#include "stdafx.h" #include "constants.h" #include "sectree_manager.h" #include "item_manager.h" #include "buffer_manager.h" #include "config.h" #include "packet.h" #include "char.h" #include "char_manager.h" #include "guild.h" #include "guild_manager.h" #include "desc.h" #include "desc_manager.h" #include "desc_client.h" #include "questmanager.h" #include "building.h" enum { // ADD_SUPPLY_BUILDING BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_SMALL = 14061, BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_MEDIUM = 14062, BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_LARGE = 14063, // END_OF_ADD_SUPPLY_BUILDING FLAG_VNUM = 14200, WALL_DOOR_VNUM = 14201, WALL_BACK_VNUM = 14202, WALL_LEFT_VNUM = 14203, WALL_RIGHT_VNUM = 14204, }; using namespace building; CObject::CObject(TObject * pData, TObjectProto * pProto) : m_pProto(pProto), m_dwVID(0), m_chNPC(NULL) { CEntity::Initialize(ENTITY_OBJECT); memcpy(&m_data, pData, sizeof(TObject)); } CObject::~CObject() { Destroy(); } void CObject::Destroy() { if (m_pProto) { SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().ForAttrRegion(GetMapIndex(), GetX() + m_pProto->lRegion[0], GetY() + m_pProto->lRegion[1], GetX() + m_pProto->lRegion[2], GetY() + m_pProto->lRegion[3], (int)m_data.zRot, // ADD_BUILDING_ROTATION ATTR_OBJECT, ATTR_REGION_MODE_REMOVE); } CEntity::Destroy(); if (GetSectree()) GetSectree()->RemoveEntity(this); // NPC should be destroyed in CHARACTER_MANAGER // BUILDING_NPC /* if (m_chNPC) { M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(m_chNPC); } */ RemoveSpecialEffect(); // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC } // BUILDING_NPC void CObject::Reconstruct(DWORD dwVnum) { const TMapRegion * r = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMapRegion(m_data.lMapIndex); if (!r) return; CLand* pLand = GetLand(); pLand->RequestDeleteObject(GetID()); pLand->RequestCreateObject(dwVnum, m_data.lMapIndex, m_data.x - r->sx, m_data.y - r->sy, m_data.xRot, m_data.yRot, m_data.zRot, false); } // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC void CObject::EncodeInsertPacket(LPENTITY entity) { LPDESC d; if (!(d = entity->GetDesc())) return; sys_log(0, "ObjectInsertPacket vid %u vnum %u rot %f %f %f", m_dwVID, m_data.dwVnum, m_data.xRot, m_data.yRot, m_data.zRot); TPacketGCCharacterAdd pack; memset(&pack, 0, sizeof(TPacketGCCharacterAdd)); pack.header = HEADER_GC_CHARACTER_ADD; pack.dwVID = m_dwVID; pack.bType = CHAR_TYPE_BUILDING; pack.angle = m_data.zRot; pack.x = GetX(); pack.y = GetY(); pack.z = GetZ(); pack.wRaceNum = m_data.dwVnum; // ºôµù ȸÀü Á¤º¸(º®À϶§´Â ¹® À§Ä¡)¸¦ º¯È¯ pack.dwAffectFlag[0] = unsigned(m_data.xRot); pack.dwAffectFlag[1] = unsigned(m_data.yRot); if (GetLand()) { // pack.dwGuild = GetLand()->GetOwner(); } d->Packet(&pack, sizeof(pack)); } void CObject::EncodeRemovePacket(LPENTITY entity) { LPDESC d; if (!(d = entity->GetDesc())) return; sys_log(0, "ObjectRemovePacket vid %u", m_dwVID); TPacketGCCharacterDelete pack; pack.header = HEADER_GC_CHARACTER_DEL; pack.id = m_dwVID; d->Packet(&pack, sizeof(TPacketGCCharacterDelete)); } void CObject::SetVID(DWORD dwVID) { m_dwVID = dwVID; } bool CObject::Show(int lMapIndex, int x, int y) { LPSECTREE tree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Get(lMapIndex, x, y); if (!tree) { sys_err("cannot find sectree by %dx%d mapindex %d", x, y, lMapIndex); return false; } if (GetSectree()) { GetSectree()->RemoveEntity(this); ViewCleanup(); } m_data.lMapIndex = lMapIndex; m_data.x = x; m_data.y = y; Save(); SetMapIndex(lMapIndex); SetXYZ(x, y, 