forked from metin2/server

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"Everyone will be teleported into the city shortly.";
"V<>ichni budou zanedlouho teleportov<6F>ni do m<>sta.";
"This item does not exist.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t neexistuje.";
"The box suddenly exploded! You have lost Hit Points (HP).";
"Bedna n<>hle vybuchla! Ztratil jsi body <20>ivota (ZB).";
"If you inhale the green smoke that is coming out of the box, the poison will spread through your body!";
"Pokud vdechne<6E> zelen<65> kou<6F> vych<63>zej<65>c<EFBFBD> z bedny, jed se roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> v tv<74>m t<>le!";
"You have received %s, %d units.";
"Obdr<64>el jsi %s, %d kus<75>";
"The box contains %s.";
"V bedn<64> je %s.";
"This key does not seem to fit the lock.";
"Zd<5A> se, <20>e kl<6B><6C> nesed<65> k z<>mku.";
"You have not received anything.";
"Nic jsi nedostal.";
"You do not have enough Yang to use this item.";
"Nem<65><6D> dostatek Yang<6E> na pou<6F>it<69> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu.";
"You have lowered your Skill Level.";
"Sn<53><6E>il jsi svou <20>rove<76> schopnost<73>.";
"You cannot lower your Skill Level.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> sn<73><6E>it svou <20>rove<76> schopnost<73>.";
"This effect is already activated.";
"Efekt je ji<6A> aktivn<76>.";
"This item can only be used in an Internet cafe.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t m<><6D>e b<>t pou<6F>ity pouze v internetov<6F> kav<61>rn<72>.";
"That is over the limit.";
"Tohle je p<>es limit.";
"Unfortunately you don't have enough space in your inventory.";
"Bohu<68>el nem<65><6D> ve sv<73>m invent<6E><74>i dostatek m<>sta.";
"Used Moon Cake or Seed.";
"Pou<6F>it<69> M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD> kol<6F><6C>, nebo sem<65>nko.";
"You cannot wear a Wedding Ring if you are not married.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> nosit svatebn<62> prsten, pokud nejsi <20>enat<61>/vdan<61>.";
"You cannot use the Event Detector from this position.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Detektor ud<75>lost<73> z tohoto m<>sta.";
"This item cannot be absorbed.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nelze absorbovat.";
"The Event Detector vanished in a mysterious light.";
"Detektor ud<75>lost<73> zmizel v magick<63> z<><7A>i.";
"The Event Detector has vanished.";
"Detektor ud<75>lost<73> zmizel.";
"The Compass for Metin Stones does not work in dungeons.";
"Kompas kamene Metinu nefunguje v podzem<65>.";
"The Compass for Metin Stones has vanished in the mysterious light.";
"Kompas kamene Metinu zmizel v magick<63> z<><7A>i.";
"Receive: %s - %d";
"Z<>sk<73><6B>: %s - %d";
"The Compass for Metin Stones has vanished.";
"Kompas kamene Metinu zmizel.";
"You find a simple Piece of Stone in the Clam.";
"V mu<6D>li najde<64> jen kousek kamene.";
"The Clam has vanished.";
"V mu<6D>li nic nebylo.";
"There is a White Pearl inside the Clam.";
"V mu<6D>li je B<>l<EFBFBD> perla.";
"There is a Blue Pearl inside the Clam.";
"V mu<6D>li je Modr<64> perla.";
"There is a Blood-Red Pearl inside the Clam.";
"V mu<6D>li je Krvav<61> rud<75> perla.";
"It isn't easy to understand this book.";
"Nen<65> jednoduch<63> porozum<75>t t<>to knize.";
"This book will not help you.";
"Tato kniha Ti nepom<6F><6D>e.";
"You need to have a minimum level of 30 to understand this book.";
"Mus<75><73> m<>t nejm<6A>n<EFBFBD> <20>rove<76> 30, aby jsi t<>to knize porozum<75>l.";
"You need a minimum level of 50 to understand this book.";
"Mus<75><73> m<>t nejm<6A>n<EFBFBD> <20>rove<76> 50, aby jsi t<>to knize porozum<75>l.";
"You can't train any more Combos.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> tr<74>novat dal<61><6C> komba.";
"%s has captured the flag of %s!";
"%s cech uko<6B>istil vlajku %s cechu!";
"You already understand this language.";
"Touto <20>e<EFBFBD><65> ji<6A> mluv<75><76> plynule.";
"You have to improve your Level to read this Book.";
"Mus<75><73> si zv<7A><76>it <20>rove<76>, abys porozum<75>l t<>to knize.";
"The book is too hard for practising.";
"Tato kniha je p<><70>li<6C> t<><74>k<EFBFBD> na nau<61>en<65>.";
"You cannot train with this Book any more.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> d<>le tr<74>novat s touto knihou.";
"Taxes are set to %d%%.";
"Dan<61> nastaveny na %d %%.";
"You need a minimum level of 50 to get riding training.";
"Pot<6F>ebuje<6A> minim<69>ln<6C> <20>rove<76> 50 na tr<74>nink j<>zdy na koni.";
"You have escaped the evil ghost curse with the help of an Exorcism Scroll.";
"Unikl jsi kletb<74> zl<7A>ho ducha za pomoci pergamenu exorcismu.";
"You cannot read any more Riding Guides.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> <20><>st v<>ce pr<70>vodc<64> j<>zdou na koni.";
"You read the Horse Riding Manual and received a Riding Point.";
"Obdr<64>el jsi body j<>zdy na koni po p<>e<EFBFBD>ten<65> pr<70>vodce j<>zdou na koni.";
"You can use this point to improve your riding skill!";
"Tento bod m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t k vylep<65>en<65> jezdeck<63>ch schopnost<73>.";
"The guild %s's flag has been stolen by player %s.";
"Vlajka cechu %s byla ukradena hr<68><72>em %s.";
"You did not understand the riding guide.";
"Nerozum<75>l jsi pr<70>vodci j<>zdou na koni.";
"Your mind is clear. You can concentrate really well now.";
"Tv<54> mysl je <20>ist<73>. Te<54> se m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> dob<6F>e soust<73>edit.";
"Your rank has increased by %d points.";
"Tv<54> hodnost se zv<7A><76>ila o %d bod<6F>.";
"You cannot dye or bleach your current hairstyle.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obarvit ani odbarvit tv<74>j sou<6F>asn<73> <20><>es.";
"You need to have reached level %d to be able to dye your hair again.";
"Mus<75><73> dos<6F>hnout <20>rovn<76> %d, abys mohl op<6F>t obarvit sv<73>j <20><>es.";
"This item can only be opened by the another gender.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t m<><6D>e b<>t otev<65>en pouze druh<75>m pohlav<61>m.";
"You cannot use this from your current position.";
"Tohle nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t z t<>to pozice.";
"You are ready to warp, so you cannot use the Scroll of the Location.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Pergamen lokality, proto<74>e jsi p<>ipraven k teleportu.";
"You are being brought back to the place of origin.";
"Byl jsi p<>enesen zp<7A>t na m<>sto po<70><6F>tku.";
"%s%s cannot be used in a dungeon.";
"%s%s nemohou b<>t pou<6F>ity v podzem<65>.";
"[Quest] You have already received your reward.";
"[<5B>kol] Ji<4A> jsi odm<64>nu obdr<64>el.";
"There aren't any Pieces of Broken Stone available for removal.";
"Nejsou tu <20><>dn<64> od<6F>t<EFBFBD>pky kamene k odstran<61>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot change the upgrade of this item.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> m<>nit vylep<65>en<65> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu.";
"There is no upgrade that you can change.";
"Nem<65><6D> <20><>dn<64> vylep<65>en<65>, kter<65> by jsi mohl p<><70>padn<64> m<>nit.";
"You can only do this %d minutes after an upgrade. (%d minutes left)";
"Tohle m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> d<>lat pouze %d minut po vylep<65>en<65>. (%d minut zb<7A>v<EFBFBD>)";
"You have changed the upgrade.";
"Zm<5A>nil jsi vylep<65>en<65>.";
"Upgrade successfully added.";
"Vylep<65>en<65> <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> p<>id<69>no.";
"No upgrade added.";
"Vylep<65>en<65> nebylo p<>id<69>no.";
"You must use the Blessing Marble in order to add another bonus to this item.";
"Mus<75><73> pou<6F><75>t Mramor po<70>ehn<68>n<EFBFBD>, abys mohl p<>idat dal<61><6C> bonus.";
"You cannot use this in the duel arena.";
"Tohle nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t v t<>to ar<61>n<EFBFBD>.";
"This item can no longer be improved. The maximum number of bonuses has been reached.";
"V<>c ji<6A> nelze d<>le vylep<65>it. Bylo dosa<73>eno maxim<69>ln<6C>ho po<70>tu bonus<75>.";
"You can only use the Blessing Marble with an item which already has 4 bonuses.";
"Pokud m<> v<>c ji<6A> 4 bonusy, m<><6D>ete ji vylep<65>it jen pomoc<6F> Mramoru po<70>ehn<68>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Socket successfully added.";
"<22>chyt <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> p<>id<69>n.";
"No socket added.";
"<22>chyt nebyl p<>id<69>n.";
"No additional sockets could be added to this item.";
"Na tento p<>edm<64>t ji<6A> nejde p<>idat dal<61><6C> <20>chyt.";
"You cannot add a socket to this item.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e m<>t v<>ce <20>chyt<79>.";
"Arming successful.";
"Ozbrojen<65> <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Arming has failed.";
"Ozbrojen<65> selhalo.";
"You have to add a socket first. Use a diamond in order to do this.";
"Nejprve mus<75><73> p<>idat <20>chyt. Na to pou<6F>ij diamant.";
"There are no sockets for gemstones in this item.";
"Zde nejsou <20><>dn<64> <20>chyty pro drahokamy.";
"You can do this when you wear an Emotion Mask.";
"Tohle m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> prov<6F>st pokud nos<6F><73> masku emoc<6F>.";
"You have to add a socket if you want to use a Diamond.";
"Mus<75><73> p<>idat <20>chyt, pokud chce<63> pou<6F><75>t diamant.";
"No more gems can be added to this item.";
"Na tento p<>edm<64>t ji<6A> nelze p<>idat v<>ce drahokam<61>.";
"These items cannot be used together.";
"Tyto p<>edm<64>ty nemohou b<>t pou<6F>ity spolu.";
"You cannot change the Bait whilst fishing.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> m<>nit n<>vnadu zat<61>mco ryba<62><61><EFBFBD>.";
"You are exchanging the current Bait for %s.";
"Vym<79>nil jsi dosavadn<64> n<>vnadu za %s.";
"You attached %s to the hook as bait.";
"P<>ipevnil jsi %s na h<><68>ek jako n<>vnadu.";
"You are missing some ingredients to make the potion.";
"Nem<65><6D> v<>echny suroviny na v<>robu elix<69>ru.";
"You do not have enough material (%s).";
"Nem<65><6D> dostatek surovin (%s).";
"You do not have enough empty bottles.";
"Nem<65><6D> dostatek pr<70>zdn<64>ch lahv<68>.";
