--[[ Questliberweiterung generiert by Mijago Link: http://questwriting.mijago.org/questlib/index.php?exec=1&updater=0&b1=1&b2=1&b10=1&b12=1&b23=1&b41=1&b42=1&b43=1&b44=1&b45=1&b46=1&b47=1&b48=1&b49=1&b60=1&b61=1&b101=1&b102=1&b103=1&b104=1&b106=1&b201=1&b301=1&b801=1&b802=1&b803=1&b804=1&b805=1&b806=1&b901=1&b902=1&b903=1&b904=1&b905=1&b1000=1&b1001=1&b1002=1&b1003=1&b1004=1&b2002=1 Funktionen: split, mysql_query, mysql_query_old, define, duration, is_number, is_string, is_table, in_table, numlen, string.reverse, num_format, numtomoney, math.minmax, n_input, long_input, select2, select3, note (Notice Mod), Zeitrechnungen, Autoumbruch in Say, mysql_escape, account.set_pw, pc.check_inventory_place, do_for_other, local_pc_setqf, pc.trans, pc.warp_to, local_warp_pc, download, dot, dostr, wartungsmodus, create_folder, INI-Parser, Ini-Parser (alt), csay, Farbcodes, Apache-Funktionen, TS3-Funktionen --]] --[[ @name split @author Internet (http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin) @descr Splittet einen String in eine Tabelle. --]] function split(str, delim, maxNb) if str == nil then return str end if string.find(str, delim) == nil then return { str } end if maxNb == nil or maxNb < 1 then maxNb = 0 end local result = {} local pat = "(.-)" .. delim .. "()" local nb = 0 local lastPos for part, pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do nb = nb + 1 result[nb] = part lastPos = pos if nb == maxNb then break end end if nb ~= maxNb then result[nb + 1] = string.sub(str, lastPos) end return result end --[[ @name mysql_query @author Mijago @needs split @descr Mysql-Funktion der neuesten Generation. --]] mysql_query = function(query) if not pre then local rt = io.open('CONFIG','r'):read('*all') pre,_= string.gsub(rt,'.+PLAYER_SQL:%s(%S+)%s(%S+)%s(%S+)%s(%S+).+','-h%1 -u%2 -p%3 -D%4') end math.randomseed(os.time()) local fi,t,out = 'mysql_data_'..math.random(10^9)+math.random(2^4,2^10),{},{} --os.execute('mysql '..pre..' --e='..string.format('%q',query)..' > '..fi) -- f�r MySQL51 os.execute('mysql '..pre..' -e'..string.format('%q',query)..' > '..fi) -- f�r MySQL55 for av in io.open(fi,'r'):lines() do table.insert(t,split(av,'\t')) end; os.remove(fi); for i = 2, table.getn(t) do table.foreach(t[i],function(a,b) out[i-1] = out[i-1] or {} out[i-1][a] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL' out[t[1][a]] = out[t[1][a]] or {} out[t[1][a]][i-1] = tonumber(b) or b or 'NULL' end) end return out end --[[ @name mysql_query_old @author Mijago @needs split @descr Die Alte Version der MySQL-Query-Funktion. --]] local ql = { ["user"] = "root", ["pass"] = "", ["ip"] = "localhost", ["db"] = "player" } function mysql_query_old(query,user,pass,db,ip) local pre = '' if query == '' or query == nil then error("Query muss gesetzt sein!") end user = user or ql.mysql["user"] pass = pass or ql.mysql["pass"] ip = ip or ql.mysql["ip"] if user ~= '' and user ~= nil then pre = pre..' -u'..user end if pass ~= '' and pass ~= nil then pre = pre..' -p'..pass end if db ~= '' and db ~= nil then pre = pre..' -D'..db end if ip ~= '' and ip ~= nil then pre = pre..' -h'..ip end math.randomseed(os.time()); local rand = math.random(0,10^7) -- Erstellen der Pfadvariable local path = 'data/mysql_output_'..os.time()..'_'..rand..'_'..pc.get_vid() os.execute ("mysql "..pre.." --e=\""..query.."\" > "..path) -- Laden und Auflisten der Dateiinhalte local fi,q = io.open(path,"r"),{["l"] = {},["out"]={}} if fi == nil then return "ERROR" end for line in fi:lines() do table.insert(q.l,(split(line,"\t"))) end os.remove(path) if type(q.l[1]) ~= "table" then return "ERROR" --error("Fehler bei der MySQL Verbindung oder bei der R�ckgabe! Abbruch!") end local ix = 0 table.foreachi(q.l,function(i,l) if i > 1 then table.foreach(l,function(i2,l2) if q.out[q.l[1][i2]] == nil then q.out[q.l[1][i2]] = {} end local c = tonumber(l2) if type(c) == "number" and l2 == tostring(c) then q.out[q.l[1][i2]][i-1] = c else q.out[q.l[1][i2]][i-1] = l2 end end) end end) -- ENDE der eigentlichen MySQL-Funktion -- START Zusatz: Hanashi-Kompatibilit�t & Fehlerbehandlung q.out.__data = q.l[1] setmetatable(q.out, { __index = function(a,b) if type(b) == "number" then return (a[a.__data[b]] or {"ERROR"}) end return "ERROR" --error("Fehler bei Indexierung: Index "..b.." ist nicht vorhanden!") end}) return q.out end --[[ @name define @author Mijago @descr Gibt die M�glichkeit, globale Variablen zu definieren. Es k�nnen auch Funktionen genutzt werden! Diese werden dann AUSGEF�HRT zur�ckgegeben! --]] _G.__data = {} local meta = getmetatable(_G) or {} meta.