AFF_LOVE_POINT Love points: %d%% ALIGNMENT_NAME Rank points: ATTACK_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown attack error: %s CANNOT_ATTACK_DEST_IN_SAFE The combatant is too far away. CANNOT_ATTACK_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_EXCHANGE You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. CANNOT_EQUIP_IN_SHOP You cannot change your equipment whilst trading. CANNOT_OPEN_PRIVATE_SHOP_IN_SAFE_AREA You cannot open a private shop in a public area. CANNOT_SHOOT_DEST_IN_SAFE The enemy is too far away. CANNOT_SHOOT_EMPTY_ARROW I need an arrow. CANNOT_SHOOT_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack my opponent from here. CANNOT_SKILL_APPROACH I am sure that I cannot get any closer. CANNOT_SKILL_ATTACK I cannot attack that. CANNOT_SKILL_DEST_IN_SAFE The opponent is too far away. CANNOT_SKILL_EQUIP_FISHING_ROD I need a Fishing Pole. CANNOT_SKILL_HAVE_TO_RIDE I need a Horse to be able to use this. CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an empty bottle. CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle. CANNOT_SKILL_NEED_TARGET Who is the target? CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_HP I do not have enough HP! CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_ENOUGH_SP I do not have enough SP! CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_HORSE_SKILL I cannot use this whilst riding. CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_MATCHABLE_WEAPON I cannot use this skill with this weapon. CANNOT_SKILL_NOT_YET_LEARN I have not learned this skill. CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_ALLIANCE This only affects group members. CANNOT_SKILL_ONLY_FOR_CORPSE This only affects dead people. CANNOT_SKILL_REMOVE_FISHING_ROD I cannot use this skill with a Fishing Pole. CANNOT_SKILL_SELF_IN_SAFE I cannot attack from here. CANNOT_SKILL_USE_SELF I cannot use this on myself. CANNOT_SKILL_WAIT_COOLTIME I cannot use this skill yet. CANNOT_WHISPER_DEST_REFUSE %s has blocked whispering. SA CANNOT_WHISPER_NOT_LOGON %s is not online. SA CANNOT_WHISPER_SELF_REFUSE You cannot whisper something to someone when you have completely blocked whispering. SNA CHANNEL Channel CHANNELING_CANNOT_LOGOUT You cannot go back to the login screen. CHANNEL_EMPTY_SERVER No server CHANNEL_NORMAL Channel %d CHANNEL_NOTIFY_FULL This channel is full! Please choose another one. CHANNEL_NOT_FIND_INFO No information found via the Channel. CHANNEL_PVP Free duel CHANNEL_SELECT_CHANNEL Choose the channel CHANNEL_SELECT_REGION Choose region. CHANNEL_SELECT_SERVER Choose server CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER Test server CHANNEL_TEST_SERVER_ADDR Test %s:%d CHAT_ALL All CHAT_BLOCK Block CHAT_GUILD Guild CHAT_INFORMATION Info CHAT_INSULT_STRING This sentence has invalid words in it. CHAT_LOG Show old messages [L] CHAT_LOG_TITLE Chat-log CHAT_NORMAL Normal CHAT_NOTICE Announcement CHAT_PARTY Group CHAT_SEND_CHAT Send chat CHAT_SEND_MEMO Send whisper[Shift+Enter] CHAT_SHOUT Call CHAT_SHOUT_LIMIT You can only call every 15 seconds. CHAT_WHISPER Whispering CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME You are not allowed to use 'GM' in your character name. CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME This name is invalid. CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME Another character already has this name. CREATE_FAILURE You cannot create the character CREATE_GM_NAME GM CREATE_INPUT_NAME Enter the name. CREATE_PLUS_STAT There are still status points available. DAY Days DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM1 Do you want to buy %s for %s? DO_YOU_BUY_ITEM2 Do you want to buy %s %s for %s? DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY Do you want to drop %d Yang? DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM1 Do you want to sell %s for %s? DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM2 Do you want to sell %s %s for %s? DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot drop equipped items. DROP_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot drop any items as long as a private shop is open. DROP_MONEY_FAILURE_1000_OVER You can drop a maximum of 999 Yang. EMOTION_ANGRY Aggravating EMOTION_ATTRACTIVE Seduction EMOTION_BANTER Sneering EMOTION_CHEERS_1 Cheers 1 EMOTION_CHEERS_2 Cheers 2 EMOTION_CHEERUP Cheer EMOTION_CHOOSE_ONE Choose a target. EMOTION_CLAP Claps EMOTION_CLAP_KISS Kiss EMOTION_CONGRATULATION Approval EMOTION_DANCE_1 Dance 1 EMOTION_DANCE_2 Dance 2 EMOTION_DANCE_3 Dance 3 EMOTION_DANCE_4 Dance 4 EMOTION_DANCE_5 Dance 5 EMOTION_FORGIVE Forgiveness EMOTION_FRENCH_KISS French Kiss EMOTION_JOY Joy EMOTION_SAD Sad EMOTION_SHY Rejection EMOTION_SLAP Hit EMPIRE_A Shinsoo Kingdom EMPIRE_B Chunjo Kingdom EMPIRE_C Jinno Kingdom EXCHANGE_CANNOT_GIVE You cannot trade this Item. EXCHANGE_CANT_EDIT_MONEY You cannot change the sum now. EXCHANGE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot exchange equipped Items. EXCHANGE_MONEY Sum EXCHANGE_TITLE Trade with %s FISHING_FAILURE You lost the Bait. FISHING_NOTIFY1 It looks like %s is hooked. FISHING_NOTIFY2 It looks like %s is on the hook. FISHING_SUCCESS1 You captured %s! FISHING_SUCCESS2 You have pulled %s out of the water! FISHING_UNKNOWN Something has taken the bait but you can't see what it is. FISHING_WRONG_PLACE You cannot go fishing here. FOR_FEMALE for female FOR_MALE for male GAME_CANNOT_MINING You cannot mine Ore while riding. GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM You cannot collect this Item as you did not win it. GAME_INIT_ERROR_CURSOR The cursor could not be established. GAME_INIT_ERROR_DIRECTX DirectX 8.1 must be installed so that the game can run.