#include "stdafx.h" #include #include "../../libgame/include/targa.h" #include "../../libgame/include/attribute.h" #include "config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "sectree_manager.h" #include "regen.h" #include "lzo_manager.h" #include "desc.h" #include "desc_manager.h" #include "char.h" #include "char_manager.h" #include "item.h" #include "item_manager.h" #include "buffer_manager.h" #include "packet.h" #include "start_position.h" #include "dev_log.h" WORD SECTREE_MANAGER::current_sectree_version = MAKEWORD(0, 3); SECTREE_MAP::SECTREE_MAP() { memset( &m_setting, 0, sizeof(m_setting) ); } SECTREE_MAP::~SECTREE_MAP() { MapType::iterator it = map_.begin(); while (it != map_.end()) { LPSECTREE sectree = (it++)->second; M2_DELETE(sectree); } map_.clear(); } SECTREE_MAP::SECTREE_MAP(SECTREE_MAP & r) { m_setting = r.m_setting; MapType::iterator it = r.map_.begin(); while (it != r.map_.end()) { LPSECTREE tree = M2_NEW SECTREE; tree->m_id.coord = it->second->m_id.coord; tree->CloneAttribute(it->second); map_.insert(MapType::value_type(it->first, tree)); ++it; } Build(); } LPSECTREE SECTREE_MAP::Find(DWORD dwPackage) { MapType::iterator it = map_.find(dwPackage); if (it == map_.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } LPSECTREE SECTREE_MAP::Find(DWORD x, DWORD y) { SECTREEID id; id.coord.x = x / SECTREE_SIZE; id.coord.y = y / SECTREE_SIZE; return Find(id.package); } void SECTREE_MAP::Build() { // Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ®¿¡°Ô ¹Ý°æ 150m ij¸¯ÅÍÀÇ Á¤º¸¸¦ ÁÖ±âÀ§ÇØ // 3x3Ä­ -> 5x5 Ä­À¸·Î ÁÖº¯sectree È®´ë(Çѱ¹) if (LC_IsYMIR() || LC_IsKorea()) { #define NEIGHBOR_LENGTH 5 #define NUM_OF_NEIGHBORS (NEIGHBOR_LENGTH * NEIGHBOR_LENGTH - 1) int width = NEIGHBOR_LENGTH / 2; struct neighbor_coord_s { int x; int y; } neighbor_coord[NUM_OF_NEIGHBORS]; { int i = 0; for (int x = -width; x <= width; ++x) { for (int y = -width; y <= width; ++y) { if (x == 0 && y == 0) continue; neighbor_coord[i].x = x * SECTREE_SIZE; neighbor_coord[i].y = y * SECTREE_SIZE; ++i; } } } // // ¸ðµç sectree¿¡ ´ëÇØ ÁÖÀ§ sectreeµé ¸®½ºÆ®¸¦ ¸¸µç´Ù. // MapType::iterator it = map_.begin(); while (it != map_.end()) { LPSECTREE tree = it->second; tree->m_neighbor_list.push_back(tree); // ÀÚ½ÅÀ» ³Ö´Â´Ù. sys_log(3, "%dx%d", tree->m_id.coord.x, tree->m_id.coord.y); int x = tree->m_id.coord.x * SECTREE_SIZE; int y = tree->m_id.coord.y * SECTREE_SIZE; for (DWORD i = 0; i < NUM_OF_NEIGHBORS; ++i) { LPSECTREE tree2 = Find(x + neighbor_coord[i].x, y + neighbor_coord[i].y); if (tree2) { sys_log(3, " %d %dx%d", i, tree2->m_id.coord.x, tree2->m_id.coord.y); tree->m_neighbor_list.push_back(tree2); } } ++it; } } else { struct neighbor_coord_s { int x; int y; } neighbor_coord[8] = { { -SECTREE_SIZE, 0 }, { SECTREE_SIZE, 0 }, { 0 , -SECTREE_SIZE }, { 0 , SECTREE_SIZE }, { -SECTREE_SIZE, SECTREE_SIZE }, { SECTREE_SIZE, -SECTREE_SIZE }, { -SECTREE_SIZE, -SECTREE_SIZE }, { SECTREE_SIZE, SECTREE_SIZE }, }; // // ¸ðµç sectree¿¡ ´ëÇØ ÁÖÀ§ sectreeµé ¸®½ºÆ®¸¦ ¸¸µç´Ù. // MapType::iterator it = map_.begin(); while (it != map_.end()) { LPSECTREE tree = it->second; tree->m_neighbor_list.push_back(tree); // ÀÚ½ÅÀ» ³Ö´Â´Ù. sys_log(3, "%dx%d", tree->m_id.coord.x, tree->m_id.coord.y); int x = tree->m_id.coord.x * SECTREE_SIZE; int y = tree->m_id.coord.y * SECTREE_SIZE; for (DWORD i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { LPSECTREE tree2 = Find(x + neighbor_coord[i].x, y + neighbor_coord[i].y); if (tree2) { sys_log(3, " %d %dx%d", i, tree2->m_id.coord.x, tree2->m_id.coord.y); tree->m_neighbor_list.push_back(tree2); } } ++it; } } } SECTREE_MANAGER::SECTREE_MANAGER() { } SECTREE_MANAGER::~SECTREE_MANAGER() { /* std::map::iterator it = m_map_pkSectree.begin(); while (it != m_map_pkSectree.end()) { M2_DELETE(it->second); ++it; } */ } LPSECTREE_MAP SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMap(long lMapIndex) { std::map::iterator it = m_map_pkSectree.find(lMapIndex); if (it == m_map_pkSectree.