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1 WARRIOR 三连斩 快风斩 虎啸风声 以闪电般的速度连续攻击多次,对前方敌人造成巨大伤害 前方范围攻击三次 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED samyeon 4 34 64 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (1.1*MinATK + (0.3*MinATK + 0.5*STR + MinWEP)*SkillPoint) * 3 (1.1*MaxATK + (0.3*MaxATK + 0.5*STR + MaxWEP)*SkillPoint) * 3
2 WARRIOR 火焰旋 真炎斩 龙吟裂天 将力量贯注在剑身上,以旋转的方式攻击周围的敌人,产生伤害 前进范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED palbang 16 46 76 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 3*MinATK + (0.8*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MinWEP) * SkillPoint 3*MaxATK + (0.8*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*DEX + 3*MaxWEP) * SkillPoint
3 WARRIOR 战魂 金刚怒 破釜沉舟 做为勇士将以牺牲防御为代价来提升可怕的攻击力 提高攻击速度 增加移动速度 受攻击伤害 STANDING_SKILL jeongwi 12 42 72 攻击速度 +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint 移动速度 +%.0f%% 20 * SkillPoint 受攻击伤害 %.0f%% 80 * SkillPoint
4 WARRIOR 剑气 藏心剑 身剑合一 将真气灌注于武器之上发挥极致威力,产生可怕的伤害 只适用于近身攻击 STANDING_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geomgyeong 7 37 67 攻击力 +%.0f (100 + STR) * SkillPoint
5 WARRIOR 猛杀 岩碎 石破天惊 使用坚实的身体,快速靠近敌人并猛击对方,产生巨大伤害 突击范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CHARGE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED tanhwan 11 41 71 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (MinATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (MaxATK + 2*DEX + 4*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint
16 WARRIOR 飘叶斩 断月波 八风夜雨 飘曳一般快速划出一道弧光,将敌人撕裂 前方范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gigongcham 5 35 65 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (MinATK*4 + STR + 3*MinWEP + CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (MaxATK*4 + STR + 3*MaxWEP + CON)*SkillPoint
17 WARRIOR 跳斩 虎跃 龙翔九天 集全身之量于兵刃上,高高跃起,劈向前方,使敌人受到猛烈的攻击 直线范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED gyeoksan 3 33 63 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2.3*MinATK + (3*MinATK + 2*STR + 2*MinWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint 2.3*MaxATK + (3*MaxATK + 2*STR + 2*MaxWEP + 3*CON)*SkillPoint
18 WARRIOR 震撼 狮吼 盘古镇天 运起周身真气,产生巨大气流,对周围敌人造成伤害的同时将他们震飞 原地范围攻击 一定概率产生击晕的效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL daejin 1 31 61 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*MinATK + (2*MinATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MinWEP)*SkillPoint 2*MaxATK + (2*MaxATK + DEX + CON + 2*STR + 3*MaxWEP)*SkillPoint 晕击概率 %.0f%% (100 + 1000*SkillPoint/6)/10
19 WARRIOR 千斤坠 铁布衫 固若金汤 瞬间提升防御力,到达一定等级后将稳如泰山,任何猛烈的攻击都无法被打倒。 提升防御力 降低移动速度 STANDING_SKILL cheongeun 10 40 70 防御力 : +%.0f 7+(40 + 0.2*str + 0.5*con)*k 移动速度 : -%.0f 1 + 9*SkillPoint
20 WARRIOR 剑风 斩气诀 剑气冲霄 快速挥动手中武器产生强大的气流,以迅雷不及掩耳之势打击敌人 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击晕效果 击飞敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD|TWO_HANDED geompung 17 47 77 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (minatk + 3*(dex + str + MinWEP))*k 2*maxatk + (maxatk + 3*(dex + str + MaxWEP))*k 晕击概率 %.0f (100+k*1000/6)/10
31 ASSASSIN 暗袭 隐击 流光诛仙 隐藏自己的行踪,靠近敌人背后,给予致命一击,产生伤害 后方偷袭时提升攻击力 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD amseup 2 32 62 攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f minatk + (minatk + 500 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k maxatk + (maxatk + 700 + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k
32 ASSASSIN 魅影 无影剑 乱影降魔 凭借灵敏的身手,快速接近敌人并给对方以致命一击,防不胜防 瞬间移动攻击 隐身时增加 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD gungsin 0 30 60 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f (minatk + (1.6*minatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MinWEP))*k) (maxatk + (1.6*maxatk + 200 + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*MaxWEP))*k)
33 ASSASSIN 乾坤旋 舞轮斩 覆雨翻云 倒转身形,以快速旋转的攻击方式攻击敌人,同时得以逃脱。 逃脱时范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|CAN_CHANGE_DIRECTION|WEAPON_LIMITATION DAGGER|DOUBLE_SWORD|SWORD charyun 6 36 66 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 2*minatk + (0.5*minatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MinWEP*3)*k 2*maxatk + (0.5*maxatk + dex*7 + str*5 + MaxWEP*3)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 1 + 4*k
34 ASSASSIN 隐身 千变术 遮天避日 隐藏自己的身形,令敌人无法察觉,更加发挥背后攻击的威力 攻击时解除 STANDING_SKILL eunhyeong 8 38 68 追加伤害值 : +%.0f%% 50 * SkillPoint
35 ASSASSIN 毒雾 碧磷烟 含沙射影 在自己周围制造一片浓密的毒雾,任何靠近它的敌人都难免受到毒的侵袭 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET sangong 13 43 73 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f lv*2+(2*minatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k lv*2+(2*maxatk + str*3 + dex*14)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 40*k 中毒时间 %.0f秒 5+25*k
46 ASSASSIN 连射 贯日箭 气贯长虹 聚集自身的力量,对同一个敌人连续发出多支威力巨大的弩箭,持续造成伤害 远程攻击 多次攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW yeonsa 1 31 61 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 总攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 0.2*minatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*minatk+(dex*4 + MinWEP)*ar) *k maxatk + 0.2*maxatk*floor(1+k*6)+ (0.8*maxatk+(dex*4 + MaxWEP)*ar) *k 射%.0f支箭 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint)
47 ASSASSIN 乱箭 雨针箭 千蜂锐刺 一次射出多支弩箭,对前方敌人产生多处伤害,令敌人无法躲避 远程攻击 同时攻击多个对象 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gwangyeok 5 35 65 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint) 攻击力 %.0f-%0.f minatk + (minatk + dex + str + 0.5*MinWEP)*k maxatk + (maxatk + dex + str + 0.5*MaxWEP)*k 最大可以攻击%.0f名 2 + floor(6 * SkillPoint)
48 ASSASSIN 怒箭 武力箭 神武镇天 箭矢上带有火焰,并贯以强大的力量,灼烧敌人的同时给予伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW hwajo 10 40 70 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.5*minatk + (2.3*minatk)*k 1.5*maxatk + (2.3*maxatk + 100)*k
49 ASSASSIN 轻功 神行 踏雪无痕 身轻如燕,可快速的行走,远离敌人的攻击。 提高移动速度 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gyeonggong 3 33 63 移动速度 : +%.0f 60*SkillPoint
50 ASSASSIN 毒箭 蚀骨箭 追魂夺命 箭矢上涂有剧毒,无人能解,使敌人中箭的同时受到毒的侵蚀 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 击飞敌人 持续毒攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW gigung 15 45 75 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + (1.2*minatk + dex*2 + str + MinWEP)*k maxatk + (1.2*maxatk + 100 + dex*2 + str + MaxWEP)*k 中毒概率 %.0f%% 80*k 中毒时间 %.0f秒 15+30*k
61 SURA 碎灵指 裂仙爪 天崩地裂 发挥魔指的强大力量,有碎岩切山之力,引起强烈的爆炸,攻击敌人 前方范围攻击 无视对方防御效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|MELEE_ATTACK|NEED_TARGET swaeryeong 11 41 71 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f minatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*minatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MinWEP) * k maxatk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*maxatk + str*3 + iq*9 + 5*MaxWEP) * k 忽视对方防御概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint
62 SURA 龙卷波 旋风阵 狂神诛仙 借助魔王的力量,召唤猛烈的龙卷风,给周围造成巨大伤害 原地范围攻击 无视对方闪避效果 随智力增加伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL yonggwon 16 46 76 攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 1.1*minatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*minatk + 3*MinWEP + iq*6) * k 1.1*maxatk + 2*lv + 2*iq + (1.5*maxatk + 3*MaxWEP + iq*6) * k 忽视对方闪避概率 %.0f%% 1 + 9*SkillPoint
63 SURA 剑魔 斩灵剑 屠龙在天 将黑暗的力量贯注于武器中,使它发挥灵气,以增强伤害 近身物理攻击发挥作用 随智力增加伤害 吸血攻击 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE|WEAPON_LIMITATION SWORD gwigeom 5 35 65 攻击力 +%.1f 7 + (5*iq+13) * k 把 %.0f%% 伤害值转换成吸收生命力 10*k
64 SURA 恐惧 血祭 叱炼狂魔 让敌人感到极度的恐惧,丧失各项能力,变得更加脆弱 降低对方攻击力 对方攻击失败概率增加 受伤害的时候适用 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE gongpo 3 33 63 相对攻击力 -%.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint 使对方攻击失败概率 %.0f%% 1 + 29*SkillPoint
65 SURA 噬体 魂盾 天魔附体 呼唤魔王的黑暗盔甲,围绕周身保护自己不受侵害 受到伤害时反射一部分伤害 提高防御力 随智力增加伤害 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE jumagap 6 36 66 防御力 +%.0f (iq+30)*k 物理攻击反射概率 %.0f%% (iq/4+10)*k
66 SURA 驱散 散元术 腐骨销魂 用邪恶的咒语来诅咒敌人,驱散敌人身上的辅助性魔法 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 驱除对方辅助法术 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pabeop 10 40 70 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (18*iq + 7*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k 消除辅助效果概率 %.0f%% 50*k
76 SURA 魔灵 鬼怨 夺魂摄魄 从地狱中吸取怨气,集结成黑暗力量给对方造成伤害 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET maryeong 1 31 61 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*minmtk + 50)*ar*k 40 + 5*lv + 2*iq + (10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 100)*ar*k
77 SURA 黑龙咒 狱龙魄 魔龙噬天 从邪恶守护者黑龙体内爆发强烈的火焰,焚烧周围的敌人 原地范围攻击 火焰攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL hwayeom 17 47 77 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 180)*k 5*lv + 2*iq + (7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + 200)*k
