘夸 钦聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 歹 捞惑 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 己瓷阑 氢惑 矫懦 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS 俺樊俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 厚剐 锅龋啊 撇啡嚼聪促. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 芒绊俊 乐绰 酒捞袍篮 魄概且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 货 厚剐 锅龋啊 肋给 涝仿 登菌嚼聪促 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 肺 泅犁狼 胶农赴鸡阑 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 历厘 沁嚼聪促. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 胶农赴鸡 历厘俊 角菩 沁嚼聪促. -SECOND 檬 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 某腐磐甫 昏力且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 某腐磐 捞抚捞 函版 登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 捞固 粮犁窍绰 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 促矫 矫档秦 林绞矫坷 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 肋给等 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 某腐磐 捞抚 函版 -SELECT_DELEING 某腐磐 昏力 吝 -SELECT_DELETED 昏力登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 沥富 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 厚绢乐绰 浇吩涝聪促 -SELECT_GM_NAME 款康 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 函版且 某腐磐 捞抚阑 急琶窍绞矫坷 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 惑痢 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 备涝且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 颇角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 迫 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 惑痢 俊矾 : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 肋给等 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 牢亥配府俊 巢篮 磊府啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练钦聪促. -SHOP_SELL_INFO 牢亥配府 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 颇角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 犁绊啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 厘芭府 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -SKILL_BOHO 馆荤 -SKILL_BUDONG 何悼冠何 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 捞力何磐绰 版氰阑 烹秦辑父 荐访且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 捞力何磐绰 氓阑 烹秦 荐访窍寂具 钦聪促. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 玫辟眠 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2硅 单固瘤 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 刀 官福扁 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 篮屈过 -SKILL_FAINT 扁例 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 窃沥茫扁 -SKILL_FIRE 瘤加 拳堪 -SKILL_FISHMIND 绢缴券 荤侩吝 -SKILL_GAMJI 皑瘤 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 八版 -SKILL_GEONGON 扒帮摹券 -SKILL_GICHEON 扁玫措傍 -SKILL_GIGONG 扁傍贱 -SKILL_GONGPO 傍器 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 弊罚靛 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 欺棋飘 付胶磐 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 厚混焙 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 碍畴焙 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 铰付 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 玫锋焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 堡汾焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 券公焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 孺付焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 唱茄焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 喊扁焙 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 蓖八 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 版傍贱 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 孺脚荐龋 -SKILL_HOSIN 龋脚 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 拳堪曼 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 趋付阿己 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 傍拜加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 捞悼加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INMA 牢付钦脚 -SKILL_JEOJU 历林 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 沥诀牢 -SKILL_JEONGWI 傈蓖去 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 傈脚规绢 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 傈脚傍拜 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 刘眉脚过 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 刘去瘤过 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 刘仿贱 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 刘加贱 -SKILL_JIGAM 瘤皑措过 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 笼吝规绢 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 林付癌 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 林付八 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 蔫八贱 -SKILL_KWAESOK 蔫加 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 促府弓烙 -SKILL_MUSA 公荤去 -SKILL_MUYEONG 公康柳 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 辨靛傈 吝俊父 荤侩 窍角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SKILL_PABEOP 颇过贱 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 胶畔 傍拜 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 级堡藕 -SKILL_SINCHAK 脚馒脚傍 -SKILL_SLEEP 泪甸扁 -SKILL_SLOW 浇肺快 -SKILL_STUN 胶畔 -SKILL_SUHO 荐龋傈飞 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 家券 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 饭骇 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 吝刀 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 刀俊 狼茄 傍拜仿 刘啊 -SKILL_TUSOK 捧加付飞 -SKILL_WONSIN 盔脚焊贱 -SKILL_YONGSIN 侩脚捧龋 -STAT_MINUS_CON 眉仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 刮酶 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_INT 瘤瓷 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_STR 辟仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 积疙仿苞 规绢仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 疙吝伏苞 雀乔啦捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 沥脚仿苞 付过仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 傍拜仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 辨靛 缴杭 殿废 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 狐弗 加档甫 尘 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 蠢副 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 鸥老傅 葛靛甫 汲沥窍扁 困秦 霸烙阑 辆丰钦聪促 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 措搬悼狼 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 汗荐 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 颇鲍 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 郴覆 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 咀记倾侩 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 背券 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 力寇 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 包恩辆丰 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 措搬 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 模备 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 辨靛檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 颇萍呕硼 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 颇萍啊涝 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 厘厚 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 庇富 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 厘焙 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 措空 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 凉捍 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 惑鞭 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 惑鞭 凉捍 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 傍拜 -TASKBAR_AUTO 磊悼 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -TASKBAR_EXP 版氰摹 -TASKBAR_HP 积疙仿 -TASKBAR_MOVE 捞悼 -TASKBAR_SKILL 胶懦 -TASKBAR_SP 沥脚仿 -TASKBAR_ST 瘤备仿 -THING_COUNT 俺 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 悼拱幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 磊按俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 厩付幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 牢埃阁胶磐幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 剐背幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 阁胶磐俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 旷蓖练 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 公寸俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 荐扼俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 矫眉幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 公荤俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 拱府鸥拜矫 喉钒 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 傈捧 吝 5檬寸 沥脚仿 雀汗 %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 摹疙鸥 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 乔秦矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 劝 傍拜 雀乔 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 版氰摹 眠啊 惑铰 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 捣 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 蠢妨瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 扁例窍瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 酒捞袍 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 积疙仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 鸥拜矫 惑措 沥脚仿 家葛 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 己瓷 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 荤噶矫 版氰摹 皑家甫 茄锅 阜酒霖促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 包烹 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT 吝刀 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 刀 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 拱距 荤侩矫 %d%% 己瓷 刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE 历林 登倒府扁 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 辟立 拱府傍拜 馆荤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 规匡 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 滴颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 何盲 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 茄颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 剧颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 官恩 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 氓 荐访 己傍 犬伏捞 2.5硅肺 惑铰茄促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 扁贱 荐访 角菩矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱妨朝 荐 乐促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT 蠢妨咙 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 沥脚仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT 扁例 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT 弥措 积疙仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 惑痢俊 迫 荐 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 癌渴 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 拳混 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 磊按 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 劝 荤沥芭府 +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 林巩加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 眉仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 刮酶 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 蓖吧捞 -TOOLTIP_ETC 扁鸥 -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 唱公槽俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 邦豹捞肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 绢何俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 超矫措肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 辨捞 : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 捧备 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 颇鲍仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 颇鲍仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 颇鲍仿 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 眉仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 刮酶力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 瘤瓷力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 饭骇力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 辟仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 付过 傍拜仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 付过 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 付过 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 焊烹 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 概快狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 概快蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ 馒侩 啊瓷 ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d雀瞒 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 青款锅龋 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 付过 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 付过 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 傍拜仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 傍拜仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣操矾固甫 磊悼栏肺 林况 凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 规绢仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 规绢仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 版氰摹 20% 刘啊 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 绊鞭 拱绊扁甫 超阑 犬伏阑 棵妨凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 捣 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 捣 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f%%刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 陛浇 荐摹狼 惑铰 加档啊 刘啊 钦聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 芒绊甫 3沫栏肺 犬厘 矫诺聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 弥措 积疙仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 弥措 积疙仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 弥措 瘤备仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 捞悼加档 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 格吧捞 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : 傈何 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 鞘夸 侩脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 鞘夸 眉仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 瘤加 眉仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 鞘夸 胶懦 器牢飘 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 瘤加 沥脚仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_3 促澜 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 傈盔 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 傍拜殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , 规绢殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 茄矫埃俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 30盒俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 颇萍盔捞 磷篮瘤 3盒 捞郴 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 鞍篮 辑滚郴 颇萍盔阑 攫力扼档 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 傍拜殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐/2)狼 绢怕目 %d疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 规绢殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐)狼 攀目 1疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [傍拜/规绢 殿鞭 惑铰] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [雀汗] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 焊呈胶 版氰摹 %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [焊呈胶 版氰摹] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [家券] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [绢怕目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [攀目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 惑怕 捞惑 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 盒 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 傍拜加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 积疙仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 积疙仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 捞悼加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 沥脚仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 沥脚仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 檬 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 瘤加矫埃 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 饭骇 21 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 饭骇 41 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 饭骇 %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 饭骇 %d 捞惑 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 劝傍拜 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 傈扁 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 拳堪 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 付过 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 巢篮 荤侩 冉荐 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 公寸 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 规菩 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 脚惯 -TOOLTIP_SKILL 胶懦 SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 荐访辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER 傍拜仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED 傍拜 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 惑措 傍拜仿 : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 积疙仿 雀汗 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 捞悼 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 流立 鸥拜摹 馆荤 犬伏 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL 拱府 鸥拜 历亲 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME 酿鸥烙 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 瘤加 矫埃 : %d檬 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 噶阿辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (付胶磐) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 厚绢乐澜 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [ 何馒 啊瓷 厘厚 ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR 辟仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 荐扼 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 蜡聪农 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 公荤 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 公扁 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 迫骂 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING 荤侩吝 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST 巢篮 剧 : %.2f%% -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP 磊悼 弧埃 拱距 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP 磊悼 颇鄂 拱距 -UI_ACCEPT 荐遏 -UI_CANCEL 秒家 -UI_CLOSE 摧扁 -UI_DEF_FONT 奔覆眉:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE 奔覆眉:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL 奔覆眉:9 -UI_DENY 芭例 -UI_ITEM 酒捞袍 -UI_LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 : %d檬 -UI_NEXT 促澜 -UI_NOCONTENTS 郴侩绝澜 -UI_NONAME 捞抚绝澜 -UI_OK 犬牢 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 困摹 舅 荐 绝澜 -UI_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝澜 -UI_NEXTPAGE >> -UI_PREVPAGE << -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 荤侩且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 胶懦 俊矾 : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 棵府妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 焊矫妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 公荤傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 磊按傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 荐扼傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 公寸傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -FOR_MALE 巢己侩 -FOR_FEMALE 咯己侩 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -MONETARY_UNIT0 成 -MONETARY_UNIT1 父 -MONETARY_UNIT2 撅 -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 %s 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖 ? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 %s %s俺 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖 ? -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE costume -TOOLTIP_ENERGY 扁仿 %d SA -TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS 内胶片 加己 氢惑 %d SA diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 72089abd..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,294 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 犬沥 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 何馒窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 皋凭籍 何馒 -CANCEL 秒家 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 货 厚剐 锅龋 犬牢 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW 货 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD 扁粮 厚剐 锅龋 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 函版 -CHARACTER_ACTION 咀记 -CHARACTER_EMOTICON 捞葛萍能 -CHARACTER_MAIN 某腐磐 -CHARACTER_QUEST 涅胶飘 -CHARACTER_SKILL 胶懦 -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION 惑龋 咀记 -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION 老馆 咀记 -CLOSE 摧扁 -CREATE_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -CREATE_CREATE 父甸扁 -CREATE_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -CREATE_HP 眉仿 -CREATE_LAST_POINT 巢篮 器牢飘 -CREATE_NAME 某腐磐捞抚 -CREATE_NEXT 促澜 -CREATE_PREV 捞傈 -CREATE_SHAPE 扁夯 汗厘 -CREATE_SP 瘤仿 -CREATE_STAT_RESET 檬扁拳 -EMPIRE_EXIT 唱啊扁 -EMPIRE_NEXT 促澜 -EMPIRE_PREV 捞傈 -EMPIRE_SELECT 急琶窍扁 -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT 悼狼 -EXCHANGE_TITLE 背券 -GAMEOPTION_TITLE 霸烙可记 -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER 包傈辆丰 -GAME_HELP 档框富 -GAME_QUEST 涅胶飘 -GAME_SKILL_UP 扁贱荐访 -GAME_STAT_UP 瓷仿荐访 -GUILD_BASENAME 扁瘤捞抚 -GUILD_BOARD_ID 酒捞叼 -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT 郴侩 -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE 扒拱 辆幅 -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE 函版 -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION 规氢 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO 扒拱 沥焊 棺 蜡瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE 扒拱 府胶飘 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 累悼 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 困摹 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 橇府轰 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 辨靛 扒拱 窿扁 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 荐沥 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 磊盔阑 捞镑俊 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 冻绢飘府技夸 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 函版且 流困疙 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 殿鞭 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 碍硼鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 啊涝鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 傍瘤鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 胶懦鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 流困 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO 辨靛 扁夯沥焊 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 泅犁版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 急傈器绊 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 傈里吝牢辨靛 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 辨靛饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 辨靛付农 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 辨靛盔 乞闭饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 辨靛盔荐 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 辨靛捞抚 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 辨靛捞抚涝聪促 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 巢篮版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 付农 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 戎厘 棵府扁 -GUILD_MARK 辨靛 付农 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 流诀 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 厘荐 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 饭骇 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 捞抚 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 流困 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 扁咯档 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 康籍 -GUILD_MINENAL 堡籍 -GUILD_MONEY 辨靛 磊陛 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 磊盔 沥焊 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 咀萍宏 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 菩矫宏 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 侩脚仿 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 辨靛俊 吧妨 乐绰 胶懦 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_SYMBOL 辨靛 戎厘 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 辨靛傈 荐遏 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 傈捧 规侥 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 荐龋 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 辨靛傈 脚没 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 惑措 辨靛 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 菩空 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 竿厘 -GUILD_WATER 拱 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 荐籍 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 肚绰 哭率 付快胶 滚瓢栏肺 傍拜 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - + 甫 穿福搁 PK 葛靛甫 官曹 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (某腐磐, 牢亥配府, 盲泼 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 芒阑 勘聪促) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 付快胶 啊款单 滚瓢栏肺绰 酒公锭唱 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 牧飘费阑 穿弗 惑怕俊辑 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢栏肺 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_EXP 版氰摹 -HELP_FURY 凯趋 霸捞瘤 (固备泅) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 辨靛芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HELP - 档框富篮 甫 穿福芭唱 矫胶袍 皋春俊 乐绰 滚瓢栏肺 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HP 积疙仿 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 皋脚廉 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 付快胶 哭率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - , , , 客 规氢虐肺 捞悼 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 甫 穿福搁 某腐磐 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 甫 穿福搁 盲泼 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 甫 穿福搁 牢亥配府 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 阑 穿福搁 瘤唱埃 措拳甫 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 阑 穿福搁 固聪甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 甫 穿福搁 涅胶飘 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 甫 穿福搁 胶懦 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - + 甫 穿福搁 率瘤 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 阑 穿福搁 傈眉甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~> 阑 穿福搁 酒捞袍阑 嚼垫且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 狞 浇吩 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 虐甫 穿福搁 胶农赴鸡捞 郴巩辑/METIN2俊 历厘 邓聪促 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 甫 穿福绊 乐栏搁 葛电 某腐磐客 酒捞袍狼 捞抚捞 钎矫 邓聪促 -HELP_SP 沥脚仿 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 矫胶袍 滚瓢 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 霉锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 滴锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_TITLE 牢亥配府 -LOAD_ERROR 单捞磐 颇老捞 柄脸嚼聪促. 犁汲摹秦林矫扁 官而聪促. ESC虐甫 喘矾林技夸 -LOGIN_CONNECT 立加 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 辑滚俊 立加吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 辑滚 捞抚, 盲澄 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 场郴扁 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 搬力 备开 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 辆丰 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 犬牢 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 辑滚 急琶 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MALL_TITLE 酒捞袍 隔 芒绊 -MARKET_TITLE 厘磐 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 盎脚 -MARKLIST_TITLE 辨靛 付农 殿废 -MESSAGE 皋技瘤 涝聪促 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 模备 昏力 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 巩磊 皋技瘤 焊郴扁 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 辨靛芒 凯扁 -MESSENGER_TITLE 皋脚历 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 辨靛 捞悼 胶懦 荤侩 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 庇富 -MINIMIZE 弥家拳 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 傍拜 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 磊悼 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 胶懦 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 硅版澜厩 格废 -NO 酒聪坷 -OK 犬牢 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 捞抚 焊扁 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 老矫 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 亲惑 -OPTION_BLOCK 瞒窜 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 背券 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 模备 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 颇萍啊涝 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 率瘤 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 墨皋扼 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 厘芭府 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 窜芭府 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 瘤快扁 -OPTION_EFFECT 鸥拜 蔼 -OPTION_FOG 救俺 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 拢澜 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 慷澜 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 吝埃 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 涝仿 -OPTION_MOBILE 勤靛迄 -OPTION_MUSIC 硅版澜 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 官操扁 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 捞抚祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 力惫祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 老馆祸惑 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 葛靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 磊蜡 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 葛电 敲饭捞绢 傍拜捞 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 辨靛盔阑 力寇茄 葛电 敲饭捞绢甫 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 乞拳 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 绢恫 敲饭捞绢俊霸档 刚历 傍拜窍瘤 臼嚼聪促(馆拜篮 啊瓷) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 览隆 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 促弗 己氢 敲饭捞绢父 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_SOUND 瓤苞澜 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 利 皋春 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 救焊扁 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 焊扁 -OPTION_TILING 鸥老傅 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 利侩 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 可记 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 盲泼芒 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 救焊扁 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 焊扁 -OPTION_SHADOW 弊覆磊 前龙 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 颇萍糕滚捞抚 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 摧扁 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 惑痢 捞抚 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 汲摹 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : 0成 -REFINE_INFO 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE 俺樊 -RESTART_HERE 力磊府俊辑 犁矫累 -RESTART_TOWN 付阑俊辑 犁矫累 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋 函版 -SAFE_TITLE 芒绊 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -SELECT_CREATE 积己窍扁 -SELECT_DELETE 瘤快扁 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 唱扼捞抚 -SELECT_EXIT 唱啊扁 -SELECT_HP 眉仿 -SELECT_LEVEL 饭骇 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 荤侩且 康籍 急琶 -SELECT_NAME 捞抚 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 敲饭捞 矫埃 -SELECT_SELECT 矫累窍扁 -SELECT_SP 瘤仿 -SELECT_TITLE 龋莫 -SHOP_BUY 荤扁 -SHOP_SELL 迫扁 -SHOP_TITLE 惑痢 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 焊炼 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 矫胶袍 可记 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 某腐磐 傈券窍扁 -SYSTEM_EXIT 扩档快肺 唱啊扁 -SYSTEM_HELP 档框富 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 肺弊 酒眶 -SYSTEM_MALL 酒捞袍 隔 -SYSTEM_OPTION 矫胶袍 汲沥 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 某腐磐[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 盲泼芒 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 牢亥配府[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 皋脚廉 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 第 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 菊 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 矫胶袍[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 瞒窜 -WHISPER_NAME 措拳惑措捞抚 -WHISPER_SEND 焊郴扁 -WHISPER_REPORT 脚绊 -YES 抗 -ZONE_MAP 傈眉 瘤档 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 啊拜 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 檬籍 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 烹唱公 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 钦魄 -CUBE_TITLE 力炼芒 -CREATE_SEX 己喊 -CREATE_MAN 巢磊 -CREATE_WOMAN 咯磊 -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER 阂樊措拳脚绊 -PASSWORD_DESC_1 芒绊甫 凯扁 甸绢啊扁 困茄 -PASSWORD_DESC_2 厚剐锅龋甫 涝仿 秦 林技夸 -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE 内胶片 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 焊扁 -OPTION_SALESTEXT 魄概巩备 -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_ON 焊扁 -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF 救焊扁 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index f6d46f1c..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ff86dc8e..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 伙楷曼 蔫浅曼 龋窃浅家 利阑 狐福霸 技锅 海绢辰促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 迫规浅快 柳堪曼 侩澜冠玫 漠阑 棱绊 雀傈窍咯 林困狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈柳 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 傈蓖去 陛碍畴 颇何傈档 坷肺瘤 傍拜俊父 傈充茄促 傍拜 加档 惑铰 捞悼 加档 惑铰 磊扁 乔秦 刘啊 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 傍拜 加档 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 八版 埃缴八 脚八钦老 傍拜仿阑 老沥矫埃 悼救 刘啊矫挪促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 傍拜仿 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 藕券拜 鞠尖 怕没碍扁 醚舅贸烦 崔妨啊 利阑 逞绢哆赴促 倒拜 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -6 WARRIOR 扁趋秒疙 扁趋秒疙 扁趋秒疙 傈仿阑 促秦 扁甫 气惯矫难 傈规狼 利甸俊霸 碍仿茄 老拜阑 朝赴促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gihyeol 6 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 (3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 -16 WARRIOR 扁傍曼 窜岿颇 迫浅具快 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 拜魂鸥快 龋困 侩惑备玫 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 措柳阿 荤磊饶 馆绊柳玫 林困狼 利阑 荤规栏肺 朝妨焊辰促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 老沥 犬伏肺 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 玫辟眠 枚何魂 怕魂拘沥 老矫利栏肺 规绢仿捞 惑铰窍哥 碍仿茄 傍拜俊档 静矾瘤瘤 臼绰促 规绢仿 惑铰 捞悼 加档 窍遏 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 规绢仿 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 捞悼 加档 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 八浅 扁搬曼 八扁面傈 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 厘芭府 措惑 林函 傍拜 扁例 瓤苞 措惑 朝府扁 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -21 WARRIOR 锄八档贰 锄八档贰 锄八档贰 八扁啊 角赴 八阑 郴妨媚辑 林函 利甸俊霸 摹疙利牢 鸥拜阑 涝腮促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED noegeom 21 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 -31 ASSASSIN 鞠嚼 篮拜 幅堡林急 利俊霸 隔贰 促啊啊 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 饶规俊辑 傍拜仿 惑铰 窜八 焊呈胶 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 泵脚藕康 公康八 抄康碍付 狐福霸 利俊霸 立辟窍咯 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 窜八 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 瞒符混 公符曼 企快魄款 狐福霸 雀傈窍哥 傈规狼 利阑 亥促 呕免 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 篮屈过 玫函贱 瞒玫乔老 磊脚狼 葛嚼阑 皑冕促 傍拜矫 秦力 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 鞠混 扁贱 眠啊 鸥拜摹 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 魂傍盒 寒赴款 窃荤荤康 林困俊 刀栏肺 备抚阑 父甸绢 利阑 吝刀 矫挪促 厘芭府 措惑 林函 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -36 ASSASSIN 孺级荐 孺级荐 孺级荐 传何矫霸 狐弗 加档肺 鉴埃 荤扼瘤哥 惑措俊霸 老拜阑 啊茄促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD seomjeon 6 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 楷荤 包老混 扁父厘全 茄疙狼 利俊霸 咯矾惯狼 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 楷加 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f惯狼 拳混阑 金促 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 包拜贱 快傈混 玫豪抗磊 茄锅俊 咯矾疙狼 利俊霸 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 咯矾 措惑 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 傍拜仿 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 弥措 %.0f 疙鳖瘤 傍拜 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 拳炼颇 公仿 脚公柳玫 拳混俊 阂采狼 塞阑 标甸咯 金促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 版傍贱 脚青 翠汲公如 个阑 啊罕霸 窍咯 捞悼 加档甫 臭牢促 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 捞悼加档 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 刀扁泵 侥刀傈 眠去呕疙 拳混俊 碍仿茄 刀阑 葛酒 金促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 扁例 瓤苞 措惑 朝府扁 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -51 ASSASSIN 级堡藕 级堡藕 级堡藕 鉴埃利栏肺 碍仿茄 蝴阑 谎妨 林函 利甸俊霸 摹疙利牢 鸥拜阑 涝腮促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL seomgwang 21 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)1.1 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 尖飞瘤 凯急磊 玫贺瘤凯 颊啊遏 场俊辑 碍仿茄 气惯阑 老栏挪促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 惑措 规绢 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 惑措 规绢 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 侩鼻颇 急浅柳 堡脚林八 葛电 巴阑 海绢滚府绰 碍仿茄 雀坷府 官恩阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 级戈茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 雀乔 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 惑措 雀乔 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 蓖八 曼飞八 档锋犁玫 八俊 蓖脚狼 塞阑 阂绢 持绰促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 软趋 傍拜 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 傍拜仿 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 鸥拜摹 %.0f%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 10*k -64 SURA 傍器 趋力 利访堡付 磊脚阑 傍拜窍绰 利俊霸 滴妨框阑 老栏难 瓷仿阑 距拳 矫挪促 惑措 傍拜仿 历窍 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦矫父 利侩 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 惑措 傍拜仿 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 林付癌 去菩 玫付何眉 绢狄狼 癌渴栏肺 个阑 焊龋茄促 乔秦矫 流立 鸥拜摹 老何甫 馆荤 规绢仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 规绢仿 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 颇过贱 伙盔贱 何榜家去 葛电 捞肺款 贱过阑 公瓤拳 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 焊炼 瓤苞 力芭 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 颇过 犬伏 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 付飞 蓖飞 呕去飞 绢狄狼 塞阑 带廉 利俊霸 惑贸甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 拳堪气 气堪柳 付锋林玫 气惯阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 阂怕款促 力磊府 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 公康柳 付堪 苛拳盒眉 林牢阑 瘤虐绰 气惯眉甫 父电促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 措惑 烙狼 急琶 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 孺脚荐龋 绢去贱 玫邦瘤谰 绢狄狼 塞栏肺 个阑 皑轿绊 腊眉狼 绊烹阑 沥脚仿栏肺 滚胚辰促 鸥拜摹甫 沥脚仿(MP)栏肺 皑尖 规绢仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 鸥拜摹 皑尖啦 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 规绢仿 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 捧加付飞 帮脚飞 锰焊抄青 加冠狼 厩飞甸阑 利俊霸 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 措惑 蠢妨咙 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 蠢妨咙 犬伏 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 付券拜 趋飞丑 扒帮鞠楷 绢狄狼 扁甫 带廉 利俊霸 乔秦甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 厚颇何 蓖盔颇 坷盲款窍 利俊霸 何利阑 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 侩颇魂 颇锋何 泪锋苛玫 侩脚狼 屈惑阑 筋酒 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 菩锋气 铰锋颇 玫锋颇固 侩脚狼 屈惑栏肺 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 付过 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 龋脚 玫寒 柳锋龋眉 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 焊龋狼 柳阑 弊妨 焊龋茄促 拱府 傍拜 历亲 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 拱府 傍拜 历亲 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 馆荤 荐版柳 玫碍沥扁 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 利狼 傍拜阑 登倒府绰 柳阑 弊赴促 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 扁玫措傍 玫锋去 侩脚己困 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 颊俊 窍疵狼 狼瘤甫 阂怕款促 摹疙鸥 傍拜 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 摹疙鸥 犬伏 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 锄傈飞 柳玫汾 傈级汾疙 涵遏阑 利俊霸 带柳促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 涵遏 锄堪级 没玫寒仿 窍疵狼 塞阑 呼绢 利俊霸 涵遏阑 郴赴促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 气汾拜 颇玫汾 备玫气汾 颊俊辑 涵遏阑 徽绢辰促 厘芭府 傍拜 傈扁 加己 林函 措惑 楷捞绢 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 沥诀牢 措沥诀牢 阂堡焊炼 蝴狼 扁款栏肺 惑贸甫 摹蜡茄促 积疙仿 雀汗 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 积疙仿 雀汗 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 犬伏 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 蔫加 浅柳 浅功翠款 官恩阑 鸥绊 崔赴促 捞悼 加档 惑铰 林巩 矫埃 皑家 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 林巩 加档 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 刘仿贱 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 塞阑 歹宽 碍窍霸 茄促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 傍拜仿 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -112 PASSIVE 藕券拜 颇秦 藕券拜狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 藕券拜 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_tanhwan 藕券拜 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -113 PASSIVE 鞠嚼 颇秦 鞠嚼狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 鞠嚼 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_amseup 鞠嚼 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -114 PASSIVE 尖飞瘤 颇秦 尖飞瘤狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 尖飞瘤 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_swaeryeong 尖飞瘤 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -115 PASSIVE 侩颇魂 颇秦 侩颇魂狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 侩颇魂 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_yongpa 侩颇魂 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -116 PASSIVE 扁傍曼 颇秦 扁傍曼狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 扁傍曼 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_gigongcham 扁傍曼 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -117 PASSIVE 楷荤 颇秦 楷荤狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 楷荤 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_yeonsa 楷荤 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -118 PASSIVE 付券拜 颇秦 付券拜狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 付券拜 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_geomhwan 付券拜 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -119 PASSIVE 涵遏 颇秦 涵遏狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 涵遏 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_byeorak 涵遏 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -121 SUPPORT 烹贾仿 悼丰甸阑 捞掺绰 瓷仿 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 楷拌扁 楷加 傍拜 冉荐甫 刘啊|矫挪促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 超矫 拱啊俊辑 拱绊扁甫 超绰促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 盲堡 堡籍阑 某辰促 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 力炼 酒捞袍阑 父电促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 脚荐绢 脚荐惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 玫炼绢 玫炼惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 柳畴绢 柳畴惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 函脚 阁胶磐肺 函脚茄促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 铰付 富阑 鸥绰 瓷仿 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 家券 富阑 家券茄促 summon -137 HORSE 枚付抄公 富阑 鸥绊 崔府哥 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 龙浅林付 傈规阑 啊肺 阜绰 利甸阑 葛滴 逞绢哆赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 瘤绵铰玫 林函狼 葛电 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 眠勘抄公 菊阑 啊肺阜绰 利甸俊霸 拳混阑 朝赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -141 SUPPORT HP焊碍 弥措 眉仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE jeunghyul 弥措 HP 惑铰 +%.0f k * 1333.33 -142 SUPPORT 包烹雀乔 包烹 傍拜阑 雀乔茄促 PASSIVE chultong 包烹 雀乔啦 + %.0f%% k * 20 -151 GUILD 侩救 弥措 侩脚仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE yongan 弥措 侩脚仿 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 侩脚狼 乔 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 积疙仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 弥措Hp惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 侩脚狼 绵汗 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 沥脚仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 弥措 沥脚仿 惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 己戎癌 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 规绢仿捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 规绢仿惑铰 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 啊加拳 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 傍拜 加档客 捞悼 加档啊 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 傍拜,捞悼 加档惑铰 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 侩脚狼 盒畴 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 农府萍拿 犬伏捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 农府萍拿 犬伏 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 林巩贱 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 扁贱 荤侩 酿鸥烙捞 老矫利栏肺 临绢电促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 林巩加档惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b87d55e1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -6 扁趋秒疙 1 1 1 0 HP -( 3*atk + (atk + 1.5 * str)*k)*1.07 300+150*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -21 锄八档贰 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k)*1.1 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -36 孺级荐 2 1 1 0 HP -((lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k)*1.1) 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MELEE 6 0.5 800 0 -51 级堡藕 2 1 1 0 HP -((atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1) 200+200*k 60 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.5 0 0 -112 藕券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -113 鞠嚼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -114 尖飞瘤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -115 侩颇魂 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -116 扁傍曼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -117 楷荤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -118 付券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -119 涵遏 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -141 刘趋 0 1 40 0 NONE 1333.3*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -142 枚烹 0 1 40 0 NONE 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/LoadingWindow.py b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/LoadingWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index fd1bb3e2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/LoadingWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -window = { - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "BackGround", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/Line_Pattern.tga", - - "x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0, - 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9c60e852..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select.sub b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select.sub deleted file mode 100644 index c007e668..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "select.jpg" -left 0 -top 0 -right 1024 -bottom 768 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select/name_assassin.sub b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select/name_assassin.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 7936dd97..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select/name_assassin.sub +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -title subImage -version 2.0 -image "select.dds" -left 0 -top 0 -right 256 -bottom 146 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select/name_shaman.sub b/bin_original/locale/we_korea/ui/select/name_shaman.sub deleted file mode 100644 index 4c780c86..00000000 --- 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1408000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1484800 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1561600 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass01 1280000 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass02 1280000 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass03 1280000 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1331200 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1331200 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1331200 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1382400 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1382400 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1382400 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1433600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1433600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1433600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_ew02 256000 51200 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 972800 102400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 921600 153600 2 2 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-metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1100800 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2 819200 1152000 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2 -metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 51200 563200 3 3 -metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 -Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead 1024000 1664000 6 6 -metin2_map_Mt_Thunder 1126400 1510400 4 6 -metin2_map_dawnmistwood 1177600 1664000 7 4 -metin2_map_BayBlackSand 1049600 1510400 3 6 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c6163c24..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -磊按篮 窜八苞 劝阑 林公扁肺[ENTER] -窍绰 傈巩利牢 鞠混磊 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 老沥 荐霖俊 档崔窍扁[ENTER] -鳖瘤狼 啊趣茄 绕访苞沥 傣盒[ENTER] -俊 措氟 傈眉俊 弊府 腹瘤绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼瘤父, 漂沥茄 炼扒父 爱眠绢[ENTER] -柳促搁 傈厘狼 儒抚阑 第官层[ENTER] -初阑 荐 乐阑 沥档狼 颇鲍仿阑[ENTER] -啊笼聪促. 刮酶窃苞 加档甫[ENTER] -蜡瘤窍扁 困秦 啊涵款 规绢备[ENTER] -[WAIT] -父阑 馒侩 茄促绰 巴捞 绢痘霸[ENTER] -焊搁 捞甸狼 蜡老茄 距痢[ENTER] -涝聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_a.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dcae77e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -脚荐惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -悼规苞狼 背开狼 何劝阑 捞风[ENTER] -妨绰 芭措 惑诀惫啊. 力惫狼[ENTER] -盒凯 捞饶 规摹登促矫乔 茄[ENTER] -[WAIT] -辑率狼 堡具 瘤开阑 辟夯栏肺[ENTER] -茄 惑牢甸捞 扒汲茄 惫啊捞促.[ENTER] -林肺 辑开苞狼 公开 烹肺肺[ENTER] -荤侩登带 瘤开捞瘤父 己付籍[ENTER] -(Metin Stone)狼 免泅 捞饶[ENTER] -[WAIT] -公开肺啊 瞒窜凳栏肺 牢秦 啊厘[ENTER] -弧府 己付籍狼 困蛆阑 柄崔疽带[ENTER] -捞甸捞扁档 窍促. 积诀阑 困蛆[ENTER] -寸茄 捞甸篮 弊甸捞 啊柳 葛电[ENTER] -犁魂阑 贸盒秦 备 力惫 傈眉俊辑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -傈荤甸阑 葛酒 甸咯 辑率俊辑狼[ENTER] -困蛆阑 规厚 窍妨绊 霖厚 吝俊[ENTER] -乐促. 捞甸捞 盔窍绰 巴篮[ENTER] -烹老等 窍唱狼 惫啊狼 塞栏肺[ENTER] -乐阑瘤档 葛福绰 辑开俊辑狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -魔傍阑 阜酒郴绊 促矫 公开肺甫[ENTER] -俺么窍绰 巴捞促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_b.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5f88c54d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -玫炼惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -己付籍狼 儡幅荤充狼 粮犁甫[ENTER] -何福垄栏哥 捞甫 力芭窍妨绰[ENTER] -己辆背惫啊. 炔力狼 荤锰悼积[ENTER] -[WAIT] -例档荤 辣康俊 狼秦 技况柳[ENTER] -辑规狼 惫啊捞促. 林贱苞 痢俊[ENTER] -瓷茄 酒郴甫 烹秦 己付籍(Metin[ENTER] -Stone)狼 困氰阑 流立利栏肺[ENTER] -柄摧绊 弊俊 措茄 措厚氓阑[ENTER] -[WAIT] -技匡 巴阑 咯矾 瞒肥俊 吧媚[ENTER] -扒狼窍看瘤父 捞甫 公矫寸窍绊[ENTER] -老练阑 捞缠绊 力惫俊 措秦[ENTER] -馆扁甫 甸菌促. 泅犁 柳畴惫苞[ENTER] -坷罚 趋傈阑 芭奠窍绊 乐栏哥[ENTER] -[WAIT] -捞甸狼 格利篮 窜瘤 窍唱, 傈[ENTER] -措氟阑 烹老秦 辑率俊辑何磐[ENTER] -炼陛究 魔侥秦 甸绢 坷绰 己付[ENTER] -籍狼 塞阑 瞒窜 窍绰 巴捞促.[ENTER] - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_c.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d8492f1a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_empire_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -柳畴惫[ENTER] -[ENTER] -备 力惫狼 何劝阑 厕操哥 沥烹[ENTER] -己阑 林厘窍绰 焙荤措惫. 炔力[ENTER] -狼 利磊牢 捞涪捞 捞缠绊 乐绰[ENTER] -[WAIT] -夯惫捞促. 合规俊 困摹窍绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 脚荐惫俊 厚秦[ENTER] -趣刀茄 磊楷券版阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐栏哥 弊 锭巩牢瘤 惑寸洒[ENTER] -傍拜利捞绊 菩档利牢 巩拳甫[ENTER] -[WAIT] -蜡瘤窍绊 乐促. 脚荐惫阑[ENTER] -扒汲茄 辣康狼 己付籍俊 措茄[ENTER] -林厘俊 措秦辑绰 肯傈洒 公矫[ENTER] -窍绰淀茄 措寇利牢 怕档甫[ENTER] -秒窍绊 乐瘤父 捞固 炔角狼[ENTER] -[WAIT] -泅磊甸阑 悼盔秦 弊俊 措茄[ENTER] -磊技茄 炼荤俊 馒荐秦 乐绰[ENTER] -淀 窍促.捞甸捞 钎搁利栏肺 [ENTER] -己付籍俊 措秦 公包缴茄 巴篮[ENTER] -盒凯等 力惫阑 促矫 烹老窍扁[ENTER] -[WAIT] -困茄 捞涪狼 具噶捞 官帕俊[ENTER] -彬妨乐扁 锭巩捞促.[ENTER] diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebc02ee0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公寸篮 磊楷苞 澜剧狼 塞狼[ENTER] -儒抚苞 炼拳甫 柄崔篮 泅磊甸[ENTER] -涝聪促. 弊甸篮 捞矾茄 过蘑阑[ENTER] -漂沥茄 概俺眉甫 烹秦 备眉拳[ENTER] -矫懦 荐 乐绰 规过 肚茄 舅绊[ENTER] -[WAIT] -乐嚼聪促. 捞矾茄 弊甸父狼[ENTER] -概俺眉甫 老馆 荤恩甸篮 何利,[ENTER] -趣篮 柳过捞扼绊 何辅聪促.[ENTER] -呈公唱 规措茄 瘤侥阑 啊瘤绊[ENTER] -乐扁 锭巩俊 谗烙绝捞 促弗[ENTER] -[WAIT] -荤恩苞 措拳 窍扁甫 盔窍瘤父,[ENTER] -弊甸狼 缴坷窍绊 抄秦茄 捞具[ENTER] -扁甸绢临 荤恩甸篮 弊府 腹瘤[ENTER] -臼嚼聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_sura.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 69d5abd7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -荐扼绰 磊脚狼 迫俊 厩付狼[ENTER] -揪狙阑 扁积矫难 付过狼 塞阑[ENTER] -软荐茄 傈荤 涝聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸篮 促弗 磊甸苞绰 崔府 林[ENTER] -函俊 啊鳖款 牢埃包拌甫 屈己[ENTER] -[WAIT] -窍瘤 臼绰 漂隆捞 乐嚼聪促.[ENTER] -捞甸狼 格钎绰 瘤惑 弥碍狼 塞[ENTER] -阑 爱眠绰 巴捞哥, 弊 寇狼 巴[ENTER] -甸篮 窜瘤 芭眠厘胶矾款 规秦[ENTER] -拱捞扼绊 积阿 钦聪促.[ENTER] -[WAIT] -磊脚狼 塞阑 苞矫窍绰 巴 炼瞒[ENTER] -阂鞘夸窍促绊 咯辨 沥档肺 弊[ENTER] -甸篮 坷流 鉴荐茄 塞 磊眉父[ENTER] -哎噶 钦聪促. diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index fd9b5905..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/desc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -公荤绰 茄 磊风 八苞 瓢瓢茄[ENTER] -癌渴栏肺 公厘窍绊 贸澜何磐[ENTER] -场鳖瘤 傈厘狼 林开栏肺 劝距[ENTER] -钦聪促. 儡犁林客 荤恩阑 泅趣[ENTER] -矫虐绰 荐窜阑 版戈窍哥 坷流[ENTER] -[WAIT] -碍枚鞍捞 荐访等 磊脚狼 辟腊[ENTER] -苞 讣篮 拱贸烦 绊夸茄 沥脚[ENTER] -技拌 父阑 眠备 钦聪促.[ENTER] -盒畴茄 捞甸阑 阜阑 荐 乐绰[ENTER] -磊甸篮 措氟 傈眉俊 粮犁 窍瘤[ENTER] -[WAIT] -臼绰 促绊 积阿 窍绰 巴捞[ENTER] -壳阑 巴 涝聪促. - - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/locale/ymir/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/locale/ymir/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 721004c7..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ymir/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a8e457e8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP 傍俺咯何 -//14003 FACILITY gongjakso 傍累家 -527.93 -411.1 527.93 411.1 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,25/90012,30" 0 0 0 0 -14013 FACILITY jedan 公扁 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan 规绢备 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan 咀技辑府 力访家 -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,20" 20046 2 1 1 -//14023 FACILITY saryeongbu 荤飞何 -456.73 -495.09 456.73 530.3 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,30/90011,35/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang 荐访厘 -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 0 0 0 2 - -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20060 3 1 1 -//14044 FACILITY yonggwangro 龋冠 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20061 3 1 0 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro 拳籍格 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro 备府 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro 篮 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro 陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro 苛籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro 孺窜籍 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro 柳林 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro 归陛 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro 荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro 磊荐沥 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro 玫风 侩堡肺 -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,15/90011,20/90012,25" 20072 3 1 1 - -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 塞狼 脚傈 -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 "90010,25/90011,25/90012,25" 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 塞狼 脚傈 -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 "90010,50/90011,50/90012,50" 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 塞狼 脚傈 -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 "90010,75/90011,75/90012,75" 20079 4 4 2 - -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse 笼(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door 措巩(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set 淬厘(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse 笼(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door 措巩(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set 淬厘(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse 笼(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,25" 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner 倒淬厘(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin 倒淬厘(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 倒淬厘(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 "90010,15/90011,5/90012,5" 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door 措巩(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set 淬厘(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 5 0 1 - -//14140 BUILDING ob-7-01 版厚啪 -188.25 -221.33 188.25 221.33 0 0 360 3000000 "90010,20/90011,30/90012,35" 0 0 0 0 -//14141 OBJECT ob-7-02-01 唱公淬厘1 -3.69 -79.93 348.52 79.93 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14142 OBJECT ob-7-02-02 唱公淬厘2 -72.14 -71.66 72.14 71.66 0 0 360 500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14143 OBJECT ob-7-03-01 唱公淬厘3 -390.82 -104.9 4.13 104.9 0 0 360 800000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,15" 0 0 0 2 -//14144 OBJECT ob-7-03-02 唱公措巩 -2.45 -192.41 695.53 192.41 0 0 360 2000000 "90010,5/90011,20/90012,20" 0 0 0 2 -//14145 BUILDIN ob1-set 淬厘(4) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 "90010,5/90011,15/90012,10" 0 0 0 1 - -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol 辨靛 戎厘 -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 "90011,5/90012,5" 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 淬厘措巩 -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 淬厘缔寒 -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 淬厘哭寒 -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 淬厘坷弗寒 -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 - -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 倒1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 倒2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,5" 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 倒3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 倒4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 倒5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 "90010,7" 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 倒6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 倒7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 倒8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 "90010,8" 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 倒9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 倒10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 "90010,9" 0 0 0 1 - -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT 唱公1 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 唱公2 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,5" 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall 唱公3 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 唱公4 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 唱公5 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,7" 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT 唱公6 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 唱公7 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall 唱公8 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 唱公9 0 0 360 2000000 "90011,9" 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/locale/ymir/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ymir/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/insult.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c3732322..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2338 +0,0 @@ -webzen -suck -sival -sibal -sex -qm -qa -pussy -porno -porn -police -penis -ooo -o0o -null -none -nhn -naver -motherfucker -jaji -ja瘤 -igoi -igmi -igioi -igimi -hangame -hack -guest -gm -gameorginizer -gamemaster -G胶漆 -G胶铺 -G凡 -G饿 -fuck-you -fuckyou -fucku -fucking -fuck -dog -db -cs -cival -cipal -cifal -cibal -cast -c妻 -C迫 -c婆 -c还 -c弧 -c阂 -c杭 -c国 -c闺 -c惯 -c冠 -c8 -boji -bo瘤 -bitch -BattleTerritory -battery -auction -asshole -Administrator -admin -洒肺煌 -蕊盒且赤 -饶芒 -饶燎 -饶厘 -饶厚颇 -饶硅困 -饶妨 -饶饭磊侥 -饶藩崔 -饶藩 -饶贰酒甸 -饶贰 -饶饿 -饶扼龙 -饶扼 -饶促斥 -拳剧斥 -拳成斥 -拳馋拱俺 -拳馋赤 -拳馋巢 -龋良 -龋剧斥 -龋祸茄 -龋狐 -龋福磊交 -龋风棱斥 -龋风货揪 -龋肺楼侥 -龋肺磊侥 -龋肺磊交 -龋肺矫尝 -龋肺巩叼 -龋肺斥 -龋肺 -龋成斥 -泅乔 -泅陛芭贰 -泅芭贰 -秋带飘 -穷鸥捞 -庆欧 -倾立 -倾国 -羜 -勤鸥捞 -琴 -秦欧贸府馆 -秦欧贸府 -秦欧立荐盔 -秦欧惑淬盔 -秦欧惑淬 -亲巩 -窃窍磊 -窃弧磊 -窃措临贰 -窃措临 -窃措林鳖 -罜酒 -怯阑贰 -怯绢 -怯酒 -且鸥 -茄锅临贰 -茄锅林膊 -茄锅踩磊 -乔烙 -絫 -絤 -迄洰 -迄劫 -迄涧 -迄冀胶 -迄冀 -迄技竣 -迄祸胶 -迄祸 -迄督 -器林 -器柯冀 -器柯 -器福x -器福畴 -器风X -器风畴 -器档府 -器い -器版 -畦挤 -畦导 -歧扼萍坷 -歧扼摹坷 -其泼 -其萍矫 -其萍浆 -其萍吧 -其聪胶 -糷钮 -糷痹 -戚冀 -戚祸 -栖钮 -栖蜡 -欺福畴 -朴扼摹坷 -埔T -菩萍矫 -菩萍浆 -菩聪胶 -婆钮 -箲 -穙 -稢 -呸捞 -呸臂 -呸弊 -呸备 -呸芭 -磐贰扁 -鸥咀 -怒冀 -努府配府胶 -奴晾 -奴磊瘤 -奴焊瘤 -奴斥 -尼鉴捞 -尼鳖 -妮吧 -能导 -哪s -哪洰胶 -哪洰 -哪劫 -哪冀胶 -哪冀 -哪技竣 -哪祸 -目决技竣 -目匆傅备胶 -目匆傅芭胶 -目聪傅备胶 -某腐磐剖 -某腐磐伙 -墨冀胶 -墨冀 -墨官 -摹付加 -秒力评 -秒力柳 -秒犁评 -秒犁柳 -秒凡 -免厘辑厚胶 -免厘付荤瘤 -绵绵 -谜斥 -谜赤 -盟盟 -檬酱 -媚磷 -媚惯扼 -媚冈绢 -媚冈 -媚嘎绊 -媚靛祭 -每矫 -眉困 -霉版氰 -羧 -贸惯扼 -贸冈绢 -贸赣芭 -贸靛祭 -贸靛伙 -贸赤阜 -貌斥 -盲况拎 -芒何 -芒搐 -芒斥 -芒赤 -芒巢 -狝 - -迈绢磷老 -迈绢滚赴促 -吗蝶 -骂骂 -骂龙捞 -骂龙酒 -骂饿 -﹏廁 -妈饿 -罗嫡酒府 -罗淡捞 -罗大捞 -促 -卵 -哎 - -孪 -挛逛 -律促 -律鳖瓢 -律哎 -律啊府 -鹿廉 -鹿历 -芦瘤 -楼瘤判 -楼瘤 -楼 -楼零判 -楼零 -楼烈 -楼廉 -楼历 -楼箕 -窿铂捞 -龙倔 -柳蝶 -流芭贰 -瘤M -瘤怯 -瘤且 -瘤糯捞 -瘤虐固 -瘤迈 -瘤 -瘤骂 -瘤漏 -瘤楼 -瘤肋 -瘤磊 -瘤骏 -瘤茎 -瘤谎 -瘤弧 -瘤狐 -瘤何 -瘤焊 -瘤冠 -瘤官 -瘤固凡 -瘤固 -瘤冈 -瘤逢 -瘤廁 -瘤费 -瘤凡 -瘤饿 -瘤迭 -瘤蹿 -瘤铂咯毫 -瘤鳖 -瘤扁固 -瘤扁鳖 -榴冀 -榴祸 -陵叼 -陵靛 -零焊瘤 -零固 -零逢 -零费 -零凡 -零饿 -零辨 -逛 -磷老搐 -磷老仇 -磷老斥 -磷老波 -磷阑搐 -磷阑仇 -磷阑斥 -磷阑逞 -磷阑 -林叼甫 -林嫡捞 -林嫡酒府 -林淡捞 -林大捞 -林臂 -林芭扼 - -鳖 - -父 -档 -唱 - - -父捞 - -猎父茄祸扁 -猎唱 -猎 -寥饿 -谅瘤 -谅侥 -谅交 -谅江 -犼 -晾弧酒 -晾冈绢 -晾档 -晾鳖 -晾鞍篮霸 -晾 -量弧酒 -量逛 -量冈绢 -量父茄 -量肚 -量档 -量唱霸 -量唱 -量鳖瘤付 -量鳖 -量鞍篮霸 -量 -辆钦琴 -辆仇 -辆斥 -辆唱 -两弧酒 -两冈绢 -两肚 -两档 -两鳖 -两鞍篮霸 -两 -良逛 -良拱 -良斥 -粱拱 -粱父洒 -粱父茄 -粱父救 -粱付聪 -粱付抄 -凉扼府 -凉扼 -犩 -粮拱 -粮父 -粮付 -粮扼 -粮聪 -粮唱霸 -粮唱 -犥 -练鳖 -练鞍 -练隘 -炼烹荐 -炼龙贰 -炼柳促 -炼瘤 -炼廉 -炼灠 -炼渴鞍 -炼渴 -炼坷渴 -炼坷扒 -炼季隆 -炼贿府 -炼槐捞 -炼槐 -炼狐瘤 -炼狐 -炼逛 -炼风 -炼肚 -炼柄 -炼宾 -炼鳖 -炼扒父巢 -炼俺唱弧绢 -炼俺唱弧 -炼啊瓢斥 -炼啊瓢 -牸 -牷 -怜父 -牠 -廉护 -廉栋 -廉鳖 -爼鞍篮 -爼鞍 -爴父 -爴 -隶劈 -隶逛 -隶逛 -隶鞍 -沥咀 -沥荤 -沥冠酒 -粒劈 -粒墨 -粒篮埔萍 -粒槐捞 -粒湖 -粒逛 -粒父 -粒付唱 -粒付 -粒档 -粒歹 -粒唱 -粒怖骂 -粒怖瘤 -粒怖零 -粒博瘤 -粒博零 -粒鳖 -粒鞍篮 -粒鞍 -粒啊瓢 -粒 -立逛 -例扼 -傈付唱 -傈唱备妨 -傈唱霸 -傈唱 -利寂临膊 -利寂临鳖 -利鳖 -历琉埔萍 -历护 -历栋 -历瓷酒 -历斥 -历瘪 -历鳖 -犁荐绝绢 -犁际促 -梨捞 -棱搐 -棱仇 -棱斥 -棱逞 -棱巴 -泪瘤 -肋弧酒 -磊x -磊ji -磊g -磊瘤判 -磊瘤 -磊 -磊零 -磊じl -磊じI -磊じび -磊じ1 -磊じ! -磊困 -磊酒瘤 -磊境 -磊江 -磊狐 -磊叼 -磊泵 -じr瘤 -じrじl -じrじI -じrじび -じrじ1 -じrじ! -じ瘤 -じじ -じび饿 -じび -じであた -じでぁぁ -じっあた -じっぁぁた -じっぁぁ -じし -じ拱 -じぁ -じ1ぉ -じ;ぉ -じ で あ た -じ で ぁ ぁ た -じ っ あ た -じ っ ぁぁ た -涝救荤沥 -涝荤饶厘 -涝蹿媚 -捞磊江 -捞斥酒 -捞斥 -捞逞 -澜帕茄斥 -澜帕茄 -澜厩规价 -澜何 -澜葛 -澜付 -澜版 -辣埃 -腊矫凡 -腊矫饿 -腊矫 -腊豪 -腊癌 -腊埃 -蜡规 -蜡掂 -蜡滴 -昆哩 -岿版 -盔炼窍磊 -盔炼赤 -盔炼背力 -盔炼背犁 -盔炼背 -盔炼 -盔.背 -款康 -快扼龙 -侩林榜 -夸何 -空磊瘤 -空家技瘤 -空焊瘤 -克赤 -渴滚弊 -咳芒 -棵啊硫 -棵啊娇 -坷配 -坷涝龙 -坷涝 -坷混且仇 -坷混且 仇 -坷府浚呕 -坷福啊硫 -坷福啊淋 -坷福啊娇 -坷凡 -坷饿 -坷扼龙斥 -坷扼龙 -考捍且 -考捍 -康磊 -砍贸冈绢 -砍贸芭赣 -砍捞促 -砍冈绢扼 -砍冈绢 -砍鳖 -砍鞍捞 -砍鞍篮 -砍啊瓢 -堪捍且 -堪捍 -咯磊冈绊 -咯磊版氰 -骏捍 -浚俊捞摹浚 -竣胶磐矫 -俊捞赴 -俊捞匙 -俊厚久 -俊厚 -俊馆 -俊固俊厚 -俊固 -俊公 -俊肺 -决芒 -决付焊 -决背 -绢轰隆 -绢轰历 -绢靛刮 -濷捍 -剧酒摹 -剧酒 -剧斥 -剧哎焊 -具拳 -具亲 -具夸捞 -具坷捞 -具坷困 -具冀 -具汲 -具荤 -具付捣 -具付档 -具付 -具府鳖 -具府 -具妨 -具悼 -巨斥 -沮萍 -沮捍 -举后 -矩沤 -局谅窿 -局鲤 -局磊 -局咀 -局厚 -局固焊瘤 -局固 -局骨 -局拱窜瘤 -局公 -局肺 -舅仇 -舅逞 -救付规 -酒袍海捞 -酒累 -酒捞袍海捞 -酒捞叼 -酒阀档府 -酒聪才促 -酒奔芒 -酒备芒 -酒备府 -酒褒 -酒哎芒 -酒哎捞 -酒哎 -酒啊府 -しだじた -澫 -澪 -澥 -澤 -灸沏 -灸妻 -灸莆 -灸迫 -灸辉 -灸皇 -灸还 -灸弧 -灸阂 -灸杭 -灸骇 -灸闺 -灸惯 -久擎 -久且仇 -久且 -久妻 -久迫 -久攀捞 -久攀 -久芒 -久龙 -久绢冈阑仇 -久绢冈阑斥 -久舅逞 -久舅 -久截 -久溅 -久减 -久技 -久积 -久货尝 -久货 -久国 -久惯 -久仇 -久斥 -久逞 -久俺 -久 -揪劝 -揪且 -揪钱 -揪洽 -揪恰 -揪掐 -揪妻 -揪莆 -揪迫搐 -揪迫仇 -揪迫斥 -揪迫 -揪婆 -揪颇 -揪呸 -揪攀 -揪捞钱 -揪捞妻 -揪捞迫 -揪捞弧 -揪捞贺 -揪捞阂 -揪捞国 -揪捞国 -揪捞规 -揪捞惯 -揪捞惯 -揪居斥 -揪居逞 -揪居 -揪舅赣府 -揪舅 -揪卉 -揪辉 -揪皇 -揪磺饿 -揪还 -揪曡斥 -揪曡 -揪弧 -揪糊 -揪狐 -揪呼 -揪厚饿 -揪喉 -揪宏 -揪旡 -揪很呈赣技扁 -揪很 -揪贺 -揪贺 -揪阂 -揪何贩 -揪何凡 -揪何饿攀 -揪何饿 -揪何大 -揪何 -揪攆 -揪擴 -揪豪 -揪杭斥 -揪杭 -揪焊饿 -揪含捞 -揪含 -揪骇逞 -揪骇 -揪国搐 -揪国仇 -揪国斥 -揪国逞 -揪国 -揪滚凡 -揪滚 -揪搖 -揪桂 -揪闺逞 -揪闺 -揪规货 -揪规 -揪规 -揪广 -揪光 -揪惯溅府 -揪惯搐 -揪惯仇 -揪惯斥 -揪惯逞 -揪'惯 -揪惯 -揪罐捞 -揪冠 -揪官 -揪淡 -揪大 -揪尝 -揪备府 -揪8 -揪1惯1斥甸酒 -揪1惯 -揪;惯 -揪.迫,斥,, -揪.惯雌 -揪,惯逞 -揪,惯,楷 -澅 -潳 -竞洽 -竞恰 -竞妻 -竞莆 -竞籛搐 -竞籛 -竞迫斥 -竞迫 -竞婆 -竞颇 -竞舅 -竞还 -竞弧 -竞呼 -竞喉 -竞阂 -竞何饿 -竞何 -竞骇 -竞骸 -竞国 -竞闺 -竞规 -竞惯 -竞冠 -竞官 -竞淡 -潰 -竟 -静恰 -静妻 -静莆 -静迫 -静婆 -静颇 -静谰 -静栏国 -静栏惯 -静还 -静弧 -静狐 -静呼倔 -静呼 -静厚凡 -静喉 -静旐 -静阂 -静何凡 -静豪 -静含技尝 -静含 -静骇 -静国倔 -静国串 -静国仇 -静国 -静滚倔 -静滚凡 -静滚 -静桂 -静闺 -静规 -静惯舅 -静惯 -静官 -静饭扁 -静淡舅 -静大 -漨 -漝舅 -漝疥 -漝 -漃 -漁 -警妻 -警迫 -警婆 -警颇 -警捞惯 -警喉 -警贺 -警阂 -警阂 -警骇 -警国 -警规 -警惯 -警官 -警大 -警 -滙 -滘 -井府 -井尝 -井 -溨 -茎妻 -茎莆 -茎迫 -茎浨冠绰促 -茎浨 -茎矫扁 -茎寂临膊 -茎寂 -茎骇 -茎国 -茎闺 -茎惯 -茎官 -禁尝 -渏搐 -渏斥 -洰洒 -洰捞 -洰静 -洰胶 -洰斥 -洰扁 -洰 -疥捞 -疥竣胶 -疥竣 -疥府 -疥尝 -疥馋 -疥播 -疥扁 -解阑斥 -解阑 -结宏皋胶磐 -结宏皋胶鸥 -结宏概胶磐 -结宏概胶鸥 -结宏付胶鸥 -结宏俺惯磊 -结国 -结滚皋胶磐 -结滚皋胶鸥 -结滚概胶磐 -结滚概胶鸥 -结滚付胶鸥 -结滚凡 -结滚霸惯磊 -结滚俺惯磊 -结臂 -洁搐 -洁仇 -洁斥 -洁 -沚斥 -沊居斥 -沊居 -沊惯逞 -沊惯 -沊播 -劫静 -劫静 -劫茎 -劫胶 -劫荐 -劫斥 -劫扁 -截捞 -截府 -截畅 -截尝 -截播 -截扁 -街雌 -街串 -街搐 -街仇 -街畴公 -街斥 -街赤攫 -街逞 -街惩 -街呈决 -皆劫差 -皆斥 -窖促 -窖斥 -较劈 -较冠酒瘤 -较官啊瘤 -较官 -较悼 -轿拎 -轿临膊 -轿捞内 -轿捞滚荐荤 -轿国 -轿惯 -轿雌 -轿搐 -轿仇 -轿斥 -轿逞 -轿鳖矫 -轿鳖浆 -轿绊矫器 -轿霸秦临膊 -轿哎烹 -轿啊瘤 -ざび惯 -酵劝 -酵擎 -酵且 -酵妻 -酵迫 -酵婆 -酵芒 -酵龙 -酵舅 -酵疥 -酵截 -酵溅 -酵技 -酵货 -酵卉 -酵辉 -酵皇 -酵还 -酵弧 -酵糊 -酵喉 -酵阂 -酵杭 -酵国 -酵惯 -酵冠 -酵鳖 -氷皇 -氷还 -氷弧 -氷杭 -氷国 -氷惯 -剿铺 -剿迫 -剿婆 -剿颇 -剿还 -剿弧 -剿杭 -剿国 -剿惯 -剿1迫 -剿;迫 -绞擎 -绞且 -绞妻 -绞迫 -绞婆 -绞颇 -绞呸 -绞攀捞 -绞攀 -绞芒 -绞龙 -绞舅雌 -绞舅 -绞疥 -绞截 -绞溅 -绞减 -绞碱虐 -绞冀虐 -绞技虐 -绞技扁 -绞技 -绞积 -绞货 -绞卉 -绞辉 -绞皇 -绞还 -绞弧 -绞糊 -绞喉 -绞阂 -绞杭 -绞焊瘤 -绞国 -绞惯 -绞都尝 -绞动 -绞锭尝 -绞迭 -绞斥酒 -绞斥 -绞备崇 -绞8 -氥籖 -脚澜家府 -脚绊立荐盔 -脚绊季磐 -脚绊 -矫钱仇 -矫钱 -矫綩 -矫歧 -矫妻 -矫粌 -矫莆 -矫铺 -矫迫 -矫婆 -矫颇 -矫虐 -矫捞钱 -矫捞妻 -矫捞迫 -矫捞贺 -矫捞阂 -矫捞国 -矫捞惯 -矫辉 -矫曡 -矫弧 -矫糊 -矫狐 -矫喉 -矫旐 -矫贺 -矫阂 -矫何凡 -矫擴 -矫杭 -矫含 -矫骇 -矫国 -矫滚凡 -矫搖 -矫桂 -矫闺 -矫规技具 -矫规技 -矫规货 -矫规斥 -矫惯 -矫冠 -矫官舅斥 -矫官饿 -矫官扼付 -矫淡 -矫大 -矫尝 -矫1惯 -氃 -毭妻 -毭迫 -毭婆 -毭豪 -毭骇 -毭国 -毭闺 -毭惯 -毭胆 -毭搭 -嚼攀捞 -娇啊 -胶妻 -胶迫 -胶飘赋兢 -胶飘赋碱 -胶飘赋 -胶配赣 -胶挪奖 -胶恳 -胶客俏 -胶骇 -胶国仇 -胶国斥酒 -胶国 -胶惯斥 -胶惯赤唱 -胶惯 -胶呈橇 -殬颇 -讲妻 -讲迫 -讲婆 -讲还 -讲弧 -讲国 -讲惯 -奖劝 -奖擎 -奖且 -奖钱 -奖妻 -奖迫 -奖婆 -奖颇 -奖呸酒 -奖芒 -奖舅 -奖溅府 -奖荐つ -奖荐だ -奖技 -奖货 -奖还 -奖弧 -奖国 -奖惯 -奖冠 -奖官 -奖定扁 -江洒 -江虐 -浆浅 -浆钱 -浆掐 -浆妻 -浆莆 -浆迫 -浆婆 -浆颇 -浆捞钱 -浆捞妻 -浆捞迫 -浆捞弧 -浆捞贺 -浆捞阂 -浆捞国 -浆捞规 -浆捞惯 -浆辉 -浆还 -浆弧 -浆糊 -浆贺 -浆阂倔 -浆阂 -浆何凡 -浆擴 -浆豪 -浆骇 -浆骸 -浆国 -浆棍 -浆搖 -浆桂 -浆闺 -浆规货 -浆规 -浆惯 -浆冠 -浆官 -浆淡 -浆胆 -浆大 -将府 -将夫 -将 -歷惯 -歫 -涧洒 -涧虐 -涧胶 -涧 -溅虐 -溅捞 -溅尝 -溅差 -箭贸赤 -荐儡唱 -荐澜 -荐埃 -剪磊瘤 -艰尝 -尖尝 -加泵钦 -家聪俊福 -檶 -檲 -檙 -橴 -寄府 -寄夫 -悸差 -悸扁 -悸蓖 -冀s -冀e胶 -冀洒 -冀戎 -冀秦 -冀且贰 -冀且 -冀窍厘 -冀窍磊 -冀窍绊 -冀窍 -冀颇飘呈 -冀颇 -冀萍浆 -冀捞 -冀静 -冀静 -冀茎 -冀胶 -冀酱 -冀荐 -冀家府 -冀焊瘤 -冀公厚 -冀付 -冀哆 -冀赤 -冀巢 -冀尝 -冀差 -冀扁 -冀蓖 -冀榜 -冀吧 -冀 -技虐 -技柠 -技竣胶 -技竣荐快 -技竣 -技俊竣胶 -技俊静 -技咀胶 -技尝 -技差 -技播 -技霸弧酒 -己青困 -己气青 -己抛农葱 -己眉困 -己牢侩前 -己垮备 -己冀胶 -己积劝 -己焊炼扁备 -己捍 -己扁备 -己扁 -己背腊 -己背 -己包拌 -己版氰 -己皑措 -橌 -樴 -绩虐 -绩柠 -姬仇 -姬斥 -樔 -积夫 -畸差 -畸扁 -畸蓖 -祸洒 -祸戎 -祸且 -祸颇飘呈 -祸募 -祸静 -祸茎 -祸矫 -祸胶 -祸荐 -祸付 -祸赤 -祸巢 -祸尝 -祸馋茄 -祸差 -祸播 -祸扁 -祸蓖 -祸榜 -货虐 -货募 -货俊尝 -货尝 -货馋茄 -货差 -货播 -货凹 -货1尝 -货;尝 -货/尝 -货//尝具 -惑痢付胶鸥 -惑淬 -惑仇 -惑畴公 -惑斥 -获宾矫 -火涝 -混秦 -混牢 -混扼凋 -昏冠酒瘤 -昏官啊瘤 -荤鸥备聪 -荤墨摹 -荤芒啊 -荤捞滚荐荤 -荤捞滚版蔓 -荤诀评 -荤扼 -荤鳖摹 -荤鳖矫 -荤鳖浆 -荤扁贸府 -荤扁惑淬 -さつ尝 -さつあび -さだ尝 -さだあび -ささびそたぉ -さげか -さげ -さ1 -贿捻 -贿操 -楨 -蛔舅 -辉舅 -谎凡 -谎饿 -幌钮 -煌舅 -蝗钮 -磺钮 -磺骂 -磺瘤 -磺 -磺零判 -磺零 -磺累 -磺坷瘤 -磺荤 -磺福畴 -磺俺 -黄脚 -欢钮 -欢蜡 -欢波 -欢 -坏钮 -坏瘤 -华焊瘤 -弧烹 -弧磊 -弧绢 -弧酒 -弧膊 -弧扁 -弧备客扼 -弧备酵绢 -弧备酵唱 -弧备矫欺 -弧备 -弧绊颇 -弧绊酵绢 -弧绊酵促 -弧绊矫器 -弧绊矫欺 -弧绊 -弧霸秦档 -弧霸 -糊钮 -糊锰 -糊蜡 -糊 -狐钮 -狐鉴捞 -狐逢 -狐凡 -狐矾 -狐饿 -狐扼 -狐倒捞 -狐操府 -狐操夫 -狐奔捞 -狐奔 -狐备府 -狐备夫 -狐吧 -狐啊具肺 -狐啊货尝 -狐啊 -葫し矫 -葫脚 -葫矫 -葫疆 -葫浆 -葫.脚 -忽歧府 -后脚 -厚雷脚 -晩舅 -晩脚 -宏瘤 -宏府令 -宏府攫 -宏府矫 -宏凡 -宏饿 -宏扼鲤 -宏扼磊 -宏淡 -宏大 -洪脚 -洪疆 -洪伙 -洪 -烘 -轰脚 -轰疆 -恒脚 -恒 -旡 -贺舅 -贺脚 -贺伙 -贺鹅 -阂且 -阂舅 -何欧盖 -何瘤 -何捞脚 -何凡 -何饿 -何淡 -何大 -敺脚 -敺疆 -禾瘤 -禾 -敐脚 -攪 -擴 -豪瘤 -豪舅 -焊z -焊x -焊g -焊垄拱 -焊窿拱 -焊窿 -焊瘤 -焊 -焊零 -焊磊 -焊じl -焊じI -焊じび -焊じ1 -焊じ! -焊じ -焊坷瘤 -焊府胶 -焊凡 -焊饿 -焊呈颇飘 -擉 -捍纠 -捍脚腊癌 -捍脚 -捍矫唱 -捍矫 -捍疆 -捍浆唱 -捍迭 -捍催 -捍蹿 -捍1脚 -函怕 -函冀 -函赤 -函碍烬 -函碍艰 -函/怕 -涵钧脚 -含矫 -含疆 -骇沛 -海捞胶 -海捞 -骸舅 -骸脚 -骸冀 -骸迭 -骸催 -骸蹿 -骸俺巢 -哈绢 -国副咯磊 -国妨 -国贩芭妨 -锅冀 -锅祸 -锅俺巢 -棍钮 -棍痹 -滚窿拱 -滚瘤 -滚 -滚零 -滚倔妨辑呈绢 -滚绢瘤 -滚凡 -滚矾瘤 -滚饿 -滚聪胶 -桂脚 -龟令 -硅耐 -硅捞记 -硅困俊轿烈 -硅都瘤 -硅锭瘤 -规溅 -广老 -揚 -贯 -惯沥 -惯单福 -惯扁 -观俊促揭膊 -冠钮 -冠阑膊 -冠酒临膊 -冠酒临霸 -冠酒 -冠绊酵欺 -冠绊酵促 -冠绊矫欺 -冠绊哗绊 -官福伎 -官沸 -官凡 -官饿 -官啊 -げ瘤 -げ'さ -げさ -げ1さ -げ;さ -关备港 -关备崇弧扁 -关备崇 -刮胶农 -刮捍措盔 -固凭斥 -固凭 -固皮 -固墨郡 -固模仇 -固模斥 -固模逞 -固模 -固疩 -固渺仇 -固渺斥 -固渺 -固捞模斥酒 -固捞模 -固酒府咆荤胶 -固矫锰 -固赴斥 -固聪酒 -固.凭 -固.模 -固.疩 -掁 -骨扼令 -箍皮 -箍渺 -够毫奖惯货具 -巩叼 -巩嫡 -个迫矾 -个颇绰 -个救俊荤沥 -个蹲捞临膊 -隔墨 -格蝶 -冈曲 -赣历府 -赣聪扑聪促 -赣聪剖 -赣聪魄概 -赣聪贸府盔 -赣聪贸府馆 -赣聪贸府 -赣聪技老 -赣聪伙 -赣聪荤技夸 -概模 -概冕 -嘎埃 -咐埃 -富焊瘤 -付萍 -付胶磐海捞记 -付荤瘤 -付糊 -付福农 -付福内 -けび模 -副府橇 -府器磐 -府倔冀胶 -府倔冀 -徶 -枫 -肺府鸥 -肺弊贸府 -娥惯雌 -鹅钱 -鹅妻 -鹅迫 -鹅捞钱 -鹅捞妻 -鹅捞迫 -鹅捞贺 -鹅捞阂 -鹅捞国 -鹅捞规 -鹅捞惯 -鹅厚饿 -鹅喉 -鹅贺 -鹅阂 -鹅何芳 -鹅何贩 -鹅何凡 -鹅何大 -鹅何 -鹅含捞 -鹅骇 -鹅国 -鹅桂捞 -鹅规技 -鹅规货 -鹅规 -鹅惯 -鹅冠 -鹅官 -鹅淡 -鹅大 -鹅尝 -鹅伯 -剁阂 -嵏脚 -哆国 -哆惯 -哆扒广 -顿国 -顿惯 -端部 -端备港 -端备崇 -端俺 -妒眠货尝 -妒眠 -妒酒捞 -妒妒捞 -妒尝 -肚扼捞 -侗摹扁 -栋扼捞 -叠叠捞 -叠叠 -叠蝶府 -叠蝶夫 -叠蝶 -叠崔捞 -叠崔 -迭瘤都磊 -蝶捞绊矫欺 -蝶捞绊 -蝶冈篮斥 -蝶冈篮斥 -蝶冈绢 -蝶冈扁 -蝶冈 -掉档 -叼龙贰 -叼龙 -叼柳促 -叼廉扼 -叼廉 -叼骇 -叼国 -叼凡 -叼饿 -殿脚 -殿疆酒 -殿疆 -殿1疆 -殿;疆 -靛客捞令 -靛饭内 -靛矾款斥 -第剖 -第颇 -第摹扁 -第龙贰 -第龙 -第柳促 -第瘤绊 -第瘤 -第廉 -第肺呈绢拎 -第凡 -蒂 -地龙贰 -地龙 -地柳促 -地柳 -地瘤绊 -地烈 -地廉 -登龙贰 -登廉扼 -壱 -蹬廉 -导拎夸 -导舅瘤 -倒俺捞 -档框捞 -档框 -档快固 -墣 -党 -胆颇胶飘 -胆鸥废 -胆颊 -掸厘 -单橇聪 -单龙贰 -单廉 -单捞瓢 -单踞 -单胶农 -单哎胖 -单哎 -单啊府 -单啊夫 -耽脚 -耽疆 -带鞘夸秦 -带霖促 -带林操付 -歹赣胶 -歹弗 -歹矾款斥 -歹矾红 -措临斥 -措临膊 -措霖促 -措林扼 -措林鳖 -措叠 -措奔糊 -措哎烹 -措哎糊 -措哎 -措啊府 -措啊夫 -淬寸 -篡摹 -篡苗 -篡幂 -篡檬 -篡媚 -篡贸 -蹿摹 -蹿苗 -蹿幂 -蹿檬 -蹿媚 -蹿贸 -蹿1媚 -蹿;媚 -促府国妨 -醋辫捞 -醋辫固 -醋辫 -醋扁固 -醋扁府 -醋扁 -丛捞凡 -聪林啊府 -聪炼霸 -聪炼俺 -聪捞固 -聪骏 -聪俊厚 -聪俊固 -聪决 -聪绢固 -聪局厚 -聪局固 -聪蛔 -聪煌 -聪固费 -聪固凡 -聪固饿 -聪固 -聪掁 -聪皋饿 -聪斥 -聪辫捞 -聪辫固 -聪扁固 -聪蓖固 -垔辫 -垔扁固 -垍 -刺固 -刺掁 -刺扁 -刺;1固 -刺//固 -蠢弊决付 -春付 -圐辫 -圐扁固 -锤捞凡 -炊扁固 -吹固凡 -吹固 -吹辫 -吹扁固 -吹扁 -创扁固 -传彬 -搐 -畴宏扼 -斥仇 -斥逞 -持绢拎 -持绢临 -持绊轿绊 -持绊酵绢 -持霸国妨 -呈付 -晨厚迈绢 -晨厚崇 -晨厚 -巢芒 -巢磊版氰 -抄背 -唱眉 -唱慧搐 -唱慧斥 -唱冈绢毫 -唱冈绢扼 -唱冈绢 -唱尔且贰 -唱叼酒 -唱呈冈阑膊 -唱啊磷绢 -いiぁIけ1 -いびしだけび -いびけび -いびぁびけび -馋埔萍 -采轨 -才衬 -裁烹 -裁赴促 -裁赴 -裁府促 -裁府绰 -裁府匙 -裁府 -裁妨 -裁償 -裁滨 -裁蔼 -裁癌 -擦芒 -擦措 -部摹 -部眠 -部部付 -伯蹿 -波廉 -滨模 -滨摹 -滨荤瘤 -彬贰 -鳖柳斥 -鳖柳 -鳖府 -鳖单 -鳖错 -鳖措 -辫捍包 -辫裹荐 -辫措老 -扁裙评厘 -扁裙评 -扁裙磊 -扁裙角厘 -扁磊 -编模 -辟模惑埃 -辟模 -弊瘤 -弊货尝 -弊缝厘 -弊缝冀 -弊斥 -弊芭秦拎 -弊芭且斥 -弊芭窍绊颇 -弊芭肋秦 -蓖滴 -备宠 -备崇 -背己 -堡搐 -堡斥 -堡赤 -包府磊 -包府 -傍瘤 -绊券 -绊捻 -绊磊 -绊舅 -拌笼 -拌沥芭贰 -拌沥 -拌烙概胶磐 -版蔓 -版厚捍 -版概厘 -伖橷咘 -伖橷 -伖標咘 -白付 -霸瞒馆 -霸磊瘤 -霸磊零 -霸磊侥 -霸磊交 -霸磊 -霸烙瘤扁 -霸烙付 -霸截尝 -霸浆虐 -霸浆 -霸溅府 -霸溅 -霸冀 -霸技 -霸祸 -霸货 -霸焊瘤 -霸焊零 -霸惯 -霸雌 -霸搐 -霸仇 -霸斥 -霸逞 -吧饭鞍篮 -吧饭 -吧贰仇 -吧贰斥 -吧贰 -芭瘤货虐 -芭瘤货尝 -芭矫扁 -奥烙 -奥惯 -乧橷咘 -乧標咘 -乧標 -盎桂 -俺龋肺 -俺龋矾 -俺倾国芒 -俺倾肺 -俺倾矾 -俺魄 -俺瞒馆 -俺瘤饿 -俺谅侥 -俺谅 -俺晾 -俺量 -俺辆斥 -俺两 -俺粮父酒 -俺炼墨 -俺炼啊摹 -俺爴 -俺隶 -隶 -俺粒 -俺棱 -俺磊侥 -俺磊交 -俺磊 -俺烙 -俺牢沥焊 -俺剧酒 -俺局 -俺久擎仇 -俺久 -俺韭 -俺井府 -俺禁 -俺截尝 -俺截 -俺侥尝 -俺矫虐 -俺奖 -俺浆虐 -俺浆尝 -俺涧 -俺溅府 -俺溅 -俺櫢 -俺尖府 -俺尖 -俺家府 -俺冀 -俺技 -俺稽尝 -俺祸 -俺货尝 -俺'货 -俺货 -俺涣促备 -俺狐备府 -俺阂舅 -俺阂饿 -俺何饿 -俺焊瘤 -俺焊零 -俺惯 -俺冠混 -俺固模 -俺访 -俺扼交 -俺雌 -俺串 -俺搐 -俺仇 -俺斥 -俺逞 -俺唱惯 -俺部摹 -俺扁衬 -俺芭瘤 -俺鞍篮 -俺鞍 -俺哎焊 -俺啊瓢 -俺啊畔 -俺1技 -俺1货 -俺18仇 -俺18 -俺;货 -俺,技 -俺,鞍 -碍埃 -哎烹 -哎酒冈阑 -哎酒付角 -哎焊 -哎府胶 -哎饭畴胶 -啊令单飘 -啊扼赣臂 -啊扼付角 -啊靛呈 -啊齿 -ぁだ货 -ぁださだあび -69傈巩 -2c迫 -1矫惯 -1蹿;媚 -18sus -18洰 -18疥 -18尖 -18冀 -18技尝 -18祸 -18货 -18雌 -18嚽 -18串 -18搐 -18仇 -18斥 -18逞 -18巴 -10且仇 -10且斥 -10且 -10妻 -10迫 -10婆 -10舅 -10技 -10货 -10弧 -588 -俺货扁 -俺磊瘤 -俺楼刘 -久货 -绞货尝 -绞劈 -久劈 -较酒瘤 -揪规酒 -揪惯烦 -揪惯芬 -揪惯访 -矫惯仇 -矫惯逞 -矫惯斥 -矫惯酒 -静居 -浆祁 -聪固煌 -洁畴公 -轿冠酒 -俺溅捞 -俺溅虐 -俺溅尝 -固模溅捞 -固模货尝 -固模溅虐 -固模祸洒 -磊瘤甸 -焊瘤甸 -腊滨栋 -腊滨冻 -腊滨 -砍赣芭 -堪冈绢 -堪赣芭 -地历 -溅播 -久 -龋饭磊侥 -焊瘤判 -焊瘤弧酒 -磊瘤弧酒 -俺矫惯 -俺揪惯 -俺洁 -俺姬 -酱惯 -漮惯 -捞固福 -YMIR -款康磊 -Ymir -ymir diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/item_list.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 19f71b4d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/item_list.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6989 +0,0 @@ -1 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icon/item/51573.tga -51567 ETC icon/item/51574.tga -51568 ETC icon/item/51575.tga -51569 ETC icon/item/51569.tga -51570 ETC icon/item/51570.tga -51571 ETC icon/item/51571.tga -51572 ETC icon/item/51572.tga -51573 ETC icon/item/51573.tga -51574 ETC icon/item/51574.tga -51575 ETC icon/item/51575.tga -51576 ETC icon/item/51501.tga -51577 ETC icon/item/51517.tga -51578 ETC icon/item/51518.tga -51579 ETC icon/item/51519.tga -51580 ETC icon/item/51520.tga -51581 ETC icon/item/51521.tga -51582 ETC icon/item/51522.tga -51583 ETC icon/item/51501.tga -51584 ETC icon/item/51517.tga -51585 ETC icon/item/51518.tga -51586 ETC icon/item/51519.tga -51587 ETC icon/item/51520.tga -51588 ETC icon/item/51521.tga -51589 ETC icon/item/51522.tga -51590 ETC icon/item/51501.tga -51591 ETC icon/item/51517.tga -51592 ETC icon/item/51518.tga -51593 ETC icon/item/51519.tga -51594 ETC icon/item/51520.tga -51595 ETC icon/item/51521.tga -51596 ETC icon/item/51522.tga -51597 ETC icon/item/51501.tga -51598 ETC icon/item/51517.tga -51599 ETC icon/item/51518.tga -51600 ETC icon/item/51519.tga -51601 ETC icon/item/51520.tga -51602 ETC icon/item/51521.tga -51603 ETC icon/item/51522.tga -51604 ETC icon/item/51569.tga -51605 ETC icon/item/51550.tga -51606 ETC icon/item/51551.tga -51607 ETC icon/item/51552.tga -51608 ETC icon/item/51553.tga -51609 ETC icon/item/51554.tga -51610 ETC icon/item/51555.tga -51611 ETC icon/item/51569.tga -51612 ETC icon/item/51550.tga -51613 ETC icon/item/51551.tga -51614 ETC icon/item/51552.tga -51615 ETC icon/item/51553.tga -51616 ETC icon/item/51554.tga -51617 ETC icon/item/51555.tga -51618 ETC icon/item/51569.tga -51619 ETC icon/item/51550.tga -51620 ETC icon/item/51551.tga -51621 ETC icon/item/51552.tga -51622 ETC icon/item/51553.tga -51623 ETC icon/item/51554.tga -51624 ETC icon/item/51555.tga -51625 ETC icon/item/51569.tga -51626 ETC icon/item/51570.tga -51627 ETC icon/item/51571.tga -51628 ETC icon/item/51572.tga -51629 ETC icon/item/51573.tga -51630 ETC icon/item/51574.tga -51631 ETC icon/item/51575.tga -51632 ETC icon/item/51569.tga -51633 ETC icon/item/51570.tga -51634 ETC icon/item/51571.tga -51635 ETC icon/item/51572.tga -51636 ETC icon/item/51573.tga -51637 ETC icon/item/51574.tga -51638 ETC icon/item/51575.tga -51639 ETC icon/item/51639.tga -51640 ETC icon/item/51640.tga -51641 ETC icon/item/51641.tga -51642 ETC icon/item/51642.tga -51643 ETC icon/item/51639.tga -51644 ETC icon/item/51640.tga -51645 ETC icon/item/51641.tga -51646 ETC icon/item/51642.tga -30331 ETC icon/item/30331.tga -30332 ETC icon/item/30332.tga -30333 ETC icon/item/30333.tga -45139 ETC icon/item/51639.tga -45140 ETC icon/item/51640.tga -45141 ETC icon/item/51641.tga -45142 ETC icon/item/51642.tga -45143 ETC icon/item/51639.tga -45144 ETC icon/item/51640.tga -45145 ETC icon/item/51641.tga -45146 ETC icon/item/51642.tga diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/item_proto b/bin_original/locale/ymir/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index fedbeb60..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ymir/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5279d359..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1620 +0,0 @@ -9506 扯酒档+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9507 磊龋癌+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9508 开荤铰+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9509 厚款癌+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9510 利趋捧备+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9511 玫绵窜档+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9512 促全+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9513 啊磷滴扒+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9514 傍累急+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9515 厚全狼+3 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9516 过葛+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9517 唱公迫骂+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9518 啊磷脚惯+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9519 唱公格吧捞+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9520 唱公蓖吧捞+1 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) -9521 龋脚券菩+2 背券,滚府扁 阂啊 (蓖加) - - -11901 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11902 盼矫档 搬去侥锭 涝绰 巢己侩 汗厘 -11903 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 -11904 傀爹靛饭胶 搬去侥锭 涝绰 咯己侩 汗厘 - -22000 蓖券何 付阑肺 泪矫 倒酒艾促啊|促矫 泅犁 困摹肺 倒酒棵 荐 乐促 -22010 蓖券扁撅何 扁撅矫难 滴菌带|困摹肺 倒酒埃促 - -25040 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜 -25041 泅枚 弥绊狼 档八阑 父甸扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 傈汲狼 陛加. 泅枚阑 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁 歹 臭篮犬伏肺 俺樊捞 啊瓷 俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼咙 - -25100 软康辑 公扁客 癌渴俊辑 康籍阑 哗尘荐 乐促. 窜 哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利篮 巢霸 等促. - -27051 涝巩磊侩 弧埃拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 弧埃拱距 积疙仿阑 雀汗钦聪促. -27052 涝巩磊侩 颇鄂拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 颇鄂拱距 沥脚仿阑 雀汗钦聪促. -27053 涝巩磊侩 踌祸拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 踌祸拱距 傍拜加档啊 弧扼笼聪促. -27054 涝巩磊侩 焊扼祸拱距(家) 檬焊侩荤俊霸 瘤鞭登绰 焊扼祸拱距 捞悼加档啊 弧扼笼聪促. - -27600 葛蹿阂 阂阑 乔匡 荐 乐促 -27610 绢缴券 骂俊 吧赴 拱绊扁甫 舅妨林绰|付过狼 备浇 -27620 岿埃绢缴 拱绊扁俊 措茄 沥焊啊 啊垫茄 氓 - -27799 积急焕 拱绊扁狼 窜窜茄 焕 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27800 侗逛 啊厘 历放茄 固尝 -27801 瘤贩捞 拱绊扁狼 侥垮阑 磊必窍绰 固尝 -27802 乔扼固 岿么阑 畴副 荐 乐绰 泵必狼 固尝 - -27803 贺绢 楷给俊辑 如洒 杭 荐 乐绰 拱绊扁 -27804 筋啊府 咐雷绢扼绊档 阂府绰 拱绊扁 -27805 岿么贺绢 烹烹窍霸 混吗 奴 贺绢 -27806 雷绢 出临鳖 富鳖? 侩空狼 酒甸老瘤档ˇ? -27807 楷绢 锅侥扁啊 登搁|绊氢阑 茫酒坷绰 拱绊扁 -27808 氢绢 氢绢俊辑绰 氢捞 唱唱? -27809 价绢 楷绢格 楷绢苞狼 拱绊扁| 碍 惑幅俊辑 辑侥茄促. -27810 刮拱厘绢 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 阿堡罐绰 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27811 公瘤俺价绢 魂鄂扁俊 公瘤俺蝴捞 唱鸥唱绰 拱绊扁 -27812 碍价绢 碍俊辑父 荤绰 价绢 -27813 矾靛 -27814 欺摹 龋荐狼 惑绢肺 阂府绰 冈己亮篮 拱绊扁 -27815 刨摹 讣篮 拱俊辑父 辑侥窍绰 件绢苞 拱绊扁 -27816 皋扁 概款帕狼 犁丰肺 澄府 舅妨柳 拱绊扁|目促鄂 涝苞 荐堪捞 漂隆 -27817 固操扼瘤 固缠芭妨辑 棱扁 塞电 拱绊扁|酒历揪甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 -27818 归访 刮拱俊辑 辑侥窍绰 棱侥己狼 目促鄂 拱绊扁 -27819 篮绢 官促 葫绢苞 拱绊扁. 篮葫绢扼绊档 茄促 -27820 葫绢 败匡枚 倔澜超矫肺 牢扁乐绰 拱绊扁 -27821 浆府 个概客 个蝴彬捞 酒抚促款 拱绊扁 -27822 厚疵雷绢 侥侩栏肺 俺樊茄 厚疵捞 利绊 混捞 腹篮 雷绢 -27823 炔陛贺绢 炔陛祸栏肺 蝴唱绰 锐蓖茄 贺绢 - -27833 磷篮贺绢 磷绢滚赴 贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27834 磷篮筋啊府 磷绢滚赴 筋啊府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27835 磷篮岿么贺绢 磷绢滚赴 岿么贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27836 磷篮雷绢 磷绢滚赴 雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27837 磷篮楷绢 磷绢滚赴 楷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27838 磷篮氢绢 磷绢滚赴 氢绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27839 磷篮价绢 磷绢滚赴 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27840 磷篮刮拱厘绢 磷绢滚赴 刮拱厘绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27841 磷篮公瘤俺价绢 磷绢滚赴 公瘤俺 价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27842 磷篮碍价绢 磷绢滚赴 碍价绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27843 磷篮矾靛 磷绢滚赴 矾靛|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27844 磷篮欺摹 磷绢滚赴 欺摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27845 磷篮刨摹 磷绢滚赴 刨摹|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27846 磷篮皋扁 磷绢滚赴 皋扁|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27847 磷篮固操扼瘤 磷绢滚赴 固操扼瘤|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27848 磷篮归访 磷绢滚赴 归访|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27849 磷篮篮绢 磷绢滚赴 篮绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27850 磷篮葫绢 磷绢滚赴 葫绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27851 磷篮浆府 磷绢滚赴 浆府|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27852 磷篮厚疵雷绢 磷绢滚赴 厚疵雷绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 -27853 磷篮炔陛贺绢 磷绢滚赴 炔陛贺绢|葛蹿阂俊 备匡荐 乐促 - -27863 备款贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27864 备款筋啊府 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27865 备款岿么贺绢 积疙仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27866 备款雷绢 老矫利栏肺 捞悼 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27867 备款楷绢 沥脚仿阑 雀汗矫难 霖促 -27868 备款氢绢 老矫利栏肺 傍拜 加档甫 惑铰矫难霖促 -27869 备款价绢 积疙仿阑 腹捞 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27870 备款刮拱厘绢 老矫利栏肺 辟仿阑 惑铰矫难霖促 -27871 备款公瘤俺价绢 沥脚仿阑 腹捞 雀汗矫难霖促 -27872 备款碍价绢 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27873 备款矾靛 老矫利栏肺 刮酶阑 惑铰矫难 霖促 -27874 备款欺摹 唱慧 瓤苞甫 绝俊霖促 -27875 备款刨摹 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27876 备款皋扁 沥脚仿阑 溜矫 雀汗矫难霖促 -27877 备款固操扼瘤 捧疙窍霸 秦霖促 -27878 备款归访 积疙仿阑 溜矫 雀汗 矫难霖促 -27879 备款篮绢 -27880 备款葫绢 -27881 备款浆府 -27882 备款厚疵雷绢 -27883 备款炔陛贺绢 - -27987 炼俺 抗慧 葛剧狼 炼俺|救俊 柳林啊 甸绢乐阑 锭档 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27988 焊拱瘤档 绊措狼 焊拱捞 汞腮 镑阑 唱鸥辰 嘲篮 瘤档 -27989 康籍皑瘤扁 康籍狼 困摹甫 舅妨林绰 皑瘤扁 -27990 倒炼阿 -27991 荐籍 -27992 归柳林 鉴归祸狼 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27993 没柳林 康氛茄 仟弗蝴捞 唱绰 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27994 乔柳林 乔蝴栏肺 河霸 拱电 柳林|咯磊甸俊霸 林搁 亮酒茄促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -27995 后捍 酒公巴档 甸绢乐瘤 臼篮 捍 -27996 刀捍 刀捞 甸绢乐绰 捍|付矫搁 磷绰促 -27997 挤去备 积疙仿阑 盲况林绰 备浇 -27998 楷陛贱林赣聪 楷陛贱荤狼 林赣聪. 趣矫 楷陛贱狼 厚过捞 淬败乐阑鳖? -27999 康籍林赣聪 康籍捞 甸绢乐绰 林赣聪 - - -29001 啊府厚 -29002 没啊府厚 -29003 炔啊府厚 -29004 全啊府厚 -29005 踌啊府厚 -29006 炔林籍 -29007 没林籍 -29006 柳炔林籍 -29007 柳没林籍 -29008 没脚荐 -29009 炔脚荐 -29010 全脚荐 -29011 踌脚荐 -29012 楷没脚荐 -29013 楷炔脚荐 -29014 楷全脚荐 -29015 楷踌脚荐 -29012 柳没脚荐 -29013 柳炔脚荐 -29014 柳全脚荐 -29015 柳踌脚荐 - -30000 焊府 林夸 犁硅侥拱狼 窍唱肺 贱 棺 侥樊殿 促剧茄 侩档肺 静牢促. -30001 祈瘤 穿焙啊俊霸 焊郴柳 祈瘤捞促. -30002 鉴措汉澜 鉴措客 具盲甫 持绊 概霓窍霸 汉篮 澜侥 -30003 蹬瘤内 蹬瘤狼 内何盒栏肺 汗阑 阂矾柯促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 格吧捞, 备吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30004 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪 镐蹬瘤狼 绢陛聪肺 碍茄 碍档甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30005 柄柳 癌渴炼阿 绢凋啊俊辑 冻绢廉唱柯 癌渴狼 炼阿 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 规菩, 檬鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30006 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝 吝鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30007 旷蓖狼 何利 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 捧备 吝鞭 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30008 剐背涝巩辑 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 吝鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30009 舅 荐 绝绰 距 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30010 磅狼 镜俺 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 檬鞭 劝, 规菩, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 何盲, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30011 角鸥贰 角捞 皑败廉 乐绰 菩 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 规匡, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30012 贱捍 氢扁亮篮 贱捞 淬变 捍 -30013 贱刀 贱捞 劳绰 亲酒府 -30014 汲牢狼 判 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30015 荤蓖狼 蜡前 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30016 荤蓖狼 焊籍 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30017 厚赤 咯磊甸狼 赣府厘侥前| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30018 河篮 大扁 赣府甫 蝶阑锭 荤侩窍绰 绊鞭胶矾款 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30019 阂鸥绰 哎柠 捞巴栏肺 渴阑 父甸搁 蝶舵窍霸 败匡阑 焊尘荐 乐促绊 窃| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30020 汗件酒揪 汗件酒狼 揪, 固侩俊 亮促绊 傈秦柳促. -30021 柄柳 焊籍炼阿 公攫啊俊 嘛囚 柄绢廉滚赴 焊籍炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 货樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30022 轨狼 部府 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30023 归龋啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 弥绊狼 牢扁甫 备啊窍绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝, 何盲 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30024 富部府 富狼 部府判肺 鹤, 矮殿 腹篮 劝侩档甫 啊瘤绊 乐促. -30025 芭固狼 刀林赣聪 芭固狼 刀阑 淬绊 乐绰 林赣聪| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30026 戳措狼 芒磊 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30027 戳措判 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30028 戳措惯砰 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 檬鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 规匡, 格吧捞 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30029 戳措狼 埃 力惫郴俊辑 牢扁乐绰 冈芭府牢 鉴措狼 犁丰 -30030 踌郊 窜八炼阿 踌郊 窜八栏肺 公均牢啊甫 媚滚赴淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30031 畴府俺 咯磊酒捞甸捞 啊瘤绊 畴绰 厘脚备| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂, 捧备, 檬鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30032 嘲篮 孺祸档汗 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30033 柄柳 荤扁弊俯 穿焙啊 柄哆妨滚赴 荤扁弊俯狼 炼阿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 规菩 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30034 闰祸 大扁 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 何盲, 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30035 拳厘前 咯磊甸捞 磊脚狼 寇葛甫 蹈焊捞霸 窍扁 困秦 荤侩| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 滴颊八, 劝, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30036 拳阂檬 脚厚茄 瓤苞啊 乐促绊 傈秦瘤绰 傈汲狼 距檬| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30037 龋尔捞惯砰 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 凰郴扁 困秦 厘侥侩栏肺 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30038 龋尔捞啊磷 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 悼拱啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 茄颊八, 劝, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30039 请耙炼阿 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 斒盲, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30040 钱蕾 舅 荐 绝绰 侥拱狼 蕾荤蓖| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30041 钎芒 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 滴颊八, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 剧颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30042 捧瘤裹狼 捞弧 瓢瓢秦 焊捞绰 捞弧| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30043 尼唱公狼 凯概 阿辆 夸府狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼, 窜归龙狼 焊绊捞促. -30044 柳入 档磊扁甫 父甸荐 乐绰 入 -30045 傈哎狼 刀魔 傈哎狼 刀阑 前绊乐绰 魔| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 剧颊八, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30046 傈哎狼 部府 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 吝鞭 茄颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30047 历林狼 辑 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30048 倔澜炼阿 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 规菩, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30049 倔澜辉裹绊贰狼 辉 促剧茄 炼阿累前狼 犁丰肺 牢扁乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30050 倔澜备浇 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30051 舅 荐 绝绰 何利 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30052 标惯 坷尔某狼 何措 钎侥阑 困秦 荤侩等 标惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30053 磅惯官蹿 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 檬鞭 脚惯, 规菩, 迫骂,捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30054 搬去馆瘤 搬去 抗拱肺 林绊罐绰 馆瘤 -30055 傈哎狼 笼霸惯 控瘤 碍牢秦 焊捞绰 笼霸惯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30056 芭固临 埃趣 笼阑 父甸锭 荤侩登扁档 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝,规菩, 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30057 芭固狼 传 荐笼啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 芭固狼 传 何困| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30058 芭固舅笼 啊瘤绊 乐栏搁 鉴魂茄促绰 浅巩捞| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 规匡,癌渴, 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30059 芭固促府 判捞 腹捞 崔赴 促府肺 老辆狼 何利栏肺 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 脚惯 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30060 俺备府曲官蹿 馋利馋利茄 蠢肠阑 林绰 曲官蹿| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30061 俺备府促府 固侥啊甸俊霸 牢扁乐绰 夸府犁丰| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡,癌渴,脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30062 拱距惑痢弊俯 拱距惑痢俊辑 静带 弊俯| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30063 乔何距 乔何捍阑 绊摹绰 距| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30064 拳混 力累侩 倒 拳混盟狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倒 -30065 规匡 叠尔叠尔 家府啊 唱绰 炼弊付茄 规匡 -30066 没剧绊眠 弥绊狼 概款咐捞 唱绰 绊眠| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 -30067 轨啊磷 轨阑 棱酒 伯龙阑 哈变 啊磷| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30068 滴何胶抛捞农 滴何肺 父电 腔傈 夸府 -30069 戳措惯砰+ 戳措狼 朝墨肺款 惯砰, 厘脚备俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 格吧捞, 捧备 檬鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 脚惯, 格吧捞 迫骂 捧备 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30070 戳措判+ 戳措狼 桓桓茄 判, 壶栏肺 荤侩等促| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 何盲, 癌渴, 脚惯, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30071 磅狼 镜俺+ 磅狼 镜俺肺 固阿阑 酪篮 捞狼 固阿阑 茫酒霖促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 檬鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 癌渴, 脚惯, 规菩, 格吧捞, 蓖吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30072 磅惯官蹿+ 胶抛固呈 澜侥栏肺 舅妨廉 腹篮 荤恩甸捞 茫绰 犁丰 吝 窍唱| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 茄颊八, 规匡, 何盲, 蓖吧捞, 捧备, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30073 闰祸 大扁+ 赣府甫 鼎阑 锭 荤侩窍绰 焊鞭侩 大扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 劝, 癌渴, 檬鞭 滴颊八, 癌渴狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30074 嘲篮 孺祸档汗+ 孺浅窜捞 榴败涝绰 孺祸档汗. 绢凋瘤 葛福霸 嘲酒焊牢促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 何盲, 脚惯, 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30075 钎芒+ 鞠扁肺 荤侩等 带瘤绰 公扁| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 滴颊八, 癌渴, 规菩狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30076 旷蓖狼 何利+ 旷蓖甸捞 傈狼甫 阂怕快扁 困秦 荤侩窍绰 何利| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 癌渴, 剧颊八, 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30077 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪+ 旷蓖狼 绢陛聪. 控瘤葛甫 厩秒啊 浅变促.| 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 何盲狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30078 剐背涝巩辑+ 剐背狼 背府啊 淬败乐绰 檬鞭 涝巩辑 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 规菩 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30079 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30080 历林狼 辑+ 惑措规俊霸 历林甫 郴副锭 荤侩等促绰 剐背狼 氓 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 蓖吧捞, 迷, 格吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30081 傈哎狼 部府+ 刀阑 啊瘤绊 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 傈哎狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八, 劝, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30082 轨狼 部府+ 如甸搁 家府啊 朝巴 鞍篮 轨狼 部府 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 劝, 何盲, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30083 舅 荐 绝绰 距+ 己盒阑 舅荐 绝绰 沥眉 阂疙狼 距 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 规菩, 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30084 舅 荐 绝绰 何利+ 公攫啊 利囚乐绰 何利 剐背甸父捞 舅酒杭 荐 乐促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 规匡狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促 -30085 请耙炼阿+ 穿焙啊狼 惑贸甫 皑秸带 请耙狼 炼阿牢淀 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧家八, 滴颊八, 劝, 脚惯狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30086 荤蓖狼 蜡前+ 阂辨茄 扁款捞 皑档绰 噶磊狼 蜡前 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30087 荤蓖狼 焊籍+ 磷篮磊狼 康去捞 淬败乐促绊 舅妨廉乐绰 焊籍 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 剧颊八, 脚惯, 迫骂狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30088 倔澜炼阿+ 父斥汲狼 炼阿. 咯抚俊档 矫盔茄 趁扁啊 浅败柳促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 滴颊八狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30089 汲牢狼 判+ 傈汲狼 积拱牢 汲牢狼 判肺 规茄俊 殴岿茄 瓤苞甫 磊尔茄促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 捧备狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30090 倔澜备浇+ 倔澜栏肺 父甸绢柳 备浇. 歹困俊档 踌瘤 臼绰促. | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 格吧捞 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30091 公牢狼 刘钎 傈汲狼 公牢甸父捞 何咯罐疽促绰 刘钎 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 绊鞭 迫骂 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30092 坷尔纳狼 傈府前 坷尔纳狼 傈府前. 傈里 铰府甫 扁充窍扁 困秦 甸绊 促囱促 | 俺樊鞘夸酒捞袍 吝鞭 剧颊八, 规匡, 规菩, 蓖吧捞狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. - -30129 傈飞辑 焙俊辑 荤侩窍绰 瘤飞捞 利腮 巩辑 -30130 后捍 促剧茄 咀眉甫 淬阑荐 乐绰 蜡府肺 父甸绢柳 捍捞促 -30131 措厘厘捞狼 祈瘤 措厘厘捞啊 模备 傣硅俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 -30132 阑滴瘤狼 氓 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 榴败焊绰 氓, 力格篮 " 唱绰 聪啊 剐背荤盔俊辑 茄老阑 舅绊 乐促" 捞促. -30133 棱拳惑牢狼 采脚 棱拳惑牢捞 货肺 备沁促绰 采脚牢巴 鞍促. -30134 阑滴瘤狼 焊蝶府 切磊 阑滴瘤啊 啊瘤绊 促聪绰 焊蝶府, 氓捞 决没 腹捞 甸绢埃淀 窍促. -30135 酒府康狼 祈瘤 酒府康捞 酒蜡俊霸 焊郴绰 祈瘤 - -30136 炔陛阿泵 荤成槽捞 富茄 急措狼 炔陛阿泵牢淀 窍促. 辉肺 父甸绢廉 乐绰淀 窍哥 酒抚促款 邦急捞 老前捞促. -30137 盔件捞狼 乔 盔件捞俊霸辑 眠免茄 乔肺结 厚赴郴啊 抄促. -30138 绊款柳入 荤阜狼 公过磊啊 摹丰力肺 荤侩茄促绰 柳入, 促剧茄 侩档肺 荤侩捞 啊瓷且淀 窍促. -30139 旷蓖狼 累篮绢陛聪 咀技辑府狼 犁丰肺 腹捞 荤侩登绰 旷蓖狼 累篮 绢陛聪, 绊距茄 晨货啊 唱绰淀 窍促 -30140 角 格吧捞唱 渴阑 父甸锭 荤侩窍绰 龙变 角捞促 -30141 啊傍焊籍 渴捞唱 厘脚备甫 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 啊傍 焊籍捞促. -30142 祈瘤 公攫啊 利囚 乐促. 郴侩阑 焊绊 酵篮 面悼阑 蠢尝霸 茄促. -30143 距檬 咯矾啊瘤 距阑 犁炼 窍绰单 荤侩登绰 扁夯利牢 摹丰距捞促. -30144 龋尔捞狼埃 焊脚犁丰扼绰 浅巩捞 乐绰 龋尔捞狼 埃, 胶抛固呈俊 亮促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. -30145 惯家狼 距 惯家啊 何殴茄 距捞促. -30146 倔澜耽绢府 葫荐狼 犁丰啊 登绰 倔澜耽绢府捞促. 概快 瞒促 -30147 剐背背府 剐背狼 背府啊 惑技洒 利囚 乐绰 氓磊 -30148 剐背鉴览何 剐背俊辑 荤侩登绰 何利狼 老辆捞促. -30149 葫荐 倔澜耽绢府甫 哎酒父电 澜侥栏肺 促剧茄 犁丰肺 歹款 咯抚 矫盔茄 咐阑 犁傍茄促. -30150 老扁厘炼阿 烤朝 绊力惫 矫例 静咯柳 老扁厘捞促 -30151 戳措狼 何靛矾款判 刚瘤冻捞侩栏肺 力惫郴俊辑 澄府 荤侩登绰 戳措狼 判捞促. -30152 鲍龙摹丰力 狼荤 归绊啊 父电 鲍龙俊 瓤堪捞 乐促绰 距捞促. 角力肺 瓤堪捞 乐绰瘤绰 舅荐 绝促. -30153 采 捞抚绝绰 采栏肺 氢郴啊 内场俊辑 栋唱瘤 臼栏哥 酒访茄 烤眠撅阑 登混府霸 茄促. -30154 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. -30155 固府郴狼 埔带飘 格吧捞俊 荤侩登绰 埔带飘 牢淀 窍促. 缔搁俊绰 固府郴扼绰 捞抚捞 利囚 乐促 -30156 剐背版傈 剐背狼 背府俊 措茄 盒籍 棺 瘤陛鳖瘤 剐背啊 吧绢柯 辨捞 利囚乐促. - -30093 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30094 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30095 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -30096 汗林赣聪 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 - -30192 唱公荐咀 荐笼啊 荤捞俊辑档 备窍扁 绢菲促绰 蓖格 临扁咀.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30193 荤蓖狼焕 钎搁捞 芭磨绊 惑寸洒 窜窜秦 焊捞绰 荤蓖狼 焕.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30194 捧蓖狼帮豪 捧籍牢俊霸辑 化篮 捧冠茄 根嫡捞.惑寸洒 公芭匡巴 鞍促.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30195 葛贰茄框怒 荤炔乞具狼 脚厚肺框阑 前篮 馆娄捞绰 葛贰. | 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30196 荤蓖狼 犁 荤蓖啊 鸥绊 巢篮 啊风. 掘扁 困秦辑绰 惑寸茄 措啊啊 鞘夸窍促.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30197 付过狼揪狙 脚厚肺款 蝴捞 皑档绰 揪狙. 利蓖狼 去捞 淬败乐促绊 茄促.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30198 拱焊籍 玫狼悼奔俊辑 掘阑荐 乐绰 讣绊 捧疙茄 焊籍.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. -30199 八仟弗焊籍 玫狼悼奔狼 八篮 扁款捞 皑档绰 历林罐篮 焊籍.| 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍 绊鞭酒捞袍狼 俺樊俊 荤侩邓聪促. - - -30210 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 2 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30211 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 A 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30212 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 B 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30213 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 E 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30214 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 I 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30215 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 L 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30216 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 M 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30217 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 N 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30218 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 R 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 -30219 没疙籍 仟弗 蝴捞 档绰 累篮 倒竿捞 炼阿 T 扼绰 臂磊啊 技败廉 乐促 - -30220 柳旷蓖康去籍 柳旷蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30221 剐背康去籍 剐背练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30222 荤蓖康去籍 荤蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30223 倔澜幅康去籍 倔澜幅狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30224 蓖格康去籍 蓖格练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30225 捧蓖康去籍 捧蓖练狼 康去捞 淬败 乐促绰 傈汲狼 倒 -30311 陛矫扒 2摸栏肺 郴妨啊绰 巩阑 瘤虐绊 乐绰 唱蔓牢刘籍狼 凯艰 -30312 陛力秦眉籍豪 荤脚陛力厚狼 陛力甫 秦眉且锭 荤侩窍绰 倒肺 父甸绢柳 隆钎 - -30315 焊府户 焊府肺 父甸绢柳 蝶馋蝶馋茄 户, 困俊 谎妨柳 柄狼 氢郴啊 内场阑 胶摹哥 焊绰 捞肺 窍咯陛 焙魔捞 倒 霸 茄促. -30316 惑皑户立矫 户阑 淬扁 困秦 惑皑扁过阑 悼盔窍咯 父甸绢柳 绊鞭胶矾款 弊俯, 控瘤 葛福霸 焊府户阑 棵妨 户葛澜阑 父甸绊 酵绢柳促. -30317 焊府户葛澜 惑皑户立矫俊 焊府户阑 棵妨 父电 焊府户葛澜, 冈澜流 胶反瘤父 郴啊 冈扁焊促绰 硅绊颇 窍绰 捞甸阑 困秦 林绊 酵绢 柳促. -30318 公拳苞 采捞绝捞 凯概甫 肝绰促 窍咯 公拳苞扼绰 捞抚栏肺 阂府快绰 苞老, 咐捞 老前捞哥 力惫郴俊辑 备窍扁 塞电 拱前 吝 窍唱. 腹捞 啊瘤绊 乐栏搁 汗捞 柯促绰 家巩档 乐促. - -30319 荤脚狼 刘钎 荤蓖啪 荤脚捞 啊瘤绊 乐带 刘钎. 酒蓖悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. -30320 荤脚狼 刘钎 荤蓖啪 荤脚捞 啊瘤绊 乐带 刘钎. 酒蓖悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. - -30321 且肺扩 龋冠 且肺扩 绵力俊 荤侩登绰 龋冠. 控瘤 付过豪阑 荤侩窍搁 付瞒肺 函且 巴 鞍促. -30322 且肺扩 付过豪 且肺盔 龋冠俊 荤侩登绰 付过豪 -30323 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 背券鼻 且肺扩 绵力俊 荤侩登绰 龋冠赣府 庆绢肺 背眉窍咯 霖促绊 利囚乐促. - -30321 且肺扩 龋冠 且肺扩 绵力俊 荤侩登绰 龋冠. 控瘤 付过豪阑 荤侩窍搁 付瞒肺 函且 巴 鞍促. -30322 且肺扩 付过豪 且肺盔 龋冠俊 荤侩登绰 付过豪 -30323 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 背券鼻 且肺扩 绵力俊 荤侩登绰 龋冠赣府 庆绢肺 背眉窍咯 霖促绊 利囚乐促. - -30324 瘤林脚备 芭固甸狼 颇祈俊 咯空芭固狼 刀咀殿阑 炼钦窍咯 父电 备浇 | 父甸绢柳瘤 30盒饶俊 荤扼柳促. -30325 瘤林脚备 芭固甸狼 颇祈俊 咯空芭固狼 刀咀殿阑 炼钦窍咯 父电 备浇 | 窍风啊 瘤唱搁 荤扼柳促. -30326 咯空芭固狼 刀咀 咯空芭固狼 刀聪甫 祈阑 栋 盲秒茄 刀咀 | 窍风啊 瘤唱搁 刀狼 脚急档啊 冻绢廉 荤扼柳促. -30327 家券狼 乔府 芭固巩剧捞 技败柳 乔府肺 荤侩矫 绊烹捞 第蝶弗促. | 裙垫等瘤 5盒捞 登搁 荤扼柳促. - -31001 绊措 厚籍狼 殴夯 孺鞠惫狼 郴仿捞 淬变 厚籍狼 殴夯 -31002 绊措 巩辑 肚 促弗 孺鞠惫狼 捞具扁啊 淬变 巩辑 -31003 秦刀力 酒蓖狼 刀阑 摹丰窍绰 秦刀力 -31004 脚己茄 唱公狼 荐咀 措瘤狼 沥扁啊 啊垫茄 脚己格狼 荐咀 -31005 仟弗 荐沥狼 沥鲍 辑茄魂 备固龋狼 焊拱 -31006 河篮 瘤苛狼 搬沥 档堪拳瘤狼 犁丰肺 父甸绢柳 搬沥 -31007 档堪拳瘤狼 入 档堪拳瘤俊辑 惯斑登绰 入 -31008 己仿狼 倒 脚己茄 塞阑 碍窍霸 父靛绰 倒 - -41001 配尝牢屈 蓖咯款 配尝 葛剧狼 牢屈汗厘 | 咯抚俊 馒侩窍搁 歹匡瘤档 巢己侩 -41002 官聪吧 配尝甫 屈惑拳 茄 厘癌捞 牢惑利牢 汗厘 | 第率狼 根角根角茄 部府啊 概仿器牢飘 咯己侩 -41003 荤阜狼 傈荤 荤阜狼 傈汲肺父 傈秦瘤绰 绢货脚狼 汗厘 | 荤阜狼 葛贰客 怕剧蝴阑 滚瓶荐 乐档废 绊救登绢 乐促 巢己侩 -41004 荤阜狼 傈荤 荤阜狼 傈汲肺父 傈秦瘤绰 绢货脚狼 汗厘 | 荤阜狼 葛贰客 怕剧蝴阑 滚瓶荐 乐档废 绊救登绢 乐促 咯己侩 -41005 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 巢己侩 -41006 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 咯己侩 -41007 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 巢己侩 -41008 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 咯己侩 -41009 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 巢己侩 -41010 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 咯己侩 -41011 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 巢己侩 -41012 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 咯己侩 -41013 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 巢己侩 -41014 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 咯己侩 -41015 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 巢己侩 -41016 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 咯己侩 -41017 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 巢己侩 -41018 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 咯己侩 -41019 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 巢己侩 -41020 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 咯己侩 -41021 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 巢己侩 -41022 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 咯己侩 -41023 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 巢己侩 -41024 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 咯己侩 -41025 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 巢己侩 -41026 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 咯己侩 -41027 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 巢己侩 -41028 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 咯己侩 -41029 荤阜狼 傈荤 荤阜狼 傈汲肺父 傈秦瘤绰 绢货脚狼 汗厘 | 荤阜狼 葛贰客 怕剧蝴阑 滚瓶荐 乐档废 绊救登绢 乐促 巢己侩 -41030 荤阜狼 傈荤 荤阜狼 傈汲肺父 傈秦瘤绰 绢货脚狼 汗厘 | 荤阜狼 葛贰客 怕剧蝴阑 滚瓶荐 乐档废 绊救登绢 乐促 咯己侩 -41031 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 巢己侩 -41032 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 咯己侩 -41033 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 巢己侩 -41034 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 咯己侩 -41035 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 巢己侩 -41036 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 咯己侩 -41037 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 巢己侩 -41038 奇教汗 奇教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 咯己侩 -41039 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 巢己侩 -41040 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 咯己侩 -41041 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 巢己侩 -41042 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 咯己侩 -41043 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 巢己侩 -41044 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 咯己侩 -41045 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 巢己侩 -41046 绵备汗 绵备甫 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 咯己侩 -41047 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 巢己侩 -41048 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 老馆屈 咯己侩 -41049 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 巢己侩 -41050 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 刀老屈 咯己侩 -41051 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 巢己侩 -41052 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 磐虐屈 咯己侩 -41053 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 巢己侩 -41054 汗教 汗教阑 榴扁扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 汗厘 | 宏扼龙屈 咯己侩 -45001 配尝 赣府鹅 配尝 蓖葛剧狼 赣府鹅 | 官聪吧 狼惑狼 概仿器牢飘 咯己侩 -45002 配尝呕 蓖咯款 配尝 葛剧狼 牢屈呕 | 咯抚俊 馒侩窍搁 歹匡瘤档 巢己侩 -45003 滴扒 荤阜狼 葛贰客 寝旱阑 阜扁困秦 赣府俊 馒侩窍绰 玫 巢己侩 -45004 滴扒 荤阜狼 葛贰客 寝旱阑 阜扁困秦 赣府俊 馒侩窍绰 玫 咯己侩 -45005 奇教庆绢 奇教俊 弥利拳等 巢磊促款 庆绢胶鸥老 巢己侩 -45006 奇教庆绢 奇教俊 弥利拳等 咯己胶矾款 庆绢胶鸥老 咯己侩 -45007 绵备庆绢 绵备俊 弥利拳等 巢磊促款 庆绢胶鸥老 巢己侩 -45008 绵备庆绢 绵备俊 弥利拳等 咯己胶矾款 庆绢胶鸥老 咯己侩 -45009 汗教庆绢 汗教俊 弥利拳等 巢磊促款 庆绢胶鸥老 巢己侩 -45010 汗教庆绢 汗教俊 弥利拳等 咯己胶矾款 庆绢胶鸥老 咯己侩 -45011 滴扒 荤阜狼 葛贰客 寝旱阑 阜扁困秦 赣府俊 馒侩窍绰 玫 巢己侩 -45012 滴扒 荤阜狼 葛贰客 寝旱阑 阜扁困秦 赣府俊 馒侩窍绰 玫 咯己侩 -45013 奇教庆绢 奇教俊 弥利拳等 巢磊促款 庆绢胶鸥老 巢己侩 -45014 奇教庆绢 奇教俊 弥利拳等 咯己胶矾款 庆绢胶鸥老 咯己侩 -45015 绵备庆绢 绵备俊 弥利拳等 巢磊促款 庆绢胶鸥老 巢己侩 -45016 绵备庆绢 绵备俊 弥利拳等 咯己胶矾款 庆绢胶鸥老 咯己侩 -45017 汗教庆绢 汗教俊 弥利拳等 巢磊促款 庆绢胶鸥老 巢己侩 -45018 汗教庆绢 汗教俊 弥利拳等 咯己胶矾款 庆绢胶鸥老 咯己侩 - -50001 青款狼 辑 巩辑困俊 利腮 老访锅龋俊 蝶扼 惫啊俊辑 眠梅栏肺 焊惑捞 林绢柳促绰 巩辑 -50002 陛馆瘤 穿焙啊 酪绢滚赴淀茄 荐荐茄 陛馆瘤 | 惑痢俊辑 绊啊俊 概涝等促 -50003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 -50004 捞亥飘侩皑瘤扁 -50005 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 40饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50006 陛厘焊拱惑磊 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50007 篮厘焊拱惑磊 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 -50008 陛凯艰 鉴陛栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛厘焊拱惑磊客 陛厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. -50009 篮凯艰 鉴篮栏肺 父甸绢柳 凯艰 | 公攫啊甫 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮厘焊拱惑磊客 篮厘焊拱惑磊+甫 凯 荐 乐促. - -50010 剧富 农府胶付胶 飘府俊 吧绢滴搁 急拱阑 罐阑 荐 乐促绊 茄促 - -50011 岿堡焊钦 拳妨茄 厘侥栏肺 焊绰捞狼 付澜阑 荤肺 棱绰促. 锭锭肺 崔蝴阑 罐栏搁 檬磊楷利 泅惑捞 老绢抄促绊 傈秦瘤绰 惑磊 - -50012 陛厘焊拱惑磊+ 拳妨茄 陛厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 陛凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促. -50013 篮厘焊拱惑磊+ 荐妨茄 篮厘捞 货败柳 惑磊 | 公攫啊肺 凯 荐 乐阑 巴 鞍促 篮凯艰肺 凯 荐 乐促 - -50016 尼盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 尼栏肺 父电 家 -50017 汲帕盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 汲帕栏肺 父电 家 -50018 苞老盔家 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家捍狼 犁丰啊 登绰 苞老栏肺 父电 家 -50019 慢揭乔 盔家捍阑 父甸锭 荤侩登绰 慢揭馆磷 -50020 尼盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 尼盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 眉仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50021 汲帕盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 汲帕盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 沥脚仿阑 傈何雀汗 -50022 苞老盔家捍 绊措 沥岿措焊抚 榴败冈菌促绰 苞老盔家啊 甸绢埃 盔家捍 胶抛固呈甫 傈何雀汗 - -50023 技诡捣林赣聪 货秦甫 嘎酒 傍颊洒 眶绢弗俊霸 巩救 牢荤甫 靛府搁 侩捣栏肺 林矫绰 技诡捣 林赣聪 - -50024 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 咯己侩 -50025 檬妮复 墨墨坷 馆磷俊 剐农 ·滚磐 ·汲帕 ·氢丰 殿阑 梅啊窍咯 被腮 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 巢己侩 - -50027 背券鼻 背券鼻 力档绰 企瘤 登菌嚼聪促. | 家侩绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -50031 厘固 局沥, 荤尔狼 荤磊,青汗茄 荤尔狼 采富阑 啊柳 采, 捞己俊 荤尔阑 傈且锭 腹捞 荤侩等促. 巢己侩 -50032 荤帕 汲帕苞 咯矾啊瘤 犁丰甫 产咯辑 咯矾 啊瘤 葛剧栏肺 父电 苞磊, 捞己俊霸 荤尔阑 傈且锭 荤侩等促 咯己侩 -50033 舅荐绝绰惑磊 捞惑茄 巩磊啊 货败柳 惑磊. 惑磊甫 凯搁 公攫啊 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50034 荐荐膊尝狼 惑磊 惑磊甫 凯搁 巩力甫 辰促绊 给嘎免矫 历林啊 吧赴促绰 悼拳 加俊辑唱 唱棵 淀茄 惑磊 -50035 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50036 绢赴捞朝 急拱惑磊 牢荤唱 扁充, 肚绰 沥阑 唱鸥郴绰 舵栏肺 林绰 惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 林绰捞 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. -50037 腊阿焊窃 茄瘤肺 父甸绢柳 腊阿屈狼 焊拱惑磊肺 惑磊救俊绰 急拱救俊绰 林绰 捞狼 沥捞 啊垫淬变 急拱捞 甸绢乐促. - -50070 旷蓖练厘狼 惑磊 旷蓖练厘捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50071 剐背背林狼 惑磊 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50072 券积茄 剐背背林狼 惑磊 券积茄 剐背背林啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50073 咯空芭固狼 惑磊 咯空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50074 措空芭固狼 惑磊 措空芭固啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50075 措屈 皑堪 概俺盲狼 惑磊 措屈皑堪概俺眉啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50076 芭措 荤阜 芭合狼 惑磊 芭措 荤阜 芭合捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50077 备固龋狼 惑磊 备固龋啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50078 穿贩裹蓖狼 惑磊 穿贩裹蓖啊 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50079 拳堪空狼 惑磊 拳堪空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50080 拳锋狼 惑磊 拳锋捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50081 荤蓖空狼 惑磊 荤蓖空捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 -50082 荤脚狼 惑磊 荤脚捞 瘤聪绊 乐带 惑磊. 凯绢焊搁 公攫啊 家吝茄 巴捞 唱棵巴 鞍促 - -50050 付菩 措家 包盔甸捞 傍公肺 瘤规俊 唱哎锭 开付甫 隆惯且 荐 乐绰 刘钎肺 荤侩登带 菩 富 涅胶飘俊 荤侩啊瓷 -50051 铰付档 惫啊俊辑 富阑 呕 荐 乐促绰 刘钎肺 林绰 老辆狼 钎侥 檬鞭富 家券 | 沥脚仿 100 家葛 -50052 霖付辑 绢蠢沥档 铰付俊 瓷茄 捞俊霸 惫啊俊辑 郴妨林绰 铰付刘辑 铰付吝 傍拜啊瓷 吝鞭富 家券 | 沥脚仿 200 家葛 -50053 归霖辑 绊措 急牢捞 巢变 付惑扁贱辑肺 付癌阑 促风绰 夸飞捞 利囚乐绰 辑利 | 付惑胶懦 荤侩啊瓷 绊鞭富 家券 | 沥脚仿 300 家葛 -50054 扒檬 钱阑 海绢 扒炼矫难 父电 富 傈侩荤丰. 檬鞭富 荤丰 -50055 寸辟 全寸公扼绊档 窍哥, 谎府绰 苯绊 梆栏哥 炔祸·皑祸·河篮 祸阑 鹅绊 荤丰肺 荤侩. 吝鞭富 荤丰 -50056 全伙 荐伙阑 虑辑 富赴 河篮 牢伙. 绊鞭富篮 全伙 观俊 冈瘤 臼绰促. 绊鞭富 荤丰 -50057 窍急悼 急檬 檬鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 窍急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 檬鞭富 何劝 -50058 吝急悼 急檬 吝鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 吝急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 吝鞭富 何劝 -50059 惑急悼 急檬 绊鞭富阑 登混副荐 乐促绰 | 傈汲狼 距檬| 惑急悼 盔件捞甸捞 瘤虐绊 乐促绊 茄促. 绊鞭富 何劝 -50060 付惑 扁贱 荐访辑 付惑 扁贱捞 利囚乐绰 荐访辑 荐访 己傍矫 付惑扁贱 1 器牢飘啊 积变促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. 50饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50067 柳拳狼 辑 脚厚茄 巩剧捞 技败柳 厚傈辑肺 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 呕 巴阑 柳拳 矫难霖促. -50068 阿己狼 辑 脚厚茄 巩剧捞 技败柳 厚傈辑肺 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 呕 巴阑 阿己 矫难霖促. - -50083 铰付鼻 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 焊咯林搁 富阑 傍楼肺 呕 荐 乐促 10饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50084 搬拌秦眉籍 绊措狼 塞栏肺 豪牢等 豪牢籍狼 搬拌甫 秦眉窍绰单 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 涝聪促. - -50091 贺绢檬逛 贺绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50092 雷绢檬逛 雷绢甫 昏囚 父电 刀漂茄 檬逛 | 晨技啊 刀漂窍咯 奖霸 冈扁啊 塞甸促 -50093 楷绢檬逛 脚急茄 楷绢甫 棱酒 父电 冈扁 酒鳖款 檬逛 | 河篮 祸捞 矫阿阑 磊必茄促 傍拜仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促 -50094 皋扁檬逛 皋扁甫 棱酒 父电 粱贸烦 焊扁 塞电 檬逛 | 入晨技甫 绝局扁困秦 促剧茄 氢丰甫 荤侩茄促 规绢仿 例措摹 10阑 棵妨凛聪促. - -50100 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (焊扼祸) -50101 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (畴鄂祸) -50102 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (窍疵祸) -50103 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 弧埃祸) -50104 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 檬废祸) -50105 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 (曝捞屈 闰祸) - -50106 农府胶付胶 气磷 农府胶付胶侩 绵力气磷 | 老馆气磷俊 厚秦 拳妨窍促 -50108 曝捞 唱公甫 憋酒父电 巴栏肺 绢赴酒捞甸狼 曝捞盲肺 媚辑 倒府哥 愁荐 乐绰 厘抄皑 老沥犬伏肺 胶畔傍拜 - -50123 酒捞胶农覆 歹困甫 矫盔窍霸 朝妨临|酒捞胶农覆 困俊|捞加林 矫反阑 啊垫 谎啡促 -50124 捞颇狼惑磊 玫狼悼奔狼 傈汲 加 捞颇啊 瘤聪绊 乐绰 惑磊 - -50182 河篮 厚剐狼 惑磊 拳妨茄 葛剧狼 咯摧捞侥 堆脖阑 啊柳 河篮 惑磊. 控瘤葛福霸 惑磊 救俊绰 家吝窍绊 厚剐胶矾款 拱扒捞 淬败 乐阑巴 鞍促. -50183 荤帕 荤帕荐荐殿阑 烹秦 眠免茄 寸阑 踌捞绊 被囚辑 父电 崔绊 咐乐绰 冈芭府, 窜 腹捞 冈栏搁 捞弧捞 解芭唱 混捞 埋荐 乐促. 捞悼加档 10% | 傍拜仿 5% | 版氰摹 10% | 瘤加矫埃 : 30盒 - - -50200 焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 凯 荐 乐促 -50300 扁贱 荐访辑 扁贱 付胶磐 饭骇阑 棵妨霖促 - -50301 颊磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50302 坷磊捍过辑 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50303 困丰磊 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50304 扁瓤脚辑 扁檬利牢 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50305 楷捍角扁 促剧茄 焙荤 硅摹客 傈捧 规过捞 利囚乐绰 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促. | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. -50306 公厚瘤 开措狼 葛电 捍过辑甫 曼绊窍咯 父甸绢柳 捍过辑 | 楷拌扁 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促. - -50160 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50161 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50162 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50163 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50164 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50165 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50166 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50167 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50168 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50169 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50170 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50171 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50172 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50173 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50174 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50175 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50176 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50177 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50178 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50179 何劝例崔翱 何拳 饶 捍酒府啊 登绰 家积阑 惑隆窍绰 崔翱 | 柄绢冈扁俊绰 酒抚翠促 -50180 后官备聪 控瘤 葛福霸 崔翱阑 持绢滴搁 何拳且 巴 鞍促. -50181 崔翱官备聪 崔翱阑 盲款 官备聪肺 控瘤葛福霸 蝶舵茄 蠢肠捞 抄促 -50187 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 皋凭2 技惑阑 葛氰且 锭 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍捞 甸绢乐绰 急拱惑磊 -50188 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 10饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50189 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 20饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50190 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 30饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50191 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 40饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50192 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 50饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50193 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 60饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50194 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 70饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50195 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 80饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 -50196 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 90饭骇 捞惑 荤侩 啊瓷 - -50197 舅 荐 绝绰 焊蝶府 公均牢啊 甸绢乐绰 淀 家吝洒 阶咯廉 乐绰 焊蝶府 -50198 舅 荐 绝绰 焊蝶府 公均牢啊 甸绢乐绰 淀 家吝洒 阶咯廉 乐绰 焊蝶府 -50199 舅 荐 绝绰 焊蝶府 公均牢啊 甸绢乐绰 淀 家吝洒 阶咯廉 乐绰 焊蝶府 -50203 舅 荐 绝绰 急拱惑磊 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 惑磊 -50204 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 -50205 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 -50206 八篮 磊俺 惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 八篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 孺 蝴捞 档绰 惑磊 -50207 固荤侩 固荤侩 -50208 固荤侩 固荤侩 -50209 固荤侩 固荤侩 -50210 固荤侩 固荤侩 -50211 固荤侩 固荤侩 - -50212 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 皋凭2 技惑阑 葛氰且 锭 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍捞 甸绢乐绰 急拱惑磊 -50213 河篮 磊俺 急拱惑磊 孺窜唱公俊 河篮 渴磨阑 窍绊 弊 困俊 磊俺甫 棵妨 操刮 河篮 蝴捞 档绰 急拱惑磊 皋凭2 技惑阑 葛氰且 锭 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍捞 甸绢乐绰 急拱惑磊 -50214 风厚惑磊 河篮 风厚啊 冠囚乐绰 绊浅胶矾款 惑磊肺 荤侩窍搁 控瘤 亮篮 老捞 积辨 巴 鞍促 -50215 且肺扩 惑磊 龋冠阑 楷惑窍绰 畴鄂祸俊 蓖咯款 钎沥捞 弊妨廉 乐绰 且肺扩 单捞 急拱惑磊 - -50216 鄂林 林赣聪 拌鄂苞 快蜡 弊府绊 贱阑 解绢 父电 澜丰啊 淬变 弥绊鞭 啊磷 林赣聪 捞悼加档 10% | 傍拜仿 5% | 版氰摹 10% | 瘤加矫埃 : 30盒 - -50217 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 公荤侩 -50218 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 磊按侩 -50219 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 荐扼侩 -50220 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 公寸侩 -50221 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 焊炼胶懦侩 -50222 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 公荤 唱茄焙侩 -50223 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 公荤 喊扁焙侩 -50224 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 磊按 厚混焙侩 -50225 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 磊按 碍畴焙 -50226 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 荐扼 孺付焙 -50227 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 荐扼 券公焙 -50228 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 公寸 玫锋焙 -50229 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 公寸 堡汾焙 -50230 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 公荤侩 -50231 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 磊按侩 -50232 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 荐扼侩 -50233 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 | 公寸侩 -50234 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 剧乔瘤肺 阶咯柳 舅 荐 绝绰 荐访辑 -50235 舅 荐 绝绰 急拱惑磊 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 惑磊 -50236 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 公荤唱茄 -50237 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 磊按喊扁 -50238 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 荐扼厚混 -50239 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 公寸碍畴 -50240 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 公荤孺付 -50241 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 磊按券公 -50242 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 荐扼玫锋 -50243 柳蓖茄 格阿窃 锅俺 嘎篮 冠崔唱公肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 辑利焊包窃 | 公寸堡汾 - -50244 舅荐绝绰惑磊 G4Box侩 焊惑惑磊 -50245 翠肥窃 鸥牢俊霸 罐篮 抗(邕)甫 氨扁 困秦 家沥狼 急拱阑 持绢 傈崔窍绰 惑磊 | 凯绢焊搁 亮篮 急拱捞 唱棵 巴 鞍促. 弊府绊 器厘俊绰 酒贰客 鞍篮 皋技瘤啊 利囚 乐促. 亮篮 狼斑 皑荤靛赋聪促. -50246 汗 林赣聪 茄锭 牢扁 臭疽带 蓖茄 巴捞 甸绢乐阑 淀茄 厚窜 林赣聪 -50247 愁捞侩 气磷惑磊 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 咯矾啊瘤 气磷捞 甸绢乐绰 惑磊 -50248 急牢狼 惑磊 绊措 荐青茄 急牢狼 扁款捞 标甸绢 乐促绊 傈秦瘤绰 傈汲狼 惑磊 | 荤侩 矫 急牢狼 扁款捞 傈崔瞪 巴 鞍促 版氰摹 眠啊 -50249 扁充急拱惑磊 控瘤 葛福霸 惑磊甫 凯菌阑 锭 亮篮 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. - -50311 脚荐 绢过 脚荐惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50312 玫炼 绢过 玫炼惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 -50313 柳畴 绢过 柳畴惫 富阑 硅匡 荐 乐促 - -50307 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) 檬鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50308 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) 吝鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50309 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) 绊鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 -50310 烙公荐青辑(漂鞭) 漂鞭 烙公啊 惯积茄促 - -50314 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 15饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50315 敌癌扁贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 25饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 -50316 扁巩敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 敌癌且 荐 乐促 | 烹贾仿阑 棵妨霖促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 35饭骇 捞惑 荤侩啊瓷 - -50401 伙楷曼 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 伙楷曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50402 迫规浅快 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 迫规浅快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50403 傈蓖去 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 傈蓖去 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50404 八版 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 八版 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50405 藕券拜 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 藕券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50406 扁趋秒疙 荐访辑 唱茄焙 扁贱 扁趋秒疙 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50416 扁傍曼 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 扁傍曼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50417 拜魂鸥快 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 拜魂鸥快 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50418 措柳阿 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 措柳阿 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50419 玫辟眠 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 玫辟眠 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50420 八浅 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 八浅 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50421 锄八档贰 荐访辑 喊扁焙 扁贱 锄八档贰 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50431 鞠嚼 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 鞠嚼 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50432 泵脚藕康 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 泵脚藕康 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50433 瞒符混 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 瞒符混 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50434 篮屈过 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 篮屈过 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50435 魂傍盒 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 魂傍盒 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50436 孺级荐 荐访辑 厚混焙 扁贱 孺级荐 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50446 楷荤 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 楷荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50447 包拜贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 包拜贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50448 拳炼颇 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 拳炼颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50449 版傍贱 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 版傍贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50450 刀扁泵 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 刀扁泵 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50451 级堡藕 荐访辑 碍畴焙 扁贱 级堡藕 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50461 尖飞瘤 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 尖飞瘤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50462 侩鼻颇 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 侩鼻颇 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50463 蓖八 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 蓖八 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50464 傍器 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 傍器 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50465 林付癌 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 林付癌 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50466 颇过贱 荐访辑 券公焙 扁贱 颇过贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50476 付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50477 拳堪气 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 拳堪气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50478 公康柳 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 公康柳 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50479 孺脚荐龋 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 孺脚荐龋 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50480 捧加付飞 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 捧加付飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50481 付券拜 荐访辑 孺付焙 扁贱 付券拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50491 厚颇何 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 厚颇何 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50492 侩颇魂 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 侩颇魂 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50493 菩锋气 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 菩锋气 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50494 龋脚 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 龋脚 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50495 馆荤 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 馆荤 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50496 扁玫措傍 荐访辑 玫锋焙 扁贱 扁玫措傍 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50506 锄傈飞 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 锄傈飞 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50507 涵遏 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 涵遏 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50508 气汾拜 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 气汾拜 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50509 沥诀牢 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 沥诀牢 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50510 蔫加 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 蔫加 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 -50511 刘仿贱 荐访辑 堡汾焙 扁贱 刘仿贱 付胶磐 荐访俊 荤侩等促|茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50512 坷盲籍 付澜狼 传牢 缴救阑 哆霸 窍咯 磊扁啊 啊柳 葛电 扁贱狼 货肺款 技拌甫 焊咯霖促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 瞪 荐 乐促 -50513 去籍 缴救阑 夺 捞饶 炼陛歹 臭篮 扁贱阑 啊瘤扁 困秦 盟概力肺 荤侩等促绰 傈汲狼 籍 弊罚靛 付胶磐 苞沥阑 荐访且 荐 乐促 - -50600 盲奔 荐访辑 盲奔 荐访俊 荤侩等促 | 茄锅 佬篮 氓篮 荤扼柳促 - -50601 促捞酒阁靛盔籍 辨靛 促捞酒阁靛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 促捞酒阁靛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50602 龋冠盔籍 _ -50603 拳籍格盔籍 辨靛 拳籍格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 拳籍格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50604 备府盔籍 辨靛 备府 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 备府肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50605 篮盔籍 辨靛 篮 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 篮栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50606 陛盔籍 辨靛 陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50607 苛盔籍 辨靛 苛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 苛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50608 孺窜格 辨靛 孺窜格 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 孺窜格栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50609 柳林炼阿 辨靛 柳林 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 柳林肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50610 归陛盔籍 辨靛 归陛 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 归陛栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50611 荐沥盔籍 辨靛 荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50612 磊荐沥盔籍 辨靛 磊荐沥 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 磊荐沥栏肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. -50613 玫风盔籍 辨靛 玫风 侩堡肺甫 烹秦 玫风肺 沥力啊 啊瓷茄 盔籍涝聪促. - -50621 促捞酒阁靛 焊籍栏肺辑 弥绊狼 磊府甫 瞒瘤窍绰 焊籍栏肺 咀技辑府 酒捞袍俊 家南阑 眠啊窍咯 凛聪促 -50622 龋冠 _ -50623 拳籍格 唱公啊 顶加俊 汞囚 坷贰悼救 拳籍拳啊 柳青等 柳蓖茄 唱公 | 唱公 厩技荤府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50624 备府 悼捞扼绊档 阂府快哥 拳企肺结 磊林 荤侩登绰 陛加 | 备府 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50625 篮 没归祸狼 酒抚促款 堡琶阑 啊瘤哥 蓖陛加 | 篮 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50626 陛 炔陛蝴 堡琶捞 唱绰 措钎利牢 蓖陛加 | 陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50627 苛 厚秒肺 阂府快绰 窜荤沥拌俊 加窍绰 堡拱狼 窍唱 | 苛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50628 孺窜 绊措肺 何磐 窜窜窍扁客 啊罕扁啊 措窜窍咯 抗肺何磐 捞侩登绢坷带 唱公 | 孺窜 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50629 柳林 炼俺狼 眉郴俊 积变 藕魂漠椒阑 林己盒栏肺 窍绰 备浇葛剧狼 焊籍 | 柳林 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50630 归陛 篮归祸狼 蓖陛加栏肺 篮焊促 窜窜窍绊, 傈己(铟圊)·楷己(媾圊)捞 乐促 | 归陛 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50631 荐沥 搬沥屈捞 堆非茄 籍康狼 老馆疙栏肺 农府胶呕捞扼绊档 茄促 | 荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50632 磊荐沥 磊林祸狼 咯矾 祸炼甫 啊柳 荐沥 | 磊荐沥 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 -50633 玫风 备抚绝捞 郴赴 壶拱捞 顶俊 胶哥甸绢 搬沥阑 捞凤 父甸绢柳 焊籍 | 玫风 咀技辑府俊 厘馒且 荐 乐促 - -50701 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50702 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50703 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50704 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50705 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50706 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50707 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50708 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50709 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50710 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50711 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 -50712 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 盲扁而 楷备侩 - -50721 汗件酒采 汗件酒 唱公狼 采栏肺 急牢甸捞 剑阑 父甸扁档 窍看促|乔何固侩俊 亮促绊 舅妨柳 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50722 档扼瘤 采富捞 ‘康盔茄 荤尔’牢 咯矾秦混捞 钱肺 茄狼切俊 腹捞 荤侩等促.. | 扁魔皑扁, 玫侥俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁 距 力炼侩 -50723 皑采 咯磊甸捞 皑采栏肺 格吧捞甫 父甸绢 吧搁 酒甸阑 澈绰促绰 傈汲阑 啊柳 采 | 鞭己,父己皑堪俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距犁. 距 力炼侩 -50724 啊矫坷啊乔 牢伙苞 鞍篮 滴辅 唱公苞俊 加窍绰 倡勘己 劝勘包格栏肺 弊 积辫货啊 魂伙阑 脆疽促.|寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50725 籍芒器 寇侗蕾侥拱 玫巢己格 玫巢己苞狼 咯矾秦混捞钱 |锄劝己拳俊 档框阑 林绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50726 康瘤滚几 茄距犁丰肺 蓖窍霸 荤侩窍绊 厘侥侩栏肺档 捞侩登哥 阂肺檬扼 阂赴促 | 阂搁刘俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50727 父捍檬 街侗蕾侥拱 柳崔贰格 柳崔贰苞狼 惑废包格. | 脚版艰距殿俊 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50728 魂煌唱公 扁备犁·炼阿犁·炼覆荐 殿栏肺 静绊 蕾篮 穿俊狼 荤丰, 唱公伯龙篮 距侩捞唱 力瘤侩栏肺 荤侩登绰 唱公 | 厚父俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50729 刮甸饭 檬氛采格 惫拳苞 角拱肺 器傍康(碗缛), 救龙规捞, 公郊笛饭, 刮靛扼固殿栏肺 阂府款促 | 牢饶堪俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50730 全拳揪 勒采捞扼绊 阂府快绰 全拳狼 揪捞促 | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50731 措眠 措眠唱公狼 凯概. | 榜促傍刘俊 瓤苞啊 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 -50732 伙瘤备勘檬 概磊唱公苞俊 加窍哥 澜剧胞殿狼 捞抚栏肺 阂府快扁档 茄促 |寸储捍撅力 瓤瓷捞 乐绰 距力 距 力炼侩 - -50801 汗件酒采咀 汗件酒采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50802 档扼瘤咀 档扼瘤肺 父电 馏咀 STR +5 -50803 皑采荐 皑采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50804 啊矫坷啊乔荐 啊矫坷啊乔肺 父电 馏咀 -50805 籍芒器咀 籍芒器肺 父电 馏咀 -50806 康瘤滚几咀 康瘤滚几栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50807 父捍檬咀 父捍檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50808 魂煌唱公咀 魂煌唱公肺 父电 馏咀 -50809 刮甸饭咀 刮甸饭采栏肺 父电 馏咀 -50810 全拳揪咀 全拳揪肺 父电 馏咀 -50811 措眠咀 措眠肺 父电 馏咀 -50812 伙瘤备勘檬咀 伙瘤备勘檬肺 父电 馏咀 -50813 劝缴咀 汗件酒采咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 包烹 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50814 乔刀咀 档扼瘤咀俊 籍芒器甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 摹疙鸥 犬伏 +10% ( 3盒 ) -50815 焊券荐 皑采荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50816 康焊荐 啊矫坷啊乔荐俊 康瘤滚几阑 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 -50817 柳劝缴咀 劝缴咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 傍拜仿 +50 -50818 柳乔刀咀 乔刀荐咀俊 父捍檬甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 规绢仿 +70 -50819 柳焊券咀 焊券荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 付过 历亲 +10% -50820 柳康焊咀 康焊荐俊 魂煌唱公甫 歹秦 父甸绢辰 距 - -50821 利惑咀 乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50822 全惑咀 劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50823 炔惑咀 柳康焊咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50824 踌惑咀 柳焊券咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50825 没惑咀 柳劝缴咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 -50826 归惑咀 柳乔刀咀阑 槛己矫难 父甸绢辰 傈捧焊炼距 | 槛己栏肺 父甸绢廉 距付促 己瓷捞 促福促 - -50901 后距捍 距力炼矫 荤侩登绰 后 距捍 - -50902 力炼贱涝巩辑 -50903 力炼劝侩辑 -50904 力炼绊鞭劝侩辑 - -50905 劝缴咀 力炼过 -50906 乔刀荐 力炼过 -50907 焊券荐 力炼过 -50908 康焊荐 力炼过 -50909 柳乔刀 力炼过 -50910 劝缴咀 力炼过 - -51001 劝籍 酒捞袍 盒尖矫 裙垫登绰 付仿捞 标电 倒炼阿 -51002 扁面咀 劝籍阑 刘幅荐俊 刘幅窍咯 父甸绢辰 距 -51003 犁啊籍 劝籍阑 览绵窍咯 父甸绢辰 脚厚肺款 蝴彬狼 倒 - -51501 侩去盔籍 老馆殿鞭狼 侩去盔籍 -51502 侩去盔籍 老馆殿鞭狼 侩去盔籍 -51503 拳妨茄侩去盔籍 拳妨茄 殿鞭鳖瘤 器窃等 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51504 锐蓖茄侩去盔籍 锐蓖茄 殿鞭鳖瘤 器窃等 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51505 绊措狼侩去盔籍 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 器窃等 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51506 傈汲狼侩去盔籍 老馆殿鞭阑 力寇茄 葛电 殿鞭捞 器窃等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51507 拳妨茄侩去盔籍 拳妨茄 殿鞭栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51508 锐蓖茄侩去盔籍 锐蓖茄 殿鞭栏肺 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51509 绊措狼侩去盔籍 绊措殿鞭父栏肺 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51510 傈汲狼侩去盔籍 傈汲殿鞭栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51511 归锋侩去盔籍 归锋籍栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51512 拳锋侩去盔籍 拳锋籍栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51513 浅锋侩去盔籍 浅锋籍栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51514 枚锋侩去盔籍 枚侩籍栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51515 锄锋侩去盔籍 锄锋籍栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51516 孺锋侩去盔籍 孺锋籍栏肺父 备己等 侩去盔籍 -51517 归锋侩去盔籍(拳妨鳖瘤) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51518 拳锋侩去盔籍(拳妨鳖瘤) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51519 浅锋侩去盔籍(拳妨鳖瘤) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51520 枚锋侩去盔籍(拳妨鳖瘤) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51521 锄锋侩去盔籍(拳妨鳖瘤) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51522 孺锋侩去盔籍(拳妨鳖瘤) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51523 归锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖鳖瘤) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51524 拳锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖鳖瘤) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51525 浅锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖鳖瘤) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51526 枚锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖鳖瘤) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51527 锄锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖鳖瘤) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51528 孺锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖鳖瘤) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51529 归锋侩去盔籍(绊措鳖瘤) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51530 拳锋侩去盔籍(绊措鳖瘤) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51531 浅锋侩去盔籍(绊措鳖瘤) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51532 枚锋侩去盔籍(绊措鳖瘤) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51533 锄锋侩去盔籍(绊措鳖瘤) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51534 孺锋侩去盔籍(绊措鳖瘤) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51535 归锋侩去盔籍(傈汲鳖瘤) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51536 拳锋侩去盔籍(傈汲鳖瘤) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51537 浅锋侩去盔籍(傈汲鳖瘤) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51538 枚锋侩去盔籍(傈汲鳖瘤) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51539 锄锋侩去盔籍(傈汲鳖瘤) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51540 孺锋侩去盔籍(傈汲鳖瘤) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51541 侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 侩去籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51542 归锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 归锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51543 拳锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 拳锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51544 浅锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 浅锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51545 枚锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 枚锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51546 锄锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 锄锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51547 孺锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 孺锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51548 侩去盔籍(傈眉器褒屈) 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 器窃等 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51549 侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 侩去籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51550 归锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 归锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51551 拳锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 拳锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51552 浅锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 浅锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51553 枚锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 枚锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51554 锄锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 锄锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51555 孺锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 孺锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51556 归锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 归锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51557 拳锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 拳锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51558 浅锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 浅锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51559 枚锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 枚锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51560 锄锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 锄锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51561 孺锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 孺锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51562 侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 侩去籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51563 归锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 归锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51564 拳锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 拳锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51565 浅锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 浅锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51566 枚锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 枚锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51567 锄锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 锄锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51568 孺锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 孺锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51569 侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 侩去籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51570 归锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 归锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51571 拳锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 拳锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51572 浅锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 浅锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51573 枚锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 枚锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51574 锄锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 锄锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51575 孺锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 孺锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51576 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 拳妨) 侩去籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51577 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 拳妨) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51578 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 拳妨) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51579 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 拳妨) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51580 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 拳妨) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51581 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 拳妨) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51582 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 拳妨) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 拳妨殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~拳妨 -51583 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 锐蓖) 侩去籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51584 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 锐蓖) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51585 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 锐蓖) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51586 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 锐蓖) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51587 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 锐蓖) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51588 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 锐蓖) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51589 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 锐蓖) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~锐蓖 -51590 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 绊措) 侩去籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51591 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 绊措) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51592 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 绊措) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51593 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 绊措) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51594 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 绊措) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51595 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 绊措) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51596 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 绊措) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~绊措 -51597 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 傈汲) 侩去籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51598 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 傈汲) 归锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51599 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 傈汲) 拳锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51600 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 傈汲) 浅锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51601 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 傈汲) 枚锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51602 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 傈汲) 锄锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51603 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(老馆俊辑 傈汲) 孺锋籍 吝 老馆俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 老馆~傈汲 -51604 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 侩去籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51605 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 归锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51606 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 拳锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51607 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 浅锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51608 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 枚锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51609 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 锄锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51610 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 锐蓖) 孺锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 锐蓖殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~锐蓖 -51611 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 侩去籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51612 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 归锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51613 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 拳锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51614 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 浅锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51615 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 枚锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51616 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 锄锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51617 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 绊措) 孺锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~绊措 -51618 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 侩去籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51619 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 归锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51620 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 拳锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51621 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 浅锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51622 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 枚锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51623 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 锄锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51624 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(拳妨俊辑 傈汲) 孺锋籍 吝 拳妨俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 拳妨~傈汲 -51625 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 侩去籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51626 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 归锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51627 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 拳锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51628 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 浅锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51629 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 枚锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51630 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 锄锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51631 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 绊措) 孺锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 绊措殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~绊措 -51632 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 侩去籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51633 碍仿茄 归锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 归锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51634 碍仿茄 拳锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 拳锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51635 碍仿茄 浅锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 浅锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51636 碍仿茄 枚锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 枚锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51637 碍仿茄 锄锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 锄锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51638 碍仿茄 孺锋侩去盔籍(锐蓖俊辑 傈汲) 孺锋籍 吝 锐蓖俊辑 傈汲殿鞭鳖瘤 备己等 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 锐蓖~傈汲 -51639 盔籍惑磊(拳妨鳖瘤) 侩去盔籍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~拳妨 -51640 碍仿茄 盔籍惑磊(拳妨鳖瘤) 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~拳妨 -51641 碍仿茄 盔籍 技飘 惑磊(拳妨鳖瘤) 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 技飘啊 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~拳妨 -51642 盔籍 技飘惑磊(拳妨鳖瘤) 侩去籍 技飘啊 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~拳妨 -51643 盔籍惑磊(锐蓖鳖瘤) 侩去盔籍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~锐蓖 -51644 碍仿茄 盔籍惑磊(锐蓖鳖瘤) 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍捞 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~锐蓖 -51645 碍仿茄 盔籍 技飘 惑磊(锐蓖鳖瘤) 碍仿茄 侩去盔籍 技飘啊 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~锐蓖 -51646 盔籍 技飘惑磊(锐蓖鳖瘤) 侩去籍 技飘啊 甸绢 乐绰 惑磊 老馆~锐蓖 - -52001 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52002 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52003 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52004 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52005 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52006 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52007 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52008 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52009 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52010 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52011 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52012 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52013 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52014 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52015 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌盔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52016 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52017 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52018 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52019 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52020 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52021 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52022 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52023 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52024 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52025 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52026 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52027 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52028 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52029 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52030 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌尔阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52031 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52032 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52033 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52034 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52035 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52036 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52037 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52038 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52039 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52040 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52041 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52042 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52043 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52044 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52045 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌荤磊甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52046 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52047 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52048 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52049 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52050 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52051 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52052 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52053 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52054 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52055 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52056 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52057 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52058 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52059 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52060 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌龋甫 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52061 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52062 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52063 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52064 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52065 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52066 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52067 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52068 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52069 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52070 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52071 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52072 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52073 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52074 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52075 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌箭鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 -52076 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52077 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52078 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52079 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52080 檬鞭 家券狼 菩 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -52081 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +3% -52082 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 3% 眠啊 -52083 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +250 -52084 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +50 -52085 吝鞭 家券狼 菩 抄气茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +30 -52086 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 阁胶磐俊 碍窃 +5% -52087 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 版氰摹 5% 眠啊 -52088 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 积疙仿 +500 -52089 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 规绢仿 +150 -52090 绊鞭 家券狼 菩 侩竿茄 傈癌鞠鉴废阑 家券 矫|荤侩窍绰 刘钎 傍拜仿 +100 - -52701 傈癌荤磊 背券鼻 傈癌荤磊狼 荤侩鼻茄捞 利囚乐绰 钎 | 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 啊廉啊搁 傈癌荤磊肺 背券窍咯 霖促. -52702 傈癌龋 背券鼻 傈癌龋狼 荤侩鼻茄捞 利囚乐绰 钎 | 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 啊廉啊搁 傈癌龋肺 背券窍咯 霖促. -52703 傈癌盔 背券鼻 傈癌盔狼 荤侩鼻茄捞 利囚乐绰 钎 | 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 啊廉啊搁 傈癌盔栏肺 背券窍咯 霖促. -52704 傈癌尔 背券鼻 傈癌尔狼 荤侩鼻茄捞 利囚乐绰 钎 | 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 啊廉啊搁 傈癌尔栏肺 背券窍咯 霖促. -52705 傈癌箭鉴废 背券鼻 傈癌箭鉴废狼 荤侩鼻茄捞 利囚乐绰 钎 | 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 啊廉啊搁 傈癌箭鉴废栏肺 背券窍咯 霖促. -52706 傈癌鞠鉴废 背券鼻 傈癌鞠鉴废狼 荤侩鼻茄捞 利囚乐绰 钎 | 付备埃 版厚捍俊霸 啊廉啊搁 傈癌鞠鉴废栏肺 背券窍咯 霖促. - -53001 阂荤炼家券菩 踌苛俊 阂荤炼狼 屈惑阑 货败 父电 酒抚促款 菩 -53002 酒扁鉴废家券菩 蓖咯款 酒扁鉴废狼 葛嚼捞 踌苛俊 炼阿登绢 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 -53003 葫堪阂荤炼家券菩 葫苛俊 阂荤炼狼 屈惑阑 货败 父电 酒抚促款 菩 -53004 阂荤炼家券菩 踌苛俊 阂荤炼狼 屈惑阑 货败 父电 酒抚促款 菩 -53005 颇炔 豪牢捍 颇炔狼 去捞 淬败廉 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 林贱利 巩剧捞 货败柳 酒抚促款 捍 | 酒蓖悼奔, 荤蓖啪 2摸捞惑老 版快 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% -53006 颇炔 豪牢捍 (漂) 颇炔狼 去捞 淬败廉 乐促绊 舅妨廉 乐绰 林贱利 巩剧捞 货败柳 酒抚促款 捍 | 酒蓖悼奔, 荤蓖啪 2摸捞惑老 版快 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% -53007 酒扁鉴废家券鼻 蓖咯款 酒扁鉴废狼 葛嚼捞 踌苛俊 炼阿登绢 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% 2012 农府胶付胶 傈侩 -53008 酒扁归磅 家券鼻 蓖咯款 酒扁 归磅阑 家券且 荐 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% -53009 酒扁奇歹 家券鼻 蓖咯款 酒扁 埔歹甫 家券且 荐 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% -53010 酒扁傈癌荤磊家券菩 蓖咯款 酒扁 荤磊甫 家券且 荐 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% -53011 酒扁傈癌龋家券菩 蓖咯款 酒扁 龋尔捞甫 家券且 荐 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% -53012 酒扁傈癌盔家券菩 蓖咯款 酒扁 镐蹬瘤甫 家券且 荐 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% -53013 酒扁傈癌尔家券菩 蓖咯款 酒扁 戳措甫 家券且 荐 乐绰 酒抚促款 菩 | 积疙仿 + 1500 | 傍拜仿 +15% - -53501 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 阂荤炼 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53502 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁鉴废 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53503 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 葫堪阂荤炼 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53504 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 阂荤炼 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53505 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 秦榜 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53506 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 陛蝴 秦榜 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53507 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁鉴废 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53508 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁 归磅 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53509 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁 埔歹 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53510 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁 荤磊 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53511 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁 龋尔捞 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53512 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁 杆蹬瘤 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 -53513 踌阿 焊包窃 窜窜茄 唱公惑磊俊 踌祸 刻阑 磨窍绊 拳妨窍霸 操刮 惑磊 | 酒扁 戳措 葛剧狼 炼阿捞 技败廉 乐促 - -60001 旷淬 -60002 芒绊瘤扁眠玫辑 -60003 康旷狼刘钎 - -70001 咯脚牢屈 -70002 力伙狼颊 -70003 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促 -70004 辟搁窃狼 绕厘 概快 何瘤繁窍绊 己角茄 荤恩俊霸 林绢瘤绰 惑 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70005 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -70006 攫绢馆瘤 檬扁 玫炼, 柳畴, 脚荐 伙惫狼 盒且捞 倔付登瘤 臼疽带 锭俊 烹惑格利栏肺 父甸绢柳 父惫 傍烹绢 馆瘤. 寇背 格利栏肺档 磊林 静看栏唱, 泅犁 巢酒乐绰 箭磊绰 弊府 腹瘤 臼促 促弗 唱扼 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁且 荐 乐促 -70007 捞悼馆瘤 -70008 归扁 傈捧 器扁甫 狼固窍绰 窍踞 标惯. 锭沸 缴茄 何惑磊啊 乐促绰 钎矫肺 标惯 吝居俊 河篮 趋急捞 弊绢廉 乐扁档 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸捞 磊脚俊 措茄 傍拜阑 肛冕促 -70009 焊拱惑磊 -70010 芒绊捞侩鼻 -70011 殿鞭惑铰拱距 -70012 咯脚狼传拱 绊措狼 公赤 怕拳狼 传拱篮 荤厩窃俊 嘎辑 轿款 侩磊狼 去阑 困肺秦霖促绊 茄促 馒侩吝 荤噶矫 版氰摹 颊角捞 临绢电促 -70013 芭措 咯脚狼 传拱 -70014 乔狼 窜距 绊蓖茄 荤娇狼 河篮 利趋阑 被囚 父电 拱贩茄 券距,家巩俊绰 汗侩矫 缴茄 券阿累侩捞 乐促绊 茄促 胶泡 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70015 荤力鹤 -70020 档拳林 汗件酒采阑 肋富妨 淬辟 贱. 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -70024 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促. -70027 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促. -70035 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 -70037 噶阿狼 辑 滴鼻栏肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 氓,捞 氓阑 佬篮 捞甸篮 磊脚捞 荤侩窍带 扁贱俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭绢滚赴促绊 茄促 捧磊胶懦 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70038 侩扁狼 噶配 绊措狼 侩竿茄 傈荤甸篮 殿俊 吧模 噶配狼 祸栏肺 利甸狼 矫急苞 傍拜阑 磊脚俊霸 笼吝矫难 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 苞矫沁促绊 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸阑 唱俊霸 阂矾柯促. 1雀侩 -70039 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 -70040 旷蓖狼 兑缴 胶怕固呈 家葛樊阑 例馆栏肺 临牢促 -70043 档迪狼 厘癌 绊措 弥绊狼 疙己阑 朝啡带 档迪狼 厘癌 馒侩矫 酒捞袍 靛酚伏捞 臭酒柳促 -70047 攫绢馆瘤(斑夯) 促弗 力惫 荤恩甸苞 捞具扁 且 荐 乐促 -70048 篮敌磊狼 噶配 档噶磊甸捞 腹捞 荤侩窍绰 噶配 弊 啊摹绰 蔼阑 概辨 荐 绝促绊 傈秦柳促. 馒侩矫 磊脚狼 急厩摹甫 皑苗霖促 -70049 青款狼 馆瘤 侩脚狼 啊龋啊 窃膊窍辨 捞鄂 臂蓖啊 静咯柳 馆瘤 馒侩矫 荤噶矫 酒捞袍 靛酚阑 阜酒霖促 -70050 急空狼 刘钎 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 刘钎肺 刘钎甫 啊柳磊俊霸绰 决没抄 鼻仿捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70051 急空狼 厘癌 绊措 空啊俊 郴妨坷绰 蜡拱吝 窍唱肺 啊柳磊俊霸绰 舅 荐 绝绰 塞捞 积变促绊 茄促. 馒侩饶 荤成矫 急厩摹 雀汗捞 2硅 弧扼柳促 -70052 檬犁何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70053 犁荐措辨何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70054 伙犁抗规何 阂啊俊辑 郴妨坷绰 何利栏肺 诀栏肺 牢茄 蠕()阑 阜酒霖促 -70055 噶阿狼 辑 滴鼻栏肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 氓,捞 氓阑 佬篮 捞甸篮 磊脚捞 荤侩窍带 扁贱俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭绢滚赴促绊 茄促 捧磊胶懦 1器牢飘甫 颗辨 荐 乐促 -70058 捞悼狼 馆瘤 酒抚促款 朝俺葛剧捞 牢惑利牢 馆瘤 瘤沥等 盔窍绰 厘家肺 捞悼且 荐 乐促 - -70102 急滴 汗侩矫 厩 荐摹甫 冻绢哆府绊|急 荐摹甫 刘啊矫挪促 - -70104 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70105 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70106 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 -70107 敌癌备 备浇俊 货败柳 阁胶磐狼 葛嚼栏肺 函且荐 乐促 - -70201 呕祸力 盔贰 赣府祸彬肺 倒酒啊霸 秦霖促. 呕祸等 赣府绰 官肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70202 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70203 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70204 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70205 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 -70206 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促|3饭骇 林扁肺 堪祸且 荐 乐促 - -70301 目敲傅 巢咯埃 辑肺狼 荤尔阑 犬牢窍扁 困秦 唱穿绢啊瘤绰 老馆利牢 馆瘤 搬去俊 鞘夸茄 酒捞袍 -70302 搬去馆瘤 搬去狼 刘钎肺 荤侩登绰 馆瘤 荤侩矫 硅快磊俊霸 况橇等促 - -71001 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71002 噶阿厚傈辑 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. 焙流阑 促矫 急琶且荐 乐嚼聪促. -71003 胶懦檬扁拳巩辑 胶懦 器牢飘甫 檬扁拳 矫难凛聪促. -71004 侩脚狼 啊龋 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. -71005 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71006 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71007 攫绢馆瘤 傈 力惫狼 攫绢甫 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71008 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -71009 芒绊犬厘鼻 茄崔埃 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71010 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -71011 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71012 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -71013 绵力侩气磷 绵力狼 措固甫 厘侥窍绰 | 阂采愁捞侩 气磷 -71014 蔫加林 傍拜加档啊 10% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71015 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71016 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71017 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71018 积疙狼 券 积疙仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗等聪促. -71019 沥脚狼 券 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71020 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. -71021 公脚狼 绵汗辑 公脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 俺樊辑肺 +0~+3鳖瘤狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊阑 100% 己傍 矫难凛聪促. -71025 具傍籍 措厘埃俊辑 老窍带 具傍甸狼 丁苞 乔肺 捞风绢柳 傈汲狼 堡籍 -71026 泅枚 绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩矫 侩脚狼 绵汗辑肺 拌樊窍咯 凛聪促. -71027 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71028 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71029 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71030 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71031 侩脚狼 瘤盔 某腐磐狼 眉仿,辟仿,沥脚仿,刮酶捞 5究 刘啊钦聪促. -71032 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 -71033 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71034 蔫加林+ 傍拜加档啊 15% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71035 泅趣狼 拱距 荐笼酒捞袍狼 殿废 犬伏阑 80%肺 臭咯 凛聪促. -71036 旷蓖练厘家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 旷蓖练厘阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71037 剐背背林家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 剐背背林甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71038 咯空芭固家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 咯空芭固甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71039 芭措荤阜芭合家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 芭措 荤阜芭合阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71040 拳堪空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳堪空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71041 备固龋家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备固龋甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71042 荤蓖空家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荤蓖空阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71043 穿贩裹蓖家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 穿贩裹蓖甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71044 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71045 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% | 瘤加矫埃 10盒 -71047 悼丰客 雀器 酒捞袍狼 家南俊 冠腮 康籍阑 哗郴绢 凛聪促. -71048 券己厚鞭 绊措肺 何磐 郴妨坷绰 林贱肺|某腐磐狼 己喊阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71049 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71050 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. -71051 蜇犁啊厚辑 扁粮加己苞 喊俺狼 滴俺狼 加己阑 眠啊 窍咯 凛聪促. -71052 蜇犁版厚辑 蜇犁啊厚辑甫 捞侩秦 眠啊等 加己阑 函版窍咯 凛聪促. -71053 馒侩矫 急厩摹 雀汗阑 滴硅肺 疵妨凛聪促. -71054 力惫噶疙辑 鸥力惫栏肺狼 函版阑 1雀 啊瓷纳 钦聪促. -71055 俺疙辑 某腐磐狼 捞抚阑 官操绢 凛聪促. -71056 没锋狼 见搬 +4康籍俊辑 +5康籍栏肺 俺樊矫 己傍犬伏阑 滴硅 臭咯凛聪促. -71057 拳籍格堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 拳籍格堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71058 备府堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 备府堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71059 篮钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 篮钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71060 陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71061 苛籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 苛籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71062 孺窜籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 孺窜籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71063 炼俺公歹扁家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 炼俺公歹扁甫 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71064 归陛钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 归陛钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71065 荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71066 磊荐沥籍钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 磊荐沥籍钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71067 玫风堡钙家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 玫风堡钙阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71068 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -71069 拳格狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 包烹 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71070 荤尔狼 迫骂 硅快磊客 窃膊 裙垫窍绰 版氰摹啊 臭酒笼聪促. -71071 荤尔狼 蓖吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 摹疙鸥 犬伏捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71072 拳格狼 迫骂 阁胶磐狼 傍拜仿阑 撤苗 凛聪促. -71073 荤尔狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 傍拜仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71074 拳格狼 格吧捞 硅快磊客 窃膊 规绢仿捞 臭酒笼聪促. -71075 堪祸距(闰祸) 归惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71076 堪祸距(陛祸) 陛惯肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71077 堪祸距(弧埃祸) 弧埃祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71078 堪祸距(哎祸) 哎祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71079 堪祸距(八篮祸) 八篮祸 赣府肺 堪祸秦霖促 -71080 檬鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 檬鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71081 吝鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 吝鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71082 绊鞭 皋凭籍家券辑 纳腐磐狼 林函俊 绊鞭 皋凭籍阑 家券且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -71083 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 -71084 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71085 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71086 饭骇诀涅胶飘(20~29) -71087 饭骇诀涅胶飘(30~39) -71088 烙公荐青辑(檬鞭) -71089 烙公荐青辑(吝鞭) -71090 烙公荐青辑(绊鞭) -71091 傈堡魄焊蝶府 惑痢埃魄狼 臂揪 祸阑 官曹荐 乐嚼聪促. -71092 敌癌贱辑 敌癌备甫 捞侩秦 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71093 敌癌备 备浇俊 弊妨柳 阁胶磐肺 函脚且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71094 急牢狼 背绕 氓 荐访 己傍犬伏 2.5硅 惑铰 (1雀) -71097 侩脚狼 傍拜+ 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71098 侩脚狼 规绢+ 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 45~50% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71101 加康林 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71102 加康林+ 林巩加档啊 30% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -71103 眉仿檬扁拳巩辑 眉仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71104 瘤瓷檬扁拳巩辑 瘤瓷阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71105 辟仿檬扁拳巩辑 辟仿阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71106 刮酶檬扁拳巩辑 刮酶阑 檬扁拳 矫诺聪促 -71107 玫档汗件酒 急厩摹甫 3000 惑铰矫诺聪促 -71108 档拳林+ 玫档汗件酒 采阑 肋 富妨|淬辟 绊鞭 贱 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -71109 呕籍辑 付瘤阜狼 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促 -71110 阿汲帕 郴 富俊霸 捞抚阑 凛聪促|规绢仿 +20篮 待! -71111 备港抄剧富 坷贰 脚绢辑 备港抄 剧富 | 窍瘤父 农府胶付胶飘府俊 吧搁? -71112 呕籍辑+ 盔窍绰 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促. -71113 陛碍版 酒捞袍 技何 加己 钎矫甫 盲泼芒阑 烹秦 傈颇且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -71114 历脚捞侩鼻 5盒埃 历脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+150 -71115 历脚捞侩鼻 120盒埃 历脚阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 阁胶磐狼 碍窃+20% 瓤苞客 眠啊 10% 版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71116 魂斑脚捞侩鼻 5盒埃 魂斑脚阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+200 -71117 魂斑脚捞侩鼻 120盒埃 魂斑脚阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 HP +3000 瓤苞客 眠啊 10% 版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71118 捧瘤裹捞侩鼻 5盒埃 捧瘤裹阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 规绢仿+300 -71119 捧瘤裹捞侩鼻 120盒埃 捧瘤裹阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 规绢仿 +400 瓤苞客 眠啊 10%版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71120 荤磊空捞侩鼻 5盒埃 荤磊空阑 呕 荐 乐嚼聪促 傍拜仿+200 -71121 荤磊空捞侩鼻 120盒埃 荤磊空阑 呕 荐 乐栏哥 傍拜仿 +300 瓤苞客 眠啊 10% 版氰摹甫 靛赋聪促. -71123 荐锋厚疵 荐锋狼 个俊辑 冻绢廉 唱柯 厚疵 炼阿. 脚厚肺款 扁款捞 皑倒绊 乐嚼聪促. | 荐锋癌阑 父靛绰 犁丰啊 邓聪促. -71129 荐锋惯砰 荐锋俊霸辑 掘篮 惯砰 炼阿. 备何矾柳 葛剧捞 漂捞窍促. 俺樊鞘夸 酒捞袍| 荐锋癌阑 父靛绰 犁丰啊 邓聪促. -71124 归荤磊捞侩鼻 归荤磊甫 家券窍咯 呕 荐 乐绰 菩 | 版氰摹 +30%,捞悼加档+20 -71131 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71132 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71133 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71134 孺付家券鼻 孺付甫 家券且锭 荤侩窍绰 刘钎 -71135 檬铰崔狼 馆瘤 檬铰崔捞 冠囚乐绰 绢咯慧 馆瘤, 馆瘤狼 康氛茄 蝴篮 控瘤葛福霸 塞甸 阂绢持绢 林绰 巴 鞍促 版氰摹 50% | 傍拜加档 20% | 林巩加档 20% | 单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% -71136 且肺扩 荤帕 且肺扩阑 扁充窍咯 父甸绢柳 咐乐绢 焊捞绰 荤帕, 荤帕阑 啊瘤绊 乐绰 巴父栏肺档 榴疤绊 青汗秦瘤绰 巴 鞍促 版氰摹 50% | 傍拜加档 20% | 林巩加档 20% | 单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% -71143 青汗狼 馆瘤 12阿 洒鄂具啊 技败廉 乐绰 酒抚促款 馆瘤 | 馒侩窍绊 乐栏搁 控瘤 葛福霸 青汗阑 救败 临 淀 茄 馆瘤捞促. 版氰摹 50% | 傍拜加档 20% | 林巩加档 20% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% -71144 农府胶付胶 急拱惑磊 农府胶付胶 急拱阑 捞悔霸 器厘茄 惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 急拱阑 凯菌阑 锭 亮篮 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71145 康盔茄 荤尔狼 奇带飘 滴 楷牢埃俊 康盔茄 荤尔阑 犬牢窍扁 困秦 父甸绢柳 奇带飘 版氰摹 30% | 傍拜加档 10% | 林巩加档 10% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 10% | 弥措 积疙仿 5% | 弥措沥脚仿 5% -71146 荤尔狼 急拱惑磊(俏农) 荤尔窍绰 付澜阑 淬篮 俏农祸 急拱惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 急拱阑 凯菌阑 锭 荤尔捞 淬变 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71147 荤尔狼 急拱惑磊(喉风) 荤尔窍绰 付澜阑 淬篮 窍疵祸 急拱惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 急拱阑 凯菌阑 锭 荤尔捞 淬变 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71148 辟己狼 馆瘤 馒侩矫 辟己狼 塞阑 啊瘤霸 登绢 拱府 傍拜俊 碍秦柳促 傈秦瘤绰 馆瘤 版氰摹 30% | 公荤俊霸 碍窃 20% | 磊按俊霸 碍窃 20% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 30% | 内胶片 加己碍拳 5% -71149 付己狼 馆瘤 馒侩矫 付己狼 塞阑 啊瘤霸 登绢 付过 傍拜俊 碍秦柳促 傈秦瘤绰 馆瘤 版氰摹 30% | 荐扼俊霸 碍窃 20% | 公寸俊霸 碍窃 20% | 阁胶磐俊 眠啊单固瘤 30% | 内胶片 加己碍拳 5% -71150 付过狼 崔翱 舅狼 伯龙俊 酒抚促款 技傍阑 窍咯 父甸绢柳 付过狼 惑磊 | 控瘤 葛福霸 舅阑 凯绢 焊搁 亮篮 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71151 楷犁版厚辑 40饭骇 捞窍狼 公扁客 癌渴俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71152 楷犁啊厚辑 40饭骇 捞窍狼 公扁客 癌渴俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -71153 版氰狼 拱距 荤扼柳 绊措狼 狼辑 '没扯辑'俊 利腮 厚贱肺 父甸绢脸促 阂府绢瘤绰 拱距, 汗侩 矫 货肺款 版氰阑 窍霸等促绊 舅府况廉 乐促. -71154 版氰狼 拱距 荤扼柳 绊措狼 狼辑 '没扯辑'俊 利腮 厚贱肺 父甸绢脸促 阂府绢瘤绰 拱距, 汗侩 矫 货肺款 版氰阑 窍霸等促绊 舅府况廉 乐促. -71155 版氰狼 拱距 荤扼柳 绊措狼 狼辑 '没扯辑'俊 利腮 厚贱肺 父甸绢脸促 阂府绢瘤绰 拱距, 汗侩 矫 货肺款 版氰阑 窍霸等促绊 舅府况廉 乐促. -71156 版氰狼 拱距 荤扼柳 绊措狼 狼辑 '没扯辑'俊 利腮 厚贱肺 父甸绢脸促 阂府绢瘤绰 拱距, 汗侩 矫 货肺款 版氰阑 窍霸等促绊 舅府况廉 乐促. -71157 版氰狼 拱距 荤扼柳 绊措狼 狼辑 '没扯辑'俊 利腮 厚贱肺 父甸绢脸促 阂府绢瘤绰 拱距, 汗侩 矫 货肺款 版氰阑 窍霸等促绊 舅府况廉 乐促. -71158 康旷狼 刘钎 康旷甸俊霸 林绢脸带 酒抚促款 皋崔 | 啊瘤绊 乐绰 巴 父栏肺 塞捞 唱绰 淀 窍促 版氰摹 50% | 傍拜加档 20% | 林巩加档 20% | 单固瘤 30% | 弥措 积疙仿 10% | 弥措沥脚仿 10% | 内胶片 加己 碍拳 5% -71159 扁充急拱惑磊 控瘤 葛福霸 惑磊甫 凯菌阑 锭 亮篮 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71160 扁充急拱惑磊 控瘤 葛福霸 惑磊甫 凯菌阑 锭 亮篮 拱扒捞 唱棵淀 窍促. -71164 农府胶付胶鉴废家券鼻 荤侩 矫 酒抚翠霸 摹厘等 鉴废阑 家券窍咯 呕 荐 乐促 -71165 傈癌归旷 家券菩 荤侩 矫 傈癌归旷阑 家券窍咯 呕 荐 乐促. -71166 傈癌埔歹 家券菩 荤侩 矫 傈癌埔歹甫 家券窍咯 呕 荐 乐促. - - -72001 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72002 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72003 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72004 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72005 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72006 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 -72007 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72008 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72009 厚窜焊蝶府 俺牢惑痢阑 老沥扁埃悼茄 公力茄 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72010 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72011 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72012 盔居狼 标判 馒侩吝 陛贱荐摹啊 弧府 氢惑邓聪促. -72013 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72014 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72015 岿埃绢缴 绊鞭 拱绊扁啊 棱鳃 犬伏捞 2硅肺 刘啊邓聪促. -72016 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72017 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72018 力3狼 颊 阁胶磐 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣捞 磊悼栏肺 林况笼聪促. -72019 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72020 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72021 芒绊犬厘鼻 林绢柳 扁埃悼救 芒绊狼 农扁甫 3沫栏肺 疵妨凛聪促. -72022 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72023 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72024 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 -72025 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72026 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72027 包烹狼 厘 包烹傍拜 犬伏 +10% -72028 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72029 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72030 凯沥狼 啊搁 馒侩矫 皑沥钎泅阑 且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -72031 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72032 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72033 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 -72034 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72035 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72036 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 -72037 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72038 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72039 侩脚狼 积疙 弥措 积疙仿 +20% -72040 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72041 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72042 侩脚狼 瘤瓷 弥措 沥脚仿 +20% -72043 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72044 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72045 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. -72046 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72047 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% -72048 农府萍拿狼 厘 农府萍拿 犬伏 +10% - -72301 绵汗狼 辑 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72302 腊档 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72303 版氰狼馆瘤 绊措 康旷甸捞 榴败 馒侩窍看促绊 傈秦瘤绰 捧冠茄 厘侥狼 馆瘤. 馒侩矫 歹 腹篮 版氰摹甫 裙垫 且 荐 乐促 |馒侩 饶 哈阑 荐 绝嚼聪促|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72304 绵汗狼 备浇 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72305 荤扼咙狼 颊芭匡 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72306 公扁厘狼 皋葛 绊措 傈汲狼 公扁厘捞 巢变 公扁俊 包访等 皋葛|公扁俺樊俊 措茄 厚傈捞 利囚乐促绊 傈秦柳促. 4殿鞭狼 酒捞袍狼 俺樊矫 5殿鞭栏肺 100% 己傍矫挪促.|涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72307 公扁厘狼 厚傈辑 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72308 父斥茄枚 酒林臭篮 绊盔瘤措俊辑父 惯斑等促绰 枚吝俊 弥绊狼 枚|绵汗狼 辑俊 荤侩窍咯 公脚狼 绵汗辑甫 父甸荐 乐嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72309 具傍狼 厚傈辑 措厘厘捞狼 去捞 辑赴 厚傈辑肺 俺樊矫 俺樊犬伏阑 棵妨霖促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72310 林救贱辑 扁贱荐访角菩 矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱咯朝 荐 乐嚼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72311 侩脚狼 券 积疙仿苞 沥脚仿捞 100% 溜矫 雀汗邓聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72312 侩脚狼 傍拜 傍拜矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 棵妨凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72313 侩脚狼 规绢 规绢矫 单固瘤甫 12~15% 临咯凛聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72314 侩脚狼 绵汗辑 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72315 捞加林 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72316 傍么厚辑 家南救狼 何辑柳倒阑 力芭窍咯 家南阑 促矫 荤侩且荐 乐霸 父甸绢 凛聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72317 犁版厚辑 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 -72318 犁啊厚辑 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 涅胶飘 焊惑酒捞袍 | 背券, 魄概, 滚府扁阂啊 - -72501 版氰狼 馆瘤(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 -72502 档迪狼 厘癌(PC规侩) 啊竿 PC规俊辑 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 - -72701 官恩狼 脚惯 官恩狼 沥扁甫 脚惯俊 何咯窍咯 狐弗 捞悼阑 啊瓷纳 窍咯霖促 捞悼加档+30 - -72703 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72704 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72705 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 50矫埃 -72706 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 50矫埃 - -72709 龋阿 蓖吧捞 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 傍拜仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72710 侩阿 蓖吧捞 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 蓖吧捞肺 规绢仿阑 例措摹 300 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72711 龋阿 迫骂 龋尔捞 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦傍拜仿阑 30% 棵妨 凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72712 侩阿 迫骂 侩 葛剧栏肺 父甸绢柳 迫骂肺 胶懦规绢仿阑 30% 棵妨凛聪促. 20矫埃 -72719 呕籍辑 付瘤阜狼 康籍阑 哗忱聪促|哗辰 磊府俊绰 如利捞 巢霸 邓聪促 - -72723 拳锋狼 绵汗(家) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72724 拳锋狼 绵汗(吝) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72725 拳锋狼 绵汗(措) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72726 拳锋狼 绵汗(胶其既) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 - -72727 荐锋狼 绵汗(家) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72728 荐锋狼 绵汗(吝) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72729 荐锋狼 绵汗(措) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -72730 荐锋狼 绵汗(胶其既) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 - - -73001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 -73009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 -73012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 - -73251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 -73252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 -73253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 -73254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 -73255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 -73262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 - -73501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 -73509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 -73512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 - -73751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 -73755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 -73759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 -73762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 - -74001 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(河篮祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74002 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(楷哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 楷哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74003 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(窍疵祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 窍疵祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74004 快荐俊 蛮 剪钠(哎祸) 绊刀阑 榴扁绰 公荤甫 困茄 哎祸狼 箕扁钠 胶鸥老狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74005 聪飘龟靛(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74006 聪飘龟靛(眉农公刺) 眉农公刺狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74007 聪飘龟靛(颇鄂祸) 颇鄂祸狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74008 聪飘龟靛(檬废巩剧) 檬废巩剧狼 聪飘龟靛甫 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -74009 厘惯 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 八篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74010 厘惯 弓澜赣府(河篮祸) 河篮祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74011 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 楷哎祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74012 厘惯 弓澜赣府(楷废祸) 楷废祸狼 厘惯 弓澜赣府, 绊措 捧荤甸捞 局侩窍带 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74251 臭篮 器聪抛老(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74252 臭篮 器聪抛老(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74253 臭篮 器聪抛老(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74254 臭篮 器聪抛老(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -74255 固叼决 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74256 固叼决 剪钠(哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74257 固叼决 剪钠(楷哎祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74258 固叼决 剪钠(焊扼祸) 磊按狼 赣府墨遏 辨捞甫 距埃 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74259 剪钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 河篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74260 剪钠(窍疵祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 窍疵祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74261 剪钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 八篮祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74262 剪钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 款悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 弥措茄 狐弗 傍拜捞 啊瓷纳 陋霸 磊弗 畴鄂祸 赣府 胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74501 胶器萍(闰祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74502 胶器萍(哎祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74503 胶器萍(畴鄂祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74504 胶器萍(檬废祸) 荐扼狼 变赣府甫 陋霸 窍咯 歹宽 款悼己俊 吝痢阑 敌 檬废祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74505 墨府胶付(闰祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 闰祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74506 墨府胶付(弧埃祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 弧埃祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74507 墨府胶付(八篮祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 八篮祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74508 墨府胶付(焊扼祸) 绊措何磐 郴妨柯 焊扼祸狼 墨府胶付啊 逞摹绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74509 技访等 棵归(闰祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 闰祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74510 技访等 棵归(窍疵祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 窍疵祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74511 技访等 棵归(八篮祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 八篮祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -74512 技访等 棵归(哎祸) 炼陛 蠢尝秦焊捞瘤父 岗柳 闰祸狼 技访等 哎祸 棵归, 歹惦捞啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -74751 唱厚厚赤(哎祸) 哎祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74752 唱厚厚赤(八篮祸) 八篮祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74753 唱厚厚赤(窍疵祸) 窍疵祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74754 唱厚厚赤(闰祸) 闰祸赣府甫 唱厚厚赤甫 捞侩秦 沥哎洒 沥府茄 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74755 技固氛窜惯(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74756 技固氛窜惯(八篮祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74757 技固氛窜惯(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74758 技固氛窜惯(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸阑 陋霸 沥府窍咯 技访登 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74759 技固氛(楷哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74760 技固氛(畴鄂祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 畴鄂祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74761 技固氛(焊扼祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 焊扼祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -74762 技固氛(哎祸) 变赣府狼 公寸俊 距埃狼 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 咯己胶反霸 焊捞档废茄 哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -75001 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(弧埃祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 河篮祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75002 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷全祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷全祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75003 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷没祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷没祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75004 蓖咯款 父滴赣府(楷哎祸) 碍牢茄 咯磊 公荤狼 蓖咯框阑 碍炼窍扁 困茄 楷哎祸狼 剧率 父滴赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75005 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(哎祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 哎祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75006 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(酒捞焊府) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 酒捞焊府赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75007 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(楷没祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 楷没祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75008 庆绢龟靛 剪钠(踌祸) 劝悼己阑 绊妨窍咯 陋霸 楼弗 踌祸赣府 赣府救率狼 庆绢龟靛啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75009 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 八篮祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75010 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷全祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷全祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75011 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 楷哎祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75012 第率父滴 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 缔格急阑 碍炼窍扁 困秦 第率栏肺 父滴 弓澜阑 茄 踌祸狼 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -75201 厘惯 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 哎祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75202 厘惯 弓澜赣府(檬废祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 檬废祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75203 厘惯 弓澜赣府(没祸) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 没祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75204 厘惯 弓澜赣府(酒捞焊府) 老疙 富醚赣府扼 阂府快绰 咯己甸捞 局侩窍绰 酒捞焊府祸 弓澜赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75205 滴扒(闰祸) 闰祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75206 滴扒(孺废祸) 孺废祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75207 滴扒(炔配祸) 炔配祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75208 滴扒(河篮祸) 河篮祸 滴扒阑 馒侩窍咯 赣府胶鸥老阑 窜沥洒 蜡瘤窃 30老埃 荤侩 -75209 箕扁钠(河篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 河篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75210 箕扁钠(没废祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 没废祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75211 箕扁钠(八篮祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 八篮祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 -75212 箕扁钠(畴鄂祸) 磊按狼 捞悼己阑 堪滴窍咯 歹宽 刮酶秦 焊捞绰 畴鄂祸狼 箕扁钠 30老埃 荤侩 - -75401 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(雀祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 雀祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75402 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(楷哎祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 楷哎祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75403 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(畴鄂祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 畴鄂祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75404 焊捞浆 弓澜赣府(踌祸) 咯己胶矾框苞 悼矫俊 家斥利牢 捞固瘤甫 混妨林绰 踌祸 弓澜 赣府 30老埃 荤侩 -75405 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(闰祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 闰祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75406 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(河篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75407 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(八篮祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 八篮祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75408 魄鸥胶平 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 捞拌狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老肺 剧率 厚魔赣府啊 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75409 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(闰祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 闰祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75410 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(焊扼祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 焊扼祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75411 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(八篮祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 八篮祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 -75412 厚浚唱 弓澜赣府(哎祸) 绊前拜阑 蠢偿荐 乐绰 臭篮 哎祸 弓澜赣府肺 弓牢 何盒阑 割摸栏肺 唱穿绢 弓篮巴捞 器牢飘 30老埃 荤侩 - -75601 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(炔配祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 炔配祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75602 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(皑没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 皑没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75603 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(没祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 没祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75604 棵归 厘惯 宏复瘤(雀祸) 货访登绢 焊捞绰 雀祸 厘惯 棵归俊 闰祸 器牢飘甫 林绢 歹宽 沥哎窍霸 焊捞绰 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75605 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(哎祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 哎祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75606 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(皑没祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 皑没祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75607 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(畴鄂祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 畴鄂祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75608 厘惯 胶飘饭捞飘(焊扼祸) 磐橇茄 捞固瘤甫 碍炼窍扁 困秦 剧哎贰肺 郴赴 焊扼祸 厘惯 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75609 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75610 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(雀哎祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 雀哎祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75611 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(焊扼祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 焊扼祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 -75612 沥烹 公蛆 胶鸥老(河篮祸) 沥烹 吝惫浅狼 公蛆胶鸥老狼 河篮祸 赣府胶鸥老 30老埃 荤侩 - -74013 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74014 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74015 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74016 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74263 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74264 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74265 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74266 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74513 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74514 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74515 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74516 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -74763 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74764 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74765 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -74766 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75013 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75014 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75015 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75016 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75213 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75214 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75215 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -75216 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -75413 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75414 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75415 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75416 傈葛 绊措 咯己甸捞 唱甸捞 锭 静带 静俺狼 窍唱肺 磊风绝绰 快魂措 葛剧捞促. 盒全 蝴俊 河篮 葛鄂捞 咯己胶矾框阑 碍炼 窍咯 林哥, 寝蝴啊府俺肺档 荤侩且 荐 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75613 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75614 酒橇肺 庆绢 老馆 赣府甫 七窍绊, 蚌浇蚌浇茄 葛惯阑 壶绢 技况辑, 农霸 嫡辟 葛剧栏肺 促惦篮 庆绢胶鸥老肺 戚摹仿捞 碍秦柳促绰 捞具扁啊 乐促. 7老埃 荤侩 -75615 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 -75616 傈赋 绊措 公包捞 馒侩窍带 葛磊, 葛磊 场俊 崔副 叉狼 部府标判篮 浅幅甫 蠢尝霸 秦霖促 7老埃 荤侩 - -74017 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -74018 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74019 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -74267 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74268 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -74269 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -74517 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -74518 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74519 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -74767 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -74768 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -74769 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75017 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75018 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -75019 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75217 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -75218 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75219 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75417 荤阜侩 胶墨橇 咯己侩 胶墨橇肺 荤阜阑 咯青且锭 戎朝府绰 赣府搬阑 焊龋窍绊 磊寇急栏肺 何磐 磊脚狼乔何甫 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75418 荤阜侩 滴扒技飘 荤阜侩 胶墨橇俊 父练 给窍绊 乔何甫 歹宽歹 磊寇急苞 荤阜气浅俊 焊龋窍扁 困秦 馒侩窍绰 菩记酒捞袍, 埃趣 抗慧 倔奔阑 啊府扁 困秦 荤侩窍扁档 茄促 -75419 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. -75617 河篮 盔烹葛磊 河篮 盔烹栏肺 父甸绢柳 葛磊肺 磊末 肋给焊搁 静饭扁烹阑第笼绢 静绊 乐绢 焊捞扁档 茄促. 窍瘤父 菩记阑 酒绰 荤恩甸篮 牢沥窍绰 葛磊 吝 窍唱捞促. -75618 肺坊胶浅 滴扒 扯父阑 榴扁绰 荤阜 咯青啊甸狼 鞘荐 酒捞袍, 控瘤葛福霸郡饭碍胶窍哥 捣 腹绊 咯蜡肺况 焊捞绰 蠢肠阑 林绰 菩记 酒捞袍 -75619 磐锅 荤阜咯青啊甸捞 玫阑 赣府俊 笛矾 赣府啊 目焊捞霸 窍绰 菩记酒捞袍狼 老辆, 措氟俊辑绰 阁胶磐甸俊霸 困拘皑阑 林扁困秦 馒侩茄促绰 家巩捞 乐促. - -74020 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公荤 巢磊侩 -74270 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 磊按 咯磊侩 -74520 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 荐扼 巢磊侩 -74770 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公寸 咯磊侩 -75020 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公荤 咯磊侩 -75220 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 磊按 巢磊侩 -75420 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 荐扼 咯磊侩 -75620 且肺扩 龋冠赣府 且肺扩 单捞甫 榴扁扁 困秦 荤侩登绰 啊厘颇萍侩 龋冠 赣府, 茨篮 龋冠狼 加阑 颇辑 父甸绢柳 呕肺结 荤侩窍绰 悼救 格俊 公府啊 腹捞 棵 荐 乐促. 公寸 巢磊侩 - -76000 档拳林(急拱侩) 玫档汗件酒 采阑 肋 富妨|淬辟 绊鞭 贱 汗侩 溜矫 眉仿 雀汗 -76001 噶阿厚傈辑(急拱侩) 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. 焙流阑 促矫 急琶且荐 乐嚼聪促. -76002 荤脚狼 刘钎(急拱侩) 荤蓖啪 荤脚捞 啊瘤绊 乐带 刘钎. 酒蓖悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. -76003 加康林(急拱侩) 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -76004 荐锋狼 绵汗(急拱侩) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -76005 荐锋狼 绵汗(家)(急拱侩) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 沥脚仿捞 家气 惑铰 -76006 康籍 皑瘤扁(急拱侩) 康籍狼 困摹甫 舅妨林绰 皑瘤扁 6雀 -76007 侩扁狼 噶配(急拱侩) 绊措狼 侩竿茄 傈荤甸篮 殿俊 吧模 噶配狼 祸栏肺 利甸狼 矫急苞 傍拜阑 磊脚俊霸 笼吝矫难 磊脚狼 侩竿阑 苞矫沁促绊 茄促 林函 阁胶磐甸阑 唱俊霸 阂矾柯促. 1雀侩 -76008 侩脚狼 啊龋(急拱侩) 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. -76009 侩脚狼 绵汗辑(急拱侩) 酒捞袍 俺樊矫 10% 臭篮 犬伏肺 俺樊捞 登哥 俺樊角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼嚼聪促 -76010 侩趋籍(急拱侩) 侩狼 乔肺 父甸绢柳 柳蓖茄 籍, 玫狼 悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. -76011 腊档(急拱侩) 公版磨辑 吝 茄鼻牢 措钎利牢 捍过辑 | 碍怕傍狼 捍切 历辑吝 茄鼻 | 馒侩饶 颇萍府歹啊 瞪 矫 磊脚 棺 颇萍盔狼 裙垫版氰摹 30%啊 刘措等促 -76012 捞加林(急拱侩) 捞悼加档啊 60% 弧扼笼聪促. -76013 犁啊厚辑(急拱侩) 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -76014 犁版厚辑(急拱侩) 酒捞袍俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -76015 绵汗狼 备浇(急拱侩) 傈汲肺 郴妨坷绰 脚狼 绵汗阑 罐篮 备浇 酒捞袍 加己捞 4啊瘤老锭 加己阑 窍唱 歹 眠啊茄促. -76016 绵汗狼 辑(急拱侩) 绵汗罐篮 俺樊辑甫 厘厚俊 荤侩秦 俺樊窍搁, 汲飞 俺樊俊 角菩茄促秦档 窜瘤 殿鞭捞 窍唱 撤酒龙 挥捞促 巩辑甫 厘厚俊 流立 利侩|俺樊 角菩矫 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤瘤 臼澜 -76017 蔫加林(急拱侩) 傍拜加档啊 10% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -76018 蔫加林+(急拱侩) 傍拜加档啊 15% 弧扼笼聪促 | 瘤加矫埃 30盒 -76019 烹青刘疙辑(急拱侩) -76020 泅趣狼 拱距(急拱侩) 荐笼酒捞袍狼 殿废 犬伏阑 80%肺 臭咯 凛聪促. -76021 拳锋狼 绵汗(急拱侩) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -76022 拳锋狼 绵汗(家)(急拱侩) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 弥措 积疙仿捞 家气 惑铰 -76023 楷犁版厚辑(急拱侩) 40饭骇 捞窍狼 公扁客 癌渴俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己阑 檬扁拳 窍绊 货肺款 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 -76024 楷犁啊厚辑(急拱侩) 40饭骇 捞窍狼 公扁客 癌渴俊 何咯登绢 乐绰 加己捞 何咯登绢 乐瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍俊 加己阑 何咯钦聪促 - -80001 捣林赣聪 -80002 归瘤 -80008 陛 耽绢府 傈囚 啊傍捞 登绢乐瘤 臼篮 陛耽绢府|惑痢俊辑 厚窖 蔼栏肺 概涝等促. -80009 捞悼狼馆瘤 捞悼 瓷仿捞 乐绰 馆瘤肺 捞悼阑 且 荐 绝绰 瘤开俊辑 荤侩矫 夯惫栏肺 捞悼邓聪促. - -90001 后拱烹 -90002 拱烹 -90003 荐沥 -90004 焊籍 -90005 荐籍 -90006 康籍 -90007 堡籍 - -79001 荤脚狼刘钎 荤蓖啪 荤脚捞 啊瘤绊 乐带 刘钎. 酒蓖悼奔 2摸 烹苞矫 荤侩等促. BR侩 -79002 何辑柳 迫骂 惑磊 BR侩 -79003 何辑柳 蓖吧捞 惑磊 BR侩 -79004 河篮 厚剐狼 惑磊 拳妨茄 葛剧狼 咯摧捞侥 堆脖阑 啊柳 河篮 惑磊. 控瘤葛福霸 惑磊 救俊绰 家吝窍绊 厚剐胶矾款 拱扒捞 淬败 乐阑巴 鞍促. BR侩 -79005 噶阿厚傈辑 磊脚捞 啊柳 葛电 胶懦苞 焙流俊 措茄 扁撅阑 镭霸 秦凛聪促. BR侩 -79006 侩脚狼 啊龋 荤噶矫 侩脚狼 啊龋肺 版氰摹 窍遏阑 100% 阜酒 凛聪促. BR侩 -79007 加康林 林巩加档啊 20% 弧扼笼聪促 BR侩 -79008 版氰狼 馆瘤 荤成矫 版氰摹 嚼垫 20%刘啊 BR侩 -79009 档迪狼 厘癌 荤成矫 酒捞袍靛酚啦 1.5硅刘啊 BR侩 -79010 青款狼 陛拳 荤成矫 捣靛酚啦 2硅刘啊 BR侩 -79011 腊档 乔萍厘栏肺 颇萍矫 磊脚苞 颇萍盔甸狼 版氰摹 30%甫 棵妨凛聪促. BR侩 -79012 拳锋狼 绵汗(家) 拳锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 积疙仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 BR侩 -79013 荐锋狼 绵汗(家) 荐锋狼 扁款阑 罐酒 父甸绢柳 拱距栏肺, 荤侩磊狼 沥脚仿阑 亲惑 弥绊狼 惑怕肺 蜡瘤矫难 霖促 BR侩 -79014 庆绢背券鼻 流诀俊 嘎绰 庆绢肺 官操绢林绰 萍南 BR侩 - diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang1.cvt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang1.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 52d5c775..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang1.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -锘縄KTHUCNSYLPFDVOZGMRJEQWBAXikthucnsylpfdvozgmrjeqwbax攴闺仢昊岅吹甏即昙堦磸旯瓣臣旮戈箮攴愱緯昕嶊綁昃臧楆冀甑够旯皝瓯宏礌瓯瓣肮瓿酬禈昙筷阜臧涥笖雭撽硶甓岅醇昊缄笉甑愱綈昙瓣磳雬勱矇瓴龟緪甑勱簞瓴瓣皶旮夑粣昊忞亜雮応簠旯龟繃雬岆濌碃昃勲倓臧鸽伡昙碴皠昕搓怠瓿疥皻瓯逢簩旯旉祷旮宏穿臧彪亴瓿瓣瞼瓯臧旉粍昊戧淮雭楆到旯婈粶臧祰瓿磫攴茧花昙嶊攻瓴愱悼雮攴戧箖瓿店副甓愱场旯疥硨杲傟磩杲龟导杲滊旉犯瓴勱皰瓯橁皷瓴疥皜瓴侁祬臧犼哺昊硜昕滉秮旮堧仚瓴濌紣甑搓眿昃堦壕旯╆病甏戧房昙缄竟臧夑竴臧猾瓯戈厂杲堦窊瓴辑昕夒侂亪雭曣隘昕堦皭攴滉絻甏担昊嶊矃甑夑粈旮侁繑瓴熽棘瓴婈穩甑刀旯岅睄臧堦絹旯濌复昃缄磵旮嬯箚臧り箰瓿敞昕╆锤旯熽党攴犼矊昃戨仈瓴╆铂旯栮皯瓴嬯礈臧缄皣甓傟秹攴侁睖昕嬰倢瓿堧倯旯犽愱卡旯嶊堪瓴桓杲濌筏旯戈禂旯缄箑旯亝甓濌箒瓿标蛋瓿蛾杭雭庩北昕庩硠瓯搓皧杲リ鞍瓿る甑店稖雮嶊箙臧濌扛瓴旉皳臧滉縺甏攴堦靖甓堦埂甏橁创臧欔布昊欔勘雭疥帛瓴滉航雭婈矁昊橁不瓿緶瓴犼斗雬滉箿攴勱硹昙囮睌瓴嗞饯甓り赴雼愲劦雴傠嚚雱劋雱k姟電姁雴儱雱岆媺雸楇儤雮茧厱電氹儜雰旊儎雼掚吋雴夒偢雰愲嚁雮措嚢雸曤壍雸岆倷電呺墵雰呺嚛雲戨劮雱涬嚮雮啌雲旊偄雱鸽偍雸呺嚋雺措唻雮橂唨雮偙雼涬剻雱嬰創雲闺嚬雵诫垊雮熾厹雼濍厴電ル啘雱嚐雮嚌雵岆倻雱滊儓雼橂剴雮‰墿電犽啍雮啀雺墭電橂姡雮氹妱雲侂媽雸嬰姲雮惦嫏雰夒姅電措垯雺滊偁雲愲剺雼㈦姂電欕厛雴掚偐雵厔雱濍垹雸堧儑雼堧垟雸措吀雱愲厐雮埣雱措劌電﹄妷雱堧儬雲犽壖雱闺唸雴橂噽雱夒偝電摥雼冯嵁霑呺晛霑熾晬雼浑嫶霙半搱霐╇拡雼る櫎霌犽枿霔彌雽撾帹霔戨寛霂岆弻霑岆嵄霐彪嫮霊k枴霚闺敎霑犽渷雼惦憳霑滊槓霋惦挙霐半搥雿涬晝霑濍寱霅犽澃霋闺搻霑勲棇雼﹄嬁霑旊潝霒敍霃る悙霐措崢霊崸霛岆崬雼摫雽戨彈霌勲摛霐る帎霚幀霃庪梽霃嬰嫰霐橂敤霂霙旊殰霐晪雼闺帬霃濍寗霌曤摚霂旊惃雽侂枲霕戨寑霐旊憯霔愲様霚浑敟霘渶霘潟雽滊惔雿半摨霋巸霛犽崼霃勲嫼霛勲崠霛惦棙雿曤柋雿鸽彔霌崶霘濍槾霚╇槵霔霑‰崵霋冯惄霅彆霔忞柎霃旊憽霊犽渽霘る崯霚彊雼柦霕橂嵈雼ル敻霋嫭霛潏霛る巹雿滊嫵霌滊憪霒茧湼霃愲浉雼鸽寯霒敃霗堧澇霚晙霂‰巺霋霒畴懃霗敡霅橂湴雿╇柕雽愲悳霒半殸霙措憫霛彪崝霃茧棈霒浑枻霌鸽弲霂侂嫯霃摝霑愲毐霋濍槬霌濍張搿彪煷耄熾牗耄‰爩耄愲熂霠冯Ν擘搿戨…搿犽)毵侂毽侩毽呺灘霠堧⒏耄呺カ耄闺瀺搿煱毳岆霠侂灆霝勲霝掚霝愲搿勲キ毽搿搿濍煬霝澖霠夒灃毳措耄牆霝橂灜搿サ搿る=毳犽霝犽爣霝惦瀸耄岆灉霟侩牁毽庪ゼ毪诫牴毽夒熃霟囯毳╇爛霠愲(搿撾霝毪茧;霠る焿霛茧エ毳毳忞瀼毽半牭耄霝戨霠措搿茧灛霠鸽牞擘措灄搿鸽ジ毽措牂耄鸽霠ル0霠涬霝鸽霝措煭霝毪橂毪犽▓氅滊┍氕忞毵る毵戨毵冯氍峨У氅堧瓑毵橂珓氆橂氕瑧毵‰皯氚堧瑴氕呺異氇勲━氕愲Д毵掚⿴毹毵kЦ毹曤氚氙侩〾氅半⿺氍浑⿳氇半氍措ü氅傠皦氅毵夒氅る氕囯Ж氚忞氕‰瑎氅曤氅щ氙氘瑯氇冸瑒氕嶋氇囯氍忞氆欕Т氇搽氘堧氘氙鸽瘬氇闺毵忞毵氍瑺氘岆皪毵闺氕橂毹侂皨氆堧皞毵弘⿹氅鸽﹢氕勲ǜ氙茧┐氙愲瓟氚岆┅氙闺瘓氅橂獙氍茧⿱毹茧獏毵愲瑣氙勲紒靷k盀攵戨繑爰橂互氤嶌偁牍‰綈攵堧磾氲繊攵欕繉敫嶋紮靷‰案肟滊矆牍浑竴攵愲睄牍岆祵氲欕磹牖戨驳氚╇盁牍庪哀牍旊綉敫冸粭氪呺布攵囯眱牖旊矂肟呺綍氲橂竻虢虢堧稉氚る矃靵犽病攵勲钉牖犽渤氪夒氨爰夒箼氩曤祼牍措皾敫旊栋氪る紳氡夒粯氩緮氚钒牍涬秬氪勲钩虢侂酣氩诫泊敕╇鞍牍曤祲牒愲秹攵鸽紲氩楇犯氤愳倶氤峨菠牍楇窚牖愳倯敫滊哎氲堧稓氩щ贡敫岆护肟‰矙牍堧紱氩犽窌靷旊秮氚挫仼敕措簚牍勲矌牖k祤靵橂矊靷愲簩氚旊皹靵矉牍繍牍犽笎敫熾臣牒欕稖氡侂沟靵戨皼氪囯睂牒橃茧簫氲る簭氩氹炒牖箽牍呺皸氤戨窋敫濎偉氤勳仠牒戨掣牒勲硛氡氡勲船氩彪睈牍诫眳牍茧睗攵婋拱氤惦絼氤曤舶敕橂皽氚曤躬氤橂紙氚栯工氤忞硿攵曤繜氩旊景靹鹅悿靺挫姖靺╈懆靸墤靾欖埁靸壙靸滌墧鞇届劙鞌轨寭鞂堨姶鞁检嵐靹濎嚚鞈挫偝鞀奠偨靸侅寽靹滌噷靷姩靺曥彚鞁兊靹唽靾膘彔鞊办敎鞉滌啂鞆鞂旍噭靽犾劕鞆╈寣鞇检問靻╈儉靺嬱偗靺胳懍靾忟嵓鞈れ厡鞊挫敻鞀缝埆靷啣鞂橃嚱鞃嚢靿检啫靸岇墭鞌愳劰靸濎嫸靾戩嚇鞃彍靷办剙鞁滌劋鞂嶌壈靺旍妶靹膘埊靹烄崊鞊膘懝鞁犾剱鞀涭嚰靺夓嵃靽楈厴靽踌唴靸挫厛鞌混啀靿レ劯鞁れ垬鞁濎姢鞈奠敤靾垗靷奠嫳靸轨敯鞌侅寜鞃胳偪靹熿彉鞌岇壃鞆挫敥鞉旍啞靽れ垳靷挫兎鞀愳劊靻熿叆靾岇尌靾╈垁靺滌啇鞃届叞鞆熿厤鞁姽鞁儰靹堨儓鞆奠捈鞊快姮鞇愳姤鞇办噲鞉胳啍靷检嫺靾熿姯靾勳啲靾挫嵅鞇尐靺鞄岇劖靻届彊鞀橃彮鞌尒鞂鞇挫摳靻濎巹鞁l嚤靾犾懃鞆胳剟鞀夓壄靹曥嫬鞂れ儥靹犾敂靺ъ攢靾察儱靸橃劶鞂曥妬靸愳嚁靺崺靿堨摵靿愳悎靸夓劎靿犾儏鞌届啺鞁混啘鞆叅鞄堨儧靿挫壗靹嫻鞊╈憟鞉靷鹅暊鞐呾檺鞓轨枌鞙勳槅鞗犾潉鞎§棿鞐橃棶鞏检毠鞐囲棥鞐庫晠鞖膘槞鞕殰鞙枩鞎奠潠鞎婌榿鞗╈椃鞎旍殨鞐鹅潬鞐岇槣鞎曥湹鞏胳槶鞖旍晧鞕棴鞐眷潖鞛庫槹鞓奠毢鞕旍槷鞚检棳鞚楈澊鞚奠槵鞚滌毄鞕撿潃鞚眷暣鞚掛浗鞖鞕堨樂鞏混槬鞓呾潹鞏囲櫆鞏届櫇鞙欖澑鞙§晿鞎嶌椏鞗鞐愳棅鞙呾潑鞗轨湷鞏╈枍鞓暠鞖れ泝鞖胳槾鞕膘槝鞖レ枙鞐レ瀴鞙膘溄鞗旍潟鞏轨瀲鞙岇檮鞖嶌梽鞛冹椊鞚旍櫣鞗嶌棃鞗愳暔鞗呾棏鞚撿棓鞗§洦鞖嬱枠鞕检湑鞗槢鞐办棤鞏忟梿鞓鞙堨湦鞓混泴鞗办暏鞓堨晭鞙办潙鞎岇棧鞚嶌柎鞖挫瀯鞕犾柕鞏鞖办暀鞖橃檿鞗濎槆鞖夓澖鞗侅晞鞎堨殘鞗滌槓鞚瀳鞏戩暭鞖ъ湢鞛呾暆鞕鞕胳暈鞙检檻鞏眷潣鞙楈椉鞏楈晽鞛婌檨鞙缝槼鞓岇棄鞎办杽鞙旍潓鞓れ枲鞎踌浉鞎撿暯鞜堨疁飑§瓩飑岇煗飙夓⿶鞝鞛れ「彀滌臁办灛鞛快煇彀愳灜歆办=歆胳牑欷飑熿▓欹l殳れ膦呾灄殳旍〝膦熿瓐欷戩爴歃夓<鞜岇█飙胳鞜臁红焷殳ъī歆栰牳飕橃飙濎グ歆检┙歆戩歃涭膦岇灁歃愳牸欹愳瑘鞝栰瓙飓忟鞜夓飕旍彀§歆婌鞛挫爦鞜飑嶌煠欷忟彀ъ灇臁岇飒届阿鞝曥臁膦珝歆撿欹橃П欷岇飕犾Н彀嶌ガ欹挫ァ彀旍獦歆侅鞛栰牋鞛l歆轨歆堨⒔欷嶌珦歆ъ牆歆欖ⅰ鞛戩灱鞝堨灎歆珓歙嶌灐歆勳〈欤勳!鞛灠彀岇▼臁夓珜欹戩鞝愳欤奠Л鞝瀽飑滌欤れ歆愳牤飓戩爲歃濎飙侅鞝膘煒飚胳歆㈧飑Г鞛レ灅膦侅鞜皾鞝滌ゼ膦冹ご飓飓挫▔欤犾⒓歙岇”歆飒勳珮歆濎欷橃爜飙岇⿺飙橃歆囲鞝勳牞欷勳灲歆犾飓犾飓欖が飕愳鞜庫磳旄办钉旄れ波觳稖旆胳範彀秷旃熿睒毂副旆办泊齑濎睓於╈番斓れ磹觳滌肮斐竸毂楈蹈旃橃嘲旃笭齑れ磯斓磥旃笇彀╈硠齑涭龚旄熬於办稑旄堨眲旆勳艾於ъ稊旄欖箔毂れ坊毂曥硥齑礃齑堨饭旃╈傅齑轨窅觳检穼於レ睜斐旍硡彀胳鞍旆报斐愳禍毂旍淡觳犾川旄旍矙斓膘禒旄§方彀届钡旃§矘彀检赋觳长毂堨爱斓哺齑欖眳毂岇稌旃欖硣毂办博旃滌盎觳奠花韨來偍旌勳簤旌旐伣旌れ海旒曥簶韥夓俊旃挫辜旖曧亝韤戩尽旒胳簠韥柬偓旒堨互韨奠郡旖橃簮韥勳紑韤奠辑韥勘旌堪炀办沟韥旍簯炀偆韤挫渐旌犾紕旌紦旒れ簢旒愴勳紤旖错偉旃胳紶旎侅桨旖╈集旒滌康旒來胳骸炀呾礁炀旎れ緦韤柬偡韤韥愴亣炜踌卡旎奠繝旖旍桓韥犾綔旎及韨轨还旎缝滑旖ъ奖旖れ考炜勴伌旎错橃亥韥橃急旒偞韥伆韮曧厑韰滍媯韸滍厐韴绊唸韹夗嫲韴垑韺來垏韱稠厖韸勴儩韯嶍儹韯绊垚韷堩厓韸表叕韸啺韱勴償韸柬姂韮韸來嚫韮勴妧韱姇韴埓韰勴噣韴巾墎韹韱№寑韱淀娍韹堩寖韹ろ寘韹ロ厰韹嬳儰韸疙劯韮滍厺韮绊厽韹疙叏韰№儔韲错埧韹旐啝韱喉喖韮厤韰岉墹韮疙姢韯喉儊韮戫姁韮擁姞韹表嚇韹滍墱韮表厫韮犿儓韮愴儸韸鬼妶韴柬嫶韱ろ劚韰柬啽韹橅劥韼柬崊響犿摳韺柬挬韻巾尙頁摪韾濏斀頀旐彫韽宽拲響ろ摕頁岉彛韺巾巰韽夗帬韽呿懝韽堩尰響頃忢攬韺旐尮韼嶍彺韾來寲韼疙晞響滍帍頁晬韽勴攲韼╉敃韼彴韽№拡韼错寪頂柬摻頃頁愴崉韺疙尅頁豁徏韼橅尃響勴晫頀傢尒韺帒韺ロ帨韼寽韽橅懜頀嬳懠頁旐帣頀夗懐響宽帉韺岉攧韺绊対響摐韼愴徑韺燀敆韻柬巹頂旐彁頃戫實韺庬帹韽悎頀頇夗殶頋戫潉頉绊棄頃淀殞頊勴槗頇绊潣頇表櫓頊柬洈頋夗棿項濏棙須旐暣頇堩暔順ろ泤頃╉槶頋図枆頄図檯頉柬潵頇曧殹頋绊浗頌堩潝頇错殔項淀棃頄愴棛頊瀬頄勴檵頌濏湗頋错棝頌夗洡順鬼暛順曧潗順旐湯順戫灆須冺榾頃疙椃頇ы檷頉楉洃頌愴槃須濏暭頃ロ湝頊戫毃頋№潱頌岉槇項愴潡頊疙泩頋栱潤須鬼湪頇戫湬須绊棇頌橅湙頇橅椆頋檾頋╉樃頃犿棐頉犿殣須澖頃枅須豁槣頋犿暅須嶍晿項湸項榿頉欗泟順柬湢頉岉澕頉渶頇頌涰槧頉淀槓頄呿櫆項ろ枼頊淀棩頃 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang2.cvt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang2.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index a3beb7bd..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang2.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -锘縔DQPWLTGEHZNXVOKCFSBIJURAMydqpwltgehznxvokcfsbijuram臧戈赴甓傠滉箹昕庪伣攴勱补甑缄敞臧り綔杲冴笀瓯宏皽瓴攻旯旊亜昙搓睄甑囮不雮雮嶊吹臧撽锤杲り繄旯窅昊搓祼瓴甑蛾怠臧楆繃瓴缄磻臧栮喘瓯昕笅瓿峨仢甓逢复瓴疥辰甑疥眿昕瓣咯昙瓣禈臧粚瓿堦舶甏创瓿惦亷旮旯戈矊昙愱朝昕旉緯甑j箑昊欕愱惮臧掚仐攴侁箚甓侁秹雬岅箖臧瓣蛋瓿勱芳攴戈箙雭缄硜昃堧勱凹昙碴杭臧愱絹臧曣皼旰呹硨昊甏嶊备旮嶊勘旯濌淡雭婈肮雭呹副旯滉祬瓴侁供瓯瓣繙旮夑稅旯£繊甑魂嘲昕搓粣甏滉箤雭撽磫昃戈繅臧堦磸雬侁阜瓴呹礌瓴熽矉甑筷醇旯侂倧瓴旉冀臧婈矏昃缄緫臧侁臣臧戧皦瓯滉綕瓴嗠仌臧标秷旯缄皣旯魂宫昕瓴£穲臧犼粶瓴濌皠雮戧皾昃愱稖瓴粡昊菇甏勱构雬旮宏皺昙亴甏橁窊雭欔超瓯逢皜旯熽磳昙囮扛雬旉窢旮旉技昊勱桓瓴夒亪甑店穩旰勱北瓿曣竟瓿酬长昃滉碃瓿楆祫昊濌箰昊戧磤瓴婈粛甑搓辑旯婋竵雮勱哺旯犼穿瓴勱厂甑旉筏瓴╆房昙嶊饭昕嬯壕昊缄场瓿标花昃臧旉勃旰疥矁瓴拱杲堦唱瓯旉箮攴滉緞甑夒倢臧矤旯嶊渐臧钉攴戧簩杲傟粯瓯橁矞雭旉焦瓯搓綈昙筷皻甓濌父甓岅党昙堦綁雱啀雵儤雮儔雰愲唻雱橂偗雵浑垍雲曤妳雱措剦雮熾創雺惦嫝雮‰媽雲茧垕電偔雱偄雼愲剴雼濍劦雵╇剻雱滊啘雰勲啒雸茧垹電犽偐雵愲墵雮姂雲犽姲雱る劮雲侂妱雼夒嫏雰戨厴雮鸽偞雺措儱雱涬垟雸欕嚌雸措劌雲雵啌雴傠厹雴嚁電氹倻電橂厔雺滊姤雴堧啋雸堧吂雮氹姮電夒垊雵诫剤電‰嚬雰堧垥雰旊垖電欕厬雲鸽厰雼涬嫆雮厛雸楇墭雰呺倷電旊嚋雰犽剫雱岆偓雱鸽唨雰囯劊雺╇媹電愲偁雱闺偟雮畴墾雲愲嫎雵熾偧雱愲噷雴夒劃雺茧嚢電k偙雴旊姦雮橂姶雼憯霊犽毈雼﹄摚霃愲櫒霃曤梽霐措崶雽曤徏霌崼霅犽殱霚侂崟霚雼鸽棙霛岆巺霛畴枴霑呺寑雼帎霋濍洈霂弸霑旊拃霐溁霑濍嫼霂岆嫽雿炿寔霅╇憳霒半棌霌﹄槕霐╇拡雿涬晝霒诫寪霐橂摖霅巰霐旊櫎霃楇弻雿旊嵁霑熾槾霋る檲霚半崵霛旊嫹霃庪彌霕旊敃霌曤暋霅愲晬霃呺寽霂旊柍霒措嫮霐憽霂澋霌愲潳霑勲惔霛犽崠霚呺寛霘摳霛半崸霐涬湳霌彪嫵霚巵霌洿霒犽柋雼闺嫭霛彪嫶霋冯晛霒崢霐る棇霔愲嵈霒浑彎霋闺殰霐彪嫷霘彪潉霔霘犽湽霃欕柅霋惦嫢霂犽殼霐半搫霑岆崯霚╇搥霊愲懃霂勲張雿滊暊霌悩霕愲嵃霌濍惈霑雽旊洶雽撾摛霑滊帯雼嫟霑嬰潏霋棈霊戨懀霒茧崺雽勲巸霃槵霕橂弰霒敟霃旊枻霛曤槬霐鸽柕霐щ嫯霚悳霙鸽潹雿彪湼雿鸽懍霋彔霑愲彜霐滊摐雼侩棳雽戨搱霔戨0毽呺⒋毪勲煭毳搿犽霟侩(霠措霠牁毽夒Υ霠霟夒牭霝滊そ毳措Μ霝栯「霝勲耄愲〖毳鸽霝嶋毳霟囯ォ霠囯牆霠冯Π霝楇毽囯霝灤霝戨牳霝爜霛茧毳岆牄耄闺煷霝岆霝忞耄╇瀿霠岆耄毳戨爯搿彪カ搿濍毳橂霠闺熃擘半‖霝犽熂霛诫灆霠夒耄‰サ霟半霝鸽耄鸽搿勲爤擘鸽ぜ搿瀫霠欕霠ル灗搿毽茧…毽;擘=霝惦霠る搿る爛毳茧灘毳勲耄瀽霝灅毽侩煬毵堧氅彪氘冯ǜ氕愲皦氕囯氆欕氍忞﹤氙闺珮氅曤氕‰畬毵掚Ж氅撾瑴氘氚岆毹侂氘措瑣毵ル氅鸽─氚堧毵弘А毵涬獙氕嶋皨氆勲瓟氅旊瓨氅嶋獏毵冯瓘毹堧獌氍犽異毵愲毵庪氕夒⿴氇囯毹茧⿱氙勲┅氅堧皞氇Г毹曤氘┄氅半瑧氅氅橂瑒氚忞Ц氕呺ü氙侩瘣毹氇诫瘓氙撾氙鸽┐氍茧Ч氘堧瑯氍浑氇搽氍惦皯氅夒Т氅ル瘈氍氇鸽毵氆堧氚毵橂У氚嶋氕勲毵k氍╇氍鸽┃氇勲珐敫滊稅氩勲睂虢勲簯牍‰贡氡冹亼爰滊皵氚滌偉牒忞秺氚涬矃攵侂菇氚橂矊氪呺搐牒橂睈牖犽綈牖レ偂牍涬秹氚る簚虢侂硛敫冹茧稉靷犽眳敕橂滑氩曤硰氚鸽车虢氲愲眽敫愲繊敕措渤氚щ钩氩щ竴氚挫仠攵欕磩氚波氲岆稌牖愲祤牍奠仺氤曤哎爰欕禉氤检倯氩措箙氩嬰笣爰夒脖虢戨扯敕滊皸牒够氡侂磯敫熾硱爰橂睄敕鸽工氩惦皷氚炿磭氲る窌攵囯箽靷愲緮氤滌倲牍犽唬牍茧钉肟熾簞牍矌氩茧景攵滊紙牒愲睗攵堧箮氚╇笖氲拱靵橂陡爰侂盁虢曤栋爰涬病肟旊竻氤措船牖る钒氩犾仩氤戨簩氤鸽繉氩诫鞍氩る箼氩旊粦氚濍綀靷橂禈牍秳牍旊眲氪愲皶氚膘偅氩欕祱氪旊秬牖楇繙氤嶋紳氤橂硠敫嶋祲攵戨舶氩氹矆牖橂勾牒欕箞攵氹眬牍岆繀牍勲箺敫岆矖肟‰粩肟愲窋牍曥仼牒嶌嫕鞈姽鞌轨嫞靸靺鞂レ剤鞉检彽靿办劶鞄勳寱鞂堨児靽犾啙靿橃寯鞃办悿鞌姩鞆啲鞌旍摡鞊胳彑靺喗鞈堨剟靾橃攲鞂撿兊鞊快敻靾忟啂靽岇唴靸夓啞靾戩挃鞉靺曥姺靽踌嫽鞇挫嫻鞂岇埊鞇检啇鞆挫姏靽办惉鞌届儗靽检彥靺嶌摪靹犾攣靹鹅實靹鞆橃偨鞂╈儛鞁姢靿堨嫬靿彔鞈れ壖靹烄嵐靽楈唽鞃胳儴靾勳敤靽勳攢靸缝偗靺橃嫭鞌╈姌靺嬱儩鞃墣鞉胳妷鞌愳崺靺挫懝鞀レ姮靹問靷悎靷奠偔靿墺靸堨叅鞂嫾靿戩妬靾察敎靻嶌啺鞁れ帉靾叞靹偪靸欖壌鞁滌姯靺レ劙靹れ偝靾膘埆鞄堨敯靽れ寽鞈挫剱鞂靽堨儏靸れ嫺靹膘嚤靺夓姖鞆悙鞃呾崹靾嶌垖靺╈姁鞊膘垁鞆鞆欖嫰鞆㈧懍鞈奠劰靷鹅寜靹熿寴靽厡靷办啍靸侅垳鞆胳惏靹曥劃靾欖嫚靷检彍鞌混嫸靺堨惤靺胳劎靽届劯靸橃墵靾熿嵓鞀堨儸靸挫儨靾犾嫳鞊挫挏靾挫摵靹啫靹埄鞂れ厹靻滌啣鞀奠収靻╈儱鞃届厰靸涭偞靻熿壗鞃察壙鞀挫劊靽旍墧靹滌嚇靾懃鞛囲櫦鞗濎枙鞚滌槆鞐棿鞗滌潹鞚岇暊鞚忟渼鞗椂鞛勳殙鞙欖槶鞖曥潝鞎膘毟鞖红浉鞖れ槞鞖橃槅鞓岇潙鞚犾椃鞐囲暤鞙奠暟鞗轨槢鞚撿浗鞙旍椉鞕胳樄鞚勳潡鞐檽鞗办棃鞏检殽鞓れ洝鞚掛椏鞐婌枲鞐届枏鞓踌洨鞏滌棸鞙岇晭鞏胳湴鞛冹渽鞎挫殟鞐§溂鞓鞐勳晸鞐l梾鞛堨暋鞎欖湪鞎届棤鞕洈鞐岇潔鞐橃枒鞏囲潠鞚胳晽鞓毠鞓奠潾鞚眷湑鞛夓晠鞕膘檲鞖ъ梿鞕犾櫙鞖挫毄鞗岇槣鞚婌澊鞙堨槄鞐夓柀鞕轨溄鞐櫆鞓挫洂鞚届柟鞓办暏鞐眷泚鞛呾殘鞖办棓鞏岇檿鞙缝枠鞖膘洦鞖嬱潣鞙楈泝鞎检枍鞐戩樆鞎踌泹鞙犾檺鞖鞓缝晬鞎勳柣鞙れ晫鞚鞗犾湵鞏奠槰鞐愳晥鞖滌柦鞐庫槬鞎夓櫇鞕侅暈鞕戩杸鞐レ殧鞓侅晩鞎曥澋鞓堨澕鞗鞗呾瀶鞎旍杽鞏楈柧鞙§檧鞛庫潟鞓檮鞓橃槓鞎濎晿鞎檾鞙踌柎膦侅⿳飑滌鞛欤奠飑熿歆爤飑届臁夓煠飓戩〈膦旍飙橃珋殳れ煬飙堨爜鞜橃歙堨瘮欷呾瑘歃岇瓩飓嶌〝歆戩歆办鞜鞝犾爲飑岇灱鞛レ歙夓欷忟灄欤堨ィ膦彀旍彀岇瓙飕犾牞鞛栰歆婌“欤届焷鞝曥欷岇灇飕§鞜堨煂鞝滌Ч鞛旍ゼ歆飙濎飓挫鞛愳爴飙侅П歃夓爠殳ъ飓忟歙嬱瑯鞛lご膦岇欤勳歆犾瓕鞛§Н鞛届ァ臁膘鞝膘牆臁胳煇欤れ鞛橃爾飓岇グ臁彀嶌爯鞛皭歃欖牤歆れ珯歙嶌ⅰ鞝检皽鞛戩飓犾灛飒勳飑§『鞜夓珓歆栰彀㈧⿺飙胳欹橃珮歆检Ё鞝膦届鞛快欤犾膦检<歙欤楈!欹挫彀ъ鞝婌鞛れ飙夓膦啊欹戩ガ飚胳ī飙れ鞝灠飑愳▽鞜珦鞛犾煗歆濎歃愳歆侅灤飑瑦飒橃歃涭が臁岇Ц膦冹牳飒届飚滌Б飒检煄彀濎飕旍牑旆矘於办篃彀惮斓锭彀超斓犾敖旄§硠旄欖番旄岇布斐れ赋毂曥钡齑供齑涭凹旃§眳彀混犯毂欖搐斓胳磳旆岇波旃犾竸觳订斐办磮齑欖钒毂れ磥觳╈辅毂堨癌旄奠睂於滌矙旃箔於れ泊旄膘硥旄旍箻旆混肮齑愳龚彀硱彀胳磯毂当旃滌弹觳奠眲於堨丹旆届稑彀眷硡旆愳搏旄れ川毂办笭斐囲睏毂旍睜齑濎赴觳胳顶彀办禍毂穭觳犾稊觳滌垂旄堨稌旆轨睒斐旍箼旃礃韨淀伣韥检还韤旖橅偉韥囲紦旌レ紶韤橃猾韥愳簤韤挫礁炜緟韤勳紤旎胳考旌呾縿旒伃韤疙仩旖曥激旒紕韥偍炜膘僵旒绊偆韤戫倎旖挫涧旌簯韨缝俊炀§滑韨错亝韨轨紙旒線旃胳环旃挫康韨辜炀紑旎レ花炜稠伌炜办奖旒曥渐旌橅亯韥勴仈旌勳綔旌犾紒旌§氦炜ろ景旒滌沟旌几韤检繝韥办簮旎れ簲旒愳急旎侅綌韥橃桨旌囲緦韤奠饯旎奠淮旌m墎韮愴嫟韲疙儰韱喉埇韮妱韹夗妧韰旐嚧韸曧嫳韹嬳厽韮绊啺韱表厐韸滍垑韸愴寘韷ろ儎韱堩垏韯表啞韹ロ劥韰滍儠韺來嫺韸戫厤韮夗儹韹旐姼韮濏埓韸鬼埥韮寖韹堩増韰呿儞韴宽嫎韰勴啝韯疙唲韰愴姢韮韸堩喖韹韰濏叏韹傢償韱淀儨韰柬噣韴柬嫶韲橅啫韸柬儜韸來姳韮來儽韱稠嫓韸犿厓韮犿墱韯喉叀韱ろ儓韸劙韰來叕韯嶍兏韴寑韹绊垚韰岉娍韴绊巹響宽晳韺№摤韼搶韼滍敆頂曧尮響柬拡頁滍帬頁拲韼彫韽夗張韺搻韼错帿韼戫晫韻勴懜韽橅晞韺巾帎頂柬寽韽悎韻柬幖頁旐摶韽m寣頃嶍攬韽错憸頀旐幐韺濏懁韺豁巰頂岉摪韺犿徔頃忢弲韺柬憚韺╉帉響犿尐韽勴拃頀夗悂響鬼帊頂旐拏頁燀寯頂勴摻韺绊彴韺嶍尌韼欗帍韾濏尭頀嬳憖響寲韽№彁頂巾帢韺庬挬韽巾専頃韻巾帺響徏韻呿摳韺愴潙頄愴樄頉勴浀頋湬項涰湙頇夗榿頇堩檻須燀洍頇错槫須豁暀頌來檧項ロ槙頋m毎須濏湯頊勴瀽頄図洶頉柬澕須岉槃頃檷頃櫂頊错樇頇旐檿頋夗殟項讽毃頄堩浗項错暐頊柬潎順擁棛順旐瀸頋№榾須冺湗須愴棬頉暩頌涰澃頄夗潻須鬼樃頋旐湋須呿湢項堩灅頇绊潣頉堩殹頋欗暤頉呿槓頄ロ棨頋栱暊順犿晿頊滍槇頉旐湱頃错椆須洐頌欗洃頌夗潉頊灊頉犿泴項橅槕頃柬櫛頃棇頃滍潬項濏潵項淀櫓項櫆項夗潡頊淀棐頋巾檯頊疙渶順暕順滍枀頉ろ瀳頇ы殧頋错檵項愴潗頄 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang3.cvt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang3.cvt deleted file mode 100644 index 0ee18c53..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/lang3.cvt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -锘縒HGLYMPJESQVFXIDRTBNOZUKACwhglympjesqvfxidrtbnozukac雭濌档甏勱艾昕旉钉雭呺滉皰瓴嬯备昕囮厂甑疥扛昊攴戨亜攴筷醇昊戧綁甏店凹甑瓣患昃缄勘昃堦画甓夑睖旯‰亾臧楆臣瓿楆窢旯鞍攴旯愱不甑旉矓旯犼瞼瓴╆睄雬愱祰瓿勱祷甏雬旉緞杲濌礌攴堦睌雭岅篃瓯搓副瓴£笉甓岅导攴撽矈旮逢花攴龟粚昙搓矞甑搓皣昕嶊綈臧标看昙侩個臧担甏応硨旯婈案攴滉敞瓴愱焙瓿酬杭昙疥哺甏仐瓿亷瓴侁淮旯旮侂仈昕嬯綀雮岅卡昙侁长臧撽皥甏嶊箮昕堦箚甑勲伡甓傟綔瓴濌皯旯龟复甓濌惮甑蛾箿昙堪昕夑紙瓿堧倣瓴勱皶甏焦臧侁皜臧栮垢臧り帛旮旉粡昙缄睒瓿店皻雬党瓴缄紣昙碴矤旮夒仌瓴瓣粣甑橁负臧勱縺瓴疥絹旯呹矡甑愱矇甑筏甏岆岅卑雭疥桓昊勲仚甓滉竴臧滉航昙瓣皭攴勱穪瓿£北瓿瓣怠昃戈箹旰勱潮臧欔隘旯缄眬昕╆繙昃戧芳瓯冯倧臧婈絺旯瓣碃甑呺倓臧濌悼昃愱箶甏橁祲旰岅矄臧夑竟雬濌窅雭堦渐旯╆勃昃雬勱矊杲冴秮瓿曣簠昊饯旯濌犯臧龟赴昙囮攻瓿侁笀瓴龟扯臧犼唱旮戈粛雬昃曣粯昊滉箥旮嬯朝旯侁皼甓逢箤雭婈锤昊欔箖昕庩宫甓愱波甓堦眿雮戧矁甏嗞矃旰娟辰甏戧紞甏搓铂旯疥緶旯魂礈臧旉穿雲堧姶雮畴妱雱措姞雮鸽媽雵熾嚛雰夒姦雴傠唨雰勲壖雵岆偍電欕唹雸欕妳雰橂劌雺╇墭電旊嚌雱欕嫆雱嫎雮茧埓雮姟雮欕嚮雵闺劋雰戨剾雴撾垐雮滊媺雺剺雸嬰姮雮氹壌雮犽嚁雼㈦厰雮彪厐雸呺剱雴旊剦雱厱雱k嫄雵啘雲戨垹雱嬰儓雼欕垪雼濍偔雮╇剤雰ル偟電戨創雮㈦垥雲侂倶雵偓電ル吋雮熾厹雰呺厾雮姎電橂嚱雴嬰劃雺滊儬雴掚妷雲愲偞雮姲雰囯劰雴橂埣電k姫雱惦償雱岆垊雰愲壍雲勲啀雵滊吀雱滊墵雱掚媹雵愲嫑雱冯嚢雲橂垟雸岆偂雴堧劯電愲啫雲闺殰霌霊嫬霋霔忞湳雿彪敃雼浑憫霊愲巵雽侂溁霕橂敇霂呺摝霔戨搻霕戨巰霌潹霚侂嵁霔嫭霔岆摨雼湼霛堧殼雿ル弻霃欕彅霋冯悩雿╇憼霃茧毇霐半渶霛犽摚霊k暆霊ル梹霌濍崟霅╇嫟霃る摥霋堧檲霊橂挩霂犽摖霌堧彔霚呺柍霂岆敂雽堧嫺霘犽弰雽撾様霑愲帯雼侩柂霗る嫤雽旊槓雿炿彆霚半嵃霛旊槬霂愲彈霒半柤霘弸霋浉霑嶋棙霑旊寗雼措敥霒惦槾霃堧敱霐嫢雼惦晞雿涬澇霛勲湰霑熾巹霂冸摐雿鸽敟霑犽搫雽曤敻霐洶雼冯寫霅潟霒る惈霕枿霚闺寑霑冸澃霌鸽澋霙旊敶霒柎霑‰憯雼畴崠霑呺暅霋る敎霌彪嫯雿崵霑嬰櫒霂旊潓霐涬嫼霑侂崝霐る崯霋惦惔霚╇摛霅愲柣霃湪霊‰悹霛彪潳霙措帹霑岆寽霒‰崢霔愲嫻霒彪嫰霌曤幀霔勲嵈霔嶋崸霅滊晙霃庪毐霒犽崪霐щ彌霒诫挐雽愲弲霃濍殱霋闺彁雼毽夒霝戨毽半灥毽’霠る耄爜霟囯搿耄牗霠橂瀫擘毳欕霟诫0耄闺耄诫擘嶋煷霝楇澕霠冯毽牬霠鸽霠愲灎毪诫煭霠囯擘措ォ霠岆瀯毽侩耄熾澖霠ル灤霝栯”耄呺霠夒霠涬ぜ霝掚〖毳措灆毽呺毽诫ゼ毽婋)霝╇耄岆灗毽囯…毳灅毳犽灨毳瀸霝嶋「毪犽毽措8霟侩焿搿撾ジ毳牴擘鸽·霠毽勲!霝瀽耄愲耄浑霠熂霝忞灉毳惦毳忞爤霝煱搿煬霠欕霠濍牭毽庪灚氙闺┍氍诫珗氍措珓氍浑Д毵惦珮氍茧氅ル皞氍惦瓟氍橂〾氍勲氅╇▉氅傠氅撾氕橂─毵‰█毵冯氚氚嬰獙氍戨瑣氇半毵濍瘬氙茧┌氇╇┄氇氅措﹫氘冯└毵﹢毹鸽毵る瓙氅曤Т氅щ瑥氆欕氙愲⿳毵弘瓑氚堧氙勲皦毹闺瑎氕k獓氕‰毵欕氇冸氍倦氘岆氚戨氕呺氙毵氚岆氇氘愲瑴氚嶋瓘氇诫獎氇呺氍毵鸽氚忞瓖氅庪氕毵炿氅旊毹曤Ч氘堧В氅嬰瓏氍犽氕勲▓氙堧矊氡愲工攵氹钵牍氺倲敕鸽紮牖ル眽氤戨躬牍畴病氤措钒氩勲禈肟滊皼牍楇眬靲茧癌敕措祲氲愲綈牒勲矃氚彪綍氪俊氚鸽秶爰夒滑氚橂龚氡勲祵敕旊絼攵牒氩茧簫牍旊碍氚旊箾靵犾倶牍犽矉氩堧箤牍呾倯敕橂盀氤勲矚牖る硰氩措埂攵欕钉敫旊竴敫嶋秹氚栯繑牖戨箷氡岆矖靷犽粯敫滊够攵勲硱氚熾秺氩彪窚靷ル稉敫岆皸氪勲簭氪旊綀靵╇渤牍惦磹爰滊栋牒戨眮敫濍粩氤曤臣氩半硩攵侂粭氡冸磪氤氪夒陡牒橂繀靷愲车敫愲稌牖愳亼敕╇菠牍半磭攵堧稖氚曤禉刖旊箼牍堧繜敫呺掣肟愲眳氩庫偅氲仺氡濍綉肟岆挨牍措驳爰橂景虢牖犽贡敕曤步氩欕矔牍茧繊牍庫仒氚滊笩氤滊紱氪る簷牒祱牒岆睄牍诫簮靵滌偂氤峨波攵戨唬氲る絹氲攵愲矤氩旊硺爰堧哀氚半皾牍勲紳敫冸哎爰侂按靹剱靾犾啀鞊╈彉鞌混噲靽厜鞃劯鞂岇寑鞂堨劶鞀挫摵鞆挫尋鞂嶌垷鞁轨惉鞇堨惤鞃察啇鞆╈悿鞃惏鞈堨埁靽届捈靷姖靽岇壖靹ъ妬靸靸欖嚤鞂曥嫸鞀愳嚦靾欖剙鞆熿姯鞇检厹鞌侅垜鞃检摽靾挫壄鞌胳嵐靺橃彔靾剷靺弨鞆欖児靽勳懘鞀レ姢鞀偨鞆㈧啯鞈奠啍靸缝嫞鞈劅鞁濎斀鞀姌靸挫攲鞂夓嫭靹轨攼靸岇垗靿堨敤靻墤靹濎儔靻办劕鞄岇姽鞀缝懆鞂旍劚靻§摪靺旍儊靽楈敥靸愳偘靸れ儏靹滌劖鞆奠偠鞆叐靽れ寭靹勳啛靿快垙鞃呾妷靺办劊靸堨垖鞁犾嚑靺胳嚁靾勳埊鞉胳儩靽检嵔鞂滌偓靹懝鞂レ儸靾挏靿旍劙靹犾偧鞇挫剤靻栰壈鞆胳儨鞀堨埍鞁混姏鞂彍靿届寴鞁摳靿挫嫬鞌旍儱靺れ啙靺嶌叴靾滌収鞌滌悙靾察懃鞂╈巹靷劄靸橃唽鞄堨儴鞊挫嚢鞌办嵏鞈れ喗鞃╈厐鞁膘姷鞌轨埄靷踌攢靺曥摫靾靻呾嫾靺嬱墺靺レ拃靻レ挃鞁胳兊靻劋靻滌嚇靷快劧靷奠嫰靺岇嵃鞁れ墣靻庫偞靺堨壃鞁滌墭靸涭敩靾橃彮靿犾湐鞛堨槼鞓呾櫣鞓堨湷鞏囲潉鞖嶌枲鞏奠檺鞕撿暋鞚检殘鞓愳槣鞖鞖嬱棩鞎楈泚鞐犾槷鞓办毀鞎烄槶鞛呾柧鞙奠洦鞓混槫鞓奠棃鞐l晭鞖办殨鞓挫枌鞎犾槵鞐挫洈鞖胳潚鞙办棁鞗滌暭鞐缝櫙鞕滌瀯鞎撿晞鞎岇椂鞓嗢槰鞐眷棥鞙届櫛鞐橃瀲鞛婌潑鞚橃椏鞎旍潬鞐庫毐鞗轨杽鞏橃暯鞓橃檮鞙欖洕鞎挫棶鞗椊鞚滌晬鞙§殙鞐检棳鞚鞚旍殰鞗届晧鞎办柟鞚岇泤鞏检毄鞚撿澊鞖红澑鞐戩澗鞎曥湢鞎堨柀鞓侅毚鞗胳樂鞐暆鞙楈洶鞕旍瀻鞕戩棸鞗╈檧鞛夓槬鞎奠榾鞚忟洝鞙岇殼鞕检晠鞏楈枏鞖旍檲鞎梽鞓涭暠鞗冹泙鞚届毠鞙膘柎鞕犾潙鞚楈渼鞚奠泹鞏戩溂鞐夓檨鞙缝檿鞚棇鞙呾潔鞕胳棎鞎婌暢鞓岇殽鞐旍潹鞓轨櫖鞐嗢洜鞕濎晿鞗愳殬鞏混杸鞎れ湪鞗岇梾鞙れ棅鞓囲湑鞏届枩鞏嶌暀鞚曥瀮鞏曥柛鞓欖湀鞚栰瀾飙愳爜飑岇彀㈧『臁办灲彀濎歆办飙欖爾歃愳飙橃珣彀ъ歆濎欷鞛§灱鞝滌鞛挫飓岇珦鞝膘飕§歙╈歆歙旍彀嶌皩殳ъ煗欹愳鞛旍=飑濎灠鞜歆检ご飓橃疁歃堨飓欖Б鞛灃鞝⿳欹橃鞜岇牠欤奠П飓勳飒橃牳膦届煥飒检瑘臁膘歆滌灄飓挫瀽欤欖欷嗢爛欹瘮膦检〈飙堨鞝检<膦岇爠膦濎Ц歆轨灛歆栰灓飑膦呾灎膦鞝愳歙堨珋飕愳К欷嶌牋飓忟焾歙歆婌欹旍▼欤楈ゴ鞜夓灒飙侅◢鞝撿煇彀§瑺鞜れ膦冹歆犾ァ欷呾彀旍獎歃橃欤§歆曥飓嶌瓭歆欖欤岇瓕鞛快煬鞝堨灔飑愳Н膦侅殳╈Г鞛牑欹犾焷膦嶌Ё彀滌爲鞝灇飚胳珷膦嬱ィ彀愳膦囲煄鞜橃欷飑旍ゼ飙れ▽臁胳グ飑届膦§瓑鞝婌瑪欤旍飑§鞝曥殳れ欤曥¥鞝濎▔飕橃鞛橃硣彀混栋旆混硵旃滌笀旃犾赴彀办窅於レ矘旃橃布斓れ矙斐勳眳旆胳弹毂勳睏旄船旆勳睓於ъ硱齑艾觳╈公齑夓睂斓犾钒觳敖斐呾稖斐办稌彀胳眻於れ睒旄奠驳齑涭笖旆届搐齑岇饭齑愳法毂办赋斐矞旄犾磮於橃副於堨睜斓膘哺毂袱彀浮旃熿垂毂曥凹旃淡旃§钡旄欖番觳礉斓滌箼斓胳癌觳长毂旍皑觳犾宝旃礃旆岇供於╈惮觳堡彀眷硥於旍磥旄勳礄旄岇泊彀轨緟炜稠偣炜办涵韤綔韨れ坏韨讽奠紤旎卡韥办还韥橃垢旒侅縿韨几炀§淮旒愴亹旌夗亣旖橅偓旖膘考韥护旌戫伌旌愳紩旖レ棘旖旐偟炀旎胳紑旎レ籂旎缝勘炀岇桨旎含旖曧戫勳康旌れ饯炜犾沟韥夓集炜れ紶旌レ僵韤挫骸韨ロ伣韥旍滑旒办辑旒擁伃旃检勾炜§海旒膘粊旖ы橃紕韥犾紲旖疙检酱韤疙偞旌橃簞旒れ鲸韨侅簠旌旐亝韥柬炀办簢旒堩亜韱稠嚫韸鬼啽韺冺厡韹傢埇韮濏姇韴绊埈韸柬姼韲韮旐娍韮ろ埥韮戫厖韮増韱№嫓韰勴寘韱犿寑韷滍嫳韰愴姞韰№垑韮疙叕韹疙厹韲橅姕韰旐啢韺來労韱喉妬韴柬嫢韹橅剭韹旐姳韸愴儓韮勴儸韱墎韮韴宽唲韰來劚韮來儔韮表嫟韰埓韸韴愴劯韮擁儼韸儨韹韷ろ厐韰冺垏韰燀吋韸戫妶韱绊儠韮愴儬韸ろ媺韯错嚧韱淀嫶韮妱韱堩嫲韰嶍喖韯绊媼韹堩厺韽橅幖韺№帍頃勴拫韺庬帣頃忢敆韺豁対韼挃頃戫憚韺犿彛韼疙攧頁旐寪韽夗寣韽呿専響犿摻韺滍帉韻柬實頁滍憸頂巾尌響宽帊韼橅摤頀堩晫韺旐敂韼犿憖韼韽№巹頀嶍帿韽柬晙韺疙拃韺绊彫韾堩崉頂堩懁韺柬尐響柬搶韼╉弰頀夗幁韽巾懝頁燀搻韽愴寲韾來攲韽绊徔韼错摪響拏韽错懜韾濏嵔韽堩尳韼滍尒頁挬頃嶍帎韻呿彮響敿頁豁帒韺鬼敃韺摳頌涰殣頉淀櫞順擁櫂頋旐暐頊╉瀬頌堩棨須№殧順曧湸順戫樃頇旐殐頊疙棙頋図渼頋愴浗頉旐榾項欗晿項错潙須濏潡頇滍潠須嶍檧頋犿湗頊柬枀順ろ殞頇呿槇頇堩暅頇嬳瀽頊欗殶順渶頇╉洃頊淀潿頃疙洐項毎頋ロ毣頌橅潉頋№棳項淀棄順愴櫚頃错暔頇表枃項掜洍須呿澃頌濏枅頇曧暙項堩澊項鬼暛頉犿瀴頉棩頃╉棝頃犿灆頃淀湪頃柬棎頇戫様頉堩澖頋╉洡頇嶍杽頋橅樄須潐頄愴檳頊泤頇ы湋順來浖頊犿樇頋欗毃頊滍棇頋m棟須鬼枆頃欗洶順犿枼頉岉瀸頊泟順滍澕順勴椃 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c49245b7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,797 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT 陛浇 : %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME 急厩摹 : -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 流立 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE 背券吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP 惑痢阑 捞侩吝老锭俊绰 厘厚甫 背眉且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA 堡厘俊辑绰 俺牢 惑痢阑 咯角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW 拳混捞 何练秦 -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH 历镑栏肺 立辟 且 荐绰 绝阑 巴 鞍焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE 历镑俊 乐绰 利阑 傍拜且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 厘馒秦具秦 -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE 富阑 鸥具父 荤侩 且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET 穿备俊霸 镜扒瘤 搬沥秦具... -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP 积疙仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP 沥脚仿捞 何练秦! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL 富阑 鸥绊 荤侩 且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON 捞 公扁肺绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 扁贱捞焙 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE 悼丰俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE 磷篮磊俊霸父 荤侩且 荐 乐绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD 超矫措甫 甸绊辑 胶懦阑 荤侩且 荐绰 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE 捞镑俊辑绰 傍拜且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF 唱俊霸绰 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绢 -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s 丛篮 庇富 芭何 惑怕 涝聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s 丛篮 立加吝捞 酒凑聪促 SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE 庇富 芭何 惑怕俊辑绰 庇富阑 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 SNA -CHANNEL 盲澄 -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT 肺弊牢 拳搁栏肺 唱哎 荐 绝嚼聪促. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER 辑滚 绝澜 -CHANNEL_NORMAL 盲澄 %d -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO 盲澄 沥焊甫 茫阑荐啊 绝嚼聪促 -CHANNEL_PVP 磊蜡措搬 -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL 盲澄阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION 搬力备开阑 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER 辑滚甫 急琶秦 林技夸 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER 抛胶飘辑滚 -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR 抛胶飘 %s:%d -CHAT_ALL 傈眉 -CHAT_BLOCK 瞒窜 -CHAT_GUILD 辨靛 -CHAT_INFORMATION 沥焊 -CHAT_INSULT_STRING 何利例茄 窜绢啊 器窃等 巩厘涝聪促 -CHAT_LOG 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁[L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE 瘤唱埃 措拳 焊扁 -CHAT_NORMAL 老馆 -CHAT_NOTICE 傍瘤 -CHAT_PARTY 颇萍 -CHAT_SEND_CHAT 盲泼 焊郴扁 -CHAT_SEND_MEMO 率瘤 焊郴扁[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT 寇魔 -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT 寇摹扁绰 15檬俊 茄锅究 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -CHAT_WHISPER 庇富 -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME '款康'捞 器窃等 捞抚篮 荤侩 且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 何利例茄 捞抚涝聪促 -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME 鞍篮 捞抚阑 啊柳 某腐磐啊 乐嚼聪促 -CREATE_FAILURE 某腐磐甫 父甸 荐 绝嚼聪促 -CREATE_GM_NAME 款康 -CREATE_INPUT_NAME 捞抚阑 涝仿 窍绞矫坷 -CREATE_PLUS_STAT 器牢飘啊 酒流 巢酒乐嚼聪促 -DAY 老 -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY %d 成阑 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 滚副荐 绝嚼聪促. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER 1000成 捞惑篮 滚副 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EMOTION_DANCE_1 错胶1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 错胶2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 错胶3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 错胶4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 错胶5 -EMOTION_DANCE_6 碍巢胶鸥老 -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION 绵窍 -EMOTION_FORGIVE 侩辑 -EMOTION_ANGRY 拳晨 -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE 蜡趣 -EMOTION_SAD 浇悄 -EMOTION_SHY 何掺烦 -EMOTION_CHEERUP 览盔 -EMOTION_BANTER 愁覆 -EMOTION_JOY 扁惠 -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 券龋 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 券龋 2 -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE 惑措甫 急琶窍绞矫坷 -EMOTION_CLAP 冠荐 -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS 虐胶 -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS 橇坊摹 虐胶 -EMOTION_SLAP 蝶蓖 -EMPIRE_A 脚荐惫 -EMPIRE_B 玫炼惫 -EMPIRE_C 柳畴惫 -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE 背券 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY 搬沥窍脚 咀荐绰 函版且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 背券且荐 绝嚼聪促 -EXCHANGE_MONEY 背券 咀荐 -EXCHANGE_TITLE %s 丛苞狼 背券 -FISHING_FAILURE 绊扁啊 固尝父 哗冈绊 漓轿霸 档噶闷嚼聪促 -FISHING_UNKNOWN 公均捞 棱腮瘤 葛福摆促 -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE 超矫甫 且 荐 乐绰 镑捞 酒凑聪促 -GAME_CANNOT_MINING 富阑 鸥绊辑 盲堡阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM 家蜡鼻捞 绝绢 酒捞袍阑 笼阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR 目辑 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 捞惑捞 彬妨 乐瘤 臼酒 霸烙 角青阑 且 荐 绝嚼聪促.\nDirectX 8.1 捞惑阑 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE 霸烙 角青俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 厘摹甫 茫阑荐 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST 弊贰侨 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n霸烙捞 角青登扁俊 利钦茄 弊贰侨 墨靛啊 汲摹登绢乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n肚绰 窍靛傀绢 啊加捞 难廉乐绰瘤 犬牢窍绞矫坷.\n(力绢魄->叼胶敲饭捞->汲沥 狼 绊鞭滚瓢\n->巩力 秦搬 徘俊辑 窍靛傀绢 啊加阑 '弥措'肺 汲沥) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT 荤侩窍绊 拌脚 矫胶袍狼 弊贰侨 墨靛绰 32厚飘 葛靛俊辑 芒葛靛甫 瘤盔窍瘤 臼嚼聪促.\n16厚飘 葛靛肺 傈券窍矫芭唱 傈眉 拳搁 葛靛甫 荤侩窍矫扁 官而聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO 酒捞袍 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW 皋牢 芒 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO 阁胶磐 单捞磐啊 绝嚼聪促.\n霸烙阑 促矫 汲摹窍绞矫坷. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK 匙飘况农 厘摹 积己俊 角菩沁嚼聪促.\n牢磐齿 楷搬惑怕甫 痢八秦焊技夸. -GAME_PICK_MONEY %d 成阑 裙垫沁嚼聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 128捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT 技肺农扁啊 12捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 16捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH 啊肺农扁啊 64啊 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT 瘤盔登绰 捞固瘤 颇老捞 酒凑聪促 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH metin2/upload 弃歹俊 颇老阑 持绢林技夸 -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT 急琶等 捞固瘤 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE 荐龋傈 -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE 菩空傈 -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 %s 辨靛俊辑 辨靛傈 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 览傈 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE 竿厘傈 -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE 殿鞭 -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE 侩脚仿阑 雀汗且 鞘夸啊 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_COMMENT 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME 辨靛 捞抚栏肺 荤侩窍扁俊 何利例钦聪促 -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE 辨靛盔 -GUILD_DELETE 瘤快扁 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP %d成阑 荤侩窍咯 侩脚仿阑 %d父怒 雀汗窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN 辨靛俊 啊涝 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA 厚绢 乐绰 顶 -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME 惑措 辨靛疙 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 捞抚 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 犁丰啊 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练窍咯 扒拱阑 瘤阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION 傍瘤鼻茄捞 绝嚼聪促 -GUILD_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 且 版氰摹 -GUILD_SHORT_EXP 版氰摹啊 何练钦聪促 -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO 扁瘤 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_BOARD 霸矫魄 -GUILD_TILE_GRADE 流困 包府 -GUILD_TILE_INFO 辨靛 沥焊 -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER 辨靛盔 -GUILD_TILE_SKILL 辨靛 胶懦 -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN 傈捧 矫埃 30盒 -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION 铰府矫 拱距 焊惑 -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP 傈里磐 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP 老馆甘 荤侩 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE 痢荐啊 臭篮 辨靛啊 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 惑措祈 标惯阑 磊脚狼 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 扁瘤肺 啊廉坷搁 铰府 -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD 惑措 辨靛 傈戈矫 铰府 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼嚼聪促 -HORSE_HEALTH0 磷菌澜 -HORSE_HEALTH1 倾扁咙 -HORSE_HEALTH2 硅绊悄 -HORSE_HEALTH3 硅何抚 -HORSE_LEVEL1 檬鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL2 吝鞭富 -HORSE_LEVEL3 绊鞭富 -HOUR 矫埃 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 概飘腐胶 墨靛 锅龋 涝仿 -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE 概飘腐胶 墨靛 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION 林刮殿废锅龋 缔磊府 7臂磊甫 涝仿秦林绞矫坷 -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE 某腐磐 昏力 -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL 蓖券扁撅何绰 钦磨 荐 绝嚼聪促 -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM 酒捞袍阑 荤侩窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -JOB_ASSASSIN 磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN0 斑嚼磊按 -JOB_ASSASSIN1 厚混焙 -JOB_ASSASSIN2 碍畴焙 -JOB_SHAMAN 公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN0 斑嚼公寸 -JOB_SHAMAN1 玫锋焙 -JOB_SHAMAN2 堡汾焙 -JOB_SURA 荐扼 -JOB_SURA0 斑嚼荐扼 -JOB_SURA1 券公焙 -JOB_SURA2 孺付焙 -JOB_WARRIOR 公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR0 斑嚼公荤 -JOB_WARRIOR1 唱茄焙 -JOB_WARRIOR2 喊扁焙 -LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE 辑滚 立加俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS 辑滚 立加俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_CONNETING 辑滚俊 立加 吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY 秦寸 拌沥捞 捞固 立加秦 乐嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY 肺弊牢俊 巩力啊 惯积窍看嚼聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID 喉钒吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL 荤侩扁埃 搬力啊 登瘤 臼篮 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL 酒流 荤侩且 荐 绝绰 拌沥 涝聪促. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID 涝仿窍脚 酒捞叼绰 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID 泅犁 酒捞袍 汗备 吝牢 拌沥涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN 辑滚啊 酒流 坷锹 登瘤 臼疽嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER 立加磊啊 腹酒 立加且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 捞蜡肺 肺弊牢俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER 锅龋 涝仿捞 肋给 登菌嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE 锅龋 涝仿捞 3锅 撇妨 立加阑 辆丰钦聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD 菩胶况靛啊 撇啡嚼聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_SOCIALID 肋给等 林刮殿废锅龋涝聪促 -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN_TIME 妓促款力 矫青栏肺 牢茄 瞒窜矫埃涝聪促 -LOGIN_INPUT_ID 酒捞叼甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋甫 涝仿秦林技夸 -LOGIN_PROCESSING 肺弊牢 吝 涝聪促 -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT 酒捞袍 隔俊绰 酒捞袍阑 持阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MAP_A1 康救谰己 -MAP_A2 铰锋邦 -MAP_A3 磊剧泅 -MAP_AG 吝尔泅 -MAP_B1 炼救谰己 -MAP_B2 烙瘤邦 -MAP_B3 汗沥泅 -MAP_BG 客锋泅 -MAP_C1 乞公谰己 -MAP_C2 规魂邦 -MAP_C3 冠扼泅 -MAP_CG 烙窍泅 -MAP_DESERT 康厚荤阜 -MAP_FLAME 档堪拳瘤 -MAP_SKELTOWER 荤蓖啪 -MAP_SNOW 辑茄魂 -MAP_SPIDER 芭固奔 -MAP_TEMPLE 剐背荤盔 -MAP_TREE 蓖格覆 -MAP_TRENT02 利蓖格覆 -MAP_WL 荤炔乞具 -MAP_NUSLUCK 荤炔邦 -MAP_CAPE 侩滴谤 -MAP_THUNDER 锄己魂 -MAP_DAWN 瓤公覆 -MAP_BAY 孺荤父 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s丛捞 模备 殿废阑 夸没窍继嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE 沥富肺 昏力 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE 捞悼 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST 厚绢乐澜 -MESSENGER_FAMILY 啊练 -MESSENGER_FRIEND 模备 -MESSENGER_GUILD 辨靛 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION 勤靛迄 皋技瘤肺 罐栏脚 牢刘 锅龋甫 涝仿秦 林绞矫坷 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE 牢刘 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 勤靛迄 锅龋甫 涝仿窍瘤 臼栏矫搁 皋技瘤甫 焊尘 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 瘤陛 锅龋甫 涝仿窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE 勤靛迄 锅龋 涝仿 -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE 焊尘 巩磊 皋技瘤 -MINIMAP 固聪甘 -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE 固聪甘阑 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档甫 杭 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE 绵家 -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE 犬措 -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT 包恩磊 %d 疙 -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP 傈眉瘤档 焊扁 -MINUTE 盒 -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍 困摹甫 官曹 荐 绝嚼聪促 -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST 澜厩 颇老捞 粮犁窍瘤 臼嚼聪促 -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC 急琶等 澜厩 颇老捞 绝嚼聪促 -NEEFD_REST 绒侥鞘夸 -NOT_YET_SUPPORT 酒流 瘤盔登瘤 臼嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE 辨靛俊 加秦 乐瘤 臼栏搁 辨靛 葛靛绰 汲沥且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT PvP 葛靛 汲沥篮 泅犁 荤侩窍角 荐 绝嚼聪促. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT %d饭骇 捞惑父 PvP 葛靛 汲沥捞 啊瓷钦聪促. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER 傍拜仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER 傍拜 加档 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER 胶懦 瘤加 矫埃 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER 规绢仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER 弥措 沥脚仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER 弥措 积疙仿 : +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP 颇萍 秦魂 -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT 丛捞 颇萍 啊涝 脚没阑 窍继嚼聪促. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN 丛狼 颇萍 檬措甫 荐遏 窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE 版氰摹 盒硅 规侥 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL 饭骇俊 蝶扼 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP 饭骇捞 臭阑 荐废 版氰摹甫 腹捞 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY 闭殿窍霸 -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP 葛电 颇萍盔捞 版氰摹甫 闭殿窍霸 唱床 爱绰促 -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER 傈盔 雀汗 -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 颇萍 康氢 裹困 1.5硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 颇萍 康氢 裹困 2硅 刘啊 SNA -PARTY_LEAVE 颇萍 呕硼 -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP 厘矫埃 颇萍 焊呈胶 版氰摹 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [坷橇扼牢] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER 颇萍盔 家券 -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS 眉仿 沥脚仿 雀汗樊 焊呈胶 : +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED 颇萍 脚没阑 芭何沁嚼聪促. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER 绢怕目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER 滚辑目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_BUFFER 滚欺肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER 叼奇歹肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_NORMAL 瓷仿 秦力 -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SET_TANKER 攀目肺 汲沥 -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER 绢琶目 扁夯 傍拜仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER 滚辑目 傍拜 加档 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER 滚欺 胶懦 瘤加矫埃 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER 叼奇歹 规绢仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA 颇萍 裹困 +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER 胶懦 付胶磐 弥措 沥脚仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗加档 +%.0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER 攀目 弥措 积疙仿 +%.0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP 颇萍盔 家券 啊瓷 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_ITEM_TITLE 笼阑 俺荐 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 俺牢 惑痢俊辑 魄概 且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION 凯绊 拌脚 俺牢 惑痢阑 摧栏矫摆嚼聪鳖? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 捞抚 涝仿芒 -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE 啊拜 涝仿芒 -PVP_LEVEL0 急空 -PVP_LEVEL1 康旷 -PVP_LEVEL2 己磊 -PVP_LEVEL3 瘤牢 -PVP_LEVEL4 剧刮 -PVP_LEVEL5 扯牢 -PVP_LEVEL6 厩牢 -PVP_LEVEL7 付滴 -PVP_LEVEL8 菩空 -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP 辨靛 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP 磊蜡 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP 乞拳 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP 焊龋 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP 览隆 葛靛肺 汲沥登菌嚼聪促 -PVP_OPTION_KILL 磊蜡 -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL 乞拳 -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT 焊龋 -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE 览隆 -QUEST_APPEND 货肺款 涅胶飘啊 殿废登菌嚼聪促 -QUEST_MIN 盒 -QUEST_SEC 檬 -QUEST_TIMEOVER 力茄 矫埃 檬苞 -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME 力茄 矫埃 绝澜 -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 檬 -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM 狞浇吩俊 殿废且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s 丛栏肺何磐 皋技瘤啊 吭嚼聪促 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : %d成 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 俺樊 犬伏捞 臭酒瘤瘤父 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 酒捞袍捞 荤扼笼聪促. 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING 俺樊俊 角菩 窍搁 酒捞袍 己瓷捞 冻绢笼聪促 -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN 沥富 康籍阑 都绢郴矫摆嚼聪鳖? -REFINE_FAILURE 俺樊俊 角菩沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 俺樊且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM 都绢尘 荐 乐绰 皋凭籍捞 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL 歹 亮篮 俺樊辑啊 鞘夸 钦聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET 歹 捞惑 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝嚼聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM 家南阑 墩阑 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM 己瓷阑 氢惑 矫懦 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS 俺樊俊 己傍沁嚼聪促 -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 矫档窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SAFEBOX_ERROR 厚剐 锅龋啊 撇啡嚼聪促. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM 芒绊俊 乐绰 酒捞袍篮 魄概且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD 货 厚剐 锅龋啊 肋给 涝仿 登菌嚼聪促 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 肺 泅犁狼 胶农赴鸡阑 -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 历厘 沁嚼聪促. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE 胶农赴鸡 历厘俊 角菩 沁嚼聪促. -SECOND 檬 -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE 某腐磐甫 昏力且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME 某腐磐 捞抚捞 函版 登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME 捞固 粮犁窍绰 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX 促矫 矫档秦 林绞矫坷 -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME 肋给等 某腐磐 捞抚涝聪促 -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE 某腐磐 捞抚 函版 -SELECT_DELEING 某腐磐 昏力 吝 -SELECT_DELETED 昏力登菌嚼聪促 -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY 沥富 瘤快矫摆嚼聪鳖? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT 厚绢乐绰 浇吩涝聪促 -SELECT_GM_NAME 款康 -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME 函版且 某腐磐 捞抚阑 急琶窍绞矫坷 -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SHOP_BUY_INFO 惑痢 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 备涝且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT 厘馒 吝牢 酒捞袍篮 颇角 荐 绝嚼聪促 -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM 迫 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍 涝聪促 -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 惑痢 俊矾 : %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS 肋给等 酒捞袍 涝聪促. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL 牢亥配府俊 巢篮 磊府啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY 捣捞 何练钦聪促. -SHOP_SELL_INFO 牢亥配府 芒狼 酒捞袍阑 急琶窍矫搁 酒捞袍阑 颇角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SHOP_SOLDOUT 犁绊啊 绝嚼聪促. -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 厘芭府 傍拜 俊矾 : %s -SKILL_BOHO 馆荤 -SKILL_BUDONG 何悼冠何 -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK 捞力何磐绰 版氰阑 烹秦辑父 荐访且 荐 乐嚼聪促. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT 捞力何磐绰 氓阑 烹秦 荐访窍寂具 钦聪促. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN 玫辟眠 -SKILL_CRITICAL 2硅 单固瘤 -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON 刀 官福扁 -SKILL_EUNHYEONG 篮屈过 -SKILL_FAINT 扁例 -SKILL_FIND_TRAP 窃沥茫扁 -SKILL_FIRE 瘤加 拳堪 -SKILL_FISHMIND 绢缴券 荤侩吝 -SKILL_GAMJI 皑瘤 -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG 八版 -SKILL_GEONGON 扒帮摹券 -SKILL_GICHEON 扁玫措傍 -SKILL_GIGONG 扁傍贱 -SKILL_GONGPO 傍器 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s 弊罚靛 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s 付胶磐 -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s 欺棋飘 付胶磐 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 厚混焙 -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 碍畴焙 -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE 铰付 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 玫锋焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 堡汾焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 券公焙 -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 孺付焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 唱茄焙 -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 喊扁焙 -SKILL_GWIGEOM 蓖八 -SKILL_GYEONGGONG 版傍贱 -SKILL_HEUKSIN 孺脚荐龋 -SKILL_HOSIN 龋脚 -SKILL_HWAYEOM 拳堪曼 -SKILL_HYEOLMA 趋付阿己 -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD 傍拜加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD 捞悼加档 刘啊 -SKILL_INMA 牢付钦脚 -SKILL_JEOJU 历林 -SKILL_JEONGEOP 沥诀牢 -SKILL_JEONGWI 傈蓖去 -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO 傈脚规绢 -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK 傈脚傍拜 -SKILL_JEUNGCHE 刘眉脚过 -SKILL_JEUNGHON 刘去瘤过 -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK 刘仿贱 -SKILL_JEUNGSOK 刘加贱 -SKILL_JIGAM 瘤皑措过 -SKILL_JIPJUNG 笼吝规绢 -SKILL_JUMAGAP 林付癌 -SKILL_JUMAGEOM 林付八 -SKILL_KWAEGEOM 蔫八贱 -SKILL_KWAESOK 蔫加 -SKILL_LEGBOUND 促府弓烙 -SKILL_MUSA 公荤去 -SKILL_MUYEONG 公康柳 -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE 后捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE 刀捍捞 绝绢 -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR 辨靛傈 吝俊父 荤侩 窍角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SKILL_PABEOP 颇过贱 -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE 胶畔 傍拜 -SKILL_SEOMGWANG 级堡藕 -SKILL_SINCHAK 脚馒脚傍 -SKILL_SLEEP 泪甸扁 -SKILL_SLOW 浇肺快 -SKILL_STUN 胶畔 -SKILL_SUHO 荐龋傈飞 -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION 家券 己傍 犬伏 : %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL 饭骇 -SKILL_TOXICDIE 吝刀 -SKILL_TOXICPOWER 刀俊 狼茄 傍拜仿 刘啊 -SKILL_TUSOK 捧加付飞 -SKILL_WONSIN 盔脚焊贱 -SKILL_YONGSIN 侩脚捧龋 -STAT_MINUS_CON 眉仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_DEX 刮酶 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_INT 瘤瓷 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_MINUS_STR 辟仿 炼沥 (巢篮 扁雀 %d雀) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON 积疙仿苞 规绢仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX 疙吝伏苞 雀乔啦捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT 沥脚仿苞 付过仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR 傍拜仿捞 氢惑邓聪促 -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE 辨靛 缴杭 殿废 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 狐弗 加档甫 尘 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU 鸥老傅 葛靛绰 历荤剧俊辑 蠢副 荐 乐嚼聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 弊贰侨惑 巩力啊 积辨 版快 `矫胶袍 可记` 趣篮 `CONFIG.exe` 甫 捞侩秦 -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 CPU 鸥老傅 葛靛肺 犁汲沥窍矫扁 官而聪促 -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT 鸥老傅 葛靛甫 汲沥窍扁 困秦 霸烙阑 辆丰钦聪促 -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT 措搬悼狼 -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE 汗荐 -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY 颇鲍 -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT 郴覆 -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW 咀记倾侩 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE 背券 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE 力寇 -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER 包恩辆丰 -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT 措搬 -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND 模备 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD 辨靛檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY 颇萍呕硼 -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY 颇萍啊涝 -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT 厘厚 -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER 庇富 -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS 厘焙 -TARGET_LEVEL_KING 措空 -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN 凉捍 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT 惑鞭 厘荐 -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN 惑鞭 凉捍 -TASKBAR_ATTACK 傍拜 -TASKBAR_AUTO 磊悼 -TASKBAR_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -TASKBAR_EXP 版氰摹 -TASKBAR_HP 积疙仿 -TASKBAR_MOVE 捞悼 -TASKBAR_SKILL 胶懦 -TASKBAR_SP 沥脚仿 -TASKBAR_ST 瘤备仿 -THING_COUNT 俺 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL 悼拱幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN 磊按俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL 厩付幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN 牢埃阁胶磐幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO 剐背幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER 阁胶磐俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC 旷蓖练 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN 公寸俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA 荐扼俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD 矫眉幅 鸥拜摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR 公荤俊霸 碍窃 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK 拱府鸥拜矫 喉钒 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER 傈捧 吝 5檬寸 沥脚仿 雀汗 %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 摹疙鸥 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 乔秦矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE 劝 傍拜 雀乔 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 版氰摹 眠啊 惑铰 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 捣 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW 蠢妨瘤瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN 扁例窍瘤 臼澜 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 酒捞袍 2硅 靛酚 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 积疙仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% 犬伏肺 利硼摹矫 沥脚仿 雀汗 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 鸥拜矫 惑措 沥脚仿 家葛 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT 己瓷 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY 荤噶矫 版氰摹 皑家甫 茄锅 阜酒霖促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% 犬伏肺 包烹 傍拜 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT 吝刀 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE 刀 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS 拱距 荤侩矫 %d%% 己瓷 刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE 历林 登倒府扁 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE 辟立 拱府傍拜 馆荤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL 规匡 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER 滴颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN 何盲 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD 茄颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND 剧颊八 规绢 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND 官恩 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS 氓 荐访 己傍 犬伏捞 2.5硅肺 惑铰茄促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY 扁贱 荐访 角菩矫 林拳涝付俊辑 钱妨朝 荐 乐促 SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT 蠢妨咙 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP 鸥拜摹 %d%% 甫 沥脚仿栏肺 软荐 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT 扁例 犬伏 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT 弥措 积疙仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL 惑痢俊 迫 荐 绝澜 -TOOLTIP_ARMOR 癌渴 -TOOLTIP_ARROW 拳混 -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN 磊按 -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE 劝 荤沥芭府 +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE 啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED 林巩加档 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON 眉仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX 刮酶 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR 蓖吧捞 -TOOLTIP_ETC 扁鸥 -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 唱公槽俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 邦豹捞肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP 荐访档 : %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 绢何俊霸 扒郴林搁 歹 亮篮 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 超矫措肺 诀弊饭捞靛 且 荐 -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 乐嚼聪促 -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN 辨捞 : %.2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET 捧备 -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN 积疙仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT 瘤瓷 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER 颇鲍仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 颇鲍仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE 颇鲍仿 %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED 傍拜加档 %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST 狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON 眉仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX 刮酶力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT 瘤瓷力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL 饭骇力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR 辟仿力茄 : %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER 付过 傍拜仿 %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG 付过 傍拜仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER 付过 规绢仿 %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL 焊烹 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW 蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST 概快狐抚 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW 概快蠢覆 -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ 馒侩 啊瓷 ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d雀瞒 -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER 青款锅龋 : %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE 付过 傍拜仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE 付过 规绢仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS 傍拜仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC 傍拜仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT 荤成矫 靛酚等 捣操矾固甫 磊悼栏肺 林况 凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS 规绢仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC 规绢仿 +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 版氰摹 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC 版氰摹 20% 刘啊 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND 绊鞭 拱绊扁甫 超阑 犬伏阑 棵妨凛聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS 捣 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC 捣 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f硅 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC PC 规俊辑 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 %.1f%%刘啊 SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC 酒捞袍 靛酚啦 2硅 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST 陛浇 荐摹狼 惑铰 加档啊 刘啊 钦聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX 芒绊甫 3沫栏肺 犬厘 矫诺聪促 SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP 弥措 积疙仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT 弥措 积疙仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT 弥措 沥脚仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA 弥措 瘤备仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED 捞悼加档 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK 格吧捞 -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : 傈何 -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP 鞘夸 侩脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP 鞘夸 眉仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC 瘤加 眉仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT 鞘夸 胶懦 器牢飘 : -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP 鞘夸 沥脚仿 : %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC 瘤加 沥脚仿 : %d / 檬 -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 促澜 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_3 促澜 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS 乞鸥 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 傈盔 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 傍拜殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 , 规绢殿鞭 +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL 茄矫埃俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL 30盒俊 茄锅 颇萍盔 葛滴狼 眉仿/沥脚仿 葛滴 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL 颇萍盔捞 磷篮瘤 3盒 捞郴 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL 鞍篮 辑滚郴 颇萍盔阑 攫力扼档 家券 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER 傍拜殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐/2)狼 绢怕目 %d疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER 规绢殿鞭 +(颇萍盔荐)狼 攀目 1疙 汲沥 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [傍拜/规绢 殿鞭 惑铰] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [雀汗] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP 颇萍盔捞 %d疙 捞惑老 版快 焊呈胶 版氰摹 %d%% -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [焊呈胶 版氰摹] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [家券] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [绢怕目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [攀目 汲沥] -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE 惑怕 捞惑 雀汗 -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN 盒 -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED 傍拜加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT 积疙仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT 积疙仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED 捞悼加档 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT 沥脚仿 : +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT 沥脚仿 : +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC 檬 -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME 瘤加矫埃 : -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL 饭骇 21 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL 饭骇 41 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL 饭骇 %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s 饭骇 %d 捞惑 -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d 捞惑 嚼垫 啊瓷 -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW 劝傍拜 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC 傈扁 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE 拳堪 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC 付过 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT 巢篮 荤侩 冉荐 : %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE 魄概啊拜 : %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN 公寸 -TOOLTIP_SHIELD 规菩 -TOOLTIP_SHOES 脚惯 -TOOLTIP_SKILL 胶懦 SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME 荐访辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE 傍拜仿 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER 傍拜仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED 傍拜 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE 规绢仿 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE 惑措 傍拜仿 : - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL 积疙仿 雀汗 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED 捞悼 加档 : + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE 流立 鸥拜摹 馆荤 犬伏 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL 拱府 鸥拜 历亲 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME 酿鸥烙 : -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS 胶懦 单固瘤 历亲 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION 瘤加 矫埃 : %d檬 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME 噶阿辑 -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL 泅犁 饭骇 : %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (付胶磐) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX 泅犁 饭骇 : %d (弥措 %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY 厚绢乐澜 -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [ 何馒 啊瓷 厘厚 ] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN 沥脚仿 雀汗伏 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR 辟仿 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA 荐扼 -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE 蜡聪农 -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR 公荤 -TOOLTIP_WEAPON 公扁 -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET 迫骂 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING 荤侩吝 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST 巢篮 剧 : %.2f%% -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP 磊悼 弧埃 拱距 -TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP 磊悼 颇鄂 拱距 -UI_ACCEPT 荐遏 -UI_CANCEL 秒家 -UI_CLOSE 摧扁 -UI_DEF_FONT 奔覆眉:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE 奔覆眉:16 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL 奔覆眉:9 -UI_DENY 芭例 -UI_ITEM 酒捞袍 -UI_LEFT_TIME 巢篮 矫埃 : %d檬 -UI_NEXT 促澜 -UI_NOCONTENTS 郴侩绝澜 -UI_NONAME 捞抚绝澜 -UI_OK 犬牢 -UI_POS_UNKNOWN 困摹 舅 荐 绝澜 -UI_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝澜 -UI_NEXTPAGE >> -UI_PREVPAGE << -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP 俺牢 惑痢阑 凯绊 乐绰 悼救俊绰 酒捞袍阑 荤侩且 荐 绝嚼聪促 -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN 舅 荐 绝绰 胶懦 俊矾 : %s -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 棵府妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT 辨靛付农甫 焊矫妨搁 犁立加秦林技夸 -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR 公荤傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN 磊按傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA 荐扼傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN 公寸傍拜俊 %d%% 历亲 SA -FOR_MALE 巢己侩 -FOR_FEMALE 咯己侩 -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK test -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE costume -TOOLTIP_ENERGY 扁仿 %d SA -TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER 矫埃 面傈 %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX 矫埃 面傈 %d檬 SA -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL1 弥窍鞭 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL2 窍鞭 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL3 吝鞭 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL4 惑鞭 -DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL5 弥惑鞭 -DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH +%d碍 SA -DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING1 馒侩窍搁 哈扁 塞奠聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING2 弊贰档 馒侩窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING1 呕馒矫 酒捞袍捞 何饯龙 荐 乐嚼聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING2 弊贰档 呕馒窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED 侩去籍阑 捞侩且 磊拜捞 绝嚼聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_UNMATCHED_SLOT 嘎绰 浇吩捞 酒凑聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_EXPIRED 父丰等 侩去籍涝聪促. -TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1 玫 SNA -TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2 瘤 SNA -DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE_MORE 歹 捞惑 碍拳且 荐 绝嚼聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE 碍拳且 荐 绝绰 侩去籍涝聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL 嘎绰 侩去籍捞 酒凑聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL 侩去籍捞 酒凑聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_MATCHED_SLOT 嘎绰 浇吩捞 酒凑聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL 犁丰啊 何练钦聪促. -DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL_REFINE_STONE 侩去籍 碍拳籍捞 酒凑聪促. -CANNOT_USE 荤侩阂啊 -TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS 内胶片 加己 氢惑 %d SA -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_EX 傈捞 何练钦聪促. -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER 付过 傍拜仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER 付过/拱府 傍拜仿 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ICE 趁扁 历亲 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_EARTH 措瘤 历亲 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_DARK 绢狄 历亲 +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_CRITICAL_PCT 农府萍拿 历亲 +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT 包烹 历亲 +%d%% SA diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 88586d22..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT 犬沥 -ATTACH_METIN_INFO 何馒窍矫摆嚼聪鳖? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE 皋凭籍 何馒 -CANCEL 秒家 -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM 货 厚剐 锅龋 犬牢 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-GUILD_BUILDING_NAME 扒拱 捞抚 -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE 累悼 -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION 困摹 -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW 橇府轰 -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH 盎脚窍扁 (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE 辨靛 扒拱 窿扁 -GUILD_CRYSTAL 荐沥 -GUILD_DEPOSIT 涝陛 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 磊盔阑 捞镑俊 -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 冻绢飘府技夸 -GUILD_GEM 焊籍 -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME 函版且 流困疙 -GUILD_GRADE_NUM 殿鞭 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE 碍硼鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN 啊涝鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE 傍瘤鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL 胶懦鼻茄 -GUILD_GRADE_RANK 流困 -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE 臂 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO 辨靛 扁夯沥焊 -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP 泅犁版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR 急傈器绊 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD 傈里吝牢辨靛 -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY 绝澜 -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL 辨靛饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MARK 辨靛付农 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE 辨靛付胶磐 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL 辨靛盔 乞闭饭骇 -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM 辨靛盔荐 -GUILD_INFO_NAME 辨靛捞抚 -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE 辨靛捞抚涝聪促 -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP 捧磊 -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP 巢篮版氰摹 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK 付农 棵府扁 -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL 戎厘 棵府扁 -GUILD_MARK 辨靛 付农 -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB 流诀 -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT 厘荐 -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL 饭骇 -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME 捞抚 -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK 流困 -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY 扁咯档 -GUILD_METIN_STONE 康籍 -GUILD_MINENAL 堡籍 -GUILD_MONEY 辨靛 磊陛 -GUILD_NAME 辨靛 -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO 磊盔 沥焊 -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE 咀萍宏 -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE 菩矫宏 -GUILD_SKILL_POWER 侩脚仿 -GUILD_SKILL_STATE 辨靛俊 吧妨 乐绰 胶懦 -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP 侩脚仿 雀汗 -GUILD_SYMBOL 辨靛 戎厘 -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT 辨靛傈 荐遏 -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE 傈捧 规侥 -GUILD_WAR_CTF 荐龋 -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE 辨靛傈 脚没 -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY 惑措 辨靛 -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL 菩空 -GUILD_WAR_WARP 竿厘 -GUILD_WATER 拱 -GUILD_WATER_STONE 荐籍 -GUILD_WITHDRAW 免陛 -HELP_ATTACK_KEY - 肚绰 哭率 付快胶 滚瓢栏肺 傍拜 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE - + 甫 穿福搁 PK 葛靛甫 官曹 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (某腐磐, 牢亥配府, 盲泼 -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 芒阑 勘聪促) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON - 付快胶 啊款单 滚瓢栏肺绰 酒公锭唱 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON - 牧飘费阑 穿弗 惑怕俊辑 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢栏肺 墨皋扼甫 炼累 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_EXP 版氰摹 -HELP_FURY 凯趋 霸捞瘤 (固备泅) -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 辨靛芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HELP - 档框富篮 甫 穿福芭唱 矫胶袍 皋春俊 乐绰 滚瓢栏肺 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_HP 积疙仿 -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW - + 虐甫 穿福搁 皋脚廉 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT 付快胶 哭率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT 付快胶 坷弗率 滚瓢 扁瓷 -HELP_MOVE_KEY - , , , 客 规氢虐肺 捞悼 且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER - 甫 穿福搁 某腐磐 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_CHAT - 甫 穿福搁 盲泼 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY - 甫 穿福搁 牢亥配府 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_LOG - 阑 穿福搁 瘤唱埃 措拳甫 焊角 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP - + 阑 穿福搁 固聪甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_OPEN_QUEST - 甫 穿福搁 涅胶飘 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_SKILL - 甫 穿福搁 胶懦 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER - + 甫 穿福搁 率瘤 芒捞 凯赋聪促 -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP - 阑 穿福搁 傈眉甘 芒阑 凯绊 摧阑 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_PICK_ITEM - <~> 阑 穿福搁 酒捞袍阑 嚼垫且 荐 乐嚼聪促 -HELP_QUICKSLOT 狞 浇吩 -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE - 虐甫 穿福搁 胶农赴鸡捞 郴巩辑/METIN2俊 历厘 邓聪促 -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME - 甫 穿福绊 乐栏搁 葛电 某腐磐客 酒捞袍狼 捞抚捞 钎矫 邓聪促 -HELP_SP 沥脚仿 -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON 矫胶袍 滚瓢 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 霉锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 滴锅掳 牢亥配府 -INVENTORY_TITLE 牢亥配府 -DRAGONSOUL_TITLE 侩去狼 籍 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_1 老馆 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_2 拳妨 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_3 锐蓖 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_4 绊措 -DRAGONSOUL_PAGE_BUTTON_5 傈汲 -DRAGONSOUL_ACTIVATE 劝己拳 -DRAGONSOUL_REFINE_WINDOW_TITLE 侩去籍 俺樊 棺 碍拳 -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_1 归锋籍(White Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_2 拳锋籍(Fire Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_3 浅锋籍(Wind Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_4 枚锋籍(Iron Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_5 锄锋籍(Thunder Dragon Soul Stone) -DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_6 孺锋籍(Dark Dragon Soul Stone) -REFINE_SELECT 碍拳 急琶 -REFINE_MONEY 碍拳 厚侩 -DO_REFINE 碍拳 角青 -GRADE 殿鞭 -STEP 窜拌 -STRENGTH 碍拳 -GRADE_SELECT 殿鞭 急琶 -STEP_SELECT 窜拌 急琶 -STRENGTH_SELECT 碍拳 急琶 -LOAD_ERROR 单捞磐 颇老捞 柄脸嚼聪促. 犁汲摹秦林矫扁 官而聪促. ESC虐甫 喘矾林技夸 -LOGIN_CONNECT 立加 -LOGIN_CONNECTING 辑滚俊 立加吝 涝聪促 -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR 辑滚 捞抚, 盲澄 1 -LOGIN_EXIT 场郴扁 -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE 搬力 备开 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON 急琶 -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT 辆丰 -LOGIN_SELECT_OK 犬牢 -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE 辑滚 急琶 -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE 厚剐 锅龋 -MALL_TITLE 酒捞袍 隔 芒绊 -MARKET_TITLE 厘磐 -MARKLIST_REFRESH 盎脚 -MARKLIST_TITLE 辨靛 付农 殿废 -MESSAGE 皋技瘤 涝聪促 -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND 模备 眠啊 -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND 模备 昏力 -MESSENGER_MOBILE 巩磊 皋技瘤 焊郴扁 -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD 辨靛芒 凯扁 -MESSENGER_TITLE 皋脚历 -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL 辨靛 捞悼 胶懦 荤侩 -MESSENGER_WHISPER 庇富 -MINIMIZE 弥家拳 -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK 傍拜 -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK 磊悼 -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA 墨皋扼 -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL 胶懦 -MUSICLIST_TITLE 硅版澜厩 格废 -NO 酒聪坷 -OK 犬牢 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME 捞抚 焊扁 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF 老矫 -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON 亲惑 -OPTION_BLOCK 瞒窜 -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE 背券 -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND 模备 -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY 颇萍檬措 -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST 颇萍啊涝 -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER 率瘤 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE 墨皋扼 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG 厘芭府 -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT 窜芭府 -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 瘤快扁 -OPTION_EFFECT 鸥拜 蔼 -OPTION_FOG 救俺 -OPTION_FOG_DENSE 拢澜 -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT 慷澜 -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE 吝埃 -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON 锅龋 涝仿 -OPTION_MOBILE 勤靛迄 -OPTION_MUSIC 硅版澜 -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE 官操扁 -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA 皋凭2 扁夯 抛付 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR 捞抚祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE 力惫祸惑 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL 老馆祸惑 -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP 葛靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE 磊蜡 -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP 葛电 敲饭捞绢 傍拜捞 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD 辨靛 -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP 辨靛盔阑 力寇茄 葛电 敲饭捞绢甫 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE 乞拳 -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP 绢恫 敲饭捞绢俊霸档 刚历 傍拜窍瘤 臼嚼聪促(馆拜篮 啊瓷) -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE 览隆 -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP 促弗 己氢 敲饭捞绢父 傍拜 啊瓷钦聪促 -OPTION_SOUND 瓤苞澜 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD 利 皋春 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW 救焊扁 -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW 焊扁 -OPTION_TILING 鸥老傅 -OPTION_TILING_APPLY 利侩 -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE 可记 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT 盲泼芒 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF 救焊扁 -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON 焊扁 -OPTION_SALESTEXT 魄概巩备 -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_ON 焊扁 -OPTION_SALESTEXT_VIEW_OFF 救焊扁 -OPTION_SHADOW 弊覆磊 前龙 -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME 颇萍糕滚捞抚 -PASSWORD_TITLE 芒绊 厚剐 锅龋 -PICK_MONEY_TITLE 笼阑 咀荐 -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON 摧扁 -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME 惑痢 捞抚 -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE 俺牢 惑痢 汲摹 -REFINE_COST 俺樊 厚侩 : 0成 -REFINE_INFO 俺樊 己傍 犬伏 : 100% -REFINE_TTILE 俺樊 -RESTART_HERE 力磊府俊辑 犁矫累 -RESTART_TOWN 付阑俊辑 犁矫累 -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD 厚剐锅龋 函版 -SAFE_TITLE 芒绊 -SELECT_ATT_GRADE 辟仿 -SELECT_CREATE 积己窍扁 -SELECT_DELETE 瘤快扁 -SELECT_DEX_GRADE 刮酶 -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME 唱扼捞抚 -SELECT_EXIT 唱啊扁 -SELECT_HP 眉仿 -SELECT_LEVEL 饭骇 -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE 荤侩且 康籍 急琶 -SELECT_NAME 捞抚 -SELECT_NO_GUILD 家加辨靛绝澜 -SELECT_PLAYTIME 敲饭捞 矫埃 -SELECT_SELECT 矫累窍扁 -SELECT_SP 瘤仿 -SELECT_TITLE 龋莫 -SHOP_BUY 荤扁 -SHOP_SELL 迫扁 -SHOP_TITLE 惑痢 -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE 焊炼 -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE 矫胶袍 可记 -SYSTEM_CHANGE 某腐磐 傈券窍扁 -SYSTEM_EXIT 扩档快肺 唱啊扁 -SYSTEM_HELP 档框富 -SYSTEM_LOGOUT 肺弊 酒眶 -SYSTEM_MALL 酒捞袍 隔 -SYSTEM_OPTION 矫胶袍 汲沥 -TASKBAR_CHARACTER 某腐磐[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT 盲泼芒 -TASKBAR_INVENTORY 牢亥配府[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER 皋脚廉 -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT 第 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋, alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT 菊 狞浇吩[shift+锅龋] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM 矫胶袍[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN 瞒窜 -WHISPER_NAME 措拳惑措捞抚 -WHISPER_SEND 焊郴扁 -WHISPER_REPORT 脚绊 -YES 抗 -ZONE_MAP 傈眉 瘤档 -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE 啊拜 -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE 檬籍 -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG 烹唱公 -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY 钦魄 -CUBE_TITLE 力炼芒 -CREATE_SEX 己喊 -CREATE_MAN 巢磊 -CREATE_WOMAN 咯磊 -REPORT_VIOLENT_WHISPER 阂樊措拳脚绊 -PASSWORD_DESC_1 芒绊甫 凯扁 困茄 -PASSWORD_DESC_2 厚剐锅龋甫 涝仿 秦 林技夸 -COSTUME_WINDOW_TITLE 内胶片 -TASKBAR_EXPAND 犬厘芒 -TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL 侩去籍 -TASKBAR_DISABLE 荤侩阂啊 -CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR 肚绰 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/mob_proto b/bin_original/locale/ymir/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index c723e881..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/locale/ymir/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ff86dc8e..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR 伙楷曼 蔫浅曼 龋窃浅家 利阑 狐福霸 技锅 海绢辰促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -2 WARRIOR 迫规浅快 柳堪曼 侩澜冠玫 漠阑 棱绊 雀傈窍咯 林困狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈柳 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 傈蓖去 陛碍畴 颇何傈档 坷肺瘤 傍拜俊父 傈充茄促 傍拜 加档 惑铰 捞悼 加档 惑铰 磊扁 乔秦 刘啊 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 傍拜 加档 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 八版 埃缴八 脚八钦老 傍拜仿阑 老沥矫埃 悼救 刘啊矫挪促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 傍拜仿 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 藕券拜 鞠尖 怕没碍扁 醚舅贸烦 崔妨啊 利阑 逞绢哆赴促 倒拜 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -6 WARRIOR 扁趋秒疙 扁趋秒疙 扁趋秒疙 傈仿阑 促秦 扁甫 气惯矫难 傈规狼 利甸俊霸 碍仿茄 老拜阑 朝赴促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gihyeol 6 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (3*MinATK + (MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 (3*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint)*1.07 -16 WARRIOR 扁傍曼 窜岿颇 迫浅具快 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 拜魂鸥快 龋困 侩惑备玫 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 措柳阿 荤磊饶 馆绊柳玫 林困狼 利阑 荤规栏肺 朝妨焊辰促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 老沥 犬伏肺 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 玫辟眠 枚何魂 怕魂拘沥 老矫利栏肺 规绢仿捞 惑铰窍哥 碍仿茄 傍拜俊档 静矾瘤瘤 臼绰促 规绢仿 惑铰 捞悼 加档 窍遏 逞绢瘤瘤 臼澜 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 规绢仿 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k 捞悼 加档 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 八浅 扁搬曼 八扁面傈 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 厘芭府 措惑 林函 傍拜 扁例 瓤苞 措惑 朝府扁 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k -21 WARRIOR 锄八档贰 锄八档贰 锄八档贰 八扁啊 角赴 八阑 郴妨媚辑 林函 利甸俊霸 摹疙利牢 鸥拜阑 涝腮促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED noegeom 21 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + STR*4)*SkillPoint)*1.1 -31 ASSASSIN 鞠嚼 篮拜 幅堡林急 利俊霸 隔贰 促啊啊 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 饶规俊辑 傍拜仿 惑铰 窜八 焊呈胶 篮屈过 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN 泵脚藕康 公康八 抄康碍付 狐福霸 利俊霸 立辟窍咯 摹疙鸥甫 涝腮促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 窜八 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN 瞒符混 公符曼 企快魄款 狐福霸 雀傈窍哥 傈规狼 利阑 亥促 呕免 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 篮屈过 玫函贱 瞒玫乔老 磊脚狼 葛嚼阑 皑冕促 傍拜矫 秦力 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 鞠混 扁贱 眠啊 鸥拜摹 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 魂傍盒 寒赴款 窃荤荤康 林困俊 刀栏肺 备抚阑 父甸绢 利阑 吝刀 矫挪促 厘芭府 措惑 林函 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -36 ASSASSIN 孺级荐 孺级荐 孺级荐 传何矫霸 狐弗 加档肺 鉴埃 荤扼瘤哥 惑措俊霸 老拜阑 啊茄促 鉴埃 捞悼 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD seomjeon 6 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (lv*2 + (MinATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (lv*2 + (MaxATK+STR*3+DEX*18)*SkillPoint)*1.1 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 40*k -46 ASSASSIN 楷荤 包老混 扁父厘全 茄疙狼 利俊霸 咯矾惯狼 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 楷加 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 醚 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k %.0f惯狼 拳混阑 金促 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 包拜贱 快傈混 玫豪抗磊 茄锅俊 咯矾疙狼 利俊霸 拳混阑 金促 厘芭府 咯矾 措惑 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 傍拜仿 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k 弥措 %.0f 疙鳖瘤 傍拜 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 拳炼颇 公仿 脚公柳玫 拳混俊 阂采狼 塞阑 标甸咯 金促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN 版傍贱 脚青 翠汲公如 个阑 啊罕霸 窍咯 捞悼 加档甫 臭牢促 STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 捞悼加档 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 刀扁泵 侥刀傈 眠去呕疙 拳混俊 碍仿茄 刀阑 葛酒 金促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 扁例 瓤苞 措惑 朝府扁 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -51 ASSASSIN 级堡藕 级堡藕 级堡藕 鉴埃利栏肺 碍仿茄 蝴阑 谎妨 林函 利甸俊霸 摹疙利牢 鸥拜阑 涝腮促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 刀 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL seomgwang 21 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f (MinATK + (1.2*MinATK + 100 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)*1.1 (MaxATK + (1.2*MaxATK + 200 + DEX*6 + STR*2)*SkillPoint)1.1 吝刀 犬伏 %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA 尖飞瘤 凯急磊 玫贺瘤凯 颊啊遏 场俊辑 碍仿茄 气惯阑 老栏挪促 傈规 裹困 傍拜 惑措 规绢 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k 惑措 规绢 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 侩鼻颇 急浅柳 堡脚林八 葛电 巴阑 海绢滚府绰 碍仿茄 雀坷府 官恩阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 级戈茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 雀乔 公矫 瓤苞 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k 惑措 雀乔 公矫 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 蓖八 曼飞八 档锋犁玫 八俊 蓖脚狼 塞阑 阂绢 持绰促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 软趋 傍拜 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 傍拜仿 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k 鸥拜摹 %.0f%% 甫 积疙仿栏肺 软荐 10*k -64 SURA 傍器 趋力 利访堡付 磊脚阑 傍拜窍绰 利俊霸 滴妨框阑 老栏难 瓷仿阑 距拳 矫挪促 惑措 傍拜仿 历窍 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 刘啊 磊扁 乔秦矫父 利侩 STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 惑措 傍拜仿 -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint 惑措 傍拜 角菩 犬伏 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 林付癌 去菩 玫付何眉 绢狄狼 癌渴栏肺 个阑 焊龋茄促 乔秦矫 流立 鸥拜摹 老何甫 馆荤 规绢仿 惑铰 瘤瓷 焊呈胶 STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 规绢仿 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 颇过贱 伙盔贱 何榜家去 葛电 捞肺款 贱过阑 公瓤拳 矫挪促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 惑措 焊炼 瓤苞 力芭 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 颇过 犬伏 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 付飞 蓖飞 呕去飞 绢狄狼 塞阑 带廉 利俊霸 惑贸甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA 拳堪气 气堪柳 付锋林玫 气惯阑 老栏难 林函狼 利阑 阂怕款促 力磊府 裹困 傍拜 拳堪 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA 公康柳 付堪 苛拳盒眉 林牢阑 瘤虐绰 气惯眉甫 父电促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 措惑 烙狼 急琶 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 孺脚荐龋 绢去贱 玫邦瘤谰 绢狄狼 塞栏肺 个阑 皑轿绊 腊眉狼 绊烹阑 沥脚仿栏肺 滚胚辰促 鸥拜摹甫 沥脚仿(MP)栏肺 皑尖 规绢仿 惑铰 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 鸥拜摹 皑尖啦 %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k 规绢仿 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 捧加付飞 帮脚飞 锰焊抄青 加冠狼 厩飞甸阑 利俊霸 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 措惑 蠢妨咙 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 蠢妨咙 犬伏 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA 付券拜 趋飞丑 扒帮鞠楷 绢狄狼 扁甫 带廉 利俊霸 乔秦甫 涝腮促 厘芭府 措惑 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 厚颇何 蓖盔颇 坷盲款窍 利俊霸 何利阑 带廉 惑贸 涝腮促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 侩颇魂 颇锋何 泪锋苛玫 侩脚狼 屈惑阑 筋酒 傈规狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 流急 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN 菩锋气 铰锋颇 玫锋颇固 侩脚狼 屈惑栏肺 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 力磊府 林函 裹困 傍拜 瘤加 拳堪 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 付过 傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k 瘤加 拳堪 犬伏 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN 龋脚 玫寒 柳锋龋眉 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 焊龋狼 柳阑 弊妨 焊龋茄促 拱府 傍拜 历亲 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 拱府 傍拜 历亲 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 馆荤 荐版柳 玫碍沥扁 到绊磊 窍绰 磊俊霸 利狼 傍拜阑 登倒府绰 柳阑 弊赴促 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 拱府 傍拜 馆荤 犬伏 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 扁玫措傍 玫锋去 侩脚己困 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 颊俊 窍疵狼 狼瘤甫 阂怕款促 摹疙鸥 傍拜 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 摹疙鸥 犬伏 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 锄傈飞 柳玫汾 傈级汾疙 涵遏阑 利俊霸 带柳促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 涵遏 锄堪级 没玫寒仿 窍疵狼 塞阑 呼绢 利俊霸 涵遏阑 郴赴促 厘芭府 傍拜 措惑 林函 裹困 傍拜 傈扁 加己 扁例 瓤苞 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 付过傍拜仿 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k 扁例 犬伏 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 气汾拜 颇玫汾 备玫气汾 颊俊辑 涵遏阑 徽绢辰促 厘芭府 傍拜 傈扁 加己 林函 措惑 楷捞绢 傍拜 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 付过傍拜仿 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 沥诀牢 措沥诀牢 阂堡焊炼 蝴狼 扁款栏肺 惑贸甫 摹蜡茄促 积疙仿 雀汗 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 积疙仿 雀汗 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k 惑怕捞惑 雀汗 犬伏 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 蔫加 浅柳 浅功翠款 官恩阑 鸥绊 崔赴促 捞悼 加档 惑铰 林巩 矫埃 皑家 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 捞悼 加档 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 林巩 加档 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 刘仿贱 到绊磊 窍绰 磊狼 塞阑 歹宽 碍窍霸 茄促 扁夯 傍拜仿 惑铰 悼丰俊霸 荤侩 啊瓷 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 傍拜仿 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -112 PASSIVE 藕券拜 颇秦 藕券拜狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 藕券拜 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_tanhwan 藕券拜 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -113 PASSIVE 鞠嚼 颇秦 鞠嚼狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 鞠嚼 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_amseup 鞠嚼 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -114 PASSIVE 尖飞瘤 颇秦 尖飞瘤狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 尖飞瘤 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_swaeryeong 尖飞瘤 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -115 PASSIVE 侩颇魂 颇秦 侩颇魂狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 侩颇魂 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_yongpa 侩颇魂 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -116 PASSIVE 扁傍曼 颇秦 扁傍曼狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 扁傍曼 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_gigongcham 扁傍曼 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -117 PASSIVE 楷荤 颇秦 楷荤狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 楷荤 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_yeonsa 楷荤 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -118 PASSIVE 付券拜 颇秦 付券拜狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 付券拜 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_geomhwan 付券拜 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -119 PASSIVE 涵遏 颇秦 涵遏狼 乔秦甫 临牢促 涵遏 乔秦 历亲 PASSIVE p_byeorak 涵遏 乔秦 规绢啦 +%.1f%% 13.3*k -121 SUPPORT 烹贾仿 悼丰甸阑 捞掺绰 瓷仿 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 楷拌扁 楷加 傍拜 冉荐甫 刘啊|矫挪促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 超矫 拱啊俊辑 拱绊扁甫 超绰促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 盲堡 堡籍阑 某辰促 PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 力炼 酒捞袍阑 父电促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 脚荐绢 脚荐惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 玫炼绢 玫炼惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 柳畴绢 柳畴惫狼 攫绢甫 富窍绊 甸阑 荐 乐促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 函脚 阁胶磐肺 函脚茄促 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 铰付 富阑 鸥绰 瓷仿 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 家券 富阑 家券茄促 summon -137 HORSE 枚付抄公 富阑 鸥绊 崔府哥 林函狼 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE 龙浅林付 傈规阑 啊肺 阜绰 利甸阑 葛滴 逞绢哆赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE 瘤绵铰玫 林函狼 葛电 利阑 傍拜茄促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE 眠勘抄公 菊阑 啊肺阜绰 利甸俊霸 拳混阑 朝赴促 付惑 扁贱 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -141 SUPPORT HP焊碍 弥措 眉仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE jeunghyul 弥措 HP 惑铰 +%.0f k * 1333.33 -142 SUPPORT 包烹雀乔 包烹 傍拜阑 雀乔茄促 PASSIVE chultong 包烹 雀乔啦 + %.0f%% k * 20 -151 GUILD 侩救 弥措 侩脚仿捞 刘啊茄促 PASSIVE yongan 弥措 侩脚仿 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 侩脚狼 乔 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 积疙仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 弥措Hp惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 侩脚狼 绵汗 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 弥措 沥脚仿阑 老矫利栏肺 惑铰 矫挪促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 弥措 沥脚仿 惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 己戎癌 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 规绢仿捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 规绢仿惑铰 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 啊加拳 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 傍拜 加档客 捞悼 加档啊 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 傍拜,捞悼 加档惑铰 +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD 侩脚狼 盒畴 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 农府萍拿 犬伏捞 老矫利栏肺 惑铰茄促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 农府萍拿 犬伏 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 林巩贱 辨靛盔 傈盔狼 扁贱 荤侩 酿鸥烙捞 老矫利栏肺 临绢电促 辨靛傈 傈侩 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 林巩加档惑铰 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/locale/ymir/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b87d55e1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -( 1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*5 + dex*3 +con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str*4 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*4 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5 ) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.7*atk + dex*2+ str*2)*k) 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.6*atk + number(100, 300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*atk+dex*8*ar) *k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2 * atk + number(500, 700) + dex*4+ str*4 )*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6* atk + number(200,300) + dex*7 + str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*9 + str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(13*iq + 6*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 6*mwep + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200) )*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+ 2*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 6*mwep + number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2* lv + 2*iq +(2 * con + 2 * dex + 13*iq + 6*mwep + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + ( 2*atk + str*4 + iq*14) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + str + iq*12) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (18*iq + 6*mwep + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*7 + con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(10*iq + 7*mwep + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 29*iq + 9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -6 扁趋秒疙 1 1 1 0 HP -( 3*atk + (atk + 1.5 * str)*k)*1.07 300+150*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -21 锄八档贰 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + 2*dex + 2*con + str*4)*k)*1.1 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -36 孺级荐 2 1 1 0 HP -((lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k)*1.1) 300+180*k 60 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MELEE 6 0.5 800 0 -51 级堡藕 2 1 1 0 HP -((atk + (1.2*atk + number(100, 200)+dex*6+str*2)*k)*1.1) 200+200*k 60 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.5 0 0 -112 藕券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -113 鞠嚼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -114 尖飞瘤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -115 侩颇魂 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -116 扁傍曼 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -117 楷荤 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -118 付券拜 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -119 涵遏 历亲 0 1 40 0 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -141 刘趋 0 1 40 0 NONE 1333.3*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -142 枚烹 0 1 40 0 NONE 20*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/BeltInventoryWindow.py b/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/BeltInventoryWindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 629c0c69..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/BeltInventoryWindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale -import item - -EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX = 90 - -window = { - "name" : "BeltInventoryWindow", - - ## 600 - (width + 坷弗率栏肺 何磐 剁快扁 24 px) - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 176 - 148, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 37 - 565 + 209 + 32, -# "x" : -148, -# "y" : 241, - "width" : 148, - "height" : 139, - - "type" : "image", - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/bg.tga", - - - "children" : - ( - ## Expand Buttons - { - "name" : "ExpandBtn", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 2, - "y" 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"Large_Button_03.sub", - }, - ), - }, - - ## Buttons - { - "name" : "left_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH * (450 - 22*3) / 800, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (505) / 600, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_01.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "right_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH * (580 - 22) / 800, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (505) / 600, - - "default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_01.sub", - "over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_02.sub", - "down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_03.sub", - }, - - - ), -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/dragonsoulrefinewindow.py b/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/dragonsoulrefinewindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5d28de89..00000000 --- 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ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "logout_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 10, - "y" : 177, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SYSTEM_LOGOUT, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "exit_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 10, - "y" : 217, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.SYSTEM_EXIT, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "cancel_button", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 10, - "y" : 247, - - "text" : uiScriptLocale.CANCEL, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "XLarge_Button_03.sub", - }, - ), - }, - ), -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/taskbar.py b/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/taskbar.py deleted file mode 100644 index a55e246f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/taskbar.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,499 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale -import app - -ROOT = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/" - -#Y_ADD_POSITION = -2 -Y_ADD_POSITION = 0 - -window = { - "name" : "TaskBar", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 37, - - "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, - "height" : 37, - - "children" : - ( - ## Board - { - "name" : "Base_Board_01", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 263, - "y" : 0, - - "rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 263 - 256) / 256.0, 0.0), - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/TaskBar_Base.tga" - }, - - ## Gauge - { - "name" : "Gauge_Board", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : -10 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "image" : ROOT + "taskbar/gauge.sub", - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "RampageGauge", - "type" : "ani_image", - - "x" : 8, - "y" : 4, - "width" : 40, - "height" : 40, - - "delay" : 6, - - "images" : - ( - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/00.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/01.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/02.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/03.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/04.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/05.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/06.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/07.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/08.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/09.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/11.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/12.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/13.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/14.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/15.sub", - ROOT + "TaskBar/Rampage_01/16.sub", - ) - }, - { - "name" : "RampageGauge2", - "type" : "ani_image", - - "x" : 8, - "y" : 4, - "width" : 40, - "height" : 40, - - "delay" : 6, - - "images" : - ( - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/00.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/01.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/02.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/03.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/04.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/05.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/06.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/07.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/08.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/09.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/11.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/12.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/13.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/14.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/15.sub", - "locale/ymir_ui/mall/16.sub", - ) - }, - { - ## 砒屏阑 剁快扁 困茄 扩档快 - "name" : "HPGauge_Board", - "type" : "window", - - "x" : 59, - "y" : 14, - - "width" : 95, - "height" : 11, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "HPRecoveryGaugeBar", - "type" : "bar", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - "width" : 95, - "height" : 13, - "color" : 0x55ff0000, - }, - { - "name" : "HPGauge", - "type" : "ani_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "delay" : 6, - - "images" : - ( - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/HPGauge/01.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/HPGauge/02.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/HPGauge/03.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/HPGauge/04.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/HPGauge/05.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/HPGauge/06.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/HPGauge/07.tga", - ), - }, - ), - }, - { - ## 砒屏阑 剁快扁 困茄 扩档快 - "name" : "SPGauge_Board", - "type" : "window", - - "x" : 59, - "y" : 24, - - "width" : 95, - "height" : 11, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "SPRecoveryGaugeBar", - "type" : "bar", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - "width" : 95, - "height" : 13, - "color" : 0x550000ff, - }, - { - "name" : "SPGauge", - "type" : "ani_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "delay" : 6, - - "images" : - ( - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/01.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/02.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/03.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/04.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/05.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/06.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/07.tga", - ), - }, - ), - }, - { - ## 砒屏阑 剁快扁 困茄 扩档快 - "name" : "STGauge_Board", - "type" : "window", - - "x" : 59, - "y" : 38, - - "width" : 95, - "height" : 6, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "STGauge", - "type" : "ani_image", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "delay" : 6, - - "images" : - ( - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/STGauge/01.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/STGauge/02.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/STGauge/03.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/STGauge/04.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/STGauge/05.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/STGauge/06.tga", - "D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/STGauge/07.tga", - ), - }, - ), - }, - - ), - }, - { - "name" : "EXP_Gauge_Board", - "type" : "image", - - "x" : 158, - "y" : 0 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "image" : ROOT + "taskbar/exp_gauge.sub", - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "EXPGauge_01", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 5, - "y" : 9, - - "image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/EXP_Gauge_Point.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "EXPGauge_02", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 30, - "y" : 9, - - "image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/EXP_Gauge_Point.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "EXPGauge_03", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 55, - "y" : 9, - - "image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/EXP_Gauge_Point.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "EXPGauge_04", - "type" : "expanded_image", - - "x" : 80, - "y" : 9, - - "image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/EXP_Gauge_Point.sub", - }, - ), - }, - - ## Mouse Button - { - "name" : "LeftMouseButton", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 128, - "y" : 3 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Mouse_Button_Move_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Mouse_Button_Move_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Mouse_Button_Move_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "RightMouseButton", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH/2 + 128 + 66 + 11, - "y" : 3 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Mouse_Button_Move_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Mouse_Button_Move_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Mouse_Button_Move_03.sub", - }, - - ## Button - { - "name" : "CharacterButton", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 144, - "y" : 3 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_CHARACTER, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Character_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Character_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Character_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "InventoryButton", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 110, - "y" : 3 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_INVENTORY, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Inventory_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Inventory_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Inventory_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "MessengerButton", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 76, - "y" : 3 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_MESSENGER, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Community_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Community_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Community_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "SystemButton", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 42, - "y" : 3 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_SYSTEM, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/System_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/System_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/System_Button_03.sub", - }, - - ## QuickBar - { - "name" : "quickslot_board", - "type" : "window", - - "x" : SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 128 + 32 + 10, - "y" : 0 + Y_ADD_POSITION, - - "width" : 256 + 14 + 2 + 11, - "height" : 37, - - "children" : - ( - { - # ExpandButton篮 扁粮俊 ChatButton捞菌栏唱, ChatButton狼 瓤侩己捞 利促 魄窜窍咯 - # ExpandButton栏肺 官诧 巴捞促. - "name" : "ExpandButton", - "type" : "button", - - "x" : 128, - "y" : 1, - "tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_EXPAND, - - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Chat_Button_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Chat_Button_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/Chat_Button_03.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "quick_slot_1", - "type" : "grid_table", - - "start_index" : 0, - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 3, - - "x_count" : 4, - "y_count" : 1, - "x_step" : 32, - "y_step" : 32, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/Public/Slot_Base.sub", - "image_r" : 1.0, - "image_g" : 1.0, - "image_b" : 1.0, - "image_a" : 1.0, - - "children" : - ( - { "name" : "slot_1", "type" : "image", "x" : 3, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/1.sub", }, - { "name" : "slot_2", "type" : "image", "x" : 35, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/2.sub", }, - { "name" : "slot_3", "type" : "image", "x" : 67, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/3.sub", }, - { "name" : "slot_4", "type" : "image", "x" : 99, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/4.sub", }, - ), - }, - { - "name" : "quick_slot_2", - "type" : "grid_table", - - "start_index" : 4, - - "x" : 128 + 14, - "y" : 3, - - "x_count" : 4, - "y_count" : 1, - "x_step" : 32, - "y_step" : 32, - - "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/Public/Slot_Base.sub", - "image_r" : 1.0, - "image_g" : 1.0, - "image_b" : 1.0, - "image_a" : 1.0, - - "children" : - ( - { "name" : "slot_5", "type" : "image", "x" : 3, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/f1.sub", }, - { "name" : "slot_6", "type" : "image", "x" : 35, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/f2.sub", }, - { "name" : "slot_7", "type" : "image", "x" : 67, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/f3.sub", }, - { "name" : "slot_8", "type" : "image", "x" : 99, "y" : 3, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/f4.sub", }, - ), - }, - { - "name" : "QuickSlotBoard", - "type" : "window", - - "x" : 128+14+128+2, - "y" : 0, - "width" : 11, - "height" : 37, - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "QuickSlotNumberBox", - "type" : "image", - "x" : 1, - "y" : 15, - "image" : ROOT + "taskbar/QuickSlot_Button_Board.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "QuickPageUpButton", - "type" : "button", - "tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT, - "x" : 1, - "y" : 9, - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/QuickSlot_UpButton_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/QuickSlot_UpButton_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/QuickSlot_UpButton_03.sub", - }, - - { - "name" : "QuickPageNumber", - "type" : "image", - "x" : 3, "y" : 15, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/1.sub", - }, - { - "name" : "QuickPageDownButton", - "type" : "button", - "tooltip_text" : uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT, - - "x" : 1, - "y" : 24, - - "default_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/QuickSlot_DownButton_01.sub", - "over_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/QuickSlot_DownButton_02.sub", - "down_image" : ROOT + "TaskBar/QuickSlot_DownButton_03.sub", - }, - - ), - }, - ), - }, - - ), -} diff --git a/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/webwindow.py b/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/webwindow.py deleted file mode 100644 index 66e12778..00000000 --- a/bin_original/locale/ymir_ui/webwindow.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -import uiScriptLocale - -WEB_WIDTH = 780 -WEB_HEIGHT = 560 - -window = { - "name" : "MallWindow", - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : WEB_WIDTH + 20, - "height" : WEB_HEIGHT + 40, - - "children" : - ( - { - "name" : "board", - "type" : "board", - "style" : ("attach",), - - "x" : 0, - "y" : 0, - - "width" : WEB_WIDTH + 20, - "height" : WEB_HEIGHT + 40, - - "children" : - ( - ## Title - { - "name" : "TitleBar", - "type" : "titlebar", - "style" : ("attach",), - - "x" : 8, - "y" : 7, - - "width" : WEB_WIDTH + 10, - "color" : "yellow", - - "children" : - ( - { "name":"TitleName", "type":"text", "x":50, "y":3, "text":uiScriptLocale.SYSTEM_MALL, "text_horizontal_align":"center" }, - ), - }, - ), - }, - ), -} diff --git a/bin_original/mouseModule.py b/bin_original/mouseModule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2930e056..00000000 --- a/bin_original/mouseModule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,399 +0,0 @@ -import app -import grp -import grpImage -import item -import wndMgr -import player - -import skill -import dbg -import grpText - -import ui - -import systemSetting - -import locale - -## Mouse Controler -## 付快胶 目辑甫 力绢窍哥 付快胶 目辑俊 Attach登绢 框流捞绰 Object甸鳖瘤 力绢且 荐 乐促. - -class CursorImage(object): - def __init__(self): - self.handle = 0 - - def __init__(self, imageName): - self.handle = 0 - self.LoadImage(imageName) - - def __del__(self): - grpImage.Delete(self.handle) - - def LoadImage(self, imageName): - try: - self.handle = grpImage.Generate(imageName) - - except: - import sys - dbg.TraceError("%s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) - self.handle = 0 - - def DeleteImage(self): - if self.handle: - grpImage.Delete(self.handle) - - def IsImage(self): - if self.handle: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - if self.handle: - grpImage.SetPosition(self.handle, x, y) - - def Render(self): - if self.handle: - grpImage.Render(self.handle) - -class CMouseController(object): - - def __init__(self): - - self.x = 0 - self.y = 0 - - self.IsSoftwareCursor = FALSE - self.curCursorName = "" - self.curCursorImage = 0 - self.cursorPosX = 0 - self.cursorPosY = 0 - - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - self.AttachedOwner = 0 - self.AttachedFlag = FALSE - self.AttachedType = 0 - self.AttachedSlotNumber = 0 - self.AttachedCount = 1 - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = 0 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = 0 - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = 0 - - self.countNumberLine = None - - self.DeattachObject() - - self.callbackDict = {} - - def __del__(self): - self.callbackDict = {} - - def Create(self): - self.IsSoftwareCursor = systemSetting.IsSoftwareCursor() - - self.cursorDict = { - app.NORMAL : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor.sub"), - app.ATTACK : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_attack.sub"), - app.TARGET : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_attack.sub"), - app.TALK : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_talk.sub"), - app.CANT_GO : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_no.sub"), - app.PICK : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_pick.sub"), - app.DOOR : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_door.sub"), - app.CHAIR : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_chair.sub"), - app.MAGIC : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_chair.sub"), - app.BUY : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_buy.sub"), - app.SELL : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_sell.sub"), - app.CAMERA_ROTATE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_camera_rotate.sub"), - app.HSIZE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hsize.sub"), - app.VSIZE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_vsize.sub"), - app.HVSIZE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hvsize.sub"), - } - self.cursorPosDict = { - app.NORMAL : (0, 0), - app.TARGET : (0, 0), - app.ATTACK : (0, 0), - app.TALK : (0, 0), - app.CANT_GO : (0, 0), - app.PICK : (0, 0), - app.DOOR : (0, 0), - app.CHAIR : (0, 0), - app.MAGIC : (0, 0), - app.BUY : (0, 0), - app.SELL : (0, 0), - app.CAMERA_ROTATE : (0, 0), - app.HSIZE : (-16, -16), - app.VSIZE : (-16, -16), - app.HVSIZE : (-16, -16), - } - - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - """ - AttachedCountTextLineHandle = grpText.Generate() - grpText.SetFontName(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, locale.UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL) - grpText.SetText(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, "1234") - grpText.SetPosition(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, 100, 100) - grpText.SetOutline(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, TRUE) - grpText.SetFontColor(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - grpText.SetHorizontalAlign(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - self.AttachedCountTextLineHandle = AttachedCountTextLineHandle - """ - - self.countNumberLine = ui.NumberLine("CURTAIN") - self.countNumberLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.countNumberLine.Hide() - - return TRUE - - # Cursor Control - def ChangeCursor(self, cursorNum): - try: - self.curCursorNum = cursorNum - self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[cursorNum] - (self.cursorPosX, self.cursorPosY) = self.cursorPosDict[cursorNum] - - if FALSE == self.curCursorImage.IsImage(): - self.curCursorNum = app.NORMAL - self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[app.NORMAL] - - except KeyError: - dbg.TraceError("mouseModule.MouseController.SetCursor - 肋给等 目辑 锅龋 [%d]" % cursorNum) - self.curCursorName = app.NORMAL - self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[app.NORMAL] - - # Attaching - def AttachObject(self, Owner, Type, SlotNumber, ItemIndex, count = 0): - - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber - - self.AttachedFlag = TRUE - self.AttachedOwner = Owner - self.AttachedType = Type - self.AttachedSlotNumber = SlotNumber - self.AttachedItemIndex = ItemIndex - self.AttachedCount = count - self.countNumberLine.SetNumber("") - self.countNumberLine.Hide() - - if count > 1: - self.countNumberLine.SetNumber(str(count)) - self.countNumberLine.Show() - - try: - - width = 1 - height = 1 - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY: - - item.SelectItem(self.AttachedItemIndex) - self.AttachedIconHandle = item.GetIconInstance() - - if not self.AttachedIconHandle: - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - self.DeattachObject() - return - - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - - elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(SlotNumber) - self.AttachedIconHandle = skill.GetIconInstanceNew(self.AttachedItemIndex, skillGrade) - - elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION: - image = player.GetEmotionIconImage(ItemIndex) - self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.GenerateFromHandle(image) - - elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT: - (quickSlotType, position) = player.GetGlobalQuickSlot(SlotNumber) - - if quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(position) - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - self.AttachedIconHandle = item.GetIconInstance() - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - - elif quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(position) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(position) - self.AttachedIconHandle = skill.GetIconInstanceNew(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - elif quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION: - image = player.GetEmotionIconImage(position) - self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.GenerateFromHandle(image) - - if not self.AttachedIconHandle: - self.DeattachObject() - return - - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - wndMgr.AttachIcon(self.AttachedType, self.AttachedItemIndex, self.AttachedSlotNumber, width, height) - - except Exception, e: - dbg.TraceError("mouseModule.py: AttachObject : " + str(e)) - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - - def IsAttachedMoney(self): - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if player.ITEM_MONEY == self.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def GetAttachedMoneyAmount(self): - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if player.ITEM_MONEY == self.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - return self.GetAttachedItemCount() - return 0 - - def AttachMoney(self, owner, type, count): - - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber - - self.AttachedFlag = TRUE - self.AttachedOwner = owner - self.AttachedType = type - self.AttachedSlotNumber = -1 - self.AttachedItemIndex = player.ITEM_MONEY - self.AttachedCount = count - self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.Generate("icon/item/money.tga") - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - wndMgr.AttachIcon(self.AttachedType, self.AttachedItemIndex, self.AttachedSlotNumber, 1, 1) - - if count > 1: - self.countNumberLine.SetNumber(str(count)) - self.countNumberLine.Show() - #grpText.SetText(self.AttachedCountTextLineHandle, str(count)) - - def DeattachObject(self): - - self.ClearCallBack() - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber - - if self.AttachedIconHandle != 0: - - if self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL: - - item.DeleteIconInstance(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - elif self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - skill.DeleteIconInstance(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - elif self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION: - grpImage.Delete(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - self.AttachedFlag = FALSE - self.AttachedType = -1 - self.AttachedItemIndex = -1 - self.AttachedSlotNumber = -1 - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - wndMgr.SetAttachingFlag(FALSE) - - if self.countNumberLine: - self.countNumberLine.Hide() - - def isAttached(self): - return self.AttachedFlag - - def GetAttachedOwner(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedOwner - - def GetAttachedType(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return player.SLOT_TYPE_NONE - - return self.AttachedType - - def GetAttachedSlotNumber(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedSlotNumber - - def GetLastAttachedSlotNumber(self): - - return self.LastAttachedSlotNumber - - def GetAttachedItemIndex(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedItemIndex - - def GetAttachedItemCount(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedCount - - # Update - def Update(self, x, y): - - self.x = x - self.y = y - - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if 0 != self.AttachedIconHandle: - grpImage.SetDiffuseColor(self.AttachedIconHandle, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) - grpImage.SetPosition(self.AttachedIconHandle, self.x - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth, self.y - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight) - self.countNumberLine.SetPosition(self.x, self.y - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight - 3) - - if self.IsSoftwareCursor: - if 0 != self.curCursorImage: - self.curCursorImage.SetPosition(self.x + self.cursorPosX, self.y + self.cursorPosY) - - # Render - def Render(self): - - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if 0 != self.AttachedIconHandle: - grpImage.Render(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - if self.IsSoftwareCursor: - if TRUE == app.IsShowCursor(): - if 0 != self.curCursorImage: - self.curCursorImage.Render() - else: - if FALSE == app.IsShowCursor(): - if TRUE == app.IsLiarCursorOn(): - if 0 != self.curCursorImage: - self.curCursorImage.SetPosition(self.x + self.cursorPosX, self.y + self.cursorPosY) - self.curCursorImage.Render() - - def SetCallBack(self, type, event=lambda *arg:None): - self.callbackDict[type] = event - - def RunCallBack(self, type, *arg): - - if not self.callbackDict.has_key(type): - self.DeattachObject() - return - - self.callbackDict[type]() - - def ClearCallBack(self): - self.callbackDict = {} - -mouseController = CMouseController() diff --git a/bin_original/musicInfo.py b/bin_original/musicInfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2b980fbf..00000000 --- a/bin_original/musicInfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -METIN2THEMA = "M2BG.mp3" - -loginMusic="login_window.mp3" -createMusic="characterselect.mp3" -selectMusic="characterselect.mp3" -fieldMusic=METIN2THEMA - -def SaveLastPlayFieldMusic(): - global fieldMusic - - try: - lastPlayFile=open("BGM/lastplay.inf", "w") - except IOError: - return - - lastPlayFile.write(fieldMusic) - - -def LoadLastPlayFieldMusic(): - global fieldMusic - - try: - lastPlayFile=open("BGM/lastplay.inf", "r") - except IOError: - return - - fieldMusic=lastPlayFile.read() - - diff --git a/bin_original/networkModule.py b/bin_original/networkModule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2beeec07..00000000 --- a/bin_original/networkModule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -################################################################################################### -# Network - -import app -import chr -import dbg -import net -import snd - -import chr -import chrmgr -import background -import player -import playerSettingModule - -import ui -import uiPhaseCurtain - -import locale - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - print "NEW POPUP DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.CloseEvent = 0 - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE POPUP DIALOG " - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - - def Open(self, Message, event = 0, ButtonName = locale.UI_CANCEL): - - if TRUE == self.IsShow(): - self.Close() - - self.Lock() - self.SetTop() - self.CloseEvent = event - - AcceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - AcceptButton.SetText(ButtonName) - AcceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.GetChild("message").SetText(Message) - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - - if FALSE == self.IsShow(): - self.CloseEvent = 0 - return - - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - if 0 != self.CloseEvent: - self.CloseEvent() - self.CloseEvent = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -## -## Main Stream -## -class MainStream(object): - isChrData=0 - - def __init__(self): - print "NEWMAIN STREAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - net.SetHandler(self) - net.SetTCPRecvBufferSize(128*1024) - net.SetTCPSendBufferSize(4096) - net.SetUDPRecvBufferSize(4096) - - self.id="" - self.pwd="" - self.addr="" - self.port=0 - self.account_addr=0 - self.account_port=0 - self.slot=0 - self.isAutoSelect=0 - self.isAutoLogin=0 - - self.curtain = 0 - self.curPhaseWindow = 0 - self.newPhaseWindow = 0 - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE MAIN STREAM " - - def Destroy(self): - if self.curPhaseWindow: - self.curPhaseWindow.Close() - self.curPhaseWindow = 0 - - if self.newPhaseWindow: - self.newPhaseWindow.Close() - self.newPhaseWindow = 0 - - self.popupWindow.Destroy() - self.popupWindow = 0 - - self.curtain = 0 - - def Create(self): - self.CreatePopupDialog() - - self.curtain = uiPhaseCurtain.PhaseCurtain() - - def SetPhaseWindow(self, newPhaseWindow): - if self.newPhaseWindow: - #print "捞固 货肺款 扩档快肺 官槽惑怕俊辑 肚 官厕", newPhaseWindow - self.__ChangePhaseWindow() - - self.newPhaseWindow=newPhaseWindow - - if self.curPhaseWindow: - #print "其捞靛 酒眶登搁 官厕" - self.curtain.FadeOut(self.__ChangePhaseWindow) - else: - #print "泅犁 扩档快啊 绝绰 惑怕扼 官肺 官厕" - self.__ChangePhaseWindow() - - def __ChangePhaseWindow(self): - oldPhaseWindow=self.curPhaseWindow - newPhaseWindow=self.newPhaseWindow - self.curPhaseWindow=0 - self.newPhaseWindow=0 - - if oldPhaseWindow: - oldPhaseWindow.Close() - - if newPhaseWindow: - newPhaseWindow.Open() - - self.curPhaseWindow=newPhaseWindow - - if self.curPhaseWindow: - self.curtain.FadeIn() - else: - app.Exit() - - def CreatePopupDialog(self): - self.popupWindow = PopupDialog() - self.popupWindow.LoadDialog() - self.popupWindow.SetCenterPosition() - self.popupWindow.Hide() - - - ## SelectPhase - ########################################################################################## - def SetLogoPhase(self): - net.Disconnect() - - import introLogo - self.SetPhaseWindow(introLogo.LogoWindow(self)) - - def SetLoginPhase(self): - net.Disconnect() - - import introLogin - self.SetPhaseWindow(introLogin.LoginWindow(self)) - - def SetSelectEmpirePhase(self): - try: - import introEmpire - self.SetPhaseWindow(introEmpire.SelectEmpireWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetSelectEmpirePhase") - - - def SetReselectEmpirePhase(self): - try: - import introEmpire - self.SetPhaseWindow(introEmpire.ReselectEmpireWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetReselectEmpirePhase") - - def SetSelectCharacterPhase(self): - try: - locale.LoadLocaleData() - import introSelect - self.popupWindow.Close() - self.SetPhaseWindow(introSelect.SelectCharacterWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase") - - def SetCreateCharacterPhase(self): - try: - import introCreate - self.SetPhaseWindow(introCreate.CreateCharacterWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetCreateCharacterPhase") - - def SetTestGamePhase(self, x, y): - try: - import introLoading - loadingPhaseWindow=introLoading.LoadingWindow(self) - loadingPhaseWindow.LoadData(x, y) - self.SetPhaseWindow(loadingPhaseWindow) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetLoadingPhase") - - - - def SetLoadingPhase(self): - try: - import introLoading - self.SetPhaseWindow(introLoading.LoadingWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetLoadingPhase") - - def SetGamePhase(self): - try: - import game - self.popupWindow.Close() - self.SetPhaseWindow(game.GameWindow(self)) - except: - raise - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetGamePhase") - - ################################ - # Functions used in python - - ## Login - def Connect(self): - import constInfo - if constInfo.KEEP_ACCOUNT_CONNETION_ENABLE: - net.ConnectToAccountServer(self.addr, self.port, self.account_addr, self.account_port) - else: - net.ConnectTCP(self.addr, self.port) - - #net.ConnectUDP(IP, Port) - - def SetConnectInfo(self, addr, port, account_addr=0, account_port=0): - self.addr = addr - self.port = port - self.account_addr = account_addr - self.account_port = account_port - - def GetConnectAddr(self): - return self.addr - - def SetLoginInfo(self, id, pwd): - self.id = id - self.pwd = pwd - net.SetLoginInfo(id, pwd) - - def CancelEnterGame(self): - pass - - ## Select - def SetCharacterSlot(self, slot): - self.slot=slot - - def GetCharacterSlot(self): - return self.slot - - ## Empty - def EmptyFunction(self): - pass diff --git a/bin_original/npclist.txt b/bin_original/npclist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 00de033d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/npclist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1390 +0,0 @@ -0 pony_normal pony -0 pony_member pony -0 pony_master pony -0 horse_normal horse -0 horse_member horse -0 horse_master horse -0 horse2_normal horse2 -0 horse2_member horse2 -0 horse2_master horse2 -0 boar boar -0 dog_god dog_god -0 fire_tiger fire_tiger -0 lion lion -0 boar_0 boar -0 dog_god_0 dog_god -0 fire_tiger_0 fire_tiger -0 lion_0 lion -0 boar_3 boar -0 dog_god_3 dog_god -0 fire_tiger_3 fire_tiger -0 lion_3 lion -0 fire_tiger_blue fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_darkred fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_gold fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_green fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_pied fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_white fire_tiger -0 reindeer_male1 reindeer_male -0 reindeer_male2 reindeer_male -0 reindeer_male3 reindeer_male -0 reindeer_female1 reindeer_female -0 reindeer_female2 reindeer_female -0 reindeer_female3 reindeer_female -0 reindeer_young1 reindeer_young -0 goods_02 goods -0 bank_02 bank -0 diamond mineral -0 amber mineral -0 fossil_tree mineral -0 copper mineral -0 silver mineral -0 gold mineral -0 jade mineral -0 ebony mineral -0 white_gold mineral -0 quartz mineral -0 amethyst mineral -0 chunru mineral -0 pearl mineral -0 mineral2_sapphire mineral2 -0 mineral2_ruby mineral2 -0 mineral2_garnet mineral2 -0 mineral2_bery mineral2 -0 red_wild_boar wild_boar -0 wolf_gray wolf -0 wolf_blue wolf -0 bear_gray bear -0 bear_black bear -0 bear_brown bear -0 tiger_big tiger -0 tiger_god tiger -0 metinstone_01 metinstone -0 metinstone_02 metinstone -0 metinstone_03 metinstone -0 metinstone_04 metinstone -0 metinstone_05 metinstone -0 metinstone_06 metinstone -0 metinstone_07 metinstone -0 metinstone_08 metinstone -0 metinstone_09 metinstone -0 metinstone_10 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_11 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_12 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_13 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_14 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_15 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_egg01 metinstone_egg -0 christmas_tree_01 christmas_tree -0 christmas_tree_02 christmas_tree -0 christmas_tree_03 christmas_tree -0 flag_red guild_war_flag -0 flag_blue guild_war_flag -0 flag_yellow guild_war_flag -0 haitai fire_tiger_boss -0 monkey_range monkey -0 sura_skeleton1 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton2 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton3 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton4 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton5 sura_skeleton -0 starveling starveling -0 starveling2 starveling -0 starveling3 starveling -0 starveling4 starveling -0 starveling5 starveling -0 pwahuang1_2 pwahuang1 -0 jinno_patrol_spear_01 jinno_patrol_spear -0 gangyo_patrol_spear_01 gangyo_patrol_spear -0 spy1_01 spy1 -0 reindeer_young1_christmas1 reindeer_young -0 reindeer_male1_christmas1 reindeer_male -0 fire_ghost1 fire_ghost -0 fire_tiger_boss1 fire_tiger_boss -0 fire_man1 fire_man -0 fire_knight1 fire_knight -0 fire_king1 fire_king -0 ice_snow_monster1 ice_snow_monster -0 ice_snow_insect1 ice_snow_insect -0 ice_snow_man1 ice_snow_man -0 ice_snow_giant_man1 ice_snow_giant_man -0 ice_snow_golem1 ice_snow_golem -0 bridge_block_chain flame_bridge_block_chain -0 flame_npc flame_dungeon_npc -0 unicorn1 unicorn -0 phoenix3 phoenix2 -101 stray_dog -102 wolf -103 wolf -104 wolf_blue -105 wolf_blue -106 wolf_gray -107 wolf_gray -108 wild_boar -109 red_wild_boar -110 bear -111 bear_gray -112 bear_black -113 bear_brown -114 tiger -115 tiger_big -131 wolf -132 wolf -133 wolf_blue -134 wolf_blue -135 wolf_gray -136 wolf_gray -137 wild_boar -138 red_wild_boar -139 bear -140 bear_gray -141 bear_black -142 bear_brown -143 tiger -144 tiger_big -151 wolf_blue -152 wolf_gray -153 red_wild_boar -154 bear_brown -155 tiger_big -171 stray_dog -172 wolf -173 wolf -174 wolf_blue -175 wolf_blue -176 wolf_gray -177 wolf_gray -178 wild_boar -179 red_wild_boar -180 bear -181 bear_gray -182 bear_black -183 bear_brown -184 tiger -185 tiger_big -191 mountain_dog_god -192 wild_boar_god -193 bear -194 tiger_god -301 bksoldier -302 bkarcher -303 bkknight -304 bkknight -331 bksoldier -332 bkarcher -333 bkknight -334 bkknight -351 bksoldier -352 bkarcher -353 bkknight -354 bkknight -391 bksecond -392 bkthird -393 bkfourth -394 bkboss -395 bksecond -396 bkthird -397 bkfourth -398 bkboss -401 thief1 -402 thief2 -403 thief3 -404 thiefboss1 -405 thiefboss2 -406 thiefboss3 -431 thief1 -432 thief2 -433 thief3 -434 thiefboss1 -435 thiefboss2 -436 thiefboss3 -451 thief1 -452 thief2 -453 thief3 -454 thiefboss1 -455 thiefboss2 -456 thiefboss3 -491 maenghwan -492 bou -493 gupae -494 chuhen -501 barbarian_infantry -502 barbarian_soldier -503 barbarian_bow -504 barbarian_knight -531 barbarian_infantry -532 barbarian_soldier -533 barbarian_bow -534 barbarian_knight -551 barbarian_infantry -552 barbarian_soldier -553 barbarian_bow -554 barbarian_knight -591 barbarian_boss -595 barbarian_bow -601 orc_soldier -602 orc_scouter -603 orc_knight -604 orc_magician -631 orc_soldier -632 orc_scouter -633 orc_knight -634 orc_magician -635 orc_general -636 orc_black -637 orc_bigblack -651 orc_soldier -652 orc_scouter -653 orc_knight -654 orc_magician -655 orc_general -656 orc_black -657 orc_bigblack -691 orc_lord -692 orc_lord -693 #season1/monster/orc_lord_e/ -701 milgyo_religionist -702 milgyo_nahan1 -703 milgyo_nahan2 -704 milgyo_nahan_general -705 milgyo_executor -706 milgyo_monster1 -707 milgyo_monster2 -731 milgyo_religionist -732 milgyo_nahan1 -733 milgyo_nahan2 -734 milgyo_nahan_general -735 milgyo_executor -736 milgyo_monster1 -737 milgyo_monster2 -751 milgyo_religionist -752 milgyo_nahan1 -753 milgyo_nahan2 -754 milgyo_nahan_general -755 milgyo_executor -756 milgyo_monster1 -757 milgyo_monster2 -771 milgyo_religionist -772 milgyo_nahan1 -773 milgyo_nahan2 -774 milgyo_nahan_general -775 milgyo_executor -776 milgyo_monster1 -777 milgyo_monster2 -791 milgyo_founder -792 milgyo_founder -793 milgyo_founder -794 milgyo_founder -795 #season1/monster/milgyo_founder_e/ -901 misterious_diseased_kid -902 misterious_diseased_dog -903 misterious_diseased_infector -904 misterious_diseased_sword -905 misterious_diseased_spear -906 misterious_diseased_bow -907 misterious_diseased_boss -931 misterious_diseased_kid -932 misterious_diseased_dog -933 misterious_diseased_infector -934 misterious_diseased_sword -935 misterious_diseased_spear -936 misterious_diseased_bow -937 misterious_diseased_boss -991 misterious_diseased_egg -992 misterious_diseased_host -993 misterious_diseased_bosshost -1001 skeleton_soldier_scythe -1002 skeleton_soldier_bow -1003 skeleton_soldier_spear -1004 skeleton_magician -1031 skeleton_soldier_scythe -1032 skeleton_soldier_bow -1033 skeleton_soldier_spear -1034 skeleton_magician -1035 spite_ghost -1036 chaos_ghost -1037 skeleton_general -1038 skeleton_bigboss -1039 skeleton_wizard -1040 immotal_ghost -1041 recycle_monster -1061 skeleton_soldier_scythe -1062 skeleton_soldier_bow -1063 skeleton_soldier_spear -1064 skeleton_magician -1065 spite_ghost -1066 chaos_ghost -1067 skeleton_general -1068 skeleton_bigboss -1069 skeleton_wizard -1070 immotal_ghost -1071 recycle_monster -1091 skeleton_king -1092 skeleton_king -1093 skeleton_god -1094 #season1/monster/skeleton_king_e/ -1095 #season1/monster/skeleton_god_e/ -1096 skeleton_king -1101 ice_snow_monster -1102 ice_snow_whale -1103 ice_snow_insect -1104 ice_snow_dog -1105 ice_snow_man -1106 ice_snow_giant_man -1107 ice_snow_golem -1131 ice_snow_monster -1132 ice_snow_whale -1133 ice_snow_insect -1134 ice_snow_dog -1135 ice_snow_man -1136 ice_snow_giant_man -1137 ice_snow_golem -1151 ice_snow_monster -1152 ice_snow_whale -1153 ice_snow_insect -1154 ice_snow_dog -1155 ice_snow_man -1156 ice_snow_giant_man -1157 ice_snow_golem -1171 ice_snow_monster -1172 ice_snow_whale -1173 ice_snow_insect -1174 ice_snow_dog -1175 ice_snow_man -1176 ice_snow_giant_man -1177 ice_snow_golem -1191 ice_snow_witch -1192 ice_snow_witch -1301 greenfrog_soldier -1302 greenfrog_general -1303 goblin_leafhead -1304 yellow_tigerman -1305 sugu_general -1306 yellow_tigerman -1307 #season1/monster/yellow_tigerman_e/ -1308 yellow_tigerman -1309 yellow_tigerman -1310 yellow_tigerman -1331 greenfrog_soldier -1332 greenfrog_general -1333 goblin_leafhead -1334 yellow_tigerman -1335 sugu_general -1401 mutant_1 -1402 mutant_2 -1403 mutant_3 -1501 golem_1 -1502 golem_2 -1503 golem_3 -1601 nersluck_1 -1602 nersluck_2 -1603 nersluck_3 -1901 fox_ninetail -1902 fox_ninetail -1903 #season1/monster/fox_ninetail_e/ -1904 fox_ninetail -1905 fox_ninetail -1906 fox_ninetail -2001 spider_young -2002 spider_poison -2003 spider_redpoison -2004 spider_nipper -2005 spider_soldier -2031 spider_young -2032 spider_poison -2033 spider_redpoison -2034 spider_nipper -2035 spider_soldier -2036 spider_soldier -2051 spider_young -2052 spider_poison -2053 spider_redpoison -2054 spider_nipper -2055 spider_soldier -2061 spider_young -2062 spider_poison -2063 spider_redpoison -2064 spider_nipper -2065 spider_soldier -2071 spider_young -2072 spider_poison -2073 spider_redpoison -2074 spider_nipper -2075 spider_soldier -2076 spider_soldier -2091 spider_queen -2092 spider_king -2093 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -2094 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -2095 spider_spawn -2101 fennec_fox -2102 evil_eye -2103 giant_scorpion -2104 scorpionman_sword -2105 scorpionman_bow -2106 snakeman_sword -2107 snakeman_bow -2108 outlaw -2131 scorpionman_sword -2132 scorpionman_bow -2133 snakeman_sword -2134 snakeman_bow -2135 outlaw -2151 fennec_fox -2152 evil_eye -2153 giant_scorpion -2154 scorpionman_sword -2155 scorpionman_bow -2156 snakeman_sword -2157 snakeman_bow -2158 outlaw -2191 giant_desert_turtle -2192 #season1/monster/giant_desert_turtle_e/ -2201 fire_tiger -2202 fire_ghost -2203 fire_tiger_boss -2204 fire_man -2205 fire_knight -2206 fire_king -2207 fire_king -2231 fire_tiger -2232 fire_ghost -2233 fire_tiger_boss -2234 fire_man -2235 fire_knight -2291 fire_dragon -2292 red_dragon -2293 red_dragon2 -2301 ent_trent -2302 ent_guru -2303 ent_hu -2304 ent_red -2305 ent_black -2306 ent_huge -2307 ent_elder -2311 ent_trent -2312 ent_guru -2313 ent_hu -2314 ent_red -2315 ent_black -2401 ch_footman -2402 ch_bowman -2403 ch_magician -2404 ch_officer -2411 ch_footman -2412 ch_bowman -2413 ch_magician -2414 ch_officer -2431 ch_footman -2432 ch_bowman -2433 ch_magician -2434 ch_officer -2451 ch_footman -2452 ch_bowman -2453 ch_magician -2454 ch_officer -2481 boar_young -2482 dog_god_young -2483 fire_tiger_young -2484 lion_young -2491 ch_general -2492 ch_general -2493 blue_dragon -2494 ch_general -2495 ch_general -2501 zombie_diseased_kid -2502 zombie_diseased_dog -2503 zombie_diseased_infector -2504 zombie_diseased_sword -2505 zombie_diseased_spear -2506 zombie_diseased_bow -2507 zombie_diseased_boss -2508 zombie_soldier_scythe -2509 zombie_soldier_bow -2510 zombie_soldier_spear -2511 zombie_magician -2512 zombie_bigboss -2513 zombie_ghost -2514 zombie_general -2541 zombie_soldier_scythe -2542 zombie_soldier_bow -2543 zombie_soldier_spear -2544 zombie_magician -2545 zombie_bigboss -2546 zombie_ghost -2547 zombie_general -2591 zombie_king -2592 zombie_king -2593 zombie_king -2594 zombie_king -2595 zombie_king -2596 zombie_king -2597 zombie_god -2598 zombie_bigboss2 -2600 gnoll_helhound -2601 gnoll_warrior -2602 gnoll_mage -2603 gnoll_commander -2620 gnoll_minotaur -2630 troll_warrior -2631 troll_archer -2632 troll_mage -2633 troll_commander -2650 troll_argus -2660 naga_soldier -2661 naga_archer -2662 naga_mage -2663 naga_warrior -2680 naga_commander -3001 gnoll_soldier -3002 gnoll_bow -3003 gnoll_soldier2 -3004 gnoll_magic -3005 gnoll_general -3090 gnoll_boss -3091 gnoll_boss2 -3101 cyclops_soldier -3102 cyclops_soldier2 -3103 cyclops_magic -3104 cyclops_officer -3105 cyclops_general -3190 cyclops_boss -3191 cyclops_boss2 -3201 manticore_soldier -3202 manticore_soldier2 -3203 manticore_magic -3204 manticore_officer -3205 manticore_general -3290 manticore_boss -3291 manticore_boss2 -3301 lemures_soldier -3302 lemures_soldier2 -3303 lemures_magic -3304 lemures_officer -3305 lemures_general -3390 lemures_boss -3391 lemures_boss2 -3401 triton_soldier -3402 triton_soldier2 -3403 triton_magic -3404 triton_officer -3405 triton_general -3490 triton_boss -3491 triton_boss2 -3501 redthief_bow -3502 redthief_soldier2 -3503 redthief_magic -3504 redthief_officer -3505 redthief_general -3551 redthief2_bow -3552 redthief2_soldier2 -3553 redthief2_magic -3554 redthief2_officer -3555 redthief2_general -3590 redthief_boss -3591 redthief_boss2 -3595 redthief2_boss -3596 redthief2_boss2 -3601 crustacean_soldier -3602 crustacean_bow -3603 crustacean_soldier2 -3604 crustacean_officer -3605 crustacean_general -3690 crustacean_boss -3691 crustacean_boss2 -3701 giant_soldier -3702 giant_soldier2 -3703 giant_magic -3704 giant_officer -3705 giant_general -3790 giant_boss -3791 giant_boss2 -3801 ogre_soldier -3802 ogre_bow -3803 ogre_officer -3804 ogre_magic -3805 ogre_general -3890 ogre_boss -3891 ogre_boss2 -3901 ent_boss1 -3902 ent_boss2 -3903 ent_boss3 -3904 giant_general -3905 bkfourth -3906 bkboss -3907 redthief2_magic -3908 redthief2_officer -3909 redthief2_general -3910 redthief_boss -3911 ent_huge -3912 ent_huge -3913 ent_huge -5001 japanese_pirate -5002 haitai -5003 monkey -5004 japanese_pirate -5101 monkey -5102 monkey_range -5103 monkey -5104 monkey -5111 monkey -5112 monkey_range -5113 monkey -5114 monkey -5115 stone_monkey -5116 stone_monkey -5121 monkey -5122 monkey_range -5123 monkey -5124 monkey -5125 stone_monkey -5126 gold_monkey -5127 gold_monkey -5131 monkey -5132 monkey_range -5133 monkey -5134 monkey -5141 monkey -5142 monkey_range -5143 monkey -5144 monkey -5145 stone_monkey -5146 stone_monkey -5151 monkey -5152 monkey_range -5153 monkey -5154 monkey -5155 stone_monkey -5156 gold_monkey -5157 gold_monkey -5161 stone_monkey -5162 gold_monkey -5163 god_monkey -7001 monkey -7002 monkey_range -7003 monkey -7004 monkey -7005 stone_monkey -7006 gold_monkey -7007 gold_monkey -7008 nersluck_1 -7009 nersluck_2 -7010 nersluck_3 -7012 evil_eye -7013 giant_scorpion -7014 scorpionman_sword -7015 scorpionman_bow -7016 snakeman_sword -7017 snakeman_bow -7018 outlaw -7019 fire_tiger -7020 fire_ghost -7021 fire_tiger_boss -7022 fire_man -7023 fire_knight -7024 ent_trent -7025 ent_guru -7026 ent_hu -7027 ent_red -7028 ent_black -7029 ice_snow_monster -7030 ice_snow_whale -7031 ice_snow_insect -7032 ice_snow_dog -7033 ice_snow_man -7034 ice_snow_giant_man -7035 ice_snow_golem -7036 ice_snow_monster -7037 ice_snow_whale -7038 ice_snow_insect -7039 ice_snow_dog -7040 ice_snow_man -7041 ice_snow_giant_man -7042 ice_snow_golem -7043 ice_snow_monster -7044 ice_snow_whale -7045 ice_snow_insect -7046 ice_snow_dog -7047 ice_snow_man -7048 ice_snow_giant_man -7049 ice_snow_golem -7050 evil_eye -7051 giant_scorpion -7052 scorpionman_sword -7053 scorpionman_bow -7054 snakeman_sword -7055 snakeman_bow -7056 outlaw -7057 evil_eye -7058 giant_scorpion -7059 scorpionman_sword -7060 scorpionman_bow -7061 snakeman_sword -7062 snakeman_bow -7063 outlaw -7064 evil_eye -7065 giant_scorpion -7066 scorpionman_sword -7067 scorpionman_bow -7068 snakeman_sword -7069 snakeman_bow -7070 outlaw -7071 fire_tiger -7072 fire_ghost -7073 fire_tiger_boss -7074 fire_man -7075 fire_knight -7076 fire_tiger -7077 fire_ghost -7078 fire_tiger_boss -7079 fire_man -7080 fire_knight -7081 fire_tiger -7082 fire_ghost -7083 fire_tiger_boss -7084 fire_man -7085 fire_knight -7086 ent_guru -7087 ent_hu -7088 ent_red -7089 ent_black -7090 ent_guru -7091 ent_hu -7092 ent_red -7093 ent_black -7094 ent_guru -7095 ent_hu -7096 ent_red -7097 ent_black -8001 metinstone_01 -8002 metinstone_02 -8003 metinstone_03 -8004 metinstone_04 -8005 metinstone_05 -8006 metinstone_06 -8007 metinstone_07 -8008 metinstone_08 -8009 metinstone_09 -8010 metinstone_04 -8011 metinstone_05 -8012 metinstone_06 -8013 metinstone_07 -8014 metinstone_08 -8015 metinstone_04 -8016 metinstone_05 -8017 metinstone_06 -8018 metinstone_07 -8019 metinstone_08 -8020 metinstone_06 -8021 metinstone_07 -8022 metinstone_08 -8023 metinstone_09 -8024 metinstone_03 -8025 metinstone_04 -8026 metinstone_05 -8027 metinstone_06 -8028 metinstone_06 -8029 metinstone_06 -8030 metinstone_06 -8031 metinstone_09 -8032 metinstone_01 -8033 metinstone_06 -8034 metinstone_02 -8035 metinstone_10 -8036 metinstone_11 -8037 metinstone_12 -8038 metinstone_13 -8039 metinstone_14 -8040 metinstone_15 -8041 metinstone_egg01 -8042 metinstone_egg01 -8043 metinstone_egg01 -8044 metinstone_egg01 -8045 metinstone_egg01 -8046 metinstone_egg01 -8047 metinstone_egg01 -8048 metinstone_egg01 -8049 metinstone_egg01 -8050 metinstone_egg01 -8051 metinstone_10 -8052 metinstone_11 -8053 metinstone_12 -8054 metinstone_13 -8055 metinstone_14 -8056 metinstone_15 -8101 metinstone_01 -8102 metinstone_02 -8103 metinstone_03 -8104 metinstone_04 -8105 metinstone_05 -8106 metinstone_06 -8107 metinstone_07 -8108 metinstone_08 -8109 metinstone_09 -8110 metinstone_09 -8111 metinstone_09 -8112 metinstone_09 -8501 stray_dog -8502 wild_boar -8503 bear -8504 tiger_big -8505 orc_bigblack -8506 greenfrog_general -8507 outlaw -8508 milgyo_monster1 -8509 milgyo_monster2 -8510 fire_knight -8511 ice_snow_golem -8600 #season1/monster/orc_lord_e/ -8601 #season1/monster/orc_lord_e/ -8602 #season1/monster/milgyo_founder_e/ -8603 #season1/monster/milgyo_founder_e/ -8604 #season1/monster/skeleton_king_e/ -8605 #season1/monster/skeleton_king_e/ -8606 #season1/monster/skeleton_god_e/ -8607 #season1/monster/skeleton_god_e/ -8608 #season1/monster/fox_ninetail_e/ -8609 #season1/monster/fox_ninetail_e/ -8610 #season1/monster/yellow_tigerman_e/ -8611 #season1/monster/yellow_tigerman_e/ -8612 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -8613 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -8614 #season1/monster/giant_desert_turtle_e/ -8615 #season1/monster/giant_desert_turtle_e/ -8616 #season2/npc/ent_elder/ -9001 arms -9002 defence -9003 goods -9004 bank -9005 hotel_grandfa -9006 hotel_grandma -9007 arms -9008 defence -9009 sailor -9010 goods_02 -9011 bank_02 -9012 oldster -10001 warp -10002 warp -10003 warp -10004 warp -10005 warp -10006 warp -10007 warp -10008 warp -10009 warp -10010 warp -10011 warp -10012 warp -10013 warp -10014 warp -10015 warp -10016 warp -10017 warp -10018 warp -10019 warp -10020 warp -10021 warp -10022 warp -10023 warp -10024 warp -10025 warp -10026 warp -10027 warp -10028 warp -10029 warp -10030 warp -10031 warp -10032 warp -10033 warp -10034 warp -10035 warp -10036 warp -10037 warp -10038 warp -10039 warp -10040 warp -10041 warp -10042 warp -10043 warp -10044 warp -10045 warp -10046 warp -10047 warp -10048 warp -10049 warp -10050 warp -10051 warp -10052 warp -10053 warp -10054 warp -10055 warp -10056 warp -10057 warp -10058 warp -10059 warp -10060 warp -10061 warp -10062 warp -10063 warp -10064 warp -10065 warp -10066 warp -10067 warp -10068 warp -10069 warp -10070 warp -10071 warp -10072 warp -10073 warp -10074 warp -10075 warp -10076 warp -10077 warp -10078 warp -10079 warp -10080 warp -10081 warp -10082 warp -10083 warp -10084 warp -10085 warp -10086 warp -10087 warp -10088 warp -10089 warp -10090 warp -10091 warp -10092 warp -10093 warp -10094 warp -10095 warp -10096 warp -10097 warp -10098 warp -10099 warp -10100 warp -10101 warp -10102 warp -10103 warp -10104 warp -10105 warp -10501 warp -10502 warp -10503 warp -10504 warp -10505 warp -10506 warp -10507 warp -10508 warp -10509 warp -10510 warp -10511 warp -10512 warp -10513 warp -10514 warp -10515 warp -10516 warp -10517 warp -10518 warp -10519 warp -10520 warp -10521 warp -10522 warp -10523 warp -10524 warp -10601 warp -10602 warp -10603 warp -10604 warp -10605 warp -10606 warp -10607 warp -10608 warp -10609 warp -10610 warp -10611 warp -10612 warp -10613 warp -10614 warp -10615 warp -10616 warp -10617 warp -10618 warp -10619 warp -10620 warp -10621 warp -10622 warp -10623 warp -10624 warp -10625 warp -10626 warp -10701 warp -10702 warp -10703 warp -10704 warp -10705 warp -10706 warp -10707 warp -10708 warp -10709 warp -10710 warp -10711 warp -10712 warp -10713 warp -10714 warp -10715 warp -10716 warp -10717 warp -10718 warp -10719 warp -10720 warp -10721 warp -10722 warp -10723 warp -10724 warp -10725 warp -10726 warp -11000 gangyo_patrol_spear -11001 gangyo_patrol_bow -11002 jinno_patrol_spear -11003 jinno_patrol_bow -11004 sinsu_patrol_spear -11005 sinsu_patrol_bow -11100 gangyo_patrol_spear -11100 #season1/npc/sinsu_guard_spear/ -11101 gangyo_patrol_bow -11101 #season1/npc/sinsu_guard_bow/ -11102 jinno_patrol_spear -11102 #season1/npc/chenjo_guard_spear/ -11103 jinno_patrol_bow -11103 #season1/npc/chenjo_guard_bow/ -11104 sinsu_patrol_spear -11104 #season1/npc/jinno_guard_spear/ -11105 sinsu_patrol_bow -11105 #season1/npc/jinno_guard_bow/ -11106 gangyo_patrol_spear -11107 gangyo_patrol_bow -11108 jinno_patrol_spear -11109 jinno_patrol_bow -11110 sinsu_patrol_spear -11111 sinsu_patrol_bow -11112 gangyo_patrol_spear -11113 gangyo_patrol_bow -11114 jinno_patrol_spear -11115 jinno_patrol_bow -11116 sinsu_patrol_spear -11117 sinsu_patrol_bow -11505 #season1/npc/goldenfrog/ -11506 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11507 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11508 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11509 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11510 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -12000 campfire -13000 wooden_door -13001 stone_door -20001 alchemist -20002 auntie -20003 baby_and_mom -20004 beggar -20005 ceramist -20006 girl_lost_elder_brother -20007 hotel_grandfa -20008 mr_restaurant -20009 oldster -20010 peddler -20011 plant_researcher -20012 rice_cake_seller -20013 sailor -20014 timid_boy -20015 woodcutter -20016 blacksmith -20017 musician -20018 doctor -20019 hunter -20020 old_pirate -20021 widow -20022 young_merchant -20023 bookworm -20024 yu_hwa_rang -20029 pony_normal -20030 pony_normal -20031 santa -20032 christmas_tree_01 -20033 christmas_tree_02 -20034 christmas_tree_03 -20035 flag_red -20036 flag_blue -20037 flag_yellow -20040 jinno_patrol_spear -20041 beggar -20042 peddler -20044 blacksmith -20045 blacksmith -20046 blacksmith -20047 diamond -20048 amber -20049 fossil_tree -20050 copper -20051 silver -20052 gold -20053 jade -20054 ebony -20055 pearl -20056 white_gold -20057 quartz -20058 amethyst -20059 chunru -20060 alchemist -20061 alchemist -20062 alchemist -20063 alchemist -20064 alchemist -20065 alchemist -20066 alchemist -20067 alchemist -20068 alchemist -20069 alchemist -20070 alchemist -20071 alchemist -20072 alchemist -20073 seal_stone -20073 seal_stone -20074 blacksmith -20075 blacksmith -20076 blacksmith -20077 jinno_patrol_spear -20078 jinno_patrol_spear -20079 jinno_patrol_spear -20080 plant_researcher -20081 seal_stone -20082 GM -20083 oldster -20084 #season1/npc/chagirap/ -20086 #season1/npc/wondaim/ -20087 #season1/npc/handaup/ -20088 #season1/npc/visamun/ -20089 #season1/npc/jinmoo/ -20090 #season1/npc/samahi/ -20091 #season1/npc/backchon/ -20092 #season1/npc/ayuka/ -20093 #season1/npc/visal/ -20094 #season1/npc/yejin/ -20095 #season1/npc/sinseon/ -20096 seal_stone -20097 #season2/npc/sinsu_warpgate/ -20098 #season2/npc/chenjo_warpgate/ -20099 #season2/npc/jinno_warpgate/ -20101 pony_normal -20102 pony_member -20103 pony_master -20104 horse_normal -20105 horse_member -20106 horse_master -20107 horse2_normal -20108 horse2_member -20109 horse2_master -20110 boar -20111 dog_god -20112 fire_tiger -20113 lion -20114 lion_white -20115 boar_2 -20116 dog_god_2 -20117 fire_tiger_2 -20118 lion_2 -20119 horse_event1 -20120 fire_tiger_blue -20121 fire_tiger_darkred -20122 fire_tiger_gold -20123 fire_tiger_green -20124 fire_tiger_pied -20125 fire_tiger_white -20126 santa -20201 boar_0 -20202 dog_god_0 -20203 fire_tiger_0 -20204 lion_0 -20205 boar_2 -20206 dog_god_2 -20207 fire_tiger_2 -20208 lion_2 -20209 boar_3 -20210 dog_god_3 -20211 fire_tiger_3 -20212 lion_3 -20213 reindeer_male1 -20214 reindeer_male2 -20215 reindeer_male3 -20216 reindeer_female1 -20217 reindeer_female2 -20218 reindeer_female3 -20219 horse_halloween1 -20220 reindeer_male1_christmas1 -20221 bear -20222 panda -20300 sinsu_patrol_spear -20301 sinsu_patrol_spear -20302 sinsu_patrol_spear -20303 sinsu_patrol_spear -20304 sinsu_patrol_spear -20305 sinsu_patrol_spear -20306 sinsu_patrol_spear -20307 sinsu_patrol_spear -20320 gangyo_patrol_spear -20321 gangyo_patrol_spear -20322 gangyo_patrol_spear -20323 gangyo_patrol_spear -20324 gangyo_patrol_spear -20325 gangyo_patrol_spear -20326 gangyo_patrol_spear -20327 gangyo_patrol_spear -20340 jinno_patrol_spear -20341 jinno_patrol_spear -20342 jinno_patrol_spear -20343 jinno_patrol_spear -20344 jinno_patrol_spear -20345 jinno_patrol_spear -20346 jinno_patrol_spear -20347 jinno_patrol_spear -20348 jinno_patrol_spear -20349 jinno_patrol_spear -20350 jinno_patrol_spear -20351 jinno_patrol_spear -20352 tombstone -20353 tombstone1 -20354 guard_leader -20355 guard_leader -20356 #season1/npc/mirinae_brother/ -20357 #season1/npc/moonstone/ -20358 #season1/npc/nnflower/ -20359 #season1/npc/mailbox/ -20360 #season1/npc/firestone/ -20361 #season1/npc/waterstone/ -20362 #season1/npc/treestone/ -20363 #season1/npc/steelstone/ -20364 #season1/npc/naoki/ -20365 #season1/npc/steelstone/ -20366 #season1/npc/keyholestone/ -20367 jinno_patrol_spear -20368 peddler -20369 leechung -20370 spy1 -20371 #season1/npc/waterstone/ -20372 tombstone -20373 jinno_patrol_spear -20374 jinno_patrol_spear -20375 npc_fence -20376 chagirap -20377 jinno_patrol_spear_01 -20378 gangyo_patrol_spear_01 -20379 spy1_01 -20380 eojiryu -20381 gilaso -20382 #season1/npc/nnflower/ -20383 blacksmith -20384 christmas_tree -20385 flame_npc -20386 seal_stone -20387 bridge_block_chain -20388 flame_door_npc -20389 #season1/npc/keyholestone/ -20390 #season1/npc/keyholestone/ -20391 #season1/npc/nnflower/ -20392 spy1_01 -20393 spy1 -20394 jinno_patrol_spear -20395 jinno_patrol_spear -20396 redguild_soldier -30000 privateshop -30001 privateshop2 -30101 zombie_key_stone -30102 zombie_god_stone -30103 zombie_security_stone -30104 zombie_warp_stone -30111 zombie_ghost_door -30112 zombie_ghost_door -30113 zombie_ghost_door -30114 zombie_ghost_door -30115 zombie_ghost_door -30116 zombie_ghost_door -30117 zombie_ghost_door -30118 zombie_ghost_door -30119 zombie_ghost_door -30120 obj_bag003 -30121 suraghost -30122 warriorghost -30123 worship_dragon -30124 sura_skeleton1 -30125 sura_skeleton2 -30126 sura_skeleton3 -30127 sura_skeleton4 -30128 sura_skeleton5 -30129 rabbit -30130 #season1/npc/waterstone/ -30301 mineral2 -30302 mineral2_ruby -30303 mineral2_garnet -30304 mineral2_bery -30305 mineral2_sapphire -33001 sura_skeleton3 -33002 historian -33003 starveling -33004 starveling2 -33005 starveling3 -33006 starveling4 -33007 starveling5 -33008 halloween1 -34001 phoenix1 -34002 reindeer_young1 -34003 phoenix2 -34004 pwahuang1 -34005 pig_young1 -34006 dog_young1 -34007 tiger_young1 -34008 lion_young1 -34009 pwahuang1_2 -34010 reindeer_young1_christmas1 -34011 bear_young1 -34012 panda_young1 -50000 goods -50001 goods -50002 goods -6001 fire_ghost1 -6002 fire_tiger_boss1 -6003 fire_man1 -6004 fire_knight1 -6005 fire_king1 -6006 firegolem_soldier -6007 firegolem_magician -6008 firegolem_general -6009 firegolem_boss -6051 firegolem_boss -6091 yamachun_boss -6101 ice_snow_monster1 -6102 ice_snow_insect1 -6103 ice_snow_man1 -6104 ice_snow_giant_man1 -6105 ice_snow_golem1 -6106 icegolem_soldier -6107 icegolem_magician -6108 icegolem_general -6109 icegolem_boss -6151 icegolem_boss -6191 hanma_boss -8057 metinstone_12 -8058 metinstone_13 -20397 ICE_lionstone -20398 ice_keybox -20399 ice_stonepillar -0 dinosaur_1 dinosaur -0 dinosaur_2 dinosaur -0 dinosaur_3 dinosaur -20223 dinosaur_1 -20224 dinosaur_2 -20225 dinosaur_3 -20226 unicorn -20227 unicorn1 -34015 halloween_bonedog1 -34016 phoenix3 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/Index b/bin_original/pack/Index deleted file mode 100644 index a27c0e2f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/Index +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -PACK diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en.eix b/bin_original/pack/locale_en.eix deleted file mode 100644 index 70433308..