"The potion production has failed.";
"M<>ch<63>n<EFBFBD> elix<69>ru bylo ne<6E>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Only women can do this.";
"Pouze <20>eny tohle dok<6F><6B><EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot attach several stones of the same type.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>idat v<>ce kamen<65> stejn<6A>ho typu.";
"This Spirit Stone cannot be attached to this type of item.";
"Tento k<>men ducha nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>idat na tento typ p<>edm<64>tu.";
"You cannot attach this Spirit Stone to a weapon.";
"Tento k<>men ducha nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>idat na zbra<72>.";
"You have attached the Spirit Stone successfully.";
"K<>men ducha <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> p<>id<69>n.";
"The Spirit Stone broke while being attached.";
"K<>men ducha se p<>i p<>id<69>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> rozpadl.";
"No slot free.";
"<22><>dn<64> voln<6C> <20>chyty.";
"This function is not available right now.";
"Te<54> a zde tato funkce nen<65> k dispozici.";
"You cannot use a Scroll of the Location whilst taking part in a kingdom battle.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Pergamen lokality v pr<70>b<EFBFBD>hu bitvy kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"After opening the Storeroom you cannot use a Scroll of the Location for %d seconds.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Pergamen lokality %d vte<74>in po otev<65>en<65> skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot use a Scroll of the Location while another window is open.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Pergamen lokality pokud m<><6D> otev<65>en<65> dal<61><6C> okno.";
"This person does not exist.";
"Tato osoba neexistuje.";
"After a trade, you cannot use a scroll for another %d seconds.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t pergamen %d sekund po obchodu.";
"After opening a storeroom you cannot use a Scroll of the Location for another %d seconds.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Pergamen lokality %d vte<74>in po otev<65>en<65> skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot use the Scroll of the Location because the distance is too small.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Pergamen lokality, proto<74>e vzd<7A>lenost je p<><70>li<6C> mal<61>.";
"After a trade you cannot use a Scroll of the Location for %d seconds.";
"Po obchodov<6F>n<EFBFBD> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t Pergamen lokality po dobu %d vte<74>in.";
"You cannot open the Storeroom if another window is already open.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> otev<65><76>t skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>, pokud je ji<6A> otev<65>en<65> jin<69> okno.";
"You cannot drop this item.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zahodit.";
"The dropped item will vanish in 5 minutes.";
"Zahozen<65> p<>edm<64>t zmiz<69> za 5 minut.";
"%s received";
"%s obdr<64>eno.";
"You have too many items in your inventory.";
"M<><4D> p<><70>li<6C> mnoho v<>c<EFBFBD> v invent<6E><74>i.";
"%s receives %s.";
"%s z<>sk<73>v<EFBFBD> %s.";
"You are too near.";
"Jsi p<><70>li<6C> bl<62>zko.";
"Item Trade: %s, %s";
"Obchod s p<>edm<64>tem: %s, %s";
"You cannot change the equipped item while you are transformed.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> m<>nit pou<6F><75>van<61> v<>ci po dobu tv<74> p<>em<65>ny.";
"You have to stand still to equip the item.";
"Pro nasazen<65> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu mus<75><73> b<>t nehybn<62>.";
"Monkey Herbs cannot be fed to living horses. It is used to revive dead horses.";
"Opi<70><69> bylinky nejsou ur<75>eny ke krmen<65> <20>iv<69>ch kon<6F>. Jsou pou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD>ny k o<>iven<65> kon<6F> mrtv<74>ch.";
"You cannot feed a dead Horse.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> krmit mrtv<74>ho kon<6F>.";
"You fed the Horse with Herbs.";
"Nakrmil jsi kon<6F> bylinkami.";
"You have fed the Horse.";
"Nakrmil jsi kon<6F>.";
"Your level is too low to wear this Hairstyle.";
"Pro no<6E>en<65> tohoto <20><>esu m<><6D> p<><70>li<6C> n<>zkou <20>rove<76>.";
"You already have this Hairstyle.";
"Tento <20><>es ji<6A> m<><6D>.";
"You have already transformed.";
"U<> jsi prom<6F>n<EFBFBD>n.";
"You are too far away.";
"Jsi p<><70>li<6C> daleko.";
"That's the wrong trading item.";
"To je <20>patn<74> p<>edm<64>t na prom<6F><6D>ov<6F>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot transform into a monster who has a higher level than you.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> se prom<6F>nit v p<><70><EFBFBD>eru, kter<65> m<> vy<76><79><EFBFBD> <20>rove<76> ne<6E> ty.";
"Your level is too low to equip this item.";
"Tv<54> <20>rove<76> je p<><70>li<6C> n<>zk<7A> pro no<6E>en<65> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu.";
"You are not strong enough to equip yourself with this item.";
"Na no<6E>en<65> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu nejsi dost siln<6C>.";
"Your intelligence is too low to equip yourself with this item.";
"Na no<6E>en<65> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu nem<65><6D> dostate<74>nou inteligenci.";
"Your dexterity is too low to equip yourself with this item.";
"Na no<6E>en<65> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu nem<65><6D> dostate<74>nou pohyblivost.";
"Your vitality is too low to equip yourself with this item.";
"Na no<6E>en<65> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu nem<65><6D> dostate<74>nou vitalitu.";
"You cannot use this item because you are not married.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t, proto<74>e nejsi <20>enat<61>/vdan<61>.";
"You cannot equip this item twice.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> nosit dvakr<6B>t.";
"Time left until the removal of the socket of %s: %d";
"Do odstran<61>n<EFBFBD> <20>chytu z %s zb<7A>v<EFBFBD> <20>asu: %d";
"This action can only be done with another gender.";
"Tohle m<><6D>e ud<75>lat pouze druh<75> pohlav<61>.";
"A gem socketed in the %s has vanished.";
"Drahokam zasazen<65> v %s zmizel.";
"[Guild] This guild name is invalid.";
"[Cech] Jm<4A>no cechu je neplatn<74>.";
"[Guild] This guild name is already taken.";
"[Cech] Tohle jm<6A>no cechu je ji<6A> obsazeno.";
"[Guild] You cannot found a guild.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vytvo<76>it cech.";
"The guild %s has declared war on %s!";
"%s cech vyhl<68>sil v<>lku %s cechu!";
"[Guild] %s has refused the Guild war.";
"[Cech] %s nep<65>ijal cechovn<76> v<>lku.";
"The guild war between %s and %s will start in a few seconds!";
"Cechovn<76> v<>lka mezi %s a %s zapo<70>ne za p<>r vte<74>in!";
"The guild war between %s and %s has begun!";
"V<>lka mezi %s a %s za<7A>ala!";
"The guild war between %s and %s has ended in a draw.";
"V<>lka mezi %s a %s skon<6F>ila nerozhodn<64>.";
"%s has won the guild war against %s.";
"Cech %s vyhr<68>l v<>lku proti cechu %s.";
"You need your fellow player's approval for this.";
"Na tohle pot<6F>ebuje<6A> souhlas sv<73>ho spoluhr<68><72>e.";
"[Guild] The guild war has been cancelled.";
"[Cech] V<>lka cech<63> byla zru<72>ena.";
"The guild war between %s and %s has been cancelled.";
"V<>lka mezi cechem %s a cechem %s byla zru<72>ena.";
"Action cancelled. You have entered a battle.";
"Zru<72>eno. Vstoupili jste do bitvy.";
"Someone has logged into your account. You will be disconnected from the server.";
"N<>kdo se p<>ihl<68>sil na tvoje konto. Bude<64> odpojen.";
"A mysterious light appears from the tree.";
"Ze stromu p<>ich<63>z<EFBFBD> tajemn<6D> sv<73>tlo.";
"%d Playtime added to your account. (Payment number %d)";
"%d hern<72>ho <20>asu bylo p<>id<69>no na tvoje konto. (<28><>slo platby %d)";
"You can participate in the guild battle in viewer mode.";
"M<><4D>e<EFBFBD> se z<><7A>astnit cechovn<76>ho boje v re<72>imu div<69>ka.";
"While choosing a character, an icon appears.";
"P<>i v<>b<EFBFBD>ru postavy se objev<65> ikona.";
"There are no opponents.";
"Nejsou <20><>dn<64> nep<65><70>tel<65>.";
"The battle with %s has begun!";
"Boj s %s za<7A>al!";
"If no enemy can be found, the guild war will be ended automatically.";
"Pokud nebude nalezen <20><>dn<64> nep<65><70>tel, cechovn<76> v<>lka bude automaticky ukon<6F>ena.";
"Because the guild war finished early, the result will judged as a draw.";
"Proto<74>e cechovn<76> v<>lka byla ukon<6F>ena p<>ed<65>asn<73>, bude posuzov<6F>na jako rem<65>za.";
"The energy is reflected because of the Emperors Blessing.";
"Energie je odr<64><72>ena c<>sa<73>sk<73>m po<70>ehn<68>n<EFBFBD>m.";
"After %d seconds you can use the Emperors Blessing.";
"Za %d vte<74>in m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t c<>sa<73>sk<73> po<70>ehn<68>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Not enough tax income : %d.";
"Nedostatek p<><70>jmu z dan<61>: %d.";
"[TEST_ONLY]Tax : %d";
"[TEST_ONLY]Da<44>: %d";
"Transformation error.";
"Chyba p<>i p<>em<65><6D>ov<6F>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You learned the transmutation completely.";
"P<>em<65>nu jsi se nau<61>il kompletn<74>.";
"Please call your Horse first.";
"Nejd<6A><64>ve si zavolej kon<6F> pros<6F>m.";
"You have sent your horse away.";
"Poslal jsi zp<7A>tky sv<73>ho kon<6F>.";
"%s challenged you to a battle!";
"%s t<> vyzval na souboj!";
"You have to get off your Horse.";
"Mus<75><73> sesednout z kon<6F>.";
"You cannot feed your Horse whilst sitting on it.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> nakrmit sv<73>ho kon<6F> kdy<64> na n<>m sed<65><64>!";
"You have fed the Horse with %s%s.";
"Dal jsi %s%s koni.";
"You need %s.";
"Pot<6F>ebuje<6A> %s.";
"%d seconds until Exit.";
"%d vte<74>in do vypnut<75>.";
"The game will be closed in %d seconds.";
"Hra bude ukon<6F>ena za %d vte<74>in.";
"Your logout has been cancelled.";
"Tv<54> odhl<68><6C>en<65> bylo zru<72>eno.";
"Back to login window. Please wait.";
"N<>vrat do p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61>ho okna. Pros<6F>m <20>ekej.";
"You have been disconnected from the server. Please wait.";