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } LPSECTREE SECTREE_MANAGER::Get(DWORD dwIndex, DWORD package) { LPSECTREE_MAP pkSectreeMap = GetMap(dwIndex); if (!pkSectreeMap) return NULL; return pkSectreeMap->Find(package); } LPSECTREE SECTREE_MANAGER::Get(DWORD dwIndex, DWORD x, DWORD y) { SECTREEID id; id.coord.x = x / SECTREE_SIZE; id.coord.y = y / SECTREE_SIZE; return Get(dwIndex, id.package); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setting.txt ·Î ºÎÅÍ SECTREE ¸¸µé±â // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SECTREE_MANAGER::LoadSettingFile(long lMapIndex, const char * c_pszSettingFileName, TMapSetting & r_setting) { memset(&r_setting, 0, sizeof(TMapSetting)); FILE * fp = fopen(c_pszSettingFileName, "r"); if (!fp) { sys_err("cannot open file: %s", c_pszSettingFileName); return 0; } char buf[256], cmd[256]; int iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0; while (fgets(buf, 256, fp)) { sscanf(buf, " %s ", cmd); if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "MapSize")) { sscanf(buf, " %s %d %d ", cmd, &iWidth, &iHeight); } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "BasePosition")) { sscanf(buf, " %s %d %d", cmd, &r_setting.iBaseX, &r_setting.iBaseY); } else if (!strcasecmp(cmd, "CellScale")) { sscanf(buf, " %s %d ", cmd, &r_setting.iCellScale); } } fclose(fp); if ((iWidth == 0 && iHeight == 0) || r_setting.iCellScale == 0) { sys_err("Invalid Settings file: %s", c_pszSettingFileName); return 0; } r_setting.iIndex = lMapIndex; r_setting.iWidth = (r_setting.iCellScale * 128 * iWidth); r_setting.iHeight = (r_setting.iCellScale * 128 * iHeight); return 1; } LPSECTREE_MAP SECTREE_MANAGER::BuildSectreeFromSetting(TMapSetting & r_setting) { LPSECTREE_MAP pkMapSectree = M2_NEW SECTREE_MAP; pkMapSectree->m_setting = r_setting; int x, y; LPSECTREE tree; for (x = r_setting.iBaseX; x < r_setting.iBaseX + r_setting.iWidth; x += SECTREE_SIZE) { for (y = r_setting.iBaseY; y < r_setting.iBaseY + r_setting.iHeight; y += SECTREE_SIZE) { tree = M2_NEW SECTREE; tree->m_id.coord.x = x / SECTREE_SIZE; tree->m_id.coord.y = y / SECTREE_SIZE; pkMapSectree->Add(tree->m_id.package, tree); sys_log(3, "new sectree %d x %d", tree->m_id.coord.x, tree->m_id.coord.y); } } if ((r_setting.iBaseX + r_setting.iWidth) % SECTREE_SIZE) { tree = M2_NEW SECTREE; tree->m_id.coord.x = ((r_setting.iBaseX + r_setting.iWidth) / SECTREE_SIZE) + 1; tree->m_id.coord.y = ((r_setting.iBaseY + r_setting.iHeight) / SECTREE_SIZE); pkMapSectree->Add(tree->m_id.package, tree); } if ((r_setting.iBaseY + r_setting.iHeight) % SECTREE_SIZE) { tree = M2_NEW SECTREE; tree->m_id.coord.x = ((r_setting.iBaseX + r_setting.iWidth) / SECTREE_SIZE); tree->m_id.coord.y = ((r_setting.iBaseX + r_setting.iHeight) / SECTREE_SIZE) + 1; pkMapSectree->Add(tree->m_id.package, tree); } return pkMapSectree; } void SECTREE_MANAGER::LoadDungeon(int iIndex, const char * c_pszFileName) { FILE* fp = fopen(c_pszFileName, "r"); if (!fp) return; int count = 0; // for debug while (!feof(fp)) { char buf[1024]; if (NULL == fgets(buf, 1024, fp)) break; if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '/' && buf[1] == '/') continue; std::istringstream ins(buf, std::ios_base::in); std::string position_name; int x, y, sx, sy, dir; ins >> position_name >> x >> y >> sx >> sy >> dir; if (ins.fail()) continue; x -= sx; y -= sy; sx *= 2; sy *= 2; sx += x; sy += y; m_map_pkArea[iIndex].insert(std::make_pair(position_name, TAreaInfo(x, y, sx, sy, dir))); count++; } fclose(fp); sys_log(0, "Dungeon Position Load [%3d]%s count %d", iIndex, c_pszFileName, count); } // Fix me // ÇöÀç Town.txt¿¡¼­ x, y¸¦ ±×³É ¹Þ°í, ±×°É ÀÌ ÄÚµå ³»¿¡¼­ base ÁÂÇ¥¸¦ ´õÇØÁֱ⠶§¹®¿¡ // ´Ù¸¥ ¸Ê¿¡ Àִ Ÿ¿îÀ¸·Î Àý´ë À̵¿ÇÒ ¼ö ¾ø°Ô µÇ¾îÀÖ´Ù. // ¾Õ¿¡ mapÀ̶ó°Å³ª, ±âŸ ´Ù¸¥ ½Äº°ÀÚ°¡ ÀÖÀ¸¸é, // ´Ù¸¥ ¸ÊÀÇ Å¸¿îÀ¸·Îµµ À̵¿ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ°Ô ÇÏÀÚ. // by rtsummit bool SECTREE_MANAGER::LoadMapRegion(const char * c_pszFileName, TMapSetting & r_setting, const char * c_pszMapName) { FILE * fp = fopen(c_pszFileName, "r"); if ( test_server ) sys_log( 0, "[LoadMapRegion] file(%s)", c_pszFileName ); if (!fp) return false; int iX=0, iY=0; PIXEL_POSITION pos[3] = { {0,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,0,0} }; fscanf(fp, " %d %d ", &iX, &iY); int iEmpirePositionCount = fscanf(fp, " %d %d %d %d %d %d ", &pos[0].x, &pos[0].y, &pos[1].x, &pos[1].y, &pos[2].x, &pos[2].y); fclose(fp); if( iEmpirePositionCount == 6 ) { for ( int n = 0; n < 3; ++n ) sys_log( 0 ,"LoadMapRegion %d %d ", pos[n].x, pos[n].y ); } else { sys_log( 0, "LoadMapRegion no empire specific start point" ); } TMapRegion region; region.index = r_setting.iIndex; region.sx = r_setting.iBaseX; region.sy = r_setting.iBaseY; region.ex = r_setting.iBaseX + r_setting.iWidth; region.ey = r_setting.iBaseY + r_setting.iHeight; region.strMapName = c_pszMapName; region.posSpawn.x = r_setting.iBaseX + (iX * 100); region.posSpawn.y = r_setting.iBaseY + (iY * 100); r_setting.posSpawn = region.posSpawn; sys_log(0, "LoadMapRegion %d x %d ~ %d y %d ~ %d, town %d %d", region.index, region.sx, region.ex, region.sy, region.ey, region.posSpawn.x, region.posSpawn.y); if (iEmpirePositionCount == 6) { region.bEmpireSpawnDifferent = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { region.posEmpire[i].x = r_setting.iBaseX + (pos[i].x * 100); region.posEmpire[i].y = r_setting.iBaseY + (pos[i].y * 100); } } else { region.bEmpireSpawnDifferent = false; } m_vec_mapRegion.push_back(region); sys_log(0,"LoadMapRegion %d End", region.index); return true; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::LoadAttribute(LPSECTREE_MAP pkMapSectree, const char * c_pszFileName, TMapSetting & r_setting) { FILE * fp = fopen(c_pszFileName, "rb"); if (!fp) { sys_err("SECTREE_MANAGER::LoadAttribute : cannot open %s", c_pszFileName); return false; } int iWidth, iHeight; fread(&iWidth, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fread(&iHeight, sizeof(int), 1, fp); int maxMemSize = LZOManager::instance().GetMaxCompressedSize(sizeof(DWORD) * (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE) * (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE)); size_t uiSize; lzo_uint uiDestSize; #ifndef _MSC_VER BYTE abComp[maxMemSize]; #else BYTE* abComp = M2_NEW BYTE[maxMemSize]; #endif DWORD * attr = M2_NEW DWORD[maxMemSize]; for (int y = 0; y < iHeight; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < iWidth; ++x) { // UNION À¸·Î ÁÂÇ¥¸¦ ÇÕÃĸ¸µç DWORD°ªÀ» ¾ÆÀ̵ð·Î »ç¿ëÇÑ´Ù. SECTREEID id; id.coord.x = (r_setting.iBaseX / SECTREE_SIZE) + x; id.coord.y = (r_setting.iBaseY / SECTREE_SIZE) + y; LPSECTREE tree = pkMapSectree->Find(id.package); // SERVER_ATTR_LOAD_ERROR if (tree == NULL) { sys_err("FATAL ERROR! LoadAttribute(%s) - cannot find sectree(package=%x, coord=(%u, %u), map_index=%u, map_base=(%u, %u))", c_pszFileName, id.package, id.coord.x, id.coord.y, r_setting.iIndex, r_setting.iBaseX, r_setting.iBaseY); sys_err("ERROR_ATTR_POS(%d, %d) attr_size(%d, %d)", x, y, iWidth, iHeight); sys_err("CHECK! 'Setting.txt' and 'server_attr' MAP_SIZE!!"); pkMapSectree->DumpAllToSysErr(); abort(); M2_DELETE_ARRAY(attr); #ifdef _MSC_VER M2_DELETE_ARRAY(abComp); #endif return false; } // END_OF_SERVER_ATTR_LOAD_ERROR if (tree->m_id.package != id.package) { sys_err("returned tree id mismatch! return %u, request %u", tree->m_id.package, id.package); fclose(fp); M2_DELETE_ARRAY(attr); #ifdef _MSC_VER M2_DELETE_ARRAY(abComp); #endif return false; } fread(&uiSize, sizeof(int), 1, fp); fread(abComp, sizeof(char), uiSize, fp); //LZOManager::instance().Decompress(abComp, uiSize, (BYTE *) tree->GetAttributePointer(), &uiDestSize); uiDestSize = sizeof(DWORD) * maxMemSize; LZOManager::instance().Decompress(abComp, uiSize, (BYTE *) attr, &uiDestSize); if (uiDestSize != sizeof(DWORD) * (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE) * (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE)) { sys_err("SECTREE_MANAGER::LoadAttribte : %s : %d %d size mismatch! %d", c_pszFileName, tree->m_id.coord.x, tree->m_id.coord.y, uiDestSize); fclose(fp); M2_DELETE_ARRAY(attr); #ifdef _MSC_VER M2_DELETE_ARRAY(abComp); #endif return false; } tree->BindAttribute(M2_NEW CAttribute(attr, SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE, SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE)); } fclose(fp); M2_DELETE_ARRAY(attr); #ifdef _MSC_VER M2_DELETE_ARRAY(abComp); #endif return true; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetRecallPositionByEmpire(int iMapIndex, BYTE bEmpire, PIXEL_POSITION & r_pos) { std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); // 10000À» ³Ñ´Â ¸ÊÀº ÀνºÅϽº ´øÀü¿¡¸¸ ÇÑÁ¤µÇ¾îÀÖ´Ù. if (iMapIndex >= 10000) { iMapIndex /= 10000; } while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (rRegion.index == iMapIndex) { if (rRegion.bEmpireSpawnDifferent && bEmpire >= 1 && bEmpire <= 3) r_pos = rRegion.posEmpire[bEmpire - 1]; else r_pos = rRegion.posSpawn; return true; } } return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetCenterPositionOfMap(long lMapIndex, PIXEL_POSITION & r_pos) { std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (rRegion.index == lMapIndex) { r_pos.x = rRegion.sx + (rRegion.ex - rRegion.sx) / 2; r_pos.y = rRegion.sy + (rRegion.ey - rRegion.sy) / 2; r_pos.z = 0; return true; } } return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetSpawnPositionByMapIndex(long lMapIndex, PIXEL_POSITION& r_pos) { if (lMapIndex> 10000) lMapIndex /= 10000; std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (lMapIndex == rRegion.index) { r_pos = rRegion.posSpawn; return true; } } return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetSpawnPosition(long x, long y, PIXEL_POSITION & r_pos) { std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (x >= rRegion.sx && y >= rRegion.sy && x < rRegion.ex && y < rRegion.ey) { r_pos = rRegion.posSpawn; return