quest dragon_soul begin state start begin when levelup or letter with pc.level >= 30 begin send_letter(gameforge.dragon_soul._1010_sendLetter) local v = find_npc_by_vnum(20001) if 0 != v then target.vid("__TARGET__", v, mob_name(20001)) end end when info or button begin say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1020_say) end when with pc.level >= 30 begin target.delete("__TARGET__") say_title(mob_name(20001)) say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1040_say) set_state(state_learning) end end state state_learning begin when letter begin send_letter(gameforge.dragon_soul._1050_sendLetter) end when info or button begin say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1060_say) end when kill begin if npc.is_pc() then return end if pc.count_item(30270) < 10 then if drop_gamble_with_flag("ds_drop") then game.drop_item_with_ownership(30270, 1, 300) end end end when begin say_title(mob_name(20001)) if pc.count_item(30270) >= 10 then say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1070_say) pc.remove_item(30270, 10) ds.give_qualification() char_log(pc.get_player_id(), 'DS_QUALIFICATION', 'SUCCESS') pc.give_item2(50255) local today = math.floor(get_global_time() / 86400) pc.setf("dragon_soul", "eye_timestamp", today) pc.setf("dragon_soul", "eye_left", 9) set_state(state_farming) else say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1080_say) end end end state state_farming begin when letter begin send_letter(gameforge.dragon_soul._1090_sendLetter) end when info or button begin say(string.format(gameforge.dragon_soul._1100_say, pc.getf("dragon_soul", "eye_left"))) end when kill begin if npc.is_pc() then return end if drop_gamble_with_flag("ds_drop") then local eye_left = pc.getf("dragon_soul", "eye_left") local haved_gemstone_number = pc.count_item(30270) if eye_left > haved_gemstone_number / 10 then game.drop_item_with_ownership(30270, 1, 300) end end end when 30270.pick begin local eye_left = pc.getf("dragon_soul", "eye_left") if eye_left <= 0 then return end if pc.count_item(30270) >= 10 then pc.setf("dragon_soul", "eye_left", eye_left - 1) pc.remove_item(30270, 10) pc.give_item2(50255) if 1 == eye_left then notice_multiline(gameforge.dragon_soul._1110_notice, notice) set_state(state_closed_season) end end end when begin say_title(mob_name(20001)) local today = math.floor(get_global_time() / 86400) if today == pc.getf("dragon_soul", "eye_timestamp") then say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1130_say) else say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1140_say) pc.setf("dragon_soul", "eye_timestamp", today) pc.setf("dragon_soul", "eye_left", 10) end end end state state_closed_season begin when letter begin send_letter(gameforge.dragon_soul._1150_sendLetter) end when info or button begin say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1160_say) local today = math.floor(get_global_time() / 86400) if today == pc.getf("dragon_soul", "eye_timestamp") then say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1170_say) else say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1180_say) end end when begin say_title(mob_name(20001)) local today = math.floor(get_global_time() / 86400) if today == pc.getf("dragon_soul", "eye_timestamp") then say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1130_say) else say(gameforge.dragon_soul._1140_say) pc.setf("dragon_soul", "eye_timestamp", today) pc.setf("dragon_soul", "eye_left", 10) set_state(state_farming) end end end -- deprecated states. so, jump to new state. state state_1 begin when login begin set_state(state_learning) end end state state_2 begin when login begin set_state(state_learning) end end state state_3 begin when login begin set_state(state_closed_season) end end end