"Byl jsi odpojen od serveru. Pros<6F>m <20>ekej.";
"You have challenged %s to a battle.";
"Vyzval jsi %s na souboj.";
"You are changing character. Please wait.";
"Zm<5A>nil jsi osobu. Pros<6F>m <20>ekej.";
"A new start is not possible at the moment. Please wait %d seconds.";
"Nov<6F> start nen<65> moment<6E>ln<6C> mo<6D>n<EFBFBD>. Po<50>kej %d vte<74>in.";
"You cannot restart yet. Please wait another %d seconds.";
"Restart nen<65> mo<6D>n<EFBFBD>. Po<50>kej dal<61><6C>ch %d vte<74>in.";
"You cannot restart in the city yet. Wait another %d seconds.";
"St<53>le nen<65> mo<6D>n<EFBFBD> restart ve m<>st<73>. Po<50>kej dal<61><6C>ch %d vte<74>in.";
"The waiting time has expired. You will be revived in the city.";
"Ztratil jsi <20>anci na o<>iven<65>. Vr<56>t<EFBFBD><74> se do m<>sta.";
"You cannot change your status while you are transformed.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> m<>nit sv<73>j status po dobu tv<74> p<>em<65>ny.";
"This player is currently fighting.";
"Hr<48><72> pr<70>v<EFBFBD> bojuje.";
"[Guild] It does not belong to the guild.";
"[Cech]Tohle nepat<61><74> cechu.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change the level of the guild skills.";
"[Cech]Nejsi opr<70>vn<76>n m<>nit <20>rove<76> cechovn<76>ch schopnost<73>.";
"Your choice is incorrect.";
"Volba nen<65> spr<70>vn<76>.";
"[Storeroom] You have entered an incorrect password.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>]Vlo<6C>il jsi <20>patn<74> heslo.";
"[Storeroom] The Storeroom is already open.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>]Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD> je ji<6A> otev<65>eno.";
"[Storeroom] You have to wait 10 seconds before you can open the Storeroom again.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>]Mus<75><73> po<70>kat 10 vte<74>in na op<6F>tovn<76> otev<65>en<65> skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>.";
"[Storeroom] You are too far away to open the storeroom.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>] Jsi p<><70>li<6C> daleko na otev<65>en<65> skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>.";
"[Group] The server cannot execute this group request.";
"[Skupina] Server nem<65><6D>e vykonat skupinovou <20><>dost.";
"[Group] You cannot leave a group while you are in a dungeon.";
"[Skupina] Na tomto m<>st<73> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> opustit skupinu.";
"[Group] You have left the group.";
"[Skupina] Opustil jsi skupinu.";
"[Guild] Your guild is already participating in another war.";
"[Cech] Tv<54>j cech se ji<6A> <20><>astn<74> jin<69> v<>lky.";
"[Guild] No one is entitled to a guild war.";
"[Cech] Nen<65> opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> na cechovn<76> v<>lku.";
"[Guild] No guild with this name exists.";
"[Cech] Cech s t<>mto jm<6A>nem neexistuje.";
"There already is a candidacy.";
"Zde u<> je kandidatura.";
"[Guild] This guild is already participating in a war.";
"[Cech] Tento cech se ji<6A> <20><>astn<74> v<>lky.";
"[Guild] Not enough Yang to participate in a guild war.";
"[Cech] Nedostatek Yang<6E> na <20><>ast cechovn<76> v<>lky.";
"[Guild] The guild does not have enough Yang to participate in a guild war.";
"[Cech] Cech nem<65> dostatek Yang<6E> na <20><>ast cechovn<76> v<>lky.";
"[Guild] This Guild is already scheduled for another war.";
"[Cech] Tento cech je ji<6A> p<>ihl<68><6C>en na jinou cechovn<76> v<>lku.";
"[Guild] This guild is already participating in another war.";
"[Cech] Tento cech se ji<6A> <20><>astn<74> jin<69> v<>lky.";
"[Guild] A minimum of %d players are needed to participate in a guild war.";
"[Cech] Do v<>lky cech<63> se mus<75> p<>ihl<68>sit minim<69>ln<6C> %d hr<68><72><EFBFBD>.";
"[Guild] The guild does not have enough points to participate in a guild war.";
"[Cech] Cech nem<65> dostatek bod<6F> na <20><>ast ve v<>lce.";
"[Guild] The guild does not have enough members to participate in a guild war.";
"[Cech] Cech nem<65> dostatek <20>len<65> na <20><>ast ve v<>lce.";
"Your level has to be higher than 20 to register a cell phone number.";
"Tv<54> <20>rove<76> mus<75> b<>t vy<76><79><EFBFBD> ne<6E> 20 na registraci <20><>sla tv<74>ho mobiln<6C>ho telefonu.";
"You do not have the emperor qualification.";
"Nem<65>te schopnosti st<73>t se c<>sa<73>em.";
"%s declined the invitation.";
"%s odm<64>tl pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot accept the invitation because you are already in the group.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>ijmout pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD>, proto<74>e u<> ve skupin<69> jsi.";
"Only the emperor can use this.";
"Pouze c<>sa<73> m<><6D>e tohle pou<6F><75>t.";
"Cooldown time for approximately %d seconds";
"<22>as <20>ek<65>n<EFBFBD> p<>ibli<6C>n<EFBFBD> %d vte<74>in.";
"Lack of Taxes. Current Capital : %u Missing Capital : %u";
"Nedostatek dan<61>. Sou<6F>asn<73> kapit<69>l: %u chyb<79>j<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD> kapit<69>l: %u";
"Command: warpto <character name>";
"P<><50>kaz: warpto <character name>";
"You cannot be warped to an unknown player.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> se p<>em<65>stit k nezn<7A>m<EFBFBD>mu hr<68><72>i.";
"Adding player %d into the channel. (Present channel %d)";
"P<>id<69>n<EFBFBD> hr<68><72>e %d do kan<61>lu. (Sou<6F>asn<73> Kan<61>l %d)";
"Warp to player %s.";
"P<>epravit k %s.";
"You cannot call unknown players.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> volat nezn<7A>m<EFBFBD> hr<68><72>e.";
"[Guild] There are no experience points for hunting during a guild war.";
"[Cech] B<>hem cechovn<76> v<>lky se nepo<70><6F>taj<61> bod<6F> zku<6B>enost<73> za lov.";
"When the Blessing of the Emperor is used %s the HP and SP are restored again.";
"Pokud pou<6F>ije<6A> po<70>ehn<68>n<EFBFBD> c<>sa<73>e %s ZB a MB budou op<6F>t obnoveny.";
"My information about the emperor";
"M<> c<>sa<73>sk<73> informace";
"[%sMonarch] : %s Yang owned %lld";
"[%sPanovn<76>k] : %s Yang<6E> vlastn<74>no %lld";
"[%sMonarch] : %s";
"[%sPanovn<76>k] : %s";
"Information about the emperor";
"C<>sa<73>sk<73> informace";
"Only an emperor can use this.";
"Pouze c<>sa<73> sm<73> tohle pou<6F><75>t";
"Choose a number between 1 and 50.";
"Vyber <20><>slo mezi 1 a 50.";
"The Monster cannot be called. Check the Mob Number.";
"Nestv<74>ra nem<65><6D>e b<>t zavol<6F>na. Zkontroluj Mob-<2D><>slo.";
"Hit Points +%d";
"Body <20>ivota +%d";
"Spell Points +%d";
"Body many +%d";
"The Emperor Blessing is activated.";
"Po<50>ehn<68>n<EFBFBD> c<>sa<73>e je aktivn<76>.";
"Endurance +%d";
"Vytrvalost +%d";
"Intelligence +%d";
"Inteligence +%d";
"Strength +%d";
"S<>la +%d";
"Dexterity +%d";
"Pohyblivost +%d";
"Attack Speed +%d";
"Rychlost <20>toku +%d";
"Movement Speed %d";
"Rychlost pohybu %d";
"Cooldown Time -%d";
"<22>as obnoven<65> -%d";
"Energy Recovery +%d";
"Obnova <20>ivotn<74> energie +%d";
"Spell Point Recovery +%d";
"Obnova bod<6F> many +%d";
"Poison Attack %d";
"<22>tok jedem %d";
"Star +%d";
"Hv<48>zda +%d";
"Speed Reduction +%d";
"Sni<6E>ov<6F>n<EFBFBD> rychlosti +%d";
"Critical Attack with a chance of %d%%";
"<22>ance na kritick<63> <20>tok %d%%";
"Chance of a Speared Attack of %d%%";
"<22>ance na pronikav<61> <20>tok %d%%";
"Player's Attack Power against Monsters +%d%%";
"Hr<48><72>ova s<>la <20>toku proti nestv<74>r<EFBFBD>m +%d%%";
"Horse's Attack Power against Monsters +%d%%";
"S<>la <20>toku kon<6F> proti nestv<74>r<EFBFBD>m +%d%%";
"Attack Boost against Wonggui + %d%%";
"Pos<6F>len<65> <20>toku proti Wonggui + %d%%";
"Attack Boost against Milgyo + %d%%";
"Pos<6F>len<65> <20>toku proti Milgyo + %d%%";
"Attack boost against zombies + %d%%";
"Pos<6F>len<65> <20>toku proti Zombie + %d%%";
"Attack boost against devils + %d%%";
"Pos<6F>len<65> <20>toku proti <20><>bl<62>m + %d%%";
"Due to Emperor Sa-Za-Hu, the player %s will receive an attack power increase of 10 %% for 3 minutes in this area.";
"Od c<>sa<73>e Sa-Za-Hu dostal hr<68><72> %s o 10%% v<>c <20>to<74>n<EFBFBD> s<>ly na 3 minuty.";
"Absorbing of Energy %d%% while attacking.";
"Pohlcov<6F>n<EFBFBD> <20>ivotn<74> energie %d%% p<>i <20>toku.";
"Absorption of Spell Points (SP) %d%% while attacking.";
"Pohlcov<6F>n<EFBFBD> bod<6F> many (MB) %d%% p<>i <20>toku.";
"With a chance of %d%% Spell Points (SP) will be taken from the enemy.";
"<22>anc<6E> %d%% budou body many (MB) vzaty nep<65><70>teli.";
"Absorbing of Spell Points (SP) with a chance of %d%%";
"Pohlcen<65> bod<6F> many (MB) <20>anc<6E> %d%%";
"%d%% Chance of blocking a close-combat attack";
"%d%% <20>ance na blok <20>toku boje zbl<62>zka.";
"%d%% Chance of blocking a long range attack";
"%d%% <20>ance na blok <20>toku z d<>lky.";
"One-Handed Sword defence %d%%";
"Obrana proti jednoru<72>n<EFBFBD>m me<6D><65>m %d%%";
"Two-Handed Sword Defence %d%%";
"Obrana proti obouru<72>n<EFBFBD>m me<6D><65>m %d%%";
"Bell Defence %d%%";
"Obrana proti zvonu %d%%";
"By the Emperor Geum-Gang-Gwon the player %s gets 10 %% more armour for 3 minutes.";
"Od c<>sa<73>e Geum-Gang-Gwon dost<73>v<EFBFBD> hr<68><72> %s o 10%% v<>ce brn<72>n<EFBFBD> na 3 minuty.";
"Fan Defence %d%%";
"Obrana proti v<>j<EFBFBD><6A>i %d%%";
"Distant Attack Resistance %d%%";
"Odolnost proti <20>toku z d<>lky %d%%";
"Fire Resistance %d%%";
"Odolnost proti ohni %d%%";
"Lightning Resistance %d%%";
"Odolnost proti blesk<73>m %d%%";
"Magic Resistance %d%%";
"Odolnost proti magii %d%%";
"Wind Resistance %d%%";
"Odolnost proti v<>tru %d%%";
"Reflect Direct Hit: %d%%";
"Odra<72>en<65> p<><70>m<EFBFBD>ho z<>sahu: %d%%";
"Reflect Curse: %d%%";
"Odra<72>en<65> kletby: %d%%";
"Poison Resistance %d%%";
"Odolnost proti jedu %d%%";
"Spell Points (SP) will be increased by %d%% if you win.";
"Body many (MB) budou zv<7A><76>eny na %d%% pokud vyhraje<6A>i.";
"The event is already running. (Flag: %d)";
"Ud<55>lost ji<6A> prob<6F>h<EFBFBD> (Flag: %d)";
"Experience increases by %d%% if you win against an opponent.";
"Zku<6B>enosti budou zv<7A><76>eny na %d%% pokud vyhraje<6A> proti nep<65><70>teli.";
"Increase of Yang up to %d%% if you win.";
"Zv<5A><76>en<65> Yang<6E> na %d%% pokud vyhraje<6A> proti nep<65><70>teli.";
"Increase of captured Items up to %d%% if you win.";