true; } } return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMapBasePositionByMapIndex(long lMapIndex, PIXEL_POSITION & r_pos) { if (lMapIndex> 10000) lMapIndex /= 10000; std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); //if (x >= rRegion.sx && y >= rRegion.sy && x < rRegion.ex && y < rRegion.ey) if (lMapIndex == rRegion.index) { r_pos.x = rRegion.sx; r_pos.y = rRegion.sy; r_pos.z = 0; return true; } } return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMapBasePosition(long x, long y, PIXEL_POSITION & r_pos) { std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (x >= rRegion.sx && y >= rRegion.sy && x < rRegion.ex && y < rRegion.ey) { r_pos.x = rRegion.sx; r_pos.y = rRegion.sy; r_pos.z = 0; return true; } } return false; } const TMapRegion * SECTREE_MANAGER::FindRegionByPartialName(const char* szMapName) { std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); //if (rRegion.index == lMapIndex) //return &rRegion; if (rRegion.strMapName.find(szMapName)) return &rRegion; // ij½Ì Çؼ­ ºü¸£°Ô ÇÏÀÚ } return NULL; } const TMapRegion * SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMapRegion(long lMapIndex) { std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (rRegion.index == lMapIndex) return &rRegion; } return NULL; } int SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMapIndex(long x, long y) { std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (x >= rRegion.sx && y >= rRegion.sy && x < rRegion.ex && y < rRegion.ey) return rRegion.index; } sys_log(0, "SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMapIndex(%d, %d)", x, y); std::vector::iterator i; for (i = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); i !=m_vec_mapRegion.end(); ++i) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *i; sys_log(0, "%d: (%d, %d) ~ (%d, %d)", rRegion.index, rRegion.sx, rRegion.sy, rRegion.ex, rRegion.ey); } return 0; } int SECTREE_MANAGER::Build(const char * c_pszListFileName, const char* c_pszMapBasePath) { if (true == test_server) { sys_log ( 0, "[BUILD] Build %s %s ", c_pszListFileName, c_pszMapBasePath ); } FILE* fp = fopen(c_pszListFileName, "r"); if (NULL == fp) return 0; char buf[256 + 1]; char szFilename[256]; char szMapName[256]; int iIndex; while (fgets(buf, 256, fp)) { *strrchr(buf, '\n') = '\0'; if (!strncmp(buf, "//", 2) || *buf == '#') continue; sscanf(buf, " %d %s ", &iIndex, szMapName); snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/Setting.txt", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); TMapSetting setting; setting.iIndex = iIndex; if (!LoadSettingFile(iIndex, szFilename, setting)) { sys_err("can't load file %s in LoadSettingFile", szFilename); fclose(fp); return 0; } snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/Town.txt", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); if (!LoadMapRegion(szFilename, setting, szMapName)) { sys_err("can't load file %s in LoadMapRegion", szFilename); fclose(fp); return 0; } if (true == test_server) sys_log ( 0,"[BUILD] Build %s %s %d ",c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName, iIndex ); // ¸ÕÀú ÀÌ ¼­¹ö¿¡¼­ ÀÌ ¸ÊÀÇ ¸ó½ºÅ͸¦ ½ºÆùÇØ¾ß Çϴ°¡ È®ÀÎ ÇÑ´Ù. if (map_allow_find(iIndex)) { LPSECTREE_MAP pkMapSectree = BuildSectreeFromSetting(setting); m_map_pkSectree.insert(std::map::value_type(iIndex, pkMapSectree)); snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/server_attr", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); LoadAttribute(pkMapSectree, szFilename, setting); snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/regen.txt", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); regen_load(szFilename, setting.iIndex, setting.iBaseX, setting.iBaseY); snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/npc.txt", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); regen_load(szFilename, setting.iIndex, setting.iBaseX, setting.iBaseY); snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/boss.txt", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); regen_load(szFilename, setting.iIndex, setting.iBaseX, setting.iBaseY); snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/stone.txt", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); regen_load(szFilename, setting.iIndex, setting.iBaseX, setting.iBaseY); snprintf(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename), "%s/%s/dungeon.txt", c_pszMapBasePath, szMapName); LoadDungeon(iIndex, szFilename); pkMapSectree->Build(); } } fclose(fp); return 1; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::IsMovablePosition(long lMapIndex, long x, long y) { LPSECTREE