quest manwoo begin state start begin when"GM: Start Fishing Event" with pc.get_gm_level() == 5 and game.get_event_flag("manwoo_start") == 0 begin say_title("Manwoo Event") say("Which fish should be accepted?") -- Setting which kind of fishes should the fisher man accept in the event say("Between 27802 and 27818") -- We have fishes till 27823 but they aren't activated local fish = input() if fish != "" then fish = tonumber(fish) end if fish >= 27802 and fish <= 27818 then -- Check if the input is a number and if it is fishable. game.set_event_flag("manwoo_fish", fish) -- To check the fish as an eventflag else say("That number isn't accepted") return end say_title("Manwoo Event") -- Setting the amount of fishes that would be accepted say("How many fishes should we accept?") local amount = input() if amount != "" then amount = tonumber(amount) end if amount > 0 then game.set_event_flag("manwoo", amount) else say("That isn't a valid number") end say_title("Manwoo Event") -- Setting the reward for the event say("How many different items should") say("the player receive as a reward? Max = 4") -- local reward_amount = select("1", "2", "3", "4", "cancel") -- how many different items a player can get, max = 4. if s == 5 then return else local i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 game.set_event_flag("manwoo_reward_"..i, 0) until i == 4 local current_amount = 0 local again = 1 repeat -- repeat so that the array will be filled in say_title("Manwoo Event") say("Please input the item vnum that will be given (Reward "..current_amount..").") local reward_vnum = input() say_title("Manwoo Event") if reward_vnum == "" or reward_vnum == 0 then say("You did not put a vnum in there") again = select("Again", "no more items", "cancel") if again == 2 then current_amount = reward_amount elseif again == 3 then return end else if item_name(reward_vnum) == nil then say("That vnum does not exist") wait() else say_item_vnum(reward_vnum) say("") local vnum_ok = select("ok", "type again", "cancel") if vnum_ok == 1 then current_amount = current_amount + 1 game.set_event_flag("manwoo_reward_"..current_amount, reward_vnum) elseif vnum_ok == 3 then return end end end until current_amount == reward_amount end say_title("Manwoo Event") say("For how many hours should the event be on?") local s = select("8 hours", "16 hours", "24 hours", "unlimited", "input", "cancel") local hours = 1 -- default value if s == 1 then hours = 8 elseif s == 2 then hours = 16 elseif s == 3 then hours = 24 elseif s == 4 then hours = 0 elseif s == 5 then hours = tonumber(input()) if hours < 1 then return end else return end game.set_event_flag("manwoo_time", get_global_time()+hours*60) game.set_event_flag("manwoo_start", 1) return end when"GM: Stop Fish event" with pc.get_gm_level() == 5 and game.get_event_flag("manwoo_start") > 0 begin say_title("Manwoo Event") local s=select("stop the event", "cancel") if s == 1 then game.set_event_flag("manwoo_start", 0) else return end end when"Psst, want to help me out?" with game.get_event_flag("manwoo_start") > 0 and game.get_event_flag("manwoo_time") >= get_global_time() begin pc.setqf("reward", 1) pc.setqf("time", game.get_event_flag("manwoo_time")) say_title("Fisherman's Event") say("Hi, do you know Octavio in the village over there?") say("He came to me one day with a very attractive business deal.") say("As you know, he is one of the most famous cooks in these regions,") say("and he strives to be the best there is in every cooking mastery.") say("He has put his attention to sushi,") say("and he claims he needs live fish to make the tastiest sushi.") wait() say_title("Fisherman's Event") say("Of course he doesn't have any time to catch them himself,") say("so he asked me to do it for him, for some items he gets from his customers.") say("But I'm a bit stretched at the moment with the amount he needs from me,") say("I cannot possibly do it alone.") say("If you help me with Octavio's order,") say("I will give you a nice reward!") say("Give me this fish: ") say(game.get_event_flag("manwoo").."x: ") say_item_vnum(game.get_event_flag("manwoo_fish")) wait() set_state(give_fish) end end state give_fish begin when login or enter with game.get_event_flag("manwoo_start") == 0 or pc.getqf("time") < get_global_time() begin set_state(start) end when login or enter begin say("bla") end when"About the fish..." with game.get_event_flag("manwoo_start") > 0 and game.get_event_flag("manwoo_start") > 0 and game.get_event_flag("manwoo_time") >= get_global_time() begin say_title("Fisherman's Event") if pc.count_item(game.get_event_flag("manwoo_fish")) < game.get_event_flag("manwoo") then say("You don't have enough fish!") else say("Hey! You actually managed to do it!") say("Thank you!") say("And now... for the reward") wait() say_title("Fisherman's Event") local current_amount = pc.getqf("reward") local reward_vnum = game.get_event_flag("manwoo_reward_"..current_amount) if reward_vnum == 0 or reward_vnum == "" then local last_item_vnum = 150 say_item_vnum(last_item_vnum) pc.give_item2(last_item_vnum) else if pc.enough_inventory(reward_vnum) == true then say_item_vnum(reward_vnum) pc.remove_item(game.get_event_flag("manwoo_fish"), game.get_event_flag("manwoo")) pc.give_item2(reward_vnum) pc.setqf("reward", current_amount +1) else say("You don't have enough space!") say("Please, return when you have enough space!") end end end end end end