forked from metin2/server

2229 lines
67 KiB

"Everyone will be teleported into the city shortly.";
"Âñå áóäóò âñêîðå òåëåïîðòèðîâàíû â ãîðîä.";
"This item does not exist.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"The box suddenly exploded! You have lost Hit Points (HP).";
"Ñóíäóê âçîðâàëñÿ! Âàø ÕÏ óìåíüøèëèñÿ.";
"If you inhale the green smoke that is coming out of the box, the poison will spread through your body!";
"Âàøå òåëî áóäåò ïðîïèòàíî ÿäîì, åñëè âäîõí¸òå çåë¸íóþ äûìêó èç ñóíäóêà.";
"You have received %s, %d units.";
"Âû ïîëó÷èëè %s, %d åä.";
"The box contains %s.";
"Èìååòñÿ %s â êîðîáêå.";
"This key does not seem to fit the lock.";
"Ïîõîæå, ÷òî ýòîò êëþ÷ íå îòêðîåò ýòîò çàìîê.";
"You have not received anything.";
"Âû íè÷åãî íå ïîëó÷èëè.";
"You do not have enough Yang to use this item.";
"Ó âàñ íåäîñòàòî÷íî ÿíã, ÷òîáû ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì ïðåäìåòîì.";
"You have lowered your Skill Level.";
"Óðîâåíü âàøèõ íàâûêîâ ñíèçèëñÿ.";
"You cannot lower your Skill Level.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîíèçèòü óðîâåíü âàøèõ íàâûêîâ.";
"This effect is already activated.";
"Ýôôåêò óæå àêòèâèçèðîâàí.";
"This item can only be used in an Internet cafe.";
"Ýòèì ïðåäìåòîì ìîæíî ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ëèøü èãðàÿ â èÊàôå.";
"That is over the limit.";
"Ýòî ïðåâûøàåò ëèìèò.";
"Unfortunately you don't have enough space in your inventory.";
"Ó âàñ íåäîñòàòî÷íî ìåñòà â èíâåíòàðå.";
"Used Moon Cake or Seed.";
"Ïðèìåí¸í. ëóííûé ïèðîã èëè çàðîäûø.";
"You cannot wear a Wedding Ring if you are not married.";
"Âû íå ìîæåøü íîñèòü áðà÷íîå êîëüöî, åñëè íå ñîñòîèòå â áðàêå.";
"You cannot use the Event Detector from this position.";
"Óïðàâëÿòü Äåòåêòîðîì ñîáûòèé ñ ýòîé ïîçèöèè íåâîçìîæíî.";
"This item cannot be absorbed.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò íåâîçìîæíî ïîäíÿòü.";
"The Event Detector vanished in a mysterious light.";
"Äåòåêòîð ñîáûòèé èñ÷åç âìåñòå ñ òàèíñòâåííûì ñâåòîì.";
"The Event Detector has vanished.";
"Äåòåêòîð ñîáûòèé èñ÷åç.";
"The Compass for Metin Stones does not work in dungeons.";
"Ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ Êîìïàñîì Êàìíåé Ìåòèíà ñ íà ýòîé ëîêàöèè íåâîçìîæíî.";
"The Compass for Metin Stones has vanished in the mysterious light.";
"Êîìïàñ Êàìíÿ Ìåòèíà èñ÷åç âìåñòå ñ òàèíñòâåííûì ñâåòîì.";
"Receive: %s - %d";
"Ïîëó÷èòå: %s - %d";
"The Compass for Metin Stones has vanished.";
"Êîìïàñ Êàìíÿ Ìåòèíà èñ÷åç.";
"You find a simple Piece of Stone in the Clam.";
"Â ðàêóøêå íàõîäèòñÿ Êóñîê êàìíÿ.";
"The Clam has vanished.";
"Ðàêóøêà èñ÷åçëà.";
"There is a White Pearl inside the Clam.";
"Â ðàêóøêå íàõîäèòñÿ áåëàÿ æåì÷óæèíà.";
"There is a Blue Pearl inside the Clam.";
"Â ðàêóøêå íàõîäèòñÿ ãîëóáàÿ æåì÷óæèíà.";
"There is a Blood-Red Pearl inside the Clam.";
"Â ðàêóøêå íàõîäèòñÿ êðàñíàÿ æåì÷óæèíà.";
"It isn't easy to understand this book.";
"Ïîíÿòü ýòó êíèãó íå òàê ïðîñòî.";
"This book will not help you.";
"Ýòà êíèãà âàì íå ïîìîæåò.";
"You need to have a minimum level of 30 to understand this book.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèìî äîñòèãíóòü 30 óðîâåíü, ÷òîáû ïîíÿòü ýòó êíèãó.";
"You need a minimum level of 50 to understand this book.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèìî äîñòèãíóòü 50 óðîâåíü, ÷òîáû ïîíÿòü ýòó êíèãó.";
"You can't train any more Combos.";
"Áîëüøå èçó÷èòü Êîìáî âû íå ìîæåòå.";
"%s has captured the flag of %s!";
"%s Ãèëüäèÿ çàõâàòèëà Ôëàã %s Ãèëüäèè!";
"You already understand this language.";
"Âû óæå ëåãêî ïîíèìàåòå ýòîò ÿçûê.";
"You have to improve your Level to read this Book.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèì áîëåå âûñîêèé óðîâåíü, ÷òîáû ïðî÷èòàòü ýòó êíèãó.";
"The book is too hard for practising.";
"Ó÷èòüñÿ ïî ýòîé êíèãå ñëèøêîì òðóäíî.";
"You cannot train with this Book any more.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå äàëüøå îáó÷àòüñÿ ïî ýòîé êíèãå.";
"Taxes are set to %d%%.";
"Âçíîñ óñòàíîâëåí â ðàçìåðå %d%%.";
"You need a minimum level of 50 to get riding training.";
"Äàëüíåéøåå îáó÷åíèå âåðõîâîé åçäû âîçìîæíî òîëüêî êîãäà âû äîñòèãíåòå 50 óðîâåíü.";
"You have escaped the evil ghost curse with the help of an Exorcism Scroll.";
"Ñâèòîê Ýêçîðöèçìà ïîìîã âàì óéòè îò çàêëèíàíèÿ Çëîãî Äóõà.";
"You cannot read any more Riding Guides.";
"Äàëüíåéøåå ÷òåíèå ðóêîâîäñòâà ïî âåðõîâîé åçäå íåâîçìîæíî.";
"You read the Horse Riding Manual and received a Riding Point.";
"Âû ïðî÷ëè ðóêîâîäñòâî âåðõîâîé åçäû è ïîëó÷èëè îäèí ïóíêò ê íàâûêàì.";
"You can use this point to improve your riding skill!";
"Ñ ïîìîùüþ ïîëó÷åííûõ î÷êîâ âû ñìîæåòå óëó÷øèòü óðîâåíü âàøèõ íàâûêîâ â âåðõîâîé åçäå!";
"The guild %s's flag has been stolen by player %s.";
"%s Ãèëüäèè çàõâà÷åí %s.";
"You did not understand the riding guide.";
"Âû íå ñïðàâèëèñü ñ ðóêîâîäñòâîì âåðõîâîé åçäû.";
"Your mind is clear. You can concentrate really well now.";
"Âàø äóõ ÷èñò. Òåïåðü âû ìîæåòå õîðîøî ñêîíöåíòðèðîâàòüñÿ.";
"Your rank has increased by %d points.";
"Âàø ðàíã ïîäíÿëñÿ íà %d ïóíêòîâ.";
"You cannot dye or bleach your current hairstyle.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå èçìåíèòü àêòóàëüíóþ ïðè÷¸ñêó ÷åðåç îêðàøèâàíèå èëè îáåñöâå÷èâàíèå âîëîñ.";
"You need to have reached level %d to be able to dye your hair again.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèìî äîñòè÷ü óðîâåíü %d, ÷òîáû ñíîâà ïåðåêðàñèòü âîëîñû.";
"This item can only be opened by the another gender.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò ìîæåò áûòü îòêðûò òîëüêî äðóãèì ïîëîì.";
"You cannot use this from your current position.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì , íàõîäÿñü â ýòîé ïîçèöèè.";
"You are ready to warp, so you cannot use the Scroll of the Location.";
"Âû óæå ãîòîâû òåëåïîðòèðîâàòüñÿ, ïîýòîìó óæå íå ìîæåòå ïðèìåíèòü Ñâèòîê ïåðåìåùåíèÿ.";
"You are being brought back to the place of origin.";
"Âû áóäåòå äîñòàâëåíû íà èñõîäíîå ìåñòî.";
"%s%s cannot be used in a dungeon.";
"%s%s íåëüçÿ èñïîëüçîâàòü â ïîäçåìåëüå.";
"[Quest] You have already received your reward.";
"[çàäàíèå] Âû óæå ïîëó÷èëè íàãðàäó.";
"There aren't any Pieces of Broken Stone available for removal.";
"Çäåñü íåò îñêîëêà êàìíÿ.";
"You cannot change the upgrade of this item.";
"Èçìåíèòü óëó÷øåíèå ýòîãî ïðåäìåòà íåâîçìîæíî.";
"There is no upgrade that you can change.";
"Ó âàñ íåò óëó÷øåíèÿ, êîòîðîå ìîæíî èçìåíèòü.";
"You can only do this %d minutes after an upgrade. (%d minutes left)";
"Âû ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü ýòî ëèøü ÷åðåç %d ìèíóò ïîñëå çàâåðøåíèÿ óëó÷øåíèÿ. (%d ìèíóò îñòàëîñü)";
"You have changed the upgrade.";
"Âû ïðîèçâåëè óëó÷øåíèå.";
"Upgrade successfully added.";
"Äîïîëíåíèå óëó÷øåíèÿ ïðîèçâåäåíî óñïåøíî.";
"No upgrade added.";
"Óëó÷øåíèå íå óäàëîñü.";
"You must use the Blessing Marble in order to add another bonus to this item.";
"Äàëüíåéøèå óëó÷øåíèÿ ýòîãî ïðåäìåòà íåâîçìîæíû áåç Áëàãîñëîâåííîãî øàðèêà.";
"You cannot use this in the duel arena.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèìåíèòü ýòî íà àðåíå ïîåäèíêîâ.";
"This item can no longer be improved. The maximum number of bonuses has been reached.";
"Äàëüíåéøèå óëó÷øåíèÿ ýòîãî ïðåäìåòà íåâîçìîæíû. Äîñòèãíóòî ìàêñ. êîë-âî áîíóñîâ.";
"You can only use the Blessing Marble with an item which already has 4 bonuses.";
"Âû ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü òîëüêî Áëàãîñëîâåííûé øàðèê, ÷òîáû äîáàâèòü óëó÷øåíèå ïîìèìî èìåþùèõñÿ 4-õ.";
"Socket successfully added.";
"Äîáàâëåíèå ÿ÷åéêè ïðîøëî óäà÷íî.";
"No socket added.";
"Äîáàâëåíèå ÿ÷åéêè íå óäàëîñü.";
"No additional sockets could be added to this item.";
"Äàëüíåéøåå äîáàâëåíèå ÿ÷ååê íåâîçìîæíî.";
"You cannot add a socket to this item.";
"Ê ýòîìó ïðåäìåòó íåëüçÿ äîáàâèòü ÿ÷åéêó.";
"Arming successful.";
"Ñíàðÿæåíèå ïðîøëî óäà÷íî.";
"Arming has failed.";
"Ñíàðÿæåíèå íå óäàëîñü.";
"You have to add a socket first. Use a diamond in order to do this.";
"Èñïîëüçóéòå àëìàç äëÿ òîãî ÷òîáû äîáàâèòü ÿ÷åéêó.";
"There are no sockets for gemstones in this item.";
" ýòîì ïðåäìåòå îòñóòñòâóåò ÿ÷åéêà, ê íåìó íåëüçÿ ïðèëîæèòü ñàìîöâåòû.";
"You can do this when you wear an Emotion Mask.";
"Âû ìîæåòå ýòî ñäåëàòü, åñëè îäåíåòå Ìàñêó Ýìîöèé.";
"You have to add a socket if you want to use a Diamond.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèìî äîáàâèòü ÿ÷åéêó, åñëè õîòèòå âîñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ àëìàçîì.";
"No more gems can be added to this item.";
"Ê ýòîìó ïðåäìåòó íåëüçÿ ïðèëîæèòü äîïîëíèòåëüíûå ñàìîöâåòû.";
"These items cannot be used together.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåòû íåëüçÿ êîìáèíèðîâàòü.";
"You cannot change the Bait whilst fishing.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ìåíÿòü íàæèâêó âî âðåìÿ ðûáàëêè.";
"You are exchanging the current Bait for %s.";
"Âû îáìåíèâàåòå àêòóàëüíóþ íàæèâêó ñ %s.";
"You attached %s to the hook as bait.";
"Âû çàêðåïèëè %s Íàæèâêó íà Êðþ÷êå.";
"You are missing some ingredients to make the potion.";
"Íå õâàòàåò êîìïîíåíòîâ äëÿ ïðèãîòîâëåíèÿ çåëüÿ.";
"You do not have enough material (%s).";
"Ó âàñ íåäîñòàòî÷íî êîìïîíåíòîâ (%s).";
"You do not have enough empty bottles.";
"Âàì íå õâàòàåò ïóñòûõ êóâøèíîâ.";
"The potion production has failed.";
"Ïðèãîòîâëåíèå çåëüÿ íå óäàëîñü.";
"Only women can do this.";
"Òîëüêî æåíùèíû ìîãóò ýòî äåëàòü.";