tree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Get(lMapIndex, x, y); if (!tree) return false; return (!tree->IsAttr(x, y, ATTR_BLOCK | ATTR_OBJECT)); } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMovablePosition(long lMapIndex, long x, long y, PIXEL_POSITION & pos) { int i = 0; do { long dx = x + aArroundCoords[i].x; long dy = y + aArroundCoords[i].y; LPSECTREE tree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Get(lMapIndex, dx, dy); if (!tree) continue; if (!tree->IsAttr(dx, dy, ATTR_BLOCK | ATTR_OBJECT)) { pos.x = dx; pos.y = dy; return true; } } while (++i < ARROUND_COORD_MAX_NUM); pos.x = x; pos.y = y; return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetValidLocation(long lMapIndex, long x, long y, long & r_lValidMapIndex, PIXEL_POSITION & r_pos, BYTE empire) { LPSECTREE_MAP pkSectreeMap = GetMap(lMapIndex); if (!pkSectreeMap) { if (lMapIndex >= 10000) { /* long m = lMapIndex / 10000; if (m == 216) { if (GetRecallPositionByEmpire (m, empire, r_pos)) { r_lValidMapIndex = m; return true; } else return false; }*/ return GetValidLocation(lMapIndex / 10000, x, y, r_lValidMapIndex, r_pos); } else { sys_err("cannot find sectree_map by map index %d", lMapIndex); return false; } } long lRealMapIndex = lMapIndex; if (lRealMapIndex >= 10000) lRealMapIndex = lRealMapIndex / 10000; std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (rRegion.index == lRealMapIndex) { LPSECTREE tree = pkSectreeMap->Find(x, y); if (!tree) { sys_err("cannot find tree by %d %d (map index %d)", x, y, lMapIndex); return false; } r_lValidMapIndex = lMapIndex; r_pos.x = x; r_pos.y = y; return true; } } sys_err("invalid location (map index %d %d x %d)", lRealMapIndex, x, y); return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::GetRandomLocation(long lMapIndex, PIXEL_POSITION & r_pos, DWORD dwCurrentX, DWORD dwCurrentY, int iMaxDistance) { LPSECTREE_MAP pkSectreeMap = GetMap(lMapIndex); if (!pkSectreeMap) return false; DWORD x, y; std::vector::iterator it = m_vec_mapRegion.begin(); while (it != m_vec_mapRegion.end()) { TMapRegion & rRegion = *(it++); if (rRegion.index != lMapIndex) continue; int i = 0; while (i++ < 100) { x = number(rRegion.sx + 50, rRegion.ex - 50); y = number(rRegion.sy + 50, rRegion.ey - 50); if (iMaxDistance != 0) { int d; d = abs((float)dwCurrentX - x); if (d > iMaxDistance) { if (x < dwCurrentX) x = dwCurrentX - iMaxDistance; else x = dwCurrentX + iMaxDistance; } d = abs((float)dwCurrentY - y); if (d > iMaxDistance) { if (y < dwCurrentY) y = dwCurrentY - iMaxDistance; else y = dwCurrentY + iMaxDistance; } } LPSECTREE tree = pkSectreeMap->Find(x, y); if (!tree) continue; if (tree->IsAttr(x, y, ATTR_BLOCK | ATTR_OBJECT)) continue; r_pos.x = x; r_pos.y = y; return true; } } return false; } long SECTREE_MANAGER::CreatePrivateMap(long lMapIndex) { if (lMapIndex >= 10000) // 10000¹ø ÀÌ»óÀÇ ¸ÊÀº ¾ø´Ù. (ȤÀº ÀÌ¹Ì private ÀÌ´Ù) return 0; LPSECTREE_MAP pkMapSectree = GetMap(lMapIndex); if (!pkMapSectree) { sys_err("Cannot find map index %d", lMapIndex); return 0; } // Circular private map indexing long base = lMapIndex * 10000; int index_cap = 10000; if ( lMapIndex == 107 || lMapIndex == 108 || lMapIndex == 109 ) { index_cap = (test_server ? 1 : 51); } PrivateIndexMapType::iterator it = next_private_index_map_.find(lMapIndex); if (it == next_private_index_map_.end()) { it = next_private_index_map_.insert(PrivateIndexMapType::value_type(lMapIndex, 0)).first; } int i, next_index = it->second; for (i = 0; i < index_cap; ++i) { if (GetMap(base + next_index) == NULL) { break; // available } if (++next_index >= index_cap) { next_index = 0; } } if (i == index_cap) { // No available index return 0; } long lNewMapIndex = base + next_index; if (++next_index >= index_cap) { next_index = 0; } it->second = next_index; /* int i; for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { if (!GetMap((lMapIndex * 10000) + i)) break; } if ( test_server ) sys_log( 0, "Create Dungeon : OrginalMapindex %d NewMapindex %d", lMapIndex, i ); if ( lMapIndex == 107 || lMapIndex == 108 || lMapIndex == 109 ) { if ( test_server ) { if ( i > 0 ) return NULL; } else { if ( i > 50 ) return NULL; } } if (i == 10000) { sys_err("not enough private map index (map_index %d)", lMapIndex); return 0; } long lNewMapIndex = lMapIndex * 10000 + i; */ pkMapSectree = M2_NEW SECTREE_MAP(*pkMapSectree); m_map_pkSectree.insert(std::map::value_type(lNewMapIndex, pkMapSectree)); sys_log(0, "PRIVATE_MAP: %d created (original %d)", lNewMapIndex, lMapIndex); return lNewMapIndex; } struct FDestroyPrivateMapEntity { void operator() (LPENTITY ent) { if (ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER) ent; sys_log(0, "PRIVAE_MAP: removing character %s", ch->GetName()); if (ch->GetDesc()) DESC_MANAGER::instance().DestroyDesc(ch->GetDesc()); else M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(ch); } else if (ent->IsType(ENTITY_ITEM)) { LPITEM item = (LPITEM) ent; sys_log(0, "PRIVATE_MAP: removing item %s", item->GetName()); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(item); } else sys_err("PRIVAE_MAP: trying to remove unknown entity %d", ent->GetType()); } }; void SECTREE_MANAGER::DestroyPrivateMap(long lMapIndex) { if (lMapIndex < 10000) // private map Àº À妽º°¡ 10000 ÀÌ»ó ÀÌ´Ù. return; LPSECTREE_MAP pkMapSectree = GetMap(lMapIndex); if (!pkMapSectree) return; // ÀÌ ¸Ê À§¿¡ ÇöÀç Á¸ÀçÇÏ´Â °ÍµéÀ» ÀüºÎ ¾ø¾Ø´Ù. // WARNING: // ÀÌ ¸Ê¿¡ ÀÖÁö¸¸ ¾î¶² Sectree¿¡µµ Á¸ÀçÇÏÁö ¾ÊÀ» ¼ö ÀÖÀ½ // µû¶ó¼­ ¿©±â¼­ delete ÇÒ ¼ö ¾øÀ¸¹Ç·Î Æ÷ÀÎÅÍ°¡ ±úÁú ¼ö ÀÖÀ¸´Ï // º°µµ 󸮸¦ ÇؾßÇÔ FDestroyPrivateMapEntity f; pkMapSectree->for_each(f); m_map_pkSectree.erase(lMapIndex); M2_DELETE(pkMapSectree); sys_log(0, "PRIVATE_MAP: %d destroyed", lMapIndex); } TAreaMap& SECTREE_MANAGER::GetDungeonArea(long lMapIndex) { itertype(m_map_pkArea) it = m_map_pkArea.find(lMapIndex); if (it == m_map_pkArea.end()) { return m_map_pkArea[-1]; // Àӽ÷Πºó Area¸¦ ¸®ÅÏ } return it->second; } void SECTREE_MANAGER::SendNPCPosition(LPCHARACTER ch) { LPDESC d = ch->GetDesc(); if (!d) return; long lMapIndex = ch->GetMapIndex(); if (m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].empty()) return; TEMP_BUFFER buf; TPacketGCNPCPosition p; p.header = HEADER_GC_NPC_POSITION; p.count = m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].size(); TNPCPosition np; // TODO m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex] ¸¦ º¸³»ÁÖ¼¼¿ä itertype(m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex]) it; for (it = m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].begin(); it != m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].end(); ++it) { np.bType = it->bType; strncpy(np.name, it->name, sizeof(np.name)); np.x = it->x; np.y = it->y; buf.write(&np, sizeof(np)); } p.size = sizeof(p) + buf.size(); if (buf.size()) { d->BufferedPacket(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCNPCPosition)); d->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size()); } else d->Packet(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCNPCPosition)); } void SECTREE_MANAGER::InsertNPCPosition(long lMapIndex, BYTE bType, const char* szName, long x, long y) { m_mapNPCPosition[lMapIndex].push_back(npc_info(bType, szName, x, y)); } BYTE SECTREE_MANAGER::GetEmpireFromMapIndex(long lMapIndex) { if (lMapIndex >= 1 && lMapIndex <= 20) return 1; if (lMapIndex >= 21 && lMapIndex <= 40) return 2; if (lMapIndex >= 41 && lMapIndex <= 60) return 3; if ( lMapIndex == 184 || lMapIndex == 185 ) return 1; if ( lMapIndex == 186 || lMapIndex == 187 ) return 2; if ( lMapIndex == 188 || lMapIndex == 189 ) return 3; switch ( lMapIndex ) { case 190 : return 1; case 191 : return 2; case 192 : return 3; } return 0; } class FRemoveIfAttr { public: FRemoveIfAttr(LPSECTREE pkTree, DWORD dwAttr) : m_pkTree(pkTree), m_dwCheckAttr(dwAttr) { } void operator () (LPENTITY entity) { if (!m_pkTree->IsAttr(entity->GetX(), entity->GetY(), m_dwCheckAttr)) return; if (entity->IsType(ENTITY_ITEM)) { M2_DESTROY_ITEM((LPITEM) entity); } else if (entity->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER) entity; if (ch->IsPC()) { PIXEL_POSITION pos; if (SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetRecallPositionByEmpire(ch->GetMapIndex(), ch->GetEmpire(), pos)) ch->WarpSet(pos.x, pos.y); else ch->WarpSet(EMPIRE_START_X(ch->GetEmpire()), EMPIRE_START_Y(ch->GetEmpire())); } else ch->Dead(); } } LPSECTREE m_pkTree; DWORD m_dwCheckAttr; }; bool SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegionCell( long lMapIndex, long lCX, long lCY, DWORD dwAttr, EAttrRegionMode mode ) { SECTREEID id; id.coord.x = lCX / (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE); id.coord.y = lCY / (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE); long lTreeCX = id.coord.x * (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE); long lTreeCY = id.coord.y * (SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE); LPSECTREE pSec = Get( lMapIndex, id.package ); if ( !pSec ) return false; switch (mode) { case ATTR_REGION_MODE_SET: pSec->SetAttribute( lCX - lTreeCX, lCY - lTreeCY, dwAttr ); break; case ATTR_REGION_MODE_REMOVE: pSec->RemoveAttribute( lCX - lTreeCX, lCY - lTreeCY, dwAttr ); break; case ATTR_REGION_MODE_CHECK: if ( pSec->IsAttr( lCX * CELL_SIZE, lCY * CELL_SIZE, ATTR_OBJECT ) ) return true; break; default: sys_err("Unknown region mode %u", mode); break; } return false; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegionRightAngle( long lMapIndex, long lCX, long lCY, long lCW, long lCH, long lRotate, DWORD dwAttr, EAttrRegionMode mode ) { if (1 == lRotate/90 || 3 == lRotate/90) { for (int x = 0; x < lCH; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < lCW; ++y) { if ( ForAttrRegionCell( lMapIndex, lCX + x, lCY + y, dwAttr, mode ) ) return true; } } if (0 == lRotate/90 || 2 == lRotate/90) { for (int x = 0; x < lCW; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < lCH; ++y) { if ( ForAttrRegionCell( lMapIndex, lCX + x, lCY + y, dwAttr, mode) ) return true; } } return mode == ATTR_REGION_MODE_CHECK ? false : true; } #define min( l, r ) ((l) < (r) ? (l) : (r)) #define max( l, r ) ((l) < (r) ? (r) : (l)) bool SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegionFreeAngle( long lMapIndex, long lCX, long lCY, long lCW, long lCH, long lRotate, DWORD dwAttr, EAttrRegionMode mode ) { float fx1 = (-lCW/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) + (-lCH/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fy1 = (-lCW/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) - (-lCH/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fx2 = (+lCW/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) + (-lCH/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fy2 = (+lCW/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) - (-lCH/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fx3 = (-lCW/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) + (+lCH/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fy3 = (-lCW/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) - (+lCH/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fx4 = (+lCW/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) + (+lCH/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fy4 = (+lCW/2) * cosf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f) - (+lCH/2) * sinf(float(lRotate)/180.0f*3.14f); float fdx1 = fx2 - fx1; float fdy1 = fy2 - fy1; float fdx2 = fx1 - fx3; float fdy2 = fy1 - fy3; if (0 == fdx1 || 0 == fdx2) { sys_err( "SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: %d", lMapIndex ); return false; } float fTilt1 = float(fdy1) / float(fdx1); float fTilt2 = float(fdy2) / float(fdx2); float fb1 = fy1 - fTilt1*fx1; float fb2 = fy1 - fTilt2*fx1; float fb3 = fy4 - fTilt1*fx4; float fb4 = fy4 - fTilt2*fx4; float fxMin = min(fx1, min(fx2, min(fx3, fx4))); float fxMax = max(fx1, max(fx2, max(fx3, fx4))); for (int i = int(fxMin); i < int(fxMax); ++i) { float fyValue1 = fTilt1*i + min(fb1, fb3); float fyValue2 = fTilt2*i + min(fb2, fb4); float fyValue3 = fTilt1*i + max(fb1, fb3); float fyValue4 = fTilt2*i + max(fb2, fb4); float fMinValue; float fMaxValue; if (abs(int(fyValue1)) < abs(int(fyValue2))) fMaxValue = fyValue1; else fMaxValue = fyValue2; if (abs(int(fyValue3)) < abs(int(fyValue4))) fMinValue = fyValue3; else fMinValue = fyValue4; for (int j = int(min(fMinValue, fMaxValue)); j < int(max(fMinValue, fMaxValue)); ++j) { if ( ForAttrRegionCell( lMapIndex, lCX + (lCW / 2) + i, lCY + (lCH / 2) + j, dwAttr, mode ) ) return true; } } return mode == ATTR_REGION_MODE_CHECK ? false : true; } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion(long lMapIndex, long lStartX, long lStartY, long lEndX, long lEndY, long lRotate, DWORD dwAttr, EAttrRegionMode mode) { LPSECTREE_MAP pkMapSectree = GetMap(lMapIndex); if (!pkMapSectree) { sys_err("Cannot find SECTREE_MAP by map index %d", lMapIndex); return mode == ATTR_REGION_MODE_CHECK ? true : false; } // // ¿µ¿ªÀÇ ÁÂÇ¥¸¦ Cell ÀÇ Å©±â¿¡ ¸ÂÃç È®ÀåÇÑ´Ù. // lStartX -= lStartX % CELL_SIZE; lStartY -= lStartY % CELL_SIZE; lEndX += lEndX % CELL_SIZE; lEndY += lEndY % CELL_SIZE; // // Cell ÁÂÇ¥¸¦ ±¸ÇÑ´Ù. // long lCX = lStartX / CELL_SIZE; long lCY = lStartY / CELL_SIZE; long lCW = (lEndX - lStartX) / CELL_SIZE; long lCH = (lEndY - lStartY) / CELL_SIZE; sys_log(1, "ForAttrRegion %d %d ~ %d %d", lStartX, lStartY, lEndX, lEndY); lRotate = lRotate % 360; if (0 == lRotate % 90) return ForAttrRegionRightAngle( lMapIndex, lCX, lCY, lCW, lCH, lRotate, dwAttr, mode ); return ForAttrRegionFreeAngle( lMapIndex, lCX, lCY, lCW, lCH, lRotate, dwAttr, mode ); } bool SECTREE_MANAGER::SaveAttributeToImage(int lMapIndex, const char * c_pszFileName, LPSECTREE_MAP pMapSrc) { LPSECTREE_MAP pMap = SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMap(lMapIndex); if (!pMap) { if (pMapSrc) pMap = pMapSrc; else { sys_err("cannot find sectree_map %d", lMapIndex); return