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/locale_en.eix and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en.epk b/bin_original/pack/locale_en.epk deleted file mode 100644 index 21428f3e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/locale_en.epk and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/effect/gm.mse b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/effect/gm.mse deleted file mode 100644 index 52532332..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/effect/gm.mse +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -BoundingSphereRadius 50.000000 -BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000 - -Group Particle -{ - StartTime 0.000000 - List TimeEventPosition - { - 0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993 - } - - Group EmitterProperty - { - MaxEmissionCount 1 - - CycleLength 0.500000 - CycleLoopEnable 1 - LoopCount 0 - - EmitterShape 0 - EmitterAdvancedType 0 - EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag 0 - EmittingDirection 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 - - List TimeEventEmittingSize - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ - { - 0.054286 14.948454 - } - List TimeEventEmittingVelocity - { - 0.000000 3.000000 - } - List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond - { - 0.000000 20.000000 - } - List TimeEventLifeTime - { - 0.000000 2.216495 - } - List TimeEventSizeX - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - List TimeEventSizeY - { - 0.000000 64.000000 - } - } - - Group ParticleProperty - { - SrcBlendType 5 - DestBlendType 6 - ColorOperationType 4 - BillboardType 1 - RotationType 0 - RotationSpeed 0.000000 - RotationRandomStartingBegin 0 - RotationRandomStartingEnd 0 - - AttachEnable 1 - StretchEnable 0 - - TexAniType 0 - TexAniDelay 0.029000 - TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0 - - List TimeEventGravity - { - 0.514286 25.000000 - } - List TimeEventAirResistance - { - 0.480000 0.030928 - } - List TimeEventScaleX - { - 0.005714 0.200000 - } - List TimeEventScaleY - { - 0.000000 0.400000 - } - List TimeEventColorRed - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorGreen - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventColorBlue - { - 0.000000 1.000000 - } - List TimeEventAlpha - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - 0.107692 0.771144 - 0.207692 1.000000 - 0.902564 0.792553 - 0.997436 0.000000 - } - List TimeEventRotation - { - 0.000000 0.000000 - } - List TextureFiles - { - "ymirred.tga" - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/effect/ymirred.tga b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/effect/ymirred.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 586a2454..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/effect/ymirred.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_a.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_a.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 65952fe5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_a.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Shinsoo Kingdom The Shinsoo[ENTER] -Kingdom is in the south of[ENTER] -the continent. The[ENTER] -inhabitants are mainly[ENTER] -involved in trade. Opened by[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Yoon-Yoing after the fall of[ENTER] -the Empire, trade relations[ENTER] -with the east transformed[ENTER] -quickly into a profitable[ENTER] -arrangement. The inhabitants[ENTER] -[WAIT] -fight constantly with the[ENTER] -west and this trade route is[ENTER] -now totally cut off. When[ENTER] -they recognized the threat[ENTER] -posed by the Metin Stones,[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the merchants armed[ENTER] -themselves. It is their aim[ENTER] -to withstand the attacks[ENTER] -from the west, to reopen all[ENTER] -trade routes and to unite[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the whole continent under[ENTER] -their leadership. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_b.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_b.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 70c9eeaa..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_b.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Chunjo Kingdom The Chunjo[ENTER] -Kingdom is located in the[ENTER] -west of the continent. It is[ENTER] -a theocratic Kingdom led by[ENTER] -its spiritual leader. The[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Kingdom was founded by[ENTER] -Yoon-Young, the cousin of[ENTER] -the former emperor. His[ENTER] -wife's enormous magical[ENTER] -powers allowed him to[ENTER] -[WAIT] -discover the threat posed by[ENTER] -the Metin Stones from early[ENTER] -on. He called multiple times[ENTER] -for the initiation of[ENTER] -counter measures against the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Metin Stones, but he was[ENTER] -ignored. Thus he lead his[ENTER] -fellowship into a rebellion[ENTER] -against the former Empire.[ENTER] -Since the fall of the former[ENTER] -[WAIT] -Empire, his Kingdom has been[ENTER] -at war with the eastern[ENTER] -region and often has[ENTER] -problems with the South. The[ENTER] -people of the Chunjo Kingdom[ENTER] -[WAIT] -want to gain control of the[ENTER] -whole continent in order to[ENTER] -defeat the growing power of[ENTER] -the Metin Stones. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_c.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_c.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 48d5f987..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/empiredesc_c.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -[ENTER] -The Jinno Kingdom is located[ENTER] -in the eastern part of the[ENTER] -continent. This kingdom is[ENTER] -[WAIT] -based on military power. Its[ENTER] -people are aggressive and[ENTER] -martial. The Jinno Kingdom[ENTER] -is led by Ee-Ryoong, the son[ENTER] -of the last emperor. He[ENTER] -[WAIT] -believes he has been chosen[ENTER] -to reunite the old Empire[ENTER] -under his reign by force of[ENTER] -arms. The potential[ENTER] -signification or dangers of[ENTER] -[WAIT] -the Metin Stones are[ENTER] -officially ignored in the[ENTER] -Jinno Kingdom. Secretly,[ENTER] -however, Ee-Ryoong is trying[ENTER] -to find a way to use the[ENTER] -[WAIT] -destructive powers of the[ENTER] -Metin Stones to further his[ENTER] -aims. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/guildbuildinglist.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/guildbuildinglist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ac5fbd74..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/guildbuildinglist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -VNUM TYPE MODEL NAME REG_1 REG_2 REG_3 REG_4 XROT_LIMIT YROT_LIMIT ZROT_LIMIT PRICE MATERIALS NPC GROUP DEPEND_GROUP ??????? -14013 FACILITY jedan weapons factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20044 2 1 1 -14014 FACILITY jedan Armour blacksmith -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20045 2 1 1 -14015 FACILITY jedan accessory factory -525 -525 525 525 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,20 20046 2 1 1 -14033 FACILITY suryeonjang training centre -832.57 -472.99 832.57 472.99 0 0 360 20000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 0 0 0 2 -14043 FACILITY yonggwangro diamond smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20060 3 1 1 -14045 FACILITY yonggwangro fossil wood smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20062 3 1 1 -14046 FACILITY yonggwangro copper smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20063 3 1 1 -14047 FACILITY yonggwangro silver smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20064 3 1 1 -14048 FACILITY yonggwangro gold smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20065 3 1 1 -14049 FACILITY yonggwangro jade smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20066 3 1 1 -14050 FACILITY yonggwangro ebony stone smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20067 3 1 1 -14051 FACILITY yonggwangro pearl smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20068 3 1 1 -14052 FACILITY yonggwangro platinum smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20069 3 1 1 -14053 FACILITY yonggwangro crystal smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20070 3 1 1 -14054 FACILITY yonggwangro amethyst smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20071 3 1 1 -14055 FACILITY yonggwangro Heavens tear smelter -179.63 -199.89 179.63 199.89 0 0 360 20000000 90010,15/90011,20/90012,25 20072 3 1 1 -14061 FACILITY himuijedan_01 temple of power -523.91 -995.84 527.55 750.99 0 0 360 25000000 90010,25/90011,25/90012,25 20077 4 1 1 -14062 FACILITY himuijedan_02 temple of power -586.17 -995.84 587.18 818.56 0 0 360 500000000 90010,50/90011,50/90012,50 20078 4 4 2 -14063 FACILITY himuijedan_03 temple of power -664.7 -995.84 665.7 896.57 0 0 360 750000000 90010,75/90011,75/90012,75 20079 4 4 2 -14100 HEADQUARTER a1-011-workhouse house(1) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14101 OBJECT a1-038-wall-corner stone wall(1-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14102 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin stone wall(1-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14103 OBJECT a1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(1-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14104 OBJECT a1-038-wall-door gate(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14105 BUILDIN a1-set wall(1) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14110 HEADQUARTER b1-011-workhouse house(2) -678.76 -894.26 687.94 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14111 OBJECT b1-038-wall-corner stone wall(2-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14112 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin stone wall(2-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14113 OBJECT b1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(2-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14114 OBJECT b1-038-wall-door gate(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14115 BUILDIN b1-set wall(2) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14120 HEADQUARTER c1-011-workhouse house(3) -676.52 -894.26 690.18 749.32 0 0 360 20000000 90010,20/90011,30/90012,25 0 1 0 1 -14121 OBJECT c1-038-wall-corner stone wall(3-1) -400 -153.53 156.48 400 0 0 360 2000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14122 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin stone wall(3-2) -200 -106.73 300 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14123 OBJECT c1-038-wall-lin2 stone wall(3-3) -500 -106.73 500 106.73 0 0 360 1000000 90010,15/90011,5/90012,5 0 5 0 2 -14124 OBJECT c1-038-wall-door gate(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 2 -14125 BUILDIN c1-set wall(3) -1000 -274.73 1000 274.73 0 0 360 2500000 90010,5/90011,15/90012,10 0 5 0 1 -14200 OBJECT guild_symbol guild insignia -45.9 -9.44 42.68 40.13 0 0 360 3000000 90011,5/90012,5 0 0 1 1 -14201 WALL fence01_door01 Wall front -1000 -54 1000 20 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14202 WALL fence01_back01 Wall back -1000 -18 1000 18 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14203 WALL fence01_left01 Left side of wall -19 -1362 19 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14204 WALL fence01_right01 Right side of wall -18 -1362 18 1362 0 0 360 3000000 "90010.50" 0 0 1 1 -14300 OBJECT general_obj_stone01 stone1 -116.04 -118.44 116.04 118.44 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14301 OBJECT general_obj_stone02 stone2 -118.05 -132.67 118.05 132.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,5 0 0 0 1 -14302 OBJECT general_obj_stone03 stone3 -133.43 -102.96 133.43 102.96 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14303 OBJECT general_obj_stone04 stone4 -104.21 -117.82 104.21 117.82 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14304 OBJECT general_obj_stone05 stone5 -171.59 -145.52 171.59 145.52 0 0 360 300000 90010,7 0 0 0 1 -14305 OBJECT general_obj_stone06 stone6 -192.74 -201.58 192.74 201.58 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14306 OBJECT general_obj_stone07 stone7 -183.58 -184.01 183.58 184.01 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14307 OBJECT general_obj_stone08 stone8 -66.89 -56.67 66.89 56.67 0 0 360 300000 90010,8 0 0 0 1 -14308 OBJECT general_obj_stone09 stone9 -65.87 -53.47 65.87 53.47 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14309 OBJECT general_obj_stone10 stone10 -182.17 -123.03 182.17 123.03 0 0 360 300000 90010,9 0 0 0 1 -14400 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT wood1 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14401 OBJECT B1_PagodaTree_RT3 wood2 0 0 360 2000000 90011,5 0 0 0 1 -14402 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall wood3 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14403 OBJECT B1_Sassafras_RT_Fall2 wood4 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14404 OBJECT B3_ShingleOak_RT2 wood5 0 0 360 2000000 90011,7 0 0 0 1 -14405 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT wood6 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14406 OBJECT B2_IvySpy_RT4 wood7 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14407 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall wood8 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 -14408 OBJECT B2_JapaneseMaple_RT_Fall2 wood9 0 0 360 2000000 90011,9 0 0 0 1 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/icon/scroll_close.tga b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/icon/scroll_close.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 759640d6..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/icon/scroll_close.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/icon/scroll_open.tga b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/icon/scroll_open.tga deleted file mode 100644 index 20d6b46e..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/icon/scroll_open.tga and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/insult.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/insult.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 36b23a4f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/insult.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ -Fuck -Cunt -Shit -Whore -Dick -Cock -Clit -Faggot -Slut -Ass -Tit -ass -asslick -asses -asshole -assholes -asskisser -asswipe -balls -bastard -beastial -beastiality -beastility -beaver -belly whacker -bestial -bestiality -bitch -bitcher -bitchers -bitches -bitchin -bitching -blowjob -blowjobs -bonehead -boner -browneye -browntown -cunt -bull shit -bullshit -bum -bung hole -butch -butt -buttbreath -butt fucker -butthair -buttface -buttfuck -buttfucker -butthead -butthole -buttpicker -chink -christ -circlejerk -clam -clit -cobia -cock -cocks -cocksuck -cocksucked -cocksucker -cocksucking -cocksucks -cooter -crap -cum -cummer -cumming -cums -cumshot -cunilingus -cunillingus -cunnilingus -cunt -cuntlick -cuntlicker -cuntlicking -cunts -cyberfuc -cyberfuck -cyberfucked -cyberfucker -cyberfuckers -cyberfucking -damn -dick -dike -dildo -dildos -dink -dinks -dipshit -dong -douche -douchebag -dumbass -dyke -ejaculate -ejaculated -ejaculates -ejaculating -ejaculatings -ejaculation -fag -fagget -fagging -faggit -faggot -faggs -fagot -fagots -fags -fart -farted -farting -fartings -farts -farty -fatass -fatso -felatio -fellatio -fingerfuck -fingerfucked -fingerfucker -fingerfuckers -fingerfucking -fingerfucks -fistfuck -fistfucked -fistfucker -fistfuckers -fistfucking -fistfuckings -fistfucks -fuck -fucked -fucker -fuckers -fuckin -fucking -fuckings -fuckme -fucks -fuk -fuks -furburger -gangbang -gangbanged -gangbangs -gaysex -gazongers -goddamn -gonads -gook -guinne -hard on -hardcoresex -hell -homo -hooker -horniest -horny -hotsex -hussy -jackoff -jack -jackass -jackingoff -jackoff -jack-off -jap -jerk -jerk-off -jesus -jesus christ -jew -jism -jiz -jizm -jizz -kike -knob -kock -kondum -kondums -kraut -kum -kummer -kumming -kums -kunilingus -lesbian -lesbo -loser -lust -lusting -merde -mick -mothafuck -mothafucka -mothafuckas -mothafuckaz -mothafucked -mothafucker -mothafuckers -mothafuckin -mothafucking -mothafuckings -mothafucks -motherfuck -motherfucked -motherfucker -motherfuckers -motherfuckin -motherfucking -motherfuckings -motherfucks -mound -muff -nerd -nigger -niggers -orgasim -orgasims -orgasm -orgasms -pecker -penis -phonesex -phuk -phuked -phuking -phukked -phukking -phuks -phuq -pimp -piss -pissed -pisser -pissers -pisses -pissin -pissing -pissoff -porn -porno -pornography -pornos -prick -pricks -prostitute -punk -pussies -pussy -pussys -queer -retard -schlong -screw -sheister -shit -shited -shitfull -shiting -shitings -shits -shitted -shitter -shitters -shitting -shittings -shitty -slag -sleaze -slut -sluts -smut -snatch -spunk -twat -wetback -whore -wop -wanker -Tosser -Arse -Tard -Mofo diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/item_list.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/item_list.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0d6167ea..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/item_list.txt +++ 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-158 WEAPON icon/item/00150.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00150.gr2 -159 WEAPON icon/item/00150.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00150.gr2 -160 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -161 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -162 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -163 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -164 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -165 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -166 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -167 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -168 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -169 WEAPON icon/item/00160.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00160.gr2 -170 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -171 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00170.gr2 -172 WEAPON icon/item/00170.tga d:/ymir 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-232 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -233 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -234 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -235 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -236 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -237 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -238 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -239 WEAPON icon/item/00230.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00230.gr2 -240 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -241 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -242 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -243 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -244 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -245 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00240.gr2 -246 WEAPON icon/item/00240.tga d:/ymir 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d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -262 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -263 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -264 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -265 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -266 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -267 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -268 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -269 WEAPON icon/item/00260.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00260.gr2 -270 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -271 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -272 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -273 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -274 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -275 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -276 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -277 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -278 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -279 WEAPON icon/item/00270.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00270.gr2 -280 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -281 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -282 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -283 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -284 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -285 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -286 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -287 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -288 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -289 WEAPON icon/item/00280.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00280.gr2 -290 WEAPON icon/item/00290.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00290.gr2 -291 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icon/item/73751.tga -75606 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75607 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75608 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75609 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75610 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75611 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -75612 ETC icon/item/73751.tga -80003 ETC icon/item/80003.tga -80004 ETC icon/item/80004.tga -80008 ETC icon/item/80008.tga -90008 ETC icon/item/70010.tga -90009 ETC icon/item/90009.tga -90010 ETC icon/item/90010.tga -90011 ETC icon/item/90011.tga -90012 ETC icon/item/90012.tga -80005 ETC icon/item/80005.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_1.gr2 -80006 ETC icon/item/80006.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_2.gr2 -80007 ETC icon/item/80007.tga d:/ymir work/item/etc/gold_nugget_3.gr2 -80009 ETC icon/item/80009.tga diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/item_proto b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/item_proto deleted file mode 100644 index 87ec27a9..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/item_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/itemdesc.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/itemdesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c231d8ec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/itemdesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,863 +0,0 @@ -05330 Dragon Jaw Bell+0 -05331 Dragon Jaw Bell+1 -05332 Dragon Jaw Bell+2 -05333 Dragon Jaw Bell+3 -05334 Dragon Jaw Bell+4 -05335 Dragon Jaw Bell+5 -05336 Dragon Jaw Bell+6 -05337 Dragon Jaw Bell+7 -05338 Dragon Jaw Bell+8 -05339 Dragon Jaw Bell+9 -11901 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11902 Tuxedo A black suit for a man to wear at a wedding. -11903 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -11904 Wedding Dress A special dress for a woman to wear at her wedding. -22000 Town Scroll The scroll allows you to teleport back to the town. -22010 Scroll of the Location The scroll enables your return to the location you last marked. -25040 Blessing Scroll Reduces the risk of destroying an Item if the upgrade fails. The cost of this save is that the quality is reduced by 1 point. -25041 Magic Stone The legendary metal that helps to create the best weapons. The Magical Stone increases the chance of upgrading an item. Item gets destroyed when the upgrade fails. -25100 Spirit Stone Scroll The scroll allows you to extract the Spirit Stone from a weapon or armour. It leaves a mark of extraction. -27600 Bonfire Wood that has been chopped for a bonfire. -27610 Fishing Marble This magic marble reveals what kind of fish is on the hook. -27620 Fishing Book A book that provides information about fish. -27799 Fishbones The bones of a fish -27800 Paste A lightweight and cheap bait -27801 Worm Popular bait that attracts fish. -27802 Minnow Bait that attracts big fish. -27803 Zander A common fish that usually lives in a pond. -27804 Mandarin Fish A very tasty fish. -27805 Large Zander A rather fat example of a Zander -27806 Carp A large silver-coloured fish. -27807 Salmon A fish that returns home during mating season. -27808 Grass Carp A carp that usually feeds on grass. -27809 Brook Trout A fish that is related to Salmon. -27810 Eel A long, thin fish that looks like a snake. It has a lot of stamina. -27811 Rainbow Trout A fish that has a rainbow-coloured back. -27812 River Trout A freshwater fish that is very common in this area. -27813 Rudd A red, shimmery fish who lives in a swarm. -27814 Perch A fish known as the "shark of the seas". -27815 Tenchi A type of barb that lives only in clean water. -27816 Catfish A fish that has a distinctive big mouth with cat-like whiskers. -27817 Loach A slippery fish, that usually lives in shallow, muddy water. -27818 Lotus Fish A big fresh water fish that lives on a mixed diet. -27819 Sweetfish Related to the Smelt. It lives along coasts and in estuaries. -27820 Smelt A winter fish that is most caught whilst ice fishing. -27821 Shiri A fish with a beautiful shape and colour. -27822 Mirror Carp An indigenous Carp. -27823 Goldfish A rare, golden shiny fish. -27833 Dead Zander A fish that is perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27834 Dead Mandarin Fish A perfect fish to grill on a campfire. -27835 Dead Large Zander Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27836 Dead Carp Perfect for grilling on a campfire. -27837 Dead Salmon This fish can be grilled on a campfire. -27838 Dead Grass Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27839 Dead Brook Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27840 Dead Eel Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27841 Dead Rainbow Trout Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27842 Dead River Trout Tastes great when it is grilled on a campfire. -27843 Dead Rudd Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27844 Dead Perch Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27845 Dead Tenchi Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27846 Dead Catfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27847 Dead Loach Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27848 Dead Lotus Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27849 Dead Sweet Fish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27850 Dead Smelt Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27851 Dead Shiri Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27852 Dead Mirror Carp Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27853 Dead Goldfish Tastes great when grilled on a campfire. -27863 Grilled Zander Restores some HP. -27864 Grilled Mandarin Fish Recovers some SP -27865 Grilled Large Zander Restores some HP. -27866 Grilled Carp Increases moving speed for a duration of time. -27867 Grilled Salmon Recovers some SP -27868 Grilled Grass Carp Increases attack speed for a duration of time. -27869 Grilled Brook Trout Restores a large amount of HP. -27870 Grilled Eel Increases your strength by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27871 Grilled Rainbow Trout Recovers some SP -27872 Grilled River Trout Recovers some SP immediately -27873 Grilled Rudd Increases your dexterity by 10 points for 10 minutes. -27874 Grilled Perch Removes bad effects. -27875 Grilled Tenchi Recovers some HP immediately. -27876 Grilled Catfish Recovers some SP immediately. -27877 Grilled Loach Makes you invisible for 5 minutes. -27878 Grilled Lotus Fish Recovers some HP immediately. -27879 Grilled Sweetfish This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27880 Grilled Smelt By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27881 Grilled Shiri This fish gets its pleasant smoky taste from being prepared over a fire. -27882 Grilled Mirror Carp By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant-smoky taste. -27883 Grilled Goldfish By preparing it over the fire this fish gets a pleasant smoky taste. -27987 Clam A shellfish with a pretty shell. Sometimes it holds a precious pearl inside it. -27988 Treasure Map A worn out map which reveals the location of an ancient treasure. -27989 Compass for Metin Stones The compass shows you the position and distance to the next Metin Stone. The brighter it glows, the closer you are. It can be activated 6 times. -27990 Piece of Stone Because of the small size it can be transported very well. It can be used in many different ways. -27991 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -27992 White Pearl The pure white treasure found inside a seashell. -27993 Blue Pearl A magnificent deep blue pearl found inside a seashell. -27994 Blood Pearl The tawny-coloured treasure from the inside of a mollusc. -27995 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made from glass. -27996 Poison Bottle A bottle with a deadly poison in it. -27997 Vigour Marble A marble that restores some HP. -27998 Alchemy Pouch A bag marked by wear and tear, which keeps the secrets of alchemy hidden from the eyes of strangers. -27999 Spirit Stone Pouch A pouch that holds Spirit Stones. -29001 Scallop One of the largest and tastiest mussels. It has a comb-shaped shell. -29002 Blue Scallop The nacre layer of this scallop shimmers in countless merging blue tones. -29003 Yellow Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging yellow tones. -29004 Red Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging red tones. -29005 Green Scallop The nacre film of this scallop shimmers in countless merging green tones. -29006 Yellow Tartar Tartar with a darker colour. -29007 Blue Tartar Tartar with a dark blue colour. -29008 Blue Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft blue. -29009 Yellow Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft yellow. -29010 Red Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft red. -29011 Green Holy Water In sunlight the surface of this holy water shines a soft green. -29012 Dark Blue Hand of God Dark blue holy water -29013 Dark Yellow Hand of God Yellow holy water with a dark colour. -29014 Magenta Hand of God Holy water with a dark red colour. -29015 Dark Green Hand of God Holy water with a dark green colour. -30000 Barley A commonly cultivated plant that is used to make beer and food. -30001 Letter A piece of paper that has neat handwriting written on it. -30002 Fried Sausage A stir-fry with vegetables and spices. -30003 Pig Nose The nose from a pig -30004 Wild Boar Tooth The very strong tooth of a wild boar. -30005 Piece of Broken Armour A fragment of a broken suit of armour. -30006 Orc Tooth A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30007 Orc Amulet An amulet which encourages Orcs during battle. -30008 Esoteric Primer The beginner's handbook of Esoteric Doctrine. -30009 Unknown Medicine Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30010 Bear Gall Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30011 Ball A silky ball of thread. -30012 Wine Bottle The bottle contains a very fragrant wine. -30013 Liquor Jug A jug that is used to age liquor. -30014 Yeti Fur The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, that protects against the cold. -30015 Demon's Keepsake A grim keepsake of a Demon that exudes cold air. -30016 Demon's Gem A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30017 Ornamental Hairpin A decorated hairpin for a woman. -30018 Red Hairband A fancy ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30019 Flaming Mane A flaming mane thread that is used to make winter clothes. -30020 Peach Seed Used to get healthy skin. -30021 Piece of Gem A gem broken apart by a hard substance. -30022 Snake Tail The scaly, multicoloured tail of a rattlesnake. -30023 White Tiger Hide Valued as the most precious animal hide among collectors. -30024 Horsetail A horse's tail can be used for making quality items such as brushes, hats, and rope. -30025 Spider's Poison Sack The venom sack of a spider -30026 Wolf Intestine An ingredient used for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30027 Wolf Fur The thickest hair in wolf's fur is used to make combs and brushes. -30028 Wolf Claw A wolf's sharp claw is used to make accessories. -30029 Wolf Liver An ingredient for making sausages, a food famous in the Empire. -30030 Rusty Blade A rusty dagger blade -30031 Ornament A favourite ornament amongst girls. -30032 Black Uniform A worn out black uniform. -30033 Broken Porcelain Some valuable porcelain from the region that has been broken into pieces. -30034 White Hairband An elegant ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30035 Face Cream Women use it to keep their skin youthful. -30036 Mystic Herb The legendary herb with miraculous effects. -30037 Tiger Claw Some fighters wear a necklace made of Tiger Claws to show others their courage. -30038 Tiger Hide A favourite animal hide amongst collectors. -30039 Piece of Fabric Fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30040 Leaf Unknown plant leaf. -30041 Shiriken A throwing weapon that Assassins use. -30042 Tiger Fang The solid, shiny fang of this wildcat. -30043 Bean An ingredient used in many cuisines. -30044 Clay A material used to make porcelain. -30045 Scorpion Needle A needle that contains lethal scorpion poison. -30046 Scorpion Tail A poisonous scorpion tail. -30047 Curse Book An esoteric book used to curse people. -30048 Piece of Ice A clump of frozen water that consistently exudes cold air. -30049 Ice Killer Whale Horn It is a valuable sculpting material. -30050 Ice Marble A marble made from ice. It does not melt in hot weather. -30051 Unknown Talisman Unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30052 Flag A flag to mark savage troops. -30053 Bear Foot Skin A favourite stamina food among many people. -30054 Wedding Ring The only ring you wear until the end of your days. -30055 Scorpion Claw The sturdy looking claw from the tentacle of a scorpion. -30056 Spider Web A spider uses its silk to make its home. -30057 Spider Eyes Spider eyes are a favourite with collectors. -30058 Spider Egg Sack It is used as a charm by woman who do not have any children. -30059 Spider Legs Shamans use the hairy legs of spiders at work. -30060 Frog Tongue An elastic, very sticky tongue. -30061 Frog's Legs An exotic cooking ingredient, that tastes like chicken! -30062 Medicine Bowl A light coloured bowl used by pharmacists. -30063 Skin Medicine A medicine that cures skin disease. -30064 Sharp Stone A stone that is used to make an arrowhead. -30065 Bell A small bell that makes a ringing sound. -30066 Hot Pepper The dried fruits from the pepper plant, which are very spicy. -30067 Snakeskin The scaly, shiny skin of a snake. -30068 Tofu Steak Fusion style tofu cuisine -30069 Wolf Claw+ The sharp claw of wolf that is used to make an accessory. -30070 Wolf Fur+ The thickest hairs in wolf's fur are used to make combs and brushes. -30071 Bear Gall+ Bear gall is known for reviving the sense of taste. -30072 Bear Foot Skin+ A favourite stamina food among many people. -30073 White Hairband+ A popular ribbon to tie up a woman's hair. -30074 Black Uniform+ A worn out black Uniform. -30075 Shiriken+ A throwing weapon used by Assassins. -30076 Orc Amulet+ An amulet that encourages Orcs during battle. -30077 Orc Tooth+ A yellow-brown, vile smelling tooth of an Orc. On the edges there are indefinable, crusty residues. -30078 Esoteric Primer+ A beginners handbook of esoteric doctrine. -30079 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30080 Curse Book+ This Esoteric Book can be used to curse someone. -30081 Scorpion Tail+ A poisonous scorpion tail. -30082 Snake Tail+ The scaly, colourful tail of a rattlesnake. -30083 Unknown Medicine+ Unknown medicine with unknown ingredients. -30084 Unknown Talisman+ An unknown talisman, only Esoterics can read it. -30085 Piece of Fabric+ A fabric used to cover someone's wound. -30086 Demon's Keepsake+ A gloomy keepsake of a Demon. -30087 Demon's Gem+ A gem that is known for holding the souls of the dead. -30088 Piece of Ice+ Frozen water that remains exudes cold air. -30089 Yeti Fur+ The fur of the legendary creature, the Yeti, protects against the cold. -30090 Ice Marble+ A marble made from ice. It does not melt in the hot weather. -30091 Warrior's Symbol The Warrior symbol given to the legendary Warriors. -30092 Savage's Booty The spoils of war. -30093 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30094 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30095 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables. -30096 Lucky Pouch A silk pouch that holds valuables -30129 Order of the Rider A document, containing a military mission -30130 Empty Bottle An empty, but intact bottle made of glass. -30131 Letter from Blacksmith A letter from the Blacksmith to his friend Deokbae. -30132 Uriel's Book One of Uriel's favourite books. It has the title "The secret of the Temple of Darkness". -30133 Flower Shoes Comfortable and pretty women's shoes. -30134 Uriel's Package A package containing several different books. -30135 Letter from Ariyoung A letter form Ariyoung to Ayoo. -30136 Lavishly Decorated Bow A wonderful bow made of an animal's horn. -30137 Monkey blood The dark red blood of a monkey. It smells terrible. -30138 Desert sand This particularly fine sand is used to make Celadon Porcelain. -30139 Orc Molar The molar of an orc. Is used as a talisman. -30140 Thread Strong yarn. It is used for repairing Clothing and necklaces are also made of it. -30141 Piece of Jewellery Jewellery is worn, or used to decorate clothing. -30142 Letter You can not read, what is written on the letter. Perhaps you might have to learn the language. -30143 Medicinal Herbs A collection of dried healing herbs. Unfortunately they're a little dusty. -30144 Tiger Liver The reddish brown hand-sized liver of a fully grown wildcat. -30145 Balso's Medicine A seemingly unimpressive medicine, however, it has a strong effect. -30146 Chunk of Ice An irregularly formed cold block of ice. -30147 Temple Doctrine A book containing detailed information about the Temple of Darkness. -30148 Temple Scarf A Scarf, that is used for praying. -30149 Ice Cream with Syrup A dish containing a portion of ice cream and syrup. Wonderful in summer. -30150 Diary Page A page from a diary written by the old dynasty. -30151 Wolf Pelt Is often used as a duster. -30152 Medicine Apparently it can cure strange diseases. But nobody knows what's in it. -30153 Flowers A rare flower, its scent reminds you of something from the past. -30154 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30155 Mirine's Pendant A necklace pendant. Engraved on the reverse side, is the name "Mirine". -30156 Secret Temple Book The analysis of the history and doctrine of the secret temple. -30157 Arrowhead These poisonous arrowheads will help to defend the empire. -30177 Musk Oil Musk Oil is used by the Weapon Shop Dealer during a quest. The item does not have any further functions. -30178 Glyph Stone -30179 Dragon God Symbol -30180 Dragon God Amulet This piece of golden jewellery can shorten the way to the Grotto of Exile. -30181 Page The faded writing on this parchment is difficult to decipher - this page seems to be very old. -30182 Legendary Diary This duplicate of an ancient book looks very valuable. -30183 Sombre Wooden Mask This wooden mask seems to be staring right at you. It is most probably a ceremonial item. -30184 Bewitched Ashes The ashes are in a container covered with strange symbols, and surrounded by a soft glow. -30185 Black Ice Deep shadows seem to be gathering below this shiny, smooth surface. -30186 Fossilised Tear A fossilised tear from the God Baljit-Elvedin, who is nowadays known as the Dragon God. -30187 Drop of Blood A Drop of Blood from the murdered Goddess Bahar-Taraji, creator of the world. -30188 Obsidian Formerly liquid, rapidly frozen volcanic stone. -30189 Baljit-Elvedin's Tears This skilfully sculptured vase contains the tears of the God Baljit-Elvedin. -30190 Blood Stone This stone is made from the blood of Bahar-Taraji and grants you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30191 Blood Stone Blood Stones grant you entrance into the Grotto of Exile. -30210 Piece of Gemstone A stone that is as clear as crystal and sparkles in the light. -30211 Piece of Gemstone A crystal-clear stone, that sparkles in the light. -30212 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30213 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30214 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30215 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30216 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30217 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30218 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone -30219 Piece of Gemstone A small sparkling stone. -30220 Jinunggyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Jinung aristocrat. -30221 Temple Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of a temple follower. -30222 Sagyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Sagyis aristocrat. -30223 Aurtumryu's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Aurtumryus aristocrat. -30224 Gyimok's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Gyimoks aristocrat. -30225 Tugyi's Soul Stone A legendary stone, it contains the soul of an Tugyis aristocrat. -30251 Malevolence Jewel A diamond drenched in wickedness. -30252 Wisdom Jewel This diamond's aura is peaceful and noble. -30253 Loyalty Jewel An aura of fighting spirit and honesty surrounds this diamond. -50001 Lucky Book A book with lucky numbers. The lottery is run by the government. -50002 Gold Ring A simple gold ring, that can be sold in shops for high prices. -50003 Skill Reset Document Allows you to reset your skills in order to learn new ones. -50004 Event Detector This item shows you, where missions can be found. -50005 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to a stable guard. Required level is 40. -50006 Gold Treasure Box A decorated gold box, that can be opened with a gold key. -50007 Silver Treasure Box A silver decorated box, that can be opened with a Silver Key. -50008 Gold Key A key made of gold. It can unlock the gold treasure box as well as the Gold Treasure Box+. -50009 Silver Key A key made of silver that can unlock the silver treasure box as well as the Silver Treasure Box+. -50010 Sock Socks made from warm sheep's wool. -50011 Moonlight Treasure Box An impressive, dazzling decoration. Supernatural things happen when moonlight falls on it. -50012 Gold Treasure Box+ A decorated gold box that can be opened with a gold key. -50013 Silver Treasure Box+ A decorated silver box, that can be opened with silver key. -50016 Bean Paste An ingredient used for traditional bean cake. -50017 Sugar Paste An ingredient used for traditional sugar cake. -50018 Fruit Paste An ingredient used for traditional fruit cake. -50019 Sweet Rice An ingredient used for traditional cake. -50020 Bean Cake A traditional cake that restores full HP. -50021 Sugar Cake A traditional cake that restores full SP. -50022 Fruit Cake A traditional cake that restores full stamina. -50023 Money Pouch Money Pouch -50024 Rose A romantic flower used to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50025 Chocolate Made of cacao, milk, butter, and sugar. Chocolate is given to show affection. Only male characters can use it. -50027 Lottery Ticket Unfortunately this lottery ticket is a useless item. It is not lucky. -50031 Rose A flower used to show affection for somebody. Only male characters can use it. -50032 Candy A popular sweet; candy is given to show affection. Only female characters can use it. -50033 Mysterious Chest A chest with a strange letter engraved on it. Something will pop up if it is opened. -50034 Puzzle Box This box contains an unsolved puzzle. -50035 Gift Box (yellow) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50036 Gift Box (violet) A thoughtful gift is in the box. -50037 Hexagonal Treasure Box It is made from special paper. It has a thoughtful gift in it. -50050 Horse Medal The Stable Boy needs this Medal to record the results of the qualification test on it. -50051 Horse Picture As soon as you have passed the qualification test at the stable, you will receive this licence for calling your horse. -50052 Armed Horse Book As soon as you have passed the advanced qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50053 Military Horse Book As soon as you have passed the professional qualification test at the stable, you can call your horse with this licence. -50054 Hay Dry hay to feed a horse. -50055 Carrot A horse's favourite vegetable. -50056 Red Ginseng Steamed ginseng. Only military horses eat Red Ginseng. -50057 Herb of easy monkeys A legendary herb which riding beginners can use to revive their horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the beginner's dungeon. -50058 Herb of normal monkeys A legendary herb which intermediate riders can use to revive their battle horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the normal dungeon. -50059 Herb of hard monkeys A legendary herb which advanced riders can use to revive their military horses. To get to the plant, you have to get past the monkeys in the expert dungeon. -50060 Horse Riding Manual Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your riding skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50070 Chief Orc's Box The chest of the Orc Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50071 Esoteric Leader's Box The chest of the Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50072 Ghost Leader's Box The chest of the Reincarnated Esoteric Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50073 Queen Spider Box The chest of the Queen Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50074 Giant Spider Box The chest of the Giant Spider. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50075 Giant Plague Carrier Box The chest of the Giant Germ Carrier. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50076 Desert Tortoise Chest The chest of the Giant Dessert Turtle. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50077 Nine Tails' Chest The chest of the Nine Tails. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50078 Yellow Tiger's Chest The chest of the Giant Tiger. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50079 Flame King's Chest The chest of the Flame King. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50080 Red Dragon's Chest The chest of the Red Dragon. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50081 Demon King's Chest The chest of the Demon Lord. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50082 Grim Reaper's Chest The chest of the Grim Reaper. Apparently something valuable is in the box. -50083 Horse Riding Ticket You can ride a horse for free if you show it to the stable guard. -50084 Key Stone An energy-laden aura surrounds this stone. It works against seal magic. -50091 Goldfish Sushi A popular dish made from goldfish and cold rice. -50092 Carp Sushi A special dish made from raw carp and cold rice. -50093 Salmon Sushi A special dish made from raw salmon and cold rice. Increases your attack value by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50094 Catfish Sushi A special dish made from raw catfish and cold rice. Increases your defence by 10 points for 30 seconds. -50100 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Purple) -50101 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Yellow) -50102 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Sky Blue) -50103 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(Red) -50104 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival. (Green) -50105 Fire Crackers Fireworks fill the sky during a festival.(White) -50106 Christmas Fire Cracker Christmas fireworks are more magnificent than normal fireworks and also last longer. -50108 Fireworks Top A ground firework that throws sparks. -50124 Rotten Wooden Box Soft animal sounds seem to be coming out from within. -50200 Bundle Allows you to open a private shop. -50300 Skill Book Increases Master Skill Level -50301 Sun Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50302 Wu zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears being read. -50303 WeiLiao Zi Art of War One of the three books of war strategy - it increases its owner's leadership skills. The book disappears after being read. -50304 Combo Mastery A tactics book that is used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50305 Combo Master Book The advanced tactics book is used used to train Combos. The book disappears after reading. -50306 Art of Combo The master tactics book is used to train Combos. | The book disappears after reading. -50307 Mission Book (Easy) Contains an easy mission that will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50308 Mission Book (Normal) Contains a normal mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50309 Mission Book (Hard) Contains a difficult mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50310 Mission Book (Expert) Contains an expert mission, which will be rewarded upon successful completion. -50311 Shinsoo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Shinsoo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50312 Chunjo Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Chunjo language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50313 Jinno Linguistics This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Jinno language, as soon as you have reached the master level. -50314 Polymorph Book Use this book to learn how to transform into a monster. It increases leadership. The book disappears after reading. -50315 Advanced Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50316 Master Polymorph Book Successfully reading this book allows you an increase of your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -50322 Transformation Role -50401 Three-Way Cut Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Three-way Cut. The book disappears after reading. -50402 Sword Spin Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Sword Spin. The book disappears after reading. -50403 Berserk Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Berserker. The book disappears after reading. -50404 Aura of Sword Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & the Aura of Sword.|The book disappears after reading. -50405 Dash Manual Use to master the skills of Arahan Force & Dash. The book disappears after reading. -50416 Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50417 Bash Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Bash. The book disappears after reading. -50418 Pounding Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Stump. The book disappears after reading. -50419 Strong Body Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Strong Body. The book disappears after reading. -50420 Sword Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Partisan Force & Sword Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50431 Ambush Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Ambush. The book disappears after reading. -50432 Fast Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Fast Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50433 Rolling Dagger Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Rolling Dagger. The book disappears after reading. -50434 Disguise Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Disguise. The book disappears after reading. -50435 Poisonous Cloud Manual Use to master the skills of Assassin Force & Poisonous Cloud.The book disappears after reading. -50446 Repetitiive Shot Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Repetition Shot. The book disappears after reading. -50447 Arrow Shower Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Arrow Shower. The book disappears after reading. -50448 Fire Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Fire Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50449 Feather Walk Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Feather Walk. The book disappears after reading. -50450 Poison Arrow Manual Use to master the skills of Archery Force & Poison Arrow. The book disappears after reading. -50461 Finger Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Finger Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50462 Dragon Swirl Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dragon Swirl. The book disappears after reading. -50463 Enchanted Blade Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Blade. The book disappears after reading. -50464 Fear Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Fear. The book disappears after reading. -50465 Enchanted Armour Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Enchant Armour. The book disappears after reading. -50466 Dispel Manual Use to master the skills of Mirage Force & Dispel. The book disappears after reading. -50476 Dark Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50477 Flame Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50478 Flame Spirit Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Flame Spirit. The book disappears after reading. -50479 Dark Protection Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Protection. The book disappears after reading. -50480 Spirit Strike Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Spirit Strike. The book disappears after reading. -50481 Dark Orb Manual Use to master the skills of Black Magic Force & Dark Orb. The book disappears after reading. -50491 Flying Talisman Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Flying Talisman. The book disappears after reading. -50492 Shooting Dragon Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Shooting Dragon. The book disappears after reading. -50493 Dragon's Roar Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragon Roar. The book disappears after reading. -50494 Blessing Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Blessing. The book disappears after reading. -50495 Reflection Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Reflect. The book disappears after reading. -50496 Dragon's Strength Manual Use to master the skills of Dragon Force & Dragons Help. The book disappears after reading. -50506 Lightning Throw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Throw. The book disappears after reading. -50507 Summon Lightning Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Summon Lightning. The book disappears after reading. -50508 Lighting Claw Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Lightning Claw. The book disappears after reading. -50509 Cure Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Cure. The book disappears after reading. -50510 Swiftness Manual Use to master the skills of Lightning Force & Swiftness. The book disappears after reading. -50511 Attack Manual Use to master the skills of Attack. The book disappears after reading. -50512 Rainbow Stone The stone that opens spiritual eyes and reveals all skills. -50513 Soul Stone The legendary stone used to increase your grand master skills. It disappears after use. -50600 Mining Guide It is used to increase mining level. The book disappears after reading. -50601 Diamond Stone It can be refined to a diamond using the guild diamond furnace. -50602 Amber Stone It can be refined to a amber using the guild amber furnace. -50603 Fossil Trunk It can be refined to fossil wood using the guild fossil wood furnace. -50604 Copper Ore It can be refined to copper using the guild copper furnace. -50605 Silver Ore It can be refined to silver using the guild silver furnace. -50606 Gold Ore It can be refined to gold using the guild gold furnace. -50607 Jade Ore It can be refined to jade using the guild jade furnace. -50608 Ebony Ore It can be refined to ebony using the guild ebony furnace. -50609 Piece of Pearl It can be refined to a pearl using the guild pearl furnace. -50610 White Gold Ore It can be refined to white gold using the guild white gold furnace. -50611 Crystal Ore It can be refined to a crystal using the guild crystal furnace. -50612 Amethyst Ore It can be refined to an amethyst using the guild amethyst furnace. -50613 Heaven's Tear Ore It can be refined to a heaven tear using the guild heaven's tear smelter. -50621 Diamond The strongest and most well-known gem that can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50622 Amber A clear gem made from fossilised resin, that shines in honey or golden tones. -50623 Fossil Wood A valuable wood that can worked into wood accessories. -50624 Copper Sometimes used to make bronze and coins. It can be worked into copper accessories. -50625 Silver Shiny metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into silver accessories. -50626 Gold Golden metal used to make jewellery. It can be worked into gold accessories. -50627 Jade A valuable mineral that has been used for over 5000 years. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50628 Ebony The lightest and the strongest wood of all. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50629 Pearl Used for making jewellery. It can be worked into accessories and jewellery. -50630 White Gold A hard, white alloy of gold that is often used for jewellery. -50631 Crystal A hard stone made of crystalline quartz that can be found in different colours. Often used for jewellery. -50632 Amethyst A popular quartz that can be found in different shades of purple. It is often used to make jewellery. -50633 Heaven's Tear Crystallized rain from heaven. It can be used to make jewellery. -50701 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50702 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50703 Kaki Blossom Legend has that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck will bear a son. -50704 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Research -50705 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and the ability to concentrate better. -50706 Tue Fungus This mushroom is seldom used as curative medicine and helps against sleeplessness. -50707 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50708 Mulberry Mulberries give strength and perk you up. -50709 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies. Now it is used to help sore throats. -50710 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50711 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50712 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a strengthening potion if it is prepared correctly. -50721 Peach Blossom In the past peach flowers were used to make special skin creams. -50722 Bellflower This flower is widespread and really helps against a cold and cough. -50723 Kaki Blossom Legend has it that a woman who wears this blossom around her neck is going to bear a son. -50724 Gango Root The Gango Root strengthens the immune system and the stamina of the body. Potion production -50725 Lilac This plant raises memory skills and concentration levels. -50726 Tue Fungus This mushroom is rarely used as curative medicine but helps against insomnia. -50727 Alpine Rose This plant strengthens the immune system. -50728 Mulberry The mulberry gives you strength and perks you up. -50729 Dandelion The Dandelion used to be used to cure eye maladies but is now used help sore throats. -50730 Thistle A plant that strengthens bones. -50731 Date The aromatic fruits of the date tree are one of the main sources of food in a lot of areas. -50732 Sam-Zi Plant This very rare plant works as a restorer if it is prepared correctly. -50801 Peach Blossom Juice This is a juice made out of Peach blossoms. It improves your physical strength. -50802 Bellflower Juice This potion made from Bellflowers increases your strength by 5 points for 3 minutes. -50803 Kaki Blossom Juice This is a juice made from the Kaki blossom. Strengthens your concentration level. -50804 Gango Root Juice This is a juice made from Gango roots. It heals small wounds. -50805 Lilac Juice This is a juice made from lilac. -50806 Tue Fungal Resin The resin won from Tue Fungi act as a sleep aid. -50807 Alpine Rose Juice This is a juice made out of alpine roses and strengthens the immune system. -50808 Mulberry Juice This is a juice made from Mulberries, that acts as a stimulant. -50809 Dandelion Juice This is a juice made out of dandelion and helps cure colds. -50810 Thistle Juice A juice made from Dates that strengthens bones. -50811 Date Extract This is juice made from dates is nutritious and satiable. -50812 Juice of Sam-Zi Plant This is a juice made from the Sam-Zi plant and has a strengthening effect. -50813 Sim Water A potion made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a piercing hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50814 Dok Water A potion made from Bellflower Juice and Lilac, which increases your chance of scoring a critical hit by 10% for 3 minutes. -50815 Bo Water This potion is made of kaki blossom juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your brain. -50816 Young Water This potion is made from Gango root juice and tue fungi. It strengthens your physical and mental performance. -50817 Zin Water A potion made from Sim Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your attack value by 50 points for 3 minutes. -50818 SamBo Water A potion made from Dok Water and Alpine Roses, which increases your defence by 70 points for 3 minutes. -50819 Mong Water A potion made from Bo Water and Mulberries, which increases your magic defence by 10% for 3 minutes. -50820 Hwal Water A potion made from Young Water and Mulberries, which increases your attack speed by 3 points for 3 minutes. -50901 Empty Bottle Used to manufacture potions -50902 Recipe for Beginners An easy to get recipe which can also be done by greenhorns. -50903 Recipe A recipe that needs a bit of practice. -50904 Expert's Recipe A recipe that can only be done correctly by experts. -50905 Recipe for Sim Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice and Lilac. -50906 Recipe for Dok Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Harebell Juice and Lilac. -50907 Recipe for Bo Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Kaki Blossom Juice and Tue Fungi. -50908 Recipe for Young Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice and Tue Fungi. -50909 Recipe for Zin Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Peach Blossom Juice, Lilac and Alpine Roses. -50910 Recipe for Hwal Water It describes the exact manufacture of the water made from Gango Root Juice, Tue Fungi and Mulberry. -60001 Gall A dogged body fluid which is won from the liver. -60002 Note from Storage Guard The parchment bears the energetic handwriting of the storage guard. -60003 Heroic Symbol An item which is not passed on with levity. -70001 Goddess' Doll -70002 Third Hand A hand which picks up Yang automatically. -70003 Book of the Leader One of the seven war strategy books. While the leader of a group has this book on him, all his group member will receive 30% more experience points. -70004 Medal of Diligence A reward for hard work. -70005 Experience Ring You collect 50% more experience points during a battle. -70006 Language Ring This ring was crafted for diplomacy in the ancient era. Use it to talk to people from other empires. -70007 Warp Ring -70008 White Flag A white flag that indicates surrender. -70009 Treasure Box A chest which is decorated with a lot of ornaments. Can only be opened with a special key. -70010 Storage Ticket A document which helps to organise the storage rooms. -70011 Upgrade Bottle -70012 Goddess Tear Rumour has it, that the Goddess gave her tears to the heroes of battle because they fought so bravely against the evil. -70013 Giant Goddess Tear The tear of the ancient dancer Tae-Hwa is said to comfort the soul of a fighter. -70014 Blood Pill A pill that is made of deer blood. It has a severe hallucinogenic effect. -70015 Cheap Brush A ordinary, robust brush with a solid wooden handle. -70020 Peach Flower Wine Beverage that will immediately regenerate your Hit Points (HP) by 500 points. -70024 Blessing Marble Legendary blessed marble. When an item has four attributes, it adds another attribute. -70027 Blacksmith's Memo A memo from the blacksmith which shows you how to upgrade your weapons. -70031 Fencing Pamphlet This pamphlet concerns, amongst other things, the potential and weaknesses of the human anatomy. -70035 Magic Copper Ore When you combine this ore with a Blessing Scroll at the blacksmith's, you can create a Scroll of War. -70037 Book of Forgetfulness The legendary book that removes the memory of a learned skill completely. You can move 1 skill point. -70038 Bravery Cape Ancient Warriors showed off their bravery by wearing a colourful cape with which they attracted the attention of monsters. -70039 Blacksmith' Handbook This book contains the soul of an old blacksmith. If it is used, it raises the chance of successfully ameliorating an item. -70040 Orc Stubbornness Reduces stamina use by half. -70043 Thief's Glove Doubles the probability of looting items. -70047 Language Ring(Sample) This ring is used to talk to people from other empires. -70048 Fugitive's Cape A priceless cape that helps you to become inconspicuous and that is used by lots of runaways. -70049 Lucy's Ring The engraving on the ring says: "May the Dragon God bless you." The ring reduces your chance of losing items in battle. -70050 Sage King's Symbol An inherited symbol from the ancient royal family that grants the master great power. -70051 Sage King's Glove An inherited article from the ancient royal family that grants the master mysterious power. -70052 Charm of Karma1 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70053 Charm of Karma2 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70054 Charm of Karma3 A charm that is used by Buddhists to safeguard against bad luck. -70102 Zen Bean Reduces the evil and raises the good in a character's disposition. -70104 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70105 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70106 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70107 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -70201 Bleach It turns your hair back into its original colour. Bleached hair can be dyed again. -70202 White Hair Dye Dyes your hair white. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70203 Blonde Hair Dye Dyes your hair blonde. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70204 Red Hair Dye Dyes your hair red. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70205 Brown Hair Dye Dyes your hair brown. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70206 Black Hair Dye Dyes your hair black. You can dye your hair once every 3 levels. -70301 Engagement Ring A ring that is worn by lovers. -70302 Wedding Ring A ring that is worn by a married couple. -71001 Exorcism Scroll Will lift the curse of the evil spirit, if learning is not successful. With the help of this scroll you can read another document on the same day. -71002 Status Reset Document Resets status points so that you can change the development of your character. -71003 Skill Reset Document Resets skill points. -71004 Medal of the Dragon Protects you from a loss of experience points at your next revival. -71005 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 7 days. -71006 Language Ring You can understand all Languages of the empire for 15 days. -71007 Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 30 days. -71008 Fishing Book Book that doubles the chance of catching rare fish. -71009 Storage Chest Your Storeroom will receive 2 additional storage rooms. -71010 Third Hand Your character will pick up all dropped Yang automatically if equipped with this hand. -71011 Emotion Mask You can let you feelings run free for 30 days. -71012 Book of the Leader While the leader of a group is equipped with this book, all members will gain 30% more Experience points. -71013 Firework Rocket that lights up the sky for all players. -71014 Potion of Attack+10 Increases your attack speed by 10% for 30 minutes. -71015 Experience Ring Your character collects 50% more experience points while fighting. -71016 Thief's Gloves Doubles the probability of looting items. -71017 Lucky Medal Doubles the probability of looting Yang by 50%. -71018 Blessing of Life A blessing with which your HP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71019 Blessing of Magic A blessing that regenerates all your MP immediately. -71020 Blessing of the Dragon A blessing with which your HP and MP are immediately recovered to 100%. -71021 Scroll of War Improvement of items will succeed (100%). Only works on items +0 to +3. -71022 Return of Intelligence Resets your intelligence points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71023 Return of Vitality Resets your vitality points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71024 Return of Strength Resets your Strength points back to basic level, so you can redistribute them. -71025 Stone of the Blacksmith At the blacksmith's you can create a blacksmith handbook with the help of this stone and a blessing scroll. -71026 Magic Iron Ore This ore, when combined with a blessing scroll, enables the crafting of a dragon scroll at the blacksmiths. -71027 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71028 Dragon God Attack Increases the damage you cause during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71029 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -71030 Dragon God Defence Lowers the damage you receive during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. -71031 Dragon God Support The vitality, strength, intelligence and dexterity of your character will temporarily quintuple. -71032 Dragon Scroll Eliminates the risk of destroying an item if the improvement fails. Only its quality will be decreased by 1. Additionally, the probability of a successful improvement will increase by 10%. -71033 Emotion Mask You can let your feelings run free for 15 days. -71034 Potion of Attack +15 Increases your attack speed by 15% for 30 minutes. -71035 Researcher's Elixir Improves the quality of the research objects which you have collected, thereby increasing the likelihood that they will be accepted. -71036 Scroll - Chief Orc Will summon an Orc Chieftain next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71037 Scroll - Leader Will summon a Dark Leader next to your character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71038 Scroll - Queen Spider Will summon a King Spider next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71039 Scroll - Tortoise Will summon a Turtle next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71040 Scroll - Flame King Will summon the King of Flames next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71041 Scroll - Nine Tails Will summon a Nine tail next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71042 Scroll - Demon King Will summon a Ghost of a Tiger next to your Character. Beware! It is a Boss Monster! -71043 Scroll - Tiger Ghost Makes a yellow tiger ghost appear next to your character. Be careful, it's a boss! -71044 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -71045 Piercing Strike Increases the chance of a piercing hit for by 20% for 10 minutes. -71047 Spirit Stone Tincture Removes a Spirit Stone from one of your items. -71048 Modification Charm This charm can change the gender of your character. -71049 Silk Bundle With this bundle you can open a private shop for 10 days free of charge. -71050 Potion of Speed Boosts your motion speed by 60 for 30 minutes. -71051 Bewitch Item Removes the special-bonus on one of your items and adds another one. -71052 Bless Item Add a special new bonus onto one of your items, if it does not already have one. -71054 Tincture of Kingdoms A character is able to go into exile in another kingdom, this means changing the kingdom. -71055 Tincture of the Name Changes the name of a Character. -71056 Tincture of Heaven Increases the chance of successfully improving a Spirit Stone. -71057 Stone of Fossil Trunk O. Creates a fossil wood lode next to your character. -71058 Stone of Copper Lode Creates a copper ore lode next to your character -71059 Stone of Silver Lode Creates a silver ore lode next to your character. -71060 Stone of Gold Lode Creates a gold lode next to your character. -71061 Stone of Jade Lode Creates a jade lode next to your character. -71062 Stone of Ebony Lode Creates an ebony lode next to your character. -71063 Stone of Clams Creates a pile of shells next to your character -71064 Stone of White Gold Lode Creates a white gold lode next to your character. -71065 Stone of Crystal Lode Creates a crystal lode next to your character. -71066 Stone of Amethyst Lode Creates quartz crystal lode next to your character. -71067 Stone of Heaven's Ode Creates a tears of heaven lode next to your character. -71068 Feather of Lovers Your love points will rise twice as fast for 30 days, if equipped with this feather. -71069 Earring of Harmony Increases the chance of a piercing hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71070 Love Bracelet Increases the collection of experience points for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71071 Earring of Love Increases the chance of a lethal hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71072 Harmony Bracelet Reduces the attack power of the monsters, against which married people fight, if carried by a marriage partner. (Lasts 3 Hours) -71073 Necklace of Love Increases the attack power for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71074 Necklace of Harmony Increases the defence value of married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. -71075 Hair Dye (White) Dyes hair white. -71076 Hair Dye (Blonde) Dyes hair blonde. -71077 Hari Dye (Red) Dyes hair red. -71078 Hair Dye (Brown) Dyes hair brown. -71079 Hair Dye (Black) Dyes hair black. -71080 Metin Stone(L) A light Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71081 Metin Stone(N) A medium Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71082 Metin Stone(H) A large Metin stone will be dropped near your character. -71083 Stone Handbook Removes all broken stones from an item. With that you will get another chance to improve your weapon or amour. -71084 Enchant Item Removes the bonuses from one of your items and adds new ones. -71085 Reinforce Item Adds a bonus to one of your items if it has not got bonus yet. -71086 Level Up Quest(20~29) -71087 Level Up Quest(30~39) -71088 Mission Book (Easy) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can also be solved by greenhorn fighters. -71089 Mission Book (Normal) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by those who are already experienced in fighting. -71090 Mission Book (Hard) The book which is bound in brown leather contains a mission which can only be solved by really experienced fighters. -71091 Tincture of Trade You can choose a different colour for your shop sign. -71092 Polymorph Book Successfully studying this book increases your transformation skills. It disappears after you have read it. -71093 Polymorph Marble You can use this marble to transform into a monster. -71094 Concentrated Reading Increases the chance of successful skill training with your next book by 2.5 times. -71095 Passage Ticket If you give this ticket to the guard, you will be allowed to enter a new floor of the Spider-Dungeon. -71096 Passage Tablet This medal allows you to pass through a gate. -71099 Ring of Successor Allows the leader of a guild to set up a successor. -71100 Scroll of Lore Change Forget your lore and start a new one. You need to be at least on level 31 to do it. -71101 Potion of Haste This potion decreases your cooldown time by 20 percent for 30 minutes. -71103 Redistribution (VIT) Puts your vitality back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71104 Redistribution (INT) Puts your intelligence back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71105 Redistribution (STR) Puts your strength back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71106 Redistribution (DEX) Resets your dexterity back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. -71107 Fruit of Life Increases rank points by 3000 (cooldown time: 5 hours). -71109 Scroll of Correction This scroll allows you to remove the last successfully added Spirit Stone from an item. -71110 Horse Sugar This piece of sugar allows you to give your mount a name. It also increases is defence value by 20. -71113 Glass of Insight Allows you to show another player items from your inventory. The glass breaks in the process. -71114 Wild Boar Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71115 Wild Boar Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71116 Wolf Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71117 Wolf Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71118 Tiger Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71119 Tiger Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71120 Lion Seal (yellow) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -71121 Lion Seal (blue) This seal's magic calls upon a mighty animal spirit that will quickly carry you to the place of your choice. -72001 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 10 hours. -72002 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 30 minutes. -72003 Experience Ring Increases the collection of experience by 50% for 3 hours. -72004 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 10 hours. -72005 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 30 minutes. -72006 Thief's Gloves Doubles your chance of looting items for 3 hours. -72007 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 10 hours. -72008 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 30 minutes. -72009 Silk Bundle You can open a private shop for 3 hours. -72010 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 15 minutes. -72011 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 30 minutes. -72012 Lovebird Feather When it is equipped, the love points of a couple increase twice as fast for 3 hours. -72013 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 15 minutes. -72014 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 30 minutes. -72015 Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 3 hours. -72016 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 15 minutes. -72017 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 30 minutes. -72018 Third Hand A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically for 3 hours. -72019 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 15 minutes. -72020 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets two additional storage rooms for a duration of 30 minutes. -72021 Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets 2 additional storage rooms for a duration for 3 hours. -72022 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 10 hours. -72023 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 30 minutes. -72024 Lucky Gold Coin Doubles your chance of capturing Yang for 3 hours. -72025 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72026 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72027 Critical Strike Increases the chance of landing a critical hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72028 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 7 days. -72029 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 15 days. -72030 Emotion Mask You can let your emotions run free for 30 days. -72031 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72032 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72033 Dragon God Attack Increases your attack value by 12 to 15% for 30 minutes. -72034 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72035 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72036 Dragon God Defence Reduces damage by 12% - 15% when you defend. -72037 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72038 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72039 Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72040 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72041 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72042 Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. -72043 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72044 Book of the Leader When the group leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience points of group members and the leader by 30%. -72045 Book of the Leader When the party leader is equipped with it, it increases the experience point of group members and the leader by 30%. -72046 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72047 Criticial Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72048 Critical Chance Increases your chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. -72501 Experience Ring (iCafe) Increases collection of experience points by 20% in the membership iCafe. -72502 Thief's Glove (iCafe) Chance of items being dropped increases by 1.5 times in Membership iCafe. -72701 Wind Shoes Increases your movement speed by 30 when equipped. -73001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy hairstyle, that gives you a striking appearance. -73005 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73006 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73007 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73008 Bandanna Short hair that is tamed with a headband. -73009 Long Hair (Black) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, black hair. -73010 Long Hair (Red) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, red hair. -73011 Long Hair (Brown) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, brown hair. -73012 Long Hair (Green) An impressive hairstyle with magnificent, green hair. -73251 Ponytail (Brown) Long hair done up in a plait. -73252 Ponytail (Green) Long hair done up a plait. -73253 Ponytail (Blue) Long hair done up in a plait. -73254 Ponytail (Light) Long hair done up in a plait. -73255 Shoulder Length (Red) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A natural-looking shoulder-length hair cut. -73257 Shoulder Length (Light) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A natural-looking shoulder-length hairstyle. -73259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73260 Short Hair (Blue) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73261 Short Hair (Black) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73262 Short Hair (Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a threatening look. -73501 Sporty Haircut (Light) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73502 Sporty Haircut (Brown) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73503 Sporty Haircut (Blonde) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73504 Sporty Haircut (Green) An extravagant short hairstyle. -73505 Charisma Hair (White) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73506 Charisma Hair (Red) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73507 Charisma Hair (Black) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A charismatic hairstyle with long hair. -73509 Long Plait (White) A traditional plait. -73510 Long Plait (Blue) A traditional plait. -73511 Long Plait (Black) A traditional plait. -73512 Long Plait (Brown) A traditional plait. -73751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant haircut with tied back hair. -73753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant hairstyle with tied back hair. -73755 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Elegant, straight hair. -73756 Med. Length Hair (Black) Elegant, straight hair. -73757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Elegant, straight hair. -73758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Elegant, straight hair. -73759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73760 Old Hairstyle (Light) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -73762 Old Hairstyle (Red) Long hair, worn in a traditional way. -74001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74005 Headband (Red) A spiky hairstyle with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -74006 Headband (Brown plaid) A spiky hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74007 Headband (Blue) A spiky hairstyle worn with a bandanna (+10% defence against Suras) -74008 Headband (Green plaid) Short green hairstyle worn with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -74009 Long Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Warriors) -74010 Long Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74011 Long Hair (Brown) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Suras) -74012 Long Hair (Green) A hairstyle giving you a distinctive look (+10% defence against Shamans) -74251 Ponytail (Brown) A popular women's hairstyle in which hair is tied up into a long plait (+10% against Warriors) -74252 Ponytail (Green) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Ninjas) -74253 Ponytail (Blue) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Suras) -74254 Ponytail (Light) A hairstyle in which the hair has been tied up into a long plait (+10% against Shamans) -74255 Shoulder Length (Red) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Warriors) -74256 Shoulder Length (Brown) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Ninjas) -74257 Shoulder Length (Light) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Suras) -74258 Shoulder Length (Purple) A hairstyle with a sassy, trendy look (+10% against Shamans) -74259 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Warriors) -74260 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Ninjas) -74261 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Suras) -74262 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle giving you a malicious assassin look (+10% against Shamans) -74501 Sporty Hairstyle (White) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Warriors) -74502 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Ninja) -74503 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) A short hairstyle that gives you a military look (+10% against Suras) -74504 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) A short hairstyle that gives you military look (+10% against Shamans) -74505 Charisma Hair (White) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Warriors) -74506 Charisma Hair (Red) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Ninjas) -74507 Charisma Hair (Black) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% against Suras) -74508 Charisma Hair (Purple) A hairstyle accentuating a strong individual character (+10% defence against Shamans) -74509 Long Plait (White) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Warriors) -74510 Long Plait (Blue) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74511 Long Plait (Black) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich. (+10% defence against Suras) -74512 Long Plait (Brown) A plaited old fashioned hairstyle that was symbolic of the rich (+10% defence against Shamans) -74751 Elegant Hairstyle(Brown) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Warriors) -74752 Elegant Hairstyle(Black) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74753 Elegant Hairstyle (Blue) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Suras). -74754 Elegant Hairstyle(Light) An elegant, hairstyle pinned up with a butterfly hairpin (+10% defence against Ninjas). -74755 Med.Length Hair (Brown) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Warriors). -74756 Med. Length Hair (Black) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Ninjas). -74757 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Suras). -74758 Med.Length Hair (Purple) An elegant Shaman hairstyle (+10% against Shamans). -74759 Old Hairstyle (Brown) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Warriors) -74760 Old Hairstyle (Blonde) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Ninjas) -74761 Old Hairstyle (Purple) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Suras) -74762 Old Hairstyle (Red) A feminine hairstyle with long, layered hair (+10% defence against Shamans) -75001 Trendy Hairstyle (Red) Trendy hairstyle with red hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Warriors) -75002 Trendy Hairstyle (Light) Trendy hairstyle with light coloured hair and a hair-band (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75003 Trendy Hairstyle (Blue) Trendy hairstyle with blue hair and a hair-band (+10% against Suras) -75004 Trendy Hairstyle (Brown) Trendy hairstyle with brown hair and a hair-band (+10% against Shamans) -75005 Headband (Brown) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Warriors) -75006 Headband (Blonde) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75007 Headband (Blue) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Suras) -75008 Headband (Green) Short, tousled hair controlled with a headband (+10% defence against Shamans) -75009 Long Hair (Black) Marvellous, black hair (+10% against Warriors) -75010 Long Hair (Red) Marvellous, red hair (+10% against Ninjas) -75011 Long Hair (Brown) Marvellous, brown hair (+10% against Suras) -75012 Long Hair (Green) Marvellous, green hair (+10% against Shamans) -75201 Ponytail (Brown) Brown hair with a nice, long ponytail. (+10% defence against Warriors) -75202 Ponytail (Green) Green hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Ninjas) -75203 Ponytail (Blue) Blue hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Suras) -75204 Ponytail (Light) Grey hair with a nice, long ponytail (+10% against Shamans) -75205 Shoulder Length (Red) A discreet hairstyle with a white bandanna (+10% against Warriors) -75206 Shoulder Length (Brown) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Ninjas) -75207 Shoulder Length (Light) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Suras) -75208 Shoulder Length (Purple) A discreet hairstyle with a white headband (+10% against Shamans) -75209 Short Hair (Red) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Warriors) -75210 Short Hair (Blue) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Ninjas) -75211 Short Hair (Black) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Suras) -75212 Short Hair (Blonde) A hairstyle that gives you a sinister look (+10% against Shamans) -75401 Sporty Hairstyle (Light) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Warriors) -75402 Sporty Hairstyle (Brown) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Ninjas) -75403 Sporty Hairstyle(Blonde) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Suras) -75404 Sporty Hairstyle (Green) An extravagant hairstyle that is popular with female Suras (+10% against Shamans) -75405 Charisma Style (White) Long, snow-white hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75406 Charisma Style (Red) Long, red hair that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Ninjas) -75407 Charisma Style (Black) Long, jet-black hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Suras) -75408 Charisma Style (Purple) Long, purple hair, that makes you look opinionated (+10% defence against Warriors) -75409 Long Plait (White) Plait (+10% defence against Warriors) -75410 Long Plait (Blue) Plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75411 Long Plait (Black) Plait (+10% against Suras) -75412 Long Plait (Brown) Plait (+10% against Shamans) -75601 Smart Hairstyle (Brown) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Warriors) -75602 Smart Hairstyle (Black) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Ninjas) -75603 Smart Hairstyle (Blue) A trendy trim giving Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Suras) -75604 Smart Hairstyle (Light) A trendy trim that gives Shamans a strong expression (+10% against Shaman) -75605 Med. Length Hair (Brown) Smooth, brown hair (+10% against Warriors) -75606 Med. Length Hair (Black) Straight, black hair (+10% against Ninja) -75607 Med.Length Hair (Blonde) Straight, light coloured hair (+10% against Sura) -75608 Med.Length Hair (Purple) Straight, purple hair (+10% against Shaman) -75609 Old Hairstyle (Brown) Old Warrior hairstyle. The brown hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Warriors) -75610 Old Hairstyle (Light) Old warrior hairstyle. The light coloured hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Ninjas) -75611 Old Hairstyle (Purple) Old Warrior hairstyle. The purple hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Suras) -75612 Old Hairstyle (Red) Old warrior hairstyle. The red hair is tied up in a plait (+10% against Shamans) -80001 Money Pouch A dark and already worn out pouch sewed from leather. -80002 Blank Paper An unused parchment of good quality. -80008 Lump of Gold A lump of gold that has never been crafted. It is being sold in a shop for a high price. -90001 Empty Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water - sadly it is empty right now. -90002 Water Bottle A stable travel case to transport water. -90003 Crystal An especially nice and clear gemstone which shines fascinatingly in the sunlight. -90004 Gem A nice coloured and flat cut stone which is used for producing ornaments. -90005 Water Stone A hard, coarse stone which can be used to grind weapons or kitchen utensils. -90006 Spirit Stone This stone, added to weapons or armour, increases the quality of the item. -90007 Mineral There are around 4000 minerals which differ in crystal structure and so also differ in shape and colour. -90010 Foundation Stone Building Material for the Guild Building -90011 Trunk Building Material for the Guild Building -90012 Plywood Building Material for the Guild Building diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_assassin.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_assassin.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 812e0fa5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_assassin.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Ninjas are professional[ENTER] -killers, who can attack[ENTER] -through ambush. In order to[ENTER] -maximise on both strength[ENTER] -and mobility, these[ENTER] -[WAIT] -assassins wear only light[ENTER] -armour. This allows them to[ENTER] -execute rapid and fluid[ENTER] -manoeuvres without[ENTER] -hindrance. Depending on[ENTER] -[WAIT] -their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Ninjas can[ENTER] -be master fighters in[ENTER] -close-combat situations with[ENTER] -daggers, or in[ENTER] -[WAIT] -distant-combat situations[ENTER] -with bows. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_shaman.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_shaman.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9f59ee38..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_shaman.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -The wisdom achieved through[ENTER] -long years of intense study[ENTER] -allow the Shamans to use[ENTER] -Spells and Magic to attack[ENTER] -their foes. When in a fight[ENTER] -[WAIT] -and in support of their[ENTER] -friends, their mystic powers[ENTER] -are very effective.[ENTER] -Depending on their area of[ENTER] -specialization, Shamans may[ENTER] -[WAIT] -choose to strengthen their[ENTER] -attacks, or to upgrade[ENTER] -individual healing and[ENTER] -support spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_sura.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_sura.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ebadcb09..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_sura.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Suras are fighters who[ENTER] -gained magical powers by[ENTER] -agreeing to grow the Seed of[ENTER] -Evil in their arms. The[ENTER] -magic they now control[ENTER] -[WAIT] -allows them to wound their[ENTER] -enemies from afar in[ENTER] -distant-combat situations,[ENTER] -while their skill with a[ENTER] -sword makes them excellent[ENTER] -[WAIT] -close-combat fighters. The[ENTER] -Suras can choose to improve[ENTER] -their attack-spells or[ENTER] -develop additional[ENTER] -strengthening spells. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_warrior.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_warrior.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 749446ab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/jobdesc_warrior.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -[DELAY value;10] -Thanks to their skills as[ENTER] -well as their heavy armour,[ENTER] -Warriors play an important[ENTER] -role in close combat[ENTER] -situations. They strive[ENTER] -[WAIT] -principally for great[ENTER] -physical strength and a[ENTER] -balanced, calm psyche.[ENTER] -Depending on their chosen[ENTER] -speciality, they can wreak[ENTER] -[WAIT] -havoc with their two-handed[ENTER] -weapons or through their[ENTER] -skilful use of sword and[ENTER] -shield, which can defend[ENTER] -against any opponent's[ENTER] -[WAIT] -attack. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/locale_game.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/locale_game.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ceded179..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/locale_game.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,767 +0,0 @@ -AFF_LOVE_POINT Love points: %d%% -ALIGNMENT_NAME Rank points: -ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown attack error: %s -CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE The combatant is too far away. -CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. -CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA You cannot open a private shop in a public area. -CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE The enemy is too far away. -CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW I need an arrow. -CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH I am sure that I cannot get any closer. -CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK I cannot attack that. -CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE The opponent is too far away. -CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD I need a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE I need a Horse to be able to use this. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an empty bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle. -CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Who is the target? -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP I do not have enough HP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP I do not have enough SP! -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL I cannot use this whilst riding. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON I cannot use this skill with this weapon. -CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN I have not learned this skill. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE This only affects group members. -CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE This only affects dead people. -CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD I cannot use this skill with a Fishing Pole. -CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack from here. -CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF I cannot use this on myself. -CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME I cannot use this skill yet. -CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s has blocked whispering. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s is not online. SA -CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE You cannot whisper something to someone when you have completely blocked whispering. SNA -CHANNEL Channel -CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT You cannot go back to the login screen. -CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER No server -CHANNEL_NORMAL Channel %d -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL This channel is full! Please choose another one. -CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO No information found via the Channel. -CHANNEL_PVP Free duel -CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Choose the channel -CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Choose region. -CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Choose server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test server -CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d -CHAT_ALL All -CHAT_BLOCK Block -CHAT_GUILD Guild -CHAT_INFORMATION Info -CHAT_INSULT_STRING This sentence has invalid words in it. -CHAT_LOG Show old messages [L] -CHAT_LOG_TITLE Chat-log -CHAT_NORMAL Normal -CHAT_NOTICE Announcement -CHAT_PARTY Group -CHAT_SEND_CHAT Send chat -CHAT_SEND_MEMO Send whisper[Shift+Enter] -CHAT_SHOUT Call -CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT You can only call every 15 seconds. -CHAT_WHISPER Whispering -CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME You are not allowed to use 'GM' in your character name. -CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME This name is invalid. -CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Another character already has this name. -CREATE_FAILURE You cannot create the character -CREATE_GM_NAME GM -CREATE_INPUT_NAME Enter the name. -CREATE_PLUS_STAT There are still status points available. -DAY Days -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want to buy %s for %s? -DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want to buy %s %s for %s? -DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Do you want to drop %d Yang? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want to sell %s for %s? -DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want to sell %s %s for %s? -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot drop equipped items. -DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot drop any items as long as a private shop is open. -DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER You can drop a maximum of 999 Yang. -EMOTION_ANGRY Aggravating -EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Seduction -EMOTION_BANTER Sneering -EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Cheers 1 -EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Cheers 2 -EMOTION_CHEERUP Cheer -EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Choose a target. -EMOTION_CLAP Claps -EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kiss -EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Approval -EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dance 1 -EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dance 2 -EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dance 3 -EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dance 4 -EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dance 5 -EMOTION_FORGIVE Forgiveness -EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS French Kiss -EMOTION_JOY Joy -EMOTION_SAD Sad -EMOTION_SHY Rejection -EMOTION_SLAP Hit -EMPIRE_A Shinsoo Kingdom -EMPIRE_B Chunjo Kingdom -EMPIRE_C Jinno Kingdom -EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE You cannot trade this Item. -EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY You cannot change the sum now. -EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot exchange equipped Items. -EXCHANGE_MONEY Sum -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s -FISHING_FAILURE You lost the Bait. -FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked. -FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s is on the hook. -FISHING_SUCCESS1 You captured %s! -FISHING_SUCCESS2 You have pulled %s out of the water! -FISHING_UNKNOWN Something has taken the bait but you can't see what it is. -FISHING_WRONG_PLACE You cannot go fishing here. -FOR_FEMALE for female -FOR_MALE for male -GAME_CANNOT_MINING You cannot mine Ore while riding. -GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM You cannot collect this Item as you did not win it. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR The cursor could not be established. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 must be installed so that the game can run.\nInstall DirectX 8.1 or higher. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE No graphic device could be found. \nCheck if your VGA card is correctly installed. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Graphic device could not be established. \nCheck if you have a VGA card. \nAlternatively, you can active the hardware accelerator.\n(Set hardware accelerator to max \nControl Panel->Display->Settings->Advanced->Troubleshoot tab) -GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT The graphics card of the computer does not support the window mode in 32bit Mode. \nChange to 16bit Mode or use Full Screen Mode. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO No Item data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Mainframe could not be established -GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO No Monster Data there.\nInstall the game again. -GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Network devices could not be established.\nCheck your internet connection. -GAME_PICK_MONEY You have received %d Yang. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Height is not 128 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Height is not 12 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Width is not 16 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Width is not 64 Pixel -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT The game does not support this picture. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Move the data into the folder metin2/upload. -GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT No picture file chosen. -GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flag captured. -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Field Battle -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 The Guild %s declared war on your Guild. -GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Do you accept? (%s) -GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... -GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Guild theater of war -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Name of building -GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE The Dragon ghost battle is already full. -GUILD_COMMENT Write -GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Guildname is not valid. -GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Guild members -GUILD_DELETE Delete -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Do you want to restore with %d Yang %d Dragon ghost? -GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to join the guild? -GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Empty land -GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Guild name of the enemy -GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_HEADQUARTER Main Building -GUILD_HEAL_GSP Restore Dragon ghost -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Minimum level of 4 required -GUILD_NAME Guild name -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL You do not have enough resources for this building. -GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY You do not have enough Yang for this building. -GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION You do not have the rights to make an announcement. -GUILD_OBJECT Objects -GUILD_OFFER_EXP Experience to invest -GUILD_SHORT_EXP Not enough Experience yet -GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Basic Information -GUILD_TILE_BOARD Blackboard -GUILD_TILE_GRADE Rights Administration -GUILD_TILE_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Guild Members -GUILD_TILE_SKILL Guild Skills -GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Time: 30 Minutes -GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Reward: The winner receives a Potion -GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Use Guild Theater of War -GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Use Normal Map -GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE The highest result wins the war. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. -GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Defeat all enemies to win. -GUILD_WITHDRAW Fallback -GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN You are not a member of any Guild. -HORSE_HEALTH0 Dead -HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungry -HORSE_HEALTH2 Starving -HORSE_HEALTH3 Full -HORSE_LEVEL1 Normal Horse -HORSE_LEVEL2 Battle Horse -HORSE_LEVEL3 Military Horse -HOUR Hours -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? -HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %d? -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Enter Matrix Cardnumber. -INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Enter deletion-code from your account settings here. -INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Delete character -INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Role of Return cannot be combined. -INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Do you want to use this Item? -JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateur Ninja -JOB_ASSASSIN1 Power of the Ninjas -JOB_ASSASSIN2 Undead -JOB_SHAMAN Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateur Shaman -JOB_SHAMAN1 Power of the Dragon -JOB_SHAMAN2 Lightning Power -JOB_SURA Sura -JOB_SURA0 Amateur Sura -JOB_SURA1 Power of the Fata Morgana -JOB_SURA2 Power of Black Magic -JOB_WARRIOR Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateur Warrior -JOB_WARRIOR1 Power of Arahan -JOB_WARRIOR2 Power of Partisans -LEFT_TIME Time Remaining -LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Error while connecting to the server. -LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS You are connected to the server. -LOGIN_CONNETING You will be connected to the server. -LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Your account is already connected. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Registration problem. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Your account is banned. -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Please choose one of the other servers! -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Your account had no play time. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Your account cannot be used. -LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Items have been restored for this account. -LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN The server is not open yet. -LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER You could not connect because too many players are online. -LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN You could not register for unknown reasons. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK You have been blocked at the website. Please check your EMails. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER You entered a wrong number. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE You entered a wrong number three times. /n You connection will be disabled. -LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Account name or password incorrect. -LOGIN_INPUT_ID Enter the ID. -LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Enter the password. -LOGIN_PROCESSING Logging in... -MALL_CANNOT_INSERT You cannot place the Item. -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MAP_A1 Yongan Area -MAP_A2 Valley of Seungryong -MAP_A3 Yayang Area -MAP_AG Jungrang -MAP_B1 Joan Area -MAP_B2 Valley of Imji -MAP_B3 Bokjung Area -MAP_BG Waryong -MAP_C1 Pyungmoo Area -MAP_C2 Valley of Bangsan -MAP_C3 Bakra Area -MAP_CG Imha -MAP_DESERT Yongbi Desert -MAP_FLAME Doyyumhwan -MAP_NUSLUCK Land of Giants -MAP_SKELTOWER Gumsan Tower -MAP_SNOW Mount Sohan -MAP_SPIDER Kuahlo Dong -MAP_TEMPLE Hwang Temple -MAP_TREE Lungsam -MAP_TRENT02 Red Forest -MAP_WL Snakefield -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s added you as a friend. -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Accept? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Delete? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Do you want to delete the cell phone number? -MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Do you want to go on? -MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Empty -MESSENGER_FAMILY Family -MESSENGER_FRIEND Friends -MESSENGER_GUILD Guild -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Enter the confirmation number that was sent to your cell phone. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Enter confirmation number -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Enter the cell phone number for the Text message sending. -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Do you want to enter the number now? -MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Enter cell phone number. -MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Send message. -MINIMAP Open Mini Map -MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Mini Map cannot be seen. -MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Large Map cannot be shown. -MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Zoom out -MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Zoom in -MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d observers -MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Open Large Map -MINUTE Minutes -MONETARY_UNIT0 Yang -MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand -MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion -MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Sales Price: -MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot move the item when you have opened a private shop. -MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST No Backgroundmusic. -MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2 Standard music -MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC No Music file chosen. -NEEFD_REST You must rest first. -NOT_YET_SUPPORT Not yer supported -OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE You cannot activate Guild Mode when you do not belong to a Guild. -OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT You cannot choose this configuration in PvP Mode. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT You need to have at least Level %d to be able to change the PvP Mode. -PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Attack Value: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Attck Speed: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Skill Duration: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Defence: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP: %d%% SA -PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP: +%d SA -PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max. HP: +%d SA -PARTY_BREAK_UP Delete Group -PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT would like to join the Group. -PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to accept the invitation? -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Level Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Higher Level receives more EXP. -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Evenly Distribution -PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP All Group members receive the same EXP. -PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Restore everything. -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Range of the group heightened of the factor 1.5 . SNA -PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Range of the group heightened of the factor 2. SNA -PARTY_LEAVE Leave group. -PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP for a long group game: +%d%% SA -PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] -PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Call group member. -PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus for HP- + SP regeneration: +%d%% SA -PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED You discarded the invitation into the group.. -PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Constitute as Attacker. -PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Constitute as Berserker. -PARTY_SET_BUFFER Constitute as Blocker. -PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Constitute as Defender. -PARTY_SET_NORMAL Withdraw settings. -PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Constitute as Skill Master. -PARTY_SET_TANKER Constitute as blade fighter. -PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Base Attack Value Attacker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Attack Speed Berserker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Skill Duration Blocker +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Defence Defender +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Group range +%d%% -PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP Skill Master +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%,0f%% -PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Max. HP blade fighter +%,0f -PARTY_SKILL_WARP Possible to call group members. -PASSWORD_TITLE Storeroom password -PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item Number -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Sum -PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM You cannot sell this item in a private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Do you want to close the private shop? -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Name of the private shop. -PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Price -PVP_LEVEL0 Chivalric -PVP_LEVEL1 Noble -PVP_LEVEL2 Good -PVP_LEVEL3 Friendly -PVP_LEVEL4 Neutral -PVP_LEVEL5 Aggressive -PVP_LEVEL6 Fraudulent -PVP_LEVEL7 Malicious -PVP_LEVEL8 Cruel -PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP Guild activated -PVP_MODE_KILL PvP Free activated -PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP Peace activated -PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP Protection activated -PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP Hostile activated -PVP_OPTION_KILL Free -PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Peace -PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Protection -PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Hostile -QUEST_APPEND New Quest acquired. -QUEST_MIN Min. -QUEST_SEC Sec. -QUEST_TIMEOVER Time Expired -QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME No time limit. -QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sec. -QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be added to the Fast Access Field. -RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s sent you a message. -REFINE_COST Costs for Advancement: %d Yang -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING This Item could be destroyed while upgrading. -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 This will improve the chance for upgrading, -REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 but if you fail the Item could be destroyed. /n Do you want to continue? -REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING The Item could be down graded this way. -REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Do you want to take away the spirit stone? -REFINE_FAILURE You failed. -REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot upgrade equipped Items. -REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM No spirit stone can be taken away. -REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL You need a better Advancement Scroll. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET You cannot make more Sockets. -REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to include the %s. -REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM You cannot make any Sockets on this Item. -REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be upgraded. -REFINE_SUCCESS The advancement of the Item was successful. -REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Chance for Advancement %d%% -REFINE_WARNING2 Do you want to continue? -SAFEBOX_ERROR You entered the wrong password. -SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM You cannot sell any of the saved Items. -SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD The passwords have to be identical. -SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 is saved in -SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot File -SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Saving of Screenshot failed. -SECOND Sec -SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE You cannot delete the character. -SELECT_CHANGED_NAME You changed the name of the character. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME The character name is already existing. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Try again. -SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME That -SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Change character name. -SELECT_DELEING Character will be deleted. -SELECT_DELETED Deletion successful. -SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Do you want to continue? -SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT This is an empty field. -SELECT_GM_NAME GM -SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Enter a new character name. -SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD No Guild -SHOP_BUY_INFO Choose the Item you want to buy in the shop window. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT You cannot sell equipped Items. -SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM This Item cannot be sold. -SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Shop Error: %s -SHOP_INVALID_POS This Item cannot be used here. -SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Your inventory is full. -SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough Yang -SHOP_SELL_INFO Choose the Item you want to sell in your inventory window. -SHOP_SOLDOUT Sold Out -SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Error during Long Distance Attack: %s -SKILL_BOHO Reflect -SKILL_BUDONG is not used anymore -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK You need EXP to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT You need a Book to learn this Skill. -SKILL_CHEONGEUN Strong Body -SKILL_CRITICAL Critical hit -SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Apply Poison -SKILL_EUNHYEONG Camouflage -SKILL_FAINT Blackout -SKILL_FIND_TRAP Find Trap -SKILL_FIRE Permanent Fire -SKILL_FISHMIND Fishing Marble is active -SKILL_GAMJI Capture -SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura of the Sword -SKILL_GEONGON SKILL_GEONGON Not used anymore -SKILL_GICHEON Help of the Dragon -SKILL_GIGONG Chi Rotation -SKILL_GONGPO Fear -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master -SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Blade -SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Arc -SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Riding -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Dragon -SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Healing -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Weapon -SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magic -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Body -SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Mental -SKILL_GWIGEOM Enchanted Blade -SKILL_GYEONGGONG Feather Walking -SKILL_HEUKSIN Dark Protection -SKILL_HOSIN Blessing -SKILL_HWAYEOM SKILL_HWAYEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_HYEOLMA SKILL_HYEOLMA Not used anymore -SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Attack speed raised -SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Moving speed raised -SKILL_INMA SKILL_INMA Not used anymore -SKILL_JEOJU Curse -SKILL_JEONGEOP Healing -SKILL_JEONGWI Battle Flush -SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Full Defence -SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Full Attack -SKILL_JEUNGCHE SKILL_JEUNGCHE Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGHON SKILL_JEUNGHON Not used anymore -SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Attack + -SKILL_JEUNGSOK Speed + -SKILL_JIGAM SKILL_JIGAM Not used anymore -SKILL_JIPJUNG SKILL_JIPJUNG Not used anymore -SKILL_JUMAGAP Enchanted Armour -SKILL_JUMAGEOM SKILL_JUMAGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAEGEOM SKILL_KWAEGEOM Not used anymore -SKILL_KWAESOK Speed -SKILL_LEGBOUND SKILL_LEGBOUND Not used anymore -SKILL_MUSA SKILL_MUSA Not used anymore -SKILL_MUYEONG Ghost of the Flame -SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an Empty Bottle. -SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle -SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR You can use this Skill during a Guild War only. -SKILL_PABEOP Neutralize Spell -SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Dazing Attack -SKILL_SEOMGWANG Lightning Bomb -SKILL_SINCHAK SKILL_SINCHAK Not used anymore -SKILL_SLEEP Sleep -SKILL_SLOW Slow -SKILL_STUN Daze -SKILL_SUHO Guard -SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance of the Evocation: %d%% -SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence -SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level -SKILL_TOXICDIE Poisoning -SKILL_TOXICPOWER Poison attack value increased -SKILL_TUSOK Ghost Hit -SKILL_WONSIN SKILL_WONSIN Not used anymore -SKILL_YONGSIN SKILL_YONGSIN Not used anymore -STAT_MINUS_CON Life Energy Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_DEX Dexterity Adjustment (Remaining Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_INT Intelligence Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_MINUS_STR Strength Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) -STAT_TOOLTIP_CON HP and Defence are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Accuracy and Fleeing are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_INT SP and Magical Power are upgraded. -STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Attack Value is upgraded. -SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Register Guild flag -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU Tiling Mode can upgrade the speed of a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 If there are problem with the graphics choose either ,Systemoption or ,CONFIG.exe -SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU Tiling Mode can run slow on a weaker PC. -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 If there are problems with the graphics choose either 'System Options' or 'CONFIG.exe' -SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. -SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT For a change to the Tiling Mode the game must be restarted. -TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Agree -TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Revenge -TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Destroy -TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Dismount -TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotions -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Trading -TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Exclude -TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duel -TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Friend -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guild Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Group Invitation -TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Leave Group -TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Join Group -TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Equipment -TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Whispering -TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss -TARGET_LEVEL_KING Level 5. -TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Level 3. -TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Level 1. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Level 4. -TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Level 2. -TASKBAR_ATTACK Attack -TASKBAR_AUTO Automatic -TASKBAR_CAMERA Camera -TASKBAR_EXP Experience -TASKBAR_HP HP -TASKBAR_MOVE Move -TASKBAR_SKILL Skill -TASKBAR_SP SP -TASKBAR_ST ST -THING_COUNT all -TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Cannot be sold in the shop. -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Strong against Animals +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Strong against Ninjas +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Strong against Devil +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Strong against Half Humans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Strong against Mystics +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Strong against Monster +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Strong against Orcs +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Strong against Shamans +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Strong against Sura +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Strong against Undead +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Strong against Warriorr +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance to block a close-combat attack %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Recover SP all 5 seconds in a Battle %d SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance of critical Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to get back SP when hit SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Chance to avoid Arrows %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance for EXP Bonus SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double Yang SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immune against falling down SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Defence against slowing SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Defence against blackouts SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double the Items SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, to restore HP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to restore SP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% chance to rob mana SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT No effect -TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY No experience points will be lost if your character is revived at the place of his death. SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% Chance for piercing Hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Poisoned Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Poison Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Potion %d%% effect raise SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Chance to reflect Curse: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE %d%% Chance to reflect close combat hits SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Defence chance against ninja attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Bell Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Dagger Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Fan Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Defence chance against shaman attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Defence chance against sura attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Sword Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Two-Handed Defence %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Defence chance against warrior attacks: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Wind Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Chance to learn from books upgraded by factor 2.5 . SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY If learning fails you immediately have another try for free SNA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Slowing Chance: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP %d%% damage will be absorbed by TP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP %d%% damage will be absorbed by MP SA -TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance of a Blackout: %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armor -TOOLTIP_ARROW Arrow -TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja -TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Arc Range +%dm SA -TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Casting Speed +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_CON Life Energy +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_DEX Dexterity +%d SA -TOOLTIP_EAR Earring -TOOLTIP_ETC And so on -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Points %d / %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Give to the Fisherman -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 Fishing Pole. -TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN Lenght: %,2fcm -TOOLTIP_HELMET Helmet -TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Attack Value %d - %d (+%d) -TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Attacking Speed %s -TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Life Energy Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Dexterity Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Intelligence Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL From Level: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Strenght Upper Limit: %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magical Attack Value %d - %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magical Attack Value %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magical Defence %d -TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal -TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Very fast -TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Very slow -TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Wearable ] -TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d -TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Lucky Number: %d -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magical Attack Value +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magical Defence +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Attack Value +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Attack Value +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Defence +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Defence +12~15% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP Bonus +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC Increases gaining EXP by 50% SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Chance of capturing Yang multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chance to capture Yang SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Chance of capturing Items multiplied with %.1f SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Chance of capturing Items plus %.1f%% SA -TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chances of capturing items SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Lovepoints raise faster. SNA -TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Your Storeroom gets 2 storage rooms SNA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max. HP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max. HP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max. SP +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max. SP +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max. Endurance +%d SA -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) -TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NECK Necklace -TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Needed SP: Max. -TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Needed Dragon ghost: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Needed HP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC TP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Needed Skill Points: -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Needed SP: %d -TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP / Sec.: %d -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Next Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Next Level: %d (Max. %d-%d) -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Average Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Average Damage Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 More than %d Group members -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Attack Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Defence Level +%d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 60 minutes. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 30 minutes -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL You have to wait 3 minutes after the death of a group member. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL You can call Group members who are on the same server anytime. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Attack Level +(Number of Group members./2) Attacker %d can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defence Level +(Number of Group members) blade fighters 1 can be chosen. -TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Attack/Defence upgraded] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [restore] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP When you have more than %d Group members you get %d%% Bonus EXP . -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus EXP] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Call] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Constitute Attacker] -TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Constitute Blade Fighter] -TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Points: %d / %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Give to the Lumberjack -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 to get a better -TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 Pickaxe. -TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cure negative effects. -TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Attack Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Moving Speed: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT SP: +%d%% -TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT SP: +%d -TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sec. -TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Duration: -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL You must have reached Level 21. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL You must have reached Level 41. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL You must have reached Level %d. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d needed. -TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d needed -TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Arrow Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Lightning Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Fire Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magic Resistance %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Left: %d -TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Price: %s -TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Shaman -TOOLTIP_SHIELD Shield -TOOLTIP_SHOES Shoes -TOOLTIP_SKILL Skills SNA -TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Skill Book -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Attack Value: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Attack Value: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Defence: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Opponent Attack Value: - -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restore HP: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed: + -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to reflect close combat attack: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Resistance against Body Damage: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Loading Time: -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Resistance against Skill Damage %d%% SA -TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Duration: %d Sek. -TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Band of Oblivion -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Current Level: %d (Master) -TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Current Level: %d (Max. %d) -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Empty -TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Item with Socket] -TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%d%% SA -TOOLTIP_STR Strength +%d SA -TOOLTIP_SURA Sura -TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unique -TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Warrior -TOOLTIP_WEAPON Weapon -TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Wristlet -UI_ACCEPT Accept -UI_CANCEL Cancel -UI_CLOSE Close -UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:12 -UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:14 -UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:9 -UI_DENY Decline -UI_ITEM Item -UI_LEFT_TIME Remaining Time: %d Sec. -UI_NEXT Continue -UI_NOCONTENTS No Content -UI_NONAME No Name -UI_OK OK -UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unknown Place -UI_UNKNOWN Unknown -UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. -USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot use this item because you opened a private shop. -USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Skill Error: %s diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/locale_interface.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/locale_interface.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 8672cae6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/locale_interface.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -ACCEPT Accept -ATTACH_METIN_INFO Do you want to use the Spirit Stone? -ATTACH_METIN_TITLE Use Spirit Stone -CANCEL Cancel -CHANGE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM Confirm new Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEW New Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_OLD Old Password -CHANGE_PASSWORD_TITLE Password Change -CHARACTER_ACTION Emotion -CHARACTER_EMOTICON Emotion -CHARACTER_MAIN Character -CHARACTER_MUTUAL_ACTION Mutual Emotion -CHARACTER_NORMAL_ACTION Normal Emotion -CHARACTER_QUEST Missions -CHARACTER_SKILL Skill -CLOSE Close -CREATE_ATT_GRADE STR -CREATE_CREATE Create -CREATE_DEX_GRADE DEX -CREATE_HP HP -CREATE_LAST_POINT Points -CREATE_MAN Man -CREATE_NAME Name -CREATE_NEXT Next -CREATE_PREV Back -CREATE_SEX Gender -CREATE_SHAPE Shape -CREATE_SP SP -CREATE_STAT_RESET Reset -CREATE_WOMAN Woman -CUBE_TITLE Cube -EMPIRE_EXIT Exit -EMPIRE_NEXT Next -EMPIRE_PREV Back -EMPIRE_SELECT Choose -EXCHANGE_ACCEPT Accept -EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade -GAMEOPTION_TITLE Game Options -GAME_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode -GAME_HELP Help -GAME_QUEST Tasks -GAME_SKILL_UP Raise Skills -GAME_STAT_UP Raise State -GUILD_BASENAME Base Name -GUILD_BOARD_ID Name -GUILD_BOARD_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BOARD_TEXT Content -GUILD_BUILDING_CATEGORY_TITLE Building Units -GUILD_BUILDING_CHANGE Change -GUILD_BUILDING_DIRECTION Direction -GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank -GUILD_BUILDING_INFO Buildings and Cost Information -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TITLE Building List -GUILD_BUILDING_LOG Log -GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Building name -GUILD_BUILDING_OPERATE Operate -GUILD_BUILDING_PLY Plywood -GUILD_BUILDING_POSITION Position -GUILD_BUILDING_PREVIEW Preview -GUILD_BUILDING_PRICE Price -GUILD_BUILDING_REFRESH Refresh (F5) -GUILD_BUILDING_STONE Stone -GUILD_BUILDING_TITLE Guild House Building -GUILD_CRYSTAL Crystal -GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE1 Here -GUILD_DROP_RESOURCE2 Drop Resource -GUILD_GEM Gem -GUILD_GRADE_CHANGE_GRADE_NAME New rank name -GUILD_GRADE_NUM Nr. -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_DELETE Kick -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_JOIN Invite -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_NOTICE Write -GUILD_GRADE_PERMISSION_SKILL Skills -GUILD_GRADE_RANK Rank -GUILD_GRADE_WRITE Write -GUILD_INFO Guild Information -GUILD_INFO_CUR_EXP Experience -GUILD_INFO_DECALRE_WAR Declare War -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD Enemy Guild -GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None -GUILD_INFO_LEVEL Guild Level -GUILD_INFO_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_INFO_MASTER Leader -GUILD_INFO_MASTER_VALUE Leader -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_AVG_LEVEL Average Level -GUILD_INFO_MEMBER_NUM Members -GUILD_INFO_NAME Guild name -GUILD_INFO_NAME_VALUE This is a Guild Name -GUILD_INFO_OFFER_EXP Invest -GUILD_INFO_REST_EXP Needed Exp. -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_MARK Upload Sign -GUILD_INFO_UPLOAD_SYMBOL Upload Flag -GUILD_MARK Guild Sign -GUILD_MEMBER_JOB Race -GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT Leader -GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL Level -GUILD_MEMBER_NAME Name -GUILD_MEMBER_RANK Rank -GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY Invest -GUILD_METIN_STONE Spirit Stone -GUILD_MINENAL Mineral -GUILD_MONEY Yang -GUILD_NAME Guild -GUILD_RESOURCE_INFO Resources Information -GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE Active -GUILD_SKIlL_HEAL_GSP Win back Power -GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE Passive -GUILD_SKILL_POWER Power -GUILD_SKILL_STATE Skills of the Guild -GUILD_SYMBOL Guild Flag -GUILD_WAR_ACCEPT Accept War Declaration -GUILD_WAR_BATTLE_TYPE Battle Type -GUILD_WAR_CTF Flag -GUILD_WAR_DECLARE Declare Guild War -GUILD_WAR_ENEMY Enemy -GUILD_WAR_NORMAL Field -GUILD_WAR_WARP Arena -GUILD_WATER Water -GUILD_WATER_STONE Waterstone -GUILD_WITHDRAW Take -HELP_ATTACK_KEY Attack: left mouse button or space bar -HELP_CHANGE_PK_MODE Change attack mode: change setting of left mouse button -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON1 (Character Window, Inventory Window, -HELP_CHARACTER_BUTTON2 List of Friends and Options) -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_MIDDLEBUTTON Camera View: middle or right mouse button -HELP_CONTROL_CAMERA_BY_RIGHTBUTTON Camera View: right or middle mouse button -HELP_EXP Experience -HELP_FURY Ingame Item Shop -HELP_GUILD_WINDOW Open Guild Window: Alt + G -HELP_HELP Display help: H -HELP_HP Hit Points (TP) -HELP_MESSENGER_WINDOW Open Friends List: Alt + M -HELP_MOUSE_LEFT Function of the Left Mouse button -HELP_MOUSE_RIGHT Function of the Right Mouse button -HELP_MOVE_KEY Panel: W, A, S, D or arrow keys -HELP_OPEN_CHARACTER Open character window: C -HELP_OPEN_CHAT Open chat window: Enter -HELP_OPEN_INVENTORY Open inventory window: I -HELP_OPEN_LOG Open Chatlog: L -HELP_OPEN_MINIMAP Open mini map: Shift + M -HELP_OPEN_QUEST Open Task Window: N -HELP_OPEN_SKILL Open Skill Window: V -HELP_OPEN_WHISPER Open Whisper Window: Shift + Enter -HELP_OPEN_ZONEMAP Open Large Map: M -HELP_PICK_ITEM Collect Items: ^ or Y or left mouse button -HELP_QUICKSLOT Fast Access Fields -HELP_SCREEN_CAPTURE Save Screenshot: Print (will be saved in file "Metin2\\screenshot") -HELP_SHOW_ALL_NAME Display Names: Alt -HELP_SP Mana points (MP) -HELP_SYSTEM_BUTTON System buttons -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_1 1. Inventory -INVENTORY_PAGE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_2 2. Inventory -INVENTORY_TITLE Inventory -ITEM_MALL Item Shop -LOAD_ERROR The File is damaged. Please install new. Press ESC now. -LOGIN_CONNECT Connect -LOGIN_CONNECTING You will be connected to the Server -LOGIN_DEFAULT_SERVERADDR Servername, Channel 1 -LOGIN_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_REGION_TITLE Choose Place for issuing an invoice. -LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON Choose -LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT Exit -LOGIN_SELECT_OK OK -LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE Choose Server -MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password -MALL_TITLE Item Shop Storeroom -MARKET_TITLE Load -MARKLIST_REFRESH Refresh -MARKLIST_TITLE Register Guild Sign -MESSAGE This is a Message -MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add friend -MESSENGER_DELETE_FRIEND Delete friend -MESSENGER_MOBILE Send Text Message -MESSENGER_OPEN_GUILD Open Guild Window -MESSENGER_TITLE Friends -MESSENGER_USE_GUILD_MOVE_SKILL Use the Guild Moving Skill -MESSENGER_WHISPER Whisper -MINIMIZE Minimize -MOUSEBUTTON_ATTACK Attack -MOUSEBUTTON_AUTO_ATTACK Attack automatically -MOUSEBUTTON_CAMERA Camera -MOUSEBUTTON_SKILL Skills -MUSICLIST_TITLE Music Choices -NO No -OK OK -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME Name -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_OFF Limited -OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME_ON Always -OPTION_BLOCK Block -OPTION_BLOCK_EXCHANGE Trade -OPTION_BLOCK_FRIEND Friends -OPTION_BLOCK_GUILD Guild -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY Group -OPTION_BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST Request -OPTION_BLOCK_WHISPER Whisper -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE Camera -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_LONG Far -OPTION_CAMERA_DISTANCE_SHORT Close -OPTION_DELETE_MOBILE_BUTTON Delete Cell Phone Number -OPTION_EFFECT Hit Info -OPTION_FOG Fog -OPTION_FOG_DENSE Dense -OPTION_FOG_LIGHT Light -OPTION_FOG_MIDDLE Middle -OPTION_INPUT_MOBILE_BUTTON Enter Cell Phone Number -OPTION_MOBILE Cell Phone -OPTION_MUSIC Music -OPTION_MUSIC_CHANGE Change -OPTION_MUSIC_DEFAULT_THEMA Standard Music of Metin2 -OPTION_NAME_COLOR Name Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_EMPIRE Empire Color -OPTION_NAME_COLOR_NORMAL Normal -OPTION_PVPMODE PvP Mode -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE Free -OPTION_PVPMODE_FREE_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players. -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD Guild -OPTION_PVPMODE_GUILD_TOOLTIP You are allowed to attack all players but your Guild members. -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE Peace -OPTION_PVPMODE_PEACE_TOOLTIP You cannot attack players from your kingdom. -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE Hostile -OPTION_PVPMODE_REVENGE_TOOLTIP You can only attack those who have another Ethos. -OPTION_SOUND Sound Effects -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD Target Menu -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_NO_VIEW Close -OPTION_TARGET_BOARD_VIEW Show -OPTION_TILING Graphic -OPTION_TILING_APPLY Apply -OPTION_TILING_CPU CPU -OPTION_TILING_GPU GPU -OPTION_TITLE Options -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT Chat Line -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_OFF Hide -OPTION_VIEW_CHAT_ON Show -PARTY_MEMBER_INFO_NAME Name of the Group member -PASSWORD_TITLE Saving Password -PICK_MONEY_TITLE Divide -PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_BUTTON Close shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_NAME Name of the shop -PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE Open private shop -REFINE_COST Upgrading Costs: 0 Yang -REFINE_INFO Chance to upgrade successfully: 100% -REFINE_TTILE Upgrades -RESTART_HERE Restart here -RESTART_TOWN Restart in the City -SAFE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Change Password -SAFE_TITLE Storeroom -SELECT_ATT_GRADE STR -SELECT_CREATE Create -SELECT_DELETE Delete -SELECT_DEX_GRADE DEX -SELECT_EMPIRE_NAME Name of Kingdom -SELECT_EXIT Close -SELECT_HP HP -SELECT_LEVEL Level -SELECT_METIN_STONE_TITLE Select Spirit Stone -SELECT_NAME Name -SELECT_NO_GUILD No Guild -SELECT_PLAYTIME Playtime (min.) -SELECT_SELECT Start -SELECT_SP SP -SELECT_TITLE Choose Title -SHOP_BUY Buy -SHOP_SELL Sell -SHOP_TITLE Shop -SKILL_SUPPORT_TITLE Standard Skills -SYSTEMOPTION_TITLE System Options -SYSTEM_CHANGE Change Character -SYSTEM_EXIT Exit Game -SYSTEM_HELP Help -SYSTEM_LOGOUT Log Out -SYSTEM_MALL Item Shop -SYSTEM_OPTION System Options -TASKBAR_CHARACTER Character[C/V/B/N] -TASKBAR_CHAT Chat Window -TASKBAR_INVENTORY Inventory[I] -TASKBAR_MESSENGER Friends -TASKBAR_NEXT_QUICKSLOT Next Fast Access Field [Shift+Number, Alt] -TASKBAR_PREV_QUICKSLOT Previous Fast Access Field [Shift+Number] -TASKBAR_SYSTEM Options[ESC] -WHISPER_BAN Block -WHISPER_NAME Whisper -WHISPER_SEND Send -YES Yes -ZONE_MAP Large Map diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_a2_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_a2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cca842..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_a2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 147200 7300 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 13100 74600 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 64000 143600 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_b2_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_b2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 22c62175..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_b2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 74600 143800 "汗沥泅" -1 WARP 141200 14200 "辑茄魂" -2 WARP 134700 138300 "档堪拳瘤" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_c2_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_c2_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index aaa958a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_c2_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 140900 13900 "冠扼泅" -1 WARP 16500 133900 "康厚荤阜" -2 WARP 11200 10900 "辑茄魂" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5d0065b2..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/map_n_snowm_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 139600 15200 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 15500 28700 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 75200 141800 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 34e9f0d8..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 59600 55700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 59600 60500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 67800 56500 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 67400 60700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 63300 62200 "畴颇" -5 WARP 40500 7300 "磊剧泅" -6 NPC 35400 32700 "绢何" -7 NPC 32500 40500 "绢何" -8 NPC 25100 87400 "绢何" -9 NPC 19500 93700 "绢何" -10 NPC 30400 118600 "绢何" -11 NPC 52500 114700 "绢何" -12 NPC 59100 116600 "绢何" -13 NPC 68000 37900 "绢何" -14 NPC 82100 29700 "绢何" -15 NPC 73100 65900 "绢何" -16 WARP 7600 60100 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index de12490b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_a3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 45000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 47100 60800 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 42200 60800 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 43000 57400 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 48700 66600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 94800 80400 "康救谰己" -6 WARP 10000 15000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ecd5cbe0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 67600 66200 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 67600 61700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 59000 68900 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 60900 59600 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 58800 63300 "畴颇" -5 WARP 87600 112700 "汗沥泅" -6 NPC 67500 53900 "绢何" -7 NPC 74200 87900 "绢何" -8 NPC 20600 55200 "绢何" -9 NPC 21800 67900 "绢何" -10 NPC 22100 86500 "绢何" -11 NPC 23100 97600 "绢何" -12 NPC 23400 107700 "绢何" -13 WARP 90800 8700 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5de91bb0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_b3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 44800 38700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 46100 37400 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38900 35600 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 47100 34700 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41900 30900 "畴颇" -5 WARP 10600 8800 "炼救谰己" -6 WARP 77200 14000 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a52f83a3..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c1_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 43000 60800 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 40300 58500 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 38300 69300 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 31500 56000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 41700 67100 "畴颇" -5 WARP 13700 12600 "冠扼泅" -6 NPC 71100 23400 "绢何" -7 NPC 73200 39000 "绢何" -8 NPC 77200 47200 "绢何" -9 NPC 76300 80900 "绢何" -10 NPC 77300 90500 "绢何" -11 NPC 42800 48000 "绢何" -12 NPC 38600 84900 "绢何" -13 NPC 81900 31500 "绢何" -14 WARP 12500 111800 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f2bf8941..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_c3_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 NPC 46000 46700 "公扁惑痢 林牢" -1 NPC 43500 46700 "规绢备惑痢 林牢" -2 NPC 48400 38700 "棱拳惑痢 林牢" -3 NPC 39400 39000 "辑乞馆痢 且酒滚瘤" -4 NPC 43300 37600 "畴颇" -5 WARP 90100 15100 "乞公谰己" -6 WARP 13600 89900 "畴牢" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index f779ea1c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_desert_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10900 142700 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 139300 13500 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 14900 13500 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 77293102..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/map/metin2_map_n_flame_01_point.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -//num type x y 钎矫咆胶飘 -//type : "OPC", "OPCPVP", "OPCPVPSELF", "NPC", "MONSTER", "WARP", "WAYPOINT" -//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0 WARP 10300 144600 "磊剧泅" -1 WARP 7600 6000 "汗沥泅" -2 WARP 145800 75100 "冠扼泅" diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/mob_proto b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/mob_proto deleted file mode 100644 index f084c338..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/mob_proto and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/skilldesc.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/skilldesc.txt deleted file mode 100644 index a0789413..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/skilldesc.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -1 WARRIOR Three-Way Cut Triple Cut Triple Slash Cut the enemy with lightning speed. Frontal Slash Attack 3 times Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 1 4 Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3 -106 SHAMAN Lightning Throw Lightning Toss Thunder Hurl Attack with Thunderbolts. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN Summon Lightning Lightning Launch Thunder Bolt Summon Thunderbolts from the sky. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Lightning Attribute Fainting Effect ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k Faint Chance: %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN Lightning Claw Lightning Punch Thunder Punch Summon a Thunderbolt to your fist. Long-Range Attack Lightning Attribute Chain Reaction Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN Cure Heal Aid of Light Heal wounds with the aid of light. Restores HP Cures Negative Effects Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 19 4 Restore HP %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k Cures Negative Effects Chance %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN Swiftness Quickness Speed of Wind Run as fast as the Wind. Increase Moving Speed Reduce Casting Speed Usable on a party member CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 20 4 Moving Speed +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) Casting Speed +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN Attack+ Support Attack Strengthened Attack Strengthen a partner. Increases Attack Power Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 21 4 Attack Power +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT Leadership Ability to lead partners. PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT Combo Increase Combo attack. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT Fishing Fishing knowledge. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT Mining Ability to mine ore. PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT Item Creation Create an item. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT Shinsoo Language You can understand the Shinsoo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT Chunjo Language You can understand the Chunjo language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT Jinno Language You can understand the Jinno language. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT Polymorph Transform into a monster. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT Horse Riding Ability to ride a horse. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT Call Horse Summon a horse. summon -137 HORSE Horseback Slash Attack enemies whilst riding a horse. (from lv. 50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 1 -138 HORSE Horse Stump Attack all nearby enemies. (from level 52) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 1 -139 HORSE Power Wave Attack all enemies from your horse. (from lv.55) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 1 -140 HORSE Arrow Storm Shoot arrows while you are riding. (from lv.50) Riding Skill ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 1 5 -151 GUILD Dragon Eyes Increase Maximum Dragon Ghost. PASSIVE yongan Max. Dragon Ghost Increase +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD Blood of Dragon God Increase Max HP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 1 Max. HP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD Benediction of Dragon God Increase Max SP of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 1 Max. SP Increase +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD Holy Armour Increase defence of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 1 Defence Increase +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD Acceleration Increase attack and motion speed of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 1 Attack Speed and Motion Increase +%.1f k * 30 -156 GUILD Rage of Dragon God Increase Critical Hit Chance of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 1 Increase Critical Hit Chance +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD Casting Aid Decrease cool down time of all guild members for a period of time. Guild War Only ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 1 Casting Speed Increase +%.0f%% k * 50 -16 WARRIOR Spirit Strike (W) Shockwave Tsunami Attack Attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 16 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR Bash Tiger Bash Dragon Bash Attack enemies directly. Straight Splash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 17 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR Stump Lion Stump Rhino Stump Knock over several enemies. Straight Splash Attack Fainting Effect Chance ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint Faint Chance %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR Strong Body Iron Body Steel Body Increases defence and you won't fall on the ground. Increases defence Decreases Moving Speed. You won't fall over STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 19 4 Defence: +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k Moving Speed: -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -2 WARRIOR Sword Spin Sword Dance Cyclone Spin the sword to attack several enemies. Frontal Slash Attack Attack on Multiple Targets ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR Sword Strike Sword Bolt Sword Hurl Attack enemies directly. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Fainting Effect Throws the target on the ground ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k Faint Chance %.0f%% (100+k*1000/6)/10 -3 WARRIOR Berserk Fury Frenzy Only concentrate on attacking. Increases Attack Speed Increases Moving Speed Increases Received Damage STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 3 4 Attack Speed +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint Moving Speed +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint -31 ASSASSIN Ambush Stealth Attack Stealth Ambush Approach an enemy from behind and make a deadly attack. Attack Power increases for back hits. Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k -32 ASSASSIN Fast Attack Body Relocation Death Strike Approach an enemy fast and make a deadly attack. Teleport Attack Stealth Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) (maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k) -33 ASSASSIN Rolling Dagger Spinning Dagger Dancing Dagger Whirl around enemies with a dagger. Splash Attack Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 3 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN Stealth Silent Walk Cloaking You can hide yourself. Stops attacks when used. STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 4 4 Ambush Bonus Damage: %.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN Poisonous Cloud Deadly Cloud Killing Cloud Make poisonous clouds around the enemy and intoxicate them. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 40*k -4 WARRIOR Aura of the Sword Spiritual Sword Phantom Sword Increases Attack Power for a period of time. Increases Attack Power STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 4 4 Attack Power +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -46 ASSASSIN Repetitive Shot Multi-Shot Massive Shot Shoot several arrows at one enemy. Long-Range Attack Several Attacks ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 16 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k shot arrows: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN Arrow Shower Dynamic Arrow Arrow Rain Shoot several arrows at several enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 17 4 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) Attack Power %.0f-%0.f minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k*0.8 Max. number of targets: %.0f 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN Fire Arrow Burning Arrow Flame Arrow Ignite the arrow. Long Range Attack Attack on Multiple Targets Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 18 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k -49 ASSASSIN Feather Walk Wind Walk God's speed Make your body lighter to increase moving speed. Increases moving speed STANDING_SKILL gyeonggong 19 4 Moving Speed +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR Dash Bullet Dash Powerful Attack You attack as fast as a Bullet Powerful Splash Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 5 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN Poison Arrow Toxic Arrow Deadly Arrow Coat the arrow with powerful poison. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Throws the target to the ground. Lasting Poison Attack ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 20 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k Toxication Chance %.0f%% 80*k -61 SURA Finger Strike Burning Finger Strike Finger Explosion Cause a big explosion with your fingertips. Frontal Splash Attack Opponent's defence is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 1 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k Chance of Piercing Hit %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA Dragon Swirl Tornado Swirl Whirlwind Create a strong tornado to defeat several enemies. Splash Attack Opponent is ignored Intelligence Bonus ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 2 4 Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k 1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k Chance to ignore an opponent's escape %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA Enchanted Blade Enchanted Sword Ghost Blade Endow your blade with a powerful ghost. Increases Attack Power Intelligence Bonus Steal Life from target STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 3 4 Attack Power +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13)*k Life thief: %.0f%% of damage 10*k -64 SURA Fear Great Fear Terror Weakens the enemies abilities Decrease opponent Increase chance that opponents miss the target It's only activated when you get a hit STANDING_SKILL gongpo 4 4 Opponent Attack Power -%.0f%% 5 + 20*SkillPoint Opponent 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA Enchanted Armour Stronger Enchanted Armour Armour of Darkness Protect your body with dark armour. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Increases Defence Intelligence Bonus STANDING_SKILL jumagap 5 4 Defence +%.0f (iq+30)*k Reflected Close-Combat Damage: %.1f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA Dispel Stronger Dispel Dispel Attack Remove all opponent's supporting effects. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets All effects on opponent are removed ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 6 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k Dispel Chance %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA Dark Strike Ghost Strike Dark Explosion Throw the Dark Force to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 16 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k 40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k -77 SURA Flame Strike Burning Strike Flame Detonation Burn enemies with an explosion. Splash Attack Fire Attack ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k -78 SURA Flame Spirit Flame Array Flame Explosion Call a Flame Spirit. Long-Range Attack Random Target Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 18 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA Dark Protection Dark Membrane Protection of Dark Lord Protects you with the Dark Force and converts physical damage into SP. Reduces Magic Damage Increases Defence STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 19 4 Damage Reduction %.0f%% (iq*0.84)*k Defence +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA Spirit Strike Soul Strike Spirit Assault Throw Dark Spirits to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets Opponents are slowed down ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 20 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k Chance of slowing down %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 -81 SURA Dark Orb Dark Globe Dark Sphere Throw Dark Orbs to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 21 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN Flying Talisman Dragon Throw Massive Throw Throw a talisman to damage enemies. Long-Range Attack Attack on multiple targets ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 1 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*Lv. + (20*IQ+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN Shooting Dragon Attacking Dragon Rising Dragon Shoot a dragon figure to attack enemies directly. Frontal Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 2 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k Chance of lasting fire %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -93 SHAMAN Dragon's Roar Dragon's Scream Dragon's Cry Attack enemies with a dragon figure. Splash Attack Lasting Fire Damage ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 3 4 Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k 70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k Lasting Fire Chance %.0f%% iq*0.2*k -94 SHAMAN Blessing Heaven Dragon Protect your partner or yourself with a protection circle. Physical Attack Resistance Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 4 Physical Attack Resistance %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN Reflect Reflecting Water Crystal Mirror Protect your partner or yourself with a reflecting circle. Reflects damage back onto the attacker Can be used on group members CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 5 4 Reflected Physical Attack Damage: %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN Dragon's Strength Dragon's Support Dragon Power Strengthens you or your partner's attack. Increases chance of a critical hit Can be used on groups CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 6 4 Chance of critical hit %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/skilltable.txt b/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 53c1691f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+(0.5*atk+1.5*str)*k) 40+100*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 200 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk+(0.8*atk+str*5+dex*3+con)*k) 50+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 200 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 14 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str+lv*3)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 33+50*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 15 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(4*atk+str*4+con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 100 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk+(3*atk+str*4+con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 1 0 200 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(2*atk+2*dex+2*con+str*4)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 1 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (200+str*0.2+con*0.5)*k 80+220*k 60+90*k 63+90*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 16 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.7*atk+dex*2+str*2)*k)*0.8 30+130*k 18 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk+(2.6*atk+number(100,300))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+0.2*atk*floor(2+k*6)+(0.8*atk+dex*8*ar)*k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 17 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(500,700)+dex*4+str*4)*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.6*atk+number(200,300)+dex*7+str*7)*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(0.5*atk+dex*9+str*7)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 18 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(13*iq+6*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+6*mwep+str*4+con*2+number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30+2*lv+2*iq+(7*iq+6*mwep+number(200,500))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 43+30*k ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+2*lv+2*iq+(2*con+2*dex+13*iq+6*mwep+number(180,200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk+2*lv+iq*2+(2*atk+str*4+iq*14)*k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk+2*lv+iq*2+(1.5*atk+str+iq*12)*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (3*iq+2*lv)*k 20+240*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 19 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1+29*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 20 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 33+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 21 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+5*lv+(18*iq+6*mwep+120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+3*lv+(22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq*k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 22 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3+5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 23 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60+4*lv+(7*iq+8*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40+4*lv+(13*iq+7*mwep+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50+5*lv+(6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k)*(1-chain*0.13) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mwep+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5+35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 24 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 63+120*k SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 25 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70+4*lv+(20*iq+5*mwep+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 201 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*7+con)*k) 60+120*k 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk+(atk+dex*3+str*5+con)*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk+str*3+dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk+(1.2*atk+number(100,200)+dex*6+str*2)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40+5*lv+2*iq+(10*iq+7*mwep+number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120+6*lv+(5*con+5*dex+29*iq+9*mwep)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 29 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2+15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 30 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k 0 NONE 0 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 20 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 5-(4*k) ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(2.4*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH_LONG MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(2*(200+1.5*lv)+(3*200*k)) 60+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(atk+(2*atk*k)) 60+80*k 10 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -124 盲堡贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -129 敌癌贱 0 1 40 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/locale_en/locale/en/ui/createcharacterwindow.py 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ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 16 46 76 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MinWEP) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MaxWEP) * SkillPoint -3 WARRIOR 战魂 金刚怒 破釜沉舟 做为勇士将以牺牲防御为代价来提升可怕的攻击力 提高攻击速度 增加移动速度 受攻击伤害 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 12 42 72 攻击速度 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 移动速度 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint 受攻击伤害 %.0f%% 80 * SkillPoint -4 WARRIOR 剑气 藏心剑 身剑合一 将真气灌注于武器之上发挥极致威力,产生可怕的伤害 只适用于近身攻击 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 7 37 67 攻击力 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint -5 WARRIOR 猛杀 岩碎 石破天惊 使用坚实的身体,快速靠近敌人并猛击对方,产生巨大伤害 突击范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CHARGE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 11 41 71 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint -16 WARRIOR 飘叶斩 断月波 八风夜雨 飘曳一般快速划出一道弧光,将敌人撕裂 前方范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 5 35 65 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + STR + 3*MinWEP + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + STR + 3*MaxWEP + CON)*SkillPoint -17 WARRIOR 跳斩 虎跃 龙翔九天 集全身之量于兵刃上,高高跃起,劈向前方,使敌人受到猛烈的攻击 直线范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 3 33 63 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*MinWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*MaxWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint -18 WARRIOR 震撼 狮吼 盘古镇天 运起周身真气,产生巨大气流,对周围敌人造成伤害的同时将他们震飞 原地范围攻击 一定概率产生击晕的效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 1 31 61 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint 晕击概率 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10 -19 WARRIOR 千斤坠 铁布衫 固若金汤 瞬间提升防御力,到达一定等级后将稳如泰山,任何猛烈的攻击都无法被打倒。 提升防御力 降低移动速度 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 10 40 70 防御力 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.5*con)*k 移动速度 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint -20 WARRIOR 剑风 斩气诀 剑气冲霄 快速挥动手中武器产生强大的气流,以迅雷不及掩耳之势打击敌人 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击晕效果 击飞敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 17 47 77 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + 3*(dex + str + MinWEP))*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + 3*(dex + str + MaxWEP))*k 晕击概率 %.0f (100+k*1000/6)/10 -31 ASSASSIN 暗袭 隐击 流光诛仙 隐藏自己的行踪,靠近敌人背后,给予致命一击,产生伤害 后方偷袭时提升攻击力 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 2 32 62 攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (minatk + 500 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k maxatk + (maxatk + 700 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k -32 ASSASSIN 魅影 无影剑 乱影降魔 凭借灵敏的身手,快速接近敌人并给对方以致命一击,防不胜防 瞬间移动攻击 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 0 30 60 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6*minatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k) (maxatk + (1.6*maxatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k) -33 ASSASSIN 乾坤旋 舞轮斩 覆雨翻云 倒转身形,以快速旋转的攻击方式攻击敌人,同时得以逃脱。 逃脱时范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 6 36 66 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MinWEP*3)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MaxWEP*3)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k -34 ASSASSIN 隐身 千变术 遮天避日 隐藏自己的身形,令敌人无法察觉,更加发挥背后攻击的威力 攻击时解除 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 8 38 68 追加伤害值 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint -35 ASSASSIN 毒雾 碧磷烟 含沙射影 在自己周围制造一片浓密的毒雾,任何靠近它的敌人都难免受到毒的侵袭 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 13 43 73 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(2*minatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k lv*2+(2*maxatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 40*k 中毒时间 %.0f秒 5+25*k -46 ASSASSIN 连射 贯日箭 气贯长虹 聚集自身的力量,对同一个敌人连续发出多支威力巨大的弩箭,持续造成伤害 远程攻击 多次攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 1 31 61 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+(dex*4 + MinWEP)*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+(dex*4 + MaxWEP)*ar) *k 射%.0f支箭 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -47 ASSASSIN 乱箭 雨针箭 千蜂锐刺 一次射出多支弩箭,对前方敌人产生多处伤害,令敌人无法躲避 远程攻击 同时攻击多个对象 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 5 35 65 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 攻击力 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (minatk + dex + str + 0.5*MinWEP)*k maxatk + (maxatk + dex + str + 0.5*MaxWEP)*k 最大可以攻击%.0f名 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) -48 ASSASSIN 怒箭 武力箭 神武镇天 箭矢上带有火焰,并贯以强大的力量,灼烧敌人的同时给予伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 10 40 70 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.3*minatk)*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.3*maxatk + 100)*k -49 ASSASSIN 轻功 神行 踏雪无痕 身轻如燕,可快速的行走,远离敌人的攻击。 提高移动速度 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gyeonggong 3 33 63 移动速度 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint -50 ASSASSIN 毒箭 蚀骨箭 追魂夺命 箭矢上涂有剧毒,无人能解,使敌人中箭的同时受到毒的侵蚀 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击飞敌人 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 15 45 75 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + dex*2 + str + MinWEP)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 100 + dex*2 + str + MaxWEP)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 80*k 中毒时间 %.0f秒 15+30*k -61 SURA 碎灵指 裂仙爪 天崩地裂 发挥魔指的强大力量,有碎岩切山之力,引起强烈的爆炸,攻击敌人 前方范围攻击 无视对方防御效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 11 41 71 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MinWEP) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MaxWEP) * k 忽视对方防御概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -62 SURA 龙卷波 旋风阵 狂神诛仙 借助魔王的力量,召唤猛烈的龙卷风,给周围造成巨大伤害 原地范围攻击 无视对方闪避效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 16 46 76 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.1*minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + 3*MinWEP + iq*6) * k 1.1*maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + 3*MaxWEP + iq*6) * k 忽视对方闪避概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint -63 SURA 剑魔 斩灵剑 屠龙在天 将黑暗的力量贯注于武器中,使它发挥灵气,以增强伤害 近身物理攻击发挥作用 随智力增加伤害 吸血攻击 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 5 35 65 攻击力 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13) * k 把 %.0f%% 伤害值转换成吸收生命力 10*k -64 SURA 恐惧 血祭 叱炼狂魔 让敌人感到极度的恐惧,丧失各项能力,变得更加脆弱 降低对方攻击力 对方攻击失败概率增加 受伤害的时候适用 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gongpo 3 33 63 相对攻击力 -%.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint 使对方攻击失败概率 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint -65 SURA 噬体 魂盾 天魔附体 呼唤魔王的黑暗盔甲,围绕周身保护自己不受侵害 受到伤害时反射一部分伤害 提高防御力 随智力增加伤害 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE jumagap 6 36 66 防御力 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 物理攻击反射概率 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k -66 SURA 驱散 散元术 腐骨销魂 用邪恶的咒语来诅咒敌人,驱散敌人身上的辅助性魔法 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 驱除对方辅助法术 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 10 40 70 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 消除辅助效果概率 %.0f%% 50*k -76 SURA 魔灵 鬼怨 夺魂摄魄 从地狱中吸取怨气,集结成黑暗力量给对方造成伤害 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 1 31 61 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k -77 SURA 黑龙咒 狱龙魄 魔龙噬天 从邪恶守护者黑龙体内爆发强烈的火焰,焚烧周围的敌人 原地范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 47 77 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180)*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200)*k -78 SURA 魂灵 魔焰 狱火焚烧 忠诚而邪恶的魔灵,守护着主人,将攻击所有靠近主人的敌人 远程攻击 任意选择攻击对象 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 15 45 75 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k -79 SURA 黑魔咒 御魂术 天哭地泣 瞬间爆发黑暗力量,产生阻挡一切的气流,在消耗大量精力的同时保护自己 精力值代替生命值受到的伤害 提高防御力 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 2 32 62 伤害值衰减率 %.0f%% (15 + iq*0.5)*k 防御力 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k -80 SURA 束缚 困身 寸步难行 运用恶魔的力量控制丛生的荆棘,对敌人造成影响,降低对方的移动速度 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 移动速度减慢 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 9 39 69 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 缓慢概率 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 缓慢时间 : %.0f 10 + (10 * SkillPoint) -81 SURA 旋魔 血玲珑 乾坤黯然 凌空跃起,将手中的邪恶力量聚集成一道黑色漩涡丢出,攻击远处的敌人 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 7 37 67 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k -91 SHAMAN 灵光 归元波 五彩云霞 聚集天地间的灵气形成五彩光球,给周围的敌人造成巨大的冲击 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 0 30 60 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*minmtk+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*maxmtk+50)*ar*k -92 SHAMAN 龙影 龙吟 潜龙傲天 祈祷神龙的保护,在身边浮现出多只龙神的影子,保护自己的同时攻击敌人 直线范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 5 35 65 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*minmtk + 120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*maxmtk + 120)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 持续火焰攻击力 %.0f lv+5*iq *k -93 SHAMAN 龙咒 龙啸 千龙摆尾 听到召唤的神龙,借助元神的强大力量,吞噬所有敌人 原地范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 6 36 66 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*minmtk+100)*ar*k 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*maxmtk+100)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 持续火焰攻击力 %.0f lv+5*iq *k -94 SHAMAN 结界 天壁 真龙护体 使用龙鳞组成的护甲带有极强的防御力,使得受护者更加安全 抵抗物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 34 64 物理攻击抵抗 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -95 SHAMAN 倒影阵 水镜阵 天罡正气 如镜一般的护盾保护着使用者,将反弹敌人的攻击,不受伤害 反射物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 14 44 74 物理攻击反射概率 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k -96 SHAMAN 凝神 天龙魂 龙神圣威 借助龙神的力量与斗志,增强自身的攻击力 致命攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 12 42 72 致命打击概率 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) -106 SHAMAN 落雷 惊天雷 电闪雷鸣 神女借助天神的威力,给予敌人强大的电击伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 23 53 83 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*minmtk+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*maxmtk+iq*15)*ar*k -107 SHAMAN 劈雷 燎闪 晴天霹雳 雷神的守护给予神女强大的支配能力,使其具有强大的雷电攻击能力 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 击晕效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 47 77 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 3*lv + (3*iq+12*mtk+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (3*iq+12*maxmtk+iq*16)*ar*k 晕击概率 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10 -108 SHAMAN 暴雷 怒天雷 五雷轰顶 飞箭一般的雷电,不断穿梭于敌人之中,由此产生持久的的伤害 远程攻击 电属性 连续攻击周边敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 7 37 67 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmtk+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*ar*k) -109 SHAMAN 光浴 光神 佛光普照 大地之母给予使用者更多的精力来帮助恢复生命,免除死亡的威胁 恢复生命力 恢复异常状态 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 2 32 62 生命力恢复 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmtk+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*k 恢复异常状态概率 %.0f%% 20+80*k -110 SHAMAN 飘仙 轻衣 飘渺踏云 乘风而飘,如同仙履,增加移动速度 提高移动速度 减少诅咒时间 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 9 39 69 移动速度 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 释放速度 +%.0f%% 3+33*k -111 SHAMAN 神曲 强魄术 魂雷圣体 犹如神韵,激发潜能,产生更大的爆发力,提高对敌人的伤害 提高基本攻击力 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 29 59 89 攻击力 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k -121 SUPPORT 统帅 提升领导能力,提高组队效率 PASSIVE tongsol -122 SUPPORT 招式 增加招式变化,增加攻击次数 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo -123 SUPPORT 钓鱼 提高钓鱼能力,更容易捕捉到鱼 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing -124 SUPPORT 采矿 提升采矿能力,更容易采集到高级矿石 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE mining -125 SUPPORT 锻造 提升锻造能力,制作更多的物品 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making -126 SUPPORT 唐文宝典 提升盛唐国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1 -127 SUPPORT 秦文宝典 提升秦皇国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2 -128 SUPPORT 汉文宝典 提升汉武国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3 -129 SUPPORT 幻化 角色将随机变幻成怪物的形态,并拥有一些额外的属性. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph -130 SUPPORT 骑乘 骑马的能力 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE riding -131 SUPPORT 召唤 召唤马匹 summon 10 -137 HORSE 追风斩 骑马奔跑并攻击周围的敌人 马背技能 HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL wildattack 121 121 121 50 -138 HORSE 摧敌讨 击倒前方拦截的敌人 马背技能 HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 122 122 52 -139 HORSE 威陵破 攻击周围的敌人 马背技能 HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL splash 123 123 123 55 -140 HORSE 秋叶乱箭 射向拦截的前方敌人 马背技能 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 121 121 5 50 -151 GUILD 龙魂 增加最大龙神力,能够更好的使用帮会技能 PASSIVE yongan 最大龙神力 +%.0f k * 1400 -152 GUILD 龙血 暂时提升帮会成员的最大生命值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 最大生命值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20 -153 GUILD 龙神 暂时提升帮会成员的最大精力值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 最大精力值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20 -154 GUILD 龙铠 暂时提升帮会成员的防御力 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 防御力上升 +%.1f%% k * 10 -155 GUILD 龙腾 暂时提升帮会成员的攻击速度和移动速度 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 攻击,移动速度上升 +%.1f%% k * 15 -156 GUILD 龙怒 暂时提升帮会成员的双倍伤害的概率 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 双倍伤害概率 +%.0f%% k * 50 -157 GUILD 龙佑 暂时缩短帮会成员的技能释放时间 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 释放速度上升 +%.0f%% k * 50 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/936skilltable.txt b/bin_original/pack/root/936skilltable.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ba5a6bb6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/936skilltable.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -1 伙楷曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 0.5 *str + wep)*k) 40+100*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0 -2 迫规浅快 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*2 + dex*2 + wep*3)*k) 50+130*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -3 傈蓖去 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -4 八版 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -16 扁傍曼 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str + wep*3 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0 -17 拜魂鸥快 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*2 + wep*2 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0 -18 措柳阿 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + dex + con + str*2 + wep*3)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400 -19 玫辟眠 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -47 包拜贱 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (atk + dex + str + 0.5*wep)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0 -48 拳炼颇 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.3*atk + number(0, 100))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300 -46 楷荤 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(1+k*6) + (0.8*atk+(dex*4+wep)*ar) * k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0 -49 版傍贱 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -31 鞠嚼 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (atk + number(500, 700) + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*wep))*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0 -32 泵脚藕康 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6*atk + number(200,300) + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*wep))*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0 -33 瞒符混 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*7 + str*5 + wep*3)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0 -34 篮屈过 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -76 付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(10*iq + 8*mtk + number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200 -77 拳堪气 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -78 公康柳 3 1 1 0 HP -(30 + 2*lv + iq + (3*iq + 8*mtk + number(iq*2,iq*6))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0 -80 捧加付飞 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 10*iq + 8*mtk + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400 -61 尖飞瘤 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*atk + 3*str + 9*iq + 5*wep) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0 -62 侩鼻颇 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + 3*wep + iq*6) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500 -63 蓖八 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+220*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -64 傍器 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -65 林付癌 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -92 侩颇魂 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (16*iq + 8*mtk + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0 -93 菩锋气 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 2*lv + (12*iq+20*mtk+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500 -94 龋脚 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0 -95 馆荤 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0 -106 锄傈飞 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (4*iq+11*mtk+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200 -107 涵遏 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (6*iq+12*mtk+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400 -108 气汾拜 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mtk+number(1,800))*ar*k * (1-chain*0.2) * (1-sign(chain)*0.4)) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0 -109 沥诀牢 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mtk+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -110 蔫加 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -79 孺脚荐龋 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0 -151 侩救 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -152 侩脚狼乔 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -153 侩脚狼绵汗 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -154 己戎癌 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -155 啊加拳 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -156 侩脚狼盒畴 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -157 林巩贱 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -158 辨靛捞悼 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -159 傍埃狼巩 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -160 啊加拳 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -161 傍埃狼巩 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -162 傍埃捞悼 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -91 厚颇何 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (11*iq+12*mtk+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0 -5 藕券拜 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*2 + str*4 + wep*3)*k) 60+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200 -20 八浅 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + 3*(dex+str+wep))*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200 -35 魂傍盒 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(2*atk + str*3 + dex*14)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200 -50 刀扁泵 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(0, 100)+dex*2+str+wep)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300 -66 颇过贱 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(18*iq + 7*mtk + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200 -81 付券拜 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*mtk)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200 -96 扁玫措傍 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -111 刘仿贱 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0 -121 烹贾仿 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -122 楷拌扁 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -126 脚荐绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -127 玫炼绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -128 柳畴绢 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -125 函脚 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0 -256 CRUSH200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -257 老馆裹困350胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525 -258 CRUSH300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -259 老馆裹困200胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300 -260 CURSH400胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600 -261 刀250胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375 -262 SLOW300胶懦 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450 -130 铰付 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 -137 抄公 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0 -138 倒拜 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100 -139 呕免 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250 -140 抄公(劝) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0 -131 富家券 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/assassin_m.msm b/bin_original/pack/root/assassin_m.msm deleted file mode 100644 index 83ffbad6..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/assassin_m.msm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1252 +0,0 @@ -ScriptType RaceDataScript - -BaseModelFileName "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/assassin_novice.GR2" - - -Group HairData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/assassin/" - - HairDataCount 56 - Group HairData00 - { - HairIndex 0 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01.dds" - } - Group HairData01 - { - HairIndex 1 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_white.dds" - } - Group HairData02 - { - HairIndex 2 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_gold.dds" - } - Group HairData03 - { - HairIndex 3 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_red.dds" - } - Group HairData04 - { - HairIndex 4 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_brown.dds" - } - Group HairData05 - { - HairIndex 5 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_hair_01_black.dds" - } - Group HairData06 - { - HairIndex 2001 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - } - Group HairData07 - { - HairIndex 2002 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - } - Group HairData08 - { - HairIndex 2003 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - } - Group HairData09 - { - HairIndex 2004 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - } - Group HairData10 - { - HairIndex 2005 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - } - Group HairData11 - { - HairIndex 2006 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - } - Group HairData12 - { - HairIndex 2007 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - } - Group HairData13 - { - HairIndex 2008 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - } - Group HairData14 - { - HairIndex 2009 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - } - Group HairData15 - { - HairIndex 2010 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - } - Group HairData16 - { - HairIndex 2011 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_3.dds" - } - Group HairData17 - { - HairIndex 2012 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_4.dds" - } - - Group HairData18 - { - HairIndex 2013 - Model "hair/hair_6_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - } - Group HairData19 - { - HairIndex 2014 - Model "hair/hair_5_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - } - Group HairData20 - { - HairIndex 2015 - Model "hair/hair_7_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - } - Group HairData21 - { - HairIndex 2016 - Model "hair/hair_8_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - } - Group HairData22 - { - HairIndex 2017 - Model "hair/hair_9_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - } - Group HairData23 - { - HairIndex 2018 - Model "hair/hair_10_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - } - Group HairData24 - { - HairIndex 5001 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - } - Group HairData25 - { - HairIndex 5002 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - } - Group HairData26 - { - HairIndex 5005 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - } - Group HairData27 - { - HairIndex 5003 - Model "hair/hair_16_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - } - Group HairData28 - { - HairIndex 5004 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - } - Group HairData29 - { - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData30 - { - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData31 - { - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData32 - { - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData33 - { - HairIndex 5028 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_3.dds" - } - Group HairData34 - { - HairIndex 5029 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_2.dds" - } - Group HairData35 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData36 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData37 - { - HairIndex 5033 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData38 - { - HairIndex 5035 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData39 - { - HairIndex 5037 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData40 - { - HairIndex 5039 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData41 - { - HairIndex 5041 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData42 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData43 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData44 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5055 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5057 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5059 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/assassin/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "assassin_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - - Model "assassin_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_novice_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_tanma.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_geukseom.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_dahong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_yeongrin.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_jeoksal.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_salpung.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "assassin_bihyeon.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_bihyeon.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_bihyeon.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model "wild_boar.gr2" - SourceSkin "wild_boar.dds" - } - Group ShapeData13 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/bear/" - - ShapeIndex 102 - Model "bear.gr2" - SourceSkin "bear.dds" - } - Group ShapeData14 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/tiger/" - - ShapeIndex 103 - Model "tiger.gr2" - SourceSkin "tiger.dds" - } - Group ShapeData15 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/" - - ShapeIndex 201 - Model "assassin_marry_01.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_marry_01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_marry_01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData16 - { - ShapeIndex 12 - Model "assassin_4-1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_4-1.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData17 - { - ShapeIndex 24 - Model "assassin_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData18 - { - ShapeIndex 14 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-1_tanma_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData19 - { - ShapeIndex 15 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-2_geukseom_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData20 - { - ShapeIndex 16 - Model "assassin_tanma.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tanma.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_1-3_dahong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData21 - { - ShapeIndex 17 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_2-1_biyeong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData22 - { - ShapeIndex 18 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_2-2_yeongrin_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData23 - { - ShapeIndex 19 - Model "assassin_biyeong.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_biyeong.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_2-3_jeoksal_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData24 - { - ShapeIndex 20 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_3-1_yonga_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData25 - { - ShapeIndex 21 - Model "assassin_yonga.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_yonga.DDS" - TargetSkin "assassin_salpung_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData26 - { - ShapeIndex 25 - Model "assassin_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_queen01.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_queen02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData27 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/assassin/" - - ShapeIndex 26 - Model "assassin_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_4-2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData28 - { - - ShapeIndex 27 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData29 - { - - ShapeIndex 28 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - } - Group ShapeData30 - { - - ShapeIndex 29 - Model "assassin_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_event1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData31 - { - 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- } - Group ShapeData43 - { - ShapeIndex 40043 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData44 - { - ShapeIndex 40044 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData45 - { - ShapeIndex 40032 - Model "assassin_assasin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData46 - { - ShapeIndex 40045 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData47 - { - ShapeIndex 40046 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData48 - { - ShapeIndex 40047 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData49 - { - ShapeIndex 40048 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData50 - { - ShapeIndex 40049 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData51 - { - ShapeIndex 40050 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData52 - { - ShapeIndex 40051 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData53 - { - ShapeIndex 40052 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData54 - { - ShapeIndex 40053 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData55 - { - ShapeIndex 40054 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData56 - { - ShapeIndex 40055 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData57 - { - ShapeIndex 40056 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData58 - { - ShapeIndex 40057 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData59 - { - ShapeIndex 40058 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData60 - { - ShapeIndex 40059 - Model "assassin_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_boxing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData61 - { - ShapeIndex 40065 - Model "assassin_halloween1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_halloween1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_halloween1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData62 - { - ShapeIndex 13 - Model "assassin_5_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_5_1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData63 - { - ShapeIndex 40062 - Model "assassin_salsa1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_salsa1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_salsa1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData64 - { - ShapeIndex 40063 - Model "assassin_Springwear1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_Springwear1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_Springwear1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData65 - { - ShapeIndex 40061 - Model "assassin_tailcoat1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_tailcoat1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_tailcoat1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData66 - { - ShapeIndex 40069 - Model "assassin_deer1.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_deer1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_deer1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData67 - { - ShapeIndex 40066 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData68 - { - ShapeIndex 40067 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData69 - { - ShapeIndex 40068 - Model "assassin_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_santa1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData70 - { - ShapeIndex 40070 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData71 - { - ShapeIndex 40071 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData72 - { - ShapeIndex 40072 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA03.dds" - } - Group ShapeData73 - { - ShapeIndex 40073 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA04.dds" - } - Group ShapeData74 - { - ShapeIndex 40074 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA05.dds" - } - Group ShapeData75 - { - ShapeIndex 40075 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA06.dds" - } - Group ShapeData76 - { - ShapeIndex 40076 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA07.dds" - } - Group ShapeData77 - { - ShapeIndex 40077 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA08.dds" - } - Group ShapeData78 - { - ShapeIndex 40078 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA09.dds" - } - Group ShapeData79 - { - ShapeIndex 40079 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA10.dds" - } - Group ShapeData80 - { - ShapeIndex 40080 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA11.dds" - } - Group ShapeData81 - { - ShapeIndex 40081 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA12.dds" - } - Group ShapeData82 - { - ShapeIndex 40082 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA13.dds" - } - Group ShapeData83 - { - ShapeIndex 40083 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA14.dds" - } - Group ShapeData84 - { - ShapeIndex 40084 - Model "assasin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assasin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_UEFA15.dds" - } - Group 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"hair/hair_6_1.dds" - } - Group HairData19 - { - HairIndex 2014 - Model "hair/hair_5_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - } - Group HairData20 - { - HairIndex 2015 - Model "hair/hair_7_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - } - Group HairData21 - { - HairIndex 2016 - Model "hair/hair_8_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - } - Group HairData22 - { - HairIndex 2017 - Model "hair/hair_9_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - } - Group HairData23 - { - HairIndex 2018 - Model "hair/hair_10_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - } - Group HairData24 - { - HairIndex 5001 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - } - Group HairData25 - { - HairIndex 5002 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - } - 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"hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5042 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData56 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData57 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData58 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData59 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData60 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData61 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model 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"assassin_fencing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData49 - { - ShapeIndex 40048 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData50 - { - ShapeIndex 40049 - Model "assassin_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_fencing1_Spain.dds" - } - - Group ShapeData51 - { - ShapeIndex 40050 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData52 - { - ShapeIndex 40051 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData53 - { - ShapeIndex 40052 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_soccer1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData54 - { - ShapeIndex 40053 - Model "assassin_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - 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- { - ShapeIndex 40113 - Model "assassin_assasin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_assasin1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_assasin2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData110 - { - ShapeIndex 40115 - Model "assassin_pwahuang1.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_pwahuang1.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_pwahuang1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData111 - { - ShapeIndex 40117 - Model "assassin_halloween2.GR2" - SourceSkin "assassin_halloween2.dds" - TargetSkin "assassin_halloween2.dds" - } -} - -Group AttachingData -{ - AttachingDataCount 2 - - Group AttachingData00 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 1 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 40.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } - - Group AttachingData01 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 3 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 70.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/atlasinfo.txt b/bin_original/pack/root/atlasinfo.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b92d3c27..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/atlasinfo.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -map_a2 256000 665600 6 6 -map_b2 102400 51200 6 6 -map_c2 665600 281600 6 6 -map_n_snowm_01 358400 153600 6 6 -metin2_map_a1 409600 896000 4 5 -metin2_map_a3 307200 819200 4 4 -metin2_map_b1 0 102400 4 5 -metin2_map_b3 102400 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_c1 921600 204800 4 5 -metin2_map_c3 819200 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_deviltower1 128000 793600 3 3 -metin2_map_milgyo 537600 51200 4 4 -metin2_map_n_desert_01 204800 486400 6 6 -metin2_map_n_flame_01 588800 614400 6 6 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon 51200 486400 3 3 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02 665600 435200 4 4 -metin2_map_t1 0 25600 3 3 -metin2_map_t2 6400 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t3 32000 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t4 57600 0 1 1 -metin2_map_t5 793600 0 1 1 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 819200 51200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 768000 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 844800 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon 921600 435200 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02 128000 640000 3 3 -metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03 128000 716800 3 3 -metin2_map_wedding_01 819200 0 1 1 -metin2_map_guild_01 128000 0 2 2 -metin2_map_guild_02 179200 0 2 2 -metin2_map_guild_03 230400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_trent 281600 0 2 2 -metin2_map_trent02 1049600 0 4 4 -gm_guild_build 83200 0 1 1 -metin2_map_duel 844800 0 1 1 -season1/metin2_map_WL_01 1049600 716800 6 6 -season1/metin2_map_nusluck01 819200 716800 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 870400 0 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi 921600 0 2 2 -metin2_map_bf 972800 0 2 2 -metin2_map_bf_02 921600 51200 2 2 -metin2_map_bf_03 972800 51200 2 2 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass01 1024000 102400 4 4 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass02 1024000 204800 4 4 -metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass03 1024000 307200 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1126400 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1126400 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1126400 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1152000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1177600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1177600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1177600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1228800 0 4 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1228800 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1228800 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1228800 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo 1331200 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi 1408000 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1484800 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1561600 0 3 3 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass01 1280000 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass02 1280000 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass03 1280000 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1331200 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1331200 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1331200 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1382400 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1382400 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1382400 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1433600 102400 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1433600 204800 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1433600 307200 2 4 -season1/metin2_map_ew02 256000 51200 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 972800 102400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 921600 153600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 972800 153600 2 2 -season2/map_n_snowm_02 0 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a 153600 1049600 4 4 -season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02 307200 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02 460800 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_a2_1 614400 1049600 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_trent_a 768000 1049600 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_trent02_a 921600 1049600 3 3 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1203200 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1203200 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1356800 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1510400 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1664000 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1356800 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1510400 6 6 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1664000 6 6 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 665600 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 716800 230400 2 2 -season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 768000 230400 2 2 -season1/metin2_map_oxevent 742400 0 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1100800 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2 819200 1152000 2 2 -metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2 -metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8 -metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 51200 563200 3 3 -Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead 1024000 1664000 6 6 -metin2_map_Mt_Thunder 1126400 1510400 4 6 -metin2_map_dawnmistwood 1177600 1664000 7 4 -metin2_map_BayBlackSand 1049600 1510400 3 6 -metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2 -metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2 -metin2_map_n_flame_dungeon_01 742400 614400 3 3 -metin2_map_n_snow_dungeon_01 512000 153600 4 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/colorinfo.py b/bin_original/pack/root/colorinfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 76de6f1f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/colorinfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -CHAT_RGB_TALK = (255, 255, 255) -CHAT_RGB_INFO = (255, 200, 200) -CHAT_RGB_NOTICE = (255, 230, 186) -CHAT_RGB_PARTY = (0, 255, 228) -CHAT_RGB_GUILD = (253, 255, 124) -#CHAT_RGB_GUILD = (231, 215, 255) -CHAT_RGB_COMMAND = (167, 255, 212) -CHAT_RGB_SHOUT = (167, 255, 212) -CHAT_RGB_WHISPER = (74, 225, 74) - -CHR_NAME_RGB_MOB = (235, 22, 9) -CHR_NAME_RGB_NPC = (122, 231, 93) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PC = (255, 215, 76) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PK = (180, 100, 0) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PVP = (238, 54, 223) -CHR_NAME_RGB_PARTY = (128, 192, 255) -CHR_NAME_RGB_WARP = (136, 218, 241) -CHR_NAME_RGB_WAYPOINT = (255, 255, 255) - -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_MOB = (235, 22, 9) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_NPC = (122, 231, 93) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_A = (157, 0, 0) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_B = (222, 160, 47) -CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_C = (23, 30, 138) - - - - -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4 = ( 0, 204, 255) -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3 = ( 0, 144, 255) -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2 = ( 92, 110, 255) -TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1 = (155, 155, 255) -TITLE_RGB_NORMAL = (255, 255, 255) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1 = (207, 117, 0) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2 = (235, 83, 0) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3 = (227, 0, 0) -TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4 = (255, 0, 0) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/consolemodule.py b/bin_original/pack/root/consolemodule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8e74c46c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/consolemodule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,903 +0,0 @@ -import app -import grp -import wndMgr -import ui -import os -import sys -import stat -import chrmgr -import chr -import net -import background -import snd -import net -import player -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -class Console(object): - def __init__(self, output): - self.dirNameList = [] - self.fileNameList = [] - - self.output = output - self.curPathName = "D:\\Ymir Work\\" - self.collision = 0 - - self.bgPartDict = { - "terrain":background.PART_TERRAIN, - "object":background.PART_OBJECT, - "cloud":background.PART_CLOUD, - "tree":background.PART_TREE, - "water":background.PART_WATER, - "sky":background.PART_SKY, - } - - self.bgSortDict = { - "distance":background.DISTANCE_SORT, - "texture":background.TEXTURE_SORT, - } - - self.game = 0 - - def Close(self): - self.output = 0 - - def BindGameClass(self, game): - self.game = game - - def Exit(self): - "Exit Program" - app.Exit() - - def EnablePerformanceTime(self, mode, isEnable): - app.EnablePerformanceTime(mode, int(isEnable)) - - def ReloadLocale(self): - "Reload Locale" - reload(locale) - reload(uiScriptLocale) - self.Print("RELOAD LOCALE") - - def ReloadDevel(self): - "ReloadDevel" - import consoleModule - import uiGuild - import uiInventory - reload(uiGuild) - self.Print("ReloadGuild") - reload(uiInventory) - self.Print("ReloadInventory") - - def ShowPerformanceInfo(self): - "Shows Performance Info" - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_ACTOR)) - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_ITEM)) - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_EFFECT)) - self.Print(app.GetInfo(app.INFO_TEXTTAIL)) - - def Disconnect(self): - "Disconnect by sending unknown packet" - net.SendStrangePacket() - - def ToggleActorDirectionLine(self): - "Shows character's direction line" - chrmgr.ToggleDirectionLine() - - def RegisterCharacterEffect(self, effectType, effectFileName): - "Set character's effect state (state number, bone name, effect filename/number)" - if effectFileName.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(effectFileName)) - - effectFullPathFileName = self.GetFullPathName(effectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_STATE+int(effectType), "", effectFullPathFileName) - self.Print("effect state %d: %s" % (int(effectType), effectFullPathFileName)) - - def SetCharacterAffect(self, affectType, isVisible): - "Set character's affect (number, visiblity 1|0)" - chrmgr.SetAffect(-1, int(affectType), int(isVisible)) - self.Print("affect set %d: %d" % (int(affectType), int(isVisible))) - - def SetCharacterEmoticon(self, EmoticonNum): - "Show emoticon (number)" - chrmgr.SetEmoticon(-1, int(EmoticonNum)) - self.Print("Emoticon %d: %d" % (int(EmoticonNum), int(isVisible))) - - def ShowPickedCharacterInfo(self): - "Show information of picked character" - vid=chrmgr.GetPickedVID() - info=chrmgr.GetVIDInfo(vid) - self.Print(info) - - def ShowCharacterInfo(self, arg): - "Show information of character (vid)" - if arg.isdigit(): - vid=int(arg) - else: - vid=0 - - info=chrmgr.GetVIDInfo(vid) - self.Print(info) - - def SetWeaponTraceTexture(self, arg): - "Sets sword afterimage texture (filename)" - if arg.isdigit(): - textureFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - textureFileName = arg - - chr.WeaponTraceSetTexture(textureFileName) - - def SetAutoCameraRotationSpeed(self, arg): - "Auto camera rotation speed (angle per sec)" - spd=float(arg) - player.SetAutoCameraRotationSpeed(spd) - - self.Print("Auto camera rotation speed: %f" % (spd)) - - def SetWeaponTraceMode(self, *mode): - "Sword afterimage mode (0 = Use alpha, 1 = Use texture)" - if mode and mode[0].isdigit() and int(mode[0]): - chr.WeaponTraceUseTexture() - else: - chr.WeaponTraceUseAlpha() - - def SetCollision(self, *mode): - "Show collison objects (0 | 1)" - if mode and mode[0].isdigit(): - self.collision = int(mode[0]) - else: - self.collision = not self.collision - - def SetMovingSpeed(self, arg): - "Set walking speed" - chrmgr.SetMovingSpeed(int(arg)) - - def SetMusicVolume(self, arg): - "Set BGM volumn (0 ~ 1.0)" - snd.SetMusicVolume(float(arg)) - - def SetSoundVolume(self, arg): - "Set Effect sound volumn (0 ~ 5)" - snd.SetSoundVolume(int(arg)) - - def SetSoundScale(self, arg): - "3D Sound scale (default : 200)" - snd.SetSoundScale(int(arg)) - - def SetAmbienceSoundScale(self, arg): - "3D Ambience sound scale (default : 200)" - snd.SetAmbienceSoundScale(int(arg)) - - def SetCoolTime(self): - "Cooltime toggle" - flag = player.ToggleCoolTime() - if flag: - self.Print("Cooltime will be applied") - else: - self.Print("Cooltime disabled") - - def SetLevelLimit(self): - "Sets Level limit" - flag = player.ToggleLevelLimit() - if flag: - self.Print("Level limit will be applied") - else: - self.Print("Level limit disabled") - - def ShowCursor(self): - app.ShowCursor() - - def HideCursor(self): - app.HideCursor() - - def Print(self, msg): - self.output.Print(msg) - - def RefreshPath(self): - self.SetPath(self.curPathName) - - def SetPath(self, newPathName): - if '\\'!=newPathName[-1]: - newPathName=newPathName+'\\' - - if os.access(newPathName, os.R_OK)==0: - self.Print(newPathName+" Cannot find path") - return - - nameList=os.listdir(newPathName) - - dirNameList=[] - fileNameList=[] - for sName in nameList: - mode=os.stat(newPathName+sName)[stat.ST_MODE] - if stat.S_ISDIR(mode): - dirNameList.append(sName) - else: - fileNameList.append(sName) - - self.curPathName=newPathName - self.dirNameList=dirNameList - self.fileNameList=fileNameList - - self.ShowPath() - - def GetPath(self): - return self.curPathName - - def GetDirName(self, iDir): - if (len(self.dirNameList)>iDir): - return self.dirNameList[iDir] - else: - print len(self.dirNameList) - return "" - - def GetFileName(self, iFile): - if (len(self.fileNameList)>iFile): - return self.fileNameList[iFile] - else: - print len(self.fileNameList) - return "" - - def MoveParentPath(self): - "Go to Parent directory" - newPathName=self.GetPath() - - lastPos=-1 - if '\\'==newPathName[-1]: - lastPos=-2 - - lastPos=newPathName.rfind('\\', 0, lastPos) - if 0>lastPos: - self.Print("Here is root") - return - - newPathName=newPathName[0:lastPos]+'\\' - - self.SetPath(newPathName) - - def GetFullPathName(self, sPathName): - sParentPathName=self.GetPath() - - if '\\'!=sParentPathName[-1]: - sParentPathName=sParentPathName+'\\' - - return sParentPathName+sPathName - - def MoveChildPath(self, directory): - "[Directory name/number] change to child directory" - if ""==directory: - self.Print("You need directory name or number") - return - - if directory.isdigit(): - directory=self.GetDirName(int(directory)) - - newPathName=self.GetFullPathName(directory) - - self.SetPath(newPathName) - - def SetHitEffect(self, arg): - "Sets hit effect" - if arg.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - effectFileName = arg - - effectFullPathFileName=self.GetFullPathName(EffectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HIT, "", effectFullPathFileName) - - self.Print("Hit effect: "+effectFullPathFileName) - - def SetStunEffect(self, arg): - "Sets stun effect" - if arg.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - effectFileName = arg - - effectFullPathFileName = self.GetFullPathName(effectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_STUN, "Bip01 Head", effectFullPathFileName) - - self.Print("Stun effect: "+effectFullPathFileName) - - def SetDustEffect(self, arg): - "Sets dirt effect" - if arg.isdigit(): - effectFileName = self.GetFileName(int(arg)) - else: - effectFileName = arg - - effectFullPathFileName = self.GetFullPathName(effectFileName) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DUST, "", effectFullPathFileName) - - self.Print("Dirt effect: "+effectFullPathFileName) - - def SetDustGap(self, arg): - "Sets dirt effect gap" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Dirt effect gap argument must be a number") - else: - gap = int(arg) - chrmgr.SetDustGap(gap) - self.Print("Dirt effect gap: %d" % (gap)) - - def ShowBackgroundPart(self, arg): - "Show background part" - try: - background.SetVisiblePart(self.bgPartDict[arg], 1); - except KeyError: - self.Print("Unknown part: ", arg); - except: - raise - - def HideBackgroundPart(self, arg): - "Hide background part" - try: - background.SetVisiblePart(self.bgPartDict[arg], 0); - except KeyError: - self.Print("Unknown part: ", arg); - except: - raise - - def SetShadowLevel(self, arg): - "Shadow level setting (0~5)" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Shadow setting must be a number") - else: - level = int(arg) - - if level < 0 or level > 5: - self.Print("Shadow level range is 0~5") - else: - background.SetShadowLevel(level) - self.Print("Shadow level: %d" % (level)) - - def SetSplatLimit(self, arg): - "Splat number limit" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Splat number limit must be a number") - else: - limit = int(arg) - - background.SetSplatLimit(limit) - self.Print("Splat number limit: %d" % (limit)) - - def SelectViewDistanceNum(self, arg): - "View distance (0~4)" - if arg.isdigit() == 0: - self.Print("Enter between 0 to 4") - else: - settingnum = int(arg) - - if settingnum < 0 or settingnum > 4: - self.Print("View distance range is 0 to 4") - - else: - background.SelectViewDistanceNum(settingnum) - self.Print("View distance: %d" % (settingnum)) - - def SetBGLoading(self, bBGLoading): - "Background loading (0, 1)" - bResultBoolean = int(bBGLoading) - - if bResultBoolean != 0 and bResultBoolean != 1: - self.Print("Enter 0 or 1") - else: - background.SetBGLoading(bResultBoolean) - self.Print("Background loading: %d" % (bResultBoolean)) - - def SetTerrainRenderSort(self, arg): - "Terrain rendering type" - try: - background.SetRenderSort(self.bgSortDict[arg]); - except KeyError: - self.Print("Unknown part: ", arg); - except: - raise - - def SetTransparentTree(self, arg): - "Tree's leaf transparency" - bTransparent = int(arg) - try: - background.SetTransparentTree(bTransparent); - except KeyError: - self.Print("must be 0 or 1: ", bTransparent); - except: - raise - - def WarpTest(self, warpX, warpY): - "WarpTest : warp dwX dwY" - iWarpX = int(warpX) - iWarpY = int(warpY) - try: - background.Destroy() - background.Initialize() - background.WarpTest(iWarpX, iWarpY); - background.RegisterEnvironmentData(0, "d:/ymir work/environment/b3.msenv") - background.SetEnvironmentData(0) - background.SetShadowLevel(background.SHADOW_ALL) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("consoleModule.Console.WarpTest") - - def ToggleDebugInfo(self): - "Show DebugInfo" - net.ToggleGameDebugInfo() - - def ShowPath(self): - "Show current path" - self.Print("Current path is "+self.GetPath()) - - def ShowList(self): - "Show current path's list" - self.ShowDirList() - self.ShowFileList() - - def ShowDirList(self): - "Show current path's child directories" - self.Print(self.GetPath()+" directories:") - self.ShowNameList(self.dirNameList) - self.Print("") - - def ShowFileList(self, Filter=[]): - "Show current path's files (extension filter)" - self.Print(self.GetPath()+" files:") - self.ShowNameList(self.fileNameList, Filter) - self.Print("") - - def ShowEffectList(self): - "Show current path's effect" - self.Print(self.GetPath()+" effects:") - self.ShowNameList(self.fileNameList, ["mse"]) - self.Print("") - - def ShowWeb(self): - "ShowWeb" - if app.IsWebPageMode(): - app.HideWebPage() - else: - app.ShowWebPage("http://wiki.metin.co.kr/metin1help/01.htm", (0, 0, 320, 600)) - - def ShowUI(self): - "Shows UI" - self.game.CheckGameButton() - self.game.interface.ShowDefaultWindows() - self.game.interface.wndChat.Show() - - def HideUI(self): - "Hides UI" - self.game.interface.HideAllWindows() - self.game.interface.wndChat.Hide() - - def SetCameraSpeed(self, percentage): - "Sets camera speed (Default = 100)" - app.SetCameraSpeed(int(percentage)) - - def SaveCameraSetting(self, filename): - "Save current camera attributes (filename)" - app.SaveCameraSetting(filename) - - def LoadCameraSetting(self, filename): - "Load camera attributes (filename)" - if not app.LoadCameraSetting(filename): - self.Print("Could not load camera attribute") - - def SetDefaultCamera(self): - "Return to default camera attribute" - app.SetDefaultCamera() - - def ShowClock(self, second): - self.game.ShowClock(int(second)) - - def HideClock(self): - self.game.HideClock() - - def ShowNotice(self): - app.SetVisibleNotice(TRUE) - self.Print("Show Notice") - - def HideNotice(self): - app.SetVisibleNotice(FALSE) - self.Print("Hide Notice") - - def SetSight(self, range): - "Set Force Sight Range" - app.SetSightRange(int(range)) - - def SetComboType(self, type): - chr.testSetComboType(int(type)) - - def SetSkillGroupFake(self, index): - """抛胶飘 内靛""" - net.SetSkillGroupFake(int(index)) - self.Print(" SetSkillGroupFake : %d" % int(index)) - - def SetEmpireLanguageMode(self, mode): - net.SetEmpireLanguageMode(int(mode)) - self.Print(" SetEmpireLanguageMode : %d" % int(mode)) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAdd(self, color): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAdd", vid, color - chr.testSetAddRenderMode(vid, int(color,16)) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeMod(self, color): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeMod", vid, color, int(color,16) - chr.testSetModulateRenderMode(vid, int(color,16)) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAddRGB(self, r, g, b): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAddRGB", vid, r, g, b - chr.testSetAddRenderModeRGB(vid, float(r)/255.0, float(g)/255.0, float(b)/255.0) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeTypeModRGB(self, r, g, b): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeTypeModRGB", vid, r, g, b - chr.testSetModulateRenderModeRGB(vid, float(r)/255.0, float(g)/255.0, float(b)/255.0) - - def SetCharacterRenderModeSpecular(self, alpha): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - print " -> SetCharacterRenderModeSpecular", vid, alpha - chr.testSetSpecularRenderMode(vid, float(alpha)) - - def RestoreCharacterRenderModeType(self): - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - chr.testRestoreRenderMode(vid) - - - def ShowNameList(self, lstsName, lstsFilter=None): - if len(lstsName)==0: - self.Print("None") - return - - if lstsFilter: - isFilter=1 - else: - isFilter=0 - - sLine="" - iCol=0 - - iName=0 - for sName in lstsName: - if isFilter: - iDotPos=sName.rfind('.', 0, -1) - if iDotPos<0: - iName=iName+1 - continue - - if (sName[iDotPos+1:] in lstsFilter)==0: - iName=iName+1 - continue - - sLine=sLine+"%3d %-15s " % (iName, sName) - - if iCol>4: - iCol=0 - self.Print(sLine) - sLine="" - - iCol=iCol+1 - - iName=iName+1 - - if ""!=sLine: - self.Print(sLine) - -class ConsoleWindow(ui.Window): - - BACK_GROUND_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) - EDIT_LINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) - BUTTON_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - HEIGHT = 200 - LINE_STEP = 15 - MAX_LINE_COUNT = 50 - - class ConsoleEditLine(ui.EditLine): - def __init__(self): - ui.EditLine.__init__(self) - self.eventReturn = 0 - self.eventEscape = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.EditLine.__del__(self) - - def SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = event - - def SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.eventEscape = event - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - text = self.GetText() - - if len(text) > 0: - self.eventReturn(text) - - else: - wndMgr.KillFocus() - self.eventEscape() - - self.SetText("") - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.SetText("") - wndMgr.KillFocus() - self.eventEscape() - return TRUE - - class ResizingButton(ui.DragButton): - - BUTTON_NORMAL_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.3320, 0.2929, 0.2578, 1.0) - BUTTON_OVER_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.5320, 0.4929, 0.4578, 1.0) - BUTTON_LIGHT_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.6666, 0.6509, 0.6313, 1.0) - BUTTON_DARK_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.1647, 0.1450, 0.1294, 1.0) - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("limit") - self.AddFlag("restrict_x") - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.TextList = [] - self.game = 0 - self.Console = Console(self) - - self.ResizingButton = self.ResizingButton() - self.ResizingButton.SetParent(self) - self.ResizingButton.SetSize(15, 15) - self.ResizingButton.SetPosition(100, 100) - self.ResizingButton.Show() - - self.EditLine = self.ConsoleEditLine() - self.EditLine.SetParent(self) - self.EditLine.SetMax(100) - self.EditLine.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.EditLine.SetText("") - self.EditLine.Show() - - from _weakref import ref - - self.ResizingButton.SetMoveEvent(lambda s = ref(self): s().UpdatePosition()) - self.EditLine.SetReturnEvent(lambda x,s = ref(self): s().ProcessCommand(x)) - self.EditLine.SetEscapeEvent(lambda s = ref(self): s().CloseWindow()) - - self.UpdatePosition() - - self.functionDict = {} - self.InitFunction() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def BindGameClass(self, game): - self.Console.BindGameClass(game) - - def Close(self): - self.Console.Close() - self.ResizingButton = 0 - self.EditLine = 0 - - def SetConsoleSize(self, width, height): - self.ResizingButton.SetPosition(width-20, height-20) - self.UpdatePosition() - - def OnRender(self): - grp.SetColor(self.BACK_GROUND_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.gx, self.gy, self.width, self.height) - - grp.SetColor(ConsoleWindow.EDIT_LINE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.gxEditLine-2, self.gyEditLine-3, self.width - 40, 17) - - grp.SetColor(ConsoleWindow.BUTTON_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.gxButton-2, self.gyButton-3, self.widthButton, self.heightButton) - - def UpdatePosition(self): - - self.width = self.GetWidth() - self.height = self.GetHeight() - self.widthButton = self.ResizingButton.GetWidth() - self.heightButton = self.ResizingButton.GetHeight() - (self.gx, self.gy) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - (self.gxButton, self.gyButton) = self.ResizingButton.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.SetSize(self.gxButton - self.gx + 20, self.gyButton - self.gy + 20) - - self.EditLine.SetSize(self.width-30, 16) - self.EditLine.SetPosition(7, self.height-20) - (self.gxEditLine, self.gyEditLine) = self.EditLine.GetGlobalPosition() - - ##### - - yPosition = (self.height-20) - self.LINE_STEP - ItemCount = len(self.TextList) - - for i in xrange(ItemCount): - TextLine = self.TextList[ItemCount-i-1] - - TextLine.SetPosition(10, yPosition) - yPosition -= self.LINE_STEP - - if yPosition < 0: - TextLine.Hide() - else: - TextLine.Show() - - def OpenWindow(self): - - self.EditLine.SetFocus() - - self.Show() - self.Console.RefreshPath() - - def CloseWindow(self): - self.Hide() - - ## NOTE : 捞镑俊辑 Command甫 贸府钦聪促 - [levites] - def ProcessCommand(self, text): - - if '/' == text[0]: - net.SendChatPacket(text) - return - - Console=self.Console - Console.Print(">> "+text) - - lstsArg=text.split() - if len(lstsArg)==0: - return - - sCmd=lstsArg[0] - - if self.functionDict.has_key(sCmd): - try: - self.functionDict[sCmd](self.Console, *lstsArg[1:]) - except Exception, e: - Console.Print(str(e)) - #self.Console.Print(e) - #self.Console.Print(self.functionDict[sCmd].__doc__) - else: - if sCmd == 'help' or sCmd == 'h': - try: - k = lstsArg[1] - v = self.functionDict[k] - argcount = v.im_func.func_code.co_argcount - 1 # -1 for self - if v.im_func.func_code.co_flags & 4: - argcount+=1 - argnames = v.im_func.func_code.co_varnames[1:argcount+1] - if argcount: - Console.Print("%s(%s) : %s" % (k,argcount, v.__doc__)) - Console.Print(" arg : %s" % argnames) - else: - Console.Print("%s : %s" % (k,v.__doc__)) - except: - for k,v in self.functionDict.iteritems(): - argcount = v.im_func.func_code.co_argcount - 1 # -1 for self - if v.im_func.func_code.co_flags & 4: - argcount+=1 - if argcount: - Console.Print("%s(%s) : %s" % (k,argcount, v.__doc__)) - else: - Console.Print("%s : %s" % (k,v.__doc__)) - Console.Print("? : All commands list") - Console.Print("h : Help for all commands") - Console.Print("h blah : Help for blah") - - Console.Print("") - elif sCmd == '?': - list = self.functionDict.keys() - list.sort() - Console.ShowNameList(list) - pass - - def InitFunction(self): - #self.AddFunction("help", Console.PrintHelp) - #self.AddFunction("?", Console.PrintHelp) - - self.AddFunction("exit", Console.Exit) - self.AddFunction("mvol", Console.SetMusicVolume) - self.AddFunction("svol", Console.SetSoundVolume) - self.AddFunction("snds", Console.SetSoundScale) - self.AddFunction("asnds", Console.SetAmbienceSoundScale) - self.AddFunction("mspd", Console.SetMovingSpeed) - self.AddFunction("pwd", Console.ShowPath) - self.AddFunction("ls", Console.ShowList) - self.AddFunction("shadow", Console.SetShadowLevel) - self.AddFunction("splat", Console.SetSplatLimit) - self.AddFunction("distance", Console.SelectViewDistanceNum) - self.AddFunction("bgloading", Console.SetBGLoading) - self.AddFunction("terrainrender", Console.SetTerrainRenderSort) - self.AddFunction("transtree", Console.SetTransparentTree) - self.AddFunction("stune", Console.SetStunEffect) - self.AddFunction("duste", Console.SetDustEffect) - self.AddFunction("dustt", Console.SetDustGap) - self.AddFunction("hite", Console.SetHitEffect) - self.AddFunction("cd", Console.MoveChildPath) - self.AddFunction("up", Console.MoveParentPath) - self.AddFunction("lsd", Console.ShowDirList) - self.AddFunction("lsf", Console.ShowFileList) - self.AddFunction("lse", Console.ShowEffectList) - self.AddFunction("show", Console.ShowBackgroundPart) - self.AddFunction("hide", Console.HideBackgroundPart) - self.AddFunction("debuginfo", Console.ToggleDebugInfo) - - self.AddFunction("collision", Console.SetCollision) - self.AddFunction("colli", Console.SetCollision) - - #self.AddFunction("wt", Console.SetWeaponTrace) - self.AddFunction("wtt", Console.SetWeaponTraceTexture) - self.AddFunction("wtm", Console.SetWeaponTraceMode) - - self.AddFunction("disconnect", Console.Disconnect) - self.AddFunction("autorot", Console.SetAutoCameraRotationSpeed) - - self.AddFunction("dirline", Console.ToggleActorDirectionLine) - self.AddFunction("pickc", Console.ShowPickedCharacterInfo) - self.AddFunction("infoc", Console.ShowCharacterInfo) - self.AddFunction("regchre", Console.RegisterCharacterEffect) - self.AddFunction("setchra", Console.SetCharacterAffect) - self.AddFunction("emoticon", Console.SetCharacterEmoticon) - self.AddFunction("perfinfo", Console.ShowPerformanceInfo) - self.AddFunction("reload_locale", Console.ReloadLocale) - self.AddFunction("re", Console.ReloadDevel) - self.AddFunction("perftime", Console.EnablePerformanceTime) - self.AddFunction("cooltime", Console.SetCoolTime) - self.AddFunction("levellimit", Console.SetLevelLimit) - self.AddFunction("showcursor", Console.ShowCursor) - self.AddFunction("hidecursor", Console.HideCursor) - - self.AddFunction("warp", Console.WarpTest) - self.AddFunction("web", Console.ShowWeb) - - self.AddFunction("showui", Console.ShowUI) - self.AddFunction("hideui", Console.HideUI) - - self.AddFunction("setcspd", Console.SetCameraSpeed) - self.AddFunction("savecmr", Console.SaveCameraSetting) - self.AddFunction("loadcmr", Console.LoadCameraSetting) - self.AddFunction("setdefcmr", Console.SetDefaultCamera) - - self.AddFunction("showclock", Console.ShowClock) - self.AddFunction("hideclock", Console.HideClock) - - self.AddFunction("setsight", Console.SetSight) - - self.AddFunction("setcombotype", Console.SetComboType) - self.AddFunction("setsk_fake", Console.SetSkillGroupFake) - - self.AddFunction("trans", Console.SetEmpireLanguageMode) - - self.AddFunction("shownotice", Console.ShowNotice) - self.AddFunction("hidenotice", Console.HideNotice) - - self.AddFunction("setrmadd", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAdd) - self.AddFunction("setrmmod", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeMod) - self.AddFunction("setrmaddrgb", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeAddRGB) - self.AddFunction("setrmmodrgb", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeTypeModRGB) - self.AddFunction("setspec", Console.SetCharacterRenderModeSpecular) - self.AddFunction("restorerm", Console.RestoreCharacterRenderModeType) - - def AddFunction(self, cmd, func): - self.functionDict[cmd] = func - - def Print(self, text): - TextLine = ui.TextLine() - TextLine.SetParent(self) - TextLine.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - TextLine.Show() - TextLine.SetText(text) - self.TextList.append(TextLine) - - count = len(self.TextList) - if count > self.MAX_LINE_COUNT: - for i in xrange(count - self.MAX_LINE_COUNT): - del self.TextList[0] - - self.UpdatePosition() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/constinfo.py b/bin_original/pack/root/constinfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0acf16b4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/constinfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,240 +0,0 @@ -# option -IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 -CONSOLE_ENABLE = 0 - -PVPMODE_ENABLE = 1 -PVPMODE_TEST_ENABLE = 0 -PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_ENABLE = 1 -PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_DELAY = 0.5 -PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL = 30 - -FOG_LEVEL0 = 4800.0 -FOG_LEVEL1 = 9600.0 -FOG_LEVEL2 = 12800.0 -FOG_LEVEL = FOG_LEVEL0 -FOG_LEVEL_LIST=[FOG_LEVEL0, FOG_LEVEL1, FOG_LEVEL2] - -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT = 2500.0 -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LONG = 3500.0 -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST=[CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT, CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LONG] -CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE = CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_SHORT - -CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX = 0 - -ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT="d:/ymir work/environment/moonlight04.msenv" - -# constant -HIGH_PRICE = 500000 -MIDDLE_PRICE = 50000 -ERROR_METIN_STONE = 28960 -SUB2_LOADING_ENABLE = 1 -EXPANDED_COMBO_ENABLE = 1 -CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE = 1 -USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS = 0 -ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 1 -LOGIN_COUNT_LIMIT_ENABLE = 0 - -USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE = 1 - -VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD = 1 -GUILD_MONEY_PER_GSP = 100 -GUILD_WAR_TYPE_SELECT_ENABLE = 1 -TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE = 0 - -HAIR_COLOR_ENABLE = 1 -ARMOR_SPECULAR_ENABLE = 1 -WEAPON_SPECULAR_ENABLE = 1 -SEQUENCE_PACKET_ENABLE = 1 -KEEP_ACCOUNT_CONNETION_ENABLE = 1 -MINIMAP_POSITIONINFO_ENABLE = 0 -CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE = 0 -USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS = 0 -ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 0 -LOGIN_COUNT_LIMIT_ENABLE = 0 -PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL = 15 -TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE = 10 - -isItemDropQuestionDialog = 0 - -def GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - global isItemDropQuestionDialog - return isItemDropQuestionDialog - -def SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(flag): - global isItemDropQuestionDialog - isItemDropQuestionDialog = flag - -import app -import net - -######################## - -def SET_DEFAULT_FOG_LEVEL(): - global FOG_LEVEL - app.SetMinFog(FOG_LEVEL) - -def SET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(index): - global FOG_LEVEL - global FOG_LEVEL_LIST - try: - FOG_LEVEL=FOG_LEVEL_LIST[index] - except IndexError: - FOG_LEVEL=FOG_LEVEL_LIST[0] - app.SetMinFog(FOG_LEVEL) - -def GET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(): - global FOG_LEVEL - global FOG_LEVEL_LIST - return FOG_LEVEL_LIST.index(FOG_LEVEL) - -######################## - -def SET_DEFAULT_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE(): - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE - app.SetCameraMaxDistance(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) - -def SET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(index): - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST - try: - CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE=CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST[index] - except: - CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE=CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST[0] - - app.SetCameraMaxDistance(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) - -def GET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(): - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE - global CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST - return CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_LIST.index(CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE) - -######################## - -import chrmgr -import player -import app - -def SET_DEFAULT_CHRNAME_COLOR(): - global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - chrmgr.SetEmpireNameMode(CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX) - -def SET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(index): - global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX=index - chrmgr.SetEmpireNameMode(index) - -def GET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(): - global CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - return CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX - -def SET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(index): - global VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD - VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD = index - -def GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(): - global VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD - return VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD - -def SET_DEFAULT_CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE(): - global CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE - net.SetEmpireLanguageMode(CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE) - -def SET_DEFAULT_USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS(): - global USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS - player.SetWeaponAttackBonusFlag(USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS) - -def SET_DEFAULT_USE_SKILL_EFFECT_ENABLE(): - global USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE - app.SetSkillEffectUpgradeEnable(USE_SKILL_EFFECT_UPGRADE_ENABLE) - -def SET_TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE(): - global TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE - app.SetTwoHandedWeaponAttSpeedDecreaseValue(TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE) - -######################## -import item - -ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST = [50623, 50624, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, 50634, 50635, 50636, 50637, 50638] -#ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST = [50623, 50623, 50624, 50624, 50625, 50625, 50626, 50627, 50628, 50629, 50630, 50631, 50632, 50633, -# 50623, 50623, 50624, 50624, ] -JewelAccessoryInfos = [ - # jewel wrist neck ear - [ 50634, 14420, 16220, 17220 ], - [ 50635, 14500, 16500, 17500 ], - [ 50636, 14520, 16520, 17520 ], - [ 50637, 14540, 16540, 17540 ], - [ 50638, 14560, 16560, 17560 ], - ] -def GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(vnum, subType): - ret = vnum - item_base = (vnum / 10) * 10 - for info in JewelAccessoryInfos: - if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType: - if info[1] == item_base: - return info[0] - elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: - if info[2] == item_base: - return info[0] - elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType: - if info[3] == item_base: - return info[0] - - if vnum >= 16210 and vnum <= 16219: - return 50625 - - if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType: - WRIST_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 14000 - ret -= WRIST_ITEM_VNUM_BASE - elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: - NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 16000 - ret -= NECK_ITEM_VNUM_BASE - elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType: - EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE = 17000 - ret -= EAR_ITEM_VNUM_BASE - - type = ret/20 - - if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST): - type = (ret-170) / 20 - if type<0 or type>=len(ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST): - return 0 - - return ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_LIST[type] - -################################################################## -## 货肺 眠啊等 '骇飘' 酒捞袍 鸥涝苞, 骇飘狼 家南俊 踩阑 酒捞袍 包访.. -## 骇飘狼 家南矫胶袍篮 厩技辑府客 悼老窍扁 锭巩俊, 困 厩技辑府 包访 窍靛内爹贸烦 捞繁侥栏肺 且 荐观俊 绝促.. - -def GET_BELT_MATERIAL_VNUM(vnum, subType = 0): - # 泅犁绰 葛电 骇飘俊绰 窍唱狼 酒捞袍(#18900)父 火涝 啊瓷 - return 18900 - -################################################################## -## 磊悼拱距 (HP: #72723 ~ #72726, SP: #72727 ~ #72730) - -# 秦寸 vnum捞 磊悼拱距牢啊? -def IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): - return IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum) or IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum) - -# 秦寸 vnum捞 HP 磊悼拱距牢啊? -def IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): - if 72723 <= itemVnum and 72726 >= itemVnum: - return 1 - elif itemVnum >= 76021 and itemVnum <= 76022: ## 货肺 甸绢埃 急拱侩 拳锋狼 绵汗 - return 1 - elif itemVnum == 79012: - return 1 - - return 0 - -# 秦寸 vnum捞 SP 磊悼拱距牢啊? -def IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): - if 72727 <= itemVnum and 72730 >= itemVnum: - return 1 - elif itemVnum >= 76004 and itemVnum <= 76005: ## 货肺 甸绢埃 急拱侩 荐锋狼 绵汗 - return 1 - elif itemVnum == 79013: - return 1 - - return 0 - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/debuginfo.py b/bin_original/pack/root/debuginfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index d2bfd71f..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/debuginfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -g_isDebugMode=0 - -def SetDebugMode(isDebugMode): - global g_isDebugMode - g_isDebugMode=isDebugMode - -def IsDebugMode(): - global g_isDebugMode - return g_isDebugMode - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/dragon_soul_refine_settings.py b/bin_original/pack/root/dragon_soul_refine_settings.py deleted file mode 100644 index e1588b62..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/dragon_soul_refine_settings.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -import item - -default_grade_need_count = [15, 10, 5, 3] -default_grade_fee = [30000, 50000, 70000, 100000] -default_step_need_count = [4, 3, 2, 1] -default_step_fee = [20000, 30000, 40000, 50000] - -strength_fee = { - item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_NORMAL : 10000, - item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_BLESSED : 20000, - item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_HOLLY : 30000, -} - -# 碍拳啊 绢蠢 窜拌 鳖瘤 啊瓷 茄瘤 -# table(GRADE, STEP) = max strength. -default_strength_max_table = [ - [2, 2, 3, 3, 4], - [3, 3, 3, 4, 4], - [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], - [4, 4, 4, 4, 5], - [4, 4, 4, 5, 6], -] - -# 老窜 扁裙利栏肺绰 strength 碍拳狼 版快, 碍拳籍俊 狼秦 fee啊 悸泼登扁 锭巩俊, -# dragon_soul_refine_info俊 持瘤 臼疽促. -# (碍拳籍父 持绢档 倔付 鞘夸茄瘤 焊老 荐 乐档废 窍扁 困秦) -# 促父 辑滚俊辑绰 侩去籍 鸥涝 喊肺 碍拳籍 fee甫 悸泼且 荐 乐档废 秦躇扁 锭巩俊, -# 父老 侩去籍 喊肺 碍拳籍 fee甫 促福霸 窍绊 酵促搁, -# 努扼 内靛甫 荐沥秦具且 巴捞促. -default_refine_info = { - "grade_need_count" : default_grade_need_count, - "grade_fee" : default_grade_fee, - "step_need_count" : default_step_need_count, - "step_fee" : default_step_fee, - "strength_max_table" : default_strength_max_table, -} - -dragon_soul_refine_info = { - 11 : default_refine_info, - 12 : default_refine_info, - 13 : default_refine_info, - 14 : default_refine_info, - 15 : default_refine_info, - 16 : default_refine_info, -} - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/emotion.py b/bin_original/pack/root/emotion.py deleted file mode 100644 index db2ef136..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/emotion.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ -import locale -import player -import chrmgr -import chr - -EMOTION_VERSION = 2 - -if EMOTION_VERSION == 2: - EMOTION_CLAP = 1 - EMOTION_CONGRATULATION = 2 - EMOTION_FORGIVE = 3 - EMOTION_ANGRY = 4 - EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE = 5 - EMOTION_SAD = 6 - EMOTION_SHY = 7 - EMOTION_CHEERUP = 8 - EMOTION_BANTER = 9 - EMOTION_JOY = 10 - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 = 11 - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 = 12 - EMOTION_DANCE_1 = 13 - EMOTION_DANCE_2 = 14 - EMOTION_DANCE_3 = 15 - EMOTION_DANCE_4 = 16 - EMOTION_DANCE_5 = 17 - EMOTION_DANCE_6 = 18 - EMOTION_KISS = 51 - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS = 52 - EMOTION_SLAP = 53 - - EMOTION_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP, "command":"/clap"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_1, "command":"/dance1"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_2, "command":"/dance2"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_3 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_3, "command":"/dance3"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_4 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_4, "command":"/dance4"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_5 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_5, "command":"/dance5"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_6 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_6, "command":"/dance6"}, - EMOTION_CONGRATULATION : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CONGRATULATION, "command":"/congratulation"}, - EMOTION_FORGIVE : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FORGIVE, "command":"/forgive"}, - EMOTION_ANGRY : {"name": locale.EMOTION_ANGRY, "command":"/angry"}, - EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE : {"name": locale.EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE, "command":"/attractive"}, - EMOTION_SAD : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SAD, "command":"/sad"}, - EMOTION_SHY : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SHY, "command":"/shy"}, - EMOTION_CHEERUP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERUP, "command":"/cheerup"}, - EMOTION_BANTER : {"name": locale.EMOTION_BANTER, "command":"/banter"}, - EMOTION_JOY : {"name": locale.EMOTION_JOY, "command":"/joy"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_1, "command":"/cheer1"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_2, "command":"/cheer2"}, - EMOTION_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP_KISS, "command":"/kiss"}, - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS, "command":"/french_kiss"}, - EMOTION_SLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SLAP, "command":"/slap"}, - } - - ICON_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_clap.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_1.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_2.sub", - - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : "icon/action/dance1.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : "icon/action/dance2.tga", - - EMOTION_CONGRATULATION : "icon/action/congratulation.tga", - EMOTION_FORGIVE : "icon/action/forgive.tga", - EMOTION_ANGRY : "icon/action/angry.tga", - EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE : "icon/action/attractive.tga", - EMOTION_SAD : "icon/action/sad.tga", - EMOTION_SHY : "icon/action/shy.tga", - EMOTION_CHEERUP : "icon/action/cheerup.tga", - EMOTION_BANTER : "icon/action/banter.tga", - EMOTION_JOY : "icon/action/joy.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : "icon/action/dance1.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : "icon/action/dance2.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_3 : "icon/action/dance3.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_4 : "icon/action/dance4.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_5 : "icon/action/dance5.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_6 : "icon/action/dance6.tga", - - EMOTION_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_french_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_SLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_slap.sub", - } - - ANI_DICT = { - chr.MOTION_CLAP : "clap.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_1 : "cheers_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_2 : "cheers_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_1 : "dance_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_2 : "dance_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_3 : "dance_3.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_4 : "dance_4.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_5 : "dance_5.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_6 : "dance_6.msa", - chr.MOTION_CONGRATULATION : "congratulation.msa", - chr.MOTION_FORGIVE : "forgive.msa", - chr.MOTION_ANGRY : "angry.msa", - chr.MOTION_ATTRACTIVE : "attractive.msa", - chr.MOTION_SAD : "sad.msa", - chr.MOTION_SHY : "shy.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERUP : "cheerup.msa", - chr.MOTION_BANTER : "banter.msa", - chr.MOTION_JOY : "joy.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "french_kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "french_kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SURA : "french_kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "french_kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SURA : "kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hurt.msa", - } - -elif EMOTION_VERSION == 1: - EMOTION_CLAP = 1 - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 = 2 - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 = 3 - EMOTION_DANCE_1 = 4 - EMOTION_DANCE_2 = 5 - EMOTION_KISS = 51 - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS = 52 - EMOTION_SLAP = 53 - - EMOTION_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP, "command":"/clap"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_1, "command":"/cheer1"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_2, "command":"/cheer2"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_1, "command":"/dance1"}, - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_DANCE_2, "command":"/dance2"}, - EMOTION_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP_KISS, "command":"/kiss"}, - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS, "command":"/french_kiss"}, - EMOTION_SLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SLAP, "command":"/slap"}, - } - - ICON_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_clap.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_1.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_2.sub", - - EMOTION_DANCE_1 : "icon/action/dance1.tga", - EMOTION_DANCE_2 : "icon/action/dance2.tga", - - EMOTION_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_french_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_SLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_slap.sub", - } - - ANI_DICT = { - chr.MOTION_CLAP : "clap.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_1 : "cheers_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_2 : "cheers_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_1 : "dance_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_DANCE_2 : "dance_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "french_kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "french_kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SURA : "french_kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "french_kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SURA : "kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hurt.msa", - } -else: - EMOTION_CLAP = 1 - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 = 2 - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 = 3 - EMOTION_KISS = 51 - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS = 52 - EMOTION_SLAP = 53 - - EMOTION_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP, "command":"/clap"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_1, "command":"/cheer1"}, - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CHEERS_2, "command":"/cheer2"}, - EMOTION_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_CLAP_KISS, "command":"/kiss"}, - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : {"name": locale.EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS, "command":"/french_kiss"}, - EMOTION_SLAP : {"name": locale.EMOTION_SLAP, "command":"/slap"}, - } - - ICON_DICT = { - EMOTION_CLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_clap.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_1.sub", - EMOTION_CHEERS_2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_cheers_2.sub", - - EMOTION_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_french_kiss.sub", - EMOTION_SLAP : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/emotion_slap.sub", - } - - ANI_DICT = { - chr.MOTION_CLAP : "clap.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_1 : "cheers_1.msa", - chr.MOTION_CHEERS_2 : "cheers_2.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "french_kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "french_kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SURA : "french_kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_FRENCH_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "french_kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_WARRIOR : "kiss_with_warrior.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_ASSASSIN : "kiss_with_assassin.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SURA : "kiss_with_sura.msa", - chr.MOTION_KISS_WITH_SHAMAN : "kiss_with_shaman.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HIT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hit.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_WARRIOR : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_ASSASSIN : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SURA : "slap_hurt.msa", - chr.MOTION_SLAP_HURT_WITH_SHAMAN : "slap_hurt.msa", - } - - -def __RegisterSharedEmotionAnis(mode, path): - chrmgr.SetPathName(path) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(mode) - - for key, val in ANI_DICT.items(): - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(mode, key, val) - -def RegisterEmotionAnis(path): - actionPath = path + "action/" - weddingPath = path + "wedding/" - - __RegisterSharedEmotionAnis(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, actionPath) - __RegisterSharedEmotionAnis(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, actionPath) - - chrmgr.SetPathName(weddingPath) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_WEDDING_DRESS, chr.MOTION_RUN, "walk.msa") - -def RegisterEmotionIcons(): - for key, val in ICON_DICT.items(): - player.RegisterEmotionIcon(key, val) - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/exception.py b/bin_original/pack/root/exception.py deleted file mode 100644 index 29933fb7..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/exception.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -def GetExceptionString(excTitle): - - import sys - (excType, excMsg, excTraceBack)=sys.exc_info() - - excText="" - excText+=chr(10) - - import traceback - traceLineList=traceback.extract_tb(excTraceBack) - - for traceLine in traceLineList: - if traceLine[3]: - excText+="%s(line:%d) %s - %s" % (traceLine[0], traceLine[1], traceLine[2], traceLine[3]) - else: - excText+="%s(line:%d) %s" % (traceLine[0], traceLine[1], traceLine[2]) - - excText+=chr(10) - - excText+=chr(10) - excText+="%s - %s:%s" % (excTitle, excType, excMsg) - excText+=chr(10) - - return excText - -def Abort(excTitle): - import dbg - excText=GetExceptionString(excTitle) - - dbg.TraceError(excText) - - import app - app.Abort() - - import sys - sys.exit() - - return 0 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/game.py b/bin_original/pack/root/game.py deleted file mode 100644 index f4522117..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/game.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2177 +0,0 @@ -import os -import app -import dbg -import grp -import item -import background -import chr -import chrmgr -import player -import snd -import chat -import textTail -import snd -import net -import effect -import wndMgr -import fly -import systemSetting -import quest -import guild -import skill -import messenger -import locale -import constInfo -import exchange -import ime - -import ui -import uiCommon -import uiPhaseCurtain -import uiMapNameShower -import uiAffectShower -import uiPlayerGauge -import uiCharacter -import uiTarget - -# PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST -import uiPrivateShopBuilder -# END_OF_PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - -import mouseModule -import consoleModule - -import playerSettingModule -import interfaceModule - -import musicInfo -import debugInfo -import stringCommander - -from _weakref import proxy - -# TEXTTAIL_LIVINGTIME_CONTROL -#if locale.IsJAPAN(): -# app.SetTextTailLivingTime(8.0) -# END_OF_TEXTTAIL_LIVINGTIME_CONTROL - -# SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE -SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE = FALSE -SCREENSHOT_DIR = None - -if locale.IsEUROPE(): - SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE = TRUE - -if locale.IsCIBN10(): - SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE = FALSE - SCREENSHOT_DIR = "YT2W" - -cameraDistance = 1550.0 -cameraPitch = 27.0 -cameraRotation = 0.0 -cameraHeight = 100.0 - -testAlignment = 0 - -class GameWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, stream): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "GAME") - self.SetWindowName("game") - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_GAME, self) - player.SetGameWindow(self) - - self.quickSlotPageIndex = 0 - self.lastPKModeSendedTime = 0 - self.pressNumber = None - - self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None - self.interface = None - self.targetBoard = None - self.console = None - self.mapNameShower = None - self.affectShower = None - self.playerGauge = None - - self.stream=stream - self.interface = interfaceModule.Interface() - self.interface.MakeInterface() - self.interface.ShowDefaultWindows() - - self.curtain = uiPhaseCurtain.PhaseCurtain() - self.curtain.speed = 0.03 - self.curtain.Hide() - - self.targetBoard = uiTarget.TargetBoard() - self.targetBoard.SetWhisperEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.interface.OpenWhisperDialog)) - self.targetBoard.Hide() - - self.console = consoleModule.ConsoleWindow() - self.console.BindGameClass(self) - self.console.SetConsoleSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), 200) - self.console.Hide() - - self.mapNameShower = uiMapNameShower.MapNameShower() - self.affectShower = uiAffectShower.AffectShower() - - self.playerGauge = uiPlayerGauge.PlayerGauge(self) - self.playerGauge.Hide() - - self.__SetQuickSlotMode() - - self.__ServerCommand_Build() - self.__ProcessPreservedServerCommand() - - def __del__(self): - player.SetGameWindow(0) - net.ClearPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_GAME, self) - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Open(self): - app.SetFrameSkip(1) - - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - - self.quickSlotPageIndex = 0 - self.PickingCharacterIndex = -1 - self.PickingItemIndex = -1 - self.consoleEnable = FALSE - self.isShowDebugInfo = FALSE - self.ShowNameFlag = FALSE - - self.enableXMasBoom = FALSE - self.startTimeXMasBoom = 0.0 - self.indexXMasBoom = 0 - - global cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight - - app.SetCamera(cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight) - - constInfo.SET_DEFAULT_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE() - constInfo.SET_DEFAULT_CHRNAME_COLOR() - constInfo.SET_DEFAULT_FOG_LEVEL() - constInfo.SET_DEFAULT_CONVERT_EMPIRE_LANGUAGE_ENABLE() - constInfo.SET_DEFAULT_USE_ITEM_WEAPON_TABLE_ATTACK_BONUS() - constInfo.SET_DEFAULT_USE_SKILL_EFFECT_ENABLE() - - # TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATTACK_SPEED_UP - constInfo.SET_TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATT_SPEED_DECREASE_VALUE() - # END_OF_TWO_HANDED_WEAPON_ATTACK_SPEED_UP - - import event - event.SetLeftTimeString(locale.UI_LEFT_TIME) - - textTail.EnablePKTitle(constInfo.PVPMODE_ENABLE) - - if constInfo.PVPMODE_TEST_ENABLE: - self.testPKMode = ui.TextLine() - self.testPKMode.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.testPKMode.SetPosition(0, 15) - self.testPKMode.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.testPKMode.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.testPKMode.SetFeather() - self.testPKMode.SetOutline() - self.testPKMode.Show() - - self.testAlignment = ui.TextLine() - self.testAlignment.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.testAlignment.SetPosition(0, 35) - self.testAlignment.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.testAlignment.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.testAlignment.SetFeather() - self.testAlignment.SetOutline() - self.testAlignment.Show() - - self.__BuildKeyDict() - self.__BuildDebugInfo() - - # PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - uiPrivateShopBuilder.Clear() - # END_OF_PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - - # UNKNOWN_UPDATE - exchange.InitTrading() - # END_OF_UNKNOWN_UPDATE - - if debugInfo.IsDebugMode(): - self.ToggleDebugInfo() - - ## Sound - snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*net.GetFieldMusicVolume()) - snd.SetSoundVolume(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) - - netFieldMusicFileName = net.GetFieldMusicFileName() - if netFieldMusicFileName: - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + netFieldMusicFileName) - elif musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - self.__SetQuickSlotMode() - self.__SelectQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex) - - self.SetFocus() - self.Show() - app.ShowCursor() - - net.SendEnterGamePacket() - - # START_GAME_ERROR_EXIT - try: - self.StartGame() - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GameWindow.Open") - # END_OF_START_GAME_ERROR_EXIT - - # NPC啊 钮宏矫胶袍栏肺 父甸 荐 乐绰 酒捞袍甸狼 格废阑 某教 - # ex) cubeInformation[20383] = [ {"rewordVNUM": 72723, "rewordCount": 1, "materialInfo": "101,1&102,2", "price": 999 }, ... ] - self.cubeInformation = {} - self.currentCubeNPC = 0 - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - global cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight - (cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight) = app.GetCamera() - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+ musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - self.onPressKeyDict = None - self.onClickKeyDict = None - - chat.Close() - snd.StopAllSound() - grp.InitScreenEffect() - chr.Destroy() - textTail.Clear() - quest.Clear() - background.Destroy() - guild.Destroy() - messenger.Destroy() - skill.ClearSkillData() - wndMgr.Unlock() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if self.guildWarQuestionDialog: - self.guildWarQuestionDialog.Close() - - self.guildNameBoard = None - self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = None - self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = None - self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = None - self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None - self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = None - - # UNKNOWN_UPDATE - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = None - # END_OF_UNKNOWN_UPDATE - - # QUEST_CONFIRM - self.confirmDialog = None - # END_OF_QUEST_CONFIRM - - self.PrintCoord = None - self.FrameRate = None - self.Pitch = None - self.Splat = None - self.TextureNum = None - self.ObjectNum = None - self.ViewDistance = None - self.PrintMousePos = None - - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.playerGauge = None - self.mapNameShower = None - self.affectShower = None - - if self.console: - self.console.BindGameClass(0) - self.console.Close() - self.console=None - - if self.targetBoard: - self.targetBoard.Destroy() - self.targetBoard = None - - if self.interface: - self.interface.HideAllWindows() - self.interface.Close() - self.interface=None - - player.ClearSkillDict() - player.ResetCameraRotation() - - self.KillFocus() - app.HideCursor() - - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE GAME WINDOW" - - def __BuildKeyDict(self): - onPressKeyDict = {} - - ##PressKey 绰 穿福绊 乐绰 悼救 拌加 利侩登绰 虐捞促. - - ## 箭磊 窜绵虐 狞浇吩俊 捞侩等促.(捞饶 箭磊甸档 狞 浇吩侩 抗距) - ## F12 绰 努扼 叼滚弊侩 虐捞骨肺 静瘤 臼绰 霸 亮促. - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_1] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(1) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_2] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(2) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_3] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(3) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_4] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(4) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_5] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(5) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_6] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(6) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_7] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(7) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_8] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(8) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_9] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(9) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F1] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(4) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F2] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(5) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F3] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(6) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F4] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(7) - - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LALT] = lambda : self.ShowName() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LCONTROL] = lambda : self.ShowMouseImage() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_SYSRQ] = lambda : self.SaveScreen() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_SPACE] = lambda : self.StartAttack() - - #某腐磐 捞悼虐 - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_UP] = lambda : self.MoveUp() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_DOWN] = lambda : self.MoveDown() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LEFT] = lambda : self.MoveLeft() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_RIGHT] = lambda : self.MoveRight() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_W] = lambda : self.MoveUp() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_S] = lambda : self.MoveDown() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_A] = lambda : self.MoveLeft() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_D] = lambda : self.MoveRight() - - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_E] = lambda: app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_R] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE) - #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_T] = lambda: app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_G] = self.__PressGKey - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_Q] = self.__PressQKey - - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD9] = lambda: app.MovieResetCamera() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD4] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD6] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_PGUP] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_PGDN] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD8] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD2] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_GRAVE] = lambda : self.PickUpItem() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_Z] = lambda : self.PickUpItem() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_C] = lambda state = "STATUS": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_V] = lambda state = "SKILL": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state) - #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_B] = lambda state = "EMOTICON": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_N] = lambda state = "QUEST": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state) - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_I] = lambda : self.interface.ToggleInventoryWindow() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_O] = lambda : self.interface.ToggleDragonSoulWindowWithNoInfo() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_M] = lambda : self.interface.PressMKey() - #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_H] = lambda : self.interface.OpenHelpWindow() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_ADD] = lambda : self.interface.MiniMapScaleUp() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_SUBTRACT] = lambda : self.interface.MiniMapScaleDown() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_L] = lambda : self.interface.ToggleChatLogWindow() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_COMMA] = lambda : self.ShowConsole() # "`" key - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LSHIFT] = lambda : self.__SetQuickPageMode() - - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_J] = lambda : self.__PressJKey() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_H] = lambda : self.__PressHKey() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_B] = lambda : self.__PressBKey() - onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F] = lambda : self.__PressFKey() - - # CUBE_TEST - #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_K] = lambda : self.interface.OpenCubeWindow() - # CUBE_TEST_END - - self.onPressKeyDict = onPressKeyDict - - onClickKeyDict = {} - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_UP] = lambda : self.StopUp() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_DOWN] = lambda : self.StopDown() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LEFT] = lambda : self.StopLeft() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_RIGHT] = lambda : self.StopRight() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_SPACE] = lambda : self.EndAttack() - - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_W] = lambda : self.StopUp() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_S] = lambda : self.StopDown() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_A] = lambda : self.StopLeft() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_D] = lambda : self.StopRight() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_Q] = lambda: app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_E] = lambda: app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_R] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_F] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_T] = lambda: app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_G] = lambda: self.__ReleaseGKey() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD4] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD6] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_PGUP] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_PGDN] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD8] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD2] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LALT] = lambda: self.HideName() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LCONTROL] = lambda: self.HideMouseImage() - onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LSHIFT] = lambda: self.__SetQuickSlotMode() - - #if constInfo.PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_ENABLE: - # onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_B] = lambda: self.ChangePKMode() - - self.onClickKeyDict=onClickKeyDict - - def __PressNumKey(self,num): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - - if num >= 1 and num <= 9: - if(chrmgr.IsPossibleEmoticon(-1)): - chrmgr.SetEmoticon(-1,int(num)-1) - net.SendEmoticon(int(num)-1) - else: - if num >= 1 and num <= 4: - self.pressNumber(num-1) - - def __ClickBKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - return - else: - if constInfo.PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_ENABLE: - self.ChangePKMode() - - - def __PressJKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - if player.IsMountingHorse(): - net.SendChatPacket("/unmount") - else: - #net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_ride") - if not uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE): - if player.GetItemIndex(i) in (71114, 71116, 71118, 71120): - net.SendItemUsePacket(i) - break - def __PressHKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_ride") - else: - self.interface.OpenHelpWindow() - - def __PressBKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_back") - else: - state = "EMOTICON" - self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state) - - def __PressFKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_feed") - else: - app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - - def __PressGKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - net.SendChatPacket("/ride") - else: - if self.ShowNameFlag: - self.interface.ToggleGuildWindow() - else: - app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE) - - def __ReleaseGKey(self): - app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP) - - def __PressQKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL): - if 0==interfaceModule.IsQBHide: - interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 1 - self.interface.HideAllQuestButton() - else: - interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 0 - self.interface.ShowAllQuestButton() - else: - app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE) - - def __SetQuickSlotMode(self): - self.pressNumber=ui.__mem_func__(self.__PressQuickSlot) - - def __SetQuickPageMode(self): - self.pressNumber=ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectQuickPage) - - def __PressQuickSlot(self, localSlotIndex): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - if 0 <= localSlotIndex and localSlotIndex < 4: - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(3-localSlotIndex) - else: - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(11-localSlotIndex) - else: - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex) - - def __SelectQuickPage(self, pageIndex): - self.quickSlotPageIndex = pageIndex - player.SetQuickPage(pageIndex) - - def ToggleDebugInfo(self): - self.isShowDebugInfo = not self.isShowDebugInfo - - if self.isShowDebugInfo: - self.PrintCoord.Show() - self.FrameRate.Show() - self.Pitch.Show() - self.Splat.Show() - self.TextureNum.Show() - self.ObjectNum.Show() - self.ViewDistance.Show() - self.PrintMousePos.Show() - else: - self.PrintCoord.Hide() - self.FrameRate.Hide() - self.Pitch.Hide() - self.Splat.Hide() - self.TextureNum.Hide() - self.ObjectNum.Hide() - self.ViewDistance.Hide() - self.PrintMousePos.Hide() - - def __BuildDebugInfo(self): - ## Character Position Coordinate - self.PrintCoord = ui.TextLine() - self.PrintCoord.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.PrintCoord.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 0) - - ## Frame Rate - self.FrameRate = ui.TextLine() - self.FrameRate.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.FrameRate.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 20) - - ## Camera Pitch - self.Pitch = ui.TextLine() - self.Pitch.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.Pitch.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 40) - - ## Splat - self.Splat = ui.TextLine() - self.Splat.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.Splat.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 60) - - ## - self.PrintMousePos = ui.TextLine() - self.PrintMousePos.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.PrintMousePos.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 80) - - # TextureNum - self.TextureNum = ui.TextLine() - self.TextureNum.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.TextureNum.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 100) - - # 坷宏璃飘 弊府绰 俺荐 - self.ObjectNum = ui.TextLine() - self.ObjectNum.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.ObjectNum.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 120) - - # 矫具芭府 - self.ViewDistance = ui.TextLine() - self.ViewDistance.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - self.ViewDistance.SetPosition(0, 0) - - def __NotifyError(self, msg): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, msg) - - def ChangePKMode(self): - - if not app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - return - - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) 5000: - answer = FALSE - - net.SendPartyInviteAnswerPacket(partyLeaderVID, answer) - - self.partyInviteQuestionDialog.Close() - self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = None - - def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name): - self.interface.AddPartyMember(pid, name) - - def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid): - self.interface.UpdatePartyMemberInfo(pid) - - def RemovePartyMember(self, pid): - self.interface.RemovePartyMember(pid) - self.__RefreshTargetBoard() - - def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid): - self.interface.LinkPartyMember(pid, vid) - - def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid): - self.interface.UnlinkPartyMember(pid) - - def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self): - self.interface.UnlinkAllPartyMember() - - def ExitParty(self): - self.interface.ExitParty() - self.RefreshTargetBoardByVID(self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID()) - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - self.interface.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode) - - ## Messenger - def OnMessengerAddFriendQuestion(self, name): - messengerAddFriendQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetText1(locale.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 % (name)) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetText2(locale.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAcceptAddFriend)) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDenyAddFriend)) - messengerAddFriendQuestion.Open() - messengerAddFriendQuestion.name = name - self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = messengerAddFriendQuestion - - def OnAcceptAddFriend(self): - name = self.messengerAddFriendQuestion.name - net.SendChatPacket("/messenger_auth y " + name) - self.OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnDenyAddFriend(self): - name = self.messengerAddFriendQuestion.name - net.SendChatPacket("/messenger_auth n " + name) - self.OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog(self): - self.messengerAddFriendQuestion.Close() - self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = None - return TRUE - - ## SafeBox - def OpenSafeboxWindow(self, size): - self.interface.OpenSafeboxWindow(size) - - def RefreshSafebox(self): - self.interface.RefreshSafebox() - - def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self): - self.interface.RefreshSafeboxMoney() - - # ITEM_MALL - def OpenMallWindow(self, size): - self.interface.OpenMallWindow(size) - - def RefreshMall(self): - self.interface.RefreshMall() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - ## Guild - def RecvGuildInviteQuestion(self, guildID, guildName): - guildInviteQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetText(guildName + locale.GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN) - guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.AnswerGuildInvite(arg)) - guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.AnswerGuildInvite(arg)) - guildInviteQuestionDialog.Open() - guildInviteQuestionDialog.guildID = guildID - self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = guildInviteQuestionDialog - - def AnswerGuildInvite(self, answer): - - if not self.guildInviteQuestionDialog: - return - - guildLeaderVID = self.guildInviteQuestionDialog.guildID - net.SendGuildInviteAnswerPacket(guildLeaderVID, answer) - - self.guildInviteQuestionDialog.Close() - self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = None - - - def DeleteGuild(self): - self.interface.DeleteGuild() - - ## Clock - def ShowClock(self, second): - self.interface.ShowClock(second) - - def HideClock(self): - self.interface.HideClock() - - ## Emotion - def BINARY_ActEmotion(self, emotionIndex): - if self.interface.wndCharacter: - self.interface.wndCharacter.ActEmotion(emotionIndex) - - ############################################################################################### - ############################################################################################### - ## Keyboard Functions - - def CheckFocus(self): - if FALSE == self.IsFocus(): - if TRUE == self.interface.IsOpenChat(): - self.interface.ToggleChat() - - self.SetFocus() - - def SaveScreen(self): - print "save screen" - - # SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE - if SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE: - if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"): - os.mkdir(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot") - - (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShotToPath(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"+os.sep) - elif SCREENSHOT_DIR: - (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot(SCREENSHOT_DIR) - else: - (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot() - # END_OF_SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE - - if succeeded: - pass - """ - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, name + locale.SCREENSHOT_SAVE1) - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SCREENSHOT_SAVE2) - """ - else: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE) - - def ShowConsole(self): - if debugInfo.IsDebugMode() or TRUE == self.consoleEnable: - player.EndKeyWalkingImmediately() - self.console.OpenWindow() - - def ShowName(self): - self.ShowNameFlag = TRUE - self.playerGauge.EnableShowAlways() - player.SetQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex+1) - - # ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - def __IsShowName(self): - - if systemSetting.IsAlwaysShowName(): - return TRUE - - if self.ShowNameFlag: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - # END_OF_ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - - def HideName(self): - self.ShowNameFlag = FALSE - self.playerGauge.DisableShowAlways() - player.SetQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex) - - def ShowMouseImage(self): - self.interface.ShowMouseImage() - - def HideMouseImage(self): - self.interface.HideMouseImage() - - def StartAttack(self): - player.SetAttackKeyState(TRUE) - - def EndAttack(self): - player.SetAttackKeyState(FALSE) - - def MoveUp(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_UP, TRUE) - - def MoveDown(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_DOWN, TRUE) - - def MoveLeft(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_LEFT, TRUE) - - def MoveRight(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_RIGHT, TRUE) - - def StopUp(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_UP, FALSE) - - def StopDown(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_DOWN, FALSE) - - def StopLeft(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_LEFT, FALSE) - - def StopRight(self): - player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_RIGHT, FALSE) - - def PickUpItem(self): - player.PickCloseItem() - - ############################################################################################### - ############################################################################################### - ## Event Handler - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if self.interface.wndWeb and self.interface.wndWeb.IsShow(): - return - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) - - try: - self.onPressKeyDict[key]() - except KeyError: - pass - except: - raise - - return TRUE - - def OnKeyUp(self, key): - try: - self.onClickKeyDict[key]() - except KeyError: - pass - except: - raise - - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(): - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - self.CheckFocus() - else: - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - return - else: - self.CheckFocus() - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS); - - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - - if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(): - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - - ## QuickSlot - if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType: - player.RequestDeleteGlobalQuickSlot(attachedItemSlotPos) - - ## Inventory - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType: - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex: - self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) - else: - self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) - - ## DragonSoul - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType: - self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - return - else: - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK) - - #player.EndMouseWalking() - return TRUE - - def __PutItem(self, attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, dstChrID): - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType or player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType: - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedType) - if TRUE == chr.HasInstance(self.PickingCharacterIndex) and player.GetMainCharacterIndex() != dstChrID: - if player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedItemSlotPos): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM, 0, locale.UI_OK) - else: - if chr.IsNPC(dstChrID): - net.SendGiveItemPacket(dstChrID, attachedInvenType, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount) - else: - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(dstChrID) - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedItemSlotPos, 0) - else: - self.__DropItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount) - - def __PutMoney(self, attachedType, attachedMoney, dstChrID): - if TRUE == chr.HasInstance(dstChrID) and player.GetMainCharacterIndex() != dstChrID: - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(dstChrID) - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(attachedMoney) - else: - self.__DropMoney(attachedType, attachedMoney) - - def __DropMoney(self, attachedType, attachedMoney): - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 滚覆 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - if attachedMoney>=1000: - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER, 0, locale.UI_OK) - return - - itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY % (attachedMoney)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.Open() - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedMoney - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = player.ITEM_MONEY - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog - - def __DropItem(self, attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount): - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 滚覆 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType and player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedItemSlotPos): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM, 0, locale.UI_OK) - - else: - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType: - dropItemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedItemSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(dropItemIndex) - dropItemName = item.GetItemName() - - ## Question Text - questionText = locale.HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, attachedItemCount) - - ## Dialog - itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(questionText) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.Open() - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = attachedItemSlotPos - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedItemCount - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(1) - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType: - dropItemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, attachedItemSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(dropItemIndex) - dropItemName = item.GetItemName() - - ## Question Text - questionText = locale.HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, attachedItemCount) - - ## Dialog - itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(questionText) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.RequestDropItem(arg)) - itemDropQuestionDialog.Open() - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = attachedItemSlotPos - itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedItemCount - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(1) - - def RequestDropItem(self, answer): - if not self.itemDropQuestionDialog: - return - - if answer: - dropType = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType - dropCount = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount - dropNumber = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == dropType: - if dropNumber == player.ITEM_MONEY: - net.SendGoldDropPacketNew(dropCount) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - else: - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - self.