import app import ui import uiScriptLocale import locale LOCALE_PATH = uiScriptLocale.MAPNAME_PATH class MapNameShower(ui.ExpandedImageBox): MAP_NAME_IMAGE = {} STATE_HIDE = 0 STATE_FADE_IN = 1 STATE_SHOW = 2 STATE_FADE_OUT = 3 def __init__(self): if locale.IsARABIC(): self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE = { "metin2_map_a1" : LOCALE_PATH+"a1.tga", "map_a2" : LOCALE_PATH+"a2.tga", "season2/metin2_map_a2_1": LOCALE_PATH+"a2_2.tga", "metin2_map_a3" : LOCALE_PATH+"a3.tga", "metin2_map_b1" : LOCALE_PATH+"b1.tga", "map_b2" : LOCALE_PATH+"b2.tga", "metin2_map_b3" : LOCALE_PATH+"b3.tga", "metin2_map_c1" : LOCALE_PATH+"c1.tga", "map_c2" : LOCALE_PATH+"c2.tga", "metin2_map_c3" : LOCALE_PATH+"c3.tga", "metin2_map_deviltower1" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_title.tga", "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"desert1.tga", "season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02": LOCALE_PATH+"desert2.tga", "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"frame1.tga", "season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02": LOCALE_PATH+"frame2.tga", "metin2_map_milgyo" : LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo.tga", "season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a": LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo2.TGA", "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey1.tga", "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey2.tga", "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey3.tga", "metin2_map_guild_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild1.tga", "metin2_map_guild_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild2.tga", "metin2_map_guild_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild3.tga", "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", "map_n_snowm_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"snow1.tga", "season2/map_n_snowm_02": LOCALE_PATH+"snow2.tga", "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"spider1.tga", "metin2_map_trent" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent.tga", "metin2_map_trent02" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent02.tga", "season2/metin2_map_trent_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent_a.tga", "season2/metin2_map_trent02_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent02_a.tga", "metin2_map_dd" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", "metin2_map_dd" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", "season1/metin2_map_WL_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"wl.tga", "season1/metin2_map_nusluck01": LOCALE_PATH+"nusluck.tga", } else: self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE = { "metin2_map_a1" : LOCALE_PATH+"a1.tga", "map_a2" : LOCALE_PATH+"a2.tga", "metin2_map_a3" : LOCALE_PATH+"a3.tga", "metin2_map_b1" : LOCALE_PATH+"b1.tga", "map_b2" : LOCALE_PATH+"b2.tga", "metin2_map_b3" : LOCALE_PATH+"b3.tga", "metin2_map_c1" : LOCALE_PATH+"c1.tga", "map_c2" : LOCALE_PATH+"c2.tga", "metin2_map_c3" : LOCALE_PATH+"c3.tga", "map_n_snowm_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"snow1.tga", "metin2_map_deviltower1" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_title.tga", "metin2_map_n_flame_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"frame1.tga", "metin2_map_n_desert_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"desert1.tga", "metin2_map_milgyo" : LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo.tga", "metin2_map_monkeydungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey1.tga", "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey2.tga", "metin2_map_monkeydungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"monkey3.tga", "metin2_map_guild_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild1.tga", "metin2_map_guild_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild2.tga", "metin2_map_guild_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"guild3.tga", "metin2_map_trent" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent.tga", "metin2_map_trent02" : LOCALE_PATH+"trent02.tga", "season2/map_n_snowm_02": LOCALE_PATH+"snow2.tga", "season2/metin2_map_a2_1": LOCALE_PATH+"a2_2.tga", "season2/metin2_map_n_desert_02": LOCALE_PATH+"desert2.tga", "season2/metin2_map_n_flame_02": LOCALE_PATH+"frame2.tga", "season2/metin2_map_milgyo_a": LOCALE_PATH+"milgyo2.TGA", "season2/metin2_map_trent_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent_a.tga", "season2/metin2_map_trent02_a": LOCALE_PATH+"trent02_a.tga", "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", "season2/metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02": LOCALE_PATH+"skipia.tga", "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb" : LOCALE_PATH+"devil_basement.tga", "metin2_guild_village_01" : LOCALE_PATH+"a4.tga", "metin2_guild_village_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"b4.tga", "metin2_guild_village_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"c4.tga", "metin2_map_BayBlackSand" : LOCALE_PATH+"bay.tga", "metin2_map_Mt_Thunder" : LOCALE_PATH+"thunder.tga", "metin2_map_dawnmistwood" : LOCALE_PATH+"dawn.tga", "Metin2_map_CapeDragonHead" : LOCALE_PATH+"cape.tga", "metin2_map_spiderdungeon" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd01.tga", "season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd02.tga", "season1/metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02_1" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd02.tga", "metin2_map_spiderdungeon_03" : LOCALE_PATH+"sd03.tga", } ui.ExpandedImageBox.