78 SURA 魂灵 魔焰 狱火焚烧 忠诚而邪恶的魔灵,守护着主人,将攻击所有靠近主人的敌人 远程攻击 任意选择攻击对象 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE muyeong 15 45 75 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*minmtk + 200)*ar*k 30 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (9*iq + 7*maxmtk + 500)*ar*k
79 SURA 黑魔咒 御魂术 天哭地泣 瞬间爆发黑暗力量,产生阻挡一切的气流,在消耗大量精力的同时保护自己 精力值代替生命值受到的伤害 提高防御力 STANDING_SKILL|TOGGLE heuksin 2 32 62 伤害值衰减率 %.0f%% (15 + iq*0.5)*k 防御力 +%.0f (0.5*iq+15)*k
80 SURA 束缚 困身 寸步难行 运用恶魔的力量控制丛生的荆棘,对敌人造成影响,降低对方的移动速度 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 移动速度减慢 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET tusok 9 39 69 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*minmtk+ 180)*ar*k 40 + 2 * lv + 2*iq + (2*con + 2*dex + 10*iq + 8*maxmtk + 200)*ar*k 缓慢概率 : %.1f%% (333 + (300 * k))/10 缓慢时间 : %.0f 10 + (10 * SkillPoint)
81 SURA 旋魔 血玲珑 乾坤黯然 凌空跃起,将手中的邪恶力量聚集成一道黑色漩涡丢出,攻击远处的敌人 远程攻击 对方周边攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET geomhwan 7 37 67 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*minmtk)*ar*k 120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*maxmtk)*ar*k
91 SHAMAN 灵光 归元波 五彩云霞 聚集天地间的灵气形成五彩光球,给周围的敌人造成巨大的冲击 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET bipabu 0 30 60 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*minmtk+50)*ar*k 70 + 4*lv + (15*iq+5*maxmtk+50)*ar*k
92 SHAMAN 龙影 龙吟 潜龙傲天 祈祷神龙的保护,在身边浮现出多只龙神的影子,保护自己的同时攻击敌人 直线范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET yongpa 5 35 65 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*minmtk + 120)*ar*k 60 + 5*lv + (15*iq + 6*maxmtk + 120)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 持续火焰攻击力 %.0f lv+5*iq *k
93 SHAMAN 龙咒 龙啸 千龙摆尾 听到召唤的神龙,借助元神的强大力量,吞噬所有敌人 原地范围攻击 持续火焰效果 ATTACK_SKILL|STANDING_SKILL paeryong 6 36 66 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*minmtk+100)*ar*k 70 + 2*lv + (10*iq+15*maxmtk+100)*ar*k 持续火焰概率 %.0f%% iq*0.2*k 持续火焰攻击力 %.0f lv+5*iq *k
94 SHAMAN 结界 天壁 真龙护体 使用龙鳞组成的护甲带有极强的防御力,使得受护者更加安全 抵抗物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE hosin 4 34 64 物理攻击抵抗 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5)
95 SHAMAN 倒影阵 水镜阵 天罡正气 如镜一般的护盾保护着使用者,将反弹敌人的攻击,不受伤害 反射物理攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE boho 14 44 74 物理攻击反射概率 %.1f%% 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k
96 SHAMAN 凝神 天龙魂 龙神圣威 借助龙神的力量与斗志,增强自身的攻击力 致命攻击 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE gicheon 12 42 72 致命打击概率 : %.1f%% (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5)
106 SHAMAN 落雷 惊天雷 电闪雷鸣 神女借助天神的威力,给予敌人强大的电击伤害 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET noejeon 23 53 83 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*minmtk+iq*5)*ar*k 60 + 4*lv + (3*iq+8*maxmtk+iq*15)*ar*k
107 SHAMAN 劈雷 燎闪 晴天霹雳 雷神的守护给予神女强大的支配能力,使其具有强大的雷电攻击能力 远程攻击 周边范围攻击 电属性伤害 击晕效果 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET byeorak 17 47 77 魔法攻击力 %.0f-%.0f 40 + 3*lv + (3*iq+12*mtk+iq*5)*ar*k 40 + 4*lv + (3*iq+12*maxmtk+iq*16)*ar*k 晕击概率 %.0f%% (50+1000*k/6)/10
108 SHAMAN 暴雷 怒天雷 五雷轰顶 飞箭一般的雷电,不断穿梭于敌人之中,由此产生持久的的伤害 远程攻击 电属性 连续攻击周边敌人 ATTACK_SKILL|NEED_TARGET pokroe 7 37 67 魔法攻击力 : %.0f-%.0f (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*minmtk+1)*ar*k) (50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*ar*k)
109 SHAMAN 光浴 光神 佛光普照 大地之母给予使用者更多的精力来帮助恢复生命,免除死亡的威胁 恢复生命力 恢复异常状态 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeongeop 2 32 62 生命力恢复 %.0f-%.0f 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*minmtk+600)*k 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*maxmtk+800)*k 恢复异常状态概率 %.0f%% 20+80*k
110 SHAMAN 飘仙 轻衣 飘渺踏云 乘风而飘,如同仙履,增加移动速度 提高移动速度 减少诅咒时间 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE kwaesok 9 39 69 移动速度 +%.0f%% 5 + (35 * k) 释放速度 +%.0f%% 3+33*k
111 SHAMAN 神曲 强魄术 魂雷圣体 犹如神韵,激发潜能,产生更大的爆发力,提高对敌人的伤害 提高基本攻击力 对同伴使用可能 CAN_USE_FOR_ME|NEED_TARGET|ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE jeungryeok 29 59 89 攻击力 : +%.1f 5+(iq*0.2 + 15)*k
121 SUPPORT 统帅 提升领导能力,提高组队效率 PASSIVE tongsol
122 SUPPORT 招式 增加招式变化,增加攻击次数 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|TOGGLE combo
123 SUPPORT 钓鱼 提高钓鱼能力,更容易捕捉到鱼 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP fishing
124 SUPPORT 采矿 提升采矿能力,更容易采集到高级矿石 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE mining
125 SUPPORT 锻造 提升锻造能力,制作更多的物品 CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE making
126 SUPPORT 唐文宝典 提升盛唐国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language1
127 SUPPORT 秦文宝典 提升秦皇国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language2
128 SUPPORT 汉文宝典 提升汉武国语言的理解力. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE language3
129 SUPPORT 幻化 角色将随机变幻成怪物的形态,并拥有一些额外的属性. CANNOT_LEVEL_UP|PASSIVE polymorph
131 SUPPORT 召唤 召唤马匹 summon 10
138 HORSE 摧敌讨 击倒前方拦截的敌人 马背技能 HORSE_SKILL|SEARCH_TARGET|CHARGE_ATTACK charge 122 122 122 52
140 HORSE 秋叶乱箭 射向拦截的前方敌人 马背技能 ATTACK_SKILL|FAN_RANGE|NEED_TARGET|HORSE_SKILL|WEAPON_LIMITATION BOW wildattack 121 121 121 5 50
151 GUILD 龙魂 增加最大龙神力,能够更好的使用帮会技能 PASSIVE yongan 最大龙神力 +%.0f k * 1400
152 GUILD 龙血 暂时提升帮会成员的最大生命值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gaho 101 最大生命值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20
153 GUILD 龙神 暂时提升帮会成员的最大精力值 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR chukbok 102 最大精力值上升 +%.0f%% k * 20
154 GUILD 龙铠 暂时提升帮会成员的防御力 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR seonghwi 103 防御力上升 +%.1f%% k * 10
155 GUILD 龙腾 暂时提升帮会成员的攻击速度和移动速度 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR gasok 104 攻击,移动速度上升 +%.1f%% k * 15
156 GUILD 龙怒 暂时提升帮会成员的双倍伤害的概率 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR bunno 105 双倍伤害概率 +%.0f%% k * 50
157 GUILD 龙佑 暂时缩短帮会成员的技能释放时间 帮会战专用 ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR jumunsul 106 释放速度上升 +%.0f%% k * 50
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
1 삼연참 1 1 1 0 HP -(1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 0.5 *str + wep)*k) 40+100*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 5 1 0 0
2 팔방풍우 1 1 1 0 HP -(3*atk + (0.8*atk + str*2 + dex*2 + wep*3)*k) 50+130*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0
3 전귀혼 1 1 1 0 ATT_SPEED 50*k 50+140*k 60+90*k 60+20*k SELFONLY 14 MOV_SPEED 20*k 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
4 검경 1 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE (100+str)*k 100+200*k 30+50*k 40+20*k SELFONLY 15 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
16 기공참 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (4*atk + str + wep*3 + con)*k) 60+120*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 4 0.8 0 0
17 격산타우 1 1 1 0 HP -(2.3*atk + (3*atk + str*2 + wep*2 + con*3)*k) 60+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 8 0.8 0 0
18 대진각 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (2*atk + dex + con + str*2 + wep*3)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 100+k*1000/6 2 0 0 MELEE 10 0.8 0 400
19 천근추 1 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE 7+(40 + str*0.2 + con*0.5) *k 80+220*k 60+90*k 40+40*k SELFONLY 16 MOV_SPEED -(1+9*k) 60+90*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
47 관격술 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (atk + dex + str + 0.5*wep)*k) 30+130*k 12 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 8 1 2500 0
48 화조파 2 1 1 0 HP -(1.5*atk + (2.3*atk + number(0, 100))*k) 50+130*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 12 0.6 2500 300
46 연사 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 0.2*atk*floor(1+k*6) + (0.8*atk+(dex*4+wep)*ar) * k) 40+130*k 15 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 RANGE 1 1 2500 0
49 경공술 2 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 60*k 30+40*k 15+30*k 30+30*k SELFONLY 17 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
31 암습 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (atk + number(500, 700) + 2*(dex + str + 1.5*wep))*k) 40+160*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 0 0
32 궁신탄영 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.6*atk + number(200,300) + 3*(dex + str + 1.5*wep))*k) 40+160*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE NONE 0 0 MELEE 6 0.8 800 0
33 차륜살 2 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (0.5*atk + dex*7 + str*5 + wep*3)*k) 50+140*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,ATTACK_POISON NONE 40*k 0 0 MELEE 12 0.8 0 0
34 은형법 2 1 1 0 NONE 30+60*k 15+30*k 60 SELFONLY 18 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
76 마령 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq +(10*iq + 8*mtk + number(50,100))*ar*k) 30+140*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1500 200
77 화염폭 3 1 1 0 HP -(5*lv + 2*iq+(7*iq + 8*mtk + str*4 + con*2 + number(180,200))*k) 60+140*k 12 ATTACK,SELFONLY,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500