__index = function(me,index) local data = _G.__data[index] if type(data) == "function" then return data() else -- auch bei nil! return data end end setmetatable(_G,meta) function define(name,func) -- func is a function or some value _G.__data[name] = func end --[[ @name duration @author Mijago @descr Gibt die verbleibende Zeit als String zur�ck. --]] function duration(ipe) local ipe,dat= ipe or 0,'' local s,m,h,d,mo,y = tonumber(os.date('%S',ipe)), tonumber(os.date('%M',ipe)), tonumber(os.date('%H',ipe)), tonumber(os.date('%d',ipe))-1, tonumber(os.date('%m',ipe))-1, tonumber(os.date('%Y',ipe))-1970 for x,c in {{s,"Sek."},{m,"Min."},{h,"Std."},{d,"Tage","Tag"},{mo,"Monate","Monat"},{y,"Jahre","Jahr"}} do if (c[1] or 0) > 0 then if x > 1 then dat = ' '..dat end if c[1] > 1 then dat = c[1]..' '..c[2]..dat else dat = c[1]..' '..(c[3] or c[2])..dat end end end return dat end --[[ @name is_number @author Mijago @descr Pr�ft, ob eine Variable eine Zahl ist. --]] function is_number(var) return (type(var) == "number") end --[[ @name is_string @author Mijago @descr Pr�ft, ob eine Variable ein String ist. --]] function is_string(var) return (type(var) == "string") end --[[ @name is_table @author Mijago @descr Pr�ft, ob eine Variable eine Tabelle ist. --]] function is_table(var) return (type(var) == "table") end --[[ @name in_table @author Mijago @descr Pr�ft, ob eine Variablei in einer Tabelle ist. Aufruf: in_table(var,table) --]] function in_table ( e, t ) for _,v in pairs(t) do if (v==e) then return true end end return false end --[[ @name numlen @author Mijago @descr Gibt die Anzahl der Ziffern einer Zahl wieder. --]] function numlen(i) local i,x = i or 0,0 while i > 10^x do x=x+1 end return x end --[[ @name string.reverse @author Mijago @descr Kehrt einen String um. --]] function string.reverse(str) local se = '' for i=1,string.len(str) do se = string.sub(str,i,i)..se end return se end --[[ @name num_format @author Mijago; Idee von Benhero @needs string.reverse @descr Formatiert lange Zahlen mit Punkten. --]] function num_format(num) if type(num) == "number" then num = tostring(num) end if string.len(num) <= 3 then return num end return string.reverse(string.gsub(string.reverse(num),'(%d%d%d)','%1.')) end --[[ @name numtomoney @author Mijago @descr Formatiert zB 1234567 in 1.234.567. --]] function numtomoney(num) local num,out,x = tostring(num),'',0 while string.len(num)-3 > 0 do out = string.gsub(num,'.-(%d%d%d)$','.%1')..out num = string.sub(num,0,string.len(num)-3) end return num..out end --[[ @name math.minmax @author Mijago @descr Erm�glicht die Angabe von min und max auf einmal --]] math.minmax = function(min,num,max) return math.min(math.max(num,min),max) -- oder: return num > max and max or num < min and min or num end --[[ @name n_input @author Mijago @descr F�r Inputs nur f�r Zahlen. Die Zahl ist IMMER positiv. Wenn sie nicht g�ltig ist, ist sie 0. --]] function n_input() return math.abs(tonumber(input()) or 0) end --[[ @name long_input @author Mijago @descr Erm�glicht es, l�ngere Inputs zu nutzen. --]] function long_input() local str,t = "",input() while t ~= "" do str = str..t t = input() end return str, str ~= "" end --[[ @name select2 @author Mijago @needs split @descr Wie Select: Eine Tabelle oder eine Stringliste wird auf Seiten aufgeteilt. Weiter und Abbrechen Buttons. --]] function select2(tab,...) arg.n = nil if type(tab) ~= "table" and type(tab) == 'number' then table.insert(arg,1,tab) tab = arg elseif type(tab) ~= "table" and type(tab) == 'string' then table.insert(arg,1,tab) table.insert(arg,1,8) tab = arg elseif type(tab) == "table" and type(tab[1]) == 'string' then table.insert(tab,1,8) end local max = tab[1]; table.remove(tab,1) local tablen,outputstr,outputcount,nextc,incit = table.getn(tab),"",0,0,0 table.foreach(tab, function(i,l) outputcount = outputcount + 1 if outputcount == 1 then outputstr=outputstr..'sel = select("'..l..'"' elseif outputcount == max and tablen > outputcount+incit then if tablen ~= outputcount+incit+1 then outputstr=outputstr..',"'..l..'","N�chste Seite") + '..incit..' ' if nextc > 0 then outputstr = outputstr..'end ' end outputstr=outputstr..'; if sel == '..