#include "StdAfx.h" #include #include #include #include #include "EterPack.h" #include "Inline.h" #include "EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt.h" #pragma warning(push, 3) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(pop) #include "../EterBase/utils.h" #include "../EterBase/Debug.h" #include "../EterBase/CRC32.h" #include #include void CMakePackLog::SetFileName(const char* c_szFileName) { m_stFileName=c_szFileName; m_stFileName +=".log"; m_stErrorFileName = c_szFileName; m_stErrorFileName += ".err"; } CMakePackLog& CMakePackLog::GetSingleton() { static CMakePackLog s_kMakePackLog; return s_kMakePackLog; } CMakePackLog::CMakePackLog() { m_fp=NULL; m_fp_err = NULL; } CMakePackLog::~CMakePackLog() { if (NULL!=m_fp) { fclose(m_fp); m_fp=NULL; } if (NULL != m_fp_err) { fclose(m_fp_err); m_fp_err = NULL; } } bool CMakePackLog::__IsLogMode() { if (m_stFileName.empty()) return false; return true; } void CMakePackLog::Writef(const char* c_szFormat, ...) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; va_list args; va_start(args, c_szFormat); char szBuf[1024]; int nBufLen = _vsnprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), c_szFormat, args); szBuf[nBufLen++] = '\0'; __Write(szBuf, nBufLen); } void CMakePackLog::Writenf(const char* c_szFormat, ...) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; va_list args; va_start(args, c_szFormat); char szBuf[1024+1]; int nBufLen = _vsnprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1, c_szFormat, args); if (nBufLen > 0) { szBuf[nBufLen++] = '\n'; szBuf[nBufLen++] = '\0'; } __Write(szBuf, nBufLen); } void CMakePackLog::Write(const char* c_szBuf) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; __Write(c_szBuf, strlen(c_szBuf)+1); } void CMakePackLog::__Write(const char* c_szBuf, int nBufLen) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; if (NULL==m_fp) m_fp=fopen(m_stFileName.c_str(), "w"); fwrite(c_szBuf, nBufLen, 1, m_fp); printf("%s", c_szBuf); } void CMakePackLog::WriteErrorf(const char* c_szFormat, ...) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; va_list args; va_start(args, c_szFormat); char szBuf[1024]; int nBufLen = _vsnprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), c_szFormat, args); szBuf[nBufLen++] = '\0'; __WriteError(szBuf, nBufLen); } void CMakePackLog::WriteErrornf(const char* c_szFormat, ...) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; va_list args; va_start(args, c_szFormat); char szBuf[1024+1]; int nBufLen = _vsnprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1, c_szFormat, args); if (nBufLen > 0) { szBuf[nBufLen++] = '\n'; szBuf[nBufLen++] = '\0'; } __WriteError(szBuf, nBufLen); } void CMakePackLog::WriteError(const char* c_szBuf) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; __WriteError(c_szBuf, strlen(c_szBuf)+1); } void CMakePackLog::__WriteError(const char* c_szBuf, int nBufLen) { if (!__IsLogMode()) return; if (NULL==m_fp_err) m_fp_err=fopen(m_stErrorFileName.c_str(), "w"); fwrite(c_szBuf, nBufLen, 1, m_fp_err); printf("Error: %s", c_szBuf); } void CMakePackLog::FlushError() { std::wifstream iFile(m_stErrorFileName.c_str()); std::istream_iterator iit(iFile); std::istream_iterator eos; std::vector vText; std::copy (iit, eos, std::back_inserter(vText)); std::ostream_iterator > oit(std::wcout); std::sort (vText.begin(), vText.end()); std::copy (vText.begin(), vText.end(), oit); } #ifdef __MAKE_PACK__ FILE * CEterPack::ms_PackLogFile = NULL; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEterPack::CEterPack() : m_indexCount(0), m_indexData(NULL), m_FragmentSize(0), m_bEncrypted(false), m_bReadOnly(false), m_bDecrypedIV(false) { m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy = new EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt; } CEterPack::~CEterPack() { Destroy(); delete m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy; m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy = NULL; } void CEterPack::Destroy() { m_bReadOnly = false; m_bEncrypted = false; m_indexCount = 0; m_DataPositionMap.