"You cannot attach several stones of the same type.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèêðåïëÿòü íåñêîëüêî îäèíàêîâûõ êàìíåé.";
"This Spirit Stone cannot be attached to this type of item.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèêðåïèòü ýòîò êàìåíü ê ýòîìó ïðåäìåòó.";
"You cannot attach this Spirit Stone to a weapon.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèêðåïèòü ýòîò êàìåíü ê îðóæèþ.";
"You have attached the Spirit Stone successfully.";
"Âû ïðèêðåïèëè êàìåíü óñïåøíî.";
"The Spirit Stone broke while being attached.";
"Êàìåíü ðàñêîëîëñÿ.";
"No slot free.";
"Íåò ñâîáîäíîãî ñëîòà.";
"This function is not available right now.";
"Â äàííûé ìîìåíò ýòà ôóíêöèÿ çäåñü íåäîñòóïíà.";
"You cannot use a Scroll of the Location whilst taking part in a kingdom battle.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü Ñâèòîê ïåðåìåùåíèÿ, ïðèíèìàÿ ó÷àñòèå â áèòâå Èìïåðèé.";
"After opening the Storeroom you cannot use a Scroll of the Location for %d seconds.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü Ñâèòîê ïåðåìåùåíèÿ â òå÷åíèå %d ñåêóíä ïîñëå îòêðûòèÿ Ñêëàäà.";
"You cannot use a Scroll of the Location while another window is open.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü Ñâèòîê ïåðåìåùåíèÿ, åñëè îòêðûòî äðóãîå îêíî.";
"This person does not exist.";
"Ýòà ëè÷íîñòü íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"After a trade, you cannot use a scroll for another %d seconds.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü Ñâèòîê ìåñòíîñòè â òå÷åíèè %d ñåê. ïîñëå òîðãîâëè.";
"After opening a storeroom you cannot use a Scroll of the Location for another %d seconds.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü Ñâèòîê ïåðåìåùåíèÿ â òå÷åíèå %d ñåê. ïîñëå îòêðûòèÿ ñêëàäà.";
"You cannot use the Scroll of the Location because the distance is too small.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå èñïîëüçîâàòü Ñâèòîê ïåðåìåùåíèÿ òàê êàê ðàññòîÿíèå ñëèøêîì ìàëåíüêîå.";
"After a trade you cannot use a Scroll of the Location for %d seconds.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ Ñâèòêîì ïåðåìåùåíèÿ â òå÷åíèå %d ñåê. ïîñëå òîðãà.";
"You cannot open the Storeroom if another window is already open.";
"Âû íå ñìîæåòå îòêðûòü ëàâêó, ïîêà îòêðûòî äðóãîå îêíî.";
"You cannot drop this item.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå âûáðîñèòü ýòîò ïðåäìåò.";
"The dropped item will vanish in 5 minutes.";
"Âûáðîøåííûé ïðåäìåò èñ÷åçíåò ÷åðåç 5 ìèíóò.";
"%s received";
"%s ïîëó÷åíî";
"You have too many items in your inventory.";
"Âû íîñèòå ñëèøêîì ìíîãî ïðåäìåòîâ.";
"%s receives %s.";
"%s ñîäåðæèò: %s.";
"You are too near.";
"Âû íàõîäèòåñü ñëèøêîì áëèçêî.";
"Item Trade: %s, %s";
"Òîðã ïðåäìåòîì: %s, %s";
"You cannot change the equipped item while you are transformed.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ìåíÿòü ñíàðÿæåííûé ïðåäìåò â ñîñòîÿíèè ïîëèìîðôà.";
"You have to stand still to equip the item.";
"Âàì íåëüçÿ äâèãàòüñÿ, ÷òîáû ñíàðÿäèòü ïðåäìåò.";
"Monkey Herbs cannot be fed to living horses. It is used to revive dead horses.";
"Èñïîëüçîâàíèå Îáåçüÿíüåé òðàâû âîçìîæíî òîëüêî, åñëè êîíü ìåðòâ.";
"You cannot feed a dead Horse.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå êîðìèòü ì¸ðòâîãî êîíÿ.";
"You fed the Horse with Herbs.";
"Âû íàêîðìèëè êîíÿ òðàâàìè.";
"You have fed the Horse.";
"Âû íàêîðìèëè êîíÿ.";
"Your level is too low to wear this Hairstyle.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîçâîëèòü ñåáå ýòó ïðè÷¸ñêó íà òàêîì íèçêîì óðîâíå.";
"You already have this Hairstyle.";
"Âû óæå íîñèòå ýòó ïðè÷¸ñêó.";
"You have already transformed.";
"Âû óæå â ïîëèìîðôå.";
"You are too far away.";
"Âû íàõîäèòåñü ñëèøêîì äàëåêî.";
"That's the wrong trading item.";
"Ýòî íåâåðíûé ïðåäìåò äëÿ òðàíñôîðìàöèè.";
"You cannot transform into a monster who has a higher level than you.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå âîéòè â ñîñòîÿíèå ïîëèìîðôà åñëè äàííûé âèä ìîíñòðà âûøå âàñ óðîâíåì.";
"Your level is too low to equip this item.";
"Ó âàñ ñëèøêîì íèçêèé óðîâåíü, ÷òîáû ýòî ñíàðÿäèòü.";
"You are not strong enough to equip yourself with this item.";
"Âàì íå äîñòàòî÷íî ñèëüíû, ÷òîáû ýòî ñíàðÿäèòü.";
"Your intelligence is too low to equip yourself with this item.";
"Âàì íå õâàòàåò èíòåëëåêòà, ÷òîáû ýòî ñíàðÿäèòü.";
"Your dexterity is too low to equip yourself with this item.";
"Óðîâåíü âàøåé ïîäâèæíîñòè ñëèøêîì íèçîê, ÷òîáû ñíàðÿäèòü ýòî.";
"Your vitality is too low to equip yourself with this item.";
"Óðîâåíü âàøåãî çäîðîâüÿ ñëèøêîì íèçîê, ÷òîáû ñíàðÿäèòü ýòî.";
"You cannot use this item because you are not married.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì ïðåäìåòîì, åñëè íå ñîñòîèòå â áðàêå.";
"You cannot equip this item twice.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñíàðÿæàòü ýòîò ïðåäìåò äâàæäû.";
"Time left until the removal of the socket of %s: %d";
"Îñòàâøååñÿ âðåìÿ äî óäàëåíèÿ ß÷åéêè %s: %d";
"This action can only be done with another gender.";
"Òîëüêî äðóãîé ïîë ìîæåò âûïîëíèòü ýòó îïåðàöèþ.";
"A gem socketed in the %s has vanished.";
"%s: ïðîïàë ñàìîöâåò.";
"[Guild] This guild name is invalid.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Èìÿ ãèëüäèè íåäåéñòâèòåëüíî.";
"[Guild] This guild name is already taken.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Òàêîå èìÿ ãèëüäèè óæå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"[Guild] You cannot found a guild.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîçäàòü ãèëüäèþ.";
"The guild %s has declared war on %s!";
"%s îáúÿâèë âîéíó %s!";
"[Guild] %s has refused the Guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] %s îòêàçàë â âîéíå.";
"The guild war between %s and %s will start in a few seconds!";
"Âîéíà ãèëüäèé ìåæäó %s è %s íà÷í¸òñÿ ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî ñåêóíä!";
"The guild war between %s and %s has begun!";
"Âîéíà ìåæäó %s è %s íà÷àëàñü!";
"The guild war between %s and %s has ended in a draw.";
"Âîéíà ìåæäó %s è %s çàêîí÷èëàñü âíè÷üþ.";
"%s has won the guild war against %s.";
"%s âûèãðàë âîéíó ïðîòèâ %s.";
"You need your fellow player's approval for this.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèìî ñîãëàñèå ó÷àñòíèêîâ âàøåé ãðóïïû, ÷òîáû ïðîâåñòè ýòó àêöèþ.";
"[Guild] The guild war has been cancelled.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âîéíà Ãèëüäèé áûëà ïðåðâàííà.";
"The guild war between %s and %s has been cancelled.";
"Âîéíà ìåæäó %s è %s áûëà ïðåðâàííà.";
"Action cancelled. You have entered a battle.";
"Äåéñòâèå îòìåíåíî. Âû âñòóïèëè â áîé.";
"Someone has logged into your account. You will be disconnected from the server.";
"Êòî-òî óæå âîñïîëüçîâàëñÿ âàøåé ó÷¸òíîé çàïèñüþ. Âû áóäåòå îòñîåäèíåííû.";
"A mysterious light appears from the tree.";
"Òàèíñòâåííûé ñâåò èñõîäèò îò äåðåâà.";
"%d Playtime added to your account. (Payment number %d)";
" âàøó ó÷¸òíóþ çàïèñü áóäåò äîáàâëåííî %d èãðîâîãî âðåìåíè.( Íîì.ïëàòåæà %d)";
"You can participate in the guild battle in viewer mode.";
"Âû ìîæåòå ïðèíÿòü ó÷àñòèå â ñðàæåíèè Ãèëüäèé â ðåæèìå Íàáëþäàòåëÿ.";
"While choosing a character, an icon appears.";
"Âî âðåìÿ âûáîðà ïåðñîíàæà ïîÿâëÿåòñÿ èêîíêà "çàêîí÷èòü ïðîñìîòð".";
"There are no opponents.";
"Íåò ïðîòèâíèêîâ";
"The battle with %s has begun!";
"Áîé ñ %s íà÷àëñÿ!";
"If no enemy can be found, the guild war will be ended automatically.";
"Âîéíà Ãèëüäèé çàêîí÷èòñÿ àâòîìàòè÷åñêè, åñëè ïðîòèâíèêà íå áóäåò.";
"Because the guild war finished early, the result will judged as a draw.";
"Âîéíà Ãèëüäèé áûëà çàêîí÷åííà ïðåæäåâðåìåííî. Âîéíà çàêîí÷èëàñü âíè÷üþ.";
"The energy is reflected because of the Emperors Blessing.";
"Áëàãîäàðÿ áëàãîñëîâåíèþ Èìïåðàòîðà ýíåðãèÿ áóäåò îòðàæåíà.";
"After %d seconds you can use the Emperors Blessing.";
"Áëàãîñëîâåíèå Èìïåðàòîðà ìîæíî èñïîëüçîâàòü ÷åðåç %d ñåê.";
"Not enough tax income : %d.";
"Íåõâàòêà âçíîñîâ : %d.";
"[TEST_ONLY]Tax : %d";
"[TEST_ONLY] Âçíîñ: %d";
"Transformation error.";
"Òðàíñôîðìàöèÿ íå óäàëàñü.";
"You learned the transmutation completely.";
"Òåïåðü âû ïîëíîñòüþ âëàäååòå òðàíñôîðìàöèåé.";
"Please call your Horse first.";
"Ïîçîâèòå ñíà÷àëà âàøåãî êîíÿ.";
"You have sent your horse away.";
"Âû îòïðàâèëè îáðàòíî ñâîåãî êîíÿ.";
"%s challenged you to a battle!";
"%s âûçâàë âàñ ñðàçèòüñÿ ñ íèì!";
"You have to get off your Horse.";
"Âàì íóæíî ñîéòè.";
"You cannot feed your Horse whilst sitting on it.";
"Âû íå ñìîæåòå íàêîðìèòü ñâîåãî êîíÿ, ñèäÿ íà í¸ì.";
"You have fed the Horse with %s%s.";
"Âû äàëè êîíþ %s%s.";
"You need %s.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèì %s.";
"%d seconds until Exit.";
"Äî îêîí÷àíèÿ îñòàëîñü %d ñåê.";
"The game will be closed in %d seconds.";
"Èãðà áóäåò îêîí÷åííà ÷åðåç %d ñåê.";
"Your logout has been cancelled.";
"Âûõîä îòìåíåí.";
"Back to login window. Please wait.";
"Âîçâðàò ê îêíó âõîäà â èãðó. Ïîæàëóéñòà ïîäîæäèòå.";
"You have been disconnected from the server. Please wait.";
"Âû áóäåòå îòñîåäèíåíû. Ïîæàëóéñòà ïîäîæäèòå.";
"You have challenged %s to a battle.";
"Âû âûçâàëè %s ñðàçèòüñÿ ñ âàìè.";
"You are changing character. Please wait.";
"Ïðîèñõîäèò ñìåíà ïåðñîíàæà. Ïîæàëóéñòà ïîäîæäèòå.";
"A new start is not possible at the moment. Please wait %d seconds.";
"Ïîâòîðíûé çàïóñê íåâîçìîæåí. (îñòàëîñü %d ñåê.)";
"You cannot restart yet. Please wait another %d seconds.";
"Ðåñòàðò íåâîçìîæåí. (îñòàëîñü %d ñåê.)";
