#include "stdafx.h" #include #ifndef __WIN32__ #include #endif #include "constants.h" #include "utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "desc.h" #include "desc_manager.h" #include "item_manager.h" #include "p2p.h" #include "char.h" #include "war_map.h" #include "locale_service.h" #include "config.h" #include "dev_log.h" #include "db.h" #include "skill_power.h" using std::string; BYTE g_bChannel = 0; WORD mother_port = 50080; int passes_per_sec = 25; WORD db_port = 0; WORD p2p_port = 50900; char db_addr[ADDRESS_MAX_LEN + 1]; int save_event_second_cycle = passes_per_sec * 120; // 3ºÐ int ping_event_second_cycle = passes_per_sec * 60; bool g_bNoMoreClient = false; bool g_bNoRegen = false; // TRAFFIC_PROFILER bool g_bTrafficProfileOn = false; DWORD g_dwTrafficProfileFlushCycle = 3600; // END_OF_TRAFFIC_PROFILER int test_server = 0; int speed_server = 0; #ifdef __AUCTION__ int auction_server = 0; #endif bool distribution_test_server = false; bool china_event_server = false; bool guild_mark_server = true; BYTE guild_mark_min_level = 3; bool no_wander = false; int g_iUserLimit = 32768; char g_szPublicIP[16] = "0"; char g_szInternalIP[16] = "0"; bool g_bSkillDisable = false; int g_iFullUserCount = 1200; int g_iBusyUserCount = 650; //Canada //int g_iFullUserCount = 600; //int g_iBusyUserCount = 350; //Brazil //int g_iFullUserCount = 650; //int g_iBusyUserCount = 450; bool g_bEmpireWhisper = true; BYTE g_bAuthServer = false; bool g_bCheckClientVersion = true; string g_stClientVersion = "1215955205"; BYTE g_bBilling = false; string g_stAuthMasterIP; WORD g_wAuthMasterPort = 0; static std::set s_set_dwFileCRC; static std::set s_set_dwProcessCRC; string g_stHostname = ""; string g_table_postfix = ""; string g_stQuestDir = "./quest"; //string g_stQuestObjectDir = "./quest/object"; string g_stDefaultQuestObjectDir = "./quest/object"; std::set g_setQuestObjectDir; std::vector g_stAdminPageIP; std::string g_stAdminPagePassword = "SHOWMETHEMONEY"; string g_stBlockDate = "30000705"; extern string g_stLocale; char teen_addr[ADDRESS_MAX_LEN + 1] = {0}; WORD teen_port = 0; int SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_COUNT = 50; int SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_BONUS = 80; int g_iSyncHackLimitCount = 20; // 10 -> 20 2013 09 11 CYH //½Ã¾ß = VIEW_RANGE + VIEW_BONUS_RANGE //VIEW_BONUSE_RANGE : Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ®¿Í ½Ã¾ß 󸮿¡¼­³Ê¹« µü ¶³¾îÁú°æ¿ì ¹®Á¦°¡ ¹ß»ýÇÒ¼öÀÖ¾î 500CMÀÇ ¿©ºÐÀ» Ç×»óÁØ´Ù. int VIEW_RANGE = 5000; int VIEW_BONUS_RANGE = 500; int g_server_id = 0; string g_strWebMallURL = "www.metin2.de"; unsigned int g_uiSpamBlockDuration = 60 * 15; // ±âº» 15ºÐ unsigned int g_uiSpamBlockScore = 100; // ±âº» 100Á¡ unsigned int g_uiSpamReloadCycle = 60 * 10; // ±âº» 10ºÐ bool g_bCheckMultiHack = true; int g_iSpamBlockMaxLevel = 10; void LoadStateUserCount(); void LoadValidCRCList(); bool LoadClientVersion(); bool g_protectNormalPlayer = false; // ¹ü¹ýÀÚ°¡ "ÆòÈ­¸ðµå" ÀÎ ÀϹÝÀ¯Àú¸¦ °ø°ÝÇÏÁö ¸øÇÔ bool g_noticeBattleZone = false; // Á߸³Áö´ë¿¡ ÀÔÀåÇÏ¸é ¾È³»¸Þ¼¼Áö¸¦ ¾Ë·ÁÁÜ int gPlayerMaxLevel = 99; bool g_BlockCharCreation = false; bool is_string_true(const char * string) { bool result = 0; if (isdigit(*string)) { str_to_number(result, string); return result > 0 ? true : false; } else if (LOWER(*string) == 't') return true; else return false; } static std::set s_set_map_allows; bool map_allow_find(int index) { if (g_bAuthServer) return false; if (s_set_map_allows.find(index) == s_set_map_allows.end()) return false; return true; } void map_allow_log() { std::set::iterator i; for (i = s_set_map_allows.begin(); i != s_set_map_allows.end(); ++i) sys_log(0, "MAP_ALLOW: %d", *i); } void map_allow_add(int index) { if (map_allow_find(index) == true) { fprintf(stdout, "!!! FATAL ERROR !!! multiple MAP_ALLOW setting!!\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "MAP ALLOW %d\n", index); s_set_map_allows.insert(index); } void map_allow_copy(int * pl, int size) { int iCount = 0; for (auto mapId: s_set_map_allows) { if (iCount >= size) break; pl[iCount++] = mapId; } } static void FN_add_adminpageIP(char *line) { char *last; const char *delim = " \t\r\n"; char *v = strtok_r(line, delim, &last); while (v) { g_stAdminPageIP.push_back(v); v = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &last); } } static void FN_log_adminpage() { itertype(g_stAdminPageIP) iter = g_stAdminPageIP.begin(); while (iter != g_stAdminPageIP.end()) { dev_log(LOG_DEB0, "ADMIN_PAGE_IP = %s", (*iter).c_str()); ++iter; } dev_log(LOG_DEB0, "ADMIN_PAGE_PASSWORD = %s", g_stAdminPagePassword.c_str()); } bool GetIPInfo() { #ifndef __WIN32__ struct ifaddrs* ifaddrp = NULL; if (0 != getifaddrs(&ifaddrp)) return false; for( struct ifaddrs* ifap=ifaddrp ; NULL != ifap ; ifap = ifap->ifa_next ) { struct sockaddr_in * sai = (struct sockaddr_in *) ifap->ifa_addr; if (!ifap->ifa_netmask || // ignore if no netmask sai->sin_addr.s_addr == 0 || // ignore if address is sai->sin_addr.s_addr == 16777343) // ignore if address is continue; #else WSADATA wsa_data; char host_name[100]; HOSTENT* host_ent; int n = 0; if (WSAStartup(0x0101, &wsa_data)) { return false; } gethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name)); host_ent = gethostbyname(host_name); if (host_ent == NULL) { return false; } for ( ; host_ent->h_addr_list[n] != NULL; ++n) { struct sockaddr_in addr; struct sockaddr_in* sai = &addr; memcpy(&sai->sin_addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_addr_list[n], host_ent->h_length); #endif char * netip = inet_ntoa(sai->sin_addr); if (!strncmp(netip, "192.168", 7)) // ignore if address is starting with 192 { strncpy(g_szInternalIP, netip, sizeof(g_szInternalIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s interface %s\n", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s\n", netip); #endif } else if (!strncmp(netip, "10.", 3)) { strncpy(g_szInternalIP, netip, sizeof(g_szInternalIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s interface %s\n", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL_IP: %s\n", netip); #endif } else if (g_szPublicIP[0] == '0') { strncpy(g_szPublicIP, netip, sizeof(g_szPublicIP)); #ifndef __WIN32__ fprintf(stderr, "PUBLIC_IP: %s interface %s\n", netip, ifap->ifa_name); #else fprintf(stderr, "PUBLIC_IP: %s\n", netip); #endif } } #ifndef __WIN32__ freeifaddrs( ifaddrp ); #else WSACleanup(); #endif if (g_szPublicIP[0] != '0') return true; else return false; } void config_init(const string& st_localeServiceName) { FILE *fp; char buf[256]; char token_string[256]; char value_string[256]; // LOCALE_SERVICE string st_configFileName; st_configFileName.reserve(32); st_configFileName = "CONFIG"; if (!st_localeServiceName.empty()) { st_configFileName += "."; st_configFileName += st_localeServiceName; } // END_OF_LOCALE_SERVICE if (!