614 lines
15 KiB
614 lines
15 KiB
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "EterPackManager.h"
#include "EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt.h"
#include "../eterBase/Debug.h"
#include "../eterBase/CRC32.h"
#define PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1 "d:/ymir work/"
#define PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK2 "d:\\ymir work\\"
CEterPack* CEterPackManager::FindPack(const char* c_szPathName)
std::string strFileName;
if (0 == ConvertFileName(c_szPathName, strFileName))
return &m_RootPack;
for (TEterPackMap::iterator itor = m_DirPackMap.begin(); itor != m_DirPackMap.end(); ++itor)
const std::string & c_rstrName = itor->first;
CEterPack * pEterPack = itor->second;
if (CompareName(c_rstrName.c_str(), c_rstrName.length(), strFileName.c_str()))
return pEterPack;
return NULL;
void CEterPackManager::SetCacheMode()
void CEterPackManager::SetRelativePathMode()
m_bTryRelativePath = true;
// StringPath std::string ¹öÀü
int CEterPackManager::ConvertFileName(const char * c_szFileName, std::string & rstrFileName)
rstrFileName = c_szFileName;
int iCount = 0;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < rstrFileName.length(); ++i)
if (rstrFileName[i] == '/')
else if (rstrFileName[i] == '\\')
rstrFileName[i] = '/';
return iCount;
bool CEterPackManager::CompareName(const char * c_szDirectoryName, DWORD /*dwLength*/, const char * c_szFileName)
const char * c_pszSrc = c_szDirectoryName;
const char * c_pszCmp = c_szFileName;
while (*c_pszSrc)
if (*(c_pszSrc++) != *(c_pszCmp++))
return false;
if (!*c_pszCmp)
return false;
return true;
void CEterPackManager::LoadStaticCache(const char* c_szFileName)
if (!m_isCacheMode)
std::string strFileName;
if (0 == ConvertFileName(c_szFileName, strFileName))
DWORD dwFileNameHash = GetCRC32(strFileName.c_str(), strFileName.length());
std::unordered_map<DWORD, SCache>::iterator f = m_kMap_dwNameKey_kCache.find(dwFileNameHash);
if (m_kMap_dwNameKey_kCache.end() != f)
CMappedFile kMapFile;
const void* c_pvData;
if (!Get(kMapFile, c_szFileName, &c_pvData))
SCache kNewCache;
kNewCache.m_dwBufSize = kMapFile.Size();
kNewCache.m_abBufData = new BYTE[kNewCache.m_dwBufSize];
memcpy(kNewCache.m_abBufData, c_pvData, kNewCache.m_dwBufSize);
m_kMap_dwNameKey_kCache.insert(std::unordered_map<DWORD, SCache>::value_type(dwFileNameHash, kNewCache));
CEterPackManager::SCache* CEterPackManager::__FindCache(DWORD dwFileNameHash)
std::unordered_map<DWORD, SCache>::iterator f=m_kMap_dwNameKey_kCache.find(dwFileNameHash);
if (m_kMap_dwNameKey_kCache.end()==f)
return NULL;
return &f->second;
void CEterPackManager::__ClearCacheMap()
std::unordered_map<DWORD, SCache>::iterator i;
for (i = m_kMap_dwNameKey_kCache.begin(); i != m_kMap_dwNameKey_kCache.end(); ++i)
delete [] i->second.m_abBufData;
struct TimeChecker
TimeChecker(const char* name) : name(name)
baseTime = timeGetTime();
printf("load %s (%d)\n", name, timeGetTime() - baseTime);
const char* name;
DWORD baseTime;
bool CEterPackManager::Get(CMappedFile & rMappedFile, const char * c_szFileName, LPCVOID * pData)
//TimeChecker timeChecker(c_szFileName);
//Logf(1, "Load %s\n", c_szFileName);
if (m_iSearchMode == SEARCH_FILE_FIRST)