"You cannot restart in the city yet. Wait another %d seconds.";
"Ðåñòàðò â ãîðîäå ïî-ïðåæíåìó íåâîçìîæåí. (îñòàëîñü %d ñåê.)";
"The waiting time has expired. You will be revived in the city.";
"Øàíñ íà âîññòàíîâëåíèå ïîòåðÿí. Âû âîçðîäèòåñü â ãîðîäå.";
"You cannot change your status while you are transformed.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ìåíÿòü ñâîé ñòàòóñ â ñîñòîÿíèè òðàíñôîðìàöèè.";
"This player is currently fighting.";
"Èãðîê ñðàæàåòñÿ â ïîåäèíêå.";
"[Guild] It does not belong to the guild.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ýòî íå îòíîñèòñÿ ê ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change the level of the guild skills.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå âïðàâå èçìåíÿòü óðîâåíü íàâûêîâ ãèëüäèè.";
"Your choice is incorrect.";
"Íåâåðíûé âûáîð.";
"[Storeroom] You have entered an incorrect password.";
"[Õðàíèëèùå] Ââåä¸í íåâåðíûé ïàðîëü.";
"[Storeroom] The Storeroom is already open.";
"[Ëàâêà] Ëàâêà óæå îòêðûòà.";
"[Storeroom] You have to wait 10 seconds before you can open the Storeroom again.";
"[Ëàâêà ] Âàì íóæíî ïîäîæäàòü 10 ñåê., ÷òîáû ñíîâà îòêðûòü ëàâêó.";
"[Storeroom] You are too far away to open the storeroom.";
"[Ñêëàä] Ñëèøêîì áîëüøîå ðàññòîÿíèå ìåæäó âàìè è ñêëàäîì, ÷òîáû åãî îòêðûòü.";
"[Group] The server cannot execute this group request.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Ñåðâåð íå ìîæåò âûïîëíèòü çàïðîñ ãðóïïû.";
"[Group] You cannot leave a group while you are in a dungeon.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå âûéòè èç ãðóïïû, íàõîäÿñü â ïîäçåìåëüå.";
"[Group] You have left the group.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû âûøëè èç ñîñòàâà ãðóïïû.";
"[Guild] Your guild is already participating in another war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âàøà ãèëüäèÿ ïðèíèìàåò ó÷àñòèå óæå â äðóãîé âîéíå.";
"[Guild] No one is entitled to a guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Íåò ïðàâ íà Âîéíó Ãèëüäèé.";
"[Guild] No guild with this name exists.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ãèëüäèè ïîä òàêèì íàçâàíèåì íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"There already is a candidacy.";
"Êàíäèäàòóðà óæå åñòü.";
"[Guild] This guild is already participating in a war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ãèëüäèÿ óæå âåä¸ò âîéíó.";
"[Guild] Not enough Yang to participate in a guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Íåäîñòàòî÷íî ÿíã, ÷òîáû ïðèíÿòü ó÷àñòèå â âîéíå Ãèëüäèé.";
"[Guild] The guild does not have enough Yang to participate in a guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ó ãèëüäèè íåò íåîáõîäèìîé ñóììû ÿíã äëÿ ïðèíÿòèÿ ó÷àñòèÿ â Âîéíå Ãèëüäèé.";
"[Guild] This Guild is already scheduled for another war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ãèëüäèÿ ðàñïðåäåëåííà óæå íà äðóãóþ âîéíó.";
"[Guild] This guild is already participating in another war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ãèëüäèÿ ó÷àâñòâóåò óæå â äðóãîé â âîéíå.";
"[Guild] A minimum of %d players are needed to participate in a guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] ×òîáû ó÷àâñòâîâàòü â Âîéíå Ãèëüäèé, íåîáõîäèìî ìèíèìàëüíî %d èãðîêîâ.";
"[Guild] The guild does not have enough points to participate in a guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ãèëüäèè íå õâàòàåò î÷êîâ, ÷òîáû ïðèíÿòü ó÷àñòèå â Âîéíå Ãèëüäèé.";
"[Guild] The guild does not have enough members to participate in a guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ãèëüäèè íå õâàòàåò ó÷àñòíèêîâ, ÷òîáû ïðèíÿòü ó÷àñòèå â Âîéíå Ãèëüäèé.";
"Your level has to be higher than 20 to register a cell phone number.";
"Íåîáõîäèìî äîñòèãíóòü õîòÿ áû 20 óðîâåíü, ÷òîáû çàðåãèñòðèðîâàòü íîìåð ñâîåãî ìîáèëüíîãî òåë.";
"You do not have the emperor qualification.";
"Âû íå ðàñïîëàãàåòå êâàëèôèêàöèåé Èìïåðàòîðà.";
"%s declined the invitation.";
"%s îòêëîíèë ïðèãëàøåíèå.";
"You cannot accept the invitation because you are already in the group.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèíÿòü ïðèãëàøåíèå, ïîñêîëüêó óæå ñîñòîèòå â ãðóïïå.";
"Only the emperor can use this.";
"Òîëüêî Èìïåðàòîð ìîæåò ýòèì ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ.";
"Cooldown time for approximately %d seconds";
"Âðåìÿ ïåðåçàðÿäêè ïðèáëèçèòåëüíî %d ñåê.";
"Lack of Taxes. Current Capital : %u Missing Capital : %u";
"Íåõâàòêà âçíîñîâ. èìåþùèéñÿ êàïèòàë : %u íåäîñòàþùèé êàïèòàë : %u";
"Command: warpto <character name>";
"Ïðèêàç: warpto <character name>";
"You cannot be warped to an unknown player.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå òåëåïîðòèðîâàòüñÿ ê èãðîêó èç ÷óæîé Èìïåðèè.";
"Adding player %d into the channel. (Present channel %d)";
"Äîáàâëåíèå èãðîêà íà %d êàíàë. ( äåéñòâóþùèé êàíàë %d)";
"Warp to player %s.";
"Òåëåïîðòèðîâàòü ê èãðîêó %s .";
"You cannot call unknown players.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîçûâàòü ÷óæèõ èãðîêîâ.";
"[Guild] There are no experience points for hunting during a guild war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âî âðåìÿ âîéíû Ãèëüäèé íåâîçìîæíî ïîëó÷åíèå îïûòà.";
"When the Blessing of the Emperor is used %s the HP and SP are restored again.";
"Èñïîëüçîâàíèå áëàãîñëîâåíèÿ Èìïåðàòîðà %s âîññòàíàâëèâàåò ÕÏ è ÌÏ.";
"My information about the emperor";
"[%sMonarch] : %s Yang owned %lld";
"[%sÈìïåðàòîð] : %s âëàäåíèå ÿíã %lld";
"[%sMonarch] : %s";
"[%sÈìïåðàòîð] : %s";
"Information about the emperor";
"Only an emperor can use this.";
"Ýòèì ìîæåò ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ òîëüêî Èìïåðàòîð.";
"Choose a number between 1 and 50.";
"Âûáåðèòå ÷èñëî ìåæäó 1 è 50.";
"The Monster cannot be called. Check the Mob Number.";
"Ìîíñòð íå ìîæåò áûòü âûçâàí, ïðîâåðüòå ìîá-íîìåð.";
"Hit Points +%d";
"ÕÏ +%d";
"Spell Points +%d";
"MP +%d";
"The Emperor Blessing is activated.";
"Áëàãîñëîâåíèå Èìïåðàòîðà àêòèâíî.";
"Endurance +%d";
"Âûíîñëèâîñòü +%d";
"Intelligence +%d";
"Èíòåëëåêò +%d";
"Strength +%d";
"Ñèëà +%d";
"Dexterity +%d";
"Ïîäâèæíîñòü +%d";
"Attack Speed +%d";
"Ñêîðîñòü àòàêè +%d";
"Movement Speed %d";
"Òåìï ñêîðîñòè %d";
"Cooldown Time -%d";
"Âðåìÿ ïåðåçàðÿäêè -%d";
"Energy Recovery +%d";
"Âîññòàíîâëåíèå ýíåðãèè +%d";
"Spell Point Recovery +%d";
"Âîññòàíîâëåíèå ìàíû +%d";
"Poison Attack %d";
"Àòàêà ÿäîì %d";
"Star +%d";
"Çâåçäà +%d";
"Speed Reduction +%d";
"Ñîêðàùåíèå ñêîðîñòè +%d";
"Critical Attack with a chance of %d%%";
"Øàíñ êðèòè÷åñêîé àòàêè %d%%";
"Chance of a Speared Attack of %d%%";
"Øàíñ íà ïðîíçàþùóþ àòàêó %d%%";
"Player's Attack Power against Monsters +%d%%";
"Ñèëà àòàêè èãðîêà ïðîòèâ ìîíñòðîâ +%d%%";
"Horse's Attack Power against Monsters +%d%%";
"Ñèëà àòàêè êîíÿ ïðîòèâ ìîíñòðîâ +%d%%";
"Attack Boost against Wonggui + %d%%";
"Ïîâûøåíèå àòàêè ïðîòèâ Âîíããóÿ + %d%%";
"Attack Boost against Milgyo + %d%%";
"Ïîâûøåíèå àòàêè ïðîòèâ Ìèëäæèî + %d%%";
"Attack boost against zombies + %d%%";
"Óñèëåíèå àòàêè ïðîòèâ íåæèòè + %d%%";
"Attack boost against devils + %d%%";
"Ïîâûøåíèå àòàêè ïðîòèâ äüÿâîëà + %d%%";
"Due to Emperor Sa-Za-Hu, the player %s will receive an attack power increase of 10 %% for 3 minutes in this area.";
"Èìïåðàòîðîì Çà-Öà-Õó èãðîêó %s äàðóåòñÿ 10%% ïîâûøåíèå ñèëû àòàêè íà 3 ìèíóòû.";
"Absorbing of Energy %d%% while attacking.";
"Ïîãëîùåíèå ýíåðãèè %d%% âî âðåìÿ àòàêè.";
"Absorption of Spell Points (SP) %d%% while attacking.";
"Ïîãëîùåíèå ìàíû %d%% âî âðåìÿ àòàêè.";
"With a chance of %d%% Spell Points (SP) will be taken from the enemy.";
"Øàíñ çàõâàòèòü ìàíó ïðîòèâíèêà %d%%.";
"Absorbing of Spell Points (SP) with a chance of %d%%";
"Ïîãëîùåíèå î÷êîâ çàêëèíàíèé ñ øàíñîì %d%%";
"%d%% Chance of blocking a close-combat attack";
"Øàíñ áëîêèðîâàòü ôèçè÷åñêóþ àòàêó %d%%";
"%d%% Chance of blocking a long range attack";
"Øàíñ îòðàçèòü äàëüíþþ àòàêó %d%%";
"One-Handed Sword defence %d%%";
"Çàùèòà-îäíîðó÷íûé ìå÷ %d%%";
"Two-Handed Sword Defence %d%%";
"Çàùèòà- äâóðó÷íûé ìå÷ %d%%";
"Bell Defence %d%%";
"Çàùèòà- êîëîêîëü÷èê %d%%";
"By the Emperor Geum-Gang-Gwon the player %s gets 10 %% more armour for 3 minutes.";
"Âëàñòåëèíîì Ãîéì-Ãàíã-Ãâîí èãðîêó %s äàðóåòñÿ íà 3 ìèíóòû ïîâûøåíèå áðîíè íà 10 %%.";
"Fan Defence %d%%";
"Çàùèòà- âååð %d%%";
"Distant Attack Resistance %d%%";
"ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü äèñòàíöèîííûì àòàêàì %d%%";
"Fire Resistance %d%%";
"óñòîé÷èâîñòü ïðîòèâ îãíÿ %d%%";
"Lightning Resistance %d%%";
"óñòîé÷èâîñòü ìîëíèåâûì.óäàðàì %d%%";
"Magic Resistance %d%%";
"óñòîé÷èâîñòü ïðîòèâ Ìàãèè %d%%";
"Wind Resistance %d%%";
"ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü âåòðó %d%%";
"Reflect Direct Hit: %d%%";
"îòðàçèòü ïðÿìóþ àòàêó: %d%%";
"Reflect Curse: %d%%";
"îòðàçèòü çàêëèíàíèå: %d%%";
"Poison Resistance %d%%";
"Ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü ÿäó %d%%";
"Spell Points (SP) will be increased by %d%% if you win.";
"ïîâûøåíèå ìàíû íà %d%% â ñëó÷àå ïîáåäû íàä ïðîòèâíèêîì .";
"The event is already running. (Flag: %d)";
"Ýâåíò óæå çàïóùåí. (ìåòêà: %d)";
"Experience increases by %d%% if you win against an opponent.";
"ïîâûøåíèå îïûòà íà %d%% â ñëó÷àå ïîáåäû íàä ïðîòèâíèêîì.";
"Increase of Yang up to %d%% if you win.";
"óâåëè÷åíèå çàõâà÷åííûõ ÿíã %d%% â ñëó÷àå ïîáåäû íàä ïðîòèâíèêîì.";
"Increase of captured Items up to %d%% if you win.";
"óâåëè÷åíèå çàõâà÷åííûõ ïðåäìåòîâ %d%% â ñëó÷àå ïîáåäû íàä ïðîòèâíèêîì.";
