define checker 20001 quest dragon_soul_daily_gift_mgr begin state start begin function is_event_on() -- 지금 시각이 dragon_soul_daily_gift_mgr.quest에서 셋팅한 시간 대역인지 확인. local s_time = game.get_event_flag("ds_dg_st") local e_time = game.get_event_flag("ds_dg_et") local now = os.time() return now > s_time and now < e_time end function date_getter() say(gameforge.dragon_soul_gift_mgr._040_say) say("yy-mm-dd hh:mm") local date = input() local _, _, y, m, d, hour, min = string.find(date, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+)") return y, m, d, hour, min end function print_quest_info() local s_time = game.get_event_flag("ds_dg_st") local e_time = game.get_event_flag("ds_dg_et") local gift_vnum = game.get_event_flag("ds_dg_item") say("start time[ENTER] year:%Y, month:%m, day:%d hour:%H minite:%M", s_time)) say(" end time[ENTER] year:%Y, month:%m, day:%d hour:%H minite:%M", e_time)) say(string.format("gift item[ENTER] vnum : %d", gift_vnum)) say_item_vnum(gift_vnum) end when with pc.is_gm() begin local sel = 0 if dragon_soul_daily_gift_mgr.is_event_on() then say(locale.event_on_going) local sel = select(locale.event_modify, locale.event_info_print, locale.event_cancel, locale.close) if 2 == sel then dragon_soul_daily_gift_mgr.print_quest_info() return elseif 3 == sel then game.set_event_flag("ds_dg_et", 0) return elseif 4 == sel then return end end -- Get start time and end time. local s_y, s_m, s_d, s_hour, s_min repeat say(gameforge.dragon_soul_gift_mgr._020_say) s_y, s_m, s_d, s_hour, s_min = dragon_soul_daily_gift_mgr.date_getter() s_y = s_y + 2000 say(string.format("year:%d month:%d day:%d hour:%d min:%d", s_y, s_m, s_d, s_hour, s_min)) until 1 == select(gameforge.locale.yes, local e_y, e_m, e_d, e_hour, e_min repeat say(gameforge.dragon_soul_gift_mgr._030_say) e_y, e_m, e_d, e_hour, e_min = dragon_soul_daily_gift_mgr.date_getter() e_y = e_y + 2000 say(string.format("year:%d month:%d day:%d hour:%d min:%d", e_y, e_m, e_d, e_hour, e_min)) until 1 == select(gameforge.locale.yes, local s_time = os.time{year=s_y, month=s_m, day=s_d, hour=s_hour, min=s_min} local e_time = os.time{year=e_y, month=e_m, day=e_d, hour=e_hour, min=e_min} -- Get gift item vnum local gift_vnum = input_number("gift vnum") -- Print settings and confirm. say("start time[ENTER] year:%Y, month:%m, day:%d hour:%H minite:%M", s_time)) say(" end time[ENTER] year:%Y, month:%m, day:%d hour:%H minite:%M", e_time)) say(string.format("gift item[ENTER] vnum : %d", gift_vnum)) say_item_vnum(gift_vnum) say(gameforge.dragon_soul_gift_mgr._050_say) if 2 == select(gameforge.locale.yes, then return end -- 이벤트 수정인 경우는 event_id를 바꾸면 안됨. if 0 == sel then local event_id = game.get_event_flag("ds_dg_id") game.set_event_flag("ds_dg_id", event_id + 1) end game.set_event_flag("ds_dg_st", s_time) game.set_event_flag("ds_dg_et", e_time) game.set_event_flag("ds_dg_item", gift_vnum) say (gameforge.dragon_soul_gift_mgr._060_say) end end end