if (GetFromFile(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData))
return true;
return GetFromPack(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData);
if (GetFromPack(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData))
return true;
return GetFromFile(rMappedFile, c_szFileName, pData);
struct FinderLock
FinderLock(CRITICAL_SECTION& cs) : p_cs(&cs)
bool CEterPackManager::GetFromPack(CMappedFile & rMappedFile, const char * c_szFileName, LPCVOID * pData)
FinderLock lock(m_csFinder);
static std::string strFileName;
if (0 == ConvertFileName(c_szFileName, strFileName))
return m_RootPack.Get(rMappedFile, strFileName.c_str(), pData);
DWORD dwFileNameHash = GetCRC32(strFileName.c_str(), strFileName.length());
SCache* pkCache = __FindCache(dwFileNameHash);
if (pkCache)
rMappedFile.Link(pkCache->m_dwBufSize, pkCache->m_abBufData);
return true;
CEterFileDict::Item* pkFileItem = m_FileDict.GetItem(dwFileNameHash, strFileName.c_str());
if (pkFileItem)
if (pkFileItem->pkPack)
bool r = pkFileItem->pkPack->Get2(rMappedFile, strFileName.c_str(), pkFileItem->pkInfo, pData);
return r;
#ifdef _DEBUG
TraceError("CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [%s]", strFileName.c_str());
return false;
const time_t g_tCachingInterval = 10; // 10ÃÊ
void CEterPackManager::ArrangeMemoryMappedPack()
//time_t curTime = time(NULL);
//CEterFileDict::TDict dict = m_FileDict.GetDict();
//for (CEterFileDict::TDict::iterator it = dict.begin(); it != dict.end(); ++it)
// CEterFileDict::Item &rFileItem = it->second;
// CEterPack* pkPack = rFileItem.pkPack;
// if (pkPack)
// {
// if (curTime - pkPack->GetLastAccessTime() > g_tCachingInterval)
// {
// pkPack->ClearDataMemoryMap();
// }
// }
bool CEterPackManager::GetFromFile(CMappedFile & rMappedFile, const char * c_szFileName, LPCVOID * pData)
#ifndef _DEBUG
//const char *pcExt = strchr(c_szFileName, '.');
//if (pcExt &&
// _strnicmp(pcExt, ".py", 3) == 0 && // python ½ºÅ©¸³Æ® Áß
// stricmp(c_szFileName, "logininfo.py") != 0 && // ·Î±×ÀÎ Á¤º¸ ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï°í
// strnicmp(c_szFileName, "locale", 6) != 0
// )
// return false;
//if(m_bTryRelativePath) {
// if (strnicmp(c_szFileName, PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1, strlen(PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1)) == 0 || strnicmp(c_szFileName, PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK2, strlen(PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK2)) == 0) {
// if(rMappedFile.Create(c_szFileName+strlen(PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1), pData, 0, 0))
// {
// return true;
// }
// }
return rMappedFile.Create(c_szFileName, pData, 0, 0) ? true : false;
bool CEterPackManager::isExistInPack(const char * c_szFileName)
std::string strFileName;
if (0 == ConvertFileName(c_szFileName, strFileName))
return m_RootPack.IsExist(strFileName.c_str());
DWORD dwFileNameHash = GetCRC32(strFileName.c_str(), strFileName.length());
CEterFileDict::Item* pkFileItem = m_FileDict.GetItem(dwFileNameHash, strFileName.c_str());
if (pkFileItem)
if (pkFileItem->pkPack)
return pkFileItem->pkPack->IsExist(strFileName.c_str());
// NOTE : ¸ÅÄ¡ µÇ´Â ÆÑÀÌ ¾ø´Ù¸é false - [levites]
return false;