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < FREE_INDEX_MAX_SIZE + 1; ++i) m_FreeIndexList[i].clear(); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_indexData); m_FragmentSize = 0; memset(m_dbName, 0, sizeof(m_dbName)); memset(m_indexFileName, 0, sizeof(m_indexFileName)); } const std::string& CEterPack::GetPathName() { return m_stPathName; } bool CEterPack::Create(CEterFileDict& rkFileDict, const char * dbname, const char* pathName, bool bReadOnly, const BYTE* iv) { if (iv) { m_stIV_Panama.assign((const char*) iv, 32); m_bDecrypedIV = false; } m_stPathName = pathName; strncpy(m_dbName, dbname, DBNAME_MAX_LEN); strncpy(m_indexFileName, dbname, MAX_PATH); strcat(m_indexFileName, ".eix"); m_stDataFileName = dbname; m_stDataFileName += ".epk"; m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; // bReadOnly 모드가 아니고 데이터 베이스가 열린다면 생성 실패 if (!CreateIndexFile()) return false; if (!CreateDataFile()) return false; bool bOverwrite = (iv != NULL); __BuildIndex(rkFileDict, bOverwrite); if (m_bReadOnly) { //m_bIsDataLoaded = true; //if (!m_file.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), (const void**)&m_file_data, 0, 0)) // return false; } else { DecryptIndexFile(); } return true; } bool CEterPack::DecryptIV(DWORD dwPanamaKey) { if (m_stIV_Panama.length() != 32) return false; if (m_bDecrypedIV) // 이미 암호화가 풀렸으면 다시 처리 안함 return true; DWORD* ivs = (DWORD*)&m_stIV_Panama[0]; for (int i = 0; i != m_stIV_Panama.length() / sizeof(DWORD); ++i) { ivs[i] ^= dwPanamaKey + i * 16777619; } m_bDecrypedIV = true; return true; } bool CEterPack::DecryptIndexFile() { if (!m_bEncrypted) return true; CFileBase file; if (!file.Create(m_indexFileName, CFileBase::FILEMODE_WRITE)) return false; file.Write(&eterpack::c_IndexCC, sizeof(DWORD)); file.Write(&eterpack::c_Version, sizeof(DWORD)); file.Write(&m_indexCount, sizeof(long)); file.Write(m_indexData, sizeof(TEterPackIndex) * m_indexCount); file.Close(); m_bEncrypted = false; return true; } static DWORD s_adwEterPackKey[] = { 45129401, 92367215, 681285731, 1710201, }; static DWORD s_adwEterPackSecurityKey[] = { 78952482, 527348324, 1632942, 486274726, }; bool CEterPack::EncryptIndexFile() { CMappedFile file; LPCVOID pvData; if (NULL == file.Create(m_indexFileName, &pvData, 0, 0)) { TraceError("EncryptIndex: Cannot open pack index file! %s", m_dbName); return false; } BYTE * pbData = new BYTE[file.Size()]; memcpy(pbData, pvData, file.Size()); CLZObject zObj; if (!CLZO::Instance().CompressEncryptedMemory(zObj, pbData, file.Size(), s_adwEterPackKey)) { TraceError("EncryptIndex: Cannot encrypt! %s", m_dbName); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pbData); return false; } file.Destroy(); while (!DeleteFile(m_indexFileName)); FILE * fp; fp = fopen(m_indexFileName, "wb"); if (!fp) { TraceError("EncryptIndex: Cannot open file for writing! %s", m_dbName); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pbData); return false; } if (1 != fwrite(zObj.GetBuffer(), zObj.GetSize(), 1, fp)) { TraceError("Encryptindex: Cannot write to file! %s", m_indexFileName); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pbData); fclose(fp); return false; } fclose(fp); m_bEncrypted = true; delete [] pbData; return true; } bool CEterPack::__BuildIndex(CEterFileDict& rkFileDict, bool bOverwrite) { //DWORD dwBeginTime = ELTimer_GetMSec(); CMappedFile file; LPCVOID pvData; CLZObject zObj; if (NULL == file.Create(m_indexFileName, &pvData, 0, 0)) { TraceError("Cannot open pack index file! %s", m_dbName); return false; } if (file.Size() < eterpack::c_HeaderSize) { TraceError("Pack index file header error! %s", m_dbName); return false; } DWORD fourcc = *(DWORD *) pvData; BYTE * pbData; UINT uiFileSize; if (fourcc == eterpack::c_IndexCC) { pbData = (BYTE *) pvData; uiFileSize = file.Size(); } else if (fourcc == CLZObject::ms_dwFourCC) { m_bEncrypted = true; if (!CLZO::Instance().Decompress(zObj, (const BYTE *) pvData, s_adwEterPackKey)) return false; if (zObj.GetSize() < eterpack::c_HeaderSize) return false; pbData = zObj.GetBuffer(); uiFileSize = zObj.GetSize(); } else { TraceError("Pack index file fourcc error! %s", m_dbName); return false; } pbData += sizeof(DWORD); DWORD ver = *(DWORD *) pbData; pbData += sizeof(DWORD); if (ver != eterpack::c_Version) { TraceError("Pack index file version