#pragma once

#include "GrpScreen.h"

#include "../eterbase/Singleton.h"
#include "../SphereLib/spherepack.h"

class CGraphicObjectInstance;
template <class T>
struct RangeTester : public SpherePackCallback
	T * f;
	float dist;
	RangeTester(T * fn, float distance=-1)
		: f(fn), dist(distance)

	virtual ~RangeTester()

	virtual void RayTraceCallback(const Vector3d &p1,          // source pos of ray
		const Vector3d &dir,          // dest pos of ray
		float distance,
		const Vector3d &sect,
		SpherePack *sphere)
		if (sphere->IS_SPHERE)
		if (dist<=0.0f || dist>=distance)
			(*f)((CGraphicObjectInstance *)sphere->GetUserData());
	virtual void VisibilityCallback(const Frustum &f,SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state){};

	virtual void RangeTestCallback(const Vector3d &p,float distance,SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state)
		if (sphere->IS_SPHERE)
		if (state!=VS_OUTSIDE)
			(*f)((CGraphicObjectInstance *)sphere->GetUserData());

	virtual void PointTest2dCallback(const Vector3d &p, SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state)
		if (sphere->IS_SPHERE)
		if (state!=VS_OUTSIDE)
			(*f)((CGraphicObjectInstance *)sphere->GetUserData());

class CCullingManager : public CSingleton<CCullingManager>, public SpherePackCallback, private CScreen
	typedef SpherePack * CullingHandle;
	typedef std::vector<CGraphicObjectInstance *> TRangeList;

	virtual ~CCullingManager();

	virtual void RayTraceCallback(const Vector3d &p1,          // source pos of ray
		const Vector3d &dir,          // dest pos of ray
		float distance,
		const Vector3d &sect,
		SpherePack *sphere);
	virtual void VisibilityCallback(const Frustum &f,SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state);
	void RangeTestCallback(const Vector3d &p,float distance,SpherePack *sphere,ViewState state);	

	void Reset();
	void Update();
	void Process();
	void FindRange(const Vector3d &p, float radius);
	void FindRay(const Vector3d &p1, const Vector3d &dir);
	void FindRayDistance(const Vector3d &p1, const Vector3d &dir, float distance);

	void RangeTest(const Vector3d& p, float radius, SpherePackCallback* callback)
		m_Factory->RangeTest(p, radius, callback);

	void PointTest2d(const Vector3d& p, SpherePackCallback* callback)
		m_Factory->PointTest2d(p, callback);

	template <class T>
	void ForInRange2d(const Vector3d& p, T* pFunc)
		RangeTester<T> r(pFunc);
		m_Factory->PointTest2d(p, &r);

	template <class T>
	void ForInRange(const Vector3d &p, float radius, T* pFunc)
		RangeTester<T> r(pFunc);
		m_Factory->RangeTest(p, radius, &r/*this*/);	

	template <class T>
	void ForInRay(const Vector3d &p1, const Vector3d &dir, T* pFunc)
		RangeTester<T> r(pFunc);
		/*Vector3d p2;
		p2.x = p.x+50000.0f*dir.x;
		p2.y = p.y+50000.0f*dir.y;
		p2.z = p.z+50000.0f*dir.z;
			// p + (50000.0f*dir);//(p.x+(dir.x*50000.0f),p.y+(dir.y*50000.0f),p.z+(dir.z*50000.0f));*/
		m_Factory->RayTrace(p1, dir, &r/*this*/);		

	template <class T>
	void ForInRayDistance(const Vector3d &p, const Vector3d &dir, float distance, T* pFunc)
		RangeTester<T> r(pFunc, distance);
		m_Factory->RayTrace(p, dir, &r/*this*/);		

	CullingHandle Register(CGraphicObjectInstance * ob);
	void Unregister(CullingHandle h);

	TRangeList::iterator begin() { return m_list.begin(); }
	TRangeList::iterator end() { return m_list.end(); }

	TRangeList m_list;

	float m_RayFarDistance;

	SpherePackFactory * m_Factory;