"Power increase of up to %d%% after taking the potion.";
"Èñïîëüçîâàíèå çåëüÿ ïîâûøàåò Ýíåðãèþ %d%%";
"%d%% Chance of filling up Hit Points after a victory.";
"%d%% øàíñ çàïîëíèòü ÕÏ ïîñëå ïîáåäû.";
"No Dizziness %d%%";
"Íåò ãîëîâîêðóæåíèÿ %d%%";
"No Slowing Down %d%%";
"Íåò çàìåäëåíèÿ %d%%";
"No falling down %d%%";
"Íåò ïàäåíèÿ %d%%";
"Attack Power + %d";
"ñèëà àòàêè + %d";
"Armour + %d";
"Áðîíÿ + %d";
"OX quiz script could not be loaded.";
"Ñêðèïò OX Quiz íå ìîæåò áûòü çàãðóæåí.";
"Magical Attack + %d";
"ìàãè÷åñêàÿ àòàêà + %d";
"Magical Defence + %d";
"ìàãè÷åñêàÿ çàùèòà + %d";
"Maximum Endurance + %d";
"ìàêñèì. âûíîñëèâîñòü + %d";
"Strong against Warriors + %d%%";
"ñèëà ïðîòèâ Âîèíîâ + %d%%";
"Strong against Ninjas + %d%%";
"ñèëà ïðîòèâ Íèíäçÿ + %d%%";
"Strong against Sura + %d%%";
"Ñèëà ïðîòèâ Ñóðà + %d%%";
"Strong against Shamans + %d%%";
"ñèëà ïðîòèâ Øàìàíîâ + %d%%";
"Strength against monsters + %d%%";
"Ñèëà ïðîòèâ Ìîíñòðîâ + %d%%";
"Attack + %d%%";
"Àòàêà + %d%%";
"Defence + %d%%";
"Çàùèòà + %d%%";
"OX quiz script has loaded.";
"Ñêðèïò OX Quiz çàãðóæåí.";
"Experience %d%%";
"Îïûò %d%%";
"Chance to find an Item %. 1f";
"øàíñ íàéòè ïðåäìåò %. 1f";
"Chance to find Yang %. 1f";
"øàíñ íàéòè ÿíã %. 1f";
"Maximum Energy +%d%%";
"Ëèìèò Ýíåðãèè +%d%%";
"Skill Damage %d%%";
"óðîí íàâûêîâ %d%%";
"Hit Damage %d%%";
"Óðîí %d%%";
"Resistance against Skill Damage %d%%";
"óñòîé÷èâîñòü ïðîòèâ óðîíà íàâûêîâ %d%%";
"Resistance against Hits %d%%";
"Ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü óäàðàì %d%%";
"%d%% Resistance against Warrior Attacks";
"%d%% ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü àòàêàì Âîèíîâ.";
"Welcome to Metin2.";
"Äîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü â Ìåòèí 2!";
"%d%% Resistance against Ninja Attacks";
"%d%% ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü àòàêàì Íèíäçÿ";
"%d%% Resistance against Sura Attacks";
"%d%% ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü àòàêàì Ñóðà";
"%d%% Resistance against Shaman Attacks";
"%d%% ñîïðîòèâëÿåìîñòü àòàêàì Øàìàíîâ";
"(Procedure: %d y- %d m - %d d)";
"(ðåàëèçàöèÿ: %d j- %d m - %d t)";
"Your chat is blocked.";
"Âàø ÷àò áëîêèðîâàí.";
"You need a higher level to be able to call.";
"Äëÿ âûçîâà âàì íåîáõîäèì áîëåå âûñîêèé óðîâåíü.";
"You need a minimum level of %d to be able to call.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèì Óðîâåíü %d, ÷òîáû âûçûâàòü.";
"You are not in this Group.";
"Âû íå ñîñòîèòå â ýòîé ãðóïïå.";
"You did not join this Guild.";
"Âû íå âñòóïèëè â ãèëüäèþ.";
"The player has rejected your request to add him to your friend list.";
"Èãðîê îòêëîíèë ïðåäëîæåíèå áûòü äîáàâëåííûì â ñïèñîê äðóçåé.";
"OX Event has started.";
"Íà÷àëîñü OX ñîáûòèå.";
"[Friends] You cannot add a GM to your list.";
"[Äðóçüÿ] Âû íå ìîæåòå äîáàâèòü ÃÌ.";
"%s is not online.";
"%s âíå èãðû.";
"After a trade, you have to wait %d seconds before you can open a shop.";
"Îòêðûòèå ëàâêè ïîñëå òîðãà âîçìîæíî ëèøü ÷åðåç %d ñåê.";
"You can trade again in %d seconds.";
"Âû ñìîæåòå íà÷àòü òîðãîâëþ çàíîâî ëèøü ÷åðåç %d ñåê.";
"You have more than 2 Billion Yang. You cannot trade.";
"Ó âàñ áîëüøå 2 ìèëëèàðäîâ ÿíã. Âû íå ìîæåòå áîëüøå òîðãîâàòü.";
"You cannot open a private shop while another window is open.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå îòêðûòü ëàâêó, ïîêà îòêðûòî äðóãîå îêíî.";
"The player has more than 2 Billion Yang. You cannot trade with him.";
"Ó èãðîêà áîëüøå 2 ìèëëèàðäîâ ÿíã. Âû íå ìîæåòå âåñòè ñ íèì òîðãîâûå äåëà.";
"[Storeroom] No movement possible.";
"[Õðàíèëèùå] Ëþáûå äâèæåíèÿ íåäîïóñòèìû.";
"[Storeroom] The item cannot be stored.";
"[Ëàâêà] Ïðåäìåò íå ìîæåò áûòü ñîõðàíåí.";
"[Group] The player who invited you is not online.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Ïðèãëàñèâøèé èãðîê âíå ñåòè.";
"Uriel allowed to enter.";
"Âñòóïëåíèå âîçìîæíî ÷åðåç àðõàíãåëà Óðèèëÿ.";
"[Group] Only the group leader can change this.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Èçìåíèòü ýòî ìîæåò òîëüêî Ëèäåð ãðóïïû.";
"[Group] The target is not a member of your group.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Ó÷àñòíèê ãðóïïû íå ìîæåò áûòü öåëüþ.";
"[Group] You cannot kick out a player while you are in a dungeon.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå èñêëþ÷àòü èãðîêà â ïîäçåìåëüå.";
"[Group] You have been out kicked of the group.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âàñ èñêëþ÷èëè èç ãðóïïû.";
"[Group] You cannot kick out group members.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå èñêëþ÷àòü ó÷àñòíèêîâ èç ãðóïïû.";
"[Guild] After disbanding a guild, you cannot create a new one for %d days.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîçäàòü íîâóþ ãèëüäèþ â òå÷åíèå %d äíåé ïîñëå ëèêâèäàöèè ïðåæíåé ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] After leaving a guild, you cannot create a new one for %d days.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîçäàòü íîâóþ ãèëüäèþ â òå÷åíèå %d äíåé ïîñëå óõîäà èç ïðåæíåé.";
"This guild name is invalid.";
"Èìÿ ãèëüäèè íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"We request the participation of a lot of players.";
"Ìû ïðîñèì ó÷àñòâîâàòü áîëüøå èãðîêîâ.";
"[Guild] [%s] guild has been created.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] [%s] ñîçäàííà.";
"[Guild] Creation of the guild has failed.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ñîçäàíèå ãèëüäèè íå óäàëîñü.";
"[Group] Only the group leader can use group skills.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Íàâûêàìè ãðóïïû âïðàâå ðàñïîðÿæàòüñÿ òîëüêî åå ëèäåð.";
"[Group] The target has not been found.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Öåëü íå íàéäåííà.";
"[Guild] That is not the correct amount of Yang.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Íåâåðíàÿ ñóììà ÿíã.";
"[Guild] You do not have enough Yang.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âàì íå õâàòàåò ÿíã.";
"[Guild] The person you were searching for cannot be found.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Çàäàííàÿ ëè÷íîñòü íå íàéäåííà.";
"[Guild] This person is not in the same guild.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ýòà ëè÷íîñòü íå ñîñòîèò â ýòîé æå Ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to kick out guild members.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ ] Âû íå âïðàâå âûãîíÿòü ó÷àñòíèêà èç ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] The guild member %s has been kicked out of the Guild.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] ×ëåí ãèëüäèè %s èñêëþ÷åí ãèëüäèåé.";
"OX The Event has not ended yet. An error has occurred. (flag: %d)";
"Ýâåíò OX åùå íå çàêîí÷èëîñü. Ïðîèçîøëè îøèáêè. (ìåòêà: %d)";
"[Guild] You have kicked a guild member out.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû èñêëþ÷èëè ó÷àñòíèêà ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change your rank name.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå âïðàâå ìåíÿòü ñâîé ðàíã.";
"[Guild] The guild leader's rights cannot be changed.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ïîëíîìî÷èÿ Ëèäåðà Ãèëüäèè íå ìîãóò áûòü èçìåíåíû.";
"[Guild] This rank name is invalid.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Èìÿ ðàíãà íåâåðíî.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change your position.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå âïðàâå ìåíÿòü ñâîå ïîëîæåíèå.";
"[Guild] The rights of the guild leader cannot be changed.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ïðàâà ëèäåðà ãèëüäèè íå ìîãóò áûòü èçìåíåíû.";
"[Guild] %u experience points used.";
"[Gilde] %u ïóíêòîâ îïûòà èñïîëüçîâàëà.";
"[Guild] Experience usage has failed.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Èñïîëüçîâàíèå îïûòà íå óäàëîñü.";
"[Guild] Insufficient Yang in the guild treasury.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Íåäîñòàòî÷íî ÿíã â êàññå ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] Dragon ghost was not restored.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Äóõ Äðàêîíà íå âîññòàíîâëåí.";
"The OX Event will be restarted shortly.";
"OX ñîáûòèå áóäåò âñêîðå ïåðåçàïóùåíî.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to make an announcement.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå âïðàâå ïîäàâàòü çàÿâëåíèÿ.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to change the position.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå ìîæåòå èçìåíèòü ñâîþ ïîçèöèþ.";
"[Guild] The guild leader's position cannot be changed.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ñìåíèòü ïîëîæåíèå ëèäåðà ãèëüäèè íåâîçìîæíî.";
"[Guild] You cannot make yourself guild leader.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå ìîæåòå íàçíà÷àòü ñàìîãî ñåáÿ ëèäåðîì ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to choose the guild leader.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ó Âàñ íåò âëàñòè âûáðàòü ëèäåðà ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] You cannot choose any more guild leaders.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Íåëüçÿ âûáèðàòü áîëüøå ëèäåðîâ ãèëüäèè.";
"You cannot trade this item.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå îòäàòü ýòîò ïðåäìåò.";
"Illegal software has been detected. The game is being shut down.";
"Îáíàðóæåííû èëëåãàëüíûå Software. Âàøà èãðà áóäåò çàêîí÷åííà.";