error! %s", m_dbName); return false; } m_indexCount = *(long *) pbData; pbData += sizeof(long); if (uiFileSize < eterpack::c_HeaderSize + sizeof(TEterPackIndex) * m_indexCount) { TraceError("Pack index file size error! %s, indexCount %d", m_dbName, m_indexCount); return false; } //Tracef("Loading Pack file %s elements: %d ... ", m_dbName, m_indexCount); m_indexData = new TEterPackIndex[m_indexCount]; memcpy(m_indexData, pbData, sizeof(TEterPackIndex) * m_indexCount); TEterPackIndex * index = m_indexData; for (int i = 0; i < m_indexCount; ++i, ++index) { if (!index->filename_crc) { PushFreeIndex(index); } else { if (index->real_data_size > index->data_size) m_FragmentSize += index->real_data_size - index->data_size; m_DataPositionMap.insert(TDataPositionMap::value_type(index->filename_crc, index)); if (bOverwrite) // 서버 연동 패킹 파일은 나중에 들어오지만 최상위로 등록해야한다 rkFileDict.UpdateItem(this, index); else rkFileDict.InsertItem(this, index); } } //Tracef("Done. (spent %dms)\n", ELTimer_GetMSec() - dwBeginTime); return true; } // //void CEterPack::UpdateLastAccessTime() //{ // m_tLastAccessTime = time(NULL); //} // //void CEterPack::ClearDataMemoryMap() //{ // // m_file이 data file이다... // m_file.Destroy(); // m_tLastAccessTime = 0; // m_bIsDataLoaded = false; //} bool CEterPack::Get(CMappedFile& out_file, const char * filename, LPCVOID * data) { TEterPackIndex * index = FindIndex(filename); if (!index) { return false; } //UpdateLastAccessTime(); //if (!m_bIsDataLoaded) //{ // if (!m_file.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), (const void**)&m_file_data, 0, 0)) // return false; // // m_bIsDataLoaded = true; //} // 기존에는 CEterPack에서 epk를 memory map에 올려놓고, 요청이 오면 그 부분을 링크해서 넘겨 줬었는데, // 이제는 요청이 오면, 필요한 부분만 memory map에 올리고, 요청이 끝나면 해제하게 함. out_file.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), data, index->data_position, index->data_size); bool bIsSecurityCheckRequired = ( index->compressed_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY || index->compressed_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA ); if( bIsSecurityCheckRequired ) { #ifdef CHECKSUM_CHECK_MD5 MD5_CTX context; GenerateMD5Hash( (BYTE*)(*data), index->data_size, context ); if( memcmp( index->MD5Digest, context.digest, 16 ) != 0 ) { return false; } #else DWORD dwCrc32 = GetCRC32((const char*)(*data), index->data_size); if( index->data_crc != dwCrc32 ) { return false; } #endif } if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_COMPRESS == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; if (!CLZO::Instance().Decompress(*zObj, static_cast(*data))) { TraceError("Failed to decompress : %s", filename); delete zObj; return false; } out_file.BindLZObject(zObj); *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; if (!CLZO::Instance().Decompress(*zObj, static_cast(*data), s_adwEterPackSecurityKey)) { TraceError("Failed to encrypt : %s", filename); delete zObj; return false; } out_file.BindLZObject(zObj); *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; __Decrypt_Panama(filename, static_cast(*data), index->data_size, *zObj); out_file.BindLZObjectWithBufferedSize(zObj); *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT == index->compressed_type || COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->DecryptMemory( std::string(filename), static_cast(*data), index->data_size, *zObj) ) { return false; } out_file.BindLZObjectWithBufferedSize(zObj); if( COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB == index->compressed_type) { BYTE* pSDBData; int iSDBSize; if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GetSupplementaryDataBlock( std::string(filename), pSDBData, iSDBSize) ) { return false; } *data = out_file.AppendDataBlock( pSDBData, iSDBSize ); } else { *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } } return true; } bool CEterPack::Get2(CMappedFile& out_file, const char * filename, TEterPackIndex * index, LPCVOID * data) { if (!index) { return false; } //UpdateLastAccessTime(); //if (!m_bIsDataLoaded) //{ // if (!m_file.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), (const void**)&m_file_data, 0, 0)) // return false; // // m_bIsDataLoaded = true; //} out_file.