"Zv<5A><76>en<65> uko<6B>ist<73>n<EFBFBD>ch p<>edm<64>t<EFBFBD> na %d%% pokud vyhraje<6A> proti nep<65><70>teli.";
"Power increase of up to %d%% after taking the potion.";
"Zv<5A><76>en<65> s<>ly na %d%% p<>i vypit<69> elix<69>ru.";
"%d%% Chance of filling up Hit Points after a victory.";
"%d%% <20>ance na napln<6C>n<EFBFBD> bod<6F> <20>ivotn<74> energie, pokud vyhraje<6A>.";
"No Dizziness %d%%";
"<22>adn<64> z<>vra<72> %d%%";
"No Slowing Down %d%%";
"<22><>dn<64> zpomalen<65> %d%%";
"No falling down %d%%";
"<22><>dn<64> p<>d %d%%";
"Attack Power + %d";
"S<>la <20>toku +%d";
"Armour + %d";
"Brn<72>n<EFBFBD> + %d";
"OX quiz script could not be loaded.";
"OX Quiz Skript nem<65><6D>e b<>t nahr<68>n.";
"Magical Attack + %d";
"Magick<63> <20>tok + %d";
"Magical Defence + %d";
"Magick<63> obrana + %d";
"Maximum Endurance + %d";
"Maxim<69>ln<6C> vytrvalost + %d";
"Strong against Warriors + %d%%";
"S<>la proti V<>le<6C>n<EFBFBD>k<EFBFBD>m + %d%%";
"Strong against Ninjas + %d%%";
"S<>la proti Ninj<6E>m + %d%%";
"Strong against Sura + %d%%";
"S<>la proti Sur<75>m + %d%%";
"Strong against Shamans + %d%%";
"S<>la proti <20>aman<61>m + %d%%";
"Strength against monsters + %d%%";
"S<>la proti nestv<74>r<EFBFBD>m + %d%%";
"Attack + %d%%";
"<22>tok + %d%%";
"Defence + %d%%";
"Obrana + %d%%";
"OX quiz script has loaded.";
"OX Quiz Skript je nahr<68>n.";
"Experience %d%%";
"Zku<6B>enost %d%%";
"Chance to find an Item %. 1f";
"<22>ance nal<61>zt p<>edm<64>t %. 1f";
"Chance to find Yang %. 1f";
"<22>ance nal<61>zt Yangy %. 1f";
"Maximum Energy +%d%%";
"Horn<72> limit <20>ivotn<74> energie +%d%%";
"Skill Damage %d%%";
"Po<50>kozen<65> schopnost<73> %d%%";
"Hit Damage %d%%";
"Po<50>kozen<65> <20>derem %d%%";
"Resistance against Skill Damage %d%%";
"Odolnost proti po<70>kozen<65> schopnost<73> %d%%";
"Resistance against Hits %d%%";
"Odolnost proti <20>der<65>m %d%%";
"%d%% Resistance against Warrior Attacks";
"%d%% odolnost proti <20>toku v<>le<6C>n<EFBFBD>ka";
"Welcome to Metin2.";
"V<>tejte v Metin2.";
"%d%% Resistance against Ninja Attacks";
"%d%% odolnost proti <20>toku Ninji";
"%d%% Resistance against Sura Attacks";
"%d%% odolnost proti <20>toku Sury";
"%d%% Resistance against Shaman Attacks";
"%d%% odolnost proti <20>toku <20>amana";
"(Procedure: %d y- %d m - %d d)";
"(Procedura: %d r- %d m - %d d)";
"Your chat is blocked.";
"Tv<54>j chat je blokov<6F>n.";
"You need a higher level to be able to call.";
"Pot<6F>ebuje<6A> vy<76><79><EFBFBD> <20>rove<76>, abys mohl volat.";
"You need a minimum level of %d to be able to call.";
"Pot<6F>ebuje<6A> minim<69>ln<6C> <20>rove<76> %d, abys mohl volat.";
"You are not in this Group.";
"Nejsi v t<>to skupin<69>.";
"You did not join this Guild.";
"Nep<65>ipojil jsi se k tomuto cechu.";
"The player has rejected your request to add him to your friend list.";
"Hr<48><72> odm<64>tl b<>t p<>id<69>n do tv<74>ho seznamu p<><70>tel.";
"OX Event has started.";
"Sout<75><74> OX za<7A>ala.";
"[Friends] You cannot add a GM to your list.";
"[Seznam p<><70>tel] Nem<65><6D>es p<>idat GM do tv<74>ho listu p<><70>tel.";
"%s is not online.";
"%s nen<65> ve h<>e.";
"After a trade, you have to wait %d seconds before you can open a shop.";
"Po skon<6F>en<65> obchodov<6F>n<EFBFBD> m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> otev<65><76>t st<73>nek a<> za %d vte<74>in.";
"You can trade again in %d seconds.";
"Znovu m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat za %d vte<74>in.";
"You have more than 2 Billion Yang. You cannot trade.";
"M<><4D> v<>c jak 2 Biliony Yang<6E>. Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat.";
"You cannot open a private shop while another window is open.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> otev<65><76>t soukrom<6F> st<73>nek, kdy<64> je otev<65>eno dal<61><6C> okno.";
"The player has more than 2 Billion Yang. You cannot trade with him.";
"Hr<48><72> m<> v<>ce jak 2 Biliony Yang<6E>. Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> s n<>m obchodovat.";
"[Storeroom] No movement possible.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>] Nen<65> mo<6D>n<EFBFBD> <20><>dn<64> p<>esun.";
"[Storeroom] The item cannot be stored.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>] P<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e b<>t uskladn<64>n.";
"[Group] The player who invited you is not online.";
"[Skupina] Hr<48><72> kter<65> zval, nen<65> online.";
"Uriel allowed to enter.";
"S Urielov<6F>m svolen<65>m m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> vstoupit.";
"[Group] Only the group leader can change this.";
"[Skupina] Pouze v<>dce skupiny m<><6D>e tohle zm<7A>nit.";
"[Group] The target is not a member of your group.";
"[Skupina] C<>l nen<65> <20>len tv<74> skupiny.";
"[Group] You cannot kick out a player while you are in a dungeon.";
"[Skupina] Na tomto m<>st<73> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vykopnout hr<68><72>e ze skupiny.";
"[Group] You have been out kicked of the group.";
"[Skupina] Byl jsi vykopnut ze skupiny.";
"[Group] You cannot kick out group members.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vykopnout <20>leny skupiny.";
"[Guild] After disbanding a guild, you cannot create a new one for %d days.";
"[Cech] Po smaz<61>n<EFBFBD> cechu nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vytvo<76>it nov<6F> po dobu %d dn<64>.";
"[Guild] After leaving a guild, you cannot create a new one for %d days.";
"[Cech] Po opu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> cechu nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zalo<6C>it nov<6F> po dobu %d dn<64>.";
"This guild name is invalid.";
"Jm<4A>no cechu je neplatn<74>.";
"We request the participation of a lot of players.";
"<22><>d<EFBFBD>me <20><>ast mnoha hr<68><72><EFBFBD>.";
"[Guild] [%s] guild has been created.";
"[Cech] [%s] cech byl vytvo<76>en.";
"[Guild] Creation of the guild has failed.";
"[Cech] Vytvo<76>en<65> cechu selhalo.";
"[Group] Only the group leader can use group skills.";
"[Skupina] Jen vedouc<75> skupiny m<><6D>e pou<6F><75>vat skupinov<6F> schopnosti.";
"[Group] The target has not been found.";
"[Skupina] C<>l nenalezen.";
"[Guild] That is not the correct amount of Yang.";
"[Cech] Tohle nen<65> spr<70>vn<76> mno<6E>stv<74> Yang<6E>.";
"[Guild] You do not have enough Yang.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D> dostatek Yang<6E>.";
"[Guild] The person you were searching for cannot be found.";
"[Cech] Hledan<61> osoba nem<65><6D>e b<>t nalezena.";
"[Guild] This person is not in the same guild.";
"[Cech] Tahle osoba nen<65> ve stejn<6A>m cechu.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to kick out guild members.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vykopnout <20>leny cechu.";
"[Guild] The guild member %s has been kicked out of the Guild.";
"[Cech] Cechovn<76> <20>len %s byl vykopnut z cechu.";
"OX The Event has not ended yet. An error has occurred. (flag: %d)";
"Sout<75><74> OX je<6A>t<EFBFBD> neskon<6F>ila, objevily se chyby.(flag: %d)";
"[Guild] You have kicked a guild member out.";
"[Cech] Vyhodil jsi <20>lena cechu.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change your rank name.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zm<7A>nit sv<73> hodnostn<74> jm<6A>no.";
"[Guild] The guild leader's rights cannot be changed.";
"[Cech] Pr<50>va cechovn<76>ho v<>dce nemohou b<>t zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>ny.";
"[Guild] This rank name is invalid.";
"[Cech] Hodnostn<74> jm<6A>no je neplatn<74>.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change your position.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zm<7A>nit svoji pozici.";
"[Guild] The rights of the guild leader cannot be changed.";
"[Cech] Pr<50>va cechovn<76>ho v<>dce nem<65><6D>ou b<>t zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>ny.";
"[Guild] %u experience points used.";
"[Cech] Pou<6F>ito %u zku<6B>enost<73>.";
"[Guild] Experience usage has failed.";
"[Cech] U<>it<69> zku<6B>enost<73> selhalo.";
"[Guild] Insufficient Yang in the guild treasury.";
"[Cech] V cechovn<76> pokladnici nem<65><6D> dostatek Yang<6E>!";
"[Guild] Dragon ghost was not restored.";
"[Cech] Dra<72><61> duch nebyl obnoven.";
"The OX Event will be restarted shortly.";
"Sout<75><74> OX bude zakr<6B>tko znovu spu<70>t<EFBFBD>na.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to make an announcement.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> ud<75>lat prohl<68><6C>en<65>.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change the position.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zm<7A>nit pozici.";
"[Guild] The guild leader's position cannot be changed.";
"[Cech] Hodnost cechovn<76>ho v<>dce nem<65><6D>e b<>t zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>na.";
"[Guild] You cannot make yourself guild leader.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> se ud<75>lat cechovn<76>m v<>dcem.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to choose the guild leader.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vybrat v<>dce cechu.";
"[Guild] You cannot choose any more guild leaders.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vybrat v<>ce v<>dc<64>.";
"You cannot trade this item.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat s t<>mto p<>edm<64>tem.";
"Illegal software has been detected. The game is being shut down.";
"Ileg<65>ln<6C> software rozpozn<7A>n. Hra bude ukon<6F>ena.";
"You have more than 2 Billion Yang with you. You cannot trade.";
"M<><4D> v<>ce jak 2 Bilion<6F> Yang<6E>. Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat.";
"Invalid Yang.";
"Neplatn<74> Yang.";
"The present event is limited to one area.";
"Sou<6F>asn<73> ud<75>lost je omezena jen na jednu oblast.";
"Start Item Roulette.";
"Spustit ruletu p<>edm<64>t<EFBFBD>.";
"Start Yang Roulette.";
"Spustit ruletu Yang<6E>.";
"The player is online. Please use whisper to chat.";
"Hr<48><72> je online. Pou<6F>ij <20>ept<70>n<EFBFBD> na rozhovor.";
"The cell phone number is not registered.";
"Mobiln<6C> telefonn<6E> <20><>slo nen<65> registrov<6F>no.";
"You need to be at least on level 20 to be able to send text messages.";
