nightly #8
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ metin2.cfg
# Log files
# Log files
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,32 +7,13 @@
FILE * fException;
FILE * fException;
static char __msg[4000], __cmsg[4000];
static int __idx;
CLZObject __l;
typedef BOOL
__in PCSTR ModuleName,
__in ULONG ModuleBase,
__in ULONG ModuleSize,
__in_opt PVOID UserContext
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
BOOL CALLBACK EnumerateLoadedModulesProc(PCSTR ModuleName, ULONG ModuleBase, ULONG ModuleSize, PVOID UserContext)
BOOL CALLBACK EnumerateLoadedModulesProc(PCSTR ModuleName, ULONG ModuleBase, ULONG ModuleSize, PVOID UserContext)
BOOL CALLBACK EnumerateLoadedModulesProc(PSTR ModuleName, ULONG ModuleBase, ULONG ModuleSize, PVOID UserContext)
DWORD offset = *((DWORD*)UserContext);
DWORD offset = *((DWORD*)UserContext);
if (offset >= ModuleBase && offset <= ModuleBase + ModuleSize)
if (offset >= ModuleBase && offset <= ModuleBase + ModuleSize)
fprintf(fException, "%s", ModuleName);
fprintf(fException, "%s", ModuleName);
//__idx += sprintf(__msg+__idx, "%s", ModuleName);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
@ -56,20 +37,10 @@ LONG __stdcall EterExceptionFilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionInfo)
module_time = (time_t)GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary(hModule);
module_time = (time_t)GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary(hModule);
fprintf(fException, "Module Name: %s\n", module_name);
fprintf(fException, "Module Name: %s\n", module_name);
fprintf(fException, "Time Stamp: 0x%08x - %s\n", module_time, ctime(&module_time));
fprintf(fException, "Time Stamp: %lld - %s\n", module_time, ctime(&module_time));
fprintf(fException, "\n");
fprintf(fException, "\n");
fprintf(fException, "Exception Type: 0x%08x\n", pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
fprintf(fException, "Exception Type: 0x%08x\n", pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
fprintf(fException, "\n");
fprintf(fException, "\n");
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx,"Module Name: %s\n", module_name);
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "Time Stamp: 0x%08x - %s\n", module_time, ctime(&module_time));
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "\n");
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "Exception Type: 0x%08x\n", pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "\n");
CONTEXT& context = *pExceptionInfo->ContextRecord;
CONTEXT& context = *pExceptionInfo->ContextRecord;
@ -78,15 +49,6 @@ LONG __stdcall EterExceptionFilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionInfo)
fprintf(fException, "esi: 0x%08x\tedi: 0x%08x\n", context.Esi, context.Edi);
fprintf(fException, "esi: 0x%08x\tedi: 0x%08x\n", context.Esi, context.Edi);
fprintf(fException, "ebp: 0x%08x\tesp: 0x%08x\n", context.Ebp, context.Esp);
fprintf(fException, "ebp: 0x%08x\tesp: 0x%08x\n", context.Ebp, context.Esp);
fprintf(fException, "\n");
fprintf(fException, "\n");
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "eax: 0x%08x\tebx: 0x%08x\n", context.Eax, context.Ebx);
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "ecx: 0x%08x\tedx: 0x%08x\n", context.Ecx, context.Edx);
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "esi: 0x%08x\tedi: 0x%08x\n", context.Esi, context.Edi);
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "ebp: 0x%08x\tesp: 0x%08x\n", context.Ebp, context.Esp);
__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "\n");
STACKFRAME stackFrame = {0,};
STACKFRAME stackFrame = {0,};
stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip;
stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip;
@ -101,11 +63,8 @@ LONG __stdcall EterExceptionFilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionInfo)
if (StackWalk(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, hProcess, hThread, &stackFrame, &context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != FALSE)
if (StackWalk(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, hProcess, hThread, &stackFrame, &context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != FALSE)
fprintf(fException, "0x%08x\t", stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset);
fprintf(fException, "0x%08x\t", stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset);