(incit+max+1)..' then ' -- Anfangen der neuen Abfrage nextc, outputcount, incit= nextc+1,0,incit+max else outputstr=outputstr..',"'..l..'"' end else outputstr=outputstr..',"'..l..'"' end end ) outputstr = outputstr..') + '..incit if nextc > 0 then outputstr = outputstr..' end' end outputstr= outputstr.. '; return sel' print(outputstr) local sel = assert(loadstring(outputstr))() tablen,outputstr,outputcount,nextc,incit = nil,nil,nil,nil,nil -- Speicher freimachen return sel end --[[ @name select3 @author Mijago @needs split @descr Wie Select2: Eine Tabelle oder eine Stringliste wird auf Seiten aufgeteilt. Weiter, Zur�ck und Abbrechen (-1) Buttons. --]] function select3(...) arg.n = nil local tp,max = arg,5 if type(tp[1]) == 'number' then max = tp[1] if type(tp[2]) == 'table' then tp = tp[2] else table.remove(tp,1) end elseif type(tp[1]) == 'table' then if type(tp[1][1]) == 'number' then max = tp[1][1] table.remove(tp[1],1) tp = tp[1] end tp = tp[1] end local str = '{' local tablen,act,incit = table.getn(tp),0,0 table.foreach(tp,function(i,l) act = act + 1 if act == 1 then str = str .. '{'..string.format('%q',l) elseif act == max+1 and tablen > act+incit then if tablen ~= act+incit+1 then str = str..'},{'..string.format('%q',l) else str=str..','..string.format('%q',l) end incit = incit + max act = 1 else str=str..','..string.format('%q',l) end end) local px = loadstring('return '..str ..'}}')() local function copy_tab(t) local p= {} for i = 1,table.getn(t) do p[i] = t[i] end return p end local pe = {} for i = 1,table.getn(px) do pe [i] = copy_tab(px[i]) end local function init(i,ip) pe[i] = copy_tab(px[i]) local next,back,exit = 0,0,0 if i < table.getn(pe) and table.getn(pe) ~=1 then table.insert(pe[i],table.getn(pe[i])+1,'Weiter zu Seite '..(i+1)); next = table.getn(pe[i]) end if i > 1 then table.insert(pe[i],table.getn(pe[i])+1,'Zur�ck zu Seite '..(i-1)); back = table.getn(pe[i]) end table.insert(pe[i],table.getn(pe[i])+1,'Abbruch'); exit = table.getn(pe[i]) if table.getn(pe) > 1 then say('Seite '..i..' von '..table.getn(pe)) end local e = select_table(pe[i]) if e == next then return init(i+1,ip+max) elseif e == back then return init(i-1,ip-max) elseif e == exit then return -1 else return e+ip,pe[i][e] end end return init(1,0) or -1 end --[[ @name note (Notice Mod) @author Mijago @descr Wie Notice, nur mit Spielername davor. --]] function note(text) notice_all(pc.get_name()..': '..text) end --[[ @name Zeitrechnungen @author Mijago @descr Funktionen zum Umrechenen von Zeit. --]] zt = zt or {} zt.d_j = function(d) return d/365 end zt.d_mo = function(d) return d/12 end zt.d_h = function(d) return d*24 end zt.d_m = function(d) return d*24*60 end zt.d_s = function(d) return d*24*60*60 end zt.d_hs = function(d) return d*24*60*60*100 end zt.d_ms = function(d) return d*24*60*60*1000 end --- Stunden zt.h_j = function(h) return h/24/365 end zt.h_mo = function(h) return h/24/12 end zt.h_d = function(h) return h/24 end zt.h_m = function(h) return h*60 end zt.h_s = function(h) return h*60*60 end zt.h_hs = function(h) return h*60*60*100 end zt.h_ms = function(h) return h*60*60*1000 end --- Minuten zt.m_j = function(m) return m/60/24/365 end zt.m_mo = function(m) return m/60/24/12 end zt.m_d = function(m) return m/60/24 end zt.m_h = function(m) return m/60 end zt.m_s = function(m) return m*60 end zt.m_hs = function(m) return m*60*100 end zt.m_ms = function(m) return m*60*1000 end --- Sekunden zt.s_j = function(s) return s/60/60/24/365 end zt.s_mo = function(s) return s/60/60/24/12 end zt.s_d = function(s) return s/60/60/24 end zt.s_h = function(s) return s/60/60 end zt.s_m = function(s) return s/60 end zt.s_hs = function(s) return s*100 end zt.s_ms = function(s) return s*1000 end --[[ @name Autoumbruch in Say @author Mijago @descr F�gt die Funktion say2 an. Mit ihr werden Texte automatisch umgebrochen. --]] function say2(str,dx) local maxl,actl,pat = dx or 50,0,'(.-)(%[.-%])()' local result,nb,lastPos,outp = {},0,0,'' local function bere(stx) for le in string.gfind(stx,'((%S+)%s*)') do if actl + string.len(le) > maxl then outp = outp..'[ENTER]' actl = 0 end outp = outp..le actl = actl + string.len(le) end end for part, dos,pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do if part ~= '' then bere(part) end outp = outp..dos lastPos = pos end bere(string.sub(str,lastPos)) say(outp) end --[[ @name mysql_escape @author Mijago @descr Wie mysql_real_escape_string in PHP; Hilft, SQLi vorzubeugen. --]] function mysql_escape(str) str = string.gsub(str,"%\\", "\\\\") -- str = string.gsub(str,"%\0", "\\0") Gibt einen fehler aus :o | Wer rausfindet, warum.. Bitte mir Schreiben (Mijago) str = string.gsub(str,"%\n", "\\n") str = string.gsub(str,"%\r", "\\r") str = string.gsub(str,"%\x1a", "\Z") str = string.gsub(str,"%\'", "\\'") str = string.gsub(str,'%\"', '\\"') return str end --[[ @name account.set_pw @author Mijago; Idee von Benhero @needs mysql_query @descr Funktion zum �ndern des Nutzerpasswortes. Angabe