\nInstall DirectX 8.1 or higher. GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_BAD_PERFORMANCE No graphic device could be found. \nCheck if your VGA card is correctly installed. GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_EXIST Graphic device could not be established. \nCheck if you have a VGA card. \nAlternatively, you can active the hardware accelerator.\n(Set hardware accelerator to max \nControl Panel->Display->Settings->Advanced->Troubleshoot tab) GAME_INIT_ERROR_GRAPHICS_NOT_SUPPORT_32BIT The graphics card of the computer does not support the window mode in 32bit Mode. \nChange to 16bit Mode or use Full Screen Mode. GAME_INIT_ERROR_ITEM_PROTO No Item data there.\nInstall the game again. GAME_INIT_ERROR_MAIN_WINDOW Mainframe could not be established GAME_INIT_ERROR_MOB_PROTO No Monster Data there.\nInstall the game again. GAME_INIT_ERROR_NETWORK Network devices could not be established.\nCheck your internet connection. GAME_PICK_MONEY You have received %d Yang. GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_128_HEIGHT Height is not 128 Pixel GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_12_HEIGHT Height is not 12 Pixel GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_16_WIDTH Width is not 16 Pixel GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_64_WIDTH Width is not 64 Pixel GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT The game does not support this picture. GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_PATH Move the data into the folder metin2/upload. GUILDMARK_UPLOADER_ERROR_SELECT No picture file chosen. GUILDWAR_CTF_TITLE Flag captured. GUILDWAR_NORMAL_TITLE Field Battle GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_1 The Guild %s declared war on your Guild. GUILDWAR_QUESTION_LINE_2 Do you accept? (%s) GUILDWAR_UNKNOWN_TITLE ... GUILDWAR_WARP_TITLE Guild theater of war GUILD_BUILDING_GRADE Rank GUILD_BUILDING_NAME Name of building GUILD_CANNOT_HEAL_GSP_ANYMORE The Dragon ghost battle is already full. GUILD_COMMENT Write GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME Guildname is not valid. GUILD_DEFAULT_GRADE Guild members GUILD_DELETE Delete GUILD_DEPOSIT Deposit GUILD_DO_YOU_HEAL_GSP Do you want to restore with %d Yang %d Dragon ghost? GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to join the guild? GUILD_EMPTY_AREA Empty land GUILD_ENEMY_GUILD_NAME Guild name of the enemy GUILD_FACILITY Outbuilding GUILD_GEM Gem GUILD_HEADQUARTER Main Building GUILD_HEAL_GSP Restore Dragon ghost GUILD_INFO_ENEMY_GUILD_EMPTY None GUILD_MARK_NOT_ENOUGH_LEVEL Minimum level of 4 required GUILD_NAME Guild name GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MATERIAL You do not have enough resources for this building. GUILD_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY You do not have enough Yang for this building. GUILD_NO_NOTICE_PERMISSION You do not have the rights to make an announcement. GUILD_OBJECT Objects GUILD_OFFER_EXP Experience to invest GUILD_SHORT_EXP Not enough Experience yet GUILD_TILE_BASEINFO Basic Information GUILD_TILE_BOARD Blackboard GUILD_TILE_GRADE Rights Administration GUILD_TILE_INFO Guild Information GUILD_TILE_MEMBER Guild Members GUILD_TILE_SKILL Guild Skills GUILD_WAR_LIMIT_30MIN Time: 30 Minutes GUILD_WAR_REWARD_POTION Reward: The winner receives a Potion GUILD_WAR_USE_BATTLE_MAP Use Guild Theater of War GUILD_WAR_USE_NORMAL_MAP Use Normal Map GUILD_WAR_WIN_CHECK_SCORE The highest result wins the war. GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG1 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. GUILD_WAR_WIN_TAKE_AWAY_FLAG2 Capture the flag of your enemy and carry it to your base. GUILD_WAR_WIN_WIPE_OUT_GUILD Defeat all enemies to win. GUILD_WITHDRAW Fallback GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN You are not a member of any Guild. HORSE_HEALTH0 Dead HORSE_HEALTH1 Hungry HORSE_HEALTH2 Starving HORSE_HEALTH3 Full HORSE_LEVEL1 Normal Horse HORSE_LEVEL2 Battle Horse HORSE_LEVEL3 Military Horse HOUR Hours HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP1 Do you want to drop %s? HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP2 Do you want to drop %s %d? INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER Enter Matrix Cardnumber. INPUT_MATRIX_CARD_TITLE Matrix Card INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION Enter deletion-code from your account settings here. INPUT_PRIVATE_CODE_DIALOG_TITLE Delete character INVENTORY_DO_NOT_PACK_WARP_SCROLL Role of Return cannot be combined. INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM Do you want to use this Item? JOB_ASSASSIN Ninja JOB_ASSASSIN0 Amateur Ninja JOB_ASSASSIN1 Power of the Ninjas JOB_ASSASSIN2 Undead JOB_SHAMAN Shaman JOB_SHAMAN0 Amateur Shaman JOB_SHAMAN1 Power of the Dragon JOB_SHAMAN2 Lightning Power JOB_SURA Sura JOB_SURA0 Amateur Sura JOB_SURA1 Power of the Fata Morgana JOB_SURA2 Power of Black Magic JOB_WARRIOR Warrior JOB_WARRIOR0 Amateur Warrior JOB_WARRIOR1 Power of Arahan JOB_WARRIOR2 Power