(fp = fopen(st_configFileName.c_str(), "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not open [%s]\n", st_configFileName.c_str()); exit(1); } if (!GetIPInfo()) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not get public ip address\n"); exit(1); } char db_host[2][64], db_user[2][64], db_pwd[2][64], db_db[2][64]; // ... ¾Æ... db_port´Â ÀÌ¹Ì Àִµ¥... ³×ÀÌ¹Ö ¾îÂîÇؾßÇÔ... int mysql_db_port[2]; for (int n = 0; n < 2; ++n) { *db_host[n] = '\0'; *db_user[n] = '\0'; *db_pwd[n]= '\0'; *db_db[n]= '\0'; mysql_db_port[n] = 0; } char log_host[64], log_user[64], log_pwd[64], log_db[64]; int log_port = 0; *log_host = '\0'; *log_user = '\0'; *log_pwd = '\0'; *log_db = '\0'; // DB¿¡¼­ ·ÎÄÉÀÏÁ¤º¸¸¦ ¼¼ÆÃÇϱâÀ§Çؼ­´Â ´Ù¸¥ ¼¼Æ𪺸´Ù ¼±ÇàµÇ¾î¼­ // DBÁ¤º¸¸¸ Àоî¿Í ·ÎÄÉÀÏ ¼¼ÆÃÀ» ÇÑÈÄ ´Ù¸¥ ¼¼ÆÃÀ» Àû¿ë½ÃÄѾßÇÑ´Ù. // ÀÌÀ¯´Â ·ÎÄÉÀÏ°ü·ÃµÈ ÃʱâÈ­ ·çƾÀÌ °÷°÷¿¡ Á¸ÀçÇϱ⠶§¹®. bool isCommonSQL = false; bool isPlayerSQL = false; FILE* fpOnlyForDB; if (!(fpOnlyForDB = fopen(st_configFileName.c_str(), "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not open [%s]\n", st_configFileName.c_str()); exit(1); } while (fgets(buf, 256, fpOnlyForDB)) { parse_token(buf, token_string, value_string); TOKEN("BLOCK_LOGIN") { g_stBlockDate = value_string; } TOKEN("adminpage_ip") { FN_add_adminpageIP(value_string); //g_stAdminPageIP[0] = value_string; } TOKEN("adminpage_ip1") { FN_add_adminpageIP(value_string); //g_stAdminPageIP[0] = value_string; } TOKEN("adminpage_ip2") { FN_add_adminpageIP(value_string); //g_stAdminPageIP[1] = value_string; } TOKEN("adminpage_ip3") { FN_add_adminpageIP(value_string); //g_stAdminPageIP[2] = value_string; } TOKEN("adminpage_password") { g_stAdminPagePassword = value_string; } TOKEN("hostname") { g_stHostname = value_string; fprintf(stdout, "HOSTNAME: %s\n", g_stHostname.c_str()); continue; } TOKEN("channel") { str_to_number(g_bChannel, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("player_sql") { const char * line = two_arguments(value_string, db_host[0], sizeof(db_host[0]), db_user[0], sizeof(db_user[0])); line = two_arguments(line, db_pwd[0], sizeof(db_pwd[0]), db_db[0], sizeof(db_db[0])); if ('\0' != line[0]) { char buf[256]; one_argument(line, buf, sizeof(buf)); str_to_number(mysql_db_port[0], buf); } if (!*db_host[0] || !*db_user[0] || !*db_pwd[0] || !*db_db[0]) { fprintf(stderr, "PLAYER_SQL syntax: logsql \n"); exit(1); } char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "PLAYER_SQL: %s %s %s %s %d", db_host[0], db_user[0], db_pwd[0], db_db[0], mysql_db_port[0]); isPlayerSQL = true; continue; } TOKEN("common_sql") { const char * line = two_arguments(value_string, db_host[1], sizeof(db_host[1]), db_user[1], sizeof(db_user[1])); line = two_arguments(line, db_pwd[1], sizeof(db_pwd[1]), db_db[1], sizeof(db_db[1])); if ('\0' != line[0]) { char buf[256]; one_argument(line, buf, sizeof(buf)); str_to_number(mysql_db_port[1], buf); } if (!