"You have more than 2 Billion Yang with you. You cannot trade.";
"Ó âàñ áîëüøå 2 ìèëëèàðäîâ ÿíã.Âû íå ìîæåòå áîëüøå âåñòè òîðãîâûå ñäåëêè.";
"Invalid Yang.";
"Íåäîñòàòî÷íî ÿíã.";
"The present event is limited to one area.";
"Òåêóùåå ñîáûòèå îãðàíè÷åíî îäíîé ëîêàöèåé.";
"Start Item Roulette.";
"Çàïóñòèòü ðóëåòêó.";
"Start Yang Roulette.";
"Çàïóñòèòü ÿíã-ðóëåòêó.";
"The player is online. Please use whisper to chat.";
"Îí/îíà âíå ñåòè. Èñïîëüçóéòå 'Øåïòàíèå'.";
"The cell phone number is not registered.";
"Íîìåð ìîá.òåëåôîíà íå çàðåãåñòðèðîâàí.";
"You need to be at least on level 20 to be able to send text messages.";
"Íåîáõîäèìî äîñòèãíóòü õîòÿ áû 20 óðîâåíü, ÷òîáû ïîñëàòü ñìñ.";
"You need 2000 DT to send a text message.";
"Âàì íåîáõîäèìî 2000 ÿíã, ÷òîáû îòïðàâèòü ñìñ.";
"Your text message has been sent.";
"Ñîîáùåíèå îòïðàâëåíî.";
"%s of the Guild %s raised up to %d%% !";
"%s ãèëüäèè %s óâåëè÷èëñÿ â %d%% !";
"%s of the Guild %s normal again.";
"%s ãèëüäèè %s íîðìàëèçîâàëñÿ.";
"%s: %s has increased by %d%%!";
"%s 's %s óâåëè÷èëñÿ â %d%% !";
"%s 's %s normal again.";
"%s 's %s íîðìàëèçîâàëñÿ.";
"Your mining points have reached their maximum. (%d)";
"Î÷êè ãîðíîãî ðåìåñëà äîñòèãëè ïðåäåëà. (%d).";
"Your mining points have reached their maximum level.";
"Î÷êè ãîðíîãî ðåìåñëà âîçðîñëè äî ïðåäåëà.";
"You can get lumberjack Deokbae to upgrade your Pickaxe.";
"Âû ìîæåòå óëó÷øèòü ñâîþ êèðêó ó Äåîêáàå.";
"Your Mining Points have increased! (%d/%d)";
"Î÷êè ãîðíîãî ðåìåñëà âîçðîñëè! (%d/%d)";
"You cannot mine without a Pick.";
"Áåç êèðêè âàì íè÷åãî íå äîáûòü.";
"Nothing to mine here.";
"Çäåñü íå÷åãî äîáûòü.";
"The mining has been successful.";
"Äîáû÷à ïðîøëà óäà÷íî.";
"The mining has failed.";
"Äîáû÷à íå óäàëàñü.";
"[Friends] You have added %s as a friend.";
"[Äðóçüÿ] Âû äîáàâèëè %s â ñâîé ñïèñîê äðóçåé.";
"The player will be teleported into the city shortly.";
"Èãðîê áóäåò âñêîðå òåëåïîðòèðîâàí â ãîðîä.";
"[Friends] You have deleted %s from the list.";
"[Äðóçüÿ] %s óäàëåí èç âàøåãî ñïèñêà äðóçåé.";
"A critical server error has occurred. The server will restart automatically.";
"Êðèòè÷åñêàÿ îøèáêà ñåðâåðà. Ñåðâåð àâòîìàòè÷åñêè ïåðåçàïóñòèòñÿ.";
"You will be disconnected automatically in 10 seconds.";
"Ñîåäèíåíèå áóäåò ïðåðâàííî àâòîìàòè÷åñêè ÷åðåç 10 ñåêóíä.";
"You can connect again after 5 minutes.";
"Âû ñìîæåòå ïîäñîåäèíèòüñÿ ÷åðåç 5 ìèíóò.";
"(%s) guild has been created. [Temporary]";
"(%s) ñîçäàí. [âðåìåííî]";
"This guild is at war.";
"Ýòà ãèëüäèÿ íà âîéíå.";
"%s: This guild does not exist.";
"%s: ýòà ãèëüäèÿ íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"A guild with this name or number does not exist.";
"Ãèëüäèÿ ïîä ýòèì èìåíåì èëè íîìåðîì íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"The building does not exist.";
"Ýòî çäàíèå íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"This type of building can only be erected once.";
"Çäàíèÿ òàêîãî òèïà ìîæíî ñîîðóæàòü òîëüêî îäèí ðàç.";
"Close the OX event card first. (Flag: %d)";
"Çàêðîéòå êàðòó ýâåíòà OX.(ìåòêà: %d)";
"The Main Building has to be erected first.";
"Ñíà÷àëà íåîáõîäèìî ñîîðóäèòü áàçîâîå çäàíèå.";
"Building failed because of incorrect pricing.";
"Ïîñòðîåíèå íå óäàëîñü èç-çà íåêîððåêòíîé êàëüêóëÿöèè öåíû.";
"Your guild does not have enough Yang to erect this building.";
"Ó âàøåé ãèëüäèè íåäîñòàòî÷íî ÿíã, ÷òîáû ïîñòðîèòü ýòî çäàíèå.";
"You do not have enough resources to build a building.";
"Ó âàñ íåäîñòàòî÷íî ìàòåðèàëà, ÷òîáû ñòðîèòü.";
"You cannot erect a building at this place.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñòðîèòü â ýòîì ìåñòå.";
"This character does not exist.";
"Ïåðñîíàæ íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"Duel has not been successfully cancelled.";
"Îòìåíà ïîåäèíêà íå óäàëàñü.";
"Duel cancelled successfully.";
"Ïîåäèíîê îòìåíåí.";
"The duel has been successfully started.";
"Ïîåäèíîê íà÷àëñÿ.";
"There is a problem with initiating the duel.";
"Âîçíèêëà ïðîáëåìà èíèöèàöèè ïîåäèíêà.";
"No errors occurred.";
"Îøèáîê íå ïðîèçîøëî.";
"There are no combatants.";
"Ó÷àñòíèê ñðàæåíèÿ îòñóòñòâóåò.";
"No status points left.";
"Î÷êîâ ñòàòóñà áîëüøå íåò.";
"Remaining status points are too low.";
"Îñòàâøèåñÿ î÷êè Ñòàòóñà ñëèøêîì íèçêè.";
"You entered an incorrect value.";
"Ââåäåí íåâåðíûé ïîêàçàòåëü.";
"Suborder or the Order is incorrect.";
"Íåâåðíûé ïîäïðèêàç îñíîâíîãî ïðèêàçà.";
"Broken contract between player %d and player %d.";
"Íàðóøåíèå êîíòàêòà ìåæäó èãðîêîì %d è èãðîêîì %d.";
"Turn the Roulette for %d Yang.";
"Êðóòàíèòå ðóëåòêó, çàïëàòèâ %d ÿíã.";
"The Item log placed into the syslog.";
"Ëîã ïðåäìåòîâ ïîìåùåí â ñèñòåìíûé ëîã.";
"Information for the Kingdoms";
"Èíôîðìàöèÿ ïî Èìïåðèè.";
"Choose the Map Information of the Holy Land %d Entrance %d %d %d";
"Âûáåðèòå êàðòó Ñâÿùåííîé Çåìëè %d Âõîä %d %d %d";
"An error has occurred.";
"Îøèáîê íå ïðîèçîøëî.";
"%s killcount %d mobkillcount %d bosskillcount %d Number Holy Land %d";
"%s killcount %d mobkillcount %d bosskillcount %d Number Holy Land %d";
"Information about the status of the kingdom battle";
"Èíôî î ñîñòîÿíèè áèòâû Èìïåðèé.";
"Your request is loading. Please wait.";
"Çàïðîñ âûïîëíÿåòñÿ. Ïîæàëóéñòà ïîäîæäèòå.";
"You cannot open a Storeroom while another window is open.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå îòêðûòü ñêëàä, ïîêà îòêðûòî äðóãîå îêíî.";
"[Storeroom] Storeroom password has been changed.";
"[Ñêëàä] Ïàðîëü èçìåíåí.";
"[Storeroom] You have entered the wrong password.";
"[Ëàâêà] Ââåäåí íåâåðíûé ïàðîëü.";
"Your playing time is going to run out in %d minutes.";
"Èãðîâîå âðåìÿ èññòåêàåò ÷åðåç %d ìèí.";
"Regularly voted.";
"Âûáðàí ïîñòîÿííûì.";
"Already voted.";
"Óæå âûáðàí.";
"%s player already in the vote.";
"Èãðîê %s óæå ó÷àñòâóåò â ãîëîñîâàíèè.";
"OX Event is over. No errors occurred. (Flag: %d)";
"Ýâåíò OX çàâåðøåí. Îøèáîê íå ïðîèçîøëî. (ìåòêà: %d)";
"Cannot run for office.";
"Çà íåãî íåëüçÿ ãîëîñîâàòü.";
"%s still has %u Yang available.";
"Ó %s åñòü åù¸ %u ÿíã.";
"%s still has %d Yang available.";
"Ó %s åñòü åùå %d ÿíã.";
"You do not have enough Yang.";
"Ó âàñ íåäîñòàòî÷íî ÿíã.";
"%s is deleted as an Emperor Candidate.";
"%s èñêëþ÷åí èç êàíäèäàòîâ â Èìïåðàòîðû.";
"%s is not a candidate for the emperor elections.";
"%s íå ÿâëÿåòñÿ êàíäèäàòîì â Èìïåðàòîðû.";
"%s has been nominated as emperor.";
"%s íàçíà÷åí Èìïåðàòîðîì.";
"%s cannot be nominated as emperor.";
"%s íå ìîæåò áûòü íàçíà÷åí Èìïåðàòîðîì.";
"The %s Emperor gets driven out.";
"%s Èìïåðàòîð áóäåò óäàëåí.";
"The %s Emperor cannot be driven out.";
"%s Èìïåðàòîð íå ìîæåò áûòü óäàëåí.";
"OX Event is not accepting any more participants.";
"OX ñîáûòèå áîëüøå íå ïðèíèìàåò ó÷àñòíèêîâ.";
"Shinsoo Kingdom";
"Èìïåðèÿ Øèíüçî";
"Chunjo Kingdom";
"Èìïåðèÿ Õóíäæî";
"Jinno Kingdom";
"Èìïåðèÿ Äæèííî";
"Your fishing points have increased! (%d/%d)";
"Ðûáîëîâíûå î÷êè âîçðîñëè! (%d/%d)";
"You have reached the maximum number of fishing points.";
"Ìàêñèìàëüíîå êîëè÷åñòâî ðûáîëîâíûõ î÷êîâ äîñòèãíóòî.";
"Go to the Fisherman and get your Fishing Pole upgraded!";
"Îòïðàâëÿéòåñü ê ðûáàêó, ÷òîáû óëó÷øèòü âàøó óäî÷êó.";
"You lost your bait to the fish.";
"Âû ïîòåðÿëè íàæèâêó äëÿ ðûáû.";
"You have caught a fish! (%s)";
"Âû ïîéìàëè êàêóþ-òî ðûáó! (%s)";
"The length of the captured fish is %.2fcm.";
"Äëèííà ïîéìàííîé ðûáû ñîñòàâëÿåò %.2 ñì.";
"Fishing Event 'Great Zander'";
"Ðûáîëîâíîå ñîñòÿçàíèå 'Ëó÷øèé ðûáîëîâ'.";
"OX The other event participants are being noted down.";
"OX Îñòàëüíûå ó÷àñòíèêè Ñîáûòèÿ ïåðå÷èñëåííû.";
"Fishing Event 'Carp'";
"Ðûáîëîâíîå ñîñòÿçàíèå ' Ñïîêîéñòâèå- ñèëà'";
"%s: %d";
"%s: %d";
"You have caught %d of %d .";
"Âû ïîéìàëè %d èç %d.";
"The fish vanished in the depths of the water.";
"Ðûáà èñ÷åçëà â ïó÷èíå âîä.";
"There is a Clam inside the Fish.";
"Â ðûáå åñòü ðàêóøêà.";
"There is a Worm inside the Fish.";
" ðûáå ñèäèò ÷åðâü.";
"You are roasting %s over the fire.";
"Âû æàðèòå %s íà êîñòðå.";
"You cannot trade because you are carrying more than 2 billion Yang.";
"Ó âàñ áîëüøå 2 ìèëëèàðäîâ ÿíã, âû íå ìîæåòå áîëüøå òîðãîâàòü.";
"You can't give your shop an invalid name.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå íàçûâàòü ñâîþ ëàâêó íåñóùåñòâóþùèì èìåíåì.";
"You can't sell Item-Shop items in a private shop.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå êóïèòü ïðåäìåò èç ìàãàçèíà â ëàâêå.";
"OX The other event participants have not been noted down.";
"OX Îñòàëüíûå ó÷àñòíèêè Ñîáûòèÿ íå îòìå÷åíû.";
"Mining is finished.";
"Äîáû÷à çàâåðøåííà.";
"You need a Pickaxe in order to extract ore!";
"Âîçüìèòå êèðêó äëÿ äîáû÷è ðóäû!";
"Please choose a Fishing Pole.";
"Âûáåðèòå óäî÷êó.";
"Place the Bait on the Hook first.";
"Ñíà÷àëà íóæíî ïðèêðåïèòü íàæèâêó íà êðþ÷îê.";
"You can't go fishing without a fishing pole!";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ëîâèòü ðûáó áåç óäî÷êè!";
"[Group] You cannot make a request because the group leader is not online.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå äåëàòü çàÿâêó, ïîñêîëüêó Ëèäåð ãðóïïû âíå ñåòè.";
"[Group] You cannot form a group with players from another kingdom.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîçäàâàòü ãðóïïó ñ èãðîêàìè äðóãîé Èìïåðèè.";
"[Group] You cannot invite players while you are in a dungeon.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå äåëàòü âûçîâ, íàõîäÿñü â ïîäçåìåëüå.";