"Mus<75><73> m<>t minim<69>ln<6C> <20>rove<76> 20 na pos<6F>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> textov<6F>ch zpr<70>v.";
"You need 2000 DT to send a text message.";
"Pot<6F>ebuje<6A> 2000 DT na posl<73>n<EFBFBD> textov<6F> zpr<70>vy.";
"Your text message has been sent.";
"Tv<54> textov<6F> zpr<70>va byla odesl<73>na.";
"%s of the Guild %s raised up to %d%% !";
"%s cechu %s bylo zv<7A><76>eno na %d%%!";
"%s of the Guild %s normal again.";
"%s cechu %s je op<6F>t norm<72>ln<6C>.";
"%s: %s has increased by %d%%!";
"%s: %s zv<7A><76>eno o %d%%!";
"%s 's %s normal again.";
"%s 's %s je op<6F>t norm<72>ln<6C>.";
"Your mining points have reached their maximum. (%d)";
"Tv<54> t<><74>ebn<62> body se zv<7A><76>ily na maximum. (%d).";
"Your mining points have reached their maximum level.";
"Tv<54> t<><74>ebn<62> body se zv<7A><76>ily na nejvy<76><79><EFBFBD> <20>rove<76>.";
"You can get lumberjack Deokbae to upgrade your Pickaxe.";
"M<><4D>e<EFBFBD> vylep<65>it sv<73>j krump<6D><70> s pomoc<6F> d<>evorubce Deokbae.";
"Your Mining Points have increased! (%d/%d)";
"Tv<54> t<><74>ebn<62> body se zv<7A><76>ily! (%d/%d)";
"You cannot mine without a Pick.";
"Bez krump<6D><70>e nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> kopat.";
"Nothing to mine here.";
"Zde nen<65> nic na kop<6F>n<EFBFBD>.";
"The mining has been successful.";
"Kop<6F>n<EFBFBD> bylo <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"The mining has failed.";
"Kop<6F>n<EFBFBD> se nezda<64>ilo.";
"[Friends] You have added %s as a friend.";
"[Seznam p<><70>tel] P<>idal jsi %s jako p<><70>tele.";
"The player will be teleported into the city shortly.";
"Hr<48><72> bude za chv<68>li p<>em<65>st<73>n do m<>sta.";
"[Friends] You have deleted %s from the list.";
"[Seznam p<><70>tel] Vymazal jsi %s ze seznamu.";
"A critical server error has occurred. The server will restart automatically.";
"Kritick<63> chyba serveru. Server bude automaticky restartov<6F>n.";
"You will be disconnected automatically in 10 seconds.";
"Bude<64> odpojen za 10 vte<74>in.";
"You can connect again after 5 minutes.";
"M<><4D>e<EFBFBD> se p<>ipojit za 5 minut.";
"(%s) guild has been created. [Temporary]";
"(%s) Cech vytvo<76>en. [Do<44>asn<73>]";
"This guild is at war.";
"Cech je ve v<>lce.";
"%s: This guild does not exist.";
"%s: Tento cech neexistuje.";
"A guild with this name or number does not exist.";
"Cech s t<>mto jm<6A>nem nebo <20><>slem neexistuje.";
"The building does not exist.";
"Tato budova neexistuje.";
"This type of building can only be erected once.";
"Tenhle typ budovy m<><6D>e b<>t postaven pouze jednou.";
"Close the OX event card first. (Flag: %d)";
"Nejd<6A><64>ve zav<61>i kartu sout<75><74>e OX. (Flag: %d)";
"The Main Building has to be erected first.";
"Nejd<6A><64>ve mus<75> b<>t postavena z<>kladn<64> budova.";
"Building failed because of incorrect pricing.";
"Stavba selhala kv<6B>li <20>patn<74> stavebn<62> cen<65>.";
"Your guild does not have enough Yang to erect this building.";
"Tv<54>j cech nem<65> dostatek Yang<6E> na stavbu t<>to budovy.";
"You do not have enough resources to build a building.";
"Na tuto budovu nem<65><6D> dostatek surovin.";
"You cannot erect a building at this place.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> postavit budovu na tomto m<>st<73>.";
"This character does not exist.";
"Tato postava neexistuje.";
"Duel has not been successfully cancelled.";
"Souboj nezru<72>en.";
"Duel cancelled successfully.";
"Souboj <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> zru<72>en.";
"The duel has been successfully started.";
"Souboj <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> zah<61>jen.";
"There is a problem with initiating the duel.";
"Probl<62>m se zah<61>jen<65>m souboje.";
"No errors occurred.";
"Nevyskytly se <20><>dn<64> chyby.";
"There are no combatants.";
"Zde nejsou <20><>dn<64> bojovn<76>ci.";
"No status points left.";
"Nezbyly <20><>dn<64> body vlastnost<73> t<>la.";
"Remaining status points are too low.";
"Zb<5A>v<EFBFBD> p<><70>li<6C> m<>lo bod<6F> vlastnost<73> t<>la.";
"You entered an incorrect value.";
"Vlo<6C>il jsi neplatnou hodnotu.";
"Suborder or the Order is incorrect.";
"Subordinace rozkazu je neplatn<74>.";
"Broken contract between player %d and player %d.";
"Zru<72>en<65> kontrakt mezi hr<68><72>em %d a hr<68><72>em %d.";
"Turn the Roulette for %d Yang.";
"Zato<74>it ruletou za %d Yang<6E>.";
"The Item log placed into the syslog.";
"Z<>znam p<>edm<64>tu ulo<6C>en do syst<73>mov<6F>ho z<>znamu.";
"Information for the Kingdoms";
"Informace pro kr<6B>lovstv<74>";
"Choose the Map Information of the Holy Land %d Entrance %d %d %d";
"Vyber informace mapy svat<61> zem<65> %d vstup %d %d %d";
"An error has occurred.";
"Objevila se chyba.";
"%s killcount %d mobkillcount %d bosskillcount %d Number Holy Land %d";
"%s zabit<69> %d zabit<69> p<><70><EFBFBD>ery %d zabit<69> boss<73> %d <20><>slo svat<61> zem<65> %d";
"Information about the status of the kingdom battle";
"Informace o stavu bitvy kr<6B>lovstv<74>";
"Your request is loading. Please wait.";
"Tv<54>j po<70>adavek je zav<61>d<EFBFBD>n. Pros<6F>m <20>ekej.";
"You cannot open a Storeroom while another window is open.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> otev<65><76>t Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>, kdy<64> je otev<65>eno dal<61><6C> okno.";
"[Storeroom] Storeroom password has been changed.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>] Heslo ke skladi<64>ti bylo zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>no.";
"[Storeroom] You have entered the wrong password.";
"[Skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>] Zadal jsi <20>patn<74> heslo.";
"Your playing time is going to run out in %d minutes.";
"Tv<54>j hern<72> <20>as vypr<70><72> za %d minut.";
"Regularly voted.";
"<22><>dn<64> voleno.";
"Already voted.";
"Ji<4A> voleno.";
"%s player already in the vote.";
"Hr<48><72> %s je ji<6A> ve volb<6C>.";
"OX Event is over. No errors occurred. (Flag: %d)";
"Sout<75><74> OX skon<6F>ila, nevyskytly se <20><>dn<64> chyby.(Flag: %d)";
"Cannot run for office.";
"Nem<65><6D>e b<>t zvolen.";
"%s still has %u Yang available.";
"%s m<> st<73>le %u Yang<6E>.";
"%s still has %d Yang available.";
"%s m<> st<73>le %d Yang<6E>";
"You do not have enough Yang.";
"Nem<65><6D> dostatek Yang<6E>.";
"%s is deleted as an Emperor Candidate.";
"%s byl smaz<61>n jako kandid<69>t na c<>sa<73>e.";
"%s is not a candidate for the emperor elections.";
"%s nen<65> kandid<69>t na c<>sa<73>e.";
"%s has been nominated as emperor.";
"%s byl nominov<6F>n na c<>sa<73>e.";
"%s cannot be nominated as emperor.";
"%s nem<65><6D>e b<>t nominov<6F>n na c<>sa<73>e.";
"The %s Emperor gets driven out.";
"C<>sa<73> %s byl vyho<68>t<EFBFBD>n.";
"The %s Emperor cannot be driven out.";
"C<>sa<73> %s nem<65><6D>e b<>t vyho<68>t<EFBFBD>n.";
"OX Event is not accepting any more participants.";
"Ud<55>losti OX se nem<65><6D>e <20><>astnit v<>ce lid<69>.";
"Shinsoo Kingdom";
"Kr<4B>lovstv<74> Shinsoo";
"Chunjo Kingdom";
"Kr<4B>lovstv<74> Chunjo";
"Jinno Kingdom";
"Kr<4B>lovstv<74> Jinno";
"Your fishing points have increased! (%d/%d)";
"Tv<54> ryb<79><62>sk<73> body se zv<7A><76>ily! (%d/%d)";
"You have reached the maximum number of fishing points.";
"Dos<6F>hl jsi maxim<69>ln<6C>ho po<70>tu ryb<79><62>sk<73>ch bod<6F>.";
"Go to the Fisherman and get your Fishing Pole upgraded!";
"Vylep<65>i sv<73>j prut za pomoc<6F> ryb<79><62>e.";
"You lost your bait to the fish.";
"Ztratil si svoji n<>vnadu.";
"You have caught a fish! (%s)";
"Chytil jsi rybu! (%s)";
"The length of the captured fish is %.2fcm.";
"D<>lka chycen<65> ryby je %.2fcm.";
"Fishing Event 'Great Zander'";
"Ryb<79><62>sk<73> ud<75>lost 'Nejlep<65><70> Ryb<79><62>'";
"OX The other event participants are being noted down.";
"OX Ostatn<74> <20><>astn<74>ci ud<75>losti jsou uvedeni.";
"Fishing Event 'Carp'";
"Ryb<79><62>sk<73> ud<75>lost 'Trp<72>livost r<><72>e p<>in<69><6E><EFBFBD>'.";
"%s: %d";
"%s: %d";
"You have caught %d of %d .";
"Chytil jsi %d z %d.";
"The fish vanished in the depths of the water.";
"Ryba zmizela do nekone<6E>n<EFBFBD>ch hlubin vody...";
"There is a Clam inside the Fish.";
"Uvnit<69> ryby je mu<6D>le.";
"There is a Worm inside the Fish.";
"Uvnit<69> ryby je <20>erv.";
"You are roasting %s over the fire.";
"Opek<65><6B> %s nad ohn<68>m.";
"You cannot trade because you are carrying more than 2 billion Yang.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat, proto<74>e nese<73> v<>ce jak 2 Biliony Yang<6E>.";
"You can't give your shop an invalid name.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pojmenovat sv<73> skladi<64>t<EFBFBD> neplatn<74>m jm<6A>nem.";
"You can't sell Item-Shop items in a private shop.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> prodat p<>edm<64>t z obchodu dopl<70>k<EFBFBD> v soukrom<6F>m st<73>nku.";
"OX The other event participants have not been noted down.";
"OX Dal<61><6C> <20><>astn<74>ci ud<75>losti nejsou uvedeni.";
"Mining is finished.";
"Kop<6F>n<EFBFBD> dokon<6F>eno.";
"You need a Pickaxe in order to extract ore!";
"Vezmi si krump<6D><70>.";
"Please choose a Fishing Pole.";
"Vyber si prut.";
"Place the Bait on the Hook first.";
"Nejd<6A><64>ve dej n<>vnadu na h<><68>ek.";
"You can't go fishing without a fishing pole!";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> j<>t ryba<62>it bez prutu.";
"[Group] You cannot make a request because the group leader is not online.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> prov<6F>st po<70>adavek, proto<74>e vedouc<75> skupiny nen<65> online.";
"[Group] You cannot form a group with players from another kingdom.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vytvo<76>it skupinu s hr<68><72>i z jin<69>ch kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"[Group] You cannot invite players while you are in a dungeon.";
"[Skupina] Na tomto m<>st<73> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pozvat hr<68><72>e do skupiny.";
"[Group] You cannot invite a player while you are in observer mode.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pozvat hr<68><72>e, kdy<64> jsi v pozorovatelsk<73>m m<>dusu.";
"[Group] Only players with a level difference of -30 to +30 can be invited.";