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "0x%08x\t", stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset);
EnumerateLoadedModules(hProcess, (PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACK) EnumerateLoadedModulesProc, &stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset);
EnumerateLoadedModules(hProcess, (PENUMLOADED_MODULES_CALLBACK) EnumerateLoadedModulesProc, &stackFrame.AddrPC.Offset);
fprintf(fException, "\n");
fprintf(fException, "\n");
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "\n");
@ -114,89 +73,13 @@ LONG __stdcall EterExceptionFilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionInfo)
fprintf(fException, "\n");
fprintf(fException, "\n");
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "\n");
BYTE* stack = (BYTE*)(context.Esp);
fprintf(fException, "stack %08x - %08x\n", context.Esp, context.Esp+1024);
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "stack %08x - %08x\n", context.Esp, context.Esp+1024);
for(i=0; i<16; ++i)
fprintf(fException, "%08X : ", context.Esp+i*16);
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "%08X : ", context.Esp+i*16);
for(int j=0; j<16; ++j)
fprintf(fException, "%02X ", stack[i*16+j]);
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "%02X ", stack[i*16+j]);
fprintf(fException, "\n");
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "\n");
fprintf(fException, "\n");
//__idx+=sprintf(__msg+__idx, "\n");
fException = NULL;
fException = NULL;
MessageBox(NULL, "A fatal error was encountered while running the game.\nAn error log was saved to ErrorLog.txt.\nPlease consider reporting this issue.", "Error!", MB_OK);
MessageBox(NULL,"게임 실행에 치명적인 문제가 발생하였습니다.\n게임을 종료하고 에러 로그를 남깁니다.\n에러 로그를 서버에 보내시겠습니까?","에러 발생!",MB_YESNO);*/
if (__l.Compress())
//fprintf(fException,"Compress printing\n");
// send this to server
//fprintf(fException,"INVALID %X\n",WSAGetLastError());
sockaddr_in sa;
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa.sin_port = htons(19294);
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
if (connect(s,(sockaddr*)&sa,sizeof(sa)))
int total = 0;
int ret=0;
//ret = send(s,(char*)__msg+total,__idx-total,0);
ret = send(s,(char*)__l.GetBuffer()+total,__l.GetSize()-total,0);
//fprintf(fException,"send %d\n",ret);
if (ret<0)
if (total>=__idx)
//if (total>=__l.GetSize())
@ -83,51 +83,7 @@ void CDXTCImage::Clear()
bool CDXTCImage::LoadFromFile(const char * filename)
bool CDXTCImage::LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap, int iSize)
// only understands .dds files for now
// return true if success
char * exts[] = { ".DDS" };
int next = 1;
static char fileupper[MAX_PATH+1];
strncpy(fileupper, filename, MAX_PATH);
int i;
bool knownformat = false;
for (i = 0; i < next; ++i)
char * found = strstr(fileupper, exts[0]);
if (found != NULL)
knownformat = true;
if (knownformat == false)
Tracef("Unknown file format encountered! [%s]\n", filename);
CMappedFile mappedFile;
if (!mappedFile.Create(filename, &pvMap, 0, 0))
Tracef("Can't open file for reading! [%s]\n", filename);
return false;
return LoadFromMemory((const BYTE*) pvMap);
bool CDXTCImage::LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap)
// start reading the file
// start reading the file
@ -135,18 +91,26 @@ bool CDXTCImage::LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap)
DWORD dwMagic;
DWORD dwMagic;
// Read magic number
// Read magic number
if (iSize < sizeof(DWORD))
return false;
dwMagic = *(DWORD *) c_pbMap;
dwMagic = *(DWORD *) c_pbMap;
c_pbMap += sizeof(DWORD);
c_pbMap += sizeof(DWORD);
iSize -= sizeof(DWORD);
// Check whether the magic header is correct
// if (dwMagic != MAKEFOURCC('D','D','S',' '))
if (dwMagic != MAKEFOURCC('D','D','S',' '))
// return false;
return false;
DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; // read from dds file
DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; // read from dds file
// Read the surface description
// Read the surface description
if (iSize < sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2))
return false;
memcpy(&ddsd, c_pbMap, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2));
memcpy(&ddsd, c_pbMap, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2));
c_pbMap += sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
c_pbMap += sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
iSize -= sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2);
// Does texture have mipmaps?