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), data, index->data_position, index->data_size); bool bIsSecurityCheckRequired = ( index->compressed_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY || index->compressed_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA ); if( bIsSecurityCheckRequired ) { #ifdef CHECKSUM_CHECK_MD5 MD5_CTX context; GenerateMD5Hash( (BYTE*)(*data), index->data_size, context ); if( memcmp( index->MD5Digest, context.digest, 16 ) != 0 ) { return false; } #else DWORD dwCrc32 = GetCRC32((const char*)(*data), index->data_size); if( index->data_crc != dwCrc32 ) { return false; } #endif } if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_COMPRESS == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; if (!CLZO::Instance().Decompress(*zObj, static_cast(*data))) { TraceError("Failed to decompress : %s", filename); delete zObj; return false; } out_file.BindLZObject(zObj); *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; if (!CLZO::Instance().Decompress(*zObj, static_cast(*data), s_adwEterPackSecurityKey)) { TraceError("Failed to encrypt : %s", filename); delete zObj; return false; } out_file.BindLZObject(zObj); *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; __Decrypt_Panama(filename, static_cast(*data), index->data_size, *zObj); out_file.BindLZObjectWithBufferedSize(zObj); *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT == index->compressed_type || COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB == index->compressed_type) { CLZObject * zObj = new CLZObject; if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->DecryptMemory( std::string(filename), static_cast(*data), index->data_size, *zObj) ) { return false; } out_file.BindLZObjectWithBufferedSize(zObj); if( COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB == index->compressed_type) { BYTE* pSDBData; int iSDBSize; if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GetSupplementaryDataBlock( std::string(filename), pSDBData, iSDBSize) ) { return false; } *data = out_file.AppendDataBlock( pSDBData, iSDBSize ); } else { *data = zObj->GetBuffer(); } } return true; } bool CEterPack::Delete(TEterPackIndex * pIndex) { CFileBase fileIndex; if (!fileIndex.Create(m_indexFileName, CFileBase::FILEMODE_WRITE)) return false; PushFreeIndex(pIndex); WriteIndex(fileIndex, pIndex); return true; } bool CEterPack::Delete(const char * filename) { TEterPackIndex * pIndex = FindIndex(filename); if (!pIndex) return false; return Delete(pIndex); } bool CEterPack::Extract() { CMappedFile dataMapFile; LPCVOID data; if (!dataMapFile.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), &data, 0, 0)) return false; CLZObject zObj; for (TDataPositionMap::iterator i = m_DataPositionMap.begin(); i != m_DataPositionMap.end(); ++i) { TEterPackIndex* index = i->second; CFileBase writeFile; inlinePathCreate(index->filename); printf("%s\n", index->filename); writeFile.Create(index->filename, CFileBase::FILEMODE_WRITE); if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_COMPRESS == index->compressed_type) { if (!CLZO::Instance().Decompress(zObj, (const BYTE *) data + index->data_position)) { printf("cannot decompress"); return false; } writeFile.Write(zObj.GetBuffer(), zObj.GetSize()); zObj.Clear(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY == index->compressed_type) { if (!CLZO::Instance().Decompress(zObj, (const BYTE *) data + index->data_position, s_adwEterPackSecurityKey)) { printf("cannot decompress"); return false; } writeFile.Write(zObj.GetBuffer(), zObj.GetSize()); zObj.Clear(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA == index->compressed_type) { __Decrypt_Panama(index->filename, (const BYTE *) data + index->data_position, index->data_size, zObj); writeFile.Write(zObj.GetBuffer(), zObj.GetBufferSize()); zObj.Clear(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT == index->compressed_type || COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB == index->compressed_type) { if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->DecryptMemory( std::string(index->filename), (const BYTE *) data + index->data_position, index->data_size, zObj) ) return