quest hair begin state start begin function get_start_index_by_race(race) --[[ -- 0 무사 남 -- 1 자객 여 -- 2 수라 남 -- 3 무당 여 -- 4 무사 여 -- 5 자객 남 -- 6 수라 여 -- 7 무당 남 --]] race_list = {} race_list[1] = 74001 race_list[2] = 74251 race_list[3] = 74501 race_list[4] = 74751 race_list[5] = 75001 race_list[6] = 75201 race_list[7] = 75401 race_list[8] = 75601 return race_list[race] end function point_to_apply(applyOn) apply_list = {} apply_list[53] = apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER apply_list[54] = apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR apply_list[55] = apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN apply_list[56] = apply.ATTBONUS_SURA apply_list[57] = apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN apply_list[119] = apply.MAX_HP_PCT apply_list[120] = apply.MAX_SP_PCT if nil == apply_list[applyOn] then return nil end return apply_list[applyOn] end function My_hair_item(vnum,index) hair_list={} -- vnum /hair/ option / howmuch / duration -- 무사 남 hair_list [74001] = {1001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74002] = {1002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74003] = {1003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74004] = {1004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74005] = {1005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74006] = {1006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74007] = {1007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74008] = {1008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74009] = {1009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74010] = {1010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74011] = {1011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74012] = {1012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74013] = {1013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74014] = {1013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74015] = {1014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74016] = {1014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74017] = {1015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74018] = {1016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74019] = {1017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} -- 자객 여 hair_list [74251] = {2001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74252] = {2002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74253] = {2003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74254] = {2004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74255] = {2005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74256] = {2006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74257] = {2007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74258] = {2008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74259] = {2009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74260] = {2010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74261] = {2011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74262] = {2012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74263] = {2013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74264] = {2013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74265] = {2014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74266] = {2014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74267] = {2015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74268] = {2016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74269] = {2017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} -- 수라 남 hair_list [74501] = {3001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74502] = {3002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN,10, 2592000} hair_list [74503] = {3003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74504] = {3004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74505] = {3005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74506] = {3006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN,10, 2592000} hair_list [74507] = {3007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74508] = {3008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74509] = {3009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74510] = {3010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74511] = {3011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74512] = {3012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74513] = {3013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74514] = {3013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74515] = {3014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74516] = {3014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74517] = {3015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74518] = {3016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74519] = {3017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} -- 무당 여 hair_list [74751] = {4001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74752] = {4002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74753] = {4003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74754] = {4004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74755] = {4005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74756] = {4006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74757] = {4007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74758] = {4008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74759] = {4009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74760] = {4010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74761] = {4011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74762] = {4012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [74763] = {4013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74764] = {4013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74765] = {4014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74766] = {4014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [74767] = {4015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74768] = {4016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [74769] = {4017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} -- 무사 여 hair_list [75001] = {1001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75002] = {1002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75003] = {1003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75004] = {1004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75005] = {1005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75006] = {1006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75007] = {1007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75008] = {1008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75009] = {1009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75010] = {1010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75011] = {1011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75012] = {1012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75013] = {1013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75014] = {1013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75015] = {1014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75016] = {1014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75017] = {1015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75018] = {1016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75019] = {1017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} -- 자객 남 hair_list [75201] = {2001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75202] = {2002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75203] = {2003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75204] = {2004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75205] = {2005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75206] = {2006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75207] = {2007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75208] = {2008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75209] = {2009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75210] = {2010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75211] = {2011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75212] = {2012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75213] = {2013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75214] = {2013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75215] = {2014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75216] = {2014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75217] = {2015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75218] = {2016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75219] = {2017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} -- 수라 여 hair_list [75401] = {3001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75402] = {3002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN,10, 2592000} hair_list [75403] = {3003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75404] = {3004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75405] = {3005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75406] = {3006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN,10, 2592000} hair_list [75407] = {3007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75408] = {3008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75409] = {3009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75410] = {3010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75411] = {3011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75412] = {3012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75413] = {3013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75414] = {3013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75415] = {3014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75416] = {3014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75417] = {3015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75418] = {3016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75419] = {3017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} -- 무당 남 hair_list [75601] = {4001, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75602] = {4002, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75603] = {4003, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75604] = {4004, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75605] = {4005, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75606] = {4006, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75607] = {4007, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75608] = {4008, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75609] = {4009, apply.ATTBONUS_WARRIOR, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75610] = {4010, apply.ATTBONUS_ASSASSIN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75611] = {4011, apply.ATTBONUS_SURA, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75612] = {4012, apply.ATTBONUS_SHAMAN, 10, 2592000} hair_list [75613] = {4013, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75614] = {4013, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75615] = {4014, apply.MAX_HP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75616] = {4014, apply.MAX_SP_PCT, 1, 604800} hair_list [75617] = {4015, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75618] = {4016, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} hair_list [75619] = {4017, apply.ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 10, 604800} if nil == hair_list[vnum] then return nil end return hair_list[vnum][index] end function leave_log(item_vnum) char_log(0, "CHANGE_HAIR", string.format("USE_ITEM(%d)",item_vnum)) -- 아이템 로그 설정 char_log(0, "CHANGE_HAIR", string.format("END_SEC(%d)",get_time()+ hair.My_hair_item(item_vnum,4)) ) -- 사용기간 로그 char_log(0, "CHANGE_HAIR", "CHANGE_HAIR_END") -- 종료 로그 end when login begin -- Announce Mention if pc.getqf("limit_time") > get_time() then notice_multiline(,notice) else if pc.get_part( PART_HAIR ) > 1000 and nil == pc.get_wear(20) then --pc.set_part( PART_HAIR , 0 ) pc.setqf( "limit_time", 0 ) end end end when 74001.use or 74002.use or 74003.use or 74004.use or 74005.use or 74006.use or 74007.use or 74008.use or 74009.use or 74010.use or 74011.use or 74012.use or 74013.use or 74014.use or 74015.use or 74016.use or 74017.use or 74018.use or 74019.use or 75001.use or 75002.use or 75003.use or 75004.use or 75005.use or 75006.use or 75007.use or 75008.use or 75009.use or 75010.use or 75011.use or 75012.use or 75013.use or 75014.use or 75015.use or 75016.use or 75017.use or 75018.use or 75019.use with pc.get_job()==0 begin pc.set_part(PART_HAIR, hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,1)) affect.remove_hair() affect.add_hair(hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,2),hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,3) , hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+ hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) hair.leave_log(item.vnum) item.remove() end when 74251.use or 74252.use or 74253.use or 74254.use or 74255.use or 74256.use or 74257.use or 74258.use or 74259.use or 74260.use or 74261.use or 74262.use or 74263.use or 74264.use