des Accounts kann weggelassen werden, als Accountname oder als Account ID angegeben werden. --]] account = account or {} function account.set_pw(pw,ac) if pw == nil then error("Fehler... Passwort muss gesetzt werden!") end local ac = ac or pc.get_account_id() if type(ac) == "string" then mysql_query("UPDATE player.player,account.account SET account.password = password("..string.format('%q',pw)..") WHERE account.id = player.account_id and player.name = '"..ac.."' LIMIT 1") elseif type(ac) == "number" then mysql_query("UPDATE account.account SET account.password = password("..string.format('%q',pw)..") WHERE account.id = "..ac) end end --[[ @name pc.check_inventory_place @author Mijago @descr Checkt auf Freie Inventarpl�tze f�r Items der gr��e X (H�he). --]] function pc.check_inventory_place(size) if size <= 0 or size > 3 then return -1 end function check(c) for i = 0,size-1 do item.select_cell(e[c+(5*i)]) if item.get_id() ~= 0 then return false end end return true end for i = 0,89 do if check(i) then return i end end return -1 end --[[ @name do_for_other @author Mijago @descr F�hrt einen String als Luabefehle bei einem anderem User aus. --]] function do_for_other(name,ding) local t = pc.select(find_pc_by_name(name)) assert(loadstring(ding))() pc.select(t) end --[[ @name local_pc_setqf @author Mijago @descr Setzt die Questflag eines anderen Spielers. --]] function local_pc_setqf(name, qf,wert) -- F�r die aktuelle Quest local target = find_pc_by_name(name) local t = pc.select(target) pc.setqf(qf,wert) pc.select(t) end --[[ @name pc.trans @author Mijago @descr Warpt Spieler B zu Spieler A. Spieler a = pc. --]] function pc.trans(vid) if vid == nil then error"VID muss gesetzt sein! (pc.warp_to)" elseif type(vid) == "string" then vid = find_pc_by_name(vid) if vid == 0 then error"Spieler nicht gefunden" end end local x,y = pc.get_x()*100,pc.get_y()*100 local me = pc.select(vid) pc.warp(x,y) pc.select(me) end --[[ @name pc.warp_to @author Mijago @descr Warpt Spieler A zu Spieler B. Spieler a = pc. --]] function pc.warp_to(vid) if vid == nil then error"VID muss gesetzt sein! (pc.warp_to)" elseif type(vid) == "string" then vid = find_pc_by_name(vid) if vid == 0 then error"Spieler nicht gefunden" end end local me = pc.select(vid) local x,y = pc.get_x()*100,pc.get_y()*100 pc.select(me) pc.warp(x,y) end --[[ @name local_warp_pc @author Mijago @descr Warpt einen anderen Spieler lokal. --]] function local_pc_warp(name, x, y,mid) local target = find_pc_by_name(name) local t = pc.select(target) if mid == nil then mid = pc.get_map_index() end pc.warp_local(mid, x*100, y*100) pc.select(t) end --[[ @name download @author Mijago @descr L�dt eine Datei in den Data-Ordner. --]] function download(url) os.execute("cd data && fetch "..url.." && cd ..") end --[[ @name dot @author Mijago @descr F�hrt alles Zwischen $ und $ im String aus. --]] function dot(x) return string.gsub(x, "%$(.-)%$", function (s) return loadstring(s)() end) end --[[ @name dostr @author Mijago @descr F�hrt einen String als Lua-Befehl aus. --]] function dostr(str) assert(loadstring(str))() end --[[ @name wartungsmodus @author Mijago @needs mysql_query @descr Versetzt alle Accounts (au�er GM-Accounts) in einen "Wartungsmodus" und wieder zur�ck. --]] function wartungsmodus(v) if v == 1 or v == true then mysql_query("UPDATE account.account SET account.status = 'SHUTDOWN' WHERE status = 'OK' and account.login NOT IN (SELECT mAccount FROM common.gmlist);") else mysql_query("UPDATE account.account SET account.status = 'OK' WHERE status = 'SHUTDOWN' and account.login NOT IN (SELECT mAccount FROM common.gmlist);") end end --[[ @name create_folder @author Mijago @descr Erstellt Ordner, auch mit Unterordnern --]] create_folder = function(path) local pp = '' for i in string.gfind(path,'([%w_\-]*/)') do pp = pp..i os.execute('if [ ! -d '..pp..' ]; then mkdir '..pp..'; fi') end end --[[ @name INI-Parser @author Mijago @descr Ein NEUER Parser f�r INI-Dateien. --]] ini = { open = function(path) return setmetatable({ path = path or "", }, { __index = ini}) end, write = function(self,section,key,value) if not section or not key then return false end local r,y = self:__get_text() if not y then return false end if string.find(r,"%["..section.."%]") then if string.find(r,"%["..section.."%][^%[]*"..key.."=") then r = string.gsub(r,"(%["..section.."%][^%[]*"..key.." *=)( *[^\n]+)",function(x) return x..value end) else r = string.gsub(r,"(%["..section.."%][^%[]*)",function(x) return x.."\n"..key.."="..value.."\n" end) end else r = r.."\n["..section.."]\n"..key.."