// Does texture have mipmaps?
m_bMipTexture = (ddsd.dwMipMapCount > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
m_bMipTexture = (ddsd.dwMipMapCount > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
@ -211,52 +175,6 @@ bool CDXTCImage::LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap)
return true;
return true;
bool CDXTCImage::LoadFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap)
if (!LoadHeaderFromMemory(c_pbMap))
return false;
if (m_dwFlags & DDSD_PITCH)
DWORD dwBytesPerRow = m_nWidth * m_xddPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8;
m_nCompSize = m_lPitch * m_nHeight;
m_nCompLineSz = dwBytesPerRow;
BYTE * pDest = &m_bCompVector[0][0];
c_pbMap = m_pbCompBufferByLevels[0];
for (int yp = 0; yp < m_nHeight; ++yp)
memcpy(pDest, c_pbMap, dwBytesPerRow);
pDest += m_lPitch;
c_pbMap += m_lPitch;
if (m_dwFlags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT)
for (DWORD dwLinearSize = m_lPitch, i = 0; i < m_dwMipMapCount; ++i, dwLinearSize >>= 2)
Copy(i, &m_bCompVector[i][0], dwLinearSize);
Copy(0, &m_bCompVector[0][0], m_lPitch);
// done reading file
return true;
bool CDXTCImage::Copy(int miplevel, BYTE * pbDest, long lDestPitch)
bool CDXTCImage::Copy(int miplevel, BYTE * pbDest, long lDestPitch)
if (!(m_dwFlags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT))
if (!(m_dwFlags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT))
@ -959,688 +877,3 @@ VOID CDXTCImage::DecodePixelFormat(CHAR* strPixelFormat, XDDPIXELFORMAT* pxddpf)
// Struct to hold various timing values
struct TimingInfo
LARGE_INTEGER m_start_clk;
LARGE_INTEGER m_end_clk;
int m_nSamples;
LARGE_INTEGER m_interval_sum; // sum of all end-start, nSamples number added in
CString m_csName; // text desc of what timed
void CDXTCImage::RunTimingSession()
// Must have a dxt5 texture loaded
// No special reason - just lazy coding
// Functions called to time code are separate from non-timed
// code. It's alogorithm that counts.
ASSERT(m_pCompBytes != NULL);
ASSERT(m_pDecompBytes != NULL); // must already have allocated memory
switch (m_CompFormat)
case PF_DXT1:
case PF_DXT2:
case PF_DXT3:
case PF_DXT4:
Tracef("You must have a DXT5 texture loaded to RunTimingSession()!!\n");
Tracef("Now I will be nasty and ASSERT(false)!\n");
case PF_DXT5:
Tracef("Running code timing session on DXT5 color decompress\n");
LARGE_INTEGER start_clk, end_clk;
#define NMETHOD 4
#define NBATCHES 4
int passes[NBATCHES];
passes[0] = 1;
passes[1] = 10;
passes[2] = 30;
passes[3] = 50;
TimingInfo method[NMETHOD][NBATCHES];
int i, n;
FILE * pf = fopen("timing.txt", "wt");
if (pf == NULL)
fprintf(pf, "\n\n");
for (i = 0; i < NBATCHES; ++i)
fprintf(pf,"i: %d passes[i]: %d\n", i, passes[i]);
Time_Decomp5_01(passes[i], &(method[0][i]));
Time_Decomp5_02(passes[i], &(method[1][i]));
Time_Decomp5_03(passes[i], &(method[2][i]));
Time_Decomp5_04(passes[i], &(method[3][i]));
// unsigned long total;
// total = (unsigned long) (end_clk - start_clk);
QueryPerformanceFrequency(& freq);
fprintf(pf, "\nCounter freq = %u %d \n", freq.LowPart, freq.HighPart);
fprintf(pf, "start: %u %u end: %u %u\n", start_clk.LowPart, start_clk.HighPart, end_clk.LowPart, end_clk.HighPart);
Tracef("\nCounter freq = %u %d \n", freq.LowPart, freq.HighPart);
Tracef("start: %u %u end: %u %u\n", start_clk.LowPart, start_clk.HighPart, end_clk.LowPart, end_clk.HighPart);
double dur = ((double)end_clk.LowPart - (double)start_clk.LowPart) / (double)freq.LowPart;
fprintf(pf, "Total timing session took: %u cycles = %f seconds\n", (end_clk.LowPart - start_clk.LowPart), dur);
fprintf(pf, "\n\n");
Tracef("Total timing session took: %u cycles = %f seconds\n", (end_clk.LowPart - start_clk.LowPart), dur);
for (n = 0; n < NMETHOD; ++n)
for (i = 0; i < NBATCHES; ++i)
fprintf(pf, "method %d:\n", n);
fprintf(pf, " %s", method[n][i].m_csName);