false; if( COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB == index->compressed_type) { dataMapFile.BindLZObjectWithBufferedSize(&zObj); BYTE* pSDBData; int iSDBSize; if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GetSupplementaryDataBlock( std::string(index->filename), pSDBData, iSDBSize) ) return false; dataMapFile.AppendDataBlock( pSDBData, iSDBSize ); writeFile.Write(dataMapFile.AppendDataBlock( pSDBData, iSDBSize ),dataMapFile.Size()); } else { writeFile.Write(zObj.GetBuffer(), zObj.GetBufferSize()); } zObj.Clear(); } else if (COMPRESSED_TYPE_NONE == index->compressed_type) writeFile.Write((const char *) data + index->data_position, index->data_size); writeFile.Destroy(); } return true; } bool CEterPack::GetNames(std::vector* retNames) { CMappedFile dataMapFile; LPCVOID data; if (!dataMapFile.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), &data, 0, 0)) return false; CLZObject zObj; for (TDataPositionMap::iterator i = m_DataPositionMap.begin(); i != m_DataPositionMap.end(); ++i) { TEterPackIndex* index = i->second; inlinePathCreate(index->filename); retNames->push_back(index->filename); } return true; } bool CEterPack::Put(const char * filename, const char * sourceFilename, BYTE packType, const std::string& strRelateMapName ) { CMappedFile mapFile; LPCVOID data; if (sourceFilename) { if (!mapFile.Create(sourceFilename, &data, 0, 0)) { return false; } } else if (!mapFile.Create(filename, &data, 0, 0)) { return false; } BYTE* pMappedData = (BYTE*)data; int iMappedDataSize = mapFile.Size(); if( packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT || packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB ) { m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GenerateCryptKey( std::string(filename) ); if( packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB ) { if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->GenerateSupplementaryDataBlock( std::string(filename), strRelateMapName, (const BYTE*)data, mapFile.Size(), pMappedData, iMappedDataSize )) { return false; } } } return Put(filename, pMappedData, iMappedDataSize, packType); } #ifdef CHECKSUM_CHECK_MD5 void CEterPack::GenerateMD5Hash( BYTE* pData, int nLength, IN OUT MD5_CTX& mdContext ) { MD5Init (&mdContext); const int nBlockSize = 1024; int nLoopCnt = nLength / nBlockSize; int nRemainder = nLength % nBlockSize; int i; for(i = 0; i < nLoopCnt; ++i ) { MD5Update (&mdContext, reinterpret_cast(pData + i*nBlockSize), nBlockSize); } if( nRemainder > 0 ) MD5Update (&mdContext, reinterpret_cast(pData + i*nBlockSize), nRemainder); MD5Final (&mdContext); } #endif bool CEterPack::Put(const char * filename, LPCVOID data, long len, BYTE packType) { if (m_bEncrypted) { TraceError("EterPack::Put : Cannot put to encrypted pack (filename: %s, DB: %s)", filename, m_dbName); return false; } CFileBase fileIndex; if (!fileIndex.Create(m_indexFileName, CFileBase::FILEMODE_WRITE)) { return false; } CFileBase fileData; if (!fileData.Create(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), CFileBase::FILEMODE_WRITE)) { return false; } TEterPackIndex * pIndex; pIndex = FindIndex(filename); CLZObject zObj; std::string encryptStr; if (packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY || packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_COMPRESS) { if (packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY) { if (!CLZO::Instance().CompressEncryptedMemory(zObj, data, len, s_adwEterPackSecurityKey)) { return false; } } else { if (!CLZO::Instance().CompressMemory(zObj, data, len)) { return false; } } data = zObj.GetBuffer(); len = zObj.GetSize(); } else if (packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA) { if (!