__SendDropItemPacket(dropNumber, dropCount) - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == dropType: - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - self.__SendDropItemPacket(dropNumber, dropCount, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY) - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - self.itemDropQuestionDialog.Close() - self.itemDropQuestionDialog = None - - constInfo.SET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(0) - - # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - def __SendDropItemPacket(self, itemVNum, itemCount, itemInvenType = player.INVENTORY): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemDropPacketNew(itemInvenType, itemVNum, itemCount) - # END_OF_PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - - def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self): - - self.CheckFocus() - - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_PRESS) - - return TRUE - - def OnMouseRightButtonUp(self): - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return TRUE - - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_CLICK) - return TRUE - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonDown(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_PRESS) - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonUp(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_CLICK) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - if self.mapNameShower.IsShow(): - self.mapNameShower.Update() - - if self.isShowDebugInfo: - self.UpdateDebugInfo() - - if self.enableXMasBoom: - self.__XMasBoom_Update() - - self.interface.BUILD_OnUpdate() - - - def UpdateDebugInfo(self): - # - # 某腐磐 谅钎 棺 FPS 免仿 - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - nUpdateTime = app.GetUpdateTime() - nUpdateFPS = app.GetUpdateFPS() - nRenderFPS = app.GetRenderFPS() - nFaceCount = app.GetFaceCount() - fFaceSpeed = app.GetFaceSpeed() - nST=background.GetRenderShadowTime() - (fAveRT, nCurRT) = app.GetRenderTime() - (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp) = background.GetDistanceSetInfo() - (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio, sTextureNum) = background.GetRenderedSplatNum() - if iPatch == 0: - iPatch = 1 - - #(dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC) = background.GetRenderedGraphicThingInstanceNum() - - self.PrintCoord.SetText("Coordinate: %.2f %.2f %.2f ATM: %d" % (x, y, z, app.GetAvailableTextureMemory()/(1024*1024))) - xMouse, yMouse = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.PrintMousePos.SetText("MousePosition: %d %d" % (xMouse, yMouse)) - - self.FrameRate.SetText("UFPS: %3d UT: %3d FS %.2f" % (nUpdateFPS, nUpdateTime, fFaceSpeed)) - - if fAveRT>1.0: - self.Pitch.SetText("RFPS: %3d RT:%.2f(%3d) FC: %d(%.2f) " % (nRenderFPS, fAveRT, nCurRT, nFaceCount, nFaceCount/fAveRT)) - - self.Splat.SetText("PATCH: %d SPLAT: %d BAD(%.2f)" % (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio)) - #self.Pitch.SetText("Pitch: %.2f" % (app.GetCameraPitch()) - #self.TextureNum.SetText("TN : %s" % (sTextureNum)) - #self.ObjectNum.SetText("GTI : %d, CRC : %d" % (dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC)) - self.ViewDistance.SetText("Num : %d, FS : %f, FE : %f, FC : %f" % (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp)) - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - - if self.console.Console.collision: - background.RenderCollision() - chr.RenderCollision() - - (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition() - - ######################## - # Picking - ######################## - textTail.UpdateAllTextTail() - - if TRUE == wndMgr.IsPickedWindow(self.hWnd): - - self.PickingCharacterIndex = chr.Pick() - - if -1 != self.PickingCharacterIndex: - textTail.ShowCharacterTextTail(self.PickingCharacterIndex) - if 0 != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID(): - textTail.ShowCharacterTextTail(self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID()) - - # ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - if not self.__IsShowName(): - self.PickingItemIndex = item.Pick() - if -1 != self.PickingItemIndex: - textTail.ShowItemTextTail(self.PickingItemIndex) - # END_OF_ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - - ## Show all name in the range - - # ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - if self.__IsShowName(): - textTail.ShowAllTextTail() - self.PickingItemIndex = textTail.Pick(x, y) - # END_OF_ADD_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME - - textTail.UpdateShowingTextTail() - textTail.ArrangeTextTail() - if -1 != self.PickingItemIndex: - textTail.SelectItemName(self.PickingItemIndex) - - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - textTail.Render() - textTail.HideAllTextTail() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - if app.TARGET == app.GetCursor(): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - elif TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - self.interface.OpenSystemDialog() - - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT): - self.interface.OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget() - else: - self.interface.ToggleChat() - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.interface.ToggleSystemDialog() - return TRUE - - ## BINARY CALLBACK - ###################################################################################### - - # WEDDING - def BINARY_LoverInfo(self, name, lovePoint): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnAddLover(name, lovePoint) - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.SetLoverInfo(name, lovePoint) - - def BINARY_UpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint) - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint) - # END_OF_WEDDING - - # QUEST_CONFIRM - def BINARY_OnQuestConfirm(self, msg, timeout, pid): - confirmDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit() - confirmDialog.Open(msg, timeout) - confirmDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda answer=TRUE, pid=pid: net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide()) - confirmDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda answer=FALSE, pid=pid: net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide()) - self.confirmDialog = confirmDialog - # END_OF_QUEST_CONFIRM - - # GIFT command - def Gift_Show(self): - self.interface.ShowGift() - - # CUBE - def BINARY_Cube_Open(self, npcVNUM): - self.currentCubeNPC = npcVNUM - - self.interface.OpenCubeWindow() - - - if npcVNUM not in self.cubeInformation: - net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info") - else: - cubeInfoList = self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM] - - i = 0 - for cubeInfo in cubeInfoList: - self.interface.wndCube.AddCubeResultItem(cubeInfo["vnum"], cubeInfo["count"]) - - j = 0 - for materialList in cubeInfo["materialList"]: - for materialInfo in materialList: - itemVnum, itemCount = materialInfo - self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(i, j, itemVnum, itemCount) - j = j + 1 - - i = i + 1 - - self.interface.wndCube.Refresh() - - def BINARY_Cube_Close(self): - self.interface.CloseCubeWindow() - - # 力累俊 鞘夸茄 榜靛, 抗惑登绰 肯己前狼 VNUM苞 俺荐 沥焊 update - def BINARY_Cube_UpdateInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count): - self.interface.UpdateCubeInfo(gold, itemVnum, count) - - def BINARY_Cube_Succeed(self, itemVnum, count): - print "钮宏 力累 己傍" - self.interface.SucceedCubeWork(itemVnum, count) - pass - - def BINARY_Cube_Failed(self): - print "钮宏 力累 角菩" - self.interface.FailedCubeWork() - pass - - def BINARY_Cube_ResultList(self, npcVNUM, listText): - # ResultList Text Format : 72723,1/72725,1/72730.1/50001,5 捞繁侥栏肺 "/" 巩磊肺 备盒等 府胶飘甫 淋 - #print listText - - if npcVNUM == 0: - npcVNUM = self.currentCubeNPC - - self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM] = [] - - try: - for eachInfoText in listText.split("/"): - eachInfo = eachInfoText.split(",") - itemVnum = int(eachInfo[0]) - itemCount = int(eachInfo[1]) - - self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM].append({"vnum": itemVnum, "count": itemCount}) - self.interface.wndCube.AddCubeResultItem(itemVnum, itemCount) - - resultCount = len(self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM]) - requestCount = 7 - modCount = resultCount % requestCount - splitCount = resultCount / requestCount - for i in xrange(splitCount): - #print("/cube r_info %d %d" % (i * requestCount, requestCount)) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info %d %d" % (i * requestCount, requestCount)) - - if 0 < modCount: - #print("/cube r_info %d %d" % (splitCount * requestCount, modCount)) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info %d %d" % (splitCount * requestCount, modCount)) - - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - pass - - def BINARY_Cube_MaterialInfo(self, startIndex, listCount, listText): - # Material Text Format : 125,1|126,2|127,2|123,5&555,5&555,4/120000 - try: - #print listText - - if 3 > len(listText): - dbg.TraceError("Wrong Cube Material Infomation") - return 0 - - - - eachResultList = listText.split("@") - - cubeInfo = self.cubeInformation[self.currentCubeNPC] - - itemIndex = 0 - for eachResultText in eachResultList: - cubeInfo[startIndex + itemIndex]["materialList"] = [[], [], [], [], []] - materialList = cubeInfo[startIndex + itemIndex]["materialList"] - - gold = 0 - splitResult = eachResultText.split("/") - if 1 < len(splitResult): - gold = int(splitResult[1]) - - #print "splitResult : ", splitResult - eachMaterialList = splitResult[0].split("&") - - i = 0 - for eachMaterialText in eachMaterialList: - complicatedList = eachMaterialText.split("|") - - if 0 < len(complicatedList): - for complicatedText in complicatedList: - (itemVnum, itemCount) = complicatedText.split(",") - itemVnum = int(itemVnum) - itemCount = int(itemCount) - self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(itemIndex + startIndex, i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - materialList[i].append((itemVnum, itemCount)) - - else: - itemVnum, itemCount = eachMaterialText.split(",") - itemVnum = int(itemVnum) - itemCount = int(itemCount) - self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(itemIndex + startIndex, i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - materialList[i].append((itemVnum, itemCount)) - - i = i + 1 - - - - itemIndex = itemIndex + 1 - - self.interface.wndCube.Refresh() - - - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - pass - - # END_OF_CUBE - - # 侩去籍 - def BINARY_Highlight_Item(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.interface.Highligt_Item(inven_type, inven_pos) - - def BINARY_DragonSoulGiveQuilification(self): - self.interface.DragonSoulGiveQuilification() - - def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_Open(self): - self.interface.OpenDragonSoulRefineWindow() - - def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_RefineFail(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.interface.FailDragonSoulRefine(reason, inven_type, inven_pos) - - def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_RefineSucceed(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.interface.SucceedDragonSoulRefine(inven_type, inven_pos) - - # END of DRAGON SOUL REFINE WINDOW - - def BINARY_SetBigMessage(self, message): - self.interface.bigBoard.SetTip(message) - - def BINARY_SetTipMessage(self, message): - self.interface.tipBoard.SetTip(message) - - def BINARY_AppendNotifyMessage(self, type): - if not type in locale.NOTIFY_MESSAGE: - return - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.NOTIFY_MESSAGE[type]) - - def BINARY_Guild_EnterGuildArea(self, areaID): - self.interface.BULID_EnterGuildArea(areaID) - - def BINARY_Guild_ExitGuildArea(self, areaID): - self.interface.BULID_ExitGuildArea(areaID) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnSendDeclare(self, guildID): - pass - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnRecvDeclare(self, guildID, warType): - mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName() - masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName() - if mainCharacterName == masterName: - self.__GuildWar_OpenAskDialog(guildID, warType) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnRecvPoint(self, gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point): - self.interface.OnRecvGuildWarPoint(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnStart(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.interface.OnStartGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - def BINARY_GuildWar_OnEnd(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.interface.OnEndGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - def BINARY_BettingGuildWar_SetObserverMode(self, isEnable): - self.interface.BINARY_SetObserverMode(isEnable) - - def BINARY_BettingGuildWar_UpdateObserverCount(self, observerCount): - self.interface.wndMiniMap.UpdateObserverCount(observerCount) - - def __GuildWar_UpdateMemberCount(self, guildID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2, observerCount): - guildID1 = int(guildID1) - guildID2 = int(guildID2) - memberCount1 = int(memberCount1) - memberCount2 = int(memberCount2) - observerCount = int(observerCount) - - self.interface.UpdateMemberCount(guildID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2) - self.interface.wndMiniMap.UpdateObserverCount(observerCount) - - def __GuildWar_OpenAskDialog(self, guildID, warType): - - guildName = guild.GetGuildName(guildID) - - # REMOVED_GUILD_BUG_FIX - if "Noname" == guildName: - return - # END_OF_REMOVED_GUILD_BUG_FIX - - import uiGuild - questionDialog = uiGuild.AcceptGuildWarDialog() - questionDialog.SAFE_SetAcceptEvent(self.__GuildWar_OnAccept) - questionDialog.SAFE_SetCancelEvent(self.__GuildWar_OnDecline) - questionDialog.Open(guildName, warType) - - self.guildWarQuestionDialog = questionDialog - - def __GuildWar_CloseAskDialog(self): - self.guildWarQuestionDialog.Close() - self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None - - def __GuildWar_OnAccept(self): - - guildName = self.guildWarQuestionDialog.GetGuildName() - - net.SendChatPacket("/war " + guildName) - self.__GuildWar_CloseAskDialog() - - return 1 - - def __GuildWar_OnDecline(self): - - guildName = self.guildWarQuestionDialog.GetGuildName() - - net.SendChatPacket("/nowar " + guildName) - self.__GuildWar_CloseAskDialog() - - return 1 - ## BINARY CALLBACK - ###################################################################################### - - def __ServerCommand_Build(self): - serverCommandList={ - "ConsoleEnable" : self.__Console_Enable, - "DayMode" : self.__DayMode_Update, - "PRESERVE_DayMode" : self.__PRESERVE_DayMode_Update, - "CloseRestartWindow" : self.__RestartDialog_Close, - "OpenPrivateShop" : self.__PrivateShop_Open, - "PartyHealReady" : self.PartyHealReady, - "ShowMeSafeboxPassword" : self.AskSafeboxPassword, - "CloseSafebox" : self.CommandCloseSafebox, - - # ITEM_MALL - "CloseMall" : self.CommandCloseMall, - "ShowMeMallPassword" : self.AskMallPassword, - "item_mall" : self.__ItemMall_Open, - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - "RefineSuceeded" : self.RefineSuceededMessage, - "RefineFailed" : self.RefineFailedMessage, - "xmas_snow" : self.__XMasSnow_Enable, - "xmas_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "xmas_song" : self.__XMasSong_Enable, - "xmas_tree" : self.__XMasTree_Enable, - "newyear_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "PartyRequest" : self.__PartyRequestQuestion, - "PartyRequestDenied" : self.__PartyRequestDenied, - "horse_state" : self.__Horse_UpdateState, - "hide_horse_state" : self.__Horse_HideState, - "WarUC" : self.__GuildWar_UpdateMemberCount, - "test_server" : self.__EnableTestServerFlag, - "mall" : self.__InGameShop_Show, - - # WEDDING - "lover_login" : self.__LoginLover, - "lover_logout" : self.__LogoutLover, - "lover_near" : self.__LoverNear, - "lover_far" : self.__LoverFar, - "lover_divorce" : self.__LoverDivorce, - "PlayMusic" : self.__PlayMusic, - # END_OF_WEDDING - - # PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - "MyShopPriceList" : self.__PrivateShop_PriceList, - # END_OF_PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - } - - self.serverCommander=stringCommander.Analyzer() - for serverCommandItem in serverCommandList.items(): - self.serverCommander.SAFE_RegisterCallBack( - serverCommandItem[0], serverCommandItem[1] - ) - - def BINARY_ServerCommand_Run(self, line): - #dbg.TraceError(line) - try: - #print " BINARY_ServerCommand_Run", line - return self.serverCommander.Run(line) - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - def __ProcessPreservedServerCommand(self): - try: - command = net.GetPreservedServerCommand() - while command: - print " __ProcessPreservedServerCommand", command - self.serverCommander.Run(command) - command = net.GetPreservedServerCommand() - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.interface.PartyHealReady() - - def AskSafeboxPassword(self): - self.interface.AskSafeboxPassword() - - # ITEM_MALL - def AskMallPassword(self): - self.interface.AskMallPassword() - - def __ItemMall_Open(self): - self.interface.OpenItemMall(); - - def CommandCloseMall(self): - self.interface.CommandCloseMall() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - def RefineSuceededMessage(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/make_soket.wav") - self.PopupMessage(locale.REFINE_SUCCESS) - - def RefineFailedMessage(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - self.PopupMessage(locale.REFINE_FAILURE) - - def CommandCloseSafebox(self): - self.interface.CommandCloseSafebox() - - # PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - def __PrivateShop_PriceList(self, itemVNum, itemPrice): - uiPrivateShopBuilder.SetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum, itemPrice) - # END_OF_PRIVATE_SHOP_PRICE_LIST - - def __Horse_HideState(self): - self.affectShower.SetHorseState(0, 0, 0) - - def __Horse_UpdateState(self, level, health, battery): - self.affectShower.SetHorseState(int(level), int(health), int(battery)) - - def __IsXMasMap(self): - mapDict = ( "metin2_map_n_flame_01", - "metin2_map_n_desert_01", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon", - "metin2_map_deviltower1", ) - - if background.GetCurrentMapName() in mapDict: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __XMasSnow_Enable(self, mode): - - self.__XMasSong_Enable(mode) - - if "1"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - print "XMAS_SNOW ON" - background.EnableSnow(1) - - else: - print "XMAS_SNOW OFF" - background.EnableSnow(0) - - def __XMasBoom_Enable(self, mode): - if "1"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - print "XMAS_BOOM ON" - self.__DayMode_Update("dark") - self.enableXMasBoom = TRUE - self.startTimeXMasBoom = app.GetTime() - else: - print "XMAS_BOOM OFF" - self.__DayMode_Update("light") - self.enableXMasBoom = FALSE - - def __XMasTree_Enable(self, grade): - - print "XMAS_TREE ", grade - background.SetXMasTree(int(grade)) - - def __XMasSong_Enable(self, mode): - if "1"==mode: - print "XMAS_SONG ON" - - XMAS_BGM = "xmas.mp3" - - if app.IsExistFile("BGM/" + XMAS_BGM)==1: - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - musicInfo.fieldMusic=XMAS_BGM - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - else: - print "XMAS_SONG OFF" - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - musicInfo.fieldMusic=musicInfo.METIN2THEMA - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - def __RestartDialog_Close(self): - self.interface.CloseRestartDialog() - - def __Console_Enable(self): - constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE = TRUE - self.consoleEnable = TRUE - app.EnableSpecialCameraMode() - ui.EnablePaste(TRUE) - - ## PrivateShop - def __PrivateShop_Open(self): - self.interface.OpenPrivateShopInputNameDialog() - - def BINARY_PrivateShop_Appear(self, vid, text): - self.interface.AppearPrivateShop(vid, text) - - def BINARY_PrivateShop_Disappear(self, vid): - self.interface.DisappearPrivateShop(vid) - - ## DayMode - def __PRESERVE_DayMode_Update(self, mode): - if "light"==mode: - background.SetEnvironmentData(0) - elif "dark"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - background.RegisterEnvironmentData(1, constInfo.ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT) - background.SetEnvironmentData(1) - - def __DayMode_Update(self, mode): - if "light"==mode: - self.curtain.SAFE_FadeOut(self.__DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToLight) - elif "dark"==mode: - - if not self.__IsXMasMap(): - return - - self.curtain.SAFE_FadeOut(self.__DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToDark) - - def __DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToLight(self): - background.SetEnvironmentData(0) - self.curtain.FadeIn() - - def __DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToDark(self): - background.RegisterEnvironmentData(1, constInfo.ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT) - background.SetEnvironmentData(1) - self.curtain.FadeIn() - - ## XMasBoom - def __XMasBoom_Update(self): - - self.BOOM_DATA_LIST = ( (2, 5), (5, 2), (7, 3), (10, 3), (20, 5) ) - if self.indexXMasBoom >= len(self.BOOM_DATA_LIST): - return - - boomTime = self.BOOM_DATA_LIST[self.indexXMasBoom][0] - boomCount = self.BOOM_DATA_LIST[self.indexXMasBoom][1] - - if app.GetTime() - self.startTimeXMasBoom > boomTime: - - self.indexXMasBoom += 1 - - for i in xrange(boomCount): - self.__XMasBoom_Boom() - - def __XMasBoom_Boom(self): - x, y, z = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - randX = app.GetRandom(-150, 150) - randY = app.GetRandom(-150, 150) - - snd.PlaySound3D(x+randX, -y+randY, z, "sound/common/etc/salute.mp3") - - def __PartyRequestQuestion(self, vid): - vid = int(vid) - partyRequestQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetText(chr.GetNameByVID(vid) + locale.PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetAcceptText(locale.UI_ACCEPT) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetCancelText(locale.UI_DENY) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.__AnswerPartyRequest(arg)) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.__AnswerPartyRequest(arg)) - partyRequestQuestionDialog.Open() - partyRequestQuestionDialog.vid = vid - self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = partyRequestQuestionDialog - - def __AnswerPartyRequest(self, answer): - if not self.partyRequestQuestionDialog: - return - - vid = self.partyRequestQuestionDialog.vid - - if answer: - net.SendChatPacket("/party_request_accept " + str(vid)) - else: - net.SendChatPacket("/party_request_deny " + str(vid)) - - self.partyRequestQuestionDialog.Close() - self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = None - - def __PartyRequestDenied(self): - self.PopupMessage(locale.PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED) - - def __EnableTestServerFlag(self): - app.EnableTestServerFlag() - - def __InGameShop_Show(self, url): - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - self.interface.OpenWebWindow(url) - - # WEDDING - def __LoginLover(self): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnLoginLover() - - def __LogoutLover(self): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.OnLogoutLover() - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.HideLoverState() - - def __LoverNear(self): - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.ShowLoverState() - - def __LoverFar(self): - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.HideLoverState() - - def __LoverDivorce(self): - if self.interface.wndMessenger: - self.interface.wndMessenger.ClearLoverInfo() - if self.affectShower: - self.affectShower.ClearLoverState() - - def __PlayMusic(self, flag, filename): - flag = int(flag) - if flag: - snd.FadeOutAllMusic() - musicInfo.SaveLastPlayFieldMusic() - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + filename) - else: - snd.FadeOutAllMusic() - musicInfo.LoadLastPlayFieldMusic() - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - # END_OF_WEDDING - - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/grpblk.txt b/bin_original/pack/root/grpblk.txt deleted file mode 100644 index e62967ab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/grpblk.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e 000a1628 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e 000a1460 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e 000a14b7 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1620 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1628 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1a25 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000110ff -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1133 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a11ab -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1629 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a1820 -nv4_disp.dll 0006000e.000a14b7 -NVDD32.DLL 0004000d.00010b7e -ialmdd.dll 0004000d.000a0db6 -ialmdd.dll 0004000d.00010cc0 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/interfacemodule.py b/bin_original/pack/root/interfacemodule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7e83078a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/interfacemodule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1719 +0,0 @@ -## -## Interface -## - -import constInfo -import systemSetting -import wndMgr -import chat -import app -import player - -import uiTaskBar -import uiCharacter -import uiInventory -import uiDragonSoul -import uiChat -import uiMessenger -import guild - -import ui -import uiHelp -import uiWhisper -import uiPointReset -import uiShop -import uiExchange -import uiSystem -import uiRestart -import uiToolTip -import uiMiniMap -import uiParty -import uiSafebox -import uiGuild -import uiQuest -import uiPrivateShopBuilder -import uiCommon -import uiRefine -import uiEquipmentDialog -import uiGameButton -import uiTip -import uiCube -import miniMap -# ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE -import uiSelectItem -# END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE -import uiScriptLocale - -import event -import locale - -IsQBHide = 0 -class Interface(object): - CHARACTER_STATUS_TAB = 1 - CHARACTER_SKILL_TAB = 2 - - def __init__(self): - systemSetting.SetInterfaceHandler(self) - self.windowOpenPosition = 0 - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None - self.inputDialog = None - self.tipBoard = None - self.bigBoard = None - - # ITEM_MALL - self.mallPageDlg = None - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - self.wndWeb = None - self.wndTaskBar = None - self.wndCharacter = None - self.wndInventory = None - self.wndExpandedTaskBar = None - self.wndDragonSoul = None - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = None - self.wndChat = None - self.wndMessenger = None - self.wndMiniMap = None - self.wndGuild = None - self.wndGuildBuilding = None - - self.listGMName = {} - self.wndQuestWindow = [] - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {} - self.guildScoreBoardDict = {} - self.equipmentDialogDict = {} - event.SetInterfaceWindow(self) - - def __del__(self): - systemSetting.DestroyInterfaceHandler() - event.SetInterfaceWindow(None) - - ################################ - ## Make Windows & Dialogs - def __MakeUICurtain(self): - wndUICurtain = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") - wndUICurtain.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - wndUICurtain.SetColor(0x77000000) - wndUICurtain.Hide() - self.wndUICurtain = wndUICurtain - - def __MakeMessengerWindow(self): - self.wndMessenger = uiMessenger.MessengerWindow() - - from _weakref import proxy - self.wndMessenger.SetWhisperButtonEvent(lambda n,i=proxy(self):i.OpenWhisperDialog(n)) - self.wndMessenger.SetGuildButtonEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleGuildWindow)) - - def __MakeGuildWindow(self): - self.wndGuild = uiGuild.GuildWindow() - - def __MakeChatWindow(self): - - wndChat = uiChat.ChatWindow() - - wndChat.SetSize(wndChat.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 0) - wndChat.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()/2 - wndChat.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH/2, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - wndChat.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - 37) - wndChat.SetHeight(200) - wndChat.Refresh() - wndChat.Show() - - self.wndChat = wndChat - self.wndChat.BindInterface(self) - self.wndChat.SetSendWhisperEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget)) - self.wndChat.SetOpenChatLogEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleChatLogWindow)) - - def __MakeTaskBar(self): - wndTaskBar = uiTaskBar.TaskBar() - wndTaskBar.LoadWindow() - self.wndTaskBar = wndTaskBar - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_CHARACTER, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleCharacterWindowStatusPage)) - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_INVENTORY, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleInventoryWindow)) - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_MESSENGER, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleMessenger)) - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_SYSTEM, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleSystemDialog)) - if uiTaskBar.TaskBar.IS_EXPANDED: - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_EXPAND, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleExpandedButton)) - self.wndExpandedTaskBar = uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.LoadWindow() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleDragonSoulWindow)) - - else: - self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_CHAT, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleChat)) - - self.wndEnergyBar = None - import app - if app.ENABLE_ENERGY_SYSTEM: - wndEnergyBar = uiTaskBar.EnergyBar() - wndEnergyBar.LoadWindow() - self.wndEnergyBar = wndEnergyBar - - def __MakeParty(self): - wndParty = uiParty.PartyWindow() - wndParty.Hide() - self.wndParty = wndParty - - def __MakeGameButtonWindow(self): - wndGameButton = uiGameButton.GameButtonWindow() - wndGameButton.SetTop() - wndGameButton.Show() - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("STATUS", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickStatusPlusButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("SKILL", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSkillPlusButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("QUEST", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickQuestButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("HELP", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickHelpButton)) - wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("BUILD", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickBuildButton)) - - self.wndGameButton = wndGameButton - - def __IsChatOpen(self): - return TRUE - - def __MakeWindows(self): - wndCharacter = uiCharacter.CharacterWindow() - wndInventory = uiInventory.InventoryWindow() - wndInventory.BindInterfaceClass(self) - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - wndDragonSoul = uiDragonSoul.DragonSoulWindow() - wndDragonSoulRefine = uiDragonSoul.DragonSoulRefineWindow() - else: - wndDragonSoul = None - wndDragonSoulRefine = None - - wndMiniMap = uiMiniMap.MiniMap() - wndSafebox = uiSafebox.SafeboxWindow() - - # ITEM_MALL - wndMall = uiSafebox.MallWindow() - self.wndMall = wndMall - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - wndChatLog = uiChat.ChatLogWindow() - wndChatLog.BindInterface(self) - - self.wndCharacter = wndCharacter - self.wndInventory = wndInventory - self.wndDragonSoul = wndDragonSoul - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = wndDragonSoulRefine - self.wndMiniMap = wndMiniMap - self.wndSafebox = wndSafebox - self.wndChatLog = wndChatLog - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self.wndDragonSoulRefine) - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.SetInventoryWindows(self.wndInventory, self.wndDragonSoul) - self.wndInventory.SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self.wndDragonSoulRefine) - - def __MakeDialogs(self): - self.dlgExchange = uiExchange.ExchangeDialog() - self.dlgExchange.LoadDialog() - self.dlgExchange.SetCenterPosition() - self.dlgExchange.Hide() - - self.dlgPointReset = uiPointReset.PointResetDialog() - self.dlgPointReset.LoadDialog() - self.dlgPointReset.Hide() - - self.dlgShop = uiShop.ShopDialog() - self.dlgShop.LoadDialog() - self.dlgShop.Hide() - - self.dlgRestart = uiRestart.RestartDialog() - self.dlgRestart.LoadDialog() - self.dlgRestart.Hide() - - self.dlgSystem = uiSystem.SystemDialog() - self.dlgSystem.LoadDialog() - self.dlgSystem.SetOpenHelpWindowEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenHelpWindow)) - - self.dlgSystem.Hide() - - self.dlgPassword = uiSafebox.PasswordDialog() - self.dlgPassword.Hide() - - self.hyperlinkItemTooltip = uiToolTip.HyperlinkItemToolTip() - self.hyperlinkItemTooltip.Hide() - - self.tooltipItem = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.Hide() - - self.tooltipSkill = uiToolTip.SkillToolTip() - self.tooltipSkill.Hide() - - self.privateShopBuilder = uiPrivateShopBuilder.PrivateShopBuilder() - self.privateShopBuilder.Hide() - - self.dlgRefineNew = uiRefine.RefineDialogNew() - self.dlgRefineNew.Hide() - - def __MakeHelpWindow(self): - self.wndHelp = uiHelp.HelpWindow() - self.wndHelp.LoadDialog() - self.wndHelp.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseHelpWindow)) - self.wndHelp.Hide() - - def __MakeTipBoard(self): - self.tipBoard = uiTip.TipBoard() - self.tipBoard.Hide() - - self.bigBoard = uiTip.BigBoard() - self.bigBoard.Hide() - - def __MakeWebWindow(self): - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - import uiWeb - self.wndWeb = uiWeb.WebWindow() - self.wndWeb.LoadWindow() - self.wndWeb.Hide() - - def __MakeCubeWindow(self): - self.wndCube = uiCube.CubeWindow() - self.wndCube.LoadWindow() - self.wndCube.Hide() - - def __MakeCubeResultWindow(self): - self.wndCubeResult = uiCube.CubeResultWindow() - self.wndCubeResult.LoadWindow() - self.wndCubeResult.Hide() - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - def __MakeItemSelectWindow(self): - self.wndItemSelect = uiSelectItem.SelectItemWindow() - self.wndItemSelect.Hide() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - def MakeInterface(self): - self.__MakeMessengerWindow() - self.__MakeGuildWindow() - self.__MakeChatWindow() - self.__MakeParty() - self.__MakeWindows() - self.__MakeDialogs() - - self.__MakeUICurtain() - self.__MakeTaskBar() - self.__MakeGameButtonWindow() - self.__MakeHelpWindow() - self.__MakeTipBoard() - self.__MakeWebWindow() - self.__MakeCubeWindow() - self.__MakeCubeResultWindow() - - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - self.__MakeItemSelectWindow() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - self.questButtonList = [] - self.whisperButtonList = [] - self.whisperDialogDict = {} - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {} - - self.wndInventory.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndSafebox.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndCube.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndCubeResult.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - - # ITEM_MALL - self.wndMall.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - self.wndCharacter.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - self.wndTaskBar.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.wndTaskBar.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - self.wndGuild.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - self.wndItemSelect.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - self.dlgShop.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.dlgExchange.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.privateShopBuilder.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - - self.__InitWhisper() - self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED = FALSE - - def MakeHyperlinkTooltip(self, hyperlink): - tokens = hyperlink.split(":") - if tokens and len(tokens): - type = tokens[0] - if "item" == type: - self.hyperlinkItemTooltip.SetHyperlinkItem(tokens) - - ## Make Windows & Dialogs - ################################ - - def Close(self): - - if self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.Destroy() - del self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget - - if uiQuest.QuestDialog.__dict__.has_key("QuestCurtain"): - uiQuest.QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.Close() - - if self.wndQuestWindow: - for eachQuestWindow in self.wndQuestWindow: - eachQuestWindow.nextCurtainMode = -1 - eachQuestWindow.CloseSelf() - eachQuestWindow = None - - if self.wndChat: - self.wndChat.Destroy() - - if self.wndTaskBar: - self.wndTaskBar.Destroy() - - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Destroy() - - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Destroy() - - if self.wndCharacter: - self.wndCharacter.Destroy() - - if self.wndInventory: - self.wndInventory.Destroy() - - if self.wndDragonSoul: - self.wndDragonSoul.Destroy() - - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine: - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Destroy() - - if self.dlgExchange: - self.dlgExchange.Destroy() - - if self.dlgPointReset: - self.dlgPointReset.Destroy() - - if self.dlgShop: - self.dlgShop.Destroy() - - if self.dlgRestart: - self.dlgRestart.Destroy() - - if self.dlgSystem: - self.dlgSystem.Destroy() - - if self.dlgPassword: - self.dlgPassword.Destroy() - - if self.wndMiniMap: - self.wndMiniMap.Destroy() - - if self.wndSafebox: - self.wndSafebox.Destroy() - - if self.wndWeb: - self.wndWeb.Destroy() - self.wndWeb = None - - if self.wndMall: - self.wndMall.Destroy() - - if self.wndParty: - self.wndParty.Destroy() - - if self.wndHelp: - self.wndHelp.Destroy() - - if self.wndCube: - self.wndCube.Destroy() - - if self.wndCubeResult: - self.wndCubeResult.Destroy() - - if self.wndMessenger: - self.wndMessenger.Destroy() - - if self.wndGuild: - self.wndGuild.Destroy() - - if self.privateShopBuilder: - self.privateShopBuilder.Destroy() - - if self.dlgRefineNew: - self.dlgRefineNew.Destroy() - - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - self.wndGuildBuilding.Destroy() - - if self.wndGameButton: - self.wndGameButton.Destroy() - - # ITEM_MALL - if self.mallPageDlg: - self.mallPageDlg.Destroy() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - if self.wndItemSelect: - self.wndItemSelect.Destroy() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - self.wndChatLog.Destroy() - for btn in self.questButtonList: - btn.SetEvent(0) - for btn in self.whisperButtonList: - btn.SetEvent(0) - for dlg in self.whisperDialogDict.itervalues(): - dlg.Destroy() - for brd in self.guildScoreBoardDict.itervalues(): - brd.Destroy() - for dlg in self.equipmentDialogDict.itervalues(): - dlg.Destroy() - - # ITEM_MALL - del self.mallPageDlg - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - del self.wndGuild - del self.wndMessenger - del self.wndUICurtain - del self.wndChat - del self.wndTaskBar - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - del self.wndExpandedTaskBar - del self.wndEnergyBar - del self.wndCharacter - del self.wndInventory - if self.wndDragonSoul: - del self.wndDragonSoul - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine: - del self.wndDragonSoulRefine - del self.dlgExchange - del self.dlgPointReset - del self.dlgShop - del self.dlgRestart - del self.dlgSystem - del self.dlgPassword - del self.hyperlinkItemTooltip - del self.tooltipItem - del self.tooltipSkill - del self.wndMiniMap - del self.wndSafebox - del self.wndMall - del self.wndParty - del self.wndHelp - del self.wndCube - del self.wndCubeResult - del self.privateShopBuilder - del self.inputDialog - del self.wndChatLog - del self.dlgRefineNew - del self.wndGuildBuilding - del self.wndGameButton - del self.tipBoard - del self.bigBoard - del self.wndItemSelect - - self.questButtonList = [] - self.whisperButtonList = [] - self.whisperDialogDict = {} - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {} - self.guildScoreBoardDict = {} - self.equipmentDialogDict = {} - - uiChat.DestroyChatInputSetWindow() - - ## Skill - def OnUseSkill(self, slotIndex, coolTime): - self.wndCharacter.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime) - self.wndTaskBar.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime) - self.wndGuild.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime) - - def OnActivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - self.wndCharacter.OnActivateSkill(slotIndex) - self.wndTaskBar.OnActivateSkill(slotIndex) - - def OnDeactivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - self.wndCharacter.OnDeactivateSkill(slotIndex) - self.wndTaskBar.OnDeactivateSkill(slotIndex) - - def OnChangeCurrentSkill(self, skillSlotNumber): - self.wndTaskBar.OnChangeCurrentSkill(skillSlotNumber) - - def SelectMouseButtonEvent(self, dir, event): - self.wndTaskBar.SelectMouseButtonEvent(dir, event) - - ## Refresh - def RefreshAlignment(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshAlignment() - - def RefreshStatus(self): - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshStatus() - self.wndCharacter.RefreshStatus() - self.wndInventory.RefreshStatus() - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.RefreshStatus() - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.RefreshStatus() - - def RefreshStamina(self): - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshStamina() - - def RefreshSkill(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshSkill() - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshSkill() - - def RefreshInventory(self): - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshQuickSlot() - self.wndInventory.RefreshItemSlot() - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.RefreshItemSlot() - - def RefreshCharacter(self): ## Character 其捞瘤狼 倔奔, Inventory 其捞瘤狼 傈脚 弊覆 殿狼 Refresh - self.wndCharacter.RefreshCharacter() - self.wndTaskBar.RefreshQuickSlot() - - def RefreshQuest(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshQuest() - - def RefreshSafebox(self): - self.wndSafebox.RefreshSafebox() - - # ITEM_MALL - def RefreshMall(self): - self.wndMall.RefreshMall() - - def OpenItemMall(self): - if not self.mallPageDlg: - self.mallPageDlg = uiShop.MallPageDialog() - - self.mallPageDlg.Open() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - def RefreshMessenger(self): - self.wndMessenger.RefreshMessenger() - - def RefreshGuildInfoPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildInfoPage() - - def RefreshGuildBoardPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildBoardPage() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildMemberPage() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - - def RefreshGuildSkillPage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildSkillPage() - - def RefreshGuildGradePage(self): - self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildGradePage() - - def DeleteGuild(self): - self.wndMessenger.ClearGuildMember() - self.wndGuild.DeleteGuild() - - def RefreshMobile(self): - self.dlgSystem.RefreshMobile() - - def OnMobileAuthority(self): - self.dlgSystem.OnMobileAuthority() - - def OnBlockMode(self, mode): - self.dlgSystem.OnBlockMode(mode) - - ## Calling Functions - # PointReset - def OpenPointResetDialog(self): - self.dlgPointReset.Show() - self.dlgPointReset.SetTop() - - def ClosePointResetDialog(self): - self.dlgPointReset.Close() - - # Shop - def OpenShopDialog(self, vid): - self.wndInventory.Show() - self.wndInventory.SetTop() - self.dlgShop.Open(vid) - self.dlgShop.SetTop() - - def CloseShopDialog(self): - self.dlgShop.Close() - - def RefreshShopDialog(self): - self.dlgShop.Refresh() - - ## Quest - def OpenCharacterWindowQuestPage(self): - self.wndCharacter.Show() - self.wndCharacter.SetState("QUEST") - - def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): - - wnds = () - - q = uiQuest.QuestDialog(skin, idx) - q.SetWindowName("QuestWindow" + str(idx)) - q.Show() - if skin: - q.Lock() - wnds = self.__HideWindows() - - # UNKNOWN_UPDATE - q.AddOnDoneEvent(lambda tmp_self, args=wnds: self.__ShowWindows(args)) - # END_OF_UNKNOWN_UPDATE - - if skin: - q.AddOnCloseEvent(q.Unlock) - - q.AddOnCloseEvent(lambda s = self, qw = q: s.__dict__.__getitem__("wndQuestWindow").remove(qw)) - - # UNKNOWN_UPDATE - self.wndQuestWindow.append(q) - # END_OF_UNKNOWN_UPDATE - - ## Exchange - def StartExchange(self): - self.dlgExchange.OpenDialog() - self.dlgExchange.Refresh() - - def EndExchange(self): - self.dlgExchange.CloseDialog() - - def RefreshExchange(self): - self.dlgExchange.Refresh() - - ## Party - def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name): - self.wndParty.AddPartyMember(pid, name) - - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid): - self.wndParty.UpdatePartyMemberInfo(pid) - - def RemovePartyMember(self, pid): - self.wndParty.RemovePartyMember(pid) - - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_困摹_焊沥 - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid): - self.wndParty.LinkPartyMember(pid, vid) - - def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid): - self.wndParty.UnlinkPartyMember(pid) - - def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self): - self.wndParty.UnlinkAllPartyMember() - - def ExitParty(self): - self.wndParty.ExitParty() - - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_困摹_焊沥 - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.wndParty.PartyHealReady() - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - self.wndParty.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode) - - ## Safebox - def AskSafeboxPassword(self): - if self.wndSafebox.IsShow(): - return - - # SAFEBOX_PASSWORD - self.dlgPassword.SetTitle(locale.PASSWORD_TITLE) - self.dlgPassword.SetSendMessage("/safebox_password ") - # END_OF_SAFEBOX_PASSWORD - - self.dlgPassword.ShowDialog() - - def OpenSafeboxWindow(self, size): - self.dlgPassword.CloseDialog() - self.wndSafebox.ShowWindow(size) - - def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self): - self.wndSafebox.RefreshSafeboxMoney() - - def CommandCloseSafebox(self): - self.wndSafebox.CommandCloseSafebox() - - # ITEM_MALL - def AskMallPassword(self): - if self.wndMall.IsShow(): - return - self.dlgPassword.SetTitle(locale.MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE) - self.dlgPassword.SetSendMessage("/mall_password ") - self.dlgPassword.ShowDialog() - - def OpenMallWindow(self, size): - self.dlgPassword.CloseDialog() - self.wndMall.ShowWindow(size) - - def CommandCloseMall(self): - self.wndMall.CommandCloseMall() - # END_OF_ITEM_MALL - - ## Guild - def OnStartGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.wndGuild.OnStartGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - guildWarScoreBoard = uiGuild.GuildWarScoreBoard() - guildWarScoreBoard.Open(guildSelf, guildOpp) - guildWarScoreBoard.Show() - self.guildScoreBoardDict[uiGuild.GetGVGKey(guildSelf, guildOpp)] = guildWarScoreBoard - - def OnEndGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - self.wndGuild.OnEndGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(guildSelf, guildOpp) - - if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key): - return - - self.guildScoreBoardDict[key].Destroy() - del self.guildScoreBoardDict[key] - - # GUILDWAR_MEMBER_COUNT - def UpdateMemberCount(self, gulidID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2): - key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(gulidID1, guildID2) - - if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key): - return - - self.guildScoreBoardDict[key].UpdateMemberCount(gulidID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2) - # END_OF_GUILDWAR_MEMBER_COUNT - - def OnRecvGuildWarPoint(self, gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point): - key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID) - if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key): - return - - guildBoard = self.guildScoreBoardDict[key] - guildBoard.SetScore(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point) - - ## PK Mode - def OnChangePKMode(self): - self.wndCharacter.RefreshAlignment() - self.dlgSystem.OnChangePKMode() - - ## Refine - def OpenRefineDialog(self, targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type): - self.dlgRefineNew.Open(targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type) - - def AppendMaterialToRefineDialog(self, vnum, count): - self.dlgRefineNew.AppendMaterial(vnum, count) - - ## Show & Hide - def ShowDefaultWindows(self): - self.wndTaskBar.Show() - self.wndMiniMap.Show() - self.wndMiniMap.ShowMiniMap() - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Show() - - def ShowAllWindows(self): - self.wndTaskBar.Show() - self.wndCharacter.Show() - self.wndInventory.Show() - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Show() - self.wndChat.Show() - self.wndMiniMap.Show() - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Show() - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Show() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetTop() - - def HideAllWindows(self): - if self.wndTaskBar: - self.wndTaskBar.Hide() - - if self.wndEnergyBar: - self.wndEnergyBar.Hide() - - if self.wndCharacter: - self.wndCharacter.Hide() - - if self.wndInventory: - self.wndInventory.Hide() - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.Hide() - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Hide() - - if self.wndChat: - self.wndChat.Hide() - - if self.wndMiniMap: - self.wndMiniMap.Hide() - - if self.wndMessenger: - self.wndMessenger.Hide() - - if self.wndGuild: - self.wndGuild.Hide() - - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Hide() - - - def ShowMouseImage(self): - self.wndTaskBar.ShowMouseImage() - - def HideMouseImage(self): - self.wndTaskBar.HideMouseImage() - - def ToggleChat(self): - if TRUE == self.wndChat.IsEditMode(): - self.wndChat.CloseChat() - else: - # 昆其捞瘤啊 凯啡阑锭绰 盲泼 涝仿捞 救凳 - if self.wndWeb and self.wndWeb.IsShow(): - pass - else: - self.wndChat.OpenChat() - - def IsOpenChat(self): - return self.wndChat.IsEditMode() - - def SetChatFocus(self): - self.wndChat.SetChatFocus() - - def OpenRestartDialog(self): - self.dlgRestart.OpenDialog() - self.dlgRestart.SetTop() - - def CloseRestartDialog(self): - self.dlgRestart.Close() - - def ToggleSystemDialog(self): - if FALSE == self.dlgSystem.IsShow(): - self.dlgSystem.OpenDialog() - self.dlgSystem.SetTop() - else: - self.dlgSystem.Close() - - def OpenSystemDialog(self): - self.dlgSystem.OpenDialog() - self.dlgSystem.SetTop() - - def ToggleMessenger(self): - if self.wndMessenger.IsShow(): - self.wndMessenger.Hide() - else: - self.wndMessenger.SetTop() - self.wndMessenger.Show() - - def ToggleMiniMap(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RSHIFT): - if FALSE == self.wndMiniMap.isShowMiniMap(): - self.wndMiniMap.ShowMiniMap() - self.wndMiniMap.SetTop() - else: - self.wndMiniMap.HideMiniMap() - - else: - self.wndMiniMap.ToggleAtlasWindow() - - def PressMKey(self): - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RALT): - self.ToggleMessenger() - - else: - self.ToggleMiniMap() - - def SetMapName(self, mapName): - self.wndMiniMap.SetMapName(mapName) - - def MiniMapScaleUp(self): - self.wndMiniMap.ScaleUp() - - def MiniMapScaleDown(self): - self.wndMiniMap.ScaleDown() - - def ToggleCharacterWindow(self, state): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if FALSE == self.wndCharacter.IsShow(): - self.OpenCharacterWindowWithState(state) - else: - if state == self.wndCharacter.GetState(): - self.wndCharacter.OverOutItem() - self.wndCharacter.Hide() - else: - self.wndCharacter.SetState(state) - - def OpenCharacterWindowWithState(self, state): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - self.wndCharacter.SetState(state) - self.wndCharacter.Show() - self.wndCharacter.SetTop() - - def ToggleCharacterWindowStatusPage(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("STATUS") - - def ToggleInventoryWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if FALSE == self.wndInventory.IsShow(): - self.wndInventory.Show() - self.wndInventory.SetTop() - else: - self.wndInventory.OverOutItem() - self.wndInventory.Close() - - def ToggleExpandedButton(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if FALSE == self.wndExpandedTaskBar.IsShow(): - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Show() - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetTop() - else: - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Close() - - # 侩去籍 - def DragonSoulActivate(self, deck): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.ActivateDragonSoulByExtern(deck) - - def DragonSoulDeactivate(self): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.DeactivateDragonSoul() - - def Highligt_Item(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - if player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == inven_type: - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoul.HighlightSlot(inven_pos) - - def DragonSoulGiveQuilification(self): - self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED = TRUE - self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToolTipText(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL, uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL) - - def ToggleDragonSoulWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow(): - if self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED: - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - else: - try: - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - except: - self.wndPopupDialog = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - else: - self.wndDragonSoul.Close() - - def ToggleDragonSoulWindowWithNoInfo(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow(): - if self.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_QUALIFIED: - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - else: - self.wndDragonSoul.Close() - - def FailDragonSoulRefine(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.RefineFail(reason, inven_type, inven_pos) - - def SucceedDragonSoulRefine(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.RefineSucceed(inven_type, inven_pos) - - def OpenDragonSoulRefineWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Show() - if None != self.wndDragonSoul: - if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoul.Show() - - def CloseDragonSoulRefineWindow(self): - if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode(): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Close() - - # 侩去籍 场 - - def ToggleGuildWindow(self): - if not self.wndGuild.IsShow(): - if self.wndGuild.CanOpen(): - self.wndGuild.Open() - else: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN) - else: - self.wndGuild.OverOutItem() - self.wndGuild.Hide() - - def ToggleChatLogWindow(self): - if self.wndChatLog.IsShow(): - self.wndChatLog.Hide() - else: - self.wndChatLog.Show() - - def CheckGameButton(self): - if self.wndGameButton: - self.wndGameButton.CheckGameButton() - - def __OnClickStatusPlusButton(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("STATUS") - - def __OnClickSkillPlusButton(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("SKILL") - - def __OnClickQuestButton(self): - self.ToggleCharacterWindow("QUEST") - - def __OnClickHelpButton(self): - player.SetPlayTime(1) - self.CheckGameButton() - self.OpenHelpWindow() - - def __OnClickBuildButton(self): - self.BUILD_OpenWindow() - - def OpenHelpWindow(self): - self.wndUICurtain.Show() - self.wndHelp.Open() - - def CloseHelpWindow(self): - self.wndUICurtain.Hide() - self.wndHelp.Close() - - def OpenWebWindow(self, url): - self.wndWeb.Open(url) - - # 昆其捞瘤甫 凯搁 盲泼阑 摧绰促 - self.wndChat.CloseChat() - - # show GIFT - def ShowGift(self): - self.wndTaskBar.ShowGift() - - def CloseWbWindow(self): - self.wndWeb.Close() - - def OpenCubeWindow(self): - self.wndCube.Open() - - if FALSE == self.wndInventory.IsShow(): - self.wndInventory.Show() - - def UpdateCubeInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count): - self.wndCube.UpdateInfo(gold, itemVnum, count) - - def CloseCubeWindow(self): - self.wndCube.Close() - - def FailedCubeWork(self): - self.wndCube.Refresh() - - def SucceedCubeWork(self, itemVnum, count): - self.wndCube.Clear() - - print "钮宏 力累 己傍! [%d:%d]" % (itemVnum, count) - - if 0: # 搬苞 皋矫瘤 免仿篮 积帆 茄促 - self.wndCubeResult.SetPosition(*self.wndCube.GetGlobalPosition()) - self.wndCubeResult.SetCubeResultItem(itemVnum, count) - self.wndCubeResult.Open() - self.wndCubeResult.SetTop() - - def __HideWindows(self): - hideWindows = self.wndTaskBar,\ - self.wndCharacter,\ - self.wndInventory,\ - self.wndMiniMap,\ - self.wndGuild,\ - self.wndMessenger,\ - self.wndChat,\ - self.wndParty,\ - self.wndGameButton, - - if self.wndEnergyBar: - hideWindows += self.wndEnergyBar, - - if self.wndExpandedTaskBar: - hideWindows += self.wndExpandedTaskBar, - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - hideWindows += self.wndDragonSoul,\ - self.wndDragonSoulRefine, - - hideWindows = filter(lambda x:x.IsShow(), hideWindows) - map(lambda x:x.Hide(), hideWindows) - import sys - - self.HideAllQuestButton() - self.HideAllWhisperButton() - - if self.wndChat.IsEditMode(): - self.wndChat.CloseChat() - - return hideWindows - - def __ShowWindows(self, wnds): - import sys - map(lambda x:x.Show(), wnds) - global IsQBHide - if not IsQBHide: - self.ShowAllQuestButton() - else: - self.HideAllQuestButton() - - self.ShowAllWhisperButton() - - def BINARY_OpenAtlasWindow(self): - if self.wndMiniMap: - self.wndMiniMap.ShowAtlas() - - def BINARY_SetObserverMode(self, flag): - self.wndGameButton.SetObserverMode(flag) - - # ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - def BINARY_OpenSelectItemWindow(self): - self.wndItemSelect.Open() - # END_OF_ACCESSORY_REFINE_ADD_METIN_STONE - - ##################################################################################### - ### Private Shop ### - - def OpenPrivateShopInputNameDialog(self): - #if player.IsInSafeArea(): - # chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA) - # return - - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialog() - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(32) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPrivateShopBuilder)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog)) - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog(self): - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OpenPrivateShopBuilder(self): - - if not self.inputDialog: - return TRUE - - if not len(self.inputDialog.GetText()): - return TRUE - - self.privateShopBuilder.Open(self.inputDialog.GetText()) - self.ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog() - return TRUE - - def AppearPrivateShop(self, vid, text): - - board = uiPrivateShopBuilder.PrivateShopAdvertisementBoard() - board.Open(vid, text) - - self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] = board - - def DisappearPrivateShop(self, vid): - - if not self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.has_key(vid): - return - - del self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] - uiPrivateShopBuilder.DeleteADBoard(vid) - - ##################################################################################### - ### Equipment ### - - def OpenEquipmentDialog(self, vid): - dlg = uiEquipmentDialog.EquipmentDialog() - dlg.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - dlg.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseEquipmentDialog)) - dlg.Open(vid) - - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid] = dlg - - def SetEquipmentDialogItem(self, vid, slotIndex, vnum, count): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogItem(slotIndex, vnum, count) - - def SetEquipmentDialogSocket(self, vid, slotIndex, socketIndex, value): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogSocket(slotIndex, socketIndex, value) - - def SetEquipmentDialogAttr(self, vid, slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogAttr(slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value) - - def CloseEquipmentDialog(self, vid): - if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict: - return - del self.equipmentDialogDict[vid] - - ##################################################################################### - - ##################################################################################### - ### Quest ### - def BINARY_ClearQuest(self, index): - btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn) - - def RecvQuest(self, index, name): - # QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - self.BINARY_RecvQuest(index, name, "file", locale.GetLetterImageName()) - # END_OF_QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - - def BINARY_RecvQuest(self, index, name, iconType, iconName): - - btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn) - - btn = uiWhisper.WhisperButton() - - # QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_捞固瘤_背眉 - import item - if "item"==iconType: - item.SelectItem(int(iconName)) - buttonImageFileName=item.GetIconImageFileName() - else: - buttonImageFileName=iconName - - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - if "highlight" == iconType: - btn.SetUpVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest.tga") - btn.SetOverVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest_r.tga") - btn.SetDownVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest_r.tga") - else: - btn.SetUpVisual(locale.GetLetterCloseImageName()) - btn.SetOverVisual(locale.GetLetterOpenImageName()) - btn.SetDownVisual(locale.GetLetterOpenImageName()) - else: - btn.SetUpVisual(buttonImageFileName) - btn.SetOverVisual(buttonImageFileName) - btn.SetDownVisual(buttonImageFileName) - btn.Flash() - # END_OF_QUEST_LETTER_IMAGE - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - btn.SetToolTipText(name, 0, 35) - btn.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - else: - btn.SetToolTipText(name, -20, 35) - btn.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() - - btn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__StartQuest), btn) - btn.Show() - - btn.index = index - btn.name = name - - self.questButtonList.insert(0, btn) - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - #chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, locale.QUEST_APPEND) - - def __ArrangeQuestButton(self): - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - - ##!! 20061026.levites.涅胶飘_困摹_焊沥 - if self.wndParty.IsShow(): - xPos = 100 + 30 - else: - xPos = 20 - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - xPos = xPos + 15 - - yPos = 170 * screenHeight / 600 - yCount = (screenHeight - 330) / 63 - - count = 0 - for btn in self.questButtonList: - - btn.SetPosition(xPos + (int(count/yCount) * 100), yPos + (count%yCount * 63)) - count += 1 - global IsQBHide - if IsQBHide: - btn.Hide() - else: - btn.Show() - - def __StartQuest(self, btn): - event.QuestButtonClick(btn.index) - self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn) - - def __FindQuestButton(self, index): - for btn in self.questButtonList: - if btn.index == index: - return btn - - return 0 - - def __DestroyQuestButton(self, btn): - btn.SetEvent(0) - self.questButtonList.remove(btn) - self.__ArrangeQuestButton() - - def HideAllQuestButton(self): - for btn in self.questButtonList: - btn.Hide() - - def ShowAllQuestButton(self): - for btn in self.questButtonList: - btn.Show() - ##################################################################################### - - ##################################################################################### - ### Whisper ### - - def __InitWhisper(self): - chat.InitWhisper(self) - - ## 盲泼芒狼 "皋矫瘤 焊郴扁"甫 喘范阑锭 捞抚 绝绰 措拳芒阑 咯绰 窃荐 - ## 捞抚捞 绝扁 锭巩俊 扁粮狼 WhisperDialogDict 客 喊档肺 包府等促. - def OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget(self): - if not self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - dlgWhisper = uiWhisper.WhisperDialog(self.MinimizeWhisperDialog, self.CloseWhisperDialog) - dlgWhisper.BindInterface(self) - dlgWhisper.LoadDialog() - dlgWhisper.OpenWithoutTarget(self.RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog) - dlgWhisper.SetPosition(self.windowOpenPosition*30,self.windowOpenPosition*30) - dlgWhisper.Show() - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = dlgWhisper - - self.windowOpenPosition = (self.windowOpenPosition+1) % 5 - - else: - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.SetTop() - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.OpenWithoutTarget(self.RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog) - - ## 捞抚 绝绰 措拳芒俊辑 捞抚阑 搬沥沁阑锭 WhisperDialogDict俊 芒阑 持绢林绰 窃荐 - def RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog(self, name): - if not self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - return - - btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn) - - elif self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - oldDialog = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - oldDialog.Destroy() - del self.whisperDialogDict[name] - - self.whisperDialogDict[name] = self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.OpenWithTarget(name) - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None - self.__CheckGameMaster(name) - - ## 某腐磐 皋春狼 1:1 措拳 窍扁甫 喘范阑锭 捞抚阑 啊瘤绊 官肺 芒阑 咯绰 窃荐 - def OpenWhisperDialog(self, name): - if not self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - dlg = self.__MakeWhisperDialog(name) - dlg.OpenWithTarget(name) - dlg.chatLine.SetFocus() - dlg.Show() - - self.__CheckGameMaster(name) - btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name) - if 0 != btn: - self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn) - - ## 促弗 某腐磐肺何磐 皋技瘤甫 罐疽阑锭 老窜 滚瓢父 剁况 滴绰 窃荐 - def RecvWhisper(self, name): - if not self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name) - if 0 == btn: - btn = self.__MakeWhisperButton(name) - btn.Flash() - - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, locale.RECEIVE_MESSAGE % (name)) - - else: - btn.Flash() - elif self.IsGameMasterName(name): - dlg = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - dlg.SetGameMasterLook() - - def MakeWhisperButton(self, name): - self.__MakeWhisperButton(name) - - ## 滚瓢阑 喘范阑锭 芒阑 咯绰 窃荐 - def ShowWhisperDialog(self, btn): - try: - self.__MakeWhisperDialog(btn.name) - dlgWhisper = self.whisperDialogDict[btn.name] - dlgWhisper.OpenWithTarget(btn.name) - dlgWhisper.Show() - self.__CheckGameMaster(btn.name) - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("interface.ShowWhisperDialog - Failed to find key") - - ## 滚瓢 檬扁拳 - self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn) - - ## WhisperDialog 芒俊辑 弥家拳 疙飞阑 荐青沁阑锭 龋免登绰 窃荐 - ## 芒阑 弥家拳 钦聪促. - def MinimizeWhisperDialog(self, name): - - if 0 != name: - self.__MakeWhisperButton(name) - - self.CloseWhisperDialog(name) - - ## WhisperDialog 芒俊辑 摧扁 疙飞阑 荐青沁阑锭 龋免登绰 窃荐 - ## 芒阑 瘤矿聪促. - def CloseWhisperDialog(self, name): - - if 0 == name: - - if self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget: - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.Destroy() - self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None - - return - - try: - dlgWhisper = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - dlgWhisper.Destroy() - del self.whisperDialogDict[name] - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("interface.CloseWhisperDialog - Failed to find key") - - ## 滚瓢狼 俺荐啊 官差菌阑锭 滚瓢阑 犁沥纺 窍绰 窃荐 - def __ArrangeWhisperButton(self): - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - - xPos = screenWidth - 70 - yPos = 170 * screenHeight / 600 - yCount = (screenHeight - 330) / 63 - #yCount = (screenHeight - 285) / 63 - - count = 0 - for button in self.whisperButtonList: - - button.SetPosition(xPos + (int(count/yCount) * -50), yPos + (count%yCount * 63)) - count += 1 - - ## 捞抚栏肺 Whisper 滚瓢阑 茫酒 府畔秦 林绰 窃荐 - ## 滚瓢篮 雕寂呈府肺 窍瘤 臼绰 巴篮 沥纺 登绢 滚妨 鉴辑啊 蜡瘤 登瘤 臼栏哥 - ## 捞肺 牢秦 ToolTip甸捞 促弗 滚瓢甸俊 狼秦 啊妨瘤扁 锭巩捞促. - def __FindWhisperButton(self, name): - for button in self.whisperButtonList: - if button.name == name: - return button - - return 0 - - ## 芒阑 父奠聪促. - def __MakeWhisperDialog(self, name): - dlgWhisper = uiWhisper.WhisperDialog(self.MinimizeWhisperDialog, self.CloseWhisperDialog) - dlgWhisper.BindInterface(self) - dlgWhisper.LoadDialog() - dlgWhisper.SetPosition(self.windowOpenPosition*30,self.windowOpenPosition*30) - self.whisperDialogDict[name] = dlgWhisper - - self.windowOpenPosition = (self.windowOpenPosition+1) % 5 - - return dlgWhisper - - ## 滚瓢阑 父奠聪促. - def __MakeWhisperButton(self, name): - whisperButton = uiWhisper.WhisperButton() - whisperButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") - whisperButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") - whisperButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub") - if self.IsGameMasterName(name): - whisperButton.SetToolTipTextWithColor(name, 0xffffa200) - else: - whisperButton.SetToolTipText(name) - whisperButton.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - whisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowWhisperDialog), whisperButton) - whisperButton.Show() - whisperButton.name = name - - self.whisperButtonList.insert(0, whisperButton) - self.__ArrangeWhisperButton() - - return whisperButton - - def __DestroyWhisperButton(self, button): - button.SetEvent(0) - self.whisperButtonList.remove(button) - self.__ArrangeWhisperButton() - - def HideAllWhisperButton(self): - for btn in self.whisperButtonList: - btn.Hide() - - def ShowAllWhisperButton(self): - for btn in self.whisperButtonList: - btn.Show() - - def __CheckGameMaster(self, name): - if not self.listGMName.has_key(name): - return - if self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): - dlg = self.whisperDialogDict[name] - dlg.SetGameMasterLook() - - def RegisterGameMasterName(self, name): - if self.listGMName.has_key(name): - return - self.listGMName[name] = "GM" - - def IsGameMasterName(self, name): - if self.listGMName.has_key(name): - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - - ##################################################################################### - - ##################################################################################### - ### Guild Building ### - - def BUILD_OpenWindow(self): - self.wndGuildBuilding = uiGuild.BuildGuildBuildingWindow() - self.wndGuildBuilding.Open() - self.wndGuildBuilding.wnds = self.__HideWindows() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.BUILD_CloseWindow)) - - def BUILD_CloseWindow(self): - self.__ShowWindows(self.wndGuildBuilding.wnds) - self.wndGuildBuilding = None - - def BUILD_OnUpdate(self): - if not self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - import background - x, y, z = background.GetPickingPoint() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetBuildingPosition(x, y, z) - - def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if not self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - # GUILD_BUILDING - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - self.wndGuildBuilding.SettleCurrentPosition() - return TRUE - elif self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode(): - pass - else: - return TRUE - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - return FALSE - - def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if not self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - if not self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def BULID_EnterGuildArea(self, areaID): - # GUILD_BUILDING - mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName() - masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName() - - if mainCharacterName != masterName: - return - - if areaID != player.GetGuildID(): - return - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - - self.wndGameButton.ShowBuildButton() - - def BULID_ExitGuildArea(self, areaID): - self.wndGameButton.HideBuildButton() - - ##################################################################################### - - def IsEditLineFocus(self): - if self.ChatWindow.chatLine.IsFocus(): - return 1 - - if self.ChatWindow.chatToLine.IsFocus(): - return 1 - - return 0 - - def EmptyFunction(self): - pass - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - player.SetItemData(0, 27001, 10) - player.SetItemData(1, 27004, 10) - - self.interface = Interface() - self.interface.MakeInterface() - self.interface.ShowDefaultWindows() - self.interface.RefreshInventory() - #self.interface.OpenCubeWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/introcreate.py b/bin_original/pack/root/introcreate.py deleted file mode 100644 index 298e11ae..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/introcreate.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,661 +0,0 @@ -import chr -import grp -import app -import net -import snd -import wndMgr -import event -import systemSetting -import locale - -import ui -import networkModule -import math -import snd -import musicInfo -import playerSettingModule -import uiScriptLocale -import uiToolTip - -LOCALE_PATH = "uiscript/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_" - -MAN = 0 -WOMAN = 1 -SHAPE0 = 0 -SHAPE1 = 1 -PAGE_COUNT = 2 -SLOT_COUNT = 4 -BASE_CHR_ID = 3 - -class CreateCharacterWindow(ui.Window): - - SLOT_ROTATION = [135.0, 225.0, 315.0, 45.0] - - - CREATE_STAT_POINT = 0 - - STAT_CON = 0 - STAT_INT = 1 - STAT_STR = 2 - STAT_DEX = 3 - - STAT_DESCRIPTION = { - STAT_CON : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_CON, - STAT_INT : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_INT, - STAT_STR : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_STR, - STAT_DEX : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX, - } - - START_STAT = ( ## CON INT STR DEX - [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior - [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin - [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura - [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman - [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior - [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin - [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura - [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman - ) - - DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME = ( - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_WARRIOR_PATH, - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_ASSASSIN_PATH, - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_SURA_PATH, - uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_SHAMAN_PATH, - ) - - class DescriptionBox(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.descIndex = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - def SetIndex(self, index): - self.descIndex = index - def OnRender(self): - event.RenderEventSet(self.descIndex) - - class CharacterRenderer(ui.Window): - def OnRender(self): - grp.ClearDepthBuffer() - grp.SetGameRenderState() - grp.PushState() - grp.SetOmniLight() - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - newScreenWidth = float(screenWidth - 270) - newScreenHeight = float(screenHeight) - - grp.SetViewport(270.0/screenWidth, 0.0, newScreenWidth/screenWidth, newScreenHeight/screenHeight) - - app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0) - grp.SetPerspective(10.0, newScreenWidth/newScreenHeight, 1000.0, 3000.0) - - (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition() - grp.SetCursorPosition(x, y) - - chr.Deform() - chr.Render() - - grp.RestoreViewport() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW CREATE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Window.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, self) - - self.stream=stream - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE CREATE WINDOW" - - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, 0) - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def Open(self): - print "OPEN CREATE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") - - self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 - self.reservingShapeIndex = -1 - self.reservingStartTime = 0 - self.stat = [0, 0, 0, 0] - - self.gender = 0 - self.slot = -1 - self.shapeList = [ - [0, 0, 0, 0], - [0, 0, 0, 0]] - - self.descIndex = 0 - - try: - dlgBoard = ui.ScriptWindow() - pythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(dlgBoard, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "createcharacterwindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CreateCharacterWindow.Open.LoadObject") - - try: - getChild = dlgBoard.GetChild - - self.NameList = [] - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_warrior")) - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_assassin")) - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_sura")) - self.NameList.append(getChild("name_shaman")) - - self.GaugeList = [] - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("hth_gauge")) - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("int_gauge")) - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("str_gauge")) - self.GaugeList.append(getChild("dex_gauge")) - - self.btnCreate = getChild("create_button") - self.btnCancel = getChild("cancel_button") - self.btnPrev = getChild("prev_button") - self.btnNext = getChild("next_button") - self.btnLeft = getChild("left_button") - self.btnRight = getChild("right_button") - self.textBoard = getChild("text_board") - - self.genderButtonList = [] - self.genderButtonList.append(getChild("gender_button_01")) - self.genderButtonList.append(getChild("gender_button_02")) - - self.shapeButtonList = [] - self.shapeButtonList.append(getChild("shape_button_01")) - self.shapeButtonList.append(getChild("shape_button_02")) - - self.editCharacterName = getChild("character_name_value") - - self.statValue = [] - self.statValue.append(getChild("hth_value")) - self.statValue.append(getChild("int_value")) - self.statValue.append(getChild("str_value")) - self.statValue.append(getChild("dex_value")) - - getChild("hth_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("hth_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverOutStatButton() - getChild("int_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("int_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverOutStatButton() - getChild("str_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("str_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverOutStatButton() - getChild("dex_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverInStatButton(arg) - getChild("dex_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverOutStatButton() - - getChild("hth_button").Hide() - getChild("int_button").Hide() - getChild("str_button").Hide() - getChild("dex_button").Hide() - - self.backGround = getChild("BackGround") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CreateCharacterWindow.Open.BindObject") - - self.btnCreate.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter)) - self.btnCancel.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelCreate)) - self.btnPrev.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.PrevDescriptionPage)) - self.btnNext.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.NextDescriptionPage)) - self.btnLeft.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__DecreaseSlotIndex)) - self.btnRight.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__IncreaseSlotIndex)) - - self.genderButtonList[0].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectGender), MAN) - self.genderButtonList[1].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectGender), WOMAN) - - self.shapeButtonList[0].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectShape), SHAPE0) - self.shapeButtonList[1].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectShape), SHAPE1) - self.editCharacterName.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter)) - self.editCharacterName.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelCreate)) - self.dlgBoard = dlgBoard - - self.curRotation = [] + self.SLOT_ROTATION - self.destRotation = [] + self.SLOT_ROTATION - self.curNameAlpha = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.destNameAlpha = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.curGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.destGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - - self.descriptionBox = self.DescriptionBox() - self.descriptionBox.Show() - - self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer() - self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.backGround) - self.chrRenderer.Show() - - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - - self.editCharacterName.SetText("") - - self.EnableWindow() - self.__SelectSlot(0) - - app.SetCamera(500.0, 10.0, 180.0, 95.0) - - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 0, playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_M) - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 1, playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_M) - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 2, playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_M) - self.__MakeCharacter(0, 3, playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_M) - - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 0, playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_W) - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 1, playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_W) - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 2, playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_W) - self.__MakeCharacter(1, 3, playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_W) - - self.__SelectGender(app.GetRandom(MAN, WOMAN)) - self.__SelectShape(0) - self.__SelectSlot(app.GetRandom(0, 3)) - - self.dlgBoard.Show() - self.Show() - - if musicInfo.createMusic != "": - snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic) - - app.ShowCursor() - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE CREATE WINDOW" - - self.editCharacterName.Enable() - self.dlgBoard.ClearDictionary() - self.stream=0 - self.shapeButtonList = [] - self.genderButtonList = [] - self.btnCreate = 0 - self.btnCancel = 0 - self.btnPrev = 0 - self.btnNext = 0 - self.btnLeft = 0 - self.btnRight = 0 - self.textBoard = 0 - self.editCharacterName = 0 - self.backGround = None - - if musicInfo.createMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic) - - for id in xrange(BASE_CHR_ID + SLOT_COUNT * PAGE_COUNT): - chr.DeleteInstance(id) - - self.dlgBoard.Hide() - self.Hide() - - app.HideCursor() - event.Destroy() - - def EnableWindow(self): - self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 - self.reservingShapeIndex = -1 - self.btnCreate.Enable() - self.btnCancel.Enable() - self.btnPrev.Enable() - self.btnNext.Enable() - self.btnLeft.Enable() - self.btnRight.Enable() - - self.editCharacterName.SetFocus() - self.editCharacterName.Enable() - - for page in xrange(PAGE_COUNT): - for slot in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(page, slot) - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - chr.BlendLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT, 0.1) - - def DisableWindow(self): - self.btnCreate.Disable() - self.btnCancel.Disable() - self.btnPrev.Disable() - self.btnNext.Disable() - self.btnLeft.Disable() - self.btnRight.Disable() - self.editCharacterName.Disable() - - self.btnCreate.SetUp() - - ## Manage Character - def __GetSlotChrID(self, page, slot): - return BASE_CHR_ID + page * SLOT_COUNT + slot - - def __MakeCharacter(self, page, slot, race): - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(page, slot) - - chr.CreateInstance(chr_id) - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - chr.SetVirtualID(chr_id) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.SetHair(0) - - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) - - chr.SetRotation(0.0) - chr.Hide() - - def __SelectGender(self, gender): - for button in self.genderButtonList: - button.SetUp() - - self.genderButtonList[gender].Down() - - self.gender = gender - - if gender == MAN: - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(0, i)) - chr.Show() - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(1, i)) - chr.Hide() - else: - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(0, i)) - chr.Hide() - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(1, i)) - chr.Show() - - def __SelectShape(self, shape): - self.shapeList[self.gender][self.slot] = shape - - for button in self.shapeButtonList: - button.SetUp() - - self.shapeButtonList[shape].Down() - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot) - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - chr.ChangeShape(shape) - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) - - def GetSlotIndex(self): - return self.slot - - def RefreshStat(self): - statSummary = self.stat[0] + self.stat[1] + self.stat[2] + self.stat[3] - self.destGauge = ( - float(self.stat[0])/float(statSummary), - float(self.stat[1])/float(statSummary), - float(self.stat[2])/float(statSummary), - float(self.stat[3])/float(statSummary), - ) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.statValue[i].SetText(str(self.stat[i])) - - def __SelectSlot(self, slot): - - if slot < 0: - return - - if slot >= SLOT_COUNT: - return - - if self.slot == slot: - return - - self.slot = slot - self.ResetStat() - - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - self.destNameAlpha[i] = 0.0 - - self.destNameAlpha[slot] = 1.0 - - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - self.destRotation[(i+self.slot)%SLOT_COUNT] = self.SLOT_ROTATION[i] - - if self.IsShow(): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/click.wav") - - event.ClearEventSet(self.descIndex) - self.descIndex = event.RegisterEventSet(self.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME[self.slot]) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, 170) - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, slot) - if chr.HasInstance(chr_id): - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - self.__SelectShape(self.shapeList[self.gender][slot]) - - def CreateCharacter(self): - - if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex: - return - - textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText() - if FALSE == self.__CheckCreateCharacter(textName): - return - - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeLimitOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic, systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*0.05) - - self.DisableWindow() - - - chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot) - - chr.SelectInstance(chr_id) - - self.reservingRaceIndex = chr.GetRace() - - self.reservingShapeIndex = self.shapeList[self.gender][self.slot] - self.reservingStartTime = app.GetTime() - - for eachSlot in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - - sel_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, eachSlot) - - chr.SelectInstance(sel_id) - - if eachSlot == self.slot: - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED) - else: - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_NOT_SELECTED) - - def CancelCreate(self): - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - - def __DecreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() - 1 + SLOT_COUNT) % SLOT_COUNT - self.__SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def __IncreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() + 1) % SLOT_COUNT - self.__SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def PrevDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - if event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5 >= 0: - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def NextDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)+5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def __CheckCreateCharacter(self, name): - if len(name) == 0: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_INPUT_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - return FALSE - - if name.find(locale.CREATE_GM_NAME)!=-1: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - return FALSE - - if net.IsInsultIn(name): - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def ResetStat(self): - for i in xrange(4): - self.stat[i] = self.START_STAT[self.slot][i] - self.lastStatPoint = self.CREATE_STAT_POINT - self.RefreshStat() - - ## Event - def OnCreateSuccess(self): - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - - def OnCreateFailure(self, type): - if 1 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME, self.EnableWindow) - else: - self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_FAILURE, self.EnableWindow) - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - - if key == 2: - self.__SelectSlot(0) - if key == 3: - self.__SelectSlot(1) - if key == 4: - self.__SelectSlot(2) - if key == 5: - self.__SelectSlot(3) - - if 203 == key: - self.__DecreaseSlotIndex() - if 205 == key: - self.__IncreaseSlotIndex() - - if 59 == key: - self.__SelectGender(MAN_PAGE) - if 60 == key: - self.__SelectGender(WOMAN_PAGE) - - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - chr.Update() - - (xposEventSet, yposEventSet) = self.textBoard.GetGlobalPosition() - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, xposEventSet+7, -(yposEventSet+7)) - self.descriptionBox.SetIndex(self.descIndex) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.curNameAlpha[i] += (self.destNameAlpha[i] - self.curNameAlpha[i]) / 10.0 - self.NameList[i].SetAlpha(self.curNameAlpha[i]) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.curGauge[i] += (self.destGauge[i] - self.curGauge[i]) / 10.0 - if abs(self.curGauge[i] - self.destGauge[i]) < 0.005: - self.curGauge[i] = self.destGauge[i] - self.GaugeList[i].SetPercentage(self.curGauge[i], 1.0) - - for page in xrange(PAGE_COUNT): - for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT): - chr.SelectInstance(self.__GetSlotChrID(page, i)) - - distance = 50.0 - rotRadian = self.curRotation[i] * (math.pi*2) / 360.0 - x = distance*math.sin(rotRadian) + distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - y = distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - distance*math.sin(rotRadian) - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x), int(y), 30) - - if abs(self.destRotation[i] - self.curRotation[i]) < 1.0: - self.curRotation[i] = self.destRotation[i] - - dir = app.GetRotatingDirection(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - rot = app.GetDegreeDifference(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - - if app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_RIGHT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] += rot / 10.0 - elif app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_LEFT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] -= rot / 10.0 - - self.curRotation[i] = (self.curRotation[i] + 360.0) % 360.0 - - ########################################################### - if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex: - if app.GetTime() - self.reservingStartTime >= 1.5: - - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText() - raceIndex = self.reservingRaceIndex - shapeIndex = self.reservingShapeIndex - - startStat = self.START_STAT[self.reservingRaceIndex] - statCon = self.stat[0] - startStat[0] - statInt = self.stat[1] - startStat[1] - statStr = self.stat[2] - startStat[2] - statDex = self.stat[3] - startStat[3] - - net.SendCreateCharacterPacket(chrSlot, textName, raceIndex, shapeIndex, statCon, statInt, statStr, statDex) - - self.reservingRaceIndex = -1 - - ########################################################### - - def EmptyFunc(self): - pass - - def PopupMessage(self, msg, func=0): - if not func: - func=self.EmptyFunc - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, locale.UI_OK) - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.CancelCreate() - return TRUE - - def OverInStatButton(self, stat): - if not self.STAT_DESCRIPTION.has_key(stat): - return - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(self.STAT_DESCRIPTION[stat]) - self.toolTip.Show() - - def OverOutStatButton(self): - self.toolTip.Hide() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import networkModule - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - mainStream = networkModule.MainStream() - mainStream.Create() - - test = CreateCharacterWindow(mainStream) - test.Open() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/introempire.py b/bin_original/pack/root/introempire.py deleted file mode 100644 index cd54faab..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/introempire.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import wndMgr -import dbg -import app -import event -import _weakref -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -LOCALE_PATH = "uiscript/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_" - -class SelectEmpireWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - EMPIRE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_FILE_NAME = { - net.EMPIRE_A : uiScriptLocale.EMPIREDESC_A, - net.EMPIRE_B : uiScriptLocale.EMPIREDESC_B, - net.EMPIRE_C : uiScriptLocale.EMPIREDESC_C, } - - class EmpireButton(ui.Window): - def __init__(self, owner, arg): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.owner = owner - self.arg = arg - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.owner.OnOverInEmpire(self.arg) - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.owner.OnOverOutEmpire(self.arg) - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.owner.empireID != self.arg: - self.owner.OnSelectEmpire(self.arg) - - class DescriptionBox(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.descIndex = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - def SetIndex(self, index): - self.descIndex = index - def OnRender(self): - event.RenderEventSet(self.descIndex) - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW EMPIRE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_EMPIRE, self) - - self.stream=stream - self.empireID=app.GetRandom(1, 3) - self.descIndex=0 - self.empireArea = {} - self.empireAreaFlag = {} - self.empireFlag = {} - self.empireAreaButton = {} - self.empireAreaCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireAreaDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireAreaFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireFlagCurAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - self.empireFlagDestAlpha = { net.EMPIRE_A:0.0, net.EMPIRE_B:0.0, net.EMPIRE_C:0.0 } - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_EMPIRE, 0) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EMPIRE WINDOW" - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE EMPIRE WINDOW" - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.leftButton = None - self.rightButton = None - self.selectButton = None - self.exitButton = None - self.textBoard = None - self.descriptionBox = None - self.empireArea = None - self.empireAreaButton = None - - self.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - app.HideCursor() - event.Destroy() - - def Open(self): - print "OPEN EMPIRE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.SetWindowName("SelectEmpireWindow") - self.Show() - - if not self.__LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "SelectEmpireWindow.py"): - dbg.TraceError("SelectEmpireWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") - return - - self.OnSelectEmpire(self.empireID) - self.__CreateButtons() - self.__CreateDescriptionBox() - app.ShowCursor() - - def __CreateButtons(self): - for key, img in self.empireArea.items(): - - img.SetAlpha(0.0) - - (x, y) = img.GetGlobalPosition() - btn = self.EmpireButton(_weakref.proxy(self), key) - btn.SetParent(self) - btn.SetPosition(x, y) - btn.SetSize(img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight()) - btn.Show() - self.empireAreaButton[key] = btn - - def __CreateDescriptionBox(self): - self.descriptionBox = self.DescriptionBox() - self.descriptionBox.Show() - - def OnOverInEmpire(self, arg): - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - - def OnOverOutEmpire(self, arg): - if arg != self.empireID: - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[arg] = 0.0 - - def OnSelectEmpire(self, arg): - for key in self.empireArea.keys(): - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[key] = 0.0 - self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha[key] = 0.0 - self.empireFlagDestAlpha[key] = 0.0 - self.empireAreaDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - self.empireFlagDestAlpha[arg] = 1.0 - self.empireID = arg - - event.ClearEventSet(self.descIndex) - if self.EMPIRE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_FILE_NAME.has_key(arg): - self.descIndex = event.RegisterEventSet(self.EMPIRE_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_FILE_NAME[arg]) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, 170) - else: - event.SetRestrictedCount(self.descIndex, 35) - - def PrevDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - if event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5 >= 0: - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def NextDescriptionPage(self): - if TRUE == event.IsWait(self.descIndex): - event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)+5) - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - else: - event.Skip(self.descIndex) - - def __LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectEmpireWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.leftButton = GetObject("left_button") - self.rightButton = GetObject("right_button") - self.selectButton = GetObject("select_button") - self.exitButton = GetObject("exit_button") - self.textBoard = GetObject("text_board") - self.empireArea[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireArea_A") - self.empireArea[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireArea_B") - self.empireArea[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireArea_C") - self.empireAreaFlag[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireAreaFlag_A") - self.empireAreaFlag[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireAreaFlag_B") - self.empireAreaFlag[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireAreaFlag_C") - self.empireFlag[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_A") - self.empireFlag[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_B") - self.empireFlag[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_C") - GetObject("prev_text_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.PrevDescriptionPage)) - GetObject("next_text_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.NextDescriptionPage)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectEmpireWindow.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - self.selectButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickSelectButton)) - self.exitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickExitButton)) - self.leftButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickLeftButton)) - self.rightButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickRightButton)) - for flag in self.empireAreaFlag.values(): - flag.SetAlpha(0.0) - for flag in self.empireFlag.values(): - flag.SetAlpha(0.0) - - return 1 - - def ClickLeftButton(self): - self.empireID-=1 - if self.empireID<1: - self.empireID=3 - - self.OnSelectEmpire(self.empireID) - - def ClickRightButton(self): - self.empireID+=1 - if self.empireID>3: - self.empireID=1 - - self.OnSelectEmpire(self.empireID) - - def ClickSelectButton(self): - net.SendSelectEmpirePacket(self.empireID) - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - - def ClickExitButton(self): - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - - def OnUpdate(self): - (xposEventSet, yposEventSet) = self.textBoard.GetGlobalPosition() - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, xposEventSet+7, -(yposEventSet+7)) - self.descriptionBox.SetIndex(self.descIndex) - - self.__UpdateAlpha(self.empireArea, self.empireAreaCurAlpha, self.empireAreaDestAlpha) - self.__UpdateAlpha(self.empireAreaFlag, self.empireAreaFlagCurAlpha, self.empireAreaFlagDestAlpha) - self.__UpdateAlpha(self.empireFlag, self.empireFlagCurAlpha, self.empireFlagDestAlpha) - - def __UpdateAlpha(self, dict, curAlphaDict, destAlphaDict): - for key, img in dict.items(): - - curAlpha = curAlphaDict[key] - destAlpha = destAlphaDict[key] - - if abs(destAlpha - curAlpha) / 10 > 0.0001: - curAlpha += (destAlpha - curAlpha) / 7 - else: - curAlpha = destAlpha - - curAlphaDict[key] = curAlpha - img.SetAlpha(curAlpha) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.ClickExitButton() - return TRUE - -class ReselectEmpireWindow(SelectEmpireWindow): - def ClickSelectButton(self): - net.SendSelectEmpirePacket(self.empireID) - self.stream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - - def ClickExitButton(self): - self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/introloading.py b/bin_original/pack/root/introloading.py deleted file mode 100644 index e00e738a..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/introloading.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,370 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import net -import app -import dbg -import player -import background -import wndMgr - -import locale -import chrmgr -import colorInfo -import constInfo - -import playerSettingModule -import stringCommander -import emotion - -#################################### -# 狐弗 角青阑 困茄 葛碘 肺爹 盒淬 -#################################### -import uiRefine -import uiToolTip -import uiAttachMetin -import uiPickMoney -import uiChat -import uiMessenger -import uiHelp -import uiWhisper -import uiPointReset -import uiShop -import uiExchange -import uiSystem -import uiOption -import uiRestart -#################################### - -class LoadingWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW LOADING WINDOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Window.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOAD, self) - - self.stream=stream - self.loadingImage=0 - self.loadingGage=0 - self.errMsg=0 - self.update=0 - self.playerX=0 - self.playerY=0 - self.loadStepList=[] - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LOADING WINDOW" - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOAD, 0) - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def Open(self): - print "OPEN LOADING WINDOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - #app.HideCursor() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA() or locale.IsCANADA() or locale.IsBRAZIL() or locale.IsEUROPE(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "LoadingWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/LoadingWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LodingWindow.Open - LoadScriptFile Error") - - try: - self.loadingImage=self.GetChild("BackGround") - self.errMsg=self.GetChild("ErrorMessage") - self.loadingGage=self.GetChild("FullGage") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LodingWindow.Open - LoadScriptFile Error") - - self.errMsg.Hide() - - if locale.IsHONGKONG(): - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading0.sub", - 1 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading1.sub", - 2 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading2.sub", - 3 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading3.sub", - 4 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading4.sub", - 5 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading5.sub", - 6 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading6.sub" - } - elif locale.IsCIBN10(): - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading0.jpg", - 1 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading1.jpg", - 2 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading2.jpg", - 3 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading3.jpg", - 4 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading4.jpg", - 5 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading5.jpg", - 6 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading6.jpg", - 7 : app.GetLocalePath() + "/ui/loading/loading7.jpg", - } - elif locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA() or locale.IsCANADA() or locale.IsBRAZIL() or locale.IsEUROPE() or locale.IsJAPAN(): - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading0.sub", - 1 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading1.sub", - 2 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading2.sub", - 3 : uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "loading/loading3.sub", - - } - elif constInfo.SUB2_LOADING_ENABLE: - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_warrior.sub", - 1 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin.sub", - 2 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_shaman.sub", - 3 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_sura.sub", - 4 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin2.sub", - 5 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_sura2.sub", - 6 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin3.sub", - 7 : "d:/ymir work/uiloading/background_loading_assassin3.sub", - } - else: - imgFileNameDict = { - 0 : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_loading_warrior.jpg", - 1 : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_loading_assassin.jpg", - 2 : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_loading_shaman.jpg", - } - - try: - imgFileName = imgFileNameDict[app.GetRandom(0, len(imgFileNameDict) - 1)] - self.loadingImage.LoadImage(imgFileName) - - except: - print "LoadingWindow.Open.LoadImage - %s File Load Error" % (imgFileName) - self.loadingImage.Hide() - - - width = float(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()) / float(self.loadingImage.GetWidth()) - height = float(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) / float(self.loadingImage.GetHeight()) - - self.loadingImage.SetScale(width, height) - self.loadingGage.SetPercentage(2, 100) - - self.Show() - - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - net.SendSelectCharacterPacket(chrSlot) - - app.SetFrameSkip(0) - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE LOADING WINDOW" - - app.SetFrameSkip(1) - - self.loadStepList=[] - self.loadingImage=0 - self.loadingGage=0 - self.errMsg=0 - self.ClearDictionary() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - app.SetFrameSkip(1) - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - return TRUE - - def __SetNext(self, next): - if next: - self.update=ui.__mem_func__(next) - else: - self.update=0 - - def __SetProgress(self, p): - if self.loadingGage: - self.loadingGage.SetPercentage(2+98*p/100, 100) - - def DEBUG_LoadData(self, playerX, playerY): - self.playerX=playerX - self.playerY=playerY - - self.__RegisterSkill() ## 肺爹 吝埃俊 角青 窍搁 巩力 惯积 - self.__RegisterTitleName() - self.__RegisterColor() - self.__InitData() - self.__LoadMap() - self.__LoadSound() - self.__LoadEffect() - self.__LoadWarrior() - self.__LoadAssassin() - self.__LoadSura() - self.__LoadShaman() - self.__LoadSkill() - self.__LoadEnemy() - self.__LoadNPC() - self.__StartGame() - - def LoadData(self, playerX, playerY): - self.playerX=playerX - self.playerY=playerY - - self.__RegisterDungeonMapName() - self.__RegisterSkill() ## 肺爹 吝埃俊 角青 窍搁 巩力 惯积 - self.__RegisterTitleName() - self.__RegisterColor() - self.__RegisterEmotionIcon() - - self.loadStepList=[ - (0, ui.__mem_func__(self.__InitData)), - (10, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadMap)), - (30, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadSound)), - (40, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadEffect)), - (50, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadWarrior)), - (60, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadAssassin)), - (70, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadSura)), - (80, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadShaman)), - (90, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadSkill)), - (93, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadEnemy)), - (97, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadNPC)), - - # GUILD_BUILDING - (98, ui.__mem_func__(self.__LoadGuildBuilding)), - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - - (100, ui.__mem_func__(self.__StartGame)), - ] - - self.__SetProgress(0) - #self.__SetNext(self.__LoadMap) - - def OnUpdate(self): - if len(self.loadStepList)>0: - (progress, runFunc)=self.loadStepList[0] - - try: - runFunc() - except: - self.errMsg.Show() - self.loadStepList=[] - - ## 捞镑俊辑 syserr.txt 甫 焊辰促. - - import dbg - dbg.TraceError(" !!! Failed to load game data : STEP [%d]" % (progress)) - - #import shutil - #import os - #shutil.copyfile("syserr.txt", "errorlog.txt") - #os.system("errorlog.exe") - - app.Exit() - - return - - self.loadStepList.pop(0) - - self.__SetProgress(progress) - - def __InitData(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") - - def __RegisterDungeonMapName(self): - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_spiderdungeon") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_monkeydungeon") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03") - background.RegisterDungeonMapName("metin2_map_deviltower1") - - def __RegisterSkill(self): - - race = net.GetMainActorRace() - group = net.GetMainActorSkillGroup() - empire = net.GetMainActorEmpire() - - playerSettingModule.RegisterSkill(race, group, empire) - - def __RegisterTitleName(self): - for i in xrange(len(locale.TITLE_NAME_LIST)): - chrmgr.RegisterTitleName(i, locale.TITLE_NAME_LIST[i]) - - def __RegisterColor(self): - - ## Name - NAME_COLOR_DICT = { - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PC : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PC, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_NPC : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_NPC, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_MOB : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_MOB, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PVP : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PVP, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PK : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PK, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_PARTY : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_PARTY, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_WARP : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_WARP, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_WAYPOINT : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_WAYPOINT, - - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_MOB : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_MOB, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_NPC : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_NPC, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_PC+1 : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_A, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_PC+2 : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_B, - chrmgr.NAMECOLOR_EMPIRE_PC+3 : colorInfo.CHR_NAME_RGB_EMPIRE_PC_C, - } - for name, rgb in NAME_COLOR_DICT.items(): - chrmgr.RegisterNameColor(name, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - - ## Title - TITLE_COLOR_DICT = ( colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3, - colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4, ) - count = 0 - for rgb in TITLE_COLOR_DICT: - chrmgr.RegisterTitleColor(count, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - count += 1 - - def __RegisterEmotionIcon(self): - emotion.RegisterEmotionIcons() - - def __LoadMap(self): - net.Warp(self.playerX, self.playerY) - - def __LoadSound(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SOUND") - - def __LoadEffect(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("EFFECT") - - def __LoadWarrior(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("WARRIOR") - - def __LoadAssassin(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("ASSASSIN") - - def __LoadSura(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SURA") - - def __LoadShaman(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SHAMAN") - - def __LoadSkill(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("SKILL") - - def __LoadEnemy(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("ENEMY") - - def __LoadNPC(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("NPC") - - # GUILD_BUILDING - def __LoadGuildBuilding(self): - playerSettingModule.LoadGuildBuildingList(locale.GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TXT) - # END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - - def __StartGame(self): - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE0, 25600) - """ - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE1, 19200) - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE2, 12800) - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE3, 9600) - background.SetViewDistanceSet(background.DISTANCE4, 6400) - """ - background.SelectViewDistanceNum(background.DISTANCE0) - - app.SetGlobalCenterPosition(self.playerX, self.playerY) - - net.StartGame() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/intrologin.py b/bin_original/pack/root/intrologin.py deleted file mode 100644 index e644a5ff..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/intrologin.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1363 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import app -import net -import ui -import ime -import snd -import wndMgr -import musicInfo -import serverInfo -import systemSetting -import ServerStateChecker -import locale -import constInfo -import uiCommon -import time -import ServerCommandParser -import ime -import uiScriptLocale - -RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH = FALSE -NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH = FALSE - -LOGIN_DELAY_SEC = 0.0 -SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE = FALSE -SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE_SUPPORT_CHANNEL = FALSE -FULL_BACK_IMAGE = FALSE - -PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = {} - -VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS = 46 -VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_RAND_KEY = TRUE - -def Suffle(src): - if VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_RAND_KEY: - items = [item for item in src] - - itemCount = len(items) - for oldPos in xrange(itemCount): - newPos = app.GetRandom(0, itemCount-1) - items[newPos], items[oldPos] = items[oldPos], items[newPos] - - return "".join(items) - else: - return src - -if locale.IsNEWCIBN() or locale.IsCIBN10(): - LOGIN_DELAY_SEC = 20.0 - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH = TRUE - PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = { - "PASERR1" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR1, - "PASERR2" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR2, - "PASERR3" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR3, - "PASERR4" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR4, - "PASERR5" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_PASERR5, - } - -elif locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsCHEONMA(): - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - -elif locale.IsHONGKONG(): - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH = TRUE - PASSPOD_MSG_DICT = { - "NOTELE" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOTELEBLOCK, - } - -elif locale.IsJAPAN(): - FULL_BACK_IMAGE = TRUE - -def IsFullBackImage(): - global FULL_BACK_IMAGE - return FULL_BACK_IMAGE - -def IsLoginDelay(): - global LOGIN_DELAY_SEC - if LOGIN_DELAY_SEC > 0.0: - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - -def IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - global RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - return RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - -def IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - global NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - return NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - -def GetLoginDelay(): - global LOGIN_DELAY_SEC - return LOGIN_DELAY_SEC - -app.SetGuildMarkPath("test") - -class ConnectingDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - self.eventTimeOver = lambda *arg: None - self.eventExit = lambda *arg: None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/ConnectingDialog.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.message = self.GetChild("message") - self.countdownMessage = self.GetChild("countdown_message") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ConnectingDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - def Open(self, waitTime): - curTime = time.clock() - self.endTime = curTime + waitTime - - self.Lock() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def Destroy(self): - self.Hide() - self.ClearDictionary() - - def SetText(self, text): - self.message.SetText(text) - - def SetCountDownMessage(self, waitTime): - self.countdownMessage.SetText("%.0f%s" % (waitTime, locale.SECOND)) - - def SAFE_SetTimeOverEvent(self, event): - self.eventTimeOver = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SAFE_SetExitEvent(self, event): - self.eventExit = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def OnUpdate(self): - lastTime = max(0, self.endTime - time.clock()) - if 0 == lastTime: - self.Close() - self.eventTimeOver() - else: - self.SetCountDownMessage(self.endTime - time.clock()) - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - #self.eventExit() - return TRUE - -class LoginWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - IS_TEST = net.IsTest() - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW LOGIN WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGIN, self) - net.SetAccountConnectorHandler(self) - - self.matrixInputChanceCount = 0 - self.lastLoginTime = 0 - self.inputDialog = None - self.connectingDialog = None - self.stream=stream - self.isNowCountDown=FALSE - self.isStartError=FALSE - - self.xServerBoard = 0 - self.yServerBoard = 0 - - self.loadingImage = None - - self.virtualKeyboard = None - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "ALPHABET" - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - - def __del__(self): - net.ClearPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGIN, self) - net.SetAccountConnectorHandler(0) - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LOGIN WINDOW" - - def Open(self): - ServerStateChecker.Create(self) - - print "LOGIN WINDOW OPEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - self.loginFailureMsgDict={ - #"DEFAULT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN, - - "ALREADY" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY, - "NOID" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID, - "WRONGPWD" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD, - "FULL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER, - "SHUTDOWN" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN, - "REPAIR" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID, - "BLOCK" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID, - "WRONGMAT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER, - "QUIT" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE, - "BESAMEKEY" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY, - "NOTAVAIL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL, - "NOBILL" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL, - "BLKLOGIN" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN, - "WEBBLK" : locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK, - } - - self.loginFailureFuncDict = { - "WRONGPWD" : self.__DisconnectAndInputPassword, - "WRONGMAT" : self.__DisconnectAndInputMatrix, - "QUIT" : app.Exit, - } - - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.SetWindowName("LoginWindow") - - if not self.__LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "LoginWindow.py"): - dbg.TraceError("LoginWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") - return - - self.__LoadLoginInfo("loginInfo.py") - - if app.loggined: - self.loginFailureFuncDict = { - "WRONGPWD" : app.Exit, - "WRONGMAT" : app.Exit, - "QUIT" : app.Exit, - } - - if musicInfo.loginMusic != "": - snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.loginMusic) - - snd.SetSoundVolume(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) - - # pevent key "[" "]" - ime.AddExceptKey(91) - ime.AddExceptKey(93) - - self.Show() - - global SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE - if SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE: - if self.isStartError: - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - self.serverBoard.Hide() - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.__ExitGame) - return - - if self.loginInfo: - self.serverBoard.Hide() - else: - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - else: - connectingIP = self.stream.GetConnectAddr() - if connectingIP: - if app.USE_OPENID and not app.OPENID_TEST : - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - else: - self.__OpenLoginBoard() - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() - self.GetChild("bg2").Show() - - else: - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - - app.ShowCursor() - - def Close(self): - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - ServerStateChecker.Initialize(self) - - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE LOGIN WINDOW " - # - # selectMusic捞 绝栏搁 BGM捞 谗扁骨肺 滴俺 促 眉农茄促. - # - if musicInfo.loginMusic != "" and musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.loginMusic) - - ## NOTE : idEditLine客 pwdEditLine篮 捞亥飘啊 辑肺 楷搬 登绢乐绢辑 - ## Event甫 碍力肺 檬扁拳 秦林绢具父 钦聪促 - [levites] - self.idEditLine.SetTabEvent(0) - self.idEditLine.SetReturnEvent(0) - self.pwdEditLine.SetReturnEvent(0) - self.pwdEditLine.SetTabEvent(0) - - self.connectBoard = None - self.loginBoard = None - self.idEditLine = None - self.pwdEditLine = None - self.inputDialog = None - self.connectingDialog = None - self.loadingImage = None - - self.serverBoard = None - self.serverList = None - self.channelList = None - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - self.matrixQuizBoard = None - self.matrixAnswerInput = None - self.matrixAnswerOK = None - self.matrixAnswerCancel = None - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - self.passpodBoard = None - self.passpodAnswerInput = None - self.passpodAnswerOK = None - self.passpodAnswerCancel = None - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = None - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = None - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = None - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = None - - # VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_BUG_FIX - if self.virtualKeyboard: - for keyIndex in xrange(0, VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS+1): - key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) - if key: - key.SetEvent(None) - - self.GetChild("key_space").SetEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_backspace").SetEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_enter").SetEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleDownEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleUpEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleDownEvent(None) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleUpEvent(None) - - self.virtualKeyboard = None - - self.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.loginFailureFuncDict=None - - ime.ClearExceptKey() - - app.HideCursor() - - def __SaveChannelInfo(self): - try: - file=open("channel.inf", "w") - file.write("%d %d %d" % (self.__GetServerID(), self.__GetChannelID(), self.__GetRegionID())) - except: - print "LoginWindow.__SaveChannelInfo - SaveError" - - def __LoadChannelInfo(self): - try: - file=open("channel.inf") - lines=file.readlines() - - if len(lines)>0: - tokens=lines[0].split() - - selServerID=int(tokens[0]) - selChannelID=int(tokens[1]) - - if len(tokens) == 3: - regionID = int(tokens[2]) - - return regionID, selServerID, selChannelID - - except: - print "LoginWindow.__LoadChannelInfo - OpenError" - return -1, -1, -1 - - def __ExitGame(self): - app.Exit() - - def SetIDEditLineFocus(self): - if self.idEditLine != None: - self.idEditLine.SetFocus() - - def SetPasswordEditLineFocus(self): - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - if self.idEditLine != None: #0000862: [M2EU] 肺弊牢芒 扑诀 俊矾: 辆丰矫 刚历 None 汲沥凳 - self.idEditLine.SetText("") - self.idEditLine.SetFocus() #0000685: [M2EU] 酒捞叼/厚剐锅龋 蜡眠 啊瓷 滚弊 荐沥: 公炼扒 酒捞叼肺 器目胶啊 啊霸 父电促 - - if self.pwdEditLine != None: #0000862: [M2EU] 肺弊牢芒 扑诀 俊矾: 辆丰矫 刚历 None 汲沥凳 - self.pwdEditLine.SetText("") - else: - if self.pwdEditLine != None: - self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus() - - def OnEndCountDown(self): - self.isNowCountDown = FALSE - self.OnConnectFailure() - - def OnConnectFailure(self): - - if self.isNowCountDown: - return - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - if app.loggined: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.__ExitGame) - else: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) - - def OnHandShake(self): - if not IsLoginDelay(): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginok.wav") - self.PopupDisplayMessage(locale.LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS) - - def OnLoginStart(self): - if not IsLoginDelay(): - self.PopupDisplayMessage(locale.LOGIN_PROCESSING) - - def OnLoginFailure(self, error): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - try: - loginFailureMsg = self.loginFailureMsgDict[error] - except KeyError: - if PASSPOD_MSG_DICT: - try: - loginFailureMsg = PASSPOD_MSG_DICT[error] - except KeyError: - loginFailureMsg = locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN + error - else: - loginFailureMsg = locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN + error - - - #0000685: [M2EU] 酒捞叼/厚剐锅龋 蜡眠 啊瓷 滚弊 荐沥: 公炼扒 菩胶况靛肺 器目胶啊 啊霸 父电促 - loginFailureFunc=self.loginFailureFuncDict.get(error, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) - - if app.loggined: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(loginFailureMsg, self.__ExitGame) - else: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(loginFailureMsg, loginFailureFunc) - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - - def __DisconnectAndInputID(self): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.SetIDEditLineFocus() - net.Disconnect() - - def __DisconnectAndInputPassword(self): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus() - net.Disconnect() - - def __DisconnectAndInputMatrix(self): - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.matrixInputChanceCount -= 1 - - if self.matrixInputChanceCount <= 0: - self.__OnCloseInputDialog() - - elif self.inputDialog: - self.inputDialog.Show() - - def __LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.serverBoard = GetObject("ServerBoard") - self.serverList = GetObject("ServerList") - self.channelList = GetObject("ChannelList") - self.serverSelectButton = GetObject("ServerSelectButton") - self.serverExitButton = GetObject("ServerExitButton") - self.connectBoard = GetObject("ConnectBoard") - self.loginBoard = GetObject("LoginBoard") - self.idEditLine = GetObject("ID_EditLine") - self.pwdEditLine = GetObject("Password_EditLine") - self.serverInfo = GetObject("ConnectName") - self.selectConnectButton = GetObject("SelectConnectButton") - self.loginButton = GetObject("LoginButton") - self.loginExitButton = GetObject("LoginExitButton") - - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - self.checkButton = GetObject("CheckButton") - self.checkButton.Down() - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixQuizBoard = GetObject("RunupMatrixQuizBoard") - self.matrixAnswerInput = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerInput") - self.matrixAnswerOK = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerOK") - self.matrixAnswerCancel = GetObject("RunupMatrixAnswerCancel") - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodBoard = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_BOARD") - self.passpodAnswerInput = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_INPUT") - self.passpodAnswerOK = GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_OK") - self.passpodAnswerCancel= GetObject("NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_CANCEL") - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - self.virtualKeyboard = self.GetChild2("VirtualKeyboard") - - if self.virtualKeyboard: - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS) - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = "".join([locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS[locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS.index(e)] for e in self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS]) - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = Suffle(locale.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode() - - self.GetChild("key_space").SetEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(' ')) - self.GetChild("key_backspace").SetEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressBackspace()) - self.GetChild("key_enter").SetEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressReturn()) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleDownEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetUpperMode()) - self.GetChild("key_shift").SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode()) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleDownEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetSymbolMode()) - self.GetChild("key_at").SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode()) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - if self.IS_TEST: - self.selectConnectButton.Hide() - else: - self.selectConnectButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectConnectButton)) - - self.serverBoard.OnKeyUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__ServerBoard_OnKeyUp) - self.xServerBoard, self.yServerBoard = self.serverBoard.GetLocalPosition() - - self.serverSelectButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectServerButton)) - self.serverExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitButton)) - - self.loginButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickLoginButton)) - self.loginExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitButton)) - - self.serverList.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectServer)) - - self.idEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus)) - self.idEditLine.SetTabEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.pwdEditLine.SetFocus)) - - self.pwdEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickLoginButton)) - self.pwdEditLine.SetTabEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.idEditLine.SetFocus)) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixAnswerOK.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerOK) - self.matrixAnswerCancel.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel) - self.matrixAnswerInput.SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerOK) - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodAnswerOK.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK) - self.passpodAnswerCancel.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel) - self.passpodAnswerInput.SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK) - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Show() - self.GetChild("bg2").Hide() - return 1 - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self, keyCodes): - uiDefFontBackup = locale.UI_DEF_FONT - locale.UI_DEF_FONT = locale.UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE - - keyIndex = 1 - for keyCode in keyCodes: - key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) - if key: - key.SetEvent(lambda x=keyCode: self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(x)) - key.SetText(keyCode) - key.ButtonText.SetFontColor(0, 0, 0) - keyIndex += 1 - - for keyIndex in xrange(keyIndex, VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_NUM_KEYS+1): - key = self.GetChild2("key_%d" % keyIndex) - if key: - key.SetEvent(lambda x=' ': self.__VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(x)) - key.SetText(' ') - - locale.UI_DEF_FONT = uiDefFontBackup - - def __VirtualKeyboard_PressKey(self, code): - ime.PasteString(code) - - #if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET" and self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper: - # self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode() - - def __VirtualKeyboard_PressBackspace(self): - ime.PasteBackspace() - - def __VirtualKeyboard_PressReturn(self): - ime.PasteReturn() - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetUpperMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = TRUE - - if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET": - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS) - elif self.virtualKeyboardMode == "NUMBER": - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetLowerMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - - if self.virtualKeyboardMode == "ALPHABET": - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS) - elif self.virtualKeyboardMode == "NUMBER": - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - else: - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetAlphabetMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "ALPHABET" - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetNumberMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "NUMBER" - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS) - - def __VirtualKeyboard_SetSymbolMode(self): - self.virtualKeyboardIsUpper = FALSE - self.virtualKeyboardMode = "SYMBOL" - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR) - else: - self.__VirtualKeyboard_SetKeys(self.VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS) - - def Connect(self, id, pwd): - - if constInfo.SEQUENCE_PACKET_ENABLE: - net.SetPacketSequenceMode() - - if IsLoginDelay(): - loginDelay = GetLoginDelay() - self.connectingDialog = ConnectingDialog() - self.connectingDialog.Open(loginDelay) - self.connectingDialog.SAFE_SetTimeOverEvent(self.OnEndCountDown) - self.connectingDialog.SAFE_SetExitEvent(self.OnPressExitKey) - self.isNowCountDown = TRUE - - else: - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.LOGIN_CONNETING, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus, locale.UI_CANCEL) - - self.stream.SetLoginInfo(id, pwd) - self.stream.Connect() - - def __OnClickExitButton(self): - self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) - - def __SetServerInfo(self, name): - net.SetServerInfo(name.strip()) - self.serverInfo.SetText(name) - - def __LoadLoginInfo(self, loginInfoFileName): - - try: - loginInfo={} - execfile(loginInfoFileName, loginInfo) - except IOError: - print(\ - "磊悼 肺弊牢阑 窍矫妨搁" + loginInfoFileName + "颇老阑 累己秦林技夸\n"\ - "\n"\ - "郴侩:\n"\ - "================================================================\n"\ - "addr=林家\n"\ - "port=器飘\n"\ - "id=酒捞叼\n"\ - "pwd=厚剐锅龋\n"\ - "slot=某腐磐 急琶 牢郸胶 (绝芭唱 -1捞搁 磊悼 急琶 救窃)\n"\ - "autoLogin=磊悼 立加 咯何\n" - "autoSelect=磊悼 立加 咯何\n" - "locale=(ymir) LC_Ymir 老版快 ymir肺 累悼. 瘤沥窍瘤 臼栏搁 korea肺 累悼\n" - ); - - id=loginInfo.get("id", "") - pwd=loginInfo.get("pwd", "") - - if self.IS_TEST: - try: - addr=loginInfo["addr"] - port=loginInfo["port"] - account_addr=addr - account_port=port - - net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) - self.__SetServerInfo(locale.CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR % (addr, port)) - except: - try: - addr=serverInfo.TESTADDR["ip"] - port=serverInfo.TESTADDR["tcp_port"] - - net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) - self.__SetServerInfo(locale.CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__LoadLoginInfo - 抛胶飘辑滚 林家啊 绝嚼聪促") - - else: - addr=loginInfo.get("addr", "") - port=loginInfo.get("port", 0) - account_addr=loginInfo.get("account_addr", addr) - account_port=loginInfo.get("account_port", port) - - locale = loginInfo.get("locale", "") - - if addr and port: - net.SetMarkServer(addr, port) - - if locale == "ymir" : - net.SetServerInfo("玫付 辑滚") - self.serverInfo.SetText("Y:"+addr+":"+str(port)) - else: - net.SetServerInfo(addr+":"+str(port)) - self.serverInfo.SetText("K:"+addr+":"+str(port)) - - slot=loginInfo.get("slot", 0) - isAutoLogin=loginInfo.get("auto", 0) - isAutoLogin=loginInfo.get("autoLogin", 0) - isAutoSelect=loginInfo.get("autoSelect", 0) - - self.stream.SetCharacterSlot(slot) - self.stream.SetConnectInfo(addr, port, account_addr, account_port) - self.stream.isAutoLogin=isAutoLogin - self.stream.isAutoSelect=isAutoSelect - - self.id = None - self.pwd = None - self.loginnedServer = None - self.loginnedChannel = None - app.loggined = FALSE - - self.loginInfo = loginInfo - - if self.id and self.pwd: - app.loggined = TRUE - - if isAutoLogin: - self.Connect(id, pwd) - - print "==================================================================================" - print "磊悼 肺弊牢: %s - %s:%d %s" % (loginInfoFileName, addr, port, id) - print "==================================================================================" - - - def PopupDisplayMessage(self, msg): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg) - - def PopupNotifyMessage(self, msg, func=0): - if not func: - func=self.EmptyFunc - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, locale.UI_OK) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - def BINARY_OnRunupMatrixQuiz(self, quiz): - if not IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - return - - id = self.GetChild("RunupMatrixID") - id.SetText(self.idEditLine.GetText()) - - code = self.GetChild("RunupMatrixCode") - - code.SetText("".join(["[%c,%c]" % (quiz[i], quiz[i+1]) for i in xrange(0, len(quiz), 2)])) - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.serverBoard.Hide() - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - self.matrixQuizBoard.Show() - self.matrixAnswerInput.SetFocus() - - def __OnClickMatrixAnswerOK(self): - answer = self.matrixAnswerInput.GetText() - - print "matrix_quiz.ok" - net.SendRunupMatrixCardPacket(answer) - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open("WAITING FOR MATRIX AUTHENTICATION", - self.__OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel, - locale.UI_CANCEL) - - def __OnClickMatrixAnswerCancel(self): - print "matrix_quiz.cancel" - - if self.matrixQuizBoard: - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - - if self.connectBoard: - self.connectBoard.Show() - - if self.loginBoard: - self.loginBoard.Show() - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - def BINARY_OnNEWCIBNPasspodRequest(self): - if not IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - return - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.serverBoard.Hide() - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - self.passpodBoard.Show() - self.passpodAnswerInput.SetFocus() - - def BINARY_OnNEWCIBNPasspodFailure(self): - if not IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - return - - def __OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerOK(self): - answer = self.passpodAnswerInput.GetText() - - print "passpod.ok" - net.SendNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerPacket(answer) - self.passpodAnswerInput.SetText("") - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.WAIT_FOR_PASSPOD, - self.__OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel, - locale.UI_CANCEL) - - def __OnClickNEWCIBNPasspodAnswerCancel(self): - print "passpod.cancel" - - if self.passpodBoard: - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - - if self.connectBoard: - self.connectBoard.Show() - - if self.loginBoard: - self.loginBoard.Show() - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - - def OnMatrixCard(self, row1, row2, row3, row4, col1, col2, col3, col4): - - if self.connectingDialog: - self.connectingDialog.Close() - self.connectingDialog = None - - self.matrixInputChanceCount = 3 - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - - # CHINA_MATRIX_CARD_BUG_FIX - ## A~Z 鳖瘤 26 捞郴狼 蔼捞 甸绢乐绢具父 茄促. - ## Python Exception Log 俊辑 弊 捞惑狼 蔼捞 甸绢乐绢辑 俊矾 规瘤 - ## 清单 恐 茄惫率 肺弊俊辑 捞霸 劝侩登绰瘤绰 葛福摆澜 - row1 = min(30, row1) - row2 = min(30, row2) - row3 = min(30, row3) - row4 = min(30, row4) - # END_OF_CHINA_MATRIX_CARD_BUG_FIX - - row1 = chr(row1 + ord('A')) - row2 = chr(row2 + ord('A')) - row3 = chr(row3 + ord('A')) - row4 = chr(row4 + ord('A')) - col1 = col1 + 1 - col2 = col2 + 1 - col3 = col3 + 1 - col4 = col4 + 1 - - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialogWithDescription2() - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(8) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnAcceptMatrixCardData)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancelMatrixCardData)) - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetDescription1(locale.INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER) - inputDialog.SetDescription2("%c%d %c%d %c%d %c%d" % (row1, col1, - row2, col2, - row3, col3, - row4, col4)) - - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def __OnAcceptMatrixCardData(self): - text = self.inputDialog.GetText() - net.SendChinaMatrixCardPacket(text) - if self.inputDialog: - self.inputDialog.Hide() - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_PROCESSING) - return TRUE - - def __OnCancelMatrixCardData(self): - self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus() - self.__OnCloseInputDialog() - self.__DisconnectAndInputPassword() - return TRUE - - def __OnCloseInputDialog(self): - if self.inputDialog: - self.inputDialog.Close() - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) - return TRUE - - def OnExit(self): - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(locale.LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE, app.Exit, locale.UI_OK) - - def OnUpdate(self): - ServerStateChecker.Update() - - def EmptyFunc(self): - pass - - ##################################################################################### - - def __ServerBoard_OnKeyUp(self, key): - if self.serverBoard.IsShow(): - if app.DIK_RETURN==key: - self.__OnClickSelectServerButton() - return TRUE - - def __GetRegionID(self): - return 0 - - def __GetServerID(self): - return self.serverList.GetSelectedItem() - - def __GetChannelID(self): - return self.channelList.GetSelectedItem() - - # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - def __ServerIDToServerIndex(self, regionID, targetServerID): - try: - regionDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID] - except KeyError: - return -1 - - retServerIndex = 0 - for eachServerID, regionDataDict in regionDict.items(): - if eachServerID == targetServerID: - return retServerIndex - - retServerIndex += 1 - - return -1 - - def __ChannelIDToChannelIndex(self, channelID): - return channelID - 1 - # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - - def __OpenServerBoard(self): - - loadRegionID, loadServerID, loadChannelID = self.__LoadChannelInfo() - - serverIndex = self.__ServerIDToServerIndex(loadRegionID, loadServerID) - channelIndex = self.__ChannelIDToChannelIndex(loadChannelID) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - - self.serverList.SelectItem(serverIndex) - - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - self.channelList.SelectItem(app.GetRandom(0, self.channelList.GetItemCount())) - else: - if channelIndex >= 0: - self.channelList.SelectItem(channelIndex) - - ## Show/Hide 内靛俊 巩力啊 乐绢辑 烙矫 - [levites] - self.serverBoard.SetPosition(self.xServerBoard, self.yServerBoard) - self.serverBoard.Show() - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - - if self.virtualKeyboard: - self.virtualKeyboard.Hide() - - if app.loggined and not SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE_SUPPORT_CHANNEL: - self.serverList.SelectItem(self.loginnedServer-1) - self.channelList.SelectItem(self.loginnedChannel-1) - self.__OnClickSelectServerButton() - - def __OpenLoginBoard(self): - - self.serverExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitServerButton)) - self.serverExitButton.SetText(locale.UI_CLOSE) - - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH - if IsRunupMatrixAuth(): - self.matrixQuizBoard.Hide() - # RUNUP_MATRIX_AUTH_END - - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH - if IsNEWCIBNPassPodAuth(): - self.passpodBoard.Hide() - # NEWCIBN_PASSPOD_AUTH_END - - self.serverBoard.SetPosition(self.xServerBoard, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.serverBoard.Hide() - - if self.virtualKeyboard: - self.virtualKeyboard.Show() - - if app.loggined: - self.Connect(self.id, self.pwd) - self.connectBoard.Hide() - self.loginBoard.Hide() - elif not self.stream.isAutoLogin: - self.connectBoard.Show() - self.loginBoard.Show() - - ## if users have the login infomation, then don't initialize.2005.9 haho - if self.idEditLine == None: - self.idEditLine.SetText("") - if self.pwdEditLine == None: - self.pwdEditLine.SetText("") - - self.idEditLine.SetFocus() - - global SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE - if SKIP_LOGIN_PHASE: - if not self.loginInfo: - self.connectBoard.Hide() - - def __OnSelectRegionGroup(self): - self.__RefreshServerList() - - def __OnSelectSettlementArea(self): - # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.serverListOnRegionBoard.GetSelectedItem() - - serverIndex = self.__ServerIDToServerIndex(regionID, serverID) - self.serverList.SelectItem(serverIndex) - # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - - self.__OnSelectServer() - - def __RefreshServerList(self): - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - - if not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID): - return - - self.serverList.ClearItem() - - regionDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID] - - # SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - visible_index = 1 - for id, regionDataDict in regionDict.items(): - name = regionDataDict.get("name", "noname") - if locale.IsBRAZIL() or locale.IsCANADA(): - self.serverList.InsertItem(id, "%s" % (name)) - else: - if locale.IsCIBN10(): - if name[0] == "#": - self.serverList.InsertItem(-1, " %s" % (name[1:])) - else: - self.serverList.InsertItem(id, " %s" % (name)) - visible_index += 1 - else: - try: - server_id = serverInfo.SERVER_ID_DICT[id] - except: - server_id = visible_index - - self.serverList.InsertItem(id, " %02d. %s" % (int(server_id), name)) - - visible_index += 1 - - # END_OF_SEVER_LIST_BUG_FIX - - def __OnSelectServer(self): - self.__OnCloseInputDialog() - self.__RequestServerStateList() - self.__RefreshServerStateList() - - def __RequestServerStateList(self): - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - - try: - channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] - except: - print " __RequestServerStateList - serverInfo.REGION_DICT(%d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID) - return - - ServerStateChecker.Initialize(); - for id, channelDataDict in channelDict.items(): - key=channelDataDict["key"] - ip=channelDataDict["ip"] - udp_port=channelDataDict["udp_port"] - ServerStateChecker.AddChannel(key, ip, udp_port) - - ServerStateChecker.Request() - - def __RefreshServerStateList(self): - - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - bakChannelID = self.channelList.GetSelectedItem() - - self.channelList.ClearItem() - - try: - channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] - except: - print " __RequestServerStateList - serverInfo.REGION_DICT(%d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID) - return - - for channelID, channelDataDict in channelDict.items(): - channelName = channelDataDict["name"] - channelState = channelDataDict["state"] - self.channelList.InsertItem(channelID, " %s %s" % (channelName, channelState)) - - self.channelList.SelectItem(bakChannelID-1) - - def __GetChannelName(self, regionID, selServerID, selChannelID): - try: - return serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][selServerID]["channel"][selChannelID]["name"] - except KeyError: - if 9==selChannelID: - return locale.CHANNEL_PVP - else: - return locale.CHANNEL_NORMAL % (selChannelID) - - def NotifyChannelState(self, addrKey, state): - try: - stateName=serverInfo.STATE_DICT[state] - except: - stateName=serverInfo.STATE_NONE - - regionID=int(addrKey/1000) - serverID=int(addrKey/10) % 100 - channelID=addrKey%10 - - try: - serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["state"] = stateName - self.__RefreshServerStateList() - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort(locale.CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO) - - def __OnClickExitServerButton(self): - print "exit server" - self.__OpenLoginBoard() - - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() - self.GetChild("bg2").Show() - - - def __OnClickSelectRegionButton(self): - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION) - return - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID].has_key(serverID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER) - return - - self.__SaveChannelInfo() - - self.serverExitButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitServerButton)) - self.serverExitButton.SetText(locale.UI_CLOSE) - - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - - def __OnClickSelectServerButton(self): - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Hide() - self.GetChild("bg2").Show() - - regionID = self.__GetRegionID() - serverID = self.__GetServerID() - channelID = self.__GetChannelID() - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT.has_key(regionID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION) - return - - if (not serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID].has_key(serverID)): - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER) - return - - try: - channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] - except KeyError: - return - - try: - state = channelDict[channelID]["state"] - except KeyError: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL) - return - - # 惑怕啊 FULL 苞 鞍栏搁 柳涝 陛瘤 - if state == serverInfo.STATE_DICT[3]: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL) - return - - self.__SaveChannelInfo() - - try: - serverName = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["name"] - channelName = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["name"] - addrKey = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["key"] - - if "玫付 辑滚" == serverName: - app.ForceSetLocale("ymir", "locale/ymir") - elif "蔫档 辑滚" == serverName: - app.ForceSetLocale("we_korea", "locale/we_korea") - - except: - print " ERROR __OnClickSelectServerButton(%d, %d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID, channelID) - serverName = locale.CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER - channelName = locale.CHANNEL_NORMAL % channelID - - self.__SetServerInfo("%s, %s " % (serverName, channelName)) - - try: - ip = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["ip"] - tcp_port = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["tcp_port"] - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__OnClickSelectServerButton - 辑滚 急琶 角菩") - - try: - account_ip = serverInfo.REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT[regionID][serverID]["ip"] - account_port = serverInfo.REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT[regionID][serverID]["port"] - except: - account_ip = 0 - account_port = 0 - - try: - markKey = regionID*1000 + serverID*10 - markAddrValue=serverInfo.MARKADDR_DICT[markKey] - net.SetMarkServer(markAddrValue["ip"], markAddrValue["tcp_port"]) - app.SetGuildMarkPath(markAddrValue["mark"]) - # GUILD_SYMBOL - app.SetGuildSymbolPath(markAddrValue["symbol_path"]) - # END_OF_GUILD_SYMBOL - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("LoginWindow.__OnClickSelectServerButton - 付农 沥焊 绝澜") - - - if app.USE_OPENID and not app.OPENID_TEST : - ## 2012.07.19 OpenID : 辫侩宽 - # 盲澄 急琶 拳搁俊辑 "犬牢"(SelectServerButton) 阑 喘范阑锭, - # 肺弊牢 拳搁栏肺 逞绢啊瘤 臼绊 官肺 辑滚俊 OpenID 牢刘虐甫 焊郴档废 荐沥 - self.stream.SetConnectInfo(ip, tcp_port, account_ip, account_port) - self.Connect(0, 0) - else : - self.stream.SetConnectInfo(ip, tcp_port, account_ip, account_port) - self.__OpenLoginBoard() - - - def __OnClickSelectConnectButton(self): - if IsFullBackImage(): - self.GetChild("bg1").Show() - self.GetChild("bg2").Hide() - self.__RefreshServerList() - self.__OpenServerBoard() - - def __OnClickLoginButton(self): - id = self.idEditLine.GetText() - pwd = self.pwdEditLine.GetText() - - if len(id)==0: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_INPUT_ID, self.SetIDEditLineFocus) - return - - if len(pwd)==0: - self.PopupNotifyMessage(locale.LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD, self.SetPasswordEditLineFocus) - return - - self.Connect(id, pwd) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/intrologo.py b/bin_original/pack/root/intrologo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7fed2bcc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/intrologo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -import app -import net -import ui -import snd -import wndMgr -import uiScriptLocale -import locale - -# 措何盒狼 角力 备泅篮 PythonApplicationLogo.cpp俊 乐促. - -app.SetGuildMarkPath("test") - -class LogoWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - # 焊咯 临 悼康惑 格废 (硅凯 鉴辑措肺 焊咯淋) - videoList = [] - - def __init__(self, stream): - print "NEW LOGO WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGO, self) - self.stream = stream - self.playingVideo = 0 - self.bNeedUpdate = TRUE - self.nextLogoIndex = 0 - - if (locale.IsEUROPE() or locale.IsARABIC()) and (not locale.IsCHEONMA() and not locale.IsWE_KOREA()): - self.videoList = ["gf.mpg", "ymir.wmv"] - else: - self.videoList = ["ymir.wmv"] - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_LOGO, 0) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LOGO WINDOW" - - def Open(self): - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.SetWindowName("SelectLogoWindow") - self.Show() - - self.LoadNextVideo() - - app.ShowCursor() - print "OPEN LOGO WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - def Close(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------CLOSE LOGO WINDOW" - app.OnLogoClose() - self.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - app.HideCursor() - - # 康惑 犁积捞 阂啊瓷茄 券版捞芭唱, 颇老捞 粮犁窍瘤 臼绰 版快 introLogin栏肺 skip. - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.bNeedUpdate: - if self.playingVideo == 0: - if self.nextLogoIndex < len(self.videoList): - self.CloseVideo() - self.LoadNextVideo() - else: - self.bNeedUpdate = FALSE - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - else: - self.playingVideo = app.OnLogoUpdate() - - - def OnRender(self): - if self.playingVideo: - app.OnLogoRender() - - def LoadNextVideo(self): - if self.nextLogoIndex < len(self.videoList): - self.playingVideo = app.OnLogoOpen(self.videoList[self.nextLogoIndex]) - self.nextLogoIndex = self.nextLogoIndex + 1 - - def CloseVideo(self): - app.OnLogoClose() - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/introselect.py b/bin_original/pack/root/introselect.py deleted file mode 100644 index 47f08d63..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/introselect.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,760 +0,0 @@ -import chr -import grp -import app -import math -import wndMgr -import snd -import net -import systemSetting -import locale -import chr - -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import networkModule -import musicInfo -import playerSettingModule - -#################################### -# 狐弗 角青阑 困茄 葛碘 肺爹 盒淬 -#################################### -import uiCommon -import uiMapNameShower -import uiAffectShower -import uiPlayerGauge -import uiCharacter -import uiTarget -import consoleModule -import interfaceModule -import uiTaskBar -import uiInventory - -################################### - -LEAVE_BUTTON_FOR_POTAL = FALSE -NOT_NEED_DELETE_CODE = FALSE -ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = FALSE - -if locale.IsJAPAN(): - NOT_NEED_DELETE_CODE = TRUE -elif locale.IsHONGKONG(): - ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = TRUE -elif locale.IsNEWCIBN() or locale.IsCIBN10(): - ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = TRUE -elif locale.IsEUROPE(): - ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE = TRUE - - -################################### - -class SelectCharacterWindow(ui.Window): - - # SLOT4 - #SLOT_ROTATION = ( 140.0, 260.0, 20.0 ) - #SLOT_COUNT = 3 - SLOT_ROTATION = [135.0, 225.0, 315.0, 45.0] - SLOT_COUNT = 4 - CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT = 4 - - EMPIRE_NAME = { - net.EMPIRE_A : locale.EMPIRE_A, - net.EMPIRE_B : locale.EMPIRE_B, - net.EMPIRE_C : locale.EMPIRE_C - } - - class CharacterRenderer(ui.Window): - def OnRender(self): - grp.ClearDepthBuffer() - - grp.SetGameRenderState() - grp.PushState() - grp.SetOmniLight() - - screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - newScreenWidth = float(screenWidth - 270) - newScreenHeight = float(screenHeight) - - grp.SetViewport(270.0/screenWidth, 0.0, newScreenWidth/screenWidth, newScreenHeight/screenHeight) - - app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0) - grp.SetPerspective(10.0, newScreenWidth/newScreenHeight, 1000.0, 3000.0) - - (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition() - grp.SetCursorPosition(x, y) - - chr.Deform() - chr.Render() - - grp.RestoreViewport() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - def __init__(self, stream): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_SELECT, self) - - self.stream=stream - self.slot = self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - - self.openLoadingFlag = FALSE - self.startIndex = -1 - self.startReservingTime = 0 - - self.flagDict = {} - self.curRotation = [] - self.destRotation = [] - for rot in self.SLOT_ROTATION: - self.curRotation.append(rot) - self.destRotation.append(rot) - - self.curNameAlpha = [] - self.destNameAlpha = [] - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT): - self.curNameAlpha.append(0.0) - self.destNameAlpha.append(0.0) - - self.curGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - self.destGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - - self.dlgBoard = 0 - self.changeNameFlag = FALSE - self.nameInputBoard = None - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = FALSE - - self.startIndex = -1 - self.isLoad = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_SELECT, 0) - - def Open(self): - if not self.__LoadBoardDialog(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "selectcharacterwindow.py"): - dbg.TraceError("SelectCharacterWindow.Open - __LoadScript Error") - return - - if not self.__LoadQuestionDialog("uiscript/questiondialog.py"): - return - - playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT") - - self.InitCharacterBoard() - - self.btnStart.Enable() - self.btnCreate.Enable() - self.btnDelete.Enable() - self.btnExit.Enable() - self.btnLeft.Enable() - self.btnRight.Enable() - - self.dlgBoard.Show() - self.SetWindowName("SelectCharacterWindow") - self.Show() - - if self.slot>=0: - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()) - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic) - - app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0) - - self.isLoad=1 - self.Refresh() - - if self.stream.isAutoSelect: - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - self.SelectSlot(chrSlot) - self.StartGame() - - self.HideAllFlag() - self.SetEmpire(net.GetEmpireID()) - - app.ShowCursor() - - def Close(self): - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic) - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - - if self.dlgBoard: - self.dlgBoard.ClearDictionary() - - self.empireName = None - self.flagDict = {} - self.dlgBoard = None - self.btnStart = None - self.btnCreate = None - self.btnDelete = None - self.btnExit = None - self.btnLeft = None - self.btnRight = None - self.backGround = None - - self.dlgQuestion.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.dlgQuestionText = None - self.dlgQuestionAcceptButton = None - self.dlgQuestionCancelButton = None - self.privateInputBoard = None - self.nameInputBoard = None - - chr.DeleteInstance(0) - chr.DeleteInstance(1) - chr.DeleteInstance(2) - chr.DeleteInstance(3) - - self.Hide() - self.KillFocus() - - app.HideCursor() - - def SetEmpire(self, id): - self.empireName.SetText(self.EMPIRE_NAME.get(id, "")) - if self.flagDict.has_key(id): - self.flagDict[id].Show() - - def HideAllFlag(self): - for flag in self.flagDict.values(): - flag.Hide() - - def Refresh(self): - if not self.isLoad: - return - - # SLOT4 - indexArray = (3, 2, 1, 0) - for index in indexArray: - id=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - race=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_RACE) - form=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_FORM) - name=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataString(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_NAME) - hair=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(index, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_HAIR) - - if id: - self.MakeCharacter(index, id, name, race, form, hair) - self.SelectSlot(index) - - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - def GetCharacterSlotID(self, slotIndex): - return net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(slotIndex, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - - def __LoadQuestionDialog(self, fileName): - self.dlgQuestion = ui.ScriptWindow() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgQuestion, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadQuestionDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.dlgQuestion.GetChild - self.dlgQuestionText=GetObject("message") - self.dlgQuestionAcceptButton=GetObject("accept") - self.dlgQuestionCancelButton=GetObject("cancel") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadQuestionDialog.BindObject") - - self.dlgQuestionText.SetText(locale.SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY) - self.dlgQuestionAcceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.RequestDeleteCharacter)) - self.dlgQuestionCancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.dlgQuestion.Hide)) - return 1 - - def __LoadBoardDialog(self, fileName): - self.dlgBoard = ui.ScriptWindow() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgBoard, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadBoardDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.dlgBoard.GetChild - - self.btnStart = GetObject("start_button") - self.btnCreate = GetObject("create_button") - self.btnDelete = GetObject("delete_button") - self.btnExit = GetObject("exit_button") - - self.CharacterName = GetObject("character_name_value") - self.CharacterLevel = GetObject("character_level_value") - self.PlayTime = GetObject("character_play_time_value") - self.CharacterHTH = GetObject("character_hth_value") - self.CharacterINT = GetObject("character_int_value") - self.CharacterSTR = GetObject("character_str_value") - self.CharacterDEX = GetObject("character_dex_value") - self.GuildName = GetObject("GuildName") - - self.NameList = [] - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_warrior")) - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_assassin")) - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_sura")) - self.NameList.append(GetObject("name_shaman")) - - self.GaugeList = [] - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_hth")) - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_int")) - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_str")) - self.GaugeList.append(GetObject("gauge_dex")) - - self.btnLeft = GetObject("left_button") - self.btnRight = GetObject("right_button") - - self.empireName = GetObject("EmpireName") - self.flagDict[net.EMPIRE_A] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_A") - self.flagDict[net.EMPIRE_B] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_B") - self.flagDict[net.EMPIRE_C] = GetObject("EmpireFlag_C") - - self.backGround = GetObject("BackGround") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject") - - for name in self.NameList: - name.SetAlpha(0.0) - - self.btnStart.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.StartGame)) - self.btnCreate.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter)) - self.btnExit.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ExitSelect)) - - - - if NOT_NEED_DELETE_CODE: - self.btnDelete.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.PopupDeleteQuestion)) - else: - self.btnDelete.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.InputPrivateCode)) - - self.btnLeft.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.DecreaseSlotIndex)) - self.btnRight.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IncreaseSlotIndex)) - - self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer() - self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.backGround) - self.chrRenderer.Show() - - return 1 - - def MakeCharacter(self, index, id, name, race, form, hair): - if 0 == id: - return - - chr.CreateInstance(index) - chr.SelectInstance(index) - chr.SetVirtualID(index) - chr.SetNameString(name) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(form) - chr.SetHair(hair) - - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT) - - chr.SetRotation(0.0) - - ## Manage Character - def StartGame(self): - - if self.sendedChangeNamePacket: - return - - if self.changeNameFlag: - self.OpenChangeNameDialog() - return - - if -1 != self.startIndex: - return - - if musicInfo.selectMusic != "": - snd.FadeLimitOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic, systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*0.05) - - self.btnStart.SetUp() - self.btnCreate.SetUp() - self.btnDelete.SetUp() - self.btnExit.SetUp() - self.btnLeft.SetUp() - self.btnRight.SetUp() - - self.btnStart.Disable() - self.btnCreate.Disable() - self.btnDelete.Disable() - self.btnExit.Disable() - self.btnLeft.Disable() - self.btnRight.Disable() - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - - self.stream.SetCharacterSlot(self.slot) - - self.startIndex = self.slot - self.startReservingTime = app.GetTime() - - for i in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - - if FALSE == chr.HasInstance(i): - continue - - chr.SelectInstance(i) - - if i == self.slot: - self.slot=self.slot - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED, 0.1) - continue - - chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_NOT_SELECTED, 0.1) - - def OpenChangeNameDialog(self): - import uiCommon - nameInputBoard = uiCommon.InputDialogWithDescription() - nameInputBoard.SetTitle(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE) - nameInputBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptInputName)) - nameInputBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelInputName)) - nameInputBoard.SetMaxLength(chr.PLAYER_NAME_MAX_LEN) - nameInputBoard.SetBoardWidth(200) - nameInputBoard.SetDescription(locale.SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME) - nameInputBoard.Open() - nameInputBoard.slot = self.slot - self.nameInputBoard = nameInputBoard - - def OnChangeName(self, id, name): - self.SelectSlot(id) - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = FALSE - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGED_NAME) - - def AcceptInputName(self): - changeName = self.nameInputBoard.GetText() - if not changeName: - return - - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = TRUE - net.SendChangeNamePacket(self.nameInputBoard.slot, changeName) - return self.CancelInputName() - - def CancelInputName(self): - self.nameInputBoard.Close() - self.nameInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnCreateFailure(self, type): - self.sendedChangeNamePacket = FALSE - if 0 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME) - elif 1 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME) - elif 100 == type: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX) - - def CreateCharacter(self): - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0==id: - self.stream.SetCharacterSlot(self.slot) - - EMPIRE_MODE = 1 - - if EMPIRE_MODE: - if self.__AreAllSlotEmpty(): - self.stream.SetReselectEmpirePhase() - else: - self.stream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - - else: - self.stream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - - def __AreAllSlotEmpty(self): - for iSlot in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - if 0!=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(iSlot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID): - return 0 - return 1 - - def PopupDeleteQuestion(self): - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0 == id: - return - - self.dlgQuestion.Show() - self.dlgQuestion.SetTop() - - def RequestDeleteCharacter(self): - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0 == id: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT) - return - - net.SendDestroyCharacterPacket(self.slot, "1234567") - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_DELEING) - - def InputPrivateCode(self): - - import uiCommon - privateInputBoard = uiCommon.InputDialogWithDescription() - privateInputBoard.SetTitle(locale.INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE) - privateInputBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptInputPrivateCode)) - privateInputBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelInputPrivateCode)) - - if ENABLE_ENGNUM_DELETE_CODE: - pass - else: - privateInputBoard.SetNumberMode() - - privateInputBoard.SetSecretMode() - privateInputBoard.SetMaxLength(7) - - privateInputBoard.SetBoardWidth(250) - privateInputBoard.SetDescription(locale.INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION) - privateInputBoard.Open() - self.privateInputBoard = privateInputBoard - - def AcceptInputPrivateCode(self): - privateCode = self.privateInputBoard.GetText() - if not privateCode: - return - - id = self.GetCharacterSlotID(self.slot) - if 0 == id: - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT) - return - - net.SendDestroyCharacterPacket(self.slot, privateCode) - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_DELEING) - - self.CancelInputPrivateCode() - return TRUE - - def CancelInputPrivateCode(self): - self.privateInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnDeleteSuccess(self, slot): - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_DELETED) - self.DeleteCharacter(slot) - - def OnDeleteFailure(self): - self.PopupMessage(locale.SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE) - - def DeleteCharacter(self, index): - chr.DeleteInstance(index) - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - def ExitSelect(self): - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - - if LEAVE_BUTTON_FOR_POTAL: - if app.loggined: - self.stream.SetPhaseWindow(0) - else: - self.stream.setloginphase() - else: - self.stream.SetLoginPhase() - - self.Hide() - - def GetSlotIndex(self): - return self.slot - - def DecreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() - 1 + self.SLOT_COUNT) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def IncreaseSlotIndex(self): - slotIndex = (self.GetSlotIndex() + 1) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(slotIndex) - - def SelectSlot(self, index): - - if index < 0: - return - if index >= self.SLOT_COUNT: - return - - self.slot = index - - chr.SelectInstance(self.slot) - - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT): - self.destNameAlpha[i] = 0.0 - - for i in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - self.destRotation[(i+self.slot)%self.SLOT_COUNT] = self.SLOT_ROTATION[i] - - self.destGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] - - id=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - if 0 != id: - - self.btnStart.Show() - self.btnDelete.Show() - self.btnCreate.Hide() - - playTime=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_PLAYTIME) - level=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_LEVEL) - race=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_RACE) - valueHTH=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_HTH) - valueINT=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_INT) - valueSTR=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_STR) - valueDEX=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_DEX) - name=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataString(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_NAME) - guildID=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_GUILD_ID) - guildName=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataString(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_GUILD_NAME) - self.changeNameFlag=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_CHANGE_NAME_FLAG) - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - if job >= 0 and job < self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT: - self.destNameAlpha[job] = 1.0 - - self.CharacterName.SetText(name) - self.CharacterLevel.SetText(str(level)) - - self.PlayTime.SetText(str(playTime)) - self.CharacterHTH.SetText(str(valueHTH)) - self.CharacterINT.SetText(str(valueINT)) - self.CharacterSTR.SetText(str(valueSTR)) - self.CharacterDEX.SetText(str(valueDEX)) - - if guildName: - self.GuildName.SetText(guildName) - else: - self.GuildName.SetText(locale.SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD) - - statesSummary = float(valueHTH + valueINT + valueSTR + valueDEX) - if statesSummary > 0.0: - self.destGauge = [ - float(valueHTH) / statesSummary, - float(valueINT) / statesSummary, - float(valueSTR) / statesSummary, - float(valueDEX) / statesSummary - ] - - else: - - self.InitCharacterBoard() - - def InitCharacterBoard(self): - - self.btnStart.Hide() - self.btnDelete.Hide() - self.btnCreate.Show() - - self.CharacterName.SetText("") - self.CharacterLevel.SetText("") - self.PlayTime.SetText("") - self.CharacterHTH.SetText("") - self.CharacterINT.SetText("") - self.CharacterSTR.SetText("") - self.CharacterDEX.SetText("") - self.GuildName.SetText(locale.SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD) - - ## Event - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - - if 1 == key: - self.ExitSelect() - if 2 == key: - self.SelectSlot(0) - if 3 == key: - self.SelectSlot(1) - if 4 == key: - self.SelectSlot(2) - - if 28 == key: - - id = net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_ID) - if 0 == id: - self.CreateCharacter() - - else: - self.StartGame() - - if 203 == key: - self.slot = (self.GetSlotIndex() - 1 + self.SLOT_COUNT) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - if 205 == key: - self.slot = (self.GetSlotIndex() + 1) % self.SLOT_COUNT - self.SelectSlot(self.slot) - - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - chr.Update() - - for i in xrange(4): - self.curGauge[i] += (self.destGauge[i] - self.curGauge[i]) / 10.0 - if abs(self.curGauge[i] - self.destGauge[i]) < 0.005: - self.curGauge[i] = self.destGauge[i] - self.GaugeList[i].SetPercentage(self.curGauge[i], 1.0) - - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_TYPE_COUNT): - self.curNameAlpha[i] += (self.destNameAlpha[i] - self.curNameAlpha[i]) / 10.0 - self.NameList[i].SetAlpha(self.curNameAlpha[i]) - - for i in xrange(self.SLOT_COUNT): - - if FALSE == chr.HasInstance(i): - continue - - chr.SelectInstance(i) - - distance = 50.0 - rotRadian = self.curRotation[i] * (math.pi*2) / 360.0 - x = distance*math.sin(rotRadian) + distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - y = distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - distance*math.sin(rotRadian) - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x), int(y), 30) - - ##### - - dir = app.GetRotatingDirection(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - rot = app.GetDegreeDifference(self.destRotation[i], self.curRotation[i]) - - if app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_RIGHT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] += rot / 10.0 - elif app.DEGREE_DIRECTION_LEFT == dir: - self.curRotation[i] -= rot / 10.0 - - self.curRotation[i] = (self.curRotation[i] + 360.0) % 360.0 - - ####################################################### - if -1 != self.startIndex: - - ## Temporary - ## BackGroundLoading捞 瘤盔 瞪锭鳖瘤 烙矫肺.. - if app.GetTime() - self.startReservingTime > 3.0: - if FALSE == self.openLoadingFlag: - chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot() - net.DirectEnter(chrSlot) - self.openLoadingFlag = TRUE - - playTime=net.GetAccountCharacterSlotDataInteger(self.slot, net.ACCOUNT_CHARACTER_SLOT_PLAYTIME) - - import player - player.SetPlayTime(playTime) - import chat - chat.Clear() ## 甸绢哎锭 Chat 阑 檬扁拳. 烙矫 Pos. - ## Temporary - ####################################################### - - def EmptyFunc(self): - pass - - def PopupMessage(self, msg, func=0): - if not func: - func=self.EmptyFunc - - self.stream.popupWindow.Close() - self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, locale.UI_OK) - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.ExitSelect() - return TRUE - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/locale.py b/bin_original/pack/root/locale.py deleted file mode 100644 index aab717f5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/locale.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,960 +0,0 @@ -import app -import constInfo - -MAP_TRENT02 = "MAP_TRENT02" # 烙矫 -MAP_WL = "MAP_WL" # 烙矫 -MAP_NUSLUCK = "MAP_NUSLUCK" # 烙矫 -MAP_TREE2 = "MAP_TREE2" - -BLEND_POTION_NO_TIME = "BLEND_POTION_NO_TIME" -BLEND_POTION_NO_INFO = "BLEND_POTION_NO_INFO" - -APP_TITLE = "METIN2" - -GUILD_HEADQUARTER = "Main Building" -GUILD_FACILITY = "Facility" -GUILD_OBJECT = "Object" -GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_INFINITY = "INFINITY" - -LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK = "BLOCK_LOGIN(WEB)" -LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN = "BLOCK_LOGIN" -CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL = "CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL" - -GUILD_BUILDING_LIST_TXT = app.GetLocalePath() + "/GuildBuildingList.txt" - -GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL = "3" -GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL = "辨靛饭骇 3捞惑 何磐 啊瓷钦聪促." - -ERROR_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT = "UploadMark: Reconnect to game" -ERROR_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT = "CheckMark: Reconnect to game" - -VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_LOWERS = r"[1234567890]/qwertyuiop\=asdfghjkl;`'zxcvbnm.," -VIRTUAL_KEY_ALPHABET_UPPERS = r'{1234567890}?QWERTYUIOP|+ASDFGHJKL:~"ZXCVBNM<>' -VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS = '!@#$%^&*()_+|{}:"<>?~' -VIRTUAL_KEY_NUMBERS = "1234567890-=\[];',./`" -VIRTUAL_KEY_SYMBOLS_BR = '!@#$%^&*()_+|{}:"<>?~徉汊殍觏祗螋斛' - -__IS_ENGLISH = "ENGLISH" == app.GetLocaleServiceName() -__IS_HONGKONG = "HONGKONG" == app.GetLocaleServiceName() -__IS_NEWCIBN = "locale/newcibn" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_EUROPE = "EUROPE" == app.GetLocaleServiceName() -__IS_CANADA = "locale/ca" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_BRAZIL = "locale/br" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_SINGAPORE = "locale/sg" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_VIETNAM = "locale/vn" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_ARABIC = "locale/ae" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_CIBN10 = "locale/cibn10" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_WE_KOREA = "locale/we_korea" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_TAIWAN = "locale/taiwan" == app.GetLocalePath() -__IS_JAPAN = "locale/japan" == app.GetLocalePath() - -if __IS_CANADA: - __IS_EUROPE = TRUE - -def IsYMIR(): - return "locale/ymir" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsJAPAN(): - return "locale/japan" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsENGLISH(): - global __IS_ENGLISH - return __IS_ENGLISH - -def IsHONGKONG(): - global __IS_HONGKONG - return __IS_HONGKONG - -def IsTAIWAN(): - return "locale/taiwan" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsNEWCIBN(): - return "locale/newcibn" == app.GetLocalePath() - -def IsCIBN10(): - global __IS_CIBN10 - return __IS_CIBN10 - -def IsEUROPE(): - global __IS_EUROPE - return __IS_EUROPE - -def IsCANADA(): - global __IS_CANADA - return __IS_CANADA - -def IsBRAZIL(): - global __IS_BRAZIL - return __IS_BRAZIL - -def IsVIETNAM(): - global __IS_VIETNAM - return __IS_VIETNAM - -def IsSINGAPORE(): - global __IS_SINGAPORE - return __IS_SINGAPORE - -def IsARABIC(): - global __IS_ARABIC - return __IS_ARABIC - -def IsWE_KOREA(): - return "locale/we_korea" == app.GetLocalePath() - -# SUPPORT_NEW_KOREA_SERVER -def LoadLocaleData(): - if IsYMIR(): - import net - SERVER = "蔫档 辑滚" - if SERVER == net.GetServerInfo()[:len(SERVER)]: - app.SetCHEONMA(0) - app.LoadLocaleData("locale/we_korea") - constInfo.ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 0 - else: - app.SetCHEONMA(1) - app.LoadLocaleData("locale/ymir") - constInfo.ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE = 1 - else: - app.LoadLocaleData(app.GetLocalePath()) - -def IsCHEONMA(): - return IsYMIR() # 捞力 YMIR 肺纳老篮 公炼扒 玫付辑滚烙. 玫付辑滚啊 巩阑 摧扁 傈鳖瘤 函且 老 绝澜. - -# END_OF_SUPPORT_NEW_KOREA_SERVER - -def mapping(**kwargs): return kwargs - -def SNA(text): - def f(x): - return text - return f - -def SA(text): - def f(x): - return text % x - return f - -def LoadLocaleFile(srcFileName, localeDict): - - funcDict = {"SA":SA, "SNA":SNA} - - lineIndex = 1 - - try: - lines = pack_open(srcFileName, "r").readlines() - except IOError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadLocaleError(%(srcFileName)s)" % locals()) - app.Abort() - - for line in lines: - try: - tokens = line[:-1].split("\t") - if len(tokens) == 2: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] - elif len(tokens) >= 3: - type = tokens[2].strip() - if type: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = funcDict[type](tokens[1]) - else: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] - else: - raise RuntimeError, "Unknown TokenSize" - - lineIndex += 1 - except: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("%s: line(%d): %s" % (srcFileName, lineIndex, line), "Error") - raise - - - -all = ["locale","error"] - -if IsEUROPE() and IsBRAZIL() : - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 0 -elif IsSINGAPORE() : - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 0 -elif IsNEWCIBN() : - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 0 -elif IsTAIWAN(): - APP_TITLE = "矮III瓣" - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 -elif IsJAPAN(): - APP_TITLE = "CRUEL WAR - Return of the Metin2" - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 -else: - FN_GM_MARK = "%s/effect/gm.mse" % app.GetLocalePath() - LOCALE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_game.txt" % app.GetLocalePath() - - constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 - -LoadLocaleFile(LOCALE_FILE_NAME, locals()) - -######################################################################################################## -## NOTE : 酒捞袍阑 滚副锭 "公均阑/甫 滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖?" 巩磊凯狼 炼荤 急琶阑 困茄 内靛 -dictSingleWord = { - "m":1, "n":1, "r":1, "M":1, "N":1, "R":1, "l":1, "L":1, "1":1, "3":1, "6":1, "7":1, "8":1, "0":1, -} - -dictDoubleWord = { - "啊":1, "凹":1, "芭":1, "败":1, "绊":1, "背":1, "备":1, "痹":1, "弊":1, "扁":1, "俺":1, "奥":1, "霸":1, "拌":1, "苞":1, "饱":1, "迸":1, "彼":1, "鲍":1, "蓖":1, "贬":1, - "鳖":1, "播":1, "波":1, "哺":1, "部":1, "藏":1, "操":1, "搀":1, "掺":1, "尝":1, "柄":1, "兤":1, "膊":1, "簿":1, "彩":1, "蚕":1, "层":1, "茬":1, "惨":1, "差":1, "吺":1, - "唱":1, "衬":1, "呈":1, "赤":1, "畴":1, "储":1, "穿":1, "春":1, "蠢":1, "聪":1, "郴":1, "唙":1, "匙":1, "抽":1, "出":1, "嘡":1, "床":1, "创":1, "锄":1, "吹":1, "刺":1, - "促":1, "呆":1, "歹":1, "诞":1, "档":1, "低":1, "滴":1, "掂":1, "靛":1, "叼":1, "措":1, "堐":1, "单":1, "党":1, "德":1, "蹬":1, "抵":1, "地":1, "登":1, "第":1, "碉":1, - "蝶":1, "媥":1, "栋":1, "杜":1, "肚":1, "屆":1, "堆":1, "崗":1, "哆":1, "鹅":1, "锭":1, "嫐":1, "都":1, "嬻":1, "短":1, "段":1, "岕":1, "敦":1, "断":1, "顿":1, "剁":1, - "扼":1, "藩":1, "矾":1, "妨":1, "肺":1, "丰":1, "风":1, "幅":1, "福":1, "府":1, "贰":1, "巑":1, "饭":1, "肥":1, "分":1, "廜":1, "凤":1, "否":1, "汾":1, "夫":1, "恖":1, - "付":1, "赶":1, "赣":1, "哥":1, "葛":1, "功":1, "公":1, "孤":1, "骨":1, "固":1, "概":1, "愘":1, "皋":1, "革":1, "跟":1, "懤":1, "构":1, "咕":1, "羹":1, "箍":1, "掁":1, - "官":1, "跪":1, "滚":1, "涵":1, "焊":1, "禾":1, "何":1, "轰":1, "宏":1, "厚":1, "硅":1, "搸":1, "海":1, "憾":1, "毫":1, "耗":1, "痕":1, "恨":1, "浩":1, "哼":1, "晳":1, - "狐":1, "徊":1, "坏":1, "焕":1, "磺":1, "幌":1, "谎":1, "回":1, "悔":1, "贿":1, "哗":1, "曽":1, "痪":1, "枾":1, "栘":1, "桇":1, "棬":1, "椖":1, "晃":1, "椸":1, "榰":1, - "荤":1, "箕":1, "辑":1, "寂":1, "家":1, "碱":1, "荐":1, "酱":1, "胶":1, "矫":1, "货":1, "绩":1, "技":1, "嘉":1, "驾":1, "尖":1, "饯":1, "溅":1, "艰":1, "浆":1, "毭":1, - "轿":1, "沊":1, "结":1, "浨":1, "筋":1, "兢":1, "茎":1, "漮":1, "静":1, "揪":1, "截":1, "泍":1, "疥":1, "涖":1, "谨":1, "禁":1, "粳":1, "井":1, "烬":1, "警":1, "竞":1, - "酒":1, "具":1, "绢":1, "咯":1, "坷":1, "夸":1, "快":1, "蜡":1, "栏":1, "捞":1, "局":1, "娟":1, "俊":1, "抗":1, "客":1, "恐":1, "况":1, "傀":1, "寇":1, "困":1, "狼":1, - "磊":1, "鲤":1, "历":1, "廉":1, "炼":1, "烈":1, "林":1, "陵":1, "令":1, "瘤":1, "犁":1, "厉":1, "力":1, "恋":1, "谅":1, "寥":1, "拎":1, "菱":1, "了":1, "零":1, "":1, - "楼":1, "鹿":1, "录":1, "虑":1, "律":1, "":1, "罗":1, "麻":1, "玛":1, "骂":1, "掳":1, "":1, "屡":1, "":1, "乱":1, "轮":1, "洛":1, "≧":1, "仑":1, "妈":1, "﹏":1, - "瞒":1, "铆":1, "贸":1, "媚":1, "檬":1, "幂":1, "眠":1, "抿":1, "明":1, "摹":1, "盲":1, "獕":1, "眉":1, "们":1, "靡":1, "瑐":1, "苗":1, "瞄":1, "弥":1, "秒":1, "疢":1, - "墨":1, "募":1, "目":1, "难":1, "内":1, "撵":1, "捻":1, "钮":1, "农":1, "虐":1, "某":1, "癿":1, "纳":1, "馁":1, "拟":1, "蔫":1, "孽":1, "涅":1, "年":1, "柠":1, "磾":1, - "鸥":1, "潘":1, "磐":1, "胚":1, "配":1, "鹏":1, "捧":1, "譬":1, "飘":1, "萍":1, "怕":1, "禣":1, "抛":1, "赔":1, "彭":1, "棚":1, "琵":1, "啤":1, "硼":1, "脾":1, "品":1, - "颇":1, "瀑":1, "欺":1, "旗":1, "器":1, "钎":1, "仟":1, "腔":1, "橇":1, "乔":1, "菩":1, "粭":1, "其":1, "企":1, "恰":1, "綅":1, "谴":1, "縍":1, "牵":1, "嵌":1, "纁":1, - "窍":1, "轻":1, "倾":1, "囚":1, "龋":1, "瓤":1, "饶":1, "绒":1, "儒":1, "洒":1, "秦":1, "羺":1, "庆":1, "驱":1, "拳":1, "瘸":1, "忍":1, "妊":1, "雀":1, "戎":1, "锐":1, -} - -locale = mapping( -) - - -def GetAuxiliaryWordType(text): - - textLength = len(text) - - if textLength > 1: - - singleWord = text[-1] - - if (singleWord >= '0' and singleWord <= '9') or\ - (singleWord >= 'a' and singleWord <= 'z') or\ - (singleWord >= 'A' and singleWord <= 'Z'): - if not dictSingleWord.has_key(singleWord): - return 1 - - elif dictDoubleWord.has_key(text[-2:]): - return 1 - - return 0 - - - -def CutMoneyString(sourceText, startIndex, endIndex, insertingText, backText): - - sourceLength = len(sourceText) - - if sourceLength < startIndex: - return backText - - text = sourceText[max(0, sourceLength-endIndex):sourceLength-startIndex] - - if not text: - return backText - - if int(text) <= 0: - return backText - - text = str(int(text)) - - if backText: - backText = " " + backText - - return text + insertingText + backText - -def SecondToDHM(time): - if time < 60: - if IsARABIC(): - return "%.2f %s" % (time, SECOND) - else: - return "0" + MINUTE - - second = int(time % 60) - minute = int((time / 60) % 60) - hour = int((time / 60) / 60) % 24 - day = int(int((time / 60) / 60) / 24) - - text = "" - - if day > 0: - text += str(day) + DAY - text += " " - - if hour > 0: - text += str(hour) + HOUR - text += " " - - if minute > 0: - text += str(minute) + MINUTE - - return text - -def SecondToHM(time): - - if time < 60: - if IsARABIC(): - return "%.2f %s" % (time, SECOND) - else: - return "0" + MINUTE - - second = int(time % 60) - minute = int((time / 60) % 60) - hour = int((time / 60) / 60) - - text = "" - - if hour > 0: - text += str(hour) + HOUR - if hour > 0: - text += " " - - if minute > 0: - text += str(minute) + MINUTE - - return text - - -def GetAlignmentTitleName(alignment): - if alignment >= 12000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[0] - elif alignment >= 8000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[1] - elif alignment >= 4000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[2] - elif alignment >= 1000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[3] - elif alignment >= 0: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[4] - elif alignment > -4000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[5] - elif alignment > -8000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[6] - elif alignment > -12000: - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[7] - - return TITLE_NAME_LIST[8] - - -OPTION_PVPMODE_MESSAGE_DICT = { - 0 : PVP_MODE_NORMAL, - 1 : PVP_MODE_REVENGE, - 2 : PVP_MODE_KILL, - 3 : PVP_MODE_PROTECT, - 4 : PVP_MODE_GUILD, -} - -error = mapping( - CREATE_WINDOW = GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW, - CREATE_CURSOR = GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR, - CREATE_NETWORK = GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK, - CREATE_ITEM_PROTO = GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO, - CREATE_MOB_PROTO = GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO, - CREATE_NO_DIRECTX = GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX, - CREATE_DEVICE = GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST, - CREATE_NO_APPROPRIATE_DEVICE = GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE, - CREATE_FORMAT = GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT, - NO_ERROR = "" -) - - -GUILDWAR_NORMAL_DESCLIST = [GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP, GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN, GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE] -GUILDWAR_WARP_DESCLIST = [GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP, GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD, GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION] -GUILDWAR_CTF_DESCLIST = [GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP, GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1, GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2, GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION] - -MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT = { - "metin2_map_a1" : MAP_A1, - "map_a2" : MAP_A2, - "metin2_map_a3" : MAP_A3, - "metin2_map_b1" : MAP_B1, - "map_b2" : MAP_B2, - "metin2_map_b3" : MAP_B3, - "metin2_map_c1" : MAP_C1, - "map_c2" : MAP_C2, - "metin2_map_c3" : MAP_C3, - "map_n_snowm_01" : MAP_SNOW, - "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : MAP_FLAME, - "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : MAP_DESERT, - "metin2_map_milgyo" : MAP_TEMPLE, - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : MAP_SPIDER, - "metin2_map_deviltower1" : MAP_SKELTOWER, - "metin2_map_guild_01" : MAP_AG, - "metin2_map_guild_02" : MAP_BG, - "metin2_map_guild_03" : MAP_CG, - "metin2_map_trent" : MAP_TREE, - "metin2_map_trent02" : MAP_TREE2, - "season1/metin2_map_WL_01" : MAP_WL, - "season1/metin2_map_nusluck01" : MAP_NUSLUCK, - "Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead" : MAP_CAPE, - "metin2_map_Mt_Thunder" : MAP_THUNDER, - "metin2_map_dawnmistwood" : MAP_DAWN, - "metin2_map_BayBlackSand" : MAP_BAY, -} - - - -JOBINFO_TITLE = [ - [JOB_WARRIOR0, JOB_WARRIOR1, JOB_WARRIOR2,], - [JOB_ASSASSIN0, JOB_ASSASSIN1, JOB_ASSASSIN2,], - [JOB_SURA0, JOB_SURA1, JOB_SURA2,], - [JOB_SHAMAN0, JOB_SHAMAN1, JOB_SHAMAN2,], -] - -JOBINFO_DATA_LIST = [ - [ - ["鸥绊抄 侩竿苞 绷洒瘤 臼绰 公荤狼", - "扁俺甫 荤恩甸篮 老拿绢 [侩磊]扼绊", - "何弗促. 绢栋茄 困扁俊辑档 弊甸篮 ", - "第肺 拱矾辑瘤 臼栏哥, 促摹绊 框流", - "捞扁 塞电 悼丰甫 困秦 窜脚栏肺", - "利甸苞 付林 轿快扁档 茄促. 捞甸篮", - "肋 窜访等 辟腊苞 塞, 碍仿茄 傍拜仿", - "栏肺 傈厘 弥急滴俊辑 傍拜柳栏肺", - "劝距茄促. ",], - ["啊厘 老馆利牢 傍拜屈 公荤肺, ", - "利立傈俊 蝶弗 流立 傍拜栏肺 傈厘", - "俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑 辟仿阑", - "皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, ", - "利立傈俊 蝶弗 积疙仿 / 规绢仿", - "犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑 棵赴促. 肚茄", - "傍拜狼 沥犬己阑 臭捞扁 困秦 刮酶", - "俊档 器牢飘甫 捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促.",], - ["惑寸 荐霖狼 沥脚仿阑 捞侩窍绰", - "吝/辟芭府 立傈屈 公荤肺, 阿 扁贱", - "窍唱窍唱狼 臭篮 傍拜仿栏肺 傈厘俊辑", - "劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑 辟仿阑 皋牢", - "栏肺 胶湃 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, ", - "吝/辟芭府 傍拜狼 沥犬己苞 疙吝伏阑", - "困秦 刮酶阑 棵赴促. 肚茄 立傈 矫 ", - "利 傍拜俊 蝶弗 积疙仿 / 规绢仿", - "犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ], - [ - ["磊按篮 绢栋茄 惑炔俊辑档 磊脚狼", - "个阑 见扁绊 篮剐茄 绢狄狼 烙公甫", - "荐青窍搁辑 傈厘狼 饶困甫 瘤盔窍绰", - "磊甸捞促. 捞甸篮 酒林 狐福绊 脚加", - "窍哥, 厚且 单 绝捞 苞皑窍绊 例力等", - "青悼栏肺 利狼 鞭家俊 摹疙鸥甫 朝府", - "登, 傈厘俊急 利柳阑 氢秦 公荐茄", - "拳混阑 郴徽栏哥 磊脚狼 侩竿阑", - "急焊牢促. "], - ["滴颊 窜八阑 林公扁肺 促风哥, 脚加", - "窍霸 摹绊 狐瘤绰 磊按 漂蜡狼 框流烙", - "栏肺 傈厘俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑", - "刮酶阑 皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊", - "窍登, 辟仿阑 棵妨 傍拜仿阑 臭牢促.", - "肚茄 辟立傈俊 蝶弗 积疙仿/规绢仿 ", - "惑铰阑 困秦 眉仿俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ["劝阑 林公扁肺 促风哥, 变 矫具客", - "荤沥芭府俊 蝶弗 盔芭府 傍拜栏肺", - "傈厘俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑", - "傍拜 己傍伏狼 刘啊甫 困秦 刮酶阑", - "皋牢栏肺 棵妨具 窍哥, 盔芭府", - "傍拜狼 单固瘤 刘啊甫 困秦 辟仿阑", - "棵副 鞘夸啊 乐促. 肚茄 利甸俊霸", - "器困登菌阑 矫, 利 傍拜俊 滚萍扁", - "困茄 积疙仿/规绢仿 惑铰阑 困秦", - "眉仿俊档 器牢飘甫 捧磊且 鞘夸啊", - "乐促. ", ], - ], - [ - ["荐扼绰 [刀篮 刀栏肺]狼 加己栏肺", - "芒汲等 漂荐 加己狼 焙流捞促. ", - "弊甸篮 傈厘俊辑 利甸狼 荤扁甫 历窍", - "矫虐绊, 厩付狼 塞阑 角篮 付藕栏肺", - "利狼 康去苞 腊脚阑 窿苟暗促. 锭肺", - "捞甸篮 磊脚狼 八苞 癌渴俊 绢狄狼", - "塞阑 角绢, 傈厘俊辑 公荤 给瘤 臼篮", - "傍拜仿阑 惯戎窍扁档 窍绰单, 利甸阑", - "磷咯措绰弊 葛嚼捞 况倡俊 阐嘛秦", - "荤恩甸篮 荐扼甫 老拿绢 [付脚]捞扼", - "何福扁甫 林历 旧绰促."], - ["券公焙狼 荐扼绰 厩付狼 揪俊辑", - "掘绢瘤绰 付仿阑 公扁唱 规绢备俊", - "角绢 公荤 给瘤 臼篮 傈捧仿栏肺", - "傈厘俊辑 劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑", - "瘤瓷捞 臭酒龙荐废 馒侩 厘厚俊", - "角府绰 付仿狼 困仿捞 刘措登骨肺,", - "瘤瓷苞 辟仿阑 皋牢栏肺 胶湃", - "器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, 立傈俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿/规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑", - "棵赴促. 肚茄 傍拜狼 沥犬己苞", - "雀乔甫 困秦辑 刮酶俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ["孺付焙狼 荐扼甸篮 阿辆 绢狄狼", - "林巩苞 厩付狼 付过栏肺 傈厘俊辑", - "劝距茄促. 焙流 漂己惑 付过 傍拜捞", - "林捞骨肺 瘤瓷阑 皋牢栏肺 胶泡", - "器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登, 盔芭府 付过", - "傍拜狼 沥犬己阑 困秦 刮酶阑 棵赴促.", - "肚茄 器困 登菌阑矫, 利 傍拜俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿 / 规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿俊档", - "器牢飘甫 捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ], - [ - ["公寸篮 侩脚苞 磊楷, 滴 绊措狼", - "塞阑 促逢 荐 乐绰 蜡老茄 流辆捞促.", - "弊甸篮 饶规俊辑 酒焙阑 焊炼窍绊", - "促模 悼丰狼 何惑阑 雀汗 矫虐哥", - "冻绢柳 荤扁甫 惑铰矫挪促. 弊甸篮", - "酒焙狼 荐搁苞 绒侥阑 规秦窍绰 磊甫 ", - "例措 侩辑窍瘤 臼栏哥, 弊繁 磊甸", - "俊霸绰 茄 痢 林历 绝捞 林巩阑", - "磐飘妨 弊 厚疤窃阑 决洒 隆拌茄促.",], - ["玫锋焙狼 公寸甸篮 阿辆 何利贱苞", - "焊炼林巩俊 瓷窍哥, 利狼 流 / 埃立", - "傍拜栏肺何磐 酒焙阑 瘤挪促. 焙流", - "漂己惑 付过 瓷仿捞 林捞骨肺 瘤瓷阑", - "皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登,", - "器困登菌阑 矫, 利 傍拜俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿 / 规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑", - "棵赴促. 肚茄 盔芭府 付过 傍拜狼", - "沥犬己阑 困俊 刮酶俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. ",], - ["堡汾焙狼 公寸甸篮 磊楷狼 塞阑", - "呼妨 酒焙阑 雀汗窍绊, 锄脚狼 ", - "塞栏肺 剐笼茄 利甸俊霸 奴 面拜阑", - "涝鳃 荐 乐绰 捞甸捞促. 焙流狼", - "漂己惑 付过 瓷仿捞 林捞骨肺 瘤瓷阑", - "皋牢栏肺 胶泡 器牢飘甫 捧磊窍登,", - "器困登菌阑矫, 利 傍拜俊 蝶弗", - "积疙仿 / 规绢仿 犬焊甫 困秦 眉仿阑", - "棵赴促. 肚茄 盔芭府 付过 傍拜狼", - "沥犬己阑 困俊 刮酶俊档 器牢飘甫", - "捧磊且 鞘夸啊 乐促. "], - ], -] - - -WHISPER_ERROR = { - 1 : CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON, - 2 : CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE, - 3 : CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE, -} - -NOTIFY_MESSAGE = { - "CANNOT_EQUIP_SHOP" : CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP, - "CANNOT_EQUIP_EXCHANGE" : CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE, -} - - -ATTACK_ERROR_TAIL_DICT = { - "IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE, - "DEST_IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE, -} - -SHOT_ERROR_TAIL_DICT = { - "EMPTY_ARROW" : CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW, - "IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE, - "DEST_IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE, -} - -USE_SKILL_ERROR_TAIL_DICT = { - "IN_SAFE" : CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE, - "NEED_TARGET" : CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET, - "NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE" : CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE, - "NEED_POISON_BOTTLE" : CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE, - "REMOVE_FISHING_ROD" : CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD, - "NOT_YET_LEARN" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN, - "NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON, - "WAIT_COOLTIME" : CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME, - "NOT_ENOUGH_HP" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP, - "NOT_ENOUGH_SP" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP, - "CANNOT_USE_SELF" : CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF, - "ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE" : CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE, - "CANNOT_ATTACK_ENEMY_IN_SAFE_AREA" : CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE, - "CANNOT_APPROACH" : CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH, - "CANNOT_ATTACK" : CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK, - "ONLY_FOR_CORPSE" : CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE, - "EQUIP_FISHING_ROD" : CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD, - "NOT_HORSE_SKILL" : CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL, - "HAVE_TO_RIDE" : CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE, -} - -LEVEL_LIST=["", HORSE_LEVEL1, HORSE_LEVEL2, HORSE_LEVEL3] - -HEALTH_LIST=[ - HORSE_HEALTH0, - HORSE_HEALTH1, - HORSE_HEALTH2, - HORSE_HEALTH3, -] - - -USE_SKILL_ERROR_CHAT_DICT = { - "NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE" : SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE, - "NEED_POISON_BOTTLE" : SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE, - "ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR" : SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR, -} - -SHOP_ERROR_DICT = { - "NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY" : SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY, - "SOLDOUT" : SHOP_SOLDOUT, - "INVENTORY_FULL" : SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL, - "INVALID_POS" : SHOP_INVALID_POS, - "NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_EX" : SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_EX, -} - -STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION = { - "HTH-" : STAT_MINUS_CON, - "INT-" : STAT_MINUS_INT, - "STR-" : STAT_MINUS_STR, - "DEX-" : STAT_MINUS_DEX, -} - -MODE_NAME_LIST = ( PVP_OPTION_NORMAL, PVP_OPTION_REVENGE, PVP_OPTION_KILL, PVP_OPTION_PROTECT, ) -TITLE_NAME_LIST = ( PVP_LEVEL0, PVP_LEVEL1, PVP_LEVEL2, PVP_LEVEL3, PVP_LEVEL4, PVP_LEVEL5, PVP_LEVEL6, PVP_LEVEL7, PVP_LEVEL8, ) - -def GetLetterImageName(): - return "season1/icon/scroll_close.tga" -def GetLetterOpenImageName(): - return "season1/icon/scroll_open.tga" -def GetLetterCloseImageName(): - return "season1/icon/scroll_close.tga" - -if 949 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - def EUL(name): - if GetAuxiliaryWordType(name): - return "甫 " - else: - return "阑 " - - def I(name): - if GetAuxiliaryWordType(name): - return "啊 " - else: - return "捞 " - - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - name = sellItemName - if sellItemCount > 1: - name += " " - name += str(sellItemCount) - name += "俺" - - return name + EUL(name) + str(sellItemPrice) + "成俊 颇矫摆嚼聪鳖?" - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - name = sellItemName - if sellItemCount > 1: - name += " " - name += str(sellItemCount) - name += "俺" - - return name + EUL(name) + str(sellItemPrice) + "俊 荤矫摆嚼聪鳖?" - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName): - return attachedItemName+EUL(attachedItemName)+"何馒且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍涝聪促" - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return attachedItemName+EUL(attachedItemName)+"何馒且 荐 乐绰 家南捞 绝嚼聪促" - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return attachedItemName+EUL(attachedItemName)+"何馒且 荐 乐绰 炔陛 家南捞 绝嚼聪促" - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount): - name = dropItemName - if dropItemCount > 1: - name += " " - name += str(dropItemCount) - name += "俺" - - return name+EUL(name)+"滚府矫摆嚼聪鳖?" - - def NumberToMoneyString(number): - if number <= 0: - return "0成" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "父", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "撅", result) - result = result + "成" - - return result - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number): - if number <= 0: - return "0傈" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "父", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "撅", result) - result = result + "傈" - - return result - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return fishName + I(fishName) + "巩 淀 钦聪促." - else: - return fishName + I(fishName) + "吧赴淀 钦聪促." - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return fishName + EUL(fishName) + "棱疽嚼聪促!" - else: - return fishName + EUL(fishName) + "掘菌嚼聪促!" - -elif 932 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount > 1 : - return "%s %s 屄傪 %s偵攧傝傑偡偐丠" % ( sellItemName, sellItemCount, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - else: - return "%s 傪 %s偱攧傝傑偡偐丠" % (sellItemName, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice) : - if buyItemCount > 1 : - return "%s %s屄傪 %s偱攦偄傑偡偐丠" % ( buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice ) - else: - return "%s傪 %s偱攦偄傑偡偐丠" % ( buyItemName, buyItemPrice ) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName) : - return "%s傪憰拝偱偒側偄傾僀僥?偱偡丅" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return "%s傪憰拝偡傞?働僢僩偑偁傝傑偣傫丅" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return "%s傪憰拝偱偒傞墿嬥?働僢僩偑偁傝傑偣傫丅" % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount) : - if dropItemCount > 1 : - return "%s %d 屄傪幪偰傑偡偐丠" % (dropItemName, dropItemCount) - else : - return "%s傪幪偰傑偡偐丠" % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return "%s 偑怘偄偮偄偨傛偆偱偡" % ( fishName ) - else : - return "%s 偑偐偐偭偨傛偆偱偡" % ( fishName ) - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return "%s 傪曔傑偊傑偟偨両" % (fishName) - else : - return "%s 傪庤偵擖傟傑偟偨両" % (fishName) - - def NumberToMoneyString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0椉" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "枩", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "壄", result) - result = result + "椉" - - return result - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0jun" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "枩", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "壄", result) - result = result + "jun" - - return result -elif IsHONGKONG(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 % (sellItemName, sellItemCount, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - else: - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 % (sellItemName, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice) : - if buyItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 % ( buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice ) - else: - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 % ( buyItemName, buyItemPrice ) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount) : - if dropItemCount > 1 : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 % (dropItemName, dropItemCount) - else : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_NOTIFY1 % ( fishName ) - else : - return FISHING_NOTIFY2 % ( fishName ) - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_SUCCESS1 % (fishName) - else : - return FISHING_SUCCESS2 % (fishName) - - def NumberToMoneyString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT0) - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, MONETARY_UNIT1, result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, MONETARY_UNIT2, result) - result = result + MONETARY_UNIT0 - - return result - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number) : - if number <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT_JUN) - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, MONETARY_UNIT1, result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, MONETARY_UNIT2, result) - result = result + MONETARY_UNIT_JUN - - return result - -elif IsNEWCIBN() or IsCIBN10(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount>1: - return "确定要把%s个%s以%s金币卖掉吗?" % (str(sellItemCount), sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - else: - return "确定要把%s以%s金币卖掉吗?" % (sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount>1: - return "确定要把%s个%s以%s金币买进吗?" % (str(sellItemCount), sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - else: - return "确定要把%s以%s金币买进吗?" % (sellItemName, str(sellItemPrice)) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName): - return "无法镶嵌%s 的装备" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return "没有可以镶嵌%s 的孔" % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName): - return "没有可以镶嵌%s 的黄金孔" % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount): - if dropItemCount>1: - return "确定要扔掉%d个%s吗?" % (dropItemCount, dropItemName) - else: - return "确定要扔掉%s吗?" % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return fishName + "上钩了。" - else: - return "钓着" + fishName + "了。" - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName): - if isFish: - return "钓着" + fishName + "了。" - else: - return "获得" + fishName + "了。" - - def NumberToMoneyString(number): - - if number <= 0: - return "0两" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "万", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "亿", result) - result = result + "两" - - return result - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(number): - - if number <= 0: - return "0JUN" - - number = str(number) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 0, 4, "", "") - result = CutMoneyString(number, 4, 8, "万", result) - result = CutMoneyString(number, 8, 12, "亿", result) - result = result + "JUN" - - return result -elif IsEUROPE() and not IsWE_KOREA() and not IsYMIR(): - def DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(sellItemName, sellItemCount, sellItemPrice): - if sellItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 % (sellItemName, sellItemCount, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - else: - return DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 % (sellItemName, NumberToMoneyString(sellItemPrice) ) - - def DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice) : - if buyItemCount > 1 : - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 % ( buyItemName, buyItemCount, buyItemPrice ) - else: - return DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 % ( buyItemName, buyItemPrice ) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(attachedItemName) : - return REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET0 % (attachedItemName) - - def HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, dropItemCount) : - if dropItemCount > 1 : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 % (dropItemName, dropItemCount) - else : - return HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 % (dropItemName) - - def FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_NOTIFY1 % ( fishName ) - else : - return FISHING_NOTIFY2 % ( fishName ) - - def FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName) : - if isFish : - return FISHING_SUCCESS1 % (fishName) - else : - return FISHING_SUCCESS2 % (fishName) - - def NumberToMoneyString(n) : - if n <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT0) - - return "%s %s" % ('.'.join([ i-3<0 and str(n)[:i] or str(n)[i-3:i] for i in range(len(str(n))%3, len(str(n))+1, 3) if i ]), MONETARY_UNIT0) - - def NumberToSecondaryCoinString(n) : - if n <= 0 : - return "0 %s" % (MONETARY_UNIT_JUN) - - return "%s %s" % ('.'.join([ i-3<0 and str(n)[:i] or str(n)[i-3:i] for i in range(len(str(n))%3, len(str(n))+1, 3) if i ]), MONETARY_UNIT_JUN) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/mousemodule.py b/bin_original/pack/root/mousemodule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2930e056..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/mousemodule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,399 +0,0 @@ -import app -import grp -import grpImage -import item -import wndMgr -import player - -import skill -import dbg -import grpText - -import ui - -import systemSetting - -import locale - -## Mouse Controler -## 付快胶 目辑甫 力绢窍哥 付快胶 目辑俊 Attach登绢 框流捞绰 Object甸鳖瘤 力绢且 荐 乐促. - -class CursorImage(object): - def __init__(self): - self.handle = 0 - - def __init__(self, imageName): - self.handle = 0 - self.LoadImage(imageName) - - def __del__(self): - grpImage.Delete(self.handle) - - def LoadImage(self, imageName): - try: - self.handle = grpImage.Generate(imageName) - - except: - import sys - dbg.TraceError("%s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) - self.handle = 0 - - def DeleteImage(self): - if self.handle: - grpImage.Delete(self.handle) - - def IsImage(self): - if self.handle: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - if self.handle: - grpImage.SetPosition(self.handle, x, y) - - def Render(self): - if self.handle: - grpImage.Render(self.handle) - -class CMouseController(object): - - def __init__(self): - - self.x = 0 - self.y = 0 - - self.IsSoftwareCursor = FALSE - self.curCursorName = "" - self.curCursorImage = 0 - self.cursorPosX = 0 - self.cursorPosY = 0 - - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - self.AttachedOwner = 0 - self.AttachedFlag = FALSE - self.AttachedType = 0 - self.AttachedSlotNumber = 0 - self.AttachedCount = 1 - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = 0 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = 0 - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = 0 - - self.countNumberLine = None - - self.DeattachObject() - - self.callbackDict = {} - - def __del__(self): - self.callbackDict = {} - - def Create(self): - self.IsSoftwareCursor = systemSetting.IsSoftwareCursor() - - self.cursorDict = { - app.NORMAL : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor.sub"), - app.ATTACK : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_attack.sub"), - app.TARGET : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_attack.sub"), - app.TALK : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_talk.sub"), - app.CANT_GO : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_no.sub"), - app.PICK : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_pick.sub"), - app.DOOR : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_door.sub"), - app.CHAIR : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_chair.sub"), - app.MAGIC : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_chair.sub"), - app.BUY : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_buy.sub"), - app.SELL : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_sell.sub"), - app.CAMERA_ROTATE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_camera_rotate.sub"), - app.HSIZE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hsize.sub"), - app.VSIZE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_vsize.sub"), - app.HVSIZE : CursorImage("D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hvsize.sub"), - } - self.cursorPosDict = { - app.NORMAL : (0, 0), - app.TARGET : (0, 0), - app.ATTACK : (0, 0), - app.TALK : (0, 0), - app.CANT_GO : (0, 0), - app.PICK : (0, 0), - app.DOOR : (0, 0), - app.CHAIR : (0, 0), - app.MAGIC : (0, 0), - app.BUY : (0, 0), - app.SELL : (0, 0), - app.CAMERA_ROTATE : (0, 0), - app.HSIZE : (-16, -16), - app.VSIZE : (-16, -16), - app.HVSIZE : (-16, -16), - } - - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - """ - AttachedCountTextLineHandle = grpText.Generate() - grpText.SetFontName(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, locale.UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL) - grpText.SetText(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, "1234") - grpText.SetPosition(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, 100, 100) - grpText.SetOutline(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, TRUE) - grpText.SetFontColor(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - grpText.SetHorizontalAlign(AttachedCountTextLineHandle, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - self.AttachedCountTextLineHandle = AttachedCountTextLineHandle - """ - - self.countNumberLine = ui.NumberLine("CURTAIN") - self.countNumberLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.countNumberLine.Hide() - - return TRUE - - # Cursor Control - def ChangeCursor(self, cursorNum): - try: - self.curCursorNum = cursorNum - self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[cursorNum] - (self.cursorPosX, self.cursorPosY) = self.cursorPosDict[cursorNum] - - if FALSE == self.curCursorImage.IsImage(): - self.curCursorNum = app.NORMAL - self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[app.NORMAL] - - except KeyError: - dbg.TraceError("mouseModule.MouseController.SetCursor - 肋给等 目辑 锅龋 [%d]" % cursorNum) - self.curCursorName = app.NORMAL - self.curCursorImage = self.cursorDict[app.NORMAL] - - # Attaching - def AttachObject(self, Owner, Type, SlotNumber, ItemIndex, count = 0): - - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber - - self.AttachedFlag = TRUE - self.AttachedOwner = Owner - self.AttachedType = Type - self.AttachedSlotNumber = SlotNumber - self.AttachedItemIndex = ItemIndex - self.AttachedCount = count - self.countNumberLine.SetNumber("") - self.countNumberLine.Hide() - - if count > 1: - self.countNumberLine.SetNumber(str(count)) - self.countNumberLine.Show() - - try: - - width = 1 - height = 1 - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL or\ - Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY: - - item.SelectItem(self.AttachedItemIndex) - self.AttachedIconHandle = item.GetIconInstance() - - if not self.AttachedIconHandle: - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - self.DeattachObject() - return - - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - - elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(SlotNumber) - self.AttachedIconHandle = skill.GetIconInstanceNew(self.AttachedItemIndex, skillGrade) - - elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION: - image = player.GetEmotionIconImage(ItemIndex) - self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.GenerateFromHandle(image) - - elif Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT: - (quickSlotType, position) = player.GetGlobalQuickSlot(SlotNumber) - - if quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(position) - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - self.AttachedIconHandle = item.GetIconInstance() - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - - elif quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(position) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(position) - self.AttachedIconHandle = skill.GetIconInstanceNew(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - elif quickSlotType == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION: - image = player.GetEmotionIconImage(position) - self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.GenerateFromHandle(image) - - if not self.AttachedIconHandle: - self.DeattachObject() - return - - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - wndMgr.AttachIcon(self.AttachedType, self.AttachedItemIndex, self.AttachedSlotNumber, width, height) - - except Exception, e: - dbg.TraceError("mouseModule.py: AttachObject : " + str(e)) - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - - def IsAttachedMoney(self): - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if player.ITEM_MONEY == self.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def GetAttachedMoneyAmount(self): - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if player.ITEM_MONEY == self.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - return self.GetAttachedItemCount() - return 0 - - def AttachMoney(self, owner, type, count): - - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber - - self.AttachedFlag = TRUE - self.AttachedOwner = owner - self.AttachedType = type - self.AttachedSlotNumber = -1 - self.AttachedItemIndex = player.ITEM_MONEY - self.AttachedCount = count - self.AttachedIconHandle = grpImage.Generate("icon/item/money.tga") - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth = grpImage.GetWidth(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight = grpImage.GetHeight(self.AttachedIconHandle) / 2 - wndMgr.AttachIcon(self.AttachedType, self.AttachedItemIndex, self.AttachedSlotNumber, 1, 1) - - if count > 1: - self.countNumberLine.SetNumber(str(count)) - self.countNumberLine.Show() - #grpText.SetText(self.AttachedCountTextLineHandle, str(count)) - - def DeattachObject(self): - - self.ClearCallBack() - self.LastAttachedSlotNumber = self.AttachedSlotNumber - - if self.AttachedIconHandle != 0: - - if self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX or\ - self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL: - - item.DeleteIconInstance(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - elif self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - skill.DeleteIconInstance(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - elif self.AttachedType == player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION: - grpImage.Delete(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - self.AttachedFlag = FALSE - self.AttachedType = -1 - self.AttachedItemIndex = -1 - self.AttachedSlotNumber = -1 - self.AttachedIconHandle = 0 - wndMgr.SetAttachingFlag(FALSE) - - if self.countNumberLine: - self.countNumberLine.Hide() - - def isAttached(self): - return self.AttachedFlag - - def GetAttachedOwner(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedOwner - - def GetAttachedType(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return player.SLOT_TYPE_NONE - - return self.AttachedType - - def GetAttachedSlotNumber(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedSlotNumber - - def GetLastAttachedSlotNumber(self): - - return self.LastAttachedSlotNumber - - def GetAttachedItemIndex(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedItemIndex - - def GetAttachedItemCount(self): - - if FALSE == self.isAttached(): - return 0 - - return self.AttachedCount - - # Update - def Update(self, x, y): - - self.x = x - self.y = y - - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if 0 != self.AttachedIconHandle: - grpImage.SetDiffuseColor(self.AttachedIconHandle, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) - grpImage.SetPosition(self.AttachedIconHandle, self.x - self.AttachedIconHalfWidth, self.y - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight) - self.countNumberLine.SetPosition(self.x, self.y - self.AttachedIconHalfHeight - 3) - - if self.IsSoftwareCursor: - if 0 != self.curCursorImage: - self.curCursorImage.SetPosition(self.x + self.cursorPosX, self.y + self.cursorPosY) - - # Render - def Render(self): - - if TRUE == self.isAttached(): - if 0 != self.AttachedIconHandle: - grpImage.Render(self.AttachedIconHandle) - - if self.IsSoftwareCursor: - if TRUE == app.IsShowCursor(): - if 0 != self.curCursorImage: - self.curCursorImage.Render() - else: - if FALSE == app.IsShowCursor(): - if TRUE == app.IsLiarCursorOn(): - if 0 != self.curCursorImage: - self.curCursorImage.SetPosition(self.x + self.cursorPosX, self.y + self.cursorPosY) - self.curCursorImage.Render() - - def SetCallBack(self, type, event=lambda *arg:None): - self.callbackDict[type] = event - - def RunCallBack(self, type, *arg): - - if not self.callbackDict.has_key(type): - self.DeattachObject() - return - - self.callbackDict[type]() - - def ClearCallBack(self): - self.callbackDict = {} - -mouseController = CMouseController() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/musicinfo.py b/bin_original/pack/root/musicinfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2b980fbf..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/musicinfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -METIN2THEMA = "M2BG.mp3" - -loginMusic="login_window.mp3" -createMusic="characterselect.mp3" -selectMusic="characterselect.mp3" -fieldMusic=METIN2THEMA - -def SaveLastPlayFieldMusic(): - global fieldMusic - - try: - lastPlayFile=open("BGM/lastplay.inf", "w") - except IOError: - return - - lastPlayFile.write(fieldMusic) - - -def LoadLastPlayFieldMusic(): - global fieldMusic - - try: - lastPlayFile=open("BGM/lastplay.inf", "r") - except IOError: - return - - fieldMusic=lastPlayFile.read() - - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/networkmodule.py b/bin_original/pack/root/networkmodule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2beeec07..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/networkmodule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -################################################################################################### -# Network - -import app -import chr -import dbg -import net -import snd - -import chr -import chrmgr -import background -import player -import playerSettingModule - -import ui -import uiPhaseCurtain - -import locale - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - print "NEW POPUP DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.CloseEvent = 0 - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE POPUP DIALOG " - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - - def Open(self, Message, event = 0, ButtonName = locale.UI_CANCEL): - - if TRUE == self.IsShow(): - self.Close() - - self.Lock() - self.SetTop() - self.CloseEvent = event - - AcceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - AcceptButton.SetText(ButtonName) - AcceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.GetChild("message").SetText(Message) - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - - if FALSE == self.IsShow(): - self.CloseEvent = 0 - return - - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - if 0 != self.CloseEvent: - self.CloseEvent() - self.CloseEvent = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -## -## Main Stream -## -class MainStream(object): - isChrData=0 - - def __init__(self): - print "NEWMAIN STREAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - net.SetHandler(self) - net.SetTCPRecvBufferSize(128*1024) - net.SetTCPSendBufferSize(4096) - net.SetUDPRecvBufferSize(4096) - - self.id="" - self.pwd="" - self.addr="" - self.port=0 - self.account_addr=0 - self.account_port=0 - self.slot=0 - self.isAutoSelect=0 - self.isAutoLogin=0 - - self.curtain = 0 - self.curPhaseWindow = 0 - self.newPhaseWindow = 0 - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE MAIN STREAM " - - def Destroy(self): - if self.curPhaseWindow: - self.curPhaseWindow.Close() - self.curPhaseWindow = 0 - - if self.newPhaseWindow: - self.newPhaseWindow.Close() - self.newPhaseWindow = 0 - - self.popupWindow.Destroy() - self.popupWindow = 0 - - self.curtain = 0 - - def Create(self): - self.CreatePopupDialog() - - self.curtain = uiPhaseCurtain.PhaseCurtain() - - def SetPhaseWindow(self, newPhaseWindow): - if self.newPhaseWindow: - #print "捞固 货肺款 扩档快肺 官槽惑怕俊辑 肚 官厕", newPhaseWindow - self.__ChangePhaseWindow() - - self.newPhaseWindow=newPhaseWindow - - if self.curPhaseWindow: - #print "其捞靛 酒眶登搁 官厕" - self.curtain.FadeOut(self.__ChangePhaseWindow) - else: - #print "泅犁 扩档快啊 绝绰 惑怕扼 官肺 官厕" - self.__ChangePhaseWindow() - - def __ChangePhaseWindow(self): - oldPhaseWindow=self.curPhaseWindow - newPhaseWindow=self.newPhaseWindow - self.curPhaseWindow=0 - self.newPhaseWindow=0 - - if oldPhaseWindow: - oldPhaseWindow.Close() - - if newPhaseWindow: - newPhaseWindow.Open() - - self.curPhaseWindow=newPhaseWindow - - if self.curPhaseWindow: - self.curtain.FadeIn() - else: - app.Exit() - - def CreatePopupDialog(self): - self.popupWindow = PopupDialog() - self.popupWindow.LoadDialog() - self.popupWindow.SetCenterPosition() - self.popupWindow.Hide() - - - ## SelectPhase - ########################################################################################## - def SetLogoPhase(self): - net.Disconnect() - - import introLogo - self.SetPhaseWindow(introLogo.LogoWindow(self)) - - def SetLoginPhase(self): - net.Disconnect() - - import introLogin - self.SetPhaseWindow(introLogin.LoginWindow(self)) - - def SetSelectEmpirePhase(self): - try: - import introEmpire - self.SetPhaseWindow(introEmpire.SelectEmpireWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetSelectEmpirePhase") - - - def SetReselectEmpirePhase(self): - try: - import introEmpire - self.SetPhaseWindow(introEmpire.ReselectEmpireWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetReselectEmpirePhase") - - def SetSelectCharacterPhase(self): - try: - locale.LoadLocaleData() - import introSelect - self.popupWindow.Close() - self.SetPhaseWindow(introSelect.SelectCharacterWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase") - - def SetCreateCharacterPhase(self): - try: - import introCreate - self.SetPhaseWindow(introCreate.CreateCharacterWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetCreateCharacterPhase") - - def SetTestGamePhase(self, x, y): - try: - import introLoading - loadingPhaseWindow=introLoading.LoadingWindow(self) - loadingPhaseWindow.LoadData(x, y) - self.SetPhaseWindow(loadingPhaseWindow) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetLoadingPhase") - - - - def SetLoadingPhase(self): - try: - import introLoading - self.SetPhaseWindow(introLoading.LoadingWindow(self)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetLoadingPhase") - - def SetGamePhase(self): - try: - import game - self.popupWindow.Close() - self.SetPhaseWindow(game.GameWindow(self)) - except: - raise - import exception - exception.Abort("networkModule.SetGamePhase") - - ################################ - # Functions used in python - - ## Login - def Connect(self): - import constInfo - if constInfo.KEEP_ACCOUNT_CONNETION_ENABLE: - net.ConnectToAccountServer(self.addr, self.port, self.account_addr, self.account_port) - else: - net.ConnectTCP(self.addr, self.port) - - #net.ConnectUDP(IP, Port) - - def SetConnectInfo(self, addr, port, account_addr=0, account_port=0): - self.addr = addr - self.port = port - self.account_addr = account_addr - self.account_port = account_port - - def GetConnectAddr(self): - return self.addr - - def SetLoginInfo(self, id, pwd): - self.id = id - self.pwd = pwd - net.SetLoginInfo(id, pwd) - - def CancelEnterGame(self): - pass - - ## Select - def SetCharacterSlot(self, slot): - self.slot=slot - - def GetCharacterSlot(self): - return self.slot - - ## Empty - def EmptyFunction(self): - pass diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/npclist.txt b/bin_original/pack/root/npclist.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 00de033d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/npclist.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1390 +0,0 @@ -0 pony_normal pony -0 pony_member pony -0 pony_master pony -0 horse_normal horse -0 horse_member horse -0 horse_master horse -0 horse2_normal horse2 -0 horse2_member horse2 -0 horse2_master horse2 -0 boar boar -0 dog_god dog_god -0 fire_tiger fire_tiger -0 lion lion -0 boar_0 boar -0 dog_god_0 dog_god -0 fire_tiger_0 fire_tiger -0 lion_0 lion -0 boar_3 boar -0 dog_god_3 dog_god -0 fire_tiger_3 fire_tiger -0 lion_3 lion -0 fire_tiger_blue fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_darkred fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_gold fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_green fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_pied fire_tiger -0 fire_tiger_white fire_tiger -0 reindeer_male1 reindeer_male -0 reindeer_male2 reindeer_male -0 reindeer_male3 reindeer_male -0 reindeer_female1 reindeer_female -0 reindeer_female2 reindeer_female -0 reindeer_female3 reindeer_female -0 reindeer_young1 reindeer_young -0 goods_02 goods -0 bank_02 bank -0 diamond mineral -0 amber mineral -0 fossil_tree mineral -0 copper mineral -0 silver mineral -0 gold mineral -0 jade mineral -0 ebony mineral -0 white_gold mineral -0 quartz mineral -0 amethyst mineral -0 chunru mineral -0 pearl mineral -0 mineral2_sapphire mineral2 -0 mineral2_ruby mineral2 -0 mineral2_garnet mineral2 -0 mineral2_bery mineral2 -0 red_wild_boar wild_boar -0 wolf_gray wolf -0 wolf_blue wolf -0 bear_gray bear -0 bear_black bear -0 bear_brown bear -0 tiger_big tiger -0 tiger_god tiger -0 metinstone_01 metinstone -0 metinstone_02 metinstone -0 metinstone_03 metinstone -0 metinstone_04 metinstone -0 metinstone_05 metinstone -0 metinstone_06 metinstone -0 metinstone_07 metinstone -0 metinstone_08 metinstone -0 metinstone_09 metinstone -0 metinstone_10 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_11 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_12 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_13 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_14 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_15 metinstone_02 -0 metinstone_egg01 metinstone_egg -0 christmas_tree_01 christmas_tree -0 christmas_tree_02 christmas_tree -0 christmas_tree_03 christmas_tree -0 flag_red guild_war_flag -0 flag_blue guild_war_flag -0 flag_yellow guild_war_flag -0 haitai fire_tiger_boss -0 monkey_range monkey -0 sura_skeleton1 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton2 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton3 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton4 sura_skeleton -0 sura_skeleton5 sura_skeleton -0 starveling starveling -0 starveling2 starveling -0 starveling3 starveling -0 starveling4 starveling -0 starveling5 starveling -0 pwahuang1_2 pwahuang1 -0 jinno_patrol_spear_01 jinno_patrol_spear -0 gangyo_patrol_spear_01 gangyo_patrol_spear -0 spy1_01 spy1 -0 reindeer_young1_christmas1 reindeer_young -0 reindeer_male1_christmas1 reindeer_male -0 fire_ghost1 fire_ghost -0 fire_tiger_boss1 fire_tiger_boss -0 fire_man1 fire_man -0 fire_knight1 fire_knight -0 fire_king1 fire_king -0 ice_snow_monster1 ice_snow_monster -0 ice_snow_insect1 ice_snow_insect -0 ice_snow_man1 ice_snow_man -0 ice_snow_giant_man1 ice_snow_giant_man -0 ice_snow_golem1 ice_snow_golem -0 bridge_block_chain flame_bridge_block_chain -0 flame_npc flame_dungeon_npc -0 unicorn1 unicorn -0 phoenix3 phoenix2 -101 stray_dog -102 wolf -103 wolf -104 wolf_blue -105 wolf_blue -106 wolf_gray -107 wolf_gray -108 wild_boar -109 red_wild_boar -110 bear -111 bear_gray -112 bear_black -113 bear_brown -114 tiger -115 tiger_big -131 wolf -132 wolf -133 wolf_blue -134 wolf_blue -135 wolf_gray -136 wolf_gray -137 wild_boar -138 red_wild_boar -139 bear -140 bear_gray -141 bear_black -142 bear_brown -143 tiger -144 tiger_big -151 wolf_blue -152 wolf_gray -153 red_wild_boar -154 bear_brown -155 tiger_big -171 stray_dog -172 wolf -173 wolf -174 wolf_blue -175 wolf_blue -176 wolf_gray -177 wolf_gray -178 wild_boar -179 red_wild_boar -180 bear -181 bear_gray -182 bear_black -183 bear_brown -184 tiger -185 tiger_big -191 mountain_dog_god -192 wild_boar_god -193 bear -194 tiger_god -301 bksoldier -302 bkarcher -303 bkknight -304 bkknight -331 bksoldier -332 bkarcher -333 bkknight -334 bkknight -351 bksoldier -352 bkarcher -353 bkknight -354 bkknight -391 bksecond -392 bkthird -393 bkfourth -394 bkboss -395 bksecond -396 bkthird -397 bkfourth -398 bkboss -401 thief1 -402 thief2 -403 thief3 -404 thiefboss1 -405 thiefboss2 -406 thiefboss3 -431 thief1 -432 thief2 -433 thief3 -434 thiefboss1 -435 thiefboss2 -436 thiefboss3 -451 thief1 -452 thief2 -453 thief3 -454 thiefboss1 -455 thiefboss2 -456 thiefboss3 -491 maenghwan -492 bou -493 gupae -494 chuhen -501 barbarian_infantry -502 barbarian_soldier -503 barbarian_bow -504 barbarian_knight -531 barbarian_infantry -532 barbarian_soldier -533 barbarian_bow -534 barbarian_knight -551 barbarian_infantry -552 barbarian_soldier -553 barbarian_bow -554 barbarian_knight -591 barbarian_boss -595 barbarian_bow -601 orc_soldier -602 orc_scouter -603 orc_knight -604 orc_magician -631 orc_soldier -632 orc_scouter -633 orc_knight -634 orc_magician -635 orc_general -636 orc_black -637 orc_bigblack -651 orc_soldier -652 orc_scouter -653 orc_knight -654 orc_magician -655 orc_general -656 orc_black -657 orc_bigblack -691 orc_lord -692 orc_lord -693 #season1/monster/orc_lord_e/ -701 milgyo_religionist -702 milgyo_nahan1 -703 milgyo_nahan2 -704 milgyo_nahan_general -705 milgyo_executor -706 milgyo_monster1 -707 milgyo_monster2 -731 milgyo_religionist -732 milgyo_nahan1 -733 milgyo_nahan2 -734 milgyo_nahan_general -735 milgyo_executor -736 milgyo_monster1 -737 milgyo_monster2 -751 milgyo_religionist -752 milgyo_nahan1 -753 milgyo_nahan2 -754 milgyo_nahan_general -755 milgyo_executor -756 milgyo_monster1 -757 milgyo_monster2 -771 milgyo_religionist -772 milgyo_nahan1 -773 milgyo_nahan2 -774 milgyo_nahan_general -775 milgyo_executor -776 milgyo_monster1 -777 milgyo_monster2 -791 milgyo_founder -792 milgyo_founder -793 milgyo_founder -794 milgyo_founder -795 #season1/monster/milgyo_founder_e/ -901 misterious_diseased_kid -902 misterious_diseased_dog -903 misterious_diseased_infector -904 misterious_diseased_sword -905 misterious_diseased_spear -906 misterious_diseased_bow -907 misterious_diseased_boss -931 misterious_diseased_kid -932 misterious_diseased_dog -933 misterious_diseased_infector -934 misterious_diseased_sword -935 misterious_diseased_spear -936 misterious_diseased_bow -937 misterious_diseased_boss -991 misterious_diseased_egg -992 misterious_diseased_host -993 misterious_diseased_bosshost -1001 skeleton_soldier_scythe -1002 skeleton_soldier_bow -1003 skeleton_soldier_spear -1004 skeleton_magician -1031 skeleton_soldier_scythe -1032 skeleton_soldier_bow -1033 skeleton_soldier_spear -1034 skeleton_magician -1035 spite_ghost -1036 chaos_ghost -1037 skeleton_general -1038 skeleton_bigboss -1039 skeleton_wizard -1040 immotal_ghost -1041 recycle_monster -1061 skeleton_soldier_scythe -1062 skeleton_soldier_bow -1063 skeleton_soldier_spear -1064 skeleton_magician -1065 spite_ghost -1066 chaos_ghost -1067 skeleton_general -1068 skeleton_bigboss -1069 skeleton_wizard -1070 immotal_ghost -1071 recycle_monster -1091 skeleton_king -1092 skeleton_king -1093 skeleton_god -1094 #season1/monster/skeleton_king_e/ -1095 #season1/monster/skeleton_god_e/ -1096 skeleton_king -1101 ice_snow_monster -1102 ice_snow_whale -1103 ice_snow_insect -1104 ice_snow_dog -1105 ice_snow_man -1106 ice_snow_giant_man -1107 ice_snow_golem -1131 ice_snow_monster -1132 ice_snow_whale -1133 ice_snow_insect -1134 ice_snow_dog -1135 ice_snow_man -1136 ice_snow_giant_man -1137 ice_snow_golem -1151 ice_snow_monster -1152 ice_snow_whale -1153 ice_snow_insect -1154 ice_snow_dog -1155 ice_snow_man -1156 ice_snow_giant_man -1157 ice_snow_golem -1171 ice_snow_monster -1172 ice_snow_whale -1173 ice_snow_insect -1174 ice_snow_dog -1175 ice_snow_man -1176 ice_snow_giant_man -1177 ice_snow_golem -1191 ice_snow_witch -1192 ice_snow_witch -1301 greenfrog_soldier -1302 greenfrog_general -1303 goblin_leafhead -1304 yellow_tigerman -1305 sugu_general -1306 yellow_tigerman -1307 #season1/monster/yellow_tigerman_e/ -1308 yellow_tigerman -1309 yellow_tigerman -1310 yellow_tigerman -1331 greenfrog_soldier -1332 greenfrog_general -1333 goblin_leafhead -1334 yellow_tigerman -1335 sugu_general -1401 mutant_1 -1402 mutant_2 -1403 mutant_3 -1501 golem_1 -1502 golem_2 -1503 golem_3 -1601 nersluck_1 -1602 nersluck_2 -1603 nersluck_3 -1901 fox_ninetail -1902 fox_ninetail -1903 #season1/monster/fox_ninetail_e/ -1904 fox_ninetail -1905 fox_ninetail -1906 fox_ninetail -2001 spider_young -2002 spider_poison -2003 spider_redpoison -2004 spider_nipper -2005 spider_soldier -2031 spider_young -2032 spider_poison -2033 spider_redpoison -2034 spider_nipper -2035 spider_soldier -2036 spider_soldier -2051 spider_young -2052 spider_poison -2053 spider_redpoison -2054 spider_nipper -2055 spider_soldier -2061 spider_young -2062 spider_poison -2063 spider_redpoison -2064 spider_nipper -2065 spider_soldier -2071 spider_young -2072 spider_poison -2073 spider_redpoison -2074 spider_nipper -2075 spider_soldier -2076 spider_soldier -2091 spider_queen -2092 spider_king -2093 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -2094 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -2095 spider_spawn -2101 fennec_fox -2102 evil_eye -2103 giant_scorpion -2104 scorpionman_sword -2105 scorpionman_bow -2106 snakeman_sword -2107 snakeman_bow -2108 outlaw -2131 scorpionman_sword -2132 scorpionman_bow -2133 snakeman_sword -2134 snakeman_bow -2135 outlaw -2151 fennec_fox -2152 evil_eye -2153 giant_scorpion -2154 scorpionman_sword -2155 scorpionman_bow -2156 snakeman_sword -2157 snakeman_bow -2158 outlaw -2191 giant_desert_turtle -2192 #season1/monster/giant_desert_turtle_e/ -2201 fire_tiger -2202 fire_ghost -2203 fire_tiger_boss -2204 fire_man -2205 fire_knight -2206 fire_king -2207 fire_king -2231 fire_tiger -2232 fire_ghost -2233 fire_tiger_boss -2234 fire_man -2235 fire_knight -2291 fire_dragon -2292 red_dragon -2293 red_dragon2 -2301 ent_trent -2302 ent_guru -2303 ent_hu -2304 ent_red -2305 ent_black -2306 ent_huge -2307 ent_elder -2311 ent_trent -2312 ent_guru -2313 ent_hu -2314 ent_red -2315 ent_black -2401 ch_footman -2402 ch_bowman -2403 ch_magician -2404 ch_officer -2411 ch_footman -2412 ch_bowman -2413 ch_magician -2414 ch_officer -2431 ch_footman -2432 ch_bowman -2433 ch_magician -2434 ch_officer -2451 ch_footman -2452 ch_bowman -2453 ch_magician -2454 ch_officer -2481 boar_young -2482 dog_god_young -2483 fire_tiger_young -2484 lion_young -2491 ch_general -2492 ch_general -2493 blue_dragon -2494 ch_general -2495 ch_general -2501 zombie_diseased_kid -2502 zombie_diseased_dog -2503 zombie_diseased_infector -2504 zombie_diseased_sword -2505 zombie_diseased_spear -2506 zombie_diseased_bow -2507 zombie_diseased_boss -2508 zombie_soldier_scythe -2509 zombie_soldier_bow -2510 zombie_soldier_spear -2511 zombie_magician -2512 zombie_bigboss -2513 zombie_ghost -2514 zombie_general -2541 zombie_soldier_scythe -2542 zombie_soldier_bow -2543 zombie_soldier_spear -2544 zombie_magician -2545 zombie_bigboss -2546 zombie_ghost -2547 zombie_general -2591 zombie_king -2592 zombie_king -2593 zombie_king -2594 zombie_king -2595 zombie_king -2596 zombie_king -2597 zombie_god -2598 zombie_bigboss2 -2600 gnoll_helhound -2601 gnoll_warrior -2602 gnoll_mage -2603 gnoll_commander -2620 gnoll_minotaur -2630 troll_warrior -2631 troll_archer -2632 troll_mage -2633 troll_commander -2650 troll_argus -2660 naga_soldier -2661 naga_archer -2662 naga_mage -2663 naga_warrior -2680 naga_commander -3001 gnoll_soldier -3002 gnoll_bow -3003 gnoll_soldier2 -3004 gnoll_magic -3005 gnoll_general -3090 gnoll_boss -3091 gnoll_boss2 -3101 cyclops_soldier -3102 cyclops_soldier2 -3103 cyclops_magic -3104 cyclops_officer -3105 cyclops_general -3190 cyclops_boss -3191 cyclops_boss2 -3201 manticore_soldier -3202 manticore_soldier2 -3203 manticore_magic -3204 manticore_officer -3205 manticore_general -3290 manticore_boss -3291 manticore_boss2 -3301 lemures_soldier -3302 lemures_soldier2 -3303 lemures_magic -3304 lemures_officer -3305 lemures_general -3390 lemures_boss -3391 lemures_boss2 -3401 triton_soldier -3402 triton_soldier2 -3403 triton_magic -3404 triton_officer -3405 triton_general -3490 triton_boss -3491 triton_boss2 -3501 redthief_bow -3502 redthief_soldier2 -3503 redthief_magic -3504 redthief_officer -3505 redthief_general -3551 redthief2_bow -3552 redthief2_soldier2 -3553 redthief2_magic -3554 redthief2_officer -3555 redthief2_general -3590 redthief_boss -3591 redthief_boss2 -3595 redthief2_boss -3596 redthief2_boss2 -3601 crustacean_soldier -3602 crustacean_bow -3603 crustacean_soldier2 -3604 crustacean_officer -3605 crustacean_general -3690 crustacean_boss -3691 crustacean_boss2 -3701 giant_soldier -3702 giant_soldier2 -3703 giant_magic -3704 giant_officer -3705 giant_general -3790 giant_boss -3791 giant_boss2 -3801 ogre_soldier -3802 ogre_bow -3803 ogre_officer -3804 ogre_magic -3805 ogre_general -3890 ogre_boss -3891 ogre_boss2 -3901 ent_boss1 -3902 ent_boss2 -3903 ent_boss3 -3904 giant_general -3905 bkfourth -3906 bkboss -3907 redthief2_magic -3908 redthief2_officer -3909 redthief2_general -3910 redthief_boss -3911 ent_huge -3912 ent_huge -3913 ent_huge -5001 japanese_pirate -5002 haitai -5003 monkey -5004 japanese_pirate -5101 monkey -5102 monkey_range -5103 monkey -5104 monkey -5111 monkey -5112 monkey_range -5113 monkey -5114 monkey -5115 stone_monkey -5116 stone_monkey -5121 monkey -5122 monkey_range -5123 monkey -5124 monkey -5125 stone_monkey -5126 gold_monkey -5127 gold_monkey -5131 monkey -5132 monkey_range -5133 monkey -5134 monkey -5141 monkey -5142 monkey_range -5143 monkey -5144 monkey -5145 stone_monkey -5146 stone_monkey -5151 monkey -5152 monkey_range -5153 monkey -5154 monkey -5155 stone_monkey -5156 gold_monkey -5157 gold_monkey -5161 stone_monkey -5162 gold_monkey -5163 god_monkey -7001 monkey -7002 monkey_range -7003 monkey -7004 monkey -7005 stone_monkey -7006 gold_monkey -7007 gold_monkey -7008 nersluck_1 -7009 nersluck_2 -7010 nersluck_3 -7012 evil_eye -7013 giant_scorpion -7014 scorpionman_sword -7015 scorpionman_bow -7016 snakeman_sword -7017 snakeman_bow -7018 outlaw -7019 fire_tiger -7020 fire_ghost -7021 fire_tiger_boss -7022 fire_man -7023 fire_knight -7024 ent_trent -7025 ent_guru -7026 ent_hu -7027 ent_red -7028 ent_black -7029 ice_snow_monster -7030 ice_snow_whale -7031 ice_snow_insect -7032 ice_snow_dog -7033 ice_snow_man -7034 ice_snow_giant_man -7035 ice_snow_golem -7036 ice_snow_monster -7037 ice_snow_whale -7038 ice_snow_insect -7039 ice_snow_dog -7040 ice_snow_man -7041 ice_snow_giant_man -7042 ice_snow_golem -7043 ice_snow_monster -7044 ice_snow_whale -7045 ice_snow_insect -7046 ice_snow_dog -7047 ice_snow_man -7048 ice_snow_giant_man -7049 ice_snow_golem -7050 evil_eye -7051 giant_scorpion -7052 scorpionman_sword -7053 scorpionman_bow -7054 snakeman_sword -7055 snakeman_bow -7056 outlaw -7057 evil_eye -7058 giant_scorpion -7059 scorpionman_sword -7060 scorpionman_bow -7061 snakeman_sword -7062 snakeman_bow -7063 outlaw -7064 evil_eye -7065 giant_scorpion -7066 scorpionman_sword -7067 scorpionman_bow -7068 snakeman_sword -7069 snakeman_bow -7070 outlaw -7071 fire_tiger -7072 fire_ghost -7073 fire_tiger_boss -7074 fire_man -7075 fire_knight -7076 fire_tiger -7077 fire_ghost -7078 fire_tiger_boss -7079 fire_man -7080 fire_knight -7081 fire_tiger -7082 fire_ghost -7083 fire_tiger_boss -7084 fire_man -7085 fire_knight -7086 ent_guru -7087 ent_hu -7088 ent_red -7089 ent_black -7090 ent_guru -7091 ent_hu -7092 ent_red -7093 ent_black -7094 ent_guru -7095 ent_hu -7096 ent_red -7097 ent_black -8001 metinstone_01 -8002 metinstone_02 -8003 metinstone_03 -8004 metinstone_04 -8005 metinstone_05 -8006 metinstone_06 -8007 metinstone_07 -8008 metinstone_08 -8009 metinstone_09 -8010 metinstone_04 -8011 metinstone_05 -8012 metinstone_06 -8013 metinstone_07 -8014 metinstone_08 -8015 metinstone_04 -8016 metinstone_05 -8017 metinstone_06 -8018 metinstone_07 -8019 metinstone_08 -8020 metinstone_06 -8021 metinstone_07 -8022 metinstone_08 -8023 metinstone_09 -8024 metinstone_03 -8025 metinstone_04 -8026 metinstone_05 -8027 metinstone_06 -8028 metinstone_06 -8029 metinstone_06 -8030 metinstone_06 -8031 metinstone_09 -8032 metinstone_01 -8033 metinstone_06 -8034 metinstone_02 -8035 metinstone_10 -8036 metinstone_11 -8037 metinstone_12 -8038 metinstone_13 -8039 metinstone_14 -8040 metinstone_15 -8041 metinstone_egg01 -8042 metinstone_egg01 -8043 metinstone_egg01 -8044 metinstone_egg01 -8045 metinstone_egg01 -8046 metinstone_egg01 -8047 metinstone_egg01 -8048 metinstone_egg01 -8049 metinstone_egg01 -8050 metinstone_egg01 -8051 metinstone_10 -8052 metinstone_11 -8053 metinstone_12 -8054 metinstone_13 -8055 metinstone_14 -8056 metinstone_15 -8101 metinstone_01 -8102 metinstone_02 -8103 metinstone_03 -8104 metinstone_04 -8105 metinstone_05 -8106 metinstone_06 -8107 metinstone_07 -8108 metinstone_08 -8109 metinstone_09 -8110 metinstone_09 -8111 metinstone_09 -8112 metinstone_09 -8501 stray_dog -8502 wild_boar -8503 bear -8504 tiger_big -8505 orc_bigblack -8506 greenfrog_general -8507 outlaw -8508 milgyo_monster1 -8509 milgyo_monster2 -8510 fire_knight -8511 ice_snow_golem -8600 #season1/monster/orc_lord_e/ -8601 #season1/monster/orc_lord_e/ -8602 #season1/monster/milgyo_founder_e/ -8603 #season1/monster/milgyo_founder_e/ -8604 #season1/monster/skeleton_king_e/ -8605 #season1/monster/skeleton_king_e/ -8606 #season1/monster/skeleton_god_e/ -8607 #season1/monster/skeleton_god_e/ -8608 #season1/monster/fox_ninetail_e/ -8609 #season1/monster/fox_ninetail_e/ -8610 #season1/monster/yellow_tigerman_e/ -8611 #season1/monster/yellow_tigerman_e/ -8612 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -8613 #season1/monster/spider_queen_e/ -8614 #season1/monster/giant_desert_turtle_e/ -8615 #season1/monster/giant_desert_turtle_e/ -8616 #season2/npc/ent_elder/ -9001 arms -9002 defence -9003 goods -9004 bank -9005 hotel_grandfa -9006 hotel_grandma -9007 arms -9008 defence -9009 sailor -9010 goods_02 -9011 bank_02 -9012 oldster -10001 warp -10002 warp -10003 warp -10004 warp -10005 warp -10006 warp -10007 warp -10008 warp -10009 warp -10010 warp -10011 warp -10012 warp -10013 warp -10014 warp -10015 warp -10016 warp -10017 warp -10018 warp -10019 warp -10020 warp -10021 warp -10022 warp -10023 warp -10024 warp -10025 warp -10026 warp -10027 warp -10028 warp -10029 warp -10030 warp -10031 warp -10032 warp -10033 warp -10034 warp -10035 warp -10036 warp -10037 warp -10038 warp -10039 warp -10040 warp -10041 warp -10042 warp -10043 warp -10044 warp -10045 warp -10046 warp -10047 warp -10048 warp -10049 warp -10050 warp -10051 warp -10052 warp -10053 warp -10054 warp -10055 warp -10056 warp -10057 warp -10058 warp -10059 warp -10060 warp -10061 warp -10062 warp -10063 warp -10064 warp -10065 warp -10066 warp -10067 warp -10068 warp -10069 warp -10070 warp -10071 warp -10072 warp -10073 warp -10074 warp -10075 warp -10076 warp -10077 warp -10078 warp -10079 warp -10080 warp -10081 warp -10082 warp -10083 warp -10084 warp -10085 warp -10086 warp -10087 warp -10088 warp -10089 warp -10090 warp -10091 warp -10092 warp -10093 warp -10094 warp -10095 warp -10096 warp -10097 warp -10098 warp -10099 warp -10100 warp -10101 warp -10102 warp -10103 warp -10104 warp -10105 warp -10501 warp -10502 warp -10503 warp -10504 warp -10505 warp -10506 warp -10507 warp -10508 warp -10509 warp -10510 warp -10511 warp -10512 warp -10513 warp -10514 warp -10515 warp -10516 warp -10517 warp -10518 warp -10519 warp -10520 warp -10521 warp -10522 warp -10523 warp -10524 warp -10601 warp -10602 warp -10603 warp -10604 warp -10605 warp -10606 warp -10607 warp -10608 warp -10609 warp -10610 warp -10611 warp -10612 warp -10613 warp -10614 warp -10615 warp -10616 warp -10617 warp -10618 warp -10619 warp -10620 warp -10621 warp -10622 warp -10623 warp -10624 warp -10625 warp -10626 warp -10701 warp -10702 warp -10703 warp -10704 warp -10705 warp -10706 warp -10707 warp -10708 warp -10709 warp -10710 warp -10711 warp -10712 warp -10713 warp -10714 warp -10715 warp -10716 warp -10717 warp -10718 warp -10719 warp -10720 warp -10721 warp -10722 warp -10723 warp -10724 warp -10725 warp -10726 warp -11000 gangyo_patrol_spear -11001 gangyo_patrol_bow -11002 jinno_patrol_spear -11003 jinno_patrol_bow -11004 sinsu_patrol_spear -11005 sinsu_patrol_bow -11100 gangyo_patrol_spear -11100 #season1/npc/sinsu_guard_spear/ -11101 gangyo_patrol_bow -11101 #season1/npc/sinsu_guard_bow/ -11102 jinno_patrol_spear -11102 #season1/npc/chenjo_guard_spear/ -11103 jinno_patrol_bow -11103 #season1/npc/chenjo_guard_bow/ -11104 sinsu_patrol_spear -11104 #season1/npc/jinno_guard_spear/ -11105 sinsu_patrol_bow -11105 #season1/npc/jinno_guard_bow/ -11106 gangyo_patrol_spear -11107 gangyo_patrol_bow -11108 jinno_patrol_spear -11109 jinno_patrol_bow -11110 sinsu_patrol_spear -11111 sinsu_patrol_bow -11112 gangyo_patrol_spear -11113 gangyo_patrol_bow -11114 jinno_patrol_spear -11115 jinno_patrol_bow -11116 sinsu_patrol_spear -11117 sinsu_patrol_bow -11505 #season1/npc/goldenfrog/ -11506 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11507 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11508 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11509 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -11510 #season2/npc/signal_fire/ -12000 campfire -13000 wooden_door -13001 stone_door -20001 alchemist -20002 auntie -20003 baby_and_mom -20004 beggar -20005 ceramist -20006 girl_lost_elder_brother -20007 hotel_grandfa -20008 mr_restaurant -20009 oldster -20010 peddler -20011 plant_researcher -20012 rice_cake_seller -20013 sailor -20014 timid_boy -20015 woodcutter -20016 blacksmith -20017 musician -20018 doctor -20019 hunter -20020 old_pirate -20021 widow -20022 young_merchant -20023 bookworm -20024 yu_hwa_rang -20029 pony_normal -20030 pony_normal -20031 santa -20032 christmas_tree_01 -20033 christmas_tree_02 -20034 christmas_tree_03 -20035 flag_red -20036 flag_blue -20037 flag_yellow -20040 jinno_patrol_spear -20041 beggar -20042 peddler -20044 blacksmith -20045 blacksmith -20046 blacksmith -20047 diamond -20048 amber -20049 fossil_tree -20050 copper -20051 silver -20052 gold -20053 jade -20054 ebony -20055 pearl -20056 white_gold -20057 quartz -20058 amethyst -20059 chunru -20060 alchemist -20061 alchemist -20062 alchemist -20063 alchemist -20064 alchemist -20065 alchemist -20066 alchemist -20067 alchemist -20068 alchemist -20069 alchemist -20070 alchemist -20071 alchemist -20072 alchemist -20073 seal_stone -20073 seal_stone -20074 blacksmith -20075 blacksmith -20076 blacksmith -20077 jinno_patrol_spear -20078 jinno_patrol_spear -20079 jinno_patrol_spear -20080 plant_researcher -20081 seal_stone -20082 GM -20083 oldster -20084 #season1/npc/chagirap/ -20086 #season1/npc/wondaim/ -20087 #season1/npc/handaup/ -20088 #season1/npc/visamun/ -20089 #season1/npc/jinmoo/ -20090 #season1/npc/samahi/ -20091 #season1/npc/backchon/ -20092 #season1/npc/ayuka/ -20093 #season1/npc/visal/ -20094 #season1/npc/yejin/ -20095 #season1/npc/sinseon/ -20096 seal_stone -20097 #season2/npc/sinsu_warpgate/ -20098 #season2/npc/chenjo_warpgate/ -20099 #season2/npc/jinno_warpgate/ -20101 pony_normal -20102 pony_member -20103 pony_master -20104 horse_normal -20105 horse_member -20106 horse_master -20107 horse2_normal -20108 horse2_member -20109 horse2_master -20110 boar -20111 dog_god -20112 fire_tiger -20113 lion -20114 lion_white -20115 boar_2 -20116 dog_god_2 -20117 fire_tiger_2 -20118 lion_2 -20119 horse_event1 -20120 fire_tiger_blue -20121 fire_tiger_darkred -20122 fire_tiger_gold -20123 fire_tiger_green -20124 fire_tiger_pied -20125 fire_tiger_white -20126 santa -20201 boar_0 -20202 dog_god_0 -20203 fire_tiger_0 -20204 lion_0 -20205 boar_2 -20206 dog_god_2 -20207 fire_tiger_2 -20208 lion_2 -20209 boar_3 -20210 dog_god_3 -20211 fire_tiger_3 -20212 lion_3 -20213 reindeer_male1 -20214 reindeer_male2 -20215 reindeer_male3 -20216 reindeer_female1 -20217 reindeer_female2 -20218 reindeer_female3 -20219 horse_halloween1 -20220 reindeer_male1_christmas1 -20221 bear -20222 panda -20300 sinsu_patrol_spear -20301 sinsu_patrol_spear -20302 sinsu_patrol_spear -20303 sinsu_patrol_spear -20304 sinsu_patrol_spear -20305 sinsu_patrol_spear -20306 sinsu_patrol_spear -20307 sinsu_patrol_spear -20320 gangyo_patrol_spear -20321 gangyo_patrol_spear -20322 gangyo_patrol_spear -20323 gangyo_patrol_spear -20324 gangyo_patrol_spear -20325 gangyo_patrol_spear -20326 gangyo_patrol_spear -20327 gangyo_patrol_spear -20340 jinno_patrol_spear -20341 jinno_patrol_spear -20342 jinno_patrol_spear -20343 jinno_patrol_spear -20344 jinno_patrol_spear -20345 jinno_patrol_spear -20346 jinno_patrol_spear -20347 jinno_patrol_spear -20348 jinno_patrol_spear -20349 jinno_patrol_spear -20350 jinno_patrol_spear -20351 jinno_patrol_spear -20352 tombstone -20353 tombstone1 -20354 guard_leader -20355 guard_leader -20356 #season1/npc/mirinae_brother/ -20357 #season1/npc/moonstone/ -20358 #season1/npc/nnflower/ -20359 #season1/npc/mailbox/ -20360 #season1/npc/firestone/ -20361 #season1/npc/waterstone/ -20362 #season1/npc/treestone/ -20363 #season1/npc/steelstone/ -20364 #season1/npc/naoki/ -20365 #season1/npc/steelstone/ -20366 #season1/npc/keyholestone/ -20367 jinno_patrol_spear -20368 peddler -20369 leechung -20370 spy1 -20371 #season1/npc/waterstone/ -20372 tombstone -20373 jinno_patrol_spear -20374 jinno_patrol_spear -20375 npc_fence -20376 chagirap -20377 jinno_patrol_spear_01 -20378 gangyo_patrol_spear_01 -20379 spy1_01 -20380 eojiryu -20381 gilaso -20382 #season1/npc/nnflower/ -20383 blacksmith -20384 christmas_tree -20385 flame_npc -20386 seal_stone -20387 bridge_block_chain -20388 flame_door_npc -20389 #season1/npc/keyholestone/ -20390 #season1/npc/keyholestone/ -20391 #season1/npc/nnflower/ -20392 spy1_01 -20393 spy1 -20394 jinno_patrol_spear -20395 jinno_patrol_spear -20396 redguild_soldier -30000 privateshop -30001 privateshop2 -30101 zombie_key_stone -30102 zombie_god_stone -30103 zombie_security_stone -30104 zombie_warp_stone -30111 zombie_ghost_door -30112 zombie_ghost_door -30113 zombie_ghost_door -30114 zombie_ghost_door -30115 zombie_ghost_door -30116 zombie_ghost_door -30117 zombie_ghost_door -30118 zombie_ghost_door -30119 zombie_ghost_door -30120 obj_bag003 -30121 suraghost -30122 warriorghost -30123 worship_dragon -30124 sura_skeleton1 -30125 sura_skeleton2 -30126 sura_skeleton3 -30127 sura_skeleton4 -30128 sura_skeleton5 -30129 rabbit -30130 #season1/npc/waterstone/ -30301 mineral2 -30302 mineral2_ruby -30303 mineral2_garnet -30304 mineral2_bery -30305 mineral2_sapphire -33001 sura_skeleton3 -33002 historian -33003 starveling -33004 starveling2 -33005 starveling3 -33006 starveling4 -33007 starveling5 -33008 halloween1 -34001 phoenix1 -34002 reindeer_young1 -34003 phoenix2 -34004 pwahuang1 -34005 pig_young1 -34006 dog_young1 -34007 tiger_young1 -34008 lion_young1 -34009 pwahuang1_2 -34010 reindeer_young1_christmas1 -34011 bear_young1 -34012 panda_young1 -50000 goods -50001 goods -50002 goods -6001 fire_ghost1 -6002 fire_tiger_boss1 -6003 fire_man1 -6004 fire_knight1 -6005 fire_king1 -6006 firegolem_soldier -6007 firegolem_magician -6008 firegolem_general -6009 firegolem_boss -6051 firegolem_boss -6091 yamachun_boss -6101 ice_snow_monster1 -6102 ice_snow_insect1 -6103 ice_snow_man1 -6104 ice_snow_giant_man1 -6105 ice_snow_golem1 -6106 icegolem_soldier -6107 icegolem_magician -6108 icegolem_general -6109 icegolem_boss -6151 icegolem_boss -6191 hanma_boss -8057 metinstone_12 -8058 metinstone_13 -20397 ICE_lionstone -20398 ice_keybox -20399 ice_stonepillar -0 dinosaur_1 dinosaur -0 dinosaur_2 dinosaur -0 dinosaur_3 dinosaur -20223 dinosaur_1 -20224 dinosaur_2 -20225 dinosaur_3 -20226 unicorn -20227 unicorn1 -34015 halloween_bonedog1 -34016 phoenix3 diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/playersettingmodule.py b/bin_original/pack/root/playersettingmodule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6899a127..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/playersettingmodule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1558 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: cp949 -*- -import chr -import chrmgr -import skill -import net -import item -import player -import effect -import constInfo -import locale -import emotion - -import app - -JOB_WARRIOR = 0 -JOB_ASSASSIN = 1 -JOB_SURA = 2 -JOB_SHAMAN = 3 - -RACE_WARRIOR_M = 0 -RACE_ASSASSIN_W = 1 -RACE_SURA_M = 2 -RACE_SHAMAN_W = 3 -RACE_WARRIOR_W = 4 -RACE_ASSASSIN_M = 5 -RACE_SURA_W = 6 -RACE_SHAMAN_M = 7 - -COMBO_TYPE_1 = 0 -COMBO_TYPE_2 = 1 -COMBO_TYPE_3 = 2 - -COMBO_INDEX_1 = 0 -COMBO_INDEX_2 = 1 -COMBO_INDEX_3 = 2 -COMBO_INDEX_4 = 3 -COMBO_INDEX_5 = 4 -COMBO_INDEX_6 = 5 - -HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK = chr.MOTION_SKILL+121 -HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE = chr.MOTION_SKILL+122 -HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH = chr.MOTION_SKILL+123 - -GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD = chr.MOTION_SKILL+101 -GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS = chr.MOTION_SKILL+102 -GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR = chr.MOTION_SKILL+103 -GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP = chr.MOTION_SKILL+104 -GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH = chr.MOTION_SKILL+105 -GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP = chr.MOTION_SKILL+106 - -PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST = ( 151, ) -ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST = ( 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, ) - -NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE = 0 -SKILL_INDEX_DICT = [] - -def DefineSkillIndexDict(): - global NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE - global SKILL_INDEX_DICT - - NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE = locale.IsYMIR() - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - SKILL_INDEX_DICT = { - JOB_WARRIOR : { - 1 : (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - JOB_ASSASSIN : { - 1 : (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - 2 : (46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - JOB_SURA : { - 1 : (61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - JOB_SHAMAN : { - 1 : (91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - } - else: - SKILL_INDEX_DICT = { - JOB_WARRIOR : { - 1 : (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - JOB_ASSASSIN : { - 1 : (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - 2 : (46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - JOB_SURA : { - 1 : (61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - JOB_SHAMAN : { - 1 : (91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - } - -def RegisterSkill(race, group, empire=0): - - DefineSkillIndexDict() - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - - ## Character Skill - if SKILL_INDEX_DICT.has_key(job): - - if SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job].has_key(group): - - activeSkillList = SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job][group] - - for i in xrange(len(activeSkillList)): - skillIndex = activeSkillList[i] - - ## 7锅 8锅 胶懦篮 咯扁辑 汲沥窍搁 救凳 - if i != 6 and i != 7: - player.SetSkill(i+1, skillIndex) - - supportSkillList = SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job]["SUPPORT"] - - for i in xrange(len(supportSkillList)): - player.SetSkill(i+100+1, supportSkillList[i]) - - ## Language Skill - if 0 != empire: - languageSkillList = [] - for i in xrange(3): - if (i+1) != empire: - languageSkillList.append(player.SKILL_INDEX_LANGUAGE1+i) - for i in xrange(len(languageSkillList)): - player.SetSkill(107+i, languageSkillList[i]) - - ## Guild Skill - for i in xrange(len(PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - player.SetSkill(200+i, PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i]) - - for i in xrange(len(ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - player.SetSkill(210+i, ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i]) - -def RegisterSkillAt(race, group, pos, num): - - DefineSkillIndexDict() - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - tmp = list(SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job][group]) - tmp[pos] = num - SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job][group] = tuple(tmp) - player.SetSkill(pos+1, num) - -FACE_IMAGE_DICT = { - RACE_WARRIOR_M : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_warrior.sub", - RACE_ASSASSIN_W : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_assassin.sub", - RACE_SURA_M : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_sura.sub", - RACE_SHAMAN_W : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_shaman.sub", -} - -isInitData=0 - -def SetGeneralMotions(mode, folder): - chrmgr.SetPathName(folder) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(mode) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING, "damage_flying.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP, "falling_stand.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING_BACK, "back_damage_flying.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP_BACK, "back_falling_stand.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DIG, "dig.msa") - -def SetIntroMotions(mode, folder): - chrmgr.SetPathName(folder) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(mode) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED, "selected.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_INTRO_NOT_SELECTED, "not_selected.msa") - - - -def __InitData(): - global isInitData - - if isInitData: - return - - isInitData = 1 - - chrmgr.SetDustGap(250) - chrmgr.SetHorseDustGap(500) - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DUST, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/dust/dust.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HORSE_DUST, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/dust/running_dust.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HIT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_1/blow_1_low.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HPUP_RED, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_red.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPUP_BLUE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_blue.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPEEDUP_GREEN, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_green.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DXUP_PURPLE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_purple.mse") - - #磊悼拱距 HP, SP - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AUTO_HPUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AUTO_SPUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse") - - #扼付窜 檬铰崔狼 馆瘤(71135) 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_RAMADAN_RING_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse") - - #且肺扩 荤帕 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HALLOWEEN_CANDY_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse") - - #青汗狼 馆瘤 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HAPPINESS_RING_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item3.mse") - - #荤尔狼 埔带飘 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LOVE_PENDANT_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PENETRATE, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/gwantong.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_BLOCK, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DODGE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FIRECRACKER, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/newyear_firecracker.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPIN_TOP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/paing_i.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SELECT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/click/click_select.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_TARGET, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/click/click_glow_select.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_STUN, "Bip01 Head", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/stun/stun.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_CRITICAL, "Bip01 R Hand", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/critical.mse") - player.RegisterCacheEffect(player.EFFECT_PICK, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/click/click.mse") - - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_TARGET, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/target.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_NOT_TARGET, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/nontarget.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_SELFDAMAGE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/damage.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_SELFDAMAGE2, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/damage_1.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_POISON, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_MISS, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/miss.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_TARGETMISS, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/target_miss.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_CRITICAL, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/critical.mse") - - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SUCCESS, "", "season1/effect/success.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FAIL, "", "season1/effect/fail.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LEVELUP_ON_14_FOR_GERMANY, "","season1/effect/paymessage_warning.mse") #饭骇诀 14老锭 ( 刀老傈侩 ) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LEVELUP_UNDER_15_FOR_GERMANY, "", "season1/effect/paymessage_decide.mse" )#饭骇诀 15老锭 ( 刀老傈侩 ) - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PERCENT_DAMAGE1, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PERCENT_DAMAGE2, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PERCENT_DAMAGE3, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse") - - - - ############## - # WARRIOR - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_WARRIOR_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_WARRIOR_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("warrior_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_WARRIOR_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_WARRIOR_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("warrior_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/intro/") - - - ############## - # ASSASSIN - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("assassin_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("assassin_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/intro/") - - - ############## - # SURA - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SURA_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SURA_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("sura_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SURA_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SURA_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("sura_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/intro/") - - - ############## - # SHAMAN - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SHAMAN_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SHAMAN_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("shaman_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SHAMAN_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SHAMAN_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("shaman_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/intro/") - - - -def __LoadGameSound(): - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_DEFAULT, "sound/ui/drop.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_ACCESSORY, "sound/ui/equip_ring_amulet.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_ARMOR, "sound/ui/equip_metal_armor.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_BOW, "sound/ui/equip_bow.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_WEAPON, "sound/ui/equip_metal_weapon.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_POTION, "sound/ui/eat_potion.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_PORTAL, "sound/ui/potal_scroll.wav") - - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_DEFAULT, "sound/ui/drop.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_ACCESSORY, "sound/ui/equip_ring_amulet.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_ARMOR, "sound/ui/equip_metal_armor.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_BOW, "sound/ui/equip_bow.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_WEAPON, "sound/ui/equip_metal_weapon.wav") - -def __LoadGameEffect(): - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPAWN_APPEAR, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/appear_die/monster_appear.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPAWN_DISAPPEAR, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/appear_die/monster_die.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FLAME_ATTACK, "equip_right_hand", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_3_weapon.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FLAME_HIT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_3_blow.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FLAME_ATTACH, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_3_body.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_ELECTRIC_ATTACK, "equip_right", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_electric/light_1_weapon.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_ELECTRIC_HIT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_electric/light_1_blow.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_ELECTRIC_ATTACH, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_electric/light_1_body.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LEVELUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/levelup_1/level_up.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SKILLUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/skillup/skillup_1.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMPIRE+1, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/empire/empire_A.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMPIRE+2, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/empire/empire_B.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMPIRE+3, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/empire/empire_C.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_WEAPON+1, "equip_right_hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/geom_sword_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_WEAPON+2, "equip_right_hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/geom_spear_loop.mse") - - # LOCALE - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+0, "Bip01", locale.FN_GM_MARK) - # END_OF_LOCALE - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+3, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_poison/poison_loop.mse") ## 吝刀 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+4, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/slow.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+5, "Bip01 Head", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/stun/stun_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+6, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/ready/ready.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+8, "", "d:/ymir work/guild/effect/10_construction.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+9, "", "d:/ymir work/guild/effect/20_construction.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+10, "", "d:/ymir work/guild/effect/20_upgrade.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+16, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/gyeokgongjang_loop.mse") ## 玫辟眠 (关俊档 乐蝶-_-) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+17, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/effect/gyeonggong_loop.mse") ## 磊按 - 版傍 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+19, "Bip01 R Finger2", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/gwigeom_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+20, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/fear_loop.mse") ## 荐扼 - 傍器 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+21, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/jumagap_loop.mse") ## 荐扼 - 林付癌 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+22, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/3hosin_loop.mse") ## 公寸 - 龋脚 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+23, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/boho_loop.mse") ## 公寸 - 焊龋 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+24, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/10kwaesok_loop.mse") ## 公寸 - 蔫加 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+25, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/heuksin_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+26, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/muyeong_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+28, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+29, "Bip01 R Hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/6gicheon_hand.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+30, "Bip01 L Hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/jeungryeok_hand.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+32, "Bip01 Head", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/pabeop_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+33, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/gyeokgongjang_loop.mse") ## 玫辟眠 (Fallen) - ## 34 Polymoph - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+35, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/guild_war_flag/flag_red.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+36, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/guild_war_flag/flag_blue.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+37, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/guild_war_flag/flag_yellow.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+1, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+2, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+3, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+4, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_b.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+5, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_b.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+6, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_b.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+7, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_f.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+8, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_f.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+9, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_f.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+10, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+11, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+12, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_s.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+13, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+14, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+15, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_s.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+16, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_7.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+17, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_8.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+18, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_9.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+19, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+20, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse") - - ## FlyData - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_EXP, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_yellow_small2.msf") ## 畴鄂祸 (EXP) - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_HP_MEDIUM, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_red_small.msf") ## 弧埃祸 (HP) 累篮芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_HP_BIG, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_red_big.msf") ## 弧埃祸 (HP) 奴芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SP_SMALL, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_blue_warrior_small.msf") ## 颇鄂祸 部府父 乐绰芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SP_MEDIUM, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_blue_small.msf") ## 颇鄂祸 累篮芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SP_BIG, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_blue_big.msf") ## 颇鄂祸 奴芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK1, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_1.msf") ## 气磷 1 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK2, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_2.msf") ## 气磷 2 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK3, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_3.msf") ## 气磷 3 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK4, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_4.msf") ## 气磷 4 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK5, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_5.msf") ## 气磷 5 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK6, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_6.msf") ## 气磷 6 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK_XMAS, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_xmas.msf") ## 气磷 X-Mas - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_CHAIN_LIGHTNING, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/pokroe.msf") ## 气汾拜 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_HP_SMALL, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_red_smallest.msf") ## 弧埃祸 概快 累篮芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SKILL_MUYEONG, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_AUTO_FIRE, "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/muyeong_fly.msf") ## 公康柳 - - ######################################################################################### - ## Emoticon - EmoticonStr = "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/emoticon/" - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+0, "", EmoticonStr+"sweat.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(炔寸)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+1, "", EmoticonStr+"money.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(捣)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+2, "", EmoticonStr+"happy.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(扁惠)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+3, "", EmoticonStr+"love_s.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(亮酒)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+4, "", EmoticonStr+"love_l.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(荤尔)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+5, "", EmoticonStr+"angry.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(盒畴)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+6, "", EmoticonStr+"aha.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(酒窍)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+7, "", EmoticonStr+"gloom.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(快匡)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+8, "", EmoticonStr+"sorry.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(了价)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+9, "", EmoticonStr+"!_mix_back.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(!)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+10, "", EmoticonStr+"question.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(?)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+11, "", EmoticonStr+"fish.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(fish)") - - - ## Emoticon - ######################################################################################### - - -def __LoadGameWarrior(): - __LoadGameWarriorEx(RACE_WARRIOR_M, "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/") - __LoadGameWarriorEx(RACE_WARRIOR_W, "d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/") - -def __LoadGameAssassin(): - __LoadGameAssassinEx(RACE_ASSASSIN_W, "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/") - __LoadGameAssassinEx(RACE_ASSASSIN_M, "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/") - -def __LoadGameSura(): - __LoadGameSuraEx(RACE_SURA_M, "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/") - __LoadGameSuraEx(RACE_SURA_W, "d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/") - -def __LoadGameShaman(): - __LoadGameShamanEx(RACE_SHAMAN_W, "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/") - __LoadGameShamanEx(RACE_SHAMAN_M, "d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/") - -def __LoadGameWarriorEx(race, path): - - ## Warrior - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.SetMotionRandomWeight(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, 0, 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - for i in xrange(skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "samyeon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "palbang" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "jeongwi" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "geomgyeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "tanhwan" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "gihyeol" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "gigongcham" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "gyeoksan" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "daejin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "cheongeun" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "geompung" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "noegeom" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## ONEHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## TWOHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "twohand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - - ## HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_twohand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## Bone - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right_hand") - -def __LoadGameAssassinEx(race, path): - ## Assassin - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MOTION MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.SetMotionRandomWeight(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, 0, 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - for i in xrange(skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "amseup" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "gungsin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "charyun" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "eunhyeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "sangong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "seomjeon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "yeonsa" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "gwangyeok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "hwajo" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "gyeonggong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "dokgigung" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "seomgwang" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## ONEHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## DUALHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "dualhand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_8, "combo_08.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_8) - - ## BOW BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "bow/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - - ## HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - - ## HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_dualhand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - - ## HORSE_BOW - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_bow/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right") - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON_LEFT, "equip_left") - -def __LoadGameSuraEx(race, path): - ## Sura - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MOTION MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - # chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+4, "geongon.msa") - - for i in xrange(skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "swaeryeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "yonggwon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "gwigeom" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "gongpo" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "jumagap" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "pabeop" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "maryeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "hwayeom" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "muyeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "heuksin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "tusok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "mahwan" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## ONEHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right") - -def __LoadGameShamanEx(race, path): - ## Shaman - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MOTION MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## Fan - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fan/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## Bell - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "Bell/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+1, "bipabu.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+2, "yongpa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+3, "paeryong.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+4, "hosin_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+5, "boho_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+6, "gicheon_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+16, "noejeon.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+17, "byeorak.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+18, "pokroe.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+19, "jeongeop_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+20, "kwaesok_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+21, "jeungryeok_target.msa") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+10, "budong.msa") - - START_INDEX = 0 - #skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT 鳖瘤// - for i in (1, 2, 3): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "bipabu" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "yongpa" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "paeryong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "hosin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "boho" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "gicheon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "noejeon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "byeorak" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "pokroe" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "jeongeop" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "kwaesok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "jeungryeok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+10, "budong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## HORSE_FAN - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_fan/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - - ## HORSE_BELL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_bell/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right") - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON_LEFT, "equip_left") - - -def __LoadGameSkill(): - - try: - skill.LoadSkillData() - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("__LoadGameSkill") - -def __LoadGameEnemy(): - pass - -def __LoadGameNPC(): - try: - lines = pack_open("npclist.txt", "r").readlines() - except IOError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadLocaleError(%(srcFileName)s)" % locals()) - app.Abort() - - for line in lines: - tokens = line[:-1].split("\t") - if len(tokens) == 0 or not tokens[0]: - continue - - try: - vnum = int(tokens[0]) - except ValueError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadGameNPC() - %s - line #%d: %s" % (tokens, lines.index(line), line)) - app.Abort() - - try: - if vnum: - chrmgr.RegisterRaceName(vnum, tokens[1].strip()) - else: - chrmgr.RegisterRaceSrcName(tokens[1].strip(), tokens[2].strip()) - except IndexError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadGameNPC() - %d, %s - line #%d: %s " % (vnum, tokens, lines.index(line), line)) - app.Abort() - - -# GUILD_BUILDING -def LoadGuildBuildingList(filename): - import uiGuild - uiGuild.BUILDING_DATA_LIST = [] - - handle = app.OpenTextFile(filename) - count = app.GetTextFileLineCount(handle) - for i in xrange(count): - line = app.GetTextFileLine(handle, i) - tokens = line.split("\t") - - TOKEN_VNUM = 0 - TOKEN_TYPE = 1 - TOKEN_NAME = 2 - TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME = 3 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_1 = 4 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_2 = 5 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_3 = 6 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_4 = 7 - TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT = 8 - TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT = 9 - TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT = 10 - TOKEN_PRICE = 11 - TOKEN_MATERIAL = 12 - TOKEN_NPC = 13 - TOKEN_GROUP = 14 - TOKEN_DEPEND_GROUP = 15 - TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG = 16 - LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT = 17 - - if not tokens[TOKEN_VNUM].isdigit(): - continue - - if len(tokens) < LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Strange token count [%d/%d] [%s]" % (len(tokens), TOKEN_COUNT, line)) - continue - - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE = FALSE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE = TRUE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE = 2 - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - continue - - vnum = int(tokens[TOKEN_VNUM]) - type = tokens[TOKEN_TYPE] - name = tokens[TOKEN_NAME] - localName = tokens[TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME] - xRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT]) - yRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT]) - zRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT]) - price = tokens[TOKEN_PRICE] - material = tokens[TOKEN_MATERIAL] - - folderName = "" - if "HEADQUARTER" == type: - folderName = "headquarter" - elif "FACILITY" == type: - folderName = "facility" - elif "OBJECT" == type: - folderName = "object" - elif "WALL" == type: - folderName = "fence" - - materialList = ["0", "0", "0"] - if material: - if material[0] == "\"": - material = material[1:] - if material[-1] == "\"": - material = material[:-1] - for one in material.split("/"): - data = one.split(",") - if 2 != len(data): - continue - itemID = int(data[0]) - count = data[1] - - if itemID == uiGuild.MATERIAL_STONE_ID: - materialList[uiGuild.MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == uiGuild.MATERIAL_LOG_ID: - materialList[uiGuild.MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == uiGuild.MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_ID: - materialList[uiGuild.MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX] = count - - ## GuildSymbol 篮 老馆 NPC 甸苞 窃膊 殿废茄促. - import chrmgr - chrmgr.RegisterRaceSrcName(name, folderName) - chrmgr.RegisterRaceName(vnum, name) - - appendingData = { "VNUM":vnum, - "TYPE":type, - "NAME":name, - "LOCAL_NAME":localName, - "X_ROT_LIMIT":xRotLimit, - "Y_ROT_LIMIT":yRotLimit, - "Z_ROT_LIMIT":zRotLimit, - "PRICE":price, - "MATERIAL":materialList, - "SHOW" : TRUE } - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - appendingData["SHOW"] = FALSE - - uiGuild.BUILDING_DATA_LIST.append(appendingData) - - app.CloseTextFile(handle) - -# END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - -loadGameDataDict={ - "INIT" : __InitData, - "SOUND" : __LoadGameSound, - "EFFECT" : __LoadGameEffect, - "WARRIOR" : __LoadGameWarrior, - "ASSASSIN" : __LoadGameAssassin, - "SURA" : __LoadGameSura, - "SHAMAN" : __LoadGameShaman, - "SKILL" : __LoadGameSkill, - "ENEMY" : __LoadGameEnemy, - "NPC" : __LoadGameNPC, -} - -def LoadGameData(name): - global loadGameDataDict - - load=loadGameDataDict.get(name, 0) - if load: - loadGameDataDict[name]=0 - try: - load() - except: - print name - import exception - exception.Abort("LoadGameData") - raise - - -## NPC - -def SetMovingNPC(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## RESERVED - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/" + name + "/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "die.msa") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - -def SetOneNPC(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## RESERVED - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/" + name + "/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - -def SetGuard(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## Script Data - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/" + name + "/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - - ## GENERAL - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SPAWN, "00.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "00.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "03.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "30.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "30_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "34.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "34_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING,"32.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP, "33.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING_BACK, "35.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP_BACK, "36.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "31.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD_BACK, "37.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_NORMAL_ATTACK, "20.msa") - - ## Attacking Data - chrmgr.RegisterNormalAttack(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_NORMAL_ATTACK) - -def SetWarp(race): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/warp/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("warp.msm") - - ## GENERAL - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - -def SetDoor(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/"+name+"/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "close_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "open.msa") - -def SetGuildBuilding(race, name, grade): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/guild/building/%s/" % name) - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("%s%02d.msm" % (name, grade)) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - #chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, name + "_destruction.msa") - -def OLD_SetNPC(): - SetOneNPC(9001, "arms") - SetOneNPC(9002, "defence") - SetOneNPC(9003, "goods") - SetOneNPC(9004, "bank") - SetOneNPC(9005, "hotel_grandfa") - SetOneNPC(9006, "hotel_grandma") - SetOneNPC(9007, "arms") - SetOneNPC(9008, "defence") - SetOneNPC(9009, "sailor") - - SetMovingNPC(20001, "alchemist") - SetMovingNPC(20002, "auntie") - SetMovingNPC(20003, "baby_and_mom") - SetMovingNPC(20004, "beggar") - SetMovingNPC(20005, "ceramist") - SetMovingNPC(20006, "girl_lost_elder_brother") - SetMovingNPC(20007, "hotel_grandfa") - SetMovingNPC(20008, "mr_restaurant") - SetMovingNPC(20009, "oldster") - SetMovingNPC(20010, "peddler") - SetMovingNPC(20011, "plant_researcher") - SetMovingNPC(20012, "rice_cake_seller") - SetMovingNPC(20013, "sailor") - SetMovingNPC(20014, "timid_boy") - SetMovingNPC(20015, "woodcutter") - SetMovingNPC(20016, "blacksmith") - SetMovingNPC(20017, "musician") - SetMovingNPC(20018, "doctor") - SetMovingNPC(20019, "hunter") - SetMovingNPC(20020, "old_pirate") - SetMovingNPC(20021, "widow") - SetMovingNPC(20022, "young_merchant") - SetMovingNPC(20023, "bookworm") - SetMovingNPC(20024, "yu_hwa_rang") - SetMovingNPC(20041, "beggar") - SetMovingNPC(20042, "peddler") - - SetGuard(20300, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20301, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20302, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20303, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20304, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20305, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20306, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20307, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - - SetGuard(20320, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20321, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20322, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20323, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20324, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20325, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20326, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20327, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - - SetGuard(20340, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20341, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20342, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20343, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20344, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20345, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20346, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20347, "jinno_patrol_spear") - - ## Warp - for i in xrange(18): - SetWarp(10001 + i) - - SetGuard(11000, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(11001, "gangyo_patrol_bow") - SetGuard(11002, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(11003, "jinno_patrol_bow") - SetGuard(11004, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(11005, "sinsu_patrol_bow") - - ## Campfire (Bonfire) - chrmgr.CreateRace(12000) - chrmgr.SelectRace(12000) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir Work/npc/campfire/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("campfire.msm") - - ## Door - SetDoor(13000, "wooden_door") - SetDoor(13001, "stone_door") diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/prototype.py b/bin_original/pack/root/prototype.py deleted file mode 100644 index d25461fe..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/prototype.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import app -import locale -import wndMgr -import systemSetting -import mouseModule -import networkModule -import uiCandidate -import constInfo -import musicInfo -import stringCommander - - - -#bind_me(locals().values()) - -def RunApp(): - musicInfo.LoadLastPlayFieldMusic() - - app.SetHairColorEnable(constInfo.HAIR_COLOR_ENABLE) - app.SetArmorSpecularEnable(constInfo.ARMOR_SPECULAR_ENABLE) - app.SetWeaponSpecularEnable(constInfo.WEAPON_SPECULAR_ENABLE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - - try: - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - except RuntimeError, msg: - msg = str(msg) - if "CREATE_DEVICE" == msg: - dbg.LogBox("Sorry, Your system does not support 3D graphics,\r\nplease check your hardware and system configeration\r\nthen try again.") - else: - dbg.LogBox("Metin2.%s" % msg) - return - - app.SetCamera(1500.0, 30.0, 0.0, 180.0) - - #Gets and sets the floating-point control word - #app.SetControlFP() - - if not mouseModule.mouseController.Create(): - return - - mainStream = networkModule.MainStream() - mainStream.Create() - - #mainStream.SetLoadingPhase() - mainStream.SetLogoPhase() - - #mainStream.SetLoginPhase() - #mainStream.SetSelectCharacterPhase() - #mainStream.SetCreateCharacterPhase() - #mainStream.SetSelectEmpirePhase() - #mainStream.SetGamePhase() - app.Loop() - - mainStream.Destroy() - -RunApp() - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/servercommandparser.py b/bin_original/pack/root/servercommandparser.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5f660458..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/servercommandparser.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -import net -import background -import stringCommander -import constInfo - -class ServerCommandParser(object): - - def __init__(self): - net.SetServerCommandParserWindow(self) - self.__ServerCommand_Build() - - def __ServerCommand_Build(self): - serverCommandList={ - "DayMode" : self.__DayMode_Update, - "xmas_snow" : self.__XMasSnow_Enable, - "xmas_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "xmas_tree" : self.__XMasTree_Enable, - "newyear_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "item_mall" : self.__ItemMall_Open, - - } - - self.serverCommander=stringCommander.Analyzer() - for serverCommandItem in serverCommandList.items(): - self.serverCommander.SAFE_RegisterCallBack( - serverCommandItem[0], serverCommandItem[1] - ) - - def BINARY_ServerCommand_Run(self, line): - try: - print " BINARY_ServerCommand_Reserve", line - return self.serverCommander.Run(line) - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - def __PreserveCommand(self, line): - net.PreserveServerCommand(line) - - def __DayMode_Update(self, mode): - self.__PreserveCommand("PRESERVE_DayMode " + mode) - - def __ItemMall_Open(self): - self.__PreserveCommand("item_mall") - - ## 烙矫 - def __XMasBoom_Enable(self, mode): - if "1"==mode: - self.__PreserveCommand("PRESERVE_DayMode dark") - else: - self.__PreserveCommand("PRESERVE_DayMode light") - def __XMasSnow_Enable(self, mode): - self.__PreserveCommand("xmas_snow " + mode) - def __XMasTree_Enable(self, grade): - self.__PreserveCommand("xmas_tree " + grade) - -parserWnd = ServerCommandParser() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/serverinfo.py b/bin_original/pack/root/serverinfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index ee7f848b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/serverinfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,490 +0,0 @@ -import os -import app -import locale -import debugInfo - -CHINA_PORT = 50000 - -def BuildServerList(orderList): - retMarkAddrDict = {} - retAuthAddrDict = {} - retRegion0 = {} - - ridx = 1 - for region, auth, mark, channels in orderList: - cidx = 1 - channelDict = {} - for channel in channels: - key = ridx * 10 + cidx - channel["key"] = key - channelDict[cidx] = channel - cidx += 1 - - region["channel"] = channelDict - - retRegion0[ridx] = region - retAuthAddrDict[ridx] = auth - retMarkAddrDict[ridx*10] = mark - ridx += 1 - - return retRegion0, retAuthAddrDict, retMarkAddrDict - -app.ServerName = None - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/vn"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CH1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13002,"udp_port":13002,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "Vietnam", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":11002, }, - - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" :"Vietnam1", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13002, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/sg"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CH1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"CH2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 3:{"key":13,"name":"CH3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 4:{"key":14,"name":"CH4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "Singapore", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":11000, }, - - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" :"Singapore", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/ca"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL = [ - {"name":"CH11 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH12 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH13 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH14 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH15 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH16 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - SERVER02_CHANNEL =[ - {"name":"CH21 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH22 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH23 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH24 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH25 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH26 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - SERVER01_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10",} - SERVER02_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "20.tga", "symbol_path" : "20",} - - SERVER01_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11001, } #Freekingdom - SERVER02_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11002, } #new world - - SERVER01 = { "name" : "FREE KINGDOM" } - SERVER02 = { "name" : "NEW WORLD" } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - REGION0_ORDER_LIST = [ - (SERVER02, SERVER02_AUTH, SERVER02_MARK, SERVER02_CHANNEL), - (SERVER01, SERVER01_AUTH, SERVER01_MARK, SERVER01_CHANNEL), - ] - - # BUILD - NEW_REGION0, NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, NEW_MARKADDR_DICT = BuildServerList(REGION0_ORDER_LIST) - - # RESULT - NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "CANADA", - } - - NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, - } - - NEW_REGION_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = NEW_MARKADDR_DICT - REGION_DICT = NEW_REGION_DICT - REGION_NAME_DICT = NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/br"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SHUNZO_CHANNEL = [ - {"name":"SHUNZO-1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-5 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-6 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-7 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - HORAN_CHANNEL = [ - {"name":"HORAN-1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-5 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-6 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-7 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - RAIZAN_CHANNEL = [ - - {"name":"RAIZAN-1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13200,"udp_port":13200,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"RAIZAN-2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13200,"udp_port":13200,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"RAIZAN-3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13210,"udp_port":13210,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"RAIZAN-4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13210,"udp_port":13210,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - SHUNZO_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13100, "mark" : "20.tga", "symbol_path" : "20", } - HORAN_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", } - RAIZAN_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13210, "mark" : "30.tga", "symbol_path" : "30", } - - SHUNZO_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11101, } - HORAN_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11001, } - RAIZAN_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11201, } - - - RAIZAN = { "name" : "RAIZAN" } - SHUNZO = { "name" : "SHUNZO" } - HORAN= { "name" : "HORAN"} - - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - REGION0_ORDER_LIST = [ - (RAIZAN, RAIZAN_AUTH, RAIZAN_MARK, RAIZAN_CHANNEL), - (SHUNZO, SHUNZO_AUTH, SHUNZO_MARK, SHUNZO_CHANNEL), - (HORAN, HORAN_AUTH, HORAN_MARK, HORAN_CHANNEL), - ] - # BUILD - NEW_REGION0, NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, NEW_MARKADDR_DICT = BuildServerList(REGION0_ORDER_LIST) - - # RESULT - NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "BRAZIL", - } - - NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, - } - - NEW_REGION_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = NEW_MARKADDR_DICT - REGION_DICT = NEW_REGION_DICT - REGION_NAME_DICT = NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT - -if locale.IsNEWCIBN(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "维护中", - 1 : "正常", - 2 : "繁忙", - 3 : "爆满" - } - - - TE1_CHANNELS = [ - {"name":"一服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"二服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"三服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"四服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - TE1_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "50.tga", "symbol_path" : "50", } - - TE1_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11061, } - - TE1 = { "name" : "双线综合区"} - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - # ORDER - REGION0_ORDER_LIST = [ - (TE1, TE1_AUTH, TE1_MARK, TE1_CHANNELS), - ] - - # BUILD - NEW_REGION0, NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, NEW_MARKADDR_DICT = BuildServerList(REGION0_ORDER_LIST) - - # RESULT - NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "CHINA_NEWCIBN", - } - - NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, - } - - NEW_REGION_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = NEW_MARKADDR_DICT - REGION_DICT = NEW_REGION_DICT - REGION_NAME_DICT = NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT - -elif locale.IsJAPAN(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "...", - 1 : "惓忢", - 2 : "崿嶨", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CHANNEL1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":11000,"udp_port":11000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - #2:{"key":12,"name":"CHANNEL2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":12000,"udp_port":12000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 11000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "JAPAN", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":10001, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "墳棾", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - -elif locale.IsYMIR(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "痢八", - 1 : "焊烹", - 2 : "去棱", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"盲澄 1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50010,"udp_port":50010,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"盲澄 2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50020,"udp_port":50020,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 3:{"key":13,"name":"盲澄 3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50030,"udp_port":50030,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 4:{"key":14,"name":"盲澄 4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50040,"udp_port":50040,"state":STATE_NONE,}, -# 5:{"key":15,"name":"盲澄 5 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50051,"udp_port":50051,"state":STATE_NONE,}, -# 5:{"key":15,"name":"公茄措傈 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50100,"udp_port":50100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - #6:{"key":16,"name":"措访 捞亥飘","ip":"","tcp_port":50100,"udp_port":50100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "KOREA", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - 2 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "玫付 辑滚", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50040, "mark" : "01.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -elif locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "痢八", - 1 : "焊烹", - 2 : "去棱", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"盲澄 1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50010,"udp_port":50010,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"盲澄 2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50020,"udp_port":50020,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "KOREA", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "蔫档 辑滚", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50040, "mark" : "02.tga", "symbol_path" : "20", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -elif locale.IsTAIWAN(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CHANNEL1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50010,"udp_port":50010,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"CHANNEL2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50020,"udp_port":50020,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50010, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "TAIWAN", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "纒緎", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -if locale.IsEUROPE(): - name = app.GetLocalePath().replace("/", "_") + ".addr" - path = os.sep.join(("pack", name)) - if os.access(path, os.R_OK): - print "load_locale_addr:", path - - data = app.LoadLocaleAddr(path) - - import cPickle - import cStringIO - info = cPickle.load(cStringIO.StringIO(data)) - - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER_ID_DICT = info["SERVERID"] - REGION_NAME_DICT = info["NAME"] - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = info["AUTHADDR"] - REGION_DICT = info["GAMEADDR"] - MARKADDR_DICT = info["MARKADDR"] diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/shaman_m.msm b/bin_original/pack/root/shaman_m.msm deleted file mode 100644 index a1fc330b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/shaman_m.msm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1319 +0,0 @@ -ScriptType RaceDataScript - -BaseModelFileName "D:/YMIR WORK/pc2/shaman/shaman_novice.GR2" - -Group HairData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/shaman/" - - HairDataCount 56 - Group HairData00 - { - HairIndex 0 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01.dds" - } - Group HairData01 - { - HairIndex 1 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_white.dds" - } - Group HairData02 - { - HairIndex 2 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_gold.dds" - } - Group HairData03 - { - HairIndex 3 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_red.dds" - } - Group HairData04 - { - HairIndex 4 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_brown.dds" - } - Group HairData05 - { - HairIndex 5 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_black.dds" - } - Group HairData06 - { - HairIndex 4001 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - } - Group HairData07 - { - HairIndex 4002 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - } - Group HairData08 - { - HairIndex 4003 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - } - Group HairData09 - { - HairIndex 4004 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - } - Group HairData10 - { - HairIndex 4005 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - } - Group HairData11 - { - HairIndex 4006 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - } - Group HairData12 - { - HairIndex 4007 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - } - Group HairData13 - { - HairIndex 4008 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - } - Group HairData14 - { - HairIndex 4009 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - } - Group HairData15 - { - HairIndex 4010 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - } - Group HairData16 - { - HairIndex 4011 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_3.dds" - } - Group HairData17 - { - HairIndex 4012 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_4.dds" - } - Group HairData18 - { - HairIndex 4013 - Model "hair/hair_6_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - } - Group HairData19 - { - HairIndex 4014 - Model "hair/hair_5_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - } - Group HairData20 - { - HairIndex 4015 - Model "hair/hair_7_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - } - Group HairData21 - { - HairIndex 4016 - Model "hair/hair_8_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - } - Group HairData22 - { - - HairIndex 4017 - Model "hair/hair_9_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - } - Group HairData23 - { - - HairIndex 4018 - Model "hair/hair_10_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - } - Group HairData24 - { - - HairIndex 5001 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - } - Group HairData25 - { - - HairIndex 5002 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - } - - Group HairData26 - { - - HairIndex 5005 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - } - Group HairData27 - { - - HairIndex 5003 - Model "hair/hair_16_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - } - Group HairData28 - { - - HairIndex 5004 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - } - Group HairData29 - { - - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData30 - { - - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData31 - { - - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData32 - { - - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData33 - { - HairIndex 5028 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_3.dds" - } - Group HairData34 - { - HairIndex 5029 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_2.dds" - } - Group HairData35 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData36 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData37 - { - HairIndex 5033 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData38 - { - HairIndex 5035 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData39 - { - HairIndex 5037 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData40 - { - HairIndex 5039 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData41 - { - HairIndex 5041 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData42 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData43 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData44 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5055 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5057 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5059 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/shaman/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "shaman_novice.GR2" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - - Model "shaman_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_novice_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_nabong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - 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"hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5042 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData56 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData57 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData58 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData59 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData60 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData61 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin 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"shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_seocheon.dds" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_ilseon.dds" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_amyo.dds" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "shaman_bongsin.