1	WARRIOR	Frenzy	Devine Frenzy	Rampage	Enter a enraged state,|running and hitting all|opponents in your way at a greatly increased speed	Attack opponents in the front continuously for three times 				ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	samyeon	1	4			Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	(1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3	(1.1*MaxATK + (0.1*MaxATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3				
2	WARRIOR	Whirlwind	Sunder Whirlwind	Warpath Whirlwind	Causes a bladestorm,|damaging everything in|your way with an|uninterruptible attack	Attacking enimies in your war while moving forward				ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	palbang	2	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint	3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + STR*6 + DEX*2 + CON) * SkillPoint				
3	WARRIOR	Berserk	Bloodraged Berserk	Berserkers Call	Sacrifices your life to|go into a rage and deal|massive damage to your|enemy	Increase attack speed	Increase speed of movement	Damage Taken		STANDING_SKILL		jeongwi	3	4			Attack Speed +%.0f%%	50 * SkillPoint			Attack Speed +%.0f%%	Moving Speed +%.0f%%	20 * SkillPoint
4	WARRIOR	Heroic Strike	Spirit Strike	Desolate Strike	Call on the power of the 8 Blademasters enchant|your weapon with their|power and strike down|your opponent	Only affective in Melee				STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	geomgyeong	4	4			Attack Power +%.0f	(100 + STR) * SkillPoint					
5	WARRIOR	Charging	Terrifying Charge	Ultimate Charge	Fixes your sight on an|enemy and accelerates|towards it, as you|increase speed	Assault scope attack				ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	tanhwan	5	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	2*MinATK + (MinATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint	2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 3*DEX + 7*STR + CON)*SkillPoint				
16	WARRIOR	Slash	Power Slash	Ultimate Slash	Focus your attack power|into a half-moon shaped|slash	Attack opponents in the front				ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	gigongcham	16	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint	2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + 4*STR + CON)*SkillPoint				
17	WARRIOR	Leap	Grasshopper Leap	Untimate Grasshopper Leap	Perform a high jump|attack, decrease enemies|defense temporary	Attacking opponents in a straight line				ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	gyeoksan	17	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint	2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 4*STR + 3*CON)*SkillPoint				
18	WARRIOR	Stomp	Hoof Stomp	Echo Stomp	Knock down enemies around you using Chi	Attack opponents at your standing position	Have certain chance to faint your opponent			ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL		daejin	18	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint	2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + 2*DEX + 2*CON + 4*STR)*SkillPoint	Chance to Faint %.0f%%	(100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10
19	WARRIOR	Might	Warlords Might	Might of the Beast King	A defensive combat stance, increase defense|instantly	Increase defense rate	Decrease the speed of movement			STANDING_SKILL		cheongeun	19	4			AC : +%.0f	7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.4*con)*k		Moving Speed : -%.0f	1 + 9*SkillPoint
20	WARRIOR	Fury	Fury Swipes	Ultimate Fury	Causes a bladestorm of|destructive force through your weapon	Range attack	Attack surrounding enemy target	faint effect	Knock back the opponent	ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED	geompung	20	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	2*minatk + (minatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k	2*maxatk + (maxatk + dex*3 + str*5 + con)*k	Chance to Faint %.0f	(100+k*1000/6)/10
31	ASSASSIN	Ghost Attack	Ghost Shadow	Phantom Demon	Begin to merge with the|shadows around, becoming|difficult to see 	Increase attack power when there is sneak attack from behind	Increase when you gain stealth			ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD	amseup	1	4			Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	minatk + (1.2 * minatk + 500 + dex*12)*k	maxatk + (1.2 * maxatk + 700 + dex*12)*k				
32	ASSASSIN	Rapid Charge	Swift Charge	Charge of The Darkness	Increase moving speed|instantly, charge and|attack the selected enemy	Instant attack 	Increase when you gain stealth			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD	gungsin	2	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	(minatk + (1.6* minatk + 200 + dex*7 + str*7)*k)	(maxatk + (1.6* maxatk + 300 + dex*7 + str*7)*k)				
33	ASSASSIN	Getaway	Flee	Great Escape	Spin knocking back all|enemies around you making|it possible to flee	Attacking opponents around you while escaping 	Continuously with poison attack			ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION	DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD	charyun	3	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k	2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*9 + str*7)*k	Chance to Poison %.0f%%	1 + 4*k
34	ASSASSIN	Stealth	Shadow Strike	Silent as a Shadow	Allows to sneak around,|increase backstab attack|power	Cancelled when you start to attack				STANDING_SKILL		eunhyeong	4	4			Damage Increased : +%.0f%%	50 * SkillPoint					