*db_host[1] || !*db_user[1] || !*db_pwd[1] || !*db_db[1]) { fprintf(stderr, "COMMON_SQL syntax: logsql \n"); exit(1); } char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "COMMON_SQL: %s %s %s %s %d", db_host[1], db_user[1], db_pwd[1], db_db[1], mysql_db_port[1]); isCommonSQL = true; continue; } TOKEN("log_sql") { const char * line = two_arguments(value_string, log_host, sizeof(log_host), log_user, sizeof(log_user)); line = two_arguments(line, log_pwd, sizeof(log_pwd), log_db, sizeof(log_db)); if ('\0' != line[0]) { char buf[256]; one_argument(line, buf, sizeof(buf)); str_to_number(log_port, buf); } if (!*log_host || !*log_user || !*log_pwd || !*log_db) { fprintf(stderr, "LOG_SQL syntax: logsql \n"); exit(1); } char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "LOG_SQL: %s %s %s %s %d", log_host, log_user, log_pwd, log_db, log_port); continue; } } //󸮰¡ ³¡³µÀ¸´Ï ÆÄÀÏÀ» ´ÝÀÚ. fclose(fpOnlyForDB); // CONFIG_SQL_INFO_ERROR if (!isCommonSQL) { puts("LOAD_COMMON_SQL_INFO_FAILURE:"); puts(""); puts("CONFIG:"); puts("------------------------------------------------"); puts("COMMON_SQL: HOST USER PASSWORD DATABASE"); puts(""); exit(1); } if (!isPlayerSQL) { puts("LOAD_PLAYER_SQL_INFO_FAILURE:"); puts(""); puts("CONFIG:"); puts("------------------------------------------------"); puts("PLAYER_SQL: HOST USER PASSWORD DATABASE"); puts(""); exit(1); } // Common DB °¡ Locale Á¤º¸¸¦ °¡Áö°í Àֱ⠶§¹®¿¡ °¡Àå ¸ÕÀú Á¢¼ÓÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. AccountDB::instance().Connect(db_host[1], mysql_db_port[1], db_user[1], db_pwd[1], db_db[1]); if (false == AccountDB::instance().IsConnected()) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot start server while no common sql connected\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "CommonSQL connected\n"); // ·ÎÄÉÀÏ Á¤º¸¸¦ °¡Á®¿ÀÀÚ // <°æ°í> Äõ¸®¹®¿¡ Àý´ë Á¶°Ç¹®(WHERE) ´ÞÁö ¸¶¼¼¿ä. (´Ù¸¥ Áö¿ª¿¡¼­ ¹®Á¦°¡ »ý±æ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù) { char szQuery[512]; snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT mKey, mValue FROM locale"); std::unique_ptr pMsg(AccountDB::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery)); if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "COMMON_SQL: DirectQuery failed : %s\n", szQuery); exit(1); } MYSQL_ROW row; while (NULL != (row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult))) { // ·ÎÄÉÀÏ ¼¼Æà if (strcasecmp(row[0], "LOCALE") == 0) { if (LocaleService_Init(row[1]) == false) { fprintf(stderr, "COMMON_SQL: invalid locale key %s\n", row[1]); exit(1); } } } } // ·ÎÄÉÀÏ Á¤º¸¸¦ COMMON SQL¿¡ ¼¼ÆÃÇØÁØ´Ù. // Âü°í·Î g_stLocale Á¤º¸´Â LocaleService_Init() ³»ºÎ¿¡¼­ ¼¼ÆõȴÙ. fprintf(stdout, "Setting DB to locale %s\n", g_stLocale.c_str()); AccountDB::instance().SetLocale(g_stLocale); AccountDB::instance().ConnectAsync(db_host[1], mysql_db_port[1], db_user[1], db_pwd[1], db_db[1], g_stLocale.c_str()); // Player DB Á¢¼Ó DBManager::instance().Connect(db_host[0], mysql_db_port[0], db_user[0], db_pwd[0], db_db[0]); if (!DBManager::instance().IsConnected()) { fprintf(stderr, "PlayerSQL.ConnectError\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "PlayerSQL connected\n"); if (false == g_bAuthServer) // ÀÎÁõ ¼­¹ö°¡ ¾Æ´Ò °æ¿ì { // Log DB Á¢¼Ó LogManager::instance().Connect(log_host, log_port, log_user, log_pwd, log_db); if (!LogManager::instance().IsConnected()) { fprintf(stderr, "LogSQL.ConnectError\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "LogSQL connected\n"); LogManager::instance().BootLog(g_stHostname.c_str(), g_bChannel); } // SKILL_POWER_BY_LEVEL // ½ºÆ®¸µ ºñ±³ÀÇ ¹®Á¦·Î ÀÎÇؼ­ AccountDB::instance().SetLocale(g_stLocale) ÈĺÎÅÍ ÇÑ´Ù. // ¹°·Ð ±¹³»´Â º°·Î ¹®Á¦°¡ ¾ÈµÈ´Ù(ÇØ¿Ü°¡ ¹®Á¦) { char szQuery[256]; snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT mValue FROM locale WHERE mKey='SKILL_POWER_BY_LEVEL'"); std::unique_ptr pMsg(AccountDB::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery)); if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[SKILL_PERCENT] Query failed: %s", szQuery); exit(1); } MYSQL_ROW row; row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult); const char * p = row[0]; int cnt = 0; char num[128]; int aiBaseSkillPowerByLevelTable[SKILL_MAX_LEVEL+1]; fprintf(stdout, "SKILL_POWER_BY_LEVEL %s\n", p); while (*p != '\0' && cnt < (SKILL_MAX_LEVEL + 1)) { p = one_argument(p, num, sizeof(num)); aiBaseSkillPowerByLevelTable[cnt++] = atoi(num); //fprintf(stdout, "%d %d\n", cnt - 1, aiBaseSkillPowerByLevelTable[cnt - 1]); if (*p == '\0') { if (cnt != (SKILL_MAX_LEVEL + 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "[SKILL_PERCENT] locale table has not enough skill information! (count: %d query: %s)", cnt, szQuery); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "SKILL_POWER_BY_LEVEL: Done! (count %d)\n", cnt); break; } } // Á¾Á·º° ½ºÅ³ ¼¼Æà for (int job = 0; job < JOB_MAX_NUM * 2; ++job) { snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT mValue from locale where mKey='SKILL_POWER_BY_LEVEL_TYPE%d' ORDER BY CAST(mValue AS unsigned)", job); std::unique_ptr pMsg(AccountDB::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery)); // ¼¼ÆÃÀÌ ¾ÈµÇ¾îÀÖÀ¸¸é ±âº»Å×À̺íÀ» »ç¿ëÇÑ´Ù. if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == 0) { CTableBySkill::instance().SetSkillPowerByLevelFromType(job, aiBaseSkillPowerByLevelTable); continue; } row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult); cnt = 0; p = row[0]; int aiSkillTable[SKILL_MAX_LEVEL + 1]; fprintf(stdout, "SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB %d %s\n", job, p); while (*p != '\0' && cnt < (SKILL_MAX_LEVEL + 1)) { p = one_argument(p, num, sizeof(num)); aiSkillTable[cnt++] = atoi(num); //fprintf(stdout, "%d %d\n", cnt - 1, aiBaseSkillPowerByLevelTable[cnt - 1]); if (*p == '\0') { if (cnt != (SKILL_MAX_LEVEL + 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "[SKILL_PERCENT] locale table has not enough skill information! (count: %d query: %s)", cnt, szQuery); exit(1); } fprintf(stdout, "SKILL_POWER_BY_JOB: Done! (job: %d count: %d)\n", job, cnt); break; } } CTableBySkill::instance().SetSkillPowerByLevelFromType(job, aiSkillTable); } } // END_SKILL_POWER_BY_LEVEL // LOG_KEEP_DAYS_EXTEND log_set_expiration_days(2); // END_OF_LOG_KEEP_DAYS_EXTEND while (fgets(buf, 