fprintf(pf, " tot: %u %u\n", method[n][i].m_interval_sum.HighPart, method[n][i].m_interval_sum.LowPart);
Tracef("method %d:\n", n);
Tracef(" %s", method[n][i].m_csName);
Tracef(" tot: %u %u\n", method[n][i].m_interval_sum.HighPart, method[n][i].m_interval_sum.LowPart);
dur = ((double)method[n][i].m_interval_sum.LowPart) / ((double)method[n][i].m_nSamples * (double)freq.LowPart);
fprintf(pf, " avg: %u\n", method[n][i].m_interval_sum.LowPart / method[n][i].m_nSamples);
fprintf(pf, " avg time: %f sec\n", dur);
Tracef(" avg: %u\n", method[n][i].m_interval_sum.LowPart / method[n][i].m_nSamples);
Tracef(" avg time: %f sec\n", dur);
fprintf(pf, "\n\n");
//BOOL QueryPerformanceFrequency(
// LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency // address of current frequency
inline void GetColorBlockColors_m2(DXTColBlock * pBlock, Color8888 * col_0, Color8888 * col_1,
Color8888 * col_2, Color8888 * col_3,
WORD & wrd )
// method 2
// freak variable bit structure method
// normal math
Color565 * pCol;
pCol = (Color565*) & (pBlock->col0);
col_0->a = 0xff;
col_0->r = pCol->nRed;
col_0->r <<= 3; // shift to full precision
col_0->g = pCol->nGreen;
col_0->g <<= 2;
col_0->b = pCol->nBlue;
col_0->b <<= 3;
pCol = (Color565*) & (pBlock->col1);
col_1->a = 0xff;
col_1->r = pCol->nRed;
col_1->r <<= 3; // shift to full precision
col_1->g = pCol->nGreen;
col_1->g <<= 2;
col_1->b = pCol->nBlue;
col_1->b <<= 3;
if (pBlock->col0 > pBlock->col1)
// Four-color block: derive the other two colors.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2, 11 = color_3
// These two bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->r * 2 + (WORD) col_1->r) / 3;
// no +1 for rounding
// as bits have been shifted to 888
col_2->r = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->g * 2 + (WORD) col_1->g) / 3;
col_2->g = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->b * 2 + (WORD) col_1->b) / 3;
col_2->b = (BYTE)wrd;
col_2->a = 0xff;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->r + (WORD) col_1->r * 2) / 3;
col_3->r = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->g + (WORD) col_1->g * 2) / 3;
col_3->g = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->b + (WORD) col_1->b * 2) / 3;
col_3->b = (BYTE)wrd;
col_3->a = 0xff;
// Three-color block: derive the other color.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2,
// 11 = transparent.
// These two bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
// explicit for each component, unlike some refrasts...
// Tracef("block has alpha\n");
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->r + (WORD) col_1->r) / 2;
col_2->r = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->g + (WORD) col_1->g) / 2;
col_2->g = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->b + (WORD) col_1->b) / 2;
col_2->b = (BYTE)wrd;
col_2->a = 0xff;
col_3->r = 0x00; // random color to indicate alpha
col_3->g = 0xff;
col_3->b = 0xff;
col_3->a = 0x00;
inline void GetColorBlockColors_m3(DXTColBlock * pBlock, Color8888 * col_0, Color8888 * col_1,
Color8888 * col_2, Color8888 * col_3,
WORD & wrd )
// method 3
// super-freak variable bit structure with
// Cool Math Trick (tm)
// Do 2/3 1/3 math BEFORE bit shift on the whole DWORD
// as the fields will NEVER carry into the next
// or overflow!! =)
Color565 * pCol;
pCol = (Color565*) & (pBlock->col0);
col_0->a = 0x00; // must set to 0 to avoid overflow in DWORD add
col_0->r = pCol->nRed;
col_0->g = pCol->nGreen;
col_0->b = pCol->nBlue;
pCol = (Color565*) & (pBlock->col1);
col_1->a = 0x00;
col_1->r = pCol->nRed;
col_1->g = pCol->nGreen;
col_1->b = pCol->nBlue;
if (pBlock->col0 > pBlock->col1)
*((DWORD*)col_2) = ((*((DWORD*)col_0)) * 2 + (*((DWORD*)col_1)));
*((DWORD*)col_3) = ((*((DWORD*)col_0)) + (*((DWORD*)col_1)) * 2);
// now shift to appropriate precision & divide by 3.