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST") self.AddFlag("not_pick") self.__Initialize() def __del__(self): ui.ExpandedImageBox.__del__(self) def __Initialize(self): self.floorImage = None self.objectiveImage = None self.fadeStartTime = 0 self.state = self.STATE_HIDE self.curAlpha = 0.0 self.SetAlpha(0.0) self.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.SetPosition(0, 80) self.Hide() def __GetDevilTowerFloor(self, x, y): if x > 10000 and y > 58000 and x < 25000 and y < 72000: return 1 elif x > 10000 and y > 35000 and x < 25000 and y < 50000: return 2 elif x > 10000 and y > 10000 and x < 25000 and y < 25000: return 3 elif x > 35000 and y > 61000 and x < 43500 and y < 70500: return 4 elif x > 35000 and y > 38000 and x < 43500 and y < 48000: return 5 elif x > 14000 and y > 14000 and x < 43500 and y < 24500: return 6 elif x > 56000 and y > 60000 and x < 68000 and y < 73000: return 7 elif x > 56000 and y > 38000 and x < 68000 and y < 49000: return 8 elif x > 56000 and y > 13000 and x < 68000 and y < 23000: return 9 return 0 def __GetDevilBase(self, x, y): if x > 3000 and y > 4500 and x < 45000 and y < 45000: return 1 elif x > 54000 and y > 3900 and x < 100000 and y < 46200: return 2 elif x > 104800 and y > 3500 and x < 145500 and y < 45800: return 3 elif x > 3100 and y > 54100 and x < 56400 and y < 105800: return 4 elif x > 65000 and y > 54000 and x < 105000 and y < 95500: return 5 elif x > 117500 and y > 57600 and x < 142000 and y < 81000: return 6 elif x > 5000 and y > 104900 and x < 15000 and y < 122000: return 7 return 0 def ShowMapName(self, mapName, x, y): if not self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE.has_key(mapName): print " [ERROR] - There is no map name image", mapName return try: self.LoadImage(self.MAP_NAME_IMAGE[mapName]) except RuntimeError: return self.__Initialize() if mapName == "metin2_map_deviltower1": self.SetPosition(-60, 80) self.floorImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() self.floorImage.AddFlag("not_pick") self.floorImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.floorImage.SetPosition(100, 80) self.floorImage.SetAlpha(0.0) self.floorImage.Show() # ���̸� (ex: �Ʊ͵���) �̹��� �ε� & ǥ�� try: floor = self.__GetDevilTowerFloor(x, y) print x, y, floor self.floorImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_%df.tga" % floor) except RuntimeError: self.SetPosition(0, 80) self.floorImage.Hide() self.floorImage = None if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): self.objectiveImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() self.objectiveImage.AddFlag("not_pick") self.objectiveImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.objectiveImage.SetPosition(0, 200) self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(0.0) self.objectiveImage.Show() # ���� ��ǥ �̹��� �ε� & ǥ�� # ������ ���� �������� �˾ƿ��� �κ� ������ �ϵ��ڵ��� ���ϱⰡ �����... try: floor = self.__GetDevilTowerFloor(x, y) print x, y, floor self.objectiveImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH + mapName + "/obj_%02df.tga" % floor) except RuntimeError: self.SetPosition(0, 80) self.objectiveImage.Hide() self.objectiveImage = None if mapName == "metin2_map_devilsCatacomb": self.SetPosition(-75, 80) self.floorImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() self.floorImage.AddFlag("not_pick") self.floorImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.floorImage.SetPosition(100, 80) self.floorImage.SetAlpha(0.0) self.floorImage.Show() # ���̸� (ex: �Ʊ͵���) �̹��� �ε� & ǥ�� try: floor = self.__GetDevilBase(x, y) print x, y, floor self.floorImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH+"devil1_%df.tga" % floor) except RuntimeError: self.SetPosition(0, 80) self.floorImage.Hide() self.floorImage = None if locale.IsYMIR() or locale.IsWE_KOREA(): self.objectiveImage = ui.ExpandedImageBox() self.objectiveImage.AddFlag("not_pick") self.objectiveImage.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter() self.objectiveImage.SetPosition(0, 200) self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(0.0) self.objectiveImage.Show() # ���� ��ǥ �̹��� �ε� & ǥ�� # ������ ���� �������� �˾ƿ��� �κ� ������ �ϵ��ڵ��� ���ϱⰡ �����... try: floor = self.__GetDevilBase(x, y) print x, y, floor self.objectiveImage.LoadImage(LOCALE_PATH + mapName + "/obj_%02df.tga" % floor) except RuntimeError: self.SetPosition(0, 80) self.objectiveImage.Hide() self.objectiveImage = None self.state = self.STATE_FADE_IN self.fadeStartTime = app.GetTime() + 1.0 self.Show() def Update(self): self.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) if self.floorImage: self.floorImage.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) if self.objectiveImage: self.objectiveImage.SetAlpha(self.curAlpha) if self.STATE_FADE_IN == self.state: if app.GetTime() > self.fadeStartTime: self.curAlpha += 0.05 if self.curAlpha > 0.9: self.state = self.STATE_SHOW self.fadeStartTime = app.GetTime() + 5.0 elif self.STATE_SHOW == self.state: if app.GetTime() > self.fadeStartTime: self.state = self.STATE_FADE_OUT elif self.STATE_FADE_OUT == self.state: self.curAlpha -= 0.05 if self.curAlpha < 0.0001: self.Hide() if self.floorImage: self.floorImage.Hide() self.floorImage = None if self.objectiveImage: self.objectiveImage.Hide() self.objectiveImage = None return