__Encrypt_Panama(filename, (const BYTE *) data, len, zObj)) { return false; } data = zObj.GetBuffer(); len = zObj.GetBufferSize(); } else if (packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT || packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB ) { if( !m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy->EncryptMemory( std::string(filename), (const BYTE *)data, len, zObj ) ) { return false; } data = zObj.GetBuffer(); len = zObj.GetBufferSize(); } #ifdef CHECKSUM_CHECK_MD5 MD5_CTX context; GenerateMD5Hash( (BYTE*)(data), len, context ); #else DWORD data_crc; data_crc = GetCRC32((const char *) data, len); #endif // 기존 데이터가 있으면.. if (pIndex) { // 기존 data 크기가 넣을 데이터 크기를 수용할 수 있다면 if (pIndex->real_data_size >= len) { ++m_map_indexRefCount[pIndex->id]; // 길이가 틀리거나, checksum이 틀릴 때만 저장 한다. if ( (pIndex->data_size != len) || #ifdef CHECKSUM_CHECK_MD5 (memcmp( pIndex->MD5Digest, context.digest, 16 ) != 0) ) #else (pIndex->data_crc != data_crc) ) #endif { #ifdef __MAKE_PACK__ if (ms_PackLogFile) fprintf(ms_PackLogFile, "Overwrite[%d/%d] %s\n", bCompress, bSecurity, pIndex->filename); printf("Overwrite[%d/%d] %s\n", bCompress, bSecurity, pIndex->filename); #endif pIndex->data_size = len; #ifdef CHECKSUM_CHECK_MD5 memcpy( pIndex->MD5Digest, context.digest, 16 ); #else pIndex->data_crc = data_crc; #endif pIndex->compressed_type = packType; CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("Overwrite[type:%u] %s\n", pIndex->compressed_type, pIndex->filename); WriteIndex(fileIndex, pIndex); WriteData(fileData, pIndex, data); } return true; } // 기존 데이터 크기가 새로 들어갈 것 보다 적다면, 새로 인덱스를 할당해 // 넣어야 한다. 원래 있던 인덱스는 비워 둔다. PushFreeIndex(pIndex); WriteIndex(fileIndex, pIndex); } // 새 데이터 pIndex = NewIndex(fileIndex, filename, len); pIndex->data_size = len; #ifdef CHECKSUM_CHECK_MD5 memcpy( pIndex->MD5Digest, context.digest, 16 ); #else pIndex->data_crc = data_crc; #endif pIndex->data_position = GetNewDataPosition(fileData); pIndex->compressed_type = packType; WriteIndex(fileIndex, pIndex); WriteNewData(fileData, pIndex, data); ++m_map_indexRefCount[pIndex->id]; #ifdef __MAKE_PACK__ if (ms_PackLogFile) fprintf(ms_PackLogFile, "Write[%d/%d] %s\n", bCompress, bSecurity, pIndex->filename); printf("Write[%d/%d] %s, position %ld realsize %ld size %ld\n", bCompress, bSecurity, pIndex->filename, pIndex->data_position, pIndex->real_data_size, pIndex->data_size); #endif CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("Write[type:%u] %s\n", pIndex->compressed_type, pIndex->filename); return true; } long CEterPack::GetFragmentSize() { return m_FragmentSize; } // Private methods bool CEterPack::CreateIndexFile() { FILE * fp; if (NULL != (fp = fopen(m_indexFileName, "rb"))) { fclose(fp); return true; } else if (m_bReadOnly) return false; // // 파일이 없으므로 새로 만든다. // fp = fopen(m_indexFileName, "wb"); if (!fp) return false; fwrite(&eterpack::c_IndexCC, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); fwrite(&eterpack::c_Version, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); fwrite(&m_indexCount, sizeof(long), 1, fp); fclose(fp); return true; } void CEterPack::WriteIndex(CFileBase & file, TEterPackIndex * index) { file.Seek(sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD)); file.Write(&m_indexCount, sizeof(long)); file.Seek(eterpack::c_HeaderSize + (index->id * sizeof(TEterPackIndex))); if (!file.Write(index, sizeof(TEterPackIndex))) { assert(!"WriteIndex: fwrite failed"); return; } } /* * Free Block 이란 데이터에서 지워진 부분을 말한다. * Free Block 들은 각각 FREE_INDEX_BLOCK_SIZE (32768) 단위로 나누어져 * 리스트로 관리된다. * * 예를 들어 128k 의 데이터는 * 128 * 1024 / FREE_INDEX_BLOCK_SIZE = 4 이므로 * 최종 적으로는 m_FreeIndexList[4] 에 들어간다. * * FREE_INDEX_BLOCK_SIZE 의 최대 값은 FREE_INDEX_MAX_SIZE(512) 이다. * 따라서 16MB 이상의 데이터는 무조건 배열의 512 위치에 들어간다. */ int CEterPack::GetFreeBlockIndex(long size) { return min(FREE_INDEX_MAX_SIZE, size / FREE_INDEX_BLOCK_SIZE); } void CEterPack::PushFreeIndex(TEterPackIndex* index) { if (index->filename_crc != 0) { TDataPositionMap::iterator i = m_DataPositionMap.find(index->filename_crc); if (i != m_DataPositionMap.end()) m_DataPositionMap.erase(i); index->filename_crc = 0; memset(index->filename, 0, sizeof(index->filename)); } int blockidx = GetFreeBlockIndex(index->real_data_size); m_FreeIndexList[blockidx].push_back(index); m_FragmentSize += index->real_data_size; //printf("FreeIndex: size %d: blockidx: %d\n", index->real_data_size, blockidx); } long CEterPack::GetNewIndexPosition(CFileBase & file) { long pos = (file.Size() - eterpack::c_HeaderSize) / sizeof(TEterPackIndex); ++m_indexCount; return (pos); } TEterPackIndex* CEterPack::NewIndex(CFileBase& file, const char* filename, long size) { TEterPackIndex* index = NULL; int block_size = size + (DATA_BLOCK_SIZE - (size % DATA_BLOCK_SIZE)); // if ((index = FindIndex(filename))) // 이미 인덱스가 존재하는지 확인 // return index; int blockidx = GetFreeBlockIndex(block_size); for (TFreeIndexList::iterator i = m_FreeIndexList[blockidx].begin(); i != m_FreeIndexList[blockidx].end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->real_data_size >= size) { index = *i; m_FreeIndexList[blockidx].erase(i); assert(index->filename_crc == 0); break; } } if (!index) { index = new TEterPackIndex; index->real_data_size = block_size; index->id = GetNewIndexPosition(file); } strncpy(index->filename, filename, FILENAME_MAX_LEN); index->filename[FILENAME_MAX_LEN] = '\0'; inlineConvertPackFilename(index->filename); index->filename_crc = GetCRC32(index->filename, strlen(index->filename)); m_DataPositionMap.insert(TDataPositionMap::value_type(index->filename_crc, index)); return index; } TEterPackIndex* CEterPack::FindIndex(const char * filename) { static char tmpFilename[MAX_PATH + 1]; strncpy(tmpFilename, filename, MAX_PATH); inlineConvertPackFilename(tmpFilename); DWORD filename_crc = GetCRC32(tmpFilename, strlen(tmpFilename)); TDataPositionMap::iterator i = m_DataPositionMap.find(filename_crc); if (i == m_DataPositionMap.end()) return NULL; return (i->second); } bool CEterPack::IsExist(const char * filename) { return FindIndex(filename) ? true : false; } bool CEterPack::CreateDataFile() { FILE * fp; if (NULL != (fp = fopen(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), "rb"))) { fclose(fp); return true; } else if (m_bReadOnly) return false; fp = fopen(m_stDataFileName.c_str(), "wb"); if (!fp) return false; fclose(fp); return true; } long CEterPack::GetNewDataPosition(CFileBase& file) { return file.Size(); } bool CEterPack::ReadData(CFileBase & file, TEterPackIndex* index, LPVOID data, long maxsize) { if (index->data_size > maxsize) return false; file.Seek(index->data_position); file.Read(data, index->data_size); return true; } bool CEterPack::WriteData(CFileBase & file, TEterPackIndex* index, LPCVOID data) { file.Seek(index->data_position); if (!file.Write(data, index->data_size)) { assert(!"WriteData: fwrite data failed"); return false; } return true; } bool CEterPack::WriteNewData(CFileBase& file, TEterPackIndex* index, LPCVOID data) { file.Seek(index->data_position); if (!file.Write(data, index->data_size)) { assert(!"WriteData: fwrite data failed"); return false; } int empty_size = index->real_data_size - index->data_size; if (empty_size < 0) { printf("SYSERR: WriteNewData(): CRITICAL ERROR: empty_size lower than 0!\n"); exit(1); } if (empty_size == 0) return true; char * empty_buf = (char *) calloc(empty_size, sizeof(char)); if (!file.Write(empty_buf, empty_size)) { assert(!"WriteData: fwrite empty data failed"); return false; } free(empty_buf); return true; } TDataPositionMap & CEterPack::GetIndexMap() { return m_DataPositionMap; } DWORD CEterPack::DeleteUnreferencedData() { TDataPositionMap::iterator i = m_DataPositionMap.begin(); DWORD dwCount = 0; while (i != m_DataPositionMap.end()) { TEterPackIndex * pIndex = (i++)->second; if (0 == m_map_indexRefCount[pIndex->id]) { printf("Unref File %s\n", pIndex->filename); Delete(pIndex); ++dwCount; } } return dwCount; } const char * CEterPack::GetDBName() { return m_dbName; } void CEterPack::__CreateFileNameKey_Panama(const char * filename, BYTE * key, unsigned int keySize) { // 키 암호화 if (keySize != 32) return; std::string SrcStringForKey(filename); unsigned int idx = GetCRC32(SrcStringForKey.c_str(), SrcStringForKey.length()) & 3; CryptoPP::HashTransformation* hm1 = NULL; CryptoPP::HashTransformation* hm2 = NULL; static CryptoPP::Tiger tiger; static CryptoPP::SHA1 sha1; static CryptoPP::RIPEMD128 ripemd128; static CryptoPP::Whirlpool whirlpool; switch (idx & 3) { case 0: hm1 = &whirlpool; break; case 1: hm1 = &tiger; break; case 2: hm1 = &sha1; break; case 3: hm1 = &ripemd128; break; } CryptoPP::StringSource(SrcStringForKey, true, new CryptoPP::HashFilter(*hm1, //new CryptoPP::HexEncoder( new CryptoPP::ArraySink(key, 16) //) // HexEncoder ) // HashFilter ); // StringSource // 만들어진 키의 첫번째 4바이트로 다음 16바이트 키 생성 알고리즘 선택 unsigned