78 무영진 3 1 1 0 HP -(30 + 2*lv + iq + (3*iq + 8*mtk + number(iq*2,iq*6))*ar*k) 20+30*k 40+30*k 5+40*k 0 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,TOGGLE NONE 0 0 MAGIC 1 1 800 0
80 투속마령 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 2*lv + 2*iq + (2 * con + 2 * dex + 10*iq + 8*mtk + number(180, 200))*ar*k) 40+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_SLOW NONE 333+300*k 10+10*k 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.8 1200 400
61 쇄령지 3 1 1 0 HP -(atk + 2*lv + iq*2 + (2*atk + 3*str + 9*iq + 5*wep) * k) 30+140*k 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,PENETRATE NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 0
62 용권파 3 1 1 0 HP -(1.1 * atk + 2*lv + iq*2+(1.5*atk + 3*wep + iq*6) * k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,IGNORE_TARGET_RATING NONE 1+k*9 0 0 MELEE 12 1 0 500
63 귀검 3 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 7+(5*iq+13) * k 20+220*k 50+100*k 2+23*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 19 HIT_HP_RECOVER 10*k 50+80*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
64 공포 3 1 1 0 DODGE 1 + 29 * k 60+120*k 60+100*k 100 SELFONLY 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
65 주마갑 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (iq+30)*k 70+170*k 30+120*k 40+140*k SELFONLY 21 REFLECT_MELEE (iq/4+10)*k 30+120*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
92 용파산 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 5*lv + (16*iq + 8*mtk + 120)*ar*k) 50+160*k 8 ATTACK,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 10 0.8 0 0
93 패룡폭 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 2*lv + (12*iq+20*mtk+100)*ar*k) 50+160*k 20 ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT NONE lv+5*iq *k iq*0.2*k 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 0 500
94 호신 4 1 1 0 RESIST_NORMAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 22 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 800 0
95 반사 4 1 1 0 REFLECT_MELEE 5+(iq*0.3 + 5)*k 40+160*k 60+200*k 10 23 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 0 0
106 뇌전령 4 1 1 0 HP -(60 + 4*lv + (4*iq+11*mtk+number(iq*5,iq*15))*ar*k) 30+150*k 7 ATTACK,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.6 1800 200
107 벼락 4 1 1 0 HP -(40 + 4*lv + (6*iq+12*mtk+number(iq*5,iq*16))*ar*k) 50+150*k 15 ATTACK,SPLASH,ATTACK_STUN NONE 50+1000*k/6 5 0 0 MAGIC 15 0.8 1500 400
108 폭뢰격 4 1 1 0 HP -(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mtk+number(1,800))*ar*k * (1-chain*0.2) * (1-sign(chain)*0.4)) 40+180*k 10 ATTACK NONE 0 0 MAGIC 7 0.8 2500 0
109 정업인 4 1 1 0 HP 200+4*lv+(10*iq+6*mtk+number(600,800))*k 40+200*k 10 REMOVE_BAD_AFFECT NONE 20+80*k 0 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0
110 쾌속 4 1 1 0 MOV_SPEED 5 + 35*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 24 CASTING_SPEED 3+33*k 60+100*k 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0
79 흑신수호 3 1 1 0 DEF_GRADE (0.5*iq+15)*k 20+30*k 60+120*k 5+10*k 0 SELFONLY,TOGGLE 25 MANASHIELD 100-((iq*0.84)*k) 60+120*k 0 0 MAGIC 1 0.8 0 0
151 용안 0 1 7 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
152 용신의피 0 1 7 0 MAX_HP maxhp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
153 용신의축복 0 1 7 0 MAX_SP maxsp*0.2*k 150+150*k 300 600 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
154 성휘갑 0 1 7 0 DEF_GRADE odef*0.1*k 150+150*k 180 480 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
155 가속화 0 1 7 0 MOV_SPEED 15*k 150+150*k 180 480 ATT_SPEED 15*k 180 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
156 용신의분노 0 1 7 0 CRITICAL 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
157 주문술 0 1 7 0 CASTING_SPEED 50*k 150+150*k 180 480 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
158 길드이동 0 1 3 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
159 공간의문 0 1 5 0 NONE SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
160 가속화 0 1 5 0 NONE 3*k 80-12*k 300 SELFONLY NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
161 공간의문 0 1 2 0 NONE 50 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
162 공간이동 0 1 2 0 NONE 20 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
91 비파부 4 1 1 0 HP -(70 + 4*lv + (11*iq+12*mtk+50)*ar*k) 30+160*k 7 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 5 0.5 1800 0
5 탄환격 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + dex*2 + str*4 + wep*3)*k) 60+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH MOV_SPEED 150 3 0 0 MELEE 4 1 0 200
20 검풍 1 1 1 0 HP -(2*atk + (atk + 3*(dex+str+wep))*k) 40+120*k 20 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 0.5 1200 200
35 산공분 2 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(2*atk + str*3 + dex*14)*k) 40+130*k 25 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 60*k 5+25*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 0.5 800 200
50 독기궁 2 1 1 0 HP -(atk + (1.2*atk + number(0, 100)+dex*2+str+wep)*k) 40+160*k 25 ATTACK,SPLASH,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80*k 15+30*k 0 0 RANGE 12 0.5 2500 300
66 파법술 3 1 1 0 HP -(40 +5*lv + 2*iq+(18*iq + 7*mtk + number(50,100) )*ar*k) 30+120*k 12 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH,REMOVE_GOOD_AFFECT NONE 10+40*k 7+23*k 0 0 NORMAL 5 0.6 1800 200
81 마환격 3 1 1 0 HP -(120 + 6*lv + (5*con + 5*dex + 25*iq + 12*mtk)*ar*k) 80+220*k 24 ATTACK,COMPUTE_MAGIC_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MAGIC 9 0.4 1500 200
96 기천대공 4 1 1 0 CRITICAL (iq*0.3+5)*(2*k+0.5)/(k+1.5) 40+160*k 60+100*k 10 29 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0
111 증력술 4 1 1 0 ATT_GRADE 5+(iq*0.2 +15)*k 60+120*k 60+100*k 10 30 NONE 0 0 NORMAL 1 1 1000 0
121 통솔력 0 1 40 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
122 연계기 0 1 2 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
126 신수어 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
127 천조어 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
128 진노어 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
125 변신 0 1 40 0 NONE 10+1000*k NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 1000 0
256 CRUSH200스킬 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 2 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300
257 일반범위350스킬 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 525
258 CRUSH300스킬 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 7 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450
259 일반범위200스킬 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 300
260 CURSH400스킬 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 10 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 600
261 독250스킬 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 9 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH,ATTACK_POISON NONE 80 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 375
262 SLOW300스킬 0 1 1 0 HP -5*k*atk 12 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED -20 10 0 0 MELEE 0 1 0 450
130 승마 0 1 1 0 NONE DISABLE_BY_POINT_UP NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
137 난무 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 10 1 300 0
138 돌격 5 1 1 52 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SPLASH MOV_SPEED 50 5 0 0 MELEE 6 1 400 100
139 탈출 5 1 1 55 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_MELEE_DAMAGE,SELFONLY,SPLASH,CRUSH NONE 0 0 MELEE 12 1 400 250
140 난무(활) 5 1 1 50 HP -(3*atk) 60+80*k 5 ATTACK,USE_ARROW_DAMAGE,CRUSH NONE 0 0 5 1 2500 0
131 말소환 0 1 10 0 NONE NONE 0 0 NORMAL 0 1 0 0
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
map_a2 256000 665600 6 6
map_b2 102400 51200 6 6
map_c2 665600 281600 6 6
map_n_snowm_01 358400 153600 6 6
metin2_map_a1 409600 896000 4 5
metin2_map_a3 307200 819200 4 4
metin2_map_b1 0 102400 4 5
metin2_map_b3 102400 204800 4 4
metin2_map_c1 921600 204800 4 5
metin2_map_c3 819200 204800 4 4
metin2_map_deviltower1 128000 793600 3 3
metin2_map_milgyo 537600 51200 4 4
metin2_map_n_desert_01 204800 486400 6 6
metin2_map_n_flame_01 588800 614400 6 6
metin2_map_spiderdungeon 51200 486400 3 3
metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02 665600 435200 4 4
metin2_map_t1 0 25600 3 3
metin2_map_t2 6400 0 1 1
metin2_map_t3 32000 0 1 1
metin2_map_t4 57600 0 1 1
metin2_map_t5 793600 0 1 1
metin2_map_monkeydungeon 819200 51200 3 3
metin2_map_monkeydungeon 768000 435200 3 3
metin2_map_monkeydungeon 844800 435200 3 3
metin2_map_monkeydungeon 921600 435200 3 3
metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02 128000 640000 3 3
metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03 128000 716800 3 3
metin2_map_wedding_01 819200 0 1 1
metin2_map_guild_01 128000 0 2 2
metin2_map_guild_02 179200 0 2 2
metin2_map_guild_03 230400 0 2 2
metin2_map_trent 281600 0 2 2
metin2_map_trent02 1049600 0 4 4