"[Group] You cannot invite a player while you are in observer mode.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå äåëàòü âûçîâ, íàõîäÿñü â ðåæèìå 'Íàáëþäàòåëü'.";
"[Group] Only players with a level difference of -30 to +30 can be invited.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Ïðèãëàøàòü ìîæíî èãðîêîâ òîëüêî ñ -30 ïî +30 óðîâåíü.";
"Number of other participants : %d";
"êîëè÷åñòâî îñòàâøèõñÿ ó÷àñòíèêîâ : %d";
"[Group] You cannot invite this player, as their level is too low.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå âûçâàòü ýòîãî èãðîêà, ó íåãî ñëèøêîì íèçêèé óðîâåíü.";
"[Group] You cannot invite this player, as their level is too high.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå âûçâàòü ýòîãî èãðîêà, ó íåãî ñëèøêîì âûñîêèé óðîâåíü.";
"[Group] You cannot invite any more players into your group.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîçâàòü åùå áîëüøå èãðîêîâ â ñâîþ ãðóïïó.";
"You want to join %s's group.";
"Õîòèòå âñòóïèòü â ãðóïïó %s?";
"This player is not in this group.";
"Èãðîê íå ñîñòîèò â ýòîé ãðóïïå.";
"[Group] You cannot join this group because it is already full.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Ìåñò â ãðóïïå áîëüøå íåò.";
"[Group] You do not have the right to invite someone.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå âïðàâå ïðèãëàøàòü ó÷àñòíèêîâ.";
"[Group] %s has declined your group invitation.";
"[Ãðóïïà]%s îòêëîíèë ïðåäëîæåíèå ïðèñîåäèíèòüñÿ ê âàøåé ãðóïïå.";
"[Group] %s is already in the group.";
"[Ãðóïïà] %s óæå ñîñòîèò â ãðóïïå.";
"[Group] You cannot accept an invitation into a dungeon.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèíèìàòü ïðèãëàøåíèÿ, íàõîäÿñü â ïîäçåìåëüå.";
"OX Event is finishing.";
"OX Ñîáûòèå çàêàí÷èâàåòñÿ.";
"[Group] You cannot accept the invitation.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèíÿòü ïðèãëàøåíèå.";
"[Group] %s has declined your invitation.";
"[Ãðóïïà] %s îòâåðãëà Âàøå ïðèãëàøåíèå.";
"[Group] %s has joined your group.";
"[Ãðóïïà] %s âñòóïèë â âàøó ãðóïïó.";
"[Group] %s has joined your Group.";
"[Ãðóïïà] %s âñòóïèë â âàøó ãðóïïó.";
"You can't use a private shop now.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñåé÷àñ ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ëàâêîé.";
"This player is already trading with another player.";
"Ýòîò èãðîê òîðãóåòñÿ ñåé÷àñ ñ äðóãèì èãðîêîì.";
"Metin2 Confirmation Number: %s";
"Íîìåð ïîäòâåðæäåíèÿ Ìåòèí 2:%s";
"Your Confirmation Number is not correct. Please try again.";
"Íåâåðíûé íîìåð ïîäòâåðæäåíèÿ. Ïîïðîáóéòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, åùå ðàç.";
"The mobile phone number is registered.";
"Íîìåð ìîá.òåëåôîíà çàðåãèñòðèðîâàí.";
"You cannot teleport to the player.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå òåëåïîðòèðîâàòüñÿ ê èãðîêó.";
"OX The prize has been awarded. ID: %d Quantity: %d";
"OX Ïåðåäà÷à íàãðàä ñîñòîÿëàñü. ID: %d êîëè÷åñòâî: %d";
"This player is not online.";
"Èãðîê âíå ñåòè.";
"The player is playing on channel %d. (You are on channel %d.)";
"Èãðîê íàõîäèòñÿ íà %d êàíàëå.( Âû íà %d).";
"After opening the Storeroom, you cannot go anywhere else for %d seconds.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîéòè â äðóãîì ìåñòå â òå÷åíèå %d ñåêóíä ïîñëå îòêðûòèÿ Ñêëàäà.";
"You cannot go elsewhere for a period of time after the trade.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîêèíóòü ñâîå ìåñòî ïîñëå òîðãà â òå÷åíèå êàêîãî-òî âðåìåíè.";
"After trading you cannot go elsewhere for %d seconds.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîêèíóòü ñâîå ìåñòî â òå÷åíèå %d ñåê. ïîñëå òîðãà.";
"The duel has finished, because your combatant vanished.";
"Ïîåäèíîê çàâåðøåí, âàø ïðîòèâíèê êóäà-òî ïîäåâàëñÿ.";
"There is no limit for Potions.";
"Îãðàíè÷åíèé íà ïîëüçîâàíèå çåëüåì íåò.";
"You can use up to %d potions.";
"Âû ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ äî %d çåëüÿ.";
"The fight will start in 10 seconds.";
"Áîé íà÷íåòñÿ ÷åðåç 10 ñåê.";
"The duel has begun.";
"Ïîåäèíîê íà÷àëñÿ.";
"The duel is being finished because there is a problem in the duel arena.";
"Âîçíèêëè ïðîáëåìû ñ àðåíîé ïîåäèíêîâ. Ïîåäèíîê áóäåò çàâåðøåí.";
"The duel has finished because of a timeout.";
"Âðåìÿ èññòåêëî. Ïîåäèíîê áóäåò çàâåðøåí.";
"In 10 seconds you will be teleported into the city.";
"Âû áóäåòå òåëåïîðòèðîâàíû â ãîðîä ÷åðåç 10 ñåê.";
"The duel has been stopped because there is a problem in the arena.";
"Âîçíèêëè ïðîáëåìû ñ àðåíîé ïîåäèíêîâ. Ïîåäèíîê áóäåò ïðåðâàí.";
"Your combatant has got some problems. The duel is being cancelled.";
"Ó ïðîòèâíèêà âîçíèêëè ïðîáëåìû. Ïîåäèíîê áóäåò îêîí÷åí.";
"The duel is being cancelled as there is a problem with the combatant.";
"Ó ïðîòèâíèêà âîçíèêëè êàêèå-òî ïðîáëåìû, ïîåäèíîê áóäåò îêîí÷åí.";
"%s has won the duel.";
"%s îäåðæàë ïîáåäó â ïîåäèíêå.";
"%s has won.";
"%s ïîáåäèë.";
"You will be teleported into the city in 10 seconds.";
"Âû áóäåòå òåëåïîðòèðîâàíû â ãîðîä ÷åðåç 10 ñåê.";
"The next round will begin in 10 seconds.";
"Ñëåäóþùèé ðàóíä íà÷í¸òñÿ ÷åðåç 10 ñåê.";
"The combatants have been separated. The duel has been stopped.";
"Ïðîòèâíèê îòñîåäèíåí. Ïîåäèíîê îêîí÷åí.";
"The quota of the Item Drop is at the moment plus %d%%";
"Äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ êâîòà âûïàäåíèÿ ïðåäìåòîâ %d%%";
"The quota of the Yang Drop is at the moment plus %d%%";
"Äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ êâîòà âûïàäåíèÿ ÿíã %d%%";
"The drop rate for Yang rain is currently %d%% higher.";
"Øàíñ äîæäÿ èç ÿíã ñåé÷àñ ñîñòàâëÿåò %d%%";
"The experience bonus is currently an additional %d%%.";
"Äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ êâîòà îïûòà íà äàííûé ìîìåíò %d%%";
"You do not have the correct client version. Please install the normal patch.";
"Âåðñèÿ âàøåãî êëèåíòà íå ïîäõîäèò, ïîæàëóéñòà óñòàíîâèòå ïàò÷.";
"You cannot trade in the shop while another window is open.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå òîðãîâàòü â ìàãàçèíå, ïîêà îòêðûòî äðóãîå îêíî.";
"You are too far away from the shop to buy something.";
"Âû íå ñìîæåòå íè÷åãî êóïèòü, âû íàõîäèøüñÿ ñëèøêîì äàëåêî îò ðûíêà âåùåé.";
"You are too far away from the shop to sell something.";
"Âû íå ñìîæåòå íè÷åãî ïðîäàòü, âû íàõîäèòåñü ñëèøêîì äàëåêî îò ðûíêà âåùåé.";
"Total number of the Quiz: %d";
"Îáùåå ÷èñëî âèêòîðèí: %d";
"This sale will be taxed %d%%.";
"Çà ïðîäàæó âçèìàåòñÿ âçíîñ â ðàçìåðå %d%%.";
"You cannot ride a Horse while you are transformed.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñêàêàòü íà êîíå â ñîñòîÿíèè òðàíñôîðìàöèè.";
"You cannot ride while you are wearing a Wedding Dress or a Tuxedo.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñêàêàòü íà êîíå, îäåâ ñâàäåáíîå ïëàòüå èëè ñìîêèíã.";
"You do not have a Horse.";
"Ó âàñ íåò êîíÿ.";
"Your Horse is dead.";
"Âàø êîíü ïîãèá.";
"Your Horse's endurance is too low.";
"Óðîâåíü âûíîñëèâîñòè âàøåãî êîíÿ ñëèøêîì íèçêèé.";
"Calling the Horse has failed.";
"Âûçîâ êîíÿ íå óäàëñÿ.";
"'s Horse";
"s êîíü";
"The wedding is finishing soon.";
"Ñâàäüáà ïîäõîäèò ê êîíöó.";
"Will be left automatically.";
"Âûõîä ïðîèñõîäèò àâòîìàòè÷åñêè.";
"The war is already over.";
"Âîéíà îêîí÷åíà.";
"The result will follow in 10 seconds.";
"Ðåçóëüòàò áóäåò ÷åðåç 10 ñåêóíä.";
"You cannot trade while observing.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå òîðãîâàòü â ðåæèìå Íàáëþäàòåëÿ.";
"If the window is open, you cannot trade with others.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå òîðãîâàòü ñ äðóãèìè, åñëè îòêðûòî äðóãîå îêíî.";
"The other person is currently busy so you cannot trade right now.";
"Ýòîò èãðîê çàíÿò, ïîýòîìó ñ íèì ñåé÷àñ íåëüçÿ òîðãîâàòü.";
"The other person has cancelled the trade.";
"Äðóãîé èãðîê çàêîí÷èë òîðãîâàòü.";
"Not enough Yang or not enough space in the inventory.";
"Íå õâàòàåò ÿíã èëè ìåñòà â èíâåíòàðå.";
"The other person does not have enough Yang or does not have any space left in their inventory.";
"Ýòîìó èãðîêó íå õâàòàåò ÿíã èëè ìåñòà â èíâåíòàðå.";
"The other person has no space left in their inventory.";
"Èíâåíòàðü ýòîãî èãðîêà ïåðåïîëíåí.";
"The trade with %s has been successful.";
"Òîðã ñ %s óäàëñÿ.";
"You did not lose any Experience because of the Blessing of the Dragon God.";
"Áëàãîñëîâåíèå Áîãà Äðàêîíà óáåðåãëî âàñ îò ïîòåðè îïûòà.";
"Current score: Shinsoo %d, Chunjo %d, Jinno %d";
"Òåêóùåå êîëè÷åñòâî î÷êîâ Øèíüçî: %d Õóíäæî: %d Äæèííî: %d";
"The correct answer is:";
"Ïðàâèëüíûé îòâåò:";
"%s deadcount %d Empire %d killcount %d(Purpose %d) killmobcount %d, RegenFlag %d";
"%s ñ÷¸ò÷èêóáèòûõ %d Èìïåðèÿ %d ñ÷¸ò÷èêóáèéñòâ %d (ðåçóëüòàò %d) ñ÷¸ò÷èêóáèéñòâìîáîâ %d, ÇàõâàòÔëàãîâ %d";
"The devil of the hallowed place: [ENTER][ENTER]";
"Äüÿâîë Ñâÿùåííîé Çåìëè: [ENTER][ENTER]";
", you don't have any right to be here! The members of your kingdom will leave this hallowed ground in 10 seconds.";
", ó âàñ íåò ïðàâ íà ïðåáûâàíèå çäåñü! ×åðåç 10 ñåêóíä âàøè ñîîòå÷åñòâåííèêè ïîêèíóò ýòó ñâÿùåííóþ çåìëþ.";
"%s has been defeated and drops out of the Kingdom Battle.";
"Èìïåðèÿ %s ïîòåðïåëà ïîðàæåíèå è âûáûâàåò èç áèòâû Èìïåðèé.";
"Number of Monsters in the Kingdom Battle:";
"Êîëè÷åñòâî Ìîíñòðîâ â Áèòâå Èìïåðèé";
"If you defeat the Guard of the Holy Place, you will become the owner of it.";
"Çàâàëèòå ñòðàæíèêà Ñâÿùåííîãî ìåñòà - ñòàíåòå åãî âëàäåëüöàìè.";
"You did not drop any Item(s) as you are protected by the Dragon God.";