"[Skupina] Pouze hr<68><72>i s rozd<7A>lem <20>rovn<76> od -30 do +30 mohou b<>t pozv<7A>ni.";
"Number of other participants : %d";
"Po<50>et dal<61><6C>ch <20><>astn<74>k<EFBFBD>: %d";
"[Group] You cannot invite this player, as their level is too low.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pozvat tohoto hr<68><72>e, jeho <20>rove<76> je p<><70>li<6C> n<>zk<7A>.";
"[Group] You cannot invite this player, as their level is too high.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pozvat tohoto hr<68><72>e, jeho <20>rove<76> je p<><70>li<6C> vysok<6F>.";
"[Group] You cannot invite any more players into your group.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pozvat v<>ce hr<68><72><EFBFBD> do sv<73> skupiny.";
"You want to join %s's group.";
"Chce<63> se p<>ipojit ke skupin<69> hr<68><72>e %s?";
"This player is not in this group.";
"Tento hr<68><72> nen<65> v t<>to skupin<69>.";
"[Group] You cannot join this group because it is already full.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> se p<>ipojit k t<>to skupin<69>, tato je ji<6A> pln<6C>.";
"[Group] You do not have the right to invite someone.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D> pr<70>vo n<>koho pozvat.";
"[Group] %s has declined your group invitation.";
"[Skupina] %s odm<64>tl pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD> do tv<74> skupiny.";
"[Group] %s is already in the group.";
"[Skupina] %s je ji<6A> ve skupin<69>.";
"[Group] You cannot accept an invitation into a dungeon.";
"[Skupina] Na tomto m<>st<73> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>ijmout pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD> do skupiny.";
"OX Event is finishing.";
"Sout<75><74> OX je u konce.";
"[Group] You cannot accept the invitation.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>ijmout pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD>.";
"[Group] %s has declined your invitation.";
"[Skupina] %s odm<64>tl tv<74> pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD>.";
"[Group] %s has joined your group.";
"[Skupina] %s se p<>ipojil k tv<74> skupin<69>.";
"[Group] %s has joined your Group.";
"[Skupina] %s se p<>ipojil k tv<74> skupin<69>.";
"You can't use a private shop now.";
"Te<54> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t soukrom<6F> st<73>nek.";
"This player is already trading with another player.";
"Tento hr<68><72> ji<6A> s n<>k<EFBFBD>m obchoduje.";
"Metin2 Confirmation Number: %s";
"Metin2 Potvrzovac<61> <20><>slo: %s";
"Your Confirmation Number is not correct. Please try again.";
"Va<56>e potvrzovac<61> <20><>slo nen<65> spr<70>vn<76>. Pros<6F>m zkus to znovu.";
"The mobile phone number is registered.";
"Mobiln<6C> telefonn<6E> <20><>slo je registrov<6F>no.";
"You cannot teleport to the player.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> se p<>em<65>stit k hr<68><72>i.";
"OX The prize has been awarded. ID: %d Quantity: %d";
"Odm<64>na sout<75><74>e OX byla p<>ed<65>na. ID: %d Mno<6E>stv<74>: %d";
"This player is not online.";
"Hr<48><72> nen<65> online.";
"The player is playing on channel %d. (You are on channel %d.)";
"Hr<48><72> je na kan<61>le %d. (Ty jsi na kan<61>le %d.)";
"After opening the Storeroom, you cannot go anywhere else for %d seconds.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> j<>t nikam %d vte<74>in po otev<65>en<65> skladi<64>t<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot go elsewhere for a period of time after the trade.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> j<>t nikam chv<68>li po obchodu.";
"After trading you cannot go elsewhere for %d seconds.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> j<>t nikam %d vte<74>in po obchodu.";
"The duel has finished, because your combatant vanished.";
"Souboj skon<6F>il, tv<74>j bojovn<76>k zmizel.";
"There is no limit for Potions.";
"Nen<65> limit na elix<69>ry.";
"You can use up to %d potions.";
"M<><4D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t a<> %d elix<69>r<EFBFBD>.";
"The fight will start in 10 seconds.";
"Souboj za<7A>ne za 10 vte<74>in.";
"The duel has begun.";
"Souboj za<7A>al.";
"The duel is being finished because there is a problem in the duel arena.";
"Souboj skon<6F>il kv<6B>li probl<62>mu s ar<61>nou.";
"The duel has finished because of a timeout.";
"Souboj skon<6F>il, <20>as vypr<70>el.";
"In 10 seconds you will be teleported into the city.";
"Za 10 vte<74>in bude<64> p<>esunut do m<>sta.";
"The duel has been stopped because there is a problem in the arena.";
"Souboj skon<6F>il kv<6B>li probl<62>mu s ar<61>nou.";
"Your combatant has got some problems. The duel is being cancelled.";
"Tv<54>j soupe<70> m<> probl<62>my. Souboj se ukon<6F>uje.";
"The duel is being cancelled as there is a problem with the combatant.";
"Souboj skon<6F>il kv<6B>li probl<62>mu se soupe<70>em.";
"%s has won the duel.";
"%s vyhr<68>l souboj.";
"%s has won.";
"%s vyhr<68>l.";
"You will be teleported into the city in 10 seconds.";
"Bude<64> p<>esunut do m<>sta za 10 vte<74>in.";
"The next round will begin in 10 seconds.";
"Dal<61><6C> kolo za<7A>ne za 10 vte<74>in.";
"The combatants have been separated. The duel has been stopped.";
"Soupe<70> byl odd<64>len<65>. Souboj skon<6F>il.";
"The quota of the Item Drop is at the moment plus %d%%";
"<22>ance na upu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> p<>edm<64>t<EFBFBD> je v tuto chv<68>li plus %d%%";
"The quota of the Yang Drop is at the moment plus %d%%";
"Kv<4B>ta upu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>ch Yang<6E> je v tuto chv<68>li plus %d%%";
"The drop rate for Yang rain is currently %d%% higher.";
"Moment<6E>ln<6C> <20>ance na padnut<75> Yang<6E> je o %d%% vy<76><79><EFBFBD>.";
"The experience bonus is currently an additional %d%%.";
"Zku<6B>enostn<74> bonus je moment<6E>ln<6C> dal<61><6C>ch %d%%.";
"You do not have the correct client version. Please install the normal patch.";
"Verze hern<72>ho klienta nen<65> spr<70>vn<76>. Pros<6F>me, nainstaluj posledn<64> patch.";
"You cannot trade in the shop while another window is open.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat, kdy<64> je otev<65>en<65> dal<61><6C> okno.";
"You are too far away from the shop to buy something.";
"Jsi p<><70>li<6C> daleko od obchodu na n<>kup.";
"You are too far away from the shop to sell something.";
"Jsi p<><70>li<6C> daleko od obchodu na prodej.";
"Total number of the Quiz: %d";
"Celkov<6F> <20><>slo kv<6B>zu: %d";
"This sale will be taxed %d%%.";
"Da<44> z prodeje: %d%%.";
"You cannot ride a Horse while you are transformed.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> jet na koni po dobu tvoji prom<6F>ny.";
"You cannot ride while you are wearing a Wedding Dress or a Tuxedo.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> jet na koni pokud m<><6D> na sob<6F> svatebn<62> <20>aty, nebo smoking.";
"You do not have a Horse.";
"Nem<65><6D> kon<6F>.";
"Your Horse is dead.";
"Tv<54>j k<><6B> je mrtv<74>.";
"Your Horse's endurance is too low.";
"Vytrvalost tv<74>ho kon<6F> je p<><70>li<6C> mal<61>.";
"Calling the Horse has failed.";
"Vol<6F>n<EFBFBD> kon<6F> selhalo.";
"'s Horse";
"The wedding is finishing soon.";
"Svatba brzy skon<6F><6E>.";
"Will be left automatically.";
"Bude automaticky opu<70>t<EFBFBD>no.";
"The war is already over.";
"V<>lka ji<6A> skon<6F>ila.";
"The result will follow in 10 seconds.";
"V<>sledek bude zn<7A>m za 10 vte<74>in.";
"You cannot trade while observing.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat p<>i pozorov<6F>n<EFBFBD>.";
"If the window is open, you cannot trade with others.";
"Pokud je otev<65>eno okno, nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat s ostatn<74>mi.";
"The other person is currently busy so you cannot trade right now.";
"Druh<75> osoba je moment<6E>ln<6C> zanepr<70>zdn<64>na, tak<61>e s n<> nyn<79> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> obchodovat.";
"The other person has cancelled the trade.";
"Druh<75> osoba zru<72>ila obchod.";
"Not enough Yang or not enough space in the inventory.";
"Nedostatek Yang<6E>, nebo prostoru v invent<6E><74>i.";
"The other person does not have enough Yang or does not have any space left in their inventory.";
"Druh<75> osoba nem<65> dostatek Yang<6E>, nebo m<>sta v invent<6E><74>i.";
"The other person has no space left in their inventory.";
"Druh<75> osoba nem<65> dostatek m<>sta v invent<6E><74>i.";
"The trade with %s has been successful.";
"Obchod s %s byl <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You did not lose any Experience because of the Blessing of the Dragon God.";
"Neztratil jsi <20><>dn<64> zku<6B>enosti, d<>ky po<70>ehn<68>n<EFBFBD> dra<72><61>ho boha.";
"Current score: Shinsoo %d, Chunjo %d, Jinno %d";
"Aktu<74>ln<6C> sk<73>re: Shinsoo: %d, Chunjo: %d, Jinno: %d";
"The correct answer is:";
"Spr<70>vn<76> odpov<6F><76> je:";
"%s deadcount %d Empire %d killcount %d(Purpose %d) killmobcount %d, RegenFlag %d";
"%s deadcount %d Empire %d killcount %d(Purpose %d) killmobcount %d, RegenFlag %d";
"The devil of the hallowed place: [ENTER][ENTER]";
"<22><>bel svat<61>ho m<>sta: [ENTER][ENTER]";
", you don't have any right to be here! The members of your kingdom will leave this hallowed ground in 10 seconds.";
", nem<65><6D> <20><>dn<64> pr<70>vo tu b<>t. Tohle je svat<61> m<>sto. Odt<64>hni! P<><50>slu<6C>n<EFBFBD>ci tv<74>ho kr<6B>lovstv<74> opust<73> svat<61> m<>sto za 10 sekund.";
"%s has been defeated and drops out of the Kingdom Battle.";
"Kr<4B>lovstv<74> %s bylo pora<72>eno a vypadlo z bitvy kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"Number of Monsters in the Kingdom Battle:";
"Po<50>et p<><70><EFBFBD>er v Bitv<74> kr<6B>lovstv<74>ch:";
"If you defeat the Guard of the Holy Place, you will become the owner of it.";
"Pokud poraz<61><7A> str<74><72>ce svat<61>ho m<>sta, stane<6E> se jeho vlastn<74>kem.";
"You did not drop any Item(s) as you are protected by the Dragon God.";
"D<>ky ochran<61> dra<72><61>ho boha, jsi nepustil <20><>dn<64> v<>ci.";
"Additional Stabbing Weapon Damage %d";
"Extra po<70>kozen<65> bodnou zbran<61> %d";
"%s block! (%d%%)";
"%s blok! (%d%%)";
"%s avoid! (%d%%)";
"%s vyhnout! (%d%%)";
"Yes (O)";
"Ano (O)";
"%s[%d]'s Attack Position: %d %d";