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_bongsin.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_bongsin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model 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ShapeIndex 40038 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData39 - { - ShapeIndex 40039 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData40 - { - ShapeIndex 40040 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData41 - { - ShapeIndex 40041 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData42 - { - ShapeIndex 40042 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData43 - { - ShapeIndex 40043 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData44 - { - ShapeIndex 40044 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData45 - { - ShapeIndex 40032 - Model "shaman_assasin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_assassin1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_assassin1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData46 - { - ShapeIndex 40045 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData47 - { - ShapeIndex 40046 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData48 - { - ShapeIndex 40047 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData49 - { - ShapeIndex 40048 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData50 - { - ShapeIndex 40049 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData51 - { - ShapeIndex 40050 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData52 - { - ShapeIndex 40051 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData53 - { - ShapeIndex 40052 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData54 - { - ShapeIndex 40053 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData55 - { - ShapeIndex 40054 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData56 - { - ShapeIndex 40055 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData57 - { - ShapeIndex 40056 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData58 - { - ShapeIndex 40057 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData59 - { - ShapeIndex 40058 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Romania.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData60 - { - ShapeIndex 40059 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Spain.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData61 - { - ShapeIndex 40065 - Model "shaman_halloween1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_halloween1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_halloween1.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData62 - { - ShapeIndex 13 - Model "shaman_5_1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_5_1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData63 - { - ShapeIndex 40062 - Model "shaman_salsa1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_salsa1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_salsa1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData64 - { - ShapeIndex 40063 - Model "shaman_Springwear1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_Springwear1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_Springwear1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData65 - { - ShapeIndex 40061 - Model "shaman_tailcoat1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_tailcoat1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_tailcoat1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData66 - { - ShapeIndex 40069 - Model "shaman_deer1.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_deer1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_deer1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData67 - { - ShapeIndex 40066 - Model "shaman_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_santa1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData68 - { - ShapeIndex 40067 - Model "shaman_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_santa1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData69 - { - ShapeIndex 40068 - Model "shaman_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData70 - { - ShapeIndex 40070 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData71 - { - ShapeIndex 40071 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData72 - { - ShapeIndex 40072 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA03.dds" - } - Group ShapeData73 - { - ShapeIndex 40073 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA04.dds" - } - Group ShapeData74 - { - ShapeIndex 40074 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA05.dds" - } - Group ShapeData75 - { - ShapeIndex 40075 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA06.dds" - } - Group ShapeData76 - { - ShapeIndex 40076 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA07.dds" - } - Group ShapeData77 - { - ShapeIndex 40077 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA08.dds" - } - Group ShapeData78 - { - ShapeIndex 40078 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA09.dds" - } - Group ShapeData79 - { - ShapeIndex 40079 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA10.dds" - } - Group ShapeData80 - { - ShapeIndex 40080 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA11.dds" - } - Group ShapeData81 - { - ShapeIndex 40081 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA12.dds" - } - Group ShapeData82 - { - ShapeIndex 40082 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA13.dds" - } - Group ShapeData83 - { - ShapeIndex 40083 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA14.dds" - } - Group ShapeData84 - { - ShapeIndex 40084 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA15.dds" - } - Group ShapeData85 - { - ShapeIndex 40085 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA16.dds" - } - Group ShapeData86 - { - ShapeIndex 40086 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA17.dds" - } - Group ShapeData87 - { - ShapeIndex 40087 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA18.dds" - } - Group ShapeData88 - { - ShapeIndex 40088 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA19.dds" - } - Group ShapeData89 - { - ShapeIndex 40089 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA20.dds" - } - Group ShapeData90 - { - ShapeIndex 40090 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA21.dds" - } - Group ShapeData91 - { - ShapeIndex 40091 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA22.dds" - } - Group ShapeData92 - { - ShapeIndex 40092 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA23.dds" - } - Group ShapeData93 - { - ShapeIndex 40093 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA24.dds" - } - Group ShapeData94 - { - ShapeIndex 40094 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA25.dds" - } - Group ShapeData95 - { - ShapeIndex 40095 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA26.dds" - } - Group ShapeData96 - { - ShapeIndex 40096 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA27.dds" - } - Group ShapeData97 - { - ShapeIndex 40097 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA28.dds" - } - Group ShapeData98 - { - ShapeIndex 40098 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA29.dds" - } - Group ShapeData99 - { - ShapeIndex 40099 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA30.dds" - } - Group ShapeData100 - { - ShapeIndex 40100 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA31.dds" - } - Group ShapeData101 - { - ShapeIndex 40101 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA32.dds" - } - Group ShapeData102 - { - ShapeIndex 40064 - Model "shaman_samurai1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_samurai1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_samurai1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData103 - { - ShapeIndex 40106 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData104 - { - ShapeIndex 40107 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData105 - { - ShapeIndex 40108 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData106 - { - ShapeIndex 40109 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_pink.dds" - } - Group ShapeData107 - { - ShapeIndex 40110 - Model "shaman_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData108 - { - ShapeIndex 40111 - Model "shaman_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData109 - { - ShapeIndex 40113 - Model "shaman_assasin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_assassin1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_assassin2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData110 - { - ShapeIndex 40115 - Model "shaman_pwahuang1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_pwahuang1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_pwahuang1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData111 - { - ShapeIndex 40117 - Model "shaman_halloween2.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_halloween2.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_halloween2.dds" - } -} -Group AttachingData -{ - AttachingDataCount 2 - - Group AttachingData00 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 1 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 40.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } - - Group AttachingData01 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 3 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 70.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/stringcommander.py b/bin_original/pack/root/stringcommander.py deleted file mode 100644 index ba493028..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/stringcommander.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -import _weakref - -class CallBackFunction: - class __noarg_call__: - def __init__(self, cls, obj, func): - self.cls=cls - self.obj=_weakref.proxy(obj) - self.func=_weakref.proxy(func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.func(self.obj) - - class __arg_call__: - def __init__(self, cls, obj, func): - self.cls=cls - self.obj=_weakref.proxy(obj) - self.func=_weakref.proxy(func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.func(self.obj, *arg) - - def __init__(self, mfunc): - self.argCount=mfunc.im_func.func_code.co_argcount - - if self.argCount>1: - self.call=CallBackFunction.__arg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - else: - self.call=CallBackFunction.__noarg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.call(*arg) - - def GetArgumentCount(self): - return self.argCount - -class Analyzer: - def __init__(self): - self.cmdDict={} - - def SAFE_RegisterCallBack(self, cmd, callBackFunc): - self.cmdDict[cmd]=CallBackFunction(callBackFunc) - - def Run(self, line): - tokens=line.split() - - if len(tokens)==0: - return 1 - - cmd=tokens.pop(0) - - try: - callBackFunc=self.cmdDict[cmd] - except KeyError: - return 0 - - argCount=callBackFunc.GetArgumentCount()-1 - - if len(tokens)1: - self.call=__mem_func__.__arg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - else: - self.call=__mem_func__.__noarg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.call(*arg) - - -class Window(object): - def NoneMethod(cls): - pass - - NoneMethod = classmethod(NoneMethod) - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - self.hWnd = None - self.parentWindow = 0 - self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent = None - self.RegisterWindow(layer) - self.Hide() - - def __del__(self): - wndMgr.Destroy(self.hWnd) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.Register(self, layer) - - def Destroy(self): - pass - - def GetWindowHandle(self): - return self.hWnd - - def AddFlag(self, style): - wndMgr.AddFlag(self.hWnd, style) - - def IsRTL(self): - return wndMgr.IsRTL(self.hWnd) - - def SetWindowName(self, Name): - wndMgr.SetName(self.hWnd, Name) - - def GetWindowName(self): - return wndMgr.GetName(self.hWnd) - - def SetParent(self, parent): - wndMgr.SetParent(self.hWnd, parent.hWnd) - - def SetParentProxy(self, parent): - self.parentWindow=proxy(parent) - wndMgr.SetParent(self.hWnd, parent.hWnd) - - - def GetParentProxy(self): - return self.parentWindow - - def SetPickAlways(self): - wndMgr.SetPickAlways(self.hWnd) - - def SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT) - - def SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT) - - def SetWindowVerticalAlignTop(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) - - def SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) - - def SetTop(self): - wndMgr.SetTop(self.hWnd) - - def Show(self): - wndMgr.Show(self.hWnd) - - def Hide(self): - wndMgr.Hide(self.hWnd) - - def Lock(self): - wndMgr.Lock(self.hWnd) - - def Unlock(self): - wndMgr.Unlock(self.hWnd) - - def IsShow(self): - return wndMgr.IsShow(self.hWnd) - - def UpdateRect(self): - wndMgr.UpdateRect(self.hWnd) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - wndMgr.SetWindowSize(self.hWnd, width, height) - - def GetWidth(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowWidth(self.hWnd) - - def GetHeight(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowHeight(self.hWnd) - - def GetLocalPosition(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowLocalPosition(self.hWnd) - - def GetGlobalPosition(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowGlobalPosition(self.hWnd) - - def GetMouseLocalPosition(self): - return wndMgr.GetMouseLocalPosition(self.hWnd) - - def GetRect(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowRect(self.hWnd) - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - wndMgr.SetWindowPosition(self.hWnd, x, y) - - def SetCenterPosition(self, x = 0, y = 0): - self.SetPosition((wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - self.GetWidth()) / 2 + x, (wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - self.GetHeight()) / 2 + y) - - def IsFocus(self): - return wndMgr.IsFocus(self.hWnd) - - def SetFocus(self): - wndMgr.SetFocus(self.hWnd) - - def KillFocus(self): - wndMgr.KillFocus(self.hWnd) - - def GetChildCount(self): - return wndMgr.GetChildCount(self.hWnd) - - def IsIn(self): - return wndMgr.IsIn(self.hWnd) - - def SetOnMouseLeftButtonUpEvent(self, event): - self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent = event - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent: - self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - -class ListBoxEx(Window): - - class Item(Window): - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetParent(self, parent): - Window.SetParent(self, parent) - self.parent=proxy(parent) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.parent.SelectItem(self) - - def OnRender(self): - if self.parent.GetSelectedItem()==self: - self.OnSelectedRender() - - def OnSelectedRender(self): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7)) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, self.GetWidth(), self.GetHeight()) - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.viewItemCount=10 - self.basePos=0 - self.itemHeight=16 - self.itemStep=20 - self.selItem=0 - self.itemList=[] - self.onSelectItemEvent = lambda *arg: None - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.itemWidth=130 - else: - self.itemWidth=100 - - self.scrollBar=None - self.__UpdateSize() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def __UpdateSize(self): - height=self.itemStep*self.__GetViewItemCount() - - self.SetSize(self.itemWidth, height) - - def IsEmpty(self): - if len(self.itemList)==0: - return 1 - return 0 - - def SetItemStep(self, itemStep): - self.itemStep=itemStep - self.__UpdateSize() - - def SetItemSize(self, itemWidth, itemHeight): - self.itemWidth=itemWidth - self.itemHeight=itemHeight - self.__UpdateSize() - - def SetViewItemCount(self, viewItemCount): - self.viewItemCount=viewItemCount - - def SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.onSelectItemEvent = event - - def SetBasePos(self, basePos): - for oldItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos+self.viewItemCount]: - oldItem.Hide() - - self.basePos=basePos - - pos=basePos - for newItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos+self.viewItemCount]: - (x, y)=self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth()) - newItem.SetPosition(x, y) - newItem.Show() - pos+=1 - - def GetItemIndex(self, argItem): - return self.itemList.index(argItem) - - def GetSelectedItem(self): - return self.selItem - - def SelectIndex(self, index): - - if index >= len(self.itemList) or index < 0: - self.selItem = None - return - - try: - self.selItem=self.itemList[index] - except: - pass - - def SelectItem(self, selItem): - self.selItem=selItem - self.onSelectItemEvent(selItem) - - def RemoveAllItems(self): - self.selItem=None - self.itemList=[] - - if self.scrollBar: - self.scrollBar.SetPos(0) - - def RemoveItem(self, delItem): - if delItem==self.selItem: - self.selItem=None - - self.itemList.remove(delItem) - - def AppendItem(self, newItem): - newItem.SetParent(self) - newItem.SetSize(self.itemWidth, self.itemHeight) - - pos=len(self.itemList) - if self.__IsInViewRange(pos): - (x, y)=self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth()) - newItem.SetPosition(x, y) - newItem.Show() - else: - newItem.Hide() - - self.itemList.append(newItem) - - def SetScrollBar(self, scrollBar): - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(__mem_func__(self.__OnScroll)) - self.scrollBar=scrollBar - - def __OnScroll(self): - self.SetBasePos(int(self.scrollBar.GetPos()*self.__GetScrollLen())) - - def __GetScrollLen(self): - scrollLen=self.__GetItemCount()-self.__GetViewItemCount() - if scrollLen<0: - return 0 - - return scrollLen - - def __GetViewItemCount(self): - return self.viewItemCount - - def __GetItemCount(self): - return len(self.itemList) - - def GetItemViewCoord(self, pos, itemWidth): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - return (self.GetWidth()-itemWidth-10, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) - else: - return (0, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) - - def __IsInViewRange(self, pos): - if pos=self.basePos+self.viewItemCount: - return 0 - return 1 - -class CandidateListBox(ListBoxEx): - - HORIZONTAL_MODE = 0 - VERTICAL_MODE = 1 - - class Item(ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, text): - ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - - self.textBox=TextLine() - self.textBox.SetParent(self) - self.textBox.SetText(text) - self.textBox.Show() - - def __del__(self): - ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def __init__(self, mode = HORIZONTAL_MODE): - ListBoxEx.__init__(self) - self.itemWidth=32 - self.itemHeight=32 - self.mode = mode - - def __del__(self): - ListBoxEx.__del__(self) - - def SetMode(self, mode): - self.mode = mode - - def AppendItem(self, newItem): - ListBoxEx.AppendItem(self, newItem) - - def GetItemViewCoord(self, pos): - if self.mode == self.HORIZONTAL_MODE: - return ((pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep, 0) - elif self.mode == self.VERTICAL_MODE: - return (0, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) - - -class TextLine(Window): - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.max = 0 - self.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterTextLine(self, layer) - - def SetMax(self, max): - wndMgr.SetMax(self.hWnd, max) - - def SetLimitWidth(self, width): - wndMgr.SetLimitWidth(self.hWnd, width) - - def SetMultiLine(self): - wndMgr.SetMultiLine(self.hWnd, TRUE) - - def SetHorizontalAlignArabic(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_ARABIC) - - def SetHorizontalAlignLeft(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT) - - def SetHorizontalAlignRight(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT) - - def SetHorizontalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetVerticalAlignTop(self): - wndMgr.SetVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) - - def SetVerticalAlignBottom(self): - wndMgr.SetVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) - - def SetVerticalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetSecret(self, Value=TRUE): - wndMgr.SetSecret(self.hWnd, Value) - - def SetOutline(self, Value=TRUE): - wndMgr.SetOutline(self.hWnd, Value) - - def SetFeather(self, value=TRUE): - wndMgr.SetFeather(self.hWnd, value) - - def SetFontName(self, fontName): - wndMgr.SetFontName(self.hWnd, fontName) - - def SetDefaultFontName(self): - wndMgr.SetFontName(self.hWnd, locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - - def SetFontColor(self, red, green, blue): - wndMgr.SetFontColor(self.hWnd, red, green, blue) - - def SetPackedFontColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetFontColor(self.hWnd, color) - - def SetText(self, text): - wndMgr.SetText(self.hWnd, text) - - def GetText(self): - return wndMgr.GetText(self.hWnd) - - def GetTextSize(self): - return wndMgr.GetTextSize(self.hWnd) - -class EmptyCandidateWindow(Window): - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def Load(self): - pass - - def SetCandidatePosition(self, x, y, textCount): - pass - - def Clear(self): - pass - - def Append(self, text): - pass - - def Refresh(self): - pass - - def Select(self): - pass - -class EditLine(TextLine): - candidateWindowClassDict = {} - - def __init__(self): - TextLine.__init__(self) - - self.eventReturn = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventEscape = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventTab = None - self.numberMode = FALSE - self.useIME = TRUE - - self.bCodePage = FALSE - - self.candidateWindowClass = None - self.candidateWindow = None - self.SetCodePage(app.GetDefaultCodePage()) - - self.readingWnd = ReadingWnd() - self.readingWnd.Hide() - - def __del__(self): - TextLine.__del__(self) - - self.eventReturn = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventEscape = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventTab = None - - - def SetCodePage(self, codePage): - candidateWindowClass=EditLine.candidateWindowClassDict.get(codePage, EmptyCandidateWindow) - self.__SetCandidateClass(candidateWindowClass) - - def __SetCandidateClass(self, candidateWindowClass): - if self.candidateWindowClass==candidateWindowClass: - return - - self.candidateWindowClass = candidateWindowClass - self.candidateWindow = self.candidateWindowClass() - self.candidateWindow.Load() - self.candidateWindow.Hide() - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterTextLine(self, layer) - - def SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = __mem_func__(event) - - def SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = event - - def SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.eventEscape = event - - def SetTabEvent(self, event): - self.eventTab = event - - def SetMax(self, max): - self.max = max - wndMgr.SetMax(self.hWnd, self.max) - ime.SetMax(self.max) - self.SetUserMax(self.max) - - def SetUserMax(self, max): - self.userMax = max - ime.SetUserMax(self.userMax) - - def SetNumberMode(self): - self.numberMode = TRUE - - #def AddExceptKey(self, key): - # ime.AddExceptKey(key) - - #def ClearExceptKey(self): - # ime.ClearExceptKey() - - def SetIMEFlag(self, flag): - self.useIME = flag - - def SetText(self, text): - wndMgr.SetText(self.hWnd, text) - - if self.IsFocus(): - ime.SetText(text) - - def Enable(self): - wndMgr.ShowCursor(self.hWnd) - - def Disable(self): - wndMgr.HideCursor(self.hWnd) - - def SetEndPosition(self): - ime.MoveEnd() - - def OnSetFocus(self): - Text = self.GetText() - ime.SetText(Text) - ime.SetMax(self.max) - ime.SetUserMax(self.userMax) - ime.SetCursorPosition(-1) - if self.numberMode: - ime.SetNumberMode() - else: - ime.SetStringMode() - ime.EnableCaptureInput() - if self.useIME: - ime.EnableIME() - else: - ime.DisableIME() - wndMgr.ShowCursor(self.hWnd, TRUE) - - def OnKillFocus(self): - self.SetText(ime.GetText(self.bCodePage)) - self.OnIMECloseCandidateList() - self.OnIMECloseReadingWnd() - ime.DisableIME() - ime.DisableCaptureInput() - wndMgr.HideCursor(self.hWnd) - - def OnIMEChangeCodePage(self): - self.SetCodePage(ime.GetCodePage()) - - def OnIMEOpenCandidateList(self): - self.candidateWindow.Show() - self.candidateWindow.Clear() - self.candidateWindow.Refresh() - - gx, gy = self.GetGlobalPosition() - self.candidateWindow.SetCandidatePosition(gx, gy, len(self.GetText())) - - return TRUE - - def OnIMECloseCandidateList(self): - self.candidateWindow.Hide() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEOpenReadingWnd(self): - gx, gy = self.GetGlobalPosition() - textlen = len(self.GetText())-2 - reading = ime.GetReading() - readinglen = len(reading) - self.readingWnd.SetReadingPosition( gx + textlen*6-24-readinglen*6, gy ) - self.readingWnd.SetText(reading) - if ime.GetReadingError() == 0: - self.readingWnd.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - else: - self.readingWnd.SetTextColor(0xffff0000) - self.readingWnd.SetSize(readinglen * 6 + 4, 19) - self.readingWnd.Show() - return TRUE - - def OnIMECloseReadingWnd(self): - self.readingWnd.Hide() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEUpdate(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/type.wav") - TextLine.SetText(self, ime.GetText(self.bCodePage)) - - def OnIMETab(self): - if self.eventTab: - self.eventTab() - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/click.wav") - self.eventReturn() - - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.eventEscape() - return TRUE - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if app.DIK_F1 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F2 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F3 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F4 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LALT == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_SYSRQ == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LCONTROL == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_V == key: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - ime.PasteTextFromClipBoard() - - return TRUE - - def OnKeyUp(self, key): - if app.DIK_F1 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F2 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F3 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F4 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LALT == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_SYSRQ == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LCONTROL == key: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def OnIMEKeyDown(self, key): - # Left - if app.VK_LEFT == key: - ime.MoveLeft() - return TRUE - # Right - if app.VK_RIGHT == key: - ime.MoveRight() - return TRUE - - # Home - if app.VK_HOME == key: - ime.MoveHome() - return TRUE - # End - if app.VK_END == key: - ime.MoveEnd() - return TRUE - - # Delete - if app.VK_DELETE == key: - ime.Delete() - TextLine.SetText(self, ime.GetText(self.bCodePage)) - return TRUE - - return TRUE - - #def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - # self.SetFocus() - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if FALSE == self.IsIn(): - return FALSE - - self.SetFocus() - PixelPosition = wndMgr.GetCursorPosition(self.hWnd) - ime.SetCursorPosition(PixelPosition) - -class MarkBox(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterMarkBox(self, layer) - - def Load(self): - wndMgr.MarkBox_Load(self.hWnd) - - def SetScale(self, scale): - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetScale(self.hWnd, scale) - - def SetIndex(self, guildID): - MarkID = guild.GuildIDToMarkID(guildID) - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetImageFilename(self.hWnd, guild.GetMarkImageFilenameByMarkID(MarkID)) - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetIndex(self.hWnd, guild.GetMarkIndexByMarkID(MarkID)) - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha) - -class ImageBox(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - self.eventDict={} - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterImageBox(self, layer) - - def LoadImage(self, imageName): - self.name=imageName - wndMgr.LoadImage(self.hWnd, imageName) - - if len(self.eventDict)!=0: - print "LOAD IMAGE", self, self.eventDict - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha) - - def GetWidth(self): - return wndMgr.GetWidth(self.hWnd) - - def GetHeight(self): - return wndMgr.GetHeight(self.hWnd) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - try: - self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_IN"]() - except KeyError: - pass - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - try: - self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_OUT"]() - except KeyError: - pass - - def SAFE_SetStringEvent(self, event, func): - self.eventDict[event]=__mem_func__(func) - - -class ExpandedImageBox(ImageBox): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - ImageBox.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - ImageBox.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterExpandedImageBox(self, layer) - - def SetScale(self, xScale, yScale): - wndMgr.SetScale(self.hWnd, xScale, yScale) - - def SetOrigin(self, x, y): - wndMgr.SetOrigin(self.hWnd, x, y) - - def SetRotation(self, rotation): - wndMgr.SetRotation(self.hWnd, rotation) - - def SetRenderingMode(self, mode): - wndMgr.SetRenderingMode(self.hWnd, mode) - - # [0.0, 1.0] 荤捞狼 蔼父怒 欺季飘肺 弊府瘤 臼绰促. - def SetRenderingRect(self, left, top, right, bottom): - wndMgr.SetRenderingRect(self.hWnd, left, top, right, bottom) - - def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): - if maxValue: - self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, -1.0 + float(curValue) / float(maxValue), 0.0) - else: - self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - - def GetWidth(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowWidth(self.hWnd) - - def GetHeight(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowHeight(self.hWnd) - -class AniImageBox(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterAniImageBox(self, layer) - - def SetDelay(self, delay): - wndMgr.SetDelay(self.hWnd, delay) - - def AppendImage(self, filename): - wndMgr.AppendImage(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): - wndMgr.SetRenderingRect(self.hWnd, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 + float(curValue) / float(maxValue), 0.0) - - def OnEndFrame(self): - pass - -class Button(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - self.eventFunc = None - self.eventArgs = None - - self.ButtonText = None - self.ToolTipText = None - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - self.eventFunc = None - self.eventArgs = None - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterButton(self, layer) - - def SetUpVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetUpVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetOverVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetOverVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetDownVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetDownVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetDisableVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetDisableVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def GetUpVisualFileName(self): - return wndMgr.GetUpVisualFileName(self.hWnd) - - def GetOverVisualFileName(self): - return wndMgr.GetOverVisualFileName(self.hWnd) - - def GetDownVisualFileName(self): - return wndMgr.GetDownVisualFileName(self.hWnd) - - def Flash(self): - wndMgr.Flash(self.hWnd) - - def Enable(self): - wndMgr.Enable(self.hWnd) - - def Disable(self): - wndMgr.Disable(self.hWnd) - - def Down(self): - wndMgr.Down(self.hWnd) - - def SetUp(self): - wndMgr.SetUp(self.hWnd) - - def SAFE_SetEvent(self, func, *args): - self.eventFunc = __mem_func__(func) - self.eventArgs = args - - def SetEvent(self, func, *args): - self.eventFunc = func - self.eventArgs = args - - def SetTextColor(self, color): - if not self.ButtonText: - return - self.ButtonText.SetPackedFontColor(color) - - def SetText(self, text, height = 4): - - if not self.ButtonText: - textLine = TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetPosition(self.GetWidth()/2, self.GetHeight()/2) - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.Show() - self.ButtonText = textLine - - self.ButtonText.SetText(text) - - def SetFormToolTipText(self, type, text, x, y): - if not self.ToolTipText: - toolTip=createToolTipWindowDict[type]() - toolTip.SetParent(self) - toolTip.SetSize(0, 0) - toolTip.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - toolTip.SetOutline() - toolTip.Hide() - toolTip.SetPosition(x + self.GetWidth()/2, y) - self.ToolTipText=toolTip - - self.ToolTipText.SetText(text) - - def SetToolTipWindow(self, toolTip): - self.ToolTipText=toolTip - self.ToolTipText.SetParentProxy(self) - - def SetToolTipText(self, text, x=0, y = -19): - self.SetFormToolTipText("TEXT", text, x, y) - - def CallEvent(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/click.wav") - - if self.eventFunc: - apply(self.eventFunc, self.eventArgs) - - def ShowToolTip(self): - if self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def HideToolTip(self): - if self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Hide() - - def IsDown(self): - return wndMgr.IsDown(self.hWnd) - -class RadioButton(Button): - def __init__(self): - Button.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - Button.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterRadioButton(self, layer) - -class RadioButtonGroup: - def __init__(self): - self.buttonGroup = [] - self.selectedBtnIdx = -1 - - def __del__(self): - for button, ue, de in self.buttonGroup: - button.__del__() - - def Show(self): - for (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) in self.buttonGroup: - button.Show() - - def Hide(self): - for (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) in self.buttonGroup: - button.Hide() - - def SetText(self, idx, text): - if idx >= len(self.buttonGroup): - return - (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) = self.buttonGroup[idx] - button.SetText(text) - - def OnClick(self, btnIdx): - if btnIdx == self.selectedBtnIdx: - return - (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) = self.buttonGroup[self.selectedBtnIdx] - if unselectEvent: - unselectEvent() - button.SetUp() - - self.selectedBtnIdx = btnIdx - (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) = self.buttonGroup[btnIdx] - if selectEvent: - selectEvent() - - button.Down() - - def AddButton(self, button, selectEvent, unselectEvent): - i = len(self.buttonGroup) - button.SetEvent(lambda : self.OnClick(i)) - self.buttonGroup.append([button, selectEvent, unselectEvent]) - button.SetUp() - - def Create(rawButtonGroup): - radioGroup = RadioButtonGroup() - for (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) in rawButtonGroup: - radioGroup.AddButton(button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) - - radioGroup.OnClick(0) - - return radioGroup - - Create=staticmethod(Create) - -class ToggleButton(Button): - def __init__(self): - Button.__init__(self) - - self.eventUp = None - self.eventDown = None - - def __del__(self): - Button.__del__(self) - - self.eventUp = None - self.eventDown = None - - def SetToggleUpEvent(self, event): - self.eventUp = event - - def SetToggleDownEvent(self, event): - self.eventDown = event - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterToggleButton(self, layer) - - def OnToggleUp(self): - if self.eventUp: - self.eventUp() - - def OnToggleDown(self): - if self.eventDown: - self.eventDown() - -class DragButton(Button): - def __init__(self): - Button.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("movable") - - self.callbackEnable = TRUE - self.eventMove = lambda: None - - def __del__(self): - Button.__del__(self) - - self.eventMove = lambda: None - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterDragButton(self, layer) - - def SetMoveEvent(self, event): - self.eventMove = event - - def SetRestrictMovementArea(self, x, y, width, height): - wndMgr.SetRestrictMovementArea(self.hWnd, x, y, width, height) - - def TurnOnCallBack(self): - self.callbackEnable = TRUE - - def TurnOffCallBack(self): - self.callbackEnable = FALSE - - def OnMove(self): - if self.callbackEnable: - self.eventMove() - -class NumberLine(Window): - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterNumberLine(self, layer) - - def SetHorizontalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetNumberHorizontalAlignCenter(self.hWnd) - - def SetHorizontalAlignRight(self): - wndMgr.SetNumberHorizontalAlignRight(self.hWnd) - - def SetPath(self, path): - wndMgr.SetPath(self.hWnd, path) - - def SetNumber(self, number): - wndMgr.SetNumber(self.hWnd, number) - -################################################################################################### -## PythonScript Element -################################################################################################### - -class Box(Window): - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBox(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, color) - -class Bar(Window): - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBar(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, color) - -class Line(Window): - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterLine(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, color) - -class SlotBar(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBar3D(self, layer) - -## Same with SlotBar -class Bar3D(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBar3D(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, left, right, center): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, left, right, center) - -class SlotWindow(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.StartIndex = 0 - - self.eventSelectEmptySlot = None - self.eventSelectItemSlot = None - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot = None - self.eventUnselectItemSlot = None - self.eventUseSlot = None - self.eventOverInItem = None - self.eventOverOutItem = None - self.eventPressedSlotButton = None - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - self.eventSelectEmptySlot = None - self.eventSelectItemSlot = None - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot = None - self.eventUnselectItemSlot = None - self.eventUseSlot = None - self.eventOverInItem = None - self.eventOverOutItem = None - self.eventPressedSlotButton = None - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterSlotWindow(self, layer) - - def SetSlotStyle(self, style): - wndMgr.SetSlotStyle(self.hWnd, style) - - def HasSlot(self, slotIndex): - return wndMgr.HasSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def SetSlotBaseImage(self, imageFileName, r, g, b, a): - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, imageFileName, r, g, b, a) - - def SetCoverButton(self,\ - slotIndex,\ - upName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_01.sub",\ - overName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_02.sub",\ - downName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_03.sub",\ - disableName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_04.sub",\ - LeftButtonEnable = FALSE,\ - RightButtonEnable = TRUE): - wndMgr.SetCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex, upName, overName, downName, disableName, LeftButtonEnable, RightButtonEnable) - - def EnableCoverButton(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.EnableCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def DisableCoverButton(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.DisableCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(self, slotIndex, bAlwaysRender = TRUE): - wndMgr.SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex, bAlwaysRender) - - def AppendSlotButton(self, upName, overName, downName): - wndMgr.AppendSlotButton(self.hWnd, upName, overName, downName) - - def ShowSlotButton(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ShowSlotButton(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def HideAllSlotButton(self): - wndMgr.HideAllSlotButton(self.hWnd) - - def AppendRequirementSignImage(self, filename): - wndMgr.AppendRequirementSignImage(self.hWnd, filename) - - def ShowRequirementSign(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ShowRequirementSign(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def HideRequirementSign(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.HideRequirementSign(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def ActivateSlot(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ActivateSlot(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def DeactivateSlot(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.DeactivateSlot(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def ShowSlotBaseImage(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ShowSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def HideSlotBaseImage(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.HideSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def SAFE_SetButtonEvent(self, button, state, event): - if "LEFT"==button: - if "EMPTY"==state: - self.eventSelectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "EXIST"==state: - self.eventSelectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "ALWAYS"==state: - self.eventSelectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - self.eventSelectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "RIGHT"==button: - if "EMPTY"==state: - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "EXIST"==state: - self.eventUnselectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "ALWAYS"==state: - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - self.eventUnselectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - - def SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(self, empty): - self.eventSelectEmptySlot = empty - - def SetSelectItemSlotEvent(self, item): - self.eventSelectItemSlot = item - - def SetUnselectEmptySlotEvent(self, empty): - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot = empty - - def SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(self, item): - self.eventUnselectItemSlot = item - - def SetUseSlotEvent(self, use): - self.eventUseSlot = use - - def SetOverInItemEvent(self, event): - self.eventOverInItem = event - - def SetOverOutItemEvent(self, event): - self.eventOverOutItem = event - - def SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(self, event): - self.eventPressedSlotButton = event - - def GetSlotCount(self): - return wndMgr.GetSlotCount(self.hWnd) - - def SetUseMode(self, flag): - "TRUE老锭父 ItemToItem 捞 啊瓷茄瘤 焊咯霖促" - wndMgr.SetUseMode(self.hWnd, flag) - - def SetUsableItem(self, flag): - "TRUE搁 泅犁 啊府挪 酒捞袍捞 ItemToItem 利侩 啊瓷窍促" - wndMgr.SetUsableItem(self.hWnd, flag) - - ## Slot - def SetSlotCoolTime(self, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime = 0.0): - wndMgr.SetSlotCoolTime(self.hWnd, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime) - - def DisableSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.DisableSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def EnableSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.EnableSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def LockSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.LockSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def UnlockSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.UnlockSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def RefreshSlot(self): - wndMgr.RefreshSlot(self.hWnd) - - def ClearSlot(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def ClearAllSlot(self): - wndMgr.ClearAllSlot(self.hWnd) - - def AppendSlot(self, index, x, y, width, height): - wndMgr.AppendSlot(self.hWnd, index, x, y, width, height) - - def SetSlot(self, slotIndex, itemIndex, width, height, icon, diffuseColor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)): - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex, itemIndex, width, height, icon, diffuseColor) - - def SetSlotCount(self, slotNumber, count): - wndMgr.SetSlotCount(self.hWnd, slotNumber, count) - - def SetSlotCountNew(self, slotNumber, grade, count): - wndMgr.SetSlotCountNew(self.hWnd, slotNumber, grade, count) - - def SetItemSlot(self, renderingSlotNumber, ItemIndex, ItemCount = 0, diffuseColor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)): - if 0 == ItemIndex or None == ItemIndex: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - item.SelectItem(ItemIndex) - itemIcon = item.GetIconImage() - - item.SelectItem(ItemIndex) - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, ItemIndex, width, height, itemIcon, diffuseColor) - wndMgr.SetSlotCount(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, ItemCount) - - def SetSkillSlot(self, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, skillLevel): - - skillIcon = skill.GetIconImage(skillIndex) - - if 0 == skillIcon: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, 1, 1, skillIcon) - wndMgr.SetSlotCount(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, skillLevel) - - def SetSkillSlotNew(self, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel): - - skillIcon = skill.GetIconImageNew(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - if 0 == skillIcon: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, 1, 1, skillIcon) - - def SetEmotionSlot(self, renderingSlotNumber, emotionIndex): - import player - icon = player.GetEmotionIconImage(emotionIndex) - - if 0 == icon: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, emotionIndex, 1, 1, icon) - - ## Event - def OnSelectEmptySlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventSelectEmptySlot: - self.eventSelectEmptySlot(slotNumber) - - def OnSelectItemSlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventSelectItemSlot: - self.eventSelectItemSlot(slotNumber) - - def OnUnselectEmptySlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventUnselectEmptySlot: - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot(slotNumber) - - def OnUnselectItemSlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventUnselectItemSlot: - self.eventUnselectItemSlot(slotNumber) - - def OnUseSlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventUseSlot: - self.eventUseSlot(slotNumber) - - def OnOverInItem(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventOverInItem: - self.eventOverInItem(slotNumber) - - def OnOverOutItem(self): - if self.eventOverOutItem: - self.eventOverOutItem() - - def OnPressedSlotButton(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventPressedSlotButton: - self.eventPressedSlotButton(slotNumber) - - def GetStartIndex(self): - return 0 - -class GridSlotWindow(SlotWindow): - - def __init__(self): - SlotWindow.__init__(self) - - self.startIndex = 0 - - def __del__(self): - SlotWindow.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterGridSlotWindow(self, layer) - - def ArrangeSlot(self, StartIndex, xCount, yCount, xSize, ySize, xBlank, yBlank): - - self.startIndex = StartIndex - - wndMgr.ArrangeSlot(self.hWnd, StartIndex, xCount, yCount, xSize, ySize, xBlank, yBlank) - self.startIndex = StartIndex - - def GetStartIndex(self): - return self.startIndex - -class TitleBar(Window): - - BLOCK_WIDTH = 32 - BLOCK_HEIGHT = 23 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("attach") - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def MakeTitleBar(self, width, color): - - ## 泅犁 Color绰 荤侩窍绊 乐瘤 臼澜 - - width = max(64, width) - - imgLeft = ImageBox() - imgCenter = ExpandedImageBox() - imgRight = ImageBox() - imgLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgCenter.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgLeft.SetParent(self) - imgCenter.SetParent(self) - imgRight.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - imgLeft.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_center.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_right.tga") - else: - imgLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/titlebar_center.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/titlebar_right.tga") - - imgLeft.Show() - imgCenter.Show() - imgRight.Show() - - btnClose = Button() - btnClose.SetParent(self) - btnClose.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub") - btnClose.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub") - btnClose.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub") - btnClose.SetToolTipText(locale.UI_CLOSE, 0, -23) - btnClose.Show() - - self.imgLeft = imgLeft - self.imgCenter = imgCenter - self.imgRight = imgRight - self.btnClose = btnClose - - self.SetWidth(width) - - def SetWidth(self, width): - self.imgCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH*2) - self.BLOCK_WIDTH) / self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0.0) - self.imgCenter.SetPosition(self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.imgRight.SetPosition(width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.btnClose.SetPosition(3, 3) - else: - self.btnClose.SetPosition(width - self.btnClose.GetWidth() - 3, 3) - - self.SetSize(width, self.BLOCK_HEIGHT) - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.btnClose.SetEvent(event) - -class HorizontalBar(Window): - - BLOCK_WIDTH = 32 - BLOCK_HEIGHT = 17 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("attach") - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def Create(self, width): - - width = max(96, width) - - imgLeft = ImageBox() - imgLeft.SetParent(self) - imgLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/horizontalbar_left.tga") - imgLeft.Show() - - imgCenter = ExpandedImageBox() - imgCenter.SetParent(self) - imgCenter.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/horizontalbar_center.tga") - imgCenter.Show() - - imgRight = ImageBox() - imgRight.SetParent(self) - imgRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/horizontalbar_right.tga") - imgRight.Show() - - self.imgLeft = imgLeft - self.imgCenter = imgCenter - self.imgRight = imgRight - self.SetWidth(width) - - def SetWidth(self, width): - self.imgCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH*2) - self.BLOCK_WIDTH) / self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0.0) - self.imgCenter.SetPosition(self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.imgRight.SetPosition(width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.SetSize(width, self.BLOCK_HEIGHT) - -class Gauge(Window): - - SLOT_WIDTH = 16 - SLOT_HEIGHT = 7 - - GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE = 12 - GAUGE_WIDTH = 16 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.width = 0 - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def MakeGauge(self, width, color): - - self.width = max(48, width) - - imgSlotLeft = ImageBox() - imgSlotLeft.SetParent(self) - imgSlotLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_left.tga") - imgSlotLeft.Show() - - imgSlotRight = ImageBox() - imgSlotRight.SetParent(self) - imgSlotRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_right.tga") - imgSlotRight.Show() - imgSlotRight.SetPosition(width - self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0) - - imgSlotCenter = ExpandedImageBox() - imgSlotCenter.SetParent(self) - imgSlotCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_center.tga") - imgSlotCenter.Show() - imgSlotCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.SLOT_WIDTH*2) - self.SLOT_WIDTH) / self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0.0) - imgSlotCenter.SetPosition(self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0) - - imgGauge = ExpandedImageBox() - imgGauge.SetParent(self) - imgGauge.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_" + color + ".tga") - imgGauge.Show() - imgGauge.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - imgGauge.SetPosition(self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE, 0) - - imgSlotLeft.AddFlag("attach") - imgSlotCenter.AddFlag("attach") - imgSlotRight.AddFlag("attach") - - self.imgLeft = imgSlotLeft - self.imgCenter = imgSlotCenter - self.imgRight = imgSlotRight - self.imgGauge = imgGauge - - self.SetSize(width, self.SLOT_HEIGHT) - - def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): - - # PERCENTAGE_MAX_VALUE_ZERO_DIVISION_ERROR - if maxValue > 0.0: - percentage = min(1.0, float(curValue)/float(maxValue)) - else: - percentage = 0.0 - # END_OF_PERCENTAGE_MAX_VALUE_ZERO_DIVISION_ERROR - - gaugeSize = -1.0 + float(self.width - self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE*2) * percentage / self.GAUGE_WIDTH - self.imgGauge.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, gaugeSize, 0.0) - -class Board(Window): - - CORNER_WIDTH = 32 - CORNER_HEIGHT = 32 - LINE_WIDTH = 128 - LINE_HEIGHT = 128 - - LT = 0 - LB = 1 - RT = 2 - RB = 3 - L = 0 - R = 1 - T = 2 - B = 3 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.MakeBoard("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_", "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_") - self.MakeBase() - - def MakeBoard(self, cornerPath, linePath): - - CornerFileNames = [ cornerPath+dir+".tga" for dir in ("LeftTop", "LeftBottom", "RightTop", "RightBottom", ) ] - LineFileNames = [ linePath+dir+".tga" for dir in ("Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom", ) ] - """ - CornerFileNames = ( - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_LeftTop.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_LeftBottom.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_RightTop.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_RightBottom.tga", - ) - LineFileNames = ( - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Left.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Right.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Top.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Bottom.tga", - ) - """ - - self.Corners = [] - for fileName in CornerFileNames: - Corner = ExpandedImageBox() - Corner.AddFlag("not_pick") - Corner.LoadImage(fileName) - Corner.SetParent(self) - Corner.SetPosition(0, 0) - Corner.Show() - self.Corners.append(Corner) - - self.Lines = [] - for fileName in LineFileNames: - Line = ExpandedImageBox() - Line.AddFlag("not_pick") - Line.LoadImage(fileName) - Line.SetParent(self) - Line.SetPosition(0, 0) - Line.Show() - self.Lines.append(Line) - - self.Lines[self.L].SetPosition(0, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.T].SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - - def MakeBase(self): - self.Base = ExpandedImageBox() - self.Base.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.Base.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Base.tga") - self.Base.SetParent(self) - self.Base.SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Base.Show() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - - width = max(self.CORNER_WIDTH*2, width) - height = max(self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2, height) - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - self.Corners[self.LB].SetPosition(0, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Corners[self.RT].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - self.Corners[self.RB].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.R].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.B].SetPosition(self.CORNER_HEIGHT, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - - verticalShowingPercentage = float((height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2) - self.LINE_HEIGHT) / self.LINE_HEIGHT - horizontalShowingPercentage = float((width - self.CORNER_WIDTH*2) - self.LINE_WIDTH) / self.LINE_WIDTH - self.Lines[self.L].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.R].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.T].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - self.Lines[self.B].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - - if self.Base: - self.Base.SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, verticalShowingPercentage) - -class BoardWithTitleBar(Board): - def __init__(self): - Board.__init__(self) - - titleBar = TitleBar() - titleBar.SetParent(self) - titleBar.MakeTitleBar(0, "red") - titleBar.SetPosition(8, 7) - titleBar.Show() - - titleName = TextLine() - titleName.SetParent(titleBar) - titleName.SetPosition(0, 4) - titleName.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - titleName.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - titleName.Show() - - self.titleBar = titleBar - self.titleName = titleName - - self.SetCloseEvent(self.Hide) - - def __del__(self): - Board.__del__(self) - self.titleBar = None - self.titleName = None - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - self.titleBar.SetWidth(width - 15) - #self.pickRestrictWindow.SetSize(width, height - 30) - Board.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.titleName.UpdateRect() - - def SetTitleColor(self, color): - self.titleName.SetPackedFontColor(color) - - def SetTitleName(self, name): - self.titleName.SetText(name) - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(event) - -class ThinBoard(Window): - - CORNER_WIDTH = 16 - CORNER_HEIGHT = 16 - LINE_WIDTH = 16 - LINE_HEIGHT = 16 - BOARD_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.51) - - LT = 0 - LB = 1 - RT = 2 - RB = 3 - L = 0 - R = 1 - T = 2 - B = 3 - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - CornerFileNames = [ "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ThinBoard_Corner_"+dir+".tga" for dir in ["LeftTop","LeftBottom","RightTop","RightBottom"] ] - LineFileNames = [ "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ThinBoard_Line_"+dir+".tga" for dir in ["Left","Right","Top","Bottom"] ] - - self.Corners = [] - for fileName in CornerFileNames: - Corner = ExpandedImageBox() - Corner.AddFlag("attach") - Corner.AddFlag("not_pick") - Corner.LoadImage(fileName) - Corner.SetParent(self) - Corner.SetPosition(0, 0) - Corner.Show() - self.Corners.append(Corner) - - self.Lines = [] - for fileName in LineFileNames: - Line = ExpandedImageBox() - Line.AddFlag("attach") - Line.AddFlag("not_pick") - Line.LoadImage(fileName) - Line.SetParent(self) - Line.SetPosition(0, 0) - Line.Show() - self.Lines.append(Line) - - Base = Bar() - Base.SetParent(self) - Base.AddFlag("attach") - Base.AddFlag("not_pick") - Base.SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - Base.SetColor(self.BOARD_COLOR) - Base.Show() - self.Base = Base - - self.Lines[self.L].SetPosition(0, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.T].SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - - width = max(self.CORNER_WIDTH*2, width) - height = max(self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2, height) - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - self.Corners[self.LB].SetPosition(0, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Corners[self.RT].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - self.Corners[self.RB].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.R].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.B].SetPosition(self.CORNER_HEIGHT, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - - verticalShowingPercentage = float((height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2) - self.LINE_HEIGHT) / self.LINE_HEIGHT - horizontalShowingPercentage = float((width - self.CORNER_WIDTH*2) - self.LINE_WIDTH) / self.LINE_WIDTH - self.Lines[self.L].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.R].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.T].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - self.Lines[self.B].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - self.Base.SetSize(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH*2, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2) - - def ShowInternal(self): - self.Base.Show() - for wnd in self.Lines: - wnd.Show() - for wnd in self.Corners: - wnd.Show() - - def HideInternal(self): - self.Base.Hide() - for wnd in self.Lines: - wnd.Hide() - for wnd in self.Corners: - wnd.Hide() - -class ScrollBar(Window): - - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = 17 - SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = 9 - SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = 17 - SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 17 - MIDDLE_BAR_POS = 5 - MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE = 3 - MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE = 4 - TEMP_SPACE = MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE + MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE - - class MiddleBar(DragButton): - def __init__(self): - DragButton.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("movable") - #self.AddFlag("restrict_x") - - def MakeImage(self): - top = ImageBox() - top.SetParent(self) - top.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ScrollBar_Top.tga") - top.SetPosition(0, 0) - top.AddFlag("not_pick") - top.Show() - bottom = ImageBox() - bottom.SetParent(self) - bottom.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ScrollBar_Bottom.tga") - bottom.AddFlag("not_pick") - bottom.Show() - - middle = ExpandedImageBox() - middle.SetParent(self) - middle.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ScrollBar_Middle.tga") - middle.SetPosition(0, 4) - middle.AddFlag("not_pick") - middle.Show() - - self.top = top - self.bottom = bottom - self.middle = middle - - def SetSize(self, height): - height = max(12, height) - DragButton.SetSize(self, 10, height) - self.bottom.SetPosition(0, height-4) - - height -= 4*3 - self.middle.SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, float(height)/4.0) - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.pageSize = 1 - self.curPos = 0.0 - self.eventScroll = lambda *arg: None - self.lockFlag = FALSE - self.scrollStep = 0.20 - - - self.CreateScrollBar() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def CreateScrollBar(self): - barSlot = Bar3D() - barSlot.SetParent(self) - barSlot.AddFlag("not_pick") - barSlot.Show() - - middleBar = self.MiddleBar() - middleBar.SetParent(self) - middleBar.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnMove)) - middleBar.Show() - middleBar.MakeImage() - middleBar.SetSize(12) - - upButton = Button() - upButton.SetParent(self) - upButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnUp)) - upButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_up_button_01.sub") - upButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_up_button_02.sub") - upButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_up_button_03.sub") - upButton.Show() - - downButton = Button() - downButton.SetParent(self) - downButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnDown)) - downButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_down_button_01.sub") - downButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_down_button_02.sub") - downButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_down_button_03.sub") - downButton.Show() - - self.upButton = upButton - self.downButton = downButton - self.middleBar = middleBar - self.barSlot = barSlot - - self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = self.middleBar.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = self.upButton.GetHeight() - - def Destroy(self): - self.middleBar = None - self.upButton = None - self.downButton = None - self.eventScroll = lambda *arg: None - - def SetScrollEvent(self, event): - self.eventScroll = event - - def SetMiddleBarSize(self, pageScale): - realHeight = self.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = int(pageScale * float(realHeight)) - self.middleBar.SetSize(self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT) - self.pageSize = (self.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2) - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT - (self.TEMP_SPACE) - - def SetScrollBarSize(self, height): - self.pageSize = (height - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2) - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT - (self.TEMP_SPACE) - self.SetSize(self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, height) - self.upButton.SetPosition(0, 0) - self.downButton.SetPosition(0, height - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT) - self.middleBar.SetRestrictMovementArea(self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS, self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT + self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE, self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS+2, height - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 - self.TEMP_SPACE) - self.middleBar.SetPosition(self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS, 0) - - self.UpdateBarSlot() - - def UpdateBarSlot(self): - self.barSlot.SetPosition(0, self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT) - self.barSlot.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 2, self.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 - 2) - - def GetPos(self): - return self.curPos - - def SetPos(self, pos): - pos = max(0.0, pos) - pos = min(1.0, pos) - - newPos = float(self.pageSize) * pos - self.middleBar.SetPosition(self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS, int(newPos) + self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT + self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE) - self.OnMove() - - def SetScrollStep(self, step): - self.scrollStep = step - - def GetScrollStep(self): - return self.scrollStep - - def OnUp(self): - self.SetPos(self.curPos-self.scrollStep) - - def OnDown(self): - self.SetPos(self.curPos+self.scrollStep) - - def OnMove(self): - - if self.lockFlag: - return - - if 0 == self.pageSize: - return - - (xLocal, yLocal) = self.middleBar.GetLocalPosition() - self.curPos = float(yLocal - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT - self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE) / float(self.pageSize) - - self.eventScroll() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - (xMouseLocalPosition, yMouseLocalPosition) = self.GetMouseLocalPosition() - pickedPos = yMouseLocalPosition - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT/2 - newPos = float(pickedPos) / float(self.pageSize) - self.SetPos(newPos) - - def LockScroll(self): - self.lockFlag = TRUE - - def UnlockScroll(self): - self.lockFlag = FALSE - -class ThinScrollBar(ScrollBar): - - def CreateScrollBar(self): - middleBar = self.MiddleBar() - middleBar.SetParent(self) - middleBar.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnMove)) - middleBar.Show() - middleBar.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - middleBar.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_middle_button_02.sub") - middleBar.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_middle_button_03.sub") - - upButton = Button() - upButton.SetParent(self) - upButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_up_button_01.sub") - upButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_up_button_02.sub") - upButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_up_button_03.sub") - upButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnUp)) - upButton.Show() - - downButton = Button() - downButton.SetParent(self) - downButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_down_button_01.sub") - downButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_down_button_02.sub") - downButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_down_button_03.sub") - downButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnDown)) - downButton.Show() - - self.middleBar = middleBar - self.upButton = upButton - self.downButton = downButton - - self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = self.middleBar.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = self.upButton.GetHeight() - self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE = 0 - self.TEMP_SPACE = 0 - - def UpdateBarSlot(self): - pass - -class SmallThinScrollBar(ScrollBar): - - def CreateScrollBar(self): - middleBar = self.MiddleBar() - middleBar.SetParent(self) - middleBar.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnMove)) - middleBar.Show() - middleBar.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - middleBar.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - middleBar.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - - upButton = Button() - upButton.SetParent(self) - upButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_up_button_01.sub") - upButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_up_button_02.sub") - upButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_up_button_03.sub") - upButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnUp)) - upButton.Show() - - downButton = Button() - downButton.SetParent(self) - downButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_down_button_01.sub") - downButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_down_button_02.sub") - downButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_down_button_03.sub") - downButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnDown)) - downButton.Show() - - self.middleBar = middleBar - self.upButton = upButton - self.downButton = downButton - - self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = self.middleBar.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = self.upButton.GetHeight() - self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE = 0 - self.TEMP_SPACE = 0 - - def UpdateBarSlot(self): - pass - -class SliderBar(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.curPos = 1.0 - self.pageSize = 1.0 - self.eventChange = None - - self.__CreateBackGroundImage() - self.__CreateCursor() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def __CreateBackGroundImage(self): - img = ImageBox() - img.SetParent(self) - img.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar.sub") - img.Show() - self.backGroundImage = img - - ## - self.SetSize(self.backGroundImage.GetWidth(), self.backGroundImage.GetHeight()) - - def __CreateCursor(self): - cursor = DragButton() - cursor.AddFlag("movable") - cursor.AddFlag("restrict_y") - cursor.SetParent(self) - cursor.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.__OnMove)) - cursor.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar_cursor.sub") - cursor.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar_cursor.sub") - cursor.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar_cursor.sub") - cursor.Show() - self.cursor = cursor - - ## - self.cursor.SetRestrictMovementArea(0, 0, self.backGroundImage.GetWidth(), 0) - self.pageSize = self.backGroundImage.GetWidth() - self.cursor.GetWidth() - - def __OnMove(self): - (xLocal, yLocal) = self.cursor.GetLocalPosition() - self.curPos = float(xLocal) / float(self.pageSize) - - if self.eventChange: - self.eventChange() - - def SetSliderPos(self, pos): - self.curPos = pos - self.cursor.SetPosition(int(self.pageSize * pos), 0) - - def GetSliderPos(self): - return self.curPos - - def SetEvent(self, event): - self.eventChange = event - - def Enable(self): - self.cursor.Show() - - def Disable(self): - self.cursor.Hide() - -class ListBox(Window): - - TEMPORARY_PLACE = 3 - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - self.overLine = -1 - self.selectedLine = -1 - self.width = 0 - self.height = 0 - self.stepSize = 17 - self.basePos = 0 - self.showLineCount = 0 - self.itemCenterAlign = TRUE - self.itemList = [] - self.keyDict = {} - self.textDict = {} - self.event = lambda *arg: None - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetWidth(self, width): - self.SetSize(width, self.height) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.width = width - self.height = height - - def SetTextCenterAlign(self, flag): - self.itemCenterAlign = flag - - def SetBasePos(self, pos): - self.basePos = pos - self._LocateItem() - - def ClearItem(self): - self.keyDict = {} - self.textDict = {} - self.itemList = [] - self.overLine = -1 - self.selectedLine = -1 - - def InsertItem(self, number, text): - self.keyDict[len(self.itemList)] = number - self.textDict[len(self.itemList)] = text - - textLine = TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetText(text) - textLine.Show() - - if self.itemCenterAlign: - textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - - self.itemList.append(textLine) - - self._LocateItem() - - def ChangeItem(self, number, text): - for key, value in self.keyDict.items(): - if value == number: - self.textDict[key] = text - - if number < len(self.itemList): - self.itemList[key].SetText(text) - - return - - def LocateItem(self): - self._LocateItem() - - def _LocateItem(self): - - skipCount = self.basePos - yPos = 0 - self.showLineCount = 0 - - for textLine in self.itemList: - textLine.Hide() - - if skipCount > 0: - skipCount -= 1 - continue - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - w, h = textLine.GetTextSize() - textLine.SetPosition(w+10, yPos + 3) - else: - textLine.SetPosition(0, yPos + 3) - - yPos += self.stepSize - - if yPos <= self.GetHeight(): - self.showLineCount += 1 - textLine.Show() - - def ArrangeItem(self): - self.SetSize(self.width, len(self.itemList) * self.stepSize) - self._LocateItem() - - def GetViewItemCount(self): - return int(self.GetHeight() / self.stepSize) - - def GetItemCount(self): - return len(self.itemList) - - def SetEvent(self, event): - self.event = event - - def SelectItem(self, line): - - if not self.keyDict.has_key(line): - return - - if line == self.selectedLine: - return - - self.selectedLine = line - self.event(self.keyDict.get(line, 0), self.textDict.get(line, "None")) - - def GetSelectedItem(self): - return self.keyDict.get(self.selectedLine, 0) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.overLine < 0: - return - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if self.overLine >= 0: - self.SelectItem(self.overLine+self.basePos) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - self.overLine = -1 - - if self.IsIn(): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - height = self.GetHeight() - xMouse, yMouse = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - - if yMouse - y < height - 1: - self.overLine = (yMouse - y) / self.stepSize - - if self.overLine < 0: - self.overLine = -1 - if self.overLine >= len(self.itemList): - self.overLine = -1 - - def OnRender(self): - xRender, yRender = self.GetGlobalPosition() - yRender -= self.TEMPORARY_PLACE - widthRender = self.width - heightRender = self.height + self.TEMPORARY_PLACE*2 - - if locale.IsCIBN10: - if -1 != self.overLine and self.keyDict[self.overLine] != -1: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + self.overLine*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - if -1 != self.selectedLine and self.keyDict[self.selectedLine] != -1: - if self.selectedLine >= self.basePos: - if self.selectedLine - self.basePos < self.showLineCount: - grp.SetColor(SELECT_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + (self.selectedLine-self.basePos)*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - else: - if -1 != self.overLine: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + self.overLine*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - if -1 != self.selectedLine: - if self.selectedLine >= self.basePos: - if self.selectedLine - self.basePos < self.showLineCount: - grp.SetColor(SELECT_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + (self.selectedLine-self.basePos)*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - - -class ListBox2(ListBox): - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - ListBox.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - self.rowCount = 10 - self.barWidth = 0 - self.colCount = 0 - - def SetRowCount(self, rowCount): - self.rowCount = rowCount - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ListBox.SetSize(self, width, height) - self._RefreshForm() - - def ClearItem(self): - ListBox.ClearItem(self) - self._RefreshForm() - - def InsertItem(self, *args, **kwargs): - ListBox.InsertItem(self, *args, **kwargs) - self._RefreshForm() - - def OnUpdate(self): - mpos = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.overLine = self._CalcPointIndex(mpos) - - def OnRender(self): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - pos = (x + 2, y) - - if -1 != self.overLine: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - self._RenderBar(pos, self.overLine) - - if -1 != self.selectedLine: - if self.selectedLine >= self.basePos: - if self.selectedLine - self.basePos < self.showLineCount: - grp.SetColor(SELECT_COLOR) - self._RenderBar(pos, self.selectedLine-self.basePos) - - - - def _CalcPointIndex(self, mpos): - if self.IsIn(): - px, py = mpos - gx, gy = self.GetGlobalPosition() - lx, ly = px - gx, py - gy - - col = lx / self.barWidth - row = ly / self.stepSize - idx = col * self.rowCount + row - if col >= 0 and col < self.colCount: - if row >= 0 and row < self.rowCount: - if idx >= 0 and idx < len(self.itemList): - return idx - - return -1 - - def _CalcRenderPos(self, pos, idx): - x, y = pos - row = idx % self.rowCount - col = idx / self.rowCount - return (x + col * self.barWidth, y + row * self.stepSize) - - def _RenderBar(self, basePos, idx): - x, y = self._CalcRenderPos(basePos, idx) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, self.barWidth - 3, self.stepSize) - - def _LocateItem(self): - pos = (0, self.TEMPORARY_PLACE) - - self.showLineCount = 0 - for textLine in self.itemList: - x, y = self._CalcRenderPos(pos, self.showLineCount) - textLine.SetPosition(x, y) - textLine.Show() - - self.showLineCount += 1 - - def _RefreshForm(self): - if len(self.itemList) % self.rowCount: - self.colCount = len(self.itemList) / self.rowCount + 1 - else: - self.colCount = len(self.itemList) / self.rowCount - - if self.colCount: - self.barWidth = self.width / self.colCount - else: - self.barWidth = self.width - - -class ComboBox(Window): - - class ListBoxWithBoard(ListBox): - - def __init__(self, layer): - ListBox.__init__(self, layer) - - def OnRender(self): - xRender, yRender = self.GetGlobalPosition() - yRender -= self.TEMPORARY_PLACE - widthRender = self.width - heightRender = self.height + self.TEMPORARY_PLACE*2 - grp.SetColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender, yRender, widthRender, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(DARK_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(BRIGHT_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender+heightRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender+widthRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - - ListBox.OnRender(self) - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.x = 0 - self.y = 0 - self.width = 0 - self.height = 0 - self.isSelected = FALSE - self.isOver = FALSE - self.isListOpened = FALSE - self.event = lambda *arg: None - self.enable = TRUE - - self.textLine = MakeTextLine(self) - self.textLine.SetText(locale.UI_ITEM) - - self.listBox = self.ListBoxWithBoard("TOP_MOST") - self.listBox.SetPickAlways() - self.listBox.SetParent(self) - self.listBox.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnSelectItem)) - self.listBox.Hide() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.textLine = None - self.listBox = None - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - Window.SetPosition(self, x, y) - self.x = x - self.y = y - self.__ArrangeListBox() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.width = width - self.height = height - self.textLine.UpdateRect() - self.__ArrangeListBox() - - def __ArrangeListBox(self): - self.listBox.SetPosition(0, self.height + 5) - self.listBox.SetWidth(self.width) - - def Enable(self): - self.enable = TRUE - - def Disable(self): - self.enable = FALSE - self.textLine.SetText("") - self.CloseListBox() - - def SetEvent(self, event): - self.event = event - - def ClearItem(self): - self.CloseListBox() - self.listBox.ClearItem() - - def InsertItem(self, index, name): - self.listBox.InsertItem(index, name) - self.listBox.ArrangeItem() - - def SetCurrentItem(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def SelectItem(self, key): - self.listBox.SelectItem(key) - - def OnSelectItem(self, index, name): - - self.CloseListBox() - self.event(index) - - def CloseListBox(self): - self.isListOpened = FALSE - self.listBox.Hide() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - - if not self.enable: - return - - self.isSelected = TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - - if not self.enable: - return - - self.isSelected = FALSE - - if self.isListOpened: - self.CloseListBox() - else: - if self.listBox.GetItemCount() > 0: - self.isListOpened = TRUE - self.listBox.Show() - self.__ArrangeListBox() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.enable: - return - - if self.IsIn(): - self.isOver = TRUE - else: - self.isOver = FALSE - - def OnRender(self): - self.x, self.y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - xRender = self.x - yRender = self.y - widthRender = self.width - heightRender = self.height - grp.SetColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender, yRender, widthRender, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(DARK_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(BRIGHT_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender+heightRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender+widthRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - - if self.isOver: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + 3, self.width - 3, heightRender - 5) - - if self.isSelected: - grp.SetColor(WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + 3, self.width - 3, heightRender - 5) - -################################################################################################### -## Python Script Loader -################################################################################################### - -class ScriptWindow(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - self.Children = [] - self.ElementDictionary = {} - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def ClearDictionary(self): - self.Children = [] - self.ElementDictionary = {} - def InsertChild(self, name, child): - self.ElementDictionary[name] = child - - def IsChild(self, name): - return self.ElementDictionary.has_key(name) - def GetChild(self, name): - return self.ElementDictionary[name] - - def GetChild2(self, name): - return self.ElementDictionary.get(name, None) - -class PythonScriptLoader(object): - - BODY_KEY_LIST = ( "x", "y", "width", "height" ) - - ##### - - DEFAULT_KEY_LIST = ( "type", "x", "y", ) - WINDOW_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - IMAGE_KEY_LIST = ( "image", ) - EXPANDED_IMAGE_KEY_LIST = ( "image", ) - ANI_IMAGE_KEY_LIST = ( "images", ) - SLOT_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "slot", ) - CANDIDATE_LIST_KEY_LIST = ( "item_step", "item_xsize", "item_ysize", ) - GRID_TABLE_KEY_LIST = ( "start_index", "x_count", "y_count", "x_step", "y_step", ) - EDIT_LINE_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "input_limit", ) - COMBO_BOX_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "item", ) - TITLE_BAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", ) - HORIZONTAL_BAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", ) - BOARD_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - BOARD_WITH_TITLEBAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "title", ) - BOX_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - BAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - LINE_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - SLOTBAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - GAUGE_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "color", ) - SCROLLBAR_KEY_LIST = ( "size", ) - LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - - def __init__(self): - self.Clear() - - def Clear(self): - self.ScriptDictionary = { "SCREEN_WIDTH" : wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), "SCREEN_HEIGHT" : wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() } - self.InsertFunction = 0 - - def LoadScriptFile(self, window, FileName): - import exception - import exceptions - import os - import errno - self.Clear() - - print "===== Load Script File : %s" % (FileName) - - try: - execfile(FileName, self.ScriptDictionary) - except IOError, err: - import sys - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) - dbg.TraceError("error : %s" % (err)) - exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile1") - except RuntimeError,err: - import sys - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) - dbg.TraceError("error : %s" % (err)) - exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile2") - except: - import sys - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) - exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") - - ##### - - Body = self.ScriptDictionary["window"] - self.CheckKeyList("window", Body, self.BODY_KEY_LIST) - - window.ClearDictionary() - self.InsertFunction = window.InsertChild - - window.SetPosition(int(Body["x"]), int(Body["y"])) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - w = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - h = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - if Body.has_key("width"): - w = int(Body["width"]) - if Body.has_key("height"): - h = int(Body["height"]) - - window.SetSize(w, h) - else: - window.SetSize(int(Body["width"]), int(Body["height"])) - if TRUE == Body.has_key("style"): - for StyleList in Body["style"]: - window.AddFlag(StyleList) - - - self.LoadChildren(window, Body) - - def LoadChildren(self, parent, dicChildren): - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - parent.AddFlag( "rtl" ) - - if TRUE == dicChildren.has_key("style"): - for style in dicChildren["style"]: - parent.AddFlag(style) - - if FALSE == dicChildren.has_key("children"): - return FALSE - - Index = 0 - - ChildrenList = dicChildren["children"] - parent.Children = range(len(ChildrenList)) - for ElementValue in ChildrenList: - try: - Name = ElementValue["name"] - except KeyError: - Name = ElementValue["name"] = "NONAME" - - try: - Type = ElementValue["type"] - except KeyError: - Type = ElementValue["type"] = "window" - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(Name, ElementValue, self.DEFAULT_KEY_LIST): - del parent.Children[Index] - continue - - if Type == "window": - parent.Children[Index] = ScriptWindow() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementWindow(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "button": - parent.Children[Index] = Button() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementButton(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "radio_button": - parent.Children[Index] = RadioButton() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementButton(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "toggle_button": - parent.Children[Index] = ToggleButton() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementButton(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "mark": - parent.Children[Index] = MarkBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementMark(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "image": - parent.Children[Index] = ImageBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementImage(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "expanded_image": - parent.Children[Index] = ExpandedImageBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementExpandedImage(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "ani_image": - parent.Children[Index] = AniImageBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementAniImage(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "slot": - parent.Children[Index] = SlotWindow() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementSlot(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "candidate_list": - parent.Children[Index] = CandidateListBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementCandidateList(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "grid_table": - parent.Children[Index] = GridSlotWindow() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementGridTable(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "text": - parent.Children[Index] = TextLine() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementText(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "editline": - parent.Children[Index] = EditLine() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementEditLine(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "titlebar": - parent.Children[Index] = TitleBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementTitleBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "horizontalbar": - parent.Children[Index] = HorizontalBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementHorizontalBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "board": - parent.Children[Index] = Board() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBoard(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "board_with_titlebar": - parent.Children[Index] = BoardWithTitleBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBoardWithTitleBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "thinboard": - parent.Children[Index] = ThinBoard() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementThinBoard(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "box": - parent.Children[Index] = Box() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBox(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "bar": - parent.Children[Index] = Bar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "line": - parent.Children[Index] = Line() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementLine(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "slotbar": - parent.Children[Index] = SlotBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementSlotBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "gauge": - parent.Children[Index] = Gauge() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementGauge(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "scrollbar": - parent.Children[Index] = ScrollBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementScrollBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "thin_scrollbar": - parent.Children[Index] = ThinScrollBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementScrollBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "small_thin_scrollbar": - parent.Children[Index] = SmallThinScrollBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementScrollBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "sliderbar": - parent.Children[Index] = SliderBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementSliderBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "listbox": - parent.Children[Index] = ListBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementListBox(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "listbox2": - parent.Children[Index] = ListBox2() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementListBox2(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - elif Type == "listboxex": - parent.Children[Index] = ListBoxEx() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementListBoxEx(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - else: - Index += 1 - continue - - parent.Children[Index].SetWindowName(Name) - if 0 != self.InsertFunction: - self.InsertFunction(Name, parent.Children[Index]) - - self.LoadChildren(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue) - Index += 1 - - def CheckKeyList(self, name, value, key_list): - - for DataKey in key_list: - if FALSE == value.has_key(DataKey): - print "Failed to find data key", "[" + name + "/" + DataKey + "]" - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def LoadDefaultData(self, window, value, parentWindow): - loc_x = int(value["x"]) - loc_y = int(value["y"]) - if value.has_key("vertical_align"): - if "center" == value["vertical_align"]: - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - elif "bottom" == value["vertical_align"]: - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - - if parentWindow.IsRTL(): - loc_x = int(value["x"]) + window.GetWidth() - if value.has_key("horizontal_align"): - if "center" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - loc_x = - int(value["x"]) - elif "right" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - loc_x = int(value["x"]) - window.GetWidth() - ## loc_x = parentWindow.GetWidth() - int(value["x"]) + window.GetWidth() - else: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - - if value.has_key("all_align"): - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - loc_x = - int(value["x"]) - else: - if value.has_key("horizontal_align"): - if "center" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - elif "right" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - - window.SetPosition(loc_x, loc_y) - window.Show() - - ## Window - def LoadElementWindow(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.WINDOW_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Button - def LoadElementButton(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if value.has_key("width") and value.has_key("height"): - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("default_image"): - window.SetUpVisual(value["default_image"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("over_image"): - window.SetOverVisual(value["over_image"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("down_image"): - window.SetDownVisual(value["down_image"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("disable_image"): - window.SetDisableVisual(value["disable_image"]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("text"): - if TRUE == value.has_key("text_height"): - window.SetText(value["text"], value["text_height"]) - else: - window.SetText(value["text"]) - - if value.has_key("text_color"): - window.SetTextColor(value["text_color"]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("tooltip_text"): - if TRUE == value.has_key("tooltip_x") and TRUE == value.has_key("tooltip_y"): - window.SetToolTipText(value["tooltip_text"], int(value["tooltip_x"]), int(value["tooltip_y"])) - else: - window.SetToolTipText(value["tooltip_text"]) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Mark - def LoadElementMark(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - #if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.MARK_KEY_LIST): - # return FALSE - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Image - def LoadElementImage(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.IMAGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.LoadImage(value["image"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## AniImage - def LoadElementAniImage(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.ANI_IMAGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("delay"): - window.SetDelay(value["delay"]) - - for image in value["images"]: - window.AppendImage(image) - - if value.has_key("width") and value.has_key("height"): - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Expanded Image - def LoadElementExpandedImage(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.EXPANDED_IMAGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.LoadImage(value["image"]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("x_origin") and TRUE == value.has_key("y_origin"): - window.SetOrigin(float(value["x_origin"]), float(value["y_origin"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("x_scale") and TRUE == value.has_key("y_scale"): - window.SetScale(float(value["x_scale"]), float(value["y_scale"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("rect"): - RenderingRect = value["rect"] - window.SetRenderingRect(RenderingRect[0], RenderingRect[1], RenderingRect[2], RenderingRect[3]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("mode"): - mode = value["mode"] - if "MODULATE" == mode: - window.SetRenderingMode(wndMgr.RENDERING_MODE_MODULATE) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Slot - def LoadElementSlot(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.SLOT_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - global_x = int(value["x"]) - global_y = int(value["y"]) - global_width = int(value["width"]) - global_height = int(value["height"]) - - window.SetPosition(global_x, global_y) - window.SetSize(global_width, global_height) - window.Show() - - r = 1.0 - g = 1.0 - b = 1.0 - a = 1.0 - - if TRUE == value.has_key("image_r") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_g") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_b") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_a"): - r = float(value["image_r"]) - g = float(value["image_g"]) - b = float(value["image_b"]) - a = float(value["image_a"]) - - SLOT_ONE_KEY_LIST = ("index", "x", "y", "width", "height") - - for slot in value["slot"]: - if TRUE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"] + " - one", slot, SLOT_ONE_KEY_LIST): - wndMgr.AppendSlot(window.hWnd, - int(slot["index"]), - int(slot["x"]), - int(slot["y"]), - int(slot["width"]), - int(slot["height"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("image"): - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(window.hWnd, - value["image"], - r, g, b, a) - - return TRUE - - def LoadElementCandidateList(self, window, value, parentWindow): - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.CANDIDATE_LIST_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetPosition(int(value["x"]), int(value["y"])) - window.SetItemSize(int(value["item_xsize"]), int(value["item_ysize"])) - window.SetItemStep(int(value["item_step"])) - window.Show() - - return TRUE - - ## Table - def LoadElementGridTable(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.GRID_TABLE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - xBlank = 0 - yBlank = 0 - if TRUE == value.has_key("x_blank"): - xBlank = int(value["x_blank"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("y_blank"): - yBlank = int(value["y_blank"]) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pass - else: - window.SetPosition(int(value["x"]), int(value["y"])) - - window.ArrangeSlot( int(value["start_index"]), - int(value["x_count"]), - int(value["y_count"]), - int(value["x_step"]), - int(value["y_step"]), - xBlank, - yBlank) - if TRUE == value.has_key("image"): - r = 1.0 - g = 1.0 - b = 1.0 - a = 1.0 - if TRUE == value.has_key("image_r") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_g") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_b") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_a"): - r = float(value["image_r"]) - g = float(value["image_g"]) - b = float(value["image_b"]) - a = float(value["image_a"]) - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(window.hWnd, value["image"], r, g, b, a) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("style"): - if "select" == value["style"]: - wndMgr.SetSlotStyle(window.hWnd, wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_SELECT) - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - else: - window.Show() - - return TRUE - - ## Text - def LoadElementText(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if value.has_key("fontsize"): - fontSize = value["fontsize"] - - if "LARGE" == fontSize: - window.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE) - - elif value.has_key("fontname"): - fontName = value["fontname"] - window.SetFontName(fontName) - - if value.has_key("text_horizontal_align"): - if "left" == value["text_horizontal_align"]: - window.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() - elif "center" == value["text_horizontal_align"]: - window.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - elif "right" == value["text_horizontal_align"]: - window.SetHorizontalAlignRight() - - if value.has_key("text_vertical_align"): - if "top" == value["text_vertical_align"]: - window.SetVerticalAlignTop() - elif "center" == value["text_vertical_align"]: - window.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - elif "bottom" == value["text_vertical_align"]: - window.SetVerticalAlignBottom() - - if value.has_key("all_align"): - window.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - window.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - - if value.has_key("r") and value.has_key("g") and value.has_key("b"): - window.SetFontColor(float(value["r"]), float(value["g"]), float(value["b"])) - elif value.has_key("color"): - window.SetPackedFontColor(value["color"]) - else: - window.SetFontColor(0.8549, 0.8549, 0.8549) - - if value.has_key("outline"): - if value["outline"]: - window.SetOutline() - if TRUE == value.has_key("text"): - window.SetText(value["text"]) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## EditLine - def LoadElementEditLine(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.EDIT_LINE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - - if value.has_key("secret_flag"): - window.SetSecret(value["secret_flag"]) - if value.has_key("with_codepage"): - if value["with_codepage"]: - window.bCodePage = TRUE - if value.has_key("only_number"): - if value["only_number"]: - window.SetNumberMode() - if value.has_key("enable_codepage"): - window.SetIMEFlag(value["enable_codepage"]) - if value.has_key("enable_ime"): - window.SetIMEFlag(value["enable_ime"]) - if value.has_key("limit_width"): - window.SetLimitWidth(value["limit_width"]) - if value.has_key("multi_line"): - if value["multi_line"]: - window.SetMultiLine() - - window.SetMax(int(value["input_limit"])) - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadElementText(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## TitleBar - def LoadElementTitleBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.TITLE_BAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.MakeTitleBar(int(value["width"]), value.get("color", "red")) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## HorizontalBar - def LoadElementHorizontalBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.HORIZONTAL_BAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.Create(int(value["width"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Board - def LoadElementBoard(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOARD_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Board With TitleBar - def LoadElementBoardWithTitleBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOARD_WITH_TITLEBAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - window.SetTitleName(value["title"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ThinBoard - def LoadElementThinBoard(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOARD_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Box - def LoadElementBox(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("color"): - window.SetColor(value["color"]) - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Bar - def LoadElementBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("color"): - window.SetColor(value["color"]) - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Line - def LoadElementLine(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LINE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("color"): - window.SetColor(value["color"]) - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Slot - def LoadElementSlotBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.SLOTBAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Gauge - def LoadElementGauge(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.GAUGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.MakeGauge(value["width"], value["color"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ScrollBar - def LoadElementScrollBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.SCROLLBAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetScrollBarSize(value["size"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## SliderBar - def LoadElementSliderBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ListBox - def LoadElementListBox(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if value.has_key("item_align"): - window.SetTextCenterAlign(value["item_align"]) - - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ListBox2 - def LoadElementListBox2(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetRowCount(value.get("row_count", 10)) - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - if value.has_key("item_align"): - window.SetTextCenterAlign(value["item_align"]) - - return TRUE - def LoadElementListBoxEx(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - if value.has_key("itemsize_x") and value.has_key("itemsize_y"): - window.SetItemSize(int(value["itemsize_x"]), int(value["itemsize_y"])) - - if value.has_key("itemstep"): - window.SetItemStep(int(value["itemstep"])) - - if value.has_key("viewcount"): - window.SetViewItemCount(int(value["viewcount"])) - - return TRUE - -class ReadingWnd(Bar): - - def __init__(self): - Bar.__init__(self,"TOP_MOST") - - self.__BuildText() - self.SetSize(80, 19) - self.Show() - - def __del__(self): - Bar.__del__(self) - - def __BuildText(self): - self.text = TextLine() - self.text.SetParent(self) - self.text.SetPosition(4, 3) - self.text.Show() - - def SetText(self, text): - self.text.SetText(text) - - def SetReadingPosition(self, x, y): - xPos = x + 2 - yPos = y - self.GetHeight() - 2 - self.SetPosition(xPos, yPos) - - def SetTextColor(self, color): - self.text.SetPackedFontColor(color) - - -def MakeSlotBar(parent, x, y, width, height): - slotBar = SlotBar() - slotBar.SetParent(parent) - slotBar.SetSize(width, height) - slotBar.SetPosition(x, y) - slotBar.Show() - return slotBar - -def MakeImageBox(parent, name, x, y): - image = ImageBox() - image.SetParent(parent) - image.LoadImage(name) - image.SetPosition(x, y) - image.Show() - return image - -def MakeTextLine(parent): - textLine = TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(parent) - textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.Show() - return textLine - -def MakeButton(parent, x, y, tooltipText, path, up, over, down): - button = Button() - button.SetParent(parent) - button.SetPosition(x, y) - button.SetUpVisual(path + up) - button.SetOverVisual(path + over) - button.SetDownVisual(path + down) - button.SetToolTipText(tooltipText) - button.Show() - return button - -def RenderRoundBox(x, y, width, height, color): - grp.SetColor(color) - grp.RenderLine(x+2, y, width-3, 0) - grp.RenderLine(x+2, y+height, width-3, 0) - grp.RenderLine(x, y+2, 0, height-4) - grp.RenderLine(x+width, y+1, 0, height-3) - grp.RenderLine(x, y+2, 2, -2) - grp.RenderLine(x, y+height-2, 2, 2) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-2, y, 2, 2) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-2, y+height, 2, -2) - -def GenerateColor(r, g, b): - r = float(r) / 255.0 - g = float(g) / 255.0 - b = float(b) / 255.0 - return grp.GenerateColor(r, g, b, 1.0) - -def EnablePaste(flag): - ime.EnablePaste(flag) - -def GetHyperlink(): - return wndMgr.GetHyperlink() - -RegisterToolTipWindow("TEXT", TextLine) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiaffectshower.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiaffectshower.py deleted file mode 100644 index cc1ba679..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiaffectshower.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,713 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import locale -import chr -import item -import app -import skill -import player -import uiToolTip -import math - -# WEDDING -class LovePointImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - FILE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/LovePoint/" - FILE_DICT = { - 0 : FILE_PATH + "01.dds", - 1 : FILE_PATH + "02.dds", - 2 : FILE_PATH + "02.dds", - 3 : FILE_PATH + "03.dds", - 4 : FILE_PATH + "04.dds", - 5 : FILE_PATH + "05.dds", - } - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - self.loverName = "" - self.lovePoint = 0 - - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__del__(self) - - def SetLoverInfo(self, name, lovePoint): - self.loverName = name - self.lovePoint = lovePoint - self.__Refresh() - - def OnUpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - self.lovePoint = lovePoint - self.__Refresh() - - def __Refresh(self): - self.lovePoint = max(0, self.lovePoint) - self.lovePoint = min(100, self.lovePoint) - - if 0 == self.lovePoint: - loveGrade = 0 - else: - loveGrade = self.lovePoint / 25 + 1 - fileName = self.FILE_DICT.get(loveGrade, self.FILE_PATH+"00.dds") - - try: - self.LoadImage(fileName) - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("LovePointImage.SetLoverInfo(lovePoint=%d) - LoadError %s" % (lovePoint, fileName)) - - self.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTip.SetTitle(self.loverName) - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(locale.AFF_LOVE_POINT % (self.lovePoint)) - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.toolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() -# END_OF_WEDDING - - -class HorseImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - FILE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/HorseState/" - - FILE_DICT = { - 00 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 01 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 02 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 03 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 10 : FILE_PATH+"10.dds", - 11 : FILE_PATH+"11.dds", - 12 : FILE_PATH+"12.dds", - 13 : FILE_PATH+"13.dds", - 20 : FILE_PATH+"20.dds", - 21 : FILE_PATH+"21.dds", - 22 : FILE_PATH+"22.dds", - 23 : FILE_PATH+"23.dds", - 30 : FILE_PATH+"30.dds", - 31 : FILE_PATH+"31.dds", - 32 : FILE_PATH+"32.dds", - 33 : FILE_PATH+"33.dds", - } - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - #self.textLineList = [] - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __GetHorseGrade(self, level): - if 0 == level: - return 0 - - return (level-1)/10 + 1 - - def SetState(self, level, health, battery): - #self.textLineList=[] - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - - if level>0: - - try: - grade = self.__GetHorseGrade(level) - self.__AppendText(locale.LEVEL_LIST[grade]) - except IndexError: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - Unknown Index" % (level, health, battery) - return - - try: - healthName=locale.HEALTH_LIST[health] - if len(healthName)>0: - self.__AppendText(healthName) - except IndexError: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - Unknown Index" % (level, health, battery) - return - - if health>0: - if battery==0: - self.__AppendText(locale.NEEFD_REST) - - try: - fileName=self.FILE_DICT[health*10+battery] - except KeyError: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - KeyError" % (level, health, battery) - - try: - self.LoadImage(fileName) - except: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - LoadError %s" % (level, health, battery, fileName) - - self.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - - def __AppendText(self, text): - - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(text) - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - - #x=self.GetWidth()/2 - #textLine = ui.TextLine() - #textLine.SetParent(self) - #textLine.SetSize(0, 0) - #textLine.SetOutline() - #textLine.Hide() - #textLine.SetPosition(x, 40+len(self.textLineList)*16) - #textLine.SetText(text) - #self.textLineList.append(textLine) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - #for textLine in self.textLineList: - # textLine.Show() - - self.toolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - #for textLine in self.textLineList: - # textLine.Hide() - - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - -# AUTO_POTION -class AutoPotionImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - FILE_PATH_HP = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_hpgauge/" - FILE_PATH_SP = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_spgauge/" - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - self.loverName = "" - self.lovePoint = 0 - self.potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP - self.filePath = "" - - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__del__(self) - - def SetPotionType(self, type): - self.potionType = type - - if player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP == type: - self.filePath = self.FILE_PATH_HP - elif player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP == type: - self.filePath = self.FILE_PATH_SP - - - def OnUpdateAutoPotionImage(self): - self.__Refresh() - - def __Refresh(self): - print "__Refresh" - - isActivated, currentAmount, totalAmount, slotIndex = player.GetAutoPotionInfo(self.potionType) - - amountPercent = (float(currentAmount) / totalAmount) * 100.0 - grade = math.ceil(amountPercent / 20) - - if 5.0 > amountPercent: - grade = 0 - - if 80.0 < amountPercent: - grade = 4 - if 90.0 < amountPercent: - grade = 5 - - fmt = self.filePath + "%.2d.dds" - fileName = fmt % grade - - print self.potionType, amountPercent, fileName - - try: - self.LoadImage(fileName) - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("AutoPotionImage.__Refresh(potionType=%d) - LoadError %s" % (self.potionType, fileName)) - - self.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - - if player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP == type: - self.toolTip.SetTitle(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP) - else: - self.toolTip.SetTitle(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP) - - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST % (amountPercent)) - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.toolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() -# END_OF_AUTO_POTION - - -class AffectImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - self.toolTipText = None - self.isSkillAffect = TRUE - self.description = None - self.endTime = 0 - self.affect = None - self.isClocked = TRUE - - def SetAffect(self, affect): - self.affect = affect - - def GetAffect(self): - return self.affect - - def SetToolTipText(self, text, x = 0, y = -19): - - if not self.toolTipText: - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetSize(0, 0) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Hide() - self.toolTipText = textLine - - self.toolTipText.SetText(text) - w, h = self.toolTipText.GetTextSize() - self.toolTipText.SetPosition(max(0, x + self.GetWidth()/2 - w/2), y) - - def SetDescription(self, description): - self.description = description - - def SetDuration(self, duration): - self.endTime = 0 - if duration > 0: - self.endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + duration - - def UpdateAutoPotionDescription(self): - - potionType = 0 - if self.affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP - else: - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP - - isActivated, currentAmount, totalAmount, slotIndex = player.GetAutoPotionInfo(potionType) - - #print "UpdateAutoPotionDescription ", isActivated, currentAmount, totalAmount, slotIndex - - amountPercent = 0.0 - - try: - amountPercent = (float(currentAmount) / totalAmount) * 100.0 - except: - amountPercent = 100.0 - - self.SetToolTipText(self.description % amountPercent, 0, 40) - - def SetClock(self, isClocked): - self.isClocked = isClocked - - def UpdateDescription(self): - if not self.isClocked: - self.__UpdateDescription2() - return - - if not self.description: - return - - toolTip = self.description - if self.endTime > 0: - leftTime = locale.SecondToDHM(self.endTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp()) - toolTip += " (%s : %s)" % (locale.LEFT_TIME, leftTime) - self.SetToolTipText(toolTip, 0, 40) - - #刀老滚傈俊辑 矫埃阑 力芭窍扁 困秦辑 荤侩 - def __UpdateDescription2(self): - if not self.description: - return - - toolTip = self.description - self.SetToolTipText(toolTip, 0, 40) - - def SetSkillAffectFlag(self, flag): - self.isSkillAffect = flag - - def IsSkillAffect(self): - return self.isSkillAffect - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if self.toolTipText: - self.toolTipText.Show() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.toolTipText: - self.toolTipText.Hide() - -class AffectShower(ui.Window): - - MALL_DESC_IDX_START = 1000 - IMAGE_STEP = 25 - AFFECT_MAX_NUM = 32 - - INFINITE_AFFECT_DURATION = 0x1FFFFFFF - - AFFECT_DATA_DICT = { - chr.AFFECT_POISON : (locale.SKILL_TOXICDIE, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/poison.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_SLOW : (locale.SKILL_SLOW, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/slow.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_STUN : (locale.SKILL_STUN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/stun.sub"), - - chr.AFFECT_ATT_SPEED_POTION : (locale.SKILL_INC_ATKSPD, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/Increase_Attack_Speed.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_MOV_SPEED_POTION : (locale.SKILL_INC_MOVSPD, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/Increase_Move_Speed.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_FISH_MIND : (locale.SKILL_FISHMIND, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/fishmind.sub"), - - chr.AFFECT_JEONGWI : (locale.SKILL_JEONGWI, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/jeongwi_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GEOMGYEONG : (locale.SKILL_GEOMGYEONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/geomgyeong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_CHEONGEUN : (locale.SKILL_CHEONGEUN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/cheongeun_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GYEONGGONG : (locale.SKILL_GYEONGGONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/assassin/gyeonggong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_EUNHYEONG : (locale.SKILL_EUNHYEONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/assassin/eunhyeong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GWIGEOM : (locale.SKILL_GWIGEOM, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/gwigeom_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GONGPO : (locale.SKILL_GONGPO, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/gongpo_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_JUMAGAP : (locale.SKILL_JUMAGAP, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/jumagap_03.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_HOSIN : (locale.SKILL_HOSIN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/hosin_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_BOHO : (locale.SKILL_BOHO, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/boho_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_KWAESOK : (locale.SKILL_KWAESOK, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/kwaesok_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_HEUKSIN : (locale.SKILL_HEUKSIN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/heuksin_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_MUYEONG : (locale.SKILL_MUYEONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/muyeong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GICHEON : (locale.SKILL_GICHEON, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/gicheon_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_JEUNGRYEOK : (locale.SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/jeungryeok_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_PABEOP : (locale.SKILL_PABEOP, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/pabeop_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_FALLEN_CHEONGEUN : (locale.SKILL_CHEONGEUN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/cheongeun_03.sub",), - 28 : (locale.SKILL_FIRE, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/hwayeom_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_CHINA_FIREWORK : (locale.SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/powerfulstrike.sub",), - - #64 - END - chr.NEW_AFFECT_EXP_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/exp_bonus.sub",), - - chr.NEW_AFFECT_ITEM_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/item_bonus.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_SAFEBOX : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/safebox.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTOLOOT : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/autoloot.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_FISH_MIND : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/fishmind.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_MARRIAGE_FAST : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/marriage_fast.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_GOLD_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_bonus.sub",), - - chr.NEW_AFFECT_NO_DEATH_PENALTY : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - - # 磊悼拱距 hp, sp - chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_hpgauge/05.dds"), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_spgauge/05.dds"), - #chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - #chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_bonus.sub"), - - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_ATTBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/att_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_DEFBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/def_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_EXPBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/exp_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_ITEMBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/item_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_GOLDBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_CRITICAL_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT,"d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/critical.sub"), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_PENETRATE_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MAX_HP_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MAX_SP_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_PC_BANG_EXP_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/EXP_Bonus_p_on.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_PC_BANG_DROP_BONUS: (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/Item_Bonus_p_on.sub",), - } - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - # 侩去籍 玫, 瘤 郸. - AFFECT_DATA_DICT[chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1] = (locale.TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1, "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/buff_ds_sky1.tga") - AFFECT_DATA_DICT[chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2] = (locale.TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2, "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/buff_ds_land1.tga") - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.serverPlayTime=0 - self.clientPlayTime=0 - - self.lastUpdateTime=0 - self.affectImageDict={} - self.horseImage=None - self.lovePointImage=None - self.autoPotionImageHP = AutoPotionImage() - self.autoPotionImageSP = AutoPotionImage() - self.SetPosition(10, 10) - self.Show() - - def ClearAllAffects(self): - self.horseImage=None - self.lovePointImage=None - self.affectImageDict={} - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ClearAffects(self): ## 胶懦 捞棋飘父 绝聚聪促. - self.living_affectImageDict={} - for key, image in self.affectImageDict.items(): - if not image.IsSkillAffect(): - self.living_affectImageDict[key] = image - self.affectImageDict = self.living_affectImageDict - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def BINARY_NEW_AddAffect(self, type, pointIdx, value, duration): - - print "BINARY_NEW_AddAffect", type, pointIdx, value, duration - - if type < 500: - return - - if type == chr.NEW_AFFECT_MALL: - affect = self.MALL_DESC_IDX_START + pointIdx - else: - affect = type - - if self.affectImageDict.has_key(affect): - return - - if not self.AFFECT_DATA_DICT.has_key(affect): - return - - ## 侩脚狼 啊龋, 急牢狼 背绕篮 Duration 阑 0 栏肺 汲沥茄促. - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_NO_DEATH_PENALTY or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY: - duration = 0 - - affectData = self.AFFECT_DATA_DICT[affect] - description = affectData[0] - filename = affectData[1] - - if pointIdx == player.POINT_MALL_ITEMBONUS or\ - pointIdx == player.POINT_MALL_GOLDBONUS: - value = 1 + float(value) / 100.0 - - trashValue = 123 - #if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY or affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - if trashValue == 1: - try: - #image = AutoPotionImage() - #image.SetParent(self) - image = None - - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY: - image.SetPotionType(player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP) - image = self.autoPotionImageSP - #self.autoPotionImageSP = image; - else: - image.SetPotionType(player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP) - image = self.autoPotionImageHP - #self.autoPotionImageHP = image; - - image.SetParent(self) - image.Show() - image.OnUpdateAutoPotionImage() - - self.affectImageDict[affect] = image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - except Exception, e: - print "except Aff auto potion affect ", e - pass - - else: - if affect != chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY and affect != chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - description = description(float(value)) - - try: - print "Add affect %s" % affect - image = AffectImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.LoadImage(filename) - image.SetDescription(description) - image.SetDuration(duration) - image.SetAffect(affect) - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_EXP_BONUS_EURO_FREE or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_EXP_BONUS_EURO_FREE_UNDER_15 or\ - self.INFINITE_AFFECT_DURATION < duration: - image.SetClock(FALSE) - image.UpdateDescription() - elif affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY or affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - image.UpdateAutoPotionDescription() - else: - image.UpdateDescription() - - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1 or affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2: - image.SetScale(1, 1) - else: - image.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - image.SetSkillAffectFlag(FALSE) - image.Show() - self.affectImageDict[affect] = image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - except Exception, e: - print "except Aff affect ", e - pass - - def BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect(self, type, pointIdx): - if type == chr.NEW_AFFECT_MALL: - affect = self.MALL_DESC_IDX_START + pointIdx - else: - affect = type - - print "Remove Affect %s %s" % ( type , pointIdx ) - self.__RemoveAffect(affect) - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def SetAffect(self, affect): - self.__AppendAffect(affect) - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ResetAffect(self, affect): - self.__RemoveAffect(affect) - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def SetLoverInfo(self, name, lovePoint): - image = LovePointImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetLoverInfo(name, lovePoint) - self.lovePointImage = image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ShowLoverState(self): - if self.lovePointImage: - self.lovePointImage.Show() - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def HideLoverState(self): - if self.lovePointImage: - self.lovePointImage.Hide() - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ClearLoverState(self): - self.lovePointImage = None - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def OnUpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - if self.lovePointImage: - self.lovePointImage.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint) - - def SetHorseState(self, level, health, battery): - if level==0: - self.horseImage=None - else: - image = HorseImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetState(level, health, battery) - image.Show() - - self.horseImage=image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def SetPlayTime(self, playTime): - self.serverPlayTime = playTime - self.clientPlayTime = app.GetTime() - - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - image = PlayTimeImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetPlayTime(playTime) - image.Show() - - self.playTimeImage=image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def __AppendAffect(self, affect): - - if self.affectImageDict.has_key(affect): - return - - try: - affectData = self.AFFECT_DATA_DICT[affect] - except KeyError: - return - - name = affectData[0] - filename = affectData[1] - - skillIndex = player.AffectIndexToSkillIndex(affect) - if 0 != skillIndex: - name = skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex) - - image = AffectImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetSkillAffectFlag(TRUE) - - try: - image.LoadImage(filename) - except: - pass - - image.SetToolTipText(name, 0, 40) - image.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - image.Show() - self.affectImageDict[affect] = image - - def __RemoveAffect(self, affect): - """ - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY: - self.autoPotionImageSP.Hide() - - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - self.autoPotionImageHP.Hide() - """ - - if not self.affectImageDict.has_key(affect): - print "__RemoveAffect %s ( No Affect )" % affect - return - - print "__RemoveAffect %s ( Affect )" % affect - del self.affectImageDict[affect] - - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def __ArrangeImageList(self): - - width = len(self.affectImageDict) * self.IMAGE_STEP - if self.lovePointImage: - width+=self.IMAGE_STEP - if self.horseImage: - width+=self.IMAGE_STEP - - self.SetSize(width, 26) - - xPos = 0 - - if self.lovePointImage: - if self.lovePointImage.IsShow(): - self.lovePointImage.SetPosition(xPos, 0) - xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP - - if self.horseImage: - self.horseImage.SetPosition(xPos, 0) - xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP - - for image in self.affectImageDict.values(): - image.SetPosition(xPos, 0) - xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP - - def OnUpdate(self): - try: - if app.GetGlobalTime() - self.lastUpdateTime > 500: - #if 0 < app.GetGlobalTime(): - self.lastUpdateTime = app.GetGlobalTime() - - for image in self.affectImageDict.values(): - if image.GetAffect() == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY or image.GetAffect() == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY: - image.UpdateAutoPotionDescription() - continue - - if not image.IsSkillAffect(): - image.UpdateDescription() - except Exception, e: - print "AffectShower::OnUpdate error : ", e - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiattachmetin.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiattachmetin.py deleted file mode 100644 index cc21059b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiattachmetin.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import player -import item -import net -import snd -import ui -import uiToolTip -import locale - -class AttachMetinDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadScript() - - self.metinItemPos = 0 - self.targetItemPos = 0 - - def __LoadScript(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/attachstonedialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AttachStoneDialog.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.titleBar = self.GetChild("TitleBar") - self.metinImage = self.GetChild("MetinImage") - self.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Accept)) - self.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AttachStoneDialog.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - oldToolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - oldToolTip.SetParent(self) - oldToolTip.SetPosition(15, 38) - oldToolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - oldToolTip.Show() - self.oldToolTip = oldToolTip - - newToolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - newToolTip.SetParent(self) - newToolTip.SetPosition(230 + 20, 38) - newToolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - newToolTip.Show() - self.newToolTip = newToolTip - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.metinImage = 0 - self.toolTip = 0 - - def CanAttachMetin(self, slot, metin): - if item.METIN_NORMAL == metin: - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == slot or player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slot: - return TRUE - - elif item.METIN_GOLD == metin: - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slot: - return TRUE - - def Open(self, metinItemPos, targetItemPos): - self.metinItemPos = metinItemPos - self.targetItemPos = targetItemPos - - metinIndex = player.GetItemIndex(metinItemPos) - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetItemPos) - self.oldToolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.newToolTip.ClearToolTip() - - item.SelectItem(metinIndex) - - ## Metin Image - try: - self.metinImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - except: - dbg.TraceError("AttachMetinDialog.Open.LoadImage - Failed to find item data") - - ## Old Item ToolTip - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - self.oldToolTip.AddItemData(itemIndex, metinSlot) - - ## New Item ToolTip - item.SelectItem(metinIndex) - metinSubType = item.GetItemSubType() - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - slotData = metinSlot[i] - if self.CanAttachMetin(slotData, metinSubType): - metinSlot[i] = metinIndex - break - self.newToolTip.AddItemData(itemIndex, metinSlot) - - self.UpdateDialog() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def UpdateDialog(self): - newWidth = self.newToolTip.GetWidth() + 230 + 15 + 20 - newHeight = self.newToolTip.GetHeight() + 98 - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board.SetPosition( newWidth, 0 ) - - (x,y) = self.titleBar.GetLocalPosition() - self.titleBar.SetPosition( newWidth - 15, y ) - - self.board.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - self.titleBar.SetWidth(newWidth-15) - self.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetLocalPosition() - self.SetPosition(x, y) - - def Accept(self): - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.metinItemPos, self.targetItemPos) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/metinstone_insert.wav") - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiauction.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiauction.py deleted file mode 100644 index 697068fc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiauction.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -import ui -class AuctionWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - class PageWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent, filename): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.SetParent(parent) - self.filename = filename - def GetScriptFileName(self): - return self.filename - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.SelectPage("UNIQUE_AUCTION") - - def __LoadWindow(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow.py") - - self.pageName = { - "LIST" : "概概 府胶飘", - "REGISTER" : "概概 殿废", - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : "蜡聪农 版概", - } - self.pageWindow = { - "LIST" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow_listpage.py"), - "REGISTER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow_registerpage.py"), - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow_uniqueauctionpage.py"), - } - - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.tabDict = { - "LIST" : self.GetChild("Tab_01"), - "REGISTER" : self.GetChild("Tab_02"), - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : self.GetChild("Tab_03"), - } - self.tabButtonDict = { - "LIST" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_01"), - "REGISTER" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_02"), - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_03"), - } - for page in self.pageWindow.values(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(page, page.GetScriptFileName()) - for key, button in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - button.SetEvent(self.SelectPage, key) - - self.__MakeListPage() - self.__MakeRegisterPage() - self.__MakeUniqueAuctionPage() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - def __MakeListPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["LIST"] - - yPos = 27 - - AUCTION_LINE_COUNT = 10 - - for i in xrange(AUCTION_LINE_COUNT): - - numberSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 11, yPos) - numberSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(numberSlotImage) - page.Children.append(numberSlotImage) - page.Children.append(numberSlot) - - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_04.sub", 55, yPos) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - - priceSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_05.sub", 175, yPos) - priceSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlot) - - deleteButton = ui.Button() - deleteButton.SetParent(page) - deleteButton.SetPosition(310, yPos) - deleteButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.sub") - deleteButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub") - deleteButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub") - deleteButton.SetText("备涝") - deleteButton.Show() - page.Children.append(deleteButton) - - yPos += 20 - - def __MakeRegisterPage(self): - pass - - def __MakeUniqueAuctionPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["UNIQUE_AUCTION"] - - LINE_COUNT = 3 - - for i in xrange(LINE_COUNT): - - yPos = 5 + 99*i - - itemSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 10, yPos, 97, 97) - page.Children.append(itemSlotImage) - - itemName = ui.MakeTextLine(page, FALSE, 117, yPos + 14) - page.Children.append(itemName) - ## Temporary - itemName.SetText("急赤狼 厚赤") - ## Temporary - - curPrice = ui.MakeTextLine(page, FALSE, 117, yPos + 31) - page.Children.append(curPrice) - ## Temporary - curPrice.SetText("泅犁啊 : 20撅 1234父 1234成") - ## Temporary - - lastTime = ui.MakeTextLine(page, FALSE, 117, yPos + 48) - page.Children.append(lastTime) - ## Temporary - lastTime.SetText("倡蔓鳖瘤 巢篮 矫埃 : 19盒 28檬") - ## Temporary - - priceSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_05.sub", 117, yPos + 65) - priceSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlot) - ## Temporary - priceSlot.SetText("20撅 1234父 1234成") - ## Temporary - - def SelectPage(self, arg): - for key, btn in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if arg != key: - btn.SetUp() - for key, img in self.tabDict.items(): - if arg == key: - img.Show() - else: - img.Hide() - for key, page in self.pageWindow.items(): - if arg == key: - page.Show() - else: - page.Hide() - self.board.SetTitleName(self.pageName[arg]) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiautoban.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiautoban.py deleted file mode 100644 index 935d8b9b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiautoban.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -import app -import os -import net -import mouseModule -import player -import snd -import locale -import ui -import uiScriptLocale - -class AutoBanQuizWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.answer = 0 - self.restSec = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "AutoBanQuiz.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AutoBanQuiz.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - - self.msgTexts = [ - GetObject("msg1"), - GetObject("msg2"), - ] - self.selButtons = [ - GetObject("select1"), - GetObject("select2"), - GetObject("select3"), - ] - - self.statusText = GetObject("status") - self.answerButton = GetObject("answer") - self.refreshButton = GetObject("refresh") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AutoBanQuiz.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.selButtons[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSelectButton0) - self.selButtons[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSelectButton1) - self.selButtons[2].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSelectButton2) - - self.answerButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickAnswerButton) - self.refreshButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickRefreshButton) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.msgTexts = [] - self.selButtons = [] - self.statusText = None - self.answerButton = None - self.refreshButton = None - - def Open(self, open, quiz, duration): - srcLines = quiz.split("|") - - if len(srcLines) >= 5: - msgLines = srcLines[:2] - selLines = srcLines[2:] - - for msgText, msgLine in zip(self.msgTexts, msgLines): - msgText.SetText(msgLine) - - for selButton, selLine in zip(self.selButtons, selLines): - selButton.SetText(selLine) - - self.statusText.SetText("%s: %s" % (uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME, locale.SecondToDHM(duration))) - - self.answer = 0 - self.endTime = app.GetTime() + duration - - for selectButton in self.selButtons: - selectButton.SetUp() - - self.Show() - self.Lock() - - def Close(self): - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def Clear(self): - pass - - def Refresh(self): - pass - - def __OnClickSelectButton0(self): - self.__Select(0) - - def __OnClickSelectButton1(self): - self.__Select(1) - - def __OnClickSelectButton2(self): - self.__Select(2) - - def __Select(self, index): - for selectButton in self.selButtons: - selectButton.SetUp() - - self.selButtons[index].Down() - self.answer = index + 1 - - print "autoban_select: %d" % (self.answer) - - def __OnClickAnswerButton(self): - if self.answer: - print "autoban_answer: %d" % (self.answer) - net.SendChatPacket("/autoban_answer %d" % (self.answer)) - self.Close() - else: - print "autoban_noanswer" - - def __OnClickRefreshButton(self): - print "autoban_refresh" - net.SendChatPacket("/autoban_refresh") - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - restTime = self.endTime - app.GetTime() - if restTime < 0: - restTime = 0 - - self.statusText.SetText("%s: %s" % (uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME, locale.SecondToDHM(restTime))) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import uiToolTip - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - - self.cubeWindow = AutoBanQuizWindow() - self.cubeWindow.LoadWindow() - self.cubeWindow.Open() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uicandidate.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uicandidate.py deleted file mode 100644 index c275ed99..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uicandidate.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import ime -import wndMgr - -class VerticalCandidateBoard(ui.Board): - - CORNER_WIDTH = 3 - CORNER_HEIGHT = 3 - LINE_WIDTH = 16 - LINE_HEIGHT = 16 - - SLOT_WIDTH = 14 - SLOT_HEIGHT = 14 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - - self.Base = None - self.BaseBar = None - self.numberList = [] - self.slotList = [] - - def __del__(self): - ui.Board.__del__(self) - - def SetCharacterCount(self, xCount, yCount): - self.SetSize(xCount*14 + 14, yCount*14 + 7) - self.BaseBar.SetSize(xCount*14 + 1, yCount*14 + 1) - - self.numberList = [] - self.slotList = [] - - for y in xrange(yCount): - - number = ui.ImageBox() - number.SetParent(self.BaseBar) - number.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ime/%d.tga" % (y+1)) - number.SetPosition(5 - 10, 8 + y * 14 - 3) - number.Show() - self.numberList.append(number) - - slot = ui.Bar() - slot.SetParent(self.BaseBar) - slot.SetPosition(10 + 1 - 10, 3 + y*14 + 1 - 3) - slot.SetSize(xCount*14 - 1, 13) - slot.SetColor(0xFF302C2A) - slot.Show() - self.slotList.append(slot) - - ################################################################# - - def SetCandidatePosition(self, x, y, textCount): - xPos = x + (textCount - 5) * 6 + 2 - yPos = y - self.GetHeight() - 2 - self.SetPosition(xPos, yPos) - - def Load(self): - self.MakeBoard("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ime/corner_", "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ime/bar_") - - BaseBar = ui.Bar() - BaseBar.SetParent(self) - BaseBar.SetPosition(10, 3) - BaseBar.SetColor(0xff000000) - BaseBar.Show() - self.BaseBar = BaseBar - - candidateListBox = ui.CandidateListBox(ui.CandidateListBox.VERTICAL_MODE) - candidateListBox.SetParent(self) - candidateListBox.SetPosition(11, 4) - candidateListBox.SetItemSize(16, 14) - candidateListBox.SetItemStep(14) - candidateListBox.Show() - self.candidateListBox = candidateListBox - - def Clear(self): - self.candidateListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def Append(self, text): - self.candidateListBox.AppendItem(ui.CandidateListBox.Item(text)) - - def Refresh(self): - - maxTextLength = 0 - yCount = ime.GetCandidateCount() - - for i in xrange(yCount): - text, length = ime.GetCandidate(i) - self.Append(text) - - if length > maxTextLength: - maxTextLength = length - - if maxTextLength > 0: - self.SetCharacterCount(maxTextLength, yCount) - - self.candidateListBox.SelectIndex(ime.GetCandidateSelection()) - -class KORCandidateWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - self.candidateListBox=None - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetCandidatePosition(self, x, y, textCount): - xPos = x + textCount*6 - 20 - yPos = y + 20 - xPos = min(xPos, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - self.GetWidth()) - self.SetPosition(xPos, yPos) - - def Clear(self): - self.candidateListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def Append(self, text): - self.candidateListBox.AppendItem(ui.CandidateListBox.Item(text)) - - def Refresh(self): - for i in xrange(9): - text, length = ime.GetCandidate(i) - self.Append(text) - - self.candidateListBox.SelectIndex(ime.GetCandidateSelection()) - - def Select(self, pos): - self.candidateListBox.SelectIndex(pos) - - def Load(self): - self.__LoadScript() - self.__BindObject() - - def __LoadScript(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/IMEKOR.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CandidateWindow.__LoadScript") - - def __BindObject(self): - try: - self.candidateListBox=self.GetChild("CandidateList") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CandidateWindow.__BindObject") - -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(949, KORCandidateWindow) -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(932, VerticalCandidateBoard) -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(936, VerticalCandidateBoard) -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(950, VerticalCandidateBoard) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uicharacter.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uicharacter.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7c5849d5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uicharacter.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1236 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import app -import net -import dbg -import snd -import player -import mouseModule -import wndMgr -import skill -import playerSettingModule -import quest -import locale -import uiToolTip -import constInfo -import emotion -import chr - -SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL = FALSE -SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [] -HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = FALSE - -if locale.IsYMIR(): - SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 128, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140,141,142] - if not locale.IsCHEONMA(): - HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = TRUE - SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 128, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140,141,142] -elif locale.IsJAPAN() or (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/ca") and (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/br"): - HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = TRUE - SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 128, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140] -else: - HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = TRUE - -FACE_IMAGE_DICT = { - playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_M : "icon/face/warrior_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_W : "icon/face/warrior_w.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_M : "icon/face/assassin_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_W : "icon/face/assassin_w.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_M : "icon/face/sura_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_W : "icon/face/sura_w.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_M : "icon/face/shaman_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_W : "icon/face/shaman_w.tga", -} -def unsigned32(n): - return n & 0xFFFFFFFFL - -class CharacterWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 8 - SUPPORT_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 12 - - PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 12 - PAGE_HORSE = 2 - - SKILL_GROUP_NAME_DICT = { - playerSettingModule.JOB_WARRIOR : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2, }, - playerSettingModule.JOB_ASSASSIN : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2, }, - playerSettingModule.JOB_SURA : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2, }, - playerSettingModule.JOB_SHAMAN : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2, }, - } - - STAT_DESCRIPTION = { - "HTH" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_CON, - "INT" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_INT, - "STR" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_STR, - "DEX" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX, - } - - - STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION = locale.STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.state = "STATUS" - self.isLoaded = 0 - - self.toolTipSkill = 0 - - self.__Initialize() - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.statusPlusCommandDict={ - "HTH" : "/stat ht", - "INT" : "/stat iq", - "STR" : "/stat st", - "DEX" : "/stat dx", - } - - self.statusMinusCommandDict={ - "HTH-" : "/stat- ht", - "INT-" : "/stat- iq", - "STR-" : "/stat- st", - "DEX-" : "/stat- dx", - } - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __Initialize(self): - self.refreshToolTip = 0 - self.curSelectedSkillGroup = 0 - self.canUseHorseSkill = -1 - - self.toolTip = None - self.toolTipJob = None - self.toolTipAlignment = None - self.toolTipSkill = None - - self.faceImage = None - self.statusPlusLabel = None - self.statusPlusValue = None - self.activeSlot = None - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.pageDict = None - self.titleBarDict = None - self.statusPlusButtonDict = None - self.statusMinusButtonDict = None - - self.skillPageDict = None - self.questShowingStartIndex = 0 - self.questScrollBar = None - self.questSlot = None - self.questNameList = None - self.questLastTimeList = None - self.questLastCountList = None - self.skillGroupButton = () - - self.activeSlot = None - self.activeSkillPointValue = None - self.supportSkillPointValue = None - self.skillGroupButton1 = None - self.skillGroupButton2 = None - self.activeSkillGroupName = None - - self.guildNameSlot = None - self.guildNameValue = None - self.characterNameSlot = None - self.characterNameValue = None - - self.emotionToolTip = None - self.soloEmotionSlot = None - self.dualEmotionSlot = None - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadScript(self, fileName): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - - def __BindObject(self): - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTipJob = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTipAlignment = uiToolTip.ToolTip(130) - - self.faceImage = self.GetChild("Face_Image") - - faceSlot=self.GetChild("Face_Slot") - if 949 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - faceSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowJobToolTip) - faceSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_OUT", self.__HideJobToolTip) - - self.statusPlusLabel = self.GetChild("Status_Plus_Label") - self.statusPlusValue = self.GetChild("Status_Plus_Value") - - self.characterNameSlot = self.GetChild("Character_Name_Slot") - self.characterNameValue = self.GetChild("Character_Name") - self.guildNameSlot = self.GetChild("Guild_Name_Slot") - self.guildNameValue = self.GetChild("Guild_Name") - self.characterNameSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowAlignmentToolTip) - self.characterNameSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_OUT", self.__HideAlignmentToolTip) - - self.activeSlot = self.GetChild("Skill_Active_Slot") - self.activeSkillPointValue = self.GetChild("Active_Skill_Point_Value") - self.supportSkillPointValue = self.GetChild("Support_Skill_Point_Value") - self.skillGroupButton1 = self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_1") - self.skillGroupButton2 = self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_2") - self.activeSkillGroupName = self.GetChild("Active_Skill_Group_Name") - - self.tabDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Tab_01"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Tab_02"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Tab_03"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Tab_04"), - } - - self.tabButtonDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_01"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_02"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_03"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_04") - } - - self.pageDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Character_Page"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Skill_Page"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Emoticon_Page"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Quest_Page") - } - - self.titleBarDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Character_TitleBar"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Skill_TitleBar"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Emoticon_TitleBar"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Quest_TitleBar") - } - - self.statusPlusButtonDict = { - "HTH" : self.GetChild("HTH_Plus"), - "INT" : self.GetChild("INT_Plus"), - "STR" : self.GetChild("STR_Plus"), - "DEX" : self.GetChild("DEX_Plus"), - } - - self.statusMinusButtonDict = { - "HTH-" : self.GetChild("HTH_Minus"), - "INT-" : self.GetChild("INT_Minus"), - "STR-" : self.GetChild("STR_Minus"), - "DEX-" : self.GetChild("DEX_Minus"), - } - - self.skillPageDict = { - "ACTIVE" : self.GetChild("Skill_Active_Slot"), - "SUPPORT" : self.GetChild("Skill_ETC_Slot"), - "HORSE" : self.GetChild("Skill_Active_Slot"), - } - - self.skillPageStatDict = { - "SUPPORT" : player.SKILL_SUPPORT, - "ACTIVE" : player.SKILL_ACTIVE, - "HORSE" : player.SKILL_HORSE, - } - - self.skillGroupButton = ( - self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_1"), - self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_2"), - ) - - - global SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL - global HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT - if SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL or HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT: - self.GetChild("Support_Skill_Point_Label").Hide() - - self.soloEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("SoloEmotionSlot") - self.dualEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("DualEmotionSlot") - self.__SetEmotionSlot() - - self.questShowingStartIndex = 0 - self.questScrollBar = self.GetChild("Quest_ScrollBar") - self.questScrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnQuestScroll)) - self.questSlot = self.GetChild("Quest_Slot") - for i in xrange(quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM): - self.questSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(i) - self.questSlot.SetCoverButton(i,\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_02.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_03.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_03.sub", TRUE) - - self.questNameList = [] - self.questLastTimeList = [] - self.questLastCountList = [] - for i in xrange(quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM): - self.questNameList.append(self.GetChild("Quest_Name_0" + str(i))) - self.questLastTimeList.append(self.GetChild("Quest_LastTime_0" + str(i))) - self.questLastCountList.append(self.GetChild("Quest_LastCount_0" + str(i))) - - def __SetSkillSlotEvent(self): - for skillPageValue in self.skillPageDict.itervalues(): - skillPageValue.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - skillPageValue.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectSkill)) - skillPageValue.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - skillPageValue.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickSkillSlot)) - skillPageValue.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickSkillSlot)) - skillPageValue.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - skillPageValue.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - skillPageValue.SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressedSlotButton)) - skillPageValue.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - - def __SetEmotionSlot(self): - - self.emotionToolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - - for slot in (self.soloEmotionSlot, self.dualEmotionSlot): - slot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - slot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectEmotion)) - slot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ClickEmotionSlot)) - slot.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ClickEmotionSlot)) - slot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverInEmotion)) - slot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverOutEmotion)) - slot.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - - for slotIdx, datadict in emotion.EMOTION_DICT.items(): - emotionIdx = slotIdx - - slot = self.soloEmotionSlot - if slotIdx > 50: - slot = self.dualEmotionSlot - - slot.SetEmotionSlot(slotIdx, emotionIdx) - slot.SetCoverButton(slotIdx) - - def __SelectEmotion(self, slotIndex): - if not slotIndex in emotion.EMOTION_DICT: - return - - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION, slotIndex) - return - - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION, slotIndex, slotIndex) - - def __ClickEmotionSlot(self, slotIndex): - print "click emotion" - if not slotIndex in emotion.EMOTION_DICT: - return - - print "check acting" - if player.IsActingEmotion(): - return - - command = emotion.EMOTION_DICT[slotIndex]["command"] - print "command", command - - if slotIndex > 50: - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - - if 0 == vid or vid == player.GetMainCharacterIndex() or chr.IsNPC(vid) or chr.IsEnemy(vid): - import chat - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE) - return - - command += " " + chr.GetNameByVID(vid) - - print "send_command", command - net.SendChatPacket(command) - - def ActEmotion(self, emotionIndex): - self.__ClickEmotionSlot(emotionIndex) - - def __OverInEmotion(self, slotIndex): - if self.emotionToolTip: - - if not slotIndex in emotion.EMOTION_DICT: - return - - self.emotionToolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.emotionToolTip.SetTitle(emotion.EMOTION_DICT[slotIndex]["name"]) - self.emotionToolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter() - self.emotionToolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def __OverOutEmotion(self): - if self.emotionToolTip: - self.emotionToolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __BindEvent(self): - for i in xrange(len(self.skillGroupButton)): - self.skillGroupButton[i].SetEvent(lambda arg=i: self.__SelectSkillGroup(arg)) - - self.RefreshQuest() - self.__HideJobToolTip() - - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - tabButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickTabButton), tabKey) - - for (statusPlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items(): - statusPlusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusPlusButton, statusPlusKey) - statusPlusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverInStatButton(arg) - statusPlusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverOutStatButton() - - for (statusMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items(): - statusMinusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusMinusButton, statusMinusKey) - statusMinusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverInStatMinusButton(arg) - statusMinusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverOutStatMinusButton() - - for titleBarValue in self.titleBarDict.itervalues(): - titleBarValue.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Hide)) - - self.questSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectQuest)) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - if locale.IsARABIC() or locale.IsVIETNAM() or locale.IsJAPAN(): - self.__LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "CharacterWindow.py") - else: - self.__LoadScript("UIScript/CharacterWindow.py") - - self.__BindObject() - self.__BindEvent() - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.__LoadWindow") - - #self.tabButtonDict["EMOTICON"].Disable() - self.SetState("STATUS") - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - - def Close(self): - if 0 != self.toolTipSkill: - self.toolTipSkill.Hide() - - self.Hide() - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, toolTipSkill): - self.toolTipSkill = toolTipSkill - - def __OnClickStatusPlusButton(self, statusKey): - try: - statusPlusCommand=self.statusPlusCommandDict[statusKey] - net.SendChatPacket(statusPlusCommand) - except KeyError, msg: - dbg.TraceError("CharacterWindow.__OnClickStatusPlusButton KeyError: %s", msg) - - def __OnClickStatusMinusButton(self, statusKey): - try: - statusMinusCommand=self.statusMinusCommandDict[statusKey] - net.SendChatPacket(statusMinusCommand) - except KeyError, msg: - dbg.TraceError("CharacterWindow.__OnClickStatusMinusButton KeyError: %s", msg) - - - def __OnClickTabButton(self, stateKey): - self.SetState(stateKey) - - def SetState(self, stateKey): - - self.state = stateKey - - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if stateKey!=tabKey: - tabButton.SetUp() - - for tabValue in self.tabDict.itervalues(): - tabValue.Hide() - - for pageValue in self.pageDict.itervalues(): - pageValue.Hide() - - for titleBarValue in self.titleBarDict.itervalues(): - titleBarValue.Hide() - - self.titleBarDict[stateKey].Show() - self.tabDict[stateKey].Show() - self.pageDict[stateKey].Show() - - - def GetState(self): - return self.state - - def __GetTotalAtkText(self): - minAtk=player.GetStatus(player.ATT_MIN) - maxAtk=player.GetStatus(player.ATT_MAX) - atkBonus=player.GetStatus(player.ATT_BONUS) - attackerBonus=player.GetStatus(player.ATTACKER_BONUS) - - if minAtk==maxAtk: - return "%d" % (minAtk+atkBonus+attackerBonus) - else: - return "%d-%d" % (minAtk+atkBonus+attackerBonus, maxAtk+atkBonus+attackerBonus) - - def __GetTotalMagAtkText(self): - minMagAtk=player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT)+player.GetStatus(player.MIN_MAGIC_WEP) - maxMagAtk=player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT)+player.GetStatus(player.MAX_MAGIC_WEP) - - if minMagAtk==maxMagAtk: - return "%d" % (minMagAtk) - else: - return "%d-%d" % (minMagAtk, maxMagAtk) - - def __GetTotalDefText(self): - defValue=player.GetStatus(player.DEF_GRADE) - if constInfo.ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE: - defValue+=player.GetStatus(player.DEF_BONUS) - return "%d" % (defValue) - - def RefreshStatus(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - try: - self.GetChild("Level_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL))) - self.GetChild("Exp_Value").SetText(str(unsigned32(player.GetEXP()))) - self.GetChild("RestExp_Value").SetText(str(unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.NEXT_EXP)) - unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)))) - self.GetChild("HP_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.HP)) + '/' + str(player.GetStatus(player.MAX_HP))) - self.GetChild("SP_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.SP)) + '/' + str(player.GetStatus(player.MAX_SP))) - - self.GetChild("STR_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.ST))) - self.GetChild("DEX_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.DX))) - self.GetChild("HTH_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.HT))) - self.GetChild("INT_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.IQ))) - - self.GetChild("ATT_Value").SetText(self.__GetTotalAtkText()) - self.GetChild("DEF_Value").SetText(self.__GetTotalDefText()) - - self.GetChild("MATT_Value").SetText(self.__GetTotalMagAtkText()) - #self.GetChild("MATT_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT))) - - self.GetChild("MDEF_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.MAG_DEF))) - self.GetChild("ASPD_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.ATT_SPEED))) - self.GetChild("MSPD_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.MOVING_SPEED))) - self.GetChild("CSPD_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.CASTING_SPEED))) - self.GetChild("ER_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.EVADE_RATE))) - - except: - #import exception - #exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.RefreshStatus.BindObject") - ## 霸烙捞 屁败 滚覆 - pass - - self.__RefreshStatusPlusButtonList() - self.__RefreshStatusMinusButtonList() - self.RefreshAlignment() - - if self.refreshToolTip: - self.refreshToolTip() - - def __RefreshStatusPlusButtonList(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - statusPlusPoint=player.GetStatus(player.STAT) - - if statusPlusPoint>0: - self.statusPlusValue.SetText(str(statusPlusPoint)) - self.statusPlusLabel.Show() - self.ShowStatusPlusButtonList() - else: - self.statusPlusValue.SetText(str(0)) - self.statusPlusLabel.Hide() - self.HideStatusPlusButtonList() - - def __RefreshStatusMinusButtonList(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - statusMinusPoint=self.__GetStatMinusPoint() - - if statusMinusPoint>0: - self.__ShowStatusMinusButtonList() - else: - self.__HideStatusMinusButtonList() - - def RefreshAlignment(self): - point, grade = player.GetAlignmentData() - - import colorInfo - COLOR_DICT = { 0 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4, - 1 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3, - 2 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2, - 3 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1, - 4 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL, - 5 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1, - 6 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2, - 7 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3, - 8 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4, } - colorList = COLOR_DICT.get(grade, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL) - gradeColor = ui.GenerateColor(colorList[0], colorList[1], colorList[2]) - - self.toolTipAlignment.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTipAlignment.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.TITLE_NAME_LIST[grade], gradeColor) - self.toolTipAlignment.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.ALIGNMENT_NAME + str(point)) - self.toolTipAlignment.AlignHorizonalCenter() - - def __ShowStatusMinusButtonList(self): - for (stateMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items(): - statusMinusButton.Show() - - def __HideStatusMinusButtonList(self): - for (stateMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items(): - statusMinusButton.Hide() - - def ShowStatusPlusButtonList(self): - for (statePlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items(): - statusPlusButton.Show() - - def HideStatusPlusButtonList(self): - for (statePlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items(): - statusPlusButton.Hide() - - def SelectSkill(self, skillSlotIndex): - - mouseController = mouseModule.mouseController - - if FALSE == mouseController.isAttached(): - - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(skillSlotIndex) - selectedSkillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - - if skill.CanUseSkill(selectedSkillIndex): - - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, srcSlotIndex) - return - - mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, srcSlotIndex, selectedSkillIndex) - - else: - - mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectEmptySlot(self, SlotIndex): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - ## ToolTip - def OverInItem(self, slotNumber): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if 0 == self.toolTipSkill: - return - - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(slotNumber) - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(srcSlotIndex) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(srcSlotIndex) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - ## ACTIVE - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - overInSkillGrade = self.__GetSkillGradeFromSlot(slotNumber) - - if overInSkillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1 and skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillNew(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - elif overInSkillGrade == skillGrade: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillNew(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, overInSkillGrade, skillLevel) - else: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillOnlyName(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, overInSkillGrade) - - else: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillNew(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - def OverOutItem(self): - if 0 != self.toolTipSkill: - self.toolTipSkill.HideToolTip() - - ## Quest - def __SelectQuest(self, slotIndex): - questIndex = quest.GetQuestIndex(self.questShowingStartIndex+slotIndex) - - import event - event.QuestButtonClick(-2147483648 + questIndex) - - def RefreshQuest(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - questCount = quest.GetQuestCount() - questRange = range(quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM) - - if questCount > quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM: - self.questScrollBar.Show() - else: - self.questScrollBar.Hide() - - for i in questRange[:questCount]: - (questName, questIcon, questCounterName, questCounterValue) = quest.GetQuestData(self.questShowingStartIndex+i) - - self.questNameList[i].SetText(questName) - self.questNameList[i].Show() - self.questLastCountList[i].Show() - self.questLastTimeList[i].Show() - - if len(questCounterName) > 0: - self.questLastCountList[i].SetText("%s : %d" % (questCounterName, questCounterValue)) - else: - self.questLastCountList[i].SetText("") - - ## Icon - self.questSlot.SetSlot(i, i, 1, 1, questIcon) - - for i in questRange[questCount:]: - self.questNameList[i].Hide() - self.questLastTimeList[i].Hide() - self.questLastCountList[i].Hide() - self.questSlot.ClearSlot(i) - self.questSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(i) - - self.__UpdateQuestClock() - - def __UpdateQuestClock(self): - if "QUEST" == self.state: - # QUEST_LIMIT_COUNT_BUG_FIX - for i in xrange(min(quest.GetQuestCount(), quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM)): - # END_OF_QUEST_LIMIT_COUNT_BUG_FIX - (lastName, lastTime) = quest.GetQuestLastTime(i) - - clockText = locale.QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME - if len(lastName) > 0: - - if lastTime <= 0: - clockText = locale.QUEST_TIMEOVER - - else: - questLastMinute = lastTime / 60 - questLastSecond = lastTime % 60 - - clockText = lastName + " : " - - if questLastMinute > 0: - clockText += str(questLastMinute) + locale.QUEST_MIN - if questLastSecond > 0: - clockText += " " - - if questLastSecond > 0: - clockText += str(questLastSecond) + locale.QUEST_SEC - - self.questLastTimeList[i].SetText(clockText) - - def __GetStatMinusPoint(self): - POINT_STAT_RESET_COUNT = 112 - return player.GetStatus(POINT_STAT_RESET_COUNT) - - def __OverInStatMinusButton(self, stat): - try: - self.__ShowStatToolTip(self.STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION[stat] % self.__GetStatMinusPoint()) - except KeyError: - pass - - self.refreshToolTip = lambda arg=stat: self.__OverInStatMinusButton(arg) - - def __OverOutStatMinusButton(self): - self.__HideStatToolTip() - self.refreshToolTip = 0 - - def __OverInStatButton(self, stat): - try: - self.__ShowStatToolTip(self.STAT_DESCRIPTION[stat]) - except KeyError: - pass - - def __OverOutStatButton(self): - self.__HideStatToolTip() - - def __ShowStatToolTip(self, statDesc): - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(statDesc) - self.toolTip.Show() - - def __HideStatToolTip(self): - self.toolTip.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - self.__UpdateQuestClock() - - ## Skill Process - def __RefreshSkillPage(self, name, slotCount): - global SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST - - skillPage = self.skillPageDict[name] - - startSlotIndex = skillPage.GetStartIndex() - if "ACTIVE" == name: - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - startSlotIndex += slotCount - - getSkillType=skill.GetSkillType - getSkillIndex=player.GetSkillIndex - getSkillGrade=player.GetSkillGrade - getSkillLevel=player.GetSkillLevel - getSkillLevelUpPoint=skill.GetSkillLevelUpPoint - getSkillMaxLevel=skill.GetSkillMaxLevel - for i in xrange(slotCount+1): - - slotIndex = i + startSlotIndex - skillIndex = getSkillIndex(slotIndex) - - for j in xrange(skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT): - skillPage.ClearSlot(self.__GetRealSkillSlot(j, i)) - - if 0 == skillIndex: - continue - - skillGrade = getSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillLevel = getSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillType = getSkillType(skillIndex) - - ## 铰付 胶懦 抗寇 贸府 - if player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING == skillIndex: - if 1 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 19 - elif 2 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 29 - elif 3 == skillGrade: - skillLevel = 40 - - skillPage.SetSkillSlotNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, max(skillLevel-1, 0), skillLevel) - skillPage.SetSlotCount(slotIndex, skillLevel) - - ## ACTIVE - elif skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - for j in xrange(skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT): - realSlotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(j, slotIndex) - skillPage.SetSkillSlotNew(realSlotIndex, skillIndex, j, skillLevel) - skillPage.SetCoverButton(realSlotIndex) - - if (skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT) and j == (skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1): - skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - elif (not self.__CanUseSkillNow()) or (skillGrade != j): - skillPage.SetSlotCount(realSlotIndex, 0) - skillPage.DisableCoverButton(realSlotIndex) - else: - skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - ## 弊寇 - else: - if not SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST or skillIndex in SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST: - realSlotIndex = self.__GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(slotIndex) - skillPage.SetSkillSlot(realSlotIndex, skillIndex, skillLevel) - skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - if skill.CanUseSkill(skillIndex): - skillPage.SetCoverButton(realSlotIndex) - - skillPage.RefreshSlot() - - - def RefreshSkill(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if self.__IsChangedHorseRidingSkillLevel(): - self.RefreshCharacter() - return - - - global SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL - if SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL: - self.__RefreshSkillPage("ACTIVE", self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT) - else: - self.__RefreshSkillPage("ACTIVE", self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT) - self.__RefreshSkillPage("SUPPORT", self.SUPPORT_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT) - - self.RefreshSkillPlusButtonList() - - def CanShowPlusButton(self, skillIndex, skillLevel, curStatPoint): - - ## 胶懦捞 乐栏搁 - if 0 == skillIndex: - return FALSE - - ## 饭骇诀 炼扒阑 父练茄促搁 - if not skill.CanLevelUpSkill(skillIndex, skillLevel): - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __RefreshSkillPlusButton(self, name): - global HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT - if HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT and "SUPPORT" == name: - return - - slotWindow = self.skillPageDict[name] - slotWindow.HideAllSlotButton() - - slotStatType = self.skillPageStatDict[name] - if 0 == slotStatType: - return - - statPoint = player.GetStatus(slotStatType) - startSlotIndex = slotWindow.GetStartIndex() - if "HORSE" == name: - startSlotIndex += self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT - - if statPoint > 0: - for i in xrange(self.PAGE_SLOT_COUNT): - slotIndex = i + startSlotIndex - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotIndex) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - - if skillIndex == 0: - continue - if skillGrade != 0: - continue - - if name == "HORSE": - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) >= skill.GetSkillLevelLimit(skillIndex): - if skillLevel < 20: - slotWindow.ShowSlotButton(self.__GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(slotIndex)) - - else: - if "SUPPORT" == name: - if not SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST or skillIndex in SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST: - if self.CanShowPlusButton(skillIndex, skillLevel, statPoint): - slotWindow.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - else: - if self.CanShowPlusButton(skillIndex, skillLevel, statPoint): - slotWindow.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - - - def RefreshSkillPlusButtonList(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - self.RefreshSkillPlusPointLabel() - - if not self.__CanUseSkillNow(): - return - - try: - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - self.__RefreshSkillPlusButton("HORSE") - else: - self.__RefreshSkillPlusButton("ACTIVE") - - self.__RefreshSkillPlusButton("SUPPORT") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.RefreshSkillPlusButtonList.BindObject") - - def RefreshSkillPlusPointLabel(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - activeStatPoint = player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_HORSE) - self.activeSkillPointValue.SetText(str(activeStatPoint)) - - else: - activeStatPoint = player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_ACTIVE) - self.activeSkillPointValue.SetText(str(activeStatPoint)) - - supportStatPoint = max(0, player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_SUPPORT)) - self.supportSkillPointValue.SetText(str(supportStatPoint)) - - ## Skill Level Up Button - def OnPressedSlotButton(self, slotNumber): - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(slotNumber) - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - curLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(srcSlotIndex) - maxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - net.SendChatPacket("/skillup " + str(skillIndex)) - - ## Use Skill - def ClickSkillSlot(self, slotIndex): - - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(slotIndex) - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - if not self.__CanUseSkillNow(): - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - return - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - if skill.CanUseSkill(skillIndex): - player.ClickSkillSlot(srcSlotIndex) - return - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - ## FIXME : 胶懦阑 荤侩沁阑锭 浇吩 锅龋甫 啊瘤绊 秦寸 浇吩阑 茫酒辑 诀单捞飘 茄促. - ## 概快 阂钦府. 备炼 磊眉甫 俺急秦具 且淀. - def OnUseSkill(self, slotIndex, coolTime): - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotIndex) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - ## ACTIVE - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - slotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(skillGrade, slotIndex) - ## ETC - else: - slotIndex = self.__GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(slotIndex) - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - slotWindow.SetSlotCoolTime(slotIndex, coolTime) - return - - def OnActivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - slotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(skillGrade, slotIndex) - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - slotWindow.ActivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - def OnDeactivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - slotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(skillGrade, slotIndex) - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - slotWindow.DeactivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - def __ShowJobToolTip(self): - self.toolTipJob.ShowToolTip() - - def __HideJobToolTip(self): - self.toolTipJob.HideToolTip() - - def __SetJobText(self, mainJob, subJob): - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)<5: - subJob=0 - - if 949 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - self.toolTipJob.ClearToolTip() - - try: - jobInfoTitle=locale.JOBINFO_TITLE[mainJob][subJob] - jobInfoData=locale.JOBINFO_DATA_LIST[mainJob][subJob] - except IndexError: - print "uiCharacter.CharacterWindow.__SetJobText(mainJob=%d, subJob=%d)" % (mainJob, subJob) - return - - self.toolTipJob.AutoAppendTextLine(jobInfoTitle) - self.toolTipJob.AppendSpace(5) - - for jobInfoDataLine in jobInfoData: - self.toolTipJob.AutoAppendTextLine(jobInfoDataLine) - - self.toolTipJob.AlignHorizonalCenter() - - def __ShowAlignmentToolTip(self): - self.toolTipAlignment.ShowToolTip() - - def __HideAlignmentToolTip(self): - self.toolTipAlignment.HideToolTip() - - def RefreshCharacter(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - ## Name - try: - characterName = player.GetName() - guildName = player.GetGuildName() - self.characterNameValue.SetText(characterName) - self.guildNameValue.SetText(guildName) - if not guildName: - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(190, 34) - else: - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(109, 34) - - self.guildNameSlot.Hide() - else: - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(143, 34) - else: - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(153, 34) - self.guildNameSlot.Show() - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.RefreshCharacter.BindObject") - - race = net.GetMainActorRace() - group = net.GetMainActorSkillGroup() - empire = net.GetMainActorEmpire() - - ## Job Text - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - self.__SetJobText(job, group) - - ## FaceImage - try: - faceImageName = FACE_IMAGE_DICT[race] - - try: - self.faceImage.LoadImage(faceImageName) - except: - print "CharacterWindow.RefreshCharacter(race=%d, faceImageName=%s)" % (race, faceImageName) - self.faceImage.Hide() - - except KeyError: - self.faceImage.Hide() - - ## GroupName - self.__SetSkillGroupName(race, group) - - ## Skill - if 0 == group: - self.__SelectSkillGroup(0) - - else: - self.__SetSkillSlotData(race, group, empire) - - if self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - self.__SelectSkillGroup(0) - - def __SetSkillGroupName(self, race, group): - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - - if not self.SKILL_GROUP_NAME_DICT.has_key(job): - return - - nameList = self.SKILL_GROUP_NAME_DICT[job] - - if 0 == group: - self.skillGroupButton1.SetText(nameList[1]) - self.skillGroupButton2.SetText(nameList[2]) - self.skillGroupButton1.Show() - self.skillGroupButton2.Show() - self.activeSkillGroupName.Hide() - - else: - - if self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - self.activeSkillGroupName.Hide() - self.skillGroupButton1.SetText(nameList.get(group, "Noname")) - self.skillGroupButton2.SetText(locale.SKILL_GROUP_HORSE) - self.skillGroupButton1.Show() - self.skillGroupButton2.Show() - - else: - self.activeSkillGroupName.SetText(nameList.get(group, "Noname")) - self.activeSkillGroupName.Show() - self.skillGroupButton1.Hide() - self.skillGroupButton2.Hide() - - def __SetSkillSlotData(self, race, group, empire=0): - - ## SkillIndex - playerSettingModule.RegisterSkill(race, group, empire) - - ## Event - self.__SetSkillSlotEvent() - - ## Refresh - self.RefreshSkill() - - def __SelectSkillGroup(self, index): - for btn in self.skillGroupButton: - btn.SetUp() - self.skillGroupButton[index].Down() - - if self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - if 0 == index: - index = net.GetMainActorSkillGroup()-1 - elif 1 == index: - index = self.PAGE_HORSE - - self.curSelectedSkillGroup = index - self.__SetSkillSlotData(net.GetMainActorRace(), index+1, net.GetMainActorEmpire()) - - def __CanUseSkillNow(self): - if 0 == net.GetMainActorSkillGroup(): - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanUseHorseSkill(self): - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING) - - if not slotIndex: - return FALSE - - grade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - level = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - if level < 0: - level *= -1 - if grade >= 1 and level >= 1: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __IsChangedHorseRidingSkillLevel(self): - ret = FALSE - - if -1 == self.canUseHorseSkill: - self.canUseHorseSkill = self.__CanUseHorseSkill() - - if self.canUseHorseSkill != self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - ret = TRUE - - self.canUseHorseSkill = self.__CanUseHorseSkill() - return ret - - def __GetRealSkillSlot(self, skillGrade, skillSlot): - return skillSlot + min(skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1, skillGrade)*skill.SKILL_GRADE_STEP_COUNT - - def __GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(self, skillSlot): - if skillSlot > 100: - return skillSlot - return skillSlot % self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT - - def __RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(self, realSkillSlot): - if realSkillSlot > 100: - return realSkillSlot - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - return realSkillSlot + self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT - return realSkillSlot % skill.SKILL_GRADE_STEP_COUNT - - def __GetSkillGradeFromSlot(self, skillSlot): - return int(skillSlot / skill.SKILL_GRADE_STEP_COUNT) - - def SelectSkillGroup(self, index): - self.__SelectSkillGroup(index) - - def OnQuestScroll(self): - questCount = quest.GetQuestCount() - scrollLineCount = max(0, questCount - quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM) - startIndex = int(scrollLineCount * self.questScrollBar.GetPos()) - - if startIndex != self.questShowingStartIndex: - self.questShowingStartIndex = startIndex - self.RefreshQuest() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uichat.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uichat.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1453aa3d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uichat.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1169 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import grp -import chat -import wndMgr -import net -import app -import ime -import locale -import colorInfo -import constInfo -import systemSetting - -ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND = TRUE -ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK = TRUE -ENABLE_INSULT_CHECK = TRUE - -if locale.IsHONGKONG(): - ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK = TRUE - -if locale.IsEUROPE(): - ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND = FALSE - -if locale.IsCANADA(): - ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK = FALSE - -chatInputSetList = [] -def InsertChatInputSetWindow(wnd): - global chatInputSetList - chatInputSetList.append(wnd) -def RefreshChatMode(): - global chatInputSetList - map(lambda wnd:wnd.OnRefreshChatMode(), chatInputSetList) -def DestroyChatInputSetWindow(): - global chatInputSetList - chatInputSetList = [] - -## ChatModeButton -class ChatModeButton(ui.Window): - - OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - OVER_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3) - BUTTON_STATE_UP = 0 - BUTTON_STATE_OVER = 1 - BUTTON_STATE_DOWN = 2 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.state = None - self.buttonText = None - self.event = None - self.SetWindowName("ChatModeButton") - - net.EnableChatInsultFilter(ENABLE_INSULT_CHECK) - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SAFE_SetEvent(self, event): - self.event=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SetText(self, text): - if None == self.buttonText: - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.OUTLINE_COLOR) - textLine.Show() - self.buttonText = textLine - - self.buttonText.SetText(text) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - self.width = width - self.height = height - ui.Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_OVER - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_UP - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_DOWN - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_UP - if self.IsIn(): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_OVER - - if None != self.event: - self.event() - - def OnRender(self): - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - grp.SetColor(self.OUTLINE_COLOR) - grp.RenderRoundBox(x, y, self.width, self.height) - - if self.state >= self.BUTTON_STATE_OVER: - grp.RenderRoundBox(x+1, y, self.width-2, self.height) - grp.RenderRoundBox(x, y+1, self.width, self.height-2) - - if self.BUTTON_STATE_DOWN == self.state: - grp.SetColor(self.OVER_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(x+1, y+1, self.width-2, self.height-2) - -## ChatLine -class ChatLine(ui.EditLine): - - CHAT_MODE_NAME = { chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING : locale.CHAT_NORMAL, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY : locale.CHAT_PARTY, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD : locale.CHAT_GUILD, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT : locale.CHAT_SHOUT, } - - def __init__(self): - ui.EditLine.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("Chat Line") - self.lastShoutTime = 0 - self.eventEscape = lambda *arg: None - self.eventReturn = lambda *arg: None - self.eventTab = None - self.chatMode = chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING - self.bCodePage = TRUE - - self.overTextLine = ui.TextLine() - self.overTextLine.SetParent(self) - self.overTextLine.SetPosition(-1, 0) - self.overTextLine.SetFontColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.overTextLine.SetOutline() - self.overTextLine.Hide() - - self.lastSentenceStack = [] - self.lastSentencePos = 0 - - def SetChatMode(self, mode): - self.chatMode = mode - - def GetChatMode(self): - return self.chatMode - - def ChangeChatMode(self): - if chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY) - self.SetText("#") - self.SetEndPosition() - - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD) - self.SetText("%") - self.SetEndPosition() - - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT) - self.SetText("!") - self.SetEndPosition() - - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) - self.SetText("") - - self.__CheckChatMark() - - def GetCurrentChatModeName(self): - try: - return self.CHAT_MODE_NAME[self.chatMode] - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ChatLine.GetCurrentChatModeName") - - def SAFE_SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventEscape = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SAFE_SetTabEvent(self, event): - self.eventTab = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SetTabEvent(self, event): - self.eventTab = event - - def OpenChat(self): - self.SetFocus() - self.__ResetChat() - - def __ClearChat(self): - self.SetText("") - self.lastSentencePos = 0 - - def __ResetChat(self): - if chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetText("#") - self.SetEndPosition() - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetText("%") - self.SetEndPosition() - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetText("!") - self.SetEndPosition() - else: - self.__ClearChat() - - self.__CheckChatMark() - - - def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): -# if text[0] == '/': -# if ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND or constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE: -# pass -# else: -# return - - if net.IsChatInsultIn(text): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) - else: - net.SendChatPacket(text, type) - - def __SendPartyChatPacket(self, text): - - if 1 == len(text): - self.RunCloseEvent() - return - - self.__SendChatPacket(text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY) - self.__ResetChat() - - def __SendGuildChatPacket(self, text): - - if 1 == len(text): - self.RunCloseEvent() - return - - self.__SendChatPacket(text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD) - self.__ResetChat() - - def __SendShoutChatPacket(self, text): - - if 1 == len(text): - self.RunCloseEvent() - return - - if app.GetTime() < self.lastShoutTime + 15: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT) - self.__ResetChat() - return - - self.__SendChatPacket(text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT) - self.__ResetChat() - - self.lastShoutTime = app.GetTime() - - def __SendTalkingChatPacket(self, text): - self.__SendChatPacket(text, chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) - self.__ResetChat() - - def OnIMETab(self): - #if None != self.eventTab: - # self.eventTab() - #return TRUE - return FALSE - - def OnIMEUpdate(self): - ui.EditLine.OnIMEUpdate(self) - self.__CheckChatMark() - - def __CheckChatMark(self): - - self.overTextLine.Hide() - - text = self.GetText() - if len(text) > 0: - if '#' == text[0]: - self.overTextLine.SetText("#") - self.overTextLine.Show() - elif '%' == text[0]: - self.overTextLine.SetText("%") - self.overTextLine.Show() - elif '!' == text[0]: - self.overTextLine.SetText("!") - self.overTextLine.Show() - - def OnIMEKeyDown(self, key): - # LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if app.VK_UP == key: - self.__PrevLastSentenceStack() - return TRUE - - if app.VK_DOWN == key: - self.__NextLastSentenceStack() - return TRUE - # END_OF_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - - ui.EditLine.OnIMEKeyDown(self, key) - - # LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - def __PrevLastSentenceStack(self): - global ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if not ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK: - return - - if self.lastSentenceStack and self.lastSentencePos < len(self.lastSentenceStack): - self.lastSentencePos += 1 - lastSentence = self.lastSentenceStack[-self.lastSentencePos] - self.SetText(lastSentence) - self.SetEndPosition() - - def __NextLastSentenceStack(self): - global ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if not ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK: - return - - if self.lastSentenceStack and self.lastSentencePos > 1: - self.lastSentencePos -= 1 - lastSentence = self.lastSentenceStack[-self.lastSentencePos] - self.SetText(lastSentence) - self.SetEndPosition() - - def __PushLastSentenceStack(self, text): - global ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if not ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK: - return - - if len(text) <= 0: - return - - LAST_SENTENCE_STACK_SIZE = 32 - if len(self.lastSentenceStack) > LAST_SENTENCE_STACK_SIZE: - self.lastSentenceStack.pop(0) - - self.lastSentenceStack.append(text) - # END_OF_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - text = self.GetText() - textLen=len(text) - - # LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - self.__PushLastSentenceStack(text) - # END_OF_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - - textSpaceCount=text.count(' ') - - if (textLen > 0) and (textLen != textSpaceCount): - if '#' == text[0]: - self.__SendPartyChatPacket(text) - elif '%' == text[0]: - self.__SendGuildChatPacket(text) - elif '!' == text[0]: - self.__SendShoutChatPacket(text) - else: - self.__SendTalkingChatPacket(text) - else: - self.__ClearChat() - self.eventReturn() - - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.__ClearChat() - self.eventEscape() - return TRUE - - def RunCloseEvent(self): - self.eventEscape() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - else: - ui.EditLine.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self) - -class ChatInputSet(ui.Window): - - CHAT_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("ChatInputSet") - - InsertChatInputSetWindow(self) - self.__Create() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def __Create(self): - chatModeButton = ChatModeButton() - chatModeButton.SetParent(self) - chatModeButton.SetSize(40, 17) - chatModeButton.SetText(locale.CHAT_NORMAL) - chatModeButton.SetPosition(7, 2) - chatModeButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.OnChangeChatMode) - self.chatModeButton = chatModeButton - - chatLine = ChatLine() - chatLine.SetParent(self) - chatLine.SetMax(512) - chatLine.SetUserMax(76) - chatLine.SetText("") - chatLine.SAFE_SetTabEvent(self.OnChangeChatMode) - chatLine.x = 0 - chatLine.y = 0 - chatLine.width = 0 - chatLine.height = 0 - self.chatLine = chatLine - - btnSend = ui.Button() - btnSend.SetParent(self) - btnSend.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Chat_Button_01.sub") - btnSend.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Chat_Button_02.sub") - btnSend.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Chat_Button_03.sub") - btnSend.SetToolTipText(locale.CHAT_SEND_CHAT) - btnSend.SAFE_SetEvent(self.chatLine.OnIMEReturn) - self.btnSend = btnSend - - def Destroy(self): - self.chatModeButton = None - self.chatLine = None - self.btnSend = None - - def Open(self): - self.chatLine.Show() - self.chatLine.SetPosition(57, 5) - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - self.chatLine.OpenChat() - - self.chatModeButton.SetPosition(7, 2) - self.chatModeButton.Show() - - self.btnSend.Show() - self.Show() - - self.RefreshPosition() - return TRUE - - def Close(self): - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - self.chatLine.Hide() - self.chatModeButton.Hide() - self.btnSend.Hide() - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.chatLine.SetEscapeEvent(event) - - def SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.chatLine.SetReturnEvent(event) - - def OnChangeChatMode(self): - RefreshChatMode() - - def OnRefreshChatMode(self): - self.chatLine.ChangeChatMode() - self.chatModeButton.SetText(self.chatLine.GetCurrentChatModeName()) - - def SetChatFocus(self): - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - - def KillChatFocus(self): - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - - def SetChatMax(self, max): - self.chatLine.SetUserMax(max) - - def RefreshPosition(self): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.chatLine.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 93, 18) - else: - self.chatLine.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 93, 13) - - self.btnSend.SetPosition(self.GetWidth() - 25, 2) - - (self.chatLine.x, self.chatLine.y, self.chatLine.width, self.chatLine.height) = self.chatLine.GetRect() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.chatLine.BindInterface(interface) - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.chatLine.GetRect() - ui.RenderRoundBox(x-4, y-3, width+7, height+4, self.CHAT_OUTLINE_COLOR) - -## ChatWindow -class ChatWindow(ui.Window): - - BOARD_START_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - BOARD_END_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8) - BOARD_MIDDLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) - CHAT_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT = 25 - CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH = 600 - - class ChatBackBoard(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - class ChatButton(ui.DragButton): - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("float") - self.AddFlag("movable") - self.AddFlag("restrict_x") - self.topFlag = FALSE - self.SetWindowName("ChatWindow:ChatButton") - - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def SetOwner(self, owner): - self.owner = owner - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.VSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def OnTop(self): - if TRUE == self.topFlag: - return - - self.topFlag = TRUE - self.owner.SetTop() - self.topFlag = FALSE - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.SetWindowName("ChatWindow") - self.__RegisterChatColorDict() - - self.boardState = chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW - self.chatID = chat.CreateChatSet(chat.CHAT_SET_CHAT_WINDOW) - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW) - - self.xBar = 0 - self.yBar = 0 - self.widthBar = 0 - self.heightBar = 0 - self.curHeightBar = 0 - self.visibleLineCount = 0 - self.scrollBarPos = 1.0 - self.scrollLock = FALSE - - chatInputSet = ChatInputSet() - chatInputSet.SetParent(self) - chatInputSet.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseChat)) - chatInputSet.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseChat)) - chatInputSet.SetSize(550, 25) - self.chatInputSet = chatInputSet - - btnSendWhisper = ui.Button() - btnSendWhisper.SetParent(self) - btnSendWhisper.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Whisper_Button_01.sub") - btnSendWhisper.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Whisper_Button_02.sub") - btnSendWhisper.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Whisper_Button_03.sub") - btnSendWhisper.SetToolTipText(locale.CHAT_SEND_MEMO) - btnSendWhisper.Hide() - self.btnSendWhisper = btnSendWhisper - - btnChatLog = ui.Button() - btnChatLog.SetParent(self) - btnChatLog.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Open_Chat_Log_Button_01.sub") - btnChatLog.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Open_Chat_Log_Button_02.sub") - btnChatLog.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Open_Chat_Log_Button_03.sub") - btnChatLog.SetToolTipText(locale.CHAT_LOG) - btnChatLog.Hide() - self.btnChatLog = btnChatLog - - btnChatSizing = self.ChatButton() - btnChatSizing.SetOwner(self) - btnChatSizing.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Refresh)) - btnChatSizing.Hide() - self.btnChatSizing = btnChatSizing - - imgChatBarLeft = ui.ImageBox() - imgChatBarLeft.SetParent(self.btnChatSizing) - imgChatBarLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgChatBarLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chat_bar_left.tga") - imgChatBarLeft.Show() - self.imgChatBarLeft = imgChatBarLeft - imgChatBarRight = ui.ImageBox() - imgChatBarRight.SetParent(self.btnChatSizing) - imgChatBarRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgChatBarRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chat_bar_right.tga") - imgChatBarRight.Show() - self.imgChatBarRight = imgChatBarRight - imgChatBarMiddle = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - imgChatBarMiddle.SetParent(self.btnChatSizing) - imgChatBarMiddle.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgChatBarMiddle.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chat_bar_middle.tga") - imgChatBarMiddle.Show() - self.imgChatBarMiddle = imgChatBarMiddle - - scrollBar = ui.ScrollBar() - scrollBar.AddFlag("float") - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.scrollBar = scrollBar - - self.Refresh() - self.chatInputSet.RefreshPosition() # RTL 矫 困摹甫 力措肺 棱栏妨搁 困摹 盎脚捞 鞘夸窍促 - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def __RegisterChatColorDict(self): - CHAT_COLOR_DICT = { - chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_TALK, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_INFO, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_NOTICE, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_PARTY, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_GUILD, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_COMMAND, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_SHOUT, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_WHISPER, - } - - for colorItem in CHAT_COLOR_DICT.items(): - type=colorItem[0] - rgb=colorItem[1] - chat.SetChatColor(type, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - - def Destroy(self): - self.chatInputSet.Destroy() - self.chatInputSet = None - - self.btnSendWhisper = 0 - self.btnChatLog = 0 - self.btnChatSizing = 0 - - ################ - ## Open & Close - def OpenChat(self): - self.SetSize(self.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 25) - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT) - self.boardState = chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT - - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - (btnX, btnY) = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, y - btnY - self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT + 100) - - if self.IsShow(): - self.btnChatSizing.Show() - - self.Refresh() - - self.btnSendWhisper.SetPosition(self.GetWidth() - 50, 2) - self.btnSendWhisper.Show() - - self.btnChatLog.SetPosition(self.GetWidth() - 25, 2) - self.btnChatLog.Show() - - self.chatInputSet.Open() - self.chatInputSet.SetTop() - self.SetTop() - - def CloseChat(self): - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW) - self.boardState = chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW - - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - - self.SetSize(self.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 0) - - self.chatInputSet.Close() - self.btnSendWhisper.Hide() - self.btnChatLog.Hide() - self.btnChatSizing.Hide() - - self.Refresh() - - def SetSendWhisperEvent(self, event): - self.btnSendWhisper.SetEvent(event) - - def SetOpenChatLogEvent(self, event): - self.btnChatLog.SetEvent(event) - - def IsEditMode(self): - if chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT == self.boardState: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __RefreshSizingBar(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - gxChat, gyChat = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - self.btnChatSizing.SetPosition(x, gyChat) - self.btnChatSizing.SetSize(width, 22) - self.imgChatBarLeft.SetPosition(0, 0) - self.imgChatBarRight.SetPosition(width - 64, 0) - self.imgChatBarMiddle.SetPosition(64, 0) - self.imgChatBarMiddle.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float(width - 128) / 64.0 - 1.0, 0.0) - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - ui.Window.SetPosition(self, x, y) - self.__RefreshSizingBar() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.__RefreshSizingBar() - - def SetHeight(self, height): - gxChat, gyChat = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - self.btnChatSizing.SetPosition(gxChat, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - height) - - ########### - ## Refresh - def Refresh(self): - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - self.RefreshBoardEditState() - elif self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW: - self.RefreshBoardViewState() - - def RefreshBoardEditState(self): - - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - (btnX, btnY) = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.xBar = x - self.yBar = btnY - self.widthBar = width - self.heightBar = y - btnY + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - self.curHeightBar = self.heightBar - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, y - btnY - self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - chat.ArrangeShowingChat(self.chatID) - - if btnY > y: - self.btnChatSizing.SetPosition(btnX, y) - self.heightBar = self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - - def RefreshBoardViewState(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - (btnX, btnY) = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - textAreaHeight = self.visibleLineCount * chat.GetLineStep(self.chatID) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, y - btnY - self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT + 100) - - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - textAreaHeight += 45 - elif self.visibleLineCount != 0: - textAreaHeight += 10 + 10 - - self.xBar = x - self.yBar = y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - textAreaHeight - self.widthBar = width - self.heightBar = textAreaHeight - - self.scrollBar.Hide() - - ########## - ## Render - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - chat.Update(self.chatID) - elif self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW: - if systemSetting.IsViewChat(): - chat.Update(self.chatID) - - def OnRender(self): - if chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) != self.visibleLineCount: - self.visibleLineCount = chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) - self.Refresh() - - if self.curHeightBar != self.heightBar: - self.curHeightBar += (self.heightBar - self.curHeightBar) / 10 - - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - grp.SetColor(self.BOARD_MIDDLE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.xBar, self.yBar + (self.heightBar - self.curHeightBar) + 10, self.widthBar, self.curHeightBar) - chat.Render(self.chatID) - elif self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW: - if systemSetting.IsViewChat(): - grp.RenderGradationBar(self.xBar, self.yBar + (self.heightBar - self.curHeightBar), self.widthBar, self.curHeightBar, self.BOARD_START_COLOR, self.BOARD_END_COLOR) - chat.Render(self.chatID) - - ########## - ## Event - def OnTop(self): - self.btnChatSizing.SetTop() - self.scrollBar.SetTop() - - def OnScroll(self): - if not self.scrollLock: - self.scrollBarPos = self.scrollBar.GetPos() - - lineCount = chat.GetLineCount(self.chatID) - visibleLineCount = chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) - endLine = visibleLineCount + int(float(lineCount - visibleLineCount) * self.scrollBarPos) - - chat.SetEndPos(self.chatID, self.scrollBarPos) - - def OnChangeChatMode(self): - self.chatInputSet.OnChangeChatMode() - - def SetChatFocus(self): - self.chatInputSet.SetChatFocus() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.chatInputSet.BindInterface(interface) - -## ChatLogWindow -class ChatLogWindow(ui.Window): - - BLOCK_WIDTH = 32 - CHAT_MODE_NAME = ( locale.CHAT_NORMAL, locale.CHAT_PARTY, locale.CHAT_GUILD, locale.CHAT_SHOUT, locale.CHAT_INFORMATION, locale.CHAT_NOTICE, ) - CHAT_MODE_INDEX = ( chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, ) - - CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH = 450 - CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 120 - - class ResizeButton(ui.DragButton): - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.HVSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __init__(self): - - self.allChatMode = TRUE - self.chatInputSet = None - - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("float") - self.AddFlag("movable") - self.SetWindowName("ChatLogWindow") - self.__CreateChatInputSet() - self.__CreateWindow() - self.__CreateButton() - self.__CreateScrollBar() - - self.chatID = chat.CreateChatSet(chat.CHAT_SET_LOG_WINDOW) - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_LOG) - for i in self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX: - chat.EnableChatMode(self.chatID, i) - - self.SetPosition(20, 20) - self.SetSize(self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH, self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT) - self.btnSizing.SetPosition(self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH-self.btnSizing.GetWidth(), self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT-self.btnSizing.GetHeight()+2) - - self.OnResize() - - def __CreateChatInputSet(self): - chatInputSet = ChatInputSet() - chatInputSet.SetParent(self) - chatInputSet.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - chatInputSet.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - chatInputSet.Open() - self.chatInputSet = chatInputSet - - def __CreateWindow(self): - imgLeft = ui.ImageBox() - imgLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgLeft.SetParent(self) - - imgCenter = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - imgCenter.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgCenter.SetParent(self) - - imgRight = ui.ImageBox() - imgRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgRight.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - imgLeft.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_center.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_right.tga") - else: - imgLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chatlogwindow_titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chatlogwindow_titlebar_middle.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chatlogwindow_titlebar_right.tga") - - imgLeft.Show() - imgCenter.Show() - imgRight.Show() - - btnClose = ui.Button() - btnClose.SetParent(self) - btnClose.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub") - btnClose.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub") - btnClose.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub") - btnClose.SetToolTipText(locale.UI_CLOSE, 0, -23) - btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - btnClose.Show() - - btnSizing = self.ResizeButton() - btnSizing.SetParent(self) - btnSizing.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnResize)) - btnSizing.SetSize(16, 16) - btnSizing.Show() - - titleName = ui.TextLine() - titleName.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - titleName.SetPosition(self.GetWidth()-20, 6) - else: - titleName.SetPosition(20, 6) - - titleName.SetText(locale.CHAT_LOG_TITLE) - titleName.Show() - - self.imgLeft = imgLeft - self.imgCenter = imgCenter - self.imgRight = imgRight - self.btnClose = btnClose - self.btnSizing = btnSizing - self.titleName = titleName - - def __CreateButton(self): - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - bx = 20 - else: - bx = 13 - - btnAll = ui.RadioButton() - btnAll.SetParent(self) - btnAll.SetPosition(bx, 24) - btnAll.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_01.sub") - btnAll.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_02.sub") - btnAll.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_03.sub") - btnAll.SetText(locale.CHAT_ALL) - btnAll.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleAllChatMode)) - btnAll.Down() - btnAll.Show() - self.btnAll = btnAll - - x = bx + 48 - i = 0 - self.modeButtonList = [] - for name in self.CHAT_MODE_NAME: - btn = ui.ToggleButton() - btn.SetParent(self) - btn.SetPosition(x, 24) - btn.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_01.sub") - btn.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_02.sub") - btn.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_03.sub") - btn.SetText(name) - btn.Show() - - mode = self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX[i] - btn.SetToggleUpEvent(lambda arg=mode: self.ToggleChatMode(arg)) - btn.SetToggleDownEvent(lambda arg=mode: self.ToggleChatMode(arg)) - self.modeButtonList.append(btn) - - x += 48 - i += 1 - - def __CreateScrollBar(self): - scrollBar = ui.SmallThinScrollBar() - scrollBar.SetParent(self) - scrollBar.Show() - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.scrollBar = scrollBar - self.scrollBarPos = 1.0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.imgLeft = None - self.imgCenter = None - self.imgRight = None - self.btnClose = None - self.btnSizing = None - self.modeButtonList = [] - self.scrollBar = None - self.chatInputSet = None - - def ToggleAllChatMode(self): - if self.allChatMode: - return - - self.allChatMode = TRUE - - for i in self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX: - chat.EnableChatMode(self.chatID, i) - for btn in self.modeButtonList: - btn.SetUp() - - def ToggleChatMode(self, mode): - if self.allChatMode: - self.allChatMode = FALSE - for i in self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX: - chat.DisableChatMode(self.chatID, i) - chat.EnableChatMode(self.chatID, mode) - self.btnAll.SetUp() - - else: - chat.ToggleChatMode(self.chatID, mode) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - self.imgCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH*2) - self.BLOCK_WIDTH) / self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0.0) - self.imgCenter.SetPosition(self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.imgRight.SetPosition(width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.titleName.SetPosition(self.GetWidth()-20, 3) - self.btnClose.SetPosition(3, 3) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(1, 45) - else: - self.btnClose.SetPosition(width - self.btnClose.GetWidth() - 5, 5) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width - 15, 45) - - self.scrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(height - 45 - 12) - self.scrollBar.SetPos(self.scrollBarPos) - ui.Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - def Open(self): - self.OnResize() - self.chatInputSet.SetChatFocus() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - if self.chatInputSet: - self.chatInputSet.KillChatFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnResize(self): - x, y = self.btnSizing.GetLocalPosition() - width = self.btnSizing.GetWidth() - height = self.btnSizing.GetHeight() - - if x < self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH - width: - self.btnSizing.SetPosition(self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH - width, y) - return - if y < self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT - height: - self.btnSizing.SetPosition(x, self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT - height) - return - - self.scrollBar.LockScroll() - self.SetSize(x + width, y + height) - self.scrollBar.UnlockScroll() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.chatInputSet.SetPosition(20, 25) - else: - self.chatInputSet.SetPosition(0, 25) - - self.chatInputSet.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 20, 20) - self.chatInputSet.RefreshPosition() - self.chatInputSet.SetChatMax(self.GetWidth() / 8) - - def OnScroll(self): - self.scrollBarPos = self.scrollBar.GetPos() - - lineCount = chat.GetLineCount(self.chatID) - visibleLineCount = chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) - endLine = visibleLineCount + int(float(lineCount - visibleLineCount) * self.scrollBarPos) - - chat.SetEndPos(self.chatID, self.scrollBarPos) - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x+2, y+45, 13, height-45) - - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, width, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff525552) - grp.RenderBox(x, y, width-2, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff000000) - grp.RenderBox(x+1, y+1, width-2, height) - - grp.SetColor(0xff989898) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-13, y+height-1, 11, -11) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-9, y+height-1, 7, -7) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-5, y+height-1, 3, -3) - else: - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x+width-15, y+45, 13, height-45) - - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, width, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff525552) - grp.RenderBox(x, y, width-2, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff000000) - grp.RenderBox(x+1, y+1, width-2, height) - - grp.SetColor(0xff989898) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-13, y+height-1, 11, -11) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-9, y+height-1, 7, -7) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-5, y+height-1, 3, -3) - - ##### - - chat.ArrangeShowingChat(self.chatID) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y + height - 25) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y + height - 25) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, height - 45 - 25) - chat.Update(self.chatID) - chat.Render(self.chatID) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uicommon.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uicommon.py deleted file mode 100644 index ff7c7f97..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uicommon.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,419 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import locale -import app -import ime -import uiScriptLocale - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - self.acceptEvent = lambda *arg: None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.message = self.GetChild("message") - self.accceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.accceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - def Open(self): - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - self.acceptEvent() - - def Destroy(self): - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - def SetWidth(self, width): - height = self.GetHeight() - self.SetSize(width, height) - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.UpdateRect() - - def SetText(self, text): - self.message.SetText(text) - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptEvent = event - - def SetButtonName(self, name): - self.accceptButton.SetText(ButtonName) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class InputDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/inputdialog.py") - - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - - def Open(self): - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.cancelButton = None - self.inputSlot = None - self.inputValue = None - self.Hide() - - def SetTitle(self, name): - self.board.SetTitleName(name) - - def SetNumberMode(self): - self.inputValue.SetNumberMode() - - def SetSecretMode(self): - self.inputValue.SetSecret() - - def SetFocus(self): - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - - def SetMaxLength(self, length): - width = length * 6 + 10 - self.SetBoardWidth(max(width + 50, 160)) - self.SetSlotWidth(width) - self.inputValue.SetMax(length) - - def SetSlotWidth(self, width): - self.inputSlot.SetSize(width, self.inputSlot.GetHeight()) - self.inputValue.SetSize(width, self.inputValue.GetHeight()) - if self.IsRTL(): - self.inputValue.SetPosition(self.inputValue.GetWidth(), 0) - - def SetBoardWidth(self, width): - self.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight()) - self.board.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight()) - if self.IsRTL(): - self.board.SetPosition(self.board.GetWidth(), 0) - self.UpdateRect() - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnIMEReturn = event - - def SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.board.SetCloseEvent(event) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnPressEscapeKey = event - - def GetText(self): - return self.inputValue.GetText() - -class InputDialogWithDescription(InputDialog): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - InputDialog.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsARABIC() : - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "inputdialogwithdescription.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/inputdialogwithdescription.py") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - self.description = getObject("Description") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InputDialogWithDescription.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject") - - def SetDescription(self, text): - self.description.SetText(text) - -class InputDialogWithDescription2(InputDialog): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - InputDialog.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/inputdialogwithdescription2.py") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - self.description1 = getObject("Description1") - self.description2 = getObject("Description2") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InputDialogWithDescription.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject") - - def SetDescription1(self, text): - self.description1.SetText(text) - - def SetDescription2(self, text): - self.description2.SetText(text) - -class QuestionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.textLine = self.GetChild("message") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel") - - def Open(self): - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def SetWidth(self, width): - height = self.GetHeight() - self.SetSize(width, height) - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.UpdateRect() - - def SAFE_SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event) - - def SAFE_SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.cancelButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event) - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event) - - def SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def SetAcceptText(self, text): - self.acceptButton.SetText(text) - - def SetCancelText(self, text): - self.cancelButton.SetText(text) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class QuestionDialog2(QuestionDialog): - - def __init__(self): - QuestionDialog.__init__(self) - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - QuestionDialog.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.textLine1 = self.GetChild("message1") - self.textLine2 = self.GetChild("message2") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel") - - def SetText1(self, text): - self.textLine1.SetText(text) - - def SetText2(self, text): - self.textLine2.SetText(text) - -class QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit(QuestionDialog2): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - self.endTime = 0 - - def __del__(self): - QuestionDialog2.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.textLine1 = self.GetChild("message1") - self.textLine2 = self.GetChild("message2") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel") - - def Open(self, msg, timeout): - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - self.SetText1(msg) - self.endTime = app.GetTime() + timeout - - def OnUpdate(self): - leftTime = max(0, self.endTime - app.GetTime()) - self.SetText2(locale.UI_LEFT_TIME % (leftTime)) - -class MoneyInputDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.moneyHeaderText = locale.MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE - self.__CreateDialog() - self.SetMaxLength(9) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/moneyinputdialog.py") - - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - self.inputValue.SetNumberMode() - self.inputValue.OnIMEUpdate = ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnValueUpdate) - self.moneyText = getObject("MoneyValue") - - def Open(self): - self.inputValue.SetText("") - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - self.__OnValueUpdate() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.cancelButton = None - self.inputValue = None - self.Hide() - - def SetTitle(self, name): - self.board.SetTitleName(name) - - def SetFocus(self): - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - - def SetMaxLength(self, length): - length = min(9, length) - self.inputValue.SetMax(length) - - def SetMoneyHeaderText(self, text): - self.moneyHeaderText = text - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnIMEReturn = event - - def SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.board.SetCloseEvent(event) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnPressEscapeKey = event - - def SetValue(self, value): - value=str(value) - self.inputValue.SetText(value) - self.__OnValueUpdate() - ime.SetCursorPosition(len(value)) - - - def GetText(self): - return self.inputValue.GetText() - - def __OnValueUpdate(self): - ui.EditLine.OnIMEUpdate(self.inputValue) - - text = self.inputValue.GetText() - - money = 0 - if text and text.isdigit(): - try: - money = int(text) - except ValueError: - money = 199999999 - - self.moneyText.SetText(self.moneyHeaderText + locale.NumberToMoneyString(money)) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uicube.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uicube.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3c562f9d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uicube.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,600 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import mouseModule -import player -import snd -import locale -import item -import grp -import uiScriptLocale -import uiToolTip - -class CubeResultWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CubeResultWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeResultWindow.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - self.btnClose = GetObject("CloseButton") - self.cubeSlot = GetObject("CubeSlot") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.cubeSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverInItem)) - self.cubeSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverOutItem)) - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.itemVnum = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.titleBar = None - self.btnClose = None - self.cubeSlot = None - self.tooltipItem = None - self.itemVnum = 0 - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SetCubeResultItem(self, itemVnum, count): - self.itemVnum = itemVnum - - if 0 == count: - count = 1 - - self.cubeSlot.SetItemSlot(0, itemVnum, count) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnCloseButtonClick(self): - self.Close() - - def __OnOverInItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - if 0 != self.itemVnum: - self.tooltipItem.SetItemToolTip(self.itemVnum) - - def __OnOverOutItem(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - if 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - return TRUE - - -class CubeWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.xShopStart = 0 - self.yShopStart = 0 - self.isUsable = FALSE - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CubeWindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeWindow.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board = GetObject("board") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - self.btnAccept = GetObject("AcceptButton") - self.btnCancel = GetObject("CancelButton") - self.cubeSlot = GetObject("CubeSlot") - self.needMoney = GetObject("NeedMoney") - self.contentScrollbar = GetObject("contentScrollbar") - self.resultSlots = [GetObject("result1"), GetObject("result2"), GetObject("result3")] - self.materialSlots = [ - [GetObject("material11"), GetObject("material12"), GetObject("material13"), GetObject("material14"), GetObject("material15")], - [GetObject("material21"), GetObject("material22"), GetObject("material23"), GetObject("material24"), GetObject("material25")], - [GetObject("material31"), GetObject("material32"), GetObject("material33"), GetObject("material34"), GetObject("material35")], - ] - - - row = 0 - for materialRow in self.materialSlots: - j = 0 - for material in materialRow: - material.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda trash = 0, rowIndex = row, col = j: self.__OverInMaterialSlot(trash, rowIndex, col)) - material.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(lambda trash = 0, rowIndex = row, col = j: self.__OnSelectMaterialSlot(trash, rowIndex, col)) - material.SetOverOutItemEvent(lambda : self.__OverOutMaterialSlot()) - j = j + 1 - row = row + 1 - - row = 0 - for resultSlot in self.resultSlots: - resultSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda trash = 0, rowIndex = row: self.__OverInCubeResultSlot(trash, rowIndex)) - resultSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(lambda : self.__OverOutMaterialSlot()) - row = row + 1 - - - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.contentScrollbar.SetScrollStep(0.15) - self.contentScrollbar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScrollResultList)) - self.cubeSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectEmptySlot)) - self.cubeSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectItemSlot)) - self.cubeSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverInItem)) - self.cubeSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverOutItem)) - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.btnCancel.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.btnAccept.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnAcceptButtonClick)) - - self.cubeItemInfo = {} - self.cubeResultInfos = [] - self.cubeMaterialInfos = {} - - self.tooltipItem = None - - self.firstSlotIndex = 0 - self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT = len(self.resultSlots) - self.SLOT_SIZEX = 32 - self.SLOT_SIZEY = 32 - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX = 8 - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTY = 3 - - def SetItemToolTip(self, itemTooltip): - self.tooltipItem = itemTooltip - - def GetResultCount(self): - return len(self.cubeResultInfos) - - def OnScrollResultList(self): - count = self.GetResultCount() - scrollLineCount = max(0, count - self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT) - startIndex = int(scrollLineCount * self.contentScrollbar.GetPos()) - - if startIndex != self.firstSlotIndex: - self.firstSlotIndex = startIndex - self.Refresh() - - def AddCubeResultItem(self, itemVnum, count): - self.cubeResultInfos.append((itemVnum, count)) - #self.Refresh() - - def AddMaterialInfo(self, itemIndex, orderIndex, itemVnum, itemCount): - if itemIndex not in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - self.cubeMaterialInfos[itemIndex] = [[], [], [], [], []] - - self.cubeMaterialInfos[itemIndex][orderIndex].append((itemVnum, itemCount)) - #print "AddMaterialInfo", itemIndex, orderIndex, itemVnum, itemCount, self.cubeMaterialInfos - - def ClearCubeResultItem(self): - self.cubeResultInfos = [] - self.Refresh() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.titleBar = None - self.btnAccept = None - self.btnCancel = None - self.cubeSlot = None - self.tooltipItem = None - self.needMoney = None - - def __OverOutMaterialSlot(self): - self.tooltipItem.SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(TRUE) - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def __OverInCubeResultSlot(self, trash, resultIndex): - self.tooltipItem.ClearToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(TRUE) - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(0) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append((0, 0)) - - #print "resultIndex, firstSlotIndex", resultIndex, self.firstSlotIndex - - resultIndex = resultIndex + self.firstSlotIndex - itemVnum, itemCount = self.cubeResultInfos[resultIndex] - - self.tooltipItem.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - - # 犁丰甫 努腐窍搁 牢亥配府俊辑 秦寸 酒捞袍阑 茫酒辑 殿废窃. - def __OnSelectMaterialSlot(self, trash, resultIndex, materialIndex): - resultIndex = resultIndex + self.firstSlotIndex - if resultIndex not in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - return - - materialInfo = self.cubeMaterialInfos[resultIndex] - materialCount = len(materialInfo[materialIndex]) - - if 0 == materialCount: - return - - for itemVnum, itemCount in materialInfo[materialIndex]: - bAddedNow = FALSE # 捞锅俊 努腐窃栏肺结 酒捞袍捞 眠啊登菌唱? - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - itemSizeX, itemSizeY = item.GetItemSize() - - # 力炼俊 鞘夸茄 父怒狼 犁丰甫 啊瘤绊 乐绰啊? - if player.GetItemCountByVnum(itemVnum) >= itemCount: - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT): - vnum = player.GetItemIndex(i) - count= player.GetItemCount(i) - - if vnum == itemVnum and count >= itemCount: - # 捞固 鞍篮 酒捞袍捞 殿废登绢 乐绰瘤 八荤窍绊, 绝促搁 眠啊窃 - bAlreadyExists = FALSE - for slotPos, invenPos in self.cubeItemInfo.items(): - if invenPos == i: - bAlreadyExists = TRUE - - if TRUE == bAlreadyExists: - continue #continue inventory iterating - - #print "Cube Status : ", self.cubeItemInfo - - # 咯扁 柳涝窍搁 钮宏俊 殿废登瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍捞骨肺, 后 钮宏 浇吩俊 秦寸 酒捞袍 眠啊 - bCanAddSlot = FALSE - for slotPos in xrange(self.cubeSlot.GetSlotCount()): - # 捞 钮宏 浇吩捞 厚绢乐绰啊? - if not slotPos in self.cubeItemInfo: - upperColumnItemSizeY = -1 - currentSlotLine = int(slotPos / self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX) - cubeColumn = int(slotPos % self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX) - - - # 父距 钮宏俊 3沫楼府 酒捞袍捞 殿废登绢 乐促搁, 捞 凯(column)篮 歹 捞惑 杭 巴档 绝捞 逞绢埃促 - if cubeColumn in self.cubeItemInfo: - columnVNUM = player.GetItemIndex(self.cubeItemInfo[cubeColumn]) - item.SelectItem(columnVNUM) - columnItemSizeX, columnItemSizeY = item.GetItemSize() - - if 3 == columnItemSizeY: - continue #continue cube slot iterating - - if 0 < currentSlotLine and slotPos - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX in self.cubeItemInfo: - upperColumnVNUM = player.GetItemIndex(self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX]) - item.SelectItem(upperColumnVNUM) - columnItemSizeX, upperColumnItemSizeY = item.GetItemSize() - - # 1沫楼府 酒捞袍篮 官肺 拉临俊 茄沫楼府 酒捞袍捞 乐绢具 窃 - if 1 == itemSizeY: - if 0 == currentSlotLine: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - elif 1 == currentSlotLine and 1 == upperColumnItemSizeY: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - elif 2 == currentSlotLine: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - # 2沫楼府 酒捞袍篮 困酒贰啊 厚绢乐绢具 窃 - elif 2 == itemSizeY: - if 0 == currentSlotLine and not cubeColumn + self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX in self.cubeItemInfo: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - elif 1 == currentSlotLine and 1 == upperColumnItemSizeY and not cubeColumn + (self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX * 2) in self.cubeItemInfo: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - # 3沫楼府 酒捞袍篮 秦寸 Column 磊眉啊 葛滴 厚绢乐绢具 窃 - else: - if not cubeColumn in self.cubeItemInfo and not cubeColumn + self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX in self.cubeItemInfo and not cubeColumn + (self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX * 2) in self.cubeItemInfo: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - - if TRUE == bCanAddSlot: - self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] = i - self.cubeSlot.SetItemSlot(slotPos, vnum, count) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube add %d %d" % (slotPos, i)) - - bAddedNow = TRUE - - if TRUE == bAddedNow: - break #break cube slot iterating - - if TRUE == bAddedNow: - break #break inventory iterating - - if TRUE == bAddedNow: - break #break material iterating - - - - def __OverInMaterialSlot(self, trash, resultIndex, col): - self.tooltipItem.ClearToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(FALSE) - - resultIndex = resultIndex + self.firstSlotIndex - - if resultIndex not in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - return - - i = 0 - materialInfo = self.cubeMaterialInfos[resultIndex] - materialCount = len(materialInfo[col]) - - for itemVnum, count in materialInfo[col]: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - if player.GetItemCountByVnum(itemVnum) >= count: - self.tooltipItem.AppendTextLine("%s" % (item.GetItemName()), grp.GenerateColor(0.5411, 0.7254, 0.5568, 1.0)).SetFeather() - else: - self.tooltipItem.AppendTextLine("%s" % (item.GetItemName()), grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0)).SetFeather() - - if i < materialCount - 1: - self.tooltipItem.AppendTextLine(uiScriptLocale.CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR) - - i = i + 1 - - self.tooltipItem.Show() - - - def Open(self): - self.cubeItemInfo = {} - self.cubeResultInfos = [] - self.cubeMaterialInfos = {} - - self.Refresh() - self.Show() - - self.isUsable = TRUE - (self.xShopStart, self.yShopStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - def UpdateInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count): - if self.needMoney: - self.needMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(gold)) - - self.Refresh() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.__OnCloseButtonClick() - return TRUE - - def Close(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.Hide() - self.cubeItemInfo = {} - self.cubeMaterialInfos = {} - self.cubeResultInfos = {} - self.firstSlotIndex = 0 - self.contentScrollbar.SetPos(0) - - if self.needMoney: - self.needMoney.SetText("0") - - def Clear(self): - self.Refresh() - - def Refresh(self): - for slotPos in xrange(self.cubeSlot.GetSlotCount()): - - if not slotPos in self.cubeItemInfo: - self.cubeSlot.ClearSlot(slotPos) - continue - - invenPos = self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(invenPos) - if itemCount > 0: - self.cubeSlot.SetItemSlot(slotPos, player.GetItemIndex(invenPos), itemCount) - else: - del self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] - self.cubeSlot.ClearSlot(slotPos) - - i = 0 - for itemVnum, count in self.cubeResultInfos[self.firstSlotIndex:]: - currentSlot = self.resultSlots[i] - - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - - currentSlot.SetItemSlot(0, itemVnum, count) - currentSlot.Show() - - # Center Align - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - sizeX, sizeY = item.GetItemSize() - localX, localY = currentSlot.GetLocalPosition() - - currentSlot.SetSize(self.SLOT_SIZEX, self.SLOT_SIZEY * sizeY) - - adjustLocalY = 0 - if sizeY < 3: - adjustLocalY = int(32 / sizeY) - - currentSlot.SetPosition(localX, 0 + adjustLocalY) - - i = i + 1 - if 3 <= i: - break - - #print "self.cubeMaterialInfos : ", self.cubeMaterialInfos - if self.firstSlotIndex in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - for i in xrange(self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT): - materialList = self.cubeMaterialInfos[self.firstSlotIndex + i] - #print "Refresh ::: ", materialList - j = 0 - for materialInfo in materialList: - if 0 < len(materialInfo): - currentSlot = self.materialSlots[i][j] - itemVnum, itemCount = materialInfo[0] - currentSlot.SetItemSlot(0, itemVnum, itemCount) - j = j + 1 - - # Center Align - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - sizeX, sizeY = item.GetItemSize() - localX, localY = currentSlot.GetLocalPosition() - - currentSlot.SetSize(self.SLOT_SIZEX, self.SLOT_SIZEY * sizeY) - - adjustLocalY = 0 - if sizeY < 3: - adjustLocalY = int(32 / sizeY) - - currentSlot.SetPosition(localX, 0 + adjustLocalY) - - for k in xrange(5): - if k >= j: - self.materialSlots[i][k].ClearSlot(0) - - if self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT <= i: - break - - self.cubeSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def __OnCloseButtonClick(self): - if self.isUsable: - self.isUsable = FALSE - - print "钮宏 摧扁" - net.SendChatPacket("/cube close") - - self.Close() - - def __OnAcceptButtonClick(self): - if len(self.cubeItemInfo) == 0: - "后 钮宏" - return - - print "钮宏 力累 矫累" - #for invenPos in self.cubeItemInfo.values(): - # net.SendChatPacket("/cube add " + str(invenPos)) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube make") - - def __OnSelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY != attachedSlotType: - return - - for slotPos, invenPos in self.cubeItemInfo.items(): - if invenPos == attachedSlotPos: - del self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] - - self.cubeItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] = attachedSlotPos - net.SendChatPacket("/cube add %d %d" % (selectedSlotPos, attachedSlotPos)) - - self.Refresh() - - def __OnSelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - if not selectedSlotPos in self.cubeItemInfo: - return - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - net.SendChatPacket("/cube del %d " % selectedSlotPos) - del self.cubeItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - - self.Refresh() - - def __OnOverInItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - if self.cubeItemInfo.has_key(slotIndex): - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(self.cubeItemInfo[slotIndex]) - - def __OnOverOutItem(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnUpdate(self): - USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.yShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.__OnCloseButtonClick() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import uiToolTip - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - - self.tooltipItem = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.Hide() - - self.cubeWindow = CubeWindow() - self.cubeWindow.LoadWindow() - self.cubeWindow.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.cubeWindow.Open() - - self.cubeResultWindow = CubeResultWindow() - self.cubeResultWindow.LoadWindow() - self.cubeResultWindow.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.cubeResultWindow.SetCubeResultItem(27001, 1) - self.cubeResultWindow.Open() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uidragonsoul.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uidragonsoul.py deleted file mode 100644 index 93f81216..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uidragonsoul.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1313 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import mouseModule -import net -import app -import snd -import item -import chat -import grp -import uiScriptLocale -import uiRefine -import uiAttachMetin -import uiPickMoney -import uiCommon -import uiPrivateShopBuilder -import locale -import constInfo -import ime -import uiInventory -import sys -ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE = 1 << 14 - -# 侩去籍 Vnum俊 措茄 comment -# ITEM VNUM阑 10父 磊府何磐, FEDCBA扼绊 茄促搁 -# FE : 侩去籍 辆幅. D : 殿鞭 -# C : 窜拌 B : 碍拳 -# A : 咯国狼 锅龋甸... - -class DragonSoulWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - KIND_TAP_TITLES = [uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_1, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_2, - uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_3, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_4, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_5, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_6] - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.questionDialog = None - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.isActivated = FALSE - self.DSKindIndex = 0 - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.deckPageIndex = 0 - self.inventoryPageIndex = 0 - self.SetWindowName("DragonSoulWindow") - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - self.isLoaded = 1 - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "dragonsoulwindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("dragonsoulwindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - try: - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board = self.GetChild("Equipment_Base") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_01") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_02") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_03") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_04") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_05") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_06") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - - wndItem = self.GetChild("ItemSlot") - wndEquip = self.GetChild("EquipmentSlot") - self.activateButton = self.GetChild("activate") - self.deckTab = [] - self.deckTab.append(self.GetChild("deck1")) - self.deckTab.append(self.GetChild("deck2")) - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_01")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_02")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_03")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_04")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_05")) - self.tabDict = { - 0 : self.GetChild("Tab_01"), - 1 : self.GetChild("Tab_02"), - 2 : self.GetChild("Tab_03"), - 3 : self.GetChild("Tab_04"), - 4 : self.GetChild("Tab_05"), - 5 : self.GetChild("Tab_06"), - } - self.tabButtonDict = { - 0 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_01"), - 1 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_02"), - 2 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_03"), - 3 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_04"), - 4 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_05"), - 5 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_06"), - } - self.tabText = self.GetChild("tab_text_area") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - ## DragonSoul Kind Tap - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - tabButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SetDSKindIndex), tabKey) - ## Item - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - - ## Equipment - wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptyEquipSlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEquipItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseEquipItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseEquipItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInEquipItem)) - wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutEquipItem)) - - ## Deck - self.deckTab[0].SetToggleDownEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetDeckPage(arg)) - self.deckTab[1].SetToggleDownEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetDeckPage(arg)) - self.deckTab[0].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda arg=0: self.__DeckButtonDown(arg)) - self.deckTab[1].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda arg=1: self.__DeckButtonDown(arg)) - self.deckTab[0].Down() - ## Grade button - self.inventoryTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[2].SetEvent(lambda arg=2: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[3].SetEvent(lambda arg=3: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[4].SetEvent(lambda arg=4: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[0].Down() - ## Etc - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.wndEquip = wndEquip - - self.dlgQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - self.dlgQuestion.Close() - - self.activateButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ActivateButtonClick)) - self.activateButton.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ActivateButtonClick)) - self.wndPopupDialog = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - - ## - self.listHighlightedSlot = [] - - ## Refresh - self.SetInventoryPage(0) - self.RefreshItemSlot() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - self.SetDSKindIndex(0) - self.activateButton.Enable() - self.deckTab[self.deckPageIndex].Down() - self.activateButton.SetUp() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndItem = 0 - self.wndEquip = 0 - self.activateButton = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.mallButton = None - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.deckTab = [] - self.equipmentTab = [] - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - - def Close(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - self.Hide() - - def __DeckButtonDown(self, deck): - self.deckTab[deck].Down() - - def SetInventoryPage(self, page): - if self.inventoryPageIndex != page: - self.__HighlightSlot_ClearCurrentPage() - self.inventoryPageIndex = page - self.inventoryTab[(page+1)%5].SetUp() - self.inventoryTab[(page+2)%5].SetUp() - self.inventoryTab[(page+3)%5].SetUp() - self.inventoryTab[(page+4)%5].SetUp() - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def RefreshItemSlot(self): - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def RefreshEquipSlotWindow(self): - for i in xrange(6): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) - self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i, itemVnum, 0) - self.wndEquip.EnableSlot(player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - - if itemVnum != 0: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - for j in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(j) - - # 关俊辑 remain_time捞 0捞窍牢瘤 眉农 窍扁 锭巩俊 烙狼狼 剧荐肺 檬扁拳 - remain_time = 999 - # 老窜 泅犁 鸥捞赣绰 捞 技俺 挥捞促. - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - elif item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - - if remain_time <= 0: - self.wndEquip.DisableSlot(player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - break - - self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshStatus(self): - self.RefreshItemSlot() - - def __InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(self, window_type, local_slot_pos): - if player.INVENTORY == window_type: - return self.deckPageIndex * player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_FIRST_SIZE + local_slot_pos - - return (self.DSKindIndex * 5 * player.DRAGON_SOUL_PAGE_SIZE) + self.inventoryPageIndex * player.DRAGON_SOUL_PAGE_SIZE + local_slot_pos - - def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVnum=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - for i in xrange(player.DRAGON_SOUL_PAGE_SIZE): - self.wndItem.EnableSlot(i) - #<- dragon soul kind - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, i) - - itemCount = getItemCount(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber) - if 0 == itemCount: - self.wndItem.ClearSlot(i) - continue - elif 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - itemVnum = getItemVNum(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber) - - setItemVnum(i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - if itemVnum != 0: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - for j in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(j) - - # 关俊辑 remain_time捞 澜荐牢瘤 眉农 窍扁 锭巩俊 烙狼狼 剧荐肺 檬扁拳 - remain_time = 999 - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - elif item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - - if remain_time <= 0: - self.wndItem.DisableSlot(i) - break - - self.__HighlightSlot_RefreshCurrentPage() - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - def ShowToolTip(self, window_type, slotIndex): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - if player.INVENTORY == window_type: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(slotIndex) - else: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(slotIndex, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnTop(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetTop() - - # item slot 包访 窃荐 - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): - self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(overSlotPos) - overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - try: - self.listHighlightedSlot.remove(overSlotPos) - except: - pass - - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - self.ShowToolTip(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - - def __UseItem(self, slotIndex): - ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - if 0 == player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex, 0): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EXPIRED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - return - - self.__EquipItem(slotIndex) - - def __EquipItem(self, slotIndex): - ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - item.SelectItem(ItemVNum) - subType = item.GetItemSubType() - equipSlotPos = player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + self.deckPageIndex * player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_FIRST_SIZE + subType - srcItemPos = (player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - dstItemPos = (player.INVENTORY, equipSlotPos) - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(TRUE, srcItemPos, dstItemPos) - - def SelectItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.RESERVED_WINDOW != attachedInvenType: - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount) - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - print "__debug", selectedSlotPos - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - mouseModule.mouseController.RunCallBack("INVENTORY") - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - net.SendShopBuyPacket(attachedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType: - if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex: - net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - net.SendSafeboxCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL == attachedSlotType: - net.SendMallCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - - elif player.RESERVED_WINDOW != attachedInvenType: - if player.IsDSEquipmentSlot(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos): - srcItemPos = (attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - dstItemPos = (player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(FALSE, srcItemPos, dstItemPos) - else: - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos, attachedCount) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - return - slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - try: - # 侩去籍 碍拳芒捞 凯妨乐栏搁, 酒捞袍 快努腐 矫 磊悼栏肺 碍拳芒栏肺 甸绢皑. - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.AutoSetItem((player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex), 1) - return - except: - pass - - self.__UseItem(slotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.OverOutItem() - - def __SendMoveItemPacket(self, srcSlotWindow, srcSlotPos, dstSlotWindow, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemMovePacket(srcSlotWindow , srcSlotPos, dstSlotWindow, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount) - - # equip 浇吩 包访 窃荐甸. - def OverOutEquipItem(self): - self.OverOutItem() - - def OverInEquipItem(self, overSlotPos): - overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - self.ShowToolTip(player.INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - - def UseEquipItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - return - - slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, slotIndex) - - self.__UseEquipItem(slotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.OverOutEquipItem() - - def __UseEquipItem(self, slotIndex): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(FALSE, (player.INVENTORY, slotIndex), (1, 1)) - - - def SelectEquipItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - # 磊扁 磊脚阑 磊扁 磊脚俊霸 靛贰弊窍绰 版快 - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType and itemSlotIndex == attachedSlotPos: - return - - attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.RESERVED_WINDOW != attachedInvenType: - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - else: - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount) - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def SelectEmptyEquipSlot(self, selectedSlot): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, selectedSlot) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - if 0 == player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, attachedSlotPos, 0): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EXPIRED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - return - - item.SelectItem(attachedItemIndex) - subType = item.GetItemSubType() - if subType != (selectedSlot - player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNMATCHED_SLOT) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - else: - srcItemPos = (player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, attachedSlotPos) - dstItemPos = (player.INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(TRUE, srcItemPos, dstItemPos) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - # equip 浇吩 包访 窃荐甸 场. - - # 版绊芒 包访 - def __OpenQuestionDialog(self, Equip, srcItemPos, dstItemPos): - self.srcItemPos = srcItemPos - self.dstItemPos = dstItemPos - - self.dlgQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__Accept)) - self.dlgQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__Cancel)) - - if Equip: - self.dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING1) - self.dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING2) - else: - self.dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING1) - self.dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING2) - - self.dlgQuestion.Open() - - def __Accept(self): - if (-1, -1) == self.dstItemPos: - net.SendItemUsePacket(*srcItemPos) - else: - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(*(self.srcItemPos + self.dstItemPos + (0,))) - self.dlgQuestion.Close() - - def __Cancel(self): - self.srcItemPos = (0, 0) - self.dstItemPos = (0, 0) - self.dlgQuestion.Close() - - # 版绊芒 包访 场 - - def SetDSKindIndex(self, kindIndex): - if self.DSKindIndex != kindIndex: - self.__HighlightSlot_ClearCurrentPage() - - self.DSKindIndex = kindIndex - - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if kindIndex!=tabKey: - tabButton.SetUp() - - for tabValue in self.tabDict.itervalues(): - tabValue.Hide() - - self.tabDict[kindIndex].Show() - self.tabText.SetText(DragonSoulWindow.KIND_TAP_TITLES[kindIndex]) - - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - - def SetDeckPage(self, page): - if page == self.deckPageIndex: - return - - if self.isActivated: - self.DeactivateDragonSoul() - net.SendChatPacket("/dragon_soul deactivate") - self.deckPageIndex = page - self.deckTab[page].Down() - self.deckTab[(page+1)%2].SetUp() - - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - # 侩去籍 劝己拳 包访 - def ActivateDragonSoulByExtern(self, deck): - self.isActivated = TRUE - self.activateButton.Down() - self.deckPageIndex = deck - self.deckTab[deck].Down() - self.deckTab[(deck+1)%2].SetUp() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def DeactivateDragonSoul(self): - self.isActivated = FALSE - self.activateButton.SetUp() - - def ActivateButtonClick(self): - self.isActivated = self.isActivated ^ TRUE - if self.isActivated: - if self.__CanActivateDeck(): - net.SendChatPacket("/dragon_soul activate " + str(self.deckPageIndex)) - else: - self.isActivated = FALSE - self.activateButton.SetUp() - else: - net.SendChatPacket("/dragon_soul deactivate") - - def __CanActivateDeck(self): - canActiveNum = 0 - for i in xrange(6): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) - - if itemVnum != 0: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - isNoLimit = TRUE - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - # LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR绰 家南0俊 巢篮 矫埃阑 冠绰促. - # LIMIT_REAL_TIME篮 矫埃 促 登搁 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤骨肺 且 鞘夸啊 绝促. - # LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE绰 辑滚俊 力措肺 沥狼登瘤 臼酒 老窜 忱敌促. - if item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - isNoLimit = FALSE - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - if 0 != remain_time: - canActiveNum += 1 - break - # 鸥捞赣啊 绝促搁 Activate且 荐 乐绰 侩去籍. - if isNoLimit: - canActiveNum += 1 - - return canActiveNum > 0 - - # 劝己拳 包访 场 - - # 浇吩 highlight 包访 - def __HighlightSlot_ClearCurrentPage(self): - for i in xrange(self.wndItem.GetSlotCount()): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, i) - if slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: - self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) - self.listHighlightedSlot.remove(slotNumber) - - def __HighlightSlot_RefreshCurrentPage(self): - for i in xrange(self.wndItem.GetSlotCount()): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, i) - if slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: - self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) - - def HighlightSlot(self, slot): - if not slot in self.listHighlightedSlot: - self.listHighlightedSlot.append (slot) - # 浇吩 highlight 包访 场 - - def SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self, wndDragonSoulRefine): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - from _weakref import proxy - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = proxy(wndDragonSoulRefine) - -## 碍拳且 荐 绝绰 版快 朝府绰 抗寇 -#class DragonSoulRefineException(Exception): - #pass - -class DragonSoulRefineWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - REFINE_TYPE_GRADE, REFINE_TYPE_STEP, REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH = xrange(3) - DS_SUB_HEADER_DIC = { - REFINE_TYPE_GRADE : player.DS_SUB_HEADER_DO_UPGRADE, - REFINE_TYPE_STEP : player.DS_SUB_HEADER_DO_IMPROVEMENT, - REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH : player.DS_SUB_HEADER_DO_REFINE - } - REFINE_STONE_SLOT, DRAGON_SOUL_SLOT = xrange(2) - - INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO = -1 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.refineChoiceButtonDict = None - self.doRefineButton = None - self.wndMoney = None - self.SetWindowName("DragonSoulRefineWindow") - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - self.isLoaded = 1 - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "dragonsoulrefinewindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("dragonsoulrefinewindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - try: - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board = self.GetChild("DragonSoulRefineWindowBaseImage") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - - wndRefineSlot = self.GetChild("RefineSlot") - wndResultSlot = self.GetChild("ResultSlot") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict = { - self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE : self.GetChild("GradeButton"), - self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP: self.GetChild("StepButton"), - self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH : self.GetChild("StrengthButton"), - } - self.doRefineButton = self.GetChild("DoRefineButton") - self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money_Slot") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DragonSoulRefineWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - - ## Item Slots - wndRefineSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverInRefineItem)) - wndRefineSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverOutItem)) - wndRefineSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineEmptySlot)) - wndRefineSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineItemSlot)) - wndRefineSlot.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineItemSlot)) - wndRefineSlot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineItemSlot)) - - wndResultSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverInResultItem)) - wndResultSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverOutItem)) - self.wndRefineSlot = wndRefineSlot - self.wndResultSlot = wndResultSlot - - ## Button - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__ToggleDownGradeButton) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__ToggleDownStepButton) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__ToggleDownStrengthButton) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__ToggleUpButton(self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__ToggleUpButton(self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__ToggleUpButton(self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH)) - self.doRefineButton.SetEvent(self.__PressDoRefineButton) - - ## Dialog - self.wndPopupDialog = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE - self.refineItemInfo = {} - self.resultItemInfo = {} - self.currentRecipe = {} - - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].Down() - - self.__Initialize() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndItem = 0 - self.wndEquip = 0 - self.activateButton = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.mallButton = None - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.deckTab = [] - self.equipmentTab = [] - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - - def Close(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - player.SendDragonSoulRefine(player.DRAGON_SOUL_REFINE_CLOSE) - self.Hide() - - def Show(self): - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].Down() - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP].SetUp() - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH].SetUp() - - self.Refresh() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - # 滚瓢 喘妨 乐绰 惑怕甫 力寇茄 葛电 碍拳芒 包访 函荐甸阑 檬扁拳. - def __Initialize(self): - self.currentRecipe = {} - self.refineItemInfo = {} - self.resultItemInfo = {} - - if self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = 2 - else: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = 1 - - for i in xrange(self.refineSlotLockStartIndex): - self.wndRefineSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(i) - - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - - def __FlushRefineItemSlot(self): - ## Item slot settings - # 盔贰 牢亥狼 酒捞袍 墨款飘 雀汗 - for invenType, invenPos, itemCount in self.refineItemInfo.values(): - remainCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, remainCount + itemCount) - self.__Initialize() - - def __ToggleUpButton(self, idx): - #if self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE == self.currentRefineType: - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[idx].Down() - - def __ToggleDownGradeButton(self): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE == self.currentRefineType: - return - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.currentRefineType].SetUp() - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - self.Refresh() - - def __ToggleDownStepButton(self): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP == self.currentRefineType: - return - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.currentRefineType].SetUp() - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - self.Refresh() - - def __ToggleDownStrengthButton(self): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - return - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.currentRefineType].SetUp() - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - self.Refresh() - - def __PopUp(self, message): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(message) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - - def __SetItem(self, (invenType, invenPos), dstSlotIndex, itemCount): - - if dstSlotIndex >= self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - return FALSE - - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - maxCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - - if itemCount > maxCount: - raise Exception, ("Invalid attachedItemCount(%d). (base pos (%d, %d), base itemCount(%d))" % (itemCount, invenType, invenPos, maxCount)) - #return FALSE - - # strength 碍拳老 版快, 0锅浚 碍拳籍, 1锅浚 侩去籍阑 初档废 碍力窃. - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - if self.__IsDragonSoul(itemVnum): - dstSlotIndex = 1 - else: - dstSlotIndex = 0 - - # 后 浇吩捞绢具窃. - if dstSlotIndex in self.refineItemInfo: - return FALSE - - # 碍拳芒俊 棵副 荐 乐绰 酒捞袍牢瘤 八荤. - if FALSE == self.__CheckCanRefine(itemVnum): - return FALSE - - # 缠绢促 初篮 酒捞袍 墨款飘父怒 盔贰 磊府狼 酒捞袍 墨款飘 皑家 - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, maxCount - itemCount) - self.refineItemInfo[dstSlotIndex] = (invenType, invenPos, itemCount) - self.Refresh() - - return TRUE - - # 碍拳 啊瓷茄 酒捞袍牢瘤 眉农 - # 侩去籍 碍拳绰 碍拳 饭矫乔甫 沥秦初绊 矫累窍绰 巴捞 酒聪扼, - # 贸澜俊 碍拳芒俊 棵赴 侩去籍俊 狼秦 碍拳 饭矫乔啊 搬沥等促. - # 弊贰辑 __CanRefineGrade, __CanRefineStep, __CanRefineStrength 窃荐俊辑 - # 碍拳 饭矫乔啊 绝促搁(贸澜 棵府绰 酒捞袍捞扼搁), 碍拳 饭矫乔甫 汲沥秦林绰 开且档 茄促. - def __CheckCanRefine(self, vnum): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE == self.currentRefineType: - return self.__CanRefineGrade(vnum) - - elif self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP == self.currentRefineType: - return self.__CanRefineStep(vnum) - - elif self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - return self.__CanRefineStrength(vnum) - - else: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanRefineGrade (self, vnum): - ds_info = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO == ds_info: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - - if self.currentRecipe: - ds_type, grade, step, strength = ds_info - cur_refine_ds_type, cur_refine_grade, cur_refine_step, cur_refine_strength = self.currentRecipe["ds_info"] - if not (cur_refine_ds_type == ds_type and cur_refine_grade == grade): - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - # 碍拳 芒俊 贸澜 酒捞袍阑 棵府绰 版快, 碍拳 犁丰俊 包茄 沥焊啊 绝促. - # 侩去籍 碍拳啊, 饭矫乔甫 啊瘤绊 矫累窍绰 巴捞 酒聪扼, 碍拳芒俊 贸澜 棵府绰 酒捞袍捞 公均捞衬俊 蝶扼, - # 公均阑 碍拳窍绊, 犁丰啊 公均牢瘤(捞窍 饭矫乔)啊 沥秦柳促. - # 饭矫乔啊 绝促搁, 贸澜 棵赴 酒捞袍捞扼 积阿窍绊, vnum阑 官帕栏肺 饭矫乔甫 悸泼. - else: - self.currentRecipe = self.__GetRefineGradeRecipe(vnum) - - if self.currentRecipe: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = self.currentRecipe["need_count"] - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(self.currentRecipe["fee"])) - return TRUE - else: - # 碍拳 沥焊 悸泼俊 角菩窍搁 棵副 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍栏肺 魄窜. - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE) - return FALSE - - def __CanRefineStep (self, vnum): - ds_info = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO == ds_info: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - - if self.currentRecipe: - ds_type, grade, step, strength = ds_info - cur_refine_ds_type, cur_refine_grade, cur_refine_step, cur_refine_strength = self.currentRecipe["ds_info"] - if not (cur_refine_ds_type == ds_type and cur_refine_grade == grade and cur_refine_step == step): - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - # 碍拳 芒俊 贸澜 酒捞袍阑 棵府绰 版快, 犁丰俊 包茄 沥焊啊 绝促. - # 侩去籍 碍拳啊, 饭矫乔甫 啊瘤绊 矫累窍绰 巴捞 酒聪扼, 碍拳芒俊 贸澜 棵府绰 酒捞袍捞 公均捞衬俊 蝶扼, - # 公均阑 碍拳窍绊, 犁丰啊 公均牢瘤(捞窍 饭矫乔)啊 沥秦柳促. - # 饭矫乔啊 绝促搁, 贸澜 棵赴 酒捞袍捞扼 积阿窍绊, vnum阑 官帕栏肺 饭矫乔甫 悸泼. - else: - self.currentRecipe = self.__GetRefineStepRecipe(vnum) - - if self.currentRecipe: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = self.currentRecipe["need_count"] - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(self.currentRecipe["fee"])) - return TRUE - - else: - # 碍拳 沥焊 悸泼俊 角菩窍搁 棵副 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍栏肺 魄窜. - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE) - return FALSE - - def __CanRefineStrength (self, vnum): - # 侩去籍牢 版快, 歹 捞惑 strength 碍拳甫 且 荐 绝绰瘤 眉农秦具窃. - if self.__IsDragonSoul(vnum): - ds_type, grade, step, strength = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - if strength >= dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["strength_max_table"][grade][step]: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE_MORE) - return FALSE - - else: - return TRUE - - # strength 碍拳狼 版快, refine_recipe啊 侩去籍狼 辆幅啊 酒囱, 碍拳籍狼 辆幅俊 蝶扼 崔扼柳促. - # 蝶扼辑 侩去籍捞 酒聪扼搁, - # 捞固 饭矫乔啊 乐绰 版快绰, 碍拳籍捞 碍拳芒俊 乐促绰 巴捞骨肺, return FALSE - # 饭矫乔啊 绝绰 版快绰, 碍拳籍牢瘤 犬牢窍绊, 饭矫乔甫 悸泼茄促. - else: - if self.currentRecipe: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - else: - refineRecipe = self.__GetRefineStrengthInfo(vnum) - if refineRecipe: - self.currentRecipe = refineRecipe - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(self.currentRecipe["fee"])) - return TRUE - else: - # 饭矫乔甫 悸泼且 荐 绝绰 版快 - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL_REFINE_STONE) - return FALSE - - def __GetRefineGradeRecipe (self, vnum): - ds_type, grade, step, strength = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - try: - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - - return { - "ds_info" : (ds_type, grade, step, strength), - "need_count" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["grade_need_count"][grade], - "fee" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["grade_fee"][grade] - } - except: - return None - - def __GetRefineStepRecipe (self, vnum): - ds_type, grade, step, strength = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - try: - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - - return { - "ds_info" : (ds_type, grade, step, strength), - "need_count" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["step_need_count"][step], - "fee" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["step_fee"][step] - } - except: - return None - - # strength 碍拳狼 版快, refineInfo绰 碍拳籍俊 蝶扼 崔扼柳促. - def __GetRefineStrengthInfo (self, itemVnum): - try: - # 捞仇狼 困摹甫 绢骂窍瘤.... - # 碍拳籍捞 酒聪搁 救凳. - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - if not (item.ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL == item.GetItemType() \ - and (item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_NORMAL <= item.GetItemSubType() and item.GetItemSubType() <= item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_HOLLY)): - return None - - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - return { "fee" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.strength_fee[item.GetItemSubType()] } - except: - return None - - def __IsDragonSoul(self, vnum): - item.SelectItem(vnum) - return item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_DS - - # 侩去籍 Vnum俊 措茄 comment - # ITEM VNUM阑 10父 磊府何磐, FEDCBA扼绊 茄促搁 - # FE : 侩去籍 辆幅. D : 殿鞭 - # C : 窜拌 B : 碍拳 - # A : 咯国狼 锅龋甸... - def __GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(self, vnum): - if not self.__IsDragonSoul(vnum): - return DragonSoulRefineWindow.INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO - ds_type = vnum / 10000 - grade = vnum % 10000 /1000 - step = vnum % 1000 / 100 - strength = vnum % 100 / 10 - - return (ds_type, grade, step, strength) - - def __MakeDragonSoulVnum(self, ds_type, grade, step, strength): - return ds_type * 10000 + grade * 1000 + step * 100 + strength * 10 - - ## 后 浇吩 急琶 Event - def __SelectRefineEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - try: - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - if selectedSlotPos >= self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - - if player.INVENTORY == attachedInvenType and player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedSlotPos): - return - - if player.INVENTORY != attachedInvenType and player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY != attachedInvenType: - return - - if TRUE == self.__SetItem((attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos), selectedSlotPos, attachedItemCount): - self.Refresh() - - except Exception, e: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Exception : __SelectRefineEmptySlot, %s" % e) - - # 努腐栏肺 浇吩俊辑 昏力. - def __SelectRefineItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - try: - if not selectedSlotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - # 货肺款 酒捞袍阑 碍拳芒俊 棵府绰 累诀. - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - - if player.INVENTORY == attachedInvenType and player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedSlotPos): - return - - if player.INVENTORY != attachedInvenType and player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY != attachedInvenType: - return - - self.AutoSetItem((attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos), 1) - return - elif mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, attachedItemCount = self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - selectedItemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - - # 碍拳芒俊辑 昏力 棺 盔贰 牢亥狼 酒捞袍 墨款飘 雀汗 - invenType, invenPos, itemCount = self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - remainCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, remainCount + itemCount) - del self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - - # 碍拳芒捞 厚菌促搁, 檬扁拳 - if not self.refineItemInfo: - self.__Initialize() - else: - item.SelectItem(selectedItemVnum) - # 绝矩 酒捞袍捞 碍拳籍捞菌促搁 碍拳 饭乔矫 檬扁拳 - if (item.ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL == item.GetItemType() \ - and (item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_NORMAL <= item.GetItemSubType() and item.GetItemSubType() <= item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_HOLLY)): - self.currentRecipe = {} - self.wndMoney.SetText(localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - # 侩去籍捞菌促搁, - # strength碍拳啊 酒囱 版快, 碍拳芒俊 促弗 侩去籍捞 巢酒乐栏骨肺, 饭矫乔甫 檬扁拳窍搁 救凳. - # strength碍拳狼 版快, 碍拳 饭矫乔绰 碍拳籍俊 辆加等 巴捞骨肺 促弗 贸府且 鞘夸啊 绝澜. - else: - pass - - except Exception, e: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Exception : __SelectRefineItemSlot, %s" % e) - - self.Refresh() - - def __OverInRefineItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.refineItemInfo.has_key(slotIndex): - inven_type, inven_pos, item_count = self.refineItemInfo[slotIndex] - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(inven_pos, inven_type) - - def __OverInResultItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.resultItemInfo.has_key(slotIndex): - inven_type, inven_pos, item_count = self.resultItemInfo[slotIndex] - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(inven_pos, inven_type) - - def __OverOutItem(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def __PressDoRefineButton(self): - for i in xrange(self.refineSlotLockStartIndex): - if not i in self.refineItemInfo: - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - - return - - player.SendDragonSoulRefine(DragonSoulRefineWindow.DS_SUB_HEADER_DIC[self.currentRefineType], self.refineItemInfo) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def Refresh(self): - self.__RefreshRefineItemSlot() - self.__ClearResultItemSlot() - - def __RefreshRefineItemSlot(self): - try: - for slotPos in xrange(self.wndRefineSlot.GetSlotCount()): - self.wndRefineSlot.ClearSlot(slotPos) - if slotPos < self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - # self.refineItemInfo[slotPos]狼 沥焊犬牢 - # (角力肺 酒捞袍捞 粮犁窍绰瘤 犬牢) - # 粮犁 -> 酒捞袍 酒捞能阑 浇吩俊 悸泼. - # 厚粮犁 -> 酒捞袍捞 绝栏骨肺 碍拳芒俊辑 昏力. - if slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - invenType, invenPos, itemCount = self.refineItemInfo[slotPos] - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - - # if itemVnum: - if itemVnum: - self.wndRefineSlot.SetItemSlot(slotPos, player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos), itemCount) - else: - del self.refineItemInfo[slotPos] - - # 后 浇吩俊 reference 酒捞能阑 alpha 0.5肺 悸泼. - if not slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - try: - reference_vnum = 0 - # strength 碍拳老 锭绰, - # 0锅 浇吩俊 碍拳籍阑, 1锅 浇吩俊 侩去籍阑 初绰促. - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_STONE_SLOT == slotPos: - reference_vnum = 100300 - else: - reference_vnum = self.__MakeDragonSoulVnum(*self.currentRecipe["ds_info"]) - if 0 != reference_vnum: - item.SelectItem(reference_vnum) - itemIcon = item.GetIconImage() - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - self.wndRefineSlot.SetSlot(slotPos, 0, width, height, itemIcon, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) - # slot 快螟 窍窜俊 箭磊 哆搁 救 抗惠... - self.wndRefineSlot.SetSlotCount(slotPos, 0) - except: - pass - # refineSlotLockStartIndex 焊促 累篮 浇吩篮 摧腮 捞固瘤甫 焊咯林搁 救凳. - self.wndRefineSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(slotPos) - # slotPos >= self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - else: - # 沥惑利牢 版快扼搁 捞 if巩俊 甸绢哎 老篮 绝摆瘤父, - # (局檬俊 牢郸胶啊 refineSlotLockStartIndex 捞惑牢 浇吩俊绰 酒捞袍阑 持瘤 给窍霸 沁扁 锭巩) - # 趣矫 葛甫 俊矾俊 措厚窃. - if slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - invenType, invenPos, itemCount = self.refineItemInfo[slotPos] - remainCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, remainCount + itemCount) - del self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - # refineSlotLockStartIndex 捞惑牢 浇吩篮 摧腮 捞固瘤甫 焊咯拎具窃. - self.wndRefineSlot.ShowSlotBaseImage(slotPos) - - # 碍拳芒俊 酒公繁 酒捞袍捞 绝促搁, 檬扁拳秦淋. - # 困俊辑 吝埃 吝埃俊 "del self.refineItemInfo[slotPos]"甫 沁扁 锭巩俊, - # 咯扁辑 茄锅 眉农秦拎具窃. - if not self.refineItemInfo: - self.__Initialize() - - self.wndRefineSlot.RefreshSlot() - except Exception, e: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Exception : __RefreshRefineItemSlot, %s" % e) - - def __GetEmptySlot(self, itemVnum = 0): - # STRENGTH 碍拳狼 版快, 侩去籍 浇吩苞 碍拳籍 浇吩捞 备盒登绢乐扁 嫐巩俊 - # vnum阑 舅酒具 茄促. - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - if 0 == itemVnum: - return -1 - - if self.__IsDragonSoul(itemVnum): - if not DragonSoulRefineWindow.DRAGON_SOUL_SLOT in self.refineItemInfo: - return DragonSoulRefineWindow.DRAGON_SOUL_SLOT - else: - if not DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_STONE_SLOT in self.refineItemInfo: - return DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_STONE_SLOT - else: - for slotPos in xrange(self.wndRefineSlot.GetSlotCount()): - if not slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - return slotPos - - return -1 - - def AutoSetItem(self, (invenType, invenPos), itemCount): - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - emptySlot = self.__GetEmptySlot(itemVnum) - if -1 == emptySlot: - return - - self.__SetItem((invenType, invenPos), emptySlot, itemCount) - - def __ClearResultItemSlot(self): - self.wndResultSlot.ClearSlot(0) - self.resultItemInfo = {} - - def RefineSucceed(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.__Initialize() - self.Refresh() - - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(inven_type, inven_pos) - if itemCount > 0: - self.resultItemInfo[0] = (inven_type, inven_pos, itemCount) - self.wndResultSlot.SetItemSlot(0, player.GetItemIndex(inven_type, inven_pos), itemCount) - - def RefineFail(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos): - if net.DS_SUB_HEADER_REFINE_FAIL == reason: - self.__Initialize() - self.Refresh() - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(inven_type, inven_pos) - if itemCount > 0: - self.resultItemInfo[0] = (inven_type, inven_pos, itemCount) - self.wndResultSlot.SetItemSlot(0, player.GetItemIndex(inven_type, inven_pos), itemCount) - else: - self.Refresh() - - def SetInventoryWindows(self, wndInventory, wndDragonSoul): - self.wndInventory = wndInventory - self.wndDragonSoul = wndDragonSoul diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiequipmentdialog.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiequipmentdialog.py deleted file mode 100644 index 228d2953..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiequipmentdialog.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import chr -import player - -class EquipmentDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - print "NEW EQUIPMENT DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - - self.vid = None - self.eventClose = None - self.itemDataDict = {} - self.tooltipItem = None - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EQUIPMENT DIALOG " - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/EquipmentDialog.py") - - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.slotWindow = getObject("EquipmentSlot") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("EquipmentDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.slotWindow.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - self.slotWindow.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - def Open(self, vid): - - self.vid = vid - self.itemDataDict = {} - - name = chr.GetNameByVID(vid) - self.board.SetTitleName(name) - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.itemDataDict = {} - self.tooltipItem = None - self.Hide() - - if self.eventClose: - self.eventClose(self.vid) - - def Destroy(self): - self.eventClose = None - - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.board = None - self.slotWindow = None - - def SetEquipmentDialogItem(self, slotIndex, vnum, count): - if count <= 1: - count = 0 - self.slotWindow.SetItemSlot(slotIndex, vnum, count) - - emptySocketList = [] - emptyAttrList = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - emptySocketList.append(0) - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - emptyAttrList.append((0, 0)) - self.itemDataDict[slotIndex] = (vnum, count, emptySocketList, emptyAttrList) - - def SetEquipmentDialogSocket(self, slotIndex, socketIndex, value): - if not slotIndex in self.itemDataDict: - return - if socketIndex < 0 or socketIndex > player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM: - return - self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][2][socketIndex] = value - - def SetEquipmentDialogAttr(self, slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value): - if not slotIndex in self.itemDataDict: - return - if attrIndex < 0 or attrIndex > player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM: - return - self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][3][attrIndex] = (type, value) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.eventClose = event - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - - if None == self.tooltipItem: - return - - if not slotIndex in self.itemDataDict: - return - - itemVnum = self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][0] - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.tooltipItem.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][2] - attrSlot = self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][3] - self.tooltipItem.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - self.tooltipItem.ShowToolTip() - - def OverOutItem(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiex.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiex.py deleted file mode 100644 index 46932210..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiex.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -import app -import wndMgr -import systemSetting -import mouseModule -import ui - -class Window(ui.Window): - def __init__(self, skinFileName = ""): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "UI") - - self.children = [] - self.childDict = {} - - self.__LoadSkin(skinFileName) - - self.Show() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def ClearDictionary(self): - self.children = [] - self.childDict = {} - - def InsertChild(self, name, child): - self.childDict[name] = child - - def IsChild(self, name): - return name in self.childDict - - def GetChild(self, name): - return self.childDict[name] - - def __LoadSkin(self, fileName): - loader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - loader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - - -#wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - -class App: - def __init__(self, title = "METIN2 UI TEST"): - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - - width = systemSetting.GetWidth() - height = systemSetting.GetHeight() - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(width, height) - app.Create(title, width, height, 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - self.OnInit() - - def MainLoop(self): - app.Loop() - - def OnInit(self): - pass - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - class TestWindow(Window): - def __init__(self, skinFileName): - Window.__init__(self, skinFileName) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - class TestApp(App): - def OnInit(self): - self.test = TestWindow("locale/ymir_ui/matrixwindow.py") - pass - - TestApp().MainLoop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiexchange.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiexchange.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8a53003d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiexchange.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -import player -import exchange -import net -import locale -import chat -import item - -import ui -import mouseModule -import uiPickMoney -import wndMgr - -################################################################################################### -## Exchange -class ExchangeDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.TitleName = 0 - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.xStart = 0 - self.yStart = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/exchangedialog.py") - - ## Owner - self.OwnerSlot = self.GetChild("Owner_Slot") - self.OwnerSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectOwnerEmptySlot)) - self.OwnerSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectOwnerItemSlot)) - self.OwnerSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInOwnerItem)) - self.OwnerSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - self.OwnerMoney = self.GetChild("Owner_Money_Value") - self.OwnerAcceptLight = self.GetChild("Owner_Accept_Light") - self.OwnerAcceptLight.Disable() - self.OwnerMoneyButton = self.GetChild("Owner_Money") - self.OwnerMoneyButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPickMoneyDialog)) - - ## Target - self.TargetSlot = self.GetChild("Target_Slot") - self.TargetSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInTargetItem)) - self.TargetSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - self.TargetMoney = self.GetChild("Target_Money_Value") - self.TargetAcceptLight = self.GetChild("Target_Accept_Light") - self.TargetAcceptLight.Disable() - - ## PickMoneyDialog - dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - dlgPickMoney.LoadDialog() - dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickMoney)) - dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(locale.EXCHANGE_MONEY) - dlgPickMoney.SetMax(7) - dlgPickMoney.Hide() - self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney - - ## Button - self.AcceptButton = self.GetChild("Owner_Accept_Button") - self.AcceptButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptExchange)) - - self.TitleName = self.GetChild("TitleName") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(net.SendExchangeExitPacket) - - def Destroy(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY EXCHANGE" - self.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgPickMoney.Destroy() - self.dlgPickMoney = 0 - self.OwnerSlot = 0 - self.OwnerMoney = 0 - self.OwnerAcceptLight = 0 - self.OwnerMoneyButton = 0 - self.TargetSlot = 0 - self.TargetMoney = 0 - self.TargetAcceptLight = 0 - self.TitleName = 0 - self.AcceptButton = 0 - self.tooltipItem = 0 - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.TitleName.SetText(locale.EXCHANGE_TITLE % (exchange.GetNameFromTarget())) - self.AcceptButton.Enable() - self.AcceptButton.SetUp() - self.Show() - - (self.xStart, self.yStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - def CloseDialog(self): - wndMgr.OnceIgnoreMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Close() - self.Hide() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self): - - if exchange.GetElkFromSelf() > 0: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY) - return - - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(player.GetElk()) - - def OnPickMoney(self, money): - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(money) - - def AcceptExchange(self): - net.SendExchangeAcceptPacket() - self.AcceptButton.Disable() - - def SelectOwnerEmptySlot(self, SlotIndex): - - if FALSE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.IsAttachedMoney(): - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedMoneyAmount()) - else: - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - if (player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType - or player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType): - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - SrcSlotNumber = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - DstSlotNumber = SlotIndex - - itemID = player.GetItemIndex(attachedInvenType, SrcSlotNumber) - item.SelectItem(itemID) - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_GIVE): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedInvenType, SrcSlotNumber, DstSlotNumber) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectOwnerItemSlot(self, SlotIndex): - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - - money = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(money) - - def RefreshOwnerSlot(self): - for i in xrange(exchange.EXCHANGE_ITEM_MAX_NUM): - itemIndex = exchange.GetItemVnumFromSelf(i) - itemCount = exchange.GetItemCountFromSelf(i) - if 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - self.OwnerSlot.SetItemSlot(i, itemIndex, itemCount) - self.OwnerSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshTargetSlot(self): - for i in xrange(exchange.EXCHANGE_ITEM_MAX_NUM): - itemIndex = exchange.GetItemVnumFromTarget(i) - itemCount = exchange.GetItemCountFromTarget(i) - if 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - self.TargetSlot.SetItemSlot(i, itemIndex, itemCount) - self.TargetSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def Refresh(self): - - self.RefreshOwnerSlot() - self.RefreshTargetSlot() - - self.OwnerMoney.SetText(str(exchange.GetElkFromSelf())) - self.TargetMoney.SetText(str(exchange.GetElkFromTarget())) - - if TRUE == exchange.GetAcceptFromSelf(): - self.OwnerAcceptLight.Down() - else: - self.AcceptButton.Enable() - self.AcceptButton.SetUp() - self.OwnerAcceptLight.SetUp() - - if TRUE == exchange.GetAcceptFromTarget(): - self.TargetAcceptLight.Down() - else: - self.TargetAcceptLight.SetUp() - - def OverInOwnerItem(self, slotIndex): - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetExchangeOwnerItem(slotIndex) - - def OverInTargetItem(self, slotIndex): - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetExchangeTargetItem(slotIndex) - - def OverOutItem(self): - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnTop(self): - self.tooltipItem.SetTop() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xStart) > USE_EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.yStart) > USE_EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - (self.xStart, self.yStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - net.SendExchangeExitPacket() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uigamebutton.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uigamebutton.py deleted file mode 100644 index 15fcf389..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uigamebutton.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import player -import net - -class GameButtonWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadWindow("UIScript/gamewindow.py") - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self, filename): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, filename) - except Exception, msg: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg)) - app.Abort() - return FALSE - - try: - self.gameButtonDict={ - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("StatusPlusButton"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("SkillPlusButton"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("QuestButton"), - "HELP" : self.GetChild("HelpButton"), - "BUILD" : self.GetChild("BuildGuildBuilding"), - "EXIT_OBSERVER" : self.GetChild("ExitObserver"), - } - - self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitObserver)) - - except Exception, msg: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg)) - app.Abort() - return FALSE - - self.__HideAllGameButton() - self.SetObserverMode(player.IsObserverMode()) - return TRUE - - def Destroy(self): - for key in self.gameButtonDict: - self.gameButtonDict[key].SetEvent(0) - - self.gameButtonDict={} - - def SetButtonEvent(self, name, event): - try: - self.gameButtonDict[name].SetEvent(event) - except Exception, msg: - print "GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg) - app.Abort() - return - - def ShowBuildButton(self): - self.gameButtonDict["BUILD"].Show() - - def HideBuildButton(self): - self.gameButtonDict["BUILD"].Hide() - - def CheckGameButton(self): - - if not self.IsShow(): - return - - statusPlusButton=self.gameButtonDict["STATUS"] - skillPlusButton=self.gameButtonDict["SKILL"] - helpButton=self.gameButtonDict["HELP"] - - if player.GetStatus(player.STAT) > 0: - statusPlusButton.Show() - else: - statusPlusButton.Hide() - - if self.__IsSkillStat(): - skillPlusButton.Show() - else: - skillPlusButton.Hide() - - if 0 == player.GetPlayTime(): - helpButton.Show() - else: - helpButton.Hide() - - def __IsSkillStat(self): - if player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_ACTIVE) > 0: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __OnClickExitObserver(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/observer_exit") - - def __HideAllGameButton(self): - for btn in self.gameButtonDict.values(): - btn.Hide() - - def SetObserverMode(self, isEnable): - if isEnable: - self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].Show() - else: - self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].Hide() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uigameoption.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uigameoption.py deleted file mode 100644 index 244c6fc4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uigameoption.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,491 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import systemSetting -import net -import chat -import app -import locale -import constInfo -import chrmgr -import player -import uiPrivateShopBuilder # 辫霖龋 -import interfaceModule # 辫霖龋 - -blockMode = 0 -viewChatMode = 0 - -MOBILE = FALSE - -if locale.IsYMIR(): - MOBILE = TRUE - - -class OptionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.__Load() - self.RefreshViewChat() - self.RefreshAlwaysShowName() - self.RefreshShowDamage() - self.RefreshShowSalesText() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " -------------------------------------- DELETE GAME OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.titleBar = 0 - self.nameColorModeButtonList = [] - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList = [] - self.pvpModeButtonDict = {} - self.blockButtonList = [] - self.viewChatButtonList = [] - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList = [] - self.showDamageButtonList = [] - self.showsalesTextButtonList = [] - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - print " -------------------------------------- DESTROY GAME OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__Load_LoadScript") - - def __Load_BindObject(self): - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("titlebar") - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_normal")) - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_empire")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_no_view")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_view")) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE] = GetObject("pvp_peace") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE] = GetObject("pvp_revenge") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD] = GetObject("pvp_guild") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE] = GetObject("pvp_free") - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_exchange_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_party_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_guild_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_whisper_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_friend_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_party_request_button")) - self.viewChatButtonList.append(GetObject("view_chat_on_button")) - self.viewChatButtonList.append(GetObject("view_chat_off_button")) - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList.append(GetObject("always_show_name_on_button")) - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList.append(GetObject("always_show_name_off_button")) - self.showDamageButtonList.append(GetObject("show_damage_on_button")) - self.showDamageButtonList.append(GetObject("show_damage_off_button")) - self.showsalesTextButtonList.append(GetObject("salestext_on_button")) - self.showsalesTextButtonList.append(GetObject("salestext_off_button")) - - global MOBILE - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton = GetObject("input_mobile_button") - self.deleteMobileButton = GetObject("delete_mobile_button") - - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__Load_BindObject") - - def __Load(self): - global MOBILE - if MOBILE: - self.__Load_LoadScript("uiscript/gameoptiondialog_formobile.py") - else: - self.__Load_LoadScript("uiscript/gameoptiondialog.py") - - self.__Load_BindObject() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.nameColorModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton) - self.nameColorModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton) - - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardViewButton) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton) - - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModePeaceButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeRevengeButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeGuildButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeFreeButton) - - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - self.blockButtonList[5].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyRequest) - - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - self.blockButtonList[5].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyRequest) - - self.viewChatButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickViewChatOnButton) - self.viewChatButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickViewChatOffButton) - - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickAlwaysShowNameOnButton) - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickAlwaysShowNameOffButton) - - self.showDamageButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickShowDamageOnButton) - self.showDamageButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickShowDamageOffButton) - - self.showsalesTextButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSalesTextOnButton) - self.showsalesTextButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSalesTextOffButton) - - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, constInfo.GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD()) - self.__SetPeacePKMode() - - #global MOBILE - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeMobilePhoneNumber)) - self.deleteMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnDeleteMobilePhoneNumber)) - - def __ClickRadioButton(self, buttonList, buttonIndex): - try: - selButton=buttonList[buttonIndex] - except IndexError: - return - - for eachButton in buttonList: - eachButton.SetUp() - - selButton.Down() - - def __SetNameColorMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetTargetBoardViewMode(self, flag): - constInfo.SET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(flag) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, flag) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(0) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(1) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(0) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(1) - - def __OnClickCameraModeShortButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(0) - - def __OnClickCameraModeLongButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel0Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(0) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel1Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel2Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(2) - - def __OnClickBlockExchangeButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_EXCHANGE)) - def __OnClickBlockPartyButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_PARTY)) - def __OnClickBlockGuildButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_GUILD)) - def __OnClickBlockWhisperButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_WHISPER)) - def __OnClickBlockFriendButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_FRIEND)) - def __OnClickBlockPartyRequest(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST)) - - def __OnClickViewChatOnButton(self): - global viewChatMode - viewChatMode = 1 - systemSetting.SetViewChatFlag(viewChatMode) - self.RefreshViewChat() - def __OnClickViewChatOffButton(self): - global viewChatMode - viewChatMode = 0 - systemSetting.SetViewChatFlag(viewChatMode) - self.RefreshViewChat() - - def __OnClickAlwaysShowNameOnButton(self): - systemSetting.SetAlwaysShowNameFlag(TRUE) - self.RefreshAlwaysShowName() - - def __OnClickAlwaysShowNameOffButton(self): - systemSetting.SetAlwaysShowNameFlag(FALSE) - self.RefreshAlwaysShowName() - - def __OnClickShowDamageOnButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowDamageFlag(TRUE) - self.RefreshShowDamage() - - def __OnClickShowDamageOffButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowDamageFlag(FALSE) - self.RefreshShowDamage() - - def __OnClickSalesTextOnButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowSalesTextFlag(TRUE) - self.RefreshShowSalesText() - uiPrivateShopBuilder.UpdateADBoard() - - def __OnClickSalesTextOffButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowSalesTextFlag(FALSE) - self.RefreshShowSalesText() - - def __CheckPvPProtectedLevelPlayer(self): - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) self.TEXT_LIMIT: - limitText = grpText.GetSplitingTextLine(text, self.TEXT_LIMIT-3, 0) - self.slotSimpleText.SetText(limitText + "...") - self.bar.SetSize(self.len * 6 + 5, 17) - - else: - self.slotSimpleText.SetText(text) - - self.slotFullText.SetText(text) - self.slotFullText.SetPosition(2, 0) - self.slotFullText.Hide() - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if self.len > self.TEXT_LIMIT: - self.bar.Show() - self.slotFullText.Show() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.len > self.TEXT_LIMIT: - self.bar.Hide() - self.slotFullText.Hide() - -class GuildWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - JOB_NAME = { 0 : locale.JOB_WARRIOR, - 1 : locale.JOB_ASSASSIN, - 2 : locale.JOB_SURA, - 3 : locale.JOB_SHAMAN, } - - GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE_SLOT = 0 - GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT = 1 - GUILD_SKILL_AFFECT_SLOT = 2 - - GRADE_SLOT_NAME = 0 - GRADE_ADD_MEMBER_AUTHORITY = 1 - GRADE_REMOVE_MEMBER_AUTHORITY = 2 - GRADE_NOTICE_AUTHORITY = 3 - GRADE_SKILL_AUTHORITY = 4 - - MEMBER_LINE_COUNT = 13 - - class PageWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent, filename): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.SetParent(parent) - self.filename = filename - def GetScriptFileName(self): - return self.filename - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.isLoaded=0 - - self.__Initialize() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " ==================================== DESTROIED GUILD WINDOW" - - def __Initialize(self): - - self.board = None - self.pageName = None - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.offerDialog = None - self.popupDialog = None - self.moneyDialog = None - self.changeGradeNameDialog = None - self.popup = None - - self.popupMessage = None - self.commentSlot = None - - self.pageWindow = None - self.tooltipSkill = None - - self.memberLinePos = 0 - - self.enemyGuildNameList = [] - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - guildID = net.GetGuildID() - self.largeMarkBox.SetIndex(guildID) - self.largeMarkBox.SetScale(3) - - def Close(self): - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - self.offerDialog.Close() - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide() - self.tooltipSkill.Hide() - self.Hide() - - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.popup = None - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - if self.offerDialog: - self.offerDialog.Destroy() - - if self.popupDialog: - self.popupDialog.ClearDictionary() - - if self.changeGradeNameDialog: - self.changeGradeNameDialog.ClearDictionary() - - if self.pageWindow: - for window in self.pageWindow.values(): - window.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.RefreshGuildInfoPage() - self.RefreshGuildBoardPage() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPage() - self.RefreshGuildSkillPage() - self.RefreshGuildGradePage() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - global DISABLE_GUILD_SKILL - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if locale.IsARABIC() : - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/guildwindow.py") - - self.popupDialog = ui.ScriptWindow() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.popupDialog, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - - self.changeGradeNameDialog = ChangeGradeNameDialog() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.changeGradeNameDialog, "uiscript/changegradenamedialog.py") - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage_eu.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - elif locale.IsJAPAN() : - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_guildinfopage.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - elif locale.IsVIETNAM() : # 促钎矫 - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage_eu.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - elif locale.IsEUROPE() and not app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/ca" : - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage_eu.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - else: - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - - for window in self.pageWindow.values(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(window, window.GetScriptFileName()) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GuildWindow.__LoadWindow.LoadScript") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.pageName = { - "GUILD_INFO" : locale.GUILD_TILE_INFO, - "BOARD" : locale.GUILD_TILE_BOARD, - "MEMBER" : locale.GUILD_TILE_MEMBER, - "BASE_INFO" : locale.GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO, - "SKILL" : locale.GUILD_TILE_SKILL, - "GRADE" : locale.GUILD_TILE_GRADE, - } - - self.tabDict = { - "GUILD_INFO" : getObject("Tab_01"), - "BOARD" : getObject("Tab_02"), - "MEMBER" : getObject("Tab_03"), - "BASE_INFO" : getObject("Tab_04"), - "SKILL" : getObject("Tab_05"), - "GRADE" : getObject("Tab_06"), - } - self.tabButtonDict = { - "GUILD_INFO" : getObject("Tab_Button_01"), - "BOARD" : getObject("Tab_Button_02"), - "MEMBER" : getObject("Tab_Button_03"), - "BASE_INFO" : getObject("Tab_Button_04"), - "SKILL" : getObject("Tab_Button_05"), - "GRADE" : getObject("Tab_Button_06"), - } - - ## QuestionDialog - self.popupMessage = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - self.popupDialog.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.popupDialog.Hide)) - - ## ChangeGradeName - self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeGradeName)) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide)) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("Board").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide)) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.gradeNameSlot = self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("GradeNameValue") - self.changeGradeNameDialog.gradeNameSlot.OnIMEReturn = ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeGradeName) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.gradeNameSlot.OnPressEscapeKey = ui.__mem_func__(self.changeGradeNameDialog.Close) - - ## Comment - self.commentSlot = self.pageWindow["BOARD"].GetChild("CommentValue") - self.commentSlot.OnIMEReturn = ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPostComment) - #self.commentSlot.OnKeyDown = ui.