col_2->r = ((WORD) col_2->r << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_2->g = ((WORD) col_2->g << 2) / (WORD)3;
col_2->b = ((WORD) col_2->b << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_3->r = ((WORD) col_3->r << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_3->g = ((WORD) col_3->g << 2) / (WORD)3;
col_3->b = ((WORD) col_3->b << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_0->a = 0xff; // now set appropriate alpha
col_1->a = 0xff;
col_2->a = 0xff;
col_3->a = 0xff;
*((DWORD*)col_2) = ((*((DWORD*)col_0)) + (*((DWORD*)col_1)));
// now shift to appropriate precision & divide by 2.
// << 3) / 2 == << 2
// << 2) / 2 == << 1
col_2->r = ((WORD) col_2->r << 2);
col_2->g = ((WORD) col_2->g << 1);
col_2->b = ((WORD) col_2->b << 2);
col_2->a = 0xff;
col_3->a = 0x00; //
col_3->r = 0x00; // random color to indicate alpha
col_3->g = 0xff;
col_3->b = 0xff;
// now shift orig color components
col_0->r <<= 3;
col_0->g <<= 2;
col_0->b <<= 3;
col_1->r <<= 3;
col_1->g <<= 2;
col_1->b <<= 3;
inline void GetColorBlockColors_m4(DXTColBlock * pBlock, Color8888 * col_0, Color8888 * col_1,
Color8888 * col_2, Color8888 * col_3,
WORD & wrd )
// m1 color extraction from 5-6-5
// m3 color math on DWORD before bit shift to full precision
wrd = pBlock->col0;
col_0->a = 0x00; // must set to 0 to avoid possible overflow & carry to next field in DWORD add
// extract r,g,b bits
col_0->b = (unsigned char) wrd & 0x1f; // 0x1f = 0001 1111 to mask out upper 3 bits
wrd >>= 5;
col_0->g = (unsigned char) wrd & 0x3f; // 0x3f = 0011 1111 to mask out upper 2 bits
wrd >>= 6;
col_0->r = (unsigned char) wrd & 0x1f;
// same for col # 2:
wrd = pBlock->col1;
col_1->a = 0x00; // must set to 0 to avoid possible overflow in DWORD add
// extract r,g,b bits
col_1->b = (unsigned char) wrd & 0x1f;
wrd >>= 5;
col_1->g = (unsigned char) wrd & 0x3f;
wrd >>= 6;
col_1->r = (unsigned char) wrd & 0x1f;
if (pBlock->col0 > pBlock->col1)
*((DWORD*)col_2) = ((*((DWORD*)col_0)) * 2 + (*((DWORD*)col_1)));
*((DWORD*)col_3) = ((*((DWORD*)col_0)) + (*((DWORD*)col_1)) * 2);
// shift to appropriate precision & divide by 3.
col_2->r = ((WORD) col_2->r << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_2->g = ((WORD) col_2->g << 2) / (WORD)3;
col_2->b = ((WORD) col_2->b << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_3->r = ((WORD) col_3->r << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_3->g = ((WORD) col_3->g << 2) / (WORD)3;
col_3->b = ((WORD) col_3->b << 3) / (WORD)3;
col_0->a = 0xff; // set appropriate alpha
col_1->a = 0xff;
col_2->a = 0xff;
col_3->a = 0xff;
*((DWORD*)col_2) = ((*((DWORD*)col_0)) + (*((DWORD*)col_1)));
// shift to appropriate precision & divide by 2.
