--[[ This quest send the player a letter with Information about new Stuff At the Moment we have 3 possible options: 1. Happy Hour in the shop 2. New stuff in the shop 3. security announce Concept side: https://wiki.gameforge.de/bin/view/MMO/Metin2/ConceptIngameAnnounce Workflow ticket: https://mantis-i.gameforge.de/view.php?id=76862 ]] quest ingame_message begin state start begin -- return the unique message id for campaign function get_message_id() return (game.get_event_flag("message_id")) end --end function get_message_id -- return which kind of message appear function get_message_type() return (game.get_event_flag("message_type")) end --end function get_message_type -- return the displayed item vnum function get_announce_vnum() return (game.get_event_flag("message_item_vnum")) end --end function get_announce_vnum -- return the vnum that can is the gift function get_gift_vnum() return (game.get_event_flag("message_gift_vnum")) end --end function get_gift_vnum --[[ Provide a duration time to have a option to show options often Value should be hours ;) ]] function get_message_duration() local duration = game.get_event_flag("message_duration") -- if not duration is set, we will implement the standard 24h duration if duration == 0 then duration = 24 end return duration end --end function get_message_id when info or button begin local message_type = ingame_message.get_message_type() if message_type == 1 then --local happyhour_start = game.get_event_flag("message_happyhour_start") --local happyhour_end = game.get_event_flag("message_happyhour_end") --say_size(250, 250) -- say_show_item(70029) -- Eine günstige Gelegenheit say_important_title(gameforge.ingame_message._010_sayTitle) --say_important(string.format("Heute von %s bis %s Happy Hour!", happyhour_start, happyhour_end)) say("") -- Eine neue Aktion ist im Item-Shop gestartet! Verpasse nicht diese günstige Gelegenheit und besuche direkt den Item-Shop. say_important(gameforge.ingame_message._020_say) local c = select(gameforge.locale.guild.yes, gameforge.locale.guild.no) if 2 == c then return else game.open_web_mall() end elseif message_type == 2 then local new_item_vnum = ingame_message.get_announce_vnum() say_important_title(gameforge.ingame_message._030_sayTitle) say_item_vnum(new_item_vnum) -- icon of item say_important(gameforge.ingame_message._040_say) -- We will provide the user the option to select the gift local gift_vnum = ingame_message.get_gift_vnum() local message_id = ingame_message.get_message_id() local gift_check = pc.getqf("gift_" .. message_id .. "_" ..gift_vnum) if gift_check < 1 and gift_vnum != 0 then wait() -- Ein Geschenk der Götter say_title(gameforge.important_message._050_sayTitle) say(gameforge.ingame_message._060_say) local gift = select(gameforge.ingame_message._070_select, gameforge.ingame_message._080_select) if gift == 1 then pc.give_item2(gift_vnum, 1) pc.setqf("gift_"..message_id.."_"..gift_vnum, 1) end -- gift vergeben end -- gift check else say_important_title("GM News") say_important("Du wirst nie nach Login gefragt") end end --endbegin letter when login with ingame_message.get_message_type() > 0 begin local message_type = ingame_message.get_message_type() local duration_time = ingame_message.get_message_duration() if get_time() > pc.getqf("duration") then pc.setqf("duration",get_time()+60*60*duration_time)--------------24 Stunden if message_type == 1 then send_letter(gameforge.ingame_message._010_sayTitle) elseif message_type == 2 then send_letter(gameforge.ingame_message._030_sayTitle) else send_letter("GM News") end -- endif end -- endif duration end -- endif end -- endbegin state start end -- endbegin quest