gm_guild_build 83200 0 1 1
metin2_map_duel 844800 0 1 1
season1/metin2_map_WL_01 1049600 716800 6 6
season1/metin2_map_nusluck01 819200 716800 4 4
season1/metin2_map_oxevent 870400 0 2 2
season1/metin2_map_sungzi 921600 0 2 2
metin2_map_bf 972800 0 2 2
metin2_map_bf_02 921600 51200 2 2
metin2_map_bf_03 972800 51200 2 2
metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass01 1024000 102400 4 4
metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass02 1024000 204800 4 4
metin2_map_sungzi_flame_pass03 1024000 307200 4 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1126400 102400 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1126400 204800 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1126400 307200 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1152000 0 3 3
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1177600 102400 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1177600 204800 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1177600 307200 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1228800 0 4 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1228800 102400 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1228800 204800 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1228800 307200 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo 1331200 0 3 3
season1/metin2_map_sungzi 1408000 0 3 3
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow 1484800 0 3 3
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_01 1561600 0 3 3
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass01 1280000 102400 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass02 1280000 204800 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_milgyo_pass03 1280000 307200 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_01 1331200 102400 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_02 1331200 204800 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_flame_hill_03 1331200 307200 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass01 1382400 102400 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass02 1382400 204800 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_snow_pass03 1382400 307200 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_01 1433600 102400 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_02 1433600 204800 2 4
season1/metin2_map_sungzi_desert_hill_03 1433600 307200 2 4
season1/metin2_map_ew02 256000 51200 4 4
season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 972800 102400 2 2
season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 921600 153600 2 2
season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 972800 153600 2 2
season2/map_n_snowm_02 0 1049600 6 6
season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a 153600 1049600 4 4
season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02 307200 1049600 6 6
season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02 460800 1049600 6 6
season2/metin2_map_a2_1 614400 1049600 6 6
season2/metin2_map_trent_a 768000 1049600 2 2
season2/metin2_map_trent02_a 921600 1049600 3 3
season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1203200 6 6
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1203200 6 6
season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1356800 6 6
season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1510400 6 6
season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01 0 1664000 6 6
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1356800 6 6
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1510400 6 6
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02 153600 1664000 6 6
season2/metin2_map_empirewar01 665600 230400 2 2
season2/metin2_map_empirewar02 716800 230400 2 2
season2/metin2_map_empirewar03 768000 230400 2 2
season1/metin2_map_oxevent 742400 0 2 2
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1049600 2 2
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1100800 2 2
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss2 819200 1152000 2 2
metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_boss 819200 1203200 2 2
metin2_map_devilsCatacomb 307200 1203200 8 8
metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03 51200 563200 3 3
Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead 1024000 1664000 6 6
metin2_map_Mt_Thunder 1126400 1510400 4 6
metin2_map_dawnmistwood 1177600 1664000 7 4
metin2_map_BayBlackSand 1049600 1510400 3 6
metin2_guild_village_01 204800 204800 2 2
metin2_guild_village_02 614400 384000 2 2
metin2_guild_village_03 256000 819200 2 2
metin2_map_n_flame_dungeon_01 742400 614400 3 3
metin2_map_n_snow_dungeon_01 512000 153600 4 3
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
FolderName "pack"
List ExcludedFolderNameList
List ExcludedFileNameList
List SecurityExtNameList
List CompressExtNameList
Group RootPackItemList
Group ItemProto
FileName "*item_proto"
Fixed TRUE
Group mob_proto
FileName "*mob_proto"
Fixed TRUE
Group TextureSet
FileName "TextureSet/*.txt"
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FileName "*.txt"
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FileName "*.tbl"
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FileName "*.py"
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FileName "*.cvt"
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FileName "*.msm"
Fixed TRUE
Group PackList
Group UIScript
PathName "UIScript/*"
Fixed TRUE
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
del pack\root.* pack\uiscript.*
MakePack.exe MakePackScript_OnlyRoot.txt
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.2 KiB |
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
import dbg
import app
import locale
import wndMgr
import systemSetting
import mouseModule
import networkModule
import uiCandidate
import constInfo
import musicInfo
import stringCommander
def RunApp():
wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight())
app.Create(locale.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1)
except RuntimeError, msg:
msg = str(msg)
if "CREATE_DEVICE" == msg:
dbg.LogBox("Sorry, Your system does not support 3D graphics,\r\nplease check your hardware and system configeration\r\nthen try again.")
dbg.LogBox("Metin2.%s" % msg)
app.SetCamera(1500.0, 30.0, 0.0, 180.0)
#Gets and sets the floating-point control word
if not mouseModule.mouseController.Create():
mainStream = networkModule.MainStream()
@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_select/"
BOARD_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (65) / 800
BOARD_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (215) / 600
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"name" : "CreateCharacterWindow",
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"y" : 0,
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"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0),
## Alpha
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/background_alpha.sub",
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 100.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 69.0,
"x_origin" : 0.0,
"y_origin" : 0.0,
## Top & Bottom Line
"name" : "Top_Line",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga",
"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0),
"name" : "Bottom_Line",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 42,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga",
"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0),
## BackGround
"name" : "BackGround",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0,
"mode" : "MODULATE",
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/",
## Buttons
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"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (510) / 600,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_01.sub",
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_03.sub",
"name" : "right_button",
"type" : "button",
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"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (510) / 600,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_01.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_03.sub",
## Name
"name" : "name_warrior",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_warrior.sub",
"name" : "name_assassin",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_assassin.sub",
"name" : "name_sura",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_sura.sub",
"name" : "name_shaman",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_shaman.sub",
## Character Board
"name" : "character_board",
"type" : "thinboard",
"x" : BOARD_X,
"y" : BOARD_Y,
"width" : 208,
"height" : 300 + TEMPORARY_HEIGHT,
"children" :