__mem_func__(self.OnKeyDownInBoardPage) - self.commentSlot.OnKeyDown = lambda key, argSelf=self: argSelf.OnKeyDownInBoardPage(key) - - ## RefreshButton - self.pageWindow["BOARD"].GetChild("RefreshButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnRefreshComments)) - - ## ScrollBar - scrollBar = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"].GetChild("ScrollBar") - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScrollMemberLine)) - self.pageWindow["MEMBER"].scrollBar = scrollBar - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GuildWindow.__LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.__MakeInfoPage() - self.__MakeBoardPage() - self.__MakeMemberPage() - self.__MakeBaseInfoPage() - self.__MakeSkillPage() - self.__MakeGradePage() - - for page in self.pageWindow.values(): - page.UpdateRect() - - for key, btn in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - btn.SetEvent(self.SelectPage, key) - - self.tabButtonDict["BASE_INFO"].Disable() - - if DISABLE_GUILD_SKILL: - self.tabButtonDict["SKILL"].Disable() - - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.board.SetTitleColor(0xffffffff) - self.SelectPage("GUILD_INFO") - - self.offerDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - self.offerDialog.LoadDialog() - self.offerDialog.SetMax(9) - self.offerDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_OFFER_EXP) - self.offerDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOffer)) - - def __MakeInfoPage(self): - page = self.pageWindow["GUILD_INFO"] - - try: - page.nameSlot = page.GetChild("GuildNameValue") - page.masterNameSlot = page.GetChild("GuildMasterNameValue") - page.guildLevelSlot = page.GetChild("GuildLevelValue") - page.curExpSlot = page.GetChild("CurrentExperienceValue") - page.lastExpSlot = page.GetChild("LastExperienceValue") - page.memberCountSlot = page.GetChild("GuildMemberCountValue") - page.levelAverageSlot = page.GetChild("GuildMemberLevelAverageValue") - page.uploadMarkButton = page.GetChild("UploadGuildMarkButton") - page.uploadSymbolButton = page.GetChild("UploadGuildSymbolButton") - page.declareWarButton = page.GetChild("DeclareWarButton") - - try: - page.guildMoneySlot = page.GetChild("GuildMoneyValue") - except KeyError: - page.guildMoneySlot = None - - try: - page.GetChild("DepositButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickDepositButton)) - page.GetChild("WithdrawButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickWithdrawButton)) - except KeyError: - pass - - page.uploadMarkButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectGuildMarkButton)) - page.uploadSymbolButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectGuildSymbolButton)) - page.declareWarButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickDeclareWarButton)) - page.GetChild("OfferButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickOfferButton)) - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel1").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel2").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel3").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel4").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel5").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel6").Hide() - - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName1")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName2")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName3")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName4")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName5")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName6")) - - self.largeMarkBox = page.GetChild("LargeGuildMark") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GuildWindow.__MakeInfoPage") - - self.largeMarkBox.AddFlag("not_pick") - - self.markSelectDialog=uiUploadMark.MarkSelectDialog() - self.markSelectDialog.SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self.__OnSelectMark) - - self.symbolSelectDialog=uiUploadMark.SymbolSelectDialog() - self.symbolSelectDialog.SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self.__OnSelectSymbol) - - - def __MakeBoardPage(self): - - i = 0 - lineStep = 20 - page = self.pageWindow["BOARD"] - - page.boardDict = {} - - for i in xrange(12): - - yPos = 25 + i * lineStep - - ## NoticeMark - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - noticeMarkImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/guild/notice_mark.sub", 15, yPos+3) - else: - noticeMarkImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/guild/notice_mark.sub", 5, yPos+3) - noticeMarkImage.Hide() - page.Children.append(noticeMarkImage) - - ## Name - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_100x18.sub", 9, yPos) - else: - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub", 15, yPos) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - - ## Delete Button - deleteButton = ui.MakeButton(page, 340, yPos + 3, locale.GUILD_DELETE, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/", "close_button_01.sub", "close_button_02.sub", "close_button_03.sub") - deleteButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDeleteComment), i) - page.Children.append(deleteButton) - - ## Comment - commentSlot = CommentSlot() - commentSlot.SetParent(page) - commentSlot.SetPosition(114, yPos) - commentSlot.Show() - page.Children.append(commentSlot) - - boardSlotList = [] - boardSlotList.append(noticeMarkImage) - boardSlotList.append(nameSlot) - boardSlotList.append(commentSlot) - page.boardDict[i] = boardSlotList - - ## PostComment - Have to make this here for that fit tooltip's position. - postCommentButton = ui.MakeButton(page, 337, 273, locale.GUILD_COMMENT, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/", "Send_Chat_Button_01.sub", "Send_Chat_Button_02.sub", "Send_Chat_Button_03.sub") - postCommentButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPostComment)) - page.Children.append(postCommentButton) - - def __MakeMemberPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - lineStep = 20 - page.memberDict = {} - - for i in xrange(self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT): - - inverseLineIndex = self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT - i - 1 - yPos = 28 + inverseLineIndex*lineStep - - ## Name - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_100x18.sub", 15, yPos) - else: - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub", 10, yPos) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - - ## Grade - gradeSlot = ui.ComboBox() - gradeSlot.SetParent(page) - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - gradeSlot.SetPosition(117, yPos-1) - else: - gradeSlot.SetPosition(101, yPos-1) - gradeSlot.SetSize(61, 18) - gradeSlot.SetEvent(lambda gradeNumber, lineIndex=inverseLineIndex, argSelf=proxy(self): argSelf.OnChangeMemberGrade(lineIndex, gradeNumber)) - gradeSlot.Show() - page.Children.append(gradeSlot) - - ## Job - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - jobSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 181, yPos) - else: - jobSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 170, yPos) - jobSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(jobSlotImage) - page.Children.append(jobSlotImage) - page.Children.append(jobSlot) - - ## Level - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - levelSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 221, yPos) - else: - levelSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 210, yPos) - levelSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(levelSlotImage) - page.Children.append(levelSlotImage) - page.Children.append(levelSlot) - - ## Offer - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - offerSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 261, yPos) - else: - offerSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 250, yPos) - offerSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(offerSlotImage) - page.Children.append(offerSlotImage) - page.Children.append(offerSlot) - - ## General Enable - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=inverseLineIndex: apply(argSelf.OnEnableGeneral, (argIndex,)) - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - generalEnableCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 307, yPos, event, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub") - else: - generalEnableCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 297, yPos, event, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub") - page.Children.append(generalEnableCheckBox) - - memberSlotList = [] - memberSlotList.append(nameSlot) - memberSlotList.append(gradeSlot) - memberSlotList.append(jobSlot) - memberSlotList.append(levelSlot) - memberSlotList.append(offerSlot) - memberSlotList.append(generalEnableCheckBox) - page.memberDict[inverseLineIndex] = memberSlotList - - def __MakeBaseInfoPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["BASE_INFO"] - - page.buildingDataDict = {} - - lineStep = 20 - GUILD_BUILDING_MAX_NUM = 7 - - yPos = 95 + 35 - - for i in xrange(GUILD_BUILDING_MAX_NUM): - - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 15, yPos, 78, 17) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - nameSlot.SetText(locale.GUILD_BUILDING_NAME) - - gradeSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 99, yPos, 26, 17) - gradeSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(gradeSlotImage) - page.Children.append(gradeSlotImage) - page.Children.append(gradeSlot) - gradeSlot.SetText(locale.GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE) - - RESOURCE_MAX_NUM = 6 - for j in xrange(RESOURCE_MAX_NUM): - resourceSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 131 + 29*j, yPos, 26, 17) - resourceSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(resourceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(resourceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(resourceSlot) - resourceSlot.SetText(locale.GUILD_GEM) - - event = lambda *arg: None - powerSlot = CheckBox(page, 308, yPos, event, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub") - page.Children.append(powerSlot) - - yPos += lineStep - - def __MakeSkillPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["SKILL"] - - page.skillPoint = page.GetChild("Skill_Plus_Value") - page.passiveSlot = page.GetChild("Passive_Skill_Slot_Table") - page.activeSlot = page.GetChild("Active_Skill_Slot_Table") - page.affectSlot = page.GetChild("Affect_Slot_Table") - page.gpGauge = page.GetChild("Dragon_God_Power_Gauge") - page.gpValue = page.GetChild("Dragon_God_Power_Value") - page.btnHealGSP = page.GetChild("Heal_GSP_Button") - - page.activeSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - page.activeSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OverInItem(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - page.activeSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OnPickUpGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OnUseGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OnUpGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - page.passiveSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - page.passiveSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE_SLOT: self.OverInItem(slotNumber, type)) - page.passiveSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - page.passiveSlot.SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE_SLOT: self.OnUpGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.passiveSlot.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - page.affectSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - page.affectSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_AFFECT_SLOT: self.OverInItem(slotNumber, type)) - page.affectSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - page.btnHealGSP.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOpenHealGSPBoard)) - - ## Passive - """ - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.passiveSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - - page.passiveSlot.SetSkillSlot(slotIndex, skillIndex, 0) - page.passiveSlot.RefreshSlot() - guild.SetSkillIndex(slotIndex, i) - """ - - ## Active - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.activeSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - - page.activeSlot.SetSkillSlot(slotIndex, skillIndex, 0) - page.activeSlot.SetCoverButton(slotIndex) - page.activeSlot.RefreshSlot() - guild.SetSkillIndex(slotIndex, len(playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)+i) - - def __MakeGradePage(self): - - lineStep = 18 - page = self.pageWindow["GRADE"] - - page.gradeDict = {} - - for i in xrange(15): - - yPos = 22 + i*lineStep - index = i+1 - - ## GradeNumber - gradeNumberSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 14, yPos) - gradeNumberSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(gradeNumberSlotImage) - gradeNumberSlot.SetText(str(i+1)) - page.Children.append(gradeNumberSlotImage) - page.Children.append(gradeNumberSlot) - - ## GradeName - gradeNameSlot = EditableTextSlot(page, 58, yPos) - gradeNameSlot.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOpenChangeGradeName), index) - page.Children.append(gradeNameSlot) - - ## Invite Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<0: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - inviteAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 124, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(inviteAuthorityCheckBox) - - ## DriveOut Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<1: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - driveoutAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 181, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(driveoutAuthorityCheckBox) - - ## Notice Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<2: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - noticeAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 238, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(noticeAuthorityCheckBox) - - ## Skill Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<3: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - skillAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 295, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(skillAuthorityCheckBox) - - gradeSlotList = [] - gradeSlotList.append(gradeNameSlot) - gradeSlotList.append(inviteAuthorityCheckBox) - gradeSlotList.append(driveoutAuthorityCheckBox) - gradeSlotList.append(noticeAuthorityCheckBox) - gradeSlotList.append(skillAuthorityCheckBox) - page.gradeDict[index] = gradeSlotList - - masterSlotList = page.gradeDict[1] - for slot in masterSlotList: - slot.Disable() - - def CanOpen(self): - return guild.IsGuildEnable() - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - guildID = net.GetGuildID() - self.largeMarkBox.SetIndex(guildID) - self.largeMarkBox.SetScale(3) - - def Close(self): - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - self.offerDialog.Close() - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - if self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.Hide() - - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.moneyDialog = None - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.pageName = None - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.markSelectDialog = None - self.symbolSelectDialog = None - - if self.offerDialog: - self.offerDialog.Destroy() - self.offerDialog = None - - if self.popupDialog: - self.popupDialog.ClearDictionary() - self.popupDialog = None - - if self.changeGradeNameDialog: - self.changeGradeNameDialog.ClearDictionary() - self.changeGradeNameDialog = None - - self.popupMessage = None - self.commentSlot = None - - if self.pageWindow: - for window in self.pageWindow.values(): - window.ClearDictionary() - - self.pageWindow = None - self.tooltipSkill = None - self.moneyDialog = None - - self.enemyGuildNameList = [] - - def DeleteGuild(self): - self.RefreshGuildInfoPage() - self.RefreshGuildBoardPage() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPage() - self.RefreshGuildSkillPage() - self.RefreshGuildGradePage() - self.Hide() - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, tooltipSkill): - self.tooltipSkill = tooltipSkill - - def SelectPage(self, arg): - - if "BOARD" == arg: - self.OnRefreshComments() - - for key, btn in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if arg != key: - btn.SetUp() - for key, img in self.tabDict.items(): - if arg == key: - img.Show() - else: - img.Hide() - for key, page in self.pageWindow.items(): - if arg == key: - page.Show() - else: - page.Hide() - self.board.SetTitleName(self.pageName[arg]) - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - - def __CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - for key, slotList in page.memberDict.items(): - slotList[1].CloseListBox() - - def RefreshGuildInfoPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - global DISABLE_DECLARE_WAR - page = self.pageWindow["GUILD_INFO"] - page.nameSlot.SetText(guild.GetGuildName()) - page.masterNameSlot.SetText(guild.GetGuildMasterName()) - page.guildLevelSlot.SetText(str(guild.GetGuildLevel())) - if page.guildMoneySlot: - page.guildMoneySlot.SetText(str(guild.GetGuildMoney())) - - curExp, lastExp = guild.GetGuildExperience() - curExp *= 100 - lastExp *= 100 - page.curExpSlot.SetText(str(curExp)) - page.lastExpSlot.SetText(str(lastExp)) - - curMemberCount, maxMemberCount = guild.GetGuildMemberCount() - if maxMemberCount== 0xffff: - page.memberCountSlot.SetText("%d / %s " % (curMemberCount, locale.GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_INFINITY)) - else: - page.memberCountSlot.SetText("%d / %d" % (curMemberCount, maxMemberCount)) - - page.levelAverageSlot.SetText(str(guild.GetGuildMemberLevelAverage())) - - ## 辨靛厘父 辨靛 付农客 辨靛傈 脚没 滚瓢阑 杭 荐 乐澜 - mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName() - masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName() - - if mainCharacterName == masterName: - page.uploadMarkButton.Show() - - if DISABLE_DECLARE_WAR: - page.declareWarButton.Hide() - else: - page.declareWarButton.Show() - - if guild.HasGuildLand(): - page.uploadSymbolButton.Show() - else: - page.uploadSymbolButton.Hide() - else: - page.uploadMarkButton.Hide() - page.declareWarButton.Hide() - page.uploadSymbolButton.Hide() - - ## Refresh 矫俊 辨靛傈 沥焊 诀单捞飘 - for i in xrange(guild.ENEMY_GUILD_SLOT_MAX_COUNT): - name = guild.GetEnemyGuildName(i) - nameTextLine = self.enemyGuildNameList[i] - if name: - nameTextLine.SetText(name) - else: - nameTextLine.SetText(locale.GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY) - - def __GetGuildBoardCommentData(self, index): - commentID, chrName, comment = guild.GetGuildBoardCommentData(index) - if 0==commentID: - if ""==chrName: - chrName=locale.UI_NONAME - if ""==comment: - comment=locale.UI_NOCONTENTS - - return commentID, chrName, comment - - def RefreshGuildBoardPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["BOARD"] - - self.BOARD_LINE_MAX_NUM = 12 - lineIndex = 0 - - commentCount = guild.GetGuildBoardCommentCount() - for i in xrange(commentCount): - - commentID, chrName, comment = self.__GetGuildBoardCommentData(i) - - if not comment: - continue - - slotList = page.boardDict[lineIndex] - - if "!" == comment[0]: - slotList[0].Show() - slotList[1].SetText(chrName) - slotList[2].SetText(comment[1:]) - - else: - slotList[0].Hide() - slotList[1].SetText(chrName) - slotList[2].SetText(comment) - - lineIndex += 1 - - for i in xrange(self.BOARD_LINE_MAX_NUM - lineIndex): - slotList = page.boardDict[lineIndex+i] - slotList[0].Hide() - slotList[1].SetText("") - slotList[2].SetText("") - - def RefreshGuildMemberPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - ## ScrollBar - count = guild.GetMemberCount() - if count > self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT: - page.scrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT) / float(count)) - page.scrollBar.Show() - else: - page.scrollBar.Hide() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPageMemberList() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPageMemberList(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - for line, slotList in page.memberDict.items(): - - gradeComboBox = slotList[1] - gradeComboBox.Disable() - - if not guild.IsMember(line): - slotList[0].SetText("") - slotList[2].SetText("") - slotList[3].SetText("") - slotList[4].SetText("") - slotList[5].SetCheck(FALSE) - continue - - pid, name, grade, race, level, offer, general = self.GetMemberData(line) - if pid < 0: - continue - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - - guildExperienceSummary = guild.GetGuildExperienceSummary() - - offerPercentage = 0 - if guildExperienceSummary > 0: - offerPercentage = int(float(offer) / float(guildExperienceSummary) * 100.0) - - slotList[0].SetText(name) - slotList[2].SetText(self.JOB_NAME.get(job, "?")) - slotList[3].SetText(str(level)) - slotList[4].SetText(str(offerPercentage) + "%") - slotList[5].SetCheck(general) - gradeComboBox.SetCurrentItem(guild.GetGradeName(grade)) - if 1 != grade: - gradeComboBox.Enable() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - self.CAN_CHANGE_GRADE_COUNT = 15 - 1 - for key, slotList in page.memberDict.items(): - - gradeComboBox = slotList[1] - gradeComboBox.Disable() - - if not guild.IsMember(key): - continue - - pid, name, grade, job, level, offer, general = self.GetMemberData(key) - if pid < 0: - continue - - gradeComboBox.ClearItem() - for i in xrange(self.CAN_CHANGE_GRADE_COUNT): - gradeComboBox.InsertItem(i+2, guild.GetGradeName(i+2)) - gradeComboBox.SetCurrentItem(guild.GetGradeName(grade)) - if 1 != grade: - gradeComboBox.Enable() - - def RefreshGuildSkillPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["SKILL"] - - curPoint, maxPoint = guild.GetDragonPowerPoint() - maxPoint = max(maxPoint, 1) - page.gpValue.SetText(str(curPoint) + " / " + str(maxPoint)) - - percentage = (float(curPoint) / float(maxPoint) * 100) * (float(173) / float(95)) - page.gpGauge.SetPercentage(int(percentage), 100) - - skillPoint = guild.GetGuildSkillPoint() - page.skillPoint.SetText(str(skillPoint)) - - page.passiveSlot.HideAllSlotButton() - page.activeSlot.HideAllSlotButton() - - ## Passive - """ - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.passiveSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillMaxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - page.passiveSlot.SetSlotCount(slotIndex, skillLevel) - if skillPoint > 0: - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevel: - page.passiveSlot.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - """ - - ## Active - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.activeSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillMaxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - page.activeSlot.SetSlotCount(slotIndex, skillLevel) - - if skillLevel <= 0: - page.activeSlot.DisableCoverButton(slotIndex) - else: - page.activeSlot.EnableCoverButton(slotIndex) - - if skillPoint > 0: - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevel: - page.activeSlot.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - - def RefreshGuildGradePage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["GRADE"] - - for key, slotList in page.gradeDict.items(): - name, authority = guild.GetGradeData(int(key)) - - slotList[self.GRADE_SLOT_NAME].SetText(name) - slotList[self.GRADE_ADD_MEMBER_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_ADD_MEMBER) - slotList[self.GRADE_REMOVE_MEMBER_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_REMOVE_MEMBER) - slotList[self.GRADE_NOTICE_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_NOTICE) - slotList[self.GRADE_SKILL_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_SKILL) - - ## GuildInfo - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupMessage.SetText(msg) - self.popupDialog.SetTop() - self.popupDialog.Show() - - def __OnClickSelectGuildMarkButton(self): - if guild.GetGuildLevel() < int(locale.GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL) - elif not guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_NOTICE): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION) - else: - self.markSelectDialog.Open() - - def __OnClickSelectGuildSymbolButton(self): - if guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_NOTICE): - self.symbolSelectDialog.Open() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION) - - def __OnClickDeclareWarButton(self): - inputDialog = DeclareGuildWarDialog() - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def __OnSelectMark(self, markFileName): - ret = net.UploadMark("upload/"+markFileName) - - # MARK_BUG_FIX - if net.ERROR_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT == ret: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT); - - return ret - # END_OF_MARK_BUG_FIX - - def __OnSelectSymbol(self, symbolFileName): - net.UploadSymbol("upload/"+symbolFileName) - - def __OnClickOfferButton(self): - - curEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)) - - if curEXP <= 100: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_SHORT_EXP); - return - - self.offerDialog.Open(curEXP, 100) - - def __OnClickDepositButton(self): - moneyDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - moneyDialog.LoadDialog() - moneyDialog.SetMax(6) - moneyDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_DEPOSIT) - moneyDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDeposit)) - moneyDialog.Open(player.GetMoney()) - self.moneyDialog = moneyDialog - - def __OnClickWithdrawButton(self): - moneyDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - moneyDialog.LoadDialog() - moneyDialog.SetMax(6) - moneyDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_WITHDRAW) - moneyDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnWithdraw)) - moneyDialog.Open(guild.GetGuildMoney()) - self.moneyDialog = moneyDialog - - def __OnBlock(self): - popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - popup.SetText(locale.NOT_YET_SUPPORT) - popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) - popup.Open() - self.popup = popup - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.popup = None - - def OnDeposit(self, money): - net.SendGuildDepositMoneyPacket(money) - - def OnWithdraw(self, money): - net.SendGuildWithdrawMoneyPacket(money) - - def OnOffer(self, exp): - net.SendGuildOfferPacket(exp) - - ## Board - def OnPostComment(self): - - text = self.commentSlot.GetText() - if not text: - return FALSE - - net.SendGuildPostCommentPacket(text[:50]) - self.commentSlot.SetText("") - return TRUE - - def OnDeleteComment(self, index): - - commentID, chrName, comment = self.__GetGuildBoardCommentData(index) - net.SendGuildDeleteCommentPacket(commentID) - - def OnRefreshComments(self): - net.SendGuildRefreshCommentsPacket(0) - - def OnKeyDownInBoardPage(self, key): - if key == 63: - self.OnRefreshComments() - return TRUE - - ## Member - ## OnEnableGeneral - def OnChangeMemberGrade(self, lineIndex, gradeNumber): - PID = guild.MemberIndexToPID(lineIndex + self.memberLinePos) - net.SendGuildChangeMemberGradePacket(PID, gradeNumber) - - def OnEnableGeneral(self, lineIndex): - if not guild.IsMember(lineIndex): - return - - pid, name, grade, job, level, offer, general = self.GetMemberData(lineIndex) - if pid < 0: - return - - net.SendGuildChangeMemberGeneralPacket(pid, 1 - general) - - ## Grade - def OnOpenChangeGradeName(self, arg): - self.changeGradeNameDialog.SetGradeNumber(arg) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Open() - - def OnChangeGradeName(self): - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide() - gradeNumber = self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetGradeNumber() - gradeName = self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetGradeName() - - if len(gradeName) == 0: - gradeName = locale.GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE - - net.SendGuildChangeGradeNamePacket(gradeNumber, gradeName) - return TRUE - - def OnCheckAuthority(self, argIndex, argAuthority): - name, authority = guild.GetGradeData(argIndex) - net.SendGuildChangeGradeAuthorityPacket(argIndex, authority ^ argAuthority) - - def OnScrollMemberLine(self): - scrollBar = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"].scrollBar - pos = scrollBar.GetPos() - - count = guild.GetMemberCount() - newLinePos = int(float(count - self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT) * pos) - - if newLinePos != self.memberLinePos: - self.memberLinePos = newLinePos - self.RefreshGuildMemberPageMemberList() - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - - def GetMemberData(self, localPos): - return guild.GetMemberData(localPos + self.memberLinePos) - - ## Guild Skill - def __OnOpenHealGSPBoard(self): - - curPoint, maxPoint = guild.GetDragonPowerPoint() - - if maxPoint - curPoint <= 0: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE) - return - - pickDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - pickDialog.LoadDialog() - pickDialog.SetMax(9) - pickDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_HEAL_GSP) - pickDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOpenHealGSPQuestionDialog)) - pickDialog.Open(maxPoint - curPoint, 1) - self.pickDialog = pickDialog - - def __OnOpenHealGSPQuestionDialog(self, healGSP): - - money = healGSP * constInfo.GUILD_MONEY_PER_GSP - - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - questionDialog.SetText(locale.GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP % (money, healGSP)) - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnHealGSP)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - questionDialog.SetWidth(400) - questionDialog.Open() - questionDialog.healGSP = healGSP - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - - def __OnHealGSP(self): - net.SendGuildChargeGSPPacket(self.questionDialog.healGSP) - self.__OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def __OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - - def OnPickUpGuildSkill(self, skillSlotIndex, type): - - mouseController = mouseModule.mouseController - - if FALSE == mouseController.isAttached(): - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(skillSlotIndex) - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(skillSlotIndex) - - if skill.CanUseSkill(skillIndex) and skillLevel > 0: - - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, skillSlotIndex) - return - - mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, skillSlotIndex, skillIndex) - - else: - mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def OnUseGuildSkill(self, slotNumber, type): - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotNumber) - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotNumber) - - if skillLevel <= 0: - return - - player.UseGuildSkill(slotNumber) - - def OnUpGuildSkill(self, slotNumber, type): - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotNumber) - net.SendChatPacket("/gskillup " + str(skillIndex)) - - def OnUseSkill(self, slotNumber, coolTime): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["SKILL"] - - if page.activeSlot.HasSlot(slotNumber): - page.activeSlot.SetSlotCoolTime(slotNumber, coolTime) - - def OnStartGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if guild.GetGuildID() != guildSelf: - return - - guildName = guild.GetGuildName(guildOpp) - for guildNameTextLine in self.enemyGuildNameList: - if locale.GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY == guildNameTextLine.GetText(): - guildNameTextLine.SetText(guildName) - return - - def OnEndGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if guild.GetGuildID() != guildSelf: - return - - guildName = guild.GetGuildName(guildOpp) - for guildNameTextLine in self.enemyGuildNameList: - if guildName == guildNameTextLine.GetText(): - guildNameTextLine.SetText(locale.GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY) - return - - ## ToolTip - def OverInItem(self, slotNumber, type): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if None != self.tooltipSkill: - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotNumber) - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotNumber) - - self.tooltipSkill.SetSkill(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - def OverOutItem(self): - if None != self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - -class BuildGuildBuildingWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", "婎慴寶抸暔"), - ("FACILITY", "奼挘寶抸暔"), - ("OBJECT", "偦偺懠"), - ) - elif locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", "夯扒拱"), - ("FACILITY", "扁瓷扒拱"), - ("OBJECT", "炼版拱"), - ) - elif locale.IsEUROPE() or locale.IsHONGKONG(): - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", locale.GUILD_HEADQUARTER), - ("FACILITY", locale.GUILD_FACILITY), - ("OBJECT", locale.GUILD_OBJECT), - ) - else: - try : - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", locale.GUILD_HEADQUARTER), - ("FACILITY", locale.GUILD_FACILITY), - ("OBJECT", locale.GUILD_OBJECT), - ) - except: - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", "Main Building"), - ("FACILITY", "Facility"), - ("OBJECT", "Object"), - ) - - MODE_VIEW = 0 - MODE_POSITIONING = 1 - MODE_PREVIEW = 2 - - BUILDING_ALPHA = 0.55 - - ENABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - DISABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0) - - START_INSTANCE_INDEX = 123450 - #WALL_SET_INSTANCE = 14105 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.closeEvent = None - self.popup = None - self.mode = self.MODE_VIEW - self.race = 0 - self.type = None - self.x = 0 - self.y = 0 - self.z = 0 - self.rot_x = 0 - self.rot_y = 0 - self.rot_z = 0 - self.rot_x_limit = 0 - self.rot_y_limit = 0 - self.rot_z_limit = 0 - self.needMoney = 0 - self.needStoneCount = 0 - self.needLogCount = 0 - self.needPlywoodCount = 0 - - #self.index = 0 - self.indexList = [] - self.raceList = [] - self.posList = [] - self.rotList = [] - - index = 0 - for category in self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST: - self.categoryList.InsertItem(index, category[1]) - index += 1 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "buildguildbuildingwindow.py") - elif locale.IsVIETNAM(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "buildguildbuildingwindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/buildguildbuildingwindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DeclareGuildWarWindow.__CreateDialog - LoadScript") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.categoryList = getObject("CategoryList") - self.buildingList = getObject("BuildingList") - self.listScrollBar = getObject("ListScrollBar") - self.positionButton = getObject("PositionButton") - self.previewButton = getObject("PreviewButton") - self.posValueX = getObject("BuildingPositionXValue") - self.posValueY = getObject("BuildingPositionYValue") - self.ctrlRotationX = getObject("BuildingRotationX") - self.ctrlRotationY = getObject("BuildingRotationY") - self.ctrlRotationZ = getObject("BuildingRotationZ") - self.buildingPriceValue = getObject("BuildingPriceValue") - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue = getObject("BuildingMaterialStoneValue") - self.buildingMaterialLogValue = getObject("BuildingMaterialLogValue") - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue = getObject("BuildingMaterialPlywoodValue") - - self.positionButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectPositioningMode)) - self.previewButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnEnterPreviewMode)) - self.previewButton.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnLeavePreviewMode)) - self.ctrlRotationX.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeRotation)) - self.ctrlRotationY.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeRotation)) - self.ctrlRotationZ.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeRotation)) - self.listScrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnScrollBuildingList)) - - getObject("CategoryList").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectCategory)) - getObject("BuildingList").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectBuilding)) - getObject("AcceptButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Build)) - getObject("CancelButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("BuildGuildBuildingWindow.__LoadWindow - BindObject") - - def __CreateWallBlock(self, race, x, y, rot=0.0 ): - idx = self.START_INSTANCE_INDEX + len(self.indexList) - self.indexList.append(idx) - self.raceList.append(race) - self.posList.append((x, y)) - self.rotList.append(rot) - chr.CreateInstance(idx) - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - chr.SetVirtualID(idx) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, self.BUILDING_ALPHA) - chr.SetRotationAll(0.0, 0.0, rot) - - self.ctrlRotationX.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationY.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationZ.SetSliderPos(0.5) - - def __GetObjectSize(self, race): - idx = self.START_INSTANCE_INDEX + 1000 - chr.CreateInstance(idx) - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - chr.SetVirtualID(idx) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - sx, sy, ex, ey = chr.GetBoundBoxOnlyXY(idx) - chr.DeleteInstance(idx) - return sx, sy, ex, ey - - def __GetBuildInPosition(self): - - zList = [] - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.sxPos, self.y+self.syPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.sxPos, self.y+self.eyPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.exPos, self.y+self.syPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.exPos, self.y+self.eyPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+(self.exPos+self.sxPos)/2, self.y+(self.eyPos+self.syPos)/2) ) - zList.sort() - return zList[3] - - def __CreateBuildInInstance(self,race): - - self.__DeleteInstance() - - object_base = race - race%10 - - door_minX, door_minY, door_maxX, door_maxY = self.__GetObjectSize(object_base+4) - corner_minX, corner_minY, corner_maxX, corner_maxY = self.__GetObjectSize(object_base+1) - line_minX, line_minY, line_maxX, line_maxY = self.__GetObjectSize(object_base+2) - line_width = line_maxX - line_minX - line_width_half = line_width / 2 - - X_SIZE_STEP = 2 * 2 ## 2狼 窜困肺父 刘啊秦具 窃 - Y_SIZE_STEP = 8 - sxPos = door_maxX - corner_minX + (line_width_half*X_SIZE_STEP) - exPos = -sxPos - syPos = 0 - eyPos = -(corner_maxY*2 + line_width*Y_SIZE_STEP) - - self.sxPos = sxPos - self.syPos = syPos - self.exPos = exPos - self.eyPos = eyPos - - z = self.__GetBuildInPosition() - - ## Door - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+4, 0.0, syPos) - - ## Corner - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, sxPos, syPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, exPos, syPos, 270.0) - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, sxPos, eyPos, 90.0) - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, exPos, eyPos,180.0 ) - - ## Line - lineBlock = object_base+2 - line_startX = -door_maxX - line_minX - (line_width_half*X_SIZE_STEP) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX, eyPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*1, eyPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*2, eyPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*3, eyPos) - for i in xrange(X_SIZE_STEP): - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*(3+i+1), eyPos) - for i in xrange(X_SIZE_STEP/2): - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, door_minX - line_maxX - line_width*i, syPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, door_maxX - line_minX + line_width*i, syPos) - for i in xrange(Y_SIZE_STEP): - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, sxPos, line_minX + corner_minX - line_width*i, 90.0) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, exPos, line_minX + corner_minX - line_width*i, 90.0) - - self.SetBuildingPosition(int(self.x), int(self.y), self.__GetBuildInPosition()) - - def __DeleteInstance(self): - if not self.indexList: - return - - for index in self.indexList: - chr.DeleteInstance(index) - - self.indexList = [] - self.raceList = [] - self.posList = [] - self.rotList = [] - - def __CreateInstance(self, race): - - self.__DeleteInstance() - - self.race = race - - idx = self.START_INSTANCE_INDEX - self.indexList.append(idx) - self.posList.append((0, 0)) - self.rotList.append(0) - - chr.CreateInstance(idx) - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - chr.SetVirtualID(idx) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, self.BUILDING_ALPHA) - - self.SetBuildingPosition(int(self.x), int(self.y), 0) - self.ctrlRotationX.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationY.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationZ.SetSliderPos(0.5) - - def Build(self): - - if not self.__IsEnoughMoney(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY) - return - if not self.__IsEnoughMaterialStone(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - return - if not self.__IsEnoughMaterialLog(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - return - if not self.__IsEnoughMaterialPlywood(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - return - - ## /build c vnum x y x_rot y_rot z_rot - ## /build d vnum - if "BUILDIN" == self.type: - for i in xrange(len(self.raceList)): - race = self.raceList[i] - xPos, yPos = self.posList[i] - rot = self.rotList[i] - net.SendChatPacket("/build c %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (race, int(self.x+xPos), int(self.y+yPos), self.rot_x, self.rot_y, rot)) - else: - net.SendChatPacket("/build c %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (self.race, int(self.x), int(self.y), self.rot_x, self.rot_y, self.rot_z)) - - self.Close() - - def Open(self): - x, y, z = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - app.SetCameraSetting(int(x), int(-y), int(z), 3000, 0, 30) - - background.VisibleGuildArea() - - self.x = x - self.y = y - self.z = z - self.categoryList.SelectItem(0) - self.buildingList.SelectItem(0) - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - self.__DisablePCBlocker() - - import debugInfo - if debugInfo.IsDebugMode(): - self.categoryList.SelectItem(2) - self.buildingList.SelectItem(0) - - def Close(self): - - self.__DeleteInstance() - - background.DisableGuildArea() - - self.Hide() - self.__OnClosePopupDialog() - self.__EnablePCBlocker() - self.__UnlockCameraMoving() - if self.closeEvent: - self.closeEvent() - - def Destory(self): - self.Close() - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.categoryList = None - self.buildingList = None - self.listScrollBar = None - self.positionButton = None - self.previewButton = None - self.posValueX = None - self.posValueY = None - self.ctrlRotationX = None - self.ctrlRotationY = None - self.ctrlRotationZ = None - self.buildingPriceValue = None - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue = None - self.buildingMaterialLogValue = None - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue = None - self.closeEvent = None - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.closeEvent = event - - def __PopupDialog(self, text): - popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - popup.SetText(text) - popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) - popup.Open() - self.popup = popup - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.popup = None - - def __EnablePCBlocker(self): - ## PC Blocker 贸府甫 囊促. (捧疙秦咙) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING) - - for idx in self.indexList: - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, 1.0) - - def __DisablePCBlocker(self): - ## PC Blocker 贸府甫 馋促. (救捧疙秦咙) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - for idx in self.indexList: - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, self.BUILDING_ALPHA) - - def __OnSelectPositioningMode(self): - if self.MODE_PREVIEW == self.mode: - self.positionButton.SetUp() - return - - self.mode = self.MODE_POSITIONING - self.Hide() - - def __OnEnterPreviewMode(self): - - if self.MODE_POSITIONING == self.mode: - self.previewButton.SetUp() - return - - self.mode = self.MODE_PREVIEW - self.positionButton.SetUp() - self.__UnlockCameraMoving() - self.__EnablePCBlocker() - - def __OnLeavePreviewMode(self): - self.__RestoreViewMode() - - def __RestoreViewMode(self): - self.__DisablePCBlocker() - self.__LockCameraMoving() - self.mode = self.MODE_VIEW - self.positionButton.SetUp() - self.previewButton.SetUp() - - def __IsEnoughMoney(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curMoney = player.GetMoney() - if curMoney < self.needMoney: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __IsEnoughMaterialStone(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curStoneCount = player.GetItemCountByVnum(MATERIAL_STONE_ID) - if curStoneCount < self.needStoneCount: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __IsEnoughMaterialLog(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curLogCount = player.GetItemCountByVnum(MATERIAL_LOG_ID) - if curLogCount < self.needLogCount: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __IsEnoughMaterialPlywood(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curPlywoodCount = player.GetItemCountByVnum(MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_ID) - if curPlywoodCount < self.needPlywoodCount: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __OnSelectCategory(self): - self.listScrollBar.SetPos(0.0) - self.__RefreshItem() - - def __SetBuildingData(self, data): - self.buildingPriceValue.SetText(NumberToMoneyString(data["PRICE"])) - - self.needMoney = int(data["PRICE"]) - - materialList = data["MATERIAL"] - self.needStoneCount = int(materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX]) - self.needLogCount = int(materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX]) - self.needPlywoodCount = int(materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX]) - - if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/ca") and (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/br"): - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX]) - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] ) - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX]) - else: - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX] + locale.THING_COUNT) - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] + locale.THING_COUNT) - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX] + locale.THING_COUNT) - if self.__IsEnoughMoney(): - self.buildingPriceValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingPriceValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - if self.__IsEnoughMaterialStone(): - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - if self.__IsEnoughMaterialLog(): - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - if self.__IsEnoughMaterialPlywood(): - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - self.rot_x_limit = data["X_ROT_LIMIT"] - self.rot_y_limit = data["Y_ROT_LIMIT"] - self.rot_z_limit = data["Z_ROT_LIMIT"] - self.ctrlRotationX.Enable() - self.ctrlRotationY.Enable() - self.ctrlRotationZ.Enable() - if 0 == self.rot_x_limit: - self.ctrlRotationX.Disable() - if 0 == self.rot_y_limit: - self.ctrlRotationY.Disable() - if 0 == self.rot_z_limit: - self.ctrlRotationZ.Disable() - - def __OnSelectBuilding(self): - buildingIndex = self.buildingList.GetSelectedItem() - if buildingIndex >= len(BUILDING_DATA_LIST): - return - - categoryIndex = self.categoryList.GetSelectedItem() - if categoryIndex >= len(self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST): - return - selectedType = self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST[categoryIndex][0] - - index = 0 - for data in BUILDING_DATA_LIST: - type = data["TYPE"] - vnum = data["VNUM"] - if selectedType != type: - continue - - if index == buildingIndex: - self.type = type - if "BUILDIN" == self.type: - self.__CreateBuildInInstance(vnum) - else: - self.__CreateInstance(vnum) - - self.__SetBuildingData(data) - - index += 1 - - def __OnScrollBuildingList(self): - viewItemCount = self.buildingList.GetViewItemCount() - itemCount = self.buildingList.GetItemCount() - pos = self.listScrollBar.GetPos() * (itemCount-viewItemCount) - self.buildingList.SetBasePos(int(pos)) - - def __OnChangeRotation(self): - self.rot_x = self.ctrlRotationX.GetSliderPos() * self.rot_x_limit - self.rot_x_limit/2 - self.rot_y = self.ctrlRotationY.GetSliderPos() * self.rot_y_limit - self.rot_y_limit/2 - self.rot_z = (self.ctrlRotationZ.GetSliderPos() * 360 + 180) % 360 - if "BUILDIN" == self.type: - chr.SetRotationAll(self.rot_x, self.rot_y, self.rot_z) - else: - chr.SetRotationAll(self.rot_x, self.rot_y, self.rot_z) - - def __LockCameraMoving(self): - app.SetCameraSetting(int(self.x), int(-self.y), int(self.z), 3000, 0, 30) - - def __UnlockCameraMoving(self): - app.SetDefaultCamera() - - def __RefreshItem(self): - - self.buildingList.ClearItem() - - categoryIndex = self.categoryList.GetSelectedItem() - if categoryIndex >= len(self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST): - return - selectedType = self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST[categoryIndex][0] - - index = 0 - for data in BUILDING_DATA_LIST: - if selectedType != data["TYPE"]: - continue - - if data["SHOW"]: - self.buildingList.InsertItem(index, data["LOCAL_NAME"]) - - index += 1 - - self.buildingList.SelectItem(0) - - if self.buildingList.GetItemCount() < self.buildingList.GetViewItemCount(): - self.buildingList.SetSize(120, self.buildingList.GetHeight()) - self.buildingList.LocateItem() - self.listScrollBar.Hide() - else: - self.buildingList.SetSize(105, self.buildingList.GetHeight()) - self.buildingList.LocateItem() - self.listScrollBar.Show() - - def SettleCurrentPosition(self): - guildID = miniMap.GetGuildAreaID(self.x, self.y) - - import debugInfo - if debugInfo.IsDebugMode(): - guildID = player.GetGuildID() - - if guildID != player.GetGuildID(): - return - - self.__RestoreViewMode() - self.__LockCameraMoving() - self.Show() - - def SetBuildingPosition(self, x, y, z): - self.x = x - self.y = y - self.posValueX.SetText(str(int(x))) - self.posValueY.SetText(str(int(y))) - - for i in xrange(len(self.indexList)): - idx = self.indexList[i] - xPos, yPos = self.posList[i] - - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - if 0 != z: - self.z = z - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x+xPos), int(y+yPos), int(z)) - else: - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x+xPos), int(y+yPos)) - - def IsPositioningMode(self): - if self.MODE_POSITIONING == self.mode: - return TRUE - return FALSE - - def IsPreviewMode(self): - if self.MODE_PREVIEW == self.mode: - return TRUE - return FALSE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -""" -- 橇肺配妮 - -霸烙倒涝矫: - RecvLandPacket: - CPythonMiniMap::RegisterGuildArea - -霸烙捞悼吝: - PythonPlayer::Update() - CPythonPlayer::__Update_NotifyGuildAreaEvent() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_EnterGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.ShowBuildButton() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_ExitGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.HideBuildButton() - -BuildButton: -!辨靛厘牢瘤 贸府 绝澜 -!扒拱捞 乐绢档 窿扁 滚瓢篮 乐澜 - -!扒拱捞 烙矫肺 荤侩窍绰 VID 绰 辑滚啊 焊郴林绰 巴苞 去悼瞪 堪妨啊 乐澜 -!扒拱 VNUM 篮 BuildGuildBuildingWindow.BUILDING_VNUM_LIST 甫 捞侩秦 函券 - -!扒拱 瘤阑锭绰 /build c(reate) -!扒拱 何贱锭绰 /build d(estroy) -!rotation 狼 窜困绰 degree - - interfaceModule.interface.__OnClickBuildButton: - interfaceModule.interface.BUILD_OpenWindow: - -AcceptButton: - BuildGuildBuildingWindow.Build: - net.SendChatPacket("/build c vnum x y x_rot y_rot z_rot") - -PreviewButton: - __OnPreviewMode: - __RestoreViewMode: - -扒拱 何荐扁: - uiTarget.TargetBoard.__OnDestroyBuilding - net.SendChatPacket("/build d vid") -""" - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - import chrmgr - chrmgr.CreateRace(0) - chrmgr.SelectRace(0) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("warrior.msm") - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/general/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - - def LoadGuildBuildingList(filename): - handle = app.OpenTextFile(filename) - count = app.GetTextFileLineCount(handle) - for i in xrange(count): - line = app.GetTextFileLine(handle, i) - tokens = line.split("\t") - - TOKEN_VNUM = 0 - TOKEN_TYPE = 1 - TOKEN_NAME = 2 - TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME = 3 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_1 = 4 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_2 = 5 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_3 = 6 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_4 = 7 - TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT = 8 - TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT = 9 - TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT = 10 - TOKEN_PRICE = 11 - TOKEN_MATERIAL = 12 - TOKEN_NPC = 13 - TOKEN_GROUP = 14 - TOKEN_DEPEND_GROUP = 15 - TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG = 16 - LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT = 17 - - if not tokens[TOKEN_VNUM].isdigit(): - continue - - if not int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - continue - - if len(tokens) < LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Strange token count [%d/%d] [%s]" % (len(tokens), TOKEN_COUNT, line)) - continue - - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE = FALSE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE = TRUE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE = 2 - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - continue - - vnum = int(tokens[TOKEN_VNUM]) - type = tokens[TOKEN_TYPE] - name = tokens[TOKEN_NAME] - localName = tokens[TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME] - xRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT]) - yRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT]) - zRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT]) - price = tokens[TOKEN_PRICE] - material = tokens[TOKEN_MATERIAL] - - folderName = "" - if "HEADQUARTER" == type: - folderName = "headquarter" - elif "FACILITY" == type: - folderName = "facility" - elif "OBJECT" == type: - folderName = "object" - ##"BuildIn" Is made by exist instance. - - materialList = ["0", "0", "0"] - if material[0] == "\"": - material = material[1:] - if material[-1] == "\"": - material = material[:-1] - for one in material.split("/"): - data = one.split(",") - if 2 != len(data): - continue - itemID = int(data[0]) - count = data[1] - - if itemID == MATERIAL_STONE_ID: - materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == MATERIAL_LOG_ID: - materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_ID: - materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX] = count - - import chrmgr - chrmgr.RegisterRaceSrcName(name, folderName) - chrmgr.RegisterRaceName(vnum, name) - - appendingData = { "VNUM":vnum, - "TYPE":type, - "NAME":name, - "LOCAL_NAME":localName, - "X_ROT_LIMIT":xRotLimit, - "Y_ROT_LIMIT":yRotLimit, - "Z_ROT_LIMIT":zRotLimit, - "PRICE":price, - "MATERIAL":materialList, - "SHOW" : TRUE } - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - appendingData["SHOW"] = FALSE - - BUILDING_DATA_LIST.append(appendingData) - - app.CloseTextFile(handle) - - LoadGuildBuildingList(app.GetLocalePath()+"/GuildBuildingList.txt") - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - x = 30000 - y = 40000 - - self.wndGuildBuilding = None - self.onClickKeyDict = {} - self.onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_SPACE] = lambda: self.OpenBuildGuildBuildingWindow() - - background.Initialize() - background.LoadMap("metin2_map_a1", x, y, 0) - background.SetShadowLevel(background.SHADOW_ALL) - - self.MakeCharacter(1, 0, x, y) - player.SetMainCharacterIndex(1) - chr.SelectInstance(1) - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def MakeCharacter(self, index, race, x, y): - chr.CreateInstance(index) - chr.SelectInstance(index) - chr.SetVirtualID(index) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_PLAYER) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.SetHair(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - - chr.SetPixelPosition(x, y) - chr.SetDirection(chr.DIR_NORTH) - - def OpenBuildGuildBuildingWindow(self): - self.wndGuildBuilding = BuildGuildBuildingWindow() - self.wndGuildBuilding.Open() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetParent(self) - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetTop() - - def OnKeyUp(self, key): - if key in self.onClickKeyDict: - self.onClickKeyDict[key]() - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - self.wndGuildBuilding.SettleCurrentPosition() - return - - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS); - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK) - return TRUE - - def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self): - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_PRESS); - return TRUE - - def OnMouseRightButtonUp(self): - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_CLICK); - return TRUE - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonDown(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_PRESS) - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonUp(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_CLICK) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - x, y, z = background.GetPickingPoint() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetBuildingPosition(x, y, z) - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - wndGuildBuilding = BuildGuildBuildingWindow() - wndGuildBuilding.Open() - wndGuildBuilding.SetTop() - - app.Loop() - - """ - - 橇肺配妮 - -霸烙倒涝矫: - RecvLandPacket: - CPythonMiniMap::RegisterGuildArea - -霸烙捞悼吝: - PythonPlayer::Update() - CPythonPlayer::__Update_NotifyGuildAreaEvent() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_EnterGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.ShowBuildButton() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_ExitGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.HideBuildButton() - -BuildButton: -!辨靛厘牢瘤 贸府 绝澜 -!扒拱捞 乐绢档 窿扁 滚瓢篮 乐澜 - -!扒拱捞 烙矫肺 荤侩窍绰 VID 绰 辑滚啊 焊郴林绰 巴苞 去悼瞪 堪妨啊 乐澜 -!扒拱 VNUM 篮 BuildGuildBuildingWindow.BUILDING_VNUM_LIST 甫 捞侩秦 函券 - -!扒拱 瘤阑锭绰 /build c(reate) -!扒拱 何贱锭绰 /build d(estroy) -!rotation 狼 窜困绰 degree - - interfaceModule.interface.__OnClickBuildButton: - interfaceModule.interface.BUILD_OpenWindow: - -AcceptButton: - BuildGuildBuildingWindow.Build: - net.SendChatPacket("/build c vnum x y x_rot y_rot z_rot") - - x_rot, y_rot 绰 AffectContainer俊 历厘 - -PreviewButton: - __OnPreviewMode: - __RestoreViewMode: - -扒拱 何荐扁: - uiTarget.TargetBoard.__OnDestroyBuilding - net.SendChatPacket("/build d vid") - """ - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uihelp.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uihelp.py deleted file mode 100644 index 669fdb45..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uihelp.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -ENABLE_HELP_MULTIPAGE = 0 - -class HelpWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.eventClose = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - if ENABLE_HELP_MULTIPAGE: - self.LoadDialogMultiPage() - else: - self.LoadDialogSinglePage() - - def LoadDialogSinglePage(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "HelpWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/HelpWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("HelpWindow.LoadDialogSinglePage.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.btnClose = GetObject("close_button") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DialogWindow.LoadDialogSinglePage.BindObject") - - - def LoadDialogMultiPage(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/HelpWindow2.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("HelpWindow.LoadDialogMultiPage.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.btnClose = GetObject("close_button") - self.pages = {} - self.btnPages = {} - self.pages[0] = GetObject("page_1") - self.pages[1] = GetObject("page_2") - self.btnPages[0] = GetObject("page_1_button") - self.btnPages[1] = GetObject("page_2_button") - self.btnPages[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPage1) - self.btnPages[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPage2) - - self.__SelectPage(0) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DialogWindow.LoadDialogMultiPage.BindObject") - - def __OnClickPage1(self): - self.__SelectPage(0) - - def __OnClickPage2(self): - self.__SelectPage(1) - - def Destroy(self): - self.eventClose = 0 - self.closeButton = 0 - self.pages = {} - self.btnPages = {} - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.eventClose = event - self.btnClose.SetEvent(event) - - def Open(self): - self.Lock() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if app.DIK_H == key and 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - if 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - if 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - return TRUE - - def __SelectPage(self, pageIndex): - for page in self.pages.values(): - page.Hide() - for btn in self.btnPages.values(): - btn.SetUp() - - self.pages[pageIndex].Show() - self.btnPages[pageIndex].Down() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - wnd = HelpWindow() - wnd.LoadDialog() - wnd.Open() - app.Loop() - wnd = None - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiinventory.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiinventory.py deleted file mode 100644 index 114af1e9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiinventory.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1160 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import mouseModule -import net -import app -import snd -import item -import player -import chat -import grp -import uiScriptLocale -import uiRefine -import uiAttachMetin -import uiPickMoney -import uiCommon -import uiPrivateShopBuilder # 俺牢惑痢 凯悼救 ItemMove 规瘤 -import locale -import constInfo -import ime -import wndMgr - -ITEM_MALL_BUTTON_ENABLE = TRUE - - - -ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE = 1 << 14 - -class CostumeWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self, wndInventory): - import exception - - if not app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM: - exception.Abort("What do you do?") - return - - if not wndInventory: - exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow") - return - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.wndInventory = wndInventory; - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - self.RefreshCostumeSlot() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CostumeWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - wndEquip = self.GetChild("CostumeSlot") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - ## Equipment - wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverInItem)) - wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverOutItem)) - wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectItemSlot)) - - self.wndEquip = wndEquip - - def RefreshCostumeSlot(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - - for i in xrange(item.COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + i - self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), 0) - - self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot() - -class BeltInventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self, wndInventory): - import exception - - if not app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM: - exception.Abort("What do you do?") - return - - if not wndInventory: - exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow") - return - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.wndInventory = wndInventory; - - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = None - self.wndBeltInventorySlot = None - self.expandBtn = None - self.minBtn = None - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self, openBeltSlot = FALSE): - self.__LoadWindow() - self.RefreshSlot() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - if openBeltSlot: - self.OpenInventory() - else: - self.CloseInventory() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def IsOpeningInventory(self): - return self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.IsShow() - - def OpenInventory(self): - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.Show() - self.expandBtn.Hide() - - self.AdjustPositionAndSize() - - def CloseInventory(self): - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.Hide() - self.expandBtn.Show() - - self.AdjustPositionAndSize() - - ## 泅犁 牢亥配府 困摹甫 扁霖栏肺 BASE 困摹甫 拌魂, 府畔.. 箭磊 窍靛内爹窍扁 沥富 饺瘤父 规过捞 绝促.. - def GetBasePosition(self): - x, y = self.wndInventory.GetGlobalPosition() - return x - 148, y + 241 - - def AdjustPositionAndSize(self): - bx, by = self.GetBasePosition() - - if self.IsOpeningInventory(): - self.SetPosition(bx, by) - self.SetSize(self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH, self.GetHeight()) - - else: - self.SetPosition(bx + 138, by); - self.SetSize(10, self.GetHeight()) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/BeltInventoryWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH = self.GetWidth() - wndBeltInventorySlot = self.GetChild("BeltInventorySlot") - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = self.GetChild("BeltInventoryLayer") - self.expandBtn = self.GetChild("ExpandBtn") - self.minBtn = self.GetChild("MinimizeBtn") - - self.expandBtn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenInventory)) - self.minBtn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseInventory)) - - for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga", FALSE, FALSE) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - ## Equipment - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverInItem)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverOutItem)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectItemSlot)) - - self.wndBeltInventorySlot = wndBeltInventorySlot - - def RefreshSlot(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - - for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), player.GetItemCount(slotNumber)) - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(slotNumber, TRUE) - - avail = "0" - - if player.IsAvailableBeltInventoryCell(slotNumber): - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.EnableCoverButton(slotNumber) - else: - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.DisableCoverButton(slotNumber) - - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.RefreshSlot() - - -class InventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - USE_TYPE_TUPLE = ("USE_CLEAN_SOCKET", "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2", "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET") - - questionDialog = None - tooltipItem = None - wndCostume = None - wndBelt = None - dlgPickMoney = None - - sellingSlotNumber = -1 - isLoaded = 0 - isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 牢亥配府 摧阑 锭 内胶悯捞 凯妨乐菌绰瘤 咯何-_-; 匙捞怪 じさ - isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 牢亥配府 摧阑 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府啊 凯妨乐菌绰瘤 咯何-_-; 匙捞怪 じさ - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 牢亥配府 摧阑 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府啊 凯妨乐菌绰瘤 咯何-_-; 匙捞怪 じさ - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - # 牢亥配府甫 摧阑 锭 内胶悯捞 凯妨乐菌促搁 牢亥配府甫 凯 锭 内胶悯档 鞍捞 凯档废 窃. - if self.isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory and self.wndCostume: - self.wndCostume.Show() - - # 牢亥配府甫 摧阑 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府啊 凯妨乐菌促搁 鞍捞 凯档废 窃. - if self.wndBelt: - self.wndBelt.Show(self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory) - - def BindInterfaceClass(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if ITEM_MALL_BUTTON_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "InventoryWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/InventoryWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - wndItem = self.GetChild("ItemSlot") - wndEquip = self.GetChild("EquipmentSlot") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money") - self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot") - self.mallButton = self.GetChild2("MallButton") - self.DSSButton = self.GetChild2("DSSButton") - self.costumeButton = self.GetChild2("CostumeButton") - - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_01")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_02")) - - self.equipmentTab = [] - self.equipmentTab.append(self.GetChild("Equipment_Tab_01")) - self.equipmentTab.append(self.GetChild("Equipment_Tab_02")) - - if self.costumeButton and not app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM: - self.costumeButton.Hide() - self.costumeButton.Destroy() - self.costumeButton = 0 - - # Belt Inventory Window - self.wndBelt = None - - if app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM: - self.wndBelt = BeltInventoryWindow(self) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - ## Item - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - ## Equipment - wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - ## PickMoneyDialog - dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - dlgPickMoney.LoadDialog() - dlgPickMoney.Hide() - - ## RefineDialog - self.refineDialog = uiRefine.RefineDialog() - self.refineDialog.Hide() - - ## AttachMetinDialog - self.attachMetinDialog = uiAttachMetin.AttachMetinDialog() - self.attachMetinDialog.Hide() - - ## MoneySlot - self.wndMoneySlot.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPickMoneyDialog)) - - self.inventoryTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[0].Down() - - self.equipmentTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg)) - self.equipmentTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg)) - self.equipmentTab[0].Down() - self.equipmentTab[0].Hide() - self.equipmentTab[1].Hide() - - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.wndEquip = wndEquip - self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney - - # MallButton - if self.mallButton: - self.mallButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickMallButton)) - - if self.DSSButton: - self.DSSButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickDSSButton)) - - # Costume Button - if self.costumeButton: - self.costumeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickCostumeButton)) - - self.wndCostume = None - - ##### - - ## Refresh - self.SetInventoryPage(0) - self.SetEquipmentPage(0) - self.RefreshItemSlot() - self.RefreshStatus() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Destroy() - self.dlgPickMoney = 0 - - self.refineDialog.Destroy() - self.refineDialog = 0 - - self.attachMetinDialog.Destroy() - self.attachMetinDialog = 0 - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndItem = 0 - self.wndEquip = 0 - self.dlgPickMoney = 0 - self.wndMoney = 0 - self.wndMoneySlot = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.mallButton = None - self.DSSButton = None - self.interface = None - - if self.wndCostume: - self.wndCostume.Destroy() - self.wndCostume = 0 - - if self.wndBelt: - self.wndBelt.Destroy() - self.wndBelt = None - - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.equipmentTab = [] - - def Hide(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - if self.wndCostume: - self.isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndCostume.IsShow() # 牢亥配府 芒捞 摧鳃 锭 内胶悯捞 凯妨 乐菌绰啊? - self.wndCostume.Close() - - if self.wndBelt: - self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndBelt.IsOpeningInventory() # 牢亥配府 芒捞 摧鳃 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府档 凯妨 乐菌绰啊? - print "Is Opening Belt Inven?? ", self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory - self.wndBelt.Close() - - if self.dlgPickMoney: - self.dlgPickMoney.Close() - - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - wndMgr.Hide(self.hWnd) - - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def SetInventoryPage(self, page): - self.inventoryPageIndex = page - self.inventoryTab[1-page].SetUp() - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - - def SetEquipmentPage(self, page): - self.equipmentPageIndex = page - self.equipmentTab[1-page].SetUp() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def ClickMallButton(self): - print "click_mall_button" - net.SendChatPacket("/click_mall") - - # DSSButton - def ClickDSSButton(self): - print "click_dss_button" - self.interface.ToggleDragonSoulWindow() - - def ClickCostumeButton(self): - print "Click Costume Button" - if self.wndCostume: - if self.wndCostume.IsShow(): - self.wndCostume.Hide() - else: - self.wndCostume.Show() - else: - self.wndCostume = CostumeWindow(self) - self.wndCostume.Show() - - def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType(): - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - curMoney = player.GetElk() - - if curMoney <= 0: - return - - self.dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(locale.PICK_MONEY_TITLE) - self.dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickMoney)) - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(curMoney) - self.dlgPickMoney.SetMax(7) # 牢亥配府 990000 力茄 滚弊 荐沥 - - def OnPickMoney(self, money): - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachMoney(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, money) - - def OnPickItem(self, count): - itemSlotIndex = self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, count) - - def __InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(self, local): - - if player.IsEquipmentSlot(local) or player.IsCostumeSlot(local) or player.IsBeltInventorySlot(local): - return local - - return self.inventoryPageIndex*player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE + local - - def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVNum=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i) - - itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) - # itemCount == 0捞搁 家南阑 厚款促. - if 0 == itemCount: - self.wndItem.ClearSlot(i) - continue - elif 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - - itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber) - setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - ## 磊悼拱距 (HP: #72723 ~ #72726, SP: #72727 ~ #72730) 漂荐贸府 - 酒捞袍牢单档 浇吩俊 劝己拳/厚劝己拳 钎矫甫 困茄 累诀烙 - [hyo] - if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): - # metinSocket - [0] : 劝己拳 咯何, [1] : 荤侩茄 剧, [2] : 弥措 侩樊 - metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] - - if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE: - slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE - - isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0] - - if isActivated: - self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - potionType = 0; - if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP - elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP - - usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1]) - totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2]) - player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)) - - else: - self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) - - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - if self.wndBelt: - self.wndBelt.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshEquipSlotWindow(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVNum=self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot - for i in xrange(player.EQUIPMENT_PAGE_COUNT): - slotNumber = player.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i - itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount) - - if app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM: - for i in xrange(player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i - itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount) - print "ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM", slotNumber, itemCount, getItemVNum(slotNumber) - - - - self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot() - - if self.wndCostume: - self.wndCostume.RefreshCostumeSlot() - - def RefreshItemSlot(self): - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def RefreshStatus(self): - money = player.GetElk() - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(money)) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SellItem(self): - - net.SendShopSellPacketNew(self.sellingSlotNumber, self.questionDialog.count) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnDetachMetinFromItem(self): - if None == self.questionDialog: - return - - #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos) - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos) - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - - self.questionDialog = None - - ## Slot Event - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(selectedSlotPos) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedSlotPos) - attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos, attachedCount) - - if item.IsRefineScroll(attachedItemIndex): - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - mouseModule.mouseController.RunCallBack("INVENTORY") - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - net.SendShopBuyPacket(attachedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType: - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex: - net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - net.SendSafeboxCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL == attachedSlotType: - net.SendMallCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(itemSlotIndex) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - self.__DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(attachedItemVID, attachedSlotPos, itemSlotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - if app.SELL == curCursorNum: - self.__SellItem(itemSlotIndex) - - elif app.BUY == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_BUY_INFO) - - elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = player.GetItemLink(itemSlotIndex) - ime.PasteString(link) - - elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT): - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex) - - if itemCount > 1: - self.dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(locale.PICK_ITEM_TITLE) - self.dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickItem)) - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(itemCount) - self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex = itemSlotIndex - #else: - #selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - #mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum) - - elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - - if TRUE == item.CanAddToQuickSlotItem(itemIndex): - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - else: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM) - - else: - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount) - - if self.__IsUsableItemToItem(selectedItemVNum, itemSlotIndex): - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(TRUE) - else: - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(self, srcItemVID, srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos): - if srcItemSlotPos == dstItemSlotPos: - return - - if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVID): - self.RefineItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - - elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVID): - self.AttachMetinToItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVID): - self.DetachMetinFromItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif item.IsKey(srcItemVID): - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcItemSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE: - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif item.GetUseType(srcItemVID) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE: - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - else: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - ## 捞悼矫挪 镑捞 厘馒 浇吩老 版快 酒捞袍阑 荤侩秦辑 厘馒 矫挪促 - [levites] - if player.IsEquipmentSlot(dstItemSlotPos): - - ## 甸绊 乐绰 酒捞袍捞 厘厚老锭父 - if item.IsEquipmentVID(srcItemVID): - self.__UseItem(srcItemSlotPos) - - else: - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0) - #net.SendItemMovePacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0) - - def __SellItem(self, itemSlotPos): - if not player.IsEquipmentSlot(itemSlotPos): - self.sellingSlotNumber = itemSlotPos - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotPos) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - itemPrice = item.GetISellItemPrice() - - if item.Is1GoldItem(): - itemPrice = itemCount / itemPrice / 5 - else: - itemPrice = itemPrice * itemCount / 5 - - item.GetItemName(itemIndex) - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(itemName, itemCount, itemPrice)) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SellItem)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog.count = itemCount - - def RefineItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos): - - scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos) - targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos) - - if player.REFINE_OK != player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos): - return - - ########################################################### - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - return - ########################################################### - - ########################################################### - #net.SendRequestRefineInfoPacket(targetSlotPos) - #return - ########################################################### - - result = player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos) - - if player.REFINE_ALREADY_MAX_SOCKET_COUNT == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET) - - elif player.REFINE_NEED_MORE_GOOD_SCROLL == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL) - - elif player.REFINE_CANT_MAKE_SOCKET_ITEM == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM) - - elif player.REFINE_NOT_NEXT_GRADE_ITEM == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM) - - elif player.REFINE_CANT_REFINE_METIN_TO_EQUIPMENT == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM) - - if player.REFINE_OK != result: - return - - self.refineDialog.Open(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - - def DetachMetinFromItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos): - scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos) - targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos) - - if not player.CanDetach(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM) - return - - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDetachMetinFromItem)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog.sourcePos = scrollSlotPos - self.questionDialog.targetPos = targetSlotPos - - def AttachMetinToItem(self, metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos): - metinIndex = player.GetItemIndex(metinSlotPos) - targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(metinIndex) - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - result = player.CanAttachMetin(metinIndex, targetSlotPos) - - if player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_MATCHABLE_ITEM == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(itemName)) - - if player.ATTACH_METIN_NO_MATCHABLE_SOCKET == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(itemName)) - - elif player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_EXIST_GOLD_SOCKET == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(itemName)) - - elif player.ATTACH_METIN_CANT_ATTACH_TO_EQUIPMENT == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM) - - if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK != result: - return - - self.attachMetinDialog.Open(metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - - - - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): - overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos) - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedItemType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedItemType: - - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemVNum = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if self.__CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(attachedItemVNum, attachedSlotPos, overSlotPos): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(TRUE) - self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPos) - return - - self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPos) - - - def __IsUsableItemToItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos): - "促弗 酒捞袍俊 荤侩且 荐 乐绰 酒捞袍牢啊?" - - if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE: - return TRUE - else: - if item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos): - "措惑 酒捞袍俊 荤侩且 荐 乐绰啊?" - - if srcSlotPos == dstSlotPos: - return FALSE - - if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum): - if player.REFINE_OK == player.CanRefine(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum): - if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK == player.CanAttachMetin(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum): - if player.DETACH_METIN_OK == player.CanDetach(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum): - if player.CanUnlock(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - - elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE: - return TRUE - - else: - useType=item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum) - - if "USE_CLEAN_SOCKET" == useType: - if self.__CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE" == useType: - if self.__CanChangeItemAttrList(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" == useType: - if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2" == useType: - if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == useType: - if self.__CanAddAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == useType: - if self.__CanPutAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos, srcItemVNum): - return TRUE; - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == useType: - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - print "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", srcItemVNum, dstItemVNum - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT == item.GetItemType(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON != item.GetItemType(): - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - if player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, i) == constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanChangeItemAttrList(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR): - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanPutAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos, mtrlVnum): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR: - return FALSE - - if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR): - return FALSE - - curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0) - maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1) - - if mtrlVnum != constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(dstItemVNum, item.GetItemSubType()): - return FALSE - - if curCount>=maxCount: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanAddAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR: - return FALSE - - if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR): - return FALSE - - curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0) - maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1) - - ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE = 3 - if maxCount >= ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanAddItemAttr(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR): - return FALSE - - attrCount = 0 - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0: - attrCount += 1 - - if attrCount<4: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(slotIndex) - - def OnTop(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetTop() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - return - - slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(slotIndex) - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.AutoSetItem((player.INVENTORY, slotIndex), 1) - return - - self.__UseItem(slotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.OverOutItem() - - def __UseItem(self, slotIndex): - ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(slotIndex) - item.SelectItem(ItemVNum) - if item.IsFlag(item.ITEM_FLAG_CONFIRM_WHEN_USE): - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__UseItemQuestionDialog_OnAccept)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__UseItemQuestionDialog_OnCancel)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog.slotIndex = slotIndex - - else: - self.__SendUseItemPacket(slotIndex) - #net.SendItemUsePacket(slotIndex) - - def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnCancel(self): - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnAccept(self): - self.__SendUseItemPacket(self.questionDialog.slotIndex) - - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - - def __SendUseItemToItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos): - # 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 荤侩 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos) - - def __SendUseItemPacket(self, slotPos): - # 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 荤侩 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemUsePacket(slotPos) - - def __SendMoveItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount): - # 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 荤侩 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemMovePacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount) - - def SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self, wndDragonSoulRefine): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = wndDragonSoulRefine - - def OnMoveWindow(self, x, y): -# print "Inventory Global Pos : ", self.GetGlobalPosition() - if self.wndBelt: -# print "Belt Global Pos : ", self.wndBelt.GetGlobalPosition() - self.wndBelt.AdjustPositionAndSize() - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uimapnameshower.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uimapnameshower.py deleted file mode 100644 index 37dbd884..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uimapnameshower.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import locale - -LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.MAPNAME_PATH - -class MapNameShower(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - MAP_NAME_IMAGE = {} - - STATE_HIDE = 0 - STATE_FADE_IN = 1 - STATE_SHOW = 2 - STATE_FADE_OUT = 3 - - def __init__(self): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE = { - "metin2_map_a1" : LOCALE_PATH+"a1.tga", - "map_a2" : LOCALE_PATH+"a2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_a2_1": LOCALE_PATH+"a2_2.tga", - "metin2_map_a3" : LOCALE_PATH+"a3.tga", - "metin2_map_b1" : LOCALE_PATH+"b1.tga", - "map_b2" : LOCALE_PATH+"b2.tga", - "metin2_map_b3" : LOCALE_PATH+"b3.tga", - "metin2_map_c1" : LOCALE_PATH+"c1.tga", - "map_c2" : LOCALE_PATH+"c2.tga", - "metin2_map_c3" : LOCALE_PATH+"c3.tga", - "metin2_map_deviltower1" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_title.tga", - "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"desert1.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02": LOCALE_PATH+"desert2.tga", - "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"frame1.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02": LOCALE_PATH+"frame2.tga", - "metin2_map_milgyo" : LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a": LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo2.TGA", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey1.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey2.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey3.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild1.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild2.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild3.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "map_n_snowm_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"snow1.tga", - "season2/map_n_snowm_02": LOCALE_PATH+"snow2.tga", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"spider1.tga", - "metin2_map_trent" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent.tga", - "metin2_map_trent02" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent02.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_trent_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent_a.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_trent02_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent02_a.tga", - "metin2_map_dd" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "metin2_map_dd" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_WL_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"wl.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_nusluck01": LOCALE_PATH+"nusluck.tga", - } - else: - self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE = { - "metin2_map_a1" : LOCALE_PATH+"a1.tga", - "map_a2" : LOCALE_PATH+"a2.tga", - "metin2_map_a3" : LOCALE_PATH+"a3.tga", - "metin2_map_b1" : LOCALE_PATH+"b1.tga", - "map_b2" : LOCALE_PATH+"b2.tga", - "metin2_map_b3" : LOCALE_PATH+"b3.tga", - "metin2_map_c1" : LOCALE_PATH+"c1.tga", - "map_c2" : LOCALE_PATH+"c2.tga", - "metin2_map_c3" : LOCALE_PATH+"c3.tga", - "map_n_snowm_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"snow1.tga", - "metin2_map_deviltower1" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_title.tga", - "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"frame1.tga", - "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"desert1.tga", - "metin2_map_milgyo" : LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey1.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey2.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey3.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild1.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild2.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild3.tga", - "metin2_map_trent" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent.tga", - "metin2_map_trent02" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent02.tga", - "season2/map_n_snowm_02": LOCALE_PATH+"snow2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_a2_1": LOCALE_PATH+"a2_2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02": LOCALE_PATH+"desert2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02": LOCALE_PATH+"frame2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a": LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo2.TGA", - "season2/metin2_map_trent_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent_a.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_trent02_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent02_a.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "metin2_guild_village_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"a4.tga", - "metin2_guild_village_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"b4.tga", - "metin2_guild_village_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"c4.tga", - "metin2_map_BayBlackSand" : LOCALE_PATH+"bay.tga", - "metin2_map_Mt_Thunder" : LOCALE_PATH+"thunder.tga", - "metin2_map_dawnmistwood" : LOCALE_PATH+"dawn.tga", - "Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead" : LOCALE_PATH+"cape.tga", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd01.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd02.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02_1" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd02.tga", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd03.tga", - } - - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.__Initialize() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__del__(self) - - def __Initialize(self): - self.floorImage = None - self.objectiveImage = None - self.fadeStartTime = 0 - self.state = self.STATE_HIDE - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.Hide() - - def __GetDevilTowerFloor(self, x, y): - if x > 10000 and y > 58000 and x < 25000 and y < 72000: - return 1 - elif x > 10000 and y > 35000 and x < 25000 and y < 50000: - return 2 - elif x > 10000 and y > 10000 and x < 25000 and y < 25000: - return 3 - elif x > 35000 and y > 61000 and x < 43500 and y < 70500: - return 4 - elif x > 35000 and y > 38000 and x < 43500 and y < 48000: - return 5 - elif x > 14000 and y > 14000 and x < 43500 and y < 24500: - return 6 - elif x > 56000 and y > 60000 and x < 68000 and y < 73000: - return 7 - elif x > 56000 and y > 38000 and x < 68000 and y < 49000: - return 8 - elif x > 56000 and y > 13000 and x < 68000 and y < 23000: - return 9 - return 0 - def __GetDevilBase(self, x, y): - if x > 3000 and y > 4500 and x < 45000 and y < 45000: - return 1 - elif x > 54000 and y > 3900 and x < 100000 and y < 46200: - return 2 - elif x > 104800 and y > 3500 and x < 145500 and y < 45800: - return 3 - elif x > 3100 and y > 54100 and x < 56400 and y < 105800: - return 4 - elif x > 65000 and y > 54000 and x < 105000 and y < 95500: - return 5 - elif x > 117500 and y > 57600 and x < 142000 and y < 81000: - return 6 - elif x > 5000 and y > 104900 and x < 15000 and y < 122000: - return 7 - return 0 - def ShowMapName(self, mapName, x, y): - if not self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE.has_key(mapName): - print " [ERROR] - There is no map name image", mapName - return - - try: - self.LoadImage(self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE[mapName]) - except RuntimeError: - return - - self.__Initialize() - - if mapName == "metin2_map_deviltower1": - self.SetPosition(-60, 80) - - self.floorImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.floorImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.floorImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.floorImage.SetPosition(100, 80) - self.floorImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.floorImage.Show() - # 甘捞抚 (ex: 酒蓖悼奔) 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilTowerFloor(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.floorImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_%df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.floorImage.Hide() - self.floorImage = None - - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - self.objectiveImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.objectiveImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.objectiveImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.objectiveImage.SetPosition(0, 200) - self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.objectiveImage.Show() - - # 摸喊 格钎 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - # 带傈篮 泅犁 割摸牢瘤 舅酒坷绰 何盒 锭巩俊 窍靛内爹阑 乔窍扁啊 塞甸促... - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilTowerFloor(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.objectiveImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH + mapName + "/obj_%02df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.objectiveImage.Hide() - self.objectiveImage = None - - if mapName == "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb": - self.SetPosition(-75, 80) - - self.floorImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.floorImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.floorImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.floorImage.SetPosition(100, 80) - self.floorImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.floorImage.Show() - - # 甘捞抚 (ex: 酒蓖悼奔) 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilBase(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.floorImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_%df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.floorImage.Hide() - self.floorImage = None - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - self.objectiveImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.objectiveImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.objectiveImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.objectiveImage.SetPosition(0, 200) - self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.objectiveImage.Show() - - - # 摸喊 格钎 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - # 带傈篮 泅犁 割摸牢瘤 舅酒坷绰 何盒 锭巩俊 窍靛内爹阑 乔窍扁啊 塞甸促... - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilBase(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.objectiveImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH + mapName + "/obj_%02df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.objectiveImage.Hide() - self.objectiveImage = None - - self.state = self.STATE_FADE_IN - self.fadeStartTime = app.GetTime() + 1.0 - self.Show() - - def Update(self): - - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - if self.floorImage: - self.floorImage.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - - if self.objectiveImage: - self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - - if self.STATE_FADE_IN == self.state: - if app.GetTime() > self.fadeStartTime: - self.curAlpha += 0.05 - - if self.curAlpha > 0.9: - self.state = self.STATE_SHOW - self.fadeStartTime = app.GetTime() + 5.0 - - elif self.STATE_SHOW == self.state: - if app.GetTime() > self.fadeStartTime: - self.state = self.STATE_FADE_OUT - - elif self.STATE_FADE_OUT == self.state: - self.curAlpha -= 0.05 - - if self.curAlpha < 0.0001: - self.Hide() - if self.floorImage: - self.floorImage.Hide() - self.floorImage = None - - if self.objectiveImage: - self.objectiveImage.Hide() - self.objectiveImage = None - return diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uimessenger.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uimessenger.py deleted file mode 100644 index e3824519..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uimessenger.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,854 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import grp -import net -import guild -import messenger -import locale -import constInfo -import uiToolTip -import uiGameOption - -import uiCommon -from _weakref import proxy - -FRIEND = 0 -GUILD = 1 - -class MessengerItem(ui.Window): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.SetParent(getParentEvent()) - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.name = "" - self.image = ui.ImageBox() - self.image.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.image.SetParent(self) - self.image.Show() - self.text = ui.TextLine() - self.text.SetParent(self) - self.text.SetPosition(20, 2) - self.text.Show() - - self.lovePoint = -1 - self.lovePointToolTip = None - - self.isSelected = FALSE - - self.getParentEvent = getParentEvent - - def SetName(self, name): - self.name = name - if name: - self.text.SetText(name) - self.SetSize(20 + 6*len(name) + 4, 16) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.text.SetPosition(20 + 6*len(name) + 4, 2) - - def SetLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - self.lovePoint = lovePoint - - def Select(self): - self.isSelected = TRUE - - def UnSelect(self): - self.isSelected = FALSE - - def GetName(self): - return self.name - - def GetStepWidth(self): - return 0 - - # Whisper - def CanWhisper(self): - return FALSE - - def IsOnline(self): - return FALSE - - def IsMobile(self): - return FALSE - - def OnWhisper(self): - pass - - def OnMobileMessage(self): - pass - - # Remove - def CanRemove(self): - return FALSE - - def OnRemove(self): - return FALSE - - # Warp - def CanWarp(self): - return FALSE - - def OnWarp(self): - pass - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if -1 != self.lovePoint: - if not self.lovePointToolTip: - self.lovePointToolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.lovePointToolTip.SetTitle(self.name) - self.lovePointToolTip.AppendTextLine(locale.AFF_LOVE_POINT % (self.lovePoint)) - self.lovePointToolTip.ResizeToolTip() - self.lovePointToolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.lovePointToolTip: - self.lovePointToolTip.HideToolTip() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.getParentEvent().OnSelectItem(self) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDoubleClick(self): - self.getParentEvent().OnDoubleClickItem(self) - - def OnRender(self): - if self.isSelected: - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7)) - grp.RenderBar(x+16, y, self.GetWidth()-16, self.GetHeight()) - -class MessengerMemberItem(MessengerItem): - - STATE_OFFLINE = 0 - STATE_ONLINE = 1 - STATE_MOBILE = 2 - - IMAGE_FILE_NAME = { "ONLINE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_online.sub", - "OFFLINE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_offline.sub", - "MOBILE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_mobile.sub", } - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.key = None - self.state = self.STATE_OFFLINE - self.mobileFlag = FALSE - self.Offline() - - def GetStepWidth(self): - return 15 - - def SetKey(self, key): - self.key = key - - def IsSameKey(self, key): - return self.key == key - - def IsOnline(self): - if self.STATE_ONLINE == self.state: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def IsMobile(self): - if self.STATE_MOBILE == self.state: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def Online(self): - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["ONLINE"]) - self.state = self.STATE_ONLINE - - def Offline(self): - if self.mobileFlag: - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["MOBILE"]) - self.state = self.STATE_MOBILE - - else: - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["OFFLINE"]) - self.state = self.STATE_OFFLINE - - def SetMobile(self, flag): - self.mobileFlag = flag - - if not self.IsOnline(): - self.Offline() - - def CanWhisper(self): - if self.IsOnline(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def OnWhisper(self): - if self.IsOnline(): - self.getParentEvent().whisperButtonEvent(self.GetName()) - - def OnMobileMessage(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - if not self.IsMobile(): - return - - self.getParentEvent().SendMobileMessage(self.GetName()) - - def Select(self): - MessengerItem.Select(self) - -class MessengerGroupItem(MessengerItem): - - IMAGE_FILE_NAME = { "OPEN" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_open.sub", - "CLOSE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_close.sub", } - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - self.isOpen = FALSE - self.memberList = [] - - MessengerItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - - def AppendMember(self, member, key, name): - member.SetKey(key) - member.SetName(name) - self.memberList.append(member) - return member - - def RemoveMember(self, item): - for i in xrange(len(self.memberList)): - if item == self.memberList[i]: - del self.memberList[i] - return - - def ClearMember(self): - self.memberList = [] - - def FindMember(self, key): - list = filter(lambda argMember, argKey=key: argMember.IsSameKey(argKey), self.memberList) - if list: - return list[0] - - return None - - def GetLoginMemberList(self): - return filter(MessengerMemberItem.IsOnline, self.memberList) - - def GetLogoutMemberList(self): - return filter(lambda arg: not arg.IsOnline(), self.memberList) - - def IsOpen(self): - return self.isOpen - - def Open(self): - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["OPEN"]) - self.isOpen = TRUE - - def Close(self): - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["CLOSE"]) - self.isOpen = FALSE - - map(ui.Window.Hide, self.memberList) - - def Select(self): - - if self.IsOpen(): - self.Close() - else: - self.Open() - - MessengerItem.Select(self) - self.getParentEvent().OnRefreshList() - -class MessengerFriendItem(MessengerMemberItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerMemberItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - - def CanRemove(self): - return TRUE - - def OnRemove(self): - messenger.RemoveFriend(self.key) - net.SendMessengerRemovePacket(self.key, self.name) - return TRUE - -class MessengerGuildItem(MessengerMemberItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerMemberItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - - def CanWarp(self): - if not self.IsOnline(): - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def OnWarp(self): - net.SendGuildUseSkillPacket(155, self.key) - - def CanRemove(self): - for i in xrange(guild.ENEMY_GUILD_SLOT_MAX_COUNT): - if guild.GetEnemyGuildName(i) != "": - return FALSE - - if guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_REMOVE_MEMBER): - if guild.IsMemberByName(self.name): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def OnRemove(self): - net.SendGuildRemoveMemberPacket(self.key) - return TRUE - -class MessengerFriendGroup(MessengerGroupItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerGroupItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_FRIEND) - - def AppendMember(self, key, name): - item = MessengerFriendItem(self.getParentEvent) - return MessengerGroupItem.AppendMember(self, item, key, name) - -class MessengerGuildGroup(MessengerGroupItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerGroupItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_GUILD) - self.AddFlag("float") - - def AppendMember(self, key, name): - item = MessengerGuildItem(self.getParentEvent) - return MessengerGroupItem.AppendMember(self, item, key, name) - -class MessengerFamilyGroup(MessengerGroupItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerGroupItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_FAMILY) - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.lover = None - - def AppendMember(self, key, name): - item = MessengerGuildItem(self.getParentEvent) - self.lover = item - return MessengerGroupItem.AppendMember(self, item, key, name) - - def GetLover(self): - return self.lover - -################################################################################################### -################################################################################################### -################################################################################################### - -class MessengerWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - START_POSITION = 40 - - class ResizeButton(ui.DragButton): - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.VSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - messenger.SetMessengerHandler(self) - - self.board = None - self.groupList = [] - self.showingItemList = [] - self.selectedItem = None - self.whisperButtonEvent = lambda *arg: None - self.familyGroup = None - - self.guildButtonEvent = None - - self.showingPageSize = 0 - self.startLine = 0 - self.hasMobilePhoneNumber = TRUE - - self.isLoaded = 0 - - self.__AddGroup() - messenger.RefreshGuildMember() - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__LoadWindow() - self.OnRefreshList() - self.OnResizeDialog() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MessengerWindow.py") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.scrollBar = self.GetChild("ScrollBar") - self.whisperButton = self.GetChild("WhisperButton") - self.mobileButton = self.GetChild("MobileButton") - self.removeButton = self.GetChild("RemoveButton") - self.addFriendButton = self.GetChild("AddFriendButton") - self.guildButton = self.GetChild("GuildButton") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MessengerWindow.__LoadWindow.__Bind") - - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.whisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressWhisperButton)) - self.mobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressMobileButton)) - self.removeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressRemoveButton)) - self.addFriendButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressAddFriendButton)) - self.guildButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressGuildButton)) - - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: #constInfo.SEND_MOBILE_PHONE_MESSAGE_ENABLE: - self.mobileButton.Hide() - width = self.GetWidth() - height = self.GetHeight() - self.addFriendButton.SetPosition(-60, 30) - self.whisperButton.SetPosition(-20, 30) - self.removeButton.SetPosition(20, 30) - self.guildButton.SetPosition(60, 30) - - self.whisperButton.Disable() - self.mobileButton.Disable() - self.removeButton.Disable() - - resizeButton = self.ResizeButton() - resizeButton.AddFlag("restrict_x") - resizeButton.SetParent(self) - resizeButton.SetSize(self.GetWidth(), 10) - resizeButton.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - resizeButton.SetPosition(0, 0) - resizeButton.Show() - self.resizeButton = resizeButton - self.resizeButton.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnResizeDialog)) - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(0, 300) - - for list in self.groupList: - list.SetTop() - - def __del__(self): - messenger.SetMessengerHandler(None) - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.board = None - self.scrollBar = None - self.resizeButton = None - self.friendNameBoard = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.popupDialog = None - self.inputDialog = None - self.familyGroup = None - - self.whisperButton = None - self.mobileButton = None - self.removeButton = None - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - return TRUE - - def Close(self): - self.questionDialog = None - self.Hide() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ScriptWindow.SetSize(self, width, height) - if self.board: - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - - def OnResizeDialog(self): - x, y = self.resizeButton.GetLocalPosition() - if y < 140: - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(x, 140) - return - self.SetSize(self.GetWidth(), y + self.resizeButton.GetHeight()) - - self.showingPageSize = y - (self.START_POSITION + 26) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(self.showingPageSize) - - self.__LocateMember() - - self.resizeButton.TurnOffCallBack() - self.UpdateRect() - self.resizeButton.TurnOnCallBack() - - def __LocateMember(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if self.showingPageSize/20 >= len(self.showingItemList): - self.scrollBar.Hide() - self.startLine = 0 - else: - if self.showingItemList: - self.scrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.showingPageSize/20) / float(len(self.showingItemList))) - self.scrollBar.Show() - - ##### - - yPos = self.START_POSITION - heightLimit = self.GetHeight() - (self.START_POSITION + 13) - - map(ui.Window.Hide, self.showingItemList) - - for item in self.showingItemList[self.startLine:]: - item.SetPosition(20 + item.GetStepWidth(), yPos) - item.SetTop() - item.Show() - - yPos += 20 - if yPos > heightLimit: - break - - def __AddGroup(self): - member = MessengerFriendGroup(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - member.Open() - member.Show() - self.groupList.append(member) - - member = MessengerGuildGroup(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - member.Open() - member.Show() - self.groupList.append(member) - - def __AddFamilyGroup(self): - member = MessengerFamilyGroup(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - member.Open() - member.Show() - - self.familyGroup = member - - def ClearGuildMember(self): - self.groupList[GUILD].ClearMember() - - def SetWhisperButtonEvent(self, event): - self.whisperButtonEvent=event - - def SetGuildButtonEvent(self, event): - self.guildButtonEvent=event - - def SendMobileMessage(self, name): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - if not self.hasMobilePhoneNumber: - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - questionDialog.SetText1(locale.MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1) - questionDialog.SetText2(locale.MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2) - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAcceptInputMobilePhoneNumber)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancelInputMobilePhoneNumber)) - questionDialog.SetWidth(400) - questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - return - - ## Input Sending Mobile Message - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialog() - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(50) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnInputMobileMessage)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseInputDialog)) - inputDialog.name = name - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def OnAcceptInputMobilePhoneNumber(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - ## Input Mobile Phone Number - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialog() - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(13) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnInputMobilePhoneNumber)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseInputDialog)) - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - self.OnCancelInputMobilePhoneNumber() - - def OnCancelInputMobilePhoneNumber(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnInputMobilePhoneNumber(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - text = self.inputDialog.GetText() - - if not text: - return - - text.replace('-', '') - net.SendChatPacket("/mobile " + text) - self.OnCloseInputDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnInputMobileMessage(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - text = self.inputDialog.GetText() - - if not text: - return - - net.SendMobileMessagePacket(self.inputDialog.name, text) - self.OnCloseInputDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnCloseInputDialog(self): - self.inputDialog.Close() - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressGuildButton(self): - self.guildButtonEvent() - - def OnPressAddFriendButton(self): - friendNameBoard = uiCommon.InputDialog() - friendNameBoard.SetTitle(locale.MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND) - friendNameBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAddFriend)) - friendNameBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancelAddFriend)) - friendNameBoard.Open() - self.friendNameBoard = friendNameBoard - - def OnAddFriend(self): - text = self.friendNameBoard.GetText() - if text: - net.SendMessengerAddByNamePacket(text) - self.friendNameBoard.Close() - self.friendNameBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnCancelAddFriend(self): - self.friendNameBoard.Close() - self.friendNameBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressWhisperButton(self): - if self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.OnWhisper() - - def OnPressMobileButton(self): - if self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.OnMobileMessage() - - def OnPressRemoveButton(self): - if self.selectedItem: - if self.selectedItem.CanRemove(): - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnRemove)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - - def OnRemove(self): - if self.selectedItem: - if self.selectedItem.CanRemove(): - map(lambda arg, argDeletingItem=self.selectedItem: arg.RemoveMember(argDeletingItem), self.groupList) - self.selectedItem.OnRemove() - self.selectedItem.UnSelect() - self.selectedItem = None - self.OnRefreshList() - - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnScroll(self): - scrollLineCount = len(self.showingItemList) - (self.showingPageSize/20) - startLine = int(scrollLineCount * self.scrollBar.GetPos()) - - if startLine != self.startLine: - self.startLine = startLine - self.__LocateMember() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - ## CallBack - def OnSelectItem(self, item): - - if self.selectedItem: - if item != self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.UnSelect() - - self.selectedItem = item - - if self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.Select() - - if self.selectedItem.CanWhisper(): - self.whisperButton.Enable() - else: - self.whisperButton.Disable() - - if self.selectedItem.IsMobile(): - self.mobileButton.Enable() - else: - self.mobileButton.Disable() - - if self.selectedItem.CanRemove(): - self.removeButton.Enable() - else: - self.removeButton.Disable() - - def OnDoubleClickItem(self, item): - - if not self.selectedItem: - return - - if self.selectedItem.IsOnline(): - self.OnPressWhisperButton() - - elif self.selectedItem.IsMobile(): - self.OnPressMobileButton() - - def GetSelf(self): - return self - - def OnRefreshList(self): - self.showingItemList = [] - - if self.familyGroup: - self.showingItemList.append(self.familyGroup) - if self.familyGroup.GetLover(): - self.showingItemList.append(self.familyGroup.GetLover()) - - for group in self.groupList: - - self.showingItemList.append(group) - - if group.IsOpen(): - - loginMemberList = group.GetLoginMemberList() - logoutMemberList = group.GetLogoutMemberList() - - if loginMemberList or logoutMemberList: - for member in loginMemberList: - self.showingItemList.append(member) - for member in logoutMemberList: - self.showingItemList.append(member) - - else: - item = MessengerItem(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - item.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST) - self.showingItemList.append(item) - - self.__LocateMember() - - def RefreshMessenger(self): - self.OnRefreshList() - - ## EventHandler - def __AddList(self, groupIndex, key, name): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = group.FindMember(key) - if not member: - member = group.AppendMember(key, name) - self.OnSelectItem(None) - return member - - def OnRemoveList(self, groupIndex, key): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - group.RemoveMember(group.FindMember(key)) - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnRemoveAllList(self, groupIndex): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - group.ClearMember() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnLogin(self, groupIndex, key, name=None): - if not name: - name = key - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = self.__AddList(groupIndex, key, name) - member.SetName(name) - member.Online() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnLogout(self, groupIndex, key, name=None): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = self.__AddList(groupIndex, key, name) - if not name: - name = key - member.SetName(name) - member.Offline() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnMobile(self, groupIndex, key, mobileFlag): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = group.FindMember(key) - if not member: - return - member.SetMobile(mobileFlag) - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnAddLover(self, name, lovePoint): - if not self.familyGroup: - self.__AddFamilyGroup() - - member = self.familyGroup.AppendMember(0, name) - - member.SetName(name) - member.SetLovePoint(lovePoint) - member.Offline() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnUpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - lover = self.familyGroup.GetLover() - if not lover: - return - - lover.SetLovePoint(lovePoint) - - def OnLoginLover(self): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - lover = self.familyGroup.GetLover() - if not lover: - return - - lover.Online() - - def OnLogoutLover(self): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - lover = self.familyGroup.GetLover() - if not lover: - return - - lover.Offline() - - def ClearLoverInfo(self): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - self.familyGroup.ClearMember() - self.familyGroup = None - self.OnRefreshList() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiminimap.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiminimap.py deleted file mode 100644 index d3e29b7c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiminimap.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,489 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import wndMgr -import player -import miniMap -import locale -import net -import app -import colorInfo -import constInfo -import background - -class MapTextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignRight() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def SetTooltipPosition(self, PosX, PosY): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - w, h = self.textLine.GetTextSize() - self.textLine.SetPosition(PosX - w - 5, PosY) - else: - self.textLine.SetPosition(PosX - 5, PosY) - - def SetTextColor(self, TextColor): - self.textLine.SetPackedFontColor(TextColor) - - def GetTextSize(self): - return self.textLine.GetTextSize() - -class AtlasWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - class AtlasRenderer(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - - def OnUpdate(self): - miniMap.UpdateAtlas() - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - fx = float(x) - fy = float(y) - miniMap.RenderAtlas(fx, fy) - - def HideAtlas(self): - miniMap.HideAtlas() - - def ShowAtlas(self): - miniMap.ShowAtlas() - - def __init__(self): - self.tooltipInfo = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - self.infoGuildMark = ui.MarkBox() - self.infoGuildMark.Hide() - self.AtlasMainWindow = None - self.mapName = "" - self.board = 0 - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def SetMapName(self, mapName): - if 949==app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - try: - self.board.SetTitleName(locale.MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT[mapName]) - except: - pass - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/AtlasWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AtlasWindow.LoadWindow.LoadScript") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AtlasWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.AtlasMainWindow = self.AtlasRenderer() - self.board.SetCloseEvent(self.Hide) - self.AtlasMainWindow.SetParent(self.board) - self.AtlasMainWindow.SetPosition(7, 30) - self.tooltipInfo.SetParent(self.board) - self.infoGuildMark.SetParent(self.board) - self.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 136 - 256 - 10, 0) - self.Hide() - - miniMap.RegisterAtlasWindow(self) - - def Destroy(self): - miniMap.UnregisterAtlasWindow() - self.ClearDictionary() - self.AtlasMainWindow = None - self.tooltipAtlasClose = 0 - self.tooltipInfo = None - self.infoGuildMark = None - self.board = None - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.tooltipInfo: - return - - if not self.infoGuildMark: - return - - self.infoGuildMark.Hide() - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - - if FALSE == self.board.IsIn(): - return - - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - (bFind, sName, iPosX, iPosY, dwTextColor, dwGuildID) = miniMap.GetAtlasInfo(mouseX, mouseY) - - if FALSE == bFind: - return - - if "empty_guild_area" == sName: - sName = locale.GUILD_EMPTY_AREA - - if locale.IsARABIC() and sName[-1].isalnum(): - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("(%s)%d, %d" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - else: - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%d, %d)" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - x, mouseY - y) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - self.tooltipInfo.SetTop() - - if 0 != dwGuildID: - textWidth, textHeight = self.tooltipInfo.GetTextSize() - self.infoGuildMark.SetIndex(dwGuildID) - self.infoGuildMark.SetPosition(mouseX - x - textWidth - 18 - 5, mouseY - y) - self.infoGuildMark.Show() - - def Hide(self): - if self.AtlasMainWindow: - self.AtlasMainWindow.HideAtlas() - self.AtlasMainWindow.Hide() - ui.ScriptWindow.Hide(self) - - def Show(self): - if self.AtlasMainWindow: - (bGet, iSizeX, iSizeY) = miniMap.GetAtlasSize() - if bGet: - self.SetSize(iSizeX + 15, iSizeY + 38) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board.SetPosition(iSizeX+15, 0) - - self.board.SetSize(iSizeX + 15, iSizeY + 38) - #self.AtlasMainWindow.SetSize(iSizeX, iSizeY) - self.AtlasMainWindow.ShowAtlas() - self.AtlasMainWindow.Show() - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def SetCenterPositionAdjust(self, x, y): - self.SetPosition((wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - self.GetWidth()) / 2 + x, (wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - self.GetHeight()) / 2 + y) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Hide() - return TRUE - -def __RegisterMiniMapColor(type, rgb): - miniMap.RegisterColor(type, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - -class MiniMap(ui.ScriptWindow): - - CANNOT_SEE_INFO_MAP_DICT = { - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : FALSE, - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : FALSE, - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : FALSE, - "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : FALSE, - } - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__Initialize() - - miniMap.Create() - miniMap.SetScale(2.0) - - self.AtlasWindow = AtlasWindow() - self.AtlasWindow.LoadWindow() - self.AtlasWindow.Hide() - - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP) - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.Show() - self.tooltipMiniMapClose = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.SetText(locale.UI_CLOSE) - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.Show() - self.tooltipScaleUp = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipScaleUp.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_INC_SCALE) - self.tooltipScaleUp.Show() - self.tooltipScaleDown = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipScaleDown.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE) - self.tooltipScaleDown.Show() - self.tooltipAtlasOpen = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP) - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.Show() - self.tooltipInfo = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - - if miniMap.IsAtlas(): - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP) - else: - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP) - - self.tooltipInfo = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - - self.mapName = "" - - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.canSeeInfo = TRUE - - # AUTOBAN - self.imprisonmentDuration = 0 - self.imprisonmentEndTime = 0 - self.imprisonmentEndTimeText = "" - # END_OF_AUTOBAN - - def __del__(self): - miniMap.Destroy() - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __Initialize(self): - self.positionInfo = 0 - self.observerCount = 0 - - self.OpenWindow = 0 - self.CloseWindow = 0 - self.ScaleUpButton = 0 - self.ScaleDownButton = 0 - self.MiniMapHideButton = 0 - self.MiniMapShowButton = 0 - self.AtlasShowButton = 0 - - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen = 0 - self.tooltipMiniMapClose = 0 - self.tooltipScaleUp = 0 - self.tooltipScaleDown = 0 - self.tooltipAtlasOpen = 0 - self.tooltipInfo = None - self.serverInfo = None - - def SetMapName(self, mapName): - self.mapName=mapName - self.AtlasWindow.SetMapName(mapName) - - if self.CANNOT_SEE_INFO_MAP_DICT.has_key(mapName): - self.canSeeInfo = FALSE - self.HideMiniMap() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE) - else: - self.canSeeInfo = TRUE - self.ShowMiniMap() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP) - - # AUTOBAN - def SetImprisonmentDuration(self, duration): - self.imprisonmentDuration = duration - self.imprisonmentEndTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + duration - - self.__UpdateImprisonmentDurationText() - - def __UpdateImprisonmentDurationText(self): - restTime = max(self.imprisonmentEndTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp(), 0) - - imprisonmentEndTimeText = locale.SecondToDHM(restTime) - if imprisonmentEndTimeText != self.imprisonmentEndTimeText: - self.imprisonmentEndTimeText = imprisonmentEndTimeText - self.serverInfo.SetText("%s: %s" % (uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME, self.imprisonmentEndTimeText)) - # END_OF_AUTOBAN - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "Minimap.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MiniMap.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MiniMap.LoadWindow.LoadScript") - - try: - self.OpenWindow = self.GetChild("OpenWindow") - self.MiniMapWindow = self.GetChild("MiniMapWindow") - self.ScaleUpButton = self.GetChild("ScaleUpButton") - self.ScaleDownButton = self.GetChild("ScaleDownButton") - self.MiniMapHideButton = self.GetChild("MiniMapHideButton") - self.AtlasShowButton = self.GetChild("AtlasShowButton") - self.CloseWindow = self.GetChild("CloseWindow") - self.MiniMapShowButton = self.GetChild("MiniMapShowButton") - self.positionInfo = self.GetChild("PositionInfo") - self.observerCount = self.GetChild("ObserverCount") - self.serverInfo = self.GetChild("ServerInfo") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MiniMap.LoadWindow.Bind") - - if constInfo.MINIMAP_POSITIONINFO_ENABLE==0: - self.positionInfo.Hide() - - self.serverInfo.SetText(net.GetServerInfo()) - self.ScaleUpButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ScaleUp)) - self.ScaleDownButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ScaleDown)) - self.MiniMapHideButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.HideMiniMap)) - self.MiniMapShowButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowMiniMap)) - - if miniMap.IsAtlas(): - self.AtlasShowButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowAtlas)) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.MiniMapShowButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.MiniMapHideButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.ScaleUpButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipScaleUp.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.ScaleDownButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipScaleDown.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.AtlasShowButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - self.ShowMiniMap() - - def Destroy(self): - self.HideMiniMap() - - self.AtlasWindow.Destroy() - self.AtlasWindow = None - - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - - def UpdateObserverCount(self, observerCount): - if observerCount>0: - self.observerCount.Show() - elif observerCount<=0: - self.observerCount.Hide() - - self.observerCount.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT % observerCount) - - def OnUpdate(self): - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - miniMap.Update(x, y) - - self.positionInfo.SetText("(%.0f, %.0f)" % (x/100, y/100)) - - if self.tooltipInfo: - if TRUE == self.MiniMapWindow.IsIn(): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - (bFind, sName, iPosX, iPosY, dwTextColor) = miniMap.GetInfo(mouseX, mouseY) - if bFind == 0: - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - elif not self.canSeeInfo: - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%s)" % (sName, locale.UI_POS_UNKNOWN)) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - 5, mouseY) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - else: - if locale.IsARABIC() and sName[-1].isalnum(): - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("(%s)%d, %d" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - else: - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%d, %d)" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - 5, mouseY) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - else: - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - - # AUTOBAN - if self.imprisonmentDuration: - self.__UpdateImprisonmentDurationText() - # END_OF_AUTOBAN - - if TRUE == self.MiniMapShowButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.Show() - else: - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.MiniMapHideButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.Show() - else: - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.ScaleUpButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipScaleUp.Show() - else: - self.tooltipScaleUp.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.ScaleDownButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipScaleDown.Show() - else: - self.tooltipScaleDown.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.AtlasShowButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.Show() - else: - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.Hide() - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - fx = float(x) - fy = float(y) - miniMap.Render(fx + 4.0, fy + 5.0) - - def Close(self): - self.HideMiniMap() - - def HideMiniMap(self): - miniMap.Hide() - self.OpenWindow.Hide() - self.CloseWindow.Show() - - def ShowMiniMap(self): - if not self.canSeeInfo: - return - - miniMap.Show() - self.OpenWindow.Show() - self.CloseWindow.Hide() - - def isShowMiniMap(self): - return miniMap.isShow() - - def ScaleUp(self): - miniMap.ScaleUp() - - def ScaleDown(self): - miniMap.ScaleDown() - - def ShowAtlas(self): - if not miniMap.IsAtlas(): - return - if not self.AtlasWindow.IsShow(): - self.AtlasWindow.Show() - - def ToggleAtlasWindow(self): - if not miniMap.IsAtlas(): - return - if self.AtlasWindow.IsShow(): - self.AtlasWindow.Hide() - else: - self.AtlasWindow.Show() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uioption.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uioption.py deleted file mode 100644 index 06837406..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uioption.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,423 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import systemSetting -import net -import chat -import app -import locale -import constInfo -import chrmgr -import player - -MOBILE = FALSE - -if locale.IsYMIR(): - MOBILE = TRUE - -blockMode = 0 - -class OptionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.__LoadDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " -------------------------------------- DELETE OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.titleBar = 0 - self.ctrlMusicVolume = 0 - self.ctrlSoundVolume = 0 - self.nameColorModeButtonList = [] - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList = [] - self.cameraModeButtonList = [] - self.pvpModeButtonDict = {} - self.fogModeButtonList = [] - self.blockButtonList = [] - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - print " -------------------------------------- DESTROY OPTION DIALOG" - - def __LoadDialog(self): - global NO_MOBILE - - try: - pyScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if MOBILE: - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/optiondialog_formobile.py") - else: - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/optiondialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("titlebar") - self.ctrlMusicVolume = GetObject("music_volume_controller") - self.ctrlSoundVolume = GetObject("sound_volume_controller") - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_normal")) - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_empire")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_no_view")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_view")) - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_short")) - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_long")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level0")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level1")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level2")) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE] = GetObject("pvp_peace") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE] = GetObject("pvp_revenge") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD] = GetObject("pvp_guild") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE] = GetObject("pvp_free") - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_exchange_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_party_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_guild_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_whisper_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_friend_button")) - - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton = GetObject("input_mobile_button") - self.deleteMobileButton = GetObject("delete_mobile_button") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume())) - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) / 5.0) - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeMusicVolume)) - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeSoundVolume)) - - self.nameColorModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton) - self.nameColorModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton) - - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardViewButton) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton) - - self.cameraModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeShortButton) - self.cameraModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeLongButton) - - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModePeaceButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeRevengeButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeGuildButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeFreeButton) - - self.fogModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel0Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel1Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[2].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel2Button) - - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, constInfo.GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD()) - self.__SetPeacePKMode() - - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeMobilePhoneNumber)) - self.deleteMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnDeleteMobilePhoneNumber)) - - def __ClickRadioButton(self, buttonList, buttonIndex): - try: - selButton=buttonList[buttonIndex] - except IndexError: - return - - for eachButton in buttonList: - eachButton.SetUp() - - selButton.Down() - - def __SetNameColorMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetTargetBoardViewMode(self, flag): - constInfo.SET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(flag) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, flag) - - def __SetCameraMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetFogLevel(self, index): - constInfo.SET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, index) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(0) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(1) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(0) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(1) - - def __OnClickCameraModeShortButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(0) - - def __OnClickCameraModeLongButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel0Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(0) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel1Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel2Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(2) - - def __OnClickBlockExchangeButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_EXCHANGE)) - def __OnClickBlockPartyButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_PARTY)) - def __OnClickBlockGuildButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_GUILD)) - def __OnClickBlockWhisperButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_WHISPER)) - def __OnClickBlockFriendButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_FRIEND)) - - def __CheckPvPProtectedLevelPlayer(self): - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)= 10: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_ATTACKER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Attacker - if skillLevel >= 20: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_BERSERKER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Tanker - if skillLevel >= 20: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_TANKER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Buffer - if skillLevel >= 25: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_BUFFER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Skill Master - if skillLevel >= 35: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_SKILL_MASTER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Defender - if skillLevel >= 40: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_DEFENDER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Warp - #if skillLevel >= 35: - # if self.stateButtonDict.has_key(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_WARP): - # button = self.stateButtonDict[self.MEMBER_BUTTON_WARP] - # button.SetPosition(xPos, y) - # button.Show() - # xPos += 23 - - ## Expel - if self.stateButtonDict.has_key(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_EXPEL): - button = self.stateButtonDict[self.MEMBER_BUTTON_EXPEL] - button.SetPosition(xPos, y) - button.Show() - xPos += 23 - - def __HideStateButton(self): - self.isShowStateButton = FALSE - for button in self.stateButtonDict.values(): - button.Hide() - - def __GetAffectNumber(self, img): - for i in xrange(self.partyAffectImageList): - if img == self.partyAffectImageList[i]: - return i - - return -1 - - def SetCharacterName(self, name): - self.nameTextLine.SetText(name) - - def GetCharacterName(self): - return self.nameTextLine.GetText() - - def SetCharacterPID(self, pid): - self.pid = pid - - def SetCharacterVID(self, vid): - self.vid = vid - - def GetCharacterPID(self): - return self.pid - - def GetCharacterVID(self): - return self.vid - - def SetCharacterHP(self, hpPercentage): - hpPercentage = max(0, hpPercentage) - self.gauge.SetPercentage(hpPercentage, 100) - - def SetCharacterState(self, state): - - if self.state == state: - return - - self.state = state - self.stateButton.Show() - - name = self.MEMBER_BUTTON_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_DICT[self.MEMBER_BUTTON_NORMAL] - if self.MEMBER_BUTTON_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_DICT.has_key(state): - name = self.MEMBER_BUTTON_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_DICT[state] - - self.stateButton.SetUpVisual(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_PATH + name + "_01.sub") - self.stateButton.SetOverVisual(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_PATH + name + "_02.sub") - self.stateButton.SetDownVisual(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_PATH + name + "_03.sub") - - def SetAffect(self, affectSlotIndex, affectValue): - - if affectSlotIndex >= len(self.partyAffectImageList): - return - - if affectValue > 0: - self.partyAffectImageList[affectSlotIndex].Show() - else: - self.partyAffectImageList[affectSlotIndex].Hide() - - self.affectValueDict[affectSlotIndex] = affectValue - - def Link(self): - self.nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.LINK_COLOR) - self.gauge.Show() - - def Unlink(self): - self.vid = None - self.nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.UNLINK_COLOR) - self.gauge.Hide() - self.__HideAllAffects() - - def OnSelectState(self, state): - - self.__HideStateButton() - if state <= 0: - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, self.state, FALSE) - - else: - - if self.state <= 0: - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, state, TRUE) - - else: - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, self.state, FALSE) - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, state, TRUE) - - def OnWarp(self): - self.__HideStateButton() - - if self.vid: - net.SendPartyUseSkillPacket(self.PARTY_SKILL_WARP, self.vid) - - def OnExpel(self): - self.__HideStateButton() - - if not self.pid: - return - net.SendPartyRemovePacket(self.pid) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - - if self.vid: - player.SetTarget(self.vid) - player.OpenCharacterMenu(self.vid) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(self.vid) - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedSlotPos, 0) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - if player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - if player.PARTY_STATE_LEADER != self.state: - - if self.isShowStateButton: - self.__HideStateButton() - - else: - self.__ShowStateButton() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - - if self.vid: - player.SetTarget(self.vid) - player.OpenCharacterMenu(self.vid) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(self.vid) - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedSlotPos, 0) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self): - self.OnMouseLeftButtonDown() - - def OnAffectOverIn(self, index): - - if not self.AFFECT_STRING_DICT.has_key(index): - return - if not self.affectValueDict.has_key(index): - return - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.affectToolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.affectToolTip.SetTitle(self.AFFECT_STRING_DICT[index](self.affectValueDict[index])) - self.affectToolTip.SetToolTipPosition(x + index*12, y + 11) - self.affectToolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnAffectOverOut(self, index): - self.affectToolTip.HideToolTip() - -class PartyMenu(ui.ThinBoard): - - BUTTON_NAME = ( locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER, locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP, locale.PARTY_LEAVE ) - - def __init__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) - self.buttonDict = {} - self.distributionMode = 0 - self.isLeader = FALSE - self.showingButtonList = [] - self.modeButtonList = {} - self.__CreateButtons() - self.__CreateModeButtons() - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.buttonDict = {} - self.showingButtonList = [] - self.modeButtonList = {} - - def __CreateModeButtons(self): - - self.modeTitle = ui.MakeTextLine(self) - self.modeTitle.SetText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE) - - self.modeButtonList = {} - - level = ui.RadioButton() - level.SetParent(self) - level.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - level.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClickEXPLevel)) - level.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") - level.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") - level.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") - level.SetText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL) - level.SetToolTipText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP, 70) - level.Show() - self.modeButtonList[player.PARTY_EXP_NON_DISTRIBUTION] = level - - parity = ui.RadioButton() - parity.SetParent(self) - parity.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - parity.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClickEXPDistributeParity)) - parity.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") - parity.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") - parity.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") - parity.SetText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY) - parity.SetToolTipText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP, 70) - parity.Show() - self.modeButtonList[player.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_PARITY] = parity - - self.ChangePartyParameter(self.distributionMode) - - def __CreateButtons(self): - - for name in self.BUTTON_NAME: - button = ui.Button() - button.SetParent(self) - button.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - button.SetToolTipText(name) - self.buttonDict[name] = button - - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyUseSkill)) - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Skill_Heal_01.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Skill_Heal_02.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Skill_Heal_03.sub") - - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetEvent(net.SendPartyExitPacket) - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Disband_01.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Disband_02.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Disband_03.sub") - - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetEvent(net.SendPartyExitPacket) - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Exit_01.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Exit_02.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Exit_03.sub") - - def __ClearShowingButtons(self): - self.showingButtonList = [] - - def __ArrangeButtons(self): - - STEP_SIZE = 37 - - showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList) - xPos = (showingButtonCount-1) * (-STEP_SIZE/2) - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.SetPosition(xPos, 15) - button.Show() - xPos += 37 - - yPos = 85 - for button in self.modeButtonList.values(): - button.SetPosition(0, yPos) - yPos += 25 - - self.UpdateRect() - - def __ShowButton(self, name): - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[name]) - self.__ArrangeButtons() - - def __HideButton(self, name): - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - searchingButton = self.buttonDict[name] - searchingButton.Hide() - for btn in self.showingButtonList: - if btn == searchingButton: - self.showingButtonList.remove(btn) - - self.__ArrangeButtons() - - def ShowLeaderButton(self): - self.isLeader = TRUE - self.__ClearShowingButtons() - self.__ShowButton(locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP) - - def ShowMemberButton(self): - self.isLeader = FALSE - self.__ClearShowingButtons() - self.__ShowButton(locale.PARTY_LEAVE) - - def OnPartyUseSkill(self): - net.SendPartyUseSkillPacket(PartyMemberInfoBoard.PARTY_SKILL_HEAL, 0) - self.__HideButton(locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER) - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.__ShowButton(locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER) - - def __UpAllModeButtons(self): - for button in self.modeButtonList.values(): - button.SetUp() - - def __SetModeButton(self, mode): - self.__UpAllModeButtons() - self.modeButtonList[mode].Down() - self.distributionMode = mode - - def OnClickEXPLevel(self): - self.__SetModeButton(self.distributionMode) - if self.isLeader: - net.SendPartyParameterPacket(player.PARTY_EXP_NON_DISTRIBUTION) - - def OnClickEXPDistributeParity(self): - self.__SetModeButton(self.distributionMode) - if self.isLeader: - net.SendPartyParameterPacket(player.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_PARITY) - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - try: - self.__SetModeButton(distributionMode) - except: - pass - -class PartyWindow(ui.Window): - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.SetPosition(10, 52) - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList = [] - - self.__CreatePartyMenuButton() - self.__CreatePartyMenu() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - print " =============================== DESTROIED PartyWindow" - - def Destroy(self): - self.DestroyPartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.partyMenu.Destroy() - self.partyMenuButton = None - self.partyMenu = None - - def DestroyPartyMemberInfoBoard(self): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - board.Destroy() - - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList = [] - - def __CreatePartyMenuButton(self): - partyMenuButton = ui.Button() - partyMenuButton.SetParent(self) - partyMenuButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - partyMenuButton.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - partyMenuButton.SetPosition(0, 20) - partyMenuButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_01.sub") - partyMenuButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_02.sub") - partyMenuButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_03.sub") - partyMenuButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnTogglePartyMenu)) - partyMenuButton.Show() - self.partyMenuButton = partyMenuButton - - def __CreatePartyMenu(self): - partyMenu = PartyMenu() - partyMenu.SetSize(106, 70 + 70) - partyMenu.Hide() - self.partyMenu = partyMenu - - def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - - board = PartyMemberInfoBoard() - board.SetParent(self) - board.SetCharacterPID(pid) - - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList.append(board) - self.__ArrangePartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.UpdateRect() - - if not name: - name = locale.PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE - - board.SetCharacterName(name) - board.Unlink() - - self.Show() - - def RemovePartyMember(self, pid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - vid = board.GetCharacterVID() - - if None != vid and player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - - self.ExitParty() - player.ExitParty() - - else: - - board.Destroy() - player.RemovePartyMember(pid) - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList.remove(board) - self.__ArrangePartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.UpdateRect() - - def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - state = player.GetPartyMemberState(pid) - hpPercentage = player.GetPartyMemberHPPercentage(pid) - affectsList = player.GetPartyMemberAffects(pid) - - board.SetCharacterState(state) - board.SetCharacterHP(hpPercentage) - for i in xrange(len(affectsList)): - board.SetAffect(i, affectsList[i]) - - vid = board.GetCharacterVID() - if None != vid: - if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - if player.PARTY_STATE_LEADER == player.GetPartyMemberState(pid): - self.partyMenu.ShowLeaderButton() - else: - self.partyMenu.ShowMemberButton() - - def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - board.Link() - board.SetCharacterVID(vid) - - def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - board.Unlink() - - def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - board.Unlink() - - def ExitParty(self): - self.partyMenu.Hide() - self.DestroyPartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.Hide() - - def __ArrangePartyMemberInfoBoard(self): - - count = 0 - newHeight = 20 - - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - board.SetPosition(0, count * (board.GetHeight() + 2)) - count += 1 - newHeight += board.GetHeight() + 2 - - self.SetSize(PartyMemberInfoBoard.BOARD_WIDTH, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - self.partyMenu.SetPosition(10, y + newHeight + 2) - - def __FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByVID(self, vid): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - if vid == board.GetCharacterVID(): - return board - - return None - - def __FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(self, pid): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - if pid == board.GetCharacterPID(): - return board - - return None - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.partyMenu.PartyHealReady() - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - self.partyMenu.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode) - - def OnTogglePartyMenu(self): - if self.partyMenu.IsShow(): - self.partyMenuButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_01.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_02.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_03.sub") - self.partyMenu.Hide() - else: - self.partyMenuButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Close_01.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Close_02.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Close_03.sub") - self.partyMenu.Show() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiphasecurtain.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiphasecurtain.py deleted file mode 100644 index ba8e7e70..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiphasecurtain.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -import grp -import ui -import wndMgr -import app - -class PhaseCurtain(ui.Bar): - - def __init__(self): - print "NEW CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Bar.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - self.speed = 0.1 - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.event = 0 - self.args = -1 - self.FadeInFlag = FALSE - self.SetWindowName("PhaseCurtain") - self.AddFlag("float") - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE CURTAIN" - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def SAFE_FadeOut(self, event, args = -1): - self.FadeOut(ui.__mem_func__(event), args) - - def FadeOut(self, event, args = -1): - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - #self.SetTop() - self.Show() - self.event = event - self.args = args - - def FadeIn(self): - self.event = 0 - self.FadeInFlag = TRUE - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - - color = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha) - self.SetColor(color) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if 0 != self.event: - - self.curAlpha += self.speed - if self.curAlpha >= 1.0: - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - - # 捞亥飘 吝埃俊 肛免版快甫 措厚秦 固府 力芭 - event=self.event - self.event = 0 - - #print "其捞靛 酒眶 肯丰 捞亥飘 角青" - - if -1 != self.args: - event(self.args) - else: - event() - - elif TRUE == self.FadeInFlag: - - self.curAlpha -= self.speed - if self.curAlpha <= 0.0: - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.eventFadeIn = 0 - self.FadeInFlag = FALSE - self.Hide() - - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uipickmoney.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uipickmoney.py deleted file mode 100644 index f5d220d5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uipickmoney.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -import wndMgr -import ui -import ime -import locale - -class PickMoneyDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.unitValue = 1 - self.maxValue = 0 - self.eventAccept = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PickMoneyDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MoneyDialog.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.maxValueTextLine = self.GetChild("max_value") - self.pickValueEditLine = self.GetChild("money_value") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept_button") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel_button") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MoneyDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.pickValueEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.pickValueEditLine.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.eventAccept = 0 - self.maxValue = 0 - self.pickValueEditLine = 0 - self.acceptButton = 0 - self.cancelButton = 0 - self.board = None - - def SetTitleName(self, text): - self.board.SetTitleName(text) - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.eventAccept = event - - def SetMax(self, max): - self.pickValueEditLine.SetMax(max) - - def Open(self, maxValue, unitValue=1): - - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsCHEONMA() or locale.IsHONGKONG(): - unitValue = "" - - width = self.GetWidth() - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - - if mouseX + width/2 > wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(): - xPos = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - width - elif mouseX - width/2 < 0: - xPos = 0 - else: - xPos = mouseX - width/2 - - self.SetPosition(xPos, mouseY - self.GetHeight() - 20) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.maxValueTextLine.SetText("/" + str(maxValue)) - else: - self.maxValueTextLine.SetText(" / " + str(maxValue)) - - self.pickValueEditLine.SetText(str(unitValue)) - self.pickValueEditLine.SetFocus() - - ime.SetCursorPosition(1) - - self.unitValue = unitValue - self.maxValue = maxValue - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - def Close(self): - self.pickValueEditLine.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnAccept(self): - - text = self.pickValueEditLine.GetText() - - if len(text) > 0 and text.isdigit(): - - money = int(text) - money = min(money, self.maxValue) - - if money > 0: - if self.eventAccept: - self.eventAccept(money) - - self.Close() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiplayergauge.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiplayergauge.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4b57c3a1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiplayergauge.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import chr -import textTail - -class PlayerGauge(ui.Gauge): - - def __init__(self, parent): - ui.Gauge.__init__(self) - self.SetParent(parent) - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.MakeGauge(100, "red") - - self.curHP = 0 - self.maxHP = 0 - - self.showAlways = FALSE - - def __del__(self): - ui.Gauge.__del__(self) - - def Hide(self): - self.SetPosition(-100, -100) - ui.Gauge.Hide(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - playerIndex = player.GetMainCharacterIndex() - - (x, y, z)=textTail.GetPosition(playerIndex) - - isChat = textTail.IsChat(playerIndex) - ui.Gauge.SetPosition(self, int(x - self.GetWidth()/2), int(y + 5) + isChat*17) - - def RefreshGauge(self): - - self.curHP = player.GetStatus(player.HP) - self.maxHP = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_HP) - self.SetPercentage(self.curHP, self.maxHP) - - if self.showAlways: - self.Show() - - else: - - if self.IsShow(): - if self.curHP > self.maxHP / 2: - self.Hide() - - else: - if self.curHP < self.maxHP / 2: - self.OnUpdate() - self.Show() - - def EnableShowAlways(self): - self.showAlways = TRUE - self.RefreshGauge() - - def DisableShowAlways(self): - self.showAlways = FALSE - self.RefreshGauge() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uipointreset.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uipointreset.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5a2556a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uipointreset.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -import net - -import ui -import networkModule - -################################################################################################### -## PointReset -class PointResetDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.ConfirmDialog = ui.ScriptWindow() - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.ConfirmDialog, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PointResetDialog.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.ConfirmDialog.GetChild - self.ConfirmText = GetObject("message1") - self.ConfirmText2 = GetObject("message2") - self.ConfirmAcceptButton = GetObject("accept") - self.ConfirmCancelButton = GetObject("cancel") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PointResetDialog.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.GetChild("message1").SetText("胶湃/胶懦 器牢飘甫 檬扁拳秦林摆匙.") - self.GetChild("message2").SetText("啊拜篮 500盔捞具. 绢锭, 檬扁拳且刨啊?") - self.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenConfirmDialog)) - self.GetChild("cancel").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - ## Confirm Dialog - self.ConfirmText.SetText("泅犁 饭骇狼 版氰摹啊 葛滴 绝绢柳促匙.") - self.ConfirmText.SetFontColor(1.0, 0.3, 0.3) - self.ConfirmText2.SetText("沥富 檬扁拳窍绊 酵篮啊?") - self.ConfirmAcceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ResetPoint)) - self.ConfirmCancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.ConfirmDialog.ClearDictionary() - self.ConfirmAcceptButton.SetEvent(0) - self.ConfirmCancelButton.SetEvent(0) - - self.ConfirmDialog = 0 - self.ConfirmText = 0 - self.ConfirmAcceptButton = 0 - self.ConfirmCancelButton = 0 - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.Show() - - def OpenConfirmDialog(self): - self.ConfirmDialog.Show() - self.ConfirmDialog.SetTop() - - def ResetPoint(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/pointreset") - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.ConfirmDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiprivateshopbuilder.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiprivateshopbuilder.py deleted file mode 100644 index b2e650d9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiprivateshopbuilder.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import shop -import mouseModule -import player -import chr -import net -import uiCommon -import locale -import chat -import item -import systemSetting #辫霖龋 -import player #辫霖龋 - -g_isBuildingPrivateShop = FALSE - -g_itemPriceDict={} - -g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict={} - -def Clear(): - global g_itemPriceDict - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - g_itemPriceDict={} - g_isBuildingPrivateShop = FALSE - -def IsPrivateShopItemPriceList(): - global g_itemPriceDict - if g_itemPriceDict: - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - -def IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - if player.IsOpenPrivateShop() or g_isBuildingPrivateShop: - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - -def SetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum, itemPrice): - global g_itemPriceDict - g_itemPriceDict[int(itemVNum)]=itemPrice - -def GetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum): - try: - global g_itemPriceDict - return g_itemPriceDict[itemVNum] - except KeyError: - return 0 - -def UpdateADBoard(): - for key in g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.keys(): - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].Show() - -def DeleteADBoard(vid): - if not g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.has_key(vid): - return - - del g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] - - -class PrivateShopAdvertisementBoard(ui.ThinBoard): - def __init__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self, "UI_BOTTOM") - self.vid = None - self.__MakeTextLine() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - def __MakeTextLine(self): - self.textLine = ui.TextLine() - self.textLine.SetParent(self) - self.textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.Show() - - def Open(self, vid, text): - self.vid = vid - - self.textLine.SetText(text) - self.textLine.UpdateRect() - self.SetSize(len(text)*6 + 10*2, 20) - self.Show() - - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] = self - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if not self.vid: - return - net.SendOnClickPacket(self.vid) - - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - if not self.vid: - return - - if systemSetting.IsShowSalesText(): - self.Show() - x, y = chr.GetProjectPosition(self.vid, 220) - self.SetPosition(x - self.GetWidth()/2, y - self.GetHeight()/2) - - else: - for key in g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.keys(): - if player.GetMainCharacterIndex() == key: #惑痢浅急阑 救焊捞霸 皑眠绰 版快俊档, 敲饭捞绢 磊脚狼 惑痢 浅急篮 焊捞档废 窃. by 辫霖龋 - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].Show() - x, y = chr.GetProjectPosition(player.GetMainCharacterIndex(), 220) - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].SetPosition(x - self.GetWidth()/2, y - self.GetHeight()/2) - else: - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].Hide() - -class PrivateShopBuilder(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW MAKE_PRIVATE_SHOP_WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__LoadWindow() - self.itemStock = {} - self.tooltipItem = None - self.priceInputBoard = None - self.title = "" - - def __del__(self): - #print "------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE MAKE_PRIVATE_SHOP_WINDOW" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PrivateShopBuilder.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PrivateShopBuilderWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.nameLine = GetObject("NameLine") - self.itemSlot = GetObject("ItemSlot") - self.btnOk = GetObject("OkButton") - self.btnClose = GetObject("CloseButton") - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PrivateShopBuilderWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.btnOk.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOk)) - self.btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClose)) - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClose)) - - self.itemSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnSelectEmptySlot)) - self.itemSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnSelectItemSlot)) - self.itemSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOverInItem)) - self.itemSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOverOutItem)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.nameLine = None - self.itemSlot = None - self.btnOk = None - self.btnClose = None - self.titleBar = None - self.priceInputBoard = None - - def Open(self, title): - - self.title = title - - if len(title) > 25: - title = title[:22] + "..." - - self.itemStock = {} - shop.ClearPrivateShopStock() - self.nameLine.SetText(title) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Refresh() - self.Show() - - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - g_isBuildingPrivateShop = TRUE - - def Close(self): - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - g_isBuildingPrivateShop = FALSE - - self.title = "" - self.itemStock = {} - shop.ClearPrivateShopStock() - self.Hide() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def Refresh(self): - getitemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setitemVNum=self.itemSlot.SetItemSlot - delItem=self.itemSlot.ClearSlot - - for i in xrange(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): - - if not self.itemStock.has_key(i): - delItem(i) - continue - - pos = self.itemStock[i] - - itemCount = getItemCount(*pos) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setitemVNum(i, getitemVNum(*pos), itemCount) - - self.itemSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def OnSelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY != attachedSlotType and player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY != attachedSlotType: - return - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - - itemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - item.SelectItem(itemVNum) - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_GIVE) or item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_MYSHOP): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM) - return - - priceInputBoard = uiCommon.MoneyInputDialog() - priceInputBoard.SetTitle(locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE) - priceInputBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptInputPrice)) - priceInputBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelInputPrice)) - priceInputBoard.Open() - - itemPrice=GetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum) - - if itemPrice>0: - priceInputBoard.SetValue(itemPrice) - - self.priceInputBoard = priceInputBoard - self.priceInputBoard.itemVNum = itemVNum - self.priceInputBoard.sourceWindowType = attachedInvenType - self.priceInputBoard.sourceSlotPos = attachedSlotPos - self.priceInputBoard.targetSlotPos = selectedSlotPos - - def OnSelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - if not selectedSlotPos in self.itemStock: - return - - invenType, invenPos = self.itemStock[selectedSlotPos] - shop.DelPrivateShopItemStock(invenType, invenPos) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - del self.itemStock[selectedSlotPos] - - self.Refresh() - - def AcceptInputPrice(self): - - if not self.priceInputBoard: - return TRUE - - text = self.priceInputBoard.GetText() - - if not text: - return TRUE - - if not text.isdigit(): - return TRUE - - if int(text) <= 0: - return TRUE - - attachedInvenType = self.priceInputBoard.sourceWindowType - sourceSlotPos = self.priceInputBoard.sourceSlotPos - targetSlotPos = self.priceInputBoard.targetSlotPos - - for privatePos, (itemWindowType, itemSlotIndex) in self.itemStock.items(): - if itemWindowType == attachedInvenType and itemSlotIndex == sourceSlotPos: - shop.DelPrivateShopItemStock(itemWindowType, itemSlotIndex) - del self.itemStock[privatePos] - - price = int(self.priceInputBoard.GetText()) - - if IsPrivateShopItemPriceList(): - SetPrivateShopItemPrice(self.priceInputBoard.itemVNum, price) - - shop.AddPrivateShopItemStock(attachedInvenType, sourceSlotPos, targetSlotPos, price) - self.itemStock[targetSlotPos] = (attachedInvenType, sourceSlotPos) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - self.Refresh() - - ##### - - self.priceInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def CancelInputPrice(self): - self.priceInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnOk(self): - - if not self.title: - return - - if 0 == len(self.itemStock): - return - - shop.BuildPrivateShop(self.title) - self.Close() - - def OnClose(self): - self.Close() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnOverInItem(self, slotIndex): - - if self.tooltipItem: - if self.itemStock.has_key(slotIndex): - self.tooltipItem.SetPrivateShopBuilderItem(*self.itemStock[slotIndex] + (slotIndex,)) - - def OnOverOutItem(self): - - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiquest.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiquest.py deleted file mode 100644 index cb7d9066..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiquest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,901 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import dbg -import app -import grp -import grpImage -import event -import time -import wndMgr -import net - -QUEST_BOARD_IMAGE_DIR = 'd:/ymir work/ui/game/questboard/' - -cur_questpage_number = 1 -entire_questbutton_number = 0 -entire_questpage_number = 1 - -# TOOLTIP_IMAGE_BOX -class ToolTipImageBox(ui.ImageBox): - def __init__(self): - ui.ImageBox.__init__(self) - self.DestroyToolTip() - def __del__(self): - ui.ImageBox.__del__(self) - - def CreateToolTip(self, parent, title, desc, x, y): - import uiToolTip - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTip.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.toolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - self.toolTip.SetTitle(title) - self.toolTip.SetPosition(x, y) - - desc = desc.replace("|", "/") - for line in desc.split("/"): - self.toolTip.AutoAppendTextLine(line) - - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - self.toolTip.Hide() - - def DestroyToolTip(self): - self.toolTip = None - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if self.toolTip: - self.toolTip.SetTop() - self.toolTip.Show() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.toolTip: - self.toolTip.Hide() -# END_OF_TOOLTIP_IMAGE_BOX - -class QuestCurtain(ui.Window): - CURTAIN_TIME = 0.25 - CURTAIN_SPEED = 200 - BarHeight = 60 - OnDoneEventList = [] - def __init__(self,layer="TOP_MOST"): - ui.Window.__init__(self,layer) - self.TopBar = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") - self.BottomBar = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") - - self.TopBar.Show() - self.BottomBar.Show() - - self.TopBar.SetColor(0xff000000) - self.BottomBar.SetColor(0xff000000) - - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0,-self.BarHeight) - self.TopBar.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(),self.BarHeight) - - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.BottomBar.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(),self.BarHeight) - - self.CurtainMode = 0 - - self.lastclock = time.clock() - - def Close(self): - self.CurtainMode = 0 - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0, -self.BarHeight-1) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()+1) - for OnDoneEvent in QuestCurtain.OnDoneEventList: - apply(OnDoneEvent,(self,)) - QuestCurtain.OnDoneEventList = [] - - def OnUpdate(self): - dt = time.clock() - self.lastclock - if self.CurtainMode>0: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]+dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.BottomBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - if self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]>0: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0,0) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.BarHeight) - self.CurtainMode = 0 - - elif self.CurtainMode<0: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.BottomBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]+dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - if self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]<-self.BarHeight: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0,-self.BarHeight-1) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()+1) - self.Close() - - self.lastclock = time.clock() - -class EventCurtain(ui.Bar): - - COLOR_WHITE = 0.0 - COLOR_BLACK = 1.0 - - DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED = 0.035 - - STATE_WAIT = 0 - STATE_OUT = 1 - STATE_IN = 2 - - def __init__(self, index): - print "NEW EVENT CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Bar.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - self.SetWindowName("EventCurtain") - self.AddFlag("float") - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.Hide() - - self.fadeColor = 1.0 - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.FadeInFlag = FALSE - self.state = self.STATE_WAIT - self.speed = 1.0 - self.eventIndex = index - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EVENT CURTAIN" - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - color = grp.GenerateColor(self.fadeColor, self.fadeColor, self.fadeColor, alpha) - self.SetColor(color) - - def FadeOut(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_OUT, 0.0, speed) - - def FadeIn(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_IN, 0.0, speed) - - def WhiteOut(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_OUT, 1.0, speed) - - def WhiteIn(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_IN, 1.0, speed) - - def __StartFade(self, state, color, speed): - self.state = state - self.fadeColor = color - self.Show() - - self.speed = self.DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED - if 0 != speed: - self.speed = speed - - def __EndFade(self): - event.EndEventProcess(self.eventIndex) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if self.STATE_OUT == self.state: - - self.curAlpha += self.speed - - if self.curAlpha >= 1.0: - - self.state = self.STATE_WAIT - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - self.__EndFade() - - elif self.STATE_IN == self.state: - - self.curAlpha -= self.speed - - if self.curAlpha <= 0.0: - - self.state = self.STATE_WAIT - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.__EndFade() - self.Hide() - - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - -class BarButton(ui.Button): - ColorUp = 0x40999999 - ColorDown = 0x40aaaacc - ColorOver = 0x40ddddff - - UP=0 - DOWN=1 - OVER=2 - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI", - aColorUp = ColorUp, - aColorDown = ColorDown, - aColorOver = ColorOver): - ui.Button.__init__(self,layer) - self.state = self.UP - self.colortable = aColorUp, aColorDown, aColorOver - - def OnRender(self): - x,y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.SetColor(self.colortable[self.state]) - grp.RenderBar(x,y,self.GetWidth(),self.GetHeight()) - - def CallEvent(self): - self.state = self.UP - ui.Button.CallEvent(self) - - def DownEvent(self): - self.state = self.DOWN - - def ShowToolTip(self): - self.state = self.OVER - - def HideToolTip(self): - self.state = self.UP - -class DescriptionWindow(ui.Window): - def __init__(self,idx): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.descIndex = idx - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - def OnRender(self): - event.RenderEventSet(self.descIndex) - -class QuestDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - TITLE_STATE_NONE = 0 - TITLE_STATE_APPEAR = 1 - TITLE_STATE_SHOW = 2 - TITLE_STATE_DISAPPEAR = 3 - - SKIN_NONE = 0 - SKIN_CINEMA = 5 - - QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM = 8 - - def __init__(self,skin,idx): - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("quest dialog") - - self.focusIndex = 0 - - self.board = None - self.sx = 0 - self.sy = 0 - - self.skin = skin - if skin == 3: - event.SetRestrictedCount(idx,36) - else: - event.SetRestrictedCount(idx,52) - - QuestCurtain.BarHeight = (wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()*9/16)/2 - - if QuestCurtain.BarHeight<0: - QuestCurtain.BarHeight = 50 - if not ('QuestCurtain' in QuestDialog.__dict__): - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain = QuestCurtain() - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.Show() - - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = 1 - self.nextCurtainMode = 0 - if self.skin: - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = 1 - self.nextCurtainMode = 0 - self.LoadDialog(self.skin) - else: - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = -1 - self.nextCurtainMode = -1 - - self.descIndex = idx - self.descWindow = DescriptionWindow(idx) - self.descWindow.Show() - self.eventCurtain = EventCurtain(idx) - event.SetEventHandler(idx, self) - - self.OnCloseEvent = None - self.btnAnswer = None - self.btnNext = None - self.imgLeft = None - self.imgTop = None - self.imgBackground = None - self.imgTitle = None - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_NONE - self.titleShowTime = 0 - self.images = [] - self.prevbutton = None - self.nextbutton = None - - # QUEST_INPUT - self.needInputString = FALSE - self.editSlot = None - self.editLine = None - # END_OF_QUEST_INPUT - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self, skin): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questdialog.py") - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.LoadDialog") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild('board') - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.BindObject") - - self.SetCenterPosition() - if self.SKIN_CINEMA == skin: - self.board.Hide() - - # QUEST_CANCEL - def OnCancel(self): - self.nextCurtainMode = -1 - self.CloseSelf() - # END_OF_QUEST_CANCEL - - def CloseSelf(self): - - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = self.nextCurtainMode - self.btnNext = None - self.descWindow = None - self.btnAnswer = None - self.Destroy() - if self.descIndex: - event.ClearEventSet(self.descIndex) - self.descIndex = None - - self.focusIndex = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - - self.ClearDictionary() - if self.OnCloseEvent: - self.OnCloseEvent() - self.OnCloseEvent = None - - # QUEST_INPUT - if self.needInputString: - if self.editLine: - text = self.editLine.GetText() - net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(text) - # END_OF_QUEST_INPUT - - self.imgTitle = None - self.images = None - self.eventCurtain = None - self.board = None - - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.skin == self.SKIN_CINEMA: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, 50, -(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 44)) - - # AUTO_RESIZE_BOARD - elif self.skin == 3: - if self.board: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[0]+20+self.sx, -self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-20-self.sy) - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, self.board.GetWidth()-40) - elif self.skin: - if self.board: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[0]+20, -self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-20) - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, self.board.GetWidth()-40) - # END_OF_AUTO_RESIZE_BOARD - else: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, 0, 0) - - if self.TITLE_STATE_NONE != self.titleState: - - curTime = app.GetTime() - elapsedTime = app.GetTime() - self.titleShowTime - - if self.TITLE_STATE_APPEAR == self.titleState: - self.imgTitle.SetAlpha(elapsedTime*2) - if elapsedTime > 0.5: - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_SHOW - self.titleShowTime = curTime - - elif self.TITLE_STATE_SHOW == self.titleState: - if elapsedTime > 1.0: - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_DISAPPEAR - self.titleShowTime = curTime - - elif self.TITLE_STATE_DISAPPEAR == self.titleState: - self.imgTitle.SetAlpha(1.0 - elapsedTime*2) - if elapsedTime > 0.5: - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_NONE - self.titleShowTime = curTime - - ## Set Variables - - def AddOnCloseEvent(self,f): - if self.OnCloseEvent: - self.OnCloseEvent = lambda z=[self.OnCloseEvent, f]:map(apply,z) - else: - self.OnCloseEvent = f - - def AddOnDoneEvent(self,f): - QuestCurtain.OnDoneEventList.append(f) - - def SetOnCloseEvent(self,f): - self.OnCloseEvent = f - - def SetEventSetPosition(self, x, y): - self.sx = x - self.sy = y - - def AdjustEventSetPosition(self, x, y): - self.sx += x - self.sy += y - - ## Event - # QUEST_CANCEL - def MakeNextButton(self, button_type): - - if self.SKIN_NONE == self.skin: - return - - yPos = event.GetEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex) - - b = BarButton() - b.SetParent(self.board) - b.SetSize(100,26) - b.SetPosition(self.sx+self.board.GetWidth()/2-50,self.sy+yPos) - - self.nextButtonType = button_type; - - import locale - if event.BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL == button_type: - b.SetEvent(lambda s=self:event.SelectAnswer(s.descIndex, 254) or s.OnCancel()) - b.SetText(locale.UI_CANCEL) - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_DONE == button_type: - b.SetEvent(lambda s=self:s.CloseSelf()) - b.SetText(locale.UI_OK) - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_NEXT == button_type: - b.SetEvent(lambda s=self:event.SelectAnswer(s.descIndex, 254) or s.CloseSelf()) - b.SetText(locale.UI_NEXT) - b.Show() - b.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - self.btnNext = b - # END_OF_QUEST_CANCEL - - def MakeQuestion(self, n): # n篮 葛电 涅胶飘 措拳芒狼 付瘤阜 滚瓢牢 "摧扁"甫 器窃茄 傈眉 涅胶飘 滚瓢 俺荐. by 辫霖龋 - global entire_questbutton_number - global entire_questpage_number - global cur_questpage_number - entire_questpage_number = ((n-2)/7)+1 - entire_questbutton_number = n - - if not self.board: - return - - c = self.board - - def MakeEachButton(i): - if self.skin == 3: - button = BarButton("TOP_MOST",0x50000000, 0x50404040, 0x50606060) - button.SetParent(c) - button.SetSize(106,26) - button.SetPosition(self.sx+c.GetWidth()/2+((i*2)-1)*56-56, self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex))*16+20+5) - button.SetText("a") - button.SetTextColor(0xff000000) - else: - i = i % 8 - button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") - button.SetParent(c) - button.SetSize(200,26) - button.SetPosition(self.sx+c.GetWidth()/2-100,self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex)+i*2)*16+20+5) - button.SetText("a") - button.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - return button - - def MakeNextPrevPageButton(): - button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") - button.SetParent(c) - button.SetSize(52,26) - button.SetText("a") - button.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - return button - - def RefreshQuestPage(): - num = 0 - Showing_button_inx = (cur_questpage_number-1)* self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM - - while num < n: - if num >= Showing_button_inx and num < Showing_button_inx + self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM: - self.btnAnswer[num].Show() - else: - self.btnAnswer[num].Hide() - num = num + 1 - - if cur_questpage_number == 1: - self.prevbutton.Hide() - self.nextbutton.Show() - - elif cur_questpage_number == entire_questpage_number: - self.prevbutton.Show() - self.nextbutton.Hide() - else: - self.prevbutton.Show() - self.nextbutton.Show() - - def NextQuestPageEvent(one): - global cur_questpage_number - cur_questpage_number = cur_questpage_number + one - RefreshQuestPage() - - def PrevQuestPageEvent(one): - global cur_questpage_number - cur_questpage_number = cur_questpage_number - one - RefreshQuestPage() - - self.btnAnswer = [MakeEachButton(i) for i in xrange (n)] - - import locale - self.prevbutton = MakeNextPrevPageButton() - self.prevbutton.SetPosition(self.sx+self.board.GetWidth()/2-164, self.board.GetHeight()/2-16) - self.prevbutton.SetText(locale.UI_PREVPAGE) - self.prevbutton.SetEvent(PrevQuestPageEvent, 1) - - self.nextbutton = MakeNextPrevPageButton() - self.nextbutton.SetPosition(self.sx+self.board.GetWidth()/2+112, self.board.GetHeight()/2-16) - self.nextbutton.SetText(locale.UI_NEXTPAGE) - self.nextbutton.SetEvent(NextQuestPageEvent, 1) - - if cur_questpage_number != 1: - cur_questpage_number = 1 - - def AppendQuestion(self, name, idx): # idx绰 0何磐 矫累窃. PythonEventManager.cpp line 881 曼绊. by 辫霖龋 - if not self.btnAnswer: - return - - self.btnAnswer[idx].SetText(name) - x, y= self.btnAnswer[idx].GetGlobalPosition() - - def ClickAnswerEvent(s, ai): - event.SelectAnswer(s.descIndex, ai) - self.nextbutton = None - self.prevbutton = None - s.CloseSelf() - - from _weakref import proxy - self.btnAnswer[idx].SetEvent(ClickAnswerEvent,proxy(self),idx) - - global entire_questbutton_number - - Showing_button_idx = (cur_questpage_number-1)* self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM - - if Showing_button_idx <= idx and idx < Showing_button_idx + self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM: - self.btnAnswer[idx].Show() - else: - self.btnAnswer[idx].Hide() - if entire_questbutton_number >= self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM: - self.nextbutton.Show() - - def FadeOut(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.FadeOut(speed) - - def FadeIn(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.FadeIn(speed) - - def WhiteOut(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.WhiteOut(speed) - - def WhiteIn(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.WhiteIn(speed) - - def DoneEvent(self): - self.nextCurtainMode = -1 - if self.SKIN_NONE == self.skin or self.SKIN_CINEMA == self.skin: - self.CloseSelf() - - def __GetQuestImageFileName(self, filename): - if len(filename) > 1: - if filename[1]!=':': - filename = QUEST_BOARD_IMAGE_DIR+filename - - return filename - - # QUEST_INPUT - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if self.btnAnswer == None: - ## 急琶巩捞 绝绊 '促澜', '犬牢' 殿狼 老规 滚瓢父 乐绰 版快俊 措茄 贸府 - if None != self.btnNext: - if app.DIK_RETURN == key: - self.OnPressEscapeKey() - - if app.DIK_UP == key or app.DIK_DOWN == key: - self.btnNext.ShowToolTip() - - return TRUE - - focusIndex = self.focusIndex; - lastFocusIndex = focusIndex; - - #print "QuestDialog key down - focus, last : ", focusIndex, lastFocusIndex - - answerCount = len(self.btnAnswer) - - if app.DIK_DOWN == key: - focusIndex += 1 - - if app.DIK_UP == key: - focusIndex -= 1 - - if focusIndex < 0: - focusIndex = answerCount - 1 - - if focusIndex >= answerCount: - focusIndex = 0 - - self.focusIndex = focusIndex; - - focusBtn = self.btnAnswer[focusIndex] - lastFocusBtn = self.btnAnswer[lastFocusIndex] - - if focusIndex != lastFocusIndex: - focusBtn.ShowToolTip() - lastFocusBtn.HideToolTip() - - if app.DIK_RETURN == key: - focusBtn.CallEvent() - - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - - # ESC虐啊 喘赴 版快 "促澜" 滚瓢阑 穿弗 巴苞 鞍篮 瓤苞甫 郴档废 窃. - if None != self.btnNext: - if event.BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL == self.nextButtonType: - event.SelectAnswer(self.descIndex, 254) - s.OnCancel() - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_DONE == self.nextButtonType: - self.CloseSelf() - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_NEXT == self.nextButtonType: - event.SelectAnswer(self.descIndex, 254) - self.CloseSelf() - else: - event.SelectAnswer(self.descIndex, entire_questbutton_number - 1) - self.nextbutton = None - self.prevbutton = None - self.CloseSelf() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - if self.needInputString: - self.CloseSelf() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEUpdate(self): - if not self.needInputString: - return - - if not self.editLine: - return - - self.editLine.OnIMEUpdate() - - def OnInput(self): - - self.needInputString = TRUE - - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 5+10) - yPos = event.GetEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex) - - self.editSlot = ui.SlotBar() - self.editSlot.SetSize(200, 18) - self.editSlot.SetPosition(0, yPos) - self.editSlot.SetParent(self.board) - self.editSlot.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.editSlot.Show() - - self.editLine = ui.EditLine() - self.editLine.SetParent(self.editSlot) - self.editLine.SetPosition(3, 3) - self.editLine.SetSize(200, 17) - self.editLine.SetMax(30) - self.editLine.SetFocus() - self.editLine.Show() - - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 25+10) - - self.MakeNextButton(event.BUTTON_TYPE_DONE) - - self.editLine.UpdateRect() - self.editSlot.UpdateRect() - self.board.UpdateRect() - # END_OF_QUEST_INPUT - - def OnImage(self, x, y, filename, desc=""): - filename = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(filename) - - # IMAGE_EXCEPTION_BUG_FIX - try: - img = ui.MakeImageBox(self.board, filename, x, y) - self.images.append(img) - except RuntimeError: - pass - # END_OF_IMAGE_EXCEPTION_BUG_FIX - - # QUEST_IMAGE - def OnInsertItemIcon(self, type, idx, title, desc, index=0, total=1): - if "item" != type: - return - - import item - item.SelectItem(idx) - filename = item.GetIconImageFileName() - - underTitle = title - - if not title and not desc: - title = item.GetItemName() - desc = item.GetItemDescription() - - tempDesc = desc - desc = "" - - import grpText - lineCount = grpText.GetSplitingTextLineCount(tempDesc, 25) - for i in xrange(lineCount): - desc += grpText.GetSplitingTextLine(tempDesc, 25, i) + "/" - - desc = desc[:-1] - - self.OnInsertImage(filename, underTitle, title, desc, index, total) - - def OnInsertImage(self, filename, underTitle, title, desc, index=0, total=1): - - if index == 0: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 24) - - y = event.GetEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex) - xBoard, yBoard = self.board.GetGlobalPosition() - - try: - img = ToolTipImageBox() - img.SetParent(self.board) - img.LoadImage(filename) - pos_x = (self.board.GetWidth() * (index + 1) / (total + 1)) - (img.GetWidth() / 2) - img.SetPosition(pos_x, y) - #img.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - img.DestroyToolTip() - if title and desc: - img.CreateToolTip(self.board, title, desc, 0, yBoard + y + img.GetHeight()) - img.Show() - self.images.append(img) - except RuntimeError: - pass - - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, img.GetHeight() - 20) - - if underTitle: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 3) - event.InsertTextInline(self.descIndex, underTitle, (self.board.GetWidth() * (index + 1) / (total + 1))) - if index != total - 1: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, -( 3 + 16 )) - else: - if index == total - 1: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 4) - - if index != total - 1: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, -(img.GetHeight() - 20)) - - - # END_OF_QUEST_IMAGE - - def OnSize(self, width, height): - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - - def OnTitleImage(self, filename): - img = ui.ImageBox("TOP_MOST") - - try: - img.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - img.LoadImage(filename) - img.SetPosition(0, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - (75/2) - (32/2)) - img.SetAlpha(0.0) - img.Show() - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.OnTitleImage(%s)" % filename) - img.Hide() - - self.imgTitle = img - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_APPEAR - self.titleShowTime = app.GetTime() - - def OnLeftImage(self, imgfile): - imgfile = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(imgfile) - if not self.imgLeft: - self.imgLeft = ui.ExpandedImageBox("TOP_MOST") - self.imgLeft.SetParent(self) - self.imgLeft.SetPosition(0,0) - bd = self.board - bx, by = bd.GetLocalPosition() - bd.SetPosition(160,by) - if self.imgTop: - tx, ty = self.imgTop.GetLocalPosition() - self.imgTop.SetPosition(160,ty) - - try: - self.imgLeft.LoadImage(imgfile) - self.imgLeft.SetSize(400,450) - self.imgLeft.SetOrigin(self.imgLeft.GetWidth()/2,self.imgLeft.GetHeight()/2) - self.imgLeft.Show() - except RuntimeError: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.OnLeftImage(%s)" % imgfile) - self.imgLeft.Hide() - - def OnTopImage(self, imgfile): - imgfile = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(imgfile) - - bd = self.board - bx, by = bd.GetLocalPosition() - if not self.imgTop: - self.imgTop = ui.ExpandedImageBox("TOP_MOST") - self.imgTop.SetParent(self) - bd.SetPosition(bx,190) - self.imgTop.SetPosition(bx,10) - - try: - self.imgTop.LoadImage(imgfile) - h = self.imgTop.GetHeight() - if h>170: - # need adjust board size - bd.SetPosition(bx,20+h) - bd.SetSize(350,420-h) - self.imgTop.SetSize(350,h) - else: - self.imgTop.SetSize(350,170) - bd.SetPosition(bx,190) - bd.SetSize(350,250) - self.imgTop.SetOrigin(self.imgTop.GetWidth()/2,self.imgTop.GetHeight()/2) - self.imgTop.Show() - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.OnTopImage(%s)" % imgfile) - self.imgTop.Hide() - - def OnBackgroundImage(self, imgfile): - imgfile = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(imgfile) - c = self.board - w = c.GetWidth() - h = c.GetHeight() - px, py = c.GetLocalPosition() - moved = 0 - if not self.imgBackground: - self.imgBackground = ui.ExpandedImageBox("TOP_MOST") - self.imgBackground.SetParent(c) - self.imgBackground.SetPosition(0,0) - self.imgBackground.LoadImage(imgfile) - iw = self.imgBackground.GetWidth() - ih = self.imgBackground.GetHeight() - if self.skin==3: - iw = 256 - ih = 333 - self.imgBackground.SetSize(iw,ih) - if w < iw: - px -= (iw-w)/2 - c.SetPosition(px,py) - w = iw - if h < ih: - py -= (ih-h)/2 - c.SetPosition(px,py) - h = ih - if self.skin == 3: - w=256 - h = 333 - self.sx = 0 - self.sy = 100 - - c.SetSize(w,h) - c.HideInternal() - - c.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - c.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - - c.SetPosition(0,0) - if self.skin==3: - c.SetPosition(-190,0) - - self.imgBackground.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.imgBackground.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - self.imgBackground.SetPosition(0,0) - self.imgBackground.Show() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uirefine.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uirefine.py deleted file mode 100644 index 33b4ed28..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uirefine.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,424 +0,0 @@ -import app -import net -import player -import item -import ui -import uiToolTip -import mouseModule -import locale -import uiCommon -import constInfo - -class RefineDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - makeSocketSuccessPercentage = ( 100, 33, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0 ) - upgradeStoneSuccessPercentage = ( 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22 ) - upgradeArmorSuccessPercentage = ( 99, 66, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 ) - upgradeAccessorySuccessPercentage = ( 99, 88, 77, 66, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 ) - upgradeSuccessPercentage = ( 99, 66, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 ) - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadScript() - - self.scrollItemPos = 0 - self.targetItemPos = 0 - - def __LoadScript(self): - - self.__LoadQuestionDialog() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/refinedialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.titleBar = self.GetChild("TitleBar") - self.successPercentage = self.GetChild("SuccessPercentage") - self.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(self.OpenQuestionDialog) - self.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(self.Close) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - ## 936 : 俺樊 犬伏 钎矫 救窃 - ##if 936 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - self.successPercentage.Hide() - - toolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - toolTip.SetParent(self) - toolTip.SetPosition(15, 38) - toolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - toolTip.Show() - self.toolTip = toolTip - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadQuestionDialog(self): - self.dlgQuestion = ui.ScriptWindow() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgQuestion, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadQuestionDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.dlgQuestion.GetChild - GetObject("message1").SetText(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING) - GetObject("message2").SetText(locale.REFINE_WARNING2) - GetObject("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Accept)) - GetObject("cancel").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.dlgQuestion.Hide)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.__LoadQuestionDialog.BindObject") - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = 0 - self.successPercentage = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.toolTip = 0 - self.dlgQuestion = 0 - - def GetRefineSuccessPercentage(self, scrollSlotIndex, itemSlotIndex): - - if -1 != scrollSlotIndex: - if player.IsRefineGradeScroll(scrollSlotIndex): - curGrade = player.GetItemGrade(itemSlotIndex) - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - itemType = item.GetItemType() - itemSubType = item.GetItemSubType() - - if item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN == itemType: - - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeStoneSuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeStoneSuccessPercentage[curGrade] - - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType: - - if item.ARMOR_BODY == itemSubType: - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeArmorSuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeArmorSuccessPercentage[curGrade] - else: - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeAccessorySuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeAccessorySuccessPercentage[curGrade] - - else: - - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeSuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeSuccessPercentage[curGrade] - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM+1): - if 0 == player.GetItemMetinSocket(itemSlotIndex, i): - break - - return self.makeSocketSuccessPercentage[i] - - def Open(self, scrollItemPos, targetItemPos): - self.scrollItemPos = scrollItemPos - self.targetItemPos = targetItemPos - - percentage = self.GetRefineSuccessPercentage(scrollItemPos, targetItemPos) - if 0 == percentage: - return - self.successPercentage.SetText(locale.REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY % (percentage)) - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetItemPos) - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - self.toolTip.AddItemData(itemIndex, metinSlot) - - self.UpdateDialog() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def UpdateDialog(self): - newWidth = self.toolTip.GetWidth() + 30 - newHeight = self.toolTip.GetHeight() + 98 - self.board.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - self.titleBar.SetWidth(newWidth-15) - self.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetLocalPosition() - self.SetPosition(x, y) - - def OpenQuestionDialog(self): - percentage = self.GetRefineSuccessPercentage(-1, self.targetItemPos) - if 100 == percentage: - self.Accept() - return - - self.dlgQuestion.SetTop() - self.dlgQuestion.Show() - - def Accept(self): - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.scrollItemPos, self.targetItemPos) - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class RefineDialogNew(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.isLoaded = FALSE - - def __Initialize(self): - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.children = [] - self.vnum = 0 - self.targetItemPos = 0 - self.dialogHeight = 0 - self.cost = 0 - self.percentage = 0 - self.type = 0 - - def __LoadScript(self): - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/refinedialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.titleBar = self.GetChild("TitleBar") - self.probText = self.GetChild("SuccessPercentage") - self.costText = self.GetChild("Cost") - self.successPercentage = self.GetChild("SuccessPercentage") - self.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(self.OpenQuestionDialog) - self.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(self.CancelRefine) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - ## 936 : 俺樊 犬伏 钎矫 救窃 - ##if 936 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - self.successPercentage.Hide() - - toolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - toolTip.SetParent(self) - toolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - toolTip.SetPosition(15, 38) - toolTip.Show() - self.toolTip = toolTip - - self.slotList = [] - for i in xrange(3): - slot = self.__MakeSlot() - slot.SetParent(toolTip) - slot.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - self.slotList.append(slot) - - itemImage = self.__MakeItemImage() - itemImage.SetParent(toolTip) - itemImage.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - itemImage.SetPosition(-35, 0) - self.itemImage = itemImage - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelRefine)) - self.isLoaded = TRUE - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __MakeSlot(self): - slot = ui.ImageBox() - slot.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_base.sub") - slot.Show() - self.children.append(slot) - return slot - - def __MakeItemImage(self): - itemImage = ui.ImageBox() - itemImage.Show() - self.children.append(itemImage) - return itemImage - - def __MakeThinBoard(self): - thinBoard = ui.ThinBoard() - thinBoard.SetParent(self) - thinBoard.Show() - self.children.append(thinBoard) - return thinBoard - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.board = 0 - self.probText = 0 - self.costText = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.toolTip = 0 - self.successPercentage = None - self.slotList = [] - self.children = [] - - def Open(self, targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type): - - if FALSE == self.isLoaded: - self.__LoadScript() - - self.__Initialize() - - self.targetItemPos = targetItemPos - self.vnum = nextGradeItemVnum - self.cost = cost - self.percentage = prob - self.type = type - - self.probText.SetText(locale.REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY % (self.percentage)) - self.costText.SetText(locale.REFINE_COST % (self.cost)) - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(player.GetItemAttribute(targetItemPos, i)) - self.toolTip.AddRefineItemData(nextGradeItemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - item.SelectItem(nextGradeItemVnum) - self.itemImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - xSlotCount, ySlotCount = item.GetItemSize() - for slot in self.slotList: - slot.Hide() - for i in xrange(min(3, ySlotCount)): - self.slotList[i].SetPosition(-35, i*32 - (ySlotCount-1)*16) - self.slotList[i].Show() - - self.dialogHeight = self.toolTip.GetHeight() + 46 - self.UpdateDialog() - - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.Hide() - - def AppendMaterial(self, vnum, count): - slot = self.__MakeSlot() - slot.SetParent(self) - slot.SetPosition(15, self.dialogHeight) - - itemImage = self.__MakeItemImage() - itemImage.SetParent(slot) - item.SelectItem(vnum) - itemImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - - thinBoard = self.__MakeThinBoard() - thinBoard.SetPosition(50, self.dialogHeight) - thinBoard.SetSize(191, 20) - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(thinBoard) - textLine.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(0xffdddddd) - textLine.SetText("%s x %02d" % (item.GetItemName(), count)) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetFeather(FALSE) - textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - (x,y) = textLine.GetTextSize() - textLine.SetPosition(x, 0) - else: - textLine.SetPosition(15, 0) - - textLine.Show() - self.children.append(textLine) - - self.dialogHeight += 34 - self.UpdateDialog() - - def UpdateDialog(self): - newWidth = self.toolTip.GetWidth() + 60 - newHeight = self.dialogHeight + 69 - - ## 936 : 俺樊 犬伏 钎矫 救窃 - ##if 936 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - newHeight -= 8 - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board.SetPosition( newWidth, 0 ) - - (x, y) = self.titleBar.GetLocalPosition() - self.titleBar.SetPosition( newWidth - 15, y ) - - self.board.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - self.toolTip.SetPosition(15 + 35, 38) - self.titleBar.SetWidth(newWidth-15) - self.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetLocalPosition() - self.SetPosition(x, y) - - def OpenQuestionDialog(self): - - if 100 == self.percentage: - self.Accept() - return - - if 5 == self.type: ## 公脚狼 绵汗辑 - self.Accept() - return - - dlgQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.REFINE_WARNING2) - dlgQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Accept)) - dlgQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(dlgQuestion.Close)) - - if 3 == self.type: ## 泅枚 - dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1) - dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2) - elif 2 == self.type: ## 绵汗辑 - dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING) - else: - dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING) - - dlgQuestion.Open() - self.dlgQuestion = dlgQuestion - - def Accept(self): - net.SendRefinePacket(self.targetItemPos, self.type) - self.Close() - - def CancelRefine(self): - net.SendRefinePacket(255, 255) - self.Close() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.CancelRefine() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uirestart.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uirestart.py deleted file mode 100644 index 98907dd9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uirestart.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import app -import net - -import ui - -################################################################################################### -## Restart -class RestartDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/restartdialog.py") - except Exception, msg: - (type, msg, tb)=sys.exc_info() - dbg.TraceError("RestartDialog.LoadDialog - %s:%s" % (type, msg)) - app.Abort() - return 0 - - try: - self.restartHereButton=self.GetChild("restart_here_button") - self.restartTownButton=self.GetChild("restart_town_button") - except: - import sys - (type, msg, tb)=sys.exc_info() - dbg.TraceError("RestartDialog.LoadDialog - %s:%s" % (type, msg)) - app.Abort() - return 0 - - self.restartHereButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.RestartHere)) - self.restartTownButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.RestartTown)) - - return 1 - - def Destroy(self): - self.restartHereButton=0 - self.restartTownButton=0 - self.ClearDictionary() - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def RestartHere(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/restart_here") - - def RestartTown(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/restart_town") - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uisafebox.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uisafebox.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3622e6b5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uisafebox.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,687 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import mouseModule -import player -import net -import snd -import safebox -import chat -import app -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -class PasswordDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - - self.sendMessage = "/safebox_password " - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() -# if locale.IsEUROPE()and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/ca"and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/sg" : - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "passworddialog.py") -# else: -# pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/passworddialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PasswordDialog.__LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - self.passwordValue = self.GetChild("password_value") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept_button") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel_button") - self.titleName = self.GetChild("TitleName") - self.GetChild("titlebar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseDialog)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PasswordDialog.__LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.passwordValue.OnIMEReturn = self.OnAccept - self.passwordValue.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancel)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.passwordValue = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.cancelButton = None - self.titleName = None - - def SetTitle(self, title): - self.titleName.SetText(title) - - def SetSendMessage(self, msg): - self.sendMessage = msg - - def ShowDialog(self): - self.passwordValue.SetText("") - self.passwordValue.SetFocus() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Show() - - def CloseDialog(self): - self.passwordValue.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnAccept(self): - net.SendChatPacket(self.sendMessage + self.passwordValue.GetText()) - self.CloseDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnCancel(self): - self.CloseDialog() - return TRUE - -class ChangePasswordDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - self.dlgMessage = ui.ScriptWindow() - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgMessage, "uiscript/popupdialog.py") - self.dlgMessage.GetChild("message").SetText(locale.SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD) - self.dlgMessage.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseMessageDialog)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SafeboxWindow.__LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/changepassworddialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ChangePasswordDialog.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - self.GetChild("accept_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.GetChild("cancel_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancel)) - self.GetChild("titlebar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancel)) - oldPassword = self.GetChild("old_password_value") - newPassword = self.GetChild("new_password_value") - newPasswordCheck = self.GetChild("new_password_check_value") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ChangePasswordDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - oldPassword.SetTabEvent(lambda arg=1: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPassword.SetTabEvent(lambda arg=2: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPasswordCheck.SetTabEvent(lambda arg=3: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - oldPassword.SetReturnEvent(lambda arg=1: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPassword.SetReturnEvent(lambda arg=2: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPasswordCheck.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - oldPassword.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - newPassword.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - newPasswordCheck.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - - self.oldPassword = oldPassword - self.newPassword = newPassword - self.newPasswordCheck = newPasswordCheck - - def OnNextFocus(self, arg): - if 1 == arg: - self.oldPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPassword.SetFocus() - elif 2 == arg: - self.newPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPasswordCheck.SetFocus() - elif 3 == arg: - self.newPasswordCheck.KillFocus() - self.oldPassword.SetFocus() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgMessage.ClearDictionary() - self.oldPassword = None - self.newPassword = None - self.newPasswordCheck = None - - def Open(self): - self.oldPassword.SetText("") - self.newPassword.SetText("") - self.newPasswordCheck.SetText("") - self.oldPassword.SetFocus() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.oldPassword.SetText("") - self.newPassword.SetText("") - self.newPasswordCheck.SetText("") - self.oldPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPasswordCheck.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnAccept(self): - oldPasswordText = self.oldPassword.GetText() - newPasswordText = self.newPassword.GetText() - newPasswordCheckText = self.newPasswordCheck.GetText() - if newPasswordText != newPasswordCheckText: - self.dlgMessage.SetCenterPosition() - self.dlgMessage.SetTop() - self.dlgMessage.Show() - return TRUE - net.SendChatPacket("/safebox_change_password %s %s" % (oldPasswordText, newPasswordText)) - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnCancel(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnCloseMessageDialog(self): - self.newPassword.SetText("") - self.newPasswordCheck.SetText("") - self.newPassword.SetFocus() - self.dlgMessage.Hide() - -class SafeboxWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - BOX_WIDTH = 176 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.pageButtonList = [] - self.curPageIndex = 0 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.xSafeBoxStart = 0 - self.ySafeBoxStart = 0 - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Destroy() - self.dlgPickMoney = None - self.dlgChangePassword.Destroy() - self.dlgChangePassword = None - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndMoneySlot = None - self.wndMoney = None - self.wndBoard = None - self.wndItem = None - - self.pageButtonList = [] - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/SafeboxWindow.py") - - from _weakref import proxy - - ## Item - wndItem = ui.GridSlotWindow() - wndItem.SetParent(self) - wndItem.SetPosition(8, 35) - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - wndItem.Show() - - ## PickMoneyDialog - import uiPickMoney - dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - dlgPickMoney.LoadDialog() - dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickMoney)) - dlgPickMoney.Hide() - - ## ChangePasswrod - dlgChangePassword = ChangePasswordDialog() - dlgChangePassword.LoadDialog() - dlgChangePassword.Hide() - - ## Close Button - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.GetChild("ChangePasswordButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangePassword)) - self.GetChild("ExitButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney - self.dlgChangePassword = dlgChangePassword - self.wndBoard = self.GetChild("board") - #self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money") - #self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot") - #self.wndMoneySlot.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPickMoneyDialog)) - - ## Initialize - self.SetTableSize(3) - self.RefreshSafeboxMoney() - - def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType(): - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxSaveMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - curMoney = safebox.GetMoney() - - if curMoney <= 0: - return - - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(curMoney) - - def ShowWindow(self, size): - - (self.xSafeBoxStart, self.ySafeBoxStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - self.SetTableSize(size) - self.Show() - - def __MakePageButton(self, pageCount): - - self.curPageIndex = 0 - self.pageButtonList = [] - - text = "I" - pos = -int(float(pageCount-1)/2 * 52) - for i in xrange(pageCount): - button = ui.RadioButton() - button.SetParent(self) - button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/tab_button_middle_01.sub") - button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/tab_button_middle_02.sub") - button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/tab_button_middle_03.sub") - button.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - button.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - button.SetPosition(pos, 85) - button.SetText(text) - button.SetEvent(lambda arg=i: self.SelectPage(arg)) - button.Show() - self.pageButtonList.append(button) - - pos += 52 - text += "I" - - self.pageButtonList[0].Down() - - def SelectPage(self, index): - - self.curPageIndex = index - - for btn in self.pageButtonList: - btn.SetUp() - - self.pageButtonList[index].Down() - self.RefreshSafebox() - - def __LocalPosToGlobalPos(self, local): - return self.curPageIndex*safebox.SAFEBOX_PAGE_SIZE + local - - def SetTableSize(self, size): - - pageCount = max(1, size / safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT) - pageCount = min(3, pageCount) - size = safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT - - self.__MakePageButton(pageCount) - - self.wndItem.ArrangeSlot(0, safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_X_COUNT, size, 32, 32, 0, 0) - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - self.wndItem.SetSlotBaseImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - wnd_height = 130 + 32 * size - self.wndBoard.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, wnd_height) - self.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, wnd_height) - self.UpdateRect() - - def RefreshSafebox(self): - getItemID=safebox.GetItemID - getItemCount=safebox.GetItemCount - setItemID=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(safebox.SAFEBOX_PAGE_SIZE): - slotIndex = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(i) - itemCount = getItemCount(slotIndex) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemID(i, getItemID(slotIndex), itemCount) - - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self): - pass - #self.wndMoney.SetText(str(safebox.GetMoney())) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltip): - self.tooltipItem = tooltip - - def Close(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/safebox_close") - - def CommandCloseSafebox(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Close() - self.dlgChangePassword.Close() - self.Hide() - - ## Slot Event - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - selectedSlotPos = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(selectedSlotPos) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType: - - net.SendSafeboxItemMovePacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos, 0) - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - else: - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.RESERVED_WINDOW == attachedInvenType: - return - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxSaveMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - net.SendSafeboxCheckinPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - selectedSlotPos = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(selectedSlotPos) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxSaveMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - #net.SendSafeboxCheckinPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - if app.SELL == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM) - - elif app.BUY == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_BUY_INFO) - - else: - selectedItemID = safebox.GetItemID(selectedSlotPos) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX, selectedSlotPos, selectedItemID) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def __ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetSafeBoxItem(slotIndex) - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - slotIndex = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(slotIndex) - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - self.__ShowToolTip(slotIndex) - - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPickMoney(self, money): - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachMoney(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX, money) - - def OnChangePassword(self): - self.dlgChangePassword.Open() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xSafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.ySafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.Close() - -class MallWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - BOX_WIDTH = 176 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.pageButtonList = [] - self.curPageIndex = 0 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.xSafeBoxStart = 0 - self.ySafeBoxStart = 0 - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndBoard = None - self.wndItem = None - - self.pageButtonList = [] - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MallWindow.py") - - from _weakref import proxy - - ## Item - wndItem = ui.GridSlotWindow() - wndItem.SetParent(self) - wndItem.SetPosition(8, 35) - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - wndItem.Show() - - ## Close Button - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.GetChild("ExitButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.wndBoard = self.GetChild("board") - - ## Initialize - self.SetTableSize(3) - - def ShowWindow(self, size): - - (self.xSafeBoxStart, self.ySafeBoxStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - self.SetTableSize(size) - self.Show() - - def SetTableSize(self, size): - - pageCount = max(1, size / safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT) - pageCount = min(3, pageCount) - size = safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT - - self.wndItem.ArrangeSlot(0, safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_X_COUNT, size, 32, 32, 0, 0) - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - self.wndItem.SetSlotBaseImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - self.wndBoard.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, 82 + 32*size) - self.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, 85 + 32*size) - self.UpdateRect() - - def RefreshMall(self): - getItemID=safebox.GetMallItemID - getItemCount=safebox.GetMallItemCount - setItemID=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(safebox.GetMallSize()): - itemID = getItemID(i) - itemCount = getItemCount(i) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemID(i, itemID, itemCount) - - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltip): - self.tooltipItem = tooltip - - def Close(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/mall_close") - - def CommandCloseMall(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.Hide() - - ## Slot Event - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MALL_CANNOT_INSERT) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MALL_CANNOT_INSERT) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - selectedItemID = safebox.GetMallItemID(selectedSlotPos) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL, selectedSlotPos, selectedItemID) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def __ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetMallItem(slotIndex) - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - self.__ShowToolTip(slotIndex) - - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xSafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.ySafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.Close() - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import chr - import background - import player - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - - wnd = SafeboxWindow() - wnd.ShowWindow(1) - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiscriptlocale.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiscriptlocale.py deleted file mode 100644 index e4a82f35..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiscriptlocale.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -import app - -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_ANSWER = "ANSWER" -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REFRESH = "REFRESH" -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME = "REST_TIME" - -OPTION_SHADOW = "SHADOW" - -CODEPAGE = str(app.GetDefaultCodePage()) - -#CUBE_TITLE = "Cube Window" - -def LoadLocaleFile(srcFileName, localeDict): - localeDict["CUBE_INFO_TITLE"] = "Recipe" - localeDict["CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL"] = "Requirements" - localeDict["CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR"] = "or" - - try: - lines = pack_open(srcFileName, "r").readlines() - except IOError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadUIScriptLocaleError(%(srcFileName)s)" % locals()) - app.Abort() - - for line in lines: - tokens = line[:-1].split("\t") - - if len(tokens) >= 2: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] - - else: - print len(tokens), lines.index(line), line - - -if "locale/ymir" == app.GetLocalePath(): - - LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH = "locale/ymir_ui/" - - WINDOWS_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/949_windows/" - SELECT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/949_select/" - GUILD_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/949_guild/" - EMPIRE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/949_empire/" - MAPNAME_PATH = "locale/ymir_ui/mapname/" - LOGIN_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/949_login/" - - JOBDESC_WARRIOR_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_warrior.txt" - JOBDESC_ASSASSIN_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_assassin.txt" - JOBDESC_SURA_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_sura.txt" - JOBDESC_SHAMAN_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_shaman.txt" - - EMPIREDESC_A = "locale/ymir/desc_empire_a.txt" - EMPIREDESC_B = "locale/ymir/desc_empire_b.txt" - EMPIREDESC_C = "locale/ymir/desc_empire_c.txt" - - LOCALE_INTERFACE_FILE_NAME = "locale/ymir/locale_interface.txt" -else: - if "HONGKONG" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/hongkong" - elif "JAPAN" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/japan" - elif "TAIWAN" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/taiwan" - elif "NEWCIBN" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/newcibn" - elif "EUROPE" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = app.GetLocalePath() - else: - name = "locale/ymir" - - LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH = "%s/ui/" % (name) - LOGIN_PATH = "%s/ui/login/" % (name) - EMPIRE_PATH = "%s/ui/empire/" % (name) - GUILD_PATH = "%s/ui/guild/" % (name) - SELECT_PATH = "%s/ui/select/" % (name) - WINDOWS_PATH = "%s/ui/windows/" % (name) - MAPNAME_PATH = "%s/ui/mapname/" % (name) - - JOBDESC_WARRIOR_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_warrior.txt" % (name) - JOBDESC_ASSASSIN_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_assassin.txt" % (name) - JOBDESC_SURA_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_sura.txt" % (name) - JOBDESC_SHAMAN_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_shaman.txt" % (name) - - EMPIREDESC_A = "%s/empiredesc_a.txt" % (name) - EMPIREDESC_B = "%s/empiredesc_b.txt" % (name) - EMPIREDESC_C = "%s/empiredesc_c.txt" % (name) - - LOCALE_INTERFACE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_interface.txt" % (name) - -LoadLocaleFile(LOCALE_INTERFACE_FILE_NAME, locals()) - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiselectitem.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiselectitem.py deleted file mode 100644 index cfebb628..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiselectitem.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import item -import wndMgr -import net - -class SelectItemWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.inventorySlotPosDict = {} - - self.LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/selectitemwindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ItemSelectWindow.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.board = GetObject("board") - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - self.itemSlot = GetObject("ItemSlot") - self.btnExit = GetObject("ExitButton") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ItemSelectWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.btnExit.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.itemSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - self.itemSlot.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EXIST", self.SelectItemSlot) - self.itemSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - self.itemSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - def Open(self): - self.RefreshSlot() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - wndMgr.OnceIgnoreMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - net.SendSelectItemPacket(0) - self.Hide() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SelectItemSlot(self, slotPos): - wndMgr.OnceIgnoreMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - inventorySlotPos = self.inventorySlotPosDict[slotPos] - net.SendSelectItemPacket(inventorySlotPos) - self.Hide() - - def SetTableSize(self, size): - - SLOT_X_COUNT = 5 - self.itemSlot.ArrangeSlot(0, SLOT_X_COUNT, size, 32, 32, 0, 0) - self.itemSlot.RefreshSlot() - self.itemSlot.SetSlotBaseImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - self.board.SetSize(self.board.GetWidth(), 76 + 32*size) - self.SetSize(self.board.GetWidth(), 76 + 32*size) - self.UpdateRect() - - def RefreshSlot(self): - - slotPos = 0 - self.inventorySlotPosDict = {} - - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVNum=self.itemSlot.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*2): - slotNumber = i - - itemVNum = getItemVNum(slotNumber) - if 0 == itemVNum: - continue - - if not item.IsMetin(itemVNum): - continue - - itemGrade = player.GetItemGrade(slotNumber) - if itemGrade > 2: - continue - - self.inventorySlotPosDict[slotPos] = i - - slotPos += 1 - - if slotPos > 54: - break - - itemCount = len(self.inventorySlotPosDict) - if itemCount < 15: - self.SetTableSize(3) - - else: - lineCount = 3 - lineCount += (itemCount - 15) / 5 - if itemCount % 5: - lineCount += 1 - self.SetTableSize(lineCount) - - for selectWndPos, inventoryPos in self.inventorySlotPosDict.items(): - itemVNum = getItemVNum(inventoryPos) - itemCount = getItemCount(inventoryPos) - - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - - setItemVNum(selectWndPos, itemVNum, itemCount) - - self.itemSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def OverOutItem(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - inventorySlotPos = self.inventorySlotPosDict[slotIndex] - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(inventorySlotPos) - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiselectmusic.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiselectmusic.py deleted file mode 100644 index 096e98a0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiselectmusic.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,206 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -FILE_NAME_LEN = 20 -DEFAULT_THEMA = locale.MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA - -class Item(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, fileName): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - self.canLoad=0 - self.text=fileName - self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(fileName[:FILE_NAME_LEN]) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def GetText(self): - return self.text - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 6*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) - - def __CreateTextLine(self, fileName): - textLine=ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - textLine.SetPosition(6*len(fileName) + 6, 0) - else: - textLine.SetPosition(0, 0) - - textLine.SetText(fileName) - textLine.Show() - return textLine - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent): - print "NEW POPUP WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__Load() - self.__Bind() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE POPUP WINDOW" - - def __Load(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Load") - - def __Bind(self): - try: - self.textLine=self.GetChild("message") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("accept") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Bind") - - self.okButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnOK) - - def Open(self, msg): - self.textLine.SetText(msg) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - def __OnOK(self): - self.Hide() - -class FileListDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - print "NEW LIST DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isLoaded=0 - self.selectEvent=None - self.fileListBox=None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LIST DIALOG" - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__Load() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - - if self.fileListBox.IsEmpty(): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST) - - def Close(self): - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.selectEvent=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def __CreateFileListBox(self): - fileListBox=ui.ListBoxEx() - fileListBox.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - fileListBox.SetPosition( self.GetWidth() - fileListBox.GetWidth() - 10, 50) - else: - fileListBox.SetPosition(15, 50) - - fileListBox.Show() - return fileListBox - - def __Load(self): - self.popupDialog=PopupDialog(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.__Load_LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "MusicListWindow.py") - else: - self.__Load_LoadScript("UIScript/MusicListWindow.py") - - self.__Load_BindObject() - - self.refreshButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnRefresh) - self.cancelButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnCancel) - self.okButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnOK) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.UpdateRect() - - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MusicListBox.__Load") - - def __Load_BindObject(self): - try: - self.fileListBox=self.__CreateFileListBox() - self.fileListBox.SetScrollBar(self.GetChild("ScrollBar")) - - self.board=self.GetChild("board") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("ok") - self.cancelButton=self.GetChild("cancel") - self.refreshButton=self.GetChild("refresh") - - self.popupText = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MusicListBox.__Bind") - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupDialog.Open(msg) - - def __OnOK(self): - selItem=self.fileListBox.GetSelectedItem() - if selItem: - if self.selectEvent: - self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) - self.Hide() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC) - - def __OnCancel(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnRefresh(self): - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __RefreshFileList(self): - self.__ClearFileList() - self.__AppendFile(DEFAULT_THEMA) - self.__AppendFileList("mp3") - - def __ClearFileList(self): - self.fileListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def __AppendFileList(self, filter): - fileNameList=app.GetFileList("BGM/*."+filter) - for fileName in fileNameList: - self.__AppendFile(fileName) - - def __AppendFile(self, fileName): - self.fileListBox.AppendItem(Item(fileName)) - - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uishop.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uishop.py deleted file mode 100644 index 953abe14..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uishop.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,463 +0,0 @@ -import net -import player -import item -import snd -import shop -import net -import wndMgr -import app -import chat - -import ui -import uiCommon -import mouseModule -import locale - -################################################################################################### -## Shop -class ShopDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.xShopStart = 0 - self.yShopStart = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.popup = None - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __GetRealIndex(self, i): - return self.tabIdx * shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT + i - - def Refresh(self): - getItemID=shop.GetItemID - getItemCount=shop.GetItemCount - setItemID=self.itemSlotWindow.SetItemSlot - for i in xrange(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): - idx = self.__GetRealIndex(i) - itemCount = getItemCount(idx) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemID(i, getItemID(idx), itemCount) - - wndMgr.RefreshSlot(self.itemSlotWindow.GetWindowHandle()) - - def SetItemData(self, pos, itemID, itemCount, itemPrice): - shop.SetItemData(pos, itemID, itemCount, itemPrice) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/shopdialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ShopDialog.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - smallTab1 = None - smallTab2 = None - smallTab3 = None - middleTab1 = None - middleTab2 = None - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.itemSlotWindow = GetObject("ItemSlot") - self.btnBuy = GetObject("BuyButton") - self.btnSell = GetObject("SellButton") - self.btnClose = GetObject("CloseButton") - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - middleTab1 = GetObject("MiddleTab1") - middleTab2 = GetObject("MiddleTab2") - smallTab1 = GetObject("SmallTab1") - smallTab2 = GetObject("SmallTab2") - smallTab3 = GetObject("SmallTab3") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ShopDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.itemSlotWindow.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EMPTY", self.SelectEmptySlot) - self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EXIST", self.SelectItemSlot) - self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("RIGHT", "EXIST", self.UnselectItemSlot) - - self.itemSlotWindow.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - self.itemSlotWindow.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - self.btnBuy.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelShopping)) - self.btnBuy.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnBuy)) - - self.btnSell.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelShopping)) - self.btnSell.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnSell)) - - self.btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AskClosePrivateShop)) - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.smallRadioButtonGroup = ui.RadioButtonGroup.Create([[smallTab1, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(0), None], [smallTab2, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(1), None], [smallTab3, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(2), None]]) - self.middleRadioButtonGroup = ui.RadioButtonGroup.Create([[middleTab1, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(0), None], [middleTab2, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(1), None]]) - - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - - self.tabIdx = 0 - self.coinType = shop.SHOP_COIN_TYPE_GOLD - - self.Refresh() - - def __ShowBuySellButton(self): - self.btnBuy.Show() - self.btnSell.Show() - - def __ShowMiddleTabs(self): - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.Show() - - def __ShowSmallTabs(self): - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.Show() - - def __HideBuySellButton(self): - self.btnBuy.Hide() - self.btnSell.Hide() - - def __HideMiddleTabs(self): - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.Hide() - - def __HideSmallTabs(self): - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.Hide() - - def __SetTabNames(self): - if shop.GetTabCount() == 2: - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.SetText(0, shop.GetTabName(0)) - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.SetText(1, shop.GetTabName(1)) - elif shop.GetTabCount() == 3: - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(0, shop.GetTabName(0)) - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(1, shop.GetTabName(1)) - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(2, shop.GetTabName(2)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.itemSlotWindow = 0 - self.btnBuy = 0 - self.btnSell = 0 - self.btnClose = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.popup = None - - def Open(self, vid): - - isPrivateShop = FALSE - isMainPlayerPrivateShop = FALSE - - import chr - if chr.IsNPC(vid): - isPrivateShop = FALSE - else: - isPrivateShop = TRUE - - if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - - isMainPlayerPrivateShop = TRUE - - self.btnBuy.Hide() - self.btnSell.Hide() - self.btnClose.Show() - - else: - - isMainPlayerPrivateShop = FALSE - - self.btnBuy.Show() - self.btnSell.Show() - self.btnClose.Hide() - - shop.Open(isPrivateShop, isMainPlayerPrivateShop) - - self.tabIdx = 0 - - if isPrivateShop: - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - else: - if shop.GetTabCount() == 1: - self.__ShowBuySellButton() - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - elif shop.GetTabCount() == 2: - self.__HideBuySellButton() - self.__ShowMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - self.__SetTabNames() - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.OnClick(0) - elif shop.GetTabCount() == 3: - self.__HideBuySellButton() - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__ShowSmallTabs() - self.__SetTabNames() - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.OnClick(1) - - self.Refresh() - self.SetTop() - - self.Show() - - (self.xShopStart, self.yShopStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - def Close(self): - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - shop.Close() - net.SendShopEndPacket() - self.CancelShopping() - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - self.Hide() - - def GetIndexFromSlotPos(self, slotPos): - return self.tabIdx * shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT + slotPos - - def OnClickTabButton(self, idx): - self.tabIdx = idx - self.Refresh() - - def AskClosePrivateShop(self): - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - questionDialog.SetText(locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION) - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClosePrivateShop)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - - return TRUE - - def OnClosePrivateShop(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/close_shop") - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnBuy(self): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_BUY_INFO) - app.SetCursor(app.BUY) - self.btnSell.SetUp() - - def OnSell(self): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_SELL_INFO) - app.SetCursor(app.SELL) - self.btnBuy.SetUp() - - def CancelShopping(self): - self.btnBuy.SetUp() - self.btnSell.SetUp() - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.pop = None - - def SellAttachedItem(self): - - if shop.IsPrivateShop(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedSlotPos) - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_SELL): - popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - popup.SetText(locale.SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM) - popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) - popup.Open() - self.popup = popup - - elif player.IsValuableItem(attachedSlotPos): - - itemPrice = item.GetISellItemPrice() - - if item.Is1GoldItem(): - itemPrice = attachedCount / itemPrice / 5 - else: - itemPrice = itemPrice * max(1, attachedCount) / 5 - - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - questionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(itemName, attachedCount, itemPrice)) - - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg1=attachedSlotPos, arg2=attachedCount: self.OnSellItem(arg1, arg2)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - - else: - self.OnSellItem(attachedSlotPos, attachedCount) - - else: - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def OnSellItem(self, slotPos, count): - net.SendShopSellPacketNew(slotPos, count) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - - self.questionDialog = None - - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - self.SellAttachedItem() - - def UnselectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if shop.IsPrivateShop(): - self.AskBuyItem(selectedSlotPos) - else: - net.SendShopBuyPacket(self.__GetRealIndex(selectedSlotPos)) - - def SelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - selectedSlotPos = self.__GetRealIndex(selectedSlotPos) - if isAttached: - self.SellAttachedItem() - - else: - - if TRUE == shop.IsMainPlayerPrivateShop(): - return - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - if app.BUY == curCursorNum: - self.AskBuyItem(selectedSlotPos) - - elif app.SELL == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_SELL_INFO) - - else: - selectedItemID = shop.GetItemID(selectedSlotPos) - itemCount = shop.GetItemCount(selectedSlotPos) - - type = player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP - if shop.IsPrivateShop(): - type = player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP - - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, type, selectedSlotPos, selectedItemID, itemCount) - mouseModule.mouseController.SetCallBack("INVENTORY", ui.__mem_func__(self.DropToInventory)) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def DropToInventory(self): - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - self.AskBuyItem(attachedSlotPos) - - def AskBuyItem(self, slotPos): - slotPos = self.__GetRealIndex(slotPos) - - itemIndex = shop.GetItemID(slotPos) - itemPrice = shop.GetItemPrice(slotPos) - itemCount = shop.GetItemCount(slotPos) - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - itemBuyQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(itemName, itemCount, locale.NumberToMoneyString(itemPrice))) - itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.AnswerBuyItem(arg)) - itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.AnswerBuyItem(arg)) - itemBuyQuestionDialog.Open() - itemBuyQuestionDialog.pos = slotPos - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = itemBuyQuestionDialog - - def AnswerBuyItem(self, flag): - - if flag: - pos = self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.pos - net.SendShopBuyPacket(pos) - - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.Close() - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - slotIndex = self.__GetRealIndex(slotIndex) - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - if shop.SHOP_COIN_TYPE_GOLD == shop.GetTabCoinType(self.tabIdx): - self.tooltipItem.SetShopItem(slotIndex) - else: - self.tooltipItem.SetShopItemBySecondaryCoin(slotIndex) - def OverOutItem(self): - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.yShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.Close() - - -class MallPageDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - def Open(self): - scriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - scriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/mallpagedialog.py") - - self.GetChild("titlebar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - (x, y)=self.GetGlobalPosition() - x+=10 - y+=30 - - MALL_PAGE_WIDTH = 600 - MALL_PAGE_HEIGHT = 480 - - app.ShowWebPage( - "http://metin2.co.kr/08_mall/game_mall/login_fail.htm", - (x, y, x+MALL_PAGE_WIDTH, y+MALL_PAGE_HEIGHT)) - - self.Lock() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - app.HideWebPage() - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uisystem.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uisystem.py deleted file mode 100644 index ad9ae9cc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uisystem.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ -import net -import app -import ui -import uiOption -import uiSystemOption -import uiGameOption -import uiScriptLocale -import networkModule -import constInfo -import locale - -SYSTEM_MENU_FOR_PORTAL = FALSE - -################################################################################################### -## System -class SystemDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - - def __Initialize(self): - self.eventOpenHelpWindow = None - self.systemOptionDlg = None - self.gameOptionDlg = None - - - def LoadDialog(self): - if SYSTEM_MENU_FOR_PORTAL: - self.__LoadSystemMenu_ForPortal() - else: - self.__LoadSystemMenu_Default() - - def __LoadSystemMenu_Default(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "SystemDialog.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/systemdialog.py") - - self.GetChild("system_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickSystemOptionButton) - self.GetChild("game_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickGameOptionButton) - self.GetChild("change_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickChangeCharacterButton) - self.GetChild("logout_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickLogOutButton) - self.GetChild("exit_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickExitButton) - self.GetChild("help_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickHelpButton) - self.GetChild("cancel_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.Close) - - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - self.GetChild("mall_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickInGameShopButton) - - - def __LoadSystemMenu_ForPortal(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/systemdialog_forportal.py") - - self.GetChild("system_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickSystemOptionButton) - self.GetChild("game_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickGameOptionButton) - self.GetChild("change_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickChangeCharacterButton) - self.GetChild("exit_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickExitButton) - self.GetChild("help_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickHelpButton) - self.GetChild("cancel_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.Close) - - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.Destroy() - - if self.systemOptionDlg: - self.systemOptionDlg.Destroy() - - self.__Initialize() - - def SetOpenHelpWindowEvent(self, event): - self.eventOpenHelpWindow = event - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.Show() - - def __ClickChangeCharacterButton(self): - self.Close() - - net.ExitGame() - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.popup = None - - def __ClickLogOutButton(self): - if SYSTEM_MENU_FOR_PORTAL: - if app.loggined: - self.Close() - net.ExitApplication() - else: - self.Close() - net.LogOutGame() - else: - self.Close() - net.LogOutGame() - - - def __ClickExitButton(self): - self.Close() - net.ExitApplication() - - def __ClickSystemOptionButton(self): - self.Close() - - if not self.systemOptionDlg: - self.systemOptionDlg = uiSystemOption.OptionDialog() - - self.systemOptionDlg.Show() - - def __ClickGameOptionButton(self): - self.Close() - - if not self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg = uiGameOption.OptionDialog() - - self.gameOptionDlg.Show() - - - def __ClickHelpButton(self): - self.Close() - - if None != self.eventOpenHelpWindow: - self.eventOpenHelpWindow() - - def __ClickInGameShopButton(self): - self.Close() - net.SendChatPacket("/in_game_mall") - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def RefreshMobile(self): - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.RefreshMobile() - #self.optionDialog.RefreshMobile() - - def OnMobileAuthority(self): - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.OnMobileAuthority() - #self.optionDialog.OnMobileAuthority() - - def OnBlockMode(self, mode): - uiGameOption.blockMode = mode - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.OnBlockMode(mode) - #self.optionDialog.OnBlockMode(mode) - - def OnChangePKMode(self): - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.OnChangePKMode() - #self.optionDialog.OnChangePKMode() - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import chr - import background - import player - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - - wnd = SystemDialog() - wnd.LoadDialog() - wnd.Show() - - app.Loop() - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uisystemoption.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uisystemoption.py deleted file mode 100644 index 041e65ec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uisystemoption.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import systemSetting -import net -import chat -import app -import locale -import constInfo -import chrmgr -import player -import musicInfo -import uiSelectMusic -import background - -MUSIC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN = 25 - -blockMode = 0 - -class OptionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.__Load() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " -------------------------------------- DELETE SYSTEM OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.tilingMode = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.changeMusicButton = 0 - self.selectMusicFile = 0 - self.ctrlMusicVolume = 0 - self.ctrlSoundVolume = 0 - self.musicListDlg = 0 - self.tilingApplyButton = 0 - self.cameraModeButtonList = [] - self.fogModeButtonList = [] - self.tilingModeButtonList = [] - self.ctrlShadowQuality = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - print " -------------------------------------- DESTROY SYSTEM OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("System.OptionDialog.__Load_LoadScript") - - def __Load_BindObject(self): - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("titlebar") - self.selectMusicFile = GetObject("bgm_file") - self.changeMusicButton = GetObject("bgm_button") - self.ctrlMusicVolume = GetObject("music_volume_controller") - self.ctrlSoundVolume = GetObject("sound_volume_controller") - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_short")) - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_long")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level0")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level1")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level2")) - self.tilingModeButtonList.append(GetObject("tiling_cpu")) - self.tilingModeButtonList.append(GetObject("tiling_gpu")) - self.tilingApplyButton=GetObject("tiling_apply") - #self.ctrlShadowQuality = GetObject("shadow_bar") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__Load_BindObject") - - def __Load(self): - self.__Load_LoadScript("uiscript/systemoptiondialog.py") - self.__Load_BindObject() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume())) - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeMusicVolume)) - - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) / 5.0) - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeSoundVolume)) - -# self.ctrlShadowQuality.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetShadowLevel()) / 5.0) -# self.ctrlShadowQuality.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeShadowQuality)) - - self.changeMusicButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickChangeMusicButton) - - self.cameraModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeShortButton) - self.cameraModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeLongButton) - - self.fogModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel0Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel1Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[2].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel2Button) - - self.tilingModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTilingModeCPUButton) - self.tilingModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTilingModeGPUButton) - - self.tilingApplyButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTilingApplyButton) - - self.__SetCurTilingMode() - - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX()) - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic==musicInfo.METIN2THEMA: - self.selectMusicFile.SetText(uiSelectMusic.DEFAULT_THEMA) - else: - self.selectMusicFile.SetText(musicInfo.fieldMusic[:MUSIC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN]) - - def __OnClickTilingModeCPUButton(self): - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3) - self.__SetTilingMode(0) - - def __OnClickTilingModeGPUButton(self): - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3) - self.__SetTilingMode(1) - - def __OnClickTilingApplyButton(self): - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT) - if 0==self.tilingMode: - background.EnableSoftwareTiling(1) - else: - background.EnableSoftwareTiling(0) - - net.ExitGame() - - def __OnClickChangeMusicButton(self): - if not self.musicListDlg: - - self.musicListDlg=uiSelectMusic.FileListDialog() - self.musicListDlg.SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self.__OnChangeMusic) - - self.musicListDlg.Open() - - - def __ClickRadioButton(self, buttonList, buttonIndex): - try: - selButton=buttonList[buttonIndex] - except IndexError: - return - - for eachButton in buttonList: - eachButton.SetUp() - - selButton.Down() - - - def __SetTilingMode(self, index): - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.tilingModeButtonList, index) - self.tilingMode=index - - def __SetCameraMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetFogLevel(self, index): - constInfo.SET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, index) - - def __OnClickCameraModeShortButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(0) - - def __OnClickCameraModeLongButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel0Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(0) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel1Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel2Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(2) - - def __OnChangeMusic(self, fileName): - self.selectMusicFile.SetText(fileName[:MUSIC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN]) - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+ musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - if fileName==uiSelectMusic.DEFAULT_THEMA: - musicInfo.fieldMusic=musicInfo.METIN2THEMA - else: - musicInfo.fieldMusic=fileName - - musicInfo.SaveLastPlayFieldMusic() - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - def OnChangeMusicVolume(self): - pos = self.ctrlMusicVolume.GetSliderPos() - snd.SetMusicVolume(pos * net.GetFieldMusicVolume()) - systemSetting.SetMusicVolume(pos) - - def OnChangeSoundVolume(self): - pos = self.ctrlSoundVolume.GetSliderPos() - snd.SetSoundVolumef(pos) - systemSetting.SetSoundVolumef(pos) - - def OnChangeShadowQuality(self): - pos = self.ctrlShadowQuality.GetSliderPos() - systemSetting.SetShadowLevel(int(pos / 0.2)) - - def OnCloseInputDialog(self): - self.inputDialog.Close() - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def Show(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Close(self): - self.__SetCurTilingMode() - self.Hide() - - def __SetCurTilingMode(self): - if background.IsSoftwareTiling(): - self.__SetTilingMode(0) - else: - self.__SetTilingMode(1) - - def __NotifyChatLine(self, text): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, text) - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uitarget.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uitarget.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8babb235..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uitarget.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,473 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import player -import net -import wndMgr -import messenger -import guild -import chr -import nonplayer -import locale -import constInfo - -class TargetBoard(ui.ThinBoard): - - BUTTON_NAME_LIST = ( - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW, - "VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT", - ) - - GRADE_NAME = { - nonplayer.PAWN : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN, - nonplayer.S_PAWN : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN, - nonplayer.KNIGHT : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT, - nonplayer.S_KNIGHT : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT, - nonplayer.BOSS : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS, - nonplayer.KING : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_KING, - } - EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE = 3000 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) - - name = ui.TextLine() - name.SetParent(self) - name.SetDefaultFontName() - name.SetOutline() - name.Show() - - hpGauge = ui.Gauge() - hpGauge.SetParent(self) - hpGauge.MakeGauge(130, "red") - hpGauge.Hide() - - closeButton = ui.Button() - closeButton.SetParent(self) - closeButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub") - closeButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub") - closeButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub") - closeButton.SetPosition(30, 13) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - hpGauge.SetPosition(55, 17) - hpGauge.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - closeButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - else: - hpGauge.SetPosition(175, 17) - hpGauge.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - closeButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - - closeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressedCloseButton)) - closeButton.Show() - - self.buttonDict = {} - self.showingButtonList = [] - for buttonName in self.BUTTON_NAME_LIST: - button = ui.Button() - button.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_01.sub") - button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_02.sub") - button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_03.sub") - else: - button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_01.sub") - button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_02.sub") - button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_03.sub") - - button.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - button.SetText(buttonName) - button.Hide() - self.buttonDict[buttonName] = button - self.showingButtonList.append(button) - - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnWhisper)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnExchange)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAppendToMessenger)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAppendToMessenger)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyInvite)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyExit)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyRemove)) - - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnGuildAddMember) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnDismount) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnExitObserver) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnViewEquipment) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnRequestParty) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnDestroyBuilding) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnEmotionAllow) - - self.buttonDict["VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT"].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnVoteBlockChat)) - - self.name = name - self.hpGauge = hpGauge - self.closeButton = closeButton - self.nameString = 0 - self.nameLength = 0 - self.vid = 0 - self.eventWhisper = None - self.isShowButton = FALSE - - self.__Initialize() - self.ResetTargetBoard() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - print "===================================================== DESTROYED TARGET BOARD" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.nameString = "" - self.nameLength = 0 - self.vid = 0 - self.isShowButton = FALSE - - def Destroy(self): - self.eventWhisper = None - self.closeButton = None - self.showingButtonList = None - self.buttonDict = None - self.name = None - self.hpGauge = None - self.__Initialize() - - def OnPressedCloseButton(self): - player.ClearTarget() - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.__Initialize() - self.Hide() - - def Open(self, vid, name): - if vid: - if not constInfo.GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(): - if not player.IsSameEmpire(vid): - self.Hide() - return - - if vid != self.GetTargetVID(): - self.ResetTargetBoard() - self.SetTargetVID(vid) - self.SetTargetName(name) - - if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - self.__ShowMainCharacterMenu() - elif chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING == chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid): - self.Hide() - else: - self.RefreshButton() - self.Show() - else: - self.HideAllButton() - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER) - self.__ShowButton("VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT") - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - self.SetTargetName(name) - self.Show() - - def Refresh(self): - if self.IsShow(): - if self.IsShowButton(): - self.RefreshButton() - - def RefreshByVID(self, vid): - if vid == self.GetTargetVID(): - self.Refresh() - - def RefreshByName(self, name): - if name == self.GetTargetName(): - self.Refresh() - - def __ShowMainCharacterMenu(self): - canShow=0 - - self.HideAllButton() - - if player.IsMountingHorse(): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT) - canShow=1 - - if player.IsObserverMode(): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER) - canShow=1 - - if canShow: - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - self.Show() - else: - self.Hide() - - def __ShowNameOnlyMenu(self): - self.HideAllButton() - - def SetWhisperEvent(self, event): - self.eventWhisper = event - - def UpdatePosition(self): - self.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()/2 - self.GetWidth()/2, 10) - - def ResetTargetBoard(self): - - for btn in self.buttonDict.values(): - btn.Hide() - - self.__Initialize() - - self.name.SetPosition(0, 13) - self.name.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.hpGauge.Hide() - self.SetSize(250, 40) - - def SetTargetVID(self, vid): - self.vid = vid - - def SetEnemyVID(self, vid): - self.SetTargetVID(vid) - - name = chr.GetNameByVID(vid) - level = nonplayer.GetLevelByVID(vid) - grade = nonplayer.GetGradeByVID(vid) - - nameFront = "" - if -1 != level: - nameFront += "Lv." + str(level) + " " - if self.GRADE_NAME.has_key(grade): - nameFront += "(" + self.GRADE_NAME[grade] + ") " - - self.SetTargetName(nameFront + name) - - def GetTargetVID(self): - return self.vid - - def GetTargetName(self): - return self.nameString - - def SetTargetName(self, name): - self.nameString = name - self.nameLength = len(name) - self.name.SetText(name) - - def SetHP(self, hpPercentage): - if not self.hpGauge.IsShow(): - - self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.name.SetPosition( self.GetWidth()-23, 13) - else: - self.name.SetPosition(23, 13) - - self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - self.name.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() - self.hpGauge.Show() - self.UpdatePosition() - - self.hpGauge.SetPercentage(hpPercentage, 100) - - def ShowDefaultButton(self): - - self.isShowButton = TRUE - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER]) - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE]) - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT]) - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW]) - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.Show() - - def HideAllButton(self): - self.isShowButton = FALSE - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.Hide() - self.showingButtonList = [] - - def __ShowButton(self, name): - - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - self.buttonDict[name].Show() - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[name]) - - def __HideButton(self, name): - - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - button = self.buttonDict[name] - button.Hide() - - for btnInList in self.showingButtonList: - if btnInList == button: - self.showingButtonList.remove(button) - break - - def OnWhisper(self): - if None != self.eventWhisper: - self.eventWhisper(self.nameString) - - def OnExchange(self): - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(self.vid) - - def OnPVP(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/pvp %d" % (self.vid)) - - def OnAppendToMessenger(self): - net.SendMessengerAddByVIDPacket(self.vid) - - def OnPartyInvite(self): - net.SendPartyInvitePacket(self.vid) - - def OnPartyExit(self): - net.SendPartyExitPacket() - - def OnPartyRemove(self): - net.SendPartyRemovePacket(self.vid) - - def __OnGuildAddMember(self): - net.SendGuildAddMemberPacket(self.vid) - - def __OnDismount(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/unmount") - - def __OnExitObserver(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/observer_exit") - - def __OnViewEquipment(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/view_equip " + str(self.vid)) - - def __OnRequestParty(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/party_request " + str(self.vid)) - - def __OnDestroyBuilding(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/build d %d" % (self.vid)) - - def __OnEmotionAllow(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/emotion_allow %d" % (self.vid)) - - def __OnVoteBlockChat(self): - cmd = "/vote_block_chat %s" % (self.nameString) - net.SendChatPacket(cmd) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.OnPressedCloseButton() - return TRUE - - def IsShowButton(self): - return self.isShowButton - - def RefreshButton(self): - - self.HideAllButton() - - if chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING == chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid): - #self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY) - #self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - return - - if player.IsPVPInstance(self.vid) or player.IsObserverMode(): - # PVP_INFO_SIZE_BUG_FIX - self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, 40) - self.UpdatePosition() - # END_OF_PVP_INFO_SIZE_BUG_FIX - return - - self.ShowDefaultButton() - - if guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_ADD_MEMBER): - if not guild.IsMemberByName(self.nameString): - if 0 == chr.GetGuildID(self.vid): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD) - - if not messenger.IsFriendByName(self.nameString): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND) - - if player.IsPartyMember(self.vid): - - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - - if player.IsPartyLeader(self.vid): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY) - elif player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE) - - else: - if player.IsPartyMember(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - if player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY) - else: - if chr.IsPartyMember(self.vid): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY) - else: - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY) - - if player.IsRevengeInstance(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE) - elif player.IsChallengeInstance(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT) - elif player.IsCantFightInstance(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - - if not player.IsSameEmpire(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY) - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND) - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - - distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(self.vid) - if distance > self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE) - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - - def __ArrangeButtonPosition(self): - showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList) - - pos = -(showingButtonCount / 2) * 68 - if 0 == showingButtonCount % 2: - pos += 34 - - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.SetPosition(pos, 33) - pos += 68 - - self.SetSize(max(150, showingButtonCount * 75), 65) - self.UpdatePosition() - - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.isShowButton: - - exchangeButton = self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE] - distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(self.vid) - - if distance < 0: - return - - if exchangeButton.IsShow(): - if distance > self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.RefreshButton() - - else: - if distance < self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.RefreshButton() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uitaskbar.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uitaskbar.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9e4abdbc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uitaskbar.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1137 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import item -import skill -import locale -import wndMgr -import player -import constInfo -import mouseModule -import uiScriptLocale -import app - -MOUSE_SETTINGS = [0, 0] - -def InitMouseButtonSettings(left, right): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - MOUSE_SETTINGS = [left, right] - -def SetMouseButtonSetting(dir, event): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - MOUSE_SETTINGS[dir] = event - -def GetMouseButtonSettings(): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - return MOUSE_SETTINGS - -def SaveMouseButtonSettings(): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - open("mouse.cfg", "w").write("%s\t%s" % tuple(MOUSE_SETTINGS)) - -def LoadMouseButtonSettings(): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - tokens = open("mouse.cfg", "r").read().split() - - if len(tokens) != 2: - raise RuntimeError, "MOUSE_SETTINGS_FILE_ERROR" - - MOUSE_SETTINGS[0] = int(tokens[0]) - MOUSE_SETTINGS[1] = int(tokens[1]) - -def unsigned32(n): - return n & 0xFFFFFFFFL - -#-------------------Giftbox Begin------------------------------ - -class GiftBox(ui.ScriptWindow): - class TextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.SetWindowName("GiftBox") - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def OnRender(self): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.textLine.SetPosition(mouseX, mouseY - 15) - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW TASKBAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipGift = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipGift.Show() - - def __del__(self): - #print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE TASKBAR" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "giftbox.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GiftBox.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.giftBoxIcon = self.GetChild("GiftBox_Icon") - self.giftBoxToolTip = self.GetChild("GiftBox_ToolTip") - - def Destroy(self): - self.giftBoxIcon = 0 - self.giftBoxToolTip = 0 - -#-------------------Giftbox End------------------------------ - -class EnergyBar(ui.ScriptWindow): - class TextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.SetWindowName("EnergyBar") - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def OnRender(self): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.textLine.SetPosition(mouseX, mouseY - 15) - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW TASKBAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipEnergy = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipEnergy.Show() - - def __del__(self): - #print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE TASKBAR" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "EnergyBar.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("EnergyBar.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.energyEmpty = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Empty") - self.energyHungry = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Hungry") - self.energyFull = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Full") - - self.energyGaugeBoard = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Board") - self.energyGaugeToolTip = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_ToolTip") - - - def Destroy(self): - self.energyEmpty = None - self.energyHungry = None - self.energyFull = None - self.energyGaugeBoard = 0 - self.energyGaugeToolTip = 0 - self.tooltipEnergy = 0 - - ## Gauge - def RefreshStatus(self): - pointEnergy = player.GetStatus (player.ENERGY) - leftTimeEnergy = player.GetStatus (player.ENERGY_END_TIME) - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - # 面扁券 瘤加 矫埃 = 2矫埃. - self.SetEnergy (pointEnergy, leftTimeEnergy, 7200) - - def SetEnergy (self, point, leftTime, maxTime): - leftTime = max (leftTime, 0) - maxTime = max (maxTime, 0) - - self.energyEmpty.Hide() - self.energyHungry.Hide() - self.energyFull.Hide() - - if leftTime == 0: - self.energyEmpty.Show() - elif ((leftTime * 100) / maxTime) < 15: - self.energyHungry.Show() - else: - self.energyFull.Show() - - self.tooltipEnergy.SetText("%s" % (locale.TOOLTIP_ENERGY(point))) - - def OnUpdate(self): - if TRUE == self.energyGaugeToolTip.IsIn(): - self.RefreshStatus() - self.tooltipEnergy.Show() - else: - self.tooltipEnergy.Hide() - -class ExpandedTaskBar(ui.ScriptWindow): - BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL = 0 - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("ExpandedTaskBar") - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "ExpandedTaskBar.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ExpandedTaskBar.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.expandedTaskBarBoard = self.GetChild("ExpanedTaskBar_Board") - - self.toggleButtonDict = {} - self.toggleButtonDict[ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL] = self.GetChild("DragonSoulButton") - self.toggleButtonDict[ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL].SetParent(self) - - def SetTop(self): - super(ExpandedTaskBar, self).SetTop() - for button in self.toggleButtonDict.values(): - button.SetTop() - - def Show(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def SetToolTipText(self, eButton, text): - self.toggleButtonDict[eButton].SetToolTipText(text) - - def SetToggleButtonEvent(self, eButton, kEventFunc): - self.toggleButtonDict[eButton].SetEvent(kEventFunc) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class TaskBar(ui.ScriptWindow): - - BUTTON_CHARACTER = 0 - BUTTON_INVENTORY = 1 - BUTTON_MESSENGER = 2 - BUTTON_SYSTEM = 3 - BUTTON_CHAT = 4 - BUTTON_EXPAND = 4 - IS_EXPANDED = FALSE - - MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = 0 - MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = 1 - NONE = 255 - - EVENT_MOVE = 0 - EVENT_ATTACK = 1 - EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK = 2 - EVENT_CAMERA = 3 - EVENT_SKILL = 4 - EVENT_AUTO = 5 - - GAUGE_WIDTH = 95 - GAUGE_HEIGHT = 13 - - QUICKPAGE_NUMBER_FILENAME = [ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/1.sub", - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/2.sub", - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/3.sub", - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/4.sub", - ] - - #gift icon show and hide - def ShowGift(self): - self.wndGiftBox.Show() - - def HideGift(self): - self.wndGiftBox.Hide() - - class TextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def OnRender(self): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.textLine.SetPosition(mouseX, mouseY - 15) - - class SkillButton(ui.SlotWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.SlotWindow.__init__(self) - - self.event = 0 - self.arg = 0 - - self.slotIndex = 0 - self.skillIndex = 0 - - slotIndex = 0 - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - wndMgr.AppendSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex, 0, 0, 32, 32) - self.SetCoverButton(slotIndex, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_02.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_03.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_04.sub", TRUE, FALSE) - self.SetSize(32, 32) - - def __del__(self): - ui.SlotWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - if 0 != self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def RefreshSkill(self): - if 0 != self.slotIndex: - self.SetSkill(self.slotIndex) - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, tooltip): - self.tooltipSkill = tooltip - - def SetSkill(self, skillSlotNumber): - slotNumber = 0 - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(skillSlotNumber) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(skillSlotNumber) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(skillSlotNumber) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - self.skillIndex = skillIndex - if 0 == self.skillIndex: - self.ClearSlot(slotNumber) - return - - self.slotIndex = skillSlotNumber - - self.SetSkillSlotNew(slotNumber, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - self.SetSlotCountNew(slotNumber, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - ## NOTE : CoolTime 眉农 - if player.IsSkillCoolTime(skillSlotNumber): - (coolTime, elapsedTime) = player.GetSkillCoolTime(skillSlotNumber) - self.SetSlotCoolTime(slotNumber, coolTime, elapsedTime) - - ## NOTE : Activate 登绢 乐促搁 酒捞能档 诀单捞飘 - if player.IsSkillActive(skillSlotNumber): - self.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - - def SetSkillEvent(self, event, arg=0): - self.event = event - self.arg = arg - - def GetSkillIndex(self): - return self.skillIndex - - def GetSlotIndex(self): - return self.slotIndex - - def Activate(self, coolTime): - self.SetSlotCoolTime(0, coolTime) - - if skill.IsToggleSkill(self.skillIndex): - self.ActivateSlot(0) - - def Deactivate(self): - if skill.IsToggleSkill(self.skillIndex): - self.DeactivateSlot(0) - - def OnOverInItem(self, dummy): - self.tooltipSkill.SetSkill(self.skillIndex) - - def OnOverOutItem(self): - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def OnSelectItemSlot(self, dummy): - if 0 != self.event: - if 0 != self.arg: - self.event(self.arg) - else: - self.event() - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW TASKBAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - self.quickPageNumImageBox = None - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.tooltipSkill = 0 - self.mouseModeButtonList = [ ui.ScriptWindow("TOP_MOST"), ui.ScriptWindow("TOP_MOST") ] - - self.tooltipHP = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipHP.Show() - self.tooltipSP = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipSP.Show() - self.tooltipST = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipST.Show() - self.tooltipEXP = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipEXP.Show() - - self.skillCategoryNameList = [ "ACTIVE_1", "ACTIVE_2", "ACTIVE_3" ] - self.skillPageStartSlotIndexDict = { - "ACTIVE_1" : 1, - "ACTIVE_2" : 21, - "ACTIVE_3" : 41, - } - - self.selectSkillButtonList = [] - - self.lastUpdateQuickSlot = 0 - self.SetWindowName("TaskBar") - - def __del__(self): - #print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE TASKBAR" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "TaskBar.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/TaskBar.py") - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT], "UIScript/MouseButtonWindow.py") - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT], "UIScript/RightMouseButtonWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("TaskBar.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.quickslot = [] - self.quickslot.append(self.GetChild("quick_slot_1")) - self.quickslot.append(self.GetChild("quick_slot_2")) - for slot in self.quickslot: - slot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - slot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptyQuickSlot)) - slot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemQuickSlot)) - slot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UnselectItemQuickSlot)) - slot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - slot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - toggleButtonDict = {} - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_CHARACTER]=self.GetChild("CharacterButton") - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_INVENTORY]=self.GetChild("InventoryButton") - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_MESSENGER]=self.GetChild("MessengerButton") - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_SYSTEM]=self.GetChild("SystemButton") - - # ChatButton, ExpandButton 笛 吝 窍唱绰 馆靛矫 粮犁茄促. - try: - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_CHAT]=self.GetChild("ChatButton") - except: - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_EXPAND]=self.GetChild("ExpandButton") - TaskBar.IS_EXPANDED = TRUE - - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - systemButton = toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_SYSTEM] - if systemButton.ToolTipText: - tx, ty = systemButton.ToolTipText.GetLocalPosition() - tw = systemButton.ToolTipText.GetWidth() - systemButton.ToolTipText.SetPosition(-tw/2, ty) - - - expGauge = [] - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_01")) - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_02")) - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_03")) - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_04")) - - for exp in expGauge: - exp.SetSize(0, 0) - - - self.quickPageNumImageBox=self.GetChild("QuickPageNumber") - - self.GetChild("QuickPageUpButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickQuickPageUpButton)) - self.GetChild("QuickPageDownButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickQuickPageDownButton)) - - mouseLeftButtonModeButton = self.GetChild("LeftMouseButton") - mouseRightButtonModeButton = self.GetChild("RightMouseButton") - mouseLeftButtonModeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleLeftMouseButtonModeWindow)) - mouseRightButtonModeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleRightMouseButtonModeWindow)) - self.curMouseModeButton = [ mouseLeftButtonModeButton, mouseRightButtonModeButton ] - - (xLocalRight, yLocalRight) = mouseRightButtonModeButton.GetLocalPosition() - self.curSkillButton = self.SkillButton() - self.curSkillButton.SetParent(self) - self.curSkillButton.SetPosition(xLocalRight, 3) - self.curSkillButton.SetSkillEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleRightMouseButtonModeWindow)) - self.curSkillButton.Hide() - - (xLeft, yLeft) = mouseLeftButtonModeButton.GetGlobalPosition() - (xRight, yRight) = mouseRightButtonModeButton.GetGlobalPosition() - leftModeButtonList = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT] - leftModeButtonList.SetPosition(xLeft, yLeft - leftModeButtonList.GetHeight()-5) - rightModeButtonList = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT] - rightModeButtonList.SetPosition(xRight - rightModeButtonList.GetWidth() + 32, yRight - rightModeButtonList.GetHeight()-5) - rightModeButtonList.GetChild("button_skill").SetEvent(lambda adir=self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, aevent=self.EVENT_SKILL: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - rightModeButtonList.GetChild("button_skill").Hide() - - mouseImage = ui.ImageBox("TOP_MOST") - mouseImage.AddFlag("float") - mouseImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/mouse_button_camera_01.sub") - mouseImage.SetPosition(xRight, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 34) - mouseImage.Hide() - self.mouseImage = mouseImage - - dir = self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT - wnd = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir] - wnd.GetChild("button_move_and_attack").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - wnd.GetChild("button_auto_attack").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_AUTO: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - wnd.GetChild("button_camera").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_CAMERA: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - - dir = self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT - wnd = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir] - wnd.GetChild("button_move_and_attack").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - wnd.GetChild("button_camera").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_CAMERA: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - - self.toggleButtonDict = toggleButtonDict - self.expGauge = expGauge - - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - self.rampageGauge1 = self.GetChild("RampageGauge") - self.rampageGauge1.OnMouseOverIn = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_OverIn) - self.rampageGauge2 = self.GetChild("RampageGauge2") - self.rampageGauge2.OnMouseOverOut = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_OverOut) - self.rampageGauge2.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_Click) - self.__RampageGauge_OverOut() - - self.hpGauge = self.GetChild("HPGauge") - self.mpGauge = self.GetChild("SPGauge") - self.stGauge = self.GetChild("STGauge") - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar = self.GetChild("HPRecoveryGaugeBar") - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar = self.GetChild("SPRecoveryGaugeBar") - - self.hpGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("HPGauge_Board") - self.mpGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("SPGauge_Board") - self.stGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("STGauge_Board") - self.expGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("EXP_Gauge_Board") - - #giftbox object - wndGiftBox = GiftBox() - wndGiftBox.LoadWindow() - self.wndGiftBox = wndGiftBox - - self.__LoadMouseSettings() - self.RefreshStatus() - self.RefreshQuickSlot() - - def __RampageGauge_OverIn(self): - print "rampage_over_in" - self.rampageGauge2.Show() - self.rampageGauge1.Hide() - - def __RampageGauge_OverOut(self): - print "rampage_over_out" - self.rampageGauge2.Hide() - self.rampageGauge1.Show() - - def __RampageGauge_Click(self): - print "rampage_up" - net.SendChatPacket("/in_game_mall") - # gift icon hide when click mall icon - self.wndGiftBox.Hide() - - def __LoadMouseSettings(self): - try: - LoadMouseButtonSettings() - (mouseLeftButtonEvent, mouseRightButtonEvent) = GetMouseButtonSettings() - if not self.__IsInSafeMouseButtonSettingRange(mouseLeftButtonEvent) or not self.__IsInSafeMouseButtonSettingRange(mouseRightButtonEvent): - raise RuntimeError, "INVALID_MOUSE_BUTTON_SETTINGS" - except: - InitMouseButtonSettings(self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK, self.EVENT_CAMERA) - (mouseLeftButtonEvent, mouseRightButtonEvent) = GetMouseButtonSettings() - - try: - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, mouseLeftButtonEvent) - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, mouseRightButtonEvent) - except: - InitMouseButtonSettings(self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK, self.EVENT_CAMERA) - (mouseLeftButtonEvent, mouseRightButtonEvent) = GetMouseButtonSettings() - - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, mouseLeftButtonEvent) - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, mouseRightButtonEvent) - - - - def __IsInSafeMouseButtonSettingRange(self, arg): - return arg >= self.EVENT_MOVE and arg <= self.EVENT_AUTO - - def Destroy(self): - SaveMouseButtonSettings() - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.mouseModeButtonList[0].ClearDictionary() - self.mouseModeButtonList[1].ClearDictionary() - self.mouseModeButtonList = 0 - self.curMouseModeButton = 0 - self.curSkillButton = 0 - self.selectSkillButtonList = 0 - - - self.expGauge = None - self.hpGauge = None - self.mpGauge = None - self.stGauge = None - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar = None - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar = None - - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.tooltipSkill = 0 - self.quickslot = 0 - self.toggleButtonDict = 0 - - self.hpGaugeBoard = 0 - self.mpGaugeBoard = 0 - self.stGaugeBoard = 0 - - self.expGaugeBoard = 0 - - self.tooltipHP = 0 - self.tooltipSP = 0 - self.tooltipST = 0 - self.tooltipEXP = 0 - - self.mouseImage = None - - def __OnClickQuickPageUpButton(self): - player.SetQuickPage(player.GetQuickPage()-1) - - def __OnClickQuickPageDownButton(self): - player.SetQuickPage(player.GetQuickPage()+1) - - def SetToggleButtonEvent(self, eButton, kEventFunc): - self.toggleButtonDict[eButton].SetEvent(kEventFunc) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, tooltipSkill): - self.tooltipSkill = tooltipSkill - self.curSkillButton.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - - ## Mouse Image - def ShowMouseImage(self): - self.mouseImage.SetTop() - self.mouseImage.Show() - - def HideMouseImage(self): - player.SetQuickCameraMode(FALSE) - self.mouseImage.Hide() - - ## Gauge - def RefreshStatus(self): - curHP = player.GetStatus(player.HP) - maxHP = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_HP) - curSP = player.GetStatus(player.SP) - maxSP = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_SP) - curEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)) - nextEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.NEXT_EXP)) - recoveryHP = player.GetStatus(player.HP_RECOVERY) - recoverySP = player.GetStatus(player.SP_RECOVERY) - - self.RefreshStamina() - - self.SetHP(curHP, recoveryHP, maxHP) - self.SetSP(curSP, recoverySP, maxSP) - self.SetExperience(curEXP, nextEXP) - - def RefreshStamina(self): - curST = player.GetStatus(player.STAMINA) - maxST = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_STAMINA) - self.SetST(curST, maxST) - - def RefreshSkill(self): - self.curSkillButton.RefreshSkill() - for button in self.selectSkillButtonList: - button.RefreshSkill() - - def SetHP(self, curPoint, recoveryPoint, maxPoint): - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - if maxPoint > 0: - self.hpGauge.SetPercentage(curPoint, maxPoint) - self.tooltipHP.SetText("%s : %d / %d" % (locale.TASKBAR_HP, curPoint, maxPoint)) - - if 0 == recoveryPoint: - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar.Hide() - else: - destPoint = min(maxPoint, curPoint + recoveryPoint) - newWidth = int(self.GAUGE_WIDTH * (float(destPoint) / float(maxPoint))) - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar.SetSize(newWidth, self.GAUGE_HEIGHT) - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar.Show() - - def SetSP(self, curPoint, recoveryPoint, maxPoint): - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - if maxPoint > 0: - self.mpGauge.SetPercentage(curPoint, maxPoint) - self.tooltipSP.SetText("%s : %d / %d" % (locale.TASKBAR_SP, curPoint, maxPoint)) - - if 0 == recoveryPoint: - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar.Hide() - else: - destPoint = min(maxPoint, curPoint + recoveryPoint) - newWidth = int(self.GAUGE_WIDTH * (float(destPoint) / float(maxPoint))) - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar.SetSize(newWidth, self.GAUGE_HEIGHT) - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar.Show() - - def SetST(self, curPoint, maxPoint): - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - if maxPoint > 0: - self.stGauge.SetPercentage(curPoint, maxPoint) - self.tooltipST.SetText("%s : %d / %d" % (locale.TASKBAR_ST, curPoint, maxPoint)) - - def SetExperience(self, curPoint, maxPoint): - - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - curPoint = max(curPoint, 0) - maxPoint = max(maxPoint, 0) - - quarterPoint = maxPoint / 4 - FullCount = 0 - - if 0 != quarterPoint: - FullCount = min(4, curPoint / quarterPoint) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.expGauge[i].Hide() - - for i in xrange(FullCount): - self.expGauge[i].SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - self.expGauge[i].Show() - - if 0 != quarterPoint: - if FullCount < 4: - Percentage = float(curPoint % quarterPoint) / quarterPoint - 1.0 - self.expGauge[FullCount].SetRenderingRect(0.0, Percentage, 0.0, 0.0) - self.expGauge[FullCount].Show() - - ##### - self.tooltipEXP.SetText("%s : %.2f%%" % (locale.TASKBAR_EXP, float(curPoint) / max(1, float(maxPoint)) * 100)) - - - ## QuickSlot - def RefreshQuickSlot(self): - - pageNum = player.GetQuickPage() - - try: - self.quickPageNumImageBox.LoadImage(TaskBar.QUICKPAGE_NUMBER_FILENAME[pageNum]) - except: - pass - - startNumber = 0 - for slot in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(4): - - slotNumber = i+startNumber - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotNumber) - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_NONE == Type: - slot.ClearSlot(slotNumber) - continue - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == Type: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(Position) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(Position) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - - ## 磊悼拱距 (#72723, #72724) 漂荐贸府 - 酒捞袍牢单档 浇吩俊 劝己拳/厚劝己拳 钎矫甫 困茄 累诀烙 - [hyo] - if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemIndex): - # metinSocket - [0] : 劝己拳 咯何, [1] : 荤侩茄 剧, [2] : 弥措 侩樊 - metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(Position, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] - - if 0 != int(metinSocket[0]): - slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - else: - slot.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) - - slot.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, itemIndex, itemCount) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL == Type: - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(Position) - if 0 == skillIndex: - slot.ClearSlot(slotNumber) - continue - - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skillType: - import guild - skillGrade = 0 - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - else: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(Position) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - slot.SetSkillSlotNew(slotNumber, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - slot.SetSlotCountNew(slotNumber, skillGrade, skillLevel) - slot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber) - - ## NOTE : CoolTime 眉农 - if player.IsSkillCoolTime(Position): - (coolTime, elapsedTime) = player.GetSkillCoolTime(Position) - slot.SetSlotCoolTime(slotNumber, coolTime, elapsedTime) - - ## NOTE : Activate 登绢 乐促搁 酒捞能档 诀单捞飘 - if player.IsSkillActive(Position): - slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION == Type: - - emotionIndex = Position - slot.SetEmotionSlot(slotNumber, emotionIndex) - slot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber) - slot.SetSlotCount(slotNumber, 0) - - slot.RefreshSlot() - startNumber += 4 - - def canAddQuickSlot(self, Type, slotNumber): - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == Type: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) - return item.CanAddToQuickSlotItem(itemIndex) - - return TRUE - - def AddQuickSlot(self, localSlotIndex): - AttachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - AttachedSlotNumber = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - AttachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == AttachedSlotType: - player.RequestMoveGlobalQuickSlotToLocalQuickSlot(AttachedSlotNumber, localSlotIndex) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION == AttachedSlotType: - - player.RequestAddLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex, AttachedSlotType, AttachedItemIndex) - - elif TRUE == self.canAddQuickSlot(AttachedSlotType, AttachedSlotNumber): - - ## Online Code - player.RequestAddLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex, AttachedSlotType, AttachedSlotNumber) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.RefreshQuickSlot() - - def SelectEmptyQuickSlot(self, slotIndex): - - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - self.AddQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - def SelectItemQuickSlot(self, localQuickSlotIndex): - - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - self.AddQuickSlot(localQuickSlotIndex) - - else: - globalQuickSlotIndex=player.LocalQuickSlotIndexToGlobalQuickSlotIndex(localQuickSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT, globalQuickSlotIndex, globalQuickSlotIndex) - - def UnselectItemQuickSlot(self, localSlotIndex): - - if FALSE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex) - return - - elif mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - - def OnUseSkill(self, usedSlotIndex, coolTime): - - QUICK_SLOT_SLOT_COUNT = 4 - slotIndex = 0 - - ## Current Skill Button - if usedSlotIndex == self.curSkillButton.GetSlotIndex(): - self.curSkillButton.Activate(coolTime) - - ## Quick Slot - for slotWindow in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(QUICK_SLOT_SLOT_COUNT): - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - if usedSlotIndex == Position: - slotWindow.SetSlotCoolTime(slotIndex, coolTime) - return - - slotIndex += 1 - - def OnActivateSkill(self, usedSlotIndex): - slotIndex = 0 - - ## Current Skill Button - if usedSlotIndex == self.curSkillButton.GetSlotIndex(): - self.curSkillButton.Deactivate() - - ## Quick Slot - for slotWindow in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(4): - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - if usedSlotIndex == Position: - slotWindow.ActivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - slotIndex += 1 - - def OnDeactivateSkill(self, usedSlotIndex): - slotIndex = 0 - - ## Current Skill Button - if usedSlotIndex == self.curSkillButton.GetSlotIndex(): - self.curSkillButton.Deactivate() - - ## Quick Slot - for slotWindow in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(4): - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - if usedSlotIndex == Position: - slotWindow.DeactivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - slotIndex += 1 - - ## ToolTip - def OverInItem(self, slotNumber): - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotNumber) - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == Type: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(Position) - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL == Type: - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(Position) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skillType: - import guild - skillGrade = 0 - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - else: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(Position) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - self.tooltipSkill.SetSkillNew(Position, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverOutItem(self): - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - if 0 != self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def OnUpdate(self): - if app.GetGlobalTime() - self.lastUpdateQuickSlot > 500: - self.lastUpdateQuickSlot = app.GetGlobalTime() - self.RefreshQuickSlot() - - if TRUE == self.hpGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipHP.Show() - else: - self.tooltipHP.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.mpGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipSP.Show() - else: - self.tooltipSP.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.stGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipST.Show() - else: - self.tooltipST.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.expGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipEXP.Show() - else: - self.tooltipEXP.Hide() - - ## Skill - def ToggleLeftMouseButtonModeWindow(self): - - wndMouseButtonMode = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT] - - if TRUE == wndMouseButtonMode.IsShow(): - - wndMouseButtonMode.Hide() - - else: - wndMouseButtonMode.Show() - - def ToggleRightMouseButtonModeWindow(self): - - wndMouseButtonMode = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT] - - if TRUE == wndMouseButtonMode.IsShow(): - - wndMouseButtonMode.Hide() - self.CloseSelectSkill() - - else: - wndMouseButtonMode.Show() - self.OpenSelectSkill() - - def OpenSelectSkill(self): - - PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 6 - - (xSkillButton, y) = self.curSkillButton.GetGlobalPosition() - y -= (37 + 32 + 1) - - for key in self.skillCategoryNameList: - - appendCount = 0 - startNumber = self.skillPageStartSlotIndexDict[key] - x = xSkillButton - - getSkillIndex=player.GetSkillIndex - getSkillLevel=player.GetSkillLevel - for i in xrange(PAGE_SLOT_COUNT): - - skillIndex = getSkillIndex(startNumber+i) - skillLevel = getSkillLevel(startNumber+i) - - if 0 == skillIndex: - continue - if 0 == skillLevel: - continue - if skill.IsStandingSkill(skillIndex): - continue - - ## FIXME : 胶懦 窍唱寸 浇吩 窍唱究 且寸窍绰扒 酒公府 毫档 何窍啊 农促. - ## 捞 何盒篮 矫埃阑 唱搁 绊摹档废. - [levites] - skillButton = self.SkillButton() - skillButton.SetSkill(startNumber+i) - skillButton.SetPosition(x, y) - skillButton.SetSkillEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseSelectSkill), startNumber+i+1) - skillButton.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - skillButton.SetTop() - skillButton.Show() - self.selectSkillButtonList.append(skillButton) - - appendCount += 1 - x -= 32 - - if appendCount > 0: - y -= 32 - - def CloseSelectSkill(self, slotIndex=-1): - - self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Hide() - for button in self.selectSkillButtonList: - button.Destroy() - - self.selectSkillButtonList = [] - - if -1 != slotIndex: - self.curSkillButton.Show() - self.curMouseModeButton[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Hide() - player.SetMouseFunc(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBF_SKILL) - player.ChangeCurrentSkillNumberOnly(slotIndex-1) - else: - self.curSkillButton.Hide() - self.curMouseModeButton[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Show() - - def SelectMouseButtonEvent(self, dir, event): - SetMouseButtonSetting(dir, event) - - self.CloseSelectSkill() - self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].Hide() - - btn = 0 - type = self.NONE - func = self.NONE - tooltip_text = "" - - if self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT == dir: - type = player.MBT_LEFT - - elif self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT == dir: - type = player.MBT_RIGHT - - if self.EVENT_MOVE == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_move") - func = player.MBF_MOVE - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_MOVE - elif self.EVENT_ATTACK == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_attack") - func = player.MBF_ATTACK - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_ATTACK - elif self.EVENT_AUTO == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_auto_attack") - func = player.MBF_AUTO - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_AUTO - elif self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_move_and_attack") - func = player.MBF_SMART - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_ATTACK - elif self.EVENT_CAMERA == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_camera") - func = player.MBF_CAMERA - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_CAMERA - elif self.EVENT_SKILL == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_skill") - func = player.MBF_SKILL - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_SKILL - - if 0 != btn: - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetToolTipText(tooltip_text, 0, -18) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetUpVisual(btn.GetUpVisualFileName()) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetOverVisual(btn.GetOverVisualFileName()) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetDownVisual(btn.GetDownVisualFileName()) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].Show() - - player.SetMouseFunc(type, func) - - def OnChangeCurrentSkill(self, skillSlotNumber): - self.curSkillButton.SetSkill(skillSlotNumber) - self.curSkillButton.Show() - self.curMouseModeButton[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Hide() - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uitip.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uitip.py deleted file mode 100644 index f3df7213..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uitip.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import grp -import app - -import wndMgr - -class TextBar(ui.Window): - def __init__(self, width, height): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.handle = grp.CreateTextBar(width, height) - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - grp.DestroyTextBar(self.handle) - - def ClearBar(self): - grp.ClearTextBar(self.handle) - - def SetClipRect(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): - grp.SetTextBarClipRect(self.handle, x1, y1, x2, y2) - - def TextOut(self, x, y, text): - grp.TextBarTextOut(self.handle, x, y, text) - - def OnRender(self): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.RenderTextBar(self.handle, x, y) - - def SetTextColor(self, r, g, b): - grp.TextBarSetTextColor(self.handle, r, g, b) - - def GetTextExtent(self, text): - return grp.TextBarGetTextExtent(self.handle, text) - -class TipBoard(ui.Bar): - - SCROLL_WAIT_TIME = 3.0 - TIP_DURATION = 5.0 - STEP_HEIGHT = 17 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Bar.__init__(self) - - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.tipList = [] - self.curPos = 0 - self.dstPos = 0 - self.nextScrollTime = 0 - - self.width = 370 - - self.SetPosition(0, 70) - self.SetSize(370, 20) - self.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) - self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - - self.__CreateTextBar() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def __CreateTextBar(self): - - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.textBar = TextBar(370, 300) - self.textBar.SetParent(self) - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 5) - self.textBar.SetClipRect(0, y, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), y+18) - self.textBar.Show() - - def __CleanOldTip(self): - leaveList = [] - for tip in self.tipList: - madeTime = tip[0] - if app.GetTime() - madeTime > self.TIP_DURATION: - pass - else: - leaveList.append(tip) - - self.tipList = leaveList - - if not leaveList: - self.textBar.ClearBar() - self.Hide() - return - - self.