"Áîã Äðàêîí çàùèòèë âàñ- âû íå óðîíèëè íè îäíîãî ïðåäìåòà.";
"Additional Stabbing Weapon Damage %d";
"Äîïîëíèòåëüíûé óðîí êîëþùèõ óäàðîâ %d";
"%s block! (%d%%)";
"%s áëîêèðîâàòü! (%d%%)";
"%s avoid! (%d%%)";
"%s óêëîíèòüñÿ! (%d%%)";
"Yes (O)";
"Äà (O)";
"%s[%d]'s Attack Position: %d %d";
"%s[%d]'s Ïîçèöèÿ àòàêè: %d %d";
"Please enter the Order in full length.";
"Ïîæàëóéñòà çàäàéòå ïðèêàç ïîëíûì òåêñòîì.";
"You cannot do this whilst sitting on a Horse.";
"Ó âàñ ýòî íå ïîëó÷èòñÿ, ïîêà âû ñèäèòå íà êîíå.";
"You cannot do that while you are lying on the ground.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñíàðÿäèòü ýòî âî âðåìÿ ïàäåíèÿ.";
"In my Dreams? What?";
"×òî? Â ìîèõ ñíîâèäåíèÿõ?";
"Get up first.";
"Ñíà÷àëà âñòàíüòå.";
"This command does not exist.";
"Ýòîò ïðèêàç íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"[Group] This group has been disbanded.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Ãðóïïà ðàñïàëàñü.";
"[Group] You cannot call the target.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå âûçâàòü öåëü.";
"[Group] You cannot call group members over to your current position.";
"[Ãðóïïà] Âû íå ìîæåòå âûçâàòü ó÷àñòíèêîâ ãðóïïû íà âàøó àêòóàëüíóþ ïîçèöèþ.";
"No (X)";
"íåò (X)";
"Your group works well together, and group members near the group leader will receive an experience bonus.";
"Âàøà ãðóïïà õîðîøî âçàèìîäåéñòâóåò. Ó÷àñòíèêè ãðóïïû, êîòîðûå äåðæàòñÿ ðÿäîì ñ ëèäåðîì ãðóïïû, ïîëó÷àþò áîíóñ ê îïûòó.";
"[Guild] Provided Experience is larger then left Experience.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ïðåäóñìîòðåííûé îïûò âûøå îñòàâøåãîñÿ.";
"[Guild] This message cannot be deleted.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Óäàëåíèå ñîîáùåíèÿ íåâîçìîæíî.";
"[Guild] Not enough Dragon Ghost. (%d, %d)";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] íåäîñòàòî÷íî Äóõà Äðàêîíà (%d, %d)";
"[Guild] You cannot use the guild skills yet.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîêà åùå ïðèìåíÿòü íàâûêè ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] %d skill has been applied (%d, %d) to %u.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] %d-ñïîñîáíîñòü ïðèìåíåíà (%d, %d) íà %u.";
"[Guild] This player is on channel %d. (Current channel: %d)";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Èãðîê íàõîäèòñÿ íà %d êàíàëå. (àêòóàëüíûé êàíàë : %d)";
"[Guild] This player is not online.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Èãðîê âíå ñåòè.";
"In 5 sec. everyone who gave an incorrect answer will be removed.";
"Âñå ó÷àñòíèêè, äàâøèå íåâåðíûé îòâåò, áóäóò èçãíàííû ÷åðåç 5 ñåê.";
"[Guild] This guild skill can only be used during war.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Íàâûêè ãèëüäèè ìîæíî ïðèìåíÿòü òîëüêî â âîéíå.";
"[Guild] %u Dragon ghost points have been restored.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Äóõ Äðàêîíà %u âîññòàíîâëåí.";
"[Guild] Only the guild leader can withdraw Yang.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ñíÿòü ÿíãè ìîæåò òîëüêî ëèäåð.";
"[Guild] The player has declined the guild invitation.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Èãðîê îòêëîíèë ïðèãëàøåíèå ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] You do not have the authority to invite someone to join the guild.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû íå âïðàâå ïðèãëàøàòü êîãî-òî â ãèëüäèþ.";
"[Guild] You cannot invite players from another kingdom into the guild.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Èãðîêè äðóãîé Èìïåðèè íå ìîãóò áûòü ïðèãëàøåíû â âàøó Ãèëüäèþ.";
"[Guild] This player can be invited again after %d day(s).";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû ñìîæåòå ïðèãëàñèòü ýòîãî èãðîêà ñíîâà òîëüêî ÷åðåç %d äí.";
"[Guild] After the rearrangement you can invite members again after %d days.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Âû ìîæåòå ïðèãëàñèòü íîâûõ ó÷àñòíèêîâ ëèøü ÷åðåç %d äíåé ïîñëå ðåîðãàíèçàöèè.";
"[Guild] This person is already a member of another Guild.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ýòà ëè÷íîñòü óæå ñîñòîèò â äðóãîé ãèëüäèè.";
"[Guild] The maximum guild capacity has been reached.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ñîñòàâ ãèëüäèè äîñòèã ïðåäåëà.";
"Ready for the next question?";
"Âû ãîòîâû ê ñëåäóþùåìó âîïðîñó?";
"You cannot train this skill.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå îáó÷àòüñÿ ýòîìó íàâûêó.";
"You cannot train this skill up to Grand Master level.";
"Îáó÷èòüñÿ ýòîìó íàâûêó äî óðîâíÿ Áîëüøîãî ìàñòåðà íåâîçìîæíî.";
"You already are a Master of this skill. You cannot train this skill any further.";
"Âû óæå äîñòèãëè óðîâíÿ Ìàñòåðà ýòîãî íàâûêà. Âû íå ìîæåòå îáó÷àòüñÿ åìó.";
"Your Skill is not high enough to become a Grand Master.";
"Óðîâåíü ýòîãî íàâûêà äîâîëüíî íèçêèé, âû íå ïîòÿíåòå îáó÷åíèå íà Áîëüøîãî ìàñòåðà.";
"That did not work. Damn!";
"Íå ïîëó÷èëîñü!";
"Training has failed. Please try again later.";
"Îáó÷åíèå íå óäàëîñü. Ïîïðîáóéòå ïîæàëóéñòà åùå ðàç.";
"My body is full of energy!";
"Âî ìíå ñòîëüêî ýíåðãèè!";
"The training seems to be working already...";
"Êàæåòñÿ ÿ óæå ÷óâñòâóþ ðåçóëüòàò îáó÷åíèÿ...";
"You successfully finished your training with the book.";
"Âû óñïåøíî îêîí÷èëè îáó÷åíèå ïî êíèãå.";
"You cannot read this due to your lack of experience.";
"Âàì íå õâàòàåò îïûòà, ÷òîáû ïðî÷åñòü ýòî.";
"You cannot train this skill with a Book.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå áîëüøå îáó÷àòüñÿ ýòîìó íàâûêó ïî êíèãå.";
"This skill's level is not high enough to be trained with a Book.";
"Óðîâåíü ýòîãî íàâûêà äîâîëüíî íèçêèé, âû íå ïîòÿíåòå îáó÷åíèå åìó ïî êíèãå.";
"I'm making progress, but I still haven't understood everything.";
"ß äåëàþ óñïåõè, íî ìíå åùå íå âñå ïîíÿòíî.";
"These instructions are difficult to understand. I have to carry on studying.";
"Ðàçîáðàòüñÿ â ýòîé òåõíîëîãèè íå òàê ëåãêî.";
"I understand this chapter. But I've got to carry on working hard.";
"ß íå ïîíèìàþ ýòó ãëàâó. Íî ìíå ñëåäóåò ïðîäîëæèòü îáó÷åíèå.";
"You have successfully finished your training with the Book.";
"Âû óäà÷íî îêîí÷èëè îáó÷åíèå ïî êíèãå.";
"Teleportation has failed.";
"Òåëåïîðòàöèÿ íå óäàëàñü.";
"No Horse here. Ask the Stable Boy.";
"Êîíÿ íåò. Ñïðîñèòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, êîíþõà.";
"Please use an item to call a Horse.";
"Èñïîëüçóéòå, ïîæàëóéñòà, ïðåäìåò, ÷òîáû ïîçâàòü êîíÿ.";
"%s FP-Consumption: %d";
"%s FP-ðàñõîä: %d";
"If it's correct, then go to O. If it's wrong, go to X.";
"Åñëè ýòî âåðíî, òî ïåðåéäèòå íà O, åñëè ýòî íåïðàâèëüíî, ïåðåéäèòå íà X.";
"I am burning inside, but it is calming down my body. My Chi has to stabilise.";
"ß âíóòðè âåñü ãîðþ , íî ìåíÿ ýòî òàê ðàññëàáëÿåò.";
"A little slow, but steady... Without stopping!";
"íå ñïåøà...íî áåñïðåðûâíî... íå îñòàíàâëèâàÿñü!";
"Yes, that feels great. My body is full of Chi.";
"Î äà! Ïðîñòî çàìå÷àòåëüíî! ß ïîëîí Øè.";
"I have read it! Now the Chi will spread through my body.";
"ß ïðî÷¸ë! Òåïåðü ìî¸ òåëî äîëæíî íàïîëíèòüñÿ Øè.";
"The training is completed.";
"Îáó÷åíèå îêîí÷åíî.";
"I am on the last page of the book. The training is nearly finished!";
"ß äîøåë äî ïîñëåäíåé ñòðàíèöû êíèãè. Îáó÷åíèå ïî÷òè îêîí÷åíî!";
"Nearly finished! Just a little bit more to go!";
"Ïî÷òè ãîòîâî! Åùå ÷óòü-÷óòü!";
"Eureka! I have nearly finished reading it!";
"ß ïðîçðåë! ß ïî÷òè -÷òî âñå ïðî÷åë!";
"Only a few more pages and then I'll have read everything.";
"Îñòàëîñü âñåãî íåñêîëüêî ñòðàíèö.";
"I feel refreshed.";
"×óâñòâóþ ñåáÿ ïîñâåæåâøèì.";
"Now I understand it!";
"Òåïåðü ÿ çíàþ!";
"Okay I have to stay concentrated!";
"Õîðîøî, ñåé÷àñ âàæíî íå ïîòåðÿòü êîíöåíòðàöèþ!";
"I keep reading the same line over and over again.";
"ß ÷èòàþ îäíó è òó æå ñòðîêó.";
"I do not want to learn any more.";
"ß íå õî÷ó áîëüøå îáó÷àòüñÿ.";
"It is a lot more complicated and more difficult to understand than I thought.";
"Äàæå ïðåäïîëîæèòü íå ìîã, ÷òî áóäåò òàê òðóäíî ïîíÿòü ýòî.";
"It's hard for me to concentrate. I should take a break.";
"Ìíå î÷åíü òðóäíî ñîñðåäîòî÷èòüñÿ. Ìíå ñëåäóåò îòäîõíóòü.";
"Your chat has been blocked by a GM.";
"Âàø ÷àò çàáëîêèðîâàë ÃÌ.";
"Your chat block has been lifted.";
"Áëîêèðîâêà âàøà ÷àòà ëèêâèäèðîâàííà.";
"The Build window is already open.";
"Îêíî 'Cîîðóæàòü' óæå îòêðûòî.";
"You cannot build something while another trade/storeroom window is open.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñòðîèòü, åñëè îòêðûòû îêíà 'Òîðãîâàòü' , 'Õðàíåíèå'.";
"No further improvements possible.";
"Äàëüíåéøèå óëó÷øåíèÿ íåâîçìîæíû.";
"The build window is not open.";
"Îêíî ' Ñîîðóæàòü' çàêðûòî.";
"You do not have the right material.";
"Ýòî íå òîò ìàòåðèàë, êîòîðûé âàì íóæåí.";
"[Guild] Please try again later.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ïîïðîáóéòå ïîæàëóéñòà ïîçäíåå.";
"You have to read %d more skill books to improve this skill.";
"Âû äîëæíû ïðî÷èòàòü åùå %d êíèã ïî ñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèþ ýòîãî íàâûêà.";
"You are only able to use this function while you are at the castle.";
"Ýòó ôóíêöèþ ìîæíî ïðèìåíèòü òîëüêî âî äâîðöå.";
"TEST: The Gold Bar has been paid back to your kingdom's safe.";
"Òåñò: Ñëèòîê çîëîòà áûë âîçâðàù¸í â ñåéô Èìïåðèè.";
"TEST: In your kingdom's safe there are: %d";
"Òåñò: Â ñåéôå âàøåé Èìïåðèè õðàíèòñÿ: %d";