of Partisans LEFT_TIME Time Remaining LOGIN_CONNECT_FAILURE Error while connecting to the server. LOGIN_CONNECT_SUCCESS You are connected to the server. LOGIN_CONNETING You will be connected to the server. LOGIN_FAILURE_ALREAY Your account is already connected. LOGIN_FAILURE_BE_SAME_KEY Registration problem. LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_ID Your account is banned. LOGIN_FAILURE_BLOCK_LOGIN Please choose one of the other servers! LOGIN_FAILURE_NOBILL Your account had no play time. LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_AVAIL Your account cannot be used. LOGIN_FAILURE_NOT_EXIST_ID Account name or password incorrect. LOGIN_FAILURE_REPAIR_ID Items have been restored for this account. LOGIN_FAILURE_SHUTDOWN The server is not open yet. LOGIN_FAILURE_TOO_MANY_USER You could not connect because too many players are online. LOGIN_FAILURE_UNKNOWN You could not register for unknown reasons. LOGIN_FAILURE_WEB_BLOCK You have been blocked at the website. Please check your EMails. LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER You entered a wrong number. LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_MATRIX_CARD_NUMBER_TRIPLE You entered a wrong number three times. /n You connection will be disabled. LOGIN_FAILURE_WRONG_PASSWORD Account name or password incorrect. LOGIN_INPUT_ID Enter the ID. LOGIN_INPUT_PASSWORD Enter the password. LOGIN_PROCESSING Logging in... MALL_CANNOT_INSERT You cannot place the Item. MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE Password MAP_A1 Yongan Area MAP_A2 Valley of Seungryong MAP_A3 Yayang Area MAP_AG Jungrang MAP_B1 Joan Area MAP_B2 Valley of Imji MAP_B3 Bokjung Area MAP_BG Waryong MAP_C1 Pyungmoo Area MAP_C2 Valley of Bangsan MAP_C3 Bakra Area MAP_CG Imha MAP_DESERT Yongbi Desert MAP_FLAME Doyyumhwan MAP_NUSLUCK Land of Giants MAP_SKELTOWER Gumsan Tower MAP_SNOW Mount Sohan MAP_SPIDER Kuahlo Dong MAP_TEMPLE Hwang Temple MAP_TREE Lungsam MAP_TRENT02 Red Forest MAP_WL Snakefield MESSENGER_ADD_FRIEND Add Friend MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 %s added you as a friend. MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2 Accept? MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE Delete? MESSENGER_DO_YOU_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER Do you want to delete the cell phone number? MESSENGER_DO_YOU_MOVE Do you want to go on? MESSENGER_EMPTY_LIST Empty MESSENGER_FAMILY Family MESSENGER_FRIEND Friends MESSENGER_GUILD Guild MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_DESCRIPTION Enter the confirmation number that was sent to your cell phone. MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_AUTHORITY_TITLE Enter confirmation number MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_1 Enter the cell phone number for the Text message sending. MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_2 Do you want to enter the number now? MESSENGER_INPUT_MOBILE_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE Enter cell phone number. MESSENGER_SEND_MOBILE_MESSAGE_TITLE Send message. MINIMAP Open Mini Map MINIMAP_CANNOT_SEE Mini Map cannot be seen. MINIMAP_CAN_NOT_SHOW_AREAMAP Large Map cannot be shown. MINIMAP_DEC_SCALE Zoom out MINIMAP_INC_SCALE Zoom in MINIMAP_OBSERVER_COUNT %d observers MINIMAP_SHOW_AREAMAP Open Large Map MINUTE Minutes MONETARY_UNIT0 Yang MONETARY_UNIT1 Ten Thousand MONETARY_UNIT2 Hundred Billion MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE Sales Price: MOVE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot move the item when you have opened a private shop. MUSIC_EMPTY_MUSIC_LIST No Backgroundmusic. MUSIC_METIN2_DEFAULT_THEMA Metin2 Standard music MUSIC_NOT_SELECT_MUSIC No Music file chosen. NEEFD_REST You must rest first. NOT_YET_SUPPORT Not yer supported OPTION_PVPMODE_CANNOT_SET_GUILD_MODE You cannot activate Guild Mode when you do not belong to a Guild. OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT You cannot choose this configuration in PvP Mode. OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT You need to have at least Level %d to be able to change the PvP Mode. PARTY_BONUS_ATTACKER Attack Value: +%d SA PARTY_BONUS_BERSERKER Attck Speed: +%d SA PARTY_BONUS_BUFFER Skill Duration: +%d SA PARTY_BONUS_DEFENDER Defence: +%d SA PARTY_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP: %d%% SA PARTY_BONUS_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP: +%d SA PARTY_BONUS_TANKER Max. HP: +%d SA PARTY_BREAK_UP Delete Group PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT would like to join the Group. PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN , do you want to accept the invitation? PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE EXP Distribution PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL Level Distribution PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_LEVEL_TOOLTIP Higher Level receives more EXP. PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY Evenly Distribution PARTY_EXP_DISTRIBUTION_MODE_PARITY_TOOLTIP All Group members receive the same EXP. PARTY_HEAL_ALL_MEMBER Restore everything. PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_150 Range of the group heightened of the factor 1.5 . SNA PARTY_INCREASE_AREA_200 Range of the group heightened of the factor 2. SNA PARTY_LEAVE Leave group. PARTY_LONGTIME_BONUS_EXP