__RefreshBoard() - - def __RefreshBoard(self): - - self.textBar.ClearBar() - - index = 0 - for tip in self.tipList: - text = tip[1] - self.textBar.TextOut(0, index*self.STEP_HEIGHT, text) - index += 1 - - def SetTip(self, text): - - if not app.IsVisibleNotice(): - return - - curTime = app.GetTime() - self.tipList.append((curTime, text)) - self.__RefreshBoard() - - self.nextScrollTime = app.GetTime() + 1.0 - - if not self.IsShow(): - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 5 - self.curPos) - self.Show() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.tipList: - self.Hide() - return - - if app.GetTime() > self.nextScrollTime: - self.nextScrollTime = app.GetTime() + self.SCROLL_WAIT_TIME - - self.dstPos = self.curPos + self.STEP_HEIGHT - - if self.dstPos > self.curPos: - self.curPos += 1 - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 5 - self.curPos) - - if self.curPos > len(self.tipList)*self.STEP_HEIGHT: - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - - self.__CleanOldTip() - - -class BigTextBar(TextBar): - def __init__(self, width, height, fontSize): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.handle = grp.CreateBigTextBar(width, height, fontSize) - - -class BigBoard(ui.Bar): - - SCROLL_WAIT_TIME = 5.0 - TIP_DURATION = 10.0 - FONT_WIDTH = 18 - FONT_HEIGHT = 18 - LINE_WIDTH = 500 - LINE_HEIGHT = FONT_HEIGHT + 5 - STEP_HEIGHT = LINE_HEIGHT * 2 - LINE_CHANGE_LIMIT_WIDTH = 350 - - FRAME_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_LIST = [ - "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_0.sub", - "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_1.sub", - "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_2.sub", - ] - - FRAME_IMAGE_STEP = 256 - - FRAME_BASE_X = -20 - FRAME_BASE_Y = -12 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Bar.__init__(self) - - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.tipList = [] - self.curPos = 0 - self.dstPos = 0 - self.nextScrollTime = 0 - - self.SetPosition(0, 150) - self.SetSize(512, 55) - self.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) - self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - - self.__CreateTextBar() - self.__LoadFrameImages() - - - def __LoadFrameImages(self): - x = self.FRAME_BASE_X - y = self.FRAME_BASE_Y - self.imgList = [] - for imgFileName in self.FRAME_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_LIST: - self.imgList.append(self.__LoadImage(x, y, imgFileName)) - x += self.FRAME_IMAGE_STEP - - def __LoadImage(self, x, y, fileName): - img = ui.ImageBox() - img.SetParent(self) - img.AddFlag("not_pick") - img.LoadImage(fileName) - img.SetPosition(x, y) - img.Show() - return img - - def __del__(self): - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def __CreateTextBar(self): - - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.textBar = BigTextBar(self.LINE_WIDTH, 300, self.FONT_HEIGHT) - self.textBar.SetParent(self) - self.textBar.SetPosition(6, 8) - self.textBar.SetTextColor(242, 231, 193) - self.textBar.SetClipRect(0, y+8, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), y+8+self.STEP_HEIGHT) - self.textBar.Show() - - def __CleanOldTip(self): - curTime = app.GetTime() - leaveList = [] - for madeTime, text in self.tipList: - if curTime + self.TIP_DURATION <= madeTime: - leaveList.append(tip) - - self.tipList = leaveList - - if not leaveList: - self.textBar.ClearBar() - self.Hide() - return - - self.__RefreshBoard() - - def __RefreshBoard(self): - - self.textBar.ClearBar() - - if len(self.tipList) == 1: - checkTime, text = self.tipList[0] - (text_width, text_height) = self.textBar.GetTextExtent(text) - self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, (self.STEP_HEIGHT-8-text_height)/2, text) - - else: - index = 0 - for checkTime, text in self.tipList: - (text_width, text_height) = self.textBar.GetTextExtent(text) - self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, index*self.LINE_HEIGHT, text) - index += 1 - - def SetTip(self, text): - - if not app.IsVisibleNotice(): - return - - curTime = app.GetTime() - self.__AppendText(curTime, text) - self.__RefreshBoard() - - self.nextScrollTime = curTime + 1.0 - - if not self.IsShow(): - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 8 - self.curPos) - self.Show() - - def __AppendText(self, curTime, text): - import dbg - prevPos = 0 - while 1: - curPos = text.find(" ", prevPos) - if curPos < 0: - break - - (text_width, text_height) = self.textBar.GetTextExtent(text[:curPos]) - if text_width > self.LINE_CHANGE_LIMIT_WIDTH: - self.tipList.append((curTime, text[:prevPos])) - self.tipList.append((curTime, text[prevPos:])) - return - - prevPos = curPos + 1 - - self.tipList.append((curTime, text)) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.tipList: - self.Hide() - return - - if app.GetTime() > self.nextScrollTime: - self.nextScrollTime = app.GetTime() + self.SCROLL_WAIT_TIME - - self.dstPos = self.curPos + self.STEP_HEIGHT - - if self.dstPos > self.curPos: - self.curPos += 1 - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 8 - self.curPos) - - if self.curPos > len(self.tipList)*self.LINE_HEIGHT: - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - - self.__CleanOldTip() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - wnd = BigBoard() - wnd.Show() - wnd.SetTip("救崇窍技夸") - wnd.SetTip("历绰 壶磊风 涝聪促") - - app.Loop() - diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uitooltip.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uitooltip.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6a463f40..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uitooltip.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2327 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import player -import item -import grp -import wndMgr -import skill -import shop -import exchange -import grpText -import safebox -import locale -import app -import background -import nonplayer -import chr - -import ui -import mouseModule -import constInfo - -WARP_SCROLLS = [22011, 22000, 22010] - -DESC_DEFAULT_MAX_COLS = 26 -DESC_WESTERN_MAX_COLS = 35 -DESC_WESTERN_MAX_WIDTH = 220 - -def chop(n): - return round(n - 0.5, 1) - -def SplitDescription(desc, limit): - total_tokens = desc.split() - line_tokens = [] - line_len = 0 - lines = [] - for token in total_tokens: - if "|" in token: - sep_pos = token.find("|") - line_tokens.append(token[:sep_pos]) - - lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens)) - line_len = len(token) - (sep_pos + 1) - line_tokens = [token[sep_pos+1:]] - else: - line_len += len(token) - if len(line_tokens) + line_len > limit: - lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens)) - line_len = len(token) - line_tokens = [token] - else: - line_tokens.append(token) - - if line_tokens: - lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens)) - - return lines - -################################################################################################### -## ToolTip -## -## NOTE : 泅犁绰 Item苞 Skill阑 惑加栏肺 漂拳 矫难滴菌澜 -## 窍瘤父 弊促瘤 狼固啊 绝绢 焊烙 -## -class ToolTip(ui.ThinBoard): - - TOOL_TIP_WIDTH = 190 - TOOL_TIP_HEIGHT = 10 - - TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT = 17 - - TITLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9490, 0.9058, 0.7568, 1.0) - SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.7843, 0.0, 1.0) - NORMAL_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - FONT_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - PRICE_COLOR = 0xffFFB96D - - HIGH_PRICE_COLOR = SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR - MIDDLE_PRICE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.0) - LOW_PRICE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0) - - ENABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - DISABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0) - - NEGATIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0) - POSITIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.5411, 0.7254, 0.5568, 1.0) - SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.6911, 0.8754, 0.7068, 1.0) - SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR2 = grp.GenerateColor(0.8824, 0.9804, 0.8824, 1.0) - - CONDITION_COLOR = 0xffBEB47D - CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR = 0xff8EC292 - CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR = DISABLE_COLOR - NEED_SKILL_POINT_COLOR = 0xff9A9CDB - - def __init__(self, width = TOOL_TIP_WIDTH, isPickable=FALSE): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - if isPickable: - pass - else: - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.followFlag = TRUE - self.toolTipWidth = width - - self.xPos = -1 - self.yPos = -1 - - self.defFontName = locale.UI_DEF_FONT - self.ClearToolTip() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - def ClearToolTip(self): - self.toolTipHeight = 12 - self.childrenList = [] - - def SetFollow(self, flag): - self.followFlag = flag - - def SetDefaultFontName(self, fontName): - self.defFontName = fontName - - def AppendSpace(self, size): - self.toolTipHeight += size - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def AppendHorizontalLine(self): - - for i in xrange(2): - horizontalLine = ui.Line() - horizontalLine.SetParent(self) - horizontalLine.SetPosition(0, self.toolTipHeight + 3 + i) - horizontalLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - horizontalLine.SetSize(150, 0) - horizontalLine.Show() - - if 0 == i: - horizontalLine.SetColor(0xff555555) - else: - horizontalLine.SetColor(0xff000000) - - self.childrenList.append(horizontalLine) - - self.toolTipHeight += 11 - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def AlignHorizonalCenter(self): - for child in self.childrenList: - (x, y)=child.GetLocalPosition() - child.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, y) - - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def AutoAppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = TRUE): - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color) - textLine.SetText(text) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetFeather(FALSE) - textLine.Show() - - if centerAlign: - textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - - else: - textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) - - self.childrenList.append(textLine) - - (textWidth, textHeight)=textLine.GetTextSize() - - textWidth += 40 - textHeight += 5 - - if self.toolTipWidth < textWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = textWidth - - self.toolTipHeight += textHeight - - return textLine - - def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = TRUE): - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color) - textLine.SetText(text) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetFeather(FALSE) - textLine.Show() - - if centerAlign: - textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - - else: - textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) - - self.childrenList.append(textLine) - - self.toolTipHeight += self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT - self.ResizeToolTip() - - return textLine - - def AppendDescription(self, desc, limit, color = FONT_COLOR): - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - self.__AppendDescription_WesternLanguage(desc, color) - else: - self.__AppendDescription_EasternLanguage(desc, limit, color) - - def __AppendDescription_EasternLanguage(self, description, characterLimitation, color=FONT_COLOR): - length = len(description) - if 0 == length: - return - - lineCount = grpText.GetSplitingTextLineCount(description, characterLimitation) - for i in xrange(lineCount): - if 0 == i: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(grpText.GetSplitingTextLine(description, characterLimitation, i), color) - - def __AppendDescription_WesternLanguage(self, desc, color=FONT_COLOR): - lines = SplitDescription(desc, DESC_WESTERN_MAX_COLS) - if not lines: - return - - self.AppendSpace(5) - for line in lines: - self.AppendTextLine(line, color) - - - def ResizeToolTip(self): - self.SetSize(self.toolTipWidth, self.TOOL_TIP_HEIGHT + self.toolTipHeight) - - def SetTitle(self, name): - self.AppendTextLine(name, self.TITLE_COLOR) - - def GetLimitTextLineColor(self, curValue, limitValue): - if curValue < limitValue: - return self.DISABLE_COLOR - - return self.ENABLE_COLOR - - def GetChangeTextLineColor(self, value, isSpecial=FALSE): - if value > 0: - if isSpecial: - return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR - else: - return self.POSITIVE_COLOR - - if 0 == value: - return self.NORMAL_COLOR - - return self.NEGATIVE_COLOR - - def SetToolTipPosition(self, x = -1, y = -1): - self.xPos = x - self.yPos = y - - def ShowToolTip(self): - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - self.OnUpdate() - - def HideToolTip(self): - self.Hide() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.followFlag: - return - - x = 0 - y = 0 - width = self.GetWidth() - height = self.toolTipHeight - - if -1 == self.xPos and -1 == self.yPos: - - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - - if mouseY < wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 300: - y = mouseY + 40 - else: - y = mouseY - height - 30 - - x = mouseX - width/2 - - else: - - x = self.xPos - width/2 - y = self.yPos - height - - x = max(x, 0) - y = max(y, 0) - x = min(x + width/2, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - width/2) - width/2 - y = min(y + self.GetHeight(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.GetHeight() - - parentWindow = self.GetParentProxy() - if parentWindow: - (gx, gy) = parentWindow.GetGlobalPosition() - x -= gx - y -= gy - - self.SetPosition(x, y) - -class ItemToolTip(ToolTip): - - CHARACTER_NAMES = ( - locale.TOOLTIP_WARRIOR, - locale.TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN, - locale.TOOLTIP_SURA, - locale.TOOLTIP_SHAMAN - ) - - CHARACTER_COUNT = len(CHARACTER_NAMES) - WEAR_NAMES = ( - locale.TOOLTIP_ARMOR, - locale.TOOLTIP_HELMET, - locale.TOOLTIP_SHOES, - locale.TOOLTIP_WRISTLET, - locale.TOOLTIP_WEAPON, - locale.TOOLTIP_NECK, - locale.TOOLTIP_EAR, - locale.TOOLTIP_UNIQUE, - locale.TOOLTIP_SHIELD, - locale.TOOLTIP_ARROW, - ) - WEAR_COUNT = len(WEAR_NAMES) - - AFFECT_DICT = { - item.APPLY_MAX_HP : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_HP, - item.APPLY_MAX_SP : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_SP, - item.APPLY_CON : locale.TOOLTIP_CON, - item.APPLY_INT : locale.TOOLTIP_INT, - item.APPLY_STR : locale.TOOLTIP_STR, - item.APPLY_DEX : locale.TOOLTIP_DEX, - item.APPLY_ATT_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED, - item.APPLY_MOV_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED, - item.APPLY_CAST_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED, - item.APPLY_HP_REGEN : locale.TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN, - item.APPLY_SP_REGEN : locale.TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN, - item.APPLY_POISON_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT, - item.APPLY_STUN_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT, - item.APPLY_SLOW_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT, - item.APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT, - item.APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT, - - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER, - - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL, - item.APPLY_STEAL_HP : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP, - item.APPLY_STEAL_SP : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP, - item.APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT, - item.APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER, - item.APPLY_BLOCK : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK, - item.APPLY_DODGE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE, - item.APPLY_RESIST_SWORD : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD, - item.APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND, - item.APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER, - item.APPLY_RESIST_BELL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL, - item.APPLY_RESIST_FAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN, - item.APPLY_RESIST_BOW : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW, - item.APPLY_RESIST_FIRE : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE, - item.APPLY_RESIST_ELEC : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC, - item.APPLY_RESIST_MAGIC : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC, - item.APPLY_RESIST_WIND : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND, - item.APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE, - item.APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE, - item.APPLY_POISON_REDUCE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE, - item.APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER, - item.APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS, - item.APPLY_POTION_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS, - item.APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER, - item.APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN, - item.APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW, - item.APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL, - item.APPLY_BOW_DISTANCE : locale.TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE, - item.APPLY_DEF_GRADE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE, - item.APPLY_ATT_GRADE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE, - item.APPLY_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE, - item.APPLY_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE, - item.APPLY_MAX_STAMINA : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA, - item.APPLY_MALL_ATTBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_DEFBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_EXPBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_ITEMBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_GOLDBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS, - item.APPLY_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS, - item.APPLY_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS, - item.APPLY_PC_BANG_EXP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC, - item.APPLY_PC_BANG_DROP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC, - item.APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR, - item.APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN, - item.APPLY_RESIST_SURA : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA, - item.APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN, - item.APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT, - item.APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT, - item.APPLY_ENERGY : locale.TOOLTIP_ENERGY, - item.APPLY_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS, - - item.APPLY_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER, - item.APPLY_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER : locale.TOOLTIP_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER, - item.APPLY_RESIST_ICE : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_ICE, - item.APPLY_RESIST_EARTH : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_EARTH, - item.APPLY_RESIST_DARK : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_DARK, - item.APPLY_ANTI_CRITICAL_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_ANTI_CRITICAL_PCT, - item.APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT, - } - - ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH = { - 23 : 230, - 24 : 230, - 25 : 230, - 26 : 220, - 27 : 210, - - 35 : 210, - 36 : 210, - 37 : 210, - 38 : 210, - 39 : 210, - 40 : 210, - 41 : 210, - - 42 : 220, - 43 : 230, - 45 : 230, - } - - ANTI_FLAG_DICT = { - 0 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_WARRIOR, - 1 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ASSASSIN, - 2 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SURA, - 3 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SHAMAN, - } - - FONT_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - ToolTip.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - self.itemVnum = 0 - self.isShopItem = FALSE - - # 酒捞袍 砒屏阑 钎矫且 锭 泅犁 某腐磐啊 馒侩且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍捞扼搁 碍力肺 Disable Color肺 汲沥 (捞固 弊犯霸 累悼窍绊 乐栏唱 波具 且 鞘夸啊 乐绢辑) - self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor = TRUE - - def __del__(self): - ToolTip.__del__(self) - - def SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(self, enable): - self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor = enable - - def CanEquip(self): - if not item.IsEquipmentVID(self.itemVnum): - return TRUE - - race = player.GetRace() - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - if not self.ANTI_FLAG_DICT.has_key(job): - return FALSE - - if item.IsAntiFlag(self.ANTI_FLAG_DICT[job]): - return FALSE - - sex = chr.RaceToSex(race) - - MALE = 1 - FEMALE = 0 - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE) and sex == MALE: - return FALSE - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE) and sex == FEMALE: - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) < limitValue: - return FALSE - """ - elif item.LIMIT_STR == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.ST) < limitValue: - return FALSE - elif item.LIMIT_DEX == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.DX) < limitValue: - return FALSE - elif item.LIMIT_INT == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.IQ) < limitValue: - return FALSE - elif item.LIMIT_CON == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.HT) < limitValue: - return FALSE - """ - - return TRUE - - def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = TRUE): - if not self.CanEquip() and self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor: - color = self.DISABLE_COLOR - - return ToolTip.AppendTextLine(self, text, color, centerAlign) - - def ClearToolTip(self): - self.isShopItem = FALSE - self.toolTipWidth = self.TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - ToolTip.ClearToolTip(self) - - def SetInventoryItem(self, slotIndex, window_type = player.INVENTORY): - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(window_type, slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - if shop.IsOpen(): - if not shop.IsPrivateShop(): - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - self.AppendSellingPrice(player.GetISellItemPrice(window_type, slotIndex)) - - metinSlot = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(window_type, slotIndex, i) for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] - attrSlot = [player.GetItemAttribute(window_type, slotIndex, i) for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM)] - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetShopItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = shop.GetItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - price = shop.GetItemPrice(slotIndex) - self.ClearToolTip() - self.isShopItem = TRUE - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(shop.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(shop.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - self.AppendPrice(price) - - def SetShopItemBySecondaryCoin(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = shop.GetItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - price = shop.GetItemPrice(slotIndex) - self.ClearToolTip() - self.isShopItem = TRUE - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(shop.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(shop.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - self.AppendPriceBySecondaryCoin(price) - - def SetExchangeOwnerItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = exchange.GetItemVnumFromSelf(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(exchange.GetItemMetinSocketFromSelf(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(exchange.GetItemAttributeFromSelf(slotIndex, i)) - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetExchangeTargetItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = exchange.GetItemVnumFromTarget(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(exchange.GetItemMetinSocketFromTarget(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(exchange.GetItemAttributeFromTarget(slotIndex, i)) - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetPrivateShopBuilderItem(self, invenType, invenPos, privateShopSlotIndex): - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - self.ClearToolTip() - self.AppendSellingPrice(shop.GetPrivateShopItemPrice(invenType, invenPos)) - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(invenPos, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(player.GetItemAttribute(invenPos, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetSafeBoxItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = safebox.GetItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(safebox.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(safebox.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, safebox.GetItemFlags(slotIndex)) - - def SetMallItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = safebox.GetMallItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(safebox.GetMallItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(safebox.GetMallItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, itemVnum): - self.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(0) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append((0, 0)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def __AppendAttackSpeedInfo(self, item): - atkSpd = item.GetValue(0) - - if atkSpd < 80: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST - elif atkSpd <= 95: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST - elif atkSpd <= 105: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL - elif atkSpd <= 120: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW - else: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW - - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED % stSpd, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def __AppendAttackGradeInfo(self): - atkGrade = item.GetValue(1) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE % atkGrade, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(atkGrade)) - - def __AppendAttackPowerInfo(self): - minPower = item.GetValue(3) - maxPower = item.GetValue(4) - addPower = item.GetValue(5) - if maxPower > minPower: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER % (minPower+addPower, maxPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - - def __AppendMagicAttackInfo(self): - minMagicAttackPower = item.GetValue(1) - maxMagicAttackPower = item.GetValue(2) - addPower = item.GetValue(5) - - if minMagicAttackPower > 0 or maxMagicAttackPower > 0: - if maxMagicAttackPower > minMagicAttackPower: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER % (minMagicAttackPower+addPower, maxMagicAttackPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minMagicAttackPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - - def __AppendMagicDefenceInfo(self): - magicDefencePower = item.GetValue(0) - - if magicDefencePower > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER % magicDefencePower, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(magicDefencePower)) - - def __AppendAttributeInformation(self, attrSlot): - if 0 != attrSlot: - - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - type = attrSlot[i][0] - value = attrSlot[i][1] - - if 0 == value: - continue - - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) - if affectString: - affectColor = self.__GetAttributeColor(i, value) - self.AppendTextLine(affectString, affectColor) - - def __GetAttributeColor(self, index, value): - if value > 0: - if index >= 5: - return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR2 - else: - return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR - elif value == 0: - return self.NORMAL_COLOR - else: - return self.NEGATIVE_COLOR - - def __IsPolymorphItem(self, itemVnum): - if itemVnum >= 70103 and itemVnum <= 70106: - return 1 - return 0 - - def __SetPolymorphItemTitle(self, monsterVnum): - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - itemName =item.GetItemName() - itemName+=" " - itemName+=nonplayer.GetMonsterName(monsterVnum) - else: - itemName =nonplayer.GetMonsterName(monsterVnum) - itemName+=" " - itemName+=item.GetItemName() - self.SetTitle(itemName) - - def __SetNormalItemTitle(self): - self.SetTitle(item.GetItemName()) - - def __SetSpecialItemTitle(self): - self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR) - - def __SetItemTitle(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot): - if locale.IsCANADA(): - if 72726 == itemVnum or 72730 == itemVnum: - self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.7843, 0.0, 1.0)) - return - - if self.__IsPolymorphItem(itemVnum): - self.__SetPolymorphItemTitle(metinSlot[0]) - else: - if self.__IsAttr(attrSlot): - self.__SetSpecialItemTitle() - return - - self.__SetNormalItemTitle() - - def __IsAttr(self, attrSlot): - if not attrSlot: - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - type = attrSlot[i][0] - if 0 != type: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def AddRefineItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0): - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlotData=metinSlot[i] - if self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData) == constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: - metinSlot[i]=player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def AddItemData_Offline(self, itemVnum, itemDesc, itemSummary, metinSlot, attrSlot): - self.__AdjustMaxWidth(attrSlot, itemDesc) - self.__SetItemTitle(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - if self.__IsHair(itemVnum): - self.__AppendHairIcon(itemVnum) - - ### Description ### - self.AppendDescription(itemDesc, 26) - self.AppendDescription(itemSummary, 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - - def AddItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0, flags = 0, unbindTime = 0): - self.itemVnum = itemVnum - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - itemType = item.GetItemType() - itemSubType = item.GetItemSubType() - - if 50026 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - name = item.GetItemName() - if metinSlot[0] > 0: - name += " " - name += locale.NumberToMoneyString(metinSlot[0]) - self.SetTitle(name) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - - ### Skill Book ### - elif 50300 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], locale.TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME, 1) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - elif 70037 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - elif 70055 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - ########################################################################################### - - - itemDesc = item.GetItemDescription() - itemSummary = item.GetItemSummary() - - isCostumeItem = 0 - isCostumeHair = 0 - isCostumeBody = 0 - - if app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM: - if item.ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME == itemType: - isCostumeItem = 1 - isCostumeHair = item.COSTUME_TYPE_HAIR == itemSubType - isCostumeBody = item.COSTUME_TYPE_BODY == itemSubType - - #dbg.TraceError("IS_COSTUME_ITEM! body(%d) hair(%d)" % (isCostumeBody, isCostumeHair)) - - self.__AdjustMaxWidth(attrSlot, itemDesc) - self.__SetItemTitle(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - ### Hair Preview Image ### - if self.__IsHair(itemVnum): - self.__AppendHairIcon(itemVnum) - - ### Description ### - self.AppendDescription(itemDesc, 26) - self.AppendDescription(itemSummary, 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - - ### Weapon ### - if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON == itemType: - - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - ## 何盲老 版快 付傍阑 刚历 钎矫茄促. - if item.WEAPON_FAN == itemSubType: - self.__AppendMagicAttackInfo() - self.__AppendAttackPowerInfo() - - else: - self.__AppendAttackPowerInfo() - self.__AppendMagicAttackInfo() - - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.AppendWearableInformation() - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot) - - ### Armor ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - ## 规绢仿 - defGrade = item.GetValue(1) - defBonus = item.GetValue(5)*2 ## 规绢仿 钎矫 肋给 登绰 巩力甫 荐沥 - if defGrade > 0: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE % (defGrade+defBonus), self.GetChangeTextLineColor(defGrade)) - - self.__AppendMagicDefenceInfo() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.AppendWearableInformation() - - if itemSubType in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR): - self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(itemVnum, itemSubType)) - else: - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot) - - ### Ring Slot Item (Not UNIQUE) ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_RING == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - #馆瘤 家南 矫胶袍 包访秦急 酒流 扁裙 固沥 - #self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, 99001) - - - ### Belt Item ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, constInfo.GET_BELT_MATERIAL_VNUM(itemVnum)) - - ## 内胶悯 酒捞袍 ## - elif 0 != isCostumeItem: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.AppendWearableInformation() - - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - - ## 荤侩啊瓷 矫埃 力茄捞 乐绰瘤 茫酒焊绊 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - #dbg.TraceError("1) REAL_TIME flag On ") - - ## Rod ## - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ROD == itemType: - - if 0 != metinSlot: - curLevel = item.GetValue(0) / 10 - curEXP = metinSlot[0] - maxEXP = item.GetValue(2) - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendRodInformation(curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP) - - ## Pick ## - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_PICK == itemType: - - if 0 != metinSlot: - curLevel = item.GetValue(0) / 10 - curEXP = metinSlot[0] - maxEXP = item.GetValue(2) - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendPickInformation(curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP) - - ## Lottery ## - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_LOTTERY == itemType: - if 0 != metinSlot: - - ticketNumber = int(metinSlot[0]) - stepNumber = int(metinSlot[1]) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER % (stepNumber), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER % (ticketNumber), self.NORMAL_COLOR); - - ### Metin ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN == itemType: - self.AppendMetinInformation() - self.AppendMetinWearInformation() - - ### Fish ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_FISH == itemType: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__AppendFishInfo(metinSlot[0]) - - ## item.ITEM_TYPE_BLEND - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_BLEND == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - if metinSlot: - affectType = metinSlot[0] - affectValue = metinSlot[1] - time = metinSlot[2] - self.AppendSpace(5) - affectText = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - - self.AppendTextLine(affectText, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if time > 0: - minute = (time / 60) - second = (time % 60) - timeString = locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME - - if minute > 0: - timeString += str(minute) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN - if second > 0: - timeString += " " + str(second) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC - - self.AppendTextLine(timeString) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.BLEND_POTION_NO_TIME) - else: - self.AppendTextLine("BLEND_POTION_NO_INFO") - - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_UNIQUE == itemType: - if 0 != metinSlot: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - else: - time = metinSlot[player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM-1] - - if 1 == item.GetValue(2): ## 角矫埃 捞侩 Flag / 厘馒 救秦档 霖促 - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(time) - else: - self.AppendUniqueItemLastTime(time) - - ### Use ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_USE == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - if item.USE_POTION == itemSubType or item.USE_POTION_NODELAY == itemSubType: - self.__AppendPotionInformation() - - elif item.USE_ABILITY_UP == itemSubType: - self.__AppendAbilityPotionInformation() - - - ## 康籍 皑瘤扁 - if 27989 == itemVnum or 76006 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - useCount = int(metinSlot[0]) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT % (6 - useCount), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - ## 捞亥飘 皑瘤扁 - elif 50004 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - useCount = int(metinSlot[0]) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT % (10 - useCount), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - ## 磊悼拱距 - elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): - if 0 != metinSlot: - ## 0: 劝己拳, 1: 荤侩樊, 2: 醚樊 - isActivated = int(metinSlot[0]) - usedAmount = float(metinSlot[1]) - totalAmount = float(metinSlot[2]) - - if 0 == totalAmount: - totalAmount = 1 - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - if 0 != isActivated: - self.AppendTextLine("(%s)" % (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING), self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR) - self.AppendSpace(5) - - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST % (100.0 - ((usedAmount / totalAmount) * 100.0)), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - - ## 蓖券 扁撅何 - elif itemVnum in WARP_SCROLLS: - if 0 != metinSlot: - xPos = int(metinSlot[0]) - yPos = int(metinSlot[1]) - - if xPos != 0 and yPos != 0: - (mapName, xBase, yBase) = background.GlobalPositionToMapInfo(xPos, yPos) - - localeMapName=locale.MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT.get(mapName, "") - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - if localeMapName!="": - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION % (localeMapName, int(xPos-xBase)/100, int(yPos-yBase)/100), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR % (int(xPos)/100, int(yPos)/100), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - dbg.TraceError("NOT_EXIST_IN_MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT: %s" % mapName) - - ##### - if item.USE_SPECIAL == itemSubType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - else: - # ... 捞芭... 辑滚俊绰 捞繁 矫埃 眉农 救登绢 乐绰单... - # 恐 捞繁霸 乐绰瘤 舅瘤绰 给窍唱 弊成 滴磊... - if 0 != metinSlot: - time = metinSlot[player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM-1] - - ## 角矫埃 捞侩 Flag - if 1 == item.GetValue(2): - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(time) - - elif item.USE_TIME_CHARGE_PER == itemSubType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - if metinSlot[2]: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER(metinSlot[2])) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER(item.GetValue(0))) - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - - elif item.USE_TIME_CHARGE_FIX == itemSubType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - if metinSlot[2]: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX(metinSlot[2])) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX(item.GetValue(0))) - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_QUEST == itemType: - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_DS == itemType: - self.AppendTextLine(self.__DragonSoulInfoString(itemVnum)) - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - else: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - #dbg.TraceError("LimitType : %d, limitValue : %d" % (limitType, limitValue)) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType: - self.AppendRealTimeStartFirstUseLastTime(item, metinSlot, i) - #dbg.TraceError("2) REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE flag On ") - - elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - self.AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(metinSlot) - #dbg.TraceError("1) REAL_TIME flag On ") - - self.ShowToolTip() - - def __DragonSoulInfoString (self, dwVnum): - step = (dwVnum / 100) % 10 - refine = (dwVnum / 10) % 10 - if 0 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL1 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 1 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL2 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 2 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL3 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 3 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL4 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 4 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL5 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - else: - return "" - - - ## 庆绢牢啊? - def __IsHair(self, itemVnum): - return (self.__IsOldHair(itemVnum) or - self.__IsNewHair(itemVnum) or - self.__IsNewHair2(itemVnum) or - self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum) or - self.__IsCostumeHair(itemVnum) - ) - - def __IsOldHair(self, itemVnum): - return itemVnum > 73000 and itemVnum < 74000 - - def __IsNewHair(self, itemVnum): - return itemVnum > 74000 and itemVnum < 75000 - - def __IsNewHair2(self, itemVnum): - return itemVnum > 75000 and itemVnum < 76000 - - def __IsNewHair3(self, itemVnum): - return ((74012 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74022) or - (74262 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74272) or - (74512 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74522) or - (74762 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74772) or - (45000 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 47000)) - - def __IsCostumeHair(self, itemVnum): - return app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM and self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum - 100000) - - def __AppendHairIcon(self, itemVnum): - itemImage = ui.ImageBox() - itemImage.SetParent(self) - itemImage.Show() - - if self.__IsOldHair(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/item/quest/"+str(itemVnum)+".tga") - elif self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum)) - elif self.__IsNewHair(itemVnum): # 扁粮 庆绢 锅龋甫 楷搬矫难辑 荤侩茄促. 货肺款 酒捞袍篮 1000父怒 锅龋啊 疵菌促. - itemImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/item/quest/"+str(itemVnum-1000)+".tga") - elif self.__IsNewHair2(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum)) - elif self.__IsCostumeHair(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum - 100000)) - - itemImage.SetPosition(itemImage.GetWidth()/2, self.toolTipHeight) - self.toolTipHeight += itemImage.GetHeight() - #self.toolTipWidth += itemImage.GetWidth()/2 - self.childrenList.append(itemImage) - self.ResizeToolTip() - - ## 荤捞令啊 奴 Description 老 版快 砒屏 荤捞令甫 炼沥茄促 - def __AdjustMaxWidth(self, attrSlot, desc): - newToolTipWidth = self.toolTipWidth - newToolTipWidth = max(self.__AdjustAttrMaxWidth(attrSlot), newToolTipWidth) - newToolTipWidth = max(self.__AdjustDescMaxWidth(desc), newToolTipWidth) - if newToolTipWidth > self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = newToolTipWidth - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def __AdjustAttrMaxWidth(self, attrSlot): - if 0 == attrSlot: - return self.toolTipWidth - - maxWidth = self.toolTipWidth - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - type = attrSlot[i][0] - value = attrSlot[i][1] - if self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH.has_key(type): - if value > 0: - maxWidth = max(self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH[type], maxWidth) - - # ATTR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP_WIDTH - #self.toolTipWidth = max(self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH[type], self.toolTipWidth) - #self.ResizeToolTip() - # END_OF_ATTR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP_WIDTH - - return maxWidth - - def __AdjustDescMaxWidth(self, desc): - if len(desc) < DESC_DEFAULT_MAX_COLS: - return self.toolTipWidth - - return DESC_WESTERN_MAX_WIDTH - - def __SetSkillBookToolTip(self, skillIndex, bookName, skillGrade): - skillName = skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex) - - if not skillName: - return - - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - itemName = bookName + " " + skillName - else: - itemName = skillName + " " + bookName - self.SetTitle(itemName) - - def __AppendPickInformation(self, curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL % (curLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP % (curEXP, maxEXP), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if curEXP == maxEXP: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - - def __AppendRodInformation(self, curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL % (curLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP % (curEXP, maxEXP), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if curEXP == maxEXP: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def __AppendLimitInformation(self): - - appendSpace = FALSE - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if limitValue > 0: - if FALSE == appendSpace: - self.AppendSpace(5) - appendSpace = TRUE - - else: - continue - - if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL % (limitValue), color) - """ - elif item.LIMIT_STR == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.ST), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR % (limitValue), color) - elif item.LIMIT_DEX == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.DX), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX % (limitValue), color) - elif item.LIMIT_INT == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.IQ), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT % (limitValue), color) - elif item.LIMIT_CON == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.HT), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON % (limitValue), color) - """ - - def __GetAffectString(self, affectType, affectValue): - if 0 == affectType: - return None - - if 0 == affectValue: - return None - - try: - return self.AFFECT_DICT[affectType](affectValue) - except TypeError: - return "UNKNOWN_VALUE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue) - except KeyError: - return "UNKNOWN_TYPE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue) - - def __AppendAffectInformation(self): - for i in xrange(item.ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM): - - (affectType, affectValue) = item.GetAffect(i) - - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - if affectString: - self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue)) - - def AppendWearableInformation(self): - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - flagList = ( - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_WARRIOR), - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ASSASSIN), - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SURA), - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SHAMAN)) - - characterNames = "" - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_COUNT): - - name = self.CHARACTER_NAMES[i] - flag = flagList[i] - - if flag: - characterNames += " " - characterNames += name - - textLine = self.AppendTextLine(characterNames, self.NORMAL_COLOR, TRUE) - textLine.SetFeather() - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE): - textLine = self.AppendTextLine(locale.FOR_FEMALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, TRUE) - textLine.SetFeather() - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE): - textLine = self.AppendTextLine(locale.FOR_MALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, TRUE) - textLine.SetFeather() - - def __AppendPotionInformation(self): - self.AppendSpace(5) - - healHP = item.GetValue(0) - healSP = item.GetValue(1) - healStatus = item.GetValue(2) - healPercentageHP = item.GetValue(3) - healPercentageSP = item.GetValue(4) - - if healHP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT % healHP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healHP)) - if healSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT % healSP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healSP)) - if healStatus != 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE) - if healPercentageHP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT % healPercentageHP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healPercentageHP)) - if healPercentageSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT % healPercentageSP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healPercentageSP)) - - def __AppendAbilityPotionInformation(self): - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - abilityType = item.GetValue(0) - time = item.GetValue(1) - point = item.GetValue(2) - - if abilityType == item.APPLY_ATT_SPEED: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED % point, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(point)) - elif abilityType == item.APPLY_MOV_SPEED: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED % point, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(point)) - - if time > 0: - minute = (time / 60) - second = (time % 60) - timeString = locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME - - if minute > 0: - timeString += str(minute) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN - if second > 0: - timeString += " " + str(second) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC - - self.AppendTextLine(timeString) - - def GetPriceColor(self, price): - if price>=constInfo.HIGH_PRICE: - return self.HIGH_PRICE_COLOR - if price>=constInfo.MIDDLE_PRICE: - return self.MIDDLE_PRICE_COLOR - else: - return self.LOW_PRICE_COLOR - - def AppendPrice(self, price): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE % (locale.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price)) - - def AppendPriceBySecondaryCoin(self, price): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE % (locale.NumberToSecondaryCoinString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price)) - - def AppendSellingPrice(self, price): - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL): - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - self.AppendSpace(5) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE % (locale.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price)) - self.AppendSpace(5) - - def AppendMetinInformation(self): - affectType, affectValue = item.GetAffect(0) - #affectType = item.GetValue(0) - #affectValue = item.GetValue(1) - - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - - if affectString: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue)) - - def AppendMetinWearInformation(self): - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - flagList = (item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_BODY), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_HEAD), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_FOOTS), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WRIST), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WEAPON), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_NECK), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_EAR), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_UNIQUE), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_SHIELD), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_ARROW)) - - wearNames = "" - for i in xrange(self.WEAR_COUNT): - - name = self.WEAR_NAMES[i] - flag = flagList[i] - - if flag: - wearNames += " " - wearNames += name - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.NORMAL_COLOR) - textLine.SetText(wearNames) - textLine.Show() - self.childrenList.append(textLine) - - self.toolTipHeight += self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def GetMetinSocketType(self, number): - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE == number: - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE - elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number: - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number: - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD - else: - item.SelectItem(number) - if item.METIN_NORMAL == item.GetItemSubType(): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif item.METIN_GOLD == item.GetItemSubType(): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE - - def GetMetinItemIndex(self, number): - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number: - return 0 - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number: - return 0 - - return number - - def __AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(self, metinSlot, mtrlVnum): - ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE = 3 - - cur=min(metinSlot[0], ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE) - end=min(metinSlot[1], ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE) - - affectType1, affectValue1 = item.GetAffect(0) - affectList1=[0, max(1, affectValue1*10/100), max(2, affectValue1*20/100), max(3, affectValue1*40/100)] - - affectType2, affectValue2 = item.GetAffect(1) - affectList2=[0, max(1, affectValue2*10/100), max(2, affectValue2*20/100), max(3, affectValue2*40/100)] - - mtrlPos=0 - mtrlList=[mtrlVnum]*cur+[player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER]*(end-cur) - for mtrl in mtrlList: - affectString1 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType1, affectList1[mtrlPos+1]-affectList1[mtrlPos]) - affectString2 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType2, affectList2[mtrlPos+1]-affectList2[mtrlPos]) - - leftTime = 0 - if cur == mtrlPos+1: - leftTime=metinSlot[2] - - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(mtrlPos, mtrl, affectString1, affectString2, leftTime) - mtrlPos+=1 - - def __AppendMetinSlotInfo(self, metinSlot): - if self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_IsEmptySlotList(metinSlot): - return - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(i, metinSlot[i]) - - def __AppendMetinSlotInfo_IsEmptySlotList(self, metinSlot): - if 0 == metinSlot: - return 1 - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlotData=metinSlot[i] - if 0 != self.GetMetinSocketType(metinSlotData): - if 0 != self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData): - return 0 - - return 1 - - def __AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(self, index, metinSlotData, custumAffectString="", custumAffectString2="", leftTime=0): - - slotType = self.GetMetinSocketType(metinSlotData) - itemIndex = self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData) - - if 0 == slotType: - return - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - slotImage = ui.ImageBox() - slotImage.SetParent(self) - slotImage.Show() - - ## Name - nameTextLine = ui.TextLine() - nameTextLine.SetParent(self) - nameTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.NORMAL_COLOR) - nameTextLine.SetOutline() - nameTextLine.SetFeather() - nameTextLine.Show() - - self.childrenList.append(nameTextLine) - - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == slotType: - slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_silver.sub") - elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slotType: - slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_gold.sub") - - self.childrenList.append(slotImage) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - slotImage.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - slotImage.GetWidth() - 9, self.toolTipHeight-1) - nameTextLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - 50, self.toolTipHeight + 2) - else: - slotImage.SetPosition(9, self.toolTipHeight-1) - nameTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 2) - - metinImage = ui.ImageBox() - metinImage.SetParent(self) - metinImage.Show() - self.childrenList.append(metinImage) - - if itemIndex: - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - - ## Image - try: - metinImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - except: - dbg.TraceError("ItemToolTip.__AppendMetinSocketData() - Failed to find image file %d:%s" % - (itemIndex, item.GetIconImageFileName()) - ) - - nameTextLine.SetText(item.GetItemName()) - - ## Affect - affectTextLine = ui.TextLine() - affectTextLine.SetParent(self) - affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - affectTextLine.SetOutline() - affectTextLine.SetFeather() - affectTextLine.Show() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - metinImage.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - metinImage.GetWidth() - 10, self.toolTipHeight) - affectTextLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - 50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2) - else: - metinImage.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) - affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2) - - if custumAffectString: - affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString) - elif itemIndex!=constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: - affectType, affectValue = item.GetAffect(0) - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - if affectString: - affectTextLine.SetText(affectString) - else: - affectTextLine.SetText(locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT) - - self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine) - - if custumAffectString2: - affectTextLine = ui.TextLine() - affectTextLine.SetParent(self) - affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2) - affectTextLine.SetOutline() - affectTextLine.SetFeather() - affectTextLine.Show() - affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString2) - self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine) - self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2 - - if 0 != leftTime: - timeText = (locale.LEFT_TIME + " : " + locale.SecondToDHM(leftTime)) - - timeTextLine = ui.TextLine() - timeTextLine.SetParent(self) - timeTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - timeTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - timeTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2) - timeTextLine.SetOutline() - timeTextLine.SetFeather() - timeTextLine.Show() - timeTextLine.SetText(timeText) - self.childrenList.append(timeTextLine) - self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2 - - else: - nameTextLine.SetText(locale.TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY) - - self.toolTipHeight += 35 - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def __AppendFishInfo(self, size): - if size > 0: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN % (float(size) / 100.0), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendUniqueItemLastTime(self, restMin): - restSecond = restMin*60 - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.LEFT_TIME + " : " + locale.SecondToDHM(restSecond), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendMallItemLastTime(self, endTime): - leftSec = max(0, endTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp()) - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.LEFT_TIME + " : " + locale.SecondToDHM(leftSec), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(self, metinSlot): - if 0 == metinSlot[0]: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.CANNOT_USE, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - else: - endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + metinSlot[0] - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(endTime) - - def AppendRealTimeStartFirstUseLastTime(self, item, metinSlot, limitIndex): - useCount = metinSlot[1] - endTime = metinSlot[0] - - # 茄 锅捞扼档 荤侩沁促搁 Socket0俊 辆丰 矫埃(2012斥 3岿 1老 13矫 01盒 鞍篮..) 捞 冠囚乐澜. - # 荤侩窍瘤 臼疽促搁 Socket0俊 捞侩啊瓷矫埃(捞甫抛搁 600 鞍篮 蔼. 檬窜困)捞 甸绢乐阑 荐 乐绊, 0捞扼搁 Limit Value俊 乐绰 捞侩啊瓷矫埃阑 荤侩茄促. - if 0 == useCount: - if 0 == endTime: - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(limitIndex) - endTime = limitValue - - endTime += app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(endTime) - -class HyperlinkItemToolTip(ItemToolTip): - def __init__(self): - ItemToolTip.__init__(self, isPickable=TRUE) - - def SetHyperlinkItem(self, tokens): - minTokenCount = 3 + player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM - maxTokenCount = minTokenCount + 2 * player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM - if tokens and len(tokens) >= minTokenCount and len(tokens) <= maxTokenCount: - head, vnum, flag = tokens[:3] - itemVnum = int(vnum, 16) - metinSlot = [int(metin, 16) for metin in tokens[3:6]] - - rests = tokens[6:] - if rests: - attrSlot = [] - - rests.reverse() - while rests: - key = int(rests.pop(), 16) - if rests: - val = int(rests.pop()) - attrSlot.append((key, val)) - - attrSlot += [(0, 0)] * (player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM - len(attrSlot)) - else: - attrSlot = [(0, 0)] * player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM - - self.ClearToolTip() - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - ItemToolTip.OnUpdate(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - pass - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.Hide() - -class SkillToolTip(ToolTip): - - POINT_NAME_DICT = { - player.LEVEL : locale.SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL, - player.IQ : locale.SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT, - } - - SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH = 200 - PARTY_SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH = 340 - - PARTY_SKILL_EXPERIENCE_AFFECT_LIST = ( ( 2, 2, 10,), - ( 8, 3, 20,), - (14, 4, 30,), - (22, 5, 45,), - (28, 6, 60,), - (34, 7, 80,), - (38, 8, 100,), ) - - PARTY_SKILL_PLUS_GRADE_AFFECT_LIST = ( ( 4, 2, 1, 0,), - (10, 3, 2, 0,), - (16, 4, 2, 1,), - (24, 5, 2, 2,), ) - - PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER_AFFECT_LIST = ( ( 36, 3, ), - ( 26, 1, ), - ( 32, 2, ), ) - - SKILL_GRADE_NAME = { player.SKILL_GRADE_MASTER : locale.SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER, - player.SKILL_GRADE_GRAND_MASTER : locale.SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER, - player.SKILL_GRADE_PERFECT_MASTER : locale.SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER, } - - AFFECT_NAME_DICT = { - "HP" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER, - "ATT_GRADE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE, - "DEF_GRADE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE, - "ATT_SPEED" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED, - "MOV_SPEED" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED, - "DODGE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE, - "RESIST_NORMAL" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL, - "REFLECT_MELEE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE, - } - AFFECT_APPEND_TEXT_DICT = { - "DODGE" : "%", - "RESIST_NORMAL" : "%", - "REFLECT_MELEE" : "%", - } - - def __init__(self): - ToolTip.__init__(self, self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH) - def __del__(self): - ToolTip.__del__(self) - - def SetSkill(self, skillIndex, skillLevel = -1): - - if 0 == skillIndex: - return - - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex): - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendGuildSkillData(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - else: - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillCurrentPercentage = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - skillNextPercentage = player.GetSkillNextEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillDataNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage) - self.AppendSkillRequirement(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - self.ShowToolTip() - - def SetSkillNew(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel): - - if 0 == skillIndex: - return - - if player.SKILL_INDEX_TONGSOL == skillIndex: - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendPartySkillData(skillGrade, skillLevel) - - elif player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING == skillIndex: - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - self.AppendSupportSkillDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, 30) - - elif player.SKILL_INDEX_SUMMON == skillIndex: - - maxLevel = 10 - - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - ## Description - description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex) - self.AppendDescription(description, 25) - - if skillLevel == 10: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (skillLevel*10), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - else: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.__AppendSummonDescription(skillLevel, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel+1), self.NEGATIVE_COLOR) - self.__AppendSummonDescription(skillLevel+1, self.NEGATIVE_COLOR) - - elif skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex): - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendGuildSkillData(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - else: - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - - skillCurrentPercentage = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - skillNextPercentage = player.GetSkillNextEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillDataNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage) - self.AppendSkillRequirement(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - self.ShowToolTip() - - def __SetSkillTitle(self, skillIndex, skillGrade): - self.SetTitle(skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex, skillGrade)) - self.__AppendSkillGradeName(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - def __AppendSkillGradeName(self, skillIndex, skillGrade): - if self.SKILL_GRADE_NAME.has_key(skillGrade): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(self.SKILL_GRADE_NAME[skillGrade] % (skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex, 0)), self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR) - - def SetSkillOnlyName(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade): - if 0 == skillIndex: - return - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.ShowToolTip() - - def AppendDefaultData(self, skillIndex, skillGrade = 0): - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - ## Level Limit - levelLimit = skill.GetSkillLevelLimit(skillIndex) - if levelLimit > 0: - - color = self.NORMAL_COLOR - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) < levelLimit: - color = self.NEGATIVE_COLOR - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL % (levelLimit), color) - - ## Description - description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex) - self.AppendDescription(description, 25) - - def AppendSupportSkillDefaultData(self, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, maxLevel): - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - ## Description - description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex) - self.AppendDescription(description, 25) - - if 1 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 19 - elif 2 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 29 - elif 3 == skillGrade: - skillLevel = 40 - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX % (skillLevel, maxLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendSkillConditionData(self, skillIndex): - conditionDataCount = skill.GetSkillConditionDescriptionCount(skillIndex) - if conditionDataCount > 0: - self.AppendSpace(5) - for i in xrange(conditionDataCount): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillConditionDescription(skillIndex, i), self.CONDITION_COLOR) - - def AppendGuildSkillData(self, skillIndex, skillLevel): - skillMaxLevel = 7 - skillCurrentPercentage = float(skillLevel) / float(skillMaxLevel) - skillNextPercentage = float(skillLevel+1) / float(skillMaxLevel) - ## Current Level - if skillLevel > 0: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel): - self.AppendSpace(5) - if skillLevel == skillMaxLevel: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - ##### - - for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillCurrentPercentage), self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## Cooltime - coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage) - if coolTime > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## SP - needGSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage) - if needGSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP % (needGSP), self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## Next Level - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevel: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel+1): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 % (skillLevel+1, skillMaxLevel), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - ##### - - for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillNextPercentage), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - ## Cooltime - coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage) - if coolTime > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - ## SP - needGSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage) - if needGSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP % (needGSP), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - def AppendSkillDataNew(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage): - - self.skillMaxLevelStartDict = { 0 : 17, 1 : 7, 2 : 10, } - self.skillMaxLevelEndDict = { 0 : 20, 1 : 10, 2 : 10, } - - skillLevelUpPoint = 1 - realSkillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillMaxLevelStart = self.skillMaxLevelStartDict.get(realSkillGrade, 15) - skillMaxLevelEnd = self.skillMaxLevelEndDict.get(realSkillGrade, 20) - - ## Current Level - if skillLevel > 0: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel): - self.AppendSpace(5) - if skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT: - pass - elif skillLevel == skillMaxLevelEnd: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage, self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## Next Level - if skillGrade != skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT: - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevelEnd: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel+skillLevelUpPoint): - self.AppendSpace(5) - ## HP焊碍, 包烹雀乔 焊炼胶懦狼 版快 - if skillIndex == 141 or skillIndex == 142: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_3 % (skillLevel+1), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 % (skillLevel+1, skillMaxLevelEnd), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - self.AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - def AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(self, skillIndex, skillPercentage, color): - - affectDataCount = skill.GetNewAffectDataCount(skillIndex) - if affectDataCount > 0: - for i in xrange(affectDataCount): - type, minValue, maxValue = skill.GetNewAffectData(skillIndex, i, skillPercentage) - - if not self.AFFECT_NAME_DICT.has_key(type): - continue - - minValue = int(minValue) - maxValue = int(maxValue) - affectText = self.AFFECT_NAME_DICT[type] - - if "HP" == type: - if minValue < 0 and maxValue < 0: - minValue *= -1 - maxValue *= -1 - - else: - affectText = locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL - - affectText += str(minValue) - if minValue != maxValue: - affectText += " - " + str(maxValue) - affectText += self.AFFECT_APPEND_TEXT_DICT.get(type, "") - - #import debugInfo - #if debugInfo.IsDebugMode(): - # affectText = "!!" + affectText - - self.AppendTextLine(affectText, color) - - else: - for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillPercentage), color) - - - ## Duration - duration = skill.GetDuration(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - if duration > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION % (duration), color) - - ## Cooltime - coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - if coolTime > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), color) - - ## SP - needSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - if needSP != 0: - continuationSP = skill.GetSkillContinuationSP(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - - if skill.IsUseHPSkill(skillIndex): - self.AppendNeedHP(needSP, continuationSP, color) - else: - self.AppendNeedSP(needSP, continuationSP, color) - - def AppendSkillRequirement(self, skillIndex, skillLevel): - - skillMaxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - if skillLevel >= skillMaxLevel: - return - - isAppendHorizontalLine = FALSE - - ## Requirement - if skill.IsSkillRequirement(skillIndex): - - if not isAppendHorizontalLine: - isAppendHorizontalLine = TRUE - self.AppendHorizontalLine() - - requireSkillName, requireSkillLevel = skill.GetSkillRequirementData(skillIndex) - - color = self.CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - if skill.CheckRequirementSueccess(skillIndex): - color = self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL % (requireSkillName, requireSkillLevel), color) - - ## Require Stat - requireStatCount = skill.GetSkillRequireStatCount(skillIndex) - if requireStatCount > 0: - - for i in xrange(requireStatCount): - type, level = skill.GetSkillRequireStatData(skillIndex, i) - if self.POINT_NAME_DICT.has_key(type): - - if not isAppendHorizontalLine: - isAppendHorizontalLine = TRUE - self.AppendHorizontalLine() - - name = self.POINT_NAME_DICT[type] - color = self.CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - if player.GetStatus(type) >= level: - color = self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL % (name, level), color) - - def HasSkillLevelDescription(self, skillIndex, skillLevel): - if skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex) > 0: - return TRUE - if skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillLevel) > 0: - return TRUE - if skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillLevel) > 0: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def AppendMasterAffectDescription(self, index, desc, color): - self.AppendTextLine(desc, color) - - def AppendNextAffectDescription(self, index, desc): - self.AppendTextLine(desc, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - def AppendNeedHP(self, needSP, continuationSP, color): - - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_HP % (needSP), color) - - if continuationSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC % (continuationSP), color) - - def AppendNeedSP(self, needSP, continuationSP, color): - - if -1 == needSP: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP, color) - - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_SP % (needSP), color) - - if continuationSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC % (continuationSP), color) - - def AppendPartySkillData(self, skillGrade, skillLevel): - - if 1 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 19 - elif 2 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 29 - elif 3 == skillGrade: - skillLevel = 40 - - if skillLevel <= 0: - return - - skillIndex = player.SKILL_INDEX_TONGSOL - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - skillPower = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - k = skillPower - else: - k = player.GetSkillLevel(skillIndex) / 100.0 - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL % skillLevel, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if skillLevel>=10: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER % chop( 10 + 60 * k )) - - if skillLevel>=20: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER % chop(1 + 5 * k)) - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_TANKER % chop(50 + 1450 * k)) - - if skillLevel>=25: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER % chop(5 + 45 * k )) - - if skillLevel>=35: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER % chop(25 + 600 * k )) - - if skillLevel>=40: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER % chop( 5 + 30 * k )) - - self.AlignHorizonalCenter() - - def __AppendSummonDescription(self, skillLevel, color): - if skillLevel > 1: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (skillLevel * 10), color) - elif 1 == skillLevel: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (15), color) - elif 0 == skillLevel: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (10), color) - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - toolTip = ItemToolTip() - toolTip.ClearToolTip() - #toolTip.AppendTextLine("Test") - desc = "Item descriptions:|increase of width of display to 35 digits per row AND installation of function that the displayed words are not broken up in two parts, but instead if one word is too long to be displayed in this row, this word will start in the next row." - summ = "" - - toolTip.AddItemData_Offline(10, desc, summ, 0, 0) - toolTip.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiuploadmark.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiuploadmark.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0d8ae9dc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiuploadmark.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -class MarkItem(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, fileName): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - self.imgWidth=0 - self.imgHeight=0 - self.canLoad=0 - self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(fileName) - self.imgBox=self.__CreateImageBox("upload/"+fileName) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def GetText(self): - return self.textLine.GetText() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 20 + 6*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) - - def __CreateTextLine(self, fileName): - textLine=ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetPosition(20, 0) - textLine.SetText(fileName) - textLine.Show() - return textLine - - def __CreateImageBox(self, fileName): - (self.canLoad, self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight)=app.GetImageInfo(fileName) - - if 1==self.canLoad: - if 16==self.imgWidth and 12==self.imgHeight: - imgBox=ui.ImageBox() - imgBox.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgBox.SetParent(self) - imgBox.SetPosition(0, 2) - imgBox.LoadImage(fileName) - imgBox.Show() - return imgBox - else: - return 0 - else: - return 0 - -class SymbolItem(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, fileName): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(fileName) - (self.canLoad, self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight)=app.GetImageInfo("upload/"+fileName) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def GetText(self): - return self.textLine.GetText() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 6*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) - - def __CreateTextLine(self, fileName): - textLine=ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetPosition(1, 2) - textLine.SetText(fileName) - textLine.Show() - return textLine - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent): - print "NEW POPUP WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__Load() - self.__Bind() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE POPUP WINDOW" - - def __Load(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Load") - - def __Bind(self): - try: - self.textLine=self.GetChild("message") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("accept") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Bind") - - self.okButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOK)) - - def Open(self, msg): - self.textLine.SetText(msg) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - def __OnOK(self): - self.Hide() - -class MarkSelectDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - print "NEW MARK LIST WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.selectEvent=None - self.isLoaded=0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE MARK LIST WINDOW" - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__Load() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - - if self.markListBox.IsEmpty(): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH) - - def Close(self): - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.selectEvent=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def __CreateMarkListBox(self): - markListBox=ui.ListBoxEx() - markListBox.SetParent(self) - markListBox.SetPosition(15, 50) - markListBox.Show() - return markListBox - - def __Load(self): - self.popupDialog=PopupDialog(self) - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "MarkListWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MarkListWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MarkListBox.__Load") - - try: - self.markListBox=self.__CreateMarkListBox() - self.markListBox.SetScrollBar(self.GetChild("ScrollBar")) - - self.popupText = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - self.popupDialog.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.popupDialog.Hide)) - - self.board=self.GetChild("board") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("ok") - self.cancelButton=self.GetChild("cancel") - self.refreshButton=self.GetChild("refresh") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MarkListBox.__Bind") - - self.refreshButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnRefresh)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.okButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOK)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.UpdateRect() - - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupDialog.Open(msg) - - def __OnOK(self): - selItem=self.markListBox.GetSelectedItem() - if selItem: - if selItem.canLoad!=1: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT) - elif selItem.imgWidth!=16: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH) - elif selItem.imgHeight!=12: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT) - else: - self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) - self.Hide() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT) - - def __OnCancel(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnRefresh(self): - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __RefreshFileList(self): - self.__ClearFileList() - self.__AppendFileList("bmp") - self.__AppendFileList("tga") - self.__AppendFileList("jpg") - - def __ClearFileList(self): - self.markListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def __AppendFileList(self, filter): - fileNameList=app.GetFileList("upload/*."+filter) - for fileName in fileNameList: - self.__AppendFile(fileName) - - def __AppendFile(self, fileName): - self.markListBox.AppendItem(MarkItem(fileName)) - -class SymbolSelectDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - print "NEW SYMBOL LIST WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.selectEvent=None - self.isLoaded=0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE SYMBOL LIST WINDOW" - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__Load() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - - if self.symbolListBox.IsEmpty(): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH) - - def Close(self): - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.selectEvent=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def __CreateSymbolListBox(self): - symbolListBox=ui.ListBoxEx() - symbolListBox.SetParent(self) - symbolListBox.SetPosition(15, 50) - symbolListBox.Show() - return symbolListBox - - def __Load(self): - self.popupDialog=PopupDialog(self) - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MarkListWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SymbolListBox.__Load") - - try: - self.symbolListBox=self.__CreateSymbolListBox() - self.symbolListBox.SetScrollBar(self.GetChild("ScrollBar")) - - self.popupText = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - self.popupDialog.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.popupDialog.Hide)) - - self.board=self.GetChild("board") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("ok") - self.cancelButton=self.GetChild("cancel") - self.refreshButton=self.GetChild("refresh") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SymbolListBox.__Bind") - - self.refreshButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnRefresh)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.okButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOK)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.board.SetTitleName(locale.SYMBOLLIST_TITLE) - self.UpdateRect() - - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupDialog.Open(msg) - - def __OnOK(self): - selItem=self.symbolListBox.GetSelectedItem() - if selItem: - if selItem.canLoad!=1: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT) - elif selItem.imgWidth!=64: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH) - elif selItem.imgHeight!=128: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT) - else: - self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) - self.Hide() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT) - - def __OnCancel(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnRefresh(self): - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __RefreshFileList(self): - self.__ClearFileList() - self.__AppendFileList("jpg") - - def __ClearFileList(self): - self.symbolListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def __AppendFileList(self, filter): - fileNameList=app.GetFileList("upload/*."+filter) - for fileName in fileNameList: - self.__AppendFile(fileName) - - def __AppendFile(self, fileName): - self.symbolListBox.AppendItem(SymbolItem(fileName)) diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiweb.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiweb.py deleted file mode 100644 index 455b0439..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiweb.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import net -import snd -import app -import mouseModule -import constInfo - -class WebWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - self.oldPos = None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "WebWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/WebWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WebWindow.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WebWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - - def Destroy(self): - app.HideWebPage() - self.ClearDictionary() - self.titleBar = None - - def Open(self, url): - self.Refresh() - self.Show() - self.SetCenterPosition() - - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - sx, sy = x + 10, y + 30 - ex, ey = sx + self.GetWidth() - 20, sy + self.GetHeight() - 40 - - app.ShowWebPage(url, (sx, sy, ex, ey)) - - - def Close(self): - app.HideWebPage() - self.Hide() - - def Clear(self): - self.Refresh() - - def Refresh(self): - pass - - def __OnCloseButtonClick(self): - print "close_web:click_close_button" - self.Close() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - print "close_web:esc_key" - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - newPos = self.GetGlobalPosition() - if newPos == self.oldPos: - return - - self.oldPos = newPos - - x, y = newPos - sx, sy = x + 10, y + 30 - ex, ey = sx + self.GetWidth() - 20, sy + self.GetHeight() - 40 - app.MoveWebPage((sx, sy, ex, ey)) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import uiToolTip - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - - self.mallWindow = WebWindow() - self.mallWindow.LoadWindow() - self.mallWindow.Open() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/uiwhisper.py b/bin_original/pack/root/uiwhisper.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3e236f22..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/uiwhisper.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import chat -import player -import app -import locale -import ime -import chr - -class WhisperButton(ui.Button): - def __init__(self): - ui.Button.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - def __del__(self): - ui.Button.__del__(self) - - def SetToolTipText(self, text, x=0, y = 32): - ui.Button.SetToolTipText(self, text, x, y) - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def SetToolTipTextWithColor(self, text, color, x=0, y = 32): - ui.Button.SetToolTipText(self, text, x, y) - self.ToolTipText.SetPackedFontColor(color) - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def ShowToolTip(self): - if 0 != self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def HideToolTip(self): - if 0 != self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Show() - -class WhisperDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - class TextRenderer(ui.Window): - def SetTargetName(self, targetName): - self.targetName = targetName - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - chat.RenderWhisper(self.targetName, x, y) - - class ResizeButton(ui.DragButton): - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.HVSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __init__(self, eventMinimize, eventClose): - print "NEW WHISPER DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.targetName = "" - self.eventMinimize = eventMinimize - self.eventClose = eventClose - self.eventAcceptTarget = None - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE WHISPER DIALOG" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/WhisperDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WhisperDialog.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.titleName = GetObject("titlename") - self.titleNameEdit = GetObject("titlename_edit") - self.closeButton = GetObject("closebutton") - self.scrollBar = GetObject("scrollbar") - self.chatLine = GetObject("chatline") - self.minimizeButton = GetObject("minimizebutton") - self.ignoreButton = GetObject("ignorebutton") - self.reportViolentWhisperButton = GetObject("reportviolentwhisperbutton") - self.acceptButton = GetObject("acceptbutton") - self.sendButton = GetObject("sendbutton") - self.board = GetObject("board") - self.editBar = GetObject("editbar") - self.gamemasterMark = GetObject("gamemastermark") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DialogWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.gamemasterMark.Hide() - self.titleName.SetText("") - self.titleNameEdit.SetText("") - self.minimizeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Minimize)) - self.closeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.scrollBar.SetPos(1.0) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.chatLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SendWhisper)) - self.chatLine.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Minimize)) - self.chatLine.SetMultiLine() - self.sendButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SendWhisper)) - self.titleNameEdit.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptTarget)) - self.titleNameEdit.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.ignoreButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IgnoreTarget)) - self.ignoreButton.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IgnoreTarget)) - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ReportViolentWhisper)) - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptTarget)) - - self.textRenderer = self.TextRenderer() - self.textRenderer.SetParent(self) - self.textRenderer.SetPosition(20, 28) - self.textRenderer.SetTargetName("") - self.textRenderer.Show() - - self.resizeButton = self.ResizeButton() - self.resizeButton.SetParent(self) - self.resizeButton.SetSize(20, 20) - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(280, 180) - self.resizeButton.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ResizeWhisperDialog)) - self.resizeButton.Show() - - self.ResizeWhisperDialog() - - def Destroy(self): - - self.eventMinimize = None - self.eventClose = None - self.eventAcceptTarget = None - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.scrollBar.Destroy() - self.titleName = None - self.titleNameEdit = None - self.closeButton = None - self.scrollBar = None - self.chatLine = None - self.sendButton = None - self.ignoreButton = None - self.reportViolentWhisperButton = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.minimizeButton = None - self.textRenderer = None - self.board = None - self.editBar = None - self.resizeButton = None - - def ResizeWhisperDialog(self): - (xPos, yPos) = self.resizeButton.GetLocalPosition() - if xPos < 280: - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(280, yPos) - return - if yPos < 150: - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(xPos, 150) - return - self.SetWhisperDialogSize(xPos + 20, yPos + 20) - - def SetWhisperDialogSize(self, width, height): - try: - - max = int((width-90)/6) * 3 - 6 - - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25, 35) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(height-100) - self.scrollBar.SetPos(1.0) - self.editBar.SetSize(width-18, 50) - self.chatLine.SetSize(width-90, 40) - self.chatLine.SetLimitWidth(width-90) - self.SetSize(width, height) - - if 0 != self.targetName: - chat.SetWhisperBoxSize(self.targetName, width - 50, height - 90) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.textRenderer.SetPosition(width-20, 28) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25+self.scrollBar.GetWidth(), 35) - self.editBar.SetPosition(10 + self.editBar.GetWidth(), height-60) - self.sendButton.SetPosition(width - 80 + self.sendButton.GetWidth(), 10) - self.minimizeButton.SetPosition(width-42 + self.minimizeButton.GetWidth(), 12) - self.closeButton.SetPosition(width-24+self.closeButton.GetWidth(), 12) - self.chatLine.SetPosition(5 + self.chatLine.GetWidth(), 5) - self.board.SetPosition(self.board.GetWidth(), 0) - else: - self.textRenderer.SetPosition(20, 28) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25, 35) - self.editBar.SetPosition(10, height-60) - self.sendButton.SetPosition(width-80, 10) - self.minimizeButton.SetPosition(width-42, 12) - self.closeButton.SetPosition(width-24, 12) - - self.SetChatLineMax(max) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WhisperDialog.SetWhisperDialogSize.BindObject") - - def SetChatLineMax(self, max): - self.chatLine.SetMax(max) - - from grpText import GetSplitingTextLine - - text = self.chatLine.GetText() - if text: - self.chatLine.SetText(GetSplitingTextLine(text, max, 0)) - - def OpenWithTarget(self, targetName): - chat.CreateWhisper(targetName) - chat.SetWhisperBoxSize(targetName, self.GetWidth() - 60, self.GetHeight() - 90) - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - self.titleName.SetText(targetName) - self.targetName = targetName - self.textRenderer.SetTargetName(targetName) - self.titleNameEdit.Hide() - self.ignoreButton.Hide() - if app.IsDevStage(): - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Show() - else: - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() - self.acceptButton.Hide() - self.gamemasterMark.Hide() - self.minimizeButton.Show() - - def OpenWithoutTarget(self, event): - self.eventAcceptTarget = event - self.titleName.SetText("") - self.titleNameEdit.SetText("") - self.titleNameEdit.SetFocus() - self.targetName = 0 - self.titleNameEdit.Show() - self.ignoreButton.Hide() - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() - self.acceptButton.Show() - self.minimizeButton.Hide() - self.gamemasterMark.Hide() - - def SetGameMasterLook(self): - self.gamemasterMark.Show() - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() - - def Minimize(self): - self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - if None != self.eventMinimize: - self.eventMinimize(self.targetName) - - def Close(self): - chat.ClearWhisper(self.targetName) - self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - if None != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose(self.targetName) - - def ReportViolentWhisper(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/reportviolentwhisper " + self.targetName) - - def IgnoreTarget(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/ignore " + self.targetName) - - def AcceptTarget(self): - name = self.titleNameEdit.GetText() - if len(name) <= 0: - self.Close() - return - - if None != self.eventAcceptTarget: - self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() - self.eventAcceptTarget(name) - - def OnScroll(self): - chat.SetWhisperPosition(self.targetName, self.scrollBar.GetPos()) - - def SendWhisper(self): - - text = self.chatLine.GetText() - textLength = len(text) - - if textLength > 0: - if net.IsInsultIn(text): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) - return - - net.SendWhisperPacket(self.targetName, text) - self.chatLine.SetText("") - - chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_CHAT, self.targetName, player.GetName() + " : " + text) - - def OnTop(self): - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - -if "__main__" == __name__: - import uiTest - - class TestApp(uiTest.App): - def OnInit(self): - wnd = WhisperDialog(self.OnMax, self.OnMin) - wnd.LoadDialog() - wnd.OpenWithoutTarget(self.OnNew) - wnd.SetPosition(0, 0) - wnd.Show() - - self.wnd = wnd - - def OnMax(self): - pass - - def OnMin(self): - pass - - def OnNew(self): - pass - - TestApp().MainLoop() diff --git a/bin_original/pack/root/warrior_m.msm b/bin_original/pack/root/warrior_m.msm deleted file mode 100644 index f2a444c1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/pack/root/warrior_m.msm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1329 +0,0 @@ -ScriptType RaceDataScript - -BaseModelFileName "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_novice.GR2" - -Group HairData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - - HairDataCount 56 - Group HairData00 - { - HairIndex 0 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01.dds" - } - Group HairData01 - { - HairIndex 1 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_white.dds" - } - Group HairData02 - { - HairIndex 2 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_gold.dds" - } - Group HairData03 - { - HairIndex 3 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_red.dds" - } - Group HairData04 - { - HairIndex 4 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_brown.dds" - } - Group HairData05 - { - HairIndex 5 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_black.dds" - } - Group HairData06 - { - HairIndex 1001 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - } - Group HairData07 - { - HairIndex 1002 - Model "hair/hair_2_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - } - Group HairData08 - { - HairIndex 1003 - Model "hair/hair_2_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - } - Group HairData09 - { - HairIndex 1004 - Model "hair/hair_2_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - } - Group HairData10 - { - HairIndex 1005 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - } - Group HairData11 - { - HairIndex 1006 - Model "hair/hair_3_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - } - Group HairData12 - { - HairIndex 1007 - Model "hair/hair_3_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - } - Group HairData13 - { - HairIndex 1008 - Model "hair/hair_3_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - } - Group HairData14 - { - HairIndex 1009 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - } - Group HairData15 - { - HairIndex 1010 - Model "hair/hair_4_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - } - Group HairData16 - { - HairIndex 1011 - Model "hair/hair_4_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_3.dds" - } - Group HairData17 - { - HairIndex 1012 - Model "hair/hair_4_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_4.dds" - } - Group HairData18 - { - HairIndex 1013 - Model "hair/hair_6_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - } - Group HairData19 - { - HairIndex 1014 - Model "hair/hair_5_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - } - Group HairData20 - { - HairIndex 1015 - Model "hair/hair_7_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - } - Group HairData21 - { - HairIndex 1016 - Model "hair/hair_8_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - } - Group HairData22 - { - HairIndex 1017 - Model "hair/hair_9_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - } - Group HairData23 - { - HairIndex 1018 - Model "hair/hair_10_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - } - Group HairData24 - { - HairIndex 5001 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - } - Group HairData25 - { - HairIndex 5002 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - } - Group HairData26 - { - HairIndex 5005 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - } - Group HairData27 - { - HairIndex 5003 - Model "hair/hair_16_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - } - Group HairData28 - { - HairIndex 5004 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - } - Group HairData29 - { - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData30 - { - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData31 - { - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData32 - { - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData33 - { - HairIndex 5028 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_3.dds" - } - Group HairData34 - { - HairIndex 5029 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_2.dds" - } - Group HairData35 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData36 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData37 - { - HairIndex 5033 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData38 - { - HairIndex 5035 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData39 - { - HairIndex 5037 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData40 - { - HairIndex 5039 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData41 - { - HairIndex 5041 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData42 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData43 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData44 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5055 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5057 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5059 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "warrior_novice.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - Model "warrior_novice.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_novice_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_giryung.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jaho.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_moryong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_geumrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "warrior_yongsin.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model "wild_boar.gr2" - SourceSkin "wild_boar.dds" - } - Group ShapeData13 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/bear/" - - ShapeIndex 102 - Model "bear.gr2" - SourceSkin "bear.dds" - } - Group ShapeData14 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/tiger/" - - ShapeIndex 103 - Model "tiger.gr2" - SourceSkin "tiger.dds" - } - Group ShapeData15 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 201 - Model "warrior_marry_01.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_marry_01.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_marry_01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData16 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - ShapeIndex 12 - Model "warrior_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_4-1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData17 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 24 - Model "warrior_lord.GR2" - 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SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData69 - { - HairIndex 5060 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "warrior_novice.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - Model "warrior_novice.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_novice_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_giryung.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jaho.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_moryong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_geumrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "warrior_yongsin.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - 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} - - Group ShapeData19 - { - ShapeIndex 15 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_giryung_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData20 - { - ShapeIndex 16 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jaho_a.dds" - } - - Group ShapeData21 - { - ShapeIndex 17 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_saja_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData22 - { - ShapeIndex 18 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jain_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData23 - { - ShapeIndex 19 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_2-3_moryong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData24 - { - ShapeIndex 20 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_3-1_cheongrin_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData25 - { - ShapeIndex 21 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_3-2_geumrin_a.dds" - 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TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData42 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40042 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData43 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40043 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData44 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40044 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData45 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40032 - Model "warrior_assassin1.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_assassin1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_assassin1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData46 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40045 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData47 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40046 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData48 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40047 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData49 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40048 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData50 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40049 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData51 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40050 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData52 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40051 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData53 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40052 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData54 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40053 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData55 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40054 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData56 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40055 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData57 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40056 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData58 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40057 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData59 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40058 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData60 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40059 - Model "warrior_boxing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_boxing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData61 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40065 - Model "warrior_halloween1.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_halloween1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_halloween1.dds" - } - - Group ShapeData62 - { - ShapeIndex 13 - Model "warrior_5_1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_5_1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData63 - { - ShapeIndex 40062 - Model "warrior_salsa1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_salsa1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_salsa1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData64 - { - ShapeIndex 40063 - Model "warrior_Springwear1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_Springwear1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_Springwear1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData65 - { - ShapeIndex 40061 - Model "warrior_tailcoat1.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_tailcoat1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_tailcoat1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData66 - { - ShapeIndex 40069 - Model "warrior_deer1.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_deer1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_deer1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData67 - { - ShapeIndex 40066 - Model "warrior_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_santa1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData68 - { - ShapeIndex 40067 - Model "warrior_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_santa1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData69 - { - ShapeIndex 40068 - Model "warrior_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_santa1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData70 - { - ShapeIndex 40070 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData71 - { - ShapeIndex 40071 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData72 - { - ShapeIndex 40072 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA03.dds" - } - Group ShapeData73 - { - ShapeIndex 40073 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA04.dds" - } - Group ShapeData74 - { - ShapeIndex 40074 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA05.dds" - } - Group ShapeData75 - { - ShapeIndex 40075 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA06.dds" - } - Group ShapeData76 - { - ShapeIndex 40076 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA07.dds" - } - Group ShapeData77 - { - ShapeIndex 40077 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA08.dds" - } - Group ShapeData78 - { - ShapeIndex 40078 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA09.dds" - } - Group ShapeData79 - { - ShapeIndex 40079 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA10.dds" - } - Group ShapeData80 - { - ShapeIndex 40080 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA11.dds" - } - Group ShapeData81 - { - ShapeIndex 40081 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA12.dds" - } - Group ShapeData82 - { - ShapeIndex 40082 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA13.dds" - } - Group ShapeData83 - { - ShapeIndex 40083 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA14.dds" - } - Group ShapeData84 - { - ShapeIndex 40084 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA15.dds" - } - Group ShapeData85 - { - ShapeIndex 40085 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA16.dds" - } - Group ShapeData86 - { - ShapeIndex 40086 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA17.dds" - } - Group ShapeData87 - { - ShapeIndex 40087 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA18.dds" - } - Group ShapeData88 - { - ShapeIndex 40088 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA19.dds" - } - Group ShapeData89 - { - ShapeIndex 40089 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA20.dds" - } - Group ShapeData90 - { - ShapeIndex 40090 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA21.dds" - } - Group ShapeData91 - { - ShapeIndex 40091 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA22.dds" - } - Group ShapeData92 - { - ShapeIndex 40092 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA23.dds" - } - Group ShapeData93 - { - ShapeIndex 40093 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA24.dds" - } - Group ShapeData94 - { - ShapeIndex 40094 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA25.dds" - } - Group ShapeData95 - { - ShapeIndex 40095 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA26.dds" - } - Group ShapeData96 - { - ShapeIndex 40096 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA27.dds" - } - Group ShapeData97 - { - ShapeIndex 40097 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA28.dds" - } - Group ShapeData98 - { - ShapeIndex 40098 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA29.dds" - } - Group ShapeData99 - { - ShapeIndex 40099 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA30.dds" - } - Group ShapeData100 - { - ShapeIndex 40100 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA31.dds" - } - Group ShapeData101 - { - ShapeIndex 40101 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_UEFA32.dds" - } - Group ShapeData102 - { - ShapeIndex 40064 - Model "warrior_samurai1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_samurai1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_samurai1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData103 - { - ShapeIndex 40106 - Model "warrior_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_rabbit1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData104 - { - ShapeIndex 40107 - Model "warrior_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_rabbit1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData105 - { - ShapeIndex 40108 - Model "warrior_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_rabbit1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData106 - { - ShapeIndex 40109 - Model "warrior_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_rabbit1_pink.dds" - } - Group ShapeData107 - { - ShapeIndex 40110 - Model "warrior_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData108 - { - ShapeIndex 40111 - Model "warrior_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData109 - { - ShapeIndex 40113 - Model "warrior_assassin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_assassin1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_assassin2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData110 - { - ShapeIndex 40115 - Model "warrior_pwahuang1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_pwahuang1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_pwahuang1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData111 - { - ShapeIndex 40117 - Model "warrior_halloween2.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_halloween2.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_halloween2.dds" - } -} - -Group AttachingData -{ - AttachingDataCount 2 - - Group AttachingData00 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 1 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 40.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 - } - } - - Group AttachingData01 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 3 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 70.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/pack/uiscript.eix b/bin_original/pack/uiscript.eix deleted file mode 100644 index 9a84504d..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/uiscript.eix and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/pack/uiscript.epk b/bin_original/pack/uiscript.epk deleted file mode 100644 index 79143ee3..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/pack/uiscript.epk and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/playerSettingModule.py b/bin_original/playerSettingModule.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6899a127..00000000 --- a/bin_original/playerSettingModule.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1558 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: cp949 -*- -import chr -import chrmgr -import skill -import net -import item -import player -import effect -import constInfo -import locale -import emotion - -import app - -JOB_WARRIOR = 0 -JOB_ASSASSIN = 1 -JOB_SURA = 2 -JOB_SHAMAN = 3 - -RACE_WARRIOR_M = 0 -RACE_ASSASSIN_W = 1 -RACE_SURA_M = 2 -RACE_SHAMAN_W = 3 -RACE_WARRIOR_W = 4 -RACE_ASSASSIN_M = 5 -RACE_SURA_W = 6 -RACE_SHAMAN_M = 7 - -COMBO_TYPE_1 = 0 -COMBO_TYPE_2 = 1 -COMBO_TYPE_3 = 2 - -COMBO_INDEX_1 = 0 -COMBO_INDEX_2 = 1 -COMBO_INDEX_3 = 2 -COMBO_INDEX_4 = 3 -COMBO_INDEX_5 = 4 -COMBO_INDEX_6 = 5 - -HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK = chr.MOTION_SKILL+121 -HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE = chr.MOTION_SKILL+122 -HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH = chr.MOTION_SKILL+123 - -GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD = chr.MOTION_SKILL+101 -GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS = chr.MOTION_SKILL+102 -GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR = chr.MOTION_SKILL+103 -GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP = chr.MOTION_SKILL+104 -GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH = chr.MOTION_SKILL+105 -GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP = chr.MOTION_SKILL+106 - -PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST = ( 151, ) -ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST = ( 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, ) - -NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE = 0 -SKILL_INDEX_DICT = [] - -def DefineSkillIndexDict(): - global NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE - global SKILL_INDEX_DICT - - NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE = locale.IsYMIR() - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - SKILL_INDEX_DICT = { - JOB_WARRIOR : { - 1 : (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - JOB_ASSASSIN : { - 1 : (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - 2 : (46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - JOB_SURA : { - 1 : (61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - JOB_SHAMAN : { - 1 : (91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), - }, - } - else: - SKILL_INDEX_DICT = { - JOB_WARRIOR : { - 1 : (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - JOB_ASSASSIN : { - 1 : (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - 2 : (46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 0, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0, 140,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - JOB_SURA : { - 1 : (61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - JOB_SHAMAN : { - 1 : (91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - 2 : (106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 0, 0, 137, 0, 138, 0, 139, 0,), - "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), - }, - } - -def RegisterSkill(race, group, empire=0): - - DefineSkillIndexDict() - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - - ## Character Skill - if SKILL_INDEX_DICT.has_key(job): - - if SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job].has_key(group): - - activeSkillList = SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job][group] - - for i in xrange(len(activeSkillList)): - skillIndex = activeSkillList[i] - - ## 7锅 8锅 胶懦篮 咯扁辑 汲沥窍搁 救凳 - if i != 6 and i != 7: - player.SetSkill(i+1, skillIndex) - - supportSkillList = SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job]["SUPPORT"] - - for i in xrange(len(supportSkillList)): - player.SetSkill(i+100+1, supportSkillList[i]) - - ## Language Skill - if 0 != empire: - languageSkillList = [] - for i in xrange(3): - if (i+1) != empire: - languageSkillList.append(player.SKILL_INDEX_LANGUAGE1+i) - for i in xrange(len(languageSkillList)): - player.SetSkill(107+i, languageSkillList[i]) - - ## Guild Skill - for i in xrange(len(PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - player.SetSkill(200+i, PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i]) - - for i in xrange(len(ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - player.SetSkill(210+i, ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i]) - -def RegisterSkillAt(race, group, pos, num): - - DefineSkillIndexDict() - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - tmp = list(SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job][group]) - tmp[pos] = num - SKILL_INDEX_DICT[job][group] = tuple(tmp) - player.SetSkill(pos+1, num) - -FACE_IMAGE_DICT = { - RACE_WARRIOR_M : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_warrior.sub", - RACE_ASSASSIN_W : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_assassin.sub", - RACE_SURA_M : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_sura.sub", - RACE_SHAMAN_W : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_shaman.sub", -} - -isInitData=0 - -def SetGeneralMotions(mode, folder): - chrmgr.SetPathName(folder) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(mode) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING, "damage_flying.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP, "falling_stand.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING_BACK, "back_damage_flying.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP_BACK, "back_falling_stand.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_DIG, "dig.msa") - -def SetIntroMotions(mode, folder): - chrmgr.SetPathName(folder) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(mode) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED, "selected.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(mode, chr.MOTION_INTRO_NOT_SELECTED, "not_selected.msa") - - - -def __InitData(): - global isInitData - - if isInitData: - return - - isInitData = 1 - - chrmgr.SetDustGap(250) - chrmgr.SetHorseDustGap(500) - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DUST, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/dust/dust.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HORSE_DUST, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/dust/running_dust.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HIT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_1/blow_1_low.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HPUP_RED, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_red.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPUP_BLUE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_blue.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPEEDUP_GREEN, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_green.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DXUP_PURPLE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_purple.mse") - - #磊悼拱距 HP, SP - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AUTO_HPUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AUTO_SPUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse") - - #扼付窜 檬铰崔狼 馆瘤(71135) 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_RAMADAN_RING_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse") - - #且肺扩 荤帕 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HALLOWEEN_CANDY_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse") - - #青汗狼 馆瘤 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HAPPINESS_RING_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item3.mse") - - #荤尔狼 埔带飘 馒侩鉴埃 惯悼 捞棋飘 - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LOVE_PENDANT_EQUIP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PENETRATE, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/gwantong.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_BLOCK, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DODGE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FIRECRACKER, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/newyear_firecracker.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPIN_TOP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/paing_i.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SELECT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/click/click_select.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_TARGET, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/click/click_glow_select.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_STUN, "Bip01 Head", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/stun/stun.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_CRITICAL, "Bip01 R Hand", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/critical.mse") - player.RegisterCacheEffect(player.EFFECT_PICK, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/click/click.mse") - - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_TARGET, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/target.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_NOT_TARGET, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/nontarget.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_SELFDAMAGE, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/damage.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_SELFDAMAGE2, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/damage_1.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_POISON, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_MISS, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/miss.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_TARGETMISS, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/target_miss.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DAMAGE_CRITICAL, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/critical.mse") - - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SUCCESS, "", "season1/effect/success.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FAIL, "", "season1/effect/fail.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LEVELUP_ON_14_FOR_GERMANY, "","season1/effect/paymessage_warning.mse") #饭骇诀 14老锭 ( 刀老傈侩 ) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LEVELUP_UNDER_15_FOR_GERMANY, "", "season1/effect/paymessage_decide.mse" )#饭骇诀 15老锭 ( 刀老傈侩 ) - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PERCENT_DAMAGE1, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PERCENT_DAMAGE2, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_PERCENT_DAMAGE3, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse") - - - - ############## - # WARRIOR - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_WARRIOR_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_WARRIOR_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("warrior_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_WARRIOR_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_WARRIOR_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("warrior_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/intro/") - - - ############## - # ASSASSIN - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("assassin_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_ASSASSIN_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("assassin_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/intro/") - - - ############## - # SURA - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SURA_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SURA_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("sura_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SURA_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SURA_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("sura_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/intro/") - - - ############## - # SHAMAN - ############## - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SHAMAN_W) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SHAMAN_W) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("shaman_w.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/intro/") - - chrmgr.CreateRace(RACE_SHAMAN_M) - chrmgr.SelectRace(RACE_SHAMAN_M) - chrmgr.LoadLocalRaceData("shaman_m.msm") - SetIntroMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, "d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/intro/") - - - -def __LoadGameSound(): - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_DEFAULT, "sound/ui/drop.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_ACCESSORY, "sound/ui/equip_ring_amulet.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_ARMOR, "sound/ui/equip_metal_armor.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_BOW, "sound/ui/equip_bow.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_WEAPON, "sound/ui/equip_metal_weapon.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_POTION, "sound/ui/eat_potion.wav") - item.SetUseSoundFileName(item.USESOUND_PORTAL, "sound/ui/potal_scroll.wav") - - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_DEFAULT, "sound/ui/drop.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_ACCESSORY, "sound/ui/equip_ring_amulet.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_ARMOR, "sound/ui/equip_metal_armor.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_BOW, "sound/ui/equip_bow.wav") - item.SetDropSoundFileName(item.DROPSOUND_WEAPON, "sound/ui/equip_metal_weapon.wav") - -def __LoadGameEffect(): - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPAWN_APPEAR, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/appear_die/monster_appear.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SPAWN_DISAPPEAR, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/appear_die/monster_die.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FLAME_ATTACK, "equip_right_hand", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_3_weapon.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FLAME_HIT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_3_blow.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FLAME_ATTACH, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_3_body.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_ELECTRIC_ATTACK, "equip_right", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_electric/light_1_weapon.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_ELECTRIC_HIT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_electric/light_1_blow.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_ELECTRIC_ATTACH, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_electric/light_1_body.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_LEVELUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/levelup_1/level_up.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_SKILLUP, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/skillup/skillup_1.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMPIRE+1, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/empire/empire_A.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMPIRE+2, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/empire/empire_B.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMPIRE+3, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/empire/empire_C.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_WEAPON+1, "equip_right_hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/geom_sword_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_WEAPON+2, "equip_right_hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/geom_spear_loop.mse") - - # LOCALE - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+0, "Bip01", locale.FN_GM_MARK) - # END_OF_LOCALE - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+3, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_poison/poison_loop.mse") ## 吝刀 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+4, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/affect/slow.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+5, "Bip01 Head", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/stun/stun_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+6, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/ready/ready.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+8, "", "d:/ymir work/guild/effect/10_construction.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+9, "", "d:/ymir work/guild/effect/20_construction.mse") - #chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+10, "", "d:/ymir work/guild/effect/20_upgrade.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+16, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/gyeokgongjang_loop.mse") ## 玫辟眠 (关俊档 乐蝶-_-) - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+17, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/effect/gyeonggong_loop.mse") ## 磊按 - 版傍 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+19, "Bip01 R Finger2", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/gwigeom_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+20, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/fear_loop.mse") ## 荐扼 - 傍器 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+21, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/jumagap_loop.mse") ## 荐扼 - 林付癌 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+22, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/3hosin_loop.mse") ## 公寸 - 龋脚 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+23, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/boho_loop.mse") ## 公寸 - 焊龋 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+24, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/10kwaesok_loop.mse") ## 公寸 - 蔫加 - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+25, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/heuksin_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+26, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/muyeong_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+28, "Bip01", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_flame/flame_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+29, "Bip01 R Hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/6gicheon_hand.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+30, "Bip01 L Hand", "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/jeungryeok_hand.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+32, "Bip01 Head", "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/pabeop_loop.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+33, "", "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/effect/gyeokgongjang_loop.mse") ## 玫辟眠 (Fallen) - ## 34 Polymoph - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+35, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/guild_war_flag/flag_red.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+36, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/guild_war_flag/flag_blue.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_AFFECT+37, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/guild_war_flag/flag_yellow.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+1, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+2, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+3, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+4, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_b.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+5, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_b.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+6, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_b.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+7, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_f.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+8, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_f.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+9, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_f.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+10, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+11, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+12, "PART_WEAPON", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_s.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+13, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_7_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+14, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_8_s.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+15, "PART_WEAPON_LEFT", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/sword/sword_9_s.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+16, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_7.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+17, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_8.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+18, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor_9.mse") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+19, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse") - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_REFINED+20, "Bip01", "D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse") - - ## FlyData - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_EXP, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_yellow_small2.msf") ## 畴鄂祸 (EXP) - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_HP_MEDIUM, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_red_small.msf") ## 弧埃祸 (HP) 累篮芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_HP_BIG, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_red_big.msf") ## 弧埃祸 (HP) 奴芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SP_SMALL, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_blue_warrior_small.msf") ## 颇鄂祸 部府父 乐绰芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SP_MEDIUM, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_blue_small.msf") ## 颇鄂祸 累篮芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SP_BIG, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_blue_big.msf") ## 颇鄂祸 奴芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK1, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_1.msf") ## 气磷 1 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK2, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_2.msf") ## 气磷 2 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK3, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_3.msf") ## 气磷 3 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK4, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_4.msf") ## 气磷 4 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK5, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_5.msf") ## 气磷 5 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK6, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_6.msf") ## 气磷 6 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_FIREWORK_XMAS, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_FIRE_CRACKER, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/firecracker/firecracker_xmas.msf") ## 气磷 X-Mas - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_CHAIN_LIGHTNING, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/effect/pokroe.msf") ## 气汾拜 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_HP_SMALL, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_NORMAL, "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/gathering/ga_piece_red_smallest.msf") ## 弧埃祸 概快 累篮芭 - effect.RegisterIndexedFlyData(effect.FLY_SKILL_MUYEONG, effect.INDEX_FLY_TYPE_AUTO_FIRE, "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/effect/muyeong_fly.msf") ## 公康柳 - - ######################################################################################### - ## Emoticon - EmoticonStr = "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/emoticon/" - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+0, "", EmoticonStr+"sweat.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(炔寸)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+1, "", EmoticonStr+"money.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(捣)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+2, "", EmoticonStr+"happy.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(扁惠)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+3, "", EmoticonStr+"love_s.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(亮酒)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+4, "", EmoticonStr+"love_l.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(荤尔)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+5, "", EmoticonStr+"angry.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(盒畴)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+6, "", EmoticonStr+"aha.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(酒窍)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+7, "", EmoticonStr+"gloom.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(快匡)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+8, "", EmoticonStr+"sorry.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(了价)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+9, "", EmoticonStr+"!_mix_back.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(!)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+10, "", EmoticonStr+"question.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(?)") - - chrmgr.RegisterEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_EMOTICON+11, "", EmoticonStr+"fish.mse") - net.RegisterEmoticonString("(fish)") - - - ## Emoticon - ######################################################################################### - - -def __LoadGameWarrior(): - __LoadGameWarriorEx(RACE_WARRIOR_M, "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/") - __LoadGameWarriorEx(RACE_WARRIOR_W, "d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/") - -def __LoadGameAssassin(): - __LoadGameAssassinEx(RACE_ASSASSIN_W, "d:/ymir work/pc/assassin/") - __LoadGameAssassinEx(RACE_ASSASSIN_M, "d:/ymir work/pc2/assassin/") - -def __LoadGameSura(): - __LoadGameSuraEx(RACE_SURA_M, "d:/ymir work/pc/sura/") - __LoadGameSuraEx(RACE_SURA_W, "d:/ymir work/pc2/sura/") - -def __LoadGameShaman(): - __LoadGameShamanEx(RACE_SHAMAN_W, "d:/ymir work/pc/shaman/") - __LoadGameShamanEx(RACE_SHAMAN_M, "d:/ymir work/pc2/shaman/") - -def __LoadGameWarriorEx(race, path): - - ## Warrior - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.SetMotionRandomWeight(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, 0, 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - for i in xrange(skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "samyeon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "palbang" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "jeongwi" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "geomgyeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "tanhwan" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "gihyeol" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "gigongcham" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "gyeoksan" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "daejin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "cheongeun" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "geompung" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "noegeom" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## ONEHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## TWOHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "twohand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - - ## HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_twohand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_TWOHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## Bone - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right_hand") - -def __LoadGameAssassinEx(race, path): - ## Assassin - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MOTION MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.SetMotionRandomWeight(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, 0, 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - for i in xrange(skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "amseup" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "gungsin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "charyun" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "eunhyeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "sangong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "seomjeon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "yeonsa" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "gwangyeok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "hwajo" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "gyeonggong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "dokgigung" + END_STRING + ".msa") - if NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE: - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "seomgwang" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## ONEHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## DUALHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "dualhand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_8, "combo_08.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_8) - - ## BOW BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "bow/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 70) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 30) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - - ## HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - - ## HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_dualhand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_DUALHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - - ## HORSE_BOW - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_bow/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BOW, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right") - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON_LEFT, "equip_left") - -def __LoadGameSuraEx(race, path): - ## Sura - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MOTION MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - # chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+4, "geongon.msa") - - for i in xrange(skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "swaeryeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "yonggwon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "gwigeom" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "gongpo" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "jumagap" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "pabeop" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "maryeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "hwayeom" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "muyeong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "heuksin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "tusok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "mahwan" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## ONEHAND_SWORD BATTLE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_onehand_sword/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_ONEHAND_SWORD, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right") - -def __LoadGameShamanEx(race, path): - ## Shaman - ######################################################################################### - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## GENERAL MOTION MODE - SetGeneralMotions(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, path + "general/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "attack_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - - ## EMOTION - emotion.RegisterEmotionAnis(path) - - ## Fan - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fan/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## Bell - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "Bell/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage_1.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_2.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage_3.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4, "combo_04.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5, "combo_05.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6, "combo_06.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7, "combo_07.msa") - - ## Combo Type 1 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 4) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - ## Combo Type 2 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, 5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_2, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_7) - ## Combo Type 3 - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, 6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_4, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_5) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_5, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_6) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_3, COMBO_INDEX_6, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_4) - - ## SKILL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "skill/") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+1, "bipabu.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+2, "yongpa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+3, "paeryong.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+4, "hosin_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+5, "boho_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+6, "gicheon_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+16, "noejeon.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+17, "byeorak.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+18, "pokroe.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+19, "jeongeop_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+20, "kwaesok_target.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+21, "jeungryeok_target.msa") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+10, "budong.msa") - - START_INDEX = 0 - #skill.SKILL_EFFECT_COUNT 鳖瘤// - for i in (1, 2, 3): - END_STRING = "" - if i != 0: END_STRING = "_%d" % (i+1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+1, "bipabu" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+2, "yongpa" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+3, "paeryong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+4, "hosin" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+5, "boho" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+6, "gicheon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+16, "noejeon" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+17, "byeorak" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+18, "pokroe" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+19, "jeongeop" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+20, "kwaesok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+21, "jeungryeok" + END_STRING + ".msa") - #chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SKILL+(i*skill.SKILL_GRADEGAP)+10, "budong" + END_STRING + ".msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLOOD, "guild_yongsinuipi.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONBLESS, "guild_yongsinuichukbok.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_BLESSARMOR, "guild_seonghwigap.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_SPPEDUP, "guild_gasokhwa.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_DRAGONWRATH, "guild_yongsinuibunno.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, GUILD_SKILL_MAGICUP, "guild_jumunsul.msa") - - ## FISHING - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "fishing/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_THROW, "throw.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_WAIT, "fishing_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_STOP, "fishing_cancel.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_REACT, "fishing_react.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_CATCH, "fishing_catch.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_FISHING, chr.MOTION_FISHING_FAIL, "fishing_fail.msa") - - ## HORSE - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa", 90) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_1.msa", 9) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait_2.msa", 1) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "damage.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "dead.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_CHARGE, "skill_charge.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE, HORSE_SKILL_SPLASH, "skill_splash.msa") - - ## HORSE_FAN - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_fan/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_FAN, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - - ## HORSE_BELL - chrmgr.SetPathName(path + "horse_bell/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1, "combo_01.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2, "combo_02.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3, "combo_03.msa") - chrmgr.ReserveComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, 3) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_1, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_1) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_2, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_2) - chrmgr.RegisterComboAttackNew(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, COMBO_TYPE_1, COMBO_INDEX_3, chr.MOTION_COMBO_ATTACK_3) - chrmgr.RegisterCacheMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_HORSE_BELL, HORSE_SKILL_WILDATTACK, "skill_wildattack.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON, "equip_right") - chrmgr.RegisterAttachingBoneName(chr.PART_WEAPON_LEFT, "equip_left") - - -def __LoadGameSkill(): - - try: - skill.LoadSkillData() - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("__LoadGameSkill") - -def __LoadGameEnemy(): - pass - -def __LoadGameNPC(): - try: - lines = pack_open("npclist.txt", "r").readlines() - except IOError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadLocaleError(%(srcFileName)s)" % locals()) - app.Abort() - - for line in lines: - tokens = line[:-1].split("\t") - if len(tokens) == 0 or not tokens[0]: - continue - - try: - vnum = int(tokens[0]) - except ValueError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadGameNPC() - %s - line #%d: %s" % (tokens, lines.index(line), line)) - app.Abort() - - try: - if vnum: - chrmgr.RegisterRaceName(vnum, tokens[1].strip()) - else: - chrmgr.RegisterRaceSrcName(tokens[1].strip(), tokens[2].strip()) - except IndexError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadGameNPC() - %d, %s - line #%d: %s " % (vnum, tokens, lines.index(line), line)) - app.Abort() - - -# GUILD_BUILDING -def LoadGuildBuildingList(filename): - import uiGuild - uiGuild.BUILDING_DATA_LIST = [] - - handle = app.OpenTextFile(filename) - count = app.GetTextFileLineCount(handle) - for i in xrange(count): - line = app.GetTextFileLine(handle, i) - tokens = line.split("\t") - - TOKEN_VNUM = 0 - TOKEN_TYPE = 1 - TOKEN_NAME = 2 - TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME = 3 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_1 = 4 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_2 = 5 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_3 = 6 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_4 = 7 - TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT = 8 - TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT = 9 - TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT = 10 - TOKEN_PRICE = 11 - TOKEN_MATERIAL = 12 - TOKEN_NPC = 13 - TOKEN_GROUP = 14 - TOKEN_DEPEND_GROUP = 15 - TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG = 16 - LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT = 17 - - if not tokens[TOKEN_VNUM].isdigit(): - continue - - if len(tokens) < LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Strange token count [%d/%d] [%s]" % (len(tokens), TOKEN_COUNT, line)) - continue - - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE = FALSE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE = TRUE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE = 2 - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - continue - - vnum = int(tokens[TOKEN_VNUM]) - type = tokens[TOKEN_TYPE] - name = tokens[TOKEN_NAME] - localName = tokens[TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME] - xRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT]) - yRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT]) - zRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT]) - price = tokens[TOKEN_PRICE] - material = tokens[TOKEN_MATERIAL] - - folderName = "" - if "HEADQUARTER" == type: - folderName = "headquarter" - elif "FACILITY" == type: - folderName = "facility" - elif "OBJECT" == type: - folderName = "object" - elif "WALL" == type: - folderName = "fence" - - materialList = ["0", "0", "0"] - if material: - if material[0] == "\"": - material = material[1:] - if material[-1] == "\"": - material = material[:-1] - for one in material.split("/"): - data = one.split(",") - if 2 != len(data): - continue - itemID = int(data[0]) - count = data[1] - - if itemID == uiGuild.MATERIAL_STONE_ID: - materialList[uiGuild.MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == uiGuild.MATERIAL_LOG_ID: - materialList[uiGuild.MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == uiGuild.MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_ID: - materialList[uiGuild.MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX] = count - - ## GuildSymbol 篮 老馆 NPC 甸苞 窃膊 殿废茄促. - import chrmgr - chrmgr.RegisterRaceSrcName(name, folderName) - chrmgr.RegisterRaceName(vnum, name) - - appendingData = { "VNUM":vnum, - "TYPE":type, - "NAME":name, - "LOCAL_NAME":localName, - "X_ROT_LIMIT":xRotLimit, - "Y_ROT_LIMIT":yRotLimit, - "Z_ROT_LIMIT":zRotLimit, - "PRICE":price, - "MATERIAL":materialList, - "SHOW" : TRUE } - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - appendingData["SHOW"] = FALSE - - uiGuild.BUILDING_DATA_LIST.append(appendingData) - - app.CloseTextFile(handle) - -# END_OF_GUILD_BUILDING - -loadGameDataDict={ - "INIT" : __InitData, - "SOUND" : __LoadGameSound, - "EFFECT" : __LoadGameEffect, - "WARRIOR" : __LoadGameWarrior, - "ASSASSIN" : __LoadGameAssassin, - "SURA" : __LoadGameSura, - "SHAMAN" : __LoadGameShaman, - "SKILL" : __LoadGameSkill, - "ENEMY" : __LoadGameEnemy, - "NPC" : __LoadGameNPC, -} - -def LoadGameData(name): - global loadGameDataDict - - load=loadGameDataDict.get(name, 0) - if load: - loadGameDataDict[name]=0 - try: - load() - except: - print name - import exception - exception.Abort("LoadGameData") - raise - - -## NPC - -def SetMovingNPC(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## RESERVED - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/" + name + "/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WALK, "walk.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "die.msa") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - -def SetOneNPC(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## RESERVED - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/" + name + "/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - -def SetGuard(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - ## Script Data - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/" + name + "/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - - ## GENERAL - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_SPAWN, "00.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "00.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "03.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "30.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE, "30_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "34.msa", 50) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_BACK, "34_1.msa", 50) - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING,"32.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP, "33.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DAMAGE_FLYING_BACK, "35.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_STAND_UP_BACK, "36.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "31.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD_BACK, "37.msa") - - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_NORMAL_ATTACK, "20.msa") - - ## Attacking Data - chrmgr.RegisterNormalAttack(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_NORMAL_ATTACK) - -def SetWarp(race): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/warp/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("warp.msm") - - ## GENERAL - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - -def SetDoor(race, name): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/npc/"+name+"/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData(name + ".msm") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "close_wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, "open.msa") - -def SetGuildBuilding(race, name, grade): - chrmgr.CreateRace(race) - chrmgr.SelectRace(race) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/guild/building/%s/" % name) - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("%s%02d.msm" % (name, grade)) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - #chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_DEAD, name + "_destruction.msa") - -def OLD_SetNPC(): - SetOneNPC(9001, "arms") - SetOneNPC(9002, "defence") - SetOneNPC(9003, "goods") - SetOneNPC(9004, "bank") - SetOneNPC(9005, "hotel_grandfa") - SetOneNPC(9006, "hotel_grandma") - SetOneNPC(9007, "arms") - SetOneNPC(9008, "defence") - SetOneNPC(9009, "sailor") - - SetMovingNPC(20001, "alchemist") - SetMovingNPC(20002, "auntie") - SetMovingNPC(20003, "baby_and_mom") - SetMovingNPC(20004, "beggar") - SetMovingNPC(20005, "ceramist") - SetMovingNPC(20006, "girl_lost_elder_brother") - SetMovingNPC(20007, "hotel_grandfa") - SetMovingNPC(20008, "mr_restaurant") - SetMovingNPC(20009, "oldster") - SetMovingNPC(20010, "peddler") - SetMovingNPC(20011, "plant_researcher") - SetMovingNPC(20012, "rice_cake_seller") - SetMovingNPC(20013, "sailor") - SetMovingNPC(20014, "timid_boy") - SetMovingNPC(20015, "woodcutter") - SetMovingNPC(20016, "blacksmith") - SetMovingNPC(20017, "musician") - SetMovingNPC(20018, "doctor") - SetMovingNPC(20019, "hunter") - SetMovingNPC(20020, "old_pirate") - SetMovingNPC(20021, "widow") - SetMovingNPC(20022, "young_merchant") - SetMovingNPC(20023, "bookworm") - SetMovingNPC(20024, "yu_hwa_rang") - SetMovingNPC(20041, "beggar") - SetMovingNPC(20042, "peddler") - - SetGuard(20300, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20301, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20302, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20303, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20304, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20305, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20306, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20307, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - - SetGuard(20320, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20321, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20322, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20323, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20324, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20325, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20326, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20327, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - - SetGuard(20340, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20341, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20342, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20343, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20344, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20345, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20346, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(20347, "jinno_patrol_spear") - - ## Warp - for i in xrange(18): - SetWarp(10001 + i) - - SetGuard(11000, "gangyo_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(11001, "gangyo_patrol_bow") - SetGuard(11002, "jinno_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(11003, "jinno_patrol_bow") - SetGuard(11004, "sinsu_patrol_spear") - SetGuard(11005, "sinsu_patrol_bow") - - ## Campfire (Bonfire) - chrmgr.CreateRace(12000) - chrmgr.SelectRace(12000) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir Work/npc/campfire/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("campfire.msm") - - ## Door - SetDoor(13000, "wooden_door") - SetDoor(13001, "stone_door") diff --git a/bin_original/serverCommandParser.py b/bin_original/serverCommandParser.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5f660458..00000000 --- a/bin_original/serverCommandParser.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -import net -import background -import stringCommander -import constInfo - -class ServerCommandParser(object): - - def __init__(self): - net.SetServerCommandParserWindow(self) - self.__ServerCommand_Build() - - def __ServerCommand_Build(self): - serverCommandList={ - "DayMode" : self.__DayMode_Update, - "xmas_snow" : self.__XMasSnow_Enable, - "xmas_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "xmas_tree" : self.__XMasTree_Enable, - "newyear_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable, - "item_mall" : self.__ItemMall_Open, - - } - - self.serverCommander=stringCommander.Analyzer() - for serverCommandItem in serverCommandList.items(): - self.serverCommander.SAFE_RegisterCallBack( - serverCommandItem[0], serverCommandItem[1] - ) - - def BINARY_ServerCommand_Run(self, line): - try: - print " BINARY_ServerCommand_Reserve", line - return self.serverCommander.Run(line) - except RuntimeError, msg: - dbg.TraceError(msg) - return 0 - - def __PreserveCommand(self, line): - net.PreserveServerCommand(line) - - def __DayMode_Update(self, mode): - self.__PreserveCommand("PRESERVE_DayMode " + mode) - - def __ItemMall_Open(self): - self.__PreserveCommand("item_mall") - - ## 烙矫 - def __XMasBoom_Enable(self, mode): - if "1"==mode: - self.__PreserveCommand("PRESERVE_DayMode dark") - else: - self.__PreserveCommand("PRESERVE_DayMode light") - def __XMasSnow_Enable(self, mode): - self.__PreserveCommand("xmas_snow " + mode) - def __XMasTree_Enable(self, grade): - self.__PreserveCommand("xmas_tree " + grade) - -parserWnd = ServerCommandParser() diff --git a/bin_original/serverInfo.py b/bin_original/serverInfo.py deleted file mode 100644 index ee7f848b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/serverInfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,490 +0,0 @@ -import os -import app -import locale -import debugInfo - -CHINA_PORT = 50000 - -def BuildServerList(orderList): - retMarkAddrDict = {} - retAuthAddrDict = {} - retRegion0 = {} - - ridx = 1 - for region, auth, mark, channels in orderList: - cidx = 1 - channelDict = {} - for channel in channels: - key = ridx * 10 + cidx - channel["key"] = key - channelDict[cidx] = channel - cidx += 1 - - region["channel"] = channelDict - - retRegion0[ridx] = region - retAuthAddrDict[ridx] = auth - retMarkAddrDict[ridx*10] = mark - ridx += 1 - - return retRegion0, retAuthAddrDict, retMarkAddrDict - -app.ServerName = None - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/vn"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CH1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13002,"udp_port":13002,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "Vietnam", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":11002, }, - - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" :"Vietnam1", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13002, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/sg"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CH1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"CH2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 3:{"key":13,"name":"CH3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 4:{"key":14,"name":"CH4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "Singapore", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":11000, }, - - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" :"Singapore", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/ca"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL = [ - {"name":"CH11 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH12 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH13 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH14 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH15 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH16 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - SERVER02_CHANNEL =[ - {"name":"CH21 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH22 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH23 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH24 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH25 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"CH26 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - SERVER01_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10",} - SERVER02_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "20.tga", "symbol_path" : "20",} - - SERVER01_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11001, } #Freekingdom - SERVER02_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11002, } #new world - - SERVER01 = { "name" : "FREE KINGDOM" } - SERVER02 = { "name" : "NEW WORLD" } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - REGION0_ORDER_LIST = [ - (SERVER02, SERVER02_AUTH, SERVER02_MARK, SERVER02_CHANNEL), - (SERVER01, SERVER01_AUTH, SERVER01_MARK, SERVER01_CHANNEL), - ] - - # BUILD - NEW_REGION0, NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, NEW_MARKADDR_DICT = BuildServerList(REGION0_ORDER_LIST) - - # RESULT - NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "CANADA", - } - - NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, - } - - NEW_REGION_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = NEW_MARKADDR_DICT - REGION_DICT = NEW_REGION_DICT - REGION_NAME_DICT = NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT - -if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/br"): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SHUNZO_CHANNEL = [ - {"name":"SHUNZO-1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-5 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-6 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"SHUNZO-7 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13100,"udp_port":13100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - HORAN_CHANNEL = [ - {"name":"HORAN-1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-5 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-6 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"HORAN-7 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - RAIZAN_CHANNEL = [ - - {"name":"RAIZAN-1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13200,"udp_port":13200,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"RAIZAN-2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13200,"udp_port":13200,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"RAIZAN-3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13210,"udp_port":13210,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"RAIZAN-4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":13210,"udp_port":13210,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - SHUNZO_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13100, "mark" : "20.tga", "symbol_path" : "20", } - HORAN_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", } - RAIZAN_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13210, "mark" : "30.tga", "symbol_path" : "30", } - - SHUNZO_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11101, } - HORAN_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11001, } - RAIZAN_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11201, } - - - RAIZAN = { "name" : "RAIZAN" } - SHUNZO = { "name" : "SHUNZO" } - HORAN= { "name" : "HORAN"} - - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - REGION0_ORDER_LIST = [ - (RAIZAN, RAIZAN_AUTH, RAIZAN_MARK, RAIZAN_CHANNEL), - (SHUNZO, SHUNZO_AUTH, SHUNZO_MARK, SHUNZO_CHANNEL), - (HORAN, HORAN_AUTH, HORAN_MARK, HORAN_CHANNEL), - ] - # BUILD - NEW_REGION0, NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, NEW_MARKADDR_DICT = BuildServerList(REGION0_ORDER_LIST) - - # RESULT - NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "BRAZIL", - } - - NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, - } - - NEW_REGION_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = NEW_MARKADDR_DICT - REGION_DICT = NEW_REGION_DICT - REGION_NAME_DICT = NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT - -if locale.IsNEWCIBN(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "维护中", - 1 : "正常", - 2 : "繁忙", - 3 : "爆满" - } - - - TE1_CHANNELS = [ - {"name":"一服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"二服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"三服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - {"name":"四服","ip":"","tcp_port":13000,"udp_port":13000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - ] - - TE1_MARK = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 13000, "mark" : "50.tga", "symbol_path" : "50", } - - TE1_AUTH = { "ip":"", "port":11061, } - - TE1 = { "name" : "双线综合区"} - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - # ORDER - REGION0_ORDER_LIST = [ - (TE1, TE1_AUTH, TE1_MARK, TE1_CHANNELS), - ] - - # BUILD - NEW_REGION0, NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, NEW_MARKADDR_DICT = BuildServerList(REGION0_ORDER_LIST) - - # RESULT - NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "CHINA_NEWCIBN", - } - - NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0_AUTH_SERVER_DICT, - } - - NEW_REGION_DICT = { - 0 : NEW_REGION0, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = NEW_MARKADDR_DICT - REGION_DICT = NEW_REGION_DICT - REGION_NAME_DICT = NEW_REGION_NAME_DICT - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = NEW_REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT - -elif locale.IsJAPAN(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "...", - 1 : "惓忢", - 2 : "崿嶨", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CHANNEL1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":11000,"udp_port":11000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - #2:{"key":12,"name":"CHANNEL2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":12000,"udp_port":12000,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 11000, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "JAPAN", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":10001, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "墳棾", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - - -elif locale.IsYMIR(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "痢八", - 1 : "焊烹", - 2 : "去棱", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"盲澄 1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50010,"udp_port":50010,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"盲澄 2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50020,"udp_port":50020,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 3:{"key":13,"name":"盲澄 3 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50030,"udp_port":50030,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 4:{"key":14,"name":"盲澄 4 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50040,"udp_port":50040,"state":STATE_NONE,}, -# 5:{"key":15,"name":"盲澄 5 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50051,"udp_port":50051,"state":STATE_NONE,}, -# 5:{"key":15,"name":"公茄措傈 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50100,"udp_port":50100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - #6:{"key":16,"name":"措访 捞亥飘","ip":"","tcp_port":50100,"udp_port":50100,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "KOREA", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - 2 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "玫付 辑滚", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50040, "mark" : "01.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -elif locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "痢八", - 1 : "焊烹", - 2 : "去棱", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"盲澄 1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50010,"udp_port":50010,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"盲澄 2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50020,"udp_port":50020,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "KOREA", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "蔫档 辑滚", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50040, "mark" : "02.tga", "symbol_path" : "20", }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -elif locale.IsTAIWAN(): - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT = { - 1:{"key":11,"name":"CHANNEL1 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50010,"udp_port":50010,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - 2:{"key":12,"name":"CHANNEL2 ","ip":"","tcp_port":50020,"udp_port":50020,"state":STATE_NONE,}, - } - - MARKADDR_DICT = { - 10 : { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50010, "mark" : "10.tga", "symbol_path" : "10", }, - } - - REGION_NAME_DICT = { - 0 : "TAIWAN", - } - - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "ip":"", "port":51000, }, - } - } - - REGION_DICT = { - 0 : { - 1 : { "name" : "纒緎", "channel" : SERVER01_CHANNEL_DICT, }, - }, - } - - TESTADDR = { "ip" : "", "tcp_port" : 50000, "udp_port" : 50000, } - -if locale.IsEUROPE(): - name = app.GetLocalePath().replace("/", "_") + ".addr" - path = os.sep.join(("pack", name)) - if os.access(path, os.R_OK): - print "load_locale_addr:", path - - data = app.LoadLocaleAddr(path) - - import cPickle - import cStringIO - info = cPickle.load(cStringIO.StringIO(data)) - - STATE_NONE = "..." - - STATE_DICT = { - 0 : "....", - 1 : "NORM", - 2 : "BUSY", - 3 : "FULL" - } - - SERVER_ID_DICT = info["SERVERID"] - REGION_NAME_DICT = info["NAME"] - REGION_AUTH_SERVER_DICT = info["AUTHADDR"] - REGION_DICT = info["GAMEADDR"] - MARKADDR_DICT = info["MARKADDR"] diff --git a/bin_original/shaman_m.msm b/bin_original/shaman_m.msm deleted file mode 100644 index a1fc330b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/shaman_m.msm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1319 +0,0 @@ -ScriptType RaceDataScript - -BaseModelFileName "D:/YMIR WORK/pc2/shaman/shaman_novice.GR2" - -Group HairData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/shaman/" - - HairDataCount 56 - Group HairData00 - { - HairIndex 0 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01.dds" - } - Group HairData01 - { - HairIndex 1 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_white.dds" - } - Group HairData02 - { - HairIndex 2 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_gold.dds" - } - Group HairData03 - { - HairIndex 3 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_red.dds" - } - Group HairData04 - { - HairIndex 4 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_brown.dds" - } - Group HairData05 - { - HairIndex 5 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_hair_01_black.dds" - } - Group HairData06 - { - HairIndex 4001 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - } - Group HairData07 - { - HairIndex 4002 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - } - Group HairData08 - { - HairIndex 4003 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - } - Group HairData09 - { - HairIndex 4004 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - } - Group HairData10 - { - HairIndex 4005 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - } - Group HairData11 - { - HairIndex 4006 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - } - Group HairData12 - { - HairIndex 4007 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - } - Group HairData13 - { - HairIndex 4008 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - } - Group HairData14 - { - HairIndex 4009 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - } - Group HairData15 - { - HairIndex 4010 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - } - Group HairData16 - { - HairIndex 4011 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_3.dds" - } - Group HairData17 - { - HairIndex 4012 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_4.dds" - } - Group HairData18 - { - HairIndex 4013 - Model "hair/hair_6_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - } - Group HairData19 - { - HairIndex 4014 - Model "hair/hair_5_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - } - Group HairData20 - { - HairIndex 4015 - Model "hair/hair_7_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - } - Group HairData21 - { - HairIndex 4016 - Model "hair/hair_8_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - } - Group HairData22 - { - - HairIndex 4017 - Model "hair/hair_9_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - } - Group HairData23 - { - - HairIndex 4018 - Model "hair/hair_10_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - } - Group HairData24 - { - - HairIndex 5001 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - } - Group HairData25 - { - - HairIndex 5002 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - } - - Group HairData26 - { - - HairIndex 5005 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - } - Group HairData27 - { - - HairIndex 5003 - Model "hair/hair_16_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - } - Group HairData28 - { - - HairIndex 5004 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - } - Group HairData29 - { - - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData30 - { - - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData31 - { - - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData32 - { - - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData33 - { - HairIndex 5028 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_3.dds" - } - Group HairData34 - { - HairIndex 5029 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_2.dds" - } - Group HairData35 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData36 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData37 - { - HairIndex 5033 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData38 - { - HairIndex 5035 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData39 - { - HairIndex 5037 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData40 - { - HairIndex 5039 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData41 - { - HairIndex 5041 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData42 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData43 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData44 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5055 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5057 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5059 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc2/shaman/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "shaman_novice.GR2" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - - Model "shaman_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_novice_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_nabong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_bihong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_seocheon.dds" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_ilseon.dds" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_amyo.dds" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_bongsin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model "wild_boar.gr2" - SourceSkin "wild_boar.dds" - } - Group ShapeData13 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/bear/" - - ShapeIndex 102 - Model "bear.gr2" - SourceSkin "bear.dds" - } - Group ShapeData14 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/tiger/" - - ShapeIndex 103 - Model "tiger.gr2" - SourceSkin "tiger.dds" - } - Group ShapeData15 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/shaman/" - - ShapeIndex 201 - Model "shaman_marry_01.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_marry_01.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_marry_01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData16 - { - ShapeIndex 12 - Model "shaman_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_4-1.dds" - } - - - Group ShapeData17 - { - ShapeIndex 14 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_1-1cheongnang_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData18 - { - ShapeIndex 15 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_1-2_nabong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData19 - { - ShapeIndex 16 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_bihong_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData20 - { - ShapeIndex 17 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_2-1_miyeon_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData21 - { - ShapeIndex 18 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_2-2_seocheon_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData22 - { - ShapeIndex 19 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_2-3_ilseon_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData23 - { - ShapeIndex 20 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - 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Model "hair/hair_8_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - } - Group HairData22 - { - HairIndex 4017 - Model "hair/hair_9_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - } - Group HairData23 - { - HairIndex 4018 - Model "hair/hair_10_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - } - Group HairData24 - { - HairIndex 5001 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - } - Group HairData25 - { - HairIndex 5002 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - } - Group HairData26 - { - HairIndex 5008 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - } - - Group HairData27 - { - HairIndex 5003 - Model "hair/hair_16_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - } - Group HairData28 - { - HairIndex 5016 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - } - Group HairData29 - { - HairIndex 5005 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_2.dds" - } - Group HairData30 - { - HairIndex 5007 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_3.dds" - } - Group HairData31 - { - HairIndex 5006 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_4.dds" - } - Group HairData32 - { - HairIndex 5009 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_5.dds" - } - Group HairData33 - { - HairIndex 5010 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_6.dds" - } - Group HairData34 - { - HairIndex 5011 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_7.dds" - } - Group HairData35 - { - HairIndex 5012 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_8.dds" - } - Group HairData36 - { - HairIndex 5013 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_9.dds" - } - Group HairData37 - { - HairIndex 5004 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_2.dds" - } - Group HairData38 - { - HairIndex 5015 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_3.dds" - } - Group HairData39 - { - HairIndex 5014 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_4.dds" - } - Group HairData40 - { - HairIndex 5017 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_5.dds" - } - Group HairData41 - { - HairIndex 5018 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_6.dds" - } - Group HairData42 - { - HairIndex 5019 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_7.dds" - } - Group HairData43 - { - HairIndex 5020 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_8.dds" - } - Group HairData44 - { - HairIndex 5021 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_9.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5034 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5036 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5038 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5040 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5042 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData56 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData57 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData58 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData59 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData60 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData61 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData62 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData63 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData64 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData65 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData66 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData67 - { - HairIndex 5056 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData68 - { - HairIndex 5058 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData69 - { - HairIndex 5060 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc/shaman/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "shaman_novice.GR2" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - - Model "shaman_novice.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_novice_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_nabong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_bihong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_seocheon.dds" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_ilseon.dds" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_amyo.dds" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "shaman_bongsin.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_bongsin.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_bongsin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model "wild_boar.gr2" - SourceSkin "wild_boar.dds" - } - Group ShapeData13 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/bear/" - - ShapeIndex 102 - Model "bear.gr2" - SourceSkin "bear.dds" - } - Group ShapeData14 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/tiger/" - - ShapeIndex 103 - Model "tiger.gr2" - SourceSkin "tiger.dds" - } - Group ShapeData15 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/shaman/" - - ShapeIndex 201 - Model "shaman_marry_01.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_marry_01.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_marry_01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData16 - { - ShapeIndex 12 - Model "shaman_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_4-1.dds" - } - - - Group ShapeData17 - { - ShapeIndex 14 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_1-1cheongnang_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData18 - { - ShapeIndex 15 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_1-2_nabong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData19 - { - ShapeIndex 16 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_bihong_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData20 - { - ShapeIndex 17 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_2-1_miyeon_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData21 - { - ShapeIndex 18 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_2-2_seocheon_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData22 - { - ShapeIndex 19 - Model "shaman_miyeom.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_miyeom.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_2-3_ilseon_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData23 - { - ShapeIndex 20 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_3-1_cheonryun_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData24 - { - ShapeIndex 21 - Model "shaman_cheonryun.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheonryun.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_3-2_amyo_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData25 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/shaman/" - - ShapeIndex 24 - Model "shaman_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_queen01.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_queen01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData26 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/shaman/" - - ShapeIndex 25 - Model "shaman_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_queen01.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_queen02.dds" - } - - Group ShapeData27 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/shaman/" - - ShapeIndex 26 - Model "shaman_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_4-2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData28 - { - ShapeIndex 27 - Model "shaman_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_event1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData29 - { - - ShapeIndex 28 - Model "shaman_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_event1_yellow.dds" - } - Group ShapeData30 - { - - ShapeIndex 29 - Model "shaman_event1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_event1_yellow.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_event1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData31 - { - ShapeIndex 30 - Model "shaman_cheongnang.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_cheongnang.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_costume1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData32 - { - ShapeIndex 40031 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData33 - { - ShapeIndex 40033 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData34 - { - ShapeIndex 40034 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData35 - { - ShapeIndex 40035 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData36 - { - ShapeIndex 40036 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData37 - { - ShapeIndex 40037 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData38 - { - ShapeIndex 40038 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData39 - { - ShapeIndex 40039 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData40 - { - ShapeIndex 40040 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData41 - 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Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData48 - { - ShapeIndex 40047 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData49 - { - ShapeIndex 40048 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData50 - { - ShapeIndex 40049 - Model "shaman_fencing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_fencing1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData51 - { - ShapeIndex 40050 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData52 - { - ShapeIndex 40051 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData53 - { - ShapeIndex 40052 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData54 - { - ShapeIndex 40053 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Romania.dds" - } - Group ShapeData55 - { - ShapeIndex 40054 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_soccer1_Spain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData56 - { - ShapeIndex 40055 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_France.dds" - } - Group ShapeData57 - { - ShapeIndex 40056 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Italy.dds" - } - Group ShapeData58 - { - ShapeIndex 40057 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Poland.dds" - } - Group ShapeData59 - { - ShapeIndex 40058 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Romania.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData60 - { - ShapeIndex 40059 - Model "shaman_boxing1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_boxing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_boxing1_Spain.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData61 - { - ShapeIndex 40065 - Model "shaman_halloween1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_halloween1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_halloween1.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData62 - { - ShapeIndex 13 - Model "shaman_5_1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_5_1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData63 - { - ShapeIndex 40062 - Model "shaman_salsa1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_salsa1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_salsa1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData64 - { - ShapeIndex 40063 - Model "shaman_Springwear1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_Springwear1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_Springwear1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData65 - { - ShapeIndex 40061 - Model "shaman_tailcoat1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_tailcoat1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_tailcoat1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData66 - { - ShapeIndex 40069 - Model "shaman_deer1.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_deer1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_deer1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData67 - { - ShapeIndex 40066 - Model "shaman_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_santa1_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData68 - { - ShapeIndex 40067 - Model "shaman_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_santa1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData69 - { - ShapeIndex 40068 - Model "shaman_santa1_black.gr2" - SourceSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_santa1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData70 - { - ShapeIndex 40070 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData71 - { - ShapeIndex 40071 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA02.dds" - } - Group ShapeData72 - { - ShapeIndex 40072 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA03.dds" - } - Group ShapeData73 - { - ShapeIndex 40073 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA04.dds" - } - Group ShapeData74 - { - ShapeIndex 40074 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA05.dds" - } - Group ShapeData75 - { - ShapeIndex 40075 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA06.dds" - } - Group ShapeData76 - { - ShapeIndex 40076 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA07.dds" - } - Group ShapeData77 - { - ShapeIndex 40077 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA08.dds" - } - Group ShapeData78 - { - ShapeIndex 40078 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA09.dds" - } - Group ShapeData79 - { - ShapeIndex 40079 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA10.dds" - } - Group ShapeData80 - { - ShapeIndex 40080 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA11.dds" - } - Group ShapeData81 - { - ShapeIndex 40081 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA12.dds" - } - Group ShapeData82 - { - ShapeIndex 40082 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA13.dds" - } - Group ShapeData83 - { - ShapeIndex 40083 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA14.dds" - } - Group ShapeData84 - { - ShapeIndex 40084 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA15.dds" - } - Group ShapeData85 - { - ShapeIndex 40085 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA16.dds" - } - Group ShapeData86 - { - ShapeIndex 40086 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA17.dds" - } - Group ShapeData87 - { - ShapeIndex 40087 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA18.dds" - } - Group ShapeData88 - { - ShapeIndex 40088 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA19.dds" - } - Group ShapeData89 - { - ShapeIndex 40089 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA20.dds" - } - Group ShapeData90 - { - ShapeIndex 40090 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA21.dds" - } - Group ShapeData91 - { - ShapeIndex 40091 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA22.dds" - } - Group ShapeData92 - { - ShapeIndex 40092 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA23.dds" - } - Group ShapeData93 - { - ShapeIndex 40093 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA24.dds" - } - Group ShapeData94 - { - ShapeIndex 40094 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA25.dds" - } - Group ShapeData95 - { - ShapeIndex 40095 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA26.dds" - } - Group ShapeData96 - { - ShapeIndex 40096 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA27.dds" - } - Group ShapeData97 - { - ShapeIndex 40097 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA28.dds" - } - Group ShapeData98 - { - ShapeIndex 40098 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA29.dds" - } - Group ShapeData99 - { - ShapeIndex 40099 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA30.dds" - } - Group ShapeData100 - { - ShapeIndex 40100 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA31.dds" - } - Group ShapeData101 - { - ShapeIndex 40101 - Model "shaman_soccer1_Germany.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_UEFA32.dds" - } - Group ShapeData102 - { - ShapeIndex 40064 - Model "shaman_samurai1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_samurai1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_samurai1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData103 - { - ShapeIndex 40106 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_black.dds" - } - Group ShapeData104 - { - ShapeIndex 40107 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData105 - { - ShapeIndex 40108 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_green.dds" - } - Group ShapeData106 - { - ShapeIndex 40109 - Model "shaman_rabbit1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_rabbit1_pink.dds" - } - Group ShapeData107 - { - ShapeIndex 40110 - Model "shaman_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData108 - { - ShapeIndex 40111 - Model "shaman_BlackSnake1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_BlackSnake1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData109 - { - ShapeIndex 40113 - Model "shaman_assasin1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_assassin1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_assassin2.dds" - } - Group ShapeData110 - { - ShapeIndex 40115 - Model "shaman_pwahuang1.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_pwahuang1.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_pwahuang1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData111 - { - ShapeIndex 40117 - Model "shaman_halloween2.GR2" - SourceSkin "shaman_halloween2.dds" - TargetSkin "shaman_halloween2.dds" - } -} -Group AttachingData -{ - AttachingDataCount 2 - - Group AttachingData00 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 1 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 40.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } - - Group AttachingData01 - { - AttachingDataType 1 - - isAttaching 0 - AttachingModelIndex 0 - AttachingBoneName "Bip01" - - CollisionType 3 - - SphereDataCount 1 - Group SphereData00 - { - Radius 70.000000 - Position 0.000000 0.000000 90.000000 - } - } -} diff --git a/bin_original/stringCommander.py b/bin_original/stringCommander.py deleted file mode 100644 index ba493028..00000000 --- a/bin_original/stringCommander.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -import _weakref - -class CallBackFunction: - class __noarg_call__: - def __init__(self, cls, obj, func): - self.cls=cls - self.obj=_weakref.proxy(obj) - self.func=_weakref.proxy(func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.func(self.obj) - - class __arg_call__: - def __init__(self, cls, obj, func): - self.cls=cls - self.obj=_weakref.proxy(obj) - self.func=_weakref.proxy(func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.func(self.obj, *arg) - - def __init__(self, mfunc): - self.argCount=mfunc.im_func.func_code.co_argcount - - if self.argCount>1: - self.call=CallBackFunction.__arg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - else: - self.call=CallBackFunction.__noarg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.call(*arg) - - def GetArgumentCount(self): - return self.argCount - -class Analyzer: - def __init__(self): - self.cmdDict={} - - def SAFE_RegisterCallBack(self, cmd, callBackFunc): - self.cmdDict[cmd]=CallBackFunction(callBackFunc) - - def Run(self, line): - tokens=line.split() - - if len(tokens)==0: - return 1 - - cmd=tokens.pop(0) - - try: - callBackFunc=self.cmdDict[cmd] - except KeyError: - return 0 - - argCount=callBackFunc.GetArgumentCount()-1 - - if len(tokens)1: - self.call=__mem_func__.__arg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - else: - self.call=__mem_func__.__noarg_call__(mfunc.im_class, mfunc.im_self, mfunc.im_func) - - def __call__(self, *arg): - return self.call(*arg) - - -class Window(object): - def NoneMethod(cls): - pass - - NoneMethod = classmethod(NoneMethod) - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - self.hWnd = None - self.parentWindow = 0 - self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent = None - self.RegisterWindow(layer) - self.Hide() - - def __del__(self): - wndMgr.Destroy(self.hWnd) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.Register(self, layer) - - def Destroy(self): - pass - - def GetWindowHandle(self): - return self.hWnd - - def AddFlag(self, style): - wndMgr.AddFlag(self.hWnd, style) - - def IsRTL(self): - return wndMgr.IsRTL(self.hWnd) - - def SetWindowName(self, Name): - wndMgr.SetName(self.hWnd, Name) - - def GetWindowName(self): - return wndMgr.GetName(self.hWnd) - - def SetParent(self, parent): - wndMgr.SetParent(self.hWnd, parent.hWnd) - - def SetParentProxy(self, parent): - self.parentWindow=proxy(parent) - wndMgr.SetParent(self.hWnd, parent.hWnd) - - - def GetParentProxy(self): - return self.parentWindow - - def SetPickAlways(self): - wndMgr.SetPickAlways(self.hWnd) - - def SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT) - - def SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT) - - def SetWindowVerticalAlignTop(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) - - def SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom(self): - wndMgr.SetWindowVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) - - def SetTop(self): - wndMgr.SetTop(self.hWnd) - - def Show(self): - wndMgr.Show(self.hWnd) - - def Hide(self): - wndMgr.Hide(self.hWnd) - - def Lock(self): - wndMgr.Lock(self.hWnd) - - def Unlock(self): - wndMgr.Unlock(self.hWnd) - - def IsShow(self): - return wndMgr.IsShow(self.hWnd) - - def UpdateRect(self): - wndMgr.UpdateRect(self.hWnd) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - wndMgr.SetWindowSize(self.hWnd, width, height) - - def GetWidth(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowWidth(self.hWnd) - - def GetHeight(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowHeight(self.hWnd) - - def GetLocalPosition(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowLocalPosition(self.hWnd) - - def GetGlobalPosition(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowGlobalPosition(self.hWnd) - - def GetMouseLocalPosition(self): - return wndMgr.GetMouseLocalPosition(self.hWnd) - - def GetRect(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowRect(self.hWnd) - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - wndMgr.SetWindowPosition(self.hWnd, x, y) - - def SetCenterPosition(self, x = 0, y = 0): - self.SetPosition((wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - self.GetWidth()) / 2 + x, (wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - self.GetHeight()) / 2 + y) - - def IsFocus(self): - return wndMgr.IsFocus(self.hWnd) - - def SetFocus(self): - wndMgr.SetFocus(self.hWnd) - - def KillFocus(self): - wndMgr.KillFocus(self.hWnd) - - def GetChildCount(self): - return wndMgr.GetChildCount(self.hWnd) - - def IsIn(self): - return wndMgr.IsIn(self.hWnd) - - def SetOnMouseLeftButtonUpEvent(self, event): - self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent = event - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent: - self.onMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - -class ListBoxEx(Window): - - class Item(Window): - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetParent(self, parent): - Window.SetParent(self, parent) - self.parent=proxy(parent) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.parent.SelectItem(self) - - def OnRender(self): - if self.parent.GetSelectedItem()==self: - self.OnSelectedRender() - - def OnSelectedRender(self): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7)) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, self.GetWidth(), self.GetHeight()) - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.viewItemCount=10 - self.basePos=0 - self.itemHeight=16 - self.itemStep=20 - self.selItem=0 - self.itemList=[] - self.onSelectItemEvent = lambda *arg: None - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.itemWidth=130 - else: - self.itemWidth=100 - - self.scrollBar=None - self.__UpdateSize() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def __UpdateSize(self): - height=self.itemStep*self.__GetViewItemCount() - - self.SetSize(self.itemWidth, height) - - def IsEmpty(self): - if len(self.itemList)==0: - return 1 - return 0 - - def SetItemStep(self, itemStep): - self.itemStep=itemStep - self.__UpdateSize() - - def SetItemSize(self, itemWidth, itemHeight): - self.itemWidth=itemWidth - self.itemHeight=itemHeight - self.__UpdateSize() - - def SetViewItemCount(self, viewItemCount): - self.viewItemCount=viewItemCount - - def SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.onSelectItemEvent = event - - def SetBasePos(self, basePos): - for oldItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos+self.viewItemCount]: - oldItem.Hide() - - self.basePos=basePos - - pos=basePos - for newItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos+self.viewItemCount]: - (x, y)=self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth()) - newItem.SetPosition(x, y) - newItem.Show() - pos+=1 - - def GetItemIndex(self, argItem): - return self.itemList.index(argItem) - - def GetSelectedItem(self): - return self.selItem - - def SelectIndex(self, index): - - if index >= len(self.itemList) or index < 0: - self.selItem = None - return - - try: - self.selItem=self.itemList[index] - except: - pass - - def SelectItem(self, selItem): - self.selItem=selItem - self.onSelectItemEvent(selItem) - - def RemoveAllItems(self): - self.selItem=None - self.itemList=[] - - if self.scrollBar: - self.scrollBar.SetPos(0) - - def RemoveItem(self, delItem): - if delItem==self.selItem: - self.selItem=None - - self.itemList.remove(delItem) - - def AppendItem(self, newItem): - newItem.SetParent(self) - newItem.SetSize(self.itemWidth, self.itemHeight) - - pos=len(self.itemList) - if self.__IsInViewRange(pos): - (x, y)=self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth()) - newItem.SetPosition(x, y) - newItem.Show() - else: - newItem.Hide() - - self.itemList.append(newItem) - - def SetScrollBar(self, scrollBar): - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(__mem_func__(self.__OnScroll)) - self.scrollBar=scrollBar - - def __OnScroll(self): - self.SetBasePos(int(self.scrollBar.GetPos()*self.__GetScrollLen())) - - def __GetScrollLen(self): - scrollLen=self.__GetItemCount()-self.__GetViewItemCount() - if scrollLen<0: - return 0 - - return scrollLen - - def __GetViewItemCount(self): - return self.viewItemCount - - def __GetItemCount(self): - return len(self.itemList) - - def GetItemViewCoord(self, pos, itemWidth): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - return (self.GetWidth()-itemWidth-10, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) - else: - return (0, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) - - def __IsInViewRange(self, pos): - if pos=self.basePos+self.viewItemCount: - return 0 - return 1 - -class CandidateListBox(ListBoxEx): - - HORIZONTAL_MODE = 0 - VERTICAL_MODE = 1 - - class Item(ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, text): - ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - - self.textBox=TextLine() - self.textBox.SetParent(self) - self.textBox.SetText(text) - self.textBox.Show() - - def __del__(self): - ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def __init__(self, mode = HORIZONTAL_MODE): - ListBoxEx.__init__(self) - self.itemWidth=32 - self.itemHeight=32 - self.mode = mode - - def __del__(self): - ListBoxEx.__del__(self) - - def SetMode(self, mode): - self.mode = mode - - def AppendItem(self, newItem): - ListBoxEx.AppendItem(self, newItem) - - def GetItemViewCoord(self, pos): - if self.mode == self.HORIZONTAL_MODE: - return ((pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep, 0) - elif self.mode == self.VERTICAL_MODE: - return (0, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) - - -class TextLine(Window): - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.max = 0 - self.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterTextLine(self, layer) - - def SetMax(self, max): - wndMgr.SetMax(self.hWnd, max) - - def SetLimitWidth(self, width): - wndMgr.SetLimitWidth(self.hWnd, width) - - def SetMultiLine(self): - wndMgr.SetMultiLine(self.hWnd, TRUE) - - def SetHorizontalAlignArabic(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_ARABIC) - - def SetHorizontalAlignLeft(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT) - - def SetHorizontalAlignRight(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT) - - def SetHorizontalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetVerticalAlignTop(self): - wndMgr.SetVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) - - def SetVerticalAlignBottom(self): - wndMgr.SetVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) - - def SetVerticalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetVerticalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER) - - def SetSecret(self, Value=TRUE): - wndMgr.SetSecret(self.hWnd, Value) - - def SetOutline(self, Value=TRUE): - wndMgr.SetOutline(self.hWnd, Value) - - def SetFeather(self, value=TRUE): - wndMgr.SetFeather(self.hWnd, value) - - def SetFontName(self, fontName): - wndMgr.SetFontName(self.hWnd, fontName) - - def SetDefaultFontName(self): - wndMgr.SetFontName(self.hWnd, locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - - def SetFontColor(self, red, green, blue): - wndMgr.SetFontColor(self.hWnd, red, green, blue) - - def SetPackedFontColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetFontColor(self.hWnd, color) - - def SetText(self, text): - wndMgr.SetText(self.hWnd, text) - - def GetText(self): - return wndMgr.GetText(self.hWnd) - - def GetTextSize(self): - return wndMgr.GetTextSize(self.hWnd) - -class EmptyCandidateWindow(Window): - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def Load(self): - pass - - def SetCandidatePosition(self, x, y, textCount): - pass - - def Clear(self): - pass - - def Append(self, text): - pass - - def Refresh(self): - pass - - def Select(self): - pass - -class EditLine(TextLine): - candidateWindowClassDict = {} - - def __init__(self): - TextLine.__init__(self) - - self.eventReturn = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventEscape = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventTab = None - self.numberMode = FALSE - self.useIME = TRUE - - self.bCodePage = FALSE - - self.candidateWindowClass = None - self.candidateWindow = None - self.SetCodePage(app.GetDefaultCodePage()) - - self.readingWnd = ReadingWnd() - self.readingWnd.Hide() - - def __del__(self): - TextLine.__del__(self) - - self.eventReturn = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventEscape = Window.NoneMethod - self.eventTab = None - - - def SetCodePage(self, codePage): - candidateWindowClass=EditLine.candidateWindowClassDict.get(codePage, EmptyCandidateWindow) - self.__SetCandidateClass(candidateWindowClass) - - def __SetCandidateClass(self, candidateWindowClass): - if self.candidateWindowClass==candidateWindowClass: - return - - self.candidateWindowClass = candidateWindowClass - self.candidateWindow = self.candidateWindowClass() - self.candidateWindow.Load() - self.candidateWindow.Hide() - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterTextLine(self, layer) - - def SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = __mem_func__(event) - - def SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = event - - def SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.eventEscape = event - - def SetTabEvent(self, event): - self.eventTab = event - - def SetMax(self, max): - self.max = max - wndMgr.SetMax(self.hWnd, self.max) - ime.SetMax(self.max) - self.SetUserMax(self.max) - - def SetUserMax(self, max): - self.userMax = max - ime.SetUserMax(self.userMax) - - def SetNumberMode(self): - self.numberMode = TRUE - - #def AddExceptKey(self, key): - # ime.AddExceptKey(key) - - #def ClearExceptKey(self): - # ime.ClearExceptKey() - - def SetIMEFlag(self, flag): - self.useIME = flag - - def SetText(self, text): - wndMgr.SetText(self.hWnd, text) - - if self.IsFocus(): - ime.SetText(text) - - def Enable(self): - wndMgr.ShowCursor(self.hWnd) - - def Disable(self): - wndMgr.HideCursor(self.hWnd) - - def SetEndPosition(self): - ime.MoveEnd() - - def OnSetFocus(self): - Text = self.GetText() - ime.SetText(Text) - ime.SetMax(self.max) - ime.SetUserMax(self.userMax) - ime.SetCursorPosition(-1) - if self.numberMode: - ime.SetNumberMode() - else: - ime.SetStringMode() - ime.EnableCaptureInput() - if self.useIME: - ime.EnableIME() - else: - ime.DisableIME() - wndMgr.ShowCursor(self.hWnd, TRUE) - - def OnKillFocus(self): - self.SetText(ime.GetText(self.bCodePage)) - self.OnIMECloseCandidateList() - self.OnIMECloseReadingWnd() - ime.DisableIME() - ime.DisableCaptureInput() - wndMgr.HideCursor(self.hWnd) - - def OnIMEChangeCodePage(self): - self.SetCodePage(ime.GetCodePage()) - - def OnIMEOpenCandidateList(self): - self.candidateWindow.Show() - self.candidateWindow.Clear() - self.candidateWindow.Refresh() - - gx, gy = self.GetGlobalPosition() - self.candidateWindow.SetCandidatePosition(gx, gy, len(self.GetText())) - - return TRUE - - def OnIMECloseCandidateList(self): - self.candidateWindow.Hide() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEOpenReadingWnd(self): - gx, gy = self.GetGlobalPosition() - textlen = len(self.GetText())-2 - reading = ime.GetReading() - readinglen = len(reading) - self.readingWnd.SetReadingPosition( gx + textlen*6-24-readinglen*6, gy ) - self.readingWnd.SetText(reading) - if ime.GetReadingError() == 0: - self.readingWnd.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - else: - self.readingWnd.SetTextColor(0xffff0000) - self.readingWnd.SetSize(readinglen * 6 + 4, 19) - self.readingWnd.Show() - return TRUE - - def OnIMECloseReadingWnd(self): - self.readingWnd.Hide() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEUpdate(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/type.wav") - TextLine.SetText(self, ime.GetText(self.bCodePage)) - - def OnIMETab(self): - if self.eventTab: - self.eventTab() - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/click.wav") - self.eventReturn() - - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.eventEscape() - return TRUE - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if app.DIK_F1 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F2 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F3 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F4 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LALT == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_SYSRQ == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LCONTROL == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_V == key: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - ime.PasteTextFromClipBoard() - - return TRUE - - def OnKeyUp(self, key): - if app.DIK_F1 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F2 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F3 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_F4 == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LALT == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_SYSRQ == key: - return FALSE - if app.DIK_LCONTROL == key: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def OnIMEKeyDown(self, key): - # Left - if app.VK_LEFT == key: - ime.MoveLeft() - return TRUE - # Right - if app.VK_RIGHT == key: - ime.MoveRight() - return TRUE - - # Home - if app.VK_HOME == key: - ime.MoveHome() - return TRUE - # End - if app.VK_END == key: - ime.MoveEnd() - return TRUE - - # Delete - if app.VK_DELETE == key: - ime.Delete() - TextLine.SetText(self, ime.GetText(self.bCodePage)) - return TRUE - - return TRUE - - #def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - # self.SetFocus() - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if FALSE == self.IsIn(): - return FALSE - - self.SetFocus() - PixelPosition = wndMgr.GetCursorPosition(self.hWnd) - ime.SetCursorPosition(PixelPosition) - -class MarkBox(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterMarkBox(self, layer) - - def Load(self): - wndMgr.MarkBox_Load(self.hWnd) - - def SetScale(self, scale): - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetScale(self.hWnd, scale) - - def SetIndex(self, guildID): - MarkID = guild.GuildIDToMarkID(guildID) - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetImageFilename(self.hWnd, guild.GetMarkImageFilenameByMarkID(MarkID)) - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetIndex(self.hWnd, guild.GetMarkIndexByMarkID(MarkID)) - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - wndMgr.MarkBox_SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha) - -class ImageBox(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - self.eventDict={} - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterImageBox(self, layer) - - def LoadImage(self, imageName): - self.name=imageName - wndMgr.LoadImage(self.hWnd, imageName) - - if len(self.eventDict)!=0: - print "LOAD IMAGE", self, self.eventDict - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - wndMgr.SetDiffuseColor(self.hWnd, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha) - - def GetWidth(self): - return wndMgr.GetWidth(self.hWnd) - - def GetHeight(self): - return wndMgr.GetHeight(self.hWnd) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - try: - self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_IN"]() - except KeyError: - pass - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - try: - self.eventDict["MOUSE_OVER_OUT"]() - except KeyError: - pass - - def SAFE_SetStringEvent(self, event, func): - self.eventDict[event]=__mem_func__(func) - - -class ExpandedImageBox(ImageBox): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - ImageBox.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - ImageBox.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterExpandedImageBox(self, layer) - - def SetScale(self, xScale, yScale): - wndMgr.SetScale(self.hWnd, xScale, yScale) - - def SetOrigin(self, x, y): - wndMgr.SetOrigin(self.hWnd, x, y) - - def SetRotation(self, rotation): - wndMgr.SetRotation(self.hWnd, rotation) - - def SetRenderingMode(self, mode): - wndMgr.SetRenderingMode(self.hWnd, mode) - - # [0.0, 1.0] 荤捞狼 蔼父怒 欺季飘肺 弊府瘤 臼绰促. - def SetRenderingRect(self, left, top, right, bottom): - wndMgr.SetRenderingRect(self.hWnd, left, top, right, bottom) - - def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): - if maxValue: - self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, -1.0 + float(curValue) / float(maxValue), 0.0) - else: - self.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - - def GetWidth(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowWidth(self.hWnd) - - def GetHeight(self): - return wndMgr.GetWindowHeight(self.hWnd) - -class AniImageBox(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterAniImageBox(self, layer) - - def SetDelay(self, delay): - wndMgr.SetDelay(self.hWnd, delay) - - def AppendImage(self, filename): - wndMgr.AppendImage(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): - wndMgr.SetRenderingRect(self.hWnd, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 + float(curValue) / float(maxValue), 0.0) - - def OnEndFrame(self): - pass - -class Button(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - self.eventFunc = None - self.eventArgs = None - - self.ButtonText = None - self.ToolTipText = None - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - self.eventFunc = None - self.eventArgs = None - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterButton(self, layer) - - def SetUpVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetUpVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetOverVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetOverVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetDownVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetDownVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def SetDisableVisual(self, filename): - wndMgr.SetDisableVisual(self.hWnd, filename) - - def GetUpVisualFileName(self): - return wndMgr.GetUpVisualFileName(self.hWnd) - - def GetOverVisualFileName(self): - return wndMgr.GetOverVisualFileName(self.hWnd) - - def GetDownVisualFileName(self): - return wndMgr.GetDownVisualFileName(self.hWnd) - - def Flash(self): - wndMgr.Flash(self.hWnd) - - def Enable(self): - wndMgr.Enable(self.hWnd) - - def Disable(self): - wndMgr.Disable(self.hWnd) - - def Down(self): - wndMgr.Down(self.hWnd) - - def SetUp(self): - wndMgr.SetUp(self.hWnd) - - def SAFE_SetEvent(self, func, *args): - self.eventFunc = __mem_func__(func) - self.eventArgs = args - - def SetEvent(self, func, *args): - self.eventFunc = func - self.eventArgs = args - - def SetTextColor(self, color): - if not self.ButtonText: - return - self.ButtonText.SetPackedFontColor(color) - - def SetText(self, text, height = 4): - - if not self.ButtonText: - textLine = TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetPosition(self.GetWidth()/2, self.GetHeight()/2) - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.Show() - self.ButtonText = textLine - - self.ButtonText.SetText(text) - - def SetFormToolTipText(self, type, text, x, y): - if not self.ToolTipText: - toolTip=createToolTipWindowDict[type]() - toolTip.SetParent(self) - toolTip.SetSize(0, 0) - toolTip.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - toolTip.SetOutline() - toolTip.Hide() - toolTip.SetPosition(x + self.GetWidth()/2, y) - self.ToolTipText=toolTip - - self.ToolTipText.SetText(text) - - def SetToolTipWindow(self, toolTip): - self.ToolTipText=toolTip - self.ToolTipText.SetParentProxy(self) - - def SetToolTipText(self, text, x=0, y = -19): - self.SetFormToolTipText("TEXT", text, x, y) - - def CallEvent(self): - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/click.wav") - - if self.eventFunc: - apply(self.eventFunc, self.eventArgs) - - def ShowToolTip(self): - if self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def HideToolTip(self): - if self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Hide() - - def IsDown(self): - return wndMgr.IsDown(self.hWnd) - -class RadioButton(Button): - def __init__(self): - Button.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - Button.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterRadioButton(self, layer) - -class RadioButtonGroup: - def __init__(self): - self.buttonGroup = [] - self.selectedBtnIdx = -1 - - def __del__(self): - for button, ue, de in self.buttonGroup: - button.__del__() - - def Show(self): - for (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) in self.buttonGroup: - button.Show() - - def Hide(self): - for (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) in self.buttonGroup: - button.Hide() - - def SetText(self, idx, text): - if idx >= len(self.buttonGroup): - return - (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) = self.buttonGroup[idx] - button.SetText(text) - - def OnClick(self, btnIdx): - if btnIdx == self.selectedBtnIdx: - return - (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) = self.buttonGroup[self.selectedBtnIdx] - if unselectEvent: - unselectEvent() - button.SetUp() - - self.selectedBtnIdx = btnIdx - (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) = self.buttonGroup[btnIdx] - if selectEvent: - selectEvent() - - button.Down() - - def AddButton(self, button, selectEvent, unselectEvent): - i = len(self.buttonGroup) - button.SetEvent(lambda : self.OnClick(i)) - self.buttonGroup.append([button, selectEvent, unselectEvent]) - button.SetUp() - - def Create(rawButtonGroup): - radioGroup = RadioButtonGroup() - for (button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) in rawButtonGroup: - radioGroup.AddButton(button, selectEvent, unselectEvent) - - radioGroup.OnClick(0) - - return radioGroup - - Create=staticmethod(Create) - -class ToggleButton(Button): - def __init__(self): - Button.__init__(self) - - self.eventUp = None - self.eventDown = None - - def __del__(self): - Button.__del__(self) - - self.eventUp = None - self.eventDown = None - - def SetToggleUpEvent(self, event): - self.eventUp = event - - def SetToggleDownEvent(self, event): - self.eventDown = event - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterToggleButton(self, layer) - - def OnToggleUp(self): - if self.eventUp: - self.eventUp() - - def OnToggleDown(self): - if self.eventDown: - self.eventDown() - -class DragButton(Button): - def __init__(self): - Button.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("movable") - - self.callbackEnable = TRUE - self.eventMove = lambda: None - - def __del__(self): - Button.__del__(self) - - self.eventMove = lambda: None - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterDragButton(self, layer) - - def SetMoveEvent(self, event): - self.eventMove = event - - def SetRestrictMovementArea(self, x, y, width, height): - wndMgr.SetRestrictMovementArea(self.hWnd, x, y, width, height) - - def TurnOnCallBack(self): - self.callbackEnable = TRUE - - def TurnOffCallBack(self): - self.callbackEnable = FALSE - - def OnMove(self): - if self.callbackEnable: - self.eventMove() - -class NumberLine(Window): - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterNumberLine(self, layer) - - def SetHorizontalAlignCenter(self): - wndMgr.SetNumberHorizontalAlignCenter(self.hWnd) - - def SetHorizontalAlignRight(self): - wndMgr.SetNumberHorizontalAlignRight(self.hWnd) - - def SetPath(self, path): - wndMgr.SetPath(self.hWnd, path) - - def SetNumber(self, number): - wndMgr.SetNumber(self.hWnd, number) - -################################################################################################### -## PythonScript Element -################################################################################################### - -class Box(Window): - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBox(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, color) - -class Bar(Window): - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBar(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, color) - -class Line(Window): - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterLine(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, color): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, color) - -class SlotBar(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBar3D(self, layer) - -## Same with SlotBar -class Bar3D(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterBar3D(self, layer) - - def SetColor(self, left, right, center): - wndMgr.SetColor(self.hWnd, left, right, center) - -class SlotWindow(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.StartIndex = 0 - - self.eventSelectEmptySlot = None - self.eventSelectItemSlot = None - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot = None - self.eventUnselectItemSlot = None - self.eventUseSlot = None - self.eventOverInItem = None - self.eventOverOutItem = None - self.eventPressedSlotButton = None - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - self.eventSelectEmptySlot = None - self.eventSelectItemSlot = None - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot = None - self.eventUnselectItemSlot = None - self.eventUseSlot = None - self.eventOverInItem = None - self.eventOverOutItem = None - self.eventPressedSlotButton = None - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterSlotWindow(self, layer) - - def SetSlotStyle(self, style): - wndMgr.SetSlotStyle(self.hWnd, style) - - def HasSlot(self, slotIndex): - return wndMgr.HasSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def SetSlotBaseImage(self, imageFileName, r, g, b, a): - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, imageFileName, r, g, b, a) - - def SetCoverButton(self,\ - slotIndex,\ - upName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_01.sub",\ - overName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_02.sub",\ - downName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_03.sub",\ - disableName="d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_04.sub",\ - LeftButtonEnable = FALSE,\ - RightButtonEnable = TRUE): - wndMgr.SetCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex, upName, overName, downName, disableName, LeftButtonEnable, RightButtonEnable) - - def EnableCoverButton(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.EnableCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def DisableCoverButton(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.DisableCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(self, slotIndex, bAlwaysRender = TRUE): - wndMgr.SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(self.hWnd, slotIndex, bAlwaysRender) - - def AppendSlotButton(self, upName, overName, downName): - wndMgr.AppendSlotButton(self.hWnd, upName, overName, downName) - - def ShowSlotButton(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ShowSlotButton(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def HideAllSlotButton(self): - wndMgr.HideAllSlotButton(self.hWnd) - - def AppendRequirementSignImage(self, filename): - wndMgr.AppendRequirementSignImage(self.hWnd, filename) - - def ShowRequirementSign(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ShowRequirementSign(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def HideRequirementSign(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.HideRequirementSign(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def ActivateSlot(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ActivateSlot(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def DeactivateSlot(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.DeactivateSlot(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def ShowSlotBaseImage(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ShowSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def HideSlotBaseImage(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.HideSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def SAFE_SetButtonEvent(self, button, state, event): - if "LEFT"==button: - if "EMPTY"==state: - self.eventSelectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "EXIST"==state: - self.eventSelectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "ALWAYS"==state: - self.eventSelectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - self.eventSelectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "RIGHT"==button: - if "EMPTY"==state: - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "EXIST"==state: - self.eventUnselectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - elif "ALWAYS"==state: - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot=__mem_func__(event) - self.eventUnselectItemSlot=__mem_func__(event) - - def SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(self, empty): - self.eventSelectEmptySlot = empty - - def SetSelectItemSlotEvent(self, item): - self.eventSelectItemSlot = item - - def SetUnselectEmptySlotEvent(self, empty): - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot = empty - - def SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(self, item): - self.eventUnselectItemSlot = item - - def SetUseSlotEvent(self, use): - self.eventUseSlot = use - - def SetOverInItemEvent(self, event): - self.eventOverInItem = event - - def SetOverOutItemEvent(self, event): - self.eventOverOutItem = event - - def SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(self, event): - self.eventPressedSlotButton = event - - def GetSlotCount(self): - return wndMgr.GetSlotCount(self.hWnd) - - def SetUseMode(self, flag): - "TRUE老锭父 ItemToItem 捞 啊瓷茄瘤 焊咯霖促" - wndMgr.SetUseMode(self.hWnd, flag) - - def SetUsableItem(self, flag): - "TRUE搁 泅犁 啊府挪 酒捞袍捞 ItemToItem 利侩 啊瓷窍促" - wndMgr.SetUsableItem(self.hWnd, flag) - - ## Slot - def SetSlotCoolTime(self, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime = 0.0): - wndMgr.SetSlotCoolTime(self.hWnd, slotIndex, coolTime, elapsedTime) - - def DisableSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.DisableSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def EnableSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.EnableSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def LockSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.LockSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def UnlockSlot(self, slotIndex): - wndMgr.UnlockSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex) - - def RefreshSlot(self): - wndMgr.RefreshSlot(self.hWnd) - - def ClearSlot(self, slotNumber): - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, slotNumber) - - def ClearAllSlot(self): - wndMgr.ClearAllSlot(self.hWnd) - - def AppendSlot(self, index, x, y, width, height): - wndMgr.AppendSlot(self.hWnd, index, x, y, width, height) - - def SetSlot(self, slotIndex, itemIndex, width, height, icon, diffuseColor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)): - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex, itemIndex, width, height, icon, diffuseColor) - - def SetSlotCount(self, slotNumber, count): - wndMgr.SetSlotCount(self.hWnd, slotNumber, count) - - def SetSlotCountNew(self, slotNumber, grade, count): - wndMgr.SetSlotCountNew(self.hWnd, slotNumber, grade, count) - - def SetItemSlot(self, renderingSlotNumber, ItemIndex, ItemCount = 0, diffuseColor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)): - if 0 == ItemIndex or None == ItemIndex: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - item.SelectItem(ItemIndex) - itemIcon = item.GetIconImage() - - item.SelectItem(ItemIndex) - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, ItemIndex, width, height, itemIcon, diffuseColor) - wndMgr.SetSlotCount(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, ItemCount) - - def SetSkillSlot(self, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, skillLevel): - - skillIcon = skill.GetIconImage(skillIndex) - - if 0 == skillIcon: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, 1, 1, skillIcon) - wndMgr.SetSlotCount(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, skillLevel) - - def SetSkillSlotNew(self, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel): - - skillIcon = skill.GetIconImageNew(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - if 0 == skillIcon: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, skillIndex, 1, 1, skillIcon) - - def SetEmotionSlot(self, renderingSlotNumber, emotionIndex): - import player - icon = player.GetEmotionIconImage(emotionIndex) - - if 0 == icon: - wndMgr.ClearSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber) - return - - wndMgr.SetSlot(self.hWnd, renderingSlotNumber, emotionIndex, 1, 1, icon) - - ## Event - def OnSelectEmptySlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventSelectEmptySlot: - self.eventSelectEmptySlot(slotNumber) - - def OnSelectItemSlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventSelectItemSlot: - self.eventSelectItemSlot(slotNumber) - - def OnUnselectEmptySlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventUnselectEmptySlot: - self.eventUnselectEmptySlot(slotNumber) - - def OnUnselectItemSlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventUnselectItemSlot: - self.eventUnselectItemSlot(slotNumber) - - def OnUseSlot(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventUseSlot: - self.eventUseSlot(slotNumber) - - def OnOverInItem(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventOverInItem: - self.eventOverInItem(slotNumber) - - def OnOverOutItem(self): - if self.eventOverOutItem: - self.eventOverOutItem() - - def OnPressedSlotButton(self, slotNumber): - if self.eventPressedSlotButton: - self.eventPressedSlotButton(slotNumber) - - def GetStartIndex(self): - return 0 - -class GridSlotWindow(SlotWindow): - - def __init__(self): - SlotWindow.__init__(self) - - self.startIndex = 0 - - def __del__(self): - SlotWindow.__del__(self) - - def RegisterWindow(self, layer): - self.hWnd = wndMgr.RegisterGridSlotWindow(self, layer) - - def ArrangeSlot(self, StartIndex, xCount, yCount, xSize, ySize, xBlank, yBlank): - - self.startIndex = StartIndex - - wndMgr.ArrangeSlot(self.hWnd, StartIndex, xCount, yCount, xSize, ySize, xBlank, yBlank) - self.startIndex = StartIndex - - def GetStartIndex(self): - return self.startIndex - -class TitleBar(Window): - - BLOCK_WIDTH = 32 - BLOCK_HEIGHT = 23 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("attach") - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def MakeTitleBar(self, width, color): - - ## 泅犁 Color绰 荤侩窍绊 乐瘤 臼澜 - - width = max(64, width) - - imgLeft = ImageBox() - imgCenter = ExpandedImageBox() - imgRight = ImageBox() - imgLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgCenter.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgLeft.SetParent(self) - imgCenter.SetParent(self) - imgRight.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - imgLeft.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_center.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_right.tga") - else: - imgLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/titlebar_center.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/titlebar_right.tga") - - imgLeft.Show() - imgCenter.Show() - imgRight.Show() - - btnClose = Button() - btnClose.SetParent(self) - btnClose.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub") - btnClose.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub") - btnClose.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub") - btnClose.SetToolTipText(locale.UI_CLOSE, 0, -23) - btnClose.Show() - - self.imgLeft = imgLeft - self.imgCenter = imgCenter - self.imgRight = imgRight - self.btnClose = btnClose - - self.SetWidth(width) - - def SetWidth(self, width): - self.imgCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH*2) - self.BLOCK_WIDTH) / self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0.0) - self.imgCenter.SetPosition(self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.imgRight.SetPosition(width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.btnClose.SetPosition(3, 3) - else: - self.btnClose.SetPosition(width - self.btnClose.GetWidth() - 3, 3) - - self.SetSize(width, self.BLOCK_HEIGHT) - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.btnClose.SetEvent(event) - -class HorizontalBar(Window): - - BLOCK_WIDTH = 32 - BLOCK_HEIGHT = 17 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("attach") - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def Create(self, width): - - width = max(96, width) - - imgLeft = ImageBox() - imgLeft.SetParent(self) - imgLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/horizontalbar_left.tga") - imgLeft.Show() - - imgCenter = ExpandedImageBox() - imgCenter.SetParent(self) - imgCenter.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/horizontalbar_center.tga") - imgCenter.Show() - - imgRight = ImageBox() - imgRight.SetParent(self) - imgRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/horizontalbar_right.tga") - imgRight.Show() - - self.imgLeft = imgLeft - self.imgCenter = imgCenter - self.imgRight = imgRight - self.SetWidth(width) - - def SetWidth(self, width): - self.imgCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH*2) - self.BLOCK_WIDTH) / self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0.0) - self.imgCenter.SetPosition(self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.imgRight.SetPosition(width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.SetSize(width, self.BLOCK_HEIGHT) - -class Gauge(Window): - - SLOT_WIDTH = 16 - SLOT_HEIGHT = 7 - - GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE = 12 - GAUGE_WIDTH = 16 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.width = 0 - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def MakeGauge(self, width, color): - - self.width = max(48, width) - - imgSlotLeft = ImageBox() - imgSlotLeft.SetParent(self) - imgSlotLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_left.tga") - imgSlotLeft.Show() - - imgSlotRight = ImageBox() - imgSlotRight.SetParent(self) - imgSlotRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_right.tga") - imgSlotRight.Show() - imgSlotRight.SetPosition(width - self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0) - - imgSlotCenter = ExpandedImageBox() - imgSlotCenter.SetParent(self) - imgSlotCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_slot_center.tga") - imgSlotCenter.Show() - imgSlotCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.SLOT_WIDTH*2) - self.SLOT_WIDTH) / self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0.0) - imgSlotCenter.SetPosition(self.SLOT_WIDTH, 0) - - imgGauge = ExpandedImageBox() - imgGauge.SetParent(self) - imgGauge.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/gauge_" + color + ".tga") - imgGauge.Show() - imgGauge.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - imgGauge.SetPosition(self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE, 0) - - imgSlotLeft.AddFlag("attach") - imgSlotCenter.AddFlag("attach") - imgSlotRight.AddFlag("attach") - - self.imgLeft = imgSlotLeft - self.imgCenter = imgSlotCenter - self.imgRight = imgSlotRight - self.imgGauge = imgGauge - - self.SetSize(width, self.SLOT_HEIGHT) - - def SetPercentage(self, curValue, maxValue): - - # PERCENTAGE_MAX_VALUE_ZERO_DIVISION_ERROR - if maxValue > 0.0: - percentage = min(1.0, float(curValue)/float(maxValue)) - else: - percentage = 0.0 - # END_OF_PERCENTAGE_MAX_VALUE_ZERO_DIVISION_ERROR - - gaugeSize = -1.0 + float(self.width - self.GAUGE_TEMPORARY_PLACE*2) * percentage / self.GAUGE_WIDTH - self.imgGauge.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, gaugeSize, 0.0) - -class Board(Window): - - CORNER_WIDTH = 32 - CORNER_HEIGHT = 32 - LINE_WIDTH = 128 - LINE_HEIGHT = 128 - - LT = 0 - LB = 1 - RT = 2 - RB = 3 - L = 0 - R = 1 - T = 2 - B = 3 - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.MakeBoard("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_", "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_") - self.MakeBase() - - def MakeBoard(self, cornerPath, linePath): - - CornerFileNames = [ cornerPath+dir+".tga" for dir in ("LeftTop", "LeftBottom", "RightTop", "RightBottom", ) ] - LineFileNames = [ linePath+dir+".tga" for dir in ("Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom", ) ] - """ - CornerFileNames = ( - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_LeftTop.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_LeftBottom.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_RightTop.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Corner_RightBottom.tga", - ) - LineFileNames = ( - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Left.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Right.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Top.tga", - "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Line_Bottom.tga", - ) - """ - - self.Corners = [] - for fileName in CornerFileNames: - Corner = ExpandedImageBox() - Corner.AddFlag("not_pick") - Corner.LoadImage(fileName) - Corner.SetParent(self) - Corner.SetPosition(0, 0) - Corner.Show() - self.Corners.append(Corner) - - self.Lines = [] - for fileName in LineFileNames: - Line = ExpandedImageBox() - Line.AddFlag("not_pick") - Line.LoadImage(fileName) - Line.SetParent(self) - Line.SetPosition(0, 0) - Line.Show() - self.Lines.append(Line) - - self.Lines[self.L].SetPosition(0, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.T].SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - - def MakeBase(self): - self.Base = ExpandedImageBox() - self.Base.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.Base.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/Board_Base.tga") - self.Base.SetParent(self) - self.Base.SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Base.Show() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - - width = max(self.CORNER_WIDTH*2, width) - height = max(self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2, height) - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - self.Corners[self.LB].SetPosition(0, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Corners[self.RT].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - self.Corners[self.RB].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.R].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.B].SetPosition(self.CORNER_HEIGHT, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - - verticalShowingPercentage = float((height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2) - self.LINE_HEIGHT) / self.LINE_HEIGHT - horizontalShowingPercentage = float((width - self.CORNER_WIDTH*2) - self.LINE_WIDTH) / self.LINE_WIDTH - self.Lines[self.L].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.R].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.T].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - self.Lines[self.B].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - - if self.Base: - self.Base.SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, verticalShowingPercentage) - -class BoardWithTitleBar(Board): - def __init__(self): - Board.__init__(self) - - titleBar = TitleBar() - titleBar.SetParent(self) - titleBar.MakeTitleBar(0, "red") - titleBar.SetPosition(8, 7) - titleBar.Show() - - titleName = TextLine() - titleName.SetParent(titleBar) - titleName.SetPosition(0, 4) - titleName.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - titleName.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - titleName.Show() - - self.titleBar = titleBar - self.titleName = titleName - - self.SetCloseEvent(self.Hide) - - def __del__(self): - Board.__del__(self) - self.titleBar = None - self.titleName = None - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - self.titleBar.SetWidth(width - 15) - #self.pickRestrictWindow.SetSize(width, height - 30) - Board.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.titleName.UpdateRect() - - def SetTitleColor(self, color): - self.titleName.SetPackedFontColor(color) - - def SetTitleName(self, name): - self.titleName.SetText(name) - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(event) - -class ThinBoard(Window): - - CORNER_WIDTH = 16 - CORNER_HEIGHT = 16 - LINE_WIDTH = 16 - LINE_HEIGHT = 16 - BOARD_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.51) - - LT = 0 - LB = 1 - RT = 2 - RB = 3 - L = 0 - R = 1 - T = 2 - B = 3 - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - - CornerFileNames = [ "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ThinBoard_Corner_"+dir+".tga" for dir in ["LeftTop","LeftBottom","RightTop","RightBottom"] ] - LineFileNames = [ "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ThinBoard_Line_"+dir+".tga" for dir in ["Left","Right","Top","Bottom"] ] - - self.Corners = [] - for fileName in CornerFileNames: - Corner = ExpandedImageBox() - Corner.AddFlag("attach") - Corner.AddFlag("not_pick") - Corner.LoadImage(fileName) - Corner.SetParent(self) - Corner.SetPosition(0, 0) - Corner.Show() - self.Corners.append(Corner) - - self.Lines = [] - for fileName in LineFileNames: - Line = ExpandedImageBox() - Line.AddFlag("attach") - Line.AddFlag("not_pick") - Line.LoadImage(fileName) - Line.SetParent(self) - Line.SetPosition(0, 0) - Line.Show() - self.Lines.append(Line) - - Base = Bar() - Base.SetParent(self) - Base.AddFlag("attach") - Base.AddFlag("not_pick") - Base.SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - Base.SetColor(self.BOARD_COLOR) - Base.Show() - self.Base = Base - - self.Lines[self.L].SetPosition(0, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.T].SetPosition(self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - - width = max(self.CORNER_WIDTH*2, width) - height = max(self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2, height) - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - self.Corners[self.LB].SetPosition(0, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Corners[self.RT].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, 0) - self.Corners[self.RB].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.R].SetPosition(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH, self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - self.Lines[self.B].SetPosition(self.CORNER_HEIGHT, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT) - - verticalShowingPercentage = float((height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2) - self.LINE_HEIGHT) / self.LINE_HEIGHT - horizontalShowingPercentage = float((width - self.CORNER_WIDTH*2) - self.LINE_WIDTH) / self.LINE_WIDTH - self.Lines[self.L].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.R].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, verticalShowingPercentage) - self.Lines[self.T].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - self.Lines[self.B].SetRenderingRect(0, 0, horizontalShowingPercentage, 0) - self.Base.SetSize(width - self.CORNER_WIDTH*2, height - self.CORNER_HEIGHT*2) - - def ShowInternal(self): - self.Base.Show() - for wnd in self.Lines: - wnd.Show() - for wnd in self.Corners: - wnd.Show() - - def HideInternal(self): - self.Base.Hide() - for wnd in self.Lines: - wnd.Hide() - for wnd in self.Corners: - wnd.Hide() - -class ScrollBar(Window): - - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = 17 - SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = 9 - SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = 17 - SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 17 - MIDDLE_BAR_POS = 5 - MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE = 3 - MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE = 4 - TEMP_SPACE = MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE + MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE - - class MiddleBar(DragButton): - def __init__(self): - DragButton.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("movable") - #self.AddFlag("restrict_x") - - def MakeImage(self): - top = ImageBox() - top.SetParent(self) - top.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ScrollBar_Top.tga") - top.SetPosition(0, 0) - top.AddFlag("not_pick") - top.Show() - bottom = ImageBox() - bottom.SetParent(self) - bottom.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ScrollBar_Bottom.tga") - bottom.AddFlag("not_pick") - bottom.Show() - - middle = ExpandedImageBox() - middle.SetParent(self) - middle.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ScrollBar_Middle.tga") - middle.SetPosition(0, 4) - middle.AddFlag("not_pick") - middle.Show() - - self.top = top - self.bottom = bottom - self.middle = middle - - def SetSize(self, height): - height = max(12, height) - DragButton.SetSize(self, 10, height) - self.bottom.SetPosition(0, height-4) - - height -= 4*3 - self.middle.SetRenderingRect(0, 0, 0, float(height)/4.0) - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.pageSize = 1 - self.curPos = 0.0 - self.eventScroll = lambda *arg: None - self.lockFlag = FALSE - self.scrollStep = 0.20 - - - self.CreateScrollBar() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def CreateScrollBar(self): - barSlot = Bar3D() - barSlot.SetParent(self) - barSlot.AddFlag("not_pick") - barSlot.Show() - - middleBar = self.MiddleBar() - middleBar.SetParent(self) - middleBar.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnMove)) - middleBar.Show() - middleBar.MakeImage() - middleBar.SetSize(12) - - upButton = Button() - upButton.SetParent(self) - upButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnUp)) - upButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_up_button_01.sub") - upButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_up_button_02.sub") - upButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_up_button_03.sub") - upButton.Show() - - downButton = Button() - downButton.SetParent(self) - downButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnDown)) - downButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_down_button_01.sub") - downButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_down_button_02.sub") - downButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_down_button_03.sub") - downButton.Show() - - self.upButton = upButton - self.downButton = downButton - self.middleBar = middleBar - self.barSlot = barSlot - - self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = self.middleBar.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = self.upButton.GetHeight() - - def Destroy(self): - self.middleBar = None - self.upButton = None - self.downButton = None - self.eventScroll = lambda *arg: None - - def SetScrollEvent(self, event): - self.eventScroll = event - - def SetMiddleBarSize(self, pageScale): - realHeight = self.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = int(pageScale * float(realHeight)) - self.middleBar.SetSize(self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT) - self.pageSize = (self.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2) - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT - (self.TEMP_SPACE) - - def SetScrollBarSize(self, height): - self.pageSize = (height - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2) - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT - (self.TEMP_SPACE) - self.SetSize(self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, height) - self.upButton.SetPosition(0, 0) - self.downButton.SetPosition(0, height - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT) - self.middleBar.SetRestrictMovementArea(self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS, self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT + self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE, self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS+2, height - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 - self.TEMP_SPACE) - self.middleBar.SetPosition(self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS, 0) - - self.UpdateBarSlot() - - def UpdateBarSlot(self): - self.barSlot.SetPosition(0, self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT) - self.barSlot.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 2, self.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT*2 - 2) - - def GetPos(self): - return self.curPos - - def SetPos(self, pos): - pos = max(0.0, pos) - pos = min(1.0, pos) - - newPos = float(self.pageSize) * pos - self.middleBar.SetPosition(self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS, int(newPos) + self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT + self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE) - self.OnMove() - - def SetScrollStep(self, step): - self.scrollStep = step - - def GetScrollStep(self): - return self.scrollStep - - def OnUp(self): - self.SetPos(self.curPos-self.scrollStep) - - def OnDown(self): - self.SetPos(self.curPos+self.scrollStep) - - def OnMove(self): - - if self.lockFlag: - return - - if 0 == self.pageSize: - return - - (xLocal, yLocal) = self.middleBar.GetLocalPosition() - self.curPos = float(yLocal - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT - self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE) / float(self.pageSize) - - self.eventScroll() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - (xMouseLocalPosition, yMouseLocalPosition) = self.GetMouseLocalPosition() - pickedPos = yMouseLocalPosition - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT/2 - newPos = float(pickedPos) / float(self.pageSize) - self.SetPos(newPos) - - def LockScroll(self): - self.lockFlag = TRUE - - def UnlockScroll(self): - self.lockFlag = FALSE - -class ThinScrollBar(ScrollBar): - - def CreateScrollBar(self): - middleBar = self.MiddleBar() - middleBar.SetParent(self) - middleBar.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnMove)) - middleBar.Show() - middleBar.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - middleBar.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_middle_button_02.sub") - middleBar.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_middle_button_03.sub") - - upButton = Button() - upButton.SetParent(self) - upButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_up_button_01.sub") - upButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_up_button_02.sub") - upButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_up_button_03.sub") - upButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnUp)) - upButton.Show() - - downButton = Button() - downButton.SetParent(self) - downButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_down_button_01.sub") - downButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_down_button_02.sub") - downButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_thin_down_button_03.sub") - downButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnDown)) - downButton.Show() - - self.middleBar = middleBar - self.upButton = upButton - self.downButton = downButton - - self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = self.middleBar.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = self.upButton.GetHeight() - self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE = 0 - self.TEMP_SPACE = 0 - - def UpdateBarSlot(self): - pass - -class SmallThinScrollBar(ScrollBar): - - def CreateScrollBar(self): - middleBar = self.MiddleBar() - middleBar.SetParent(self) - middleBar.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnMove)) - middleBar.Show() - middleBar.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - middleBar.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - middleBar.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_middle_button_01.sub") - - upButton = Button() - upButton.SetParent(self) - upButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_up_button_01.sub") - upButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_up_button_02.sub") - upButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_up_button_03.sub") - upButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnUp)) - upButton.Show() - - downButton = Button() - downButton.SetParent(self) - downButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_down_button_01.sub") - downButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_down_button_02.sub") - downButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/scrollbar_small_thin_down_button_03.sub") - downButton.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnDown)) - downButton.Show() - - self.middleBar = middleBar - self.upButton = upButton - self.downButton = downButton - - self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_MIDDLE_HEIGHT = self.middleBar.GetHeight() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_WIDTH = self.upButton.GetWidth() - self.SCROLLBAR_BUTTON_HEIGHT = self.upButton.GetHeight() - self.MIDDLE_BAR_POS = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_UPPER_PLACE = 0 - self.MIDDLE_BAR_DOWNER_PLACE = 0 - self.TEMP_SPACE = 0 - - def UpdateBarSlot(self): - pass - -class SliderBar(Window): - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - - self.curPos = 1.0 - self.pageSize = 1.0 - self.eventChange = None - - self.__CreateBackGroundImage() - self.__CreateCursor() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def __CreateBackGroundImage(self): - img = ImageBox() - img.SetParent(self) - img.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar.sub") - img.Show() - self.backGroundImage = img - - ## - self.SetSize(self.backGroundImage.GetWidth(), self.backGroundImage.GetHeight()) - - def __CreateCursor(self): - cursor = DragButton() - cursor.AddFlag("movable") - cursor.AddFlag("restrict_y") - cursor.SetParent(self) - cursor.SetMoveEvent(__mem_func__(self.__OnMove)) - cursor.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar_cursor.sub") - cursor.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar_cursor.sub") - cursor.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/sliderbar_cursor.sub") - cursor.Show() - self.cursor = cursor - - ## - self.cursor.SetRestrictMovementArea(0, 0, self.backGroundImage.GetWidth(), 0) - self.pageSize = self.backGroundImage.GetWidth() - self.cursor.GetWidth() - - def __OnMove(self): - (xLocal, yLocal) = self.cursor.GetLocalPosition() - self.curPos = float(xLocal) / float(self.pageSize) - - if self.eventChange: - self.eventChange() - - def SetSliderPos(self, pos): - self.curPos = pos - self.cursor.SetPosition(int(self.pageSize * pos), 0) - - def GetSliderPos(self): - return self.curPos - - def SetEvent(self, event): - self.eventChange = event - - def Enable(self): - self.cursor.Show() - - def Disable(self): - self.cursor.Hide() - -class ListBox(Window): - - TEMPORARY_PLACE = 3 - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - self.overLine = -1 - self.selectedLine = -1 - self.width = 0 - self.height = 0 - self.stepSize = 17 - self.basePos = 0 - self.showLineCount = 0 - self.itemCenterAlign = TRUE - self.itemList = [] - self.keyDict = {} - self.textDict = {} - self.event = lambda *arg: None - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def SetWidth(self, width): - self.SetSize(width, self.height) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.width = width - self.height = height - - def SetTextCenterAlign(self, flag): - self.itemCenterAlign = flag - - def SetBasePos(self, pos): - self.basePos = pos - self._LocateItem() - - def ClearItem(self): - self.keyDict = {} - self.textDict = {} - self.itemList = [] - self.overLine = -1 - self.selectedLine = -1 - - def InsertItem(self, number, text): - self.keyDict[len(self.itemList)] = number - self.textDict[len(self.itemList)] = text - - textLine = TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetText(text) - textLine.Show() - - if self.itemCenterAlign: - textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - - self.itemList.append(textLine) - - self._LocateItem() - - def ChangeItem(self, number, text): - for key, value in self.keyDict.items(): - if value == number: - self.textDict[key] = text - - if number < len(self.itemList): - self.itemList[key].SetText(text) - - return - - def LocateItem(self): - self._LocateItem() - - def _LocateItem(self): - - skipCount = self.basePos - yPos = 0 - self.showLineCount = 0 - - for textLine in self.itemList: - textLine.Hide() - - if skipCount > 0: - skipCount -= 1 - continue - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - w, h = textLine.GetTextSize() - textLine.SetPosition(w+10, yPos + 3) - else: - textLine.SetPosition(0, yPos + 3) - - yPos += self.stepSize - - if yPos <= self.GetHeight(): - self.showLineCount += 1 - textLine.Show() - - def ArrangeItem(self): - self.SetSize(self.width, len(self.itemList) * self.stepSize) - self._LocateItem() - - def GetViewItemCount(self): - return int(self.GetHeight() / self.stepSize) - - def GetItemCount(self): - return len(self.itemList) - - def SetEvent(self, event): - self.event = event - - def SelectItem(self, line): - - if not self.keyDict.has_key(line): - return - - if line == self.selectedLine: - return - - self.selectedLine = line - self.event(self.keyDict.get(line, 0), self.textDict.get(line, "None")) - - def GetSelectedItem(self): - return self.keyDict.get(self.selectedLine, 0) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.overLine < 0: - return - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if self.overLine >= 0: - self.SelectItem(self.overLine+self.basePos) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - self.overLine = -1 - - if self.IsIn(): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - height = self.GetHeight() - xMouse, yMouse = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - - if yMouse - y < height - 1: - self.overLine = (yMouse - y) / self.stepSize - - if self.overLine < 0: - self.overLine = -1 - if self.overLine >= len(self.itemList): - self.overLine = -1 - - def OnRender(self): - xRender, yRender = self.GetGlobalPosition() - yRender -= self.TEMPORARY_PLACE - widthRender = self.width - heightRender = self.height + self.TEMPORARY_PLACE*2 - - if locale.IsCIBN10: - if -1 != self.overLine and self.keyDict[self.overLine] != -1: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + self.overLine*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - if -1 != self.selectedLine and self.keyDict[self.selectedLine] != -1: - if self.selectedLine >= self.basePos: - if self.selectedLine - self.basePos < self.showLineCount: - grp.SetColor(SELECT_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + (self.selectedLine-self.basePos)*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - else: - if -1 != self.overLine: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + self.overLine*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - if -1 != self.selectedLine: - if self.selectedLine >= self.basePos: - if self.selectedLine - self.basePos < self.showLineCount: - grp.SetColor(SELECT_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + (self.selectedLine-self.basePos)*self.stepSize + 4, self.width - 3, self.stepSize) - - - -class ListBox2(ListBox): - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - ListBox.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - self.rowCount = 10 - self.barWidth = 0 - self.colCount = 0 - - def SetRowCount(self, rowCount): - self.rowCount = rowCount - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ListBox.SetSize(self, width, height) - self._RefreshForm() - - def ClearItem(self): - ListBox.ClearItem(self) - self._RefreshForm() - - def InsertItem(self, *args, **kwargs): - ListBox.InsertItem(self, *args, **kwargs) - self._RefreshForm() - - def OnUpdate(self): - mpos = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.overLine = self._CalcPointIndex(mpos) - - def OnRender(self): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - pos = (x + 2, y) - - if -1 != self.overLine: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - self._RenderBar(pos, self.overLine) - - if -1 != self.selectedLine: - if self.selectedLine >= self.basePos: - if self.selectedLine - self.basePos < self.showLineCount: - grp.SetColor(SELECT_COLOR) - self._RenderBar(pos, self.selectedLine-self.basePos) - - - - def _CalcPointIndex(self, mpos): - if self.IsIn(): - px, py = mpos - gx, gy = self.GetGlobalPosition() - lx, ly = px - gx, py - gy - - col = lx / self.barWidth - row = ly / self.stepSize - idx = col * self.rowCount + row - if col >= 0 and col < self.colCount: - if row >= 0 and row < self.rowCount: - if idx >= 0 and idx < len(self.itemList): - return idx - - return -1 - - def _CalcRenderPos(self, pos, idx): - x, y = pos - row = idx % self.rowCount - col = idx / self.rowCount - return (x + col * self.barWidth, y + row * self.stepSize) - - def _RenderBar(self, basePos, idx): - x, y = self._CalcRenderPos(basePos, idx) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, self.barWidth - 3, self.stepSize) - - def _LocateItem(self): - pos = (0, self.TEMPORARY_PLACE) - - self.showLineCount = 0 - for textLine in self.itemList: - x, y = self._CalcRenderPos(pos, self.showLineCount) - textLine.SetPosition(x, y) - textLine.Show() - - self.showLineCount += 1 - - def _RefreshForm(self): - if len(self.itemList) % self.rowCount: - self.colCount = len(self.itemList) / self.rowCount + 1 - else: - self.colCount = len(self.itemList) / self.rowCount - - if self.colCount: - self.barWidth = self.width / self.colCount - else: - self.barWidth = self.width - - -class ComboBox(Window): - - class ListBoxWithBoard(ListBox): - - def __init__(self, layer): - ListBox.__init__(self, layer) - - def OnRender(self): - xRender, yRender = self.GetGlobalPosition() - yRender -= self.TEMPORARY_PLACE - widthRender = self.width - heightRender = self.height + self.TEMPORARY_PLACE*2 - grp.SetColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender, yRender, widthRender, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(DARK_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(BRIGHT_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender+heightRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender+widthRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - - ListBox.OnRender(self) - - def __init__(self): - Window.__init__(self) - self.x = 0 - self.y = 0 - self.width = 0 - self.height = 0 - self.isSelected = FALSE - self.isOver = FALSE - self.isListOpened = FALSE - self.event = lambda *arg: None - self.enable = TRUE - - self.textLine = MakeTextLine(self) - self.textLine.SetText(locale.UI_ITEM) - - self.listBox = self.ListBoxWithBoard("TOP_MOST") - self.listBox.SetPickAlways() - self.listBox.SetParent(self) - self.listBox.SetEvent(__mem_func__(self.OnSelectItem)) - self.listBox.Hide() - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.textLine = None - self.listBox = None - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - Window.SetPosition(self, x, y) - self.x = x - self.y = y - self.__ArrangeListBox() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.width = width - self.height = height - self.textLine.UpdateRect() - self.__ArrangeListBox() - - def __ArrangeListBox(self): - self.listBox.SetPosition(0, self.height + 5) - self.listBox.SetWidth(self.width) - - def Enable(self): - self.enable = TRUE - - def Disable(self): - self.enable = FALSE - self.textLine.SetText("") - self.CloseListBox() - - def SetEvent(self, event): - self.event = event - - def ClearItem(self): - self.CloseListBox() - self.listBox.ClearItem() - - def InsertItem(self, index, name): - self.listBox.InsertItem(index, name) - self.listBox.ArrangeItem() - - def SetCurrentItem(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def SelectItem(self, key): - self.listBox.SelectItem(key) - - def OnSelectItem(self, index, name): - - self.CloseListBox() - self.event(index) - - def CloseListBox(self): - self.isListOpened = FALSE - self.listBox.Hide() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - - if not self.enable: - return - - self.isSelected = TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - - if not self.enable: - return - - self.isSelected = FALSE - - if self.isListOpened: - self.CloseListBox() - else: - if self.listBox.GetItemCount() > 0: - self.isListOpened = TRUE - self.listBox.Show() - self.__ArrangeListBox() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.enable: - return - - if self.IsIn(): - self.isOver = TRUE - else: - self.isOver = FALSE - - def OnRender(self): - self.x, self.y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - xRender = self.x - yRender = self.y - widthRender = self.width - heightRender = self.height - grp.SetColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender, yRender, widthRender, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(DARK_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - grp.SetColor(BRIGHT_COLOR) - grp.RenderLine(xRender, yRender+heightRender, widthRender, 0) - grp.RenderLine(xRender+widthRender, yRender, 0, heightRender) - - if self.isOver: - grp.SetColor(HALF_WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + 3, self.width - 3, heightRender - 5) - - if self.isSelected: - grp.SetColor(WHITE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(xRender + 2, yRender + 3, self.width - 3, heightRender - 5) - -################################################################################################### -## Python Script Loader -################################################################################################### - -class ScriptWindow(Window): - def __init__(self, layer = "UI"): - Window.__init__(self, layer) - self.Children = [] - self.ElementDictionary = {} - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - def ClearDictionary(self): - self.Children = [] - self.ElementDictionary = {} - def InsertChild(self, name, child): - self.ElementDictionary[name] = child - - def IsChild(self, name): - return self.ElementDictionary.has_key(name) - def GetChild(self, name): - return self.ElementDictionary[name] - - def GetChild2(self, name): - return self.ElementDictionary.get(name, None) - -class PythonScriptLoader(object): - - BODY_KEY_LIST = ( "x", "y", "width", "height" ) - - ##### - - DEFAULT_KEY_LIST = ( "type", "x", "y", ) - WINDOW_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - IMAGE_KEY_LIST = ( "image", ) - EXPANDED_IMAGE_KEY_LIST = ( "image", ) - ANI_IMAGE_KEY_LIST = ( "images", ) - SLOT_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "slot", ) - CANDIDATE_LIST_KEY_LIST = ( "item_step", "item_xsize", "item_ysize", ) - GRID_TABLE_KEY_LIST = ( "start_index", "x_count", "y_count", "x_step", "y_step", ) - EDIT_LINE_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "input_limit", ) - COMBO_BOX_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "item", ) - TITLE_BAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", ) - HORIZONTAL_BAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", ) - BOARD_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - BOARD_WITH_TITLEBAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", "title", ) - BOX_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - BAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - LINE_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - SLOTBAR_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - GAUGE_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "color", ) - SCROLLBAR_KEY_LIST = ( "size", ) - LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST = ( "width", "height", ) - - def __init__(self): - self.Clear() - - def Clear(self): - self.ScriptDictionary = { "SCREEN_WIDTH" : wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), "SCREEN_HEIGHT" : wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() } - self.InsertFunction = 0 - - def LoadScriptFile(self, window, FileName): - import exception - import exceptions - import os - import errno - self.Clear() - - print "===== Load Script File : %s" % (FileName) - - try: - execfile(FileName, self.ScriptDictionary) - except IOError, err: - import sys - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) - dbg.TraceError("error : %s" % (err)) - exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile1") - except RuntimeError,err: - import sys - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) - dbg.TraceError("error : %s" % (err)) - exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile2") - except: - import sys - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Failed to load script file : %s" % (FileName)) - exception.Abort("LoadScriptFile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") - - ##### - - Body = self.ScriptDictionary["window"] - self.CheckKeyList("window", Body, self.BODY_KEY_LIST) - - window.ClearDictionary() - self.InsertFunction = window.InsertChild - - window.SetPosition(int(Body["x"]), int(Body["y"])) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - w = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - h = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - if Body.has_key("width"): - w = int(Body["width"]) - if Body.has_key("height"): - h = int(Body["height"]) - - window.SetSize(w, h) - else: - window.SetSize(int(Body["width"]), int(Body["height"])) - if TRUE == Body.has_key("style"): - for StyleList in Body["style"]: - window.AddFlag(StyleList) - - - self.LoadChildren(window, Body) - - def LoadChildren(self, parent, dicChildren): - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - parent.AddFlag( "rtl" ) - - if TRUE == dicChildren.has_key("style"): - for style in dicChildren["style"]: - parent.AddFlag(style) - - if FALSE == dicChildren.has_key("children"): - return FALSE - - Index = 0 - - ChildrenList = dicChildren["children"] - parent.Children = range(len(ChildrenList)) - for ElementValue in ChildrenList: - try: - Name = ElementValue["name"] - except KeyError: - Name = ElementValue["name"] = "NONAME" - - try: - Type = ElementValue["type"] - except KeyError: - Type = ElementValue["type"] = "window" - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(Name, ElementValue, self.DEFAULT_KEY_LIST): - del parent.Children[Index] - continue - - if Type == "window": - parent.Children[Index] = ScriptWindow() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementWindow(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "button": - parent.Children[Index] = Button() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementButton(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "radio_button": - parent.Children[Index] = RadioButton() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementButton(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "toggle_button": - parent.Children[Index] = ToggleButton() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementButton(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "mark": - parent.Children[Index] = MarkBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementMark(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "image": - parent.Children[Index] = ImageBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementImage(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "expanded_image": - parent.Children[Index] = ExpandedImageBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementExpandedImage(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "ani_image": - parent.Children[Index] = AniImageBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementAniImage(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "slot": - parent.Children[Index] = SlotWindow() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementSlot(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "candidate_list": - parent.Children[Index] = CandidateListBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementCandidateList(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "grid_table": - parent.Children[Index] = GridSlotWindow() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementGridTable(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "text": - parent.Children[Index] = TextLine() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementText(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "editline": - parent.Children[Index] = EditLine() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementEditLine(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "titlebar": - parent.Children[Index] = TitleBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementTitleBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "horizontalbar": - parent.Children[Index] = HorizontalBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementHorizontalBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "board": - parent.Children[Index] = Board() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBoard(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "board_with_titlebar": - parent.Children[Index] = BoardWithTitleBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBoardWithTitleBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "thinboard": - parent.Children[Index] = ThinBoard() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementThinBoard(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "box": - parent.Children[Index] = Box() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBox(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "bar": - parent.Children[Index] = Bar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "line": - parent.Children[Index] = Line() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementLine(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "slotbar": - parent.Children[Index] = SlotBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementSlotBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "gauge": - parent.Children[Index] = Gauge() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementGauge(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "scrollbar": - parent.Children[Index] = ScrollBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementScrollBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "thin_scrollbar": - parent.Children[Index] = ThinScrollBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementScrollBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "small_thin_scrollbar": - parent.Children[Index] = SmallThinScrollBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementScrollBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "sliderbar": - parent.Children[Index] = SliderBar() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementSliderBar(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "listbox": - parent.Children[Index] = ListBox() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementListBox(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - elif Type == "listbox2": - parent.Children[Index] = ListBox2() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementListBox2(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - elif Type == "listboxex": - parent.Children[Index] = ListBoxEx() - parent.Children[Index].SetParent(parent) - self.LoadElementListBoxEx(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue, parent) - - else: - Index += 1 - continue - - parent.Children[Index].SetWindowName(Name) - if 0 != self.InsertFunction: - self.InsertFunction(Name, parent.Children[Index]) - - self.LoadChildren(parent.Children[Index], ElementValue) - Index += 1 - - def CheckKeyList(self, name, value, key_list): - - for DataKey in key_list: - if FALSE == value.has_key(DataKey): - print "Failed to find data key", "[" + name + "/" + DataKey + "]" - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def LoadDefaultData(self, window, value, parentWindow): - loc_x = int(value["x"]) - loc_y = int(value["y"]) - if value.has_key("vertical_align"): - if "center" == value["vertical_align"]: - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - elif "bottom" == value["vertical_align"]: - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - - if parentWindow.IsRTL(): - loc_x = int(value["x"]) + window.GetWidth() - if value.has_key("horizontal_align"): - if "center" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - loc_x = - int(value["x"]) - elif "right" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - loc_x = int(value["x"]) - window.GetWidth() - ## loc_x = parentWindow.GetWidth() - int(value["x"]) + window.GetWidth() - else: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - - if value.has_key("all_align"): - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - loc_x = - int(value["x"]) - else: - if value.has_key("horizontal_align"): - if "center" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - elif "right" == value["horizontal_align"]: - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - - window.SetPosition(loc_x, loc_y) - window.Show() - - ## Window - def LoadElementWindow(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.WINDOW_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Button - def LoadElementButton(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if value.has_key("width") and value.has_key("height"): - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("default_image"): - window.SetUpVisual(value["default_image"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("over_image"): - window.SetOverVisual(value["over_image"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("down_image"): - window.SetDownVisual(value["down_image"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("disable_image"): - window.SetDisableVisual(value["disable_image"]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("text"): - if TRUE == value.has_key("text_height"): - window.SetText(value["text"], value["text_height"]) - else: - window.SetText(value["text"]) - - if value.has_key("text_color"): - window.SetTextColor(value["text_color"]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("tooltip_text"): - if TRUE == value.has_key("tooltip_x") and TRUE == value.has_key("tooltip_y"): - window.SetToolTipText(value["tooltip_text"], int(value["tooltip_x"]), int(value["tooltip_y"])) - else: - window.SetToolTipText(value["tooltip_text"]) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Mark - def LoadElementMark(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - #if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.MARK_KEY_LIST): - # return FALSE - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Image - def LoadElementImage(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.IMAGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.LoadImage(value["image"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## AniImage - def LoadElementAniImage(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.ANI_IMAGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("delay"): - window.SetDelay(value["delay"]) - - for image in value["images"]: - window.AppendImage(image) - - if value.has_key("width") and value.has_key("height"): - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Expanded Image - def LoadElementExpandedImage(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.EXPANDED_IMAGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.LoadImage(value["image"]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("x_origin") and TRUE == value.has_key("y_origin"): - window.SetOrigin(float(value["x_origin"]), float(value["y_origin"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("x_scale") and TRUE == value.has_key("y_scale"): - window.SetScale(float(value["x_scale"]), float(value["y_scale"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("rect"): - RenderingRect = value["rect"] - window.SetRenderingRect(RenderingRect[0], RenderingRect[1], RenderingRect[2], RenderingRect[3]) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("mode"): - mode = value["mode"] - if "MODULATE" == mode: - window.SetRenderingMode(wndMgr.RENDERING_MODE_MODULATE) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Slot - def LoadElementSlot(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.SLOT_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - global_x = int(value["x"]) - global_y = int(value["y"]) - global_width = int(value["width"]) - global_height = int(value["height"]) - - window.SetPosition(global_x, global_y) - window.SetSize(global_width, global_height) - window.Show() - - r = 1.0 - g = 1.0 - b = 1.0 - a = 1.0 - - if TRUE == value.has_key("image_r") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_g") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_b") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_a"): - r = float(value["image_r"]) - g = float(value["image_g"]) - b = float(value["image_b"]) - a = float(value["image_a"]) - - SLOT_ONE_KEY_LIST = ("index", "x", "y", "width", "height") - - for slot in value["slot"]: - if TRUE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"] + " - one", slot, SLOT_ONE_KEY_LIST): - wndMgr.AppendSlot(window.hWnd, - int(slot["index"]), - int(slot["x"]), - int(slot["y"]), - int(slot["width"]), - int(slot["height"])) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("image"): - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(window.hWnd, - value["image"], - r, g, b, a) - - return TRUE - - def LoadElementCandidateList(self, window, value, parentWindow): - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.CANDIDATE_LIST_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetPosition(int(value["x"]), int(value["y"])) - window.SetItemSize(int(value["item_xsize"]), int(value["item_ysize"])) - window.SetItemStep(int(value["item_step"])) - window.Show() - - return TRUE - - ## Table - def LoadElementGridTable(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.GRID_TABLE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - xBlank = 0 - yBlank = 0 - if TRUE == value.has_key("x_blank"): - xBlank = int(value["x_blank"]) - if TRUE == value.has_key("y_blank"): - yBlank = int(value["y_blank"]) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pass - else: - window.SetPosition(int(value["x"]), int(value["y"])) - - window.ArrangeSlot( int(value["start_index"]), - int(value["x_count"]), - int(value["y_count"]), - int(value["x_step"]), - int(value["y_step"]), - xBlank, - yBlank) - if TRUE == value.has_key("image"): - r = 1.0 - g = 1.0 - b = 1.0 - a = 1.0 - if TRUE == value.has_key("image_r") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_g") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_b") and \ - TRUE == value.has_key("image_a"): - r = float(value["image_r"]) - g = float(value["image_g"]) - b = float(value["image_b"]) - a = float(value["image_a"]) - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(window.hWnd, value["image"], r, g, b, a) - - if TRUE == value.has_key("style"): - if "select" == value["style"]: - wndMgr.SetSlotStyle(window.hWnd, wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_SELECT) - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - else: - window.Show() - - return TRUE - - ## Text - def LoadElementText(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if value.has_key("fontsize"): - fontSize = value["fontsize"] - - if "LARGE" == fontSize: - window.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE) - - elif value.has_key("fontname"): - fontName = value["fontname"] - window.SetFontName(fontName) - - if value.has_key("text_horizontal_align"): - if "left" == value["text_horizontal_align"]: - window.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() - elif "center" == value["text_horizontal_align"]: - window.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - elif "right" == value["text_horizontal_align"]: - window.SetHorizontalAlignRight() - - if value.has_key("text_vertical_align"): - if "top" == value["text_vertical_align"]: - window.SetVerticalAlignTop() - elif "center" == value["text_vertical_align"]: - window.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - elif "bottom" == value["text_vertical_align"]: - window.SetVerticalAlignBottom() - - if value.has_key("all_align"): - window.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - window.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - window.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - window.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - - if value.has_key("r") and value.has_key("g") and value.has_key("b"): - window.SetFontColor(float(value["r"]), float(value["g"]), float(value["b"])) - elif value.has_key("color"): - window.SetPackedFontColor(value["color"]) - else: - window.SetFontColor(0.8549, 0.8549, 0.8549) - - if value.has_key("outline"): - if value["outline"]: - window.SetOutline() - if TRUE == value.has_key("text"): - window.SetText(value["text"]) - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## EditLine - def LoadElementEditLine(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.EDIT_LINE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - - if value.has_key("secret_flag"): - window.SetSecret(value["secret_flag"]) - if value.has_key("with_codepage"): - if value["with_codepage"]: - window.bCodePage = TRUE - if value.has_key("only_number"): - if value["only_number"]: - window.SetNumberMode() - if value.has_key("enable_codepage"): - window.SetIMEFlag(value["enable_codepage"]) - if value.has_key("enable_ime"): - window.SetIMEFlag(value["enable_ime"]) - if value.has_key("limit_width"): - window.SetLimitWidth(value["limit_width"]) - if value.has_key("multi_line"): - if value["multi_line"]: - window.SetMultiLine() - - window.SetMax(int(value["input_limit"])) - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadElementText(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## TitleBar - def LoadElementTitleBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.TITLE_BAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.MakeTitleBar(int(value["width"]), value.get("color", "red")) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## HorizontalBar - def LoadElementHorizontalBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.HORIZONTAL_BAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.Create(int(value["width"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Board - def LoadElementBoard(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOARD_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Board With TitleBar - def LoadElementBoardWithTitleBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOARD_WITH_TITLEBAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - window.SetTitleName(value["title"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ThinBoard - def LoadElementThinBoard(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOARD_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Box - def LoadElementBox(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("color"): - window.SetColor(value["color"]) - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Bar - def LoadElementBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.BAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("color"): - window.SetColor(value["color"]) - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Line - def LoadElementLine(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LINE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if TRUE == value.has_key("color"): - window.SetColor(value["color"]) - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Slot - def LoadElementSlotBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.SLOTBAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(int(value["width"]), int(value["height"])) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## Gauge - def LoadElementGauge(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.GAUGE_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.MakeGauge(value["width"], value["color"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ScrollBar - def LoadElementScrollBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.SCROLLBAR_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetScrollBarSize(value["size"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## SliderBar - def LoadElementSliderBar(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ListBox - def LoadElementListBox(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - if value.has_key("item_align"): - window.SetTextCenterAlign(value["item_align"]) - - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - return TRUE - - ## ListBox2 - def LoadElementListBox2(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetRowCount(value.get("row_count", 10)) - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - if value.has_key("item_align"): - window.SetTextCenterAlign(value["item_align"]) - - return TRUE - def LoadElementListBoxEx(self, window, value, parentWindow): - - if FALSE == self.CheckKeyList(value["name"], value, self.LIST_BOX_KEY_LIST): - return FALSE - - window.SetSize(value["width"], value["height"]) - self.LoadDefaultData(window, value, parentWindow) - - if value.has_key("itemsize_x") and value.has_key("itemsize_y"): - window.SetItemSize(int(value["itemsize_x"]), int(value["itemsize_y"])) - - if value.has_key("itemstep"): - window.SetItemStep(int(value["itemstep"])) - - if value.has_key("viewcount"): - window.SetViewItemCount(int(value["viewcount"])) - - return TRUE - -class ReadingWnd(Bar): - - def __init__(self): - Bar.__init__(self,"TOP_MOST") - - self.__BuildText() - self.SetSize(80, 19) - self.Show() - - def __del__(self): - Bar.__del__(self) - - def __BuildText(self): - self.text = TextLine() - self.text.SetParent(self) - self.text.SetPosition(4, 3) - self.text.Show() - - def SetText(self, text): - self.text.SetText(text) - - def SetReadingPosition(self, x, y): - xPos = x + 2 - yPos = y - self.GetHeight() - 2 - self.SetPosition(xPos, yPos) - - def SetTextColor(self, color): - self.text.SetPackedFontColor(color) - - -def MakeSlotBar(parent, x, y, width, height): - slotBar = SlotBar() - slotBar.SetParent(parent) - slotBar.SetSize(width, height) - slotBar.SetPosition(x, y) - slotBar.Show() - return slotBar - -def MakeImageBox(parent, name, x, y): - image = ImageBox() - image.SetParent(parent) - image.LoadImage(name) - image.SetPosition(x, y) - image.Show() - return image - -def MakeTextLine(parent): - textLine = TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(parent) - textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.Show() - return textLine - -def MakeButton(parent, x, y, tooltipText, path, up, over, down): - button = Button() - button.SetParent(parent) - button.SetPosition(x, y) - button.SetUpVisual(path + up) - button.SetOverVisual(path + over) - button.SetDownVisual(path + down) - button.SetToolTipText(tooltipText) - button.Show() - return button - -def RenderRoundBox(x, y, width, height, color): - grp.SetColor(color) - grp.RenderLine(x+2, y, width-3, 0) - grp.RenderLine(x+2, y+height, width-3, 0) - grp.RenderLine(x, y+2, 0, height-4) - grp.RenderLine(x+width, y+1, 0, height-3) - grp.RenderLine(x, y+2, 2, -2) - grp.RenderLine(x, y+height-2, 2, 2) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-2, y, 2, 2) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-2, y+height, 2, -2) - -def GenerateColor(r, g, b): - r = float(r) / 255.0 - g = float(g) / 255.0 - b = float(b) / 255.0 - return grp.GenerateColor(r, g, b, 1.0) - -def EnablePaste(flag): - ime.EnablePaste(flag) - -def GetHyperlink(): - return wndMgr.GetHyperlink() - -RegisterToolTipWindow("TEXT", TextLine) diff --git a/bin_original/uiAffectShower.py b/bin_original/uiAffectShower.py deleted file mode 100644 index cc1ba679..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiAffectShower.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,713 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import locale -import chr -import item -import app -import skill -import player -import uiToolTip -import math - -# WEDDING -class LovePointImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - FILE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/LovePoint/" - FILE_DICT = { - 0 : FILE_PATH + "01.dds", - 1 : FILE_PATH + "02.dds", - 2 : FILE_PATH + "02.dds", - 3 : FILE_PATH + "03.dds", - 4 : FILE_PATH + "04.dds", - 5 : FILE_PATH + "05.dds", - } - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - self.loverName = "" - self.lovePoint = 0 - - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__del__(self) - - def SetLoverInfo(self, name, lovePoint): - self.loverName = name - self.lovePoint = lovePoint - self.__Refresh() - - def OnUpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - self.lovePoint = lovePoint - self.__Refresh() - - def __Refresh(self): - self.lovePoint = max(0, self.lovePoint) - self.lovePoint = min(100, self.lovePoint) - - if 0 == self.lovePoint: - loveGrade = 0 - else: - loveGrade = self.lovePoint / 25 + 1 - fileName = self.FILE_DICT.get(loveGrade, self.FILE_PATH+"00.dds") - - try: - self.LoadImage(fileName) - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("LovePointImage.SetLoverInfo(lovePoint=%d) - LoadError %s" % (lovePoint, fileName)) - - self.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTip.SetTitle(self.loverName) - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(locale.AFF_LOVE_POINT % (self.lovePoint)) - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.toolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() -# END_OF_WEDDING - - -class HorseImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - FILE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/HorseState/" - - FILE_DICT = { - 00 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 01 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 02 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 03 : FILE_PATH+"00.dds", - 10 : FILE_PATH+"10.dds", - 11 : FILE_PATH+"11.dds", - 12 : FILE_PATH+"12.dds", - 13 : FILE_PATH+"13.dds", - 20 : FILE_PATH+"20.dds", - 21 : FILE_PATH+"21.dds", - 22 : FILE_PATH+"22.dds", - 23 : FILE_PATH+"23.dds", - 30 : FILE_PATH+"30.dds", - 31 : FILE_PATH+"31.dds", - 32 : FILE_PATH+"32.dds", - 33 : FILE_PATH+"33.dds", - } - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - #self.textLineList = [] - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __GetHorseGrade(self, level): - if 0 == level: - return 0 - - return (level-1)/10 + 1 - - def SetState(self, level, health, battery): - #self.textLineList=[] - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - - if level>0: - - try: - grade = self.__GetHorseGrade(level) - self.__AppendText(locale.LEVEL_LIST[grade]) - except IndexError: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - Unknown Index" % (level, health, battery) - return - - try: - healthName=locale.HEALTH_LIST[health] - if len(healthName)>0: - self.__AppendText(healthName) - except IndexError: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - Unknown Index" % (level, health, battery) - return - - if health>0: - if battery==0: - self.__AppendText(locale.NEEFD_REST) - - try: - fileName=self.FILE_DICT[health*10+battery] - except KeyError: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - KeyError" % (level, health, battery) - - try: - self.LoadImage(fileName) - except: - print "HorseImage.SetState(level=%d, health=%d, battery=%d) - LoadError %s" % (level, health, battery, fileName) - - self.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - - def __AppendText(self, text): - - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(text) - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - - #x=self.GetWidth()/2 - #textLine = ui.TextLine() - #textLine.SetParent(self) - #textLine.SetSize(0, 0) - #textLine.SetOutline() - #textLine.Hide() - #textLine.SetPosition(x, 40+len(self.textLineList)*16) - #textLine.SetText(text) - #self.textLineList.append(textLine) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - #for textLine in self.textLineList: - # textLine.Show() - - self.toolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - #for textLine in self.textLineList: - # textLine.Hide() - - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - -# AUTO_POTION -class AutoPotionImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - FILE_PATH_HP = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_hpgauge/" - FILE_PATH_SP = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_spgauge/" - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - self.loverName = "" - self.lovePoint = 0 - self.potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP - self.filePath = "" - - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__del__(self) - - def SetPotionType(self, type): - self.potionType = type - - if player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP == type: - self.filePath = self.FILE_PATH_HP - elif player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP == type: - self.filePath = self.FILE_PATH_SP - - - def OnUpdateAutoPotionImage(self): - self.__Refresh() - - def __Refresh(self): - print "__Refresh" - - isActivated, currentAmount, totalAmount, slotIndex = player.GetAutoPotionInfo(self.potionType) - - amountPercent = (float(currentAmount) / totalAmount) * 100.0 - grade = math.ceil(amountPercent / 20) - - if 5.0 > amountPercent: - grade = 0 - - if 80.0 < amountPercent: - grade = 4 - if 90.0 < amountPercent: - grade = 5 - - fmt = self.filePath + "%.2d.dds" - fileName = fmt % grade - - print self.potionType, amountPercent, fileName - - try: - self.LoadImage(fileName) - except: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("AutoPotionImage.__Refresh(potionType=%d) - LoadError %s" % (self.potionType, fileName)) - - self.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - - if player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP == type: - self.toolTip.SetTitle(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_HP) - else: - self.toolTip.SetTitle(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_SP) - - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST % (amountPercent)) - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.toolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.toolTip.HideToolTip() -# END_OF_AUTO_POTION - - -class AffectImage(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self) - - self.toolTipText = None - self.isSkillAffect = TRUE - self.description = None - self.endTime = 0 - self.affect = None - self.isClocked = TRUE - - def SetAffect(self, affect): - self.affect = affect - - def GetAffect(self): - return self.affect - - def SetToolTipText(self, text, x = 0, y = -19): - - if not self.toolTipText: - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetSize(0, 0) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Hide() - self.toolTipText = textLine - - self.toolTipText.SetText(text) - w, h = self.toolTipText.GetTextSize() - self.toolTipText.SetPosition(max(0, x + self.GetWidth()/2 - w/2), y) - - def SetDescription(self, description): - self.description = description - - def SetDuration(self, duration): - self.endTime = 0 - if duration > 0: - self.endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + duration - - def UpdateAutoPotionDescription(self): - - potionType = 0 - if self.affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP - else: - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP - - isActivated, currentAmount, totalAmount, slotIndex = player.GetAutoPotionInfo(potionType) - - #print "UpdateAutoPotionDescription ", isActivated, currentAmount, totalAmount, slotIndex - - amountPercent = 0.0 - - try: - amountPercent = (float(currentAmount) / totalAmount) * 100.0 - except: - amountPercent = 100.0 - - self.SetToolTipText(self.description % amountPercent, 0, 40) - - def SetClock(self, isClocked): - self.isClocked = isClocked - - def UpdateDescription(self): - if not self.isClocked: - self.__UpdateDescription2() - return - - if not self.description: - return - - toolTip = self.description - if self.endTime > 0: - leftTime = locale.SecondToDHM(self.endTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp()) - toolTip += " (%s : %s)" % (locale.LEFT_TIME, leftTime) - self.SetToolTipText(toolTip, 0, 40) - - #刀老滚傈俊辑 矫埃阑 力芭窍扁 困秦辑 荤侩 - def __UpdateDescription2(self): - if not self.description: - return - - toolTip = self.description - self.SetToolTipText(toolTip, 0, 40) - - def SetSkillAffectFlag(self, flag): - self.isSkillAffect = flag - - def IsSkillAffect(self): - return self.isSkillAffect - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if self.toolTipText: - self.toolTipText.Show() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.toolTipText: - self.toolTipText.Hide() - -class AffectShower(ui.Window): - - MALL_DESC_IDX_START = 1000 - IMAGE_STEP = 25 - AFFECT_MAX_NUM = 32 - - INFINITE_AFFECT_DURATION = 0x1FFFFFFF - - AFFECT_DATA_DICT = { - chr.AFFECT_POISON : (locale.SKILL_TOXICDIE, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/poison.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_SLOW : (locale.SKILL_SLOW, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/slow.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_STUN : (locale.SKILL_STUN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/stun.sub"), - - chr.AFFECT_ATT_SPEED_POTION : (locale.SKILL_INC_ATKSPD, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/Increase_Attack_Speed.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_MOV_SPEED_POTION : (locale.SKILL_INC_MOVSPD, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/Increase_Move_Speed.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_FISH_MIND : (locale.SKILL_FISHMIND, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/fishmind.sub"), - - chr.AFFECT_JEONGWI : (locale.SKILL_JEONGWI, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/jeongwi_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GEOMGYEONG : (locale.SKILL_GEOMGYEONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/geomgyeong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_CHEONGEUN : (locale.SKILL_CHEONGEUN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/cheongeun_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GYEONGGONG : (locale.SKILL_GYEONGGONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/assassin/gyeonggong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_EUNHYEONG : (locale.SKILL_EUNHYEONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/assassin/eunhyeong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GWIGEOM : (locale.SKILL_GWIGEOM, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/gwigeom_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GONGPO : (locale.SKILL_GONGPO, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/gongpo_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_JUMAGAP : (locale.SKILL_JUMAGAP, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/jumagap_03.sub"), - chr.AFFECT_HOSIN : (locale.SKILL_HOSIN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/hosin_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_BOHO : (locale.SKILL_BOHO, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/boho_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_KWAESOK : (locale.SKILL_KWAESOK, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/kwaesok_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_HEUKSIN : (locale.SKILL_HEUKSIN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/heuksin_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_MUYEONG : (locale.SKILL_MUYEONG, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/muyeong_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_GICHEON : (locale.SKILL_GICHEON, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/gicheon_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_JEUNGRYEOK : (locale.SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/shaman/jeungryeok_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_PABEOP : (locale.SKILL_PABEOP, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/pabeop_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_FALLEN_CHEONGEUN : (locale.SKILL_CHEONGEUN, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/warrior/cheongeun_03.sub",), - 28 : (locale.SKILL_FIRE, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/sura/hwayeom_03.sub",), - chr.AFFECT_CHINA_FIREWORK : (locale.SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/powerfulstrike.sub",), - - #64 - END - chr.NEW_AFFECT_EXP_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/exp_bonus.sub",), - - chr.NEW_AFFECT_ITEM_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/item_bonus.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_SAFEBOX : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/safebox.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTOLOOT : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/autoloot.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_FISH_MIND : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/fishmind.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_MARRIAGE_FAST : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/marriage_fast.sub",), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_GOLD_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_bonus.sub",), - - chr.NEW_AFFECT_NO_DEATH_PENALTY : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - - # 磊悼拱距 hp, sp - chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_hpgauge/05.dds"), - chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/auto_spgauge/05.dds"), - #chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - #chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY : (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_bonus.sub"), - - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_ATTBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/att_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_DEFBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/def_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_EXPBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/exp_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_ITEMBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/item_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MALL_GOLDBONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_bonus.