#ifndef __TERRAIn_TYPES__ #define __TERRAIn_TYPES__ #include "../eterlib/GrpVertexBuffer.h" #include "../eterlib/GrpIndexBuffer.h" #define TERRAIN_PATCHSIZE 16 #define TERRAIN_SIZE 128 #define TERRAIN_PATCHCOUNT TERRAIN_SIZE/TERRAIN_PATCHSIZE #define MAXTERRAINTEXTURES 256 typedef struct { long Active; long NeedsUpdate; LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pd3dTexture; } TTerainSplat; typedef struct { DWORD TileCount[MAXTERRAINTEXTURES]; DWORD PatchTileCount[TERRAIN_PATCHCOUNT*TERRAIN_PATCHCOUNT][MAXTERRAINTEXTURES]; TTerainSplat Splats[MAXTERRAINTEXTURES]; bool m_bNeedsUpdate; } TTerrainSplatPatch; typedef struct { char used; short mat; CGraphicVertexBuffer vb; CGraphicIndexBuffer ib; long VertexSize; short NumIndices; float minx, maxx; float miny, maxy; float minz, maxz; } TERRAIN_VBUFFER; typedef struct { char name[19]; float ambi_r, ambi_g, ambi_b, ambi_a; /* Ambient Color */ float diff_r, diff_g, diff_b, diff_a; /* Diffuse Color */ float spec_r, spec_g, spec_b, spec_a; /* Specular Color */ float spec_power; /* Specular power */ } PR_MATERIAL; typedef struct { /* Public Settings */ float PageUVLength; long SquaresPerTexture; /* Heightfield squares per texture (128 texels) */ long SplatTilesX; /* Number of splat textures across map */ long SplatTilesY; /* Number of splat textures down map */ long DisableWrapping; long DisableShadow; long ShadowMode; long OutsideVisible; D3DXVECTOR3 SunLocation; } TTerrainGlobals; /* Converts a floating point number to an integer by truncation, using the FISTP instruction */ #define PR_FLOAT_TO_INTASM __asm \ { \ __asm fld PR_FCNV \ __asm fistp PR_ICNV \ } #define PR_FLOAT_TO_FIXED(inreal, outint) \ { \ PR_FCNV = (inreal) * 65536.0f; \ PR_FLOAT_TO_INTASM; \ (outint) = PR_ICNV; \ } #define PR_FLOAT_TO_INT(inreal, outint) \ { \ PR_FCNV = (inreal); \ PR_FLOAT_TO_INTASM; \ (outint) = PR_ICNV > PR_FCNV ? PR_ICNV - 1 : PR_ICNV; \ } #define PR_FLOAT_ADD_TO_INT(inreal, outint) \ { \ PR_FCNV = (inreal); \ PR_FLOAT_TO_INTASM; \ (outint) += PR_ICNV; \ } #endif //__TERRAIn_TYPES__