Bonus EXP for a long group game: +%d%% SA PARTY_MEMBER_OFFLINE [Offline] PARTY_RECALL_MEMBER Call group member. PARTY_REGEN_BONUS Bonus for HP- + SP regeneration: +%d%% SA PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED You discarded the invitation into the group.. PARTY_SET_ATTACKER Constitute as Attacker. PARTY_SET_BERSERKER Constitute as Berserker. PARTY_SET_BUFFER Constitute as Blocker. PARTY_SET_DEFENDER Constitute as Defender. PARTY_SET_NORMAL Withdraw settings. PARTY_SET_SKILL_MASTER Constitute as Skill Master. PARTY_SET_TANKER Constitute as blade fighter. PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER Base Attack Value Attacker +%,0f PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER Attack Speed Berserker +%,0f PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER Skill Duration Blocker +%,0f PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER Defence Defender +%,0f PARTY_SKILL_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%,0f%% PARTY_SKILL_PARTY_AREA Group range +%d%% PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER Max. SP Skill Master +%,0f PARTY_SKILL_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%,0f%% PARTY_SKILL_TANKER Max. HP blade fighter +%,0f PARTY_SKILL_WARP Possible to call group members. PASSWORD_TITLE Storeroom password PICK_ITEM_TITLE Item Number PICK_MONEY_TITLE Sum PRIVATE_SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM You cannot sell this item in a private shop. PRIVATE_SHOP_CLOSE_QUESTION Do you want to close the private shop? PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_NAME_DIALOG_TITLE Name of the private shop. PRIVATE_SHOP_INPUT_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE Price PVP_LEVEL0 Chivalric PVP_LEVEL1 Noble PVP_LEVEL2 Good PVP_LEVEL3 Friendly PVP_LEVEL4 Neutral PVP_LEVEL5 Aggressive PVP_LEVEL6 Fraudulent PVP_LEVEL7 Malicious PVP_LEVEL8 Cruel PVP_MODE_GUILD PvP Guild activated PVP_MODE_KILL PvP Free activated PVP_MODE_NORMAL PvP Peace activated PVP_MODE_PROTECT PvP Protection activated PVP_MODE_REVENGE PvP Hostile activated PVP_OPTION_KILL Free PVP_OPTION_NORMAL Peace PVP_OPTION_PROTECT Protection PVP_OPTION_REVENGE Hostile QUEST_APPEND New Quest acquired. QUEST_MIN Min. QUEST_SEC Sec. QUEST_TIMEOVER Time Expired QUEST_UNLIMITED_TIME No time limit. QUEST_ZEROSEC 0 Sec. QUICKSLOT_REGISTER_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be added to the Fast Access Field. RECEIVE_MESSAGE %s sent you a message. REFINE_COST Costs for Advancement: %d Yang REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING This Item could be destroyed while upgrading. REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_1 This will improve the chance for upgrading, REFINE_DESTROY_WARNING_WITH_BONUS_PERCENT_2 but if you fail the Item could be destroyed. /n Do you want to continue? REFINE_DOWN_GRADE_WARNING The Item could be down graded this way. REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN Do you want to take away the spirit stone? REFINE_FAILURE You failed. REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH %s cannot be included in that Item. REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM You cannot upgrade equipped Items. REFINE_FAILURE_METIN_INSEPARABLE_ITEM No spirit stone can be taken away. REFINE_FAILURE_NEED_BETTER_SCROLL You need a better Advancement Scroll. REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET There is no Gold socket to include %s . REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET You cannot make more Sockets. REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET0 There is no Socket to include the %s. REFINE_FAILURE_SOCKET_DISABLE_ITEM You cannot make any Sockets on this Item. REFINE_FAILURE_UPGRADE_DISABLE_ITEM This Item cannot be upgraded. REFINE_SUCCESS The advancement of the Item was successful. REFINE_SUCCESS_PROBALITY Chance for Advancement %d%% REFINE_WARNING2 Do you want to continue? SAFEBOX_ERROR You entered the wrong password. SAFEBOX_SELL_DISABLE_SAFEITEM You cannot sell any of the saved Items. SAFEBOX_WRONG_PASSWORD The passwords have to be identical. SCREENSHOT_SAVE1 is saved in SCREENSHOT_SAVE2 Screenshot File SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE Saving of Screenshot failed. SECOND Sec SELECT_CAN_NOT_DELETE You cannot delete the character. SELECT_CHANGED_NAME You changed the name of the character. SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_ALREADY_EXIST_NAME The character name is already existing. SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_INDEX Try again. SELECT_CHANGE_FAILURE_STRANGE_NAME That SELECT_CHANGE_NAME_TITLE Change character name. SELECT_DELEING Character will be deleted. SELECT_DELETED Deletion successful. SELECT_DO_YOU_DELETE_REALLY Do you want to continue? SELECT_EMPTY_SLOT This is an empty field. SELECT_GM_NAME GM SELECT_INPUT_CHANGING_NAME Enter a new character name. SELECT_NOT_JOIN_GUILD No Guild SHOP_BUY_INFO Choose the Item you want to buy in the shop window. SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_EQUIPMENT You cannot sell equipped Items. SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM This Item cannot be sold. SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Shop Error: %s SHOP_INVALID_POS This Item cannot be used here. SHOP_INVENTORY_FULL Your inventory is