[DELAY value;10]	
Elgoria Kingdom[ENTER]	
The Elgoria Kingdom is [ENTER]	
in the eastern regions of [ENTER]	
the continent. This [ENTER]	
kingdom is based on[ENTER]	
military power. Its [ENTER]	
people are aggressive [ENTER]	
and martial.[ENTER]	
The Elgoria Kingdom is [ENTER]	
led by Liu-Qi, the[ENTER]	
son of the last[ENTER]	
emperor. He feels chosen to [ENTER]	
reunite the old Empire [ENTER]	
under his regency and with [ENTER]	
his strong[ENTER]	
military forces.[ENTER]	
Fears about the[ENTER]	
meaning or effects [ENTER]	
of the Metinstones [ENTER]	
are officially ignored in the [ENTER]	
Elgoria Kingdom. Secretly,[ENTER]	
Liu-Qi tries to find a[ENTER]	
way to use the destructive[ENTER]	
powers of the Metinstones[ENTER]	
for his aim.[ENTER]