/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SpeedTreeRT runtime configuration #defines // // (c) 2003 IDV, Inc. // // *** INTERACTIVE DATA VISUALIZATION (IDV) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION *** // // This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or // nondisclosure agreement with Interactive Data Visualization and may // not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of // that agreement. // // Copyright (c) 2001-2003 IDV, Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // // IDV, Inc. // 1233 Washington St. Suite 610 // Columbia, SC 29201 // Voice: (803) 799-1699 // Fax: (803) 931-0320 // Web: http://www.idvinc.com #pragma once const int c_nNumWindMatrices = 40; const float c_fNearLodFactor = 1000000000.0f; const float c_fFarLodFactor = 50000000000.0f; // vertex shader constant locations const int c_nVertexShader_LeafLightingAdjustment = 70; const int c_nVertexShader_Light = 71; const int c_nVertexShader_Material = 74; const int c_nVertexShader_TreePos = 52; const int c_nVertexShader_CompoundMatrix = 0; const int c_nVertexShader_WindMatrices = 54; const int c_nVertexShader_LeafTables = 4; const int c_nVertexShader_Fog = 85; // setup lighting (enable ONE of the two below) #define WRAPPER_USE_STATIC_LIGHTING //#define WRAPPER_USE_DYNAMIC_LIGHTING #if defined WRAPPER_USE_STATIC_LIGHTING && defined WRAPPER_USE_DYNAMIC_LIGHTING #error Please define exactly one lighting mode #endif // setup wind (enable ONE of the three below) //#define WRAPPER_USE_GPU_WIND //#define WRAPPER_USE_CPU_WIND #define WRAPPER_USE_NO_WIND #if defined WRAPPER_USE_GPU_WIND && defined WRAPPER_USE_CPU_WIND #error Please define exactly one lighting mode #elif defined WRAPPER_USE_GPU_WIND && defined WRAPPER_USE_NO_WIND #error Please define exactly one lighting mode #elif defined WRAPPER_USE_CPU_WIND && defined WRAPPER_USE_NO_WIND #error Please define exactly one lighting mode #endif // leaf placement algorithm (enable ONE of the two below) //#define WRAPPER_USE_GPU_LEAF_PLACEMENT #define WRAPPER_USE_CPU_LEAF_PLACEMENT #if defined WRAPPER_USE_GPU_LEAF_PLACEMENT && defined WRAPPER_USE_CPU_LEAF_PLACEMENT #error Please define exactly one leaf placement algorithm #endif // texture coordinates (enable this define for DirectX-based engines) #define WRAPPER_FLIP_T_TEXCOORD // up vector //#define WRAPPER_UP_POS_Y #define WRAPPER_UP_POS_Z #if defined WRAPPER_UP_POS_Y && defined WRAPPER_UP_POS_Z #error Please define exactly one up vector #endif // loading from STF or clones/instances? (enable ONE of the two below) #define WRAPPER_FOREST_FROM_STF //#define WRAPPER_FOREST_FROM_INSTANCES #if defined WRAPPER_FOREST_FROM_STF && defined WRAPPER_FOREST_FROM_INSTANCES #error Please define exactly one loading mechanism #endif // billboard modes #define WRAPPER_BILLBOARD_MODE //#define WRAPPER_RENDER_HORIZONTAL_BILLBOARD // render self-shadows //#define WRAPPER_RENDER_SELF_SHADOWS // use fog #define WRAPPER_USE_FOG // derived constants //#ifdef WRAPPER_USE_GPU_WIND // #define BRANCHES_USE_SHADERS // #define FRONDS_USE_SHADERS // #define LEAVES_USE_SHADERS //#endif // //#ifdef WRAPPER_USE_GPU_LEAF_PLACEMENT // #define LEAVES_USE_SHADERS //#endif