256, fp)) { parse_token(buf, token_string, value_string); TOKEN("empire_whisper") { bool b_value = 0; str_to_number(b_value, value_string); g_bEmpireWhisper = !!b_value; continue; } TOKEN("mark_server") { guild_mark_server = is_string_true(value_string); continue; } TOKEN("mark_min_level") { str_to_number(guild_mark_min_level, value_string); guild_mark_min_level = MINMAX(0, guild_mark_min_level, GUILD_MAX_LEVEL); continue; } TOKEN("port") { str_to_number(mother_port, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("log_keep_days") { int i = 0; str_to_number(i, value_string); log_set_expiration_days(MINMAX(1, i, 90)); continue; } TOKEN("passes_per_sec") { str_to_number(passes_per_sec, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("p2p_port") { str_to_number(p2p_port, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("db_port") { str_to_number(db_port, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("db_addr") { strncpy(db_addr, value_string, sizeof(db_addr)); for (int n =0; n < ADDRESS_MAX_LEN; ++n) { if (db_addr[n] == ' ') db_addr[n] = '\0'; } continue; } TOKEN("save_event_second_cycle") { int cycle = 0; str_to_number(cycle, value_string); save_event_second_cycle = cycle * passes_per_sec; continue; } TOKEN("ping_event_second_cycle") { int cycle = 0; str_to_number(cycle, value_string); ping_event_second_cycle = cycle * passes_per_sec; continue; } TOKEN("table_postfix") { g_table_postfix = value_string; continue; } TOKEN("test_server") { printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); printf("TEST_SERVER\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); str_to_number(test_server, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("speed_server") { printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); printf("SPEED_SERVER\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); str_to_number(speed_server, value_string); continue; } #ifdef __AUCTION__ TOKEN("auction_server") { printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); printf("AUCTION_SERVER\n"); printf("-----------------------------------------------\n"); str_to_number(auction_server, value_string); continue; } #endif TOKEN("distribution_test_server") { str_to_number(distribution_test_server, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("china_event_server") { str_to_number(china_event_server, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("shutdowned") { g_bNoMoreClient = true; continue; } TOKEN("no_regen") { g_bNoRegen = true; continue; } TOKEN("traffic_profile") { g_bTrafficProfileOn = true; continue; } TOKEN("map_allow") { char * p = value_string; string stNum; for (; *p; p++) { if (isspace(*p)) { if (stNum.length()) { int index = 0; str_to_number(index, stNum.c_str()); map_allow_add(index); stNum.clear(); } } else stNum += *p; } if (stNum.length()) { int index = 0; str_to_number(index, stNum.c_str()); map_allow_add(index); } continue; } TOKEN("no_wander") { no_wander = true; continue; } TOKEN("user_limit") { str_to_number(g_iUserLimit, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("skill_disable") { str_to_number(g_bSkillDisable, value_string); continue; } TOKEN("auth_server") { char szIP[32]; char szPort[32]; two_arguments(value_string, szIP, sizeof(szIP), szPort, sizeof(szPort)); if (!