"%s[%d]s <20>to<74>n<EFBFBD> pozice: %d %d";
"Please enter the Order in full length.";
"Pros<6F>m zadej rozkaz v pln<6C>m zn<7A>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot do this whilst sitting on a Horse.";
"Tohle nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> d<>lat pokud sed<65><64> na koni.";
"You cannot do that while you are lying on the ground.";
"Tohle nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> d<>lat pokud le<6C><65><EFBFBD> na zemi.";
"In my Dreams? What?";
"V m<>ch snech? Co<43>e?";
"Get up first.";
"Nejprve vsta<74>.";
"This command does not exist.";
"Tento rozkaz neexistuje.";
"[Group] This group has been disbanded.";
"[Skupina] Skupina byla zru<72>ena.";
"[Group] You cannot call the target.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zavolat c<>l.";
"[Group] You cannot call group members over to your current position.";
"[Skupina] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zavolat <20>leny skupiny na tvoji sou<6F>asnou pozici.";
"No (X)";
"Ne (X)";
"Your group works well together, and group members near the group leader will receive an experience bonus.";
"Skupina skv<6B>le spolupracuje a jej<65> <20>lenov<6F> pobl<62><6C> velitele obdr<64><72> zku<6B>enostn<74> bonus.";
"[Guild] Provided Experience is larger then left Experience.";
"[Cech] Poskytnut<75> zku<6B>enosti jsou v<>t<EFBFBD><74> ne<6E> zbyl<79> zku<6B>enosti.";
"[Guild] This message cannot be deleted.";
"[Cech] Zpr<70>va nem<65><6D>e b<>t smaz<61>na.";
"[Guild] Not enough Dragon Ghost. (%d, %d)";
"[Cech] Nedostatek dra<72><61>ho ducha. (%d, %d)";
"[Guild] You cannot use the guild skills yet.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> je<6A>t<EFBFBD> u<><75>t cechovn<76> schopnost.";
"[Guild] %d skill has been applied (%d, %d) to %u.";
"[Cech] %d -schopnost byla u<>ita (%d, %d) na %u.";
"[Guild] This player is on channel %d. (Current channel: %d)";
"[Cech] Hr<48><72> je na kan<61>le %d. (Sou<6F>asn<73> kan<61>l: %d)";
"[Guild] This player is not online.";
"[Cech] Hr<48><72> nen<65> online.";
"In 5 sec. everyone who gave an incorrect answer will be removed.";
"Za 5 vte<74>in budou v<>ichni kdo <20>patn<74> odpov<6F>d<EFBFBD>li vy<76>azeni.";
"[Guild] This guild skill can only be used during war.";
"[Cech] Tato cechovn<76> schopnost m<><6D>e b<>t pou<6F>ita pouze ve v<>lce.";
"[Guild] %u Dragon ghost points have been restored.";
"[Cech] %u bod<6F> dra<72><61>ho ducha bylo obnoveno.";
"[Guild] Only the guild leader can withdraw Yang.";
"[Cech] Pouze cechovn<76> mistr m<><6D>e vybrat Yangy.";
"[Guild] The player has declined the guild invitation.";
"[Cech] Hr<48><72> odm<64>tl pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD> do cechu.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to invite someone to join the guild.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>ij<69>mat nikoho do cechu.";
"[Guild] You cannot invite players from another kingdom into the guild.";
"[Cech] Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>ij<69>mat do cechu hr<68><72>e z jin<69>ho kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"[Guild] This player can be invited again after %d day(s).";
"[Cech] Tento hr<68><72> m<><6D>e b<>t znovu pozv<7A>n za %d dn<64>.";
"[Guild] After the rearrangement you can invite members again after %d days.";
"[Cech] Po nov<6F>m uspo<70><6F>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> op<6F>t p<>ij<69>mat <20>leny za %d dn<64>.";
"[Guild] This person is already a member of another Guild.";
"[Cech] Tato osoba je ji<6A> <20>lenem jin<69>ho cechu.";
"[Guild] The maximum guild capacity has been reached.";
"[Cech] Kapacita cechu dos<6F>hla nejvy<76><79><EFBFBD> <20>rovn<76>.";
"Ready for the next question?";
"P<>ipraven na dal<61><6C> ot<6F>zku?";
"You cannot train this skill.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> tr<74>novat tuto schopnost.";
"You cannot train this skill up to Grand Master level.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> tr<74>novat tuto schopnost na <20>rove<76> velmistra.";
"You already are a Master of this skill. You cannot train this skill any further.";
"Ji<4A> jsi mistr t<>to schopnosti. Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> ji d<>l tr<74>novat.";
"Your Skill is not high enough to become a Grand Master.";
"Nem<65><6D> dost vysokou <20>rove<76> tv<74> schopnosti pro tr<74>nink na velmistra.";
"That did not work. Damn!";
"Upsala, tohle nefungovalo. Hrom do toho!";
"Training has failed. Please try again later.";
"Tr<54>nink selhal. Zkus to pros<6F>m pozd<7A>ji.";
"My body is full of energy!";
"M<> t<>lo je pln<6C> s<>ly!";
"The training seems to be working already...";
"Zd<5A> se, <20>e tr<74>nink funguje...";
"You successfully finished your training with the book.";
"Dokon<6F>il jsi tr<74>nink s knihou <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot read this due to your lack of experience.";
"Tohle nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>e<EFBFBD><65>st, m<><6D> m<>lo zku<6B>enost<73>.";
"You cannot train this skill with a Book.";
"U<> nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> tr<74>novat tuto schopnost s knihou.";
"This skill's level is not high enough to be trained with a Book.";
"Tato schopnost nen<65> dost vysok<6F>, aby mohla b<>t tr<74>nov<6F>na s knihou.";
"I'm making progress, but I still haven't understood everything.";
"Lep<65><70>m se, ale st<73>le nerozum<75>m v<>emu.";
"These instructions are difficult to understand. I have to carry on studying.";
"Instrukc<6B>m je t<><74>k<EFBFBD> porozum<75>t. Mus<75>m v<>ce studovat.";
"I understand this chapter. But I've got to carry on working hard.";
"T<>to kapitole rozum<75>m. Ale musel jsem tvrd<72> pracovat.";
"You have successfully finished your training with the Book.";
"Dokon<6F>il jsi tr<74>nink s knihou <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Teleportation has failed.";
"P<>em<65>st<73>n<EFBFBD> selhalo.";
"No Horse here. Ask the Stable Boy.";
"Zde nen<65> <20><>dn<64> k<><6B>. Zeptej se pacholka.";
"Please use an item to call a Horse.";
"Pou<6F>ij p<>edm<64>t, abys zavolal kon<6F>.";
"%s FP-Consumption: %d";
"%s SB Spot<6F>eba: %d";
"If it's correct, then go to O. If it's wrong, go to X.";
"Pokud je to spr<70>vn<76>, jd<6A>te na O. Pokud je to <20>patn<74>, jd<6A>te na X.";
"I am burning inside, but it is calming down my body. My Chi has to stabilise.";
"Ho<48><6F>m uvnit<69>, ale zklid<69>uje to m<> t<>lo. Moje Chi se mus<75> stabilizovat.";
"A little slow, but steady... Without stopping!";
"Pomalu... ale st<73>le... bez zastavov<6F>n<EFBFBD>!";
"Yes, that feels great. My body is full of Chi.";
"Ano, c<>t<EFBFBD>m se skv<6B>le. M<> t<>lo je pln<6C> Chi.";
"I have read it! Now the Chi will spread through my body.";
"P<>e<EFBFBD>etl jsem to! Nyn<79> m<>m t<>lem prot<6F>k<EFBFBD> Chi.";
"The training is completed.";
"Tr<54>nink je ukon<6F>en.";
"I am on the last page of the book. The training is nearly finished!";
"Jsem na posledn<64> str<74>nce knihy! Tr<54>nink je t<>m<EFBFBD><6D> ukon<6F>en!";
"Nearly finished! Just a little bit more to go!";
"Skoro hotovo! U<> jen trochu!";
"Eureka! I have nearly finished reading it!";
"Jsem osv<73>cen! Skoro jsem to p<>e<EFBFBD>etl cel<65>!";
"Only a few more pages and then I'll have read everything.";
"U<> jen p<>r str<74>nek zb<7A>v<EFBFBD> a budu to m<>t cel<65> p<>e<EFBFBD>teno.";
"I feel refreshed.";
"C<>t<EFBFBD>m se osv<73><76>en.";
"Now I understand it!";
"Nyn<79> rozum<75>m!";
"Okay I have to stay concentrated!";
"Dob<6F>e, m<>l bych z<>stat d<>le soust<73>ed<65>n<EFBFBD>.";
"I keep reading the same line over and over again.";
"<22>tu ten sam<61> <20><>dek po<70><6F>d dokola.";
"I do not want to learn any more.";
"Nechci se u<>it nic dal<61><6C>ho.";
"It is a lot more complicated and more difficult to understand than I thought.";
"Je to slo<6C>it<69>j<EFBFBD><6A> ne<6E> jsem si myslel.";
"It's hard for me to concentrate. I should take a break.";
"Nemohu se po<70><6F>dn<64> soust<73>edit. M<>l bych si d<>t pauzu.";
"Your chat has been blocked by a GM.";
"Tv<54>j chat byl zablokov<6F>n GM.";
"Your chat block has been lifted.";
"Tv<54> blokace chatu byla zru<72>ena.";
"The Build window is already open.";
"Okno v<>roby je ji<6A> otev<65>eno.";
"You cannot build something while another trade/storeroom window is open.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> nic vyr<79>b<EFBFBD>t, pokud je jin<69> okno obchodu/skladi<64>t<EFBFBD> otev<65>eno.";
"No further improvements possible.";
"Dal<61><6C> zlep<65>en<65> nen<65> mo<6D>n<EFBFBD>.";
"The build window is not open.";
"Okno v<>roby nen<65> otev<65>eno.";
"You do not have the right material.";
"Nem<65><6D> spr<70>vn<76> materi<72>l.";
"[Guild] Please try again later.";
"[Cech] Zkus to pros<6F>m pozd<7A>ji.";
"You have to read %d more skill books to improve this skill.";
"Mus<75><73> p<>e<EFBFBD><65>st je<6A>t<EFBFBD> %d knih, abys vylep<65>il tuto schopnost.";
"You are only able to use this function while you are at the castle.";
"Tuhle funkci m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t pouze na hrad<61>.";
"TEST: The Gold Bar has been paid back to your kingdom's safe.";
"TEST: Zlat<61> pruty byly vr<76>ceny zp<7A>t do trezoru tv<74>ho kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"TEST: In your kingdom's safe there are: %d";
"TEST: V trezoru tv<74>ho kr<6B>lovstv<74> je: %d";
"TEST: You cannot pay the Gold Bar back into your kingdom's safe.";
"TEST: Nejsi schopen zaplatit zlat<61> pruty zp<7A>t do trezoru tv<74>ho kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"[Guild] The guild has reached %d points.";
"[Cech] Dosa<73>eno %d bod<6F>.";
"This item cannot be improved.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e b<>t zlep<65>en.";
"The free weapon improvements can only be used on weapons up to level 20.";
"Bezplatn<74> zbra<72>ov<6F> zlep<65>en<65> mohou b<>t u<>ity pouze na zbran<61> do <20>rovn<76> 20.";
"You cannot use this item because you do not fulfil all the requirements.";
"Nejsi schopen pou<6F><75>t tento p<>edm<64>t, proto<74>e nem<65><6D> dostate<74>nou kvalifikaci.";