0); tree->InsertEntity(this); UpdateSectree(); SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().ForAttrRegion(lMapIndex, x + m_pProto->lRegion[0], y + m_pProto->lRegion[1], x + m_pProto->lRegion[2], y + m_pProto->lRegion[3], (int)m_data.zRot, ATTR_OBJECT, ATTR_REGION_MODE_SET); return true; } void CObject::Save() { } void CObject::ApplySpecialEffect() { if (m_pProto) { // ADD_SUPPLY_BUILDING if (m_pProto->dwVnum == BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_SMALL || m_pProto->dwVnum == BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_MEDIUM || m_pProto->dwVnum == BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_LARGE) { CLand* pLand = GetLand(); DWORD guild_id = 0; if (pLand) guild_id = pLand->GetOwner(); CGuild* pGuild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild(guild_id); if (pGuild) { switch (m_pProto->dwVnum) { case BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_SMALL: pGuild->SetMemberCountBonus(6); break; case BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_MEDIUM: pGuild->SetMemberCountBonus(12); break; case BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_LARGE: pGuild->SetMemberCountBonus(18); break; } if (map_allow_find(pLand->GetMapIndex())) { pGuild->BroadcastMemberCountBonus(); } } } // END_OF_ADD_SUPPLY_BUILDING } } void CObject::RemoveSpecialEffect() { if (m_pProto) { // ADD_SUPPLY_BUILDING if (m_pProto->dwVnum == BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_SMALL || m_pProto->dwVnum == BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_MEDIUM || m_pProto->dwVnum == BUILDING_INCREASE_GUILD_MEMBER_COUNT_LARGE) { CLand* pLand = GetLand(); DWORD guild_id = 0; if (pLand) guild_id = pLand->GetOwner(); CGuild* pGuild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild(guild_id); if (pGuild) { pGuild->SetMemberCountBonus(0); if (map_allow_find(pLand->GetMapIndex())) pGuild->BroadcastMemberCountBonus(); } } // END_OF_ADD_SUPPLY_BUILDING } } // BUILDING_NPC void CObject::RegenNPC() { if (!m_pProto) return; if (!m_pProto->dwNPCVnum) return; if (!m_pkLand) return; DWORD dwGuildID = m_pkLand->GetOwner(); CGuild* pGuild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild(dwGuildID); if (!pGuild) return; int x = m_pProto->lNPCX; int y = m_pProto->lNPCY; int newX, newY; float rot = m_data.zRot * 2.0f * M_PI / 360.0f; newX = (int)(( x * cosf(rot)) + ( y * sinf(rot))); newY = (int)(( y * cosf(rot)) - ( x * sinf(rot))); m_chNPC = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().SpawnMob(m_pProto->dwNPCVnum, GetMapIndex(), GetX() + newX, GetY() + newY, GetZ(), false, (int)m_data.zRot); if (!m_chNPC) { sys_err("Cannot create guild npc"); return; } m_chNPC->SetGuild(pGuild); // ÈûÀÇ ½ÅÀüÀÏ °æ¿ì ±æµå ·¹º§À» ±æ¸¶¿¡°Ô ÀúÀåÇسõ´Â´Ù if ( m_pProto->dwVnum == 14061 || m_pProto->dwVnum == 14062 || m_pProto->dwVnum == 14063 ) { quest::PC* pPC = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetPC(pGuild->GetMasterPID()); if ( pPC != NULL ) { pPC->SetFlag("alter_of_power.build_level", pGuild->GetLevel()); } } } // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CLand::CLand(TLand * pData) { memcpy(&m_data, pData, sizeof(TLand)); } CLand::~CLand() { Destroy(); } void CLand::Destroy() { itertype(m_map_pkObject) it = m_map_pkObject.begin(); while (it != m_map_pkObject.end()) { LPOBJECT pkObj = (it++)->second; CManager::instance().UnregisterObject(pkObj); M2_DELETE(pkObj); } m_map_pkObject.clear(); m_map_pkObjectByVID.clear(); } const TLand & CLand::GetData() { return m_data; } void CLand::PutData(const TLand * data) { memcpy(&m_data, data, sizeof(TLand)); if (m_data.dwGuildID) { const TMapRegion * r = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMapRegion(m_data.lMapIndex); if (r) { CharacterVectorInteractor i; if (CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().GetCharactersByRaceNum(20040, i)) { CharacterVectorInteractor::iterator it = i.begin(); while (it != i.end()) { LPCHARACTER ch = *(it++); if (ch->GetMapIndex() != m_data.lMapIndex) continue; int x = ch->GetX() - r->sx; int y = ch->GetY() - r->sy; if (x > m_data.x + m_data.width || x < m_data.x) continue; if (y > m_data.y + m_data.height || y < m_data.y) continue; M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(ch); } } } } } void CLand::InsertObject(LPOBJECT pkObj) { m_map_pkObject.insert(std::make_pair(pkObj->GetID(), pkObj)); m_map_pkObjectByVID.insert(std::make_pair(pkObj->GetVID(), pkObj)); pkObj->SetLand(this); } LPOBJECT CLand::FindObject(DWORD dwID) { std::map::iterator it = m_map_pkObject.find(dwID); if (it == m_map_pkObject.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } LPOBJECT CLand::FindObjectByGroup(DWORD dwGroupVnum) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = m_map_pkObject.begin(); it != m_map_pkObject.end(); ++it) { LPOBJECT pObj = it->second; if (pObj->GetGroup() == dwGroupVnum) return pObj; } return NULL; } LPOBJECT CLand::FindObjectByVnum(DWORD dwVnum) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = m_map_pkObject.begin(); it != m_map_pkObject.end(); ++it) { LPOBJECT pObj = it->second; if (pObj->GetVnum() == dwVnum) return pObj; } return NULL; } // BUILDING_NPC LPOBJECT CLand::FindObjectByNPC(LPCHARACTER npc) { if (!npc) return NULL; std::map::iterator it; for (it = m_map_pkObject.begin(); it != m_map_pkObject.end(); ++it) { LPOBJECT pObj = it->second; if (pObj->GetNPC() == npc) return pObj; } return NULL; } // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC LPOBJECT CLand::FindObjectByVID(DWORD dwVID) { std::map::iterator it = m_map_pkObjectByVID.find(dwVID); if (it == m_map_pkObjectByVID.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } void CLand::DeleteObject(DWORD dwID) { LPOBJECT pkObj; if (!(pkObj = FindObject(dwID))) return; sys_log(0, "Land::DeleteObject %u", dwID); CManager::instance().UnregisterObject(pkObj); M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER (pkObj->GetNPC()); m_map_pkObject.erase(dwID); m_map_pkObjectByVID.erase(dwID); M2_DELETE(pkObj); } struct FIsIn { int sx, sy; int ex, ey; bool bIn; FIsIn ( int sx_, int sy_, int ex_, int ey_) : sx(sx_), sy(sy_), ex(ex_), ey(ey_), bIn(false) {} void operator () (LPENTITY ent) { if (ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER) ent; if (ch->IsMonster()) { return; } if (sx <= ch->GetX() && ch->GetX() <= ex && sy <= ch->GetY() && ch->GetY() <= ey) { bIn = true; } } } }; bool CLand::RequestCreateObject(DWORD dwVnum, int lMapIndex, int x, int y, float xRot, float yRot, float zRot, bool checkAnother) { SECTREE_MANAGER& rkSecTreeMgr = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance(); TObjectProto * pkProto = CManager::instance().GetObjectProto(dwVnum); if (!pkProto) { sys_err("Invalid Object vnum %u", dwVnum); return false; } const TMapRegion * r = rkSecTreeMgr.GetMapRegion(lMapIndex); if (!r) return false; sys_log(0, "RequestCreateObject(vnum=%u, map=%d, pos=(%d,%d), rot=(%.1f,%.1f,%.1f) region(%d,%d ~ %d,%d)", dwVnum, lMapIndex, x, y, xRot, yRot, zRot, r->sx, r->sy, r->ex, r->ey); x += r->sx; y += r->sy; int sx = r->sx + m_data.x; int ex = sx + m_data.width; int sy = r->sy + m_data.y; int ey = sy + m_data.height; int osx = x + pkProto->lRegion[0]; int osy = y + pkProto->lRegion[1]; int oex = x + pkProto->lRegion[2]; int oey = y + pkProto->lRegion[3]; float rad = zRot * 2.0f * M_PI / 360.0f; int tsx = (int)(pkProto->lRegion[0] * cosf(rad) + pkProto->lRegion[1] * sinf(rad) + x); int tsy = (int)(pkProto->lRegion[0] * -sinf(rad) + pkProto->lRegion[1] * cosf(rad) + y); int tex = (int)(pkProto->lRegion[2] * cosf(rad) + pkProto->lRegion[3] * sinf(rad) + x); int tey = (int)(pkProto->lRegion[2] * -sinf(rad) + pkProto->lRegion[3] * cosf(rad) + y); if (tsx < sx || tex > ex || tsy < sy || tey > ey) { sys_err("invalid position: object is outside of land region\nLAND: %d %d ~ %d %d\nOBJ: %d %d ~ %d %d", sx, sy, ex, ey, osx, osy, oex, oey); return false; } // ADD_BUILDING_ROTATION if ( checkAnother ) { if (rkSecTreeMgr.ForAttrRegion(lMapIndex, osx, osy, oex, oey, (int)zRot, ATTR_OBJECT, ATTR_REGION_MODE_CHECK)) { sys_err("another object already exist"); return false; } FIsIn f (osx, osy, oex, oey); rkSecTreeMgr.GetMap(lMapIndex)->for_each(f); if (f.bIn) { sys_err("another object already exist"); return false; } } // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC TPacketGDCreateObject p; p.dwVnum = dwVnum; p.dwLandID = m_data.dwID; p.lMapIndex = lMapIndex; p.x = x; p.y = y; p.xRot = xRot; p.yRot = yRot; p.zRot = zRot; db_clientdesc->DBPacket(HEADER_GD_CREATE_OBJECT, 0, &p, sizeof(TPacketGDCreateObject)); return true; } void CLand::RequestDeleteObject(DWORD dwID) { if (!FindObject(dwID)) { sys_err("no object by id %u", dwID); return; } db_clientdesc->DBPacket(HEADER_GD_DELETE_OBJECT, 0, &dwID, sizeof(DWORD)); sys_log(0, "RequestDeleteObject id %u", dwID); } void CLand::RequestDeleteObjectByVID(DWORD dwVID) { LPOBJECT pkObj; if (!(pkObj = FindObjectByVID(dwVID))) { sys_err("no object by vid %u", dwVID); return; } DWORD dwID = pkObj->GetID(); db_clientdesc->DBPacket(HEADER_GD_DELETE_OBJECT, 0, &dwID, sizeof(DWORD)); sys_log(0, "RequestDeleteObject vid %u id %u", dwVID, dwID); } void CLand::SetOwner(DWORD dwGuild) { if (m_data.dwGuildID != dwGuild) { m_data.dwGuildID = dwGuild; RequestUpdate(dwGuild); } } void CLand::RequestUpdate(DWORD dwGuild) { DWORD a[2]; a[0] = GetID(); a[1] = dwGuild; db_clientdesc->DBPacket(HEADER_GD_UPDATE_LAND, 0, &a[0], sizeof(DWORD) * 2); sys_log(0, "RequestUpdate id %u guild %u", a[0], a[1]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CManager::CManager() { } CManager::~CManager() { Destroy(); } void CManager::Destroy() { itertype(m_map_pkLand) it = m_map_pkLand.begin(); for ( ; it != m_map_pkLand.end(); ++it) { M2_DELETE(it->second); } m_map_pkLand.clear(); } bool CManager::LoadObjectProto(const TObjectProto * pProto, int size) // from DB { m_vec_kObjectProto.resize(size); memcpy(&m_vec_kObjectProto[0], pProto, sizeof(TObjectProto) * size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { TObjectProto & r = m_vec_kObjectProto[i]; // BUILDING_NPC sys_log(0, "ObjectProto %u price %u upgrade %u upg_limit %u life %d NPC %u", r.dwVnum, r.dwPrice, r.dwUpgradeVnum, r.dwUpgradeLimitTime, r.lLife, r.dwNPCVnum); // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC for (int j = 0; j < OBJECT_MATERIAL_MAX_NUM; ++j) { if (!r.kMaterials[j].dwItemVnum) break; if (NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(r.kMaterials[j].dwItemVnum)) { sys_err(" mat: ERROR!! no item by vnum %u", r.kMaterials[j].dwItemVnum); return false; } sys_log(0, " mat: %u %u", r.kMaterials[j].dwItemVnum, r.kMaterials[j].dwCount); } m_map_pkObjectProto.insert(std::make_pair(r.dwVnum, &m_vec_kObjectProto[i])); } return true; } TObjectProto * CManager::GetObjectProto(DWORD dwVnum) { itertype(m_map_pkObjectProto) it = m_map_pkObjectProto.find(dwVnum); if (it == m_map_pkObjectProto.