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_CRITICAL_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT,"d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/critical.sub"), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_PENETRATE_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MAX_HP_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_MAX_SP_PCT : (locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/gold_premium.sub"), - - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_PC_BANG_EXP_BONUS : (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/EXP_Bonus_p_on.sub",), - MALL_DESC_IDX_START+player.POINT_PC_BANG_DROP_BONUS: (locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC, "d:/ymir work/ui/skill/common/affect/Item_Bonus_p_on.sub",), - } - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - # 侩去籍 玫, 瘤 郸. - AFFECT_DATA_DICT[chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1] = (locale.TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1, "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/buff_ds_sky1.tga") - AFFECT_DATA_DICT[chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2] = (locale.TOOLTIP_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2, "d:/ymir work/ui/dragonsoul/buff_ds_land1.tga") - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.serverPlayTime=0 - self.clientPlayTime=0 - - self.lastUpdateTime=0 - self.affectImageDict={} - self.horseImage=None - self.lovePointImage=None - self.autoPotionImageHP = AutoPotionImage() - self.autoPotionImageSP = AutoPotionImage() - self.SetPosition(10, 10) - self.Show() - - def ClearAllAffects(self): - self.horseImage=None - self.lovePointImage=None - self.affectImageDict={} - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ClearAffects(self): ## 胶懦 捞棋飘父 绝聚聪促. - self.living_affectImageDict={} - for key, image in self.affectImageDict.items(): - if not image.IsSkillAffect(): - self.living_affectImageDict[key] = image - self.affectImageDict = self.living_affectImageDict - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def BINARY_NEW_AddAffect(self, type, pointIdx, value, duration): - - print "BINARY_NEW_AddAffect", type, pointIdx, value, duration - - if type < 500: - return - - if type == chr.NEW_AFFECT_MALL: - affect = self.MALL_DESC_IDX_START + pointIdx - else: - affect = type - - if self.affectImageDict.has_key(affect): - return - - if not self.AFFECT_DATA_DICT.has_key(affect): - return - - ## 侩脚狼 啊龋, 急牢狼 背绕篮 Duration 阑 0 栏肺 汲沥茄促. - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_NO_DEATH_PENALTY or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY: - duration = 0 - - affectData = self.AFFECT_DATA_DICT[affect] - description = affectData[0] - filename = affectData[1] - - if pointIdx == player.POINT_MALL_ITEMBONUS or\ - pointIdx == player.POINT_MALL_GOLDBONUS: - value = 1 + float(value) / 100.0 - - trashValue = 123 - #if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY or affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - if trashValue == 1: - try: - #image = AutoPotionImage() - #image.SetParent(self) - image = None - - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY: - image.SetPotionType(player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP) - image = self.autoPotionImageSP - #self.autoPotionImageSP = image; - else: - image.SetPotionType(player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP) - image = self.autoPotionImageHP - #self.autoPotionImageHP = image; - - image.SetParent(self) - image.Show() - image.OnUpdateAutoPotionImage() - - self.affectImageDict[affect] = image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - except Exception, e: - print "except Aff auto potion affect ", e - pass - - else: - if affect != chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY and affect != chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - description = description(float(value)) - - try: - print "Add affect %s" % affect - image = AffectImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.LoadImage(filename) - image.SetDescription(description) - image.SetDuration(duration) - image.SetAffect(affect) - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_EXP_BONUS_EURO_FREE or\ - affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_EXP_BONUS_EURO_FREE_UNDER_15 or\ - self.INFINITE_AFFECT_DURATION < duration: - image.SetClock(FALSE) - image.UpdateDescription() - elif affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY or affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - image.UpdateAutoPotionDescription() - else: - image.UpdateDescription() - - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1 or affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK2: - image.SetScale(1, 1) - else: - image.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - image.SetSkillAffectFlag(FALSE) - image.Show() - self.affectImageDict[affect] = image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - except Exception, e: - print "except Aff affect ", e - pass - - def BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect(self, type, pointIdx): - if type == chr.NEW_AFFECT_MALL: - affect = self.MALL_DESC_IDX_START + pointIdx - else: - affect = type - - print "Remove Affect %s %s" % ( type , pointIdx ) - self.__RemoveAffect(affect) - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def SetAffect(self, affect): - self.__AppendAffect(affect) - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ResetAffect(self, affect): - self.__RemoveAffect(affect) - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def SetLoverInfo(self, name, lovePoint): - image = LovePointImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetLoverInfo(name, lovePoint) - self.lovePointImage = image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ShowLoverState(self): - if self.lovePointImage: - self.lovePointImage.Show() - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def HideLoverState(self): - if self.lovePointImage: - self.lovePointImage.Hide() - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def ClearLoverState(self): - self.lovePointImage = None - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def OnUpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - if self.lovePointImage: - self.lovePointImage.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint) - - def SetHorseState(self, level, health, battery): - if level==0: - self.horseImage=None - else: - image = HorseImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetState(level, health, battery) - image.Show() - - self.horseImage=image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def SetPlayTime(self, playTime): - self.serverPlayTime = playTime - self.clientPlayTime = app.GetTime() - - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - image = PlayTimeImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetPlayTime(playTime) - image.Show() - - self.playTimeImage=image - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def __AppendAffect(self, affect): - - if self.affectImageDict.has_key(affect): - return - - try: - affectData = self.AFFECT_DATA_DICT[affect] - except KeyError: - return - - name = affectData[0] - filename = affectData[1] - - skillIndex = player.AffectIndexToSkillIndex(affect) - if 0 != skillIndex: - name = skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex) - - image = AffectImage() - image.SetParent(self) - image.SetSkillAffectFlag(TRUE) - - try: - image.LoadImage(filename) - except: - pass - - image.SetToolTipText(name, 0, 40) - image.SetScale(0.7, 0.7) - image.Show() - self.affectImageDict[affect] = image - - def __RemoveAffect(self, affect): - """ - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY: - self.autoPotionImageSP.Hide() - - if affect == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY: - self.autoPotionImageHP.Hide() - """ - - if not self.affectImageDict.has_key(affect): - print "__RemoveAffect %s ( No Affect )" % affect - return - - print "__RemoveAffect %s ( Affect )" % affect - del self.affectImageDict[affect] - - self.__ArrangeImageList() - - def __ArrangeImageList(self): - - width = len(self.affectImageDict) * self.IMAGE_STEP - if self.lovePointImage: - width+=self.IMAGE_STEP - if self.horseImage: - width+=self.IMAGE_STEP - - self.SetSize(width, 26) - - xPos = 0 - - if self.lovePointImage: - if self.lovePointImage.IsShow(): - self.lovePointImage.SetPosition(xPos, 0) - xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP - - if self.horseImage: - self.horseImage.SetPosition(xPos, 0) - xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP - - for image in self.affectImageDict.values(): - image.SetPosition(xPos, 0) - xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP - - def OnUpdate(self): - try: - if app.GetGlobalTime() - self.lastUpdateTime > 500: - #if 0 < app.GetGlobalTime(): - self.lastUpdateTime = app.GetGlobalTime() - - for image in self.affectImageDict.values(): - if image.GetAffect() == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_HP_RECOVERY or image.GetAffect() == chr.NEW_AFFECT_AUTO_SP_RECOVERY: - image.UpdateAutoPotionDescription() - continue - - if not image.IsSkillAffect(): - image.UpdateDescription() - except Exception, e: - print "AffectShower::OnUpdate error : ", e - diff --git a/bin_original/uiAttachMetin.py b/bin_original/uiAttachMetin.py deleted file mode 100644 index cc21059b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiAttachMetin.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import player -import item -import net -import snd -import ui -import uiToolTip -import locale - -class AttachMetinDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadScript() - - self.metinItemPos = 0 - self.targetItemPos = 0 - - def __LoadScript(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/attachstonedialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AttachStoneDialog.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.titleBar = self.GetChild("TitleBar") - self.metinImage = self.GetChild("MetinImage") - self.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Accept)) - self.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AttachStoneDialog.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - oldToolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - oldToolTip.SetParent(self) - oldToolTip.SetPosition(15, 38) - oldToolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - oldToolTip.Show() - self.oldToolTip = oldToolTip - - newToolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - newToolTip.SetParent(self) - newToolTip.SetPosition(230 + 20, 38) - newToolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - newToolTip.Show() - self.newToolTip = newToolTip - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.metinImage = 0 - self.toolTip = 0 - - def CanAttachMetin(self, slot, metin): - if item.METIN_NORMAL == metin: - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == slot or player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slot: - return TRUE - - elif item.METIN_GOLD == metin: - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slot: - return TRUE - - def Open(self, metinItemPos, targetItemPos): - self.metinItemPos = metinItemPos - self.targetItemPos = targetItemPos - - metinIndex = player.GetItemIndex(metinItemPos) - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetItemPos) - self.oldToolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.newToolTip.ClearToolTip() - - item.SelectItem(metinIndex) - - ## Metin Image - try: - self.metinImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - except: - dbg.TraceError("AttachMetinDialog.Open.LoadImage - Failed to find item data") - - ## Old Item ToolTip - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - self.oldToolTip.AddItemData(itemIndex, metinSlot) - - ## New Item ToolTip - item.SelectItem(metinIndex) - metinSubType = item.GetItemSubType() - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - slotData = metinSlot[i] - if self.CanAttachMetin(slotData, metinSubType): - metinSlot[i] = metinIndex - break - self.newToolTip.AddItemData(itemIndex, metinSlot) - - self.UpdateDialog() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def UpdateDialog(self): - newWidth = self.newToolTip.GetWidth() + 230 + 15 + 20 - newHeight = self.newToolTip.GetHeight() + 98 - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board.SetPosition( newWidth, 0 ) - - (x,y) = self.titleBar.GetLocalPosition() - self.titleBar.SetPosition( newWidth - 15, y ) - - self.board.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - self.titleBar.SetWidth(newWidth-15) - self.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetLocalPosition() - self.SetPosition(x, y) - - def Accept(self): - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.metinItemPos, self.targetItemPos) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/metinstone_insert.wav") - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() diff --git a/bin_original/uiAuction.py b/bin_original/uiAuction.py deleted file mode 100644 index 697068fc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiAuction.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -import ui -class AuctionWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - class PageWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent, filename): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.SetParent(parent) - self.filename = filename - def GetScriptFileName(self): - return self.filename - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.SelectPage("UNIQUE_AUCTION") - - def __LoadWindow(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow.py") - - self.pageName = { - "LIST" : "概概 府胶飘", - "REGISTER" : "概概 殿废", - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : "蜡聪农 版概", - } - self.pageWindow = { - "LIST" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow_listpage.py"), - "REGISTER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow_registerpage.py"), - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/auctionwindow_uniqueauctionpage.py"), - } - - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.tabDict = { - "LIST" : self.GetChild("Tab_01"), - "REGISTER" : self.GetChild("Tab_02"), - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : self.GetChild("Tab_03"), - } - self.tabButtonDict = { - "LIST" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_01"), - "REGISTER" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_02"), - "UNIQUE_AUCTION" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_03"), - } - for page in self.pageWindow.values(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(page, page.GetScriptFileName()) - for key, button in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - button.SetEvent(self.SelectPage, key) - - self.__MakeListPage() - self.__MakeRegisterPage() - self.__MakeUniqueAuctionPage() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - def __MakeListPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["LIST"] - - yPos = 27 - - AUCTION_LINE_COUNT = 10 - - for i in xrange(AUCTION_LINE_COUNT): - - numberSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 11, yPos) - numberSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(numberSlotImage) - page.Children.append(numberSlotImage) - page.Children.append(numberSlot) - - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_04.sub", 55, yPos) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - - priceSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_05.sub", 175, yPos) - priceSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlot) - - deleteButton = ui.Button() - deleteButton.SetParent(page) - deleteButton.SetPosition(310, yPos) - deleteButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.sub") - deleteButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub") - deleteButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub") - deleteButton.SetText("备涝") - deleteButton.Show() - page.Children.append(deleteButton) - - yPos += 20 - - def __MakeRegisterPage(self): - pass - - def __MakeUniqueAuctionPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["UNIQUE_AUCTION"] - - LINE_COUNT = 3 - - for i in xrange(LINE_COUNT): - - yPos = 5 + 99*i - - itemSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 10, yPos, 97, 97) - page.Children.append(itemSlotImage) - - itemName = ui.MakeTextLine(page, FALSE, 117, yPos + 14) - page.Children.append(itemName) - ## Temporary - itemName.SetText("急赤狼 厚赤") - ## Temporary - - curPrice = ui.MakeTextLine(page, FALSE, 117, yPos + 31) - page.Children.append(curPrice) - ## Temporary - curPrice.SetText("泅犁啊 : 20撅 1234父 1234成") - ## Temporary - - lastTime = ui.MakeTextLine(page, FALSE, 117, yPos + 48) - page.Children.append(lastTime) - ## Temporary - lastTime.SetText("倡蔓鳖瘤 巢篮 矫埃 : 19盒 28檬") - ## Temporary - - priceSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_05.sub", 117, yPos + 65) - priceSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(priceSlot) - ## Temporary - priceSlot.SetText("20撅 1234父 1234成") - ## Temporary - - def SelectPage(self, arg): - for key, btn in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if arg != key: - btn.SetUp() - for key, img in self.tabDict.items(): - if arg == key: - img.Show() - else: - img.Hide() - for key, page in self.pageWindow.items(): - if arg == key: - page.Show() - else: - page.Hide() - self.board.SetTitleName(self.pageName[arg]) diff --git a/bin_original/uiAutoBan.py b/bin_original/uiAutoBan.py deleted file mode 100644 index 935d8b9b..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiAutoBan.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -import app -import os -import net -import mouseModule -import player -import snd -import locale -import ui -import uiScriptLocale - -class AutoBanQuizWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.answer = 0 - self.restSec = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "AutoBanQuiz.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AutoBanQuiz.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - - self.msgTexts = [ - GetObject("msg1"), - GetObject("msg2"), - ] - self.selButtons = [ - GetObject("select1"), - GetObject("select2"), - GetObject("select3"), - ] - - self.statusText = GetObject("status") - self.answerButton = GetObject("answer") - self.refreshButton = GetObject("refresh") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AutoBanQuiz.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.selButtons[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSelectButton0) - self.selButtons[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSelectButton1) - self.selButtons[2].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSelectButton2) - - self.answerButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickAnswerButton) - self.refreshButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickRefreshButton) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.msgTexts = [] - self.selButtons = [] - self.statusText = None - self.answerButton = None - self.refreshButton = None - - def Open(self, open, quiz, duration): - srcLines = quiz.split("|") - - if len(srcLines) >= 5: - msgLines = srcLines[:2] - selLines = srcLines[2:] - - for msgText, msgLine in zip(self.msgTexts, msgLines): - msgText.SetText(msgLine) - - for selButton, selLine in zip(self.selButtons, selLines): - selButton.SetText(selLine) - - self.statusText.SetText("%s: %s" % (uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME, locale.SecondToDHM(duration))) - - self.answer = 0 - self.endTime = app.GetTime() + duration - - for selectButton in self.selButtons: - selectButton.SetUp() - - self.Show() - self.Lock() - - def Close(self): - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def Clear(self): - pass - - def Refresh(self): - pass - - def __OnClickSelectButton0(self): - self.__Select(0) - - def __OnClickSelectButton1(self): - self.__Select(1) - - def __OnClickSelectButton2(self): - self.__Select(2) - - def __Select(self, index): - for selectButton in self.selButtons: - selectButton.SetUp() - - self.selButtons[index].Down() - self.answer = index + 1 - - print "autoban_select: %d" % (self.answer) - - def __OnClickAnswerButton(self): - if self.answer: - print "autoban_answer: %d" % (self.answer) - net.SendChatPacket("/autoban_answer %d" % (self.answer)) - self.Close() - else: - print "autoban_noanswer" - - def __OnClickRefreshButton(self): - print "autoban_refresh" - net.SendChatPacket("/autoban_refresh") - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - restTime = self.endTime - app.GetTime() - if restTime < 0: - restTime = 0 - - self.statusText.SetText("%s: %s" % (uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME, locale.SecondToDHM(restTime))) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import uiToolTip - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - - self.cubeWindow = AutoBanQuizWindow() - self.cubeWindow.LoadWindow() - self.cubeWindow.Open() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/uiCandidate.py b/bin_original/uiCandidate.py deleted file mode 100644 index c275ed99..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiCandidate.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import ime -import wndMgr - -class VerticalCandidateBoard(ui.Board): - - CORNER_WIDTH = 3 - CORNER_HEIGHT = 3 - LINE_WIDTH = 16 - LINE_HEIGHT = 16 - - SLOT_WIDTH = 14 - SLOT_HEIGHT = 14 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - - self.Base = None - self.BaseBar = None - self.numberList = [] - self.slotList = [] - - def __del__(self): - ui.Board.__del__(self) - - def SetCharacterCount(self, xCount, yCount): - self.SetSize(xCount*14 + 14, yCount*14 + 7) - self.BaseBar.SetSize(xCount*14 + 1, yCount*14 + 1) - - self.numberList = [] - self.slotList = [] - - for y in xrange(yCount): - - number = ui.ImageBox() - number.SetParent(self.BaseBar) - number.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ime/%d.tga" % (y+1)) - number.SetPosition(5 - 10, 8 + y * 14 - 3) - number.Show() - self.numberList.append(number) - - slot = ui.Bar() - slot.SetParent(self.BaseBar) - slot.SetPosition(10 + 1 - 10, 3 + y*14 + 1 - 3) - slot.SetSize(xCount*14 - 1, 13) - slot.SetColor(0xFF302C2A) - slot.Show() - self.slotList.append(slot) - - ################################################################# - - def SetCandidatePosition(self, x, y, textCount): - xPos = x + (textCount - 5) * 6 + 2 - yPos = y - self.GetHeight() - 2 - self.SetPosition(xPos, yPos) - - def Load(self): - self.MakeBoard("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ime/corner_", "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/ime/bar_") - - BaseBar = ui.Bar() - BaseBar.SetParent(self) - BaseBar.SetPosition(10, 3) - BaseBar.SetColor(0xff000000) - BaseBar.Show() - self.BaseBar = BaseBar - - candidateListBox = ui.CandidateListBox(ui.CandidateListBox.VERTICAL_MODE) - candidateListBox.SetParent(self) - candidateListBox.SetPosition(11, 4) - candidateListBox.SetItemSize(16, 14) - candidateListBox.SetItemStep(14) - candidateListBox.Show() - self.candidateListBox = candidateListBox - - def Clear(self): - self.candidateListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def Append(self, text): - self.candidateListBox.AppendItem(ui.CandidateListBox.Item(text)) - - def Refresh(self): - - maxTextLength = 0 - yCount = ime.GetCandidateCount() - - for i in xrange(yCount): - text, length = ime.GetCandidate(i) - self.Append(text) - - if length > maxTextLength: - maxTextLength = length - - if maxTextLength > 0: - self.SetCharacterCount(maxTextLength, yCount) - - self.candidateListBox.SelectIndex(ime.GetCandidateSelection()) - -class KORCandidateWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - self.candidateListBox=None - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetCandidatePosition(self, x, y, textCount): - xPos = x + textCount*6 - 20 - yPos = y + 20 - xPos = min(xPos, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - self.GetWidth()) - self.SetPosition(xPos, yPos) - - def Clear(self): - self.candidateListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def Append(self, text): - self.candidateListBox.AppendItem(ui.CandidateListBox.Item(text)) - - def Refresh(self): - for i in xrange(9): - text, length = ime.GetCandidate(i) - self.Append(text) - - self.candidateListBox.SelectIndex(ime.GetCandidateSelection()) - - def Select(self, pos): - self.candidateListBox.SelectIndex(pos) - - def Load(self): - self.__LoadScript() - self.__BindObject() - - def __LoadScript(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/IMEKOR.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CandidateWindow.__LoadScript") - - def __BindObject(self): - try: - self.candidateListBox=self.GetChild("CandidateList") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CandidateWindow.__BindObject") - -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(949, KORCandidateWindow) -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(932, VerticalCandidateBoard) -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(936, VerticalCandidateBoard) -ui.RegisterCandidateWindowClass(950, VerticalCandidateBoard) diff --git a/bin_original/uiCharacter.py b/bin_original/uiCharacter.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7c5849d5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiCharacter.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1236 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import app -import net -import dbg -import snd -import player -import mouseModule -import wndMgr -import skill -import playerSettingModule -import quest -import locale -import uiToolTip -import constInfo -import emotion -import chr - -SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL = FALSE -SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [] -HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = FALSE - -if locale.IsYMIR(): - SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 128, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140,141,142] - if not locale.IsCHEONMA(): - HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = TRUE - SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 128, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140,141,142] -elif locale.IsJAPAN() or (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/ca") and (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/br"): - HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = TRUE - SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST = [121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 128, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140] -else: - HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT = TRUE - -FACE_IMAGE_DICT = { - playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_M : "icon/face/warrior_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_W : "icon/face/warrior_w.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_M : "icon/face/assassin_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_W : "icon/face/assassin_w.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_M : "icon/face/sura_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_W : "icon/face/sura_w.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_M : "icon/face/shaman_m.tga", - playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_W : "icon/face/shaman_w.tga", -} -def unsigned32(n): - return n & 0xFFFFFFFFL - -class CharacterWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 8 - SUPPORT_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 12 - - PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 12 - PAGE_HORSE = 2 - - SKILL_GROUP_NAME_DICT = { - playerSettingModule.JOB_WARRIOR : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2, }, - playerSettingModule.JOB_ASSASSIN : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2, }, - playerSettingModule.JOB_SURA : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2, }, - playerSettingModule.JOB_SHAMAN : { 1 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1, 2 : locale.SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2, }, - } - - STAT_DESCRIPTION = { - "HTH" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_CON, - "INT" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_INT, - "STR" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_STR, - "DEX" : locale.STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX, - } - - - STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION = locale.STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.state = "STATUS" - self.isLoaded = 0 - - self.toolTipSkill = 0 - - self.__Initialize() - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.statusPlusCommandDict={ - "HTH" : "/stat ht", - "INT" : "/stat iq", - "STR" : "/stat st", - "DEX" : "/stat dx", - } - - self.statusMinusCommandDict={ - "HTH-" : "/stat- ht", - "INT-" : "/stat- iq", - "STR-" : "/stat- st", - "DEX-" : "/stat- dx", - } - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __Initialize(self): - self.refreshToolTip = 0 - self.curSelectedSkillGroup = 0 - self.canUseHorseSkill = -1 - - self.toolTip = None - self.toolTipJob = None - self.toolTipAlignment = None - self.toolTipSkill = None - - self.faceImage = None - self.statusPlusLabel = None - self.statusPlusValue = None - self.activeSlot = None - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.pageDict = None - self.titleBarDict = None - self.statusPlusButtonDict = None - self.statusMinusButtonDict = None - - self.skillPageDict = None - self.questShowingStartIndex = 0 - self.questScrollBar = None - self.questSlot = None - self.questNameList = None - self.questLastTimeList = None - self.questLastCountList = None - self.skillGroupButton = () - - self.activeSlot = None - self.activeSkillPointValue = None - self.supportSkillPointValue = None - self.skillGroupButton1 = None - self.skillGroupButton2 = None - self.activeSkillGroupName = None - - self.guildNameSlot = None - self.guildNameValue = None - self.characterNameSlot = None - self.characterNameValue = None - - self.emotionToolTip = None - self.soloEmotionSlot = None - self.dualEmotionSlot = None - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadScript(self, fileName): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - - def __BindObject(self): - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTipJob = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTipAlignment = uiToolTip.ToolTip(130) - - self.faceImage = self.GetChild("Face_Image") - - faceSlot=self.GetChild("Face_Slot") - if 949 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - faceSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowJobToolTip) - faceSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_OUT", self.__HideJobToolTip) - - self.statusPlusLabel = self.GetChild("Status_Plus_Label") - self.statusPlusValue = self.GetChild("Status_Plus_Value") - - self.characterNameSlot = self.GetChild("Character_Name_Slot") - self.characterNameValue = self.GetChild("Character_Name") - self.guildNameSlot = self.GetChild("Guild_Name_Slot") - self.guildNameValue = self.GetChild("Guild_Name") - self.characterNameSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowAlignmentToolTip) - self.characterNameSlot.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_OUT", self.__HideAlignmentToolTip) - - self.activeSlot = self.GetChild("Skill_Active_Slot") - self.activeSkillPointValue = self.GetChild("Active_Skill_Point_Value") - self.supportSkillPointValue = self.GetChild("Support_Skill_Point_Value") - self.skillGroupButton1 = self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_1") - self.skillGroupButton2 = self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_2") - self.activeSkillGroupName = self.GetChild("Active_Skill_Group_Name") - - self.tabDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Tab_01"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Tab_02"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Tab_03"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Tab_04"), - } - - self.tabButtonDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_01"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_02"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_03"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_04") - } - - self.pageDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Character_Page"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Skill_Page"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Emoticon_Page"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Quest_Page") - } - - self.titleBarDict = { - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("Character_TitleBar"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("Skill_TitleBar"), - "EMOTICON" : self.GetChild("Emoticon_TitleBar"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("Quest_TitleBar") - } - - self.statusPlusButtonDict = { - "HTH" : self.GetChild("HTH_Plus"), - "INT" : self.GetChild("INT_Plus"), - "STR" : self.GetChild("STR_Plus"), - "DEX" : self.GetChild("DEX_Plus"), - } - - self.statusMinusButtonDict = { - "HTH-" : self.GetChild("HTH_Minus"), - "INT-" : self.GetChild("INT_Minus"), - "STR-" : self.GetChild("STR_Minus"), - "DEX-" : self.GetChild("DEX_Minus"), - } - - self.skillPageDict = { - "ACTIVE" : self.GetChild("Skill_Active_Slot"), - "SUPPORT" : self.GetChild("Skill_ETC_Slot"), - "HORSE" : self.GetChild("Skill_Active_Slot"), - } - - self.skillPageStatDict = { - "SUPPORT" : player.SKILL_SUPPORT, - "ACTIVE" : player.SKILL_ACTIVE, - "HORSE" : player.SKILL_HORSE, - } - - self.skillGroupButton = ( - self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_1"), - self.GetChild("Skill_Group_Button_2"), - ) - - - global SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL - global HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT - if SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL or HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT: - self.GetChild("Support_Skill_Point_Label").Hide() - - self.soloEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("SoloEmotionSlot") - self.dualEmotionSlot = self.GetChild("DualEmotionSlot") - self.__SetEmotionSlot() - - self.questShowingStartIndex = 0 - self.questScrollBar = self.GetChild("Quest_ScrollBar") - self.questScrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnQuestScroll)) - self.questSlot = self.GetChild("Quest_Slot") - for i in xrange(quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM): - self.questSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(i) - self.questSlot.SetCoverButton(i,\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_02.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_03.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_03.sub", TRUE) - - self.questNameList = [] - self.questLastTimeList = [] - self.questLastCountList = [] - for i in xrange(quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM): - self.questNameList.append(self.GetChild("Quest_Name_0" + str(i))) - self.questLastTimeList.append(self.GetChild("Quest_LastTime_0" + str(i))) - self.questLastCountList.append(self.GetChild("Quest_LastCount_0" + str(i))) - - def __SetSkillSlotEvent(self): - for skillPageValue in self.skillPageDict.itervalues(): - skillPageValue.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - skillPageValue.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectSkill)) - skillPageValue.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - skillPageValue.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickSkillSlot)) - skillPageValue.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickSkillSlot)) - skillPageValue.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - skillPageValue.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - skillPageValue.SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressedSlotButton)) - skillPageValue.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - - def __SetEmotionSlot(self): - - self.emotionToolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - - for slot in (self.soloEmotionSlot, self.dualEmotionSlot): - slot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - slot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectEmotion)) - slot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ClickEmotionSlot)) - slot.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ClickEmotionSlot)) - slot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverInEmotion)) - slot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverOutEmotion)) - slot.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - - for slotIdx, datadict in emotion.EMOTION_DICT.items(): - emotionIdx = slotIdx - - slot = self.soloEmotionSlot - if slotIdx > 50: - slot = self.dualEmotionSlot - - slot.SetEmotionSlot(slotIdx, emotionIdx) - slot.SetCoverButton(slotIdx) - - def __SelectEmotion(self, slotIndex): - if not slotIndex in emotion.EMOTION_DICT: - return - - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION, slotIndex) - return - - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION, slotIndex, slotIndex) - - def __ClickEmotionSlot(self, slotIndex): - print "click emotion" - if not slotIndex in emotion.EMOTION_DICT: - return - - print "check acting" - if player.IsActingEmotion(): - return - - command = emotion.EMOTION_DICT[slotIndex]["command"] - print "command", command - - if slotIndex > 50: - vid = player.GetTargetVID() - - if 0 == vid or vid == player.GetMainCharacterIndex() or chr.IsNPC(vid) or chr.IsEnemy(vid): - import chat - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE) - return - - command += " " + chr.GetNameByVID(vid) - - print "send_command", command - net.SendChatPacket(command) - - def ActEmotion(self, emotionIndex): - self.__ClickEmotionSlot(emotionIndex) - - def __OverInEmotion(self, slotIndex): - if self.emotionToolTip: - - if not slotIndex in emotion.EMOTION_DICT: - return - - self.emotionToolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.emotionToolTip.SetTitle(emotion.EMOTION_DICT[slotIndex]["name"]) - self.emotionToolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter() - self.emotionToolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def __OverOutEmotion(self): - if self.emotionToolTip: - self.emotionToolTip.HideToolTip() - - def __BindEvent(self): - for i in xrange(len(self.skillGroupButton)): - self.skillGroupButton[i].SetEvent(lambda arg=i: self.__SelectSkillGroup(arg)) - - self.RefreshQuest() - self.__HideJobToolTip() - - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - tabButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickTabButton), tabKey) - - for (statusPlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items(): - statusPlusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusPlusButton, statusPlusKey) - statusPlusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverInStatButton(arg) - statusPlusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusPlusKey: self.__OverOutStatButton() - - for (statusMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items(): - statusMinusButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickStatusMinusButton, statusMinusKey) - statusMinusButton.ShowToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverInStatMinusButton(arg) - statusMinusButton.HideToolTip = lambda arg=statusMinusKey: self.__OverOutStatMinusButton() - - for titleBarValue in self.titleBarDict.itervalues(): - titleBarValue.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Hide)) - - self.questSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectQuest)) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - if locale.IsARABIC() or locale.IsVIETNAM() or locale.IsJAPAN(): - self.__LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "CharacterWindow.py") - else: - self.__LoadScript("UIScript/CharacterWindow.py") - - self.__BindObject() - self.__BindEvent() - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.__LoadWindow") - - #self.tabButtonDict["EMOTICON"].Disable() - self.SetState("STATUS") - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - - def Close(self): - if 0 != self.toolTipSkill: - self.toolTipSkill.Hide() - - self.Hide() - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, toolTipSkill): - self.toolTipSkill = toolTipSkill - - def __OnClickStatusPlusButton(self, statusKey): - try: - statusPlusCommand=self.statusPlusCommandDict[statusKey] - net.SendChatPacket(statusPlusCommand) - except KeyError, msg: - dbg.TraceError("CharacterWindow.__OnClickStatusPlusButton KeyError: %s", msg) - - def __OnClickStatusMinusButton(self, statusKey): - try: - statusMinusCommand=self.statusMinusCommandDict[statusKey] - net.SendChatPacket(statusMinusCommand) - except KeyError, msg: - dbg.TraceError("CharacterWindow.__OnClickStatusMinusButton KeyError: %s", msg) - - - def __OnClickTabButton(self, stateKey): - self.SetState(stateKey) - - def SetState(self, stateKey): - - self.state = stateKey - - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if stateKey!=tabKey: - tabButton.SetUp() - - for tabValue in self.tabDict.itervalues(): - tabValue.Hide() - - for pageValue in self.pageDict.itervalues(): - pageValue.Hide() - - for titleBarValue in self.titleBarDict.itervalues(): - titleBarValue.Hide() - - self.titleBarDict[stateKey].Show() - self.tabDict[stateKey].Show() - self.pageDict[stateKey].Show() - - - def GetState(self): - return self.state - - def __GetTotalAtkText(self): - minAtk=player.GetStatus(player.ATT_MIN) - maxAtk=player.GetStatus(player.ATT_MAX) - atkBonus=player.GetStatus(player.ATT_BONUS) - attackerBonus=player.GetStatus(player.ATTACKER_BONUS) - - if minAtk==maxAtk: - return "%d" % (minAtk+atkBonus+attackerBonus) - else: - return "%d-%d" % (minAtk+atkBonus+attackerBonus, maxAtk+atkBonus+attackerBonus) - - def __GetTotalMagAtkText(self): - minMagAtk=player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT)+player.GetStatus(player.MIN_MAGIC_WEP) - maxMagAtk=player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT)+player.GetStatus(player.MAX_MAGIC_WEP) - - if minMagAtk==maxMagAtk: - return "%d" % (minMagAtk) - else: - return "%d-%d" % (minMagAtk, maxMagAtk) - - def __GetTotalDefText(self): - defValue=player.GetStatus(player.DEF_GRADE) - if constInfo.ADD_DEF_BONUS_ENABLE: - defValue+=player.GetStatus(player.DEF_BONUS) - return "%d" % (defValue) - - def RefreshStatus(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - try: - self.GetChild("Level_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL))) - self.GetChild("Exp_Value").SetText(str(unsigned32(player.GetEXP()))) - self.GetChild("RestExp_Value").SetText(str(unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.NEXT_EXP)) - unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)))) - self.GetChild("HP_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.HP)) + '/' + str(player.GetStatus(player.MAX_HP))) - self.GetChild("SP_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.SP)) + '/' + str(player.GetStatus(player.MAX_SP))) - - self.GetChild("STR_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.ST))) - self.GetChild("DEX_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.DX))) - self.GetChild("HTH_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.HT))) - self.GetChild("INT_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.IQ))) - - self.GetChild("ATT_Value").SetText(self.__GetTotalAtkText()) - self.GetChild("DEF_Value").SetText(self.__GetTotalDefText()) - - self.GetChild("MATT_Value").SetText(self.__GetTotalMagAtkText()) - #self.GetChild("MATT_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.MAG_ATT))) - - self.GetChild("MDEF_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.MAG_DEF))) - self.GetChild("ASPD_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.ATT_SPEED))) - self.GetChild("MSPD_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.MOVING_SPEED))) - self.GetChild("CSPD_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.CASTING_SPEED))) - self.GetChild("ER_Value").SetText(str(player.GetStatus(player.EVADE_RATE))) - - except: - #import exception - #exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.RefreshStatus.BindObject") - ## 霸烙捞 屁败 滚覆 - pass - - self.__RefreshStatusPlusButtonList() - self.__RefreshStatusMinusButtonList() - self.RefreshAlignment() - - if self.refreshToolTip: - self.refreshToolTip() - - def __RefreshStatusPlusButtonList(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - statusPlusPoint=player.GetStatus(player.STAT) - - if statusPlusPoint>0: - self.statusPlusValue.SetText(str(statusPlusPoint)) - self.statusPlusLabel.Show() - self.ShowStatusPlusButtonList() - else: - self.statusPlusValue.SetText(str(0)) - self.statusPlusLabel.Hide() - self.HideStatusPlusButtonList() - - def __RefreshStatusMinusButtonList(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - statusMinusPoint=self.__GetStatMinusPoint() - - if statusMinusPoint>0: - self.__ShowStatusMinusButtonList() - else: - self.__HideStatusMinusButtonList() - - def RefreshAlignment(self): - point, grade = player.GetAlignmentData() - - import colorInfo - COLOR_DICT = { 0 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_4, - 1 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_3, - 2 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_2, - 3 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_GOOD_1, - 4 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL, - 5 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_1, - 6 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_2, - 7 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_3, - 8 : colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_EVIL_4, } - colorList = COLOR_DICT.get(grade, colorInfo.TITLE_RGB_NORMAL) - gradeColor = ui.GenerateColor(colorList[0], colorList[1], colorList[2]) - - self.toolTipAlignment.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTipAlignment.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.TITLE_NAME_LIST[grade], gradeColor) - self.toolTipAlignment.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.ALIGNMENT_NAME + str(point)) - self.toolTipAlignment.AlignHorizonalCenter() - - def __ShowStatusMinusButtonList(self): - for (stateMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items(): - statusMinusButton.Show() - - def __HideStatusMinusButtonList(self): - for (stateMinusKey, statusMinusButton) in self.statusMinusButtonDict.items(): - statusMinusButton.Hide() - - def ShowStatusPlusButtonList(self): - for (statePlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items(): - statusPlusButton.Show() - - def HideStatusPlusButtonList(self): - for (statePlusKey, statusPlusButton) in self.statusPlusButtonDict.items(): - statusPlusButton.Hide() - - def SelectSkill(self, skillSlotIndex): - - mouseController = mouseModule.mouseController - - if FALSE == mouseController.isAttached(): - - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(skillSlotIndex) - selectedSkillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - - if skill.CanUseSkill(selectedSkillIndex): - - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, srcSlotIndex) - return - - mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, srcSlotIndex, selectedSkillIndex) - - else: - - mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectEmptySlot(self, SlotIndex): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - ## ToolTip - def OverInItem(self, slotNumber): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if 0 == self.toolTipSkill: - return - - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(slotNumber) - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(srcSlotIndex) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(srcSlotIndex) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - ## ACTIVE - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - overInSkillGrade = self.__GetSkillGradeFromSlot(slotNumber) - - if overInSkillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1 and skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillNew(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - elif overInSkillGrade == skillGrade: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillNew(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, overInSkillGrade, skillLevel) - else: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillOnlyName(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, overInSkillGrade) - - else: - self.toolTipSkill.SetSkillNew(srcSlotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - def OverOutItem(self): - if 0 != self.toolTipSkill: - self.toolTipSkill.HideToolTip() - - ## Quest - def __SelectQuest(self, slotIndex): - questIndex = quest.GetQuestIndex(self.questShowingStartIndex+slotIndex) - - import event - event.QuestButtonClick(-2147483648 + questIndex) - - def RefreshQuest(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - questCount = quest.GetQuestCount() - questRange = range(quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM) - - if questCount > quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM: - self.questScrollBar.Show() - else: - self.questScrollBar.Hide() - - for i in questRange[:questCount]: - (questName, questIcon, questCounterName, questCounterValue) = quest.GetQuestData(self.questShowingStartIndex+i) - - self.questNameList[i].SetText(questName) - self.questNameList[i].Show() - self.questLastCountList[i].Show() - self.questLastTimeList[i].Show() - - if len(questCounterName) > 0: - self.questLastCountList[i].SetText("%s : %d" % (questCounterName, questCounterValue)) - else: - self.questLastCountList[i].SetText("") - - ## Icon - self.questSlot.SetSlot(i, i, 1, 1, questIcon) - - for i in questRange[questCount:]: - self.questNameList[i].Hide() - self.questLastTimeList[i].Hide() - self.questLastCountList[i].Hide() - self.questSlot.ClearSlot(i) - self.questSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(i) - - self.__UpdateQuestClock() - - def __UpdateQuestClock(self): - if "QUEST" == self.state: - # QUEST_LIMIT_COUNT_BUG_FIX - for i in xrange(min(quest.GetQuestCount(), quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM)): - # END_OF_QUEST_LIMIT_COUNT_BUG_FIX - (lastName, lastTime) = quest.GetQuestLastTime(i) - - clockText = locale.QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME - if len(lastName) > 0: - - if lastTime <= 0: - clockText = locale.QUEST_TIMEOVER - - else: - questLastMinute = lastTime / 60 - questLastSecond = lastTime % 60 - - clockText = lastName + " : " - - if questLastMinute > 0: - clockText += str(questLastMinute) + locale.QUEST_MIN - if questLastSecond > 0: - clockText += " " - - if questLastSecond > 0: - clockText += str(questLastSecond) + locale.QUEST_SEC - - self.questLastTimeList[i].SetText(clockText) - - def __GetStatMinusPoint(self): - POINT_STAT_RESET_COUNT = 112 - return player.GetStatus(POINT_STAT_RESET_COUNT) - - def __OverInStatMinusButton(self, stat): - try: - self.__ShowStatToolTip(self.STAT_MINUS_DESCRIPTION[stat] % self.__GetStatMinusPoint()) - except KeyError: - pass - - self.refreshToolTip = lambda arg=stat: self.__OverInStatMinusButton(arg) - - def __OverOutStatMinusButton(self): - self.__HideStatToolTip() - self.refreshToolTip = 0 - - def __OverInStatButton(self, stat): - try: - self.__ShowStatToolTip(self.STAT_DESCRIPTION[stat]) - except KeyError: - pass - - def __OverOutStatButton(self): - self.__HideStatToolTip() - - def __ShowStatToolTip(self, statDesc): - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(statDesc) - self.toolTip.Show() - - def __HideStatToolTip(self): - self.toolTip.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - self.__UpdateQuestClock() - - ## Skill Process - def __RefreshSkillPage(self, name, slotCount): - global SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST - - skillPage = self.skillPageDict[name] - - startSlotIndex = skillPage.GetStartIndex() - if "ACTIVE" == name: - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - startSlotIndex += slotCount - - getSkillType=skill.GetSkillType - getSkillIndex=player.GetSkillIndex - getSkillGrade=player.GetSkillGrade - getSkillLevel=player.GetSkillLevel - getSkillLevelUpPoint=skill.GetSkillLevelUpPoint - getSkillMaxLevel=skill.GetSkillMaxLevel - for i in xrange(slotCount+1): - - slotIndex = i + startSlotIndex - skillIndex = getSkillIndex(slotIndex) - - for j in xrange(skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT): - skillPage.ClearSlot(self.__GetRealSkillSlot(j, i)) - - if 0 == skillIndex: - continue - - skillGrade = getSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillLevel = getSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillType = getSkillType(skillIndex) - - ## 铰付 胶懦 抗寇 贸府 - if player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING == skillIndex: - if 1 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 19 - elif 2 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 29 - elif 3 == skillGrade: - skillLevel = 40 - - skillPage.SetSkillSlotNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, max(skillLevel-1, 0), skillLevel) - skillPage.SetSlotCount(slotIndex, skillLevel) - - ## ACTIVE - elif skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - for j in xrange(skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT): - realSlotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(j, slotIndex) - skillPage.SetSkillSlotNew(realSlotIndex, skillIndex, j, skillLevel) - skillPage.SetCoverButton(realSlotIndex) - - if (skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT) and j == (skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1): - skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - elif (not self.__CanUseSkillNow()) or (skillGrade != j): - skillPage.SetSlotCount(realSlotIndex, 0) - skillPage.DisableCoverButton(realSlotIndex) - else: - skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - ## 弊寇 - else: - if not SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST or skillIndex in SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST: - realSlotIndex = self.__GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(slotIndex) - skillPage.SetSkillSlot(realSlotIndex, skillIndex, skillLevel) - skillPage.SetSlotCountNew(realSlotIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - if skill.CanUseSkill(skillIndex): - skillPage.SetCoverButton(realSlotIndex) - - skillPage.RefreshSlot() - - - def RefreshSkill(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if self.__IsChangedHorseRidingSkillLevel(): - self.RefreshCharacter() - return - - - global SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL - if SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVE_SKILL: - self.__RefreshSkillPage("ACTIVE", self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT) - else: - self.__RefreshSkillPage("ACTIVE", self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT) - self.__RefreshSkillPage("SUPPORT", self.SUPPORT_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT) - - self.RefreshSkillPlusButtonList() - - def CanShowPlusButton(self, skillIndex, skillLevel, curStatPoint): - - ## 胶懦捞 乐栏搁 - if 0 == skillIndex: - return FALSE - - ## 饭骇诀 炼扒阑 父练茄促搁 - if not skill.CanLevelUpSkill(skillIndex, skillLevel): - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __RefreshSkillPlusButton(self, name): - global HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT - if HIDE_SUPPORT_SKILL_POINT and "SUPPORT" == name: - return - - slotWindow = self.skillPageDict[name] - slotWindow.HideAllSlotButton() - - slotStatType = self.skillPageStatDict[name] - if 0 == slotStatType: - return - - statPoint = player.GetStatus(slotStatType) - startSlotIndex = slotWindow.GetStartIndex() - if "HORSE" == name: - startSlotIndex += self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT - - if statPoint > 0: - for i in xrange(self.PAGE_SLOT_COUNT): - slotIndex = i + startSlotIndex - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotIndex) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - - if skillIndex == 0: - continue - if skillGrade != 0: - continue - - if name == "HORSE": - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) >= skill.GetSkillLevelLimit(skillIndex): - if skillLevel < 20: - slotWindow.ShowSlotButton(self.__GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(slotIndex)) - - else: - if "SUPPORT" == name: - if not SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST or skillIndex in SHOW_LIMIT_SUPPORT_SKILL_LIST: - if self.CanShowPlusButton(skillIndex, skillLevel, statPoint): - slotWindow.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - else: - if self.CanShowPlusButton(skillIndex, skillLevel, statPoint): - slotWindow.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - - - def RefreshSkillPlusButtonList(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - self.RefreshSkillPlusPointLabel() - - if not self.__CanUseSkillNow(): - return - - try: - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - self.__RefreshSkillPlusButton("HORSE") - else: - self.__RefreshSkillPlusButton("ACTIVE") - - self.__RefreshSkillPlusButton("SUPPORT") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.RefreshSkillPlusButtonList.BindObject") - - def RefreshSkillPlusPointLabel(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - activeStatPoint = player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_HORSE) - self.activeSkillPointValue.SetText(str(activeStatPoint)) - - else: - activeStatPoint = player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_ACTIVE) - self.activeSkillPointValue.SetText(str(activeStatPoint)) - - supportStatPoint = max(0, player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_SUPPORT)) - self.supportSkillPointValue.SetText(str(supportStatPoint)) - - ## Skill Level Up Button - def OnPressedSlotButton(self, slotNumber): - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(slotNumber) - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - curLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(srcSlotIndex) - maxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - net.SendChatPacket("/skillup " + str(skillIndex)) - - ## Use Skill - def ClickSkillSlot(self, slotIndex): - - srcSlotIndex = self.__RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(slotIndex) - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(srcSlotIndex) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - if not self.__CanUseSkillNow(): - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - return - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - if skill.CanUseSkill(skillIndex): - player.ClickSkillSlot(srcSlotIndex) - return - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - ## FIXME : 胶懦阑 荤侩沁阑锭 浇吩 锅龋甫 啊瘤绊 秦寸 浇吩阑 茫酒辑 诀单捞飘 茄促. - ## 概快 阂钦府. 备炼 磊眉甫 俺急秦具 且淀. - def OnUseSkill(self, slotIndex, coolTime): - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotIndex) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - ## ACTIVE - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_ACTIVE == skillType: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - slotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(skillGrade, slotIndex) - ## ETC - else: - slotIndex = self.__GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(slotIndex) - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - slotWindow.SetSlotCoolTime(slotIndex, coolTime) - return - - def OnActivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - slotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(skillGrade, slotIndex) - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - slotWindow.ActivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - def OnDeactivateSkill(self, slotIndex): - - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - slotIndex = self.__GetRealSkillSlot(skillGrade, slotIndex) - - for slotWindow in self.skillPageDict.values(): - if slotWindow.HasSlot(slotIndex): - slotWindow.DeactivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - def __ShowJobToolTip(self): - self.toolTipJob.ShowToolTip() - - def __HideJobToolTip(self): - self.toolTipJob.HideToolTip() - - def __SetJobText(self, mainJob, subJob): - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)<5: - subJob=0 - - if 949 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - self.toolTipJob.ClearToolTip() - - try: - jobInfoTitle=locale.JOBINFO_TITLE[mainJob][subJob] - jobInfoData=locale.JOBINFO_DATA_LIST[mainJob][subJob] - except IndexError: - print "uiCharacter.CharacterWindow.__SetJobText(mainJob=%d, subJob=%d)" % (mainJob, subJob) - return - - self.toolTipJob.AutoAppendTextLine(jobInfoTitle) - self.toolTipJob.AppendSpace(5) - - for jobInfoDataLine in jobInfoData: - self.toolTipJob.AutoAppendTextLine(jobInfoDataLine) - - self.toolTipJob.AlignHorizonalCenter() - - def __ShowAlignmentToolTip(self): - self.toolTipAlignment.ShowToolTip() - - def __HideAlignmentToolTip(self): - self.toolTipAlignment.HideToolTip() - - def RefreshCharacter(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - ## Name - try: - characterName = player.GetName() - guildName = player.GetGuildName() - self.characterNameValue.SetText(characterName) - self.guildNameValue.SetText(guildName) - if not guildName: - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(190, 34) - else: - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(109, 34) - - self.guildNameSlot.Hide() - else: - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(143, 34) - else: - self.characterNameSlot.SetPosition(153, 34) - self.guildNameSlot.Show() - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CharacterWindow.RefreshCharacter.BindObject") - - race = net.GetMainActorRace() - group = net.GetMainActorSkillGroup() - empire = net.GetMainActorEmpire() - - ## Job Text - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - self.__SetJobText(job, group) - - ## FaceImage - try: - faceImageName = FACE_IMAGE_DICT[race] - - try: - self.faceImage.LoadImage(faceImageName) - except: - print "CharacterWindow.RefreshCharacter(race=%d, faceImageName=%s)" % (race, faceImageName) - self.faceImage.Hide() - - except KeyError: - self.faceImage.Hide() - - ## GroupName - self.__SetSkillGroupName(race, group) - - ## Skill - if 0 == group: - self.__SelectSkillGroup(0) - - else: - self.__SetSkillSlotData(race, group, empire) - - if self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - self.__SelectSkillGroup(0) - - def __SetSkillGroupName(self, race, group): - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - - if not self.SKILL_GROUP_NAME_DICT.has_key(job): - return - - nameList = self.SKILL_GROUP_NAME_DICT[job] - - if 0 == group: - self.skillGroupButton1.SetText(nameList[1]) - self.skillGroupButton2.SetText(nameList[2]) - self.skillGroupButton1.Show() - self.skillGroupButton2.Show() - self.activeSkillGroupName.Hide() - - else: - - if self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - self.activeSkillGroupName.Hide() - self.skillGroupButton1.SetText(nameList.get(group, "Noname")) - self.skillGroupButton2.SetText(locale.SKILL_GROUP_HORSE) - self.skillGroupButton1.Show() - self.skillGroupButton2.Show() - - else: - self.activeSkillGroupName.SetText(nameList.get(group, "Noname")) - self.activeSkillGroupName.Show() - self.skillGroupButton1.Hide() - self.skillGroupButton2.Hide() - - def __SetSkillSlotData(self, race, group, empire=0): - - ## SkillIndex - playerSettingModule.RegisterSkill(race, group, empire) - - ## Event - self.__SetSkillSlotEvent() - - ## Refresh - self.RefreshSkill() - - def __SelectSkillGroup(self, index): - for btn in self.skillGroupButton: - btn.SetUp() - self.skillGroupButton[index].Down() - - if self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - if 0 == index: - index = net.GetMainActorSkillGroup()-1 - elif 1 == index: - index = self.PAGE_HORSE - - self.curSelectedSkillGroup = index - self.__SetSkillSlotData(net.GetMainActorRace(), index+1, net.GetMainActorEmpire()) - - def __CanUseSkillNow(self): - if 0 == net.GetMainActorSkillGroup(): - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanUseHorseSkill(self): - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING) - - if not slotIndex: - return FALSE - - grade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - level = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - if level < 0: - level *= -1 - if grade >= 1 and level >= 1: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __IsChangedHorseRidingSkillLevel(self): - ret = FALSE - - if -1 == self.canUseHorseSkill: - self.canUseHorseSkill = self.__CanUseHorseSkill() - - if self.canUseHorseSkill != self.__CanUseHorseSkill(): - ret = TRUE - - self.canUseHorseSkill = self.__CanUseHorseSkill() - return ret - - def __GetRealSkillSlot(self, skillGrade, skillSlot): - return skillSlot + min(skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT-1, skillGrade)*skill.SKILL_GRADE_STEP_COUNT - - def __GetETCSkillRealSlotIndex(self, skillSlot): - if skillSlot > 100: - return skillSlot - return skillSlot % self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT - - def __RealSkillSlotToSourceSlot(self, realSkillSlot): - if realSkillSlot > 100: - return realSkillSlot - if self.PAGE_HORSE == self.curSelectedSkillGroup: - return realSkillSlot + self.ACTIVE_PAGE_SLOT_COUNT - return realSkillSlot % skill.SKILL_GRADE_STEP_COUNT - - def __GetSkillGradeFromSlot(self, skillSlot): - return int(skillSlot / skill.SKILL_GRADE_STEP_COUNT) - - def SelectSkillGroup(self, index): - self.__SelectSkillGroup(index) - - def OnQuestScroll(self): - questCount = quest.GetQuestCount() - scrollLineCount = max(0, questCount - quest.QUEST_MAX_NUM) - startIndex = int(scrollLineCount * self.questScrollBar.GetPos()) - - if startIndex != self.questShowingStartIndex: - self.questShowingStartIndex = startIndex - self.RefreshQuest() diff --git a/bin_original/uiChat.py b/bin_original/uiChat.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1453aa3d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiChat.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1169 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import grp -import chat -import wndMgr -import net -import app -import ime -import locale -import colorInfo -import constInfo -import systemSetting - -ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND = TRUE -ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK = TRUE -ENABLE_INSULT_CHECK = TRUE - -if locale.IsHONGKONG(): - ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK = TRUE - -if locale.IsEUROPE(): - ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND = FALSE - -if locale.IsCANADA(): - ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK = FALSE - -chatInputSetList = [] -def InsertChatInputSetWindow(wnd): - global chatInputSetList - chatInputSetList.append(wnd) -def RefreshChatMode(): - global chatInputSetList - map(lambda wnd:wnd.OnRefreshChatMode(), chatInputSetList) -def DestroyChatInputSetWindow(): - global chatInputSetList - chatInputSetList = [] - -## ChatModeButton -class ChatModeButton(ui.Window): - - OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - OVER_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3) - BUTTON_STATE_UP = 0 - BUTTON_STATE_OVER = 1 - BUTTON_STATE_DOWN = 2 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.state = None - self.buttonText = None - self.event = None - self.SetWindowName("ChatModeButton") - - net.EnableChatInsultFilter(ENABLE_INSULT_CHECK) - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SAFE_SetEvent(self, event): - self.event=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SetText(self, text): - if None == self.buttonText: - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.OUTLINE_COLOR) - textLine.Show() - self.buttonText = textLine - - self.buttonText.SetText(text) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - self.width = width - self.height = height - ui.Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_OVER - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_UP - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_DOWN - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_UP - if self.IsIn(): - self.state = self.BUTTON_STATE_OVER - - if None != self.event: - self.event() - - def OnRender(self): - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - grp.SetColor(self.OUTLINE_COLOR) - grp.RenderRoundBox(x, y, self.width, self.height) - - if self.state >= self.BUTTON_STATE_OVER: - grp.RenderRoundBox(x+1, y, self.width-2, self.height) - grp.RenderRoundBox(x, y+1, self.width, self.height-2) - - if self.BUTTON_STATE_DOWN == self.state: - grp.SetColor(self.OVER_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(x+1, y+1, self.width-2, self.height-2) - -## ChatLine -class ChatLine(ui.EditLine): - - CHAT_MODE_NAME = { chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING : locale.CHAT_NORMAL, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY : locale.CHAT_PARTY, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD : locale.CHAT_GUILD, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT : locale.CHAT_SHOUT, } - - def __init__(self): - ui.EditLine.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("Chat Line") - self.lastShoutTime = 0 - self.eventEscape = lambda *arg: None - self.eventReturn = lambda *arg: None - self.eventTab = None - self.chatMode = chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING - self.bCodePage = TRUE - - self.overTextLine = ui.TextLine() - self.overTextLine.SetParent(self) - self.overTextLine.SetPosition(-1, 0) - self.overTextLine.SetFontColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.overTextLine.SetOutline() - self.overTextLine.Hide() - - self.lastSentenceStack = [] - self.lastSentencePos = 0 - - def SetChatMode(self, mode): - self.chatMode = mode - - def GetChatMode(self): - return self.chatMode - - def ChangeChatMode(self): - if chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY) - self.SetText("#") - self.SetEndPosition() - - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD) - self.SetText("%") - self.SetEndPosition() - - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT) - self.SetText("!") - self.SetEndPosition() - - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetChatMode(chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) - self.SetText("") - - self.__CheckChatMark() - - def GetCurrentChatModeName(self): - try: - return self.CHAT_MODE_NAME[self.chatMode] - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ChatLine.GetCurrentChatModeName") - - def SAFE_SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.eventReturn = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SAFE_SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.eventEscape = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SAFE_SetTabEvent(self, event): - self.eventTab = ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def SetTabEvent(self, event): - self.eventTab = event - - def OpenChat(self): - self.SetFocus() - self.__ResetChat() - - def __ClearChat(self): - self.SetText("") - self.lastSentencePos = 0 - - def __ResetChat(self): - if chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetText("#") - self.SetEndPosition() - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetText("%") - self.SetEndPosition() - elif chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT == self.GetChatMode(): - self.SetText("!") - self.SetEndPosition() - else: - self.__ClearChat() - - self.__CheckChatMark() - - - def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): -# if text[0] == '/': -# if ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND or constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE: -# pass -# else: -# return - - if net.IsChatInsultIn(text): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) - else: - net.SendChatPacket(text, type) - - def __SendPartyChatPacket(self, text): - - if 1 == len(text): - self.RunCloseEvent() - return - - self.__SendChatPacket(text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY) - self.__ResetChat() - - def __SendGuildChatPacket(self, text): - - if 1 == len(text): - self.RunCloseEvent() - return - - self.__SendChatPacket(text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD) - self.__ResetChat() - - def __SendShoutChatPacket(self, text): - - if 1 == len(text): - self.RunCloseEvent() - return - - if app.GetTime() < self.lastShoutTime + 15: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT) - self.__ResetChat() - return - - self.__SendChatPacket(text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT) - self.__ResetChat() - - self.lastShoutTime = app.GetTime() - - def __SendTalkingChatPacket(self, text): - self.__SendChatPacket(text, chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) - self.__ResetChat() - - def OnIMETab(self): - #if None != self.eventTab: - # self.eventTab() - #return TRUE - return FALSE - - def OnIMEUpdate(self): - ui.EditLine.OnIMEUpdate(self) - self.__CheckChatMark() - - def __CheckChatMark(self): - - self.overTextLine.Hide() - - text = self.GetText() - if len(text) > 0: - if '#' == text[0]: - self.overTextLine.SetText("#") - self.overTextLine.Show() - elif '%' == text[0]: - self.overTextLine.SetText("%") - self.overTextLine.Show() - elif '!' == text[0]: - self.overTextLine.SetText("!") - self.overTextLine.Show() - - def OnIMEKeyDown(self, key): - # LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if app.VK_UP == key: - self.__PrevLastSentenceStack() - return TRUE - - if app.VK_DOWN == key: - self.__NextLastSentenceStack() - return TRUE - # END_OF_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - - ui.EditLine.OnIMEKeyDown(self, key) - - # LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - def __PrevLastSentenceStack(self): - global ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if not ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK: - return - - if self.lastSentenceStack and self.lastSentencePos < len(self.lastSentenceStack): - self.lastSentencePos += 1 - lastSentence = self.lastSentenceStack[-self.lastSentencePos] - self.SetText(lastSentence) - self.SetEndPosition() - - def __NextLastSentenceStack(self): - global ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if not ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK: - return - - if self.lastSentenceStack and self.lastSentencePos > 1: - self.lastSentencePos -= 1 - lastSentence = self.lastSentenceStack[-self.lastSentencePos] - self.SetText(lastSentence) - self.SetEndPosition() - - def __PushLastSentenceStack(self, text): - global ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - if not ENABLE_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK: - return - - if len(text) <= 0: - return - - LAST_SENTENCE_STACK_SIZE = 32 - if len(self.lastSentenceStack) > LAST_SENTENCE_STACK_SIZE: - self.lastSentenceStack.pop(0) - - self.lastSentenceStack.append(text) - # END_OF_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - text = self.GetText() - textLen=len(text) - - # LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - self.__PushLastSentenceStack(text) - # END_OF_LAST_SENTENCE_STACK - - textSpaceCount=text.count(' ') - - if (textLen > 0) and (textLen != textSpaceCount): - if '#' == text[0]: - self.__SendPartyChatPacket(text) - elif '%' == text[0]: - self.__SendGuildChatPacket(text) - elif '!' == text[0]: - self.__SendShoutChatPacket(text) - else: - self.__SendTalkingChatPacket(text) - else: - self.__ClearChat() - self.eventReturn() - - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.__ClearChat() - self.eventEscape() - return TRUE - - def RunCloseEvent(self): - self.eventEscape() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - else: - ui.EditLine.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self) - -class ChatInputSet(ui.Window): - - CHAT_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("ChatInputSet") - - InsertChatInputSetWindow(self) - self.__Create() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def __Create(self): - chatModeButton = ChatModeButton() - chatModeButton.SetParent(self) - chatModeButton.SetSize(40, 17) - chatModeButton.SetText(locale.CHAT_NORMAL) - chatModeButton.SetPosition(7, 2) - chatModeButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.OnChangeChatMode) - self.chatModeButton = chatModeButton - - chatLine = ChatLine() - chatLine.SetParent(self) - chatLine.SetMax(512) - chatLine.SetUserMax(76) - chatLine.SetText("") - chatLine.SAFE_SetTabEvent(self.OnChangeChatMode) - chatLine.x = 0 - chatLine.y = 0 - chatLine.width = 0 - chatLine.height = 0 - self.chatLine = chatLine - - btnSend = ui.Button() - btnSend.SetParent(self) - btnSend.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Chat_Button_01.sub") - btnSend.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Chat_Button_02.sub") - btnSend.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Chat_Button_03.sub") - btnSend.SetToolTipText(locale.CHAT_SEND_CHAT) - btnSend.SAFE_SetEvent(self.chatLine.OnIMEReturn) - self.btnSend = btnSend - - def Destroy(self): - self.chatModeButton = None - self.chatLine = None - self.btnSend = None - - def Open(self): - self.chatLine.Show() - self.chatLine.SetPosition(57, 5) - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - self.chatLine.OpenChat() - - self.chatModeButton.SetPosition(7, 2) - self.chatModeButton.Show() - - self.btnSend.Show() - self.Show() - - self.RefreshPosition() - return TRUE - - def Close(self): - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - self.chatLine.Hide() - self.chatModeButton.Hide() - self.btnSend.Hide() - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def SetEscapeEvent(self, event): - self.chatLine.SetEscapeEvent(event) - - def SetReturnEvent(self, event): - self.chatLine.SetReturnEvent(event) - - def OnChangeChatMode(self): - RefreshChatMode() - - def OnRefreshChatMode(self): - self.chatLine.ChangeChatMode() - self.chatModeButton.SetText(self.chatLine.GetCurrentChatModeName()) - - def SetChatFocus(self): - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - - def KillChatFocus(self): - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - - def SetChatMax(self, max): - self.chatLine.SetUserMax(max) - - def RefreshPosition(self): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.chatLine.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 93, 18) - else: - self.chatLine.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 93, 13) - - self.btnSend.SetPosition(self.GetWidth() - 25, 2) - - (self.chatLine.x, self.chatLine.y, self.chatLine.width, self.chatLine.height) = self.chatLine.GetRect() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.chatLine.BindInterface(interface) - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.chatLine.GetRect() - ui.RenderRoundBox(x-4, y-3, width+7, height+4, self.CHAT_OUTLINE_COLOR) - -## ChatWindow -class ChatWindow(ui.Window): - - BOARD_START_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - BOARD_END_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8) - BOARD_MIDDLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) - CHAT_OUTLINE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT = 25 - CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH = 600 - - class ChatBackBoard(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - class ChatButton(ui.DragButton): - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("float") - self.AddFlag("movable") - self.AddFlag("restrict_x") - self.topFlag = FALSE - self.SetWindowName("ChatWindow:ChatButton") - - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def SetOwner(self, owner): - self.owner = owner - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.VSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def OnTop(self): - if TRUE == self.topFlag: - return - - self.topFlag = TRUE - self.owner.SetTop() - self.topFlag = FALSE - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.SetWindowName("ChatWindow") - self.__RegisterChatColorDict() - - self.boardState = chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW - self.chatID = chat.CreateChatSet(chat.CHAT_SET_CHAT_WINDOW) - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW) - - self.xBar = 0 - self.yBar = 0 - self.widthBar = 0 - self.heightBar = 0 - self.curHeightBar = 0 - self.visibleLineCount = 0 - self.scrollBarPos = 1.0 - self.scrollLock = FALSE - - chatInputSet = ChatInputSet() - chatInputSet.SetParent(self) - chatInputSet.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseChat)) - chatInputSet.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseChat)) - chatInputSet.SetSize(550, 25) - self.chatInputSet = chatInputSet - - btnSendWhisper = ui.Button() - btnSendWhisper.SetParent(self) - btnSendWhisper.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Whisper_Button_01.sub") - btnSendWhisper.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Whisper_Button_02.sub") - btnSendWhisper.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Send_Whisper_Button_03.sub") - btnSendWhisper.SetToolTipText(locale.CHAT_SEND_MEMO) - btnSendWhisper.Hide() - self.btnSendWhisper = btnSendWhisper - - btnChatLog = ui.Button() - btnChatLog.SetParent(self) - btnChatLog.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Open_Chat_Log_Button_01.sub") - btnChatLog.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Open_Chat_Log_Button_02.sub") - btnChatLog.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/Open_Chat_Log_Button_03.sub") - btnChatLog.SetToolTipText(locale.CHAT_LOG) - btnChatLog.Hide() - self.btnChatLog = btnChatLog - - btnChatSizing = self.ChatButton() - btnChatSizing.SetOwner(self) - btnChatSizing.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Refresh)) - btnChatSizing.Hide() - self.btnChatSizing = btnChatSizing - - imgChatBarLeft = ui.ImageBox() - imgChatBarLeft.SetParent(self.btnChatSizing) - imgChatBarLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgChatBarLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chat_bar_left.tga") - imgChatBarLeft.Show() - self.imgChatBarLeft = imgChatBarLeft - imgChatBarRight = ui.ImageBox() - imgChatBarRight.SetParent(self.btnChatSizing) - imgChatBarRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgChatBarRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chat_bar_right.tga") - imgChatBarRight.Show() - self.imgChatBarRight = imgChatBarRight - imgChatBarMiddle = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - imgChatBarMiddle.SetParent(self.btnChatSizing) - imgChatBarMiddle.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgChatBarMiddle.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chat_bar_middle.tga") - imgChatBarMiddle.Show() - self.imgChatBarMiddle = imgChatBarMiddle - - scrollBar = ui.ScrollBar() - scrollBar.AddFlag("float") - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.scrollBar = scrollBar - - self.Refresh() - self.chatInputSet.RefreshPosition() # RTL 矫 困摹甫 力措肺 棱栏妨搁 困摹 盎脚捞 鞘夸窍促 - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def __RegisterChatColorDict(self): - CHAT_COLOR_DICT = { - chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_TALK, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_INFO, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_NOTICE, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_PARTY, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_GUILD, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_COMMAND, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_SHOUT, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER : colorInfo.CHAT_RGB_WHISPER, - } - - for colorItem in CHAT_COLOR_DICT.items(): - type=colorItem[0] - rgb=colorItem[1] - chat.SetChatColor(type, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - - def Destroy(self): - self.chatInputSet.Destroy() - self.chatInputSet = None - - self.btnSendWhisper = 0 - self.btnChatLog = 0 - self.btnChatSizing = 0 - - ################ - ## Open & Close - def OpenChat(self): - self.SetSize(self.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 25) - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT) - self.boardState = chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT - - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - (btnX, btnY) = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, y - btnY - self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT + 100) - - if self.IsShow(): - self.btnChatSizing.Show() - - self.Refresh() - - self.btnSendWhisper.SetPosition(self.GetWidth() - 50, 2) - self.btnSendWhisper.Show() - - self.btnChatLog.SetPosition(self.GetWidth() - 25, 2) - self.btnChatLog.Show() - - self.chatInputSet.Open() - self.chatInputSet.SetTop() - self.SetTop() - - def CloseChat(self): - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW) - self.boardState = chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW - - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - - self.SetSize(self.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 0) - - self.chatInputSet.Close() - self.btnSendWhisper.Hide() - self.btnChatLog.Hide() - self.btnChatSizing.Hide() - - self.Refresh() - - def SetSendWhisperEvent(self, event): - self.btnSendWhisper.SetEvent(event) - - def SetOpenChatLogEvent(self, event): - self.btnChatLog.SetEvent(event) - - def IsEditMode(self): - if chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT == self.boardState: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __RefreshSizingBar(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - gxChat, gyChat = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - self.btnChatSizing.SetPosition(x, gyChat) - self.btnChatSizing.SetSize(width, 22) - self.imgChatBarLeft.SetPosition(0, 0) - self.imgChatBarRight.SetPosition(width - 64, 0) - self.imgChatBarMiddle.SetPosition(64, 0) - self.imgChatBarMiddle.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float(width - 128) / 64.0 - 1.0, 0.0) - - def SetPosition(self, x, y): - ui.Window.SetPosition(self, x, y) - self.__RefreshSizingBar() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - self.__RefreshSizingBar() - - def SetHeight(self, height): - gxChat, gyChat = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - self.btnChatSizing.SetPosition(gxChat, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - height) - - ########### - ## Refresh - def Refresh(self): - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - self.RefreshBoardEditState() - elif self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW: - self.RefreshBoardViewState() - - def RefreshBoardEditState(self): - - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - (btnX, btnY) = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.xBar = x - self.yBar = btnY - self.widthBar = width - self.heightBar = y - btnY + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - self.curHeightBar = self.heightBar - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, y - btnY - self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - chat.ArrangeShowingChat(self.chatID) - - if btnY > y: - self.btnChatSizing.SetPosition(btnX, y) - self.heightBar = self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - - def RefreshBoardViewState(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - (btnX, btnY) = self.btnChatSizing.GetGlobalPosition() - textAreaHeight = self.visibleLineCount * chat.GetLineStep(self.chatID) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, y - btnY - self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT + 100) - - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - textAreaHeight += 45 - elif self.visibleLineCount != 0: - textAreaHeight += 10 + 10 - - self.xBar = x - self.yBar = y + self.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - textAreaHeight - self.widthBar = width - self.heightBar = textAreaHeight - - self.scrollBar.Hide() - - ########## - ## Render - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - chat.Update(self.chatID) - elif self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW: - if systemSetting.IsViewChat(): - chat.Update(self.chatID) - - def OnRender(self): - if chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) != self.visibleLineCount: - self.visibleLineCount = chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) - self.Refresh() - - if self.curHeightBar != self.heightBar: - self.curHeightBar += (self.heightBar - self.curHeightBar) / 10 - - if self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_EDIT: - grp.SetColor(self.BOARD_MIDDLE_COLOR) - grp.RenderBar(self.xBar, self.yBar + (self.heightBar - self.curHeightBar) + 10, self.widthBar, self.curHeightBar) - chat.Render(self.chatID) - elif self.boardState == chat.BOARD_STATE_VIEW: - if systemSetting.IsViewChat(): - grp.RenderGradationBar(self.xBar, self.yBar + (self.heightBar - self.curHeightBar), self.widthBar, self.curHeightBar, self.BOARD_START_COLOR, self.BOARD_END_COLOR) - chat.Render(self.chatID) - - ########## - ## Event - def OnTop(self): - self.btnChatSizing.SetTop() - self.scrollBar.SetTop() - - def OnScroll(self): - if not self.scrollLock: - self.scrollBarPos = self.scrollBar.GetPos() - - lineCount = chat.GetLineCount(self.chatID) - visibleLineCount = chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) - endLine = visibleLineCount + int(float(lineCount - visibleLineCount) * self.scrollBarPos) - - chat.SetEndPos(self.chatID, self.scrollBarPos) - - def OnChangeChatMode(self): - self.chatInputSet.OnChangeChatMode() - - def SetChatFocus(self): - self.chatInputSet.SetChatFocus() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.chatInputSet.BindInterface(interface) - -## ChatLogWindow -class ChatLogWindow(ui.Window): - - BLOCK_WIDTH = 32 - CHAT_MODE_NAME = ( locale.CHAT_NORMAL, locale.CHAT_PARTY, locale.CHAT_GUILD, locale.CHAT_SHOUT, locale.CHAT_INFORMATION, locale.CHAT_NOTICE, ) - CHAT_MODE_INDEX = ( chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, - chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, ) - - CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH = 450 - CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 120 - - class ResizeButton(ui.DragButton): - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.HVSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __init__(self): - - self.allChatMode = TRUE - self.chatInputSet = None - - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("float") - self.AddFlag("movable") - self.SetWindowName("ChatLogWindow") - self.__CreateChatInputSet() - self.__CreateWindow() - self.__CreateButton() - self.__CreateScrollBar() - - self.chatID = chat.CreateChatSet(chat.CHAT_SET_LOG_WINDOW) - chat.SetBoardState(self.chatID, chat.BOARD_STATE_LOG) - for i in self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX: - chat.EnableChatMode(self.chatID, i) - - self.SetPosition(20, 20) - self.SetSize(self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH, self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT) - self.btnSizing.SetPosition(self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH-self.btnSizing.GetWidth(), self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT-self.btnSizing.GetHeight()+2) - - self.OnResize() - - def __CreateChatInputSet(self): - chatInputSet = ChatInputSet() - chatInputSet.SetParent(self) - chatInputSet.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - chatInputSet.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - chatInputSet.Open() - self.chatInputSet = chatInputSet - - def __CreateWindow(self): - imgLeft = ui.ImageBox() - imgLeft.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgLeft.SetParent(self) - - imgCenter = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - imgCenter.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgCenter.SetParent(self) - - imgRight = ui.ImageBox() - imgRight.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgRight.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - imgLeft.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_center.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_right.tga") - else: - imgLeft.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chatlogwindow_titlebar_left.tga") - imgCenter.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chatlogwindow_titlebar_middle.tga") - imgRight.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/chatlogwindow_titlebar_right.tga") - - imgLeft.Show() - imgCenter.Show() - imgRight.Show() - - btnClose = ui.Button() - btnClose.SetParent(self) - btnClose.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub") - btnClose.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub") - btnClose.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub") - btnClose.SetToolTipText(locale.UI_CLOSE, 0, -23) - btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - btnClose.Show() - - btnSizing = self.ResizeButton() - btnSizing.SetParent(self) - btnSizing.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnResize)) - btnSizing.SetSize(16, 16) - btnSizing.Show() - - titleName = ui.TextLine() - titleName.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - titleName.SetPosition(self.GetWidth()-20, 6) - else: - titleName.SetPosition(20, 6) - - titleName.SetText(locale.CHAT_LOG_TITLE) - titleName.Show() - - self.imgLeft = imgLeft - self.imgCenter = imgCenter - self.imgRight = imgRight - self.btnClose = btnClose - self.btnSizing = btnSizing - self.titleName = titleName - - def __CreateButton(self): - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - bx = 20 - else: - bx = 13 - - btnAll = ui.RadioButton() - btnAll.SetParent(self) - btnAll.SetPosition(bx, 24) - btnAll.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_01.sub") - btnAll.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_02.sub") - btnAll.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_03.sub") - btnAll.SetText(locale.CHAT_ALL) - btnAll.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleAllChatMode)) - btnAll.Down() - btnAll.Show() - self.btnAll = btnAll - - x = bx + 48 - i = 0 - self.modeButtonList = [] - for name in self.CHAT_MODE_NAME: - btn = ui.ToggleButton() - btn.SetParent(self) - btn.SetPosition(x, 24) - btn.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_01.sub") - btn.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_02.sub") - btn.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/xsmall_button_03.sub") - btn.SetText(name) - btn.Show() - - mode = self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX[i] - btn.SetToggleUpEvent(lambda arg=mode: self.ToggleChatMode(arg)) - btn.SetToggleDownEvent(lambda arg=mode: self.ToggleChatMode(arg)) - self.modeButtonList.append(btn) - - x += 48 - i += 1 - - def __CreateScrollBar(self): - scrollBar = ui.SmallThinScrollBar() - scrollBar.SetParent(self) - scrollBar.Show() - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.scrollBar = scrollBar - self.scrollBarPos = 1.0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.imgLeft = None - self.imgCenter = None - self.imgRight = None - self.btnClose = None - self.btnSizing = None - self.modeButtonList = [] - self.scrollBar = None - self.chatInputSet = None - - def ToggleAllChatMode(self): - if self.allChatMode: - return - - self.allChatMode = TRUE - - for i in self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX: - chat.EnableChatMode(self.chatID, i) - for btn in self.modeButtonList: - btn.SetUp() - - def ToggleChatMode(self, mode): - if self.allChatMode: - self.allChatMode = FALSE - for i in self.CHAT_MODE_INDEX: - chat.DisableChatMode(self.chatID, i) - chat.EnableChatMode(self.chatID, mode) - self.btnAll.SetUp() - - else: - chat.ToggleChatMode(self.chatID, mode) - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - self.imgCenter.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, float((width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH*2) - self.BLOCK_WIDTH) / self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0.0) - self.imgCenter.SetPosition(self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - self.imgRight.SetPosition(width - self.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.titleName.SetPosition(self.GetWidth()-20, 3) - self.btnClose.SetPosition(3, 3) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(1, 45) - else: - self.btnClose.SetPosition(width - self.btnClose.GetWidth() - 5, 5) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width - 15, 45) - - self.scrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(height - 45 - 12) - self.scrollBar.SetPos(self.scrollBarPos) - ui.Window.SetSize(self, width, height) - - def Open(self): - self.OnResize() - self.chatInputSet.SetChatFocus() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - if self.chatInputSet: - self.chatInputSet.KillChatFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnResize(self): - x, y = self.btnSizing.GetLocalPosition() - width = self.btnSizing.GetWidth() - height = self.btnSizing.GetHeight() - - if x < self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH - width: - self.btnSizing.SetPosition(self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_WIDTH - width, y) - return - if y < self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT - height: - self.btnSizing.SetPosition(x, self.CHAT_LOG_WINDOW_MINIMUM_HEIGHT - height) - return - - self.scrollBar.LockScroll() - self.SetSize(x + width, y + height) - self.scrollBar.UnlockScroll() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.chatInputSet.SetPosition(20, 25) - else: - self.chatInputSet.SetPosition(0, 25) - - self.chatInputSet.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 20, 20) - self.chatInputSet.RefreshPosition() - self.chatInputSet.SetChatMax(self.GetWidth() / 8) - - def OnScroll(self): - self.scrollBarPos = self.scrollBar.GetPos() - - lineCount = chat.GetLineCount(self.chatID) - visibleLineCount = chat.GetVisibleLineCount(self.chatID) - endLine = visibleLineCount + int(float(lineCount - visibleLineCount) * self.scrollBarPos) - - chat.SetEndPos(self.chatID, self.scrollBarPos) - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y, width, height) = self.GetRect() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x+2, y+45, 13, height-45) - - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, width, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff525552) - grp.RenderBox(x, y, width-2, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff000000) - grp.RenderBox(x+1, y+1, width-2, height) - - grp.SetColor(0xff989898) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-13, y+height-1, 11, -11) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-9, y+height-1, 7, -7) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-5, y+height-1, 3, -3) - else: - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x+width-15, y+45, 13, height-45) - - grp.SetColor(0x77000000) - grp.RenderBar(x, y, width, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff525552) - grp.RenderBox(x, y, width-2, height) - grp.SetColor(0xff000000) - grp.RenderBox(x+1, y+1, width-2, height) - - grp.SetColor(0xff989898) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-13, y+height-1, 11, -11) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-9, y+height-1, 7, -7) - grp.RenderLine(x+width-5, y+height-1, 3, -3) - - ##### - - chat.ArrangeShowingChat(self.chatID) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + width - 10, y + height - 25) - else: - chat.SetPosition(self.chatID, x + 10, y + height - 25) - - chat.SetHeight(self.chatID, height - 45 - 25) - chat.Update(self.chatID) - chat.Render(self.chatID) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - diff --git a/bin_original/uiCommon.py b/bin_original/uiCommon.py deleted file mode 100644 index ff7c7f97..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiCommon.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,419 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import locale -import app -import ime -import uiScriptLocale - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - self.acceptEvent = lambda *arg: None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.message = self.GetChild("message") - self.accceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.accceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - def Open(self): - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - self.acceptEvent() - - def Destroy(self): - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - def SetWidth(self, width): - height = self.GetHeight() - self.SetSize(width, height) - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.UpdateRect() - - def SetText(self, text): - self.message.SetText(text) - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptEvent = event - - def SetButtonName(self, name): - self.accceptButton.SetText(ButtonName) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class InputDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/inputdialog.py") - - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - - def Open(self): - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.cancelButton = None - self.inputSlot = None - self.inputValue = None - self.Hide() - - def SetTitle(self, name): - self.board.SetTitleName(name) - - def SetNumberMode(self): - self.inputValue.SetNumberMode() - - def SetSecretMode(self): - self.inputValue.SetSecret() - - def SetFocus(self): - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - - def SetMaxLength(self, length): - width = length * 6 + 10 - self.SetBoardWidth(max(width + 50, 160)) - self.SetSlotWidth(width) - self.inputValue.SetMax(length) - - def SetSlotWidth(self, width): - self.inputSlot.SetSize(width, self.inputSlot.GetHeight()) - self.inputValue.SetSize(width, self.inputValue.GetHeight()) - if self.IsRTL(): - self.inputValue.SetPosition(self.inputValue.GetWidth(), 0) - - def SetBoardWidth(self, width): - self.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight()) - self.board.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight()) - if self.IsRTL(): - self.board.SetPosition(self.board.GetWidth(), 0) - self.UpdateRect() - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnIMEReturn = event - - def SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.board.SetCloseEvent(event) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnPressEscapeKey = event - - def GetText(self): - return self.inputValue.GetText() - -class InputDialogWithDescription(InputDialog): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - InputDialog.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsARABIC() : - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "inputdialogwithdescription.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/inputdialogwithdescription.py") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - self.description = getObject("Description") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InputDialogWithDescription.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject") - - def SetDescription(self, text): - self.description.SetText(text) - -class InputDialogWithDescription2(InputDialog): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - InputDialog.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/inputdialogwithdescription2.py") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - self.description1 = getObject("Description1") - self.description2 = getObject("Description2") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InputDialogWithDescription.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject") - - def SetDescription1(self, text): - self.description1.SetText(text) - - def SetDescription2(self, text): - self.description2.SetText(text) - -class QuestionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.textLine = self.GetChild("message") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel") - - def Open(self): - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def SetWidth(self, width): - height = self.GetHeight() - self.SetSize(width, height) - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.UpdateRect() - - def SAFE_SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event) - - def SAFE_SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.cancelButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event) - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event) - - def SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def SetAcceptText(self, text): - self.acceptButton.SetText(text) - - def SetCancelText(self, text): - self.cancelButton.SetText(text) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class QuestionDialog2(QuestionDialog): - - def __init__(self): - QuestionDialog.__init__(self) - self.__CreateDialog() - - def __del__(self): - QuestionDialog.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.textLine1 = self.GetChild("message1") - self.textLine2 = self.GetChild("message2") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel") - - def SetText1(self, text): - self.textLine1.SetText(text) - - def SetText2(self, text): - self.textLine2.SetText(text) - -class QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit(QuestionDialog2): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__CreateDialog() - self.endTime = 0 - - def __del__(self): - QuestionDialog2.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.textLine1 = self.GetChild("message1") - self.textLine2 = self.GetChild("message2") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel") - - def Open(self, msg, timeout): - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - self.SetText1(msg) - self.endTime = app.GetTime() + timeout - - def OnUpdate(self): - leftTime = max(0, self.endTime - app.GetTime()) - self.SetText2(locale.UI_LEFT_TIME % (leftTime)) - -class MoneyInputDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.moneyHeaderText = locale.MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE - self.__CreateDialog() - self.SetMaxLength(9) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __CreateDialog(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/moneyinputdialog.py") - - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton") - self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton") - self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue") - self.inputValue.SetNumberMode() - self.inputValue.OnIMEUpdate = ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnValueUpdate) - self.moneyText = getObject("MoneyValue") - - def Open(self): - self.inputValue.SetText("") - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - self.__OnValueUpdate() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.cancelButton = None - self.inputValue = None - self.Hide() - - def SetTitle(self, name): - self.board.SetTitleName(name) - - def SetFocus(self): - self.inputValue.SetFocus() - - def SetMaxLength(self, length): - length = min(9, length) - self.inputValue.SetMax(length) - - def SetMoneyHeaderText(self, text): - self.moneyHeaderText = text - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnIMEReturn = event - - def SetCancelEvent(self, event): - self.board.SetCloseEvent(event) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event) - self.inputValue.OnPressEscapeKey = event - - def SetValue(self, value): - value=str(value) - self.inputValue.SetText(value) - self.__OnValueUpdate() - ime.SetCursorPosition(len(value)) - - - def GetText(self): - return self.inputValue.GetText() - - def __OnValueUpdate(self): - ui.EditLine.OnIMEUpdate(self.inputValue) - - text = self.inputValue.GetText() - - money = 0 - if text and text.isdigit(): - try: - money = int(text) - except ValueError: - money = 199999999 - - self.moneyText.SetText(self.moneyHeaderText + locale.NumberToMoneyString(money)) diff --git a/bin_original/uiCube.py b/bin_original/uiCube.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3c562f9d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiCube.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,600 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import mouseModule -import player -import snd -import locale -import item -import grp -import uiScriptLocale -import uiToolTip - -class CubeResultWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CubeResultWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeResultWindow.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - self.btnClose = GetObject("CloseButton") - self.cubeSlot = GetObject("CubeSlot") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.cubeSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverInItem)) - self.cubeSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverOutItem)) - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.itemVnum = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.titleBar = None - self.btnClose = None - self.cubeSlot = None - self.tooltipItem = None - self.itemVnum = 0 - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SetCubeResultItem(self, itemVnum, count): - self.itemVnum = itemVnum - - if 0 == count: - count = 1 - - self.cubeSlot.SetItemSlot(0, itemVnum, count) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnCloseButtonClick(self): - self.Close() - - def __OnOverInItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - if 0 != self.itemVnum: - self.tooltipItem.SetItemToolTip(self.itemVnum) - - def __OnOverOutItem(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - if 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - return TRUE - - -class CubeWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.xShopStart = 0 - self.yShopStart = 0 - self.isUsable = FALSE - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CubeWindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeWindow.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board = GetObject("board") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - self.btnAccept = GetObject("AcceptButton") - self.btnCancel = GetObject("CancelButton") - self.cubeSlot = GetObject("CubeSlot") - self.needMoney = GetObject("NeedMoney") - self.contentScrollbar = GetObject("contentScrollbar") - self.resultSlots = [GetObject("result1"), GetObject("result2"), GetObject("result3")] - self.materialSlots = [ - [GetObject("material11"), GetObject("material12"), GetObject("material13"), GetObject("material14"), GetObject("material15")], - [GetObject("material21"), GetObject("material22"), GetObject("material23"), GetObject("material24"), GetObject("material25")], - [GetObject("material31"), GetObject("material32"), GetObject("material33"), GetObject("material34"), GetObject("material35")], - ] - - - row = 0 - for materialRow in self.materialSlots: - j = 0 - for material in materialRow: - material.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda trash = 0, rowIndex = row, col = j: self.__OverInMaterialSlot(trash, rowIndex, col)) - material.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(lambda trash = 0, rowIndex = row, col = j: self.__OnSelectMaterialSlot(trash, rowIndex, col)) - material.SetOverOutItemEvent(lambda : self.__OverOutMaterialSlot()) - j = j + 1 - row = row + 1 - - row = 0 - for resultSlot in self.resultSlots: - resultSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda trash = 0, rowIndex = row: self.__OverInCubeResultSlot(trash, rowIndex)) - resultSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(lambda : self.__OverOutMaterialSlot()) - row = row + 1 - - - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CubeWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.contentScrollbar.SetScrollStep(0.15) - self.contentScrollbar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScrollResultList)) - self.cubeSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectEmptySlot)) - self.cubeSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectItemSlot)) - self.cubeSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverInItem)) - self.cubeSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOverOutItem)) - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.btnCancel.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - self.btnAccept.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnAcceptButtonClick)) - - self.cubeItemInfo = {} - self.cubeResultInfos = [] - self.cubeMaterialInfos = {} - - self.tooltipItem = None - - self.firstSlotIndex = 0 - self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT = len(self.resultSlots) - self.SLOT_SIZEX = 32 - self.SLOT_SIZEY = 32 - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX = 8 - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTY = 3 - - def SetItemToolTip(self, itemTooltip): - self.tooltipItem = itemTooltip - - def GetResultCount(self): - return len(self.cubeResultInfos) - - def OnScrollResultList(self): - count = self.GetResultCount() - scrollLineCount = max(0, count - self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT) - startIndex = int(scrollLineCount * self.contentScrollbar.GetPos()) - - if startIndex != self.firstSlotIndex: - self.firstSlotIndex = startIndex - self.Refresh() - - def AddCubeResultItem(self, itemVnum, count): - self.cubeResultInfos.append((itemVnum, count)) - #self.Refresh() - - def AddMaterialInfo(self, itemIndex, orderIndex, itemVnum, itemCount): - if itemIndex not in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - self.cubeMaterialInfos[itemIndex] = [[], [], [], [], []] - - self.cubeMaterialInfos[itemIndex][orderIndex].append((itemVnum, itemCount)) - #print "AddMaterialInfo", itemIndex, orderIndex, itemVnum, itemCount, self.cubeMaterialInfos - - def ClearCubeResultItem(self): - self.cubeResultInfos = [] - self.Refresh() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.titleBar = None - self.btnAccept = None - self.btnCancel = None - self.cubeSlot = None - self.tooltipItem = None - self.needMoney = None - - def __OverOutMaterialSlot(self): - self.tooltipItem.SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(TRUE) - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def __OverInCubeResultSlot(self, trash, resultIndex): - self.tooltipItem.ClearToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(TRUE) - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(0) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append((0, 0)) - - #print "resultIndex, firstSlotIndex", resultIndex, self.firstSlotIndex - - resultIndex = resultIndex + self.firstSlotIndex - itemVnum, itemCount = self.cubeResultInfos[resultIndex] - - self.tooltipItem.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - - # 犁丰甫 努腐窍搁 牢亥配府俊辑 秦寸 酒捞袍阑 茫酒辑 殿废窃. - def __OnSelectMaterialSlot(self, trash, resultIndex, materialIndex): - resultIndex = resultIndex + self.firstSlotIndex - if resultIndex not in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - return - - materialInfo = self.cubeMaterialInfos[resultIndex] - materialCount = len(materialInfo[materialIndex]) - - if 0 == materialCount: - return - - for itemVnum, itemCount in materialInfo[materialIndex]: - bAddedNow = FALSE # 捞锅俊 努腐窃栏肺结 酒捞袍捞 眠啊登菌唱? - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - itemSizeX, itemSizeY = item.GetItemSize() - - # 力炼俊 鞘夸茄 父怒狼 犁丰甫 啊瘤绊 乐绰啊? - if player.GetItemCountByVnum(itemVnum) >= itemCount: - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT): - vnum = player.GetItemIndex(i) - count= player.GetItemCount(i) - - if vnum == itemVnum and count >= itemCount: - # 捞固 鞍篮 酒捞袍捞 殿废登绢 乐绰瘤 八荤窍绊, 绝促搁 眠啊窃 - bAlreadyExists = FALSE - for slotPos, invenPos in self.cubeItemInfo.items(): - if invenPos == i: - bAlreadyExists = TRUE - - if TRUE == bAlreadyExists: - continue #continue inventory iterating - - #print "Cube Status : ", self.cubeItemInfo - - # 咯扁 柳涝窍搁 钮宏俊 殿废登瘤 臼篮 酒捞袍捞骨肺, 后 钮宏 浇吩俊 秦寸 酒捞袍 眠啊 - bCanAddSlot = FALSE - for slotPos in xrange(self.cubeSlot.GetSlotCount()): - # 捞 钮宏 浇吩捞 厚绢乐绰啊? - if not slotPos in self.cubeItemInfo: - upperColumnItemSizeY = -1 - currentSlotLine = int(slotPos / self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX) - cubeColumn = int(slotPos % self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX) - - - # 父距 钮宏俊 3沫楼府 酒捞袍捞 殿废登绢 乐促搁, 捞 凯(column)篮 歹 捞惑 杭 巴档 绝捞 逞绢埃促 - if cubeColumn in self.cubeItemInfo: - columnVNUM = player.GetItemIndex(self.cubeItemInfo[cubeColumn]) - item.SelectItem(columnVNUM) - columnItemSizeX, columnItemSizeY = item.GetItemSize() - - if 3 == columnItemSizeY: - continue #continue cube slot iterating - - if 0 < currentSlotLine and slotPos - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX in self.cubeItemInfo: - upperColumnVNUM = player.GetItemIndex(self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos - self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX]) - item.SelectItem(upperColumnVNUM) - columnItemSizeX, upperColumnItemSizeY = item.GetItemSize() - - # 1沫楼府 酒捞袍篮 官肺 拉临俊 茄沫楼府 酒捞袍捞 乐绢具 窃 - if 1 == itemSizeY: - if 0 == currentSlotLine: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - elif 1 == currentSlotLine and 1 == upperColumnItemSizeY: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - elif 2 == currentSlotLine: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - # 2沫楼府 酒捞袍篮 困酒贰啊 厚绢乐绢具 窃 - elif 2 == itemSizeY: - if 0 == currentSlotLine and not cubeColumn + self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX in self.cubeItemInfo: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - elif 1 == currentSlotLine and 1 == upperColumnItemSizeY and not cubeColumn + (self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX * 2) in self.cubeItemInfo: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - # 3沫楼府 酒捞袍篮 秦寸 Column 磊眉啊 葛滴 厚绢乐绢具 窃 - else: - if not cubeColumn in self.cubeItemInfo and not cubeColumn + self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX in self.cubeItemInfo and not cubeColumn + (self.CUBE_SLOT_COUNTX * 2) in self.cubeItemInfo: - bCanAddSlot = TRUE - - if TRUE == bCanAddSlot: - self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] = i - self.cubeSlot.SetItemSlot(slotPos, vnum, count) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube add %d %d" % (slotPos, i)) - - bAddedNow = TRUE - - if TRUE == bAddedNow: - break #break cube slot iterating - - if TRUE == bAddedNow: - break #break inventory iterating - - if TRUE == bAddedNow: - break #break material iterating - - - - def __OverInMaterialSlot(self, trash, resultIndex, col): - self.tooltipItem.ClearToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(FALSE) - - resultIndex = resultIndex + self.firstSlotIndex - - if resultIndex not in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - return - - i = 0 - materialInfo = self.cubeMaterialInfos[resultIndex] - materialCount = len(materialInfo[col]) - - for itemVnum, count in materialInfo[col]: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - if player.GetItemCountByVnum(itemVnum) >= count: - self.tooltipItem.AppendTextLine("%s" % (item.GetItemName()), grp.GenerateColor(0.5411, 0.7254, 0.5568, 1.0)).SetFeather() - else: - self.tooltipItem.AppendTextLine("%s" % (item.GetItemName()), grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0)).SetFeather() - - if i < materialCount - 1: - self.tooltipItem.AppendTextLine(uiScriptLocale.CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR) - - i = i + 1 - - self.tooltipItem.Show() - - - def Open(self): - self.cubeItemInfo = {} - self.cubeResultInfos = [] - self.cubeMaterialInfos = {} - - self.Refresh() - self.Show() - - self.isUsable = TRUE - (self.xShopStart, self.yShopStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - def UpdateInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count): - if self.needMoney: - self.needMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(gold)) - - self.Refresh() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.__OnCloseButtonClick() - return TRUE - - def Close(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.Hide() - self.cubeItemInfo = {} - self.cubeMaterialInfos = {} - self.cubeResultInfos = {} - self.firstSlotIndex = 0 - self.contentScrollbar.SetPos(0) - - if self.needMoney: - self.needMoney.SetText("0") - - def Clear(self): - self.Refresh() - - def Refresh(self): - for slotPos in xrange(self.cubeSlot.GetSlotCount()): - - if not slotPos in self.cubeItemInfo: - self.cubeSlot.ClearSlot(slotPos) - continue - - invenPos = self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(invenPos) - if itemCount > 0: - self.cubeSlot.SetItemSlot(slotPos, player.GetItemIndex(invenPos), itemCount) - else: - del self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] - self.cubeSlot.ClearSlot(slotPos) - - i = 0 - for itemVnum, count in self.cubeResultInfos[self.firstSlotIndex:]: - currentSlot = self.resultSlots[i] - - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - - currentSlot.SetItemSlot(0, itemVnum, count) - currentSlot.Show() - - # Center Align - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - sizeX, sizeY = item.GetItemSize() - localX, localY = currentSlot.GetLocalPosition() - - currentSlot.SetSize(self.SLOT_SIZEX, self.SLOT_SIZEY * sizeY) - - adjustLocalY = 0 - if sizeY < 3: - adjustLocalY = int(32 / sizeY) - - currentSlot.SetPosition(localX, 0 + adjustLocalY) - - i = i + 1 - if 3 <= i: - break - - #print "self.cubeMaterialInfos : ", self.cubeMaterialInfos - if self.firstSlotIndex in self.cubeMaterialInfos: - for i in xrange(self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT): - materialList = self.cubeMaterialInfos[self.firstSlotIndex + i] - #print "Refresh ::: ", materialList - j = 0 - for materialInfo in materialList: - if 0 < len(materialInfo): - currentSlot = self.materialSlots[i][j] - itemVnum, itemCount = materialInfo[0] - currentSlot.SetItemSlot(0, itemVnum, itemCount) - j = j + 1 - - # Center Align - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - sizeX, sizeY = item.GetItemSize() - localX, localY = currentSlot.GetLocalPosition() - - currentSlot.SetSize(self.SLOT_SIZEX, self.SLOT_SIZEY * sizeY) - - adjustLocalY = 0 - if sizeY < 3: - adjustLocalY = int(32 / sizeY) - - currentSlot.SetPosition(localX, 0 + adjustLocalY) - - for k in xrange(5): - if k >= j: - self.materialSlots[i][k].ClearSlot(0) - - if self.RESULT_SLOT_COUNT <= i: - break - - self.cubeSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def __OnCloseButtonClick(self): - if self.isUsable: - self.isUsable = FALSE - - print "钮宏 摧扁" - net.SendChatPacket("/cube close") - - self.Close() - - def __OnAcceptButtonClick(self): - if len(self.cubeItemInfo) == 0: - "后 钮宏" - return - - print "钮宏 力累 矫累" - #for invenPos in self.cubeItemInfo.values(): - # net.SendChatPacket("/cube add " + str(invenPos)) - net.SendChatPacket("/cube make") - - def __OnSelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY != attachedSlotType: - return - - for slotPos, invenPos in self.cubeItemInfo.items(): - if invenPos == attachedSlotPos: - del self.cubeItemInfo[slotPos] - - self.cubeItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] = attachedSlotPos - net.SendChatPacket("/cube add %d %d" % (selectedSlotPos, attachedSlotPos)) - - self.Refresh() - - def __OnSelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - if not selectedSlotPos in self.cubeItemInfo: - return - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - net.SendChatPacket("/cube del %d " % selectedSlotPos) - del self.cubeItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - - self.Refresh() - - def __OnOverInItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - if self.cubeItemInfo.has_key(slotIndex): - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(self.cubeItemInfo[slotIndex]) - - def __OnOverOutItem(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnUpdate(self): - USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.yShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.__OnCloseButtonClick() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import uiToolTip - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - - self.tooltipItem = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - self.tooltipItem.Hide() - - self.cubeWindow = CubeWindow() - self.cubeWindow.LoadWindow() - self.cubeWindow.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.cubeWindow.Open() - - self.cubeResultWindow = CubeResultWindow() - self.cubeResultWindow.LoadWindow() - self.cubeResultWindow.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem) - self.cubeResultWindow.SetCubeResultItem(27001, 1) - self.cubeResultWindow.Open() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/uiDragonSoul.py b/bin_original/uiDragonSoul.py deleted file mode 100644 index 93f81216..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiDragonSoul.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1313 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import mouseModule -import net -import app -import snd -import item -import chat -import grp -import uiScriptLocale -import uiRefine -import uiAttachMetin -import uiPickMoney -import uiCommon -import uiPrivateShopBuilder -import locale -import constInfo -import ime -import uiInventory -import sys -ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE = 1 << 14 - -# 侩去籍 Vnum俊 措茄 comment -# ITEM VNUM阑 10父 磊府何磐, FEDCBA扼绊 茄促搁 -# FE : 侩去籍 辆幅. D : 殿鞭 -# C : 窜拌 B : 碍拳 -# A : 咯国狼 锅龋甸... - -class DragonSoulWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - KIND_TAP_TITLES = [uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_1, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_2, - uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_3, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_4, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_5, uiScriptLocale.DRAGONSOUL_TAP_TITLE_6] - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.questionDialog = None - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.isActivated = FALSE - self.DSKindIndex = 0 - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.deckPageIndex = 0 - self.inventoryPageIndex = 0 - self.SetWindowName("DragonSoulWindow") - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - self.isLoaded = 1 - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "dragonsoulwindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("dragonsoulwindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - try: - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board = self.GetChild("Equipment_Base") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_01") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_02") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_03") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_04") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_05") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - self.board = self.GetChild("Tab_06") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - - wndItem = self.GetChild("ItemSlot") - wndEquip = self.GetChild("EquipmentSlot") - self.activateButton = self.GetChild("activate") - self.deckTab = [] - self.deckTab.append(self.GetChild("deck1")) - self.deckTab.append(self.GetChild("deck2")) - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_01")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_02")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_03")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_04")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_05")) - self.tabDict = { - 0 : self.GetChild("Tab_01"), - 1 : self.GetChild("Tab_02"), - 2 : self.GetChild("Tab_03"), - 3 : self.GetChild("Tab_04"), - 4 : self.GetChild("Tab_05"), - 5 : self.GetChild("Tab_06"), - } - self.tabButtonDict = { - 0 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_01"), - 1 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_02"), - 2 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_03"), - 3 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_04"), - 4 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_05"), - 5 : self.GetChild("Tab_Button_06"), - } - self.tabText = self.GetChild("tab_text_area") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - ## DragonSoul Kind Tap - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - tabButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SetDSKindIndex), tabKey) - ## Item - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - - ## Equipment - wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptyEquipSlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEquipItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseEquipItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseEquipItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInEquipItem)) - wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutEquipItem)) - - ## Deck - self.deckTab[0].SetToggleDownEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetDeckPage(arg)) - self.deckTab[1].SetToggleDownEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetDeckPage(arg)) - self.deckTab[0].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda arg=0: self.__DeckButtonDown(arg)) - self.deckTab[1].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda arg=1: self.__DeckButtonDown(arg)) - self.deckTab[0].Down() - ## Grade button - self.inventoryTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[2].SetEvent(lambda arg=2: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[3].SetEvent(lambda arg=3: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[4].SetEvent(lambda arg=4: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[0].Down() - ## Etc - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.wndEquip = wndEquip - - self.dlgQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - self.dlgQuestion.Close() - - self.activateButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ActivateButtonClick)) - self.activateButton.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ActivateButtonClick)) - self.wndPopupDialog = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - - ## - self.listHighlightedSlot = [] - - ## Refresh - self.SetInventoryPage(0) - self.RefreshItemSlot() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - self.SetDSKindIndex(0) - self.activateButton.Enable() - self.deckTab[self.deckPageIndex].Down() - self.activateButton.SetUp() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndItem = 0 - self.wndEquip = 0 - self.activateButton = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.mallButton = None - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.deckTab = [] - self.equipmentTab = [] - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - - def Close(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - self.Hide() - - def __DeckButtonDown(self, deck): - self.deckTab[deck].Down() - - def SetInventoryPage(self, page): - if self.inventoryPageIndex != page: - self.__HighlightSlot_ClearCurrentPage() - self.inventoryPageIndex = page - self.inventoryTab[(page+1)%5].SetUp() - self.inventoryTab[(page+2)%5].SetUp() - self.inventoryTab[(page+3)%5].SetUp() - self.inventoryTab[(page+4)%5].SetUp() - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def RefreshItemSlot(self): - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def RefreshEquipSlotWindow(self): - for i in xrange(6): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) - self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i, itemVnum, 0) - self.wndEquip.EnableSlot(player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - - if itemVnum != 0: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - for j in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(j) - - # 关俊辑 remain_time捞 0捞窍牢瘤 眉农 窍扁 锭巩俊 烙狼狼 剧荐肺 檬扁拳 - remain_time = 999 - # 老窜 泅犁 鸥捞赣绰 捞 技俺 挥捞促. - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - elif item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - - if remain_time <= 0: - self.wndEquip.DisableSlot(player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - break - - self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshStatus(self): - self.RefreshItemSlot() - - def __InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(self, window_type, local_slot_pos): - if player.INVENTORY == window_type: - return self.deckPageIndex * player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_FIRST_SIZE + local_slot_pos - - return (self.DSKindIndex * 5 * player.DRAGON_SOUL_PAGE_SIZE) + self.inventoryPageIndex * player.DRAGON_SOUL_PAGE_SIZE + local_slot_pos - - def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVnum=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - for i in xrange(player.DRAGON_SOUL_PAGE_SIZE): - self.wndItem.EnableSlot(i) - #<- dragon soul kind - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, i) - - itemCount = getItemCount(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber) - if 0 == itemCount: - self.wndItem.ClearSlot(i) - continue - elif 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - itemVnum = getItemVNum(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber) - - setItemVnum(i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - if itemVnum != 0: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - for j in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(j) - - # 关俊辑 remain_time捞 澜荐牢瘤 眉农 窍扁 锭巩俊 烙狼狼 剧荐肺 檬扁拳 - remain_time = 999 - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - elif item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - - if remain_time <= 0: - self.wndItem.DisableSlot(i) - break - - self.__HighlightSlot_RefreshCurrentPage() - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - def ShowToolTip(self, window_type, slotIndex): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - if player.INVENTORY == window_type: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(slotIndex) - else: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(slotIndex, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnTop(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetTop() - - # item slot 包访 窃荐 - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): - self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(overSlotPos) - overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - try: - self.listHighlightedSlot.remove(overSlotPos) - except: - pass - - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - self.ShowToolTip(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - - def __UseItem(self, slotIndex): - ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - if 0 == player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex, 0): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EXPIRED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - return - - self.__EquipItem(slotIndex) - - def __EquipItem(self, slotIndex): - ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - item.SelectItem(ItemVNum) - subType = item.GetItemSubType() - equipSlotPos = player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + self.deckPageIndex * player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_FIRST_SIZE + subType - srcItemPos = (player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - dstItemPos = (player.INVENTORY, equipSlotPos) - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(TRUE, srcItemPos, dstItemPos) - - def SelectItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.RESERVED_WINDOW != attachedInvenType: - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount) - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - print "__debug", selectedSlotPos - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - mouseModule.mouseController.RunCallBack("INVENTORY") - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - net.SendShopBuyPacket(attachedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType: - if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex: - net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - net.SendSafeboxCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL == attachedSlotType: - net.SendMallCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - - elif player.RESERVED_WINDOW != attachedInvenType: - if player.IsDSEquipmentSlot(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos): - srcItemPos = (attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - dstItemPos = (player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(FALSE, srcItemPos, dstItemPos) - else: - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos, attachedCount) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - return - slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex) - try: - # 侩去籍 碍拳芒捞 凯妨乐栏搁, 酒捞袍 快努腐 矫 磊悼栏肺 碍拳芒栏肺 甸绢皑. - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.AutoSetItem((player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, slotIndex), 1) - return - except: - pass - - self.__UseItem(slotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.OverOutItem() - - def __SendMoveItemPacket(self, srcSlotWindow, srcSlotPos, dstSlotWindow, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemMovePacket(srcSlotWindow , srcSlotPos, dstSlotWindow, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount) - - # equip 浇吩 包访 窃荐甸. - def OverOutEquipItem(self): - self.OverOutItem() - - def OverInEquipItem(self, overSlotPos): - overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - self.ShowToolTip(player.INVENTORY, overSlotPos) - - def UseEquipItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - return - - slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, slotIndex) - - self.__UseEquipItem(slotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.OverOutEquipItem() - - def __UseEquipItem(self, slotIndex): - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(FALSE, (player.INVENTORY, slotIndex), (1, 1)) - - - def SelectEquipItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - # 磊扁 磊脚阑 磊扁 磊脚俊霸 靛贰弊窍绰 版快 - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType and itemSlotIndex == attachedSlotPos: - return - - attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.RESERVED_WINDOW != attachedInvenType: - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - else: - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(player.INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount) - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def SelectEmptyEquipSlot(self, selectedSlot): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, selectedSlot) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - if 0 == player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, attachedSlotPos, 0): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EXPIRED) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - return - - item.SelectItem(attachedItemIndex) - subType = item.GetItemSubType() - if subType != (selectedSlot - player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNMATCHED_SLOT) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - else: - srcItemPos = (player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, attachedSlotPos) - dstItemPos = (player.INVENTORY, selectedSlotPos) - self.__OpenQuestionDialog(TRUE, srcItemPos, dstItemPos) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - # equip 浇吩 包访 窃荐甸 场. - - # 版绊芒 包访 - def __OpenQuestionDialog(self, Equip, srcItemPos, dstItemPos): - self.srcItemPos = srcItemPos - self.dstItemPos = dstItemPos - - self.dlgQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__Accept)) - self.dlgQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__Cancel)) - - if Equip: - self.dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING1) - self.dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIP_WARNING2) - else: - self.dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING1) - self.dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_UNEQUIP_WARNING2) - - self.dlgQuestion.Open() - - def __Accept(self): - if (-1, -1) == self.dstItemPos: - net.SendItemUsePacket(*srcItemPos) - else: - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(*(self.srcItemPos + self.dstItemPos + (0,))) - self.dlgQuestion.Close() - - def __Cancel(self): - self.srcItemPos = (0, 0) - self.dstItemPos = (0, 0) - self.dlgQuestion.Close() - - # 版绊芒 包访 场 - - def SetDSKindIndex(self, kindIndex): - if self.DSKindIndex != kindIndex: - self.__HighlightSlot_ClearCurrentPage() - - self.DSKindIndex = kindIndex - - for (tabKey, tabButton) in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if kindIndex!=tabKey: - tabButton.SetUp() - - for tabValue in self.tabDict.itervalues(): - tabValue.Hide() - - self.tabDict[kindIndex].Show() - self.tabText.SetText(DragonSoulWindow.KIND_TAP_TITLES[kindIndex]) - - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - - def SetDeckPage(self, page): - if page == self.deckPageIndex: - return - - if self.isActivated: - self.DeactivateDragonSoul() - net.SendChatPacket("/dragon_soul deactivate") - self.deckPageIndex = page - self.deckTab[page].Down() - self.deckTab[(page+1)%2].SetUp() - - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - # 侩去籍 劝己拳 包访 - def ActivateDragonSoulByExtern(self, deck): - self.isActivated = TRUE - self.activateButton.Down() - self.deckPageIndex = deck - self.deckTab[deck].Down() - self.deckTab[(deck+1)%2].SetUp() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def DeactivateDragonSoul(self): - self.isActivated = FALSE - self.activateButton.SetUp() - - def ActivateButtonClick(self): - self.isActivated = self.isActivated ^ TRUE - if self.isActivated: - if self.__CanActivateDeck(): - net.SendChatPacket("/dragon_soul activate " + str(self.deckPageIndex)) - else: - self.isActivated = FALSE - self.activateButton.SetUp() - else: - net.SendChatPacket("/dragon_soul deactivate") - - def __CanActivateDeck(self): - canActiveNum = 0 - for i in xrange(6): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.INVENTORY, player.DRAGON_SOUL_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i) - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) - - if itemVnum != 0: - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - isNoLimit = TRUE - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - # LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR绰 家南0俊 巢篮 矫埃阑 冠绰促. - # LIMIT_REAL_TIME篮 矫埃 促 登搁 酒捞袍捞 荤扼瘤骨肺 且 鞘夸啊 绝促. - # LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE绰 辑滚俊 力措肺 沥狼登瘤 臼酒 老窜 忱敌促. - if item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - isNoLimit = FALSE - remain_time = player.GetItemMetinSocket(player.INVENTORY, slotNumber, 0) - if 0 != remain_time: - canActiveNum += 1 - break - # 鸥捞赣啊 绝促搁 Activate且 荐 乐绰 侩去籍. - if isNoLimit: - canActiveNum += 1 - - return canActiveNum > 0 - - # 劝己拳 包访 场 - - # 浇吩 highlight 包访 - def __HighlightSlot_ClearCurrentPage(self): - for i in xrange(self.wndItem.GetSlotCount()): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, i) - if slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: - self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) - self.listHighlightedSlot.remove(slotNumber) - - def __HighlightSlot_RefreshCurrentPage(self): - for i in xrange(self.wndItem.GetSlotCount()): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, i) - if slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: - self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) - - def HighlightSlot(self, slot): - if not slot in self.listHighlightedSlot: - self.listHighlightedSlot.append (slot) - # 浇吩 highlight 包访 场 - - def SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self, wndDragonSoulRefine): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - from _weakref import proxy - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = proxy(wndDragonSoulRefine) - -## 碍拳且 荐 绝绰 版快 朝府绰 抗寇 -#class DragonSoulRefineException(Exception): - #pass - -class DragonSoulRefineWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - REFINE_TYPE_GRADE, REFINE_TYPE_STEP, REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH = xrange(3) - DS_SUB_HEADER_DIC = { - REFINE_TYPE_GRADE : player.DS_SUB_HEADER_DO_UPGRADE, - REFINE_TYPE_STEP : player.DS_SUB_HEADER_DO_IMPROVEMENT, - REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH : player.DS_SUB_HEADER_DO_REFINE - } - REFINE_STONE_SLOT, DRAGON_SOUL_SLOT = xrange(2) - - INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO = -1 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.refineChoiceButtonDict = None - self.doRefineButton = None - self.wndMoney = None - self.SetWindowName("DragonSoulRefineWindow") - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - self.isLoaded = 1 - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "dragonsoulrefinewindow.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("dragonsoulrefinewindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - try: - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board = self.GetChild("DragonSoulRefineWindowBaseImage") - self.board.SetScale(-1.0, 1.0) - self.board.SetRenderingRect(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) - - wndRefineSlot = self.GetChild("RefineSlot") - wndResultSlot = self.GetChild("ResultSlot") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict = { - self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE : self.GetChild("GradeButton"), - self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP: self.GetChild("StepButton"), - self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH : self.GetChild("StrengthButton"), - } - self.doRefineButton = self.GetChild("DoRefineButton") - self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money_Slot") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DragonSoulRefineWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - - ## Item Slots - wndRefineSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverInRefineItem)) - wndRefineSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverOutItem)) - wndRefineSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineEmptySlot)) - wndRefineSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineItemSlot)) - wndRefineSlot.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineItemSlot)) - wndRefineSlot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectRefineItemSlot)) - - wndResultSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverInResultItem)) - wndResultSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OverOutItem)) - self.wndRefineSlot = wndRefineSlot - self.wndResultSlot = wndResultSlot - - ## Button - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__ToggleDownGradeButton) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__ToggleDownStepButton) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__ToggleDownStrengthButton) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__ToggleUpButton(self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__ToggleUpButton(self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH].SetToggleUpEvent(lambda : self.__ToggleUpButton(self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH)) - self.doRefineButton.SetEvent(self.__PressDoRefineButton) - - ## Dialog - self.wndPopupDialog = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE - self.refineItemInfo = {} - self.resultItemInfo = {} - self.currentRecipe = {} - - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].Down() - - self.__Initialize() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndItem = 0 - self.wndEquip = 0 - self.activateButton = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.mallButton = None - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.deckTab = [] - self.equipmentTab = [] - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - - def Close(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - player.SendDragonSoulRefine(player.DRAGON_SOUL_REFINE_CLOSE) - self.Hide() - - def Show(self): - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE].Down() - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP].SetUp() - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH].SetUp() - - self.Refresh() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - # 滚瓢 喘妨 乐绰 惑怕甫 力寇茄 葛电 碍拳芒 包访 函荐甸阑 檬扁拳. - def __Initialize(self): - self.currentRecipe = {} - self.refineItemInfo = {} - self.resultItemInfo = {} - - if self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = 2 - else: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = 1 - - for i in xrange(self.refineSlotLockStartIndex): - self.wndRefineSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(i) - - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - - def __FlushRefineItemSlot(self): - ## Item slot settings - # 盔贰 牢亥狼 酒捞袍 墨款飘 雀汗 - for invenType, invenPos, itemCount in self.refineItemInfo.values(): - remainCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, remainCount + itemCount) - self.__Initialize() - - def __ToggleUpButton(self, idx): - #if self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE == self.currentRefineType: - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[idx].Down() - - def __ToggleDownGradeButton(self): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE == self.currentRefineType: - return - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.currentRefineType].SetUp() - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - self.Refresh() - - def __ToggleDownStepButton(self): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP == self.currentRefineType: - return - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.currentRefineType].SetUp() - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - self.Refresh() - - def __ToggleDownStrengthButton(self): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - return - self.refineChoiceButtonDict[self.currentRefineType].SetUp() - self.currentRefineType = self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH - self.__FlushRefineItemSlot() - self.Refresh() - - def __PopUp(self, message): - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(message) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - - def __SetItem(self, (invenType, invenPos), dstSlotIndex, itemCount): - - if dstSlotIndex >= self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - return FALSE - - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - maxCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - - if itemCount > maxCount: - raise Exception, ("Invalid attachedItemCount(%d). (base pos (%d, %d), base itemCount(%d))" % (itemCount, invenType, invenPos, maxCount)) - #return FALSE - - # strength 碍拳老 版快, 0锅浚 碍拳籍, 1锅浚 侩去籍阑 初档废 碍力窃. - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - if self.__IsDragonSoul(itemVnum): - dstSlotIndex = 1 - else: - dstSlotIndex = 0 - - # 后 浇吩捞绢具窃. - if dstSlotIndex in self.refineItemInfo: - return FALSE - - # 碍拳芒俊 棵副 荐 乐绰 酒捞袍牢瘤 八荤. - if FALSE == self.__CheckCanRefine(itemVnum): - return FALSE - - # 缠绢促 初篮 酒捞袍 墨款飘父怒 盔贰 磊府狼 酒捞袍 墨款飘 皑家 - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, maxCount - itemCount) - self.refineItemInfo[dstSlotIndex] = (invenType, invenPos, itemCount) - self.Refresh() - - return TRUE - - # 碍拳 啊瓷茄 酒捞袍牢瘤 眉农 - # 侩去籍 碍拳绰 碍拳 饭矫乔甫 沥秦初绊 矫累窍绰 巴捞 酒聪扼, - # 贸澜俊 碍拳芒俊 棵赴 侩去籍俊 狼秦 碍拳 饭矫乔啊 搬沥等促. - # 弊贰辑 __CanRefineGrade, __CanRefineStep, __CanRefineStrength 窃荐俊辑 - # 碍拳 饭矫乔啊 绝促搁(贸澜 棵府绰 酒捞袍捞扼搁), 碍拳 饭矫乔甫 汲沥秦林绰 开且档 茄促. - def __CheckCanRefine(self, vnum): - if self.REFINE_TYPE_GRADE == self.currentRefineType: - return self.__CanRefineGrade(vnum) - - elif self.REFINE_TYPE_STEP == self.currentRefineType: - return self.__CanRefineStep(vnum) - - elif self.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - return self.__CanRefineStrength(vnum) - - else: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanRefineGrade (self, vnum): - ds_info = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO == ds_info: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - - if self.currentRecipe: - ds_type, grade, step, strength = ds_info - cur_refine_ds_type, cur_refine_grade, cur_refine_step, cur_refine_strength = self.currentRecipe["ds_info"] - if not (cur_refine_ds_type == ds_type and cur_refine_grade == grade): - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - # 碍拳 芒俊 贸澜 酒捞袍阑 棵府绰 版快, 碍拳 犁丰俊 包茄 沥焊啊 绝促. - # 侩去籍 碍拳啊, 饭矫乔甫 啊瘤绊 矫累窍绰 巴捞 酒聪扼, 碍拳芒俊 贸澜 棵府绰 酒捞袍捞 公均捞衬俊 蝶扼, - # 公均阑 碍拳窍绊, 犁丰啊 公均牢瘤(捞窍 饭矫乔)啊 沥秦柳促. - # 饭矫乔啊 绝促搁, 贸澜 棵赴 酒捞袍捞扼 积阿窍绊, vnum阑 官帕栏肺 饭矫乔甫 悸泼. - else: - self.currentRecipe = self.__GetRefineGradeRecipe(vnum) - - if self.currentRecipe: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = self.currentRecipe["need_count"] - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(self.currentRecipe["fee"])) - return TRUE - else: - # 碍拳 沥焊 悸泼俊 角菩窍搁 棵副 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍栏肺 魄窜. - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE) - return FALSE - - def __CanRefineStep (self, vnum): - ds_info = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO == ds_info: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - - if self.currentRecipe: - ds_type, grade, step, strength = ds_info - cur_refine_ds_type, cur_refine_grade, cur_refine_step, cur_refine_strength = self.currentRecipe["ds_info"] - if not (cur_refine_ds_type == ds_type and cur_refine_grade == grade and cur_refine_step == step): - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - # 碍拳 芒俊 贸澜 酒捞袍阑 棵府绰 版快, 犁丰俊 包茄 沥焊啊 绝促. - # 侩去籍 碍拳啊, 饭矫乔甫 啊瘤绊 矫累窍绰 巴捞 酒聪扼, 碍拳芒俊 贸澜 棵府绰 酒捞袍捞 公均捞衬俊 蝶扼, - # 公均阑 碍拳窍绊, 犁丰啊 公均牢瘤(捞窍 饭矫乔)啊 沥秦柳促. - # 饭矫乔啊 绝促搁, 贸澜 棵赴 酒捞袍捞扼 积阿窍绊, vnum阑 官帕栏肺 饭矫乔甫 悸泼. - else: - self.currentRecipe = self.__GetRefineStepRecipe(vnum) - - if self.currentRecipe: - self.refineSlotLockStartIndex = self.currentRecipe["need_count"] - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(self.currentRecipe["fee"])) - return TRUE - - else: - # 碍拳 沥焊 悸泼俊 角菩窍搁 棵副 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍栏肺 魄窜. - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE) - return FALSE - - def __CanRefineStrength (self, vnum): - # 侩去籍牢 版快, 歹 捞惑 strength 碍拳甫 且 荐 绝绰瘤 眉农秦具窃. - if self.__IsDragonSoul(vnum): - ds_type, grade, step, strength = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - if strength >= dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["strength_max_table"][grade][step]: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_CANNOT_REFINE_MORE) - return FALSE - - else: - return TRUE - - # strength 碍拳狼 版快, refine_recipe啊 侩去籍狼 辆幅啊 酒囱, 碍拳籍狼 辆幅俊 蝶扼 崔扼柳促. - # 蝶扼辑 侩去籍捞 酒聪扼搁, - # 捞固 饭矫乔啊 乐绰 版快绰, 碍拳籍捞 碍拳芒俊 乐促绰 巴捞骨肺, return FALSE - # 饭矫乔啊 绝绰 版快绰, 碍拳籍牢瘤 犬牢窍绊, 饭矫乔甫 悸泼茄促. - else: - if self.currentRecipe: - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_IS_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL) - return FALSE - else: - refineRecipe = self.__GetRefineStrengthInfo(vnum) - if refineRecipe: - self.currentRecipe = refineRecipe - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(self.currentRecipe["fee"])) - return TRUE - else: - # 饭矫乔甫 悸泼且 荐 绝绰 版快 - self.__PopUp(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_DRAGON_SOUL_REFINE_STONE) - return FALSE - - def __GetRefineGradeRecipe (self, vnum): - ds_type, grade, step, strength = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - try: - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - - return { - "ds_info" : (ds_type, grade, step, strength), - "need_count" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["grade_need_count"][grade], - "fee" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["grade_fee"][grade] - } - except: - return None - - def __GetRefineStepRecipe (self, vnum): - ds_type, grade, step, strength = self.__GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(vnum) - try: - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - - return { - "ds_info" : (ds_type, grade, step, strength), - "need_count" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["step_need_count"][step], - "fee" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.dragon_soul_refine_info[ds_type]["step_fee"][step] - } - except: - return None - - # strength 碍拳狼 版快, refineInfo绰 碍拳籍俊 蝶扼 崔扼柳促. - def __GetRefineStrengthInfo (self, itemVnum): - try: - # 捞仇狼 困摹甫 绢骂窍瘤.... - # 碍拳籍捞 酒聪搁 救凳. - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - if not (item.ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL == item.GetItemType() \ - and (item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_NORMAL <= item.GetItemSubType() and item.GetItemSubType() <= item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_HOLLY)): - return None - - import dragon_soul_refine_settings - return { "fee" : dragon_soul_refine_settings.strength_fee[item.GetItemSubType()] } - except: - return None - - def __IsDragonSoul(self, vnum): - item.SelectItem(vnum) - return item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_DS - - # 侩去籍 Vnum俊 措茄 comment - # ITEM VNUM阑 10父 磊府何磐, FEDCBA扼绊 茄促搁 - # FE : 侩去籍 辆幅. D : 殿鞭 - # C : 窜拌 B : 碍拳 - # A : 咯国狼 锅龋甸... - def __GetDragonSoulTypeInfo(self, vnum): - if not self.__IsDragonSoul(vnum): - return DragonSoulRefineWindow.INVALID_DRAGON_SOUL_INFO - ds_type = vnum / 10000 - grade = vnum % 10000 /1000 - step = vnum % 1000 / 100 - strength = vnum % 100 / 10 - - return (ds_type, grade, step, strength) - - def __MakeDragonSoulVnum(self, ds_type, grade, step, strength): - return ds_type * 10000 + grade * 1000 + step * 100 + strength * 10 - - ## 后 浇吩 急琶 Event - def __SelectRefineEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - try: - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - if selectedSlotPos >= self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - - if player.INVENTORY == attachedInvenType and player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedSlotPos): - return - - if player.INVENTORY != attachedInvenType and player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY != attachedInvenType: - return - - if TRUE == self.__SetItem((attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos), selectedSlotPos, attachedItemCount): - self.Refresh() - - except Exception, e: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Exception : __SelectRefineEmptySlot, %s" % e) - - # 努腐栏肺 浇吩俊辑 昏力. - def __SelectRefineItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - try: - if not selectedSlotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - # 货肺款 酒捞袍阑 碍拳芒俊 棵府绰 累诀. - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - - if player.INVENTORY == attachedInvenType and player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedSlotPos): - return - - if player.INVENTORY != attachedInvenType and player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY != attachedInvenType: - return - - self.AutoSetItem((attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos), 1) - return - elif mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, attachedItemCount = self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - selectedItemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - - # 碍拳芒俊辑 昏力 棺 盔贰 牢亥狼 酒捞袍 墨款飘 雀汗 - invenType, invenPos, itemCount = self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - remainCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, remainCount + itemCount) - del self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - - # 碍拳芒捞 厚菌促搁, 檬扁拳 - if not self.refineItemInfo: - self.__Initialize() - else: - item.SelectItem(selectedItemVnum) - # 绝矩 酒捞袍捞 碍拳籍捞菌促搁 碍拳 饭乔矫 檬扁拳 - if (item.ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL == item.GetItemType() \ - and (item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_NORMAL <= item.GetItemSubType() and item.GetItemSubType() <= item.MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_HOLLY)): - self.currentRecipe = {} - self.wndMoney.SetText(localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(0)) - # 侩去籍捞菌促搁, - # strength碍拳啊 酒囱 版快, 碍拳芒俊 促弗 侩去籍捞 巢酒乐栏骨肺, 饭矫乔甫 檬扁拳窍搁 救凳. - # strength碍拳狼 版快, 碍拳 饭矫乔绰 碍拳籍俊 辆加等 巴捞骨肺 促弗 贸府且 鞘夸啊 绝澜. - else: - pass - - except Exception, e: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Exception : __SelectRefineItemSlot, %s" % e) - - self.Refresh() - - def __OverInRefineItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.refineItemInfo.has_key(slotIndex): - inven_type, inven_pos, item_count = self.refineItemInfo[slotIndex] - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(inven_pos, inven_type) - - def __OverInResultItem(self, slotIndex): - if self.resultItemInfo.has_key(slotIndex): - inven_type, inven_pos, item_count = self.resultItemInfo[slotIndex] - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(inven_pos, inven_type) - - def __OverOutItem(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def __PressDoRefineButton(self): - for i in xrange(self.refineSlotLockStartIndex): - if not i in self.refineItemInfo: - self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(locale.DRAGON_SOUL_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - self.wndPopupDialog.Open() - - return - - player.SendDragonSoulRefine(DragonSoulRefineWindow.DS_SUB_HEADER_DIC[self.currentRefineType], self.refineItemInfo) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def Refresh(self): - self.__RefreshRefineItemSlot() - self.__ClearResultItemSlot() - - def __RefreshRefineItemSlot(self): - try: - for slotPos in xrange(self.wndRefineSlot.GetSlotCount()): - self.wndRefineSlot.ClearSlot(slotPos) - if slotPos < self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - # self.refineItemInfo[slotPos]狼 沥焊犬牢 - # (角力肺 酒捞袍捞 粮犁窍绰瘤 犬牢) - # 粮犁 -> 酒捞袍 酒捞能阑 浇吩俊 悸泼. - # 厚粮犁 -> 酒捞袍捞 绝栏骨肺 碍拳芒俊辑 昏力. - if slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - invenType, invenPos, itemCount = self.refineItemInfo[slotPos] - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - - # if itemVnum: - if itemVnum: - self.wndRefineSlot.SetItemSlot(slotPos, player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos), itemCount) - else: - del self.refineItemInfo[slotPos] - - # 后 浇吩俊 reference 酒捞能阑 alpha 0.5肺 悸泼. - if not slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - try: - reference_vnum = 0 - # strength 碍拳老 锭绰, - # 0锅 浇吩俊 碍拳籍阑, 1锅 浇吩俊 侩去籍阑 初绰促. - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_STONE_SLOT == slotPos: - reference_vnum = 100300 - else: - reference_vnum = self.__MakeDragonSoulVnum(*self.currentRecipe["ds_info"]) - if 0 != reference_vnum: - item.SelectItem(reference_vnum) - itemIcon = item.GetIconImage() - (width, height) = item.GetItemSize() - self.wndRefineSlot.SetSlot(slotPos, 0, width, height, itemIcon, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) - # slot 快螟 窍窜俊 箭磊 哆搁 救 抗惠... - self.wndRefineSlot.SetSlotCount(slotPos, 0) - except: - pass - # refineSlotLockStartIndex 焊促 累篮 浇吩篮 摧腮 捞固瘤甫 焊咯林搁 救凳. - self.wndRefineSlot.HideSlotBaseImage(slotPos) - # slotPos >= self.refineSlotLockStartIndex: - else: - # 沥惑利牢 版快扼搁 捞 if巩俊 甸绢哎 老篮 绝摆瘤父, - # (局檬俊 牢郸胶啊 refineSlotLockStartIndex 捞惑牢 浇吩俊绰 酒捞袍阑 持瘤 给窍霸 沁扁 锭巩) - # 趣矫 葛甫 俊矾俊 措厚窃. - if slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - invenType, invenPos, itemCount = self.refineItemInfo[slotPos] - remainCount = player.GetItemCount(invenType, invenPos) - player.SetItemCount(invenType, invenPos, remainCount + itemCount) - del self.refineItemInfo[selectedSlotPos] - # refineSlotLockStartIndex 捞惑牢 浇吩篮 摧腮 捞固瘤甫 焊咯拎具窃. - self.wndRefineSlot.ShowSlotBaseImage(slotPos) - - # 碍拳芒俊 酒公繁 酒捞袍捞 绝促搁, 檬扁拳秦淋. - # 困俊辑 吝埃 吝埃俊 "del self.refineItemInfo[slotPos]"甫 沁扁 锭巩俊, - # 咯扁辑 茄锅 眉农秦拎具窃. - if not self.refineItemInfo: - self.__Initialize() - - self.wndRefineSlot.RefreshSlot() - except Exception, e: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Exception : __RefreshRefineItemSlot, %s" % e) - - def __GetEmptySlot(self, itemVnum = 0): - # STRENGTH 碍拳狼 版快, 侩去籍 浇吩苞 碍拳籍 浇吩捞 备盒登绢乐扁 嫐巩俊 - # vnum阑 舅酒具 茄促. - if DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_TYPE_STRENGTH == self.currentRefineType: - if 0 == itemVnum: - return -1 - - if self.__IsDragonSoul(itemVnum): - if not DragonSoulRefineWindow.DRAGON_SOUL_SLOT in self.refineItemInfo: - return DragonSoulRefineWindow.DRAGON_SOUL_SLOT - else: - if not DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_STONE_SLOT in self.refineItemInfo: - return DragonSoulRefineWindow.REFINE_STONE_SLOT - else: - for slotPos in xrange(self.wndRefineSlot.GetSlotCount()): - if not slotPos in self.refineItemInfo: - return slotPos - - return -1 - - def AutoSetItem(self, (invenType, invenPos), itemCount): - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - emptySlot = self.__GetEmptySlot(itemVnum) - if -1 == emptySlot: - return - - self.__SetItem((invenType, invenPos), emptySlot, itemCount) - - def __ClearResultItemSlot(self): - self.wndResultSlot.ClearSlot(0) - self.resultItemInfo = {} - - def RefineSucceed(self, inven_type, inven_pos): - self.__Initialize() - self.Refresh() - - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(inven_type, inven_pos) - if itemCount > 0: - self.resultItemInfo[0] = (inven_type, inven_pos, itemCount) - self.wndResultSlot.SetItemSlot(0, player.GetItemIndex(inven_type, inven_pos), itemCount) - - def RefineFail(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos): - if net.DS_SUB_HEADER_REFINE_FAIL == reason: - self.__Initialize() - self.Refresh() - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(inven_type, inven_pos) - if itemCount > 0: - self.resultItemInfo[0] = (inven_type, inven_pos, itemCount) - self.wndResultSlot.SetItemSlot(0, player.GetItemIndex(inven_type, inven_pos), itemCount) - else: - self.Refresh() - - def SetInventoryWindows(self, wndInventory, wndDragonSoul): - self.wndInventory = wndInventory - self.wndDragonSoul = wndDragonSoul diff --git a/bin_original/uiEquipmentDialog.py b/bin_original/uiEquipmentDialog.py deleted file mode 100644 index 228d2953..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiEquipmentDialog.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import chr -import player - -class EquipmentDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - print "NEW EQUIPMENT DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - - self.vid = None - self.eventClose = None - self.itemDataDict = {} - self.tooltipItem = None - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EQUIPMENT DIALOG " - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/EquipmentDialog.py") - - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.slotWindow = getObject("EquipmentSlot") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("EquipmentDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.slotWindow.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - self.slotWindow.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - def Open(self, vid): - - self.vid = vid - self.itemDataDict = {} - - name = chr.GetNameByVID(vid) - self.board.SetTitleName(name) - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.itemDataDict = {} - self.tooltipItem = None - self.Hide() - - if self.eventClose: - self.eventClose(self.vid) - - def Destroy(self): - self.eventClose = None - - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.board = None - self.slotWindow = None - - def SetEquipmentDialogItem(self, slotIndex, vnum, count): - if count <= 1: - count = 0 - self.slotWindow.SetItemSlot(slotIndex, vnum, count) - - emptySocketList = [] - emptyAttrList = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - emptySocketList.append(0) - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - emptyAttrList.append((0, 0)) - self.itemDataDict[slotIndex] = (vnum, count, emptySocketList, emptyAttrList) - - def SetEquipmentDialogSocket(self, slotIndex, socketIndex, value): - if not slotIndex in self.itemDataDict: - return - if socketIndex < 0 or socketIndex > player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM: - return - self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][2][socketIndex] = value - - def SetEquipmentDialogAttr(self, slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value): - if not slotIndex in self.itemDataDict: - return - if attrIndex < 0 or attrIndex > player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM: - return - self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][3][attrIndex] = (type, value) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.eventClose = event - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - - if None == self.tooltipItem: - return - - if not slotIndex in self.itemDataDict: - return - - itemVnum = self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][0] - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.tooltipItem.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][2] - attrSlot = self.itemDataDict[slotIndex][3] - self.tooltipItem.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - self.tooltipItem.ShowToolTip() - - def OverOutItem(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/uiEx.py b/bin_original/uiEx.py deleted file mode 100644 index 46932210..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiEx.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -import app -import wndMgr -import systemSetting -import mouseModule -import ui - -class Window(ui.Window): - def __init__(self, skinFileName = ""): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "UI") - - self.children = [] - self.childDict = {} - - self.__LoadSkin(skinFileName) - - self.Show() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def ClearDictionary(self): - self.children = [] - self.childDict = {} - - def InsertChild(self, name, child): - self.childDict[name] = child - - def IsChild(self, name): - return name in self.childDict - - def GetChild(self, name): - return self.childDict[name] - - def __LoadSkin(self, fileName): - loader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - loader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - - -#wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - -class App: - def __init__(self, title = "METIN2 UI TEST"): - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - - width = systemSetting.GetWidth() - height = systemSetting.GetHeight() - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(width, height) - app.Create(title, width, height, 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - self.OnInit() - - def MainLoop(self): - app.Loop() - - def OnInit(self): - pass - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - class TestWindow(Window): - def __init__(self, skinFileName): - Window.__init__(self, skinFileName) - - def __del__(self): - Window.__del__(self) - - class TestApp(App): - def OnInit(self): - self.test = TestWindow("locale/ymir_ui/matrixwindow.py") - pass - - TestApp().MainLoop() diff --git a/bin_original/uiExchange.py b/bin_original/uiExchange.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8a53003d..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiExchange.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -import player -import exchange -import net -import locale -import chat -import item - -import ui -import mouseModule -import uiPickMoney -import wndMgr - -################################################################################################### -## Exchange -class ExchangeDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.TitleName = 0 - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.xStart = 0 - self.yStart = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/exchangedialog.py") - - ## Owner - self.OwnerSlot = self.GetChild("Owner_Slot") - self.OwnerSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectOwnerEmptySlot)) - self.OwnerSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectOwnerItemSlot)) - self.OwnerSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInOwnerItem)) - self.OwnerSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - self.OwnerMoney = self.GetChild("Owner_Money_Value") - self.OwnerAcceptLight = self.GetChild("Owner_Accept_Light") - self.OwnerAcceptLight.Disable() - self.OwnerMoneyButton = self.GetChild("Owner_Money") - self.OwnerMoneyButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPickMoneyDialog)) - - ## Target - self.TargetSlot = self.GetChild("Target_Slot") - self.TargetSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInTargetItem)) - self.TargetSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - self.TargetMoney = self.GetChild("Target_Money_Value") - self.TargetAcceptLight = self.GetChild("Target_Accept_Light") - self.TargetAcceptLight.Disable() - - ## PickMoneyDialog - dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - dlgPickMoney.LoadDialog() - dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickMoney)) - dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(locale.EXCHANGE_MONEY) - dlgPickMoney.SetMax(7) - dlgPickMoney.Hide() - self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney - - ## Button - self.AcceptButton = self.GetChild("Owner_Accept_Button") - self.AcceptButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptExchange)) - - self.TitleName = self.GetChild("TitleName") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(net.SendExchangeExitPacket) - - def Destroy(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY EXCHANGE" - self.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgPickMoney.Destroy() - self.dlgPickMoney = 0 - self.OwnerSlot = 0 - self.OwnerMoney = 0 - self.OwnerAcceptLight = 0 - self.OwnerMoneyButton = 0 - self.TargetSlot = 0 - self.TargetMoney = 0 - self.TargetAcceptLight = 0 - self.TitleName = 0 - self.AcceptButton = 0 - self.tooltipItem = 0 - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.TitleName.SetText(locale.EXCHANGE_TITLE % (exchange.GetNameFromTarget())) - self.AcceptButton.Enable() - self.AcceptButton.SetUp() - self.Show() - - (self.xStart, self.yStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - def CloseDialog(self): - wndMgr.OnceIgnoreMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Close() - self.Hide() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self): - - if exchange.GetElkFromSelf() > 0: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY) - return - - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(player.GetElk()) - - def OnPickMoney(self, money): - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(money) - - def AcceptExchange(self): - net.SendExchangeAcceptPacket() - self.AcceptButton.Disable() - - def SelectOwnerEmptySlot(self, SlotIndex): - - if FALSE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if mouseModule.mouseController.IsAttachedMoney(): - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedMoneyAmount()) - else: - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - if (player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType - or player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType): - - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - SrcSlotNumber = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - DstSlotNumber = SlotIndex - - itemID = player.GetItemIndex(attachedInvenType, SrcSlotNumber) - item.SelectItem(itemID) - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_GIVE): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedInvenType, SrcSlotNumber, DstSlotNumber) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectOwnerItemSlot(self, SlotIndex): - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - - money = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(money) - - def RefreshOwnerSlot(self): - for i in xrange(exchange.EXCHANGE_ITEM_MAX_NUM): - itemIndex = exchange.GetItemVnumFromSelf(i) - itemCount = exchange.GetItemCountFromSelf(i) - if 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - self.OwnerSlot.SetItemSlot(i, itemIndex, itemCount) - self.OwnerSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshTargetSlot(self): - for i in xrange(exchange.EXCHANGE_ITEM_MAX_NUM): - itemIndex = exchange.GetItemVnumFromTarget(i) - itemCount = exchange.GetItemCountFromTarget(i) - if 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - self.TargetSlot.SetItemSlot(i, itemIndex, itemCount) - self.TargetSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def Refresh(self): - - self.RefreshOwnerSlot() - self.RefreshTargetSlot() - - self.OwnerMoney.SetText(str(exchange.GetElkFromSelf())) - self.TargetMoney.SetText(str(exchange.GetElkFromTarget())) - - if TRUE == exchange.GetAcceptFromSelf(): - self.OwnerAcceptLight.Down() - else: - self.AcceptButton.Enable() - self.AcceptButton.SetUp() - self.OwnerAcceptLight.SetUp() - - if TRUE == exchange.GetAcceptFromTarget(): - self.TargetAcceptLight.Down() - else: - self.TargetAcceptLight.SetUp() - - def OverInOwnerItem(self, slotIndex): - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetExchangeOwnerItem(slotIndex) - - def OverInTargetItem(self, slotIndex): - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetExchangeTargetItem(slotIndex) - - def OverOutItem(self): - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnTop(self): - self.tooltipItem.SetTop() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xStart) > USE_EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.yStart) > USE_EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - (self.xStart, self.yStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - net.SendExchangeExitPacket() diff --git a/bin_original/uiGameButton.py b/bin_original/uiGameButton.py deleted file mode 100644 index 15fcf389..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiGameButton.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import player -import net - -class GameButtonWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadWindow("UIScript/gamewindow.py") - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self, filename): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, filename) - except Exception, msg: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg)) - app.Abort() - return FALSE - - try: - self.gameButtonDict={ - "STATUS" : self.GetChild("StatusPlusButton"), - "SKILL" : self.GetChild("SkillPlusButton"), - "QUEST" : self.GetChild("QuestButton"), - "HELP" : self.GetChild("HelpButton"), - "BUILD" : self.GetChild("BuildGuildBuilding"), - "EXIT_OBSERVER" : self.GetChild("ExitObserver"), - } - - self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickExitObserver)) - - except Exception, msg: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg)) - app.Abort() - return FALSE - - self.__HideAllGameButton() - self.SetObserverMode(player.IsObserverMode()) - return TRUE - - def Destroy(self): - for key in self.gameButtonDict: - self.gameButtonDict[key].SetEvent(0) - - self.gameButtonDict={} - - def SetButtonEvent(self, name, event): - try: - self.gameButtonDict[name].SetEvent(event) - except Exception, msg: - print "GameButtonWindow.LoadScript - %s" % (msg) - app.Abort() - return - - def ShowBuildButton(self): - self.gameButtonDict["BUILD"].Show() - - def HideBuildButton(self): - self.gameButtonDict["BUILD"].Hide() - - def CheckGameButton(self): - - if not self.IsShow(): - return - - statusPlusButton=self.gameButtonDict["STATUS"] - skillPlusButton=self.gameButtonDict["SKILL"] - helpButton=self.gameButtonDict["HELP"] - - if player.GetStatus(player.STAT) > 0: - statusPlusButton.Show() - else: - statusPlusButton.Hide() - - if self.__IsSkillStat(): - skillPlusButton.Show() - else: - skillPlusButton.Hide() - - if 0 == player.GetPlayTime(): - helpButton.Show() - else: - helpButton.Hide() - - def __IsSkillStat(self): - if player.GetStatus(player.SKILL_ACTIVE) > 0: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __OnClickExitObserver(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/observer_exit") - - def __HideAllGameButton(self): - for btn in self.gameButtonDict.values(): - btn.Hide() - - def SetObserverMode(self, isEnable): - if isEnable: - self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].Show() - else: - self.gameButtonDict["EXIT_OBSERVER"].Hide() diff --git a/bin_original/uiGameOption.py b/bin_original/uiGameOption.py deleted file mode 100644 index 244c6fc4..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiGameOption.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,491 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import systemSetting -import net -import chat -import app -import locale -import constInfo -import chrmgr -import player -import uiPrivateShopBuilder # 辫霖龋 -import interfaceModule # 辫霖龋 - -blockMode = 0 -viewChatMode = 0 - -MOBILE = FALSE - -if locale.IsYMIR(): - MOBILE = TRUE - - -class OptionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.__Load() - self.RefreshViewChat() - self.RefreshAlwaysShowName() - self.RefreshShowDamage() - self.RefreshShowSalesText() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " -------------------------------------- DELETE GAME OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.titleBar = 0 - self.nameColorModeButtonList = [] - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList = [] - self.pvpModeButtonDict = {} - self.blockButtonList = [] - self.viewChatButtonList = [] - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList = [] - self.showDamageButtonList = [] - self.showsalesTextButtonList = [] - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - print " -------------------------------------- DESTROY GAME OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__Load_LoadScript") - - def __Load_BindObject(self): - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("titlebar") - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_normal")) - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_empire")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_no_view")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_view")) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE] = GetObject("pvp_peace") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE] = GetObject("pvp_revenge") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD] = GetObject("pvp_guild") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE] = GetObject("pvp_free") - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_exchange_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_party_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_guild_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_whisper_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_friend_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_party_request_button")) - self.viewChatButtonList.append(GetObject("view_chat_on_button")) - self.viewChatButtonList.append(GetObject("view_chat_off_button")) - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList.append(GetObject("always_show_name_on_button")) - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList.append(GetObject("always_show_name_off_button")) - self.showDamageButtonList.append(GetObject("show_damage_on_button")) - self.showDamageButtonList.append(GetObject("show_damage_off_button")) - self.showsalesTextButtonList.append(GetObject("salestext_on_button")) - self.showsalesTextButtonList.append(GetObject("salestext_off_button")) - - global MOBILE - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton = GetObject("input_mobile_button") - self.deleteMobileButton = GetObject("delete_mobile_button") - - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__Load_BindObject") - - def __Load(self): - global MOBILE - if MOBILE: - self.__Load_LoadScript("uiscript/gameoptiondialog_formobile.py") - else: - self.__Load_LoadScript("uiscript/gameoptiondialog.py") - - self.__Load_BindObject() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.nameColorModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton) - self.nameColorModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton) - - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardViewButton) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton) - - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModePeaceButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeRevengeButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeGuildButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeFreeButton) - - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - self.blockButtonList[5].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyRequest) - - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - self.blockButtonList[5].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyRequest) - - self.viewChatButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickViewChatOnButton) - self.viewChatButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickViewChatOffButton) - - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickAlwaysShowNameOnButton) - self.alwaysShowNameButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickAlwaysShowNameOffButton) - - self.showDamageButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickShowDamageOnButton) - self.showDamageButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickShowDamageOffButton) - - self.showsalesTextButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSalesTextOnButton) - self.showsalesTextButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickSalesTextOffButton) - - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, constInfo.GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD()) - self.__SetPeacePKMode() - - #global MOBILE - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeMobilePhoneNumber)) - self.deleteMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnDeleteMobilePhoneNumber)) - - def __ClickRadioButton(self, buttonList, buttonIndex): - try: - selButton=buttonList[buttonIndex] - except IndexError: - return - - for eachButton in buttonList: - eachButton.SetUp() - - selButton.Down() - - def __SetNameColorMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetTargetBoardViewMode(self, flag): - constInfo.SET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(flag) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, flag) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(0) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(1) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(0) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(1) - - def __OnClickCameraModeShortButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(0) - - def __OnClickCameraModeLongButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel0Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(0) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel1Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel2Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(2) - - def __OnClickBlockExchangeButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_EXCHANGE)) - def __OnClickBlockPartyButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_PARTY)) - def __OnClickBlockGuildButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_GUILD)) - def __OnClickBlockWhisperButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_WHISPER)) - def __OnClickBlockFriendButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_FRIEND)) - def __OnClickBlockPartyRequest(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_PARTY_REQUEST)) - - def __OnClickViewChatOnButton(self): - global viewChatMode - viewChatMode = 1 - systemSetting.SetViewChatFlag(viewChatMode) - self.RefreshViewChat() - def __OnClickViewChatOffButton(self): - global viewChatMode - viewChatMode = 0 - systemSetting.SetViewChatFlag(viewChatMode) - self.RefreshViewChat() - - def __OnClickAlwaysShowNameOnButton(self): - systemSetting.SetAlwaysShowNameFlag(TRUE) - self.RefreshAlwaysShowName() - - def __OnClickAlwaysShowNameOffButton(self): - systemSetting.SetAlwaysShowNameFlag(FALSE) - self.RefreshAlwaysShowName() - - def __OnClickShowDamageOnButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowDamageFlag(TRUE) - self.RefreshShowDamage() - - def __OnClickShowDamageOffButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowDamageFlag(FALSE) - self.RefreshShowDamage() - - def __OnClickSalesTextOnButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowSalesTextFlag(TRUE) - self.RefreshShowSalesText() - uiPrivateShopBuilder.UpdateADBoard() - - def __OnClickSalesTextOffButton(self): - systemSetting.SetShowSalesTextFlag(FALSE) - self.RefreshShowSalesText() - - def __CheckPvPProtectedLevelPlayer(self): - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) self.TEXT_LIMIT: - limitText = grpText.GetSplitingTextLine(text, self.TEXT_LIMIT-3, 0) - self.slotSimpleText.SetText(limitText + "...") - self.bar.SetSize(self.len * 6 + 5, 17) - - else: - self.slotSimpleText.SetText(text) - - self.slotFullText.SetText(text) - self.slotFullText.SetPosition(2, 0) - self.slotFullText.Hide() - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if self.len > self.TEXT_LIMIT: - self.bar.Show() - self.slotFullText.Show() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.len > self.TEXT_LIMIT: - self.bar.Hide() - self.slotFullText.Hide() - -class GuildWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - JOB_NAME = { 0 : locale.JOB_WARRIOR, - 1 : locale.JOB_ASSASSIN, - 2 : locale.JOB_SURA, - 3 : locale.JOB_SHAMAN, } - - GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE_SLOT = 0 - GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT = 1 - GUILD_SKILL_AFFECT_SLOT = 2 - - GRADE_SLOT_NAME = 0 - GRADE_ADD_MEMBER_AUTHORITY = 1 - GRADE_REMOVE_MEMBER_AUTHORITY = 2 - GRADE_NOTICE_AUTHORITY = 3 - GRADE_SKILL_AUTHORITY = 4 - - MEMBER_LINE_COUNT = 13 - - class PageWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent, filename): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.SetParent(parent) - self.filename = filename - def GetScriptFileName(self): - return self.filename - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.isLoaded=0 - - self.__Initialize() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " ==================================== DESTROIED GUILD WINDOW" - - def __Initialize(self): - - self.board = None - self.pageName = None - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.offerDialog = None - self.popupDialog = None - self.moneyDialog = None - self.changeGradeNameDialog = None - self.popup = None - - self.popupMessage = None - self.commentSlot = None - - self.pageWindow = None - self.tooltipSkill = None - - self.memberLinePos = 0 - - self.enemyGuildNameList = [] - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - guildID = net.GetGuildID() - self.largeMarkBox.SetIndex(guildID) - self.largeMarkBox.SetScale(3) - - def Close(self): - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - self.offerDialog.Close() - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide() - self.tooltipSkill.Hide() - self.Hide() - - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.popup = None - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - if self.offerDialog: - self.offerDialog.Destroy() - - if self.popupDialog: - self.popupDialog.ClearDictionary() - - if self.changeGradeNameDialog: - self.changeGradeNameDialog.ClearDictionary() - - if self.pageWindow: - for window in self.pageWindow.values(): - window.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.RefreshGuildInfoPage() - self.RefreshGuildBoardPage() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPage() - self.RefreshGuildSkillPage() - self.RefreshGuildGradePage() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - global DISABLE_GUILD_SKILL - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if locale.IsARABIC() : - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/guildwindow.py") - - self.popupDialog = ui.ScriptWindow() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.popupDialog, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - - self.changeGradeNameDialog = ChangeGradeNameDialog() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.changeGradeNameDialog, "uiscript/changegradenamedialog.py") - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage_eu.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - elif locale.IsJAPAN() : - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_guildinfopage.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - elif locale.IsVIETNAM() : # 促钎矫 - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage_eu.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - elif locale.IsEUROPE() and not app.GetLocalePath() == "locale/ca" : - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage_eu.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - else: - self.pageWindow = { - "GUILD_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildinfopage.py"), - "BOARD" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_boardpage.py"), - "MEMBER" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_memberpage.py"), - "BASE_INFO" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_baseinfopage.py"), - "SKILL" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_guildskillpage.py"), - "GRADE" : self.PageWindow(self, "uiscript/guildwindow_gradepage.py"), - } - - for window in self.pageWindow.values(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(window, window.GetScriptFileName()) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GuildWindow.__LoadWindow.LoadScript") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.pageName = { - "GUILD_INFO" : locale.GUILD_TILE_INFO, - "BOARD" : locale.GUILD_TILE_BOARD, - "MEMBER" : locale.GUILD_TILE_MEMBER, - "BASE_INFO" : locale.GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO, - "SKILL" : locale.GUILD_TILE_SKILL, - "GRADE" : locale.GUILD_TILE_GRADE, - } - - self.tabDict = { - "GUILD_INFO" : getObject("Tab_01"), - "BOARD" : getObject("Tab_02"), - "MEMBER" : getObject("Tab_03"), - "BASE_INFO" : getObject("Tab_04"), - "SKILL" : getObject("Tab_05"), - "GRADE" : getObject("Tab_06"), - } - self.tabButtonDict = { - "GUILD_INFO" : getObject("Tab_Button_01"), - "BOARD" : getObject("Tab_Button_02"), - "MEMBER" : getObject("Tab_Button_03"), - "BASE_INFO" : getObject("Tab_Button_04"), - "SKILL" : getObject("Tab_Button_05"), - "GRADE" : getObject("Tab_Button_06"), - } - - ## QuestionDialog - self.popupMessage = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - self.popupDialog.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.popupDialog.Hide)) - - ## ChangeGradeName - self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeGradeName)) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide)) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("Board").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide)) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.gradeNameSlot = self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetChild("GradeNameValue") - self.changeGradeNameDialog.gradeNameSlot.OnIMEReturn = ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeGradeName) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.gradeNameSlot.OnPressEscapeKey = ui.__mem_func__(self.changeGradeNameDialog.Close) - - ## Comment - self.commentSlot = self.pageWindow["BOARD"].GetChild("CommentValue") - self.commentSlot.OnIMEReturn = ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPostComment) - #self.commentSlot.OnKeyDown = ui.__mem_func__(self.OnKeyDownInBoardPage) - self.commentSlot.OnKeyDown = lambda key, argSelf=self: argSelf.OnKeyDownInBoardPage(key) - - ## RefreshButton - self.pageWindow["BOARD"].GetChild("RefreshButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnRefreshComments)) - - ## ScrollBar - scrollBar = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"].GetChild("ScrollBar") - scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScrollMemberLine)) - self.pageWindow["MEMBER"].scrollBar = scrollBar - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GuildWindow.__LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.__MakeInfoPage() - self.__MakeBoardPage() - self.__MakeMemberPage() - self.__MakeBaseInfoPage() - self.__MakeSkillPage() - self.__MakeGradePage() - - for page in self.pageWindow.values(): - page.UpdateRect() - - for key, btn in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - btn.SetEvent(self.SelectPage, key) - - self.tabButtonDict["BASE_INFO"].Disable() - - if DISABLE_GUILD_SKILL: - self.tabButtonDict["SKILL"].Disable() - - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.board.SetTitleColor(0xffffffff) - self.SelectPage("GUILD_INFO") - - self.offerDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - self.offerDialog.LoadDialog() - self.offerDialog.SetMax(9) - self.offerDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_OFFER_EXP) - self.offerDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOffer)) - - def __MakeInfoPage(self): - page = self.pageWindow["GUILD_INFO"] - - try: - page.nameSlot = page.GetChild("GuildNameValue") - page.masterNameSlot = page.GetChild("GuildMasterNameValue") - page.guildLevelSlot = page.GetChild("GuildLevelValue") - page.curExpSlot = page.GetChild("CurrentExperienceValue") - page.lastExpSlot = page.GetChild("LastExperienceValue") - page.memberCountSlot = page.GetChild("GuildMemberCountValue") - page.levelAverageSlot = page.GetChild("GuildMemberLevelAverageValue") - page.uploadMarkButton = page.GetChild("UploadGuildMarkButton") - page.uploadSymbolButton = page.GetChild("UploadGuildSymbolButton") - page.declareWarButton = page.GetChild("DeclareWarButton") - - try: - page.guildMoneySlot = page.GetChild("GuildMoneyValue") - except KeyError: - page.guildMoneySlot = None - - try: - page.GetChild("DepositButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickDepositButton)) - page.GetChild("WithdrawButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickWithdrawButton)) - except KeyError: - pass - - page.uploadMarkButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectGuildMarkButton)) - page.uploadSymbolButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSelectGuildSymbolButton)) - page.declareWarButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickDeclareWarButton)) - page.GetChild("OfferButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickOfferButton)) - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel1").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel2").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel3").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel4").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel5").Hide() - page.GetChild("EnemyGuildCancel6").Hide() - - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName1")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName2")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName3")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName4")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName5")) - self.enemyGuildNameList.append(page.GetChild("EnemyGuildName6")) - - self.largeMarkBox = page.GetChild("LargeGuildMark") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GuildWindow.__MakeInfoPage") - - self.largeMarkBox.AddFlag("not_pick") - - self.markSelectDialog=uiUploadMark.MarkSelectDialog() - self.markSelectDialog.SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self.__OnSelectMark) - - self.symbolSelectDialog=uiUploadMark.SymbolSelectDialog() - self.symbolSelectDialog.SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self.__OnSelectSymbol) - - - def __MakeBoardPage(self): - - i = 0 - lineStep = 20 - page = self.pageWindow["BOARD"] - - page.boardDict = {} - - for i in xrange(12): - - yPos = 25 + i * lineStep - - ## NoticeMark - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - noticeMarkImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/guild/notice_mark.sub", 15, yPos+3) - else: - noticeMarkImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/guild/notice_mark.sub", 5, yPos+3) - noticeMarkImage.Hide() - page.Children.append(noticeMarkImage) - - ## Name - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_100x18.sub", 9, yPos) - else: - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub", 15, yPos) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - - ## Delete Button - deleteButton = ui.MakeButton(page, 340, yPos + 3, locale.GUILD_DELETE, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/", "close_button_01.sub", "close_button_02.sub", "close_button_03.sub") - deleteButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDeleteComment), i) - page.Children.append(deleteButton) - - ## Comment - commentSlot = CommentSlot() - commentSlot.SetParent(page) - commentSlot.SetPosition(114, yPos) - commentSlot.Show() - page.Children.append(commentSlot) - - boardSlotList = [] - boardSlotList.append(noticeMarkImage) - boardSlotList.append(nameSlot) - boardSlotList.append(commentSlot) - page.boardDict[i] = boardSlotList - - ## PostComment - Have to make this here for that fit tooltip's position. - postCommentButton = ui.MakeButton(page, 337, 273, locale.GUILD_COMMENT, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/", "Send_Chat_Button_01.sub", "Send_Chat_Button_02.sub", "Send_Chat_Button_03.sub") - postCommentButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPostComment)) - page.Children.append(postCommentButton) - - def __MakeMemberPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - lineStep = 20 - page.memberDict = {} - - for i in xrange(self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT): - - inverseLineIndex = self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT - i - 1 - yPos = 28 + inverseLineIndex*lineStep - - ## Name - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_100x18.sub", 15, yPos) - else: - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub", 10, yPos) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - - ## Grade - gradeSlot = ui.ComboBox() - gradeSlot.SetParent(page) - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - gradeSlot.SetPosition(117, yPos-1) - else: - gradeSlot.SetPosition(101, yPos-1) - gradeSlot.SetSize(61, 18) - gradeSlot.SetEvent(lambda gradeNumber, lineIndex=inverseLineIndex, argSelf=proxy(self): argSelf.OnChangeMemberGrade(lineIndex, gradeNumber)) - gradeSlot.Show() - page.Children.append(gradeSlot) - - ## Job - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - jobSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 181, yPos) - else: - jobSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 170, yPos) - jobSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(jobSlotImage) - page.Children.append(jobSlotImage) - page.Children.append(jobSlot) - - ## Level - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - levelSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 221, yPos) - else: - levelSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 210, yPos) - levelSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(levelSlotImage) - page.Children.append(levelSlotImage) - page.Children.append(levelSlot) - - ## Offer - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - offerSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 261, yPos) - else: - offerSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 250, yPos) - offerSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(offerSlotImage) - page.Children.append(offerSlotImage) - page.Children.append(offerSlot) - - ## General Enable - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=inverseLineIndex: apply(argSelf.OnEnableGeneral, (argIndex,)) - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - generalEnableCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 307, yPos, event, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub") - else: - generalEnableCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 297, yPos, event, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub") - page.Children.append(generalEnableCheckBox) - - memberSlotList = [] - memberSlotList.append(nameSlot) - memberSlotList.append(gradeSlot) - memberSlotList.append(jobSlot) - memberSlotList.append(levelSlot) - memberSlotList.append(offerSlot) - memberSlotList.append(generalEnableCheckBox) - page.memberDict[inverseLineIndex] = memberSlotList - - def __MakeBaseInfoPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["BASE_INFO"] - - page.buildingDataDict = {} - - lineStep = 20 - GUILD_BUILDING_MAX_NUM = 7 - - yPos = 95 + 35 - - for i in xrange(GUILD_BUILDING_MAX_NUM): - - nameSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 15, yPos, 78, 17) - nameSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlotImage) - page.Children.append(nameSlot) - nameSlot.SetText(locale.GUILD_BUILDING_NAME) - - gradeSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 99, yPos, 26, 17) - gradeSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(gradeSlotImage) - page.Children.append(gradeSlotImage) - page.Children.append(gradeSlot) - gradeSlot.SetText(locale.GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE) - - RESOURCE_MAX_NUM = 6 - for j in xrange(RESOURCE_MAX_NUM): - resourceSlotImage = ui.MakeSlotBar(page, 131 + 29*j, yPos, 26, 17) - resourceSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(resourceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(resourceSlotImage) - page.Children.append(resourceSlot) - resourceSlot.SetText(locale.GUILD_GEM) - - event = lambda *arg: None - powerSlot = CheckBox(page, 308, yPos, event, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub") - page.Children.append(powerSlot) - - yPos += lineStep - - def __MakeSkillPage(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["SKILL"] - - page.skillPoint = page.GetChild("Skill_Plus_Value") - page.passiveSlot = page.GetChild("Passive_Skill_Slot_Table") - page.activeSlot = page.GetChild("Active_Skill_Slot_Table") - page.affectSlot = page.GetChild("Affect_Slot_Table") - page.gpGauge = page.GetChild("Dragon_God_Power_Gauge") - page.gpValue = page.GetChild("Dragon_God_Power_Value") - page.btnHealGSP = page.GetChild("Heal_GSP_Button") - - page.activeSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - page.activeSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OverInItem(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - page.activeSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OnPickUpGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OnUseGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_ACTIVE_SLOT: self.OnUpGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.activeSlot.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - page.passiveSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - page.passiveSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE_SLOT: self.OverInItem(slotNumber, type)) - page.passiveSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - page.passiveSlot.SetPressedSlotButtonEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_PASSIVE_SLOT: self.OnUpGuildSkill(slotNumber, type)) - page.passiveSlot.AppendSlotButton("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub") - page.affectSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - page.affectSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(lambda slotNumber, type=self.GUILD_SKILL_AFFECT_SLOT: self.OverInItem(slotNumber, type)) - page.affectSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - page.btnHealGSP.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOpenHealGSPBoard)) - - ## Passive - """ - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.passiveSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - - page.passiveSlot.SetSkillSlot(slotIndex, skillIndex, 0) - page.passiveSlot.RefreshSlot() - guild.SetSkillIndex(slotIndex, i) - """ - - ## Active - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.activeSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - - page.activeSlot.SetSkillSlot(slotIndex, skillIndex, 0) - page.activeSlot.SetCoverButton(slotIndex) - page.activeSlot.RefreshSlot() - guild.SetSkillIndex(slotIndex, len(playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)+i) - - def __MakeGradePage(self): - - lineStep = 18 - page = self.pageWindow["GRADE"] - - page.gradeDict = {} - - for i in xrange(15): - - yPos = 22 + i*lineStep - index = i+1 - - ## GradeNumber - gradeNumberSlotImage = ui.MakeImageBox(page, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub", 14, yPos) - gradeNumberSlot = ui.MakeTextLine(gradeNumberSlotImage) - gradeNumberSlot.SetText(str(i+1)) - page.Children.append(gradeNumberSlotImage) - page.Children.append(gradeNumberSlot) - - ## GradeName - gradeNameSlot = EditableTextSlot(page, 58, yPos) - gradeNameSlot.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOpenChangeGradeName), index) - page.Children.append(gradeNameSlot) - - ## Invite Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<0: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - inviteAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 124, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(inviteAuthorityCheckBox) - - ## DriveOut Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<1: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - driveoutAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 181, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(driveoutAuthorityCheckBox) - - ## Notice Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<2: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - noticeAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 238, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(noticeAuthorityCheckBox) - - ## Skill Authority - event = lambda argSelf=proxy(self), argIndex=index, argAuthority=1<<3: apply(argSelf.OnCheckAuthority, (argIndex,argAuthority)) - skillAuthorityCheckBox = CheckBox(page, 295, yPos, event) - page.Children.append(skillAuthorityCheckBox) - - gradeSlotList = [] - gradeSlotList.append(gradeNameSlot) - gradeSlotList.append(inviteAuthorityCheckBox) - gradeSlotList.append(driveoutAuthorityCheckBox) - gradeSlotList.append(noticeAuthorityCheckBox) - gradeSlotList.append(skillAuthorityCheckBox) - page.gradeDict[index] = gradeSlotList - - masterSlotList = page.gradeDict[1] - for slot in masterSlotList: - slot.Disable() - - def CanOpen(self): - return guild.IsGuildEnable() - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - guildID = net.GetGuildID() - self.largeMarkBox.SetIndex(guildID) - self.largeMarkBox.SetScale(3) - - def Close(self): - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - self.offerDialog.Close() - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - if self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.Hide() - - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.moneyDialog = None - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.pageName = None - self.tabDict = None - self.tabButtonDict = None - self.pickDialog = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.markSelectDialog = None - self.symbolSelectDialog = None - - if self.offerDialog: - self.offerDialog.Destroy() - self.offerDialog = None - - if self.popupDialog: - self.popupDialog.ClearDictionary() - self.popupDialog = None - - if self.changeGradeNameDialog: - self.changeGradeNameDialog.ClearDictionary() - self.changeGradeNameDialog = None - - self.popupMessage = None - self.commentSlot = None - - if self.pageWindow: - for window in self.pageWindow.values(): - window.ClearDictionary() - - self.pageWindow = None - self.tooltipSkill = None - self.moneyDialog = None - - self.enemyGuildNameList = [] - - def DeleteGuild(self): - self.RefreshGuildInfoPage() - self.RefreshGuildBoardPage() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPage() - self.RefreshGuildSkillPage() - self.RefreshGuildGradePage() - self.Hide() - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, tooltipSkill): - self.tooltipSkill = tooltipSkill - - def SelectPage(self, arg): - - if "BOARD" == arg: - self.OnRefreshComments() - - for key, btn in self.tabButtonDict.items(): - if arg != key: - btn.SetUp() - for key, img in self.tabDict.items(): - if arg == key: - img.Show() - else: - img.Hide() - for key, page in self.pageWindow.items(): - if arg == key: - page.Show() - else: - page.Hide() - self.board.SetTitleName(self.pageName[arg]) - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - - def __CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self): - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - for key, slotList in page.memberDict.items(): - slotList[1].CloseListBox() - - def RefreshGuildInfoPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - global DISABLE_DECLARE_WAR - page = self.pageWindow["GUILD_INFO"] - page.nameSlot.SetText(guild.GetGuildName()) - page.masterNameSlot.SetText(guild.GetGuildMasterName()) - page.guildLevelSlot.SetText(str(guild.GetGuildLevel())) - if page.guildMoneySlot: - page.guildMoneySlot.SetText(str(guild.GetGuildMoney())) - - curExp, lastExp = guild.GetGuildExperience() - curExp *= 100 - lastExp *= 100 - page.curExpSlot.SetText(str(curExp)) - page.lastExpSlot.SetText(str(lastExp)) - - curMemberCount, maxMemberCount = guild.GetGuildMemberCount() - if maxMemberCount== 0xffff: - page.memberCountSlot.SetText("%d / %s " % (curMemberCount, locale.GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_INFINITY)) - else: - page.memberCountSlot.SetText("%d / %d" % (curMemberCount, maxMemberCount)) - - page.levelAverageSlot.SetText(str(guild.GetGuildMemberLevelAverage())) - - ## 辨靛厘父 辨靛 付农客 辨靛傈 脚没 滚瓢阑 杭 荐 乐澜 - mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName() - masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName() - - if mainCharacterName == masterName: - page.uploadMarkButton.Show() - - if DISABLE_DECLARE_WAR: - page.declareWarButton.Hide() - else: - page.declareWarButton.Show() - - if guild.HasGuildLand(): - page.uploadSymbolButton.Show() - else: - page.uploadSymbolButton.Hide() - else: - page.uploadMarkButton.Hide() - page.declareWarButton.Hide() - page.uploadSymbolButton.Hide() - - ## Refresh 矫俊 辨靛傈 沥焊 诀单捞飘 - for i in xrange(guild.ENEMY_GUILD_SLOT_MAX_COUNT): - name = guild.GetEnemyGuildName(i) - nameTextLine = self.enemyGuildNameList[i] - if name: - nameTextLine.SetText(name) - else: - nameTextLine.SetText(locale.GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY) - - def __GetGuildBoardCommentData(self, index): - commentID, chrName, comment = guild.GetGuildBoardCommentData(index) - if 0==commentID: - if ""==chrName: - chrName=locale.UI_NONAME - if ""==comment: - comment=locale.UI_NOCONTENTS - - return commentID, chrName, comment - - def RefreshGuildBoardPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["BOARD"] - - self.BOARD_LINE_MAX_NUM = 12 - lineIndex = 0 - - commentCount = guild.GetGuildBoardCommentCount() - for i in xrange(commentCount): - - commentID, chrName, comment = self.__GetGuildBoardCommentData(i) - - if not comment: - continue - - slotList = page.boardDict[lineIndex] - - if "!" == comment[0]: - slotList[0].Show() - slotList[1].SetText(chrName) - slotList[2].SetText(comment[1:]) - - else: - slotList[0].Hide() - slotList[1].SetText(chrName) - slotList[2].SetText(comment) - - lineIndex += 1 - - for i in xrange(self.BOARD_LINE_MAX_NUM - lineIndex): - slotList = page.boardDict[lineIndex+i] - slotList[0].Hide() - slotList[1].SetText("") - slotList[2].SetText("") - - def RefreshGuildMemberPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - ## ScrollBar - count = guild.GetMemberCount() - if count > self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT: - page.scrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT) / float(count)) - page.scrollBar.Show() - else: - page.scrollBar.Hide() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - self.RefreshGuildMemberPageMemberList() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPageMemberList(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - for line, slotList in page.memberDict.items(): - - gradeComboBox = slotList[1] - gradeComboBox.Disable() - - if not guild.IsMember(line): - slotList[0].SetText("") - slotList[2].SetText("") - slotList[3].SetText("") - slotList[4].SetText("") - slotList[5].SetCheck(FALSE) - continue - - pid, name, grade, race, level, offer, general = self.GetMemberData(line) - if pid < 0: - continue - - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - - guildExperienceSummary = guild.GetGuildExperienceSummary() - - offerPercentage = 0 - if guildExperienceSummary > 0: - offerPercentage = int(float(offer) / float(guildExperienceSummary) * 100.0) - - slotList[0].SetText(name) - slotList[2].SetText(self.JOB_NAME.get(job, "?")) - slotList[3].SetText(str(level)) - slotList[4].SetText(str(offerPercentage) + "%") - slotList[5].SetCheck(general) - gradeComboBox.SetCurrentItem(guild.GetGradeName(grade)) - if 1 != grade: - gradeComboBox.Enable() - - def RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"] - - self.CAN_CHANGE_GRADE_COUNT = 15 - 1 - for key, slotList in page.memberDict.items(): - - gradeComboBox = slotList[1] - gradeComboBox.Disable() - - if not guild.IsMember(key): - continue - - pid, name, grade, job, level, offer, general = self.GetMemberData(key) - if pid < 0: - continue - - gradeComboBox.ClearItem() - for i in xrange(self.CAN_CHANGE_GRADE_COUNT): - gradeComboBox.InsertItem(i+2, guild.GetGradeName(i+2)) - gradeComboBox.SetCurrentItem(guild.GetGradeName(grade)) - if 1 != grade: - gradeComboBox.Enable() - - def RefreshGuildSkillPage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["SKILL"] - - curPoint, maxPoint = guild.GetDragonPowerPoint() - maxPoint = max(maxPoint, 1) - page.gpValue.SetText(str(curPoint) + " / " + str(maxPoint)) - - percentage = (float(curPoint) / float(maxPoint) * 100) * (float(173) / float(95)) - page.gpGauge.SetPercentage(int(percentage), 100) - - skillPoint = guild.GetGuildSkillPoint() - page.skillPoint.SetText(str(skillPoint)) - - page.passiveSlot.HideAllSlotButton() - page.activeSlot.HideAllSlotButton() - - ## Passive - """ - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.passiveSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.PASSIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillMaxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - page.passiveSlot.SetSlotCount(slotIndex, skillLevel) - if skillPoint > 0: - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevel: - page.passiveSlot.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - """ - - ## Active - for i in xrange(len(playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST)): - - slotIndex = page.activeSlot.GetStartIndex()+i - skillIndex = playerSettingModule.ACTIVE_GUILD_SKILL_INDEX_LIST[i] - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillMaxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - page.activeSlot.SetSlotCount(slotIndex, skillLevel) - - if skillLevel <= 0: - page.activeSlot.DisableCoverButton(slotIndex) - else: - page.activeSlot.EnableCoverButton(slotIndex) - - if skillPoint > 0: - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevel: - page.activeSlot.ShowSlotButton(slotIndex) - - def RefreshGuildGradePage(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["GRADE"] - - for key, slotList in page.gradeDict.items(): - name, authority = guild.GetGradeData(int(key)) - - slotList[self.GRADE_SLOT_NAME].SetText(name) - slotList[self.GRADE_ADD_MEMBER_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_ADD_MEMBER) - slotList[self.GRADE_REMOVE_MEMBER_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_REMOVE_MEMBER) - slotList[self.GRADE_NOTICE_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_NOTICE) - slotList[self.GRADE_SKILL_AUTHORITY].SetCheck(authority & guild.AUTH_SKILL) - - ## GuildInfo - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupMessage.SetText(msg) - self.popupDialog.SetTop() - self.popupDialog.Show() - - def __OnClickSelectGuildMarkButton(self): - if guild.GetGuildLevel() < int(locale.GUILD_MARK_MIN_LEVEL): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL) - elif not guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_NOTICE): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION) - else: - self.markSelectDialog.Open() - - def __OnClickSelectGuildSymbolButton(self): - if guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_NOTICE): - self.symbolSelectDialog.Open() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION) - - def __OnClickDeclareWarButton(self): - inputDialog = DeclareGuildWarDialog() - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def __OnSelectMark(self, markFileName): - ret = net.UploadMark("upload/"+markFileName) - - # MARK_BUG_FIX - if net.ERROR_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT == ret: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT); - - return ret - # END_OF_MARK_BUG_FIX - - def __OnSelectSymbol(self, symbolFileName): - net.UploadSymbol("upload/"+symbolFileName) - - def __OnClickOfferButton(self): - - curEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)) - - if curEXP <= 100: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_SHORT_EXP); - return - - self.offerDialog.Open(curEXP, 100) - - def __OnClickDepositButton(self): - moneyDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - moneyDialog.LoadDialog() - moneyDialog.SetMax(6) - moneyDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_DEPOSIT) - moneyDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDeposit)) - moneyDialog.Open(player.GetMoney()) - self.moneyDialog = moneyDialog - - def __OnClickWithdrawButton(self): - moneyDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - moneyDialog.LoadDialog() - moneyDialog.SetMax(6) - moneyDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_WITHDRAW) - moneyDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnWithdraw)) - moneyDialog.Open(guild.GetGuildMoney()) - self.moneyDialog = moneyDialog - - def __OnBlock(self): - popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - popup.SetText(locale.NOT_YET_SUPPORT) - popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) - popup.Open() - self.popup = popup - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.popup = None - - def OnDeposit(self, money): - net.SendGuildDepositMoneyPacket(money) - - def OnWithdraw(self, money): - net.SendGuildWithdrawMoneyPacket(money) - - def OnOffer(self, exp): - net.SendGuildOfferPacket(exp) - - ## Board - def OnPostComment(self): - - text = self.commentSlot.GetText() - if not text: - return FALSE - - net.SendGuildPostCommentPacket(text[:50]) - self.commentSlot.SetText("") - return TRUE - - def OnDeleteComment(self, index): - - commentID, chrName, comment = self.__GetGuildBoardCommentData(index) - net.SendGuildDeleteCommentPacket(commentID) - - def OnRefreshComments(self): - net.SendGuildRefreshCommentsPacket(0) - - def OnKeyDownInBoardPage(self, key): - if key == 63: - self.OnRefreshComments() - return TRUE - - ## Member - ## OnEnableGeneral - def OnChangeMemberGrade(self, lineIndex, gradeNumber): - PID = guild.MemberIndexToPID(lineIndex + self.memberLinePos) - net.SendGuildChangeMemberGradePacket(PID, gradeNumber) - - def OnEnableGeneral(self, lineIndex): - if not guild.IsMember(lineIndex): - return - - pid, name, grade, job, level, offer, general = self.GetMemberData(lineIndex) - if pid < 0: - return - - net.SendGuildChangeMemberGeneralPacket(pid, 1 - general) - - ## Grade - def OnOpenChangeGradeName(self, arg): - self.changeGradeNameDialog.SetGradeNumber(arg) - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Open() - - def OnChangeGradeName(self): - self.changeGradeNameDialog.Hide() - gradeNumber = self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetGradeNumber() - gradeName = self.changeGradeNameDialog.GetGradeName() - - if len(gradeName) == 0: - gradeName = locale.GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE - - net.SendGuildChangeGradeNamePacket(gradeNumber, gradeName) - return TRUE - - def OnCheckAuthority(self, argIndex, argAuthority): - name, authority = guild.GetGradeData(argIndex) - net.SendGuildChangeGradeAuthorityPacket(argIndex, authority ^ argAuthority) - - def OnScrollMemberLine(self): - scrollBar = self.pageWindow["MEMBER"].scrollBar - pos = scrollBar.GetPos() - - count = guild.GetMemberCount() - newLinePos = int(float(count - self.MEMBER_LINE_COUNT) * pos) - - if newLinePos != self.memberLinePos: - self.memberLinePos = newLinePos - self.RefreshGuildMemberPageMemberList() - self.__CloseAllGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox() - - def GetMemberData(self, localPos): - return guild.GetMemberData(localPos + self.memberLinePos) - - ## Guild Skill - def __OnOpenHealGSPBoard(self): - - curPoint, maxPoint = guild.GetDragonPowerPoint() - - if maxPoint - curPoint <= 0: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE) - return - - pickDialog = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - pickDialog.LoadDialog() - pickDialog.SetMax(9) - pickDialog.SetTitleName(locale.GUILD_HEAL_GSP) - pickDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOpenHealGSPQuestionDialog)) - pickDialog.Open(maxPoint - curPoint, 1) - self.pickDialog = pickDialog - - def __OnOpenHealGSPQuestionDialog(self, healGSP): - - money = healGSP * constInfo.GUILD_MONEY_PER_GSP - - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - questionDialog.SetText(locale.GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP % (money, healGSP)) - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnHealGSP)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - questionDialog.SetWidth(400) - questionDialog.Open() - questionDialog.healGSP = healGSP - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - - def __OnHealGSP(self): - net.SendGuildChargeGSPPacket(self.questionDialog.healGSP) - self.__OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def __OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - - def OnPickUpGuildSkill(self, skillSlotIndex, type): - - mouseController = mouseModule.mouseController - - if FALSE == mouseController.isAttached(): - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(skillSlotIndex) - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(skillSlotIndex) - - if skill.CanUseSkill(skillIndex) and skillLevel > 0: - - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, skillSlotIndex) - return - - mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL, skillSlotIndex, skillIndex) - - else: - mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def OnUseGuildSkill(self, slotNumber, type): - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotNumber) - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotNumber) - - if skillLevel <= 0: - return - - player.UseGuildSkill(slotNumber) - - def OnUpGuildSkill(self, slotNumber, type): - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotNumber) - net.SendChatPacket("/gskillup " + str(skillIndex)) - - def OnUseSkill(self, slotNumber, coolTime): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - page = self.pageWindow["SKILL"] - - if page.activeSlot.HasSlot(slotNumber): - page.activeSlot.SetSlotCoolTime(slotNumber, coolTime) - - def OnStartGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if guild.GetGuildID() != guildSelf: - return - - guildName = guild.GetGuildName(guildOpp) - for guildNameTextLine in self.enemyGuildNameList: - if locale.GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY == guildNameTextLine.GetText(): - guildNameTextLine.SetText(guildName) - return - - def OnEndGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if guild.GetGuildID() != guildSelf: - return - - guildName = guild.GetGuildName(guildOpp) - for guildNameTextLine in self.enemyGuildNameList: - if guildName == guildNameTextLine.GetText(): - guildNameTextLine.SetText(locale.GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY) - return - - ## ToolTip - def OverInItem(self, slotNumber, type): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if None != self.tooltipSkill: - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(slotNumber) - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(slotNumber) - - self.tooltipSkill.SetSkill(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - def OverOutItem(self): - if None != self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - -class BuildGuildBuildingWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - if locale.IsJAPAN(): - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", "婎慴寶抸暔"), - ("FACILITY", "奼挘寶抸暔"), - ("OBJECT", "偦偺懠"), - ) - elif locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", "夯扒拱"), - ("FACILITY", "扁瓷扒拱"), - ("OBJECT", "炼版拱"), - ) - elif locale.IsEUROPE() or locale.IsHONGKONG(): - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", locale.GUILD_HEADQUARTER), - ("FACILITY", locale.GUILD_FACILITY), - ("OBJECT", locale.GUILD_OBJECT), - ) - else: - try : - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", locale.GUILD_HEADQUARTER), - ("FACILITY", locale.GUILD_FACILITY), - ("OBJECT", locale.GUILD_OBJECT), - ) - except: - GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST = ( - ("HEADQUARTER", "Main Building"), - ("FACILITY", "Facility"), - ("OBJECT", "Object"), - ) - - MODE_VIEW = 0 - MODE_POSITIONING = 1 - MODE_PREVIEW = 2 - - BUILDING_ALPHA = 0.55 - - ENABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - DISABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0) - - START_INSTANCE_INDEX = 123450 - #WALL_SET_INSTANCE = 14105 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadWindow() - - self.closeEvent = None - self.popup = None - self.mode = self.MODE_VIEW - self.race = 0 - self.type = None - self.x = 0 - self.y = 0 - self.z = 0 - self.rot_x = 0 - self.rot_y = 0 - self.rot_z = 0 - self.rot_x_limit = 0 - self.rot_y_limit = 0 - self.rot_z_limit = 0 - self.needMoney = 0 - self.needStoneCount = 0 - self.needLogCount = 0 - self.needPlywoodCount = 0 - - #self.index = 0 - self.indexList = [] - self.raceList = [] - self.posList = [] - self.rotList = [] - - index = 0 - for category in self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST: - self.categoryList.InsertItem(index, category[1]) - index += 1 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "buildguildbuildingwindow.py") - elif locale.IsVIETNAM(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "buildguildbuildingwindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/buildguildbuildingwindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DeclareGuildWarWindow.__CreateDialog - LoadScript") - - try: - getObject = self.GetChild - self.board = getObject("Board") - self.categoryList = getObject("CategoryList") - self.buildingList = getObject("BuildingList") - self.listScrollBar = getObject("ListScrollBar") - self.positionButton = getObject("PositionButton") - self.previewButton = getObject("PreviewButton") - self.posValueX = getObject("BuildingPositionXValue") - self.posValueY = getObject("BuildingPositionYValue") - self.ctrlRotationX = getObject("BuildingRotationX") - self.ctrlRotationY = getObject("BuildingRotationY") - self.ctrlRotationZ = getObject("BuildingRotationZ") - self.buildingPriceValue = getObject("BuildingPriceValue") - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue = getObject("BuildingMaterialStoneValue") - self.buildingMaterialLogValue = getObject("BuildingMaterialLogValue") - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue = getObject("BuildingMaterialPlywoodValue") - - self.positionButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectPositioningMode)) - self.previewButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnEnterPreviewMode)) - self.previewButton.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnLeavePreviewMode)) - self.ctrlRotationX.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeRotation)) - self.ctrlRotationY.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeRotation)) - self.ctrlRotationZ.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeRotation)) - self.listScrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnScrollBuildingList)) - - getObject("CategoryList").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectCategory)) - getObject("BuildingList").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnSelectBuilding)) - getObject("AcceptButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Build)) - getObject("CancelButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("BuildGuildBuildingWindow.__LoadWindow - BindObject") - - def __CreateWallBlock(self, race, x, y, rot=0.0 ): - idx = self.START_INSTANCE_INDEX + len(self.indexList) - self.indexList.append(idx) - self.raceList.append(race) - self.posList.append((x, y)) - self.rotList.append(rot) - chr.CreateInstance(idx) - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - chr.SetVirtualID(idx) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, self.BUILDING_ALPHA) - chr.SetRotationAll(0.0, 0.0, rot) - - self.ctrlRotationX.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationY.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationZ.SetSliderPos(0.5) - - def __GetObjectSize(self, race): - idx = self.START_INSTANCE_INDEX + 1000 - chr.CreateInstance(idx) - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - chr.SetVirtualID(idx) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - sx, sy, ex, ey = chr.GetBoundBoxOnlyXY(idx) - chr.DeleteInstance(idx) - return sx, sy, ex, ey - - def __GetBuildInPosition(self): - - zList = [] - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.sxPos, self.y+self.syPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.sxPos, self.y+self.eyPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.exPos, self.y+self.syPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+self.exPos, self.y+self.eyPos) ) - zList.append( background.GetHeight(self.x+(self.exPos+self.sxPos)/2, self.y+(self.eyPos+self.syPos)/2) ) - zList.sort() - return zList[3] - - def __CreateBuildInInstance(self,race): - - self.__DeleteInstance() - - object_base = race - race%10 - - door_minX, door_minY, door_maxX, door_maxY = self.__GetObjectSize(object_base+4) - corner_minX, corner_minY, corner_maxX, corner_maxY = self.__GetObjectSize(object_base+1) - line_minX, line_minY, line_maxX, line_maxY = self.__GetObjectSize(object_base+2) - line_width = line_maxX - line_minX - line_width_half = line_width / 2 - - X_SIZE_STEP = 2 * 2 ## 2狼 窜困肺父 刘啊秦具 窃 - Y_SIZE_STEP = 8 - sxPos = door_maxX - corner_minX + (line_width_half*X_SIZE_STEP) - exPos = -sxPos - syPos = 0 - eyPos = -(corner_maxY*2 + line_width*Y_SIZE_STEP) - - self.sxPos = sxPos - self.syPos = syPos - self.exPos = exPos - self.eyPos = eyPos - - z = self.__GetBuildInPosition() - - ## Door - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+4, 0.0, syPos) - - ## Corner - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, sxPos, syPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, exPos, syPos, 270.0) - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, sxPos, eyPos, 90.0) - self.__CreateWallBlock(object_base+1, exPos, eyPos,180.0 ) - - ## Line - lineBlock = object_base+2 - line_startX = -door_maxX - line_minX - (line_width_half*X_SIZE_STEP) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX, eyPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*1, eyPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*2, eyPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*3, eyPos) - for i in xrange(X_SIZE_STEP): - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, line_startX+line_width*(3+i+1), eyPos) - for i in xrange(X_SIZE_STEP/2): - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, door_minX - line_maxX - line_width*i, syPos) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, door_maxX - line_minX + line_width*i, syPos) - for i in xrange(Y_SIZE_STEP): - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, sxPos, line_minX + corner_minX - line_width*i, 90.0) - self.__CreateWallBlock(lineBlock, exPos, line_minX + corner_minX - line_width*i, 90.0) - - self.SetBuildingPosition(int(self.x), int(self.y), self.__GetBuildInPosition()) - - def __DeleteInstance(self): - if not self.indexList: - return - - for index in self.indexList: - chr.DeleteInstance(index) - - self.indexList = [] - self.raceList = [] - self.posList = [] - self.rotList = [] - - def __CreateInstance(self, race): - - self.__DeleteInstance() - - self.race = race - - idx = self.START_INSTANCE_INDEX - self.indexList.append(idx) - self.posList.append((0, 0)) - self.rotList.append(0) - - chr.CreateInstance(idx) - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - chr.SetVirtualID(idx) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, self.BUILDING_ALPHA) - - self.SetBuildingPosition(int(self.x), int(self.y), 0) - self.ctrlRotationX.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationY.SetSliderPos(0.5) - self.ctrlRotationZ.SetSliderPos(0.5) - - def Build(self): - - if not self.__IsEnoughMoney(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY) - return - if not self.__IsEnoughMaterialStone(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - return - if not self.__IsEnoughMaterialLog(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - return - if not self.__IsEnoughMaterialPlywood(): - self.__PopupDialog(locale.GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL) - return - - ## /build c vnum x y x_rot y_rot z_rot - ## /build d vnum - if "BUILDIN" == self.type: - for i in xrange(len(self.raceList)): - race = self.raceList[i] - xPos, yPos = self.posList[i] - rot = self.rotList[i] - net.SendChatPacket("/build c %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (race, int(self.x+xPos), int(self.y+yPos), self.rot_x, self.rot_y, rot)) - else: - net.SendChatPacket("/build c %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (self.race, int(self.x), int(self.y), self.rot_x, self.rot_y, self.rot_z)) - - self.Close() - - def Open(self): - x, y, z = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - app.SetCameraSetting(int(x), int(-y), int(z), 3000, 0, 30) - - background.VisibleGuildArea() - - self.x = x - self.y = y - self.z = z - self.categoryList.SelectItem(0) - self.buildingList.SelectItem(0) - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - self.__DisablePCBlocker() - - import debugInfo - if debugInfo.IsDebugMode(): - self.categoryList.SelectItem(2) - self.buildingList.SelectItem(0) - - def Close(self): - - self.__DeleteInstance() - - background.DisableGuildArea() - - self.Hide() - self.__OnClosePopupDialog() - self.__EnablePCBlocker() - self.__UnlockCameraMoving() - if self.closeEvent: - self.closeEvent() - - def Destory(self): - self.Close() - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = None - self.categoryList = None - self.buildingList = None - self.listScrollBar = None - self.positionButton = None - self.previewButton = None - self.posValueX = None - self.posValueY = None - self.ctrlRotationX = None - self.ctrlRotationY = None - self.ctrlRotationZ = None - self.buildingPriceValue = None - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue = None - self.buildingMaterialLogValue = None - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue = None - self.closeEvent = None - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.closeEvent = event - - def __PopupDialog(self, text): - popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - popup.SetText(text) - popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) - popup.Open() - self.popup = popup - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.popup = None - - def __EnablePCBlocker(self): - ## PC Blocker 贸府甫 囊促. (捧疙秦咙) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING) - - for idx in self.indexList: - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, 1.0) - - def __DisablePCBlocker(self): - ## PC Blocker 贸府甫 馋促. (救捧疙秦咙) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_OBJECT) - - for idx in self.indexList: - chr.SetBlendRenderMode(idx, self.BUILDING_ALPHA) - - def __OnSelectPositioningMode(self): - if self.MODE_PREVIEW == self.mode: - self.positionButton.SetUp() - return - - self.mode = self.MODE_POSITIONING - self.Hide() - - def __OnEnterPreviewMode(self): - - if self.MODE_POSITIONING == self.mode: - self.previewButton.SetUp() - return - - self.mode = self.MODE_PREVIEW - self.positionButton.SetUp() - self.__UnlockCameraMoving() - self.__EnablePCBlocker() - - def __OnLeavePreviewMode(self): - self.__RestoreViewMode() - - def __RestoreViewMode(self): - self.__DisablePCBlocker() - self.__LockCameraMoving() - self.mode = self.MODE_VIEW - self.positionButton.SetUp() - self.previewButton.SetUp() - - def __IsEnoughMoney(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curMoney = player.GetMoney() - if curMoney < self.needMoney: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __IsEnoughMaterialStone(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curStoneCount = player.GetItemCountByVnum(MATERIAL_STONE_ID) - if curStoneCount < self.needStoneCount: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __IsEnoughMaterialLog(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curLogCount = player.GetItemCountByVnum(MATERIAL_LOG_ID) - if curLogCount < self.needLogCount: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __IsEnoughMaterialPlywood(self): - - if app.IsEnableTestServerFlag(): - return TRUE - - curPlywoodCount = player.GetItemCountByVnum(MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_ID) - if curPlywoodCount < self.needPlywoodCount: - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def __OnSelectCategory(self): - self.listScrollBar.SetPos(0.0) - self.__RefreshItem() - - def __SetBuildingData(self, data): - self.buildingPriceValue.SetText(NumberToMoneyString(data["PRICE"])) - - self.needMoney = int(data["PRICE"]) - - materialList = data["MATERIAL"] - self.needStoneCount = int(materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX]) - self.needLogCount = int(materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX]) - self.needPlywoodCount = int(materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX]) - - if (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/ca") and (locale.IsEUROPE() and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/br"): - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX]) - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] ) - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX]) - else: - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX] + locale.THING_COUNT) - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] + locale.THING_COUNT) - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetText(materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX] + locale.THING_COUNT) - if self.__IsEnoughMoney(): - self.buildingPriceValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingPriceValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - if self.__IsEnoughMaterialStone(): - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingMaterialStoneValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - if self.__IsEnoughMaterialLog(): - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingMaterialLogValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - if self.__IsEnoughMaterialPlywood(): - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.ENABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.buildingMaterialPlywoodValue.SetPackedFontColor(self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - self.rot_x_limit = data["X_ROT_LIMIT"] - self.rot_y_limit = data["Y_ROT_LIMIT"] - self.rot_z_limit = data["Z_ROT_LIMIT"] - self.ctrlRotationX.Enable() - self.ctrlRotationY.Enable() - self.ctrlRotationZ.Enable() - if 0 == self.rot_x_limit: - self.ctrlRotationX.Disable() - if 0 == self.rot_y_limit: - self.ctrlRotationY.Disable() - if 0 == self.rot_z_limit: - self.ctrlRotationZ.Disable() - - def __OnSelectBuilding(self): - buildingIndex = self.buildingList.GetSelectedItem() - if buildingIndex >= len(BUILDING_DATA_LIST): - return - - categoryIndex = self.categoryList.GetSelectedItem() - if categoryIndex >= len(self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST): - return - selectedType = self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST[categoryIndex][0] - - index = 0 - for data in BUILDING_DATA_LIST: - type = data["TYPE"] - vnum = data["VNUM"] - if selectedType != type: - continue - - if index == buildingIndex: - self.type = type - if "BUILDIN" == self.type: - self.__CreateBuildInInstance(vnum) - else: - self.__CreateInstance(vnum) - - self.__SetBuildingData(data) - - index += 1 - - def __OnScrollBuildingList(self): - viewItemCount = self.buildingList.GetViewItemCount() - itemCount = self.buildingList.GetItemCount() - pos = self.listScrollBar.GetPos() * (itemCount-viewItemCount) - self.buildingList.SetBasePos(int(pos)) - - def __OnChangeRotation(self): - self.rot_x = self.ctrlRotationX.GetSliderPos() * self.rot_x_limit - self.rot_x_limit/2 - self.rot_y = self.ctrlRotationY.GetSliderPos() * self.rot_y_limit - self.rot_y_limit/2 - self.rot_z = (self.ctrlRotationZ.GetSliderPos() * 360 + 180) % 360 - if "BUILDIN" == self.type: - chr.SetRotationAll(self.rot_x, self.rot_y, self.rot_z) - else: - chr.SetRotationAll(self.rot_x, self.rot_y, self.rot_z) - - def __LockCameraMoving(self): - app.SetCameraSetting(int(self.x), int(-self.y), int(self.z), 3000, 0, 30) - - def __UnlockCameraMoving(self): - app.SetDefaultCamera() - - def __RefreshItem(self): - - self.buildingList.ClearItem() - - categoryIndex = self.categoryList.GetSelectedItem() - if categoryIndex >= len(self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST): - return - selectedType = self.GUILD_CATEGORY_LIST[categoryIndex][0] - - index = 0 - for data in BUILDING_DATA_LIST: - if selectedType != data["TYPE"]: - continue - - if data["SHOW"]: - self.buildingList.InsertItem(index, data["LOCAL_NAME"]) - - index += 1 - - self.buildingList.SelectItem(0) - - if self.buildingList.GetItemCount() < self.buildingList.GetViewItemCount(): - self.buildingList.SetSize(120, self.buildingList.GetHeight()) - self.buildingList.LocateItem() - self.listScrollBar.Hide() - else: - self.buildingList.SetSize(105, self.buildingList.GetHeight()) - self.buildingList.LocateItem() - self.listScrollBar.Show() - - def SettleCurrentPosition(self): - guildID = miniMap.GetGuildAreaID(self.x, self.y) - - import debugInfo - if debugInfo.IsDebugMode(): - guildID = player.GetGuildID() - - if guildID != player.GetGuildID(): - return - - self.__RestoreViewMode() - self.__LockCameraMoving() - self.Show() - - def SetBuildingPosition(self, x, y, z): - self.x = x - self.y = y - self.posValueX.SetText(str(int(x))) - self.posValueY.SetText(str(int(y))) - - for i in xrange(len(self.indexList)): - idx = self.indexList[i] - xPos, yPos = self.posList[i] - - chr.SelectInstance(idx) - if 0 != z: - self.z = z - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x+xPos), int(y+yPos), int(z)) - else: - chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x+xPos), int(y+yPos)) - - def IsPositioningMode(self): - if self.MODE_POSITIONING == self.mode: - return TRUE - return FALSE - - def IsPreviewMode(self): - if self.MODE_PREVIEW == self.mode: - return TRUE - return FALSE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -""" -- 橇肺配妮 - -霸烙倒涝矫: - RecvLandPacket: - CPythonMiniMap::RegisterGuildArea - -霸烙捞悼吝: - PythonPlayer::Update() - CPythonPlayer::__Update_NotifyGuildAreaEvent() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_EnterGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.ShowBuildButton() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_ExitGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.HideBuildButton() - -BuildButton: -!辨靛厘牢瘤 贸府 绝澜 -!扒拱捞 乐绢档 窿扁 滚瓢篮 乐澜 - -!扒拱捞 烙矫肺 荤侩窍绰 VID 绰 辑滚啊 焊郴林绰 巴苞 去悼瞪 堪妨啊 乐澜 -!扒拱 VNUM 篮 BuildGuildBuildingWindow.BUILDING_VNUM_LIST 甫 捞侩秦 函券 - -!扒拱 瘤阑锭绰 /build c(reate) -!扒拱 何贱锭绰 /build d(estroy) -!rotation 狼 窜困绰 degree - - interfaceModule.interface.__OnClickBuildButton: - interfaceModule.interface.BUILD_OpenWindow: - -AcceptButton: - BuildGuildBuildingWindow.Build: - net.SendChatPacket("/build c vnum x y x_rot y_rot z_rot") - -PreviewButton: - __OnPreviewMode: - __RestoreViewMode: - -扒拱 何荐扁: - uiTarget.TargetBoard.__OnDestroyBuilding - net.SendChatPacket("/build d vid") -""" - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - import chrmgr - chrmgr.CreateRace(0) - chrmgr.SelectRace(0) - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/") - chrmgr.LoadRaceData("warrior.msm") - chrmgr.SetPathName("d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/general/") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_WAIT, "wait.msa") - chrmgr.RegisterMotionData(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL, chr.MOTION_RUN, "run.msa") - - def LoadGuildBuildingList(filename): - handle = app.OpenTextFile(filename) - count = app.GetTextFileLineCount(handle) - for i in xrange(count): - line = app.GetTextFileLine(handle, i) - tokens = line.split("\t") - - TOKEN_VNUM = 0 - TOKEN_TYPE = 1 - TOKEN_NAME = 2 - TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME = 3 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_1 = 4 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_2 = 5 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_3 = 6 - NO_USE_TOKEN_SIZE_4 = 7 - TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT = 8 - TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT = 9 - TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT = 10 - TOKEN_PRICE = 11 - TOKEN_MATERIAL = 12 - TOKEN_NPC = 13 - TOKEN_GROUP = 14 - TOKEN_DEPEND_GROUP = 15 - TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG = 16 - LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT = 17 - - if not tokens[TOKEN_VNUM].isdigit(): - continue - - if not int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - continue - - if len(tokens) < LIMIT_TOKEN_COUNT: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("Strange token count [%d/%d] [%s]" % (len(tokens), TOKEN_COUNT, line)) - continue - - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE = FALSE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE = TRUE - ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE = 2 - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_NOT_USE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - continue - - vnum = int(tokens[TOKEN_VNUM]) - type = tokens[TOKEN_TYPE] - name = tokens[TOKEN_NAME] - localName = tokens[TOKEN_LOCAL_NAME] - xRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_X_ROT_LIMIT]) - yRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Y_ROT_LIMIT]) - zRotLimit = int(tokens[TOKEN_Z_ROT_LIMIT]) - price = tokens[TOKEN_PRICE] - material = tokens[TOKEN_MATERIAL] - - folderName = "" - if "HEADQUARTER" == type: - folderName = "headquarter" - elif "FACILITY" == type: - folderName = "facility" - elif "OBJECT" == type: - folderName = "object" - ##"BuildIn" Is made by exist instance. - - materialList = ["0", "0", "0"] - if material[0] == "\"": - material = material[1:] - if material[-1] == "\"": - material = material[:-1] - for one in material.split("/"): - data = one.split(",") - if 2 != len(data): - continue - itemID = int(data[0]) - count = data[1] - - if itemID == MATERIAL_STONE_ID: - materialList[MATERIAL_STONE_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == MATERIAL_LOG_ID: - materialList[MATERIAL_LOG_INDEX] = count - elif itemID == MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_ID: - materialList[MATERIAL_PLYWOOD_INDEX] = count - - import chrmgr - chrmgr.RegisterRaceSrcName(name, folderName) - chrmgr.RegisterRaceName(vnum, name) - - appendingData = { "VNUM":vnum, - "TYPE":type, - "NAME":name, - "LOCAL_NAME":localName, - "X_ROT_LIMIT":xRotLimit, - "Y_ROT_LIMIT":yRotLimit, - "Z_ROT_LIMIT":zRotLimit, - "PRICE":price, - "MATERIAL":materialList, - "SHOW" : TRUE } - - if ENABLE_FLAG_TYPE_USE_BUT_HIDE == int(tokens[TOKEN_ENABLE_FLAG]): - appendingData["SHOW"] = FALSE - - BUILDING_DATA_LIST.append(appendingData) - - app.CloseTextFile(handle) - - LoadGuildBuildingList(app.GetLocalePath()+"/GuildBuildingList.txt") - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - x = 30000 - y = 40000 - - self.wndGuildBuilding = None - self.onClickKeyDict = {} - self.onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_SPACE] = lambda: self.OpenBuildGuildBuildingWindow() - - background.Initialize() - background.LoadMap("metin2_map_a1", x, y, 0) - background.SetShadowLevel(background.SHADOW_ALL) - - self.MakeCharacter(1, 0, x, y) - player.SetMainCharacterIndex(1) - chr.SelectInstance(1) - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def MakeCharacter(self, index, race, x, y): - chr.CreateInstance(index) - chr.SelectInstance(index) - chr.SetVirtualID(index) - chr.SetInstanceType(chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_PLAYER) - - chr.SetRace(race) - chr.SetArmor(0) - chr.SetHair(0) - chr.Refresh() - chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL) - chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_WAIT) - - chr.SetPixelPosition(x, y) - chr.SetDirection(chr.DIR_NORTH) - - def OpenBuildGuildBuildingWindow(self): - self.wndGuildBuilding = BuildGuildBuildingWindow() - self.wndGuildBuilding.Open() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetParent(self) - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetTop() - - def OnKeyUp(self, key): - if key in self.onClickKeyDict: - self.onClickKeyDict[key]() - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - self.wndGuildBuilding.SettleCurrentPosition() - return - - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS); - return TRUE - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - return - - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK) - return TRUE - - def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self): - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_PRESS); - return TRUE - - def OnMouseRightButtonUp(self): - player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_CLICK); - return TRUE - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonDown(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_PRESS) - - def OnMouseMiddleButtonUp(self): - player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_CLICK) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - if self.wndGuildBuilding: - if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode(): - x, y, z = background.GetPickingPoint() - self.wndGuildBuilding.SetBuildingPosition(x, y, z) - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - wndGuildBuilding = BuildGuildBuildingWindow() - wndGuildBuilding.Open() - wndGuildBuilding.SetTop() - - app.Loop() - - """ - - 橇肺配妮 - -霸烙倒涝矫: - RecvLandPacket: - CPythonMiniMap::RegisterGuildArea - -霸烙捞悼吝: - PythonPlayer::Update() - CPythonPlayer::__Update_NotifyGuildAreaEvent() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_EnterGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.ShowBuildButton() - game.py.BINARY_Guild_ExitGuildArea - uigameButton.GameButtonWindow.HideBuildButton() - -BuildButton: -!辨靛厘牢瘤 贸府 绝澜 -!扒拱捞 乐绢档 窿扁 滚瓢篮 乐澜 - -!扒拱捞 烙矫肺 荤侩窍绰 VID 绰 辑滚啊 焊郴林绰 巴苞 去悼瞪 堪妨啊 乐澜 -!扒拱 VNUM 篮 BuildGuildBuildingWindow.BUILDING_VNUM_LIST 甫 捞侩秦 函券 - -!扒拱 瘤阑锭绰 /build c(reate) -!扒拱 何贱锭绰 /build d(estroy) -!rotation 狼 窜困绰 degree - - interfaceModule.interface.__OnClickBuildButton: - interfaceModule.interface.BUILD_OpenWindow: - -AcceptButton: - BuildGuildBuildingWindow.Build: - net.SendChatPacket("/build c vnum x y x_rot y_rot z_rot") - - x_rot, y_rot 绰 AffectContainer俊 历厘 - -PreviewButton: - __OnPreviewMode: - __RestoreViewMode: - -扒拱 何荐扁: - uiTarget.TargetBoard.__OnDestroyBuilding - net.SendChatPacket("/build d vid") - """ - diff --git a/bin_original/uiHelp.py b/bin_original/uiHelp.py deleted file mode 100644 index 669fdb45..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiHelp.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -ENABLE_HELP_MULTIPAGE = 0 - -class HelpWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.eventClose = 0 - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - if ENABLE_HELP_MULTIPAGE: - self.LoadDialogMultiPage() - else: - self.LoadDialogSinglePage() - - def LoadDialogSinglePage(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "HelpWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/HelpWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("HelpWindow.LoadDialogSinglePage.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.btnClose = GetObject("close_button") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DialogWindow.LoadDialogSinglePage.BindObject") - - - def LoadDialogMultiPage(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/HelpWindow2.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("HelpWindow.LoadDialogMultiPage.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.btnClose = GetObject("close_button") - self.pages = {} - self.btnPages = {} - self.pages[0] = GetObject("page_1") - self.pages[1] = GetObject("page_2") - self.btnPages[0] = GetObject("page_1_button") - self.btnPages[1] = GetObject("page_2_button") - self.btnPages[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPage1) - self.btnPages[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPage2) - - self.__SelectPage(0) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DialogWindow.LoadDialogMultiPage.BindObject") - - def __OnClickPage1(self): - self.__SelectPage(0) - - def __OnClickPage2(self): - self.__SelectPage(1) - - def Destroy(self): - self.eventClose = 0 - self.closeButton = 0 - self.pages = {} - self.btnPages = {} - - def SetCloseEvent(self, event): - self.eventClose = event - self.btnClose.SetEvent(event) - - def Open(self): - self.Lock() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if app.DIK_H == key and 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - if 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - if 0 != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose() - return TRUE - - def __SelectPage(self, pageIndex): - for page in self.pages.values(): - page.Hide() - for btn in self.btnPages.values(): - btn.SetUp() - - self.pages[pageIndex].Show() - self.btnPages[pageIndex].Down() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - wnd = HelpWindow() - wnd.LoadDialog() - wnd.Open() - app.Loop() - wnd = None - diff --git a/bin_original/uiInventory.py b/bin_original/uiInventory.py deleted file mode 100644 index 114af1e9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiInventory.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1160 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import mouseModule -import net -import app -import snd -import item -import player -import chat -import grp -import uiScriptLocale -import uiRefine -import uiAttachMetin -import uiPickMoney -import uiCommon -import uiPrivateShopBuilder # 俺牢惑痢 凯悼救 ItemMove 规瘤 -import locale -import constInfo -import ime -import wndMgr - -ITEM_MALL_BUTTON_ENABLE = TRUE - - - -ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE = 1 << 14 - -class CostumeWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self, wndInventory): - import exception - - if not app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM: - exception.Abort("What do you do?") - return - - if not wndInventory: - exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow") - return - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.wndInventory = wndInventory; - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - self.RefreshCostumeSlot() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CostumeWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - wndEquip = self.GetChild("CostumeSlot") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - ## Equipment - wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverInItem)) - wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverOutItem)) - wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectItemSlot)) - - self.wndEquip = wndEquip - - def RefreshCostumeSlot(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - - for i in xrange(item.COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + i - self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), 0) - - self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot() - -class BeltInventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self, wndInventory): - import exception - - if not app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM: - exception.Abort("What do you do?") - return - - if not wndInventory: - exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow") - return - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.wndInventory = wndInventory; - - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = None - self.wndBeltInventorySlot = None - self.expandBtn = None - self.minBtn = None - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self, openBeltSlot = FALSE): - self.__LoadWindow() - self.RefreshSlot() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - if openBeltSlot: - self.OpenInventory() - else: - self.CloseInventory() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def IsOpeningInventory(self): - return self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.IsShow() - - def OpenInventory(self): - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.Show() - self.expandBtn.Hide() - - self.AdjustPositionAndSize() - - def CloseInventory(self): - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.Hide() - self.expandBtn.Show() - - self.AdjustPositionAndSize() - - ## 泅犁 牢亥配府 困摹甫 扁霖栏肺 BASE 困摹甫 拌魂, 府畔.. 箭磊 窍靛内爹窍扁 沥富 饺瘤父 规过捞 绝促.. - def GetBasePosition(self): - x, y = self.wndInventory.GetGlobalPosition() - return x - 148, y + 241 - - def AdjustPositionAndSize(self): - bx, by = self.GetBasePosition() - - if self.IsOpeningInventory(): - self.SetPosition(bx, by) - self.SetSize(self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH, self.GetHeight()) - - else: - self.SetPosition(bx + 138, by); - self.SetSize(10, self.GetHeight()) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/BeltInventoryWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH = self.GetWidth() - wndBeltInventorySlot = self.GetChild("BeltInventorySlot") - self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = self.GetChild("BeltInventoryLayer") - self.expandBtn = self.GetChild("ExpandBtn") - self.minBtn = self.GetChild("MinimizeBtn") - - self.expandBtn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenInventory)) - self.minBtn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseInventory)) - - for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga", FALSE, FALSE) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - ## Equipment - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverInItem)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverOutItem)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndBeltInventorySlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectItemSlot)) - - self.wndBeltInventorySlot = wndBeltInventorySlot - - def RefreshSlot(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - - for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), player.GetItemCount(slotNumber)) - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(slotNumber, TRUE) - - avail = "0" - - if player.IsAvailableBeltInventoryCell(slotNumber): - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.EnableCoverButton(slotNumber) - else: - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.DisableCoverButton(slotNumber) - - self.wndBeltInventorySlot.RefreshSlot() - - -class InventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - USE_TYPE_TUPLE = ("USE_CLEAN_SOCKET", "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2", "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET") - - questionDialog = None - tooltipItem = None - wndCostume = None - wndBelt = None - dlgPickMoney = None - - sellingSlotNumber = -1 - isLoaded = 0 - isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 牢亥配府 摧阑 锭 内胶悯捞 凯妨乐菌绰瘤 咯何-_-; 匙捞怪 じさ - isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 牢亥配府 摧阑 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府啊 凯妨乐菌绰瘤 咯何-_-; 匙捞怪 じさ - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 牢亥配府 摧阑 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府啊 凯妨乐菌绰瘤 咯何-_-; 匙捞怪 じさ - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - # 牢亥配府甫 摧阑 锭 内胶悯捞 凯妨乐菌促搁 牢亥配府甫 凯 锭 内胶悯档 鞍捞 凯档废 窃. - if self.isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory and self.wndCostume: - self.wndCostume.Show() - - # 牢亥配府甫 摧阑 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府啊 凯妨乐菌促搁 鞍捞 凯档废 窃. - if self.wndBelt: - self.wndBelt.Show(self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory) - - def BindInterfaceClass(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if ITEM_MALL_BUTTON_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "InventoryWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/InventoryWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - wndItem = self.GetChild("ItemSlot") - wndEquip = self.GetChild("EquipmentSlot") - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money") - self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot") - self.mallButton = self.GetChild2("MallButton") - self.DSSButton = self.GetChild2("DSSButton") - self.costumeButton = self.GetChild2("CostumeButton") - - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_01")) - self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_02")) - - self.equipmentTab = [] - self.equipmentTab.append(self.GetChild("Equipment_Tab_01")) - self.equipmentTab.append(self.GetChild("Equipment_Tab_02")) - - if self.costumeButton and not app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM: - self.costumeButton.Hide() - self.costumeButton.Destroy() - self.costumeButton = 0 - - # Belt Inventory Window - self.wndBelt = None - - if app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM: - self.wndBelt = BeltInventoryWindow(self) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - ## Item - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - ## Equipment - wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - ## PickMoneyDialog - dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - dlgPickMoney.LoadDialog() - dlgPickMoney.Hide() - - ## RefineDialog - self.refineDialog = uiRefine.RefineDialog() - self.refineDialog.Hide() - - ## AttachMetinDialog - self.attachMetinDialog = uiAttachMetin.AttachMetinDialog() - self.attachMetinDialog.Hide() - - ## MoneySlot - self.wndMoneySlot.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPickMoneyDialog)) - - self.inventoryTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetInventoryPage(arg)) - self.inventoryTab[0].Down() - - self.equipmentTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg)) - self.equipmentTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg)) - self.equipmentTab[0].Down() - self.equipmentTab[0].Hide() - self.equipmentTab[1].Hide() - - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.wndEquip = wndEquip - self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney - - # MallButton - if self.mallButton: - self.mallButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickMallButton)) - - if self.DSSButton: - self.DSSButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickDSSButton)) - - # Costume Button - if self.costumeButton: - self.costumeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickCostumeButton)) - - self.wndCostume = None - - ##### - - ## Refresh - self.SetInventoryPage(0) - self.SetEquipmentPage(0) - self.RefreshItemSlot() - self.RefreshStatus() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Destroy() - self.dlgPickMoney = 0 - - self.refineDialog.Destroy() - self.refineDialog = 0 - - self.attachMetinDialog.Destroy() - self.attachMetinDialog = 0 - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndItem = 0 - self.wndEquip = 0 - self.dlgPickMoney = 0 - self.wndMoney = 0 - self.wndMoneySlot = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.mallButton = None - self.DSSButton = None - self.interface = None - - if self.wndCostume: - self.wndCostume.Destroy() - self.wndCostume = 0 - - if self.wndBelt: - self.wndBelt.Destroy() - self.wndBelt = None - - self.inventoryTab = [] - self.equipmentTab = [] - - def Hide(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - if self.wndCostume: - self.isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndCostume.IsShow() # 牢亥配府 芒捞 摧鳃 锭 内胶悯捞 凯妨 乐菌绰啊? - self.wndCostume.Close() - - if self.wndBelt: - self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndBelt.IsOpeningInventory() # 牢亥配府 芒捞 摧鳃 锭 骇飘 牢亥配府档 凯妨 乐菌绰啊? - print "Is Opening Belt Inven?? ", self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory - self.wndBelt.Close() - - if self.dlgPickMoney: - self.dlgPickMoney.Close() - - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - wndMgr.Hide(self.hWnd) - - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def SetInventoryPage(self, page): - self.inventoryPageIndex = page - self.inventoryTab[1-page].SetUp() - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - - def SetEquipmentPage(self, page): - self.equipmentPageIndex = page - self.equipmentTab[1-page].SetUp() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def ClickMallButton(self): - print "click_mall_button" - net.SendChatPacket("/click_mall") - - # DSSButton - def ClickDSSButton(self): - print "click_dss_button" - self.interface.ToggleDragonSoulWindow() - - def ClickCostumeButton(self): - print "Click Costume Button" - if self.wndCostume: - if self.wndCostume.IsShow(): - self.wndCostume.Hide() - else: - self.wndCostume.Show() - else: - self.wndCostume = CostumeWindow(self) - self.wndCostume.Show() - - def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType(): - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - curMoney = player.GetElk() - - if curMoney <= 0: - return - - self.dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(locale.PICK_MONEY_TITLE) - self.dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickMoney)) - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(curMoney) - self.dlgPickMoney.SetMax(7) # 牢亥配府 990000 力茄 滚弊 荐沥 - - def OnPickMoney(self, money): - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachMoney(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, money) - - def OnPickItem(self, count): - itemSlotIndex = self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, count) - - def __InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(self, local): - - if player.IsEquipmentSlot(local) or player.IsCostumeSlot(local) or player.IsBeltInventorySlot(local): - return local - - return self.inventoryPageIndex*player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE + local - - def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVNum=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE): - slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i) - - itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) - # itemCount == 0捞搁 家南阑 厚款促. - if 0 == itemCount: - self.wndItem.ClearSlot(i) - continue - elif 1 == itemCount: - itemCount = 0 - - itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber) - setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount) - - ## 磊悼拱距 (HP: #72723 ~ #72726, SP: #72727 ~ #72730) 漂荐贸府 - 酒捞袍牢单档 浇吩俊 劝己拳/厚劝己拳 钎矫甫 困茄 累诀烙 - [hyo] - if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): - # metinSocket - [0] : 劝己拳 咯何, [1] : 荤侩茄 剧, [2] : 弥措 侩樊 - metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] - - if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE: - slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE - - isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0] - - if isActivated: - self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - potionType = 0; - if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP - elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): - potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP - - usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1]) - totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2]) - player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)) - - else: - self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) - - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - if self.wndBelt: - self.wndBelt.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshEquipSlotWindow(self): - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVNum=self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot - for i in xrange(player.EQUIPMENT_PAGE_COUNT): - slotNumber = player.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i - itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount) - - if app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM: - for i in xrange(player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_COUNT): - slotNumber = player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i - itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount) - print "ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM", slotNumber, itemCount, getItemVNum(slotNumber) - - - - self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot() - - if self.wndCostume: - self.wndCostume.RefreshCostumeSlot() - - def RefreshItemSlot(self): - self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() - self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow() - - def RefreshStatus(self): - money = player.GetElk() - self.wndMoney.SetText(locale.NumberToMoneyString(money)) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SellItem(self): - - net.SendShopSellPacketNew(self.sellingSlotNumber, self.questionDialog.count) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnDetachMetinFromItem(self): - if None == self.questionDialog: - return - - #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos) - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos) - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - - self.questionDialog = None - - ## Slot Event - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(selectedSlotPos) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedSlotPos) - attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos, attachedCount) - - if item.IsRefineScroll(attachedItemIndex): - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - mouseModule.mouseController.RunCallBack("INVENTORY") - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP == attachedSlotType: - net.SendShopBuyPacket(attachedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType: - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex: - net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - net.SendSafeboxCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL == attachedSlotType: - net.SendMallCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS() == 1: - return - - itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(itemSlotIndex) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - self.__DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(attachedItemVID, attachedSlotPos, itemSlotIndex) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - if app.SELL == curCursorNum: - self.__SellItem(itemSlotIndex) - - elif app.BUY == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_BUY_INFO) - - elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = player.GetItemLink(itemSlotIndex) - ime.PasteString(link) - - elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT): - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex) - - if itemCount > 1: - self.dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(locale.PICK_ITEM_TITLE) - self.dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickItem)) - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(itemCount) - self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex = itemSlotIndex - #else: - #selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - #mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum) - - elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - - if TRUE == item.CanAddToQuickSlotItem(itemIndex): - player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex) - else: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM) - - else: - selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount) - - if self.__IsUsableItemToItem(selectedItemVNum, itemSlotIndex): - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(TRUE) - else: - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(self, srcItemVID, srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos): - if srcItemSlotPos == dstItemSlotPos: - return - - if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVID): - self.RefineItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE) - - elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVID): - self.AttachMetinToItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVID): - self.DetachMetinFromItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif item.IsKey(srcItemVID): - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcItemSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE: - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - elif item.GetUseType(srcItemVID) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE: - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) - - else: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - ## 捞悼矫挪 镑捞 厘馒 浇吩老 版快 酒捞袍阑 荤侩秦辑 厘馒 矫挪促 - [levites] - if player.IsEquipmentSlot(dstItemSlotPos): - - ## 甸绊 乐绰 酒捞袍捞 厘厚老锭父 - if item.IsEquipmentVID(srcItemVID): - self.__UseItem(srcItemSlotPos) - - else: - self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0) - #net.SendItemMovePacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0) - - def __SellItem(self, itemSlotPos): - if not player.IsEquipmentSlot(itemSlotPos): - self.sellingSlotNumber = itemSlotPos - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotPos) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - itemPrice = item.GetISellItemPrice() - - if item.Is1GoldItem(): - itemPrice = itemCount / itemPrice / 5 - else: - itemPrice = itemPrice * itemCount / 5 - - item.GetItemName(itemIndex) - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(itemName, itemCount, itemPrice)) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SellItem)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog.count = itemCount - - def RefineItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos): - - scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos) - targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos) - - if player.REFINE_OK != player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos): - return - - ########################################################### - self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - return - ########################################################### - - ########################################################### - #net.SendRequestRefineInfoPacket(targetSlotPos) - #return - ########################################################### - - result = player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos) - - if player.REFINE_ALREADY_MAX_SOCKET_COUNT == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET) - - elif player.REFINE_NEED_MORE_GOOD_SCROLL == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL) - - elif player.REFINE_CANT_MAKE_SOCKET_ITEM == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM) - - elif player.REFINE_NOT_NEXT_GRADE_ITEM == result: - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav") - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM) - - elif player.REFINE_CANT_REFINE_METIN_TO_EQUIPMENT == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM) - - if player.REFINE_OK != result: - return - - self.refineDialog.Open(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - - def DetachMetinFromItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos): - scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos) - targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos) - - if not player.CanDetach(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM) - return - - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDetachMetinFromItem)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog.sourcePos = scrollSlotPos - self.questionDialog.targetPos = targetSlotPos - - def AttachMetinToItem(self, metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos): - metinIndex = player.GetItemIndex(metinSlotPos) - targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos) - - item.SelectItem(metinIndex) - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - result = player.CanAttachMetin(metinIndex, targetSlotPos) - - if player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_MATCHABLE_ITEM == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(itemName)) - - if player.ATTACH_METIN_NO_MATCHABLE_SOCKET == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(itemName)) - - elif player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_EXIST_GOLD_SOCKET == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(itemName)) - - elif player.ATTACH_METIN_CANT_ATTACH_TO_EQUIPMENT == result: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM) - - if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK != result: - return - - self.attachMetinDialog.Open(metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos) - - - - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): - overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos) - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedItemType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedItemType: - - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedItemVNum = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if self.__CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(attachedItemVNum, attachedSlotPos, overSlotPos): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(TRUE) - self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPos) - return - - self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPos) - - - def __IsUsableItemToItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos): - "促弗 酒捞袍俊 荤侩且 荐 乐绰 酒捞袍牢啊?" - - if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum): - return TRUE - elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE: - return TRUE - else: - if item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos): - "措惑 酒捞袍俊 荤侩且 荐 乐绰啊?" - - if srcSlotPos == dstSlotPos: - return FALSE - - if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum): - if player.REFINE_OK == player.CanRefine(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum): - if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK == player.CanAttachMetin(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum): - if player.DETACH_METIN_OK == player.CanDetach(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum): - if player.CanUnlock(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - - elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE: - return TRUE - - else: - useType=item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum) - - if "USE_CLEAN_SOCKET" == useType: - if self.__CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE" == useType: - if self.__CanChangeItemAttrList(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" == useType: - if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2" == useType: - if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == useType: - if self.__CanAddAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos): - return TRUE - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == useType: - if self.__CanPutAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos, srcItemVNum): - return TRUE; - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == useType: - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - print "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", srcItemVNum, dstItemVNum - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT == item.GetItemType(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON != item.GetItemType(): - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - if player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, i) == constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanChangeItemAttrList(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR): - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def __CanPutAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos, mtrlVnum): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR: - return FALSE - - if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR): - return FALSE - - curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0) - maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1) - - if mtrlVnum != constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(dstItemVNum, item.GetItemSubType()): - return FALSE - - if curCount>=maxCount: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanAddAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR: - return FALSE - - if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR): - return FALSE - - curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0) - maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1) - - ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE = 3 - if maxCount >= ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE: - return FALSE - - return TRUE - - def __CanAddItemAttr(self, dstSlotPos): - dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos) - if dstItemVNum == 0: - return FALSE - - item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum) - - if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR): - return FALSE - - attrCount = 0 - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0: - attrCount += 1 - - if attrCount<4: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(slotIndex) - - def OnTop(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetTop() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - if constInfo.GET_ITEM_DROP_QUESTION_DIALOG_STATUS(): - return - - slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(slotIndex) - - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - if self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow(): - self.wndDragonSoulRefine.AutoSetItem((player.INVENTORY, slotIndex), 1) - return - - self.__UseItem(slotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.OverOutItem() - - def __UseItem(self, slotIndex): - ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(slotIndex) - item.SelectItem(ItemVNum) - if item.IsFlag(item.ITEM_FLAG_CONFIRM_WHEN_USE): - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__UseItemQuestionDialog_OnAccept)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__UseItemQuestionDialog_OnCancel)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog.slotIndex = slotIndex - - else: - self.__SendUseItemPacket(slotIndex) - #net.SendItemUsePacket(slotIndex) - - def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnCancel(self): - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnAccept(self): - self.__SendUseItemPacket(self.questionDialog.slotIndex) - - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - - def __SendUseItemToItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos): - # 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 荤侩 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos) - - def __SendUseItemPacket(self, slotPos): - # 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 荤侩 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemUsePacket(slotPos) - - def __SendMoveItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount): - # 俺牢惑痢 凯绊 乐绰 悼救 酒捞袍 荤侩 规瘤 - if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP) - return - - net.SendItemMovePacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount) - - def SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self, wndDragonSoulRefine): - if app.ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM: - self.wndDragonSoulRefine = wndDragonSoulRefine - - def OnMoveWindow(self, x, y): -# print "Inventory Global Pos : ", self.GetGlobalPosition() - if self.wndBelt: -# print "Belt Global Pos : ", self.wndBelt.GetGlobalPosition() - self.wndBelt.AdjustPositionAndSize() - diff --git a/bin_original/uiMapNameShower.py b/bin_original/uiMapNameShower.py deleted file mode 100644 index 37dbd884..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiMapNameShower.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import locale - -LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.MAPNAME_PATH - -class MapNameShower(ui.ExpandedImageBox): - - MAP_NAME_IMAGE = {} - - STATE_HIDE = 0 - STATE_FADE_IN = 1 - STATE_SHOW = 2 - STATE_FADE_OUT = 3 - - def __init__(self): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE = { - "metin2_map_a1" : LOCALE_PATH+"a1.tga", - "map_a2" : LOCALE_PATH+"a2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_a2_1": LOCALE_PATH+"a2_2.tga", - "metin2_map_a3" : LOCALE_PATH+"a3.tga", - "metin2_map_b1" : LOCALE_PATH+"b1.tga", - "map_b2" : LOCALE_PATH+"b2.tga", - "metin2_map_b3" : LOCALE_PATH+"b3.tga", - "metin2_map_c1" : LOCALE_PATH+"c1.tga", - "map_c2" : LOCALE_PATH+"c2.tga", - "metin2_map_c3" : LOCALE_PATH+"c3.tga", - "metin2_map_deviltower1" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_title.tga", - "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"desert1.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02": LOCALE_PATH+"desert2.tga", - "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"frame1.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02": LOCALE_PATH+"frame2.tga", - "metin2_map_milgyo" : LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a": LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo2.TGA", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey1.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey2.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey3.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild1.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild2.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild3.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "map_n_snowm_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"snow1.tga", - "season2/map_n_snowm_02": LOCALE_PATH+"snow2.tga", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"spider1.tga", - "metin2_map_trent" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent.tga", - "metin2_map_trent02" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent02.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_trent_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent_a.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_trent02_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent02_a.tga", - "metin2_map_dd" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "metin2_map_dd" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_WL_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"wl.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_nusluck01": LOCALE_PATH+"nusluck.tga", - } - else: - self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE = { - "metin2_map_a1" : LOCALE_PATH+"a1.tga", - "map_a2" : LOCALE_PATH+"a2.tga", - "metin2_map_a3" : LOCALE_PATH+"a3.tga", - "metin2_map_b1" : LOCALE_PATH+"b1.tga", - "map_b2" : LOCALE_PATH+"b2.tga", - "metin2_map_b3" : LOCALE_PATH+"b3.tga", - "metin2_map_c1" : LOCALE_PATH+"c1.tga", - "map_c2" : LOCALE_PATH+"c2.tga", - "metin2_map_c3" : LOCALE_PATH+"c3.tga", - "map_n_snowm_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"snow1.tga", - "metin2_map_deviltower1" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_title.tga", - "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"frame1.tga", - "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"desert1.tga", - "metin2_map_milgyo" : LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey1.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey2.tga", - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey3.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild1.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild2.tga", - "metin2_map_guild_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild3.tga", - "metin2_map_trent" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent.tga", - "metin2_map_trent02" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent02.tga", - "season2/map_n_snowm_02": LOCALE_PATH+"snow2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_a2_1": LOCALE_PATH+"a2_2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02": LOCALE_PATH+"desert2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02": LOCALE_PATH+"frame2.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a": LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo2.TGA", - "season2/metin2_map_trent_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent_a.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_trent02_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent02_a.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", - "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", - "metin2_guild_village_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"a4.tga", - "metin2_guild_village_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"b4.tga", - "metin2_guild_village_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"c4.tga", - "metin2_map_BayBlackSand" : LOCALE_PATH+"bay.tga", - "metin2_map_Mt_Thunder" : LOCALE_PATH+"thunder.tga", - "metin2_map_dawnmistwood" : LOCALE_PATH+"dawn.tga", - "Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead" : LOCALE_PATH+"cape.tga", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd01.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd02.tga", - "season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02_1" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd02.tga", - "metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd03.tga", - } - - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.__Initialize() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ExpandedImageBox.__del__(self) - - def __Initialize(self): - self.floorImage = None - self.objectiveImage = None - self.fadeStartTime = 0 - self.state = self.STATE_HIDE - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.Hide() - - def __GetDevilTowerFloor(self, x, y): - if x > 10000 and y > 58000 and x < 25000 and y < 72000: - return 1 - elif x > 10000 and y > 35000 and x < 25000 and y < 50000: - return 2 - elif x > 10000 and y > 10000 and x < 25000 and y < 25000: - return 3 - elif x > 35000 and y > 61000 and x < 43500 and y < 70500: - return 4 - elif x > 35000 and y > 38000 and x < 43500 and y < 48000: - return 5 - elif x > 14000 and y > 14000 and x < 43500 and y < 24500: - return 6 - elif x > 56000 and y > 60000 and x < 68000 and y < 73000: - return 7 - elif x > 56000 and y > 38000 and x < 68000 and y < 49000: - return 8 - elif x > 56000 and y > 13000 and x < 68000 and y < 23000: - return 9 - return 0 - def __GetDevilBase(self, x, y): - if x > 3000 and y > 4500 and x < 45000 and y < 45000: - return 1 - elif x > 54000 and y > 3900 and x < 100000 and y < 46200: - return 2 - elif x > 104800 and y > 3500 and x < 145500 and y < 45800: - return 3 - elif x > 3100 and y > 54100 and x < 56400 and y < 105800: - return 4 - elif x > 65000 and y > 54000 and x < 105000 and y < 95500: - return 5 - elif x > 117500 and y > 57600 and x < 142000 and y < 81000: - return 6 - elif x > 5000 and y > 104900 and x < 15000 and y < 122000: - return 7 - return 0 - def ShowMapName(self, mapName, x, y): - if not self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE.has_key(mapName): - print " [ERROR] - There is no map name image", mapName - return - - try: - self.LoadImage(self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE[mapName]) - except RuntimeError: - return - - self.__Initialize() - - if mapName == "metin2_map_deviltower1": - self.SetPosition(-60, 80) - - self.floorImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.floorImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.floorImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.floorImage.SetPosition(100, 80) - self.floorImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.floorImage.Show() - # 甘捞抚 (ex: 酒蓖悼奔) 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilTowerFloor(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.floorImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_%df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.floorImage.Hide() - self.floorImage = None - - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - self.objectiveImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.objectiveImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.objectiveImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.objectiveImage.SetPosition(0, 200) - self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.objectiveImage.Show() - - # 摸喊 格钎 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - # 带傈篮 泅犁 割摸牢瘤 舅酒坷绰 何盒 锭巩俊 窍靛内爹阑 乔窍扁啊 塞甸促... - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilTowerFloor(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.objectiveImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH + mapName + "/obj_%02df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.objectiveImage.Hide() - self.objectiveImage = None - - if mapName == "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb": - self.SetPosition(-75, 80) - - self.floorImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.floorImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.floorImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.floorImage.SetPosition(100, 80) - self.floorImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.floorImage.Show() - - # 甘捞抚 (ex: 酒蓖悼奔) 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilBase(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.floorImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_%df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.floorImage.Hide() - self.floorImage = None - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): - self.objectiveImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() - self.objectiveImage.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.objectiveImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.objectiveImage.SetPosition(0, 200) - self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(0.0) - self.objectiveImage.Show() - - - # 摸喊 格钎 捞固瘤 肺爹 & 钎矫 - # 带傈篮 泅犁 割摸牢瘤 舅酒坷绰 何盒 锭巩俊 窍靛内爹阑 乔窍扁啊 塞甸促... - try: - floor = self.__GetDevilBase(x, y) - print x, y, floor - self.objectiveImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH + mapName + "/obj_%02df.tga" % floor) - except RuntimeError: - self.SetPosition(0, 80) - self.objectiveImage.Hide() - self.objectiveImage = None - - self.state = self.STATE_FADE_IN - self.fadeStartTime = app.GetTime() + 1.0 - self.Show() - - def Update(self): - - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - if self.floorImage: - self.floorImage.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - - if self.objectiveImage: - self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - - if self.STATE_FADE_IN == self.state: - if app.GetTime() > self.fadeStartTime: - self.curAlpha += 0.05 - - if self.curAlpha > 0.9: - self.state = self.STATE_SHOW - self.fadeStartTime = app.GetTime() + 5.0 - - elif self.STATE_SHOW == self.state: - if app.GetTime() > self.fadeStartTime: - self.state = self.STATE_FADE_OUT - - elif self.STATE_FADE_OUT == self.state: - self.curAlpha -= 0.05 - - if self.curAlpha < 0.0001: - self.Hide() - if self.floorImage: - self.floorImage.Hide() - self.floorImage = None - - if self.objectiveImage: - self.objectiveImage.Hide() - self.objectiveImage = None - return diff --git a/bin_original/uiMessenger.py b/bin_original/uiMessenger.py deleted file mode 100644 index e3824519..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiMessenger.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,854 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import grp -import net -import guild -import messenger -import locale -import constInfo -import uiToolTip -import uiGameOption - -import uiCommon -from _weakref import proxy - -FRIEND = 0 -GUILD = 1 - -class MessengerItem(ui.Window): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.SetParent(getParentEvent()) - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.name = "" - self.image = ui.ImageBox() - self.image.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.image.SetParent(self) - self.image.Show() - self.text = ui.TextLine() - self.text.SetParent(self) - self.text.SetPosition(20, 2) - self.text.Show() - - self.lovePoint = -1 - self.lovePointToolTip = None - - self.isSelected = FALSE - - self.getParentEvent = getParentEvent - - def SetName(self, name): - self.name = name - if name: - self.text.SetText(name) - self.SetSize(20 + 6*len(name) + 4, 16) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.text.SetPosition(20 + 6*len(name) + 4, 2) - - def SetLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - self.lovePoint = lovePoint - - def Select(self): - self.isSelected = TRUE - - def UnSelect(self): - self.isSelected = FALSE - - def GetName(self): - return self.name - - def GetStepWidth(self): - return 0 - - # Whisper - def CanWhisper(self): - return FALSE - - def IsOnline(self): - return FALSE - - def IsMobile(self): - return FALSE - - def OnWhisper(self): - pass - - def OnMobileMessage(self): - pass - - # Remove - def CanRemove(self): - return FALSE - - def OnRemove(self): - return FALSE - - # Warp - def CanWarp(self): - return FALSE - - def OnWarp(self): - pass - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if -1 != self.lovePoint: - if not self.lovePointToolTip: - self.lovePointToolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip(100) - self.lovePointToolTip.SetTitle(self.name) - self.lovePointToolTip.AppendTextLine(locale.AFF_LOVE_POINT % (self.lovePoint)) - self.lovePointToolTip.ResizeToolTip() - self.lovePointToolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.lovePointToolTip: - self.lovePointToolTip.HideToolTip() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.getParentEvent().OnSelectItem(self) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDoubleClick(self): - self.getParentEvent().OnDoubleClickItem(self) - - def OnRender(self): - if self.isSelected: - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7)) - grp.RenderBar(x+16, y, self.GetWidth()-16, self.GetHeight()) - -class MessengerMemberItem(MessengerItem): - - STATE_OFFLINE = 0 - STATE_ONLINE = 1 - STATE_MOBILE = 2 - - IMAGE_FILE_NAME = { "ONLINE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_online.sub", - "OFFLINE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_offline.sub", - "MOBILE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_mobile.sub", } - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.key = None - self.state = self.STATE_OFFLINE - self.mobileFlag = FALSE - self.Offline() - - def GetStepWidth(self): - return 15 - - def SetKey(self, key): - self.key = key - - def IsSameKey(self, key): - return self.key == key - - def IsOnline(self): - if self.STATE_ONLINE == self.state: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def IsMobile(self): - if self.STATE_MOBILE == self.state: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def Online(self): - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["ONLINE"]) - self.state = self.STATE_ONLINE - - def Offline(self): - if self.mobileFlag: - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["MOBILE"]) - self.state = self.STATE_MOBILE - - else: - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["OFFLINE"]) - self.state = self.STATE_OFFLINE - - def SetMobile(self, flag): - self.mobileFlag = flag - - if not self.IsOnline(): - self.Offline() - - def CanWhisper(self): - if self.IsOnline(): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def OnWhisper(self): - if self.IsOnline(): - self.getParentEvent().whisperButtonEvent(self.GetName()) - - def OnMobileMessage(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - if not self.IsMobile(): - return - - self.getParentEvent().SendMobileMessage(self.GetName()) - - def Select(self): - MessengerItem.Select(self) - -class MessengerGroupItem(MessengerItem): - - IMAGE_FILE_NAME = { "OPEN" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_open.sub", - "CLOSE" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/messenger_list_close.sub", } - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - self.isOpen = FALSE - self.memberList = [] - - MessengerItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - - def AppendMember(self, member, key, name): - member.SetKey(key) - member.SetName(name) - self.memberList.append(member) - return member - - def RemoveMember(self, item): - for i in xrange(len(self.memberList)): - if item == self.memberList[i]: - del self.memberList[i] - return - - def ClearMember(self): - self.memberList = [] - - def FindMember(self, key): - list = filter(lambda argMember, argKey=key: argMember.IsSameKey(argKey), self.memberList) - if list: - return list[0] - - return None - - def GetLoginMemberList(self): - return filter(MessengerMemberItem.IsOnline, self.memberList) - - def GetLogoutMemberList(self): - return filter(lambda arg: not arg.IsOnline(), self.memberList) - - def IsOpen(self): - return self.isOpen - - def Open(self): - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["OPEN"]) - self.isOpen = TRUE - - def Close(self): - self.image.LoadImage(self.IMAGE_FILE_NAME["CLOSE"]) - self.isOpen = FALSE - - map(ui.Window.Hide, self.memberList) - - def Select(self): - - if self.IsOpen(): - self.Close() - else: - self.Open() - - MessengerItem.Select(self) - self.getParentEvent().OnRefreshList() - -class MessengerFriendItem(MessengerMemberItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerMemberItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - - def CanRemove(self): - return TRUE - - def OnRemove(self): - messenger.RemoveFriend(self.key) - net.SendMessengerRemovePacket(self.key, self.name) - return TRUE - -class MessengerGuildItem(MessengerMemberItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerMemberItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - - def CanWarp(self): - if not self.IsOnline(): - return FALSE - return TRUE - - def OnWarp(self): - net.SendGuildUseSkillPacket(155, self.key) - - def CanRemove(self): - for i in xrange(guild.ENEMY_GUILD_SLOT_MAX_COUNT): - if guild.GetEnemyGuildName(i) != "": - return FALSE - - if guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_REMOVE_MEMBER): - if guild.IsMemberByName(self.name): - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def OnRemove(self): - net.SendGuildRemoveMemberPacket(self.key) - return TRUE - -class MessengerFriendGroup(MessengerGroupItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerGroupItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_FRIEND) - - def AppendMember(self, key, name): - item = MessengerFriendItem(self.getParentEvent) - return MessengerGroupItem.AppendMember(self, item, key, name) - -class MessengerGuildGroup(MessengerGroupItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerGroupItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_GUILD) - self.AddFlag("float") - - def AppendMember(self, key, name): - item = MessengerGuildItem(self.getParentEvent) - return MessengerGroupItem.AppendMember(self, item, key, name) - -class MessengerFamilyGroup(MessengerGroupItem): - - def __init__(self, getParentEvent): - MessengerGroupItem.__init__(self, getParentEvent) - self.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_FAMILY) - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.lover = None - - def AppendMember(self, key, name): - item = MessengerGuildItem(self.getParentEvent) - self.lover = item - return MessengerGroupItem.AppendMember(self, item, key, name) - - def GetLover(self): - return self.lover - -################################################################################################### -################################################################################################### -################################################################################################### - -class MessengerWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - START_POSITION = 40 - - class ResizeButton(ui.DragButton): - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.VSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - messenger.SetMessengerHandler(self) - - self.board = None - self.groupList = [] - self.showingItemList = [] - self.selectedItem = None - self.whisperButtonEvent = lambda *arg: None - self.familyGroup = None - - self.guildButtonEvent = None - - self.showingPageSize = 0 - self.startLine = 0 - self.hasMobilePhoneNumber = TRUE - - self.isLoaded = 0 - - self.__AddGroup() - messenger.RefreshGuildMember() - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__LoadWindow() - self.OnRefreshList() - self.OnResizeDialog() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MessengerWindow.py") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.scrollBar = self.GetChild("ScrollBar") - self.whisperButton = self.GetChild("WhisperButton") - self.mobileButton = self.GetChild("MobileButton") - self.removeButton = self.GetChild("RemoveButton") - self.addFriendButton = self.GetChild("AddFriendButton") - self.guildButton = self.GetChild("GuildButton") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MessengerWindow.__LoadWindow.__Bind") - - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.whisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressWhisperButton)) - self.mobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressMobileButton)) - self.removeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressRemoveButton)) - self.addFriendButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressAddFriendButton)) - self.guildButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressGuildButton)) - - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: #constInfo.SEND_MOBILE_PHONE_MESSAGE_ENABLE: - self.mobileButton.Hide() - width = self.GetWidth() - height = self.GetHeight() - self.addFriendButton.SetPosition(-60, 30) - self.whisperButton.SetPosition(-20, 30) - self.removeButton.SetPosition(20, 30) - self.guildButton.SetPosition(60, 30) - - self.whisperButton.Disable() - self.mobileButton.Disable() - self.removeButton.Disable() - - resizeButton = self.ResizeButton() - resizeButton.AddFlag("restrict_x") - resizeButton.SetParent(self) - resizeButton.SetSize(self.GetWidth(), 10) - resizeButton.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - resizeButton.SetPosition(0, 0) - resizeButton.Show() - self.resizeButton = resizeButton - self.resizeButton.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnResizeDialog)) - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(0, 300) - - for list in self.groupList: - list.SetTop() - - def __del__(self): - messenger.SetMessengerHandler(None) - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.board = None - self.scrollBar = None - self.resizeButton = None - self.friendNameBoard = None - self.questionDialog = None - self.popupDialog = None - self.inputDialog = None - self.familyGroup = None - - self.whisperButton = None - self.mobileButton = None - self.removeButton = None - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - return TRUE - - def Close(self): - self.questionDialog = None - self.Hide() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ScriptWindow.SetSize(self, width, height) - if self.board: - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - - def OnResizeDialog(self): - x, y = self.resizeButton.GetLocalPosition() - if y < 140: - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(x, 140) - return - self.SetSize(self.GetWidth(), y + self.resizeButton.GetHeight()) - - self.showingPageSize = y - (self.START_POSITION + 26) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(self.showingPageSize) - - self.__LocateMember() - - self.resizeButton.TurnOffCallBack() - self.UpdateRect() - self.resizeButton.TurnOnCallBack() - - def __LocateMember(self): - - if self.isLoaded==0: - return - - if self.showingPageSize/20 >= len(self.showingItemList): - self.scrollBar.Hide() - self.startLine = 0 - else: - if self.showingItemList: - self.scrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.showingPageSize/20) / float(len(self.showingItemList))) - self.scrollBar.Show() - - ##### - - yPos = self.START_POSITION - heightLimit = self.GetHeight() - (self.START_POSITION + 13) - - map(ui.Window.Hide, self.showingItemList) - - for item in self.showingItemList[self.startLine:]: - item.SetPosition(20 + item.GetStepWidth(), yPos) - item.SetTop() - item.Show() - - yPos += 20 - if yPos > heightLimit: - break - - def __AddGroup(self): - member = MessengerFriendGroup(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - member.Open() - member.Show() - self.groupList.append(member) - - member = MessengerGuildGroup(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - member.Open() - member.Show() - self.groupList.append(member) - - def __AddFamilyGroup(self): - member = MessengerFamilyGroup(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - member.Open() - member.Show() - - self.familyGroup = member - - def ClearGuildMember(self): - self.groupList[GUILD].ClearMember() - - def SetWhisperButtonEvent(self, event): - self.whisperButtonEvent=event - - def SetGuildButtonEvent(self, event): - self.guildButtonEvent=event - - def SendMobileMessage(self, name): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - if not self.hasMobilePhoneNumber: - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - questionDialog.SetText1(locale.MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1) - questionDialog.SetText2(locale.MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2) - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAcceptInputMobilePhoneNumber)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancelInputMobilePhoneNumber)) - questionDialog.SetWidth(400) - questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - return - - ## Input Sending Mobile Message - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialog() - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(50) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnInputMobileMessage)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseInputDialog)) - inputDialog.name = name - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - - def OnAcceptInputMobilePhoneNumber(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - ## Input Mobile Phone Number - inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialog() - inputDialog.SetTitle(locale.MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE) - inputDialog.SetMaxLength(13) - inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnInputMobilePhoneNumber)) - inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseInputDialog)) - inputDialog.Open() - self.inputDialog = inputDialog - self.OnCancelInputMobilePhoneNumber() - - def OnCancelInputMobilePhoneNumber(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnInputMobilePhoneNumber(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - text = self.inputDialog.GetText() - - if not text: - return - - text.replace('-', '') - net.SendChatPacket("/mobile " + text) - self.OnCloseInputDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnInputMobileMessage(self): - if not uiGameOption.MOBILE: - return - - text = self.inputDialog.GetText() - - if not text: - return - - net.SendMobileMessagePacket(self.inputDialog.name, text) - self.OnCloseInputDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnCloseInputDialog(self): - self.inputDialog.Close() - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressGuildButton(self): - self.guildButtonEvent() - - def OnPressAddFriendButton(self): - friendNameBoard = uiCommon.InputDialog() - friendNameBoard.SetTitle(locale.MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND) - friendNameBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAddFriend)) - friendNameBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancelAddFriend)) - friendNameBoard.Open() - self.friendNameBoard = friendNameBoard - - def OnAddFriend(self): - text = self.friendNameBoard.GetText() - if text: - net.SendMessengerAddByNamePacket(text) - self.friendNameBoard.Close() - self.friendNameBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnCancelAddFriend(self): - self.friendNameBoard.Close() - self.friendNameBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressWhisperButton(self): - if self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.OnWhisper() - - def OnPressMobileButton(self): - if self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.OnMobileMessage() - - def OnPressRemoveButton(self): - if self.selectedItem: - if self.selectedItem.CanRemove(): - self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - self.questionDialog.SetText(locale.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE) - self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnRemove)) - self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - self.questionDialog.Open() - - def OnRemove(self): - if self.selectedItem: - if self.selectedItem.CanRemove(): - map(lambda arg, argDeletingItem=self.selectedItem: arg.RemoveMember(argDeletingItem), self.groupList) - self.selectedItem.OnRemove() - self.selectedItem.UnSelect() - self.selectedItem = None - self.OnRefreshList() - - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnScroll(self): - scrollLineCount = len(self.showingItemList) - (self.showingPageSize/20) - startLine = int(scrollLineCount * self.scrollBar.GetPos()) - - if startLine != self.startLine: - self.startLine = startLine - self.__LocateMember() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - ## CallBack - def OnSelectItem(self, item): - - if self.selectedItem: - if item != self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.UnSelect() - - self.selectedItem = item - - if self.selectedItem: - self.selectedItem.Select() - - if self.selectedItem.CanWhisper(): - self.whisperButton.Enable() - else: - self.whisperButton.Disable() - - if self.selectedItem.IsMobile(): - self.mobileButton.Enable() - else: - self.mobileButton.Disable() - - if self.selectedItem.CanRemove(): - self.removeButton.Enable() - else: - self.removeButton.Disable() - - def OnDoubleClickItem(self, item): - - if not self.selectedItem: - return - - if self.selectedItem.IsOnline(): - self.OnPressWhisperButton() - - elif self.selectedItem.IsMobile(): - self.OnPressMobileButton() - - def GetSelf(self): - return self - - def OnRefreshList(self): - self.showingItemList = [] - - if self.familyGroup: - self.showingItemList.append(self.familyGroup) - if self.familyGroup.GetLover(): - self.showingItemList.append(self.familyGroup.GetLover()) - - for group in self.groupList: - - self.showingItemList.append(group) - - if group.IsOpen(): - - loginMemberList = group.GetLoginMemberList() - logoutMemberList = group.GetLogoutMemberList() - - if loginMemberList or logoutMemberList: - for member in loginMemberList: - self.showingItemList.append(member) - for member in logoutMemberList: - self.showingItemList.append(member) - - else: - item = MessengerItem(ui.__mem_func__(self.GetSelf)) - item.SetName(locale.MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST) - self.showingItemList.append(item) - - self.__LocateMember() - - def RefreshMessenger(self): - self.OnRefreshList() - - ## EventHandler - def __AddList(self, groupIndex, key, name): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = group.FindMember(key) - if not member: - member = group.AppendMember(key, name) - self.OnSelectItem(None) - return member - - def OnRemoveList(self, groupIndex, key): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - group.RemoveMember(group.FindMember(key)) - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnRemoveAllList(self, groupIndex): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - group.ClearMember() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnLogin(self, groupIndex, key, name=None): - if not name: - name = key - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = self.