35	ASSASSIN	Poison Nova	Poison Viper	Poison Shadow	Creates a ring of noxious poison that damages|enemy units	Range attack	Attack surrounding enemy target	Continuously with poison attack		ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		sangong	5	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	lv*2+(minatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k	lv*2+(maxatk + str*3 + dex*18)*k	Chance to Poison %.0f%%	40*k
46	ASSASSIN	Begone	Assassinate	Eliminate	Focus attack on one|opponent and attack at|rapid speeds	Range attack	Attack repeatedly			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW	yeonsa	16	4		2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint)	Total Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+dex*8*ar) *k	maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(2+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+dex*8*ar) *k	Shoot %.0f arrows	2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint)
47	ASSASSIN	Multi-Shot	Greater Multi-Shot	Ultimate Multi-Shot	Multi-Shot splits one|arrow into many attacking|all opponents in your|attack range	Range attack	Attack multiple targets			ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW	gwangyeok	17	4	2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint)		Attack Power %.0f-%0.f	minatk + (1.7*minatk + 100 + dex*2 + str*2)*k	maxatk + (1.7*maxatk + 300 + dex*2 + str*2)*k	Attack max %.0f	2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint)
48	ASSASSIN	Flame Arrow	Blazing Arrow	Pulsating Flame Arrow	Fires an arrow to a|location with deadly|precision, dealing|immense firedamage	Range attack				ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW	hwajo	18	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	1.5*minatk + (2.6*minatk + 100 )*k	1.5*maxatk + (2.6*maxatk + 300 )*k				
49	ASSASSIN	Dance with Wind	Swiftness	Light as a Feather	Invite the power of wind into the body increasing movement	Increase speed of movement				STANDING_SKILL		gyeonggong	19	4			Movement Speed : +%.0f	60*SkillPoint					
50	ASSASSIN	Posion Arrow	Snake Venom	Serpent Sting	Stings your opponent with posioned arrows causing poison damage over time	Range attack	Attack surrounding enemy target	Knock back the opponent	Continuously with poison attack	ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW	gigung	20	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	minatk + (1.2*minatk + 100 + dex*6 + str*2)*k	maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 200 + dex*6 + str*2)*k	Chance to Poison %.0f%%	80*k
61	SURA	Rupture	Demonic Rupture	Flame of Death	A wave of fire that|ripples out from Sura's|inverse, causing damage|all around him	Attack opponents in the front	Ignore opponent's defense rate	Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done		ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET		swaeryeong	1	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k	maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*4 + iq*14) * k	Chance to ignore opponent's defense %.0f%%	1 + 9*SkillPoint
62	SURA	Dark Twister	Dark Cyclone	Tornados of Dark Lord	Calls tornados using dark power, dealing massive|damage to nearby enemies	Attack opponents at your standing position	Ignore dodge	Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done		ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL		yonggwon	2	4			Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	1.1 * minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + str + iq*12) * k	1.1 * maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + str + iq*12) * k	Chance to ignore opponent's dodge %.0f%%	1 + 9*SkillPoint
63	SURA	Aura of Sword	Dark Blade	Demonize Blade	Enchant the sword with|evil power, increase|attack power	Only effective in melee	Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done	Drink life attack		STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD	gwigeom	3	4			Attack Power +%.1f	7 + (5*iq+13)*k		Damage %.0f%% is absorbed to HP	10*k
64	SURA	Fear	Terror	Scream of Pain	Strikes fear into your|enemy causing it to be|unable to use abilities|temperate	Decrease opponent's attack power 	Increase the chance for opponent to fail when attack	Effective when there is damage done		STANDING_SKILL		gongpo	4	4			Opponent's Attack Power -%.0f%%	5 + 20*SkillPoint	Chance to ignore opponent's damage %.0f%%	1 + 29*SkillPoint
65	SURA	Aphonic	Aphonic Shield	Aphonic Armor	Summons dark energies|around you, creating a|shield that absorbs a set|amount of damage	Reflect damage when there is damage done	Increase defense	Increase in intelligent can increase the damage done		STANDING_SKILL		jumagap	5	4			AC +%.0f	(iq+30)*k		Chance to reflect physical attack %.0f%%	(iq/4+10)*k
66	SURA	Remove Magic	Dispel Magic	Purge Magic	Casts a powerful|anti-magic buff at a|target enemy unit. Remove their|beneficial buffs	Range attack	Attack surrounding enemy target	Remove buff from the enemy target		ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		pabeop	6	4			Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k	40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k	Chance to purge %.0f%%	50*k