full. SHOP_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough Yang SHOP_SELL_INFO Choose the Item you want to sell in your inventory window. SHOP_SOLDOUT Sold Out SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Error during Long Distance Attack: %s SKILL_BOHO Reflect SKILL_BUDONG is not used anymore SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_BOOK You need EXP to learn this Skill. SKILL_CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_ANYMORE_BY_STAT You need a Book to learn this Skill. SKILL_CHEONGEUN Strong Body SKILL_CRITICAL Critical hit SKILL_ENCHANT_POISON Apply Poison SKILL_EUNHYEONG Camouflage SKILL_FAINT Blackout SKILL_FIND_TRAP Find Trap SKILL_FIRE Permanent Fire SKILL_FISHMIND Fishing Marble is active SKILL_GAMJI Capture SKILL_GEOMGYEONG Aura of the Sword SKILL_GEONGON SKILL_GEONGON Not used anymore SKILL_GICHEON Help of the Dragon SKILL_GIGONG Chi Rotation SKILL_GONGPO Fear SKILL_GRADE_NAME_GRAND_MASTER %s Grand Master SKILL_GRADE_NAME_MASTER %s Master SKILL_GRADE_NAME_PERFECT_MASTER %s Perfect Master SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_1 Blade SKILL_GROUP_ASSASSIN_2 Arc SKILL_GROUP_HORSE Riding SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_1 Dragon SKILL_GROUP_SHAMAN_2 Healing SKILL_GROUP_SURA_1 Weapon SKILL_GROUP_SURA_2 Magic SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_1 Body SKILL_GROUP_WARRIOR_2 Mental SKILL_GWIGEOM Enchanted Blade SKILL_GYEONGGONG Feather Walking SKILL_HEUKSIN Dark Protection SKILL_HOSIN Blessing SKILL_HWAYEOM SKILL_HWAYEOM Not used anymore SKILL_HYEOLMA SKILL_HYEOLMA Not used anymore SKILL_INC_ATKSPD Attack speed raised SKILL_INC_MOVSPD Moving speed raised SKILL_INMA SKILL_INMA Not used anymore SKILL_JEOJU Curse SKILL_JEONGEOP Healing SKILL_JEONGWI Battle Flush SKILL_JEONSINBANGEO Full Defence SKILL_JEONSINGONGGYEOK Full Attack SKILL_JEUNGCHE SKILL_JEUNGCHE Not used anymore SKILL_JEUNGHON SKILL_JEUNGHON Not used anymore SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK Attack + SKILL_JEUNGSOK Speed + SKILL_JIGAM SKILL_JIGAM Not used anymore SKILL_JIPJUNG SKILL_JIPJUNG Not used anymore SKILL_JUMAGAP Enchanted Armour SKILL_JUMAGEOM SKILL_JUMAGEOM Not used anymore SKILL_KWAEGEOM SKILL_KWAEGEOM Not used anymore SKILL_KWAESOK Speed SKILL_LEGBOUND SKILL_LEGBOUND Not used anymore SKILL_MUSA SKILL_MUSA Not used anymore SKILL_MUYEONG Ghost of the Flame SKILL_NEED_EMPTY_BOTTLE I do not have an Empty Bottle. SKILL_NEED_POISON_BOTTLE I do not have a Poison Bottle SKILL_ONLY_FOR_GUILD_WAR You can use this Skill during a Guild War only. SKILL_PABEOP Neutralize Spell SKILL_POWERFUL_STRIKE Dazing Attack SKILL_SEOMGWANG Lightning Bomb SKILL_SINCHAK SKILL_SINCHAK Not used anymore SKILL_SLEEP Sleep SKILL_SLOW Slow SKILL_STUN Daze SKILL_SUHO Guard SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION Chance of the Evocation: %d%% SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL Level SKILL_TOXICDIE Poisoning SKILL_TOXICPOWER Poison attack value increased SKILL_TUSOK Ghost Hit SKILL_WONSIN SKILL_WONSIN Not used anymore SKILL_YONGSIN SKILL_YONGSIN Not used anymore STAT_MINUS_CON Life Energy Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) STAT_MINUS_DEX Dexterity Adjustment (Remaining Chance: %d) STAT_MINUS_INT Intelligence Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) STAT_MINUS_STR Strength Adjustment (Rest of Chance: %d) STAT_TOOLTIP_CON HP and Defence are upgraded. STAT_TOOLTIP_DEX Accuracy and Fleeing are upgraded. STAT_TOOLTIP_INT SP and Magical Power are upgraded. STAT_TOOLTIP_STR Attack Value is upgraded. SYMBOLLIST_TITLE Register Guild flag SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_1 CPU Tiling Mode can upgrade the speed of a weaker PC. SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_2 If there are problem with the graphics choose either ,Systemoption� or ,CONFIG.exe� SYSTEM_OPTION_CPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_1 GPU Tiling Mode can run slow on a weaker PC. SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_2 If there are problems with the graphics choose either 'System Options' or 'CONFIG.exe' SYSTEM_OPTION_GPU_TILING_3 and change to GPU Tiling Mode. SYSTEM_OPTION_TILING_EXIT For a change to the Tiling Mode the game must be restarted. TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT Agree TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE Revenge TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY Destroy TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT Dismount TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW Emotions TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE Trading TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE Exclude TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER End Observer Mode TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT Duel TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND Friend TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD Guild Invitation TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY Group Invitation TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY Leave Group TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY Join Group TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT Equipment TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER Whispering TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS Boss