// << 3) / 2 == << 2
// << 2) / 2 == << 1
col_2->r = ((WORD) col_2->r << 2);
col_2->g = ((WORD) col_2->g << 1);
col_2->b = ((WORD) col_2->b << 2);
col_2->a = 0xff;
col_3->a = 0x00; //
col_3->r = 0x00; // random color to indicate alpha
col_3->g = 0xff;
col_3->b = 0xff;
// shift orig color components to full precision
col_0->r <<= 3;
col_0->g <<= 2;
col_0->b <<= 3;
col_1->r <<= 3;
col_1->g <<= 2;
col_1->b <<= 3;
inline void GetColorBlockColors_m1(DXTColBlock * pBlock, Color8888 * col_0, Color8888 * col_1,
Color8888 * col_2, Color8888 * col_3,
WORD & wrd )
// Method 1:
// Shifty method
wrd = pBlock->col0;
col_0->a = 0xff;
// extract r,g,b bits
col_0->b = (unsigned char) wrd;
col_0->b <<= 3; // shift to full precision
wrd >>= 5;
col_0->g = (unsigned char) wrd;
col_0->g <<= 2; // shift to full precision
wrd >>= 6;
col_0->r = (unsigned char) wrd;
col_0->r <<= 3; // shift to full precision
// same for col # 2:
wrd = pBlock->col1;
col_1->a = 0xff;
// extract r,g,b bits
col_1->b = (unsigned char) wrd;
col_1->b <<= 3; // shift to full precision
wrd >>= 5;
col_1->g = (unsigned char) wrd;
col_1->g <<= 2; // shift to full precision
wrd >>= 6;
col_1->r = (unsigned char) wrd;
col_1->r <<= 3; // shift to full precision
// use this for all but the super-freak math method
if (pBlock->col0 > pBlock->col1)
// Four-color block: derive the other two colors.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2, 11 = color_3
// These two bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->r * 2 + (WORD) col_1->r) / 3;
// no +1 for rounding
// as bits have been shifted to 888
col_2->r = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->g * 2 + (WORD) col_1->g) / 3;
col_2->g = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->b * 2 + (WORD) col_1->b) / 3;
col_2->b = (BYTE)wrd;
col_2->a = 0xff;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->r + (WORD) col_1->r * 2) / 3;
col_3->r = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->g + (WORD) col_1->g * 2) / 3;
col_3->g = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->b + (WORD) col_1->b * 2) / 3;
col_3->b = (BYTE)wrd;
col_3->a = 0xff;
// Three-color block: derive the other color.
// 00 = color_0, 01 = color_1, 10 = color_2,
// 11 = transparent.
// These two bit codes correspond to the 2-bit fields
// stored in the 64-bit block.
// explicit for each component, unlike some refrasts...
// Tracef("block has alpha\n");
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->r + (WORD) col_1->r) / 2;
col_2->r = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->g + (WORD) col_1->g) / 2;
col_2->g = (BYTE)wrd;
wrd = ((WORD) col_0->b + (WORD) col_1->b) / 2;
col_2->b = (BYTE)wrd;
col_2->a = 0xff;
col_3->r = 0x00; // random color to indicate alpha
col_3->g = 0xff;
col_3->b = 0xff;
col_3->a = 0x00;
} // Get color block colors (...)
void CDXTCImage::Time_Decomp5_01(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info)
int n;
info->m_nSamples = 0;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart = 0;
info->m_csName.Format("Timing decomp method 1: bit shift, for %d times\n", ntimes);
for (n = 0; n < ntimes; n++)
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_start_clk);
int xblocks, yblocks;
xblocks = m_DDSD.dwWidth / 4;
yblocks = m_DDSD.dwHeight / 4;
int i,j;
DWORD * pBase = (DWORD*) m_pDecompBytes;
DWORD * pImPos = (DWORD*) pBase; // pos in decompressed data
WORD * pPos = (WORD*) m_pCompBytes; // pos in compressed data
DXTColBlock * pBlock;
DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear * pAlphaBlock;
Color8888 col_0, col_1, col_2, col_3;
WORD wrd;
// fill alphazero with appropriate value to zero out alpha when
// alphazero is ANDed with the image color 32 bit DWORD:
col_0.a = 0;
col_0.r = col_0.g = col_0.b = 0xff;
DWORD alphazero = *((DWORD*) &col_0);
// ** See DecompressDXT5 code for comments!!