76	SURA	Bloodrage	Demon Spirits	Demonrage	Unleashes evil spirits|to attack your enemies	Range attack	Attack opponent's surrounding area			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		maryeong	16	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*minmtk + 50 )*ar*k	40 +5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100 )*ar*k				
77	SURA	Dark Fire	Death Pulse	Pulsating Dragon Breath	Unleashes a line of|pulsing flame, burning|all nearby enemies	Attack opponents at your standing point	Fire attack			ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL		hwayeom	17	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180 )*k	5*lv + 2*iq + (20*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200 )*k				
78	SURA	Ritual of Doom	Minor Ritual of Doom	Ultimate Ritual of Doom	Summon an evil spirit|that will protect you and attack all nearby|enemies	Range attack	Randomly attack the enemy target 	Attack surrounding enemy target		ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE		muyeong	18	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*minmtk + 200)*ar*k	30+ 2*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 6*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k				
79	SURA	Aphotic Shield	Dark Protection	Demon Shield	use demon blood to|protect you from all that is good, draining mana|instead of HP	MP will decrease instead of HP when there is damage done	Increase defense rate			STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE		heuksin	19	4			Chance decrease Opponent's damage %.0f%%	(iq*0.84)*k		AC +%.0f	(0.5*iq+15)*k
80	SURA	Entangle	Minor Entangle	ltimate Entanglement	unlease demon energy to your traget 	Range attack	Attack opponent's surround area	Decrease the speed of movement		ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		tusok	20	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k	40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 22*iq + 6*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k	Chance to Slow : %.1f%%	(333 + (300 * k))/10
81	SURA	Shadow Bolt	Death Coil	Black Hole	Sends a Dark hole suching the life force from your enemies	Range attack	Attack opponent's surrounding area			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		geomhwan	21	4			Magic Attack Power: %.0f-%.0f	120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k	120 + 6*lv + (5 * con + 5 * dex + 40*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k					
91	SHAMAN	Arc Thurnder	Thunder Storm	Thundergods Wrath	Call upon Thunder God|power, summoning a|concentrated burst of|Lightning damaging all|enemies around	Range attack	Attack surrounding enemy target			ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET		bipabu	1	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*minmwep+50)*ar*k	70 + 4*lv + (20*iq+5*maxmwep+50)*ar*k				
92	SHAMAN	Dragon Shadow	Dragon Void	Dragon Spirits	Summons dragon spirits|turns to dragon shades|attack nearby enemies	Attack in a straight line	Fire damage taken continuously 			ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		yongpa	2	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*minmwep+120)*ar*k	60 + 5*lv + (18*iq+6*maxmwep+120)*ar*k	Fire Duration %.0f%%	iq*0.2*k
93	SHAMAN	Dragon Shout	Dragon Roar	Scorched Dragon	A wave of the flame|radiates outward from the|dragon summoned, damaging|all enemies caught within|the blast for fire damage	Attack surround opponents at your standing position	Fire damage taken continuously			ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL		paeryong	3	4			Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*minmwep+100)*ar*k	70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*maxmwep+100)*ar*k	Fire Duration %.0f%%	iq*0.2*k
94	SHAMAN	Dragon Shield	Dragon Armor	Dragon Scale	Creates a thick dragon|armor shell around that|increases defense	Reduce physical damage taken	Only can use on friendly target			CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE		hosin	4	4			Physical Damage Resistance : %.1f%%	(iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5)					
95	SHAMAN	Reflect Damage	Back Fire	Ultimate Reflection	Shield yourself and|reflect enemies attack	Reflect physical damage taken	Only can use on friendly target			CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE		boho	5	4			Chance Reflect Physical Attack %.1f%%	5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k					
96	SHAMAN	Enchant Damage	Major Enchant Damage	Ultimate Enchant Damage	Temporary increase attack power	Critical Attack	Only can use on friendly target			CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE		gicheon	6	4			Chance to Critical Attack : %.1f%%	(iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5)					
106	SHAMAN	Lightning Lance	Spirit Lance	Lance of the Thunder God	Throws a magical lance at a target, slicing it with lighting damage	Range attack	Attack surrounding enemy target	Lighting damage done		ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		noejeon	16	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k	60 + 4*lv + (7*iq+8*maxmwep+iq*15)*ar*k				
107	SHAMAN	Lightning Strike	Static Field	Thunder and Lightning	Calls forth a cone of lightning, hitting multiple enemy units for damage	Range attack	Attack surrounding enemy target	Lighting damage done	faint effect	ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		byeorak	17	4			Magic Attack Power %.0f-%.0f	40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*minmwep+iq*5)*ar*k	40 + 4*lv + (13*iq+7*maxmwep+iq*16)*ar*k	Chance to Faint %.0f%%	(50+1000*k/6)/10