*szIP || (!*szPort && strcasecmp(szIP, "master"))) { fprintf(stderr, "AUTH_SERVER: syntax error: \n"); exit(1); } g_bAuthServer = true; if (!strcasecmp(szIP, "master")) fprintf(stdout, "AUTH_SERVER: I am the master\n"); else { g_stAuthMasterIP = szIP; str_to_number(g_wAuthMasterPort, szPort); fprintf(stdout, "AUTH_SERVER: master %s %u\n", g_stAuthMasterIP.c_str(), g_wAuthMasterPort); } continue; } TOKEN("billing") { g_bBilling = true; } TOKEN("quest_dir") { sys_log(0, "QUEST_DIR SETTING : %s", value_string); g_stQuestDir = value_string; } TOKEN("quest_object_dir") { //g_stQuestObjectDir = value_string; std::istringstream is(value_string); sys_log(0, "QUEST_OBJECT_DIR SETTING : %s", value_string); string dir; while (!is.eof()) { is >> dir; if (is.fail()) break; g_setQuestObjectDir.insert(dir); sys_log(0, "QUEST_OBJECT_DIR INSERT : %s", dir .c_str()); } } TOKEN("teen_addr") { strncpy(teen_addr, value_string, sizeof(teen_addr)); for (int n =0; n < ADDRESS_MAX_LEN; ++n) { if (teen_addr[n] == ' ') teen_addr[n] = '\0'; } continue; } TOKEN("teen_port") { str_to_number(teen_port, value_string); } TOKEN("synchack_limit_count") { str_to_number(g_iSyncHackLimitCount, value_string); } TOKEN("speedhack_limit_count") { str_to_number(SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_COUNT, value_string); } TOKEN("speedhack_limit_bonus") { str_to_number(SPEEDHACK_LIMIT_BONUS, value_string); } TOKEN("server_id") { str_to_number(g_server_id, value_string); } TOKEN("mall_url") { g_strWebMallURL = value_string; } TOKEN("bind_ip") { strncpy(g_szPublicIP, value_string, sizeof(g_szPublicIP)); } TOKEN("view_range") { str_to_number(VIEW_RANGE, value_string); } TOKEN("spam_block_duration") { str_to_number(g_uiSpamBlockDuration, value_string); } TOKEN("spam_block_score") { str_to_number(g_uiSpamBlockScore, value_string); g_uiSpamBlockScore = MAX(1, g_uiSpamBlockScore); } TOKEN("spam_block_reload_cycle") { str_to_number(g_uiSpamReloadCycle, value_string); g_uiSpamReloadCycle = MAX(60, g_uiSpamReloadCycle); // ÃÖ¼Ò 1ºÐ } TOKEN("check_multihack") { str_to_number(g_bCheckMultiHack, value_string); } TOKEN("spam_block_max_level") { str_to_number(g_iSpamBlockMaxLevel, value_string); } TOKEN("protect_normal_player") { str_to_number(g_protectNormalPlayer, value_string); } TOKEN("notice_battle_zone") { str_to_number(g_noticeBattleZone, value_string); } TOKEN("pk_protect_level") { str_to_number(PK_PROTECT_LEVEL, value_string); fprintf(stderr, "PK_PROTECT_LEVEL: %d", PK_PROTECT_LEVEL); } TOKEN("max_level") { str_to_number(gPlayerMaxLevel, value_string); gPlayerMaxLevel = MINMAX(1, gPlayerMaxLevel, PLAYER_MAX_LEVEL_CONST); fprintf(stderr, "PLAYER_MAX_LEVEL: %d\n", gPlayerMaxLevel); } TOKEN("block_char_creation") { int tmp = 0; str_to_number(tmp, value_string); if (0 == tmp) g_BlockCharCreation = false; else g_BlockCharCreation = true; continue; } } if (g_setQuestObjectDir.empty()) g_setQuestObjectDir.insert(g_stDefaultQuestObjectDir); if (0 == db_port) { fprintf(stderr, "DB_PORT not configured\n"); exit(1); } if (0 == g_bChannel) { fprintf(stderr, "CHANNEL not configured\n"); exit(1); } if (g_stHostname.