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_PREV,
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_NEXT,
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"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_03.sub",
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"x" : 0,
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"name" : "hth",
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_HP,
"children" :
"name" : "hth_gauge",
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"y" : 4,
"width" : 100 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH,
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"y" : -1,
"width" : 24,
"height" : 16,
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_SP,
"children" :
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"y" : 4,
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"children" :
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_ATT_GRADE,
"children" :
"name" : "str_gauge",
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"y" : 4,
"width" : 100 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH,
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"x" : 137 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH,
"y" : -1,
"width" : 24,
"height" : 16,
"children" :
"name" : "str_value",
"type" : "text",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 1,
"all_align" : "center",
"text" : "99",
"name" : "dex",
"type" : "text",
"x" : 15,
"y" : 195,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_DEX_GRADE,
"children" :
"name" : "dex_gauge",
"type" : "gauge",
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"y" : 4,
"width" : 100 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH,
"color" : "blue",
"name" : "dex_slot",
"type" : "slotbar",
"x" : 137 + PLUS_BUTTON_WIDTH,
"y" : -1,
"width" : 24,
"height" : 16,
"children" :
"name" : "dex_value",
"type" : "text",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 1,
"all_align" : "center",
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"name" : "hth_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 184,
"y" : 139,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub",
"name" : "int_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 184,
"y" : 158,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub",
"name" : "str_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 184,
"y" : 177,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub",
"name" : "dex_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 184,
"y" : 196,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_up.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_over.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_plus_down.sub",
"name" : "character_name",
"type" : "text",
"x" : 43,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_NAME,
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"children" :
"name" : "character_name_slot",
"type" : "image",
"x" : 40 - 1,
"y" : -2,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/parameter_slot_04.sub",
"name" : "character_name_value",
"type" : "editline",
"x" : 40 - 1 + 3,
"y" : 0,
"input_limit" : 12,
"width" : 90,
"height" : 20,
"name" : "character_name",
"type" : "text",
"x" : 43,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_SHAPE,
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"name" : "shape_button_01",
"type" : "radio_button",
"x" : 79,
"text" : "1",
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_03.sub",
"name" : "shape_button_02",
"type" : "radio_button",
"x" : 139,
"text" : "2",
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Middle_Button_03.sub",
"name" : "create_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 11,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.CREATE_CREATE,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
"name" : "cancel_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 109,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.CANCEL,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_login/"
window = {
"name" : "LoginWindow",
"sytle" : ("movable",),
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"width" : SCREEN_WIDTH,
"height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT,
"children" :
## Board
"name" : "BackGround",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 42,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_pattern.tga",
"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0),
## Alpha
"name" : "Alpha",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/login/background_alpha.sub",
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 128.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 96.0,
## Top & Bottom Line
"name" : "Top_Line",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga",
"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0),
"name" : "Bottom_Line",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 42,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga",
"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0),
## BackGround
"name" : "BackGround",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0,
"mode" : "MODULATE",
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/",
## Metin2 Logo
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"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0 * 20,
"y" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0 * 10,
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"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/936_login/logo.sub",
## Copyright
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"type" : "image",
"x" : SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 378/2,
"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 33,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/login/copyright.sub",
## ConnectBoard
"name" : "ConnectBoard",
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"x" : SCREEN_WIDTH - 275,
"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 195,
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"y" : 0,
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"name" : "SelectConnectButton",
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"x" : 155,
"y" : 0,
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"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_SELECT_BUTTON,
## Alert
"name" : "AlertBoard",
"type" : "thinboard",
"x" : 67,
"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 169,
"width" : 228,
"height" : 111,
"children" :
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"y" : 0,
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"vertical_align" : "center",
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## LoginBoard
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"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT - 155,
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"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub",
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_CONNECT,
"name" : "LoginExitButton",
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"x" : 105,
"y" : 65,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_EXIT,
## ServerBoard
"name" : "ServerBoard",
"type" : "thinboard",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 308,
"width" : 375,
"height" : 220,
"horizontal_align" : "center",
"children" :
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"type" : "text",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 12,
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"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_SELECT_TITLE,
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"item_align" : 0,
"name" : "ChannelList",
"type" : "listbox",
"x" : 255,
"y" : 40,
"width" : 109,
"height" : 171,
"item_align" : 0,
## Buttons
"name" : "ServerSelectButton",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 267,
"y" : 170,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.OK,
"name" : "ServerExitButton",
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"y" : 192,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT,
## SettlementBoard
"name" : "RegionBoard",
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"x" : 0,
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"y" : 12,
"horizontal_align" : "center",
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
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## Horizontal
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## ListBox
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"y" : 40,
"width" : 232,
"height" : 171,
"item_align" : 0,
"name" : "ServerListOnRegionBoard",
"type" : "listbox",
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"y" : 40,