for (j = 0; j < yblocks; ++j)
pBlock = (DXTColBlock*) ((DWORD)m_pCompBytes + j * xblocks * 16);
for (i = 0; i < xblocks; ++i, ++pBlock)
pAlphaBlock = (DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear*) pBlock;
GetColorBlockColors_m1(pBlock, &col_0, &col_1, &col_2, &col_3, wrd);
pImPos = (DWORD*)((DWORD)pBase + i*16 + (j*4) * m_nWidth * 4);
DecodeColorBlock(pImPos, pBlock, m_nWidth, (DWORD*)&col_0, (DWORD*)&col_1,
(DWORD*)&col_2, (DWORD*)&col_3);
DecodeAlpha3BitLinear(pImPos, pAlphaBlock, m_nWidth, alphazero);
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_end_clk);
info->m_nSamples ++;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart += info->m_end_clk.QuadPart - info->m_start_clk.QuadPart;
void CDXTCImage::Time_Decomp5_02(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info)
int n;
info->m_nSamples = 0;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart = 0;
info->m_csName.Format("Timing decomp method 2: bit field struct, for %d times\n", ntimes);
for (n = 0; n < ntimes; n++)
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_start_clk);
int xblocks, yblocks;
xblocks = m_DDSD.dwWidth / 4;
yblocks = m_DDSD.dwHeight / 4;
int i,j;
DWORD * pBase = (DWORD*) m_pDecompBytes;
DWORD * pImPos = (DWORD*) pBase; // pos in decompressed data
WORD * pPos = (WORD*) m_pCompBytes; // pos in compressed data
DXTColBlock * pBlock;
DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear * pAlphaBlock;
Color8888 col_0, col_1, col_2, col_3;
WORD wrd;
// fill alphazero with appropriate value to zero out alpha when
// alphazero is ANDed with the image color 32 bit DWORD:
col_0.a = 0;
col_0.r = col_0.g = col_0.b = 0xff;
DWORD alphazero = *((DWORD*) &col_0);
// ** See DecompressDXT5 code for comments!!
for (j = 0; j < yblocks; ++j)
pBlock = (DXTColBlock*) ((DWORD)m_pCompBytes + j * xblocks * 16);
for (i = 0; i < xblocks; ++i, ++pBlock)
pAlphaBlock = (DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear*) pBlock;
GetColorBlockColors_m2(pBlock, &col_0, &col_1, &col_2, &col_3, wrd);
pImPos = (DWORD*)((DWORD)pBase + i*16 + (j*4) * m_nWidth * 4);
DecodeColorBlock(pImPos, pBlock, m_nWidth, (DWORD*)&col_0, (DWORD*)&col_1,
(DWORD*)&col_2, (DWORD*)&col_3);
DecodeAlpha3BitLinear(pImPos, pAlphaBlock, m_nWidth, alphazero);
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_end_clk);
info->m_nSamples ++;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart += info->m_end_clk.QuadPart - info->m_start_clk.QuadPart;
void CDXTCImage::Time_Decomp5_03(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info)
int n;
info->m_nSamples = 0;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart = 0;
info->m_csName.Format("Timing decomp method 3: bit field struct w/ pre-shift math, for %d times\n", ntimes);
for (n = 0; n < ntimes; n++)
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_start_clk);
int xblocks, yblocks;
xblocks = m_DDSD.dwWidth / 4;
yblocks = m_DDSD.dwHeight / 4;
int i,j;
DWORD * pBase = (DWORD*) m_pDecompBytes;
DWORD * pImPos = (DWORD*) pBase; // pos in decompressed data
WORD * pPos = (WORD*) m_pCompBytes; // pos in compressed data
DXTColBlock * pBlock;
DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear * pAlphaBlock;
Color8888 col_0, col_1, col_2, col_3;
WORD wrd;
// fill alphazero with appropriate value to zero out alpha when
// alphazero is ANDed with the image color 32 bit DWORD:
col_0.a = 0;
col_0.r = col_0.g = col_0.b = 0xff;
DWORD alphazero = *((DWORD*) &col_0);
// ** See DecompressDXT5 code for comments!!
