/* Copyright (C) John W. Ratcliff, 2001. * All rights reserved worldwide. * * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied * warranties. You may freely copy and compile this source into * applications you distribute provided that the copyright text * below is included in the resulting source code, for example: * "Portions Copyright (C) John W. Ratcliff, 2001" */ #pragma once #include <math.h> #include <vector> //#include "stl.h" /***********************************************************************/ /** VECTOR.H : Template class to represent a 2d and 3d vector type. */ /** */ /** Written by John W. Ratcliff jratcliff@att.net */ /***********************************************************************/ class Vector3d : public D3DXVECTOR3 { public: Vector3d(void) { }; // null constructor, does not inialize point. Vector3d(const Vector3d &a) // constructor copies existing vector. { x = a.x; y = a.y; z = a.z; }; Vector3d(float a,float b,float c) // construct with initial point. { x = a; y = b; z = c; }; bool operator==(const Vector3d &a) const { if ( a.x == x && a.y == y && a.z == z ) return true; return false; }; bool operator!=(const Vector3d &a) const { if ( a.x != x || a.y != y || a.z != z ) return true; return false; }; // Operators Vector3d& operator = (const Vector3d& A) // ASSIGNMENT (=) { x=A.x; y=A.y; z=A.z; return(*this); }; Vector3d operator + (const Vector3d& A) const // ADDITION (+) { Vector3d Sum(x+A.x, y+A.y, z+A.z); return(Sum); }; Vector3d operator - (const Vector3d& A) const // SUBTRACTION (-) { Vector3d Diff(x-A.x, y-A.y, z-A.z); return(Diff); }; Vector3d operator * (const float s) const // MULTIPLY BY SCALAR (*) { Vector3d Scaled(x*s, y*s, z*s); return(Scaled); }; Vector3d operator / (const float s) const // DIVIDE BY SCALAR (/) { float r = 1.0f / s; Vector3d Scaled(x*r, y*r, z*r); return(Scaled); }; void operator += (const Vector3d A) // ACCUMULATED VECTOR ADDITION (+=) { x+=A.x; y+=A.y; z+=A.z; }; void operator -= (const Vector3d A) // ACCUMULATED VECTOR SUBTRACTION (+=) { x-=A.x; y-=A.y; z-=A.z; }; void operator *= (const float s) // ACCUMULATED SCALAR MULTIPLICATION (*=) (bpc 4/24/2000) {x*=s; y*=s; z*=s;} Vector3d operator - (void) const // NEGATION (-) { Vector3d Negated(-x, -y, -z); return(Negated); }; float operator [] (const int i) const // ALLOWS VECTOR ACCESS AS AN ARRAY. { return( (i==0)?x:((i==1)?y:z) ); }; float & operator [] (const int i) { return( (i==0)?x:((i==1)?y:z) ); }; // // accessor methods. float GetX(void) const { return x; }; float GetY(void) const { return y; }; float GetZ(void) const { return z; }; void SetX(float t) { x = t; }; void SetY(float t) { y = t; }; void SetZ(float t) { z = t; }; void Set(float a,float b,float c) { x = a; y = b; z = c; }; void Zero(void) { x = y = z = 0; }; // return -(*this). Vector3d negative(void) const { Vector3d result; result.x = -x; result.y = -y; result.z = -z; return result; } float Magnitude(void) const { return (sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z)); }; void Lerp(const Vector3d& from,const Vector3d& to,float slerp) { *this = to-from; // delta on all 3 axis *this*=slerp; // times interpolant distance. *this+=from; // plus source }; float Length(void) const // length of vector. { return float(sqrtf( x*x + y*y + z*z )); }; float Length2(void) const // squared distance, prior to square root. { float l2 = x*x+y*y+z*z; return l2; }; inline float Distance(const Vector3d &a) const // distance between two points. { return sqrtf(DistanceSq(a)); } inline float Distance2d(const Vector3d &a) const // distance between two points. { return sqrtf(DistanceSq2d(a)); } float DistanceXY(const Vector3d &a) const { float dx = a.x - x; float dy = a.y - y; float dist = dx*dx + dy*dy; return dist; } float DistanceSq(const Vector3d &a) const // squared distance. { float dx = a.x - x; float dy = a.y - y; float dz = a.z - z; return dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; }; float DistanceSq2d(const Vector3d &a) const // squared distance. { float dx = a.x - x; float dy = a.y - y; return dx*dx + dy*dy; }; float Normalize(void) // normalize to a unit vector, returns distance. { float l = Length(); // get length. if ( l != 0 ) { x/=l; y/=l; z/=l; } else { x = y = z = 0; } return l; }; float Dot(const Vector3d &a) const // computes dot product. { return (x * a.x + y * a.y + z * a.z ); }; bool IsInStaticRange() const; void Cross(const Vector3d &a,const Vector3d &b) // cross two vectors result in this one. { x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y; y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z; z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x; }; //private: // float x; // float y; // float z; }; typedef std::vector< Vector3d > Vector3dVector; inline Vector3d operator * (float s, const Vector3d &v ) { Vector3d Scaled(v.x*s, v.y*s, v.z*s); return(Scaled); };