TARGET_LEVEL_KING Level 5. TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT Level 3. TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN Level 1. TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT Level 4. TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN Level 2. TASKBAR_ATTACK Attack TASKBAR_AUTO Automatic TASKBAR_CAMERA Camera TASKBAR_EXP Experience TASKBAR_HP HP TASKBAR_MOVE Move TASKBAR_SKILL Skill TASKBAR_SP SP TASKBAR_ST ST THING_COUNT all TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Cannot be sold in the shop. TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ANIMAL Strong against Animals +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN Strong against Ninjas +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_DEVIL Strong against Devil +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_HUMAN Strong against Half Humans +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MILGYO Strong against Mystics +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_MONSTER Strong against Monster +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_ORC Strong against Orcs +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SHAMAN Strong against Shamans +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_SURA Strong against Sura +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_UNDEAD Strong against Undead +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ATTBONUS_WARRIOR Strong against Warriorr +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_BLOCK Chance to block a close-combat attack %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_COMBAT_SP_RECOVER Recover SP all 5 seconds in a Battle %d SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_CRITICAL_PCT %d%% Chance of critical Hits SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_DAMAGE_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to get back SP when hit SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_DODGE Chance to avoid Arrows %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance for EXP Bonus SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double Yang SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_FALL Immune against falling down SNA TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_SLOW Defence against slowing SNA TOOLTIP_APPLY_IMMUNE_STUN Defence against blackouts SNA TOOLTIP_APPLY_ITEM_DROP_BONUS %d%% Chance to drop double the Items SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_HP_RECOVER %d%% Chance, to restore HP SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_KILL_SP_RECOVER %d%% Chance to restore SP SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_MANA_BURN_PCT %d%% chance to rob mana SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT No effect TOOLTIP_APPLY_NO_DEATH_PENALTY No experience points will be lost if your character is revived at the place of his death. SNA TOOLTIP_APPLY_PENETRATE_PCT %d%% Chance for piercing Hits SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_PCT Poisoned Chance: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_POISON_REDUCE Poison Resistance %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_POTION_BONUS Potion %d%% effect raise SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_CURSE Chance to reflect Curse: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_REFLECT_MELEE %d%% Chance to reflect close combat hits SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_ASSASSIN Defence chance against ninja attacks: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_BELL Bell Defence %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_DAGGER Dagger Defence %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_FAN Fan Defence %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SHAMAN Defence chance against shaman attacks: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SURA Defence chance against sura attacks: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_SWORD Sword Defence %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_TWOHAND Two-Handed Defence %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WARRIOR Defence chance against warrior attacks: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_RESIST_WIND Wind Resistance %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_BONUS Chance to learn from books upgraded by factor 2.5 . SNA TOOLTIP_APPLY_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY If learning fails you immediately have another try for free SNA TOOLTIP_APPLY_SLOW_PCT Slowing Chance: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_HP %d%% damage will be absorbed by TP SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_STEAL_SP %d%% damage will be absorbed by MP SA TOOLTIP_APPLY_STUN_PCT Chance of a Blackout: %d%% SA TOOLTIP_ARMOR Armor TOOLTIP_ARROW Arrow TOOLTIP_ASSASSIN Ninja TOOLTIP_ATT_GRADE Attack Value +%d SA TOOLTIP_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_BOW_DISTANCE Arc Range +%dm SA TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE Price: %s TOOLTIP_CAST_SPEED Casting Speed +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_CON Life Energy +%d SA TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE Defence +%d SA TOOLTIP_DEX Dexterity +%d SA TOOLTIP_EAR Earring TOOLTIP_ETC And so on TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP Points %d / %d TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL Level: %d TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1 Give to the Fisherman TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2 to get a better TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3 Fishing Pole. TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN Lenght: %,2fcm TOOLTIP_HELMET Helmet TOOLTIP_HP_REGEN HP Regeneration +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_INT Intelligence +%d SA TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE Attack Value %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER Attack Value %d - %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Attack Value %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_REFINE Attack Value %d - %d (+%d) TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED Attacking Speed %s TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE Defence %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST Fast TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Life Energy Upper Limit: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Dexterity Upper Limit: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Intelligence Upper Limit: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL From Level: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Strenght Upper Limit: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER Magical Attack Value %d - %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG Magical Attack Value %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER Magical Defence %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL Normal TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW Slow TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST Very fast TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW Very slow TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB [ Wearable ] TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER %d TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER Lucky Number: %d TOOLTIP_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE Magical Attack Value +%d SA TOOLTIP_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE Magical Defence +%d SA TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS Attack Value +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_MALL_ATTBONUS_STATIC Attack Value +12~15% SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_AUTOLOOT A hand that picks up dropped Yang automatically SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS Defence +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_MALL_DEFBONUS_STATIC Defence +12~15% SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS EXP +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe EXP Bonus +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_MALL_EXPBONUS_STATIC Increases gaining EXP by 50% SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_FISH_MIND Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled. SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS Chance of capturing Yang multiplied with %.1f SA TOOLTIP_MALL_GOLDBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chance to capture Yang SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS Chance of capturing Items multiplied with %.1f SA TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_P_STATIC iCafe Chance of capturing Items plus %.1f%% SA TOOLTIP_MALL_ITEMBONUS_STATIC Doubles your chances of capturing items SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_MARRIAGE_FAST Lovepoints raise faster. SNA TOOLTIP_MALL_SAFEBOX Your Storeroom gets 2 storage rooms SNA TOOLTIP_MAX_HP Max. HP +%d SA TOOLTIP_MAX_HP_PCT Max. HP +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_MAX_SP Max. SP +%d SA TOOLTIP_MAX_SP_PCT Max. SP +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_MAX_STAMINA Max. Endurance +%d SA TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION %s(%d, %d) TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR GPS ERROR(%d, %d) TOOLTIP_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed %d%% SA TOOLTIP_NECK Necklace TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP Needed SP: Max. TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP Needed Dragon ghost: %d TOOLTIP_NEED_HP Needed HP: %d TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC TP / Sec.: %d TOOLTIP_NEED_SKILL_POINT Needed Skill Points: TOOLTIP_NEED_SP Needed SP: %d TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC MP / Sec.: %d TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 Next Level: %d (Max. %d) TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_2 Next Level: %d (Max. %d-%d) TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DAMAGE_BONUS Average Damage %d%% SA TOOLTIP_NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS Average Damage Resistance %d%% SA TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP1 More than %d Group members TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP2 Attack Level +%d TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_GRADE_UP3 Defence Level +%d TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_18_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 60 minutes. TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_HEAL_40_LEVEL Restore HP/SP of all Group