="..value end -- �berfl�ssige leerzeichen l�schen r=string.gsub(string.gsub(string.gsub(r,"^(\n)",""),"(\n)$",""),"\n\n","\n") local d = io.open(self.path,"w") d:write(r) d:close() end, read = function(self,section,key,default_value) local t,y = self:__get_text() if not y then return false end local _,_,data = string.find(t,"%["..section.."%][^%[]*"..key.." *= *([^\n]+)") local output = (data or default_value) return tonumber(output) or output,true end, remove_key = function(self,section,key) local t,y = self:__get_text() if not y then return false end if string.find(t,"%["..section.."%][^%[]*"..key.." *=[^\n]+") then local t2=string.gsub(t,"(%["..section.."%][^%[]*)"..key.." *=[^\n]+",function(x) return x end) if t2 ~= t then local d= io.open(self.path,"w") d:write(t2) d:close() end end return true end, remove_section = function(self,section) local t,y = self:__get_text() if not y then return false end if string.find(t,"%["..section.."%][^%[]*") then t = string.gsub(t,"%["..section.."%][^%[]*","") local d = io.open(self.path,"w") d:write(t) d:close() end return true end, __get_text = function(self) local d = io.open(self.path,"r") if not d then return "",false end local t = d:read"*all" d:close() return t,true end, } --[[ @name Ini-Parser (alt) @author Mijago @needs split @descr -- OUTDATED -- Ein Parser f�r Ini-Dateien. Besitzt eine Eigene Beschreibung der einzelnen Funktionen im Code. --]] do -- Funktionen: -- var = ini.new() -- var = ini.open(path) -- var:write_str(sub,name,wert) -- var:write_int(sub,name,wert) -- var:write_bool(sub,name,boolean) -- var:clear() -- var:read_str(sub,name,norm) -- Gibt einen String zur�ck. -| -- var:read_int(sub,name,norm) -- Gibt eine Zahl zur�ck -| norm wird zur�ckgegeben, wenn sub[name] nicht existiert. -- var:read_bool(sub,name,norm) -- Gibt true / False zur�ck -| -- var:delete_key(sub,nm) -- var:delete_section(sub) local ini_f = {} ini = {} function ini_f:append(sub,nm,wert) if nm == '' or nm == nil then return end self:parse() if self.sub[sub] == nil then self.sub[sub] = {} end self.sub[sub][nm] = wert self:writeit() end function ini_f:write_str(sub,nm,wert) self:append(sub,nm,wert) end function ini_f:write_int(sub,nm,wert) self:append(sub,nm,wert) end function ini_f:write_bool(sub,nm,bool) if not type(bool) == "boolean" then return end local bin = 0 if bool == true then bin = 1 end self:append(sub,nm,bin) return bin end function ini_f:clear() self.sub = {} self.path = '' end function ini_f:writeit() local out = '' table.foreach(self.sub, function(i,l) out = out..'['..i..']\n' table.foreach(l, function(i2,l2) out=out..i2..'='..l2..'\n' end ) end ) local d = io.open(self.path,'w') d:write(out) d:close() end function ini_f:delete_key(sub,nm) if sub == '' or nm == '' or sub == nil or nm == nil then return end self:parse() self.sub[sub][nm] = nil self:writeit() end function ini_f:delete_section(sub) if sub == '' or sub == nil then return end self:parse() self.sub[sub]= nil self:writeit() end function ini_f:parse() self.sub = {} if self.path == '' or self.path == nil then return end local d,i = io.open(self.path,"r"),'non' if d == nil then d = io.open(self.path,"w") end for line in d:lines() do if string.sub(line,1,1) == "[" then i = string.sub(line,2,string.len(line)-1) self.sub[i] = {} else local inp = split(line,'=') self.sub[i][inp[1]] = inp[2] end end d:close() end function ini_f:read_str(sub,nm,norm) if sub == '' or nm == '' or sub == nil or nm == nil then return end self:parse() if self.sub[sub] == nil then return norm end if self.sub[sub][nm] == nil then return norm else return self.sub[sub][nm] end end function ini_f:read_int(sub,nm,norm) if sub == '' or nm == '' or sub == nil or nm == nil then return end self:parse() if self.sub[sub] == nil then return norm end if self.sub[sub][nm] == nil then return norm else return tonumber(self.sub[sub][nm]) end end function ini_f:read_bool(sub,nm,norm) -- Norm wird zur�ckgegeben, wenn der Key nm nicht existiert if sub == '' or nm == '' or sub == nil or nm == nil then return end self:parse() if self.sub[sub] == nil then return norm end if self.sub[sub][nm] == nil then return norm end if self.sub[sub][nm] == "1" then return true else return false end end function ini_f:open(path) self.path = path self:parse() end function ini.new() local out = {} out.path = '' out.sub = {} setmetatable(out, { __index = ini_f }) return out end function ini.open(path) local dat = ini.new() dat:clear() dat.path=path dat:open(path) return dat end end --[[ @name csay @author Mijago @descr Wie die alten col-Befehle, sendet aber