"You are not able to use that item because you do not have the right gender.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t tento p<>edm<64>t, proto<74>e nejsi spr<70>vn<76>ho pohlav<61>.";
"Use: transfer <name>";
"Pou<6F><75>t: transfer <name>";
"This function can only be used by the emperor.";
"Tato funkce m<><6D>e b<>t pou<6F>ita pouze c<>sa<73>em.";
"You cannot recruit players from another kingdom.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> nab<61>rat hr<68><72>e z jin<69>ho kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"The player %s is on channel %d at the moment. (Your channel: %d)";
"Hr<48><72> %s je v tuto chv<68>li na kan<61>le %d. (Tv<54>j kan<61>l: %d)";
"You have recruited %s players.";
"Nabral jsi %s hr<68><72>e.";
"There is no user with this name.";
"Zde nen<65> <20><>dn<64> u<>ivatel tohoto jm<6A>na.";
"You cannot recruit yourself.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> nabrat s<>m sebe.";
"Your level is too low to use this item.";
"Tv<54> <20>rove<76> je p<><70>li<6C> n<>zk<7A> na pou<6F>it<69> tohoto p<>edm<64>tu.";
"You cannot upgrade anything while another window is open.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> nic vylep<65>it, kdy<64> je otev<65>en<65> dal<61><6C> okno.";
"The emperor of %s has changed to %s.";
"C<>sa<73> %s se zm<7A>nil na %s.";
"There are %s wars to inflame the bonfires.";
"V %s je v<>lka na zap<61>len<65> sign<67>ln<6C>ho ohn<68>.";
"%s has successfully defended.";
"%s byl schopen se ubr<62>nit <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"30 minutes from now on the player %s can get a reward because he destroyed the bonfire.";
"30 minut od te<74> mu<6D>e hr<68><72> %s dostat odm<64>nu, proto<74>e zni<6E>il sign<67>ln<6C> ohe<68>.";
"30 minutes are over. The bonfires have disappeared.";
"30 minut ub<75>hlo. Sign<67>ln<6C> ohn<68> zmizely.";
"A bonfire was inflamed at %s to warn because of a battle.";
"Sign<67>ln<6C> ohn<68> byly zap<61>leny v %s aby upozornily na boj.";
"%s has destroyed the bonfire.";
"%s zni<6E>il sign<67>ln<6C> ohe<68>.";
"%s lost the war as they have not been able to defend the castle.";
"%s prohr<68>li v<>lku. Nebyli schopni ubr<62>nit hrad.";
"%s has destroyed all the bonfires.";
"%s zni<6E>il v<>echny sign<67>ln<6C> ohn<68>.";
"You can only open the shop if you take off your armour.";
"Jsi schopen otev<65><76>t st<73>nek pouze pokud se svle<6C>e<EFBFBD>.";
"%d hours %d minutes %d seconds left on your chat block";
"%d hodin, %d minut a %d sekund bude je<6A>t<EFBFBD> trvat tv<74>j blok chatu";
"%d hours %d seconds left on your chat block";
"%d hodin a %d sekund budete je<6A>t<EFBFBD> blokov<6F>n<EFBFBD> na chatu";
"%d minutes %d seconds left on your chat block";
"%d minut a %d sekund bude je<6A>t<EFBFBD> trvat blokace chatu.";
"Yang rain drop rate";
"<22>etnost pad<61>n<EFBFBD> Yang<6E>";
"Not the right material for an upgrade.";
"Nem<65><6D> spr<70>vn<76> materi<72>l na v<>robu tohoto p<>edm<64>tu.";
"All kingdoms";
"V<>echna kr<6B>lovstv<74>";
"Item drop rate in percent";
"Pod<6F>l padl<64>ch p<>edm<64>t<EFBFBD>";
"Yang drop rate in percent";
"Pod<6F>l padl<64>ch Yang<6E>";
"Experience percentage";
"Procentov<6F> m<>ra bod<6F> zku<6B>enost<73>";
"%d seconds left on your chat block";
"%d sekund bude je<6A>t<EFBFBD> trvat blokace chatu.";
"You cannot express emotions whilst riding a horse.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vyjad<61>ovat emoce, pokud jede<64> na koni.";
"You cannot use emotions with a player who is riding on a Horse.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> vyjad<61>ovat emoce hr<68><72>i, kter<65> jede na koni.";
"[Guild] The enemy's guild leader is offline.";
"[Cech]Velitel nep<65><70>telsk<73>ho cechu je offline.";
"[Guild] This guild is taking part in a battle at the moment.";
"[Cech] Tento cech se moment<6E>ln<6C> <20><>astn<74> v<>lky.";
"You're already riding. Get off first.";
"Ji<4A> jede<64>. Nejprve sesedni.";
"You cannot upgrade items with this Scroll.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> zlep<65>ovat s t<>mto pergamenem.";
"You can only be rewarded once for the Demon Tower Quest.";
"Za <20>kol V<><56>e D<>mon<6F> m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> b<>t odm<64>n<EFBFBD>n pouze jednou.";
"Dragon Stone has been removed.";
"Dra<72><61> k<>men byl odebr<62>n.";
"You cannot move the item within the refinement window.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> p<>esunout p<>edm<64>t v okn<6B> pro zu<7A>lecht<68>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Dragon Stone remaining duration has been extracted.";
"Zb<5A>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD> <20>as Dra<72><61>ho kamene byl odebr<62>n.";
"Remaining duration extraction failed.";
"Odebr<62>n<EFBFBD> zb<7A>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD>ho <20>asu selhalo.";
"Removal of Dragon Stone failed. But you have received the following: %s";
"Odebr<62>n<EFBFBD> Dra<72><61>ho kamene selhalo. Ov<4F>em povedlo se ti z<>skat n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD>: %s";
"Removal of Dragon Stone failed.";
"Odebr<62>n<EFBFBD> Dra<72><61>ho kamene selhalo.";
"This item is not required for improving the clarity level.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nen<65> pro vylep<65>en<65> <20>irosti zapot<6F>eb<65>.";
"This item cannot be advanced this way.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e b<>t zlep<65>en touto cestou.";
"Improvement of the clarity level successful.";
"Vylep<65>en<65> <20>irosti bylo <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Refinement up one class failed.";
"Zu<5A>lecht<68>n<EFBFBD> o jeden stupe<70> selhalo.";
"This item is not required for refinement.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nen<65> pro zu<7A>lecht<68>n<EFBFBD> t<>eba.";
"Refinement up one class was successful.";
"Zu<5A>lecht<68>n<EFBFBD> o jeden stupe<70> bylo <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Improvement of the clarity level failed.";
"Vylep<65>en<65> <20>irosti selhalo.";
"You do not own the materials required to strengthen the Dragon Stone.";
"Nem<65><6D> v<>echny suroviny, pot<6F>ebn<62> pro vylep<65>en<65> Dra<72><61>ho kamene.";
"This Dragon Stone cannot be used for strengthening.";
"Dra<72><61> k<>men nelze vyu<79><75>t pro zes<65>len<65>.";
"Strengthening was successful.";
"Zes<65>len<65> bylo <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>.";
"Strengthening failed.";
"Zes<65>len<65> se nezda<64>ilo.";
"You are already carrying a Dragon Stone of this type.";
"Ji<4A> nos<6F><73> Dra<72><61> k<>men tohoto typu.";
"The Dragon Stone cannot be removed.";
"Dra<72><61> k<>men nelze odebrat.";
"You have already equipped this kind of Dragon Stone.";
"Tento druh Dra<72><61>ho kamene ji<6A> m<><6D> ve v<>bav<61>.";
"Before you open the Cor Draconis, you have to complete the Dragon Stone quest and activate the Dragon Stone Alchemy.";
"P<>ed t<>m, ne<6E> bude<64> moci otev<65><76>t Cor Draconis, mus<75><73> dokon<6F>it <20>kol Dra<72><61> k<>men a aktivovat Alchymii Dra<72><61>ch kamen<65>.";
"You can only discard the belt when there are no longer any items in its inventory.";
"Opasek m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> odebrat pouze pokud v n<>m ji<6A> nejsou <20><>dn<64> p<>edm<64>ty.";
"You can combine the Blessing Scroll with the Magic Iron Ore.";
"M<><4D>ete kombinovat Magick<63> k<>men a Po<50>ehnan<61> pergamen.";
"You cannot equip this item in your belt inventory.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t si nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> na opasek p<>idat.";
"[1106-??]No puedes unir esto.";
"[1106-??]No puedes unir esto.";
"You have invested %d Yang.";
"Investoval jsi %d Yang<6E>.";
"There is no Stone available to take out.";
"Zde nen<65> <20><>dn<64> k<>men na sebr<62>n<EFBFBD>.";
"You cannot store this location.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> ulo<6C>it tuto pozici.";
"There isn't enough space in your inventory.";
"Nem<65><6D> dostatek m<>sta v invent<6E><74>i.";
"You cannot teleport to a safe position in a foreign Kingdom.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> se p<>em<65>stit na bezpe<70>n<EFBFBD> m<>sto v ciz<69>m kr<6B>lovstv<74>.";
"You don't have enough HP.";
"Nem<65><6D> dostatek ZB.";
"You don't have enough Spell Points (SP) to use this.";
"Nem<65><6D> dostatek bod<6F> magie (MB) na pou<6F>it<69>.";
"You'll reach your destination in %d seconds.";
"%d vte<74>in po vykon<6F>n<EFBFBD> se dostane<6E> do m<>sta ur<75>en<65>.";
"You can only use a Moon Cake every 5 seconds.";
"M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD> kol<6F><6C>ek m<><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t pouze ka<6B>d<EFBFBD>ch 5 vte<74>in.";
"You cannot use this item in a duel.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t p<>i souboji.";
"You have won %d Yang.";
"Vyhr<68>l jsi %d Yang<6E>.";
"You cannot build a campfire here.";
"Zde nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> d<>lat t<>bor<6F>k.";
"You cannot build a campfire under water.";
"Nem<65><6D>e<EFBFBD> d<>lat t<>bor<6F>k pod vodou... to p<>eci d<> rozum.";
"Closed. You should look for the key.";
"Zav<61>eno. M<>l bys j<>t hledat kl<6B><6C>.";
"This item cannot be opened with a key.";
"Tento p<>edm<64>t nem<65><6D>e b<>t otev<65>en kl<6B><6C>em.";
"That's the right key.";
"Tohle je spr<70>vn<76> kl<6B><6C>.";
"You have received %d Yang.";
"Obdr<64>el jsi %d Yang<6E>.";
"A mysterious light comes out of the box.";
"Z t<>to bedny vych<63>z<EFBFBD> tajemn<6D> z<><7A>e.";
"You have received %d experience points.";
"Obdr<64>el jsi %d bod<6F> zku<6B>enost<73>.";
"Look what came out of the box!";
"Pod<6F>vej, co vypadlo z bedny!";
"[Guild] The guild level is too low.";
"[Cech] <20>rove<76> cechu je p<><70>li<6C> n<>zk<7A>.";
"If you inhale the red smoke coming out of the box, your speed will increase!";
"Pokud vdechne<6E> rud<75> kou<6F> vych<63>zej<65>c<EFBFBD> z bedny, bude<64> rychlej<65><6A>!";
"You cannot add more bonus.";
"You cannot add more bonus.";
"New bonus added successfully.";
"New bonus added successfully.";
"You cannot change the bonuses.";
"You cannot change the bonuses.";
"%s needed.";
"%s needed.";
"OX-Question: ";
"OX-Question: ";