"width" : 109,
"height" : 171,
"item_align" : 0,
## Buttons
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.OK,
"name" : "RegionExitButton",
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"y" : 192,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_01.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.LOGIN_SELECT_EXIT,
@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_select/"
BOARD_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (65) / 800
BOARD_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (220) / 600
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"name" : "SelectCharacterWindow",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 42,
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/background_alpha.sub",
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 100.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 69.0,
## Top & Bottom Line
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"x" : 0,
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"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/line_pattern.tga",
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"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50) / 50.0, 0.0),
## BackGround
"name" : "BackGround",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 800.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0,
"mode" : "MODULATE",
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/",
## Name
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"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_warrior.sub",
"name" : "name_assassin",
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"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_assassin.sub",
"name" : "name_sura",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_sura.sub",
"name" : "name_shaman",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_shaman.sub",
## Character Board
"name" : "character_board",
"type" : "thinboard",
"x" : BOARD_X,
"y" : BOARD_Y,
"width" : 208,
"height" : 363 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"children" :
## Empire Flag
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"x" : 21,
"y" : 12,
"x_scale" : 0.5,
"y_scale" : 0.5,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireflag_a.sub"
"name" : "EmpireFlag_B",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 21,
"y" : 12,
"x_scale" : 0.5,
"y_scale" : 0.5,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireflag_b.sub"
"name" : "EmpireFlag_C",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 21,
"y" : 12,
"x_scale" : 0.5,
"y_scale" : 0.5,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireflag_c.sub"
"name" : "EmpireNameSlot",
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"x" : 100,
"y" : 12,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub",
"children" :
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"name" : "GuildNameSlot",
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"x" : 100,
"y" : 33,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub",
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_NAME,
"children" :
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_LEVEL,
"children" :
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"x" : 17,
"y" : 76 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_TITLE,
"children" :
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"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
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"x" : 17,
"y" : 102 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_HP,
"children" :
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"x" : 134 + 39/2,
"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
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"y" : 4,
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"x" : 134,
"y" : -2,
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_ATT_GRADE,
"children" :
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"y" : 4,
"width" : 100,
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"y" : -2,
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"x" : 134 + 39/2,
"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"name" : "character_dex",
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_DEX_GRADE,
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"y" : -2,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub",
"name" : "character_dex_value",
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"x" : 134 + 39/2,
"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
## Buttons
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"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_03.sub",
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"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "XLarge_Button_03.sub",
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"x" : 14,
"y" : 245 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_DELETE,
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"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
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"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_03.sub",
@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_empire/"
ATALS_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (282) / 800
ATALS_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (170) / 600
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"name" : "SelectCharacterWindow",
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"y" : 0,
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 42,
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"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0),
## Alpha
"name" : "Alpha",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/background_alpha.sub",
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 100.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 69.0,
## Top & Bottom Line
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"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 600.0,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"title.sub"
## Atlas
"name" : "Atlas",
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"x" : ATALS_X,
"y" : ATALS_Y,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/atlas.sub",
"children" :
## Empire Image
"name" : "EmpireArea_A",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 43,
"y" : 201,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empirearea_a.sub"
"name" : "EmpireArea_B",
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"x" : 17,
"y" : 16,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empirearea_b.sub"
"name" : "EmpireArea_C",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 314,
"y" : 33,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empirearea_c.sub"
## Empire Flag
"name" : "EmpireAreaFlag_A",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 167,
"y" : 235,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireareaflag_a.sub"
"name" : "EmpireAreaFlag_B",
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"x" : 70,
"y" : 42,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireareaflag_b.sub"
"name" : "EmpireAreaFlag_C",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 357,
"y" : 78,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireareaflag_c.sub"
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"y" : ATALS_Y + 340,
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_left_button_03.sub",
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"y" : ATALS_Y + 340,
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_01.sub",
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/dragon_right_button_03.sub",
## Character Board
"name" : "empire_board",
"type" : "thinboard",
"x" : SCREEN_WIDTH * (40) / 800,
"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (211) / 600,
"width" : 208,
"height" : 314,
"children" :
## Bar
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"type" : "bar",
"x" : 24,
"y" : 17,
"width" : 159,
"height" : 119,
"children" :
## Empire Flag
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
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"vertical_align" : "center",
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireflag_b.sub"
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"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"horizontal_align" : "center",
"vertical_align" : "center",
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireflag_c.sub"
"name" : "text_board",
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"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_03.sub",
"name" : "next_text_button",
