[DELAY value;10] Chunjo Kingdom The Chunjo[ENTER] Kingdom is located in the[ENTER] west of the continent. It is[ENTER] a theocratic Kingdom led by[ENTER] its spiritual leader. The[ENTER] [WAIT] Kingdom was founded by[ENTER] Yoon-Young, the cousin of[ENTER] the former emperor. His[ENTER] wife's enormous magical[ENTER] powers allowed him to[ENTER] [WAIT] discover the threat posed by[ENTER] the Metin Stones from early[ENTER] on. He called multiple times[ENTER] for the initiation of[ENTER] counter measures against the[ENTER] [WAIT] Metin Stones, but he was[ENTER] ignored. Thus he lead his[ENTER] fellowship into a rebellion[ENTER] against the former Empire.[ENTER] Since the fall of the former[ENTER] [WAIT] Empire, his Kingdom has been[ENTER] at war with the eastern[ENTER] region and often has[ENTER] problems with the South. The[ENTER] people of the Chunjo Kingdom[ENTER] [WAIT] want to gain control of the[ENTER] whole continent in order to[ENTER] defeat the growing power of[ENTER] the Metin Stones.