bool CEterPackManager::isExist(const char * c_szFileName)
if (m_iSearchMode == SEARCH_PACK_FIRST)
if (isExistInPack(c_szFileName))
return true;
return _access(c_szFileName, 0) == 0 ? true : false;
//if(m_bTryRelativePath) {
// if (strnicmp(c_szFileName, PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1, strlen(PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1)) == 0 || strnicmp(c_szFileName, PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK2, strlen(PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK2)) == 0) {
// if(access(c_szFileName+strlen(PATH_ABSOLUTE_YMIRWORK1), 0) == 0)
// return true;
// }
if (_access(c_szFileName, 0) == 0)
return true;
return isExistInPack(c_szFileName);
void CEterPackManager::RegisterRootPack(const char * c_szName)
if (!m_RootPack.Create(m_FileDict, c_szName, ""))
TraceError("%s: Pack file does not exist", c_szName);
const char * CEterPackManager::GetRootPackFileName()
return m_RootPack.GetDBName();
bool CEterPackManager::DecryptPackIV(DWORD dwPanamaKey)
TEterPackMap::iterator itor = m_PackMap.begin();
while (itor != m_PackMap.end())
return true;
bool CEterPackManager::RegisterPackWhenPackMaking(const char * c_szName, const char * c_szDirectory, CEterPack* pPack)
m_PackMap.insert(TEterPackMap::value_type(c_szName, pPack));
m_DirPackMap.insert(TEterPackMap::value_type(c_szDirectory, pPack));
return true;
bool CEterPackManager::RegisterPack(const char * c_szName, const char * c_szDirectory, const BYTE* c_pbIV)
CEterPack * pEterPack = NULL;
TEterPackMap::iterator itor = m_PackMap.find(c_szName);
if (m_PackMap.end() == itor)
bool bReadOnly = true;
pEterPack = new CEterPack;
if (pEterPack->Create(m_FileDict, c_szName, c_szDirectory, bReadOnly, c_pbIV))
m_PackMap.insert(TEterPackMap::value_type(c_szName, pEterPack));
#ifdef _DEBUG
Tracef("The eterpack doesn't exist [%s]\n", c_szName);
delete pEterPack;
pEterPack = NULL;
return false;
pEterPack = itor->second;
if (c_szDirectory && c_szDirectory[0] != '*')
TEterPackMap::iterator itor = m_DirPackMap.find(c_szDirectory);
if (m_DirPackMap.end() == itor)
m_DirPackMap.insert(TEterPackMap::value_type(c_szDirectory, pEterPack));
return true;
void CEterPackManager::SetSearchMode(bool bPackFirst)
int CEterPackManager::GetSearchMode()
return m_iSearchMode;
CEterPackManager::CEterPackManager() : m_bTryRelativePath(false), m_iSearchMode(SEARCH_FILE_FIRST), m_isCacheMode(false)
TEterPackMap::iterator i = m_PackMap.begin();
TEterPackMap::iterator e = m_PackMap.end();
while (i != e)
delete i->second;
void CEterPackManager::RetrieveHybridCryptPackKeys(const BYTE *pStream)
////dump file format
//total packagecnt (4byte)
// for packagecntpackage
// db name hash ( stl.h stringhash )
// extension cnt( 4byte)
// for extension cnt
// ext hash ( stl.h stringhash )
// key-16byte
// iv-16byte
int iMemOffset = 0;
int iPackageCnt;
DWORD dwPackageNameHash;
memcpy( &iPackageCnt, pStream + iMemOffset, sizeof(int) );
iMemOffset += sizeof(iPackageCnt);
for( int i = 0; i < iPackageCnt; ++i )
int iRecvedCryptKeySize = 0;
memcpy( &iRecvedCryptKeySize, pStream + iMemOffset, sizeof(iRecvedCryptKeySize) );
iRecvedCryptKeySize -= sizeof(dwPackageNameHash); // ¼¹ö¿¡¼ ¹ÞÀº key stream¿¡´Â filename hash°¡ Æ÷ÇԵǾî ÀÖÀ¸¹Ç·Î, hash »çÀÌÁî ¸¸Å ¹èÁÜ.
