32 lines
1.2 KiB
32 lines
1.2 KiB
return [
'title' => 'Register',
'subtitle' => 'Create an account',
'progress-texts.register' => 'Register',
'progress-texts.activate-download' => 'Activate and download',
'progress-texts.install-play' => 'Install and play',
'to-login' => 'or Login',
'form.username' => 'Username',
'form.email' => 'Email',
'form.password' => 'Password',
'form.password-requirements' => 'Requirements',
'form.terms-and-conditions' => 'I have read the [**Terms and Conditions**](:termsUrl) and the [**Privacy Policy**](:privacyUrl) and accept them.',
'form.password-info.header' => 'A safe password must contain',
'form.password-info.rule-1' => 'between 5 and 16 characters',
'form.password-info.rule-2' => 'or at least one lowercase letter',
'form.password-info.rule-3' => 'at least one uppercase letter',
'form.password-info.rule-4' => 'at least one digit',
'form.password-info.rule-5' => 'at least one special character',
'form.password-info.special-chars' => 'Allowed special characters',
'form.password-security' => "Your password's security level",
'form.required' => '* is required',
'form.register-btn' => 'Register',