int idx2 = *(unsigned int*) key; switch (idx2 & 3) { case 0: hm2 = &sha1; break; case 1: hm2 = &ripemd128; break; case 2: hm2 = &whirlpool; break; case 3: hm2 = &tiger; break; } CryptoPP::StringSource(SrcStringForKey, true, new CryptoPP::HashFilter(*hm2, //new CryptoPP::HexEncoder( new CryptoPP::ArraySink(key + 16, 16) //) // HexEncoder ) // HashFilter ); // StringSource // 키 생성 완료 } bool CEterPack::__Encrypt_Panama(const char* filename, const BYTE* data, SIZE_T dataSize, CLZObject& zObj) { if (32 != m_stIV_Panama.length()) { // 해커가 이 메세지를 보면 힌트를 얻을까봐 디버그에서만 출력 #ifdef _DEBUG TraceError("IV not set (filename: %s)", filename); #endif return false; } CryptoPP::PanamaCipher::Encryption Encryptor; if (dataSize < Encryptor.MandatoryBlockSize()) { #ifdef _DEBUG TraceError("Type 3 pack file must be bigger than %u bytes (filename: %s)", Encryptor.MandatoryBlockSize(), filename); #endif return false; } BYTE key[32]; __CreateFileNameKey_Panama(filename, key, sizeof(key)); Encryptor.SetKeyWithIV(key, sizeof(key), (const BYTE*) m_stIV_Panama.c_str(), 32); // MandatoryBlockSize에 나누어 떨어지게 만들고 최대 2048 바이트만 DWORD cryptSize = dataSize - (dataSize % Encryptor.MandatoryBlockSize()); cryptSize = cryptSize > 2048 ? 2048 : cryptSize; std::string tmp; tmp.reserve(cryptSize); CryptoPP::ArraySource(data, cryptSize, true, new CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter(Encryptor, new CryptoPP::StringSink(tmp) ) ); if (tmp.length() != cryptSize) { #ifdef _DEBUG TraceError("Type 3 pack crypt buffer size error (out %u should be %u)", tmp.length(), cryptSize); #endif return false; } zObj.AllocBuffer(dataSize); memcpy(zObj.GetBuffer(), tmp.c_str(), cryptSize); if (dataSize - cryptSize > 0) memcpy(zObj.GetBuffer() + cryptSize, data + cryptSize, dataSize - cryptSize); return true; } bool CEterPack::__Decrypt_Panama(const char* filename, const BYTE* data, SIZE_T dataSize, CLZObject& zObj) { if (32 != m_stIV_Panama.length()) { // 해커가 이 메세지를 보면 힌트를 얻을까봐 디버그에서만 출력 #ifdef _DEBUG TraceError("IV not set (filename: %s)", filename); #endif return false; } CryptoPP::PanamaCipher::Decryption Decryptor; BYTE key[32]; __CreateFileNameKey_Panama(filename, key, sizeof(key)); Decryptor.SetKeyWithIV(key, sizeof(key), (const BYTE*) m_stIV_Panama.c_str(), 32); // MandatoryBlockSize에 나누어 떨어지게 만들고 최대 2048 바이트만 DWORD cryptSize = dataSize - (dataSize % Decryptor.MandatoryBlockSize()); cryptSize = cryptSize > 2048 ? 2048 : cryptSize; std::string tmp; tmp.reserve(cryptSize); CryptoPP::ArraySource(data, cryptSize, true, new CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter(Decryptor, new CryptoPP::StringSink(tmp) ) ); if (tmp.length() != cryptSize) { #ifdef _DEBUG TraceError("Type 3 pack crypt buffer size error (out %u should be %u)", tmp.length(), cryptSize); #endif return false; } zObj.AllocBuffer(dataSize); memcpy(zObj.GetBuffer(), tmp.c_str(), cryptSize); if (dataSize - cryptSize > 0) memcpy(zObj.GetBuffer() + cryptSize, data + cryptSize, dataSize - cryptSize); return true; } EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt* CEterPack::GetPackPolicy_HybridCrypt() const { return m_pCSHybridCryptPolicy; } ///////////////////////// void CEterFileDict::InsertItem(CEterPack* pkPack, TEterPackIndex* pkInfo) { Item item; item.pkPack = pkPack; item.pkInfo = pkInfo; m_dict.insert(TDict::value_type(pkInfo->filename_crc, item)); } void CEterFileDict::UpdateItem(CEterPack* pkPack, TEterPackIndex* pkInfo) { Item item; item.pkPack = pkPack; item.pkInfo = pkInfo; TDict::iterator f = m_dict.find(pkInfo->filename_crc); if (f == m_dict.end()) m_dict.insert(TDict::value_type(pkInfo->filename_crc, item)); else { if (strcmp(f->second.pkInfo->filename, item.pkInfo->filename) == 0) { f->second = item; } else { TraceError("NAME_COLLISION: OLD: %s NEW: %s", f->second.pkInfo->filename, item.pkInfo->filename); } } } CEterFileDict::Item* CEterFileDict::GetItem(DWORD dwFileNameHash, const char * c_pszFileName) { std::pair iter_pair = m_dict.equal_range(dwFileNameHash); TDict::iterator iter = iter_pair.first; while (iter != iter_pair.second) { Item& item = iter->second; if (0 == strcmp(c_pszFileName, item.pkInfo->filename)) return &item; ++iter; } return NULL; }