selbst. Also kein say(col.red('bla')) sondern csay.red('bla') reicht v�llig aus. --]] csay = setmetatable({__d = { ["aliceblue"] = {240, 248, 255}, ["antiquewhite"] = {250, 235, 215}, ["aqua"] = {0, 255, 255}, ["aquamarine"] = {127, 255, 212}, ["azure"] = {240, 255, 255}, ["beige"] = {245, 245, 220}, ["bisque"] = {255, 228, 196}, ["black"] = {0, 0, 0}, ["blanchedalmond"] = {255, 235, 205},["blue"] = {0, 0, 255}, ["blueviolet"] = {138, 43, 226}, ["brown"] = {165, 42, 42}, ["burlywood"] = {222, 184, 135}, ["cadetblue"] = {95, 158, 160}, ["chartreuse"] = {127, 255, 0}, ["chocolate"] = {210, 105, 30}, ["coral"] = {255, 127, 80}, ["cornflowerblue"] = {100, 149, 237}, ["cornsilk"] = {255, 248, 220}, ["crimson"] = {220, 20, 60}, ["cyan"] = {0, 255, 255}, ["darkblue"] = {0, 0, 139}, ["darkcyan"] = {0, 139, 139}, ["darkgoldenrod"] = {184, 134, 11}, ["darkgray"] = {169, 169, 169}, ["darkgreen"] = {0, 100, 0}, ["darkkhaki"] = {189, 183, 107}, ["darkmagenta"] = {139, 0, 139}, ["darkolivegreen"] = {85, 107, 47}, ["darkorange"] = {255, 140, 0}, ["darkorchid"] = {153, 50, 204}, ["darkred"] = {139, 0, 0}, ["darksalmon"] = {233, 150, 122}, ["darkseagreen"] = {143, 188, 139}, ["darkslateblue"] = {72, 61, 139}, ["darkslategray"] = {47, 79, 79}, ["darkturquoise"] = {0, 206, 209}, ["darkviolet"] = {148, 0, 211}, ["deeppink"] = {255, 20, 147}, ["deepskyblue"] = {0, 191, 255}, ["dimgray"] = {105, 105, 105}, ["dodgerblue"] = {30, 144, 255}, ["firebrick"] = {178, 34, 34}, ["floralwhite"] = {255, 250, 240}, ["forestgreen"] = {34, 139, 34}, ["fuchsia"] = {255, 0, 255}, ["gainsboro"] = {220, 220, 220}, ["ghostwhite"] = {248, 248, 255}, ["gold"] = {255, 215, 0}, ["goldenrod"] = {218, 165, 32}, ["gray"] = {128, 128, 128}, ["green"] = {0, 128, 0}, ["greenyellow"] = {173, 255, 47}, ["honeydew"] = {240, 255, 240}, ["hotpink"] = {255, 105, 180}, ["indianred"] = {205, 92, 92}, ["indigo"] = {75, 0, 130}, ["ivory"] = {255, 255, 240}, ["khaki"] = {240, 230, 140}, ["lavender"] = {230, 230, 250}, ["lavenderblush"] = {255, 240, 245}, ["lawngreen"] = {124, 252, 0}, ["lemonchiffon"] = {255, 250, 205}, ["lightblue"] = {173, 216, 230}, ["lightcoral"] = {240, 128, 128}, ["lightcyan"] = {224, 255, 255}, ["lightgoldenrodyellow"] = {250, 250, 210}, ["lightgray"] = {211, 211, 211}, ["lightgreen"] = {144, 238, 144}, ["lightpink"] = {255, 182, 193}, ["lightsalmon"] = {255, 160, 122}, ["lightseagreen"] = {32, 178, 170}, ["lightskyblue"] = {135, 206, 250}, ["lightslategray"] = {119, 136, 153}, ["lightsteelblue"] = {176, 196, 222}, ["lightyellow"] = {255, 255, 224}, ["lime"] = {0, 255, 0}, ["limegreen"] = {50, 205, 50}, ["linen"] = {250, 240, 230}, ["magenta"] = {255, 0, 255}, ["maroon"] = {128, 0, 0}, ["mediumaquamarine"] = {102, 205, 170},["mediumblue"] = {0, 0, 205}, ["mediumorchid"] = {186, 85, 211}, ["mediumpurple"] = {147, 112, 219}, ["mediumseagreen"] = {60, 179, 113}, ["mediumslateblue"] = {123, 104, 238}, ["mediumspringgreen"] = {0, 250, 154}, ["mediumturquoise"] = {72, 209, 204},["mediumvioletred"] = {199, 21, 133}, ["midnightblue"] = {25, 25, 112}, ["mintcream"] = {245, 255, 250}, ["mistyrose"] = {255, 228, 225}, ["moccasin"] = {255, 228, 181}, ["navajowhite"] = {255, 222, 173}, ["navy"] = {0, 0, 128}, ["oldlace"] = {253, 245, 230}, ["olive"] = {128, 128, 0}, ["olivedrab"] = {107, 142, 35}, ["orange"] = {255, 165, 0}, ["orangered"] = {255, 69, 0}, ["orchid"] = {218, 112, 214}, ["palegoldenrod"] = {238, 232, 170}, ["palegreen"] = {152, 251, 152}, ["paleturquoise"] = {175, 238, 238}, ["palevioletred"] = {219, 112, 147}, ["papayawhip"] = {255, 239, 213}, ["peachpuff"] = {255, 218, 185}, ["peru"] = {205, 133, 63}, ["pink"] = {255, 192, 203}, ["plum"] = {221, 160, 221}, ["powderblue"] = {176, 224, 230}, ["purple"] = {128, 0, 128}, ["red"] = {255, 0, 0}, ["rosybrown"] = {188, 143, 143}, ["royalblue"] = {65, 105, 225}, ["saddlebrown"] = {139, 69, 19}, ["salmon"] = {250, 128, 114}, ["sandybrown"] = {244, 164, 96}, ["seagreen"] = {46, 139, 87}, ["seashell"] = {255, 245, 238}, ["sienna"] = {160, 82, 45}, ["silver"] = {192, 192, 192}, ["skyblue"] = {135, 206, 235}, ["slateblue"] = {106, 90, 205}, ["slategray"] = {112, 128, 144}, ["snow"] = {255, 250, 250}, ["springgreen"] = {0, 255, 127}, ["steelblue"] = {70, 130, 180}, ["tan"] = {210, 180, 140}, ["teal"] = {0, 128, 128}, ["thistle"] = {216, 191, 216}, ["tomato"] = {255, 99, 71}, ["turquoise"] = {64, 224, 208}, ["violet"] = {238, 130, 238}, ["wheat"] = {245, 222, 179}, ["white"] = {255, 255, 255}, ["whitesmoke"] = {245, 245, 245}, ["yellow"] = {255, 255, 0}, ["yellowgreen"] = {154, 205, 50} }},{ __index = function(tab,idx) local color = tab.