-- Chuseok Events quest harvest_festival begin state start begin function get_random_rice() if (pc.get_level() >= 56) then random_rice = number(4, 7) elseif (pc.get_level() >= 40) then random_rice = number(3, 7) elseif (pc.get_level() > 30) then random_rice = number(3, 5) else random_rice = number(2, 3) end -- end of if return random_rice end when login with pc.get_level() > 0 begin set_state(information) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_count", 0) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 0) pc.setqf("cake_count", 0) pc.setqf("rice_count", 0) end -- end of when end -- end of state -- Event Start state information begin when letter with game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival")>0 begin local v= find_npc_by_vnum(20086) if 0==v then else target.vid("__TARGET__", v, "Wondarim") end end -- Glutinous rice in exchange for a gift when 20087.chat."Glutinous Rice Gets Lost?" with game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival")>0 begin local rice_count = pc.getqf("rice_count") say("Handueop: ") say("You have "..rice_count.." Glutinous rice!") say("") say("Not all of them are good, some are sticky!") say("") local reward_set = select("I�ll try it!","I�ll get used glutinous rice raseo..") if reward_set == 2 then say("Handueop: ") say("You can come back again when you change your mind..") say("") return end -- end of if say("Handueop: ") say("glutinous rice can give different gifts..") say("Would you like to exchange it for something?") say("") local harvest_item_set = select("15x Glut", "15x Gl","35x Perle","35x Gluttrank","35x Gltes","Maybe later") if harvest_item_set == 6 then say("Handueop: ") say("Come back when you made up your mind.") say("") return end -- end of if local harvest_item_name = "" local harvest_rice_count = 0 if harvest_item_set == 1 then harvest_item_name = " Thief Gloves (10h)" harvest_rice_count = 15 elseif harvest_item_set == 2 then harvest_item_name = " Experience Ring (10h)" harvest_rice_count = 15 elseif harvest_item_set == 3 then harvest_item_name = "1x Wei�e Perle " harvest_rice_count = 35 elseif harvest_item_set == 4 then harvest_item_name = "10x Geschwindigkeitstrank " harvest_rice_count = 35 elseif harvest_item_set == 5 then harvest_item_name = "200x Schriftrolle des Ortes " harvest_rice_count = 35 end -- end of if -- Check glutinous rice amount if rice_count < harvest_rice_count then say("Handueop: ") say("You dont have enough glutinous rice..") say("Please collect more!") say("") return end -- end of if say("Handueop: ") say("You choose a good gift..") say("") say("Want to trade "..harvest_rice_count.." for "..harvest_item_name) say("Do you want to make the exchange?") say("") local item_get_set = select("Exchange the rice for the gifts!", "Ill come back later..") if item_get_set == 2 then return end -- end of if -- System to hand out the items if harvest_item_set == 1 then pc.setqf("rice_count", rice_count - harvest_rice_count) pc.give_item2("72004", 1) elseif harvest_item_set == 2 then pc.setqf("rice_count", rice_count - harvest_rice_count) pc.give_item2("72001", 1) elseif harvest_item_set == 3 then pc.setqf("rice_count", rice_count - harvest_rice_count) pc.give_item2("27992", 1) elseif harvest_item_set == 4 then pc.setqf("rice_count", rice_count - harvest_rice_count) pc.give_item2("71050", 10) elseif harvest_item_set == 5 then pc.setqf("rice_count", rice_count - harvest_rice_count) pc.give_item2("22010", 200) end -- end of if say_reward(harvest_item_name.." was the item that you got!") say("") say("I like this gift..") say("You should come back when you collect more rice !!") say("") end -- end of when when 20086.chat."Harvest Event Commands" with pc.get_gm_level() == 5 begin if game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival") == 0 then say("Current Status: ThanksGiving Event Results") say("") local s = select("Start Event", "Cancel") if 1==s then game.set_event_flag("harvest_festival", 1) return end else say("Current Status: The event is currently active") say("") local s = select("Stop the Event", "Cancel") if 1==s then game.set_event_flag("harvest_festival", 0) return end end end when 20086.chat."Find the lost Rice Cake!" with game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival")>0 begin target.delete("__TARGET__") local quest_count = pc.getqf("harvest_festival_count") local quest_complete = pc.getqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete") -- When you finished all the quests if quest_count >= 10 then say("Wondarim: ") say("Thank you for bringing me this dish") say("") say("Have a good Thanksgiving..") say("") return end -- end of if -- If you came back for this dish if quest_complete == 1 then pc.setqf("harvest_festival_count", quest_count + 1) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 0) pc.setqf("mob_kill1_count", 0) pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", 0) local quest_count = pc.getqf("harvest_festival_count") say("Wondarim: ") say("Oh, got to stop getting this dish back!!") say("") wait() -- Getting the Glutinous Rice local rice_count = pc.getqf("rice_count") local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") pc.setqf("rice_count", rice_count + cake_count) pc.setqf("cake_count", 0) say_title("You have "..cake_count.."Glutinous Rice!") say("") say("Wondarim: ") say("In return for this dish, I'm here..") say("Glutinous am here..") say("Uncle reportedly handueop ") say("Glutinous Rice told me seek...") say("Please visit again later ") say("") wait() if quest_count >= 10 then char_log(0, "EVENT_RECORD", "harvest_festival clear") say("Wondarim: ") say("Meanwhile, Been so many things...") say("I think the occasion gonna stay enough") say("") return else say("Wondarim: ") say("By the way ... I ") say("Still, the lack otto..") say("Thank you once again do not think?") say("") end -- end of if local replay_set = select("WHILE you're starting to help him continue to UD..","I�ll help you later") if replay_set == 2 then return end -- end of if local current_count = quest_count + 1 say("Wondarim: ") say("I believe I'm going to wait.!") say("Please get you back ~") say("") say("Current Progress"..current_count) say("") say("Info> This quest can be repeated 10x.") say("") set_state(mob_kill1) return end -- end of if -- If you stop and do the quest again if quest_count > 0 then say("Wondarim: ") say("By the way ... I ") say("Dish, still lacks ") say("Would you mind once again keep up the excellent work?") say("") say("Please gather more..") say("") local replay_set = select("Continue to help him..","I�ll help you later") if replay_set == 2 then return end -- end of if local current_count = quest_count + 1 say("Wondarim: ") say("I believe I'm going to wait.!") say("Please get you back") say("") say("Current Progress"..current_count) say("") say("Info> This quest can be repeated 10x.") say("") set_state(mob_kill1) return end -- end of if -- When you start for the 1st time say("Wondarim: ") say("Could you please do me a favor?") say("") say("The tigers came back to the village on the past days.") say("They have stolen all ingredients for our meal") say("") say("With those ingredients, we would be able to do our famous dish,") say("we can give you a little bit as a reward..") say("") say("Will you help us?") say("") local main_set = select("Of course!.. I�ll find it!!","I�m very busy. Have a nice Thanks Giving day.") if main_set == 2 then say("Wondarim:") say("Oh, ok.") say("Thank you and nice Thanksgiving day") return end -- end of if if pc.get_level() < 20 then say("Wondarim: ") say("You need to improve your power before..") say("") say("You will need more than 20 minutes to solve our mistake.") say("") return end -- end of if local current_count = quest_count + 1 say("Wondarim: ") say("I think Im going to wait!") say("Please, return") say(current_count.." Quest Progress") set_state(mob_kill1) end -- end of when end -- end of state state mob_kill1 begin when letter begin send_letter("Please, get the dish back!") end -- end of when when info or button begin say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.." Get the dish back from the tigers!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR) say("") say("Slay tigers to recover") say("30 rice cakes and deliver them to Wondarim!") say("") local gogo_set = select("Accept!","Give up!") if gogo_set == 2 then clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 20086.click with game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival")>0 begin say("Wondarim:") say("Please, get the dish back..") say("") end -- end of when when 20087.click with game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival")>0 begin say("Handueop:") say("I want to make glutinous rice cakes..") say("") say("Help out Wondarim to find the rice cakes") say("And she will reward you accordingly!") say("") end -- end of when when 114.kill begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill1_count") + 1 local random_rice = 0 pc.setqf("mob_kill1_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("tigers_remaining", 30 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 30 or kill_count < 0 then if (pc.get_level() >= 56) then random_rice = number(2, 3) elseif (pc.get_level() >= 40) then random_rice = number(1, 3) elseif (pc.get_level() > 30) then random_rice = number(1, 2) else random_rice = 1 end -- end of if local mob2_name = "" if pc.get_level() >= 91 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 8) mob2_name = "Setaou-Seherin (2403)" elseif pc.get_level() >= 81 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 7) mob2_name = "Setaou-K�mpfer (2401)" elseif pc.get_level() >= 71 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 6) mob2_name = "Flame Warrior" elseif pc.get_level() >= 61 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 5) mob2_name = "Bullfrog General" elseif pc.get_level() >= 51 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 4) mob2_name = "Dark Summoner" elseif pc.get_level() >= 41 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 3) mob2_name = "Esoteric Arahan Fighter" elseif pc.get_level() >= 31 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 2) mob2_name = "Savage Minion" elseif pc.get_level() >= 20 then pc.setqf("mob2_info", 1) mob2_name = "Brown Bear" end -- end of if say("Tiger: ") say("What was the name ...") say("of the monster that attacked us...") say("not so long ago?"..mob2_name.."!!") say("It looked very menacing...") say("And they took most of the rice cakes!") say("") say("And I couldn�t do much since I�m alone..") say("") wait() -- How many dishes are needed pc.setqf("cake_count", random_rice) -- Check the second monster hunt say_title("The tigers looted everything, including "..random_rice.."!") say("") say("Hum.. I think someone is tricking us..") say("") say("Catch some"..mob2_name) say("To get one more dish..") say("") local sub_set = select("Return to find more Rice Cakes..","Give it to Wondarim..") pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) if sub_set == 2 then say_pc_name() say("Return to Wondarim with the dish") say("I�ll replace it with glutinous rice") say("That will bring us good luck for Thanksgiving..") say("") set_state(information) return end say("Tiger: ") say("Go now for "..mob2_name.."