• Joined on 2024-04-06
Tr0n pushed to master at Tr0n/server 2024-11-17 13:59:35 +02:00
a2f20a0395 Merge pull request 'Fix communication error between cores' (#36) from nightly into master
db4542dd7a Fixed mishandling of public/private IP addresses
0f259307df Updates from master
db0a0fef64 Disabled SSL enforcement in libmariadb
671c514cb6 Merge updates from the nightly branch
Compare 78 commits »
Tr0n created pull request metin2/server#28 2024-06-05 23:18:21 +03:00
WIP: Configuration via Environment Variables
Tr0n pushed to config/env at Tr0n/server 2024-06-05 23:14:09 +03:00
e642a6db52 includes cleanup
Tr0n pushed to config/env at Tr0n/server 2024-06-05 22:57:44 +03:00
04fdc78ea4 Merge branch 'nightly' into config/env
170be95dc5 Configuration files are automatically generated based on env variables in the Docker image
6d65fae7e4 Argon2ID improvements
8ed1e7879e Merge pull request 'Use Argon2ID as the password hashing algorithm' (#26) from WildEgo/server:master into nightly
65a81ec4a1 change: Ignore build files, replace mysql password with Argon2.
Compare 33 commits »
Tr0n created branch config/env in Tr0n/server 2024-06-05 22:54:16 +03:00
Tr0n pushed to config/env at Tr0n/server 2024-06-05 22:54:16 +03:00
2b9651febc remove dependency on config file (use env as config)
8f9e9dc602 first proof of concept for env overrides
Compare 2 commits »
Tr0n pushed to nightly at Tr0n/server 2024-05-26 12:44:20 +03:00
48ee253534 Restructured gamefiles, locale data loading refactoring, docker build fixes
27108d629a Merge pull request 'Merge changes from master' (#25) from master into nightly
6616009e92 Merge pull request 'Pin Dockerfile Ubuntu version.' (#24) from halil/server:master into master
1ada609020 Pin Dockerfile Ubuntu version.
175816c81d Merge pull request 'Default all localized behavior to European logic' (#22) from Tr0n/server:localization/default-gf-eu into nightly
Compare 26 commits »
Tr0n pushed to master at Tr0n/server 2024-05-26 12:43:29 +03:00
6616009e92 Merge pull request 'Pin Dockerfile Ubuntu version.' (#24) from halil/server:master into master
1ada609020 Pin Dockerfile Ubuntu version.
Compare 2 commits »
Tr0n commented on issue metin2/server#2 2024-04-10 10:09:02 +03:00

Hey @NycuRO. Could you explain why you think that mongodb or any nosql database might be a good fit for this project?

I just don't see a reason to do such a change. We know what kind of data…

Tr0n commented on issue metin2/server#3 2024-04-09 23:32:23 +03:00
Convert the game config from the config file to env variables

Did some initial research on libraries that could help us.

  • libenvpp can parse, validate and cast env variables, but not directly read from a .env file.…
Tr0n commented on pull request metin2/server#22 2024-04-09 21:39:18 +03:00
Default all localized behavior to European logic

Cool, thanks for the thorough review! If you have anything in particular you would like help with, just let me know.

Tr0n commented on pull request metin2/server#22 2024-04-09 21:36:29 +03:00
Default all localized behavior to European logic

All good, since you're way more involved in the m2 dev scene I will definitely follow your judgement here 👍

Tr0n commented on pull request metin2/server#22 2024-04-09 21:34:41 +03:00
Default all localized behavior to European logic

You're right. Gotta love when people mix true == IsSomething, false == IsSomething and all the negated variations 😅

Tr0n pushed to localization/default-gf-eu at Tr0n/server 2024-04-09 21:33:28 +03:00
b15eb7f3fe fix: wrong delay used for item drop despawn.
Tr0n commented on pull request metin2/server#22 2024-04-09 19:36:21 +03:00
Default all localized behavior to European logic

i restored them and made the English locale the default. Let me know if that implementation fits what you had in mind.

Tr0n pushed to localization/default-gf-eu at Tr0n/server 2024-04-09 19:13:54 +03:00
3a8d9e38e8 remove duplicate variable definition
4074c3b96a fix out of order access of variables
854fef68e8 revert removal of locale initialization per country. default to English
Compare 3 commits »
Tr0n commented on pull request metin2/server#22 2024-04-09 18:50:53 +03:00
Default all localized behavior to European logic

While I think the point for having a locale file for English to English being pointless is fair, I also believe it to be valuable to have all locales being treated the same. That way you would be…

Tr0n pushed to localization/default-gf-eu at Tr0n/server 2024-04-09 18:26:48 +03:00
cf66bb3310 revert name change removal
254f6f6664 remove division by 1 for party exp bonus
0072bc5e14 revert removal of spam db
62f3635b86 revert removed warning for disabled version checks
2c37b2009d revert local testing of string localization
Compare 12 commits »
Tr0n commented on pull request metin2/server#22 2024-04-09 18:26:13 +03:00
Default all localized behavior to European logic

I will revert the removal. See I haven't played official in so long that I didn't know you can change your name at all.

Tr0n commented on pull request metin2/server#22 2024-04-09 18:23:26 +03:00
Default all localized behavior to European logic

was unsure if that maybe is used to convert float to int (and if that matters here).

will remove the /1