or 74265.use or 74266.use or 74267.use or 74268.use or 74269.use or 75201.use or 75202.use or 75203.use or 75204.use or 75205.use or 75206.use or 75207.use or 75208.use or 75209.use or 75210.use or 75211.use or 75212.use or 75213.use or 75214.use or 75215.use or 75216.use or 75217.use or 75218.use or 75219.use with pc.get_job()==1 begin pc.set_part(PART_HAIR, hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,1)) affect.remove_hair() affect.add_hair(hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,2),hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,3) , hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) hair.leave_log(item.vnum) item.remove() end when 74501.use or 74502.use or 74503.use or 74504.use or 74505.use or 74506.use or 74507.use or 74508.use or 74509.use or 74510.use or 74511.use or 74512.use or 74513.use or 74514.use or 74515.use or 74516.use or 74517.use or 74518.use or 74519.use or 75401.use or 75402.use or 75403.use or 75404.use or 75405.use or 75406.use or 75407.use or 75408.use or 75409.use or 75410.use or 75411.use or 75412.use or 75413.use or 75414.use or 75415.use or 75416.use or 75417.use or 75418.use or 75419.use with pc.get_job()==2 begin pc.set_part(PART_HAIR, hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,1)) affect.remove_hair() affect.add_hair(hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,2),hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,3) , hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) hair.leave_log(item.vnum) item.remove() end when 74751.use or 74752.use or 74753.use or 74754.use or 74755.use or 74756.use or 74757.use or 74758.use or 74759.use or 74760.use or 74761.use or 74762.use or 74763.use or 74764.use or 74765.use or 74766.use or 74767.use or 74768.use or 74769.use or 75601.use or 75602.use or 75603.use or 75604.use or 75605.use or 75606.use or 75607.use or 75608.use or 75609.use or 75610.use or 75611.use or 75612.use or 75613.use or 75614.use or 75615.use or 75616.use or 75617.use or 75618.use or 75619.use with pc.get_job()==3 begin pc.set_part(PART_HAIR, hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,1)) affect.remove_hair() affect.add_hair(hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,2),hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,3) , hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+ hair.My_hair_item(item.vnum,4)) hair.leave_log(item.vnum) item.remove() end when with is_test_server() begin say_title( say( say("") local vnum = input_number() say_item_vnum(vnum) wait() if hair.My_hair_item(vnum, 1) == nil and hair.My_hair_item(vnum - 1000, 1) then say("VNUM : " .. vnum .. return end local race = pc.get_race() + 1 local start_index = hair.get_start_index_by_race(race) -- USING "AFFECT_HAIR" items.1261440000 if vnum > 74000 then for i = 0, 20 do if start_index + i == vnum then pc.set_part(PART_HAIR, hair.My_hair_item(vnum,1)) affect.remove_hair() affect.add_hair(hair.My_hair_item(vnum,2),hair.My_hair_item(vnum,3) , hair.My_hair_item(vnum,4)) pc.setqf("limit_time",get_time()+ hair.My_hair_item(vnum,4)) hair.leave_log(vnum) return end end -- Just set to hair part. elseif vnum > 73000 and vnum <= 73762 then local model = 0 -- hair model start_index = start_index - 1000 for i = 0, 12 do local index = start_index + i if index == vnum then if 1 == race then model = vnum - 72000 elseif 2 == race then model = vnum - 71250 elseif 3 == race then model = vnum - 70500 elseif 4 == race then model = vnum - 69750 end if 0 != model then pc.set_part(PART_HAIR, model) return end end end end syschat( end when with pc.get_part(3) >= 1000 and pc.getqf("original_vnum") == 0 and nil == pc.get_wear(20) begin -- 514 : AFFECT_HAIR local applyOn = affect.get_apply_on(514) local race = pc.get_race() + 1 -- PC's JOB local currentModel = pc.get_part(3) -- hair model type local start_index = hair.get_start_index_by_race(race) local vnum = 0 local bFound = false local optionValue = 0 local limitTime = pc.getqf("limit_time") if pc.getqf("original_vnum") != 0 then notice("hier w�re schluss sp�ter vielleicht!") end notice(string.format("vnum: %d", vnum)) notice( string.format("pc.get_wear: %d ", pc.get_wear(20))) notice(string.format("qf origianl_vnum: %d ", pc.getqf("original_vnum"))) notice(string.format("pc.get_part: %d ", pc.get_part(3))) say_title(mob_name(20355)) say( say("") local s = select(gameforge.locale.confirm, gameforge.locale.cancel) if s == 2 then return end if 0 == currentModel or pc.getqf("original_vnum") != 0 then say_title(mob_name(20355)) say( say("") return end if nil == applyOn then local wearCostumeHair = pc.get_wear(20) if 0 == currentModel or nil != wearCostumeHair then say_title(mob_name(20355)) say( say("") end if pc.getqf("original_vnum") != 0 then say_title(mob_name(20355)) say( say("") return end vnum = currentModel if 1 == race or 5== race then vnum = vnum + 72000 elseif 2 == race or 6 == race then vnum = vnum + 71250 elseif 3 == race or 7 == race then vnum = vnum + 70500 elseif 4 == race or 8 == race then vnum = vnum + 69750 else say_title(mob_name(20355)) say( return end bFound = true end if false == bFound then local applyType = hair.point_to_apply(applyOn) if nil == applyType then say( return end for i = 0, 20 do local tempVnum = start_index + i modelType = hair.My_hair_item(tempVnum, 1) optionType = hair.My_hair_item(tempVnum, 2) optionValue = hair.My_hair_item(tempVnum, 3) if modelType == currentModel and optionType == applyType then vnum = tempVnum bFound = true break end end if false == bFound then say_title(mob_name(20355)) say( return end if true == is_test_server() then say("This message only appears on Test Mode.") say(" Effect : " .. applyOn .. ", Value : " .. optionValue) say(" Model : " .. pc.get_part(3)) say(" Left time (in second) : " .. (limitTime - get_time())) say(" VNUM : " .. vnum) say("") say("") local s = select("Next") end end if vnum < 74000 then -- 영구 헤어를 착영중인 경우, 착용시간 기반으로 10년뒤에 만료되는 코스튬 아이템을 준다. -_-; limitTime = 1261440000 end local wearCostumeHair_check = pc.get_wear(20) if nil == wearCostumeHair_check then return end notice(string.format("vnum: %d", vnum)) notice( string.format("pc.get_wear: %d ", pc.get_wear(20))) notice(string.format("qf origianl_vnum: %d ", pc.getqf("original_vnum"))) notice(string.format("pc.get_part: %d ", pc.get_part(3))) local ret = pc.give_item2_select(vnum) item.set_socket(0, limitTime) item.set_socket(1, 1) item.start_realtime_expire() affect.remove_hair() pc.set_part(3, 0) pc.setqf( "limit_time", 0 ) pc.setqf( "original_vnum", vnum ) say_title(mob_name(20355)) say( say_show_item(vnum) say(" " .. item_name(vnum) .. say("") say( end end end