forked from metin2/client
163 lines
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163 lines
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// Constants
// (c) 2003 IDV, Inc.
// This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
// nondisclosure agreement with Interactive Data Visualization and may
// not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of
// that agreement.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 IDV, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// IDV, Inc.
// 1233 Washington St. Suite 610
// Columbia, SC 29201
// Voice: (803) 799-1699
// Fax: (803) 931-0320
// Web:
#pragma once
//#include "LibVector_Source/IdvVector.h"
//#include "../Common Source/Filename.h"
// used to isolate SpeedGrass usage
// paths
//const CFilename c_strTreePath = "../data/TheValley/Trees/";
//const CFilename c_strDataPath = "../data/TheValley/";
// vertex shader constant locations
const int c_nShaderLightPosition = 16;
const int c_nShaderGrassBillboard = 4;
const int c_nShaderGrassLodParameters = 8;
const int c_nShaderCameraPosition = 9;
const int c_nShaderGrassWindDirection = 10;
const int c_nShaderGrassPeriods = 11;
const int c_nShaderLeafAmbient = 47;
const int c_nShaderLeafDiffuse = 48;
const int c_nShaderLeafSpecular = 49;
const int c_nShaderLeafLightingAdjustment = 50;
// lighting
//const float c_afLightDirBumpMapping[3] = { 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.4f };
//const float c_afLightDir[3] = { 0.7434f, 0.0f, 0.57f };
//const float c_afLightPos[3] = { c_afLightDir[0] * 1000.0f, c_afLightDir[1] * 1000.0f, c_afLightDir[2] * 1000.0f };
// stats
//const int c_nStatFrameRate = 0;
//const int c_nStatDrawTime = 1;
//const int c_nStatSceneTriangles = 2;
//const int c_nStatTriangleRate = 3;
//const int c_nStatNone = 4;
//const int c_nStatSummary = 5;
//const int c_nStatCount = 6;
// grass
const float c_fDefaultGrassFarLod = 300.0f;
const float c_fGrassFadeLength = 50.0f;
const float c_fMinBladeNoise = -0.2f;
const float c_fMaxBladeNoise = 0.2f;
const float c_fMinBladeThrow = 1.0f;
const float c_fMaxBladeThrow = 2.5f;
const float c_fMinBladeSize = 7.5f;
const float c_fMaxBladeSize = 10.0f;
const int c_nNumBladeMaps = 2;
const float c_fGrassBillboardWideScalar = 1.75f;
const float c_fWalkerHeight = 12.0f;
const int c_nDefaultGrassBladeCount = 33000;
const int c_nGrassRegionCount = 20;
// terrain
//const float c_fTerrainBaseRepeat = 1.0f;
//const float c_fTerrainDetail1Repeat = 80.0f;
//const float c_fTerrainDetail2Repeat = 8.0f;
// wind
//const int c_nNumWindMatrices = 4; // number of unique wind matrices
//const int c_nNumMatricesPerTree = 3; // number of individual matrices used per tree
//const float c_fShimmerSpeed = 50.0f; // controls how fast the shimmer map rotates
//const float c_fShimmerExponent = 3.0f; // controls linearity of shimmer speed
// lod
//const float c_fShadowCutoff = 5000.0f; // how far out shadows are no longer drawn (feet)
//const float c_fBillboardAlphaValue = 0.3294f; // value for glAlphaFunc() for single billboards
//const float c_fNearLod = 200.0f;
//const float c_fFarLod = 750.0f;
// misc
const float c_fPi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795f;
const float c_fHalfPi = c_fPi * 0.5f;
const float c_fQuarterPi = c_fPi * 0.25f;
const float c_fTwoPi = 2.0f * c_fPi;
const float c_fDeg2Rad = 57.29578f; // divide degrees by this to get radians
const float c_f90 = 0.5f * c_fPi;
// branch vertex attribute sizes
//const int c_nBranchVertexTexture0Size = 4 * sizeof(float); // normal map coordinates + wind index + wind weight
//const int c_nBranchVertexTexture1Size = 3 * sizeof(float); // vertex tangents
//const int c_nBranchVertexTexture2Size = 3 * sizeof(float); // vertex binormals
//const int c_nBranchVertexTexture3Size = 2 * sizeof(float); // branch/frond shadow projection coordinates
//const int c_nBranchVertexNormalSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (nx, ny, nz)
//const int c_nBranchVertexPositionSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (x, y, z)
//const int c_nBranchVertexTotalSize = c_nBranchVertexTexture0Size +
// c_nBranchVertexTexture1Size +
// c_nBranchVertexTexture2Size +
// c_nBranchVertexTexture3Size +
// c_nBranchVertexNormalSize +
// c_nBranchVertexPositionSize;
// frond vertex attribute sizes
//const int c_nFrondVertexTexture0Size = 2 * sizeof(float); // normal map coordinates
//const int c_nFrondVertexNormalSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (nx, ny, nz)
//const int c_nFrondVertexPositionSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (x, y, z)
//const int c_nFrondVertexTotalSize = c_nFrondVertexTexture0Size +
// c_nFrondVertexNormalSize +
// c_nFrondVertexPositionSize;
// leaf vertex attribute sizes
//const int c_nLeafVertexTexture0Size = 2 * sizeof(float); // base map coordinate
//const int c_nLeafVertexTexture1Size = 2 * sizeof(float); // shimmer map coordinates (s & t) + shimmer-effect index
//const int c_nLeafVertexNormalSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (nx, ny, nz)
//const int c_nLeafVertexPositionSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (x, y, z)
//const int c_nLeafVertexTotalSize = c_nLeafVertexTexture0Size +
// c_nLeafVertexTexture1Size +
// c_nLeafVertexNormalSize +
// c_nLeafVertexPositionSize;
// grass vertex attribute sizes
const int c_nGrassVertexTexture0Size = 2 * sizeof(float); // base map coordinate
const int c_nGrassVertexTexture1Size = 4 * sizeof(float); // vertex index, blade size, wind weight, noise factor
const int c_nGrassVertexColorSize = 4 * sizeof(unsigned char); // (rgba)
const int c_nGrassVertexPositionSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (x, y, z)
const int c_nGrassVertexTotalSize = c_nGrassVertexTexture0Size +
c_nGrassVertexTexture1Size +
c_nGrassVertexColorSize +
// terrain vertex attribute sizes
//const int c_nTerrainVertexTexture0Size = 2 * sizeof(float);
//const int c_nTerrainVertexTexture1Size = 2 * sizeof(float);
//const int c_nTerrainVertexTexture2Size = 2 * sizeof(float);
//const int c_nTerrainVertexPositionSize = 3 * sizeof(float); // (x, y, z)
//const int c_nTerrainVertexTotalSize = c_nTerrainVertexTexture0Size +
// c_nTerrainVertexTexture1Size +
// c_nTerrainVertexTexture2Size +
// c_nTerrainVertexPositionSize;
// crosshair
//const float c_fCrosshairSize = 25.0f;
//const float c_fCrosshairAlpha = 0.075f;