• Joined on 2023-12-03
Exynox pushed to master at metin2/server 2024-11-17 09:22:47 +02:00
a2f20a0395 Merge pull request 'Fix communication error between cores' (#36) from nightly into master
db4542dd7a Fixed mishandling of public/private IP addresses
0f259307df Updates from master
Compare 3 commits »
Exynox merged pull request metin2/server#36 2024-11-17 09:22:45 +02:00
Fix communication error between cores
Exynox created pull request metin2/server#36 2024-11-17 09:22:26 +02:00
Fix communication error between cores
Exynox commented on issue metin2/server#27 2024-11-17 09:20:51 +02:00
Players do not get disconnected when already logged in

Duplicate of #32, fixed.

Exynox closed issue metin2/server#27 2024-11-17 09:20:51 +02:00
Players do not get disconnected when already logged in
Exynox commented on issue metin2/server#32 2024-11-17 09:20:33 +02:00
Possible communication error between game cores

This was confirmed and fixed in db4542dd7a35381768521c6aabb57c1014a84b29.

The cause was that the game core reported its public IP instead of its private IP to the db core, which in turn was…

Exynox closed issue metin2/server#32 2024-11-17 09:20:33 +02:00
Possible communication error between game cores
Exynox pushed to nightly at metin2/server 2024-11-17 09:18:10 +02:00
db4542dd7a Fixed mishandling of public/private IP addresses
Exynox pushed to nightly at metin2/server 2024-11-17 09:14:11 +02:00
0f259307df Updates from master
db0a0fef64 Disabled SSL enforcement in libmariadb
671c514cb6 Merge updates from the nightly branch
Compare 3 commits »
Exynox merged pull request metin2/server#35 2024-11-17 09:14:09 +02:00
Updates from master
Exynox created pull request metin2/server#35 2024-11-17 09:13:49 +02:00
Updates from master
Exynox commented on issue metin2/server#27 2024-11-17 06:24:58 +02:00
Players do not get disconnected when already logged in

The bug seems to happen if the account is connected with a player in map c1 (ID 41). For example, if account is in map c3 (ID 43), the logout message is received and the player is disconnected.

Exynox commented on issue metin2/server#27 2024-11-16 21:59:33 +02:00
Players do not get disconnected when already logged in

This only seems to happen in the Docker deploy environment. Might be due to the fact that there are multiple game cores running at the same time. Might also be related to #32.

Exynox pushed to master at metin2/server 2024-11-16 21:15:04 +02:00
db0a0fef64 Disabled SSL enforcement in libmariadb
Exynox pushed tag 0.3.1 to metin2/server 2024-11-16 21:15:04 +02:00
Exynox merged pull request metin2/client#8 2024-11-16 19:20:47 +02:00
Exynox pushed to master at metin2/client 2024-11-16 19:20:45 +02:00
82a1a28787 Merge updates from the nightly branch
e685bdd3e3 Added a crude build script, DirectX 9 documentation
d19dc772db Fixed buffer overflow issue in DXTCImage, added nicer error messages.
c698136614 Set the default client language to English
9fac112e35 Added required changes for the Argon2ID system
Compare 10 commits »
Exynox created pull request metin2/client#8 2024-11-16 19:20:08 +02:00
Exynox pushed to nightly at metin2/client 2024-11-16 18:52:26 +02:00
e685bdd3e3 Added a crude build script, DirectX 9 documentation
Exynox pushed tag 0.3.0 to metin2/server 2024-11-16 18:19:21 +02:00