#ifndef AFX_IMAGE_DXTC_H__4B89D8D0_7857_11D4_9630_00A0C996DE3D__INCLUDED_ #define AFX_IMAGE_DXTC_H__4B89D8D0_7857_11D4_9630_00A0C996DE3D__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include enum EPixFormat { PF_ARGB, PF_DXT1, PF_DXT2, PF_DXT3, PF_DXT4, PF_DXT5, PF_UNKNOWN }; #define MAX_MIPLEVELS 12 #ifndef DUMMYUNIONNAMEN #if defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(NONAMELESSUNION) #define DUMMYUNIONNAMEN(n) #else #define DUMMYUNIONNAMEN(n) u##n #endif #endif typedef struct _XDDPIXELFORMAT { DWORD dwSize; // size of structure DWORD dwFlags; // pixel format flags DWORD dwFourCC; // (FOURCC code) union { DWORD dwRGBBitCount; // how many bits per pixel DWORD dwYUVBitCount; // how many bits per pixel DWORD dwZBufferBitDepth; // how many total bits/pixel in z buffer (including any stencil bits) DWORD dwAlphaBitDepth; // how many bits for alpha channels DWORD dwLuminanceBitCount; // how many bits per pixel DWORD dwBumpBitCount; // how many bits per "buxel", total DWORD dwPrivateFormatBitCount;// Bits per pixel of private driver formats. Only valid in texture // format list and if DDPF_D3DFORMAT is set } DUMMYUNIONNAMEN(1); union { DWORD dwRBitMask; // mask for red bit DWORD dwYBitMask; // mask for Y bits DWORD dwStencilBitDepth; // how many stencil bits (note: dwZBufferBitDepth-dwStencilBitDepth is total Z-only bits) DWORD dwLuminanceBitMask; // mask for luminance bits DWORD dwBumpDuBitMask; // mask for bump map U delta bits DWORD dwOperations; // DDPF_D3DFORMAT Operations } DUMMYUNIONNAMEN(2); union { DWORD dwGBitMask; // mask for green bits DWORD dwUBitMask; // mask for U bits DWORD dwZBitMask; // mask for Z bits DWORD dwBumpDvBitMask; // mask for bump map V delta bits struct { WORD wFlipMSTypes; // Multisample methods supported via flip for this D3DFORMAT WORD wBltMSTypes; // Multisample methods supported via blt for this D3DFORMAT } MultiSampleCaps; } DUMMYUNIONNAMEN(3); union { DWORD dwBBitMask; // mask for blue bits DWORD dwVBitMask; // mask for V bits DWORD dwStencilBitMask; // mask for stencil bits DWORD dwBumpLuminanceBitMask; // mask for luminance in bump map } DUMMYUNIONNAMEN(4); union { DWORD dwRGBAlphaBitMask; // mask for alpha channel DWORD dwYUVAlphaBitMask; // mask for alpha channel DWORD dwLuminanceAlphaBitMask;// mask for alpha channel DWORD dwRGBZBitMask; // mask for Z channel DWORD dwYUVZBitMask; // mask for Z channel } DUMMYUNIONNAMEN(5); } XDDPIXELFORMAT; class CDXTCImage { public: CDXTCImage(); virtual ~CDXTCImage(); void Initialize(); void Clear(); public: const BYTE * m_pbCompBufferByLevels[MAX_MIPLEVELS]; std::vector m_bCompVector[MAX_MIPLEVELS]; int m_nCompSize; int m_nCompLineSz; char m_strFormat[32]; EPixFormat m_CompFormat; long m_lPitch; DWORD m_dwMipMapCount; bool m_bMipTexture; // texture has mipmaps? DWORD m_dwFlags; int m_nWidth; // in pixels of uncompressed image int m_nHeight; XDDPIXELFORMAT m_xddPixelFormat; bool LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap, int iSize); bool Copy(int miplevel, BYTE * pbDest, long lDestPitch); void Decompress(int miplevel, DWORD * pdwDest); void DecompressDXT1(int miplevel, DWORD * pdwDest); void DecompressDXT3(int miplevel, DWORD * pdwDest); void DecompressDXT5(int miplevel, DWORD * pdwDest); void DecompressARGB(int miplevel, DWORD * pdwDest); VOID DecodePixelFormat(CHAR* strPixelFormat, XDDPIXELFORMAT* pddpf); void Unextract(BYTE * pbDest, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iPitch); }; #endif // #ifndef AFX_IMAGE_DXTC_H__4B89D8D0_7857_11D4_9630_00A0C996DE3D__INCLUDED_