__AddList(groupIndex, key, name) - member.SetName(name) - member.Online() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnLogout(self, groupIndex, key, name=None): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = self.__AddList(groupIndex, key, name) - if not name: - name = key - member.SetName(name) - member.Offline() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnMobile(self, groupIndex, key, mobileFlag): - group = self.groupList[groupIndex] - member = group.FindMember(key) - if not member: - return - member.SetMobile(mobileFlag) - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnAddLover(self, name, lovePoint): - if not self.familyGroup: - self.__AddFamilyGroup() - - member = self.familyGroup.AppendMember(0, name) - - member.SetName(name) - member.SetLovePoint(lovePoint) - member.Offline() - self.OnRefreshList() - - def OnUpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - lover = self.familyGroup.GetLover() - if not lover: - return - - lover.SetLovePoint(lovePoint) - - def OnLoginLover(self): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - lover = self.familyGroup.GetLover() - if not lover: - return - - lover.Online() - - def OnLogoutLover(self): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - lover = self.familyGroup.GetLover() - if not lover: - return - - lover.Offline() - - def ClearLoverInfo(self): - if not self.familyGroup: - return - - self.familyGroup.ClearMember() - self.familyGroup = None - self.OnRefreshList() diff --git a/bin_original/uiMiniMap.py b/bin_original/uiMiniMap.py deleted file mode 100644 index d3e29b7c..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiMiniMap.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,489 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import wndMgr -import player -import miniMap -import locale -import net -import app -import colorInfo -import constInfo -import background - -class MapTextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignRight() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def SetTooltipPosition(self, PosX, PosY): - if locale.IsARABIC(): - w, h = self.textLine.GetTextSize() - self.textLine.SetPosition(PosX - w - 5, PosY) - else: - self.textLine.SetPosition(PosX - 5, PosY) - - def SetTextColor(self, TextColor): - self.textLine.SetPackedFontColor(TextColor) - - def GetTextSize(self): - return self.textLine.GetTextSize() - -class AtlasWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - class AtlasRenderer(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - - def OnUpdate(self): - miniMap.UpdateAtlas() - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - fx = float(x) - fy = float(y) - miniMap.RenderAtlas(fx, fy) - - def HideAtlas(self): - miniMap.HideAtlas() - - def ShowAtlas(self): - miniMap.ShowAtlas() - - def __init__(self): - self.tooltipInfo = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - self.infoGuildMark = ui.MarkBox() - self.infoGuildMark.Hide() - self.AtlasMainWindow = None - self.mapName = "" - self.board = 0 - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def SetMapName(self, mapName): - if 949==app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - try: - self.board.SetTitleName(locale.MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT[mapName]) - except: - pass - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/AtlasWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AtlasWindow.LoadWindow.LoadScript") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("AtlasWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.AtlasMainWindow = self.AtlasRenderer() - self.board.SetCloseEvent(self.Hide) - self.AtlasMainWindow.SetParent(self.board) - self.AtlasMainWindow.SetPosition(7, 30) - self.tooltipInfo.SetParent(self.board) - self.infoGuildMark.SetParent(self.board) - self.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 136 - 256 - 10, 0) - self.Hide() - - miniMap.RegisterAtlasWindow(self) - - def Destroy(self): - miniMap.UnregisterAtlasWindow() - self.ClearDictionary() - self.AtlasMainWindow = None - self.tooltipAtlasClose = 0 - self.tooltipInfo = None - self.infoGuildMark = None - self.board = None - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.tooltipInfo: - return - - if not self.infoGuildMark: - return - - self.infoGuildMark.Hide() - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - - if FALSE == self.board.IsIn(): - return - - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - (bFind, sName, iPosX, iPosY, dwTextColor, dwGuildID) = miniMap.GetAtlasInfo(mouseX, mouseY) - - if FALSE == bFind: - return - - if "empty_guild_area" == sName: - sName = locale.GUILD_EMPTY_AREA - - if locale.IsARABIC() and sName[-1].isalnum(): - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("(%s)%d, %d" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - else: - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%d, %d)" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - x, mouseY - y) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - self.tooltipInfo.SetTop() - - if 0 != dwGuildID: - textWidth, textHeight = self.tooltipInfo.GetTextSize() - self.infoGuildMark.SetIndex(dwGuildID) - self.infoGuildMark.SetPosition(mouseX - x - textWidth - 18 - 5, mouseY - y) - self.infoGuildMark.Show() - - def Hide(self): - if self.AtlasMainWindow: - self.AtlasMainWindow.HideAtlas() - self.AtlasMainWindow.Hide() - ui.ScriptWindow.Hide(self) - - def Show(self): - if self.AtlasMainWindow: - (bGet, iSizeX, iSizeY) = miniMap.GetAtlasSize() - if bGet: - self.SetSize(iSizeX + 15, iSizeY + 38) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board.SetPosition(iSizeX+15, 0) - - self.board.SetSize(iSizeX + 15, iSizeY + 38) - #self.AtlasMainWindow.SetSize(iSizeX, iSizeY) - self.AtlasMainWindow.ShowAtlas() - self.AtlasMainWindow.Show() - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def SetCenterPositionAdjust(self, x, y): - self.SetPosition((wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - self.GetWidth()) / 2 + x, (wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - self.GetHeight()) / 2 + y) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Hide() - return TRUE - -def __RegisterMiniMapColor(type, rgb): - miniMap.RegisterColor(type, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]) - -class MiniMap(ui.ScriptWindow): - - CANNOT_SEE_INFO_MAP_DICT = { - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : FALSE, - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : FALSE, - "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : FALSE, - "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : FALSE, - } - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__Initialize() - - miniMap.Create() - miniMap.SetScale(2.0) - - self.AtlasWindow = AtlasWindow() - self.AtlasWindow.LoadWindow() - self.AtlasWindow.Hide() - - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP) - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.Show() - self.tooltipMiniMapClose = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.SetText(locale.UI_CLOSE) - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.Show() - self.tooltipScaleUp = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipScaleUp.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_INC_SCALE) - self.tooltipScaleUp.Show() - self.tooltipScaleDown = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipScaleDown.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE) - self.tooltipScaleDown.Show() - self.tooltipAtlasOpen = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP) - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.Show() - self.tooltipInfo = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - - if miniMap.IsAtlas(): - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP) - else: - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP) - - self.tooltipInfo = MapTextToolTip() - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - - self.mapName = "" - - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.canSeeInfo = TRUE - - # AUTOBAN - self.imprisonmentDuration = 0 - self.imprisonmentEndTime = 0 - self.imprisonmentEndTimeText = "" - # END_OF_AUTOBAN - - def __del__(self): - miniMap.Destroy() - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __Initialize(self): - self.positionInfo = 0 - self.observerCount = 0 - - self.OpenWindow = 0 - self.CloseWindow = 0 - self.ScaleUpButton = 0 - self.ScaleDownButton = 0 - self.MiniMapHideButton = 0 - self.MiniMapShowButton = 0 - self.AtlasShowButton = 0 - - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen = 0 - self.tooltipMiniMapClose = 0 - self.tooltipScaleUp = 0 - self.tooltipScaleDown = 0 - self.tooltipAtlasOpen = 0 - self.tooltipInfo = None - self.serverInfo = None - - def SetMapName(self, mapName): - self.mapName=mapName - self.AtlasWindow.SetMapName(mapName) - - if self.CANNOT_SEE_INFO_MAP_DICT.has_key(mapName): - self.canSeeInfo = FALSE - self.HideMiniMap() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE) - else: - self.canSeeInfo = TRUE - self.ShowMiniMap() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetText(locale.MINIMAP) - - # AUTOBAN - def SetImprisonmentDuration(self, duration): - self.imprisonmentDuration = duration - self.imprisonmentEndTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + duration - - self.__UpdateImprisonmentDurationText() - - def __UpdateImprisonmentDurationText(self): - restTime = max(self.imprisonmentEndTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp(), 0) - - imprisonmentEndTimeText = locale.SecondToDHM(restTime) - if imprisonmentEndTimeText != self.imprisonmentEndTimeText: - self.imprisonmentEndTimeText = imprisonmentEndTimeText - self.serverInfo.SetText("%s: %s" % (uiScriptLocale.AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME, self.imprisonmentEndTimeText)) - # END_OF_AUTOBAN - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsARABIC(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "Minimap.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MiniMap.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MiniMap.LoadWindow.LoadScript") - - try: - self.OpenWindow = self.GetChild("OpenWindow") - self.MiniMapWindow = self.GetChild("MiniMapWindow") - self.ScaleUpButton = self.GetChild("ScaleUpButton") - self.ScaleDownButton = self.GetChild("ScaleDownButton") - self.MiniMapHideButton = self.GetChild("MiniMapHideButton") - self.AtlasShowButton = self.GetChild("AtlasShowButton") - self.CloseWindow = self.GetChild("CloseWindow") - self.MiniMapShowButton = self.GetChild("MiniMapShowButton") - self.positionInfo = self.GetChild("PositionInfo") - self.observerCount = self.GetChild("ObserverCount") - self.serverInfo = self.GetChild("ServerInfo") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MiniMap.LoadWindow.Bind") - - if constInfo.MINIMAP_POSITIONINFO_ENABLE==0: - self.positionInfo.Hide() - - self.serverInfo.SetText(net.GetServerInfo()) - self.ScaleUpButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ScaleUp)) - self.ScaleDownButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ScaleDown)) - self.MiniMapHideButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.HideMiniMap)) - self.MiniMapShowButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowMiniMap)) - - if miniMap.IsAtlas(): - self.AtlasShowButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowAtlas)) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.MiniMapShowButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.MiniMapHideButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.ScaleUpButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipScaleUp.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.ScaleDownButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipScaleDown.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - (ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) = self.AtlasShowButton.GetGlobalPosition() - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.SetTooltipPosition(ButtonPosX, ButtonPosY) - - self.ShowMiniMap() - - def Destroy(self): - self.HideMiniMap() - - self.AtlasWindow.Destroy() - self.AtlasWindow = None - - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - - def UpdateObserverCount(self, observerCount): - if observerCount>0: - self.observerCount.Show() - elif observerCount<=0: - self.observerCount.Hide() - - self.observerCount.SetText(locale.MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT % observerCount) - - def OnUpdate(self): - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - miniMap.Update(x, y) - - self.positionInfo.SetText("(%.0f, %.0f)" % (x/100, y/100)) - - if self.tooltipInfo: - if TRUE == self.MiniMapWindow.IsIn(): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - (bFind, sName, iPosX, iPosY, dwTextColor) = miniMap.GetInfo(mouseX, mouseY) - if bFind == 0: - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - elif not self.canSeeInfo: - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%s)" % (sName, locale.UI_POS_UNKNOWN)) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - 5, mouseY) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - else: - if locale.IsARABIC() and sName[-1].isalnum(): - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("(%s)%d, %d" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - else: - self.tooltipInfo.SetText("%s(%d, %d)" % (sName, iPosX, iPosY)) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTooltipPosition(mouseX - 5, mouseY) - self.tooltipInfo.SetTextColor(dwTextColor) - self.tooltipInfo.Show() - else: - self.tooltipInfo.Hide() - - # AUTOBAN - if self.imprisonmentDuration: - self.__UpdateImprisonmentDurationText() - # END_OF_AUTOBAN - - if TRUE == self.MiniMapShowButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.Show() - else: - self.tooltipMiniMapOpen.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.MiniMapHideButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.Show() - else: - self.tooltipMiniMapClose.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.ScaleUpButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipScaleUp.Show() - else: - self.tooltipScaleUp.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.ScaleDownButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipScaleDown.Show() - else: - self.tooltipScaleDown.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.AtlasShowButton.IsIn(): - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.Show() - else: - self.tooltipAtlasOpen.Hide() - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - fx = float(x) - fy = float(y) - miniMap.Render(fx + 4.0, fy + 5.0) - - def Close(self): - self.HideMiniMap() - - def HideMiniMap(self): - miniMap.Hide() - self.OpenWindow.Hide() - self.CloseWindow.Show() - - def ShowMiniMap(self): - if not self.canSeeInfo: - return - - miniMap.Show() - self.OpenWindow.Show() - self.CloseWindow.Hide() - - def isShowMiniMap(self): - return miniMap.isShow() - - def ScaleUp(self): - miniMap.ScaleUp() - - def ScaleDown(self): - miniMap.ScaleDown() - - def ShowAtlas(self): - if not miniMap.IsAtlas(): - return - if not self.AtlasWindow.IsShow(): - self.AtlasWindow.Show() - - def ToggleAtlasWindow(self): - if not miniMap.IsAtlas(): - return - if self.AtlasWindow.IsShow(): - self.AtlasWindow.Hide() - else: - self.AtlasWindow.Show() diff --git a/bin_original/uiOption.py b/bin_original/uiOption.py deleted file mode 100644 index 06837406..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiOption.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,423 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import systemSetting -import net -import chat -import app -import locale -import constInfo -import chrmgr -import player - -MOBILE = FALSE - -if locale.IsYMIR(): - MOBILE = TRUE - -blockMode = 0 - -class OptionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.__LoadDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " -------------------------------------- DELETE OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.titleBar = 0 - self.ctrlMusicVolume = 0 - self.ctrlSoundVolume = 0 - self.nameColorModeButtonList = [] - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList = [] - self.cameraModeButtonList = [] - self.pvpModeButtonDict = {} - self.fogModeButtonList = [] - self.blockButtonList = [] - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - print " -------------------------------------- DESTROY OPTION DIALOG" - - def __LoadDialog(self): - global NO_MOBILE - - try: - pyScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if MOBILE: - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/optiondialog_formobile.py") - else: - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/optiondialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("titlebar") - self.ctrlMusicVolume = GetObject("music_volume_controller") - self.ctrlSoundVolume = GetObject("sound_volume_controller") - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_normal")) - self.nameColorModeButtonList.append(GetObject("name_color_empire")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_no_view")) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList.append(GetObject("target_board_view")) - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_short")) - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_long")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level0")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level1")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level2")) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE] = GetObject("pvp_peace") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE] = GetObject("pvp_revenge") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD] = GetObject("pvp_guild") - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE] = GetObject("pvp_free") - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_exchange_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_party_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_guild_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_whisper_button")) - self.blockButtonList.append(GetObject("block_friend_button")) - - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton = GetObject("input_mobile_button") - self.deleteMobileButton = GetObject("delete_mobile_button") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume())) - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) / 5.0) - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeMusicVolume)) - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeSoundVolume)) - - self.nameColorModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton) - self.nameColorModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton) - - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardViewButton) - self.viewTargetBoardButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton) - - self.cameraModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeShortButton) - self.cameraModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeLongButton) - - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_PEACE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModePeaceButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_REVENGE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeRevengeButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_GUILD].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeGuildButton) - self.pvpModeButtonDict[player.PK_MODE_FREE].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickPvPModeFreeButton) - - self.fogModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel0Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel1Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[2].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel2Button) - - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleUpEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - self.blockButtonList[0].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockExchangeButton) - self.blockButtonList[1].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockPartyButton) - self.blockButtonList[2].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockGuildButton) - self.blockButtonList[3].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockWhisperButton) - self.blockButtonList[4].SetToggleDownEvent(self.__OnClickBlockFriendButton) - - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, constInfo.GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD()) - self.__SetPeacePKMode() - - if MOBILE: - self.inputMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnChangeMobilePhoneNumber)) - self.deleteMobileButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnDeleteMobilePhoneNumber)) - - def __ClickRadioButton(self, buttonList, buttonIndex): - try: - selButton=buttonList[buttonIndex] - except IndexError: - return - - for eachButton in buttonList: - eachButton.SetUp() - - selButton.Down() - - def __SetNameColorMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CHRNAME_COLOR_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.nameColorModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetTargetBoardViewMode(self, flag): - constInfo.SET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(flag) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.viewTargetBoardButtonList, flag) - - def __SetCameraMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetFogLevel(self, index): - constInfo.SET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, index) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeNormalButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(0) - - def __OnClickNameColorModeEmpireButton(self): - self.__SetNameColorMode(1) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(0) - - def __OnClickTargetBoardNoViewButton(self): - self.__SetTargetBoardViewMode(1) - - def __OnClickCameraModeShortButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(0) - - def __OnClickCameraModeLongButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel0Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(0) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel1Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel2Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(2) - - def __OnClickBlockExchangeButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_EXCHANGE)) - def __OnClickBlockPartyButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_PARTY)) - def __OnClickBlockGuildButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_GUILD)) - def __OnClickBlockWhisperButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_WHISPER)) - def __OnClickBlockFriendButton(self): - self.RefreshBlock() - global blockMode - net.SendChatPacket("/setblockmode " + str(blockMode ^ player.BLOCK_FRIEND)) - - def __CheckPvPProtectedLevelPlayer(self): - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)= 10: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_ATTACKER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Attacker - if skillLevel >= 20: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_BERSERKER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Tanker - if skillLevel >= 20: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_TANKER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Buffer - if skillLevel >= 25: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_BUFFER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Skill Master - if skillLevel >= 35: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_SKILL_MASTER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Defender - if skillLevel >= 40: - self.__AppendStateButton(xPos, y, player.PARTY_STATE_DEFENDER) - xPos += 23 - - ## Warp - #if skillLevel >= 35: - # if self.stateButtonDict.has_key(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_WARP): - # button = self.stateButtonDict[self.MEMBER_BUTTON_WARP] - # button.SetPosition(xPos, y) - # button.Show() - # xPos += 23 - - ## Expel - if self.stateButtonDict.has_key(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_EXPEL): - button = self.stateButtonDict[self.MEMBER_BUTTON_EXPEL] - button.SetPosition(xPos, y) - button.Show() - xPos += 23 - - def __HideStateButton(self): - self.isShowStateButton = FALSE - for button in self.stateButtonDict.values(): - button.Hide() - - def __GetAffectNumber(self, img): - for i in xrange(self.partyAffectImageList): - if img == self.partyAffectImageList[i]: - return i - - return -1 - - def SetCharacterName(self, name): - self.nameTextLine.SetText(name) - - def GetCharacterName(self): - return self.nameTextLine.GetText() - - def SetCharacterPID(self, pid): - self.pid = pid - - def SetCharacterVID(self, vid): - self.vid = vid - - def GetCharacterPID(self): - return self.pid - - def GetCharacterVID(self): - return self.vid - - def SetCharacterHP(self, hpPercentage): - hpPercentage = max(0, hpPercentage) - self.gauge.SetPercentage(hpPercentage, 100) - - def SetCharacterState(self, state): - - if self.state == state: - return - - self.state = state - self.stateButton.Show() - - name = self.MEMBER_BUTTON_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_DICT[self.MEMBER_BUTTON_NORMAL] - if self.MEMBER_BUTTON_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_DICT.has_key(state): - name = self.MEMBER_BUTTON_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_DICT[state] - - self.stateButton.SetUpVisual(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_PATH + name + "_01.sub") - self.stateButton.SetOverVisual(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_PATH + name + "_02.sub") - self.stateButton.SetDownVisual(self.MEMBER_BUTTON_PATH + name + "_03.sub") - - def SetAffect(self, affectSlotIndex, affectValue): - - if affectSlotIndex >= len(self.partyAffectImageList): - return - - if affectValue > 0: - self.partyAffectImageList[affectSlotIndex].Show() - else: - self.partyAffectImageList[affectSlotIndex].Hide() - - self.affectValueDict[affectSlotIndex] = affectValue - - def Link(self): - self.nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.LINK_COLOR) - self.gauge.Show() - - def Unlink(self): - self.vid = None - self.nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.UNLINK_COLOR) - self.gauge.Hide() - self.__HideAllAffects() - - def OnSelectState(self, state): - - self.__HideStateButton() - if state <= 0: - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, self.state, FALSE) - - else: - - if self.state <= 0: - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, state, TRUE) - - else: - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, self.state, FALSE) - net.SendPartySetStatePacket(self.pid, state, TRUE) - - def OnWarp(self): - self.__HideStateButton() - - if self.vid: - net.SendPartyUseSkillPacket(self.PARTY_SKILL_WARP, self.vid) - - def OnExpel(self): - self.__HideStateButton() - - if not self.pid: - return - net.SendPartyRemovePacket(self.pid) - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - - if self.vid: - player.SetTarget(self.vid) - player.OpenCharacterMenu(self.vid) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(self.vid) - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedSlotPos, 0) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - if player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - if player.PARTY_STATE_LEADER != self.state: - - if self.isShowStateButton: - self.__HideStateButton() - - else: - self.__ShowStateButton() - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - - if self.vid: - player.SetTarget(self.vid) - player.OpenCharacterMenu(self.vid) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(self.vid) - net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedSlotPos, 0) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self): - self.OnMouseLeftButtonDown() - - def OnAffectOverIn(self, index): - - if not self.AFFECT_STRING_DICT.has_key(index): - return - if not self.affectValueDict.has_key(index): - return - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.affectToolTip.ClearToolTip() - self.affectToolTip.SetTitle(self.AFFECT_STRING_DICT[index](self.affectValueDict[index])) - self.affectToolTip.SetToolTipPosition(x + index*12, y + 11) - self.affectToolTip.ShowToolTip() - - def OnAffectOverOut(self, index): - self.affectToolTip.HideToolTip() - -class PartyMenu(ui.ThinBoard): - - BUTTON_NAME = ( locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER, locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP, locale.PARTY_LEAVE ) - - def __init__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) - self.buttonDict = {} - self.distributionMode = 0 - self.isLeader = FALSE - self.showingButtonList = [] - self.modeButtonList = {} - self.__CreateButtons() - self.__CreateModeButtons() - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.buttonDict = {} - self.showingButtonList = [] - self.modeButtonList = {} - - def __CreateModeButtons(self): - - self.modeTitle = ui.MakeTextLine(self) - self.modeTitle.SetText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE) - - self.modeButtonList = {} - - level = ui.RadioButton() - level.SetParent(self) - level.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - level.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClickEXPLevel)) - level.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") - level.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") - level.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") - level.SetText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL) - level.SetToolTipText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP, 70) - level.Show() - self.modeButtonList[player.PARTY_EXP_NON_DISTRIBUTION] = level - - parity = ui.RadioButton() - parity.SetParent(self) - parity.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - parity.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClickEXPDistributeParity)) - parity.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub") - parity.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub") - parity.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub") - parity.SetText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY) - parity.SetToolTipText(locale.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP, 70) - parity.Show() - self.modeButtonList[player.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_PARITY] = parity - - self.ChangePartyParameter(self.distributionMode) - - def __CreateButtons(self): - - for name in self.BUTTON_NAME: - button = ui.Button() - button.SetParent(self) - button.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - button.SetToolTipText(name) - self.buttonDict[name] = button - - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyUseSkill)) - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Skill_Heal_01.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Skill_Heal_02.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER].SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Skill_Heal_03.sub") - - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetEvent(net.SendPartyExitPacket) - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Disband_01.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Disband_02.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP].SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Disband_03.sub") - - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetEvent(net.SendPartyExitPacket) - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Exit_01.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Exit_02.sub") - self.buttonDict[locale.PARTY_LEAVE].SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Exit_03.sub") - - def __ClearShowingButtons(self): - self.showingButtonList = [] - - def __ArrangeButtons(self): - - STEP_SIZE = 37 - - showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList) - xPos = (showingButtonCount-1) * (-STEP_SIZE/2) - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.SetPosition(xPos, 15) - button.Show() - xPos += 37 - - yPos = 85 - for button in self.modeButtonList.values(): - button.SetPosition(0, yPos) - yPos += 25 - - self.UpdateRect() - - def __ShowButton(self, name): - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[name]) - self.__ArrangeButtons() - - def __HideButton(self, name): - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - searchingButton = self.buttonDict[name] - searchingButton.Hide() - for btn in self.showingButtonList: - if btn == searchingButton: - self.showingButtonList.remove(btn) - - self.__ArrangeButtons() - - def ShowLeaderButton(self): - self.isLeader = TRUE - self.__ClearShowingButtons() - self.__ShowButton(locale.PARTY_BREAK_UP) - - def ShowMemberButton(self): - self.isLeader = FALSE - self.__ClearShowingButtons() - self.__ShowButton(locale.PARTY_LEAVE) - - def OnPartyUseSkill(self): - net.SendPartyUseSkillPacket(PartyMemberInfoBoard.PARTY_SKILL_HEAL, 0) - self.__HideButton(locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER) - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.__ShowButton(locale.PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER) - - def __UpAllModeButtons(self): - for button in self.modeButtonList.values(): - button.SetUp() - - def __SetModeButton(self, mode): - self.__UpAllModeButtons() - self.modeButtonList[mode].Down() - self.distributionMode = mode - - def OnClickEXPLevel(self): - self.__SetModeButton(self.distributionMode) - if self.isLeader: - net.SendPartyParameterPacket(player.PARTY_EXP_NON_DISTRIBUTION) - - def OnClickEXPDistributeParity(self): - self.__SetModeButton(self.distributionMode) - if self.isLeader: - net.SendPartyParameterPacket(player.PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_PARITY) - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - try: - self.__SetModeButton(distributionMode) - except: - pass - -class PartyWindow(ui.Window): - - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - self.SetPosition(10, 52) - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList = [] - - self.__CreatePartyMenuButton() - self.__CreatePartyMenu() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - print " =============================== DESTROIED PartyWindow" - - def Destroy(self): - self.DestroyPartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.partyMenu.Destroy() - self.partyMenuButton = None - self.partyMenu = None - - def DestroyPartyMemberInfoBoard(self): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - board.Destroy() - - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList = [] - - def __CreatePartyMenuButton(self): - partyMenuButton = ui.Button() - partyMenuButton.SetParent(self) - partyMenuButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - partyMenuButton.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - partyMenuButton.SetPosition(0, 20) - partyMenuButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_01.sub") - partyMenuButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_02.sub") - partyMenuButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_03.sub") - partyMenuButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnTogglePartyMenu)) - partyMenuButton.Show() - self.partyMenuButton = partyMenuButton - - def __CreatePartyMenu(self): - partyMenu = PartyMenu() - partyMenu.SetSize(106, 70 + 70) - partyMenu.Hide() - self.partyMenu = partyMenu - - def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - - board = PartyMemberInfoBoard() - board.SetParent(self) - board.SetCharacterPID(pid) - - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList.append(board) - self.__ArrangePartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.UpdateRect() - - if not name: - name = locale.PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE - - board.SetCharacterName(name) - board.Unlink() - - self.Show() - - def RemovePartyMember(self, pid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - vid = board.GetCharacterVID() - - if None != vid and player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - - self.ExitParty() - player.ExitParty() - - else: - - board.Destroy() - player.RemovePartyMember(pid) - self.partyMemberInfoBoardList.remove(board) - self.__ArrangePartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.UpdateRect() - - def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - state = player.GetPartyMemberState(pid) - hpPercentage = player.GetPartyMemberHPPercentage(pid) - affectsList = player.GetPartyMemberAffects(pid) - - board.SetCharacterState(state) - board.SetCharacterHP(hpPercentage) - for i in xrange(len(affectsList)): - board.SetAffect(i, affectsList[i]) - - vid = board.GetCharacterVID() - if None != vid: - if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - if player.PARTY_STATE_LEADER == player.GetPartyMemberState(pid): - self.partyMenu.ShowLeaderButton() - else: - self.partyMenu.ShowMemberButton() - - def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - board.Link() - board.SetCharacterVID(vid) - - def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid): - - board = self.__FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(pid) - - if None == board: - return - - board.Unlink() - - def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - board.Unlink() - - def ExitParty(self): - self.partyMenu.Hide() - self.DestroyPartyMemberInfoBoard() - self.Hide() - - def __ArrangePartyMemberInfoBoard(self): - - count = 0 - newHeight = 20 - - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - board.SetPosition(0, count * (board.GetHeight() + 2)) - count += 1 - newHeight += board.GetHeight() + 2 - - self.SetSize(PartyMemberInfoBoard.BOARD_WIDTH, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - self.partyMenu.SetPosition(10, y + newHeight + 2) - - def __FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByVID(self, vid): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - if vid == board.GetCharacterVID(): - return board - - return None - - def __FindPartyMemberInfoBoardByPID(self, pid): - for board in self.partyMemberInfoBoardList: - if pid == board.GetCharacterPID(): - return board - - return None - - def PartyHealReady(self): - self.partyMenu.PartyHealReady() - - def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode): - self.partyMenu.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode) - - def OnTogglePartyMenu(self): - if self.partyMenu.IsShow(): - self.partyMenuButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_01.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_02.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Open_03.sub") - self.partyMenu.Hide() - else: - self.partyMenuButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Close_01.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Close_02.sub") - self.partyMenuButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/Party_Menu_Close_03.sub") - self.partyMenu.Show() diff --git a/bin_original/uiPhaseCurtain.py b/bin_original/uiPhaseCurtain.py deleted file mode 100644 index ba8e7e70..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiPhaseCurtain.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -import grp -import ui -import wndMgr -import app - -class PhaseCurtain(ui.Bar): - - def __init__(self): - print "NEW CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Bar.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - self.speed = 0.1 - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.event = 0 - self.args = -1 - self.FadeInFlag = FALSE - self.SetWindowName("PhaseCurtain") - self.AddFlag("float") - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE CURTAIN" - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def SAFE_FadeOut(self, event, args = -1): - self.FadeOut(ui.__mem_func__(event), args) - - def FadeOut(self, event, args = -1): - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - #self.SetTop() - self.Show() - self.event = event - self.args = args - - def FadeIn(self): - self.event = 0 - self.FadeInFlag = TRUE - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - - color = grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha) - self.SetColor(color) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if 0 != self.event: - - self.curAlpha += self.speed - if self.curAlpha >= 1.0: - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - - # 捞亥飘 吝埃俊 肛免版快甫 措厚秦 固府 力芭 - event=self.event - self.event = 0 - - #print "其捞靛 酒眶 肯丰 捞亥飘 角青" - - if -1 != self.args: - event(self.args) - else: - event() - - elif TRUE == self.FadeInFlag: - - self.curAlpha -= self.speed - if self.curAlpha <= 0.0: - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.eventFadeIn = 0 - self.FadeInFlag = FALSE - self.Hide() - - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) diff --git a/bin_original/uiPickMoney.py b/bin_original/uiPickMoney.py deleted file mode 100644 index f5d220d5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiPickMoney.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -import wndMgr -import ui -import ime -import locale - -class PickMoneyDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.unitValue = 1 - self.maxValue = 0 - self.eventAccept = 0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PickMoneyDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MoneyDialog.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("board") - self.maxValueTextLine = self.GetChild("max_value") - self.pickValueEditLine = self.GetChild("money_value") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept_button") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel_button") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MoneyDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.pickValueEditLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.pickValueEditLine.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.eventAccept = 0 - self.maxValue = 0 - self.pickValueEditLine = 0 - self.acceptButton = 0 - self.cancelButton = 0 - self.board = None - - def SetTitleName(self, text): - self.board.SetTitleName(text) - - def SetAcceptEvent(self, event): - self.eventAccept = event - - def SetMax(self, max): - self.pickValueEditLine.SetMax(max) - - def Open(self, maxValue, unitValue=1): - - if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsCHEONMA() or locale.IsHONGKONG(): - unitValue = "" - - width = self.GetWidth() - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - - if mouseX + width/2 > wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(): - xPos = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - width - elif mouseX - width/2 < 0: - xPos = 0 - else: - xPos = mouseX - width/2 - - self.SetPosition(xPos, mouseY - self.GetHeight() - 20) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.maxValueTextLine.SetText("/" + str(maxValue)) - else: - self.maxValueTextLine.SetText(" / " + str(maxValue)) - - self.pickValueEditLine.SetText(str(unitValue)) - self.pickValueEditLine.SetFocus() - - ime.SetCursorPosition(1) - - self.unitValue = unitValue - self.maxValue = maxValue - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - def Close(self): - self.pickValueEditLine.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnAccept(self): - - text = self.pickValueEditLine.GetText() - - if len(text) > 0 and text.isdigit(): - - money = int(text) - money = min(money, self.maxValue) - - if money > 0: - if self.eventAccept: - self.eventAccept(money) - - self.Close() diff --git a/bin_original/uiPlayerGauge.py b/bin_original/uiPlayerGauge.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4b57c3a1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiPlayerGauge.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import chr -import textTail - -class PlayerGauge(ui.Gauge): - - def __init__(self, parent): - ui.Gauge.__init__(self) - self.SetParent(parent) - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.MakeGauge(100, "red") - - self.curHP = 0 - self.maxHP = 0 - - self.showAlways = FALSE - - def __del__(self): - ui.Gauge.__del__(self) - - def Hide(self): - self.SetPosition(-100, -100) - ui.Gauge.Hide(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - playerIndex = player.GetMainCharacterIndex() - - (x, y, z)=textTail.GetPosition(playerIndex) - - isChat = textTail.IsChat(playerIndex) - ui.Gauge.SetPosition(self, int(x - self.GetWidth()/2), int(y + 5) + isChat*17) - - def RefreshGauge(self): - - self.curHP = player.GetStatus(player.HP) - self.maxHP = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_HP) - self.SetPercentage(self.curHP, self.maxHP) - - if self.showAlways: - self.Show() - - else: - - if self.IsShow(): - if self.curHP > self.maxHP / 2: - self.Hide() - - else: - if self.curHP < self.maxHP / 2: - self.OnUpdate() - self.Show() - - def EnableShowAlways(self): - self.showAlways = TRUE - self.RefreshGauge() - - def DisableShowAlways(self): - self.showAlways = FALSE - self.RefreshGauge() diff --git a/bin_original/uiPointReset.py b/bin_original/uiPointReset.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5a2556a9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiPointReset.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -import net - -import ui -import networkModule - -################################################################################################### -## PointReset -class PointResetDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.ConfirmDialog = ui.ScriptWindow() - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.ConfirmDialog, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PointResetDialog.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.ConfirmDialog.GetChild - self.ConfirmText = GetObject("message1") - self.ConfirmText2 = GetObject("message2") - self.ConfirmAcceptButton = GetObject("accept") - self.ConfirmCancelButton = GetObject("cancel") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PointResetDialog.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.GetChild("message1").SetText("胶湃/胶懦 器牢飘甫 檬扁拳秦林摆匙.") - self.GetChild("message2").SetText("啊拜篮 500盔捞具. 绢锭, 檬扁拳且刨啊?") - self.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenConfirmDialog)) - self.GetChild("cancel").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - ## Confirm Dialog - self.ConfirmText.SetText("泅犁 饭骇狼 版氰摹啊 葛滴 绝绢柳促匙.") - self.ConfirmText.SetFontColor(1.0, 0.3, 0.3) - self.ConfirmText2.SetText("沥富 檬扁拳窍绊 酵篮啊?") - self.ConfirmAcceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ResetPoint)) - self.ConfirmCancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.ConfirmDialog.ClearDictionary() - self.ConfirmAcceptButton.SetEvent(0) - self.ConfirmCancelButton.SetEvent(0) - - self.ConfirmDialog = 0 - self.ConfirmText = 0 - self.ConfirmAcceptButton = 0 - self.ConfirmCancelButton = 0 - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.Show() - - def OpenConfirmDialog(self): - self.ConfirmDialog.Show() - self.ConfirmDialog.SetTop() - - def ResetPoint(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/pointreset") - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.ConfirmDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/uiPrivateShopBuilder.py b/bin_original/uiPrivateShopBuilder.py deleted file mode 100644 index b2e650d9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiPrivateShopBuilder.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import shop -import mouseModule -import player -import chr -import net -import uiCommon -import locale -import chat -import item -import systemSetting #辫霖龋 -import player #辫霖龋 - -g_isBuildingPrivateShop = FALSE - -g_itemPriceDict={} - -g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict={} - -def Clear(): - global g_itemPriceDict - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - g_itemPriceDict={} - g_isBuildingPrivateShop = FALSE - -def IsPrivateShopItemPriceList(): - global g_itemPriceDict - if g_itemPriceDict: - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - -def IsBuildingPrivateShop(): - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - if player.IsOpenPrivateShop() or g_isBuildingPrivateShop: - return TRUE - else: - return FALSE - -def SetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum, itemPrice): - global g_itemPriceDict - g_itemPriceDict[int(itemVNum)]=itemPrice - -def GetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum): - try: - global g_itemPriceDict - return g_itemPriceDict[itemVNum] - except KeyError: - return 0 - -def UpdateADBoard(): - for key in g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.keys(): - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].Show() - -def DeleteADBoard(vid): - if not g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.has_key(vid): - return - - del g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] - - -class PrivateShopAdvertisementBoard(ui.ThinBoard): - def __init__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self, "UI_BOTTOM") - self.vid = None - self.__MakeTextLine() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - def __MakeTextLine(self): - self.textLine = ui.TextLine() - self.textLine.SetParent(self) - self.textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - self.textLine.Show() - - def Open(self, vid, text): - self.vid = vid - - self.textLine.SetText(text) - self.textLine.UpdateRect() - self.SetSize(len(text)*6 + 10*2, 20) - self.Show() - - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] = self - - def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self): - if not self.vid: - return - net.SendOnClickPacket(self.vid) - - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - if not self.vid: - return - - if systemSetting.IsShowSalesText(): - self.Show() - x, y = chr.GetProjectPosition(self.vid, 220) - self.SetPosition(x - self.GetWidth()/2, y - self.GetHeight()/2) - - else: - for key in g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.keys(): - if player.GetMainCharacterIndex() == key: #惑痢浅急阑 救焊捞霸 皑眠绰 版快俊档, 敲饭捞绢 磊脚狼 惑痢 浅急篮 焊捞档废 窃. by 辫霖龋 - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].Show() - x, y = chr.GetProjectPosition(player.GetMainCharacterIndex(), 220) - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].SetPosition(x - self.GetWidth()/2, y - self.GetHeight()/2) - else: - g_privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[key].Hide() - -class PrivateShopBuilder(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW MAKE_PRIVATE_SHOP_WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__LoadWindow() - self.itemStock = {} - self.tooltipItem = None - self.priceInputBoard = None - self.title = "" - - def __del__(self): - #print "------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE MAKE_PRIVATE_SHOP_WINDOW" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PrivateShopBuilder.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PrivateShopBuilderWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.nameLine = GetObject("NameLine") - self.itemSlot = GetObject("ItemSlot") - self.btnOk = GetObject("OkButton") - self.btnClose = GetObject("CloseButton") - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PrivateShopBuilderWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject") - - self.btnOk.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOk)) - self.btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClose)) - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClose)) - - self.itemSlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnSelectEmptySlot)) - self.itemSlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnSelectItemSlot)) - self.itemSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOverInItem)) - self.itemSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnOverOutItem)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.nameLine = None - self.itemSlot = None - self.btnOk = None - self.btnClose = None - self.titleBar = None - self.priceInputBoard = None - - def Open(self, title): - - self.title = title - - if len(title) > 25: - title = title[:22] + "..." - - self.itemStock = {} - shop.ClearPrivateShopStock() - self.nameLine.SetText(title) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Refresh() - self.Show() - - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - g_isBuildingPrivateShop = TRUE - - def Close(self): - global g_isBuildingPrivateShop - g_isBuildingPrivateShop = FALSE - - self.title = "" - self.itemStock = {} - shop.ClearPrivateShopStock() - self.Hide() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def Refresh(self): - getitemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setitemVNum=self.itemSlot.SetItemSlot - delItem=self.itemSlot.ClearSlot - - for i in xrange(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): - - if not self.itemStock.has_key(i): - delItem(i) - continue - - pos = self.itemStock[i] - - itemCount = getItemCount(*pos) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setitemVNum(i, getitemVNum(*pos), itemCount) - - self.itemSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def OnSelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY != attachedSlotType and player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY != attachedSlotType: - return - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - - itemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos) - item.SelectItem(itemVNum) - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_GIVE) or item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_MYSHOP): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM) - return - - priceInputBoard = uiCommon.MoneyInputDialog() - priceInputBoard.SetTitle(locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE) - priceInputBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptInputPrice)) - priceInputBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelInputPrice)) - priceInputBoard.Open() - - itemPrice=GetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum) - - if itemPrice>0: - priceInputBoard.SetValue(itemPrice) - - self.priceInputBoard = priceInputBoard - self.priceInputBoard.itemVNum = itemVNum - self.priceInputBoard.sourceWindowType = attachedInvenType - self.priceInputBoard.sourceSlotPos = attachedSlotPos - self.priceInputBoard.targetSlotPos = selectedSlotPos - - def OnSelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - if not selectedSlotPos in self.itemStock: - return - - invenType, invenPos = self.itemStock[selectedSlotPos] - shop.DelPrivateShopItemStock(invenType, invenPos) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - del self.itemStock[selectedSlotPos] - - self.Refresh() - - def AcceptInputPrice(self): - - if not self.priceInputBoard: - return TRUE - - text = self.priceInputBoard.GetText() - - if not text: - return TRUE - - if not text.isdigit(): - return TRUE - - if int(text) <= 0: - return TRUE - - attachedInvenType = self.priceInputBoard.sourceWindowType - sourceSlotPos = self.priceInputBoard.sourceSlotPos - targetSlotPos = self.priceInputBoard.targetSlotPos - - for privatePos, (itemWindowType, itemSlotIndex) in self.itemStock.items(): - if itemWindowType == attachedInvenType and itemSlotIndex == sourceSlotPos: - shop.DelPrivateShopItemStock(itemWindowType, itemSlotIndex) - del self.itemStock[privatePos] - - price = int(self.priceInputBoard.GetText()) - - if IsPrivateShopItemPriceList(): - SetPrivateShopItemPrice(self.priceInputBoard.itemVNum, price) - - shop.AddPrivateShopItemStock(attachedInvenType, sourceSlotPos, targetSlotPos, price) - self.itemStock[targetSlotPos] = (attachedInvenType, sourceSlotPos) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - self.Refresh() - - ##### - - self.priceInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def CancelInputPrice(self): - self.priceInputBoard = None - return TRUE - - def OnOk(self): - - if not self.title: - return - - if 0 == len(self.itemStock): - return - - shop.BuildPrivateShop(self.title) - self.Close() - - def OnClose(self): - self.Close() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnOverInItem(self, slotIndex): - - if self.tooltipItem: - if self.itemStock.has_key(slotIndex): - self.tooltipItem.SetPrivateShopBuilderItem(*self.itemStock[slotIndex] + (slotIndex,)) - - def OnOverOutItem(self): - - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() diff --git a/bin_original/uiQuest.py b/bin_original/uiQuest.py deleted file mode 100644 index cb7d9066..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiQuest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,901 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import dbg -import app -import grp -import grpImage -import event -import time -import wndMgr -import net - -QUEST_BOARD_IMAGE_DIR = 'd:/ymir work/ui/game/questboard/' - -cur_questpage_number = 1 -entire_questbutton_number = 0 -entire_questpage_number = 1 - -# TOOLTIP_IMAGE_BOX -class ToolTipImageBox(ui.ImageBox): - def __init__(self): - ui.ImageBox.__init__(self) - self.DestroyToolTip() - def __del__(self): - ui.ImageBox.__del__(self) - - def CreateToolTip(self, parent, title, desc, x, y): - import uiToolTip - self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip() - self.toolTip.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.toolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - self.toolTip.SetTitle(title) - self.toolTip.SetPosition(x, y) - - desc = desc.replace("|", "/") - for line in desc.split("/"): - self.toolTip.AutoAppendTextLine(line) - - self.toolTip.ResizeToolTip() - self.toolTip.Hide() - - def DestroyToolTip(self): - self.toolTip = None - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - if self.toolTip: - self.toolTip.SetTop() - self.toolTip.Show() - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - if self.toolTip: - self.toolTip.Hide() -# END_OF_TOOLTIP_IMAGE_BOX - -class QuestCurtain(ui.Window): - CURTAIN_TIME = 0.25 - CURTAIN_SPEED = 200 - BarHeight = 60 - OnDoneEventList = [] - def __init__(self,layer="TOP_MOST"): - ui.Window.__init__(self,layer) - self.TopBar = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") - self.BottomBar = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST") - - self.TopBar.Show() - self.BottomBar.Show() - - self.TopBar.SetColor(0xff000000) - self.BottomBar.SetColor(0xff000000) - - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0,-self.BarHeight) - self.TopBar.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(),self.BarHeight) - - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.BottomBar.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(),self.BarHeight) - - self.CurtainMode = 0 - - self.lastclock = time.clock() - - def Close(self): - self.CurtainMode = 0 - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0, -self.BarHeight-1) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()+1) - for OnDoneEvent in QuestCurtain.OnDoneEventList: - apply(OnDoneEvent,(self,)) - QuestCurtain.OnDoneEventList = [] - - def OnUpdate(self): - dt = time.clock() - self.lastclock - if self.CurtainMode>0: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]+dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.BottomBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - if self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]>0: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0,0) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-self.BarHeight) - self.CurtainMode = 0 - - elif self.CurtainMode<0: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0, int(self.BottomBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]+dt*self.CURTAIN_SPEED)) - if self.TopBar.GetGlobalPosition()[1]<-self.BarHeight: - self.TopBar.SetPosition(0,-self.BarHeight-1) - self.BottomBar.SetPosition(0,wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()+1) - self.Close() - - self.lastclock = time.clock() - -class EventCurtain(ui.Bar): - - COLOR_WHITE = 0.0 - COLOR_BLACK = 1.0 - - DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED = 0.035 - - STATE_WAIT = 0 - STATE_OUT = 1 - STATE_IN = 2 - - def __init__(self, index): - print "NEW EVENT CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.Bar.__init__(self, "CURTAIN") - self.SetWindowName("EventCurtain") - self.AddFlag("float") - self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.Hide() - - self.fadeColor = 1.0 - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.FadeInFlag = FALSE - self.state = self.STATE_WAIT - self.speed = 1.0 - self.eventIndex = index - - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EVENT CURTAIN" - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def SetAlpha(self, alpha): - color = grp.GenerateColor(self.fadeColor, self.fadeColor, self.fadeColor, alpha) - self.SetColor(color) - - def FadeOut(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_OUT, 0.0, speed) - - def FadeIn(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_IN, 0.0, speed) - - def WhiteOut(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_OUT, 1.0, speed) - - def WhiteIn(self, speed): - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - self.__StartFade(self.STATE_IN, 1.0, speed) - - def __StartFade(self, state, color, speed): - self.state = state - self.fadeColor = color - self.Show() - - self.speed = self.DEFAULT_FADE_SPEED - if 0 != speed: - self.speed = speed - - def __EndFade(self): - event.EndEventProcess(self.eventIndex) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if self.STATE_OUT == self.state: - - self.curAlpha += self.speed - - if self.curAlpha >= 1.0: - - self.state = self.STATE_WAIT - self.curAlpha = 1.0 - self.__EndFade() - - elif self.STATE_IN == self.state: - - self.curAlpha -= self.speed - - if self.curAlpha <= 0.0: - - self.state = self.STATE_WAIT - self.curAlpha = 0.0 - self.__EndFade() - self.Hide() - - self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) - -class BarButton(ui.Button): - ColorUp = 0x40999999 - ColorDown = 0x40aaaacc - ColorOver = 0x40ddddff - - UP=0 - DOWN=1 - OVER=2 - - def __init__(self, layer = "UI", - aColorUp = ColorUp, - aColorDown = ColorDown, - aColorOver = ColorOver): - ui.Button.__init__(self,layer) - self.state = self.UP - self.colortable = aColorUp, aColorDown, aColorOver - - def OnRender(self): - x,y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.SetColor(self.colortable[self.state]) - grp.RenderBar(x,y,self.GetWidth(),self.GetHeight()) - - def CallEvent(self): - self.state = self.UP - ui.Button.CallEvent(self) - - def DownEvent(self): - self.state = self.DOWN - - def ShowToolTip(self): - self.state = self.OVER - - def HideToolTip(self): - self.state = self.UP - -class DescriptionWindow(ui.Window): - def __init__(self,idx): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.descIndex = idx - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - def OnRender(self): - event.RenderEventSet(self.descIndex) - -class QuestDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - TITLE_STATE_NONE = 0 - TITLE_STATE_APPEAR = 1 - TITLE_STATE_SHOW = 2 - TITLE_STATE_DISAPPEAR = 3 - - SKIN_NONE = 0 - SKIN_CINEMA = 5 - - QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM = 8 - - def __init__(self,skin,idx): - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("quest dialog") - - self.focusIndex = 0 - - self.board = None - self.sx = 0 - self.sy = 0 - - self.skin = skin - if skin == 3: - event.SetRestrictedCount(idx,36) - else: - event.SetRestrictedCount(idx,52) - - QuestCurtain.BarHeight = (wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()-wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()*9/16)/2 - - if QuestCurtain.BarHeight<0: - QuestCurtain.BarHeight = 50 - if not ('QuestCurtain' in QuestDialog.__dict__): - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain = QuestCurtain() - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.Show() - - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = 1 - self.nextCurtainMode = 0 - if self.skin: - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = 1 - self.nextCurtainMode = 0 - self.LoadDialog(self.skin) - else: - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = -1 - self.nextCurtainMode = -1 - - self.descIndex = idx - self.descWindow = DescriptionWindow(idx) - self.descWindow.Show() - self.eventCurtain = EventCurtain(idx) - event.SetEventHandler(idx, self) - - self.OnCloseEvent = None - self.btnAnswer = None - self.btnNext = None - self.imgLeft = None - self.imgTop = None - self.imgBackground = None - self.imgTitle = None - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_NONE - self.titleShowTime = 0 - self.images = [] - self.prevbutton = None - self.nextbutton = None - - # QUEST_INPUT - self.needInputString = FALSE - self.editSlot = None - self.editLine = None - # END_OF_QUEST_INPUT - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self, skin): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/questdialog.py") - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.LoadDialog") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild('board') - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.BindObject") - - self.SetCenterPosition() - if self.SKIN_CINEMA == skin: - self.board.Hide() - - # QUEST_CANCEL - def OnCancel(self): - self.nextCurtainMode = -1 - self.CloseSelf() - # END_OF_QUEST_CANCEL - - def CloseSelf(self): - - QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.CurtainMode = self.nextCurtainMode - self.btnNext = None - self.descWindow = None - self.btnAnswer = None - self.Destroy() - if self.descIndex: - event.ClearEventSet(self.descIndex) - self.descIndex = None - - self.focusIndex = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - - self.ClearDictionary() - if self.OnCloseEvent: - self.OnCloseEvent() - self.OnCloseEvent = None - - # QUEST_INPUT - if self.needInputString: - if self.editLine: - text = self.editLine.GetText() - net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(text) - # END_OF_QUEST_INPUT - - self.imgTitle = None - self.images = None - self.eventCurtain = None - self.board = None - - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.skin == self.SKIN_CINEMA: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, 50, -(wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 44)) - - # AUTO_RESIZE_BOARD - elif self.skin == 3: - if self.board: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[0]+20+self.sx, -self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-20-self.sy) - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, self.board.GetWidth()-40) - elif self.skin: - if self.board: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[0]+20, -self.board.GetGlobalPosition()[1]-20) - event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, self.board.GetWidth()-40) - # END_OF_AUTO_RESIZE_BOARD - else: - event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, 0, 0) - - if self.TITLE_STATE_NONE != self.titleState: - - curTime = app.GetTime() - elapsedTime = app.GetTime() - self.titleShowTime - - if self.TITLE_STATE_APPEAR == self.titleState: - self.imgTitle.SetAlpha(elapsedTime*2) - if elapsedTime > 0.5: - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_SHOW - self.titleShowTime = curTime - - elif self.TITLE_STATE_SHOW == self.titleState: - if elapsedTime > 1.0: - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_DISAPPEAR - self.titleShowTime = curTime - - elif self.TITLE_STATE_DISAPPEAR == self.titleState: - self.imgTitle.SetAlpha(1.0 - elapsedTime*2) - if elapsedTime > 0.5: - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_NONE - self.titleShowTime = curTime - - ## Set Variables - - def AddOnCloseEvent(self,f): - if self.OnCloseEvent: - self.OnCloseEvent = lambda z=[self.OnCloseEvent, f]:map(apply,z) - else: - self.OnCloseEvent = f - - def AddOnDoneEvent(self,f): - QuestCurtain.OnDoneEventList.append(f) - - def SetOnCloseEvent(self,f): - self.OnCloseEvent = f - - def SetEventSetPosition(self, x, y): - self.sx = x - self.sy = y - - def AdjustEventSetPosition(self, x, y): - self.sx += x - self.sy += y - - ## Event - # QUEST_CANCEL - def MakeNextButton(self, button_type): - - if self.SKIN_NONE == self.skin: - return - - yPos = event.GetEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex) - - b = BarButton() - b.SetParent(self.board) - b.SetSize(100,26) - b.SetPosition(self.sx+self.board.GetWidth()/2-50,self.sy+yPos) - - self.nextButtonType = button_type; - - import locale - if event.BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL == button_type: - b.SetEvent(lambda s=self:event.SelectAnswer(s.descIndex, 254) or s.OnCancel()) - b.SetText(locale.UI_CANCEL) - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_DONE == button_type: - b.SetEvent(lambda s=self:s.CloseSelf()) - b.SetText(locale.UI_OK) - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_NEXT == button_type: - b.SetEvent(lambda s=self:event.SelectAnswer(s.descIndex, 254) or s.CloseSelf()) - b.SetText(locale.UI_NEXT) - b.Show() - b.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - self.btnNext = b - # END_OF_QUEST_CANCEL - - def MakeQuestion(self, n): # n篮 葛电 涅胶飘 措拳芒狼 付瘤阜 滚瓢牢 "摧扁"甫 器窃茄 傈眉 涅胶飘 滚瓢 俺荐. by 辫霖龋 - global entire_questbutton_number - global entire_questpage_number - global cur_questpage_number - entire_questpage_number = ((n-2)/7)+1 - entire_questbutton_number = n - - if not self.board: - return - - c = self.board - - def MakeEachButton(i): - if self.skin == 3: - button = BarButton("TOP_MOST",0x50000000, 0x50404040, 0x50606060) - button.SetParent(c) - button.SetSize(106,26) - button.SetPosition(self.sx+c.GetWidth()/2+((i*2)-1)*56-56, self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex))*16+20+5) - button.SetText("a") - button.SetTextColor(0xff000000) - else: - i = i % 8 - button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") - button.SetParent(c) - button.SetSize(200,26) - button.SetPosition(self.sx+c.GetWidth()/2-100,self.sy+(event.GetLineCount(self.descIndex)+i*2)*16+20+5) - button.SetText("a") - button.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - return button - - def MakeNextPrevPageButton(): - button = BarButton("TOP_MOST") - button.SetParent(c) - button.SetSize(52,26) - button.SetText("a") - button.SetTextColor(0xffffffff) - return button - - def RefreshQuestPage(): - num = 0 - Showing_button_inx = (cur_questpage_number-1)* self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM - - while num < n: - if num >= Showing_button_inx and num < Showing_button_inx + self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM: - self.btnAnswer[num].Show() - else: - self.btnAnswer[num].Hide() - num = num + 1 - - if cur_questpage_number == 1: - self.prevbutton.Hide() - self.nextbutton.Show() - - elif cur_questpage_number == entire_questpage_number: - self.prevbutton.Show() - self.nextbutton.Hide() - else: - self.prevbutton.Show() - self.nextbutton.Show() - - def NextQuestPageEvent(one): - global cur_questpage_number - cur_questpage_number = cur_questpage_number + one - RefreshQuestPage() - - def PrevQuestPageEvent(one): - global cur_questpage_number - cur_questpage_number = cur_questpage_number - one - RefreshQuestPage() - - self.btnAnswer = [MakeEachButton(i) for i in xrange (n)] - - import locale - self.prevbutton = MakeNextPrevPageButton() - self.prevbutton.SetPosition(self.sx+self.board.GetWidth()/2-164, self.board.GetHeight()/2-16) - self.prevbutton.SetText(locale.UI_PREVPAGE) - self.prevbutton.SetEvent(PrevQuestPageEvent, 1) - - self.nextbutton = MakeNextPrevPageButton() - self.nextbutton.SetPosition(self.sx+self.board.GetWidth()/2+112, self.board.GetHeight()/2-16) - self.nextbutton.SetText(locale.UI_NEXTPAGE) - self.nextbutton.SetEvent(NextQuestPageEvent, 1) - - if cur_questpage_number != 1: - cur_questpage_number = 1 - - def AppendQuestion(self, name, idx): # idx绰 0何磐 矫累窃. PythonEventManager.cpp line 881 曼绊. by 辫霖龋 - if not self.btnAnswer: - return - - self.btnAnswer[idx].SetText(name) - x, y= self.btnAnswer[idx].GetGlobalPosition() - - def ClickAnswerEvent(s, ai): - event.SelectAnswer(s.descIndex, ai) - self.nextbutton = None - self.prevbutton = None - s.CloseSelf() - - from _weakref import proxy - self.btnAnswer[idx].SetEvent(ClickAnswerEvent,proxy(self),idx) - - global entire_questbutton_number - - Showing_button_idx = (cur_questpage_number-1)* self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM - - if Showing_button_idx <= idx and idx < Showing_button_idx + self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM: - self.btnAnswer[idx].Show() - else: - self.btnAnswer[idx].Hide() - if entire_questbutton_number >= self.QUEST_BUTTON_MAX_NUM: - self.nextbutton.Show() - - def FadeOut(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.FadeOut(speed) - - def FadeIn(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.FadeIn(speed) - - def WhiteOut(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.WhiteOut(speed) - - def WhiteIn(self, speed): - self.eventCurtain.WhiteIn(speed) - - def DoneEvent(self): - self.nextCurtainMode = -1 - if self.SKIN_NONE == self.skin or self.SKIN_CINEMA == self.skin: - self.CloseSelf() - - def __GetQuestImageFileName(self, filename): - if len(filename) > 1: - if filename[1]!=':': - filename = QUEST_BOARD_IMAGE_DIR+filename - - return filename - - # QUEST_INPUT - def OnKeyDown(self, key): - if self.btnAnswer == None: - ## 急琶巩捞 绝绊 '促澜', '犬牢' 殿狼 老规 滚瓢父 乐绰 版快俊 措茄 贸府 - if None != self.btnNext: - if app.DIK_RETURN == key: - self.OnPressEscapeKey() - - if app.DIK_UP == key or app.DIK_DOWN == key: - self.btnNext.ShowToolTip() - - return TRUE - - focusIndex = self.focusIndex; - lastFocusIndex = focusIndex; - - #print "QuestDialog key down - focus, last : ", focusIndex, lastFocusIndex - - answerCount = len(self.btnAnswer) - - if app.DIK_DOWN == key: - focusIndex += 1 - - if app.DIK_UP == key: - focusIndex -= 1 - - if focusIndex < 0: - focusIndex = answerCount - 1 - - if focusIndex >= answerCount: - focusIndex = 0 - - self.focusIndex = focusIndex; - - focusBtn = self.btnAnswer[focusIndex] - lastFocusBtn = self.btnAnswer[lastFocusIndex] - - if focusIndex != lastFocusIndex: - focusBtn.ShowToolTip() - lastFocusBtn.HideToolTip() - - if app.DIK_RETURN == key: - focusBtn.CallEvent() - - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - - # ESC虐啊 喘赴 版快 "促澜" 滚瓢阑 穿弗 巴苞 鞍篮 瓤苞甫 郴档废 窃. - if None != self.btnNext: - if event.BUTTON_TYPE_CANCEL == self.nextButtonType: - event.SelectAnswer(self.descIndex, 254) - s.OnCancel() - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_DONE == self.nextButtonType: - self.CloseSelf() - elif event.BUTTON_TYPE_NEXT == self.nextButtonType: - event.SelectAnswer(self.descIndex, 254) - self.CloseSelf() - else: - event.SelectAnswer(self.descIndex, entire_questbutton_number - 1) - self.nextbutton = None - self.prevbutton = None - self.CloseSelf() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEReturn(self): - if self.needInputString: - self.CloseSelf() - return TRUE - - def OnIMEUpdate(self): - if not self.needInputString: - return - - if not self.editLine: - return - - self.editLine.OnIMEUpdate() - - def OnInput(self): - - self.needInputString = TRUE - - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 5+10) - yPos = event.GetEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex) - - self.editSlot = ui.SlotBar() - self.editSlot.SetSize(200, 18) - self.editSlot.SetPosition(0, yPos) - self.editSlot.SetParent(self.board) - self.editSlot.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.editSlot.Show() - - self.editLine = ui.EditLine() - self.editLine.SetParent(self.editSlot) - self.editLine.SetPosition(3, 3) - self.editLine.SetSize(200, 17) - self.editLine.SetMax(30) - self.editLine.SetFocus() - self.editLine.Show() - - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 25+10) - - self.MakeNextButton(event.BUTTON_TYPE_DONE) - - self.editLine.UpdateRect() - self.editSlot.UpdateRect() - self.board.UpdateRect() - # END_OF_QUEST_INPUT - - def OnImage(self, x, y, filename, desc=""): - filename = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(filename) - - # IMAGE_EXCEPTION_BUG_FIX - try: - img = ui.MakeImageBox(self.board, filename, x, y) - self.images.append(img) - except RuntimeError: - pass - # END_OF_IMAGE_EXCEPTION_BUG_FIX - - # QUEST_IMAGE - def OnInsertItemIcon(self, type, idx, title, desc, index=0, total=1): - if "item" != type: - return - - import item - item.SelectItem(idx) - filename = item.GetIconImageFileName() - - underTitle = title - - if not title and not desc: - title = item.GetItemName() - desc = item.GetItemDescription() - - tempDesc = desc - desc = "" - - import grpText - lineCount = grpText.GetSplitingTextLineCount(tempDesc, 25) - for i in xrange(lineCount): - desc += grpText.GetSplitingTextLine(tempDesc, 25, i) + "/" - - desc = desc[:-1] - - self.OnInsertImage(filename, underTitle, title, desc, index, total) - - def OnInsertImage(self, filename, underTitle, title, desc, index=0, total=1): - - if index == 0: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 24) - - y = event.GetEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex) - xBoard, yBoard = self.board.GetGlobalPosition() - - try: - img = ToolTipImageBox() - img.SetParent(self.board) - img.LoadImage(filename) - pos_x = (self.board.GetWidth() * (index + 1) / (total + 1)) - (img.GetWidth() / 2) - img.SetPosition(pos_x, y) - #img.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - img.DestroyToolTip() - if title and desc: - img.CreateToolTip(self.board, title, desc, 0, yBoard + y + img.GetHeight()) - img.Show() - self.images.append(img) - except RuntimeError: - pass - - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, img.GetHeight() - 20) - - if underTitle: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 3) - event.InsertTextInline(self.descIndex, underTitle, (self.board.GetWidth() * (index + 1) / (total + 1))) - if index != total - 1: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, -( 3 + 16 )) - else: - if index == total - 1: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, 4) - - if index != total - 1: - event.AddEventSetLocalYPosition(self.descIndex, -(img.GetHeight() - 20)) - - - # END_OF_QUEST_IMAGE - - def OnSize(self, width, height): - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - - def OnTitleImage(self, filename): - img = ui.ImageBox("TOP_MOST") - - try: - img.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - img.LoadImage(filename) - img.SetPosition(0, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - (75/2) - (32/2)) - img.SetAlpha(0.0) - img.Show() - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.OnTitleImage(%s)" % filename) - img.Hide() - - self.imgTitle = img - self.titleState = self.TITLE_STATE_APPEAR - self.titleShowTime = app.GetTime() - - def OnLeftImage(self, imgfile): - imgfile = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(imgfile) - if not self.imgLeft: - self.imgLeft = ui.ExpandedImageBox("TOP_MOST") - self.imgLeft.SetParent(self) - self.imgLeft.SetPosition(0,0) - bd = self.board - bx, by = bd.GetLocalPosition() - bd.SetPosition(160,by) - if self.imgTop: - tx, ty = self.imgTop.GetLocalPosition() - self.imgTop.SetPosition(160,ty) - - try: - self.imgLeft.LoadImage(imgfile) - self.imgLeft.SetSize(400,450) - self.imgLeft.SetOrigin(self.imgLeft.GetWidth()/2,self.imgLeft.GetHeight()/2) - self.imgLeft.Show() - except RuntimeError: - import dbg - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.OnLeftImage(%s)" % imgfile) - self.imgLeft.Hide() - - def OnTopImage(self, imgfile): - imgfile = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(imgfile) - - bd = self.board - bx, by = bd.GetLocalPosition() - if not self.imgTop: - self.imgTop = ui.ExpandedImageBox("TOP_MOST") - self.imgTop.SetParent(self) - bd.SetPosition(bx,190) - self.imgTop.SetPosition(bx,10) - - try: - self.imgTop.LoadImage(imgfile) - h = self.imgTop.GetHeight() - if h>170: - # need adjust board size - bd.SetPosition(bx,20+h) - bd.SetSize(350,420-h) - self.imgTop.SetSize(350,h) - else: - self.imgTop.SetSize(350,170) - bd.SetPosition(bx,190) - bd.SetSize(350,250) - self.imgTop.SetOrigin(self.imgTop.GetWidth()/2,self.imgTop.GetHeight()/2) - self.imgTop.Show() - except RuntimeError: - dbg.TraceError("QuestDialog.OnTopImage(%s)" % imgfile) - self.imgTop.Hide() - - def OnBackgroundImage(self, imgfile): - imgfile = self.__GetQuestImageFileName(imgfile) - c = self.board - w = c.GetWidth() - h = c.GetHeight() - px, py = c.GetLocalPosition() - moved = 0 - if not self.imgBackground: - self.imgBackground = ui.ExpandedImageBox("TOP_MOST") - self.imgBackground.SetParent(c) - self.imgBackground.SetPosition(0,0) - self.imgBackground.LoadImage(imgfile) - iw = self.imgBackground.GetWidth() - ih = self.imgBackground.GetHeight() - if self.skin==3: - iw = 256 - ih = 333 - self.imgBackground.SetSize(iw,ih) - if w < iw: - px -= (iw-w)/2 - c.SetPosition(px,py) - w = iw - if h < ih: - py -= (ih-h)/2 - c.SetPosition(px,py) - h = ih - if self.skin == 3: - w=256 - h = 333 - self.sx = 0 - self.sy = 100 - - c.SetSize(w,h) - c.HideInternal() - - c.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - c.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - - c.SetPosition(0,0) - if self.skin==3: - c.SetPosition(-190,0) - - self.imgBackground.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.imgBackground.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - self.imgBackground.SetPosition(0,0) - self.imgBackground.Show() diff --git a/bin_original/uiRefine.py b/bin_original/uiRefine.py deleted file mode 100644 index 33b4ed28..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiRefine.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,424 +0,0 @@ -import app -import net -import player -import item -import ui -import uiToolTip -import mouseModule -import locale -import uiCommon -import constInfo - -class RefineDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - makeSocketSuccessPercentage = ( 100, 33, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0 ) - upgradeStoneSuccessPercentage = ( 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22 ) - upgradeArmorSuccessPercentage = ( 99, 66, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 ) - upgradeAccessorySuccessPercentage = ( 99, 88, 77, 66, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 ) - upgradeSuccessPercentage = ( 99, 66, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 ) - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadScript() - - self.scrollItemPos = 0 - self.targetItemPos = 0 - - def __LoadScript(self): - - self.__LoadQuestionDialog() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/refinedialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.titleBar = self.GetChild("TitleBar") - self.successPercentage = self.GetChild("SuccessPercentage") - self.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(self.OpenQuestionDialog) - self.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(self.Close) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - ## 936 : 俺樊 犬伏 钎矫 救窃 - ##if 936 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - self.successPercentage.Hide() - - toolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - toolTip.SetParent(self) - toolTip.SetPosition(15, 38) - toolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - toolTip.Show() - self.toolTip = toolTip - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadQuestionDialog(self): - self.dlgQuestion = ui.ScriptWindow() - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgQuestion, "uiscript/questiondialog2.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadQuestionDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.dlgQuestion.GetChild - GetObject("message1").SetText(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING) - GetObject("message2").SetText(locale.REFINE_WARNING2) - GetObject("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Accept)) - GetObject("cancel").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.dlgQuestion.Hide)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SelectCharacterWindow.__LoadQuestionDialog.BindObject") - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.board = 0 - self.successPercentage = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.toolTip = 0 - self.dlgQuestion = 0 - - def GetRefineSuccessPercentage(self, scrollSlotIndex, itemSlotIndex): - - if -1 != scrollSlotIndex: - if player.IsRefineGradeScroll(scrollSlotIndex): - curGrade = player.GetItemGrade(itemSlotIndex) - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex) - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - itemType = item.GetItemType() - itemSubType = item.GetItemSubType() - - if item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN == itemType: - - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeStoneSuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeStoneSuccessPercentage[curGrade] - - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType: - - if item.ARMOR_BODY == itemSubType: - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeArmorSuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeArmorSuccessPercentage[curGrade] - else: - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeAccessorySuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeAccessorySuccessPercentage[curGrade] - - else: - - if curGrade >= len(self.upgradeSuccessPercentage): - return 0 - return self.upgradeSuccessPercentage[curGrade] - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM+1): - if 0 == player.GetItemMetinSocket(itemSlotIndex, i): - break - - return self.makeSocketSuccessPercentage[i] - - def Open(self, scrollItemPos, targetItemPos): - self.scrollItemPos = scrollItemPos - self.targetItemPos = targetItemPos - - percentage = self.GetRefineSuccessPercentage(scrollItemPos, targetItemPos) - if 0 == percentage: - return - self.successPercentage.SetText(locale.REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY % (percentage)) - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetItemPos) - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - self.toolTip.AddItemData(itemIndex, metinSlot) - - self.UpdateDialog() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def UpdateDialog(self): - newWidth = self.toolTip.GetWidth() + 30 - newHeight = self.toolTip.GetHeight() + 98 - self.board.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - self.titleBar.SetWidth(newWidth-15) - self.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetLocalPosition() - self.SetPosition(x, y) - - def OpenQuestionDialog(self): - percentage = self.GetRefineSuccessPercentage(-1, self.targetItemPos) - if 100 == percentage: - self.Accept() - return - - self.dlgQuestion.SetTop() - self.dlgQuestion.Show() - - def Accept(self): - net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.scrollItemPos, self.targetItemPos) - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.dlgQuestion.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class RefineDialogNew(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.isLoaded = FALSE - - def __Initialize(self): - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.children = [] - self.vnum = 0 - self.targetItemPos = 0 - self.dialogHeight = 0 - self.cost = 0 - self.percentage = 0 - self.type = 0 - - def __LoadScript(self): - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/refinedialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.LoadObject") - - try: - self.board = self.GetChild("Board") - self.titleBar = self.GetChild("TitleBar") - self.probText = self.GetChild("SuccessPercentage") - self.costText = self.GetChild("Cost") - self.successPercentage = self.GetChild("SuccessPercentage") - self.GetChild("AcceptButton").SetEvent(self.OpenQuestionDialog) - self.GetChild("CancelButton").SetEvent(self.CancelRefine) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("RefineDialog.__LoadScript.BindObject") - - ## 936 : 俺樊 犬伏 钎矫 救窃 - ##if 936 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - self.successPercentage.Hide() - - toolTip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip() - toolTip.SetParent(self) - toolTip.SetFollow(FALSE) - toolTip.SetPosition(15, 38) - toolTip.Show() - self.toolTip = toolTip - - self.slotList = [] - for i in xrange(3): - slot = self.__MakeSlot() - slot.SetParent(toolTip) - slot.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - self.slotList.append(slot) - - itemImage = self.__MakeItemImage() - itemImage.SetParent(toolTip) - itemImage.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - itemImage.SetPosition(-35, 0) - self.itemImage = itemImage - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelRefine)) - self.isLoaded = TRUE - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __MakeSlot(self): - slot = ui.ImageBox() - slot.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_base.sub") - slot.Show() - self.children.append(slot) - return slot - - def __MakeItemImage(self): - itemImage = ui.ImageBox() - itemImage.Show() - self.children.append(itemImage) - return itemImage - - def __MakeThinBoard(self): - thinBoard = ui.ThinBoard() - thinBoard.SetParent(self) - thinBoard.Show() - self.children.append(thinBoard) - return thinBoard - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.board = 0 - self.probText = 0 - self.costText = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.toolTip = 0 - self.successPercentage = None - self.slotList = [] - self.children = [] - - def Open(self, targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type): - - if FALSE == self.isLoaded: - self.__LoadScript() - - self.__Initialize() - - self.targetItemPos = targetItemPos - self.vnum = nextGradeItemVnum - self.cost = cost - self.percentage = prob - self.type = type - - self.probText.SetText(locale.REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY % (self.percentage)) - self.costText.SetText(locale.REFINE_COST % (self.cost)) - - self.toolTip.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(targetItemPos, i)) - - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(player.GetItemAttribute(targetItemPos, i)) - self.toolTip.AddRefineItemData(nextGradeItemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - item.SelectItem(nextGradeItemVnum) - self.itemImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - xSlotCount, ySlotCount = item.GetItemSize() - for slot in self.slotList: - slot.Hide() - for i in xrange(min(3, ySlotCount)): - self.slotList[i].SetPosition(-35, i*32 - (ySlotCount-1)*16) - self.slotList[i].Show() - - self.dialogHeight = self.toolTip.GetHeight() + 46 - self.UpdateDialog() - - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.dlgQuestion = None - self.Hide() - - def AppendMaterial(self, vnum, count): - slot = self.__MakeSlot() - slot.SetParent(self) - slot.SetPosition(15, self.dialogHeight) - - itemImage = self.__MakeItemImage() - itemImage.SetParent(slot) - item.SelectItem(vnum) - itemImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - - thinBoard = self.__MakeThinBoard() - thinBoard.SetPosition(50, self.dialogHeight) - thinBoard.SetSize(191, 20) - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(thinBoard) - textLine.SetFontName(locale.UI_DEF_FONT) - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(0xffdddddd) - textLine.SetText("%s x %02d" % (item.GetItemName(), count)) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetFeather(FALSE) - textLine.SetWindowVerticalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetVerticalAlignCenter() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - (x,y) = textLine.GetTextSize() - textLine.SetPosition(x, 0) - else: - textLine.SetPosition(15, 0) - - textLine.Show() - self.children.append(textLine) - - self.dialogHeight += 34 - self.UpdateDialog() - - def UpdateDialog(self): - newWidth = self.toolTip.GetWidth() + 60 - newHeight = self.dialogHeight + 69 - - ## 936 : 俺樊 犬伏 钎矫 救窃 - ##if 936 == app.GetDefaultCodePage(): - newHeight -= 8 - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.board.SetPosition( newWidth, 0 ) - - (x, y) = self.titleBar.GetLocalPosition() - self.titleBar.SetPosition( newWidth - 15, y ) - - self.board.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - self.toolTip.SetPosition(15 + 35, 38) - self.titleBar.SetWidth(newWidth-15) - self.SetSize(newWidth, newHeight) - - (x, y) = self.GetLocalPosition() - self.SetPosition(x, y) - - def OpenQuestionDialog(self): - - if 100 == self.percentage: - self.Accept() - return - - if 5 == self.type: ## 公脚狼 绵汗辑 - self.Accept() - return - - dlgQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2() - dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.REFINE_WARNING2) - dlgQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Accept)) - dlgQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(dlgQuestion.Close)) - - if 3 == self.type: ## 泅枚 - dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1) - dlgQuestion.SetText2(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2) - elif 2 == self.type: ## 绵汗辑 - dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING) - else: - dlgQuestion.SetText1(locale.REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING) - - dlgQuestion.Open() - self.dlgQuestion = dlgQuestion - - def Accept(self): - net.SendRefinePacket(self.targetItemPos, self.type) - self.Close() - - def CancelRefine(self): - net.SendRefinePacket(255, 255) - self.Close() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.CancelRefine() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/uiRestart.py b/bin_original/uiRestart.py deleted file mode 100644 index 98907dd9..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiRestart.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import app -import net - -import ui - -################################################################################################### -## Restart -class RestartDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/restartdialog.py") - except Exception, msg: - (type, msg, tb)=sys.exc_info() - dbg.TraceError("RestartDialog.LoadDialog - %s:%s" % (type, msg)) - app.Abort() - return 0 - - try: - self.restartHereButton=self.GetChild("restart_here_button") - self.restartTownButton=self.GetChild("restart_town_button") - except: - import sys - (type, msg, tb)=sys.exc_info() - dbg.TraceError("RestartDialog.LoadDialog - %s:%s" % (type, msg)) - app.Abort() - return 0 - - self.restartHereButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.RestartHere)) - self.restartTownButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.RestartTown)) - - return 1 - - def Destroy(self): - self.restartHereButton=0 - self.restartTownButton=0 - self.ClearDictionary() - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def RestartHere(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/restart_here") - - def RestartTown(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/restart_town") - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/uiSafebox.py b/bin_original/uiSafebox.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3622e6b5..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiSafebox.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,687 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import mouseModule -import player -import net -import snd -import safebox -import chat -import app -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -class PasswordDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - - self.sendMessage = "/safebox_password " - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() -# if locale.IsEUROPE()and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/ca"and app.GetLocalePath() != "locale/sg" : - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "passworddialog.py") -# else: -# pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/passworddialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PasswordDialog.__LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - self.passwordValue = self.GetChild("password_value") - self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept_button") - self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel_button") - self.titleName = self.GetChild("TitleName") - self.GetChild("titlebar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseDialog)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PasswordDialog.__LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.passwordValue.OnIMEReturn = self.OnAccept - self.passwordValue.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancel)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.passwordValue = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.cancelButton = None - self.titleName = None - - def SetTitle(self, title): - self.titleName.SetText(title) - - def SetSendMessage(self, msg): - self.sendMessage = msg - - def ShowDialog(self): - self.passwordValue.SetText("") - self.passwordValue.SetFocus() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Show() - - def CloseDialog(self): - self.passwordValue.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnAccept(self): - net.SendChatPacket(self.sendMessage + self.passwordValue.GetText()) - self.CloseDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnCancel(self): - self.CloseDialog() - return TRUE - -class ChangePasswordDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__LoadDialog() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __LoadDialog(self): - self.dlgMessage = ui.ScriptWindow() - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.dlgMessage, "uiscript/popupdialog.py") - self.dlgMessage.GetChild("message").SetText(locale.SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD) - self.dlgMessage.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseMessageDialog)) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SafeboxWindow.__LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/changepassworddialog.py") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ChangePasswordDialog.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - self.GetChild("accept_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - self.GetChild("cancel_button").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancel)) - self.GetChild("titlebar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCancel)) - oldPassword = self.GetChild("old_password_value") - newPassword = self.GetChild("new_password_value") - newPasswordCheck = self.GetChild("new_password_check_value") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ChangePasswordDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - oldPassword.SetTabEvent(lambda arg=1: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPassword.SetTabEvent(lambda arg=2: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPasswordCheck.SetTabEvent(lambda arg=3: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - oldPassword.SetReturnEvent(lambda arg=1: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPassword.SetReturnEvent(lambda arg=2: self.OnNextFocus(arg)) - newPasswordCheck.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAccept)) - oldPassword.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - newPassword.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - newPasswordCheck.OnPressEscapeKey = self.OnCancel - - self.oldPassword = oldPassword - self.newPassword = newPassword - self.newPasswordCheck = newPasswordCheck - - def OnNextFocus(self, arg): - if 1 == arg: - self.oldPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPassword.SetFocus() - elif 2 == arg: - self.newPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPasswordCheck.SetFocus() - elif 3 == arg: - self.newPasswordCheck.KillFocus() - self.oldPassword.SetFocus() - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - self.dlgMessage.ClearDictionary() - self.oldPassword = None - self.newPassword = None - self.newPasswordCheck = None - - def Open(self): - self.oldPassword.SetText("") - self.newPassword.SetText("") - self.newPasswordCheck.SetText("") - self.oldPassword.SetFocus() - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - self.oldPassword.SetText("") - self.newPassword.SetText("") - self.newPasswordCheck.SetText("") - self.oldPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPassword.KillFocus() - self.newPasswordCheck.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - def OnAccept(self): - oldPasswordText = self.oldPassword.GetText() - newPasswordText = self.newPassword.GetText() - newPasswordCheckText = self.newPasswordCheck.GetText() - if newPasswordText != newPasswordCheckText: - self.dlgMessage.SetCenterPosition() - self.dlgMessage.SetTop() - self.dlgMessage.Show() - return TRUE - net.SendChatPacket("/safebox_change_password %s %s" % (oldPasswordText, newPasswordText)) - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnCancel(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnCloseMessageDialog(self): - self.newPassword.SetText("") - self.newPasswordCheck.SetText("") - self.newPassword.SetFocus() - self.dlgMessage.Hide() - -class SafeboxWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - BOX_WIDTH = 176 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.pageButtonList = [] - self.curPageIndex = 0 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.xSafeBoxStart = 0 - self.ySafeBoxStart = 0 - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Destroy() - self.dlgPickMoney = None - self.dlgChangePassword.Destroy() - self.dlgChangePassword = None - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndMoneySlot = None - self.wndMoney = None - self.wndBoard = None - self.wndItem = None - - self.pageButtonList = [] - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/SafeboxWindow.py") - - from _weakref import proxy - - ## Item - wndItem = ui.GridSlotWindow() - wndItem.SetParent(self) - wndItem.SetPosition(8, 35) - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - wndItem.Show() - - ## PickMoneyDialog - import uiPickMoney - dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog() - dlgPickMoney.LoadDialog() - dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickMoney)) - dlgPickMoney.Hide() - - ## ChangePasswrod - dlgChangePassword = ChangePasswordDialog() - dlgChangePassword.LoadDialog() - dlgChangePassword.Hide() - - ## Close Button - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.GetChild("ChangePasswordButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangePassword)) - self.GetChild("ExitButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney - self.dlgChangePassword = dlgChangePassword - self.wndBoard = self.GetChild("board") - #self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money") - #self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot") - #self.wndMoneySlot.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPickMoneyDialog)) - - ## Initialize - self.SetTableSize(3) - self.RefreshSafeboxMoney() - - def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType(): - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxSaveMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - curMoney = safebox.GetMoney() - - if curMoney <= 0: - return - - self.dlgPickMoney.Open(curMoney) - - def ShowWindow(self, size): - - (self.xSafeBoxStart, self.ySafeBoxStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - self.SetTableSize(size) - self.Show() - - def __MakePageButton(self, pageCount): - - self.curPageIndex = 0 - self.pageButtonList = [] - - text = "I" - pos = -int(float(pageCount-1)/2 * 52) - for i in xrange(pageCount): - button = ui.RadioButton() - button.SetParent(self) - button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/tab_button_middle_01.sub") - button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/tab_button_middle_02.sub") - button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/tab_button_middle_03.sub") - button.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - button.SetWindowVerticalAlignBottom() - button.SetPosition(pos, 85) - button.SetText(text) - button.SetEvent(lambda arg=i: self.SelectPage(arg)) - button.Show() - self.pageButtonList.append(button) - - pos += 52 - text += "I" - - self.pageButtonList[0].Down() - - def SelectPage(self, index): - - self.curPageIndex = index - - for btn in self.pageButtonList: - btn.SetUp() - - self.pageButtonList[index].Down() - self.RefreshSafebox() - - def __LocalPosToGlobalPos(self, local): - return self.curPageIndex*safebox.SAFEBOX_PAGE_SIZE + local - - def SetTableSize(self, size): - - pageCount = max(1, size / safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT) - pageCount = min(3, pageCount) - size = safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT - - self.__MakePageButton(pageCount) - - self.wndItem.ArrangeSlot(0, safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_X_COUNT, size, 32, 32, 0, 0) - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - self.wndItem.SetSlotBaseImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - wnd_height = 130 + 32 * size - self.wndBoard.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, wnd_height) - self.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, wnd_height) - self.UpdateRect() - - def RefreshSafebox(self): - getItemID=safebox.GetItemID - getItemCount=safebox.GetItemCount - setItemID=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(safebox.SAFEBOX_PAGE_SIZE): - slotIndex = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(i) - itemCount = getItemCount(slotIndex) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemID(i, getItemID(slotIndex), itemCount) - - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self): - pass - #self.wndMoney.SetText(str(safebox.GetMoney())) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltip): - self.tooltipItem = tooltip - - def Close(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/safebox_close") - - def CommandCloseSafebox(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.dlgPickMoney.Close() - self.dlgChangePassword.Close() - self.Hide() - - ## Slot Event - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - selectedSlotPos = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(selectedSlotPos) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType: - - net.SendSafeboxItemMovePacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos, 0) - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - else: - attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedSlotType) - if player.RESERVED_WINDOW == attachedInvenType: - return - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxSaveMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - net.SendSafeboxCheckinPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - selectedSlotPos = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(selectedSlotPos) - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - - if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex(): - net.SendSafeboxSaveMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - - else: - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - #net.SendSafeboxCheckinPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos) - #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - if app.SELL == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM) - - elif app.BUY == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_BUY_INFO) - - else: - selectedItemID = safebox.GetItemID(selectedSlotPos) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX, selectedSlotPos, selectedItemID) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def __ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetSafeBoxItem(slotIndex) - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - slotIndex = self.__LocalPosToGlobalPos(slotIndex) - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - self.__ShowToolTip(slotIndex) - - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPickMoney(self, money): - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachMoney(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX, money) - - def OnChangePassword(self): - self.dlgChangePassword.Open() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xSafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.ySafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.Close() - -class MallWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - BOX_WIDTH = 176 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = None - self.sellingSlotNumber = -1 - self.pageButtonList = [] - self.curPageIndex = 0 - self.isLoaded = 0 - self.xSafeBoxStart = 0 - self.ySafeBoxStart = 0 - - self.__LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Show(self): - self.__LoadWindow() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.wndBoard = None - self.wndItem = None - - self.pageButtonList = [] - - def __LoadWindow(self): - if self.isLoaded == 1: - return - - self.isLoaded = 1 - - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MallWindow.py") - - from _weakref import proxy - - ## Item - wndItem = ui.GridSlotWindow() - wndItem.SetParent(self) - wndItem.SetPosition(8, 35) - wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot)) - wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot)) - wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - wndItem.Show() - - ## Close Button - self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.GetChild("ExitButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.wndItem = wndItem - self.wndBoard = self.GetChild("board") - - ## Initialize - self.SetTableSize(3) - - def ShowWindow(self, size): - - (self.xSafeBoxStart, self.ySafeBoxStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - self.SetTableSize(size) - self.Show() - - def SetTableSize(self, size): - - pageCount = max(1, size / safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT) - pageCount = min(3, pageCount) - size = safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_Y_COUNT - - self.wndItem.ArrangeSlot(0, safebox.SAFEBOX_SLOT_X_COUNT, size, 32, 32, 0, 0) - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - self.wndItem.SetSlotBaseImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - self.wndBoard.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, 82 + 32*size) - self.SetSize(self.BOX_WIDTH, 85 + 32*size) - self.UpdateRect() - - def RefreshMall(self): - getItemID=safebox.GetMallItemID - getItemCount=safebox.GetMallItemCount - setItemID=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(safebox.GetMallSize()): - itemID = getItemID(i) - itemCount = getItemCount(i) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemID(i, itemID, itemCount) - - self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltip): - self.tooltipItem = tooltip - - def Close(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/mall_close") - - def CommandCloseMall(self): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - self.Hide() - - ## Slot Event - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MALL_CANNOT_INSERT) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def SelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.MALL_CANNOT_INSERT) - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - else: - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - selectedItemID = safebox.GetMallItemID(selectedSlotPos) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL, selectedSlotPos, selectedItemID) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def __ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex): - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.SetMallItem(slotIndex) - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - self.__ShowToolTip(slotIndex) - - def OverOutItem(self): - self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE) - if self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xSafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.ySafeBoxStart) > USE_SAFEBOX_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.Close() - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import chr - import background - import player - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - - wnd = SafeboxWindow() - wnd.ShowWindow(1) - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/uiScriptLocale.py b/bin_original/uiScriptLocale.py deleted file mode 100644 index e4a82f35..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiScriptLocale.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -import app - -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_ANSWER = "ANSWER" -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REFRESH = "REFRESH" -AUTOBAN_QUIZ_REST_TIME = "REST_TIME" - -OPTION_SHADOW = "SHADOW" - -CODEPAGE = str(app.GetDefaultCodePage()) - -#CUBE_TITLE = "Cube Window" - -def LoadLocaleFile(srcFileName, localeDict): - localeDict["CUBE_INFO_TITLE"] = "Recipe" - localeDict["CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL"] = "Requirements" - localeDict["CUBE_REQUIRE_MATERIAL_OR"] = "or" - - try: - lines = pack_open(srcFileName, "r").readlines() - except IOError: - import dbg - dbg.LogBox("LoadUIScriptLocaleError(%(srcFileName)s)" % locals()) - app.Abort() - - for line in lines: - tokens = line[:-1].split("\t") - - if len(tokens) >= 2: - localeDict[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] - - else: - print len(tokens), lines.index(line), line - - -if "locale/ymir" == app.GetLocalePath(): - - LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH = "locale/ymir_ui/" - - WINDOWS_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/949_windows/" - SELECT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/949_select/" - GUILD_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/949_guild/" - EMPIRE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/949_empire/" - MAPNAME_PATH = "locale/ymir_ui/mapname/" - LOGIN_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/949_login/" - - JOBDESC_WARRIOR_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_warrior.txt" - JOBDESC_ASSASSIN_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_assassin.txt" - JOBDESC_SURA_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_sura.txt" - JOBDESC_SHAMAN_PATH = "locale/ymir/desc_shaman.txt" - - EMPIREDESC_A = "locale/ymir/desc_empire_a.txt" - EMPIREDESC_B = "locale/ymir/desc_empire_b.txt" - EMPIREDESC_C = "locale/ymir/desc_empire_c.txt" - - LOCALE_INTERFACE_FILE_NAME = "locale/ymir/locale_interface.txt" -else: - if "HONGKONG" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/hongkong" - elif "JAPAN" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/japan" - elif "TAIWAN" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/taiwan" - elif "NEWCIBN" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = "locale/newcibn" - elif "EUROPE" == app.GetLocaleServiceName(): - name = app.GetLocalePath() - else: - name = "locale/ymir" - - LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH = "%s/ui/" % (name) - LOGIN_PATH = "%s/ui/login/" % (name) - EMPIRE_PATH = "%s/ui/empire/" % (name) - GUILD_PATH = "%s/ui/guild/" % (name) - SELECT_PATH = "%s/ui/select/" % (name) - WINDOWS_PATH = "%s/ui/windows/" % (name) - MAPNAME_PATH = "%s/ui/mapname/" % (name) - - JOBDESC_WARRIOR_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_warrior.txt" % (name) - JOBDESC_ASSASSIN_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_assassin.txt" % (name) - JOBDESC_SURA_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_sura.txt" % (name) - JOBDESC_SHAMAN_PATH = "%s/jobdesc_shaman.txt" % (name) - - EMPIREDESC_A = "%s/empiredesc_a.txt" % (name) - EMPIREDESC_B = "%s/empiredesc_b.txt" % (name) - EMPIREDESC_C = "%s/empiredesc_c.txt" % (name) - - LOCALE_INTERFACE_FILE_NAME = "%s/locale_interface.txt" % (name) - -LoadLocaleFile(LOCALE_INTERFACE_FILE_NAME, locals()) - diff --git a/bin_original/uiSelectMusic.py b/bin_original/uiSelectMusic.py deleted file mode 100644 index 096e98a0..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiSelectMusic.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,206 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -FILE_NAME_LEN = 20 -DEFAULT_THEMA = locale.MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA - -class Item(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, fileName): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - self.canLoad=0 - self.text=fileName - self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(fileName[:FILE_NAME_LEN]) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def GetText(self): - return self.text - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 6*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) - - def __CreateTextLine(self, fileName): - textLine=ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - textLine.SetPosition(6*len(fileName) + 6, 0) - else: - textLine.SetPosition(0, 0) - - textLine.SetText(fileName) - textLine.Show() - return textLine - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent): - print "NEW POPUP WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__Load() - self.__Bind() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE POPUP WINDOW" - - def __Load(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Load") - - def __Bind(self): - try: - self.textLine=self.GetChild("message") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("accept") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Bind") - - self.okButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnOK) - - def Open(self, msg): - self.textLine.SetText(msg) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - def __OnOK(self): - self.Hide() - -class FileListDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - print "NEW LIST DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.isLoaded=0 - self.selectEvent=None - self.fileListBox=None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE LIST DIALOG" - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__Load() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - - if self.fileListBox.IsEmpty(): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST) - - def Close(self): - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.selectEvent=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def __CreateFileListBox(self): - fileListBox=ui.ListBoxEx() - fileListBox.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - fileListBox.SetPosition( self.GetWidth() - fileListBox.GetWidth() - 10, 50) - else: - fileListBox.SetPosition(15, 50) - - fileListBox.Show() - return fileListBox - - def __Load(self): - self.popupDialog=PopupDialog(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.__Load_LoadScript(uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "MusicListWindow.py") - else: - self.__Load_LoadScript("UIScript/MusicListWindow.py") - - self.__Load_BindObject() - - self.refreshButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnRefresh) - self.cancelButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnCancel) - self.okButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnOK) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.UpdateRect() - - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MusicListBox.__Load") - - def __Load_BindObject(self): - try: - self.fileListBox=self.__CreateFileListBox() - self.fileListBox.SetScrollBar(self.GetChild("ScrollBar")) - - self.board=self.GetChild("board") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("ok") - self.cancelButton=self.GetChild("cancel") - self.refreshButton=self.GetChild("refresh") - - self.popupText = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MusicListBox.__Bind") - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupDialog.Open(msg) - - def __OnOK(self): - selItem=self.fileListBox.GetSelectedItem() - if selItem: - if self.selectEvent: - self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) - self.Hide() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC) - - def __OnCancel(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnRefresh(self): - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __RefreshFileList(self): - self.__ClearFileList() - self.__AppendFile(DEFAULT_THEMA) - self.__AppendFileList("mp3") - - def __ClearFileList(self): - self.fileListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def __AppendFileList(self, filter): - fileNameList=app.GetFileList("BGM/*."+filter) - for fileName in fileNameList: - self.__AppendFile(fileName) - - def __AppendFile(self, fileName): - self.fileListBox.AppendItem(Item(fileName)) - - diff --git a/bin_original/uiShop.py b/bin_original/uiShop.py deleted file mode 100644 index 953abe14..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiShop.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,463 +0,0 @@ -import net -import player -import item -import snd -import shop -import net -import wndMgr -import app -import chat - -import ui -import uiCommon -import mouseModule -import locale - -################################################################################################### -## Shop -class ShopDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.xShopStart = 0 - self.yShopStart = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.popup = None - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def __GetRealIndex(self, i): - return self.tabIdx * shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT + i - - def Refresh(self): - getItemID=shop.GetItemID - getItemCount=shop.GetItemCount - setItemID=self.itemSlotWindow.SetItemSlot - for i in xrange(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): - idx = self.__GetRealIndex(i) - itemCount = getItemCount(idx) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - setItemID(i, getItemID(idx), itemCount) - - wndMgr.RefreshSlot(self.itemSlotWindow.GetWindowHandle()) - - def SetItemData(self, pos, itemID, itemCount, itemPrice): - shop.SetItemData(pos, itemID, itemCount, itemPrice) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/shopdialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ShopDialog.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - smallTab1 = None - smallTab2 = None - smallTab3 = None - middleTab1 = None - middleTab2 = None - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.itemSlotWindow = GetObject("ItemSlot") - self.btnBuy = GetObject("BuyButton") - self.btnSell = GetObject("SellButton") - self.btnClose = GetObject("CloseButton") - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - middleTab1 = GetObject("MiddleTab1") - middleTab2 = GetObject("MiddleTab2") - smallTab1 = GetObject("SmallTab1") - smallTab2 = GetObject("SmallTab2") - smallTab3 = GetObject("SmallTab3") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ShopDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.itemSlotWindow.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EMPTY", self.SelectEmptySlot) - self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EXIST", self.SelectItemSlot) - self.itemSlotWindow.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("RIGHT", "EXIST", self.UnselectItemSlot) - - self.itemSlotWindow.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - self.itemSlotWindow.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - self.btnBuy.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelShopping)) - self.btnBuy.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnBuy)) - - self.btnSell.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelShopping)) - self.btnSell.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnSell)) - - self.btnClose.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AskClosePrivateShop)) - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.smallRadioButtonGroup = ui.RadioButtonGroup.Create([[smallTab1, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(0), None], [smallTab2, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(1), None], [smallTab3, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(2), None]]) - self.middleRadioButtonGroup = ui.RadioButtonGroup.Create([[middleTab1, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(0), None], [middleTab2, lambda : self.OnClickTabButton(1), None]]) - - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - - self.tabIdx = 0 - self.coinType = shop.SHOP_COIN_TYPE_GOLD - - self.Refresh() - - def __ShowBuySellButton(self): - self.btnBuy.Show() - self.btnSell.Show() - - def __ShowMiddleTabs(self): - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.Show() - - def __ShowSmallTabs(self): - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.Show() - - def __HideBuySellButton(self): - self.btnBuy.Hide() - self.btnSell.Hide() - - def __HideMiddleTabs(self): - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.Hide() - - def __HideSmallTabs(self): - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.Hide() - - def __SetTabNames(self): - if shop.GetTabCount() == 2: - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.SetText(0, shop.GetTabName(0)) - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.SetText(1, shop.GetTabName(1)) - elif shop.GetTabCount() == 3: - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(0, shop.GetTabName(0)) - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(1, shop.GetTabName(1)) - self.smallRadioButtonGroup.SetText(2, shop.GetTabName(2)) - - def Destroy(self): - self.Close() - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.itemSlotWindow = 0 - self.btnBuy = 0 - self.btnSell = 0 - self.btnClose = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.questionDialog = None - self.popup = None - - def Open(self, vid): - - isPrivateShop = FALSE - isMainPlayerPrivateShop = FALSE - - import chr - if chr.IsNPC(vid): - isPrivateShop = FALSE - else: - isPrivateShop = TRUE - - if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - - isMainPlayerPrivateShop = TRUE - - self.btnBuy.Hide() - self.btnSell.Hide() - self.btnClose.Show() - - else: - - isMainPlayerPrivateShop = FALSE - - self.btnBuy.Show() - self.btnSell.Show() - self.btnClose.Hide() - - shop.Open(isPrivateShop, isMainPlayerPrivateShop) - - self.tabIdx = 0 - - if isPrivateShop: - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - else: - if shop.GetTabCount() == 1: - self.__ShowBuySellButton() - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - elif shop.GetTabCount() == 2: - self.__HideBuySellButton() - self.__ShowMiddleTabs() - self.__HideSmallTabs() - self.__SetTabNames() - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.OnClick(0) - elif shop.GetTabCount() == 3: - self.__HideBuySellButton() - self.__HideMiddleTabs() - self.__ShowSmallTabs() - self.__SetTabNames() - self.middleRadioButtonGroup.OnClick(1) - - self.Refresh() - self.SetTop() - - self.Show() - - (self.xShopStart, self.yShopStart, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - - def Close(self): - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - shop.Close() - net.SendShopEndPacket() - self.CancelShopping() - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - self.Hide() - - def GetIndexFromSlotPos(self, slotPos): - return self.tabIdx * shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT + slotPos - - def OnClickTabButton(self, idx): - self.tabIdx = idx - self.Refresh() - - def AskClosePrivateShop(self): - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - questionDialog.SetText(locale.PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION) - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnClosePrivateShop)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - - return TRUE - - def OnClosePrivateShop(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/close_shop") - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnBuy(self): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_BUY_INFO) - app.SetCursor(app.BUY) - self.btnSell.SetUp() - - def OnSell(self): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_SELL_INFO) - app.SetCursor(app.SELL) - self.btnBuy.SetUp() - - def CancelShopping(self): - self.btnBuy.SetUp() - self.btnSell.SetUp() - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.pop = None - - def SellAttachedItem(self): - - if shop.IsPrivateShop(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount() - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedSlotPos) - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_SELL): - popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog() - popup.SetText(locale.SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM) - popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog) - popup.Open() - self.popup = popup - - elif player.IsValuableItem(attachedSlotPos): - - itemPrice = item.GetISellItemPrice() - - if item.Is1GoldItem(): - itemPrice = attachedCount / itemPrice / 5 - else: - itemPrice = itemPrice * max(1, attachedCount) / 5 - - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - questionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(itemName, attachedCount, itemPrice)) - - questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg1=attachedSlotPos, arg2=attachedCount: self.OnSellItem(arg1, arg2)) - questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog)) - questionDialog.Open() - self.questionDialog = questionDialog - - else: - self.OnSellItem(attachedSlotPos, attachedCount) - - else: - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/loginfail.wav") - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - - def OnSellItem(self, slotPos, count): - net.SendShopSellPacketNew(slotPos, count) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav") - self.OnCloseQuestionDialog() - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - if self.questionDialog: - self.questionDialog.Close() - - self.questionDialog = None - - def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - if isAttached: - self.SellAttachedItem() - - def UnselectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - if shop.IsPrivateShop(): - self.AskBuyItem(selectedSlotPos) - else: - net.SendShopBuyPacket(self.__GetRealIndex(selectedSlotPos)) - - def SelectItemSlot(self, selectedSlotPos): - - isAttached = mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached() - selectedSlotPos = self.__GetRealIndex(selectedSlotPos) - if isAttached: - self.SellAttachedItem() - - else: - - if TRUE == shop.IsMainPlayerPrivateShop(): - return - - curCursorNum = app.GetCursor() - if app.BUY == curCursorNum: - self.AskBuyItem(selectedSlotPos) - - elif app.SELL == curCursorNum: - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.SHOP_SELL_INFO) - - else: - selectedItemID = shop.GetItemID(selectedSlotPos) - itemCount = shop.GetItemCount(selectedSlotPos) - - type = player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP - if shop.IsPrivateShop(): - type = player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP - - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, type, selectedSlotPos, selectedItemID, itemCount) - mouseModule.mouseController.SetCallBack("INVENTORY", ui.__mem_func__(self.DropToInventory)) - snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav") - - def DropToInventory(self): - attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - self.AskBuyItem(attachedSlotPos) - - def AskBuyItem(self, slotPos): - slotPos = self.__GetRealIndex(slotPos) - - itemIndex = shop.GetItemID(slotPos) - itemPrice = shop.GetItemPrice(slotPos) - itemCount = shop.GetItemCount(slotPos) - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - itemName = item.GetItemName() - - itemBuyQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog() - itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetText(locale.DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM(itemName, itemCount, locale.NumberToMoneyString(itemPrice))) - itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.AnswerBuyItem(arg)) - itemBuyQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=FALSE: self.AnswerBuyItem(arg)) - itemBuyQuestionDialog.Open() - itemBuyQuestionDialog.pos = slotPos - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = itemBuyQuestionDialog - - def AnswerBuyItem(self, flag): - - if flag: - pos = self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.pos - net.SendShopBuyPacket(pos) - - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog.Close() - self.itemBuyQuestionDialog = None - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - slotIndex = self.__GetRealIndex(slotIndex) - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - if shop.SHOP_COIN_TYPE_GOLD == shop.GetTabCoinType(self.tabIdx): - self.tooltipItem.SetShopItem(slotIndex) - else: - self.tooltipItem.SetShopItemBySecondaryCoin(slotIndex) - def OverOutItem(self): - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE = 1000 - - (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition() - if abs(x - self.xShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE or abs(y - self.yShopStart) > USE_SHOP_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.Close() - - -class MallPageDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - def Open(self): - scriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - scriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/mallpagedialog.py") - - self.GetChild("titlebar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - (x, y)=self.GetGlobalPosition() - x+=10 - y+=30 - - MALL_PAGE_WIDTH = 600 - MALL_PAGE_HEIGHT = 480 - - app.ShowWebPage( - "http://metin2.co.kr/08_mall/game_mall/login_fail.htm", - (x, y, x+MALL_PAGE_WIDTH, y+MALL_PAGE_HEIGHT)) - - self.Lock() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - app.HideWebPage() - self.Unlock() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE diff --git a/bin_original/uiSystem.py b/bin_original/uiSystem.py deleted file mode 100644 index ad9ae9cc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiSystem.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ -import net -import app -import ui -import uiOption -import uiSystemOption -import uiGameOption -import uiScriptLocale -import networkModule -import constInfo -import locale - -SYSTEM_MENU_FOR_PORTAL = FALSE - -################################################################################################### -## System -class SystemDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - - def __Initialize(self): - self.eventOpenHelpWindow = None - self.systemOptionDlg = None - self.gameOptionDlg = None - - - def LoadDialog(self): - if SYSTEM_MENU_FOR_PORTAL: - self.__LoadSystemMenu_ForPortal() - else: - self.__LoadSystemMenu_Default() - - def __LoadSystemMenu_Default(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "SystemDialog.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/systemdialog.py") - - self.GetChild("system_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickSystemOptionButton) - self.GetChild("game_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickGameOptionButton) - self.GetChild("change_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickChangeCharacterButton) - self.GetChild("logout_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickLogOutButton) - self.GetChild("exit_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickExitButton) - self.GetChild("help_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickHelpButton) - self.GetChild("cancel_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.Close) - - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - self.GetChild("mall_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickInGameShopButton) - - - def __LoadSystemMenu_ForPortal(self): - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/systemdialog_forportal.py") - - self.GetChild("system_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickSystemOptionButton) - self.GetChild("game_option_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickGameOptionButton) - self.GetChild("change_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickChangeCharacterButton) - self.GetChild("exit_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickExitButton) - self.GetChild("help_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.__ClickHelpButton) - self.GetChild("cancel_button").SAFE_SetEvent(self.Close) - - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.Destroy() - - if self.systemOptionDlg: - self.systemOptionDlg.Destroy() - - self.__Initialize() - - def SetOpenHelpWindowEvent(self, event): - self.eventOpenHelpWindow = event - - def OpenDialog(self): - self.Show() - - def __ClickChangeCharacterButton(self): - self.Close() - - net.ExitGame() - - def __OnClosePopupDialog(self): - self.popup = None - - def __ClickLogOutButton(self): - if SYSTEM_MENU_FOR_PORTAL: - if app.loggined: - self.Close() - net.ExitApplication() - else: - self.Close() - net.LogOutGame() - else: - self.Close() - net.LogOutGame() - - - def __ClickExitButton(self): - self.Close() - net.ExitApplication() - - def __ClickSystemOptionButton(self): - self.Close() - - if not self.systemOptionDlg: - self.systemOptionDlg = uiSystemOption.OptionDialog() - - self.systemOptionDlg.Show() - - def __ClickGameOptionButton(self): - self.Close() - - if not self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg = uiGameOption.OptionDialog() - - self.gameOptionDlg.Show() - - - def __ClickHelpButton(self): - self.Close() - - if None != self.eventOpenHelpWindow: - self.eventOpenHelpWindow() - - def __ClickInGameShopButton(self): - self.Close() - net.SendChatPacket("/in_game_mall") - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - return TRUE - - def RefreshMobile(self): - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.RefreshMobile() - #self.optionDialog.RefreshMobile() - - def OnMobileAuthority(self): - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.OnMobileAuthority() - #self.optionDialog.OnMobileAuthority() - - def OnBlockMode(self, mode): - uiGameOption.blockMode = mode - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.OnBlockMode(mode) - #self.optionDialog.OnBlockMode(mode) - - def OnChangePKMode(self): - if self.gameOptionDlg: - self.gameOptionDlg.OnChangePKMode() - #self.optionDialog.OnChangePKMode() - - def OnPressExitKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import chr - import background - import player - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - - wnd = SystemDialog() - wnd.LoadDialog() - wnd.Show() - - app.Loop() - diff --git a/bin_original/uiSystemOption.py b/bin_original/uiSystemOption.py deleted file mode 100644 index 041e65ec..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiSystemOption.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import snd -import systemSetting -import net -import chat -import app -import locale -import constInfo -import chrmgr -import player -import musicInfo -import uiSelectMusic -import background - -MUSIC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN = 25 - -blockMode = 0 - -class OptionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.__Initialize() - self.__Load() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print " -------------------------------------- DELETE SYSTEM OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.tilingMode = 0 - self.titleBar = 0 - self.changeMusicButton = 0 - self.selectMusicFile = 0 - self.ctrlMusicVolume = 0 - self.ctrlSoundVolume = 0 - self.musicListDlg = 0 - self.tilingApplyButton = 0 - self.cameraModeButtonList = [] - self.fogModeButtonList = [] - self.tilingModeButtonList = [] - self.ctrlShadowQuality = 0 - - def Destroy(self): - self.ClearDictionary() - - self.__Initialize() - print " -------------------------------------- DESTROY SYSTEM OPTION DIALOG" - - def __Load_LoadScript(self, fileName): - try: - pyScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, fileName) - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("System.OptionDialog.__Load_LoadScript") - - def __Load_BindObject(self): - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("titlebar") - self.selectMusicFile = GetObject("bgm_file") - self.changeMusicButton = GetObject("bgm_button") - self.ctrlMusicVolume = GetObject("music_volume_controller") - self.ctrlSoundVolume = GetObject("sound_volume_controller") - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_short")) - self.cameraModeButtonList.append(GetObject("camera_long")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level0")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level1")) - self.fogModeButtonList.append(GetObject("fog_level2")) - self.tilingModeButtonList.append(GetObject("tiling_cpu")) - self.tilingModeButtonList.append(GetObject("tiling_gpu")) - self.tilingApplyButton=GetObject("tiling_apply") - #self.ctrlShadowQuality = GetObject("shadow_bar") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("OptionDialog.__Load_BindObject") - - def __Load(self): - self.__Load_LoadScript("uiscript/systemoptiondialog.py") - self.__Load_BindObject() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume())) - self.ctrlMusicVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeMusicVolume)) - - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume()) / 5.0) - self.ctrlSoundVolume.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeSoundVolume)) - -# self.ctrlShadowQuality.SetSliderPos(float(systemSetting.GetShadowLevel()) / 5.0) -# self.ctrlShadowQuality.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnChangeShadowQuality)) - - self.changeMusicButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickChangeMusicButton) - - self.cameraModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeShortButton) - self.cameraModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickCameraModeLongButton) - - self.fogModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel0Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel1Button) - self.fogModeButtonList[2].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickFogModeLevel2Button) - - self.tilingModeButtonList[0].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTilingModeCPUButton) - self.tilingModeButtonList[1].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTilingModeGPUButton) - - self.tilingApplyButton.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnClickTilingApplyButton) - - self.__SetCurTilingMode() - - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX()) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, constInfo.GET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX()) - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic==musicInfo.METIN2THEMA: - self.selectMusicFile.SetText(uiSelectMusic.DEFAULT_THEMA) - else: - self.selectMusicFile.SetText(musicInfo.fieldMusic[:MUSIC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN]) - - def __OnClickTilingModeCPUButton(self): - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3) - self.__SetTilingMode(0) - - def __OnClickTilingModeGPUButton(self): - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2) - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3) - self.__SetTilingMode(1) - - def __OnClickTilingApplyButton(self): - self.__NotifyChatLine(locale.SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT) - if 0==self.tilingMode: - background.EnableSoftwareTiling(1) - else: - background.EnableSoftwareTiling(0) - - net.ExitGame() - - def __OnClickChangeMusicButton(self): - if not self.musicListDlg: - - self.musicListDlg=uiSelectMusic.FileListDialog() - self.musicListDlg.SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self.__OnChangeMusic) - - self.musicListDlg.Open() - - - def __ClickRadioButton(self, buttonList, buttonIndex): - try: - selButton=buttonList[buttonIndex] - except IndexError: - return - - for eachButton in buttonList: - eachButton.SetUp() - - selButton.Down() - - - def __SetTilingMode(self, index): - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.tilingModeButtonList, index) - self.tilingMode=index - - def __SetCameraMode(self, index): - constInfo.SET_CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.cameraModeButtonList, index) - - def __SetFogLevel(self, index): - constInfo.SET_FOG_LEVEL_INDEX(index) - self.__ClickRadioButton(self.fogModeButtonList, index) - - def __OnClickCameraModeShortButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(0) - - def __OnClickCameraModeLongButton(self): - self.__SetCameraMode(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel0Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(0) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel1Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(1) - - def __OnClickFogModeLevel2Button(self): - self.__SetFogLevel(2) - - def __OnChangeMusic(self, fileName): - self.selectMusicFile.SetText(fileName[:MUSIC_FILENAME_MAX_LEN]) - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+ musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - if fileName==uiSelectMusic.DEFAULT_THEMA: - musicInfo.fieldMusic=musicInfo.METIN2THEMA - else: - musicInfo.fieldMusic=fileName - - musicInfo.SaveLastPlayFieldMusic() - - if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "": - snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic) - - def OnChangeMusicVolume(self): - pos = self.ctrlMusicVolume.GetSliderPos() - snd.SetMusicVolume(pos * net.GetFieldMusicVolume()) - systemSetting.SetMusicVolume(pos) - - def OnChangeSoundVolume(self): - pos = self.ctrlSoundVolume.GetSliderPos() - snd.SetSoundVolumef(pos) - systemSetting.SetSoundVolumef(pos) - - def OnChangeShadowQuality(self): - pos = self.ctrlShadowQuality.GetSliderPos() - systemSetting.SetShadowLevel(int(pos / 0.2)) - - def OnCloseInputDialog(self): - self.inputDialog.Close() - self.inputDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self): - self.questionDialog.Close() - self.questionDialog = None - return TRUE - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def Show(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Close(self): - self.__SetCurTilingMode() - self.Hide() - - def __SetCurTilingMode(self): - if background.IsSoftwareTiling(): - self.__SetTilingMode(0) - else: - self.__SetTilingMode(1) - - def __NotifyChatLine(self, text): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, text) - diff --git a/bin_original/uiTarget.py b/bin_original/uiTarget.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8babb235..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiTarget.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,473 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import player -import net -import wndMgr -import messenger -import guild -import chr -import nonplayer -import locale -import constInfo - -class TargetBoard(ui.ThinBoard): - - BUTTON_NAME_LIST = ( - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY, - locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW, - "VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT", - ) - - GRADE_NAME = { - nonplayer.PAWN : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN, - nonplayer.S_PAWN : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN, - nonplayer.KNIGHT : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT, - nonplayer.S_KNIGHT : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT, - nonplayer.BOSS : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS, - nonplayer.KING : locale.TARGET_LEVEL_KING, - } - EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE = 3000 - - def __init__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) - - name = ui.TextLine() - name.SetParent(self) - name.SetDefaultFontName() - name.SetOutline() - name.Show() - - hpGauge = ui.Gauge() - hpGauge.SetParent(self) - hpGauge.MakeGauge(130, "red") - hpGauge.Hide() - - closeButton = ui.Button() - closeButton.SetParent(self) - closeButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub") - closeButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub") - closeButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub") - closeButton.SetPosition(30, 13) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - hpGauge.SetPosition(55, 17) - hpGauge.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - closeButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - else: - hpGauge.SetPosition(175, 17) - hpGauge.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - closeButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight() - - closeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressedCloseButton)) - closeButton.Show() - - self.buttonDict = {} - self.showingButtonList = [] - for buttonName in self.BUTTON_NAME_LIST: - button = ui.Button() - button.SetParent(self) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_01.sub") - button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_02.sub") - button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_03.sub") - else: - button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_01.sub") - button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_02.sub") - button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_03.sub") - - button.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - button.SetText(buttonName) - button.Hide() - self.buttonDict[buttonName] = button - self.showingButtonList.append(button) - - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnWhisper)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnExchange)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAppendToMessenger)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAppendToMessenger)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyInvite)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyExit)) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyRemove)) - - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnGuildAddMember) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnDismount) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnExitObserver) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnViewEquipment) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnRequestParty) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnDestroyBuilding) - self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnEmotionAllow) - - self.buttonDict["VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT"].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnVoteBlockChat)) - - self.name = name - self.hpGauge = hpGauge - self.closeButton = closeButton - self.nameString = 0 - self.nameLength = 0 - self.vid = 0 - self.eventWhisper = None - self.isShowButton = FALSE - - self.__Initialize() - self.ResetTargetBoard() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - print "===================================================== DESTROYED TARGET BOARD" - - def __Initialize(self): - self.nameString = "" - self.nameLength = 0 - self.vid = 0 - self.isShowButton = FALSE - - def Destroy(self): - self.eventWhisper = None - self.closeButton = None - self.showingButtonList = None - self.buttonDict = None - self.name = None - self.hpGauge = None - self.__Initialize() - - def OnPressedCloseButton(self): - player.ClearTarget() - self.Close() - - def Close(self): - self.__Initialize() - self.Hide() - - def Open(self, vid, name): - if vid: - if not constInfo.GET_VIEW_OTHER_EMPIRE_PLAYER_TARGET_BOARD(): - if not player.IsSameEmpire(vid): - self.Hide() - return - - if vid != self.GetTargetVID(): - self.ResetTargetBoard() - self.SetTargetVID(vid) - self.SetTargetName(name) - - if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid): - self.__ShowMainCharacterMenu() - elif chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING == chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid): - self.Hide() - else: - self.RefreshButton() - self.Show() - else: - self.HideAllButton() - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER) - self.__ShowButton("VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT") - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - self.SetTargetName(name) - self.Show() - - def Refresh(self): - if self.IsShow(): - if self.IsShowButton(): - self.RefreshButton() - - def RefreshByVID(self, vid): - if vid == self.GetTargetVID(): - self.Refresh() - - def RefreshByName(self, name): - if name == self.GetTargetName(): - self.Refresh() - - def __ShowMainCharacterMenu(self): - canShow=0 - - self.HideAllButton() - - if player.IsMountingHorse(): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT) - canShow=1 - - if player.IsObserverMode(): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER) - canShow=1 - - if canShow: - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - self.Show() - else: - self.Hide() - - def __ShowNameOnlyMenu(self): - self.HideAllButton() - - def SetWhisperEvent(self, event): - self.eventWhisper = event - - def UpdatePosition(self): - self.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()/2 - self.GetWidth()/2, 10) - - def ResetTargetBoard(self): - - for btn in self.buttonDict.values(): - btn.Hide() - - self.__Initialize() - - self.name.SetPosition(0, 13) - self.name.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - self.hpGauge.Hide() - self.SetSize(250, 40) - - def SetTargetVID(self, vid): - self.vid = vid - - def SetEnemyVID(self, vid): - self.SetTargetVID(vid) - - name = chr.GetNameByVID(vid) - level = nonplayer.GetLevelByVID(vid) - grade = nonplayer.GetGradeByVID(vid) - - nameFront = "" - if -1 != level: - nameFront += "Lv." + str(level) + " " - if self.GRADE_NAME.has_key(grade): - nameFront += "(" + self.GRADE_NAME[grade] + ") " - - self.SetTargetName(nameFront + name) - - def GetTargetVID(self): - return self.vid - - def GetTargetName(self): - return self.nameString - - def SetTargetName(self, name): - self.nameString = name - self.nameLength = len(name) - self.name.SetText(name) - - def SetHP(self, hpPercentage): - if not self.hpGauge.IsShow(): - - self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.name.SetPosition( self.GetWidth()-23, 13) - else: - self.name.SetPosition(23, 13) - - self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() - self.name.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() - self.hpGauge.Show() - self.UpdatePosition() - - self.hpGauge.SetPercentage(hpPercentage, 100) - - def ShowDefaultButton(self): - - self.isShowButton = TRUE - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER]) - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE]) - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT]) - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW]) - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.Show() - - def HideAllButton(self): - self.isShowButton = FALSE - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.Hide() - self.showingButtonList = [] - - def __ShowButton(self, name): - - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - self.buttonDict[name].Show() - self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[name]) - - def __HideButton(self, name): - - if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name): - return - - button = self.buttonDict[name] - button.Hide() - - for btnInList in self.showingButtonList: - if btnInList == button: - self.showingButtonList.remove(button) - break - - def OnWhisper(self): - if None != self.eventWhisper: - self.eventWhisper(self.nameString) - - def OnExchange(self): - net.SendExchangeStartPacket(self.vid) - - def OnPVP(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/pvp %d" % (self.vid)) - - def OnAppendToMessenger(self): - net.SendMessengerAddByVIDPacket(self.vid) - - def OnPartyInvite(self): - net.SendPartyInvitePacket(self.vid) - - def OnPartyExit(self): - net.SendPartyExitPacket() - - def OnPartyRemove(self): - net.SendPartyRemovePacket(self.vid) - - def __OnGuildAddMember(self): - net.SendGuildAddMemberPacket(self.vid) - - def __OnDismount(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/unmount") - - def __OnExitObserver(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/observer_exit") - - def __OnViewEquipment(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/view_equip " + str(self.vid)) - - def __OnRequestParty(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/party_request " + str(self.vid)) - - def __OnDestroyBuilding(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/build d %d" % (self.vid)) - - def __OnEmotionAllow(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/emotion_allow %d" % (self.vid)) - - def __OnVoteBlockChat(self): - cmd = "/vote_block_chat %s" % (self.nameString) - net.SendChatPacket(cmd) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.OnPressedCloseButton() - return TRUE - - def IsShowButton(self): - return self.isShowButton - - def RefreshButton(self): - - self.HideAllButton() - - if chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING == chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid): - #self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY) - #self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - return - - if player.IsPVPInstance(self.vid) or player.IsObserverMode(): - # PVP_INFO_SIZE_BUG_FIX - self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, 40) - self.UpdatePosition() - # END_OF_PVP_INFO_SIZE_BUG_FIX - return - - self.ShowDefaultButton() - - if guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_ADD_MEMBER): - if not guild.IsMemberByName(self.nameString): - if 0 == chr.GetGuildID(self.vid): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD) - - if not messenger.IsFriendByName(self.nameString): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND) - - if player.IsPartyMember(self.vid): - - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - - if player.IsPartyLeader(self.vid): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY) - elif player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE) - - else: - if player.IsPartyMember(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - if player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY) - else: - if chr.IsPartyMember(self.vid): - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY) - else: - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY) - - if player.IsRevengeInstance(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE) - elif player.IsChallengeInstance(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - self.__ShowButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT) - elif player.IsCantFightInstance(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - - if not player.IsSameEmpire(self.vid): - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY) - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND) - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT) - - distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(self.vid) - if distance > self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.__HideButton(locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE) - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - - self.__ArrangeButtonPosition() - - def __ArrangeButtonPosition(self): - showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList) - - pos = -(showingButtonCount / 2) * 68 - if 0 == showingButtonCount % 2: - pos += 34 - - for button in self.showingButtonList: - button.SetPosition(pos, 33) - pos += 68 - - self.SetSize(max(150, showingButtonCount * 75), 65) - self.UpdatePosition() - - def OnUpdate(self): - if self.isShowButton: - - exchangeButton = self.buttonDict[locale.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE] - distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(self.vid) - - if distance < 0: - return - - if exchangeButton.IsShow(): - if distance > self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.RefreshButton() - - else: - if distance < self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE: - self.RefreshButton() diff --git a/bin_original/uiTaskBar.log b/bin_original/uiTaskBar.log deleted file mode 100644 index 3a1fef82..00000000 Binary files a/bin_original/uiTaskBar.log and /dev/null differ diff --git a/bin_original/uiTaskBar.py b/bin_original/uiTaskBar.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9e4abdbc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiTaskBar.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1137 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import item -import skill -import locale -import wndMgr -import player -import constInfo -import mouseModule -import uiScriptLocale -import app - -MOUSE_SETTINGS = [0, 0] - -def InitMouseButtonSettings(left, right): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - MOUSE_SETTINGS = [left, right] - -def SetMouseButtonSetting(dir, event): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - MOUSE_SETTINGS[dir] = event - -def GetMouseButtonSettings(): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - return MOUSE_SETTINGS - -def SaveMouseButtonSettings(): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - open("mouse.cfg", "w").write("%s\t%s" % tuple(MOUSE_SETTINGS)) - -def LoadMouseButtonSettings(): - global MOUSE_SETTINGS - tokens = open("mouse.cfg", "r").read().split() - - if len(tokens) != 2: - raise RuntimeError, "MOUSE_SETTINGS_FILE_ERROR" - - MOUSE_SETTINGS[0] = int(tokens[0]) - MOUSE_SETTINGS[1] = int(tokens[1]) - -def unsigned32(n): - return n & 0xFFFFFFFFL - -#-------------------Giftbox Begin------------------------------ - -class GiftBox(ui.ScriptWindow): - class TextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.SetWindowName("GiftBox") - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def OnRender(self): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.textLine.SetPosition(mouseX, mouseY - 15) - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW TASKBAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipGift = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipGift.Show() - - def __del__(self): - #print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE TASKBAR" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "giftbox.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("GiftBox.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.giftBoxIcon = self.GetChild("GiftBox_Icon") - self.giftBoxToolTip = self.GetChild("GiftBox_ToolTip") - - def Destroy(self): - self.giftBoxIcon = 0 - self.giftBoxToolTip = 0 - -#-------------------Giftbox End------------------------------ - -class EnergyBar(ui.ScriptWindow): - class TextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - self.SetWindowName("EnergyBar") - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def OnRender(self): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.textLine.SetPosition(mouseX, mouseY - 15) - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW TASKBAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.tooltipEnergy = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipEnergy.Show() - - def __del__(self): - #print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE TASKBAR" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "EnergyBar.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("EnergyBar.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.energyEmpty = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Empty") - self.energyHungry = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Hungry") - self.energyFull = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Full") - - self.energyGaugeBoard = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_Board") - self.energyGaugeToolTip = self.GetChild("EnergyGauge_ToolTip") - - - def Destroy(self): - self.energyEmpty = None - self.energyHungry = None - self.energyFull = None - self.energyGaugeBoard = 0 - self.energyGaugeToolTip = 0 - self.tooltipEnergy = 0 - - ## Gauge - def RefreshStatus(self): - pointEnergy = player.GetStatus (player.ENERGY) - leftTimeEnergy = player.GetStatus (player.ENERGY_END_TIME) - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - # 面扁券 瘤加 矫埃 = 2矫埃. - self.SetEnergy (pointEnergy, leftTimeEnergy, 7200) - - def SetEnergy (self, point, leftTime, maxTime): - leftTime = max (leftTime, 0) - maxTime = max (maxTime, 0) - - self.energyEmpty.Hide() - self.energyHungry.Hide() - self.energyFull.Hide() - - if leftTime == 0: - self.energyEmpty.Show() - elif ((leftTime * 100) / maxTime) < 15: - self.energyHungry.Show() - else: - self.energyFull.Show() - - self.tooltipEnergy.SetText("%s" % (locale.TOOLTIP_ENERGY(point))) - - def OnUpdate(self): - if TRUE == self.energyGaugeToolTip.IsIn(): - self.RefreshStatus() - self.tooltipEnergy.Show() - else: - self.tooltipEnergy.Hide() - -class ExpandedTaskBar(ui.ScriptWindow): - BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL = 0 - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.SetWindowName("ExpandedTaskBar") - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "ExpandedTaskBar.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ExpandedTaskBar.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.expandedTaskBarBoard = self.GetChild("ExpanedTaskBar_Board") - - self.toggleButtonDict = {} - self.toggleButtonDict[ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL] = self.GetChild("DragonSoulButton") - self.toggleButtonDict[ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL].SetParent(self) - - def SetTop(self): - super(ExpandedTaskBar, self).SetTop() - for button in self.toggleButtonDict.values(): - button.SetTop() - - def Show(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Close(self): - self.Hide() - - def SetToolTipText(self, eButton, text): - self.toggleButtonDict[eButton].SetToolTipText(text) - - def SetToggleButtonEvent(self, eButton, kEventFunc): - self.toggleButtonDict[eButton].SetEvent(kEventFunc) - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - -class TaskBar(ui.ScriptWindow): - - BUTTON_CHARACTER = 0 - BUTTON_INVENTORY = 1 - BUTTON_MESSENGER = 2 - BUTTON_SYSTEM = 3 - BUTTON_CHAT = 4 - BUTTON_EXPAND = 4 - IS_EXPANDED = FALSE - - MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = 0 - MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = 1 - NONE = 255 - - EVENT_MOVE = 0 - EVENT_ATTACK = 1 - EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK = 2 - EVENT_CAMERA = 3 - EVENT_SKILL = 4 - EVENT_AUTO = 5 - - GAUGE_WIDTH = 95 - GAUGE_HEIGHT = 13 - - QUICKPAGE_NUMBER_FILENAME = [ - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/1.sub", - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/2.sub", - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/3.sub", - "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/4.sub", - ] - - #gift icon show and hide - def ShowGift(self): - self.wndGiftBox.Show() - - def HideGift(self): - self.wndGiftBox.Hide() - - class TextToolTip(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.Show() - self.textLine = textLine - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def SetText(self, text): - self.textLine.SetText(text) - - def OnRender(self): - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - self.textLine.SetPosition(mouseX, mouseY - 15) - - class SkillButton(ui.SlotWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.SlotWindow.__init__(self) - - self.event = 0 - self.arg = 0 - - self.slotIndex = 0 - self.skillIndex = 0 - - slotIndex = 0 - wndMgr.SetSlotBaseImage(self.hWnd, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - wndMgr.AppendSlot(self.hWnd, slotIndex, 0, 0, 32, 32) - self.SetCoverButton(slotIndex, "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_01.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_02.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_03.sub",\ - "d:/ymir work/ui/public/slot_cover_button_04.sub", TRUE, FALSE) - self.SetSize(32, 32) - - def __del__(self): - ui.SlotWindow.__del__(self) - - def Destroy(self): - if 0 != self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def RefreshSkill(self): - if 0 != self.slotIndex: - self.SetSkill(self.slotIndex) - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, tooltip): - self.tooltipSkill = tooltip - - def SetSkill(self, skillSlotNumber): - slotNumber = 0 - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(skillSlotNumber) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(skillSlotNumber) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(skillSlotNumber) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - self.skillIndex = skillIndex - if 0 == self.skillIndex: - self.ClearSlot(slotNumber) - return - - self.slotIndex = skillSlotNumber - - self.SetSkillSlotNew(slotNumber, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - self.SetSlotCountNew(slotNumber, skillGrade, skillLevel) - - ## NOTE : CoolTime 眉农 - if player.IsSkillCoolTime(skillSlotNumber): - (coolTime, elapsedTime) = player.GetSkillCoolTime(skillSlotNumber) - self.SetSlotCoolTime(slotNumber, coolTime, elapsedTime) - - ## NOTE : Activate 登绢 乐促搁 酒捞能档 诀单捞飘 - if player.IsSkillActive(skillSlotNumber): - self.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - - def SetSkillEvent(self, event, arg=0): - self.event = event - self.arg = arg - - def GetSkillIndex(self): - return self.skillIndex - - def GetSlotIndex(self): - return self.slotIndex - - def Activate(self, coolTime): - self.SetSlotCoolTime(0, coolTime) - - if skill.IsToggleSkill(self.skillIndex): - self.ActivateSlot(0) - - def Deactivate(self): - if skill.IsToggleSkill(self.skillIndex): - self.DeactivateSlot(0) - - def OnOverInItem(self, dummy): - self.tooltipSkill.SetSkill(self.skillIndex) - - def OnOverOutItem(self): - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def OnSelectItemSlot(self, dummy): - if 0 != self.event: - if 0 != self.arg: - self.event(self.arg) - else: - self.event() - - def __init__(self): - #print "NEW TASKBAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - self.quickPageNumImageBox = None - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.tooltipSkill = 0 - self.mouseModeButtonList = [ ui.ScriptWindow("TOP_MOST"), ui.ScriptWindow("TOP_MOST") ] - - self.tooltipHP = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipHP.Show() - self.tooltipSP = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipSP.Show() - self.tooltipST = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipST.Show() - self.tooltipEXP = self.TextToolTip() - self.tooltipEXP.Show() - - self.skillCategoryNameList = [ "ACTIVE_1", "ACTIVE_2", "ACTIVE_3" ] - self.skillPageStartSlotIndexDict = { - "ACTIVE_1" : 1, - "ACTIVE_2" : 21, - "ACTIVE_3" : 41, - } - - self.selectSkillButtonList = [] - - self.lastUpdateQuickSlot = 0 - self.SetWindowName("TaskBar") - - def __del__(self): - #print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE TASKBAR" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "TaskBar.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/TaskBar.py") - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT], "UIScript/MouseButtonWindow.py") - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT], "UIScript/RightMouseButtonWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("TaskBar.LoadWindow.LoadObject") - - self.quickslot = [] - self.quickslot.append(self.GetChild("quick_slot_1")) - self.quickslot.append(self.GetChild("quick_slot_2")) - for slot in self.quickslot: - slot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - slot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptyQuickSlot)) - slot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemQuickSlot)) - slot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UnselectItemQuickSlot)) - slot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - slot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - toggleButtonDict = {} - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_CHARACTER]=self.GetChild("CharacterButton") - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_INVENTORY]=self.GetChild("InventoryButton") - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_MESSENGER]=self.GetChild("MessengerButton") - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_SYSTEM]=self.GetChild("SystemButton") - - # ChatButton, ExpandButton 笛 吝 窍唱绰 馆靛矫 粮犁茄促. - try: - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_CHAT]=self.GetChild("ChatButton") - except: - toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_EXPAND]=self.GetChild("ExpandButton") - TaskBar.IS_EXPANDED = TRUE - - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - systemButton = toggleButtonDict[TaskBar.BUTTON_SYSTEM] - if systemButton.ToolTipText: - tx, ty = systemButton.ToolTipText.GetLocalPosition() - tw = systemButton.ToolTipText.GetWidth() - systemButton.ToolTipText.SetPosition(-tw/2, ty) - - - expGauge = [] - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_01")) - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_02")) - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_03")) - expGauge.append(self.GetChild("EXPGauge_04")) - - for exp in expGauge: - exp.SetSize(0, 0) - - - self.quickPageNumImageBox=self.GetChild("QuickPageNumber") - - self.GetChild("QuickPageUpButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickQuickPageUpButton)) - self.GetChild("QuickPageDownButton").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickQuickPageDownButton)) - - mouseLeftButtonModeButton = self.GetChild("LeftMouseButton") - mouseRightButtonModeButton = self.GetChild("RightMouseButton") - mouseLeftButtonModeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleLeftMouseButtonModeWindow)) - mouseRightButtonModeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleRightMouseButtonModeWindow)) - self.curMouseModeButton = [ mouseLeftButtonModeButton, mouseRightButtonModeButton ] - - (xLocalRight, yLocalRight) = mouseRightButtonModeButton.GetLocalPosition() - self.curSkillButton = self.SkillButton() - self.curSkillButton.SetParent(self) - self.curSkillButton.SetPosition(xLocalRight, 3) - self.curSkillButton.SetSkillEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleRightMouseButtonModeWindow)) - self.curSkillButton.Hide() - - (xLeft, yLeft) = mouseLeftButtonModeButton.GetGlobalPosition() - (xRight, yRight) = mouseRightButtonModeButton.GetGlobalPosition() - leftModeButtonList = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT] - leftModeButtonList.SetPosition(xLeft, yLeft - leftModeButtonList.GetHeight()-5) - rightModeButtonList = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT] - rightModeButtonList.SetPosition(xRight - rightModeButtonList.GetWidth() + 32, yRight - rightModeButtonList.GetHeight()-5) - rightModeButtonList.GetChild("button_skill").SetEvent(lambda adir=self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, aevent=self.EVENT_SKILL: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - rightModeButtonList.GetChild("button_skill").Hide() - - mouseImage = ui.ImageBox("TOP_MOST") - mouseImage.AddFlag("float") - mouseImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/mouse_button_camera_01.sub") - mouseImage.SetPosition(xRight, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 34) - mouseImage.Hide() - self.mouseImage = mouseImage - - dir = self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT - wnd = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir] - wnd.GetChild("button_move_and_attack").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - wnd.GetChild("button_auto_attack").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_AUTO: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - wnd.GetChild("button_camera").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_CAMERA: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - - dir = self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT - wnd = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir] - wnd.GetChild("button_move_and_attack").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - wnd.GetChild("button_camera").SetEvent(lambda adir=dir, aevent=self.EVENT_CAMERA: self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(adir, aevent)) - - self.toggleButtonDict = toggleButtonDict - self.expGauge = expGauge - - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - self.rampageGauge1 = self.GetChild("RampageGauge") - self.rampageGauge1.OnMouseOverIn = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_OverIn) - self.rampageGauge2 = self.GetChild("RampageGauge2") - self.rampageGauge2.OnMouseOverOut = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_OverOut) - self.rampageGauge2.OnMouseLeftButtonUp = ui.__mem_func__(self.__RampageGauge_Click) - self.__RampageGauge_OverOut() - - self.hpGauge = self.GetChild("HPGauge") - self.mpGauge = self.GetChild("SPGauge") - self.stGauge = self.GetChild("STGauge") - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar = self.GetChild("HPRecoveryGaugeBar") - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar = self.GetChild("SPRecoveryGaugeBar") - - self.hpGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("HPGauge_Board") - self.mpGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("SPGauge_Board") - self.stGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("STGauge_Board") - self.expGaugeBoard=self.GetChild("EXP_Gauge_Board") - - #giftbox object - wndGiftBox = GiftBox() - wndGiftBox.LoadWindow() - self.wndGiftBox = wndGiftBox - - self.__LoadMouseSettings() - self.RefreshStatus() - self.RefreshQuickSlot() - - def __RampageGauge_OverIn(self): - print "rampage_over_in" - self.rampageGauge2.Show() - self.rampageGauge1.Hide() - - def __RampageGauge_OverOut(self): - print "rampage_over_out" - self.rampageGauge2.Hide() - self.rampageGauge1.Show() - - def __RampageGauge_Click(self): - print "rampage_up" - net.SendChatPacket("/in_game_mall") - # gift icon hide when click mall icon - self.wndGiftBox.Hide() - - def __LoadMouseSettings(self): - try: - LoadMouseButtonSettings() - (mouseLeftButtonEvent, mouseRightButtonEvent) = GetMouseButtonSettings() - if not self.__IsInSafeMouseButtonSettingRange(mouseLeftButtonEvent) or not self.__IsInSafeMouseButtonSettingRange(mouseRightButtonEvent): - raise RuntimeError, "INVALID_MOUSE_BUTTON_SETTINGS" - except: - InitMouseButtonSettings(self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK, self.EVENT_CAMERA) - (mouseLeftButtonEvent, mouseRightButtonEvent) = GetMouseButtonSettings() - - try: - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, mouseLeftButtonEvent) - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, mouseRightButtonEvent) - except: - InitMouseButtonSettings(self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK, self.EVENT_CAMERA) - (mouseLeftButtonEvent, mouseRightButtonEvent) = GetMouseButtonSettings() - - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, mouseLeftButtonEvent) - self.SelectMouseButtonEvent(self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, mouseRightButtonEvent) - - - - def __IsInSafeMouseButtonSettingRange(self, arg): - return arg >= self.EVENT_MOVE and arg <= self.EVENT_AUTO - - def Destroy(self): - SaveMouseButtonSettings() - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.mouseModeButtonList[0].ClearDictionary() - self.mouseModeButtonList[1].ClearDictionary() - self.mouseModeButtonList = 0 - self.curMouseModeButton = 0 - self.curSkillButton = 0 - self.selectSkillButtonList = 0 - - - self.expGauge = None - self.hpGauge = None - self.mpGauge = None - self.stGauge = None - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar = None - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar = None - - self.tooltipItem = 0 - self.tooltipSkill = 0 - self.quickslot = 0 - self.toggleButtonDict = 0 - - self.hpGaugeBoard = 0 - self.mpGaugeBoard = 0 - self.stGaugeBoard = 0 - - self.expGaugeBoard = 0 - - self.tooltipHP = 0 - self.tooltipSP = 0 - self.tooltipST = 0 - self.tooltipEXP = 0 - - self.mouseImage = None - - def __OnClickQuickPageUpButton(self): - player.SetQuickPage(player.GetQuickPage()-1) - - def __OnClickQuickPageDownButton(self): - player.SetQuickPage(player.GetQuickPage()+1) - - def SetToggleButtonEvent(self, eButton, kEventFunc): - self.toggleButtonDict[eButton].SetEvent(kEventFunc) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SetSkillToolTip(self, tooltipSkill): - self.tooltipSkill = tooltipSkill - self.curSkillButton.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - - ## Mouse Image - def ShowMouseImage(self): - self.mouseImage.SetTop() - self.mouseImage.Show() - - def HideMouseImage(self): - player.SetQuickCameraMode(FALSE) - self.mouseImage.Hide() - - ## Gauge - def RefreshStatus(self): - curHP = player.GetStatus(player.HP) - maxHP = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_HP) - curSP = player.GetStatus(player.SP) - maxSP = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_SP) - curEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.EXP)) - nextEXP = unsigned32(player.GetStatus(player.NEXT_EXP)) - recoveryHP = player.GetStatus(player.HP_RECOVERY) - recoverySP = player.GetStatus(player.SP_RECOVERY) - - self.RefreshStamina() - - self.SetHP(curHP, recoveryHP, maxHP) - self.SetSP(curSP, recoverySP, maxSP) - self.SetExperience(curEXP, nextEXP) - - def RefreshStamina(self): - curST = player.GetStatus(player.STAMINA) - maxST = player.GetStatus(player.MAX_STAMINA) - self.SetST(curST, maxST) - - def RefreshSkill(self): - self.curSkillButton.RefreshSkill() - for button in self.selectSkillButtonList: - button.RefreshSkill() - - def SetHP(self, curPoint, recoveryPoint, maxPoint): - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - if maxPoint > 0: - self.hpGauge.SetPercentage(curPoint, maxPoint) - self.tooltipHP.SetText("%s : %d / %d" % (locale.TASKBAR_HP, curPoint, maxPoint)) - - if 0 == recoveryPoint: - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar.Hide() - else: - destPoint = min(maxPoint, curPoint + recoveryPoint) - newWidth = int(self.GAUGE_WIDTH * (float(destPoint) / float(maxPoint))) - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar.SetSize(newWidth, self.GAUGE_HEIGHT) - self.hpRecoveryGaugeBar.Show() - - def SetSP(self, curPoint, recoveryPoint, maxPoint): - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - if maxPoint > 0: - self.mpGauge.SetPercentage(curPoint, maxPoint) - self.tooltipSP.SetText("%s : %d / %d" % (locale.TASKBAR_SP, curPoint, maxPoint)) - - if 0 == recoveryPoint: - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar.Hide() - else: - destPoint = min(maxPoint, curPoint + recoveryPoint) - newWidth = int(self.GAUGE_WIDTH * (float(destPoint) / float(maxPoint))) - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar.SetSize(newWidth, self.GAUGE_HEIGHT) - self.spRecoveryGaugeBar.Show() - - def SetST(self, curPoint, maxPoint): - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - if maxPoint > 0: - self.stGauge.SetPercentage(curPoint, maxPoint) - self.tooltipST.SetText("%s : %d / %d" % (locale.TASKBAR_ST, curPoint, maxPoint)) - - def SetExperience(self, curPoint, maxPoint): - - curPoint = min(curPoint, maxPoint) - curPoint = max(curPoint, 0) - maxPoint = max(maxPoint, 0) - - quarterPoint = maxPoint / 4 - FullCount = 0 - - if 0 != quarterPoint: - FullCount = min(4, curPoint / quarterPoint) - - for i in xrange(4): - self.expGauge[i].Hide() - - for i in xrange(FullCount): - self.expGauge[i].SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) - self.expGauge[i].Show() - - if 0 != quarterPoint: - if FullCount < 4: - Percentage = float(curPoint % quarterPoint) / quarterPoint - 1.0 - self.expGauge[FullCount].SetRenderingRect(0.0, Percentage, 0.0, 0.0) - self.expGauge[FullCount].Show() - - ##### - self.tooltipEXP.SetText("%s : %.2f%%" % (locale.TASKBAR_EXP, float(curPoint) / max(1, float(maxPoint)) * 100)) - - - ## QuickSlot - def RefreshQuickSlot(self): - - pageNum = player.GetQuickPage() - - try: - self.quickPageNumImageBox.LoadImage(TaskBar.QUICKPAGE_NUMBER_FILENAME[pageNum]) - except: - pass - - startNumber = 0 - for slot in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(4): - - slotNumber = i+startNumber - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotNumber) - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_NONE == Type: - slot.ClearSlot(slotNumber) - continue - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == Type: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(Position) - itemCount = player.GetItemCount(Position) - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - - ## 磊悼拱距 (#72723, #72724) 漂荐贸府 - 酒捞袍牢单档 浇吩俊 劝己拳/厚劝己拳 钎矫甫 困茄 累诀烙 - [hyo] - if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemIndex): - # metinSocket - [0] : 劝己拳 咯何, [1] : 荤侩茄 剧, [2] : 弥措 侩樊 - metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(Position, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] - - if 0 != int(metinSocket[0]): - slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - else: - slot.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) - - slot.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, itemIndex, itemCount) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL == Type: - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(Position) - if 0 == skillIndex: - slot.ClearSlot(slotNumber) - continue - - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skillType: - import guild - skillGrade = 0 - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - else: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(Position) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - slot.SetSkillSlotNew(slotNumber, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - slot.SetSlotCountNew(slotNumber, skillGrade, skillLevel) - slot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber) - - ## NOTE : CoolTime 眉农 - if player.IsSkillCoolTime(Position): - (coolTime, elapsedTime) = player.GetSkillCoolTime(Position) - slot.SetSlotCoolTime(slotNumber, coolTime, elapsedTime) - - ## NOTE : Activate 登绢 乐促搁 酒捞能档 诀单捞飘 - if player.IsSkillActive(Position): - slot.ActivateSlot(slotNumber) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION == Type: - - emotionIndex = Position - slot.SetEmotionSlot(slotNumber, emotionIndex) - slot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber) - slot.SetSlotCount(slotNumber, 0) - - slot.RefreshSlot() - startNumber += 4 - - def canAddQuickSlot(self, Type, slotNumber): - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == Type: - - itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) - return item.CanAddToQuickSlotItem(itemIndex) - - return TRUE - - def AddQuickSlot(self, localSlotIndex): - AttachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() - AttachedSlotNumber = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() - AttachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == AttachedSlotType: - player.RequestMoveGlobalQuickSlotToLocalQuickSlot(AttachedSlotNumber, localSlotIndex) - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_EMOTION == AttachedSlotType: - - player.RequestAddLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex, AttachedSlotType, AttachedItemIndex) - - elif TRUE == self.canAddQuickSlot(AttachedSlotType, AttachedSlotNumber): - - ## Online Code - player.RequestAddLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex, AttachedSlotType, AttachedSlotNumber) - - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - self.RefreshQuickSlot() - - def SelectEmptyQuickSlot(self, slotIndex): - - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - self.AddQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - def SelectItemQuickSlot(self, localQuickSlotIndex): - - if TRUE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - self.AddQuickSlot(localQuickSlotIndex) - - else: - globalQuickSlotIndex=player.LocalQuickSlotIndexToGlobalQuickSlotIndex(localQuickSlotIndex) - mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT, globalQuickSlotIndex, globalQuickSlotIndex) - - def UnselectItemQuickSlot(self, localSlotIndex): - - if FALSE == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex) - return - - elif mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject() - return - - - def OnUseSkill(self, usedSlotIndex, coolTime): - - QUICK_SLOT_SLOT_COUNT = 4 - slotIndex = 0 - - ## Current Skill Button - if usedSlotIndex == self.curSkillButton.GetSlotIndex(): - self.curSkillButton.Activate(coolTime) - - ## Quick Slot - for slotWindow in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(QUICK_SLOT_SLOT_COUNT): - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - if usedSlotIndex == Position: - slotWindow.SetSlotCoolTime(slotIndex, coolTime) - return - - slotIndex += 1 - - def OnActivateSkill(self, usedSlotIndex): - slotIndex = 0 - - ## Current Skill Button - if usedSlotIndex == self.curSkillButton.GetSlotIndex(): - self.curSkillButton.Deactivate() - - ## Quick Slot - for slotWindow in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(4): - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - if usedSlotIndex == Position: - slotWindow.ActivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - slotIndex += 1 - - def OnDeactivateSkill(self, usedSlotIndex): - slotIndex = 0 - - ## Current Skill Button - if usedSlotIndex == self.curSkillButton.GetSlotIndex(): - self.curSkillButton.Deactivate() - - ## Quick Slot - for slotWindow in self.quickslot: - - for i in xrange(4): - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotIndex) - - if Type == player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL: - if usedSlotIndex == Position: - slotWindow.DeactivateSlot(slotIndex) - return - - slotIndex += 1 - - ## ToolTip - def OverInItem(self, slotNumber): - if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): - return - - (Type, Position) = player.GetLocalQuickSlot(slotNumber) - - if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == Type: - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(Position) - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SKILL == Type: - - skillIndex = player.GetSkillIndex(Position) - skillType = skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex) - - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skillType: - import guild - skillGrade = 0 - skillLevel = guild.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - else: - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(Position) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(Position) - - self.tooltipSkill.SetSkillNew(Position, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel) - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverOutItem(self): - if 0 != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - if 0 != self.tooltipSkill: - self.tooltipSkill.HideToolTip() - - def OnUpdate(self): - if app.GetGlobalTime() - self.lastUpdateQuickSlot > 500: - self.lastUpdateQuickSlot = app.GetGlobalTime() - self.RefreshQuickSlot() - - if TRUE == self.hpGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipHP.Show() - else: - self.tooltipHP.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.mpGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipSP.Show() - else: - self.tooltipSP.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.stGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipST.Show() - else: - self.tooltipST.Hide() - - if TRUE == self.expGaugeBoard.IsIn(): - self.tooltipEXP.Show() - else: - self.tooltipEXP.Hide() - - ## Skill - def ToggleLeftMouseButtonModeWindow(self): - - wndMouseButtonMode = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT] - - if TRUE == wndMouseButtonMode.IsShow(): - - wndMouseButtonMode.Hide() - - else: - wndMouseButtonMode.Show() - - def ToggleRightMouseButtonModeWindow(self): - - wndMouseButtonMode = self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT] - - if TRUE == wndMouseButtonMode.IsShow(): - - wndMouseButtonMode.Hide() - self.CloseSelectSkill() - - else: - wndMouseButtonMode.Show() - self.OpenSelectSkill() - - def OpenSelectSkill(self): - - PAGE_SLOT_COUNT = 6 - - (xSkillButton, y) = self.curSkillButton.GetGlobalPosition() - y -= (37 + 32 + 1) - - for key in self.skillCategoryNameList: - - appendCount = 0 - startNumber = self.skillPageStartSlotIndexDict[key] - x = xSkillButton - - getSkillIndex=player.GetSkillIndex - getSkillLevel=player.GetSkillLevel - for i in xrange(PAGE_SLOT_COUNT): - - skillIndex = getSkillIndex(startNumber+i) - skillLevel = getSkillLevel(startNumber+i) - - if 0 == skillIndex: - continue - if 0 == skillLevel: - continue - if skill.IsStandingSkill(skillIndex): - continue - - ## FIXME : 胶懦 窍唱寸 浇吩 窍唱究 且寸窍绰扒 酒公府 毫档 何窍啊 农促. - ## 捞 何盒篮 矫埃阑 唱搁 绊摹档废. - [levites] - skillButton = self.SkillButton() - skillButton.SetSkill(startNumber+i) - skillButton.SetPosition(x, y) - skillButton.SetSkillEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseSelectSkill), startNumber+i+1) - skillButton.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill) - skillButton.SetTop() - skillButton.Show() - self.selectSkillButtonList.append(skillButton) - - appendCount += 1 - x -= 32 - - if appendCount > 0: - y -= 32 - - def CloseSelectSkill(self, slotIndex=-1): - - self.mouseModeButtonList[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Hide() - for button in self.selectSkillButtonList: - button.Destroy() - - self.selectSkillButtonList = [] - - if -1 != slotIndex: - self.curSkillButton.Show() - self.curMouseModeButton[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Hide() - player.SetMouseFunc(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBF_SKILL) - player.ChangeCurrentSkillNumberOnly(slotIndex-1) - else: - self.curSkillButton.Hide() - self.curMouseModeButton[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Show() - - def SelectMouseButtonEvent(self, dir, event): - SetMouseButtonSetting(dir, event) - - self.CloseSelectSkill() - self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].Hide() - - btn = 0 - type = self.NONE - func = self.NONE - tooltip_text = "" - - if self.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT == dir: - type = player.MBT_LEFT - - elif self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT == dir: - type = player.MBT_RIGHT - - if self.EVENT_MOVE == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_move") - func = player.MBF_MOVE - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_MOVE - elif self.EVENT_ATTACK == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_attack") - func = player.MBF_ATTACK - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_ATTACK - elif self.EVENT_AUTO == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_auto_attack") - func = player.MBF_AUTO - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_AUTO - elif self.EVENT_MOVE_AND_ATTACK == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_move_and_attack") - func = player.MBF_SMART - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_ATTACK - elif self.EVENT_CAMERA == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_camera") - func = player.MBF_CAMERA - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_CAMERA - elif self.EVENT_SKILL == event: - btn = self.mouseModeButtonList[dir].GetChild("button_skill") - func = player.MBF_SKILL - tooltip_text = locale.TASKBAR_SKILL - - if 0 != btn: - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetToolTipText(tooltip_text, 0, -18) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetUpVisual(btn.GetUpVisualFileName()) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetOverVisual(btn.GetOverVisualFileName()) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].SetDownVisual(btn.GetDownVisualFileName()) - self.curMouseModeButton[dir].Show() - - player.SetMouseFunc(type, func) - - def OnChangeCurrentSkill(self, skillSlotNumber): - self.curSkillButton.SetSkill(skillSlotNumber) - self.curSkillButton.Show() - self.curMouseModeButton[self.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT].Hide() - diff --git a/bin_original/uiTest.py b/bin_original/uiTest.py deleted file mode 100644 index 856d7020..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiTest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -import app -import wndMgr -import systemSetting -import mouseModule -import grp -import ui -import chr -import background -import player - -#wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - -class App: - def __init__(self, title = "METIN2 UI TEST"): - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - - width = systemSetting.GetWidth() - height = systemSetting.GetHeight() - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(width, height) - app.Create(title, width, height, 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - self.OnInit() - - def MainLoop(self): - app.Loop() - - def OnInit(self): - pass - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - App().MainLoop() - diff --git a/bin_original/uiTip.py b/bin_original/uiTip.py deleted file mode 100644 index f3df7213..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiTip.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import grp -import app - -import wndMgr - -class TextBar(ui.Window): - def __init__(self, width, height): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.handle = grp.CreateTextBar(width, height) - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - grp.DestroyTextBar(self.handle) - - def ClearBar(self): - grp.ClearTextBar(self.handle) - - def SetClipRect(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): - grp.SetTextBarClipRect(self.handle, x1, y1, x2, y2) - - def TextOut(self, x, y, text): - grp.TextBarTextOut(self.handle, x, y, text) - - def OnRender(self): - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - grp.RenderTextBar(self.handle, x, y) - - def SetTextColor(self, r, g, b): - grp.TextBarSetTextColor(self.handle, r, g, b) - - def GetTextExtent(self, text): - return grp.TextBarGetTextExtent(self.handle, text) - -class TipBoard(ui.Bar): - - SCROLL_WAIT_TIME = 3.0 - TIP_DURATION = 5.0 - STEP_HEIGHT = 17 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Bar.__init__(self) - - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.tipList = [] - self.curPos = 0 - self.dstPos = 0 - self.nextScrollTime = 0 - - self.width = 370 - - self.SetPosition(0, 70) - self.SetSize(370, 20) - self.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) - self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - - self.__CreateTextBar() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def __CreateTextBar(self): - - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.textBar = TextBar(370, 300) - self.textBar.SetParent(self) - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 5) - self.textBar.SetClipRect(0, y, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), y+18) - self.textBar.Show() - - def __CleanOldTip(self): - leaveList = [] - for tip in self.tipList: - madeTime = tip[0] - if app.GetTime() - madeTime > self.TIP_DURATION: - pass - else: - leaveList.append(tip) - - self.tipList = leaveList - - if not leaveList: - self.textBar.ClearBar() - self.Hide() - return - - self.__RefreshBoard() - - def __RefreshBoard(self): - - self.textBar.ClearBar() - - index = 0 - for tip in self.tipList: - text = tip[1] - self.textBar.TextOut(0, index*self.STEP_HEIGHT, text) - index += 1 - - def SetTip(self, text): - - if not app.IsVisibleNotice(): - return - - curTime = app.GetTime() - self.tipList.append((curTime, text)) - self.__RefreshBoard() - - self.nextScrollTime = app.GetTime() + 1.0 - - if not self.IsShow(): - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 5 - self.curPos) - self.Show() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.tipList: - self.Hide() - return - - if app.GetTime() > self.nextScrollTime: - self.nextScrollTime = app.GetTime() + self.SCROLL_WAIT_TIME - - self.dstPos = self.curPos + self.STEP_HEIGHT - - if self.dstPos > self.curPos: - self.curPos += 1 - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 5 - self.curPos) - - if self.curPos > len(self.tipList)*self.STEP_HEIGHT: - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - - self.__CleanOldTip() - - -class BigTextBar(TextBar): - def __init__(self, width, height, fontSize): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - self.handle = grp.CreateBigTextBar(width, height, fontSize) - - -class BigBoard(ui.Bar): - - SCROLL_WAIT_TIME = 5.0 - TIP_DURATION = 10.0 - FONT_WIDTH = 18 - FONT_HEIGHT = 18 - LINE_WIDTH = 500 - LINE_HEIGHT = FONT_HEIGHT + 5 - STEP_HEIGHT = LINE_HEIGHT * 2 - LINE_CHANGE_LIMIT_WIDTH = 350 - - FRAME_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_LIST = [ - "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_0.sub", - "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_1.sub", - "season1/interface/oxevent/frame_2.sub", - ] - - FRAME_IMAGE_STEP = 256 - - FRAME_BASE_X = -20 - FRAME_BASE_Y = -12 - - def __init__(self): - ui.Bar.__init__(self) - - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - self.tipList = [] - self.curPos = 0 - self.dstPos = 0 - self.nextScrollTime = 0 - - self.SetPosition(0, 150) - self.SetSize(512, 55) - self.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) - self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - - self.__CreateTextBar() - self.__LoadFrameImages() - - - def __LoadFrameImages(self): - x = self.FRAME_BASE_X - y = self.FRAME_BASE_Y - self.imgList = [] - for imgFileName in self.FRAME_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_LIST: - self.imgList.append(self.__LoadImage(x, y, imgFileName)) - x += self.FRAME_IMAGE_STEP - - def __LoadImage(self, x, y, fileName): - img = ui.ImageBox() - img.SetParent(self) - img.AddFlag("not_pick") - img.LoadImage(fileName) - img.SetPosition(x, y) - img.Show() - return img - - def __del__(self): - ui.Bar.__del__(self) - - def __CreateTextBar(self): - - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - - self.textBar = BigTextBar(self.LINE_WIDTH, 300, self.FONT_HEIGHT) - self.textBar.SetParent(self) - self.textBar.SetPosition(6, 8) - self.textBar.SetTextColor(242, 231, 193) - self.textBar.SetClipRect(0, y+8, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), y+8+self.STEP_HEIGHT) - self.textBar.Show() - - def __CleanOldTip(self): - curTime = app.GetTime() - leaveList = [] - for madeTime, text in self.tipList: - if curTime + self.TIP_DURATION <= madeTime: - leaveList.append(tip) - - self.tipList = leaveList - - if not leaveList: - self.textBar.ClearBar() - self.Hide() - return - - self.__RefreshBoard() - - def __RefreshBoard(self): - - self.textBar.ClearBar() - - if len(self.tipList) == 1: - checkTime, text = self.tipList[0] - (text_width, text_height) = self.textBar.GetTextExtent(text) - self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, (self.STEP_HEIGHT-8-text_height)/2, text) - - else: - index = 0 - for checkTime, text in self.tipList: - (text_width, text_height) = self.textBar.GetTextExtent(text) - self.textBar.TextOut((500-text_width)/2, index*self.LINE_HEIGHT, text) - index += 1 - - def SetTip(self, text): - - if not app.IsVisibleNotice(): - return - - curTime = app.GetTime() - self.__AppendText(curTime, text) - self.__RefreshBoard() - - self.nextScrollTime = curTime + 1.0 - - if not self.IsShow(): - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 8 - self.curPos) - self.Show() - - def __AppendText(self, curTime, text): - import dbg - prevPos = 0 - while 1: - curPos = text.find(" ", prevPos) - if curPos < 0: - break - - (text_width, text_height) = self.textBar.GetTextExtent(text[:curPos]) - if text_width > self.LINE_CHANGE_LIMIT_WIDTH: - self.tipList.append((curTime, text[:prevPos])) - self.tipList.append((curTime, text[prevPos:])) - return - - prevPos = curPos + 1 - - self.tipList.append((curTime, text)) - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.tipList: - self.Hide() - return - - if app.GetTime() > self.nextScrollTime: - self.nextScrollTime = app.GetTime() + self.SCROLL_WAIT_TIME - - self.dstPos = self.curPos + self.STEP_HEIGHT - - if self.dstPos > self.curPos: - self.curPos += 1 - self.textBar.SetPosition(3, 8 - self.curPos) - - if self.curPos > len(self.tipList)*self.LINE_HEIGHT: - self.curPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - self.dstPos = -self.STEP_HEIGHT - - self.__CleanOldTip() - -if __name__ == "__main__": - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - wnd = BigBoard() - wnd.Show() - wnd.SetTip("救崇窍技夸") - wnd.SetTip("历绰 壶磊风 涝聪促") - - app.Loop() - diff --git a/bin_original/uiToolTip.py b/bin_original/uiToolTip.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6a463f40..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiToolTip.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2327 +0,0 @@ -import dbg -import player -import item -import grp -import wndMgr -import skill -import shop -import exchange -import grpText -import safebox -import locale -import app -import background -import nonplayer -import chr - -import ui -import mouseModule -import constInfo - -WARP_SCROLLS = [22011, 22000, 22010] - -DESC_DEFAULT_MAX_COLS = 26 -DESC_WESTERN_MAX_COLS = 35 -DESC_WESTERN_MAX_WIDTH = 220 - -def chop(n): - return round(n - 0.5, 1) - -def SplitDescription(desc, limit): - total_tokens = desc.split() - line_tokens = [] - line_len = 0 - lines = [] - for token in total_tokens: - if "|" in token: - sep_pos = token.find("|") - line_tokens.append(token[:sep_pos]) - - lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens)) - line_len = len(token) - (sep_pos + 1) - line_tokens = [token[sep_pos+1:]] - else: - line_len += len(token) - if len(line_tokens) + line_len > limit: - lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens)) - line_len = len(token) - line_tokens = [token] - else: - line_tokens.append(token) - - if line_tokens: - lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens)) - - return lines - -################################################################################################### -## ToolTip -## -## NOTE : 泅犁绰 Item苞 Skill阑 惑加栏肺 漂拳 矫难滴菌澜 -## 窍瘤父 弊促瘤 狼固啊 绝绢 焊烙 -## -class ToolTip(ui.ThinBoard): - - TOOL_TIP_WIDTH = 190 - TOOL_TIP_HEIGHT = 10 - - TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT = 17 - - TITLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9490, 0.9058, 0.7568, 1.0) - SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.7843, 0.0, 1.0) - NORMAL_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - FONT_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - PRICE_COLOR = 0xffFFB96D - - HIGH_PRICE_COLOR = SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR - MIDDLE_PRICE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.0) - LOW_PRICE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0) - - ENABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - DISABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0) - - NEGATIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0) - POSITIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.5411, 0.7254, 0.5568, 1.0) - SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.6911, 0.8754, 0.7068, 1.0) - SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR2 = grp.GenerateColor(0.8824, 0.9804, 0.8824, 1.0) - - CONDITION_COLOR = 0xffBEB47D - CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR = 0xff8EC292 - CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR = DISABLE_COLOR - NEED_SKILL_POINT_COLOR = 0xff9A9CDB - - def __init__(self, width = TOOL_TIP_WIDTH, isPickable=FALSE): - ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - if isPickable: - pass - else: - self.AddFlag("not_pick") - - self.AddFlag("float") - - self.followFlag = TRUE - self.toolTipWidth = width - - self.xPos = -1 - self.yPos = -1 - - self.defFontName = locale.UI_DEF_FONT - self.ClearToolTip() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) - - def ClearToolTip(self): - self.toolTipHeight = 12 - self.childrenList = [] - - def SetFollow(self, flag): - self.followFlag = flag - - def SetDefaultFontName(self, fontName): - self.defFontName = fontName - - def AppendSpace(self, size): - self.toolTipHeight += size - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def AppendHorizontalLine(self): - - for i in xrange(2): - horizontalLine = ui.Line() - horizontalLine.SetParent(self) - horizontalLine.SetPosition(0, self.toolTipHeight + 3 + i) - horizontalLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() - horizontalLine.SetSize(150, 0) - horizontalLine.Show() - - if 0 == i: - horizontalLine.SetColor(0xff555555) - else: - horizontalLine.SetColor(0xff000000) - - self.childrenList.append(horizontalLine) - - self.toolTipHeight += 11 - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def AlignHorizonalCenter(self): - for child in self.childrenList: - (x, y)=child.GetLocalPosition() - child.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, y) - - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def AutoAppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = TRUE): - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color) - textLine.SetText(text) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetFeather(FALSE) - textLine.Show() - - if centerAlign: - textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - - else: - textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) - - self.childrenList.append(textLine) - - (textWidth, textHeight)=textLine.GetTextSize() - - textWidth += 40 - textHeight += 5 - - if self.toolTipWidth < textWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = textWidth - - self.toolTipHeight += textHeight - - return textLine - - def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = TRUE): - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color) - textLine.SetText(text) - textLine.SetOutline() - textLine.SetFeather(FALSE) - textLine.Show() - - if centerAlign: - textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - - else: - textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) - - self.childrenList.append(textLine) - - self.toolTipHeight += self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT - self.ResizeToolTip() - - return textLine - - def AppendDescription(self, desc, limit, color = FONT_COLOR): - if locale.IsEUROPE(): - self.__AppendDescription_WesternLanguage(desc, color) - else: - self.__AppendDescription_EasternLanguage(desc, limit, color) - - def __AppendDescription_EasternLanguage(self, description, characterLimitation, color=FONT_COLOR): - length = len(description) - if 0 == length: - return - - lineCount = grpText.GetSplitingTextLineCount(description, characterLimitation) - for i in xrange(lineCount): - if 0 == i: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(grpText.GetSplitingTextLine(description, characterLimitation, i), color) - - def __AppendDescription_WesternLanguage(self, desc, color=FONT_COLOR): - lines = SplitDescription(desc, DESC_WESTERN_MAX_COLS) - if not lines: - return - - self.AppendSpace(5) - for line in lines: - self.AppendTextLine(line, color) - - - def ResizeToolTip(self): - self.SetSize(self.toolTipWidth, self.TOOL_TIP_HEIGHT + self.toolTipHeight) - - def SetTitle(self, name): - self.AppendTextLine(name, self.TITLE_COLOR) - - def GetLimitTextLineColor(self, curValue, limitValue): - if curValue < limitValue: - return self.DISABLE_COLOR - - return self.ENABLE_COLOR - - def GetChangeTextLineColor(self, value, isSpecial=FALSE): - if value > 0: - if isSpecial: - return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR - else: - return self.POSITIVE_COLOR - - if 0 == value: - return self.NORMAL_COLOR - - return self.NEGATIVE_COLOR - - def SetToolTipPosition(self, x = -1, y = -1): - self.xPos = x - self.yPos = y - - def ShowToolTip(self): - self.SetTop() - self.Show() - - self.OnUpdate() - - def HideToolTip(self): - self.Hide() - - def OnUpdate(self): - - if not self.followFlag: - return - - x = 0 - y = 0 - width = self.GetWidth() - height = self.toolTipHeight - - if -1 == self.xPos and -1 == self.yPos: - - (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition() - - if mouseY < wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 300: - y = mouseY + 40 - else: - y = mouseY - height - 30 - - x = mouseX - width/2 - - else: - - x = self.xPos - width/2 - y = self.yPos - height - - x = max(x, 0) - y = max(y, 0) - x = min(x + width/2, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - width/2) - width/2 - y = min(y + self.GetHeight(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.GetHeight() - - parentWindow = self.GetParentProxy() - if parentWindow: - (gx, gy) = parentWindow.GetGlobalPosition() - x -= gx - y -= gy - - self.SetPosition(x, y) - -class ItemToolTip(ToolTip): - - CHARACTER_NAMES = ( - locale.TOOLTIP_WARRIOR, - locale.TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN, - locale.TOOLTIP_SURA, - locale.TOOLTIP_SHAMAN - ) - - CHARACTER_COUNT = len(CHARACTER_NAMES) - WEAR_NAMES = ( - locale.TOOLTIP_ARMOR, - locale.TOOLTIP_HELMET, - locale.TOOLTIP_SHOES, - locale.TOOLTIP_WRISTLET, - locale.TOOLTIP_WEAPON, - locale.TOOLTIP_NECK, - locale.TOOLTIP_EAR, - locale.TOOLTIP_UNIQUE, - locale.TOOLTIP_SHIELD, - locale.TOOLTIP_ARROW, - ) - WEAR_COUNT = len(WEAR_NAMES) - - AFFECT_DICT = { - item.APPLY_MAX_HP : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_HP, - item.APPLY_MAX_SP : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_SP, - item.APPLY_CON : locale.TOOLTIP_CON, - item.APPLY_INT : locale.TOOLTIP_INT, - item.APPLY_STR : locale.TOOLTIP_STR, - item.APPLY_DEX : locale.TOOLTIP_DEX, - item.APPLY_ATT_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED, - item.APPLY_MOV_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED, - item.APPLY_CAST_SPEED : locale.TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED, - item.APPLY_HP_REGEN : locale.TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN, - item.APPLY_SP_REGEN : locale.TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN, - item.APPLY_POISON_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT, - item.APPLY_STUN_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT, - item.APPLY_SLOW_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT, - item.APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT, - item.APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT, - - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER, - - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD, - item.APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL, - item.APPLY_STEAL_HP : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP, - item.APPLY_STEAL_SP : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP, - item.APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT, - item.APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER, - item.APPLY_BLOCK : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK, - item.APPLY_DODGE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE, - item.APPLY_RESIST_SWORD : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD, - item.APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND, - item.APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER, - item.APPLY_RESIST_BELL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL, - item.APPLY_RESIST_FAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN, - item.APPLY_RESIST_BOW : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW, - item.APPLY_RESIST_FIRE : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE, - item.APPLY_RESIST_ELEC : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC, - item.APPLY_RESIST_MAGIC : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC, - item.APPLY_RESIST_WIND : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND, - item.APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE, - item.APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE, - item.APPLY_POISON_REDUCE : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE, - item.APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER, - item.APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS, - item.APPLY_POTION_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS, - item.APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER, - item.APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN, - item.APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW, - item.APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL, - item.APPLY_BOW_DISTANCE : locale.TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE, - item.APPLY_DEF_GRADE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE, - item.APPLY_ATT_GRADE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE, - item.APPLY_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE, - item.APPLY_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE, - item.APPLY_MAX_STAMINA : locale.TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA, - item.APPLY_MALL_ATTBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_DEFBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_EXPBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_ITEMBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS, - item.APPLY_MALL_GOLDBONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS, - item.APPLY_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS, - item.APPLY_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS, - item.APPLY_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS, - item.APPLY_PC_BANG_EXP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC, - item.APPLY_PC_BANG_DROP_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC, - item.APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR, - item.APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN, - item.APPLY_RESIST_SURA : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA, - item.APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN, - item.APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_HP_PCT, - item.APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_MAX_SP_PCT, - item.APPLY_ENERGY : locale.TOOLTIP_ENERGY, - item.APPLY_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS : locale.TOOLTIP_COSTUME_ATTR_BONUS, - - item.APPLY_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER : locale.TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER, - item.APPLY_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER : locale.TOOLTIP_MELEE_MAGIC_ATTBONUS_PER, - item.APPLY_RESIST_ICE : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_ICE, - item.APPLY_RESIST_EARTH : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_EARTH, - item.APPLY_RESIST_DARK : locale.TOOLTIP_RESIST_DARK, - item.APPLY_ANTI_CRITICAL_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_ANTI_CRITICAL_PCT, - item.APPLY_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT : locale.TOOLTIP_ANTI_PENETRATE_PCT, - } - - ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH = { - 23 : 230, - 24 : 230, - 25 : 230, - 26 : 220, - 27 : 210, - - 35 : 210, - 36 : 210, - 37 : 210, - 38 : 210, - 39 : 210, - 40 : 210, - 41 : 210, - - 42 : 220, - 43 : 230, - 45 : 230, - } - - ANTI_FLAG_DICT = { - 0 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_WARRIOR, - 1 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ASSASSIN, - 2 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SURA, - 3 : item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SHAMAN, - } - - FONT_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0) - - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - ToolTip.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - self.itemVnum = 0 - self.isShopItem = FALSE - - # 酒捞袍 砒屏阑 钎矫且 锭 泅犁 某腐磐啊 馒侩且 荐 绝绰 酒捞袍捞扼搁 碍力肺 Disable Color肺 汲沥 (捞固 弊犯霸 累悼窍绊 乐栏唱 波具 且 鞘夸啊 乐绢辑) - self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor = TRUE - - def __del__(self): - ToolTip.__del__(self) - - def SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(self, enable): - self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor = enable - - def CanEquip(self): - if not item.IsEquipmentVID(self.itemVnum): - return TRUE - - race = player.GetRace() - job = chr.RaceToJob(race) - if not self.ANTI_FLAG_DICT.has_key(job): - return FALSE - - if item.IsAntiFlag(self.ANTI_FLAG_DICT[job]): - return FALSE - - sex = chr.RaceToSex(race) - - MALE = 1 - FEMALE = 0 - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE) and sex == MALE: - return FALSE - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE) and sex == FEMALE: - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) < limitValue: - return FALSE - """ - elif item.LIMIT_STR == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.ST) < limitValue: - return FALSE - elif item.LIMIT_DEX == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.DX) < limitValue: - return FALSE - elif item.LIMIT_INT == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.IQ) < limitValue: - return FALSE - elif item.LIMIT_CON == limitType: - if player.GetStatus(player.HT) < limitValue: - return FALSE - """ - - return TRUE - - def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = TRUE): - if not self.CanEquip() and self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor: - color = self.DISABLE_COLOR - - return ToolTip.AppendTextLine(self, text, color, centerAlign) - - def ClearToolTip(self): - self.isShopItem = FALSE - self.toolTipWidth = self.TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - ToolTip.ClearToolTip(self) - - def SetInventoryItem(self, slotIndex, window_type = player.INVENTORY): - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(window_type, slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - if shop.IsOpen(): - if not shop.IsPrivateShop(): - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - self.AppendSellingPrice(player.GetISellItemPrice(window_type, slotIndex)) - - metinSlot = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(window_type, slotIndex, i) for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] - attrSlot = [player.GetItemAttribute(window_type, slotIndex, i) for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM)] - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetShopItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = shop.GetItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - price = shop.GetItemPrice(slotIndex) - self.ClearToolTip() - self.isShopItem = TRUE - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(shop.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(shop.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - self.AppendPrice(price) - - def SetShopItemBySecondaryCoin(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = shop.GetItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - price = shop.GetItemPrice(slotIndex) - self.ClearToolTip() - self.isShopItem = TRUE - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(shop.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(shop.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - self.AppendPriceBySecondaryCoin(price) - - def SetExchangeOwnerItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = exchange.GetItemVnumFromSelf(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(exchange.GetItemMetinSocketFromSelf(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(exchange.GetItemAttributeFromSelf(slotIndex, i)) - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetExchangeTargetItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = exchange.GetItemVnumFromTarget(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(exchange.GetItemMetinSocketFromTarget(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(exchange.GetItemAttributeFromTarget(slotIndex, i)) - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetPrivateShopBuilderItem(self, invenType, invenPos, privateShopSlotIndex): - itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - self.ClearToolTip() - self.AppendSellingPrice(shop.GetPrivateShopItemPrice(invenType, invenPos)) - - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(invenPos, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(player.GetItemAttribute(invenPos, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetSafeBoxItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = safebox.GetItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(safebox.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(safebox.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, safebox.GetItemFlags(slotIndex)) - - def SetMallItem(self, slotIndex): - itemVnum = safebox.GetMallItemID(slotIndex) - if 0 == itemVnum: - return - - self.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(safebox.GetMallItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i)) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append(safebox.GetMallItemAttribute(slotIndex, i)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def SetItemToolTip(self, itemVnum): - self.ClearToolTip() - metinSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlot.append(0) - attrSlot = [] - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - attrSlot.append((0, 0)) - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def __AppendAttackSpeedInfo(self, item): - atkSpd = item.GetValue(0) - - if atkSpd < 80: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST - elif atkSpd <= 95: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST - elif atkSpd <= 105: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL - elif atkSpd <= 120: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW - else: - stSpd = locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW - - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED % stSpd, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def __AppendAttackGradeInfo(self): - atkGrade = item.GetValue(1) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE % atkGrade, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(atkGrade)) - - def __AppendAttackPowerInfo(self): - minPower = item.GetValue(3) - maxPower = item.GetValue(4) - addPower = item.GetValue(5) - if maxPower > minPower: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER % (minPower+addPower, maxPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - - def __AppendMagicAttackInfo(self): - minMagicAttackPower = item.GetValue(1) - maxMagicAttackPower = item.GetValue(2) - addPower = item.GetValue(5) - - if minMagicAttackPower > 0 or maxMagicAttackPower > 0: - if maxMagicAttackPower > minMagicAttackPower: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER % (minMagicAttackPower+addPower, maxMagicAttackPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minMagicAttackPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - - def __AppendMagicDefenceInfo(self): - magicDefencePower = item.GetValue(0) - - if magicDefencePower > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER % magicDefencePower, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(magicDefencePower)) - - def __AppendAttributeInformation(self, attrSlot): - if 0 != attrSlot: - - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - type = attrSlot[i][0] - value = attrSlot[i][1] - - if 0 == value: - continue - - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value) - if affectString: - affectColor = self.__GetAttributeColor(i, value) - self.AppendTextLine(affectString, affectColor) - - def __GetAttributeColor(self, index, value): - if value > 0: - if index >= 5: - return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR2 - else: - return self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR - elif value == 0: - return self.NORMAL_COLOR - else: - return self.NEGATIVE_COLOR - - def __IsPolymorphItem(self, itemVnum): - if itemVnum >= 70103 and itemVnum <= 70106: - return 1 - return 0 - - def __SetPolymorphItemTitle(self, monsterVnum): - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - itemName =item.GetItemName() - itemName+=" " - itemName+=nonplayer.GetMonsterName(monsterVnum) - else: - itemName =nonplayer.GetMonsterName(monsterVnum) - itemName+=" " - itemName+=item.GetItemName() - self.SetTitle(itemName) - - def __SetNormalItemTitle(self): - self.SetTitle(item.GetItemName()) - - def __SetSpecialItemTitle(self): - self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR) - - def __SetItemTitle(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot): - if locale.IsCANADA(): - if 72726 == itemVnum or 72730 == itemVnum: - self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.7843, 0.0, 1.0)) - return - - if self.__IsPolymorphItem(itemVnum): - self.__SetPolymorphItemTitle(metinSlot[0]) - else: - if self.__IsAttr(attrSlot): - self.__SetSpecialItemTitle() - return - - self.__SetNormalItemTitle() - - def __IsAttr(self, attrSlot): - if not attrSlot: - return FALSE - - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - type = attrSlot[i][0] - if 0 != type: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def AddRefineItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0): - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlotData=metinSlot[i] - if self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData) == constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: - metinSlot[i]=player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - def AddItemData_Offline(self, itemVnum, itemDesc, itemSummary, metinSlot, attrSlot): - self.__AdjustMaxWidth(attrSlot, itemDesc) - self.__SetItemTitle(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - if self.__IsHair(itemVnum): - self.__AppendHairIcon(itemVnum) - - ### Description ### - self.AppendDescription(itemDesc, 26) - self.AppendDescription(itemSummary, 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - - def AddItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0, flags = 0, unbindTime = 0): - self.itemVnum = itemVnum - item.SelectItem(itemVnum) - itemType = item.GetItemType() - itemSubType = item.GetItemSubType() - - if 50026 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - name = item.GetItemName() - if metinSlot[0] > 0: - name += " " - name += locale.NumberToMoneyString(metinSlot[0]) - self.SetTitle(name) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - - ### Skill Book ### - elif 50300 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], locale.TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME, 1) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - elif 70037 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - elif 70055 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26) - self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - self.ShowToolTip() - return - ########################################################################################### - - - itemDesc = item.GetItemDescription() - itemSummary = item.GetItemSummary() - - isCostumeItem = 0 - isCostumeHair = 0 - isCostumeBody = 0 - - if app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM: - if item.ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME == itemType: - isCostumeItem = 1 - isCostumeHair = item.COSTUME_TYPE_HAIR == itemSubType - isCostumeBody = item.COSTUME_TYPE_BODY == itemSubType - - #dbg.TraceError("IS_COSTUME_ITEM! body(%d) hair(%d)" % (isCostumeBody, isCostumeHair)) - - self.__AdjustMaxWidth(attrSlot, itemDesc) - self.__SetItemTitle(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - ### Hair Preview Image ### - if self.__IsHair(itemVnum): - self.__AppendHairIcon(itemVnum) - - ### Description ### - self.AppendDescription(itemDesc, 26) - self.AppendDescription(itemSummary, 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR) - - ### Weapon ### - if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON == itemType: - - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - ## 何盲老 版快 付傍阑 刚历 钎矫茄促. - if item.WEAPON_FAN == itemSubType: - self.__AppendMagicAttackInfo() - self.__AppendAttackPowerInfo() - - else: - self.__AppendAttackPowerInfo() - self.__AppendMagicAttackInfo() - - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.AppendWearableInformation() - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot) - - ### Armor ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - ## 规绢仿 - defGrade = item.GetValue(1) - defBonus = item.GetValue(5)*2 ## 规绢仿 钎矫 肋给 登绰 巩力甫 荐沥 - if defGrade > 0: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE % (defGrade+defBonus), self.GetChangeTextLineColor(defGrade)) - - self.__AppendMagicDefenceInfo() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.AppendWearableInformation() - - if itemSubType in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR): - self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(itemVnum, itemSubType)) - else: - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot) - - ### Ring Slot Item (Not UNIQUE) ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_RING == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - #馆瘤 家南 矫胶袍 包访秦急 酒流 扁裙 固沥 - #self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, 99001) - - - ### Belt Item ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, constInfo.GET_BELT_MATERIAL_VNUM(itemVnum)) - - ## 内胶悯 酒捞袍 ## - elif 0 != isCostumeItem: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendAffectInformation() - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - - self.AppendWearableInformation() - - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - - ## 荤侩啊瓷 矫埃 力茄捞 乐绰瘤 茫酒焊绊 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - #dbg.TraceError("1) REAL_TIME flag On ") - - ## Rod ## - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ROD == itemType: - - if 0 != metinSlot: - curLevel = item.GetValue(0) / 10 - curEXP = metinSlot[0] - maxEXP = item.GetValue(2) - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendRodInformation(curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP) - - ## Pick ## - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_PICK == itemType: - - if 0 != metinSlot: - curLevel = item.GetValue(0) / 10 - curEXP = metinSlot[0] - maxEXP = item.GetValue(2) - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - self.__AppendPickInformation(curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP) - - ## Lottery ## - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_LOTTERY == itemType: - if 0 != metinSlot: - - ticketNumber = int(metinSlot[0]) - stepNumber = int(metinSlot[1]) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER % (stepNumber), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER % (ticketNumber), self.NORMAL_COLOR); - - ### Metin ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN == itemType: - self.AppendMetinInformation() - self.AppendMetinWearInformation() - - ### Fish ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_FISH == itemType: - if 0 != metinSlot: - self.__AppendFishInfo(metinSlot[0]) - - ## item.ITEM_TYPE_BLEND - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_BLEND == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - if metinSlot: - affectType = metinSlot[0] - affectValue = metinSlot[1] - time = metinSlot[2] - self.AppendSpace(5) - affectText = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - - self.AppendTextLine(affectText, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if time > 0: - minute = (time / 60) - second = (time % 60) - timeString = locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME - - if minute > 0: - timeString += str(minute) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN - if second > 0: - timeString += " " + str(second) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC - - self.AppendTextLine(timeString) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.BLEND_POTION_NO_TIME) - else: - self.AppendTextLine("BLEND_POTION_NO_INFO") - - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_UNIQUE == itemType: - if 0 != metinSlot: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - else: - time = metinSlot[player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM-1] - - if 1 == item.GetValue(2): ## 角矫埃 捞侩 Flag / 厘馒 救秦档 霖促 - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(time) - else: - self.AppendUniqueItemLastTime(time) - - ### Use ### - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_USE == itemType: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - if item.USE_POTION == itemSubType or item.USE_POTION_NODELAY == itemSubType: - self.__AppendPotionInformation() - - elif item.USE_ABILITY_UP == itemSubType: - self.__AppendAbilityPotionInformation() - - - ## 康籍 皑瘤扁 - if 27989 == itemVnum or 76006 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - useCount = int(metinSlot[0]) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT % (6 - useCount), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - ## 捞亥飘 皑瘤扁 - elif 50004 == itemVnum: - if 0 != metinSlot: - useCount = int(metinSlot[0]) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT % (10 - useCount), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - ## 磊悼拱距 - elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): - if 0 != metinSlot: - ## 0: 劝己拳, 1: 荤侩樊, 2: 醚樊 - isActivated = int(metinSlot[0]) - usedAmount = float(metinSlot[1]) - totalAmount = float(metinSlot[2]) - - if 0 == totalAmount: - totalAmount = 1 - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - if 0 != isActivated: - self.AppendTextLine("(%s)" % (locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING), self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR) - self.AppendSpace(5) - - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST % (100.0 - ((usedAmount / totalAmount) * 100.0)), self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - - ## 蓖券 扁撅何 - elif itemVnum in WARP_SCROLLS: - if 0 != metinSlot: - xPos = int(metinSlot[0]) - yPos = int(metinSlot[1]) - - if xPos != 0 and yPos != 0: - (mapName, xBase, yBase) = background.GlobalPositionToMapInfo(xPos, yPos) - - localeMapName=locale.MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT.get(mapName, "") - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - if localeMapName!="": - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION % (localeMapName, int(xPos-xBase)/100, int(yPos-yBase)/100), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR % (int(xPos)/100, int(yPos)/100), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - dbg.TraceError("NOT_EXIST_IN_MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT: %s" % mapName) - - ##### - if item.USE_SPECIAL == itemSubType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - else: - # ... 捞芭... 辑滚俊绰 捞繁 矫埃 眉农 救登绢 乐绰单... - # 恐 捞繁霸 乐绰瘤 舅瘤绰 给窍唱 弊成 滴磊... - if 0 != metinSlot: - time = metinSlot[player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM-1] - - ## 角矫埃 捞侩 Flag - if 1 == item.GetValue(2): - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(time) - - elif item.USE_TIME_CHARGE_PER == itemSubType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - if metinSlot[2]: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER(metinSlot[2])) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER(item.GetValue(0))) - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - - elif item.USE_TIME_CHARGE_FIX == itemSubType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 0 - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - bHasRealtimeFlag = 1 - if metinSlot[2]: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX(metinSlot[2])) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX(item.GetValue(0))) - - ## 乐促搁 包访 沥焊甫 钎矫窃. ex) 巢篮 矫埃 : 6老 6矫埃 58盒 - if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_QUEST == itemType: - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType: - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0]) - elif item.ITEM_TYPE_DS == itemType: - self.AppendTextLine(self.__DragonSoulInfoString(itemVnum)) - self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) - else: - self.__AppendLimitInformation() - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - #dbg.TraceError("LimitType : %d, limitValue : %d" % (limitType, limitValue)) - - if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType: - self.AppendRealTimeStartFirstUseLastTime(item, metinSlot, i) - #dbg.TraceError("2) REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE flag On ") - - elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType: - self.AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(metinSlot) - #dbg.TraceError("1) REAL_TIME flag On ") - - self.ShowToolTip() - - def __DragonSoulInfoString (self, dwVnum): - step = (dwVnum / 100) % 10 - refine = (dwVnum / 10) % 10 - if 0 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL1 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 1 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL2 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 2 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL3 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 3 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL4 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - elif 4 == step: - return locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL5 + " " + locale.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine) - else: - return "" - - - ## 庆绢牢啊? - def __IsHair(self, itemVnum): - return (self.__IsOldHair(itemVnum) or - self.__IsNewHair(itemVnum) or - self.__IsNewHair2(itemVnum) or - self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum) or - self.__IsCostumeHair(itemVnum) - ) - - def __IsOldHair(self, itemVnum): - return itemVnum > 73000 and itemVnum < 74000 - - def __IsNewHair(self, itemVnum): - return itemVnum > 74000 and itemVnum < 75000 - - def __IsNewHair2(self, itemVnum): - return itemVnum > 75000 and itemVnum < 76000 - - def __IsNewHair3(self, itemVnum): - return ((74012 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74022) or - (74262 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74272) or - (74512 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74522) or - (74762 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74772) or - (45000 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 47000)) - - def __IsCostumeHair(self, itemVnum): - return app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM and self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum - 100000) - - def __AppendHairIcon(self, itemVnum): - itemImage = ui.ImageBox() - itemImage.SetParent(self) - itemImage.Show() - - if self.__IsOldHair(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/item/quest/"+str(itemVnum)+".tga") - elif self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum)) - elif self.__IsNewHair(itemVnum): # 扁粮 庆绢 锅龋甫 楷搬矫难辑 荤侩茄促. 货肺款 酒捞袍篮 1000父怒 锅龋啊 疵菌促. - itemImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/item/quest/"+str(itemVnum-1000)+".tga") - elif self.__IsNewHair2(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum)) - elif self.__IsCostumeHair(itemVnum): - itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum - 100000)) - - itemImage.SetPosition(itemImage.GetWidth()/2, self.toolTipHeight) - self.toolTipHeight += itemImage.GetHeight() - #self.toolTipWidth += itemImage.GetWidth()/2 - self.childrenList.append(itemImage) - self.ResizeToolTip() - - ## 荤捞令啊 奴 Description 老 版快 砒屏 荤捞令甫 炼沥茄促 - def __AdjustMaxWidth(self, attrSlot, desc): - newToolTipWidth = self.toolTipWidth - newToolTipWidth = max(self.__AdjustAttrMaxWidth(attrSlot), newToolTipWidth) - newToolTipWidth = max(self.__AdjustDescMaxWidth(desc), newToolTipWidth) - if newToolTipWidth > self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = newToolTipWidth - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def __AdjustAttrMaxWidth(self, attrSlot): - if 0 == attrSlot: - return self.toolTipWidth - - maxWidth = self.toolTipWidth - for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM): - type = attrSlot[i][0] - value = attrSlot[i][1] - if self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH.has_key(type): - if value > 0: - maxWidth = max(self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH[type], maxWidth) - - # ATTR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP_WIDTH - #self.toolTipWidth = max(self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH[type], self.toolTipWidth) - #self.ResizeToolTip() - # END_OF_ATTR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP_WIDTH - - return maxWidth - - def __AdjustDescMaxWidth(self, desc): - if len(desc) < DESC_DEFAULT_MAX_COLS: - return self.toolTipWidth - - return DESC_WESTERN_MAX_WIDTH - - def __SetSkillBookToolTip(self, skillIndex, bookName, skillGrade): - skillName = skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex) - - if not skillName: - return - - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - itemName = bookName + " " + skillName - else: - itemName = skillName + " " + bookName - self.SetTitle(itemName) - - def __AppendPickInformation(self, curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL % (curLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP % (curEXP, maxEXP), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if curEXP == maxEXP: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - - def __AppendRodInformation(self, curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL % (curLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP % (curEXP, maxEXP), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if curEXP == maxEXP: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def __AppendLimitInformation(self): - - appendSpace = FALSE - - for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM): - - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i) - - if limitValue > 0: - if FALSE == appendSpace: - self.AppendSpace(5) - appendSpace = TRUE - - else: - continue - - if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL % (limitValue), color) - """ - elif item.LIMIT_STR == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.ST), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR % (limitValue), color) - elif item.LIMIT_DEX == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.DX), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX % (limitValue), color) - elif item.LIMIT_INT == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.IQ), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT % (limitValue), color) - elif item.LIMIT_CON == limitType: - color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.HT), limitValue) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON % (limitValue), color) - """ - - def __GetAffectString(self, affectType, affectValue): - if 0 == affectType: - return None - - if 0 == affectValue: - return None - - try: - return self.AFFECT_DICT[affectType](affectValue) - except TypeError: - return "UNKNOWN_VALUE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue) - except KeyError: - return "UNKNOWN_TYPE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue) - - def __AppendAffectInformation(self): - for i in xrange(item.ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM): - - (affectType, affectValue) = item.GetAffect(i) - - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - if affectString: - self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue)) - - def AppendWearableInformation(self): - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - flagList = ( - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_WARRIOR), - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ASSASSIN), - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SURA), - not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SHAMAN)) - - characterNames = "" - for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_COUNT): - - name = self.CHARACTER_NAMES[i] - flag = flagList[i] - - if flag: - characterNames += " " - characterNames += name - - textLine = self.AppendTextLine(characterNames, self.NORMAL_COLOR, TRUE) - textLine.SetFeather() - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE): - textLine = self.AppendTextLine(locale.FOR_FEMALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, TRUE) - textLine.SetFeather() - - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE): - textLine = self.AppendTextLine(locale.FOR_MALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, TRUE) - textLine.SetFeather() - - def __AppendPotionInformation(self): - self.AppendSpace(5) - - healHP = item.GetValue(0) - healSP = item.GetValue(1) - healStatus = item.GetValue(2) - healPercentageHP = item.GetValue(3) - healPercentageSP = item.GetValue(4) - - if healHP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT % healHP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healHP)) - if healSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT % healSP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healSP)) - if healStatus != 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE) - if healPercentageHP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT % healPercentageHP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healPercentageHP)) - if healPercentageSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT % healPercentageSP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healPercentageSP)) - - def __AppendAbilityPotionInformation(self): - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - abilityType = item.GetValue(0) - time = item.GetValue(1) - point = item.GetValue(2) - - if abilityType == item.APPLY_ATT_SPEED: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED % point, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(point)) - elif abilityType == item.APPLY_MOV_SPEED: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED % point, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(point)) - - if time > 0: - minute = (time / 60) - second = (time % 60) - timeString = locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME - - if minute > 0: - timeString += str(minute) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN - if second > 0: - timeString += " " + str(second) + locale.TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC - - self.AppendTextLine(timeString) - - def GetPriceColor(self, price): - if price>=constInfo.HIGH_PRICE: - return self.HIGH_PRICE_COLOR - if price>=constInfo.MIDDLE_PRICE: - return self.MIDDLE_PRICE_COLOR - else: - return self.LOW_PRICE_COLOR - - def AppendPrice(self, price): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE % (locale.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price)) - - def AppendPriceBySecondaryCoin(self, price): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE % (locale.NumberToSecondaryCoinString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price)) - - def AppendSellingPrice(self, price): - if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL): - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - self.AppendSpace(5) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE % (locale.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price)) - self.AppendSpace(5) - - def AppendMetinInformation(self): - affectType, affectValue = item.GetAffect(0) - #affectType = item.GetValue(0) - #affectValue = item.GetValue(1) - - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - - if affectString: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue)) - - def AppendMetinWearInformation(self): - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - flagList = (item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_BODY), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_HEAD), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_FOOTS), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WRIST), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WEAPON), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_NECK), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_EAR), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_UNIQUE), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_SHIELD), - item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_ARROW)) - - wearNames = "" - for i in xrange(self.WEAR_COUNT): - - name = self.WEAR_NAMES[i] - flag = flagList[i] - - if flag: - wearNames += " " - wearNames += name - - textLine = ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight) - textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter() - textLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.NORMAL_COLOR) - textLine.SetText(wearNames) - textLine.Show() - self.childrenList.append(textLine) - - self.toolTipHeight += self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def GetMetinSocketType(self, number): - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE == number: - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE - elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number: - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number: - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD - else: - item.SelectItem(number) - if item.METIN_NORMAL == item.GetItemSubType(): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif item.METIN_GOLD == item.GetItemSubType(): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number): - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER - - return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE - - def GetMetinItemIndex(self, number): - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number: - return 0 - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number: - return 0 - - return number - - def __AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(self, metinSlot, mtrlVnum): - ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE = 3 - - cur=min(metinSlot[0], ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE) - end=min(metinSlot[1], ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE) - - affectType1, affectValue1 = item.GetAffect(0) - affectList1=[0, max(1, affectValue1*10/100), max(2, affectValue1*20/100), max(3, affectValue1*40/100)] - - affectType2, affectValue2 = item.GetAffect(1) - affectList2=[0, max(1, affectValue2*10/100), max(2, affectValue2*20/100), max(3, affectValue2*40/100)] - - mtrlPos=0 - mtrlList=[mtrlVnum]*cur+[player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER]*(end-cur) - for mtrl in mtrlList: - affectString1 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType1, affectList1[mtrlPos+1]-affectList1[mtrlPos]) - affectString2 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType2, affectList2[mtrlPos+1]-affectList2[mtrlPos]) - - leftTime = 0 - if cur == mtrlPos+1: - leftTime=metinSlot[2] - - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(mtrlPos, mtrl, affectString1, affectString2, leftTime) - mtrlPos+=1 - - def __AppendMetinSlotInfo(self, metinSlot): - if self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_IsEmptySlotList(metinSlot): - return - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(i, metinSlot[i]) - - def __AppendMetinSlotInfo_IsEmptySlotList(self, metinSlot): - if 0 == metinSlot: - return 1 - - for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM): - metinSlotData=metinSlot[i] - if 0 != self.GetMetinSocketType(metinSlotData): - if 0 != self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData): - return 0 - - return 1 - - def __AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(self, index, metinSlotData, custumAffectString="", custumAffectString2="", leftTime=0): - - slotType = self.GetMetinSocketType(metinSlotData) - itemIndex = self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData) - - if 0 == slotType: - return - - self.AppendSpace(5) - - slotImage = ui.ImageBox() - slotImage.SetParent(self) - slotImage.Show() - - ## Name - nameTextLine = ui.TextLine() - nameTextLine.SetParent(self) - nameTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.NORMAL_COLOR) - nameTextLine.SetOutline() - nameTextLine.SetFeather() - nameTextLine.Show() - - self.childrenList.append(nameTextLine) - - if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == slotType: - slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_silver.sub") - elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slotType: - slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_gold.sub") - - self.childrenList.append(slotImage) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - slotImage.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - slotImage.GetWidth() - 9, self.toolTipHeight-1) - nameTextLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - 50, self.toolTipHeight + 2) - else: - slotImage.SetPosition(9, self.toolTipHeight-1) - nameTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 2) - - metinImage = ui.ImageBox() - metinImage.SetParent(self) - metinImage.Show() - self.childrenList.append(metinImage) - - if itemIndex: - - item.SelectItem(itemIndex) - - ## Image - try: - metinImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName()) - except: - dbg.TraceError("ItemToolTip.__AppendMetinSocketData() - Failed to find image file %d:%s" % - (itemIndex, item.GetIconImageFileName()) - ) - - nameTextLine.SetText(item.GetItemName()) - - ## Affect - affectTextLine = ui.TextLine() - affectTextLine.SetParent(self) - affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - affectTextLine.SetOutline() - affectTextLine.SetFeather() - affectTextLine.Show() - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - metinImage.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - metinImage.GetWidth() - 10, self.toolTipHeight) - affectTextLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth - 50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2) - else: - metinImage.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight) - affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2) - - if custumAffectString: - affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString) - elif itemIndex!=constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE: - affectType, affectValue = item.GetAffect(0) - affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue) - if affectString: - affectTextLine.SetText(affectString) - else: - affectTextLine.SetText(locale.TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT) - - self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine) - - if custumAffectString2: - affectTextLine = ui.TextLine() - affectTextLine.SetParent(self) - affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2) - affectTextLine.SetOutline() - affectTextLine.SetFeather() - affectTextLine.Show() - affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString2) - self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine) - self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2 - - if 0 != leftTime: - timeText = (locale.LEFT_TIME + " : " + locale.SecondToDHM(leftTime)) - - timeTextLine = ui.TextLine() - timeTextLine.SetParent(self) - timeTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName) - timeTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR) - timeTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2) - timeTextLine.SetOutline() - timeTextLine.SetFeather() - timeTextLine.Show() - timeTextLine.SetText(timeText) - self.childrenList.append(timeTextLine) - self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2 - - else: - nameTextLine.SetText(locale.TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY) - - self.toolTipHeight += 35 - self.ResizeToolTip() - - def __AppendFishInfo(self, size): - if size > 0: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN % (float(size) / 100.0), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendUniqueItemLastTime(self, restMin): - restSecond = restMin*60 - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.LEFT_TIME + " : " + locale.SecondToDHM(restSecond), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendMallItemLastTime(self, endTime): - leftSec = max(0, endTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp()) - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.LEFT_TIME + " : " + locale.SecondToDHM(leftSec), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(self, metinSlot): - if 0 == metinSlot[0]: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.CANNOT_USE, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - else: - endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + metinSlot[0] - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(endTime) - - def AppendRealTimeStartFirstUseLastTime(self, item, metinSlot, limitIndex): - useCount = metinSlot[1] - endTime = metinSlot[0] - - # 茄 锅捞扼档 荤侩沁促搁 Socket0俊 辆丰 矫埃(2012斥 3岿 1老 13矫 01盒 鞍篮..) 捞 冠囚乐澜. - # 荤侩窍瘤 臼疽促搁 Socket0俊 捞侩啊瓷矫埃(捞甫抛搁 600 鞍篮 蔼. 檬窜困)捞 甸绢乐阑 荐 乐绊, 0捞扼搁 Limit Value俊 乐绰 捞侩啊瓷矫埃阑 荤侩茄促. - if 0 == useCount: - if 0 == endTime: - (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(limitIndex) - endTime = limitValue - - endTime += app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() - - self.AppendMallItemLastTime(endTime) - -class HyperlinkItemToolTip(ItemToolTip): - def __init__(self): - ItemToolTip.__init__(self, isPickable=TRUE) - - def SetHyperlinkItem(self, tokens): - minTokenCount = 3 + player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM - maxTokenCount = minTokenCount + 2 * player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM - if tokens and len(tokens) >= minTokenCount and len(tokens) <= maxTokenCount: - head, vnum, flag = tokens[:3] - itemVnum = int(vnum, 16) - metinSlot = [int(metin, 16) for metin in tokens[3:6]] - - rests = tokens[6:] - if rests: - attrSlot = [] - - rests.reverse() - while rests: - key = int(rests.pop(), 16) - if rests: - val = int(rests.pop()) - attrSlot.append((key, val)) - - attrSlot += [(0, 0)] * (player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM - len(attrSlot)) - else: - attrSlot = [(0, 0)] * player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM - - self.ClearToolTip() - self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot) - - ItemToolTip.OnUpdate(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - pass - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - self.Hide() - -class SkillToolTip(ToolTip): - - POINT_NAME_DICT = { - player.LEVEL : locale.SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL, - player.IQ : locale.SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT, - } - - SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH = 200 - PARTY_SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH = 340 - - PARTY_SKILL_EXPERIENCE_AFFECT_LIST = ( ( 2, 2, 10,), - ( 8, 3, 20,), - (14, 4, 30,), - (22, 5, 45,), - (28, 6, 60,), - (34, 7, 80,), - (38, 8, 100,), ) - - PARTY_SKILL_PLUS_GRADE_AFFECT_LIST = ( ( 4, 2, 1, 0,), - (10, 3, 2, 0,), - (16, 4, 2, 1,), - (24, 5, 2, 2,), ) - - PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER_AFFECT_LIST = ( ( 36, 3, ), - ( 26, 1, ), - ( 32, 2, ), ) - - SKILL_GRADE_NAME = { player.SKILL_GRADE_MASTER : locale.SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER, - player.SKILL_GRADE_GRAND_MASTER : locale.SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER, - player.SKILL_GRADE_PERFECT_MASTER : locale.SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER, } - - AFFECT_NAME_DICT = { - "HP" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER, - "ATT_GRADE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE, - "DEF_GRADE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE, - "ATT_SPEED" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED, - "MOV_SPEED" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED, - "DODGE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE, - "RESIST_NORMAL" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL, - "REFLECT_MELEE" : locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE, - } - AFFECT_APPEND_TEXT_DICT = { - "DODGE" : "%", - "RESIST_NORMAL" : "%", - "REFLECT_MELEE" : "%", - } - - def __init__(self): - ToolTip.__init__(self, self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH) - def __del__(self): - ToolTip.__del__(self) - - def SetSkill(self, skillIndex, skillLevel = -1): - - if 0 == skillIndex: - return - - if skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex): - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendGuildSkillData(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - else: - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - skillCurrentPercentage = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - skillNextPercentage = player.GetSkillNextEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillDataNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage) - self.AppendSkillRequirement(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - self.ShowToolTip() - - def SetSkillNew(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel): - - if 0 == skillIndex: - return - - if player.SKILL_INDEX_TONGSOL == skillIndex: - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex) - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendPartySkillData(skillGrade, skillLevel) - - elif player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING == skillIndex: - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - self.AppendSupportSkillDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, 30) - - elif player.SKILL_INDEX_SUMMON == skillIndex: - - maxLevel = 10 - - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - ## Description - description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex) - self.AppendDescription(description, 25) - - if skillLevel == 10: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (skillLevel*10), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - else: - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.__AppendSummonDescription(skillLevel, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel+1), self.NEGATIVE_COLOR) - self.__AppendSummonDescription(skillLevel+1, self.NEGATIVE_COLOR) - - elif skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex): - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendGuildSkillData(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - else: - - if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth: - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - - skillCurrentPercentage = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - skillNextPercentage = player.GetSkillNextEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.AppendSkillDataNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage) - self.AppendSkillRequirement(skillIndex, skillLevel) - - self.ShowToolTip() - - def __SetSkillTitle(self, skillIndex, skillGrade): - self.SetTitle(skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex, skillGrade)) - self.__AppendSkillGradeName(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - def __AppendSkillGradeName(self, skillIndex, skillGrade): - if self.SKILL_GRADE_NAME.has_key(skillGrade): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(self.SKILL_GRADE_NAME[skillGrade] % (skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex, 0)), self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR) - - def SetSkillOnlyName(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade): - if 0 == skillIndex: - return - - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - - self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH - self.ResizeToolTip() - - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade) - self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex) - self.ShowToolTip() - - def AppendDefaultData(self, skillIndex, skillGrade = 0): - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - ## Level Limit - levelLimit = skill.GetSkillLevelLimit(skillIndex) - if levelLimit > 0: - - color = self.NORMAL_COLOR - if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) < levelLimit: - color = self.NEGATIVE_COLOR - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL % (levelLimit), color) - - ## Description - description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex) - self.AppendDescription(description, 25) - - def AppendSupportSkillDefaultData(self, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, maxLevel): - self.ClearToolTip() - self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade) - - ## Description - description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex) - self.AppendDescription(description, 25) - - if 1 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 19 - elif 2 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 29 - elif 3 == skillGrade: - skillLevel = 40 - - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX % (skillLevel, maxLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - def AppendSkillConditionData(self, skillIndex): - conditionDataCount = skill.GetSkillConditionDescriptionCount(skillIndex) - if conditionDataCount > 0: - self.AppendSpace(5) - for i in xrange(conditionDataCount): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillConditionDescription(skillIndex, i), self.CONDITION_COLOR) - - def AppendGuildSkillData(self, skillIndex, skillLevel): - skillMaxLevel = 7 - skillCurrentPercentage = float(skillLevel) / float(skillMaxLevel) - skillNextPercentage = float(skillLevel+1) / float(skillMaxLevel) - ## Current Level - if skillLevel > 0: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel): - self.AppendSpace(5) - if skillLevel == skillMaxLevel: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - ##### - - for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillCurrentPercentage), self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## Cooltime - coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage) - if coolTime > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## SP - needGSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage) - if needGSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP % (needGSP), self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## Next Level - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevel: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel+1): - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 % (skillLevel+1, skillMaxLevel), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - ##### - - for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillNextPercentage), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - ## Cooltime - coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage) - if coolTime > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - ## SP - needGSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage) - if needGSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP % (needGSP), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - def AppendSkillDataNew(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage): - - self.skillMaxLevelStartDict = { 0 : 17, 1 : 7, 2 : 10, } - self.skillMaxLevelEndDict = { 0 : 20, 1 : 10, 2 : 10, } - - skillLevelUpPoint = 1 - realSkillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex) - skillMaxLevelStart = self.skillMaxLevelStartDict.get(realSkillGrade, 15) - skillMaxLevelEnd = self.skillMaxLevelEndDict.get(realSkillGrade, 20) - - ## Current Level - if skillLevel > 0: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel): - self.AppendSpace(5) - if skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT: - pass - elif skillLevel == skillMaxLevelEnd: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR) - self.AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage, self.ENABLE_COLOR) - - ## Next Level - if skillGrade != skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT: - if skillLevel < skillMaxLevelEnd: - if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel+skillLevelUpPoint): - self.AppendSpace(5) - ## HP焊碍, 包烹雀乔 焊炼胶懦狼 版快 - if skillIndex == 141 or skillIndex == 142: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_3 % (skillLevel+1), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 % (skillLevel+1, skillMaxLevelEnd), self.DISABLE_COLOR) - self.AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - def AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(self, skillIndex, skillPercentage, color): - - affectDataCount = skill.GetNewAffectDataCount(skillIndex) - if affectDataCount > 0: - for i in xrange(affectDataCount): - type, minValue, maxValue = skill.GetNewAffectData(skillIndex, i, skillPercentage) - - if not self.AFFECT_NAME_DICT.has_key(type): - continue - - minValue = int(minValue) - maxValue = int(maxValue) - affectText = self.AFFECT_NAME_DICT[type] - - if "HP" == type: - if minValue < 0 and maxValue < 0: - minValue *= -1 - maxValue *= -1 - - else: - affectText = locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL - - affectText += str(minValue) - if minValue != maxValue: - affectText += " - " + str(maxValue) - affectText += self.AFFECT_APPEND_TEXT_DICT.get(type, "") - - #import debugInfo - #if debugInfo.IsDebugMode(): - # affectText = "!!" + affectText - - self.AppendTextLine(affectText, color) - - else: - for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)): - self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillPercentage), color) - - - ## Duration - duration = skill.GetDuration(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - if duration > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION % (duration), color) - - ## Cooltime - coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - if coolTime > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), color) - - ## SP - needSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - if needSP != 0: - continuationSP = skill.GetSkillContinuationSP(skillIndex, skillPercentage) - - if skill.IsUseHPSkill(skillIndex): - self.AppendNeedHP(needSP, continuationSP, color) - else: - self.AppendNeedSP(needSP, continuationSP, color) - - def AppendSkillRequirement(self, skillIndex, skillLevel): - - skillMaxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex) - - if skillLevel >= skillMaxLevel: - return - - isAppendHorizontalLine = FALSE - - ## Requirement - if skill.IsSkillRequirement(skillIndex): - - if not isAppendHorizontalLine: - isAppendHorizontalLine = TRUE - self.AppendHorizontalLine() - - requireSkillName, requireSkillLevel = skill.GetSkillRequirementData(skillIndex) - - color = self.CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - if skill.CheckRequirementSueccess(skillIndex): - color = self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL % (requireSkillName, requireSkillLevel), color) - - ## Require Stat - requireStatCount = skill.GetSkillRequireStatCount(skillIndex) - if requireStatCount > 0: - - for i in xrange(requireStatCount): - type, level = skill.GetSkillRequireStatData(skillIndex, i) - if self.POINT_NAME_DICT.has_key(type): - - if not isAppendHorizontalLine: - isAppendHorizontalLine = TRUE - self.AppendHorizontalLine() - - name = self.POINT_NAME_DICT[type] - color = self.CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - if player.GetStatus(type) >= level: - color = self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL % (name, level), color) - - def HasSkillLevelDescription(self, skillIndex, skillLevel): - if skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex) > 0: - return TRUE - if skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillLevel) > 0: - return TRUE - if skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillLevel) > 0: - return TRUE - - return FALSE - - def AppendMasterAffectDescription(self, index, desc, color): - self.AppendTextLine(desc, color) - - def AppendNextAffectDescription(self, index, desc): - self.AppendTextLine(desc, self.DISABLE_COLOR) - - def AppendNeedHP(self, needSP, continuationSP, color): - - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_HP % (needSP), color) - - if continuationSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC % (continuationSP), color) - - def AppendNeedSP(self, needSP, continuationSP, color): - - if -1 == needSP: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP, color) - - else: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_SP % (needSP), color) - - if continuationSP > 0: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC % (continuationSP), color) - - def AppendPartySkillData(self, skillGrade, skillLevel): - - if 1 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 19 - elif 2 == skillGrade: - skillLevel += 29 - elif 3 == skillGrade: - skillLevel = 40 - - if skillLevel <= 0: - return - - skillIndex = player.SKILL_INDEX_TONGSOL - slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex) - skillPower = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex) - if locale.IsBRAZIL(): - k = skillPower - else: - k = player.GetSkillLevel(skillIndex) / 100.0 - self.AppendSpace(5) - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL % skillLevel, self.NORMAL_COLOR) - - if skillLevel>=10: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER % chop( 10 + 60 * k )) - - if skillLevel>=20: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER % chop(1 + 5 * k)) - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_TANKER % chop(50 + 1450 * k)) - - if skillLevel>=25: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER % chop(5 + 45 * k )) - - if skillLevel>=35: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER % chop(25 + 600 * k )) - - if skillLevel>=40: - self.AutoAppendTextLine(locale.PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER % chop( 5 + 30 * k )) - - self.AlignHorizonalCenter() - - def __AppendSummonDescription(self, skillLevel, color): - if skillLevel > 1: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (skillLevel * 10), color) - elif 1 == skillLevel: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (15), color) - elif 0 == skillLevel: - self.AppendTextLine(locale.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (10), color) - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - - #wndMgr.SetOutlineFlag(TRUE) - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - toolTip = ItemToolTip() - toolTip.ClearToolTip() - #toolTip.AppendTextLine("Test") - desc = "Item descriptions:|increase of width of display to 35 digits per row AND installation of function that the displayed words are not broken up in two parts, but instead if one word is too long to be displayed in this row, this word will start in the next row." - summ = "" - - toolTip.AddItemData_Offline(10, desc, summ, 0, 0) - toolTip.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/uiUploadMark.py b/bin_original/uiUploadMark.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0d8ae9dc..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiUploadMark.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ -import app -import ui -import locale -import uiScriptLocale - -class MarkItem(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, fileName): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - self.imgWidth=0 - self.imgHeight=0 - self.canLoad=0 - self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(fileName) - self.imgBox=self.__CreateImageBox("upload/"+fileName) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def GetText(self): - return self.textLine.GetText() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 20 + 6*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) - - def __CreateTextLine(self, fileName): - textLine=ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetPosition(20, 0) - textLine.SetText(fileName) - textLine.Show() - return textLine - - def __CreateImageBox(self, fileName): - (self.canLoad, self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight)=app.GetImageInfo(fileName) - - if 1==self.canLoad: - if 16==self.imgWidth and 12==self.imgHeight: - imgBox=ui.ImageBox() - imgBox.AddFlag("not_pick") - imgBox.SetParent(self) - imgBox.SetPosition(0, 2) - imgBox.LoadImage(fileName) - imgBox.Show() - return imgBox - else: - return 0 - else: - return 0 - -class SymbolItem(ui.ListBoxEx.Item): - def __init__(self, fileName): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__init__(self) - self.textLine=self.__CreateTextLine(fileName) - (self.canLoad, self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight)=app.GetImageInfo("upload/"+fileName) - - def __del__(self): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.__del__(self) - - def GetText(self): - return self.textLine.GetText() - - def SetSize(self, width, height): - ui.ListBoxEx.Item.SetSize(self, 6*len(self.textLine.GetText()) + 4, height) - - def __CreateTextLine(self, fileName): - textLine=ui.TextLine() - textLine.SetParent(self) - textLine.SetPosition(1, 2) - textLine.SetText(fileName) - textLine.Show() - return textLine - -class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self, parent): - print "NEW POPUP WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.__Load() - self.__Bind() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE POPUP WINDOW" - - def __Load(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/PopupDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Load") - - def __Bind(self): - try: - self.textLine=self.GetChild("message") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("accept") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("PopupDialog.__Bind") - - self.okButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOK)) - - def Open(self, msg): - self.textLine.SetText(msg) - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.Show() - self.SetTop() - - def __OnOK(self): - self.Hide() - -class MarkSelectDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - print "NEW MARK LIST WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.selectEvent=None - self.isLoaded=0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE MARK LIST WINDOW" - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__Load() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - - if self.markListBox.IsEmpty(): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH) - - def Close(self): - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.selectEvent=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def __CreateMarkListBox(self): - markListBox=ui.ListBoxEx() - markListBox.SetParent(self) - markListBox.SetPosition(15, 50) - markListBox.Show() - return markListBox - - def __Load(self): - self.popupDialog=PopupDialog(self) - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if locale.IsVIETNAM(): - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "MarkListWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MarkListWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MarkListBox.__Load") - - try: - self.markListBox=self.__CreateMarkListBox() - self.markListBox.SetScrollBar(self.GetChild("ScrollBar")) - - self.popupText = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - self.popupDialog.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.popupDialog.Hide)) - - self.board=self.GetChild("board") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("ok") - self.cancelButton=self.GetChild("cancel") - self.refreshButton=self.GetChild("refresh") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("MarkListBox.__Bind") - - self.refreshButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnRefresh)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.okButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOK)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.UpdateRect() - - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupDialog.Open(msg) - - def __OnOK(self): - selItem=self.markListBox.GetSelectedItem() - if selItem: - if selItem.canLoad!=1: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT) - elif selItem.imgWidth!=16: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH) - elif selItem.imgHeight!=12: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT) - else: - self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) - self.Hide() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT) - - def __OnCancel(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnRefresh(self): - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __RefreshFileList(self): - self.__ClearFileList() - self.__AppendFileList("bmp") - self.__AppendFileList("tga") - self.__AppendFileList("jpg") - - def __ClearFileList(self): - self.markListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def __AppendFileList(self, filter): - fileNameList=app.GetFileList("upload/*."+filter) - for fileName in fileNameList: - self.__AppendFile(fileName) - - def __AppendFile(self, fileName): - self.markListBox.AppendItem(MarkItem(fileName)) - -class SymbolSelectDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - print "NEW SYMBOL LIST WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.selectEvent=None - self.isLoaded=0 - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE SYMBOL LIST WINDOW" - - def Show(self): - if self.isLoaded==0: - self.isLoaded=1 - - self.__Load() - - ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self) - - def Open(self): - self.Show() - - self.SetCenterPosition() - self.SetTop() - - if self.symbolListBox.IsEmpty(): - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH) - - def Close(self): - self.popupDialog.Hide() - self.Hide() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def SAFE_SetSelectEvent(self, event): - self.selectEvent=ui.__mem_func__(event) - - def __CreateSymbolListBox(self): - symbolListBox=ui.ListBoxEx() - symbolListBox.SetParent(self) - symbolListBox.SetPosition(15, 50) - symbolListBox.Show() - return symbolListBox - - def __Load(self): - self.popupDialog=PopupDialog(self) - - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/MarkListWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SymbolListBox.__Load") - - try: - self.symbolListBox=self.__CreateSymbolListBox() - self.symbolListBox.SetScrollBar(self.GetChild("ScrollBar")) - - self.popupText = self.popupDialog.GetChild("message") - self.popupDialog.GetChild("accept").SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.popupDialog.Hide)) - - self.board=self.GetChild("board") - self.okButton=self.GetChild("ok") - self.cancelButton=self.GetChild("cancel") - self.refreshButton=self.GetChild("refresh") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("SymbolListBox.__Bind") - - self.refreshButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnRefresh)) - self.cancelButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.okButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnOK)) - self.board.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCancel)) - self.board.SetTitleName(locale.SYMBOLLIST_TITLE) - self.UpdateRect() - - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __PopupMessage(self, msg): - self.popupDialog.Open(msg) - - def __OnOK(self): - selItem=self.symbolListBox.GetSelectedItem() - if selItem: - if selItem.canLoad!=1: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT) - elif selItem.imgWidth!=64: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH) - elif selItem.imgHeight!=128: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT) - else: - self.selectEvent(selItem.GetText()) - self.Hide() - else: - self.__PopupMessage(locale.GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT) - - def __OnCancel(self): - self.Hide() - - def __OnRefresh(self): - self.__RefreshFileList() - - def __RefreshFileList(self): - self.__ClearFileList() - self.__AppendFileList("jpg") - - def __ClearFileList(self): - self.symbolListBox.RemoveAllItems() - - def __AppendFileList(self, filter): - fileNameList=app.GetFileList("upload/*."+filter) - for fileName in fileNameList: - self.__AppendFile(fileName) - - def __AppendFile(self, fileName): - self.symbolListBox.AppendItem(SymbolItem(fileName)) diff --git a/bin_original/uiWeb.py b/bin_original/uiWeb.py deleted file mode 100644 index 455b0439..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiWeb.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import uiScriptLocale -import net -import snd -import app -import mouseModule -import constInfo - -class WebWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - self.oldPos = None - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "WebWindow.py") - else: - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/WebWindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WebWindow.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WebWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnCloseButtonClick)) - - def Destroy(self): - app.HideWebPage() - self.ClearDictionary() - self.titleBar = None - - def Open(self, url): - self.Refresh() - self.Show() - self.SetCenterPosition() - - x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() - sx, sy = x + 10, y + 30 - ex, ey = sx + self.GetWidth() - 20, sy + self.GetHeight() - 40 - - app.ShowWebPage(url, (sx, sy, ex, ey)) - - - def Close(self): - app.HideWebPage() - self.Hide() - - def Clear(self): - self.Refresh() - - def Refresh(self): - pass - - def __OnCloseButtonClick(self): - print "close_web:click_close_button" - self.Close() - - def OnPressEscapeKey(self): - print "close_web:esc_key" - self.Close() - return TRUE - - def OnUpdate(self): - newPos = self.GetGlobalPosition() - if newPos == self.oldPos: - return - - self.oldPos = newPos - - x, y = newPos - sx, sy = x + 10, y + 30 - ex, ey = sx + self.GetWidth() - 20, sy + self.GetHeight() - 40 - app.MoveWebPage((sx, sy, ex, ey)) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - import app - import wndMgr - import systemSetting - import mouseModule - import grp - import ui - import uiToolTip - import locale - - app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE) - wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController) - wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - app.Create("METIN2", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1) - mouseModule.mouseController.Create() - - class TestGame(ui.Window): - def __init__(self): - ui.Window.__init__(self) - - locale.LoadLocaleData() - - self.mallWindow = WebWindow() - self.mallWindow.LoadWindow() - self.mallWindow.Open() - - def __del__(self): - ui.Window.__del__(self) - - def OnUpdate(self): - app.UpdateGame() - - def OnRender(self): - app.RenderGame() - grp.PopState() - grp.SetInterfaceRenderState() - - game = TestGame() - game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight()) - game.Show() - - app.Loop() diff --git a/bin_original/uiWhisper.py b/bin_original/uiWhisper.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3e236f22..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiWhisper.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,333 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import net -import chat -import player -import app -import locale -import ime -import chr - -class WhisperButton(ui.Button): - def __init__(self): - ui.Button.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") - - def __del__(self): - ui.Button.__del__(self) - - def SetToolTipText(self, text, x=0, y = 32): - ui.Button.SetToolTipText(self, text, x, y) - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def SetToolTipTextWithColor(self, text, color, x=0, y = 32): - ui.Button.SetToolTipText(self, text, x, y) - self.ToolTipText.SetPackedFontColor(color) - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def ShowToolTip(self): - if 0 != self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Show() - - def HideToolTip(self): - if 0 != self.ToolTipText: - self.ToolTipText.Show() - -class WhisperDialog(ui.ScriptWindow): - - class TextRenderer(ui.Window): - def SetTargetName(self, targetName): - self.targetName = targetName - - def OnRender(self): - (x, y) = self.GetGlobalPosition() - chat.RenderWhisper(self.targetName, x, y) - - class ResizeButton(ui.DragButton): - - def __init__(self): - ui.DragButton.__init__(self) - - def __del__(self): - ui.DragButton.__del__(self) - - def OnMouseOverIn(self): - app.SetCursor(app.HVSIZE) - - def OnMouseOverOut(self): - app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL) - - def __init__(self, eventMinimize, eventClose): - print "NEW WHISPER DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - self.targetName = "" - self.eventMinimize = eventMinimize - self.eventClose = eventClose - self.eventAcceptTarget = None - def __del__(self): - print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE WHISPER DIALOG" - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadDialog(self): - try: - pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/WhisperDialog.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WhisperDialog.LoadDialog.LoadScript") - - try: - GetObject=self.GetChild - self.titleName = GetObject("titlename") - self.titleNameEdit = GetObject("titlename_edit") - self.closeButton = GetObject("closebutton") - self.scrollBar = GetObject("scrollbar") - self.chatLine = GetObject("chatline") - self.minimizeButton = GetObject("minimizebutton") - self.ignoreButton = GetObject("ignorebutton") - self.reportViolentWhisperButton = GetObject("reportviolentwhisperbutton") - self.acceptButton = GetObject("acceptbutton") - self.sendButton = GetObject("sendbutton") - self.board = GetObject("board") - self.editBar = GetObject("editbar") - self.gamemasterMark = GetObject("gamemastermark") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("DialogWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.gamemasterMark.Hide() - self.titleName.SetText("") - self.titleNameEdit.SetText("") - self.minimizeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Minimize)) - self.closeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.scrollBar.SetPos(1.0) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnScroll)) - self.chatLine.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SendWhisper)) - self.chatLine.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Minimize)) - self.chatLine.SetMultiLine() - self.sendButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SendWhisper)) - self.titleNameEdit.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptTarget)) - self.titleNameEdit.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.ignoreButton.SetToggleDownEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IgnoreTarget)) - self.ignoreButton.SetToggleUpEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.IgnoreTarget)) - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ReportViolentWhisper)) - self.acceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.AcceptTarget)) - - self.textRenderer = self.TextRenderer() - self.textRenderer.SetParent(self) - self.textRenderer.SetPosition(20, 28) - self.textRenderer.SetTargetName("") - self.textRenderer.Show() - - self.resizeButton = self.ResizeButton() - self.resizeButton.SetParent(self) - self.resizeButton.SetSize(20, 20) - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(280, 180) - self.resizeButton.SetMoveEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ResizeWhisperDialog)) - self.resizeButton.Show() - - self.ResizeWhisperDialog() - - def Destroy(self): - - self.eventMinimize = None - self.eventClose = None - self.eventAcceptTarget = None - - self.ClearDictionary() - self.scrollBar.Destroy() - self.titleName = None - self.titleNameEdit = None - self.closeButton = None - self.scrollBar = None - self.chatLine = None - self.sendButton = None - self.ignoreButton = None - self.reportViolentWhisperButton = None - self.acceptButton = None - self.minimizeButton = None - self.textRenderer = None - self.board = None - self.editBar = None - self.resizeButton = None - - def ResizeWhisperDialog(self): - (xPos, yPos) = self.resizeButton.GetLocalPosition() - if xPos < 280: - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(280, yPos) - return - if yPos < 150: - self.resizeButton.SetPosition(xPos, 150) - return - self.SetWhisperDialogSize(xPos + 20, yPos + 20) - - def SetWhisperDialogSize(self, width, height): - try: - - max = int((width-90)/6) * 3 - 6 - - self.board.SetSize(width, height) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25, 35) - self.scrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(height-100) - self.scrollBar.SetPos(1.0) - self.editBar.SetSize(width-18, 50) - self.chatLine.SetSize(width-90, 40) - self.chatLine.SetLimitWidth(width-90) - self.SetSize(width, height) - - if 0 != self.targetName: - chat.SetWhisperBoxSize(self.targetName, width - 50, height - 90) - - if locale.IsARABIC(): - self.textRenderer.SetPosition(width-20, 28) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25+self.scrollBar.GetWidth(), 35) - self.editBar.SetPosition(10 + self.editBar.GetWidth(), height-60) - self.sendButton.SetPosition(width - 80 + self.sendButton.GetWidth(), 10) - self.minimizeButton.SetPosition(width-42 + self.minimizeButton.GetWidth(), 12) - self.closeButton.SetPosition(width-24+self.closeButton.GetWidth(), 12) - self.chatLine.SetPosition(5 + self.chatLine.GetWidth(), 5) - self.board.SetPosition(self.board.GetWidth(), 0) - else: - self.textRenderer.SetPosition(20, 28) - self.scrollBar.SetPosition(width-25, 35) - self.editBar.SetPosition(10, height-60) - self.sendButton.SetPosition(width-80, 10) - self.minimizeButton.SetPosition(width-42, 12) - self.closeButton.SetPosition(width-24, 12) - - self.SetChatLineMax(max) - - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("WhisperDialog.SetWhisperDialogSize.BindObject") - - def SetChatLineMax(self, max): - self.chatLine.SetMax(max) - - from grpText import GetSplitingTextLine - - text = self.chatLine.GetText() - if text: - self.chatLine.SetText(GetSplitingTextLine(text, max, 0)) - - def OpenWithTarget(self, targetName): - chat.CreateWhisper(targetName) - chat.SetWhisperBoxSize(targetName, self.GetWidth() - 60, self.GetHeight() - 90) - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - self.titleName.SetText(targetName) - self.targetName = targetName - self.textRenderer.SetTargetName(targetName) - self.titleNameEdit.Hide() - self.ignoreButton.Hide() - if app.IsDevStage(): - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Show() - else: - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() - self.acceptButton.Hide() - self.gamemasterMark.Hide() - self.minimizeButton.Show() - - def OpenWithoutTarget(self, event): - self.eventAcceptTarget = event - self.titleName.SetText("") - self.titleNameEdit.SetText("") - self.titleNameEdit.SetFocus() - self.targetName = 0 - self.titleNameEdit.Show() - self.ignoreButton.Hide() - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() - self.acceptButton.Show() - self.minimizeButton.Hide() - self.gamemasterMark.Hide() - - def SetGameMasterLook(self): - self.gamemasterMark.Show() - self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() - - def Minimize(self): - self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - if None != self.eventMinimize: - self.eventMinimize(self.targetName) - - def Close(self): - chat.ClearWhisper(self.targetName) - self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() - self.chatLine.KillFocus() - self.Hide() - - if None != self.eventClose: - self.eventClose(self.targetName) - - def ReportViolentWhisper(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/reportviolentwhisper " + self.targetName) - - def IgnoreTarget(self): - net.SendChatPacket("/ignore " + self.targetName) - - def AcceptTarget(self): - name = self.titleNameEdit.GetText() - if len(name) <= 0: - self.Close() - return - - if None != self.eventAcceptTarget: - self.titleNameEdit.KillFocus() - self.eventAcceptTarget(name) - - def OnScroll(self): - chat.SetWhisperPosition(self.targetName, self.scrollBar.GetPos()) - - def SendWhisper(self): - - text = self.chatLine.GetText() - textLength = len(text) - - if textLength > 0: - if net.IsInsultIn(text): - chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) - return - - net.SendWhisperPacket(self.targetName, text) - self.chatLine.SetText("") - - chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_CHAT, self.targetName, player.GetName() + " : " + text) - - def OnTop(self): - self.chatLine.SetFocus() - - def BindInterface(self, interface): - self.interface = interface - - def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): - hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink() - if hyperlink: - if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT): - link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink) - ime.PasteString(link) - else: - self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink) - -if "__main__" == __name__: - import uiTest - - class TestApp(uiTest.App): - def OnInit(self): - wnd = WhisperDialog(self.OnMax, self.OnMin) - wnd.LoadDialog() - wnd.OpenWithoutTarget(self.OnNew) - wnd.SetPosition(0, 0) - wnd.Show() - - self.wnd = wnd - - def OnMax(self): - pass - - def OnMin(self): - pass - - def OnNew(self): - pass - - TestApp().MainLoop() diff --git a/bin_original/uiselectitem.py b/bin_original/uiselectitem.py deleted file mode 100644 index cfebb628..00000000 --- a/bin_original/uiselectitem.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -import ui -import player -import item -import wndMgr -import net - -class SelectItemWindow(ui.ScriptWindow): - - def __init__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self) - - self.tooltipItem = None - self.inventorySlotPosDict = {} - - self.LoadWindow() - - def __del__(self): - ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self) - - def LoadWindow(self): - try: - PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader() - PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/selectitemwindow.py") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ItemSelectWindow.LoadDialog.LoadObject") - - try: - GetObject = self.GetChild - self.board = GetObject("board") - self.titleBar = GetObject("TitleBar") - self.itemSlot = GetObject("ItemSlot") - self.btnExit = GetObject("ExitButton") - except: - import exception - exception.Abort("ItemSelectWindow.LoadDialog.BindObject") - - self.titleBar.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.btnExit.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close)) - self.itemSlot.SetSlotStyle(wndMgr.SLOT_STYLE_NONE) - self.itemSlot.SAFE_SetButtonEvent("LEFT", "EXIST", self.SelectItemSlot) - self.itemSlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem)) - self.itemSlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem)) - - def Open(self): - self.RefreshSlot() - self.Show() - - def Close(self): - wndMgr.OnceIgnoreMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - net.SendSelectItemPacket(0) - self.Hide() - - def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem): - self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem - - def SelectItemSlot(self, slotPos): - wndMgr.OnceIgnoreMouseLeftButtonUpEvent() - inventorySlotPos = self.inventorySlotPosDict[slotPos] - net.SendSelectItemPacket(inventorySlotPos) - self.Hide() - - def SetTableSize(self, size): - - SLOT_X_COUNT = 5 - self.itemSlot.ArrangeSlot(0, SLOT_X_COUNT, size, 32, 32, 0, 0) - self.itemSlot.RefreshSlot() - self.itemSlot.SetSlotBaseImage("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - - self.board.SetSize(self.board.GetWidth(), 76 + 32*size) - self.SetSize(self.board.GetWidth(), 76 + 32*size) - self.UpdateRect() - - def RefreshSlot(self): - - slotPos = 0 - self.inventorySlotPosDict = {} - - getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex - getItemCount=player.GetItemCount - setItemVNum=self.itemSlot.SetItemSlot - - for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*2): - slotNumber = i - - itemVNum = getItemVNum(slotNumber) - if 0 == itemVNum: - continue - - if not item.IsMetin(itemVNum): - continue - - itemGrade = player.GetItemGrade(slotNumber) - if itemGrade > 2: - continue - - self.inventorySlotPosDict[slotPos] = i - - slotPos += 1 - - if slotPos > 54: - break - - itemCount = len(self.inventorySlotPosDict) - if itemCount < 15: - self.SetTableSize(3) - - else: - lineCount = 3 - lineCount += (itemCount - 15) / 5 - if itemCount % 5: - lineCount += 1 - self.SetTableSize(lineCount) - - for selectWndPos, inventoryPos in self.inventorySlotPosDict.items(): - itemVNum = getItemVNum(inventoryPos) - itemCount = getItemCount(inventoryPos) - - if itemCount <= 1: - itemCount = 0 - - setItemVNum(selectWndPos, itemVNum, itemCount) - - self.itemSlot.RefreshSlot() - - def OverOutItem(self): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip() - - def OverInItem(self, slotIndex): - if None != self.tooltipItem: - inventorySlotPos = self.inventorySlotPosDict[slotIndex] - self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(inventorySlotPos) - diff --git a/bin_original/warrior_m.msm b/bin_original/warrior_m.msm deleted file mode 100644 index f2a444c1..00000000 --- a/bin_original/warrior_m.msm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1329 +0,0 @@ -ScriptType RaceDataScript - -BaseModelFileName "d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_novice.GR2" - -Group HairData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - - HairDataCount 56 - Group HairData00 - { - HairIndex 0 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01.dds" - } - Group HairData01 - { - HairIndex 1 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_white.dds" - } - Group HairData02 - { - HairIndex 2 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_gold.dds" - } - Group HairData03 - { - HairIndex 3 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_red.dds" - } - Group HairData04 - { - HairIndex 4 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_brown.dds" - } - Group HairData05 - { - HairIndex 5 - Model "hair/hair_1_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_1_1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_hair_01_black.dds" - } - Group HairData06 - { - HairIndex 1001 - Model "hair/hair_2_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_1.dds" - } - Group HairData07 - { - HairIndex 1002 - Model "hair/hair_2_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_2.dds" - } - Group HairData08 - { - HairIndex 1003 - Model "hair/hair_2_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_3.dds" - } - Group HairData09 - { - HairIndex 1004 - Model "hair/hair_2_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_2_4.dds" - } - Group HairData10 - { - HairIndex 1005 - Model "hair/hair_3_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_1.dds" - } - Group HairData11 - { - HairIndex 1006 - Model "hair/hair_3_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_2.dds" - } - Group HairData12 - { - HairIndex 1007 - Model "hair/hair_3_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_3.dds" - } - Group HairData13 - { - HairIndex 1008 - Model "hair/hair_3_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_3_4.dds" - } - Group HairData14 - { - HairIndex 1009 - Model "hair/hair_4_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_1.dds" - } - Group HairData15 - { - HairIndex 1010 - Model "hair/hair_4_2.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_2.dds" - } - Group HairData16 - { - HairIndex 1011 - Model "hair/hair_4_3.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_3.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_3.dds" - } - Group HairData17 - { - HairIndex 1012 - Model "hair/hair_4_4.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_4_4.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_4_4.dds" - } - Group HairData18 - { - HairIndex 1013 - Model "hair/hair_6_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_6_1.dds" - } - Group HairData19 - { - HairIndex 1014 - Model "hair/hair_5_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_5_1.dds" - } - Group HairData20 - { - HairIndex 1015 - Model "hair/hair_7_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_7_1.dds" - } - Group HairData21 - { - HairIndex 1016 - Model "hair/hair_8_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_8_1.dds" - } - Group HairData22 - { - HairIndex 1017 - Model "hair/hair_9_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_9_1.dds" - } - Group HairData23 - { - HairIndex 1018 - Model "hair/hair_10_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_10_1.dds" - } - Group HairData24 - { - HairIndex 5001 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - } - Group HairData25 - { - HairIndex 5002 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - } - Group HairData26 - { - HairIndex 5005 - Model "hair/hair_15_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_15_1.dds" - } - Group HairData27 - { - HairIndex 5003 - Model "hair/hair_16_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_16_1.dds" - } - Group HairData28 - { - HairIndex 5004 - Model "hair/hair_17_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - } - Group HairData29 - { - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData30 - { - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData31 - { - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData32 - { - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData33 - { - HairIndex 5028 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_3.dds" - } - Group HairData34 - { - HairIndex 5029 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_2.dds" - } - Group HairData35 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData36 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData37 - { - HairIndex 5033 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData38 - { - HairIndex 5035 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData39 - { - HairIndex 5037 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData40 - { - HairIndex 5039 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData41 - { - HairIndex 5041 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData42 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData43 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData44 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5047 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_4.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5048 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_5.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5049 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5050 - Model "hair/hair_28_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_28_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5051 - Model "hair/hair_29_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_29_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5052 - Model "hair/hair_30_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_30_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5053 - Model "hair/hair_31_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_31_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5054 - Model "hair/hair_32_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_32_1.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5055 - Model "hair/hair_14_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_14_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_14_2.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5057 - Model "hair/hair_33_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_33_1.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5059 - Model "hair/hair_34_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_34_1.dds" - } -} - -Group ShapeData -{ - PathName "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - - ShapeDataCount 112 - Group ShapeData00 - { - ShapeIndex 0 - - Model "warrior_novice.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - } - Group ShapeData01 - { - ShapeIndex 1 - Model "warrior_novice.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_novice_red.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_novice_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData02 - { - ShapeIndex 3 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_giryung.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jaho.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_moryong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_geumrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "warrior_yongsin.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model "wild_boar.gr2" - SourceSkin "wild_boar.dds" - } - Group ShapeData13 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/bear/" - - ShapeIndex 102 - Model "bear.gr2" - SourceSkin "bear.dds" - } - Group ShapeData14 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/tiger/" - - ShapeIndex 103 - Model "tiger.gr2" - SourceSkin "tiger.dds" - } - Group ShapeData15 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/" - 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SourceSkin "hair/hair_17_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_17_9.dds" - } - Group HairData45 - { - HairIndex 5027 - Model "hair/hair_20_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_20_1.dds" - } - Group HairData46 - { - HairIndex 5023 - Model "hair/hair_13_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_13_1.dds" - } - Group HairData47 - { - HairIndex 5024 - Model "hair/hair_18_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_18_1.dds" - } - Group HairData48 - { - HairIndex 5025 - Model "hair/hair_19_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_19_1.dds" - } - Group HairData49 - { - HairIndex 5030 - Model "hair/hair_22_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_22_1.dds" - } - Group HairData50 - { - HairIndex 5031 - Model "hair/hair_23_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_23_1.dds" - } - Group HairData51 - { - HairIndex 5034 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - } - Group HairData52 - { - HairIndex 5036 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_2.dds" - } - Group HairData53 - { - HairIndex 5038 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_3.dds" - } - Group HairData54 - { - HairIndex 5040 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_4.dds" - } - Group HairData55 - { - HairIndex 5042 - Model "hair/hair_24_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_24_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_24_5.dds" - } - Group HairData56 - { - HairIndex 5026 - Model "hair/hair_21_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_21_1.dds" - } - Group HairData57 - { - HairIndex 5045 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_2.dds" - } - Group HairData58 - { - HairIndex 5046 - Model "hair/hair_11_1.gr2" - SourceSkin "hair/hair_11_1.dds" - TargetSkin "hair/hair_11_3.dds" - 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TargetSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - } - Group ShapeData03 - { - ShapeIndex 4 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_giryung.dds" - } - Group ShapeData04 - { - ShapeIndex 5 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jaho.dds" - } - Group ShapeData05 - { - ShapeIndex 6 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - - } - Group ShapeData06 - { - ShapeIndex 7 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jain.dds" - } - Group ShapeData07 - { - ShapeIndex 8 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_moryong.dds" - } - Group ShapeData08 - { - ShapeIndex 9 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData09 - { - ShapeIndex 10 - Model "warrior_cheongrin.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_cheongrin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_geumrin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData10 - { - ShapeIndex 11 - Model "warrior_yongsin.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_yongsin.dds" - } - Group ShapeData11 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wolf/" - - ShapeIndex 100 - Model "wolf.gr2" - SourceSkin "wolf.dds" - } - Group ShapeData12 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/wild_boar/" - - ShapeIndex 101 - Model "wild_boar.gr2" - SourceSkin "wild_boar.dds" - } - Group ShapeData13 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/bear/" - - ShapeIndex 102 - Model "bear.gr2" - SourceSkin "bear.dds" - } - Group ShapeData14 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir work/monster/tiger/" - - ShapeIndex 103 - Model "tiger.gr2" - SourceSkin "tiger.dds" - } - Group ShapeData15 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 201 - Model "warrior_marry_01.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_marry_01.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_marry_01.dds" - } - Group ShapeData16 - { - ShapeIndex 12 - Model "warrior_4-1.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_4-1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_4-1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData17 - { - ShapeIndex 24 - Model "warrior_lord.GR2" - SourceSkin "warrior_king01.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_king01.dds" - } - - - Group ShapeData18 - { - ShapeIndex 14 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_1-1_nahan_a.dds" - } - - Group ShapeData19 - { - ShapeIndex 15 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_giryung_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData20 - { - ShapeIndex 16 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jaho_a.dds" - } - - Group ShapeData21 - { - ShapeIndex 17 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_saja_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData22 - { - ShapeIndex 18 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_jain_a.dds" - } - Group ShapeData23 - { - ShapeIndex 19 - Model "warrior_saja.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_saja.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_2-3_moryong_a.DDS" - } - Group ShapeData24 - 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TargetSkin "warrior_event1_blue.dds" - } - Group ShapeData31 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 30 - Model "warrior_nahan.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_nahan.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_costume1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData32 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40031 - Model "warrior_rabbit1.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_rabbit1.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_rabbit1.dds" - } - Group ShapeData33 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40033 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData34 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40034 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData35 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40035 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData36 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40036 - Model "warrior_fencing1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_fencing1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_fencing1_Brazil.dds" - } - Group ShapeData37 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40037 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_London.dds" - } - Group ShapeData38 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40038 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - } - Group ShapeData39 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40039 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - SourceSkin "warrior_soccer1_Germany.dds" - TargetSkin "warrior_soccer1_Turkey.dds" - } - Group ShapeData40 - { - SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc2/warrior/" - - ShapeIndex 40040 - Model "warrior_soccer1_Germany.gr2" - 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