false; } } int iMapHeight = pMap->m_setting.iHeight / 128 / 200; int iMapWidth = pMap->m_setting.iWidth / 128 / 200; if (iMapHeight < 0 || iMapWidth < 0) { sys_err("map size error w %d h %d", iMapWidth, iMapHeight); return false; } sys_log(0, "SaveAttributeToImage w %d h %d file %s", iMapWidth, iMapHeight, c_pszFileName); CTargaImage image; image.Create(512 * iMapWidth, 512 * iMapHeight); sys_log(0, "1"); DWORD * pdwDest = (DWORD *) image.GetBasePointer(); int pixels = 0; int x, x2; int y, y2; sys_log(0, "2 %p", pdwDest); DWORD * pdwLine = M2_NEW DWORD[SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE]; for (y = 0; y < 4 * iMapHeight; ++y) { for (y2 = 0; y2 < SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE; ++y2) { for (x = 0; x < 4 * iMapWidth; ++x) { SECTREEID id; id.coord.x = x + pMap->m_setting.iBaseX / SECTREE_SIZE; id.coord.y = y + pMap->m_setting.iBaseY / SECTREE_SIZE; LPSECTREE pSec = pMap->Find(id.package); if (!pSec) { sys_err("cannot get sectree for %d %d %d %d", id.coord.x, id.coord.y, pMap->m_setting.iBaseX, pMap->m_setting.iBaseY); continue; } pSec->m_pkAttribute->CopyRow(y2, pdwLine); if (!pdwLine) { sys_err("cannot get attribute line pointer"); M2_DELETE_ARRAY(pdwLine); continue; } for (x2 = 0; x2 < SECTREE_SIZE / CELL_SIZE; ++x2) { DWORD dwColor; if (IS_SET(pdwLine[x2], ATTR_WATER)) dwColor = 0xff0000ff; else if (IS_SET(pdwLine[x2], ATTR_BANPK)) dwColor = 0xff00ff00; else if (IS_SET(pdwLine[x2], ATTR_BLOCK)) dwColor = 0xffff0000; else dwColor = 0xffffffff; *(pdwDest++) = dwColor; pixels++; } } } } M2_DELETE_ARRAY(pdwLine); sys_log(0, "3"); if (image.Save(c_pszFileName)) { sys_log(0, "SECTREE: map %d attribute saved to %s (%d bytes)", lMapIndex, c_pszFileName, pixels); return true; } else { sys_err("cannot save file, map_index %d filename %s", lMapIndex, c_pszFileName); return false; } } struct FPurgeMonsters { void operator() (LPENTITY ent) { if ( ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER) == true ) { LPCHARACTER lpChar = (LPCHARACTER)ent; if ( lpChar->IsMonster() == true && !lpChar->IsPet()) { M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(lpChar); } } } }; void SECTREE_MANAGER::PurgeMonstersInMap(long lMapIndex) { LPSECTREE_MAP sectree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(lMapIndex); if ( sectree != NULL ) { struct FPurgeMonsters f; sectree->for_each( f ); } } struct FPurgeStones { void operator() (LPENTITY ent) { if ( ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER) == true ) { LPCHARACTER lpChar = (LPCHARACTER)ent; if ( lpChar->IsStone() == true ) { M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(lpChar); } } } }; void SECTREE_MANAGER::PurgeStonesInMap(long lMapIndex) { LPSECTREE_MAP sectree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(lMapIndex); if ( sectree != NULL ) { struct FPurgeStones f; sectree->for_each( f ); } } struct FPurgeNPCs { void operator() (LPENTITY ent) { if ( ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER) == true ) { LPCHARACTER lpChar = (LPCHARACTER)ent; if ( lpChar->IsNPC() == true && !lpChar->IsPet()) { M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(lpChar); } } } }; void SECTREE_MANAGER::PurgeNPCsInMap(long lMapIndex) { LPSECTREE_MAP sectree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(lMapIndex); if ( sectree != NULL ) { struct FPurgeNPCs f; sectree->for_each( f ); } } struct FCountMonsters { std::map m_map_Monsters; void operator() (LPENTITY ent) { if ( ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER) == true ) { LPCHARACTER lpChar = (LPCHARACTER)ent; if ( lpChar->IsMonster() == true ) { m_map_Monsters[lpChar->GetVID()] = lpChar->GetVID(); } } } }; size_t SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMonsterCountInMap(long lMapIndex) { LPSECTREE_MAP sectree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(lMapIndex); if ( sectree != NULL ) { struct FCountMonsters f; sectree->for_each( f ); return f.m_map_Monsters.size(); } return 0; } struct FCountSpecifiedMonster { DWORD SpecifiedVnum; size_t cnt; FCountSpecifiedMonster(DWORD id) : SpecifiedVnum(id), cnt(0) {} void operator() (LPENTITY ent) { if (true == ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER pChar = static_cast(ent); if (true == pChar->IsStone()) { if (pChar->GetMobTable().dwVnum == SpecifiedVnum) cnt++; } } } }; size_t SECTREE_MANAGER::GetMonsterCountInMap(long lMapIndex, DWORD dwVnum) { LPSECTREE_MAP sectree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMap(lMapIndex); if (NULL != sectree) { struct FCountSpecifiedMonster f(dwVnum); sectree->for_each( f ); return f.cnt; } return 0; }