for (j = 0; j < yblocks; ++j)
pBlock = (DXTColBlock*) ((DWORD)m_pCompBytes + j * xblocks * 16);
for (i = 0; i < xblocks; ++i, ++pBlock)
pAlphaBlock = (DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear*) pBlock;
GetColorBlockColors_m3(pBlock, &col_0, &col_1, &col_2, &col_3, wrd);
pImPos = (DWORD*)((DWORD)pBase + i*16 + (j*4) * m_nWidth * 4);
DecodeColorBlock(pImPos, pBlock, m_nWidth, (DWORD*)&col_0, (DWORD*)&col_1,
(DWORD*)&col_2, (DWORD*)&col_3);
DecodeAlpha3BitLinear(pImPos, pAlphaBlock, m_nWidth, alphazero);
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_end_clk);
info->m_nSamples ++;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart += info->m_end_clk.QuadPart - info->m_start_clk.QuadPart;
void CDXTCImage::Time_Decomp5_04(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info)
int n;
info->m_nSamples = 0;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart = 0;
info->m_csName.Format("Timing decomp method 4: shift extract w/ pre-shift math, for %d times\n", ntimes);
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_start_clk);
for (n = 0; n < ntimes; n++)
int xblocks, yblocks;
xblocks = m_DDSD.dwWidth / 4;
yblocks = m_DDSD.dwHeight / 4;
int i,j;
DWORD * pBase = (DWORD*) m_pDecompBytes;
DWORD * pImPos = (DWORD*) pBase; // pos in decompressed data
WORD * pPos = (WORD*) m_pCompBytes; // pos in compressed data
DXTColBlock * pBlock;
DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear * pAlphaBlock;
Color8888 col_0, col_1, col_2, col_3;
WORD wrd;
// fill alphazero with appropriate value to zero out alpha when
// alphazero is ANDed with the image color 32 bit DWORD:
col_0.a = 0;
col_0.r = col_0.g = col_0.b = 0xff;
DWORD alphazero = *((DWORD*) &col_0);
// ** See DecompressDXT5 code for comments!!
for (j = 0; j < yblocks; ++j)
pBlock = (DXTColBlock*) ((DWORD)m_pCompBytes + j * xblocks * 16);
for (i = 0; i < xblocks; ++i, ++pBlock)
pAlphaBlock = (DXTAlphaBlock3BitLinear*) pBlock;
GetColorBlockColors_m4(pBlock, &col_0, &col_1, &col_2, &col_3, wrd);
pImPos = (DWORD*)((DWORD)pBase + i*16 + (j*4) * m_nWidth * 4);
DecodeColorBlock(pImPos, pBlock, m_nWidth, (DWORD*)&col_0, (DWORD*)&col_1,
(DWORD*)&col_2, (DWORD*)&col_3);
DecodeAlpha3BitLinear(pImPos, pAlphaBlock, m_nWidth, alphazero);
QueryPerformanceCounter(& info->m_end_clk);
info->m_nSamples = ntimes;
info->m_interval_sum.QuadPart += info->m_end_clk.QuadPart - info->m_start_clk.QuadPart;
@ -114,9 +114,7 @@ class CDXTCImage
XDDPIXELFORMAT m_xddPixelFormat;
XDDPIXELFORMAT m_xddPixelFormat;
bool LoadFromFile(const char * filename); // true if success
bool LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap, int iSize);
bool LoadFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap);
bool LoadHeaderFromMemory(const BYTE * c_pbMap);
bool Copy(int miplevel, BYTE * pbDest, long lDestPitch);
bool Copy(int miplevel, BYTE * pbDest, long lDestPitch);
void Decompress(int miplevel, DWORD * pdwDest);
void Decompress(int miplevel, DWORD * pdwDest);
@ -128,16 +126,6 @@ class CDXTCImage
VOID DecodePixelFormat(CHAR* strPixelFormat, XDDPIXELFORMAT* pddpf);
VOID DecodePixelFormat(CHAR* strPixelFormat, XDDPIXELFORMAT* pddpf);
void Unextract(BYTE * pbDest, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iPitch);
void Unextract(BYTE * pbDest, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iPitch);
struct TimingInfo; // defined in Image_DXTC.cpp
void RunTimingSession(); // run a few methods & time the code
// must use dxt5 texture
void Time_Decomp5_01(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info);
void Time_Decomp5_02(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info);
void Time_Decomp5_03(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info);
void Time_Decomp5_04(int ntimes, TimingInfo * info);
#endif // #ifndef AFX_IMAGE_DXTC_H__4B89D8D0_7857_11D4_9630_00A0C996DE3D__INCLUDED_
#endif // #ifndef AFX_IMAGE_DXTC_H__4B89D8D0_7857_11D4_9630_00A0C996DE3D__INCLUDED_
@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ bool CGraphicImageTexture::CreateFromMemoryFile(UINT bufSize, const void * c_pvB
static CDXTCImage image;
static CDXTCImage image;
if (image.LoadHeaderFromMemory((const BYTE *) c_pvBuf)) // DDS인가 확인
// Check whether the file is a DDS
if (image.LoadHeaderFromMemory((const BYTE *) c_pvBuf, bufSize))
return (CreateDDSTexture(image, (const BYTE *) c_pvBuf));
return (CreateDDSTexture(image, (const BYTE *) c_pvBuf));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user