!") say("Find a party..") say("") say("Dont understand this") say("") set_state(mob_kill2) end end -- end of when end -- end of state state mob_kill2 begin when letter begin local mob2_info = pc.getqf("mob2_info") if mob2_info == 8 then mob2_name = "Fvdfdf" elseif mob2_info == 7 then mob2_name = "ibla" elseif mob2_info == 6 then mob2_name = "Flame Warrior" elseif mob2_info == 5 then mob2_name = "Bullfrog General" elseif mob2_info == 4 then mob2_name = "Dark Summoner" elseif mob2_info == 3 then mob2_name = "Esoteric Arahan Fighter" elseif mob2_info == 2 then mob2_name = "Savage Minion" elseif mob2_info == 1 then mob2_name = "Brown Bear" end -- end of if send_letter("??? ???!") end -- end of when when info or button begin local mob2_info = pc.getqf("mob2_info") if mob2_info == 8 then mob2_name = "BlaBloub" elseif mob2_info == 7 then mob2_name = "faaa" elseif mob2_info == 6 then mob2_name = "Flame Warrior" elseif mob2_info == 5 then mob2_name = "Bullfrog General" elseif mob2_info == 4 then mob2_name = "Dark Summoner" elseif mob2_info == 3 then mob2_name = "Esoteric Arahan Fighter" elseif mob2_info == 2 then mob2_name = "Savage Minion" elseif mob2_info == 1 then mob2_name = "Brown Bear" end -- end of if say_title("Recover the dish!") say("") say("Slay 60 "..mob2_name) say("Recover the rice cake for Wondarim!") say("") if party.is_party() then say("It was a good idea to form a party..") say("") else say("It is a condition to form up a party") say("As we talked previously, you�ll have to find party members..") say("") end -- end of if local gogo_set = select("I will continue!","I will give up!") if gogo_set == 2 then clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 20086.chat."Find it" with game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival")>0 begin local quest_count = pc.getqf("harvest_festival_count") local quest_complete = pc.getqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete") -- When you have finished all the quests if quest_count >= 10 then say("Wondarim: ") say("Thank you for comming back with the dishes") say("Enjoy your Thanksgiving..") set_state(information) return end -- end of if -- If you come back for the dish if quest_complete == 1 then pc.setqf("harvest_festival_count", quest_count + 1) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 0) pc.setqf("mob_kill1_count", 0) pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", 0) local quest_count = pc.getqf("harvest_festival_count") say("Wondarim: ") say("Oh, you have to stop returning this dish!") wait() -- Getting Glutinous Rice local rice_count = pc.getqf("rice_count") local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") pc.setqf("rice_count", rice_count + cake_count) pc.setqf("cake_count", 0) say_title("I�ve got "..cake_count.." glutinous rice!") say("Wondarim: ") say("I�m here so that you can return this dish.") wait() if quest_count >= 10 then char_log(0, "EVENT_RECORD", "harvest_festival clear") say("Wondarim: ") say("You�ve already so many things...") say("I think that for now it is enough?") set_state(information) return else say("Wondarim: ") say("We still need for you to do some things..") say("Would you mind the trouble once again?") end -- end of if local replay_set = select("Continue helping","Il help you later") if replay_set == 2 then set_state(information) return end -- end of if local current_count = quest_count + 1 say("Wondarim: ") say("I believe I�m going to wait!") say("Please come back later") say("Quest Progress: "..current_count..". ") say("tip This quest can be finished up to 10 times.") set_state(mob_kill1) return end -- end of if end -- end of when when 20087.click with game.get_event_flag("harvest_festival")>0 begin say("Handueop:") say("I�m looking to create Glutinous rice cakes..") say("As a favor to Wondarim") say("I will get your glutinous rice... since it is the good stuff!!") end -- end of when when 113.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 1 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_113", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 502.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 2 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_502", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 703.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 3 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_703", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 707.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 4 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_707", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 1305.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 5 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_1305", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 2205.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 6 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_2205", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 2401.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 7 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_2401", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when when 2403.kill with pc.getf("harvest_festival","mob2_info") == 8 and party.is_party() begin local kill_count = pc.getqf("mob_kill2_count") + 1 local random_rice = harvest_festival.get_random_rice() pc.setqf("mob_kill2_count", kill_count) if kill_count < 0 then return end -- end of if q.set_counter("remaining_2403", 60 - kill_count); if kill_count >= 60 or kill_count < 0 then notice_multiline(string.format("You have defeated the target Mob, you receive %s rice.[ENTER]Go back with this dish and tell Wondarim", random_rice), notice) -- Getting the rice cake local cake_count = pc.getqf("cake_count") + random_rice pc.setqf("cake_count", cake_count) pc.setqf("harvest_festival_mob_complete", 1) clear_letter() set_state(information) end -- end of if end -- end of when end -- end of state end -- end of quest