members all 30 minutes TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_12_LEVEL You have to wait 3 minutes after the death of a group member. TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_RECALL_20_LEVEL You can call Group members who are on the same server anytime. TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_ATTACKER Attack Level +(Number of Group members./2) Attacker %d can be chosen. TOOLTIP_PARTY_INFO_SET_TANKER Defence Level +(Number of Group members) blade fighters 1 can be chosen. TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_GRADE_UP [Attack/Defence upgraded] TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_HEAL [restore] TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_INFO_BONUS_EXP When you have more than %d Group members you get %d%% Bonus EXP . TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_MEMBER_BONUS_EXP [Bonus EXP] TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_RECALL [Call] TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_ATTACKER [Constitute Attacker] TOOLTIP_PARTY_TITLE_SET_TANKER [Constitute Blade Fighter] TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP Points: %d / %d TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL Level: %d TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1 Give to the Lumberjack TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2 to get a better TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3 Pickaxe. TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE Cure negative effects. TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN Min. TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED Attack Speed: +%d TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT HP: +%d%% TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT HP: +%d TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED Moving Speed: +%d TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT SP: +%d%% TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT SP: +%d TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC Sec. TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME Duration: TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_21_LEVEL You must have reached Level 21. TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_41_LEVEL You must have reached Level 41. TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_LEVEL You must have reached Level %d. TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL %s Level %d needed. TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL %s %d needed TOOLTIP_RESIST_BOW Arrow Resistance %d%% SA TOOLTIP_RESIST_ELEC Lightning Resistance %d%% SA TOOLTIP_RESIST_FIRE Fire Resistance %d%% SA TOOLTIP_RESIST_MAGIC Magic Resistance %d%% SA TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT Left: %d TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE Price: %s TOOLTIP_SHAMAN Shaman TOOLTIP_SHIELD Shield TOOLTIP_SHOES Shoes TOOLTIP_SKILL Skills SNA TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME Skill Book TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_GRADE Attack Value: + TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_POWER Attack Value: TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_ATT_SPEED Attack Speed: + TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DEF_GRADE Defence: TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_DODGE Opponent Attack Value: - TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL Restore HP: TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_MOV_SPEED Moving Speed: + TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_REFLECT_MELEE Chance to reflect close combat attack: TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_RESIST_NORMAL Resistance against Body Damage: TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME Loading Time: TOOLTIP_SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS Skill Damage %d%% SA TOOLTIP_SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS Resistance against Skill Damage %d%% SA TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION Duration: %d Sek. TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME Band of Oblivion TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL Current Level: %d TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER Current Level: %d (Master) TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX Current Level: %d (Max. %d) TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY Empty TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM [Item with Socket] TOOLTIP_SP_REGEN SP Regeneration +%d%% SA TOOLTIP_STR Strength +%d SA TOOLTIP_SURA Sura TOOLTIP_UNIQUE Unique TOOLTIP_WARRIOR Warrior TOOLTIP_WEAPON Weapon TOOLTIP_WRISTLET Wristlet UI_ACCEPT Accept UI_CANCEL Cancel UI_CLOSE Close UI_DEF_FONT Tahoma:12 UI_DEF_FONT_LARGE Tahoma:14 UI_DEF_FONT_SMALL Tahoma:9 UI_DENY Decline UI_ITEM Item UI_LEFT_TIME Remaining Time: %d Sec. UI_NEXT Continue UI_NOCONTENTS No Content UI_NONAME No Name UI_OK OK UI_POS_UNKNOWN Unknown Place UI_UNKNOWN Unknown UPLOAD_MARK_CHECK_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. UPLOAD_MARK_UPLOAD_NEED_RECONNECT The upload has to be started again. USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP You cannot use this item because you opened a private shop. USE_SKILL_ERROR_UNKNOWN Unknown Skill Error: %s