iMemOffset += sizeof(iRecvedCryptKeySize);
memcpy( &dwPackageNameHash, pStream + iMemOffset, sizeof(dwPackageNameHash) );
iMemOffset += sizeof(dwPackageNameHash);
TEterPackMap::const_iterator cit;
for( cit = m_PackMap.begin(); cit != m_PackMap.end(); ++cit )
std::string noPathName = CFileNameHelper::NoPath(std::string(cit->first));
if( dwPackageNameHash == stringhash().GetHash(noPathName) )
EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt* pCryptPolicy = cit->second->GetPackPolicy_HybridCrypt();
int iHavedCryptKeySize = pCryptPolicy->ReadCryptKeyInfoFromStream( pStream + iMemOffset );
if (iRecvedCryptKeySize != iHavedCryptKeySize)
TraceError("CEterPackManager::RetrieveHybridCryptPackKeys cryptokey length of file(%s) is not matched. received(%d) != haved(%d)", noPathName.c_str(), iRecvedCryptKeySize, iHavedCryptKeySize);
iMemOffset += iRecvedCryptKeySize;
void CEterPackManager::RetrieveHybridCryptPackSDB( const BYTE* pStream )
//for cnt
//DWORD dwPackageIdentifier;
//DWORD dwFileIdentifier;
//std::vector<BYTE> vecSDBStream;
int iReadOffset = 0;
int iSDBInfoCount = 0;
memcpy( &iSDBInfoCount, pStream+iReadOffset, sizeof(int) );
iReadOffset += sizeof(int);
for( int i = 0; i < iSDBInfoCount; ++i )
DWORD dwPackgeIdentifier;
memcpy( &dwPackgeIdentifier, pStream+iReadOffset, sizeof(DWORD) );
iReadOffset += sizeof(DWORD);
TEterPackMap::const_iterator cit;
for( cit = m_PackMap.begin(); cit != m_PackMap.end(); ++cit )
std::string noPathName = CFileNameHelper::NoPath(std::string(cit->first));
if( dwPackgeIdentifier == stringhash().GetHash(noPathName) )
EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt* pCryptPolicy = cit->second->GetPackPolicy_HybridCrypt();
iReadOffset += pCryptPolicy->ReadSupplementatyDataBlockFromStream( pStream+iReadOffset );
void CEterPackManager::WriteHybridCryptPackInfo(const char* pFileName)
//NOTE : this file format contains a little bit of redundant data.
//however it`s better for seperating cryptkey & supplementary data block.
//dump file format
//SDB data offset(4)
// about cryptkey
//total packagecnt (4byte)
// for packagecnt
// db name hash 4byte( stl.h stringhash )
// extension cnt( 4byte)
// for extension cnt
// ext hash ( stl.h stringhash )
// key-16byte
// iv-16byte
//about SDB data
//total packagecnt (4byte)
// for packagecnt
// db name hash 4byte( stl.h stringhash ) +child node size(4byte)
// sdb file cnt( 4byte )
// for sdb file cnt
// filename hash ( stl.h stringhash )
// related map name size(4), relate map name
// sdb block size( 1byte )
// sdb blocks
CFileBase keyFile;
if( !keyFile.Create( pFileName, CFileBase::FILEMODE_WRITE) )
//TODO : write log
int iKeyPackageCount = 0;
//write later ( SDB Offset & PackageCnt for Key )
TEterPackMap::const_iterator cit;
for( cit = m_PackMap.begin(); cit != m_PackMap.end(); ++cit )
EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt* pPolicy = cit->second->GetPackPolicy_HybridCrypt();
if( !pPolicy || !pPolicy->IsContainingCryptKey() )
std::string noPathName = CFileNameHelper::NoPath(std::string(cit->first));
DWORD dwPackNamehash = stringhash().GetHash(noPathName);
CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("CEterPackManager::WriteHybridCryptPackInfo PackName : %s, Hash : %x", noPathName.c_str(), dwPackNamehash);
keyFile.Write( &dwPackNamehash, sizeof(DWORD) );
pPolicy->WriteCryptKeyToFile( keyFile );
//Write SDB Data
int iSDBDataOffset = keyFile.GetPosition();
int iSDBPackageCnt = 0;
//Write SDB PackageCnt Later
for( cit = m_PackMap.begin(); cit != m_PackMap.end(); ++cit )
EterPackPolicy_CSHybridCrypt* pPolicy = cit->second->GetPackPolicy_HybridCrypt();
if( !pPolicy || !pPolicy->IsContainingSDBFile() )
std::string noPathName = CFileNameHelper::NoPath(std::string(cit->first));
DWORD dwPackNamehash = stringhash().GetHash(noPathName);
keyFile.Write( &dwPackNamehash, sizeof(DWORD) );
int iSDBSizeWriteOffset = keyFile.GetPosition();
pPolicy->WriteSupplementaryDataBlockToFile( keyFile );
int iSDBSizeAfterWrite = keyFile.GetPosition();
int iSDBSize = iSDBSizeAfterWrite-(iSDBSizeWriteOffset+4);
keyFile.Write( &iSDBSize, sizeof(int) );
//write sdb data start offset & package cnt
keyFile.Write( &iSDBDataOffset, sizeof(int));
keyFile.Write( &iKeyPackageCount, sizeof(int));
keyFile.Write( &iSDBPackageCnt, sizeof(int));