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } bool CManager::LoadLand(TLand * pTable) // from DB { // MapAllow¿¡ ¾ø´Â ¸ÊÀÇ ¶¥ÀÏÁö¶óµµ load¸¦ ÇؾßÇÑ´Ù. // °Ç¹°(object)ÀÌ ¾î´À ±æµå¿¡ ¼ÓÇØ ÀÖ´ÂÁö ¾Ë±â À§Çؼ­´Â °Ç¹°ÀÌ ¼¼À§Áø ¶¥ÀÌ ¾î´À ±æµå ¼Ò¼ÓÀÎÁö ¾Ë¾ÆÇÑ´Ù. // ¸¸¾à ¶¥À» loadÇØ ³õÁö ¾ÊÀ¸¸é ±æµå °Ç¹°ÀÌ ¾î´À ±æµå¿¡ ¼Ò¼ÓµÈ °ÇÁö ¾ËÁö ¸øÇؼ­ // ±æµå °Ç¹°¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ±æµå ¹öÇÁ¸¦ ¹ÞÁö ¸øÇÑ´Ù. //if (!map_allow_find(pTable->lMapIndex)) // return false; CLand * pkLand = M2_NEW CLand(pTable); m_map_pkLand.insert(std::make_pair(pkLand->GetID(), pkLand)); sys_log(0, "LAND: %u map %d %dx%d w %u h %u", pTable->dwID, pTable->lMapIndex, pTable->x, pTable->y, pTable->width, pTable->height); return true; } void CManager::UpdateLand(TLand * pTable) { CLand * pkLand = FindLand(pTable->dwID); if (!pkLand) { sys_err("cannot find land by id %u", pTable->dwID); return; } pkLand->PutData(pTable); const DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET & cont = DESC_MANAGER::instance().GetClientSet(); itertype(cont) it = cont.begin(); TPacketGCLandList p; p.header = HEADER_GC_LAND_LIST; p.size = sizeof(TPacketGCLandList) + sizeof(TLandPacketElement); TLandPacketElement e; e.dwID = pTable->dwID; e.x = pTable->x; e.y = pTable->y; e.width = pTable->width; e.height = pTable->height; e.dwGuildID = pTable->dwGuildID; sys_log(0, "BUILDING: UpdateLand %u pos %dx%d guild %u", e.dwID, e.x, e.y, e.dwGuildID); CGuild *guild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild(pTable->dwGuildID); while (it != cont.end()) { LPDESC d = *(it++); if (d->GetCharacter() && d->GetCharacter()->GetMapIndex() == pTable->lMapIndex) { // we must send the guild name first d->GetCharacter()->SendGuildName(guild); d->RawPacket(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCLandList)); d->Packet(&e, sizeof(TLandPacketElement)); } } } CLand * CManager::FindLand(DWORD dwID) { std::map::iterator it = m_map_pkLand.find(dwID); if (it == m_map_pkLand.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } CLand * CManager::FindLand(int lMapIndex, int x, int y) { sys_log(0, "BUILDING: FindLand %d %d %d", lMapIndex, x, y); const TMapRegion * r = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMapRegion(lMapIndex); if (!r) return NULL; x -= r->sx; y -= r->sy; itertype(m_map_pkLand) it = m_map_pkLand.begin(); while (it != m_map_pkLand.end()) { CLand * pkLand = (it++)->second; const TLand & r = pkLand->GetData(); if (r.lMapIndex != lMapIndex) continue; if (x < r.x || y < r.y) continue; if (x > r.x + r.width || y > r.y + r.height) continue; return pkLand; } return NULL; } CLand * CManager::FindLandByGuild(DWORD GID) { itertype(m_map_pkLand) it = m_map_pkLand.begin(); while (it != m_map_pkLand.end()) { CLand * pkLand = (it++)->second; if (pkLand->GetData().dwGuildID == GID) return pkLand; } return NULL; } bool CManager::LoadObject(TObject * pTable, bool isBoot) // from DB { CLand * pkLand = FindLand(pTable->dwLandID); if (!pkLand) { sys_log(0, "Cannot find land by id %u", pTable->dwLandID); return false; } TObjectProto * pkProto = GetObjectProto(pTable->dwVnum); if (!pkProto) { sys_err("Cannot find object %u in prototype (id %u)", pTable->dwVnum, pTable->dwID); return false; } sys_log(0, "OBJ: id %u vnum %u map %d pos %dx%d", pTable->dwID, pTable->dwVnum, pTable->lMapIndex, pTable->x, pTable->y); LPOBJECT pkObj = M2_NEW CObject(pTable, pkProto); DWORD