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"x" : 140,
"y" : 95,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_NEXT,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_03.sub",
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"y" : 0,
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"height" : 0,
"color" : 0xff2A2521,
## Buttons
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"x" : 14,
"y" : 277,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_SELECT,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
"name" : "exit_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 105,
"y" : 277,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_EXIT,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_select/"
BOARD_X = SCREEN_WIDTH * (65) / 800
BOARD_Y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * (215) / 600
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"name" : "CreateCharacterWindow",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"width" : SCREEN_WIDTH,
"height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT,
"children" :
## Board
"name" : "BackGroundPattern",
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 42,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/pattern/background_pattern.tga",
"rect" : (0.0, 0.0, float(SCREEN_WIDTH - 128) / 128.0, float(SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128 - 42*2) / 128.0),
## Alpha
"name" : "Alpha",
"type" : "expanded_image",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/background_alpha.sub",
"x_scale" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 100.0,
"y_scale" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 69.0,
"x_origin" : 0.0,
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## Top & Bottom Line
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## Character Board
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"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_login/"
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@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
LOCALE_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_select/"
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
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"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
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"name" : "name_assassin",
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"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_assassin.sub",
"name" : "name_sura",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_sura.sub",
"name" : "name_shaman",
"type" : "image",
"x" : BOARD_X - 27,
"y" : BOARD_Y - 174 + 25,
"image" : LOCALE_PATH+"name_shaman.sub",
## Character Board
"name" : "character_board",
"type" : "thinboard",
"x" : BOARD_X,
"y" : BOARD_Y,
"width" : 208,
"height" : 363 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"children" :
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"x" : 100,
"y" : 12,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub",
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"y" : 0,
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"y" : 33,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub",
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"text" : "",
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"y" : 50 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_LEVEL,
"children" :
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"x" : 43,
"y" : -2,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_05.sub",
"name" : "character_level_value",
"type" : "text",
"x" : 43 + 130/2,
"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"name" : "character_play_time",
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"x" : 17,
"y" : 76 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_PLAYTIME,
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"x" : 83,
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"x" : 83 + 91/2,
"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"name" : "character_hth",
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_HP,
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"x" : 134,
"y" : -2,
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"name" : "character_hth_value",
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"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_SP,
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"y" : 4,
"width" : 100,
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"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
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"x" : 17,
"y" : 154 + 100 - 21 + BOARD_ITEM_ADD_POSITION,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_ATT_GRADE,
"children" :
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"y" : 4,
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"x" : 134,
"y" : -2,
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"name" : "character_str_value",
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"x" : 134 + 39/2,
"y" : 0,
"text" : "",
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"name" : "character_dex",
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.SELECT_DEX_GRADE,
"children" :
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"y" : 4,
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"x" : 134,
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"name" : "character_dex_value",
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"text" : "",
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## Buttons
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@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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"x" : ATALS_X,
"y" : ATALS_Y,
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"y" : 16,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empirearea_b.sub"
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"y" : 33,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empirearea_c.sub"
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"x" : 167,
"y" : 235,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireareaflag_a.sub"
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"x" : 70,
"y" : 42,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireareaflag_b.sub"
"name" : "EmpireAreaFlag_C",
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"x" : 357,
"y" : 78,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/empire/empireareaflag_c.sub"
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"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/right_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/intro/select/right_button_03.sub",
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"name" : "empire_board",
"type" : "thinboard",
"x" : SCREEN_WIDTH * (40) / 800,
"y" : SCREEN_HEIGHT * (211) / 600,
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"y" : 17,
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"y" : 0,
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"y" : 0,
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"name" : "EmpireFlag_C",
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"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
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"y" : 95,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_NEXT,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_03.sub",
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"color" : 0xff2A2521,
## Buttons
"name" : "select_button",
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"x" : 14,
"y" : 277,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_SELECT,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
"name" : "exit_button",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 105,
"y" : 277,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.EMPIRE_EXIT,
"default_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
자객은 단검과 활을 주무기로[ENTER]
하는 전문적인 암살자 입니다.[ENTER]
이들은 일정 수준에 도달하기[ENTER]
까지의 가혹한 훈련과정 덕분[ENTER]
에 대륙 전체에 그리 많지는[ENTER]
않지만, 특정한 조건만 갖추어[ENTER]
진다면 전장의 흐름을 뒤바꿔[ENTER]
놓을 수 있을 정도의 파괴력을[ENTER]
가집니다. 민첩함과 속도를[ENTER]
유지하기 위해 가벼운 방어구[ENTER]
만을 착용 한다는 것이 어떻게[ENTER]
보면 이들의 유일한 약점[ENTER]
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
동방과의 교역의 부활을 이루[ENTER]
려는 거대 상업국가. 제국의[ENTER]
분열 이후 방치되다시피 한[ENTER]
서쪽의 광야 지역을 근본으로[ENTER]
한 상인들이 건설한 국가이다.[ENTER]
주로 서역과의 무역 통로로[ENTER]
사용되던 지역이지만 성마석[ENTER]
(Metin Stone)의 출현 이후[ENTER]
무역로가 차단됨으로 인해 가장[ENTER]
빨리 성마석의 위협을 깨달았던[ENTER]
이들이기도 하다. 생업을 위협[ENTER]
당한 이들은 그들이 가진 모든[ENTER]
재산을 처분해 구 제국 전체에서[ENTER]
전사들을 모아 들여 서쪽에서의[ENTER]
위협을 방비 하려고 준비 중에[ENTER]
있다. 이들이 원하는 것은[ENTER]
통일된 하나의 국가의 힘으로[ENTER]
있을지도 모르는 서역에서의[ENTER]
침공을 막아내고 다시 무역로를[ENTER]
개척하는 것이다.
