[DELAY value;10]	
Asmodia Kingdom[ENTER]	
The Asmodia Kingdom is[ENTER]	
located in the west of the [ENTER]	
continent. [ENTER]
It is a theocratic kingdom[ENTER]
and is led by its spiritual[ENTER]	
The kingdom was founded by[ENTER]	
Liu-Bang who is the[ENTER]	
cousin of the former emperor.[ENTER]		
He used his wife's,[ENTER]
enormous magical powers,[ENTER]	
to help him discover the threat  [ENTER]
of the Metin Stones early.[ENTER]	
He advised multiple times for the[ENTER]	
initiation of counter-measures[ENTER] 
aganist the Metin Stones, [ENTER]	
but he was ignored.[ENTER]
Thus he lead his fellowship[ENTER]
into a rebellion against [ENTER]	
the former empire.[ENTER]
After the Empire fell apart,[ENTER]	
his Kingdom is up to now [ENTER]
in a state of war with the[ENTER]
eastern region[ENTER]	
and has problems with the[ENTER]
The people of the [ENTER]
Asmodia Kingdom want [ENTER]
to get the control [ENTER]
of the whole continent[ENTER]	
so that they are able [ENTER]	
to get rid of the growing [ENTER]
powers of the Metinstones.[ENTER]