__d[idx] or {0,0,0} return function(x) say('[COLOR r;'..(color[1]/255)..'|g;'..(color[2]/255)..'|b;'..(color[3]/255)..']'..x..'[/COLOR]') end end }) --[[ @name Farbcodes @author Mijago @descr Farbcodes f�r Say --]] col = col or {} col.list= { { 'lightcoral', 240,128,128 },{ 'rosybrown', 188,143,143 }, { 'indianred', 205,92,92 },{ 'red', 255,0,0 },{ 'firebrick', 178,34,34 },{ 'brown', 165,42,42 }, { 'darkred', 139,0,0 },{ 'maroon', 128,0,0 },{ 'mistyrose', 255,228,225 },{ 'salmon', 250,128,114 }, { 'tomato', 255,99,71 },{ 'darksalmon', 233,150,122 },{ 'coral', 255,127,80 },{ 'orangered', 255,69,0 }, { 'lightsalmon', 255,160,122 },{ 'sienna', 160,82,45 },{ 'seashell', 255,245,238 },{ 'chocolate', 210,105,30 }, { 'saddlebrown', 139,69,19 },{ 'sandybrown', 244,164,96 },{ 'peachpuff', 255,218,185 },{ 'peru', 205,133,63 }, { 'linen', 250,240,230 },{ 'bisque', 255,228,196 },{ 'darkorange', 255,140,0 },{ 'burlywood', 222,184,135 }, { 'antiquewhite', 250,235,215 },{ 'tan', 210,180,140 },{ 'navajowhite', 255,222,173 },{ 'blanchedalmond', 255,235,205 }, { 'papayawhip', 255,239,213 },{ 'moccasin', 255,228,181 },{ 'orange', 255,165,0 },{ 'wheat', 245,222,179 }, { 'oldlace', 253,245,230 },{ 'floralwhite', 255,250,240 },{ 'darkgoldenrod', 184,134,11 },{ 'goldenrod', 218,165,32 }, { 'cornsilk', 255,248,220 },{ 'gold', 255,215,0 },{ 'lemonchiffon', 255,250,205 },{ 'khaki', 240,230,140 }, { 'palegoldenrod', 238,232,170 },{ 'darkkhaki', 189,183,107 },{ 'ivory', 255,255,240 },{ 'lightyellow', 255,255,224 }, { 'beige', 245,245,220 },{ 'lightgoldenrodyellow', 250,250,210 },{ 'yellow', 255,255,0 },{ 'olive', 128,128,0 }, { 'olivedrab', 107,142,35 },{ 'yellowgreen', 154,205,50 },{ 'darkolivegreen', 85,107,47 },{ 'greenyellow', 173,255,47 }, { 'chartreuse', 127,255,0 },{ 'lawngreen', 124,252,0 },{ 'darkseagreen', 143,188,139 },{ 'honeydew', 240,255,240 }, { 'palegreen', 152,251,152 },{ 'lightgreen', 144,238,144 },{ 'lime', 0,255,0 },{ 'limegreen', 50,205,50 }, { 'forestgreen', 34,139,34 },{ 'green', 0,128,0 },{ 'darkgreen', 0,100,0 },{ 'seagreen', 46,139,87 }, { 'mediumseagreen', 60,179,113 },{ 'springgreen', 0,255,127 },{ 'mintcream', 245,255,250 },{ 'mediumspringgreen', 0,250,154 }, { 'mediumaquamarine', 102,205,170 },{ 'aquamarine', 127,255,212 },{ 'turquoise', 64,224,208 },{ 'lightseagreen', 32,178,170 }, { 'mediumturquoise', 72,209,204 },{ 'azure', 240,255,255 },{ 'lightcyan', 224,255,255 },{ 'paleturquoise', 175,238,238 }, { 'aqua', 0,255,255 },{ 'cyan', 0,255,255 },{ 'darkcyan', 0,139,139 },{ 'teal', 0,128,128 }, { 'darkslategray', 47,79,79 },{ 'darkturquoise', 0,206,209 },{ 'cadetblue', 95,158,160 },{ 'powderblue', 176,224,230 }, { 'lightblue', 173,216,230 },{ 'deepskyblue', 0,191,255 },{ 'skyblue', 135,206,235 },{ 'lightskyblue', 135,206,250 }, { 'steelblue', 70,130,180 },{ 'aliceblue', 240,248,255 },{ 'dodgerblue', 30,144,255 },{ 'lightslategray', 119,136,153 }, { 'slategray', 112,128,144 },{ 'lightsteelblue', 176,196,222 },{ 'cornflowerblue', 100,149,237 },{ 'royalblue', 65,105,225 }, { 'ghostwhite', 248,248,255 },{ 'lavender', 230,230,250 },{ 'blue', 0,0,255 },{ 'mediumblue', 0,0,205 }, { 'darkblue', 0,0,139 },{ 'midnightblue', 25,25,112 },{ 'navy', 0,0,128 },{ 'slateblue', 106,90,205 }, { 'darkslateblue', 72,61,139 },{ 'mediumslateblue', 123,104,238 },{ 'mediumpurple', 147,112,219 },{ 'blueviolet', 138,43,226 }, { 'indigo', 75,0,130 },{ 'darkorchid', 153,50,204 },{ 'darkviolet', 148,0,211 },{ 'mediumorchid', 186,85,211 }, { 'thistle', 216,191,216 },{ 'plum', 221,160,221 },{ 'violet', 238,130,238 },{ 'fuchsia', 255,0,255 }, { 'magenta', 255,0,255 },{ 'darkmagenta', 139,0,139 },{ 'purple', 128,0,128 },{ 'orchid', 218,112,214 }, { 'mediumvioletred', 199,21,133 },{ 'deeppink', 255,20,147 },{ 'hotpink', 255,105,180 },{ 'lavenderblush', 255,240,245 }, { 'palevioletred', 219,112,147 },{ 'crimson', 220,20,60 },{ 'pink', 255,192,203 },{ 'lightpink', 255,182,193 }, { 'white', 255,255,255 },{ 'snow', 255,250,250 },{ 'whitesmoke', 245,245,245 },{ 'gainsboro', 220,220,220 }, { 'lightgray', 211,211,211 },{ 'silver', 192,192,192 },{ 'darkgray', 169,169,169 },{ 'gray', 128,128,128 }, { 'dimgray', 105,105,105 },{ 'black', 0,0,0 },{ 'aliceblue', 240,248,255 },{ 'antiquewhite', 250,235,215 }, { 'aqua', 0,255,255 },{ 'aquamarine', 127,255,212 },{ 'azure', 240,255,255 },{ 'beige', 245,245,220 }, { 'bisque', 255,228,196 },{ 'black', 0,0,0 },{ 'blanchedalmond', 255,235,205 },{ 'blue', 0,0,255 }, { 'blueviolet', 138,43,226 },{ 'brown', 165,42,42 },{ 'burlywood', 222,184,135 },{ 