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "HOSTNAME must be configured.\n"); exit(1); } // LOCALE_SERVICE LocaleService_LoadLocaleStringFile(); LocaleService_TransferDefaultSetting(); LocaleService_LoadEmpireTextConvertTables(); // END_OF_LOCALE_SERVICE fclose(fp); if ((fp = fopen("CMD", "r"))) { while (fgets(buf, 256, fp)) { char cmd[32], levelname[32]; int level; two_arguments(buf, cmd, sizeof(cmd), levelname, sizeof(levelname)); if (!*cmd || !*levelname) { fprintf(stderr, "CMD syntax error: \n"); exit(1); } if (!strcasecmp(levelname, "LOW_WIZARD")) level = GM_LOW_WIZARD; else if (!strcasecmp(levelname, "WIZARD")) level = GM_WIZARD; else if (!strcasecmp(levelname, "HIGH_WIZARD")) level = GM_HIGH_WIZARD; else if (!strcasecmp(levelname, "GOD")) level = GM_GOD; else if (!strcasecmp(levelname, "IMPLEMENTOR")) level = GM_IMPLEMENTOR; else if (!strcasecmp(levelname, "DISABLE")) level = GM_IMPLEMENTOR + 1; else { fprintf(stderr, "CMD syntax error: \n"); exit(1); } interpreter_set_privilege(cmd, level); } fclose(fp); } LoadValidCRCList(); LoadStateUserCount(); CWarMapManager::instance().LoadWarMapInfo(NULL); FN_log_adminpage(); } const char* get_table_postfix() { return g_table_postfix.c_str(); } void LoadValidCRCList() { s_set_dwProcessCRC.clear(); s_set_dwFileCRC.clear(); FILE * fp; char buf[256]; if ((fp = fopen("CRC", "r"))) { while (fgets(buf, 256, fp)) { if (!*buf) continue; DWORD dwValidClientProcessCRC; DWORD dwValidClientFileCRC; sscanf(buf, " %u %u ", &dwValidClientProcessCRC, &dwValidClientFileCRC); s_set_dwProcessCRC.insert(dwValidClientProcessCRC); s_set_dwFileCRC.insert(dwValidClientFileCRC); fprintf(stderr, "CLIENT_CRC: %u %u\n", dwValidClientProcessCRC, dwValidClientFileCRC); } fclose(fp); } } bool LoadClientVersion() { FILE * fp = fopen("VERSION", "r"); if (!fp) return false; char buf[256]; fgets(buf, 256, fp); char * p = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "VERSION: \"%s\"\n", buf); g_stClientVersion = buf; fclose(fp); return true; } void CheckClientVersion() { if (LC_IsEurope()) { g_bCheckClientVersion = true; } else { g_bCheckClientVersion = false; } const DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET & set = DESC_MANAGER::instance().GetClientSet(); DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET::const_iterator it = set.begin(); while (it != set.end()) { LPDESC d = *(it++); if (!d->GetCharacter()) continue; int version = atoi(g_stClientVersion.c_str()); int date = atoi(d->GetClientVersion() ); //if (0 != g_stClientVersion.compare(d->GetClientVersion()) ) if (version > date) { d->GetCharacter()->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, LC_TEXT("Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ® ¹öÀüÀÌ Æ²·Á ·Î±×¾Æ¿ô µË´Ï´Ù. Á¤»óÀûÀ¸·Î ÆÐÄ¡ ÈÄ Á¢¼ÓÇϼ¼¿ä.")); d->DelayedDisconnect(10); } } } void LoadStateUserCount() { FILE * fp = fopen("state_user_count", "r"); if (!fp) return; if (!LC_IsHongKong()) fscanf(fp, " %d %d ", &g_iFullUserCount, &g_iBusyUserCount); fclose(fp); } bool IsValidProcessCRC(DWORD dwCRC) { return s_set_dwProcessCRC.find(dwCRC) != s_set_dwProcessCRC.end(); } bool IsValidFileCRC(DWORD dwCRC) { return s_set_dwFileCRC.find(dwCRC) != s_set_dwFileCRC.end(); }