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// SpeedTreeRTExample Class
// (c) 2003 IDV, Inc.
// This class is provided to illustrate one way to incorporate
// SpeedTreeRT into an OpenGL application. All of the SpeedTreeRT
// calls that must be made on a per tree basis are done by this class.
// Calls that apply to all trees (i.e. static SpeedTreeRT functions)
// are made in the functions in main.cpp.
// This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
// nondisclosure agreement with Interactive Data Visualization and may
// not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of
// that agreement.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 IDV, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// IDV, Inc.
// 1233 Washington St. Suite 610
// Columbia, SC 29201
// Voice: (803) 799-1699
// Fax: (803) 931-0320
// Web: http://www.idvinc.com
#pragma once
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
// Include files
#include "SpeedTreeMaterial.h"
#include <SpeedTreeRT.h>
#include <d3d8.h>
#include <d3d8types.h>
#include <d3dx8.h>
#include <vector>
#include "../eterLib/GrpObjectInstance.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpImageInstance.h"
#define SAFE_DELETE(p) { if (p) { delete (p); (p) = NULL; } }
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if (p) { delete[] (p); (p) = NULL; } }
#define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if (p) { (p)->Release(); (p) = NULL; } }
// class CSpeedTreeWrapper declaration
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
class CSpeedTreeWrapper : public CGraphicObjectInstance
int GetType() const { return ID; }
// Collision Data
virtual void OnUpdateCollisionData(const CStaticCollisionDataVector * pscdVector);
virtual void OnUpdateHeighInstance(CAttributeInstance * pAttributeInstance) {}
virtual bool OnGetObjectHeight(float fX, float fY, float * pfHeight) { return false; }
// Bounding Sphere
virtual bool GetBoundingSphere(D3DXVECTOR3 & v3Center, float & fRadius);
static bool ms_bSelfShadowOn;
// methods from CGraphicObjectInstance
virtual void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z);
virtual void CalculateBBox();
virtual void OnRender(); // Render <20>ÿ<EFBFBD> <20>޼ҵ<DEBC>, <20>׷<EFBFBD><D7B7><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>䳪 Ư<><C6AF><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><ECBFA1> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Render <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20>θ<EFBFBD><CEB8><EFBFBD>
// <20><> <20>̿ܿ<CCBF><DCBF><EFBFBD> RenderBranches, RenderFronds <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20>޼ҵ带 CSpeedTreeForest<73><74><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ȣ<><C8A3><EFBFBD>Ѵ<EFBFBD>.
virtual void OnBlendRender() {}
virtual void OnRenderToShadowMap() {}
virtual void OnRenderShadow() {}
virtual void OnRenderPCBlocker();
virtual ~CSpeedTreeWrapper();
const float * GetPosition();
static void SetVertexShaders(DWORD dwBranchVertexShader, DWORD dwLeafVertexShader);
// geometry
bool LoadTree(const char * pszSptFile, const BYTE * c_pbBlock = NULL, unsigned int uiBlockSize = 0, unsigned int nSeed = 1, float fSize = -1.0f, float fSizeVariance = -1.0f);
const float * GetBoundingBox(void) const { return m_afBoundingBox; }
void GetTreeSize(float & r_fSize, float & r_fVariance);
UINT GetCollisionObjectCount();
void GetCollisionObject(unsigned int nIndex, CSpeedTreeRT::ECollisionObjectType& eType, float* pPosition, float* pDimensions);
// rendering
void SetupBranchForTreeType(void) const;
void SetupFrondForTreeType(void) const;
void SetupLeafForTreeType(void) const;
void EndLeafForTreeType(void);
void UploadLeafTables(unsigned int uiLocation) const;
void RenderBranches(void) const;
void RenderFronds(void) const;
void RenderLeaves(void) const;
void RenderBillboards(void) const;
// instancing
CSpeedTreeWrapper ** GetInstances(unsigned int& nCount);
CSpeedTreeWrapper * InstanceOf(void) const { return m_pInstanceOf; }
CSpeedTreeWrapper * MakeInstance();
void DeleteInstance(CSpeedTreeWrapper * pInstance);
CSpeedTreeRT * GetSpeedTree(void) const { return m_pSpeedTree; }
// lighting
const CSpeedTreeMaterial & GetBranchMaterial(void) const { return m_cBranchMaterial; }
const CSpeedTreeMaterial & GetFrondMaterial(void) const { return m_cFrondMaterial; }
const CSpeedTreeMaterial & GetLeafMaterial(void) const { return m_cLeafMaterial; }
float GetLeafLightingAdjustment(void) const { return m_pSpeedTree->GetLeafLightingAdjustment( ); }
// wind
void SetWindStrength(float fStrength) { m_pSpeedTree->SetWindStrength(fStrength); }
void Advance(void);
// utility
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 GetBranchTexture(void) const;
void CleanUpMemory(void);
void SetupBuffers(void);
void SetupBranchBuffers(void);
void SetupFrondBuffers(void);
void SetupLeafBuffers(void);
void PositionTree(void) const;
static bool LoadTexture(const char* pFilename, CGraphicImageInstance & rImage);
void SetShaderConstants(const float* pMaterial) const;
// SpeedTreeRT data
CSpeedTreeRT* m_pSpeedTree; // the SpeedTree object
CSpeedTreeRT::STextures* m_pTextureInfo; // texture info cache
bool m_bIsInstance; // is this an instance?
std::vector<CSpeedTreeWrapper*> m_vInstances; // what is an instance of us
CSpeedTreeWrapper* m_pInstanceOf; // which tree is this an instance of
// geometry cache
CSpeedTreeRT::SGeometry* m_pGeometryCache; // cache for pulling geometry from SpeedTree avoids lots of reallocation
// branch buffers
LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 m_pBranchVertexBuffer; // branch vertex buffer
unsigned int m_unBranchVertexCount; // number of vertices in branches
LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER8 m_pBranchIndexBuffer; // branch index buffer
unsigned short* m_pBranchIndexCounts; // number of indexes per branch LOD level
// frond buffers
LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 m_pFrondVertexBuffer; // frond vertex buffer
unsigned int m_unFrondVertexCount; // number of vertices in frond
LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER8 m_pFrondIndexBuffer; // frond index buffer
unsigned short* m_pFrondIndexCounts; // number of indexes per frond LOD level
// leaf buffers
unsigned short m_usNumLeafLods; // the number of leaf LODs
LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8* m_pLeafVertexBuffer; // leaf vertex buffer
bool* m_pLeavesUpdatedByCpu; // stores which LOD's have been updated already per frame
// tree properties
float m_afPos[3]; // tree position
float m_afBoundingBox[6]; // tree bounding box
// materials
CSpeedTreeMaterial m_cBranchMaterial; // branch material
CSpeedTreeMaterial m_cLeafMaterial; // leaf material
CSpeedTreeMaterial m_cFrondMaterial; // frond material
// branch texture
CGraphicImageInstance m_BranchImageInstance;
CGraphicImageInstance m_ShadowImageInstance; // shadow texture object (used if shadows are enabled)
CGraphicImageInstance m_CompositeImageInstance;
static DWORD ms_dwBranchVertexShader;
static DWORD ms_dwLeafVertexShader;
#pragma warning(pop)