'cadetblue', 95,158,160 }, { 'chartreuse', 127,255,0 },{ 'chocolate', 210,105,30 },{ 'coral', 255,127,80 },{ 'cornflowerblue', 100,149,237 }, { 'cornsilk', 255,248,220 },{ 'crimson', 220,20,60 },{ 'cyan', 0,255,255 },{ 'darkblue', 0,0,139 }, { 'darkcyan', 0,139,139 },{ 'darkgoldenrod', 184,134,11 },{ 'darkgray', 169,169,169 },{ 'darkgreen', 0,100,0 }, { 'darkkhaki', 189,183,107 },{ 'darkmagenta', 139,0,139 },{ 'darkolivegreen', 85,107,47 },{ 'darkorange', 255,140,0 }, { 'darkorchid', 153,50,204 },{ 'darkred', 139,0,0 },{ 'darksalmon', 233,150,122 },{ 'darkseagreen', 143,188,139 }, { 'darkslateblue', 72,61,139 },{ 'darkslategray', 47,79,79 },{ 'darkturquoise', 0,206,209 },{ 'darkviolet', 148,0,211 }, { 'deeppink', 255,20,147 },{ 'deepskyblue', 0,191,255 },{ 'dimgray', 105,105,105 },{ 'dodgerblue', 30,144,255 }, { 'firebrick', 178,34,34 },{ 'floralwhite', 255,250,240 },{ 'forestgreen', 34,139,34 },{ 'fuchsia', 255,0,255 }, { 'gainsboro', 220,220,220 },{ 'ghostwhite', 248,248,255 },{ 'gold', 255,215,0 },{ 'goldenrod', 218,165,32 }, { 'gray', 128,128,128 },{ 'green', 0,128,0 },{ 'greenyellow', 173,255,47 },{ 'honeydew', 240,255,240 }, { 'hotpink', 255,105,180 },{ 'indianred', 205,92,92 },{ 'indigo', 75,0,130 },{ 'ivory', 255,255,240 }, { 'khaki', 240,230,140 },{ 'lavender', 230,230,250 },{ 'lavenderblush', 255,240,245 },{ 'lawngreen', 124,252,0 }, { 'lemonchiffon', 255,250,205 },{ 'lightblue', 173,216,230 },{ 'lightcoral', 240,128,128 },{ 'lightcyan', 224,255,255 }, { 'lightgoldenrodyellow', 250,250,210 },{ 'lightgray', 211,211,211 },{ 'lightgreen', 144,238,144 },{ 'lightpink', 255,182,193 }, { 'lightsalmon', 255,160,122 },{ 'lightseagreen', 32,178,170 },{ 'lightskyblue', 135,206,250 },{ 'lightslategray', 119,136,153 }, { 'lightsteelblue', 176,196,222 },{ 'lightyellow', 255,255,224 },{ 'lime', 0,255,0 },{ 'limegreen', 50,205,50 }, { 'linen', 250,240,230 },{ 'magenta', 255,0,255 },{ 'maroon', 128,0,0 },{ 'mediumaquamarine', 102,205,170 }, { 'mediumblue', 0,0,205 },{ 'mediumorchid', 186,85,211 },{ 'mediumpurple', 147,112,219 },{ 'mediumseagreen', 60,179,113 }, { 'mediumslateblue', 123,104,238 },{ 'mediumspringgreen', 0,250,154 },{ 'mediumturquoise', 72,209,204 },{ 'mediumvioletred', 199,21,133 }, { 'midnightblue', 25,25,112 },{ 'mintcream', 245,255,250 },{ 'mistyrose', 255,228,225 },{ 'moccasin', 255,228,181 }, { 'navajowhite', 255,222,173 },{ 'navy', 0,0,128 },{ 'oldlace', 253,245,230 },{ 'olive', 128,128,0 }, { 'olivedrab', 107,142,35 },{ 'orange', 255,165,0 },{ 'orangered', 255,69,0 },{ 'orchid', 218,112,214 }, { 'palegoldenrod', 238,232,170 },{ 'palegreen', 152,251,152 },{ 'paleturquoise', 175,238,238 },{ 'palevioletred', 219,112,147 }, { 'papayawhip', 255,239,213 },{ 'peachpuff', 255,218,185 },{ 'peru', 205,133,63 },{ 'pink', 255,192,203 }, { 'plum', 221,160,221 },{ 'powderblue', 176,224,230 },{ 'purple', 128,0,128 },{ 'red', 255,0,0 }, { 'rosybrown', 188,143,143 },{ 'royalblue', 65,105,225 },{ 'saddlebrown', 139,69,19 },{ 'salmon', 250,128,114 }, { 'sandybrown', 244,164,96 },{ 'seagreen', 46,139,87 },{ 'seashell', 255,245,238 },{ 'sienna', 160,82,45 }, { 'silver', 192,192,192 },{ 'skyblue', 135,206,235 },{ 'slateblue', 106,90,205 },{ 'slategray', 112,128,144 }, { 'snow', 255,250,250 },{ 'springgreen', 0,255,127 },{ 'steelblue', 70,130,180 },{ 'tan', 210,180,140 }, { 'teal', 0,128,128 },{ 'thistle', 216,191,216 },{ 'tomato', 255,99,71 },{ 'turquoise', 64,224,208 }, { 'violet', 238,130,238 },{ 'wheat', 245,222,179 },{ 'white', 255,255,255 },{ 'whitesmoke', 245,245,245 }, { 'yellow', 255,255,0 },{ 'yellowgreen', 154,205,50 }} table.foreachi(col.list,function(a,b) col[b[1]] = function(text) return "[COLOR r;"..(b[2]/255.0).."|g;"..(b[3]/255.0).."|b;"..(b[4]/255.0).."]"..text..'[/COLOR]' end end) --[[ @name Apache-Funktionen @author Mijago @descr Funktionen, um Apache neu zu starten. --]] proc=proc or {} proc.apache_start = function() os.execute('apachectl start') end proc.apache_stop = function() os.execute('apachectl stop') end proc.apache_restart = function() os.execute('apachectl restart') end proc.apache_graceful = function() os.execute('apachectl graceful') end --[[ @name TS3-Funktionen @author Mijago @descr Funktionen zum Starten, Stoppen und Neustarten eines TS3 Servers. --]] proc=proc or {} proc.ts3_start = function(path) os.execute('cd '..path..' && sh ts3server_startscript.sh start') end proc.ts3_stop = function(path) os.execute('cd '..path..' && sh ts3server_startscript.sh stop') end proc.ts3_restart = function(path) os.execute('cd '..path..' && sh ts3server_startscript.sh restart') end