dwVID = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().AllocVID(); pkObj->SetVID(dwVID); m_map_pkObjByVID.insert(std::make_pair(dwVID, pkObj)); m_map_pkObjByID.insert(std::make_pair(pTable->dwID, pkObj)); pkLand->InsertObject(pkObj); if (!isBoot) pkObj->Show(pTable->lMapIndex, pTable->x, pTable->y); else { pkObj->SetMapIndex(pTable->lMapIndex); pkObj->SetXYZ(pTable->x, pTable->y, 0); } // BUILDING_NPC if (!isBoot) { if (pkProto->dwNPCVnum) pkObj->RegenNPC(); pkObj->ApplySpecialEffect(); } // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC return true; } void CManager::FinalizeBoot() { itertype(m_map_pkObjByID) it = m_map_pkObjByID.begin(); while (it != m_map_pkObjByID.end()) { LPOBJECT pkObj = (it++)->second; pkObj->Show(pkObj->GetMapIndex(), pkObj->GetX(), pkObj->GetY()); // BUILDING_NPC pkObj->RegenNPC(); pkObj->ApplySpecialEffect(); // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC } // BUILDING_NPC sys_log(0, "FinalizeBoot"); // END_OF_BUILDING_NPC itertype(m_map_pkLand) it2 = m_map_pkLand.begin(); while (it2 != m_map_pkLand.end()) { CLand * pkLand = (it2++)->second; const TLand & r = pkLand->GetData(); // LAND_MASTER_LOG sys_log(0, "LandMaster map_index=%d pos=(%d, %d)", r.lMapIndex, r.x, r.y); // END_OF_LAND_MASTER_LOG if (r.dwGuildID != 0) continue; if (!map_allow_find(r.lMapIndex)) continue; const TMapRegion * region = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMapRegion(r.lMapIndex); if (!region) continue; CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().SpawnMob(20040, r.lMapIndex, region->sx + r.x + (r.width / 2), region->sy + r.y + (r.height / 2), 0); } } void CManager::DeleteObject(DWORD dwID) // from DB { sys_log(0, "OBJ_DEL: %u", dwID); itertype(m_map_pkObjByID) it = m_map_pkObjByID.find(dwID); if (it == m_map_pkObjByID.end()) return; it->second->GetLand()->DeleteObject(dwID); } LPOBJECT CManager::FindObjectByVID(DWORD dwVID) { itertype(m_map_pkObjByVID) it = m_map_pkObjByVID.find(dwVID); if (it == m_map_pkObjByVID.end()) return NULL; return it->second; } void CManager::UnregisterObject(LPOBJECT pkObj) { m_map_pkObjByID.erase(pkObj->GetID()); m_map_pkObjByVID.erase(pkObj->GetVID()); } void CManager::SendLandList(LPDESC d, int lMapIndex) { TLandPacketElement e; TEMP_BUFFER buf; WORD wCount = 0; itertype(m_map_pkLand) it = m_map_pkLand.begin(); while (it != m_map_pkLand.end()) { CLand * pkLand = (it++)->second; const TLand & r = pkLand->GetData(); if (r.lMapIndex != lMapIndex) continue; // LPCHARACTER ch = d->GetCharacter(); if (ch) { CGuild *guild = CGuildManager::instance().FindGuild(r.dwGuildID); ch->SendGuildName(guild); } // e.dwID = r.dwID; e.x = r.x; e.y = r.y; e.width = r.width; e.height = r.height; e.dwGuildID = r.dwGuildID; buf.write(&e, sizeof(TLandPacketElement)); ++wCount; } sys_log(0, "SendLandList map %d count %u elem_size: %d", lMapIndex, wCount, buf.size()); if (wCount != 0) { TPacketGCLandList p; p.header = HEADER_GC_LAND_LIST; p.size = sizeof(TPacketGCLandList) + buf.size(); d->RawPacket(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCLandList)); d->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size()); } } // LAND_CLEAR void CManager::ClearLand(DWORD dwLandID) { CLand* pLand = FindLand(dwLandID); if ( pLand == NULL ) { sys_log(0, "LAND_CLEAR: there is no LAND id like %d", dwLandID); return; } pLand->ClearLand(); sys_log(0, "LAND_CLEAR: request Land Clear. LandID: %d", pLand->GetID()); } void CManager::ClearLandByGuildID(DWORD dwGuildID) { CLand* pLand = FindLandByGuild(dwGuildID); if ( pLand == NULL ) { sys_log(0, "LAND_CLEAR: there is no GUILD id like %d", dwGuildID); return; } pLand->ClearLand(); sys_log(0, "LAND_CLEAR: request Land Clear. LandID: %d", pLand->GetID()); } void CLand::ClearLand() { itertype(m_map_pkObject) iter = m_map_pkObject.begin(); while ( iter != m_map_pkObject.end() ) { RequestDeleteObject(iter->second->GetID()); iter++; } SetOwner(0); const TLand & r = GetData(); const TMapRegion * region = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().GetMapRegion(r.lMapIndex); CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().SpawnMob(20040, r.lMapIndex, region->sx + r.x + (r.width / 2), region->sy + r.y + (r.height / 2), 0); } // END_LAND_CLEAR // BUILD_WALL void CLand::DrawWall(DWORD dwVnum, int nMapIndex, int& x, int& y, char length, float zRot) { int rot = (int)zRot; rot = ((rot%360) / 90) * 90; int dx=0, dy=0; switch ( rot ) { case 0 : dx = -500; dy = 0; break; case 90 : dx = 0; dy = 500; break; case 180 : dx = 500; dy = 0; break; case 270 : dx = 0; dy = -500; break; } for ( int i=0; i < length; i++ ) { this->RequestCreateObject(dwVnum, nMapIndex, x, y, 0, 0, rot, false); x += dx; y += dy; } } bool CLand::RequestCreateWall(int nMapIndex, float rot) { const bool WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE = false; const TLand& land = GetData(); int center_x = land.x + land.width / 2; int center_y = land.y + land.height / 2; int wall_x = center_x; int wall_y = center_y; int wall_half_w = 1000; int wall_half_h = 1362; if (rot == 0.0f) // ³²ÂÊ ¹® { int door_x = wall_x; int door_y = wall_y + wall_half_h; RequestCreateObject(WALL_DOOR_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y + wall_half_h, door_x, door_y, 0.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_BACK_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y - wall_half_h, door_x, door_y, 0.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_LEFT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x - wall_half_w, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 0.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_RIGHT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x + wall_half_w, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 0.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); } else if (rot == 180.0f) // ºÏÂÊ ¹® { int door_x = wall_x; int door_y = wall_y - wall_half_h; RequestCreateObject(WALL_DOOR_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y - wall_half_h, door_x, door_y, 180.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_BACK_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y + wall_half_h, door_x, door_y, 0.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_LEFT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x - wall_half_w, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 0.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_RIGHT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x + wall_half_w, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 0.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); } else if (rot == 90.0f) // µ¿ÂÊ ¹® { int door_x = wall_x + wall_half_h; int door_y = wall_y; RequestCreateObject(WALL_DOOR_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x + wall_half_h, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_BACK_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x - wall_half_h, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_LEFT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y - wall_half_w, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_RIGHT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y + wall_half_w, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); } else if (rot == 270.0f) // ¼­ÂÊ ¹® { int door_x = wall_x - wall_half_h; int door_y = wall_y; RequestCreateObject(WALL_DOOR_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x - wall_half_h, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_BACK_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x + wall_half_h, wall_y, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_LEFT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y - wall_half_w, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(WALL_RIGHT_VNUM, nMapIndex, wall_x, wall_y + wall_half_w, door_x, door_y, 90.0f, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); } if (test_server) { RequestCreateObject(FLAG_VNUM, nMapIndex, land.x + 50, land.y + 50, 0, 0, 0.0, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(FLAG_VNUM, nMapIndex, land.x + land.width - 50, land.y + 50, 0, 0, 90.0, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(FLAG_VNUM, nMapIndex, land.x + land.width - 50, land.y + land.height - 50, 0, 0, 180.0, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); RequestCreateObject(FLAG_VNUM, nMapIndex, land.x + 50, land.y + land.height - 50, 0, 0, 270.0, WALL_ANOTHER_CHECKING_ENABLE); } return true; } void CLand::RequestDeleteWall() { itertype(m_map_pkObject) iter = m_map_pkObject.begin(); while (iter != m_map_pkObject.end()) { unsigned id = iter->second->GetID(); unsigned vnum = iter->second->GetVnum(); switch (vnum) { case WALL_DOOR_VNUM: case WALL_BACK_VNUM: case WALL_LEFT_VNUM: case WALL_RIGHT_VNUM: RequestDeleteObject(id); break; } if (test_server) { if (FLAG_VNUM == vnum) RequestDeleteObject(id); } iter++; } } bool CLand::RequestCreateWallBlocks(DWORD dwVnum, int nMapIndex, char wallSize, bool doorEast, bool doorWest, bool doorSouth, bool doorNorth) { const TLand & r = GetData(); int startX = r.x + (r.width / 2) - (1300 + wallSize*500); int startY = r.y + (r.height / 2) + (1300 + wallSize*500); DWORD corner = dwVnum - 4; DWORD wall = dwVnum - 3; DWORD door = dwVnum - 1; bool checkAnother = false; int* ptr = NULL; int delta = 1; int rot = 270; bool doorOpen[4]; doorOpen[0] = doorWest; doorOpen[1] = doorNorth; doorOpen[2] = doorEast; doorOpen[3] = doorSouth; if ( wallSize > 3 ) wallSize = 3; else if ( wallSize < 0 ) wallSize = 0; for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++, rot -= 90 ) { switch ( i ) { case 0 : delta = -1; ptr = &startY; break; case 1 : delta = 1; ptr = &startX; break; case 2 : ptr = &startY; delta = 1; break; case 3 : ptr = &startX; delta = -1; break; } this->RequestCreateObject(corner, nMapIndex, startX, startY, 0, 0, rot, checkAnother); *ptr = *ptr + ( 700 * delta ); if ( doorOpen[i] ) { this->DrawWall(wall, nMapIndex, startX, startY, wallSize, rot); *ptr = *ptr + ( 700 * delta ); this->RequestCreateObject(door, nMapIndex, startX, startY, 0, 0, rot, checkAnother); *ptr = *ptr + ( 1300 * delta ); this->DrawWall(wall, nMapIndex, startX, startY, wallSize, rot); } else { this->DrawWall(wall, nMapIndex, startX, startY, wallSize*2 + 4, rot); } *ptr = *ptr + ( 100 * delta ); } return true; } void CLand::RequestDeleteWallBlocks(DWORD dwID) { itertype(m_map_pkObject) iter = m_map_pkObject.begin(); DWORD corner = dwID - 4; DWORD wall = dwID - 3; DWORD door = dwID - 1; DWORD dwVnum = 0; while ( iter != m_map_pkObject.end() ) { dwVnum = iter->second->GetVnum(); if ( dwVnum == corner || dwVnum == wall || dwVnum == door ) { RequestDeleteObject(iter->second->GetID()); } iter++; } } // END_BUILD_WALL