"TEST: You cannot pay the Gold Bar back into your kingdom's safe.";
"Òåñò: Âû íå ìîæåòå âåðíóòü ñëèòîê çîëîòà â ñåéô òâîåé Èìïåðèè.";
"[Guild] The guild has reached %d points.";
"[Gilde] Ðàíã äîñòèã %d î÷êîâ.";
"This item cannot be improved.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò íåëüçÿ óëó÷øèòü.";
"The free weapon improvements can only be used on weapons up to level 20.";
"Áåñïàëòíîå óëó÷øåíèå ðàñïðîñòðàíÿåòñÿ òîëüêî íà îðóæèÿ äî 20 óðîâíÿ.";
"You cannot use this item because you do not fulfil all the requirements.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì ïðåäìåòîì èç-çà íåâûïîëíåíèÿ òðåáîâàíèé.";
"You are not able to use that item because you do not have the right gender.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì ïðåäìåòîì èç-çà íåñîîòâåòñòâèÿ ïîëà.";
"Use: transfer <name>";
"Ïîëüçîâàòåëü: transfer <name>";
"This function can only be used by the emperor.";
"Ýòà ôóíêöèÿ äîñòóïíà òîëüêî Èìïåðàòîðó.";
"You cannot recruit players from another kingdom.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå âåðáîâàòü èãðîêîâ èç äðóãèõ Èìïåðèé.";
"The player %s is on channel %d at the moment. (Your channel: %d)";
"Èãðîê %s íàõîäèòñÿ íà êàíàëå %d. ( Òâîé êàíàë: %d)";
"You have recruited %s players.";
"Âû âåðáîâàëè èãðîêà %s.";
"There is no user with this name.";
"Èãðîêà, ñ çàäàííûì òîáîé èìåíåì, íå ñóùåñòâóåò.";
"You cannot recruit yourself.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå âåðáîâàòü ñàìîãî ñåáÿ.";
"Your level is too low to use this item.";
"Âû íàõîäèòåñü íà ñëèøêîì íèçêîì óðîâíå, ÷òîáû ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì ïðåäìåòîì.";
"You cannot upgrade anything while another window is open.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðîâîäèòü óëó÷øåíèÿ, ïîêà îòêðûòî äðóãîå îêíî.";
"The emperor of %s has changed to %s.";
"Èìïåðàòîð %s ïåðåø¸ë â %s.";
"There are %s wars to inflame the bonfires.";
" %s èä¸ò âîéíà çà ðàççæåíèå ñèãíàëüíûõ îãíåé.";
"%s has successfully defended.";
"%s çàùèòà óäàëàñü.";
"30 minutes from now on the player %s can get a reward because he destroyed the bonfire.";
"Íàãðàäó ïîëó÷èò %s â òå÷åíèå 30 ìèí. ïîñëå ðàçðóøåíèÿ ñèãíàëüíûõ îãíåé.";
"30 minutes are over. The bonfires have disappeared.";
"30 ìèí.ïðîøëè. Ñèãíàëüíûå îãíè èñ÷åçëè.";
"A bonfire was inflamed at %s to warn because of a battle.";
"Ñèãíàëüíûå îãíè çàæãëè ó %s, ÷òîáû ïðåäóïðåäèòü î âîéíå.";
"%s has destroyed the bonfire.";
"%s ðàçðóøèë ñèãíàëüíûé îãîíü.";
"%s lost the war as they have not been able to defend the castle.";
"%s ïðîèãðàëè â âîéíå, ïîñêîëüêó íå ñìîãëè çàùèòèòü ñâîé äâîðåö.";
"%s has destroyed all the bonfires.";
"%s ðàçðóøèë âñå ñèãíàëüíûå îãíè.";
"You can only open the shop if you take off your armour.";
"Âû ñìîæåòå îòêðûòü ëàâêó, ñíÿâ áðîíþ.";
"%d hours %d minutes %d seconds left on your chat block";
"Äî îêîí÷àíèÿ áëîêà â ÷àòå îñòàëîñü: %d ÷. %d ì. %d ñ.";
"%d hours %d seconds left on your chat block";
"Äî îêîí÷àíèÿ áëîêà â ÷àòå îñòàëîñü: %d ÷. %d ñ.";
"%d minutes %d seconds left on your chat block";
"Äî îêîí÷àíèÿ áëîêà â ÷àòå îñòàëîñü: %d ì. %d ñ.";
"Yang rain drop rate";
"Øàíñ äîæäÿ èç ÿíã";
"Not the right material for an upgrade.";
"Ýòîò ìàòåðèàë íå ïîäõîäèò äëÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâà.";
"All kingdoms";
"Âñå èìïåðèè";
"Item drop rate in percent";
"Âåðîÿòíîñòü âûïàäåíèÿ ïðåäìåòà";
"Yang drop rate in percent";
"Âåðîÿòíîñòü âûïàäåíèÿ ÿíã";
"Experience percentage";
"Ïðîöåíò îïûòà";
"%d seconds left on your chat block";
"Äî îêîí÷àíèÿ áëîêà â ÷àòå îñòàëîñü %d ñåê.";
"You cannot express emotions whilst riding a horse.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýìîöèÿìè âî âðåìÿ åçäû íà ëîøàäè.";
"You cannot use emotions with a player who is riding on a Horse.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå âûðàæàòü ýìîöèè èãðîêó íà ëîøàäè.";
"[Guild] The enemy's guild leader is offline.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ëèäåð ãèëüäèè ïðîòèâíèêà îôôëàéí.";
"[Guild] This guild is taking part in a battle at the moment.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ýòà ãèëüäèÿ â äàííûé ìîìåíò âîþåò.";
"You're already riding. Get off first.";
"Âû óæå åäåòå. Ñíà÷àëà ñîéäèòå.";
"You cannot upgrade items with this Scroll.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïðèìåíÿòü ýòîò ñâèòîê äëÿ óëó÷øåíèÿ.";
"You can only be rewarded once for the Demon Tower Quest.";
"Ïîëó÷èòü íàãðàäó çà âûïîëíåíèå çàäàíèÿ 'Áàøíÿ Äåìîíà' ìîæíî òîëüêî îäèí ðàç.";
"Dragon Stone has been removed.";
"Êàìåíü Äðàêîíà óñïåøíî óäàëåí.";
"You cannot move the item within the refinement window.";
"Ïåðåìåùåíèå ïðåäìåòà â îêíå óëó÷øåíèÿ íåâîçìîæíî.";
"Dragon Stone remaining duration has been extracted.";
"Îñòàâøååñÿ âðåìÿ äåéñòâèÿ óñïåøíî èçâëå÷åíî.";
"Remaining duration extraction failed.";
"Èçâëå÷åíèå îñòàâøåãîñÿ âðåìÿ äåéñòâèÿ íå óäàëîñü.";
"Removal of Dragon Stone failed. But you have received the following: %s";
"Óäàëåíèå Êàìíÿ Äðàêîíà íå óäàëîñü. Íî âû ïîëó÷èëè ñëåäóþùåå: %s";
"Removal of Dragon Stone failed.";
"Óäàëåíèå Êàìíÿ Äðàêîíà íå óäàëîñü.";
"This item is not required for improving the clarity level.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò íå ïîäõîäèò äëÿ óëó÷øåíèÿ.";
"This item cannot be advanced this way.";
"Âû íå ñìîæåòå óëó÷øèòü ýòîò ïðåäìåò òàêèì îáðàçîì.";
"Improvement of the clarity level successful.";
"Óëó÷øåíèå ïðîèçâåäåíî óñïåøíî.";
"Refinement up one class failed.";
"Óëó÷øåíèå íå óäàëîñü.";
"This item is not required for refinement.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò íå ïîäõîäèò äëÿ óëó÷øåíèÿ.";
"Refinement up one class was successful.";
"Óëó÷øåíèå ïðîèçâåäåíî óñïåøíî.";
"Improvement of the clarity level failed.";
"Óëó÷øåíèå íå óäàëîñü.";
"You do not own the materials required to strengthen the Dragon Stone.";
"Ó âàñ íå äîñòàòî÷íî òðåáóåìûõ ìàòåðèàëîâ äëÿ óëó÷øåíèÿ Êàìíÿ Äðàêîíà.";
"This Dragon Stone cannot be used for strengthening.";
"Ýòîò Êàìåíü Äðàêîíà íå ïîäõîäèò äëÿ óëó÷øåíèÿ.";
"Strengthening was successful.";
"Óëó÷øåíèå ïðîèçâåäåíî óñïåøíî.";
"Strengthening failed.";
"Óëó÷øåíèå íå óäàëîñü.";
"You are already carrying a Dragon Stone of this type.";
"Êàìåíü Äðàêîíà ýòîé ðàçíîâèäíîñòè ó âàñ óæå åñòü.";
"The Dragon Stone cannot be removed.";
"Óäàëåíèå Êàìíÿ Äðàêîíà íåâîçìîæíî.";
"You have already equipped this kind of Dragon Stone.";
"Âû óæå ñíàðÿäèëè òàêîé Êàìåíü Äðàêîíà.";
"Before you open the Cor Draconis, you have to complete the Dragon Stone quest and activate the Dragon Stone Alchemy.";
"Ïðåæäå ÷åì îòêðûòü Êîð Äðàêîíèñ, çàâåðøèòå çàäàíèå Êàìåíü Äðàêîíà è àêòèâèðóéòå Àëõèìèþ Êàìíåé Äðàêîíà.";
"You can only discard the belt when there are no longer any items in its inventory.";
"Âû ñìîæåòå ñíÿòü ïîÿñ ëèøü òîãäà, êîãäà â åãî èíâåíòàðå íå îñòàíåòñÿ ïðåäìåòîâ.";
"You can combine the Blessing Scroll with the Magic Iron Ore.";
"Âû ìîæåòå êîìáèíèðîâàòü Ñâèòîê Áëàãîñëîâåíèÿ è Ìàãè÷åñêóþ æåëåçíóþ ðóäó.";
"You cannot equip this item in your belt inventory.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò íåâîçìîæíî ïîìåñòèòü â èíâåíòàðü ïîÿñà.";
"[1106-??]No puedes unir esto.";
"[1106-??]No puedes unir esto.";
"You have invested %d Yang.";
"Âû èíâåñòèðîâàëè %d ÿíã.";
"There is no Stone available to take out.";
"Íåò êàìíÿ äëÿ âûåìêè.";
"You cannot store this location.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ñîõðàíèòü ýòî ìåñòîïîëîæåíèå.";
"There isn't enough space in your inventory.";
"Èíâåíòàðü ïåðåïîëíåí.";
"You cannot teleport to a safe position in a foreign Kingdom.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå òåëåïîðòèðîâàòüñÿ â áåçîïàñíîå ìåñòî, íàõîäÿñü â ÷óæîé Èìïåðèè.";
"You don't have enough HP.";
"Ó âàñ íåäîñòàòî÷íî ÕÏ.";
"You don't have enough Spell Points (SP) to use this.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì èç-çà íåõâàòêè ìàíû.";
"You'll reach your destination in %d seconds.";
"Âû äîñòèãíåòå ìåñòî íàçíà÷åíèÿ ÷åðåç %d ñåê.";
"You can only use a Moon Cake every 5 seconds.";
"Âû ìîæåòå êóøàòü ëóííûé ïèðîã òîëüêî êàæäûå 5 ñåê.";
"You cannot use this item in a duel.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ýòèì ïðåäìåòîì â ïîåäèíêå.";
"You have won %d Yang.";
"Âû âûèãðàëè %d ÿíã.";
"You cannot build a campfire here.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ðàçâîäèòü çäåñü áèâà÷íûé êîñò¸ð.";
"You cannot build a campfire under water.";
"Âû íå ìîæåòå ðàçâîäèòü áèâà÷íûé êîñò¸ð íà âîäå.";
"Closed. You should look for the key.";
"Çàïåðòî. Âàì ñëåäóåò ïîèñêàòü êëþ÷.";
"This item cannot be opened with a key.";
"Ýòîò ïðåäìåò íåëüçÿ îòêðûòü êëþ÷îì.";
"That's the right key.";
"Ýòî ïðàâèëüíûé êëþ÷.";
"You have received %d Yang.";
"Âû ïîëó÷èëè %d ÿíã.";
"A mysterious light comes out of the box.";
"Òàèíñòâåííûé ñâåò èñõîäèò èç ëàðöà.";
"You have received %d experience points.";
"Âû ïîëó÷èëè %d îïûòà.";
"Look what came out of the box!";
"Ãëÿäèòå-êà, ÷òî ïîÿâèëîñü èç ñóíäóêà!";
"[Guild] The guild level is too low.";
"[Ãèëüäèÿ] Ñëèøêîì íèçêèé óðîâåíü ãèëüäèè.";
"If you inhale the red smoke coming out of the box, your speed will increase!";
"Âàøà ñêîðîñòü óâåëè÷èòüñÿ, åñëè âäîõí¸òå êðàñíóþ äûìêó èç ñóíäóêà.";
"You cannot add more bonus.";
"You cannot add more bonus.";
"New bonus added successfully.";
"New bonus added successfully.";
"You cannot change the bonuses.";
"You cannot change the bonuses.";
"%s needed.";
"%s needed.";
"OX-Question: ";
"OX-Question: ";