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
성마석의 잔류사념의 존재를[ENTER]
부르짖으며 이를 제거하려는[ENTER]
성종교국가. 황제의 사촌동생[ENTER]
절도사 윤영에 의해 세워진[ENTER]
서방의 국가이다. 주술과 점에[ENTER]
능한 아내를 통해 성마석(Metin[ENTER]
Stone)의 위험을 직접적으로[ENTER]
깨닫고 그에 대한 대비책을[ENTER]
세울 것을 여러 차례에 걸쳐[ENTER]
건의하였지만 이를 무시당하고[ENTER]
일족을 이끌고 제국에 대해[ENTER]
반기를 들었다. 현재 진노국과[ENTER]
오랜 혈전을 거듭하고 있으며[ENTER]
이들의 목적은 단지 하나, 전[ENTER]
대륙을 통일해 서쪽에서부터[ENTER]
조금씩 침식해 들어 오는 성마[ENTER]
석의 힘을 차단 하는 것이다.[ENTER]
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
구 제국의 부활을 꿈꾸며 정통[ENTER]
성을 주장하는 군사대국. 황제[ENTER]
의 적자인 이륭이 이끌고 있는[ENTER]
본국이다. 북방에 위치하고[ENTER]
있기 때문에 신수국에 비해[ENTER]
혹독한 자연환경을 가지고[ENTER]
있으며 그 때문인지 상당히[ENTER]
공격적이고 패도적인 문화를[ENTER]
유지하고 있다. 신수국을[ENTER]
건설한 윤영의 성마석에 대한[ENTER]
주장에 대해서는 완전히 무시[ENTER]
하는듯한 대외적인 태도를[ENTER]
취하고 있지만 이미 황실의[ENTER]
현자들을 동원해 그에 대한[ENTER]
자세한 조사에 착수해 있는 듯[ENTER]
하다. 이들이 표면적으로 성마[ENTER]
석에 대해 무관심한 것은[ENTER]
분열된 제국을 다시 통일하기[ENTER]
위한 이륭의 야망이 바탕에[ENTER]
깔려있기 때문이다.[ENTER]
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
무당은 자연과 음양의 힘의[ENTER]
흐름과 조화를 깨달은 현자들[ENTER]
입니다. 그들은 이러한 법칙을[ENTER]
특정한 매개체를 통해 구체화[ENTER]
시킬 수 있는 방법 또한 알고[ENTER]
있습니다. 이러한 그들만의[ENTER]
매개체를 일반 사람들은 부적,[ENTER]
혹은 진법이라고 부릅니다.[ENTER]
너무나 방대한 지식을 가지고[ENTER]
있기 때문에 끊임없이 다른[ENTER]
사람과 대화 하기를 원하지만,[ENTER]
그들의 심오하고 난해한 이야[ENTER]
기들어줄 사람들은 그리 많지[ENTER]
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
수라는 자신의 팔에 악마의[ENTER]
씨앗을 기생시켜 마법의 힘을[ENTER]
흡수한 전사 입니다.[ENTER]
이들은 다른 자들과는 달리 주[ENTER]
변에 가까운 인간관계를 형성[ENTER]
하지 않는 특징이 있습니다.[ENTER]
이들의 목표는 지상 최강의 힘[ENTER]
을 갖추는 것이며, 그 외의 것[ENTER]
들은 단지 거추장스러운 방해[ENTER]
물이라고 생각 합니다.[ENTER]
자신의 힘을 과시하는 것 조차[ENTER]
불필요하다고 여길 정도로 그[ENTER]
들은 오직 순수한 힘 자체만[ENTER]
갈망 합니다.
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
[DELAY value;10]
무사는 한 자루 검과 튼튼한[ENTER]
갑옷으로 무장하고 처음부터[ENTER]
끝까지 전장의 주역으로 활약[ENTER]
합니다. 잔재주와 사람을 현혹[ENTER]
시키는 수단을 경멸하며 오직[ENTER]
강철같이 수련된 자신의 근육[ENTER]
과 맑은 물처럼 고요한 정신[ENTER]
세계 만을 추구 합니다.[ENTER]
분노한 이들을 막을 수 있는[ENTER]
자들은 대륙 전체에 존재 하지[ENTER]
않는 다고 생각 하는 것이[ENTER]
옳을 것 입니다.
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
import item
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## 600 - (width + ¿À¸¥ÂÊÀ¸·Î ºÎÅÍ ¶ç¿ì±â 24 px)
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"disable_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/btn_minimize_disabled.tga",
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@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
SMALL_VALUE_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_02.sub"
MIDDLE_VALUE_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub"
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"over_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Big_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Big_Button_03.sub",
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"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Small_Button_03.sub",
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
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"down_image" : ROOT_PATH + "Large_Button_03.sub",
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
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## Text
"vertical_align" : "bottom",
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"text":"합성에 성공 했습니다",
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@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
import locale
import uiScriptLocale
ICON_SLOT_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub"
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# Cube Result List. 1 ~ 3
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@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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## Button
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/"
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@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
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FISHING_PATH + "water/",
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FISHING_PATH + "water/",
FISHING_PATH + "water/",
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FISHING_PATH + "float_throw/fh_fall10.tga",
FISHING_PATH + "float_throw/fh_fall11.tga",
FISHING_PATH + "float_throw/fh_fall12.tga",
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FISHING_PATH + "float_catch/fh_catch03.tga",
FISHING_PATH + "float_catch/fh_catch04.tga",
FISHING_PATH + "float_catch/fh_catch05.tga",
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@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
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## À̸§»ö
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## Ÿ°Ùâ
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## ÆǸŹ®±¸
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@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
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## À̸§»ö
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## Ÿ°Ùâ
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## ÆǸŹ®±¸
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@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
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"y_step" : 32,
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"D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/03.tga",
"D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/04.tga",
"D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/05.tga",
"D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/06.tga",
"D:/Ymir Work/UI/Pattern/SPGauge/07.tga",
"name" : "Dragon_God_Power_Slot",
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/large_button_03.sub",
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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## ScrollBar
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## Grade
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"name" : "IndexGrade", "type" : "text", "x" : 119, "y" : 8, "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_MEMBER_RANK,
"name" : "IndexJob", "type" : "text", "x" : 177, "y" : 8, "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_MEMBER_JOB,
"name" : "IndexLevel", "type" : "text", "x" : 217, "y" : 8, "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_MEMBER_LEVEL,
"name" : "IndexOffer", "type" : "text", "x" : 251, "y" : 8, "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_MEMBER_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY,
"name" : "IndexGeneral", "type" : "text", "x" : 304, "y" : 8, "text" : uiScriptLocale.GUILD_MEMBER_KNIGHT,
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
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## 이 밑으로 텍스트를 추가 하시면 됩니다.
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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
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## 600 - (width + ¿À¸¥ÂÊÀ¸·Î ºÎÅÍ ¶ç¿ì±â 24 px)
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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
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"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/12.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/13.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/14.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/15.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/16.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/17.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/18.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/19.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/20.sub",
"d:/ymir work/ui/intro/loading/21.sub",
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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
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"y" : 160,
"text" : "",
## ObserverCount
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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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## Input Slot
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/taskbar/"
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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub",
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
ROOT = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
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"y" : 24,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/party_affect_attackgrade.sub",
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"type" : "image",
"x" : 46,
"y" : 24,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/party_affect_attackgrade.sub",
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"type" : "image",
"x" : 58,
"y" : 24,
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"y" : 24,
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"y" : 24,
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"y" : 24,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/party_affect_increasearea_200.sub",
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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"name" : "TitleName",
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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"type" : "board_with_titlebar",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 0,
"width" : 170,
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"children" :
## Money Slot
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"y" : 34,
"image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_02.sub",
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"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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"name" : "PopupDialog",
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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{ "name":"TitleName", "type":"text", "x":84, "y":4, "text":uiScriptLocale.PRIVATE_SHOP_TITLE, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
## Name_Static
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
## Close
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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
ROOT = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/"
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"vertical_align" : "center",
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@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
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"text" : uiScriptLocale.NO,
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.sub",
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
import uiScriptLocale
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"type" : "text",
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"horizontal_align" : "center",
"vertical_align" : "bottom",
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 70,
"name" : "Cost",
"type" : "text",
"text" : uiScriptLocale.REFINE_COST,
"horizontal_align" : "center",
"vertical_align" : "bottom",
"text_horizontal_align" : "center",
"x" : 0,
"y" : 54,
"name" : "AcceptButton",
"type" : "button",
"x" : -35,
"y" : 35,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.OK,
"horizontal_align" : "center",
"vertical_align" : "bottom",
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Middle_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Middle_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Middle_Button_03.sub",
"name" : "CancelButton",
"type" : "button",
"x" : 35,
"y" : 35,
"text" : uiScriptLocale.CANCEL,
"horizontal_align" : "center",
"vertical_align" : "bottom",
"default_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Middle_Button_01.sub",
"over_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Middle_Button_02.sub",
"down_image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Middle_Button_03.sub",