108	SHAMAN	Chain Lightning	Bolts of Lightning	Chaos Bolt	Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy that jumps to nearby enemies	Range attack	Lighting effect	Continuously damage taken to surrounding enemy targets 		ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET		pokroe	18	4			Magic Attack Power : %.0f-%.0f	(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmwep+1)*ar*k)	(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*ar*k)				
109	SHAMAN	Natures Blessings	Natures Grace	Natures Attendants	Gain power from the earth to recover HP rapidly	Recover HP	Re-normal	Only can use on friendly target		CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE		jeongeop	19	4			Restore HP %.0f-%.0f	200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmwep+600)*k	200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmwep+800)*k	Chance to re-normal %.0f%%	20+80*k
110	SHAMAN	Speed of Wind	Run with Wind	Faster than Wind	Invite the power of wind into body increasing movement	Increase the speed of movement 	Reduce the casting time	Only can use on friendly target		CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE		kwaesok	20	4			Movement Speed +%.0f%%	5 + (35 * k)		Casting Speed +%.0f%%		3+33*k
111	SHAMAN	Natures Enchantment	Major Natures Enchantment	Overgrowth	Increase attack power instantly	Increase general attack power	Only can use on friendly target			CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE		jeungryeok	21	4			Attack Power : +%.1f	5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k					
121	SUPPORT	Leadership			Increase manager|abilities and team|efficiency					PASSIVE		tongsol											
122	SUPPORT	Continuum			Increase the change of|attacking skills,|increase numbers of|attacks					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE		combo											
123	SUPPORT	Fishing			Increase fishing skill,|easy to catch more fish					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP		fishing											
124	SUPPORT	Mining			Increase mining skill,|easy to get better mine					PASSIVE		mining											
125	SUPPORT	Blacksmithing			Increase blacksmithing|skill, make more items					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE		making											
126	SUPPORT	Milgaard Language Book			Increase Milgaard|language understanding					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE		language1											
127	SUPPORT	Listhmos Language Book			Increase Listhmos|Language understanding					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE		language2											
128	SUPPORT	Dendera Language Book			Increase Dendera|Language understanding					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE		language3											
129	SUPPORT	Polymorph			Transform to different|forms with different|bonus stats					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE		polymorph											
130	SUPPORT	Riding			Riding Skills					CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE		riding											
131	SUPPORT	Summoning			Summon horse							summon											
137	HORSE	Wind chaser 			Attacking surrounding enemy targets when riding	Riding skill (lv 50)				ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|MOVING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|FAN|BELL	wildattack	121	1									
138	HORSE	Fling Charge			Knock back enemy target that block in the front	Riding skill (lv 52)				ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK		charge	122	1									
139	HORSE	Round Strike			Attacking surrounding enemy target	Riding skill (lv 55)				ATTACK_SKILL|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	SWORD|TWO_HANDED|DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|BOW|FAN|BELL	splash	123	1									
140	HORSE	Multi shoot			Shoot the enemy target that blocking in the front	Riding skill				ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION	BOW	wildattack	121	1	5								
151	GUILD	Dragon Spirit			Increase dragon spirit, can use guild skills better					PASSIVE		yongan						k * 1400					
152	GUILD	Dragon Blood			Temporary increase guild member max HP	Only can use during guild war				ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR		gaho	101	1			Increase Max HP +%.0f%%	k * 20					
153	GUILD	Dragon Lord			Temporary increase guild member max MP	Only can use during guild war				ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR		chukbok	102	1			Increase Max MP +%.0f%%	k * 20					
154	GUILD	Dragon Bless			Temporary increase guild members defense	Only can use during guild war				ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR		seonghwi	103	1			AC +%.1f%%	k * 10					
155	GUILD	Dragon Dance			Temporary increase guild members attack speed and moving speed	Only can use during guild war				ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR		gasok	104	1			Attack Speed & Movement Speed +%.1f	k * 30					
156	GUILD	Dragon Curse			Temporary increase guild members chance to Critical Attack	Only can use during guild war				ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR		bunno	105	1			Chance to Critical Attack +%.0f%%	k * 50					
157	GUILD	Dragon Wish			Temporary decrease the cooldown of guild member's skills	Only can use during guild war				ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR		jumunsul	106	1			Skill Speed +%.0f%%	k * 50